diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_387.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_387.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_387.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + VirtualExchange.sol:185:72: Error: Expected token Semicolon got 'RBrace' + modifier onlyOwner() { if (msg.sender != owner) throw; _ } + +~~Nope~~ Looks like this is because it was written in an old version of solidity which new compilers can't use, bit weird. I'll try this with an old compiler later. + +When presented with this, the u/romanmandeleil writes +[the following comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/56qs2y/what_is_the_consensus_on_the_legality_of_doing_an/d8lphu3?context=3): + +> You are watching not on the last version , we developing the most popular tools in the smart contracts community , we can compile a contract. Once the system will be ready we will audit it and present it to the community. + +which really causes more questions than it answers. I outright reject the notion that there's two versions being developed, one [on github](https://github.com/ether-camp/virtual-accelerator/) which contains a smattering of small changes, and one in private which will need to be rebased to contain these changes. It's not mentioned anywhere that development is happening in private, at least as far as I can see, and why would this even be happening in the first place? + +[A later comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/56rd57/the_hackergold_ethercamp_contract_code_is_of/d8lpq9f) reveals: + +> The hackathon event actually starting 5 weeks from now so we have time to present everything. Most of the crowd salles didn't present 20% of what we do. + +Money is expected to be given to this system, enough that they put a $50M limit on the contract side of things, without seeing the code that will eventually be used, and this is supposed to be obvious to anybody reading? The mind boggles. It will presumably be sent to a normal wallet, where it is at massive risk of being taken with no regards to the original purpose. + + +**** + +The user also appears to be using shill accounts as u/Tadlos, u/Elaynest and u/Claudinest (check their comment history), and [screwed up posting in third person about a change they made in their own repo](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/56k7mp/hkg_value_structure_hackergold/d8k8xe7) as if it wasn't obvious. + +> Looks like they going to have cap, although they didn't announce yet + +Pretty blatant attempt at manipulating people to participate in sale they expect might break a $50M total investment. While other questions got a quick answer, directly confronting the user about the possibility of affiliation between the shill accounts and themselves, radio silence. If you look more into the accounts, you see instances of them [pretending to know nothing about the product](https://np.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/4xt642/ask_startups_virtual_accelerator/d6i6rac) and then moments later [posting updates on the judges being added](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4y54zo/jaan_tallinn_cofounder_of_skype_joins_blockchain/). [Other people have noticed this too](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/56l7v9/daily_discussion_09oct2016/d8lgxm6), based on the poor english and transparency of the comments. You'll also notice there's only a [couple of people](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/56n6rv/were_happy_to_welcome_prof_simon_schillebeeckx/d8lg8sk) who ever stylize the link as <ether.camp>. + +A month ago, they got rumbled [attempting to manipulate a thread in r/startups](https://np.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/4xt642/ask_startups_virtual_accelerator), where of course both of our accounts u/Tadlos and u/Claudinest make appearances acting as people who have never heard about the project. This sort of behavior is well established being used by fraudsters attempting to dupe a mark into giving up their money. + +** * + +This is seriously dangerous stuff that needs a lot more scrutiny than it's getting. There is some [other mixed commentary](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/56rd57/the_hackergold_ethercamp_contract_code_is_of/), with an older topic over on r/ethereum. + + + +Luna is killing it man up 65.71% since last week and breaking ATH after ATH even when the whole market is down, now sitting comfortably in the top 10. + +This run up seems kinda similar to that of Solana a few months ago, i could see it going up a few other places if all the planets align. + +If you haven't look into Luna yet i suggest you do, it's a great project with a very solid team, who are always doing their best to improve and usually listen to their community. + +This is not financial advice, just DYOR and enjoy the ride :) +Hi folks, most info in title, key points below. + +- I've been signed off work with a bad back (not sure what caused it, came on seemingly out of nowhere). +- I had a phone consultation with GP on Tues at which point they signed me off work and arranged an appointment. Saw GP on Thursday. They're sending me for full set of X-Rays and to see a specialist. No idea when that's going to happen yet. +- I've been employed full time by a company that make boilers since end of Feb 2019, but via a recruitment agency rather than as an official employee. I've been there 20 months in a marketing role. I am indistinguishable from the regular employees in my duties, responsibilities etc. The only difference is that I send timesheets and get paid weekly. +- Actually, one difference is that I was one of only 2 employees of the company to work throughout the entireity of the first lockdown as an essential employee. +- I can't go into the office because sitting upright in a chair grows increasingly painful to the point of being sickening. I can walk around for brief periods but really the only time I'm not in horrible pain is when I'm lying down. +- I've told them I'm happy to work from home but am quickly shut down whenever I suggest the idea. Their working from home tech is a nightmare, having to be via a VPN and generally annoyingly complicated. OFficial employees only, apparently. + +Sorry if this is a lot of unneccessary info but from a legal standpoint I have no idea what may or may not be relevant. + +If anyone has any ideas I would be very grateful. Either government help or, worst case scenario, legal recourse with my company. Thanks for reading. +Transactions have status "pending" half from 23rd and half from 24th of June. It has put my account into overdraft. I called Amazon who claim they only charged once and it must be bank error (gave me last few transactions IDs and auth codes), Bank (HSBC) says it must be "website error" and I should call on Monday and speak to specialised team that can cancel the error transactions and cancel any overdraft charges. That doesn't fix the fact that I can't really make any purchases right now as i don't want to go into the overdraft any further. + +Did any of you have a similar issue? +edit: Accepted u/SIR_JACK_A_LOT 's challenge to race to $10M -- [it's on](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRaceTo10Million/comments/ntdl39/the_game_is_afoot_sir_jack_a_lot/)!. + +My one-of-a-kind recipe for a WSB-worthy YOLO (updated). + +1. Mix 1 part tardation and 3 parts Melvin Capital's money +2. Shake with ice. +3. Garnish with diamond hands and a steel testicles +4. Serve to wife's girlfriend while fresh + +[$646K of call options](https://preview.redd.it/elwxkwzz0c371.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c13a579b3aee6d095997534e4e26f6ccc0c7b8a) + +With proof of the 100 new contracts picked up today. + +https://preview.redd.it/o135d64y1c371.png?width=1782&format=png&auto=webp&s=d913dabada4ab1270cbd69f25ace8a6e5b1d33d3 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ty74q6631c371.png?width=1785&format=png&auto=webp&s=83c2cf6e44b910161c907a7c82d9f3184117efaf + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4tydmj641c371.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=91997e377ae031a1135f67cbb5ac76cd274bf96d +Hi all, + +I'm relatively cash rich $5m (converted from GBP), however I have no income and currently rent in London. + +I made this money over the last few years trading cryptocurrency. I was planning on buying a house 50% down payment and getting a mortgage for the rest, however I have been reliably informed that no lender will give me a loan without an income. + +This has thrown a curve ball my way as buying outright in cash seems like a misuse of capital, especially as I am quite enjoying DCA'ing into the global all cap as it falls. + +I'm looking for any opinions on whether purchasing a house (around 1.5m USD) in cash is a valid move in my situation, or whether there are any other avenues I could explore to get some sort of loan in this situation. + +Cheers. +## TLDR; + +* A lot of everyday investors make investment decisions without understanding what they’re really investing in. Most people speculate, don't be most people. +* Investing is an informed decision on the basis that your shares (or any other asset) will one day earn more money, and therefore be worth more, than what you paid for it; Not the other way around. +* Invest like a landlord. If you choose to invest in a company, you should follow earnings of your shares as if you were a landlord collecting rent, quarter by quarter I recommend using owner’s earnings. After all, they are your earnings. +* Investing in individual companies is well worth it as long as you adopt the right mindset. The earnings automatically come to you, you have extremely capable and smart people literally making money for you, and you are taxed less than your income! + +## Investment guidance is fragmented and confusing + +The investing space is highly fragmented, filled with a dubious amount of noise & misinformation, and can be downright confusing. But investing at its core is straightforward. With the proper knowledge and framework, you can accumulate a lifetime of wealth. The information below is basic but important to understand. Many of you already know this, but a few don't and could benefit from it. + +## What is investing? + +Investing is the act of foregoing a dollar today to get more dollars tomorrow... plain and simple. It is an informed decision, based on logic and facts, on the premise that the asset you're investing in will produce valuable goods and services that will one day exceed what you paid for to acquire the asset. This applies to all sorts of investments — stocks, property, bonds, a cornfield, etc. Regardless of the asset, investing remains the same throughout. In the context of stocks, this is reflected in their earnings, i.e. how much will company earn for the duration of your investment. + +## What investing is not + +Investing is not buying an asset in hopes that someone else will buy it for more than you paid for. In the context of stocks, investing has nothing to do with how much the price of a stock has gone up or down and trying to sell at it's peak. Banking on someone more [foolish](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiVroao_K3yAhVb7nMBHUtJAmEQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.investopedia.com%2Fterms%2Fg%2Fgreaterfooltheory.asp&usg=AOvVaw1LHhubcsWAa0-XwEi5S6MT) to buy subpar and unproductive assets from you is speculative and unsustainable. This is gambling not investing — a recipe for disaster. + +Likewise, statements such as “the US government is pushing for clean energy initiatives and therefore, Tesla stock will be going up" or "Amazon reported sales growth of 40% so the stock is a buy" are worthless. This is wishful thinking and is lazy. Companies make money because they produce goods and services people are willing to pay for and have structural advantages that make them preferable to their competitors and therefore earn more. + +Investing in a stock is not buying a piece of paper hoping the sucker goes up nor is it some form of wishful thinking. Most people think like this and lose money. Don't be most people. + +## Become a landlord + +To become a good investor, you must think like a landlord. What I mean by this is just like a landlord keeps track and collects his rent every month, you must track and total the earnings of your shares. Understand where they come from and ignore how much your shares have gone up or down. When the value of your property falls 10%, you don’t sell it. You look at your rents and whether or not your rents has also been negatively affected. The same applies for stocks. + +And the best part? You don’t have to do any work such as maintaining, marketing and, selling your property as long as you do proper research. Your earnings are reported automatically, you don’t have to collect them, or worry if people pay late. Why would you not invest if every time Apple sold an iPhone, a percentage of that money goes to you?! + +*A few of you might think that you should just track dividends because dividends are what you're receiving. This is misguided. You must track the totality of earnings as some earnings will be retained to reinvest in the business and grow future earnings. This figure is known as owner's earnings and can be calculated relatively easily. More on this next time.* + +## Many people speculate, few invest + +Investing is pretty simple to understand, but difficult to execute. The first step to becoming a good investor is to start thinking like one and stop speculating all together. Statistically and anecdotally speaking, most retail investors fall into the speculative camp. This, by the way, extends to "long-term investors" who, in their best intentions, invest in companies in industries they believe to be the "future" but aren't able to pinpoint the earnings and returns of the companies they're investing in. If you're not going to track your returns, the money that you are earning/accumulating as a shareholder every quarter, and your subsequent yield then do not invest in individual stocks. Doing so is not investing! It is merely wishful thinking clouded by euphoria and misguided beliefs. + +Instead, invest in an ETF that mirrors the S&P 500 every month, do not touch it and let your money compound over time. It will provide satisfactory returns... much better returns than most investment vehicles. + +However, I would really urge you to consider investing in individual companies. It is well worth it (this [chart](https://www.barrons.com/articles/berkshire-hathaways-investing-returns-a-breakdown-by-numbers-51582633800) says it all\].) I might make a post on why you should invest in individual companies and how to figure out what companies are worth investing in or not. Let me know if you’re interested. + +Edit: It’s been really great to see everyone’s reactions and comments. I’m glad many of you found the post useful. 😊 + +A number of you expressed interest in how I identify companies that are poised to make a lot of money and if I have a checklist regarding that. I’ll make a post tomorrow about this so look out for that! 👏 + +Some of you also wanted to know how to determine a company’s intrinsic value and figure out if and when you should by it’s shares. I’ll make another post shortly after too. +The market clearly is not providing enough jobs of the sorts needed. I see pro-market people blaming the unemployed for not reskilling...but they can't afford to, and in what? Blaming the unemployed sounds like the market is failing there, too. + +I see UBI as a direct indication that market fundamentalism has failed and has to go, and I would be curious to know others' thoughts. +Interested to see what everyone listed and if there's anything we could add to ours that we haven't yet thought of. + +(Also sorry, I overlooked the post flair and don't know how to change it) +Throwaway.. + +I was contacted approximately 2 months ago via mail by Centrelink for an apparent Youth Allowance overpayment while I was studying in 2011. They requested bank records or payslips for a period in 2011 to verify my income. I called Centrelink and indicated I was unable to provide these for reasons the call agent accepted (moved interstate and the bank requires you to pay for historical bank statements in person and my old company has not provided payslips despite calling and writing to them). + +I then accepted that I would have to pay an amount back to Centrelink, and the call agent said they would escalate my case for manual review and inform me once a decision has been made. + +This morning I received a text message from Milton Graham (debt collection agency) saying I need to pay the outstanding amount within 14 days or it will be subject to interest charges and I may incur a travel ban. + +I have looked through my MyGov correspondence and in my mail and have not received notification of the manual review decision from Centrelink. + +I have requested written confirmation of the amount owing from Milton Graham. + +Is there anything else I need to be aware of? I was expecting Centrelink to get back to me, but it looks like they have sold the debt without notifying me of the review outcome. Is this a normal process or can I escalate this within Centrelink? + +The amount is not something I can gather within 2 weeks so are there any templates I can use to draft a payment plan without incurring interest or charges or being subject to a travel ban? + +Cheers for any advice. + +I think we can all agree that tps numbers can be hard to compare between chains. Some chains can pin 10000s of native token transfers, but things get weird when you start to compare smart contracts. + +I posted about [this metric](https://medium.com/dragonfly-research/the-amm-test-a-no-bs-look-at-l1-performance-4c8c2129d581) in the Algorand subreddit for determining throughput of different blockchains in the fairest way possible. That is using an AMM “uniswap-style” swap as the benchmark. + +The authors of the medium article linked in my original post tested the smart contract throughput of some of the top smart contract platforms *empirically*, and they found that these chains to have the following AMM-swap tps limits: + +* Solana Mainnet Orca - 273 swaps +* BSC pancakeswap - 195 swaps +* Polygon quickswap - 95 swaps +* Axax Trader Joe - 176 swaps +* Celo Ubeswap - 50 swaps +* Ethereum uniswap v2 - 18 swaps + +Now Algorand can handle ***1625 AMM swaps per second on Tinyman.*** + +For reference that is: + +* 6.0x more than Solana +* 8.3x more than Binance +* 9.2x more than Avalanche +* 17x more than Polygon +* 32.5x more than Celo +* 90.3x more than Ethereum + +[ Algorand can now do more than all of these chains combined ](https://preview.redd.it/cf418jlntbp91.png?width=1653&format=png&auto=webp&s=3380eddec452dadf44357fdc6cce837d83b7e587) + +Algorand's new upgrade reduced block times from \~4.5s to [\~3.8s per block](https://twitter.com/d13_co/status/1572601758744215552), and there has already been [a block with 25k transactions in it](https://algoexplorer.io/block/23593702) on the mainnet which translates to approximately 6500 tps. + +Thanks to the insight of [/u/abeliabedelia](https://www.reddit.com/u/abeliabedelia/), based on the opcode budget limit for each transaction, it was determined that ***a tinyman swap requires 4 transactions***, which means that Algorand’ TPS divided by 4 is approximately equal to its ability for smart contracts per second. (6500/4) = 1625 swaps per second. + +And a special thanks to [/u/sdcvbhjz](https://www.reddit.com/u/sdcvbhjz/) for actually empirically checking and confirming the transaction count to be 4 standard transactions for each tinyman swap. + +Edit: added words +GOTS, part 1.1 + +[GOTS, part 1.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nuud15/gods_of_the_sun_part_12_manipulating_the_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[GOTS, part 1.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nv333e/gods_of_the_sun_part_13_manipulating_the_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Hey apes. + +*tldr: this post is the first section of a long post broken into 3 parts (it's really fucking long). *It's about the corruption that almost broke GameStop and is still very much a market issue that we're dealing with as GameStop shareholders*. In other words, this post identifies some of the people who've been fucking with our favorite stock, among others, and possibly sheds light on the meaning of some of DFV and RC's recent tweets. Lots of corruption. Seriously disturbing stuff. And I think we're getting set up for a regulatory trap we can side step if we understand the game we've entered. Please take the time for this one.* + +How many of you have watched the evolving manipulation of the meme stock narrative by hedge fund and bank controlled media outlets since January? I have, and it’s been a fascinating shitshow. One of my serious hopes is that our community is the first step in a legitimized demand for the journalistic integrity we’re showing, especially in market journalism. So as much as we’re [memeing Melissa Lee at CNBC and though I think she’s the most beautiful woman in the world when she says “naked shorts” then analyzes her whoopsie with Shocked Pikachu Face retracement indicators](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nshffm/naked_shorts_just_confirmed_by_the_enemies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that are GameStop bullish, here’s the fucked up thing that I hope we’re all grasping: + +Melissa Lee was probably getting ripped to shreds in her earpiece in that moment for telling the truth. Why? Because saying “naked shorting” is probably on a banned speech list at CNBC. Why? Something we should all know by now: the hedge funds and their bank friends actually own the market media outlets (directly; they’re on the paperwork) and, when you’re caught in a bad market yolo, the truth is costly unless you can suppress it or manipulate the people who’ve called your bluff toward wrong conclusions. + +That said, and to be transparent, I think what we’re witnessing with companies outside of GameStop in the memes stock event is the set up for a devastating pump and dump that 1) helps hedge funds, big banks, and the Federal Reserve escape their liquidity problems, 2) aims to scare much of retail away from riding the GameStop MOASS rocket to the actual moon, and 3) gives big finance a narrative to leverage with the SEC to facilitate the regulation of retail’s threat to their unchecked financial industry power. I’ll bring as many receipts as possible and some tinfoil analysis to support that opinion. And please hear me clearly before hitting me with any *you’re being hateful FUD* when I start exploring AMC and Adam Aron. I’m not. I held AMC until last week and I hope you all get very rich riding these pumps if you’re still holding AMC. I also hope you escape the impact of the incoming dumps that I suspect will happen and then buy a metric shit ton of GameStop. And that’s not investment advice. I’m just a MOASS ape and I’m very hopeful. + +Something else I’ll clear up before it gets muddy… **this post gives a very strong date indication at the end. But I’m not projecting a MOASS date. There can only be one Apestradamus.** However, I do think there’s a strong rocket possibility this week. But it will always be standard casino advice that it’s not a good idea to buy options for earnings week when IV is high because of IV crush. Why is that advice still valid in this non standard casino GameStop gambling event? A serious truth remains: the naked short hedges and their bagholding bank friends aren’t bankrupt enough to be crying for bailouts from taxpayers yet, so the GameStop forecast is still Clear Moonshot with a certainty of fuckery and a chance of flash crash and/or MOASS next week, and we might go up or down or both or go sideways this week, I'm pretty sure. And there’s a simple way I’m escaping the earning week options uncertainty and [giving DFV a really great birthday present](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Gill) on his way to [the shareholder meeting in Grapevine](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1400965591800762368?s=20) on the 9th: I’m just going to keep buying and hodling GameStop because I like it so much, you filthy and beautiful FUD crushing apes. + +Let’s go. + +**MANIPULATING THE MEME STOCK NARRATIVE** + +I was debating spending my weekend writing this post until I saw [an article on MarketWatch titled “Interactive Brokers founder says **problem with AMC Entertainment memes**: People… will lose a very substantial amount of money](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/interactive-brokers-founder-says-problem-with-amc-entertainment-memes-peoplewill-lose-a-very-substantial-amount-of-money-11622836260) being directed at our subreddit. I made part of the title bold in my link because it’s a FUD fulcrum point. Why? The Interactive Broker founder is Thomas Peterffy, a Citadel’s PFOF client, and I think he’s playing his part in the hedge fund game with the meme stock narrative. I also think the aim of this game is to point blame at our memes for the losses retail bagholders will experience at the end of an orchestrated meme stock (outside of GameStop) pump and dump. This FUD is a blame shifting mechanism. How? If what we’re witnessing with AMC, etc, is a massive pump and dump, the hedge funds, brokers, and bankers are the perpetrators, not the people who’ve been memeing about their crimes. And this article is definitely feigned worry about retail losses, not hedge fund losses. How do we know that? From the article: + +>The market veteran [Peterffy] told MarketWatch in a Friday interview that the big problem with the so-called “meme”stock revolution, with assets powered higher on social-media sentiment and not on fundamentals, is that novice investors will be saddled with real losses when stocks like AMC Entertainment Holdings AMC, -6.68% and GameStop Corp. GME, -3.80%, eventually come back down to Earth. + +There’s a lot to unpack in that paragraph alone, so let’s lightly touch four observations (I’ll be dedicating a separate post to the meme stock narrative manipulation) to set the stage for the rest of this post and series to follow. + +First, [MarketWatch is part of Citadel’s CME media arm](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/msuj3g/guess_who_is_also_with_citadel_marketwatch_do_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [Citadel is a primary perpetrator of the market wide naked shorting and FTD scandal as it relates to GameStop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mn0q9q/theory_all_the_pieces_pt_1_the_anatomy_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). That makes this article on MarketWatch a conflict of interest. How? Citadel holds short positions that GME price action has defied and they’re presenting a market authority figure they do business with on their media subsidiary to project downhill price action into Citadel’s short positions that will coincide with retail investor losses. That alone is a manipulation of market sentiment. When you combine the media ownership conflict with the media owner’s market positions, there’s a case to be made that it’s criminal market manipulation in practice. + +Second, Peterffy’s brokerage, Interactive Brokers, is a Citadel [payment for order flow](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/paymentoforderflow.asp) client. That makes his opinion on GameStop his own conflict of interest considering he knows what short hedges yoloed into MOASS. Here’s an [excellent article called “How Much Does Free Cost?”](https://www.elevatecapitaladvisors.com/news/20191007) that mentions the Citadel/IBKR PFOF relationship; the author states: + +>On Thursday, September 26 Interactive Brokers ... announced a new type of account agreement for smaller investors called “IBKR Lite” which provides unlimited commission-free trades on US exchange-listed stocks and ETFs. In **a radical departure** from historical operating procedure **Interactive Brokers (IB) would pay for this service by selling the trade order flow to execution services like Citadel and Virtu**. + +To return to a foundational moment for apes, here’s [Peterffy’s community famous interview on CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/02/17/interactive-brokers-thomas-peterffy-on-gamestop-hearing.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard) where he talks about broker obligation to go to market to buy shares, which would have pushed GameStop stock prices into the thousands without the buy-button removal manipulation we experienced in January. Notice in retrospect, though some still praise him for being honest, Peterffy avoids calling complicity on the practice of naked short selling and the interview concludes with him brushing off his inclusion in the PFOF scheme that disadvantages retail investors. Say it again. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. + +Third, there’s a pairing of AMC and GameStop in the presented narrative that labels them both meme stocks, an equalization that I think reveals an intent to co-opt and steal GameStop positive sentiment and attach it to AMC. This effort has been thorough and predictive. For instance, we saw articles like [this CCN business GameStop hit piece in March](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/25/investing/gamestop-amc-meme-stocks/index.html) that asserts “Gamstop tumbled 33% following its miserable earning report” before offering “[a]lthough it highlighted a few bright spots, including exploding digital growth, overall sales and profit fell short of Wall Street expectations.” Notice the two false characterizations? First, the earnings report wasn’t miserable; it was solid and spoke to positive indicators in the first steps of a company transition still in its infancy. Second, Wall Street bet on GameStop bankruptcy. That means earnings absolutely defied and exceeded their company profit expectations and stomped on the projection of their short hedge bankruptcy bet. Then we see articles hitting the news cycle this week [that call AMC the new king of meme stocks](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/amc-king-meme-stocks-3-173642798.html), asserting: + +>The surge has topped 390% in the last two weeks alone, pushing AMC’s stock price to a record high. **Its market capitalization has also ballooned to $31 billion, surpassing other so-called meme stocks. That includes GameStop Corp.**, which now sits at about $21 billion after reaching a high of $25 billion in January. + +I’ll dive deeper into this intentional narratorial pairing of AMC and GameStop as a psychological strategy in a subsequent post. To me, it’s both an incredible GameStop bullish indicator and a serious AMC warning. However, it also indicates that serious fraud is still being aimed at us with the idea that it could be successful. + +Fourth, the article tries to drive home the idea of meme stocks being indicative of a revolution, and they are. However, context becomes paramount in this discussion because the MarketWatch article characterizes the meme stock revolution in a manner that’s dangerous to the revolutionaries while the author avoids mentioning the hedge fund crimes that made GameStop MOASS possible in the first place; here’s the characterization: + +>The investments in AMC and GameStop originally started out as **organized short-squeezes by a clutch of individual investors** who had identified that a number of companies were heavily shorted by hedge funds and surmised, correctly, that those stocks could be pressured higher if enough buyers collectively swooped in. + +That “organization” word. It’s really close to organic, which is the type of community we are, but it’s very important that we remember that [Wall Street would love to regulate us out of the market in our current form](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/reddit-traders-gamestop-wallstreetbets-market-manipulation-laws-regulator-esma-gme-2021-2-1030093197) and massive retail losses in a pump and dump they organize could be used as a regulatory excuse to fuck us. And that “organization” word and its importance… from the article: + +>"Discussing the opportunity to buy or sell shares of an issuer does not constitute market abuse," the EU's top market regulator said in a statement. "However, **organizing or executing coordinated strategies** to trade or place orders at certain conditions and times to move a share's price could constitute market manipulation." + +To me, that makes Peterffy’s MarketWatch interview a potential indication of hedgie plans. And, in case you’re an “SEC will save us” ape, here’s what I wrote on Friday about [Citadel hiring the ex-SEC director, Stephen Luparello, to be general counsel and now Chief Legal of the crime empire](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsoiq7/i_just_found_out_citadel_hired_exsec_director/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Have you heard of [regulatory capture](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/regulatory-capture.asp)? Please get familiar with the term. Here’s an article called [“When watchdogs become pets - or the problem of regulatory capture](https://theconversation.com/vital-signs-when-watchdogs-become-pets-or-the-problem-of-regulatory-capture-111170) that offers a good insight for what we are to Wall Street; here, the author states: + +>Self-interested politicians supply regulation. Firms demand it – usually because they want a competitor regulated. + +Why is that important to apes? + +Simple. + +We’re the competition Wall Street wants to regulate. + +But how do you get to a point of regulating the apes? + +Again, simple. + +You make the general public think that regulations that will fuck apes are a good idea by fucking everyone with a pump and dump you orchestrate with your continued abuse and avoidance of regulations while spinning your crimes to your benefit with the media outlets you own. Those big brain plays. + +But how do we know this meme stock short squeeze narrative is media FUD driving to a conclusion that points away from GameStop? Let’s look at how the GameStop and AMC capital raises were treated. + +The Street wasn’t a fan of GameStop selling shares as evidenced in an article titled [GameStop plunges on plans to sell 3.5 million shares](https://www.thestreet.com/investing/gamestop-gme-stock-share-offering-sales). Plunges… this article mentions GameStop and AMC. However, the characterization of GameStop’s capital raise fails to give clear indication of a newly debt free company (we’ll get to how important that is in this post - it’s actually incredible) with unencumbered liquid cash to work with. Here, the author writes: + +>GameStop said it plans to sell the shares through an “at-the-market” equity offering program. It said it intends to use the net proceeds to “further accelerate its transformation as well as for general corporate purposes and further strengthening its balance sheet.” + +Then the author enters the AMC FUD zone. Here the author writes: + +>AMC founder and CEO Adam Aron told TheStreet's Jim Cramer last week that his company has been able to navigate its way through the coronavirus pandemic by raising $2.8 billion in cash, thanks in large part to the rally in its share price despite being close to going out of business "five different times last year." + +>AMC in late January said **it raised $917 million in debt and equity** that it said not only takes bankruptcy "completely off the table" but also put it in position to pay down debts accumulated during the pandemic and beef up its coffers. + +>Both GameStop and AMC have become the mascot of retail. + +Two retail mascots, two different characterizations of company capital raises by retail antagonistic media though, and a serious deception. Remember "debt and equity" for when we get to the deception. First though, MarketWatch pumped this article titled [“What dilution?: AMC can’t stop raising capital by selling more of its meme stock and the market can’t stop buying](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/what-dilution-amc-cant-stop-raising-capital-by-selling-more-of-its-meme-stock-and-the-market-cant-stop-buying-11622568761). This article is a trip all by itself. It references obvious share dilution in AMC, talks positively about AMC’s growth plan, and even discusses an existential crisis faced by Redditors seeing Mudrick Capital rip and flip a private AMC share offering. To the existential crisis, the article brings up Mudrick Capital, quoting Redditors, and even going so far as to quote someone calling Jason Mudrick an “ape” for being long GME and AMC; the author writes: + +>On Reddit, where retail traders have been singing the praises of AMC for months, users applauded Aron’s thinking even while coming to grips with the notion that a meme stock was gaining thanks to a deal with a hedge fund, widely-viewed as the existential enemy of the retail investor after January’s short squeeze. + +The article then concludes by quoting [Adam Aron in defence of share dilution he promised shareholders he would avoid just six weeks earlier](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/amc-stock-price-ceo-says-no-stock-sales-new-issuance-2021-4-1030310408): + +>Still, numerous AMC message boards were filled with users questioning why Aron, referred to as “AA” would execute another capital raise and risk diluting the stock price by trusting a hedge fund with a large tranche of shares. + +>But Aron’s most vocal defender was himself. + +>“In our view, this is not mindless dilution, but rather this is very smart raising of cash so that we can grow this company,” Aron tweeted. “To many of you on Twitter, to grow YOUR company. Watch out naysayers, $AMC is going to play on offense again. Here we come!” + +A very smart raising of cash because share dilution is a positive with AMC, right? Here’s [another article that has a fascinating take that glosses over share dilution and tries to subtly paint GameStop as bad for the markets](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/03/amc-says-it-has-already-completed-share-offering-raises-587-million.html). Again, we have it driven home that AMC is retail driven. The article states: + +>In a curious move typical of the meme stocks, the shares rallied off their lows on news of the completed sale as retail investors cheered the capital raised and looked past the dilution of their stakes. + +Then the author doubles down on this narrative: + +>AMC, the star of the show in Reddit’s WallStreetBets forum, has soared more than 140% this week alone as retail traders continued to encourage each other to pile into the speculative name. The shares have skyrocketed more than 2,900% this year. + +And the implication in making this point? AMC is the safe squeeze that’s happening unlike the unsafe GameStop squeeze that already happened. And Wall Street agrees about this: + +>While AMC’s latest surge is reminiscent of the GameStop mania earlier this year, many on Wall Street believe [the movie theater chain won’t cause a turmoil in the overall market like GameStop did](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/03/unlike-the-gamestop-bubble-amcs-retail-trading-frenzy-doesnt-pose-the-same-systemic-market-risk.html). Back in January, GameStop’s short squeeze caused liquidity headaches at hedge funds and brokerage firms that spiked volatility in the broader market and raised concerns about financial stability. + +And the article CNBC embedded in that paragraph? Here’s what the author had to say about GameStop: + +>The wild trading in AMC Entertainment is giving investors flashbacks of the GameStop saga earlier this year that blew up hedge funds and caused turmoil on Wall Street. However, the recent frenzy doesn’t appear to have the same force behind it and likely won’t trigger the same ripple effects. + +>So far, there have been no signs of liquidity issues at any hedge fund or brokerage firm amid the massive rally in AMC driven by **meme-obsessed retail traders**. + +Those meme-obsessed retail traders… + +Too bad some of us meme junkies believe in the long term value of GameStop [even though media panned GameStop’s planned stock offering as a mixed blessing, unlike AMC, and painted us into everyone else's short squeeze corner](https://www.barrons.com/articles/gamestop-planned-stock-offering-is-a-mixed-blessing-51617647607); here the article writer quotes an analyst with a $30 GameStop target: + +>Feldman wrote, “[GameStop] has yet to show financial success in an industry that is rapidly shifting to digital. And, we continue to believe the current valuation far exceeds our rosy fundamental expectations and projected multiyear benefits from the strategic transformation.” + +But remember GameStop’s “miserable earning report” while market media glosses over “exploding digital growth”? Good. Think of AMC when this author offers this gem: + +>The stock sale news is mixed for GameStop. Existing shareholders may reconsider the stock’s current valuation and expected dilution, **especially as short sellers are provided easier opportunities to cover their bearish bets.** But the fresh capital is sure to boost Cohen’s strategic vision. + +So what is it? Are capital raises good or bad? And for who? One implication of dilution is that more shares mean more opportunities for short hedges to cover their shorts. Regardless, determination of “good or bad” by the media seems to depend on which side of the bet the hedge fund that owns the media company is on. + +I’ll conclude with this article where Yahoo provides some important information while [discussing Mudrick and the AMC share dillution](https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/amc-surges-meme-stocks-start-103054396.html), a key to understanding another depth of this saga and why the media is making such effort to obscure perspectives of AMC and GameStop. First, the article creates a negative connotation about video games; the author writes: + +>The move by Mudrick Capital Management to flip 8.5 million shares of the movie theater chain immediately after buying them in a private placement from the company shows how Wall Street is getting bolder about making a quick buck off a trading frenzy that has helped fuel big rallies in several stocks favored by retail investors. + +>**Easy money from the Federal Reserve has "created an almost video game-like atmosphere in the stock market and investing,"** said Michael O'Rourke, chief market strategist at Jones Trading. "There's money flowing everywhere and this is a great illustration of that." + +We’ll get to the Fed in a subsequent post too. Here though, we get to an immediate key to unraveling the AMC situation; the articles offers: + +>Jason Mudrick founded London and New York-based Mudrick Capital in 2009 after leaving investment firm Contrarian Capital Management, **where he had focused on distressed investing for eight years**, according to the hedge fund's website. + +Debt investment... if you know about [vulture funds](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/vulturefund.asp) you probably already see the vultures circling AMC, and you understand RC’s Sears tweet. You also know what happened to Toys-R-Us. But stay tuned regardless because this exploration gets a bit mind bending. So let’s wash our minds of the media FUD we just explored [because GameStop has always been a long term value play with the possibility of MOASS](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/20/former-chewy-ceo-ryan-cohen-urges-gamestop-to-become-the-amazon-of-video-games.html) despite GameStop and GameStop investors getting co-opted into the meme stock narrative. + +And breathe. + +Now that your mind is clear because you’ve remembered that RC is paving a debt free path to building GameStop into the Amazon of the video game industry, remember that [DFV tweeted a scene from the movie “Parasite”](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1400157768170889221?s=20) - parasites we’re going to attempt to identify. + +You might feel dirty as we go further, but don’t worry, [we’re still pushing GameStop bears off the wall like this girl](https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/have-you-seen/2021/06/01/teenage-girl-fights-off-huge-bear-protect-her-dogs/7496469002/), you bunch of girls. + +RC VERSUS THE VULTURE FUNDS + +[RC tweeted a picture of a Sears sign](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1400492465442811904?s=20) being torn down on June 3rd, 2021. + +How many of you remember Sears? I do and I hated it. My Mom-ape would drag me there while she shopped for a vacuum or new washing machine. We never got either. I wished Sears would disappear. Then I remember [watching the local Sears get shuttered as an adult](https://www.businessinsider.com/rise-and-fall-of-sears-bankruptcy-store-closings). I didn’t realize until this week that my Mom-ape couldn’t afford a new vacuum and Sears disappeared because Mom-ape and Sears shared a vulture fund problem. + +Here’s a synopsis of [what a vulture fund is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulture_fund) from the first paragraph of the wiki: + +>A vulture fund is a hedge fund, private-equity fund or distressed debt fund, that invests in debt considered to be very weak or in default, known as distressed securities. Investors in the fund profit by buying debt at a discounted price on a secondary market and then using numerous methods to subsequently sell the debt for a larger amount than the purchasing price. Debtors include companies, countries, and individuals. + +What does that mean? It means that a company considered to be on the brink of failure or in a bottleneck situation where it needs access to credit to remain viable is vulnerable to getting picked apart by debt investors, kind of like how vultures start circling a distressed animal when it becomes apparent that the animal might die. For example, [our other favorite store Toys-R-Us got picked apart](https://pitchbook.com/news/articles/toys-r-us-creditors-sue-former-bain-capital-kkr-execs) by Bain Capital, a [Mitt Romney founded vulture fund that gets described here in Rolling Stone in conjunction with Romney’s 2012 Presidential campaign](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/why-private-equity-firms-like-bain-really-are-the-worst-of-capitalism-241519/); this article gives a great description of a debt investment strategy known as a **leveraged buyout**: + +>Here’s what private equity is really about: A firm like Bain obtains cheap credit and uses it to acquire a company in a “leveraged buyout.” “Leverage” refers to the fact that the company being purchased is forced to pay for about 70 percent of its own acquisition, by taking out loans. **If this sounds like an odd arrangement, that’s because it is. Imagine a homebuyer purchasing a house **and making the bank responsible for repaying its own loan*, and you start to get the picture.** + +>O.K., **but what about this much more virtuous business of swooping in and restoring struggling companies to financial health? Well, that’s not a large part of what private equity firms do, either. In fact, they more typically target profitable, slow-growth market leaders.** (Private equity firms presently own companies employing one of every 10 U.S. workers, or 10 million people.) + +>And that’s when the fun starts. **Once the buyout is completed, the private equity guys start swinging the meat axe, aggressively cutting costs wherever they can** – so that the company can start paying off its new debt – by laying off workers and cutting capital costs. This process often boosts operating profit without a significant hit to the business, but only in the short term; **in the long run, the austerity approach makes it difficult for companies to stay competitive, not least because money that would otherwise have been invested in expansion or product development – which might increase revenue down the line – is used to pay off the company’s debt.** + +And here’s the kicker; not only do these vulture funds destroy companies that ape families and communities rely on, whether or not these companies are viable, they get tax breaks for doing it. That means vulture funds effectively screw apes twice, not to mention how this insider practice interrupts market realities for retail investors to the advantage and profit of Wall Street scammers gaming the system. Again from the article: + +>leveraged buyouts ... also short-change taxpayers, via a giant loophole in the tax code that enables companies to deduct loan interest from taxes. The provision was originally intended to encourage borrowing to build new factories, not to finance leveraged buyouts. But ... private equity-owned companies paid a 22 percent tax rate before being bought, and only 10 percent the year after being acquired. That adds up to a savings of $130 billion in taxes since 2000. + +And how does what I just wrote relate to RC’s Sears tweet? Here’s an article titled [“It Was Vulture Capitalism that Killed Sears”](https://prospect.org/economy/vulture-capitalism-killed-sears/) and subtitled <i>Don’t blame Amazon or the internet. It was a predatory hedge fund.</i> And who was the vulture fund that destroyed Sears? From the article: + +>In the case of Sears, the culprit is a hedge-fund operator named Edward Lampert, once a senior merger guy at **Goldman Sachs**. + +So... Edward Lampert entered into vulture capitalism from the same Goldman Sachs that has a substantial short position in the GameStop bankruptcy bet. The same Goldman Sachs that helps short hedges indefinitely FTD on their short borrows. And why? Here’s a big chunk of the article that tells how profitable it can be to kill a company by encumbering it with debt you control: + +>In 2005, Lampert merged Sears with Kmart, loaded both up with debt, and used some of the debt on stock buybacks to pump up the share price and enrich shareholders, notably himself and his hedge fund. + +>The Sears story shows how hedge fund operators can thrive even as the underlying company is pillaged. In a decade, 175,000 people at Sears/Kmart lost their jobs and revenue was cut in half. Various pieces of Sears were sold off. Lampert did just fine. + +>His net worth soared to over $8 billion after he did the Sears deal. In some years, he made over $1 billion just in income. After ballooning by several billion in the years when Sears stock was high-flying, Lampert's reported net worth is back down to something like $2 billion—below its peak but still astronomical and all based on taking down one of America's great companies. + +>Lampert's hedge fund also became a prime lender to Sears, making money off of commissions and interest charges as well as being a prime shareholder. Lampert's core strategy was to enrich himself, even if he ran Sears into the ground. For the most part, the nostalgia coverage of the demise of Sears has missed this. + +Wow, eh? + +Something that must be understood about this debt investment practice is how well it pairs with predatory naked short selling. How does it relate? The debt investment “capital boost” pumps sentiment and stock price on the distressed asset, then the corporate raider austerity measures kick in, the targeted company begins to struggle, and bear raiders start their work mirroring the intentionally created downward stock price action through short hedge investment pressure and media FUD that tarnishes investor sentiment about the company. The point: it’s easier to guarantee unbelievable personal profit guiding a company into failure than it is to risk guiding it into a corporate turnaround and transformation like RC has put forward with GameStop. However, it’s tricky to guide a company into failure while pretending you’re trying to increase its value. To that point, here’s [another Prospect article, this one a dive into naked shorting and FTDs as they relate to GameStop](https://prospect.org/power/gamestop-mess-exposes-the-naked-short-selling-scam/) that pairs well with [u/atobitt’s HOC DDs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvk5dv/a_house_of_cards_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and points to Goldman Sachs as a serious culprit in the scam like u/atobitt and [Lucy Komisar in her first r/SuperStonk AMA](https://youtu.be/wKXWvEpnN34). From the Prospect article: + +>Citadel, as a market maker that has to accept all buys and sells, gets a pass on many naked short selling rules. Even then ... in 2020, Citadel violated the Security Commission’s Reg SHO, the rule regulating short sales. On November 13, 2020, FINRA, the traders’ self-regulator, fined Citadel Securities $180,000 for failing to mark 6.5 million equity trades as short sales between September 14, 2015, and July 21, 2016. Citadel did not admit or deny the allegations but paid the fine. + +>The problem is not new. **The SEC and New York Stock Exchange fined Goldman Sachs an infinitesimal $2 million in 2007 for allowing customers for more than two years to use its automated direct market access system and automatically mark short orders as long.** + +>Beyond that, the SEC rule itself is so weak, **traders can roll over naked shorts and stay naked indefinitely.** + +Here’s another ape post about this FTD scam from a smooth brained beauty named u/nequin about there being nearly [$1B of FTDs on May 14th, 2021 between GME and associated ETFs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrpjle/almost_1b_ftd_on_may_14th_between_gme_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). On May 14th, 2021. Oh boy that cheeky retail that loves popcorn so much... + +Remember Mudrick Capital ripping and flipping a private AMC share offering? Something obviously doesn’t add up. But what? + +First, I think it needs to be understood that much of AMC’s company capital raise is a debt investment, corporate raiders circling the carcass that’s circling other theater company carcasses with it’s debt encumbrance masquerading as a capital infusion in tandem with the share dilution. We then have media flogging AMC as a Reddit frenzy. Such a frenzy in fact that the media is [projecting the AMC stock price blasted up through a trading halt because of free popcorn](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57334263) and, in case you forget, this article pairs their obviously justifiable caution of AMC investment with GameStop investment; the author states: + +>[AMC] promised to give free popcorn to smaller investors. + +>Analysts have said that so-called "meme" stocks, such as **AMC and GameStop, should be approached with caution.** + +>It is the latest example of amateur investors trying to seize power from Wall Street giants. + +The article then doubles down on this assertion and implication of market manipulation by retail investors: + +>But [Wall Street has] faced losses after amateurs, swapping tips on social media sites like Reddit or Twitter, drove prices up. + +It then offers an appeal to authority: + +>"The party could go on as long as investors continue co-acting," said Ipek Ozkardeskaya, senior analyst at Swissquote. "The problem is, the higher the price goes, the higher is the temptation to take profit and walk away." + +Now, let’s pair that assertion with the oddity of [AMC warning retail investors not to buy in despite it offering shares that Mudrick gobbled up and spat out like a whore bear](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/06/03/amc-meme-stock-trading-suspended/). Just absorb this piece of information reported June 3rd, 2021: + +>In a filing Thursday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, [AMC] highlighted the extreme price fluctuations of its stock and the stark disconnect between the passions of retail investors and its actual operations. + +>“We believe that the recent volatility and our current market prices reflect market and trading dynamics unrelated to our underlying business, or macro or industry fundamentals, and we do not know how long these dynamics will last,” AMC said in the filing. “Under the circumstances, we caution you against investing in our class A common stock, unless you are prepared to incur the risk of losing all or a substantial portion of your investment.” + +>The company went on to list several risks to investors, including rapid and substantial price spikes and falls; the fickle sentiment of online trading communities; share prices that diverge from the company’s financial performance; and the market dynamics of a “short squeeze.” + +But what about the naughty words Melissa Lee said? What about predatory short funds and their vulture pals and the risks they pose to investors? No mention. But we do get the pairing of AMC with GameStop while demonizing retail investors: + +>AMC’s whipsaw is being propelled by retail investors — many active on Reddit’s WallStreetBets forum — mirroring the trading mania that swept through markets earlier this year alongside GameStop and other companies that institutional investors had bet against. And its rise is just as untethered from financial performance. + +And what’s the take away we’re supposed to believe? + +Here’s the setup: [Wall Street are the experts](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/08/gamestop-wallstreet-wealth/), it’s [apes that are the problem for market stability and regulators](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/03/gamestop-sec-regulation/), and [Adam Aron is *Silverback*, the most retail friendly of CEOs, and we’re not listening to his company when they say “don’t buy”... even though media is also pumping him as the retail hero apes call AA](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/how-amc-ceo-adam-aron-embraced-the-company-meme-status-2021-6-1030496427). + +And what’s the likely purpose of creating this FUD narrative? + +**AMC is on the official SEC record warning retail that they shouldn’t invest in AMC, media is branding AMC price action as detached from reality because of a frenzied retail coup, they’re laying what’s likely a hedge fund orchestrated pump and dump at the feet of retail investors, and AMC fomo retail investors that get crushed by the dump (or pretend to be) are a perfect scapegoat to justify regulating our community instead of hedge funds.** Remember when we memed popcorn at the hedgies? Guess what? These are fickle pricks (we’ll explore that in a subsequence post I might call “Upset hedgie titty slap battles”) and they’re mocking us with free popcorn in exchange for the AMC shares we’re stupid enough to buy. + +And what’s the point of bringing up vulture funds? + +The same vulture fund tried to buy GameStop and AMC. + +Why is that interesting? + +Because Adam Aron has deep ties to that vulture fund. + +Why else? + +RC tweeted about a company that, like GameStop, was getting victimized by an obvious vulture fund pump and dump scheme. + +And riddle me this… AMC is a distressed asset likely being raided, [Adam Aron is raving about AMC’s new investors that are at odds with Wall Street](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/07/amc-ceo-adam-aron-raved-about-its-reddit-investors-on-an-earnings-call.html), he went back on his promise to shareholders about share dilution while media spun the share offering positively, and AMC’s official SEC filing is a stated warning to investors that they’re probably going to get crushed. + +Hmm. + +I detect corporate and media complicity in a Wall Street scam. + +I also [detect that RC likely refused to play ball with the vulture funds](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1399526466770059268?s=20). + +Regardless, welcome to the debt investment game, apes. + +GOTS, part 1.1 + +[GOTS, part 1.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nuud15/gods_of_the_sun_part_12_manipulating_the_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[GOTS, part 1.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nv333e/gods_of_the_sun_part_13_manipulating_the_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +I was broke until last year. Still pretty lower class. I'm 37. Poor people stay poor because we are short-sighted. We live paycheck to paycheck and it makes sense to only look so far ahead. But, as an investor at below *and* above the current price, I'm not selling. I've made it this far, with debts and bad decisions, that to sell for anything under $1000/ea would be putting myself back in the shitter. I'm holding long, and if you're fellow hood trash, I suggest you do the same. You're good at being broke. So, don't trip that your FIAT is tied up. Consider it gone. Forget about GDAX for a year. Come back next Summer and live a life you never had. Don't sell. Do. Not. Sell. +One year ago I moved to Manhattan from a suburb of DC for my dream job. A lot of commenters on this subreddit frequently warn against moving to areas with high costs of living, so I figure I'd share my data culled from Mint to give a good example of what such a move looks like, and exactly how much more expensive I've found NYC to be. I've been using Mint pretty exhaustively to track my spending for the last several years, and while I may have missed a cash expense here or there (I try to enter them all using the mobile app), it's probably accurate to within 1-2% of my total spending figures. + +So here is a comparison of my total expenditures for the 12-month period before I moved to NYC to the first 12 months after having moved here. There are no moving costs because my employer paid to move me here, but that's a relatively common perk. All figures are in annual post-tax USD; divide by 12 to get a monthly figure. + + +Category | $ Pre-NYC | $ NYC | Comments +---|---|---|--- +**HOUSING** | 836 | 17,972 +Rent | -- | 17,972 | I rented out rooms in my house before I moved here, which provided enough to cover mortgage and maintenance. Rent in Manhattan is obviously expensive, and includes a broker's fee. +Utilities | 836 | -- | Power/water/heat have been included in every apartment I've lived in in NYC. We don't pay for cable TV, and my work pays for home Internet. +**FOOD/DRINK** | 4,115 | 3,610 +Groceries | 2,202 | 523 | My new job feeds me for free every meal Monday through Friday, hence the much lower grocery expenses. I know that this is far from typical and won't apply for most people. +Restaurants | 1,044 | 1,259 | No surprise here that I've gone out more in NYC. +Bars | 552 | 1,117 | Going out drinking is a way of life in NYC. +Fast Food | 593 | 481 | Surprisingly this went down, even though I get fast food more often in NYC, especially on weekends. I blame dollar pizza. +Liquor/beer | 132 | 134 | Bought at stores, not at bars. Uncannily consistent. +Coffee shops | 30 | 94 | Almost irrelevant. +**TRANSPORTATION** | 8,361 | 593 +Car loan | 5,824 | -- | Huge savings right here. +Subway | 1,000 | 180 | The prior amount is a guess (I was using pre-tax dollars to pay for my daily work commute, so this is that figure expressed in post-tax dollars). +Car insurance | 981 | -- | And the savings continue. +Gasoline | 454 | 90 | Surprisingly not zero even though I don't have a car now; I usually pay for gas when on a road trip in someone else's car. +Miscellaneous | 102 | 80 | License/registration fees, parking, etc. +Bike share | -- | 95 | Citibike is the best deal ever. It amounts to 20 cents per ride or so based on how often I use it, and of course I don't have to even own a bike or pay to maintain one. +Traffic tickets | -- | 82 | Somewhat ironically, I got my first traffic ticket in a decade only after I'd sold my car. +Taxis | -- | 66 | I almost never take taxis. I'd rather bike or take the subway. Taxis are reserved for the end of a night when a date has gone very well. +**SHOPPING** | 616 | 2,127 +Computers | -- | 1,351 | I bought a new Macbook Pro to use in NYC because I didn't have a laptop, and my existing desktops were not compatible with a small bedroom lifestyle. +Miscellaneous | 294 | 259 | Hard-to-categorize shopping stuff, much from Amazon. NYC figure includes a Craigslisted barely-used $140 bed. +Electronics/software | 207 | 265 | Stuff like computer hardware, Steam games, etc. is included in this. +Clothing/shoes | 115 | 252 | I seriously think I spend way less on clothing than the average person. The previous year's figure is probably undercounted somehow though. +Personal care (e.g. haircuts) | 68 | 132 | I must have undercounted the prior number or changed my categorization usage somehow. +**TRAVEL** | 1,019 | 791 | Mostly plane, train, and bus tickets, and hotels and rental cars. Travel costs went down because I don't feel as much of a need to go elsewhere in my first year in NYC. +**MOBILE PHONE** | 720 | -- | My job pays for my mobile phone now (part of being on-call). +**GYM/SPORTS** | 452 | 289 | Actual gym expenses this past year were $949, but work reimbursed most of them. +**DOCTOR/PHARMACY** | 25 | 186 | I got sick a lot more often in my first winter in NYC. It must be all the people in close proximity. +**ENTERTAINMENT** | 218 | 229 | Includes movies, shows, and events. +**GIFTS** | 220 | 218 | Uncannily consistent. +**LAUNDRY** | -- | 185 | It sucks not having my own washer/dryer anymore. +**TOTAL** | 16,582 | 26,200 + + +So it looks like NYC is almost $10K more expensive per year, and if I hadn't lucked out with an awesome employer that pays for most of my food, my home Internet, my mobile phone, and most of my gym, I'd be looking at something close to a $15K difference in spending between DC and NYC. That's in post-tax dollars. It's obviously a very significant amount. But wait, there's a missing piece. I still own the house I was living in before, and am now renting it out. That has to be factored in as well (otherwise the free rent before I moved here is cheating): + + +Category | $ | Comments +---|---|--- +Rental income | 28,800 +Mortgage payments | -18,469 | This includes principal, but I was making some back in principal before moving here too, so we can ignore it for both. It factors into the overall net worth calculation. +Maintenance/repair | -1,995 | It was a rough year. I had to replace a major appliance and have some plumbing/drywall repair done. +Total | 8,336 | This is still in pre-tax dollars though, so we want to convert it to post-tax: +Post-tax total | ~5,000 | Assuming 40% total effective tax. + +So add that figure in and NYC is only about $4,600 in post-tax dollars more expensive per year. Not bad. The increase in housing costs is mostly offset by the near total lack of transportation costs, and it's amazing to get eight hours of my life back every week that I don't have to spend commuting. So I'd be willing to pay that $4,600 extra per year just to live in NYC even if I hadn't gotten a pay increase. But, uhh, I did. A big one: + + +Income Category | $ Pre-NYC | $ NYC | Comments +---|---|---|--- +Salary | 100,000 | 122,677 +Equity | -- | 44,800 | My previous job didn't give me stock at all. +Bonus | 500 | 19,750 | The bonus at my last job was a joke, just a holiday bonus. +Oncall bonus | -- | 8,389 | I get this for being oncall periodically if issues arise. +401k contributions | 1,000 | 9,000 | The previous job's matching was a joke. +HSA contributions | -- | 1,000 | Didn't have an HSA at my previous job +**TOTAL**|101,500|205,616 + + +My total compensation for next year is on track to hit $230K, and once I get a promotion, hopefully at around that time, it should rise to $300K the following year. I was pretty much topped out at my previous job, and could've expected to maybe reach $120K in another 2-3 years with steady raises or even a promotion. I have most of my money invested in boring Vanguard index funds, and my net worth increased from $492K to $649K over the past 12 months, some due to stock market gains but most due simply to investing the majority of my income rather than spending it. I'm on track to max out my 401k to the tune of $53K this year (my employer offers after-tax contributions with Roth conversions), my backdoor Roth IRA with $5.5K, and my HSA with $3,350. So I've been able to save nicely and accumulate wealth even in the highest cost of living area in the nation, and who knows, I might eventually even be able to buy a condo here. + +So anyway, that's why I don't think that worrying over high cost of living areas to the exclusion of all else is useful. Yes, costs are more expensive. It's still worth it if you get paid a lot more too, and that the average person is getting paid more is exactly what drives the cost of living of a city like NYC higher. I doubled my compensation within a year and also have way more upside to grow into. The job I'm doing here is not available at anything close to the same pay where I'm from. It's more than about the money though; if you want to be at the top of a profession, you need to go to the center of it. If you're a software engineer like me, go to San Francisco, New York City, or maybe Seattle. That's where the good jobs are. Salary gains comes from changing jobs frequently and being willing to move to wherever the best-paying jobs are. Even if it's a wash in the short term, if you've created more future upside for your salary trajectory, then it's worth it. Note: This calculus may be substantially different for people with kids, or for those unwilling to live with roommates and who don't have a similarly-high-earning partner. + +And to forestall the inevitable chorus of "But you're not telling me anything; your 'solution' is just to make a shit-ton of money as a software engineer and then you can afford NYC!", let me point out that most career-track jobs here pay significantly more than elsewhere. Obviously don't move here if you don't have a high quality job lined up; you're going to get eaten alive by expensive rents if so. But if you come here for a good career job, it's probably going to be worth the higher costs. I have many friends who aren't software engineers who are also getting paid way more than they would elsewhere. Lawyers, bankers, traders, project managers, media people, other sorts of engineers, and more are all making absolute *bank* in NYC. And yes, I am paying a higher effective tax rate now, but it's only about 5% higher than where I'm from. It doesn't come close to eating away most of the salary increase. + +Oh, and as a final thought, I was shocked by how little money it turns out that I'm spending as a total percentage of my income. I should probably be spending more. You're only young once, right? I need to go on more vacations, go visit more foreign countries, go see more plays and concerts, that kind of thing. +Edited with more current information + +**\*\*Update 2: A lot of this post is now irrelevent since brokers have figured out how to do the DRS transfer. It is still good for a worse case scenario or if your broker can't seem to figure it out so I am leaving it up. But I so happy that it is getting easier.\*\*🤗** (Also, this last edit deleted 1/2 my post so I'll try to copy and paste it back together but if it looks different that is why 🤦‍♀️) + +**Update: Easier methods for Fidelity and TDA can be found** [**here!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p0lmzw/how_to_direct_register_shares_for_infinite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **The Fidelity Form itself has an error. Double check all of your numbers, it leaves off the last one! You can copy and paste the numbers in to get all of them to attach to the form** + +Old Lady Ape here, + +I did it! After hours on the phone with my broker and countless live chat sessions with the computershare customer service, internet searches, and a meeting with my bank; I was able to get my paperwork completed, sent off and confirmation from my broker that the shares were transferred and are now registered in my name! (Just waiting on the paperwork from Computershare to come in the snail mail) + +**FUD patrol**: I am not suggesting that anyone do anything, I am only providing publicly available information for informed decision making. This is nothing but **Buy and Hodl but in my own name instead of the DTCCs name.** Also, I have slowly provided this information in an attempt to thwart off the idea that there is any urgency to register shares. There isn't! **This is not urgent!** Take your time and think it through. If anything, registering shares should be considered a nuclear option. Can you win a war without nukes? Yes! Would it be nice to know that you have a nuke in your back pocket if you needed it? 🤷‍♀️ When I say war of course I only mean the personal war that each individual fights against their own personal shares being ultimately delivered. + +So I am now ready to present to you, my magnum opus, A step by step method for Direct Registering shares for Apes! + +Background info: + +Why? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6o2ok/could\_direct\_registering\_shares\_create\_a\_nuclear/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6o2ok/could_direct_registering_shares_create_a_nuclear/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +What? + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o76au8/direct\_registering\_shares\_what\_it\_is/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o76au8/direct_registering_shares_what_it_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Buying or Transferring? + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o5f8zy/preliminary\_information\_for\_direct\_registering/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o5f8zy/preliminary_information_for_direct_registering/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Let's see if the Reddit gods let me get away with those links + +\*\***TL;D want to read: Direct Registering shares protects them from shenanigans; pros are shares removed from DTC and in ape's own name, cons** **~~unable~~** **\[less control\] to sell quickly in a MOASS situation; buying shares is a little easier but not guaranteed best price, fees; transferring shares** **~~is a pain in the patutsi but~~** **registers shares you already own, fees.**\*\* + +If you have made an \***\*independant individual\*\* decision** to register your shares: + +I am going to go through 2 methods of transferring shares (Try 1st one first, then, if your broker is refusing, try the second) and then a note for international apes. Buying is pretty straight forward, I believe, but I haven't tried it because the price of GME is too volatile for poor price execution (at least for me.) Also, this does not apply to transfer of fractional shares (you can not transfer those) or shares in an IRA, 401K or retirement fund, sorry. + +**\*\*Edit: Many brokers are not requiring the Medallion Signature Guarantee for a transfer of less than $10,000, so you may not need this beginning portion or Phase 2**. I am leaving it in to help those who will still need it. + +**\*\*Method 1\*\*** (try this 1st: if you want to of course, don't let me tell you what to do!)\* + +1. Search for a bank or credit union in your area that will give you a **\*\*Medallion Signature Guarantee.\*\*** Start with your bank, or a bank that you have some sort of connection to. Many places will not do this unless you are a member. Try this website if you don't know where else to look \[[http://www.msglookup.com/index.html\](http://www.msglookup.com/index.html)\\n](http://www.msglookup.com/index.html](http://www.msglookup.com/index.html)\n) \* + +If you find a place that will give you this guarantee, find out what documents you will need to prove the ownership of your stocks. (call them if you need clarification)\\n + +* \* Balance letter? +* \* Trade receipts? +* \* Broker statement? +* \* ?\\n +* \* Will they guarantee a typed letter? (necessary for method 2) +* \* What about fees? (25-100 per $100,000 guaranteed is typical) +* \* Set an appointment (if necessary) (both methods require this guarantee, may not be needed for international apes! see note below) + +&#x200B; + +2.**Call your broker's \*\*trading office\***\* ask if your broker will allow \*\***Direct registration of stock in your name**\*\*, while still acting as your broker to arrange trades? + +(what did they say? If they do say yes, let us know! and cancel your Medallion signature appointment) + +They said no? I thought so, Ask about transfer fees + +\* Now request a "**DTC W/T transmission to computershare, the transfer agent of GME**\\". If the broker is unfamiliar with this process, tell them that since computershare is a transfer agent and not a broker, it cannot initiate a transfer. The broker will need to "contact (the broker's) back office for assistance or (the broker's) representative at DTC." (you are going to have to tell them this) + +Long pause + +The trade office will probably have never done this before. That's ok, be gentle but firm with them. They may ask you questions. It is against SEC rules for computershare to initiate this transfer, no matter how much that is the normal way of doing business. + +Do they come up with a solution for you? Does it require the ACATs number of Computershare? If yes, that is not going to work, computershare is a transfer agent and does not use the ACATs system. Repeat the part about contacting their back office or their rep at the DTC. + +Solution now? Maybe they have a form for you to fill out, perhaps the \*\***Transfer shares as a gift form (not for retirement funds)**\*\* If they have a form confirm the inclusion of the following things (read over every box of the form with the broker! and make sure you know \*\*exactly\*\* what it means!) + +The form or any solution **\*\*should include the following information:\*\*** + +\* Your Brokerage account number + +\* The complete name of Transfer Agent (or recieving firm): Computershare Investor Services + +\* your Tax ID number (TIN/SSN): (this had to be added to my form, in the presence of the Signature guaranteer) + +\* Exact Registration with complete name and address: (on computershare account, if you have one; or your broker's account) (address had to be added to my form in the presence of the guaranteer) + +\* FYI: Computershare will make you an account upon reciept of unique name, tin/ssn, and address after transfer of shares + +\* Exact number of shares to be transfered: (whole shares only!) + +\* The full Cusip number of Gamestop Corp: 36467W109 + +\* Medallion signature guarantee (like a notary but for finance, more about that later) + +\* Other info that \*\*may\*\* be included on the form + +\* The DTC number of Computershare: 7807\\n \* full address of Computershare: PO BOX 505000, Louisville, KY 40233-5000\\n \* (OR overnight courier address (Fed Ex/UPS/DHL,etc.): Computershare, 462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600, Louisville, KY, 40202)\\n \* type of registration: Individual, Joint Tenant, ETC... (your broker account is already registered like this what is it?) + +\* lot acquisiton date and lot acquisition cost. (just means the date you bought (trade) those specific shares and the cost, found on your trade reciepts) + +\* Where will you send this form? + +\* Did that work?! If so congratulations, you can \*\***move onto phase 2**\*\* + +If not, don't hang up!, + +**\*\*Method 2\*\*** Request to have computershare submit your transfer request to the DTC\* You will need to ask your broker: + +* \* Broker's full name and address for sending paper transfers: +* \* Broker's DTC number: (it is 4 digits) +* \* If you were following along, you will have already gathered +* \* Your brokerage account number, Your exact registration complete name and full address +* \* Computershare's full name and address, What type of registration do you want: Individual, Joint Tenant, ETC... +* \* any other instructions (How many of your shares do you want to transfer, any ones in particular) + +**\*\*Phase 2\*\*** \*\***for both methods**\*\*! Don't hang up. + +\* You will need to get those documents required for the Medallion signature guarantee. What were they? Make sure you get them or know how to get them while still on the phone. + +\* balance sheet? + +\* trade receipts? (this form also allows you to verify GME cusip number, and share lots)\\n \* statement of ownership? (most recent monthly statement with those shares included) + +\* ? + +3. Final Countdown + +**\*\*Method 1, final steps\*\***: Verify that the information you are including on your forms is all that is required for computershare to accept the transfer. Do this by going to their website and live chatting with them, get an emailed copy of your conversation (click the + on the chat bar and ask that the conversation be emailed to you, print it out) + +fill out those forms your broker gave you, if you needed to add information to the forms per computershare, wait to do that in front of the guarantee agent, or bring 2 copies of the forms, one with the added info and one without. + +Do not sign the form until you are in front of the guarantee agent. Bring all your documents to your medallion signature guarantee appointment and the print out of the verification from computershare. + +If they were unsure what you would need, bring the documents suggested above at least. + +Make copies! Mail it off! (overnight if desired) + +**\*\*Method 2, final steps\*\***: Verify that the information you are including in this letter, is all that is required for computershare to forward the transfer request to the DTC, verify where to send this letter. \[you will send this to your broker, not computershare\] Do this by going to their website and live chatting with them, get an emailed copy of your conversation (click the + on the chat bar and ask that the conversation be emailed to you, print it out) + +You must submit a signed \*\*written\*\* request and get this letter \*\*Medallion signature guaranteed\*\*! The place you are getting this guarantee from may have an opinion about how this letter looks. Can you type up this document with them at your appointment? Maybe call again to find out. + +So a letter might look like: + +To whom it may concern, + +>your name (all names if joint account) +> +>your SSN/TIN # (all if joint) +> +>your address +> +>your awesome city, state 000007-0004 + +request a DTC W/T transmission from: + +>Broker name +> +>Attn: TOA +> +>PO Box 00000 +> +>City, state 00000-0000 +> +>DTC number 0000 +> +>account # (at your brokerage) + +for (how many shares?) Gamestop Corp, GME 36467W109 shares (Or do you have shares in particular you want to transfer? specify lot acquisition Date and cost for each number of shares found on your trade receipts) + +to be direct registered (individually or Joint...) in (my, our) name, \[your name, all names if joint\], with: + +>Computershare +> +>PO BOX 505000 +> +>Louisville, KY 40233-5000 +> +>DRS number 7807 + +Sincerely, (or) with Love xoxoxo, + +Get this letter \*\*Medallion signature guaranted\*\* so leave the bottom half of the paper empty for the stamps + +Do not sign the form until you are in front of the guarantee agent. + +Bring all your documents to your medallion signature guarantee appointment. If they were unsure what you would need, bring the documents suggested above at least and your printed copy of what computershare verified for you. Make copies! Mail it off to computershare! (overnight if desired) + +\*\*Whew!\*\* So you can see this will be a pain in the patutsi and time consuming but the relief I felt knowing that my own shares weren't being messed with, was worth it for me. I hope this list helps reduce some of the run around and difficulty for you a little bit. + +\*\*International Apes:\*\* Please call your broker first. Some of them are really easy to direct register shares from (wealthsimple). They are used to communicating with the transfer agent directly and will just do it. Others are pretty impossible and there may be no way of registering your shares in your name. + +**\*\*TLDR: If you want to hold longterm stock in your name, this is how\*\*** + +I just like the stonk! and these... these stonks are mine, for infinity. + +Ape no fight Ape, please be gentle, + +Edit: Here is the computershare website, sorry I forgot to add it before: + +[https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#DirectStock/Summary?IssuerId=SCUSGME&PlanId=SPP1&sv=t](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#DirectStock/Summary?IssuerId=SCUSGME&PlanId=SPP1&sv=t) + +\*The first method worked for me and I acquired the knowledge of the other method through many attempts at getting straight answers. I cannot promise they will work for you. It is up to you to verify with your broker, computershare and guaranteer that these will work (my suggestions for verifying is included in the steps above). + +\*\*\*None of this is financial advice.\*\*\* \*I am an old lady that just found out that WTF has a bad word in it! Don't take advice from me! + +\*In a healthy, free and fair market, direct registering shares should not cause any problems. I share this publicly available information without any intention of causing problems. I just like the stock, believe in the company and want to be in full control of my shares.\* + +\***\*\*Please do not comment number of shares that you might want to register.\*\*\* \[But feel free to feed the bot!\]** + +\*(I am scared of direct messages so if I ignore yours, sorry. I might find a public comment of yours to answer your question in though if you don't have enough karma)\* +I'm in the crypto world since few months but if I learned something is that the main problem of Cryptos is that there isn't a trustworthy exchange. + +We all say that thanks to crypto we can cut off the middleman (banks), but actually we're just replacing it with something worse like these exchanges that works like banks but don't guarantee your funds and don't have to follow any law. + +I keep my coins in my private wallets, but I still need exchanges to buy or sell them. So we can't have cryptos without exchanges. + +And what are these exchanges? Let's talk about the biggest one: Binance. +Until you don't have any problem, everything seems to work fine. +But when you'll have a problem, you'll start to miss banks. + +I sent some crypto to my spot wallet on binance because I wanted to trade them. It was 10 days ago. I sent them and the transaction got confirmed 6 times in few seconds according to the blockchain. + +These coins never arrived in my Binance wallet. +I mean Binance got them but didn't put them in my account. + +Why? Who knows? If it was a bank, I would just call them or pass by their offices and get my money. If they wouldn't give me, I would call the police. + +With binance i had to talk to a stupid chat bot that said to write a message and that I would contacted back by email. Nobody ever contacted me back. I never got my money and I can do literally nothing because this is a ghost company. + +Luckily we're talking about few bucks but the problem is big. If you go in the binance reddit you'll see how many people have problems with them. + +How cryptos can get adoption if we have to rely on these exchanges? +Something my Grandma taught me about saving money was to not think of money as an abstract concept, but to consider it my blood sweet and toil. X Dollars = X Hours of a demeaning job. X Dollars = X Ramen packets. If I wanted to buy anything, I'd ask myself if I'd work X hours for it. If I wanted to go to restaurant or grab some fast food, I'd think how much more food I'd get if I made it myself or bought bulk. + +It becomes a methodology of mindfulness when it comes to spending. It may make you seem like a penny pinching miser to your friends, but it's like that old parable about the Grasshopper and Ant. When winter comes, you can survive with your larder. +New to options here i've been studying and understanding options for some time and looking forward to start options trading soon.Whats something you with you knew before starting? +I’ll keep this pretty short. This is all speculation of course: + +1) you don’t name a “book company” Teddy. That website won’t just be about about books. + +2) what’s the most popular pet toy? A “chew” toy. What’s the most popular/iconic baby/kid toy? A “teddy” bear. I believe this will be a baby/toy website/company. + +3) calling himself the “book king” was a clue. I believe he’s telling apes to book their shares. + +4) he “rushed” this release for some reason. Why not just wait until the books were ready to ship? Sure he could be trying to gauge interest, but a guy like him would/could just print 10k copies of each or 100k or whatever. He wanted this released asap for some reason. He’s also prob trying to meet the holiday deadline but I feel like there’s more to it than that. + +5) I’ve bought many domains before. I’d guess he paid somewhere between $50k and $1 million for this domain. I know that’s a broad range but this is a super premium domain name. + +6) Apes are his target market, but I’d guess out of 200k apes, that less than 10% have kids in the 2 to 8 age range. With that being said, that’s maybe 20k potential customers which would equate to “maybe” 2000 books sold. These books were more of a hobby than a business venture. Very very few people make a lot of money selling baby\kids books. He’s having fun and trying to tell apes something. This could be part of an NFT drop as well. + +7) Tin foily here, I believe there is something “big” regarding the clock page. No one calls it the “short” hand. I don’t know what it is though. Maybe it’s 2/12 and that has to do with swap expiration dates. I really don’t know but hindsight should reveal something with those numbers. + +8) business owners that are good at setting things in motion and hiring the right people to run their companies get bored. Business owners like to solve complex problems and once those start to run out, business owners look at other things while their previous commitments run their course toward fruition. + +9) Pet owners (without kids) obsess about their pets. Parents with kids and pets obsess about their kids. I believe RC was obsessed with his dog(s) and now he’s obsessed with his kid(s). There is no doubt in my mind that he was looking at towel stock for baby stock. This could definitely still be in play. I believe in the next year he will do something in the baby space and kids books is just a tiny part of that. +Good morning! So I'm a 20f looking for advice on the best way to invest. I'm currently a uni student living with my parents (no rent) and work part time. I've saved 47k total up to now but used 20k of that to pay off most of my uni debt. (Still have 7k debt withstanding). From the 27k I have in cash I've put 20k in a term deposit (earning 3.2% p.a) and now have 7k left in a savings account. I'm looking to invest the 7k, but not sure where to start. Should I just finish paying off my uni fees? Invest in the stock market? (If so, how do I learn?) Should I put it in superannuation? (I have 2k in super at the moment) etc. +I’m 100% an ETH fan (portfolio is the proof), but equally as passionate against the negativity of hate culture. Stop laughing at other people’s loss, and enjoy your gains. Put positivity into the world. Don’t shame people if you think they are wrong. Show them how they can infer the same. Encourage learning and guide others toward success. + +Create the world you want to live in. + +Don’t treat people how you wouldn’t want to be treated. +Yes, you heard that right, the federal reserve shrunk their balance sheet this week, to the tune of 74B. This after they only printed 4B last week, which was the smallest increase since the pandemic began. + +I'm not pushing any conclusions from this, just providing information. + +Source: + [https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst\_recenttrends.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst_recenttrends.htm) +Just received news from my boss that someone in our building has tested positive on the virus and I've been feeling pretty shit for the last couple days myself. I've also been commuting in extremely busy train stations. It's been a pleasure making tendies with you. Greetings from Europe. F for myself. + +Edit: got a message from my dad: "if you really have the virus, don't come here". Thx dad +[https://ir.citiuspharma.com/press-releases/detail/141/citius-pharmaceuticals-reports-strong-clinical-community](https://ir.citiuspharma.com/press-releases/detail/141/citius-pharmaceuticals-reports-strong-clinical-community) +I've seen people from the slums entering college because they didn't have to pay. Free technical books rentals at uni's libraries, free housing for the poorest students that come from other cities (have to prove income to be eligible), free lunch and dinner (in some unis only, in others you have to pay from 50c to 2 USD, though) and some undergrad research scholarships. + +We've got free cancer and AIDS treatments. Free ambulances. I've seen poor, old ladies that sell corn at Sunday's vegetables fair that had a life-changing eye surgery that made them see again. If they had to pay for it, they'd go blind long before their death. FFS there are cochlear implants and organ transplants for free in some cases. + +Paying 15%-25% over 10x+ crypto profits? Man, just take it. + +I'm not saying there aren't problems. You have to study to be accepted in the universities and if your parents had money in the first place, you could prepare yourself better going to the best private high-schools. The lines for some health procedures are long enough, but if your condition is chronic (AIDS, cancer) or life-threatening (e.g. a car accident), you're assisted on the spot. Violence is still a big thing, mainly due to a huge wealth gap, and hopefully there are people fighting to give better conditions to as many people as possible. Not everything is perfect. + +I'm also not saying that all tax money is rightfully used - I'm not such a fool. But I can't imagine living in a country where I had to pay a hefty amount to call an ambulance. If I had to pay for my college degree in the old days, probably I wouldn't have gotten any, as my parents were quite humble. + +Being libertarian or communist or capitalist, we live in society, and people tend to forget a good society is one where the maximum amount of people has their basic needs met. + +People also tend to forget that things they take for granted, such as the structures for calling the cops, sewage treatment, electricity on the bulbs, water in the taps etc. are generally paid with taxes. Don't want to pay taxes? Fine, get your own private security, buy yourself a water reservoir and build your own power plant. Might as well declare independence. + +Imho, not wanting to pay taxes doesn't put you far away from people in the Pandora and Panama papers. Want to make sure taxes are rightly used? Participate and get engaged in social participation programs. Get involved. Be part of your community. + +If you live in a country where there are such social security structures, don't mind paying taxes. If all your neighbors are fed, probably you are fed, too. + +TL;DR: I don't mind paying taxes over 10x+ if people around me will be assisted one way or another. +I want to hold btc in the very long run but i wonder how i will resist to sell when i will be x3/x4 or even higher of my initial investment. I want to know how you guys do it ? +Hey, I’m sort of new to alto trading and am just wondering what are most bots based off? Are they more indicator based bots or do they run the price data through a formula? I’m not looking for exact answers but just general guidelines to how I could make my first bot and what it could trade off? +Hi, + +a Week ago I posted my super-fast arbitrage signaler, during the week I finished with the other necessary components to made it able for trading. After 24h running it I could say, that it isn't a big failure, it did executed 5 arbitrage circle with 1.3% profit each.Of course, there are many ways how the code could be improved. I didn't use my websocket feeds for trade following there I can simplify the system and gain some extra 100-200ms. Also I didn't add stop-loss / timeout for the circle execution which could help to reduced stucked arbitrages. The code also need some refactor the execution should be an individual class and so on... + +[An acceptable fast one](https://i.redd.it/jyvvn0wy10g31.png) + +&#x200B; + +[Lucky strike one :\) it just luck](https://i.redd.it/ev89e4uz10g31.png) + +**\[EDIT\] Problems with arbitrage as a small player:** +\- Your Fee is **0.01%**, big players can have **0.0025%** Fee when our arbitrage is profitable they already made profit on it. +\- We use only REST HTTP API for creating orders, big players probally could have some better API for it. + + +**The project is OpenSource anyways:** +\- [https://github.com/stockmlbot/Arbitrage-gun](https://github.com/stockmlbot/Arbitrage-gun) +I would like to hear more from some of you if you have experience on HFT systems. + +Understandably, I know that most of the top firms in the arena are multi-million dollar systems and it might be hard to make a profit today especially with how much systems have advanced. + +I’d still be curious to see if it’s possible to still enter as a small size market maker or if it’s probably better to join a prop firm or larger market maker today. + +I remember reading that quant firms like Citadel and Renaissance Technologies had the advantage of being first movers. The more technology developed, the more they secured their spots in the industry. + +But is it still possible? If so how? Strategies like being a market maker that can buy up entire or large chunks of a security are probably not for a small shop, but what would be? + +I’d love to hear more if you have advice on learning more about becoming some form of a liquidity provider for an exchange like the CBOE. + +Thanks! +You can use trailing unweighted historical volatility, exponentially weighted volatility (Riskmetrics), or GARCH to predict 1-day volatility from daily returns. There are R packages such as rugarch for GARCH. Are there packages in R, Python, or something else to predict daily volatility from past n-minute, for example 5-minute, returns? Since there are 78 5-minute returns from 9:30 to 4:00, a plausible thing to do is compute the standard deviation (SD) of the last few hundred 5-minute returns and scale that SD to predict the daily return SD. But how do you incorporate the overnight returns, which are more volatile than the intraday 5-minute returns? +I went through their buzzword vomit of a business description from [NASDAQ](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/ipos/overview?dealId=1160165-97666). It was painful. I've yet to make any eureka connections, except for my own tinfoil concerning the current state of fintech in China, but their underwriter AMTD Idea Group has a piece on them I need to go through. I did find it interesting that they were actually going to IPO exactly one year ago and didn't for some reason. + +**TLDR**: They took over an insurer in HK (Hong Kong) when China took over. They also bought up a couple insurers in Singapore. They may offer some fintech services and possibly a small media platform for some SE Asia internet celebs. Their "SpiderNet" is, according to them, their most profitable system. It appears to just be a business network that you have to pay to be a part of. It all sounds like a corporate crime syndicate straight out of a comic book. + +They mention a "controlling shareholder" a few times, which I assume is AMTD Idea Group, a holding company. They've been investigated for some very fradulastic crap, which I will be writing up next. ([https://hindenburgresearch.com/ebang/](https://hindenburgresearch.com/ebang/)) + +&#x200B; + +**Company Description** + +Our mission is to act as a fusion reactor for the best entrepreneurs and innovative ideas, fusing synergistically all elements within the AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem using digital means, harnessing and magnifying the power from each partner to create a force with meaningful and influential social, technological, and economic impact. + +**(Translation: Meaningless.)** + +&#x200B; + +As the fusion reactor at the core of the AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem, we are one of the most comprehensive digital solutions platforms in Asia with businesses spanning multiple verticals, including digital financial services, SpiderNet ecosystem solutions, digital media, content, and marketing, and digital investments. + +**(Translation: That's a lot of very different services. Only similarities seem to be "digital.")** + +&#x200B; + +Digital transformation is the new normal to real economies and people’s daily life, and we believe that a multi-dimensional and integrated digital solutions platform is fundamental to our ability to empower and integrate the various digital businesses within our ecosystem. + +**(Translation: They have some sort of "platform.")** + +&#x200B; + +We aspire to understand and anticipate the needs of our clients, and provide tailored digital solutions with a collaborative overlay to them. We acquire innovative technological capabilities by selectively cooperating with and investing in technology partners across Asia. + +**(Translation: They "acquire technology" by "investing" in...partners?)** + +&#x200B; + +The purpose is to build a solid foundation for our various business endeavors. Our one-stop digital solutions platform operates four main business lines: • Digital Financial Services. Primarily through our controlled entities, investees, and business partners, we provide one-stop, cross-market and intelligent digital financial services for retail and corporate clients in Asia. + +**(Translation: They offer Digital Financial Services of some sort)** + +&#x200B; + +We possess some of the most scarce digital financial licenses in Asia and provide a variety of digital financial services through the following: • AMTD Risk Solutions—the largest Hong Kong-based corporate insurance solution provider in terms of revenue of corporate insurance business in Hong Kong, according to the CIC Report. AMTD Risk Solutions Group, or AMTD RSG, our wholly-owned subsidiary, was a member of the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers since October 2004 and was granted an insurance brokerage license issued by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority in September 2019, pursuant to the newly established statutory regime for regulation of insurance intermediaries which took over regulation of insurance agents and brokers from the self-regulatory bodies including Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers. + +**(Translation: They took over AMTD RSG insurance when China forcibly took back Hong Kong)** + +&#x200B; + +• PolicyPal—a one-stop digital insurance technology platform for consumers and small- to mid-sized enterprise clients, or SME clients, in Singapore. We have acquired a controlling interest in PolicyPal Pte. Ltd. via our fusion-in program in August 2020. BaoXianBaoBao Pte. Ltd., the wholly-owned subsidiary of PolicyPal Pte. Ltd., is a registered insurance broker with respect to direct insurance and an exempt financial advisor in relation to advising on and arranging of investment products that are life policies in Singapore, other than for reinsurance. BaoXianBaoBao Pte. Ltd. is the first company to graduate from the MAS’s FinTech regulatory sandbox. + +**(Translation: They own/partner? PolicyPal and it's subsidiary, both insurance companies in Singapore.)** + +&#x200B; + +In addition, we have entered into agreements to acquire or apply for some of the most scarce digital financial licenses in Asia and provide a variety of digital financial services through the following: • Singa Bank—a digital wholesale banking platform to be established to provide comprehensive services to SME and corporate clients. Our subsidiary, AMTD Digital Holdings Pte. Ltd., entered into a binding term sheet in December 2019 with Xiaomi, SP Group, and Funding Societies to establish a consortium in which AMTD Digital Holdings Pte. Ltd. were to become the largest shareholder. The consortium has submitted an application for the Singapore digital banking wholesale license on December 31, 2019. + +(**Translation: A fintech** [consortium](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/consortium.asp)**?)** + +&#x200B; + +We intended to pursue digital banking opportunities in Singapore through Singa Bank and other parts of Asia through cooperation, the launch of which would be subject to obtaining a digital wholesale banking license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore, or the MAS, or other regulators in the respective regions. On December 4, 2020, the MAS announced the grant of four licenses to other applicants, indicating that the digital banking licenses are introduced as a pilot, and the MAS will consider granting more of such licenses in the future. We and Xiaomi intend to further pursue such digital banking license opportunity, and plan to submit an application if and when the MAS opens up new round of applications for such licenses in the future. It is uncertain whether and when the MAS will open a new round to accept new applications, and there is no assurance we will be able to obtain such license in the new round of application process, if any. • + +**(Translation: Trying to get a digital banking license in Singapore, but their pilot program is full.)** + +&#x200B; + +Applaud—Applaud Digital Solutions Pte. Ltd., or Applaud, was incorporated by one of our subsidiaries, AMTD Digital Solutions Pte. Ltd., together with PolicyPal Pte. Ltd. Applaud submitted an application to the MAS for a direct insurer (composite) license on July 14, 2020. Applaud has made two presentations and multiple rounds of written communications with the MAS and is working on the provision of additional information based on the last conversation with the MAS, including identification of talents to form the core team if the license is granted, potential insurance companies to partner with including but not limited to a potential joint force on the application, and other updates on the business plan, if necessary. We cannot be certain whether or not the supplemental information to our application will necessarily bring us to the approval of a license and whether there will be additional questions or requirements to be imposed by the MAS. • + +**(Translation: They also own Applaud, who wants to be an insurer when they grow up.)** + +&#x200B; + +CapBridge—a leading online private markets integrated capital raising and secondary liquidity platform for global growth companies and funds based in Singapore. We entered into a binding term sheet in June 2020 to acquire a controlling interest in CapBridge Financial Pte. Ltd. We further updated our mutual understanding with CapBridge Financial Pte. Ltd. to establish a long-term strategic partnership alongside with AMTD IDEA Group for the three entities to focus on digitalization solutions connecting private markets with public capital markets opportunities and to update the overall transaction framework to include three separate phases: (i) an initial investment by AMTD IDEA Group in CapBridge Financial Pte. Ltd. for an equity interest of 2.98%, which has been completed as of the date of this prospectus, (ii) a follow-on investment by AMTD ASEAN Solidarity Fund under our company, and (iii) an additional round of investment to top up our overall ownership, subject to negotiation of the final terms and conditions and regulatory approvals (including MAS approval). Through CapBridge Financial Pte. Ltd.’s subsidiary, 1x Exchange Pte. Ltd., or 1exchange, Singapore’s first MAS-regulated private markets securities exchange, CapBridge Financial Pte. Ltd. and its subsidiaries, or CapBridge, provides a holistic approach that enhances capital flow for growth companies and improve liquidity options for private investors. 1exchange is a recognized market operator in Singapore. CapBridge Pte. Ltd., another subsidiary of CapBridge Financial Pte. Ltd., holds a capital markets services license in respect of dealing in capital markets products that are securities and collective investment schemes, and is an exempt financial advisor in respect of advising on investment products and issuing or promulgating analyses/reports on investment products that are securities and collective investment schemes. + +**(Translation: Hey, wake up! They want to partner with Capbridge, who is apparently into secondary markets and possibly pre-ipo equity. Capbridge was only incorporated in 2017 in Singapore and apparently help clients "achieve partial exits and tradability in private share…" <**[**https://capbridgefinancial.com/**](https://capbridgefinancial.com/)**> )** + +&#x200B; + +To further enrich our comprehensive suite of financial services, we intend to continue acquiring complementary capabilities and/or licenses through acquiring and/or incubating FinTech companies. • SpiderNet Ecosystem Solutions. We serve as a super connector and digital accelerator for Asia-based entrepreneurs and corporates by connecting them to resources and technologies, and providing them with access to our unique AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem. Centered on our ecosystem-powered strategy, we empower entrepreneurs and corporates with capital, technologies, mentorship, connectivity, and other resources essential to accelerating and enhancing their business digital transformation and corporate development journeys. Through a membership fee scheme, we provide our corporate clients with exclusive access to the AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem and its prestigious corporate members, prominent business executives and partners, creating strategic and synergistic opportunities. In addition, our digital solutions initiatives and programs in partnership with industry leaders and academic institutions serve to support industry professionals and foster next generation entrepreneurs in the region by equipping them with the latest trends and knowledge in the digital space. These entrepreneurs become permanent members of the AMTD alumni network. Our services help our ecosystem members to enhance connectivity, identify business synergies, and create valuable business propositions. We further deepen our relationship with corporate clients by facilitating synergies between their portfolio companies and other partners in the AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem and by connecting innovative minds, bright ideas, and smart ideas. We have entered into an agreement with our Controlling Shareholder to provide Airstar Bank with the support from our SpiderNet ecosystem solutions services, including resources, capital support, and expertise in the financial services industry to support its business development and support them to gradually build up their own ecosystem for an annual service fee. Airstar Bank, a virtual bank jointly-established by our Controlling Shareholder and Xiaomi Corporation, or Xiaomi, is a comprehensive digital banking platform providing services to retail and corporate clients in Hong Kong. Airstar Bank holds one of the only eight virtual banking licenses issued by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and commenced operations in June 2020. Our Controlling Shareholder holds 10% of equity interest in Airstar Bank as a controller under the Banking Ordinance of Hong Kong and we do not have any equity interest in Airstar Bank. • + +**(Translation: The "Spidernet" appears to be a network of business partners. Just what "strategic and synergistic opportunities" this network provides is unclear, though apparently you have to pay a fee to be a part of it. The fact that their wannabe linkedin is their top earner says a lot about who they are.)** + +&#x200B; + +[Their \\"SpiderNet\\" and yes it's just as vague as it looks.](https://preview.redd.it/4m0hotlmmif91.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=3891652c4d767a4e7807914b6710c62941b258bd) + +&#x200B; + +Digital Media, Content, and Marketing. We commenced our digital media, content, and marketing business in May 2020. We create and promote digital solutions content by investing and developing multimedia channels to provide users and audiences access to content medium through a comprehensive library of traditional and digital movies, podcasts, webinars and live videos offered by content providers and online media platforms since May 2020. + +**(Translation: Not sure if they host a platform that has digital media or they just invest in it. Sounds like the latter)** + +&#x200B; + +Through our offering of digital media and content, we are able to spearhead industry trends and create effective marketing for our clients and ecosystem partners through innovative content creation, digital marketing platforms and cutting-edge technology. For example, we are a seed round investor of Forkast. News, a digital media platform founded by former Bloomberg News anchor Angie Lau in April 2021. The platform provides readers stories and analysis on blockchain, cryptocurrency, and emerging technology in the Asia-Pacific region. We also strategically acquired DigFin, which is not a significant subsidiary of ours, in July 2021, a journalism brand and a content agency established by Jamie DiBiasio, an award-winning financial journalist and author, whose stories analyze business models in digital finance, FinTech, and digital assets. + +**(Translation: They mention content creation and marketing, but then just cite being a "seed investor" in Forkast and DigFin. Maybe they don't know what those words mean...)** + +&#x200B; + +Together with our Controlling Shareholder, we have been the founding grand sponsor of Singapore FinTech Festival, the largest FinTech event in the world with over 60,000 attendees each year for five consecutive years since 2017, and the sole strategic partner of Hong Kong FinTech Week, Hong Kong’s annual FinTech event, for four years in a row since 2018. We have organized, hosted and participated in hundreds of sessions, including keynote speeches, panels, and fireside chats, to share our insights and exchange knowledge. Many of our clients, and ecosystem members and partners were able to access these global events through collaboration with us and thus presented valuable marketing opportunities for them. + +**(Translation: Cool. How'd they host this since 2017 when they only became a company in 2019?)** + +&#x200B; + +Recently, we have invested in movie productions via digital formats. “Shock Wave 2”, a movie invested by us and co-produced by Universe Entertainment and Alibaba Picture in 2020, has grossed over RMB1.3 billion of box office as of February 10, 2021. We also invested in “The White Storm 3” and “Redemption”. We intend to continue to invest in more popular movie productions in order to maximize our reach to broader audiences for content sharing and marketing. + +**(Translation: They invest in B movies.)** + +&#x200B; + +• Digital Investments. We invest directly in various innovative technology companies to leverage, enhance and enrich the AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem by including them in our ecosystem. Throughout the track record period, our investment portfolio includes minority interest holdings in the following: • Appier—a leading artificial intelligence technology company, which provides AI-based solutions for precision marketing. • DayDayCook—a leading content-driven lifestyle brand for young food lovers in Asia with over 60 million cumulative users across its online platforms. • WeDoctor—one of China’s largest technology-enabled healthcare solutions platforms providing seamless online and offline healthcare services with a mix of general practitioners and specialists. + +**(Translation: They "invest" in a lot of companies. I thought these yahoos were a fintech company, not an investment firm.)** + +&#x200B; + +• AMTD ASEAN Solidarity Fund—We also established the AMTD ASEAN Solidarity Fund in partnership with ASEAN Financial Innovation Network, or the AFIN, in April 2020 with an initial capital of S$50 million to invest in innovative companies. AFIN is a non-profit entity formed by the MAS, International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, and the ASEAN Bankers Association, with the objectives of supporting financial innovation and inclusion around the world. In addition to providing funding, the solidarity fund will offer the FinTech companies full access to the AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem, which opens opportunities for them to collaborate with each other across ASEAN countries, Hong Kong, and China. Through the solidarity fund, we have invested into five FinTech companies, representatives of which include [Active.ai](https://Active.ai), a cloud-based conversational AI platform; CardUp, a credit card enablement platform; Funding Societies, a SME digital financing platform, and TranSwap, a cross-border payment platform. We expect to make further investments through the solidarity fund. • MAS-SFA-AMTD FinTech Solidarity Grant—MAS-SFA-AMTD FinTech Solidarity Grant was jointly established in May 2020 by the MAS, SFA, and AMTD Charity Foundation with an amount of S$6 million to support FinTech companies in generating new businesses and pursuing growth strategies. As of the date of this prospectus, approximately 190 FinTech companies have benefited from our MAS-SFA-AMTD FinTech Solidarity Grant, which have formed a solid enhancement to our AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem. + +**(Translation: Apparently, they like investing so much they created a fund just for that. With an amount of money that equals the company's yearly revenue. The ASEAN network is interesting though, and I've got my own tinfoil about that.)** + +&#x200B; + +We generate revenue primarily from fees and commissions from our digital financial services business and SpiderNet ecosystem solutions business during the fiscal years ended April 30, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and the ten months ended February 28, 2022. We have achieved tremendous growth since the launch of our SpiderNet ecosystem solutions business in December 2017 as a result of the continued expansion and monetization of AMTD SpiderNet ecosystem. Our revenue increased significantly from HK$14.6 million for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2019 to HK$167.5 million for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2020 + +**(That's an awful big jump just off monetizing their business network…)** + +, and to HK$195.8 million (US$25.2 million) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2021, and from HK$162.4 million for the ten months ended February 28, 2021 to HK$168.0 million (US$21.5 million) for the ten months ended February 28, 2022. Our net profit increased significantly from HK$21.5 million for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2019 to HK$158.3 million for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2020, and to HK$171.6 million (US$22.1 million) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2021, and from HK$113.0 million for the ten months ended February 28, 2021 to HK$186.8 million (US$23.9 million) for the ten months ended February 28, 2022. + +**(Translation: They sure do a lot for a company that only makes $20m a year, with 50 employees.)** + +&#x200B; + +We continue to deepen and monetize our relationship with clients by cross-selling solutions that fill their unique needs. --- Our principal executive offices are located at 25/F Nexxus Building, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong. Our telephone number at this address is +852 3163 3298. Our registered office in the Cayman Islands is located at Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-1111, Cayman Islands. Our agent for service of process in the United States is Puglisi & Associates, located at 850 Library Avenue, Suite 204, Newark, DE 19711. Our website is [www.amtdigital.net](https://www.amtdigital.net) and our email address is [ir@amtdigital.net](mailto:ir@amtdigital.net). + +**(Why am I not surprised that their registered office is in the Cayman islands?)** + +&#x200B; + +[I'm done.](https://preview.redd.it/j45tuhienif91.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=72c450f70ae72f21dc0a11e3d4b3d17a35e9716d) + +So that's their "business description." I told you it was painful. This ASEAN network though... + +[ASEAN Financial Innovation Network](https://www.whub.io/startups/asean-financial-innovation-network) has a cloud based, open source api "market-place and sandbox platform." Sounds like the FBI may like a word, considering how much compromised software has been coming out of SE Asia. Also incorporated in 2017. + +**Tinfoil**: If I was a spy for China putting malicious software inside things like [tiktok](https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/7/21316062/tiktok-ban-app-mike-pompeo-government-china-bytedance-communist-party), gps units, and all sorts of programs and devices used by the U.S., it sure would be handy to have a place where I could access those inside a "sandbox." It would also offer plausible deniability, because I could just claim some other evil hacker invaded the network... + +&#x200B; + +**\~Connections\~** + +Loop Capital is an underwriter for them, and the tinfoil here believes that Loop Capital is just another Citadel minion. + +Chapter 2 will be digging into [this article](https://hindenburgresearch.com/ebang/) on AMTD Idea Group and their shady dealings. Spicy. +I think Trump is threatening a trade war because he knows that threats in a jumpy market push the market down, which may influence the Fed to start buying assets again, or halt their pace of raising fed rates. +Yellen was talking about four rate hikes, and he got her to step down. +Powell is talking four hikes, but I don't think he will for long, because Trump likely believes that the market / the economy needs to run a little hotter. +In addition, I think the threat of the trade war is meant to put the Chinese on the back foot and diminish the impact they will have with North Korea. +You will note, possibly, that the CIA and the state department have already started secret talks with the NKers. +South Korea was once threatened with tariffs, and Trump backed off. +I think if yo have cash on the side right now, let's see how much this market will crash, and then if it bottoms, AND the fed rolls back a rate hike, you know the bull run is on. +I think the market makers are now conspiring with trump. They are like, "okay, i got you. sell." +Due to the sheer amount of misinformation surrounding myself and current events, I thought it necessary to post something. This is going against all advice that I have received on the matter. + +The fraud charges are of my greatest concern right now, they are baffling to me and here is why: + +I sold several people bitcoins for cash, most of which had them sent directly to their own wallets or exchange accounts prior to Neo and Bee becoming open to the public. There were 4 people however that requested for me to hold them until they provided me with an address to send them. Two people that bought on November 20th 2013, One Person that bought from me twice once on the 2nd December 2013 and the 20th December 2013 and one person who bought from me on the 24th December 2013. There was a 5th person I was holding Bitcoin for however following a change in their personal circumstances I bought the bitcoins back from them. + +Sorry to disappoint those that believe the tales that I simply took them.... The keys are still stored on paper. The total sales to these 4 people amounts to 75.29270138 BTC which were purchased for a combined total of €35213.57 so I have no idea where the values reported in the media have been derived from. + +I have not received one single request from the individuals who bought the bitcoins from me to send the coins to an address they provided. With one exception a request was made but that was received from the individual that introduced one of the buyers to me, they requested for me to transfer the coins to his Bitstamp account. I didn't send the coins to his address as he was not the person that I had the agreement with. One of these people went directly to the police following rumors that I had fled the country. + +Here is a message to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Cypriot Police: + +ANSWER YOUR PHONE or CHECK YOUR EMAILS!!!! + +I have been trying for days to contact them to resolve this situation. The whole thing could be cleared up in a matter of days, because as of right now their case is based on rumors of me fleeing Cyprus which is complete garbage. I still have a house full of my own belongings, assets, family, friends and most importantly my daughter in Cyprus. + +I have provided my contact information via email to the police and to third parties such as the reporter from the Cyprus Mail and one of the people who bought bitcoins from me. If they do not contact me to arrange a solution, then I assume my greatest fears are true that they are doing nothing more than trying to set me up on charges to discredit both myself and Bitcoin as a whole, whilst creating more fear about challenging the status-quo. + +The are three reasons for me not returning to Cyprus immediately following the issuance of a warrant and those are; + +1. I have a family funeral to attend. +2. The whole situation can be resolved without me doing so. +3. The manner in which the investigations are being carried out are concerning, the police haven't made an attempt to contact me despite numerous personal requests for them to do so. + +The only solution to the problem is for the individuals to provide me with their addresses through the police so I can arrange for the bitcoins to be sent to them. Without those peoples addresses I can do nothing but maintain the original written agreements. + +I have also instructed a lawyer in Cyprus to make direct contact with the police to try and put a resolution in place so this can be concluded quickly so that I can continue working with the business recovery and sales agents to resolve everything surrounding Neo & Bee. + +The police have been making a concerted effort to locate my assets in Cyprus, which doesn't seem the most logical way of handling such a case, surely they should be trying to contact me to get the full picture and not issuing warrants based on hearsay. + +The only question I want to ask the Cypriot police is; + +**If I buy some building supplies and agree to provide a delivery address at a later date, but never do provide an address. Has the seller committed fraud if he still holds the supplies for me?** + +To clear a few things up surrounding Neo & Bee, yes there are creditors to the business and I have not ran with any coins, we had made payments in excess of €1.4m with many of the coins being converted to Euros before the run up in price, the largest amount converted at once was the day Silkroad was busted, I had to take the decision on that given day to convert them or risk them becoming pretty worthless and the business not getting off the ground. The outstanding funds from BitFunder/WeExchange are valued at this moment around €500,000. The coins of my own I have on MtGox would have covered all creditors with a claim against the business in full. Had I wanted to run off with coins, it would have been better to do so before spending all of them and the remainder of my own coins on the business. + +Questions have been raised about my own personal assets too, something I shouldn't have to answer about but yes, I bought a Bentley back in December, before any issues with MtGox and getting bitcoins out. Anyone that understands the price difference in cars between Cyprus and the UK they will understand exactly why I sold my own bitcoins to buy the car. The car is still in Cyprus, it hasn't been shipped anywhere and my original plan was to sell it after the summer and make a nice profit, which would have been reinvested into Bitcoin or the business. When it is possible for me to do so, I still plan on selling the car to put the money towards satisfying creditors. + +To this end I am concentrating first and foremost on resolving the issues with Cypriot police including my planned return to Cyprus. Only then I will concentrate all of my time on resolving everything surrounding Neo and Bee. + +Regards, + +Danny Brewster +About a year ago my wife of 17 years was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. She has cycled through 4 different treatments which have mostly kept the cancer in a state of stasis. After a month or two the medications stop having an effect and it starts growing again. The latest round of meds has done nothing. + +We are both in our mid-40's. We have 7 children ranging from 16 down to 2. I expect the oldest to graduate within the next year and the next oldest a year after that. Both of them have plans to go to college following graduation. + +I would like to try to maintain the same quality of life for my children as I possibly can. I expect that towards the end I'll have to hire someone to help me take care of her and the family and I assume that I would have to keep that person on-board for a long period following as well. + +We both have term life insurance policies. The policies for her total about $400,000. Any ideas on what I should do to maximize the money that I would have on hand to help keep family life stable? + +**EDIT:** Thank you for all the *good* advice (the ones giving bad advice can go to hell). + +Just to clarify a few points and to add some flavor to the conversation: + +* I am a US citizen. My wife is not. We reside in the US. +* I have good health insurance that covers our family. I am not concerned about medical bills at this point. +* My children are technically schooled at home, not homeschooled. They are enrolled in a school based in California and we administer the education. When they graduate, they will receive high school diplomas. + +Things I will not do: +* divorce my wife. I'd rather go bankrupt than do that. +* cook/sell meth. +* sell or dispose of any of my children. +I'm applying for a mortgage to buy my first home, but after supplying the mortgage broker with copies of both my most recent payslips and account statements, they came back to me asking if I can explain why the amount deposited in my bank each month is about £5 less than what my payslip says. + +Now, I work for a very small business, just myself, one other employee, and the business owner. I asked the owner what the reason for this was and he says its because, to make the payroll easier for him, he just set up a standing order to deposit an exact amount in my account each month and he then makes good any overpayment/shortfall at the end of the year. + +My question is, is this answer going to be good enough for a mortgage broker? Does it sound like my boss is up to something shady? I don't want to destroy my chances of being able to finally buy my own home. + +The company accountant said this is normal, and even common for very small businesses that can't afford to employ people to do payroll full time, but I'm aware that at the end of the day he's looking out for my boss/the company's best interests, not mine. +Hey guys, I took out an auto loan on a new car one month before the pandemic. It was rushed, yes, but cheaper than what I was spending on transportation at the time, and then the pandemic put everything in a twist. The cost of the car note plus the ever increasing cost to insure it in south Florida combined with the current over-inflated value are enough to make me ask, what are my options? Is there any way I can get out of this thing, keep my already stressed credit score from tanking, and come out with a little extra coin? Thank you +Isn't Ethereum a better "digital gold" store of value since (1) it's backed by all the projects that are using it as the base protocol and (2) ETH in the future will have sinks? With the amount of projects with millions of dollar in ICO funding using the protocol, seems like people should be most excited about Ethereum and can treat it as digital gold backed by the decentralized economy. How important will sinks be in the future? + + +Source on sinks being added, none of this was investment advice, just thinking out loud: "Once we go full PoS, then "sources" will be removed; we can then add "sinks" via things like fee reclaiming." +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Tether has now blown through $3 billion in outstanding, with over $100 million issued on Ethereum today alone! Hold on to your pants. The market is pumping. Funny how so much money comes into the market on a Friday in front of a three day holiday weekend. They love pumping this market on the weekends! + +&#x200B; + +[https://wallet.tether.to/transparency](https://wallet.tether.to/transparency) +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +The first blood crowd sale is an amazing example of a pump & dump. Through great marketing and a fortunate partnership with yunbi.com they have managed to sell out their entire crowd sale to only 169 people. Almost immediately making the token tradeable on yunbi.com at a 3x price. Don't get caught on the hype. There is no product yet and everyone who bought in on the crowd sale will flip their tokens for a quick buck. Be cautious! +I'm in Michigan. I've never made more than 40k per year. Its bullshit. I have a useless college degree that I owe double what I borrowed. + +I can't afford shit. How can I do this ? I have a teen daughter who likes teen stuff (which isn't ever cheap). + +I hate this shit. +My partner and I have been together for a year and I love him more than anything, but something about him bugs me. He has borderline ADHD and can occasionally become a compulsive spender when he hyper fixates on something. + +A few months ago he got obsessed with coffee making and bought a coffee machine he no longer uses, with bags of coffee beans lying around. Right now he is obsessing over house plants. These plants are not cheap! He doesn’t stop even though our house now looks like a jungle. + +After a while his hobby wears off, he rests for a while (and so does his wallet) until he finds the next big “hobby”. + +He doesn’t like looking at his finances. I feel like he is aware that he spends a lot, but he’s not in a bad enough position to truly care about it and he has parents he can ask for money from in the worst case scenario. I don’t want him to carry on with this unhealthy habit and get to the point where he’s spiralling out of control. + +I have tried a couple of things to help: + +I go out with him whenever he wants to go shopping just to be the voice of reason. But even at home he can just grab his phone and purchase stuff so easily. I can’t be on his watch all the time, and I also don’t want to be the kind of person that nags him with how he spends his money, but it’s just too much. + +I have asked him to try using YNAB in the hopes that it would preoccupy him since he’ll need to allocate money, move it around etc, but he didn’t use it. He said it was too complicated. I think he is just not motivated enough to learn it. + +I try to talk to him about having some goals for the future but I don’t want to scare him off with “moving too fast” knowing we’ve only been together for a year. + +I feel like we can work on it, I just am not sure how to best approach it. +I just called Computershare and converted all but 1.xxxx from plan to book holdings. I have done this a few times in the past and am usually told it will be done instantly. Today the representative told me it would be completed in 1 to 3 days. Not sure what this means, but it is different than usual. I don’t know if this is because so many people are currently doing this, or what’s going on. Let’s discuss. + +Edit: after about half a day they have moved! +I'm so proud of myself. I was just approved for my first credit card, a Cap One Platinum. I never thought I'd get to this point. Thank you for your advice! +Keep an eye out for absolute madlads doing idiotic stuff that is borderline harassment. You’re so close good ape. Don’t do anything actually stupid, cruel, or illegal. Any of that becomes cherry pickable MSM fodder for their narrative. + +Be patient. + +Stay humble. + +Be excellent to each other. + +Don’t fucking dance. +I am a working parent (casual support worker) but with COVID lockdown can only manage to work about 15hr a week. I am partnered and my husband works full time. We don’t squander our money but do have a mortgage, kids expenses (school fees, music tuition/extra curricular) and other standard living costs. We own one car outright and borrow my dads extra car and pay him costs to keep it on the road. We need 2 cars. These cars are old and we need to upgrade at least one of them in the next 6 months. We have cc debt of $3500 paying off regularly (on 0% interest till 2022). We are able to save a little bit each pay cycle but with my work situation, are often using the small savings for unexpected bills or expenses. In the last year, due to employment change for me (mental health issues), I have worked a mix of contract, employee and sole trader (commencing Dec 2021). I didn’t put any $$ away for taxes for the last 6 months for the sole trader work because we needed every cent to haul us out of last year’s COVID lockdown (I fell through the cracks re government support - I didn’t qualify for anything). I have now done my tax for FY20/21 and owe a whopping $12,500 tax and also $3500 Centrelink debt. I have no idea how I am going to pay it. I’m deeply concerned about our financial situation now and I have no idea how to navigate this one as I have never faced this before. + +Does anyone have any advice for me as to how to tackle this debt? Any work I do will be paying the tax and Centrelink debt and there will be nothing left for our current living expenses, or next years tax bill. Help! +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +It's that time of the month. Some of us just received cash from salary or business income. What are you planning to invest in? What did you sell, and why? If you are continuing to hold onto existing investments, what are they and why do you hold them? Are you avoiding anything? Again, why? + +The discussion is not just for individual stocks of companies, but also for mutual funds and other investments. Feel free to share your investment rationale. This thread does not exist not only for disseminating knowledge on investment decisions (the why?). Others are free to assess your rationale. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. None of this is investment advice or a stock recommendation. Kindly do your due diligence and/or consider seeing a registered investment advisor before making any financial decisions! + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=monthly+discussion+thread+&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) + +PS: Be friendly. Be civil. + + +* Which bank do you recommend for savings account or fixed deposits? +* How is your experience with wealth management services? Discuss your experience with Citigold/CitiPriority, Kotak Privy League, db WealthPro, Axis Burgundy, ICICI Bank Wealth Management etc. +* What bank offers the best foreign exchange rates? +* Discuss the quality of the bank's mobile apps and the services they offer. +* How are the lending practices at your bank? Did your housing loan get approved on time? Were you required to purchase additional products (like insurance) to avail a loan? + +You can ask for a general review of a particular product or service that you are researching - "Is bank X good? Is it recommended for basic services no-frills accounts?", but please avoid asking for personal advice. The discussion is for consumption by a broader audience. For advice regarding your personal situation (like "I am Sharmaji ka beta, and my family is pressurising me to take a home loan, what would you suggest?"), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended. Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services. + +Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the thread only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services. + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +Wrote a very basic primer on how order execution works in the exchanges :) [Link] +(https://medium.com/@mrkaran/how-does-a-stock-exchange-actually-work-27e305d7161a) +Now that platforms like Groww and ETMoney are providing direct mutual funds, what's the difference between investing through these platforms and through a direct fund house. Any secret charges? +More than half a million users have signed up to buy mutual funds (MFs) on Paytm Money, which is nearing launch, a top company official said. The digital platform from Paytm Money Ltd, a subsidiary of One97 Communications Ltd, goes live by the end of this month. One97 also owns Paytm mobile wallet, which claims to have 300 million users, and Paytm Payments Bank. Although Paytm is accepting advance registrations, it has not opened the mutual fund shop to the public yet. + +Link: [https://www.livemint.com/Money/TQ9wIB1gTjDZjhOUF0sQ2I/Paytm-Money-sees-half-a-million-users-sign-up-to-buy-mutual.html](https://www.livemint.com/Money/TQ9wIB1gTjDZjhOUF0sQ2I/Paytm-Money-sees-half-a-million-users-sign-up-to-buy-mutual.html) +It's that time of the month. Some of us just received cash from salary or business income. What are you planning to invest in? What did you sell, and why? If you are continuing to hold onto existing investments, what are they and why do you hold them? Are you avoiding anything? Again, why? + +The discussion is not just for individual stocks of companies, but also for mutual funds and other investments. Feel free to share your investment rationale. This thread does not exist not only for disseminating knowledge on investment decisions (the why?). Others are free to assess your rationale. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. None of this is investment advice or a stock recommendation. Kindly do your due diligence and/or consider seeing a registered investment advisor before making any financial decisions! + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=monthly+discussion+thread+&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) + +PS: Be friendly. Be civil. +Right now I invest only in Mutual Funds. Recently opened Zerodha account to invest in Direct MFs, and also to invest in stocks. + +I am only interested in Long term stock investing, not day trading. What stocks do you guys own in your folio which are more than 1/3/5 years old? If more than 3, what are your top 3 holdings? +It's that time of the month. Some of us just received cash from salary or business income. What are you planning to invest in? What did you sell, and why? If you are continuing to hold onto existing investments, what are they and why do you hold them? Are you avoiding anything? Again, why? + +The discussion is not just for individual stocks of companies, but also for mutual funds and other investments. Feel free to share your investment rationale. This thread does not exist not only for disseminating knowledge on investment decisions (the why?). Others are free to assess your rationale. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. None of this is investment advice or a stock recommendation. Kindly do your due diligence and/or consider seeing a registered investment advisor before making any financial decisions! + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=monthly+discussion+thread+&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) + +PS: Be friendly. Be civil. + +It's that time of the month. Some of us just received cash from salary or business income. What are you planning to invest in? What did you sell, and why? If you are continuing to hold onto existing investments, what are they and why do you hold them? Are you avoiding anything? Again, why? + +The discussion is not just for individual stocks of companies, but also for mutual funds and other investments. Feel free to share your investment rationale. This thread does not exist not only for disseminating knowledge on investment decisions (the why?). Others are free to assess your rationale. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. None of this is investment advice or a stock recommendation. Kindly do your due diligence and/or consider seeing a registered investment advisor before making any financial decisions! + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=monthly+discussion+thread+&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) + +PS: Be friendly. Be civil. +Ask your investing related queries here! + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +Alternatively, you could [join our Discord](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) and seek answers to your queries + +If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: + +- [which bank or brokerage to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which fund house is more capable and trustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which investing platform to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), +- [which insurance company is reliable](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) + +Generally speaking, there is no best stock, or fund, or bank, or brokerage, or investment platform. + +Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but use those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product, fund, or service. + +You can then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is _I got 10k INR, what do I do to get most returns out of it?_, or anything similar; there is no single answer to this question. But we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to provide some sort of answer: + +- How old are you? +- Are you employed/making income? +- How much? What are your objectives with this money? +- Do you have any loan, or big expense coming up? +- What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know it's 100% safe?) +- What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Have you invested in equity before?) +- Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Partner pushing you to spend more? +- What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +- Any big debts? +- Any other relevant financial information about you, that will be useful to give you an informed response. + +Beware that these answers are just opinions of fellow Redditors and should only be used as a starting point for your research. This is **NOT** financial advice, in legal sense of the term. + +You should strongly consider consulting a registered fee-only financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Ideally, such advisors should be registered with SEBI, and have a registration number. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1). +Was thinking to buy this for my diabetic father and mom with hypertension. + +Premiums are a bit on the higher side but no waiting period for bp and diabetes related illness. + +Anyone who has taken this policy for their parents? How is hdfc ergo in general, claims and customer support? + +Thanks for the inputs! +I have a very small account, and I manage to trade it from 600 to 1,200 over a couple weeks. I'm trading futures so my leverage can be x1-20. My problem is that I will start with 2% risk, and do a couple trades, and when my confidence gets high I will bump up my leverage until my account fluctuates with 20-30% up and down. + +I guess the problem is that I need more capital, cause I don't have the patience to grow such a small account. So i compensate with high risk? +I'm to the point in my day trading that I'm actually able to make a solid living. So now I'm at the point where I'm trying to decide if there's a benefit in establishing an LLC and paying myself through that versus dealing with capital gains as individual income each year. Of course, if I go the corporate route, I'll have the headaches of filing corporate taxes, but I'll also have the benefit of having an 'arms length' of separation (which works well when applying for home loans, etc.). + +Just wanted to see what others have done with their situations. +# This post will teaching you the key to trading options in illiquid markets. + +# Low capacity spaces contain some of the best trading opportunities for retail traders because they are usually less efficiently priced. + +**But** **one of the hardest parts of trading in low capacity spaces (and most overlooked) is execution.** + +Often times, it can be the difference between a profitable strategy and an unprofitable one. + +This is because our edge is usually small, and leaving money on the table due to poor execution can be devastating in the long run. + +This is why I usually tell traders I know to stick to liquid names. The bid ask spreads are much tighter, and execution has less of an impact on your outcomes. + +The problem with strictly sticking to liquid names is that as retail traders, often times there is more opportunity to be found in smaller, less liquid names. + +With less eyes on a stock, it makes sense that volatility will be priced less efficiently (which means more chance for us to come in and price volatility better than the market)! + +# But if the market is illiquid, how can we trade it? + +The short answer is that we need to *understand what volatility line we want to sell at*, and then try to get filled at the corresponding option prices! + +&#x200B; + +>Note: *Want to read the rest of my posts?* [Click here to view a list of them.](https://classic-desert-4cb.notion.site/Ultimate-Guide-to-Selling-Options-061ca90e28cc494eb855de5ce398af7e) +> +>\^ Link to a notion page with all the reddit posts listed + +&#x200B; + +# This post will dive into the concept of understanding the volatility line you are selling at so that you can trade illiquid stocks with more confidence. + +To understand this, we are going to use $VOD as our trade example. + +&#x200B; + +>**Note**: *I do not have a position on VOD. It came up in my scan expensive volatility scan, and chose to use it for this demonstration because a) IV is overstating RV b) It is very illiquid* + +&#x200B; + +When it showed up in my scan today, the 15.5 puts expiring Jan 07 2022 had a bid of $0.67 and an ask of $1.94. + +Let's say I came in and tried to get a fill at the mid for $1.30, and I did! I might sit there and say "*Nice, I got filled at a fair price!*" + +But here's the issue. In this case, the mid is *not* fair value. It's not even the markets fair value. + +# The mid is just the middle price between the bid and the ask. + +If the person on the ask is more aggressive, then the mid will be much more favourable to the buyer than to the seller. And if the person on the bid is more aggressive, the mid will appear much more favourable to the seller. + +This is because the mid price can be easily changed by small actions on either side of the market. + +# Here's an example to make this clear. + +Imagine we are looking at a stock with an illiquid options market for it. + +When we look at an option for it, we see that the bid is $0.50 and the ask is $5.00. There is 1 lot on the bid (one person looking to buy one contract as the bid), and 1 lot on the ask (one person looking to sell one contract as the ask). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4lv4fte321481.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=bee4f470b5a2bec5a5d636e064c1ff0f01113384 + +The picture above is what this market would look like. Given the gap between the bid and the ask, we would see the mid at $2.75. + +But what would happen if a new market participant came in and offered to sell options at $3.50? Well now the ask on this option chain is $3.50, not $5.00! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bx0jf29621481.png?width=1608&format=png&auto=webp&s=424d7ee4629adf56d6430c2fb9f266716246c6d2 + +This means that our mid has just changed drastically. It was $2.75, now it is $2.00! So which is the markets true fair value? + +*The answer is that in illiquid markets, we can't use the mid to estimate fair value.* + +On something liquid like QQQ, SPY, or AAPL, the mid is great. The market is really competitive, with really smart people on both sides posting the bid/ask. So it's actually a good estimate of market fair value. Butt when it's illiquid, the mid is meaningless. + +# Let's go back to our VOD example now. + +At the time of the trade, I went into my brokerage was showing IV at around 50% for the put options. But with the bid ask spread so wide, how do we know if this is even a legit number? To figure out if we can actually sell at 50% IV, we can answer the following question: + +*"If I wanted to sell VOD puts at 50% IV, what price would I need to sell the the put options for?"* + +To answer this, we can use a Black Scholes calculator to price what the options should be worth *given* the level of implied volatility we want to sell at. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lu1gdyh121481.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=56c2c92132d9167be782687b11f19c69b6d88362 + +I input the current price, strike price, expiration, and volatility my brokerage was showing. Once I ran the calculation, I see that the put premium is $1.12. + +With this, I can conclude: + +***If I want to sell put options at 50% IV on VOD, I need to collect at least $1.12 in premium for each option***. + +If I collect more than that, I am selling at a higher IV, and if I collect less than that, I am selling at a lower IV. + +# Let's say we didn't know how to price the options, and we blindly tried to get a fill. + +Imagine this situation: + +*We looked at the data ad thought VOD options were expensive at 50% IV. The stock is only realizing 30% volatility.. so it's an easy sell! The market was illiquid, so we worked our order and* ***eventually sold a put option for $0.95.*** + +Is this a good trade? Did we even sell what we meant to? + +# Let's check. + +To figure this out, we need to use a calculator that allows us to input basic option information, but instead of adjusting the volatility to get price (as we did with the previous calculator), this time we are going to input the price to get the volatility! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9dkkjkeul5481.png?width=2326&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf5f9cf76adf197be71e503e5e69eef3ac10af8c + +Just like the other calculator, I input the option basics (what kind of option, underlying price, strike, expiration), but now I also enter the price I sold at (rather than the IV). + +The output is the implied volatility of the option I sold, given the price I sold it for. + +# Because I was too aggressive on my order, I actually sold at 40% IV instead of 50% IV. + +With my fair value at 35% IV or so, I just erased almost all of my edge by being too aggressive. I didn't know when to stop, and I've either left money o the table or actually have a -EV trade now. + +I hope this example with VOD makes it clear how important knowing the vol line *you want to sell, and actually get filled at* is for your trading. + +If you have questions about this, please leave a comment and I will try my best to help you. + +# Ok, so I priced the option, and know where I want to sell. How flexible can I be with getting a fill? + +Once we know the IV we want to sell at, and what price we should be selling for in the market, how strict do we need to be with getting that price. + +Looking at our VOD example, we are aiming to get $1.12 for the put option. But would we be happy with $1.11? How about $1.05? How can we figure out the minimum that we are happy to collect on this trade? + +The answer depends on how much edge you have on the trade. This is why valuation is important. + +# Here's a clear example (not options related, but it illustrates my point well). + +**Let's say that you know for sure that AAPL is going to $200 tomorrow. How much should you be willing to pay for AAPL today?** + +The answer is obviously *anything below $200.* + +Maybe with some room for error depending on your confidence. + +**But the key point is that you have to value it**. **You have to be able to say that AAPL is worth $200.** + +The same thing goes for option trading. We are saying that the fair value for VOD is much closer to what it is currently realizing. Maybe 35-40 vol. + +So how can we think about this? + +1. VOD is currently trading for 50% IV. It's realizing about 32% IV. +2. I think fair value is closer to 35-40% IV. +3. I need to leave a margin for error incase my calculations are slightly off +4. After everything, there needs to be enough profit that it's worth taking on the risk of this stock moving a lot. + +# Knowing this, it doesn't make sense for me to get filled at the 40% IV line. + +Its very close to my opinion on fair value, doesn't leave much room for me to be wrong or make a profit. + +Anything below about 47% IV would not be something that I would do. Using the option calculator and adjusting for this, I can conclude: + +* I want to sell the put option for $1.12 +* I am willing to lower my ask to $1.06 + +If I am unable to get a fill for above $1.06, the trade is no longer worth taking, and I will have to either wait for a fill or move on to another trade. I've witnessed many occasions where traders will get too aggressive with their orders, and then are left wondering why they are losing money. + +By always knowing the volatility line you are selling at, you will avoid this problem and be able to better take advantage of illiquid markets. + +# Conclusion + +Most the time, traders think that once they have found a good idea, the hard work is done. But what you come to realize as you continue to improve and find your own edges, is that one of the hardest part in trading is actually the execution. Usually, that is the difference between a +EV and -EV strategy, and I will consider this post a success if that has been made clear and you have a solution to this problem when liquidity makes it hard to find market fair value. + +Always remember, when we are trading in an illiquid market we **need** to price our options. + +This is crucial. If we can't price the option when we go to trade it, all the work we put into trying to price it beforehand is jeopardized. + +On the flip side, when we are able to price the volatility we are aiming to get filled at, we are now free to explore illiquid option chains for potential opportunity. These tend to be lower capacity spaces, with less eyes on them, and therefore more opportunity for the small guy. + +Remember, as retail trades, we are all relatively "small fish". We don't need to be in the ocean to find food, we can hunt in a pond. + +When you can price the volatility you need to be trading at, hunting in the pond becomes a lot more satisfying. + +Happy trading, + +\~ A.G. +Fellow apes, I emailed Vanguard last week to inquire about proxy letters for $GME since I had not yet received mine. Their reponse this morning said proxy materials will be sent out the first week of May. + +So we may have another couple of weeks to buy the dip. + +Also, someone posted a link to Black Rock's site this morning saying they always vote. Here tis: [https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/fact-sheet/blk-responsible-investment-faq-global.pdf](https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/fact-sheet/blk-responsible-investment-faq-global.pdf). + +EDIT: Someone in the comments mentioned Black Rock didn't vote last year. I have not verified. Regardless, their site says "We aim to vote at 100% of meetings where our clients have given us authority to vote their shares, and therefore vote atapproximately 16,000 shareholder meetings in approximately 85 markets each year." + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/09853e44lcu61.jpg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe8a221a98bed3b35b5574a6a8a9f356d2f2257 +Don’t use margin. Don’t gamble more than 10% on shitcoins. + +When it crashes, don’t sell the reds. Buy the fucking dips. + +Spending more time ≠ making more profit. +Stop trading. Technical analysis is an illusion. + +Don’t bug your friends about crypto. Don’t check the charts after waking up. + +If you’re getting excited about coin prices, your life’s getting too boring. + +Did i say don’t use margin? +27y.o. - Conflicted about my current financial situation. Feeling incredibly financially stable but want to make educated decisions about my financial future to retire before 55. + +Would love to house hack but uncertain given real estate market conditions and interest rates in HCOL area. + +What would your next move be? + +Income: 94k - savings rate (25%), 5% 401k cont. (no match) + +Debt: no cc debt, own my car outright, no student loans. Renting a room for $850 in HCOL. + +Cash: 15k + +ESPP: 18k + +401k: 98k + +IRA: 61k +My fiancé and I are very torn between purchasing or renting. We are both fairly young to purchase a home, which is our biggest hesitation (24 & 25). We are both debt free. I currently have $100,000 saved and my fiancé has ~$55,000 with an income of $65,000 a year. The area we are looking is in/around Greenville, SC. It is becoming a very popular place to move/live. My fiancé's family has lived here his whole life, and his parents did something similar to what we are thinking of doing. They bought land a little further out than where most people were living, and now the population has expanded and they have had a great investment. We found a property that has a pretty nice home on it, and is 6 acres. The property mortgage would be ~$1,300 a month. The places we are looking to rent are ~$2,000 a month (we have a dog and there are less places that accept pets). + +We both feel it would be a better investment to buy land and live in the home on it, then one day build our own house on the property. We are also both terrified of taking out a mortgage or being in debt. I feel making payments towards something we can own in an area that is only increasing in demand for properties is wiser than making payments for rent which we will never own. Thanks for any advice or directions! +I’m pretty clueless when it comes to financial things. I’m in my early 20’s and want to do what’s best for my future finances. Can someone please explain the difference between a Roth 401k and a Roth IRA. Also which is better? How do you go about getting one? +I'm currently addicted to smoking weed (Im not here to debate the addictiveness of weed) +Unemployed and socially retarded, or just a bit of ass-burgers. +Terrible spending habbits and feelings of grandiosity. + +I fully beleive that money amplifies a persons character, and all I know is I am characteristically unworth of an inherentance, especially from a relative I met once when I was a kid. +First and foremost I know that it wont take me long to spend every cent on weed, drugs alcohol and clubbing. +The numbers my family is putting forth are just under a million dollars per neice/nephew. Which is more money than I ever planned on beung responsoble for, infact I always feared being rich because I knew how stupidly I spent money. + +I need some solid advice to help me from allowing myself to inevidably overdose and end up homeless and twice and neurotic as I am now, within a year. Therapy to deal with my character flaws would probably help. Other than that I still want to get a job to earn my bread and not depend on it since it wont last forever. +The only thing I'm good at is art, part of me is fully aware a career in art will absolutely never yeild funds to buy a house formyself, do I buy a house and save the rest, maybe see a therapist or go to rehab? Or do I go straight to rehab and put the money somehwere where I cant touch it untill im better? + +(Edit: thank you all for your comments and wisdom. I will seek more guidance from an attourney or financial advisor to set up a trust while also exploring paths of recovery for weed addiction. +Also; when it comes around to it, I'll come back to this subreddit and add a part 2 if I can remember. It's the least I can do for all the advice y'all have shared with me) +32/m just ended 6 year relationship with my 27/f +I’m a truck driver, she works for a college. +When we split she stayed with her parents. While we were together we created a payment plan to continue paying off her debt. +I do care about her, and I know that on her salary she is going to be struggling. She made some bad financial choices when she was in college, but she has been doing really great in the last 3 years of our relationship. +At the moment I have few expenses, I have an emergency fund (thanks Dave Ramsay). So overall I’m pretty set. I know I’ll get a lot of naysayers. To be clear... her and I split because of the logistics of things I’m literally on the other side of the world. Neither one of us wants to give up our jobs, and yes we may come back together but for now it won’t work. +Thoughts? +One of the things about the personal finance and early retirement community is...well, keeping cash. Yes, your purchasing power diminishes over the years due to inflation. Cash doesn't make money. Cash needs to be invested, not kept. + +We take a different route - we have nearly four years of living expenses in an Ally savings account that, at the moment, is making about 1.8% interest. Hardly the gains of the stock market, but we're also setting ourselves up to use that cash once the market flips, avoiding a sell-off of stocks in a down market. + +Are you guys/gals cash hoarders, too? If so, how many years of living expenses do you have? + +P.S.: That cash in Ally isn't our only stash. The majority of our net worth is in investments. +STOP POSTING MUSK BS. No one cares. and it is not good for business + + +Asking billionaires for there opinion is the same cult of personality that every other industry falls in to. +Stop it. + + +Stay humble . +Stack sats. +Live a good life. +Holder here, not a trader — Would appreciate some veteran points of view: + +Assuming around August 1st if mayhem breaks out (Not saying it will! NOT trying to FUD! Just trying to consider all scenarios!) what are some trading strategies or tips to spot a bottom in the unique event of a fork? Given the significance of the August 1 date, I’m assuming normal TA rules will not apply. + +I’m largely in fiat right now and banking on a drop in the price of ETH to scoop up some more and want to make sure I’m making a smart buy nearish the bottom. I am completely aware that this may not happen and the complete opposite is entirely possible, but in the event that the price of ETH does start to drop (and given the “unique” scenario of the bitcoin fork) what are some tips or methods I can use to spot a bottom? What would you do? +http://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/6nirat/eea3/ + + +Direct pic: https://i.redd.it/kk7z0h0x0u9z.png + + +>its legit. i know someone who's company got accepted into EEA and this is one of the emails she received. + + +I've been asked to post this, but if you are selling, worth waiting for an extra day just in case. +My mom and I had been fighting about credit cards. After seeing the debt that she and my dad are in, I want nothing to do with them. But I do need to build credit. Against my wishes, she secretly opened up a Southwest Visa in my name. After the initial blow up, I asked her to tell me about annual fees, interest rates, etc, which she knew nothing about. Now I want in closed asap but she still insists I have one because I am moving to Asia/Europe for a few years in the Fall. + +I (unlike her) did some research and found a good card with no annual fee and free international transactions (plus I don't want my rewards in the form of points for a strictly domestic airline when I'm about to leave the country). + +My question is this: Should I close the Southwest card asap? Right after I open the new one? Should I use it and pay it off first? Would it be better to keep it open but never use it? What is the best way to get out of this Southwest card and do as little damage to my credit as possible while still being approved for the new one? +We see a few r/investing members getting caught in these type of scams every month, I hope this AMA serves as an important lesson and gives you insight into how this game works. + +Back in the late 90's I was your typical university student, I was already involved in the stock market, mostly airline stocks for some reason (word of advice, airline stocks are the walking dead of the stock market world, they all going bankrupt at some point! lol). + +I can't remember if it was on the Yahoo boards, but some person was asking if anybody could design a website. I was proficient with notepad and html, so I replied back to the guy that I could make him a site for a few hundred bucks. Being a student, this would go a long way in topping up my gas tank and paying for a few drinks at the bar that weekend. + +He accepted my offer and I whipped up a very simply one page site on some free hosting service, I think it was geocities (remember that?). + +The site was about mining stocks, which were all the rage in the mid 90's because of a company called [Bre-X](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bre-X). That in itself is another amazing story that we should discuss at some time. + +I got paid for the site and then got a small monthly fee to keep it updated with what ever material he would send me, usually press releases on the four to five companies on the site. I never gave it much thought, I had no interest or knowledge about mining companies. + +The next request I got from him was to start a newsletter so that people that visited the site could enter their email and we could send out email alerts rather than wait for them to come see news on the site. This was a new and great idea at time! He was not very computer savvy so he would send me the newsletter and ask me to send it out. + +The guy was a terrible writer, lots of spelling mistakes, bad punctuation and horrible grammar. I felt bad sending out his newsletters without fixing them up first, so I started editing his material. + +Before I knew it, I was writing newsletter on mining stocks, thus began my journey into the world of penny stock promotions! + +While my activities were limited to updating a website and writing or re-distributing material for clients, I did get to see how some major IR firms (investor relations firms for penny stocks are basically the promoters, I use these terms interchangeably) operate. And yes, it's worse than you thought! + +By the late 90's and early 2000 I was mostly out of the penny stock business, the tech bubble had begun and I had moved onto large caps at that point. + +Have you wondered why or how these small caps pop and drop? + +Have you ever received some mailer with information on a stock that looked too good to be true? + +I am here to answer your questions about the shady and moldy underbelly of the small cap markets! AMA! + +----------------------- + +**Stories you need to read:** + +* How a [completely legitimate company can get smacked down to zero](http://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/158vi7/i_used_to_be_a_penny_stock_promoter_in_the_late/c7kc7jh). The moral of the story is that no matter how much research you think have may have done, it will make no difference. If one big shareholder decides to dump, the whole ship is going down. + +* Manipulating chat boards, the [bucket shop](http://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/158vi7/i_used_to_be_a_penny_stock_promoter_in_the_late/c7kgpfu). Added additional paragraph, forgot to mention how they get compensated. + +* [Commonly asked questions about penny stocks](http://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/158vi7/i_used_to_be_a_penny_stock_promoter_in_the_late/c7kgbb5). + +* nathanyvr explains the process by which a [company goes public by reverse merging with a public shell](http://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/158vi7/i_used_to_be_a_penny_stock_promoter_in_the_late/c7knz8d) and proceeds to hose the investors. + +* Currently the editor at http://www.hotstockmarket.com + +---------------------- + +Rehashing this old piece for the bitcoin crowd, I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of what I covered here. + +Watch for plenty of new small cap (penny stock) companies to be issuing bitcoin related news items to try attract attention. Same old story, new players. +Hi, hoping on opinions on a portfolio I've developed (with the help of a fee-only financial adviser). Canadian resident. Not sure I'll live here forever, considering living abroad and will be travelling a lot. Money is mostly from an inheritance. Long post ahead but I appreciate any help. + +I'm a bit torn on how big of an equity allocation I should have. On one hand, considering my young age and low WR (about 0.5% currently, will probably creep up to about 1%) I could probably justify being very aggressive (\~80-90% equities), but on the other hand I'm not sure how much I really have to gain considering I'm already financially secure, and I don't think I'd be comfortable with a 40%+ drawdown. For this reason I've decided to go for a bit more of a wealth preservation route while still allowing for growth and am 60% equities (counting REITs as equities). I think if the markets had a large crash (>30%) I'd consider moving some of the long term treasuries into equities for a 70% equity position. + +**Stocks - 50% (6M)** + +**20% VTI** (All cap US ETF) + +**10% VCN.TO** (All Cap Canadian Stock Market) + +**10%** **VDY.TO** (Canadian Dividend Stock ETF) + +**5% VEA** (Developed International) + +**5% VWO** (Emerging Markets) + +Highest MER is .22 and Collective MER is .085%. I'm over weighting Canada (and even more heavily overweighting dividend stocks) as there are significant tax benefits for canadian qualified dividends, and less currency risk. This would leave me quite weighted in the Canadian Financial sector which worries me a bit, but with the current yields they pay and the qualified dividend tax benefits, it feels justified. My marginal tax rate on Canadian dividends will be roughly \~18%, whereas on US dividends, when including 15% withholding, the marginal tax rate is >50%. + +**Fixed Income/Cash - 30%** + +**5%** **ZAG.TO** (Canadian Bond Market ETF) + +**5% LQD** (Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF) + +**15% VGLT** (20+ yr Long Term US Treasuries) + +**5% Cash** (Short term money markets, tangerine at 2.75% for 6 month promotion then schwabb after) + +Low MERs a priority, any reason to complicate this more? Gives me exposure to Canadian bonds, corportate bonds, and a large portion of US 20+ year treasuries which seem to correlate low with the US stock market (a positive). Large cash position because the yields are quite comparable to bonds/GICs and the liquidity is nice. I've considered TIPs for more inflation protection but gold/commodities may be better as an inflation hedge? + +**Alternatives - 20%** + +**10% VNQ** (Vanguard Total REITs), + +**5% VCMDX** (Commodities) + +**5% Gold** (SPDR Gold Trust Shares) + +I used to be against gold/commodities (no real return etc.) but after speaking to a few financial advisors I've been convinced to include a small holding of each to reduce volatility. If my returns lag the equities markets a bit but I reduce my volatility by holding them then I'm on board. + +I don't currently own a house, but am considering it. Even if I travel a lot I wouldn't mind having a home base, but I don't like the idea of buying a condo (not as much appreciation, condo fees, special assessments, etc.) and a house to live inner-city would be quite expensive around 2M. In Canada you cannot write mortgage interest off against earnings so there isn't much of a tax benefit there. However primary residence have 0 tax on earnings if I were to resell in the future. Still deciding on this, if I do decide to purchase I'll probably reduce my REIT, and canadian equity positions a bit to pay for the down payment. + +I do think I want to work at some point, but with only 5 years of corporate work experience its feeling hard to justify spending 50+ hours a week for a yearly salary that would be less than 1% of my portfolio (im a mechanical engineer, only \~80k/yr). Work currently isn't very fulfilling. I'm considering aiming for an MBA at an M7 school (already have the GPA+GMAT score for a competitive admission) and then hoping to find a way to make decent money while working \~20 hours/week online, but maybe that's a bit of a pipe dream. Regardless, for the portfolios sake, assume I have no other income for the rest of my life and am FIRE. + +**Critique away please,** I'm not overly attached to any element of the portfolio so if I am making any major asset allocation errors then feel free to let me know. +Curious if anyone has dealt with a similar situation: + +I want my partner to feel like she has input/control of where she lives. I'm currently looking for homes to purchase and since the market is competitive a cash offer is the way to go. I have the cash to purchase a home in the city we live (700-900k). We're not married yet so all the risk will be on me. She only focuses on the home's location and style while I'm ALSO concerned about upkeep costs and resale. + +I recently passed on a house she loved in a perfect location since it was built in 1929 and hadn't been kept up consistently over the years. Think multiple half-assed renovations...just a nightmare. She's upset since she feels like she has no control over where she will likely live for 3-5 years. + +I should mention she left her consulting job to do her own thing. She has zero income right now. (she's very talented so her income will come back) + +Edit: She wouldn't be on the deed. + +Edit: This has received more attention than expected. Many shared opinions including some who told me I suck and she should leave me. :( Anyways, I sat down with her last night and really got to the bottom of it...home buying can be very exciting and emotional. When we stared the hunt I had asked her to be fully involved as if we were buying a house together even though I'm the sole buyer. That's where my good intentions went south. Since she's starting a business her time and energy is most valuable. She was wasting time looking at homes online only to have them rejected. In light of this, we decided the best path forward is for her to write down her needs and I'll continue the hunt myself. I'll of course look for homes that fit both of our needs. + +Also, I've gotten a few comments insisting I wait till we're married to pick a home together. We're thinking 3-4 years until we get married due to our life goals. We're absolutely on the same page, don't want to wait 3-4 years before we can get out of a condo. +Good Saturday morning to all of you here on r/stocks. I hope everyone on this sub made out pretty nicely in the market this past week, and is ready for the new trading week ahead. + +Here is everything you need to know to get you ready for the trading week beginning March 29th, 2021. + +# **The end of the quarter could create volatility for markets in the week ahead - [(Source)](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/26/the-end-of-the-quarter-could-create-volatility-for-markets-in-the-week-ahead.html)** +***** +> Stocks could be buffeted by end-of-quarter trading in the week ahead, as pension funds and other big investors buy bonds and sell stocks to rebalance their portfolios. +***** +> The dramatic move higher in bond yields this quarter sets up fund managers to shift their holdings, to make up for the shortfall in bond holdings. +***** +> The focus in the coming week could turn to the overall economy, with the March employment report expected Friday and the White House’s infrastructure plans expected to be unveiled Wednesday. There is also ISM manufacturing data released on Thursday. +***** +> The March jobs report is scheduled for a morning when the stock market is closed for the Good Friday holiday, but bonds will trade half a day, ending at noon. Economists expect 630,000 jobs were added in March, and the unemployment rate fell to 6% from 6.2%, according to Dow Jones. +***** +> President Joe Biden is expected to unveil details of his $3 trillion to $4 trillion infrastructure plan on Wednesday in Pittsburgh, but strategists say it is too soon to say what form the plan could take or how large it will be in its final form. +***** +> Stocks were higher in the past week, while Treasury yields were less volatile. The closely watched 10-year was at 1.67% Friday, down from 1.75% in the prior week. Yields move opposite price, and strategists expect rates to continue to slip in the coming week as investors rebalance their holdings. +***** +> “It’s the last week of the quarter so there could be just a lot of noise related to that,” said Peter Boockvar, chief investment strategist at Bleakley Advisory Group. “Obviously, we’ll be keeping an eye on bonds. The 10-year now seems to be in a range of 1.60% to 1.70%. I think people are just trying to find their footing here. They’re trying to figure it out.” +***** +> Some strategists say the quarter-end trade could end up being positive for stocks, especially big cap tech, since rates have stopped moving higher temporarily. +***** +> Stocks are higher for the quarter so far. The S&P 500 was up 1.6% for the week and up 5.8% for the quarter to date. The Dow was up 1.4% for the week, and has an 8% gain for the first quarter so far. The Nasdaq has been the laggard, falling 0.6% for the week and up 1.9% for the quarter. +***** +> Bonds have staged a much more dramatic move for the quarter with the benchmark 10-year yield rising from 0.93% at the end of last year. +***** +> “It’s in the driver’s seat right now,” said NatWest’s Blake Gwinn of the 10-year yield. The 10-year is the most widely followed yield since it influences mortgages and other key financing rates. +***** +> Gwinn, head of U.S. rates strategy, said he changed his view on the 10-year and he now expects the yield to reach 2% by year-end from 1.75%. But in the near term, he said, the yield could continue to fall as big funds buy Treasurys. Japanese investors are also expected to be active buyers around their year-end, which is Wednesday. +***** +> “If anything, we’re really hoping it continues to push yields a little lower, so it gives us a better spot to get involved in shorts again,” he said. +***** +> # Infrastructure plan +> Gwinn said he is focused on the Biden infrastructure plan and does not believe it is yet priced into the market. The $1.9 trillion fiscal plan, just signed by the president, was one driver of bond yields, as investors weighed the anticipated bump in economic activity and higher debt levels it will bring. +***** +> “The Biden plan to me is the biggest risk for the Treasury market right now. I don’t have what is the full Biden plan happening this year priced in to my ... forecast,” he said. “If all of a sudden we start moving quickly on that, and that starts coming together in Q2, I’m going to have to reconsider my 2% target.” +***** +> Gwinn said the market has “fiscal fatigue.” +***** +> “There’s a lot of doubt and uncertainty about how it’s going to be passed, when it’s going to be passed and whether it’s going to be passed ... It’s not tangible enough,” he said. +***** +> The plan is expected to span multiple years, and Democrats are expected to seek tax hikes to pay for it. +***** +> # Rotation +> The rotation into cyclicals and value stocks is expected to continue into the next quarter. For the first quarter so far, energy and financials were the best performers, up about 33% and 16.5% respectively. Tech was up 1.7%, but it was a better performer than utilities and consumer staples. +***** +> “I think certain parts of the market have plenty of upside but part of that may come at the expense of the growth stocks,” said Dan Suzuki, deputy CIO at Richard Bernstein Advisors. He also expects growth stocks to continue to react negatively to rising interest rates and positively when they fall. That trade decoupled somewhat in the past week. +***** +> “It’s not going to match one for one with every wiggle,” he said. “I think the basis behind it is real. If you think rates are going to get up to 2% by the end of the year, that’s really bad for expensive high-growth names. The markets care less about absolute levels and more about direction. The higher rates go, the worse it is for high multiple stocks.” +***** +> Suzuki said the rise in rates is knocking some of the froth out of the market. The stocks of special purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, had been jumping on their first days of trading in February, averaging more than 5% gains, and saw no gain in March, according to data from a University of Florida finance professor. +***** +> “As we’re seeing the economy get better and better at an incredible fast rate, especially when you add on stimulus, you have companies that are going to benefit most from that acceleration, that are going to be up 2X, 3X plus,” he said. “To their credit, those high multiple growth stocks were so resilient last year ... Tech earnings growth is coming in at mid-teens next year, but again, the more cyclical parts of the economy — energy, materials, industrials, small caps, they’re going to put up much stronger earnings growth this year as a result of the recovery. +***** + +# **This past week saw the following moves in the S&P:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL S&P TREE MAP FOR THE PAST WEEK!](https://i.imgur.com/vO6bgbd.png))** + +# **S&P Sectors for this past week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE S&P SECTORS FOR THE PAST WEEK!](https://i.imgur.com/DHyy0jK.png))** + +# **Major Indices for this past week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MAJOR INDICES FOR THE PAST WEEK!](https://i.imgur.com/r9toVhW.png))** + +# **Major Futures Markets as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MAJOR FUTURES INDICES AS OF FRIDAY!](https://i.imgur.com/WsvEjsM.png))** + +# **Economic Calendar for the Week Ahead:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ECONOMIC CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK AHEAD!](https://i.imgur.com/Yifrz8S.png))** + +# **Percentage Changes for the Major Indices, WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/ciosFuJ.png))** + +# **S&P Sectors for the Past Week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/mlnREkj.png))** + +# **Major Indices Pullback/Correction Levels as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/CtwxDvI.png))** + +# **Major Indices Rally Levels as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/DIpCmjL.png))** + +# **Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for this week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/a57hPvk.png))** + +# **Here are the upcoming IPO's for this week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/up2SDlt.png))** + +# **Friday's Stock Analyst Upgrades & Downgrades:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART LINK #1!](https://i.imgur.com/16Psc5m.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART LINK #2!](https://i.imgur.com/TSJJQus.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART LINK #3!](https://i.imgur.com/pLkbs1k.png))** + +***** + +> # April Almanac: Top DJIA Month – Up 15 in a Row + +> April marks the end of the “Best Six Months” for DJIA and the S&P 500. The window for our seasonal MACD sell signal opens on April 1st. From our Seasonal MACD Buy Signal on November 5, 2020 through yesterday’s close, DJIA was up 16.3% and S&P 500 had advanced 13.2%. These above average gains are encouraging and suggests seasonality is back on track after getting derailed by Covid-19 last year. + +> April 1999 was the first month to gain 1000 DJIA points. However, from 2000 to 2005, “Tax” month was hit, declining in four of six years. Since 2006, April has been up fifteen years in a row with an average gain of 2.9% to reclaim its position as the best DJIA month since 1950. April is second best for S&P and fourth best for NASDAQ (since 1971). + +> The first half of April used to outperform the second half, but since 1994 that has no longer been the case. The effect of April 15 Tax Deadline (moved to May 17 for 2021) appears to be diminished with numerous bullish days present on either side of the day. Traders and investors are clearly focused on first quarter earnings and guidance during April. + +> This year, guidance is likely to be the greatest focus as the economy continues to reopen. Traders and investors will likely be looking for signs that “work-from-home” stocks can continue to grow and signs that leisure, hospitality, and travel are rebounding. + +> Typical post-election year blues have done little to damper April’s performance since 1953. April is DJIA’s second best month in post-election years, gaining 1.9% on average. April is fourth best for S&P 500 and NASDAQ. Although post-election year 2005 did suffer a 3% DJIA decline. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9044f7ae02c5c0f0137bff0911ef7cb6/1367b75d549eb11f-fe/s400x600/d969c7c83e5a15cfb4c671e0a9ca959aa6c9fc54.jpg))** + +***** + +> # Historic Year for the S&P 500 + +> Tomorrow will mark the one-year anniversary of the S&P 500's closing low from the COVID crash, and for most stocks in the index, it has been a historic year. Within the S&P 500, stocks in the index are up an average of 104.22% through Friday's close, and just three stocks - all from the Health Care sector - are actually lower. Leading the losers, Gilead (GILD) has declined over 10%. Recall that GILD performed well during the initial stages of the pandemic on the promising results of its drug Remdesivir in treating COVID patients, but once the market started to rally, it was left behind. + +> The table below lists the top 25 performing stocks in the S&P 500 since the closing low on 3/23/20. Topping the list with a gargantuan gain of 763% is ViacomCBS (VIAC). After trading below $12 per share last March, the stock is close to triple-digits today. Behind VIAC, Tesla (TSLA), L Brands (LB), Etsy (ETSY), and Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) round out the top five, and all have gained in excess of 500%. Interestingly enough, despite the strength of the sector for what seems like years now, the only stock on the list from the Technology sector is Enphase Energy (ENPH). In fact, after ENPH, you have to go all the way down to the 53rd spot to find the next stock from the Technology sector (Applied Materials - AMAT, +186%). + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://media.bespokepremium.com/uploads/2021/03/032221-best-stocks1.png))** + +> Leading the way higher, stocks in the Consumer Discretionary and Energy sectors are both up an average of over 150%, while Consumer Staples and Utilities are the only two sectors where each one's components are up an average of less than 50%. Just to the right of the S&P 500 in the chart below is the Technology sector which is one of five sectors where the average performance of its components is less than 100%. A gain of 96.1% in a year is nothing to sneeze at in any market environment, but just the fact that the average performance of stocks in the Technology sector since the March lows is now lower than the average of the S&P 500 illustrates the shift we have seen since the sector's peak relative strength last fall. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://media.bespokepremium.com/uploads/2021/03/032221-Sector-table.png))** + +***** + +> # The Big Winner of the Past Year: Commodities + +> It has been just over a year since the S&P 500 Index bottomed on March 23, 2020, and while global stock markets have provided historic returns since the low, the biggest winners come from a completely different asset class: commodities. As global activity quickly ground to a halt, commodity prices plummeted, with oil prices even trading for a negative value for the first time in history. + +> Since March 23, 2020, commodity markets have roared back as the global economy has emerged from the shadow of COVID-19. As shown in the LPL Chart of the day, oil and lumber prices have more than doubled off the lows, while copper prices have pulled back a bit after reaching that feat back in February: + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i0.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/3.25.21-Blog-Chart-1.png?ssl=1))** + +> “After likely their worst period in history, although I wasn’t around for the bubonic plague so I can’t be certain, commodity prices have roared back as the global economy continues to wake up,” added LPL Financial Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick. “The US and China are well ahead of other nations in terms of economy activity and output, so as the rest of the world plays catch up, we wouldn’t be surprised to see commodities rise even further.” + +> The emergence from lockdowns and subsequent increase in activity has boosted prices from the outright deflationary environment we saw last spring, to a more reflationary environment in recent months, and this has pulled commodity prices along with it. The commodity market’s top performer, lumber, has seen a particular boom in prices as the “stay at home environment” benefitted the housing market, leading to all-time highs in housing starts in December—even surpassing the high water mark set before the pandemic began. Adding to the fervor, mortgage rates continued to set record lows, falling as low as 2.82%, according to the Bankrate 30-year national average. + +> We upgraded our view on oil in our January Global Portfolio Strategy publication, as strong technical factors favored prices to accelerate higher. Further, oil prices have continue to benefit from a favorable supply environment, with OPEC+ maintaining output until global demand rises, though the risk of a global increase in production at higher prices remains a risk to our view. + +***** + +> # Mean Reversion After Biggest 1-Year Spike Since 1949? + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5689a720ed84d38815a99feebc905f12/e0f60c4ce9518235-5d/s500x750/0ac0150b41e963199a102d356909aac776eb265d.jpg))** + +> Lots of chatter out there about the giant 1-year gain of 75% on the S&P 500 from the March 23, 2020 low – actually it’s 74.78%. It may very well be the beginning of a new bull market, but that does not mean (pun intended) that we should expect gains like these moving forward. + +> We ran the numbers on the 1-year rolling returns for the S&P 500 back to 1949 and while these giant spikes do come at the early stages of extended bull runs gains of this magnitude have not been sustained and the market has tended to revert to the mean. The arithmetic mean or average rolling 1-year return since 1949 is 9.15%, which isn’t bad either. + +> With lingering pandemic/vaccine and political and geopolitical issues, all the noise from the Fed and the bond market, Robinhood and Reddit stock pumping, rich valuations, teetering internals, extended technicals – and the end of the Best Six Months November-April on the horizon, it is not inconceivable to expect the market to consolidate over the Worst Six Months May-October (AKA “Sell in May”). + +> Last time we had a 1-year rolling return of this magnitude in 2010 when the S&P was up 68.57% on March 9, 2010 from the March 9, 2009 secular bear market low we had a 10.34% correction to the July 2, 2010 low and a 15.75% rolling 1-year return from March 9, 2010 to March 9, 2011. And let’s not forget the May 6, 2010 flash crash. So while we are by no means “bearish” perhaps a little caution and portfolio defense in the near future is not a crazy idea. + +***** + +# **STOCK MARKET VIDEO: Stock Market Analysis Video for Week Ending March 26th, 2021** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!]())** +(VIDEO NOT YET POSTED.) + +# **STOCK MARKET VIDEO: ShadowTrader Video Weekly 3.28.21** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!]())** +(VIDEO NOT YET POSTED.) + +***** + +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR NEXT WEEK'S MOST NOTABLE EARNINGS RELEASES!](https://i.imgur.com/a57hPvk.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR NEXT WEEK'S HIGHEST VOLATILITY EARNINGS RELEASES!](https://i.imgur.com/7ZBW7kO.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MOST ANTICIPATED EARNINGS RELEASES BEFORE MONDAY'S MARKET OPEN!]())** +(N/A.) + +***** + +Below are some of the notable companies coming out with earnings releases this upcoming trading week ahead which includes the date/time of release & consensus estimates courtesy of Earnings Whispers: + +***** + +> # ***Monday 3.29.21 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR MONDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/KCFoZ0p.png)) + +> # ***Monday 3.29.21 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR MONDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES LINK!](https://i.imgur.com/A79uQcQ.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Tuesday 3.30.21 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR TUESDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/JTM92oZ.png)) + +> # ***Tuesday 3.30.21 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR TUESDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/CO3uIVi.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Wednesday 3.31.21 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR WEDNESDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/T13r2c7.png)) + +> # ***Wednesday 3.31.21 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR WEDNESDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/4o0Mk0k.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Thursday 4.1.21 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR THURSDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/EE7bg7B.png)) + +> # ***Thursday 4.1.21 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR THURSDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/SWonNMB.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Friday 4.2.21 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +(NONE.) + +***** + +> # ***Friday 4.2.21 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +(NONE.) + +***** + +> # BlackBerry Limited $9.63 +**BlackBerry Limited (BB)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 5:05 PM ET on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.03 per share on revenue of $246.36 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.05 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 68% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 66.67% with revenue decreasing by 12.64%. Short interest has increased by 27.2% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 23.0% from its open following the earnings release to be 35.2% above its 200 day moving average of $7.12. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Tuesday, March 23, 2021 there was some notable buying of 5,536 contracts of the $11.00 call expiring on Thursday, April 1, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 11.0% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 12.0% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=BB&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Micron Technology, Inc. $87.99 +**Micron Technology, Inc. (MU)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:00 PM ET on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.96 per share on revenue of $6.20 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.00 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 77% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for earnings of $0.68 to $0.82 per share. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 113.33% with revenue increasing by 29.25%. Short interest has decreased by 26.1% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 6.6% from its open following the earnings release to be 40.1% above its 200 day moving average of $62.82. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Tuesday, March 16, 2021 there was some notable buying of 13,152 contracts of the $90.00 call expiring on Friday, July 16, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 3.7% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 5.6% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=MU&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Chewy, Inc. $78.66 +**Chewy, Inc. (CHWY)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:10 PM ET on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.09 per share on revenue of $1.96 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.02) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 74% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 40.00% with revenue increasing by 44.70%. Short interest has decreased by 16.8% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 0.8% from its open following the earnings release to be 8.9% above its 200 day moving average of $72.21. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Friday, March 26, 2021 there was some notable buying of 12,124 contracts of the $75.00 put expiring on Friday, April 16, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 6.3% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 5.7% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=CHWY&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # lululemon athletica inc. $314.00 +**lululemon athletica inc. (LULU)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:05 PM ET on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. The consensus earnings estimate is $2.49 per share on revenue of $1.66 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $2.59 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 79% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 9.21% with revenue increasing by 18.78%. Short interest has increased by 31.2% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 14.3% from its open following the earnings release to be 8.1% below its 200 day moving average of $341.55. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Friday, March 26, 2021 there was some notable buying of 1,135 contracts of the $340.00 call expiring on Thursday, April 1, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 3.8% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 5.9% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=LULU&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # BioNTech SE $95.76 +**BioNTech SE (BNTX)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:15 AM ET on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.18 per share on revenue of $226.94 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.23) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 69% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 37.93% with revenue increasing by 632.09%. Short interest has decreased by 41.5% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 12.9% from its open following the earnings release to be 8.0% above its 200 day moving average of $88.65. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 there was some notable buying of 1,006 contracts of the $135.00 call expiring on Friday, April 30, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 3.6% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 4.9% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=BNTX&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc $52.03 +**Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc (WBA)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:00 AM ET on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.14 per share on revenue of $35.48 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.27 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 53% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 25.00% with revenue decreasing by 0.95%. Short interest has decreased by 21.7% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 18.1% from its open following the earnings release to be 23.5% above its 200 day moving average of $42.12. Overall earnings estimates have been unchanged since the company's last earnings release. On Wednesday, March 24, 2021 there was some notable buying of 2,558 contracts of the $57.50 call expiring on Friday, May 21, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 3.3% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 5.1% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=WBA&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Kandi Technolgies $5.93 +**Kandi Technolgies (KNDI)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:30 AM ET on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.08 per share on revenue of $33.10 million. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 65% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 42.86% with revenue decreasing by 46.47%. Short interest has increased by 18.0% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 34.3% from its open following the earnings release to be 17.7% below its 200 day moving average of $7.21. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Friday, March 12, 2021 there was some notable buying of 6,400 contracts of the $5.00 put expiring on Friday, April 16, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 21.2% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 5.3% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=KNDI&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # CarMax, Inc. $133.81 +**CarMax, Inc. (KMX)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 6:50 AM ET on Thursday, April 1, 2021. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.27 per share on revenue of $5.15 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.51 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 58% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 2.31% with revenue increasing by 3.78%. Short interest has decreased by 45.9% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 38.5% from its open following the earnings release to be 29.8% above its 200 day moving average of $103.11. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Wednesday, March 24, 2021 there was some notable buying of 1,123 contracts of the $132.00 call expiring on Thursday, April 1, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 4.1% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 6.0% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=KMX&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # McCormick & Company, Incorporated $90.21 +**McCormick & Company, Incorporated (MKC)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 6:30 AM ET on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.57 per share on revenue of $1.37 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.59 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 49% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 47.22% with revenue increasing by 13.04%. Short interest has increased by 12.2% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 0.9% from its open following the earnings release to be 2.9% below its 200 day moving average of $92.92. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 4.2% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 3.6% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=MKC&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# DISCUSS! + +What are you all watching for in this upcoming trading week? + +***** + +I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead r/stocks. +"Square is acquiring a majority ownership stake in TIDAL through a new joint venture, with the original artists becoming the second largest group of shareholders, and JAY-Z joining the Square board. Why would a music streaming company and a financial services company join forces?!? + +It comes down to a simple idea: finding new ways for artists to support their work. New ideas are found at the intersections, and we believe there’s a compelling one between music and the economy. Making the economy work for artists is similar to what Square has done for sellers." + +-[JACK](https://twitter.com/jack/status/1367460907958243328) +Let me preface by saying that I’m new to investing (I have only been doing it for about half a year). + +In only a year the stock has basically halved in price and is at the lowest point it’s ever been on the market. The company is also expected to increase its earning as well, I believe so I think it’s quite undervalued. + +But is this too risky considering how the CCP is tightening its grip over Chinese companies and how Alibaba recently got hit with a multi-billion dollar fine? Will this stock get delisted? Is Tencent a better option? + +Thanks for any replies! +...and instead of spending $15bn+ a year on content, everyone just uploads it to their platform for free. + +&#x200B; + +I don't love Facebook, but the business model is just absolutely insane. Is the threat of regulation the only thing holding the stock back? + +&#x200B; + +Source: [https://www.chartr.co/newsletters/facebook-vs-netflix](https://www.chartr.co/newsletters/facebook-vs-netflix) +> First-time claims for unemployment insurance last fell below 1 million for the first time since March 21 in a sign that the labor market is recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. + +> The total claims of 963,000 was well below the estimate of 1.1 million from economists surveyed by Dow Jones. +32M here. I’m a doctor, I own my own practice. In the last 2 years I’ve invested $600k of my blood sweat and tears and have doubled it to $1.2M. I currently have $500k in student debt which is about to start being paid back when the student loan freeze is over end of January 2022. Even with the student debt accounted for I have a net worth of about $1.5M due to equity value of my practice and other assets. + +FatFire is in my heart. I cannot wait until age 60 or even 50. My goal is to have the option to retire or just work for fun by age 40. My arbitrary dream number is to have $10M in invested assets by that age. + +I need to decide soon if I am to just refinance around 3% and pay off over 10-15 years and keep investing strong or just pay off aggressively over the next 1-2 years. The former option is gonna require me to grow the thickness of my stomach lining, but it gives me more time in the market to keep growing. The latter, although could lead to mental calmness, leaves me out of the market or other investing opportunities for almost 2 years. + +Another option is to just sell some stocks and pay off the debt and start investing again. I want to avoid this option as much as possible. What are some other ways to pay down the debt? My Cpa says I can create a c Corp for my business and make a brokerage account and invest all my profits in there. As long as I don’t take the money out then the money out in can keep growing while saving an extra 10% in taxes. I was thinking to grow that brokerage account large enough where I can borrow against it and pay off the student loans then pay back the brokerage whilst also writing off the interest on the loan since it is a business loan. Thoughts? + +I am very thankful to be in my position and realize these are probably champagne problems. I just feel I have sacrificed so much to get to this moment in time that I feel bad just throwing away my income towards student debt. My Cpa even told me no banks card about student debt, it’s the least of their concerns. Even with that much debt banks will be lining out the door to finance me whatever I want. + +I’m not the Dave Ramsey type of person +The financial goal of FI and/or retirement is to be able to live off your investments. But what does that mean to you? Is it simply living off of dividends and interest? Planning to sell assets as they grow in value to fund life? A combo of both? +Hey everyone, I upped my charts to now include sentiments and each mention also include comments now. What's sentiment? It varies from person to person but my parameters are +100% or -100% and of course in between. I then do some third-grade math and find the weighted average. The higher the percent, the more positive, the ones around 50% are more neutral and followed by negative. I think I'm going to do this every Thursday for this group, I'll try for Mondays but no guarantees. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mgtoywq1tun61.png?width=1702&format=png&auto=webp&s=af7fe2d494830304928b16de301c330b9939934b + +Remember this is just Data and you should always do your own research as well. +So i pay all my bills weekly, whether the item be weekly, monthly, quarterly, 6 monthly or yearly, so i know at the bare minimum i need to make $670 a week, and i make about $750 to $850 a week. + +&#x200B; + +I am in a sales job, so 7 day roster ( i know sell more earn more which im always working on) but i feel i need about an extra $200 in savings, $300 towards paying off extra debt, so $500 a week. + +&#x200B; + +I dont want to just pay bills... i have been doing that for a number of years, the job i am in i love and always working on sales to earn more, so should i get a second job, look at doing something online in the spare time ? +What is Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain? + +Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a type of digital currency that is “mined” using computers. These computers use time and energy to decipher algorithms which lead to coins circulating into the currency. Some types of coins, like Bitcoin have a fixed number of coins that can ever be mined while others are limitless. As more coins are mined, the next coin becomes harder to mine, and it will take more computer power to find. + +Blockchain is a new technology that has come from Bitcoin and it is essentially a record of transactions of every bitcoin. This list of transactions is an evolving record and is added to simultaneously with any transaction. This means that anyone can see any transaction. The value of this technology is that it is decentralized, and no one really controls it. There is nobody to profit on the movement of value and it should create a more efficient market. However, central banks and financial institutions around the globe are beginning to develop their own technology. It will help these institutions become more efficient, and they hope to better serve their clients. + +Why I am not investing + +Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrencies are a bubble. Because of this, I will not invest in them. The long-term outlook of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies does not seem great to me, and I will explain why. + +The Anatomy of a Bubble + +According to James Montier, in his article Behavioral Investing: A Practioner’s Guide to Applying Behavioral Finance, there are five stages of a bubble, and I believe we are currently in the third stage. The five stages are: displacement, credit creation, euphoria, financial distress, and revulsion. + +Displacement + +Displacement is a market reaction that creates profitability in one area, while shutting down profitability in other areas. Now, this does not have to actually occur to begin a bubble. The perceived idea that it will occur in the future is what starts the bubble. The Dot Com bubble started because the internet was going to revolutionize the way that people do business. The same can be said for Bitcoin. It may one day revolutionize the way people exchange money, but how? Like the Dot Com bubble, investors are throwing money into cryptocurrencies without really knowing the magnitude of change it will create. + +Along the lines of not knowing the magnitude of change is the fact that these currencies are unregulated. At any time one government or another can setup laws that either hurt the viability of the currency, or outright ban it. A popular conception of cryptocurrencies is that they are used to exchange money without any government intervention or insight. They are used to launder money or exchange illegal goods on a black market behind the backs of regulators and law enforcement. All it will take is enough bad press of the currency for law makers to act on it. When ransomware thieves around the globe are asking to be paid in Bitcoin, politicians will eventually denounce the currency to win more votes. + +Credit Creation + +This stage of the bubble is formed when there is monetary expansion and/or credit creation. This fuels the fire, and causes the bubble to inflate. As more money is thrown into the asset, prices go up. As prices go up, it fuels even more expansion because people are seeing great returns and want to get in on the action. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. + +Currently, United States investment assets are inflated, especially in the bond market (read “Unintended Consequences of Easy Monetary Policy“). Highly liquid markets fuel asset bubbles, and in this case, they are also fueling Bitcoin. As investors have more money to invest, they need to figure out where to put it. If they cannot find an asset that looks great because valuations are so high, they turn and look at Bitcoin and think “Wow it has returned 2, 3, 400%, I want in!” This in turn raises Bitcoin prices and makes another investor put their money in too. This is the self-fulfilling prophecy. Investors perceive the asset as being a good investment when really it just the demand for the asset pushing prices up, not value. + +Euphoria + +Euphoria is the third stage of the bubble, and I believe Bitcoin is in this stage. This stage is when the returns of the asset are so great that people invest because of the fear of missing out. Their friends tell them that they made all of this money in Bitcoin, they see charts popping up on their newsfeeds that say “If you invested $10k 7 years ago, you would have over $700 million…” This inflates the bubble. People see these images and get upset that they have not already invested. $10k into $700 Million? Who doesn’t want a piece of that action? + +Another euphoric characteristic of cryptocurrencies is that every company seems to want their own. Companies are having ICOs, or initial coin offerings, where they start their own cryptocurrency and raise money through the offerings. Burger King released a version of cryptocurrency called the WhopperCoin. This is just like the Dot Com bubble. “Companies” opened a website and went public. Investors threw cash at them simply because they had a website. The same is happening with these ICOs. Investors are throwing cash everywhere with the hope that one of them will be the next Bitcoin and turn their $10k into $700 million. + +Financial Distress and Revulsion + +These are the last two stages of a bubble. Financial Distress is characterized as insiders see the end is near, and they start to get out. They sell their shares because they know they are not sustainable, and that share prices are going to fall. I am not aware of insiders of Bitcoin, but eventually people are going to cash out, and it is going to cause enough damage to scare everyone out of it. This will cause a spillover into the other types of cryptocurrency, and only the very strong will be able to survive. + +Revulsion is when people are hurt by the bubble popping. They are hurt so badly that they refuse to go back into the investment, even if it becomes a good value. This is the final stage of a bubble. + +Some readers may be thinking that the I am wrong and that this will change the future. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will change the way people pay for groceries, pay for movie tickets, and pay for their Amazon orders. They may not see or they simply ignore the similarities of Bitcoin to the Dot Com bubble. Well here is my rationale on why a global currency, without the rule of government, will not occur. + +Future Global Currency? + +If you were to ask me while I was taking my college economics classes “What is the quickest way to make markets more efficient?” I would have told you a global currency. A global currency would get rid of exchange rates, it would make transactions a lot easier, and it would make investing easier as well. It makes markets more efficient because there is no reason to worry about exchange rates. You would be able to go to any country and spend the same currency as your home country. It is like having a Euro in the Euro Zone, but for the entire world. The problem with the Euro however, is that some countries want a strong Euro while others want a weak Euro at the same time. If the Euro was not competing against other currencies, none of that would matter though. You would also be able to order anything online from anywhere, and not have to worry about exchange rates. Have you tried to order something you had to pay for in a different currency? It is intimidating and it will usually cost you extra money in fees. + +It would make investing easier as well. A global currency means that you do no need to worry about exchange rates and revenue return. Suppose a company is in a US Dollar strengthening environment. As the dollar strengthens their goods become more expensive. The exchange rate works negatively in their favor, and it reduces their returns. the company either leaves prices the same, and sell less, or they lower their prices and their margins take a hit. Either way, the company loses revenue and their balance sheets weaken. The current monetary structure requires analysts to determine the future strength or weakness of the currency, and how that will affect revenue streams. A global currency can eliminate this. So with all the good a global currency can achieve, why won’t we have one in the near future? + +If there is anything the recent Brexit vote and election of President Trump have taught us is that people do not trust immigrants, foreigners, and globalization. Books can be written, and many have been, on why these are all important and good factors to a capitalist economy. However, not enough people understand, or want to understand how these help. Because of this, a global currency cannot be achieved. + +A global currency would have to be run by someone. It would require a panel of people from around the world to make monetary and policy decisions. There is enough people that feel the United Nations, NATO, and International Monetary Fund do more harm to their country then good. They have elected a president that threatens to restructure, leave, or pull funding from these organizations. They see globalization as a bad thing, so how could they ever go for a global currency? Simply put, there will be foreign people making decisions, and because of this they will never trust it. + +The Future of Bitcoin + +Left unregulated Bitcoin may stay around, but only to fill a niche market of money laundering and black market deals. Once it is regulated, it is hard to see what it becomes. It may become an internet currency, where users can only purchase these coins to do a transaction, but most of their funds remain in a normal currency. + +Blockchain, on the other hand, will stick around. The technology is already being invested in by most big banks, and even the Federal Reserve. This tool will make financial institutions much more efficient. If it can be properly implemented, bank processes will be cut down. This will save time, and hopefully keep extra dollars in their consumers accounts. + +Thanks for reading and happy trading! + +Go to www.brtechnicals.com/blog to read more articles like this one! +Final damage screenshot seconds before account was liquidated: + +https://i.imgur.com/e0sEWEm.jpg + +Thanks to me UPRO and TMF now are 50% stress tests on TOS, no margin reduction credit, and from 36% and 24% stress tests respectively. Or maybe I'm on reg-t when I took the screenshot, IDK and IDC. Talking with risk management apparently I flew under the radar as they didn't see a margin balance due to the box spread until other account alerts went off as customer service will take a look in when anyone is negative 1 million or more PnL as a courtesy to chat with their clients. Needless to say customer service was horrified and I got another margin phone call to wire in $1,250,000 in the next five minutes or they'd liquidate. I guess they give Portfolio Margin customers a little bit more leeway... + +I took the five minutes to grab this one final screenshot. I'm hoping for some bailout money from coronavirus too. + +I talked with the bankruptcy lawyer that set me up with the asset protection plan and he already dropped me as a client. I never imagined beer-virus would do this to me. + +I'm gonna take some time to just not think about the virus or anything else. + +# TL;DR what strike/put/call/etc + +I discovered a bug in my broker's risk management software. I guess buy RCL calls per my previous DD. + +Edit: +Previous post entering the trade and proof of portfolio margin/etc: +https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/fepd4q/portfolio_margin_is_10x_worse_than_u1r0nymans_box/ +So my mom just booted me out from an argument we had earlier today. I don’t have a place to stay right now and I’m out at library right now. I don’t have any documents besides my ID and my $150. + +I don’t have many clothes that are actually mine but I have a suitcase and some electronics like my phone and a tablet that are payed for already. I’ve had those for ages. + +I have a job at a restaurant and I make $10/hr and I get social security every month until I graduate. It’s $1500 every month and it will start next month. I’ll get the money next month. +I’ll watch reality TV occasionally and can’t even enjoy the shows because I’m too busy wondering what they do to afford things. In Forged in Fire they are sent home to their “home forges” to create their final weapon or whatever and I can’t believe people get into hobbies that require god knows how much money to keep up. Same with 600lb life where they eat insane amounts of food every day. + +Like seriously, I had a breakdown today because I went to get gas and it only let me pump $3.91 into my tank because that was all it authorized. Checked my bank app and had an all time low balance of $0.00. + +I love life so much and definitely did not even consider a little bit driving into a pole on my way home. /s +A couple of weeks ago I made [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o252d4/what_do_you_think_is_the_most_undervalued_project/) post asking you guys, "What do you think is the most undervalued project in the top 50?" + +I decided to rank all the the comments according to points and here's how I've distributed the points: + +1 Comment = 1 Point + +1 Upvote on that comment = 0.5 Points + +I have not included any comments with less than 1 upvote. + +DISCLAIMER: This ranking is NOT an accurate measurement of how this sub feels, its just from the comments on my post. I feel like some of it is correct and some of way it is just way off. + +Final ranking: + +1. ALGO - 104.5 +2. VET - 54 +3. IOTA - 53 +4. XMR - 41.5 +5. XTZ – 38 +6. LINK – 37.5 +7. XLM - 32 +8. ATOM - 31.5 +9. DOT – 24.5 +10. ETH – 17.5 +11. ONE - 15.5 +12. BAT - 9 +13. AVAX - 7 +14. MATIC – 6 +15. ZILIQA | THETA - 5.5 +16. HBAR – 5 +17. CRO | EGLD 4.5 +18. REN – 4 +19. LUNA | NEO – 3.5 +20. BTT | KSM 2.5 +21. MKR | 1.5 +22. TRX | SOL | BTC | LTC | NANO | CHZ - 1 + +&#x200B; + +From what I've seen on this sub, ALGO & VET seem to be in correct positions. I know you guys love NANO and its obviously way below than what it should be. I was surprised to see IOTA(#3) that high because I have not seen much of it on this sub. Also, I got a lot of SAFEMOON comments but all of them were on negative upvotes and its obviously not in the top 50 as well, so I don't know why they even bothered. + +&#x200B; + +Anyways, what do you think is missing from this list? +Look I love tinfoil just as much as the rest. I love the crazy hidden Brazilian puts, the 741, the t plus insert number here, Icahn etc. + +The guy is a human, loved his Dad, realized he had a platform and was able to immortalize him playing with his grandchildren. + +Are there some choice inclusions? Of course! + +I’ll be picking up a set for my little one because I would do the same thing for my mother (passed away in 2020) if I had the platform/money etc. + +Let the man just be a man. I’m highly critical of some of his choices (see post history) but there has to be a line here. + +Buy. Hold. DRS. +A few months ago you were all so big on adopting big, ugly and rather useless apes. + +Now that thermo-nuclear war is breaking out, why not show a little support and adopt a hottie.. err.. Ukrainian woman? + +&#x200B; + +I got mine. + +https://preview.redd.it/pgectzg0gcj81.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b3b31f24abf8e713c905389abd413521e2ad867 + +&#x200B; + +Btw... is it 'A Ukrainian' or 'An Ukrainian' ? +So I was sitting on the porcelain throne at work doing my business when I noticed someone's wallet sitting next to me. Good noodle me I decide to find the owner of it and return it. I managed to find him and I could clearly tell how grateful he was that I found it. Well fast forward 2 hours and he walks up to me and hands all the cash inside and I told him "not to worry about it."I initially refused but he insisted and continued to walk back to his area. I decided to take that money and bought $116 worth of bitcoin. That little bit helped me breach into the 1%er of a bitcoin. Thanks Ricky for helping me especially with this black Friday sale going on. +Our flair system has been badly damaged. It has now been 1 month since the original post by the mod team [announcing the flair overhaul](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qe96t2/weekend_update_extreme_makeover_home_edition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). If you would like a recap of what’s happened please read my [last thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qrpdyj/our_flair_system_has_been_badly_damaged_please/). + +**Please take some time to read this as some critical changes have been made, and I need your help to get these problems fixed. New flairs as of a month ago still do not link to content from the old flairs. We’ve made some progress but the bulk of the issue has still not been taken care of, we are stuck in limbo.** + +There was an announcement by the mods admitting fault for the issues with the flair, and mention of how it can be fixed, but we still have made no notable progress. Their announcement was made a week ago, [it can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qtnf53/post_flair_update/). + +They said they intend to create a script that will go back through posts and switch old flairs to new flairs. u/platinumsparkles gave me a screenshot from an admin that says “each flair is unique. If you delete a flair, recreating one with the same parameters isn’t the same flair and as such won’t be searchable.” Which is correct. They did bring back the DD and possible dd flair after my last thread, many posts made after the flair overhaul had their flair changed to the old DD flair, from the new due diligence flair. This suggests these flairs weren’t deleted, rather made mod only. They have since been hidden again, or deleted. We can only say that for those 2 flairs, as those are the only 2 that were shown again. The rest may be deleted. For what flairs are deleted, yes, reverting Isn’t possible. Which leaves us with the option of changing important posts with old flairs, to new flairs. **I’m going to assume all have been completely deleted to avoid an unnecessary variable for the rest of my thread.** + +In order to effectively tackle this issue, I’m laying my suggestion of how this should be handled. Please feel free to bring in your own suggestions as well, I’m prioritizing flairs in terms of what flairs hold the most beneficial content to the community. + +**Priority 1** + +1. DD +2. AMA + +All posts under these two flairs can be fixed, they can have their flairs changed from old to new and be done with today. Manually, no script is needed. The volume in AMA is minimal, as well as DD. DD has more but still can be done in a reasonable amount of time. + +**Priority 2** + +1. Possible DD +2. Education & Data +3. Discussion + +These flairs have important content but have larger volume, this will take time to change post flairs from old to new, but can still be done manually. With the help of some volunteers, if the mods decided to permit that, this could be done in a reasonable amount of time. + +**Priority 3** + +1. Questions +2. Moderator +3. Daily News +4. MEGA Thread +5. Daily Discussions +6. News & Media + +These flairs do have some valuable content, but lower on the totem pole. Would be preferable to have a script here specifically for questions as that would have the most posts, the others could be manually switched but again low priority as the first two tiers have the bulk of the good content. + +**Non priority** + +1. Social Media +2. HODL +3. Meme +4. Fluff +5. Shitpost +6. Art & Writing +7. Stonky Pets + +These are the lowest value / non priority. There is a mass amount of content here that offers very little valuable content. I would only suggest bothering with these if there was a script to do it. + +While I've attempted to focus on fixing a primary part of the issue, here's an excerpt from my last thread highlighting the issues we had and still have. AMA is now linked but the new ama does not link to any of the old ama's associated with the old flair. Neither AMA flairs old or new are included on the mobile menu. + +**So what are we left with? We now have 4 separate sets of links to flairs on desktop, 3 on mobile. Some link to the old content, some link to the new, some link to both, half don’t work on either. New flairs that will be used will not link to old content. Still missing some flairs, such as AMA no longer being linked at all, so people no longer have that reference back to the crucial AMA’s we’ve had.** + +This is not a hard problem to fix, it simply needs to be done. [I’ve offered to volunteer my time as a temp mod for this to be fixed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qsf355/comment/hke966z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Here is [the response I received by](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qsf355/comment/hkema8y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) u/platinumsparkles. It seems I’m not trusted, that’s ok. Any of you reading this, if you’ve got experience with flairs and would like to help maybe you can attempt to volunteer. It seems that they need the help to get this done, and I’m certain there’s plenty of people here that would be happy to help solve this problem. + +This thread is a continuation of previous threads where I’ve attempted to bring attention to these issues and get this fixed. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qrpdyj/our\_flair\_system\_has\_been\_badly\_damaged\_please/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qrpdyj/our_flair_system_has_been_badly_damaged_please/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qo4vuf/the\_discussion\_flair\_has\_been\_removed\_and\_this\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qo4vuf/the_discussion_flair_has_been_removed_and_this_is/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qmjzmg/the\_discussion\_flair\_has\_been\_removed\_and\_this\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qmjzmg/the_discussion_flair_has_been_removed_and_this_is/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qlzukz/the\_discussion\_flair\_has\_been\_removed\_and\_this\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qlzukz/the_discussion_flair_has_been_removed_and_this_is/) + +**This is a problem that needs to get fixed and while it has been addressed in an announcement it has not been corrected. Please help me get the word out about this and get these issues resolved.** + +adding in here an additional update provided by u/jsmar18 5 days ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qv6unp/post\_flair\_update\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qv6unp/post_flair_update_2/) +Just recently I picked up the BRRRR book and have been reading it quite thoroughly. + +I find myself really questioning some of the statements that are made in it. The entire premise is that you leverage to thE max and pull out all of your principal in hopes of the refinancing coming in strong. + +So I understand that it’s “free equity” earned through rehabs. My issue is when there is a recession many people can say is the direction we’re heading towards in the next 5 years. You obviously want to be able to support your purchases but you also want to have renters paying off your mortgage. + +The problem for me is the scaling of this can be difficult to keep everything afloat during recessions. I don’t know if I really have a question but it’s more of looking for real life scenarios from people who have used this method. +My business is moving and has our current building on the market. We've got an offer, but the buyer wants us to provide financing. I'm not opposed to this, but I don't have a lot of real estate experience. I'm wondering how a deal like this is usually structured and what is typical for an interest rate, required down payment, and term? Are there any red flags I should be watching for? +I'm a smoothbrain but hear me out for a second, I'll keep it short. + +I am reading a lot of comments and some highly upvoted posts about an upcoming fake squeeze where the price will go up to a max of around 1000 and then drop down to the low 100s in a way for hedge fucks to simulate a squeeze. In my opinion this narrative that is being spread might cause a few of the apes to day/swing trade and sell some shares with the intention to buy back cheaper. Or worse...they will sell for 1000 and then the MOASS will actually start without you and you just gave the SHF a way to buy your shares for pennies. + +Now let me tell you 2 things: + +1. No real ape will think that the squeeze will have happened if the price reaches 1000 so there is no need to "warn" us about it. + +2. It's a sort of price anchoring to give a highest share price for a "fake squeeze". And we all know price anchoring leads to FUD. + +Also to tell you the truth I believe that if the price goes to 1000 then FOMO will be kicking in like crazy and I have a hard time believing it will be easy for SHF to actually suppress the price. I mean remember what happened in January? They had to turn of the buy button for gods sake. So to any "ape" who thinks they can sell for 1000 and buy back in the low 100s I would urge to think again cause if you are wrong then you just gave away your tickets to the moon because that "fake squeeze" was actually the beginning of the real squeeze. + +Anyway this is just my opinion. I for one won't care what the price is until it reaches the millions but everyone can make their own decisions. All I know is that SHF are cunts that are fuk and all I need to do hold until I see international phone number in my account. +Bonds are down in the downturn and bonds are down in the upturn. + +First, why does this happen? I thought stock market outflows and sell offs lead to an uptick in bonds. + +Second, is there any point to having a bond etf like IBDQ vs an actual bond that pays dividends or high interest CDs or some such, if bonds seem to always be flat or down (albeit less down than stocks.) +Hi Everyone, I’m very new to trading and was considering taking a course to learn more about day trading. It’s $400 through Inevitrade, includes quite a bit, and there are great reviews. I just wanted to see if anyone had any insight on whether this (or any) course would be worth it for a beginner getting into day trading? Any advice greatly appreciated! +I read somewhere stating big seller can hide their real sale Amount from level two data. For not yo spook others . + +How does he do that ? Is that legal /allowed or grey area ? Thanks +Hi all, was looking to start a wheel on spy generally at around 45dte. Was looking at the premiums and realized that I can do a ratio spread for similar credit with a chance of bigger winner, am I missing anything? +Actual strikes I am looking at +Csp:370 put +Ratio spread: buy 380 put and sell 2 375 put +This is one thing I can't really find a straight answer on (or my tiny brain just can't process the information). Is it a function of how close it is to expiration and how far ITM it is? If it's ATM but expiration is 2 weeks out, is there any risk of assignment? Is there an easy way to determine assignment risk? Is getting assigned usually considered worst case scenario? Do I have too many questions?😞 +Serious question: why wheel yourself instead of investing in an ETF in which professionals sells covered calls and pay you the premiums they collect as dividends? + +Is it because you feel you can get greater returns on your own? The expenses associated with the funds? You dislike their strategy or management? These funds are not stable? You prefer the control of doing it yourself? Or another reason? + +Thanks +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep bragging to a minimum; remember every dollar you make is a dollar someone else lost. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep bragging to a minimum; remember every dollar you make is a dollar someone else lost. +As per barchart, yesterday's last traded price for TWTR 55C 2022-05-20 was 0.53. + +So what are the risks in selling 55 strike or above naked calls? Either Twitter acquisition will be approved or it will fall apart. If approved then the price cannot go above $54.50 and if it falls apart then the price should drop hard. So why is there such an arbitrage opportunity? Why are people still buying TWTR calls above 54 strike price? What am I missing? + +Btw I am asking it just out of curosity and have no intention of selling naked calls +It seems to be axiom that high IV is attractive for options sellers. I see plenty of posts from users searching for high IV and disregarding mid to low IV tickets. But if a stock is getting more volatile, doesn’t that make placing the strike properly that much harder? Is this simply a risk-reward proposition (higher risk of ending up on the wrong side of the money with a swingy stock for the higher reward of inflated premiums) that you may or not be comfortable with, or is there something else about what IV indicates that I’m missing? +Pretty straight forward question. On big down days we’re all selling CSPs but what about on bullish days? If you have nothing to close out what are you doing?? +EDIT: IT PASSED!!!! + +House set to pass legislation decriminalizing marijuana + +The House is once again poised to pass legislation to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level. + +https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-set-pass-legislation-decriminalizing-marijuana/story?id=83763719 + +The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, known as the MORE Act, would remove marijuana from the controlled substances list, leaving it up to states to set their own laws. It would also release people incarcerated on cannabis-related offenses of less than 30 grams and expunge criminal penalties associated with those who manufacture, distribute and possess it. + +"There's so many discussions that have gone on over the years about the use of marijuana or cannabis or whatever. The fact is, it exists. It's being used. We've got to address how it is treated legally," Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday during her weekly press conference." + +"More than anything else, the MORE Act is about ending and reversing decades of failed federal policy that has taken a heavy toll on too many people across this country, with a disproportionate impact on communities of color," Rep. Nadler, D-N.Y., who authored the bill, said in a statement to ABC News." +**I have observed a lot of questions and erroneous answers lately about 'where is the money coming from?' and 'who is going to pay it?' FUD** + +I just wanted to note what I believe is in the process of happening and I would like to ask any and all of you for your imput on this as I feel that this is what we are about to witness. + +There are constant questions about where the money is going to come from, will the fed just print money, will federal insurance kick in, loads of FUD around trying to dissuade people from aspiring to hodl for higher numbers on the fear that when they go to try and sell that no one will buy their diamonds. + +&#x200B; + +One of the main questions being asked a lot is this..... + +*"If the US GDP is only 21.43 trillion dollars, and we are asking for 10 milly per share, how can we expect to be paid such a high amount?* + +Now this is how I see it: + +Those are ROOKIE NUMBERS.....there I said it. + +**So, let me explain.........** + +The US MARKETS as a whole is worth $49,107,685.7 million, even the simplest google search will show this: + +&#x200B; + +[so lets write down all those ZEROS:](https://preview.redd.it/w9qi8pjfvhz61.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0d60d94b9e714a98c62f9e41db6e0fdbbabe993) + +&#x200B; + +thats: + +49,107,685,700,000. + +Ok, so already thats 49.1 trillion $USD that no one has even considered above and beyond the US GDP of 21.43 $USD. + +but wait a minute, it gets even more fucky....... + +How so? + +Well dont forget that little term 'rehypothecation' or the fact that official figures don't tend to reflect true value of stocks as they should, so there clearly is a shadow stock market value that hasnt even been taken into consideration. If so, shares are being rehypothecated across the board not even just in GME, aren't being truely accounted for within the system. In essence, there is even more money there than what we didn't realise was even there in the first place! + +&#x200B; + +Ok so thats still not enough to potentially cover GME payouts. But then you consider this: + +[Whats that, theres more you say?!?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_stock_exchanges) + +&#x200B; + +**we live in a global economy, its all intertwined.** + +&#x200B; + +Yes thats right folks, so world GDP in total might be only 80 trillion $USD but a combined net worth of all the stock markets is staggeringly higher. This is where the money is going to primarily come from, and it will snowball until the transfer is complete, its unavoidable. + +**THIS IS WHY THAT NEGATIVE BETA IS SO JUICY RIGHT ABOUT NOW** + +So that negative BETA, wether it be raw or averaged, is still wayyyyyyy epically to the negative side to be normal which is fantastic for us, but consider overall pegged against the market, GME is the ultimate hedge against the market. it is simply going to cannablize wealth from one side of the market and spit it out the other (us in GME) like a literal black hole, it will suck up and consume all the wealth around it and literally spit the wealth in our faces. + +You are about to be bitch slapped by wads of tendies so hard, the longer you can take that bitch slap, the greater the transfer of wealth will be. + +&#x200B; + +The money has always been there to us in plain sight, it wont all be created out of thin air by the fed when the printers go BrrrrRrrRRrrrrrr but it will first be lynched from the hands of the wealthy, the 0.01% who are currently and have for a long long time, controlled the markets. + +&#x200B; + +So this my fellow apes and appettes is the reason why it is the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We are simply reclaiming our tendies from the rigged markets who thought they had managed to lock it in their vaults and throw away the key. They never intended for us to hive mind to find a way to legally enter that safe ever again. We have them by the balls, so make sure when we squeeze that squeeze that it fucking hurts them so much that they ll wish they were unics. + +some are playing checkers, some are playing chess, right now we are waiting for the dominoes game to start up in the shady corner. + +this is just my take on the issue, im just a dumb ape, I just like the stock. to me its -1/12 + +Plus you got quite a few of us Irish invested in GME lol we got all the ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ in the world, we got this! + +AIM BIG, BE GREEDY, LIVE MERRY AND COME VISIT US FOR A PINT IN THE GUINESS FACTORY FRESH FROM SOURCE WHEN ITS ALL FINISHED AND DONE +Out with the safety drivers, in with the remote overseers. + +[https://arstechnica.com/cars/2020/10/waymo-finally-launches-an-actual-public-driverless-taxi-service/](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2020/10/waymo-finally-launches-an-actual-public-driverless-taxi-service/) +By riches I just mean quite comfortable, maybe owning your own place or having a high enough wage that your rent doesn’t eat it all up. + +I just feel like my entire family has always been skint, and like I’m doomed to be the same. Every time I save any substantial amount of money, something happens that wipes me out and sets me back. The only thing I really have going for me is my education, I will graduate with a doctorate in a few years - but even then, my dream career will max out at like 70 k pa if I get really lucky. My current PhD salary is 17k pa in London (lol). I will be almost 30 when I graduate, and god knows how long it will take to actually get into my career - probably at least two or three post docs at like 30 k pa which won’t get me very far. + +Anyway, on paper I know what I have to do - what I am missing is hope and inspiration. Does anyone care to share how they got to where they are, be it by luck, grit or brute force?? +There's been tons of love and promotion for CRO lately but I fail to see how it's any different from any other centralized exchange tokens like BNB, KCS etc. Just a few months ago several of the top posts were about what a travesty the crypto space is because BNB was a top 5 coin, and how they goes against everything that is crypto + +So what's so different about CRO? I get it's a lot more in the spotlight with all the marketing and everything and they're making a big run for top10 + +Not hating or anything, just genuinely curious (and interested to see sentiments next year) +As the title says really. + +My partner and I are both in our 20s, household income is £80k, but unfortunately we live on the outskirts of London. We are saving, but I doubt we'll ever be able to buy even a flat as prices go up faster than we can save. + +Neither of our families are in a position to help. I'd like to move away from London in the future, but I worry about realistically being able to find work (digital marketing & tech). + +Financially, what's the best route forward if you're never going to own a home? + +Edit: Thanks for the responses, everyone. I'm starting to think I read too much 'doom and gloom' news about home ownership... this thread has made me feel like it might actually be possible. +I know - across the world - ETFs are the recommended investment vehicle for ordinary individuals like me. + +I know it’s low cost and low risk (the probability of my chosen “actively managed fund” giving at least returns as the index is low), but somehow I’m not convinced with it. I still feel, actively managed funds are better. +To quote from The handbook of China's Financial System + +"The real estate market is not only a key part of the Chinese economy but also an integralcomponent of China’s financial system. In 2017, housing sales totaled 13.37 trillion RMB,equivalent to 16.4% of China’s GDP. The real estate market is also deeply connected to China’sfinancial system through several important channels. First, housing holdings are the biggestcomponent of Chinese households’ asset portfolios, partly due to a lack of other investmentvehicles for both households and firms in China’s still underdeveloped financial markets. Second,China’s local governments heavily rely on land sale revenues and use future land sale revenues ascollateral to raise debt financing through “Local Government Financing Platform” (LGFP). Third,firms also rely on real estate assets as collateral to borrow, and since 2007, firms, especially well-capitalized firms, have engaged heavily in acquiring land for investment purposes. Finally, banksare heavily exposed to real estate risks through loans made to households, real estate developers,local governments, and firms that are either explicitly or implicitly backed by real estate assets.Figure 1 provides an estimate made by the Deutsche Bank Report (2016) of the exposure ofChina’s banking system to the real estate market. Through the third quarter of 2016, property-related loans totaled 55 trillion RMB, accounting for about 25% of China’s banking assets. Amongthese loans, mortgage loans to households accounted for 17.9 trillion, loans to real estatedevelopers accounted for 14.8 trillion (including 7 trillion in regular loans, 6.3 trillion in creditthrough shadow banking, and 1.5 trillion through domestic bond issuance), and loans collateralizedby real estate assets to firms and local governments accounted for 22.2 trillion. This heavy realestate exposure of banks makes the real estate market systemically important in China’s financialsystem." + +So basically, if the housing market goes bust in China, it would reduce the overall savings and consumer sentiment of the average Chinese guy, just like it did for the US in 2008. + +Now, this wouldn't be a massive issue if China were some small country but the Chinese are one of the largest consumers in the world. American firms depend a lot on China for exports. China ranks No.3 in terms of exports for the US. + +A lot of the recent rise in equities has been on the assumption that the economic recovery would go unfettered, a massive player like China faltering would put a spanner in the works and bring the entire system to a grinding halt. + +Slowdown in China could halt the nascent economic recovery we are witnessing right now and plunge us back into a proper depression. + +Only time will tell what happens. + +Note - This is just a basic assumption of how I think things might play out in the worst case scenario. The reality is far more complex and beyond anyone's ability to project. + +Edit - The reason to create this post is not spread FUD or panic but to know what you folks think about Evergrande. +Hi All, + +I recently purchased a Kindle with 0% interest EMI. I also helped couple of my friends with their electronics purchase via EMI on my Credit Card. Although they are paying me their dues regularly, I wonder if am missing out on any charges that I may end up paying on their behalf. the line items in CC bills are very confusing to be honest. + + +Would like to hear your experiences. +Putin supports legalizing bitcoin as currency because he’s threatening war and Biden’s economic sanctions would hurt the ruble. He could still transact in the world economy through bitcoin. I’m wondering everyone’s opinion on this. +Hi UKPF, + +I’m trying to understand how much I need to contribute to my pension to have a comfortable retirement. + +Background: I started contributing to my pension via auto enrolment at 24 while earning 22k. Through a mix of hard work and good timing with people leaving, I’ve managed to work my way up and am currently on 51k. I have moved over to my company’s SS pension scheme and there’s 18% being contributed each month. My current pot is 23.5k and I’m 28yo Male + +I am about to move jobs in January and my new salary will be 65k, but the pension scheme is worse, using the minimum contribution to get their maximum, 12% will be contributed. + +I’ve just used an online pension calculator and it suggested people in my salary bracket would like a £30k pension to live comfortably in retirement. + +I used the ages 55 (optimistic!) and 68 (retirement age), both show I will have a huge shortfall/surplus. The results were: + +55: +pot income: 9106, estimated income: 9106, shortfall: 20,894 + +68: pot income: 6552, estimated income: 15891, shortfall: 14109 + +I was using the calculator on moneyhelper.org.uk + +Edit: to add I’m 28M +Hi all, + +Not sure if this is the correct sub reddit but it’s linked to income + +Really interested to understand what people’s drivers are for being career focused? What are your reasons for pursuing a career vs. Spending two years travelling the world or moving to a small town for a more relaxed way of life for example + +I ask as I’m 27 in July and I’ve always thought of myself as being highly driven and career focused but I don’t have any real career goal in sight other than to work on exciting projects and build knowledge and progress in my field. As I’ve moved up in position it’s become apparent to me that money isn’t my central driver (for ref. I’m on ~95k total package in London), but I’m not sure what’s really driving me to still have this focus. + + +Edit: a lot of responses here. It seems people have a mixture of drivers ranging from early retirement to insecurity about finances to supporting dependents to not growing up wealthy and wanting a better life to not caring about money at all and focusing only on stimulating or interesting roles + +Thanks +[What DRSBOT looked like this morning \(probably\)](https://preview.redd.it/3z00bijh9a491.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=72f4f1028750bd49ec7d3121f61cf91b2b7ca696) + +Edit: thanks for the donation offers... please use that capital for more DRS bot food! + +So... DRSBOT lives on a little server stack I have running out of my home. I'm too cheap to pay for cloud hosting. + +As I was heading to \[JOB\] this morning... I didn't pay much attention to the backhoe I passed down the block. + +I guess I should have. + +I'm on a backup internet connection now... and I've gone back over the CS posts for the past 6-7 hours and re-issued BOT commands for all that I saw. + +If I missed yours, I'm sorry... no harm in going back to your post and re-issuing the BOT command for your entry. + +(Is that 250 characters? I'm not sure.... I'll pump out a few more characters to be sure. How about now? Is that 250? Probably. But I'll keep typing because I'm really too lazy to have to re-make this post). +Curious to hear from the people in this subreddit about good and bad experiences they’ve had with employers over the course of their careers in Australia, especially with big organisations, and why you chose to stay or leave (i.e. work life balance, better pay, more progression opportunities, good leadership). + +I know people may not be at liberty to name and shame but for example, happy to disclose that I once worked for Big 4 Consulting. Projects were occasionally interesting and camaraderie amongst the team was great but the brutal hours and low pay were what made me leave in the end. +Seriously people. If you bought bitcoin, aren't a day trader, and don't plan to hold for at least a year, then you got in for the wrong reasons. + +Come back in a year and tell me how you "lost" all your money. And, even if you do, who told you bitcoin wasn't a risky investment? + +But, seriously, you haven't lost a dime unless you are stupid enough to sell at a loss! + +Other people are getting rich off of your weak hand. + + +------------------------- Edit ---------------- + +This post has 195 upvotes and a 152 downvotes. I guess that makes it qualify as 'controversial'. Well, it sure has pissed a lot of people off, and a lot of people have made some very incorrect assumptions about my own personal position in bitcoin. + +For the record, I own 70 bitcoins which cost me zero dollars and zero cents because I already recouped my original investment a few months ago. I'm letting it ride for the long term and if it goes to zero, it's no skin off of my back. I want to be part of this social experiment and I want to see it through all of the way to the end. + +Here's what I wanted to add to this post. Let's say that a month ago you bought $100 worth of bitcoin. And, today, it's worth $50. Would you be freaking out? Would you be suicidal? Would you be pissed? No, you would not because it's just $50 and you can easily afford to lose that, or even the whole $100. In the meantime you get to have fun being part of this experiment and ride the wave as prices going up and down. + +Now, let's say you bought $10,000 worth of bitcoins, but your net worth is a million dollars. Same thing, if it's worth $5,000 today, what do you care? It's pocket change for you as an investor and it's fun to let it ride the storm. + +However, if you invested any amount of money, whether it's $500 or $5,000 or $50,000 and it's so much that if you lost it all you would be emotionally devastated, then you are doing it wrong!! + +People have said on this forum over, and over, and over, again, do not invest what you cannot afford to lose. If you are freaking out today, it's because you invested too much! + +Bitcoin isn't like investing in Apple stock, it's like playing blackjack or a penny stock. It's highly volatile and very risky. If this is news to you now, well, it shouldn't be! + +Stick to buying $100 worth of bitcoin, sit back, eat some popcorn, and enjoy the show. Realistically, bitcoin needs about a billion people each owning $100 a lot more than it needs a handful of people risking tens of thousands of dollars each. +I’d like to see 76 million shares DRS’d by individuals. No shares available for any ETF, mutual fund, broker, or SHF. At that point, dark pools and internalizing orders goes away. Want to buy more GME? You would have to Bid high enough for another GME holder to sell. And good fucking luck with that. + +Would the NYSE allow a 100% DRS company’s stock to trade? Would MMs stop making a market? Would we see true price discovery? + +LET’S FIND OUT. +I have the AMEX trifecta and just watched Dave’s video on how cash is better than credit cards. I pay my bill in full every month and capitalize on all offer and benefits of the cards. Am I really losing more money using a credit card? Should I switch to cash? It’s just I have student debt so I should I really be using cash instead or my AMEX trifecta system or a card with No AF to not have to pay AF and save more money? +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8jmhzeyynlh71.jpg?width=1444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9426270b325d245f1dd661adfcb4d491e1a0432e + +https://preview.redd.it/gyr2pgyynlh71.jpg?width=1424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b0766c2bc7b0c88c26c9e5db689dc8c254b91d + +https://preview.redd.it/af544hyynlh71.jpg?width=1433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa394b3673aadc85090a56aad6ad0693d85af75 + +https://preview.redd.it/g04lldyynlh71.jpg?width=1437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca7318524bdff8303775c21f178fe485790f2b3f + +https://preview.redd.it/o8tjqdyynlh71.jpg?width=1431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f61e41a07b1b5a966363da061b391422a0ce93 + +https://preview.redd.it/8t38mfyynlh71.jpg?width=1418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719bfdff3edb7f489f0f18297caa0b4460693f54 + +https://preview.redd.it/yfkhfjyynlh71.jpg?width=1451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50e5effb61b7e9b3821103f9ea5c1bd58b50461c + +https://preview.redd.it/guubagyynlh71.jpg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e471ef3f2c3aa543a5f060125e1c7d348ef4cfe3 + +https://preview.redd.it/uo7fxgyynlh71.jpg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d66cbc555659c09eec71ba06405876e8cd282b + +https://preview.redd.it/vmcw3fyynlh71.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7587772249d3603ef46ce69e5a521ce263b257a3 + +https://preview.redd.it/1qgopgyynlh71.jpg?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4500eca348d2b6d3989b23aa7fb5e3869210285 + +https://preview.redd.it/gq1nkgyynlh71.jpg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2563450c46a6bd76f9d2e361a3259fd9f05b58 + +https://preview.redd.it/nhrozeyynlh71.jpg?width=1442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2671a0342183583f2ee4bde1e044e462669ece7c + +https://preview.redd.it/zmm47gyynlh71.jpg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242fe17fa0dd33d700c2ce221a0589bbf1858e09 + +https://preview.redd.it/56h63gyynlh71.jpg?width=1543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982333b53556ae6af424073bccdb8e858987b5d3 + +https://preview.redd.it/5z6affyynlh71.jpg?width=1948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d37dc68dbac8991167a578ca47aeea6114bf7a + +https://preview.redd.it/9dnf7gyynlh71.jpg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7b82eec92600feb9aaeba381740cbff91134b3 + +https://preview.redd.it/b7yr1gyynlh71.jpg?width=1458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe0d834fd823b5719fbc63ae1a398edfdeaad8d + +https://preview.redd.it/btw0qxyynlh71.jpg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=476caaaf005990fadcd1734f2cac4cb537341f37 +TLDR: Golden Handcuffs question. How to calculate the equivalence of a pension vs retirement savings accounts. + +So, I am one of the lucky few to have a pension. I am already vested. The way it is structured is based on years worked, age and highest average earnings over a 3 year period. Just got a promotion last year. Am in the last few stages of my pre FIRE life. I'm trying to evaluate whether to work 2 1/2 more years or 1 1/2 more years. + +I will be able to meet our expected expenses (with some room to spare) with 403b, IRAs and pension in 1 1/2 more years. But, if I worked one more year, I would get about $8k more per year in my pension (67k vs 75k per year). This would give us a nice cushion. +But, my job is quite stressful with this promotion and I don't know if it's worth it. + +One way to calculate the worth of a pension would be to value it at the 4% withdrawal rate. So, 8k would equal $200,000 in a retirement account. However, when my spouse and I both pass, there will be no assets left from this theoretical sum. So another way to calculate it would be to estimate my life expectancy and then a withdrawal rate that would spend down the principal in that time. I think this would be around a 8% withdrawal rate for me. That would mean that an 8k increase = 100,000 in retirement savings. + +Any thoughts on this? + +The reason I am asking is that most FIRE or other retirement calculations are based on a pot of money that you withdraw from and not from a pension. + +$8k per year is a nice reliable increase, but frankly, my stress might not be worth it. This equivalency scenario seems to be one that would help me make the decision. + +Thanks! +According to this [NPR article](http://www.npr.org/2016/09/06/492849471/an-economic-mystery-why-are-men-leaving-the-workforce?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20160906), 10 million working-aged men are "missing" from the workforce -- jobless and not seeking employment. The article points out that some of them are stay at home parents, and some are convicted felons and disabled men who have been discouraged to the point they no longer are seeking employment. But I wonder if a non-negligible percentage of these "missing" men are simply FIREd. What does everyone think? +I’ve had a Betterment account for about 2 years now and my allocation was 90% stocks 10% bonds for the most part. +I just made an Ellevest account which made my allocation 55% stocks 44% bonds 1% alternatives. + +Im 25yo and my goal is to retire earlier than 65. +Any thoughts on allocation and best investing apps? +My Grandmother is selling her home for 430k in Maryland, the place burned to the ground a few years ago and is basically brand new. She is gifting equity of 10% to me since I have just graduated and have no money to put down, my salary at my new job is 95k. The mortgage lender worked out that my mortgage would end up being almost $2200. Would it be a good financial decision for me to purchase it ? I'm just looking for advice or reassurance because I'm kind of a Mr.Krabs when it comes to spending money. I don't want to see the property leave the family either, its a great home in a great neighborhood. + +Thanks +TLDR: +I opened a Citibank savings account, they restricted account, they closed my account, they said I have to wait 3-6mo after account was closed to hear about what will happen to my money. Is this legal? Is there something I can do to get my money($75k) sooner? + +I opened a Citibank accelerated savings account last year after selling my house. I then used that account for personal banking such as credit card payments, car purchases, transfers to my other personal checking accounts.. etc. + +One day I tried to transfer money from that account to my business account and automatically received an email stating that that didn't go through and to expect something in the mail. + +Suddenly my account was locked. Customer service would not tell me why. They kept saying that I had to wait for a letter, which had a reference code. I got the letter and called the fraud department number that was on the letter, provided the reference number, they didn't provide me with answers! They just asked if I transferred money to [my business account]. I said I did. They said well, we will unrestrict the account within 48 hours. They didn't. + +I called again. They said they couldn't verify my identity and literally hung up on me. + +I called again. They said they would escalate and to call back in 48 hours. + +I called again. They said they couldn't verify my identity and asked for the reference number on the letter. I provided it. They said my account was restricted. I said i know, how can I fix that. They were not helpful. + +I needed my money so I told them to just close my account and send the money to the address on file. I was told no, it's all under review. I had to wait. + +After many calls to the fraud department throughout many weeks, I was finally told that my account was going to be closed and my account was under review and I can't know why. I was told I have to wait 3-6 months for the case to close and if the money is mine to claim, then they would send it to me. + +I can provide all records of where the money came from, where it has been spent, that the last transaction was to my own business account. The problem is I am not given a number to call or a place to send mail. Fraud department says it's above them and that they can't connect me or provide more info. + +I am running out of money that I had in my checking account and I need my money. I don't know what to do at this point. Can any one advise? + +To add insult to injury, Citi keeps sending me promos via email and regular mail for credit cards! +this is largely UK based but will apply to any modern economy i feel - especially all european and western economies. marking as possible dd because it may link to other inflation related DDs in the future- and it may link well with the billionaire boys club parts 7 thorugh 11 - /u/BadassTrader BadassTrader - this one might be interesting perhaps if for nothing else than to give light to the dd you did where you talk about the "buy, borrow, die" phase of how the rich use the system to borrow against assets that they dont really intend to repay and live a sweet life. + +Sauce: + +[https://hivebusiness.co.uk/insights/why-youre-not-supposed-to-know-the-real-inflation-rate](https://hivebusiness.co.uk/insights/why-youre-not-supposed-to-know-the-real-inflation-rate) + +pasted sauce just in case: + +February 11, 2021 + +When Cypher makes his treacherous deal with Agent Smith to betray Morpheus in The Matrix, he says: “I know this steak doesn’t exist, I know that when I put it in my mouth the Matrix is telling my brain it’s juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realise? Ignorance is bliss.” Cypher is not a good guy. But he’s human. We all need stories and sometimes we know they aren’t wholesome but we indulge anyway. They let us feel OK enough to get on with our lives. When we have a pleasant narrative about who we are and what we’re doing here, we hold onto it, understandably. + +A narrative like, say, I am a family man and part of that role means providing for my family, and providing means being fiscally responsible, and being responsible means not taking risks. If we spin that out a little further, perhaps not taking risks means agreeing with the status quo. So we arrive, through what is quite a reasonable process of deduction, at a position where we are taking what agents of the status quo (governments, financial institutions, Agent Smith) tell us at face value. + +Why should a family man ever want to put himself in opposition to the status quo? Let’s take a look and find out. The first point to observe here is that narratives have, ever since humans learned how to spin a yarn, been used to empower and disempower. Control the narrative and you control the world. The first story we hear about money is that it exists independently, as an external object in the world. No. It exists only in our collective imagination, as do corporations, countries and legal systems. Which means it exists only to the extent that we put faith in it. Hence when confidence drains away from a currency and the government that backs it, we see hyper-inflation. + +Another story: the instruments that governments and institutions cite when they tell us about money are reliable and used in good faith. No. They are used only so far as they serve the narrative the government wants to push. The government borrowed a record amount in December 2020 — £34.1bn — and the only realistic way it will pay back national debt, which is now nearly 100% of GDP, is by inflating it away. There is no way politicians can admit this because to acknowledge it would make servicing its debt and paying for the public sector, where salaries are linked to the inflation rate, impossible. + +Inflation is arguably the most social pernicious route out of mounting debt. It silently redistributes wealth while apparently aiming to “keep things stable for everyone”. It transfers wealth from people who rely on salaries to people who live off assets (it has been suggested that a good number to aim for when investing is 10% of your income after tax, and if you invest nothing you are going to be walloped by inflation). + +Governments don’t want you to know this, but inflation is happening at a rate far higher than the official story would have it. On its website the Bank of England says inflation has averaged 2% since 1997, when it began controlling the base rate. It says that if inflation goes above its 2% target then it will increase the base rate so people spend less. Actually it only cuts it (from 7.25% in 1997 to 0.1% today). And even when it recognised the official rate of inflation was 3% between 2008 and 2013 it did nothing. Rates remained at the unprecedented low level of 0.5%. + +The average cost of private education in Britain rose by 49% in the ten years to 2018 (from £9,579 to £14,289). Type “rises faster than inflation” into Google along with almost anything you can think of buying and you will probably find that it has indeed risen much faster. How much more are you paying on your mortgage in 2021 than you were in 2010? This is the bread and butter of real life. I am paying more than four times as much for a house with the same number of bedrooms. That equates to the equivalent of a 14% inflation rate for my cost of living measured according to my mortgage payments. + +Another cost of living that hits people differently, depending on their circumstances and choices, is health insurance. The Association of British Insurers says average premiums rose by nearly 15% for personal health insurance between 2015 and 2019. This rise was probably why the number of people covered dropped by nearly 10% in the same period, during which, incidentally, the government doubled Insurance Premium Tax from 6% to 12%. This rise in health insurance premiums over four years is the equivalent of a 3.5% inflation rate. + +Could it be, then, that the rate of inflation isn’t actually the rate of inflation? That governments cook the numbers to control the narrative? You may have seen a bit of this with the Covid policies. With money, then, they may under or overemphasise inflation and overstate the veracity of their toolkits like the Consumer Price Index. The Boskin Commission in the US, for example, found that the CPI overstated inflation by 1.3% per year. That is a massive miscalculation. And, for context, the Bank of England’s 2% target is an arbitrary number dreamed up in a monetary policy in New Zealand 30 years ago that has become an article of faith among advanced economies despite never being “proven”. + +You might be forgiven for expecting, as you move up the chain of financial authority, to find more responsibility and accountability. I am afraid, though, that the deeper one looks the more one sees fictions, and increasingly flimsy ones. We are faced with an underlying cynicism and lack of integrity. But most importantly, we need to protect our wealth. If people knew the real rate of inflation was 7%+ it would crash the economy. Unlike Cypher, there’s no way back from this information. But you can use the forces at work to your advantage. Get in touch if you’d like our support to help build wealth efficiently. + +More on this topic another day… + +&#x200B; + +EDIT- as this is slowly blowing up - please do check out my other posts around what i am doing to preserve the dd and the posts and memes, and how to get access to it. Very happy to bring more servers online to make sure that this fuckery isnt forgotten. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rpxrhl/ape\_historian\_here\_is\_the\_list\_of\_every\_single/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rpxrhl/ape_historian_here_is_the_list_of_every_single/) (which links all other posts as well that are of interest) +Annually? + +I know a recurring theme of fatfire is to make big bucks and have a solid networth etc. But I am just curious given the expense creep for a typical upper middle class family in US given million dollar homes on the coasts, college education bills, eating out regularly and expensive annual vacations. + +Could you folks please share your experience. +My wife makes 1800 a month and I make 4000 a month. We have 2 children and our expenses are as follows. We both put about 6% into 401k which I already subtracted + +Mortgage: 1450 (including pmi, taxes, and interest) + +Car payments: 550 for both vehicles + +Student loans: 600 between us + +Utilities (gas electric): 260 total + +Phone (cell) and internet: 220 total + +This leaves us roughly 2000-2400 a month for gas, groceries, ect. Our pay is sometimes more depending on our hours. + +Writing this out it doesn't seem horrible but my constant anxiety is causing issues. I'm cheap and my daughter wants to do nationals volleyball which is 2k to get into it and then traveling to places like Florida and Wisconsin for 4-5 days at a time atleast 5 times throughout the year. (We live in Illinois). She did regionals last year and got accepted to do nationals because she is doing so well. One of the parents said the Florida trip costs about 3-4k alone for travel, hotel and food. Another said they have spent well over 10k this year on nationals volleyball all things added up. + + My wife isn't nearly as reserved as I am with money but she is always on my side when I get this way. However, I am realizing I am causing issues stressing about it on a daily basis and losing sleep thinking about adding volleyball travel to the list. + +We got new cars in 2020 and I wouldn't go over 20k for each so we got Hyundai's which have actually been great cars. I couldn't imagine spending 30k on a car + +Thank you for your advice +BeachBody is going public combined with MYX Fitness (PTON competitor) and OpenFit, under ticker symbol $BODY (currently F R X). Shaq, Lebron, and Arnold are all shareholders. Sounds meme-y, I know. The financials are solid here. + +**Quick Financial Overview:** 1.1B (est) revenue for 2021, 68% gross margins on that rev (which is better than NFLX, DIS, PTON, etc). Digital subscriptions have 89% margins. 43% YoY revenue increase for Q1. Added literally a million subscribers YoY. 400M free cash on the books upon merger w/ no debt. Also expanding to 10+ countries in the future. Growth company imo. Connected at home fitness will disrupt the gym industry, again imo. + +**PTON Comparison** + +A simple google search will show that MYX has the cheapest bike among competitors. Cheaper is obviously not always better, as a lot of times quality will suffer. I'm thinking about this like a caveman in that I believe people who want to be involved in this type of fitness will first look for the cheapest option. I mean who gets more foot traffic, Walmart or Whole Foods? I have seen mostly good reviews and comments on social media about MYX bikes. The most negativity I've seen were complaints about shipping times, but also that customer service has been very responsive about this issue. I will say PTON has a cult following, and the affluent type will probably not settle for less. Here are some price comparisons of starting prices among connected fitness bikes. + +NordicTrak - $2k + +Proform - $1.5k + +SoulCycle - $2.5k + +Peloton - $1.8k + +MYX - $1.3k + +**Future of At-Home Connected Fitness** + +Why would people continue to workout from home after the pandemic is completely over? This is a valid question, but I fully believe people will continue to do so. A study conducted by Wakefield Research in July 2020 concluded that 87% (of 1000 participants) who plan to return to the gym say they will continue to work out at home at least some of the time. Links to those are [here](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200817005351/en/The-Future-of-Fitness-Americans-Embrace-a-Hybrid-of-Home-Exercise-and-Gym-Workouts) and [here](https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/home-workouts-future-of-fitness). A survey of 3500 American by *The New Consumer* and Coefficient Capital found that 76% of people have tried working out at home during the pandemic—and crucially, 66% prefer it. Among millennials, the number is even higher: 82% made the switch and 81% like it more. Link to article [here](https://www.fastcompany.com/90587575/gyms-arent-coming-back-heres-how-youll-work-out-in-the-future). + +**Tech in Fitness** + +Anytime you throw tech into an industry or sector, it instantly becomes more attractive. This is exactly what BB, MYX, and OpenFit are doing. 2020 saw a serious surge of fitness apps being downloaded. OpenFit has good ratings on the app store, 4.9 stars from 15k reviews. (App is also backed by Arnold and Lebron) People like the idea of being connected in their workouts, giving them the ability to compete with friends and strangers alike. There is a YouTube account called Garage Gym Reviews, this guy makes a living reviewing equipment and how that equipment will fit in your garage gym. He recently reviewed Tonal, and spoke on how tech connected fitness will be a huge market going forward. Some people will obviously not be able to afford to build a garage gym, or $3k Tonal, or an expensive exercise bike. This is where a $99/year BB subscription could come in. + +**2021 Q1 Financials** + +Total Revenue: $243M - 43% increase YoY + +Total Subscriptions: 3.2M - 39% increase (record high) + +(Not an actual earnings report, assumed to be released after merger) + +**Future Plans & News** + +Here’s where they’re really making moves. Carl Daikeler (CEO of BB) and BeachBody has been operating on free cash flow and has been profitable for 20 years. Upon this deal closing, they’ll have what they referred to as a “war chest” of $400M free cash (with no debt) on the books for M&A, marketing, and expansion. + +**International Expansion** + +The team has recently stated plans of expanding to 10 countries in the near future. + +**BeachBody on Demand Interactive (BODi)** + +BeachBody, historically known for their workout DVD’s and many famous programs (P90x, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, etc), successfully made the transition to streaming On Demand. They are taking it a step further with the addition of BODi, live virtual classes. This additional feature is priced at $20/month on top of BOD which is currently $99/year. (Remember 89% margins on digital subscription revenue). Link to that article [here. ](https://tbc-cms-prod-assets.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/tbc-cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/19060123/BODi-Press-Release.pdf) + +**OpenFit PartnerShips** + +OpenFit (backed by Lebron & Arnold) recently announced a partnership with Concierge Health, a technology platform that provides health engagement solutions to reduce healthcare costs. Concierge Health has a user base of 150M People, which will now have access to OpenFit and receive credit for completing workouts through the app. (Again, 89% margins) Link to that article [here. ](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210609005208/en/Openfit-and-Concierge-Health-Announce-At-Home-Exercise-Incentives) + +OpenFit also has a partnership with LA Fitness, giving all of their gym members access to the app for $5/month. Link [here.](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fitness-international-to-provide-its-members-with-openfit-the-all-in-one-digital-fitness-nutrition-and-wellness-platform-301277399.html) + +**Meme Potential** + +Hate me or love me for this aspect + +* $BODY ticker (hard to ignore) [This](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/01/stock-picking-buying-a-winner-is-easy-just-find-a-cool-ticker-symbol.html) article details a study that concluded that companies with cool tickers tend to outperform the market better than companies without. Or something like that. +* Comparison to PTON +* Arnold, Lebron, and Shaq are all confirmed shareholders. Collectively, they have 128.7M followers on IG alone. You can imagine what will happen if they start being vocal with their involvement in the company. +* [Here ](https://vimeo.com/561655635)is a message from Shaq to shareholders, hilariously scripted but hey it’s Shaq +* Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs, both former Disney execs, will be staying on the BeachBody team to help with future growth, post-merge. Kevin Mayer played a large role in the success of Disney+, also former TikTok CEO + +I assume that once the merger is complete, these three will be able to participate in PR and marketing for the company. The team has stated that there are certain SEC rules against this until the transaction is complete. + +**Bear Case - MLM** + +BeachBody has been accused of being a Multi-Level Marketing Scheme. While it is true that BB coaches are incentivized to bring on other coaches and sell Shakeology, it is not mandatory. In fact, employees and coaches are not allowed to have products on hand (shakeology) which is typical of a true MLM. Because of this, it’s a non-issue to me. I don’t find this company to be unethical, as they have truly helped people to change their lives in a positive way. Plus, I’m a believer in personal responsibility. As stated previously, coaches CANNOT have product on hand, and become coaches on their own free will. You can become a coach and never sell a single product or bring on another coach. No gun-to-the-head style sales tactics. If anything, it’s more closely related to affiliate marketing. + +Have some of the coaches used unethical tactics to make sales? I'm sure they have. Happens in business. They've also helped millions of people get into shape and be more healthy. By utilitarian ethic standards, I believe they are ethical. You should do your own research and come up with your own conclusion. + +**Final Thoughts** + +All in all, this is a financially solid company with plans for growth and expansion (in an industry that is expected to have a CAGR of 33% by 2027, $59B) which happens to have a few meme-like qualities. + +**TLDR;** Cheapest bike, home workouts here to stay, tech good, Shaq, meme + +Not a financial advisor, not financial advice + +Positions: 259 $20C Feb, 33 $17.5C Feb + +Edit: Link to the latest investor presentation [here.](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f75fdc89cf35e7524ec4b54/t/60c0a9adab80500e09580179/1623239095086/The+Beachbody+Company_Investor+Presentation_June+2021.pdf) + +Link to MeetKevin interviewing leadership [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grBMbs0RpmE) + +Link to Benzinga interview with BeachBody CEO [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dae5_d3ciOM) + +&#x200B; +There have been numerous thefts on Blockchain.com (previously Blockchain.info) wallet. Hundreds or even thousands of customers have lost millions worth of Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. + +The most recent reason for these thefts is 2FA malfunction. Most victims have stated that right before the theft, either 2FA email has been changed or 2FA completely disabled, after which all funds have been moved out. + +[https://honestproscons.com/blockchain-com-is-losing-customers-funds](https://honestproscons.com/blockchain-com-is-losing-customers-funds) + +There’s a known 2FA security flaw on Blockchain.com that allows a hacker to disable 2FA without needing to authenticate with 2FA first. This allows the hacker to login to the wallet with just Wallet ID and password. + +[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1B7Edd-fj3wSegL2\_JMwKBglPzk3pBG9DUVLuz3HPP-w/edit#slide=id.g848d967a91\_0\_21](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1B7Edd-fj3wSegL2_JMwKBglPzk3pBG9DUVLuz3HPP-w/edit#slide=id.g848d967a91_0_21) + +Even though Blockchain.com has been aware of this flaw since 2019, it still has not been fixed. This flaw is likely the reason for multiple hacks, though there may be other security flaws in the Blockchain.com wallet. The involvement of Blockchain.com staff or a data leak cannot be ruled out either. + +As of now, Blockchain.com is unwilling to accept responsibility or admit that their system has any security flaws. Instead, Blockchain.com is threatening people who have exposed these flaws with legal actions. Here's the example of such a letter and further correspondence with their lawyers: + +[https://blockchaindotcomsucks.com/legal-stuff](https://blockchaindotcomsucks.com/legal-stuff) + +Blockchain.com has also been unable to provide any reasonable support to its customers and has offered absolutely no aid to the victims of the theft. As a result of this, on TrustPilot, 60% of reviews are negative 1-star reviews. + +[https://www.trustpilot.com/review/blockchain.com?stars=1](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/blockchain.com?stars=1) + +We strongly advise everyone to stop using Blockchain.com wallet and their other services due to the extremely low security they provide and the high risk of theft on their platform. + +[https://isblockchainascam.com](https://isblockchainascam.com/) +I know he probably isn't going to see this (most people won't), but I really miss Rensole. I miss drinking my coffee in the morning and reading his report. I find myself just going to his old posts and reading them, but it's not the same as getting the paper hot off the press... + +I hope you are doing well u/rensole 👑 + +Cheers 🍻 +HEY THERE ALL. HERES A COIN YOU DONT WANT TO MISS, Once this coin gets more traction for what it has in store, you wont see this price ever again. + +THEIR DEX PLATFORM IS OUT AT 2pm UTC TOMORROW. +CHECK OUT THE PROTOTYPE HERE : https://app.windswap.finance/#/swap + +The devs have been working real hard to create a DEX swap that has cross-chain functions on Binance Smartchain Testnet. And it has additional features like RUG checker. This exchange will be here to stay thats for sure. + PREVIEW OF FEATURES : https://imgur.com/a/xQ7GCjQ + +It has the functionality of the cross-chain swapper, which is absolutely HUGE. No more hassle when transferring your funds from ESC-20 to BSC, with windswap it literally has a REAL USECASE! + +Furthermore, staking rewards is coming soon by staking the Windy token. There will be a limit order feature, Comprehensive charting. All the best features simply in one place for budding venture capitalists! This platform will be the first all-in-one exchange for the Binance Smart Chain. + +And of course I come here with your favourite words. + +DEFLATIONARY. + +TOKEN. + +BURN. + +REDISTRIBUTION. + +The difference here is that the way that $WINDY redistribution works is truly revolutionary and unique. So how does it work? What's the purpose of this coin? + +It is deflationary, with only 24.8 million coins in circulation, but steadily decreasing until it hits just 8.8 million coins. + +The deflationary rebase structure rewards INVESTORS rather than WHALES + +WindSwap charges a small levy every time token are transacted which causes rotations to be completed and a rebases to occur every 2.5million tokens. A rebase marks the end of a rotation and the beginning of the next. At this point, 75% of the tokens are burnt, with the remaining 25% tokens rebased into the wallet pool of WindSwap holders. + +WindSwap automatically reduces the supply of tokens to ensure scarcity in the supply. By burning 75% of the tokens withheld, and only rebasing 25% of the tokens (which are pro-rated) based on current token holdings, smaller investors are rewarded, as opposed to the large ‘whales’ with the majority stake in the token. After 192 cycles, the total supply will be just 8.8mil tokens and the trading levy will be reduced to 0% permanently. + +Currently we have breezed through the cycles and are on cycle number 57! + +​ + +Why Invest in WINDY? + +Low Market Cap +Rug Proof - 80% of Tokens are being used for liquidity on Pancake Swap (99% Liquidity Locked on Unicrypt) +Great Telegram Community +Huge Potential I MEAN LOOK AT THE PRODUCT!! (CG Application In Progress) +Actual Use Case +The strength of the Wind Warriors - 6k TG members! 2500 HODLers (+25% in the past two days!) + +The team behind this project is absolutely amazing. Behind every great idea is a roundtable of great minds. The team at WindSwap are some of the most top notch developers I've met in a long time, and even if you aren't going to buy in I hope you at least join the telegram to say hi. You won't be disappointed! + + +With that I leave below all the relevant information below, and if there are any question feel free to post below or drop us a message in the telegram group! + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +WindSwap ($WINDY) Links: + +Contract: 0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2 + +Pancakeswap (link used to buy or sell) : https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2 + +Price Chart: +https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2 + +Liquidity Locked - https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6 + +Litepaper - https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf + +TELEGRAM CHAT: https://t.me/windswapmembers + +WEBSITE: https://windswap.finance/ + + +**TLDR:** + +In one sentence a TML is an institutional quality stock in a leading industry group with superior fundamentals and technicals. These are monster stocks which over the course of weeks and months increase +100% to +5,000% . These stocks are disruptors which change how we work, live, or play. + +TMLs are popular with traders/investors whose methodology is based on the CANSLIM system developed by William O'Neil. He called them Model Book Stocks. Huge winners worth studying to identify common characteristics that they all share O'Neil studied over 1000 model book stocks going back to the 1880s. Many are shown and discussed in these must read books + +* How To Make Money in Stocks, William O'Neil +* Monster Stocks: How They Set Up, Run Up, Top and Make You Money , John Boik +* The Lifecycle Trade: How to Win at Trading IPOs and Super Growth Stocks, Eric Krull, Kathy Donnelly, and Kurt Dail + +**A few Historical Examples** from William O'Neil's How To Find & Own America's Greatest Opportunities + +Apple 2003 [https://imgur.com/2Egn9z5](https://imgur.com/2Egn9z5) + +Netflix 2009 [https://imgur.com/BHCtJpo](https://imgur.com/BHCtJpo) + +Home Depot 1982 [https://imgur.com/tBU3JgU](https://imgur.com/tBU3JgU) + +Qualcomm 1997 [https://imgur.com/oYPItOW](https://imgur.com/oYPItOW) + +Yahoo 1996 [https://imgur.com/ToOxnQJ](https://imgur.com/ToOxnQJ) + +**So what are the Fundamental characteristics of a TML? You want to see superior:** + +* Quarterly Sales Growth > 25% YoY +* Quarterly Earnings Growth > 25% YoY +* Pre+After Tax Margins >20% Recent Quarters +* ROE >17% +* Annual Earnings Ests for the next year > 25% + +And above all else you want the stock to have a great story- A new and innovative product or service that changes how we work live or play. Not every TML will have all of these criteria, but in general their record should be outstanding with regards to most of them. The higher these values the better. Earnings and Sales growth over 100% YoY is ideal. Annual Estimates for next year over 100% would be exceptional. + +TMLs are also often in the Top 20 Industry groups at the times of their runs. The TML is the leader of an overall top group which is riding the tailwinds of changing environments. Recent examples $SE $SHOP $AMZN Retail-Internet and $TSLA $NIO Electric Vehicles (Auto Manufacturers) + +Additionally base liquidity is required for these stocks to be institutional quality. Dollar Volume > $30 Million is essential and most should have DV much higher than that. Accumulation by big hedge funds and mutual funds like Fidelity Contrafund are what move the markets. They won't touch a promising stock unless it has liquidity. + +**Now for Technical (Price Action) Characteristics of TMLs.** + +They should be: + +* Above a Rising 30 Week Moving Average +* Breaking out of a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Base +* Trending above Key Moving Averages (10, 21ema, 50sma) +* Volume and Price contractions within bases +* Up/Down Vol> 1.2 +* Huge gaps up on volume after Earning Beat +* And most importantly they must be showing Relative Strength, meaning they are outperforming the vast majority of stocks in the market. This. is. vital. + +During corrections and overall market weakness they should be near all time highs, above their longer term moving averages. They should be standing out like a sore thumb and yelling "Buy me". And during Market Uptrends they should be trending above the shorter term moving averages, forming sideways price shelfs during small pullbacks and then breaking out again. Most stay above their 50 SMAs and even 21 emas for extended periods of time. + +**So how to scan for them:** + +Use MarketSmith, the IBD Stock Screener, Finviz, or another screener and screen for the fundamental criteria mentioned above combined with the stock over the 200+50 SMA. It's helpful to have multiple screens splitting up the criteria for instance one scan for the earnings and one for sales. + +Here is an example Finviz TML Scan: [https://imgur.com/a/CzwHdM8](https://imgur.com/a/CzwHdM8) + +**Recent examples to study** + +$LVGO 2020 +$TSLA 2019-2020 +$DOCU 2019-2020 +$PTON 2020 +$SHOP 2016-2020 +$AMD 2018 +$ZM 2020 +My parent has money in a taxable account as well as an IRA they are forced to take minimum distributions on. They know they will be leaving me some of this money, and we have been discussing how to make the most of it. + +Our planning has mainly been centered around getting this after-tax money into Roth accounts so we can unlock the power of untaxed growth. This makes the most sense as my current marginal rate is the lowest it will be in my career, and we assume taxes will rise in the future. We already add $6k to my Roth IRA annually. + +My new company offers a Roth 401k which at face value seems like an attractive way to more quickly convert more of these funds to tax-free growth. + +Does this plan make sense? + +* Open a Roth 401k with my new company +* Max it out with the new limit of $20,500 this year + + * This will require me withholding about 40% of salary, which I have verified my new company allows. +* Each month, parent deposits the difference between the 40% contribution and the 5% I was already contributing to get the company match. This ensures my take-home pay remains consistent. +* When I leave the job in the future, I can convert the Roth 401k to a Roth IRA. + + * Essentially allowing me to convert 6k + 20.5k = 26.5k a year of taxable funds to a tax-free Roth IRA account. + +Is there anything I'm missing? Any concerns I should have? Has anyone done this before? + +Thanks guys and Merry Christmas +https://www.americanfunds.com/ria/insights/can-i-retire-at-40.html + +These guys are not fans of the 4% rule... They recommend saving **36 times annual spending** before FIREing at age 40. I'm all for conservative planning, but this is a bit extreme. Agree? Disagree? +I just looked at my account and it said, for example that I'd get $2,000/mo if I retired at 65. But then I used their simulator tool and moved my future salary to $0 and it changed the estimated social security to $1300. I am 45. Does this mean if I retire next year and have $0 income, my monthly benefit will be reduced when I am 65? +Many months ago we crowdsourced a portfolio of reddit picks for 2015 + +Here's the link to the portfolio: + +https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pAVUIFWAf13OF42f6OZ5smAtPRYKMiTz8lmWO3y-aKE/edit?usp=sharing + +Feel free to share thoughts, new additions, etc. +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-31/think-u-s-tech-is-bad-check-out-tencent-s-140-billion-selloff](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-31/think-u-s-tech-is-bad-check-out-tencent-s-140-billion-selloff) +Backstory: + +I’m 22 years old, I have a degree in Finance (makes this post kinda ironic in my eyes), and I’m debt free. My parents are fairly well off and they paid for my college as long as I worked and had good grades. I graduated a year early and have worked full time as an electrician (really putting that degree to use) since I graduated. Future plans include getting my electrical license, and just getting more experience in the field hoping to move up to someday be a project manager or open my own shop up, but those are distant plans + +Currently I make just over $55K before taxes, contribute 6% with a 3% company match to my 401(K), I have about $6K in an investment account, about $5K in a Roth IRA. Have about $4,000 in cash as well. I plan to keep putting my $6,000 a year into the Roth as well + +I currently rent a house with 3 roommates, my total bills for that come to about $900/mo. The only other expenses I have are for car insurance, food, going out and hobbies, I’ve been trying to save about $500/month. The only credit I have is from a credit card I got about a year ago, which I pay off every month in full. My credit score is around 735. + +I’d like to buy a house soon, but I live in Charlotte and the real estate market here is insane. There’s almost nothing for sale within an hour of the city for less than $250K, and I don’t feel like I can afford that. I’ll also need to get a new car at some point in the next year or two, my current one is 23 years old and gets 11MPG. I plan to pay cash for it when I have to. I don’t drive it much, because I have a company truck so it’s not a huge priority but something I’d like to plan for. + +So what should my next move be? Just keep saving the way I am? I could cut out a bit of my spending to save more, or stop putting as much in retirement accounts to free up more cash to save for a down payment +What does “one percent” mean? One percent of what? I’m meeting with him soon but I want to understand what I’m potentially getting into. + +Scenario: I’m semi retired in early 60s and looking to manage around two million in assets to last me until I die. +I applied for a credit card, I’m 23 and I have a 750 credit score and the card I applied to is with in that range, but I got rejected saying I don’t have a established references for a sufficient time, or number of accounts or paid to agree is too low. + +How can I improve these things? +Title is pretty self explanatory. My mother is really horrible with money, she’s around 60 and bankrupt. She currently lives in a different country with her husband and she’s not doing so well. Once in a blue moon she shows up asking for money with promises of giving it back but I know it’s not gonna happen. + +We have an estranged, rather complicated relationship and as horrible as it may sound I don’t want my mother to have much part in my life when she gets older. I don’t want her to have to move in with me or even have her live too close by. + +I’m starting to feel like the best way to make this a reality would be to set her up with her own account that once she reaches her latest years she can have some stability and her own independence. As bad as we get along I don’t want her to end up in a home. + +But as I mentioned at the beginning I don’t want her to know I’m doing this or else she’s just gonna spend it before retirement. I want to set her up in a way money is going to be released slowly and not just full access to said account. Any advice? +Been saving up for a while and have 30k in cash and not sure to do with it. Markets bad, Crypto too risky and real estate is too expensive. Currently own a home in Charlotte that I’m renting out bought for 260k in 2015 and now Zillow is “saying” I can sell for 510k, there is currently 190k on the mortgage. I live and work inNYC area and live in a rent stabilized apartment with my husband and 3 kids. What’s a smart investment I can make wi the my cash, and when’s the right time to sell the home +I bought a new car last year and the insurance costs are literally as much as my payment every month. For context I make around 20k a year but I have good credit and I live in AL. + + I took out a loan to buy the car but what I am wondering is: Can I take out a second personal loan to pay off my lien holder and then reduce coverage to just liability? Or would I still be obligated to hold full coverage? + +My bills currently make up 90 something percent of my income. I know the real problem is my income and I am working on that but I really need some financial headroom. +I’ve seen lots of discussion on lifestyles and spend, but I’m curious where everyone plans to retire to once they can. + +I’ve tried googling, but I can never find a good list of “best places to retire to if you don’t care about money”. They always bring money into it. + +Obviously it’s going to be different for everyone, but I’d like to have more cities to research! Especially since it’s hard to envision what exactly we are saving for, since our current location isn’t our ideal location. +Hi all, + +I'm in my late twenties with an annual comp of \~$400k-1mm. The range is wide because most of my comp is in carry (PE/VC) and I'm incredibly illiquid. Lower range is beginning cash value and higher is if the fund hits target performance. Similarly, I don't know where to mark my net worth because most of it is tied up in our funds. + +My job is mostly remote, with our team all over the US, so I've been considering taking a year to live 2-3 months in a handful of places and figure out where I want to settle long-term. It'd be mix of HCOL and LCOL places, all in the US. My SO also works mostly remote with similar comp, but we don't mix finances and we're not married. We'll probably need to be somewhat picky about places because we'd need to be able to fly out on relatively short notice. + +Has anyone done anything similar? + +I'm thinking airbnbs for the stays because it just seems easiest, but while I don't want to rough it, I also don't want to be blowing cash to make this work and have it set me back. Is this a good idea? Is this going to get too logistically complicated? Would be great to get any advice on what might come up and how I could best plan in advance. +I've heard a lot of advice but I'm skeptical of it all for various reasons: + +"Umbrella insurance equal to your net worth." Makes no sense it's not like people aren't allowed to be sued for a value above their net worth. + +"1-5M policy, enough so the insurance company is going to fight for you." I like this argument but the range is huge.. which is it, 1M or 5M? And this discounts your perceived risk, which brings me to + +"Depends on your risks, like if you have real estate or teenage drivers" if that were true, it would contradict the previous one. Shouldn't this be more a reflection of your premium, rather than the size of the policy you need? I don't get a larger insurance policy on my house if I live in a fire zone, it just means my premiums are higher. + +How are you all protecting yourselves, and how'd you arrive at the number? +What the fuck have they been doing since the bull run of 2017?? This is crypto's supposed "most legit" exchange and it shuts down during literally the most important times. I hope someone from Coinbase can explain? + +This is not financial advice, do your own research. + + +I have been criticizing myself for not writing this sooner and better, and time is running out for me to do it, so here goes. I don't want to be accused of not trying, to hear "why didn't you tell me". + + +Below is my reasoning why in my opinion you should buy Gamestop stock, ticker GME, broken up into the following sections: + +TL;DR +My Story +Short Squeeze Thesis +Natural Growth Thesis + + +If you have more questions, a good starting point is the top 2 stickied posts in R/Superstonk + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/ + + +As for how to buy, it is pretty easy to open a Fidelity account, connect it to your checking account, and transfer the funds over. You should get on that. + + + +Too Long; Didn't Read (TL;DR): + +First, if this is all new to you, there is a year and a half of information you've missed that I do not have the time to write up and you do not have the time to read because it would take you days. This is my attempt to throw a rope of financial freedom to as many people as possible. I'm telling you that spending $130ish now could make you wealthy enough to completely change the rest of your life and your children's lives. If you don't take the rope, it's on you, I tried. + +Second, if you think you missed the boat, if you think "what good is 1 or even 10 shares going to do me", just know that if the short thesis is true, if Gamestop is still shorted over 140% and possibly over 1000%, then 1 share could be worth millions if you hold onto it. + +Third, forget what Gamestop was, the little game store in dying malls. Look at what it is now, a tech company led by Chairman of the Board Ryan Cohen and a team of executives who left phenomenal careers with companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart to work there. As just one example of its pivot, Gamestop will be releasing an NFT marketplace soon with the intent of revolutionizing the digital marketplace. Think of Gamestop like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon or Google during their startup phase but instead of starting with nothing they are starting out with thousands of stores and infrastructure and brand recognition and loyal customers. Everyone always says they wish they had bought lots of shares of Microsoft, Apple, or Amazon back when you first could and held them through stock splits. This is your chance to say "I bought" instead of "I wish I'd bought. + + +Gamestop is still insanely shorted (estimates over 1000%), and Gamestop is issuing a 4-1 share dividend as stock split on 7/21/22 which means if you buy a GME share by 7/21 (to be safe try to get one by 7/18) you will have 4 shares after the split, and because this is a dividend as a split and not a simple stock split, this may cause the short squeeze and this may be your last chance to buy before the price becomes unaffordable. So in my opinion you should buy at least 1 share this week. And if $130/share is too expensive for you, then after the split you should buy at least 1 share at the post-split price whatever it is, if you still can. And in my opinion you should buy as much as you can afford. I have over 1200 shares which are about to become over 4800. + +Just know that if you buy, you need to hold tight and be prepared to see the price drop. I originally bought in at $100/share, and saw the price rise to $483, then down to $38, and then up and down everywhere in-between since. The price will be whatever short sellers want it to be until they cannot short it any longer so buckle up. + + +And if this split does not launch the short squeeze, just know that investors have already Direct Registered over 15 million shares of Gamestop with Gamestop's transfer agent Computershare, and eventually investors will Direct Register every single GME share with Computershare and prove the naked shorting of Gamestop. If 61 million more people just bought 1 share and DRS'ed it with Computershare right away such that all 76 million shares were direct registered, the truth would be evident much sooner. The Short Squeeze is inevitable. + +And finally, if you believe that there is no naked shorting, that the current price is not manipulated or suppressed, then know this. I am going to keep supporting Gamestop, and I believe 100s of thousands of other investors acting on their own will keep supporting Gamestop, providing an unbreakable financial foundation from which Gamestop can do anything. They can become a parent company of any number of companies aimed at being the best in their field. They can take on Amazon. They can create a web service to challenge Amazon Web Services, a search engine to challenge Google, a music service to challenge Spotify and the entire bloody music industry. They could take on bloody Wal-Mart if they wanted. If they create the best ways to feed me, clothe me, equip and furnish me, entertain me and more, I will buy all of it while continuing to buy the stock. If you believe that the current price is natural, then I will support them until the stock price is naturally worth more than Amazon and Google at their highest price points combined and beyond. If you think that 100s of thousands of investors got suckered by a pump & dump of a dying company, these "suckers" saved Gamestop and ensured its survival when Gamestop raised $1 billion in cash by selling just 5 million shares last year. And we can do it again, and again, and again. + + + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +My Story: why you should consider my words + +I graduated with a Bachelor's into the Great Recession of 2008. I could not find work that matched my education, so I took a quick summer class to become an EMT. I got my EMT certification but ended up working in a hospital for the next 3 years until my first introduction to dealing with psychopaths in positions of power caused me to leave. I then got a health insurance Claims Examiner job that was supposed to be Temp-to-Perm after 6 months of acceptable work, and since I was the best performer of my class it was a given I would make the switch to permanent. But that would be too easy. Surprise, the company decided to outsource the Claims Examiner role to the Philippines and chose not to hire any of us that they had just spent months training. I ended up getting a frontline role in an I.T. company that you've never heard of but which handles work for many companies that you definitely have. I excelled in that job, but after they kept making promises to discusses raises and never followed through, I left to work at a Fortune 500 bank, a very decent one (not Wells Fargo), where I still am today in my mid-30s. I'm regularly a top performer, always rated very well on my year-end reviews, and I just got a 20% raise at the beginning of 2022. + +During that journey, I financed a car and paid it off in 2 years instead of 6, despite making barely better than minimum wage. I lived frugally and saved my money, and when I got the I.T. job, I bought a sub-$50k house and paid it off in 2 years to the month from when I bought it. Note that all of my 20s I made less than $30k, age 30 was the first year I ever made over $30k. + +I kept working and saving, COVID hits and now I'm working from home. It is now January 2021 and I have about $35k saved up in my checking account. I have a 401k but never personally bought stocks. I see posts about how Gamestop is 140% shorted and the price is rising (I later learned the short interest was as high as 226%). With some brief research I immediately understood the implication of 140% short interest; every single GME share plus 40% on top of that (how could that be possible, how can you borrow more shares than exist?) had been shorted and to close their short positions the short sellers had to buy back shares at any price sellers named and since sellers could see their predicament the sellers could name any price. I am risk-averse, I do not gamble. This was not gambling, this was playing a poker game knowing I had the unbeatable hand. I created a brokerage account and I went all in with $33k at around $100ish/share, so about 333 shares. In just a few days I had already quadrupled my money and the price was still rising. I had just made 3 years of income in a few days and the price should have kept going higher. I was right, and all of my backbreaking, soulcrushing work and dead-end jobs and disappointments for over a decade had finally been justified with an epic win. + +And then Robinhood and other brokers shut off the Buy button but not the Sell button. Let me emphasize that, they did not freeze trading to give themselves a breather to fix their algorithms and fulfill their obligations, they prevented people from buying but not from selling. And to this day they still have not been punished. + +And so the price crashed down. I'm sure a few people sold but I'm also sure it was mostly short sellers hammering the price back down. + +I did not sell. I saw the price drop to $38/share, my $33k investment reduced to less than half. I did not sell. + +I watched the congressional hearings, and saw Keith Gill say he would still buy at $40/share. Then I saw the next day that he bought another 50k shares at $42/share. I bought as much as I could at $45/share. + +The price rose back over $100/share. Then over $150/share. Then over $250 and back down to $180 then down to $150. Then over $300 and back down. Then almost $250 again in Nov 2021 then back down. + +I've bought more shares at $150, $180, $210, and many other price points. + +I saw many posts thinking $150/share was the floor price going forward. Then I saw the price drop as low as $78/share on 3/14/22. And then back up to $146.50 on 6/7/22. I did not sell. + + +I've spent almost every day since January 2021 learning about what happened with Gamestop and why. + +I've learned about: + +Naked Shorting +Cellar Boxing +Shorting ETFs +Failure-to-Delivers (FTDs) +Payment-For-Order-Flow (PFOF) +Dark Pools +Total Return Swaps +Boston Consulting Group (BCG) + + + +Since the Buy Button was shut off, I've had multiple chances to get out with a profit. I could have sold when the price went to $265 on 3/10/21, or to $302.56 on 6/9/21, or to $247.55 on 11/22/21. I have not sold a single share. + + +I have almost quadrupled my position to over 1200 shares. Which is about to become 4800 shares. + + +I've tried to do the right thing my whole life even when everything else went wrong and everyone else did wrong. I strive to have the right understanding of everything and then teach what's right to others. I worked hard, I paid my debts, I lived frugally, and taken care of my family and friends. + +I was right when I first bought GME and I am still right now. + + +I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. This is freedom advice. Buy as many Gamestop (GME) shares as you can afford. + + + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +The Short Squeeze Thesis + +When I first learned of Gamestop, the reported short interest was 140%. But later documents from the lawsuit against Robinhood showed the short interest at 226%. + +People much smart than I have said that mathematically the short sellers could not have closed their short positions. If the short sellers closed their positions, why is it that whenever the price of Gamestop rose to $300 or $250 it got shorted back down below $200 fast? I have seen day after day where the buy-to-sell ratio reported on Fidelity or some other broker was 8-1 or more. If so many people want to buy Gamestop and if the short sellers had truly closed their short positions, why isn't the price rising above $483 and beyond? The sentiment behind Gamestop at least rivals if not far exceeds Tesla, so why shouldn't the price be above $1000 by now? + +If so many people want to buy, who is selling? The answer is that almost all of the selling pressure is coming from short sellers selling shares short trying to keep the price where is does the least damage to them. If the price gets too high they could get margin called. If the price drops too low then investors can buy even more shares making their position worse and worse. + + +The Short Squeeze Thesis is that shorts never closed, that the price of Gamestop has been suppressed do to continueous shorting and naked shorting over the last year and a half, that the short interest could be over 1000% or far higher depending on how many short sales have been needed to suppress the price. And that when short sellers run out of money to pay the borrow fees or interest on their positions or when they get margin called, we will see a short squeeze far beyond any witnessed before and which we will never see again. + + + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +The Natural Growth Thesis + +This thesis assumes that the shorts closed their positions and the short interest isn't catastrophic, so there won't be a short squeeze. + +However, this thesis recognizes that Gamestop is no longer a dying brick & mortar company vulnerable to being shorted into bankruptcy. That Gamestop has an established website and more than 3000 stores and associated infrastructure and a brand new gigantic warehouse. That Gamestop has more than $1 Billion in cash on hand, has hired top talent from the likes of Amazon and Wal-Mart, is transforming into a tech company with a multitude of avenues to pursue disruption and profit within the industry, and has a passionate customer and investor base fully committed to ensuring Gamestop's success. + +Based upon this assessment, this thesis argues that Gamestop should not be valued as a retail company but as a tech company with the increased valuation potential. And that when the market recognizes this fact, that the share price should end up well over $1000 per share. The current price is wrong. + + + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +In summary, if you buy and the short squeeze thesis is right, you could be rich enough to never do anything you don't want to do for the rest of your life, and change the future of your children. If you buy and the natural growth thesis is right, you could still do very well depending on how much you buy, how high the price goes and how many splits happen and how long you hold. + +The only way you lose if everything is a lie and the company goes bankrupt, which isn't going to happen. + +I am tossing you a rope attached to a rocket ship and screaming at you to grab it. Don't let me tell you "I told you so". + + + +Also, here is a pretty good summary of some possibilities of what may occur right after the split: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vv7nsl/good_summary_of_what_we_can_expect/ + + + + +To all my fellow investors in Gamestop, if are better than I and have organized and saved the best DD links, please link them below in the comments. +[Twatter Link](https://twitter.com/theproblem/status/1499761588219392001?s=21) + +Jon Stewart is doing an AMA here on Monday to continue the pressure on the fuckery going on in Wall St. Check out his latest episode of The Problem with Jon Stewart regarding the stock market. +..(pretty sure this meeting wasn’t planned in one day) + +Only a few days before this meeting, the market falls drastically and there is blood on the street. But suddenly, just one day after this meet, markets climb up like crazy numbers, even unheard by many people, and the public is openly told about this meeting. Why not tell about this news on the same day? Why not stop the bloodbath if they are so in support of crypto and decentralisation? Were they upto something, say, buying the dip? To make the market in their favour, make it easier to manipulate it? Also a Goldman Sachs news was thrown in. + +No manipulation at all here folks. This is truly dangerous for decentralisation. Stop trusting these people and institutions. + +Edit: Here are the tweets that I am referring to:: + +1. [Musk Tweet](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1396914548167233537?s=21) + +2. [Saylor Tweet](https://twitter.com/michael_saylor/status/1396915801492439044?s=21) +I know how you feel. We know all the DDs and we know the SHF’s are fucked. But there is also this little voice that says: **“I’ve never won anything. This is too good to be true...”** + +If the MOASS seems too good then just think about the potential growth of the company. For me this is a long term investment. I will keep x shares and after the MOASS I will also reinvest in GME. + +Just look at the current market cap \~$20B and compare it to other companies (AMC \~$30B; Peloton \~$33B; Chewy \~$33B; ATVI \~$75B; Starbucks \~$130B; Walmart \~$400B; Amazon \~1600B; Netflix \~220B; Zalando \~$25B; Booking \~$95B). Not all the companies are really comparable, but good to get a feeling. + +GameStop is debt free, super hero management team, millions of loyal customers, loyal shareholders, has a revolutionary nft concept (suspected), one of the fastest growing industries, huge retail infrastructure, strong growing e-commerce, strong brand... + +Is it possible that GME will get a market cap of >$50B and a stock price of >$750 in the next years? Absolutely! The current share price is still very cheap. It’s just a really good investment. + +So don’t hype dates and don’t get disappointed if the MOASS will not happen this week. **They have to cover their shorts. Be patient and remember the floor.** [**www.gmefloor.com**](https://www.gmefloor.com) + +We just have to **HODL and BUY**. So just two things (I hope you voted). + +No financial advice I’m just a retarded ape. +Hi everyone, throwaway for obvious reasons. + +My partner and I have known each other for 6-7 years and have been together for just over a year. He had a previous marriage that ended badly and, although initially marriage seemed to be off the cards, he's recently indicated that he does want to marry me. I work full time in a well-paid job in an industry that has lots of potential for advancement; he's a mature age final year law student. + +All of the above is just to give a bit of background to my query, and I call it a query because there's no real issue per se, we've just had a conversation that has raised a few questions from my perspective. We're planning on moving in together soon to start our life together and this morning over breakfast, talk turned to that of finances and a binding financial agreement (pre-nup). I knew this would be a talk we'd have as and when the possibility of marriage got closer, and I wasn't expecting it so soon, although as he explained, it makes sense given that we'll soon be what is considered a defacto couple. + +He was burned quite badly by the ex who had a lot of financial control over him and who ended up taking a lot more from that relationship than she should have, so I understand the need for a prenup (both to protect me and my assets as well). I suppose I just feel a little bit caught off-guard and put under pressure at the speed with which this conversation has come about and the clear amount of forethought that he's put into it. He's already mentioned about his exclusions (inheritance) and other finance-related jargon and while I know it behooves me to do my own research, I guess I'm just wondering if anyone on here has any sort of advice when entering into a prenup? I don't have much in the way of assets - some stocks and shares, a little bit of savings and a car. I also don't have much debt to speak of, nor does he. I'd say our assets currently are comparable. + +He's said about getting his family friend to draft up an agreement which I can then run by my own lawyer/ legal representative. Is or are there any pitfalls or things I should be looking out for at this stage? + +I love this man with all my heart and know that he loves me equally, just the unexpectedness of this particular chat has me feeling a bit... uneasy, I guess - probably more to do with my own uncomfortability with discussing finances with others than anything else, although any insight here would also be appreciated. + +TL/DR - query/ offmychest vent about unexpected prenup. Any input and opinions would be greatly appreciated. +Two weeks ago i was pressed for money for grad loans and inflation which has forced me to spend more money than usual and i began to feel cornered and anxious. Moass seemed forever away and the sinful thought of selling my shares came to mind. Then refreshing DD hit and im reminded of how RC has won the game, even if only 1% of all the DD published is true it takes only 1 to prove naked shorting and transformation of GME into a tech stock. Since then i decided to take out a loan for grad school while continuing to build my GME position. I borrowed extra money for grad school but will contribute some of it to GME as well. I feel totally zen knowing that his tweets are a blatant 🖕 to the system, as a signal that our time is coming. If anyone else feels trapped by life’s situation, just remember our leader is a meme lord that will lead us to the promised land. +Any tips for best ways for partners to combine incomes? Would be good to hear from people as to how they did it, any regrets they may have had with how they did it, and how they might do it again in the future. + +Our main worry is the actual mechanics of combining it all with payments going out at various times of the month. I get paid at the end of the month and my wife gets paid on the 22nd (or nearest working day) so it doesn't seem that possible to just blob it all together at the beginning of a new month but happy to be wrong here. + +[This brilliant post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/l0i500/finances_for_couples_overview/) has been great in deciding what kind of split and management style we're aiming for - Method 2. + +Not sure if any background or further details would be relevant here but happy to give some if necessary. + +Thanks in advance! +Ken Griffin, the owner of Citadel Securities, who lied under oath in a congressional hearing and is still breathing free air should be lit the fuck up on any and every post. Stop calling him by his nick names. He needs to be in prison for his crimes and SEO helps spread the details about the ponzi scheme he continues to operate +As you may have noticed, there are a lot of very low quality "pro-monero" comments being posted all over crypto reddit recently. We've done a lot of work to clean up our subreddit network and prevent future spam, but the attack is ongoing and you may see it elsewhere. My personal opinion at this time is that monero is not behind this attack + +We do a lot of behind the scenes work to keep things clean and handle manipulation privately so the attackers do not learn our methods and evade them, but in certain cases like this one I believe it is good to show people what to look out for. If you are interested in this topic, SmarterEveryDay did a good series about manipulation on social media. There are videos for [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PGm8LslEb4), [Facebook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY_NtO7SIrY), and [Twitter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-1RhQ1uuQ4). Reddit was not included but it does face very similar challenges [as outlined by the admins here](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/8bb85p/reddits_2017_transparency_report_and_suspect/). + + +###History +About a week after the attack began, I wrote up a report on March 15th [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/m5qk61/everything_changed_when_the_monero_spambot_nation/) with many examples of these spam accounts. I was contacted by mods of some affected subs asking for help, offering to collaborate, or expressing anger and worry that their mod team would be overwhelmed and quit. A few just banned crypto or monero mentions outright, which may very well be the intent of the attack. + +###Latest info +The spammers have recently started adapting to avoid filters (eg. Xm_o.n.e.r.os) and are spamming more than ever. My bot banned about 45 of these accounts in the past day alone. They are also targeting more subs over time. From what I can tell, only about 7 of these accounts have been suspended (under 2%) even though I reported 113 of them weeks ago. I have reached out to the admins again today with this post + +u/earthonion had a clever idea for [finding these spammers and released a proof of concept](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/mhwpwa/i_wrote_a_script_that_finds_all_of_those_monero/). He also found an interesting slip up that seems to imply it's automated: https://web.archive.org/web/20210404161623if_/https://www.reddit.com/r/SatoshiStreetBets/comments/m8jio7/im_done_with_shitcoins/griyxd9/ + +> XMR crypto is like a better bitcoin. I am buying it because I think it will be big in **{value|price|** like bitcoin. + +It's been possible (but a lot of work and not ideal) to block this attack almost entirely as a mod, but they could always adapt the attack further. It's a cat and mouse game at this point to block all the spam without affecting any real users. If you are a mod of an affected sub and would like tips on filtering or to discuss further, please contact me privately + + +###Affected subs: + +Sub | Comments +---|--- +r/SatoshiStreetBets|3957 +r/CryptoMarkets|1623 +r/Bitcoin|1507 +r/CryptoCurrency|1448 +r/AltStreetBets|1032 +r/darknet|918 +r/BitcoinMarkets|770 +r/GME|567 +r/privacy|421 +r/onions|278 +r/bitcoin_ireland|86 +r/psychadelics|83 +r/Etizolam_Discussion|73 +r/CoinPath|72 +r/altcoin_news|71 +r/CryptoCurrencies|67 +r/darknetmarket|62 +r/investing|56 +r/MDMA|47 +r/OpiateChurch|42 +r/cocaine|36 +r/deepweb|28 +r/askdrugs|23 +r/LSD|11 +r/opiates|2 + + +###User List (let me know if you would like this in a different format): + +* u/abjectlychop77 +* u/aboradcurry83 +* u/aboutoutweigh166 +* u/aboutswear837 +* u/abroachwarhead44 +* u/abyssalkleenex +* u/academicmasseuse +* u/adamantkawaka +* u/aegeanaffluent334 +* u/aeriallysquish333 +* u/afarabdicate89 +* u/afieldsulphur93 +* u/aheadexit +* u/aheadgolf +* u/aheadpromote +* u/aliasloft +* u/allegrodialyse834 +* u/aloftsouse940 +* u/aloofpurl185 +* u/alwayswater67 +* u/amenablequirk +* u/analyzedhereness522 +* u/anodicpapilla768 +* u/anondish54 +* u/anosmicswertia418 +* u/apartzero800 +* u/apheticclincher84 +* u/apishhorn +* u/appetenthorsefly +* u/aroundexplore263 +* u/aroundsharpen +* u/arrangedrod28 +* u/asepticbar +* u/asidemodulate58 +* u/asleepmollify +* u/assuredcannabin99 +* u/asternget84 +* u/atypicalstaging +* u/awayverse28 +* u/awheelnast +* u/backexcavate599 +* u/badlyload178 +* u/basalticstuart176 +* u/basemericarp977 +* u/bceleave14 +* u/bcopen40 +* u/bemusedgusset27 +* u/benignlyweekend78 +* u/bereftschiller69 +* u/besidessit426 +* u/biogenicink +* u/blandlyvow545 +* u/blaseschlock +* u/blearybowl50 +* u/blindedarpent32 +* u/blindlyincur44 +* u/boldquestion240 +* u/bonnilywrestle91 +* u/boyishlycudgel87 +* u/branchedmedellin +* u/brisklybeware +* u/brisklyexpress79 +* u/bubblydribbler93 +* u/calcicarequipa88 +* u/callousmiridae353 +* u/carefulskank753 +* u/casuallyplume436 +* u/cautiousstop970 +* u/ceramicminority58 +* u/cerebraluvularia94 +* u/chaetalzweig84 +* u/chalkysivan70 +* u/cheaplyformat +* u/churchlyoxytone679 +* u/clankingassize34 +* u/clarionmassine122 +* u/clausalpolity +* u/cleaneschar +* u/cleanoutport22 +* u/clearlecturer893 +* u/closedinfancy92 +* u/closelycarry +* u/cloyingcourt +* u/coastalwoolley923 +* u/coaxialflue +* u/cobwebbyassassin +* u/coldtuatara +* u/coplanarpapaver91 +* u/coronaryclearing238 +* u/counteroutvote899 +* u/cruellygive +* u/cruellyharden443 +* u/cuneateorpiment37 +* u/cyprinidmedium +* u/daftlydull126 +* u/damnedstem +* u/dearhaystack424 +* u/dearlywrite13 +* u/decadentatakapa +* u/decadentcolumbia66 +* u/decentlyman87 +* u/deeptortoise33 +* u/deferenttalk962 +* u/dilatorything +* u/diligentpointer21 +* u/dirtilyline +* u/divinelycloud +* u/divinelycommand263 +* u/divorcedchickpea73 +* u/dizzilykneel +* u/dizzilymind892 +* u/dowdybobsled31 +* u/downpoise +* u/driplessmind +* u/drippyrumble +* u/duereduce +* u/easycolloid848 +* u/eightloam41 +* u/embolicgondi29 +* u/episodiccowage +* u/evenlysettle +* u/evenport57 +* u/evercrash822 +* u/exposedbeggar66 +* u/extrememaillot60 +* u/facialsonatina61 +* u/faintlyplumb51 +* u/fairlypop10 +* u/fairlysentence +* u/feebletod +* u/feeblyanswer48 +* u/finicalemissary +* u/firmcrenel469 +* u/firstannotate30 +* u/flatlyclinch38 +* u/flemishloofa36 +* u/focallyquarter +* u/fondlychoke76 +* u/foreuprise +* u/forthidentify835 +* u/fourfoldbilk496 +* u/fourfoldbuzz32 +* u/freckledarachis +* u/freehandkoopmans872 +* u/frothilyrinse344 +* u/fundedsweetsop +* u/furtherdefat348 +* u/furthergive +* u/fussilybrain195 +* u/futilelydip99 +* u/gainlysurface276 +* u/garishlyshunt73 +* u/gaymother685 +* u/gettablepony +* u/glovedgutter67 +* u/goddammap10 +* u/grandlybeware131 +* u/grandlymiss +* u/gussetedcredits94 +* u/handilysamba285 +* u/handyedgar +* u/heartilytime52 +* u/heatedpopulism +* u/heavybumelia306 +* u/heavyburn +* u/helplesscoragyps72 +* u/hepfreudian903 +* u/hereevade55 +* u/hereofbend +* u/heretoreap82 +* u/hereuponendow +* u/hoarselypick +* u/hoarselyshed977 +* u/honestlyscamp +* u/honeyedprotocol30 +* u/hostilethames249 +* u/hourlyenclose20 +* u/hourlyinspect +* u/hypnoidperm +* u/ignitedpiano85 +* u/illsupple101 +* u/incankansan76 +* u/inferiorgrunt58 +* u/insanelyfox523 +* u/insidecatalyze +* u/instantpleione57 +* u/inwardlydung +* u/inwardlyferment71 +* u/israelihackwork +* u/itemcast63 +* u/itemsize55 +* u/jamaicanseine +* u/jointlyclench +* u/jointlyexecute38 +* u/justlyweather56 +* u/lamelyimmunize285 +* u/largouniform +* u/lastbag81 +* u/latewaive23 +* u/lawfulhuggins322 +* u/lemonyfennel971 +* u/lighthorizon167 +* u/lightlybunker223 +* u/lightmoroccan +* u/linearchapman +* u/livingspavin520 +* u/locallymark60 +* u/looselyorient90 +* u/looselystampede +* u/lupinequibble778 +* u/lustfulsnap +* u/lustilybelieve58 +* u/madlypromote432 +* u/mammaryhandout318 +* u/manuallybate +* u/manuallyintrude +* u/martianexposure555 +* u/massivefarmer89 +* u/matronlywarbler +* u/meanlymine25 +* u/mediallymaster +* u/meeklyprepare87 +* u/minorattack18 +* u/minorfugitive +* u/mistilylabel +* u/modernegoodenia430 +* u/moodynaproxen57 +* u/morenose901 +* u/moronicbottom267 +* u/muchshoot71 +* u/nativistdwarf79 +* u/neckedpetite82 +* u/nextfight793 +* u/noblylist515 +* u/noblyquarter42 +* u/nohowappoint39 +* u/nordicepirus293 +* u/notseine +* u/nowshame +* u/octalsconce60 +* u/oftenerscratch741 +* u/onopen665 +* u/onpick +* u/onsparkle22 +* u/opaquelytithe42 +* u/oralachaean20 +* u/osmoticvamp +* u/overmuchcopyread989 +* u/overseasplant874 +* u/overtlyadjure +* u/painlesssplat210 +* u/palatialagora35 +* u/palpablycreosote651 +* u/patmutiny465 +* u/pedalparka263 +* u/pensivepercale31 +* u/pentbareness424 +* u/phocinebrisbane37 +* u/planetalpotorous950 +* u/plasticchum207 +* u/plumbicgigabyte879 +* u/poltroonsuede19 +* u/poroseohio +* u/porouscrisis +* u/portablewarrigal +* u/portrescript626 +* u/possiblyyield66 +* u/postedzen42 +* u/primodrogheda +* u/properassault38 +* u/publiclyexplode781 +* u/puranicexegete +* u/queerlyfixate603 +* u/quitelodge +* u/radiocanape340 +* u/raggedlyscend462 +* u/ratherriddle830 +* u/refinedfirmness606 +* u/restlessmambo54 +* u/reversesaint340 +* u/rifledmatrix552 +* u/rightmanifest45 +* u/rubbishygravure777 +* u/sacreduma646 +* u/savingguernsey42 +* u/securelyloot50 +* u/seededmorgan253 +* u/sharptunnel +* u/shiftilyfish +* u/sinningvertebra +* u/sisterlytruffle +* u/slapdashrace78 +* u/slickanglican +* u/slidingtidiness894 +* u/slowlylog +* u/smoothlymisplay +* u/snugrussell +* u/solemnlyrender15 +* u/soundingcollect +* u/squarelyexhaust712 +* u/squarelyuse50 +* u/stagilymambo79 +* u/standardfootpad +* u/steadyfront +* u/stilldrape +* u/stingilypreform924 +* u/stormilyhalloo267 +* u/stupidlyframe46 +* u/suavelylie305 +* u/subsonicdraw +* u/sultrypride121 +* u/swiftlyreduce +* u/tacitlystrickle93 +* u/tandemremit91 +* u/tardivecapote37 +* u/temporaleast93 +* u/tenderdimple +* u/thematicurobilin219 +* u/thencelove634 +* u/therebywake836 +* u/thereinfilm477 +* u/thereoninitial +* u/theretoplan306 +* u/thicklydress968 +* u/thriceyoke79 +* u/tightlynetwork +* u/tiptoeabrogate719 +* u/tonicferry795 +* u/trueheartrot56 +* u/twicewater72 +* u/unablemyosotis44 +* u/unawaresdarn +* u/undernasalize557 +* u/undervamp870 +* u/unevenlydissolve50 +* u/unformedmusketry18 +* u/unkindlycomb +* u/unplacedstacker +* u/unrifledwindow998 +* u/unseededbootleg +* u/unsolvedhymen +* u/upstairssoak +* u/upstatecredit +* u/urgentlyfall +* u/validlyimport +* u/valuedcontact340 +* u/veinedvellum55 +* u/veryshunt638 +* u/visiblyfear158 +* u/vividlypeck +* u/wakingthurber294 +* u/wheeledluminary59 +* u/whollyrevoke +* u/wildlyprim64 +* u/wildsketch84 +* u/windwardcrash +* u/wittilywhisper +* u/workingsextet +* u/worsesalute350 +* u/yeaheat +* /u/zambianincision80 + +(Updated 2:15pm EST- Removed duplicates, normalized casing, sorted alphabetically) + +**Motivations and intentions (speculation)**: + +This attack's comments are "pro-monero", but there is no reasonable way to interpret this as helping monero. The monero community condemns this, reported it first, helped with stopping it, is under a github spam attack at the same time, and imo does not need any extra PR or recognition in crypto reddit. To myself and others, ever since the beginning this has looked like a false flag attack against monero. There are reports that one or more subs have been told the attack would stop if they ban fireice (head of a tiny aggressive competing project who has been attacking monero for years, associated with a previous spam attack the admins had to step in for) and zcash (another competing project who recently gave their sub to fireice). I'm not involved with any of these projects, but what I've seen as a redditor and mod does not seem like this is monero's interest or MO. It seems more likely that the attacker wants to get monero mentions banned from subreddits related to monero's target market (and based on mod feedback, it seems to be working but maybe only temporarily). None of this has hard evidence or is actionable, but is included as people have seemed curious about my thoughts on the attacker's motivations + +Previous Reports: + +* https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lke4he/manipulation_report_the_fun_space_group/ +* https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/d1qneb/crypto_reddit_manipulation_report_dream_network/ +https://www.politico.com/news/2021/09/12/corporate-tax-rate-511570 + +Heads up! The Democrats are looking to change the wash sale rules for cryptocurrency in the 3.5 trillion dollar bill. This article linked discusses it in a one off comment. They never like to reveal the tax increases too early before they pass it because they don’t want us to have time to object and mount a campaign against. +How does everyone feel about this one? Lyft was abysmal but Airbnb makes a shit ton of revenue. I'm just a little concerned their valuation falls victim to market scepticism. + +I have alot of faith that they will be a major player and may disrupt the hotel industry. + +Thoughts? +I'm 51. A few years ago the wife and I hit the million dollar mark and I felt a huge sense of relief. I'd been eyeing our savings combined with retirement and worked very hard to get there. + +When we hit it, though, I thought it would be a bigger emotional lift than it was. + +We're now at over 1mm in retirement, another million in liquid and then 500K real estate equity....and I'm feeling more "on edge" than I did when we first started getting into the 6 figures savings balances. + +Anyone have any idea on why this might be? When I was a kid I dreamed of having that glorious MILLION, but now I have it and then some....and I'm restless. + + +My post yesterday, which challenged traditional investing strategies, gained a lot of traction. I read through most of the comments. Good insight from many. Thank you to those of you who had it in your heart to extend your kindness to your reddit comments and opted to share your opinions without being unnecessarily rude or sarcastic (I’m passionate about people not being assholes in person or on the internet, sue me). Seriously, there was some TOP-NOTCH insight in that thread. Thanks! + + + +Anyway, many thoughtful comments alluded to the “obvious bubble we’re in that’ll inevitably come crashing down and be a rude awakening for immature traders like OP.” + + +Fair enough. I’m listening. How does a “responsible” investor prepare for this? At the very least I want to educate myself on all angles. + + +Go mostly cash and wait for the crash? (What if the crash isn’t for 15 more years though). Stay the course and DCA the index each month, and when she crashes double down and buy more because the market ALWAYS goes up over time? (JL Collins preaches this). Do a hybrid of these? But a bunch of TSLA calls tomorrow to get rich before the crash can happen? /s Something else? + + +EDIT: My favorite comment, by /u/degeneratedisgust - *Market go down, buy more, market go up* + + +I also like the comments about diversifying. My spin, since I have an appetite for risk, is to diversify, but to a lesser degree. +Hey Reddit! + +Something just caught my eye at work that I thought I would share with you all. + +I'm an HR Director at the company I'm with and part of my duties is to process payroll for 90 employees (semi-monthly). After finishing this current payroll, the total payout was about 153k. Of that 153k only $2693 went into the employees 401k (with a 10% company match). + +&#x200B; + +... I contribute $600 of that to my 401k per paycheck meaning just over $2000 is contributed by 89 people. This blew me away. I will definitely start planning ways to promote and encourage the benefits of contributing ANYTHING to a 401k to the employees here no matter what financial situation they may be in. This definitely put some things into perspective. +By £0.02. Yep, you read that right. No joke, I swear. Something went wrong (or right?) with the transfer from HL to Vanguard and now it says on the dashboard that I am 2p over. Do I need to do anything about this, as it does seem a silly situation to be in + +Edit: it seems that it was due to cash interest in HL that accrued before the transfer. I’m just being an idiot. +Imagine, it’s Monday, April 26th and you wake up early because you know it’s time. You FEEL it. The last couple weeks have been a bit of a slog (bouncing around $160), but you know today’s different. They just had the Record date, the hedge funds are done, it’s over. You look at the ticker, and it says... + +$146? What the hell? Where’s the damn squeeze? You put all your faith in that date and now it’s gone... + + +What? You thought this was confirmation bias?? Hell no! This is a reminder to not hang your hopes on specific date! + +**Let it be - it will come, but it might not be in the next two weeks**. All these recent posts about the importance of the next two weeks: the “Record date”, the “DFV options”, the “squeezable banana cat”, the “THIS is the endgame”, the “I FEEL it coming soon” - these are all starting to feel a bit too contrived. A bit too over the top. I know most aren’t shills, but are just apes getting a bit too excited about the future. + +So PREPARE YOURSELF for an April 26th where we’re still trading sideways (or even down). That’s okay with me, I’ll still be holding way past that date cause I believe in the transformation. I believe in Ryan’s vision. I believe they will be studying this case in business books in the future. And, most importantly, I really like this stock. + +🦍🚀💎🙌 +[Hiya r\/Superstonk jellyfish after hours with you! ](https://i.redd.it/1x0k998wpq971.gif) + +As the title says, I want to consolidate the recent banking information into one post. + +First, the conclusion: + +While the rest of the world's banks are acting, The Fed still claims this inflation is “transitory.” + +Hell or high water, they seem intent on trying to follow the playbook from the last crisis: + +1. End asset purchases. +2. After the balance sheets quit growing then hike rates. +3. *maybe* shrink the balance sheet after raising rates. + +This approach worked 'well' last time because inflation was so low. As I have been arguing, that is not the environment we are in at this time--people's mindsets have changed about inflation, these prices are getting paid and inflation is running rampant. + +[brrrrr running hot!](https://i.redd.it/8ocr9xd80r971.gif) + +The Fed is asleep at the printer (as all the other world banks taking action while The Fed had up to this point only been talking about talking about doing stuff...) + +[talking about talking about doing stuff...](https://preview.redd.it/mf9tqz3hqq971.jpg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b352c4cc096fa9b42775d48bbff3cad1361bbae) + +# Australia + +First up, the Australians. First, some level setting on the Australian economy and why inflation is such an issue: + +[Also, courtesy u\/joofntool https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=j2AvU2cfXRk&list=WL&index=161](https://reddit.com/link/ofe7s8/video/wemf6j9xrq971/player) + +All in jest Australia, this Jellyfish loves you! + +[https:\/\/www.rba.gov.au\/media-releases\/2021\/mr-21-13.html](https://preview.redd.it/pt1kqkwyqq971.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e8925007193dbf8011a41cc32a1f35cfcef2f7b) + +The Reserve Bank of Australia announced today that it would taper its Quantitative Easing (central bank purchases securities from the market in order to increase the money supply), by reducing weekly purchases of government bonds by A$1 billion a week, to A$4 billion a week--down from A$5 billion per week. + +# Canada + +[“moral hazard” “signs of extrapolative expectations and speculative behavior”](https://i.redd.it/2fsdbcrysq971.gif) + +Canada announced the first reduction in QE back in October last year, from C$5 billion to C$4 billion, when it also ended buying mortgage-backed securities. In March 2021, it started unwinding its liquidity facilities, citing [“moral hazard”](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2021/03/market-stress-relief-role-bank-canadas-balance-sheet/) as the reason. In April, it announced a further reduction, to C$3 billion, citing [“signs of extrapolative expectations and speculative behavior”](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-bank-of-canada-governor-says-red-hot-housing-market-showing-signs-of/) in the housing market. + +Canada's balance sheet dropped from C$575 billion at the peak in March, to C$481 billion as of June 30. + +# England + +&#x200B; + +[an “operational decision” that “should not be interpreted as a change in the stance of monetary policy.”](https://i.redd.it/k3pxmw5ctq971.gif) + +The Bank of England [announced in May](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy-summary-and-minutes/2021/may-2021) that it would reduce QE, winding down the bond purchases from £4.4 billion a week to £3.4 billion a week. + +The Bank of England denied that it is reducing QE, calling it an “operational decision” that “should not be interpreted as a change in the stance of monetary policy.” + +The reason this does not count, [according to BoE governor Andrew Bailey at the post-meeting press conference](https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20210506583/bailey-says-reduction-in-bank-of-england-bond-purchases-isnt-tapering-markets-seem-to-agree), is that the BoE didn’t change its “fixed amounts” of its overall QE target of £895 billion, it’s just buying less per week to get to this target. + +# Ireland + +https://i.redd.it/01aqagf0uq971.gif + +The Eurosystem is purchasing €60 billion of public sector and private sector bonds per month across four purchase programs. The programs were launched to address the risks of a prolonged period of low inflation. There are four purchase programs, namely the: + +1. Third Covered Bond Purchase Programme ([CBPP3](https://www.centralbank.ie/monetary-policy/policy-implementation/asset-purchase-programmes/cbpp3)) +2. Asset-Backed Securities Purchase Programme ([ABSPP](https://www.centralbank.ie/monetary-policy/policy-implementation/asset-purchase-programmes/abspp)) +3. Public Sector Purchase Programme ([PSPP](https://www.centralbank.ie/monetary-policy/policy-implementation/asset-purchase-programmes/pspp)) +4. Corporate Sector Purchase Programme ([CSPP](https://www.centralbank.ie/monetary-policy/policy-implementation/asset-purchase-programmes/cspp)) + +\*More information on the purchase programs can be found on the [ECB’s website](https://www.ecb.europa.eu/mopo/implement/omt/html/index.en.html) + +[Irish-resident banks’ outstanding borrowing](https://www.centralbank.ie/statistics/data-and-analysis/credit-and-banking-statistics/bank-balance-sheets) from the Central Bank as part of Eurosystem monetary policy operations were unchanged in May and stands at €18.6 billion. + +Bonus 'Fun fact on housing': Loans for house purchase decreased by €86 million in net terms over the month. In annual terms, the growth rate in May remained positive, at 0.6 percent, but down from 1.6 percent a year earlier. In annual terms, the net flows of lending for house purchase amounted to €451 million, an increase from the month of April, which was €408 million. + +https://preview.redd.it/5rhwgwl5uq971.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7738f0d438213722037c36a27646d11514501dc + +# Japan + +[Bank of Japan is one of the OG's of brrrrr!](https://i.redd.it/vgzl6phmuq971.gif) + +The Bank of Japan on [July 2nd showed](https://www.boj.or.jp/en/statistics/boj/other/acmai/release/2021/ac210630.htm/) that its total assets fell by ¥7.7 trillion (\~$70 billion) at the end of June compared to the end of May. Balance at ¥717 trillion (\~$6.5 trillion). + +# Ukraine + +[Not a review of their central bank, but Ukraine working to lock up a strategic natural resource that will help their economy hedge inflation:](https://i.redd.it/g8y56ekdzq971.gif) + +[https:\/\/www.ebrd.com\/news\/2021\/ebrd-supports-private-ukrainian-gas-trader-eru-trading-.html](https://preview.redd.it/ziubk3x1zq971.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0901b8ba8ccde62741a6f3dc004c4d67c85daf0) + +I think I can update this post as I find more central banks to update with? Thanks and hope everyone enjoyed this dive! + +https://i.redd.it/pxp2w3m8vq971.gif +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/09/elon-musk-says-tesla-will-move-its-headquarters-amid-fremont-factory-shutdown-due-to-coronavirus.html + +Elon Musk tweeted on Saturday that he is going to sue Alameda County and move future operations out of California after a dispute over whether the company can reopen its factory there. + +Musk has been clashing with regulators over local shelter-in-place orders meant to slow the spread of Covid-19. +I have seen a lot of posts around here lately about centralized coins and as we all know, Solana is a part of that conversation but I haven't seen any posts from people who hold SOL and I would like to hear the other side's perspective. I don't own any SOL and never have, not because I didn't like the coin, just because I never really bothered to look into it. + +I'm not here trying to start an argument or shit on anyone's portfolio, I'm just generally curious. I feel like it's fairly common knowledge in this sub that the SOL team has lied about their circulating supply multiple times and that the SOL network is pretty centralized and has gone down multiple times. + +So if you hold SOL and are bullish, I'd love to hear your case for it. Are you not bothered by the centralization? Or does the speed and low fees of the network make up for it? +Title says it all. I will still be here posting and interacting with this sub after MOASS takes place. Maybe even more so. + + +You might wonder, why? Who cares, you'll be rich. + + +Because I really want us to change the world, and after this happens, things will be different for all of us. + + +We are waging financial warfare against establishments that have been amassing wealth off of our backs for hundreds of years. After MOASS, you might have trouble relating to the people the way that you'll be able to relate to everyone here. Not to downplay actual combat veterans, but we will likely have a similar experience to those who have served together. Other people just won't understand what we went through to get here, and they never truly will. They'll say things that downplay the significance of what we did, calling us lucky. Most will not understand how it all really went down. + + +People here refuse to accept anything that hasn't been heavily vetted and properly cited. We are basically an open source research group, potentially one of the biggest ever to exist, and some of us are now likely more familiar with the actual workings of the market than people who are paid to financially advise others. I personally feel I've received a near college level of financial market knowledge, and I guarantee I retained multitudes more than I would of had I actually gone to school for it. Hell, *I actually enjoyed learning about the stock market* + + +Lastly, I'm coming back because I want to actually change the world for the better. If things work out how we think they will, we may have to take care of a lot of innocent people who just lost their pension funds. I refuse to take this money without its purpose being to make the world better. We have to do with this money what the sociopathic rich fucks in power currently didn't have the empathy to do: make the world better for everyone else. + + +So that's why I'll be back. I like this sub and I like all of you, it's the one place I can go where politics are meaningless, everyone here has seen behind the curtain and knows they are a psychological tool to divide and conquer. This place is an oasis in a desert of misinformation and manipulation. It's honestly a Utopia. + + +Buy. DRS. Hold. Let's take back everything that's been stolen from humanity and give it back to those that put in the blood sweat and tears to make this world what it is. The people. +I've always been highly skeptical of options considering how manipulated the stock price is, and the fact that the price almost always stays dead center in max pain especially after these options pushes happen on our sub. + +Think about it. They push options all day and get everyone hyped about them, then AH they spoke the price to further solidify to those that read about options that now is the time to buy before it skyrockets, then the next day they crash the price back down from AH and fuck everybody who bought short terms in b-hole. + +This is why I've been against playing options especially when the sub pushes them, it's any easy way for the opposition to gain some liquidity and cash while fucking over apes. + +Buy. DRS. Hodl. It's all that really matters. +We are a 100% community driven project that is taking testicular cancer research to the moon and beyond! Our goal at SMEGMARS is to once and for all END testicular cancer! How we achieve this is quite simple, for every $5 Million in market cap raised, we donate money to testicular cancer research organizations! Our tokenomics are revolutionary: + +- 7% Auto-staking via 7% tax from every transaction. This means that for every transaction made, 7% of that transaction gets redistributed among investors. You earn more money just for holding coins! + + - 1% Burn tax - This means that for every transaction 1% of that transaction, those coins get burned forever meaning your coins once again become more valuable as this acts an auto deflationary measure! + +- 1% Maximum transaction size - This unique anti-whale feature prevents any transaction from being larger than 1% of total coins available. This prevents individuals from doing large dumps and causing increase in volatility. + +100% UNRUGGABLE: + +Ownership renounced:https://bscscan.com/address/0x62c2a6f57a65e1e4b1d9e31b3e3511c8c36841a8#readContract + +LP LOCKED: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x20b32F3024A4A8FE31AC88111820af25D4861756&type=lplock&chain=BSC + +Rugscreen score: https://www.rugscreen.com/scan/certificate?tokenid=10968d1f9e +⭐️ HyperCoin Website: [https://hypercoincommunity.com](https://hypercoincommunity.com) ⭐️ + +&#x200B; + +🔹 Telegram: u/thehypercoin 🔹 + +&#x200B; + +🔹 Instagram: u/hypercoincommunity 🔹 + +&#x200B; + +💠 Twitter: [https://www.twitter.com/TheHyperCoin](https://www.twitter.com/TheHyperCoin) 💠 + +&#x200B; + +🔥🔥🔥 HyperCoin THEME SONG!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFwGnvfVI6k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFwGnvfVI6k) 🔥🔥🔥 + +&#x200B; + +For the community! We are ANTI-RUG! Not a pump & dump! 1000x potential! + +&#x200B; + +🪐🪐🪐🪐 TAKE THE HYPERCOIN CHALLENGE! [https://www.imgur.com/xKBfd5b.jpg](https://www.imgur.com/xKBfd5b.jpg) 🪐🪐🪐🪐 + +&#x200B; + +The mysterious dev who renounced $hypercoin left us a little challenge. This token was made as a social experiment for sure! It shows how greedy people really are – we all want to take our profits before everyone, and we don’t trust anyone to not do the same. This challenge is meant to unite us! + +&#x200B; + +Sick of getting rugged? We are too. The team behind this coin got in on $COMET around the same time, and got REKT. By a dev selling tokens from their wallet. During that time there was an active voice chat. We stayed and chatted for hours, looking for the next moonshot. This is where we strumbled upon $HyperCoin - a coin with SOLID fundamentals, thrown out into the BSC, entirely community driven. + +&#x200B; + +Our #1,2 & 3 wallet holders are active community members, and are very active in the Telegram voice chat. + +&#x200B; + +Token details + +&#x200B; + +$3.7M mcap + +&#x200B; + +INSANE organic growth in the first 4 days + +&#x200B; + +24/7 Friendly Telegram Voice Chat with admins/whales! + +&#x200B; + +Tokenomics + +&#x200B; + +💎 7% Transaction fee 💎 + +&#x200B; + +5% of all transactions are automatically locked up to the PancakeSwap LP, which provides more liquidity. 2% is returned to holders as a small way to say thank you. Auto-liquidity will ensure stability of the liquidity pool. + +&#x200B; + +💎 Fair Launch 💎 + +&#x200B; + +💎 Liquidity Burned💎 + +&#x200B; + +👌🏻 Ownership Renounced 👌🏻 + +&#x200B; + +We have already locked up our diamonds up in the vault, and you can see them here. Unlike the govt hiding their gold, ours are visible. + +&#x200B; + +✅ TOKEN ADDRESS: 0x95B7B114870ad2A67Ba910bac614C876913D60CA 💵 + +&#x200B; + +♻️ 5% fee AUTOMATICALLY GOES BACK INTO LIQUIDITY + +&#x200B; + +💎 2% fee AUTOMATICALLY GETS DISTRIBUTED BACK TO HOLDERS + +&#x200B; + +🚀 Get in now, join the 24/7 TG VOICE CHAT! JOIN THE HYPE! 🚀 + + +TikTok video about to drop from cryptoworldbets WITHIN MINUTES. + +&#x200B; + +Make sure to check out the website for full details! +As of right now, we've disabled link posting. A huge percentage (over 90%) of the links were either self-promotion, spam, or simple karma gathering. Even when links were posted, we had to often spend time trying to figure out if a link does/doesn't really apply to our subreddit. + +Now if someone would like to post a link somewhere, they'll need to use a text post (this avoids the karma gathering). If you feel a link is appropriate, please explain why it's worth sharing, what our sub will get from the link, what is interesting there, preferably an explanation that "no, in fact I'm not the author", etc. :) + +I'll update the rules. Just wanted to let everyone know about the change :) Hopefully there will be a bit less spam, and links we do get will have some context. +What are some of the things (both common sense and not so common) that one needs to think about when getting a house and after the settlement happens? What are some rookie mistakes that one could do during this period? Any tips and tricks to save money? Thanks in advance +Riots kicking off massive in USA. +Protestors just took the police station in Minneapolis. +National guard on the way. + +Just locked in 5k units BBUS at 2.88 + +Tell me why I’m retarded. +Morning degenerates, so I have already almost doubled bagged on AVZ, and I’m considering selling. + +However they’re still in exploration phase and I’m sure there is still plenty of potential for growth. + +Being retarded and a newbie, I’ve started looking around for similar stocks already pumping lithium and their valuations but I found it hard to compare. + +Anyways long story short, what’s your target price for AVZ? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Well, today was awesome, but why didnt it pump well past 70c again? I decided to do some modelling and a few things stuck out - IMOD is a beautiful big bastard of a contract (which will be hard to cover), Forex and govt subsidies dropping really hurts profits & revenue growth outside of IMOD was only \~3.73% Q1 to Q2. + +If I take Q1 & Q2 and remove the rev they outlined in the last IMOD update, then we get a H1 rev of $27M and $7.4M EBITDA (assuming IMOD GM is \~60%). Unfortunately due to the forex etc hit, Q2 EBITDA ex IMOD was only \~$1.84M by my calcs. + +If rev only grows at 3.73% per quarter (\~12% annualised) and the forex headwinds remain, then we are looking at an FY21 EBITDA of about $11.4M, which at a PE of 15 gives an MC of $171. Only \~10% above where we closed today. + +However, while I reckon forex headwinds will continue for a while, I reckon 12% growth pa is too low. On top of that, IMOD is still going to be worth a solid \~600k pa in spares etc. + +So I wouldnt be surprised to see AVA channel around the 60-75c mark for a little while until we see what AuraIQ can do and some non-IMOD growth. + +Additionally, if they manage to sell the service business we could see its multiples expand. Its a real chain on their margins and as a fully 'tech' company, we might see PEs much higher than the teens we've been seeing for the past year. 🚀🚀🚀 + +Happy for you to poke flaws in my thinking there though. AVA is my best returning stock for 2020 and Id love that to continue in 2021! +DW8 was the first buy I made that grew a lot (and then dropped). I never took any profits and now it's taking up a significant chunk of my portfolio (25%). I really want to get into some other stocks (VUL, EXR, FMG), but I just don't have the balls to sell my DW8. +I have come back with another tendy for you all lets keep the train going + +**SUMMARY AT BOTTOM FOR AUTISTS WHO CANT READ** + +**Skyfii (SKF) :** Connecting IoT (data collection) devices with data analytics, we have companies that do 1 of them but why not both? They have devices that monitor customer movement and can then determine patterns that affect customer experience and factors that influence. When they create both parts they can connect the hardware to work very easily with the software. + +Contracts: **MASSIVE CONTRACTS** from **Wembley Stadium** to **Anytime Fitness** to **100s of MALLS/Shops/Commercial Towers** to **Many airports (including 20 in Brazeil & NZ ect..)** + +Now you must be saying but COVID will hurt them right? Well these fuckers are ahead of you and have also implemented COVID safe applications into their IoT devices to help contact tracing ect.. (Maybe Dan could use this) which also could mean many goverment contracts too (hmmm wait they already have those with a few local councils in Australia) + +&#x200B; + +**Financials (money talk):** 44% Revenue growth and mostly will be recurring, incurred a loss due to larger employee expenses likely to accomodate the more contracts and future proofing to keep up with their growth. **SUPER PROFITABLE BUSINESS** with Direct cost of service only 16% of revenue. With same revenue growth they could get a Net profit of around 3m (I think more tbh) + +Borrowings are very low and sitting on 2.1m of cash (with a 2m loan facility available) **OPERATING CASH FLOWS ARE POSITIVE** So i dont expect a cap raise. + +MC: 72M + +&#x200B; + +**BEST PART:** + +75% held by top 20 holders and 96% help by ppl holding more than 450K. This stock is going to move very hard anytime now or with any positive annoucement. + +**Management** also has had good experience and seems pretty solid imo + +&#x200B; + +**SUMMARY:** IMO undervalued with massive growth ahead, net profit to be hit next report, postive operating cash flow, and held very closely by the top 20 holders. Industry that is booming and every shop/mall/airport/**PUBLIC PLACE** can benefit from their service and hardware combination. Companies focus on data science but these guys help the data collection (and relevant data) and then have their own software to be able to visualise it making their scope massive to essentially every buidling you can enter. + +&#x200B; + +I believe everything lines up here for a takeoff with them hedging with their covid services too so their management has prepared them well + +On board the tendy train 🚀🚀🚀 + +DYOR + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/ji9d6i) +Posted on r/options about starting trading options with small account. + +I’m looking at the best way to start slow with very little amount for little gain to grow my account. + +What are the best strategies ? Small caps or tips that you’d give? +edit: my post was downvoted so bc im embarrassed I guess I'll just say my cat was sick and I'm poor and the vet bill means I'm not getting Christmas gifts now (for others). + +edit 2: I don't like reading the negative title I put on this post when I was distraught when I come to reply to comments, I wish I didn't put it that way. my Christmas is not ruined by any means, I will always have the love and comfort of my family, friends and fur babies and materialistic things won't change that one bit. + +thank you all so much for these kind comments, I'm cuddling Mr. Mowgli right now and can feel the genuine love & care from each and every one. + +happy holidays! ❤💚☃️🎁 +Hello guys, im gonna be starting to learn forex for real this time. + +in the past ive just been interested in trading but didnt really take it too seriously, opened an account and started trading with random strategies i found on youtube like SnR, RSI, fibs. Won some lost some. It was a cents account so i didnt really take it too seriously but i did experience some revenge trading(trying to recover from a loss) and some fomo too. Thinking back, im starting to realize how important your mental state is when trading. + +This time i actually wanna try it out properly and see if i can actually become a consistent and profitable trader. This will most likely be a long journey as i only have time on the weekends to learn, as for trading on a demo account to practice… that’ll have to wait till my schedule clears up OR ill just demo trade the HTFs. As we all know, the internet is filled with many content creators( or scammers ) about trading. So im going to do some research on reliable sources i can learn from( would appreciate your help in the comments too :)) + +So anyways heres my mini plan on starting out : +1. Firstly ill go learn to trade from babypips, i took a quick look recently and it really has everything a beginner needs to get started in forex. +2. Once done, i would start to learn some more fundamental analysis(which i honestly find boring as hell) but would be good to know. I may be a bit lost on this as this would be my first time learning FA so some guideline/steps from yall would be appreciated. +3. TA, there are many strategies/concepts/ways to trade and it can be very confusing. So my plan right now is to use what babypips has provided and try to make a strategy out of it. I dont really know honestly. Maybe Ill make another post once im done with step 2 to get some advice or something. But as of right now itll just be babypips and learning some FA. + +I am to be honest feeling kinda lost so please do share your thoughts and experience, lets all learn from each other. :) cheers + +Hope i didnt break any of the rules for this sub. +Shouldn’t say never, there are exceptions. But overall it’s a terrible idea to trade against the larger trend. + +Example, EUR/USD this week signaled it would move up for the rest of the week. This seemed like a rock solid trade. + +Only problem is the EUR\USD has been moving in a down trend since the beginning of the year. +I know of several traders who read this signal and are currently in a losing position or stopped out. + +The peaks in a downtrend should be your entry points, just as valleys in an uptrend should be your entry point. Consistent wins come from good risk management and solid entry and exit. + +TLDR: Don’t trade against the overall trend for a short timeframe trade. Use contrary signals to find a good entry point. +I've recently been reading on Forex (I love reading & learning). I want an honest opinion. My objective isn't getting rich but being well off in life and finally finish paying for my medical degree. If I am disciplined enough and careful, will I be able to break even with Forex? (I'm from Mozambique btw). +Thanks +I've been a lurker and a rare poster on this sub and the amount of help and advice I've received from all of you is ridiculous! By far this is the most supportive and helpful subreddit on this platform and I'd like to say thank you to everyone who go about r/forex with a helpful and open minded attitude towards newbies as well as experts! I haven't seen an appreciation post on this sub yet so I thought I'd share how I feel. Currently a newbie learning all about forex, trading on demo and hope to become one of the pros on this subreddit who have the knowledge to give effective advice. +Hi everyone, Im a daily trader who's trying to make it in the markets, and almost had a nice strategy already, but everything seems like changed for now. +I had a good trading strategy I used, with pretty decent win rate and even completed funded account challange, but I lacked with my trading psychology and money managment, so I lost everything, tho I had almost 75% winrate. Had to take a break and get into these concepts more. + +Now that im back, ive been trading for a while now, even took a challange again but my system sucks completly and im not talking about 6-7 losing streak, but 50+ trades and I only lose. +Is it really that market changed so much over a month? And what should I do? Go for something entirely new? I dont like jumping from strategy to another one, but how is that possible that this strategy I built and had a great run now seems to be a big big mess? +Explanation: + +Obviously, we know that generally, the value of the EUR is higher than the USD and the USD is higher than the JPY. + +So if we for example, see an uptrend in the volatility of the EUR/USD and USD/JPY pair simultaneously, wouldn’t this be an even stronger indication of the upward trend that is about to occur in the EUR/JPY? + +In this case you could profitably scalp or even swing trade the EUR/JPY pair. + +Thoughts on analysis? any feed back or suggestions would be great! :) +Any suggestions? + +https://preview.redd.it/by8ktgilkmo71.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a0b7ff23f895243bb14b9c4e1c4380da0bde715 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/92z0nb5okmo71.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f14279da9a61cf71396a22b6443a375e237e9439 +Slightly pissed off with myself on how every time my account reaches a milestone (hitting a number to the thousandth). I tend to either exit trades to quickly or over leverage the next trade to ensure i stay firmly within this milestone. Reached 11k couple of weeks ago and was determined to stabilize the milestone to around 11.5 so i could still in theory take a few losses in early January while safely remaining within this bracket . + +You guessed it of course i just did this at the worse time of year and my greed and the indecisive markets mixed horribly 😊 + +I'm glad i realize now how detrimental is so i can go into the new year as a better man, anyone else have/had this problem? +Seems like most on this subreddit trade with the 1hr-1day charts. Is there a reason so many prefer taking making short term positions as opposed to say something more long-term? +I've been teaching myself how to trade for the past 5 months alone and I haven't seen a single profitable day yet. That is until I took a few weeks break and tured off all my indicators and only decided to use price action. Now ive consistently made over 100 a day easily this past week. I find it hard to believe im even becoming somewhat decent at this. Has anyone experienced a short spurt of profit after switching up their trading plan? Idk if this is beginners luck or what but I wouldn't mind for it to keep going haha. And how many of you are trading learning by yourself or using a mentor and how has those helped you or hindered you in the market? +While I've never traded live before and still consider myself a total newbie, I've read plenty of books related to trading and forex in particular and have been demo trading for almost 6 monts both with mt4 and cTrader (and made a couple EAs and algos, since I have a CS background). I've blown more demo accounts than I can remember... + +From what I read (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) there are only two things you need in order to make it in forex: solid money management and a trading strategy with an edge. + +The only thing I couldn't find yet on any book is: **How do you develop such a trading strategy?** + +I don't want to know the secret sauce (when to go long or short), just the reasoning behind those strategies whether they're profitable or not. +Is it just trial and error? +*Let's try to buy EURUSD when price goes above SMA14 on M15... (Backtests over a period of two years. Blows account.) Well, it didn't work. How about trying with H1?... (Back to backtesting...)* + +Or is it that eventually you develop some kind of intuition about how markets are behaving and some things might work better that others? And just try those until it works? (Purposely leaving aside the discussion about the amount of backtesting you feel comfortable with before going live. I believe that deserves a thread on it's own) + +I'd love to hear from both technical and fundamental traders. + +**UPDATE:** A couple of days after posting this question, I came across a series of articles that describe one possible way to approach the development of a trading system: + +[Build Better Strategies!](http://www.financial-hacker.com/build-better-strategies/) + +[Build Better Strategies! Part 2: Model-Based Systems](http://www.financial-hacker.com/build-better-strategies-part-2-model-based-systems/) + +[Build Better Strategies! Part 3: The Development Process](http://www.financial-hacker.com/build-better-strategies-part-3-the-development-process/) +Hello everyone. I am somewhat of a new trader. I have been in college studying very hard as a C.S. student, and literally have had no life trying to make money on the side, failure after failure - with some success with my businesses, but in the end this hard@$$ major and it's accompanying courses always ended up taking all my time, forcing me to stop working on my businesses and end up quitting. Well, since I'm almost graduating, I had the opportunity to lower my course workload. I decided to start trading again with a mindset of I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Nonetheless, I'm not fearless by any means - However, failure doesn't nearly hit me as hard when I get stopped out, because I feel like I have failed constantly during my entire life. Failing doesn't necessarily make you a failure. Obviously I use analysis that enhances my odds, and by saying that, I don't mean to say I take trades with complete reckless abandon. As of late, I have found a string of successful trades. + +I nearly had an epiphany this morning, am I finally making it? This can't be true! It can't be this anticlimactic for me, are you kidding!? + +All of the studying on trading I did, the constant prying for information alone by myself in secret, feeling like I couldn't tell my friends about this pursuit of mine; of fear of them labeling me a "gambler", the years of lacking a social life, sacrificing of time, and for all of this - I get this bright green number of X amount on my screen? There's no way this can be happening... + +I found a mentor, then I found a strategy I believed worked for me as a trader, and I implemented/derived/tweaked it according to my own trading style I was comfortable with. Now, I almost feel I don't deserve this. I've basically been working class, and poverty level for most of my childhood. I googled if anyone else felt the same way as I did, and apparently they felt pretty similar to how I felt. + +YES. People and other users have said it time and time again. Beating this dead horse, standing on the soap box, preaching about this little annoying tick called "Psychology", they say. + +But, when it's you, my fellow fairly new traders - if you're like me, this feeling will hit you like nothing else. You feel like everything almost just "clicks". I ask myself now again as I write this, do I deserve it? After all of these years of hard work and sacrifice, I think it's safe to say I believe I do! + +EDIT: I would rather people ask me via public forum post, than ask me things in PM's. This post was intended more as a motivational post to keep you all going(especially the new/aspiring traders), and I don't mean to be rude, but it took me as I'd mentioned before... YEARS to develop my strategy as well as become educated in order to be successful. If you think I'm willing to give you my strategy, step by step, sorry, but that would be something I honestly would have to charge for, and aspiring traders you are sorely mistaken - as I truly do not want to charge you nor spoonfeed you. You must be able to interpret the markets on your own, and draw your own conclusions. This way, you keep everything you earn. In addition, I will tell you that everything I learned was free. If you ask me what strategy I use via PM I will block you. It already shows that you didn't read my post thoroughly and respect my boundaries. + +**I will start with the first place I started, babypips.com. From there, I went to several trading communities. The one where I learned the most after babypips, was forexfactory.com. Again, I will not recommend any strategies or systems to you. The second thing that helped me was implementing my strategies on a demo account with the broker I was going to pick via metatrader4. Lastly, the third thing that helped me out significantly... was depositing a small amount of money into my broker. It is key that you experience the feeling of putting your own money on the line, and saying to yourself, this money does not make who I am as a person. That is what I did, exposing myself to the market and experiencing the vast array of emotions. Once I did that, of course it was was scary, but a needed experience.** + + +or so he claims in one of his latest tweets. + +Personally, I say "eh, okay." I could use a good sale. + +But putting aside the easy attacks, does anyone see any valid reason to expect markets to react poorly (not a teeny dip, but not some historic crash either) based on someone else winning in 2020? I've always been curious about the link between who's in the White House and how it can steer markets. +Let's say you bought $100 worth of MATIC at $2. Then MATIC dropped to $1 and you bought $100 worth again. + +**What's your average now?** + +If you think it's $1.5, don't worry, you are not alone. I know 2 friends who said the same thing. + +You have a total of 50 + 100 = 150 MATIC. + +With a total investment of 200$, your average is 200/150 = **$1.33** + +Now you only need to wait for it's price to go up 33% before breaking even. + +This is indeed a basic math. But there are some people who legitimately fail with that. +I recently discovered OptionNetExplorer (ONE) a desktop app that allows you to step through historical option chain data in 5 minute increments. + +To do this, you must have your brokerage software running while ONE is open, and jt fetches the data from your broker. In my case this is TDAmeritrade's ThinkOrSwim app. + +What I'd like to do is either + +a) fetch historical data from TDA in the same way that ONE does. Are there API calls I can use for this? + +OR + +b) 'sniff the wire' while the ONE software is fetching the data, so I can copy and store it. I tried using the tool, 'Charles Proxy' , to see my internet traffic, but I don't see the options data coming through. Are there better tools? + +Any suggestions on how to proceed? +Apologies if this has been asked before. I am looking into recognising patterns in the chart data. What books/algos like DTW or others do people recommend? +I'm a 15-year-old and work ~10-20 hours a week and am consistently just investing my money. Just from buying/selling shares. I have a decent amount of programming experience in C++ but am not very good at python. + +Looking for a possible course recommendation that I can take or maybe some helpful links or articles. Thanks a ton. + +EDIT: Started Datacamp Python Course Thanks everyone for their suggestions +Looking for recommendations on best finance libraries for Java that include backtesting, algo-execution, tear-sheet analysis, etc. in 2019 and beyond. + +Does not have to be pure Java but only something offering full featured Java integration. + +Edit: this sub never fails to impress with quality answers... will be going with TA4J library + +Edit edit: [Univocity](https://github.com/UniVocity) suite mentioned in the comments is a good option - [ChronicleSoftware/ OpenHFT](https://github.com/OpenHFT) looks good also +This past summer I took up an intern job at a starting pay of $8.50 an hour working 3 days a week for a marketing department of an international business located in my hometown. Things escalated very quickly, and I began working pretty much full time and was offered a position during the school year. My unofficial "Manager" started working from home due to health complications with a daughter, and I've pretty much taken over the parts of his job that don't involve major financial decisions. I've never had to ask for a raise at any other job I've had, but this next semester I will only be working 2 days a week, and I am going to have to pay rent, bills, possibly a car note, etc. I'm just wondering if anyone can give me any advice about possibly getting a raise and/or if I'm even at a point to ask for such. + +EDIT: Holy crap this blew up overnight...but anyway, thanks for the advice, all of it has been helpful. My boss ended up being out today but I plan on asking for a raise monday using all of the pointers given to me by you guys. Thanks /r/personalfinance! + +UPDATE: Hey guys, really sorry I never got around to letting you guys know what's up. As it turns out, I've recently decided on leaving this job at the end of the month (moving over an hour away for school) and I feel like there's not much point in asking for a raise a month before i leave. But thank all of you for your advice anyway and I will be sure to use it the first chance I get! +I see alot of talk about how to invest so you can retire and have money at 65-70 but are there any discussions about actual life expectancy and quality of life? + + +My father died at 64 before he enjoyed any of his retirement and my mom borderline wants to end her life at 68 because she feels horrible . + +We work and save our entire lives and may either be dead or can't enjoy the money. + +For those who make enough where they can both invest for retirement and also enjoy their youth it may not be a big deal but for your average person who may be sacrificing their life for an idea of maybe enjoying it later at retirement.....I don't know if that's a reality . + + +Where is the balance of having money to enjoy when you're young and still saving some for retirement + + +I guess I just don't see myself living a long life and definitely not a high quality of life at 65Plus. Especially now where it's harder and harder to save... + + +I don't know how many older users we have at 65 plus but some insight would be nice +Many people are making the case for a significant correction in markets right now. Specifically, people point to the over extension of tech. This is impacting the way people are looking at the bigger market and considering that the FAANGs have become such a massive part of the indexs, if they pull back, they entire market will likely sell off and take a large dip. + +I am very reluctant to pull out of the market completely due to what many (including myself) see as a risk on scenario. What are some effective ways to plan to minimize damage? + +If you roll into other sectors of the market, they are just as likely to take a hit. I don't see it as effective to just pull out completely for a correction where you may miss just as much grow as a pull back brings. + +Is a stop-loss the mist effective strategy? +Ethereum was initially a tech startup company and the Ether token was launched as a fundraising mechanism for the Ethereum business venture. They printed themselves to be the largest shareholder of Ether, approached a bunch of investors, pitched the investors a whitepaper and said if you give us money we will deliver you this roadmap and we will also print you a X% share of the network. To those from the business world, that sounds *a lot* like a stock offering. Ethereum even used the term "IPO" in their marketing, as the term "ICO" wasn't popular yet. 72 million Ether were premined, contrasting that to the 116 million current total Ether in circulation means that 62% of all current Ether supply was printed before the network even went live. + +XRP often gets dunked on for largely being a stock ticker for Ripple Labs, but there aren't very many differences between Ripple and Ethereum concerning the launch. Both launched as a premine and they both printed themselves a big bag to periodically sell to "fund" operations. **The Ethereum Foundation sold $115,000,000.00 of ETH on Kraken at the literal top on May 17th, 2021. (**[Link to etherscan](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x3a7f91d3f35cb2f02125f2f83685f2fcaa0cd78513650fca49dedd7dc3faa1cf))**.** Jed McCaleb, founder of Ripple, also sold about $275,000,000.00 dollars worth of XRP in the month of May 2021. Because of the similarities of the launches, the outcome of the SEC vs Ripple court case in the US will likely also negatively affect the legal status of Ethereum. + +Vitalik Buturin and the Ethereum Foundation together **hold a whopping $3,000,000,000.00 USD** worth of Ethereum in their publicly disclosed wallets that they printed for themselves. Maybe I'm off base here, but I don't think billions of dollars are necessary to "fund" a small team of developers. What are they even doing with all of that money? I dug around on their website, **I found no documents disclosing what they do with their funds**. Moreover, Vitalik was recently on a Lex Friedman podcast talking about his trading habits with other coins, and Vitalik discussed how he tried to time the top on certain coins like Dogecoin this market cycle. That discussion raised my eyebrows because I never recalled hearing Vitalik disclose that he owned any other wallets. I decided to dig through their website to find anywhere where they disclose their other wallets... **and again, I found no such disclosures**. Since Vitalik is confirmed to have undisclosed crypto investments, it's safe to assume that Vitalik and the Ethereum Foundation likely hold **significantly** more Ethereum than what is known in the publicly disclosed wallets. Since there are no regulations in crypto, Vitalik and the Ethereum Foundation have no legal obligation to be transparent about any of their finances or trades. + +Do you really think Ethereum would have spent the last 5 years working towards transitioning to PoS if the founders didn't hold large ETH stacks? The day PoS goes live on the Ethereum mainnet, is the day that both Vitalik and the Ethereum Foundation's wallets become permanent endowment funds, essentially, destined to forever sit as King of the Hill, collecting taxes as staking rewards while being mathematically shielded from ever seeing their controlled market share diminish. + +I guess the point I'm making is that *Ethereum didn't have to launch like this*. They could have had a clean, immaculate conception like Bitcoin. Proof of work consensus chains are supposed to start at the genesis block, the premine was 100% unnecessarily tacked on to self-serve the financial interests of the founders. Rather than making Ethereum a fully decentralized public good, the team opted to make Ethereum their own private business venture. +Being in crypto for over 6 years now (which shouldn't mean anything) and got into solidity this sub has become unbearable for me this past year. Every single post 9 times out of 10 was pure hopium and anyone with a different view was downvoted into oblivion. Majority of the posts here reminded me of the whole DOGE to the moon phase. + + I don't learn anything new in here and have to resort to other subs to keep myself up to date with tech. + +And the people I see claiming to be in crypto for 10 years and just HODL are so full of shit by just doing a simple search through their post history. + +People were telling you at $50k "invest all your bags!" and "BTC is on sale it will never be this low again". Those same people claimed we were in a "bear market" I honestly heard that term thrown out so much that I even question if I know what it means anymore. + +Welcome to an actual bear market. + +You have the idea to HODL but many of you are completely over leveraged. You over invested what you could afford to lose and have the mindset that you're still going to HODL. That's ok. + +Heres what's going to happen over the course of the next year or so. + +Crypto market could get worse and stay like this for a couple years. Most of you will lose hope and something will come up in life (bills, trips, etc). You will take a little bit out promising you will put more back in eventually. Slowly depleting your portfolio. + +Years will go by and the next run will come and then you will reinvest again but this time will be different. + +Your lessons will be your own. + +We're all full of shit on here no one knows shit. + +Start learning about the technology behind everything and the backend stuff in order to fully believe in crypto. Hopium posts on Reddit, MSNBC, tech crunch articles are not going to keep your hopes up. + +Edit 1: There’s other subs on here that will be helpful. Discord groups, reading white papers, even Twitter has gold. + +Edit 2: [Post from 9 years ago to help you understand](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1c5j46/you_people_are_seriously_not_thinking_clearly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +Investopedia💎💎💎 has this article talking about shorts and floats: + +[https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/shortexceed50.asp#:\~:text=A%20Company's%20Float%20and%20Short,to%20as%20the%20short%20interest](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/shortexceed50.asp#:~:text=A%20Company's%20Float%20and%20Short,to%20as%20the%20short%20interest). + +&#x200B; + +Here's a couple key takeaways: + +* Theoretically, the maximum amount of a company's float that could be shorted is equal to the float itself; although, in reality, it's rare for a stock to have a short interest greater than 50%. +* Short selling is an [advanced trading strategy](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/trading-strategy.asp) used by investors to speculate on an expected price decline of a stock or other [security](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/security.asp). + +Note that the fundamental here is that it shouldnt be above 50%💸💸💸 normally, let alone 100%. It shouldnt even be an idea under normal circumstances. We didnt create this non-fundamental scenario. They did. + +Also note that shorting is called "SPECULATION." Speculation is not wise, well informed investing😒😒. They are betting and they always warn that it is betting. They warn non-stop that you should be very careful. They scare you away from these massive profit potentials and hide behind complex ideas. + +Once they start losing, they suddenly change their tune 🎶🎶. They claim we arent paying attention to fundamentals. That we are inexperienced and making dumb moves. This is the most shrewd, clever, intelligent market move made since the Big Short. The institutional investors got caught with their pants down 😘 in public and blame us for calling them out on it. + +Market Makers are not the Market. They might think they are, but they aren't. You cant time the market, but you can damn well time shorts 😂😂😂. + +GME & AMC to the next galaxy 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 just to prove a point + +TLDR: 250% float aint fundamental. But our gainz will be eternal🚀 🐱‍🏍🚀 + +EDIT: SEC SHILLS ASKING ME FOR ADVICE CAN FUCK OFF. I AINT GETTING PLAYED. MY NAME AINT KAREEM SERAGELDIN. I like the stock. + +EDIT 2: Added emojis for clarity and tldr + +EDIT 3: HOW DO I SELL AWARDS AND REDDIT COINS TO BUY GME?? PLZ HALP + +EDIT POTATO: FUCK GUYS I MIGHT BE ACTUALLY RETARDED. LOOKS LIKE ITS CLOSER TO 95%. NOT 250 +This is something that has been irking me for quite a while now. + +I have friends that I've told about Bitcoin to back in 2013 who only recently became involved because I had to tell them ***again*** that Bitcoin can be split down to 8 decimals places, ***and in turn, bought for sub-$10.*** + +Sometimes just saying "divided 8 decimal places" doesn't actually ring a bell in their heads, many need to be spoon-fed the concept. + +One of them set up a weekly buy of $25 the next day... + +There is a huge group of people who genuinely have a mild *(but enough to invest)* interest in this space that simply just don't know this. + +The [**top thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/6igopz/spurring_a_lot_of_conversations_with_this_one/) currently on this subreddit only reiterates my point even further. + +***People just don't know.*** + +Some wallets have the feature but exchanges don't do anything to help support this. Price is displayed across the board in BTC and ***BTC only.*** A feature within a settings menu doesn't help anyone who isn't already informed. ***We need it displayed on your front pages.*** + +[**We need media outlets referencing milli-BTC in their headlines.**](http://i.imgur.com/9UU7j9K.jpg) + +I got involved in this space ***because of the price.*** Now I tend to look down on those who are only concerned about the day to day price movements, but how can I really be that hypocritical when I was once them and only learned more after being lured in the same way they are? + +How can you expect the community to grow as a whole without every facet of this community growing in proportion? You don't get long term holders and node runners without and influx of short term newbies open to trying to understand what all this hype is about. If the first thing they see and think is "That cost way too much for me to afford right now", ***we are going to stall until this change from within the community is made.*** + +From outside the box, this change is inevitable. Any outside (omnispective) observer would say "riiiiiiiiiight about....***here*** *(points finger on the timeline)* , is when you'll see that shift", but we're inside the box, so let's get this ball rolling. + +If you want to use bits (uBTC), be my guest. I'd rather start with something tangible. + +***$2.68 is tangible.*** + +Next Bitcoin roller coaster thread I see better say "mBTC $3.xx!" + +If you mess up I'll be making the corrected re-post. + + +I certainly am! After they tried to infuse FUD with Taxes, which just made me laugh uncontrollably, because lets face it: Have we done anything else before? We are not scumbags hiding our wealth on some Islands! + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwv5uo/billionaire\_hedgies\_think\_tax\_fud\_is\_viable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwv5uo/billionaire_hedgies_think_tax_fud_is_viable/) + +BRING IT TAXMAN + +Edit: Lots of talking going on! I agree, the Tax money is spent better somewhere else. The main reason I am hyped is because I never knew otherwise, plus they tried to induce FUD on us with it. I was "poor" my whole life, so I was always used to Uncle Sam taking his cut. Take this one time payment and im gone ! +I'm posting this here because most other places the question is more about whether you have the money or not. Here we can assume we have the money and it's a question of whether it's worth it. + +I'm having a hard time determining how to evaluate things like travel, houses, cars, because I don't have a good baseline any more. Are you still basing value off 2019? Or are you just looking at what works today for what price and moving forward with that? +For those with a simplified investment strategy (3-5 fund portfolio), assuming you use a brokerage such as Vanguard of Schwab, how do you build banking relationships? + +For example, I’m currently Fatfired, but looking to purchase a home. I have $10m+ in investments, but can’t get a loan for $1m home without a salary. I’m afraid that not having a relationship with a bank is preventing me from getting a mortgage, or atleast one with a good interest rate. I also don’t want to move my investments to a bank and pay fees, or purchase a home with cash. + +Thoughts? + +EDIT: Looking to get a 30-year fixed mortgage as rates are currently low, and I'm highly allocated in stocks and can beat a 4% return (still long time horizon), and I want the interest deductions lines of credit won't give. +I can’t be the only one. It’s the only thing I really hate about BTC right now. Texas, Miami, Ted Cruz, Lummis (who I really appreciate) seem to be using BTC as a political weapon. It’s making me think twice about talking with my Democrat friends and work colleagues about BTC. I can’t be the only one who feels this way. +Picking an ETF is easy enough when young, most of us are happy to ride out a high risk ETF portfolio because we have the time to see through any major hiccups and crashes. + +But how do you transition your portfolio over time as you get older? + +Do you start selling some of the high risk etf, realising the capital gains and buying a lower risk one with the money? + +Do you just stop DCA'ing into a high risk etf and start DCA'ing into a lower risk one? + +How do you start to draw on the funds in the high risk etfs when you're older and need to start accessing those funds but reduce the risk that it crashes whilst you need it? + +Lots of resources and discussion about which etf's to choose - but not many opinions about how to start to extract yourself out from the market and move yourself to a lower risk band +Basically, I've signed a contract for a house and just got a building and pest done (8 Days left on condition). There were a few minor issues that were noted and now I plan to negotiate to get the problems fixed or to lower the final price. The real estate agent said at the end of the call, that he will see if the vendor wants to negotiate or put the home back on the market. Can the vendor deny negotiations and go back onto the market ? + +Edit: what I'm asking is, if the vendor doesn't want to negotiate, do I still get the option to take the original price the deal was for? Or can the vendor say stuff you and back out without giving me an option to take the original offer? + +QLD +Help a youngling out. I'm early on in my career, and I want to know what you did in your career that really paid off. + +Networking event that got you a job? A scary project that impressed the boss? Learn a skill that led to a career change? What actions did you take that led to improvements in your work life and (hopefully) income? + +So often in this sub we talk about increasing our income via side-hustles, but I want to know how you increased your income in your day job. + +EDIT: Also, did you make your career moves more aggressively after committing to FI? I know that I'd like to retire in 10-15 years, so I'm trying to move up that ladder ASAP. Is that a good strategy? + +(Also, mods I'm not sure if this qualifies as too personal finance-y. If it is, let me know and I'm happy to take it down). +Hi everyone, + +Had some free time today so I ran some numbers on IPOs. + +**Assumptions of the data / disclosures:** + +\- Survivorship bias (companies that did not make it are not included) + +\- Removed companies for which no data was available in BBG (i.e. IPO date, offering size, etc.) + +\- Some data points are missing and I have left them blank + +\- Did not verify the data much and relied purely on figures from BBG so take what you will + +\- Offering size is not adjusted for inflation and reflects purely the amount at that specific point in time + +**What the data includes:** + +\- 1556 IPOs with the earliest dating back to 1919. + +\- Current Mkt Cap, IPO Date, IPO Share Price, IPO Offering Size, 1st Open / IPO Offer Price (Column H in ALL HISTORY sheet). + +**Some interesting stats:** + +\- ABNB, DASH, SNOW & BEKE (all 2020) are the only IPOs that have had an offering size of > $2B and a 1st open at 75% greater than the offer price. + +\- There were at least 16 IPOs in 2020 which opened at 100% greater than the offer price. Next closest was 1999 which has 6 companies. + +\- There were at least 50 IPOs in 2020 which opened at 50% greater than the offer price. Next closest was 1999 at 10 companies. + +&#x200B; + +I have upload the data to google sheets and you can take a more closer look yourself. + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D1d3\_GcnpPCZGoP2d8q\_pLf5hpUDKrFMksugQ0E5dzs/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D1d3_GcnpPCZGoP2d8q_pLf5hpUDKrFMksugQ0E5dzs/edit?usp=sharing) +I am posting in this community because I believe some of the audience here faced similar situations in the past. I made my first angel investment a year ago. Had zero expectations of making a return from it, my goal was to understand how this works, provide some support for the founders (which I enjoy a lot) and be better prepared for future investment opportunities. + +I put a few $'000s in the seed investment, and this company is going for a series A round. At my equity at the company (about 0.5%) and at the floor target price (pre-series A) my investment will return \~4x in a year. At least on paper. Not bad. + +Before the series A, the angel investors have the opportunity to have a follow on. While I know how the math works, I never had dealt with something like this before and I am not sure if I have full understanding of the consequences of going either way. My impression is that by taking the follow on I would effectively double down on an investment that already surpassed my expectations (again, 4x ROI while I wasn't expecting anything), but maybe there are other benefits of not diluting my equity that I am not aware of? + +Thank you! +Full tweet is "I’m excited to share that we’re appointing @elonmusk to our board! Through conversations with Elon in recent weeks, it became clear to us that he would bring great value to our Board." +He goes on to say. +"He’s both a passionate believer and intense critic of the service which is exactly what we need on @Twitter, and in the boardroom, to make us stronger in the long-term. Welcome Elon!" +[Here is a link to the tweet.](https://twitter.com/paraga/status/1511320953598357505?s=21&t=5xpJeKF-FsakkYSPvLeaNg) + +Musk tweets, "Looking forward to working with Parag & Twitter board to make significant improvements to Twitter in coming months!" + +[If you missed it.](https://reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/tvyoxd/elon_musk_takes_92_passive_stake_in_twitter/) Yesterday It was announced of Musk taking a large stake in Twitter. + +How does everyone feel about this? +Hi all, + +In a bit of a tricky situation, just a bit of context - I lived in England, had a crap job and was generally unhappy. I then met a girl while in Edinburgh - fast forward 5 years and we have a house together in Scotland, I have a job that I love and have made some great friends. + +However, we've now split and I don't know how to handle the house situation. We're both on good terms and have agreed I'll stay in the house (because I have no where else to go as my family as down south), subject to me being able to buy her out. + +I put down approx. 2/3 of the deposit, and we've since split bills equally. + +New build house £250k a year ago +50k deposit (which was 50/50 with a First Home Fund scheme) +200k mortgage. 5 year fixed at 2% (4 years left) + +My salary is £40k and I typically get a bonus around £10k. + +I only have around £5k in savings + +Now I need to work out if it's possible to buy her out. I believe the house is worth approx. £280-£300k at the moment. I don't know where to start? Should I speak with our solicitor who did our conveyancing? The mortgage broker? + +If the only option is to sell the house then I think I'd have to pack in my job and head back down south which I really don't want to do. + +Sorry if I've not been clear in any of the details. Struggling at the moment! +I know it’s not an option for lots of people, but door dashing is seriously helping me immensely, and I should be able to get out of debt relatively quickly with it. Yes there’s extra miles on my car (100-120 for 5-6 hours) and it’s costing more in gas, but I’m averaging about $120 a day. In 4 days I’ve made almost $500. It’s seriously the best feeling ever. It’s also keeping me off the streets. I got suspended without pay for a week at work, decided to start dashing finally, and I’m gonna be okay without that paycheck. If you have pondered the idea, I’ll tell you it may be worth looking into! I’ll give tips I’ve learned in the comments if anybody is interested! +>**1.** The existence of exchanges has made Bitcoins core claims completely irrelevant. + +>**2.** it is, at best, a toy. in reality it's a massive disaster. to people who were scammed. to the environment. to victims of ransomware. the list goes on and on. right now a million crypto bros are dreaming up ways to do even more harm. and most damning of all, this is for absolutely nothing. there is no problem that a blockchain can solve that isn't better solved by something else. + +>**3.** You guys ask this shit every day, it gets so god damned old. You guys are so fucking obnoxious I can't stand you. + +>**4.** Simply put, crypto is nothing. It offers nothing. provides nothing. it is people speculating on the value of nothing being worth something but in the end it’s.nothing. if you held a jar of a hobos dick cheese in your hand, you have something more intrinsically valuable than any amount of crypto. at least you have a jar which has its uses. For a bunch of people who think this is the mega game changer, they sure are spending a lot of time online, advertising money, and paid celebrities to try to convince us how amazing it is. Yet I don’t see the mass adoption 13 years later + +> **5.** What interest rate would you charge for a 30 year mortgage lent out in any non-stablecoin of your choice (because at best, stablecoins are only meant to mirror their pegged currency)? If you can't give me an interest rate that approaches rates used today, then your currency will never (and **can't** ever) be adopted as a true currency. If you're just using it to gamble, then gamble away. Just don't make any allusions about a possible future of actual adoption. + +>**6.** There would be no bitcoin in the madman future someone is preparing for. Unfortunately that's against and old argument for crypto. They keep changing their 'purpose' usually it contradicts itself and there is a new 'purpose' everyday. + +>**7.** Volatility makes it useless. If I gave you $100 in BTC and it tanks in a day, I did well and you did not. Or the opposite and it goes up. Someone always loses in the transaction. It’s up and down so much even a few percent in a matter of hours. Sure that’s not a big deal for $20-$50 but it is if we’re talking thousands. My “fiat” doesn’t change that much that quick. + +>**8.** Because it's a negative sum Ponzi/pyramid hybrid scheme that has absolutely no real world value. + +>**9.** It’s just like fiat cash, only way less secure, far less convenient, and with unbelievable teller fees.It’s a solution in search of a problem. + +>**10.** My top argument is Crypto is reinventing what we already have. Fractional reserve banking = stablecoin. Fast transactions (lightning) = Visa. Distributed ledger = database Exchanges = banks. Carbon converted to CO2 en masse = mining. + +**This Subs Top responses (after 24hrs)** + +**1.** +>Although 90% of people are still incredibly ignorant when it comes to crypto I admit some of the arguments arnt exactly a million miles away from reality. The space is unfortunately awash with scammers, ponzi schemes and just dogshit tokens with no utility. Maybe we need another crypto winter to wash all that shit down the drain with the rest of the turds. + +**2.** +> if you held a jar of a hobos dick cheese in your hand + +wasn't expecting to see this in an argument against crypto today but here we are + +**3.** +>3. You guys ask this shit every day, it gets so god damned old. You guys are so fucking obnoxious I can't stand you. + +This is actually a veiled critique of the Bitcoin consensus mechanism, and questions the repetitive nature of proof of work. + +**4.** +>Big fan of answer number 3 😂 + +**5.** +>I feel like #3 has some merit. + +**6.** +>5. What interest rate would you charge for a 30 year mortgage lent out in any non-stablecoin of your choice (because at best, stablecoins are only meant to mirror their pegged currency)? If you can't give me an interest rate that approaches rates used today, then your currency will never (and can't ever) be adopted as a true currency. If you're just using it to gamble, then gamble away. Just don't make any allusions about a possible future of actual adoption. + +He's actually not wrong with this criticism. + +>4. Simply put, crypto is nothing\[...dick cheese...\]. Yet I don’t see the mass adoption 13 years later + +I don't think anything disruptive technology had mass adoption within 13 years, ever. First car was manufactured in 1887. Mass adoption came 20+ years later with the Model T in 1908. Internet was invented in the 1960s. Computers in the 50s. Mass adoption didn't come until mid 2000s. First smartphone was invented in 1992. Blackberry's and iPhones didn't see mass adoption until the mid-to-late 2000s. 13 years is a very, very short time, and adoption is growing every day + +**7.** +>I don't know how crypto is "freeing" anyone or whatever. + +**8.** +>A lot of these arguments are spot on. 99% of people buy bitcoin only to be able to flip it at a higher price. It doesn't have intrinsic value as an asset. It also isn't being used like a currency like fiat is. + +**9.** + +>The dollar still rules. You don’t spend any crypto and if a business does take it, they convert it to cash and all you did was spend more on gas fees. So crypto is more like a commodity. It is only worth something because the community says so. + +**10.** +>I have been in crypto for about 7 years now. No lies detected in those 10 points. +So my father got a call a couple days ago from someone claiming to work for PayPal's fraud department (he has a Paypal card/account) and it all seemed very official/professional. They said there's been a bunch of fraudulent looking charges on his card and went through a number of charges that my dad didn't make (the typical scammy charges like target.com, itunes, walmart, etc..). Sure enough my dad looks on his paypal app and sees all the charges, and he obviously confirms that he didn't make the charges and to lock/replace the card as the person suggested. + +This is where it get's pretty next level. As they're talking, the 'representative' claims that the 'scammers' just attempted to log into his account and change his password, and he asks if my dad to confirm he got a text from Paypal with a PIN. Sure enough my dad gets a text (ACTUALLY from PayPal, the standard two-step verification text they send if you try to change your password or whatever). The person *didn't* ask for the PIN though (that would be an obvious red flag). They said they locked his account and it's all under control. + +So at this point it seems 100% legit that it's Paypal (they 'knew' about the charges and that my dad would get a text before he even got it, yet didnt ask for the PIN). They tell my dad that the card has been locked and he'll get a new one within 7 business days or whatever, and not to worry about anything, it's all good. The scammer was incredibly professional/well thought out too. He properly advised my dad to remove the 'de-activated' card from any automatic billing cycles, said to be careful about avoiding scams (wow), etc... + +So luckily my dad logged into paypal today to confirm the cards were frozen, which is when he noticed not only were they *not* frozen, there was a dozen more charges on his card since the call he got and they maxed out his credit. + +So here's what happened: The scammers stole the card info, made a couple charges, then pretended to be Paypal and *called my dad to tell him about the charges*, tried to login to his account so he would get a verification text, made it seem like they were on top of the situation and had it all under control, and then continued to make the fraudulent charges hoping he wouldn't notice or think it's fine because 'PayPal' already knows about it. Some hiding in plain sight, reverse psychology stuff. + +Just want to make as many people as possible aware of this. I like to think I'm pretty damn savvy with scams and I think I would have even been caught off guard by this. *Always* go online and check the status of your cards/banks, purchase history, etc.. for yourself, regularly and *never* trust only a phone call. +Unless you're a Winklevii, most in the community seem to agree that the BitLicense regulation proposals are archaic, and that it will hinder startup growth, etc. + +The most important point that people seem to overlook is this piece of regulation, section 200.8(b): + +Each Licensee shall be permitted to invest its retained earnings and profits in **only** the following high-quality, investment-grade permissible investments with maturities of up to one year and **denominated in United States dollars**: + +(1) certificates of deposit issued by financial institutions that are regulated by a United States federal or state regulatory agency; + +(2) money market funds; + +(3) state or municipal bonds; + +(4) United States government securities; + +(5) United States government agency securities + +BitLicense businesses cannot invest or hold their ANY of their profit in Bitcoin, ONLY in US Dollars. + +You will be told this regulation is to protect the business (and therefore, its consumers) from Bitcoin exchange rate fluctations, but if Bitcoin businesses are forbidden from holding their profits Bitcoin, then what are those businesses forced to do? + +Sell their Bitcoin - driving down prices, reducing demand. + +This part of the regulation has one purpose, and that is to prevent the rise of Bitcoin as a reserve currency. **It simply makes no sense that a BITCOIN BUSINESS cannot hold ANY of its earnings in Bitcoin.** + +This was written by the banks, for the banks. Don't support it, and don't be blinded by the "This is actually good news!" mentality. It's not, unless you're looking forward to JPMorganCoin. + +**EDIT:** Even more telling, the specific piece of regulation that I refer to above is NOT mentioned on the summary page of the regulations provided by New York State: http://www.dfs.ny.gov/about/press2014/pr1407171.html +I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but here it is. I have a friend who is struggling. I'd like to send her some money for Christmas, but I think it would be awkward and she might feel the need to reciprocate. Any ideas on how I could send it without her knowing where it came from, and so she won't think it's a scam and throw it away? We live in different states, also. Not a lot, a few hundred dollars. +Every other post seems to be regarding people being able to either save 97% of their income and pay their mortgage, bills, and cars, or they are being offered £120k jobs and don’t know what to do with a £6k take home pay... + +By all means I’m all for people to ask questions, and congratulations to those who are in those positions - I hope to be one of them in the future. + +However the disparity of either people subscribed or posters, seem to be of the above statement. +Where are the “average” people earning above/below the “average” wage and what we can do to maximise when we can only save 10-30% for example? +AFAIK [VWCE](https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?query=vwce&groupField=index&from=search&isin=IE00BK5BQT80) \- is denominated in USD, isn't that a risk? Why is then recommended here instead of some EUR denominated index fund ? +Hello, so my question is about the box3 section in tax claim. I never had significant amount of money but the question is as follows: if I have 1mill (for the sake of argument) eur and I fill in my tax return form and pay all of the taxes, the following year if I didn't do anything with the money (say it was invested but had 0% gain) will I get charged the same full tax as last year which means that unless I make a huge profit, the taxes will eat my savings in 3 years? +I know there is something obvious I missed because otherwise I doesn't make any sense. +Hi everyone! I'm considering buying a property close to Galway city (in Ireland) over the next few months and I just want to ask you guys for your opinions/advice regarding my financial plans for the future! + +Background info: +- Age: 26 +- Salary: 45k +- Savings: 90k +- No pension/investments yet + +So my plan is to buy a 3 bed property close to Galway city. The mortgage repayments will probably be around €800-€950 depending on how much I need to borrow. I've already been approved for a mortgage of up to €212k, so hopefully I'll be able to purchase a suitable property for max €295k. + +I'm planning on using the Rent a Room scheme to rent out the two spare bedrooms, which will generate about €900 in rent, which will be tax free. I will use this rental income to pay the mortgage, and use some of my salary to overpay the mortgage repayments (probably just for the first few years). There will be some penalties involved in overpaying the mortgage repayments, but I think this would still be beneficial to reduce the size of the loan as quickly as possible, to reduce the amount of interest accrued. + +Once I have the property bought, I plan to avail of my employer's pension scheme and start contributing to my pension (I know it's stupid of me to not be availing of this already, but I was trying to save as much money for my deposit over the past 3 years). Then I'll start looking into other investments. + +Does this sound like a reasonable plan? Is there any potential issues with this that I've ignored? Or is there a better way to use my €90k savings to hopefully achieve financial independence in a few decades? +I recently read an article that suggested that 3x leveraged ETFs (or even higher) make perfect sense as a long-term investment: http://www.ddnum.com/articles/leveragedETFsandDCA.php + +Obviously 3x leveraged ETFs aren't allowed in the EU, but there are fully secured WisdomTree ETPs that get the job done. + +What do you think? +I'd like to start investing in ETFs for long term. Does this portfolio look ok? + +* iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF (Acc) 25% +* iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD 25% +* iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF (Acc) 50% +AFAIK [VWCE](https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?query=vwce&groupField=index&from=search&isin=IE00BK5BQT80) \- is denominated in USD, isn't that a risk? Why is then recommended here instead of some EUR denominated index fund ? +Hey CMS! The market sucks, but my favorite token HOGE is still building/growing. I wanted to key you guys in on the highlights of HOGE, along with some upcoming potential price catalysts. Do come chat w/ the community at /r/hoge or t.me/hogefinance if you have any questions (or fud!) --- I think you'll find our Telegram culture is quite different from the other dog coins. + +**Highlights on HOGE** + +* The original DeFi Memecoin w/ deflationary tokenomics, Certik audited, w/ doxxed legal team, and probably the only memecoin of this alt season to have a legal opinion that we are not a security +* HOGE is truly a community coin. Unlike some of the larger cap coins w/ centralized control & large centralized marketing budgets, to date HOGE has relied 100% on community development (we call it "grabbing a shovel") and community donations. Recent pushes toward revenue streams, as well as a push toward a Hybrid DAO to manage and spend the proceeds will open new doors in the coming months. +* 65K holders, 35M market cap, down 90% from ATH, but so much better than it was at ATH. +* Many on the Core team voluntarily doxxed themselves to the community (hoge.finance/team/). The remaining members (and several other members of the community) have all completed KYC and signed NDAs with the Hoge Association. +* Beyond the Core team we have well (!) over a dozen people volunteering their time to actively develop HOGE \[just see the list of projects below\] +* Raised over $25K for various charitable iniatives. One of them was Patriot Paws, which allowed us to name two doggos! The community voted to name them Doge & Hoge. +* Available on Uniswap, Pancakeswap, ChangeNow, Nowpayments, Guardarian, Gate, BigONE, Bilaxy, BKEX, WhiteBit, Decoin, ZT; raising money for 2 more exchanges, and in negotiations w/ several more exchanges, inc. US based exchanges. +* Native ETH token, with bridges to BSC, xDai and Fantom; bridge to MATIC coming soon? +* We have several high profile influencers on board, each w/ millions of followers, all organic, including our beloved Scotty Sire (who has a HOGE tattoo and locked his HOGE liquidity!), Scotty's friends, Adam Rose, and many athletes. +* HOGE recently brought on a new Marketing Lead, Hayden Matthews, who has a professional marketing background & is committed to making HOGE succeed. He has a weekly AMA every Monday on Twitter Spaces if you ever want to hop on & learn (usually at 2pm Eastern). Hayden has a dedicated team including the "Chosen One" helping him with HOGE's first ever financed marketing. We are currently at the start of a 90-day #HOGEEverywhere campaign, which begun with bridges to BSC and Fantom, and a listing on Pancakeswap. + +**Future Price Catalysts** + +* Many use cases in development, including: HogeMint v3, HogeSwap/HogeBridge, the NFT Marketplace, HogeStarter, HogeWorld, Hoge Aerospace Institute, Arcade... and more. These are all at different stages of development, but I believe at least three of them will make quite a splash. More details to follow. +* As part of #HOGEEverywhere, **Hoge is proud to announce that we have finalized a deal with one of the largest news media networks in America that reaches 160 million adults in the U.S. every month**. More details to follow, and I'm expected more where this came from. +* There will be more CEX listings, and a US exchange is still on the roadmap. +* The marketing AMAs have hinted at several partnerships that have yet to be revealed. +* Adam Rose/Scotty Sire vs. the World (Fortnite) is going to be awesome, with Adam Rose/Scotty Sire NFTs coming. +* And other promising things that I can't quite share yet... + +**TLDR:** Market sucks, which means it's time to build, and Hoge is busy doing just that. There are several upcoming price catalysts, including the media partnership just announced a long list of applications being developed. **Hoge memes business.** +$Dogira + +Broke the ATH recently with the catalysts of Satoshi club AMA, WhiteBit advertising and the practically untouched 100k USD marketing budget + +Our full roadmap is up on https://dogira.net for anyone interested in taking a read through; and it details our core goals across 2021, with a heavy focus on further NFT ecosystem expansion, alongside delving into Blockchain Native Gaming + +Our COMMUNITY has grown from 3k members a couple of days ago to now over 6,700! We have a very active and supportive community. + + + +Site: https://dogira.net (new!) + +Subreddit: r/Dogira + +TX for DexTools/Uniswap: 0xe9bd6ddc2b13f46715382f74534950e004399d10 + +Ether: https://etherscan.io/token/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1 + +CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/dogira + + + +Noteworthy + + +**Dogira - The Low-down + +---- + +* Microcap Token; currently < $9mil in Market Cap + +* Currently in the middle of a $100k Marketing Campaign! + +* Plans for coin integration/event rewards in [Split or Steal](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1162930/Split_or_Steal/), a game launched/owned by myself which hit #1 in Steam last year. + +* Officially Partnered with Feed Every Gorilla, with 4 million Dogira tokens being allocated to FEG's staking pool + +* Not an Anonymous Team - Project Leads are doxxed. + +* Roadmap released, offering detail & timeframes on our Native Blockchain Gaming & NFT ecosystems. + +* Satoshi Club AMA happened today! + +* Grew to this level organically - only recently listing on CoinGecko, and our first CEX. + +* First Investment NFTs sold out in 10hrs - generating $35k for our CEX Listing fund. + +* New Investment NFTs dropping soon! + +* Core Team are active, friendly, and well-versed + +* Only 100mil tokens, of which 88mil are in circulation + +* Audited, and approved by War on Rugs (additional third-party audits currently being secured) + +* Community are super friendly and engaged - very reminiscent of old Doge. + + + + +In addition to this Lovely long winded elevator pitch the best bits have to be this snippet from the Whitepaper...I guess you could even call this the TL:DR albeit a long read. + + +Short version....Pretty much making a process that will allow game devs to integrate their games into the blockchain. I believe this will also work on already made games. This would allow the use of the most powerful anti cheat tech....the blockchain, no more 100 c-130s spawned in a COD lobby or wall hacking, autoaim etc. In addition it would allow us to integrate NFTs into the games and they can be used as items. consumables, displayed in game etc. Also can be used in a way that will provide other rewards i.e. this NFT will give you 10 eth by 2035 if you hold 20,000 Dogira for X time or will do (insert x) ALLL OF THIS on top of the fact that you will be able to stake Dogira and get passive income from these gaming, nft channels + + + +For the more tech savvy + +Get native blockchain gaming mass adoption. We are going to build a SDKs for popular game engines that allows regular Indie developers to integrate their game logic natively into the blockchain for cheat resistance and the ability to earn monetary blockchain rewards, both for themselves and for players, which could revolutionize free-to-play. + +1️⃣ We will work with consumable and computational NFTs that are investment modifying and can influence your overall APY. They could act on staking or be used in-game. + +2️⃣ Dogira will use different forms of staking alongside of gaming to reward passive holders, while gaming rewards active holders. You will be able to stake Dogira long-term for great reward, while taking them out of circulation to create price pressure + +3️⃣ As Indie developers onboard their games with Dogira, we will help them market and fund their product in a Dogira LaunchPad, which will act similarly to a game store. + + + +For further information you can check out Dogira's latest AMA with the Satoshi Club: + +https://esatoshi.club/ama-satoshi-club-x-dogira-april-17th-2/ + + + + +Keep in mind that I am bias and I am about as tech savvy as your couch. All info above is from the devs and the community, the "short version" is from me. We can't wait to see you in the club +Okay, I don't really need to say much here. Whether you're a hater or a lover of the recent events I think we all can agree that the money is going to keep *flowing* and that is why im here to give you all my analysis on why I think **$SafeX** is going to be the next **BIG** coin. ***80% liquidity locked to PancakeSwap for 5 years & devs burned ALL team tokens!*** + +Let me start by saying first, I have hit big and I have lost on many coins here, many being early, many being late. This is all for fun for me and I have had a blast doing it. This is never **EVER** financial advice and you ALWAYS should **DYOR**. That means checking scan websites for addresses, rug pulls, developers, community, ECT. The chart shows very healthy growth. The bscscan is what truly speaks for itself on this one though bois. + +A fork with COMMITTED, TRUE developers, $SafeX is a community driven project made for all the SpaceX lovers. SafeX employs 3 great functions : Reflection + LP acquisition + Burn In each trade, each transaction is taxed and fee is redistributed to all existing holders. With under 1,000 holders and a community that has steel legs & diamonds for hands. I see this rising along with $ElonGate, $SafeMoon & the other greats we've had this year. + +Again, always **DYOR** but after what seemed like space-junk all over my feed, this has brought some light to the cockpit. + +&#x200B; + + ***HOW TO BUY:*** + +⭐ You are going to want to download the app "TrustWallet" + +⭐ Once you have the app "TrustWallet" downloaded you are going to want to buy some BNB. Buy BNB in "TrustWallet", Binance or whatever exchange suits your preference. + +⭐ Once you have some BNB you're going to want to make sure that you transfer it to TrustWallet if you haven't already. + +⭐ Once in TrustWallet go to Dex at the bottom and swap your BNB (yellow icon) to BSC (black icon) + +⭐ Once your funds have been transferred into Smart Chain open PancakeSwap up inside of TrustWallet browser (AKA dApp) to start buying: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xf42603d4bfd72e3cf0016194db9a0a7357b5d657](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xf42603d4bfd72e3cf0016194db9a0a7357b5d657) + +⭐ CONTRACT ID: 0xf42603d4bfd72e3cf0016194db9a0a7357b5d657 + +⭐ Trade your BNB for SafeX. Set slippage to 11-13% (little gear icon) + +⭐ Approve BNB, Swap & SafeX will appear in wallet once transaction is complete! + +⭐ ENJOY RIDE TO MARS WITH PAPA ELON & THE GANG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +&#x200B; + +***LINKS:*** + +⭐ Liquidity Locked for 5 years (288,000,000,000,000-- 80%): [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=230&add=0&type=lpdefi&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=230&add=0&type=lpdefi&chain=BSC) + +⭐ Ownership Renounced: [https://bscscan.com/tx/0x2d1e0dfacd34e95d8faecde13352723f6297126a216c0789310bf51675b7a0c6](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x2d1e0dfacd34e95d8faecde13352723f6297126a216c0789310bf51675b7a0c6) + +⭐ Team Tokens Burned: [https://bscscan.com/tx/0x2c8c1076271e3746340bd0865d6327a581baf45fbc855c1d929eb192e0c86d49](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x2c8c1076271e3746340bd0865d6327a581baf45fbc855c1d929eb192e0c86d49) + +⭐ BSCSCAN HOLDERS: [https://bscscan.com/token/0xf42603d4bfd72e3cf0016194db9a0a7357b5d657#balances](https://bscscan.com/token/0xf42603d4bfd72e3cf0016194db9a0a7357b5d657#balances) + +⭐ CHARTS: [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xf42603d4bfd72e3cf0016194db9a0a7357b5d657](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xf42603d4bfd72e3cf0016194db9a0a7357b5d657) + +⭐ WEBSITE: [http://safe-x.space/](http://safe-x.space/) + +⭐️ TELEGRAM Group: [https://t.me/SafeX\_BSC](https://t.me/SafeX_BSC) + +⭐️ TWITTER: [https://twitter.com/SafeX\_BSC](https://twitter.com/SafeX_BSC) + +⭐ REDDIT: [https://reddit.com/r/SafeXToken](https://reddit.com/r/SafeXToken) +[ComfyToken](https://www.comfytoken.com/) is a 4 days old token on the Binance Smart Chain with very unique tokenomics: 2%-30% tax on transactions. + + +The bigger the trade, the higher the tax. The idea of these tokenomics is to discourage large movements and prevent whales and bots from manipulating the price, which leads to a **comfy** long-run hold. + + +Every ComfyToken holder automatically receives reflection through the smart contract on the BSC network; more specifically, they receive a portion of fees back everytime a transaction occurs on the smart contract. The fee on every transaction is progressive, it is based on the size of each transaction relative to the circulating supply. + + +Here is how the tax-system works in detail: + +&nbsp;&nbsp;**2%** if <= **0.001%** of Circulating Supply + +&nbsp;&nbsp;**4%** if <= **0.0025%** of Circulating Supply + +&nbsp;&nbsp;**6%** if <= **0.005%** of Circulating Supply + +&nbsp;&nbsp;**8%** if <= **0.01%** of Circulating Supply + +**12%** if <= **0.025%** of Circulating Supply + +**16%** if <= **0.05%** of Circulating Supply + +**20%** if <= **0.1%** of Circulating Supply + +**24%** if <= **0.5%** of Circulating Supply + +**30%** if > **0.5%** of Circulating Supply + +• Half of the fee is added to the PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool to ensure a steadily rising floor price and stability + +• Half of the fee is distributed to ComfyToken holders automatically + + +**ComfyToken has been listed on the Delta App already. CMC / CG / Blockfolio already applied!** + +&nbsp; + +**WEBSITE:** + +[https://www.comfytoken.com](https://www.comfytoken.com/) + +**INFO:** + +[https://comfytoken.medium.com/come-on-in-get-comfy-cf09ff8e69fb](https://comfytoken.medium.com/come-on-in-get-comfy-cf09ff8e69fb) + +**PANCAKESWAP:** + +[https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xC737B44CB0Aa18815a1F6918EB338dEe7e7E6bD7](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xC737B44CB0Aa18815a1F6918EB338dEe7e7E6bD7) + +**DISCORD:** + +[https://discord.com/invite/M7eWdHCrDv](https://discord.com/invite/M7eWdHCrDv) + +**TELEGRAM:** + +[https://t.me/comfytokenchat](https://t.me/comfytokenchat) + +**CHARTS:** + +[https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xC737B44CB0Aa18815a1F6918EB338dEe7e7E6bD7](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xC737B44CB0Aa18815a1F6918EB338dEe7e7E6bD7) + +[https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xC737B44CB0Aa18815a1F6918EB338dEe7e7E6bD7](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xC737B44CB0Aa18815a1F6918EB338dEe7e7E6bD7) + +As always no financial advice so please do your own research first :) +Will likely be resigning from my job soon. + +Most resignation letter templates I come across seem to have a “thank you for the opportunity” statement in them - I’m leaving due to lack of opportunity (I transferred to a different business location, was promised a certain contract that never eventuated/basically was ignored). + +Is it ok to write a short/one sentence statement simply saying that you will be resigning from a certain date with your last date of your notice period? + +Thanks + +EDIT: thought I’d share this one I found as I was browsing templates + +[https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/05/12/01/4037F97B00000578-0-image-a-7\_1494548039262.jpg](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/05/12/01/4037F97B00000578-0-image-a-7_1494548039262.jpg) +I will soon I will inherit an estimated $195K after the sale of my deceased mother's homes. After that, I want to buy a home. My SO still owes over 100K in student loans and has only paid the minimum amount or had it deferred. She decided to change careers and took out more loans with me as a cosigner. I estimate She owes 30K with my name on it. She hasn't worked for 5 years. She had many of the student loans since before she met me. (15 Years ago) SO says she can't find a job she likes. We barely have any savings because of that. We literally live check to check. She also has a bankruptcy on her record. Which should have erased itself after 7 years but still remains on a background search. + +&#x200B; + +My gross pay is $91,000. My take-home check averages $4,764.77. It seems that most of my take home pay is reduced by about 48% after taxes, medical insurance premiums and union dues. (NJ teacher) Our rent is $2045 and will go up in August to $2070. My financial advisor at the bank says to put 20% ($60K) down and invest the rest with his moderate risk fund that historically nets 5% interest. And get a mortgage for 240K at 4%. I asked him why I should do that. He said that the 5% should mitigate the mortgage's 4%. Then I asked him how would I explain that to my wife who's terrible with money. He said that money in hand is better than not. You have more equity this way. I also asked about my wife's debt, he notices that we pay $311 monthly payment to her student loans. He said that that's ok but if we have to pay an additional $311 it wouldn't be worth buying a house and that we would be better off renting. + +&#x200B; + +I know my SO expects me to put all my eggs in one basket and place all the money in the house purchase. I want to get the most equity out of my mom's money. So I hope placing 20% down and getting a 4% mortgage and investing the rest in a moderate risk fund at 5% is a smart way to handle this. I also want to be in charge of the finances and pay off her loans. To do that I want her to get a job and use most of her income to pay off her loans. (SO cash flow) + +&#x200B; + +Another option would be to not buy a house and keep renting. Since I feel we would be house poor. (We already feel apartment poor.) Place the monies in a moderate fund and use cash flow from my SO salary when and if she gets a job. + +&#x200B; + +My question is: + +&#x200B; + +Am I doing the right thing? + +&#x200B; + +Is this a viable financial plan? + +&#x200B; + +Or Should I just use the money and pay off all her debt? + +&#x200B; + +What should I do? + +&#x200B; + +What would you do in this situation? + +6/22/19 Edit additional note: + +As someone pointed it out to me. I have two kids a 2 and 8 years old. SO had been a stay at home mom. +So basically I’m 18, and I’ve invested about $400 in stocks and have gotten about $100 for a total of $500. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to include that to my taxes when I do them or how tbh. No one that I’m close with has ever really done stocks so it’s a completely new thing to me and I’ve also never done taxes before since I’m working my first year at a job so I’m not sure what to do for my taxes and I’d like some help or pointers on how to do such things if that makes sense? +**tl;dr request: How do you figure out how much money you need to raise a family and live comfortably? What's a gentle way to approach figuring out monetary goals and what-ifs with a partner when you make vastly different ranges?** + +I hope this is the right subreddit for this. + +I'm a 30-year-old female. I make 185k year in my career and live in California. I recently met a guy, similar in age to me, who is doing his biology post-doc and informed me that he was comfortable doing research even though it only pays 55k-60k. He has no debt, a decent savings, and lives within his means, though he hasn't pushed back on anything I want to do or been stingy about things we do together, which makes me feel like he knows how to save for the important things (experiences). He knows he will only make that much for the next 3-5 years. + +Recently we talked about money goals, and I noted that I was worried because I wanted to have a kid in the upcoming years and wanted a secure financial base for them. I'm not sure I'll always make that amount of money, and I want to know I can rely on him. He noted that he was comfortable only making as much as he does, and does not think he will make much more than that in the future, and feels it will be enough. He's Australian, and I worry this makes it hard to see eye-to-eye on social safety nets. We almost broke up communicating over this point. + +He's an amazing person and I want to be with him, but having grown up with little money, I worry a lot about this. Am I being irrational? Does having a kid cost as much as I think? How can we financially plan together when it seems we have fundamentally different values (money)? Would it be worth sitting down together to identify how much a family and home costs? + +I hate that I live in a time and society where this is bothering me as much as it does. Any advice is welcome. +Hey I am 19 years old and work at Walmart for 32-40 hours a week and I am looking to buy a car. My mom said she will co-sign for me because she has decent FICO score (750). I was wondering what would be the best way to go about buying a car? Would it be best to get a car loan from the bank or finance one from the dealer. I make about 1200 a month but I pay 400 for rent and I was wondering what would be a safe budget for me. what do you think insurance would cost since I've never been in an accident? I live in California btw and what would my monthly cost be for insurance and my loan? +**TL;DR** First month hitting $500K and reflecting on the journey as a high income, no debt, millenial. + +Well, I finally crossed $500K. I don't think I understand what that means still. I probably belong in the fat FIRE sub instead, but seeing the number made me feel a strong urge to reflect on my journey. + +**Background** + +I grew up poor in a decently well off Midwestern area as a first generation Asian American. Mom passed away early. Dad was a chef working 12 hour days. He had no concept of financial literacy (or literacy in general, actually)--didn't believe in bank accounts and stored cash in a box under his bed; thinks credit cards are bad; doesn't have a 401K; didn't have health insurance. I grew up on food stamps, but life was good and I had an amazing support system through my friends. Though I looked around one day and realized *I don't want to end up like my dad.* + +Mom always told me education was important so I focused on getting good grades in high school and walked to a nearby fast food restaurant after school to work once I was of age. Got a cheap beater car at some point and got an $11/hour job from my friend's dad doing data entry my senior year on top of the other job. I feel like I got thrown a bone when it came to college--I was one of those "let's see what happens if we give them an opportunity to succeed" cases. I was accepted into an Ivy League school with tuition fully funded given it was need-based. + +I remember opening my first bank account when I got on campus--I opened a tin can and handed them about $2K in cash to deposit that I saved up from high school. It was a student-run credit union and I got a weird look. + +**Career** + +Summer of my junior year I made real money as an intern. Did the Wall Street thing as an investment banking summer analyst and received a return offer to start full-time. Didn't really expect to end up on this career path, given I didn't even know what Wall Street was growing up. + +The one thing I learned was to open a Roth IRA. So in April 2013, I had $9K to my name: $4K in cash and $5K in a Roth. My journey starts here, a couple months before graduation and starting my new job. + +[Net Worth Tracker](https://imgur.com/hGXBaVq) + +I moved to NYC after graduation for my job on Wall Street. I worked a lot, but I saved a decent bit by living behind a row of bookshelves and a curtain, paying $1.2K/month and sharing a bathroom with three other people. I maxed out my 401K every year and while I still went out and spent money, it was not to the extent I know my friends spent. + +After about 1.5 years of banking, I left for the world of private equity like most of my peers. More money, better lifestyle, I guess. Moved to another East Coast city that was not that much cheaper than NYC, but I managed to move into a 590 sq ft studio with my significant other. My share of rent was around $1.7K thanks to the $400/month parking fee I needed to pay. Grinded the PE thing out for two years and decided to move to the corporate world and took essentially a *50%* paycut. In retrospect I wouldn't recommend that... But I personally believe the money will always catch up. And it did this year, after two years of being severely underpaid. My total comp (bonuses included) below: + +* 2013 - $105K +* 2014 - $140K +* 2015 - $180K +* 2016 - $200K +* 2017 - $105K +* 2018 - $125K +* 2019 - $220K + +**Current Situation** + +So now I live in a relatively expensive city no longer on the coast. I am paying $1.5K for a two bedroom apartment (wow I can't believe I have walls now) split with my SO. My compensation is finally back ish in line with where it was two years ago and I have a job that's challenging me and helping me to grow career wise. + +My savings rate is around 55%--my mentality with saving has always been to save a fixed amount every paycheck and allow myself to spend the rest. We eat out every weekend. I have a hobby that I used to spend ~$1K on every month. These things make me happy so I spend the money on it without giving myself any heartburn. + +I send my dad money every three months or so, given he is now retired overseas and does not have a 401K to draw on so I am his retirement fund. I don't have a budget, other than the fixed amount of dollars that I make myself save every month. If I have left over dollars, I'll save more. If I fall short, I'll make up for it in the following months. + +I max out my 401K and backdoor Roth IRA every year. I invest only in broad market ETFs. I'm saving, and sometimes I'm not sure what for. I will likely be in a new city after 3-5 years, and I don't know when I would want to buy a place. I just keep moving dollars into my brokerage account when I have too much cash sitting in my Ally savings account. Thought about getting a financial advisor as I'm sure I'm not optimizing my returns (maybe I should consolidate my 401Ks?) and I feel like I'm managing my dollars in a complacent manner. It feels weird to have money, but I'm scared of not having money like when I was a kid, so I keep saving. + +Regardless, here I am, as of 10/31/2019 the final number on my NW tracker is $516K from the $9K on 4/30/2013. +I am curious how this works at the end though when i want to sell off the shares I purchase. I am investing into ETF MJ, a share or two per paycheck. (hoping the green grow is a green cow!) So as I purchase the shares one at a time with different starting amounts, do I get an average selling cost over the entirety of the shares? +My current portfolio allocation looks like this. As you can see its a fairly diversified portfolio with quite a bit of overlap. The ones in blue are the indexes that form the base of my portfolio, the greens provide a bit of diversification in terms of emerging markets, small caps etc and the ones in yellow are a combination of funny money and thematic investments. I think my portfolio has too many proportions to manage and I wanna consolidate the holdings. What should I do? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/erp9r96qnn371.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=3369d04fab0902bacd880bb313198a0dea3413a6 +Why are target date funds for 401(k)s frowned upon? I feel like this sub generally finds them inferior to a standard VOO or VTI or whatever. I am fairly knowledgeable on why VOO and VTI are good, but I don’t understand why a target date fund would be less desirable. + +Please educate me, thanks! +Hi all, I’m looking to create a fund for later life here is what I’ve planned: +- initial investment £5000 +- £5000 split as: +VOO: 40% +VXUS: 40% +QQQ: 20% +- Cashflow would be £100 monthly being invested +-Timeframe: 10y+ + +What else could I add to this? I understand I am tech heavy and slightly reliant on US stocks, what else could I add to try and balance out? I have researched into XLU and XLE, but then again they’re both US reliant… Feel free to sh*t on me as I know I feel dumb for even asking, but my brain won’t work right now 😅 +Thanks! +I was wondering if this is a good idea? I’m currently 19 and I want to create passive income. I plan on creating a dividend portfolio within a Roth IRA. Do you guys have any recommendations? How diverse do I need to be? + +Should I just go with individual dividend aristocrats instead? +I have a full brokerage retirement account at Fidelity as a ROLLOVER IRA since I moved money from another place about six years ago. These are the mutual funds I hold. I am quite happy with their performance, since they've consistently beaten the S&P 500 (aside from that index of course): FXAIX, FNCMX, FOCPX, FBIOX, FSPHX. + +While my other accounts are retirement accounts with a limited choice of mutual funds, this particular account seems to let me trade whatever however I want . While I'm somewhat familiar with stock market trading, I'm not that well versed in it. I'm also really busy and don't have time to do monitor things, etc. So does it make sense for me to sell my FXAIX and go to SPY? Sell my FNCMX and go to QQQ? Or just leave things as they are? + +I asked this question in /r/MutualFunds and I didn't get a clear answer. One response was that ETFs are just a special share class of the corresponding mutual fund which doesn't answer my question IMO and another said "lower minimums" which is a problem I don't have. So why should I continue to stay in FNCMX (which is Fidelity's Nasdaq Index fund) which has a 10 year return of 17.91% (as of 9/30) compared to QQQ (which has a 10 year return of 20.15%), or should I move to QQQ and try to get that extra 2%? + +I'm worried about making mistakes. I could experiment with a small starting amount like a few to several thousand dollars and use conditional trades to make sure I buy lower than my selling point but I'm looking to see if I can do \*better\* than I am doing right now with mutual funds by at least 1% in the long term. My six funds range in 10 year returns from 13.75 (FXAIX whereas SPY is returning 13.62%) to 19.56%. A search of Fidelity's ETF screener doesn't reveal ETFs doing that much better so if it is all going to come back down to luck, then perhaps I'm better off where I am as a long term B&H investor. + +Thoughts? Thanks a lot! +Well... **We all know why ETFs are good** \- you're getting **exposed to a general sector** (cloud, gaming, energy...) **without the risk of betting on the wrong stock** (while taking the risk of "missing" the winner, which history tells us is not that bad compares to the alternative). There are more good things but this is the basic. + +&#x200B; + +Now for the question: + +**Assuming** you believe **there is a risk in the broad market** (a bubble, just high valuation, volatility due to crypto etc.) **but you also believe that specific sectors would go up in the long run** (for example - cloud, 5G related, gaming, clean energy, etc.). + +**What should you do in that case?** + +It seems there is no great way to predict the time or the amplitude of this event, and history teach us that ETFs is not a great savior: + +**If we compare Nov. 07 vs Nov. 08** (the sub-prime high and low) on broad market indexes (which got their own ETFs) vs sector ETFs - NASDAQ, S&P500, Dow Jones VS SOXX (semi-conductors), VNQ (real estate) **we see a very little loss difference** \- around 45% - 60% in most of them. That's only one point in history but **it might imply that a broad market trend might affect sector ETFs in a similar way of the broad market (indexes for example)**, if true - it makes sector ETFs defense walls lower than we might think, since one might believe that if there is real estate crisis the gaming industry won't fall with it - which might not be true. + +So... That's a very stupid theory based on one example (2000 would be similar as the indexes suggests, maybe 1:2 ratio between NASDAQand S&P500) + +&#x200B; + +**What do you think?** + +**Is there a smart play strategy in assuming both broad market fall and sector raise happen?** + +**Maybe a mix of global ETFs?** + +\* When I write assume - it's really theoretical, I have no concrete opinion on the current market - it is high but there are a lot of reasons to support the up or down opinions - and that differentiate it from 2000/2008. +Anyone have any recommended China ETFs? I currently have the following portfolio, but I really like the idea of adding in one China Total Market ETF at some point this year. Didn't know if this group had any favorites. Looking for broad and diversified exposure to the market. + +Also, what do you think about my portfolio? Weighted most heavily towards IVV (40%) and IXUS (20%). Decent position in AMZN. Also, this is my brokerage account. My tax advantaged accounts are almost entirely comprised target date funds. 27 / high risk tolerance / hold everything. + +Before you say that IXUS already has Chinese exposure, I know it does. But it's only \~10% of the funds composition. + +Thanks for the help and GL! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nbnsfwrfg9h61.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=71c10e20918bfe3721a2646cf42c06cc5a49047d +I am 19 years old and want to start investing my money into VTI as my first ETF will this give me a good passive income in the long run (I'm very new to all this but want to start building my money up) +So I finally opened up a brokerage account and I want to to start investing. I am starting with 2k tomorrow and my plan is to invest about 1k per quarter into the stock market (right now) that number will increase as my income goes up and my student loans go down, but instead of holding all my money in a high yield savings account I wanted to invest a little to see if I can beat the 1.5% interest I am currently getting. + +Through reading online and in various pages on reddit I have circled these ETFS. + +VOO +SPY +QQQ +XLK +SCHG +VGT +VYM + +now I’m not going to just buy one of each or only buy one but can anyone recommend me how to split up my 2k between those, or substitute any you may like better. I’m completely new to the investing world and would like to learn with a long term view here. + +Thanks in advance +Got a 401k that is a Vanguard Target Date fund (54% US, 36% Int’l, the rest in bonds). + +To diversify, what do you guys do in your personal accounts? + +I consider my 401k my broad based fund, and buy some select stocks in my Roth IRA that cover all sectors of the market I want to take a bit more risk on. Think I need to add a few sector ETFs? Unless you feel different, I probably don’t need a VTI, VT, VOO for example. + +35 y/o, playing long for retirement. +I want to invest in these (not specifically all) ETFs below to make up a total of 50% of my portfolio. I've already researched myself into their average returns and I'm hoping to achieve a yearly return of 10% across my ETF portfolio. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be grateful! + +|VWO| +|:-| +|BND| +|VXUS| +|VNQ| +|VIG| +|VTI| +|VOO| +|VHT| +|VOOG| +|VUG| +|VGT| +What you people doing currently? + +I want to jump into VTI and qqq etc + +But everything looks to be at 52 week high? + +Are yall waiting for a correction or going in now with plans to DCA later? +I've been compulsively reading about investing, taxes, broker fees and etf for the past week and I'm starting to suffer burn out. I need to stop. + +This is my latest long term plan: + +50% S&P500 (ishares) +30% Nasdaq100 (ishares) +20% All-world (vanguard) + +The goal is putting to work money I don't know what to do with, and I don't want to be checking the market every week. Not every quarter/year if you ask me, but I'll be buying regularly (adding to the aforementioned ETFs pretty much all I can save and don't need in a foreseable future). If it works well (+8% annualized), I'll get early retirement in 8-13 years hoping to live out of it by withdrawing ~3-4%/year. Unless a major disgrace, I won't need the money and chances are high it ends up being passed to the next generation (hopefully in +35 years, but if I did early retirement I'd probably stop adding money at that point) + +What do you think? I'm changing my mind every 2h between going all with S&P500 only or adding some others. I'm also considering buying some semiconductor and clean energy etf from time to time. + +Thanks +Hi Everyone, I am a 29 year old female who is looking to get into ETF trading. I finally have a decent paying job so wanted to financially plan my 2022, thus needed some suggestions on which ETFs are good to invest in or resources I can use to learn more. + +Sorry if this question is too naive for everyone! + +Appreciate all the help. +What do you think about this combination? VTI, QQQ, voo, schd, jepi, vug? Or should I keep VTI over VOO and add VXUS? I could also keep VOO over VUG. Think I'm leaning towards QQQ,VTI, SCHD JEPI, VOO, VXUS. +Let’s say you are fairly certain the markets are going to crash within 3 months would buying 3x leveraged inverse ETF’s be a wise decision or no? I keep hearing they are bad because of decay but if you are thinking market crash like 40% or more drop in the DOW and Nasdaq would the decay really matter? + +This is all hypothetical but let’s say someone was to buy some contracts out 3 months and you feel the crash is going to happen within that 3 months and it did, would it go in your favor or is the decay so much that it doesn’t matter if the market crashed? I’m just trying to understand if it would be better to just buy Puts on those indexes instead of calls on the 3x inverse ETF’s or would the ETF’s be better or perhaps they would be about the same in terms of profit. + +Thanks for any and all help in understanding this. + +Edit: to simplify my question, hypothetically if someone could accurately predict a market crash to within 3 months what would net the most profits... buying Call options on 3x Inverse ETF’s of the DOW, NASDAQ, S&P, etc... or buying Put options on the DOW, NASDAQ, S&P, etc.??? +Okay this thread probably gets this question a lot. I just graduated college, got my first job, and have about $1,000 dollars I can invest into ETF’s. What should my portfolio look like? I plan to hold for a long time, and also don’t know too much, I need to do research as I get started. My plan is to invest 100 a month after this. +I'm new to investing and I understand that ETFs are for the long term, but I can't seem to stop checking my portfolio and hoping for quick growth/earnings. + +How do you divert your attention away from this? +Hello all. + +This is going to be my first purchase of ETFs and I am still learning. I want to buy some accumulating MSCI World ETFs. I know I should want the lowest total expense ratio as possible. But what are other parameters I should look for when deciding? When I look for MSCI World in Degiro, which I'm going to use for trading, there is so many results. And should I buy in USD or Euro? I live in the Czech Republic. + +Thanks +I'm a new investor who literally just started about 2 weeks ago. A couple ETFs I knew I wanted to get into were marijuana and semiconductors because I'm looking to hold them long term and I feel these industries are going to grow a lot in the future. My plan is to hold them at least for 5 years. The semiconductor ETF I bought has been doing pretty good so far its actually been my best performing stock in the last 2 weeks. But doing research into it and finding out its a 3x leveraged ETF has got me rethinking buying more and holding it in fear of the volatility. Even though the 5 year looks good. I've read that 3x ETFs are supposedly meant to be held only for a couple of hours and even the fund managers sometimes suggest that over long periods of time you'll lose money because they're meant to be short term ETFs. It makes sense now why SOXL has Bull ETF in the title. + +I don't have too much invested into it at all. In fact I only have 4 shares. But before I continue investing in it I need to know if holding a leveraged ETF like this is a good idea particularly if my personal view is that the economy is going to massively slow down on the near future. I'm tired so I probably forgot some details but that's basically it. How safe is it to hold leveraged ETFS, particularly SOXL, for a 5 year period. +I recently finished reading “The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing,” and I put together a portfolio that follows their three fund portfolio. + +Since I am in my early 20s, I am willing to take on more risk, and I decided not to invest in bonds until I’m older. I plan on investing for the long term, and I already have an established emergency fund. I will be starting with $10,000, and investing every month. Here are the ETFs that I am selecting between. + +VOO or VTI (60%) - total US +QQQ or VGT(10%) - tech sector +VXUS (30%) - total international + +I have narrowed it down, but any advice would be greatly appreciated! +Dear all, + +as mentioned in the title, I am looking for a source for regular updates regarding the general developments that drive stock markets to get an overall picture ;-) Not too scientific, but essentials that one should understand like inflation, unemployment, pmi, Fed positioning etc. Scope would be USA/China/Germany/France/UK. + +Feedback would be appreciated! + +Thank you very much! +Edit: 2-3 less hours per day. Or whatever time signifies a 20% shorter work day. + +I was just wondering how many people would consider doing this. Sure you might FIRE a couple years later, but you'll get to spend more time with your kids/family. You also would probably be working a lower stress job which would affect mental health. + +Just thought it was an interesting subject to discuss. +I’m a young investor, I have decent capital, but not a lot of buffer. + +Of course I have enough to cover 6 months expenses and now I have a few thousand surplus. + +But I’m very skeptical of the market right now, inflation, rising interest rates, overvalued tech. Rising China, and more serious threats of war in Europe all have my optimism at a bottom level. + +These things give me genuine concern for the stability of the bull market. + +What are you guys’s opinions on entering here? +After the news on Thursday about the new corona variant from S Africa, we got a small market test on Friday and it seems like the market was not that affected. It went a little down but was pretty stable nonetheless. What do you guys think? +Blockchain developers are in hot demand. In fact, the demand for competent blockchain developers right now far outweighs the supply, with reported starting salary offers ranging anywhere from $180k-$250k. + +Whether your interest is in the generous compensation, or you're generally excited about the technology, there's a lot to be eager about. + +But the roadmap to becoming a developer in this new space is hazy and unclear, even to a lot of seasoned developers. This post aims to put together a mega-list of organized resources to help you begin your journey as a blockchain developer. + +**Blockchain Development for Beginners: Getting Started, and Prerequisites** + +Before diving in, you should develop a solid understanding of some of the underlying principals, mainly: what is a blockchain, and what can you do with it? + +**What is a Blockchain?** + +*A blockchain is basically just a decentralized database or a distributed ledger.* + +That's a pretty straightforward answer. Rest assured there is much more complexity under the surface. IBM has taken an interest recently in blockchain development and has put together some great docs that make a good starting point to dive in: + +- [Blockchain Basics: Introduction to Distributed Ledgers](https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-blockchain-basics-intro-bluemix-trs/index.html) + +- [Blockchain Basics: Use Cases](https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-blockchain-basics-glossary-bluemix-trs/index.html) + + +**Making a Blockchain** + +Once you feel like you're ready to get your hands dirty, there are a number of articles and posts dedicated to helping you further your knowledge by actually building your own blockchain. Here are a few great articles I'd recommend taking a look through: + +- [From “What is Blockchain?” to building a blockchain in less than an hour](https://medium.freecodecamp.org/from-what-is-blockchain-to-building-a-blockchain-within-an-hour-4e738efc819d) + +- [Let’s Build the Tiniest Blockchain](https://medium.com/crypto-currently/lets-build-the-tiniest-blockchain-e70965a248b) In Less Than 50 Lines of Python + +- [The Birds, the Bees, and the Merkle Trees Ep[0]](https://medium.com/mimir-blockchain/the-birds-the-bees-and-the-merkle-trees-ep-0-blockchains-from-scratch-3cedb1e669eb): Blockchains From Scratch + +**Additional Tutorials, Courses & Videos** + +- [BlockGeeks - Learn Blockchain Coding](https://blockgeeks.com/) + +- [Blockchain And Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum) Essentials](https://www.eduonix.com/blockchain-and-cryptocurrency-bitcoin-ethereum-essentials) + +- [Programming Blockchain](http://programmingblockchain.com/) + +- [11 Best Ethereum Development Tools](https://hackernoon.com/11-best-ethereum-development-tools-to-grow-your-stack-e782fd7156ab) + +**Ethereum, Smart Contracts and Apps** + +The development of virtual machines like Ethereum has opened the gates for developers, creating an accessible way for you or me to build our own smart contracts / decentralized applications. + +[Solidity](https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/) - a programming language used to develop smart contracts and decentralized applications to run in the ethereum universe. Syntactically, it's similar to javascript. + +[Ganache](http://truffleframework.com/ganache/) - a personal blockchain for Ethereum development that runs on your desktop + + +In order to recover your altcoins we would need to install software we cannot trust on our system and expose our private keys to that software. This is never gonna happen. + +In case you are a victim of the bcash scam we are sorry for your loss and recommend you complain to the people who scammed you into buying fake Bitcoin. + +In case you are one of these scammers trying to trick merchants into installing untrustworthy software this way: go fuck yourself! + + + + + +*Update: I did not make this post to discuss the blatant censoring in other "btc" subreddits.* + +*I wanted to make the point that it is nobody's responsibility to accept any altcoin being sent to their Bitcoin address as an actual payment. If we go down this road Bitcoin will be unusable. I therefor want to suggest the following guideline:* + +**No retailer has to honor whatever you send to their bitcoin address as long as it's not Bitcoin.** +I made a couple comments about this but I figured I would make a post for visibility, and I apologize if I'm beating a dead horse here. + +We all already know the ETFs were shorted to shit. That has an impact. But I don't think that's the only thing happening here. + +We are also aware of their 5M ATM offering, at a price of $255.39/sh [https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/4ef3fc60-b489-42e3-9436-1c6f55c772fa](https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/4ef3fc60-b489-42e3-9436-1c6f55c772fa) + +Edit: this is not a trigger price, it is an estimate for calculating the registration fee. + +I believe this is happening right now. Of course, take all information with a grain of salt (especially as I am referencing marketwatch lol) but if you check current outstanding shares on marketwatch, it shows 71.82M. [https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/gme](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/gme) + +Using waybackmachine, marketwatch yesterday showed outstanding shares at 70.03M. [https://web.archive.org/web/20210609041623/https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/gme](https://web.archive.org/web/20210609041623/https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/gme) + +I believe this process has started, and it is BULLISH AF. Not only does this put more cash in hand, but GME can invest sale proceeds into interest bearing short term securities which would allow dividend payments to shareholders. This really opens a new can of worms that feast exclusively on SHF. + +Trust Ryan Cohen. Trust GME. Trust the process. Who gives a fuck about a little dip anyways? + +Let me know if this has been posted multiple times and I'll delete before I get downvoted to oblivion. <3 +It is really hard to come up with a fair market price for cryptocurrency. They don't have cashflows, don't pay dividends (although thats not so true anymore with staking rewards taking off), and don't have balance sheets to peruse. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try though! We can use transaction volume, number of wallets, dApp proliferation, total asset value hosted on a given chain (in terms of NFT), and thanks to proliferating defi tools, we can assess the total USD value of assets locked in smart contracts on a given chain. + +Because this is a post about ADA, a so-called "eth killer", I will be largely comparing cardano to ethereum (main comparison), algorand, and tezos. I'm not here to shill those coins, but based on my limited knowledge those are the projects that cardano has the most overlap with in terms of what they claim to want to do. + +Background: According to their website: " Cardano is a blockchain platform for changemakers, innovators, and visionaries, with the tools and technologies required to create possibility for the many, as well as the few, and bring about positive global change. " Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain, much like the other projects I will compare to (eth will be soon enough). + +&#x200B; + +Metrics: (most of these are from the very useful website messari.io + + 1. Transaction volume: + +ADA: 42,395 in the last 24 hours + +ETH: 1,297,889 + +ALGO: 540,000 last 7 day average + + 2. NVT (ratio of current network value to transaction volume, lower is better) + +ADA: 12.20 + +ETH: 30.73 + +ALGO: couldn't find the transaction volume in dollars so couldn't calculate + + 3. median Fees (lower is better) + +ADA: $0.240 + +ETH: $3.98 + +ALGO: couldn't find official info but its pennies + +4. Developer activity (one-year commits) (higher is better) + +ADA: 1313 + +ETH: 793 + +ALGO: 745 + +5. DEFI net value + +ADA: 0 + +ETH: 63.77 B + +ALGO: couldn't find it - they do claim 4.5 million "Algo standard assets" on chain + +6. smart contracts/ dAPP capable? + +ADA: No + +ETH: Yes + +ALGO: yes + +7. L2 scaling + +ADA: No + +ETH: yes + +Algo: no? + +7. Market capitalization + +ADA: 54.8 billion USD + +ETH: 305 billion USD + +ALGO: 2.82 billion USD + +&#x200B; + +I've got to do actual work so I'm not gonna add Tezos but here are my take-aways from this exercise: + +In terms of NVT, ADA holds up very well compared to peers - lots of money is being transacted on ADA - thats relatively bullish. The rest of the functionality that delivers value for these projects is lacking: no defi, no smart-contracts, no gaming, no NFTs, no L2s to handle scaling in the future + +The bull case for ETH to continue to build on its quite high valuation is that the DEFI / DE-insurance / De-gaming industries will blow up and the value of the ETH network will explode as a result. + + +What is the bull-case for ADA to coninue to grow? I think its basically the same as for eth - which means that the bull case for ADA relies on technology they haven't implemented yet! thats what makes it so speculative relative to its peers. Even a small-cap like Algo is already running a pretty expansive NFT marketplace and boasts more transaction volume than you see on Cardano. + +It is possible that ADA will continue to outperform peers and take over the world just based on continued good marketing and the overwhelmingly positive sentiment they have built-up but I'd rather not risk funds in a project that relies so heavily on sentiment to prop up the price. + +My instincts tell me that the current price of cardano is already baking in a lot of good news down the line - seemless smart contract rollout, L2 scaling that makes cardano scalable to a much much much larger transaction volume etc. Why would you invest in a project that requires so much to happen just to justify where it already is even relative to other speculative crypto projects? + +On their website they claim that cardano is a third-generation blockchain, intelligently developed and the only proof-of-stake protocol "backed by science". I'm not about to do a blockchain lit review to evaluate that claim but it strikes me as marketing hoopla with very little substance. As a scientist myself my bullshit radar goes up to 10 whenever something claims to be "backed by science". + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: If you want to invest in a next-generation blockchain project, invest in one that actually delivers a next-gen product now: Matic/Eth, Algo, Tezos, instead of one that hopes to deliver a next-gen product someday (ADA). + +Edit: be safe out there- army of shills patrolling the comments. +So back in September I had my gallbladder removed and a few weeks later I received an Explanation of Benefits letter from my insurance company which breaks down what they pay and what I would have to pay out of my pocket. This letter stated I will have to pay for $11,000.00 to a doctor I didn’t recognize. I called my health insurance company and asked why would I owe this money to a doctor I didn’t know. They informed me that he was the assisting surgeon and is out of my network but I can file an appeal with my insurance to cover the $11,000.00. + +Fast forward to November when I’m laid off work and I did receive 6 months severance which I put into my savings for emergencies. I am collecting unemployment which is keeping my bills paid. + +I received a letter today from the insurance company that the appeal was denied, and I owe the $11,000.00. I don’t know how I am going to pay it. I don’t want to use my severance because that’s pretty much all of it give or take a $1,000. I need that in my savings right now because I still haven’t found a job and unemployment will run out soon. I am really stressed out and upset that this is happening. I had no idea that this doctor would even be helping to perform my surgeon nor did I give my consent to have this doctor. I haven’t received a bill from the doctor yet and I am in NJ if that makes any difference. + +Edit: Thank you everyone for your replies! Your advice has been very helpful to me! +I’d like to think I’m relatively well informed when it comes to property forecasts. + + I read and follow all the property bull “experts” from Stephen Koukoulas, Shane Oliver, Louis Christopher and the Property bears with Martin North, Lindsay David and Cameron Murray + +I also pay the $2000 a year for Core Logic Rp data Pro to track price movements of every suburb, read every property article across SMH, Abc and The Guardian and any related podcasts + +I also subscribe to this forum and “property chat”. + +This is my outlook for the year but open to rebuttals and other opinions + +Reasons why sydney property prices will go down In 2021 - + +1- 32 billion dollars worth of home loans are still on deferrals (2% of all mortgages) which ends in March. A lot of these people will have to sell + +2- 65% of investors are negatively geared (losing money after paying expenses on their investment) factoring this in with rents dropping due to no immigration some of these people will have to sell + +2.5 - Thousands of units are being built but immigration at stopped increasing supply and lowering demand. I believe this will scare property investors + +3- statistics late last year show regional areas increasing in price. I believe this is because people are realising they can work from home if not full time then Atleast a few times a week. + +With areas like the North and south coast, blue mountains ect being cheaper to buy and rent once again this could hit the demand for property with supply is increasing + +4- End of job keeper and of business insolvency pauses. + +For me this is a big one. Align of money has been flushed into the economy which comes to an end at the end of March + +5- I believe a slight bounce in property late last year which was almost all owner occupiers (evidence shows this) was partly because people were accessing their super with their partner (20k each for 40k total) for their deposit + +6- potential for s as mother virus wave + +Reasons property may go up in 2021 + +- extremely low interest rates + +- billions has been flushed into the economy + +- virus outlook looking positive + +- business outlook looking positive + +- change to responsible lending laws by the liberal government + +- change and removal of stamp duty in July by nsw government + +In summary I don’t think anyone really knows what will happen because as listed about there is so many variables. This is why I’m waiting 6 months and just tracking core logic rp data pro to see how things pan out + +What does everyone else think? +First of all, sorry for my German potato English. I am relatively new to this retarded sub, started lurking in it around December 2020 I think, because that was when I started "investing". + +That's also why I don't want to talk about the trading/financial aspects of this whole meme stock situation, but want to take a look at the general behavior and use of language the past two months. + +After deeply following the discussions about the effects of fake news, filter bubbles, the radicalization of individuals through social media and the laws and regulations regarding these topics in the past years (including research on these topics for an essay I wrote as a law student, which I still am), there are certain key words or phrases that have been established in the discussions and DDs regarding GME etc. that either make me really angry, frustrated or irritated. In the past couple of weeks, I had these thoughts swirling around, and wanted to share them: + +\- I know confirmation bias is strong in all of us, me included, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't allow and discredit different opinions. A civilized discussion, where every argument/fact backed standpoint is heared and respected, is what brings the best results and answers, regardless the topic. + +\- "CNBC FAKE NEWS", "THE MEDIA IS BOUGHT BY HFs" etc. I totally see where these claims are coming from (the strange amount of articles regarding SLV etc.), but endlessly repeating these phrases has not a single positive effect. In my opinion, these phrases aren't apolitical at all, and hence shouldn't even be allowed in this sub. I'll explain why: Not only in the US, but also in Germany, these phrases, portraying established media outlets as "fake", "controlled by XY", "biased towards left/right", are predominantly used by populist groups and people with tendencies towards the conspiracy scene. Based on this, I can't read these phrases in a non political way, especially with all the discussions of the past years in mind. That's why I find it irritating to read these phrases over and over again not only in the daily discussion and GME threads, but also in popular posts on the hot page of wsb. + +\- In addition to the previous point, I'd like to introduce you to the concept of ambiguity (in-)tolerance. + +"Intolerance of ambiguity may be defined as ‘the tendency to perceive (i.e. interpret) ambiguous situations as sources of threat’; tolerance of ambiguity as ‘the tendency to perceive ambiguous situations as desirable" [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambiguity_tolerance–intolerance) + + A phenomenon of social media "discussions" nowadays is the find, that many people are lacking the ability to accept different opinions and to accept the fact, that an event or a fact, (e.g. GME stock price, short %) may have more than one possible reason or explanation, especially if you prefer on of the reasons over the others. + +Regarding our situation, this often leads to people down voting, hating on and even threatening users who try to show different possible perspectives on the events surrounding the GME craze instead of having an open discussion and being thankful for a broader look on the situation. + +\- "short ladder attacks" This term, which was used more and more often during the first weeks of February after GME hit its high, resurfaced in the past couple of days in many threads and posts, even though we had many very solid DDs on why this term and concept is wrong and shouldn't be used. I don't know why, but I can't read any post with that term in it without a strange feeling in my guts, regardless of the overall quality of the post. + +Some additional points: + +\- Since GME settled at around 40$, we had a new trending post setting a fixed event or date as the "MOON TIME" almost every day. and correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I remember not a single one of these theories became true. Most of the time it even felt like it had the opposite effect of letting the stock price drop once reaching the predicted date. That's why I stopped trusting these kinds of posts and hyping myself up for then being let down once again. The next "big date" is the 19th of March, with many people hoping for that to be the rocket launch. And as much as I too wish for it to be true, I really don't think we should continue to name fixed dates for a liftoff. + +Regarding that you always have to remember, that everything written here can be and most probably is read by not only us little idiot sandwiches, but by every single HF social media guy, every journalist and every other person who feels the need to waste some time on here. + +My conclusion is, that every hype that arises, also attracts people who bet on the bursting of it. + +\- That leads to another point I want to make: not every chart action that happens is an evil strategy of a Bond villain like HF Manager. As I understand, it is a long known and "popular" strategy to invert the trending stock actions (buys/sells) of WSB users for profit. So keep in mind that every post with for example a solid theory for the next liftoff of GME or a DD for a stock that reaches the hot page, attracts many users who try to bet against it, which is completely normal. After all we are a bunch of individuals. In the end of the day everyone has his own profit in mind, and not a collective greater good. And that's not a bad thing, but the inner core of this sub, which made it what it is today. + +So all in all, think about what you read, try to understand different perspectives, engage in meaningful discussions, ask questions, and don't spend too much time on here. The squezoozle happens when it does, or maybe it won't, who knows, let the time show it. + +&#x200B; + +Be nice to each other, have a wonderful day and fuck you. + +&#x200B; + +Position: GME 3 @ 200 + + +Treasury yields rose again on Thursday, continuing to climb into territory not seen in more than a decade. + +The benchmark [10-year Treasury](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/US10Y/) yield climbed 10 basis points 4.23%, at one point hitting 4.239% for its highest level since 2008. The yield on the policy-sensitive [2-year Treasury](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/US2Y/) traded up five basis points to 4.608%. + +Yields and prices move in opposite directions and one basis point equals 0.01%. + +"I think 4% was reasonable," said Wells Fargo's Michael Schumacher. "4.22% has become unanchored. We don't need the 10-year to act like a meme stock. That is not healthy." + + + +Many investors have been concerned about the economy contracting as the Federal Reserve has been hiking interest rates to fight persistent inflation. Another 75 basis point hike is expected from the central bank at its next meeting on Nov. 1 and 2. + +On Thursday, Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker said that the Fed would continue raising rates. + +"Given our frankly disappointing lack of progress on curtailing inflation, I expect we will be well above 4% by the end of the year," Harker said. + +The 10-year yield moved to new highs after Harker's remarks. Fed funds futures for next May crossed 5% for the first time on Thursday. + +On the economic front, initial jobless claims came in at 214,000, below the 230,000 expected by economists according to Dow Jones. However, the Philadelphia Fed manufacturing index showed a larger than expected decline. + +U.S. housing starts and building permits data for September came in below expectations on Wednesday, which investors widely understood as a sign of recession in the housing sector. + +In Europe, U.K. Prime Minister announced her resignation. The British pound rose against the dollar on the news. +[Source](https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Announces-Special-Dividend-of-AMC-Preferred-Equity-Units/default.aspx) +[Source](https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001411579/3f3ec8db-88e0-4c69-8bfb-11ee45ab6932.pdf) +[Source](https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001411579/d143ef2b-7a84-47d2-a8a1-7930f7527930.pdf) + + +I was going to stay out of this whole mess, but what Adam Aron is doing here is absolutely disgusting and I need to piece out whats going on here. + +So to preface, AMC is in dire straits: + +* Its bonds are trading at 60 cents on the dollar. This basically means the markets don't believe AMC will be able to pay out its debt +* The company has roughly $1B cash vs roughly $5B in debt and $5B in lease liabilities +* They lost money this quarter despite travel and service oriented companies just killing it. +* Additionally all signs point to a weaker Q3 and Q4 going forward so it is likely Q2 will be their strongest quarter +* And to top it all off, they are unable to issue any shares because retail investors have blocked off any common stock dilution + +**So how does a company get out of this without declaring bankruptcy?** They don't. Unless you're Adam Aron. + +Well here is Adam's master plan. [The $0.01/share special dividend.](https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Announces-Special-Dividend-of-AMC-Preferred-Equity-Units/default.aspx) + +The Preferred Equity Unit. + +Here are its important takeaways: + +* Each Preferred Equity Unit can be exchanged for 1 common share, but only if **the Company proposes and investors vote to approve an increase in the number of authorized shares of Common Stock** +* Each Preferred Equity Unit represents one hundredth of a share in the company's Preferred Stock (Note: Preferred Equity Unit =/= Preferred Stock!) +* Each Preferred Stock is in turn potentially convertible into 100 shares of Common Stock + +Well retail will never vote for dilution... lets move onto the filings. + +* Holders of the Preferred Stock will initially be entitled to one hundred (100) votes per share and will vote together with the holders of common stock [Pic](https://i.imgur.com/1AnTszC.png) +* We may offer and sell, from time to time in one or more offerings, shares of our Class A common stock, par value $0.01 (the “common stock”), **preferred stock**, subscription rights, depositary shares, warrants +and units, in amounts, at prices and on terms determined at the time of offering [Pic](https://i.imgur.com/DFe2WwM.png) +* Authorized capital stock of 50M shares of Preferred Stock (45M after the ~500M Preferred Equity Units are delivered) [Pic](https://i.imgur.com/JDTyXjV.png) + +Here is where things get dicey. The company is going to issue up to 50M of these preferred shares that have 100 votes per share versus the current 510M common shares outstanding. What this means is owning 5.1 million preferred shares gives you the same amount of votes as all 510M common shares. Additionally, you the shareholder, will receive **Preferred Equity Units**, **not** **Preferred Stock**. **They can issue Preferred Stock, but are only giving you Preferred Equity Units.** + +Circling back to the beginning, why does Adam Aron care about these votes so much? Its because AMC needs cash bad. AMC really, really wants to issue more shares, but retail traders understand that dilution = bad and is not willing to allow AMC to screw them over. Well here comes their fix. With these preferred shares, retail traders will not have a choice in the matter when share issuance comes up for a vote the next time around. + +Adam Aron is selling you this whole special dividend as a good thing, something to hurt the short sellers, when in reality its anything but. The Preferred Equity Unit will result in massive dilution for common stock owners. **This is not a good thing.** If you are buying in the hopes of a short squeeze, AMC's actions today directly work against that happening. +With stocks, looking at historical data, there has always been a significant positive bias in price changes. Ignoring commissions, fees, etc., if you were to buy a large, random selection of stocks at random times, and sell at random times, you would tend to make more money than you would lose. + +Is there a similar story for options, either for buying or selling? In other words if you had no information and you were picking completely at random, would it be better on average to sell options or buy them? And is there a difference for calls vs puts? Does buying/selling spreads affect this? + +I'm not actually suggesting this as a strategy, I'm just curious. +I am not really sure where to start but I’ve been losing sleep at night because I feel like I’m going no where and making nothing. + +I am 25 and work in public education for a school system. I am part of the IT department and have since I was 18. + +When I graduated high school I applied for a job with my local school system and got the job. I started at 32k a year with full benefits and a pension plan which seemed awesome at the time. Well now at 7 years later I’m making 36k and feel no closer to getting where I want. I am still a tech 1. My county doesn’t promote techs unfortunately. + +I live in a very rural town in the south which I love. I’ve been here since I was born and I don’t want to leave but I feel like I’m going no where at the same time. + +Honestly I get a little mad when I see posts of “I increased my salary just by doing x” and it feels like there’s nothing I can do about mine. + +To be clear I absolutely love my job. Not like it’s a good job love like I wake up and I look forward to going to work. I can’t imagine doing any other job. I don’t have any desire to go back to school. I know that sounds bad but I hated school. I don’t want to go to college I just want to work. + +So I own a modest home nothing crazy. 1500 sq feet in a nice secluded area with no neighbors. My loan was for 80000 which I currently owe 70k on. All my bills total each month total at $980 a month. I feel like I save nothing each month and I’m trapped driving the cheapest cars and buying off brand stuff. + +I feel like if I don’t nickel and dime every purchase I’ll be poor forever. I’m just tired of being poor and I feel like I’m drowning in debt. + +I’m sorry for the long post and sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this but idk what else to do. I need help but I feel completely lost. I’m not looking to make 6 figures a year I just want to live comfortably and drive a decent car. I’d be perfectly happy making 50k a year. That doesn’t sound like much to some of you but it would be huge for me. + +I want to keep my current schedule it’s very important to me because I have a special needs little sister whom I help my parents with every single day. I work 7:30 to 3:30 no weekends no holidays etc but I feel trapped being poor. + +TLDR: work in the south in public education I feel trapped being poor with no end in sight and I don’t know what to do. + +Edit: I can’t really move due to the fact my little sister has multiple scoliosis and cerebral palsy. Her spine was fused about 9 yeas back so walking is difficult and she needs 24/7 help pretty much. So I stayed in my home town to be near by and help my parents whom are getting older. They can’t really move her well and I’m afraid of them getting hurt. + Hello, Thanks to these subs I've learned more about the market and how it works regarding options and plays than talking to paid financial advisors. Some literature suggest setting a trailing stop loss on all owned stocks and options when you think a downturn is looming. Obviously, everyone can sense a downturn is coming in the following months with rate hikes and inflation and xyz. Although I think there could be positive isolated bull runs before a big correction comes in March after rates are hiked up. My question is, why wouldn't everyone set a trailing stop loss at say 5-10% on all your stocks and option plays In Order to mitigate risk? I'm trying to understand why no one has mentioned setting a trailing stop loss on stock and option plays? Is there any reason not to set trailing stop loses? I exited some of my gainers to try to get back in them at a cheaper price, did this before I even knew about trailing stop loss was a setting. What is the pros and cons of setting a trailing stop loss? I can not seem to find many negatives so I'm asking the people to help us mitigate loses and lock in gains. Thank you for any and all quality responses and good trading boys! One example is having 1,000 Apple shares at an average price of $92.00. Now I don't think Apple will ever go below $90 and I could enter at a cheaper average price, but I still have a trialing stop loss of 10% set on my Apple stock and I'm wondering if this is the right thing to do when I believe a big market correction is coming with inflation and rate hikes. Doing option plays as well and wondering why not set trailing stop losses on those plays as well. Thank you. +The plan was to do csp until some stocks reached my entry level. But yesterday I was assigned TSLA at 215. Now pretty much my entire portfolio is in tesla and my portfolio is down 5%. (I've 5k cash but I'll buy msft/apple shares with those). Here are my possible plans going forward. I just want to hear which option you think is the best. + +1) sell covered call on tsla, (I am worried though because tesla will probably go down to 150 or maybe even lower based on the Twitter thing and technical analysis). + +2)sell tsla on Monday (limit my loss to 5%). + +3) sell after tsla earnings ( because I think they will beat earnings, but if they miss, then.....) +Genuinely curious on everybody's thoughts regarding the stigma around options and gambling. + +Are certain options trades considered investments, and others straight up gambling? + +It seems that put selling and covered calls are wealth generators but call and put buying is for degenerates. + +What are your thoughts? +Top of the fucking morning. Can anyone explain a bit how margin works. I understand it’s a loan with interest (2.5%) with robinhood but I guess my question is how do you pay that back once you would like to opt out of holding that loan. So if you take out $10,000 in margin you would owe $250 monthy? And I understand they can call that money back at any time etc but curious of how the interest payments are charged and how you pay those plus the margin loan back once you would like to close it out. Thanks! +Hey there, i am wondering if there is anyone did that. Scenario is i have 100 stock of LI avg price of 30.50$ and current market price lets say 31$. I am already in the profit instead of closing out my position why not just sell a weekly ATM CC? Collect that sweet Premiums plus my stock profit. Is it just perfect idea or am i missing something? +I have lost more than what I have earned through multiple trades in 6 months. I’m not going to do any more 0dte. I want to understand your strategy and how you were able to manage trades in a day like this. Thanks. +Long story short, the breadwinner between my parents is retiring because he has terminal cancer and wants to enjoy what time he has. It's just a question of whether he has 6 months or 2 years essentially. My mother hasn't worked in years and has never broke 30k income for a year. Their financial decisions never involve long term planning, it's always been money in vs money out and as long as they can pay the immediate bills they don't worry. Because of this, they have very little retirement and the bulk of it that is in a 401k in index funds which is shrinking rapidly which has them panicking. I've explained the concept of them not realizing their losses until they sell/move the money to get them to sit tight until this afternoon when I can assess their finances. + +I understand they should've progressively been moving the distribution in the 401k towards less risky investments as they approach retirement, but that ship has sailed. They're going to start drawing from the 401k in around 4 months and I don't have a burndown projection on how long it will last with their current expenses. + +I need feedback on the calculations and logic here. Whether they should move money to things like bonds, which will realize their losses but stop any further loss, or hold tight expecting the economy to eventually recover to some degree. I figure this is largely a function of how quickly I'll project them depleting their 401k, how the spending patterns will change when my father passes away, and how long my mother will live beyond that, and a judgement call on what kind of timeline we could see the stocks turn around. Any help would be greatly appreciated. +🔹🔸🔹Welcome MyKitty Telegram🔹🔸🔹 + +The fun, adorable & deflationary community token! +- 100% FAIRLY & STEALTHLY LAUNCHED ON PANCAKESWAP +- NO TEAM WALLETS, PURE COMMUNITY + +🙈 RENOUNCED OWNERSHIP! + +🔥100% FAIR STEALTH LAUNCH ON PANCAKESWAP + +🚀100% COMMUNITY DRIVEN + +🚫CANT BE RUGGED: NO TEAM WALLETS + +$MyKitty Features: + +Deflationary, Redistribution & Auto Staking + +✅ 5% sell fee auto added to the liquidity pool +✅ 5% fee auto distribute to all holders +✅ token deflates on each transaction, reducing supply! + + +✅ VERIFIED CONTRACT: https://bscscan.com/address/0xe6f3bb835575ca880f7fecaafd7233fae46bc6e7#code + +🚀 LINK TO PANCAKE: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xe6f3bb835575ca880f7fecaafd7233fae46bc6e7 + +🚀 CHART: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xe6f3bb835575ca880f7fecaafd7233fae46bc6e7 + +🗣 SOCIALS: + +🗣 Telegram: https://t.me/MyKittyCoin +🗣 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/6YcAAJYw +🗣 Website: (COMING) +🗣 TWITTER: (COMING) +The market is mooning right now, but remember to buy low, sell high. Don't invest in pure hype or joke projects.... invest in technology that is actually going to change the world. + +**One that hasn't moon'd yet is Radix (eXRD) and let me tell you why it will, very soon.** + +1. This will be the backbone of DeFi. +2. It has solved the Trilemma to the level others have dreamt of for a fully adopted ecosystem at an unlimited scale. (Scalability, security, and decentralized).\*Supported by academic paper under peer review and extensive references (UC Davis). +3. Full Atomic Composability (This is massive for DeFi and its use-case). Well worth watching this video, Piers Ridyard (the CEO) touches on it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dva1ao99hfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dva1ao99hfI) +4. Developer catalogue + rewards with mainnet, countless apps will ONLY be able to be built on Radix due to the performance required. +5. It isn't just DeFi, the sky is the limit... but this is the sector it will dominate first. +6. It's still very under the radar, with only 5,082 holders currently (which I can assure you is ridiculously low for what's coming with this). +7. The founder, Dan Hughes is showcasing what Radix can achieve with the Flexathon (or now known as Cassandra) and his progress can be seen on his Twitter: [https://twitter.com/fuserleer](https://twitter.com/fuserleer) This is due very, very soon. It will prove the claims in their whitepaper. + +**Read the whitepapers:** [**https://www.radixdlt.com/#white\_papers**](https://www.radixdlt.com/#white_papers) + +If this doesn't blow your mind, you simply don't understand what it is. This is going to be an absolute revolution in finance and beyond. + +Many of the big YouTubers simply haven't discovered this yet, but I can promise you they will... very soon. + +**In my humble opinion, this is the most undervalued, under the radar project in the whole of crypto right now. I challenge you to do your research and tell me otherwise.** + +I don't believe this is a high risk moonshot, it's coming and it's going to takeover. +I need to pay £6k to the freeholder of the property I own on leasehold for some building works. I currently have £3.8k in savings so I'm looking to borrow \~£3k so I'm not entirely wiped out. However, I'm unsure of the best way to go about this. + +Am I better off getting a loan or a 0% credit card or are there other options? As the payment will be made via bank transfer is this something I can do with a credit card? + +It's also worth adding that I need this money in the next week or two so what are the usual timeframes for getting the cash with these methods? + +All advice would be greatly appreciated! +I’m still a new investor and I want to give some advice to new investors too about things I wish someone told me. If y’all have any other advice let me hear it. +1. Don’t panic sell- just because a stock has a bad day don’t panic sell and lose your money. If you truly believe in your stock, it will go back up. + +2. Starting out invest in ETF’s- this is probably the thing I wish I could’ve been told. ETF’s are like and mutual fund but you can buy it anytime during the day. They r a safe way to consistently make money. They won’t lose you money(if you pick a good one) in the long run. + +3. Don’t buy a stock because someone said to- I have fallen victim to “hype” stocks that I think will be the next GME, but ultimately fall 50%. I’m down about 20% in my portfolio because I bought into stocks that are sketchy. + +4. Stay away from options- some new investors may not know what it is and it should stay that way. It is the equivalent of gambling. + +5.crypto- crypto is very volatile and u could lose your whole investment in a day. I wouldn’t say you shouldn’t invest in crypto, but be smart. Also don’t buy DOGE it’s literally a meme. + +6. Don’t invest money that your aren’t prepared to lose- the stock market is unpredictable sometimes. A new pandemic could occur or a world war could breakout or another Great Depression could happen. We don’t know when or how, but the market could crash at any time, so don’t invest money that you aren’t prepared to lose. + +Hopefully this will help someone:) +hello, so recently i found this mister money mustache. he basicly state that he can use the 25x savings from your spending and put it in index funds with 4% withdraw. he said that it work even in market crisis. So i would like to know if this also work in developing country? because he tested it on developed country (US). I'm currently live in Indonesia and from what i know, Indonesia has a really nice growth around 5% so there would be still many opportunity to profit more than the US but what i concern is that developing country like Indeonesia doesn't have a mature market like the US that has face many recession. So is the rule that mr money mustache applied in the US can also be applied in country like Indonesia? do i need to do rule adjustment with my own country economic condition and how do i count it? +[How much money should you have in your superannuation by age +](https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/how-much-money-should-you-have-in-your-superannuation-by-age/news-story/9b49907a8c9ad90137a6a7c4af54471d) + +At age 26 myself looking at my super being only $15k scares me a little. What have I done wrong? +(Though I don't have any financial problems) +Hi all, + +First of all, thank you to everyone in this sub, it's really helped me get my shit together over the past 5 years or so. + +Long story short I just received 32k in inheritance from my Nan, I spent 7k of this on a single overpayment on my mortgage leaving me with 25k, my financial position is this: + +\- I'm 28 with 35K basic income, probably closer to 40k when overtime and bonuses are taken into account. There's decent room for salary growth in my industry. + +\- Currently receive £400 a month in rent from renting out a spare room in my house. + +\- Single with a mortgage, £105k left to pay with the property valued at roughly £220k. + +\- The only debt I have is a 0% interest loan for my phone and so I don't see the point in paying this off? + +\- I have £3k in an emergency fund which, at a pinch, could see me through 6 months of no income (assuming I still get my rental income which is fairly reliable as it's one of my best mates who doesn't plan on moving out). I could also arrange mortgage underpayments if I really needed as I've been making monthly overpayments + the single overpayment I just made. + +\- Don't really envision any major purchases in the next few years, few minor things I could do on the house costing maybe £1-£2k. Car is fairly new, I plan to run it into the ground which is a long way off hopefully. + +\- I pay into my pension using a salary sacrifice scheme, I pay 4% and my company pays 8%, I'm fairly confident this is enough, the company contribution caps at 8% and so I can't push it any further. + +My main aim is to not have to work full-time well into my 50's/60's and so I want to make this money (and any future money I earn) to work as hard for me as possible. I understand an S&S ISA or something similar is probably a good idea but I've also been looking into the possibility of getting a buy-to-let mortgage property and making income that way. The issue is I live in Kent and property prices are pretty high but going by Barclay's buy-to-let calculator I could probably afford £125k which could get me a decent flat which I could do work on, my Dad's a retired plumber as well and so he's very practical and said he would be willing to help. + +I know all this kind of stuff is subjective and £25k isn't a huge amount, I'm just wondering what people would do in a similar situation? + +Thanks +So I am looking at doing my first BRRRR and I have a few points of confusion. So my plan is to pay cash for a SFH, renovate it, rent it, and then refinance it. What I am confused about is the seasoning period. Do i have to hold the property for a certain amount of time before refinancing? I am under the assumption that if I don't take out a loan initially, that I will not have to wait the 6 months or whatever. Also, to anyone that has done a BRRRR, what kind of LTV are you getting? I have heard anywhere from 70-80%. How long must you have the property rented before you can count the income towards your DTI? Also, what kinds of rates are you seeing when you cash out refinance into a 30 year conventional loan? +A realtor told me that it would take 2 years of being self employed in order to get financed even with a hard money lender. I will be contacting lenders on Monday to see how they feel about it but I wanted to see if anyone here had any experience with this and possibly some way around it. +I am a dog owner and lover so I sympathize with people looking for a home that allows dogs. Are dogs really capable of that much damage to the house? I guess it would depend on the dog. I may be wrong but I feel a fairly well behaved dog and a responsible owner isn't going to cause much damage. Also allowing pets does set you apart from other rentals. Would it make sense to charge an extra $50/$100 month if they have a pet? What do you do in regards to pets? Any past experience with allowing pets and regretting it? +I sold bought and sold a few units over the years. Right now sitting on some cash and enjoying not going into the Rat race office way more than I thought. What would be your angle in this market? I have a few ideas with duplexes +I’m currently thinking about sending in my LOI for a 5,000sqft medical building that has 2 tenants. NOI is right at $60k annul. Asking price is $1,000,000. One tenant has a 10 year remaining lease. The 2nd tenant has a 3 year lease. They equally share the space at 2,500 sqft. This is my first one real estate purchase. What should I be looking out for? Is this a good deal? Do any pros out there have a MUST-HAVE run down checklist before purchase agreement? Is it like residential where we can negotiate price? Does age of the building matter (1980s)? Building is in great shape! Broker giving me 5%, 25year amortization at 30% down. Hopefully I gave enough info. Just need some guidance here since it’s my family’s first. Thanks Everyone! Hope it goes well +Just as you thought the FTX saga couldn't get any worse, think again. + +FTX and FTX US have just been 'hacked' for around $500m and rising: [https://app.zerion.io/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b/overview/wallet](https://app.zerion.io/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b/overview/wallet) + +This was almost certainly an inside job, as FTX and FTX US are two seperate corporate entities. It is impossible that a hacker would have access to both of their servers, keys, and backups. The FTX com site (not adding link for fat fingers) will download trojans and decrypt private keys from hot wallets. + +This is an absolute shitshow. Funds have apparently been zeroed out on FTX and there is almost nothing left to pay creditors. + +[Liquidations for DAI \(more censorship resistant\)](https://preview.redd.it/r1ye5vwbugz91.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d9d7c642d82d16a17f7b6e41ef32c98be4a586d) + +Main draining address: [https://etherscan.io/address/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b](https://etherscan.io/address/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b#tokentxns) + +Shitcoin draining address: [https://etherscan.io/address/0xd8019a114e86ad41d71a3eeb6620b19dd166a969](https://etherscan.io/address/0xd8019a114e86ad41d71a3eeb6620b19dd166a969#tokentxns) + +&#x200B; + +[FTX Telegram announcement](https://preview.redd.it/6h56wurgugz91.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=0298bc3ae9aaf5ac831f5d5d41f08044666f4a04) + +&#x200B; + +[Looks like SBF dgaf now that he's not the CEO](https://preview.redd.it/27z105ilugz91.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdeaf55878e57b8f02985d1dc745e5c4f7a4872b) + +&#x200B; + +# THE FTX APP IS MALWARE AND WILL DECRYPT YOUR KEYS. UNINSTALL IT AND DO NOT TOUCH FTX'S WEBSITE. + +&#x200B; + +Also possibly unrelated, but a private flight took off from the Bahamas (FTX HQ): + +[https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=e0b142](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=e0b142) + +&#x200B; + +[As of 1:45AM EST](https://preview.redd.it/vakttvnavgz91.png?width=1365&format=png&auto=webp&s=44eb940978761d5bb653ee944bd465cc51fabc59) + + +Edit 1:05PM EST: Kraken has found the insider's identity, but hasn't released to public: + +https://cryptoslate.com/ftx-hacker-identity-discovered-by-kraken-exchange-team/ +Just as you thought the FTX saga couldn't get any worse, think again. + +FTX and FTX US have just been 'hacked' for around $500m and rising: [https://app.zerion.io/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b/overview/wallet](https://app.zerion.io/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b/overview/wallet) + +This was almost certainly an inside job, as FTX and FTX US are two seperate corporate entities. It is impossible that a hacker would have access to both of their servers, keys, and backups. The FTX com site (not adding link for fat fingers) will download trojans and decrypt private keys from hot wallets. + +This is an absolute shitshow. Funds have apparently been zeroed out on FTX and there is almost nothing left to pay creditors. + +[Liquidations for DAI \(more censorship resistant\)](https://preview.redd.it/r1ye5vwbugz91.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d9d7c642d82d16a17f7b6e41ef32c98be4a586d) + +Main draining address: [https://etherscan.io/address/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b](https://etherscan.io/address/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b#tokentxns) + +Shitcoin draining address: [https://etherscan.io/address/0xd8019a114e86ad41d71a3eeb6620b19dd166a969](https://etherscan.io/address/0xd8019a114e86ad41d71a3eeb6620b19dd166a969#tokentxns) + +&#x200B; + +[FTX Telegram announcement](https://preview.redd.it/6h56wurgugz91.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=0298bc3ae9aaf5ac831f5d5d41f08044666f4a04) + +&#x200B; + +[Looks like SBF dgaf now that he's not the CEO](https://preview.redd.it/27z105ilugz91.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdeaf55878e57b8f02985d1dc745e5c4f7a4872b) + +&#x200B; + +# THE FTX APP IS MALWARE AND WILL DECRYPT YOUR KEYS. UNINSTALL IT AND DO NOT TOUCH FTX'S WEBSITE. + +&#x200B; + +Also possibly unrelated, but a private flight took off from the Bahamas (FTX HQ): + +[https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=e0b142](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=e0b142) + +&#x200B; + +[As of 1:45AM EST](https://preview.redd.it/vakttvnavgz91.png?width=1365&format=png&auto=webp&s=44eb940978761d5bb653ee944bd465cc51fabc59) + + +Edit 1:05PM EST: Kraken has found the insider's identity, but hasn't released to public: + +https://cryptoslate.com/ftx-hacker-identity-discovered-by-kraken-exchange-team/ +Round Trip: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/round-triptrades.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/round-triptrades.asp) + +Daisy Chain: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/daisychain.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/daisychain.asp) + +&#x200B; + +Worth posting again: GME is the MOST shorted stock on the planet and the hardest to borrow - see the 4th image. Fresh Data coming out on this Monday! + +https://preview.redd.it/4woyevdzsdw61.png?width=1182&format=png&auto=webp&s=904b69d27d3b6664210ec2752c9e3d4ff3978245 + +https://preview.redd.it/inj9t8o0tdw61.png?width=1286&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f1e776666dd51fb17f8d2f1c2fda59515f94e51 + +https://preview.redd.it/heoe3ad1tdw61.png?width=1214&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc8196bb6c06eac3b189a173145880e14ba76df7 + +https://preview.redd.it/clvzm1k2tdw61.jpg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f964f280c290f3af1d41ee72bfadfee46a1bc7 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +7days plus 4days and then 1days from now, at 2:22 on 2/22/2022, the savior of the greatest stonk to ever stonk will come forth with the memest and final tweet totalling 69. In that moment, history will be made, the ape thesis will be cemented for all of eternity, it shall forever be known as the 2sday morning of all 2sdays. The rocket will be launched and apes round the world will be on their way to assembling the greatest wealth transfer from those that had, to those that needed. The destination for which they travel will be the new International Nation of GMErica. A place where transactions are decentralized, nfts and digital coinage will replace in game, as well as fiat, currencies and financial records will be free of manipulation and financial institutional greed and fuckery. The blockchain and world as we know it will be rebuilt...Brick by Brick. +**DISCLAMER**: None of this is financial advice. Or even advice. In fact, probably don’t even listen to me – I am pretty sure there isn’t a single wrinkle on my brain. + +# Introduction + +Last week I saw [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/)’s very interesting post about there being a pattern in the price and I thought one of the few things I know how to do (other than buying and HODLing) is to hack around with data in Python. I thought that if there is a pattern, we should be able to get a computer to confirm what [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/) saw with her very astute eyes and possibly reveal some more. + +My objective from the outset was to validate what [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/) saw, see if there are any other hidden patterns in GME’s chart, and if these patterns exist across the market at large or just GME. + +This shouldn’t be interpreted as DD or TA as I don’t really know much about markets and I am approaching this from a purely pattern-matching perspective. My hope is someone with a few wrinkles will see this and might find it useful for some actual DD. But don’t worry! I know we all like dates! So there will be a date at the end to get you hype. + +# Methodology + +To do this, I downloaded the last year of the stonk’s price data using the [yfinance](https://pypi.org/project/yfinance/) and played around with it in python. + +The basic idea is to: + +* cut the data up into chunks of length *n*, with a chunk for each day +* compare every chunk to every other chunk and give them a score for how similar they are +* collect the pairs of chunks that are most similar +* repeat with different chunk lengths to minimise any effect picking one at random might have +* look to see if any of the collected matching pairs have similar time gaps between them +* see which dates they belong to + +I tried to keep my methodology as similar to [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/) and she spent a lot of her post trying to line up candles so I attempted to normalise each chunk by making the price at the first day 0 and divide all the values by the difference between the maximum value and minimum value in the chunk. The effect of this is that we should be looking only at relative change without something like the absolute price or the rate of price movement affecting it too much. I also used the maximum of the open and close price as the value for the day (i.e. the top of the candle) to be as similar as possible to [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/). + +As for how I chose a good match – I took the top 1.5% of all the matchups based on the root mean squared error between the two graphs. + +# Show me some pretty pictures + +Running this over a bunch of chunks (or window) lengths, we can plot a heat map showing where there are lots of matches for a given number of days between features: + +[Did I just spend all weekend making a matrix simulator?](https://preview.redd.it/96c6x5m0gra71.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d20078b0f4457e288898fdf6ba55f1bfdb3a000) + +This graph is kinda pretty and shows where there are repeating patterns, but it doesn’t show us if any pattern is much more likely than the others. + +Taking the sum of each column and plotting this, we get a graph where the peaks are the most gaps between similar features. For GME, we see there is a really clear peak at 88 days. + +[88 is pretty close to 90 if you ask me.](https://preview.redd.it/pv5kyr42gra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=e36f2e3a6989fefdf9a8faf105cb434a3bc0221b) + +We can then look at which dates contributed to the peak: + +[Looks like we are lining up with \/u\/PWNWTFBBQ](https://preview.redd.it/uoh65lf4gra71.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c72cebb8fa7fab39856bf4121db01b328b1a270) + +This is where things get exciting! The two large peaks on the RHS correspond almost exactly to the dates (10th of March and 15th of June) put forward by [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/). The computer validates what she saw! + +I have highlighted the similar regions found by the computer here: + +[The colours don't mean anything, it was just a happy accident that green ended up on an increasing part and red on a decreasing part.](https://preview.redd.it/cwnd2196gra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b83fa173a7746a4677996a4d724b116f42bdf5db) + +But this is where things also get a little disappointing. I was hoping there would be other matches going back in time past March in the same pattern and we would see that [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/)’s observation was just the latest in a long line of manipulation. Instead, there is a pattern at a similar timeframe, but it is about 125 days before March 10th. There is a possibility that this is due to the Hedgies going for a nice long Christmas break before a final attempt to kill Gamestop, but like I said, I don’t do DD, I just make pretty lines on the screen. + +What I did find interesting though is the 46-day pattern seems to repeat itself pretty consistently: + +[Look at all the overlap!](https://preview.redd.it/thrkb218gra71.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e677823c8b8a93f693815e606ad21c92e9d8242) + +[There is only about 10 days of overlap for each one, so I'm not convinced this is real.](https://preview.redd.it/ofnbwzw9gra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1ef642208c99155ce82badb5a9ea096cbe04271) + +Does this relate to some T+x cycle? Is the 90ish day pattern actually two 46ish day cycles? I don’t know. I don’t even really know what T+x even means. I am only a small step up from crayon scribbles here people so dont expect magic. + +One nice thing about using a computer is we can see if these cycles are just GME or related to the market at large. + +So here are some pretty pictures for some other stonks and indices that I thought might be of interest and shows that the algorithm isnt related to the market as a whole. + +https://preview.redd.it/3ug8sjtsgra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=9529c117375dcdf720a39cb14cc0448e0b4d3f4c + +https://preview.redd.it/9nrhab1ugra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=845ebe084973490bc0b5e8929aa4b5188d04f2cd + +https://preview.redd.it/xhfi427vgra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=d52c4540aed482990540b080d860d6ed03236d82 + +[My code did not handle the overlap well at all.](https://preview.redd.it/yvv7yt0wgra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=db5882ef69dc6a5019c3598f513a99a66583eab7) + +https://preview.redd.it/4j79arw5hra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d35d26631b10b1911adb040205f21b05d9d4175 + +https://preview.redd.it/a4ol2ok6hra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=5768516d0feed28d0e30bc05a9b1f50f5f8c79e6 + +https://preview.redd.it/7jdzppq9hra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=13275533930197d9591cb64af7382beccdc0808d + +https://preview.redd.it/pzisny2bhra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7fea39d73a45a97690e1ed881564dda5c755dfd + +https://preview.redd.it/0eeqj1mkhra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f9b325d5d7a21f874a42d2222c6de437c4159b9 + +https://preview.redd.it/vyqer63lhra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=349b46b15060907cc28997573e6e98dcd48a333d + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cs6h9z5chra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea501cdd3c411b6249a8a0fca871206d0bc32cef + +https://preview.redd.it/d5qve8tchra71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4cf6911ea726ec56c55467b9a2b2691f5dfcbca + +&#x200B; + +# Conclusion/TL;DR + +The computer confirms that [/u/PWNWTFBBQ](https://www.reddit.com/u/PWNWTFBBQ/) definitely saw a repeating pattern, but this pattern doesn’t extend further back in the past and doesn’t relate to other stonks or the market itself. + +Just give me a damn date + +Uhhh…I dunno. Let’s say 88 days after June 3rd so that will be August 30th. + +This took way longer than the few hours I thought it would take so I'm gonna take a little break from this project but I'll try and clean up my code and upload it for anyone that is interested in playing with it. + +EDIT: Now with added [git hub](https://anonymous.4open.science/r/GME_patterns-4370/) so you can see/play with code yourself. I have also uploaded a zip with a bunch of pre-processed tickers for your viewing pleasure. + +EDIT2: I realised I forgot to include some info important methodology info. + +Here is a 'window' of 25 days showing two random dates from GME: + +https://preview.redd.it/4yulcjb88sa71.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be83c9b6c4b74d1cf53ab7aab2fa50b55a3984c + +Notice that because of the absolute price difference they cant really be compared. So we have to normalise them: + +https://preview.redd.it/1ftrvbgd8sa71.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=d60433d786c39325206942e1f22e89ca5a382a34 + +Now they can be compared on their shape alone. They have also been trimmed slightly as one was one day shorter than the other (due to those annoying weekends where we have to be content with just HODLing and not buying). It is the difference between these graphs (measured as the mean of the squared difference) that 'rates' how similar they are. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Work just announce a program for half days on Friday for the 3 months of summer. + +Common sense policies like this definitely make the path to FI more pleasant. + +Sometimes it’s the time off/pto policies that make me hate working. Glad to see some movement in the right direction. +I'm watching Squawk Box on CNBC right now and they just said that Sir Richard Branson is going to be on in a few minutes to make an announcement regarding using Bitcoins to buy a ticket to space!! Maybe we really are going to... I don't need to say where. + +Edit: Update @ 8:45AM EST - VIRGIN GALACTIC ACCEPTS BITCOIN!!! +As the title says, besides VIX which other indexes do you consider useful and should be tracked regularly? And i mean indexes like VIX and PCC, not etfs like ~~SPX~~, SPY or QQQ. + +Thanks! + +Edit: SPX is not an ETF. +As an xxx GME holder, I am very worried about the future of the GameStop company & my shares. After reading "The House of Cards" DD by u/atobitt, where he is describing that I am not a real owner of my GME shares and that they have stuck into DTCC members (particularly Cede) hands, and I don't even have a right to ask how many shares are being held by them and how many derivative IOUs traded on the market. + +I am very upset and I have no words to explain how little trust I have now towards the US Stock Market, where GameStop trades its shares. My last hope is to ask you, as a soon-to-be Chairman of the board, to recall the shares of GameStop for a recount. Only this way I will be able to understand what is the real price of the shares I am holding and the real amount of shares outstanding. Until that, trading GME will feel like running in the dark room with eyes closed - absolutely zero understanding of what is happening to the shares and where are they being traded at. + +Sincerely yours, + +u/rudyb0y + +👊 +I swear, losing money on a bad investment or rugpull *really* sucks, and obviously sometimes people lose everything. But there is absolutely NOTHING worse than seeing a coin you just sold or didn’t buy into go 100x - and seeing all the gains you missed out on. + + +You'll probably even forget about a bad investment or losing money, but you will NEVER forget not hopping into a 10,000x coin and for the rest of your days regret it. + + +YEARS LATER, you’ll still watch that damn coin, *hoping it finally tanks to make the pain stop.* I missed out on both MATIC and Loopring and will take it to my grave. + + +Anyone else experience this? What is it about our bad brains that does this to us? Why lord didn’t invest in ETH at $200? +I swear, losing money on a bad investment or rugpull *really* sucks, and obviously sometimes people lose everything. But there is absolutely NOTHING worse than seeing a coin you just sold or didn’t buy into go 100x - and seeing all the gains you missed out on. + + +You'll probably even forget about a bad investment or losing money, but you will NEVER forget not hopping into a 10,000x coin and for the rest of your days regret it. + + +YEARS LATER, you’ll still watch that damn coin, *hoping it finally tanks to make the pain stop.* I missed out on both MATIC and Loopring and will take it to my grave. + + +Anyone else experience this? What is it about our bad brains that does this to us? Why lord didn’t invest in ETH at $200? +I am sure lot of people in this sub must have thought of buying a business. i am in that bracket where i am Keen at exploring some existing business, a franchise or something. Which will give me good cash flow and eventually an option you move out of my day job. I am wondering if anyone has been in a situation and end up buying a business that run on its own with some support from the management. You spend sometime after job but mostly the business is self operating. Understand it will be a lot of expense to buy a business with such an automated type of operation. Keen to hear people's thought, experiences and lessons before buying such a business. Like what too look for a business like this. What goes in to books etc. What is usually the budget for such businesses. I have seen people buying service stations, eating franchise etc. +After my last post, I had multiple people asking if I could take a deeper look into the renewable energy industry. Since I’m also very interested and I feel it will become a very important sector, I took the time to review it. First of all, let me explain why investing now is a good time. + +When you look at manufacturers, the biggest market cap is not even $5 billion. There is so much room for growth and there’s also a lot of competition. When you can point your finger at the best company, it might be the homerun for your portfolio in 10-15 years. Even if you don’t hit the right one, it’s still gonna be ok since the industry is only growing. To be clear, I only looked at manufacturers, not distributors. You won’t see any companies like NEE, DUK, BEP, etc. + +Secondly, you all know Trump doesn’t believe in environmentally issues, renewable energy and that sort of stuff. With elections coming up, investments might stay the same or they might go up drastically when the democrats win. Either way, the sector will continue to grow and you can’t really go bad with investing in it. + +Last argument, I feel like a lot of people don’t know the importance of solar energy yet. It goes beyond the industry, as it gets implemented more and more by other industries. It’s already a big item for giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon,… to keep their cloud servers running for example. + +— — — — — — — — — — + +In this post, I will focus on solar energy the most, as it is the biggest and most important part of renewable energy. Based on market cap from the solar industry, we have 3 leaders and 7 others on a significant distance, but still able to get to the top for the next 5-10 years. From that top 10, RUN, SPWR and VSLR fall off based on financials. + +**ENPH** +Market leader on micro-inverters (the things that convert solar charge into electricity). Even their inverters get used by big competitors like SPWR. Investing more and more into energy storage. It’s focussing on the private market, which might be a short term problem, but their inverters are definitely their big win. Not only do they receive revenue from their own installations, but they have other companies using their products as well when installing other products, making ENPH techniques present in an enormous amount of solar installations. The financials are great, they have a decent amount of cash to get investing and they’re only profitable since last year, giving them a lot of room to grow. They’re bound to get number one position in solar tech and they didn’t even launch their best technology yet. + +**SEDG** +Great financials as well. Assets over double amount of liabilities, almost no long term debt and enough cash to get growing. Very big growth on revenue. They were planning to even double their production in 2020 and release some new products, but that’s gonna be delayed a bit. They are working with TSLA on batteries and charging stations. It all looks very positive, although I have to point out some people are calling SEDG ‘yesterday’s solution’. It might be up and keep growing a lot, but if you want the best 10 year investment, you should stick with ENPH. + +**FSLR** +Very inconsistent income, but a great balance sheet. Assets 3 times liabilities and loads of cash to get investing into the future. Their profit margins are pretty small though, in comparison to the industry. FSLR is the only company that works with utility companies to provide energy. To draw you a simple picture: if you get electric energy at home, it’s been delivered by utility companies and the energy itself is mostly created by FSLR. Over the past few years, utilities are losing market share because people are buying and setting up their own energy installations at home. Therefore utilities, and by extension FSLR, are losing market share. Because of the crisis, people will be less likely to install their own installations as unemployment numbers are rising. FSLR could be the better short term bet, but it’s hard to predict when it will turn around again and they will definitely lose long term. + +**JKS** +Very innovative techniques, one of the most efficient solar panels on the market. Therefore gaining a lot of advantage on their competitors, or ‘moat’ by Warren Buffett terms. If you feel like solar panels are the most important part of the industry, I would definitely suggest looking into JinkoSolar. They have a lot of cash to get investing, low on long term debt and I see them coming the closest to top 3 in the future. + +**CSIQ** +Looking for value, then this is the one. PEG ratio of only 0.19, the industrial average is 0.68. Have to point out as well that their growth rate isn’t that great and you might wait a long long time to get the gains going on this one. They also have a lawsuit running against them, claiming to steal Solaria’s patented module technology. + +**NOVA** +They might get hit hard by covid-19. Sunnova is a pretty young company, full on investing and expanding, thus having low cash reserves. They might need to be backed by bailout money, putting them even further behind the top 5 solar companies. When they get back in 1-2 years, I feel like the other companies will have too much of a head start. + +**AZRE** +They have experienced almost no impact from covid-19 as an Indian based company. Their projects have not been impacted and the plants are running full force. However there has been significant reduction in demand and they’ve been seeing delayed payments from customers. It operates like First Solar, selling energy to government utilities. Big profit margins as well, so they might get out of this crisis easily. That’s also the main reason why the stock didn’t drop that much. Growth will be limited, but a stable investment. + +— — — — — — — — — — + +Next, I’m gonna mention some other renewable energy resources. I took one of the best companies per industry as an example, but I’m not gonna go through those resources more deeply as I don’t believe in them. + +**VWDRY** +The wind energy industry is more inconsistent than solar energy, therefore not the most favorable kind of resource to invest in. It also doesn’t have real potential to expand to private use, but whoever wants to invest in it, I suggest VWDRY. It is the biggest company in the world in terms of wind power. Apart from having the most and biggest wind farms, they also offer their maintenance and knowledge to help optimizing other wind farm locations. Vestas also just signed a great contract with a Danish energy company for delivery in the upcoming next years. They have a lot of cash ready to invest and they also have decent value, so you can’t really go wrong with them. + +**REGI** +REGI produces and sells biofuels and renewable chemicals. It produces biomass-based diesel, using corn oil, used cooking oil and inedible animal fat amongst other things. The company might be in bad weather, as they are low on cash. They are operating in an investment needing industry, so it’s definitely not the right moment for a financial crisis like this. + +As you can see, I didn’t include nuclear energy companies. Nuclear energy is a green energy solution and definitely isn’t bad. However it’s not growing like solar and wind because it has a lot of negative feedback and image. There is more waste, it’s more expensive and therefore also less investments. It’s easy math, the more volume, the lower price. No one is investing in nuclear, so pricing can’t compete with other resources. + +— — — — — — — — — — + +For me, this research was surprising. I was expecting to find more small companies with breaking innovative techniques, but it seems like the ones at the top are predicted to stay there and increase distance. If anyone has some valuable information on small companies, definitely share them in this thread. + +To conclude, ENPH and SEDG are without a doubt the best investments right now. Depending on your timeline, you might want to sell SEDG in 5-10 years, while keeping ENPH for a lifetime. JKS is the higher risk, higher reward kinda bet here, with still decent coverage of risk. + +There are of course way more other renewable energy resources, but I don’t know enough about them. If I would start researching them, I might be working like a professional broker/investor and I decided that I’ve put enough energy into stock research the past weeks. Right now, I’m gonna enjoy the weather, work a bit in the garden and passively buy some shares this week with all that info I’ve gathered over the past few months. +Well I had an electrum wallet on my Laptop. It appears I visited a website (or clicked a link) that somehow breached my anti-virus. It installed ransomware and encrypted all my files. They asked me to send Bitcoin to decrypt the files. Their email was [helprecover@foxmail.com](mailto:helprecover@foxmail.com). + +I DID NOT send them anything. I re-installed Windows on the whole hard drive - and then proceeded to install Electrum and tried to restore my wallet. The moment I entered my private key on the PC the coins (0.599 after transaction fees) were sent to the hacker's address ([https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/16Myr9GVhwRF6YKxLnQod5jZZgiXULbAYx](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/16Myr9GVhwRF6YKxLnQod5jZZgiXULbAYx)) + +I had accumulated 0.6 using 0.1 increments after selling most of my stuff on eBay! + +NOW, the same address then sent their bitcoins to another address in January 2020 ([https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/bc1qw509mgwxy0trsws0254854fpdyux9sxqywguxj](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/bc1qw509mgwxy0trsws0254854fpdyux9sxqywguxj)) + +I called the police, called action fraud UK. Sent them all the details. They said they couldn't help, although they had tracked the foxmail address to China with an IP possibly in China or Russia, their words, not mine. + +I then emailed the [helprecover@foxmail.com](mailto:helprecover@foxmail.com) many times literally begging them to return my Bitcoin. Obviously, I was naive. + +I then proceeded to report these two addresses as scam on most sites who monitor crypto scams. + +I then bought a new laptop (jeez, they are expensive!), as apparently even a deep rooted residual infection on the laptop can result in your soft wallet getting wiped. I could format the whole hard drive - but it was too much of a loss to tolerate should anything happen again. + +Then I bought a Ledger device. + +Then I sold off myself as a slave on eBay to buy my first 0.01 Bitcoin. + +OK, that last line isn't true! LOL + +But you know what - they haven't broken my spirit. + +Peace! +Well I had an electrum wallet on my Laptop. It appears I visited a website (or clicked a link) that somehow breached my anti-virus. It installed ransomware and encrypted all my files. They asked me to send Bitcoin to decrypt the files. Their email was [helprecover@foxmail.com](mailto:helprecover@foxmail.com). + +I DID NOT send them anything. I re-installed Windows on the whole hard drive - and then proceeded to install Electrum and tried to restore my wallet. The moment I entered my private key on the PC the coins (0.599 after transaction fees) were sent to the hacker's address ([https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/16Myr9GVhwRF6YKxLnQod5jZZgiXULbAYx](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/16Myr9GVhwRF6YKxLnQod5jZZgiXULbAYx)) + +I had accumulated 0.6 using 0.1 increments after selling most of my stuff on eBay! + +NOW, the same address then sent their bitcoins to another address in January 2020 ([https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/bc1qw509mgwxy0trsws0254854fpdyux9sxqywguxj](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/bc1qw509mgwxy0trsws0254854fpdyux9sxqywguxj)) + +I called the police, called action fraud UK. Sent them all the details. They said they couldn't help, although they had tracked the foxmail address to China with an IP possibly in China or Russia, their words, not mine. + +I then emailed the [helprecover@foxmail.com](mailto:helprecover@foxmail.com) many times literally begging them to return my Bitcoin. Obviously, I was naive. + +I then proceeded to report these two addresses as scam on most sites who monitor crypto scams. + +I then bought a new laptop (jeez, they are expensive!), as apparently even a deep rooted residual infection on the laptop can result in your soft wallet getting wiped. I could format the whole hard drive - but it was too much of a loss to tolerate should anything happen again. + +Then I bought a Ledger device. + +Then I sold off myself as a slave on eBay to buy my first 0.01 Bitcoin. + +OK, that last line isn't true! LOL + +But you know what - they haven't broken my spirit. + +Peace! +Even though you probably won't admit it, you are secretly holding thousands of Doge hoping that one day it will hit $1 and make your dreams come true. + +#**What is Dogecoin?** + +Dogecoin was co-founded by IBM software engineer Billy Markus and Adobe software engineer Jackson Palmer, who set out to create a peer-to-peer digital currency that could reach a broader demographic than Bitcoin. + +***Full story and a lot of interesting stuff can be found on the [Wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin)*.** + +In the beginning, there were only 100 Billion Doge, and all of them were mined in just two years. After that, the code was updated and another 5 Billion Doge were to be created every year making Doge a currency with infinite supply somewhere in 2015. As documented by [mainstream media](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/02/dogecoin-to-allow-annual-inflation-of-5-billion-coins-each-year-forever/), some community members disliked this decision and complained that their investment will go to zero while others supported the unlimited supply because true Doge believers don't care about USD value. With all those new digital assets emerging from nowhere the internet needed a currency and Doge filled that gap. + +#**Why is Dogecoin?** + +If Bitcoin ever goes mainstream you probably won't be able to purchase a whole Bitcoin ever again. Sats would become the standard and value should (in theory) constantly keep going up because network usage will need to keep going up as well. Now imagine that you actually held through hell and back, waited for Bitcoin to hit millions just to lose your private keys however that may happen. No one would be able to recover that capital and you would find it hard to get a new reason to move on. With infinite inflation, things look a bit different. + +Scarcity rewards those that get in early and hold on to that currency until demand increases significantly. Doge, on the other hand, incentivizes spending and transacting making it an actual currency. 5 Billion coins per year do sound like a lot but it makes perfect sense in the long run. For example, if you have 100 coins and add 100 more the next year your inflation rate would be 100% but as time passes that percentage will decrease due to the increase in supply. In 100 years your inflation rate is only 1% and still decreasing. To put it simply, Bitcoin is an asset that is expected to have an increase in demand within the next few years or decades while Dogecoin is a currency that aims to provide fast, easy, and cheap value transfers in everyday transactions. If Bitcoin is used to store value, Dogecoin is a tool to quickly and cheaply transfer that value. + +#**How is Dogecoin?** + +Dogecoin was created as a fork of Litecoin and is also [secured by miners](https://www.coinwarz.com/mining/dogecoin/hashrate-chart). It has a much faster block time than LTC of just 1 minute, which made Dogecoin one of the fastest and cheapest currencies to transact with back in the "old days". It recently spiked in popularity thanks to Elon Musk and TikTok but if you actually follow the [Dogecoin subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/) you will notice that they don't care much about your price speculation. As long as 1 Doge = 1 Doge no one is complaining. In terms of development, there hasn't been a single major update since 2015 but we did make it to [NASCAR](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/mar/27/nascar-dogecoin-sponsor-josh-wise-talladega-superspeedway). As far as network usage goes, Dogecoin [averages](https://bitinfocharts.com/dogecoin/) about 1.3k per hour compared to 14k on the Bitcoin network. + +So how is Dogecoin? Same as usual I guess. +I grew up without a father and my mom had recently passed away due to cancer and left me with approx. $70k in savings.. I know it's a lot of money but I decided hell, if I'm really gonna turn my life around and pay for my last 2 years of college I need a lot more than that.. + +I've decided to buy some YOLO puts today and hope for the best.. If this doesn't work out I'll just commit suicide or sth, idk.. Not that I have any family / relatives anyway so what gives.. Wish me luck! Diamond hands baby + +https://preview.redd.it/9rt5fdidoan41.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b15df6dbc308d336aca27e7bb86303b4538c7a9 +First off, let's go straight to the point. The last few weeks have been a bloodbath for most of the market. To many, especially new traders, this seems like a full blown market crash. Well, it's not... a market crash needs a catalyst. Think back to every single crash, whether it was the dot com bubble, the housing bubble in 08, and even the flash crash on black Monday in 87' they all had a catalyst, if not many catalysts. + +I keep reading over and over again in the media that the bond yeilds jumping is the reason for this market crash speculation. Let's think about this for a second though - besides the fed trying to hammer home the message to investors that the bond yeilds are absolutely no cause for concern, and actually it's not even close to reaching concerning territory yet, as well as the bond yeilds are actually signaling strength in the economy - how in the world do people come to conclusion that the market is about to crash because of this? Is there any real basis to this? Ask yourself this. + + Another narrative that i keep seeing the media push is "the economy is overheating". Seriously? What does that even mean? The economy is recovering so fast that the market is going to crash? This has to be the most insane thing I've read yet. I can also note that the same journalists who publish this FUD about overheating, are the same journalists who will also write that the market is crashing when there is BAD economic data (such as the job report this morning). So let's ask ourselves, how can both a booming recovery and a slow, painful recovery BOTH be ingredients for a crash? I cannot comprehend how ridiculous this is becoming. Good news = market crash, bad news = market crash. What do we need for the market not to crash? + +I can't talk about all of this without mentioning a wild phenomenon. My portfolio. A very well diversified array of etfs which hit almost all sectors of the market. The best thing to happen to it? A global pandemic/ lockdown. The worst thing? Economic strength indicators, covid cases plummeting and vaccines and stimulus getting pumped into the masses. Has the world gone mad? + +My conclusion is only this. Plain and simple, fear. Fear is what's bringing this bloodbath upon us. Panic selling over irrational news articles. Just compare the VIX (fear gauge) chart with almost every single tech stock or major company's stock chart. It's literally an inverse. A mirror image. + +If there is anything to take away from this is that I truly believe this is just mass hysteria and it the dust will settle. Stocks will rise again. Invest in what you believe in and avoid the FUD that's being pumped out for click bait by seemingly every news outlet. + +Tl;dr: there is no crash. This is panic selling on a mass scale. Don't believe the media fud - the pandemic is ending and there is light at the end of this Corona virus tunnel. Buy the dip with money you can afford to potentially lose and all shall be good again on wallstreet. *Edit* I am not an expert, do not take this as financial advice. I was merely venting/ ranting during this paragraph. Only invest what you are willing to lose. + +Edit: I almost forgot to mention a big one: + +Another theory that is floating around is the market being in a bubble. This is probably the most spread rumor. This one is pretty simple to shut down I think. Earnings season was insane. Comoanjes blew estimates out of the water left and right. Banks, big tech, e commerce, etc. These are the sectors that are being targeted heavily by fud in the media. These are also the companies doing the best they ever have. So how is this a bubble? Of course, companies like tesla and gamestop (lol) can be viewed and argued as in a bubble. But these companies are few and far between. + +Edit#2 as someone here pointed out, the current p/e ratio is at around 40 for the s&p500. Is this really a cause for concern? The all time high for p/e of the s&p is may 2009. Arguably one of the best times in history to buy stocks as we now know. So can someone explain why this is repeatedly cited as a cause for concern? What am I missing? +Apparently Warren Buffet's theory on stock market stability is based off of GDP being tied with stock market valuation. And currently with this huge bullrun we are at around 190% of our GDP indicating a crash soon. Seems historically accurate and crypto usually trends with stock so it has me concerned. + +Also I heard a stat that 30% of all money in circulation was printed last year. Combine the never ending printing of money and the "Buffet Indicator" has me worried about an impending crash. Not to be a "Doomer" just wondering if my concerns are unfounded or if anyone has has looked into this? + +[https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/warren-buffett-indicator-nears-record-high-threatens-stock-market-crash-2020-12-1029857054#:\~:text=The%20%22Buffett%20indicator%22%20compares%20the,when%20GDP%20was%208%25%20lower](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/warren-buffett-indicator-nears-record-high-threatens-stock-market-crash-2020-12-1029857054#:~:text=The%20%22Buffett%20indicator%22%20compares%20the,when%20GDP%20was%208%25%20lower). +Hey guys, Nurse Mimi the medi-ape is here. + +I'm ready to fix you up with a compilation of news and memes from yesterday/this morning. I will keep updating this throughout the day! + +**Congratulations to our banner winner!** + +[u\/Sad-Raspberry5735 - What everyone felt like whilst voting](https://preview.redd.it/1jnfweuk0wu61.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=462525806bb5c359ca347c0aac5b9893f0a0d9d2) + +&#x200B; + +[u\/woke0rthadox our winner after a total of 420,000 votes.](https://preview.redd.it/1ct92n525wu61.jpg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510fb7e8e98c59c4ea748a851dd243250c07d072) + +\--------------------------------------- + +\--------------------------------------- + +**BREAKING - IN TODAY! - THE NEWS WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!** + +(Edit 13:01 - More drama) + +[ News Flash GIFs | Tenor ](https://preview.redd.it/ykc7f6lvxwu61.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a7a34bc7cb0b486d58fffc2bcb85ac5d840262a) + +[u/Chump\_Mumu](https://www.reddit.com/user/Chump_Mumu/) Posted : + +"*Holy moly, are we about to go to the moon!!?!!?!!* + +*THE MOASS IS COMING!!!!! OMFG 😱"* + +[https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/18846/html](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/18846/html) + +Mark on your calendar the following info: + +**Meeting Type:** Annual Meeting of Stockholders + +**Date:** Wednesday, June 09, 2021 + +**Time:** 10:00 AM, Central Daylight Time + +**Place:** 625 Westport Parkway, Grapevine, Texas 76051 + +**Read more here:** + +[(5) GameStop just filled the 14A : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwfqma/gamestop_just_filled_the_14a/) + +\--------------------------------------- + +\--------------------------------------- + +**Contents:** + +**Section 1- HF/Bank Tears** + +**Section 2 - US Federal Related News** + +**Section 3 - GME Stock News** + +**Section 4 - Susanne Trimbath** + +**Section 5 - Motivational Posts** + +\----------------------------------------- + +**Section 1 - Hedgefund/Bank Tears** + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/gaudspd**](https://www.reddit.com/user/gaudspd/) **Points out this article which states:** + +*Informed Portfolio Management, a Swedish hedge fund that had relied on statistical models to devise its strategies, is set to shut its doors and return investor capital after losing roughly $4 billion during the pandemic.* + +*"IPM, whose main owner is Stockholm-based investment firm Catella AB, had assets under management of close to $5 billion in late 2019, before the pandemic hit. A year later, that amount had more than halved to $2 billion, with the investor exodus since then depleting assets to about $750 million."* + +Not sure if this is related to GME, but as we know this whole system is like a big spiderweb. Everything seems to be somehow connected! + +[Hedge Fund IPM Shuts Doors After Losing $4 Billion in Pandemic - BNN (bnnbloomberg.ca)](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/hedge-fund-ipm-shuts-doors-after-losing-4-billion-in-pandemic-1.1593731.amp.html) + +[(5) Another one bites the dust. "Hedge Fund IPM Shuts Doors After Losing $4 Billion in Pandemic" : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw9bqk/another_one_bites_the_dust_hedge_fund_ipm_shuts/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/boogie-time123**](https://www.reddit.com/user/boogie-time123/) **Posts:** + +[Big meeting in London Stock Exchange?](https://preview.redd.it/1b4yiftm2wu61.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=5810d8bc7a609a4a2250f3664684086d5c21a5da) + +In the comments u/[hebejebez](https://www.reddit.com/user/hebejebez/) writes: + +*"There seems to be a climate rebellion March round there, some of them just smashed HSBC's windows with a hammer. "* + +[(5) London Stock Exchange is so busy right now, it's LITERALLY OFF THE CHARTS !!! : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw1wx8/london_stock_exchange_is_so_busy_right_now_its/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/ledonskim754**](https://www.reddit.com/user/ledonskim754/) **Found this article:** + +*"Having the collateral to cover stock trading is important to oil the market cogs. With margin trading, it is critical, a lesson learned the hard way from “Bill” Hwang last month. From today, the SEC will decide which brokerages failed to cover their securities trading, and what punishments it will dish out."* + +[(5) Banks Raise $34 Billion to Comply with SEC Rule, Effective Today - The Tokenist : Wallstreetbetsnew (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/mvz6ae/banks_raise_34_billion_to_comply_with_sec_rule/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +**More on the SEC, they appointed a new director of enforcement!** + +[**u/TheGargaglione**](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheGargaglione/) **writes in his post:** + +*I find this quote from her very interesting:* + +>*“I’m excited to join the Division of Enforcement’s team of deeply talented and committed public servants,” said Oh. “The Enforcement Division plays a critical role in protecting investors and maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, essential components of the SEC’s mission. I am committed to working tirelessly to uncover and prosecute violations of the law,* ***whether by businesses or their leaders***\*, so that we can keep American capital markets the strongest in the world.”\* + +*Also, from GG himself:* + +>*“Our capital markets – and the broader economy – thrive when there are clear rules of the road and a cop on the beat to enforce them”“Alex brings to the role of Director the right combination of values and experience to vigorously root out wrongdoing in our markets. With her work as a prosecutor, pro bono experience, and time in private practice, she has the expertise as a highly respected lawyer to ensure that the SEC protects investors.”* + +[(5) SEC appoints new director of enforcment : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw8g6t/sec_appoints_new_director_of_enforcment/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/DelMonte20**](https://www.reddit.com/user/DelMonte20/) **Points out this article that states:** + +*"On Thursday, Credit Suisse posted a 757m Swiss franc ($827m; £594m) loss for the first three months of the year, having previously warned that losses could reach SFr900m.* + +*It would have been the bank's best trading quarter for a decade, but Credit Suisse was forced to write off SFr4.4bn related to the Archegos collapse."* + +[Greensill lender Credit Suisse suffers 'unacceptable' loss - BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56841945) + +[(5) Credit Suisse asking for $2bn from investors following losses due to Archegos (HF) and Greensill collapse. Further evidence of financial institutions across the world struggling right now. : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw1l9f/credit_suisse_asking_for_2bn_from_investors/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/Doggoonewild**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Doggoonewild/) **posts:** + +[Naughty naughty Kenny!](https://preview.redd.it/7rbq8nvp4wu61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a40a1131caccdfc2d09f1ded689cfe303970b241) + +[Citadel alum charged with $2.4m PPP loan scam : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw3jd3/citadel_alum_charged_with_24m_ppp_loan_scam/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +**Section 2 - US Federal Related News** + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/TPGADSL**](https://www.reddit.com/user/TPGADSL/) **Writes:** + +*" The USD is the reserve currency of the world for a reason. To make global investors lose all confidence in the US market is nothing short of self-destruction and would lead to a lot more than just the collapse of the stock market."* + +Mimi ELIA: Basically, the USA wants juicy foreign tendies, so cannot look like they would play an unfair game. + +[(5) The United States Government WILL NOT and more importantly CAN NOT step in to stop shorts from having to cover : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwa9r8/the_united_states_government_will_not_and_more/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +&#x200B; + +[ u\/Solid\_Adeptness\_5978 ](https://preview.redd.it/7t2111zexvu61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6e5852d7151e7b951b857d18a280c04a9a698b) + +\----------------------------------------- + +u/Arteryblock **Shares:** + +&#x200B; + +[\(I'm not even sure if this is good or bad. Any apes know?\)](https://preview.redd.it/7re6xcj80wu61.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbdd4522c3aaa816df32f27488f0bd603f2d705d) + +**In the comment section,** u/Arteryblock **writes:** + +*"It’s not a great thing in itself. It just confirms the circle of corruption runs to the highest levels.* + +*The FTC up until now had the ability to recoup money from individuals or organisations if it was gained through wrongdoing/illegal activity. The Supreme Court just put an end to that.* + +*My understanding from this is the Supreme Court just gave the green light for ill gotten gains to continue without any repercussions. Totally normal, nothing to see here."* + +[(5) CONFIRMATION BIAS : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw5vwn/confirmation_bias/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/LaserHawk\_**](https://www.reddit.com/user/LaserHawk_/) **Writes:** + +*"Who owns America? That depends who you ask. A growing body of opinion points to an obscure, but immensely powerful organisation called CEDE and Company.* + +*This small New York based financial institution has a dozen directors and no more than a half dozen employees but holds, according to some reports, some 34 trillion dollars in assets. A complex system of interlocking bodies, such as The Depository Trust \&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Clearing Corporation, the National Securities Clearing Corporation and the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation oversee all stock trading in the US. They all come under the umbrella of Cede."* + +[https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/secret-trillion-dollar-company-owns-20790205](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/secret-trillion-dollar-company-owns-20790205) + +[(5) Cede & Co. The secret trillion-dollar company that owns America : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvvspq/cede_co_the_secret_trilliondollar_company_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/AliveAndWellness**](https://www.reddit.com/user/AliveAndWellness/) **Posts:** + +&#x200B; + +[ u\/AliveAndWellness ](https://preview.redd.it/6z9w0gw61wu61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b324f5038ff3473d7440b9593bd211e9e1f5e45) + +Perfect timing for the government if you ask me! Can it do with the pandemic instead of GME? Possibly. But it could also be because of the everything short and those sweet capital gains, if it gets implemented fast. + +And us Apes ALWAYS pay our taxes! + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/boogie-time123**](https://www.reddit.com/user/boogie-time123/) **Posts:** + +&#x200B; + +[Tweet from Domo Capital and Dr.Patrik Patel](https://preview.redd.it/u0g8pdl62wu61.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=134ef7bfc3660845fda81e48fbeaa05ce51f812d) + +\----------------------------------------- + +**Section 3 - GME Stock News** + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/r34p3rex**](https://www.reddit.com/user/r34p3rex/) **Posted that there is only 26M shares in the float!!!** + +*" I just finished reading through the* [*proxy statement*](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/b8fcb1ce-dfcf-42fd-89a8-dfaed2084dcc) *and they provided a list of all the >5% shareholders and the positions held by officers and board members. Even without including institutions that hold less than 5%, the total public float available is only around 26M! Imagine how many institutions just didn't make the cut-off! Here's a table that summarizes the list:* [*https://i.imgur.com/DttUhbK.png*](https://i.imgur.com/DttUhbK.png) *"* + +[GME Proxy Statement DD: \~26M shares in public float!! : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwh4ne/gme_proxy_statement_dd_26m_shares_in_public_float/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/Leenixus**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Leenixus/) **Posted about earnings/dividends/voting:** + +*Final Conclusion* + +* ***Final Assumption on Dividends:*** *The next earnings date that will be as we know somewhere around the 9'th of June. The dividend is likely to be announced 2 days after earnings on Friday the 11'th of June.* +* ***Final Assumption on the Dividends Recording Date:*** *The share record date for the dividend will be the 25'th of June. Bonus, might join the Russel 1000.* +* ***Final Assumption on the Voting Date:*** *Based on the above, the date where we get to vote should be some time between the* ***04/22 - 5/12***\*. If you want to be liberal about it, sure, it could go all the way up to 5/16 till we get to vote.\* +* ***Final Assumption on the 400 000 dead puts:*** *We'll see another "Mega" attack sometime before the end of April or the start of May. I recon they are accumulating borrowable shares (why do borrowable shares keep disappearing daily but no price drops?) & combining them with this last ditch effort puts that they rolled over from the 16'th. One last hurrah.*[(2) Speculative DD - The near future : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mv2mqa/speculative_dd_the_near_future/) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/Long-Setting**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Long-Setting/) **Writes:** + +"*We called out weeks ago that hedgies would drop the SandP500, DOW, and NASDAQ and make it correlate directly with GME to shake as many 📄 🤚 off the rocket.* + +*We also called out that they’d make it trade sideways as long as possible to bore everyone out of their positions and pump and dump other “meme stocks” or distractions to FOMO into.* + +*Buy and HODL, nothing has changed."* + +[Quick update to the indexes sharp drop and GME “dropping” : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwa6am/quick_update_to_the_indexes_sharp_drop_and_gme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/TDETLES**](https://www.reddit.com/user/TDETLES/) **Posts:** + +*" I have been taking some looks at the Level 2 information and it seems that when "they" want to drop the price, "they" use smaller lots of bids and asks - today was lots of 11."* + +&#x200B; + +[ 11 shares were being traded back and forth the entire time we saw a drop in the price down by $10 ](https://preview.redd.it/9iujkqrt5wu61.png?width=2805&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a31a10de2a2b6ab4f199039ac56f4e6e8ffcb9e) + +[This drop is synthetic and I think we might be holding for longer than we expect before the tendieman comes. Be prepared for that and don't get fatigued. : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwbk4y/this_drop_is_synthetic_and_i_think_we_might_be/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/1mag1n3\_cgh**](https://www.reddit.com/user/1mag1n3_cgh/) **Posts:** + +[Visual representation of FTD cycles](https://preview.redd.it/1cyp6yh97wu61.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce22b952bae0c127a10e8bff189d9630436f175c) + +(Edit:11:26 GMT) Updated visual representation found by u/[boahmali](https://www.reddit.com/user/boahmali/) + +&#x200B; + +[u\/1mag1n3\_cgh just posted this update!](https://preview.redd.it/9fm42kp6hwu61.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b30717f243112bd1b6168484d2d60dcf3f54d9fc) + +It will be interesting to see what happens! No dates though! + +[A Visual Analysis Showing the 21 Day GME FTD Cycle. You can see there have been price jumps on each of the "21 Trading Day" cycles. No dates - just lines, triangles and some words & numbers (get your wife's boyfriend to read you those parts). Anyone know the FTD data within these cycles? : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw2fqk/a_visual_analysis_showing_the_21_day_gme_ftd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/kamayatzee**](https://www.reddit.com/user/kamayatzee/) **Posts:** + +&#x200B; + +[ Tuesday \(4\/20\) Yesterday \(4\/21\) and Today \(4\/22\) rank #3, #1, and #2 in lowest volume, respectively. ](https://preview.redd.it/hpjfgrkj7wu61.png?width=243&format=png&auto=webp&s=f128dbd8d8f293e39287876fdd0f8c2943f77630) + +"*We would have to go all the way back to November 18th, 2020 to find a lower volume day (\~3.169 million shares).* + +*-Only 5 days have volume under 5 million in 2021.* *4* *of those occurred in the last 12 trading days."* + +[(5) LIQUIDITY IS DRYING UP! THE 3 LOWEST VOLUME TRADING DAYS IN 2021 HAVE ALL OCCURRED IN THE LAST 3 DAYS : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwde2v/liquidity_is_drying_up_the_3_lowest_volume/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +**Section 4 - Susanne Trimbath** + +\----------------------------------------- + +[u/JohnLilburne](https://www.reddit.com/user/JohnLilburne/) Shares that Dr.Susanna Trimbath wored for the DTCC and wrote a book, coming to very similar conclusions as u/atobitt. (This doesn't mean to say Mr.Atobitt copied her, they could have both done the research and come to the same conclusions. This strengthens his argument!) + +[Dr.Susanne Trimbaths book. u\/hornie877 commented: \\"that book cover looks so interesting like Kenny Griffy Boy \(KGB\) falling from his throne, about to be impaled through his arse like a Sheesh kebab\\".](https://preview.redd.it/z959443g8wu61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e32c37f1e225cf6ab01b5a8b8bb6af5dd27ce6) + +[Before u/atobitt, there was Susanne Trimbath. Everything he was talking about yesterday, is in this book. Please read it. She worked at DTC. : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw37ef/before_uatobitt_there_was_susanne_trimbath/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/1337St0nks**](https://www.reddit.com/user/1337St0nks/) **Posts this to ask us to follow Dr.Trimbath if we use twitter.** + +[Dr.Trimbaths twitter posts](https://preview.redd.it/xypnt96u8wu61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413bd7c54a087707f0185bfd50e83fc425cec7f3) + +[If you have Twitter give @SusanneTrimbath a follow!💎🙌🏻 author of : Naked, Short and Greedy. Wall street’s failure to deliver : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw410l/if_you_have_twitter_give_susannetrimbath_a_follow/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/Golden\_D9**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Golden_D9/) **Posts:** + +*After* [*u/Atobitt*](https://www.reddit.com/u/Atobitt/) *amazing DD yesterday, 2 sources emerged that basically confirmed Atobitt's DD to be factually correct: The book "Naked, Short and Greedy" by Wall Street whistleblower* *Dr. Susanne Trimbath* *(Link here:* [*https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy*](https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy)*), and the paper "The Rise and Effects of the Indirect Holding System" by law professor* *David C. Donald* *(Link here:* [*https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/\_migrated/content\_uploads/ILF\_WP\_068.pdf*](https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/ILF_WP_068.pdf)*).* + +*I think these 2 very accomplished individuals know a lot about the evidently fraudulent financial market and* *apes would benefit greatly if we could invite these 2 for an AMA session in the future*\*.\* + +**An AMA with Dr.Trimbath? Bring it on! I wish she would be called to testify for us in the Senate!** + +[Re: Atobitt's HOC1: How Would Apes Like it if the Mods Invited Dr. Susanne Trimbath and Prof. David C. Donald for an AMA Interview? : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw448c/re_atobitts_hoc1_how_would_apes_like_it_if_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +**Section 5 - Motivational pieces** + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/wheresthatbeef**](https://www.reddit.com/user/wheresthatbeef/) **Posts:** + +*"My wife’s boyfriend is taking her on a fancy date tonight while I’m eating a crayon sandwich and watching a virtual bobber until it tells me to right click.* + +*I can watch a line move right for a damn year. I love getting my tits jacked for dates, and the longer the squeeze is put off the more meaningless dates I get to jack my tits while watching the line move right."* + +[I fish in RPGs for fun. You think you can Fucking bore me out? No chance : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw68x7/i_fish_in_rpgs_for_fun_you_think_you_can_fucking/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**u/MrHandos**](https://www.reddit.com/user/MrHandos/) **Shared:** + +[Just a lil' reminder.](https://preview.redd.it/vuyvhy76awu61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b381b525b5aa8e528579957ea63ee51dcac83586) + +[(5) Just a quick reminder 🚀🚀🚀 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwawe6/just_a_quick_reminder/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\----------------------------------------- + +[**Rheged\_Gaming**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rheged_Gaming/) **Commented:** + +*"Diamonds hearts and diamonds minds produce priceless finds."* + +**That's some beauty right there apes. \*sniffs\*** + +\----------------------------------------- + +**Thank you for reading. I will conclude this with saying that if you need a prescription for memes, please follow the link below:** + +[MEME Compilation - 22/04/21 - Nurse Mimi's Prescriptive Memes (Daily Dose). : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw5j43/meme_compilation_220421_nurse_mimis_prescriptive/gvg5ghd/?context=3) + +**If you want to read yesterdays news, please follow the link below:** + + [(2) MORNING NEWS (And obligatory memes) from Medi-ape Mimi. 👨‍🚀 22/04/21 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw1ap0/morning_news_and_obligatory_memes_from_mediape/) + +**If you want to read tomorrows news, please follow the link below:** + +[ MORNING NEWS (And obligatory memes) from Medi-ape Mimi. 👨‍🚀 24/04/21 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxidiw/morning_news_and_obligatory_memes_from_mediape/) + +**Lots of love,** + +**Nurse Mimi** + +(Edit 11:49 GMT: Forgot to add obligatory rockets!) + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 +Does anyone know what happened, or is happening, with Tom Butterfield? (He's the blogger who conducted the "sting" a few weeks ago on Bitcoin news websites to expose those that accept paid-for articles on bitcoin products and services) + +Just a few days ago, he posted a link here to a new blog entry on medium.com wherein he claimed to have definitive proof that Jon Matonis and others in the Bitcoin Foundation are corrupt, involved with the Willy Bot on MtGox, and that they were even able to withdraw millions of dollars from MtGox after it was shut down in February for everyone else. He claimed to have all their financial transaction data, shell company information, and even emails proving all of the above. + +However, just two days ago, he started posting some of the financial data here on reddit and stated that he was in the middle of uploading the rest of the evidence to his blog. + +That's when things got really strange. + +First, his Twitter account was deleted or blocked, and then his reddit account here (with gold), was also deleted completely. (Note: the original financial data he posted is still here, so I doubt the mods took action against his account for posting it). + +His blog at medium.com has sat untouched since (likely because it's tied to his deleted Twitter account), and I haven't seen him post anywhere else either. + +Anyone know what happened or where this guy went? Did anyone see the rest of his evidence before he disappeared? + +Inquiring minds want to know... + +His blog: +https://medium.com/@TomOnBTC + +Article on the alleged corruption: +https://medium.com/@TomOnBTC/pissed-about-bitcoin-prices-some-of-the-blame-falls-on-the-bitcoin-foundation-bae91f981d1 + +Original reddit thread from a few days ago: +http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2c6tps/pissed_about_bitcoin_prices_some_of_the_blame/ + +**Edit:** +Ok, immediately after writing this post, I started getting fucked up messages on Twitter from @gordonflarp (name listed as "Jennifer Baumgartner"), and they're referencing this post in the tweet. Anyone with tor running and the right skills feel like digging into that ID for me? + +With the number of followers he/she/it has, it looks like it might be a compromised Twitter account trying to run some bots against people who tweet back.... maybe? I don't know. + +wtf? +I’m a guy from a third world country just looking to invest my savings. I tried looking in traditional investment options but sadly got priced out. + +I believe Cryptocurrency with their infinitely divisible nature is transforming the world. you could put $1 and already see it appreciate decently ,and that’s what made me in love with it. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +It's shocking to know a good many quality projects in crypto slip by unnoticed. A good reason is because most people involved in crypto nowadays seldom understand blockchain, the tech itself outside the financial commune we have cultured around, hence underscore the technology and ultimately fail to appreciate the value right before their noses. + +One of such tokens is RENDER token. Render token is the primary token used to distribute value between GPU rendering nodes built on a longstanding patented product, the OCTANE RENDER from whence comes its name. + +The vision to establish the network where GPU rendering for movies, VR, holograms and a dozen other applications can do so without the associated cost of owning high tech gear belonging to the Hollywood elite, by capitalizing on the GPUs of millions of computers around the world. the exact problem Blockchain easily solves. + +The marketshare for GPU Rendering is huge as the demand for it is equally huge and rising exponentially! + +Now wait for it... + +&#x200B; + +1. Render token was recently tapped by Coinbase in its search of quality stuff, and the coinbase team could cut through all the noise, garbage and horseshit out in this space to find this obscure token. Yes, that's what coinbase does. Now you know why they haven't listed your shitcoin. + +2. Render token has an experienced world class team behind it: OTOY. It's not just your average crypto startup with shitty funding, lies and promises for a start. lmao. These are old players with all the right capital, connections and live products! Are you listening? + +3. Render Network is live and surpassing expectations. Render recently released its ultimate product OctaneX in its lines of products for GPU Rendering, co-developed & coded by...wait for it... Apple. Yes, Apple. + +4. And yes! Render has a REAL partnership with APPLE computers! BOOM!!! It was re-announced by Apple 2 days ago [https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/20/public-preview-of-octane-x-graphics-renderer-now-available-on-macos-catalina](https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/20/public-preview-of-octane-x-graphics-renderer-now-available-on-macos-catalina) Still with me? + + +So why is render token still sitting at 6 mil marketcap instead of 600 mil? [https://etherscan.io/token/0x6de037ef9ad2725eb40118bb1702ebb27e4aeb24](https://etherscan.io/token/0x6de037ef9ad2725eb40118bb1702ebb27e4aeb24) + +&#x200B; + +Your answer is a good as mine. A lot of the new bloods coming in are a distraction to this space. We don't even know how to follow proper news & channels anymore. Just recently some dirtbag posted false information about DACC on twitter and a lot of people lost their money over fake information on a fake twitter account. How did we get here from 2012? Weren't we smarter than this? + +Anyways, You think chainlink is big? Render is going to be bigger since it already has a market audience (link is still building an audience), a patented technology (link is having competitors already), the only platform that can deliver that tech, and all the right foots in all the right doors (proper partnerships) to make sure this gets done. So what's to stop it from taking link's place once it puts foot to gas? + +My advise for you guys: bag a suicide stack and store in your portfolio for the future. RENDER is available on Uniswap, Probit, Hoo, and Bilaxy. + +&#x200B; + +Suicide stack: 1,000 rndr in the least. +Background: I'm 22, a full time student, and a full time legal assistant in a law firm. I started the job almost five months ago but I've already been promoted once and am a really valued member of the team. The firm is less than a year old, so their budget is a little restricted, but it's growing very quickly. + +I work full time and make $12 an hour. I usually work a straight 40 hours a week, but every three weeks or so I'll pull 45-55 hours. I've maybe worked 50 hours of overtime in the nearly five months I've been there. + +My boss yesterday told me they are giving me a modest raise, $.50 an hour, but they want me to be salaried at $26k per year. I understand that moving an employee who occasionally works over time from hourly to salaried is generally a business decision. + +I'm never asked to work overtime, but working in a law firm isn't always a 9-5 job. Sometimes you have to stay to get your work done because of deadlines, and I'm fine with that. I love what I do. And I didn't ever work a ton of overtime anyway. + +I guess I'm just wondering if this shoots me in the foot in some way that I'm unaware of, or if it sounds like I'm getting the short end of the stick. +I’ve recently lost both of my parents and I am moving into my cousins house. I just enrolled into my new school and need to think of a financial plan. I am very responsible with my money but need advice from more experienced people. I don’t want my aunt to really have to adopt me and pay for all my stuff. I need to be financially independent. All I have is a around $400. + +I’m thinking of working at a place my friends recommended me that pays 11 an hour. I have no car so I need to be able to afford a motorcycle or something cheap to get around in. I was thinking to invest my money in repairing salvage cars and sell them for more money that way i’ll be able to own a nicer looking car. I’m trying to start learning how to invest stocks and forex. I have been repairing apple products and selling them for a lot of profit. I think this will get me started but I don’t know about the long run. Will I be able to go to college? + +I also have to learn taxes, insurance and bills. + +I need to turn $400 into $1000 and the into $10000 effectively and quickly. ANY advice and tips are greatly appreciated. +What is a REASONABLE amount to spend on engagement ring given a certain salary? + +If any of you don’t mind sharing what your salary was when you bought the ring and how much the ring cost. I just want to get a good, non-DeBeers marketing influenced amount. + +Thanks in advance. +Why do some people go somewhere and pay for them to do their taxes when there are places/websites that will do it for free? Is there a benefit for one over the other? +Was looking for advice from and full time traders. Was wondering how banks view day trading as a job when applying for a mortgage loan? If you get a higher rate because you are not technically employed. Just wondering if anyone has experience with this and can shed some light on the situation. +And is this one: + +It LEGITIMIZES Bitcoin on the eyes of hundreds of millions of people (worldwide) who otherwise would not pay attention to it and would keep dismissing it. + +This subreddit is NOT representative of the regular folk who seek approval from the ‘authorities’, who can give them ‘permission’ to do something. +I never thought it would happen, seriously. I'm in my mid-late 40's, and am at $3.85MM (down slightly the past 2 months). That's including personal accounts, retirement accounts, and equity in home. + +As someone who grew up poor, I never thought I would be in this position. Its a combination of me making really good money the past 5-7 years ($250K + bonus + stock), being in stocks at the right time (didn't sell in the downturn), and my wife's influence in being great at money discipline and encouraging us to live below our means. Like buying $40,000 cars with cash but driving them for 8-9 years. + +Most people on this site would have retired before this point, but we like being able to go to nice restaurants and travel in style, and also expect we will have to help out parents on both sides of family. So if luck (my job and the markets) are on my side, maybe retire at 55 with $5MM, live on $150K per year. My wife thinks 58 is more realistic. + +That's all. Its just weird, my wife and I look at each other and say there's no one we can talk to about this. No way we'd ever talk money to family (though we have helped out both parents). + + +Bitcoin trading volumes against the British pound surged to a new high after the Sterling wobbled on Tuesday, prompting market experts to speculate that investors scrambled to dispose of the Pound in exchange for Bitcoin or to profit from arbitrage. The British pound reached a record low against the U.S. dollar, according to data compiled by the Kaiko Research team, after the United Kingdom government announced unfunded tax cuts the previous week. + +The UK’s interest in Bitcoin will expand “quite quickly” as fiat currency instability makes the flagship digital currency asset resemble a stablecoin, analysts said. + +Similarly, the volume against the Euro has increased by 85 percent during the past month. During the same period, volume for the USD/BTC pair skyrocketed by 67%. At one time, the British pound plummeted nearly a quarter against the US dollar. While data from TradingView and Cointelegraph Markets Pro indicate that Bitcoin outperforms fiat currencies by 55%, the longer the term, the more attractive a Bitcoin hedge becomes. + +Meanwhile, Bitfinex reported a substantial surge in volume and trading activity for the BTC/GBP pair, which market monitors say highlighted the potential for the leading cryptocurrency to profit from “apparent fiat currency weakness.” +A trader eventually comes across the statistic that 90% of traders fail to make money when trading the stock market. This statistic deems that over time 80% lose, 10% break even and 10% make money consistently. Still trading attracts millions of people in the attempt to beat the market and make money. + +To quantify how bad the fact of 90% losing money is I compared it to a coin flip trading bot which makes a trading decision based on a virtual coin flip *random(0,1)* 🤖 + +Below are the results for + +* Trading $QQQ +* Random enter and exit on 30min intervals +* No stop loss +* Always exit EOD (no hold over night) +* 100 simulations per year to smooth it out + +[Coin Flip Bot Setup](https://preview.redd.it/5qofnedwzyi81.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdb20bcb1779578f1830e3996341f8e9e27a5139) + +Year over year performance: + +|Year|Average Annual Performance|Best Annual Performance|Worst Annual Performance|Average Annual MDD| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|2016|1.92%|20.38%|\-10.21%|\-6.65%| +|2017|3.08%|10.92%|\-4.10%|\-3.99%| +|2018|\-3.56%|21.65%|\-21.08%|\-12.05%| +|2019|4.80%|15.61%|\-6.75%|\-6.03%| +|2020|6.66%|33.63%|\-17.12%|\-10.69%| +|2021|2.41%|26.31%|\-17.97%|\-7.25%| +|2022|\-4.21%|3.91%|\-10.00%|\-5.40%| + +I expected it to perform worse than that ;) + + +You guys are really out of your fucking mind. Around 2 years ago in march 2020, Bitcoin's price was around 5000$ and now its around 29000-30,000$ + +Thats literally x6 in two fucking years. The people who were against bitcoin back then should be underneath our fucking feet begging for their regret. They should be wishing every single day of their night for not getting into crypto in 2020. + +So how did this subreddit turn this into favoring bears when clearly bitcoin dominated throughout these two years? + +This is literally insanity, its blowing my mind how people have forgotten that bitcoin was priced at 5000$ and have JUMPED ALL THE WAY TO 69,000$ throughout both 2020-2021, and are fucking COMPLAINING WHEN IT DROPS TO MATCH NOT X14 INCREASE FROM 2020 BUT X6. + +HOW MUCH INTEREST RATES HAVE YOU GOTTEN FROM YOUR BANKS? 0.1%? + +If bitcoin goes 20,000$, it would still be pretty mind blowing with respect to 2020 being 5000$, 400% INCREASE is still what the fuck +The fact that "Roll 212" has entered the lexicon is all that really needs to be said. Sadly, most of the video has been scrubbed from the web. (tinfoil hat time) + +https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=101888064 + +Edit: Really investor dudes/dudettes? Can't remember what happened? Think that Cramer didn't recommend Bear Stearns? + +To be fair, a lot of the Jon Stewart video was removed. I assume that's because CNBC has pull with the rest of Viacom. But some of us remember Cramer and the Bear Stearns recommendation just a couple of weeks before BS melted down completely: + +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa50zFAdpto&t=0m46s + +Does anyone else remember the picture of the $2 bill on the revolving door on the day when BS was purchased? +Been having trouble releasing equity in my main residence. I have owned it for approx 6 years and switched lender recently. + +I have over 300k in equity on it and I have a holiday home worth roughly £250k that I own outright. + +I tried with the bank I recently switched over to, to see if I could remortgage and release equity so I could do some home repairs and pay off higher interest debts. The bank refused to take any of that into account and refused the application. The additional payments on the mortgage would have been around £300 less than what I am paying in total for my car and PL. + +I have also tried a second mortgage with my partner who is semi retired and this has been declined also. + +Any other suggestions? I never imagined it being this hard with the equity we have in both properties. + +My credit score is 550 on Equifax and 980s on Experian- squeaky clean. + +The reason that they both have come back with is affordability, as they are working on the basis I am taking it on along side my other debts, why can non of them take settlement into account? +Hi everyone, + +So the past 9 months I have been selling my possessions to get a headstart on a deposit for a property. I thought I best try and get on the ladder given I'm in my 30s. Turns out collecting action figures was not too bad an investment. + +I've got a little over 20k saved and currently it's just sat in an everyday saver with a measly 0.01% interest. I think my last interest payment was 16p.... + +I have absolutely no idea the best place to put this. I've been reluctant to put it somewhere I can't easily access just in case of emergencies (I'm on a FTC due to end in 4 weeks and no role lined up yet). + +Any advice for an absolute beginner would be appreciated +# For the Very Same Reasons They Missed the Exits During this Bear Market + +**TLDR:** Nobody knows where crypto will be in a week, a month, or a year from now. Timing tops and bottoms is how novices approach the market. **Rule of thumb:** buy things going up in price. Sell things going down. Change course when the trend has reversed. This simple approach got me out of crypto late last year and has me back in since last week. I listen to charts, not headlines. Cause bad news is good, unless good news is good, then bad news is bad (except when good news is bad). + +Let's travel back in time so we can get a glimpse into the future: + +Very few retail investors got out when the signals were flashing at $60k. How could anyone sell when we're headed to $100k by end of 2021, right? + +* **\[1\] @$69k** \- *$100k here we come!!!* +* **\[2\] @$60k** \- *I'll take some profit when we pump back to $69k* +* **\[3\] @$50k** \- *Should've sold at $60k, too late to sell now* +* **\[4\] @$40k** \- *Since I'm still in, might as well buy some here at 40% off! We're headed back to ATH anyways!* +* **\[5\] @$30k** \- *Bitcoin is down more than half since the highs. Can't exit now when I just added at $40k* +* **\[6\] @$20k** \- *$15k is gonna be the bottom. I'll sell a little bit now and get back in later* +* **\[7\] @$25k** \- *Whale manipulation. I don't trust this rally: it's a trap!* + +[Current Bitcoin Bear Market - Nov 2021 to Present](https://preview.redd.it/g8cofjq0eqe91.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fc130619db6cfc322a5945640db5b2a35ee3e0b) + +You see what happened there? **Sunk cost fallacy combined with making predictions about the future**. It's difficult to think rationally when you're drunk off the euphoria of a parabolic run-up. And even harder when you're underwater and sitting on heavy losses. The market can leave you in denial. Or worst, lamenting that something different could've been done to change your current situation. + +*The market is never obvious. It is designed to fool most of the people, most of the time.* +\-Jesse Livermore, **GOAT trader** + +# Nobody Knows S*** About F*** + +Some guesses are more educated than others. As I alluded to in previous posts, it is beneficial to know how institutional speculators approach the market. Their #1 job is to manage risk. **Preservation of capital** is paramount: it supersedes **return on capital**. + +These professionals take calculated bets and cut losses when they are wrong. When they are right, they let their winners run or add to the position. This requires a plan; it involves setting profit targets and exit prices. **It means changing your opinion when the market presents you with new information.** Professionals don't dig-in when a theory is invalidated; they pivot and look for the next opportunity. + +Compare that to novices who aren't formally trained in navigating the markets. **The desire for profit blinds them from protecting against losses**. To the moon or bust! Cutting their winners short and letting their losers run. Not using stops or not taking profits. Adding to losing positions. Being stubborn, FOMO, fear, greed, and emotions are what drives their decision making. **It is the polar opposite of how smart money thinks and acts.** + +# The Power of Inversion + +Let's flip the story from above as a thought experiment: + +Very few retail investors got in when the signals were flashing at $20k. How could anyone buy when we're headed to $10k by end of 2022, right? + +* **\[7\] @$17k** \- *$10k Here we come!!!* +* **\[6\] @$25k** \- *I'll buy the dip when we dump back to $20k* +* **\[5\] @$30k** \- *Should've bought at $25k, too late to buy now* +* **\[4\] @$35k** \- *Since I'm still in, might as well sell some here at +100% run-up! We're headed back to the bottom anyways!* +* **\[3\] @$40k** \- *Bitcoin is up more than double since the lows. Can't buy now when I just sold some back at $35k* +* **\[2\] @$45k** \- *$50k is gonna be the top. I'll buy a little bit now and take profit later* +* **\[1\] @$40k** \- *Whale manipulation. I won't be shaken out: diamond hands!* + +[Prior Bitcoin Bull Run - Jan 2020 to Dec 2021](https://preview.redd.it/zvw7nlr1eqe91.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b368671d8c5d1dd4f681d681ff54ab7b1c1764e) + +An uptrend is simply the opposite of a downtrend. Recall: *The market is never obvious. It is designed to fool most of the people, most of the time.* + +# Rinse and Repeat + +**I own long-term investments older than members of this sub**. I've been in this game long enough to witness more market cycles than I can remember. Dot Com Bubble, housing, banks, gold, oil, cannabis stocks, shipping, pandemic stocks, etc. They all came and went. Crypto is no different; it is not special. It's just more volatile and trades 24/7: that's why Wall Street loves it. + +The price of an asset goes up and down because humans behave in the manner demonstrated above (anecdotally). This phenomenon--called the **Market Cycle**, is a story as old as the [Dutch Tulip Bubble of the 1600s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania). Professionals (i.e., institutions and whales) prey on this fact. That's why they do the exact opposite of retail. Diagrams below were done in MS Paint since I wasted all my crayons doing TA (and snacking on). + +[Price is trending higher and higher. Institutions are buying. Professionals buy the dip; Novices short the uptrend or buy too late.](https://preview.redd.it/y6gm2jx5eqe91.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=954af3398057c9fb8cf2b65e3d0b998be9e605b1) + +**Note:** I am aware that most retail investors can't or don't short. The above depiction applies more to trading than investing--but you get the idea. Main Street is late to the party and/or going against the trend. + +[Price is going lower and lower. Institutions are selling. Professionals short the rallies; Novices buy the downtrend or sell too late.](https://preview.redd.it/pe5vi2w6eqe91.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=256151862c832dfab08326c5c110428323091698) + +# A Timeless Approach for Viewing Markets + +Institutions have the ability to profit when price is moving in either direction. **More importantly, they have the capital required to create and sustain a trending market**. Whales swim with the current and so should you. This is why it pays to identify which market phase/stage we're in. That would require a bit of analysis... of the technical variety... **Technical Analysis**, you could say. I don't mean studying astrology or watching squiggly lines intersect. I mean the **Classic Market Cycle**: it is an objective framework for analyzing asset prices. + +[Four Stages of the Market Cycle. Exists on all timeframes and represents human emotion](https://preview.redd.it/cl42x8y9eqe91.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=9544e98adf8f2375ac96ea46f998450ff734153b) + +In the same way that you respect the downtrend when it is active, you should respect the uptrend once it confirms itself. **The market pays you to react, not to predict**. Quit wanting to be right. Stop trying to impress others with your forecasts. Why do you think YouTubers and Influencers get so much attention? Nobody is clairvoyant--unfollow the Furu's. Everything you need to know about the crypto market is right in front of your face. **Crypto investors stare at charts all day anyways; that time would be better spent learning how to read them objectively.** + +# For Anyone Who Scrolled This Far + +You're probably asking what's the point of all my lengthy posts recently? **I'm not on Reddit for karma**. My goal is to spark some minds into taking control of their financial future. There are benefits in studying how markets behave. Learning to read charts can be a valuable tool for your investment strategy. It can help guide your decisions on **when to enter, add, take profits, and exit** on whichever timeframe matters to you. + +If you don't have the desire or time for that, then continue on with DCA. There's a good reason why it is the recommended approach for passive investment. Just know that **investors who don't manage risk end up losing more than traders. Traders who don't manage risk end up becoming long-term investors (bagholders).** + +&#x200B; + +**Disclaimer:** Not financial advice. For educational purposes only. Do your own due diligence. Only invest with money you can afford to lose. [Sold majority of crypto](https://preview.redd.it/jwino2fm1yi81.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3a1101f7d8ea83f4ee44665b6c7798ac8403174) end of 2021. 100% cash [since May](https://i.imgur.com/iOnuAor.png). [Bought Bitcoin back at $21k](https://np.reddit.com/user/Cranky_Crypto/comments/w3dt51/july_19_2022_bitcoin_update/) and have since added Ethereum. Actively managing positions based on the charts. Never get married to your portfolio. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I listen/watch a lot of news in the background and in the past few months there have been a lot more warnings about the United States’ vulnerability to cyber/ransomware attacks, and how we’ve been seeing the largest uptick since right before 9/11, as the title says. Here’s a source: [FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11](https://www.wsj.com/articles/fbi-director-compares-ransomware-challenge-to-9-11-11622799003) + +Jerome Powell has also been saying that cyber attacks are [our number-one threat to the global financial system](https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/12/business/jerome-powell-cyberattacks-global-threat/index.html) and could take down financial institutions. + +On Friday there was a report that [Log4j, which is a “critical flaw” in a widely used software](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/15/tech/log4j-vulnerability/index.html), and could impact the entire internet. + +Apple's cloud computing service, security firm Cloudflare, and one of the world's most popular video games, Minecraft, are among the many services that run Log4j, according to security researchers. + +**DO NOT SAVE YOUR PASSWORDS IN A CLOUD. YOUR ACCOUNT WILL GET HACKED.** + +This part is purely speculation, but I think this may be one of the reasons we were corralled into Fidelity. My Fidelity account has had the same shitty, no character or number password for about 10 years and they’ve never prompted me to change it. + +Meanwhile, I’ve noticed it’s been a pain in the ass to sign in to a lot of other financial accounts. I have an Ally checking account, and recently transferred my shares to the to DRS, so I was logging in more than normal. Every single time I tried to login I needed a verification code in my email. The same thing with my mortgage company. + +My guess is that there’s going to be a big cyber attack on institutions like Fidelity, and probably all the institutions who have failed-to-deliver shares for over a decade. + +Countries have already be preparing for an attack. Israel on Thursday led a 10-country simulation of a major cyber attack on the global financial system. The simulated cyber attack evolved over 10 days, with sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web along with fake news reports that ultimately caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks. Source for this: [10 countries simulate cyber attack on global financial system](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/exclusive-imf-10-countries-simulate-cyber-attack-on-global-financial-system). + +Could it be a coincidence? Sure. But I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. MOASS will cause a multi-day internet outage and accounts will get hacked. I’ve never been a doomsday prepper, but I don’t think it would such a bad idea to stock up on supplies, since it looks like it’s very possible banks could experience multi-day blackouts. + +TL;DR: Cyber security attacks are the biggest threat to the global economy and Jpow said they could bring down financial institutions. A widely used software flaw has recently been reported and this flaw could allow hackers to steal information you save in the cloud. + +Edit: If you didn’t already know, hackers are already trying to steal your information from this sub. Try not to click on links and DO NOT click links in texts from numbers you don’t recognize, even if they say the text is from a company you have an account with. A lot of users here have been getting random texts claiming to be from ATT and I’ve been getting a lot from Parler, even though I lean left. + +Of course, everyone should have an emergency fund. + +But apart from that letting your money sit in a bank is absolutely illogical. + +Most banks give less than 1% interest, on average inflation has been increasing by 5% percent each year. This means that every year, the money in your bank loses value. + +Instead if you invest, you will be making money from your money, which is how you get rich. + +If you invested $100 in ETH a year ago, you’ll have $1000 now, if you kept that money in your bank your $100 will become $101 (being generous) and you’ll have less buying power than the year before. +Remember, behind most of these currencies there is real projects and real work. If you have done your research and put your cash in those currencies you believe in you will profit. Blockchain and crypto is still in its early phases. +Young and new retarded apes, if you are reading this don't lose heart and be a paper handed bitch. This is the same tribulation that happened last february where shills and bots swarmed WSB that also weeded out the paper hands and only the true diamond hands held and stayed. +Not a financial advise... + Buy the fucking dip and dont make the same mistake that i did when i didnt buy the $48 per share GME cuz i got afraid that i would lose more. WSB is not a place for people who gets scared when the board turns RED. +All of us who stayed here and Hodl for the last 3 months can say that this kind of scare tactic doesn't faze us anymore cuz we don't give a flying fuck we simply thank for the sale and buy more. + + To the hedgies and their cronies reading this...SUCK MY DIAMOND GOLD GILDED DICK!! im not fucking selling. Do your worst and i wont care for i would be just busy watching Gordon Ramsey in Hell's Kitchen. + +To the Apes.. + THIS IS WAR you fucking sons of bitches casualties are fucking expected and loses will be everywhere because this is a life and death situation the hedgies wont simply just roll over and give up. This aint disneyland where is all sunshine and rainbows, people enjoying and laughter in the background. Welcome to fucking hell where reds are green, green are green, and Mondays are the new Fridays. If you fucking cunts cant handle pressure you dont deserve to be here in WSB. + +To the True Diamond Hand Comrades... +Its just simply a typical day in a typical week here in WSB lets grab a drink and food and play games on our consoles and let the paper hands panic and shills demoralize the paper hands. We know that they know that we know that they are really fucked and desperate for the MOASS is about to come. Lets just chill, sit back, and relax. We thank the hedgies for giving us a big sale on GME cant wiat for the next paycheck. + +Edit: Thank you retards for the upvotes and awards i simply wanted to reignite that flame of passion in your hearts and to remind you fucking retards that the fight is not over. We marked our names in history and made a change i hope it becomes better. +No I did not. I sold my 2015 Honda Civic EX today for $12,300 (which is $200 more than I paid for it in 2018, over 60k miles ago!) + +Picked up a 2005 Toyota Camry with only 94k miles on the replacement engine and transmission in it (180k overall), with NEW: CV axles on both sides, radiator, thermostat, exhaust seals, intake seals, spark plugs, ignition coils, motor mounts, coolant, rotors and pads, front bearings, fresh oil change, transmission service, and AC service. 31-36 MPG..... + +For $4k + +Saved my finances..... DIDN'T TOUCH MY GME! 💪 +Edit: stock price movements\*\* to be more specific in the post title + +I’d like to start off by saying I’m invested in some fairly safe picks (ETFs, AAPL, MSFT, etc) so I’m not worried when I see that the market is red or that my portfolio is down. That being said, on weekends when there is no market movement, I feel like I’m missing a whole part of my life. I really enjoy checking my portfolio and watching the movement throughout my day, whether it be up, down, or sideways. I’ve even started to dread the weekends because it’s less fun looking through tickers and seeing what stocks are mooning/plummeting. Anyone else feel the same way? How do you cope? + +Edit 2: To address a common comment: yes, I do other things outside of sitting at my computer looking at tickers. I have other hobbies and people to talk to. That being said, investing is fun (which it should be!) and I miss it during the weekends. I'm lacking someone that brings me enjoyment when the market is closed. + +Edit 2.1: “lacking someone” should be “lacking something”. +TLDR: Wife will inherit $2 Million apartment eventually, still important to save for retirement? + +My wife is an only child and her mother outright owns a 2 BR apartment in Manhattan, NY worth roughly $1.5-2M. It’s already in her mothers will that the apartment will go to her after she passes (very morbid I know). There is no chance that this apt will be sold or go to anyone else as her mother will eventually move in with us. + +My wife and I have spoken about this before that we’ll eventually use this apartment to finance our retirement. With that being said, how important is it to still save for retirement? I regularly contribute to our 401k, our daughter’s 529 and strictly adhere to our monthly budget. But, with housing prices going through the roof, we may need some more cash and cutting down on retirement savings would help a ton. + +Thanks all advance. +Last year in November my girlfriend got a 2018 Honda Accord sport 2.0 for 29k. I told her the car wasn’t worth it and she should just look for something else that was still nice and 10k cheaper. She refused and got it anyways. Now she pays $770 monthly and today she finally showed me her loan info. It’s fucking ridiculous! Can anyone help me figure out how to help her? She Claims she can refinance. I don’t know how they got her this bad. She’s been making her payments on time and all but 24% is insane.. right?! any advice is greatly appreciated. + +edit: thanks everyone who shared advice. +Greatly appreciated. 💯 +Trading for me is very exciting activity and when I started to use leverage in my trading sessions it boosted my profits by a big margin. Now instead of opening positions with a capital of 100$, my open positions now is multiplied by 3x making it a 300$ position with the same amount of capital. I used to trade forex but since I got interested in the crypto market few months ago I transferred to a leverage trading platforms. I used BitMex, BitFinex, PrimeXBT. Now my profits are much higher because instead of trading with 100$ now I have the power to trade with 300$ because of 3x leverage. Of course, I always keep a tight stop loss as liquidation can happen easily due to the volatile nature of the crypto industry. But what think you about this issue? Margin trading encrease your profits? +Ember Agency was founded to usher change in the crypto space. Their unique skillset makes them the ideal team to provide leadership and direction to other projects in need. Whether it’s advisory, or supporting another projects rebuild, or handling a complete overhaul, Ember Agency is the striving to change the landscape. They are dedicated to setting the new standard for project structure and quality with a focus on investor safety. +Hello I brought these options last September for about 1.50 each. I brought 50 contracts at that price. I am up over 500% is it worth for me to exercise some of my options because I really like ford. Is it better just to sell the contract which expire in January and buy ford with my profit? + +Update: thank you everyone for your help, I think I’m going sell half now and hold because I believes ford will hit 25 before the end of year . Thank you for all your advice. +Just asking for my mum. It's more of a hypothetical, but if you got handed 45k for a year, and had turn this into more money, and hand the 45k back a year later, what would you do to make the maximum return? Creative ideas welcome! + +**EDIT:** Thanks everyone for your replies. It's been incredibly helpful. Turns out it is a bounce back loan. I've talked to my mum and included lots of your good advice. If the loan is approved, she has now got a plan for investing in her business to expand and secure it (mainly marketing spend). If there is any money remaining she'll stick it in premium bonds until the repayments start and then make repayments out of that cash. +Am I making a bigger deal of it than it really is? After all, Moody’s did give CLP their first Baa2 credit rating. + + Here’s what they said about Ken being a risk. + +“Finally, there is meaningful key man risk with regard to Citadel's founder and CEO, Ken Griffin, although there are no contractual key man provisions with investors or counterparties. Moody's notes further that Citadel has taken steps to mitigate key man risk by building out a strong roster of senior investment and management executives.” + +A strong roster? What, a fukn softball team? There is no way that Ken will give up complete control. + +Here is one more negative that Moody’s mention. It seems to show the tight grip that Ken keeps on his companies. + + +“Moody's views the governance structure, which is comprised of a portfolio committee of senior executives instead of a board of directors with at least some independent members, as credit negative.” + +[https://www.moodys.com/research/Moodys-assigns-first-time-Baa2-rating-to-Citadel-Limited-Partnership--PR_470255](https://www.moodys.com/research/Moodys-assigns-first-time-Baa2-rating-to-Citadel-Limited-Partnership--PR_470255) +Its like $700 to incorporate plus some papers. Have some hype and you are set people will speculate on your success and you will hit 50 million market cap before anyone realizes your company has no product to offer and by then you could have turned that onto so much jnug +To keep things simple, I'm just going to present this information in list form. I invite objective criticism and open discussion. + +1. Institutional investors with +Ivy league degrees and decades of +experience handed over $40M to a XSPA +with an option to invest $40M more in 21 +months. Let that sink in. + +2. The airline industry is losing BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS right now. Signing a contract with a company that is showing the initiative to do things the right way by following state guidelines and hiring reputable medical professionals IS A NO-BRAINER. They will do anything to bring themselves closer to profits-normalcy. Anything they can do to strengthen their public image is good for them right now. They want to show that they are taking the initiative to test their employees. + +3. Due to so many people refusing to abide by the advice of the scientific and medical community, we may see another shutdown. Even if that happens, our country literally **HAS** to open back up sometime. It is inevitable. Until that fully happens, XpresCheck will continue working towards acquiring contracts, and they will use their shiny new $40 million to go toward setting up in new airports while things are slow. + +4. They already have airport real estate across the country and elsewhere in the world. I believe it is 46 airport locations (correct me if I'm wrong). That is a gigantic hurdle already gone by default. Think about the tremendous head start they have with that. + +5. Doug himself stated in a recent interview that New York has some of the strictest guidelines for doing this type of thing, and therefore, setting up in subsequent states will be similary difficult or even easier. Also, setting up and running the JFK pilot is an inherent learning experience which they will draw on to make subsequent XpresCheck locations even quicker and easier to set up. + +6. Rapid COVID-19 are not statistically accurate enough right now. But you know and I know that when they are, and when XpresCheck can acquire them, they will. Until then, [here's why I firmly believe that the 1-2 daytests which they are using are still a fantastic thing for this country.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/h96hqb/xspa_i_would_like_to_share_my_opinion_about_a) + +7. When they can viably test air travelers as well as airline employees, they will. Even without the rapid tests, this will be great for domestic and international arrivals who are not arriving at their destination with proof of recent testing. One or two days later you get your negative result versus either having no choice but to quarantine or feeling the moral need to quarantine out if principle for 14 days. Which would you choose? + +8. Doug Satzman, former senior vice president of Starbucks. Need I say more? (not even joking). + +9. Doug has already explicitly stated that they are looking at XpressCheck as a permanent business venture rather than a temporary COVID-19 play. Their trademark filing leaves them open to turn into something like a minute clinic. It also suggests future testing for other illnesses as well as pregnancy testing and diabetic testing. + +But I'm thinking even further down the road. I know a lot of this has been said already, but think about this. The United States completely changed air travel after 9/11. I fully expect that things will change permanently due to this global pandemic. XpressCheck already has a tremendous head start over everyone else right now. They have the airport real estate already. They're working on contracts right now. New York is out of the way, and let's be real, they already have New Jersey as well, and undoubtedly more to come. They will be there for the next pandemic (I hope I'm wrong in that there is no next pandemic). They are permanent, guys. + +I can't think of anything else to say. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +We're lucky enough to be past our target number for retirement. ~9M invested at age ~40. We plan to retire soon, but we also want to buy a home. We're currently renting in VHCOL and could easily spend over $4m to get into a desirable location with a nice but not ridiculous house. + +I don't really know how to decide what our house budget should be in retirement. On one hand even if we paid $4m cash we'd still have $5m left over. Plenty of people feel comfortable retiring on $5m, so it seems silly to skimp on the most important purchase of the rest of our lives, which is going to influence who our friends are, what activities we do, how our kids grow up, etc. On the other hand, so much of our net worth in one non-diversified investment is obviously a poor financial decision, and insurance/tax/upkeep scale with house value. On a third hand, of course we're not going to actually pay cash, and with a 30 year mortgage our equity won't actually be that big of a chunk of our net worth until many years from how, during which time hopefully both the house and our investments will have appreciated a lot. + +So: What's a principled way to decide on a house budget during retirement? With $9M, what's the max house value you would consider going for, and why? +Curious on the school pathway most of you took to get to this level of success. + +1) Private or public high school + +2) College + +3) Graduate or Professional degrees? + +Edit: + +4) NW if you would like to share +But how many of you technology folks with the $300k incomes are filing state tax returns for days worked in other states as required by their laws? I mean the laws were originally targeted professional athletes, but they are going after high income earners now. Particularly thinking of the Austin or Seattle based folks who may spend a couple of weeks a year working in CA. Do you file, or do you just ignore the law and hope for the best? +Today I sat down to tally up how much I spent in 2020 to have a better understanding of my FIRE journey. After hours and hours on Personal Capital and Excel I simply gave up! It's way too convoluted and opaque to me. I have many credit cards and bank accounts. Multiple broker accounts and two properties. The number of transactions and money transfers between accounts are simply unacceptable. It was as if I'm a day trader! + +As a goal this year, I want to make my financial life simpler: + +* I'm going to [sell my other house](https://old.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/n5xfrh/fat_reverse_mortgage/) and convert it to REIT shares + +* Go [fully BogleHead](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bogleheads/comments/mnmzf5/my_portfolio_is_healing_transition_is_in_progress) on my investment side. +* Most of my money is in Fidelity anyways so I'm going to close my Robinhood account +* Use a single credit card for everything. I really don't have time for [Churning](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/) +* Use a single banking account: Schwab Investor Checking + + +What is your experience with financial simplicity? Do you have any tips to share? +TLDR: for those of you who fatfired, what did you decide what to do next? What process did you use to make that decision, if you had one? + +Stats: Mid-30's, NW $10-$20M, kids + +I built and sold a business resulting in this net worth. Since then I've mostly dicked around. I tend to have a lot of ideas, run them up a tree for a few days, then move on to something else. I'm driven to do "something else." I loved running a business and I love talking about ideas, doing customer interviews, etc. But there's definitely a sense that I'm just playing school -- doing the things that are fun in the startup stage, but not committing to doing the hard work. A big part of that, I know, is that there just isn't financial pressure. + +So I definitely don't want to "retire." I'm also not particularly interested in doing nonprofit work, becoming a teacher, etc. I'm super happy to be a major financial contributor, and I think I can give back way more and also be happier by earning to give. + +I've done a bunch of exercises on finding my passion etc and have a general plan, but it just hasn't translated to the fire in the belly. + +**I'd love to hear your experiences** of how you figured out "what to do next" after an exit. Not looking for "you should do xyz" -- looking for sharing from people who have been there. + +Thanks! +I used to live in a shelter in Toronto. Met a lot of people and we were all broke. Broke people can be friends.. but when I started getting my life together and saving money, I told only some of my friends how much I had. I don't know if they told other people out of jealousy or what but people I barely knew came out the woodwork asking to borrow money. They and even my friends gave me the cold shoulder when I refused. + +I guarantee you it will be the same if you have a substantial amount of money. People get jealous and start acting entitled to your money because they have less.. and that's not ok. Don't let ANYONE make you feel bad or guilty if you don't want to share.. truth is, they have the same opportunities as any of us here and they don't take them. + +You are the ones who wake up everyday, earn your money and learn how to invest it. You don't owe anyone! +Even your own family can turn on you.. matter of fact, I'm 35 and I have found family to be the least dependable and the ones who will stab you in the back the most (Not going to apply to everyone obviously) + +Stay safe and focused my people! +I am trying to design an intraday trading algorithm. + +I want to use a momentum strategy, and I would like to look at who is crossing the spread as an indicator. + +Let me explain : if price at t+1 is close to bid at t, it means that the seller had to pay the spread, indicating downward pressure, as the seller is willing to pay to sell. Conversely, if price at t+1 is close to ask at t, there is some upward pressure. + +I haven't backtested it yet, but I'd like some feedback nevertheless. Are you aware of classic algorithms using this idea ? Are there very simple reasons why this would not work ? Like, newbie mistakes ? + +Cheers to all ! +I am implementing Monte-Carlo for my backtesting engine. In doing so, I ran across some specific questions, and would like to gather some opinions: + +* Random draw from the distribution: should the analysis be limited to using every return value exactly once, or not? I feel that it shouldn't be limited as that forces all simulated paths to produce the same CAGR. Can you see any reason why imposing this limitation would be a good idea? +* Currently, I am extracting CAGR and MDD from the Monte-Carlo simulation. Anything else you would want to see? +* Duration of Monte-Carlo Simulation: It seems that typical Monte-Carlo simulators use the same period, as the underlying backtest. How much value do you see in also running simulations over shorter periods, e.g. 1-year Monte-Carlo on a 10-year backtest? + +Thanks a lot for your comments. Cheers! + +&#x200B; + +[Screenshot of current implementation](https://i.redd.it/m3vvxof1ivi31.jpg) +It makes me wonder if people voted right? Or will they ever vote right? + +The only thingS that the government promises is better infrastructure, better prices for goods and commodities and services(never happens). Sorry to say, but religion has always been a major factor of electing representatives. With the government focusing on such trivial matters, how do we even expect them to understand Cryptocurrency and make right decisions. + +It's funny, how for months they said they wouldn't ban Crypto, and all these Exchanges advertised Crypto like there's no tomorrow, how the government first gave us hope, and when millions of people dipped their toes into crypto, the Government does half a Rugpull and everything goes into chaos. + +I'll probably move out of the country if this shit goes on. Y'all can consider yourselves lucky if your leaders are even a little smarter and devoted to development compared to ours. + +Fuck. I never thought I'd get Rugpulled +**A HOUSE OF CARDS — BACK TO BASICS** + +🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍 + +Fellow Apes, + +Mulligan Brothers here (u/cyclopsQHM is my bro). If you don't know who we are, we're two Apes who've been in this since January and got fed up with the bullshit our main stream media has been feeding the masses — so we decided to make a film. Here's the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgoo4a/update_question_who_wants_a_real_documentary/) and check out our [website](https://apestogetherstrongdoc.com/) + +We thought it was time to get back to basics; so we called up our pal u/atobitt to make this promo for his "A House of Cards" DD as a way to help new apes and give back to the community. + +This isn't a part of the film, just us sketching out some ideas. WE'll be heading out to Tobitt in the near future for a proper sit down interview (stoked) + +**The DD inspired us, let's keep fighting.** + +As your man says: "DIAMOND FUCKING HANDS" + +&#x200B; + +[sorry about the typos in the CC... we can't read](https://reddit.com/link/p38x0j/video/10s2eob1szg71/player) + +[Here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nayvC97QINU) + +🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍 +AFR: "Landlords to leave Queensland ahead of new tax rule". + +According to the AFR, 1 in 5 landlords are going to sell at least one of their investment properties within the next year, with "many" doing so because of the changes to the land tax rules on Qld. HOWEVER, a few paragraphs into the article, it further explains that of those planning to sell, 1 in 3 are doing so as a direct response to the new Qld laws. So in fact, only SIX PERCENT of all landlords are selling in response to the new legislation. Talk about driving a bullshit narrative! +Looks like 1 in 5 loans are ignoring their bank's notices to arrange payment for their loan. + +Latest Article: [https://www.afr.com/companies/financial-services/one-in-five-borrowers-have-ghosted-their-bank-20200914-p55vil](https://www.afr.com/companies/financial-services/one-in-five-borrowers-have-ghosted-their-bank-20200914-p55vil) +You can all stop asking because… The [data for the 2021 survey](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KrqDJpMHBLP3ZT1hloldjfesJb6QpgpS/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112591517930876052627&rtpof=true&sd=true) is now available. Woot woot. + +There are multiple tabs on the sheet: + +· **Responses Cleaned:** The survey results after I removed incomplete responses and normalized currencies (edit: by normalized currencies, I mean I normalized the currency NAMES. The amounts are in their original currencies). Note that I only removed responses as incomplete when they were nearly all blank. + +· **Clean Up Log:** My notes on the clean-up work I did. + +· **Responses – All RAW:** The raw data as delivered by the survey software. Currencies are not normalized and includes incomplete responses. + +· **Summary Report – All:** Summary that the survey software automatically kicks out (this is what folks were seeing after taking the survey). + +· **Statistics – All:** Statistics that the survey software automatically kicks out (this is what folks were seeing after taking the survey). + +If you want some history, here are the prior results. I’m also linking the old Reddit posts when I released the data (at least the ones I can find – if anyone can find 2018 I’ll add it) , so you can see the old visualizations linked in those if you’re so inclined. + +[2020 Survey Results](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H4RMvxioEkhOhSpOsL5SeHFSrjkN68L4HxHQRv8V52M/edit?usp=sharing) / [2020 Response Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/m1q8ia/official_2020_fi_survey_results/) + +[2018 Survey Results](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n2IpbpA_vGKSflRNuiRo-slvJdpptLfM/view?usp=sharing) / + +[2017 Survey Results](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11rwMAOLCOH2kJMVKeywoBWFGRY5RzORNzKR_BhoXbiw/edit?usp=sharing) / [2017 Response Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/8ai335/initial_financial_independence_survey_results_are/) + +[2016 Survey Results](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z3eRFHv2qKD7i_V4e3jup5BQ8FNRt9Ki/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112591517930876052627&rtpof=true&sd=true) / [2016 Response Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/4tur6p/survey_results_here_you_go/) + +*Note: The 2016 - 2018 results are partial - all respondents were able to opt in or out of being in the spreadsheet, so only those who opted in are included. 2016 also suffered from lack of clarity in the time period responses should cover, which was corrected in later versions.* + +And if you really want to see a blast from the past… + +Here’s the [very first survey post](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/4ai59t/please_complete_our_periodic_sevenquestion_fi/). + +And [here’s how I wound up in charge](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/4ewajj/update_on_fi_survey_help_needed/). + +And here’s [what we originally all wanted to get out of this thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/4feuej/prefi_survey_discussion_to_be_closed_on_sunday_424/). + +Reporters/Writers: Email [redditfisurvey@gmail.com](mailto:redditfisurvey@gmail.com) or send this account a private message (not a chat) with any inquiries. +I kinda expected the price to drop sub 200 with all the panic amd fear. It held around 300 which is pretty damn resilient. + +I did not even think a backlog on the ether network was likely, bit it looks like ethereum needs an upgrade. +First off, a big thank you to the golem team ([https://blog.golemproject.net/how-to-find-10m-by-just-reading-blockchain-6ae9d39fcd95](https://blog.golemproject.net/how-to-find-10m-by-just-reading-blockchain-6ae9d39fcd95)). + +My question is, had polo been drained of their ERC20 tokens (let's say $100M), what do you think the price of ETH would've changed to? + +Does anyone else realize we dodged a bullet? Maybe even a second DAO? +When my siblings and I were kids, we would spend a lot of time at my grandparents and great grandmas, so childcare was free for my family. Today, I have a baby on the way, but both my parents and my wife's parents still work. So we are either going to have to find childcare, which will almost negate my wife's income, or my wife quits working. Now I'm not blaming my parents, but I think that its one more thing people don't think about when it comes to how millennial finances are different from boomers. + +A lot of boomers had their parents help with childcare, especially their mothers because so many households were single income households to start with. But now, boomers are working later and later, and aren't able to help out with things like childcare for their grandchildren. My parents had free childcare, received tens of thousands of dollars in inheritance from my grandparents when they passed away, still managed to always spend more than they made, and are now going to have to work into retirement because of debt, and if I'm lucky I won't get stuck with their funeral bills. + +Thankfully I make a decent income, and don't consider myself in poverty, but my sister has three kids, and is struggling. She just got a much better job than she's ever had before, but because of the increase in income, they got denied for childcare vouchers. They're not getting ahead now because childcare is so expensive, no matter how hard they try it just seems like they're stuck. If they didn't have to worry about childcare, they would be in a much more stable place. but both their parents work. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/31/elon-musk-spacex-is-now-worth-more-than-tesla.html + +Let that sink in, Tesla could go to zero and this dude would be worth over 15 Billion dollars. We love to give Elon shit around here but SpaceX isn't going anywhere and from what I've seen has a massive lead in the orbital launch business. Also there is tons of room for growth because if his 12,000 satellite starlink constellation goes up they could provide billions of people with affordable internet. Elon isn't going anywhere. + +Just a fact for the boring ass weekend. +https://youtu.be/ZdBFy4lX2Ic + +Not affiliated to the owner of the video. + +I'm sure most people know this and this may be old news, but this is a good warning to people that are looking to pay to "learn" how to day trade from these online gurus. Always do your own research. You can find literally all information you need for free and you can even practice for free using things like ToS paper trading. +My wife and I paid off any debt, other than our mortgage, several years ago. We're in our late 20s. We have $34k in a savings account that we periodically add to. I contribute 12% of each paycheck to a Roth 401(k). We owe about $165,000 on our home that we've been in about 4 years (of a 30-year mortgage). Should we just keep saving? Make a large payment towards the mortgage? Something else? +Stay calm and take advantage of opportunities. I wanted to come here and remind everyone before all the doom and gloom posts take over. The market pulling back is NORMAL, the recent news of a possible rate hike a couple quarters early is in my opinion an over reaction. Take the opportunity to buy shares of indexes or stocks you see getting oversold. The doom narrative may play out for another week or so but as always it will shift and the market will turn. +Edit: I want to thank everyone, but there's so many useful comments. I was having a little panic attack about houses and honestly your words really helped calm me down. I'm going to try and focus on my education, while enjoying what little money I have. If I'm still struggling to buy in the south, I'll look around the world for work. Its a big place, don't have to stay in London. Thank you so much for your kind words and tough love. + +I'm 21 working in London currently furloughed so moved back in with parents. I have perfect (999 on experian) credit score with credit cards and direct debits I pay off each month to a total of £300 a month on average (less since furlough). + +I am earning £20k a year which is going to grow to 30k over the next 10 years. + +Assuming house prices stop increasing (unlikely) and inflation is 0% (impossible). I will be unable to afford a mortgage for any property within a hours commute of London, even in 10 years time. + +Deposit is not a problem as I have around £20k saved from my last job, which is diversified between stocks and shares, premium bonds, LISA and savings accounts. Which is growing slowly from what little money I've managed to save elsewhere (about 1k per year). + +But the problem continues to be that property is just so dam expensive. Anything over £200k just is not affordable as total costs are over £1000 a month. Which would leave nothing to live on or commute or anything else. + +Thats assuming interest rates stay low and inflation doesn't decimate my savings. + +How does anyone afford to buy property in the south of England any more? +**Do you not see the repetition of history here?** + +2018: Ellen DeGeneres: If you want to know what bitcoin is, I learned about it. A bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS2BMxeHsv8 + +VS. + +1994: The Today Show: "What is the Internet, Anyway?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlJku_CSyNg +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Pick your risk tolerance/strike + +Meme juice will keep it going at least another day, imo. Big money will come in after hours at 4, just like it has the last few days. This is a whale war and I'm just gonna scalp some money while they battle it out. + +Already sold a 37 put earlier, closed it a few hours later for a few hundred profit. Just sold a 44 and the theta on it is 2.4+. Literally watching the price drop every minute. IV 560+ + +Edit I made this post 25 minutes ago, up 25%/$137 + +Edit 2. Some of you people need to learn how to read. I'm not saying that making daily plays is a good idea for everyone. Pick your risk tolerance. What I'm saying, is that when it's one day away from expiration, and theta is 50% of the premium value, and iv is over 500...you can probably short that thing, watch it drop in value, take some profits and get out. + +No one was trying to hold s*** long term. I expect better from you thetagang +I've been using almost exclusively PMCC (long call diagonal debit spreads for the uninitiated). I own leaps which I use as collateral to sell weekly covered calls against since I have to put up much less capital. The leaps are usually anywhere from .6-.95 delta (so pretty far ITM) and timeframes are anywhere from 6 months to 2.5 years out. I usually always roll the leaps out to farther in expiration once they are within 4 months of expiration (to avoid the worst of theta decay). I usually keep about 10% of my portfolio in cash for emergency. + +I've really liked the strategy thus far and it's been working excellent for me. My only question is, preparing for the worst, what are the risks in this strategy if the market absolutely implodes? I'm not talking a COVID crash (which went back up almost immediately). I'm talking a 2008 crash- a bear market that extends for possibly years. + +My worries are twofold in this case (both contingent on the fact that leaps expire whereas stocks do not): + +1. That some of the leaps could turn OTM in which case I can no longer sell covered calls against them without putting up massive collateral (in which case I would need probably more cash than I have). +2. Some of the leaps start to approach their date of expiration. Normally, I'd roll them forward once they hit 6 months. But I'm wondering if basically EVERYTHING in my portfolio starting going down, would I even have enough cash to roll them forward? (in other words, would rolling all of my leaps once they reach 4 months to expiration be an effective countermeasure? Or would this require too much capital?) + +If I held 30-40% of my portfolio in cash I'd be a lot less worried, but 10% cash seems to me to be too little to effectively roll my leaps. Nor do I want to keep 30-40% of my portfolio in cash at all times because of the concomitant opportunity cost inherent in that for waiting for a crash which comes maybe once every 2 decades. I don't use any margin either. + +Any comments or experiences from people who went through the 2000 or 2008 crash would be even better as I'm still a young investor. I made a lot from the COVID crash, but I also understand the COVID crash was perhaps somewhat atypical of most market crashes/recessions. This question doesn't have to pertain to just PMCC specifically, but also could apply to people who owned LEAPS through this period. +Two days after I mechanically close a 450 SPY short call that went >2x in the red, it's down below my break-even point. Every time a short poisition goes ITM, I say to myself: "just chill, it'll come down/up again"... But you can't just chill when you're naked - you have to stick to the mechanics, and that often leads to losses. A spread would have given me the luxury of chilling... + +"So what, just trade often! Win rate will even out the returns over time." This sounds good, provided you're able to trade... I've been selling SPY strangles for years, and they work fine, until they don't. + +I rolled down the calls, rolled out the puts, then went inverted, but SPY kept falling, and eventually my account was paralyzed. I had 40k in cash, but 60k in buying power usage, so I couldn't take advantage of the opportunities - insufficient margin. Yeah, it will work out eventually, but it's not been worth the hassle. + +From now on, I'm sticking to spreads and condors. If I want more premium, I'll widen them out to 10, 20, maybe even 30 points for something like AMZN. But no more naked shit, it's not worth it. +OK a diverse port doesn't suck, but I'm curious if anybody here who has a decent amount of capital chooses to work with 5 or less stocks. Reason I'm asking is because I do very well wheeling a couple stocks and everytime I think I should spread out my money for diversity's sake my returns diminish or even cost me. Yeah I get an individual stock can crash but I mitigate most of that by making sure fundamentals are stellar and not holding any contracts over an er. When I did buy and hold, I saw similar results. Let me hear your validation or curse of this (if u soared and plummeted wsb-style on some zero pe turd, I'm not looking for your insight). +We have been collecting and analyzing data from popular subreddits over the last few months. Last Monday 12/14 I made a post outlining the data we collected and our predictions. You can view the original Post here [Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditTickers/comments/kcn9iz/weekly_update_what_if_you_sold_the_most_popular/) + +Just to recap the data collected for the analysis was collected from 12/6 – 12/12. We scraped comments and posts on reddit that mentioned stock contracts that expired Friday 12/18. The goal of the project is to see how reddit preforms picking contracts… Is reddit right or wrong. + +My hypothesis is that for the most part reddit will be wrong. So, selling the most popular contracts will be a profitable investment. Just to be clear this is a hypothesis and not something I actually traded. The idea here is that if I start the week selling the most popular contracts, I will end the week profitable. + +In my previous post I said I would sell the 630 TSLA 12/18 Calls, 32 PLTR 12/18 Calls, LAZR 25 12/18 PUTS, LAZR 20 12/18 PUTS Monday morning. Below are the options and the Premium Gained as of Monday Morning: + +* TSLA 630 $3710 +* PLTR 32 $40 + +* LAZR 25 $130 +* LAZR 20 $ 20 + +TSLA was a big loser this week as the massive pump in the last few minutes of trading. I have been unable to identify the exact price that TSLA options executed on Friday, but according to Tradingview TSLA closed the week at $695 (if anyone knows what price TSLA options executed at on Friday's close, please let me know.). With a Closing price of $695 that would have netted a loss of $2,800. The PLTR and LAZR plays would have closed 100% worthless, bringing week two's total to -2,610$. + +Week 1: +$1710 +Week 2: -$2610 + +Additional Data: + + +Most Popular calls that were in the money as of last weekend + +* PLTR 20, 22, 26 Week closed at 25.97 +* TSLA 600, Week closed at 695 + +Most Popular Puts that were in the money as of last weekend + +* LAZR 30, Week closed at 27.62 +* CRSR 35, Week closed at 38.70 + +Most Popular calls that were out of the money as of last weekend + +* TSLA 630, Week closed at 695 +* PLTR 30, 32, 35, Week closed at 25.97 +* ARKG 100, Week closed at 94.71 + +The most popular puts that were out of the money as of last weekend + +* LAZR 20, 25, Week closed at 27.62 +* SPY 350, Week closed at 369.18 + + +Call Data + +* Out of the 448 contracts 356 are calls (80% Long) +* 63% of the calls ended OTM compared to 71% as of last weekend. Improvement of 8% over the week + +Put Data + +* Out of 448 Contracts 92 are puts +* 74% of the puts ended out of the money compared to 67% as of last weekend, decrease of 7%. + + +Overall the vast majority of contracts reddit mentioned ended the week out of the money. Out of the most popular call contracts mentioned, TSLA obviously did very well. . + +If you have any questions, comments or ideas, please share. We plan to keep posting weekly updates as we refine our strategy. Look out for next weeks predictions sometime Monday. +I've been using almost exclusively PMCC (long call diagonal debit spreads for the uninitiated). I own leaps which I use as collateral to sell weekly covered calls against since I have to put up much less capital. The leaps are usually anywhere from .6-.95 delta (so pretty far ITM) and timeframes are anywhere from 6 months to 2.5 years out. I usually always roll the leaps out to farther in expiration once they are within 4 months of expiration (to avoid the worst of theta decay). I usually keep about 10% of my portfolio in cash for emergency. + +I've really liked the strategy thus far and it's been working excellent for me. My only question is, preparing for the worst, what are the risks in this strategy if the market absolutely implodes? I'm not talking a COVID crash (which went back up almost immediately). I'm talking a 2008 crash- a bear market that extends for possibly years. + +My worries are twofold in this case (both contingent on the fact that leaps expire whereas stocks do not): + +1. That some of the leaps could turn OTM in which case I can no longer sell covered calls against them without putting up massive collateral (in which case I would need probably more cash than I have). +2. Some of the leaps start to approach their date of expiration. Normally, I'd roll them forward once they hit 6 months. But I'm wondering if basically EVERYTHING in my portfolio starting going down, would I even have enough cash to roll them forward? (in other words, would rolling all of my leaps once they reach 4 months to expiration be an effective countermeasure? Or would this require too much capital?) + +If I held 30-40% of my portfolio in cash I'd be a lot less worried, but 10% cash seems to me to be too little to effectively roll my leaps. Nor do I want to keep 30-40% of my portfolio in cash at all times because of the concomitant opportunity cost inherent in that for waiting for a crash which comes maybe once every 2 decades. I don't use any margin either. + +Any comments or experiences from people who went through the 2000 or 2008 crash would be even better as I'm still a young investor. I made a lot from the COVID crash, but I also understand the COVID crash was perhaps somewhat atypical of most market crashes/recessions. This question doesn't have to pertain to just PMCC specifically, but also could apply to people who owned LEAPS through this period. +For instance, I am bullish on EV/green energy stocks. I like selling options/wheeling on NIO and CHPT. I like selling calls and puts when stocks are at they are near their 3month high for calls and near their 3 month low for puts. + +However, I just sold calls for NIO and CHPT because they've been around their 3 month high. Now I have some capital to sell some puts. I'm wondering if I should just do it or should I wait for them to drop? I get that I can potentially get more premium if I wait, but there's no knowing how long that will be and time is money as well. I feel pretty good about selling a put on NIO at $35 for $.8+ exp 12/17. As well as a put on CHPT at $22.50 for $.8+. So I'm thinking I'll just do it even though they both aren't near their 3month lows. + +So I'm curious on your thoughts and how adamant you all are about sticking to strategies like this that you may have? + + +I recently started to dip my toes into whatever tasty trades video I find that discusses futures options after trading strangles on cheap ETFs for about 6 months now. Trading the tastytrade method (1 SD) making great profits meanwhile. + +They all discuss the differences between equity options and futures options in terms of capital efficiency. + +My question is what is the catch ? + +If futures options are more capital efficient when comparing say SPX options vs. /MES options ... What is the trade off ? +They discuss leverage being a trade off but what does that mean ? ... SPX and /MES options both provide leverage over the index itself. +Net* credit. + +Trying to wrap my brain around this. If I sell a CSP and the stock tanks, but I can still roll down and out for a small net credit, what is the drawback to this? Is assignment just worse in every possible way? +Hi guys, + + +I am 24 and looking into getting my first health insurance coverage. Wanted to get some opinions on whether or not it is worth it. Extras vs. hospital + extras vs none etc. + + +Thanks for your help! +Just read the thread about the Hargreaves Lansdown survey, indicating that millennials are overoptimistic about their retirement date. It would be interesting to know if you think you're on track for your retirement; how old are you, how much is in your pension pot, when do you plan to retire and do you think your pot will be enough to sustain you in retirement? +"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the ra*ing of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." + +Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket. + +Nothing changed. In fact, it just got worse +I got back from work today and decided to check my finances, only to see that my checkings was in the negative around $1300, as I usually keep the balance there pretty low . I figured it was a glitch but then clicked to see multiple pending withdrawals + + + + SQC*RICHARD HSU x51 CA 05/04/18 +-$109.75 + +-$394.97 + +-$49.00 + +-$297.00 + +-$80.00 + +-$341.33 + +This has never happened before. I scrambled for my wallet to see that my debit card was still in there as it always is. The last time I used it was inside a Kwik Stop ten days ago. The only other places I used it this year are Whole Foods and CVS. 99% of my purchases go to credit. + +I hit the dispute feature on my statement but an hour later the charges cleared and then immediately pulled all the funds from my savings (I had around $1300 there). I purposely kept my checkings balance low in case anything like this were to happen because I figured the majority of my money would be safe in my savings, I guess I was wrong. + +I've been with this credit union for 5 years with no problem until now. I have no clue how they authorized multiple large withdrawals which seemed to have been made on the other side of the country (Im on the East Coast). What are the odds of getting reimbursed? + +EDIT: Thanks for all of the advice +Hi guys, + +Just a quick question. My girlfriend was put on maternity allowance last September as she had our baby. She now has been back at work since late December/early jan as we need the money however she is still receiving the benefit as well as her salary. + +Is this normal? Is she supposed to inform someone she’s gone back to work? + +Thanks. + +Edit: update, she phoned Job centre plus and let the know the situation, since we only had received one load of maternity allowance we shouldn’t, we only have to pay back 15 days worth as 10 days counted as Keeping in Touch days or something. +It's not any one thing... but all put together... imho Burry is right. Again. + +Comparing warning signs from 1928 and now, this is a summary of what I've researched on the topic. + +Just thought I'd share my notes in case any apes are interested; + +&#x200B; + +**Delusions of Grandeur** + +1928: The average American citizen believes they can and ought to become a millionaire simply due to the fact that they are a participant in the American economy. + +2021: The average American CEO believes they can and ought to become a billionaire simply due to the fact that they are a participant in the American economy. + +&#x200B; + +**Industry Falling Behind** + +1928: Industry is having trouble keeping up with rapid stock market growth. + +2021: Industry is having trouble keeping up with rapid stock market growth and struggling to recover from a pandemic. + +&#x200B; + +**Attempts at Democratization** + +1928: There is a reinforcing trend of retail investors democratizing the stock market as new individual investors keep piling in. + +2021: There is a reinforcing trend of retail investors democratizing the stock market as new individual investors keep piling in, which is exasperated exponentially thanks to social media. + +&#x200B; + +**"No Risk" Loans** + +1928/Now: Most investors, big and small, are over-leveraged after using loans to buy. + +&#x200B; + +**International Trade Restrictions Stack Up** + +1928/Now: International trade is quietly - and sometimes loudly - becoming more restricted. + +&#x200B; + +**Banks Begin to Strongarm Large Borrowers** + +1928/Now: Banks everywhere are starting to call in big loans. + +&#x200B; + +**The Mother of All Bubbles** + +1928/Now: There is a massive, unprecedented stock market bubble with little to no regulation. + +&#x200B; + +**Wages At All-Time Low** + +1928/Now: People are getting paid less for regular jobs than ever before. + +&#x200B; + +**Corporate Cultists** + +1928/Now: Corporate overlords expect to be treated like cult leaders. + +&#x200B; + +**Fair Share Considered 'Bullshit'** + +1928/Now: The super wealthy refuse to pay any taxes and the politicians can't/won't do anything about it. + +&#x200B; + +**Asset Hoarding** + +1928/Now: The highest valued stocks are unevenly distributed. There are too many hoarders keeping huge amounts of high-value assets off market, causing smaller investments in the same asset to deflate. + +&#x200B; + +**Domestic Lenders Overlooked** + +1928/Now: Domestic investors are hurting from the the real cost of credit while the big firms play their games. + +&#x200B; + +**Self-Congratulatory Watchdogs** + +1928/Now: Policy-makers are busy congratulating themselves at every opportunity, especially those moments when they ought to be asking the tough questions. + +&#x200B; + +**Self-Regulation Becomes Non-Fiction** + +1928/Now: Financial leaders attest they are 100% ethical and act above criticism, even from government officials. Top bankers' worst fear is any new regulation coming in, since even a little restriction of illegal practices would destabilize their portfolios. Bankers want regulation for regular investors but not for themselves, but they can't have it both ways no matter how hard they try, which is making them increasingly frustrated and angry. + +&#x200B; + +**Risky Lending IS The Economy Now** + +1928/Now: Economic stability is precariously dependant on lots and lots of international and domestic lending. + +&#x200B; + +**Bank Customers Unknowingly Defrauded** + +1928/Now: Rehypothecation is so prevelant even small private bankers are doing it. No law prevents banks from purchasing risky investments with their customers' deposits. Customers are completely unaware of this practice. + +&#x200B; + +**Super-Rich Obssessed with Hiding Their Money** + +1928/Now: Asset bases are being actively hidden away using increasinly complicated maneuvers. + +&#x200B; + +**Becoming Impossible to Call Popular Assets Junk** + +1928/Now: Low-value assets are being held at artificially high evaluations. They can no longer be accurately appraised safely. + +&#x200B; + +**No Cop on the Beat** + +1928/Now: Those who are responsible for monitoring and enforcement are asleep at the wheel, non-existent, or worse, they are complicit. + +&#x200B; + +**Blame Game Warming Up** + +1928/Now: The most publicly-known top investors and bankers are scared of being blamed. + +&#x200B; + +**Barbarians at the Gate** + +1928/Now: Elitists are absolutely terrified of ordinary people becoming rich, which is starting to happen. + +&#x200B; + +**Corrupt Lawmakers** + +1928/Now: There is plenty of evidence to show regulators have a personal interest in the illegal schemes going on. + +&#x200B; + +**The Exclusive Club of Elitists Shrinks Ever Smaller** + +1928/Now: Conflict of interest and nepotism are rampant and brazen at the highest levels of the financial industry. Authority is consolidated and owners/top executives start to collect job titles, government roles, and director board seats like they are playing cards. + +&#x200B; + +**False Collateral Starts to Spill Out into the Open** + +1928/Now: Fraudulent collateral being used frequently by the richest people in the world, and the only reason anyone knows about it is because they are trying to use amounts that are too high to hide. + +&#x200B; + +**Rumours of Failings** + +1928/Now: Banks are starting to fail around the globe. Massive losses being reported. + +&#x200B; + +**Bad News Sounds Impossible** + +1928/Now: Pessimistic predictions are being dismissed and ignored. + +&#x200B; + +**False Assumptions About Stock Values** + +1928/Now: Most stocks are not actually overpriced - the bubble is being caused by other factors - but the public assumption, fueled by the media, is that most stocks are too expensive. + +&#x200B; + +**Mass Media Owned by Wall Street** + +1928/Now: The news is only reporting what their Wall Street owners want the public to know. Misinformation is spreading quickly thanks to the false mainstrem media narrative and accelerating the crisis at an alarming rate. + +&#x200B; + +**No More Cheap Fed Fun Bucks** + +1928/Now: Cheap credit from the Fed seems to be finally coming to an end. The Fed is trying to make borrowing slowly more expensive so interest rates don't suddenly go through the roof overnight. + +&#x200B; + +**"Experts" Are Saying the Bubble Will Never End** + +1928/Now: Ideas on a "new economy" have emerged, claiming that the current market bubble will never burst, inflation is just a bad dream, and the rich will keep getting exponentially richer forever. It's not just dumbass water cooler talk now; books are being published, speeches are being given, and the government is making official announcements claiming the same. + +&#x200B; + +*HEY SO WHAT WAS THE ACTUAL CATALYST THAT STARTED THE CRASH IN 1929 ANYWAYS?* + +Obviously there were a lot of trigger points, but it was actually the London Stock Exchange that fell first. The NYSE crashed after. + +For a few months before the crash of 1929, even in late 1928, it seemed like everything was going to be ok. The US economy appeared to be recovering. There were optimists everywhere and they were completely drowning out the pessimists. + +Then the Hatry Group, led by Clarence Hatry, were **caught using fraudulent collateral**. A lot of fraudulent collateral. Like, a LOT. + +That's all it took. The first big domino. + +&#x200B; + +Again these are just my notes, nothing that hasn't been said already, only my own composite of info regarding past indicators. + +&#x200B; + +GME is the only safe harbour. No Dancing. Buckle Up. +Due to automod knee capping comments over 1500 characters, I thought I'd just make a post of this for awareness. This post is simply an aggregation of all the interesting DDs and articles I've found throughout the week. + +OK here me out. I think this week presents the last great buying opportunity for a while. Here's why: + + +* Speculation that DFV tweets show Cohen may have bought the GME shares himself by selling his [Apple holdings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o1ly3d/new_dfv_tweet_speculation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + + +* If the share sale has been completed, then once that is announced share prices have been known to spike (2 Billion in the bank sound good anyone?) The price dipping by 30% and remaining flat is a simplistic explanation of why this may have already happened but we should also consider the dip after an earnings call. Still 30% far exceeds usual earning call dips. Sure some TA apes can weigh in as to why they think this has happened as well. + + + +* Today is a pretty huge ETF FTD covering day falling inside the SLD period, [but not within the last 2 days of that period](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o155a6/t35_is_the_one_true_cycle_evidence_to_back_my/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + + + +* Russell 1000 entry starting [week commencing June 21st](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-14/gamestop-gme-amc-other-meme-stocks-may-be-included-in-russell-1000) + + + +* June 24th is the start of the next T+21 cycle. Now this may actually contradict the T+35 cycle above [but if either holds true the price action could rocket.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nwgzw7/danger_zone_part_2_shorts_are_terrified_of_a_310/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + + +* MSM starting to take notice of the manipulative practices by MM and HF, the narrative is changing, [like so....](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o1inbj/nyse_president_admits_to_off_exchange_price/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + + +* Matt Furlong becoming new CEO on June 21st + + +* [NSCC-002 going live](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o05dwx/801_and_nscc002_june_21_repost_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) on the 21st June, which allows the NSCC to calculate and collect, +when applicable, supplemental liquidity deposits to NSCC’s Clearing Fund on a daily basis rather than only in advance of the monthly +expiration of stock options + + +* [MorningStar](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/nxb7rz/gamestop_morningstar_fair_value_at_317_despite/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) increasing their valuation of GME to 317 (Off by about 25 million but still reflective of a trend here) + +Now I'm no TA expert but even this reject can look at the chart over the last 6 months and see that the low price points are on an upward trend. Meaning if the price does move up significantly, the next time it does dip, we will most likely not be at the price level we are seeing right now, but higher. And that's looking at charts utilising retard vision and a sloppy grasp of pattern recognition. So again, great buying opportunity. + +Some of this is speculation so tread with caution. The points above along with how we've found extended dips and flat trading is usually followed by a large upswing is making me finally feel a tingle down in my balls. I've had to resort to beating my meat with palm leaves to feel any joy recently, but now I'm getting some sensation back timing nicely with the above, I think this present state of play is alluring. Anyway I'm going to grab this opportunity with both hands (the buying opportunity you sick fucks) and increase my position. Good luck out there and if anyone wants to add to this list reply below and we'll get some further hopium injected straight into our relevant organs. Oh and thanks to the DD creators out there, the doctors never said it would happen again but you've finally help end my erectile dysfunction with your juicy words, squiggles and data. +**EDIT: March 3 2:19... I made a mistake when taking the screen shot on GME March 19th. This wasn't a conspiracy....** + + + +On March 19th 2021 is another rare [Quadruple Witching.](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quadruplewitching.asp) + +This is a once in a quarter event where stock futures, stock options, stock index options and stock futures all expire simultaneously. This can, by it's nature, create huge volatility. + +Let's have a look at a REAL company and the outstanding call contracts with the most open interest. + +**$TSLA - March 12th** + +https://preview.redd.it/9xjjuubzslk61.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5f06eb2864db2d74413a7ac363616ee08490162 + +**$TSLA - March 19th** + +https://preview.redd.it/6axzlgzuslk61.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ba2b4b3ba2f7007daf0142f445b69e489e3c6cb + +**$AAPL - March 12th** + +https://preview.redd.it/kdz8yh44tlk61.png?width=893&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c3f50958ee080049817c0fd21105ec97949dae7 + +**$AAPL - March 19th** + +https://preview.redd.it/h1ij5187tlk61.png?width=893&format=png&auto=webp&s=1193edf3bebf67f834584475b49df51e7ea18414 + +OK, so these are mega-caps and we're seeing a 10x increase in options contracts on March 19th. + +And let's try a less sexy-big stock + +**$WMT (Walmart) - March 12th** + +https://preview.redd.it/3zo5ff4itlk61.png?width=887&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfc0bfd7db1bc086b604a66febc56adad80ac796 + +**$WMT (Walmart) - March 19th** + +https://preview.redd.it/vl80croltlk61.png?width=913&format=png&auto=webp&s=41a201a7b547dcfcb3112a0ad8d4aea7bc7a2d00 + +**OK, now check this out:** + +$AMC - March 12th + +https://preview.redd.it/lsadk2lqtlk61.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=7df76e9ca51e167d61135cc175e981a4a2b25542 + +**$AMC - March 19th** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hv0dds3ttlk61.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=848a686a932102bf6ee8c908977254f673c914d5 + +AMC have more options calls than TSLA right now for March 19th and over 10x Walmart. They have about 50% APPLE (Ok you know how big Apple is guys?) + +**$BB - March 12th** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ngn69q7ztlk61.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8052e3ea7cfcd7ff18e58f022e036ef5a2aae88 + +**$BB - March 19th** + +https://preview.redd.it/chs3uef2ulk61.png?width=907&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b5681781d3658f34212bfa0107d299b808a06c8 + +Huge call volumes on Blackberry but people are really wanting to see this north of $20! + +**$NOK - March 12th** + +https://preview.redd.it/iplwqwc6ulk61.png?width=883&format=png&auto=webp&s=484cccdbe85fba3bcf745dfed4ee91b0e9766ed6 + +**$NOK - March 19th** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/czhr2h7eulk61.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=1934d71b486449e8a7c8e3eb77f85a9798f3627e + +YES, that is 127,885 contracts at a $5 strike. HUGE. If this hits $5 it could just as easy keep going. + +**$GME - March 12th** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mpvljrfjulk61.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ab7daf14ae533509096519b696aed0de1486926 + +**$GME - March 19th** +EDIT @ 2:18 Pm March 3 +**Apparently when I took this screenshot it didn't show the $800 calls... This was not a conspiracy or photoshopped... Anyone can validate the data.** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wmjfoep06vk61.png?width=921&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a5e966fc9b47e5e34a90e50f851728317c03a7 + +Not massive interest here but respectable. + +**$RKT - March 12th** + +https://preview.redd.it/xm5pzkbsulk61.png?width=889&format=png&auto=webp&s=d19da1ad911088f2d0771ce8a4154aba8b9a6525 + +**$RKT - March 19th** + +https://preview.redd.it/4kfo2e3vulk61.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=195e410dc839557c634fd77df73f77bff4a4d596 + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\***TLDRish** + +The theory: Get on your tin foil hats.I think 'someone' or many 'somepeoples' have discovered the incredible power of near-term options and their influence on the upward volatility on price. + +As more options are bought near-the-money it causes a delta spike as market makers buy shares to hedge. This normally isn't enough to do much- but add in some magical ingredients including but not limited to: highly volatile stocks, heavy retail interest, significant short interest, a small float, inclusion in ETFs, INDEX FUNDS and other FUNDS. + +As the price rises close to the strike price we also see some gamma spiking. Personally I think we saw delta hedging yesterday on Blackberry. Huge volumes around 11am. + +So, PEOPLE, have discovered that just buying these heavy options, especially around volatile times, can influence the price likely more dollar-for-dollar than just buying the stock. It might be that many WSBers are literally in the right place at the right time. + +**What does it all mean?** Hang onto your bananas. This thing is bigger than us. If the prices on some of these stocks rise they will need to be re-calibrated for weight for inclusion in their index funds. This creates a lot of buying and selling which exasperates the volatility further. The more volatility the more market makers have to hedge. + +I think we are in for a once in a life time historical volatile ride. If you hold stock, you can ride it out and better time it. If you hold options you are really hoping your timing works well. + +Something BIG is going to happen leading up to March 19th and the way the call contracts are organized creates a kind of series of landmines just waiting to be tripped. Each mine sends the price further and more volatile. What's more interesting is these stocks all seem to be related in a basket by the algo-computers. This does mean there is some degree of echo where what happens in AMC affects BB for instance. It might mean we see some double feedback happening as well. We did see it originally in January (and no one has been able to explain exactly WHY yet). I think January was a test... A proof of concept. The real prize is March 19th. + +**GOOD LUCK...** + +Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. This is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The thoughts herein are my own. Do your own research. Do something nice for someone today. + +Positions: I have some BB, NOK, calls and want to pick up some RKT calls and YOLO today. They're way up pre-market and looks like it's going to be expensive... but I particularly like this one due to the high insider ownership, stagnant pricing, low float, reasonable price volatility. This ones just primed. + +**OOF, just cheeked $PLTR March 19th and it's massive too.** + +A lot of moon landings coming! + +https://preview.redd.it/bfmpnvks2mk61.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=68e770c819e38af3b605bb07d2268557a4d5756d + +On a last thought... What if GME is the catalyst for the next major crash by it's revealing of naked-shorts and fails to deliver? 2008 was all about Wall Street greed with mortgage backed securities... 2021 could be all about naked shorting and naked options writing... All meaning wall street has done it again by absorbing insane amounts of risk pursuing profits. This might all come to a head and create some systemic change that will benefit all. Damn, I'm feeling rather noble now about my own pursuits. + + +**EDIT: March 3 2:19... I made a mistake when taking the screen shot on GME March 19th. This wasn't a conspiracy....** + +Hello traders, I regulary have the problem that positions get stopped out in the late evening if they haven´t moved far away from the Stop Loss yet. As you can see on the top right corner of the screenshot below, the trade (short position) got stopped out at where I placed my Stop Loss although the "actual" price seems to be many points away. The loss is only caused by the spread. + +This does appear regulary and it´s really annoying. Should I only open positions in the morning hours hoping that my Take Profit will already be hit until evening (maybe closing the position manually if that´s not the case) or should I just deactivate the Stop Loss in these critical hours manually? Any tips to solve this problem? + +(btw: my broker is IC Markets) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ii88alks7z681.png?width=1409&format=png&auto=webp&s=f351b01de2806837195fdf698692083ee339fb1c +Hey guys its me again, i wanted to gain "experience" / "insights" in price action trading/ forex in general from you guys in sense of the title. What did you wish you knew earlier or had done differently or focus more on some particular parts? Please leave your comments, its highly appreciated to know your past experiences :D + +Just want to show my thanks to the people who commented your comments really do help a lot even tho its just words but words are powerful 🙏🙏 +I'm not completely new to forex, I've bought some courses, blown some accounts, the usual. +I'm now starting at zero. The problem I'm dealing with is setting up a strategy. Having consequent rules for an entry and exit. I just can't seem to get it right. My old strategy led me to taking one trade a week with minimal profit, because it had way too many criteria for entering a trade. +After that I said fuck it, entered every trade setup I saw and made 2k in a day. Wow. It's that easy? Fuck risk management too. Lost 2k the next day. +I can't seem to get it right. My entries are sometimes amazing, zero drawdown. Sometimes hundreds of drawdown, I can't close the trade - don't want to accept the loss. The biggest problem is that I don't have a strategy I 100% trust in. But how to set that up? I've bought so many courses now, their strategy doesn't work for me. I want to set up my own strategy but obviously never really done that before. Can y'all recommend anything, books, videos to help with that? Would be much appreciated +I'm not sure if this counts as promotional activity. Regardless, I'm not affiliated with 5ers, nor I get anything out of you deciding to sign an account with them, I have no referral links to give you nor friends inside the firm. I'm writing this because they have recently implemented an amazing change in their risk management policies but didn't advertise much, so I wanted to make sure people knew about it. Thanks to this change, 5ers is now in my opinion a strong competitor to FTMO. Only good things can come out of a more competitive industry. + +For those who don't know, 5ers (Five Percent Online) is a retail proprietary trading firm where you can get funded, trade on their behalf and split profits at the end of each month. You get 50% of what you make, and for every 10% return you produce your account gets scaled up. As you can imagine, this is heavily regulated, and you have to abide to strict risk management rules. I won't list them all here, because you can easily find them in their website. I am going to focus only on one of these rules, the one about drawdown. + +**Drawdown** is a period of loss, or rather a period during which your equity curve forms a swing high. Until this swing high is broken, you're considered in drawdown because your account is not growing. Every proprietary trading firm will impose a drawdown limit on you to protect their capital and force you to adopt safe risk management rules, but there are many ways in which drawdown limits can be formed. The main two are *absolute* and *relative* drawdowns. + +* **Absolute Drawdown** is the simplest method, and also the most beneficial for us traders: you're given a fixed equity level, below your starting balance, and if you ever reach that level you lose the account (or you get flagged, depending on the firm). In simpler terms: as long as you remain above your starting balance, and above this equity level, your equity curve is free to fluctuate with any degree of volatility and the firm won't care. This is how FTMO currently works, where you lose your funded account if you ever lose 10% of your starting balance. One of the reasons why FTMO has gotten so popular is because of their drawdown policy. + +* **Relative Drawdown** is more complicated, and more beneficial for the firm. Instead of a fixed equity level below your starting balance, you're given an allowed percentage loss from your equity swing high. If your account ever dips below the current swing high by this percentage or more, you lose the account (or, again, get flagged). In a way, this works exactly like an automating trailing stop would. The problem with Relative Drawdown is that, no matter how much growth you accumulate, you will always have this axe hovering over your head for your entire trading career. This is how 5ers and many other firms used to do it. + +5ers used to have a 4% trailing drawdown policy, meaning that if your equity curves decreases by 4.01% in relation to the current equity swing high, you lose the account. This means you were forced to risk tiny amounts of capital to sustain an extended losing streak without being kicked, which sedated your earning and scaling potentials - as well as making your life as a trader shitty as hell, as you're always one abnormal losing streak from losing your job. + +**The good news is that 5ers now employs an Absolute Drawdown policy.** + +The percentage is the same, 4%, but it's now calculated from your starting balance and not from your current swing high. This means that if you have a 10,000$ account, you will lose your account if you lose 400$ and reach 9,600$; however, if you increase the size of your account to 11,000$, you will still lose the account if you reach 9,600$, meaning that you can now lose 1,400$. As long as you're able to build a decently size profit buffer from your starting balance, your equity curve is free to fluctuare as much as you want. + +If you pair this change to the advantages 5ers give you over FTMO, you should be excited for the future of the industry because competition looks to be getting fiercer. This obviously assume they are not both scams, which seems unlikely at this point but you never know. The advantages are the following. + +* 5ers allows you to hold trades over the weekend. FTMO does not. +* 5ers allows you to trade news. FTMO does not. +* 5ers gives you 6 months to reach a 6% profit target in order to get the account, and you're eligible for an extra two months if you end the 6 months in profit. FTMO wants you to earn 10% in one month, followed by 5% in two months, and you're eligible for a retry if you end the challenge in profit. +* **5ers profit splits are not taken out of the account.** If you produce 1,000$, you will get 500$ but your account will not be decreased by 500$. FTMO makes you choose whether or not you want to leave money in the account or take them out. + +Their policy has been confirmed to me by their support team in this email: + +> Dear ****** +> +>We have changed our policy from relative drawdown to an absolute drawdown, also called maximum loss. It is yet not updated on all website pages, but it will be changed as soon as possible. +> +>The Max DrawDown allowed is the Max loss allowed for the account. +>The Max Loss measured from the initial balance as an Absolute Max Loss. +>Example: If the initial balance is 10K then the account will be closed below the equity level of $9600. +> +>High 5, +I invested my savings for forex and learned how to trade. Even have 2 accounts just to learn signal from different traders. I just got married and wanted to do trading for extra income and all my money wasted for nothing. 🙁 What should I do? I lost almost $1,000 already :( I would love to learn but it seems like I'm losing too much +As the title indicates, I've been attempting trading for 5.5 years now. I've probably blown out $4k worth of accounts and I feel like I've gotten nowhere. + +I've tried coding my own EAs, I've tried long term trend following, medium term swing trading, and intra-day trading. I've read about a dozen trading books and soaked up tons of learning material. + +At this point, I have about $50k of disposable cash just lying around and I'd love to be confident enough to trade with some of it. But I'm smart enough to realize I'm just not there yet. Clearly, something is wrong. + +Has anyone experienced this same thing? What got you over the hump? I could really use some suggestions. +Posting on a throwaway for obvious reasons. + +In dollar terms, I’m almost a bitcoin millionaire. It feels good, but not because I can brag about the accumulated wealth, it’s more that the people who I told to invest whatever money they could afford to lose, back in early 2013, all told me I was an idiot. Those same people have now been humbled. + +The story starts back in late 2012. A guy I was on head-nodding terms with at the gym, got talking to me in the changing room about one of the podcasts he was listening to. He was talking about how he loved his weed and had heard about the Silk Road and how the only way to buy drugs on it was using this new “virtual” currency called bitcoin. It was in November 2012 and the price was hovering around $10-$11. I thought to myself, I love my weed - and I remember from years and years ago, a company in Canada called bud mail, used to operate an online weed store. That’s where my thinking stopped - and I didn’t bother looking into it any further. + +**Acquiring my first coins** +In early Jan 2013 my mate had mentioned bitcoin to me, again - a big weed smoker and thought it’d be a good idea to grab a few coins and try it out for ourselves. We’re in the UK, and Coinbase wasn’t open for UK residents yet. The only way we could purchase bitcoins were on localbitcoins.com or bitstamp. We chose the latter, but had no idea what a SEPA transfer was. To be frank, there were a lot of hurdles to overcome in order to acquire bitcoin back then. + +We had to use TransferWise to send our money to some bank in Estonia (I think?). The money arrived a few days later, and bam - we were able to purchase our first coins in March 2013 at $57 a pop. The next few days, the price continued to rise - until it got to about $230. This was heavily fuelled by the Cyprus Haircut. The other two mates who I’d bought these coins with, and who I shared the bitstamp account with wanted to sell. I didn’t. We decided that I would take my coins off the exchange, and they’d keep theirs together at bitstamp. It was at this stage that I was looking into bitcoin security. + +**Paper Wallets** +Trusty bitcoinpaperwallet.com taught me all I needed to know. I ran a few tests first with very small amounts. Sending some to paper wallets, and then sweeping those paper wallets so that I could trust that it all worked. It did. + +**Acquiring more knowledge, then more coins** +By now, I was deep into the rabbit hole, but I always felt it was important to invest as much (if not more) of my time into learning how bitcoin worked, and how to skill up on my bitcoin opsec. I should state, with bitcoin - you never stop learning. The beauty of this thing is it constantly evolves. As I got more comfortable with my knowledge, I bought more coins, still only ploughing in what I could afford to lose and not care about. + +**2013 High** +It was December 2013, and the price had reached \~$1200. The friends and family I’d told about it were all screaming at me to sell - “you’ve made more than 20x your investment”. + +I told them the same thing then as I tell them now - that they didn’t understand that this was a new paradigm. This thing is going to change the world, and yes the price is volatile, but if you understand the fundamentals of bitcoin, and have even a tiny grasp of macro economics and how messed up the system was, it was obvious that bitcoin was born to absorb all of the endless money printing etc. Back then, money printing was nowhere near the scale we’ve seen in the past 12 months. + +**Bear market until late 2017** +I had everyone telling me how stupid I was for not selling. After the 2013 high, we wouldn’t see the price exceed it’s previous ATH for another 4 years. Whilst everyone was telling me how stupid I was, I was continuing to buy. I was continuing to extol the fantastic qualities of bitcoin, and how it had previously had bull and bear cycles that was heavily influenced by the halved supply of coins every 4 years. They looked at me like I was talking a different language. They didn’t want to invest their time understanding how things worked. All they knew was that every single news outlet was saying that Bitcoin was for terrorists and criminals. I continued going to as many bitcoin meetups as I could. Listening to some of the bitcoin veterans live on stage. It was still very fringe back then, but I was lucky to speak to people such as Andreas Antonopolous, Gavin Andresen, Mike Hearn, Jeremy Allaire, Jameson Lopp, and others. Some of these people will be remembered for the wrong reasons, but at the time - it seemed all of them had good intentions for bitcoin. I still follow Andreas and Jameson, and genuinely think they're some of the most intelligent and visionary minds out there. + +**Christmas 2017** +I remember it well. I was with my family out for dinner and the price was close to $20k. “I can’t believe you still haven’t sold”, they said. I blurted out the same mantra that I did back in 2013. I didn't sell. + +**2018** +We all know how this year went. It wasn’t pretty, the few people who knew I had bitcoin thought I was silly for not selling. I knew in my heart of hearts I wasn’t. I stuck to the plan, and continued accumulating. + +**2019 - IVF** +Me and my wife had struggled trying to conceive. I won’t go into all the details but suffice to say, I don’t come from a particularly wealthy background. That’s not to say that I was a deprived kid - I wasn’t, but I certainly didn’t come from a wealthy background. In order for me and my wife to have our first child, it was becoming obvious that the only option left to us at this point was IVF. IVF was going to cost the best part of £30-£40k. + +I’m a true hodler, but I felt that I had been extremely lucky to find bitcoin at the time I did, and so I’d sold a decent amount of coins to fund the IVF. Yes, I could have sold some in late 2017, and liquidated fewer coins to get to the amount I needed - but I didn’t know back then that we’d go down the IVF route. + +**2020 - No regrets** +In January 2020, our little baby boy was born. Our bitcoin baby. A baby, that I honestly don’t think we would have been able to have, had it not been for me stumbling across bitcoin and disregarding all of the naysayers along the way. He’s the light of our lives, and if bitcoin went to zero, I’d still be an absolute winner! At this point, I've cashed out about 3x of all the money I've put into bitcoin, and still have a sizeable portion of my coins left. + +**2021** +It’s the first day of 2021, and whilst I’m not quite at $1m in terms of my btc holdings, I’m not far off, but better than that, the friends and family that told me to sell are no longer saying "why don’t you sell?", but asking how they can buy. I could be an arsehole about it, but that’s just not me. I continue to help anyone and everyone that shows any kind of interest in this. + +**The Future** +I think the next 24 months are going to be extremely exciting. I’m hoping to get to a point whereby me, my wife and my son can move into our forever home. I have plans for a 50% equity payment, leaving the rest of my coins to hopefully accumulate more value so that at a later stage, I can pay the rest of the mortgage off, and live a debt free life. + +**To conclude** +I never thought I’d accumulate the wealth I currently have. It’s still peanuts in terms of what some people in this world have gained (looking at you Bezos), but if it means that I can quit my job, to spend more time with my family, and putting my precious time into learning new things, being more charitable with my time and generally living life to the max - then I’ll be a very happy man. + +Peace, love and good luck to all of you in the future. +I really hate that it has come to this, but I'm desperate at this point. + +4 days ago, I deposited $6,000 worth of Litecoin into my GDAX account for trading. The transaction went through fine on the blockchain, but for some reason when it was being sent to GDAX from Coinbase, the transaction never went through, and has been stuck on "Pending" for several days now. I now have 0 LTC in both Coinbase and GDAX. + +I created a ticket, tried to call them and was put on hold for 2 and a half hours, filed multiple complaints...nothing. Not a single response. It's like the problem doesn't even exist. + +This was almost my entire portfolio. I was planning on using this money to invest into alt currencies, but now I'm afraid that I will have to wait months to get access to those funds again. + +If you're using GDAX/CB for your trades, I urge you to find a replacement until these issues get resolved. It's only a matter of time and luck before you run into a detrimental problem like this. + +If this post somehow gets the attention of a CB employee that can fix my problem, my case ID is 3267255. + +Thanks for reading. + +EDIT: Thanks to everyone for getting this to the front page of r/cryptocurrency. I know this isn't the usual post that you want to see on this sub, but I really want everyone to be aware of this issue. + +For those saying this is a user-caused issue; it is NOT. Feel free to check both the GDAX and Coinbase subreddits. There have been hundreds of posts claiming this exact same scenario occurred to them. Funds have been withheld from users for weeks, if not months. This is an internal system glitch on COINBASE's end. The purpose of this thread is to keep everyone informed, and to bring attention to this very important problem we are dealing with, because Coinbase is *certainly* not doing a good job at that. +Eth is the only alt keeping up with btc in USD price right now.and their growth pattern/ chart is very similar . Does this mean eth is finally considered another king in crypto? Time to stop calling it an alt? +My top 5 reasons for the dreariness and mini panics are as follows: + +1. Anxiety over the recent "hard fork" and a DAO Fork 2.0 type situation reoccuring +2. The depleted network state over the last few weeks +3. Fear of rival blockchains +4. Quietness +5. Inferiority complex + +On the bright side: + +1. Worked flawlessly - well done devs! +2. Network never failed. Network healthy now. Stronger and more resilient than ever. +3. Lots of vapourware rumors. Those that are "real" are untested and seem to be based on either Ethereum or Ripple tech. And how do proper banks "issue tokens" without getting into very serious trouble? +4. The Ethereum blog is quiet, start-ups are afraid to go out in public with all the dodgy ICO sales, devs need a rest after all the hard work, people looking around seeing what's going on. Collecting and reorganising. +5. I believe there's a bit of an inferiority complex creeping in. A fear of Bitcoin. A fear of "big banks". A fear of not getting it "100% right". It's there for the taking. Reach over and kiss her! +Dfinity has implemented new guidelines for their subreddit on Feb 28 where they said what you can and you can't do: + +>Please refrain from creating new or repetitive posts relating to token price, token metrics and exchanges. + +>Refrain from using posts on token distribution + +There are also some other 'nuggets" there as well, which to me sound excessive, but judge by yourself: +https://www.reddit.com/r/dfinity/comments/80ha5e/community_update_rdfinity_guidelines/ + +However, here is the clincher: in Orwellian fashion, dfinity pr team went back three weeks and made the critical threads "disappear". Check out their sub 21 days ago and see for yourself. +I am bringing some of those threads back here and if they delete them, I will post screenshots, which I already have. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/dfinity/comments/7w77aw/dfinity_future_presale_math_a_projection/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/dfinity/comments/7w98xh/dfinity_is_dead_on_arrival_explanation/ + +Ask yourself, why they are so afraid of one or few people opinions on reddit? + +In order to create an open atmosphere, I created a new dfinityOPEN sub, where I am the only mod. Feel free to post. +Hi guys, relative noob here. + +Do you think with BTC being so high, that now is a good time to sell some BTC to buy ETH? + +In other words, do you think there will soon be a BTC crash? +Hey guys! Thank you SO MUCH for helping me get scammed! + +I went to Getting Started, and saw used the BitMixer link you have in there, and POOF! My bitcoins are gone! + +This bitmixer site is all over your wiki. Fucking. shit. I needed that money. + +Edit: As a matter of fact, ALL of your wiki links lead to phishing sites! + +1. Your admins should be ashamed of themselves. + +Edit 3: + +I feel like I should clarify. To reproduce this issue: + +1. Go to "Getting Started" in the sidebar. +2. Click on any of the "Examples" on the "Getting Started" page. +3. Go to a phishing site and get ripped off. + +Update: + +Going backpacking, can't provide proof of transaction until Tuesday. The previous iteration of the wiki page linked to in the sidebar sidebar link pointing to a known phishing site, look if you're interested for a modicum of proof. + +But, just so people don't think I'm fishing for tips: please don't send me tips. You're very kind, but I need people to believe that I really was victimized by the website linked to on the sidebar. The only payment I ask for is for this not to happen to other people. + +Also, sorry for the original tone of the post, I was understandably upset. It was obviously my fault I lost the money, I should have done more research, but at the same time I was victimized by a link less than two clicks from this subreddit, under the "getting started" section. There is no denying this is a problem. + +Thanks for your well wishes! Let's try and keep positive and find a good solution to this problem! + +Finally, to clarify how I could be so stupid: I'm very sleep deprived from working crazy hours, and preparing for a backpacking trip. My brain want quite at 100%. Should have stayed in bed! +Don't get me wrong this sub seems interesting, well, interesting enough that I want to buy all the coins people post here, but for start I have bought some SafeMoon yesterday and still waiting for it to move. Of course I don't expect it to go 10x in 24 hours and am not planing to sell because it's the money I can afford to lose if anything goes south. + +My question is, since all these coins seem interesting, how long have you messed with 'to the moon" coins and how much profit did you make? +I'm 30 years old with a wife and child. I have 60k that I'm holding onto being weary of the impact the current economic situation may have on the market overall. Should I max out the Roth IRAs and 401k now or hoard money and wait a moment? For context I have a 40k emergency fund and live off of 60k/year. 400k net worth including the 100k previously mentioned. My wife does not work as she is doing an amazing job raising our daughter. Also I work part-time in a skill position so wouldn't expect to be laid off as the company I work for is doing really well and hiring. Let me know if any other details would be pertinent. Thanks! +Hey everyone! I need advice on how in the world I can pay my bills! I have 10$ in my bank account and my job is pretty much commission only and I won’t see a paycheck for a couple weeks! ( I JUST started my job a week ago) + +My bills are 2500 a month and my rent was 1100 a month. I put this month’s rent on a payment plan because I couldn’t pay it, so now it’s going to be 1350 due on the first. I can’t borrow money because my credit is now bad because I haven’t had money to pay my credit card bills. I decided to only focus on rent and utilities and just put everything else on the back burner. But I need gas and I’m honestly starving a bit. What would you do in this situation? + +I have thought about getting a second job but I just don’t see how it would be feasible, as my schedule can change any minute and I work from 8:30am- 7pm. It’s not M-F. It’s just all over the place. I like the job so far and it has potential to make good money, but I will probably be there a month before I can consistently make 650-1300 weekly (depending on sales). + +Guys, I feel like I’m at the end of my rope? I have 10 days to make 1350 and I need another 100 to pay electric. I live alone in a one bedroom, no space for room mate. I did doordash for a while but like I said I have 10$ and gas is too expensive and I’m almost on empty already. + +Please, any advice would be so very much appreciated! +I wanted to preface this by saying, yes, I understand getting into this debt was a very stupid mistake. We were in our early 20s with big plans that were incredibly stupid. Now that we have that out of the way: + +A little background - 2015 was a horrible year for us financially. My husband was fired and found a job that only paid half of what he was getting before. In order to not destroy our credit and lose our home we sold it at a bit of a loss. We were homeless but slowly crawled back out and now have a condo that was bought with the help of my in laws. (They used they money they have put into their house with the deal that as soon as we could we would place the mortgage in our name. We are currently paying them the monthly payment.) BUT in order to stay afloat we depended on credit cards so we have racked up about $9000 in debt. Even though life has been crazy we have never paid a bill late. My husband has found a better paying job now, but this debt is strangling us. We had to use it a few times for groceries, but have been able to maintain at a little under $9000 for a few months. + +Fast forward today - My father in law wants to help us by placing the debt we already have onto our mortgage. We are paying 16% interest on our CC debt and this would reduce it to about 4.25% which would be great at first glance. There are a few issues I have with this but I can't figure out if its my own pride or if this really is the best option. + +1. We would then have a mortgage that is underwater. While we have paid about 10% off already, we bought it while desperately trying to keep our daughter in her school and over paid for the place. We need to actually put about $5000 into it to sell it for what we paid for it. We arent planning on selling anytime soon, but we never know what may happen. + +2. We currently have two incomes but by this time next year we will be down to one as I'm required to take on an internship to graduate from school. I plan to find part time work but it is nothing that I'll be able to cover what I was making previously. So for about six months we will be struggling and a higher monthly payment will make it much harder. Then of course, I'll need to start paying off student loans. + +3. My father in law thinks that people who get into debt are moronic and while he hasn't directly said it to us, I know hes judging us for the debt. Or, me specifically. My husband has always been avoidant with finances and so by default I've taken charge. The issue is, he blames me for this debt because he doesn't use the credit card directly. Now, have I splurged? Of course! We could have totally not gone on any of the vacations weve been on in the past 8 years. I didnt NEED to buy that tshirt the other day. But about 60% of what's on our CC is groceries and gas and of course, interest. + +4. My FIL requested our bank statement and cc statement before he agreed it do it. Which I already know is his way of "creating a budget for us" aka tearing us apart for spending money differently than him. Here is the issue I have with it, I'm not a fucking child, and well, I don't really want someone else telling me that we spend too much going out to eat because I know that will come up. The thing is - I'm a full time student, work full time, and have two young kids, sometimes grabbing chipotle is the only way I can make it through the days that we don't get home til 830pm. Yes, I have tried meal preparation and planning but I have my weekends dedicated to homework and meal preparation also takes time. Whenever this discussion comes up it's what can I cut back on? They've even asked me if I really need a car for work when my commute would become 1h and 25mins instead of thirty. Which sure, I guess I could do that, but what about the $1500 computer that was purchased purely for computer games? Crickets. + +I should add that while we did technically borrow this money from him he will end up not spending anything. Which I feel makes this situation a bit different than it would if he were giving us money. Yes, he is taking a risk, but again we have made these Bills a priority, and have not made a late payment and do not intend to. + +Anyway, hes pressuring us to get this done with over the weekend. And I'm just hoping for some outside opinions. I don't feel comfortable with him taking our statements, tbh, I'd rather drink bleach, but if this is really what's best and there is really no other options then I'll do what I have to. Thanks! + +Edited to add: Thank you for all the input. This was a very helpful discussion. I'm going to try to engage again with my husband about it but for the first time ever I think we may be able to get out of this. +My husband and I bought a house in 2020 for $650,000. The house is currently worth 1.1mil. It is in a desirable trendy area. + +My husband is most likely going to be offered a very lucrative job in San Jose area as an engineer for a big tech company we would need to relocate. It will pay about $180,000, and come with a relocation package. If they offer us the job we will definitely take it because it will double our income. Currently we have about 30k in stocks. + + Our house can currently be rented for $3500 (with a net income of $500). We know we want to keep this house. But we have three options for how to spend our money when we move. + +1. We could take a 100K loan and build an ADU for our current house and rent the property for 5k (with a net income of $1500) with all costs accounted for. + +2. We could rent in San San Jose for a few years and be able to save about 70k a year to put towards a $1.5 mil house up there at 20% down. + +3. We could stretch our budget and buy a $600,000 house in San Jose area at 20% down, and hope that we will be able to roll it into 1.5 million house after a few years. + +What do you think is best right now? +Hi guys! I am planning to finally buy a new (used) car this year, after driving the same car I've had since high school for over a decade. + +I have credit card debt, not crippling but significant, and have been steadily working to pay it down and improve my credit score. But I also have been saving for a down payment. Obviously, I could accelerate my savings if I pay less on the cards, OR accelerate improving my credit if I save less. + +In buying a car, what is more important? Strong credit or a large down payment? I can manage mediocre credit and a mediocre down payment at the rate I'm paying/saving now, but want to know if I should prioritize one over the other. +24-M here single no debt work overseas so living and daily expenses are covered. Just got a raise up to 220k Annually. Have about 40k in savings. (Took a lot of vacations this year) Monthly expenses consist of 400 T-mobile bill have to keep in contact with the states somehow plus pay for siblings phone bill and 150 monthly storage unit. + +Questions are + +What should I do with all this income? + +Taxes are going to kill me anyway to lighten the pain? + +I am contributing 3% of every biweekly check to company 401k. + +For any posts with claims about Chinese policies or banks shutting down their accounts because of Bitcoin, etc etc, we need to have a 'not verified' tag until they post evidence. + +Edit: some people are saying "why not have it for positive posts as well?" I agree, why not? If some guy just posts he works for Starbucks and they're considering taking Bitcoin, why not tag that post as 'unverified'? +You know whats amazing? The state of the sub. We seemed to collectively agree that no comment will be made to the press, and its just a breath of fresh, friendly air. + +You know what comes next? Some shocking controversy amongst the sub. Usually one of the mods. In my opinion the next play is to have a mod or someone "speaking for the sub" going against the current front. It will create division and distraction from the DRS movement. So I preemptively don't care, and hopefully you won't either. Its simple. DRS. +As the title says. Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit. I've never been in an accident before, so I'm not entirely sure how all of this works. + +Got rear ended by a company vehicle, other driver definitely at fault. Driver of the vehicle (not the company owner) has been stringing me along about getting me insurance information. My insurance calls me this morning and verified that the vehicle is in the company's name but doesn't have any insurance on it. My insurance tells me I can have my vehicle repaired w/ my uninsured coverage, but I essentially have to eat my deductible. + +I do have the name and phone number of the guy that hit me. I also have the company's name and owner's phone number, along with the license plate and VIN of the car that hit me. + +Do I have any options here? Or am I stuck? + + +Edit because it's a common comment: + +Cops were called, other driver left after the cops said they were on the way. Courtesy patrol came about 45 minutes later and said the cops weren't coming at all, and to go to the local police station. Local police station said the cop that was "assigned" to my case (because I had already called), was off for the night and to come back another day. I've gone back to the police station three separate times, and each time they said that the officer wasn't available and sent him an email requesting for him to call me. Surprising to no one, he still hasn't called me. I plan to go again Monday but I'm not expecting any new results. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. + +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +This is more of a philosophical or personality topic but I would love to see some discussion on this. Maybe it's the particular time in life for me (late 20s), but I have a ton of ambivalence about whether to kind of just accept my class and good upper-middle-class paying career choice and put in 15-20 years of 40/hour a week work to get to FI, or to dedicate everything I have into a pipe-dream type goal of (example) starting a company, working towards an improbable dream, contributing something new to society, etc., the kind of stuff you envision for yourself when you are getting into adulthood. + +A part of me senses I might have regret when I'm in my 40s about taking the "easy" path of least resistance during my prime years to then be able to take the even easier path of early retirement. But then another part wonders if an older wiser version of me will recognize that what's important is not work or your contributions to expanding some enterprise but personal relationship and freedom from stress, time to develop hobbies, the kind of things possible by FI. + +What is your age and perspective on this? +Saw this come up in another thread. + +I have an assistant that I pay for my day job. 65k/year. She helps me with my workload. She’s slammed so I don’t have her do any of my personal shit. + +I looked into briefly getting an assistant over fiverr in India etc. $5/hour. I think it’s a great idea. Maybe give them a little bump so they are crushing it for their region. I’m just not sure what I would have them do. + +What do you all have your personal asst do? + + +Additional context: + +I own 6 rental properties +Have 3 corps (that are not active unless I am building) +I build houses to rent out or sometimes sell +Married +3 kids + +Ideas for what a personal asst. can do for me given my situation...? +Hello EthTrader, + +what a rough start we had :) +We want to be very clear: the Arcade City Council consists of 7 people, of which 4 people from Antwerp (the Antwerp Dev Team). We would love to answer all your questions related to the project. + +Stefaan Ponnet +https://be.linkedin.com/in/sponnet +https://twitter.com/sponnet + +Michael Thuy +https://be.linkedin.com/in/michaelthuy +https://twitter.com/kingflurkel + +-- UPDATE -- + +We would love to get the whole "scammer Chris" story behind us. +That's why Chris is handing over the keys to the city. + +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFNma6n0vFg + +Stefaan's reply: https://youtu.be/AiUpD7wluAw + +https://twitter.com/ArcadeCityHall/status/792104912624549888 + + +-- END OF THE AMA -- +Okay guys, had a great time answering question and learning all about how you feel about Arcade City. +As you can see, we already changed some things thanks to your feedback. +You were of great value to our community, which we like to call "our swarm". +Hope to see many of you later. I loved doing this. KF + +Last time I posted I predicted $400 ETH by the end of September. We got to $394 before a pullback. We have four weeks to go until Thanksgiving on November 22nd. Do you think we will get to $400 ETH? Or are you even more excited and think we will get there by Halloween, on October 31st? +https://www.reddit.com/u/Patrxckstar?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +I'm an autistic idiot who trusted someone pretending to be what they weren't. I lost 40k from exchanging my real crypto to what I thought was real but actually fake crypto (ropsten eth test network). I think I'll kill myself, I can't bare to let my parents know what an absolute failure I am, I just wanted to let someone else know about this predator so they avoid the same fate as me. + +Call me whatever you want, I don't care. I'm done with my life now. +Update 3: I've done a reverse whois lookup on their website, and found a ton of domains registered under the same email (not same IP) in their whois. the domains look super damn scammy by the way, you can check them out yourself here: https://i.imgur.com/HG31eie.png + +And for the actual list if you don't wanna see a picture, here: http://viewdns.info/reversewhois/?q=xiangliao%40gmail.com + +I got the email from: https://www.whois.com/whois/btcgpu.org +**BTG is, without a doubt, a complete scam.** + +Looks like they tried running several ICOs from the looks of their domain lists. +Update 2: + + +Premined: https://github.com/BTCGPU/BTCGPU/pull/2 + +* Unfinished pow implementation: https://github.com/BTCGPU/BTCGPU/pull/15 + +* Replay protection not implemented (**You might lose your Bitcoins if you try to transfer or sell your +airdropped Bitcoin gold be careful!**): https://github.com/BTCGPU/BTCGPU/issues/18 + +* No change of difficulty algorithm implemented (they will compete with other GPU-mined coin for hashpower) + +* No commits merged to main public repo in last 21 days + +* Without the difficulty fix alone, this coin will crater rapidly. + +Assuming it survives that, without replay protection, big exchanges won't list it, and wallets won't support it. +The code is unfinished and in flux that no-one can seriously review it yet, and there's no commit for a testnet definition yet. (thanks to /u/StrawmanGatlingGun) + +Update 1: In their Website-Snapshot from the github (https://github.com/BTCGPU/website) they stated that the fork snapshot already processed: "Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is a new proof-of-work cryptocurrency that will be hard forked from the Bitcoin blockchain on October 1 at block height 487427", which actually ended up being September 28th (https://blockchain.info/block-height/487427) partial info thanks to /u/rhuxx for the find. + +As some of you may know, Bitcoingold is attempting to fork Bitcoin at the 25th of October. However in the past they decided they'll fork during the **Bitcoincash** date, both of which have ended up confusing me thus I've decided to do more research on the matter. + +*As I dug in deeper Bitcoingold started falling apart in front of my eyes losing all my trust in it. Here is what I've found.* + +First I read about this to get a better idea behind it: https://medium.com/@EthereumRussian/is-another-hardfork-going-to-kill-bitcoin-bitcoin-gold-e49b24ad8a9 + +The article mentioned there's been an ICO page, intrigued I decided to do a quick google search and found this 29 August bitcointalk thread that has more information regarding it: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2046790.0 + +Along with the original Bitcoingold developer thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2133536.0 + +It seems that they have possibly ran an ICO (Unsuccessfully most likely) but most certainly had premined the coin, thus I went to their website which at the time (9th of October) only ran a splash screen: http://btcgpu.org/ in an attempt to confirm my doubts. + +This didn't lead me far, I needed to confirm those claims by myself, thus I went to the wayback machine (a wayback machine takes snapshots of websites so you can tell what changed in a website over time) and picked the August 31 date of the bitcoingold website. https://web.archive.org/web/20170831032225/http://btcgpu.org/ + +**This confirmed the rumors**, the website owners/original developers intended to run an **ICO** (which may or may not been successful) and also **premined** 16000 Blocks, **worth at** **least 200,000 Bitcoin gold**. +The ICO price was supposedly 1 BTC = 10 BTG. + +Since they are holding that information away from us and hiding it, this makes me believe that, **bitcoingold is infact a scam** and an attempt to milk the Crypto community out of their money, please don't fall into this scam and don't buy bitcoingold, dump it and let others know you can even do your own research with the Wayback machine I linked above or any time machine. + +Regards, +Faycal Kilali + +tl;dr BTG (Bitcoin gold is pre-mined 200,000+ BTG, and previously offered as an ICO, now they are trying to hide both of that information from us and telling people to dump their alts to get free "Bitcoin gold". the fork dates do not match, they specified different dates 3 times, once in their github page (1th october, and the block ended up being mined at 28th september) and a third time as 25th of october. all this combined information makes this me believe with no doubt that this is a scam in the making, and you should all dump your BTG as soon as you get it and never, ever buy BTG. also there is no replay protection, incomplete pow implementation, and no difficulity adjustment just the replay protection alone means you can lose your BTC by trying to sell/transfer your BTG, whois email associated domains shows complete scammy icos and domains registered under the email, this without a doubt they are 100% scammers.). +I'm going to help explain this phenomena, because this is how big players enter or exit a market. This is how they create the liquidity they need, while eliminating the slippage which they don't want. I've had a few people lately that completely didn't understand this, and I figured there could be a lot of new investors (not just crypto, but market investors) that could benefit from a thorough explanation of this maneuver. + +This isnt about trying to make a profit. It's not a day trading tool. It's a market entrance tool (sell wall) or a market exit tool (buy wall). + +Lets talk sell walls first. + +You are trying to buy as much as you can without moving the price. Your goal is to lower the average value of a massive 10 million dollar buy. So you spend 1M over the counter and put it up as a sell wall, then buy the next 10M from people undercutting your sell wall, scared because they think it's insane selling pressure. Its not, it just looks like it. You open up liquidity by panicking people who are now selling into you. You may lose that 1M sell wall, but in the time you do, you picked up 10M off of the undercutters, and you did it without raising the price of the commodity you were buying, which you would have done if you just market bought 10M. Sure you would love to OTC buy 10M, but if only 1M is available, then this is how you leverage that first 1M into 9M more. + +Again, this is a very well known tool the big players use, and it has nothing to do with crypto. This happens every day in the stock market. + +It doesnt work in a bull market because people will buy through that 1M wall. But at the same time, you did still manage to lower your entry by scooping up so much as you could, even if that was only 1.5M it still worked. + +In a bear market, or sideways market (and your wall in and of itself creates stability until it's broken through), you can pick up way more than your wall, just by slurping up undercutters. + +It's a tactic that is as old as markets have existed. It's not some fantasy I thought up, it happens every single day, especially in smaller markets like crypto. Crypto is growing and volume is impressive, but it's still peanuts compared to trying to do that with amazon stock, or gold, etc. + +So it works best in sideways or slightly bearish markets. It is a massive sell wall that looks terrifying, but in reality it is actually a very bullish indicator. And this isnt just me and my opinion, go look up "are sell walls bearish or bullish". + +The opposite is true too... + +Buy walls + +A massive buy wall looks like someone really wants in (and it *might* be as simple as that), and it looks like the price wont fall lower because it has to penetrate that wall. In reality, if the buy wall is some whale who is using 1M capital to keep the price high while he sells his 10M stack to people leaping him to buy, then it's actually a large buy wall but what is really happening is 10M worth of sell pressure. He is trying to exit 10M position without crashing the price as he does. Then once his 10M is gone, he just pulls whatever is remaining of the buy wall down, market sells that and he exited without moving the price much. + +I know that was a wall of text but hopefully that explains buy and sell walls and why they are often seen as opposite signs of what you initially would think of them as. This is relevant to the stock market, not just crypto. +Sorry if this is a stupid question. I live in the UK and work in finance + +Should I inflate my current pay when speaking to potential new employers/headhunters? Not by much, about 5-10% or so. This is obviously in the hope that they will up that should they want to hire me. Do they have any way of authenticating my actual pay or any legal right to see my payslips before making me an offer? + +Thanks +Earlier this year I took out around $500k from my HELOC to put into the market with the plan of accelerating the pay off off my mortgage which has about $150k left. Things have gone well with that investment and I’m up just over $150k in that account. + +Outside of this I’ve got another 1.3MM in investments. Between SO and I we pull in $250k-$300k a year. Im in Canada and capital gains tax is 50% of gains are taxed as income so at my marginal tax rate that’s around 25% effective tax on the gain. + +That said now that I’m here in debating if paying off mortgage with the gains is the right move so the options I’m considering are + +1. Wait until January liquidate portfolio, pay off mortgage and HELOC. Use money from current mortgage payments to save up for tax bill in 2022 and then divert all funds to investments. + +2. Keep HELOC, leave account as is and continue paying off the mortgage and then start paying down HELOC + +Open to other suggestions also. I realize that from an optimization standpoint option 2 is probably better but there is a lot of piece of mind that comes with paying off the debt... +Batting around the idea of buying my parents a Model 3 next year. + +To those who have done something similar, what are some intricacies you should be aware of before doing something Iike that? + +We're in Canada, if that matters! +I realize most of the discussion here is relating to american companies and stocks, and also not really macro related. With that said, I've been following along to things relating to this Chinese company for a little while and wanted to share since I haven't seen any discussion on it despite how much of a global impact there could be here. With a 200 billion dollar market cap and stakes in other major companies like the struggling Deutsche Bank, **if** it were to go under, it would be a pretty big shock to the world. Now, I'm not going to tell anybody to try timing the market off this, but I feel there should at least be some discussion around this. + +**Who is HNA Group?** + +They're a Chinese conglomerate that has risen from being a small airline, to one of China's largest conglomerates with stakes in assets almost everywhere in the world. They have (before selling some assets recently) the largest stake in Deutche Bank, which was at one point worth just short of 10 billion, and is now valued at 8.8 billion. They also own 25% of Hilton worldwide. + +>The aviation-to-financial services conglomerate has faced a cash crunch since the end of last year, after signing deals worth more than $50 billion over a two-year period, including leading stakes in Hilton Worldwide Holdings (HLT.N) and Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE). + + +Basically, they're failing to make payments to their creditors, their shares in all their subsidiaries have been frozen in China for over a month, and they are selling off assets in a fire-sale manner so that they can attempt to stay solvent. Things have gotten so bad that they were trying to pull money from... their employees of all things... (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/01/business/dealbook/hna-china-employees.html) + + +Furthermore, they seem to have a very shady organizational structure, in which they have been pumping money into a New York Charity that was started by someone related to their company (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/26/business/hna-group-billion-donation-new-york-charity.html). + +There is a lot of reading that can be done on them, but here are a few more links. + +* https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hna-group-creditors/chinas-hna-targets-16-billion-in-asset-sales-in-first-half-bloomberg-idUSKBN1FK0WC + +* http://www.businessinsider.com/r-update-1-chinas-hna-pushes-back-against-liquidity-concerns-wont-sell-assets-blindly-2017-12 + +The major caveat here of course, is that sometimes China is different, especially if a company has any political ties to the communist party. In this instance, even if they were in a scenario where they would go under in a democratic country, the communist government of china may save them for the sake of stability. + +On the other hand, Jinping has been trying to crack down on a lot of the issues here such as capital flight, and extensive credit creation, and has been said to be of the mind to let companies fail so they do not just take on debt incessantly with the mindset that they government will bail them out regardless of what happens. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/07/china-may-be-willing-to-accept-an-economic-downturn-to-hurt-trump-and-win-a-better-trade-deal.html + +> “Many investors have expressed the view that China is prepared to accept an economic downturn (and thus a global economic downturn) to prevent President Trump’s reelection,” Naka Matsuzawa, Nomura’s chief rates strategist in Tokyo, said in a note Wednesday following meetings with Asian clients. +Do you live in a LCOL city that you really like? Maybe you can talk about it a bit? I'm working in US on work visa but I don't really know that much about the country other than the big coastal cities. So anything you can talk about would be really interesting to me. +We asked last week- what sort of contest would you want? The overwhelming majority asked for: + +# A Superstonk MEME CONTEST!!! - this starts TODAY and will either end Monday or will continue on the r/ImmutableX subreddit + +Make a meme about anything that has happened this last year. + +**It can be related to:** + +* **Superstonk** +* **$GME** +* **Gamestop** +* **stock/crypto market** + +# There will be 10 winners who will win 100 IMX each! + +Winners will have the choice to either keep the IMX or donate it to our Toys For Tots fundraiser from last year. It's still open since we never reached our goal. Speaking of Very GMErry Holidays, if you want the "Have a very GMErry Holiday" flair, you can write !Flairy:VGH! anywhere in the sub. [More about Toys 4 Tots from](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ylyszu/very_gmerry_holidays_returns_for_more_cheer_wont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) u/Buttfarm🎄❄🎄 + +**Rules for the MEME Contest:** + +* ORIGINAL CONTENT aka NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE aka don't spam your old memes +* ONE SUBMISSION PER PERSON - more than one and you're disqualified +* SFW +* MUST USE THE MEME CONTEST FLAIR + +[New Meme Contest Flair](https://preview.redd.it/pezey2q320y91.png?width=169&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba36979c34a1601a805bdda6209408db566a0a99) + +Here's some from a few of the mods to get the party started🥳 + +https://preview.redd.it/the9i481uzx91.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9ead02d9a3e404b9b21939d5bb840938f58ab82 + +https://preview.redd.it/42oh5mw1uzx91.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=36651d999385705fbf638f4f596f8002ee4383a2 + +https://preview.redd.it/q6vbtao2uzx91.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fc6dc189fe2c045b2c2c4a9dec55988cfbff8a8 + +https://preview.redd.it/10dapy83uzx91.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=83388b98afa4a8c88a7c674dc1e44560420cbfa7 + +https://preview.redd.it/ghaflwa5uzx91.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f20daf8ce85d153eecc42a0b3c354c8f0bba8d2 + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/ea9isiy5uzx91.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=eab2f1981bd216f535bfcc795cf39c7a6391b867) + +At the end of the contest(Nov 14) we'll put together a voting post with the top 25 upvoted memes. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +**To celebrate the** [**IMX/GME Integration**](https://twitter.com/GameStopNFT/status/1587187726943764481?s=20&t=yTKu2PIsl0ATCKuKBPGo7g) **, we’re planning a week-long raid to take over the** [r/ImmutableX](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImmutableX/) **subreddit👀(starting on Monday)** + +But first, some big news: + +It’s been less than a week since the launch of the GameStop marketplace; ImmutableX is reporting Total Trade Volumes on the GME marketplace of over $1.2 million. That’s insane! The partnership launch resulted in IMX surpassing Solana for the #2 spot on NFT traded volume in 24 hours (see below): + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/ucswql28uzx91.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=046726652822ea2411877f35baea3fd7f50697ff) + +Long story short: GME + ImmutableX = 🚀🌕 + +But it’s not over… + +The Immutable team will be leaving the keys in the door, and their subreddit is ours for the taking. + +# From 00:00 Monday 7th November until the end of Monday 14th November (PDT), Immutable is opening the floodgates for all of us to completely take over [r/ImmutableX](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImmutableX/) ✨ + +**Starting Monday: hit them with your best shitposts, memes, DD’s, hype posts about why GME and IMX are heading to Andromeda🚀, anything! They’re going to compile and reward the best content throughout the week so get ready to bust out those crayons.** + +That’s not all. To wrap up the biggest mixer-party in Reddit history we have something big planned for the 13th of November, so stay tuned for an update. More details to come next Monday (7 November). + +Immutable is also running a contest until November 10: [Join the Power to the Players Art contest to win your share of 5,000 $IMX!](https://twitter.com/Immutable/status/1587225723726544896) + +**Prepare for the invasion on Monday!** + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀���🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +# Reddit now has the ability to post images in comments. What do you think? Is that something you'd want? Let us know in the comments! + +edit to note: we could do images WITHOUT doing gifs + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/ye1xwk/images\_in\_comments\_are\_coming\_to\_sfw\_subreddits/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/ye1xwk/images_in_comments_are_coming_to_sfw_subreddits/) +I'm devastated. 4 days ago, Cake Wallet said that it was insecure and that I need to remove my funds immediately, but I didn't see it since I didn't look. Now my wallet got hacked and I lost most of my funds. 0.03 is a very significant amount for me and this makes me loose trust. Does anyone know anything I could do? + +Edit: Thank you for all the nice comments! My Ledger hardwallet is going to arrive this week which makes this even harder to deal with, but I'm working on improving my security! +Long story short, I came from a very dysfunctional family and only got out of the homeless status 7 years ago. I was never taught about money and lived most of my life being anxious and emotionally/mentally paralyzed about losing my home again.. Life has gotten a lot better but I see that I have a lot of work ahead of me to build a stable, secure life for myself. + +&#x200B; + +* I was able to finish up college but because I chose a very shitty career, I am currently stuck at a low paying job, making $35K a year.. I am working hard to get a better paying job right now. I don't have health insurance and I contribute the least amount possible in retirement, I believe I have around $2500 in there. +* I currently have around $8000 in student loans. It's in default status right now because of covid and I am not sure what's happening so I have saving money instead of making payments. +* I will be relocating to NYC soon because my wife got a job there. She will be making $50K a year. We have to rent and it is estimated to be around $2300 a month. We won't be getting a car to save money. +* I have around $5000 in savings. I want to start a mutual funds but from what I am reading, I am not suppose to start any savings unless I have at least enough cash to last me 6 months without working.. + +I am not the most intelligent person but I am self aware enough to realize how much my life has been ruled by fear. I live a very frugal lifestyle and I have just been holding enough to cash because in the back of my mind, I am always afraid of losing everything. But I know that I need to start investing, I need to get a better job, and I am already late to preparing for retirement.. Being financial illiterate is not an excuse for me to live like this and I want to start taking tangible steps to achieve a peace of mind. + +Any experiences or advices would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading. +I ask because i was a little shit that gave my parents grief about their frugal choices when i was younger. Be it because of the used car, small house, or all the fancy things in my friends house me as a kid was upset about such things. + +Now that im frugal as well it made me think how life with a kid would be. I was wondering if anyone here has experienced this? + +What advice do you have on raising kids who dont care for such frivoloties like my child self? +My ideal retirement has always been pretty simple. I’d wake up at noon, take a long and leisurely brunch (eggs, over easy with an acai smoothie), walk down to the beach and drink a couple of Mai Tais in the shade of a palm tree. Financial independence has always meant two things to me: warm weather and the ocean. But as real estate prices on the coasts continue to soar, that dream is looking more and more unlikely. Beachfront living in the US is prohibitively expensive. Retiring in Hawaii, Southern California or even Florida will cost you a pretty penny. But if you want to feel the sand between your toes, these places are far from the only option. + +For years, thousands of Americans have retired in countries where the cost of living is lower. In 2011, the Social Security Administration sent benefit checks to more than 346,000 Americans living outside the US. There are American expat communities all over the world in countries as diverse as Ecuador, Thailand and Portugal. By taking advantage of favorable exchange rates and friendly local governments, they have been able to reap the benefits of a lifetime of hard work. + +Geographic arbitrage is one of the most effective ways of stretching out your dollar. The biggest advantage of course is the low cost of living. Rent, food, utilities and even healthcare come at a fraction of what they cost in the States. + +This is especially relevant for people on the path to financial independence/early retirement (FIRE). A retirement nest egg of $500,000 works out to about a 4% safe withdrawal rate of $20,000. Now, $20,000 a year, especially on the coasts, isn’t going to get you very far. In expensive cities such as San Francisco, you would essentially be living in poverty. Someone planning to retire in California would have to work several more years to build up a larger retirement fund. + +But $20,000 a year in many places around the world is enough to live a pretty comfortable life. + +I’m going to use the Philippines as an example because I grew up there and I’m familiar with the way things are. In the Philippines, $20,000 is Php 940,000 a year or roughly Php 78,000 a month. That’s roughly the salary of a local corporate middle manager. With that money you could afford to rent a 1 bedroom condo in the city center, afford monthly payments on a car and eat out almost every day. The lower cost of living also leaves more room in the budget to travel, and because of the country’s proximity to Asia, a flight to Hong Kong or Singapore costs only $250. **An individual working on FIRE could drastically speed up their early retirement date by years if they plan to retire in a low cost of living country**. + +By retiring abroad, **luxuries that may be impossible back home are now within reach**. FIRE has always been predicated on living far below your means. Blogger Mr. Money Moustache regularly writes about the virtues of biking, cutting down on unnecessary expenses and avoiding the trap of luxuries. But what if you could retire early *and* live a life of comfort? A $1,000,000 retirement fund will allow for a decent middle class lifestyle in the US. In the Philippines, that’s enough for a beachfront condo, maids to wait on you hand and foot and enough left over to take one or two trips around Asia every year. + +**People with low incomes or who haven’t saved enough for retirement should also seriously consider retiring abroad**. I have heard countless stories of Filipinos who worked low income jobs in the States coming back to the Philippines and buying three bedroom houses. Many American expats in the Philippines live solely off of their Social Security checks. + +Living abroad is not without its drawbacks of course. One may not be comfortable being so far away from friends or family. In many developing countries, poverty and government corruption are facts of life. And the specter of political and social unrest always looms in the horizon. + +But like most things, the fears are overblown. Many Americans retire abroad. If you’re truly afraid of a mob of villagers burning down your home, there are many first world countries where the cost of living is much more sane. Spain, Portugal and Malta come to mind. The Costa del Sol in southern Spain is home to a large British expatriate community. + +My advice? Check it out first. Rent a place in your country of choice and stay there for at least six months. Get to know the language and the culture. Make a few friends. If you haven’t fallen in love with the place, then there’s always the good ol’ US of A to go back to. + +One of the plans I’m considering is to work 10-15 more years in the US to build up my nest egg and retire early in the Philippines. If I play my cards right, I could retire in my early 40s while still realizing my dreams of living near the beach and traveling regularly. It’s an exciting prospect. + +For people considering early retirement, retiring abroad is a smart way of making your hard-earned cash last longer. I still plan on drinking Mai Tais in the shade but it may be in Palawan instead of Kauai. +Hi everyone. I have what I feel is a pretty average salary and situation (for this subreddit), so I wanted to share what my first (semi-successful) year forward was like. Maybe it can help someone get motivated, or maybe there are some things in here that will assist further those already on their way. I began getting interested in FIRE a couple years back, and it wasn't until 2019 that I started taking things seriously and actually working towards some goals. I was living in a VHCOL region that made it almost impossible to save anything on my salary, though rampant consumption and lack of direction also contributed to failure in that area. Around May 2019 I spoke with my employer about transitioning into a remote only role and, after a couple of months of back and forth they finally agreed. This was the first serious step I took towards FIRE. In November that year, I relocated to a VLCOL area in the Midwest. My salary was reduced 15%, bringing it to about 78k/yr, however, by my calculations at the time the savings rate by moving far exceeded 15%. The only additional expense in moving was that of a vehicle; as in, one was now necessary for day to day life. + +Bullet Points for the above period of time: + +\- Relocated from VHCOL area to VLCOL area + +\- Salary was reduced 15% to 78k (70k base w/ some bonuses through the year) + +\- In Dec 2020, I purchased a small SF home for under 70k that needed no work (FHA Loan, 3.375% 30 year). Total out of pocket was around 6k and my mortgage payments, w/ pmi, escrow, etc are 450/month. It is a 2br/1ba 730sq house with a small yard and driveway. + +\- NW, after closing on the house, was about -12k + +So, the chunk of time I am dubbing my first year towards FIRE is the year of 2020. I've tracked my finances incessantly in both Mint and Personal Capital (both have their pros/cons), and most of the graphs and snapshots I'll provide will be from either of those sites. Here is a graph of NW over the course of the year: [https://i.imgur.com/yd1DDMc.png](https://i.imgur.com/yd1DDMc.png). I ended 2020 at 10.5k, a 22k climb and the first time I have had a positive NW since before I was 18 (bad habits ran deep). + +Mint gives me the way to view changes in spending over time, so I've compared 2019 to 2020 for a couple of different categories. My biggest habit change was a massive reduction in the amount of random purchases I made. I like electronics, a lot, and while I might not not spend a lot of money on clothing or furniture, I definitely wouldn't think twice about a TV, speakers, or computer parts: [https://i.imgur.com/hl2tzjV.png](https://i.imgur.com/hl2tzjV.png). The purchases I made in 2020 were things I considered essential and nothing else. Next, I ate out a less (around 1.7k less for the year): [https://i.imgur.com/I0YJ0Ct.png](https://i.imgur.com/I0YJ0Ct.png). Of course the category with the largest change was housing, which dropped from 17k in 2019 to 6k in 2020. Interestingly enough, transportation stayed about the same transitioning from public transpo and Uber to driving a truck. Insurance, gas, and even used vehicles themselves are drastically cheaper here. This can all be summed up in a graph comparing monthly net income for both years. The numbers here are a little weird (income has been difficult for me to track cleanly in mint) but the take away is many more months saving money and not spending more than I made: [https://i.imgur.com/JiUozIK.png](https://i.imgur.com/JiUozIK.png). Some other things that made a difference: + +\- Utilities are now much cheaper. Water/sewer went from 60/month to 20/month for example + +\- Taxes, in general, are much lower (sales, state income, local income) + +\- Other lifestyle changes, like how my free time is spent, alcohol consumption, and less travel + +\- Addition of appreciating assets, such as the house, investments, and believe it or not my truck (weird world right now) + +Lastly, I figured I could highlight what exactly I was doing with the additional income each month. First and foremost, I paid off credit cards. I also had a personal loan that I paid down very quickly. Otherwise, I just stuck some money in savings and the rest is going towards investments: + +\- Following this Financial Panther guide, I've opened 2x of these 'high interest on the first 1k' accounts, and these (along with some other cash) comprise my emergency fund: [https://financialpanther.com/netspend-account/](https://financialpanther.com/netspend-account/) + +\- Opened a brokerage account, and have only been purchasing VEA, VOO, and VYM (Developed markets etf, S&P500 etf, and high dividend yield etf) + +\- Increasingly contributing to employer 401k + +\- Increasingly contributing to a Wealthfront Roth IRA + +\- Light individual stock investing + +\- Home improvements that raised the value of the house + +For this year, I am focusing on reducing my taxable income and trying to stick to the healthier financial habits I've been forming. Maxing out my 401k should drop my MAGI below 66k, making me eligible for the full Traditional IRA deduction come tax time (will switch to traditional from roth this year for this reason). Between the 401k max, IRA deduction, and the standard deduction my total taxable income will be entirely in the 12% bracket and all that should save me around 5.7k on federal taxes (and more at the state/local levels). The percentage of my salary I save, on paper, is 67%, and I would like to get that above 70% by reducing the cost of food and utilities if possible. + +So yeah, if you made it this far, hopefully there was something helpful or interesting in there. I would love any suggestions, feedback or constructive criticism and, while not an expert by any means, if I can help or answer any questions feel free to ask! + +TL;DR - relocated and changed some spending habits to climb out of debt and into the FIRE. +If you sell your holdings to buy back in at a lower level, you have to be right twice. You have to be right about that decision to sell and your future decision to buy back in. + +People will say "you just need to buy back in at a lower cost." But it's really not that simple. Unless the market plays out to your plan perfectly, you will always be at the mercy of human psychology and will likely lose money in the long run. + +Take a look at threads when SPY was at 290. People were proudly saying left and right that they have liquidated their portfolio and will buy back in when the market seems less irrational.. And that they are ok with missing out future gains. + +What do you think those people are doing right now? I bet you that 50% of them have already bought back in at the higher price because their mind was yelling "if you dont get in now, you will never get back in." The other 50% are watching the market very closely and banging their desk every time SPY ticks upwards.. + +And let's say... They were right! SPY will dip back to 250. The remaiming 50% of people I talked about were technically right about their decision to sell. But the drop won't happen overnight. It will be a multiple days or weeks process. + +15% of people will actually buy back in when SPY retreats to 290 and lingers there for a few days... They will be mentally scarred after seeing SPY shoot above 300 and their only wish is to get back into the market and get rid of this stress. So at any opportunity they see, they will jump back in despite their original cost being 270. + + +The remaining 35% people will now breathe a sigh of relief as they watch SPY dip below their original selling price of 270.. When SPY hits 260, another 10% of people will buy back in.. All that stress and risk of forever being out of the market all for a 4% gain.. + +When SPY hits 250, another 10% of people will buy back in. Ok good job your timing paid off. + +But how about the remaining 15%? They were waiting for SPY to hit 240... But lets say 250 was the new bottom and SPY sloely climbs back up. + +Half of those people (7.5%) will watch the market go back up to 280 and buy back in after giving up. The other half will never buy back in because psychology wont allow them. + +These are the scenarios that are likely to happen when you try to time the market. I say this as someone who has experienced all of the aboove during my attempt at timing the market. + +If your time period is 10+ years, then the risk of selling to buy back in at a lower price is far greater than the 10% gain you might achieve by doing so... Even if the market crashes 30% again, the average investor is better off just ignoring the noise and staying in the game to guarantee that they can leap the long-term benefit of investing... Because thats where the magic really happens. + +15 years from now it wont matter much if you made your initial purchase of SPY at 300 vs. 270. But what will matter is if you somehow got burned at trying to time the market and never got back in... +Yesterday morning I had roughly 3 BTC taken out of my brainwallet that I have with blockchain.info. + +Before you all start pointing fingers at me for lack of security, let me tell you I have a 30+ character strong password, a Yubikey and a 20+ string secondary password, all needed to send funds out of a brainwallet. Both passwords were generated with Lastpass and are random characters, including special, mixed upper/lower case letters and numbers. + +I think I am using all their provided security mechanisms to secure my account. + +However, my brainwallet, in which I keep just spare change, was emptied. I don't expect to recover the few Bitcoins, but am very curious to know what happened. Where the breach happened and if it truly was my fault. (I still hope for a facepalm situation that shames me online, but gives me this pocketchange back...) + +I'll try to give as much information as I can: + +The address in questions is: [15gCfQVJ68vyUVdb6e3VDU4iTkTC3HtLQ2](https://blockchain.info/address/15gCfQVJ68vyUVdb6e3VDU4iTkTC3HtLQ2) + +and it happened over three transactions on 2013-07-27 at 22:52 + +The three transactions were: + +[da5f91b8a26e6874e83a874156608f5d9a38efe1faa2b32f4e709a181f0d2c1e](https://blockchain.info/tx/da5f91b8a26e6874e83a874156608f5d9a38efe1faa2b32f4e709a181f0d2c1e) +[68ab47c3aaf2d0073374772894641d817305f18ab272b19d74217333a0180856](https://blockchain.info/tx/68ab47c3aaf2d0073374772894641d817305f18ab272b19d74217333a0180856) +[096d07185a83eb6b6b6520d7d63e59f230d9711df0d9e754ce7fdc3d4cf792ac](https://blockchain.info/tx/096d07185a83eb6b6b6520d7d63e59f230d9711df0d9e754ce7fdc3d4cf792ac) + +It seems the coins are still in the brand new addresses they were tranferred to and I suspect I'll see them disappear over time. + +I keep the Yubikey with me at all time and I do not have a phone app. I do not us any suspicious plugins or extensions. I ran a virus scan and appear to be clean. I am running a couple of other scans to ensure that my system is truly clean. + +I did come across this reddit thread: [a_brief_analysis_of_the_security_of](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1d0155/a_brief_analysis_of_the_security_of/) by [u/0x444](http://www.reddit.com/user/0x444) which made me feel pretty doubtful of what I once thought was the best online wallet out there. + +Update: I happened to have logging enabled on blockchain.info (Log actions with IP address and User Agent) and all access to my account was from my IP. That excludes a breach into the blockchain.info account.... right? + +That leaves two options: + +1) The brainwallet was the one that comes with your account and is automatically generated for you. Did someone on the inside (blockchain.info) get a hold of the private key? + +2) Against all odds and probabilities, someone guessed/computed the private key of this address. + +Am I wrong....? Any ideas or thoughts? + + + + +I am trying to figure out if it's worth paying off this 5 year old debt of $139 to an internet company, or letting it fall off in 2 years. I have no idea how much it's hurting me right now, but I don't wanna pay it if it's gonna reset the date on it. +Paid my broker $300 for this and it took them SEVEN WEEKS and escalations! Lost Tax Free Gains to ensure my shares are really real, and IN MY NAME. Hedgies R Fuk’d. MOASS gets closer everyday! +I was pulling up to an intersection and was the first car in line at a red light. An ambulance with it's lights and siren on pulls up from my right. It checks to see if the coast is clear and rolls through. + + A few secs go by after it passes and my light changes to green. I start going and suddenly a firetruck blows thru the intersection, I slam my brakes and the 68 year old lady behind me rear ends the hell of my truck. + +We pull over, talk to the police officer and have the same story. He doesn't give her a ticket but says it was her fault. I can have him give her one but he didn't want to be a dick. (Vehicle was 4 days owned) + +I call Geico insurance leave a message cause Yolanda didn't answer. She ends up calling me the next day and I file the claim. I give her all the details. Tell her my tail light got busted, pushed my bumper in a little bit and bent the bed a bit creating a gap in between my fender flair and my bed. + + Yolanda tells me it will take 4-6 weeks for her to get the police report and decide. So I wait a bit and check online only to find that the claim is closed and no vehicle damage was reported. + +I call Yolanda back and am a bit confused. Voicemail again... I leave a message and wait. She calls me back and I ask what's the status with the case. She tells me we have never talked. I tell her we have and she sturnly says no we haven't. I tell her I have voicemails from her and I can send them to her. She says that won't be necessary... I'm irritated now + +Yolanda tells me they decided that the fire department is at fault and they won't be paying for anything for my vehicle. WTF! We go back and forth nothing gets settled. Yolanda even suggests that I contact the department and get them to cover the damages. + +They also suggest I just use my own insurance to fix it. All I have to pay is my deductible... I only have liability insurance and will have to pay out of pocket just to fix my truck. + +WTF! I get rear ended, I stopped in time, she didn't! It wasn't a drag race. Now they won't me to do all the work? Da hell is insurance for? + +Also, I went to get my inspection so I can register my vehicle and forgot that it is impossible to pass inspection in Texas when you have a busted tail light even though the lights still work + +What can/should I do? + +Edit: +We both have Geico +The report says it's her fault but also says firetruck was the cause of my sudden braking + +Yolanda is the claim adjuster but acting on behalf of the lady that hit me. + +My fiancé took out a 5k loan to go to school, then flunked out his first year. Now it's five years later, loan is about 8500, defaulted. His mother wants to go ahead and declare bankruptcy, since this will be on his record for 7 years anyways, but I definitely don't know what to expect in such a case. His wages are to low technically to be garnished but they take his tax refund every year. We are renting a house and each own a car, but neither vehicle is in his name.) we are planning to wed in October 2018. I have a very small credit card debt I've been paying steadily, and my credit score is decent. + +I grew up in a very low income household and have a couple horrifying memories of having vehicles repossessed, once they even took the playhouse my father built. I would really like to avoid ever experiencing that again. I don't feel like I understand enough about the debt or loan legalities to make a smart decision. +Hello again! + + +First off, the last vote was in favor of the r/place banner over the contest. To the small group of you who applied to the banner contest, I am sorry. the mod team has some ideas for how to highlight your efforts in other ways, so stay tuned. We just didn't get enough engagement with the contest, and this idea to use the imagery from our r/place efforts was too good to pass up. +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Now onto the reason for this post 🚀 + +Thank you to everyone for your feedback on the banner! Rest assured that I saw u/boltflower's banner and I seriously love it. + +*(in case you missed it:* [*Wut think of this banner?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/txs32j/wut_think_of_this_banner/) *)* + +Given the overwhelming support for this banner in the way of upvotes, I wanted to put up a final poll to make sure we are using the most representative banner for our community. There were more upvotes for u/BoltFlower's banner suggestion than there were total votes on my banner post, so I suspect I know the outcome of this poll. That said, it's important to give everyone the chance to have their voice heard. So once and for all, please vote for your favorite r/place x r/Superstonk banner + + +**Option one: Boltflower's Banner.** + +[Seriously well-done Bolt!!](https://preview.redd.it/ftxf6h8mrbs81.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bfa3eb675b7321861dbbb247d704d92654474f9) + +**Option two: The original Banner suggestion that I created** + +https://preview.redd.it/pyb09b42rbs81.png?width=2705&format=png&auto=webp&s=187a4208844090893e5dcbde7ab9842a7194afdd + +BTW sorry for having to do two polls about this, had I known that bolt was going to put out something so great, I would've waited and held the original poll with this banner suggestion. Such is life, I suppose. If you want to see this become our new banner, please vote on it below. + +&#x200B; + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/tz6eqj) +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +**\*Obligatory:** I am not a financial advisor and nothing within this post should be construed as financial advice. All investors should do their own research to come to their own conclusions. I am DUM DUM. + +**TL;DR** As we all know, short interest in GME plummeted during **Q1 2021** but the illegal naked short positions were never closed, in fact, they were increased. The short interest for GME has been hidden through various means (ETF shorting & derivatives primarily) since the sneeze. + +On that note, the NSCC has had a liquidity crisis on its hands since **Q1 2021**. Through 3 quarters of 2021, the **NSCC has reported that it has not had enough liquid capital on hand to cover the potential default of the credit exposures (bets) of its largest member or member family,** **5 TIMES**. As far back as I can see (**Q3 2015**), this has never happened before. The bets are so large, the NSCC simply does not have enough cash on hand to cover the potential default of this member in a worst-case but plausible scenario. The NSCC must meet this capital requirement “with a high degree of confidence” per Clearing Agency rules. “*Russell indices reconstitution activities”* and “*option expiration dates”* are listed as the reasons for the shortfalls in **Q2 of 2021**. GME was upgraded from the Russell 2000 to the Russell 1000 during **Q2**. **Q3** lists similar reasons for the deficiency. + +A certain “*idiosyncratic*” or “*concentrated*” security has been responsible for the clearing funds largest backtesting deficiencies each of these quarters as well. No previous disclosures mention any issues with *idiosyncratic* securities. + +Some market rules may not have been the darlings we thought they were. NSCC-2021-005 was widely hailed as a rule “they needed to implement” before MOASS would occur. I disagree and here’s why, this rule raised Required Fund Deposits of members from a minimum of $10,000 to a minimum of $250,000. I believe the NSCC implemented this rule so they had additional liquidity to keep up with their largest member’s INSANELY LOFTY BETS and it STILL WASN’T ENOUGH. We’ve had other posts discussing the yuckiness within NSCC-2021-010. Read the [comments](https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-nscc-2021-010/srnscc2021010.htm). Now the NSCC is trying to require more member funding through outrageous capital requirement increases through proposed NSCC-2021-016. I believe this additional funding will be used so that the NSCC has the liquid capital needed to cover the potential default of even loftier bets by its largest member. + +I need to give this risk.net article credit for giving me the information needed to start pulling this string: [NSCC's Year of Living Dangerously](https://www.risk.net/our-take/7917246/nsccs-year-of-living-dangerously) + +# The NSCC Liquidity Crisis & An 'Idiosyncratic' Security + +A lot of DD has been done to show that when GME’s short interest disappeared like a fart in the wind during, and after the Great Achoo of **Jan 27th 2021**, that the short exposure was hidden away through various means (ETF shorting and derivatives (Options, Swaps, Futures, etc.) primarily). The SEC even acknowledged in their [Gamestop Report](https://www.sec.gov/page/sec-staff-release-gamestop-report) that “a short squeeze did not appear to be the main driver of events”. Shorts never closed. + +Well, it just so happens that from **Q1 2021 – Q3 2021** the National Securities Clearing Corporation **(NSCC)** who “*provides clearing, settlement, risk management, central counterparty services and a guarantee of completion for certain transactions for virtually all broker-to-broker trades involving equities, corporate and municipal debt, American depositary receipts, exchange-traded funds, and unit investment trusts*” **has failed to have enough cash on hand to cover its largest member’s potential default “in extreme but plausible market conditions”, 5 times.** This is commonly known as its “*Cover 1*” obligation as a Clearing Agency which is a requirement per [17 CFR § 240.17Ad-22(e)(4)(iii)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.17Ad-22). + +Here’s a snippet of the referenced rule, see (iii): + +[ 17 CFR § 240.17Ad-22\(e\)\(4\)\(i, ii, iii\) ](https://preview.redd.it/gicg4vakhtl81.png?width=1155&format=png&auto=webp&s=a275b0b8581e5efdd49b8483ae27baecb7325f83) + +I need to say, and I’m curious if anyone knows the answer to this, but I am honestly surprised they aren’t required to cover their top two members’ default as is shown in (ii) of the referenced rule but their filings do not make it seem so. The NSCC is a [Designated Financial Market Utility (DFMU)](https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/designated_fmu_about.htm) of the Federal Reserve and is designated as ["Systematically Important"](https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-markets-financial-institutions-and-fiscal-service/fsoc/designations) by the FSOC so that’s a little confusing, but that’s not the point of this post so I’m going to move on. + +Here’s a snippet from NSCC’s own [Disclosure Framework](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/NSCC_Disclosure_Framework.pdf) released 12/2021 showing the “Cover 1” obligation requirement: + +![img](3wkkj8g0itl81 "NATIONAL SECURITIES CLEARING CORPORATION +Disclosure Framework for Covered Clearing Agencies and +Financial Market Infrastructures (12/2021)") + +Link for Policy & Compliance Disclosures which contains most of the information referenced within the rest of the post: [https://www.dtcc.com/legal/policy-and-compliance](https://www.dtcc.com/legal/policy-and-compliance) + +Here’s a visual aid on how many times they’ve sucked at following this standard: + +[5 times... So far.](https://preview.redd.it/f6z83zn8itl81.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=48400bc27312d67605a526015d48d13a6b38063c) + +# Q1 2021 + +In **Q1 2021**, had the worst-case hypothetical loss occurred, the **NSCC would have been on the hook for roughly** **$40.7B** which is $591 million more than they had set aside to cover these oversized bets. Uh-oh. Prior to 2021, this had never happened. Had that member defaulted, other members would have to cover that additional $591M. If the largest member defaulted, I think a few others may as well. From the Q1 2021 Quantitative Disclosure: + +https://preview.redd.it/96l7ollhitl81.png?width=1585&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f197af1ddd5c781a57c67137ee82e2ca1f2d811 + +The furthest right-hand column shows us the largest single participant exposure for the NSCC at $40.68B, the number of days that exceeded the NSCC’s ability to cover that exposure (1), and how much the largest member’s exposure exceeded the NSCC’s liquid capital by ($591M). Remember, this is just the NCSS’s exposure and is only a test, not real-life conditions. It is also not the member’s exposure or anybody else who may be placing like-minded bets... I don’t know how you quantify an infinite loss but the NCSS is trying. + +Another interesting piece, While the NSCC was exposed to all of those risky (insert synonym for fucking grossly oversized) bets by its largest member or member family, a certain idiosyncratic stock emerged as a thorn in the side of its Clearing Fund sufficiency backtesting. This is a calculation of the NSCC’s ability to liquidate a member’s defaulted portfolio in 3 days’ time. + +https://preview.redd.it/2shega9litl81.png?width=1314&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e506c94b9281e68e20cccd990efce5d7a05faa2 + +PDF Source: [FICC & NSCC PUBLIC QUANTITATIVE DISCLOSURES FOR CENTRAL COUNTERPARTIES Q1 2021](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/CPMI_IOSCO_Quantitative_Disclosure_Results_2021_Q1_1.pdf) + +$1.06B on **January 22nd**?!? A single security displaying idiosyncratic risk?!? Whatever could it be? Could it have been the most heavily shorted security on the market? The one with a reported short interest greater than its shares outstanding? Which was being bought up by retail in droves? That’s price rapidly spiked roughly 2800% during the month? Weird, none of the other previous disclosures mention anything about an *idiosyncratic security*… Probably nothing. + +# Q2 2021 + +In **June of 2021** the NSCC was short of the Cover 1 obligation two more times. This time by a measly $1.02B and $5.1B on each respective occurrence. That’s BILLIONS. *“The settlement obligations were driven by June option expiration and* ***Russell Indices Reconstitution activities*** *respectively which represent days that NSCC experienced material increases in clearing activity.”* **What another weird coincidence, GME was moved up from the Russell 2000 to Russell 1000 Index on** [**June 25th, 2021**](https://www.shacknews.com/article/125334/gamestop-gme-joining-the-russell-1000-index-rebalancing-set-for-after-the-market-close)**.** + +The [Q2 Quantitative Disclosure](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/CPMI-IOSCO-Quantitative-Disclosure-Results-2021-Q2-1.pdf) for the Clearing Fund backtesting again mentions, *“The largest deficiency incurred during the quarter was mainly driven by a single security exhibiting idiosyncratic risk”* but they no longer include what the maximum deficiency was... Things that make you go hmm. + +\*Note: The Quantitative Disclosures contain both the Cover 1 information and the backtesting information. + +# Q3 2021 + +In July, The NSCC found themselves short of the obligation by $594M. + +[NSCC-2021-005](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nscc/nsccarchive/nsccarchive2021.htm#SR-NSCC-2021-005) comes into play as it was approved by the SEC on **August 11th** with implementation within 20 days, where all members had their Required Fund Deposit increased from $10,000 to $250,000. Nice liquidity injection for the NSCC. It is my belief that this rule came about to buy the NSCC time to get additional capital lined up to cover the wagers being placed by their largest member. In the rule filing, the NSCC discusses how its smallest members are more proportionally responsible for backtesting deficiencies, BUT makes no mention of how their largest member had exceeded the NSCC’s available liquid resources in the event of potential default during the previous quarter. Which was the first time this scenario has occurred, according to public records. The proposed rule was submitted on **4/26/21**... Alrighty-then, they should be safe to their largest member's potential default now, right? + +Wrong, even padded with the extra dough, the NSCC failed once more. The NSCC did not have enough liquid capital in September ($32.7M). *“In both instances (July and Sept) settlement obligations were driven by option expiration, which represent days that NSCC experienced material increases in clearing activity. In September, the liquidity need was also driven by elevated closing volume that included index rebalancing activity.”* + +In regards to its Clearing Fund backtesting, the [Q3 Quantitative Disclosure](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/CPMI-IOSCO-Quantitative-Disclosure-Results-2021-Q3.pdf) states, *“The largest deficiency incurred during the quarter was mainly driven by a concentrated security amid a broader market sell-off.”* Again, no information provided on the maximum deficiency. + +# Re-summarize + +Wrapping this portion of the post up. GME’s massive short interest disappeared in **Q1 2021** and we know it has been hidden through derivatives and ETF shorting, among other tactics. From that point on, the NSCC hasn’t had the required liquid capital on-hand to cover its largest member’s risky and lofty bets, 5 times, and this has never happened before. The NSCC was exposed to a $40.7B hypothetical loss had the “worst-case” scenario came to be in **Q1 2021**. + +In **Q2 2021**, we find that June shortfalls were caused by *Russell Indices Reconstitution activities* and *June option expiration* during the same time GME moves from the Russell 2000 to the Russell 1000. + +All the while, an *idiosyncratic or concentrated* *security* has been wreaking havoc on the Clearing Fund backtesting each quarter, and an *idiosyncratic* or *concentrated security* has never been mentioned before in any of the previous Quantitative Disclosures. + +https://preview.redd.it/89sv1t52jtl81.jpg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191bd8085c0dab05168c885a16fe09be810ae94c + +# NCSS-2021-016 + +If the DTCC [Board of Directors](https://www.dtcc.com/about/leadership/board) is primarily comprised of representatives from the firms who are (allegedly) involved in illegal naked short selling, why do we think that all of the new proposed rules they are creating are for the benefit of the overall market? + +I’m going to be brief and tell you that I believe NCSS-2021-016 is attempting to increase capital requirements by insane amounts so the NCSS has enough liquid capital to cover EVEN HIGHER bets by its largest member, and they’re making smaller broker/dealers foot the bill, or be driven out of the market by not being able to afford the requirements within the proposed rule. I highly encourage you to read the rule and the comments regarding the rule, especially those by STANY as that was a good string pull for me. Here’s an excerpt from STANY’s comment on proposed rule SR-NSCC-2021-016: + +*“The Proposal seeks to impose an increase on broker-dealer applicant’s or member’s capital requirements of between 200 and 1000 percent. The excess net capital requirements (i.e., capital in excess of the minimum net capital required by the Commission or such higher minimum capital required by its designated examining authority) for self-clearing broker-dealers would increase from $500,000 to as much as $5,000,000 and for broker-dealers who clear for others, excess net capital requirements would increase from $1,000,000 to as much as $10,000,000, if their “value-at-risk tier” exceeds $500,000. NSCC also proposes that a member that is a national securities exchange registered under the Exchange Act and/or a non-U.S. securities exchange or multilateral trading facility, must have and maintain at all times at least $100 million in equity capital.”* + +*“We agree with those who submitted comment letters to NSCC concerning this proposal, that the Proposed Changes are anti-competitive and discriminatory against smaller broker-dealers.* *The dramatically increased capital requirements will discourage new broker-dealer entrants into the market and cause others to close. Moreover, the Proposed Changes will have an outsized effect on small company issuers who are principally serviced by smaller broker-dealers. Significantly, the increased capital requirements will ultimately disadvantage investors who trade in microcap and OTC market securities.”* + +***"Our concerns about the proposal are exacerbated by the NSCC’s failure to demonstrate that current margin requirements are insufficient to cover credit risks. On the contrary, we question NSCC’s rationale that the Proposed Changes are needed to mitigate its “risk” as a central counterparty since the NSCC has claimed within the past year that increases in the Required Fund Deposit gave it a “confidence” level well in excess of 99%. A year ago, NSCC increased elements of its Require Fund Deposit significantly increasing margin charges for microcap and OTC securities, including the volatility charge, the margin differential charge, the coverage component and backtesting charge. NSCC is already protected against credit risk from member trading and market volatility, many times over via transactional margin charges and offers no explanation for why the margin charges, already imposed on trading are not more than sufficient to cover its central counterparty risk. Additionally, the NSCC has failed to explain why it would be appropriate to use the value-at-risk (“VaR”) model to determine the minimum excess net capital requirements for membership. The VaR model is already used to calculate and impose margin on trading activity. Using this model would double count this alleged risk: at the transactional level where NSCC already collects margin that commonly exceeds the value of the position to be cleared, and in the proposed increases in broker-dealer excess net capital.”*** + +[Link](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nscc/nsccarchive/nsccarchive2021.htm#SR-NSCC-2021-016) to Proposed Rule SR-NSCC-2021-016 + +[Link](https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-nscc-2021-016/srnscc2021016.htm) to Comments Page for SR-NSCC-2021-016 + +If you believe this proposed rule is not beneficial to the market’s structure, I encourage you to leave a comment on the rule. Do not dox yourself. If coming up with your own comment makes your brain hurt too much, you can simply copy and paste someone else’s comment, or portions of their comment that you agree with. The SEC keeps a running tally. + +That’s all folks! + +DRS is the way. + +Tanks fo reedin + +Special thanks to u/Blanderson_Snooper , u/goldielips , and others for giving this a read ahead of time. I really appreciated you taking the time to give me your constructive thoughts! + +Apes strong together + +A little adder with the recent Ryan Cohen BBBY news. I also made a post on the [75 most heavily shorted stocks from 2020/21](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q1w5z8/the_short_game_exposed_exploring_leverage_in_75/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and guess who was in the top 5 of that list before everyone's short interest disappeared in Q1 2021... BBBY. Hedgies r fuk +I'll start: + +One of the traders at my work had to drop one really badly, so he told the secretary to punch in an order 1m@ 103.57, when the price gets there. + +Well she ended up punching 100m @ 103.57 in our vwap algo, instead of just 1m into the bloomberg then clicking hit at 103.57 or lower. + +So the guy comes back from the toilet, looks at the screen sees the vwap algo going off and has bought about 59m in the past 5 minutes, closes the algo. Starts freaking out, now the problem is that since FI is all OTC the vwap algo had hit up ALL the dealers to buy the 59m, so their automated system would quote a shitty bid for the rest of the day (no dealer wants to get picked off). + +It was a fun afternoon trying to unload 58m of dbr's, took about 2 weeks to unwind them at a profit. + +Protip: Don't let your secretary place your trades. + + +Hey all, + +Recently resigned from my job and tried to be as professional as possible about it. Gave them my letter stating that I was giving 8 weeks notice and that my last day would be on a specific date. Although my contract states that the minimum notice period was 4 weeks, my manager said that if I ever left, to please give 8 weeks notice as a professional courtesy. + +2 days after I submitted my letter, I got called into HR was given a letter certifying that my employment was now terminated, and I was to leave the building immediately. They even cut off my computer account access- very dramatic. + +Is this standard? This is my first resignation and the whole ordeal was very unusual. + +EDIT: + +Industry: Manufacuturing & Export private company + + +Job: Business Analyst + +EDIT 2 : Thanks everyone for the advice and information. I know this thread was off topic, but I appreciate the insights. I'll follow it up with fair-trade to make sure everything was above level. +Hello all, + +Just looking for some advice about mutual funds. Do you think it’s a bad time to invest in one right now? This is my first time doing any sort of investing or putting my money away. I have finally saved 15,000. I am wondering if the war in Ukraine makes it a bad time for me to put my money into a medium risk mutual fund. My bank tells me that it is not a bad time. However I don’t know a lot about investing or mutual funds. I’m located in Canada B.C if that makes any difference. The gas prices are insane out here right now which is scary. +I’m lucky enough to recieve rental assistance for an affordable apartment in my city. Even though they raised the rent this month and it is far from “affordable” anymore, but I digress. In relation to the rest of my area, I guess it is affordable. I have the only affordable unit in my building, the landlord implemented it so he can get a tax break. + +Once a year, my landlord and the housing comission comb through every inch of my finances to confirm that I am, indeed, poor. The woman who I contact for it is well and truly brain-dead: she can’t understand why my checking account would “fluctuate so much” over the course of a week. I also had to explain to her what a “franchise” is last year. But the absolute worst part of this process is getting my manager to sign off on my poverty wages. + +You can’t be direct about it because it makes them uncomfortable. Well, they fucking should feel uncomfortable. Every single one of your employees qualifies for low income housing, I’m just the one lucky enough to get it. I’m full of so much bitterness/resentment and I’m not even 30. Anyways, thanks for listening to me bitch. +Hey guys, + +I posted this DD earlier this morning: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o1sggl/the\_hidden\_shorts\_the\_correlation\_of\_ftds\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o1sggl/the_hidden_shorts_the_correlation_of_ftds_and/) + +If you haven't read that, read it and then come back. + +Many of you asked for more strike prices and to also explore the 1/21/22 options chain as it is seeing similar activity. Originally, I didn't think I'd have time to go through and manually pull and correct the data from their respective sources. However, I made a python script to get this information a lot more quickly. + +I have run some correlation tests on the wider sets of data, and it looks promising. I have found that the correlation in open interest for these OTM puts are really strong (like **0.997 correlation coefficient strong**). However, the FTD correlation actually decreased. The correlation is still negative, its just less strong. I can think of a few reasons that this could be happening, but the one I suspect the most is: + +* The techniques used to reset FTDs **weren't used until the share price reached a point that was actually uncomfortable for SHFs**. + +However, I think with a **0.997 correlation coefficient** between the open interests of various OTM put positions proves beyond reasonable doubt that these were purchased and/or sold by one entity or were purchased and/or sold by colluding entities/algorithms. + +Clearly something **fucky** is going on here, so that's where I'm going to ask for help from you apes. I am going to make my datasets public. It contains all of the FTDs of $GME from Sep. 6, 2019 to May 28, 2021. It also contains the OI data for strikes in the 7/16 and 1/21/22 chains that have a high OI (>10,000). Hopefully this easy-to-access data will inspire the wrinkle-brains of this sub to search for correlations. Personally, here are a few things I'd like to know that I just don't have the wits to analyze on my own: + +1. **If the correlation between OI and FTDs is stronger in the time period that ranges from the January to run-up to present day than the time period that ranges from 2019 to present day, is it safe to say that SHFs haven't used options techniques to "reset" FTDs until recently?** +2. **Is it completely safe to say that these contracts are definitively purchased/sold by one entity/algorithm?** + +If you apes can think of any other questions, that would be great. I am going to start researching my own questions right now, so let me know. Here is the data set used: + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FslEBxiy4Tkfc5ZAzA8o937R4oPPt6EOIwr0xVZO80o/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FslEBxiy4Tkfc5ZAzA8o937R4oPPt6EOIwr0xVZO80o/edit?usp=sharing). + +It contains very valuable information and I'd absolutely love for other apes to take a look at it and see what they come up with. + +That's all for now. + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR: Negative correlation between FTDs and OTM put open interest is less when looking as far back as 2019, but its stronger when looking at 1/15 or later. Could be because SHFs haven't used FTD "reset" techniques until recently due to the price being low enough in 2019/2020. Now that the price is higher, the high negative correlation suggests they could be using the very tricks they've been suspected of to "reset" FTDs with options contracts.** + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: QA/QC of the Data: Description of the methods used to obtain data and full list of sources found below. Was originally a reply to u/Training_Molasses_51 comment, but auto-mod removed because it was too long. + +&#x200B; + + + +It is accurate and slightly altered in that some days have 0 FTDs. Those dates aren't listen the files. I had to manually go into all 41 files, check if the days that are missing were 0 FTD days, holidays, or weekends. I did that by cross-referencing the dates of the publicly available and verifiable put option open interest data for various strike prices (ie. some options were available for purchase/sale earlier than others, so you have to look at various strikes to put the puzzle pieces together). That was most of the hard work. + +The second nightmare is that the data from the SEC is in such horrible format. The FTD data is stored in bi-monthly CSV files. And it's not just the data for $GME, its the data for literally every stock on the NYSE that had FTDs. So there was 41 14,000+ line files with $GME FTD data hidden throughout. So, I created a python script to search for $GME within each file, get the necessary data (date, volume of FTDs, notional value). Once I had all the data in a spreadsheet, I did the calendar checking process that I described above. You're more than welcome to cross-reference my spreadsheet data with the actual files released from the SEC. + +I got the put open interest data straight from [Barchart.com](https://barchart.com/), but I made sure to double check it with my broker, TD Ameritrade. All of their numbers lined up, you can also cross-reference this with another source if you'd like to. + +Also it would be extremely hard to enter incorrect data for two completely different options strikes with different expiries and get such a high Pearson Correlation Coefficient, so I trust that I made no mistakes in "doing the grunt work." + +Here are my sources if you'd like to check for yourself: + +[https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm](https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C0.50P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C0.50P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C1.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C1.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C5.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C5.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C20.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C20.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C50.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C50.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C30.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C30.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C10.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C10.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C12.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C12.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C15.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20210716%7C15.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C0.50P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C0.50P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C1.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C1.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C2.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C2.00P/interactive-chart) + +[https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C5.00P/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME%7C20220121%7C5.00P/interactive-chart) + +Edit: Forgot to mention that I got the price data from Yahoo Historical Data linked here: [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/history?period1=1568592000&period2=1622160000&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d&includeAdjustedClose=true](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/history?period1=1568592000&period2=1622160000&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d&includeAdjustedClose=true) +I have been reading this sub for a while and it has me excited to get skin in the game as soon as possible. + +I am 21, will be graduating college in the spring with an engineering degree, and have a job lined up making about 70k. I will be graduating without any debt and want to know the first steps I should take. I will only have about 2k saved when graduated; I may be debt free but I’m not loaded. + +I have never had a credit card and really do not want one, but if it’s something that provides enough advantages for getting loans then I will. My initial thought after graduation was to live in an apartment for a couple years, save a lot, and buy a duplex or triplex of some sort to live in one part and rent out the other. If there is a way I could expedite this process, maybe get a place straight out of college, that would be great. Unfortunately my job is in the DC area and the cost of living is relatively high. I am also curious if there are better paths I could take that I could start out in. + +I am wondering what are some options and stuff I should start doing now to prepare myself to get skin in the game as soon as possible. I’d love to build a solid portfolio by the time I am 30 to where I can do real-estate as a full time job. +I have recently been introduced to the infinite banking method of investing in real estate. From what I understand its essentially taking out a whole life insurance policy and then using the Insurance policy as a vehicle fund real estate purchases. + +Does anyone have experience with this? Is it a legitimate strategy? And if it is really such a good strategy why isn't everyone doing it? +Hey guys. On mobile and so fourth. Had a question I was looking for some clarity on. I'm currently looking into multi family places that I can use FHA financing for. I came across someone who said that you can include the documented rental income from the property as part of the income statement on your FHA loan. I spoke with my lender and he was slightly firmiliar with this. He said you can use 75 percent of the rental income as additional income for your loan. Has anyone done this and can explain to me more how it works? + +For example: + +A four unit 300k property that has documented $2500 worth of rental income monthly. + +Would my lender then take that and do 1875 x 12 = 22k And just include that as part of my income to increase my barrowing ability? + +Sorry if this isn't clear. I'm a bit hazy on the concept myself so please bear with me. Any help greatly appreciated! +Hello everyone! + +Two friends, my father, my brother and I are starting an investment company in South Africa. We have registered the company, and done all the due diligence required for this kind of venture. We are currently busy writing the shareholders agreement and need some advice. + +Someone much wiser than me said, “if you’re doing business with an acquaintance - you need a contract. If you’re doing business with friends and family, you need an extremely thorough contract”. + +Do you guys have any clauses I should definitely insert into the SHA, to ensure the business runs smoothly and doesn’t cause too much conflict? + +Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. +Was thinking of an idea of buying an (maybe some) empty parking lot(s) that I would repave with nice stone (as I have experience in that area stonework and landscape design) basically turn an ugly empty parking lot in a trafficked area into one big nice patio and some type of nice water feature and plants in the middle with some picnic tables to form into a food truck parking area have about 8 or so spots for food trucks that would then rent from me the space. Just a random idea no clue what I'm doing. Would be a nice way to beautify and add some culture to otherwise ugly empty lots. + +Is this a stupid idea as an investment? + +EDIT: possibly have storage containers on the lot that are converted to small kitchen cafe setup and charge more for those for rent or small store fronts so could have multiple types of businesses within the property. One place I've seen already has a 1,500 sf building in the corner of it that could also be rented for another business and the rest of the lot is about a quarter acre with a nice tree +I think we read a lot about how to properly protect ourselves in the event of a lawsuit, but has anyone here actually been sued? I can't imagine it being fun, but what was your experience like? Did you have the proper protections in place? Do you wish you would've done anything differently? + + +I'm currently renting for around $1000/month and am looking to get into investment properties. I'm currently in talks with a seller who has a 4 unit (2 duplexes) for sale that is being used as a vacation rental banking $98k/year in revenue between the 4 units. The asking price is $610k. My plan initially would be to live in one of the units while managing the other 3 vacation rental units. I would be using an FHA loan so I would only put down 3.5% plus closing costs. + +I would manage the property and take care of landscaping that first year while living there and should cashflow at least $5-10k while living for free. After I moved out, I would be getting revenue from 4 rentals instead of 3 and would continue managing the property and doing landscaping. In that scenario I would be cashflowing $27k-$32k per year. The place is well taken care of, has been remodeled, and comes with high quality furnishing. It's considered a "turnkey" property aka would be ready to earn me money without having to do anything to it. I live in a booming market where tourism is big and retirees are moving to in droves. + +The cap rate renting all 4 units is around 11% and is 7% when I'm living in one of the units. I would have my cash back within 2 years. I've calculated all my expenses and have even been conservative with my numbers. I'm pre-qualified to buy and I wouldn't pay the full asking price. + +I have the following questions. Is this too big of a leap for my first purchase? Are the numbers too good to be true? Will I struggle to run successful vacation rental cottages out of the gate? +I know that you get tax breaks but what is it? I'm very new to RE, and I have yet to invest into a rental property, I was just wondering how the income from the rent gets taxed. Is there even income tax on it? Can someone eli5? +“People who will be coming into the country during this time will have to arrive with a currency other than the dollar,” the senior official said, as quoted by Granma, the official newspaper of Cuba’s ruling Communist Party. + +Tourists will be allowed to use cards for payments, as well as make cash withdrawals in other currencies. + +Earlier this week, the Cuban government announced that the country’s banks would temporarily stop accepting cash deposits in dollars. Havana cited severe US sanctions that prevent the nation from using the greenback abroad as the reason for the move. + +Both measures come into effect on June 21, and the duration for which they will remain in force depends on the lifting of US sanctions, according to the bank. + +[Source](https://www.rt.com/business/526403-cuba-tourists-no-dollar-cash/) +My employer is continuously late on paychecks. I know its not everyone because people talk. Its really starting take a toll on making payments and clearing debt. I looked at my state labor laws (co) and all I found was what to do after a longer period of nonpayment. It hasn't hit the 15 day mark yet. I feel taken advantage of because when I talk to the lady in charge of payroll. She says "must be hung up, I submit another payment". I think they are waiting til I speak up before paying. Since I have never been doubled paid. + +What are my options without risking my job? I don't have the means to go looking for another job. I'm trying harder at cutting spending which has helped me not get overdraft fees. +Hi all, + +I'm sure you're all familiar with the [UKPersonalFinance Flowchart](https://i.imgur.com/BfHzwr9.png) in the sidebar. The other day I was trying to view it on my phone and couldn't read most of it due to the image compression... + +Long story short, I've made an interactive version of it that's optimised for mobile devices – it's open source and you can contribute to the project [here on GitHub](https://github.com/marcusmichaels/personal-finance-flowchart). + +Here's the [Interactive UKPersonalFinance Flowchart](https://marcusmichaels.github.io/personal-finance-flowchart/) +Hey folks, because I work at a bank I can get a 20k line of credit at 1% interest (compounded monthly, so it's 1.0046% annualized) (edit : this is fixed rate not variable) + +If I quit or am fired it reverts to 4%, so I am mindful of finding fixed income products with short duration, or ones that are properly hedged to interest rates so that if I have to liquidate the position in <1 month, I can do so. + +I was looking at LQDH, but I'm Canadian and don't want to take exchange rate risk between the CAD/USD (and pay 15% dividend withholding tax as a foreigner). + +XSI/XSC look promising from iShares. Maybe XPF/XTR if I want to take a little more risk. + +I welcome any suggestions for other sorts of trades or types of fixed income products I haven't considered. + +I am looking at this from the perspective of an arb, so will be satisfied with a 1.1% annualized yield if it has a very high degree of principal protection. +Amazon is at $89 right now. Amazon was not at $89 per share since March 2020 (it hit $89 the worst day of the COVID free fall). Alphabet is down to $84 per share within the last hour. Alphabet was not down to $84 since October 2020. Maybe not as extreme as the example with Amazon, but hey, 2 years is still a weird time for a company to relapse to those lows. + +There are so many comparisons a person can make today with everything that has happened lately. I won't continue the comparisons with how stock prices reflect now vs 2020 any more, but I will say I think the worst is yet to come and the recession is just beginning. Back to the times of 2008-2009 when you walk through a mall and 1/3 of the stores are suddenly closed for good. Also remember walking with my dad in 2009 (I was only 14 years old in 2009) and we had walked past a TV set a month prior and it was $640 (remember numbers like this because I am high functioning). We came back a month later when the reality of the recession being just much worse than we thought was all coming crashing down. That same $640 valued display now had a price-tag of $228. + +Get ready for this stuff to happen starting very soon. Was just at a casino and it is always busy and loud. There was almost nobody inside the casino this last week. **We are in a recession is the point of this post.** +I usually avoid areas where there seems to be a lot of hype built up but with the potential of more legalization and MJ seeming to begin to stabilize after TLRY last week it seems that there could be a good opportunity but i’m having trouble convincing myself of buying or not and wondering if it’s anything more than FOMO. +The goal is to get to FI as quickly as possible without sacrificing too much in regards to quality of life. Looking for places that are cheap, but also not a total bore to live in for someone in their 20s and single. Salary would remain the same regardless of location. + +My ideal city: + +* Warm weather + +* Stuff to do + +* Owning a car not mandatory (might have to compromise on this) + +* Cool/interesting people + +* Affordable real estate market that could also make a good investment + +* Low taxes (eg. no state income tax) + +Miami, FL seems like it'd be ideal for me, but I'm afraid of rising sea levels turning it into an Atlantis. Puerto Rico intrigues me, but it's less politically stable, the local economy sucks, and I'd have to learn Spanish (not necessarily a bad thing). Austin, TX seems like a potential good fit, but I've never been there. + +Would like to hear your thoughts! + +EDIT: Forgot to mention Vegas. Cheap and seems like a fun city. +I did this analysis for a post in the daily thread, but I think it's valuable enough to not be buried there. + +Yes, the S&P has fallen 17% from its all time high. But thinking about that as a portfolio "loss" from an over-inflated high exaggerates the impact: + +Starting from the peak overstates the losses. At the end of 2021 the S&P had doubled in 5 years. That's a 15% annualized return. The current correction has taken us down to an 11% annualized return from the same starting date (12/1/2016). + +Picking an arbitrary starting date, 1/1/1995, the S&P was up 20.5% (annualized) by the 2000 peak, and bottomed out at 7.5% in February 2003. It was back up to 10% in 2007. It did fall to 3.5% in March 2009 but was only below 4% for one month. + +Currently we've fallen from a recent peak of 9.0% to 8.1%. This really isn't a big deal for a long term portfolio, especially if you keep several years of spending money in a lower risk investment. The over-inflated high was exciting, but not ours to keep, so there aren't really losses to recover. +I just wanted to make this post to help out those among you that've seen your portfolios drop in the last few weeks to feel better about yourselves. I started investing heavily in early 2015 and while I'm still in the black, over the past two weeks I've encroached $10,000 in losses from those unrealized gains. This is in a portfolio that's well diversified and with miniscule fees, so trust me, if you're quite negative you are not alone. I am right there with you and we will pull through this stronger on the other side. + + +The surprising thing to me is that I didn't freak out at all. This is the first real correction I've experienced and despite checking prices fairly frequently, it just hasn't registered emotionally with me. I look at the declines and feel pretty numb to it, which was reassuring to me that my emotions are not in control. It probably helps that I never invested any amount that I couldn't afford to lose and I have a long time horizon, and I acknowledge that's a luxury some of you are not afforded. For those that have invested money they will need shortly, I sympathize with you greatly but know with enough time those gains are highly likely to recuperate. + + +I'm not a prideful man. I've lost upwards of $10,000 of value in these last few days and admit it before this sub that has helped me out so much. If you're experiencing losses you're not alone, we are all there with you. I implore everyone to stay disciplined and resolved and we will all come out on the other side of this. I love you guys. +[He mostly answers viewer-submitted questions](https://personal.vanguard.com/us/insights/article/live-webcast-bogle-062016). As always, he is a delight to watch, insightful and entertaining. + +Edit: The transcript has been up since last week; at the top of the article they have added a new link to "[Watch the full replay](http://event.on24.com/r.htm?e=1184530&s=1&k=7E1463707682DFD2BA4F430C1E34E6B5)." +Following up on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/rz64yc/ps_over_30_is_still_incredibly_risky/) post from 15 days ago.... + +Here's an updated graph of the number of US traded stocks with a PS over 30 and market cap of $5 billion (as of 2022-Jan-23) + +https://i.imgur.com/KwHI2Bx.png + +There are still a fair whack of stocks with a [PS over 30](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=121&f=cap_largeover,fa_ps_o10&o=-ps). + +But as a percentage of overall market cap, we look a lot more like 2001 (2% of market cap overpriced) vs 1999 (5-6% of market cap overpriced.) + +**What is a P/S ratio?** + +Price / Sales ratio. The higher the number, the more expensive the stock is compared to sales. + +**Isn't a PS ratio over 30 justified these days?** + +None of the FANG/MAAMA stocks ever exceeded a P/S ratio of 25. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-18/emirates-airline-orders-36-airbus-a380s-worth-16-billion-jckc224w + +Emirates therefore saves the A380 Programm. + + +I knew it was wrong, but didn't have a very good answer. I said: + +* The prices of things would be out of control if we couldn't import goods from places where they're made with very cheap labor. Friend said "Well we would just have to deal with that." + +* The US has been encouraging the world to participate in free trade for a long time, we couldn't do this now. Some countries might choose not to do business with us at all if we did this. (Not sure if this is true, but I said it anyway.) + +* Most Americans don't want to work in factories. We're not going to satisfy the needs of jobless, college educated people by putting them in a factory making minimum wage. + +What should I have said? + + +As shown lately, many would argue that Google does not necessarily live up to its "Don't be evil" credo, but I was wondering, which other large corporations would do particuarly badly and why. Shell's behaviour in Nigeria is widely documented, but are there any less well known violations? Perhaps more poignantly, are there any large, multinational companies which would even come close to passing an audit of non-evilness? +I used to work at a government agency that gives out aid to the poor. I mean really poor, the kind that have no job, home or car. Anyways, I met a lot of people who were getting all this government aid - they all were clearly not trying to get a steady job - and they were ALL really fucked up people. + +Honestly, every one of them was screwed in the head. My theory is that if you don't have that kind of money it tends to isolate you socially. There is nobody in your day to day life that you can really relate to and vice versa. + +Does anyone else have any experience with this phenomenon? + +EDIT: This is in response to + +http://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/cuity/are_all_superrich_people_freaks/ + +It's not so funny when you flip it around. Just accept that there are people in various fiscal situations that cannot or choose not to relate to people outside of their own fiscal situation. This does not mean it's acceptable to make generalizations. +They way I see it, is it's only a matter of time before movie theaters open back up again fully, and we're pumping out massive blockbusters every year again. + +In 2016, AMC stock price was hovering around $30.00, now it's around 4.00 last I checked. Seems like a great time to buy, especially as their main competitor, Cineworld, shuddered their US locations. + +Of course this could also be the tipping point where we stop going to movie theaters entirely and begin to shift new releases to at home streaming, which wouldn't bode too well for AMC I imagine. + +Do you guys think it's a safe buy and hold? + +EDIT: Well this post aged well haha. And to answer yall, NO, I didn’t buy AMC stock because I listened to everyone who told me not to like a fucking idiot. I should’ve, but I didn’t. Oh well. I can rest easy knowing that someone probably did after reading this post and has made a bit of money. +This review is strictly a summary of my interpretation/smooth brained understanding of the 163 page Credit Suisse report, in particular, section 1A: https://www.credit-suisse.com/media/assets/corporate/docs/about-us/investor-relations/financial-disclosures/results/csg-special-committee-bod-report-archegos.pdf + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +A few things to start off with: according to the Credit Suisse Report, Archegos was margin called due to their LONG positions on swaps, not their shorts. Additionally, their main game was swaps. It’s all in the report. While the report largely debunks the idea that Archegos was margin called because of GME, it provides great insights into the relationship between the prime brokerage and its clients. More importantly, it provides insights into the contractual margin agreements between a prime brokerage and its clients. Through this report, we can gain insights into how other hedge funds are operated, and their portfolio requirements and relationship with their prime brokerage (for example, the SHFs that haven’t been liquidated yet). + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +The big takeaway that I got: Credit Suisse may have forced Archegos to short the subprime meme swaps to maintain portfolio requirements. In fact, if Archegos’ portfolio agreement is industry standard, it’s possible that every single hedge fund/family fund in operation may have taken short positions on these swaps to maintain portfolio requirements with their prime brokerage. Yup, you read that correctly. Voltron fund baby! + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +How did this happen? Archegos worked with CS for many years, and built up a good relationship with CS. As a result, their deals got sweeter and sweeter over the years. In 2017, Archegos entered into an agreement with CS: their portfolio (roughly 20% margin at this point) would never breach a 75% bias long or short (page 8). In ape speak: Credit Suisse would front 80 cents on the dollar for every position Archegos bought, but Archegos would promise to never have more than 75% of their portfolio be long or short. Over the next few years, Archegos would actually breach this limit: more than 75% of their portfolio was long, but CS would give them up to 5 months to get their portfolio back on track. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +That’s right: their portfolio was 75% long positions in total return swaps. They did not carry a heavy short position on GME (intentionally). Well, in 2019, Archegos’s relationship got so sweet with CS, CS dropped their margin requirement to 7.5% on new positions. That is a roughly 13x leverage. That’s 92.5 cents on the dollar. Sweet. Of course, this presents massive risk, and Archegos starts getting regular calls from Marge. At some point, their position had dropped enough to be liquidated. We all know that. How does this deal with shorting GME? + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +Remember their original agreement? Their portfolio could not breach a 75% long position? Archegos was primarily in the business of long positions. However, they would breach that 75% long position at multiple points over their agreement period. Archegos had two options: reduce their long position (i.e. sell their longs), or increase their short position (i.e. short the market). If you look at page 10 of the report: +&nbsp; + +>Rather than call additional margin, as was its contractual right, CS attempted to re-balance Archegos’s portfolio by requiring that it add market shorts (for instance, index shorts referencing the S&P 500 or NASDAQ 100). +&nbsp; + +That’s right: when Archegos breached its margin limits or had overexposed long positions in 2020, CS forced Archegos to buy short swaps. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +In 2020, in the height of the pandemic, when stimulus is making the S&P 500 roar, and people are all self-isolating, would you open a short swap position on a basket of S&P 500 funds? Fuck no. If I had to, I’d short the hell out of the pandemic plays: cruise ships, commercial real estate, and strip mall operators…like Gamestop and Movie Stonk… Now, CS does not say that Archegos opened short positions on GME, only that CS forced them to open short swaps on index shorts referencing… something. You know it, I know it, they probably shorted GME. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + + +Do you work? Do you have a friend that works? Have a 401k? Roth IRA? I bet at some point either you, or someone you know has opened up a long position on an S&P 500 index fund or a total market index fund. Why did they do it? Well, because someone smarter than them has put together an index fund that tracks the market, and they trust that the folks who put together the basket knew what they were doing. That the stocks are weighted correctly. That the index is well managed. That’s what ETF baskets are for. Someone smart puts together a basket, weighs it accordingly, and sells the basket on the market. Hell, a lot of retirement plans force you to put your money into an index or a fund. You don’t even have a choice. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +Well, what if someone put together a basket of shortable pandemic plays like GME and movie stonk? Maybe another basket for cruise ships? What if your brokerage forced you to buy 25% of your portfolio in these swaps? Well, if you were primarily a long hedge fund, you’d just allocate 25% of your money to the short indexes without doing the due diligence, while focusing on your long positions. Just like regular folks just focus on their jobs and dump their money into their index funds without doing the due diligence. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +Now imagine that Marge is calling because you breached your limit…you need to post collateral, or you need to short something, anything, to keep within your defined portfolio risk profile. If you’re a long positioned hedge fund, you probably don’t research short positions. You would probably just pick one of the basket of shorts labelled “pandemic plays” that was put together by SHF quants (i.e. Citadel), and continue along with your game. Every time Marge calls because your portfolio is imbalanced? No problem, just short a basket, and keep it at 25% or more of your portfolio. Until an idiosyncratic risk in your 25% short exposure fucks you over. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +What am I trying to say? It’s possible that prime brokerages require hedge funds with margin to maintain a ratio of long/short positions to mitigate risk. If so, it’s possible every single hedge fund out there shorted GME in 2020 without knowing it, because their prime brokerage forced them to maintain a short position on a portfolio swap as a way to hedge their risk on their long positions. Imagine if your S&P500 index fund had an infinite loss potential stonk tucked into those 500 stocks that had the potential to liquidate your whole portfolio, and actually leave you in debt. Wow. Fuck. Now you know why they needed to contain the January sneeze. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +Idiosyncratic risk to the moon. +• Bitcoin is losing its Currency use case – Bitcoin transaction volumes have reached a new two year low even after the much awaited implementation of SegWit. It appears SegWit has arrived too late to the party to make a real difference and build on BTC’s use case of one day becoming a currency used to trade… +o Why are transaction volumes dropping though? My thoughts on this are simple. The HODL effect and FOMO. Crypto investors have become so fearful that they might miss out on the next big parabolic move upwards that no one is using their Bitcoin, or Altcoins to buy anything with besides other coins, essentially creating a rotation of FIAT in Crypto. +o The HODL effect has now reached an all time high. Volumes are at a two year low and we are sitting at a Market Cap of $450bln. We had the same transaction volumes in March 2016 when the Market Cap was just $8bln. The market is paralyzed. Very little new money is entering the market since the recent lows back in early February. The market is in a stagnation period with no one wanting to move. +o Add to this the $250bln that entered the market back in December at all time high prices and we have even more HODLERS awaiting a potential breakeven point before they potentially liquidise their positions. +o All the time transaction volumes fall/stagnate, one of the fundamental use cases for Crypto, being a means to trade with is being diluted. Which will indirectly or directly affect the perceived value of the coin inquestion. It feels as though we are in a vicious cycle now with no one wanting to make the first move. +o How do we get out of this? We need a catalyst. We need a partnership or real world infrastructure disruption. The Novelty is over and now it is time to bring Crypto to life. We urgently need to get out of Project/ICO mode and move onto implementation and disruption mode! +o We need real world application or a partnership that everyone can get behind and remember that Crypto has a use case and that is to improve upon current infrastructure. It needs to demonstrate clearly and practically how commercially and socially valuable it can be in day to day living/working/playing. It only takes one of the 1500 in circulation… C’mon Crypto - I’m still Bullish! + +I've been reading a LOT about BNTY on reddit, steemit, and Twitter. It seems as if there's a lot of hype surrounding it, however I just read a very well written, and thought out post on Steemit about why I should be skeptical about it. The writers main point was that there's too much competition in its niche for it to truly flourish, and that it'll likely die out after the initial hype driven pump it'll most likely see in the near future. This is directly conflicting with almost everything else I've seen people say about it, however this person received a fairly large payout from this post with minimal upvotes. Which means a whale at least saw some merit in what they were saying. + +As a noob to all of this, that gives me pause. So any proponents (or opponents too actually) what do you see in the future for BNTY? + +Thanks in advance. + + +BTC and ETH defi were on the road to becoming adopted by institutions, but I think we are about to be sent down another crypto winter because of Elon Musk. When DOGECOIN rugs overnight on all these whiney Wall Street Bets kids, they are all going to cry foul and we are going to have congress and the SEC regulate cryptocurrency into oblivion. + +See you in four years because Elon and Doge has made winter come early this year + +Now that our blockchain is live, this means developers can commence building the next generation of applications on WORBLI for the world to benefit from. + +We’re delighted that our BPs have enabled WORBLI to come to life. A mention must go out to Cafe Block & HKEOS who have created WORBLI’s first block explorer: + +As most of you would be well aware, this space moves at an incredibly rapid pace in terms of development of the chain base code, and the many features being built on top of it. As a result we’ve been adding additional features and functions to the WORBLI code base right up until very recently. +https://worbli.io +Anyone else think darkcoin will blow up? Once darksend comes out and people get word it's the best coin for privacy I think it can only go up. The dev seems like a pretty smart guy and they haven't even started on marketing and it's at 20 for market cap. I have a bunch of different coins but this one really excites me and the low amount of coins should rise the price nicely too. +Hi guys, I need advice on a car rental company that charged me for damage 4 months later. I rented the car in FL and I didn’t hit anything or do any significant damage on the car. I was there for 2 days. When I returned the car, everything checked off and I was good to go. + +I call them and they said it was tire damage. I asked them what kind of damage? They said tire sensor damage. They said no one rented it after and it went to the shop 7 days later. + +Okay call me crazy but can I really damage a tire sensor? Let’s say I hit a curb would that really damage the sensor? I didn’t see any lights on the dash or was alerted of any issues when I returned the car. Please advise, if I’m wrong I’ll pay no problem but it seems sketchy. + +UPDATE: All WE’VE WON THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOUR HELP, THEY’VE RETREATED! 😂😂: + +Dear..., + +Thank you for contacting Avis Customer Service regarding ERS charges after 5 months. + +We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and we will be happy to assist you. + +Please be assured we have refunded $114.62 to your credit card, please allow up to 7 business days to see it posted on your account. + +Also we have attached the refund letter on this email for your records. + +We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know. + +Thank you for contacting Avis Customer Service. + +Kind Regards, + +— Note: I know it’s just 100 dollars, but fighting against schemes of this injustice are worth fighting for. I hope this thread helps people in the future with situations like these and that in fact it can be fought against and won. +Hello everyone, +I grew up facing financial struggles every day, I was never hungry or homeless, I haven't seen the worse. But debt, less food at the second half of the month, ripped off shoes, no vacations for years, depressed parents, stress in the home because of decades of poverty... All of this left a mark on me that I am getting more aware of as time goes by. +Money in my family meant stress, asking for money even for buying groceries meant stress. So this left some issues I am dealing with now : +1. I work as a freelancer and I have different clients. Every time I have to tell them the amount for the project I feel shame. They ask me when and how much they should transfer to my account and I avoid/send them the details late. I never avoid work-related stuff, I am never late for deadlines. Only when I have to tell the amount and send them my bank account details. +2. I live in constant fear of being poor, hungry or homeless. I am doing okay since I grew up and got things in my hands, but the fear is present, and I prefer to hoard money and live in fear. The stress from childhood is still here although I am aware that the future is not so stable, but still brighter than before. I constantly check my bank account and even though everything is stable I have anxiety. + + +Anyone facing similar issues? Any tips on how to overcome this? + + +I almost never get comments from clients about charging too much, or not doing enough work. We have mutual respect. So the shame comes only from the inside and it makes things slower, it blocks me from pursuing better projects, I procrastinate answering mails. + + +Thank you and have a nice week :) +Hi everyone, I'm looking for financial advice regarding a car purchase. I'm a 22yo M currently working as an RN, making roughly $33 an hour, working three 12-hour shifts a week. I bring home just under $2,000 every two weeks after taxes. I have about $10k invested, and roughly $25k in savings. I have no debt, I still live at home with my mom, and drive a $4k 2006 Subaru legacy with 90k miles on it. + +I have always been into cars and have been dreaming about buying something a littler nicer and funner ever since I finished high school; however, I've been patient and smart with my money and waited until getting a real job. Now that I'm a little more stable with my finances, is it responsible to buy a newer (used) car even though I still have one that's drivable? If the answer to that is yes, what's a good price range to spend on a car with my current income? Thanks for the advice. +So to start, obviously my family is paycheck to paycheck. My pregnant wife, my son and I live in a 2 bedroom apartment that I DO NOT want to renew the lease on because rent is going up and will be over $1100 after the next renewal. We have 2 car payments but both cars are necessary, mine to go to work and hers to get to doctors appointments and such. I have almost $11k in credit card debt from when I was a dumb kid in the military. I have claimed “financial hardship” with my credit union to lower my payment and rate on it. I get $11/hr and in a couple weeks it’s going up to $14/hr. I work like 25 hours a week because it’s what works with my school schedule. I’m using my Post 9/11 GI bill for school, which pays BAH every month (pays my rent plus a little). I also receive disability from the VA which is almost $2000 every month. My wife does not work because we both feel that her working would result in a net loss of money due to childcare. I would love to purchase a house but we have zero savings. I also am going to school for aviation maintenance and most (like 99%) of employers require you to have your own tools. I have looked into this and it will cost around 15k to 25k to start. My credit is bad (600ish) and my wife doesn’t have enough history though her credit is high. I’m not sure how to go about succeeding here. I’ve looked into VA backed home loans that don’t require a down payment but because my expenses are to high (including rent) I can’t get approved for it. I don’t want to apply for loans yet to get the tools because I don’t want to increase my debt to income. I know I don’t have many options here but i feel like I’m kind of stuck because I can’t get tools to get a job in my field, I can’t get a house because I don’t have a good job, and I can’t save money because my monthly bills and cost to live are too high. + +Please just shoot me ideas that would help. +I’m a huge nerd with finances, but I have yet to see an advanced flow chart or calculator that makes this decision easy. A lot of resources I’ve researched are the typical “in most cases, Roth is better.” I get it depends on several different factors, but what’s the best resource to use to make sure you’re on the right path? I always see on Reddit that a lot of people actually choose Traditional for a variety of different reasons. What are your thoughts? Any resources you can provide that will help me with my choice? +Alright I am at a crossroads that will have a large impact on my finances and life overall. So I currently work a job that’s very easy, I work from home and it’s flexible during the day and allows a lot of freedom. I make low 6 figures at that job however I don’t enjoy it though and it’s a dead end with really no possibility of growth. So I am looking to make a career change and I currently have 2 paths I need to choose from and I’m really struggling. The first is to continue at this job for the mean time while I study for the LSAT, I believe I can be successful at the LSAT and get into law school in 2022, once I get accepted I would then leave my current job to do school full time. The risk here is that I don’t perform well enough to get into law school but I at least have my job to fall back on. The second path is I have the opportunity to open a franchise in a prime location that I believe will be successful, for this route I would quit my current job in the next few months and focus on growing and nurturing that business. The risk here of course is the business doesn’t work out, which I believe is a very small chance but still there and then I don’t have my 6 figure job to fall back on. I would plan to study for the LSAT and pursue the law degree with the second path as well it would just be pushed till the businesses up and running steady. + +The franchise first then law school seems to be the smart move to me just because once I get the business to a point where I don’t need to be there everyday I would have a source of income while going to school. Or if the franchise is super successful then I could just focus on growing that. + +Background on me: 32 yrs old, net worth about $850k, wife makes about $75-80k a year. We can cover all bills on wife’s pay and I also have military guard to fall back on if I really needed a job and could make about $50k a year full time there. + +Its hard to take that leap and walk away from a cushy job to go into the unknown but it’s something I have always wanted to do and feel like I will kick myself in 10 yrs if I don’t take the opportunity in front of me. I guess what I’m looking for is people who maybe made took that leap and what your thoughts are looking back. + +Thanks everyone! +There is so much information to be read, watched, listened to about investing so Im kind of overwhelmed right now but I’ve opened a Schwab Brokerage Account and havent done anything with the money for some time because I keep telling myself I want to learn more and more but I dont think I’ll ever get to the point where Im done learning (duhh). + +Anyways, all that to say for a newbie who is just ready to jump in what index fund should I start with? I read alot about S&P, VOO, and some others that look like roman numerals. Im in it for the long term so I dont care about any quick riches. +Also, how do I know if a stock is a bust/isnt worth buying? Because Im sure ppl will recommend a lot but how do I gauge which looks good or not? + +Thanks for any insight! +I'm curious about the hours folks are currently working. I work for a FAANG, but being based on the east coast - it feels like I'm working 8am-7pm every day. I had a son last year & now working past 5 is tough...he needs to be picked up at 5/5:30 and then I only get 1-1.5hr with him each day. + +Working off hours was easy before, I never gave it a second thought. + +This is shaking up my fat fire plans because it feels like I'm giving up too much by working a job where I 5pm-7pm is the #1 time for customer meetings. + +Does anyone here ever completely unplug from work during the week? It feels like post-covid world, M-F nothing is off limits. My weekends are the only time that's actually mine. Is anyone able to work 8-5 with a hard stop at 5? +Hi all, + +Curious what others do with extra savings they cant put in a 401k or IRA? + +I.e., once you’ve maxed out your tax free options, do you just park your excess earnings in a taxable brokerage accounts and eat the taxes on dividends and/or gains? + +401k annual limit is nothing to sneeze at but not that generous from a big picture perspective. I can’t do IRAs because of income phase outs. Just recently realized index funds can have capital gains and pass those on to you even if you don’t sell any stocks yourself.. same with taxation of dividends income. + +I’ve read through the wiki on r/personalfinance and a bunch of articles but they all stop short of telling you what to do, and what are the pitfalls of investing after you’ve exceeded the tax free allowances. +(CNN)Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday directed the Internal Revenue Service not to use any of the new funding allocated in the Democrats' new health care and climate bill to increase the number of audits of Americans making less than $400,000 a year, according to a copy of the letter obtained exclusively by CNN. + +The letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig comes amid attacks from Republicans that the $80 billion the Inflation Reduction Act would give to the IRS over the next 10 years would result in more middle-class Americans and small businesses getting audited. The Biden administration has repeatedly said the IRS would focus on increased enforcement activity on high-wealth taxpayers and large corporations and not target households who earn less than $400,000 a year. + +"Specifically, I direct that any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels," Yellen wrote in the letter to Rettig. "This means that, contrary to the misinformation from opponents of this legislation, small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited." + +Enforcement resources, Yellen said, will instead "focus on high-end noncompliance." + +The new IRS funding is projected to raise $124 billion in additional tax revenue over the next 10 years, which is a key way Democrats plan to offset the cost of their plan to lower prescription drug costs and combat climate change. + +The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives still needs to approve the legislation, which passed the Senate on Sunday after months of painstaking negotiations. Because of their narrow 50-seat majority in the Senate, Democrats used a special, filibuster-proof process to approve the $750 billion health care, tax and climate bill without Republican votes. + +Rettig, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump to lead the IRS, told lawmakers last week that low- and middle-income taxpayers would not be the focus of increased enforcement action. He said better technology and customer service would also make it less likely that compliant taxpayers would be audited. + +The bill itself says the new funding is not "intended to increase taxes on any taxpayer or small business with a taxable income below $400,000." + +But Republicans continue to fiercely oppose the new IRS funding and make claims about increased audits on middle-class Americans. + +The Republican National Committee and several Republican lawmakers, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, claim the new funding will create 87,000 new IRS agents. But that number is misleading. Treasury did estimate in 2021 that a nearly $80 billion investment in the IRS could allow the agency to hire 86,852 full-time employees over the course of a decade. But that figure accounts for all workers, not solely enforcement agents. Rettig also told lawmakers that the IRS would need to hire 52,000 people over the next six years just to maintain current staffing level to replace those who retire or otherwise leave. + +https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/10/politics/yellen-new-irs-funding-audits/ +We love and circlejerk about how decentralized our favorite cryptocurrencies are. But when it goes really mainstream, I think that other people wont share that kind of enthusiasm with us. + +We still buy products from companies that exploit poor and vulnerable. We will order from Amazon even though we say "fuck amazon" in the same breath. We buy shoes and branded shirts made in Bangladesh by women who work there for a few dollars a week. We buy phones that are made in Foxconn by workers who don't even have basic human rights. + +Do you really think that consumers will care whether their crypto is centralized or decentralized? They won't. They will use the solution that will save them the most money and will be the most profitable. If it'll cost $100 to buy something with a super decentralized crypto and $80, I would bet that most if not all people would go the cheapest route. +As I understand it, many (how can I find this statistic?) Americans now invest every month in index funds mostly sp500 or other vanguard popular ones through 401 or other vehicles. + +&#x200B; + +If that wasn't the case during other market crashes maybe this is something that can change the game and so a full blown recession never hits because as I understand you can't panic sell these investments. + +How big is this % of the market you think? +The Hiring Manager at the new job I was suppose to go to told me to put my two weeks in because I was going to get the position. The same day he told me that, I followed through and told my manager that it's time for me to put in my 2 weeks. This happened Thursday. Fast forward to today, I get a call from some lady telling me that the company decided not to hire me. I'm literally so scared/mad right now because there's stuff I need to pay. Is there a chance I can revoke my 2 weeks? I go to work in a couple hours, so any tips would be greatly appreciated. + +edit: I went to work and had a chat with my boss. He's letting me stay because he says shit like that happens all the time, and he valued my work ethic. +I’ll provide some quick clarity into some misunderstandings of blockchain technology to help my fellow Apes understand what to potentially anticipate from GameStop on July 14th. + +GameStop’s page declares the following: + +“We are building a team +We welcome exceptional engineers (solidity, react, python), designers, gamers, marketers, and community leaders. If you want to join our team, send your profile or something you've built to: nfteam@gamestop.com” + +To analyze the talent they seek and breakdown what the path they may take we need to look into the engineering tools they seek experience and talent within. We also need to understand how programs communicate with each other and the specific standards they programs work within. + +Solidity is a programming language used within the smart contract on E t h e r e u m. Smart contracts are programs stored on the blockchain, and they self-execute when conditions are met. E t h e r e u m developers (not GameStop’s developers) create different smart contract standards for others to comply within such as ERC-20 (fungible tokens) and ERC-721 (non fungible tokens). GameStop developers will need to understand Solidity enough to link their program codes to E t h e r e u m. + +GameStop also seeks engineers will talent in React and Python. These tools/programming language will allow GameStop’s developers to build the front end dApp (think webpage) to interact with the Smart Contract code to store information within the E t h e r e u m blockchain. dApps are applications that don't exist on the blockchain but rather interact with it. dApps are used to communicate with smart contacts, and by doing that, with blockchain itself. + +GameStop’s NFT page indicates that potential GameStop-released Non-Fungible Token (NFTs) will utilize E t h e r e u m’s ERC-721 standard. As for the targeted audience for whatever NFT offering that emerges from GameStop’s team, an animated image on the GameStop page says “Power to the players. Power to the creators. Power to the collectors.” + +GameStop developers could build applications like CryptoKitty or items like unique accessories in video games and have that stored into the blockchain within the ERC-721 standard. These items will hold a unit of measurement in their own which makes them NFTs. They could also create an ecosystem to allows these NFT units to be forged, combined, or subdivided in their own which can make a collectible game for shareholders and we can trade with each other on GameStop’s NFT platform. + +For simplicity think of digital collectibles that have attributes like age and rarity controlled by the parameters that GameStop’s developers create. + +TADR: GameStop has already created an ERC-721 standard token, which is used to create NFTs. Expect NFTs to be release on July 14th when the code plumbing goes live on the smart contract. + +If they offer NFTs as dividends or for retail to buy doesn’t matter to me. Either way we will see 🚀🚀🚀🚀🤙 + +Edit: TADR edited to use more speculative language. +Hi all, I want to share a **Simple FIRE Tracker** I made to help myself visualize where I am, and what I need to do, on my way to early retirement. I hope some of you will find it useful as well. + +My goal was to create the simplest possible spreadsheet so everyone can use it to get the results quickly. There are two components: + +1. **The FIRE Playground**Allows you to test various strategies. Add your data into the grey fields and see how realistic your FIRE plan is. Change your FIRE year, investment values, contributions, average inflation... It is interesting to play with numbers. For example, imagine you sell your property and include all the money as an investment, while lowering monthly contribution as you have to rent from now on. The final numbers will show your investment value at the desired FIRE year, how much money you will be able to take every month, and even how much money would that be in today's money so you can better understand if that would be enough to live in retirement (The inflation value is for Canada, change it to match your country). +2. **The Benchmark**This chart is independent of The FIRE Playground. The numbers for this chart are coming from the Periodical Account Values tab. Go there and add your numbers, delete what you don't need. In this example, Alex and Sasha have different investments, starting at different times. In the right column is the benchmark ($1.5M in 2032). This is the amount they believe will be enough for them to FIRE in 2032. The final result is the graph chart showing where Alex and Sasha are against their goal. They are catching up with the benchmark! + +Please keep in mind, this is not an advanced tool. It is created to be simple to use while still providing valuable information. I personally open all my investment accounts on January 1st, and add all values into this tracker. + +**Get the tracker here:** + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IzGcYd\_3UBkqTYimpXgeBFsXxsPZf94cFHWSNH5Z6oU/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IzGcYd_3UBkqTYimpXgeBFsXxsPZf94cFHWSNH5Z6oU/edit?usp=sharing) + +Let me know if you have ideas on how I could improve the tracker without adding complexity. + +**EDIT 1:** + +I have received a few requests to edit shared file. You don't need that. Just go to **File > Save a Copy** and you will have a duplicate spreadsheet, private, on your Google Drive. + +**EDIT 2 (Feb 11, 12:40):** + +As user u/bkervick correctly pointed out, in **The FIRE Playground**, the **Loans** (J25) should not be deducted from the **Current Investment** (F6). That money is still working for you, so this will give you higher and more accurate future value. + +Instead, there are two options. + +1. You can deduct it from the **Future Value** (E19). This is already implemented into the spreadsheet as my approach is to show how much of my own money will I have in FIRE year. +2. or, You can still count it in the **Future Value** (E19) if your preference is to include all the borrowed money as well. To do this, simply leave the **Loans** (J25) empty. + +The same approach can be applied to the actual vs benchmark chart as well. If you would like to include loans into the **Actual** calculation, just keep the column **P** under **Periodical Account Values** tab empty. +Tesla shares hit **1,006.95** a share this morning, and could go much higher according to a few bulls. New developments on Tesla producing electric semi-trucks was leaked today in an email. I personally think Tesla could hit 2,000 a share a year from now. +We are not yet RE but essentially FI. I think the mistake we made on the vacation spending was the trip to Tahiti three years ago, which has re-calibrated what is an appropriate vacation spend/night ratio. The overwater hut alone was a whole lot. So now my spouse is planning a south african safari for next winter. It appears Tahiti will be surpassed in spending on this animal tour. How do you budget for vacation spending? Do you feel vacation spending "creep"? + +Edit: I took out the tahiti cost. I wasnt trying to get a benchmark on vacation spending, which is clearly relative to you total spend. My point was after you splurge once, how do you control that you dont splurge again? +So I was terminated this morning from a job I've had for 8 years. They gave no reason other than "we don't really need you anymore". The termination was effective immediately and they offered to pay me through this week. Losing the income sucks, but I will also lose my very nice insurance and retirement benefits. As of yet, I have only received the letter of termination. I have gotten nothing regarding NDAs, Non-Competes, or Liability concerns. + +My question is: Do I request a severance? If so, how do I do that? + +EDIT: I consulted a lawyer friend and the consensus was basically that it could not hurt to ask. I drafted a request and she helped me edit it. They came back with a counteroffer that I accepted. It was less than I had hoped for but better than nothing. +I have put a lot of effort in to my financial habits in the last 18 months and starting to build up a decent chunk of savings. When I look at my account I get the urge to just go and buy something even though I don’t really need anything! Wondering who gets that same urge and what they do to get it to go away? +Hi there, I was just offered a new job for a significant salary bump. I have the capacity to work my current, and new job simultaneously. + +What must I do from a tax or legal standpoint in order to avoid unnecessary risk? + +I would prefer neither companies found out about the other, but I honestly don't know the legality of any of this. + +Thank you! +Fuck China and their bitcoin ban rumors! Fuck the Bter notice! I'm holding and, if price plummets, I'm buying! + +Two things: + +1. If China bans bitcoin, then prices go down and more people in the US will buy. With no more panic sells from China, price will go up. + +2. Don't you remember New York is about to release its bitcoin regulations in the next few months? The regulations are to be released at some point between April 1st and June 30th. Plus New York is already accepting applications for bit licenses. That means that by Fall 2014 the bitcoin economy in the US will start growing at a faster rate. + +There's NO WAY I'm selling my coins now and be glad I didn't lose more than I already have. I'm holding and waiting for New York news. I don't give a shit for China rumors anymore. + +I'm looking at the future. And in the future of bitcoin China will no longer be relevant. The US will be. + +Hi there, + +sorry to bring bad news but lately Cardano is showing a little bit fishy. + +Along with a friend we're trying to get the first "getting started" tutorial working directly from [Cardano's dev page](https://developers.cardano.org/en/virtual-machines/kevm/getting-started/mallet-end-to-end/). + +16 days already passed with not a single answer from the devs or anyone, just more people trying to get the tutorial done with no luck... + +I can think that devs are working on other stuff or whatever but If this Charles "don't know what" wants people to adopt the technology then why are they not giving support to the first tutorial on their page? + +Tried several other channels: + +* CardanoDevelopersOfficial's telegram +* Cardano's Telegram +* Cardano's Reddit +* Cardano's forums + +Spoiler Alert... no luck. Not a single answer. Each question I posted then the admins flooded the channels with marketing about cardano and their fork and all that bullshit. + +This is just a heads up. + +Here's the github issue we raised like two weeks ago [https://github.com/cardano-foundation/testnets-cardano-org/issues/488](https://github.com/cardano-foundation/testnets-cardano-org/issues/488) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: [Here's a post from 14 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lr6tcm/comparison_eth_ada_dot_atom/gol22e7/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +EDIT2: Wow, I'm getting downvoted hard, shillers are on their peak. I don't mind. + +EDIT3: Found my support ticket [https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/116572](https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/116572) + +EDIT4: duh, you can't see the ticket... adding a screenshot. 14 days. + +https://preview.redd.it/9ed20vudjbm61.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=96bddf2dafe783c9cb9ba38d4a8c19f948be89ab + +EDIT 5: [https://github.com/cardano-foundation/docs-cardano-org/commits/main/rosetta/get-started-rosetta.md](https://github.com/cardano-foundation/docs-cardano-org/commits/main/rosetta/get-started-rosetta.md) they changed the tutorial page and removed the part that's not working... people is gonna get so screwed. +In a recent post I read, someone made a comment that intrigued me. I don’t recall the exact comment but it said something like, the longer this goes on, the more dumb money exposes how much the stock market is a scam. + +In that same line of thinking, I believe that if there’s one thing that finally woke up the SEC to do something it is because they are trying to get rid of the problem as soon as possible so that apes don’t have more time to expose more of the con. So in a way, they are looking for a way to pay us to just shut up about it so they can continue on with their game. Whether right or wrong, just from this, the best thing apes can do is to continue making noise because we know they don’t want the word to get out otherwise, the whole market con can no longer exist. +https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/htz/insider-activity + +55m shares sold vs 12k purchased. In the past few weeks the management has been doing nothing but selling. + +At the same time, they will be issuing $1 billion in new common stocks. The judge gave the go-ahead yesterday. + +https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/12/investing/hertz-stock-sale-bankruptcy/index.html + +Don't buy this shit. It's pure evil. +Full-time traders who trade for a living, what made you choose this profession and what made you stay? + +I’m expecting to see answers like: “to make money,” but there are plenty of occupations that yield high income without having to risk losing equity. + +What was it that made you think that trading is right for you, despite all the uncertainty for success? + + +As the title reads, I'm at the introductory stages of what I hope becomes a career. + +First, let me take a step back to explain that I'm not making this post on a whim because I had a bad day at work, or because I'm optimistic about making millions from this even though I know for a fact I won't. I've always been a detail oriented individual with a high motivation to succeed. Crunching numbers and studying charts may sound boring to some people, but for myself and most of this community it is a way of life if you will (in future tense). I am a recent Physics degree recipient and at the ripe age of 24, I feel like I can go anywhere or pursue anything I put my mind to. + +Now, Day trading. It sounds very lucrative and enticing, but as someone that's looking at it from an outside perspective, I don't have the luxury of knowing what really goes into the life of a day trader. I admit it, I'm a complete amateur and have no idea where to begin. That is the purpose of my post. + +I've done some light research up to this point, and understand basic things like the type of markets that people typically trade in (forex, Stocks etc.). I understand the concept of PDT and how I would need to either 1. Hold a minimum of 25k in a margin account at all times in order to day trade as much as I want, 2. Trade in the forex, or 3. Be limited to the PDT rule for traders without a 25k brokerage account. I'm seeing lots of posts about "picking a strategy and sticking with it" and how you need great risk management to succeed. I can say confidently that I'm lucky to be in a good financial situation to start trading if I needed to, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. I am very conservative and frugal with my earnings, and I'm mindful of my spending. I want to believe that this is a good trait to have, however I'm afraid that my mental game with regard to taking risks is a bit weak. I have traded very little in the past (currently holding a few shares of NVDA, sprinkle in some crypto here and there). + +This is where I look to the community to help me fill some gaps in the void of my general understanding. I feel overwhelmed with questions, but I will try to outline my greatest concerns and hopefully I'll be able to gain something out of this. Maybe you guys can tack on some extra information to build upon my inquiry. + +1. As a trading novice, what markets should I be focusing on learning, and by extension what kind of funding would I need to get into each market? +2. Strategies. What are some real live examples of typical trading strategies? What are the pros/cons of each scheme? Do they only apply to specific markets? +3. Resources. I know for a fact that a typical day for a trader may involve lots of research. I know it's advised to invest in industries that you're familiar with. As someone that has a great interest in PC gaming/ PC building, it made sense to buy into Nvidia. For a day trader however, it seems almost as if this idea falls out by the wayside and just boils down to studying trends/ charts. What kinds of resources do day traders use on a daily basis? +4. I believe this builds off my third question in terms of resources, but what websites/ software are vital to a day trader's arsenal? + +As I said, please feel free to build on my basic questions to any extent you would like, I appreciate any and all feedback! +I’ve been experiencing setbacks for the past couple of months, but this hasn’t deterred me because I have my eye on the prize: long-term profitability. I just KNOW that my current struggle my make my future trading better. I know it’s hard, but I also know I will achieve it with hard work and patience. + +I will never give up on this +Tongue in cheek title... + +But seriously pay into your workplace pension; don't think about opting out of it apart from exceptional circumstances. + +(More info about why, when, where, and how much to contribute can be found in the wiki and plenty other posts around here. That's not what this post is about.) + +To illustrate the benefit of contributing to a workplace pension, I would like to use myself as an example. + +So I just did a cleanup of my finances and did some calculations... + +Over my short working life, I have paid in a total of £8424.90 into pension myself (salary sacrifice). + +With employer contribution (only 2% - 5%) plus stock market returns (up and down...) , it is now sitting at £14717.88. + +**That's a ~75% return on investment so far**, before you even take into account the fact that my contributions are before taxes, but let's not complicate it. (The reality is actually a much higher percentage due to tax efficiency (20/40%), employer NI, savings to employee NI and student loan.) + +I'm sure many here have way higher %, but this is just my example ;) + +I've always known it was a good deal, even with my pitiful employer matching, but never expected those % numbers. +I had a couple doctors visits in November. They ran a bunch of tests that I did not request - I never found out if some of them were appropriate/necessary but none of that was disclosed about the additional testing before I was given treatment. + +I received the invoice, originally $461. I thought that seemed high, I was expecting under $200. I called them and asked them about it. + +On the first phone call, they said my balance was only $365. Keep in mind this is first contact, I have not requested any reductions yet. I said thank you, and asked for further explanation as to the other tests and their charges. They had to escalate it since they would need to speak to the caregiver. + +I waited a few weeks to give them time and called them back. I haven't received any new/updated invoice statements. I asked what my balance due was and they said $10. I confirmed that this was the total balance due for services on both of my queries dates, and he confirmed that. + +I did not yell or cuss. I did not ask to speak to a supervisor. I calmly provided my information, was explicit and clear in that I wanted an explanation to why I was being billed for each line item, and in the end it saved me $451. + +Question your medical bills. If it turns out there are no errors and you do owe what is on the invoice, then you can still ask if there is anything they can do to reduce the total or enter a payment plan etc. Me simply calling and asking, magically made it go from $461 to $365. The worst they can tell you is no. +Nobody knows anything. Nobody has any edge based on the information they know despite what they may believe. + +I’m sure most of you saw the post yesterday and thought the guy was onto something but if you really read through the comments, he contradicted and backpedaled in many discussions. Not to mention his prediction was just flat out wrong (futures up big right now). + +These people may sound convincing and superior. Don’t believe the BS, and ask yourself if they really knew something the world didn’t, why would they be posting it on Reddit to share? +He turns 60 soon He currently doesn’t have a pension and I’m really scared. I’m going to have show down talk with him soon and lay it straight. + +He is a cab driver and works his ass off but I don’t know what he does with money. + +Should I recommend a SIPP? Which one? I’m going to sit with him for as long as I need to with laptop and set it up. +I have been saving small amounts where I can and finally made it to 0.05 and I am so happy about it, that was my target and my next target is 0.1 . Wish me luck that I will earn more and will happen it this year. Will keep you all updated. + +PS: Thank you so much everyone, I am blown by the support from this. I am just hyped and thank for all your support and words. +Hey r/povertyfinance, +I wanted to say thank you for your help in building out topics to include in the wiki. The happy process of writing our guide has become immeasurably easier because of your input. + +Once the wiki is up we will ask for help identifying new topics/gaps to include. + +Thanks very much again. + +The mods. +We're coming up to several important dates reegarding share recall. I think it's safe to temper expectations in light off the recent market manipulation of GME. Let's take a historic view of what has happened previously with BlackRock and share recalls as well as some base knowledge regarding recall risk. + +**We’ll cover:** + +1. How do shorts, short? +2. Why loan to a shorter? +3. WTF is recall risk? +4. What drives an Institution to recall shares? +5. Some spicy speculation on BlackRock +6. A look ahead to what’s on the horizon (more spicy-ish speculation) + +Let’s get into it, and as always - hit me up with conjecture, opinions and thoughts! + +# 🩳 How do Shorts, Short? + +Let’s start with how short-sellers actually get themselves into a position too short in the first place, I feel like this is an important part overlooked by many. + +**Hedgefund:** Hi BlackRock (or any other large lender), you **willing** to lend me this stock so I can short it? + +**BlackRock:** Sure buddy, just give me collateral equal to it which is marked market value daily and a haircut on top then we got a deal! Oh, I’ll also charge interest for the time you’re borrowing them - hope you don’t mind. + +**Hedgefund:** Sick, can’t wait to run this company into the ground! Thanks! + +*Marked market value = An increase in stock price prompts a margin call for more collateral, decrease in price entitles short seller to withdraw some* + +As we know from before SI % was adjusted, it was well above 100%. I’d link, but it’s well documented anywhere on [r/GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/). + +So repeat the conversation they had with BlackRock with a bunch of other large lenders out there AND borrowing shares from brokers (think margin accounts), then you have what has resulted in an incredibly high SI % in early 2021 (and if you believe now, which I do, yes now as well). + +&#x200B; + +[GME SI against Stock Price](https://preview.redd.it/cxmc99enkus61.png?width=1252&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa585c6ff325333f501a036ce020c8f6f21ef6d7) + +Here are two pictures just to recap on what historical SI has looked like as well as GMEs stock price. They roughly match up on the x-axis for the most part. + +Let’s put aside brokers for another day and focus on the large financial behemoths such as BlackRock, Vanguard etc… + +&#x200B; + +# 📉 Why loan shares if the underlying asset they own is getting pile driven into the ground? + +I’ll take BlackRock as an example as they’ve been in the limelight in the recent past with [Elon ](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1048015756569407488?s=20)throwing shade at them regarding short-selling practices in 2018. + +Their whole position on why they view short selling is good can be found [here](https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/publication/securities-lending-viewed-through-the-sustainability-lens.pdf). They take it as, short selling is good for market efficiency, liquidity, yada yada, which hey - for the most part I agree on to an extent. BUT what i want to focus on here and in many other [papers](http://daniel-schmidt.eu/pdf/passivelenders.pdf) is that stocks with a high % of large passive investors, through lending and short selling result in **faster price discovery**. + +**Thought exercise:** + +Take a moment and put yourself in say BlackRocks situation, if say, Shitadel or Melvin, or any one of a hundred different HFs came to you asking to borrow not just GME but any stock for shorting purposes + +Why would you say yes to letting them short it, knowing that it leads to faster price discovery? + +\-------------------------------------------------------- + +Intermission. Use your brain and think about it, you smooth brained ape, develop that wrinkle! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gl9ilg5qkus61.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b22725f7312e6a9b42285f2313293bfca14b9df + +Intermission over. + +\-------------------------------------------------------- + +Faster price discovery is [associated ](https://www.idc.ac.il/en/schools/business/documents/paper-june-sokolinski.pdf)with a lower likelihood of large negative returns (there’s a lot of research that aligns with this). + +Or if you followed a similar thought pattern to me in the exercise above: + +*“If I find the ground truth faster of a stocks price, I can probably manage my risk better when it comes to returns for my investors.”* + +The other side you may have thought of regardless of price discovery or not is: + +*“I have done my research, and I think this company is undervalued and will increase, so I’m happy to lend my shares for some decent $$$ in the meantime”* + +Note, the above steers clear of the more speculative reasons such as intentional market manipulation - I’m proceeding with what I view as a fairly solid assumption that passive investment funds are playing a “fair” game. + +If they innocently lent out the shares with either of these forethoughts and were faced with the impending collapse in stock price, **why did they not recall their shares earlier to protect their clients?** + +&#x200B; + +# 📉 Recall Risk + +The two main risks short sellers take on when shorting are margin risk and recall risk. We’ll be focusing on the latter. + +Recall risk simply refers to the fact that lenders (or brokers) are able to recall borrowed stock at any time, triggering involuntary close-outs. We don’t know when passive funds lent their shares to shorters such as Shitadel and Melvin - but what we do know is and as mentioned above, SI remained at a reported high until early 2021 (and again, if you believe as I do, remains high). + +As such the assumption here is that shorters have been living under the umbrella of recall risk for a long time now. + +&#x200B; + +# 📈 What Drives Institutions to Recall Shares? + +There has been a decent amount of research on this topic, most arriving at the same conclusion yet again. Here’s a quote that sums it up nicely from a [paper from UNSW](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2831261). + +>*“....High recall activity coincides with institutional selling of the stock and precedes stock price declines, suggesting that lenders recalling the stock act on superior information.”* + +Well, that goes against everything we’ve observed…. or does it…? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ij6svjuskus61.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=50618014ce6ceca62c8134c173502e4f536267a5 + +Let’s go back to our candle chart, marked here is when the last share recall was announced in 2020. It’s also well known that BlackRock did not recall their shares then. This indicates that they were lent out. *(We also witnessed an increase of double in price due to some shares being recalled i believe)* + +&#x200B; + +# ⏪ Rewind, Why didn’t BlackRock Recall Shares in 2020? + +**Activism Existed before RC** + +Few may know that activist action began before RC, although they had a [different take](https://news.gamestop.com/node/16636/html) on [“activism”](https://www.thebalance.com/what-activist-investors-mean-for-your-investments-4158859) compared to RC. + +Back in [February 2019](https://news.gamestop.com/node/16636/html) (and again in [March 2019](https://news.gamestop.com/node/16636/html)), Hestia and co’s (a coalition of investors) activism took on a more strategic business view lens compared to the vision lens that RC has on. This was in terms of deriving stockholder value through share repurchases, operational efficiency and hiring the right CEO and setting correct incentives for them. + +You can view this as your typical activist approach, for better or for worse. Fun fact Mr Michael Brrrry voted against them in the following section. + +**2020 Shareholder Meeting** + +BlackRock said it themselves [here](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-12-03/making-life-harder-for-short-sellers) what their logic is behind recalling shares, and hey it makes sense. + +>*“The decision whether to recall securities on loan to vote is based on a formal analysis of the revenue producing value to clients of loans, against the assessed economic value to clients of casting votes would be less than the securities lending income...”* + +Based on the notice of what would be voted on in the [2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders](https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/b13f5287-348a-460d-af8e-ed204416435d), we can observe that it was time to elect 10 directors, this included two from *Hestia Capital* and *Permit Capital*, who are the activists. + +&#x200B; + +[2020 Proxy Notice for Shareholder Meeting](https://preview.redd.it/3zfqec0vkus61.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=b36fb22da4866e96134e78705e8639db682d0d4a) + +While it looks like this would be a good chance for BlackRock to recall shares to vote, does it make sense for them to? Surely this would prove fruitful for their clients? + +&#x200B; + +# 🚀 Speculation Warning 🚀(New thing I’m trying when I go into big-time speculation mode) + +Well, not exactly, we know insider information exists, and it’s evident through the research paper linked and discussed above and many others. I see a few reasons why they would not recall. + +1. They knew who would vote and how, rendering recalling shares a negative outcome for clients (if you were to make a decision that’d cost $$$, you’d surely do the game theory too) +2. Even if the activists did not get voted in, Sherman had a business transformation plan underway (the reason why Brrry voted against the activists) + +These two speculations alone, either way would be reason enough not to recall shares. Everyone knows the stock is undervalued, it’s been spelled out many times in many letters to GME, and DFV even caught wind through his gigantic ape brain. + +**In summary:** They did not recall as they knew or had an idea of how the vote would play out without them. + +&#x200B; + +# 💎 Let’s Circle Back + +>*“....High recall activity coincides with institutional selling of the stock and precedes stock price declines, suggesting that lenders recalling the stock act on superior information.”* + +So based on the analysis we’ve gone through on why passive investors such as BlackRock enter a lending agreement with short sellers, a plausible reason why they did not recall last shareholder meeting, and certain evidence they did have their shares on loan due to the prior point, that leaves us with: + +Why did they not recall when their stock price started to tank? After all, it would have produced a negative outcome for their clients if GME were to be shorted into oblivion and the quote above states that recalls usually coincide with stock price declines, in order to protect their clients. + +&#x200B; + +# 🚀 Speculation Warning 🚀 + +I believe they made a bet against the shorts, knowing full well that GME was undervalued at the time they lent the shares out (we don’t know when). I won’t go into whether they tee’d up RC, however, I’m speculating they made a bet that if the price was shorted into a range where the share price became so unbelievably attractive, and the stock so unbelievably undervalued, that someone would come along and to turn around the company. + +This is why they never recalled their shares until now, I believe they were very much happy sitting there reaping the benefits of interest being paid to them while they played the long term game. Win-win right? + +**So in summary:** They made a bet against the shorts based on the fundamentals of GME. Huh, funny that. + +&#x200B; + +# 🔮 Looking Ahead + +It’s well known we have a shareholder meeting coming up and I think the date floating around is somewhere mid-April, similar to last year for a share recall from GME. Funnily enough, I’ve been writing this DD up over the past few days, and what just came out? + +&#x200B; + +[2021 New Release Announcing RC up for vote for Chairman](https://preview.redd.it/ms1p3cuxkus61.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ae0e236dd45dde6d1dfeda224166db89bfd6afd) + +This bad boy. Oh yeah. + +**What can we expect?** + +We know how BlackRock makes decisions when it comes to recalls, they said it [themselves](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-12-03/making-life-harder-for-short-sellers). + +We [have an idea](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-slate-director-candidates-2021-annual-meeting) of what’ll be on the agenda when it comes to the voting side of things (5 new Chewy affiliated directors up for vote), last year in [Schedule 14A](https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/b13f5287-348a-460d-af8e-ed204416435d) we had the “Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders” that outlined what shareholders are asked to vote on in detail. We’re waiting to access this proxy once it’s outlined on their website or the SECs for 2021 **(apparently around the 15th April is what i'm reading)**. + +Now, you might be thinking based on what we’ve gone through - this feels strangely odd. There are activist investors once again, there are board seats to be voted on…. So…..? + +&#x200B; + +# 🚀 Speculation Warning 🚀 + +I’ll probably get lynched for saying this…. But it’s my speculation that I don’t believe they’ll recall shares based on the current information available. Yes. A sad ending to a long DD. We don’t often have sad endings in DDs written about GME, but hey, it’s good to remain grounded. + +A lot of predictions/speculations on here don’t come true often because we’ve got tendie-glasses on, clouding our judgement. + +**The reason I believe this is**, based on what we’ve seen happen last year, there’s a good chance that BlackRock and co know that it’d be relatively insane to vote against this (some pretty average activists investors were voted in last time right?), so as per last year, why waste money for their clients through a recall? + +Saying this, we do not have the [proxy statement yet](https://news.gamestop.com/shareholder-services/online-investor-kit). So don’t go all doom and gloom on me with the pitchforks just yet…. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------- + +HAPPY EDIT: + +Also forgot about retail investors, yes - ofc RC being chairman is a reason to recall. This is not just about institutions. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------- + +There could be another non-voting related reason for institutions like BlackRock to recall shares, which is to fuck with the shorts…. But wouldn't you rather siphon money from them while they have money until the time they implode? If what we’re saying regarding DTCCs insurance policy is true, then they’ll get their tendies regardless while removing a key enemy? + +Okay, now you can prepare your pitchforks, I'll be hiding behind the barn… + +# Saying all this, take solace knowing that the shorts are still fucked, there's too much evidence that they are in the hole (and it's getting deeper). No matter what way you look at it. + +# This is just one of many catalysts they need to dodge. We after all only need to win once, they need to keep dodging them every single time. + +&#x200B; + +# 💥 Bonus Content TD TOS Update + +You may or may not know, but I wrote a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mdnph0/more_proof_the_115_billion_buy_order_was_real_and/) trying to debunk TD TOS “bugs”. I was wrong. So I went on a mission to try and figure out wtf they were. I spent hours reconciling volume to the glitch volumes to no avail. + +Luckily a smart ape based in the US helped out and simply got on the phone to tech support to discuss them. + +In summary, this was the convo. + +>*He said their technical team is aware of "the bug" in the total volume count in Active Trader; it previously occurred with futures contracts, and they're aware that "it's currently occurring with some stocks." Here's what they asked us to:1) Take screenshots throughout the day; they're not concerned with after-hours2) Send screenshots to* [*support@thinkorswim.com*](mailto:support@thinkorswim.com) *with a title like "Active Trader Bug - Excessive Total Volume in Binned Data"* + +Interpret that as you wish. And I stress that they’re interested in bugs when the market is open. Not after-hours (yes, that’s when we usually see them, I know…). So if you wanna help TD out, feel free to follow the above instructions. If you figure out wtf is actually going on based on any hints in the above, fucking reach out so I can peacefully sleep at night one more. + +Note: The legend who had the convo did not want credit, their modesty blows me away. + +**\*\*end\*\*** + +&#x200B; + +You may carry on stabbing me with your pitchforks. \*\*While I wail in pain *“Not financial advice, I’m just an ape”*\*\* + +**Please note, this post is purely meant to temper expectations based on historical activity and logic. Any counterfactuals and arguments you have, please share so this post can be improved!** + +# Conjecture Edit Room + +**Edit:** + +u/Bladeace has made some great arguments and logic which point in favour of a share recall from BlackRock. His TL;DR as follows, and comment link [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpsrno/we_dont_know_if_blackrock_and_co_will_recall_and/gubv26d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): + +>This is the perfect time to cause the squeeze. If BlackRock doesn't do it now, they lose their best chance to be in control of the situation. This is a very volatile situation, being in control means a lot. The gains of waiting are low and the risk is high. I think they will recall. + +Just as valid and logical, great AND important to understand the positive perspectives as well! Thanks again u/Bladeace! + +&#x200B; + +**Edit:** + +Thanks u/serbeardless for linking [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpp2yr/why_we_and_our_whales_are_waiting_for_the_dtcocc/). It delves into why LWs could be holding back until the DTTC put up the "firewalls" before they press the ignition button. + +Highlights an important fact that there are many different scenarios that could play out and this is yet another reason why we do not discuss dates of a squeeze. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit:** Off to bed, sorry US Apes - i'll return tomorrow morning to any questions and opinions, thoughts and conjecture to add into the above :) Love ya'll +**TA;DR:** In 2005, investors of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. attempted to pull all their shares out of the DTC and direct register them in their own name. During this process, 68.5 billion phantom shares were discovered and brokers began deleting CMKM shares from investors accounts. Brokers also prevented many shareholders from direct registering and instead had physical certificates issued to *themselves*. While there are significant differences between CMKM and GameStop, this may be the closest example of what to expect as the float gets closer to being locked up in Computershare. If/when shit hits the fan, don’t be surprised if the brokers pull the same kind of bullshit. DRS early and often. + +**TA:DR end** + +\*This post is a selected summary of pages 208-227 of Dr. Susanne Trimbath’s book “Naked, Short and Greedy.”\**^(1)* *If you are unfamiliar with Dr. T (or a douchebag shill), please refer to footnote 1.* + +On November 4, 2005, CMKM issued a press release announcing a distribution that would require investors to get their shares registered in their own name, i.e., out of DTC.^(2) Deadlines were set for DTC withdrawal and a shareholder task force was created. In July 2007, after several delays, the task force announced the total number of registered shareholders and shares. They also disclosed the existence of over 68.5 billion phantom shares, i.e., > 68.5 billion shares that could not be accounted for (should not exist). + +**Most relevant to GameStop:** + +Many of the investors were unable to direct register their shares because they were holding phantom shares. Although the investors had paid for these shares, the brokers either never obtained these shares to begin with or they had lent them out thereby passing on the “real” shares to the borrower. Dr. Trimbath dubbed these CMKM investors as “UnShareholders.”^(3) + +A deeper dive into these UnShareholders revealed that: + +* The following brokers were shown to either delete CMKM shares from UnShareholders’ accounts or incorrectly told them certificates were not being issued: Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, UBS Financial Services, Inc., Royal Bank of Canada, eTrade Financial, Bank of America, Charles Schwabb, Bank One, Bank of America, Qtrade, Piper Jaffray, eNorthern Brokerage, LeumiTrade, Fortis Bank Bruxelles/BBH New York + +&#x200B; + +* The following brokers told “UnShareholders” that they could not get certificates. However, these same brokers got certificates for themselves: Bank of America, Ameritrade, eTrade Financial, Royal Bank Canada, UBS Financial, Chase, Charles Schwabb, QTrade, Piper Jaffray, Bank Leumi, Bank One + +&#x200B; + +* Charles Schwabb, Chase Bank and RBC Dain deleted investors share positions at a time when the firms had no shares either in depository or on the books of the issuer + * Schwabb deleted investor positions (10 million shares) and at the same time ordered certificates for their own trustee accounts + * RBC deleted investor positions (11.5 million shares) and told investors that there were no share certificates available. However, documentation shows that RBC received certificates for themselves and other customers. + * Chase deleted a high number of investor positions + +&#x200B; + +In the end, all shareholders of CMKM got fukt, including those that were able to direct register. There was no real value in the firm – they did indeed mine diamonds; however, it was revealed that all mineral rights belonged to the founders of the company, not the shareholders. Multiple lawsuits were filed and some are still pending. + +“The allegations of fraud and corporate abuse are the reason why no one heard the rest of the story, the one **where brokers were allowed to cheat investors by taking their money and never giving them any shares of CMKM**” (Trimbath, p. 209). Although Dr. T tells the story using CMKM as the example, she emphasizes that this stuff happens to every company with publicly-traded shares, big or small. + +Some key differences between CMKM Diamonds, Inc. and GameStop: + +https://preview.redd.it/ywoj8twe56a81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=af0fa1f534a903a9cd83fe3f33f10dddaf5b4c44 + +\*There were diamonds being mined but whatever mineral rights claim the founders of CMKM had was only ever owned by the founders. The assets never belonged to the company. + +\*\*[https://www.sec.gov/litigation/aljdec/id291bpm.htm](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/aljdec/id291bpm.htm) + +&#x200B; + +**The purpose of this post is to point out the behavior of the brokers during the DTC withdrawal process.** Unlike CMKM, GameStop has an extraordinary future and is not going bust. The DTC, SEC, market makers, and brokerage firms will have a harder time sweeping things under the rug of the court system if and when things get spicy with GameStop. That being said, we are in uncharted waters. + +If retail owns multiples of the float, which I firmly believe, what kind of behavior can we expect of the brokers if/when shit hits the fan? DRS, mofo. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +^(1)Anyone who throws shade at Dr. Trimbath is either a shill or lacks the knowledge of her background. She is a business professor in Arizona who started her career at the Federal Reserve Bank and DTC. She has been fighting the corruption for a couple decades and has even lent her time to Reddit for multiple AMAs. BuT sHe HaS bEEn PUshiNg HEr nEW BoOK “Naked, Short and Greedy.” Yeah, moron, she lays out all the corruption in detail for us. Besides, she deserves every penny she gets from the sale of this book. She has been fighting the good fight long before any of us knew of the corruption. + +^(2)DTC stonewalled any future attempts by other companies and got the SEC to grant approval for a rule change that prohibited requests for withdrawal of certificates that could be **instigated** by issuers. Hence, we would never see GameStop recommending that we direct register with Computershare. The fact that they mentioned Computershare in the last quarterly report should be telling. I’m hopeful they give us an update in Q4, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a new rule or undisclosed SEC threat prevents this. + +^(3)Almost anyone who receives a 1099 with “unqualified dividends” when they believe they owned regular shares, are probably UnShareholders, too. +I recently had coffee with one of my former summer interns, who (after a stint with us) spent some time at Lazard last year. He mentioned that out of his intake, less than half stayed more than a year (I'm assuming this was on the standard two year contract, but I'm happy to be corrected). According to him, the hours were brutal, even for Wall Street. 9am-3am, not just a few weeks a year, but for months, no Saturdays off (which has I believe been adopted unilaterally across the bulge bracket) and some particularly incompetent management. + +Now, normally I would write this off as a bad group somewhere- after all, we've all heard similar nightmare stories at some point. But it struck me because this is the third or fourth time I've heard this about Lazard, across multiple groups in very different regions. A team I used to work for hired a Director who had worked for them. As a VP at Lazard, he'd been working Analyst hours, day in, day out. An MD who I had known at the start of my career (but never actually worked for) moved across to Lazard when the [major British] bank he'd worked for downsized significantly. This was a guy who was (and remains) extraordinarily talented, the rare chap who actually loves finance and did the job purely for his own enjoyment and satisfaction. He'd moved to Paris for the final years of his career. He was out within a year- said that management was the worst he'd ever seen in 35+ years of working in the industry. He showed me a letter he'd written to several members of the board detailing his concerns (after he had left). Apparently he never got an answer. + +Now, all of these (and others I shan't bore you with) are anecdotal of course, but I was wondering if you had heard anything similar. +I'm getting kinda sick of the macroeconomic haze of whether deflation is good or bad (and the recent doublespeak about good deflation vs. bad deflation in the U.S. and Europe), and I think financiers are much better positioned to speak intelligently and clearly on the impacts of deflation. + +Thinking in this vein, I tried to make a short list of the winners and losers in a deflationary environment assuming no change to liquidity, money velocity, PCE, or any other hypothetical side effects of deflation. Please correct me and add more if you can think of any: + +**Winners:** + +Retirees on a fixed income + +Low income workers at or near the minimum wage + +Bond holders + +Creditors + + +**Losers:** + +Debtors + +Most governments + +Pension funds + +Equity holders + +Retailers, especially on low-margin items +I recently had coffee with one of my former summer interns, who (after a stint with us) spent some time at Lazard last year. He mentioned that out of his intake, less than half stayed more than a year (I'm assuming this was on the standard two year contract, but I'm happy to be corrected). According to him, the hours were brutal, even for Wall Street. 9am-3am, not just a few weeks a year, but for months, no Saturdays off (which has I believe been adopted unilaterally across the bulge bracket) and some particularly incompetent management. + +Now, normally I would write this off as a bad group somewhere- after all, we've all heard similar nightmare stories at some point. But it struck me because this is the third or fourth time I've heard this about Lazard, across multiple groups in very different regions. A team I used to work for hired a Director who had worked for them. As a VP at Lazard, he'd been working Analyst hours, day in, day out. An MD who I had known at the start of my career (but never actually worked for) moved across to Lazard when the [major British] bank he'd worked for downsized significantly. This was a guy who was (and remains) extraordinarily talented, the rare chap who actually loves finance and did the job purely for his own enjoyment and satisfaction. He'd moved to Paris for the final years of his career. He was out within a year- said that management was the worst he'd ever seen in 35+ years of working in the industry. He showed me a letter he'd written to several members of the board detailing his concerns (after he had left). Apparently he never got an answer. + +Now, all of these (and others I shan't bore you with) are anecdotal of course, but I was wondering if you had heard anything similar. +So JP Morgan was fined $920 million for the London Whale incident. Who exactly carries out the fine and how do they determine the amount? And where does the $920 million go after it's been paid? + + Thanks! +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7) + +*gobble gobble'n up those shares* 🎃🦃 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🎁 [Very GMErry Holidays returns for more cheer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ylyszu/very_gmerry_holidays_returns_for_more_cheer_wont/) + +>Superstonk held a toy drive for Toys for Tots (TFT) last year and we raised over $103,000 in money and toys! +> +>We even had a way for Apes to shop GameStop.com and ship it directly to a TFT site that was super close to a GameStop distribution center in Grapevine, TX. +> +>We had a huge positive impact! And we’re doing it again. + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Hello Guys!!! + +People usually share their best performing cryptocurrency or some gamble that went their way. +But ignore the worst performing cryptocurrency in their portfolio. +So what are the cryptocurrency that you regret buying and see no future scope for them now. + +Start the anti shillings. + +Here's mine + +I bought WINK at average price of $0.0014 and today's price is $0.00064. +Its down by 56% and I dont even feel like DCAing into it. +If it does not recover in this bull run I would definitely sell it. + +So all the newbie dont FOMO in and Do Your Own Research(DYOR) +Here are just three examples of the sub’s most mentioned coins back in the previous bull run. + +**1 - Waltonchain: ATH $41.15. Today $0.99. Rank: 782nd** + +“Waltonchain partners with China Telecom (China's largest telecom)” + +“Lmao at all these guys still questioning Waltonchain's legitimacy.” + +“Waltonchain (WTC) Wins the 2018 Outstanding Blockchain Company Award at the 1st Summit Forum of Blockchain” + +“Waltonchain has literally won SO many awards. They also have loads of patents.” + +“I feel like people aren't investing simply because they think the name sounds weird. Very foolish.” + +**2 - Vertcoin: ATH $9.80. Today $0.50. Rank 755th** + +“Top privacy” + +“Feels like it is better than Bitcoin...like it has all the features that Bitcoin is lacking (atomic swaps, lightning network) and also maintains the principle of cryptocurrency like decentralization....can anyone tell me why it is not better than Bitcoin?” + +“VTC is the hero we have been waiting for” + + +**3 - Aion: ATH $11.31. Today: $0.175. Rank: 475th** + +“Aion is the next big cryptocurrency after ETH and NEO. You heard it here first.” + +“Torn between AION and Cosmos...” + +“Aion is one of those rare projects where everything just comes together perfectly, Matt the ceo is the most capable leader in blockchain, one podcast with him explaining the idea of the Aion network and I was sold.” + +**Remember: Everyone is a genius in a bull market.** +Okay guys, I think we should talk about this. Just like me, I know there are a lot of people that just lurk. They dont post, comment or do anything at all besides reading, researching and investigating. +I just want to say “I’m here!” and that I m not ever leaving. All thesis take time. I made my own in a journey that started the 29th of January 2021. It has been a hell of ride, I am hangin on! Dont care about anything else, either way the company will thrive … +Hi all, visited my local credit union recently and the banker who helped me asked me to verify my online account password. I was pretty taken aback since the general password rule is that you shouldn’t provide it to anyone. Plus, she was able to see in plain text what the password was. + + + +This is a large and popular credit union in my area. Is it common to keep plain text passwords, or is this a red flag indicating that this bank has bad cyber security?? + + + + + +Edit: +To clear up confusion: I visited the CU to open a new account (in addition to my old ones) and sat down with a banker. They asked me to provide my existing account numbers but I had been locked out of the online portal and didn’t have them in print. They then asked for my verbal passcode and my online account password, which shocked me. + + + +I can’t remember whether they asked for the verbal passcode first and I only remembered an old one, or if they had me give the online one regardless. I couldn’t quite remember the online password either so I said some words and was asked if there was an exclamation point, etc at the end. I guessed wrong a few times and the banker gave me hints. + + + +The banker just acted like this was the most normal thing in the world so I wasn’t sure if I was just feeling paranoid. But thank you SO much for your responses, I’m moving my money and reporting the CU!! +Hey Reddit! Long story short, I'm a young dude (22) prior service Army guy, got out of the Army, got a job training dogs (pets, protection dogs, search and rescue, tracking, etc) and within the past week I have quit that job for good due to witnessing the owner neglect and legitimately beat dogs. Pissed me off, tried to fix it, she's an alcoholic so it didn't change anything, so myself along with the ENTIRE group of every single other person who worked with us... Straight up just left lol. We are now in the process of opening up our own training company, which I will be a partial owner of. However, I now have no form of income. + +I've been swing trading over the past couple months because day/swing trading has caught my eye since I was roughly 19. I have $4,000.00 USD in a Robinhood account where I make all of my trades, I do all of my technical analysis on TDAmeritrade's Thinkorswim App. I have a basic knowledge on pretty much every commonly used indicator and how to apply them. I currently use the the 20 day SMA, EMA, Bollinger Bands, RSI, MACD, OBV, CCI, and Stochastic Oscillators to pick my trades. I am $7500.00 (with leverage with Robinhood Gold) in a swing trade with GSKY right now as it looks like they are at a long term support level, their down trend is ending, the stochastic oscillators are pointing up, and it looks like the RSI is showing a bullish divergence compared to the chart. So I had a pretty good feeling about it. I bought in at 10.90. That's what I am involved in right now. + +Could I even make a livable wage off of just starting swing trading 4k? + +My livable wage is roughly 2k a month. However, I am looking into getting a well paying part time job at least to cover my bills so that my interest accrued in my trades will just continue to compound and grow larger. + +Do you guys have any tools or references or ways to help show me how to be more of a solid trader? I'm open to all good advice from knowledgable people! + +Thanks everyone! :) +I have a friend with a history of cancer. She has stated repeatedly that she is going to have to give up treatment due to not being able to afford it. The only figure she has specifically mentioned is $2500 for radiation therapy (although she has been undergoing rounds of chemo for years). + +&#x200B; + +Can someone just run out of money for treatment in Australia? The resources I can find from the Cancer Council point to "maybe" as they mention some costs that might not be covered by Medicare or insurance. I was just under the impression that getting to the point where you need to give up treatment and die due to financial pressures was something that doesn't happen here. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: thanks for the detailed replies below. I will let my friend know about potentially using her super, if there's anything significant there, and possible grants. She has described these costs as "after every possible subsidy and rebate", so we'll see. All in all I don't think she's going to have a good outcome but she and her family might end up under less financial stress during the process. +Where is the shareholder value? It makes no money to buy back shares? It does not increase net income to increase eps. It has no profits to pay a dividend? This is a stock that should be bouncing all over the place and or acting like Groupon? Is this the biggest stock bubble ever created or am I missing something? Like, if any reasonable company did what Amazon does it would highly volatile and or paralleling groupons returns. +As you will see below, the SEC v2.008: + +* **PLAINLY ACKNOWLEDGED NAKED SHORT SELLING EXISTS** +* **THAT IT IS BY-NATURE "ABUSIVE"** +* **SAID THEY HAVE "ZERO TOLERANCE" FOR IT** +* **AND THEN...tEmPoRaRiLy BANNED IT** + +# Naturally, I'd like to know: WEN NEXT tEmPoRaRY NAKED SHORT-SELLING BAN, SEC v2.022? + +# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + +**Here's a running list of money quotes I'm compiling from the articles below:** + +* ***Peter Cardillo:*** + * **“This will absolutely make a difference. Short sellers \[will\] have to cover their positions very heavily.”** + * **“In the marketplace, we need both sides of the equation, but the relaxed regulation of the SEC has led to abuses of short selling that have destroyed many, many companies.”** + * **“This decision will squeeze the shorts.”** + +* ***SEC Chairman Christopher Cox:*** + * **“ These several actions today make it crystal clear that the SEC has zero tolerance for abusive naked short selling”** + * **“The commission is committed to using every weapon in its arsenal to combat market manipulation that threatens investors and capital markets”** + * **“[The action] would not be necessary in a well-functioning market.”** + +* ***Authors:*** + * **“Instead of just shielding the embattled financial services industry this time around, the nation's securities regulator said the prohibition would cover all publicly traded companies”** + * **“Other groups [...] which represent hedge funds and other asset managers, have opposed any permanent changes, fearing that a rule would not only limit legitimate short selling but also give an inaccurate representation of the real price of a stock”** + * **“Industry groups like the American Bankers Association feared that the yet-to-be-announced rules may not go far enough to protect the stock price of banks”** + * **“The SEC also said it would temporarily ease restrictions on companies' ability to repurchase their stock, and force money managers to report their short positions in certain stocks that are not included in the 799 banned companies”** + * **“Critics of short sellers have argued that some had been spreading rumors about a company while "shorting" the stock in order to drive the price lower.”** + * **“...the Wall Street follies will soon end. They were great while they lasted - though mainly for the hired hands”** + +# 14+ YEARS LATER: +# EXIT LIGHT. +# ENTER GAMESTOP SANDMAN, RYAN COHEN. + +# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + +&#x200B; + +* **ARTICLE #1:** [**https://archive.today/ZFCDT**](https://archive.today/ZFCDT) **September 17, 2008:** + * ***"SEC puts 'naked' short sellers on notice: Regulator enacts new ruling banning 'naked' short selling on ALL PUBLIC COMPANIES"*** *(all-caps emphasis my own) By David Ellis,* *CNNMoney.com* *staff writer* +* **ARTICLE #2:** [**https://archive.today/Dmnzc**](https://archive.today/Dmnzc) **September 19, 2008:** + * ***"SEC bans short-selling: Agency puts temporary halt to trading practice that 'THREATENS INVESTORS AND CAPITAL MARKETS' for 799 financial companies"*** *(all-caps emphasis my own) By David Goldman,* *CNNMoney.com* *staff writer* +* **ARTICLE #3:** [**https://archive.today/qWHah**](https://archive.today/qWHah) **September 21, 2008:** + * ***"The end of Wall Street: As Lehman's demise and Merrill's acquisition make clear, A BUSINESS MODEL BUILT ON RAMPING UP RISK AND LEVERAGE SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK."*** *(all-caps emphasis my own) By Shawn Tully,* *CNNMoney.com* *editor at large* + +# ARTICLE #1: + +>**September 17, 2008: "SEC puts 'naked' short sellers on notice: Regulator enacts new ruling banning 'naked' short selling on ALL PUBLIC COMPANIES" (all-caps emphasis my own) By David Ellis,** **CNNMoney.com** **staff writer** +> +>. +> +>NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted a set of new rules Wednesday which would ultimately ban the practice of so-called "naked" short selling, possibly providing some much-needed comfort for financial markets. +> +>. +> +>But instead of just shielding the embattled financial services industry this time around, the nation's securities regulator said the prohibition would cover all publicly traded companies. +> +>. +> +>"These several actions today make it crystal clear that the SEC has zero tolerance for abusive naked short selling," SEC Chairman Christopher Cox said in a statement. +> +>. +> +>Traditional short sellers borrow stock with the aim of selling it, then buying it back at a lower price, hoping to pocket the difference. In a "naked" short sale, however, investors short the stock without actually borrowing it, making it much easier to drive down the share price of a company. +> +>. +> +>**Dramatic swings** +> +>Some market observers have blamed the recent wild swings in financial markets and steep decline in financial stocks on the practice of "naked" short selling. Hoping to stem the sharp selloff that the industry endured back in early July, the SEC enacted a temporary ban on the practice for 17 domestic and international securities firms, along with the twin mortgage giants Freddie Mac ([FRE](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=FRE&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/3018.html?source=story_f500_link)) and Fannie Mae ([FNM](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=FNM&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2434.html?source=story_f500_link)). +> +>. +> +>The move helped, but financial stocks have come under pressure once again following the dramatic events over the last three days, including the collapse of Lehman Brothers ([LEH](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=LEH&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/10312.html?source=story_f500_link)), the purchase of Merrill Lynch ([MER](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=MER&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2487.html?source=story_f500_link)) by Bank of America ([BAC](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=BAC&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2580.html?source=story_f500_link)) and a government rescue of insurer AIG ([AIG](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=AIG&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/ZFCDT/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2469.html?source=story_f500_link)). +> +>. +> +>Prior to Wednesday's announcement, industry groups like the American Bankers Association feared that the yet-to-be-announced rules may not go far enough to protect the stock price of banks. +> +>. +> +>Other groups, like the Managed Funds Association and the Coalition of Private Investment Companies, which represent hedge funds and other asset managers, have opposed any permanent changes, fearing that a rule would not only limit legitimate short selling but also give an inaccurate representation of the real price of a stock. + +# ARTICLE #2: + +>**"SEC bans short-selling: Agency puts temporary halt to trading practice that 'THREATENS INVESTORS AND CAPITAL MARKETS' for 799 financial companies" (all-caps emphasis my own) By David Goldman,** **CNNMoney.com** **staff writer** +> +>. +> +>NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission took what it called "emergency action" Friday and temporarily banned investors from short-selling 799 financial companies. +> +>. +> +>The temporary ban, aimed at helping restore falling stock prices that have shattered confidence in the financial markets, takes effect immediately. +> +>. +> +>"This will absolutely make a difference," said Peter Cardillo, chief market economists at Avalon Partners. "Short sellers are going to have to cover their positions very heavily." +> +>. +> +>Short sellers borrow stock with the aim of selling it, then buy it back at a lower price, hoping to pocket the difference. The commission said short sellers add liquidity to the markets during normal conditions, but recent unbridled short-selling has contributed to the recent tailspin in the stock market. +> +>. +> +>"The commission is committed to using every weapon in its arsenal to combat market manipulation that threatens investors and capital markets," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox in a statement. "The emergency order temporarily banning short selling of financial stocks will restore equilibrium to markets." +> +>. +> +>Cox said the action "would not be necessary in a well-functioning market," and is just one of many actions being taken by the government to jump-start the embattled financial markets. +> +>. +> +>The SEC also said it would temporarily ease restrictions on companies' ability to repurchase their stock, and force money managers to report their short positions in certain stocks that are not included in the 799 banned companies. +> +>. +> +>Some market observers have also blamed short sellers for the punishing declines in bank stock prices over the past few days. Critics of short sellers have argued that some had been spreading rumors about a company while "shorting" the stock in order to drive the price lower. +> +>. +> +>"In the marketplace, we need both sides of the equation," Cardillo said. "But the relaxed regulation of the SEC has led to abuses of short selling that have destroyed many, many companies." +> +>. +> +>As panic began to permeate the financial markets, many investors took short positions on already battered financial companies regardless of the news that came out of the companies or the government. For instance, investment banks Morgan Stanley ([MS](https://archive.ph/o/Dmnzc/https://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=MS&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/Dmnzc/https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/3515.html?source=story_f500_link)) and Goldman Sachs ([GS](https://archive.ph/o/Dmnzc/https://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=GS&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/Dmnzc/https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/10777.html?source=story_f500_link)) reported better-than-expected earnings Wednesday, but dropped significantly in trading. +> +>. +> +>"This decision will squeeze the shorts," Cardillo added. "Now, if there is any good news, shorts will have to cover." +> +>. +> +>The ruling comes after the SEC decided Wednesday [to ban](https://archive.ph/o/Dmnzc/https://money.cnn.com/2008/09/17/news/companies/sec_short_selling/index.htm?postversion=2008091711) the practice of so-called "naked" short-selling, in which investors short the stock without actually borrowing it. +> +>. +> +>On Thursday, Britain's Financial Services Authority also temporarily banned short-selling for financial companies. The SEC said it is consulting the FSA in the matter. + +# ARTICLE #3: + +>**"The end of Wall Street: As Lehman's demise and Merrill's acquisition make clear, A BUSINESS MODEL BUILT ON RAMPING UP RISK AND LEVERAGE SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK." (all-caps emphasis my own) By Shawn Tully,** **CNNMoney.com** **editor at large** +> +>. +> +>NEW YORK (Fortune) -- Rumor has it that Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld recently wanted to turn off the firm's signature Jumbotron, the giant panels that flash the Lehman name day and night at its headquarters in New York's theater district. +> +>. +> +>Running the lights, the story goes, was costing Lehman ([LEH](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=LEH&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/10312.html?source=story_f500_link)) $500,000 a year. But New York City rejected Fuld's plea, since buildings in the Times Square area are required to keep their facades aglow to create the arcade effect that dazzles the tourists. +> +>. +> +>The lights are still on at Lehman HQ, but they're going out both for the 158-year old firm and for the Wall Street business model that it represents. +> +>. +> +>Now that Lehman has declared bankruptcy, and Bank of America is buying Merrill Lynch for $50 billion, the ranks of Wall Street survivors have shrunk in the space of six months from five to two, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. +> +>. +> +>With Merrill, and Bear Stearns before it, being acquired by giant commercial banks, we're witnessing the triumph of the diversified, universal banking model over the Wall Street one that focused on trading securities and advising corporate clients. +> +>. +> +>Eventually, the trend will probably capture Morgan Stanley and Goldman as well. Even if they skirt the fate of their former peers, their time is past. +> +>. +> +>The demise of old Wall Street isn't just about bad bets on mortgages or the hubris of Dick Fuld. It's the failure of an antiquated, risky strategy that depended on macroeconomic luck and that grossly overcompensated employees for being in the right place at the right time. +> +>. +> +>**Debt and more debt** +> +>The game Wall Street played relied on leveraging up the cash provided by shareholders to enormous levels and using all the debt to accumulate a giant portfolio of securities. +> +>. +> +>As long as interest rates trend downward, the value of that portfolio swells, yielding gigantic returns on a slim equity base. And, with the exception of a few scary blips caused by the Asian currency crisis and the tech meltdown, that's what happened for most of Lehman's existence since it was spun off by American Express ([AXP](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=AXP&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2493.html?source=story_f500_link)) in 1994. +> +>. +> +>Based on a huge surge in profits, the employees arrange to take compensation in amounts unheard of outside of sports and Hollywood. +> +>. +> +>This model has an obvious, and fatal, flaw. Earnings on Wall Street no longer come chiefly from recurring businesses but rather from a combination of huge leverage and huge risk. When good luck turns, as it did in the credit crisis that began just over a year ago, the shareholder wealth supporting all that leverage gets wiped out. +> +>. +> +>That's precisely what happened at Lehman. Its shares are trading today at around 20 cents, meaning that outside of the dividend that the firm slashed last week, Lehman managed to destroy wealth for shareholders. The employees, though, took out tens of billions in excess pay that's parked in mansions, yachts and stock portfolios. +> +>. +> +>How did such a scenario come to pass? There are four key reasons: +> +>. +> +>**Too much leverage** +> +>Between 2004 and 2007, Lehman swelled its balance sheet by almost $300 billion through the purchase of securities often backed by residential and commercial real estate loans. But in the same period, the firm added a miniscule $6 billion in equity. +> +>. +> +>As a result, assets jumped from an already high level of 24 times capital, to 31 times. So if the total value of the portfolio declined by 3% or so, shareholders' equity would be erased. +> +>. +> +>**Ever riskier products** +> +>Over the years, once-lucrative businesses on Wall Street have become commoditized, including trading and underwriting bonds for clients. +> +>. +> +>So Lehman, along with Merrill Lynch ([MER](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=MER&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2487.html?source=story_f500_link)) and other firms, pushed into higher-margin products, notably the packaging and trading of ever more exotic types of mortgage-backed securities. This allowed Lehman and others to keep profits humming. But the shift radically changed their businesses. +> +>. +> +>Wall Street became far more dependent on proprietary trading and far less reliant on clients. Before the collapse of Bear Stearns, it along with Lehman, Merrill, Morgan Stanley ([MS](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=MS&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/3515.html?source=story_f500_link)) and Goldman Sachs ([GS](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=GS&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/10777.html?source=story_f500_link)) derived over 60% of revenues from trading, most of it for their own accounts, versus around 40% in the late 1990s. +> +>. +> +>Wall Street firms evolved into giant hedge funds. Now they're suffering the same fate as a lot of over-leveraged hedgies. +> +>. +> +>**Big bets, short-term debts** +> +>Unlike Bank of America ([BAC](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=BAC&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2580.html?source=story_f500_link)) or JPMorgan Chase ([JPM](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=JPM&source=story_quote_link), [Fortune 500](https://archive.ph/o/qWHah/money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/2608.html?source=story_f500_link)), Lehman and the other independent investment banks don't have a stable base of retail deposits to use for buying securities. +> +>. +> +>Instead, they rely on short-term debt that needs to be constantly refinanced. That's fine as long as the mortgages and other securities they hold are stable or rising in value and thus easy to sell. But when real estate started to slump, Lehman and its brethren couldn't sell securities they owned except at a big loss. +> +>. +> +>In the case of Bear, creditors got so nervous about lending money for securities that couldn't be sold that they refused to roll over Bear's commercial paper. +> +>. +> +>Lehman did have access to a newly created Federal Reserve window for short-term financing. But that couldn't save the firm because the basic problem remains: When markets turn nervous, creditors will stop lending, forcing Wall Street to dump holdings at distressed prices. +> +>. +> +>Big commercial banks, on the other hand, can hold securities until markets rebound. That gives them a big edge and explains why their model will prevail. +> +>. +> +>**Exorbitant pay** +> +>The Wall Street playbook calls for taking home the highest pay possible when times are good and giving none of it back when times are tough. +> +>. +> +>Since the securities business is cyclical, it would make sense for firms to bank their bonuses forward so that if profits are plentiful one year but disappear the next, part of the compensation is returned to shareholders. +> +>. +> +>But that's not how the Street works. The pay practices at Lehman are highly instructive. When it came to granting stock to employees, Lehman was incredibly extravagant. +> +>. +> +>Before Lehman raised equity capital this year, grants of options and restricted stock left 30% of shares in employees' hands. To be sure, employees have lost billions in recent months. But they took out plenty over the years. +> +>. +> +>Fuld, for example, has cashed out almost $500 million worth of stock in his 14 years as CEO, according to Fortune's Allan Sloan; that's four times Lehman's stock market capitalization as of Monday morning. +> +>. +> +>In fiscal 2006 and 2007, Fuld earned a total of more than $80 million, an astounding sum for a company Lehman's size. Lehman's general counsel Thomas Russo made more than $12 million in each of those years. Top lawyers for much larger U.S. companies make a fraction of that amount. +> +>. +> +>Given all of this excess, there's no way this business model can last. The best bet is that Morgan Stanley will eventually be absorbed by a big bank that will reduce leverage, shrink pay scales, fund assets with deposits and impose strict risk controls. That's what JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is doing with the old Bear Stearns and what Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis will no doubt do with Merrill. +> +>. +> +>Goldman, on the other hand, has the financial strength to move in the other direction and buy a bank. Even so, the Wall Street follies will soon end. They were great while they lasted - though mainly for the hired hands. + +&#x200B; + +🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +🟣 + +# SERIOUSLY- DRS YOUR SHARES UNTIL YOUR FINGERS BLEED: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when\_you\_wish\_upon\_a\_star\_a\_complete\_guide\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) + +🟣 + +🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 +I am a student at a non-target university majoring in Finance and Business Analytics (hopefully) with a minor in Economics. I've been tying to take classes that could get me working in, or around equities trading (hence the analytics major) as I'm really interested and passionate about the field. + +I've been extended an offer by RBC to interview as a Quant/Algo Trading intern, but I have to complete a technical exam on HackerRank by the end of this week. + +The hiring manager said the exam is based on coding (any language), logic and statistics. There are less than 10 questions and the exam is 90 minutes. + +As a caveat, I only began programming this year in R, so my coding skills might not exactly be "strong" but I'm looking forward to giving this my best shot. I was able to complete the "FizzBuzz" sample exercise for the exam without much trouble. + +I was wondering if any you here with experience could point me to some good basics to study/prep for coding, logic and statistics in quant trading before I take the exam? +So my parents have not been very responsible lately. They're both unemployed, went on a cross country motorcycle road trip, have no savings, and know I learned that my mother is spending a week in Hawaii. + +They now have over 40k in credit card debt. They've asked me for money multiple time (I'm in college and barely have enough to get by as it is) and now all of the credit cards we share are over drawn. + +I have my own cards that I'm incredibly good with, and these cards we share are killing my credit score. I've asked multiple times to have them remove me from them, but they keep trying to get me to pay them off instead (The total is more than I even have in savings). + +Sorry for the rantyness and /r/relationships type post. I'm just really frustrated. + +Is there a way I can contact the credit card companies and get them to remove me from these cards? + + + +EDIT: Thanks for all the replies! + +Some more info: + +Company is capital one + +I am only an authorized user + +I tried calling, but they said only primary card holder can remove authorized users. + + +Final Edit: + +I left work early and went to capital one. They removed me with no problems. Thanks again everyone! <3 <3 <3 +Dear Erik, + +I would like to respond to your letter titled "Some words for my friends". + +It's been almost 10 months since we filmed you for our production of The Bitcoin Phenomenon. You were very gracious in taking the time to sit with us. Thank you again. We are getting ready to release our documentary along with full-length interviews in a couple of weeks. I wanted to address a couple of issues. + +I specifically recall questioning you on how decentralized Bitcoin really is considering that exchanges served as central points of liquidity. In my view, this imposed a systemic risk to Bitcoin. In your response to the question, you countered this notion by stating that market-based centralization is nothing to worry about as market actors that abuse their position will quickly find their business erode. + +Here is the clip pulled by our editor: https://vimeo.com/87747572 + +Based on Mt. Gox, it seems that certain markets do not respond that quickly or efficiently. Mt. Gox had substantial issues at the time of our interview back in May 2013. Yet, consumers didn't leave; you didn't either. Natural monopolies when combined with network effects, as exchanges are, have market power and a gravitational pull that is very difficult to erode organically. Based on the reaction, it seems that the majority of Bitcoiners did not sufficiently understand or know the risks of doing business with Mt. Gox. + +Another example: As the founding publisher of ALL IN Magazine between 2003-2006, I had a front row seat to the poker boom. Several years ago, a few big poker players at Absolute Poker and UltimateBet suspected certain other players of being able to see the cards held by opposing players. These big players kept losing money in highly improbable ways to the same players. When the players that felt cheated raised the issue in the community, the poker community laughed away these notions of cheating at major poker rooms. Not only did the customers not leave in droves at the allegations of cheating, they laughed at the whistle-blowers instead. Then there was a smoking gun that proved cheating by certain owners on a scale of tens of millions of dollars. And guess what? Most people still did not close their accounts. Even with the ease of the Internet, even with low switching costs of going to another vendor, people generally stayed. Markets are not nearly as responsive nor as efficient as you think even when confronted with a fraudulent operator. + +When it comes to money, consumers need protection. Consumers are not sophisticated enough to assess the strength of balance sheets or the veracity of representations made by financial operators. As a result, modern societies have developed regulatory safeguards around financial services. How many people lost money with bank deposits during the financial crisis? Zero. + +In fact, in my view, consumer protection means less friction in the marketplace, not more. It means more efficiency, not less. If I had to read the full car rental contract every time I rented a car, it would not be more efficient for the market. If I had to read a terms of service or every return policy or the fine print of every account I opened, it would not make commerce more efficient. Instead, I rely on basic government safeguards to ensure fairness and standardization. In exchange, market operators get the benefit of the doubt from most consumers as a result of regulation. I know that my liability with credit cards is almost nil based on regulation. As such, online commerce and electronic payments are ubiquitous. If I cannot be liable for credit card fraud, I can be freer in my habits and purchases than being continually paranoid. I can trust vendors that I otherwise would not trust. + +Regulation is justified when the following condition is met: The value gained from increased trust in the marketplace is greater than the cost imposed by regulation. + +Complicated contracts and risks are better socialized rather than individually assumed and monitored. One way to socialize risk is through regulation. In a regulated financial marketplace, a consumer does not need to be that careful. I don't have to judge the safety of my local bank as it is FDIC-insured. A simple rule is that the more math it involves and the less hard goods are given in exchange, the more it needs to be regulated. (Like life insurance.) + +The other aspect is that consumers are horrible at assessing the fair value costs of deferred or unseen risks. People cannot properly compute the odds and costs of unlikely events in the future. If they could, the car rental counter would not try to sell comprehensive insurance at the counter to people who already have insurance. I might not need as much consumer protection in finance, but I may need more protection in healthcare or in building codes than a doctor or an engineer respectively would. The vast majority of people cannot assess every risk in every complicated area of their lives, myself included. It is not efficient for the market either. Certain things need to be standardized through regulation. + +As such, as the old saying goes that there are no atheists in foxholes, there are few libertarians when defrauded. + +In fact, I would be willing to wager that 80-90% of Mt. Gox customers would welcome a Japanese government bailout if it means a full return of their coins. Your ideology is lost on the majority of today's Bitcoiners. Most people that own Bitcoin want to get rich or make their lives financially easier. That's it. The pursuit of principal is their guiding principle. Now, people love the idea of getting rich and doing good at the same time, but given the choice of only one or the other, the former will suffice for most. + +And there is nothing wrong with wanting to make some money. There is nothing wrong with speculating. The prospect of making money is fun, exciting, and thrilling. It's fine to enjoy it. For some reason, your argument seems to be that there has to be a greater purpose for Bitcoiners other than just the prospect of making money. Why require this? This should be legitimate enough of a purpose and goal. Ironically, you're the one playing into the hands that being mission-driven is what legitimizes money-making and Bitcoin. + +Lastly, I cannot help notice your reference to Mt. Gox account holders as "brothers" in your note "Some words for friends". (The other day, Defcon at Silk Road 2 referred to his community as "comrades" in his note.) Calling for shared sacrifice among the recently devastated for the benefit of the greater good has a certain collective ring to it. Asking people to suffer from "falling towers" and repeated devastation wreaks of calling for martyrdom (of a dot-com variety.) + +If the Bitcoin movement actually requires enormous sacrifice, of the devastating variety no less, merely for the future benefit of humanity, one may counter that the ongoing minor tragedy of one's annual tax bill seems like far less of a sacrifice. This is also a sacrifice that many times accrues to the benefit of others. What's the difference? + +I am more confused by the philosophical tenets of the Bitcoin movement than ever. Does it require shared sacrifice for the collective good or is it to enable the present, profitable pursuit of self-interest? + +Either way, the fact remains that Mt. Gox is a failure of a private company. It's not the fault of the government's, nor the media's, nor the banker's, nor Bitcoin naysayer's, but of a for-profit company with a once dominant market position. + +Yet, you offer not one word against the perpetrators of a possible loss of $300+ million, 6%+ of all outstanding Bitcoins. Even Alan Greenspan, a personal friend of Ayn Rand, came to terms with the limitations of an absolutist ideology post-financial crisis. I'm surprised by the vehemence of your position because you are both brilliant and eloquent. + +Sincerely, + +Bhu Srinivasan + +Producer, The Bitcoin Phenomenon for SQ1.tv + + +P.S. - + +Some aspects of the reaction to Mt. Gox remind me of the episode of the Wire when one of Marlo's crew blames Omar, NASDAQ, 9/11, and the government for why he can't pay Marlo. Marlo responds: "Omar ain't no terrorist. And you ain't no Delta Airlines neither. You are just another n----- that got his shit took." Classic. Marlo on Mt. Gox: + +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTIlZUOu0Rc + Hello beautiful apes! + +Are ya'll tired of FUD running rampant? + +Sick of the shill campaigns brigading the sub to knock unsuspecting apes off their individually researched course? + +Have you ever looked at a comment or a post or a tweet and thought to yourself: + +*"I can't quite put my finger on why... but that person's a shill... definitely...maybe.. I think... hmm... better comment for wrinkles just in case..."?* + +&#x200B; + +[Whoa that's a lot of words for a meme lol](https://preview.redd.it/qevlka6tzad81.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=91d54d1571e9843b73f51245f8d56d499aa7da24) + +&#x200B; + +This last year has taken a toll on the mind. Not only do you have to deal with unscrupulous immoral and illegal savagery during market hours, you have to wonder if everyone you meet is a shill. +