diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_384.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_384.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_384.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +Finblox claims to have insurance for its funds - not sure if its going to pay out at all. In the present situation, VCs coming to any startup rescue is pretty much off the table.. + +Its not clear which other operators are affected with the ongoing situation, one thing is certain - the contagion is deep and spreading quickly. 3AC was quite a big player who had commitments across multiple exchanges, lending services and market makers. Some trading desks have already sounded the alarm and have called back their margin. + +Centralised entities continue to be very risky as of now. +Although, I live with my Mom and Dad and a Brother in our own Home, Our relationship is complicated and I do not want to pay rent to my Dad and Dad prefers the same. I've dug through many quora articles and all those posts talk about paying HRA to my Dad. But, I need to know what would happen if I pay HRA of over 1 Lakh to my cousin sister who is living with her Mom and doesn't work and no plans to work as well. i.e I would submit her PAN number while filing deductions. I do send her pocket money over 10k every month via No Broker App and select the rent payment transfer. So, this idea popped in my mind on why not use the same amount as HRA? What could possibly go wrong? +Hey /r/IndiaInvestments! I was wondering what banks people lean towards and the reason behind sticking to that bank including interest rates / good cards. + +Thanks! +What do the seasoned players think of Barbeque Nation? + I am a newbie and inclined towards trying investing in IPO for the first time, albeit a minor sum. +Decipher, Algorand's major conference, is currently underway. There, Gary Malouf, Head of Engineering at Algorand, and Rotem Hemo, Director of Product Management at Algorand, just announced that state proofs will come to Algorand in early 2022. With stateproofs, Algorand will be the first blockchain to provide a post-quantum security solution. On the roadmap are post-quantum secure catchup (integrating state proofs in to the catch-up process), zk-SNARK proofs (efficient and cheap verification of state proofs) and light clients (tools to help entities use state proofs). So your transactions will live forever on the blockchain. + +&#x200B; + +Other exciting news in my opinion were: + +* Francis Suarez, 43rd Mayor of Miami, has agreed to receive every other paycheck in Algo +* Hivemind, a $1.5 billion venture to institutionalize crypto investing, has selected Algorand as a strategic partner +* Moreover, bank-issued stablecoins ("Digital Deposit Receipts") will come to Algorand and Ethereum. VCAD was minted yesterday on the Algorand mainnet. US Dollar version will follow. +* AXA XL, the U.S. subsidiary of AXA S.A., the world's third-largest insurer, is working with Algorand on an art insurance platform (money for your art) +* One of the world's leading manufacturers/retailers will introduce a first-of-its-kind Buy Now, Pay Later platform on Algorand +* 1&1 is working on a digital-asset exchange and commerce engine that will create fungibility across cryptocurrencies, loyalty points, rewards, and fiat currencies +I am in my early thirties and, consistent with the millenial stereotype, I live with my parents. My aim is to live a completely debt-free life. I mostly invest in ETFs. Living with parents has its downsides, e.g. my mother constantly tries to boss me around, but I endure this by trying to stay out of the home all the time, e.g. during weekdays I am at work, but during the weekend I go to the library to browse the internet. + +Lately I have been thinking about saving up cash and then buying a small plot of land out in the country where I can go to camp. On the weekend I can drive to my plot of land bringing a tent and then camp there. I will bring along a tent, some Aussielent, and if I need to go to the toilet I will just dig a hole. While camping I plan to read public domain ebooks. This will give me a place to go to get away from everything. + +However, I have heard that if you buy land in the country there may be restrictions on what you can do on it, e.g. the council may not allow you to camp on your own land or may require you to build e.g. a toilet on it before you can stay there. Is this true? How do I address this risk? Would I simply need to see a lawyer? An alternative is, rather than buy a piece of land and be exposed to regulatory risk, to simply put that money instead into an ETF e.g. VDHG and then use the passive income from the ETF to rent a small place in the country where I can camp. Is there a website that specialises in this? +***You guys did it. By concentrating enough WSB autism in one point in the form of $60 call options, you created a previously unproven distortion of the fabric of vol/price/time known as a Degenerity, where vol became price, green became red (for dealers) red became green (for option holders), bears like me get excited for bulls, and the market broke, spawning a wormhole to a new universe where GME is somehow above it's ATH, and spraying out a massive field distortion via degenerons, which are now being detected on CNBC. It's like a black hole, but with options. I look forward to those with PhDs in physics and finance expanding upon this theory. Expect additional unforseen repercussions such as*** r/investing ***advocating a 10% allocation to "YOLO" in their now 4 fund portfolio (domestic stocks, global stocks, bonds, YOLO).*** + +**TLDR: I think Market Makers got completely screwed today by this sub's unprecedented call buying yesterday. Expect some people to get fired. They normally can hedge their calls they sold you buying stock as price moves, but there wasn't supply for them to buy the 15m shares they needed in the 3 hour period this AM, and realy, a good 8-10m of that need happened in a few minute period which was when the market broke. I suspect MM's are going to be in the hole $100-200 million today. And yeah, some people are getting fired. You guys did it - you made the Degenerity! GME hit an all time high price (but not all time high market cap)** + +&#x200B; + +**Not a short squeeze:** + +I don't think this is a short squeeze primarily. I think we are actually seeing a gamma squeeze in which dealers could not hedge as quickly as their short calls lost value, and citadel and other market makers are losing hundreds of millions today as a group, which almost never happens, especially at this scale. + +Shorts don't HAVE to cover until there are 0 shares to borrow and they get bought in. They may get margin called before, but institutions diversify. And there are shares to borrow to an extent, rate still 22% on IB. I'm sure some of this happened, but you can't really force this until the many hundreds on a typical hedge fund book. + +On the other hand, looking at options, OI went up a lot overnight - I sadly did not check this AM. You now have 80K calls expiring today at 55 to 60 bucks, then another 70k next week, and another maybe 50k at longer dates. That is what we call... 🚀 ⛽ + +That's 200k, or 20m shares!!! To hedge that at 63+ you need... about 20m shares. Of course, some are thetagang short options, so call it 15m shares. Keep in mind, dealers had 25-30m shares before this going into today, so they now want to hold 40-45m shares (on 110m sythethic float of loaned shares + real shares) 🚀 ⛽ 🚀 ⛽ 🚀 ⛽ + +When the ramp started around 55, dealers had to rush to buy shares, but could not get 15m shares between $50 and $60. When it hit $60, there was a HUGE amount of options all at once, and market liquidity was insufficient ("The Degenerity"). At the writing of this post in the morning during the halt, it means they are losing $10m per dollar move in the price, and will pay any price to stop the bleeding. I'm sure some guys in their risk mgmt department are getting fired over this, as the writing was on the wall, and they still sold you guys calls - they should've been charging $10 a call yesterday to protect themselves, or offering much higher strikes to tempt money into that and away from over-concentrating at $60. I suspect when the dust settles, we will find out that the better market makers BOUGHT calls from other market makers, and would not be surprised if there's an 8-k from a market maker tonight about exceptional losses. You may actually bankrupt a small one. Because the mass of calls at $60 got so heavy, it became impossible to hedge in real time. + +In terms of gamma conditions from here, there's no remaining real ramp once you are at around 63. + +**Edit #3: Previously said we would see stagnation right under $60 because dealers have an interest in a $60 close and probably own 40m+ shares at this point offsetting the huge short calls - and had to unload 6m shares in ITM calls ending today. But it looks like they either don't care or are losing control with this hot close at $64.75. Going to be a lot of share delivery into Monday, maybe as much as 10m. That'll be interesting to sort out.** + +**I'm a bear, but seriously, congrats bulls, you did break the market, but maybe not in the way you think you did. I really think the guys you screwed today were MMs, probably on the order of $100-200m... I have profound respect for what you did. Yes, my puts sucked, I'm down $35k all together on trying to play this one. You are welcome, you deserve it.** 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +And I'm really dumb for not checking open interest this morning. Writing was on the wall due to all the calls you guys bought yesterday. It's infuriating when you know you could've seen it in plain sight and were too busy doing something else to check. + +I do think MMs will be more careful on this moving forward and make this less likely to repeat. This epic failure on their part is going to attract CIO level oversight. Unlike the meltup last Wednesday where they got to hedge smoothly, they were not able to hedge here. + +Also, wanted to link you guys Martin Shkreli's comments on the GME situation from YESTERDAY via people who have access to him I guess by phone (since he still has about a year of federal prison left)? Very interesting. Looking forward to his read as someone who's squeezed someone before: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/MartinShkreli/comments/l2b850/gme/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/MartinShkreli/comments/l2b850/gme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +Be nice... he's the original best trader mod and all that. + +&#x200B; +[https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170816085933.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170816085933.htm) + +[https://sites.gold.ac.uk/psychology/2016/05/10/mathematical-modelling-in-psychology-and-the-dangers-of-physics-envy/](https://sites.gold.ac.uk/psychology/2016/05/10/mathematical-modelling-in-psychology-and-the-dangers-of-physics-envy/) + +My experience trading showed me: + +1. Everything is about psychology i.e crypto coins are only worth as someone is willing to pay without any "economic" fundamentals. +2. Modeling human psychology and extending it to pricing would be the sound way to approach Seeking Alpha algorithmically. + +I started to look at that as the markets reflect human behavior and human psychology, so whatever could be applied there could also be applied to model human behavior. Namely the competition/cooperation duality. + +Boolean equations can reflect competition or cooperation i.e AND for cooperative behavior of several players pushing the price up or down, and OR for players exiting positions. + +I started looking at fault tree analysis with monte carlo which could be an interesting way to predict pricing of a security using a simulation of sellers and buyers. + +Such a simulation could also introduce news or catalysts as random disruptors. + +Ultimately what boolean tree models like FTA show is they are outside the reach of mathematical formulas and actual simulations need to be executed to have an idea. + +In a way algo trading could be used for social purposes and vice versa which makes it that much more valuable. +I wrote a working algo that's currently being live tested through an SEC regulated exchange while earning $30-$50 a day on less than $1000 of cash. This exchange is extremely nascent, which makes it pretty illiquid and I'm not sure about its scalability. It's really just a personal project to see how well I could move from thesis to execution, but this small amount of cash is making me think I could build it into something great if I work at it. The exchange is so new that their API isn't well developed, which means I had to write the majority from scratch. (Please don't ask what it is lol) + +Currently, I've written about 1000 lines of Python to get it working. I only have two classes, one to deal with the API and another I call Portfolio; which contains all of the decision making, monitoring, and recording. I'm at the point where I want to clean up my script as it's my first iteration to production and I know that a fresh look could smooth the logic. But I'm having trouble finding good examples of what a working algo's classes look like under the hood and am a little lost at how to move forward. + +Like I alluded, the Portfolio class contains all of the objects that the script needs outside of the API. That's the history of orders, trades, positions, allocations for the day, as well as their current ones, plus objects that hold data that is used to place market orders and monitor the positions I hold. Most of the objects are lists of dictionaries. The class' functions can get pretty long, but each is truly unique and I've minimized redundancy. It just seems heavy though. Speed isn't really important right now, but it might become so if my tests show that it is scalable. + +I'm wondering how ya'll break your scripts down. Should I break down the Portfolio class into something like: PortfolioData, Decisions, CurrentPosAndOrders, MarketAttributes, or is this normal? + +As a side note, it does a decent job at data management in that I don't have any redundancy there that I'm aware of. Attached is a photo of the Portfolio class's attributes. I'm fully ready for some severe criticism haha. Thanks in advance. + +https://preview.redd.it/7mr6z0l660h91.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3e600d3d5341f64f4e3aa8ced2f3d2f82edcaef +This could be your favorite because they're successfully or because they're mathematically beautiful. + +I've spent some time in python coding up a lot of indicators and some of what are even pretty standard (eg. EMA) really are a thing of beauty. I've not made a viable algo yet (but I've also not lost any money!) - but the journey is turning out to be a pleasant one so far! +Hey folks, I’m getting into algotrading and wanted some insights. Currently I want to read research papers and implement what they’re describing. But what are some sites people use to read papers. +Basically what the title says. I'm currently taking a free one on Blackboard that is provided by a professor from Cal Poly Pomona, though it seems more geared towards engineering students. + +Do you guys know of any Excel VBA tutorials that would be more helpful for finance students? Thank you, all input is appreciated! +So JP Morgan was fined $920 million for the London Whale incident. Who exactly carries out the fine and how do they determine the amount? And where does the $920 million go after it's been paid? + + Thanks! +My individual portfolio currently has about $32k in it. It is very diversified and about 15% of it is in PLTR. + +Tomorrow morning I will be selling everything that isn't PLTR and putting it into PLTR. Why am I doing this? Because I don't like my 9-5 job. I will either end up rich or losing it all. Either way, whatever happens happens. + +Edit: Markets are closed tomorrow. Doh. Tuesday I guess. +On Bloomberg he mentioned that, despite strong equity markets over the last few years, there are still record amounts held in cash rather than invested in financial assets. + +He mentioned about 40% of China savings are in cash. Over 70% (!!) for France. + +Obviously he's talking his own book, because Blackrock wants to manage that money. But interesting nevertheless +I'm 31, busting my ass sixty hours a week in two jobs, making about 36K BEFORE taxes (painfully less after). I save and invest as aggressively as I can, and live below my means, but it doesn't seem to matter much when I make so little to begin with. It doesn't help that I have huge medical bills and simultaneously support two sick, elderly parents. I'm lucky to throw a thousand into an index fund every year. + +I know I should not compare my financial journey to someone else's, but it's discouraging to come here and see posts that start so casually with "hi, I'm 24 and make 70k/90k/125k a year. Also my spouse is a surgeon. How should we invest? tee hee" Anyone having similar issues? How do you deal with it? + +(Before anyone suggests it, yes, I apply for better paying jobs quite often. Never get them.) +I have the opportunity at the moment to go down to a four-day working week (for 80% of the pay and holiday allowance, not for free). + +What are your experiences with this, if any? What day would you take off? + +Has anybody done this and then gone _back_ to a 5-day week? This is the reason I am hesitant - I can't imagine after a year or two at four days going to work somewhere else for 5 a week would be bearable. + +EDIT: For context I personally work in software, no kids. +I’ve seen a few comments and posts recently with people talking (perhaps even bragging!) about overpaying their mortgage and it makes me wonder if people doing this have really thought about the alternatives. Mortgage rates are still at historic lows, and long-term you will almost certainly see better returns in the stock market (investing in a low-risk, well-diversified global index tracker) than the money you will save in interest by overpaying. + +Over the years this could actually make a huge difference, for example: + +>Assumptions: £300k house, £200k mortgage, 2%pa mortgage interest, 8%pa long term average global stock return, £1840pm to put towards mortgage or invest. +> +> +>**Scenario 1 (overpaying/short mortgage term):** +> +>10 year mortgage term = £1840pm and £20k interest paid. +> +>10 years investing £0, followed by 20 years investing £1840pm = £1.09M +> +> +>**Scenario 2 (long mortgage term):** +> +>30 year mortgage term = £740pm and £66k interest paid +> +>30 years investing £1100pm = £1.65M + +The person in scenario 1 has saved £46k interest by aggressively overpaying/reducing their mortgage term, but even once the additional mortgage interest is taken into account, the person in scenario 2 is **over £500k** better off thanks to investing for longer! + +The UK’s annual tax-free ISA allowance is incredibly generous but once it’s gone it’s gone – a good reason to contribute to a S&S ISA sooner rather than later. And of course, if you invest the money you would have used to overpay your mortgage into your pension instead, you would be even better off thanks to the tax benefits. + +There is risk involved – interest rates could rise substantially and there will be market crashes, but you can mitigate this risk with 10 year fixed mortgages and by ensuring you are investing for the long term (10 years+) . + +There are also times when overpaying can be beneficial - if you're close to an LTV bracket or you know you want to up-size in the next couple of years, but otherwise you're probably better off investing instead. + +For those who haven't, I would highly recommend doing some research into historic stock market returns and index funds, the wonders of compound interest and of course, crunch some of your own numbers in one of the many mortgage and investment calculators online. You might be surprised how much better off you could be! +I suppose this is a collective ask for my own sanity. I am curious whether my feelings are justified or unreasonable. + +Background: I am very blessed and have a couple companies that have done really well, and more or less allowed me to hit my “number” in life. + +I enjoyed the game of business though, so I really liked to continue playing. That was until coronavirus happened earlier this year..... + +My businesses while it was scary at first, I think will have relatively minimal impact long-term assuming things don’t lockdown again. It was horrible though when this all happened and I had to furlough all my employees and really feel like I was being asked to self-destruct everything. I will stop there because I don’t want this to turn into a health debate, but yeah, it sucked. + +I currently can’t shake the feeling I no longer want to really “push” my companies to grow anymore. I had some big aspirations with one of them, but the feeling that the government has the power to take it all away at the snap of a finger, just really fractured my sense of the entrepreneurial spirit if that makes sense? + +I am to a point where even though I’m in my early 30’s, I kinda want to just retire mega-early and just do pet projects. Is it ok that I feel this way? +Wondering if anyone else has had to take a little detour to FIRE because of serious lifestyle creep. + +36 here...about 15m net worth....2-3m (pre tax) current income in VHCOL city. Bought a jet card for the first time two years ago (Flexjet) and now am just hooked. 250k a year for 50 hours basically covers all our domestic / regional flying on a light or midsize jet. Obviously I'm not at the wealth level where we "should" be doing this...and it's going to meaningfully delay FIRE...but it's just SO MUCH BETTER. I still don't see the value in transcon (NY->LA) and certainly not international... but the 2-3 hour flights at 12-15k vs 2k commercial have become kinda hard to give up. Anyone else? Anyone have any tips for doing it more cost effectively? +I came across this sub recently and really do like the concept behind fatFIRE. I'd like to set a goal to achieve somewhere from 2 to 10 million USD in net worth by the time I retire, but I'm having a hard time defining that savings goal. + +Simply put, I'm having difficulty relating the quality of lifestyle I'd like to aim for to however much I'd need to save for it. **Whats it like living on $200k or $400k in yearly expenses, compared to $100k or $50k?** For those of you that have achieved FIRE already, what do you live on and what are you able to do freely under such a lifestyle, including things like travel, dining, hobbies, etc.? + +Sorry if this has been asked before or is the wrong place to ask, tried to research this beforehand but couldn't find much. +I'm sorry I know this obviously is an overdone discussion. But I'm honestly at a loss to understand why people don't agree with this. ETH transactions are confirmed much faster and have much smaller fees. Doesn't that therefore deprecate the need for Bitcoin in the first place? What does Bitcoin provide that is not provided by Ethereum? + +Yet so many people view ETH as just a platform for Dapps rather than as a store of value in itself. I hear people often say that Ethereum does not compete with Bitcoin because they are solving different problems. Can someone explain to me what the reasoning is there for the legions of people that believe this? +I posted this in the daily but I thought people could post their research here too. + +The list: + +[EY (Ernst & Young)](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/197435462/?recommendedFlavor=SCHOOL_RECRUIT&refId=3617728621492640350437&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [Hitachi](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/266522097/?recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM&refId=3617728621492640350437&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [KPMG](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/298399292/?recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM&refId=3617728621492640416515&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [Disney](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/319521877/?recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM&refId=3617728621492641147679&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [PWC](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/256229868/?recommendedFlavor=SCHOOL_RECRUIT&refId=3617728621492641069806&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [CITI](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/318253951/?recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM&refId=3617728621492640637872&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [SAP](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/315304248/?recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM&refId=3617728621492640591614&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [Amazon](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/293237018/?recommendedFlavor=SCHOOL_RECRUIT&refId=3617728621492640472705&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [ATT](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/307575174/?recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM&refId=3617728621492640472705&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [Visa](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/304342421/?recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM&refId=3617728621492640447434&trk=d_flagship3_search_srp_jobs) [Bank of America](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/298798620/) + +I am basing this list off of job postings. + + +I am feeling fairly confident about EY and Visa. Also the Amazon posting specifically mentions smart contracts. + + +edit: Some people are saying it could be a coincidence and these are huge companies but below is the response I posted in the daily + +If you go to indeed.com and type in python and unset your location you will receive 45,000 job listings. +If you do the same with the word "blockchain" you will get 284. Only 284 jobs with the word "blockchain". Many of those jobs are with IBM who is building their own chain and many more are from confirmed EEA companies. The other companies are outliers and make me believe they will be part of the "who's who of the globe". +I'm sorry I know this obviously is an overdone discussion. But I'm honestly at a loss to understand why people don't agree with this. ETH transactions are confirmed much faster and have much smaller fees. Doesn't that therefore deprecate the need for Bitcoin in the first place? What does Bitcoin provide that is not provided by Ethereum? + +Yet so many people view ETH as just a platform for Dapps rather than as a store of value in itself. I hear people often say that Ethereum does not compete with Bitcoin because they are solving different problems. Can someone explain to me what the reasoning is there for the legions of people that believe this? +Vitalik will be speaking in New Zealand for [this blockchain conference right here](http://www.theblockchain.nz/) May 8-10 along with Andreas Antonopohsogreek AS WELL AS [Grant Anderson](https://www.acuitymag.com/opinion/why-new-zealand-could-become-a-cryptocurrency-leader) who not only works in Government Relations for Xero and advises the NZ gov't on blockchain matters, he thinks the NZ government should issue a cryptocurrency + +Grant's actual speech is on: The Case for a NZ government backed digital currency + +Bullish? +I had already posted this to the UK Fire subreddit but realised my previous job quitting discussions had been on this sub, so thought I should do the favour of updating you all. + +***** + +I started getting into the FIRE community in my mid 20s. It made so much sense to me. I loved saving and being frugal, and hated my job. I worked out that even without significant payrises, in my current situation I could be retired by my early 40s! For a while it was my sole focus in life and I realised that the way I was living was unhealthy. I still had a good 15+ years of working and I knew I wouldn't enjoy any of them if I kept working at the wrong job and living in the wrong city. + +Cue an impossibly rash move - I quit my job and spent the next 6 months unemployed and rejigging my life. I completed a coding bootcamp (which also set me back £5k) so I could switch to a more enjoyable career. I moved to a higher cost of living city. Still in the north of England but higher than the midlands, where I previously lived. After I got a job, which paid £20k less per year than my previous job, I dragged my husband and two cats with me from a 3-bed house with a huge garden to a 2bed grotty flat. + +That was over three years ago now. We saved to buy a house here, moved, had a child, and I got a couple of payrises that, while good, bring me to a salary that is still £4k less than when I quit my old career. There are certain elements that might have worked out better financially if I had played it right, but ultimately I am so much happier in my new life. Husband and cats are happy, and we now have a little boy at home to suck our bank accounts dry! + +So on to the point... For the last three years it seemed to be one thing after another. Unemployment, needing liquid cash for a house, then for home renovations because we bought a total shithole. Now, at age 32, I am finally back to a point where I have spare cash that I can start putting away into investments on a regular basis! I can restart my FIRE goals. Unfortunately the early 40s retirement days are long gone. My mortgage is almost 3x what it was back then and the three year break, plus reduced salary, has pushed back my retirement age to somewhere between 50-55. I have to say, this doesn't scare me. I actually love my job now and don't see the next 20 years as a burden. They now excite me, especially with the unknowns that children bring to the table. + +Anyway, it's good to be back to the trenches with you guys and if anyone is considering sacrificing FIRE time for quality of life, I am happy to offer my thoughts. +going through this feed on a sunday evening fills me with a weird sense of belonging and shame + +it's like everybody here is super anxious and careless at the same time, but no matter how fucked we are, we never really lose our sense of humour, which get's us through the red seas and hopefully someday, maaaaybe finally to the moon 🚀 + +I know this symbol is fucking overused and both a blessing and a curse + +BUT you know what's really weird? + +I know not a single one of you personally, but for some reason I feel that if we ever get to the moon, none of us would use that as an opportunity to piss down on earth, but each and every one here really just wants to make some gains to escape the endless grind and maybe offer ourselves and our loved ones the life they deserve + +buffet bless and have a good start into a new week of autistic mayhem you fuckers! 😘 +Hi /r/stockmarket, Louis here again. Last month, I posted a [DD on $THCB](https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarket/comments/l5ygd8/dd_on_thcbmicrovast_the_stars_appear_to_be/) three days before their Definitive Agreement to merge with Microvast sent the shareprice flying from $15 to $24. I'm back again today to share some of my research and speculations of Microvast and reasons why I'm expecting this to be a multi-bagger. + +**1. BlackRock:** as part of the merger, Microvast received $540m in PIPE investments, most of which came from BlackRock. In case you don't know who BlackRock is, they are the king of all investment funds with $8+ Trillion of assets under management. + +Now there are lots of companies of which BlackRock has a sizable ownership% owing to the fact that these companies are part of one index or another. For example, if BlackRock has $10 billion invested in the Russell 2000 Index, and XYZ Corp accounts for 0.1% of the index, then BlackRock "owns" $10 million of XYZ corp. + +This is *not* the case with Microvast. BlackRock thoroughly vetted the company and invested a huge sum in the company in the form of a PIPE. For a lot of people, this is enough evidence that Microvast is a solid investment. + +**2. OshKosh:** customer and strategic partner. And I want to emphasize the *customer* part. Part of the $540m PIPE came from OshKosh ($OSK), an American industrial company that builds trucks and military vehicles. They are currently working with Ford on a Next-gen Delivery Vehicle bid for a $6.5 billion contract with USPS who many are assuming is going to Workhorse $WKHS because Joe Biden mandated that the federal fleet will be replaced with American-made EVs, and Workhorse is the only contractor with a proposal that fits the bill (more on that later). + +However, OshKosh fully intends to stay in the bidding process, and they will update their NGDV proposal (currently a diesel model) with an electric model. How do I know OskKosh is still shooting for that USPS contract? Well, because their own CEO said so: "We've got a very strong, very comprehensive bid that meets all of the needs of the U.S. postal service. So I mean, repeat that we do meet all the needs of the U.S. postal service, meaning if they want under the Biden administration, more weight towards one type of propulsion than another. We're ready for that. Now we've got our fingers crossed. We believe, we've got high reliability solutions and hope to have good news at the next earnings call." + +Okay, so a OshKosh/Ford joint venture is bidding for a USPS contract. What does that have to do with THCB? Microvast sells batteries for commercial vehicles and OshKosh happens to be a *customer*, remember? But that's not all: + +**3. Ford:** USCAR (a collaboration between Ford, GM, and FCA) awarded a $1 million contract to assess Microvast's Lithium-Ion batteries. This a doubly big deal because OshKosh/Ford's NGDV will need a battery, and Ford's battery supplier for their EV trucks is: + +**4. SK Innovation,** whose EV battery business (importation, domestic production, and sale of batteries for electric vehicles) will be banned in the U.S. for 10 years by the ITC. This means that Ford will be looking for a new EV battery supplier before SK Innovation's grace period to operate in the U.S. is up. + +**5. M Stanley Whittingham,** 2019 Nobel laureate and the [Founding Father of Lithium-Ion batteries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Stanley_Whittingham) is joining Microvast's board of directors. I'm not shitting you. This would be like Boeing having the Wright brothers on their board of directors. + +**6**. **The "Chinese" stigma**: Microvast is often regarded as a "Chinese" company and there is a bit of investor apprehension reflected in its current share price owing to that fact. Although Microvast is headquartered in Texas, the majority of Microvast's current operations is in fact in Huzhou, China. This isn't because Microvast is a Chinese company, however, but because most of Microvast's customers are in China. This will become a thing of the past once Microvast's plants in Germany and Tennessee begin production (more on that later) + +**7. The USPS Angle:** It's highly unlikely to me that Workhorse will win a significant portion of the $6.3b contract. My money is on OshKosh/Ford winning the contract for a number of reasons: + +* Workhorse was already rejected once by USPS in 2016 during the earlier phase of the bid +* Workhorse snuck their way back into the bidding process by partnering up with VT Hackney +* The VT Hackney-Workhorse's prototype reportedly injured the USPS employee who was testing it when its [brakes failed while going downhill](https://www.benzinga.com/news/20/10/17838749/workhorse-short-seller-says-usps-bid-unlikely-to-pan-out) +* VT Hackney backed out of the partnership and sold their spot in the USPS bid to Workhorse for a small sum +* Workhorse has NEVER showed the capability to manufacture this many vehicles. Oshkosh on the other hand has manufactured thousands of vehicles and accessories for the [US](https://www.defensenews.com/land/2020/03/31/oshkosh-wins-contract-to-modernize-armys-heavy-tactical-vehicles/) [Military](https://apnews.com/press-release/business-wire/business-government-business-and-finance-government-contracts-north-america-wisconsin-6dfef293a1e74ace8d6d88f5a14ca71f) on [multiple](https://www.manufacturing.net/supply-chain/news/13067919/army-awards-oshkosh-corp-132m-contract) [occasions](https://www.reliableplant.com/Read/25106/Oshkosh-Defense-contracts-Army). +* In 2017, Workhorse's CEO boasted $300million in preorders for its W-15 pickup truck which sells for $52500. That's about 5700 trucks. Workhorse's TOTAL revenue for the subsequent 3 years are: $763K, $376K and $376K. I know Subway franchises that do more sales than that. +* If the contract does indeed go to Oshkosh/Ford, the likelihood of Microvast being the EV battery supplier is almost certain (see points #2, #3) + +**8. QuantumScape** $QS is considered by some to be one of Microvast's main competitors. Their "Solid State Battery" technology is indeed groundbreaking and arguably more advanced than anything in Microvast's current line up--if it works. According to an article on Seekingalpha, solid state batteries “will only last for 260 cycles or about 75,000 miles of aggressive driving" and are "completely unacceptable for real world field electric vehicles." There are now lawsuits filed against QS for misleading investors about its battery technology. It's worth noting that QS peaked at $130+ a share and still trades at $54 today, with a current market cap of about $20 billion. (By contrast, the merger only values Microvast at **$3** billion!) + +**9. Not 2027. Not 2025. Now.** Microvast's technology is already here and on the roads. Microvast’s batteries are integrated in almost 30,000 vehicles, running in 160 cities in 19 countries. They are generating $100m in annual revenue now, and has signed contracts with value totaling over $1.5 billion. When a major correction comes to wipe the froth off the EV market, Microvast will be just fine because they're not some story company still putting the finishing touches on their prototype. They have the tech, they have the money, they have the customers. Now. + +**10. Faster charging times.** Microvast's in-production (again, not something coming in 2025) can charge 3 times faster (\~22miles/minute) than the current leading passenger BEV (\~6miles/minutes). As a Tesla owner, I would say that one of the least enjoyable part of owning a Tesla is waiting for 30-45 minutes at the Super Charge station every three days. I would pay good money for an EV battery which can charge in 1/3 of that time. + +Bonus reason: **11. Changan Automobile,** one of the big four automakers of China, enters partnership with Microvast to manufacture batteries for their **passenger** cars. This is important because it makes them a serious contender in the passenger car battery market, which is much bigger than the market for e-bus/truck batteries. + +Bonus reason: **12. MADE IN AMERICA.** "In 2019, at the request of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Microvast began the process of establishing a Li-ion battery facility in the United States. As part of the project, Microvast will renovate and expand a facility located at 780 International Blvd. in Clarksville to manufacture battery cells, modules and packs." + +The U.S. Government is practically handing a domestic EV battery monopoly to Microvast by asking them to establish operations in the states and subsequently banning one of their biggest competitors (other competition includes Tesla/Panasonic's plant in Nevada, which only supplies Teslas, and a GM/LG Chem in Ohio, which will supply GM) + +And how much is this company valued at? Only $3 billion ($2.1b if you don't count the cash they're getting from the merger.) + +Positions: 1200 warrants, 500 shares, 2 call contracts @ $30. This is not investment advice, do your own DD. + +Resources: + +Investor Presentation [http://www.microvast.com/upload/2021/02/05/16125326719819fmnxa.pdf](http://www.microvast.com/upload/2021/02/05/16125326719819fmnxa.pdf) + +USCAR: [http://www.uscar.org/guest/news/1011/News-Release-USABC-AWARDS-1-04-MILLION-BATTERY-TECHNOLOGY-ASSESSMENT-PROGRAM-CONTRACT-TO-MICROVAST-INC-](http://www.uscar.org/guest/news/1011/News-Release-USABC-AWARDS-1-04-MILLION-BATTERY-TECHNOLOGY-ASSESSMENT-PROGRAM-CONTRACT-TO-MICROVAST-INC-) + +SK Innovation (Ford's battery supplier) is banned [https://insideevs.com/news/487231/sk-innovation-batteries-banned-10-years-us/](https://insideevs.com/news/487231/sk-innovation-batteries-banned-10-years-us/) + +Lawsuit filed against Quantumscape [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lawsuit-filed-quantumscape-corp-sued-130000776.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lawsuit-filed-quantumscape-corp-sued-130000776.html) + +DOE requesting Microvast to establish facility in the U.S. [https://www.tn.gov/ecd/news/2021/2/10/governor-lee--commissioner-rolfe-announce-microvast-to-establish-manufacturing-facility-in-clarksville.html](https://www.tn.gov/ecd/news/2021/2/10/governor-lee--commissioner-rolfe-announce-microvast-to-establish-manufacturing-facility-in-clarksville.html) +# With the financial freedom and access that comes from citizenship (can live anywhere in the US, UK or EU) and FIRE (in ~8 years) - I am struggling to figure out how to choose where to live and raise a family. (we are fluent in english and intermediate in german) + +I want the best for my family and for my kids to have an incredible upbringing, and since we have flexibility I am willing to move anywhere for it. + +While I currently work in an office, I think both partner and I would be able to work remotely and move to *this location* a few years before FIRE (and start a family) or immediately after FIRE. + +I am wanting to narrow down some choices on where to live based on some criteria. The world is my oyster and I was wondering if folks have struggled with trying to find where to live in the world based on their values, good place to FIRE and raise a family? I feel overwhelmed thinking about it and it's hard to discover these gems/find places. + +Some criteria: within \~1 hour to a major international airport, great walkability score (we like to bike and walk vs. car), near cultural event (museums, concerts), very close or integrated into nature and open/wild spaces, sustainable living choices/houses/neighborhoods that are well designed/modern, vibrant downtown areas, progressive education, access to amenities (healthcare, parks, public spaces)... + +Any thoughts on strategies on how to narrow down and find great places to live? Any other criterias you've used to find where you will retire and live? + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Also safe - in terms of natural disasters, climate change and general social safety, as well as a diverse environment (of people, places and things!) +Hey all, + +Pre-Covid, I was meeting several parents of my kids' classmates, and became close with a few. I was amazed at how well some of them do financially with local, main street type of businesses. I work in more of a high-stress/large corporation role, but I saw some other parents making a few hundred thousand per year as business owners selling home renovations, running furniture stores, owning solo graphic design businesses, operating day cares, selling insurance, etc...and they seemed to maintain decent work/life balance. + +Has anyone achieved FI by owning a small business? If so, what did you do, how did you start, and would you recommend it over trying to climb the ladder at a Fortune 500? +Hi All + +Long time lurker, first time poster. + +&#x200B; + +I was wondering what your opinions are on a simple 3 fund portfolio for a high net worth individual (10million +)? Compared to a more complex 15 fund portfolio, but with the same philosophy of diversified, low cost index funds? + +&#x200B; + +I have had a few advisors tell me that a 3 fund portfolio is great for someone who is starting out and growing their net worth, but less than ideal for someone who has "won the game" and is looking to protect wealth and be as tax efficient as possible (tax loss/gain harvesting). I just don't know if the services they provide outweigh the advisor fees or if they are just blowing smoke so I decide to stick with the advisor. + +&#x200B; + +Right now, I am with a small wealth management firm that charges 0.2% per year and the portfolio funds have an average expense of 0.25%. So a total of 0.45% per year. I like the idea of a simple 3 fund portfolio, as it is something I can easily manage myself and I would pay a total of around 0.1% in fund fees. I just can't figure out if there are some extra benefits tax wise to having a portfolio with more funds in it that would help me save in taxes through the years and compensate for the additional advisor fees. + +&#x200B; + +Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated! + +Thanks! +Hello autists. + +A couple of months ago a good friend passed away from Covid and safe to say it’s been extremely rough. I’ve tried to find coping mechanisms to ease my mind and as crazy as it sounds, this community has really helped me take my mind off things and ease the pain. I honestly have no idea what you guys are doing, but seeing the wholesome mockery of shitpost DDs, loss/gain porn, or market memes always manages to make me feel better. Genuinely, thank you to everyone for cheering me up. Never stop being great. + +Edit: Thanks for all the kind wishes. Although I can’t read, I appreciate the colourful images above my post. Love you all ❤️ +Do you think its worth it to borrow e.g. 50k at 2.5% per annum to buy ETFs? + +Keep debt forever and just repay interest. Technically speaking, this should be a good way to grow your wealth as the historical return rates are 8%+. + +What are everyone's thoughts? +Hey guys, my wife and I are starting to save for a house here in Adelaide and we are looking around the price of a $600,000 home, we would like to be able to put 20% down to avoid paying LMI. I'm earning 64k a year including super and my wife is earning 55k a year which includes super. We currently have $20k saved. + +Our strategy is to live off my wife's income and save everything I earn. We are currently living at my parents paying $150 a week board. My parents fully own their home and have suggested about them going guarantor for us to get a home but I don't really know much about how guarantor works and I don't think my parents really do either. + +Do you think our strategy is a good way to save for a home? Should we go the guarantor option? Any other advice would be greatly appreciated :) +I made sure and triple checked that we had the address right, the rep over the phone said everything looked good, I was eligible, etc. Then I get a bill almost double what I was quoted. I reached out to customer service and they told me I'm not eligible for the promotion at my location. How do I handle this? I'd like to make a formal complaint with the right person and I'm not sure if I can even get my money back. + +UPDATE: I ended up closing my account with them. Since I had it less than 7 days I won't owe any charges and there isn't a fee for cancelation. + Reposted due to being removed in another subreddit. + +I'm 27 years old and have a crippling fear of losing money, to the point that purchases over a few hundred dollars give me a load of anxiety (car issues, medical bills etc.) I make around 40k a year and have around 25k in retirement as well as 9k in my checking account, I have paid off my student loans at 20k and have no debt. I grew up in a household where my power/gas would get turned off because of my parents poor money habits. I had to teach myself everything when it came to money management and at 21 I was in a load of debt and came home from the grocery store one day to see that I had .1c in my bank account. + +Yesterday I realized I'm going to have to spend a pretty penny on my car to get something essential fixed, and my anxiety about spending that kind of money made a chunk of the day pretty stressful even though I have plenty of money to fix it without having to worry about my bills or being able to eat. Does this ever really go away? What have you done to help yourself with worrying about spending money? I think my biggest fear is going back to those points in my life where I have nothing, but I wanted to hear from people who have similar stories. + + +Edit: Thank you so much for all of the kind words and advice. I’m currently enrolling in counseling for unrelated reasons. It’s all very helpful and I’m glad that people can share their stories with each other, I’m glad that it isn’t just me. +Hi all. I'm interested in planning a solo trip to Antartica in the next 3-5 years. Its been a lifelong dream of mine. Does anyone have any recommended tour companies they used? I'm looking to go all out on the trip. When I search I see many tour groups but am unsure in the difference in quality between each. +I know financial independence subs generally tend to be very suspicious of financial advisors, but I've been wondering whether it could be a good decision for someone like me who doesn't know a ton about investing, nor have a ton of time (or interest, really) in learning. + +Context: I'm in my late 20s, \~1.5m net worth, and making \~750k / year. For now, in addition to maxing out my 401k each year, I've just been splitting my investments between "Target 20XX retirement" mutual funds in Vanguard/Fidelity/etc and high-yield savings accounts. This is pretty easy, and so far seems to be working well, but I am a little worried about how it will hold up as I have more and more money to invest. So lately I've been wondering if maybe it's worth it to go to an expert to come up with a better plan than this (probably someone who just charges by the hour). + +&#x200B; + +Any thoughts? +Am I just getting old or does this metaverse thing sound like the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard of? + +Why would anyone want to spend they're time in a virtual world, with virtual concerts, and be someone your really not? + +I dont know I really hope there aren't people that spend all their time on this kind of stuff because there is a whole real world out here...Enlighten me on the benefits of this metaverse. + +I only write this because of the price surge in these coins points to an extremely large increase in users and I just can't wrap my head around how this Metaverse makes any sense to society. + +If your having a hard time in the real world, things will get better. +I have fully read the rules and sidebar and believe this post is allowed, particularly because it serves the public interest. + +Beware Aaron Maxwell contacting you privately offering his services or any investment scheme. He is under investigation in the US and a recent Cease and desist order has been placed against him from the state of Texas (link below). This guy appears to be another Timothy Sykes wannabe showcasing a lavish lifestyle and unobtainable returns. + +[https://www.ssb.texas.gov/news-publications/commissioner-stops-fraudulent-scheme-promoted-reddit-users](https://www.ssb.texas.gov/news-publications/commissioner-stops-fraudulent-scheme-promoted-reddit-users) +In case you didn't know it, now you do. The reason for this post is to make sure everybody who might be holding on to ETC and wondering what to do with it, has all the relevant information and likely strategic possibilities. + +The exploiter(s) had to split again from TheDarkDAO into another child DAO and that process takes 41 days from start to finish. That happened either the day of, or after the hard fork. + +Thus, they will gain access to their stolen ETC on August 31. + +I anticipate that anyone who has been trading / playing the ETC markets will attempt to front-run that date by dumping any/all of their ETC in anticipation of that event, so as to not be left holding the 'bag'. + +Humans being humans, most people will of course think they're being clever and try to move a few days ahead of when they think everybody else is going to move. But that usually doesn't work out so well when *everyone else* is also planning to make the same move. + +Thus, I suspect the price of ETC may start dropping precipitously during the week leading up to August 31. + +In turn, the price of ETH could possibly rise precipitously as a result. + +Also, be mindful of the fact that the exploiters and their cohorts are fully aware of all of this. Thus, they fully understand that they have about 25 days left to wreak as much havoc as possible in the markets -- to include several more coordinated pump 'n dump / speculative attack efforts. + +Stay vigilant. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +[https://imgur.com/gallery/02RCkrj](https://imgur.com/gallery/02RCkrj) + +Congrats to Mr. CTN + +Edit: Link: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-05/robinhood-has-a-glitch-that-gives-traders-infinite-leverage](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-05/robinhood-has-a-glitch-that-gives-traders-infinite-leverage) +I've never written one of these status posts but given it's the new year and some life changes are about to happen, I reckon this is as good of a time as ever to start anew. + +&#x200B; + +# Background about me + +Bit about me, I am 32, living in an Ultra HCOL (NYC) and have been actively saving for FIRE for the last 4 years (no kids, probably no plans to). Previous to that, I had a few years where I succumbed to the standard life inflation lifestyle that befalls everyone but I was young and down to party. I always managed to save my bonuses and made some decent investments that had good returns. It wasn't really until 2015 when I read a few articles and blogs that it all clicked. + +I work in Finance so my salary and bonus is probably higher than most, but not out of the realm of other FIRE peeps here. I was making $200k+ in salary and bonus before I was 30. However, NYC is expensive and a one bedroom apartment in Manhattan is $3.5 to $4k/mo so it all works out. Plus we have the highest taxes in the country. + +&#x200B; + +# Why FIRE? + +Everyone has their own reasons for FIREing and mine is perhaps no different to most others. It's not that I absolutely hate what I do in Finance. I mean I studied, went to colelge, and prepared my whole life for it in one way or another. I thought I was all about it when I first started because as a 22 year old, you think this is what I am supposed to be doing in life and the path to full on adulting. But as time goes on, as I traveled more, I realized that there is just more to life, and I am supposed to be doing something else that is no looking at multiple monitors for the entire day and making powerpoint presentations. + +So my plan is to continue traveling around the world full time and eventually work as a dive instructor somewhere and maybe even transition to some sort of marine research that involves lots of diving. + +&#x200B; + +# Account Values + +I started working weeks before the Lehman collapse. Didn't really know what was happening at the time. My NW before 2014 are all estimates as I was not tracking anything during that time period. + +&#x200B; + +**2008: -$20,000.** + +Student loans, irresponsible credit card debt accrued in college killed me the first few months of adult life. $65k entry salary. + +**2009: $25,000** + +A sign on bonus, year end bonus, and tax return wiped out most of my credit card debt + +**2010: $60,000** + +Was making about $100,000 at this point. Didn't save anything as I was partying but decent investments propelled my net worth up + +**2011: $100,000** + +More of the same + +**2012: $170,000** + +Started some side hustles that took off but really didn't save much still. + +**2013: $220,000** + +Continued side hustles and started saving some more money. + +**2014: $280,000** + +Combination of market returns, decent savings, and continued side hustles propelled me further up + +**2015: $350,000** + +Bought an apartment, discovered FI/RE. Race was on. Started maxing out 401k. + +**2016: $475,000** + +70% savings rate and market returns really helped, also real estate appreciation + +**2017: $650,000** + +More of the same, making over $200k by this point, and market returns helped, real estate appreciation + +**2018: $760,000** + +More of the same, market drop in equities and real estate + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +As of the beginning of 2019, my networth is split as such: + +**Pretax Accounts:** $150k + +**Post tax accounts:** $300k + +**Cash:** $50k + +**Real Estate:** Estimated value about $850k, with a $500k mortgage left. After broker fees and such, I reckon I have about **$300k** of real estate equity + +**Total Net Worth in 2019: $800k** + +Expected cash flows in Q1 2019: **$35k (bonus after tax), $25k (relocation sum post tax), $10k (tax refund) = $65k cash** + +&#x200B; + +Was hoping I would have a higher Net worth but the markets shitting into the end of the year did me no favors but it's since come back some. Currently, I am saving about $100k in pre and post tax accounts per year. + +I think the lesson to be gathered here is had I started FI/RE back when I first started working, I'd probably already be FI/RE'd by now as I started my career during the great recession. But like picking stocks, hindsight is 20/20 and it's all about moving forward! + +&#x200B; + +# Life Change in the works + +Now for the big life change. I am moving to Europe for my work! I've lived abroad before and have wanted to do it again. Plus I've always found that living abroad is a great way to get away from all the political nonsense I read on a daily basis. But that is just personal preferences. + +I am taking a job in Germany that will pay roughly **160k** euros on a salary+base level. Converted to dollars, this is actually a slight pay cut but the $ is strong so it's a moot comparison. The cost of living is so much lower there, that I will be living like the king I never could be in NYC. Taxes there are high but comparable to NYC. One of the main reasons for the move is so I can travel Europe and the surrounding areas on the regular with my 7 weeks of vacation a year. + +ALso, my GF has a remote working job making $130k or so she will join me in Germany and will claim the FEIE which shoudl boost her salary greatly. + +&#x200B; + +# FIRE Goal + +My FIRE goal is **$1m** or thereabouts. With $40k a year, I will have more than enough money to do the things I want to do, which is mainly travel the world full time and work as a dive instructor in the places I want to be in (this will pay roughly $1,000 - $2,500/mo and many jobs offer free room and board). Also, my blog generates about $500 a month at the moment, and hoping to get this to $1,000/mo by the time I FIRE. + +Plan is to rent my apartment in NYC for a 3-4 years and sell it before FIRE'ing and cashing out. I am hoping to reach $1m in the next 2-3 years which is about how long I will want to work in Europe anyway. Assuming the markets don't meaningfully decline, I think it should be doable. + +Anyway, it feels a bit surreal that FIRE is almost within grasp especially with all these changes happening. Thank you to everyone on this reddit that's been fighting the good fight and here's to a good 2019! + +&#x200B; +Seems like today's drop is an overreaction to a minor and frankly expected miss on earning (EPS miss of 3 cents with revenue up) combined with the rest of the market being down. I added to my position at \~9.68 so I guess I'll find out. Anyone else getting in on this? Why/Why not? + +&#x200B; + +Some things to note before the newbs/haters post on here: + +The debt is mostly Ford Credit which is extremely profitable + +No, the dividend is not at risk barring an outright market crash and even then it would recover eventually. + +They have 28B in cash with 37B in total liquidity, they're going to be just fine IMO. +Mom is in her mid 40s and wants to cash out 401k, about 30k, to add a small studio to her house she can rent out, she estimates for about $500 a month. I am trying to convince her it is a bad idea. She seems to be set on going this route and I told her its probably better to take out a small mortgage on her house since it is paid for but she does not want to take out any debt as shes burned out from working which is why she is trying to get a secondary income. I was thinking of offering to take on the mortgage and I could get a percentage ownership on the house for when it is sold but I am saving for a downpayment for my first home and in hcol area so I am not sure if it is a good idea. Is me taking the mortgage a bad idea? Any suggestions or advice are appreciated, thanks! +Literally multiple times I have done this now. Enter a trade -> watch it go down to my personal stop loss -> exit trade -> watch value immediately go back up to what would've been a very profitable trade. This is frustrating and I clearly need to do more work to get better. Thanks for coming to my rant +[Annual Expense Summary](http://vagabondette.com/12-months-of-digital-nomad-expenses-11623-24/) + +A year ago I started creating monthly reports showing what it costs for me to live and work remotely full time. August was my 12th month so I created an annual summary post. I mentioned it on the daily thread and several people seemed interested in knowing the numbers so I thought I would create a post for it. This post *does* link to my blog which is know is a no-no, but I'm not selling anything so hopefully it'll be ok. I just thought it would be an interesting data point for those who are wondering how much it can actually cost either once you've reached the RE stage or while you're still working on it. + +My personal situation: I've been a full time traveler/digital nomad since late 2008. Technically I've reached FI and could RE, but I took a couple years off of working and found it brutally boring so now I'm working again. :) + +The expenses covered are for a single person who lives a pretty frugal lifestyle with occasional splurges. I've been outside the USA (my country of origin) for all but a few days of the last 12 months and during that time I visited 41 cities in 19 countries. I just wanted to show what's possible and I hope people find it interesting and/or useful. + +If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If it needs to be deleted, I apologize. +Hi, I work in tech (design). While I am paid well here in Sydney, I see jobs that pay twice as much in the US. I would love to work remotely for a US company as that would mean more money while living here. I would not relocate there. + +I don’t want to change career, but do my current job remotely, as an Australian citizen, for a US company, while living in Australia. + +Anyone who’s currently doing this? Implications at tax time? + +Recommendations? + +Thank you! +I mean buying houses to not live in but to earn rental income from or get capital gains. Looking at the fact that negative gearing is allowed for investment property income/loss, I'd presume the government sees this as a good thing for the economy. + +Naturally the buying of houses increases their price and prices out buyers who then have to rent. It puts money in an asset which generates little economic activity. If you argue that it promotes: + +- indirect financing of dwellings for people who cannot afford homes otherwise, then this can be addressed by the government by providing schemes to remove barriers for low income earners rather than promoting private finance into an unproductive asset. + +- a boost in construction industry thereby providing jobs then it takes out a lot of investment which could have gone in other, more productive businesses. Thereby the benefit is neutralised or at least lowered. + +- self financing for elders as a retirement asset then it means we're just kicking the ball to the next generation. Millennials cannot afford houses so they would be in a far worse situation because they won't even have a principal place of residence, let alone a retirement property in 30 years. + +I don't see how promoting or subsidising investment in property beyond a residence is good for the economy in general. And I am not suggesting anything drastic to discourage it, but perhaps not encouraging it, by taking out the tax breaks, would be a good start? I'm (clearly) not an economist so would like to hear how it is explained. + +p.s. hope this isn't against the sub rules. +Im currently up 8.6% after the market closed. I wish I had bought more : ( lol + +"AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announced revenue for the second quarter of 2017 of $1.22 billion, operating income of $25 million, and net loss of $16 million, or $(0.02) per share. On a non-GAAP(1) basis, operating income was $49 million, net income was $19 million, and earnings per share was $0.02." + +https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/07/25/1058116/0/en/AMD-Reports-Second-Quarter-2017-Financial-Results.html + 🌵 This Microcap Gem has HUGE potential. Releasing a physical Tequila with NFT complement. Doxxed dev, locked liquidity, and the best community in crypto. 765 holders, and a passionate community of 954 in the Telegram Channel. + +The revenue from Tequila sales in the US, Hong Kong, and UK will flow directly back into the project and create constant buy pressure. + +Market Cap: $990k + +➤ Official Telegram channel: [https://t.me/TequilaParty](https://t.me/TequilaParty) + +Lead Dev Jameson Huckaba (@RossBrentwood) from #TequilaParty ($tequila)’s LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesonhuckaba/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesonhuckaba/) + +There's tremendous community energy (and probably Tequila) behind Tequila Party, and for good reason. $tequila isn’t a meme coin, but you’d be excused for thinking so; it’s a real, genuine project with doxxed developers and an incredibly transparent, awesome team. Tequila Party is excited to announce that they’re releasing an actual Tequila. This will be the first crypto-focused distilled spirit, and it's going to be amazing. Distribution is being lined up in the US, the UK, and Hong Kong to begin with, and each bottle sold will have a NFT complement. + +Tequila Party ($tequila) on BSC is the breath of fresh air you’ve been looking for. They’ve built a great community of passionate holders who understand the long term vision. A pump and dump this is not - they’re aiming for organic, sustainable growth. The chart for the past week demonstrates exactly that. All the things are locked, and if we play our cards right, we just might have a tequila party on the moon. + +The project is a week and a half old, and they’ve demonstrated steady, consistent growth from day one. $tequila weathered the storm of May 19th well, because of their passionate, committed community. + +Updates on our physical product! TequilaParty is in discussions with three distilleries in Mexico, and shooting to do a valley style Tequila with its volcanic soils. These groups are currently sending samples, and Jameson (dev, tequila fan) will go visit to start production and wrap up details. They’ve arranged for US importers and distribution, and working on the UK and Hong Kong, as they have connections in the distilled spirits industry in both of those markets. + +The next big hurdle is branding and regulatory label approval, for which the process has been started. Branding is going to be key, as this product builds a bridge between the real world and the cryptosphere. SO cool! + +Other goings on: New logo and website which should be ready in a few days. TequilaParty has a legit PR firm which will send out releases soon with announcements and memorandums of understanding for their partnerships. Jameson has meetings nearly every day with people in the tequila industry, talking about the project and how to work together for mutual benefit. + +=== + +Want to finally have some fun on BSC? This is the project for you. Have a margarita and relax, and watch your balance grow. Get serious benefits if you are a LP token holder. + +Tequila Party is looking to deepen their liquidity pool, and has serious incentives to do so, because liquidity is important to the long term success of the project. Ask about this in Telegram! + +Tequila Party ($tequila) is indeed fun, but it is also so much more. They’re partnering with organizations that promote sustainable, traditional agriculture in Mexico, big tequila producers to educate and inform, and most importantly, we’re releasing their very own crypto-focused tequila to the wild. + +Marketing efforts have been constant and persistent across channels including reddit, twitter, tiktok, and other channels. The goal of course is to have sustainable, organic growth, which they’ve absolutely done in their first ten days of existence. + +$Tequila trades on PancakeSwap on the BSC network. You can buy it here: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xf459693e9f45f432ecb48afe1bd0ccaa4ad82959](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xf459693e9f45f432ecb48afe1bd0ccaa4ad82959) + +The future is bright! Tequila on the Moon is in sight! + +➤ Website and roadmap \[[https://tequilaparty.space/](https://tequilaparty.space/)\] + +📑 Tequila Contract: [https://bscscan.com/token/0xf459693e9f45f432ecb48afe1bd0ccaa4ad82959](https://bscscan.com/token/0xf459693e9f45f432ecb48afe1bd0ccaa4ad82959) +Hi Everyone, + +Before you even bother reading the rest, click here to view yesterdays certificate from [onetreeplanted.org](https://onetreeplanted.org) (800 trees planted) - and we are just getting started. + +\- [https://twitter.com/SAFETREE3/status/1376337914997526530/photo/1](https://twitter.com/SAFETREE3/status/1376337914997526530/photo/1) + +**SAFETREE** \- The Worlds First Fully Interactive **CLIMATE & ENVIRONMENTAL** Coin - Committed Too Bringing Back **Forests/Wildlife/Habitats** + +&#x200B; + +This is a nice, short sweet and hopefully encouraging reason to invest in the absolute greatest **COIN** of our generation, and no I'm not saying that lightly, this coin has the potential to be up there with the greats, I'm talking a 1000x + +&#x200B; + +**Website:** [www.safetreecoin.com](https://www.safetreecoin.com) + +&#x200B; + +The whitepaper is simple - the more people who invest into **SAFETREE**, the more **SAFETREE** can use its allocated tokens to **PLANT TREES** and **REVERSE** Deforestation & Cryptocurrency Blockchain Energy Use. + +We all know how much energy is used in the crypto space, and its not stopping, we cant stop it, but we can do our part and **JOIN SAFETREE'S** Cause! + +So, What makes this easily **THE BEST** investment of 2021? ill start here: + +&#x200B; + +***(REFORESTATION PROGRESS) -*** [***https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/tree-planting-worldwide***](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/tree-planting-worldwide) + +1. **1,000 TREES** Planted Over The Last **THREE** Days - **AUSTRALIA / USA / CANADA** + +\- **840** Trees Planted In Important Locations The FIRE Ravaged 2020 Australian Bushfires Had Destroyed + +\- **100** Trees Planted Within CANADA/QUEBEC Where They Are Needed Most (Aid Natural Habitats) + +\- **60** Trees Planted In Oregon USA Where They Are Needed Most + +\- **CERTIFIED** by [onetreeplanted.org](https://onetreeplanted.org) one of the greatest worldwide non-profit 501(c)3 Tree Planting Charities + +\- [Reforestnow.org.au](https://Reforestnow.org.au) + +&#x200B; + +***(WALLET DISTRIBUTION) -*** [***https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/token-usage-alerts***](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/token-usage-alerts) + +**FIVE** Separate **SAFETREE** Wallets, with specified and allocated **TOKENS** in Each for the following: + +Meaning **NO** RUG PULLS. + +Wallet 1 - **\[Natural Disaster Reforestation / Relief Fund\]** + +Wallet 2 - **\[Agricultural Reforestation Fund\]** + +Wallet 3 - **\[General Tree Planting Allocation Fund\]** + +Wallet 4 - **\[SAFETREE Marketing Fund\]** + +Wallet 5 - **\[Exchanges & Listings Fund\]** + +This can be found and confirmed here [https://bscscan.com/token/0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171#balances](https://bscscan.com/token/0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171#balances)\\ + +&#x200B; + +***(Liquidity Locked)*** + +\- 1st July 2021 (4 Months) + +&#x200B; + +This project is already doing **GREAT** things for the world around them and its **TRULY** a world first in the crypto space. + +&#x200B; + +This coin had an **AMAZING** Prerelease!, with extremely steady holders and also some major investors! + +&#x200B; + +**How To Buy** \- [https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/how-to-invest](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/how-to-invest) + +**Pancakeswap Link** \-  [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171) + +**Roadmap** \- [https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/project-roadmap](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/project-roadmap) + +**Whitepaper & Tokenomics** \- [https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/project-whitepaper](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/project-whitepaper) + +&#x200B; + +And the best part? all you have to actually do is just hold some tokens, and see where it goes, come back in a few months a year...the amount of traction this coin is getting in such a **SHORT** period of time is mind-blowing. + +&#x200B; + +Mark my words, you will look back on this post in **6 MONTHS** or so, and wonder why the hell you didn't listen and get in whilst it was just beginning, it just makes sense, and who wouldn't want to fight to keep our forests and wildlife thriving. + +&#x200B; + +[www.safetreecoin.com](https://www.safetreecoin.com) + +&#x200B; + +**Telegram** \- [t.me/safetreeofficial](https://t.me/safetreeofficial) + +**Twitter** \- [https://twitter.com/SAFETREE3](https://twitter.com/SAFETREE3) + +**Reddit** \- r/SafeTree + +**/remindme6months** + +&#x200B; + +**IMPORTANT:** + +(Remember to look at those who comments post history, the first comment calling this a scam was pumping 3 different p&d coins in comments hours ago that were the definition of **PUMP & DUMPS. (safestar,elongate,moonlander) -** + +(*They downvote/bot comment all projects that are not one of there pump and dump coins so they can reach the front page faster)* + +*(All comments from one coordinated discord group - just ignore them, you see what we do, the receipts the untouched wallet tokens, that's all you need to make a good decision.)* + +**username:** + +[vxrz\_](https://www.reddit.com/user/vxrz_/) + +[xkx\_sh](https://www.reddit.com/user/xkx_sh/) + +[z\_z1](https://www.reddit.com/user/z_z1/) + +[Orys\_\_\_](https://www.reddit.com/user/Orys___/) +[https://vivekkaul.com/2020/08/20/is-it-time-to-stop-drinking-stocks-sip-by-sip/](https://vivekkaul.com/2020/08/20/is-it-time-to-stop-drinking-stocks-sip-by-sip/) + + +I personally agree with what Vivek has elucidated in the above article. Just wanted to know what all of you think about it. +Life insurance : one is paying approx 15k for 5 lac cover with bonus etc for a long time. +If the insured lives a long and healthy life those 14k over 30-40 years even in ppf would get better returns. + +Endowment plans : are aimed towards saving + insurance. Why pay high premium when one can get normal premium and invest in mutual fund for a better pastor after the intent 20+year payout. + +Similar with ULIP. + +Am I missing something, apart from ease of find, they don't make any financial sense. +Recently a friend of mine invested his savings in trading derivatives (I know it's absolutely risky) on the advice of one these Financial trainers on Instagram. The financial trainer posts screenshots of his profits on Insta and even makes my friend post it for marketing purposes. He sells secret tips, teaches people about derivatives. He also has a scheme where he promises people 2% monthly return if you give him 1L or more, claims he turned 3L into 10L within a month and purchased a 1cr+ house just by trading stocks and derivatives. + +I researched and found the details of the so called Market expert, he is a 24 year old guy who did his BBA and MBA from a namesake Indian college and works for some brokerage house. On contrary my IIM and CA friends have told me they don't trade in derivatives because it's risky and they haven't mastered the market yet. Which makes me wonder how far real is the claim of the financial expert. + +I am a Newbie to stockmarket and I can't quite understand whether he is real or fake, I don't understand how his scheme works either so asking the experts here for their opinion. +I am someone who has just started taking interest in investement. I've been reading through the wiki. I want to gather everyone's opinion on how the advice has aged. +For example, I was reading through https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/2o4uzf/the_stepbystep_guide_to_select_an_equity_mutual/?ref=share&ref_source=link where the post recommended morning star as a source for information. Is this website a good source of information? A lot of the mutual funds I had in mind didn't seem to have any rating. And a lot of the mutual funds with GOLD ranking didn't seem to look great from my perspective. Though since I'm a noob I don't think the prerequisite knowledge to cast judgement. Would love to hear some analysis from the more experienced people here. + +To give some example: +Something like Axis bluechip direct growth fund seems to be very popular on other websites but doesn't seem to be ranked well in morning star. +For large cap, morning start seem to be pushing Aditya Birla Sunlife Frontline Growth fund but it looks like it's returns aren't that great and according to morining star itself, the downside ratio looks very high. From a noob's perspective, this kinda looks like high risk, low return. + +Also, another fund I've been eyeing Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund Direct Growth doesn't seem to have a review at all on morning star. Any thoughts on this? + +Also, in general, is morning star the best resource we have or are there better alternatives out there nowadays which are more comprehensive? +I currently have a good chunk of money that I want to invest to hedge against inflation. I have a downpayment and a manageable mortgage and just want to grow my nest egg, so I invest ~40% of it. + +1. I have a rental property that most likely will be vacated due to coronavirus once evictions resume. I'm not collecting rent and will have to seek payment once the memorandium is removed. I'm currently paying two mortgages due to this. Because of this, it doesnt make a whole lot of sense to invest in more real estate. + +2. Home improvement material costs have risen terribly. Estimates to remodel my home are extremely high (30% higher than Dec) + +3. Small businesses are essentially dead in my area. Its been a dream of mine to invest in a resturant but that seems unrealistic for the time being. + +Doesn't it seem like the best investment these days is the stock market? I personally have been long since Jan in mostly Apple, but have started to dabble in options. The returns are great and researching companies, etc is fun. I get that he market poses a lot of uncertainity, but so does Housing, Cash, Inflation, etc. +Was watching bitcoin Miami on YouTube the other day while doing some work at home. In between key notes 2 guys sat at a table with Kevin O'Leary to discuss bitcoin and the main guy at the table called attention to another about not using the bad word and that a key note speaker had unfortunately used the bad word. How sad is that? Maxis are simply out of touch with reality. + +Thats all I got. That really upset me + +Write down that plan. Explain how you would invest in different situations that the market could throw at you. Only by writing your steps and plan down will you be able to fight through the noise that will no doubt be hyped on every financial news channel, late night tv spot, Facebook ad, and every YouTube commercial telling you how to make millions their way. +Everything and nothing will sound logical. Anyone who was invested in 2008-2009 will understand the pulls and pushes of information overload that will be coming. +The stories of people on the streets, people losing their jobs, houses getting foreclosed on. Lions, tigers , and bears, oh my. Get your actions steps together now before the nonsense and noise attempt to take you on a wild desperate ride that could cost you tens of thousands or more in fees, taxes, and capital losses. +Are you going to sell everything? Are you going to sell half, a third? Are you going to hold fast at your current levels? Are you going to fight the noise and actually add to your holdings? Are you going to hold a specific percentage of cash? 10, 20, 30%? More? How far down will you wait for stocks to drop before you begin deploying the cash into stocks again? +Will you be patient and change nothing because you understand your investments and don’t fear short-term losses? If so, will you continue to add capital on the way down? How much capital will you add. The same as before? More, less? +Will you be moving your money out of the market completely and move into other investments? Are you going into precious metals, bonds, real estate? Something else? +Write it down, access, adjust, stick to your plan. +Start Investing Early, Never Stop, Stay Focused. +Below I will be sharing my portfolio. I will add a short explanation under each company as to why I chose to add them. Any and all feedback and/or questions are greatly appreciated. The portfolio is as follows: + +🖥Microsoft 12,5% +The biggest part of my portfolio, Microsoft is a safe play for a future where more and more things will be reliant on technology. They are growing their Azure cloud business every year and are looking to keep innovating to meet the different needs in the market. A giant blue chip and a safe investment in my opinion. + +💳Mastercard 7,5% and 💳Visa 7,5% +Around 77% of all transactions worldwide are still done with cash and I think we will continue the transition to digital currency for the foreseeable future. MA and V have something of a duopoly on the fintech space and both own major payment networks that they are expanding all around the globe. The reason I picked both is that even though they tend preform similarly, you never know what might happen in the future that causes one of them to shoot away or drop down. + + +☢Cameco Corp 7,5% +I have posted a few things about my view on uranium and in short I believe that uranium miners and their respective shares will experience a 'parabolic' market shift and subsequent boost in their share prices within the next two years. Uranium makes up a total of 15% of my portfolio and I believe this play is less of an 'if' and more of a 'when', which is why it is a significant part. + + +✈Raytheon 7,5% +One of the biggest defence players in the sector. They are currently trading at a share price many view as undervalued, which can mostly be attributed to their exposure to the commercial flight industry. They have various sections and several big contracts with the government and I believe they are a safe play to get exposure to the defense market. + + +🖥Facebook 7,5% +Owners of some of the largest social media platforms in the world and sitting on a big pile of cash, Facebook is one of the biggest digital ad companies there is. They also diversify heavily into all sorts of things like AI, IOT, online shopping, VR and the goal to build something of a metaverse in the future. The only reason that they are not a bigger part of my portfolio is that they are prone to controversy, which does not help their share price. + + +🖥Nvidia 7,5% +Similarly to Facebook in the fact that they are well diversified (different types of chips for things like autonomous driving and advanced AI). They are a very innovative company under great leadership and if they can keep innovating like they have been doing, there will be plenty of growth ahead. + + +🖥Qualcomm 7,5% +The main play to take advantage of all the different applications 5G will have, Qualcomm is perhaps the biggest company in the 5G space with all sorts of great applications and patents in their arsenal. They are well positioned to take advantage as 5G gets adopted on a global scale form things like every day devices to even healthcare, which is why they are in my portfolio. + + +🖥Advanced Micro Devices 7,5% +Having experienced a massive growth of their company and share price in the past couple of years, they have become a big player in the chip sector under the leadership of their new CEO. With government contracts, innovative chips in new generation game consoles and other applications as well, they are taking market share off of Intel and are not looking to back down in the foreseeable future. + + +🖥OpenText 5% +A Canadian software and cloud company that is not mentioned a lot on here, they are doing all the right things to ride the wave of SAAS and the cloud. Their acquisition of US company Carbonite also gives them exposure to cloud document security, a service that will be demanded more and more. This is a slow and steady growth play in my portfolio. + +💊Galapagos 5% +European biotech company Galapagos has been on a tear since the announcement that they would be partnering with US biotech giant Gilead. They currently have several much anticipated drugs in testing phases and if these are approved, expect this company and its share to grow exponentially. + +🎮Activision 5% +I am a big believer in video games and their place in the entertainment market of the future, especially as graphics and VR keep improving and adding to the experience of video games. Activision is the biggest pure play video game company and owns some great franchises. They are also big in the mobile gaming market (especially after acquiring King digital), the fastest growing video gaming market in the world. + +☢Energy Fuels Inc 5% +See the Cameco explanation. This is the biggest US uranium producer. + +☢Denison Mines 2,5% +See the Cameco explanation. A relatively small miner with an amazing project in the works. + +🚢Euronav Tankers 2,5% +Undervalued right now and poised to return to their previous heights as a shortage of tankers around the world is pushing prices up, any sign of significant economic recovery will help them as goods will be demanded more and more to help the economy get back on track. + +⛏New Gold 2,5% +My play to have some exposure to the gold market, this company has several gold, silver and copper assets, but has not been treated as well by the rising gold tide as some of its gold mining peers. With the gold price rising and not seeming to lose steam anytime soon, this company can profit greatly and their low share price is set to grow because of it. + + +As stated at the top of this post, any feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope I was able to show some companies that others might not have immidiatly thought of when constructing their portfolio. Thanks for reading and good luck out there in the market. +Tempur Sealy is crashing today, and to understand the situation let's go back to 2016: + +7 months ago I wrote on /r/stocks [why Mattress Firm ($MFRM) was a good buy](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/4oebmx/why_mfrm_mattress_firm_is_good_buy_convince_me/). It essentially became the monopoly of mattress retailers, but the stock market was not rewarding it because of high debt and earnings misses. + +It was acquired two months later for a [115% premium](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/analysts-stunned-by-115-premium-in-mattress-firm-takeover-bid-2016-08-08) by Steinhoff International ($SNH). + +As the monopoly of specialty mattress retailers, Mattress Firm has market power over its suppliers. There are only three major mattress suppliers in the world, and each uses multiple brands in order to provide the illusion of choice to the consumer (numbers from [this market overview](http://www.statisticbrain.com/mattress-industry-sales-statistics/)): + +* Serta/Simmons/Beautyrest (32% market share) +* Tempur Pedic/Sealy/Stearns & Foster ($TPX; 31% market share) +* Select Comfort/Sleep Number ($SCSS; 5% market share). + +(At this point you're probably screaming, "But I love my Casper/Leesa/Tuft+Needle" and I'll get to that later.) + +Today Tempur Sealy was down 28% before the bell because Mattress Firm [terminated contract negotiations](http://www.reuters.com/article/us-tempursealy-contract-mattressfirm-idUSKBN15E16A?il=0) with Tempur Sealy and they will [cease working together during Q1 2017](http://www.furnituretoday.com/article/539773-tempur-sealy-ends-relationship-mattress-firm). + +This is an example of Mattress Firm exerting market power over its suppliers, which is classic monopolistic behavior (in my opinion it's actually a [monopsony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopsony), if you acknowledge that Serta/Sealy/Tempur/Stearns/Beautyrest mattresses are just a commodity with the illusion of choice). + +The consequences are that Mattress Firm will have better prices than specialty mattress retailers, furniture retailers, and department stores on the same products, which will drive up Mattress Firm market share and profitability. At the same time, Mattress Firm will continue to gobble up retailers or undercut their prices and become even more of a monopoly. This will give Tempur Pedic fewer retail outlets (that aren’t Mattress Firm), and lower revenue and (probably) profitability. + +I think Tempur Sealy doesn’t have a lot of options in the long term. They’ll have to get back in bed with Mattress Firm eventually. Until then, Serta has a lot more negotiating power with Mattress Firm. + +One direction that Mattress Firm could go is to start to offer Select Comfort or online mattresses in their retailers – this would disrupt their monopsony but is a way to grow their top line. And in the long-run they might build a separate ‘direct-to-consumer’ brand. + +I recommend giving Steinhoff International ($SNH) a close look for a good, long-term increase in profitability from the US mattress market via Mattress Firm. I haven’t looked at the rest of the business though. + +I expect mattress sales at department stores like Sears ($SHLD) and Macys ($M) and furniture retailers like Ashley, Jordan’s, and Bob’s (part of Berkshire Hathaway) to have a significant and permanent decrease over the next few years. In an extreme scenario they'll give up on the mattress market and everybody will buy their mattresses from specialty stores. + +I explain why online direct-to-consumer mattresses aren’t such a big concern in my original MFRM analysis (tl;dr: it has been lagging in market share and only makes up 5% of the market), but I have some new thoughts. I expect Sealy and Tempur Pedic to acquire an online brand (or two) or to create and heavily advertise their own direct-to-consumer brand, in order to make an end-run around Mattress Firm since it is being a bully. That will put an end to the independent direct-to-consumer mattress model. But the temptation to sell the same online brand in the brick & mortar retailer will be too great for the mattress giants, and they will eventually end up being sold via Mattress Firm anyway. + +Disclosure: I don’t have any positions in any of the mentioned businesses. I just bought a mattress and it wasn’t from any business mentioned in this post. And I am [cross-posting this from r/stocks](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/5r1c8r/tempur_sealy_down_28_is_just_the_beginning/). + +**TL;DR**: Mattress Firm has Tempur Sealy by the balls. +Roblox DPO set for March 10 + +Roblox DPO, which has been delayed a few times, finally coming up on March 10. Looks like will open at 41-45. I was hoping for a little less, but still might be worth it. I think saw initial valuation at 30b? + +Article from WSJ _ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/roblox-shares-to-begin-trading-march-10-11614010874 + +Might be a good stock, but I'm not sure if the surge in holds past the summer when kids go back to o school. I also like any DPO that goes direct to market. + +Edit: DPO, not IPO +When you think about a LTV you don't think of John Maynard Keynes but recently I was reading the General Theory (Just for curiosity) and found what appears to be a LTV, the thing which I don't understand is why Keynes later on his life and later on the book basically ignored his "proposal" and why also this is ignored in Academia. + +>It is much preferable to speak of capital as having a yield over the course of its life in excess of its original cost, than as being productive. For the only reason why an asset offers a prospect of yielding during its life services having an aggregate value greater than its initial supply price is because it is scarce; and it is kept scarce because of the competition of the rate of interest on money. If capital becomes less scarce, the excess yield will diminish, without its having become less productive—at least in the physical sense. +> +>**I sympathise, therefore, with the pre-classical doctrine that everything is produced by labour,** aided by what used to be called art and is now called technique, by natural resources which are free or cost a rent according to their scarcity or abundance, **and by the results of past labour, embodied in assets, which also command a price according to their scarcity or abundance**. It is preferable to regard labour, including, of course, the personal services of the entrepreneur and his assistants, as the sole factor of production, operating in a given environment of technique, natural resources, capital equipment and effective demand. This partly explains why we have been able to take the 107 unit of labour as the sole physical unit which we require in our economic system, apart from units of money and of time. + +Could this count as a LTV? Keynes basically uses this to argue why is "preferable" to regard labour as the sole factor of production and doesn't talk more about it. (At difference for example of Marx who makes his theory of exploitation from it) + +Ps: If someone wants to read the context pages 106-107 [https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/125515/1366\_KeynesTheoryofEmployment.pdf](https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/125515/1366_KeynesTheoryofEmployment.pdf) +I'm not an expert in either field, but it seems to me like algorithmic game theory should/could have a huge impact on economic theory. After all, the slogan of AGT is something like (paraphrasing here form memory) "if your laptop can't find the equilibrium, neither can the market". More formally, for many classes of games it's been proven\* very hard algorithmically to find any Nash equilibrium (at least in the worst case) and in many cases even to approximate one - but setting up distributed rational agents to make selfish choices in response to those of others also amounts to an algorithm. This predicts that either real-world markets don't converge to a Nash equilibrium in reasonable time scales, or that for some reason or another, the real-world instances of these hard problems are way easier than the worst-case instances. Both options seem to lead to interesting economic questions (what are markets actually doing in the first case instead of converging to an equilibrium?/what structure in real-world instances makes them tractable?), with the second one being perhaps more plausible - after all, market behavior doesn't seem to behave more chaotically when you add couple of more products/consumers/producers, despite the algorithmic tractability scaling very badly with the size of the problem. + +I'm under the impression that economists by and large don't care about the insights coming from algorithmic game theory. Is my impression actually correct? If so, why? If not, how are economists thinking about these kinds of challenges? I understand that departmental barriers etc slow down ideas, and traditionally economists have worried less about how (and how fast) the equilibrium is found, but it also looks like one could now model and answer these kinds of questions from a rigorous algorithmic lens. Of course, it also could be that the empirical revolution (from what I've heard from the outside) has made people worry less about such abstruse concerns and made them focus on empirical work. In any case, I'd be curious to hear about what impact, if any, has AGT had on mainstream econ. + +\*Perhaps modulo some complexity-theoretic assumptions +I'm speaking within the context of the US or any comparable nation I suppose. Many people, particularly on the political left, cite income inequality as a grave and growing threat. Are there any economic reasons to agree or disagree? And if so, what causes this inequality? +I'm still attempting to understand [the paper in my previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/oiu2d9/macro_and_micro_dynamics_of_productivity_from/). + +Is someone able to explain why revenue-based total factor productivity (TFPR) is different to output-based total factor productivity (TFPQ)? + +I read from Foster, Haltiwanger and Syverson (2008) that TFPR confounds supply and demand factors, making it difficult to determine whether a firm is actually efficient or if there is simply high demand. However, this leads to Hsieh and Klenow (2009) where I am struggling to understand why TFPR is used in their analysis over TFPQ and why. + +Also if anyone could help decipher the paper in my previous post that'd be much appreciated! +How can we tell whether it is the economic system of, say, a country that causes a particular societal organization. I was recently watching a lecture by Milton Friedman in the 1970s, where he claimed that we can judge the capitalism vs. socialism debate by comparing the overall state of capitalistic and socialistic societies on measures of (wealth?) equality, standard of living, etc.. How much can we actually attribute to the economic system in all the usual examples (e.g. communism is bad because these communist societies were/are awful)? + +It seems to me a potentially problematic way to go about it. How are we sure that it wasn't culture + politics + historical accident + geography + recent history + etc. that were more responsible for the state of a society. Is it really capitalism that is responsible for the American domination in the second half of the 20th century? Or is that just one factor among many? Obviously it's probably the latter, but how confident can we judge economic systems by the *general* state of the society? Are there good ways of telling the difference between a spurious correlation of well-being and economic system and a real cause? + +I apologize if this is a naive and/or huge question. References to books or lengthy articles are appreciated. Sorry if this violates Rule V. I'm just not sure how to even start approaching this question. +For starters, let's say this person is 18 and able-bodied, but isn't going to ever work anything above the minimum wage. They might be willing to work 50-60 hour weeks to make ends meet. For simplicity's sake, suppose they're sterile and won't be reproducing. + +Does adding this person to the existing US economy create a net gain or loss? How would changing any of the variables (education, reproduction, etc.) affect this? Is there good scholarship on this sort of thing? I feel like some of the arguments about immigration might be less bullshitty if there was some sort of baseline understanding of the *actual* effects of adding different sorts of people to the economy, instead of the boogey/strawman picture that is painted in our political dialogue. +So lets say we have the standard demand and supply curve in terms of labour. Minimum wage is a price floor. Generally price floors create an excess of supply and a fall in demand. On the other hand, a greater minimum wage leads to more circulation of money in the economy since low wage workers spend domestically more than other groups and their expenses are more likely to fall within the economy. Also, for small increases of the minimum wage, labour demand is somewhat sticky, because the increase influences incrementally both the income and the outcome of the businesses that employ minimum wage workers. Also, a lower than optimal minimum wage might result in money concentration that slows down the flow of the money in the economy. + + +On the other hand, increasing it too much will result in incremental unemployment and everything bad that comes with it. +Also, the minimum wage can be justified by the imbalance of power between the low wage worker and the employer. + +Nevertheless, while having an appropriate minimum wage is beneficial for the economy, increasing the minimum wage is not a method for helping low wage workers if this means crossing the point where unemployment is stable. Instead, if a government feels that its low wage workers need help it should help increase the demand of labour and thus the leverage power of workers which would result in a healthier shift of the equilibrium point. + +I am not an economist, I am an actuary. I understand this is one viewpoint. I am open both to my mistakes as well as different viewpoints! Im here to learn +I've been thinking about the stock market recently and why prices of shares go up and go down and it doesn't really make sense to me other than herd mentality or that investors are "taught" that way. + +Say for example, company A is a smartphone company. Company A just announced that it has beat earnings by 25%. For some reason, the stocks will soar up. But I can't understand why. Stocks is just the market valuation of that firm. It is simply what the market or a WHOLE BUNCH of thousands and maybe millions of investors THINK or believe the company is worth. However, I feel like the earnings actually have no impact on the stocks. People typically try to talk about numbers and how much this company sold or the projected sales in the upcoming months or quarters. But I don't think that really matters because it's all based on what the market investors believe it is. I don't think those numbers matter at all. In the end, it's what the investors THINK that these numbers mean to them. I've seen good earnings report that caused a stock to drop and I've seen bad earnings report that made shares go up. + +I remember about a year and a half ago when Tilray, the fairly small Marijuana company was so pumped up that its market cap was greater than General Mills. I think that is the perfect example of it. I remember seeing the earnings missing expectations and still seeing the shares skyrocket during After Hours trading. + +&#x200B; + +I feel like it all comes down to what each investor thinks other investors would do. So if the earnings come out great or a new product is launched, Investor A starts buying because he believes Investor B and Investor C will buy too. And Investor C thinks A and B will buy also because they were "taught" that these investors will buy so ultimately the prices go up. So it's essentially a psychology and a mind game. + +I was talking to a friend of mine about this and I think the best example is, say you live in a frat house with 6-7 roommates. 1 roommate has a bunch of shares out that the rest of the 6 is holding that determines his "value". They trade amongst themselves. Then suddenly, that one roommate gets a massive raise or bonus at work. Then for some reason the rest of the roommates start trading and driving up the prices of the "shares" and "valuing" that other roommate higher. But in reality, nothing inherently happens to the rest of the roommates. The other roommate isn't going to be giving away any of this new raise or bonus (analogy for dividends). He pockets it. So those other roommates get nothing except that the shares in the house goes up in "value" because they believe so. I think this is analogous to companies. +As a call center employee everything I do is tracked for productivity. When management sees idle employees in the future based on call projections they cross train us. + +Once everyone is cross trained if client A is slow but client B is busy just send them over. Which is fine except since A and B are also similar to C, D, E, and F, G, and H are all close enough so now we can make sure you are always busy. The problem is there's a limit to the similarities. + +SO now I know part of all of them and I'm busy, but when a non-normal call comes in for any one of the clients (about a third of calls), I have to research the issue reducing productivity. Unlike if i was only handling one or two clients where I could fully know all the issues and policies as a dedicated client. And of course now that we are expected to handle A-H's calls we need to hire and train more people further increasing the amount of down time on researched calls. + +Then the mother of all unproductiveness, The call back. Based on customer surveys in the last year 1 in 4 callers has to call back to again finish the issue. The biggest reason for the callback is of course the previous call was wrong info or not done properly. We're a jack-of-all trades responder, so if the issue isnt normal that call back rate is higher. We're a Fortune 500 company and we show no sign of changing this idea as all management seems concerned with is the end costs based mostly on the time each call takes + +Sears of course has this issue in a retail version + +South park episode customer vindaloop nails this +I see people on the left saying it's just a juicy handout to the rich while I see people on the right saying it also helps the lower and middle class. What does it actually Do and what are it's implications on the low, middle and top class? +Everyone is seeing the high levels of inflation, and there are multiple causes we can identify as large contributors. However, I don't see a lot of discussion about the money spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. + +Yes, we see a lot of column inches spent on the MMT money printer going brrrr, but we don't seem to address the deep costs of the wars the west has been operating. The cost seems to be about 6 trillion USD spent by the US alone +https://www.cbsnews.com/news/afghanistan-iraq-wars-debt-6-trillion-interest/ + +With many other nations participating and interest payments over the years, this seems like a significant expenditure. The cost of the war in Vietnam is often cited as part of the downturn in the US in the late seventies and eighties. + +Is this not the case for these wars too? Are we not feeling the effects of these costs across the globe due to the reserve currency being printed out of tune with it's value to cover these, and other costs? +A wealth tax to replace other taxes would have a lot of unintended consequences. + +1. Future investments that yield less than 4.5% would not be made unless incentivized. + +2. Asset prices would drop until they moved in line with 4.5% yields. + +3. Consumption would spike in the short run. + +4. Foreign investment would displace domestic investment unless foreign investment was taxed similarly. (What would appropriate taxes look like?) + +5. Massive amounts of wealth would be destroyed until a new equilibrium was achieved. + +What other consequences would there be? Could a society survive this? What would a new equilibrium look like? +My apologies is this is not the correct subreddit to ask this. Mods please delete this post if it isn't right for this sub. (This is not a question for homework. I'd just like to learn more about it) + + +I was wondering if anyone knows of any books about Norway's big pension fund, and possibly how it compares to other countries? + + + +If there are any books on the economics of the fund, or topics that are similar to it, I'd appreciate the response. + + +Thanks! +I see people on the left saying it's just a juicy handout to the rich while I see people on the right saying it also helps the lower and middle class. What does it actually Do and what are it's implications on the low, middle and top class? +Hello! Law student here taking a module in Introduction to Economics and I'm very confused about market supply curve. What the bloody hell does it mean? +Sorry for the vagueness! I'm looking at graphs and mainly looking at costs (marginal costs, average variable cost etc etc) + +Here is the link to how they look: http://imgur.com/gallery/0pNHclE + +Hope this helps! +MMTr's state that + +"Modern states, with sovereign control over a fiat currency, face no budgetary constraint. Given policy goals of (1) Full employment, and (2) stable prices, Government should allow full use of monetary and fiscal tools to ensure we approach both goals." + +and that + +"The funds to pay taxes and buy government securities comes from government spending. There is no financial crisis so deep that a sufficiently large tax cut or spending increase cannot deal with it. Whatever the deficit (which is purely an accounting term) happens to be in approaching the aforementioned goals - that's what it should be." + +How is this refuted? +Median house price is 1.61m [https://sf.curbed.com/2018/4/5/17201888/san-francisco-median-home-house-price-average-2018](https://sf.curbed.com/2018/4/5/17201888/san-francisco-median-home-house-price-average-2018) + +A home ravaged by a fire sold for 2m [http://www.businessinsider.com/fire-ravaged-inside-san-francisco-home-sold-2-million-dollars-2018-7?r=UK&IR=T](http://www.businessinsider.com/fire-ravaged-inside-san-francisco-home-sold-2-million-dollars-2018-7?r=UK&IR=T) + +I get that silicon valley is there - so is the market set by a bunch of rich people who can just out bid each other? I mean, SF is a nice city, but I've been to nicer. The weather is nice but it isn't great, either. + +How did this happen and what gives? Is it going to eventually crash? +Hello. I'm sure this question gets asked a lot, and I wasn't sure what sub to ask this in (r/jobs or r/economics), but most questions I see are generally very broad and pertain to the private sector. + +I've always been interested in government: political science and economics were my two choices. I've leaned heavily towards economics recently. The problem is my university doesn't give too much room for me to take Calc 1 my first quarter because I didn't take CC classes or AP classes during high school to meet prereqs. However, I'm eligible to take "Satistics with Applications" and "Introductory Calculus for Business" for my Bsc. program. The reason I mention this is because I know having a strong math background is essential to an economics degree, especially when deciding to go to grad school, but my university requires students to start taking their major core classes their freshman year. So, I guess I'll have to take classes at a CC over the summer. + +I'm interested in working in government that has to do with transportation as I've been interested in infrastructure and transportation. + +For reference for my Bsc. curriculum, this is my university's [road map.](https://www.cpp.edu/~academic-programs/academic-advising/tools/sheets-roadmaps/2016-2017/roadmaps/class/Economics_TrackA_Roadmap_16-17.pdf) + +In general, I've heard government jobs for economics degrees have a good outlook according to the BLS, but how do I strengthen my outlook if my math background isn't strong? (I'm already prepared to take the appropriate math classes over summers anyways) +Would love to hear how different systems in different countries, states, etc. differ from each other and which do you consider the best and on what basis. +Hi all, this would be my first post ever in Reddit history but that's not why I made this post but I just have some questions and would like to have my questions answered or at least my doubts cleared. + +I am majoring in Economics and in the future I would actually like to be a College Professor. I am aware that most undergraduate degrees do not really define the career you are going to be doing and I am frankly liking the idea of being a Professor. What kind of professor is still very much up for debate inside my head and that is mostly my problem. Economics is a very wonderful field as it allows me to learn about society and deal with it using numbers. I've always liked being able to teach someone about what a number means and Economics seems like a very good choice for me. But through my research, it stands that I have two options that I can take for my Graduate degree and that is either Higher Education or Economics. Both are useful in that in one I can probably gain an assistantship where I can work for the university and study while the other, Economics, would give me a firm ground to stand on for what I can tell will be important for my Ph.D. in Economics for sure. I do not know which to choose and if any can help me discern which is the better I would appreciate it and if anyone has any advice I would like that as well. + +I am fully aware that opening up like this in the internet does not necessarily mean that I will get answers in a correct form but I will take what I can get at this point. +What is the purpose of having both income tax and a sales tax? I understand that taxes generally can be used for mitigating different inequities and such, but i don't understand *how* these are supposed to work comparatively and why we don't just simplify into single forms of taxation. + +For instance i understand capital gains taxes or wealth can be used to circumvent tax evasion for those who majorly deal with with speculation, but i dont see specific use for how the two above are supposed to target people and why. +I know enough that its got little to do with landlords and there's alot of people who just throw it out to sound smart. + +I know its got something to do with getting paid for no work or effort, and I've seen people use a bridge toll as an example. + +Which doesn't entirely make sense because the bridge did get built after all, and sometimes funding for said infrastructure and maintenance is recouped via tolls, if the tax base might not support it alone, or users aren't part of the applicable tax base. + +Edit: typo. +Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. + +With the news recently about some treasury bond yields "inverting" I took interest and went to look at FRED's [10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity graph](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/T10Y2Y#0) with the time duration set to *max*. There are these grey bars denoting the start and end of recessions, and I noticed the grey bars always start after the line falls below 0%, and often after the line has recovered. + +Is there some relationship between 2-Year Treasury Bonds, 10-Year Treasury Bonds, and recessions? If so, what is the causal direction? +I know the US owes China quite a bit of money, but they owe the US some as well. The same is true for Japan, but the other way round. Why don't these debts cancel each other out, so that anything China owes the US would dissipate and subtract from how much we owe them? And what's keeping anybody from paying anything back ever? The US government has a famously large national debt, and Japan's is even higher with respect to their GDP. What is stopping either of these countries from just ignoring the debts which clearly are not going to be paid in any substantial amount in the near future? +So I’ve been working in sales for 2 years now and have been able to save 15k, however, I’m more than likely going to get fired in April as I’m actually really bad at sales (I’ve been very lucky so far). + +I’ve saved up £15,000 and am thinking of leaving at the end of February, I’ve already started to apply for new jobs (around 5-10 a day) - as I know there is a pandemic I think it’s extremely risky to leave my job without another. However I’d rather leave early with my reputation in tack then get fired and embarrassed in April. + +I’ve always been told never to leave a job unless you have another one lined up, if I don’t get a job my savings should be able to take me till October (surely I’ll have a job by then?) + +Just looking for some advice. +Mastodon is the hot topic in social media the last few weeks. It's a decentralized version of Twitter that is part of the fediverse. There has been an exodus the last few weeks with hundreds of thousands of users moving from Twitter to mastodon. + +Given our presence on Twitter, we could have a greater impact on this web3 social media venture that aligns with the motives of the nft marketplace, ownership of your own media in the digital World. + +Anyone can set up a server that can be run similarly to a subreddit here. + +Should superstonk establish itself on this new decentralized web as a way of spreading our message further? +https://www.forbes.com/sites/ninabambysheva/2021/05/24/elon-musk-and-michael-saylor-lead-effort-by-bitcoin-miners-to-address-environmental-concerns/ + +Is this the coalition to control your crypto? Is Micheal and MonkeyTroll starting up SEC2: Electric Boogaloo? +#What is the Texas Sharpahooter fallacy? + +https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_sharpshooter_fallacy + +> The Texas sharpshooter fallacy is an informal fallacy which is committed when differences in data are ignored, but similarities are overemphasized. From this reasoning, a false conclusion is inferred. + + + +> The name comes from a joke about a Texan who fires some gunshots at the side of a barn, then paints a target centered on the tightest cluster of hits and claims to be a sharpshooter. + +#What does this have to do with GME? + +Humans have a nasty tendency of only remembering when their bias is confirmed and not when it is denied. + +While it's absolutely likely Ryan Cohen and DFV were/are tweeting cryptic messages either to be cheeky or to directly communicate with us, it's a different matter to determine we're accurately interpreting them. + +#Example - ice cream + +[The ice cream cone tweet](https://gmedd.com/tw/ryan-cohen-breaks-silence-tweets-ice-cream-cone/) is a perfect example. It has a frog emoji. It features an image of a McDonald's ice cream cone. It was posted the day the [CFO was fired](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-corp-chief-financial-officer-resigns). The image is featured on an article about [tracking broken McDonald's ice cream machines](https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-near-you-with-working-ice-cream-machine-mcbroken-website-2020-10). + +So what does it mean? Does it refer to how Chewy's first board meeting was Ryan taking the board to have ice cream at McDonald's? Does it refer to the "ice cream machine" finally being fixed when the CFO was kicked out? What does the frog mean? Wait is he talking about the MACD crossing over? If he's referring to the board meeting with Chewy, is he hinting he's gonna be made chairman of the board? + +As you can see, speculation can run wild here, and when one hit is found next to another, the bullseye starts being drawn around them. + +Notice how we can weave a full narrative around both the CFO and the chairman appointment. We have no way of knowing if either is right. We must be careful of avoiding the sharpshooter fallacy in everything we do. + +You can draw a bullseye around any cluster of hits from interpretations of the tweet and point at it as having cracked it. + +Heck, they could both be right. Or it could be something else. Surely the frog ties into it somehow? + +#What do? + +Be mindful. Sometimes the patterns *are* there. But be skeptical and use critical thinking. + +Literally everything can be roped into being proof for anything if you try hard enough. Triangles = Illuminati and all that jazz. + +Be careful of thinking everything is related to GME. Is A Movie Company an attempt to distract, or a real recovery play that might have a regular short squeeze soon? I don't know. Is Glacier a shell company meant to be used in a fake squeeze FUD play? I don't know. Are paid shills messaging our users, or are they just bored trolls? I don't know. + +Stick to definitive evidence of fuckery: + +* MarketWatch predicting the March 10th flash crash before the price actually fell. +* The lies in the congressional hearings. +* DFV doubling down twice. +* GameStop directly warning of a short squeeze in corporate filings. +* FUD being far more common where we don't have moderation to swat down obvious shill accounts. +* The sudden rapid-fire rule changes that would directly influence how the MOASS evolves. +* Media FUD always portraying GameStop in a negative light, and making green days look like red days. +* The constant "glitches" in various systems specifically with GameStop. +* Shitty journalism with obvious inaccuracies that no financial reporter would ever make. +* WSB pumping out P&D stocks with the "the next GameStop" media marketing +* And many many more + +#💎🙌 +[https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2021/01/three-pay-as-you-go-price-rise/](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2021/01/three-pay-as-you-go-price-rise/) + +Tldr: + +* calls from 3p/min to 10p/min (233%) +* sms from 2p to 10p (400%) +* data from 1p/MB to 5p/MB (400%) + +Pretty significant price hike... + +&#x200B; + +Edit: international prices are also going up. even more! + +* 35p for a text (up from 2p) +* Data will be 5p/MB (from 1p/MB) +I recently [posted on Factom](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/pvts9p/promising_blockchains_can_fail_factom_history/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), an often mentioned blockchain in 2017 that is now a failed blockchain. Not every blockchain that is around today will survive the next 5 years. It can be hard to see a failing blockchain because they often drop during a bear market, when everything else drops, but then do not bounce back during the next bull market. + +What "popular" blockchain do you think will reach its ATH during this bull run and not bounce back after the next bear market? (include why) + +&#x200B; + +\*\*please do not downvote everyone who comments a blockchain that you are bullish on and think they are completely wrong about +**Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.** + +*** +- + +###Disclaimer: + +Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here. + + +**Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take.** Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams. + +*** +- + +###Rules: + + - All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/about/rules/) apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect. + - Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency. + - Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language. + - Comments will be sorted by newest first. + +*** +- + +###Useful Links: + + - [**Beginner Resources**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/beginner_resources) + + - [**Intro to r/Cryptocurrency MOONs 🌔**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/gj96lb/introducing_rcryptocurrency_moons/) + + - [**MOONs Wiki Page**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki/) + + - [**rCryptoCurrency Discord**](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/kth255/join_the_crypto_currency_discord/) + + - [**r/CryptoCurrencyMemes**](https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptocurrencymemes) + + - [**Prior Daily Discussions**](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=title%3A"Daily+Discussion+-+"+&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) + + - [**Monthly Skeptics Discussion thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n26p85/monthly_skeptics_discussion_may_2021/) +If I cash out then I’ll get hit hard with taxes. I’m really banking on staking and just living off of staking rewards for the rest of my life... thoughts? +How convenient for them. + +*"If your KYC does not comply to ICON terms-and-conditions or if you do not submit a KYC, your ICX will be locked on the ICON website. You will NOT get a refund."* + +[This e-mail is intended for the members registered on the official ICON Website - https://icon.foundation] + +The ICON Token Sale adheres to global regulations. There have been many developments in Token Sale regulations over the past few weeks. In order to adapt to the changing blockchain landscape, ICON is adding KYC(Know Your Customer) protection measure to ensure contributors can legally participate in the ICON Token Sale. + +There are two main reasons why ICON is adding KYC. Firstly, the SEC(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) is preparing to prosecute Token Sales without KYC procedures. Secondly, cryptocurrency exchanges are beginning to exclude cryptocurrencies that did not implement KYC. + +The ICON Token Sale KYC will protect contributor interests. Users who have contributed to the Token Sale MUST go through the KYC process through official ICON channels. + +Send ETH to your unique ICON ETH deposit address + +After contributing ETH, start the KYC process. Upload your passport and upload a picture of you holding your passport. + +IMPORTANT! USA, China, and Singapore nationalities cannot participate in the ICON Token Sale. + +**If your KYC does not comply to ICON terms-and-conditions or if you do not submit a KYC, your ICX will be locked on the ICON website. You will NOT get a refund.** + +Hyperconnect the World +ICON Team + +https://s26.postimg.org/qe7lyta2h/ICO.png +Hello all, I am wondering how many others are in the same boat.. I've been riding the Eth train since it was $2.5 in Feb. and kept buying in at higher prices all the way up to $15 almost when Homestead launched. That was quite a ride, it was hard for me to hold on on the first rally to $7 and back down to $3. Panicked but did not sell, actually bought some more in between these fluctuations. Then, the second rally to $15 and down to $9-8 I sold more than half my stash and later again at $10 and bought some back in at $12. + +I had trouble sleeping and kept staring at the price and news all day every day, it was taking a mental toll - so I could not really keep that up. I sold enough to cover my initial investment, held on to the rest and un-subbed from this sub and r/ethereum to clear my head a bit and not make any more irrational, sleep deprived actions. I got back into my hobbies and started feeling like life was balancing out again. + +So, what I'm saying is, I truly believe in this technology but I also zoomed my focus in too much at the price roller coaster. I'm thankful I held on to some of it and learned a lot about myself in the process and what's really important. I don't really regret it much since I probably would have sold most if not all my eth at this current price, so maybe a longer term lesson was learned here.. + +Anyone else go through a similar process? +First off, those of us who have been around awhile know the context: XRP is premined and hoarded by the founders. + XRP seems to be not only a private/permissioned technology, but also appears to be centralized in the sense that Ripple Labs owns and controls all of the consensus participating nodes. + +So I'm trying to figure out the mindset of XRP investors (and I know there are some here in this forum). Do they really think that the global banking system is just going to straight up adopt the example public Ripple XRP network as their new "Swift system" (as people keep claiming)? Here are some thoughts: + +- The current Swift system is private and controlled... you have to go to a bank who has access to the Swift system to use it. Not only that, Swift is used as a weapon against countries as the powers-that-be deny countries access at times for political reasons. It's about control, not efficiency. Do XRP investors really think that the banks are going to adopt the XRP system allow rando XRP holders to send transactions willy nilly through the new global banking system backend? Do they really believe that North Korea can just be buying up some XRP right now to participate in the new banking "Swift" system? That seems preposterous. + +- Claiming that XRP is the unit to trade between national currencies is to put XRP at the center of the global banking system as a central unit of account against which all national currencies would be measured. This is similar to saying it would be like a gold standard or replace the IMF Special Drawing Rights. That would give XRP and outlandishly important and valuable role in such a system. Do XRP token holders really think the global banking system is going to just say "Sure sounds good, no problem. Let's just abandon the Special Drawing Rights and and the Bank of International Settlements for XRP, some arbitrary, vestigal and unnecessary token owned and held by countless anonymous and unsophisticated investors and it shall now be worth trillions and trillions of dollars and usable as a first class citizen in the heart of the global bank system"? Just like that, bada bing bada boom. Not to mention making the hoarding Ripple Labs folks arbitrary trillionaires with great power in the world economy. + +- Ripple is open source. Why would the global banking system agree to reify the XRP token when they can simple fork the code and create their own system, perhaps with a privately held version of XRP, or a private digital version of the Special Drawing Rights for liquidity? What obligation do they have to Ripple Labs? What obligation does the global banking system have to accept the XRP token other than some sort of "they get a 30% discount from Ripple Labs" nonsense. Again, it's open source. Why do XRP token holders think that Ripple has some sort of leverage or check mate against the global banking system to force the use and approval of the XRP token? Do XRP token holders think that the larger the market cap of XRP that somehow the entire global banking system will feel sorry for it and consider it 'too big to fail' and accept it because feelings? Or could it be that the unnecessary XRP token has been bid up by unsophisticated investors who the global banking system will not hesitate to abandon when it comes time for them to implement their systems? + +I have no doubt that Ripple is a good and interesting private/permissioned blockchain-ish technology and that banks may very well use it, just like they may use lots of other private/permissioned technologies like EEA for example. This is not an argument against private DLT implementations. It's an argument against a private DLT implementation that appears to have a public cryptographic token of economic value superfluously attached to it and aggressively speculatively pumped. I'm just having a very hard time understanding what XRP token investors are thinking because it sure seems like it's nothing more than speculative bubble on an asset that doesn't really have a role in the future system that XRP token holders are describing/imagining. + +I welcome any comments telling me how I'm right or wrong. Please don't lambast me. + + +EDIT: Looks like this article came to a similar conclusion: + +https://www.forbes.com/sites/ksamani/2017/12/20/the-bear-case-for-xrp-bitcoin-futures-edition/#3004690214e6 +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +* 1.5 Million people now on Job Seeker +* u/E Rate expected to pass 10% {PM Morrison} +* $7.9B has been paid out in Early Access Super already +* Net Overseas Migration expected to be down 1/3rd in the 19/20 period + * Down 80% in the 20/21 Period compared to the 18/19. +* $205M for aged care, $900 per occupied bed on the MM1 and +50% more for rural. +* Easing of restrictions from Friday 7th May, if Australia meets 15 targets, 11 of which have been met already +* COVID-19 Elite Sports Code released today PM +* COVID-19 Aged Care Code signed by all major companies and released today +I bought my first property and claimed stamp duty exemption as a FHB. After the 6 months, I rented it out. I asked my broker who said I don't need to tell my bank this and I see other brokers online saying the same thing. I trust my broker but it seems like the official advice is to tell your bank because an investment loan and an owner-occupier loan are different. Thoughts? +I found a company that offers services for my industry that will provide a solution that no other companies provide. They are publicly traded and I was thinking of investing in them. If I were to invest in shares, would it be illegal of me to refer business to them? I know a lot of people in my industry who could use their services. It is related to the marijuana industry and the stock price is about $0.43 a share. I mentioned it to another vendor that we could probably refer business and see the share price go up, sort of jokingly. I wonder if there is anything wrong with me saying that. + +&#x200B; + +Update: A lot of you are eager to know of the company. + +The company is called Greenbox POS. I own a kratom website where I also offer CBD. Visa and Mastercard strictly prohibit the sale of my products. These provisions trickle down to every processor and banking institution in the world. They are subject to heavy fines by Visa and Mastercard if they were to approve kratom and CBD vendors for processing. None of them will allow for kratom, CBD, and I assume marijuana has all the same issues but you don't have marijuana ecommerce websites. Since CBD and kratom are legal in most states, you have a lot of ecommerce websites who absolutely need a cashless solution. The dispensaries and brick and mortar shops I really cannot speak on behalf of what that is like, but I know they can take cash, have ATMs in the stores, etc. For myself, an ecommerce seller, card processing is necessary and has been a major pain in the ass. 90% of buyers have a Visa or a Mastercard and that is what people feel comfortable using. Greenbox some allows ppl to accept credit cards using blockchain technology. I'm not fully understanding the technology because they offer different services. But I believe that they have a proprietary solution for accepting cards. At this point I haven't even signed up with them and I don't understand the tech, so take it for what you will. To me it sounds really promising. However, I am trying to sign up now and they don't seem very eager for my business. I called yesterday and was told an agent would get back to me, but it felt like they might not. So they may lack the abilities to grow. Online CBD and kratom are each billion dollar industries that desperately need solutions in this area. I am not endorsing this company now, some of you just asked me to tell you the company, so I figure I should tell you why I think it is valuable. Feel free to disagree. + +&#x200B; + +I am signing up with the service this week and I will update once I am all set up. +Had a recent successful experience so wanted to remind people of this benefit. +Particularly given how things are going with cost of living etc. saving or clawing back what you can helps. +I previously tried using topcashback and never got rewarded for my spend so thought nothing more of it. +More recently though I noticed there was a 10% cashback offer for Currys which is actually pretty significant - well I was buying a TV anyway so thought why not. +Well this purchase was successful and as a result I've bagged £74 cashback in this one purchase alone. +Really chuffed and made my morning. +Worth checking out these sites if you're planning to spend the money anyway! +I have a standard order setup to go on the 1st of the month. This month it won't go until the 3rd. What is the rationale behind an automated process not working at the weekend? +Hi all I posted that $CTXR DD last week, so have been following the conferences closely. In the spirit of accuracy, I would like to include the update information from today's conference that has changed since my DD. The $CTXR financials and progress have had no change and in fact some of their other medications coming later down the pipeline are showing positive results, but those are somewhat out on the timeline. However in the matter of minolok, the conference did specify a change to the next review. In my DD I mentioned an expectation of early April for the next review based on the information from the previous conference, but the current conference has specified a delay with the review, the delay is due to the drug management committee (not CTXR). The next review has been moved to early May. Overall they have stated that they are looking forward to the meeting and expect great news, but the deadline has now moved. + +TLDR: Per this morning's conference, CTXR review has been moved to early May instead of early April. Rest of the conference was very positive, but due to the new conflict of information from my DD wanted to include a follow up since that is no longer accurate. + +Plan is still the same for the company, just the hold will be for an additional month for this specific catalyst. + +Link to conference: [https://journey.ct.events/view/262c140c-bae9-4791-bee8-7a03b2d8449a](https://journey.ct.events/view/262c140c-bae9-4791-bee8-7a03b2d8449a) + +You will need to register an email though to watch +Hi everyone! + +I am a big fan of this subreddit for a few months now, and it has been super informative and motivating! However, taxes, the market, and access to financial services is very different in Europe compared to the U.S. and other parts of the world. Also, social government programs and cost of healthcare/education/living is different. Therefore, I think it is useful to have a subreddit to discuss and share knowledge about Europe-specific aspects of FIRE. :) + +Also if you are not comfortable writing in English, feel free to write in your native language. + +Hope to see you there! + +[r/EuropeFIRE](https://www.reddit.com/r/EuropeFIRE/) +Somehow I doubt the retirement intent. More troubles brewing at Starbucks? + +* Starbucks CFO and executive VP Scott Maw will retire at the end of November. +* The coffee chain has begun a search for its next CFO. +* After his retirement, Maw will assume the role of a senior consultant to help with the transition. + +[source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/starbucks-chief-financial-officer-scott-130000628.html): +I find myself going over budget monthly and ill say with full sincerity that we try not to spend money on any "junk" anymore. + +&#x200B; + +Anything within the grocery budget are pantry essentials, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and chicken. Shit is just so expensive. + +&#x200B; + +How can i keep it closer to being within budget without sacrificing on the health? Any tips you guys can share on how you've been adapting to these troubling times? Thanks. +I know you people have the attention span of hamsters but lets keep things in perspective + +In the last 365 days Bitcoin is up 4.42% in that same span of time Amazon is down 15% + +https://preview.redd.it/h4mqz840pnd81.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb6fc7911039289e88ae93d513d72cf199c562a7 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +But I know what you're all thinking 365 days is a long time. How can you possibly hodl an entire year? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/khkvtg7ypnd81.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=7122a5ef2330b0688c5619531d6b23c3c2f18660 + +Based on my extensive research it takes roughly 3-4 weeks to sail across the Atlantic ocean. If you have a boat and leave right away, you should be able to do 7 round trips. + +Now lets say you can't swim or you don't have a boat: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ryt7yq3esnd81.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=7149169688ad7a3681611b88733003bcd670c15f + +&#x200B; + +Since all you guys keep talking about going to the moon, just go!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +In 365 days you could go back and forth to the moon almost 45 times + +&#x200B; + +so if a Saturn V rocket cost $185 million X 45 trips that comes out to $8,325,000,000.00 +We've gone through a few big cycles and see the same thing each time, the real gains are from overlooked things in the past bull and bear markets. + +NFTs are a prime example of that. They got a little bit of traction in 2017-18 craziness with cryptokitties and cryptopunks, but no one forsaw how much they would be worth in the 2020-21 bull run. + +Many L2s, like polygon, were also created in early on, but mostly overlooked. + +Memecoins were laughed at (ok, they still are), but people on reddit were shittalking Doge in 2017-2020 and saying how it has no utility therefore won't ever be worth anything (side note: this is the biggest false dichotomy from an investing perspective that is continually parroted here and is proved wrong time and time again. utility does not equal value round these parts) - and look how it did in the recent bull run. + +Even early adopters of DEXs like uniswap, got an airdrop, something very few expected. + +Theres no doubt in my mind that 2024-26 will bring some surprises of what popped. What is currently being overlooked right now? I have some thoughts, but curious to hear everryone else's. Thoughts? +You turds on CNBC that are reading this, do you not have a shred of fucking integrity? We can clearly see the short interest on GME. Yet you publish articles about Melvin closing their position? Are you fucking kidding me? You may not have been the ones to lie about it, but you sure as shit need to acknowledge the fact that they lied about it and you passed that information on to the public. How the fuck the SEC isn't up your ass at the moment for publishing the literal definition of market manipulation is beyond me. +Generally my life is good. I'm high income with a roughly 33% savings rate. With a young child it's hard to RE in this HCOL area so our plan has been to wait it out til she's in college. But then the corporate BS strikes and I'm fantasizing selling the house and bailing earlier. Maybe I become a consultant if the ridiculous tax decreases happen. I could survive a long time but probably not forever and it's be a big lifestyle change so it's probably all bluster. How do you deal when work is getting you down but FIRE is still a fair ways off? +Hey peeps I'm just excited because my buddy and I finally changed the alternator in my car! It's been a few weeks since it went out and it has been a monumental stress in my life. My wife is about to have our daughter in a week and we were car less. Not feasible. Not a situation that can be. My genius wife who is more of a car buff than me remembered that the local junkyard sells parts for cheap so we got it for $40! I have no tools or experience fixing cars but my good friend does and he took the time out of his busy life to come help me today and it works! Feels good man. Anyway sorry for the book but this is a huge win for me. Keep your heads up folks. Things get better with good friends and a lot of effort. (and possibly a little luck.) + +TLDR - Alternator went out in my car. Did the work myself and saved $$$ +* update* We just found out that our accout somehow got changed to an FSA(according to the bank) and years of saving is gone but employer still says its an HSA* + +We have had an HSA set up through an employer for a while. It's on pay stubs, we get tax forms. I have a debit card. I've been using it for a couple years to pay for meds. We never set up on online account though. We just called. When I got covid I had a lot of medical bills that I used the HSA to pay. Money was going into the account from somewhere. I tried to sign up online and the system says we don't exist. So I call and they tell me we don't have an account with them! We talked to our HR and they say talk to the bank. Bank says we have to talk to HR. Neither seems to know where the money is! The bank told us to enroll in the HSA program again but what about all the money we put in? How did the account just dissapear? I'm so lost. This may not be the right place but thought one of ya'll might have a suggestion. Thanks for any help! +I was offered a job at a Broker firm which sponsored me for my series 7 (passed) and 63 (supposed to take this Sunday). I began working yesterday and found out it was a 100% cold calling job. I originally thought it was 70% this plus some other tasks. The job was 13 hour workdays (7:30 AM - 8 PM) and the first 3 months were training, in which I would be paid $300/week. + +Yesterday, on my first day, I was given a script to memorize about a stock to sell which included me lying to the customer (saying I had spoken to them before earlier in the year about a stock that had jumped in price 40% and that they missed out on the investment). I spent about 5 hours yesterday and another 7 hours today cold calling people with about 6 total pitches (reading the script all the way through) and 0 clients. I felt very guilty about this whole ordeal and very dirty because I felt like I was lying to people and then even if they say they are not invested (politely) I am supposed to ignore them and continue with the script until they hang up. + +I quit on my 2nd day, because this is not what I thought I had signed up for. I feel like it isn't a waste of time because I did get my series 7 out of this, so only the past 2 days were a waste, I feel like...although did learn what I don't want to do. + +My question is are all broker firms similar to this type of job? Of course there need to be some amount of cold calling, but are there people who work at these firms that devote 100%of their time to this task? + +Sorry for the big rant, just wanted to provide the specifics of what went down the past few days. There are more things, but I think I covered most of what was bothering me. + +EDIT: A lot of people keep commenting on how there were criminal activities done at this firm. While I did dislike my time here, I am failing to see specifically what crimes were committed. Can people please explain what I am missing? +This is one of the concepts I've had a difficult time accepting since I became interested in finance and markets after graduating with a biology degree 5 years ago. It just seems like the very definition of a free lunch and appears too good to be true. Why is that extra return occurring if there is no additional risk? +So the idea of PE sounds completely awesome: buy shitty companies, and turn them into awesome companies. + +But then I read about what PE people do from various articles, AMA's, etc... and it seems like they pretty much sit in offices and crunch numbers, mostly figuring out how to structure deals, and whatnot. + +That can't be all there is to it though. Simply doing the proper underwriting of a deal, or even firing a bunch of inefficient staff won't enable you to turn a local coffee chain you purchased into the next Starbucks (to use a poor metaphor). + +It seems like there must be a lot of "soft" decisions (for lack of better terminology). So who is making these decisions? Are the people at the top of the firms basically Steve Jobs type guys? Or how does it work? + + +Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. I'm not really sure where to ask this question. Thanks! +Is everyone on the same boat for the past month+? What gives? I’m a little tech heavy, but even my “safe” S&P 500 ETFs are getting killed. + +Edit: I’m more asking if there were any major market or political news causing the recent slump. I’m not worried about dips, but I try to keep myself somewhat informed. +there have been these massive sell-offs on the S&P 500 index around 3:30 pm for the past 2 days now. These huge red bars.. are these institutional investors selling? These sell-off happen in a 5 minute time span. +Since April of last year, VTI/the S&P500 is up approximately 28%. + +My portfolio is outperforming this by approximately 10%. I ascribe this to random chance/dumb luck, certainly not any genius investing skill - and I don't expect this trend to continue over a larger sample size. What is the recommended action when you're outperforming the index over a 18-24 month period? Sell all your winners and dump the cash into VTI/VOO? + +Reading through this sub you get the feeling that everyone “knows” it but no one is exactly giving a single reason for why, other than “it should because of high valuations”. + +It reads as a lot of wishful thinking and arrogance. Where the hell do you place Apple, the largest company in the world growing 50%? + +Growth has outperformed value for 20 years, and the winners of the dot com crash , like Apple, Microsoft and Amazon, have outperformed everything by a huge margin in the last 30 years. + +Either the valuation methods were good to use and it’s just that the type of company that wins the future has so much higher margins and network effects that the definition of key value metrics has to change, OR (like many here seem to suggest), somehow this will all “regress to the mean” and somehow Sysco, public enterprise group, and Cincinnati Financial (great companies I also own) will eventually outperform the other ones I mention? + +It has nothing to do with finance and everything to do with business model. If you can’t understand how business has changed finance, then you will continue to underperform by relying on outdated financial discipline viewpoints. +I just received a message that I’m banned from their subreddit, but I don’t understand which rules I broke. I asked /u/bit_novosti why and am waiting for an answer. (Feel free to check my recent comments and posts.) This censorship is against all values of the ETC community. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I placed a 29eth bid 2 days ago on an Ens domain through MEW. I was outbid during the reveal period and I revealed my bid through MEW to receive my eth refunded. The green banner stating the reveal was successful appeared and I checked my wallet but the funds were not returned. I revealed the bid once again and the green banner once again appeared stating successful reveal. I believed the end of the auction would refund my eth since MEW stated everything was successful. I was wrong, the 29 eth is gone. If you have not received your eth during a reveal of a lower than highest bid In MEW then there is a serious unknown bug at the moment preventing the refund of eth +Recently I met somebody who changed my way of thinking about retirement a little bit - he retired at 60, and moved to Asia, but was planning to move back to his home country at 70, in anticipation of health concerns. And also he was pretty much planning to live it up in his 60’s (and spend more money) in anticipation of not being able to do as much beyond 70. + +I thought that was really interesting because up until now I’ve always treated retirement as one continuous block, and after I retire at 40, I was planning to pretty much do the same thing I have been doing at 40, until 80 or however long I live. But I have to realize at 50 I may be a very different person with totally different interests, and at 60 may be totally different still. + +This question is more relevant the younger you retire, because you have more time. So has anybody out there planning to retire at 40 or 50, sketched out what they want to do in their 40’s, in their 50’s, in their 60’s, in their 70’s? I’m really interested to hear how people view their lives as changing between the various decades. I do appreciate that we do not really know and we cannot plan every life detail 20-30 years in advance but it would be interesting to put together a rough road map of the types of things we would like to do. +Snapchat is on the road to go public next year. It's estimated to have revenues of 1B for 2017, and is said to potentially price itself at a multiple of 25x ad sales. + +Do you guys plan to buy? A large question is whether or not they will be able to grow their ad sales business, and if so, how. Any thoughts on that as well? +I promised my self I will never invest in stocks mentioned here on pennystocks. I also promised myself I won't buy any stocks suggested by @Hugh_Henne or @Zack Morris. I made four trades in MVIS, MARK, RMBL, and KTOV, all of which I lost about $1000 on. I'm the only one to blame here cause I didn't do my DD, I just bought into a stock if I saw it mentioned in more than one source. I often bought and then it turns out that was the peak of the chart, then it goes downhill from there on all 4 stocks. Everytime I want to sell to cut my losses, the forums here says "hold till the PR, were going to the mooooooooon!" but instead it goes down even more. When I decided to do my own DD, I found TLSS, which I bought 50,000 shares at 0.02, and thankfully made back my losses quickly. After that experience, I promised my self I will never invest in a stock blindly, especially penny stocks that are hyped up on here. I've also noticed that these twitter trades only retweet success storries, and never the stocks they lost on. What are your thoughts and experiences? + +P.S: upvote so new traders don't make the same mistakes I did. + +Edit: I love seeing the comments that bash me and the ones that agree, cause that exactly what I want to communicate to new traders about trading blindly. Don't follow blindly! Do your own DD. Also for those that say they made money on Mark, I bought Mark on May 6th at 0.97, and sold the next day at 0.84 to cut my losses, probably because of something I read here on on twitter, or I panic sold. I bought MVIS at 1.45. All amateure mistakes. Yes that was a bad decision, but without any DD I couldn't have known better! Also note I didn't provide my DD on TlSS cause that would just defy everything I said in this post, you do your own DD! This subreddit has alot of good advise like not being too greedy and setting stop losses. Please new traders do your due diligence and you might have a way better start than me! Good luck! +This has been an amazing market since April and it is really important for all new investors to realize that these types of wins we are all enjoying on the market is not normal. What we are all experiencing is a once in 20 years rally where virtually everything goes up. There are lots of reasons for this to be happening now from stimulus cheques to lack of sports to bet on and of course shifting economies. What is important is to not lose sight of the fact that this run will not last. We have a finite amount of time to prosper so pick your winners and take profits so that when it does flip to a normal state you will have some cash to wait for the next one... + +I don't know when it will happen but it will happen. Until then enjoy the ride. Just don't FOMO or YOLO. If it flips and you have you will probably lose a huge amount of your investments. Shift some profits to safer investments and hope you all have an amazing year here. + +Good Luck everyone and do your DD on everything... +I bought $30usd of every USDC paired coin on coinbase. I did add and extra $30 to ETH and $5 to ADA because I had extra USDC after fees. I purchased the coins on 04/24/21. Here is the status as of today. + +https://imgur.com/a/6g7Js7F + +EDIT: I will donate 50% of the bag to charity after the two years. 4/24/2023 I will make a post to decide the charity. + +EDIT 2 4/27 Dam this is hard. I'm in the green on everything already and I'm so tempted to sell off the profits and buy more bitcoin. I might have to do this. I'm lettuce handing. +Henlo again, fellow apes! To begin, a quick recap on my background, as it's relevant to what I'll be positing here. I studied Political Science and Economics in undergrad, spent three years working for the State Dept and an IC entity, prior to deciding to get an MBA and segue into the Finance world. Which I of course ended up hating, but easy come, easy go. + +But I digress. I'm happy to say this is a rare opportunity to apply some concepts from the start of my working career, and perhaps give y'all a little insight into the geopolitical ramifications of the government/SEC intervening on behalf of the shorts in this situation. It may seem like this situation is one that could be kept under the radar as a market irregularity or rare financial issue, but you would be sorely mistaken to think so, no matter how much shills might want to convince you otherwise. + +**When It's Global, It's Never Just About Money** + +I see a lot of people contesting that this situation is no different to 2008, insofar as the government/SEC intervening on behalf of the shorts to the detriment of the global public. These situations are vastly different, however. The global retail market is focused intently. Any fuckery, any FUD, any fraud, is being recorded and disseminated in real-time. And when data is being parsed in real-time, one simply cannot confine the fallout to financial markets alone. I've found it's best to give a specific example and a logical progression to illustrate, so let's go with....China. I can already visualize the headline: + +"US Government, SEC, and Wall Street firms conspire to rob Chinese and other global investors of trillions in potential earnings." + +I invite you to put a price tag on that diplomatic shitstorm. No really, I'll wait. The next logical leap? "Wait, hold up, you constantly shit on us for "stealing intellectual property" and "subjugating our own citizens", but even after 2008, you're still up to this shit? Your own elite class is shorting your own market, nay, your own COUNTRY, robbing your own middle and lower class in broad daylight, and you have the nerve to point fingers?" And you know what? They wouldn't be fucking wrong. + +And this scenario isn't reserved for nations with a bone to pick like China or Turkey. This is ammunition for EVERYONE. Even Germany could back pocket this for later, and they surely would after all the shit we gave them over austerity measures in 2008. See, I kinda hate that everything that can't be "proven" with hard numbers from a regulatory entity is disregarded as speculative, when we know full well that half the data we rely on for DD is manipulated, whereas human psychology is pretty cut-and-dry. I can't GUARANTEE you Chinese media runs that story, but I'd still bet my fucking life on it. + +**The Real Elite** + +I know what you're thinking. I promise, I'm not going full deep-state conspiracy theorist on you. There doesn't need to be a shadowy malevolent cabal operating behind the scenes for this to be a "don't fuck with the big boys" scenario. If Wall Street is old money to Silicon Valley's new money, then what I'm talking about here is OLD old money. International trade and shipping. Sovereign funds. State-owned enterprise. Large-scale commodities exchange. International banking. Shit that has existed for hundreds of years, operating on the margins of international borders and never attracting too much attention from anyone. These are the REAL monied interests, the guys who sit above the Forbes list, and they are NONE too fond of Kenny G right now. + +Don't get me wrong, I'm just as skeptical as anyone about the likelihood that things will ever work out in favor of the general public. But Citadel and friends had dozens of opportunities to get out in a way that could be swept under the rug. They opted not to. Now the situation is untenable. Siding with anyone other than the global retail community would be nothing short of insanity. + +All that said, I must levy the usual disclaimer that I can claim no clairvoyance of the result. The US Government is nothing if not inept, and even with a situation as glaring as this, nothing is promised. I'm just saying, having seen firsthand how this kind of information is weaponized, to do anything other than side with retail would be a death sentence to our market, our reputation, and our future. Much like the sentiment that governs market winners and losers, public opinion is everything. And to intervene here would irrevocably destroy the reputation and the exceptionalism we've touted for centuries. + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR: I'm really glad** [u/karasuuchiha](https://www.reddit.com/user/karasuuchiha/) **posted the Charles video earlier, because it is eminently applicable. This "rebirth of American exceptionalism" he posits can go one of two ways. The government can let this squeeze happen, and we can reaffirm the (sorely lacking recently) notion that America is the land of opportunity among the rest of the world. That if you're right, and you're tough, you can win in this market. Or, you can go the other way. You can confirm the steadily growing notion that we are not what we once were. That maybe we never were in the first place. That there are better options. For investing, for the global reserve currency, for the beacon of hope and justice. And the only thing that hangs in the balance is a couple dipshit hedge funds and a few trillion bucks. Do that math.** + +🙌💎🚀❤ +Interesting changes coming to Google. I guess they really are serious about bringing some of their far-out ideas to market. + +Worthy of a quick read: [Press Release](https://investor.google.com/releases/2015/0810.html) +We (mid 50's couple) spent the last 20+ years in Seattle. Both our extended family are in different cities, and most of our close Seattle friends were there for work and would likely retire elsewhere. + +We love the various HI islands and have been on vacation more than a dozen times. Early 2020 (pre-pandemic) we were in Honolulu for 6 weeks to more deeply look around and see how it would be for moving there. + +Honolulu is pricier than most locations - but we like the combination of city things to do and close to the beach feel. WE can get a nice condo (<$2M) with higher than Seattle HOA and property taxes - but would be in a good location (gym, exercise studios, good selection of restaurants and social things. + +As with many FIRE folks, item #1 will be purchasing health care (now that we resigned from our positions). This is doable on the exchange. + +Other than the higher than average cost of living - what are some other concerns/thoughts? +On 15th of May 2021 $MIYAGI DO launched by using a "Fair Presale" hosted at +Dxsale (Binance Smart Chain), our approach was to offer pre-sale +for the same price as listing on PancakeSwap to have a smooth less volatile launch. +The token is a meme- based project with a Total supply of 1 billion $MIYAGI Tokens, +next to that there's an auto- staking function (reflection fee & liquidity tax) +which applies on every transaction made! 5% is being added to the Liquidity Pool, +the LP Tokens are being destroyed (Basically locked forever) 4% is being redistributed +to $MIYAGI Token holders! and 2% fee is being added to the Contract- Address. + +**Features** +✅ Contract Verified +✅ Fair Presale (Hardcap reached 50BNB) +✅ Liquidity Locked (dxsale lock 6months) +✅ Ownership Renounced +✅ 80% added to Pancakeswap lp pool! +✅ Mature team & professional developer +✅ Strategic Marketing and Budget available for Promotions! +✅ Very Low Market Cap $ 108,315 and project just listed 24-hours ago + +**Up next** +• Video's from several Youtubers +• TikTok influencer video(s) +• Reddit, Twitter & 9gag activity +• AD's Campaigns on several Bitcoin related websites (Poocoin as well) +• CEX Listing (STEX) +\- Revamp the website +• Release roadmap with future plans +• Coingecko & Coinmarketcap listing +• Trustwallet listing (as per 2500 tokenholders) + +**💧Automatic LP 💧** + +5% of fees goes directly to Liquidity Pool. This means you don’t need to worry about sellers +as they won’t give a high impact as the LP rises. 4% Is being redistributed to token holders +and 1% tax fee on every transaction made (as the usual reflect tokens). slippage 13% when +trading on Pancakeswap. + +>**Presale Info (Already finished)** +Softcap: 25BNB +Hardcap: 50BNB +min buy: 0.1 BNB +max buy: 1.5 BNB + +**SmartContract** : 0x2A334F74a83d2DE70f49209F0956E1B97a9671e8 + +**Total supply:** 1,000,000,000 $MIYAGI + +>***Strong community and healthy chart!*** + +**Links** +🌐 [https://miyagido.me](https://miyagido.me/) 🌐 + +💬 Telegram: [t.me/MiyagiToken](https://t.me/MiyagiToken) + +🔐 LP Lock DXSALE [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=1217&add=0&type=lpdefi&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=1217&add=0&type=lpdefi&chain=BSC) + +📔 BSCscan: [https://bscscan.com/address/0x2A334F74a83d2DE70f49209F0956E1B97a9671e8](https://bscscan.com/address/0x2A334F74a83d2DE70f49209F0956E1B97a9671e8) + +🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 +I have been looking to invest in sectors that I believe will have the greatest chance of significant growth over the next 10 to 20 years. Here is a list and a quick reason for my thinking about each sector: + +Electric vehicles/renewable energy- The future of automobiles is electric. Almost all major auto makers are producing some line of electric vehicles, not to mention TESLA and NIO as fully eclectic companies with massive growth last year. + +Marijuana- The mj industry is still just beginning compared to where it will be at in 20 years from now. More and more states will legalize allowing for huge growth especially if it is legalized on a federal level. When/if it is legalized on a federal level, I believe both the medical and recreational aspects of mj will take a bigger role creating more consumers. + +Healthcare- According to AARP, 10,000 people turn 65 everyday in the United States. Life expectancy will likely continue to lengthen creating more revenue on average per person over their life. This number will only increase in the coming years as well. Advancing healthcare technology such as stem cell research for example will continue to innovate and create new treatments and cures creating a bigger market and more growth. + +Autonomous technology- Self driving cars, robots, AI, are all growing industries. They are the way of the future. Technology is advancing at an exponential pace creating exponential growth. Self serving cars for citizens as well as self driving semi trucks are coming very soon. There are companies already testing self driving semi trucks and they will possibly wipe out the human trucking industry within the next 10 years. + + I would love to hear some other ideas you may have! +I grew up VERY poor (no food, no one home kind of poor) - so I get it. But now I am a bankruptcy attorney. Here are just a few mistakes I see people make time and time again. + +1) Buying expensive cheap ass furniture on payments. Don’t do this. Shop thrift stores, garage sales, or Craigslist. I have a good job. And I’ve never bought a new bedroom set or dresser. I paid $100 for a used dining room table and 5 chairs and refurbished them. Don’t get into this money trap. The prices are always WAY too high and the interest will choke you. + +2) Don’t buy a car you can’t afford. If you can take public transportation until you save enough to buy a car flat out - do it. I’ve personally seen low-income people with interest rates between 19-44%. Holy crap. If you can pay $400 a month for a car payment - pay yourself that for a year and buy (or mostly pay for) a car. You won’t have to keep full insurance on a car that’s paid for, so you save there, too. + +3) Don’t neglect paying your sales and personal property tax. You will get tickets. You will end up with warrants. If you don’t have the money to pay the taxes don’t buy the car. You are literally setting yourself up for failure. + +4) Don’t spend your tax refund on crap. Save it. Pay your fines. Pay the taxes. Get new tires. DON’T BUY new furniture. It’s just not worth it. + +5) Lastly, don’t get behind in your student loans. There are income-based repayment plans that can make your payment $0. If you end up in default they can add as much is 40% more to your balance that will never be discharged just because your loans went into collections. Student loans will haunt you forever. Get into a income based repayment plan and stick to it. They WILL garnish you (including social security and disability). You will never escape them. +Hi fellow retards! + +My hypothesis and granted this may have already been postulated here is that the hedgers had enough liquidity in Jan to short GME and temper the price back down. Now it appears that they’ve run out of liquidity and are forced to sell their income generating securities to continue to short in an act of desperation. + +As a parallel - consider it from a mortgage perspective they’re trying to stave of foreclosure by first burning through savings and now they’re selling off their valuable possessions. So they can’t borrow off margin, they are out of cash and now they’re selling off their source of income. Which by the way hurts the passive investors that like their ETF stocks, but the hedges don’t give a shit. They just want to short GME no matter the cost. + +The mortgage allegory reminds me of say the 2008 crisis - I used to be a loan officer and the exotic sub prime mortgages were horse shit. You could qualify for a mortgage back then with a DTI (debt to income ratio) of 65%. For those unaware DTI is the ratio of your GROSS income vs the PITI of your home and all revolving and installment debt on your credit report. It does not factor in payments for utilities, food, gas. So they assume people can afford a house with the 35% of gross fucking income after their monthly debt is paid? No. Now the opposite is happening again. They deserve this for their insatiable greed and lack of compassion for anyone but themselves. + +Hedgies have no cash and selling their income generating stocks to continue this fight. Eventually they’ll run out of those and will have no choice but to cover no matter the price. They fucking deserve it. From their ashes I hope we can build a market that is free and open without their influence and heavy shorting a float will be illegal. If I want to pay x dollars for a stock, that’s my business. Shorting is bullshit. Think a company is overvalued? Then close your position and find another fucking stock. The government should be appalled. Trying to BK a company not only puts thousands out of a job, but reduces the income tax stream from them to the gov’t. Not only that but now they’re on the govt payroll via unemployment. All this so they can profit off of destruction. Fuck. You. Long post I’m sorry. + +TLDR: hedgies are going to burn for their atrocities. + +My position: 914 shares of GME and one 3/5 $100 call. The shares I’d be willing to part with for say a minimum of 4 figures per share. Maybe 5 who knows? 42,069 per share has a nice ring to it. I like the stock and this isn’t financial advice. Hedge funds are cucks. +Hi everyone, + +I've been a lurker here for a while but am getting more active and I wanted to start sharing and see what people think of something I recently did. + +**Background** + +I haven't historically given much to charity but I want to start giving more and taking advantage of my company's match policy. However, I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to give to. + +**Enter: donor advised funds (DAF).** + +Through Schwab, Fideliy, Vanguard, and ohters, you can really easily set up a DAF. I use Schwab for investments so I used Schwab to set up my my DAF which has a 5K minimum initial contribution and an annual administrative fee (dwarfed by benefits for me). + +With a DAF you can give to your fund, and then decide later what charities you actually want to contribute to. But, at least at my company, they'll match your donation to your DAF. For example, I set up my DAF and contribute 5K, and then my work contributes 5K as well to it. + +The money in the DAF can then also be invested in various investment funds offered by whoever you choose. I have it invested in equity funds. + +**Tax Savings** + +The interesting part though is that you can also contribute stock. So I have stock with decent unrealized capital gains and rather than donating 5K of after tax dollars I have sitting in my bank account, I can donate my stock and eliminate the tax liability, and then still get my company to match the cash value of the stock I donated. + +**Actual Giving** + +Also very easy to contribute to charities through Schwab's interface. + +Even with just 5K all the sudden you can feel like you're a big shot with your own charitable fund! + +Thought this was pretty cool and wanted to share with the community :) + +**What do people think?** +The FTX contagion will take weeks if not months to be realized fully, Huobi has now announced that it has been affected by the FTX bankruptcy. They have $18.1 million in crypto that can't be withdrawn on FTX. $13.2Mare customer assets, with $5M being their own assets. Their solution is to get a $14m unsecured loan covering the client's loss, creating a $32m debt for Huobi. + + +[Hbit is a subsidiary of Huobi Exchange](https://preview.redd.it/g8jcqlke1uz91.png?width=1482&format=png&auto=webp&s=a804ca8366f9e7940ef72127f1389c7657974a34) + +I have a few questions. + +Why were the clients' funds on FTX in the first place? + +Was Huobi trading using client funds? + +Why was this information not revealed earlier? + +Are they trying to hide this? + +Why can't these exchanges just do their jobs, be satisfied with the fees they earn, and stop investing/trading with client deposits? +&#x200B; + +[Account #1](https://preview.redd.it/ar66kl2o7d8a1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=12ecaddb296a16cec5e168cfc1a81132b05caa75) + +&#x200B; + +[Account # 2](https://preview.redd.it/enz100ex7d8a1.png?width=1105&format=png&auto=webp&s=a89d88f70539b57ed2a660b05433726c18b3781c) + +Here are 2/7 accounts. Other accounts are much smaller in size, so no point in posting. Also took out \~100k cash to pay off my parent's debts and buy them nice stuff 😎 + +Was max margined basically at all times, and kept flipping from short to long and vice versa. + +My current positions (Running long/short portfolio right now): + +Short \~6000 $NVDA shares + +Short \~1000 $CAT shares + +Long \~210k $ASTS shares + +Using margin rn, and will continue to increase margin as my positions move in my favor. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! +I have intended for quite some time to write a short post commending all of the participants in this fantastic subreddit. You'll have truly inspired to take control of my investment and prepare for retirement on my terms. + +A bit about me ... about 6 months ago my wife passed away from lung cancer. She had been ill for a couple of years, so her passing was not unexpected. After spending weeks in the hospital caring for her I was physically and emotionally exhausted. Once I caught my "second wind", I had quite a bit of time on my hands and began to research a bevy of topics. One of the topics of interest was investments. I ran across this subreddit and became a frequent lurker. After about a month of reviewing posts both old and new, I began to realize my investment strategy was not sound. + +I began investing with the assistance of an investment firm about 21 years ago. As an E-5 in 1996/1997 I made practically nothing, but a mentor told me to begin investing NOW and let time be your ally. Fast forward 20 years and the Roth IRA I started those many years had grown considerably. During those years I left the details to the "professionals". Of course their expense ratio was quite high (.85) and only by reading this blog did I realize the performance of the fund was not quite worth the 3-4k in fees I was paying yearly. + +So, I met with the financial adviser requesting a review of my portfolio. During the meeting I requested transparency on these fees and some explanation of what these fees were getting me other than an annual 90 minute to 2 hour meeting where we spent the majority of time talking about personal matters. The answers I received were far from satisfactory. I realize I was no longer interested in doing business with these people, so I immediately opened up a Vanguard account and requested a transfer of my investments. It took about 3 weeks to complete. The good news is I initiated the transfer in October and I missed about 3-5% of the downturn that occurred during the month. + +I allocated my investments based on the excellent advice of the many posters in this subreddit. Yes, one of the funds is VSTAX! The details of my investments are not as important as the fact I now have control over my financial destiny. I can't retire early at this point given the fact I am nearing 50, but I feel comfortable I can reach financial independence in about 6 years. + +Again, thanks to you all! +In fact, I hate this stock. I'm surprised people don't take this as an opportunity to do something good with money. This company is pure evil. And aholes are buying into it because it has what, a discount from the last year? Lame. Compared to 2yrs it's still up. + +&#x200B; + +[Shitty FB stock](https://preview.redd.it/upj1l9ba2og81.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecb24ea9844633a4d2de098d8b8a91c93cacb055) + +So, people say the RSI is oversold. Haha! Sure it is. It can be more oversold for sure. Just realize this, it has never had this low of an RSI since it first IPO'ed. Think about that. Money flow is leaving this sinking ship. Some idiots are buying in, but we all know that the metaverse is a terrible idea. It's not even original and it would be super lame to do it on $FB + +That company has caused so much harm and turned families against each other. I really really hate this stock. If you know how to buy options, then you know what to do. If you are holding, get the hell off this Titanic shit pile. + +Speaking of their marketing, it's terrible for so many reasons and I'm sure many can answer to that. I hate using it. +For those that know me well on this site, I just want to say thank you for the wonderful debates. + +As many of you know, I have never talked about my personal life, my accomplishments, my educational background, my family, or my career. I didn't bring these things up because I never wanted to let my background take any place in pure debating, which is what I love. + +Seeing as how this is my final post, I thought I would let you all in on a little secret on who I am and why I am on Reddit. + +I have just completed my Phd in business administration, and I was awaiting replies from universities that I applied to regarding teaching positions. + +I just found out today that I got a position as an assistant professor at a university in mainland China, who are looking for an english speaking professor to teach business. I got it out of 5 other candidates, and I am really excited about this opportunity. + +To those that didn't like what I said, thank you anyway, because you helped me develop my skills in debating. + +To those that did like what I said, thank you more, because at times it got difficult to get what I had to say across. + +Bye bye Reddit, thanks for the memories, and for God's sake, keep educating yourself. +Initially BBBY was a squeeze play for me. I was hoping for a quick profit, and then to sell. Full disclosure, I failed at that. I sold my position at a 40% loss. Some days later, I got back in at a lower price, and with a larger position. + +The outlook for BBBY today is very strong compared to the days after RC sold: + +1. After RC sold, bankruptcy of BBBY was discussed and a possibility. This week we received news about a loan that was approved, which eliminates bankruptcy as a possibility. This is huge news, because we are likely to not see BBBY stay below 10 USD in 2022. +2. After RC sold, aside from bankruptcy, people speculated about the price dropping to 5 USD. I think this is a strong sign of support. BBBY hovered around 10 USD all week. That is twice as much as the bears estimated. This hints that the value of the company is much larger than what the bears assume. +3. Having digested the heavy loss due to RC selling, it now seems possible that there may be more to this sale, such as RC buying the Baby brand off BBBY. Or perhaps he just sold because he wanted to spend his money somewhere else. There are many possibilities. It now seems unlikely, or at least only a remote possibility, that this was a pump and dump by RC and perhaps others. I personally doubt it. He either saw an opportunity to make a profit and acted on it, or there is more coming. Neither of those options imply that BBBY is overvalued. +4. There are several signs from BBBY that the statement coming this August 31, 2022 during trading hours, is going to be positive news for the company. I do not think they would have scheduled that meeting to take place during trading hours if it wasn't benefitial for the company. +5. BBBY's business model is solid. BBBY's products cannot easily be sold online. You need store infrastructure, and preferably you need an existing brand. BBBY has both. They can certainly do better as a business, but I am sure with some effort, they can do a lot better. And it seems to me that they are making an effort, and that they want to do better. BBBY also probably has some residual losses from the pandemic, from which it is recovering. People are returning to stores. The pandemic is not going to be as bad going forward as it used to be. +6. In essence, BBBY is a recovering brick and mortar retail chain with an established brand that sells products that need brick and mortar infrastructure. If the management simply does its job, I see virtually no scenario where BBBY is going to be worse off next year than it is this year. And with bankruptcy off the table, that is a strong value proposition. +Russian ruble plunges nearly 30% + +* The ruble was trading as low as 119 per dollar as offshore trading started on Monday morning during Asia hours, from nearly 84 per dollar the previous day, according to Factset data. +* Russian President Vladimir Putin put his country’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert Sunday. +* Last week, President Joe Biden reacted to the attack by announcing several rounds of sanctions on Russian banks, on the country’s sovereign debt and Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.  + +[Russian ruble plunges nearly 30% against the dollar amid sanctions over Ukraine invasion (cnbc.com)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/28/russian-ruble-dives-nearly-30percent-against-the-dollar-amid-sanctions-ukraine-crisis.html) +As the title suggests, i really believe it’s no coincidence that this shakeout is happening just before Christmas. Everyone was expecting a pump, instead the market was dumped with only 8000 btc moving onto exchanges. + +The on exchange reserves of btc (and eth) keep dropping. Big wallets are buyng the dip. This to me says that this isn’t a true selloff, I think it’s the dump before the pump. + +If the big players aren’t selling , who’s left? The little guy. Retail investors like us. Psychologically it makes sense. People are more desperate at Christmas than most other times. Many newer investors overdid it and were depending on the pump to have extra money for Christmas. They are more likely to panic sell. + +People thought: Why not fatten the Christmas budget by riding the December pump? Everyone thought the pump was coming, it’s q4 the year after a halving! + +Tldr: since big money aren’t selling, i’m convinced they’re soaking up what they can of the remaining available liquid btc by scaring more easily frightened noobs and exploiting xmas desperation. + +Edit: metrics im refering to for those interested are illiquid vs liquid supply, balance held on exchanges, time spent holding, and activity seen in major wallets https://btc.com/stats/rich-list +As you may have noticed, there are a lot of very low quality "pro-monero" comments being posted all over crypto reddit recently. We've done a lot of work to clean up our subreddit network and prevent future spam, but the attack is ongoing and you may see it elsewhere. My personal opinion at this time is that monero is not behind this attack + +We do a lot of behind the scenes work to keep things clean and handle manipulation privately so the attackers do not learn our methods and evade them, but in certain cases like this one I believe it is good to show people what to look out for. If you are interested in this topic, SmarterEveryDay did a good series about manipulation on social media. There are videos for [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PGm8LslEb4), [Facebook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY_NtO7SIrY), and [Twitter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-1RhQ1uuQ4). Reddit was not included but it does face very similar challenges [as outlined by the admins here](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/8bb85p/reddits_2017_transparency_report_and_suspect/). + + +###History +About a week after the attack began, I wrote up a report on March 15th [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/m5qk61/everything_changed_when_the_monero_spambot_nation/) with many examples of these spam accounts. I was contacted by mods of some affected subs asking for help, offering to collaborate, or expressing anger and worry that their mod team would be overwhelmed and quit. A few just banned crypto or monero mentions outright, which may very well be the intent of the attack. + +###Latest info +The spammers have recently started adapting to avoid filters (eg. Xm_o.n.e.r.os) and are spamming more than ever. My bot banned about 45 of these accounts in the past day alone. They are also targeting more subs over time. From what I can tell, only about 7 of these accounts have been suspended (under 2%) even though I reported 113 of them weeks ago. I have reached out to the admins again today with this post + +u/earthonion had a clever idea for [finding these spammers and released a proof of concept](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/mhwpwa/i_wrote_a_script_that_finds_all_of_those_monero/). He also found an interesting slip up that seems to imply it's automated: https://web.archive.org/web/20210404161623if_/https://www.reddit.com/r/SatoshiStreetBets/comments/m8jio7/im_done_with_shitcoins/griyxd9/ + +> XMR crypto is like a better bitcoin. I am buying it because I think it will be big in **{value|price|** like bitcoin. + +It's been possible (but a lot of work and not ideal) to block this attack almost entirely as a mod, but they could always adapt the attack further. It's a cat and mouse game at this point to block all the spam without affecting any real users. If you are a mod of an affected sub and would like tips on filtering or to discuss further, please contact me privately + + +###Affected subs: + +Sub | Comments +---|--- +r/SatoshiStreetBets|3957 +r/CryptoMarkets|1623 +r/Bitcoin|1507 +r/CryptoCurrency|1448 +r/AltStreetBets|1032 +r/darknet|918 +r/BitcoinMarkets|770 +r/GME|567 +r/privacy|421 +r/onions|278 +r/bitcoin_ireland|86 +r/psychadelics|83 +r/Etizolam_Discussion|73 +r/CoinPath|72 +r/altcoin_news|71 +r/CryptoCurrencies|67 +r/darknetmarket|62 +r/investing|56 +r/MDMA|47 +r/OpiateChurch|42 +r/cocaine|36 +r/deepweb|28 +r/askdrugs|23 +r/LSD|11 +r/opiates|2 + + +###User List (let me know if you would like this in a different format): + +* u/abjectlychop77 +* u/aboradcurry83 +* u/aboutoutweigh166 +* u/aboutswear837 +* u/abroachwarhead44 +* u/abyssalkleenex +* u/academicmasseuse +* u/adamantkawaka +* u/aegeanaffluent334 +* u/aeriallysquish333 +* u/afarabdicate89 +* u/afieldsulphur93 +* u/aheadexit +* u/aheadgolf +* u/aheadpromote +* u/aliasloft +* u/allegrodialyse834 +* u/aloftsouse940 +* u/aloofpurl185 +* u/alwayswater67 +* u/amenablequirk +* u/analyzedhereness522 +* u/anodicpapilla768 +* u/anondish54 +* u/anosmicswertia418 +* u/apartzero800 +* u/apheticclincher84 +* u/apishhorn +* u/appetenthorsefly +* u/aroundexplore263 +* u/aroundsharpen +* u/arrangedrod28 +* u/asepticbar +* u/asidemodulate58 +* u/asleepmollify +* u/assuredcannabin99 +* u/asternget84 +* u/atypicalstaging +* u/awayverse28 +* u/awheelnast +* u/backexcavate599 +* u/badlyload178 +* u/basalticstuart176 +* u/basemericarp977 +* u/bceleave14 +* u/bcopen40 +* u/bemusedgusset27 +* u/benignlyweekend78 +* u/bereftschiller69 +* u/besidessit426 +* u/biogenicink +* u/blandlyvow545 +* u/blaseschlock +* u/blearybowl50 +* u/blindedarpent32 +* u/blindlyincur44 +* u/boldquestion240 +* u/bonnilywrestle91 +* u/boyishlycudgel87 +* u/branchedmedellin +* u/brisklybeware +* u/brisklyexpress79 +* u/bubblydribbler93 +* u/calcicarequipa88 +* u/callousmiridae353 +* u/carefulskank753 +* u/casuallyplume436 +* u/cautiousstop970 +* u/ceramicminority58 +* u/cerebraluvularia94 +* u/chaetalzweig84 +* u/chalkysivan70 +* u/cheaplyformat +* u/churchlyoxytone679 +* u/clankingassize34 +* u/clarionmassine122 +* u/clausalpolity +* u/cleaneschar +* u/cleanoutport22 +* u/clearlecturer893 +* u/closedinfancy92 +* u/closelycarry +* u/cloyingcourt +* u/coastalwoolley923 +* u/coaxialflue +* u/cobwebbyassassin +* u/coldtuatara +* u/coplanarpapaver91 +* u/coronaryclearing238 +* u/counteroutvote899 +* u/cruellygive +* u/cruellyharden443 +* u/cuneateorpiment37 +* u/cyprinidmedium +* u/daftlydull126 +* u/damnedstem +* u/dearhaystack424 +* u/dearlywrite13 +* u/decadentatakapa +* u/decadentcolumbia66 +* u/decentlyman87 +* u/deeptortoise33 +* u/deferenttalk962 +* u/dilatorything +* u/diligentpointer21 +* u/dirtilyline +* u/divinelycloud +* u/divinelycommand263 +* u/divorcedchickpea73 +* u/dizzilykneel +* u/dizzilymind892 +* u/dowdybobsled31 +* u/downpoise +* u/driplessmind +* u/drippyrumble +* u/duereduce +* u/easycolloid848 +* u/eightloam41 +* u/embolicgondi29 +* u/episodiccowage +* u/evenlysettle +* u/evenport57 +* u/evercrash822 +* u/exposedbeggar66 +* u/extrememaillot60 +* u/facialsonatina61 +* u/faintlyplumb51 +* u/fairlypop10 +* u/fairlysentence +* u/feebletod +* u/feeblyanswer48 +* u/finicalemissary +* u/firmcrenel469 +* u/firstannotate30 +* u/flatlyclinch38 +* u/flemishloofa36 +* u/focallyquarter +* u/fondlychoke76 +* u/foreuprise +* u/forthidentify835 +* u/fourfoldbilk496 +* u/fourfoldbuzz32 +* u/freckledarachis +* u/freehandkoopmans872 +* u/frothilyrinse344 +* u/fundedsweetsop +* u/furtherdefat348 +* u/furthergive +* u/fussilybrain195 +* u/futilelydip99 +* u/gainlysurface276 +* u/garishlyshunt73 +* u/gaymother685 +* u/gettablepony +* u/glovedgutter67 +* u/goddammap10 +* u/grandlybeware131 +* u/grandlymiss +* u/gussetedcredits94 +* u/handilysamba285 +* u/handyedgar +* u/heartilytime52 +* u/heatedpopulism +* u/heavybumelia306 +* u/heavyburn +* u/helplesscoragyps72 +* u/hepfreudian903 +* u/hereevade55 +* u/hereofbend +* u/heretoreap82 +* u/hereuponendow +* u/hoarselypick +* u/hoarselyshed977 +* u/honestlyscamp +* u/honeyedprotocol30 +* u/hostilethames249 +* u/hourlyenclose20 +* u/hourlyinspect +* u/hypnoidperm +* u/ignitedpiano85 +* u/illsupple101 +* u/incankansan76 +* u/inferiorgrunt58 +* u/insanelyfox523 +* u/insidecatalyze +* u/instantpleione57 +* u/inwardlydung +* u/inwardlyferment71 +* u/israelihackwork +* u/itemcast63 +* u/itemsize55 +* u/jamaicanseine +* u/jointlyclench +* u/jointlyexecute38 +* u/justlyweather56 +* u/lamelyimmunize285 +* u/largouniform +* u/lastbag81 +* u/latewaive23 +* u/lawfulhuggins322 +* u/lemonyfennel971 +* u/lighthorizon167 +* u/lightlybunker223 +* u/lightmoroccan +* u/linearchapman +* u/livingspavin520 +* u/locallymark60 +* u/looselyorient90 +* u/looselystampede +* u/lupinequibble778 +* u/lustfulsnap +* u/lustilybelieve58 +* u/madlypromote432 +* u/mammaryhandout318 +* u/manuallybate +* u/manuallyintrude +* u/martianexposure555 +* u/massivefarmer89 +* u/matronlywarbler +* u/meanlymine25 +* u/mediallymaster +* u/meeklyprepare87 +* u/minorattack18 +* u/minorfugitive +* u/mistilylabel +* u/modernegoodenia430 +* u/moodynaproxen57 +* u/morenose901 +* u/moronicbottom267 +* u/muchshoot71 +* u/nativistdwarf79 +* u/neckedpetite82 +* u/nextfight793 +* u/noblylist515 +* u/noblyquarter42 +* u/nohowappoint39 +* u/nordicepirus293 +* u/notseine +* u/nowshame +* u/octalsconce60 +* u/oftenerscratch741 +* u/onopen665 +* u/onpick +* u/onsparkle22 +* u/opaquelytithe42 +* u/oralachaean20 +* u/osmoticvamp +* u/overmuchcopyread989 +* u/overseasplant874 +* u/overtlyadjure +* u/painlesssplat210 +* u/palatialagora35 +* u/palpablycreosote651 +* u/patmutiny465 +* u/pedalparka263 +* u/pensivepercale31 +* u/pentbareness424 +* u/phocinebrisbane37 +* u/planetalpotorous950 +* u/plasticchum207 +* u/plumbicgigabyte879 +* u/poltroonsuede19 +* u/poroseohio +* u/porouscrisis +* u/portablewarrigal +* u/portrescript626 +* u/possiblyyield66 +* u/postedzen42 +* u/primodrogheda +* u/properassault38 +* u/publiclyexplode781 +* u/puranicexegete +* u/queerlyfixate603 +* u/quitelodge +* u/radiocanape340 +* u/raggedlyscend462 +* u/ratherriddle830 +* u/refinedfirmness606 +* u/restlessmambo54 +* u/reversesaint340 +* u/rifledmatrix552 +* u/rightmanifest45 +* u/rubbishygravure777 +* u/sacreduma646 +* u/savingguernsey42 +* u/securelyloot50 +* u/seededmorgan253 +* u/sharptunnel +* u/shiftilyfish +* u/sinningvertebra +* u/sisterlytruffle +* u/slapdashrace78 +* u/slickanglican +* u/slidingtidiness894 +* u/slowlylog +* u/smoothlymisplay +* u/snugrussell +* u/solemnlyrender15 +* u/soundingcollect +* u/squarelyexhaust712 +* u/squarelyuse50 +* u/stagilymambo79 +* u/standardfootpad +* u/steadyfront +* u/stilldrape +* u/stingilypreform924 +* u/stormilyhalloo267 +* u/stupidlyframe46 +* u/suavelylie305 +* u/subsonicdraw +* u/sultrypride121 +* u/swiftlyreduce +* u/tacitlystrickle93 +* u/tandemremit91 +* u/tardivecapote37 +* u/temporaleast93 +* u/tenderdimple +* u/thematicurobilin219 +* u/thencelove634 +* u/therebywake836 +* u/thereinfilm477 +* u/thereoninitial +* u/theretoplan306 +* u/thicklydress968 +* u/thriceyoke79 +* u/tightlynetwork +* u/tiptoeabrogate719 +* u/tonicferry795 +* u/trueheartrot56 +* u/twicewater72 +* u/unablemyosotis44 +* u/unawaresdarn +* u/undernasalize557 +* u/undervamp870 +* u/unevenlydissolve50 +* u/unformedmusketry18 +* u/unkindlycomb +* u/unplacedstacker +* u/unrifledwindow998 +* u/unseededbootleg +* u/unsolvedhymen +* u/upstairssoak +* u/upstatecredit +* u/urgentlyfall +* u/validlyimport +* u/valuedcontact340 +* u/veinedvellum55 +* u/veryshunt638 +* u/visiblyfear158 +* u/vividlypeck +* u/wakingthurber294 +* u/wheeledluminary59 +* u/whollyrevoke +* u/wildlyprim64 +* u/wildsketch84 +* u/windwardcrash +* u/wittilywhisper +* u/workingsextet +* u/worsesalute350 +* u/yeaheat +* /u/zambianincision80 + +(Updated 2:15pm EST- Removed duplicates, normalized casing, sorted alphabetically) + +**Motivations and intentions (speculation)**: + +This attack's comments are "pro-monero", but there is no reasonable way to interpret this as helping monero. The monero community condemns this, reported it first, helped with stopping it, is under a github spam attack at the same time, and imo does not need any extra PR or recognition in crypto reddit. To myself and others, ever since the beginning this has looked like a false flag attack against monero. There are reports that one or more subs have been told the attack would stop if they ban fireice (head of a tiny aggressive competing project who has been attacking monero for years, associated with a previous spam attack the admins had to step in for) and zcash (another competing project who recently gave their sub to fireice). I'm not involved with any of these projects, but what I've seen as a redditor and mod does not seem like this is monero's interest or MO. It seems more likely that the attacker wants to get monero mentions banned from subreddits related to monero's target market (and based on mod feedback, it seems to be working but maybe only temporarily). None of this has hard evidence or is actionable, but is included as people have seemed curious about my thoughts on the attacker's motivations + +Previous Reports: + +* https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lke4he/manipulation_report_the_fun_space_group/ +* https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/d1qneb/crypto_reddit_manipulation_report_dream_network/ +I'm a crypto YouTuber, and content writer, but before you start throwing rocks at me and call me a shill, I teach people how to build and test cryptocurrency trading algorithms as a means of automating their trading strategies, or simply to experiment with algo trading in a safe, testing environment. + +Some of you may have seen my previous posts, where I open source entire projects and share them with the community if I feel like they could add value to you guys. I like doing it and it makes feel good that you guys appreciate the content so much. + +Because everything that I build is open source and available for everyone, the only way that I've been able to monetise my passion is by becoming a YouTube partner, and monetising my videos. + +I don't make a huge amount, but enough to keep me hopeful that one day, it will grow and actually make a difference. + +Here's a video I just made explaining the whole thing in more detail. I'm also using that video to raise awareness against the corrupted mess that is YouTube so if you feel like helping, feel free to share this video with other people who might not understand just how destructive these corporations are for the freedom of our Internet: [**https://youtu.be/VRJXvJnUWV8**](https://youtu.be/VRJXvJnUWV8) + +I've recently received an e-mail from Google telling me that my Adsense account has been cancelled. For those that don't know, without an adsense account, you can't get paid by YouTube. So while I'm still technically in the YouTube Partners Program, I will never be able to see any income from it. + +They haven't sent a warning, started in investigation, or asked me anything prior to that. This is literally all the information that they have given me: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sba6q2jv3xb81.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=882822e4b75bd9d9ec128a6bb63f393a91c916ce + +I have appealed this decision, and got back a dry response, saying that my adsense account will not be re-instated. + +I know I'm not the first, and sadly won't be the last crypto YouTuber to be cancelled by google without any prior explanation. + +I've spent hours reading their terms and conditions, and it doesn't seem that Google was ever in the right with this, making this a breach of contract. + +I was always for the idea of a decentralised internet and social media, but I never realised before how much we need it, and how valuable freedom and justice truly are as given by the blockchain and decentralisation. + +I hope that my experience has given you the extra fuel you needed to want to search for alternative decentralised solutions in favour of the established tech giants who don't care about anything but their own obscene profits. + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT:** + +**For those wanting to see proof of demonetisation and that there is no invalid traffic coming into my youtube channel:** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gt461bl0bxb81.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=f749caec3e9c4ecf7e61124f82f7887c714d6c8e + +And here are the analytics for the period that my monetisation started, showing no artificial or fraudulent traffic: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qg4owscgbxb81.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc86426b9765ae1b200de72fbb75a8f2af49a7af + +And here are more analytics explaining this traffic: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ojvf749mbxb81.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad79ef279207be857b1ff22081f1f10f3e19c967 +Hi all. I live in a pretty expensive city with my mom and little brother. Our roommate just moved out and I plan to take their room. They payed 700 a month and I have to pick up the slack. + +I earn around 7-8 hundred every two weeks working fast food 6-7 days a week for 30-38 hours. Overtime is not really in the question. + +I want to go back to school and go to college +To be a teacher (80k a year for my city) but I don’t know if I can keep working full-time hours (I’m technically part-time for my company) and go to community college. + +There is no way my mom can pick up the slack herself. any suggestions? +I just really fail to see how this is anything but a bull trap. + +My life savings in bboz and bbus is bleeding out at this rate, and I thought last week was a roller coaster. + +Or have i and everyone else still on the bear wagon just missed the bbus? + +Discuss. +Sorry for the novel. I talk too much when stressed. + +My spouse and I are attempting to buy our first home in the worst housing market ever seen in our area. Skyrocketing prices, houses are often on the market for a single day while raking in 20 or more offers over asking price. + +We have only been dual income for the last 12 months, having previously traded off getting degrees and working. But now we are saving more than half our income while living very comfortably and I've doubled my salary in two years. + +We have managed $75k in savings combined over the last year. We have set aside $30k (6 months in expenses now, 5ish months once we are in a house) as an emergency fund that I am very unwilling to dip into for a down payment, moving costs, or furnishings. I'm also very insistent that we keep our PITI and utilities at or under 2.5k, so we could afford it on one salary if we ever had to (although we have no plans to become single income and aren't going to have children). That leaves us with 35k for a 10% down payment and 10k for closing costs, moving, painting and some furniture. This means we are pretty maxxed at 350k tops for a house. We are now making 160k before taxes combined per year although we keep our finances separate. We both have excellent credit and our only debt is my recently acquired $12k car loan (my clunker exploded, bought a new entry level sedan). We are each putting 10%+ towards retirement. + +Houses prices are legitimately rising every week. It's a real concern that by the time we manage to get an offer actually accepted 350 will not longer be a realistic ceiling. + +My spouse and best friend say I'm being overly cautious and that I need to be comfortable dipping in to the emergency fund for more down payment money and paying more monthly for a house. They point out that I have some mental hangups related to some years in my late teens / early 20s when I didn't have a stable housing/food situation. Until a year ago I have always been one large unexpected cost from distaster. Spouse says we've made it and I need to stop living like the floor could fall out from under us at any moment. But it could. A bad medical diagnosis, a car wreck, an unexpected extended unemployment, these things happen. I've lived it. We are luckier than I ever dreamed of being to be where we are, especially in this difficult year, and I feel like it could evaporate in an instant if we aren't careful or if we are just unlucky. + +Am I being unreasonable not to budge on budget or would raising our budget be overextending ourselves? + +EDIT: I hope to respond to every single comment, but I do want to tell you all how grateful I am. You have all provided so much kind, supportive, well thought out perspectives and it has already given us several starting points for discussion and opportunities to compromise. Thank you for your support, kind words, and advice. + +EDIT 2: I promise I'll respond to everything after work! But to be transparent on the market I'm in Dallas. +For example, let's say I went ahead, and using videos [such](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ceeGSkD2qk) [as](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXmNoQPG4FA) [these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXQXV-mNyno) as a frame of reference, and simply copied a single one's portfolio breakdown, what risks would I be running? + +The obvious ones would be not understanding the stocks I'm buying and the strategy behind these stocks. + +Another downside is the potential price I'm buying these stocks at - I might not be getting a great deal on them. + +&#x200B; + +Are there any others, potentially related to dividends or expected earnings? Any general pros and cons? The appeal of this sort of strategy lies in its simplicity, but I'm wondering if it's the sort of strategy that isn't simple, but is simplistic instead. +Sorry if this is the wrong sub! + +The back fence is around 10 years old. Basic 6x6ft wooden panels and wooden posts. The posts probably have 5-10 years left as I have strengthen them with supports, top and bottom on my side. The panel battens are rotting in places and I have patched them up on my side too. + +They want to replace the whole fence with concrete posts and base, with new wooden panels, so it matches their side fences, so it “looks nice” + +I am on a budget (thanks to COVID) and have to repair than replace. I don’t care if it looks patchy in places. + +They want to replace and think I should pay half. Thanks to COVID, their 2 or 3 cruises (per annum) have been cancelled – so they have cash to burn. + +I have offered to repair and patch up their side. No reply. + +The joys of estate living! + +Any advice would be appreciated. +See how much crazier it is gone by now.Many here wanted to go for real estate investments. I did too, but looks to me not right time at this stage. + +The shack is selling at 1.5M and I do not wonder if it goes at premium price (Google, Facebook..and other tech hqtrs are nearby). + +https://www.redfin.com/CA/Mountain-View/59-Devonshire-Ave-94043/home/620844 + +Look at the pictures, home is selling for land value only ! +Looking around at other old meme stocks like (can't specify because of automod, but you know them)- I think HF know the only way they can survive is to pay a premium and cover other short positions first to get people to dump gme and fomo over to them. + +This theory/tactic has been mentioned since Jan multiple times and we are witnessing it in practice. They cannot cover GME. Even if HF lose 80% of their business to other short positions, they will stay in business. GME alone will bankrupt anyone involved. + +Buy and hold, look at our 5% gains vs 40% (which movie hit premarket at one point) as confirmation bias that they do not want gme to move higher!! + +End game confirmed. See ya on the moon. + + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I'm going to be right on the cusp of the Roth IRA income limit this year. I don't think I'll go over it, but we never know what our annual bonus will be until it's announced in December based on overalls company revenue. If the company ends up with a great year, I could be over by a few thousand. Next year I will likely be in the same boat. I've been making monthly Roth IRA contributions. Will it be a problem if I go over the income limit? If so, how do I handle it? +This is after paying bills and personal debts. I'll have about this much left after my budget and savings. After this contract job is finished at the end of December, I'm not sure where I'll be employed next, but my previous employer will likely accept me back, even though it's very low paying and barely pays my bills. + +Just looking for advice besides "save it". I'll be putting at least 1k into savings regardless. +Hi all, inherited some money in my teens that has doubled over the last ~7-8 years to just over 300k, this includes me having a Roth IRA (I need to start adding more to it consistently). Curious on thoughts as to whether it makes sense to pull anywhere up to 100k for a down payment on a home, or if I should keep the money invested and let it continue to grow. I currently pay about 46% of my take-home pay on rent and this should decrease to ~30% in a year or two based on expected raises. My thinking is that in buying a place I’ll be able to put more money into my Roth IRA and other investments on a regular basis due to the reduction in monthly costs. Thank you for you input! +[Parents Are Cutting Off Their Opioid-Addicted Kids — and It's the Toughest Decision of Their Lives](http://time.com/money/longform/parents-opioid-addiction-money-cost/) + +Some of you will likely ask why an article about addiction is posted in financial planning. Simple. Addiction can devastate a family financially. I know first hand. + +My wife and I are two of the four sets of parents interviewed for this Money Magazine article. Everyone reading likely knows somebody dealing with an addicted family member, close relative or friend. It's a disease that affects the whole family, not just the addict. + +We tell our stories to offer education and support to others in the throes of the addiction; to help them avoid the mistakes that many of us made. + +The article also offers resources to help parents and other family members get the support they need. If this helps one family avoid financial hardship due to addiction, it's well worth it to us. + +&#x200B; +Hi all, inherited some money in my teens that has doubled over the last ~7-8 years to just over 300k, this includes me having a Roth IRA (I need to start adding more to it consistently). Curious on thoughts as to whether it makes sense to pull anywhere up to 100k for a down payment on a home, or if I should keep the money invested and let it continue to grow. I currently pay about 46% of my take-home pay on rent and this should decrease to ~30% in a year or two based on expected raises. My thinking is that in buying a place I’ll be able to put more money into my Roth IRA and other investments on a regular basis due to the reduction in monthly costs. Thank you for you input! +Saving money for specific things/occasions is much easier for me when I can put cash into envelopes, and I’m wondering if there’s a trusted app one could use to do this instead of running to an ATM or using up envelopes. + +I tried doing this with my bank (B of A) and kept getting charged for not having a minimum amount in the savings account each month, so I’m trying to avoid that part, too. +I'm going to be right on the cusp of the Roth IRA income limit this year. I don't think I'll go over it, but we never know what our annual bonus will be until it's announced in December based on overalls company revenue. If the company ends up with a great year, I could be over by a few thousand. Next year I will likely be in the same boat. I've been making monthly Roth IRA contributions. Will it be a problem if I go over the income limit? If so, how do I handle it? +I imagine I'll be steered toward a "fee only" financial advisor. I also imagine those financial advisors give advice based on their opinions and there might be many on how to handle this situation. To be sure, we'll talk to someone in person, but I'd like to get a sense on what some of my better options might be. + +It sounds like the IRA place has changed his account into a beneficiary account. I've done some prelim research and it sounds like there'll likely be Required Minimum Distributions based on one of the following: + +* 5 year rule +* life expectancy of original owner (20~ years based on IRS chart) +* life expectancy of nonspouse beneficiary (40~ years based on IRS chart) + +We are in the 25% tax bracket (roughly $90k gross annually) + +So our original thought was to use this money to buy a house. My second thought was to use it as collateral to get a mortgage to buy a house and then use the distributions to pay the mortgage. So say for example we buy a $200k house (30 yr @ 4%) we're looking at payments of roughly $1k/mo. If we take annual distributions of $16k, we'll net enough to pay the monthly mortgage and hopefully the remaining balance of the IRA appreciates in value over the distribution time. + +Does that sound like a reasonably good plan? Do you have suggestions to the plan? General advice other than meeting with a fee-only financial planner (which we already plan to do)? + +Thanks for reading. +Both of my parents passed away this past year. I inherited my parents' stock portfolio, which as of today is worth about 450,000 dollars in total. + +I won't lie, my parents' deaths hit me pretty hard. I've had to take time off of work because I was getting panic attacks at work from the stress of dealing with the estate issues. I'm okay on savings for a little bit, but I would like to take advantage of the money in investments. Basically, I'm considering cashing out a chunk of the portfolio so that I can have some savings, emergency funds, and so that I can take care of some major life expenses that I'd been putting off for a while, like getting a new(er) car and taking care of some major dental work. + +Forgive me if I'm meandering here. I am very out of my depth when it comes to finances and investments, and honestly the whole estate experience has been very taxing and painful. I suppose that what I'm really concerned about regarding cashing out a chunk of the portfolio is taxes. How much would I have to pay if I decided to cash them out? + +Thanks for any advice you guys could throw my way. Please be nice. Like I said, I'm a bit overwhelmed and could use some friendly guidance. +Hi there, anyone here is using salary sacrifice to lease a car? I have found myself paying 40% in taxes for the salary sacrifice I don't use and I think I am going to maximize the allowance. I put a good chunk onto the pension so in order to reduce more the payment to the government, I thought on getting one of these cars to drive something worth. Essentially I am looking for opinions if possible. The company I work for is offering this opportunity and I think perhaps is a good idea. + +For background, I don't care too much about cars, I just want to pay less taxes and drive something comfortably whilst feeling save on the road. I have never bought a new car, my actual one is worth £800 and has been worth any pound I paid on it (£2000 5 years ago). +Visa: + +Visa has already deployed its first Smart Contracts on the Ethereum testnet, owns CryptoPunk NFTs and plans to build a layer 2 network ontop of Ethereum for stablecoins and central bank currencies + +Reddit (official partner of the Ethereum Foundation): + +Is using experiemental community points (Bricks and Moons) to reward the community with crypto tokens on the Ethereum blockchain (this idea of rewarding people on social networks was already predicted by Vitalik Buterin years ago) + +Twitter: + +Plans to offer profile picture NFTs hosted on Ethereums blockchain for its whole 300 million active user base + +Tiktok: + +Now beginning to explore Ethereum, beginning with NFT collections + +JP Morgan: + +Is exploring Ethereum for a longer time, has already launched internally a "digital U.S. dollar" on Ethereum +https://i.imgur.com/jsUne8H.png + + +May 31, 2022 + +The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. v. GameStop Corporation +Order Approving VAC Magistrate Consent + +ORDER Approving Magistrate Consent submitted by parties. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Christopher J. Burke. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 5/31/2022. (etg) + +--- + +I don't have a Law360 Subscription - free trial expired - but if anyone does please share the text of the story here. + +--- + +Some links about the newly-assigned judge: Christopher J. Burke: + +- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_J._Burke +- https://www.pli.edu/faculty/hon.-christopher-j.-burke-i1317020 +- https://ballotpedia.org/Christopher_J._Burke + +### Opinions +Click on `Opinions` on this page and follow the link to read some of his previous judicial opinions: https://www.ded.uscourts.gov/judge/magistrate-judge-christopher-j-burke + +Maybe some law Apes can chime in if they know more about Burke, prior cases, etc. +The company I work for is private but offers its employees the option to buy shares every year. The total amount of shares employees can buy is equal to 15% of the company. The remaining 85% is equally split between 3 families. There is only one time a year where employees have the option to buy or sell the shares. + +Shares were first offered in 2002 and have returned on average 24% per year, even staying above 16% during the recession. The company is in the food industry, hence the reasonably stable returns. However, shares returned 11.5 percent this year. + +Is there anything I should be aware of before buying these shares? + +Share return: + +[https://imgur.com/ISYMhd3](https://imgur.com/ISYMhd3) + +Wednesday I resigned. + +Thursday I received my direct deposit pay check from the LAST pay period. The pay period ended that past Sunday. + +Friday I check my account and the direct deposit had been "reversed" and removed from my account. + +Can't talk to anyone since it's the weekend. It was for hours I had already worked. I was absolutely relying on it to get me through this. From my perspective, they stole my money. + +What can I do about this? How do I get my money back? + +I plan on going down to human resources Monday to essentially say WTF. If they refuse to do anything, what agency do I report this to? + +I'm in New Jersey + +UPDATE: + +Met with folks from HR and they were very helpful. We took a trip down to the finance office who were less helpful. + +They reversed my check to cut a paper check of about half what I normally make. Their rationale was that I resigned two days prior to the end of my work week, and therefore am not entitled to full pay. They also don't count the day I resigned as a work day....even though I worked that day and resigned after my shift. + +I told them to the money they took was from last pay period, and not the current one. Finance officer just sorta threw up her hand going "don't know what to tell you." + +I can't thank the Reddit community enough for giving me Sound Advice during this stressful time. + + I think my next will be to get all my documentation together and file a complaint with the State Department of Labor and wage Commission. +Hi, + +I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for from this sub but it's the first one I've found that might be able to help me. + +I'm 26, live in a cheap area of Yorkshire and bought my own house 2 years ago. I scrimped and saved for my deposit. Coming from a family where we were renting, homeless, in council houses all my childhood, I wanted to own my own house as soon as I can. + +Strangely, my mum helped me a lot with big purchases such as fridge freezer, sofa, bed etc which was weird because she's never had money. She then decided to tell me about a year ago that she'd taken out credit cards, catalogue accounts and loans in my name since I was 18. She told me then because I 'had my own house so can deal with other debts'. She refused to pay them anymore. + +Long story short, I reported her to the police but after their investigations, she wasn't charged. It's worth noting that she worked for the police so probably knew what she was doing when committing fraud. I rang all the accounts, all but one said I needed to make the payments. + +I have no choice at the time but to enter an IVA. The debts were for £27,000 in total. I am now a year into my IVA and really really struggling. I can't sell my house as the money from the sale won't cover the debt, so I have to keep it as an asset. I have no car, no possessions to sell as I have already done this. I have had to borrow money from other family members to cover when my wage has been short, when I've had unexpected expenses. I owe my family £1284 and they want it back as soon as possible. + +I have attempted suicide twice over the past year to get out of this situation. I am now in counselling but I can't see a way out of my situation. I just want to pay my family back to get that away from looming over my head. My brother who I owe £400 is threatening me because he needs it back. I don't know what to do or where to turn. + +I've tried applying for grants, or any other funds I can find but as a full time worker with no benefits, I'm not eligible for most of them. I've got a better paid job but then my IVA payments increase. + +I don't have a coat for the winter, I have showers at work, I use their washing machine for my work clothes but everything else I hand wash in cold water because I can't afford a washing machine. I've had to re-home my dog. My work offers free fruit, sometimes that's all I eat in a day. I have stolen sanitary towels and deodorant from a supermarket before. I'm getting desperate. + +Does anyone have any advice on how I can raise £1300 to pay these debts back? This is my last chance to sort something out. + +EDIT: removed due to admin request +I’d love some more brains on this. There appears to be a lot of moving pieces and I’m not quite sure if they are related, interconnected, or if they are just individual bites of news. For full disclosure, I own 0.64 xFUND and I’m trying to figure out if this could be a bigger play or if it’s just a grab-n-go, profit-type project for me. Thing is: The project’s products I’m not very educated about (Oracles, NFTs and how they work, stuff like that) so I was hoping for discussion / corrections from people that know a bit more. + +Project Looks Unique + +So, the contract that runs the xFUND ERC20 token appears to be unique and legitimate. It’s not just a quick copy of some Baby Inu Cum Porn coin (That’s a sentence I didn’t think I would ever write): https://tokensniffer.com/token/0x892a6f9df0147e5f079b0993f486f9aca3c87881. + +In addition, they also have the FUND native coin which appears to be unique as well: https://explorer.unification.io/ + +Connection to ChainLink or Competitors? + +xFUND aims to compete with LINK. If it tickles your fancy, they will DESTROY, KILL, AND/OR ANNIHILATE ChainLink, but in my opinion, all they need to do is become competitive in the space to hold their own (don’t tell that to the xFUND Rangers; they’ll go apeshit lol). There’s room for more than one car manufacturer—same idea in this industry. + +At the very least, the CEO of xFUND (Neyma Jahan) is respected to the same degree on technical understanding as Chainlink’s CEO (Sergey Nazarov) because they conducted a few discussion panels together: https://medium.com/@bitsclubPCTA/blockchain-technology-innovation-and-policy-reform-presented-by-the-public-chain-technology-f2039134e513 (the second image is the two CEOs). And here he is at the Blockchain Summit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5CvX6xDclY . Here he is quoted on Forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrynpollock/2019/04/26/brazilian-medical-records-getting-blockchain-boost-may-be-the-route-to-digital-identity-adoption/?sh=74c664a17b86 + +Point is: Neyma is doxxed, respected in the industry, and seems to be in some of the “inner circles” or networks of some big-name projects. + +Availability & Supply + +xFUND is only available on DEXs right now, not on any big exchanges like Binance or Coinbase. It’s on Uniswap and ShibaSwap (I’ll get to ShibaSwap in a moment). It has decent volume and plenty of liquidity (lots of trades and enough available for buys/sells that a $500 buy doesn’t move the price some ridiculously large amount like 25%). + +Token Supply Breakdown + +7100 Circulating Supply + +8880 Max Supply + +Max Supply will be reached in July 2022 + +Fair Launch + +It appears to be a fair distribution. Every day, 12 xFUND is emitted to the FUND validator nodes randomly here: https://xfund.unification.io/. The supply rate goes through a halving event kind of like BTC: https://medium.com/unificationfoundation/xfund-to-reduce-emissions-and-establish-final-market-supply-of-8880-45c9b1e26ef4 . It started at 24 per day and was just recently reduced to 12. In October, it’ll be reduced again to 6 per day. + +On top of that, xFUND team provides staking rewards for straight staking of xFUND as well as LP staking, so the distribution gets further spread among holders. The top wallets are staking wallets, all the others are reasonably positioned: + +https://etherscan.io/token/0x892A6f9dF0147e5f079b0993F486F9acA3c87881#balances +Hi theta gangers + +"Are the returns from theta over the last year consistent with the last ten?" + +I started investigating five years ago in my late 20s, beginning with dull as dishwater funds, slowly expanding over the years into ETFs, a smattering of cyrpto, US/European shares and finally, into options in July last year. + +Across the board I'm happy with how things are going, I'm still in the learning phase and making the occasional whopper of an error (like selling a naked put on GME, panicking and BTC 30 min later at $1500 loss). No more meme stocks for me. But broadly I've returned 2% per month across my portfolio over the last 12 months (of which theta strategies account for 25% of capital). + +For the last six months as I've seen my options account maintain a positive trajectory (albeit volatile), the same question due to lack of experience has been, "am I a profitable long term options trader, or am I just riding the wave post COVID crash" + +So, for those with long term theta trading experience, how has the last year compared to the last five or ten? Are the theta returns over the last 12 months consistent with history, or have I been making hay while the sun shone? + +Thanks for any advice! +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bhyjf1o82an71.jpg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ecde1280f5ba73d44090e155aea5507025c087 + +So I'm doing wheels and PMCC and I've been slowly migrating to mostly PMCC because everyone's talking about "correction" and I think LEAPS are better than shares for, say, a 20% dip because they might still be ITM and if not they'll still be close. First, am I just stupid for thinking that? Second, should I be thinking about anything other than "keep selling covered calls"? +I'm considering applying for Portfolio Margin (Fidelity). I have \~500k portfolio, focused on Covered Strangles strategy. Tech, FinTech/Banks, Consumer stocks. Mix of TastyTrade DTE 30-45 days, and weeklys. I use \~25% buying power. + +Having PM will allow me to flex up to 50-70% BP more comfortably from time to time. + +Any advice / strategies from folks using PM? Thanks! + +edit: clarify opening BP use to 50% Reg T (on occasion). But more comfortable doing that with PM, where 50% RegT equivalent I suppose is less. More breathing room. +So first and foremost, I'm not asking for a "what should I do?" Style answer, **I'm actually hoping for a discussion on what some strategies could be when a thesis is realized so early into a LEAPS option**, because the scenario is so different than what I was expecting, I'm not sure if a more seasoned trader would alter the game plan? Or stick to the original thesis no matter what new information comes up, and I should just use this new info to help devise the NEXT plan? That said... + + +I bought 2 $F leaps in June, 01/2023 @ 12, then bought a third in Sept as value had dropped by 50%. Now I'm up 150% on the Sept buy. + +So, I've been reading a lot of "if you need to ask now, sell cuz you clearly didn't have an exit strategy". Well, my strategy was 100%, and I'm there now on one of them but my original time horizon was 12-18 months so I could sell CC and collect some extra premium to stash in a Vaca fund to surprise the SO, So I'm 5 months early. + +I don't know if straight up selling makes sense any more which was my original exit strategy. Sell 2 and let #3 ride? Roll 1/all of them up to capture more delta ramp/lock in some gains (assuming a bullish outlook)? + +Last note: currently selling near ATM CCs and wouldn't be upset if they got called away, but is there perhaps a better way to capitalize on the current state? +What would you guys do, I can lower until 86 an get around .72 credit but I don’t wanna roll and miss not getting assigned what are your toughs ? +Edit +I just read that Amazon is starting dividends so I’m probably just gonna let it assigned +I am not a meme stock trader. Memes are not a market sector. GameStop is a technology company. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a teacher. I contribute to the education of others. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a doctor. I studied my whole life to heal others. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a mechanic. I fix and build vehicles so others can get to work the next day. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a service member. I seek to defend others' freedoms. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a public servant. I swore to protect my community. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am an Ape. I stand to oppose propagandists and financial criminals who seek to infringe on the freedoms and rights of citizens globally. Manipulation of the global financial system is an act against human rights entitled to all (UN Article 23.3) + +Fuck you. Pay me. + +💎✊🏾🚀🌕🦍🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ +Does anyone know why? + +What do you reckon the future of the company is? + +[https://www.google.com/search?q=afterpay+share+price&rlz=1C1RXQR\_en-GBAU928AU929&oq=afterpay+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0i131i433j0i433l2j0i131i433j0i433j0i131i433j0i433l2.4020j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=afterpay+share+price&rlz=1C1RXQR_en-GBAU928AU929&oq=afterpay+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0i131i433j0i433l2j0i131i433j0i433j0i131i433j0i433l2.4020j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) +This trade was my personal best so far. + +https://preview.redd.it/1p0mavgdiko51.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce4d84f3e238772df177635cde584619e96df1d1 +I feel I already know the answer to this but I guess looking for other perspectives. + +Early 40s, currently an FTE in government IT role, earning about 120k/yr. As with all tech sector roles the private sector rates have exploded especially on contract. Contract offers around 350k are popping up and I’m very tempted to jump ship and take one. + +I guess I’m looking for reasons against doing this. I was contract for many years previously but have been in the govvie FTE cocoon for 4 yrs now. + +Post tax without any tax structures it would be more than 2.5x current income. I always take at least a month off every year but that isn’t really much of a dent at those rates. +A financial influencer had a go at me about why the cost of of financial advice is so high and why there isn't a lower cost alternative. + +I walked the influencer through a simplified model of a small firm and solo operator. I've added more detail for this post. I also said that anyone looking to switch has both opportunity cost and risk of launching a business. Hence, the solo operator figures. + +I did have to cover non-compete agreements and moonlighting under duel roles is frowned upon. As well as the compliance issues it creates for dealer groups. + +Basically, there is great difficulty when someone leaves a secure role on between $100k-140k to launch a start up, especially when considering life staged, capital required and the economy at the moment. + +The example below shows the cost structure, profit margins, revenue targets and client services metrics in an ideal situation. It also addresses the issues of fixed fee vs percentage based fees, along with the number of clients a firm can service. + +The table below contains the cost structure of a 3 person silo and a single operator under a dealer group model who internalises their workloads (advice production). The purpose is for a comparison. + +While it's possible to save money in some areas, they tend to average out. For example, salaries might range from $320k down to $240k depending on the skill, experience and qualifications of the people in the firm. However, they might not have the same level of production output. + +As a side note, due to the remediation work thats been taking place over the last 5 years, talent has been sucked out of advice and into compliance roles which has increased the salaries and reduced the supply of qualified employees. These figures could be verified on Seek. + +The totals at the bottom are the expenses only, $501,500 & $217,000 p.a. + +Most professional services firms have an operating profit margin of between 25% - 40%, which would set the revenue target at between $625,000 & $700,000. + +There is nuance to this point but in summary all business need capital to start and investors would expect to generate a Return on Equity (ROE) that is higher than a liquid diversified portfolio i.e. the stock markets 7-8% p.a. So, it makes sense than someone would say the risk premium, and liquidity premium for investing in a small business is worth 10% each (20% total) at an absolute minimum. + +**Fixed fee vs a percentage based fee** + +The method of how you get there is a sticking point. Fixed fee vs a percentage based fee. I've seen both models work well, and both perform poorly. + +The better firms tend to match the fee structure with the clients goals, preferences, risk profile, product and portfolio. Meaning that the firm becomes indifferent and offers both options. It's a nuanced point. + +Assuming a fixed fee model, then $700,000 is divided by the number of clients a firm can service in a year. Assuming 100 clients, that's an average fee of $7,000 per client. + +Assuming a percentage based model of 1% p.a. $700,000 is divided by 1% to determine the level of funds under management (FUM) so about $70m for revenue, or $50m for costs. An interesting point on this goes back to risk management, the better firms tend to manage the risk in a clients portfolio better because of the relationship between profit targets and their revenues. Terrible firms don't have the same robust risk management frameworks and when markets fall, they feel it. + +**Where do insurance commissions come in?** + +Fair disclosure, the figures above don't factor in insurance yet. In the last few years insurance commissions payments have dropped from 130% upfront down to 66% and ongoing commissions have also fallen due to regulatory changes. So if an insurance premium is $2,000 for life cover, then the commission would be $1,320 ($2,000 x .66). + +At face value it is easer to assume a commission figure like $100,000 p.a. split between 50% upfront and 50% ongoing. Mainly because of how the composition of firms client base can impact the necessary levels of cover and premiums. Let's make a few assumptions to see that commission rates are 66% upfront and 20% ongoing. + +Upfront commissions: $50,000 / .66 = $76,000 in gross premiums, but that's split across 30 clients over a 12 month period. Which means that on average 30 clients pay $2,500 to have Life, TPD, Trauma, IP. + +Ongoing commission: $50,000 / .20 = $250,000 in gross premiums, but it's split over 60 clients, or $4,100 in premiums per client. + +Commissions can create a misaligned incentive structure where people are advised to take out excessive insurance, the wrong types or unnecessary cover. There are rules at dealer groups to stop churning, like 're-brokering' a policy inside 3 years, it normally triggers a manual review and some form of vetting, audit or compliance check. + +**How many clients can a firm service in a year?** + +To charge a fee for personal advice, you must produce a legal document called a Statement ofAdvice (SOA). It can run up to 100 pages in length and takes about 20 hours to produce, give or take. Add to that the marketing, meetings, notes and SOA presentation meeting and implementation that go into it, the whole process can take about 40 hours. + +The amount of time required can be debated a little, but not much, it really does take that long. + +**How many hours are there in a year?** + +Working the standard 38 hour week, thats about 1,900 hours, take out holiday, sick leave, education (CPD) and a little bit of slippage and your at about 1,700 hours p.a.. In a team of three, thats 5,100 hour in total. + +5,100 / 40 hours = 127 clients. + +Taking a grain of salt with this, a firm can service between 100-120 clients p.a. at full capacity and still operate within the law. + +What is the average fee a firm would need to charge across 120 clients to meet their $700k revenue target? + +About $5,800 ($700,000 / 120) or $7,000 ($700,000 / 100) + +**Adjusting the figures** + +Some firms are ruthless with cost cutting and driving efficiency, so they may only have $450,000 in expenses. + +Some firms might only have $600k in revenue, but it's made up of $100k in commissions, $300k fixed fee and $200k in percentage fees. They might have 80 clients or they might have 120 clients. Meaning they might have spare capacity to take on new clients. + +Links + +* AFR - [https://www.afr.com/companies/financial-services/100-000-quit-financial-advice-as-fees-jump-another-8pc-20220418-p5ae5t](https://www.afr.com/companies/financial-services/100-000-quit-financial-advice-as-fees-jump-another-8pc-20220418-p5ae5t) +* ABC - [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-27/strict-regulations-and-high-fees-turning-customers/13856384?utm\_source=abc\_news\_web&utm\_medium=content\_shared&utm\_campaign=abc\_news\_web&fbclid=IwAR13S8fOcQBfK1LZXwPcZJ9-oQ1vaWtL8cKNZxPOJ4rZv-maocfZcRdH1bM](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-27/strict-regulations-and-high-fees-turning-customers/13856384?utm_source=abc_news_web&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_web&fbclid=IwAR13S8fOcQBfK1LZXwPcZJ9-oQ1vaWtL8cKNZxPOJ4rZv-maocfZcRdH1bM) +* Adviser Ratings - [https://www.adviserratings.com.au/news/the-changing-face-of-the-australian-adviser-and-their-clients/](https://www.adviserratings.com.au/news/the-changing-face-of-the-australian-adviser-and-their-clients/) + +&#x200B; + +|Licensing costs|Amount (3 person team)|Amount (Solo Operator)| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Authorised Rep Status (Adviser)|$25,000|$25,000| +|Authorised Rep Status (Associate)|$12,000|| +|Insurance (2% of revenue ($700k x 2%))|$14,000|$5,000| +|Software Packages ($7k x 2)|$14,000|$7,000| +|||| +|Salaries (Incl. Super)||| +|Financial Adviser|$140,000|$140,000| +|Associate Adviser / Paraplanner|$110,000|| +|Client Service Manager|$66,000|| +|||| +|Fixed Costs||| +|Office Space ($450 p.a. x 150 sqm)|$67,500|$15,000| +|Office Equ. (IT, Website, Hardware, Stationary)|$30,000|$5,000| +|Marketing / Advertising|$20,000|$20,000| +|||| +|Total|$501,500|$217,000| + +&#x200B; +So I gave my SS# in the application. They ran a credit check and everything came out fine. + +Today they hit me with a question " why was your SS# was issued in 2007?" + +&#x200B; + +I'm partially offended/worried why they asked me this. I rented in 4 different apartment complex, have never been asked this. I have nothing to hide, but I'm trying to find what my SS issue date have anything to do with application process? + +&#x200B; + + Is it something that they actually require or are they perhaps discriminating against me? +Wells Fargo has been stealing from its customers for years! Surprise Surprise...NOT + +Most banks have been stealing from customers and the data is intense, the fines alone near the total market cap for cryptocurrency. If those are the fines guess how much actual money left to never be replaced again.... Pretty sad if you would ask me. + +&#x200B; + +We all know these banking institutions do not give a crap about us they will do whats best for their own needs and when they get caught they pay a small portion compared to what they truly captured for themselves. What I find most intriguing is that the public hear about it and then life moves on. + +&#x200B; + +To me this is why we need Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. We need it to keep things transparent and stop the big bankers from ruining innocent peoples lives for their own gain. All I want to do is educate the masses so they see the truth not what the media is showing! + +&#x200B; + +What do you all think we should do? Will bitcoin be the solution to the problems we currently face? + +Lets get a discussion about this going because I think there is a lot that we can explore via intellectual conversation about this topic! + +&#x200B; + +Joel Kovshoff + +&#x200B; + +Sources: + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/28/wells-fargo-to-pay-at-least-500-million-in-settlement-with-us-states.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/28/wells-fargo-to-pay-at-least-500-million-in-settlement-with-us-states.html) + +[https://www.ccn.com/wells-fargo-says-bitcoin-too-risky-for-clients-pays-575-million-fine-for-scamming-them/](https://www.ccn.com/wells-fargo-says-bitcoin-too-risky-for-clients-pays-575-million-fine-for-scamming-them/) + +[https://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/wells-fargo-ripping-off-people.html/](https://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/wells-fargo-ripping-off-people.html/) + +[https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2018/12/28/miss-collect-2-5-wells-fargo-consumer-laws-violations/2432192002/](https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2018/12/28/miss-collect-2-5-wells-fargo-consumer-laws-violations/2432192002/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +I'm hitting the half-million mark at age 38 with my paycheck today. I haven't done the math but I estimate that 75% of this accumulated in the past 4-5 years. + +How has your wealth grown over the years? How did this correspond to your expectations and what were your biggest surprises along the way? What did you do right and what could you have done differently? +This is a pretty lengthy analysis of the current state of American Retirement Savings. It's interesting to see the contrast between the numbers cited on this subreddit compared to the median retirement savings in this country. + +&nbsp;&nbsp; +"The median family between the ages of 32 and 61 has only $5,000 saved in a retirement account..." + +&nbsp;&nbsp; +"The report’s interactive, embeddable charts break down the growth in retirement inequality by income, race, ethnicity, education, gender, and marital status, showing that: + +* Nearly half of all working-age families have zero retirement savings. + +* Almost nine in 10 families in the top income fifth have savings in retirement accounts, compared to fewer than one in 10 families in the bottom income fifth. + +* Only 41 percent of black families and 26 percent of Hispanic families have retirement account savings, compared with 65 percent of white non-Hispanic families. + +* Only married couples are more likely than not to have retirement account savings." + +&nbsp;&nbsp; +[Press Release for the study findings](http://www.epi.org/press/401ks-have-left-the-overwhelming-majority-of-americans-unprepared-for-retirement-32-charts-show-how-the-retirement-system-has-exacerbated-inequality/) + +&nbsp;&nbsp; +[Detailed study findings](http://www.epi.org/publication/retirement-in-america/) +I bought a home two years at the age of 24(yay). Unfortunately I stretched my credit to the limit to afford it and have been struggling to keep above water ever since. My mortgage is 1,700 a month, which is more than I can afford without extreme budget management(I know, not smart). The last two years I've always had multiple renters offsetting my costs by renting rooms but with the pandemic I've lost much of that income by letting my parents occupy rooms for free and by having renters lose income from the pandemic. I am routinely working 20 to 30 hours of overtime at my job to keep above water and I'm tired of it. I want a much better work life balance, so I need to change the situation. I'm a new homeowner though and I'm not sure what my options are. I don't know if I should look to sell, move out myself and my parents to get more renters, or if I should just refinance. I would appreciate any advice. + +Edit to address common questions: My parents don't pay rent because they have been severely affected by the pandemic. They do contribute in buying groceries, taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, dog watching, etc. but while this is appreciated it does not equate to the income that a renter would bring. I am not going to defend the decision to house my parents in the middle of a pandemic, if you can't understand that decision, no words I say could make you understand. Yes I understand that kicking my parents out is the simplist solution, no I'm probably not going to do that. +I live in an area with a ridiculous market (Tacoma WA) and I am interested in getting a rental property. Would you recommend purchasing a home out of state and having a property manager do all the legwork? +Hello All, + +Currently, I have available to purchase about 40 acres of land in a high population area. The only thing is that it is an interstate right of way. I could purchase this land for around 4,000 dollars. Is there any way to make money off of this? Like selling it to neighboring parcels to increase the value of their land or anything? I looked into billboards but it seems that would not work. The land is marked as worthless. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks. +I bought my first flip in 2021. It took me a while to find a contractor in this competitive market, but I finally found one who shares my vision. He understands this is my first flip and cash is tight so he is giving me discounted labor and helping me get the best deals on the outsourced labor as well. Since we started on this house we have been talking about expanding into doing multiple flips at a time. + +In BiggerPockets episode 546, Noah and Jeff mentioned they teamed up with a contractor who hired a team to only work on their flips. I mentioned this to my contractor and he seems interested in this approach. That way he can still focus on his other jobs but we will always have a team available to work on our flips as well. + +This gets me to the main question: how should we divide up the cost and profits? A few ideas I had: + +1) I pay for the upfront cost of the house, he covers all the labor, we split materials and we split gross profits. + +2) I pay for the upfront cost of the house, we split all labor and material cost, we divide net profits 60% me, 40% him. + +These are just ideas. I really just want to offer him a deal that is fair and makes sense for both of us. I’m sure many of you already have an arrangement with your contractor so any input or advice would be great. Thanks in advance +Does anyone own and rent out a lake cabin on owned land? Does it give a decent return on investment, does it need to be close or is 5 hours doable? I have $50,000 - $60,000 liquid and the property is less than $100,000 but would need about 15,000 in rehab to be the way I would want it. Anyone have any advice? I would want to rent it out as a short term rental. I also ask how to know how to price it? Thanks for any and all advice you pros can provide! +My carpenter is kind of acting like a GC in that he’s finding the subs (which I could not) and running the contract through himself. But he’s a little lax on the management and if something wasn’t included in the quote it’s always my problem. He says that he’s not taking a cut and behaves like he’s doing me a favor, in which case this makes sense. Otherwise it leaves me wondering why he’s not working harder to ensure quality work. +I will be renting my house to a family with preschoolers (3-5 years old) and have twofold concerns: (1) I may be sued if the children get hurt in my house (the house has lots of stairs, balconies and railings) and (2) the children may cause a lot of damage throughout the house. How can I protect myself as the landlord? I'm hoping there is language or riders I can include in the lease agreement. This is in New York. Thanks for your input. +Curious as to how most fatFIRE folks here (both "I'm there" and "I'm nearing it") would be feeling if we see a 30-40% stock market drop? Or equiv real estate drop...or crypto drop, etc. Are you diversified enough to take the hit and still feel comfortable? + +Asking because I see a fair amount of comments here with relatively aggressive plays / investments. Examples: Crypto...funding own biz with decent amount of $ when they haven't done it before...looking at hedge funds...looking at private equity. + +Since now fatFIRE I've recognized, due to a couple of hits we've taken (tech stocks a while ago; followed by a significantly underperforming hedge fund), that for me I'm much more comfortable protecting what I've got. + +Yes, grow it somewhat reasonably, but by god protect it so I never have a chance of losing enough that I'm forced to work (versus currently working some because I enjoy it). + +Thoughts? +\[Throwaway account\] + +I am a junior partner (early 30s) at a rapidly growing fund with mid single digit carry in our most recent \~$600m vehicle. If we continue to perform like our last 3 funds (>3x MOIC), that carry could be worth upwards of \~$15m but certainly does not feel like it is real. + +Given how lumpy / unpredictable it can be, how do you view carry in your overall financial plan? + +I've seen everything from assuming a 2.5x-3.0x return on a fully invested fund over \~5 years to ignoring it until it is realized. +Thanks to an earlier post today from /u/FIREful_symmetry/, I thought I might add our experiences with dealing with the death of a loved one. This topic is important for you to address with your elders and doubly important if you don't want to leave an eff'n mess for your kids. + +1) My wife had Power of Atty for her mom. This expired immediately upon her death... and the only original copy of her will was in a safe deposit box. That took an audit with the bank and a MONTH to resolve. Make sure your executor has an ORIGINAL, NOTORIZED copy of your will. + +2) Beneficiaries, as FIREful mentioned, are OUTSIDE of the estate. Make sure these are correct. + +3) GET YOUR POWER OF ATTY AND HEALTHCARE POWER OF ATTY IN PLACE. My dad didn't have the healthcare power in place, but he was in such bad shape the hospital was glad to have anyone say "I'll be the responsible party". If anyone could have shown up to challenge my decisions it could have been even worse that it was (and making life/death decisions for a parent you love is awful enough). + +4) Speaking of which: Living Will. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL YOU HOLD DEAR: put your end-of-life wishes in writing. Don't leave your child to make life and death decisions for you based on what they \*think\* you want. Trust me... it's awful. (Note to Dad: Hope I did right by you! Miss you!) + +5) Finances, accounts, passwords. DON'T make someone try to figure out where everything is. Make an end-of-life document that you update yearly to let your executor know everything they need to know. If you have a password manager, put the master password in your safe/safe deposit box/etc so your executor can get to everything. If you put it in a personal safe, make sure your executor knows the code or at least gift them a seriously large DRILL. + +That's the top of my list... please add to it in the comments! +**Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB: RXMD)** + +Progressive Care Inc, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, is a Florida technology and health services organization that provides prescription pharmaceuticals, compounded medications, tele-pharmacy services, anti-retroviral medications, medication therapy management, the supply of prescription medications to long term care facilities, 340B services to charitable organizations, and health practice risk management. + +**Subsidiares** + +**PharmCo** \- PharmCo provides contracted pharmacy services for 340B Covered Entities under the 340B Drug Discount Pricing Program (a $29.9 billion market in 2019). PharmCo filled more than 530,000 prescriptions in 2020, compared to 323,000 in the nine months ended September 30 2019. + +In addition to fulfilling prescriptions, PharmCo operate a proprietary tele-pharmacy software service called Tele-PharmCo. This multi-platform technology software facilitates two-way video conferencing between patients, healthcare professionals, and PharmCo’s team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians through a secure video interface. Tele-PharmCo allows patients and their care providers to connect and interact with licensed pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in real-time and speak directly about medications, prescription refills, adverse reactions, and other concerns. PharmCo established this in **2018.** Three years ago! I'm sure most have witnessed the explosive growth of the likes of Teladoc in the past few months. Well, the leadership at Progressive Care saw this opportunity coming years ago and it undoubtedly helped them through the Covid-19 pandemic where in-person consultations will have decreased. That is how forward thinking this leadership team is. You can see how Tele-PharmCo works [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzlH1N12_Wo). + +&#x200B; + +**ClearMetrX** \- ClearMetrX launched in 2020 and is a wholly-owned data management company with services designed to support health care organizations across the country. It uses AI to help physicians make informed decisions in the medication therapy management process. Through ClearMetrX, the Company has increased its third party administrative and data management fees to over $700,000 in 2020. These fees have gross margins significantly greater than those generated from their pharmacy operations. At the end of the first quarter of 2021, they expect the ClearMetrX digital platform will be fully operational, which will allow them to expand their third-party administration services to 340B covered entities nationwide. + +**Partnerships** + +**DeliverSTAT** \- In September 2020, the company entered into a partnership with DeliverSTAT, a provider of an all-in-one pharmacy delivery logistics solution. The new platform will allow PharmcoRx to compete and possibly partner in the future with pharmacy delivery apps such as Capsule, PillPack, NimbleRx and UberHealth in terms of functionality and technology. The platform connects directly with the pharmacy to help manage the prescription delivery process from end to end, reducing overhead, simplifying operations, and improving both patient and physician satisfaction. + +**EagleForce Health, LLC** \- In February 2021, the company entered into a service agreement with EagleForce Health, LLC to integrate its proprietary telehealth platform, called “myVax”, and develop a platform for the Company’s Digital Passport for COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Results. This is expected to be operational in the second quarter of 2021, and that it will include complete patient scheduling, telehealth, and tele-pharmacy platform services. The platform will manage an individual’s COVID-19 Vaccine and Test Journey documenting all transitions, including healthcare appointments, billing, and telehealth services. This will also include a Digital Passport or Digital Wallet that is QR-coded for registration, verification, and documentation of COVID-19 vaccination and/or test results. + +**Financials (2020)** + +$40.6m revenue for FY2020 (23% YOY growth)$9.9m assets (16% YOY growth)$1.6m cash on hand (52% YOY growth)$12m liabilities which are comfortably being paid down due to stable cash levels and reduction of overheads. + +|Financial Year|2015|2016|2017|2018|2019|2020| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Revenue|$14m|$18m|$20m|$21m|$33m|$40.6m| + +As you can see, their revenue growth year on year is fantastic. They consolidated their Miami operations into a brand new 11,000 sq. ft facility in December which will reduce overheads whilst increasing growth. In addition they opened a brand new facility in Orlando last month. + +Alan Jay Weisberg, CEO: " Several years ago, when our revenue was $15 million, we saw our path to $40 million in sales and described this to our shareholders. Now, we are running at over $40 million on the top line and see a path to $100 million and beyond as a basic extrapolation of our organic growth curve paired with our strategic agenda, which provides for an open run to serve all 50 states in prescriptions and data management, capitalize on strong deregulatory tailwinds. We are deep in the process of establishing this new leadership, and we have strong reason to believe we will have an exceptional executive team in place, with the experience, skills, and drive to foster that next step, very soon.” + +**Share Structure**Market cap - $69,000,000Outstanding Shares - 519,988,787Float - 409,098,903 + +**Conclusion** + +RXMD offers a very unique opportunity to OTC investors. Where most stocks you see on this subreddit already trade at 10x, 20x, 50x and sometimes even 1,000x+ their revenue, RXMD has somehow remained under the radar - still trading at just 1.8x their revenue despite their explosive growth and unbelievable near and long term potential. The uplisting to the NASDAQ will help ensure their market cap catches up to their revenue. + +Their well-established foothold in Florida (logistics, warehousing and existing customer base) leads me to believe a bigger fish will pick them up sooner rather than later as they have everything already in place to dominate prescription delivery in Florida. We saw Amazon buy PillPack for $753,000,000 two years ago. + +However, if they are not acquired in the near future, I am so incredibly excited to witness their expansion into the rest of the United States. The CEO made it clear that the aim is to expand both PharmCo and ClearMetrX nationwide in 2021. + +I have a position in this stock and will be holding until they are acquired by a larger company or until they are fully established nationwide. + + +Edit: The earnings call is Thursday. +Gday r/ausfinance, + +I've recently started a new job in mining coming from retail(1.5 months ago) , working a lot of hours and making a lot of money (about 5k a month, I pay a lot of tax) that I don't exactly know what to do with. I'm just curious to what you guys would do if you were in my situation to save as much money as possible/ setup a self sustaining income(invest, high interest bank accounts e.t.c). + +My current situation: +Living at home in my home town with my mother on my week off +Staying at my sisters house on my 2 weeks on +I've got 11k savings +I'm looking for a room to stay in the town I work in (for about 200 a week or less) +Am considering a credit card for frequent flyer points and what not. +Any finance advice or guidance would be highly appreciated as I don't know the first thing about saving money as I've never really had any until now. + +Cheers +What's the best way to transfer it all with the least amount of fees? And what should I do with it? I've spoken to some people that know of my inheritance and they all say I should invest all of it. Is this a good idea? I mean, what would you guys do if you inherited a large sum of money? + +Thanks guys! :) +I'm going to do some simple math for you apes. I'll use rounded numbers to make it easier. There are 195,000 Computershare accounts, but we still lack 71,000,000 shares being DRS'd to lock the float. let's see what each of us needs to purchase and DRS to lock this float. For that, we take 71,000,000 and divide it by 195,000. + +71,000,000/195,000 = 364.102564 (365) + +365 shares. 365 shares are what each of the 195,000 accounts needs to purchase and DRS in order to lock the float! So what do 365 shares cost us? At the time of this post 1 share of GME is $27.76. Let us multiply that out and get our number. + +365 \* 27.76 = $10,132.40 + +$10,132.40!!! That is a very little number when you consider the impact it will have on the shorts! We could finally show the world what we've known all along! Like Michael Burry said "I'm not wrong, I'm just early." We are early but the world will see and they will wish they too bought in when we did!!! We are on the downhill side of the mountain and we'll lock this float up sooner rather than later! As for me, I am going to try to scrounge up $10,132.40 to speed up the process. I am so ready for the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen to take place!!! + +Edit: Let me be clear, this is not a call to have everyone spend $10k this is just showing you all how close we actually are! +**This is going to be a short and sweet post. No dates; no predictions; don't rely on me to make financial decisions; just fucking facts:** + +There are eerie similarities between the Volkswagen Squeeze and the GameStop situation. + +October, 26, 2008, Porsche announces their extremely high ownership of VW's free float: + +"Porsche has decided to make this announcement after it became clear that there are by far more short positions in the market than expected. **The disclosure should give so called short sellers - meaning financial institutions which have betted or are still betting on a falling share price in Volkswagen - the opportunity to settle their relevant positions without rush and without facing major risks.**" + +Link: [https://www.porsche-se.com/en/news/press-releases/details/news/detail/News/porsche-heads-for-domination-agreement-1](https://www.porsche-se.com/en/news/press-releases/details/news/detail/News/porsche-heads-for-domination-agreement-1) + +**Price on October 26, 2008 (Sunday, day of announcement): $28.745 --> Two Days Later, October 28, 2008: VW Price, $116.150.** + +*\[Now before you Apes go ape shit and say VW was in the $1000's (yes, it was) I'm going off the new share prices because this is the only place where I can find accurate stock prices on Yahoo Finances dated back to 2008.\]* + +**Come today**. GameStop: $154.03. + +GameStop's 10-K disclosure: + +March 23, 2021, GameStop announces an undisclosed "large proportion" of their stock is shorted: + +"Investors may purchase shares of our Class A Common Stock to hedge existing exposure or to speculate on the price of our Class A Common Stock. Speculation on the price of our Class A Common Stock may involve long and short exposures. **To the extent aggregate short exposure exceeds the number of shares of our Class A Common Stock available for purchase on the open market, investors with short exposure may have to pay a premium to repurchase shares of our Class A Common Stock for delivery to lenders of our Class A Common Stock.** Those repurchases may in turn, dramatically increase the price of shares of our Class A Common Stock until additional shares of our Class A Common Stock are available for trading or borrowing. This is often referred to as a “short squeeze.” + +**A large proportion of our Class A Common Stock has been and may continue to be traded by short sellers which may increase the likelihood that our Class A Common Stock will be the target of a short squeeze.** A short squeeze has led and could continue to lead to volatile price movements in shares of our Class A Common Stock that are unrelated or disproportionate to our operating performance or prospects and, once investors purchase the shares of our Class A Common Stock necessary to cover their short positions, the price of our Class A Common Stock may rapidly decline. Stockholders that purchase shares of our Class A Common Stock during a short squeeze may lose a significant portion of their investment." + +Link: [https://news.gamestop.com/node/18661/html](https://news.gamestop.com/node/18661/html) + +OK. You've made it this far. Does history repeat itself? Yes, it can. Does history rhyme (as in, does it *seem* eerily similar.) Yes, it can. + +HERE'S THE RUB \[Hint: It's in the comparison of how they hinted at short sellers\]: + +GME: + +To the extent aggregate short exposure exceeds the number of shares of our Class A Common Stock available for purchase on the open market, **investors with short exposure may have to pay a premium to repurchase shares of our Class A Common Stock for delivery to lenders of our Class A Common** Stock. + +VW: + +**The disclosure should give so called short sellers** \- meaning financial institutions which have betted or are still betting on a falling share price in Volkswagen - **the opportunity to settle their relevant positions without rush and without facing major risks**." + +You Decide What Happens from Here. Best wishes. + +Edit: The title says 5 days, I meant two. It's late. Sorry. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x3byy4/drscomputershare_megathread_092022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Google is currently trading at around $1,030/share. Couldn't they do a stock split at 2/1 or even 3/1 thereby increase the liquidity of their shares? This lower price would, in theory, increase the demand for stock (since more people can afford it) which would in turn increase the market cap? +I have some Airbnbs that I thought I will keep managing after I quit my job, but Airbnb is becoming toxic for hosts in my mind. Airbnb can be unfair for hosts and review based business is just so draining. + +I don’t want to do nothing and have my kids watching me in a Fired state. I still want to contribute 20 hours a week or so in addition to watch my kids growing up. But Airbnb is out for me. Traditional rental to me is a lot better but the cap rate is really low right now and we can’t acquire more in this market. + +There is part of the rental business I love. Sometimes we rent for small weddings and it makes me happy working with engaged couples. I just don’t love Airbnb business anymore and weddings alone are too lumpy to breakeven perhaps. + +Any thoughts? +Hi guys. + +I'd like to optimize the trading strategy programmatically, and the objective function is needed for that. The standard functions that I know are not suitable. Is there any known function with these requirements? + +1. Capital curve should rise over all the time. + +2. Number of trades. A higher value is better. + +3. Max drawdown. A lower value is better. + +&#x200B; + +I know how to measure each requirement separately, but I don't how to combine the all factors together. Maybe someone knows that. +Hi,I've been working at an HFT firm for around 2-3 years now, and I've come to know the level of advantage HFTs have over retails traders. I've already come to a realisation that there is no point in running strategies that trade at secondly frequencies as a retail trader. + +I've heard a lot of stories about a lot of successful retails day traders, who trade different kind of securities and get decent returns out of them. + +So, I've been studying and researching different kind of trading strategies and trying to build a portfolio of strategies to earn at least 3-4 times the standard interest rate provided by the banks. I've read a lot of books and have enough knowledge about the common trend following and mean reverting strategies. I'm also aware of a lot of technical indicators as I've explored the talib library available for python. But, now, I've reached a stage where I feel like I know a lot of book-ish things but I'm quite not able to convert them into profitable working strategies. I've also backtested and deployed a few strategies, but it is difficult to execute them precisely, and the slippage kills the profit significantly. And, even when I'm able to execute them nicely, their biases towards trending or sideways stocks make them unprofitable ultimately because of a couple of stocks. For example, I've tried out open gap reversal strategy, but I realised that I was not able to get fills at the open price in the stocks which were supposed to be profitable, and I was mostly getting the fills in the ones that were going to loose. In the backtesting, where I assumed to get fills at open price all the times, it showed really good sharpe ratio. I've also tried out pair trading and other common stat arb strategies, but apparently I'm not able to get the fills at the expected prices, because of the common alpha and adverse selection. I've also realised that when there is a really good sharpe ratio in backtesting, there is something wrong with the backtesting :( + +I've already built a system in C++ using a broker's API, and I've access to second by second l2 order book data feeds for the Indian market. The order ack latency is around 80-100ms in my case. I also have the second by second l2 data recorded for the last 6 months for liquid stocks and futures, but I'm really clueless as to what to do with it and how to mine good strategies out of it. + +So, above is what I've done so far, and as I'm a software engineer and I've not really worked as a quant trader so, I don't know much about it, and, I'm looking for someone to guide me through the difficulty of not being able to use my system or the data in a profitable way due to my lack of advanced quant knowledge or something. I just want to know what kind of strategies I can test on the second by second l2 level historical data (of course I don't want to increase the number of trades, but I believe that using second by second data gives better entries and exits than just minutely candle sticks). And, how to select stocks that are best suited for any particular strategy. Because, I see that some strategies are quite profitable on some days, and then comes one day, when a stock moves up or down significantly or just don't move at all, and it eats away a huge chunk of my profits. So, ultimately all of the strategies seem to turn out unprofitable. I've tried to select stocks based on their volatility or volume or previous returns, but they're not quite working out. + +Any inputs are appreciated, and if you want to know anything more about me to help me then please go ahead and ask. +Hi , I got interested in Algo Trading few years back. I used some off the shelf software like quantopian , however I am planing to take it one step further by starting to write my own small project which will get data from IEX exchange mostly L1 data then update a tick data to all the algos/Technical indicators. Just wondering if the community knows of some software architecture which works for this kind of stuff and later can be enhanced to handle L2 stock feeds. +Is anyone interested in sharing what tech stacks they've used and enjoyed? + +I'm assuming most people are using Python or Java and utilising docker containers etc. +### Hey again fellow Algotraders and aspiring Algotraders! + +I my last post: [***CLICK!***](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/7ylxti/i_made_a_list_of_recommended_books_feedback_is/) I compiled a list of all the recommended books I could find throughout old and new threads on the subreddit, however it was still difficult to grasp where to start, so I decided to gather the scores from Goodreads and Amazon and got the following. + +--- + +## **Table of books sorted by score**: + +| Title: | Author(s): | Year: | Pages: (Without appendix, notes, exercices etc.) | Average score: | Total reviews: | +|--------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------------------------------------------------|----------------|----------------| +| | | | | | | +| An Introduction to Statistical Learning | Gareth James, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Daniela Witten | 2013 | 423 | 4,64 | 851 | +| Dual Momentum Investing | Gary Antonacci | 2015 | 129 | 4,53 | 550 | +| The Art and Science of Technical Analysis | Adam H. Grimes | 2012 | 398 | 4,34 | 137 | +| Trading Systems | Emilio Tomasini | 2009 | 225 | 4,28 | 86 | +| Trading and Exchanges | Larry Harris | 2003 | 600 | 4,28 | 226 | +| Probability and Statistics for Finance | Svetlozar T. Rachev | 2010 | 582 | 4,27 | **11** | +| Quantitative Value | Wesley R. Gray | 2013 | 232 | 4,27 | 367 | +| Option Volatility & Pricing | Sheldon Natenberg | 2015 | 539 | 4,24 | 755 | +| Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems | Kevin Davey | 2014 | 232 | 4,22 | 145 | +| Quantitative Momentum | Wesley R. Gray | 2016 | 154 | 4,22 | 130 | +| Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives | John C. Hull | 2018 | 814 | 4,10 | 1040 | +| Beat the Market | Ed Thorp | **1969** | 198 | 4,09 | 63 | +| Analysis of Financial Time Series | Ruey S. Tsay | 2010 | 669 | 4,08 | 107 | +| Technical Analysis of Stock Trends | Robert D. Edwards, John Magee | 2012 | 538 | 4,08 | 502 | +| Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom | Van K. Tharp | 2007 | 342 | 4,07 | 1021 | +| The (Mis)Behavior of Markets | Benoît B. Mandelbrot, Richard L. Hudson | 2004 | 217 | 4,03 | 3169 | +| Algorithmic Trading and DMA | Barry Johnson | 2010 | 470 | **3,99** | 135 | +| Statistics in a Nutshell | Sarah Boslaugh | 2013 | 472 | **3,88** | 160 | +| Evidence-Based Techincal Analysis | David Aronson | 2007 | 474 | **3,83** | 142 | +| Quantitative Trading | Ernie Chan | 2009 | 162 | **3,60** | 301 | +| The Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies | Robert Pardo | 2008 | 318 | **3,56** | 37 | +| Inside the Black Box | Rishi K. Narang | 2009 | 201 | **3,49** | 244 | + +--- + +My method was very simple: + +**Average score** = [Score from Amazon] / ([Total # of reviews] / [# of Amazon reviews]) + [Score from Goodreads] / ([Total # of reviews] / [# of Goodreads reviews]) + +I've market a few outliers in the table above in bold as well as all books scoring below 4 on the 1-5 scale. + +--- + +I hope you enjoy! + +**Edit**: Thanks for the gold, much appreciated! +A couple personal examples of what I am referring to: + +**Childfree** + +My wife and I don't have and won't have children. While this decision certainly involves non-finance based factors as well, there's no doubt that taking the childfree route was heavily influenced by the fact that doing so removes a massive financial burden. + +**Importance of Travel** + +The process of learning to forego material goods and frivolous spending in order to have money to travel is actually an excellent primer to prepare yourself to forego material goods for financial freedom. + +*Which personal philosophies that you hold either led to following FI ideals or were a consequence thereof?* +I feel like I’m missing something so this is probably a dumb question. + +I can sell stock and access cash within three business days. Are emergency funds only for people who have all their savings tied up in retirement funds? (Or people who don’t have savings) + +I’ve never had an emergency fund but emergencies have happened and I’ve been fine using my credit card for daily expenses and selling shares to pay my mortgage. + +Edit: Awesome discussion y’all! I feel so much more knowledgeable on this topic that I’ve been curious about for a while. Thanks! +So last week we had some of the worst days we have seen on the markets since COVID hit. Reddit was full of panic sellers, in-experienced traders and a sea of red on every ticker. + +I was reading so many comments about the market going down another 10%- 15% i read you should have 50% of your money in cash blah blah blah - the fact is no one knows what the 'market is going to do' + +&#x200B; + +today is one of the best days in the past 12 months if you were decided to continued with the 'wait and see' approach you would of missed out on the massive green wave. + +&#x200B; + +always remember “it's not about timing the market, but about time in the market” + +&#x200B; + +I hope you all had a great day on the market God bless! +About 15 years ago when I was still at school, or at any rate, well before I had a proper job, I co-signed on a mortgage with my mum for my parents’ second house. They have been taking care of the repayments and I’ve played no active role in the ownership of this house. Until recently. + +I started getting adverts from companies offering to help me with my arrears payments and I was very confused. I don’t own a car, I rent a flat and haven’t struggled to pay any bills. But one day my brother (who lives at that house with my parents) shows me a letter from one such debt management (is that the right term?) company, and it includes both my and my mum’s names, and a court case number. The penny drops. + +It turns out that my parents had been struggling to keep up with the repayments through the pandemic. I met them a few days ago and they got very angry with my asking about it, and asking to take my name off because I don’t trust them anymore, given that it didn’t even occur to them to inform me. + +If it wasn’t for those adverts, I wouldn’t have known. My brother who lives with them in that house wouldn’t have known. My mother and I were both summoned to court, but my parents didn’t need to tell me because they’d already negotiated arrears and a new repayment scheme with the bank. + +We ended the *discussion* with my parents promising to let me know if they were struggling with any future repayments. Although my Dad kept calling me negative for wanting to discuss the potential for another difficult episode, since they now have a steady income. + +Anyway, I guess I’m posting to ask what you all think of the setup. My parents were trying to make themselves out to be martyrs, working hard to pay for this house that they will someday give to me. But in the meantime I’ve been given a blow to my credit score. +People tend to forget and lose sight very fast. Many say diamond hands slightly, but yet they lose hope fast and panic sell. + +This was just a month and few days ago when the end of year 2021 crash happend and many people already panic sold their coins. + +If they had hold onto it, most of them has been recovered. It is just a matter of time when their investment doesn't just recover, but will turn into big profit. + +We invest in crypto, keyword : **Invest**. + +If you are in cryptoverse, just for the gamble by buying shitcoins, you can go to the casino instead...this isnt called investing. + +But if you invest, you had did DYOR and diversify your portfolio. + +Time will tell, the true diamond hands will be the ones taking the best profit. + +In the stock market for example buying ETFs, you need at least to invest in a timeframe of 15 years to get some halfway decent gains. + +In crypto everything is so accelerated, people lose sight in just 1 month. +Just want people’s opinions/thoughts/impressions on whether they think the “resilient American consumer” will or will not slow their spending in the next quarter or two. + +Revenge spending for a lack of a better term can only continue for so long. With rising credit card debt (notable that this is growing from purchase of essentials like food — https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/nov/06/britons-turn-to-credit-cards-and-loans-to-cover-basics-as-cost-of-living-crisis-bites) and the spectre of rising fuel prices to warm homes this winter, I personally feel that there is a good chance that this holiday season will be the consumer’s last gasp before reeling in their spending. + +Happy Thanksgiving all. +I was new to stocks this year and did lots of short term trading and swing trading from a normal account, not an IRA. I've lost and made money on individual stocks and am very confused about wash sale stuff. + +I'll use example numbers but let's say I put $10,000 in my account earlier this year and I have $10,100 in my account now for a total profit of $100, will it be as easy as just paying taxes on the $100 profit and that's it? + +I'm worried they will tax on the individual gains from stocks I had gains in but not let me deduct the losses from other transactions since I would often buy and sell over and over again, many of the same stocks. I probably had a few thousand transactions all leading (so far) to about $100 overall profit or so. + +Will I only have to pay taxes on the overall $100 profit or is this going to be a nightmare trying to figure this out? I'm actually a bit worried that even though I only had $100 in overall gains that I will have a huge tax bill because many of my trades were $20-$40,000 scalps over and over but again, I lost some, won some, and have about $100 more that I started with. + +Also, I sold everything last week and want to start long term buy and hold investing, I am not sure if I should wait a month or more to buy back some of the stocks I sold and plan to hold for years in the future or if it wouldn't make any difference if I bought some tomorrow and started holding for good? + +Any help is much appreciated, thank you! +Most of people keep saying "I am here for the long run" yet when the market is red (blood from nose red, not blood in the streets red) they keep checking charts 100 times per day, panicking and so on. + +I will understand it if you are trying to time the market. Good luck with that though I got rekt everytime when I tried it. + +But seriously, what is the point of doing that? You are not going to learn anything new if you just keep watching the prices over and over again. + +You may destroy your social life by watching it all the time, for example you go out with your friends on a coffee or something and there you are with a phone in your hand every couple of minutes watching the charts. + +I don't see the point, really. + +Maybe you should think about "chilling out" from charts a little bit and go for a walk or something, just enjoy in something else. Stop killing your brain cells. +Well, I think I fucked up. I was going to wait, get a lawyer and my driver's license, see about a job then try to take action but... +I told my sister about the situation, she used to be "on my side", wanting to take action but not hurt my grandfather, not anymore. +I called her, small-talked and then she starts saying how everyone is worried thinking my friend I'm staying with is using me and manipulating me. I'm afraid shes gonna tell me grandfather, I don't know when my ticket home is, and I'm afraid that they might take action against the woman I'm staying with. I told her that if she isn't a victim when I report him, she's an accessory. + More doubts arise as I really do realize that even though I have debt, that has collected a lot over time, he is still making payments, my credit score is better than some people's, I feel like I'm in too deep to just let it go, and let it stay. What if he does make the payments, what if he is trying to do me a good thing? +What do I do? +A little edit, when I first met my friend she was suspicious about the credit card situation, and I was naive. So even though I'm being fucked, my family has something to blame this all on, I feel betrayed by my sister, her telling me that I don't need to say that her own family is manipulating her. + +UPDATE: I had a 30 minute phone call with ym sister and calmed her saying I wouldn't do anything, and then I got bitched at my friend's mother saying she's scared that my grandad might send someone after them, or hurt them. +Im gonna go to sleep now, this shit is exhausting. (still planning on filing a police report, calling the credit bureaus and freezing my account once I get back home, I dont want to transfer the stress to anyone else.) +**🌕🚀LAUNCHED 30 MINS AGO AND ALREADY 5X 🚀🌕** + +**HUGE POTENTIAL** + +Check out the telegram for all the latest info, dev has posted a video and is active in the voice chat!. **Wen $MOO**? + +Make sure to always **DYOR!** + +**From the website** + +"MooCow is a cow on a mission! She’s jumped over the moon. She’s grazed on it. Rumours are that it’s made of her cheese. She knows all about the moon, it’s her home, and she wants to give you the tour. Grab an udder and let’s go!" + +\--- + +**10%** tax on each transaction, **5%** added to LP, **5%** redistributed to holders + +**1,000,000,000,000,000** total supply + +✅Contract **verified** \-[https://bscscan.com/address/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51#code](https://bscscan.com/address/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51#code) + +\--- + +🔥40% **burnt** \- [https://bscscan.com/token/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51#balances](https://bscscan.com/token/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51#balances) + +🔒Liquidity **locked** for **6 months** \- [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1476&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1476&chain=BSC) + +**0.5%** allocated to dev, **4.5%** for marketing [https://bscscan.com/token/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51#balances](https://bscscan.com/token/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51#balances) + +\--- + +**Presale** (4/22 9 PM UTC) - [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1476&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1476&chain=BSC) + +BscScan - [https://bscscan.com/token/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51](https://bscscan.com/token/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51) + +Chart - [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51) + +Buy on PancakeSwap - [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x88c926ca9234ee194dc47be6e91d35e8ccbeed51) + +\--- + +Twitter - [https://twitter.com/moocowtoken](https://twitter.com/moocowtoken) + +Telegram - [https://t.me/moocowtoken](https://t.me/moocowtoken) + +Website - [http://moocow.me/](http://moocow.me/) + +\--- + +Let's go to the **$MOO**n! +Hi all + +I hope this is in the right area, I've seen questions about job roles before here so hope this is on topic. + +a brief explanation, my wife, who doesn't really get on reddit (and that's why it's me typing this) got let go from her job yesterday. Her role was front of house. + +Out of the blue, no warnings, no sign they weren't happy with her. She's been there 8 months, she's had one meeting with her manager 2 months as a catch up, to just go over how she was settling in. She didn't even have a meeting after her 3 month probation was up. The last feedback she's had about her performance is that she gets a lot of praise from the other teams as she's helpful and friendly and gives a shit. In the meeting they tried to say that they had given her a warning that she had ignored about her performance, that they weren't happy with this that and the other and that she could pack her stuff and just leave. Paid out til the end of the week. So there's a disconnect between what they said and what she's experienced up until yesterday. + +From what she's told me about the way the business is run, they are a huge company (events business in london) that have no problem avoiding tax, using cracked microsoft and adobe products (and other software) across all their sites, food safety violations and false advertising, and various other shady or downright illegal practices. + +Her colleagues are flabbergasted about it, and can't understand why it happened. Apparently the consensus is that it's to send a message to the other staff in her office as there is a pretty high turnover and potentially it's to make the rest of them feel like they need to watch their backs. + +I'm setting this scene just to explain that it's not a nice business, and now that she will be looking for a new job there is always the concern of how to handle explaining that she was let go of. + +I know her, and I know the backstory so of course I have the context, but how would you go about explaining to a potentially new employer that you were let go from your old job? + +I'm aware that bashing on your previous employer is something of a red flag, so trying to give context to why they may have done what they did could just put her in a bad light instead of helping to clarify the situation. + +My other thought is references and the likelihood that she can't really put them down as a reference. Again, it's something you have to explain and the question of how to handle that. + +If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on the best way to handle this I'd be so very grateful. + +TL:DR wife who was Front of House got fired out of the blue, how to handle this tactfully/without looking bad in job interviews moving forward? + +EDIT: + +I just want to say to everyone that replied, thank you SO MUCH for all your advice and thoughts. just having some context to everything makes it so much clearer. I'll go through shortly and reply to as many comments as possible but I just wanted to acknowledge everyone's helpful replies. There's a lot of advice so I'll be going through and seeing how we approach. +2 adults & 15 month toddler. + +I've been monitoring our spending over the last few months and can now conclude that we spend just shy of £600 per month on food. From my understanding, this is way above average for 2 adults + 1 toddler. + +This excludes alcohol (we don't drink), nappies etc, clothes, take aways and dining out. + +We don't skimp on food (good quality meat, berries for our daughter etc) but I also don't think we go overboard. We mostly shop in Sainsburys (45%), Morrisons (45%) and Aldi (10%). + +I've identified a few ways I think we can minimise these costs but am interested in other suggestions. I would like to get this down to around £400-£450 per month, which I think is achievable with some changes. + +My thoughts: + +* Do more of our weekly shop in Aldi +* Shop less frequently (we went to a supermarket 20 times over the last 30 days!!) +* Make more meals on bulk and freezer half for another meal + +What is your monthly food budget? What do you do to minimise these costs? + +EDIT: Thank you for all your feedback. To clarify the “20 shops”, these mostly consist of little £10-20 and under spends due to needing something for dinner, forgetting an ingredient or wanting a fresh loaf of bread or fruit. Something you’re all right in saying a proper meal plan will help minimise. + +It has been interesting to read the different opinions, and being honest, we do seem about average (or a tiny bit over). +I have a mortgage at the moment that has £120k left on it. We need to move house as we're trying to conceive and this is a one bed. + +I have access to a fair sum of money that could just about buy a house outright. + +But is this a wise use of my liquidity? All of my cash will then be tied up in the house. + +Would it be wiser to invest this lump sum and just take out a regular mortgage? After all, the interest rates on the mortgage will be lower than the potential ROI of an investment fund. + +The security of having a house fully paid off is very tempting but is it the wisest financial decision? + +Anyone with similar experience please do let me know your thoughts! +So I live in the UK and last week I used IG to buy 125x Tesla put 600 Jan 22. That was £1000. My student loan. Everything I could afford and still pay rent. When I bought them the buy price was 8.5 and sell 0. Yes 0. I thought that was because they were just so far OTM. Today I watched Tesla tank and neither the buy or sell price moved. I looked at some of the other Tesla options available on IG (there's only a really random assortment available, not a whole chain). I realized they were all 10000+ and calls at 60000 were something like 5x the price of puts at 60000. I'm now convinced that for some stupid reason IG prices option strikes in cents for equities (I have traded VIX options with them before and they're priced in dollars). So I'm 99% sure I just YOLO'd into $6 puts. I can't sell them cause they're worth exactly 0. I can't believe I've been so stupid. Guess I 💎✋with my only hope being Tesla going bankrupt (I think they're overvalued but never going bankrupt). Wish me luck I guess. Fuck me + +TLDR: spent all my savings on Tesla $6p Jan 22 thinking they were $600p Jan 22 + +Proof: http://imgur.com/gallery/ZTDWmVp + +Edit 1: I'm currently on the phone to IG and the guy is insisting that they are for $600 and IG don't have any for $6. I'm trying to explain that it's impossible for them to be for $600 pls help. + +Edit 2: called them back when the market opened. The guy again told me they were $600 I asked him to check so he did and came back and said yes they're $6 but as they're sold in sets of 100 that's why all the strike prices are x100. Go figure? Instead of writing $6 X 100 they just write 600. Then he told me as I bought them on the platform and not over the phone they can't refund them. Looks like 💎✋ and pray Tesla goes bankrupt. +Edit 1 - Thank you everyone. Fantastic advice all round. As Mad and Chicane have said, the best idea is to walk away from this dealership. Actually the price of the car just went up to £3400 online lol. + +Thanks also to Billy for picking up that even the smallest payment on card covers the whole purchase under section 75. +I see a lot of people on mobile/app being surprised that the [flowchart](https://i.imgur.com/BfHzwr9.png) exists as the sidebar is not visible there. + +Assuming that everyone is getting the same amount of push from reddit to use the app when on mobile as I am, it would seem that this would become more and more common. + +Is there a way to make the very useful links in the sidebar more evident to those users? + +A suggestion would be a pinned post, though this of course comes with the downside of taking up space. +Today I sold my TSLA 650C 4/1 that I bought yesterday at a $300 loss. However later Tesla stock rose and if I didn’t paper hand then I would have been in the green by more than 40%. Any tips to be less emotionally attached to your trades? +Those sorting by new are probably realizing that most posts are regarding IZEA this morning. Here is a megathread for all IZEA discussion. + +Good luck trading! +The increase in the rate takes effect from December 1st. + +Though you can only deposit £50 a month into this account, by doing so you get access to a prize draw where you could win £250, just by saving money into the account, so it's worth getting even if you have other accounts that offer 5% interest. +I work for a huge Canadian broker **Questrade** and been getting many questions regarding the shareholder meetings and clients wanting to recall their shares. + +**Please upvote this so more Canadian Apes can see.** + +Questrade guideline + +So regarding your eligibility to vote, you would need to contact the investor relations of GME directly to confirm if you are eligible (for most corp actions eligibility can be determined by % owned of the company). **At this time brokers cannot confirm for the client if they are eligible to vote.** Regarding if the SHR is done via mail, that would also be something the company would communicate with the client, if you have been indicated that you would need to do this as a proxy vote and need assistance with the broker providing you a proxy control number then you maybe contact your broker and they can do this for you. As for the shares being lent, Questrade only lends shares if the client holds them on margin (meaning you have a borrowed balance in a non-registered account), **shares CANNOT be lent out in registered account such as TFSA, RRSP**, or if the client is not borrowing funds from the broker. + +**YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RECALL YOUR SHARES IF YOU OWN GME IN REGISTERED ACCOUNTS OR DID NOT BORROW FUNDS TO BUY GME!!!** + +**TLDR** + +1. **Shareholder vote registry is sent through the mail by GameStop shareholder relation, and they will provide further information on how to registered. You may contact the broker to get a proxy control number if you informed to do so by GameStop.** +2. **Your shares CANNOT be recalled within registered accounts, since they cannot be lent out.** +3. **For Questrade users, please check your account to see if you borrowed funds to purchase GME or not. Borrowed funds are shown in red digits under your US cash balance. If it's red, please convert your CAD to USD to cover the borrowed funds, then YOU WILL HAVE FULL OWNERSHIP OF THE SHARE AND THEY CANNOT BE LEND OUT!** + +**Edit 1: Thanks for the awards apes, I love this community, I love this movement.** + + **🦍🍌🍌🍌🍌** +Remember this? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rcx7nxvo10t61.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a7ce7249a635a6c690bef83b64181e6e56ef26e + +Why does this point to Ann Hand? Here's her resume! It's been pointed out before, and we saw a spike in Super League Gaming's stock price around the time of the tweet. + +https://preview.redd.it/yi9gtsdz10t61.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=87515e93a1e7d0e1dae7737567bb3f80196e4b58 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +FROG + MCDONALDS = ANN HAND + +Why did GameStop pay off their corporate debt today? It allows them to engage in mergers now that's why! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2uphtzok10t61.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea60deb0011f1018ba1fbf2603c03e063cb266bd + +When can we expect this news? Well 4/20 (Or maybe 4/15 with Sherman out of contract and proxy statement), because Ryan's one of us. + +I for one, am a bully boy and i'm excited to see (If this tinfoil hat connect the dots theory is correct) GameStop expand into the eSports space. + +EDIT: Also GameStop released 8 executives from the board, but only hired 3? Space for a whole new team of executives? + +u/ncle_Bob pointed out that the gamestop tweet from Ryan today was near SLGG HQ. + +Wrinkle brains can debate whether this could just be the previous theory around the time of the tweet, simply an aquisition rather than a merger. They are worth 144M so this is in the ballpark if GameStop were to/ already have raised capital via issuing stock. This would explain the debt repayment element but i'm unsure if this would point to Ann being CEO. Ideas welcome. +Just saw grandma’s statement. She lost 90% of what she put in. My estimate is lost 1/4 million over the last 10 years. Portfolio had 3x leveraged etfs, weird minerals, and Disney? This portfolio looks whackadoo, looks risky and stupid to me, but I’m a novice at best. What can I do? What kind of attorney/ professional do I need and does anyone on Long Island or NYC have recommendations. The broker who was managing grandma’s account died and I think nobody took over or that guy had gone senile/ generally not doing any management for years. Grandma is an incredibly risk averse person, would never have consented to 3x ETFs, let alone have any clue what they are. All help welcome. Please point me in the right direction. What other info do I need? Who do I bring this to? +Hi everyone + +I’m thinking about making some big decisions about moving, but I’m feeling unsure. I think I’m just looking for a little advice, and maybe reassurance. + +Pre-pandemic, my partner and I were set to buy a flat in London. I’ve been ready for a long time, and this felt like the fresh start that I’ve been looking for. Disappointingly, my seller lost his job and was unable to buy the house that he wanted to move into. So we bunkered down as well and decided to wait before buying.  + +Well a bit like hibernating bears emerging out of our den, we’ve now got a little cub of our own, so priorities - and finances - have changed.  + +We’re now thinking of moving to Herefordshire as there’s family nearby and we love the country, but we’re also thinking Cardiff and maybe Bristol (although the market has gone crazy there!). My heart tells me that it’s still the right time to move but is this unwise?  + +Our combined annual salaries are £58k and we've managed to put aside nearly £20k, one silver lining of lockdown has been we’ve been able to save more, currently about £1k each month. Neither of us have any family money to lean on. + +My partner also used to have a ton of debt, although that’s paid off now and didn’t seem to cause us a problem when we were looking to buy pre-pandemic. + +I suppose I’m feeling really stuck, buying a home has been a long journey and I would value any advice on what we might be able to do. +I plan to completely retire from full-time work in the year 2020. I was curious about what the various investment companies use as their stock/bond ratio for their 2020 target funds. I looked up the 20 most popular 2020 target funds and researched their ratios. + +Some were as low as 24% of assets in the stock market. The highest was the Fidelity 2020 fund at 55% in stocks. Averaging all ten funds I got 42% in stock (58% bond funds and cash.) + +In the past when I researched target funds with a date 1-2 years from retirement, the ratio averaged 55-60% in stocks. + +**Do you think the investment experts running these funds have made them more conservative because they know a stock market crash is coming?** +I have a 14 year old car with about 90,000 miles on the clock. It needs £400 worth of repairs to make it drivable. Is this worth it as £400 is a lot cheaper than replacing the car? +The word meme stock gets thrown around here every day. However I believe the meme stocks that get 90% or more of a following from members here aren't actually meme stocks, they are in fact very strong/undervalued/unrealized potential for growth companies. + +The DD that people post here is actually very sound DD, which in turns help the 'meme stock' to gain significant following. Sure there are a bunch of paper handed bitches that post pump and dump stocks/DD, however those posts generally do not gain much traction among this sub. + +95% or more of all the investors think r/wallstreetbets is a joke and they all pile on to trashtalk us on their giant media platforms. Honestly, let them do their thing, and ignore them, while we take our gainz. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: positions: PLTR 28shares at 26.5$ / GME 24 shares at 19$ and 36$ / BB 50shares at 11.06$ +Most posts I read here and elsewhere seem to bash buybacks as a bad thing, with some even saying that money would be better off taxed away. + +I don't get this at all. Buybacks to me look like a company betting on itself, while also providing a boost to shareholders and great cash value for those looking to close their positions. Plus, the shares can be re-sold again in the event the company needs liquidity in the future. + +I understand that people would prefer all the money be put towards directly creating new jobs, but we are in the tenth year of an expansion, unemployment is already very low, and wages are rising for the first time in a while. It seems to be an ideal time to put extra capital towards buybacks. When labor is cheaper, such as just after a recession, that's when I would expect companies to shift towards investment to take advantage of lower prices on not only labor but everything else too. + +I <3 buybacks. Explain why I am wrong. +I see too many people hoping for a $10,000 chainlink of $1000 Cardano... That's not realistic at all. + +I saw another user post this tool 5 months ago and i use it all the time to compare cryptos. It tells you how much the crypto you like would be worth if it had the same market cap as bitcoin. It is very helpful at making you understand how little some would be worth even with a high market cap.. And that's even IF your crypto EVER reached a BTC market cap of 1 trillion for example. + +&#x200B; + +Here. For example: IF Cardano had the same market cap as bitcoin right now, it would be worth around $32.28... Very far from the promises of $1000 isn't it. + +Use the tool. Don't get wrecked and also understand that your low cap cryptos may never come near a market cap of 1 trillion. + +Here is the link: [https://thecoinperspective.com/?c=XLM](https://thecoinperspective.com/?c=XLM) + +&#x200B; + +Good luck. +**Tl; Dr:** I was messaged and told I was a terrible person for promoting GameStop and so I decided to figure out why I was so bullish about the company to ensure I was not in an echo chamber. + +**Tl; Dr 2.0:** DFV banked on the transformation of GameStop as his thesis number 2, not a reliance on a short squeeze. I love the short squeeze potential but let’s get back to basics, and this is it. Fast forward to minute 11 on the linked video to learn more about DFV’s long term play viewpoint prior to the sneeze. + +https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P5U2Uo-B0Ts + +**Turns out, I’m not in here with you, you’re in here with me (so buckle up).** + +I want to first voice my appreciation to a Reddit user who sent me a direct message suggesting that I should f\*\*\* myself after viewing one of my GME-related posts that made it to r/all. Honestly, this made me a bit sad as it certainly made me question what I was posting and why I was posting. After some introspection, I found that even after analyzing my investment and what I have previously posted on Reddit, I believe in what I have said. Based on that, I thought perhaps I would write this as an open letter to that individual to show I am not a robot or some horrible person trying to hand others my heavy bags of GME, but someone who legitimately believes in the company’s ability to do great things as well as that DRS is fighting the good fight against an unfair market system. + +I am not going to go unnecessarily into the technical detailed history of GameStop and how these events have transpired but instead I wanted to focus on my personal reasons for investing in GME. I think there is plenty of posts and articles to keep someone busy for weeks learning the ins and outs of the saga. Simply put, I have my reasons for investing and I am going to share those with you in this post. + +As we all know, GameStop was on its way to bankruptcy on what I would say is indeed a dying brick and mortar. While GameStop struggled with retail sales in light of transitions to electronic and digital delivery of gaming products, executive staff continued to reap personal benefits of failing to pivot and reposition the company to take advantage of advances during the new age of gaming and technology. The executive staff at that time failed to see that GameStop retained not only tangible assets such as an established network of retail locations with experienced human capital, but also non-tangible assets including name recognition and trust from the general public insofar as a legitimate company (we will return to this in a second as this is really important). + +Ryan Cohen entered as Chairman of the Board for GameStop which represents a pivotal change in dynamic for the struggling company. With Cohen’s track record of development Chewy.com into a leading e-commerce company, as well as a clear history of prioritizing the customer experience similar to Apple, light began to appear at the end of a very, very dark tunnel. + +As anyone reading this likely knows, GameStop utilized their extensively enhanced share price to sell shares insofar as to generate approximate $1.6 billion in liquid capital. Interestingly, in addition to raising this capital, GameStop boasts no long-term debt except for a covid-related low-interest loan from the French government (yes, I can remember that from every single earnings call). Taking a step back, if one were to tell me that there was a founder that had not started their company yet that involved even a single founder like Ryan Cohen with $1.6 billion, wouldn’t it be fair to suggest that they might be able to make something great happen? This is not even counting additional assets, inventory, staff, retail stores, etc. Let’s just say GameStop closed all of its stores and decided to start a new company with $1.6 billion dollars (and let’s even ignore the other assets or name recognition); would you consider investing? I certainly would be interested. + +Since this time, GameStop has clearly undergone a culture shift at the executive levels with numerous (100’s) of innovators and management staff moving in from various other high-level companies such as Google, Amazon, Chewy, with a large emphasis on blockchain technology. Further, many of the attracted candidates are largely being compensated with stock privileges as opposed to outrageous salaries (although still quite healthy, admittedly). It appears that some of the most experience, best, and brightest candidates were attracted to GameStop’s offerings and pivot, enough so to leave major corporations with more of a perceptible trajectory already being top-tier in their industries. + +Sometimes, I think the first thing people think of with the word blockchain is NFT’s and currency. When they think of NFT’s, they think of expensive pictures. But this is simply an early stage proof of concept and what blockchain holds for us in the future is far more exciting and less seemingly outrageous. For example, a television studio just recently announced that they would be releasing their content as an NFT on the GameStop marketplace. Let’s just take a second and remember back to the good old days when you used to buy a DVD box set of your favorite show, let’s say “Friends” Season 7. By now, your DVD’s are scratched and you’re struggling to find a DVD player. However, now purchase your season box set as an NFT and you now own, in perpetuity, rights to that box set to be played anywhere (since permissions are on the blockchain in your self-controlled wallet). Further, you can resell that NFT just like you would sell your old DVD’s but instead of having to box them up, you just send them to the appropriate wallet address and you’re done. This is not about expensive pictures; this is about changing how society does business as both an economic system and a financial system. + +This is where we circle back to the intangible asset of trust that GameStop has which was overlooked by previous management. One of the problems in the cryptocurrency space is lack of trust and concern for information. I can certainly tell you that when I started trading currencies, I did not know the names of Coinbase, Kraken, or Binance, and while I read they were safe, I still questioned what I was doing. The masses that have even less technology experience than I will be even more apprehensive. However, I think the majority would say that they would be confident that a well-known corporation that is familiar to them for many decades, would be less likely to be a “scam” to steal their information (although they might recall horrid trade-in values). This trust is an unbelievable commodity and I am astonished when this is not brought up in the bullish case for Gamestop. Where obscure names have failed in the anxiety-inducing crypto space, GameStop can succeed if they can match or exceed the customer experience and offerings of dedicated crypto/blockchain firms. These firms cannot duplicate this trust asset which places GameStop in a unique position. + +Did you know that Superstonk has over 700,000 members? Now perhaps some of those are “bots,” fake accounts, “shills,” and whatever else there might be. But, think about those members differently. Think of them as not just shareholders but fervent consumers interested in the pivot that GameStop is making to the technology and blockchain industries. Between posts showing how proud users are of their DRS’d shares to receipt porn, you need to understand right now that these shareholders and customers are not going away. One time I posted that I did not spend two years of my life research GameStop to simply sell my shares and I would say this is true for many on Superstonk and other GME-related subreddits. The reality is, this company doesn’t just have over $1 billion dollars, no significant debt, name recognition, an all-star executive staff, inventory, and hundreds of retail stores to choose from (to keep open or close), but also at least 800,000 die-hard customers? What part of any of that is bearish? Even if you say you don’t believe in NFT’s, GameStop is also expanding their technology inventory and focus has shifted away from console and game sales but to overall technology sales. Who better to expand that e-commerce and retail focus than ex-Amazon and other top-tier company executives? For comparison purposes, Amazon was started with effectively $8 million out of Bezos’ garage. That’s about $15.3 million in today’s money according to my Google-Fu. If you had invested in Amazon 10 years ago, you would have made about 17,000%. + +I felt compelled to write this open letter not to necessarily defend myself, but instead, to clarify my thoughts regarding my investment. There are so many more factors at play even beyond what I discuss here, and even more unique concepts such as the “Mother of All Short Squeeze” and the valiant effort to direct register shares. I have a lot to say about both of those topics but I believe others have covered them quite well so I won’t step on any toes on that with this post. +Edit 2: This post was flair as a discussion right from the start, and I am glad the community raised some thoughtful points. Some of the points raised here are relevant considerations for someone thinking of shorting any popular tech company that seem largely overvalued. I have summary some great feedback redditors have for easy reference. Its over 65 comments so pardon me if I missed out some! + +Warning about shorting SF: + +1. SF is a great platform for innovative solution, leader in the industry, with high switching cost to customers. +2. Other than CRM, it has acquisitions that includes Heroku. This give SF as a whole more potential for future growth. +3. Shorting should be for professional, not retail investors since downside is unlimited. +4. You need some catalyst to short, right now, people are optimistic about the company. + +Points that make me ponder + +1. Yes, downside is unlimited. But given current valuation, would it be much more likely the market price in at double the valuation or much lower than the valuation the next few years given a likely deteriorating environment for stock(E.g. Raising Interest rate) + +2. Companies like FANG Stock, Tencent, Alibaba are all innovating and venturing to new fields, how does SF valuation compare to them? + +3. With almost 20 years in the business, how much more market share would SF capture? + +Overall the discussion make me realised shorting is more risky than I thought. Thanks for the feedback! + + + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit 1: Hi guys, thanks for the raising several points. Thought I can add in more here. To be clear, I have not shorted the stock yet. Reason is that the market seem to be still very optimistic about the company, and I am unsure of its growth potential at this point. + +However, SF current market cap is around 64 billion. How big is the US CRM market and what proportion of it could SF likely capture given the competition from other players? What is its advantage against Microsoft and other business? I think these are question I am still looking for an adequate answer. + +Of course SF is an outstanding company, but the news I read seem to be focus on its potential for growth. Also SF market share in the CRM market did not seem to increase significantly over other players. + +Previous I studied Netflix for a few months and finally decided against shorting it. Although it has a very high P/E ratio, I dun see another player that come close to Netflix in terms of content for a on-demand tv. Also, a 10-20 percent increase in subscribers(there has been steady increase) would drastically reduce its P/E ratio since most of its cost is in generating content for its platform (Which in a way give it an edge over other players trying to enter the market.) So far, I have not see similar sign in SF business that would deter me from shorting it. + +Not plans to short yet, but certainly looking deeper. +In Newcastle NSW area, Majority owners son in law a few weeks out from auction has added a request for hundreds of thousands for unspecified works in the strata minutes. He has also touted to the real estate agent that the place has concrete cancer without any professional opinion. Any advice? +Bitcoin seems to have shot past its $40k barrier in a matter of hours, and it is likely to continue considering how many people are shorting the market right now. Crypto hasn't yet lost its steam and it was dragged down by the stock market for the past few days. This has accumulated A LOT of shorters. + +[Short positions are extremely high](https://preview.redd.it/lx6hz6ct4vf81.jpg?width=1525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a4eec27f4f445c3f55ba4977521da9c6237463b) + +Just looking at this alone should give you a picture of what has been happening. There are a lot of people that are shorting the market right now, and a Bitcoin short squeeze is likely considering that whales have been eating up the weeks long selling pressure with huge purchases. + +# Short Squeeze Indications + +* **Substantial amount of buying pressure.** ✅ +* **RSI below 30 for an unnatural amount of time.** ✅ +* **Short interest way above 20%.** ✅ +* **Huge sudden uptick in price.** ✅ + +The market indications are suggesting a textbook short squeeze scenario for Bitcoin, and that might potentially reverse the Crypto market's trajectory. Remember, Bitcoin is already 10% up in a matter of a few hours. This means people shorting are at a loss and they will either have to sell at a loss or borrow more shares, driving up the price. + +**TLDR:** Bitcoin closed one of the biggest green candles in over a year, and it is most likely the beginning of a short squeeze due to an unusually large amount of people shorting the market. Moreover, surpassing 40k in a matter of hours just invalidated weeks of FUD. If this continues, investors will be looking at a bullish Crypto market and a bearish stock market which is possibly the best environment for another huge bull run. +We can't blame them either most crypto investors are just people looking to get rich quick while pretending to care about the economic situation as a whole. Most crypto investors are no more concerned about the dire situation of the economy than the average person. For many of those investing in cryptocurrencies, the goal is simply to get rich, not to build a better world. If you are in this for building a better world there are a hundred things you can do alongside investing crypto. How many people here are doing that? + +Crypto was created to root out corruption and untrustworthy intermediaries and to give the power back to the people. I hope we go back to the roots of the movement. + +The greatest progressive movements the world has ever seen always came from small sections of people that thought differently from the majority. I hope we, as a group, will see beyond the money and this movement will steer us back on track and make the world a better place. +Please try and talk me out of it: + +As I understand it, if I'm talking long term, 5 years ahead investment-wise, if Spotify does end up going public soon, why wouldn't it be one of those unique instances where a company is just absolutely ready to succeed further? + +Looking at the "All Time" Graphs of Amazon, Netflix, Google, Facebook, Apple, and all the "obvious" ones is depressing. So many waves missed. I can't help but view Spotify as equally "indestructible" in their status. + +Mind you I'm not talking about initial volatility, I'm saying maybe even simply by virtue of the fact that Spotify still has so many countries left to expand into, and such established stability in the "worst case" scenario that it doesn't, how could investing in it for the upcoming 5 years be a mistake? + +Note: I understand this is a strange way to speak of a stock, but this is why I'm asking your help to snap me out of it. + +<<EDIT>> Wow! Tons of brilliant responses! Keep 'em coming I'm reading through all of them and learning a-lot! Thank you guys <3 +My company recently completed open enrollment for benefits. I was already on the HDHP, and stayed on it. The only difference is I've become more financially literate and learned of the values of an HSA. My company will not start distributing to the account from my paycheck until 2022 but I've opened the account. + +My question is, similar to an IRA, can I contribute the full 2021 amount now? +There are some great tips here to help mitigate your risk and help your family prepare for a downturn in the economy. + +https://www.campfirefinance.com/recession-proof-financial-plan/ +Hey everyone. First time poster so sorry if the formatting or anything seems off. + +I’m getting married in December. My fiancé comes from a wealthier family and I found out we’ll be receiving a rather sizable gift from her grandparents of $500k. I’ve had to grind my entire life and have never received anything near that amount of money, but I’m definitely not complaining. + +Currently, we still rent a home and have minimal debt with savings and portfolios of our own. With this would you: + +A. Buy a home all cash and use remaining funds to invest? + +B. Use only a portion for a down payment and invest the remaining? + +I’d ideally like to invest in something that will be consistent growth into our retirement, with a portion of it going into a 529 plan for our future kids. + +Thanks for your help and time! +So my wife and I have listed our home for sale. We plan to build at a cost very near our net proceeds from the sale. + +Trying to think through our options - do we just pay cash for the build and zero out, leaving us with no mortgage expense or should we get a construction loan / other leverage to retain some of the cash from the sale, while increasing our monthly expense? + +Not sure if there are tax or other benefits from having the mortgage? + +We are under 45 years old and plan to invest for the foreseeable future. Other than our current mortgage we have no debt. We have savings in the form of cash, brokerage, Roth x2 and r/e. + +Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! +A credit score is comprised of 6 parts as ranked by importance: + +1. Payment history +2. Derogatory marks (collections, bankruptcies, etc.) +3. Credit Utilization (resets each month) +4. Length of credit history/average age of account +5. Total # of accounts +6. Hard inquires (of limited importance after 6 months) + +Your credit score will increase as long as you are responsible with your credit cards, loan payments, etc. + +Since credit cards have the highest APR **always pay your balance in full and on-time each month**. If you do all the downsides are of little importance + +Edit: Exclusions for those looking at purchasing a house or other asset that requires taking out a loan. For those whose credit score is awful, it is an indicator of a larger problem that takes priority, but at the same time steps to fix the larger problem will also instill the skills necessary to help your credit score at a later time. + +Edit 2: A word. + +Edit 3: Good financial health/planning will lead to a good credit score, not the other way around. If you haven't set a budget, don't have an emergency fund, still have debts to pay off, etc., then get your house in order first and you can work on your credit score later. +This is another weekly update on my small account challenge I started to share with the public on 8/24/21 ([initial reddit post available here](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/ph6gjf/is_this_scalping_style_sustainable_in_the/). Update 2 post is [directly available here](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/pln76c/small_account_scalping_trader_weekly_update_2/). + +&#x200B; + +I took 7 trades this week. All 7 trades were winners. + +I'm at 31 winners / 1 losing trade out of the 32 combined. My win rate, according to TraderSync (a journaling system), is at 96.88%. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/041emaawd3o71.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=491db6a7b7075fd0118afdfb69910552c86371df + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vjs736kxd3o71.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6bbae929245425e0cc76e49a47146df12659482 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/r8jcse6zd3o71.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=a45bed9cf2403a8795ec12e198cc174000c89bec + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rhcqusf0e3o71.png?width=915&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd3f9fc14063467f262c876663cb960ff497de9f + +I get it. The internet is huge. So is reddit. There will always be believers and non-believers. I don't even know why I am starting out with this type of tone if you will in my post today, but I think a lot of people want some kind of closure, something that allows them to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to day-trading. It might be based on the fact that that some so-called "day-traders" are more successful than others. Some have tried it and failed miserably and consider it a strict gamble. Here's what I can tell you. Everything in life is truly a gamble. Drive a car to work, get into an accident and you could end up dead. Go to eat out at a restaurant while you're not aware of any allergies to shellfish, and you end up dead. You invest money long-term into the market and then decide to pull everything out at retirement because you're now old and ready to enjoy the rest of the final years of your life, but the market happens to plunge 75% - you're pretty much "dead" now because you've lost almost all of your money that you planned on retiring on. + +&#x200B; + +So in terms of day-trading: Just don't gamble. DAY-TRADE. It is a LEARNED skill. Have a trading plan AND execute on it. + +&#x200B; + +I personally don't ever expect anyone to prove to me how they trade or whether they're truly profitable or just trading on a paper account when I go over someone else's post/comment. I like to think of it as keeping an open mind. There is plenty to learn from other people, whether positively or negatively. The important thing is to learn and to improve. + +&#x200B; + +This is how this small account challenge started. [Initially it started with $497.50](https://i.imgur.com/wZ8iQJU.png), but after 3 trades, I decided to add an additional 2,000 to make things more interesting and quicker. If you want to round it up, you can say that this challenge's debut was with 2,500. + +&#x200B; + +This is a [snapshot of the recent entries](https://i.imgur.com/60aRUze.png) on the account statement if interested (or as proof). + +&#x200B; + +4 weeks into this, I've netted $448, $572, $496 and $502 each of those weeks respectively (on a $2,500 account) after fees and commission. If I'm being completely vague on this, I could say I'm almost at 100% of profit trading for 160 minutes in total (32 trades taken, rounding up/down to 5 minutes per trade) the past 4 weeks. + +&#x200B; + +Anyone truly day-trading the past 4 weeks knows how this market has behaved. I consider this market a fun environment to day-trade in because of more increased volatility, especially right at market open. Remember, this is how I (prefer to) trade. You should adapt to your own trading style based on your own trading experience, knowledge, expertise, risk tolerance, trading capital and make it work for yourself. If you keep and are true to yourself, and continue to work on following YOUR trading plan, you can get there too. Nothing in life is easy. Give yourself plenty of time to learn this. This journey has no end. The goal is to be consistent and continue to grow the account over time. A steady rising equity curves is what you really want to help your proper mindset. + +&#x200B; + +Here are the 3 trades I took this morning alongside with my daily routine/thoughts: + +&#x200B; + +I'm in Central time zone. I woke up at 6:45am. Turned on the TV as I like to wake up listening to Squawk Box. Not necessarily for trading tips (we all know how bad their tips are), but mainly for potential news regarding upcoming FED talks, any kind of catalysts that might affect how the markets might behave this morning. I remained in bed listening, half asleep, half awake for approx. 45 minutes while checking on other things on my phone (emails, schedule of the day, read up on some other people's reddit posts for entertainment and to get my mind to literally wake up). Now it's 7:30. Time to get up. I proceed to go brush my teeth, take my morning dump and head over to the trading station. 8:05am, I'm now just sitting there sipping on coffee. Getting my mind ready to go over my own trading rules. I repeat them on a daily basis to set the right expectations, the right mindset. It is important to follow a routine. + +8:20, I launch my thinkorswim platform, then I continue to sip on coffee while I literally watch the red countdown of the remaining 5 minutes before market bell. + +&#x200B; + +Going long on AMZN was almost a no-brainer to me. If you stick to certain tickers that you watch and follow daily, you understand that AMZN has behaved differently in recent days than some other QQQ components. Always keep an eye out of the price of the options you're about to buy in as a scalping trader. Your risk is set at ENTRY. I jumped in with 3 contracts on 3600 Calls expiring next week at 4.30 a pop., sold them about 2 minutes later for 4.70. Yes, money is always left on the table (went as high as 5.76), but as a scalping trader you should be more focused on what happens most of the time (aka most mornings, most market opens), not what can possibly be an outlier move. + +&#x200B; + +After that initial quick $120 gain, I can now simply take a look at my other watchlist tickers, scroll through them with a glance and see if I cannot spot another trading opportunity. I immidiately noticed FB and AAPL and had high interest in playing both short. I ended up deciding going with AAPL just because of recent (negative) news, especially with market weak on this Friday. I jumped in on 5 contracts at 1.63 and set my exit price for just 15 cents higher, and simply wait for it to fill me, but 4 minutes into the trade, I realize it might take a little longer for that push further down, so I adjust my fill price for just 10 cents, and get out of the trade. No need to worry how much extra I could have made, etc, etc. That is not helping you as a scalping trader for your mindset long-term. Just enter a trading opportunity and execute your exit as needed based on your trading plan. I don't mind taking $50 from AAPL in 4 minutes because I know I could do that over and over and those $50 bills do stack up quickly. + +&#x200B; + +Last trade I took was simply just to make back the commission fees I spent today on both preceeding scalp trades on AMZN and AAPL. I decide to play for a rebound on AAPL with a weekly call option expiring today. It was pretty much ATM. 7-10 cents scalp there would have easily paid for the commission today. Again, it turns out, it wasn't moving quick enough for me, so I bail on the trade just a minute or two later. Still profitable, trade literally does not bother me at all. I already made what I think is a healthy/hefty amount for this morning trading for what, perhaps 10 minutes total in 3 trades. I'll just continue doing this every morning, every day, with the same routine. + +&#x200B; + +I hope by sharing this today can help and motivate some other traders, especially if they haven't performed well this week from their own trading. I embrace every market condition every morning. Market could open green or red and it doesn't bother me the slighest. Going into each trade with the right mindset is immensely helpful and a much required skill to learn. + +&#x200B; + +What's really crazy is, I've already spent a little over 1.5 hours literally writing up this update post, along with getting screenshots together and making the post looking nice and neat than it takes me to do my actual daily trades. + +&#x200B; + +Let's hope I help more than 1 person out there achieve better trading with this. +Long-time Ape lurker here. I've been surprised to see essentially no talk about the Book King’s new company being about ... books. My wife and I run a mom and pop Indie Children's publisher and I have some pure speculation to share. I’ll keep this short: + +1. Indie publishing is HARD, and you’re under the thumb of Amazon. NFTs could change all of that, and I think RC is about to pull the trigger to enable this with Teddy + GameStop + Wallet. +2. I believe that there are interactive digital versions of the Teddy books to be delivered via NFT. So… of course the images of the book pages would change . + +**FYI, about being an indie publisher:** + +1. If you haven't heard of KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing ie. Amazon), consider yourself lucky. Being an author is a cruel calling. Amazon has strangle-hold on the print on demand industry and you really have no other choices. Indie publishers make at most a couple $ per book. +2. Your only other option is to pay to have a printer print 1000+ copies of your book, and their backlogs might be 6+ months. And then, you have to manage shipping yourself. +3. You can buy author copies at a discount from Amazon for you to sell yourself. But, author copies don’t ship via Prime, so you have to pay a ton on shipping, and they take weeks to get to you. +4. For years, our company has been producing each kids book twice: once for print on demand on Amazon, and once as an Interactive App for iOS and Android. We add in some fun games, narration, motion. We make more on a $3 app sale than we do on a $10 book sale. +5. As many have speculated, I also believe that Teddy books will be delivered digitally as NFTs. I further believe they’ll be interactive, game-like, and that’s why the images have been changing . + +**As a publisher, our view on NFTs:** + +1. We LOVE the idea of people being able to share, sell, trade our interactive books. Retaining even a modest royalty on an NFT transaction is a win, since people usually trust book recommendations from friends and family more than any kind of marketing. (Needless to say, we also LOVE the idea of a beloved company sharing in a small slice of billions of such transactions.) +2. We LOVE the idea of a physical book coming with an NFT for an interactive version. Right now, we’d have no way to manage that easily, and we would gladly partner or leverage a platform and marketplace that enables minting of NFTs for our interactive books. We’re unusual in our ability to make the apps… and the fact that we need to build and submit and maintain an app for each book is a pain. +3. I speculate that Teddy is gearing up to support authors in the creation of NFT interactive books. + +**There’s an ongoing need for retail!** + +1. And then there’s the potential for a physical presence in a mall… We LOVE the idea of a store in a mall having a physical copy of our books. +2. People still love to hold books, and shop in malls. I speculate that Ryan Cohen sees this and is gearing up to bring power to the authors in a hybrid fashion. +3. Physical presence: I can envision GameStop or (any other store) having a point of sale system which sells a physical copy and grants an NFT at the same time. If you pay with your GameStop Wallet, it’s all automatic. If you don’t have the GS Wallet there’s some sort of unique identifier which can get you the NFT later. +4. Maybe Teddy even has its own print on demand and distribution services to compete against KDP in a fair way because they can make their profit long-term on the share in the NFT licensing. +5. I can even imagine a group of providers who can help create the interactive versions and mint the NFTs for all of these amazing content creators. + +Maybe you can tell my wife is the wordsmith, but I wanted to put these thoughts out there as food for thought! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT to bolt on something u/ClosetCaseGrowSpace reminded me about wrt an NFT book reader... + +Yes! That NFT book reader is key, thanks for the reminder... I had some thoughts on that. + +I think it could be a killer app. Right now, you can't really publish kids picture books for e-readers. They're too static. That's why we produce our interactive books as mobile apps. + +We design in Unity, so our books are essentially games. Unity does an amazing job building cross-platform, and so it's no extra work for us to deploy iOS + Android. But, it takes a ton of time to submit each one separately. + +If I had RC/GS resources, I'd be building that book reader with a great authoring engine, something that empowers authors to add colour, movement, sound, and fun into their books. Blur the line between games and books, especially for kids. Mint at the push of a button... flatten into static pages for print at the push of another button - send it to a marketplace all at once. + +The future is so bright!! + +&#x200B; +Robinhood fucked me on GME and i moved all of my funds to Webull but im not liking the webull mobile app as much as Robinhood. (TD Ameritrade also stopped buys on GME but i didnt have an option to move my self directed HSA account out of TD) + +I like the simple uppies and downies graphs designed for retards better. + +I also like how RH shows the break evens on the options chains is it has kept me from making more than a few bad trades. + +I wasnt trading as successfully on webull because i found it harder to track my trades and watchlist and i wasnt as confident in finding the best options to buy. + +I dont like how RH market orders seem to steal an extra penny off the bid but limit orders fixes that. + +I want Vlad to suck my nuts but the platform just works better for me and they offered me $100 to transfer funds back into RH. + +I couldnt turn down taking $100 out of Vlads pocket so i transferred funds back planning on moving them out after the bonus cleared, but i like the app better and started making trades on RH again + +Conflicted and realizing this post will bring hate from GME apes but I'm curious what other people think. +First of all do not shut down your brain, even if its a smooth brain. Do not trust anything unless the DD is crosschecked or do you own DD. Think if something makes sense, before you give your upvote! + +Lets dig into this post, how it's manipulative and how its statements just don't make any sense at all. + +[FUD, intentional or unintional, will never disappear until MOASS](https://preview.redd.it/evjz68dwrfl71.jpg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add8fce6d7d6d8b81657cba0fc6f70cae095c5ac) + +&#x200B; + +**Hard indicators of FUD/Manipulation:** + +1. The title: "Cannot give awards, WTF!!!" therefore the system is rigged and they try to prevent the truth from leaking out: +**Sign of Manipulation, Reddit has constantly issues** +2. The title: Call to action: "Try to upvote" (to see if it is working to see if it is working): +**Sign of Manipulation** +Upvote posts where you think the content matters +3. Awards where given pretty quick: In the first two hours not only received the posts an extreme amount of awards, but "general" comments without any value where pushed with multiple awards within the first minutes of the post: +**Sign of Manipulation** +4. The original OP of the comment mentioned that he received countless anonymous rewards: aka "DFV wants you to have this post seen".This can be used to pump FUD as well! +**Sign of Manipulation** + +&#x200B; + +Lets talk about the content and common sense! + +**Why the pushing dead stocks theory just does not make any sense** + +1. If you have shorts you don't own stocks, you owe them +2. If you have million of shorts - a rising share price creates margin pressure because you owe more +3. SHFs try to never cover their shorts - as Mark Cuban said +4. SHFs have millions of shorts which they need to propably roll over regulary and/or hedge properly or might even be forced to close them based on regulation +5. SHFs are long on millions of other stocks - they pump and dump them to get people to FOMO buy every day. +However dead companies like SEARS **cannot** be bought with most brokers (retail can hardly buy these stocks and why should they?) + +&#x200B; + +**Statements which make sense, but are somehow FUD nonetheless:** + +1. SHFs might try to never cover their shorts, but they only do this because it is cheaper, not because it is free. Cheaper to roll over the shorts constantly rather than to pay taxes: +**This does not mean, that they are not bleeding money by shorting actively traded stocks like GME.** +**They are bleeding constantly (Short interest, interest for the swaps, hedging) !** +2. MOASS can be triggered by the system itself because of margin pressure. +This might be true, but there are countless other ways how SHFs are forced to close their shorts: E.g. an issued NFT dividend. + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR: Do not directly trust everything you read on the internet.** + +**Just apply some common sense: An increase in price of a stock you shorted creates additional margin pressure.** + +&#x200B; + +Gonna go back to buy and hold for as long as it takes. +**For me personally it's: NO CELL, NO SELL** + +This is not financial advice as I am a smoothbrained banana loving APE. +Let's head right into it.So the first ever T+35 occured on 25th January 2021.Counting back these 35 calender days that shouldve started at 21st December 2020. (FTD) + +On the 25th January, the price went from \~70$ to 350$ in 2 days.This caught hedgefunds totally offguard. They didnt expect that to happen and force commanded brokers like Robinhood and others to stop the buying pressure as it was uncontrolable.It was a mix of FTD + FOMO + 1st time ever.After that it crashed to \~190$ due to panic selling and not allowing to buy.It ran shortly after to 327$ again for reasons I dont remember.Anyway people couldnt buy, were restricted, and couldnt push for a margin call.Which was at that time the most attractive time for that.So that makes it sure that they have never started closing their short positions. But started to add on more from that date, spreading FUD with media until today, to make us believe the squeeze is 'over'.That we would eventually sell and forget about it. That was the hedgefunds goal. + +DFV gave a little more light into this darkness with his share adding and proved that the squeeze was not over. Nothing illegal about anyone buying this stock. And investors simply didnt want to give up on gamestop due to child memories and much more. GameStop means a lot to gamers. And the believe in the company to create a great future in gaming for the community, is there. + +Due to shorting that started again from the 29th January, 35 days had passed. The FTD was on the 5th March 2021. The price went from 138$ to 265$ in 7 days.It were 21 days where the price kept rising, if it kept on going, it would've resulted in a margin call. + +This attempt was stopped with the shocking flashcrash that we all witnessed that day. + +After that, I think, we got the stonkometer showing us all the FTD, Options and so on.I used waybackmachine to find what were the last high OTM Puts and added 35 days until 'covering'. + +On 16th April 2021, \~427K OTM Puts were expiring. Adding T+35 Days to that it arrived on the21st May 2021. It caused a runup from \~170$ to \~302$ in 19 Days. (9th June 2021)Shortly after the stock would've crashed anyway and be again shorted.There is were GameStop sold their shares ATM. They took the opportunity to get money which otherwise they couldnt be able to do so. It was like the perfect timing. + +Now they had a reason why they shouldn't be shorted and that they can transform to get back on foot with zero debt and money on their hands. Which doesnt justify the shorting any longer.From that point all the shorting is due to not wanting to close their short positions. Meaning the true 'hedgies r fuk' moment. + +From the ATM share offering 2 days passed, those 21 days ended. This is when the hedgefunds started to short again to kick the can.Those OTM puts that expired today on 17th July 2021, were about 437K.Adding T+35 onto them means closing that position is 20th August 2021. + +That is when 21 days start were the price surges again. It ends on a Friday 10th September 2021. + +Monday is the 13th September 2021. Which is were I would expect Margin Call and where the whole stockmarket will get down to hell. + +Not to forget that probably the new delta strain or whatever strain will cause drama and can be used for a maskup. To do anything what is in their power to not let the hedgefunds or anyone else be responsible for the crash of the century. Because that would certainly upset a lot of people. + +*this is not financial advice, just some info or data for the stock and mostly, my opinion.*I do not know wether I'm right or wrong. Time will tell. +Over the years there have been many coins that have caught peoples eyes that have introduced them into the cryptocurrency space, These coins include Bitcoin, Doge coin, Shiba uni, Ethereum etc and Im sure there is a ton of more that i could have mentioned. + +Personally for me the coin that first got me into crypto was Bitcoin! i bought it at $10,000 and am still holding to this day and have no plans of selling any time soon! + +So my question is what is the first coin you ever bought? and are you still holding it? +I just stumbled on this subreddit not to long ago, and realized that FI is what I always envisioned for myself. My situation is a bit unique sorry if it seems like I am rambling. Engaged for the last 2 years, SO and family have no idea I have amassed so much money. Everyone still believes I have significant SL debt and CC debt, (I was about $30K in debt when I graduated 3 years ago). Here are a few details: + +* 25 year old male graduate student +* income, ~$120,000 and growing ($25K graduate student income, remainder from side business) +* savings, $300k +* debt, $0 + +Heres the deal, I am a graduate student so I currently have no problem living a frugal/cheap lifestyle, it is kind of expected of me. The reason I have been able to save so much is due to my internet business (please don't ask about this). I live off my graduate stipend and save/invest 100% of my other income. I have always played off my internet business as a hobby, no one except for me really knows how successful it is. + +Heres my problem: +My fiance (24 years old, dating for 6 years, engaged for the last 2) recently graduated with a masters degree and started working about a year ago. We currently live about 2 hours apart but plan on moving in together once I graduate in about 2 years. When it comes to money she is not wasteful but she is not frugal either. She makes about 50K a year. She has about 20K in SL debt and 2K in CC debt. She does make maximum contributions to her 401K, but beyond that has no savings, or other thoughts about retirement. Her current focus is paying off debt, hence no savings. Although I can help her pay off her debt, I choose not as I want her to learn how to respect money. + +I don't know how or when to tell her. I don't know how she will react to "Surprise! I'm rich". She is not struggling at the moment, but our quality of life can definitely be improved if I spent a little more. As we get closer to getting married I want to include her in my FI goal, but I don't think she is mature enough to comprehend what FI means. Also, I don't want her to take for granted how valuable money is. Every once and a while I ask her "What would you do if you had $100,000 in the bank?". I always get a list of things she want to buy with no thought to saving it. This is part of the reason I have not told her. + +More complications. We have begun planning our wedding. My soon to be in laws plan on paying for a significant portion of our wedding. Should I take their money? I don't want them to be upset with me in the future if they find out I could have paid for everything. If it were up to me we would just get married in a courthouse, but a big wedding is important to both her family and mine. Its going to cost a arm and a leg for the wedding we are currently planning. + +TL;DR: SO/family have no idea I make alot of money. Don't know how or when to tell her. +EDIT- The SEC is asking for comments so this isn't brigading. This is mine. Give them yours. This isn't a call to copy and paste like some seem to have taken it. + +How/Where: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xypz9m/dont\_let\_citadel\_get\_away\_with\_this\_take\_5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xypz9m/dont_let_citadel_get_away_with_this_take_5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +Per the SEC's own filings, we can see a history of token punishments that don't even require the admission of guilt for firms engaging in naked shorting American companies with LITERALLY trillions -WITH A T- of fraudulent, imaginary, pulled out of thin air fake shares. + +&#x200B; + +The SEC is aware of the abusive practices of insane leverage, emptying pension funds to pay off bad bets, near infinite rehypothecation, the DTCC's inability to track shares, entities like CBOE manipulating VIX for years, high frequency trading done by computers that's banned in the rest of the world, payment for order flow, bankrupting American companies on behalf of special VERY monied interests, illegally marking short sales long, burying short positions in swaps, illegally selling items they don't own and Failing To Deliver. + +&#x200B; + +The list of crimes the SEC is aware and takes no meaningful action to stop is a list that is decades long. The SEC spent a decade ignoring complaints against Bernie Madoff and it wasn't until he turned himself in for fear of his life that the SEC took action. What is the source of this inaction? Staff lying to IA/IG investigators. Corruption of appointed officials, and being too busy watching porn to actually protect American businesses and working families being wiped out and abused. + +&#x200B; + +Main Street is being wiped out by Wall Street and the SEC \*LITERALLY\* was caught with their pecker in their hand. + +&#x200B; + +We've watched the RRP climb from under $400 million to over 2 trillion as the banks that own the Fed are first in line for nightly payouts and then hear the Fed blame inflation on workers being paid too much in a timespan where M2 tripled form $7t to 21T and the minimum wage stayed $7.25 (2008-2022). + +&#x200B; + +Our grand parents had a higher standard of living on a single income than today's youth working 2 or more jobs without benefits where nowhere in the country can afford a two bedroom on minimum wage while corporations post record profits. + +&#x200B; + +THE GRIFT MUST END. Either the people will die broken or die fighting, but either way they die because of the SEC's REFUSAL to actually take a meaningful stance against the abusive practices of the banks and Wall Street. + +&#x200B; + +If retail makes a bad investment and gets margin called, they can be wiped out in days. Their investments are tracked every second of the day and we can't turn off the buy button or ignore margin calls when things don't go our way. That institutions can are left to the honor system in reporting short positions every 15 days and swap info hasn't been posted for 2 years is insane and literally crime against every participant in the market. + +&#x200B; + +Pensions shouldn't be the backstops of Wall Street's bad bets. Their short positions should be constantly tracked by objective parties and not self reported. "Creating liquidity" means selling shares that don't exist to sell under the lowest REAL Ask. This is the opposite of a free market as market makers are just undercutting the price of real shares to control and dictate price. Internalizing orders isn't a free market. Brokers offering IOUs instead of real shares isn't a free market. The DTCC holding all of the shares in one infinitely rehypothecated bucket that shafts retail "street name" holders of their rights is not a free market. The barriers the DTCC puts preventing corporations from pulling out their shares because they're tired of the corruption and mismanagement is not a free market. + +&#x200B; + +The only thing free about this market is the reign criminal enterprise has over it with the SEC's blessing as long as they get their pennies on the dollar. + +&#x200B; + +If tracking and reporting swaps, short holdings, and other derivatives is too much of a burden for SROs (and I use regulating loosely), the DTC/C, the OCC, hedge funds, or brokers is too laborious than they obviously CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be trusted with trillions upon trillions of dollars. + +&#x200B; + +IF THEIR REASON TO AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY IS THAT IT IS HARD THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY NOT QUALIFIED TO BE MANAGING FUNDS ESSENTIAL TO THE STABILITY AND IMAGE OF THE UNITED STATES! + +&#x200B; + +If I end up commenting twice, it's simply because the SEC reported the deleted thousands of comments on dozens of proposed regulations, so this one size fits all message is intended to make it painfully obvious that I and the thousands upon thousands of people I have conversed and lamented with find the lack of meaningful enforcement of laws against prolific repeat offenders absolutely enraging and embarrassing. + +&#x200B; + +STOP IGNORING YOUR DUTY AND PUNISH THE FIRMS TAKING BILLIONS FROM STRUGGLING FAMILIES EVERY YEAR. +Curious how people who were on the front lines of the market collapse in 2008 knew it was different from a normal swing in the market? + +Let me state, I don't think today was anywhere close to a Black Monday/sub prime/'29 crisis. Im just using it as a jumping off point for discussion, if you were working in securities/CDOs, at what point did you realize that what was happening was unusual and wouldn't bounce back in a few weeks time? +Anytime we have 20-50% gains I sell a small portion of profit and reinvest. I’ve tried buying and selling weekly/monthly on lows and highs. Overall it’s better to find projects you like long term and accumulate. I wait for price targets and buy. I wait for sell targets and sell. It’s easy. Don’t panic just stick to the plan. + +NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. +Check out Part 2 here after reading! ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rqpup4/the\_big\_short\_again\_the\_auto\_loan\_asset\_backed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rqpup4/the_big_short_again_the_auto_loan_asset_backed/)) + +&#x200B; + +Hey all! Welcome back to another DD but this time on a different type of Asset Backed Security. You probably know me now as the 'SLABS guy' (Student Loan Asset Backed Securities) due to my recent 5 Part DD Series on SLABS, but I figured at the request of many comments I'd take a deeper look at the auto market. + +As many have pointed out, there are a ton of different collateral markets for different types of loans. Credit cards, medical, auto, student loans, etc. I am of the belief that these ABS markets are all inherently risky, as the regulatory measures like ratings have been corrupted in the pursuit of money. I decided previously to look into the Student Loan ABS bubble because of how big the market was - about $1.6T in student debt is held by the USA total. I didn't even realize that the auto market has about the similar amount of debt outstanding - approximately $1.3T. Wow. Time to go down this rabbit hole for a bit. SLABbit hole? ALABbit hole? + +This is the first time I've ever really looked into auto loans and the securities market associated with them. So take this with a grain of salt. We're all still learning here. + +With that said, let's go! This is gonna be a fat DD. I'll include a TL:DR at the bottom, but I'd still recommend reading the whole thing. + +First of all, the structure of Auto Loan Asset Backed Securities (ALABS) functions very similarly to how SLABS work, or Mortgage Backed Securities worked back in 2008. This link ([https://www.stockmarketloss.com/securities-law/auto-loan-backed-securities/](https://www.stockmarketloss.com/securities-law/auto-loan-backed-securities/)) explains: *"Subprime auto loans have been and are being bundled into auto loan asset-backed securities (“ABS”) and sold to the public as solid, income-producing debt investments similar to corporate bonds. They’re marketed as secure products offering above-average interest. But while a bond may be backed by an issuing company’s income and assets, these auto loan ABS products are backed solely by a pool of auto loans.  The loans are bundled and the rights to receive the payments generated by the loans are sold to investors.  Those rights are divided into tranches."* Tranches? Subprime loans? Asset backed securities that are misleadingly marketed as secure products? That all sounds familiar. + +But first, let's discuss how big the market is for these ALABS. I will be extensively referencing [this study](https://ilr.law.uiowa.edu/print/volume-106-issue-5/bursting-the-auto-loan-bubble-in-the-wake-of-covid-19/) for information, and using graphs with data from the New York Fed. The study is entitled "Bursting The Auto Loan Bubble In the Wake of Covid-19". Well that title is straightforward isn't it. + +It's important to understand just how many people take out loans to buy cars. *"About 85% of Americans own a car, and 2/3 of car owners fund their ownership with loans".* So obviously, even though these loans will not have larger dollar values than student loans or housing loans, they're still very widely used. And they're growing. A lot. This graph should help demonstrate this rise further. It uses data from the New York Fed. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/48y31vajmb881.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcc3198391119fa6fa9cb30ed97422b1c98f949e + +The study continues, saying *"During the past decade, auto debt has skyrocketed, increasing nearly 40 percent overall, with the average auto loan for a new car rising 11 percent. Part of the growth stemmed from a flourishing subprime auto loan market, which now accounts for nearly one-quarter of the $1.33 trillion in auto loan debt outstanding. Overall, as of the beginning of 2020, auto loans made up about nine percent of household debt, making “\[t\]he auto loan market . . . the third-largest consumer credit market in the United States,” behind home loans and student loans."* Ummmmm...this should be a HUGE red flag. The subprime (aka ' very risky loans that probably never should've been given out') market alone makes up nearly $325B (a quarter of $1.33T) of the auto loan industry! And with this growing amount of subprime loans comes increasing levels of default. Just look at this graph here, compiled also from data from the New York Fed. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pcr5sv6kmb881.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=c673813e7ee93def5cc6d793f04bae4fd61b34ca + +You can see a DRASTIC rise in auto loan defaults which as I believe is a result of increasing lending to subprime consumers. So why hasn't the bubble burst yet? Well, that same study says *"Prior to the pandemic, the build-up of auto loan debt outstanding and the growth in delinquencies and defaults led experts to classify the auto loan market as a bubble and to predict that the bubble would burst soon. The United States’ strong pre-pandemic economy combined with a low unemployment rate likely were the leading reasons that the bubble did not burst at that time. Yet, even then, multiple reports recognized that the rise in auto debt in the United States showed an unsustainable dependence on automobiles financed by households."* Ok. So the reason that shit hasn't hit the fan yet is because the economy was really strong before the pandemic. Well, here we are a few years into the pandemic now, and this thing still has not burst yet. In my eyes, it's only a matter of time. + +A reason why defaults and delinquencies may be increasing is because people are strapped for cash recently, with inflation and now the pandemic. This article ([https://www.stockmarketloss.com/securities-law/auto-loan-backed-securities/](https://www.stockmarketloss.com/securities-law/auto-loan-backed-securities/)) states, *"Borrowers with more cash than credit tend to pay their loans more quickly to avoid the high interest rate attached to the loans.  The fact that they’re* [*paying loans more slowly*](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidkiley5/2017/05/31/sub-prime-auto-loan-payback-and-delinquencies-rising-along-with-new-vehicle-prices/#61c6af459742) *is thought to be a sign that borrowers are more strapped than they have been previously."* Basically, people are paying loans more slowly, which causes interest to snowball, and will thus cause even more risk of default. + +Another interesting thing to note is how auto loans actually work. While some large companies have in-house crediting, like Ford Motor Credit, typically banks partner with dealerships who then give loans to customers. This is a huge issue. Because **instead of these banks directly servicing consumers, they are instead trying to please dealerships the most.** This means that *"the auto loan origination market prioritizes the interests of lenders over those of customers, which has led and will continue to lead people to agree to loans with disadvantageous (and inflated) interest rates, fees, and terms."* Pretty straightforward - because the dealership is the middle man who is actually giving the banks business and money, the banks negotiate loan terms that are *more favorable* for the dealers than the buyers. This would obviously lead to increased rates of delinquency and default, but this strategy is still *immensely profitable* for dealers. Take a look. *"Over the past decade, the relative proportion of profit that auto dealers have made from car sales versus car financing has narrowed. For instance, in 2011, dealers made 66 percent of their profit from car sales versus 34 percent from car financing. In 2018, this balance had flipped, with dealers making money from car loans than car sales. Dealers should be increasingly more interested in selling auto loans than actual cars."*  Woah. So now, **when you go to buy a car, the dealers are actually more interested in putting you into debt and making money off your loan than making a profit off the physical car.** That's pretty wild to think about. + +How is this even allowed? Well, the study continues, saying "*Similarly, as noted by Edward Balleisen and Melissa Jacoby, car dealers have succeeded in lobbying at the state level, leading to the lack of state-level regulation of auto loans, and have a lobbying force that is ready to take on proposed regulations."* Try to act surprised. + +But how does all of this tie into an ABS market? Well, similarly to other types of loans, *"Auto asset-backed securities are essentially a bundling of car loans that are then sold to investors. They are grouped by the creditworthiness of the borrowers and categorized as prime, nonprime or subprime."* ([Link](https://smartroom.com/blog/asset-backed-securities/is-the-auto-lending-market-bubble-going-to-burst/)). As I explained in my DD about SLABS, the record-high levels of RRP show that everyone is absolutely desperate for collateral. So I would not be surprised if these ALABS were also being used extensively as collateral. But, as I've shown above, these ALABS are again overvalued. That article continues, saying *"Delinquency rates are on the rise in auto ABS, especially in the subprime category. According to a May 2018 story in* [*PYMNTS*](https://www.pymnts.com/news/alternative-financial-services/2018/consumer-spending-loan-credit-card-debt/)*, “subprime delinquency for loans more than 60 days past due reached its highest since 1996 at 5.8 percent.” That number, according to Business Insider, was a jump of 0.6 percent from the year prior and up 2 percent from the same time period in 2014. Perhaps even more telling, according to PYMNTS, the default rate leading up to the 2008 financial crisis was around 5 percent."* Well shit. We already know that subprime loans make up a pretty damn big percentage of all auto loans. And if defaults are on the rise, then obviously the ALABS market is being strained. This article also says that *"* [*Bloomberg*](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-06/smaller-u-s-subprime-auto-lenders-are-folding-as-losses-pile-up) *reported in April that two smaller subprime lenders – Summit Financial and Spring Tree Lending — filed for bankruptcy while Pelican Auto Finance shut down completely. Furthermore, the publication notes that rising interest rates will likely make things more challenging for these lenders."* This again is a pretty big red flag. These subprime lenders going under signals a *significant* risk that these subprime loans are dogshit, and their value is finally coming down to Earth. + +**Even Morgan Stanley** is calling out this bullshit. As Walter White once said, *'you can't bullshit a bullshitter'.* [This link reads](https://www.stockmarketloss.com/securities-law/auto-loan-backed-securities/), *"*[*Morgan Stanley has stated*](http://www.businessinsider.com/wall-street-is-worried-about-car-loans-2017-3/#fitch-deteriorating-credit-performance-will-be-more-acute-in-the-subprime-segment-1)*:  “In fact, since 2010, the share of Subprime Auto ABS \[asset-backed securities\] origination that has come from these deep subprime deals has increased from 5.1% to 32.5%.\[2\]” Subprime loans are those made to people with low credit scores.  While there is no standard definition for “subprime,” it often refers to people with credit scores lower than 640, and “deep subprime” refers to credit scores lower than 500.  The lower the borrower’s credit score, the more likely the borrower is to default on a loan.  Accordingly, subprime loans are inherently riskier than prime loans and deep subprime loans are riskier still."* Again, this highlights how the bottom line of this market is about to go down the shitter. This graph demonstrates even further. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/67tja4bmmb881.jpg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3441ccd104bd44fb02486819afa0ebf5e5972977 + +It's similar to the graph I showed previously. But this one highlights how these prime and subprime markets have drastically diverged recently. And like I mentioned, banks are starting to notice. As far back as 2016, banks started decreasing their exposure to ALABS, while independent companies have taken up this slack. Hence why like I previously mentioned, it was these smaller players beginning to go under. + +https://preview.redd.it/7vqm75fnmb881.jpg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd56c6d6ce72300a34c9546bf19a9ac3fc0a215 + +As you can see, banks decreased their exposure by 1.6%, with private finance companies increasing their exposure by 1.6%. These graphs are from [this source](https://www.businessinsider.com/wall-street-is-worried-about-car-loans-2017-3#fitch-deteriorating-credit-performance-will-be-more-acute-in-the-subprime-segment-1). + +But there is YET ANOTHER problem. As I'm sure you're aware, cars are essential to American life. And **this has led some people to get desperate enough to get a car to commit fraud.** [This source](https://www.stockmarketloss.com/securities-law/auto-loan-backed-securities/) states that *"Given the higher risk inherent in subprime loans, one would hope that borrowers are being forthright in their loan applications and that lenders are being thorough in their due diligence.  Unfortunately, it appears that neither may be happening.*  [*Bloomberg reports*](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-17/auto-loan-borrowers-may-be-gaming-their-credit-scores-ubs-says) *that “as many as one in five auto-loan borrowers admitted in a survey that their applications for debt contained inaccuracies . . . meaning fraud could be more pervasive than lenders planned for."*  Oh great. So not only do we have to deal with the risks of companies giving out subprime loans to people with horribly low credit scores, but we also have to deal with people lying about their financial situations to get a loan at all, which would expose this industry to even more risk. + +But it's not just borrowers who aren't doing their due diligence. This same source continues, saying *"Unfortunately, as borrowers’ inaccuracies or falsehoods increase, lenders are growing lax in their data verification. It was reported recently that Santander Consumer USA Holdings, Inc. – one of the largest subprime auto finance companies – verified income on a mere 8% of the borrowers whose loans it bundled into $1 billion of bonds.  Santander agreed to pay nearly $26 million in settlements with Massachusetts and Delaware related to allegations that it facilitated unfair, high-rate auto loans for thousands of buyers.  Naturally those loans were packaged into securities sold to investors.  Santander is, however, not alone in its income verification procedures.  Americredit, another large auto-loan company (and a unit of General Motors Financial Company),* [*reportedly verifies*](http://www.crainscleveland.com/article/20170523/NEWS01/170529947/analysis-sloppy-subprime-car-loans-will-deepen-automakers-woes) *only 64% of its prospective borrowers’ incomes."* **So not only do you have one in five auto loan borrowers committing fraud to get a loan. You also have lenders who are straight up not checking the credit scores and incomes of people they're giving loans to.** And why would they? Again, like I mentioned earlier, the profit for dealerships now comes from making people take out as many loans as possible. Holy shit. Hello, 2008 again. + +Here's the bottom line. Via [this source](https://www.stockmarketloss.com/securities-law/auto-loan-backed-securities/). *"If the underlying loan slow payments and defaults are significant enough, it is possible that investors won’t receive the interest they expected to receive.  The bond values will then decrease on the open market.  Investors trying to unload the under-performing or non-performing bonds may only be able to sell them at a loss, if they’re able to sell them at all.  If the underlying loan performance is bad enough, some of the bonds themselves could go into default, meaning that the principal sums due are never repaid.  Investors face the possibility of losing some or all of the money invested in these supposedly safe bond or bond-like investments. The bottom line is that auto loan ABS investments are not safe, secure, and better paying bonds or bond alternatives. They are subject to major losses and will become increasingly risky as car loan defaults continue to increase."* This quote really just speaks for itself. This is a bubble, and a big one. + +So who's left holding the bag if this goes to shit? Here's what [this source thinks](https://wolfstreet.com/2019/08/13/auto-loan-subprime-delinquencies-at-2009-level-biggest-12-month-surge-since-2010/). *"The most aggressive have been specialized lenders, including small shops backed by private equity firms, and larger lenders such as Santander Consumer USA. But they’re spreading the risks to investors by packaging their loans into subprime auto-loan backed securities, of which the highest-rated tranches have AA or even AAA ratings.  And these securities are everywhere, from bond funds in the US to some pension fund in a Scandinavian city. For investors and lenders, these delinquent loans don’t represent total losses. If the default cannot be cured and the lender decides to repossess the collateral – which is easy to do with modern tracking technologies – the lender obtains a used vehicle for which there is a liquid auction market (unlike housing) with wholesale auctions around the country, and finding a buyer is generally not the problem. The problem is the difference between the price at auction and the outstanding loan amount. The difference plus expenses is the loss that the lender and investors take. This loss might be 50% of loan value."* Yup. So it looks like a whoooole lot of people are about to be exposed to significant losses in their portfolios. Wonderful. + +***Now, it's time for a TL:DR.*** + +***TLDR:*** Auto Loan Asset Backed Securities are similar to Mortgage Backed Securities and Student Loan Asset Backed Securities. When loans are taken out to buy a car, these loans are then packaged into ALABS, which are then sold to investors who reap the interest rates. However, these ALABS are posing increasing risk of devaluation, due to increased numbers of default rates due to the pandemic, the drastic increase in the usage of subprime (shitty) or deep-subprime (most shitty) loans, fraudulent reporting by borrowers, incomplete due diligence on part of lenders, and slow loan payments. This relates to GME, as if these ALABS lose value, they also lose value as collateral. RRP has shown how desperate people are for collateral, so the thesis is that ALABS are being used extensively as collateral. Devalued collateral = banks get scared and raise margin requirements = margin calls = MOON. Not to mention that even if these aren't being used as collateral, tons of investors are exposed to these things, so a recession would ensue which I believe would also cause margin calls. + +Thanks so much for reading you guys! We'll see if there will be any further parts. Originally I planned for my SLABS DD to be one part, yet I'm already on Part 5. As always, I will write more parts if more new information comes to light via comments or DMs. So please, put me onto some more leads! + +One final thing. I am not a financial advisor. Please do not ask me how to make money off this situation. My personal investment strategy has been all GME, and this information does not change that. as always, I believe GME to be the best hedge against a market crash. Thanks again, and make sure to check out Part 2. +I contributed directly to my Roth IRA in 2018, but my bonuses were higher than anticipated and I'm over the income limit. +I already contacted my brokerage firm and had them recharacterize my 2018 contribution and earnings from Roth IRA => Traditional IRA. + +--------------- + +A few questions remain, though. I've gotten vague answers in the past and looking to clarify: + +- My understanding is that there is no limit or time from for converting Traditional IRA => Roth IRA (backdoor). This means that I should be able to file my 2018 taxes and then worry about backdooring my 2018 contribution. Is that correct? + +- I had pre-tax dollars (rolled over from an old 401k) in my Traditional IRA up until Feb 2019. This has now rolled over into my current 401k. I did the roll over BEFORE recharacterizing my excess contributions. Are my backdoored contributions for 2018 subject to pro rata, since I had pretax dollars in my Traditional IRA all throughout 2018? +I recently got invited to a family office event to hear some speakers and connect with other generally HNW individuals/families. + +I was wondering if these are good to attend or a waste of time? Are there any groups you guys would recommend? I’m not looking for the local old boys yacht sailing club, but something younger, more down to earth, with good people. +Like many of you on here I run a SMB (saas) and have the usual set of assets--primary house, rental property, and some securities. + +My accounting firm is quoting me around $14k for this years tax prep. We're providing them with clean books and organized docs. I know there are a lot variables at play here, but the number sounded high and I wanted to get a pulse on what others in the group were paying. +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/owner-moviepass-crashing-saying-burns-171200909.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/owner-moviepass-crashing-saying-burns-171200909.html) + +Wednesday update edit: They're down another 40%+ today and are dancing in the $0.80s. Absolute bloodbath. +Evening all, + +It seems to me (and I could well be mistaken) that the likelihood of brexit having an economic upside is low - at least in the short term. + +I have faith in the UK long term, and my tracker investment (LS80) will continue to receive its regular contribution. + +I wonder: has anyone changed their (perhaps shorter term?) investment strategy in anticipation of these potentially dramatic circumstances? And if so, how? + +I don't feel this is a timing the market question, more a realistic appraisal of how things seem to be going. I suppose with working in the UK, owning a home here and having a UK heavy investment profile one can't help be slightly uncomfortable! + + +We all know property prices, especially houses, have been rising. As someone who probably won't get onto the property ladder for another few years, how can I protect myself against rising property prices? + +In other words, what can I buy which will rise in line with the property prices? My initial thoughts are major home builders, is that thinking correct? +Use this thread to share your portfolio, purchases, sales, ideas, concerns, and anything else! + +This thread is also for asking questions about which is the best broker for you, which broker offers \[feature\] and other basic questions about platforms and their functionality. +UK investor. + +With the fall of GBP, I've decided to switch to investing in the UK while still holding my US stocks for now. Once a month I also add to my index funds. + +This month I will DO Csp1 for the S&P500 (it's domiciled in Ireland so that's okay), now I used to do 60/40 with the 40 being VXUS. However, with that being US domiciled, I've decided to let that go for now. + +Would it be better to do the remaining 40 in FTSE 100 or FTSE 250? +Hey, this is a great community. Long time lurker, but first time poster in here. + +I've been lucky enough to sell one of my online businesses and have some money to invest and was looking for some advice if possible. + +I do have an existing portfolio which I'd say is an 80:20 split with ETFs:Stocks (all within ISA wrappers) + +I was thinking of ploughing the majority of it into the ETFs over different periods and the rest into individual stocks and even looking at penny stocks now which I haven't previously considered. + +Thanks in advance and Happy New Year to all - here's wishing to a much better one! +I'm getting interested in investing in individual shares and Trading212 seems to be everyone's favourite. Understandably because the fees and costs are zero, but how do they make any money? Do they charge for anything? +Hi, + +Does anybody know where I can get hold of a full list of holdings within the L&G Global Technology Index fund? + +Most websites only list the top 10, but I was hoping to try get a more complete picture (even if it's not 100%). + +\- Side question, is there a good source for this kind of information with other funds? I've tried looking into prospectuses etc. + +Thanks! +\[Re-posted as I deleted the post accidently!\] + +I’m (25M) from the UK and have finally decided to start investing in a S&S ISA for the long term and want some advice on my portfolio: + +Vanguard LifeStrategy 80% Equity Fund – 60% + +Vanguard FTSE Developed World ex-U.K. Equity Index – 20% + +Vanguard Global Emerging Markets Fund A – 10% + +iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF USD – 10% + +This results in a roughly 90/10 Equity/Bond split. + +My thinking behind this allocation is: + +\- LifeStrategy funds are already diversified and low cost, but I think they have too much exposure to the EU (UK specifically) which I don’t think will grow much in comparison with the rest of the world over the next 3-5yrs + +\- The next two funds will give me extra exposure to global equities (mainly US through the develop world fund), and the EM markets respectively which I believe are higher growth markets + +\- The last fund is focused on clean energy and I think one that is going to grow considerably over the years +I have decided to invest monthly into this fund as I believe this sector will provide considerable opportunity for growth in the next 5-10 years and beyond. + +I would invest in the ARK genomics if I could but see this as a viable alternative, although there is not a huge overlap between holdings and weightings. Just curious to see what the general consensus on this fund is from this sub? +We all know property prices, especially houses, have been rising. As someone who probably won't get onto the property ladder for another few years, how can I protect myself against rising property prices? + +In other words, what can I buy which will rise in line with the property prices? My initial thoughts are major home builders, is that thinking correct? +Just wondering how many people, like me, are unable to find work and do not qualify for any of the government help on offer? I am a contractor working through a Ltd company (because I have to structure it that way), contract I was due to start has been indefinitely postponed, I don't qualify for universal credit and the government scheme for 'self employed' doesn't include those that work through a Ltd company. I seem to know more people who do not qualify for financial help than who qualify - wanted to see if that is really the case! +Here is 8 classic pieces of investing advice from Yankee legend Yogi Berra. + +**"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else."** +The idea here is that if you don't stay focused on your investing goals and stick to a plan, you're going to end up with a bunch of investments you didn't mean to make, and, most likely, a lot less money than you thought you'd have. + +**"We made too many wrong mistakes."** +Mistakes happen, but it's the ones you make over and over again that will get you. The point here is that not every investment will work, but a well-diversified portfolio will smooth out the bumps over time. + +**"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."** +The longer you invest, the more time you give your money to compound. Inflation will eat away at your purchasing power over a long timeframe, but consistent a investing plan will help you stay ahead of the curve. + +**"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future."** +Don't time the market: you'll get it wrong. + +**"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is."** +Everybody has a great idea until it comes time to use it, in investing and otherwise. + +**"90% of the game is half mental."** +Markets take big swings and investing is hard. If you remain calm when times are tough and don't get too greedy when times are good, your investing goals have a higher chance of being met over the long term. + +**"If you can't imitate him, don't copy him."** +If you're buying a strategy or investment product you don't understand, you're not going to get the most out of it. In fact, the opposite will probably happen: your plan will backfire. + +**"The future ain't what it used to be."** +All investing advice and products come with the same disclaimer: "Past performance is not a guarantee of future results." Whatever happened in the past is unlikely to happen in the future, but a successful and smart investor will know this and be ready and willing to stick with their own well-thought-out plan in response. +I am a relatively new investor - got nervous in January sold everything and realized around -0.5% losses. I invested immediately afterwards, because I understood that I need to plan long-term, with a new strategy (ETFs World, an Europe ETF and Deutsche Bank). + +Right now I am at - 8% and tbh it does not bother me that much and I believe in all the holdings I have (Deutsche makes it a bit hard right now but yeah). + +I am just wondering how bad/good I am going through this downturn compared to others. + +Would be great to get some answers/insights/feedback. + +EDIT: Talking about YTD here. +And yes, I think that Deutsche is a good pick +**EDIT 3: Posting up top for visibility: /u/a-a-evans found [Deloitte is INSANELY busy right now the next block over](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtonh4/deloitte_financial_advisory_service_in_canada_is/).** + +Citadel has an office in Toronto at [First Canadian Place](https://i.imgur.com/y1OetSr.jpg). - [Source](https://www.citadelsecurities.com/about-citadel-securities/) + +Many buildings in Toronto's financial district show closed on weekends and do not show live data- but the subway stations sure do. + +[St. Andrew station](https://i.imgur.com/LDX7qzh.png) is wayyy busier than it should be on a Sunday night as of 8:38pm EDT. + +St. Andrew station is [a 3-minute walk](https://i.imgur.com/Fz4lfjF.png) from Citadel's office. + +The Province of Ontario is currently under an emergency stay-at-home order. Our premier even tried to give police agencies the power to conduct interrogations on people driving in public. + +Why would a subway stop in the financial district be so busy on a Sunday night? Hmm... + +Are the Canadian Citadel hedgies calling emergency meetings tonight too? Any Toronto apes who live nearby - we need boots on the ground! Citadel's address says Suite 4720 - 47th floor perhaps? + +EDIT: Still [very busy](https://i.imgur.com/DKWt1sD.png) as of 9:15pm. The subway is running southbound [until 1:44am](http://ttc.ca/Subway/Stations/St_Andrew/station.jsp). Torontonians will recognize this building as the "BMO building" - I seem to recall seeing something about BMO being the other Canadian bank (besides RBC) holding puts on GME? Perhaps I'm remembering wrong. + +EDIT 2: Thanks to /u/AlexanderHood for pointing out there is [an advisory](http://ttc.ca/Service_Advisories/Subway_closures/Apr12-21_SW-Wil.jsp) that the subway line temporarily ends here and switches to buses. Still, this shouldn't add net traffic imo, just switch the mode of transportation... + +EDIT 4: Shout out to /u/Jonesy156 and /u/Gullible_Expression4 for the tip to check out the [CN Tower's live cam](https://www.earthcam.com/world/canada/toronto/cntower/?cam=cntower1). The building in question is the tall building on the left with the flashing red light on its antenna. Some lights on but nothing out of the ordinary it seems. Time to count floors! + +>The real question is, why do we recommend index funds to so many people here, and then, why do we recommend Vanguard's in particular? + +>In order to have a good shot at a secure, reasonably well funded retirement, most of us will need to have some portfolio of stocks (and bonds, but let's just talk about stocks for now; the same arguments I'm going to present for stocks apply to bonds). So how do we get those stocks? + +>You could pick them. That's what people did back in the day and that's what some people do now. There are various stock picking theories, and I won't go into what they are. If you're into that, great; I'm not going to discourage you from doing what you believe is the best way to achieve your financial goals. And if you beat the market, even better. But very few people will do so, and those that do will spend a great deal of time doing it (as will many that don't). + +>If you aren't picking stocks, you still need to have some. It's just that your best bet at that point is some sort of mutual fund (or equivalent, like an ETF, which some people seem to view as a different investment entirely, when in reality it isn't significantly different from a mutual fund. In fact, at Vanguard, the ETFs are a share class of the mutual fund). You could try to pick mutual funds that are going to beat the market within your desired asset allocation -- but given how few repeatedly do so, we're back to the same problem as picking stocks in the first place. You could find a financial advisor who will do this for you, but that selection process has the same problem. To top it off, there's all sorts of fees that are certain to eat into your total return. The odds are against you if your goal is to pick a mutual fund that will beat an index fund in terms of the return that you see (and ultimately, that's the number that matters). + +>Which brings us to the idea that most people here aren't going to beat the market. For the vast majority of what I'll call casual investors - people who want to set their allocation, contribute methodically, and not think about it more than a few hours a year - index funds (and the asset allocation wrappers - life style and target date funds - that use them, too) really are the key. + +>And since there isn't much to index funds to compare across companies, costs become the key. (I'll point out here that if you want to do stock trading, Vanguard probably isn't the right brokerage for you, although they do have some actively managed mutual funds beyond allocation ones. And once you have over a half of a million dollars in assets there, you can make very discounted trades of stocks should you be so inclined - I think it drops to like $2/trade, and at $1 million in assets, you get some number of free stock trades per year too) + +>So, fees. Vanguard's fees are among the lowest in the business. None of their funds charge a sales load. The expense ratios for their lowest investment minimum share class - "investor" shares - are among the lowest in the industry. And when your investment in a given index fund gets to $10,000 - a pittance in the grand scheme of things - the expense ratio drops even further as you qualify for Admiral shares (which your investor shares will get promoted to when you hit this mark). + +>If you're looking to diversify the portion of your stock portfolio that you want to be in domestic (U.S. company) stock, you can hardly go wrong with a total U.S. market fund. And at Admiral class, the expense ratio is 0.05%. Compared to $6.95/trade at many brokerages, you'd need less than one trade per $13,900 invested to have the same costs -- good luck not having your costs drag on your "versus index" performance there. + +>Note that I said "among the lowest" - there are occasionally funds with a lower expense ratio for the same product that come along. I've yet to see one that didn't feel like a loss leader, certainly not at the five-figures (or more) invested mark. On top of this, those with lower expense ratios tend to be offered by for-profit brokerages, further giving me the "loss leader" feeling as these companies lose business to Vanguard. It's only a matter of time, I feel, before the expense ratios of these creep up, or the companies offering them make up for the loss in other ways. By contrast, Vanguard runs their funds at-cost, so I know that the expense ratios I'm paying are the cost of operating the fund and that any future cost savings will go to me: they don't have shareholders (other than those who are invested in Vanguard mutual funds) who might want to claim the difference as profit. + +>**In summary**: if you aren't going to stock pick, or pick someone to pick for you, or pick someone to pick someone to pick for you, you're a good candidate for Vanguard's index mutual funds. And that's a sizable fraction of people who come here looking for advice. + +http://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/1owcra/moron_monday_ask_that_question_you_always_thought/ccwd45j +http://imgur.com/a/ttTzp + +I've been trying to make sense of the various Vanguard Equity Mutual Funds. There are a lot, and it's not obvious from some of the names where they fit in the big picture. + +This is what I came up with after a few hours. Anyone have any suggestions? Sector-specific, specialty, and most of the closed funds are not included as they don't fit the pattern. + +edit: There are almost certainly some minor inaccuracies. I'll try to gather them in the comments and put out an amended version later in the week. +TL; DR - My mom took out a personal loan & new credit cards to help my brother. This person maxed out the cards and used all the money. + +My brother lives in a group home due to severe mental illness. It's been a bit tricky finding a place that will take care of him, and my family is not equipped to deal with it. This home he was in was just requiring his disability checks with a little extra from my mom(~$150/month). My mom has an issue with being too generous and wanting to help everyone. So when the house manager requested my mom help out with a personal loan, she obliged. It quickly ballooned to 1 personal loan, 3 credit cards, and she even asked my mom to sign her a lease. (Yes, this does sound quite a bit like the Tinder Swindler) Thankfully my mom's friend at least stopped it at the signing of a lease. + +At this point, all 3 credit cards are maxed out and the personal loan money is gone. Is there any recourse we can pursue? I hate to admit it but I'm fairly certain it's just a loss at this point, since my mom willingly gave her all of this. She has all of the credit cards locked and I convinced her to file a police report although I'm not sure there will be anything done. +I have been using the DCA strategy since I started investing in April. Obviously lump sum investing would have been better. As the saying goes "time in the market beats timing the market". But I have a lower risk tolerance and I felt more comfortable using this strategy. As a result I am still 55% cash...oops + +I am still DCAing but not so much now with the current prices up much higher. + +My portfolio is up over +12% and pretty much all my positions are in the green now. + +I was always adding and averaging down my positions when they were in the minus, but now it has come to the point where I need to average up my positions if I wish to continue investing. + +Im having a hard time getting in this mind set. I know that truly DCAing means investing regularly regardless of market movements. But I have been waiting for another dip that doesn't seem to be coming. + +Should I continue slowly adding to my positions and averaging up? + +Any of you here using the DCA strategy? I would like to hear your thoughts about averaging up and why it would be a good idea to do so. Help me get into the mind set. + +I am an income investor, my goals are to achieve passive income. So I have no desire to sell. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thank you all for the comments/ ideas. I will continue with the DCA contributions but just have an amount set aside for when discounts/dips presents itself. Seems to be the best of both worlds this way. thanks. +I've been hearing a lot the last few months about negativity toward REITs being evil sin-stocks, and I'm still not getting it. + +&#x200B; + +Why? + +&#x200B; + +Originally I brushed this off as another woke social justice warrior campaign over nothing. But now I see I got a letter from Minto Apartment reit in which they stated one of their current new missions is to: + +&#x200B; + +**Dispel the notion that REITs are bad actors and promote the positive things that result from** +**being housing providers with resources** + +&#x200B; + +Seriously? They are now having to make this a mission for themselves? Again, why? Why are REITs suddenly such a terrible sin-stock? This seems to have started originally with the retirement & long-term-care REITs, but now it's spread to the generic apartment and REITs in general now? + +&#x200B; + +Where does this craziness end... +I’m curious to see who else out there is like me. + +It’s not that I don’t believe in BTC or that I don’t believe it’s going to go up. Quite the opposite really. However I have my holdings in ETH , ADA and another altcoin. + +It feels counterproductive but I just think ETH and ADA are going to be top performers in comparison to Bitcoin. Am I making a mistake not holding just a little BTC? +Related article: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/06/investing/retirement-savings-401k-investing-roth-ira/index.html + +> Last week Congress almost unanimously passed another bill, SECURE 2.0, that has even broader changes. The Senate is expected to pass its version in the coming weeks. + +The goal is to get people to save more for retirement. + +Some of the changes: + +* **Automatic Enrollment**: Starting at 3% deferral, and increments 1% annually until 10%. Participant can opt out. +* **Pre-retirees save more**: Catch-up deferrals will be $10,000. Originally $6,500. +* **Pay off student loan debt while saving**: Sounds like an added plan design option is to have matching extended to student loan payments. In addition to matching deferrals, student loan payments can be matched. From my understanding the matching will go towards the 401(k). +* **Delay mandatory withdrawals and limit tax penalties**: Starting RMD will be 75 instead of 72. And penalty will be 25% instead of 50%. + +Overall I think these changes are an improvement. There is still a lot more that can be done though. + +Personally I am into the RMD updates. I see it helping with my FIRE plans in that it delays the forcing of withdrawing from the tax advantage account. I hope they continue improving the options we have. +If you’re passionate about business, investing and making money, I feel you can't share your successes and general progress with them without appearing vain and making it uncomfortable. Really you’re just passionate and proud of what you’re doing and like sharing ideas and growing as a person. + +Is it better to just keep it to yourself or find friends on a similar level and talk about it with them? Simple acts like going out for a high end dinner or buying things which are very expensive to them, but not for you, can make it difficult. + +Who do you talk to about best managing your personal wealth? +What the fuck? I always thought stocks were based on how well the company is doing now / in the near future. + +6 flags should be going significantly down for missing spring break, grad night, summer passes and so on. I can't name a single human who has any plans of going to 6 flags this year at all, yet they're up 6 percent today with park closure. + +Am I missing something here? How am I suppose to research safe companies to invest in, when there are literal places closed rallying up each morning? +With interest rates rising soon, allegedly, this question may become relevant. +Is this correct?: PAY OFF LOAN when interest rate is more than the expected return on ETF minus inflation. INVEST IN ETF when the opposite is true. +What is a good number to use for expected return on ETF? +Assume money will be placed in VDHG (or similar) and not touched for 20 years. Looking for pure $ number (discount emotional effect of having the loan paid off, etc). Thanks! +I'm not very money savvy and in my mind it's always a good thing to have your mortgage paid off as soon as you can, but is that always the case? Under what circumstances would it not make sense to pay off a home loan asap, and why? +https://www.corelogic.com.au/news/market-slowdown-driven-investors#.Woh8SINuaUk + +How speculative does that make our property market and how does it compare other property markets around the world? +The liquidity pool for everyone’s favourite scam token has been dropping significantly. It is losing approximately a million dollars each week it currently has less than $7m. + +If the liquidity pool is no longer able to support the swapping of tokens between Safemoon and Binance coin, it will have to be disabled. + +Anyone who still holds Safemoon at that point will no longer be able to sell it. Effectively rendering it worth nothing. + +Holding at this point is literally the most risky strategy for you poor old Safemoon victims. + +I would say this is not financial advice, but being invested in Safemoon means you probably won’t listen anyway. Good luck to you all. +I have a credit card where my sister is an authorized user on it. She passed away recently and I am worried about her debt collectors going after my credit card to collect money. Is that even a thing? Can that really happen? + +Edit: Thankfully she never used the credit card for anything. + +Edit: I like to clarify by “debt collectors” I mean any debt incurred from elsewhere. Like her medical bills for example or her other bills she had. Like I said before, she never used my credit card. But as I learned here a credit card is not an asset anyway, so I need not worry about it. Thank you everyone for explaining! +What are you all doing re energy contracts if up for renewal - are you staying on variable for a while after your fixed one expires and risking it, or going fixed at these ridiculous rates for some certainty? We are stuck with EDF either way due to a boring admin reason to do with our address that we can't seem to overcome. + +This is a 4 bed house with 5 of us here most of the time, lots of washing machine runs and oven on daily etc - obvs will also be doing everything more we can to cut usage either way. +In the 4 days since March 15, Tesla has risen from $766 to $905, up $139, or 18.14%. + +Tesla currently trades at 163 times earnings and has a market cap of $930 billion. How big do you think Tesla will rise in the future? + +Since the beginning of this year, the price of new energy battery raw materials has continued to rise, and the prices of various Tesla models have also begun to rise. What do you think the future will be like? +I've been asking myself this question for sleepless nights... let's note that the free float held by each is 4/5/6 more than the real one... +Then there are also all the brokers who lent shares... + +what would a behavior scenario look like in the event of a dividend? +As much as you love the technology behind cryptocurrencies and various projects, 99% of people are here for money. + +And as much as they are supporters of cryptocurrencies, 99% of people do it to have more money in fiat currencies so they can achieve their goals. + +When trading with cryptocurrencies, we compare their value with the euro, dollar, pound, etc. Currently we are comparing the value of everything to our current fiat price. + +An international financial system such as crypto takes time to adapt and I can only imagine what awaits us in the future, but I belive that even then we will still compare value with traditional currencies. + +The main goal of crypto is decentralization. We all want it, yet when we take profit we take it from centralized place. Stablecoins are backed by traditional currencies, which are again centralized. +Approximately this is when the CNBC interview happened and the dude raged yelling "sell it now, ask questions later". + + +Later then follows, and everyone's buying the shit out of it! + + +Hedgies R' So Fuk + +Can't Stop +Won't Stop +**GAMESTOP** + +https://preview.redd.it/o8y8oxig6im71.png?width=881&format=png&auto=webp&s=e30c2a6930d085082dab13689dca90aebdc11a30 +Maybe a question that has been asked before. + +&#x200B; + +With you new freedom, surely many of you have picked up new hobbies or daily routines as a result of retiring. Have any of wished you started doing those things long before retiring? What are they? +I was discussing this topic with someone new to crypto and thought I'd make it into its own post, hopefully it is useful to anyone starting out in the crypto space and provide some clarity in (relatively) plain english on how ethereum really is changing finance as we know it. + +ETH has enabled a few totally new things that really are revolutionary to the crypto space including: + +1. ‘stablecoins’, or more generally 'tokenized assets', cryptocurrencies whose value is pegged to the value of another asset, like the US dollar. (eg USDT/Tether, USDC, Dai) This allows crypto users to easily exchange their more volatile assets such as ethereum or any other ‘ERC-20’ token (basically a token created using ethereum and exists on the ethereum blockchain), into one that reliably maintains its value, while still having all the advantages of having a blockchain asset (eg secure, global, permissionless transactions). +2. Decentralized, smart contract-based trading platforms, allowing users to trade while still maintaining full self-custody of their private keys unlike on centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. In other words you always maintain control of your coins, instead of needing to send your coins to the exchange to trade them. On top of that they never have any downtime during volatile markets like centralized exchanges. They also can't stop you from trading \*cough cough\* ^(robinhood) +3. The development of decentralized, peer-to-peer lending/borrowing platforms. This allows users to earn interest on their cryptos or borrow cryptos. These loans are quite low risk due to them being overcollateralized loans, meaning that to take out a loan, you must post collateral, in the form of other crytpocurrencies that is more valuable than what you are borrowing. This means that people can invest in crypto in a low risk way, lending out stablecoins can yield >5% annual returns which, while much lower than what is possible with higher risk crypto investments, is still quite high given the risk profile, easily 10x the annual return of a savings account at a bank. + +These three things constitute a large part of what we call ‘decentralized finance’ or DeFi and right now they only really exist on the ethereum blockchain. Right now there is one major problem for both bitcoin and ethereum, scalability. Essentially, transaction fees are obsurdly high making it cost-prohibitive for most people to take advantage of these amazing new features. The good thing is, over the course of the next 1-2 years (potentially even in the coming weeks), we will be seeing the implementation of several major solutions to this for ethereum. Namely 'Layer 2' (L2) solutions (aka off-chain solutions), these allow users to make ethereum based transactions off the ethereum blockchain and onto a platform that can handle more transactions. The other solution to the scaling problem is ethereum 2.0. This is an improvement to the ethereum platform itself, making on-chain (as opposed to off-chain, L2) transactions much more effecient. With these solutions in place, we could be seeing transaction fees at <$0.01 and transaction speeds in <1 second. Unfortunately, at least in my view, we don't have the level of concrete development in this area of bitcoin, making the prospect of bitcoin scaling less likely to be coming soon. + +So as you can see, the future for ethereum is very exciting, and the things I mentioned really just scratch the surface in what is possible with ethereum. Hopefully, I have provided some of the DOGE noobs who just got burned with some knowledge on what really is so interesting about crypto - its not all just a pump and dump meme like doge, this stuff is real. +I guess $BBBY won't have a bankruptcy announcement this month.Wonder if the whole conspiracy theory for selling/merging buybuybaby is true.What about that wonderful 🍋lemon🍋 squeeze. Shorts are HUGE right now.Did you see the price rocket, then fall dramatically (was that was more shorts piling in?)my Hopium is wanting $100 a share. + +&#x200B; + +positions here: + +https://preview.redd.it/e9zubgbe8oj91.png?width=2686&format=png&auto=webp&s=12d45a8cf9fe3b2ca683b945722c499dea187289 + +&#x200B; + +Anyway... + +>It's not just the amount of money, it's the intention behind the loan. Nobody is loaning them $400MM out of the goodness of their heart just to give them another quarter to survive... The loan has to be contingent upon something (sale of Baby?). This is what I find bullish. Whoever is loaning them this money has a very good idea about how they're going to get it back. +> +>\-u/[**pratiken**](https://www.reddit.com/user/pratiken/) + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/j8ssbvnxwkj91.gif + +🚀🚀See you guys on Mars🚀🚀, or in Earths Core [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/). + +Mods: Can you flair me "💵[💎](https://emojipedia.org/gem-stone/)Shallow Fucking Value[💎](https://emojipedia.org/gem-stone/)💵 - Deeps tarded 🤪 cousin" + +&#x200B; + +This is not financial advices. I'm simply showing the yolo trades I made and why. Trading is risky, so do it at your own risk. I hold positions on BBBY. +Every time there is a post on this subreddit there are people who post how much they hate Bitcoin or cheer any negative news. Why do you hate it so much? This is a serious question. +I've read and digested the DD. I often refresh myself when someone offers a counterpoint I believe to be false. [DD Library](http://www.gme.fyi) + +This arms me with knowledge to navigate the FUD. + +This keeps me zen. + +I have invested what I can afford to lose. Investing is never certain, but armed with my DD I can make educated investment without being worried I will lose money. + +This keeps me zen. + +I am invested in the best hedge against economic collapse. I'm also invested in a visionary leader, a solid business with cash on hand, the best brains in the business. I can't really lose. + +This keeps me zen. + +I know the business is significantly under valued and has a high short interest. Which means a squeeze is likely. + +I have DRSd the majority of my position and those that can't be I am holding. I have a diversified broker set and can cope with any default. + +This keeps me zen. + +By keeping a few in the chamber so I know I can realise gain without selling any of my DRSd shares ensuring that even X holders get what is due to them without harming the squeeze. + +This keeps me zen. + +I've known of financial fuckery for a long time and was around for 2008. I saw the impacts first hand and the lack of repercussions to those that caused it. I knew this was going to be a long play. + +I know there are hundreds of thousands of you just like me. + +This keeps me zen. + +I am not tired. I am not angry. + +I am zen, I am ape, and I am diamond handed. +I'm a first time home owner in Melbourne.. Well, technically not quite yet. + +Settlement is in about 2 months and I'm nervous as I wait for the bank to hopefully approve my loan! + +As I rush to replenish my now nonexistent savings buffer, please share with me your stories about when you first bought your PPOR (or even investment properties I guess) and the drama/costs that popped up that you never expected? + +Edit: there are lots of good comments in this thread for first home buyers. Thanks and keep them coming! +I’m going through my own ‘a third’ life crisis. I turn 31 in 2 weeks and my birthday will be the last day at the only ‘real’ job I have ever worked at. I started at this (asx top 50) business at 19 years old on $42k a year and worked my way up to a middle-management gig on $133k. This month thanks to the Coronavirus I have been made redundant. It’s bitter-sweet for me, I’m upset about losing this job, but I am also grateful for the amazing career and opportunities that I have had. My package is significant it’s a combination of a redundancy, long service leave, a prorata bonus and some vested stocks. All in all I will be walking away with about $120,000 after tax. My plan is to tuck the money away in a HISA and live off my wife’s income until I get another job. I guess my question is what next? I have a bit of imposter syndrome I always felt like a fraud in my role like I was no where near qualified to be in that position or earning that much money. Now for the first time ever I’m in the job market and every role I read I feel underqualified for. I dropped out of school and never did any further education. Every role I see that is similar to what I’m currently doing is asking for bachelor degrees etc. Also the job market is shithouse right now and decent offers seem few and far between. I feel like I have to make some big decisions for me and my family’s future but kind of feel like I’m having analysis-paralysis and overthinking everything. Has anyone gone through a redundancy? What advise would you give someone whose a bit lost in what to do next. +i’m 14 and got my first job a couple weeks ago, i find it really hard to save my money and not just throw it on stuff i don’t need, (shoes, clothes food ect) any tips on how i can save? i make 19/hr 10hrs a week, if that means anything. +How did those auctions go? And the online ones? + +I was registered for this online one - guided as $1.2m but sold for $1.285m. Auctioneer was mostly begging people to bid - opening bid was the guide and it took another 30mins of begging for another person to bid - probably the slowest I’ve seen, took an hour for the auction. + +https://www.domain.com.au/54-hughes-avenue-ermington-nsw-2115-2017074031 +When an individual first crosses $250k total income including concessional super contributions, and becomes liable for Div 293 tax, their marginal tax rate (i.e. the tax rate paid on each additional $1 of earnings) increases to a staggering 62% before factoring in taxes on spending and living, like GST and rates. + +This scenario was posed 2 years ago by [u/WalksOnLego](https://www.reddit.com/user/WalksOnLego/) in a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/e1rckv/effective_top_tax_rate_62/), and I don't understand the conclusion. I've worked through an example here and hoping someone can show me where I (we) are incorrect. + +Let’s keep the scenario really simple: An individual has a salary of $230,000 plus 10% super. No other income, no deductions, and for the sake of keeping it simple let's assume no voluntary concessional super contributions. + +Employer’s super contribution is 10% of $230,000 = $23,000. This will be taxed at 15% in the super fund (tax = $3,450). + +Salary is taxed according to normal income tax rules, which gives income tax of $74,167 (using ATO Simple Tax Calculator) and Medicare Levy of $4,600 (2%). + +Now we factor in Div 293 tax, because the total income, including super, is $253,000 which is over the threshold of $250,000. Div 293 is calculated as 15% of the lower of + +1. total income over $250,000 (in this case, $3,000) +2. Concessional super contributions (in this case, $23,000) + +So the Div 293 tax will be 15% of $3,000 = $450. + +The person’s total tax is $74,167 + $4,600 + $3,450 + $450 = $82,667. This is an effective tax rate of just 32.67%. + +Now let’s say that person gets a side hustle which generates $5,000 per year, but no additional super as they’re an independent contractor. + +Now the person’s taxable income is $230,000 + $5,000 = $235,000 which generates income tax of $76,417 and Medicare Levy of $4,700. + +Total income is now $258,000. Div 293 is calculated as 15% of the lower of + +1. total income over $250,000 (now $8,000) +2. Concessional super contributions (still $23,000) + +So the Div 293 tax will be 15% of $8,000 = $1,200. + +The person’s total tax is now $76,417 + $4,700 + $3,450 + $1,200 = $85,767. The person's effective tax rate is now 33.24%, which doesn't seem like too much of an increase on the face of it. + +However this is an increased total tax bill of $3,100 compared to before, and has been caused by an increase in earnings of $5,000. Thus the marginal tax rate (tax on each incremental $1 earned) for this person is 62%. + +Heaps of people responded to the original post to say this was incorrect. What am I missing here? +CRA allows you to deduct half of your business investment losses against your all sources income for 3 years prior and 10 years going forward. If you have maxed out your registered plans and are now trading in a margin account, could you not instead use that money to form a corporation whose sole purpose it is to invest those funds, finance it with a shareholders loan, and then if you lose your investment you can write it off against your personal taxes? +I recently invested in Canopy Growth and have been looking at other manufacturers. All of the seem to have been dipping. I would have assumed growth across the board to to legalization in October. Any ideas why this is and what to expect in October? Thanks. +Hello all, I have a line of credit for $20k at 3.7% through RBC. Would it make sense for me to dump it into a stock like TD and swallow the monthly interest payment? +I screwed up and over contributed well over my 2022 limit :/ + +According to the CRA agent, 2022 allows $11,679 of contribution room. + +By May, I contributed $11, 830. It’s almost October now and I’m at $18,430. + +I don’t know why it didn’t hit me sooner but for some reason I completely forgot about the limit. Anyway, the market is obviously down right now. And I’m down a couple thousand. + +Selling now would be a bad decision, right? But at the same time, I’m accruing over-contribution fees every month on the extra $6751. + +I’m thinking it’s better to just pay the fee and wait out this year until my limit renews. And of course, not repeat the same mistake next year. + +What do you guys think? I’m new at this stuff and would appreciate some advice. +Anyone interested in the company with all the negative news surrounding it? +Was there really a reason to shed off 15% of the companies market cap? +If you were to purchase a small amount of shares, would you keep it in a non-registered account or would you dabble in your TFSA? +I'm fairly new to the market (3 years of on and off learning) so I'm interested in hearing all your opinions! +I’ve recently graduated from high school and saved up 5k with plans of investing. I’m very confused. +Should I open a high interest savings account or open a TFSA directly and try to max out the contribution limit. +Any knowledge is helpful! + + + + +Update*: thank you for those helped! Much appreciated +Tuesday: $GOOGL, $MSFT earnings + +Wednesday: $META earnings, FOMC rate hike decision for July. 75BPS or 100BPS? + +Thursday: $AMZN, $AAPL earnings, GDP numbers (recession?) + +Friday: PCE data + +&#x200B; + +A lot of data coming out this week especially in the tech sector. Expect high volatility until FOMC decision and GDP numbers. Good luck to everyone this week! +I keep hearing about a looming "retirement crisis." If that's the case then why is the yearly contribution limit on a Roth IRA so low?? How can the government expect us to save enough when we're only allowed to contribute such a paltry amount to our retirement savings? +Propping the stock market up with another (useless) round of quantitative easing is not going to create jobs or drive the economy away from the seemingly inevitable double dip. What we need now is to fix our roads, invest in high speed rail and other large scale infrastructure programs. We continue invest heavily in the defense of our country, even as it crumbles from within. + +[This](http://investmentwatchblog.com/analyst-qe2-has-created-maybe-700000-full-time-jobs-%E2%80%94-at-a-cost-of-around-850000-each/) article states that around 700,000 jobs have been created thanks to QE2 - the rough cost? Around $850,000 per job. I wonder what $600 billion in direct government investment would have done for the economy? +This is my fourth yearly update on my FIRE journey after reaching 100k 3 years ago. You can read the previous posts below: + +1. [Three years ago: I hit 100k of invested assets](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/261kp3/major_personal_milestone_achieved_this_week/) + +2. [Two years ago: I posted my first update](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/36jg7u/one_year_after_100k_update/) + +3. [Last year: I posted another update](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/4jt2d2/two_years_after_100k_update_2/) + + +So here’s my update for this year. + +33, Married, DINK + +[Mint Snapshot and Net Worth](http://imgur.com/a/q1rny) + + +I would still like to retire from full time corporate work before I turn 36, although a lot changed this year so I need to let things settle down and re-draw my trend lines. I'm happy with some of the big changes we've made but it's hard to quantify them just yet. + + + +**Total Net Worth** = $0 without my newly purchased home equity. Last month I actually dipped below $0 for the first time in my life! (The net worth chart has lots of Mint.com errors) Zillow has the new house "zestimated" at $495k, I bought it for $472k and it was appraised for $505k by the bank. We sold our condo and used the equity + some savings to put 20% down on the house and the mortgage just about counter balances my 'stache so far. + +**FI Goal** = I'm still targeting $500k as a mental relaxation point. But it's becoming clear that we are not a LeanFIRE couple. I think we'll probably call ourselves FIRE once we've got over $1M in income producing assets. We are hoping to do the short-term rental thing in the extra bedrooms of our new home, so if that covers the mortgage I may not require paying off the house as a condition of FIRE. RIght now, mint estimates that we are 1 year away from that 500k mark, but the new house and short-term rental business will have large unknown effects on our ability to hit that goal. + +**Debts** = 385k mortgage @4.275%, monthly expenses on credit cards paid in full each month. + +**Income** = 130k/yr + wife's income (~55k/yr) + gifts from family. We both got new jobs this year. Both at much smaller companies. Mine garnered me a $30k bump in salary and my wife's was close to a lateral move but with much more opportunity for growth. I'm very proud of her for stretching outside her comfort zone and daring to find she's more than competent in lots of new areas like IT, sales, customer support and start up culture. + +**Expenses** = Our budget is hard to estimate right now. When we sold the condo we had to rent for a while and so we're now paying both rent AND mortgage. Our mortgage is about $1k more than our rent and we were renting with about $4k/month budget. So It stands to reason that we will have a $5k/month budget once we are fully moved into the house and off our lease (August). Half of that is mortgage. The other $2500 will surely be compressed, but we'll have the additional costs of homeownership (and hopefully small businesship as well) + +Despite our budget creep we have still been able to keep hitting a 60%-65% savings rate. + +**Other Details** + +*We sold our condo in Nov for 95k. It would have been a nice place to keep, but the culture and future planning was getting so toxic that it was affecting our happiness. I was very involved with the Board of Directors and I kinda woke up and said "why am I working so hard for these people? I don't even like them". So we sold! Originally had a contract for $105k, but it was cancelled. We bought for $79k so I'm happy to have covered a closing costs for buying and selling. We didn't find a new place to buy until March (even though we were looking long before the Nov. condo sale) so we ended up renting for a year. I dubbed it our "vacation year". We paid more than we needed to to get over the stress of the condo. I haven't regretted it, even though we could have saved more with a cheaper place. + +*My meet-up group has been making a ton of power moves lately. People are getting big raises, buying investment properties, sharing lots of good intel with eachother. It's awesome. I'm so glad I shared my plans with people and started this chain reaction in my social circles! + +*Last year I talked about going in on a community house with these people. Well that proved too difficult to negotiate so the wife and I are making our own community house. We just needed to find a property that was a sound financial choice for us if no one ended up joining us and I think we've done that. We'll be able to rent at least 3 bedrooms out on short-term rental but if anyone wants to visit or use them we'll be able to clear them out for our own use pretty easily (unlike long term renters). This will definitely be the most interesting part of my update next year. Worst case scenario is that wife and I will live in a WAY TOO BIG house in a great location that will hopefully hold it's value. So I think we are pretty well insulated from disaster. + +Please give me all your criticism and questions! That’s why I keep posting these. Thank you all for the inspiration! If I forgot anything, please just ask and I'll add it to the OP. + +GLTA! + +********************* + +**EDIT:** + +Here's my AA for those interested + + +* Bonds------------------40.00% (VBILX) +* S&P 500----------------10.00% (VFIAX) +* Small Cap US----------10.00% (VSIAX) +* Emerging Mrkt---------10.00% (VEMAX) +* REIT--------------------10.00% (VGSLX) +* Precious Metal---------10.00% (VGPMX) +* International Large----10.00% (VTIAX) + +I chose it because I don't mind tracking differently than my "mostly S&P" peers and this portfolio seems like it will do well enough over a large range of scenarios. + +Here's some back testing that helped convince me: + +[Here is some back-testing for a very similar portfolio](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&IntlStockMarket3=10&IntlStockMarket2=30&portfolio3=Custom&portfolio2=Custom&portfolio1=Custom&annualOperation=0&TotalStockMarket3=10&TotalStockMarket2=50&TotalStockMarket1=100&initialAmount=100000&EmergingMarket3=10&endYear=2014&mode=2&inflationAdjusted=true&SmallCapValue3=10&annualAdjustment=10000&startYear=1972&PreciousMetals3=10&rebalanceType=1&annualPercentage=30000.0&LongTermBond2=20&LongTermBond3=40&REIT3=10) + +**For 1985-2014** + +CAGR = 11.69% + +SD = 11.74% + +Worst Year = -16.90% + + +My Annual Rate of Return for the last 12 months was 7.8% according to Vanguard. So considerably less than an S&P heavy portfolio. + +****************** + +**EDIT 2:** I am really shocked at how negative this post has been. I looked through the last three to make sure I wasn't fooling myself and there are mostly positive comments, questions and insights. I don't know if this is how it gets when you get further along in your wealth accumulation, or if I just put people off with my writing, or if this community is just running its course and becoming like the rest of the internet. + +I've really gotten a lot out of r/FI and I'm glad it exists. However, right now, I really don't feel like I'll be continuing these posts. They are meant to inspire while simultaneously crowdsourcing critiques and tips for me. But I don't really see much of either of those things going on here. + + +****************** + + +Just to make it super fucking clear for the hedge cunts and shills that may be thinking about going after DFV: + +All Keith Gill has done from day one is share his opinions. He has not given marching orders. He has not asked anyone on Reddit or Twitter or YouTube to take any particular financial action. All he has done is share his personal beliefs and decisions in a public forum. Any arguments aiming to paint DFV as a market manipulator or the orchestrator of a pump and dump will fail miserably and reveal those behind them to be beyond disingenuous. + +What I’ve said above is clear to anyone who has more than two neurons to rub together. The guy found a value play, shared his opinions about it with the public, and a bunch of folks happened to agree with him. That’s it. That’s all that happened. + +I’m sure others have put similar sentiment out into the Reddit-verse. I’m just adding my assessment to the mix in the hopes that any entities engaged in information mining on this sub for the purpose of construing DFV’s actions as some sort of market manipulation will be forced to confront the fact that the vast majority of people on these forums deny such a narrative. + +I’ve simply been doing what I think is best. +[link to article just posted](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-issuance-u-110000792.html) + +Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: TNXP) (Tonix or the Company), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued U.S. Patent No. 10,946,027 to the Company on March 16, 2021. Tianeptine oxalate is the active pharmaceutical ingredient of Tonix’s development candidate, TNX-601 CR (tianeptine oxalate and naloxone controlled-release tablet). + + +The new patent, “Tianeptine Oxalate Salts and Polymorphs,” includes claims directed to pharmaceutical compositions comprising crystalline tianeptine oxalate salts, to methods of using those compositions to treat various disorders, and to methods of producing the oxalate salts. This patent is expected to provide Tonix with U.S. market exclusivity until December 28, 2037, excluding any patent term extensions. + + +Tonix’s TNX-601 CR is a novel oral formulation of one of the claimed tianeptine oxalate salts, which is being developed as a potential treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), posttraumatic stress disorder and neurocognitive dysfunction associated with corticosteroid use. Tianeptine sodium (amorphous) immediate release (IR) has been available in Europe for the treatment of depression for more than three decades, first marketed in France in 1989. Tianeptine sodium IR is also marketed in many countries in Asia and Latin America. No tianeptine-containing product has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). +Hi guys, +I’m 23 - got myself on the housing ladder £260k (we put £27k deposit down) which I share with a partner. I earn £40k and she earns £30k. We live in the midlands. +After saving hard I want to actually get something nice and I’m looking at a BMW at £330/month. +I’ll still be able to save circa £800 p/month with it - am I making a stupid decision or is this what costs look like as you start to grow up? +Thanks! +The reason why this is the final update is because we know his position and can easily calculate his portfolio value. The man is all in. We know he's not going to sell early. He never would have bought another fucking 50,000 shares for a cool $7M to top off his perfect portfolio. At this point, he's with us and always will be. That was the message of his last tweet referencing Fast 7. + +We have read all the DD. We see the transformation. We believe. $GME will forever be a deep fucking value. + +💎🙌 🚀 +There's so many of you 20 year olds making this much or more. I had to work my ass off with 3 college degrees, just to make $46k. What did I do wrong with my life!? + +**EDIT**: The "what's wrong with my life" is kind of a goof. I'm happy, I shouldn't have said it. This thread is hugely important for me when I point my students towards a specific career path. I can't thank you all enough for participating with your responses! +Hello all, I have posted before, but this thread really changed my life. I started tracking my net worth and being intentional instead of being just frugal (ironically this forum helped me spend more). At the same time, I don't see people talking about FIREing beyond themselves and their SOs. I am from a traditional background and I live with my parents which I love. It was hard to get them to be mindful of their spending, they don't make much ($30k a year), but with a paid off home they were saving nothing, in their early 60s and had no retirement plan. I helped them open up Roth IRAs and they now have about $45k in investments over the last 2-3 years. My mom would spend all her income (she raised 5 kids and managed to do it debt free, and was just used to spending all her money). Their home is a 5 bedroom and worth roughly 270k. I helped convince them to downsize (sell this year) and get a duplex and rent out the other room for income. No one uses the other rooms and the property and utility bills were not justifiable. My mom wants to rent the home out and my dad wants to sell so we will see what happens (I am in the sell camp). My mom isn't going to work for long due to long years of factory working and my dad is disabled so this will help give them income and help them qualify for subsidies in a non medicaid expansion state. It's amazing because my parents used to always look to me for money and now they can see retirement being easier and having a path which has taken so much pressure off of me. Back when I first started working they expected 3-5k a month from me and thought I was greedy, but now they understand. + +My NW is $300k, I am 25 and I don't pay rent but I help my parents with $1-1,500 which I earmark for them to only spend on bills or their investments. I love the fact that my money I would rent goes to my parents and it is helping them build wealth. Otherwise my car note is $650/month, I have a monthly fun budget of $550/month and other bills (gas, insurance) are about $125/month. So I save a ton of money and have been able to see my net worth grow a lot. I also make good money. I make about $220k all in with my job, side hustles (podcast and I do some personal finance and investing help for some people)- split being 80% of that being W-2. I plan to get a rental property with my parents or myself this year or next year and my goal is to get to $1MM by 30 and either pursue my own thing or work a 9-5 because currently I work 60-70 hours a week on a good week. + +The most gratifying thing isn't even being FI myself, it is empowering my parents to now live a life of intentionality and not complaining about bills or struggling. Their net worth now matches mine and they came to this country as refugees never making above minimum wage. Compound interest will take care of me even if I earn half of what I do now, so I am just thankful that I think my parents will be okay in retirement with just a little bit of help from me! +In just the past year, a nation has adopted Bitcoin as a national currency. Fortune 500 companies are adding Bitcoin to their balance sheets. I firmly believe that Bitcoin will become the global currency reserve of the Human Race. We are still super early to the event my friends, soon the idea of purchasing Bitcoin under $100,000 will be equivalent to hitting the mega millions jackpot. Keep stacking SATS, never sell your Bitcoin. Think long term with your Bitcoin, yes I’m talking generational wealth. If you are reading this now you are in the right place and witnessing the early beginnings of the new financial monetary sector that will dominate humanity for thousands of years. +Hi All + +Longtime lurker first time poster just wanting to share my thoughts on why my allocation to VAS is 0% amd why i think yours should be too! I know this sub is heavily on the passive side of the passive vs active debate so to try and stop an echo chamber being formed i thoight it would be good to do a little write up for the active camp! Here goes: + +1) Diversification? + +You might not know it but most of the time the ASX300 is 20-25% the big 4 banks. With that high an allocation to 4 companies part of an oligopoly you are taking on a fair amount of stock specific risk. At a secor level about half the ASX300 is made up of resoruces and financial stocks so you have very little sector diversification as your portfolio is highly exposed to the risk factors that face the resources and financials sector I.E your portfolio is overly exposed to commodity prices, chinese commodit demand, inflation, interest rates, banking regulation and yes the proprty market (Given most banks loan books are stacked witg residential property collateral). + +2) 100% Equity 100% Of The Time + +VAS is 100% invested in equites 100% of the time. So even in the worst market conditions you are still 100% invested and expericning 100% of the bear market. Why not employ even a simple overlay like a 200 day SMA and sell when the index moves below the moving average I.E sell when the market trends down. We know the stock prices exhibt a momentuem effect (Hundreds of studies) so why not take advantage of this market anaomly and stay long when the going is good and limit your drawdown when thinga get rough. Not to mention this strategy would also limit drawdowns substabtaily meaning you can eliminate the prospect of asymetric returns dragging on your long term performance I.E eliminate the chance that the GFC happens and you lose 50% which means you now need 100% gain to get back even. + +3) Go All In On Fraking Credits + +Like most people i am "overweight Australia". Whilst the ASX represents something like 2% of the global sharemarket it makes up more like 25% of my portfolio and there is one very good reason - Franking credits. No where else in the world other than aus (And i think maybe NZ) do you get such a substantial tax advantage by having a company pay out its earnings to you as a dividends. Im not going to delve too deeply into franking credits and why they are amazeing but clearly it represents a huge advantage to the australian investor - So why not take advantage of that edge. Overweight the Australian part of your portfolio to income stocks paying a fully franked dividend and take advantage. VAS does this almost accidently to some extent but its a clear edge that you as an australian investor has so why not exploit it as much as possible! Dont waste your time looking for capital growth in AUS take the income and reap the rewards! + +I've got a bunch more i could write but im on the train now and i think 3 points is a good place to wrap it up - Feel free to (try and) tear me apary on the comments. + +Edit - Sorry for all the spelling errors my phone doesnt have auto correct +(Note: I made a post similar to this yesterday, which I deleted due to a gratuitous +error. Thanks to /u/thedarknight__ for pointing out the mistake!) + +-------- + +I did some rough calculations, and as a result I'm becoming more convinced that the +forecasts of 10-15% drops in housing prices are pretty reasonable. + +I already leaned towards taking folk like Chris Joye at their word that a 15-25% drop +was reasonable, based on the bloke talking plenty of sense about how he arrived at that +number, and his being a verified non-permabear - previously arguing correctly that +prices would rise during the pandemic. This gives him a lot of credibility in my eyes. +And most banks are making similar projections. My own numbers here are for a somewhat +smaller drop - especially since Joye's forecast is assuming only a 100bp rate increase +and we've already exceeded that. But it's not crazy different. Maybe I'm a tad more +optimistic with the assumptions. + +Anyway. The core fact is that prices are limited by loan serviceability. + +Yearly principal+interest mortgage repayments on an `N`-year loan of size `L` with interest rate `r`, ignoring +intra-year compounding [are](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortgage_calculator#Monthly_payment_formula): + +`annual_repayments = r L / (1 - (1 + r)^-N)` + +Assuming annual repayments for which someone meets serviceability requirements are +proportional to income `I`, and assuming loan size is proportional to the price `P`, +substituting `I` and `P` into the above equation and solving for `P` gives us a dumb +model of how prices might vary with income and interest rates: + +`P ∝ I / r × (1 - (1 + r)^-N)` + +The rate `r` in this equation is the rate used for serviceability tests - which would be +3% above the mortgage rate as per APRA requirements. + +Assuming a 30-year loan, that mortgage rates are 2.4% above the cash rate and that peak +prices occurred when the cash rate was 0.1%, we can estimate price drops from peak in +various scenarios. + +Assuming the cash rate increases to 2.85% ([the median +forecast](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/vquyof/afr_survey_of_economists_on_cash_rate_forecasts/) +of surveyed economists), and that nothing else changes (no income growth), this +oversimplified model says prices would fall by 24% from peak. + +Sounds like a big drop! + +However, some other things likely will change. For one, if that takes two years to play out, +then nominal income growth might be something like 7% (the resulting growth in house +prices won't be real, but we're talking nominal here). Also, it seems likely that APRA +will decrease the serviceability buffer from 3.0% to 2.5% once rates get a bit higher. +They might even decrease it more. + +Take those assumptions into account and you get that prices will fall 15%. + +And, 2.85% is the *peak* cash rate forecast by economists. By end of 2023 the median +forecast is 2.6%, which if fed to the above, gives a price fall of only 13%. + +You can get more optimistic if you like: Rates won't necessarily stay where they are by +end of 2023. The CBA thinks rates will decline to 2.1%. If that happens, then when all +is said and done the drop in house prices would be only 9%. + +So there's a range of scenarios there that I think reinforce the expectation of a drop +of 10-15%. You can be a bit more pessimistic and get it to a 24% drop if you like, but +you have to assume zero nominal wage growth and APRA holding their buffer constant. And +you can get a bit more optimistic and assume the CBA's forecast is on the money and get +it to a 9% drop. All in all 10-15% ends up looking like like a pretty reasonable +central expectation. + +One thing ignored here is that deposits are not a fixed percentage of sale price: when +prices are lower, deposits are more likely to be a larger fraction of the sale price. +This helps serviceability and so will result in somewhat smaller price drops than the above model +says. + +And of course it's a dumb and simple model that ignores everything else that would +affect demand for and supply of housing. It's just talking about the ability to get +credit and even then is super oversimplified. + +Here's a sample of model outputs including the ones mentioned above, and some others: + + Cash rate to 12.0%, all else equal: -60.8% + Cash rate to 3.50%, all else equal: -28.7% + Cash rate to 2.85%, all else equal: -24.3% + Cash rate to 2.60%, all else equal: -22.5% + Cash rate to 2.10%, all else equal: -18.7% + + Cash rate to 12.0%, income +7%: -58.0% + Cash rate to 3.50%, income +7%: -23.7% + Cash rate to 2.85%, income +7%: -19.0% + Cash rate to 2.60%, income +7%: -17.1% + Cash rate to 2.10%, income +7%: -13.0% + + Cash rate to 12.0%, income +7%, APRA buffer to 2.5%: -56.8% + Cash rate to 3.50%, income +7%, APRA buffer to 2.5%: -20.2% + Cash rate to 2.85%, income +7%, APRA buffer to 2.5%: -15.1% + Cash rate to 2.60%, income +7%, APRA buffer to 2.5%: -13.0% + Cash rate to 2.10%, income +7%, APRA buffer to 2.5%: -8.6% + +I graduated college 2 years ago, I own a condo (pay mortgage) , paid my car off & make around 37k a year. I pay all my bills, except my dad pays my phone bill. I have around 5k in my bank account after all my bills are paid. I’m 25, is that decent? +22M, new to Seattle area, no family or friends (long story, but, I moved here with my partner and he left me 2 weeks after we got here oops). Looking to get my debt under control and prepare for anything that may come up, but I cant even figure out where to start. I feel like i am barely staying afloat, and honestly most months I end up falling behind on one or two payments and have to pay that bill as soon as I get my paycheck, and i feel like i am stuck in that cycle and want to get out. I've tried apps like Mint but i still don't feel like they're helping me actually get any control. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. + +&#x200B; + +Below is a list of total obligations including minimum payments, due dates, and interest rates/APR. + +|Name|Interest Rate / APR|Total Balance|Minimum Payment|Due Date| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Phone (Verizon)|\-|\-|$143.95|6th| +|Car Loan|4.89%|$9,993.11|$190.66|15th| +|Car Insurance|\-||$176.00|29th| +|Rent|\-|\-|$1,300|1st| +|Apple Music|\-|\-|$4.99|22nd| +|Hulu|\-|\-|$11.99|14th| +|Credit Card #1|24.24% APR|$1,004.95|$30.00|27th| +|Personal Loan|8.84%|$2,471.13|$122.97|29th| +|Credit Card #2|17.5% APR|$2,544.29|$75.00|25th| +|Credit Card #3|27.24% APR|$472.00|$28.00|4th| +|PlayStation +|\-|\-|$9.99|5th| +|total:|\-|$16,485.47|$2,090.55 / month|\-| + +I plan on switching from Verizon to Mint mobile once I finish paying off my phone (roughly $900 left on phone balance) to cut down on monthly phone cost. Also planning on calling and speaking to my insurance agent to attempt to lower my monthly insurance policy cost. Currently, I am lucky enough (well, ya know "lucky enough") to work at McDonald's, so most of my meals come from work for free, even on my off days. Currently, rent is not something I can change even though it is well over 30% of my monthly income, it is my share of our mortgage. + +&#x200B; + +Income is as follows: + +|Work|\~$1,226 / paycheck|\~$2,452 / month| +|:-|:-|:-| +|parents|\-|\~300 / month| + +I am attending interview in an attempt to move careers. Most promising interview was yesterday, and I was invited back for a second interview this coming Tuesday. If i got the job, it would be a raise from $18/hr to $20/hr. Still 40 hours a week, bi-monthly pay. I would most likely step down from my current position at McDonald's if i got this new job, and would pick up a couple shifts a week to supplement my income and make ends meet. Also currently pursuing an associates in business with a transfer pathway to a bachelors in accounting which i am lucky enough to have the total cost of tuition and supplies covered by McDonald's reimbursement program. + +Would a personal loan be a valid option to consolidate my credit card debt and make one monthly payment instead of 3? Any other suggestions on how to get my debt under control and start to feel like im actually able to breathe? +i have a job and make around $400-$600 biweekly. my only expenses is gas for my car. I have a lot of extra money and want to either save for the future or invest in it right now. i want to either open a joint account on some app for stocks or buy a vending machine or something. what direction should i go? preferably i want something that would give me passive income rather than just saving. +Russel Okung is an NFL player who signed a contract with the Carolina Panthers in March 2020. As part of their agreement, part of his wage is paid out in bitcoin. + +Russel Okung's comments on bitcoin are spot on: + +"Money is more than currency; it's power. The way money is handled from creation to dissemination is part of that power. Getting paid in Bitcoin is the 1st step of opting out of the corrupt, manipulated economy we all inhabit." + +"When we are all paid in bitcoin, no one can tell us what to do with the value we create … In a post-fiat world, you won’t have to worry about your labor and time being stolen." + +When you have a quarter of the broad money supply being created in less than a year, it is clear that the money printer determines what value is in the first place. If you receive constant government bailouts, either because your company is highly in debt or it secures many jobs, you're never ever going to do anything but to keep your company "system-relevant". You're not going to innovate. You're not even competing anymore. + +Debt and the money printer killed capitalism.. risk of investing capital is only for the little guy now because they're not relevant enough for the system. Just give them a shitty paying job that we maintain for them at the mercy of our money printer while asset prices inflate away and out of reach. + +The money that's being printed creates more debt than actual GDP. They have to stop but they can't. +Fun fact: ADA was exactly 1$ on the 22nd of June, now it's 2$! + +This is just a reminder of how important it is to buy the dips and DCA even more so during bear markets. Buying in a bear market means bigger profits during bull markets. +Interesting sounding article about someone who FIRE`ed on a "normal" salary. + +Does anyone have a Telegraph subscription and could post the text or a summary? + +[Link to the article](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/consumer-affairs/retired-early-left-40k-air-ambulance-pilot-job-bought-three/?WT.mc_id=e_DM1149824&WT.tsrc=email&etype=Edi_Edi_New_Reg&utmsource=email&utm_medium=Edi_Edi_New_Reg20191128&utm_campaign=DM1149824) +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxh13d) 🎃🐦 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +He’s in the US visiting us for a month. His tourist insurance said they won’t cover pre-existing conditions. He was taken to Kaiser emergency and then to the ICU(he was there for 3 days) and he’s since been moved to general care. He’s been in general care for 2 days so far and will need to be moved to nursing home for physical therapy rehab to recover from paralysis. This is his first visit and he doesn’t have any assets here in the US. I’m afraid the bill will be huge and I’m clueless. Looking for any kind of advice on the best way to proceed financially. We do not have much in savings as we bought a house couple of months ago + +Edit: Thank you all! I have gotten great advice and suggestions on how to proceed which I’m going to start working on. You have all been a great help during this difficult time +Unfortunately this is not one of those posts where people are expected to list the most extravagant options, I know you can spend 400k for a kitchen + +Yet, I’m buying a 1250 sq ft apartment in a central VHCOL and don’t mind spending some money so I’m hiring an architect / designer to have a nice refurbishment and to completely rebuild the kitchen and bathrooms but budget is not infinite. What are the most essential “fat features”, especially in kitchen and bathrooms that I should make sure I include in the brief? +We're an American (her) British (me) couple based in California. Considering flying to London when wife is 6 months pregnant so that she gives birth in UK, baby gets British passport etc. (it's a long story, but I'm British by descent and even if baby is born in US, I cannot pass my British citizenship down to my child, as discovered with first baby). What are the options for best possible hospital treatment? What is the insurance situation? We expect to pay for private treatment but wanted to know what the best options are. I've read the Portland is the best hospital? In my mind, we AirBnB near the best hospital and enjoy London for a few months. Would love to know the costs for giving birth privately in the UK. Thanks +Hello, + +I am wondering is there any actual side hustle that works in NS? The issue for me personally is I don't have any education in any skills. The highest education I have is a useless collage certificate. I have a decent job but looking for more income on the side I can do either short term or long term. Please let me know if you personally have had any luck with any kind of of side hustle that you would like to share. I have done some research on my own about personal finance and educated myself a bit but still have lots to learn I am just trying to find some more assist to add to my portfolio and decrease my expenses as well. + +Thank you and I look forward to reading your comments on the matter. +I hold a small position in JE and it got destroyed today. Last I checked, it was down 40% for the day. I realize they had a bad quarter but this is a stunning loss for a stock (at least in my experience). + +Does anyone know what is going on? Is the company pretty well finished? +I'm wondering what people's takes are on the current geopolitical situation in regards to Russia and China and its relation to interest rate hikes in Canada and "Western" countries .I'm not sure how this works but I've heard people mention it and I'm curious to what other people think or is there no truth to this? +Hey everyone I currently have access to a LOC at prime - 0.25 (right now 3.7%) and was wondering what would be the downside of investing 20-30k of the 275k LOC into stocks/etf in my TFSA that pay a dividend higher than 3.7%. For example enbridge and then ZWB to get the banks. Both of the these companies have a strong history of not cutting dividends so this seems like an almost surefire way to make money just off the dividends and then be even further ahead if the stock prices go up (which I'm not going to pretend to have any idea if they will) +Happy to hear criticism of this plan? + +Edit: this is a professional student LOC with rbc if that changes the answer +Are there ideal investing strategies that would differ from having 10000 to 1000000? What would your tactic for each be if you had 10000, 100000 or 1000000 to invest? +Hi all. + +Does it make sense for me to choose one stock with a high yield like BMO (Bank of Montreal), and put $7000 into it? I have a steady income and Looking at the price of the stock right now and comparing that to its 52 week high, id say its pretty cheap to buy. I wouldn't care too much about short term gains or losses as im just gonna leave it there and reinvest the dividends. I have other investments, and I wouldn't need this money anytime soon. Hopefully if it reaches back to its ATH id be pretty happy and I wouldn't care about missing out on any other stocks. I'm starting to get tired of checking my stocks everyday and I just want to not worry about it. +I don't want this to take over my entire life or anything, I just hate the thought of having money sitting around doing nothing. I have put about 5k into a TFSA but that makes like 1.25% which is incredibly little, even if I were to 10x that investment it still seems pretty pathetic. + +I'm not trying to be a millionaire overnight, I don't want to lose any hair over this. I just want to put my money somewhere I know I will be getting a decent ROI. I have read about XEQT and VEQT and they seem like relatively reliable set-and-forget ETFs. How exactly do I put money into them? + +I have Wealthsimple Invest and Wealthsimple Trade. Which of these apps is used to invest in ETFs? If I make an account on one, can I use it on the other? I really don't have any experience with the stock market at all, but I'm still young (under 30) and want to be saving my money wisely. I am sorry if this is the wrong place to ask such a beginner-level question as I'm sure I am not the first to ask a variation of this. Thank you! +This is a follow-up to the infographic I posted last week showing how I get a satisfying amount of detail about my personal spending habits from a simple routine I set up for myself: + +http://imgur.com/BY9AxSg + +Hundreds of people asked for a copy of my spreadsheet which I have now sanitized and provided below. Hopefully it can inspire you to make your own. + +https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwJYOZaa5I8AVEN5MTB2aVdNSGs/view?usp=sharing + +Thanks for the outstanding feedback. Here’s my reply to the most common comments: + +1 - Manually penciling in my bills helps me retain the information and allows me to write down the data I need without having to open excel or make a big deal about it. The only way tracking spending can work is if you can maintain the personal motivation to stay consistent over time. For whatever reason, writing it down with a pencil helps me stay consistent. + +2 - I understand there is already software available to track spending (NYAB & mint were frequently namedropped), but I have never felt I needed it. My opinion is that all the random software updates and network connection issues and update failures associated with a 3rd party app can interfere with your motivation to consistently track your spending habits each month. Case in point, here's what happens when I open up my accounts today: + +http://imgur.com/6ac3yAM + +Also, I think building your own tracking system designed exactly how you want it can make the routine far more pleasant once you get everything set up. And I'm still convinced it’s impossible for 3rd party budgeting software to give me the autonomy that I want. Excel is an extremely powerful program that I can use to make multi-layered budgets that will give me detailed info about hand-chosen investment strategies decades into the future. I can fiddle with different options on the fly and completely redesign things however I want. + +3 - It means a lot to me to know that I have inspired others to practice good personal finance habits as we enter 2016. I struggled with debt for a long time and I don't consider myself to be any more capable than anyone else. If I can do it, you can too. Shoot me any questions you have. + +I am not giving any dates. It's your money; it's your stock; and you can do what you want with it. I am simply looking at the situation around us and noticing things. I am shy to post so I am going to use this new robot and see what happens. + +**1\. Sloppy Shill Tactics** +Literally letting us [RECORD THEM on a phone call](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/msdr64/yall_wanted_proof_here_is_the_first_60_seconds_of/)? All the screenshots? [They're sloppy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mskz2e/lifewater_media_trojan_horse/), and as a result probably desperate. It's either that, or they are adopting new strategies against us, letting us "leak" their screenshots and calls in an attempt to \_\_\_\_ who knows. It doesn't matter because both make me want to HODL. + +2\. I suspect that\, to pay their shorts\, they'd ultimately have to sell their shares across a whole range of investments\, and I'd argue the last two months have been on and off crap for the total market\, but also it looks like [it's primed](https://www.investors.com/market-trend/stock-market-today/dow-jones-futures-stock-market-rally-enters-power-trend-square-snap-carve-handles-apple-tesla-next/) right now for the sell-off. Also, [look at finviz](https://finviz.com/map.ashx?t=sec_all&st=ps&nbsp;)**.** + +3\. Also\, rich people don't even go broke the same as regular people\. There was the theory that crypto would boost dramatically pre\-squeeze\, since they would be trying to pump it up so they could offload it into offshore accounts; foreign accounts\, etc\. [What did we just see?](https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/102007/bitcoin-plunge-7-billion-liquidation) Now their money is safe to the tune of (potentially) $7.6 billion, at least? + +4\. Monday or Tuesday we could see the catalyst that triggers the covering; [something like a share recall](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmt5rq/420_share_recall_explained_why_its_important_that/)? That'd do it!!! + +5\. The FUD is just incessant\. We've endured two months of [constant psyops attack](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mnjqpw/dont_forget_what_they_did_a_running_list_of_fud/), in my opinion, and we've warded off how many tickers? How many cryptos? They've attacked our mods and they've attacked our favorite members. They want to scare us but honestly I'm too smooth brain to get scared. All I do is HODL. What can they push at us now? Either they're [going to into panic mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt85ej/google_says_there_is_more_activity_at_citadel_hq/), or they're preparing the next and final act of their psyops motion. Maybe they will dox members. Maybe it'll turn into serious threats. ALWAYS do what's safest for you and your families, but I hope the strongest of us can survive the storm to Valhalla. + +All of this makes me feel like we're at the utmost precipice of an explosion of SOMETHING. It's something in the air. It's the alignment of SOMETHING and we can feel it. Either way, I'm always going to be an ape and remember this community as being one of the highlights of my entire life. [APES TOGETHER STRONG](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtb7m3/citadel_cant_compete_with_someone_who_never_closes/). + +--- + +***This is not financial advice!*** +*This post was **anonymously** submitted via **[www.superstonk.net](https://www.superstonk.net/)** and reviewed by our team. +Submitted posts are unedited and published as long as they follow r/Superstonk rules.* +You know how I know I love GME? I just read this entire paper on dark pools on my muthafuckin birthday bitches. Figured this ape is getting older, need to gain more wrinkles in this ape brain. + +Okay [THIS](https://www.vipsight.eu/images/Sharks.pdf) paper is on HFTs (High Frequency Trades) and Dark Pools: + +[High-frequency trading and dark pools: sharks never sleep](https://www.vipsight.eu/images/Sharks.pdf) + +Needless to say I was lured by the title. **I have posted this as a summary and condensed version of the paper for you apes to hopefully gain some insights from this information that we may be able to use in deepening our understanding of the effects these dark pools are having on GME, and really the market as a whole.** + +&#x200B; + +# What is High Frequency Trading (HFT)? + +HFT employs sophisticated computer programming to execute stock transactions at extremely fast speeds in order to take advantage of small and often momentary changes in stock prices. + +With this new-found acceleration, the capacity of exchanges as measured by order messages per day has gone from one million in 1995 to hundreds of millions by 2009, and during the same period throughput as measured by messages per second has gone from 20 to over 100,000. + +# Okay so how is High Frequency Trading related to dark pools? + +**High-frequency traders (HFTs) use different trading strategies but there are some common characteristics,** including trading on their own account rather than on behalf of clients; utilising high-speed computer programs to generate, route and execute orders rapidly on multiple exchanges; maintaining unhedged positions for small fractions of a second; and submitting high rates of orders that are cancelled before the order is executed + +**In order for these trading strategies to work high-frequency traders need a speed advantage.** **To achieve such speeds, these traders pay to “co-locate” or “cross-connect” their trading computers in the buildings of public exchanges or “dark pools”** in order to increase the speed with which they receive information, enabling the traders to rapidly place and cancel orders. + +“Those speed and technology advantages allow high frequency traders to profile the pending orders on an exchange in order to detect the presence of large pending orders, usually from institutional investors. This ‘information leakage,’ allows high frequency traders to trade ahead of an anticipated stock purchase or otherwise have an impact on price. This strategy is sometimes referred to as ‘latency arbitrage,’ because the trader is seeking to exploit the relative slowness, or ‘latency,’ in the transmission of market data experienced by other participants. Barclays itself commonly labelled these types of high frequency strategies as ‘toxic,’ ‘predatory,’ or ‘aggressive.’ + +# But what...actually...is it..? + +In addition to the 11 public stock exchanges in the United States there are dozens of privately owned and operated trading venues, including venues known as **“dark pools”.** Public stock exchanges match tens of millions of orders to buyers and sellers each day, and these are generally visible to participants, and executions of orders are posted immediately. Public exchanges immediately display to the market the submission of pending stock orders; dark pools do not. + +**“Dark pools, defined** in contrast to ‘lit’ trading venues where trading intentions and activity are visible, provide access to non-displayed liquidity. A dark pool is an OTC (over-the-counter) venue for reporting purposes, which has the practical value that unmatched trade orders are not displayed on an open order book. The use of dark pools is typically found where disclosure of trading intent might prove injurious to price efficiency. **For example, moving a large block of shares onto the market might impact counterparty pricing; feeding the same block through a dark pool (in smaller lots) will conceal the size of the overall trade** (annnnd we know this because we be dealing with this erry gaddamn day) + +**A quote from Thomas Caldwell on dark pools:** + +“Large institutional investors know that if they start trying to push through a large block of shares at a certain price – even if the block is broken into many small trades on several ATSs and markets – they can trigger a flood of high-frequency orders that immediately move market prices to the institution’s disadvantage. … That’s why institutions have flocked to so-called dark pools operated by ATSs such as Instinet, and individual dealers like Goldman Sachs. The pools allow traders to offer prices without publicly revealing their identities and tipping their hand.” + +**“Because these large, dark pools are opaque to other investors and to regulators, they inhibit the free trade that depends on open and transparent auction markets to work, but are considered by institutional investors as a safer place to trade than the open market”** + +\- HOW THE FUCK THIS IS NOT ILLEGAL IS BEYOND ME…ANYWAY + +Okay so there’s this one specific dark pool started by Barclays: + +“In October, 2013, Barclays prepared a trading analysis for a major institutional investor that services millions of individual accounts both inside the United States and abroad (‘Institutional Investor’). + +The analysis determined that: + +• Approximately 88% of this Institutional Investor’s sampled trades in dark venues were executing in Barclays’ dark pool; + +• Approximately 60% of the trading counterparties for the Institutional Investor’s sampled orders were high frequency trading firms.” In preparation for a meeting with the Institutional Investor to explain these findings, two senior Directors prepared a PowerPoint presentation that included the results of the trading analysis. **Two days before the scheduled meeting, one of those Directors was called into a meeting with senior leadership in the Equities Electronic Trading division, who instructed him not to disclose the findings to the client. According to this Director, ‘there was no suggestion at that meeting, or at any other point, that the analysis was wrong,’ merely that it should not be shared with the client because it reflected poorly on Barclays.** (god I hate these cunts) + +**Distinct types of HFT firms include:** + +1. independent proprietary firms, which use private funds and specific strategies which remain secretive, and may act as market-makers, generating automatic buy and sell orders continuously throughout the day; +2. broker-dealer proprietary desks, which are part of traditional broker-dealer firms but are not related to their client business, and are operated by the largest investment banks; and +3. hedge funds, which focus on complex statistical arbitrage, taking advantage of pricing inefficiencies between asset classes and securities. + +Agarwal distinguished high-frequency traders from the rest of the market, which generally employs algorithmic trading: “High frequency traders typically act in a proprietary capacity, making use of a number of strategies and generating a very large number of trades every single day. They leverage technology and algorithms from end-to-end of the investment chain – from market data analysis and the operation of a specific trading strategy to the generation, routing, and execution of orders and trades. What differentiates HFT from algorithmic trading is the high frequency turnover of positions as well as its implicit reliance on ultra-low latency connection and speed of the system. + +**So what’s even good about dark pools?** + +“As noted, the defence of HFT is built around the principle that it increases liquidity, narrows spreads and improves market efficiency. The high number of trades made by high frequency traders results in greater liquidity in the market.” + +# But there are critical differences between high-frequency traders and traditional market makers: + +• High-frequency traders do not have an affirmative market-making obligation, ie. they are not obliged to provide liquidity by constantly displaying two side quotes, **which may translate into a lack of liquidity during volatile conditions** + +• High-frequency traders contribute little market depth due to the marginal size of their quotes, which may result in larger orders having to transact with many small orders, and this may impact on overall transaction costs. + +• High-frequency trader quotes are barely accessible due to the extremely short duration for which the liquidity is available when orders are cancelled within milliseconds. + +# HFT Risks + +..There are more deliberate aspects of HFT strategies which may present serious problems for market structure and functioning, **and where conduct may be illegal, eg. order anticipation seeks to ascertain the existence of large buyers or sellers in the marketplace and then to trade ahead of those buyers and sellers in anticipation that their large orders will move market prices** (literally what is happening every gaddamn day) + +**HFT strategies can resemble traditional forms of market manipulation that violate the Exchange Act according to the SEC:** + +1. Spoofing and layering occurs when traders create a false appearance of market activity by entering multiple non bonafide orders on one side of the market at increasing or decreasing prices in order to induce others to buy or sell the stock at a price altered by the bogus orders. +2. Painting the tape involves placing successive small numbers of buy orders at increasing prices in order to stimulate increased demand. +3. Quote stuffing and price fade are additional HFT dubious practices: quote stuffing is a practice that floods the market with huge numbers of orders and cancellations in rapid succession which may generate buying or selling interest, or compromise the trading position of other market participants. Order or price fade involves the rapid cancellation of orders in response to other trades. + +# When HFTs go bad…. + +“On 6 May 2010 the prices of many US-based equity products experienced an extraordinarily rapid decline and recovery, as major equity indices in the securities and futures markets plunged 6% in minutes, and then quickly rebounded: “The so-called ‘Flash Crash’ sent shockwaves through global equity markets. The Dow Jones experienced its largest ever intraday point fall, losing $1 trillion of market value in the space of half an hour. History is full of such fat-tailed falls in stocks. Was this just another to add to the list, perhaps compressed into a smaller time window? No. This one was different. For a time, equity prices of some of the world’s biggest companies were in free-fall. They appeared to be in a race to zero. Peak to trough, Accenture shares fell by over 99%, from $40 to $0.01. At precisely the same time, shares in Sotheby’s rose three thousand-fold, from $34 to $99,999.99.” + +**This near disaster resulted when a large fundamental trader, against a backdrop of unusually high volatility and thinning liquidity, initiated a sell programme to sell a total of 75,000 contracts (valued at approximately $4.1 billion) as a hedge to an existing equity position.** The trader executed the sell program via an automated execution algorithm (the “Sell Algorithm”) that was programmed to feed orders into the market to target an execution rate set to 9% of the trading volume calculated over the previous minute, but without regard to price or time. + +With the Sell Algorithm only targeting trading volume, and neither price nor time, it executed the sell program in just 20 minutes, and chaos ensued. Many of the US market’s 8,000 individual equities and exchange-traded funds suffered price declines of between 5% and 15%, while over 20,000 trades across 300 securities were executed at prices more than 60% away from their values moments before. In the midst of this chaotic algorithmically programmed frantic buying and selling, the high-frequency traders were buyers of the initial batch of orders submitted by the Sell Algorithm; however, as conditions rapidly deteriorated “lacking sufficient demand from fundamental buyers or cross-market arbitrageurs, HFTs began to quickly buy and then resell contracts to each other – generating a ‘hotpotato’ volume effect as the same positions were rapidly passed back and forth. Between 2:45:13 pm and 2:45:27 pm, HFTs traded over 27,000 contracts, which accounted for about 49 per cent of the total trading volume, while buying only about 200 additional contracts net.” + +**The joint report from the US SEC and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) concluded one key lesson is that under stressed market conditions, the automated execution of a large sell order can trigger extreme price movements, especially if the automated execution algorithm does not take prices into account.** + +“The SEC developed a circuit breaker to pause trading across US markets in a security that has experienced a 10% price change in the previous 5 minutes, and on 10 June 2010 approved the application of this circuit breaker to securities included in the S&P 500.29 (ayeee theres our SSR comin in). But guess what, even with SSR, all of these trades are still going through the dark pools... + +However, it is clear that neither financial markets nor regulators fully comprehend the potential impact of HFT, or regulate its activity in any meaningful way, powerfully illustrating that we still have got a lot to learn from the recent financial crisis (this paper was published in 2010).” + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +What does all of this mean? Tbh, it is hard to connect these dots in a precise way to understand exactly what is happening to who and when, but SOMETHING is happening. We are seeing JP Morgan sell 13 BILLION in treasury securities, this means they need to increase their liquidity, and this is also helping MMs like Citadel increase their liquidity as well now that those bonds are out in the market. More bonds= more liquidity. If they need this much liquidity, they must be lacking it elsewhere. I hope that I am wrong, and that we are not witnessing the beginning of a market crash, but there are lots of similarities here with 2008. Everything is built on this house of cards that USED to be the housing market, and now is US securities (particularly 10 year bonds). I’m just a dumb ape, but seems to me everything is going to be royally fucked if the markets main source of liquidity (US Treasury Securities) goes to shit because it has been devalued by the amount they have been oversold. Also hoping some wrinkle brains can read over the dark pool info and gain some insights. Please share if ya do. Thanks apes. + new to all this but 2021 was the year i promised to start losing money to trading. Can anyone provide any google docs to help me get started, and any YT video recommendations in general? + Hey y'all, just looking for some advice. I've been trying to teach myself trading for over a year now, and I have still yet to find a solid strategy to implement. I hear people talk a lot about price action, and that it's really the only way to be profitable, but is this true? + +I had, what is probably pretty similar to a lot of people, stagnant year, or what feels like one. I've tested quite a few strategies, with almost no consistency, I've come to find that MOST indicators either lag behind too much or give too many false signals to be reliable. However, I have found that VWAP and an solid EMA can help a lot. + +Throughout this year I've tried to get funded with Topstep, and I spent probably 5-6 months doing so, got really close two times to passing the first steps (I'm talking about $30 in profit to pass and I had made $8,900 in simulated profits) just to get smacked down. + +While I'm still getting my emotions in check (which I know is a HUGE part of trade) I still can't help feel like I'm missing something. I know a cleaner chat, one with fewer indicators is better, but I've yet to find a consistent strategy. + +Did any of y'all go through this roadblock? What helped you? Who do watch on youtube that helped you learn concepts that propelled you forward? What strategies do you implement? Anything will help! Thanks y'all! + +FYI: I mainly trade NQ, mainly try to scalp, trading solely on the 1,3, or 5 minute time frame. +So a little backstory. My wife and I lived in FL, Had a kid. When my kid was three, she was diagnosed with leukemia. At this point my wife never went back to work for obvious reasons. We had decided for her to go back somewhere between 2-3 years old but the cancer meant it wasn't possible. I was making about 50K+ a year. This was mostly because of mandatory overtime. We were "ok" with finances, but I couldn't afford the medical bills so they simply stacked up. We decided to move to SC about 6 months before my daughter was done with treatment (she was in her last bit of maintenance phase of chemo so it wasn't as difficult a time) to be closer to my wifes family since my family isn't much of a family. Financially it looked fine on paper. We would even save money. I was going to transfer jobs to a new location, with a small promotion. This was the biggest financial mistake I ever made. + +After moving, while the rent was cheaper, the utlities were upwards of 300-500$ a month. I was used to paying 100-150 a month roughly year round. The amount of driving we were having to do, i was spending nearly $250 a month in gas alone. And then the job. At first they gave me "Oh we need you in [insert grunt work position] for a few weeks until the new position opens up". And then the first paycheck hit. It was FAR lower than my normal paycheck. I immediately went to the payroll lady. Come to find out, I was being paid $2.50 less an hour than what I was making in FL. I told them I was not informed of a pay decrease. Why on earth would I take a job that pays LESS than what I was making? They said it was "cost of living adjustment from the pay in FL". I complained and complained. It fell on deaf ears. Three months in, still no change in job or pay. After about my first month, my hours started getting cut down. I was being made to do stupid random jobs that a monkey could do. Some days working only 6 hours. I was used to working 50-60 hours a week. And then using me as a "backup" incase someone didnt show up. While this is going on, I started having to use my credit cards to get by. + +After 6 months at the job I finally left for another job. Making about the same amount as when I left. At this point, my pay had gone from 50K+ in FL to about 38K. It's been almost two years since we moved, and we finally decided to let the cards go about three months ago when we moved into a new place. It's much smaller and a lot better on the bills. We are finally about breaking even now. My pay has gone up a little, although im only making about 40K. Though we can't save anything. My wife started doing some cleaning on the side. Right now only 1 client, once a week at $40. My daughter is in remission and is doing fine. + +But..we ran up about $14,000+ in credit cards and I have about $35,000 in medical bills. There's no way I can ever pay back that amount. My wife can't work full time, or even part time that can work around my daughters school schedule. So her finding a "normal" job right now is out. + +We decided to look into two things. Debt consolidation (which im not hopeful for) or bankruptcy. Does anyone know what I can expect from going the bankruptcy route? What unforseen restrictions are there? I have zero experience with bankruptcy. The only understanding I have is that you pay a lawyer to do it for you, and it wipes all of your debt away but you are unable to get any kind of credit for five years? But that just sounds too easy. I know it's got to be more complicated than that? +Hi all, + +I understand that a lot of stuff is suboptimal right now, with supply chain issues, labor market, the war etc. But I keep thinking that it's in a way ignorant to only point the finger at JPOW and the FED for the high inflation, bonds market under pressure tc...I mean yes, I understand how the mechanics work, but bear (no pun intended) with me. When Corona was gaining speed, people were begging for QE's, keep the printer on, which I understood, and made sense in a way. Investor would go apeshit crazy both in Europe and the US if the ECB or FED would even slightly mention an interest hike. I remember quotes "all that it takes to keep the economy going" and " we are not even thinking about thinking to raise the rates". So investors would be pleased , and money kept flowing, with several rounds of stimulus checks in the US. Even under political pressure ( Trump also pushed this). People screaming and shreeking if the FED would even have a "hawkish" tone on this. JPOW being called incompetent if he would not understand the needs of the economy. The FED initially wasn't a big fan of just keeping the printer on without limits and had reservations. + +Now of course, with all the supply chain issues, shortages and cash flowing around obviously inflation is rising, partly to feed the growing economy and also because of other factors like people spending more etc. Now the FED announced the hikes, and people are still shreeking. I understand that having higher interests, those hikes will not benefit the labour market, but something has to be done to keep the inflation under control, no? I AM NOT DEFENDING JPOW OR THE FED, quotes like "inflation is transitory" were weird to me, and I have the personal feeling they are making decision to save their own seats as well. I am also aware that it is much more complex than this. For example, interests hikes are probaly necessary, but what was the right timing?TLDR: : the FED caused a river of money to flow, people were happy, and now that the consequences are there in the form of inflation, people are pissed that the FED is proposing interest rate hikes. + +What do you all think? +Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/e98mbc/bailiff_turned_up_at_my_door_1400_not_owed_i_think/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +Hey UKPF, + +So thankyou for all the helpful advice last week, I managed to get somewhat of a resolution to my bailiff problem. + +After numerous calls and what feels like hours upon hours to several people within Rundels (I recorded phone calls with them). We have come to the conclusion it's a case of mistaken identity or what they call a misstrace. + +Name's exactly match even down to the weird spelling of my first name. Dob not even close. + +I'm still shocked that they can get as far as sending someone to take goods from my house without even being sure they have the right person. + +But I just wanted to say thanks for the previous advice from everyone and have a good Christmas. +Hello! + +I founded a company with one business partner over a decade ago, and our company has grown fairly large and successful. If we chose to exit the company today, we both could retire completely and happily — probably mid 8 figures apiece. The company has an established C-suite, external investors, and a functional board, so while we’re both very involved operationally (we sit on both the executive team and the board), the company could continue to run without either or both of us. + +Though there are a lot of factors keeping me working at the company, including the fact that I’m still enjoying much of the work day-to-day, I’m not getting any younger, and I’d eventually like to FATFire in the next few years. My business partner seems to have no plans to retire anytime soon. We both intend to sell the company eventually (would probably put us into low 9 figure territory each), but it’s increasingly likely that that date is more on the order of ten years rather than two. When I stop being an operator I’d like to remain closely involved as a board member, etc, and would feel like I missed something major in my life if I wasn’t part of the eventual end story of the company (ie being involved in the final sale). + +One major factor holding me back from even considering the early retirement path, however, is the reaction I anticipate my business partner would have. Even though we can easily afford to hire my replacement, me choosing to reduce my operational involvement would be perceived as little more than betrayal as he’d be left in the trenches while I would continue to benefit from the appreciation of the company. I’d like to avoid that reaction both because I value him as a friend and we’ve been through a lot together, and because I would worry he’d then exclude me from being truly involved as a board member and in the eventual exit. + +Any suggestions as to how to pitch this situation to my cofounder so we can figure out a pathway for me to retire over the next few years without burning a bridge? Or should I just bite the bullet and accept I that I would damage the relationship by stepping down as operator? +Hi, wondering if any real estate investors here have any advice on umbrella policies. Our car insurer does not want to give us a quote given that we have more than ten rental properties under our names as individuals (not LLCs). Thanks in advance. +I tried this a while ago, though I was throwing money at options on Robinhood, just to give myself something to do. Needless to say, it didn't work out. I blew a bunch of money and started smoking again just a few months later. + +Now I'm ready for a change! Smokes are $12 a pack where I am at and I will buy at least $12 of crypto each time I would have bought a pack. +We obviously get a lot of chatter here about current investments for current investors but it would be cool to hear from the lucky few who have been in the game well before Reddit was a thing and are now cashing out most if not all of their portfolio. How does it feel? What was your best and worst investment strategy? And what will you use the money for? Congrats!!!! 🍾🎉🎊 +I'm posting my (short) story to hopefully save people some money. + +I always knew I wanted to be an investor. + +When I joined the military the classes I paid most attention to were the personal finance ones. My first paycheck went right into my savings, and I built up quite a reserve during my time in. High five figures, which wasn't easy over 4 years on a junior enlisted salary let me tell you. When my buds were buying new cars, I was saving my paychecks. When they went out and partied and bought shots I stayed in and studied investing, I mean looking back I should've lived a little but that's not the point of my tale. + +I forewent 4 years of revelry and fun to pile up as much cash as I could and plan for life after I got out. I read book after book on investing, finance, portfolio theory, Warren Buffett you name it. + +After reading enough material and studying for long enough I even thought of myself as somewhat knowledgable. I'd learned DCF and was already prospecting positions while I was in. + +So I started investing in 2015 and 2016. I used principles I'd read Buffett endorsed, low PE, worked within a DCF model. I mean I really took my time with these positions. I'd come to think of myself as somewhat of a principled value investor. + +Then the worst thing that could have possibly happened to a first time investor happened: I was successful. Within 5 months my first two investments had gone up nearly 30-40% (Emerson Electric and Nucor Steel for anyone curious). + +I felt like the king of the world, like I was way smarter than I was. Finding solid companies with great moats and low PEs and worked in a few models was easy. People who invested in index funds were chumps. They weren't smart, they were lazy. I was the smart one picking individual 'value' stocks and being diligent. I even started looking up returns if I could just sustain that 40% return for the next 10 years. It was all great. If I could do it now why not in the future? Life was good. + +I could spend the next 5 paragraphs outlying all the other positions I'd initiated because they were 'cheap' and had low debt. How I was finding value where others weren't (ironic given my name, huh?). But I'll forego it all to say that I wasn't nearly as smart as I thought I was, and that my returns as a whole have been meager. + +All in all, if I'd just parked that high five figures in an index fund like Vanguard's S&P 500 fund, VOO, I'd have around $40,000 in unrealized gains. Instead I have $5,000, about 12.5% of what I could have. Not to mention the stress, self doubt, anxiety, and swings that come with individual stock picking. + +I don't tell you my (short) tale because it's interesting, or even uncommon. I tell you because I wish that I'd seen this post all those years ago when I started investing (as if that would have stopped me anyways), but hopefully you will be smarter than I was. + +Stick with index investing, be a boglehead, do the tried and true. Boring wins, and I think it will continue to win. The simple fact is that no matter how many books you read or approaches you take most of us just can't be Warren Buffett. We can't be stock pickers. So save yourself the hassle and don't be like me. + +I admit defeat. I hang up my hat. I'm not a great investor and I'm not all that smart. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. + +Big Edit: Should've put in Original Post; I'm still holding most of these positions. I haven't sold for a loss (or minor gain) yet, as I bought most with the intent to hold long term and still will do so. I'm just hanging it up as an individual stock picker. All future investments will be into index funds. It's the approach that suits my temperment and intellect (what of it I have), the best. +Conscious I may need an ELI5 here. + +With the USD at near record highs, what is the best way to take advantage of this in the stock market? My gut instinct would be to purchase foreign stocks (e.g a FTSE100 tracker) but I’m conscious it will not be a simple as that (for example when a company is listed on the FTSE, but obtains the majority of its income from outside of the U.K.). + +So what is the best way to capitalise on the strong USD? Is it possible to get foreign stocks ‘at a discount’ in usd terms? +This is not the post to talk about numbers/dollars/cents. It’s about how to manage this unsettling state of the pre FIRE months. I can’t sit still at work. I am starting to feel unmotivated. Little things at work annoy me. 10 months is still a long time. How do you get your mindset right so that going to work isn’t a torture? +Hey PF, + +Ive been applying for apartments for the last 4 weeks and to no avail. I finally realized its because according to my credit record I was evicted in 2008, when I was 12 years old. I also have a paid auto loan at the age of 13. + +So clearly dark forces at work here, I'm a victim of identity theft. I need an apartment asap for school, and even though my cosigner father has a great score, management companies reject me because of the eviction. +What should I do? + +* Also, I do have the address of the house I was supposedly evicted from. It's only a mile away from my parents' house. Any legal action I should pursue? + +Terrible realization: +http://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/3bf5bu/i_was_12_years_old_when_i_got_evicted_update/ + + +I've got a friend whose husband turned up dead yesterday morning. She was estranged from him, hadn't seen him in a couple of years, and was actually trying to find a lawyer who would help her get rolling on a divorce. + +She is effectively broke, living with her parents, and her husband was a vagrant with no money. She's getting a lot of pressure from his friends to claim the body and have a funeral, but everything we've found says just cremating him is already prohibitively expensive, nevermind holding services. On top of that, the coroner implied that she would not be able to get a Death Certificate unless she claimed the body, which sounded massively suspect to me. + +Basically, anyone been in this situation before, or have some advice? She can't and doesn't want to pay for a funeral, but she wants the Death Certificate. +Hi all, me and my dad have the same name. I went to go use my credit card the other day and it got declined. I contacted my credit card company (Discover) and they said it was closed due to me filing for bankruptcy. I was really confused since I never filed for bankruptcy in my life. I contacted my dad and he told me he did a few days ago. I am not an authorized user on any of his accounts or he on mine. Is there anything I can do to resolve this mixup? Big thanks. +Hi there, + +I'm new to the community and to investing. I'm looking for some reliable sources of information to educate myself. + +I have specific some questions I'd like to address with your help, or by visiting the sources you share. + +1. What is the difference between and what are the pros/cons of an Index Fund vs. an Index ETF? +2. Can you recommend a portfolio of Index Funds/Index ETFs I could research further? + +Thanks everyone for your attention. + +**2021-09-20 Edit:** Is there any advantage to requesting that Wealthsimple add the TD e-series to my Standard Growth (Risk 10) portfolio—if they are not already included? +I want to pretend im retired right now. Let's say I have 300k and want monthly passive income. What is a realistic expectation of my return? + +Is this idea dummy or is it wiser to buy condos and rent them out? + +Or a house and not pay rent? + +I like the passive income idea as my money is not stuck in a physical object. + +Thank you +Does anyone know which lenders have the riskiest assets in Canada? +Looking for tier 2 and tier 3 lenders like credit unions etc. with poor mortgage underwriting practices. +I want to be able to have some balance / opportunities to buy dips in stocks thus why the bonds potentially being an option like the couch potato method. + +However I know bonds right now are garbage and not worth it. + +I was wondering if it makes sense or would be a good plan to be going with VEQT for now until things improve and then sell VEQT and invest into VGRO? + +Thank you. +API has been working fine for weeks, now all the sudden I get: + +Failed to establish a new connection: \[WinError 10060\] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond + +Anyone else getting this? +I asked a question here a couple days ago about this topic and have come to a symbolic solution that takes target ROI increase/decrease and respective probabilities to calculate a Kelly fraction for investment. I am linking a repo to the code [here](https://github.com/analyticalRedditor/portfoliomanagement/blob/main/simultaneousKellyStocks.py) and also a [web app](https://themathematicalbetslip.herokuapp.com/simultaneouskellystocks) where one can just input data and receive output, please ask questions if you’re confused how this works - this works well from n < around 10. + +Code implemented in Python using sympy with a quick scipy approximation on the target function. + +Looking forward to feedback and hopefully this is helpful to even 1 person +Hi everyone, + +It is my first post here and I hope this thread is going to be of interest to many of you. + +I have been building MM (in a LOB context) algos for some time now. Some successful, others money losing machines. As you probably know adverse selection is the main risk to market makers. I have identified three ways of avoiding it: + +1) Obtain better price information, faster, from many sources. + +2) Adjust prices up or down based on trade flow and trade-throughs + +3) Stop quoting entirely for some time on one side if quote keeps getting filled. + +Do any of you have other ways of handling the problem and reducing stale quotes? + +Thank you, + +Edit: If you are going to tell me to not try because I don't have the resources, just assume I have it. It is a general discussion for people who want to share ideas and learn. +I'm sorry if this seems like a question that I can easily find the answer to somewhere around here, but I've looked through many of the top posts in this forum and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. + +My goal is to try and build an automated trading system from scratch (to the point where I can essentially press a button to start the program and it will trade throughout the market hours before I close it). I'd prefer being able to use Python for this (since using Python can also help improve my coding skills), but I'm honestly not sure where to start. + +I see many, many posts and books about algo trading strategies and whatnot but I want to actually build the system that trades it. + +Are there any specific resources (online courses, books, websites) you guys would recommend for figuring this out? + +Also, what are the specific parts I need? I know I need something to +gather data, +parse the data, +run the strategy on the data, +and send orders. +Is that it? + +As a side note, how long would a project like this typically take? My initial guess is 4-6 months working on the weekends but I may be way off. FYI, I am a recent CS grad + +Also, I am about halfway through the Quantitative Trading book by Ernie Chan and so far it has been interesting! Unfortunately it's all in MATLAB and covers more on the strategy side. +I'm searching the internet for strategies or methods applicable only to the crypto market if any but I can't find much. Do most of algorithmic traders use the same strategies as mean reversion or momentum and technical analysis? + + +Backtrader seems smooth for backtesting but I found it difficult/buggy when implementing it live, specifically on the data feed aspect. +Would appreciate help you can extend. + +--- +**EDIT: I'm mostly interested in Binance Futures capable platforms.** +Hello algotraders, + +In the context of developing in-house algo trading bots, I see many examples of people rushing to order execution and backtesting in their 100 lines of code, often using dummy strategies copy/pasted from a blog. + +**Is there a fundamental reason making necessary to fuse the end to end trading process as early as possible in the development process? (kinda agile process)** + +I am taking another path which is dividing my end to end solution in 3 distinct parts that could nearly be 3 different softwares that I'm developing in sequential order (waterfall). + +**1/ forecasting engine** which outputs probabilistic forecasts**2/ order engine** that formulates orders based on forecasts + money management strategy**3/ trading backtesting engine** or **real world broker's API** depending if I'm testing or live + +**Am I heading in a viable direction?Or am I missing a fundamental point making necessary to fuse the end to end trading process as early as possible in the development process? Without disclosing any competitive advantage you may have, how is architectured your solution?** + +Thanks for sharing. + +**Edit:** *the* ***forecasting engine*** *can 100% be tested against historical data: you test le validity of the direction and intensity of the forecast VS what happened.* + +*It's quite different than the* ***trading backtesting engine*** *which tests your* ***trading strategy and*** *involves many other things including a simulation of an action (short/long/put/call) with target, stop loss, fee, slippage, etc.* + + +*I think another way to ask my question is "are forecasting the market and having a good trading strategy two completely different things, software-engineering-wise."* + +&#x200B; +Need your help gathering some info! Have any of you rented bare metal GPU machines such as an RTX-3090 or V100 to run any of your machine learning or ai models/programs? What did you rent and who did you go through? +I suppose I'm not that afraid of announcing this "strategy" because I assume every trader and their mother has probably considered this one time or another. I also don't see how it would hurt sharing this... if more people buy these stocks, the price ought to go up even further right? Anyways I'm just a hobbyist looking for a slight edge over an index fund. Backtests suggest this simple strategy could get me there. + + +Maybe this isn't considered "algotrading" because I don't really need to "daytrade" or trade in seconds/milliseconds to deploy this kind of strategy? + +What am I missing? Is there any reason this is a bad idea? I assume an experienced trader can do way better than this, but for the hobbyist? Sounds decent to me. +Is it something to be worried about, in your opinion? If a majority of the miners do move over to BCH, can that drastically effect BTC price and longer term values? Also, is bitcoin core regular bitcoin? Because r/btc is saying they're "heartless" and "dying" as well. I have not mentioned my opinion on here, just want to know what you guys are thinking. +I realized something today as I finally got my invite for the Blockfi Bitcoin Credit Card . . . + +These credit cards (there are others) will make us all rich. + +As of now, 3.5% of my credit card transactions are being rewarded to me in Bitcoin. This single financial move I made to this card is directly increasing the rate that I am removing the circulating supply of Bitcoin from the world. I'm buying more and more of this limited resource and products like bitcoin credit cards just make it easier and easier for me to do it. + +As a fearless HODLer, I'm helping the greater community by removing supply and increasing value. + +Realizing that these Bitcoin reward credit cards are only going to generate millions of people like me blew my mind. + +We are working towards a future with more mechanism to let people buy up this limited resource asset. The demand is there and rising. Hyperbitcoinization will happen. + +EDIT: + +Correcting a misleading point in my post. + +The 3.5% reward is a promotion that is capped to $100 of value. The true regular reward rate is 1.5% which I see as better than my previous card (Coinbase debit card) at 1% reward. + +My whole point is that millions of people claiming any amount of crypto through cards like this is a very very powerful thing. We are eating up the worlds first truly limited asset and building more and more mechanisms for people to eat at it quicker. + +Supply goes down + Demand stays the same => Price goes up + +Price goes up => Demand goes up + +------------------------------------------- + +Supply goes down + Demand goes up => BLASTOFF +Prepare for the first interest rate-led business default cycle since the 1991 recession. + +This column has been much more constructive on risk since late May when we determined that interest rate markets were finally pricing in the monetary policy tightening required to deal with the near-term inflation threat coupled with our central case that consumer price pressures would start dissipating as supply chains normalised. + +I want to make clear that we are not, as a consequence, bullish on the macro outlook. Our core view remains that the US economy tumbles into some sort of recession and that global activity data continues to sour. + +It would appear that while equities have appropriately responded to the regime change in long-term interest rates (or discount rates), there are continuing vulnerabilities regarding earnings expectations. + +The long and variable lags inherent in monetary policy tightening cycles mean that it is inevitable that in the first phase of that process we see large cross-currents in data releases that have something for everyone. + +This has been evident in Australia in the contradictions in the household and business survey data. If you are myopic and have your head buried in the sand, you will attach more weight to the business surveys that suggest the economy is just fine. + +If you are half-smart, you will focus on the fact that borrowers have only experienced one to two of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s four interest rate increases since May due to delays in the banks’ operational implementation of changes to borrowers’ actual repayments. This explains why consumer spending seems OK — and hence business revenues remain robust — while consumer confidence is at recessionary levels. + +Pain still to come +While borrowers know that the wolf is at their door, they have yet to have their cash flows materially impacted. The disappointing official wage price index data released this week confirmed what this column had been arguing for months: there is no evidence of either a wage-price spiral or generalised wage growth that would give the RBA pause in relation to its future inflation expectations. + +In the June quarter, the wage price index disappointed market forecasts, printing at only 0.7 per cent (compared to the 0.8 per cent prediction) and by just 2.6 per cent over the last 12 months (underclubbing consensus calls for a 2.7 per cent outcome). The broader market or trader bias was towards an upside surprise with the wage numbers, which failed to materialise. + +While some economists will criticise the compositionally-adjusted office wage results, they crucially conform almost exactly with CBA’s wage index, which tracks actual income payments into 300,000 bank accounts. + +Since the pandemic, the RBA made a big deal of the claim that it needed to see wage growth of 3-4 per cent annually to be confident it could secure “sustainable” inflation within its target 2-3 per cent band. + +And yet since the actual wage outcomes do not conform with its new narrative around pre-emptive, forecast-based interest rate increases motivated to combat an ephemeral and nebulous inflation expectations threat, Martin Place has simply stopped referencing the official wage data. Instead, it keeps on referring to its internal “liaison” data, which is code for “fake it until you make it”. + +The best real-time, daily data that we have on the macroeconomy are the compositionally-adjusted (or hedonic) house price indices reported by CoreLogic. And the story they are telling is crystal-clear: the entire east coast of Australia, which accounts for the vast majority of the population, is experiencing a record housing collapse that is only likely to get worse given most borrowers have yet to feel much in the way of mortgage repayment pain. + +The big news in August is that the Brisbane and Gold Coast housing markets have given up the ghost after defying gravity for a few months. Adelaide is not far behind. In the first 18 days of August, the 0.74 per cent decline in Brisbane house prices has outpaced the 0.67 per cent loss suffered in Melbourne. + +Sydney remains the epicentre of the housing crash, with dwelling values slumping another 1.24 per cent in the first 18 days of the month. Home values in Australia’s largest city have plunged 6.5 per cent in 2022. They have been falling at a 19 per cent annualised rate since the RBA’s first rate increase at the start of May. + +I know these facts are uncomfortable for property spruikers to hear, but there is little point denying that Aussie housing is likely to weather its largest correction since records began in the early 1980s (as we forecast in October last year). Banks like ANZ have belatedly arrived at the same opinion. + +Across the five biggest capital cities, house prices are only melting at a 12 per cent annualised pace, which is orderly in the scheme of things, although this should accelerate as conditions in cities like Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth inexorably weaken. + +Another silver lining is that Melbourne dwelling values are only losing altitude at a more modest 13 per cent annualised rate compared to deeper drawdowns in Sydney. Since its peak earlier in the year, Melbourne housing has lost 4.1 per cent while the national market is off about 3.6 per cent. + +As this column asserted last year, this is only modest payback compared to the 37 percentage points of capital gains homeowners earned in the period following June 2019 when the RBA’s cash rate was 1.5 per cent (it was slashed to 0.1 per cent by November 2020). But what Martin Place giveth, it now taketh away. + +In our own portfolios, the strategy has been pretty straightforward. We monetised about $8.2 billion of shorts between late 2021 and mid-2022 in US, European and Australian credit based on the belief that credit spreads would push about 100 basis points wider. After this came to pass, we have shifted to buying credit once again, focussing on the cheapest sector we can identify, which has been bank-issued Tier 2 bonds. Since May, we have bought about $815 million of Tier 2, which has started to perform. + +Zombie risk +The outlook nonetheless remains complex given our dour forecasts for a sharp further deceleration in the real economy. Since December 2021, we have argued that investors should prepare for the first inflation- and interest rate-led default cycle since the 1991 recession. There are hordes of zombie companies that have had their business models predicated on the availability of cheap money, which no longer exists. + +Many of these borrowers relied on the high-yield or sub-investment grade bond markets for liquidity. As the cost of capital associated with sub-prime finance soars, many borrowers that could not get finance from the traditional banking system will face the spectre of default. + +A parallel problem for the high-yield bond market is the outright level of credit spreads and interest rates in the much safer and more liquid investment-grade market. If you can get 6 per cent interest rates on five-year, BBB+ rated bonds issued by NAB and ANZ, why would you bother buying much riskier and less liquid high-yield securities offering similar returns? + +We have also been quite negative on the residential-mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) market since last year. RMBS will be very adversely impacted by the record decline in house prices, which mechanically forces up the loan-to-value ratios (and risk) of the home loans backing these bonds. RMBS will also inevitably suffer from a material spike in mortgage default rates, which will probably not emerge in the data for another six to 12 months. Finally, the complexity of RMBS cash-flow repayment profiles means that secondary liquidity for these bonds is poor. + +What we need to see is a big repricing of the illiquidity risk premia associated with RMBS in the form of wider credit spreads. At some point, these spreads will become sufficiently compelling to attract new capital. But there is much wood to chop in the meantime, especially because most non-bank lenders have no other way to raise money to finance their operations. + +The truth is that some of these zombie non-banks will have to disappear, merged into banks or more profitable non-bank peers. Their business models may not be viable in a world where their cost of capital is being properly priced. + +https://www.afr.com/wealth/personal-finance/hordes-of-zombie-companies-are-about-to-die-20220817-p5bajz +Hi all, +So I am in a very fortunate WFH position where I am permitted to live in a caravan full time and travel Australia while still performing my full time role. +It is a National position and I will be stopping in at various workplaces for short periods as I go. + +My question for anyone that has done it, what can or can't I claim on tax here? +write down something you or someone you know did in their financial life, +that they regret, so us Ausfinancers could learn from their mistakes + + +**Problem:** just Lost life savings by hiding money in a personal safe. +**Solution:** use a bank, dont keep your money in cash +**Story:** my mums partner who is very oldschool always stored his 'retirement savings' as cash within a safe. He had over $200k built up. It all came unstuck when he sold a boat on facebook marketplace and receieved payment in cash. + + the next day his house was robbed, they took the 20k cash from the boat sale - and also helped themselves to his his entire super. He never saw the money again even though they caught the theif. +I'm hesitant to give away my information. I don't see why they would need it. We have lived together for 4 years, we own our own cars, and have separate insurance policies. They said they need proof that I'm insured since we're in the same household? That seems weird to me. + +EDIT: Thanks everyone for the information! I looked into it, we can get a policy together for about $60 less per month than we were paying for our separate policies. Two birds, one stone! + +EDIT 2: Wow, this thread really blew up. For all of those curious, the insurance agency stated that it was state law (WI) and that he could be denied coverage if he did not provide my information. He did, and sure enough, they raised his premium. Only about $15 for the six months, but still. Thanks to some of the recommendations I received here, I found out that we could get a policy together, plus bundle our renters insurance, and save a good amount of money. However, I should say that while Progressive provided me a quote, State Farm would not because we are not married. We've both had Progressive for years though, so we'd prefer to stick with them. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this thread. Moral of this story: insurance is BS. +I just got offered a job making 20 dollars an hour. I’ve worked on 12 or less my whole adult life. I have no special skills. I’m not very good at interviewing. But I never quit applying everywhere. + +I know this doesn’t make me rich. But things are gonna change. + +But I’ll tell you what, I’m still gonna pinch every penny. +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +So ive been investing/trading for about 3 years. Ive been approved for level 2 options now for about a year but have yet to ever buy a call or put. + +I finally found a stock that id like to buy a call option on but I have a question. + +Im looking at the OCGN 220218C00010000 so a call option for ocugen with an expiration of february 18th 2022 with a 10 dollar strike. + +Now my question is a month or so back i attempted to buy some calls in htz with a market order but they never filled. Fidelity told me their was no volume on it so it didnt fill. + +the option im looking at has 2 open interests and 74 volume. + +If I place a market order for this will it fill? +I have seen recommendations to use VIX (or its derivatives such as VXX) as a hedge against long positions. Looking at VIX's historical data, I realized that: + +1) Scenario 1: from February 2, 2018 to February 6, 2018, VIX jump from 12 to 50. During the same period, SPY dropped around 10%. + +2) Scenario 2: from October 3, 2018 to October 11, 2018, VIX jumps from 12 to 28 and hangs around 22 until December 17, 2018 when it increases to 36 in a matter of a week and quickly goes back to 22 in the next few days. During the same period, SPY has a maximum drop of 20%. + +Backtesting on VXX (pretty much consistent with VIX) shows that having a long position in VXX would be very profitable in the first scenario however, in the second scenario even though VXX goes up slightly, it is nowhere close to compensating for the loss in the long positions. The reason is that VIX jumps high so hard back in February of 2018 but its increase in winter is very gradual and minimal. Having said that, I have two questions: + +1) Why do you think VIX jumped very quickly in February 2018 while its move was smooth in December 2018? Can we say market was surprised in Februrary but it was kind of prepared for a drop in December? or market did not believe that SPY would in December? + +2) Have you used VIX as a successful hedge? If so, please provide examples on when VIX long position paid off and when it failed to return on investment. +**TL:DR** + +If you have MetaMask on an iPhone or Mac, then you're likely also using iCloud backup. MetaMask backup your Valut containing your seed by default, so turn that off from Settings\\Profile\\iCloud\\Manage Storage! + +&#x200B; + +**Summary** + +I have been following this developing story on Twitter about a user that lost $650K yesterday due to the following phishing method with others coming forward claiming that the same has also happened to them. + +**Background** + +When you create a wallet using MetaMask on an iPhone, the app will create a JSON containing your wallet, this is stored on your device. Most users use iCloud to automatically backup their phone and app data, but unbeknown to many users, MetaMask include this file as part of the backup. From a google search, this isn't new, it was discovered in 2019, but MetaMask have today acknowledged (addressed) it [HERE](https://nitter.net/MetaMask) after a number of users were targeted resulting in lost funds. + +&#x200B; + +[MetaMask iCloud Backup](https://preview.redd.it/zwx26nnww4u81.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=46e5360122bdbed0ef700bee43cab95cbfc5ec25) + +**Phishing Method** + +For the user that lost $650K, it appears to be a very sophisticated attack. They fell victim as follows... + +The malicious attacker requested several password resets against their AppleID/iCloud generating several emails to their account. From there, they using a spoofed caller id to call the victim and claimed that they were from Apple and calling about suspicious activity on their account. They asked them to generate their MFA one time pass to confirm that they were the account owner. The hacker used this to reset the password and take control of the Apple account. From there, they were able to restore from a backup and drain the wallet of all funds. + +**More reading / source** + +[HERE](https://twitter.com/Serpent/status/1515545806857990149) +My father was a landlord, but not great at the business end of things. He passed away recently and left me 4 homes and I'm trying to get a handle on them. Here is the breakdown. + + +* 1 owned by a business that I'm now owner of, no mortgage, has a tenant +* 1 owned personally by me, no mortgage, has a tenant +* 1 owned personally by me, $40k mortgage, has a tenant +* 1 owned personally by me, $170k mortgage, being refurbished currently, no tenant + + +I want to move the 3 properties that are not in the business into the business for liability reasons. I need to refinance to make this change as the current mortgage lenders have told me they will not move it into a business name. The one property being refurbished is worth $300k+, so well over what I'm asking to refinance. + +I've tried a number of banks and none will refinance for me, or they never call me back. Some say they will only lend for commercial properties, ie multi family homes/apts worth $500k+, others tell me they don't do investment real estate mortgages, and then there are the ones that never even return my call. + +Is this normal? Any suggestions on a bank or investment group? +This year I jumped up from 3 to 5 units. Since bringing numbers 4 and 5 online, my "brain damage" has really jumped up. There's been a good amount of deferred maintenance on the new units and misc stuff on the ones I already owned. + +&#x200B; + +An example would be: recently in my area we experienced some flash flooding and one of my tenants called to let me know they had rising water enter the house. More rain was on the way. My dad was nice enough to offer to help me deal with it, so I left work early and we spent the evening digging a trench in the rain. While digging I had several thoughts. + +&#x200B; + +1.) I said I wanted to be in it as a landlord, and even though this sucks right now, I really feel like I'm in it! + +&#x200B; + +2.) I work for myself. If I had a 9 to 5 and a boss, having to sit at work and not handle this "pressing matter" right away would've been anxiety producing. + +&#x200B; + +3.) I 100% believe I'm on the right track for me, not complaining at all (well maybe a little)- but if a friend told me they were just going to put their money in an index fund, take their 7% average return and forget about it, I'd understand. + +&#x200B; + +4.) I live close to my rental and thankfully could just pop over and spend three hours digging. If I was out of state or an hour away, man it would complicate things. + +&#x200B; + +5.) I'm glad I'm currently self-managing and learning the ropes. I question if I'll hire a property manager because on a deal like this flooding, idk that they'd care about resolving it like I cared about resolving it. + +&#x200B; + +Thoughts on any of this? +Hello all, + +&#x200B; + +I am curious in real estate as an investment vehicle and as such, I am in the very beginning stages of reading, researching and investigating. I don't currently have any investment properties and I've never bought a property or house before. + +&#x200B; + +Currently, I am reading several books by Brandon Turner, listening to Bigger Pockets, reading r/realestateinvesting and lining up a few people I know involved with real estate investing so that I might be able to buy them coffee and pick their brains over "why did you get involved in real estate investing? How has that journey been?". As an investor in stocks, mutual funds, ect., I understand the underlying concepts of diversification and risk when it comes to investment vehicles. As much as I could put $50k on black tomorrow at a Casino and double my money, I, like many others, don't do that because I'm not comfortable with the risk vs. reward. + +&#x200B; + +With all of this said, I'm really getting the vibe through these Brandon Turner and Bigger Pocket books / information that this is a bit of "too good to be true" and that I'm getting a bit swindled. I can already tell that my emotions are turning up and that I'm getting excited to start this amazing journey and make a 5 year plan to quit a career path I started only 3 years ago (nursing). I notice that I keep mentally reminding/checking myself to "hold your horses" and that "if it seems too good to be true....it probably is". + +&#x200B; + +Am I the only one out there that feels this way? I've made a mental note of a few questions I have off the bat, maybe others can further chime in with their own thoughts or concerns + +* If you keep accumulating houses (SFR's) that are paying for themselves, what happens during a recession or economic downturn if no one wants to rent? As much as it would be difficult to cover one Mortgage payment, having a portfolio of 7+ houses and only 3 of them renting out seems extremely risky to me. This topic of vacancy doesn't seem to be really addressed in any of the books +* From what I've understood, getting loans for more and more properties from a bank isn't as easy as Bigger Pockets seems to illustrate. My fiance's father has been involved in real estate for 15+ years and quickly pointed out that banks will quickly change their stance or deny you if they find out that loans are entering the territory of "investment housing". Maybe I'm reading these books wrong, but it seems like an extremely high frequency to go to the bank for refinancing and getting new loans through the BRRRR method. +* How much of this is just the idea that people don't publish books or podcasts on failing or ruining their lives? I understand that Brandon Turner and almost all of his guests are successful at this, but I never seem to hear much about people that failed. Brandon Turner mentions in his books about property investors going belly up during 2008 but never seems to connect that he could be one of those people one day. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance for the time to read this long winded mental vomit. I just need an objective check in from anyone out there that is willing to chime in with their thoughts. +I have a 805+ credit score, 6% debt-to-income ratio, 20% down on a $100k home. + +What I don't have is w-2 income since 2020, and I have been consulting for just over a year at around $9k/mo. So no 2 years of w-2. + +With all of the other factors considered am I still not going to qualify? Or will lenders take the risk on such a low priced home, decent down payment, and great credit and debt management? Would I qualify for things like an FHA, 203k, or even be able to use my VA Home Loan Guaranty without 2 years of w-2? + +Appreciate any insight and won't appreciate any solicitations. +The seller got all the permits to build a detached 3 unit structure but after the fact could not get the zoning approved because of neighbors. Am I allowed to purchase and rent out the units anyway ? It will be common water and common electric so tenants will be ready to move in as soon as I take over . My strategy is to buy and hold for rental income but only if there’s no issues buying this property. +(the actual question is a several paragraphs down) + +I am a permaculture designer who does land management professionally. I help people design install and maintain food forests, ecological restoration projects, and so forth. I mostly work for city governments, schools, nonprofits and the like, but have a handful of residential clients. + +One such client is in her mid 70s and has a ten acre parcel with a SFH on it that she has been naturalizing since the early 90s. This is a once-in-a-lifetime property given how much work she has put in over the years, an established native meadow habitat that has otherwise been mostly extirpated from our region, a creek running through it, mature trees, etc. etc. The house is also on off grid solar. It's a great property and pretty much everything but the house itself is under conservation easement. + +Even with the easement, she expects after she is gone that the property will be bulldozed and turned into pasture, since that's mostly what is out there now. Yesterday she asked me to put together a proposal for how I would buy the property from her and continue her work there. + +During this conversation she casually threw out the number $3-400k. The local PVA has the property listed at $568k as of 2018 and I am confident it has appreciated some since then as our city is growing rapidly and is projected to continue doing so over the next decade. I know she would be giving me the deal of a lifetime on this. + +I have a million ideas for things I could do with the property. Personally I wouldn't live there full time but I would like to get a land manager, maybe some interns and/or WWOOFers, and hold classes and trainings and other events as well as use at least some of the property for a native plant nursery. + +Personally however my finances are a little stretched. I bought my first house about a year ago and got into a really good situation, but more or less "blew my wad" as far as cash for a down payment on a loan. Rates have also obviously more than doubled since then. I'm asking this community to help me think through all the ways of securing this property. + +Refi my primary residence to get the down payment on this 10 acres? I'm self employed so getting a mortgage is a little tricky and I don't want to leverage myself out of existence. I could also liquidate some investments to do the same but the opportunity cost vs. leaving that money in the market eats away at me a little bit. + +I am not a property investor but I do want to do more land management and restoration work on properties that I control and this seems like a golden opportunity to step into that. I just haven't even begun really looking at all the financing options of how one steps into this world. I would also form a new LLC to hold this property and receive income from the plant nursery, agritourism, and whatever else goes in there. +To start, I live in Philly, PA. I just had my offer accepted to purchase my first duplex. It’s fully occupied and I’m using FHA so one of the tenants has to move. This tenant is using the COVID policy where he can’t be evicted until August. Dude even changed the locks and locked the OWNER out of his apt. In the agreement he has to vacate before settlement, but renters have a lot of rights. How likely is it this tenant is removed within a month or 2? I can’t even schedule my appraisal and inspection yet. I’m fearful even after he’s evicted he just stays in the apartment until the sheriff comes to literally put him out. + +TTM +Hello, + +I’ve purchased three condos in the last three years in Chicago. I’ve remodeled all three of them, and I’m cash-flowing about $1,200/$1,300 a month. + +I want to scale up to a larger complex eventually. Possibly something with 6 to 8 units. How can I do this effectively? +Bought this 40p on IRNT on 9/16 at market open when it was trading around $42. At the time, weeklies weren't a thing, so I could only pick 9/17 or 10/15 for DTE, so I chose 10/15, just in case it needed time to drop. The screenshot is from today, where IRNT is currently trading around $27, and my put is still not making me any money. + +https://preview.redd.it/h57mhyjlxno71.jpg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ab4603d623aa2a6430d8a7259c22ed49ebca33 +My updated wedding proposal came back yesterday, and it's nearly twice what it was originally. It's just over $20k! That's my whole savings. + +My fiancé was laid off twice last year and has only started back work this +Week. I've had to pay for about 98% of this wedding myself including covering our monthly bills. + +After my final payment, I'll be left with about $500 in my savings. + +What's the best method for rebuilding my savings? + +Last years Gross income: $51k (tipped wages) +Cell phone: $66/mo +Wells Fargo interest free loan: $44/mo (with about $240 left on loan) +Kay jewelers loan: $150/mo (1 year interest free with $1640.17 left on loan) +Visa Credit Card: $20/mo ($200 outstanding balance) +Vehicle Insurance: $37/mo + +That's it for my bills. My fiancé covers her own rent and bills (now that she's working). We use my income for dinning out, groceries, shopping etc. + +Thanks guys. +[Dropbox Secures $600 Million Credit Line Ahead of Expected IPO]( +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-03-30/dropbox-secures-600-million-credit-line-ahead-of-expected-ipo) + +It was about time, after MULE this is a real company (not SNAP) to hit the market. Looking forward to see the numbers. +Hi, + +My boyfriend and I moved into a flat in July with a 18 month contract, paying 1600 a month (central London!). + +The agency called us to say our landlord wants to sell the flat (apparently something in his personal circumstances has changed so he’s moving to America and wants to sell to get some money). + +We have a contract so they absolutely can’t kick us out, but want to offer us “significant financial incentive” to move. Haven’t gotten any more details yet but should do tomorrow - how much money would you expect in this situation? + +We both have decent jobs and aren’t desperate for cash, but are saving for property deposit so could be useful. Admittedly can’t be bothered to move again so trying to think of the minimum I’d do it for! + +I’m sure we’ll negotiate regardless of what they offer but am interested in what most people would think is a worthwhile deal! + +Also, if we did get paid some money would there be any tax implications? +It seems like a lot of the most recent DRS posts are whales with X,XXX shares DRSd. As a modest ape even after the splivvy, I just hope us with XX or even X shares aren’t forgotten about during the MOASS. + +Buy. DRS. hold. + +I do plan to buy and DRS a few more. :) + + +# Why ETH will hit $20K + +* [Original source here](https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/why-eth-will-hit-20k) + +### What does Bitcoin's halving teach us about Ethereum's PoS merge? + +>*When you look at current prices and you take into account the efficiency gains of removing proof-of-work after the merge, we’re looking at 13 billion dollars per year…of buy pressure relative to what we have today.  -* Justin Drake, Bankless + +Token economics is a growing field of study that ties the programmatic emission of tokens with incentives to drive economic outcomes. It’s nascent and confusing. There are multiple ways to value a token, just like there are multiple ways to value equities (DCF, DDM, comparables). + +Other factors will certainly matter like regulation, network usage, EIP-1559, but if all else were equal, we could oversimplify why Ethereum will be valued at $20,000 after proof-of-stake to just one reason: Issuance. + +Issuance is the number of new coins that are created every day in a crypto network. However, it’s not necessary to understand why issuance exists to understand why Ethereum is grossly undervalued: simply take note that issuance is a necessary aspect of all cryptocurrencies and is associated with the cost of securing a crypto network.  + +To keep things simple, the cost of keeping a crypto asset’s price stable is equal to the number of coins issued per day multiplied by the price per coin. + +Let’s take Bitcoin, for example. In the case of Bitcoin, 900 new bitcoins are created every day. If each bitcoin is valued at $45,000 then the cost of keeping Bitcoin’s price stable is at around $40.5 million per day. By “stable” I mean that there must be $40.5 million in *new* demand to offset the increased supply from daily issuance. + +Ethereum also has issuance, around 13,500 ETH are issued every day. At a price of an average of $2,000 per ether in 2021, it currently costs around $27 million per day to keep Ethereum’s price from dropping. + +The big change that is about to happen is that Ethereum will undergo an upgrade that will reduce its issuance by 90%. I am [referring to](https://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJwlkclOwzAQQL8mvhF5y9KDD5RVSIBALOop8jJ1TVI7sh1Q-XocKs0izaKZeaNlBhviScwhZbSaIZ9mEB5-0gQ5Q0RLgjg4Iyghm6YnHTKCG9I3PXJp2EeAo3STyHEBNC9qclpmF_zaQVpMGnQQioPscGtUT7VUjPR7aAnfKwPQA4XmPFcuxoHXIOAb4il4QJM45Dynil1W9LaICTrVNgQ7Qa3DsUTSHEGadADIaS0oSt5SNMos6T3M_OlBfX_dbdXz59v7z-7-4sFa8rIdX5qrvBsuxlIOxuWKMutMxa4xcoLicijGHcW456ymNTAFVLeMMs4IaFPPNDje_I4Vx0dL67SolKUe15VQFNcfN6-PNzvclrRd0fzHC5mh-OPiXT4N4KWawJyh5TP7f4yDBQ-x_MQMMhd-jLWsYy3FbHOGVKhySjdN1zeoDDahdHmhpB8nSOkPD2aaAQ) Ethereum’s full transition to proof-of-stake. Again, you don’t really need to understand what proof-of-stake is to follow my argument, just understand that it will reduce the number of new ETH created every day.   + +This article predicts a fair long-term price of ether at $20,000 after the merge. The first part of my argument is very easy to understand: just simple algebra. + +### The Algebra of Issuance Reduction + +Today our daily issuance is:  + +>*13,500 ether x $2,000 per ether = $27 million*  + +This means that the cost of keeping the price of ether from going below $2,000 is $27 million per day. After the transition to proof of stake, we will have a reduction of 90% in issuance, bringing it down to around 1,350 new ether created per day:  + +>*1,350 ether x* ***$20,000*** *per ether = $27 million*  + +In other words, if the market continues to pump $27 million per day into ETH (*as it has been doing throughout 2021*) after proof-of-stake, the price of ether must increase to $20,000 per coin.  + +How quickly will this happen? + +The rest of this article answers this question using a method called the [inelastic market hypothesis](https://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJwlkD1vhDAMhn_NZUTB-QCGDJV63bp0qNQJhcTHRUCCklBEf33DIVm2bMt6_bxGZxxDPNQaUiZn6vOxovK4pxlzxki2hLF3VkFdd6KtG2IVt3UrWuJS_4iIi3azynFDsm7D7IzOLvjzopa0FuSpKJONQNO1DQPZPTgDazQiGhikkEZfunqzDr1Bhb8Yj-CRzOqZ85pu7O0GHyX2fa_8gLEKcSztqleM6ZxD28mGOAW0PElpA5S2nFVQIRsQjGTAOKvR2GqF4Lj4m26cLiNUaRtS1maqTFhIVO_f96_P-w-VZT2eWK95oepLXTbv8tGj18OM9gLOl28vC_oRPcbip-11LuyMSdYwCZR1F2BxhAN0omkFKcI2lCuvBu2nGVP6B17AgmM). This hypothesis, developed by professors Xavier Gabaix & Ralph S. J. Koijen, puts forth the idea that markets respond inelastically to investors’ flows. + +Using Bitcoin’s past halving cycles, I measured the inelasticity of the Bitcoin market and extrapolated it to Ethereum. The inelasticity factor found for Bitcoin was 20, which means that every dollar invested in Bitcoin makes the market cap increase by 20 dollars. Using this inelasticity factor, I predicted that, after proof-of-stake, Ethereum’s price should increase at an average rate of 8% per month due to the reduction of issuance alone. + +## Inelastic Market Hypothesis: A Brief Background + +Two months ago, an interesting piece began circulating in Crypto Twitter from Xavier Gabaix and Ralph S.J Koijen titled “[In Search of the  Origins of Financial Fluctuations: The Inelastic Market Hypothesis](https://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJwlkD1vhDAMhn_NZUTB-QCGDJV63bp0qNQJhcTHRUCCklBEf33DIVm2bMt6_bxGZxxDPNQaUiZn6vOxovK4pxlzxki2hLF3VkFdd6KtG2IVt3UrWuJS_4iIi3azynFDsm7D7IzOLvjzopa0FuSpKJONQNO1DQPZPTgDazQiGhikkEZfunqzDr1Bhb8Yj-CRzOqZ85pu7O0GHyX2fa_8gLEKcSztqleM6ZxD28mGOAW0PElpA5S2nFVQIRsQjGTAOKvR2GqF4Lj4m26cLiNUaRtS1maqTFhIVO_f96_P-w-VZT2eWK95oepLXTbv8tGj18OM9gLOl28vC_oRPcbip-11LuyMSdYwCZR1F2BxhAN0omkFKcI2lCuvBu2nGVP6B17AgmM).” The authors put forth the proposition that today’s stock market reacts inelastically to investors’ flows. Their simplest model, which includes a bond market and an equity market, indicates that selling $1 in bonds and buying $1 in equities has the effect of increasing the equity market cap anywhere from $3 to $8.  Their paper goes on to demonstrate, both theoretically and empirically, why this is the case.  + +The main reason for the inelasticity of equity markets, according to the authors, is related to the behavior of households and institutions, who hold the majority of equities in the US (*approximately 80%*). Both households and institutions are illiquid market participants, meaning that they buy equities and hold them for extended periods of time, regardless of price fluctuations. Why?  + +In the case of institutions, they often have mandates which force them to keep a part of their holdings in equities. Households that do not actively trade the stock market often prefer a “buy and hold” strategy. This lack of liquidity in the equities market causes volatility, and this volatility can be quantified and explained by the inelastic market hypothesis. The inelasticity factor given by their study is 3-8, which means that for every dollar invested in equities, the market cap may increase from 3 to 8 dollars.  + +This general behavior of households and institutions in the equity market reminded me of the HODL culture of the Bitcoin community, who pride themselves in holding their bitcoins regardless of price fluctuations. If volatility is so closely related to illiquidity, and if the inelasticity of equity markets is 3-8,  and knowing that this is caused by similar behavior in both markets, how much more inelastic is the crypto market if compared to the equity market?  + +This is the first objective of this paper, to arrive at an estimate for the inelasticity of the Bitcoin market. The method used will be analyzing Bitcoin’s past halving cycles and measuring the effect that the supply shock from each halving had in accelerating the price increase of Bitcoin after the halving date.  + +The second objective of this paper is to predict how Ethereum’s EIP-1559 and the transition to proof-of-stake will affect its price. This will be done by estimating the magnitude of the supply shock of each of these two events and factoring in the inelasticity factor found in the Bitcoin market. + +## The Bitcoin Halving: A General Framework + +Let’s understand how issuance works for Bitcoin:  + +1. New bitcoins are created and sold on the market every day.  +2. The number of newly created bitcoins is abruptly reduced by half every four years. This event is called the halving.  + +Let’s put our first point in context. If new bitcoins are created and put on the market every day, the overall supply of bitcoin increases every day. As you can imagine, if nobody were there to take these newly issued bitcoins off the market, the price of Bitcoin would tend to go down. This is easy to understand: if there is too much of something, it becomes cheaper. Hopefully, at some point, the price of this asset becomes cheap enough that people choose to buy an amount equal to what is being created, keeping the price stable.  + +Let’s say that we have arrived at this stable price, at which the newly issued bitcoins are bought by a group of investors.  + +If Bitcoin’s price remains the same for an extended period of time, this indicates that there is a constant demand for bitcoins. Otherwise, if there weren’t investors willing to buy the newly issued bitcoins, the price of Bitcoin would trend towards zero, as mentioned before. + +### A Closer Look at Supply Shocks + +So let’s think about the Bitcoin market right before the halving event. Come the day of the halving and, as expected, the issuance of bitcoins is reduced by half. If we assume that demand remains the same as it had been before, then this will force the price to go up over time because of the ensuing supply shock.  + +For our paper, the supply shock will be the reduction in the number of bitcoins issued after the halving date. In other words, the supply shock equals the number of coins that would have been issued if the halving had not happened.  + +My argument is that the supply shock multiplied by the average value per bitcoin accrues to the value of the Bitcoin network over time. This can be represented as “value invested,” since the flow of money works as an  investment of capital:  + +>*supply shock x average price per bitcoin = “value invested”* + +“Value invested,” which used to keep the value of Bitcoin from decreasing,  now contributes to increasing the value of Bitcoin. The factor by which “value invested” increases the market cap, represented by h1, is the inelasticity:  + +>*“value invested” x inelasticity = h1* + +Here is a simple example to clarify these concepts. Imagine you have an office building, and that you have to pay $100 every month for the air conditioning bill because it is summer. Every month your accountant writes off  $100 that goes to paying for the electric bill of the AC. When summer ends, you don’t need to pay $100 anymore because it is colder. Let’s say you end up paying $50 in AC bills now that summer is over. This means that you now have $50 dollars more to invest in your company. Now your accountant can register that you have a surplus of $50, which adds value to your business.  + +The difference between the example above and Bitcoin (*and equity markets in general*) is the concept of inelasticity, which means that those $50 of “value invested” may actually accrue, say, $200 to the value of the asset  (*inelasticity factor of 4, in this example*). Also, the halving acts as a perpetual winter, which decreases your air conditioning bill by half, every four years. + +Next let’s estimate these these variables:  + +* The increase in market cap due to the supply shock, h1  +* “value invested”  + +If we have these variables, we can arrive at the inelasticity of the Bitcoin market:  + +>h1/ “value invested” = inelasticity  + +This approximation of the inelasticity of the Bitcoin market can then be used to calculate the magnitude of the price change that Ethereum will undergo after EIP 1559 and the transition to proof-of-stake. + +### The Bitcoin Halving Cycle: A Tale of Two Curves + +Let’s use the 2016-2017 market cycle as an example of how to calculate the increase in market cap, h1, due to the supply shock, and “value invested”. The same process described below was used to infer inelasticity from the 2012 and 2020 cycles.  + +Below is a chart of Bitcoin’s market cap beginning in January 2015, and ending around March 2018. I included some points on the graph, which represent the following dates:  + +* **Blue**: Lowest market cap since prior halving  +* **Yellow**: Halving date +* **Red**: 100% increase in market cap from Halving date *(or a 2x increase in the market cap relative to the market cap on the halving date)* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/esi50ymg93s71.png?width=1205&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d533a3e1b0b8a25ab834eaef8e8636e5b66481a + + + +Blue, the lowest point since the prior halving, is our starting point. At this point, the price of Bitcoin has become so low that investors are happy to buy the new bitcoins that arrive on the market. The price is increasing from Blue to Yellow and then from Yellow to Red. We can be sure then, that the new bitcoins entering the market are being bought. Yellow is the halving date, the date on which Bitcoin´s issuance is reduced by half. + +Since the price of Bitcoin increases steadily, as can be seen in the graph, we can express this upward trend as a slope, m1: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/62zse0jn93s71.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad115b7bce6f0dd3b2552768b1edd775b58ba4d5 + +What does m1 represent? + +The daily increase in the Bitcoin market cap prior to the halving date. For simplicity, I used a linear regression between these two points. Further research could focus on alternative regressions. So what happens around the actual date of the halving? If you take a closer look at the graph, in the vicinity of July, 2016, what happened was a typical “buy the rumor, sell the news” event. + +After this noise, Bitcoin continued to go up. + +The halving, it seems, was not priced in! + +Bitcoin continues its upwards trend after the halving, but now at a faster rate, m2. We can represent the new rate of increase in market cap after the halving by drawing a second slope, m2, from the halving date to an arbitrary point on the graph, in this case, at 2x halving market cap. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0ifqlhep93s71.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e528cd9cfbe2ca162e9757a54aa6b4aa11ac11b + + Let’s take a step back to put all this in context with an example. + +Before the halving, let’s say the price of Bitcoin was at $1,000 and that there were 50 bitcoins issued per day. If the price of Bitcoin was stable or going up over time, this means that the market was paying $50,000 a day for the newly issued bitcoins. After the halving, the market keeps paying these $50,000 per day; however, there are only 25 bitcoins being issued after the halving event. + +At $1,000 per Bitcoin, what happens to those extra $25,000 dollars? They accrue to the value of the network!  + +This is what I chose to call “value invested.” + +“Accruing to the value of the network” is just a fancy way of saying that this money will be used to buy old bitcoins, or bitcoins that were not issued that day. Inelasticity is relevant in this context because those $25,000 may actually make the market cap of Bitcoin increase by $125,000 if the inelasticity factor is 5. The next section deals with determining “value invested” and the increase in the market cap due to the halving effect, which we will call h1. + +#### Inferring Inelasticity from the Difference Between m2 and m1, “value invested,” and h1 + +Let’s imagine that the halving had not occurred. In this case, we can assume that Bitcoin’s market cap would have continued to increase at the rate of m1, and would most likely be near the green point on the graph.  + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/x93lihys93s71.png?width=1207&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ff3ce36de26390774bf1a8643471e0ad2c92eed + + + +We can calculate how much of the increase in Bitcoin’s market cap after the halving was due to the halving effect. This can be done by taking the difference between the market cap at the red point and the market cap at the green point, which gives us the increase in the market cap due to the halving effect, h1. + +Simple, huh? + +Now comes the final step: determining “value invested;” it is equal to the number of bitcoins that would have been issued if the halving had not happened (supply shock) multiplied by the average price of these bitcoins:  + +>*supply shock x average price of bitcoins = “value invested”* + +Again, I call this “value invested” because this is the value that is invested in the Bitcoin network, the value that accrues to the Bitcoin network. If we divide h1 by “value invested” we arrive at a rough estimate of the 13 inelasticity of the Bitcoin market. + +>*h1/ “value invested” = inelasticity* + +### Results + +Here are the values of inelasticity that I found for each Bitcoin cycle:  + +* 2012 - 24.9 +* 2016 - 20.7 +* 2020 - 70.2 + +As you may imagine, I was pleasantly surprised at how close the inelasticities of cycles 2012 and 2016 were and disappointed at how different the inelasticity of 2020 was in relation to the other two. After giving it some thought, I arrived at an explanation for this.  + +The Covid outbreak made markets plummet right before the halving, and the effects of quantitative easing quickly recovered these markets right after the halving, around May 2020. These two factors reduced the average price per Bitcoin before the halving and decreased the time it took for Bitcoin’s market cap to double after the halving (see [Appendix B](https://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJwlkUtP7SAUhX9Nmdnw6mvAQK-nJvfqRI2JThoK-_aQ00LlodZfL7UJsMliryz4UDLC5PwmVhci2pchbisIC59hhhjBoxTAD0YLSkhXtaRBWnBN2qpFJgz_PcAizSyiT4DWNM5GyWic3R2kxqRCZ4GbTtcV553SDSO6aRjmHZVypFy1FdVHrkzagFUg4AP85iygWZxjXEPBrgva56GdCuXk3DRDqdxyKGkBG_dtnuT560_Cp_eRzi_ruQ_v29fdY3t1SfVN7zzhf_v70787nd6eJpXbQZtYsD6FtWC34Sy9sRMyguL8VIwbinHLWUlLYCNQVTPKOCOgdLlSZ3j1fSk4XiZahjSGKNVlvxTy4vbl9PhwesV1Pp52OL96ZjPkuiRr4jaAleMM-sAWD_q_IIcJLPj8K3qQMRNkrGYNqylm3YEpc-WUdlXTVigHa5ddVozSXmYI4QdWkJmH)). I share the frustration of other analysts who have had only three data points on which to base their predictions. Actually, in my case, one of those data points can be considered an outlier due to the Covid outbreak.  + +Comparing to the Harvard paper, the inelasticity of equity markets was within a 3-8 range. We can tentatively say then that the **Bitcoin market’s inelasticity is \~20, which means it is 3-7 times as inelastic as equity markets.** + +**To put this into simple terms, every $1 used to purchase BTC results in a $20 increase in its market cap.** + +## Ethereum: what to expect from EIP-1559 and PoS + +The next part of this paper assumes that the Ethereum market has a similar inelasticity as the Bitcoin market. Being the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap and displaying similar volatility movements as Bitcoin, this is a fair assumption. + +On-chain data indicates that people have been holding ETH in anticipation of the transition to proof-of-stake, which is further proven by the reduction of ether on exchanges. Furthermore, the day-to-day price fluctuations of these two cryptocurrencies are near identical. Therefore, we can assume that their inelasticity values are similar.  + +Knowing that both markets exhibit similar behaviors, we will use our baseline inelasticity of 20 to predict the price action of Ethereum after EIP 1559 and the transition to proof-of-stake. The steps I followed to calculate the monthly increase in the price of Ethereum due to its catalysts are essentially the reverse process of calculating inelasticity.  + + The results: EIP 1559 should increase the price of ETH by 2% a month; the transition to proof-of-stake should increase the price of ETH by 6% a month. + +This means that the combined effect of both these catalysts is an 8% **increase per month**. This is an average value, which assumes that everything else remains the same. Short-term fluctuations in price are impossible to predict, I am interested in the long-term. + +## Bringing it All Home, Where is the Price Headed?  + +Consider this: in 2021 so far, ether had an average price of $2,000 and an issuance of 13,500 ether per day. This means that, at $2,000 per ether, the market needs an injection of $27 million per day just to keep the price stable at $2,000. Let’s say that ether remains near this price until the transition to proof-of-stake.  + +>*daily issuance x price per ether = daily cost of keeping ether´s price stable* +*13,500 ether x $2,000 = $27 million* + +So what happens when issuance drops by 90% after the transition to proof-of-stake? Well, let’s assume that $27 million keeps pumping into Ethereum. Then, let’s put our new issuance of 1,350 ether per day. At what price could ether be sustained? + +>*$27 million / 1,350 ether =* ***$20,000*** *per ether* + +After the transition to proof-of-stake, ether will at least increase in price at an average rate of 8% a month, with $20,000 per ether being an acceptable price over the long term after 2022. + +Many people will look at my $2,000 average price per ether with suspicion. These people could argue that using the average price of 2021 is biased since ether has seldom achieved these price levels before in its history. Perhaps it would be more realistic to use the average price of Ethereum going further back in time.  + +The simple rebuttal to this argument is that the number of people who have entered the Ethereum community has increased in such a way that it is almost impossible for ether to revisit the triple-digit range. + +Xavier Gabaix explained this phenomenon in his paper by saying that “a permanent shift in the demand for stocks must create a permanent shift in the equilibrium price.” If I were to use the average price of Ethereum using data from 2020, I would be disregarding the NFT mania, DeFi summer, the [Ultra Sound Money](https://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJwlkLluwzAMhp_GGg2dtjNoKJBk69IhbSdDB2MLsWVXRwz36Ss3AEGCJHj8n1EJhiXscl1iQofr076C9LDFCVKCgHKE0DsrKSEn0ZEWWckt6USHXOzvAWBWbpIpZEBr1pMzKrnFHxOkwUSgUQrckYYa0XQl5-auTEcoB2Vadbdata-7KlsH3oCEJ4R98YAmOaa0xoq9VfRabNu2el9yyhpqs8xHRSUzVuz6rNhZf_6Mnoxfz5tBTlJc_sW4pRh3nNW0BqaBmoZRxhkBY-uVLo6L30fF8TzQOmYdkzKPYzMK8ny7fLxfvnFT2sOh8L9eBPYlztm7tPfglZ7AvrSnF8J_Gv0AHkJBa3uVCgbGGtayhmJ2emktcDilJ9F2ApXDdilTXmrlHxPE-AfJn4bk) meme, the Triple Halving meme, and other meaningful events and ideas that lured people to Ethereum this year.  + +The market has been channeling $27 million per day just to keep ether’s price stable for over 8 months. From my perspective, 8 months is enough data points to defend my argument. + +Some people might say: what about the ether that is being produced and held by miners? They are getting ether for a lower price than $2,000, so we cannot say that the market is necessarily paying $27 million per day to buy the new ether. + +My answer: although it is true that miners produce ether at a cost lower than the market price, not selling this ether for a profit represents an opportunity cost to them. Also, since proof-of-work mining is a low-profit margin business, the cost of producing ether may not be that much lower than the actual market price. + +## My Speculative Predictions for What is to Come + +1. Ether will continue an upward trend throughout 2021. Corrections of \~30% as price moves up, reaching newer local highs. A \~50% correction will only occur in the case of a black swan event.  +2. After proof-of-stake, there will be a “sell the news” event, a correction no larger than \~20-30%.  +3. Ether is headed to a long-term price range of $20,000, the maximum price between 2022 and 2023 will likely overshoot this figure due to speculation, new market entrants, hype. +4. After the bubble pops, ether will stabilize at \~$20,000 over the long term, after 2022.  +5. In 2024, Bitcoin will undergo its 4th halving, moving the entire market to new all-time highs + +## Final Thoughts + +>*Importantly, the data are consistent with a quite long-lasting price impact of flows. Indeed, in the simplest version of the model, the price impact is perfectly long-lasting. This is not necessarily because flows release information, but instead simply because the permanent shift in the demand for stocks must create a permanent shift in their equilibrium price.* \-Xavier Gabaix, In Seach of the Origins of Financial Fluctuations: The Inelastic Market Hypothesis + +Raoul Pal has said [that he predicts $20,000](https://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJwlkLtuwzAMRb_GGg09_Rg0FEgytUuHop0MPRhbiC0ZkhzD_frKDUCQAAny8h6jMowhHnINKaMzDflYQXrY0ww5Q0Rbgjg4KykhvehIi6zklnSiQy4N9wiwKDfLHDdA66ZnZ1R2wZ8bpMFEoEn20HJoW2qs7UnfcyNoRwg2Wty1xXf-0lWbdeANSHhCPIIHNMsp5zVV7K2itxL7vtdH2PKmoTZhOTsqm6lit2fFLtf370P3UwjHiJykuPyLcUsx7jiraQ1MAzUNo4wzAsbWKw2Oi99HxfEy0jptOmVlHudlFOXl6_r5cf3BTRmPp8P_fjE4lLps3uVjAK_0DPblPb8Q_tMYRvAQC1o7qFwwMNawljUUs_7ltcDhlPai7QQqwjaULS-18o8ZUvoDuHGGzQ) for ether this market cycle, but he believes that the transition to proof-of-stake will be a “buy the rumor, sell the news” event. I agree with him, but I do not believe that we will have a cycle top in the vicinity of the transition to proof-of-stake. If we reach $20,000 before the transition to proof-of-stake I would interpret that as hype, because the market is not sophisticated enough to price this change, and I would expect a major correction. Reaching $20,000 can happen any time, keeping the price stable at $20,000 will be a result of flows of capital entering Ethereum over an extended period of time, after proof-of-stake. + +Here’s an interesting ramification of my argument: every time Bitcoin undergoes a halving its price should at least double relative to its average price before the halving. Because other factors come into play after the supply shock resulting from the halving *(new market participants, hype…)* its price increases much more than that. + +That is why I believe that Ethereum’s all-time high this cycle will be above its long-term price of $20,000. + +The new all-time highs we reach now will serve as a reference for the next cycle’s expectations. Look at the quote above. “The price impact is perfectly long-lasting… A permanent shift in the demand for stocks must create a permanent shift in their equilibrium price.” You can be sure that whatever all-time high we reach this cycle will be surpassed on the next cycle. This much is obvious to a great part of crypto enthusiasts and is probably the reason why we did not revisit lower lows after the China ban of May 2021. + +One final note: the timing of this event, the transition to proof-of-stake, is not a coincidence: this will be the bridge between Bitcoin’s halvings. It will prevent a longer crypto winter and speed up the adoption of cryptocurrency. A friendly, albeit perhaps unwanted, pat on the back of bitcoiners.  + +We’re gonna make it. +Due to the accelerated spread of delta variant virus, the epidemic in many countries fought back again, and the economic recovery was threatened, but risky assets such as US stocks continued to hit new highs. Wall Street agencies have issued early warning of risk asset bubbles. Guggenheim believes that bitcoin may fall to $15 thousand, and US stocks will probably fall by 15% or more by the end of October. + +So far this year, the S & P 500 index has risen by 15%, which is 93% higher than the low in March 2020. Meanwhile, the S & P / CS20 big city house price index (HPI) shows that house prices in the United States have increased by 15% in the past year as of April this year. + +In response to this market phenomenon, some media recently conducted an interesting survey of world-renowned economists: "from the 1 to 10 level, how much is the risk of asset bubble bursting?" + +Here are some economists' Views: + +Pessimists + +Jeffrey Frankel, an economics professor at the Kennedy School of management, Harvard University, USA, gave a 9 point risk rating. He cited four examples of the "amazing" bubbles he thought of: bitcoin and other encrypted currencies, video game retailer Gamestop soaring, NFT (irreplaceable tokens) and SPAC's prosperity, Jeffrey Frankel. He compares these phenomena with the notorious repute of the South China Sea in 1720. + +Ewald Nowotny, former governor of the Central Bank of Austria, also belongs to the 9 Distribution camp. He is worried about the real estate market and believes that excessive risk-taking exists in a large number of markets, and non bank financial intermediaries with low supervision grow too fast. + +Novotny also pointed out that leveraged loan financing has promoted a fast-growing high-yield market, resulting in excessive leverage and liquidity mismatch in many markets. + +Optimist + +However, not all economists are worried about the current market. + +Joseph Gagnon, a senior researcher at Peterson Institute for international economics, believes that the market risk rating is only 2. He believes that the prices of bonds, stocks and real estate markets have not significantly exceeded their basic values. + +Gagnon said that by historical standards, the aging labor force, declining population growth and weak productivity growth have pushed real interest rates to record lows. + +Thomas Mayer, former chief economist of Deutsche Bank and founding director of flossbach von Storch Institute, rated market risk as 3. Mayer said that low interest rates were increasing asset valuations and excess cash was driving portfolio reconfiguration. + +However, Mayer believes that central banks are basically "Prisoners" of fiscal policymakers and financial markets, so the possibility of significant tightening of monetary policy is very low. + +Robert Litan, a non resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, believes that the market risk rating is 5. He questioned whether the rise in inflation would continue and trigger the fed to tighten policy. In addition, he questioned how much damage would be done to the macro economy if asset prices suddenly fell? + +Li Tan said that any drop in asset prices would damage the economy, just as the economic downturn after the Internet bubble burst, but because government debt relative to the scale of the economy is too high, it will make the recovery after the next crisis more difficult. +I’m on a Wealthsimple FB group. Seems I’m constantly getting ppl messaging me asking if I want tips and to learn. And asking to see my portfolio. What’s in it for them? Why are they so interested? +In this environment, the search for undervalued stocks can be a real challenge. I just recently took a little look at Corus Entertainment (CJR.B) and I don't know much about the company yet. But here's what I got from my quick research: + +* Currently at 52 weeks low. +* Forward PE of 5.02, Trailling of 5.63 +* Market cap of less than 1B (so riskier) +* P/S of 0.58, and P/B of 0.58, which is really good (although intangible assets form most of the assets, which I don't like because it's harder to evaluate the true value). +* Dividend was cut in 2018, but it's now resting at 5.17%. +* Payout ratio is 28.92%, the dividend represents 14.30% of net cash of operations, and 16.08% of free cash flow. +* Income seems flat, earnings isn't growing much but it is growing, except for 2018 which had a big loss. EPS is going down though. +* The company has a huge long term debt of 2.4B, which is big if compared to the market cap of less than 1B. + +So here it is. Am I missing anything? I'm still new to this type of business and don't know much about the Canadian media market. Is this a value trap? + +What are your thoughts on Corus Entertainment for the long-term? +Hi all! + +I used to handpick my stocks based off of some books/research/advice. I had a portfolio worth \~40k. I liquidated most of it due to; paying off LoC, paying off my (car) debt and holding the cash for house expenses (+ partially due to early COVID and unpredictable markets). + +I had a repertoire of Bank/Oil/Retail/Gold *+ some gamble penny/weeds (These are kept in my TFSA which has \~3k value, -9k losses; don't judge lol)* + +With this series, I was buying quarterly, invested \~10k of my own money, took 20k from a TD LoC. I didn't care about the interest rate as it was being written off against dividend (and occasional proceeds) incomes. It was a high earner, but consistent and had some nice growth \~10% over four years. + +Some of my buddies, people on here, and RFD argue to go the ETF route (ie. VGRO), as its a no-brainer and it does the work for you with the 8-10% growth. + +**I'll be honest**, I didn't really number crunch my early investing days (2016-2020), but just eyeballed stuff. I made a few good thousand, and of course the steady dividend income was nice (to either reinvest or paying the monthly payment on LOC). + +But now, I'm taking a step back before i dust off my LoC and start investing again. Is the market overpriced? - I'm curious would this impact **your** decision on what to do? Hand picked vs. ETF + +Are the ETF's really that good now, that it almost makes hand-picking irrelevant for the "couch potato" investor? +Dividend 15 split Corp TSX:DF and others like it with 15% and higher dividends. What’s the catch with these. I use TD Web-broker and it looks like I am able to buy and sell them as a regular stock. So why wouldn’t I invest in these and make up to 17% dividends? TIA +Hey fam. Hope everyone is doing well and has recovered from last month's correction. + +&#x200B; + +I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Peer-Peer lending programs and specifically Lendingloop.ca. I just signed up, my boss's boss uses them and gave me a referral code but I don't know if I want to put 1500 into this program yet. + +&#x200B; + +I can't seem to find good info on default rates, and the ROIs most of the videos I've seen on youtube are not that helpful or don't include all the info I'd like. Would love to hear your considerations on this. I am thinking that instead of investing in bonds or GICs this might be the way for me to go. + +Edit for additional context: I currently have some mortgage debt floating at around 4.25% (revolving) those payments are very manageable and I'm not in a mad rush to pay that down but do you think I should be prioritizing that? + +&#x200B; + +Thoughts? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks, + +&#x200B; + +edit2: Thanks to /u/angelus97 [/r/LendingLoop](https://www.reddit.com/r/LendingLoop) +Hi, I'm new to this subreddit and investing in general and noticed a lot of people are high on investing in VGRO and XGRO. . According to google XGRO was 19.10 5 years ago and is 21.00 today. Isnt that bad for 5 years? Same with VGRO, 5 years ago 24.41 and today its 26.10? Based on this I'm just wondering what the hype behind these ETFs are as the returns seem very poor. +I bought in for 102 shares @ 17$ and I'm loving the ride. Wanted to get other people weighing in on their thoughts for this company and if we should continue to see such massive growth? They've announced the above acquisition + expansion to the Australian market, which is huge. Anybody know why they aren't getting any exposure in the U.S.? + +On a side note, when do all of you recommend taking your profits from a TFSA? I was thinking of pulling my win and then just reinvesting my base. Thoughts? + +[https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/dye-amp-durham-announces-transformational-acquisition-of-doprocess-the-number-one-provider-of-real-estate-software-in-canada-for-c-530-million-from-teranet-883838048.html](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/dye-amp-durham-announces-transformational-acquisition-of-doprocess-the-number-one-provider-of-real-estate-software-in-canada-for-c-530-million-from-teranet-883838048.html) +I see a lot of posts of people looking for ways out of poverty. I work for a 211 call center and these are exactly the things we can help you find. I can help you find things like rent/utility assistance, food pantries, etc. You should be able to dial 211 in your state and be connected to a local center. If you cant find it drop me a comment here and I can find the direct line to a 211 center near you. If you have low income but aren't starving yet you should still use these services and it could help you get out of poverty! If you live in Iowa let me know and I can find more specific resources for you. + + +EDIT: I just want to say that 211 cant "get you out of poverty". There is no one solution for that. 211 is a great stop for resources in some places especially if you are not familiar with the programs in your area. +It's widely known after the announcement in March that the contactless limit would raise from £45 to £100 per transaction, and the total limit before you're asked for a pin from £130 to £300, but no firm date was given on when. + +I've recently had an email from Virgin Money stating the new higher limit will be in place from August 5th 2021. + +I can't see anywhere else reporting this. +Cathie Wood’s flagship exchange-traded fund pounced on a huge slump in Zillow Group Inc. to add more shares of the embattled real estate company. + +The ARK Innovation ETF (ticker ARKK) bought 288,813 shares of the property firm on Tuesday, according to the daily trading update from Wood’s Ark Investment Management. Zillow plunged over 10% on the day after pulling the plug on its tech-powered home-flipping operation + +Source: Bloomberg +Just out of curiosity. I’ve started to feel the burn a little, but with the latest rates my variable is at 5.2%. + +I always worked off 10% onwards being worse case scenario where I’d probably have to sell, and obviously no one knows where the rates will go, but just wanna see what is the rate for most people that if it gets to would see them in financial hardship? + +Thinking of moving into a rental and just renting out my place so at least it will be investment and the higher interest somewhat deductible. Anyone in similar boat? +I’m single and approaching 31. I do not currently have private health insurance that includes hospital cover. + +I earn over 90k and, as far as I can tell, will begin paying the Medicare Levy Surcharge (1%) in the next tax year, unless I get private hospital cover. + +I am in good health and take care of myself. Of course there is always a risk of complications, but I have made an informed decision not to get an extensive cover. + +Am I right in pursing a basic hospital cover that is cheaper than what I would pay from the Medicare Levy Surcharge if I didn’t have a cover? + +My total income is $103k (excl superannuation). Estimated Medicare Levy Surcharge = 1% of $103k = $1030. Most basic private health insurance policies are around $1020-$1140 per annum. So I won’t be saving much money, but will be able to chose to put $1030 towards a very basic private health cover for me rather than to the government as a tax payment? + +Any insights or further info would be appreciated. +I am a first generation immigrant who came to the USA 14 years ago with $3000 in my pocket and lots of hopes and dreams. My employer had transferred me to the US office and the money I had in my pocket was a salary advance from my employer which was later recovered from the next 6 months of my paycheck. My annual pay was $50K. + +Prior to this, I was working from my home country on my first job after college for 2 years with a yearly pay of around $5000 USD, and had probably around $1000 saved in my bank account. + +**Present Assets:** + +My present net worth as of July 2021 is 1.2M. I do quarterly reconciliation of my finances and I enjoy doing this very much. My net worth had crossed the major milestone of 1 Million dollars in October 2020. + +Here is how the assets are distributed ($1.2M): + +1. Stock Market (Stocks/ETFs): 50% +2. Retirement: 22% +3. Liquid (HYSA): 11% +4. CDs: 10% +5. Crypto: 5% +6. REIT: 2% + +No debts or liabilities. Paid cash for our SUV. My wife and I currently rent and are planning to buy a home in the next few months and also start a family. + +**My FIRE Goal:** + +My goal is to work and accumulate for another 10 years and retire (or semi retire) with a nest egg of $5-6 Million. + +**History of savings:** + +My frugal lifestyle helped save a good portion of my paycheck as I was mostly sharing an apartment with roommates. Saving has always been a part of my lifestyle which my mother had inspired me to do ever since I was a kid. Her financial literacy was limited to the point where she thought saving a part of every paycheck into a bank account was good enough, which is what I did for the first several years. Initial savings were accumulated into some of those mainstream bank accounts that yielded 0.02% APY which later graduated into high yield savings accounts that yielded around 1-1.5% once my net worth hit $30,000. In addition, some part of the savings were also transferred overseas to my home country as CDs that yielded 8-9% interest. + +In 2012, I took a new job that paid $90,000 annually. At that point, I had a net worth of approximately $100,000 with the majority of it sitting in HYSA and some overseas CDs. With my limited financial knowledge, I thought I was doing great as I hit 6 figure net worth in 6 years, until I realized my mistakes later. + +Let alone the “not investing” part, I didn't even have a 401k account with my employer (or previous employer) who did a full match upto 3% of my annual contributions. I wasn’t financially literate or savvy enough to understand that I am leaving money on the table by (a) missing employer match, (b) missing tax free advantage, and (c) missing compounding growth with investing in the market. + +**Turnaround to Investing** + +It was in 2014 when I was doing the previous year’s taxes online that I realized I could get a bigger refund if I put some money into the IRA, as my refund was pretty low that year. Upon researching online articles, opened an online brokerage IRA account and funded it, which is when the thought hit me on how this can be invested for the long term. This was the turning point of my life -- I started researching online articles, blogs, watching youtube videos, hooked up with yahoo finance etc. and slowly moving step-by-step into the world of investing. + +With daily reading and researching investment articles, my financial literacy gradually started to improve. I started contributing to 401k, ROTH, and HSA accounts every year since then. In the next few years, over 50% of my net worth was invested into the stock market with equities and ETFs, instead of merely sitting in the bank account. I also have a small % of my portfolio in crypto, and REITs as well for diversification purposes. + +Over these years, I am starting to see the power of “the eighth wonder of the world” and how this can move tiny droplets of water into a big ocean over a period of time. Last year, only 35% of my net worth gains came from employer paycheck, whereas the rest of the gains came from the compounding effects of investments such as capital appreciation of equities, dividend reinvestments, etc. + +**Lessons for new aspirants:** + +* Live below your means +* Always save a portion of your paycheck +* Saving is not enough, you need to invest to compound your assets +* Create and follow a budget + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*EDIT: Net worth History (from 2012 to present) linked below. + +[https://imgur.com/a/gYDwXFu](https://imgur.com/a/gYDwXFu) +My friends have gotten into “investing” in the last 6 months. To be fair, I too have not been invested through a bear market, but I have been in the market longer than them. Namely, they’re in hot sectors and penny stocks atm. Is stock selection really as hard as i make it out to be in my head, or are my friends naive to greater market forces? Will tougher times come, or is this the nature of the new age market with seemingly endless supply of Fed Bucks? I’ve just seen them make killer returns in the interim and want to let them know that things may not always be like this without sounding like an ass. +Hi all, + +I have been reading a lot about how corporations are price gouging because their profits are outsized compared to inflation, but I am wondering if this can at least partially be explained by the stickiness of prices. Like if some companies think it would hurt their bottom line to increase prices incrementally, they may raise prices to an acceptable amount for when they estimate inflation with stabilize? This would lead to initial booms in profit but would eventually taper off and equalize. + +Is that too generous? +On the one hand, I am happy to get the money. On the other hand, it bums me out that I didn't even notice that WF had ripped me off by $5k. + + +https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/20/what-consumers-need-to-know-about-wells-fargo-settlement.html +* DOCU: obliterated after earnings +* ZM: obliterated after earnings +* PTON: obliterated after earnings +* AMC: Below support levels from months previous + +Getting the feeling we will see more of this week. Positions: + + CHWY P 10DEC21 55.00 + + GME P 10DEC21 150.00 + +&#x200B; + +Thoughts? +The way expenses work at my new company is that expenses are put on a personal card, then reimbursed. The rationale is that expense reports get turned in on-time when it's reimbursing your own money. + +To make up for having you float your own money, the company has a $500 yearly stipend to put toward yearly dues on a premium credit account. + +This position has ~50% travel, and biweekly cross-country flights. My credit score is about 760, with the biggest thing holding it back being age of accounts(3 years is oldest). + +What should I be looking at? My boss recommended the "Delta SkyMiles Reserve American Express Card" as we generally fly Delta and it gets you into their lounges. It's $50 over the limit, but I'd pay the extra for 26ish lounge entries during layovers per year. +There are some posts going around that the SuperBowl ads will start the next bull run. So here is some history. + +The 2000 SuperBowl was known as the DotCom SuperBowl - it marked the spectacular top and was followed by the crash of the entire dotcom market, sinking many of the companies that advertised there. + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Super_Bowl_commercials#2000_(XXXIV) + +Some of the infamous companies to advertise in 2000 SuperBowl include AutoTrader dot com, Britannica, Computer dot com, epidemic dot com, hotjobs dot com, MicroStrategy, OnMoney dot com, pets dot com etc. + +Many of these companies died or ended up being acquired on the cheap by bigger entities. Even the ones that survived like MicroStrategy went through a 90% correction in asset price and had multiple decades before even beginning to recover in price. MSTR is still below its 2000 highs. + +The Nasdaq took 14 years, from 2000 to 2014 to recover to the same levels as the 2000 tops. + +SuperBowl advertisements dont mean jack shit. + +“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain. +Today, almost half of investments in the US stock market is done via passive investment. You need active investment to guide the stock market with passive investment merely tracking (except perhaps for any influence of day-trading in ETF’s). Are there any good studies and literature on this subject? +The future of Ethereum is so bright. The dip should’ve seen as a blessing not a curse. Hell, if we dip further, then you have an even better opportunity to buy ETH at even better times. ETH is highly likely to hit 5 figures. We should not be in such a rush for it to do so. +Update4: Withdrawals complete! Your tokens are in your wallet! + +Update3: It appears the Monetha devs have changed their minds and decided to disable token transfers until 09/05/2017 @ 2:00pm (UTC) They'll be sent to your wallets as soon as the Monetha team enables transfers. + +Update2: [Tokens purchased successfully!](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x940a65da3b7bdfbb5488174c274cbaddd6438c6bba445cb359662d23d8c2ef3f) Congrats to whoever got the bounty! + +Update: Added the [sale address per Monetha's announcement.](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x83f7f19808f9c8d301399385d9ac531cb78e3a727653e95c13871cf304a803be) Contract is now trustless. + +The [Monetha ICO](https://www.monetha.io/) is happening in less than 4 hours. You can avoid the crowd and rest easy by using my [Monetha ICO Buyer Contract.](https://etherscan.io/address/monetha.icobuyer.eth#code) Simply send ETH to monetha.icobuyer.eth before the crowdsale and sit back while my contract takes care of all the hard work of buying into the sale and sending you back your tokens! + +My contract works by placing a 5 ETH bounty on a function which buys tokens during the ICO. Anyone can call the function once the ICO has started to claim the bounty, although they'll be competing with me to be first! + +I've had a [$10,000 bug bounty](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethdev/comments/6x5j33/bug_bounty_for_monetha_mth_ico_buyer_contract/) posted for a few hours now, but that doesn't mean you should just throw your ETH at my contract! Exercise caution and recognize that there's always risk to using smart contracts. If possible, I recommend waiting to send funds to my contract until half an hour or so before the crowdsale starts to minimize your risk. + +Users should only send ETH from an address that they own the private keys for. For example, MEW, Mist, and Parity are all fine, but you can't send from an exchange. To interact with my contract from an unsynced wallet, I recommend using a gas limit of 250,000 for each transaction. Once the ICO starts, slightly more advanced users seeking the 5 ETH bounty can call the "claim_bounty" function, which actually buys the tokens, by sending a 0 ETH, 250,000 gas, 100+ Gwei gas price transaction with '0x02f58015' as the transaction data. Once the contract has bought tokens, even more advanced users can also claim the 3 ETH withdrawal bounty by calling the "withdraw" function on user addresses, collecting 1% of the bounty with each successful withdrawal. + +I should note that I very nearly did not redeploy my ICO Buyer contract for the Monetha crowdsale. In reviewing [their crowdsale code](https://github.com/monetha/smartcontracts/blob/master/contracts/Crowdsale.sol), I found multiple signs of poor coding practice. The Monetha team also haven't implemented any smart contract logic for their KYC. They're planning on keeping the contract address secret, then posting it a few minutes before their sale starts. This is a huge security issue. The most clear problem is that it doesn't give the community time to review the contract's verified source code and make sure there isn't a security hole prior to the sale. They also haven't posted a bug bounty. Overall, I'm fairly disappointed with the Monetha team. The only reason I'm still redeploying is that users in [my slack](https://join.slack.com/t/icobuyer/shared_invite/MjM0NjAyOTQwNjEyLTE1MDQxOTM2NjItOTAzZjk4MWM5Mg) expressed interest despite the problems. + +Previous Deployments of my ICO Buyer contract: + +[Bancor](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6ghqp0/never_miss_an_ico_again/) - 425 ETH handled + +[Status](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6iavc3/never_miss_an_ico_again_status/) - 3200 ETH handled + +[TenX](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6j5c3u/never_miss_an_ico_again_tenx/) - 2100 ETH handled + +[DAO.Casino](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6k6gix/never_miss_an_ico_again_daocasino_bet/) - Canceled + +[CoinDash](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6nrxk5/never_miss_an_ico_again_coindash_cdt/) - 1365 ETH handled + +[District0x](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6nzwh4/never_miss_an_ico_again_district0x_dnt/) - 4145 ETH handled + +[Decentraland](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6u9ou4/never_miss_an_ico_again_decentraland_mana/) - 6668 ETH handled + +ICO Buyer Slack Invite Link: https://join.slack.com/t/icobuyer/shared_invite/MjM0NjAyOTQwNjEyLTE1MDQxOTM2NjItOTAzZjk4MWM5Mg + +**Contract ENS Address:** monetha.icobuyer.eth + +**Contract Hex Address:** 0x820b5D21D1b1125B1aaD51951F6e032A07CaEC65 + +**Contract Code:** https://etherscan.io/address/monetha.icobuyer.eth#code +The Robinhood IPO was priced with a market cap of around $32B (link: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HOOD/ ) + +Their 2020 revenue stands at: 1B (link: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HOOD/financials?p=HOOD) + +Compare that to TD Ameritrade's current market cap of $21B (link: https://companiesmarketcap.com/td-ameritrade/marketcap/) + +TD Ameritrade's revenue for 2020 was $6B (link: https://companiesmarketcap.com/td-ameritrade/revenue/) + +How did Robinhood and their IPO consultants arrive at a market cap of $32B. Roughly speaking, if one were to use the same ratios seen with Ameritrade, Robinhood should have been priced at a market cap of around $3.5B. Not ten times that. I am sure there is a rationale ... I just want to know what it is. Thanks. +Hi everyone! My partner and I & our 3 doggies are ready to buy a house. Unfortunately, neither of us has much understanding of money management. Any & all advice would be helpful! + +We aren’t married yet & my stepdad warned against us putting our bank accounts together, until we are married. We plan to get married next July— thoughts on this? + +Some details: + +-We both have credit cards & work hard to keep those paid off. + +-He has a car payment + +Thank you all in advance!! :) +Wanting some opinions here… +My wife and I currently have a private loan on our home (balance of $160k, value of $450k). My vehicle is paid off, hers has $15k left, but her credit wasn’t too hot when she purchased and her rate is about a 10%. Our private mortgage rate is a 5.75%. +I’m looking to get a second vehicle for about $70k. Should I pull $85k out of home equity to purchase a new car and pay off my wife’s? We would then own hers and my new one out right, and have a new loan balance of $254k on a $450k home. +Because it was my first donation I had to do a bunch of stuff first: informational video and exam, so maybe this is partly a reaction to a long afternoon, but I feel (understandably) dehydrated. I'm drinking all the water, but I think I'm done for the evening. Luckily I had nothing on my schedule but I can't imagine doing this regularly. + +Also it was a nice place and everyone was pleasant but receiving money for part of my body just feels dystopian. I'm sure I'll get over it when I get gas tomorrow. +I apologize if this isn't the place for this. I just need to vent. + +I've been married for 4 years. I got married at 18 while I was still in highschool. It's odd, it's not for everyone but I love my wife and I still do very much. Sometimes I think I shouldn't have because of the financial toll it's taken on me. + +The first year I lived with my mom and was looking for apartments but they were way too expensive where I live. Being the only one who worked, we just couldn't afford it. I worked at Walgreens making 11/hr. That was my first job I picked up in highscool and it was the best I could do at the time. + +Furthermore, I feel like I've screwed up my life because I didn't go to college like I intended to. Instead I just worked full time at Walgreens. We were desperate to get out of my moms house so we were looking for an RV because my Dad offered to live rent free on his land. (Mom was perfectly fine with having us with her it's just mom/wife drama pretty stupid imo) + +We purchased an RV for 12k and moved onto my dads land for the next two years. Basically all I paid was $300 a month and that was going to my grandma who lent us the money to buy the RV. Eventually the RV started getting problems like boiler broke, started leaking, just things that were making it harder for us to live there. + +In those two years I saved up money and bought my current mobile home. I put 18k down and been paying 190 a month the last year. My car also started to break down a lot more so I wanted to get a new one because I was tired of being stranded on the side of the road. 2018 Honda Civic. Gas mileage is so much better and now I don't have to worry about being stranded. + +My wife and I now both work for amazon in a warehouse both making 15/Hr yet we're still struggling. Every penny goes to bills and debt and we're left with basically nothing. I feel very drained because I feel like my life is going nowhere and im just slaving away wasting my youth paying my debts. + +Recently all I do is sleep and I just don't have the motivation to do anything. Like I could even afford to go anywhere. Im worried its taking a toll on her as well. We've been at amazon for a year now and that's the longest she's ever been employed anywhere. I feel like i've failed as a husband to provide for her since she has to work. She has no problem working, she actually likes it because it gives her something to do. + +In the end life goes on and im just another young guy working and living in this world. I just really wanted to vent. Never have. Thanks for reading. + + + +Edit: Sorry for the inactivity I had to run some errands. To clarify we only work 36 hours a week and sometimes my wife takes voluntary time off because of the long hours. We work 3 days a week 12 hour shifts. I never take the voluntary time off but I don't mind when she does because I know it can be really physically demanding. However, since she does take the voluntary time off sometimes her paychecks are between $500-600. Also this year around February, my wife took a leave of absence from work to go back to her hometown because of a sick relative. So I had no choice but to use my credit card to help with some bills at the time. After taxes a full paycheck is around $850 + +* Car payment- $485 + +* Phones - $100 (T Mobile) + +* Wifi - $75 + +* Electricity - $80-100 (Depends on AC usage) + +* Credit card- $85 Minimum (Wife puts extra when she can $300) + +* Rent - $650-700 (Depends on water usage) + +* Mortgage - $190 + +* Insurance - $150 + +* Groceries and gas - $250 + +Sorry I took so long to reply to all of you thank you for being so supportive about this. This is the first time I really sat down and looked at my budgets and expenses. It's difficult for me to come up with solid numbers since my wifes paychecks vary a lot but it's the best I could do. +Been looking into investing in a boat slip for rental purposes. + +Anyone with actual experience to share? I’ve evaluated it similar to real estate, so not sure if there is a different way I should consider? + +Based on what I’ve seen in the market they turn about a 5% cap rate (example: $89k purchase price with $4.5k annual rent). And that’s before depreciation (15-year, I think), interest deduction, mileage write off (to drive to beach and check on marina), etc. + +If/when financed, monthly payment will be immaterial to me, so not concerned about investing in a “luxury” item at this stage in the economic cycle and with coronavirus uncertainty. Rents are prepaid for the year in-advance, with no cancellation provision. Plus side: if I can’t find a renter I can just buy a boat and use the slip myself! + +(Note: I tried to post this similar question yesterday, but think I messed something up - so sorry if this is duplicative) + +Edit: thanks, everyone, for the thoughts / views / concerns / ideas. Really appreciate it. I was 75/25 before posting; now I’m 50/50, so not sure whether I’ll pursue or not. I def need some additional answers before I’d do anything, in any case. Cheers! +#What is /r/fatFIRE? + +This sub is for people pursuing financial independence and/or early retirement with a great lifestyle. This is the opposite of the leanFIRE model to get out of work life ASAP. + + +You can achieve financial independence and early retirement without compromising your lifestyle. This requires a larger nest egg than a typical leanFIRE or FIRE goal. On this sub, we choose both **abundance and sustainability**. + +##Rules: + +* No judgement. Everyone decides for himself/herself what is "enough" in life. If you're shooting for the stars and OP is shooting for the edge of the universe, just shrug and ask "Why not?". + +* Be courteous and positive. So no insults and harassment, including calling out liars or gurus (use the report button instead). + +* Text posts only. You can link to outside resources from within your post. + +* Stick to quality posts & discussions, specific to the fatFIRE pursuit and lifestyle. This means NO "how-to start", "inspiration" or other basic posts. + +##Flair + + + Recommended flair: + +*<title> ; <planned or actual yearly income in fatFIRE>; age* + +Humor is OK, being a prune is OK, lying is discouraged but can't be policed. Here's an example: + +✓ Humor: starving artist; $1.23/day; 28 and one foot in the grave + +✓ Prune: AWS/lead designer niche combo; fatFIRE goal USD385,000/yr for household; 28 + +❌Troll: <Conglomerate President> !!>$$2,322,993,423 biannually; 52; hate poor people + +##Resources: + +Looking to get started? Subscribe to + +/r/financialindependence + +/r/personalfinance + +See you back on /r/fatFIRE when you graduate from FIRE! + +**Career:** + +[Young President's Organization](https://www.ypo.org/) + +[Entrepreneur's Organization](https://www.eonetwork.org/) +First-home buyers will be handed incentives in Tuesday’s budget to help purchase newly built homes and boost construction jobs, with the nation facing the first negative net migration rate since 1946 and the lowest population growth in more than a century. + +With official fertility rates forecast to have fallen during the pandemic, Josh Frydenberg has warned of the economic impact from stalled population growth, which Treasury says will make Australia “smaller and older”. + +The federal government will announce on Saturday its plan to expand by 10,000 places the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, which aims to help Australians buy properties more easily with a deposit as small as 5 per cent, and the government guaranteeing 15 per cent of the loan. + +Limited to new builds in a bid to boost economic activity, the government will also lift the price caps — to $950,000 from $700,000 in Sydney and to $850,000 from $600,000 in Melbourne — to reflect the higher cost of new dwellings. + +The most important fiscal and economic statement since World War II, Tuesday’s budget will also reveal a price tag for Victoria’s second COVID-19 outbreak of more than $44bn. This includes more than $12bn to $14bn in lost economic activity and direct­ commonwealth support since the stage-four lockdown was imposed, with the quarantine failures wiping two percentage points from national economic growth. + +In an interview with The Weekend Australian, the Treas­urer warned of a battle to avoid a “scarring” legacy from the pandemic on the labour market, especially for younger Australians. + +“We are worried about scarring on the labour market … A young person will see 8 per cent lower wages in the first year and up to 3 per cent after five years,” Mr Frydenberg said. + +“This is what we are focused on … avoiding the scarring … and getting people back into work. This budget is about jobs, jobs, jobs. It is about the here and now. We don’t have the luxury of monetary policy any more, we have to grow the economy to create more jobs.” + +The short-term economic growth agenda will likely focus, as first reported in The Australian late last month, on a new wage subsidy beyond the JobKeeper program, offering employers incentives to take on new workers. + +The demand-driven side of the budget will include bringing forward­ the next phase of the Morrison government’s personal income tax cuts, currently scheduled for 2022, to July. + +Scott Morrison said last week it was not the government’s intention to tell people how to spend their tax cuts, but the message from the budget will be centred on a higher disposable income­ going back into the economy, rather than savings. + +The government has already flagged tax incentives for investments, continued tax breaks for small businesses, the expansion of the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, and the $1.5bn manufacturing plan. + +But the challenges remained significant, Mr Frydenberg said. Victoria had blown a massive hole in the nation’s finances but also the national economy. He said the singular focus of the government was to avoid the employment disasters of the 1980s and 1990s, when it took between six and 10 years to fully recover. + +He confirmed that the unemployment rate would come in lower than the Reserve Bank and Treasury’s initial forecasts of 10 per cent. + +The budget will reveal the September-quarter figures showing that the economic shutdown of Victoria sparked by the quarantine bungle and aged-care crisis would wipe more than $12bn to $14bn from the national economy. + +The total federal bailout of the state, including JobKeeper payments — the majority of which are now going to Victoria — is up to $28bn. “Jobs are coming back everywhere except for Victoria,” Mr Frydenberg said. + +“The hit to GDP in the September quarter from Victoria alone is two percentage points. About $12-14bn without extra spending. This doesn’t include the extension of JobKeeper. + +“The reason why jobs is so important in this budget is because unemployment goes up the elevators and comes down by the stairs. + +“Unemployment is now at 6.8 per cent and the budget will indicate it will go higher before the end of the year, off the back of Victoria­. But not as high as the 10 per cent initially forecast by Treasury”. + +The budget will include a revision of the net overseas migration rate, which in July was expected to fall sharply from about 154,000 in 2019-20, to 31,000 in 2020-21. + +The Treasurer confirmed that the impact on net overseas mig­ration would be a net outflow of people. “More people will be leaving Australian than coming in,” he said. “This is the first time since 1946 that this has happened.” + +Migration would eventually return to pre-pandemic levels, but the migrants lost would not be replaced­. Labour force participation would fall as a result. + +This would lower the average­ hours worked. Mr Frydenberg said while lower fertility rates due to the economic uncertainty families­ faced during COVID-19 would bounce back, the economy would face a longer-term challenge in rebooting the skilled migrant­ stream. + +Treasury will warn in the budget that lower population growth would also be fuelled by an “assumption­” that people would delay having children due to economic and health fears. + +The budget will forecast that the fertility rate of 1.69 babies per woman in 2019-20 would decline over the short to medium term. “It’s about the three Ps: popula­tion, participation, productivity,” Mr Frydenberg said. + +“While in the July update we said net overseas migration would fall from 154,000 in 19/20 to around 31,000 in 20/21, in the budget there will be an outflow in both 20/21 and 21/22. It will be a negative number in both years. + +“The fertility rate is obviously going down but it’s a function of people’s economic circumstances and as the economy strengthens … that number will rise.” + +He said there were silver linings on the employment numbers: 54 per cent of the jobs lost had been among women but about 60 per cent of those jobs had been recovered. + +And Mr Frydenberg said the higher savings rate — 19.8 per cent of income compared with 10.9 per cent during the global finan­cial crisis — was largely due to the inability of people to spend money during the lockdowns. + +He expected this to fall sharply as the economy reopened. This was already being reflected in retail­ sales figures that were now 12 per cent higher than a year ago. + +“We’ve been hit by this once in a century economic shock and the measures whether it’s about using our tax system to support families and businesses, boosting skills and training, bringing forward infrastructure or cutting red tape it’s all about getting people into jobs in the here and now,” the Treasurer said. + +https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/budget-2020-new-homes-key-to-our-lost-population/news-story/96a1329f987af5b991d435cd8184c3e0 +Hi all, + +I'm considering getting a new car (Read: Used, but newer than the car I have at the moment). A lot of the stuff I've read seems to indicate that car finance is ALWAYS a bad idea but doing the maths I'm not quite sure that holds true so just wanted to vomit out my thoughts to see if I'm on the right track or totally wrong. + +To clarify, I have the cash to buy a car upfront regardless, but I'm just wondering if that's actually the smartest move financially. + +I understand that car finance is costing money, but if the interest rate is lower than what I'd expect to get back in share returns (Which I'm assuming is ~7% P.A - EDIT: Some confusion on this figure. I meant that my conservative expectation for share return is around 7% PA, which is in line with most estimates I see. Loan rates seem to be as low as 2.5%), then do you not come out ahead financially if you take up the car loan and sock the excess cash into shares/super? Obviously this requires I'm disciplined with that money but I typically have been so I'm not too worried about this. + +Thanks in advance! +DRS numbers really started to hit the incline in August. + +Just casual observation here, but the floor has climbed higher and higher as we've clocked more shares in DRS. We came into August at around $160, now we're holding steady around $200. The last few weeks, we've seen a nice ramp on Monday, then the rest of the week a float downward back to where we started....almost. + +Almost, because it never does quite retrace all the way, right? the floor rises. I think this is a reflection of DRS tightening supply. The inverse of "quantitative easing." A quantitative tightening, if you will. (J. Pow, I know you're lurkin' – take notes). + +If i were a betting ape, I would put my bananas that they know how much the floor will gain every week based on DRS outflows, what with the view from the ivory tower and all. If I were in their shoes, the play would be to let it rise to a manageable level, then resume the slow decline – the torturous mind games – to conceal that they're actually losing ground. The sideways movement, the majority of the time being spent in a downward trajectory...it's enough to make even the most diamond handed ape let the FUD creep into their mind from time to time. unless of course, they know what the game is. + +The fact is we just don't get to see a huge majority of what is happening. We can only observe the patterns – the aftermath of actions taken behind heavy curtains and try and piece it together. But it does seem interesting that as the supply of ammo gets depleted, the floor seems to be creeping up. + +There's plenty of reason to think that $350 is a danger zone (who could forget the march attack). Presumably, that number's gotten lower now all the FUD, continuous shorting, and maintaining these short positions isn't free (though at these inexplicable stock borrow interest rates, it may as well be), but if not, we'll just keep marching forward, a few bucks at a time, until one day.....BOOM + +reposting bc I've had a few drinks and messed up the title + +Here's to another nice lil Monday morning squirt +Hello, I recently started a job where I'm getting paid in USD. I initially opened a TD USD account assuming I could be paid directly there. After finding out that my employer couldn't issue direct deposits with my account info I set up a Wise account. + +I'm wondering what makes the most sense to do with the money in my USD Wise account in order to avoid conversion fees, etc. I'm interested in investing some or all of my USD pay but am unsure how/where to do this. I have a TD Direct Investing TFSA account in CAD and USD. I also have a Questrade USD account. I'm also not opposed to investing in crypto using USD. + +Thanks in advance. + +We sold our home in February for $580k and have just bought a new place at $610k. We made ~$340k on sale of our last house. + +Given the current housing market with high likelihood of price declines happening it is appealing to retain a larger portion of proceeds of last home sale cash. Example: put $140k down on new place and park $200k in GIC for next year or 6 months while market settles then invest in something higher yielding. If house equity will be destroyed in declining market wouldn’t there be advantages to having flexibility of cash despite higher interest carrying costs? + +I’m sure there are downsides to this but would like help seeing them. Appreciate help of anyone. +Hi guys, any suggestion on how to calculate annual returns on a Mutual Fund? I've been putting in small deposits to TD's MF via TFSA for about 1.6 yr now and I've kept track using a spreadsheet. I only know how to get the overall R.O.R. but was curious on how to calculate the annualized returns. Tried to ask my friend google but only got confused. TIA. +I've been using Questrade for about 5 months and part of my strategy includes buying stocks at no less than $1000 in value because the $4.95 USD commission both ways will hurt my value on the stock and increase risk. How do you invest monthly? Should I be setting up automatic payments to an ETF? Looking to hear some of this communities thought, I'm pretty new. +Holds amazing companies and is like the perfect ETF. + +XIT looks good as well but the American tech scene just looks more promising to me. + +Anyone else getting positions in this? +I brought up this topic to the mods ahead of time because I feel like it's a subject that needs more attention. + +Mental illness and financial problems can go hand in hand. It doesn't seem like an uncommon problem to me, although I think most people keep quiet about it. + +If you are suffering from a mental illness, it can bring on financial problems. You might be an impulsive shopper. Maybe it causes problems at work or prevents you from working, which lowers your income. Something such as a drug or alcohol problem can consume a lot of money. Maybe a loved one of yours has a mental illness and they have affected you financially by putting you in debt, depending on you for care and resources, or hurting your credit. Even if you are managing your mental illness, you still have to pay for therapy and medication and that can be very expensive. + +There is also a higher percentage of people with mental illness among the homeless population, compared to the population at large. It is much harder to find stable housing/jobs and keep it if you cannot also find treatment for your mental illness. + +It seems like financial problems can bring on issues such as depression and anxiety. I have seen it a lot in this subreddit lately and you can kind of hear it in the tone of someone's plea for advice. + +In regards to some of my own personal experiences, I myself have suffered from PTSD, ADHD, and depression. Luckily the two times I was hospitalized I was still under my parent's insurance. I know the ambulance bill alone was $500, which was more than one paycheck of mine at the time. I know it has happened to me several times where I didn't have the money for something I needed and I ended up having an anxiety attack. I met one lady in a hospital that had bipolar disorder, and she was in at least tens of thousands of dollars in debt from trying to get help for her issues. I also have a friend of mine that is in her late 20s and has not succeeded in life like she had planned to. Lately she has been depressed and not very social, and it seems like the seasons changing is affecting her too. Maybe some of you out there can relate to these stories. + +I want to bring up this subject and let people share their experiences here. If anyone knows of any resources, please share them! + +Also, do you know of any inexpensive/free ways to cope with your mental illness or when you feel anxious/depressed? + +I am on mobile so forgive me for not writing a more scholarly post. But I did find a few articles that were interesting and I will link them below. + +https://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hcht/blog/homelessness-and-mental-health-facts + +https://www.moneyandmentalhealth.org/money-and-mental-health-facts/ + +http://costsofcare.org/stigma-is-only-part-of-the-mental-health-price-tag +Finally, a transparency move - See CDC CEO twitter feed (@kris) as of an hour ago. Retyped below: + +--- +'We share the belief that it should be necessary for crypto platforms to publicly share proof of reserves and crypto.com will be publishing our audited proof of reserves' + +'This is a critical moment for the entire industry. Transparency is more important than ever, and safety and security of users and funds remains the priority. It requires full and collective commitment.' + +'Restoring trust in our category will take time, but it's incumbent on us to send a strong message to the world that there are trustworthy crypto platforms.' +--- + +Applause from me on it anyway. +Bitcoin is currently under attack (intentionally or not) from the bcash difficulty algorithm that deviates in a stupid way from Satoshi Nakamoto's original one. This leads to extreme difficulty oscillations on the bcash chain, which affect bitcoin as well. + +This is possible because bcash kept the original proof-of-work algorithm, so miners can freely choose whether to mine bitcoin or bcash. + +During the phases when the bcash difficulty is very low, lots of miners jump on the bcash chain and mine an insane number of blocks, many times more than the intended 6 per hour. Bitcoin loses that hash power and becomes slow, so the fees rise. + +After a few days the bcash difficulty adjusts upward, so miners jump back to bitcoin and begin to reduce the backlog. However, bcash's difficulty algorithm is senselessly asymmetric, so it adjusts down much more rapidly than up. As a consequence, its difficulty falls like a stone after 12 hours, and many miners jump back, deserting bitcoin. + +If this continues, bitcoin's average block rate will be reduced until its next difficulty adjustment, causing higher fees. + +More thoughts + +It seems now that the oscillations that had already been [predicted two days ago](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/6v3nn3/unintended_consequence_of_a_hard_forkdifficulty/) are getting worse. + +A lot depends on whether bcash users realise that bcash, particularly its difficulty adjustment algorithm, is the cause of the oscillations and recognize that bcash was designed without full understanding of the consequences. + +Some people said that this is intentional, in which case it would be a malevolent attack on bitcoin, but so far I have no indication that this is the case and don't believe it, particularly because the situation is bad for both coins, which are now limping along on a knife's edge. + +So what will happen? The situation is so bad for everybody that it looks as if at least one chain will have to lose market capitalization relatively soon. Nobody will put up with this in the long run. + +Interesting questions are how the price of bcash relative to bitcoin influences the outcome, whether rapid SegWit adoption will help bitcoin, and whether bitcoin users will stay the line for long enough. + +It would be very sad if a hard fork like bcash severely damaged the entire cryptocoin realm. But the miners have never been quick to recognize when they were working towards their own demise. Moreover, they always suffer from the Tragedy of the Commons, where coordinated action could save us, but each single miner profits more in the short term from accelerating the catastrophe. +**The moderators have to use the rules**, especially in a community like this where there are a ton of people going every which way with their opinions, on top of the actual shills, haters, trolls, and other nonsense that they're dealing with. + +**If you start saying there should be exceptions to the rules** and when the moderators DO NOT MAKE THOSE EXCEPTIONS, you start to take shots at the moderators and claim THEY are somehow corrupt, **you have just betrayed** the very concepts upon which this entire thing works. + +This is a very challenging place to moderate, I know because opinions MATTER here. Words MATTER. **When things get said and spread around, the bandwagon starts up here** and no amount of moderation can (or sometimes should) stop it. We apes get an idea collectively in our head, and like a flock of birds we will hurl themselves in whichever direction the flock decides to go (no one individual can even say). That is happening NOW with THIS topic. + +**The mods cannot exist in a system where we just happen to decide someone is immune to the rules. That means IF THEY FOLLOW THE RULES then YOU WILL SOMETIMES ATTACK THEM FOR IT, maybe even get mods kicked out of the sub for it because of your outcry!** You will claim a hundred ways this isn't the case, but the mods are acting in the best interest of the sub, whether they make mistakes or not. If they make mistakes 1% of the time, the other 99% of the time they're doing a great job, that's fantastic. That's what you want. + +Appeals are a thing. If the mods make a mistake let the mistake be appealed, NOT by the community but by the person affected. The community is a mindless bandwagon mob, NOT a thinking deducing body that figures things out. This is why DD is not something that happens as a group but happens as individuals - both the original writer of DD and everyone else who reads it and understands and learns (doing YOUR due diligence by learning these things). + +The mods CANNOT continue to exist if you jump to attack them for everything they do, mistake or not. **You are pushing towards anarchy, and that will NOT serve us well here.** +Just a heads up, Capital One credit cards are now (as of 1/10/18) blocking Coinbase instant buys. If you use this card (as I do) to buy your Crypto to take advantage of the 1% cash back you'll be locked out. Checking and Debit purchases still work fine. + +Related thread on r/Litecoin: https://www.reddit.com/r/litecoin/comments/7q4kb6/capital_one_blocking_coinbase_buys/ + +Most of you know that the price of BTC is well correlated the cost of mining it. Obviously the value proposition for ETH is different than BTC. But this calculation still holds some validity IMO given that miners are the primary "supply side" source of ETH. + + +If you look at the [best GPUS for mining ETH in 2019](https://cryptosrus.com/best-gpu-for-mining/) and pick the MOST POWER EFFICIENT GPU on that list (GeForce GTX 1060) and then plug those numbers into [the ethereum mining profitability calculator](https://www.cryptocompare.com/mining/calculator/eth?HashingPower=20&HashingUnit=MH%2Fs&PowerConsumption=110&CostPerkWh=0.12&MiningPoolFee=1) with the average cost of electricity in the US ($0.12/KWh), you will get a profit of: + + +**$1.55 / month** + + +Great it will only take **17 YEARS** to **BREAK EVEN** with the cost of the GPU. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt the average lifespan of a GPU running at full capacity 24/7 is 17 years.. + +&#x200B; + +If I were a miner right now, I wouldn't be selling any of my ETH. It seems likely this would cause the ETH supply to shrink.. + + +What do you guys think? +So now that there is a hard date for BAT's token sale, let's discuss. There is a lot of hype around this project, and for good reason: good leadership with an extremely good reputation / track record, it solves a really interesting problem, and has the possibility of mass adoption. + +**But** what is the value of owning BAT tokens? Is anyone concerned about the major uphill battle they face with: + +1) getting consumers to switch browsers + +2) getting in the way of Google's primary revenue stream (40% of *all* online ad revenue) + +3) needing to get the buy in from not only the consumers (point 1) but companies / publishers as well + +In my opinion, the upside is massive but the risk is extremely high. If you are planning on participating in the sale, why are you doing it? What are you excited about? And if you are not, why not? + +And finally, are there any concerns with the structure of their ICO? +TruBadger is an amazing new approach to defi tokens run on BSC. The process has already began to build an ecosystem to eliminate rug pull/scam tokens/bot attacks from launching and having your value decrease instantly. +We are implementing the ecosystem that cares for the token holders through community votes with governance. Own tokens, vote on how we release projects! Have a say in what you own similar to stock ownership and a genuine company releasing real products + +Anti whale attack +Already completed audit +$3M Liquidity and top whale wallet locked +Supply decreasing with weekly burn parties ran via YouTube +Check out the upcoming release videos! https://youtube.com/shorts/HxnIp3N-tTI?feature=share +TruBadger website: TruBadger.io +Telegram: https://t.me/TruBadgerOfficial +TruBadger subreddit: r/TheTruBadger + +Actual $TRUBGR contract id verified from website is: 0xc003f5193cabe3a6cbb56948dfeaae2276a6aa5e + +This posts get removed if not long enough, there is a lot to say and most you will find yourself by checking out the links provided in this post. I will add some copy and paste info here: + +TruBadger works to help people learn basics of the crypto community and crypto sales in general. This is a post from Telegram explaining how to purchase BNB to begin the swap process. + +Hey all a short tutorial from our crypto channel on how to buy BNB (one of the ways). Please check it out. + +https://youtu.be/jUTP8vOgYDI + +CEO and Founder of TruBadger, Peter Gantner, The crypto Master has joined Twitter recently. 😍🎉 You've seen the AMAs and his articles and we all know how much diversification he has and how much knowledge he owns. Peter will be updating his profile daily with all the news you need to know about Crypto and TruBadger. We all have alot to learn in life, Why not learn from the Best? 🤩 So, Follow him and learn directly from the Master. 😎👏 https://twitter.com/TruPeter_?s=09 + +Symbol: TRUBGR +TRUBGR Price: $0.000000022318 +BNB Price: $312.97 +TRUBGR/BNB: 14,022,732,982 +Supply: 792,741,774,974,648 +Marketcap: $17,692,730 +24Hr Volume: $39,068.00 +Liquidity: $2,965,449.90 +One LP: $0.0053287 + +Join our discord channel 🚀 + +Follow our Social Media 💬 +instagram | youtube | twitter + +Track TruBadger on 📈 +coingecko | coinmarketcap + +Check our contract Audit 📄 + +Visit our website 🌍 + +Purchase on Coin Tiger exchange +Purchase on Pancake Swap + +Look around and see for yourself! +BEFORE READING THIS; I DO NOT SUPPORT CL ANYMORE. AFTER READING SEVERAL COMMENTS HERE, I DECIDED NOT TO TAKE THE RISK. THE WEBSITE LOOKS GOOD BUT THERE ARE TOO MANY RED FLAGS, HOPE THE REST OF THE PICKS COULD HELP YOU OUT (IN MOST CASES YOU ONLY NEED 1/2 TO WORK OUT) + +Your reddit colleague MagellanFall asked me to repost this article here:) After my recent successes on predicting altcoins like SUB, WABI, VIBE, FUN, LINK, LEND, GVT, PRL at their earliest stage; I am planning to start sharing my picks here as I know that most people are not investing fulltime and do not have the time to research all these companies/coins -------- please also follow me on twitter @NootFan where I will post more often and faster. + +My Picks and why: + +* CCO 4M: Already mooned from 1 to 4M since the last time I wrote about it. E-commerce technology that allows you to purchase online with cryptocurrency without paying any fees using their token. - Only started since November; a real underdog long-term hold but with the possibility for 100+ gains. Now only on Etherdelta and Mercatox but is expanding fast to other exchanges. + +* SEND 16M: Sharing Send coins through social media platforms it is a serious competitor for ReddCoin (RDD) which already has a market cap of 700M, so if it only goes half as big you are already 20X - They already integrated with Facebook and are very progressive in the roadmap and communicative on the different social media. - This one is a real steal as it is only on a few exchanges with not that much attention yet. + +* ICOS 26M: Making investing in ICO's easier and with a discount using their coins for other ICO projects. Now currently to invest in ICO's it is not that easy and this makes it easy; it is a kind of exchange for ICO's.... This company has really a dream team with advisors like the CO-Founder of LinkedIN and Techcrunch - This coin can sky rocket to 1 billion, when it gets to bigger exchanges. + +* ATL 18M: Real estate on the blockchain, being able to buy houses, cars in a decentralized way: looks better in most aspects than competitor Propy which has just mooned up and is at a 80M Cap - I see this coin easily 15x in these months + +* LUX 25M: Completely rebranded recently, with 3 products and just releasing a new PoS Web Wallet. Their coins uses10% less power due to their new algorithm which is a major concern, it is private and faster. (serious contester to Verge but without the FUD). - Very low circulating supply, very fast company growth/development, good whitepaper and a clear trackable roadmap. + +* OTX 6M: A real underdog project but very active; a venture builder company that develops several games where the OTX tokens will be used, the company, the company will be announcing new exchanges one of these days, which will shoot up the price really fast. - I believe it will 5/8 X in the couple of months. + +PLEASE PROVIDE FEEDBACK ON OTHER COINS/COMPANIES IN A SIMILAR WAY! +Shorting serves one primary purpose! The DTCC never did anything to prevent artifical manufacturing of property. This is why there are so many PRIVATE corporations servicing wall st. Once we piece together this complex web of "property management" we can easily derive the threat to wall st. that NFTs pose. All that is needed is a network to negotiate contracts! And THAT is why we should rxpect the panacea of lies & deceit from analysts, banks, MSM and on & on. Imagine if you will a deed, no longer held by your county, of a property you own. Immutable in every way, free of the tangled web of controls to ensure its authenticity! You have uprooted the fees associated with purchasing land. No longer do you need banks moreso these mortgage agents, it is all right there embedded within an NFT. + + +Are there risks? No more than what exists today, but at a significant fraction of cost than current. I'd argue the risks are significantly limited by the network in which contracts are handled. Even then contigencies can and will evolve naturally. An NFT is much, much more than "art"! + + +Don't be fooled by the onslaught coming from MSM & the likes. They WILL shit the bed if they are about to lose control & NFTs can & will destroy, perhaps not fully, but significantly impact banking, wall st., real estate, ownership at large. The WEF is no fool either... these are sophisticated fucks! The see the threat NFTs posit. It means there is no longer control by a select, distinguished few & it is revolutionary!!!! It means that not only are you a sole proprietor (which they really fear) but you also control the value established in your ownership. That is by definition, a free market! Free from control & manipulation! + + +If the argument is that it can become manipulated, look at the fucking system we have today!!!!! Liens can still be issued EVEN if you have FULL and COMPLETE ownership! The select few are petrified that we can think for ourselves and negiotiate for ourselves without the need for "big brother". They are rich because they believe we are naive! + + +NFTs will up-end central planning! If the movement of gamestop is a renaissance of individuality using the vehicles of NFTs utilizing the backbone of technology - then I will continue to buy because this type of transformation is unprecendented!!!! + + +I WILL buy using what petty resources I possess in a revolution of individuality! Yes, power to the players has never been more true & for that I will buy & DRS because this is the only means available to eliminate the bastardization of property! + + +I fucking LOVE this company & I will buy hold hodl yarrrr reverse uno what i have to keep and share what is rightfully mine, which I have worked hard to earn. NFTs are not FUD and professor shillingsworth bettet come up with something really fucking clever than scare tactics. + + +DRS +A few days ago, I created this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n800fy/gamestop_should_become_toy_r_us_20_by_also/) suggesting GME become Toys R Us 2.0. I also sent these [tweets](https://imgur.com/a/gomOhrq) to GME and RC during that time as well. I just checked out the GME website and a whole lot of new inventory was added. Many of which were from items people commented about on the post: + +* [Magic trading cards](https://imgur.com/a/Dq1i4tE) +* [Board Games](https://imgur.com/a/zuk5a7m) +* [PC Hardware](https://imgur.com/a/F4YmDCU) +* [Drones / RC Tech](https://imgur.com/a/rqLU0B0) +* [Streaming Supplies](https://imgur.com/a/UEgdfKu) +* [Gunpla](https://imgur.com/a/Z8Hjtym) +* [Digital cameras](https://imgur.com/a/hRLKdj7) + +And my personal favorites: + +* [Die Cast Puzzles](https://imgur.com/a/yWkPVyE) +* [Jigsaw Puzzles](https://imgur.com/a/739AVIX) (just need a 10,000+ piece jigsaw puzzle :p ) + +That's a huge conformational bias for me showing that while GME may not be replying back over text, they are still listening and responding with action. GME is definitely expanding outside of just videogames and definitely lurking on r/superstonk. Business is booming. + +Jack^(Tits) + +Edit 1: The "new" icon is seen on the GME app. If you go on it, you can see the large amount of inventory they recently just added. I tweeted GME asking for the "new" icon to be displayed on the GME website as well as the ability to sort by it. + +Edit 2: Format and grammar + +Edit 3: I made this [tweet](https://twitter.com/pwnwtfbbq/status/1392681120861356032) to GME and RC in hopes for more suggestion box items to be listed. + +Edit 4: "New" on the app may refer to "not used before" versus something that is fresh in inventory. Regardless, there definitely is an increase in inventory related to items that were requested. (I keep a watch for puzzles like a hawk). +Hey guys - just about to dip my toes into real estate investing. I've been reading a fair amount, trying to pick up as much as I can but that can only get you so far without real world experience, and I'm a little overwhelmed by the number of options out there and different paths I could take - worried that picking one path could set me up for success, while going another route could hamstring me. + +In short, I live in Austin and are in the process of doing a cash out refi for somewhere between $100k - $140k, depending on how much we want to increase our mortgage and if taking out as much as possible makes sense. I have a pretty demanding job and a young child, so free time is difficult to come by and I'm a little hesitant to look to invest too far away from home where travel and a lot of engagement with unfamiliar locales would be involved. However, I'm also an architect and so have a fair amount of familiarity with construction (or at least supervising it), materials, and sound design choices.Options as I see them or that we currently have: + +1. find somewhere not too far away (hopefully) that has some cheaper properties and either + 1. A) pull out as much as possible and play out a BRRR scenario, or + 2. B) pull out whatever I'm comfortable with and put down smaller down payments on several lower cost properties that have some cash flow +2. purchase a rental property closer to town that may cash flow a little bit (or may not) and rely on the appreciation of this market +3. purchase a 2nd home at a nearby lake property (within a couple of hours drive maybe), furnish it, and get it going as a short term rental +4. get a construction loan and put a new build short term rental on an empty lot my family has in Ruidoso, NM (I still need to do some research on the short term rental market there - and yes, this would require some time) +5. Partner with some friends and try to find an empty lot here in town and build a smaller multifamily development (again, I am a licensed architect with a fair amount of commercial multifamily experience - would also require a good chunk of time) +6. go the commercial property route and buy or build some spec warehouses (I have a friend who's had great success doing this in the DFW area) +7. none of the above/other? + +Anyway - I'm sure everybody's got a different opinion on right course of action here - or at least what you would do in my shoes, and I'd love to hear them all - thanks! + + +EDIT: Hey all - just wanted to pop in and say thanks for all the replies - I appreciate it! +After the last few weeks of blood red dildos, I figured I’d do something a little contrary to ASX\_Bets to setup a series of discussions on something a little “safer” and less speculative – **Australian** **Infrastructure**. Within the ASX, there are a few main players in this space and most are in positions where money is there to be made. SO before I give you guys a DD on some of the players in the space, it’s probably worth chatting about the context and understand why you should bother even considering a company in Infrastructure/construction rather than the ASX\_Bets standard rocket-making speccys. + +So when it comes to infrastructure, there are 2 main phases of “life” – the design & construct and then the operations & maintenance (or O&M). + +Currently, we’re in the midst of a massive infrastructure super cycle. Part of it has arisen due to population growth around Australia as well as the need for people to get to city-centres for work (primarily the pre-COVID reasons), whilst the other is to restart/stimulate the economy post-COVID by spending a fuck-ton of money on infrastructure (also gives politicians photo-op to win votes come next election). There is about $14B worth of BRAND NEW major transport infrastructure projects being worked on across Australia with a 50% increase in projects over the next 1-2 years (numbers from the Macromonitor – Jan 2021). In the other construction sectors, there is estimations of around another $32B into new energy infrastructure and another $10B into new telecommunications infrastructure as 5G roll-outs continue. That virtually means that there will be more than $60B pumped into the designing and building a whole crap tonne of things. You can actually check out what some of these major projects are on [https://www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/infrastructure-priority-list](https://www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/infrastructure-priority-list), with the specific dollar value associated with each (and the business case for getting the project off the ground). + +Now that these numbers have peaked your interest, it’s also an opportune time to talk about all the O&M business as well, where maintenance and operations of these shiny new things (as well as the older stuff that’s been around for a while) start kicking in. Generally, rule of thumb has CAPEX (the design and build) for new infrastructure being about 20-30% of the total lifetime cost, with the remaining attributed to operations and maintenance. So to put that in perspective, if we’re talking a $10B new railway project, you can probably estimate about $750million/year for OPEX (assuming CAPEX is 25% and the railway lasts for 100 years – which is what they’re usually designed for). So if you expand that across multiple major projects, companies could be bringing in a whole crap load too. + +Now if you factor the new with the old, I’d say the state of Australian Infrastructure is looking pretty fuckin’ juicy right? + +Well I’ll be discussing several companies (like CIMIC, DOWNER, CARDNO, BORAL, CSR etc.) and giving some DD about them, along with where I see them heading to with all of these works in the pipeline. NOTE: I hold none of the stocks that I’ll discuss so this is pretty much my own thoughts put onto paper so don't assume its financial advice or me trying to shill a deadbeat stock, but hey I may plan on holding some of these as the stock market enters a more bearish market. + +Happy to hear any feedback, comments or even if it’s just telling me to piss off to some other sub. +Where did you stash your downpay? I have about 100k-200k sitting here doing nothing right now and I feel awful. Do you put in the stock market or just in savings or money market account? If I buy a property, timeline is probably Q3 of next year so what should I do with the money in the meanwhile? + +I am still debating on what to do with the money. investing in the market (high return but scary if I just put in lump sum) vs getting an investment property sometimes Q3 of next year (low rates & leverage but a hassle to rent out). + TL:DR + +This is my DD on MGX, I am a value investor and I pick stocks that match my definition of undervalued and low risk with bag potential. Please DYOR before buying any stonk you see on ASX\_BETS!!!! + +## Who are they and what do they do? + +*Mount Gibson Iron Limited (ASX:MGX), together with its subsidiaries, engages in the mining and processing of hematite iron ore in WA, Australia.* + +SP: 41c +MC: $504m +Category: Iron commodities, Value Investing, LOW RISK + +## The Good Shit + +\- Current share price is **cheaper** than the value of tangible assets per share + +\- Current share price is 72% backed by **CASH**. + +\- Company has been **profitable** for >5 years + +\- **Minimal debt**, fully serviceable with their cash reserves + +\- Regular dividend payout well covered by earnings + +## Why has the share price dropped so much? + +1. Fall in iron ore prices + The price of iron ore commodities has fallen from a high of $219.77 USD/T in July 2021 to a low of $116.47 USD/T in the last week. This is largely due to a trade retaliation from China, who has forced its steel industry to reduce output, most likely in response to Australia’s nuclear submarine deal with the US, among other political jabs and prods at China. + +This has brought down the share prices of the entire iron ore sector in what could be described as a panic sell. However, what most people have missed is that MGX’s main mining project was developed while expecting profit with Iron Ore prices falling to $80 USD/T, meaning the company still has a healthy profit margin. + +2. Possible short selling activity + +The MGX price began to drop around August, a bit before the iron ore sector dropped. At that point there was no real explanation as to why, so I speculate it was short selling pressure. + +## Why is it a good time to buy? + +The Net Tangible Assets (NTA) per share is ABOVE the current share price, meaning the share is **undervalued**. Furthermore, the company has managed their debt well, meaning they are very unlikely to go insolvent. + +Current Market cap: 504m +Gross Profit in last FY: 121.19m +Current Share Price: 42.5c +Shares on issue: 1,187,980,278 +NTA (includes cash below): $719.7m +Cash + Short Term Investments: $364.7m +Amount each share is backed by Net Tangible Assets = 60.5c + +According to FY2021 Appendix 4E and Statutory Financials ([https://www.mtgibsoniron.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/MGX-2020-21-Financial-Report-Final-Signed-and-Audited-plus-Appendix.pdf](https://www.mtgibsoniron.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/MGX-2020-21-Financial-Report-Final-Signed-and-Audited-plus-Appendix.pdf)) + +## Current Mining Projects + +### Koolan Island + +The Koolan Island mine is in the Buccaneer Archipelago, WA. This project is currently in its early phase, stripping processing bulk waste and reinforcing the mine structure to *facilitate increased ore production, sales and cashflow from the second half of financial year 2021/22* onwards. + +The stripping phase of mines always tend to have high costs and inconsistent production as the quality of iron ore is variable. The project is still generating earnings before interest and tax of $104,115,000 and is expected to be even more profitable following its completion in \~Dec 21, where it will be able to drill into significant quantities of high-grade iron ore. The good stuff is coming! + +### Other Projects: Shine/Extension Hill (Midwest) + +The earnings before interest and tax were $19,542,000 for this financial year. Don’t expect much news from these 2 projects. Extension hill is in late rehabilitation stage and Shine is operating with a steady profit, projected mine lifespan of 2 years with the possibility of an additional 2 years. + +## What could affect the price? + +While I expect a slow climb back up to \~$1.00 per share over the next 3-6 months, there are some factors to consider which may make the share price volatile in the short term. + +Iron Ore prices: Although the iron ore prices have been accounted for within the company, it is likely that a further drop in iron ore prices will trigger sell-offs in the iron sector. We may also see a rise in Iron Ore prices if major producers like BHP/Rio Tinto reduce supply. + +AUD vs USD: Just remember as an Australian company selling commodities valued in USD, we want a weaker Aussie dollar vs US dollar. + +Political relationship with China: While its quite doubtful that the current LNP will seek to repair relationships with China, it is quite possible that if the ALP were to win the next election cycle, we could see favourable trade agreements set up. + +Buy back: This is the super tendies rocket ship that I’m secretly hoping for. A company with such high cash reserves and low share price may issue a Buy Back, which will trigger a huge increase in price as more investors do fundamental analysis into this company and realise it is undervalued. + +. + +. + +Thanks for listening and remember to fuck off if you think any of this is financial advice 🚀🚀🚀 +I purchased a 2bed 2bath on this May. I’m single, and I travel a lot for my job. I wonder if it’s legal to rent out one of my rooms to someone? I remember reading some mortgage documents stating that I shouldn’t use my property as rental for 2 years. The rate that they offered was for primary residence. My questions are: +1. Does IRS care if I’m renting out part my primary residence? +2. How should I classify my property as? Still primary residence? +3. Is that risky to do that? What if the lender find out I’m renting out a room? + +Thanks for your attention! +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9tkgusjsrbi81.png?width=1402&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5f3ff32dd21085d683027ef6d5de47954c2a1a3 + +https://preview.redd.it/1y5ctnatrbi81.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e36977215b667ba8a39a2dc02338a979fe5c774 + +I would like to highlight the above, and also correct some information i mentioned in the past. + +P.s, all thanks to /u/JSwyft \- i have taken a lot of information from his previous write ups (an updated table comparison would be awesome). + +&#x200B; + +**Lets go!** + +**Current Market Cap:** \~$95M + +**Current Inferred Resource Size:** 11.2Mt @ 1.21% Li2O + +The company has a big block of land, yet to be fully explored which is prospective for lithium. In particular, the Gneiss zones (as can be seen in above photo). The Gneiss zones need to be drilled to have the possibility of substantially increasing the deposit size. They look really encouraging, but the company has yet to begin drilling. (they are currently determining target locations for where to drill) - so this will be happening soon i hope. + +At the present time (until march) - the company is doing infill drilling work (to move from inferred resource to indicated resource) + +This is the opposite strategy of lets say, GL1. GL1 strategy is to keep increasing the inferred resource as quickly as possible, and to worry about the development side later. + +Just today GL1 announced the inferred JORC mineral resource estimate for Manna (this is their second lithium project that still didn't have an estimated resource size) to be 9.9Mt. Giving them a total of 18.4Mt across its two projects in WA (this resource size will continue to increase as they continue their aggressive drilling programs). The SP of GL1 didnt increase substantially as i believe Manna prospect being 'good' was already priced in to the Market Cap [after they acquired Manna from Breaker Resources a few months back.](https://www.breakerresources.com.au/project/manna-lithium-project/) + +ESS strategy is a methodical approach to become 'development ready'. + +To quote the director: **"The lithium market is hot due to fundamentals, not just sentiment - and we want to progress to be development ready at the right time aswell as grow our resources through exploration."** + +The current deposit at the Cade location, according to my understanding could give them about 6-8 years of production on a modest scale. + +The next steps for the company are to get a mining lease and complete environmental studies. + +The company also wants to complete a Scoping Study (SS) after the infrill drilling work results (due march) and results of other drilling programs. This means they really want to move as quickly as possible to be development ready - the SS will attract financing and institutional investors if the project is determined to be attractive (assuming it should). + +The good news is we're not far off from March where the infill drilling work will be completed - and then the company can move on to focus on further exploration to increase the resource size (currently pending drill target locations being determined). + +I recommend watching this presentation from the director: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZyrXD5NZe0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZyrXD5NZe0) + +While the director is not a geologist, he seems to be steering the company in the right direction + +&#x200B; + +Disclosure: i hold both GL1 and ESS + +&#x200B; + +**Edited to add:** + +Other than the main Pioneer Dome Lithium project, ESS has various fully owned and JV interests in various other projects: + +\- 34 million shares in CRR (after completing the sale of the Mavis Lake Lithium project to ASX:CRR) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ecfmekhz3ci81.jpg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a1960481dc539ccf07661fab800f92fb4c9d64 +I have been fix and flipping for quiet some time , tried to do rentals but had bad tenants and didn't try again. I want to start buying and holding now , flips is a burnout. Any Suggestions for what to do when screening tenants ? +All right Retards....... + Forget Z1P, forget BRN, Forget Lithium, fishguts..... + +I’ve been in and around this Sub since very early on. I’ve jumped on them all, some of us have made some some great tendies, and some of us are still bag holding our steaming bag of guts.... Alas, +I have had the feeling for the last little while that we have been recycling the same old MEME stocks for a while now, hell, i remember when there was a new one to jump on every week it seemed... + +Alrigh, alright, I’ll get to the point, + +What is the next meme stock on the asx. + +What is the next stock we will cheering to the moon, then waiting as it come back for a refuel. + +I need something to bring me some excitement again goddammit. I mean, koalas are nice, but i came here for 🚀 and 🍗. +How many of you guys have multiple brokers and manage different trading styles? + +I'm thinking of opening 2 extra brokers so I can I have one broker for long-term investments, one broker from short investments and swing trades, and of course one broker for day-trading. + +Is this smart to do? How would one evenly allocate their capital within each ? +Just blew my account again leverage trading, just about to break my laptop please how do you guys become profitable leverage traders ? +Ive been getting recked by the market +I still dont wanna give up i really wanna make this a career for myself but its so hard +**See:** [**https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/sites/default/files/flipbook/Issue186/14/#zoom=z**](https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/sites/default/files/flipbook/Issue186/14/#zoom=z) + +**And:** [**https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/money-finance/shopping-guide/current-accounts**](https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/money-finance/shopping-guide/current-accounts) + +&#x200B; + +**Ethiscore:** the higher the score, the better the company. Scored out of 14. Plus 1 extra point for Company Ethos and up to 5 extra points for Product Sustainability. + +&#x200B; + +* **Good:** 12+ +* **Average:** 11.5-5 +* **Bad:** 4.5-0 + +&#x200B; + +1. [Triodos](https://www.triodos.co.uk/) (16/20) +2. [Cumberland Building Society](https://www.cumberland.co.uk/) (13/20) +3. [Monzo](https://monzo.com/) (12/20), [Starling](https://www.starlingbank.com/) (12/20), [Nationwide](https://www.nationwide.co.uk/) (12/20) +4. [Metro Bank](https://www.metrobankonline.co.uk/) (11.5/20), [Al Rayan Bank](https://www.alrayanbank.co.uk/) (11.5/20), [Revolut](https://www.revolut.com/) (11.5/20) +5. ICICI (7.5/20) +6. Clydesdale Bank (7/20), Coop Bank/Smile (7/20), Virgin Money (7/20), Yorkshire Bank (7/20) +7. Handelsbanken (6/20) +8. Danske (5.5/20) +9. Bank of Scotland (4.5/20), Cater Allen (4.5/20), Halifax (4.5/20), Lloyds Bank (4.5/20), Santander (4.5/20), TSB (4.5) +10. Citibank (4/20) +11. Citibank (4/20), Coutts (4/20), NatWest (4/20), RBS (4/20) +12. Ulster Bank (4/20) +13. HSBC (3/20), First Direct (3/20) +14. M&S Money (2/20) +15. Tesco (1.5/20), Barclays (1.5/20) + +&#x200B; + +**Areas assessed:** Environmental Reporting, Climate Change, Pollution & Toxins, Habitats & Resources, Palm Oil, Animal Testing, Factory Farming, Animal Rights, Workers Rights, Supply Chain Management, Irresponsible Marketing, Arms & Military Supply, Controversial Technologies, Boycott Call, Political Activity, Anti-Social Finance, Company Ethos, Product Sustainability + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Self employed. Making like 3k a month but could be higher if I work out whats wrong with me. Addictive behaviour, up and down, spending loads, buying expensive stuff i dont need like 2k coats despite hating materialism yadda yadda + + +Anyway including student loans im 100k in debt. 5k payday loans, 6k amex, 3k paypal credit, 5k i owe to parents, 20k to government (not paid tax returns in 2 years... yikes), 2k loan exercise equipment + more I cant think of off the top of my head + + +Any advice? Any services I can utilise? just put down 200 quid into paypal credit so im hoping to get that closed, and I intend to give my parents 500 tomorrow because im ashamed that I owe them 5k.... My monthly interest in these loans is like 500 quid. I wish I had a really rich friend that could sort me out but I dont trust myself to sort myself out to be able to repay so im stuck in debt hell for a while. + + +pretty sure I got some loans that have stupid high APR's where a 2k loan is looking at paying back like 5k over 2 years..... so dumb + +Oh well. Tomorrows another day. Hoping ill be debt free by 2021. Big ask but I can do it if I sort my life out....... lets go.... +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +##Why Interview Tips? + +Recently, r/Superstonk had some phenomenal AMAs with Industry experts hosted by our very own u/atobitt, u/jsmar18 and u/luridess that really elevated the level of content we're consuming. I think the moderated video interview format is a huge step up from the original AMAs where guests were just bombarded with questions and answered pretty randomly. I also think the decision to have the different mods moderate interviews for different interviewees with different expertise was a good call. It already is a lot better but I think with some advice on how to conduct interviews from professionally trained apes, it could become even better. + +There are many different types of interviews. I think the ones most people are familiar with are entertainment interviews with celebrities, as well as job interviews in a hiring situation. Those types of interviews are very different in how they are approached and I am trained in an even more different type of interview: research interviews. Obviously, the r/Superstonk AMAs aren't really scientific endeavors and the interviewees aren't participants in a study. But I think one thing that is important to apes is objectivity and actually not just confirming biases which is at the heart of research. So, I think I could give some insights on how I would do things to avoid bias and the mods can feel free to pick what works for them and what doesn't. Who knows? Maybe a journalist ape or a radio host ape might be inspired to write interview tips from their perspective and the mods can create a Frankenstein interview format that fits their needs. + + + +##Prep + +I noticed during Hagberg's interview, the first half hour was him talking about history. During today's interview I saw someone complain about that in the chat but I think this may have been a conscious choice. The interviewee comes to the interview with their own reasoning for why they will give an interview. So, I assume that was a decision the mods made in respect for their interviewee. + +I'm a UX Researcher and before I throw myself into interviews, I have a kick off meeting with my stakeholders to find out the background of why they want a study and what their goals are. One of the most important issues for me is to find out the overarching research question. Stakeholders often come in with very in-the-weeds questions about random things they want to find out and as a researcher it's my job to look at all their questions and find a pattern, then figure what is the BIG question behind all these questions. I also will not be directly using the questions stakeholders give me. I will write a discussion guide in which I wordsmith the questions to be scientific and get rid of redundancies and questions that aren't helpful in getting us to the overarching research question. + +Obviously, you're not a researcher who wants to improve a product but I think collecting the AMA questions from Redditors is kind of like collecting questions from Stakeholders. There's a mess of random questions, some are redundant, some have similar topics. It'll be helpful if you write those questions on cards or post-its or tabs in an Excelsheet and group them together based on topic. When you've grouped them all, come up with a name for each stack or column and give it an overarching theme question. Then look at all the overarching theme questions and try to group those together. Keep doing that until you arrive at 1-3 big overarching questions. + +What's probably very different between the AMA and a research interview is that you have another stakeholder: your interviewee. As a researcher, I would never show the questions to the participant beforehand but in your scenario you may want to show the questions to your other stakeholder. Your interviewee probably comes in with their own agenda and showing them the questions beforehand gives them the opportunity to tell you what they want to answer and what not (the way they were able to during the text AMAs). It also helps them prepare for questions if they need to. They can also suggest some questions that they would like you to ask you, so it doesn't just seem like they are talking for half an hour and it'll be more conversational. + +I assume you probably have some kind of script or a set of questions before you go into the interview. It may help you to think about what the overarching question or theme is and how you want to structure the interview to get the answer. + + +##Unbiased Questions + +Asking questions that are unbiased is a delicate art form and researchers spend 4-8 years in college learning about thousands of biases and how to avoid them. Of course, unless you have a psychology degree, that's a lot to ask and you can't fully avoid asking biased questions. And maybe you don't want to. Journalists and talk show hosts usually ask leading questions not because they don't know any better but because they want to influence the interviewee's response. Just think of the congressional hearings when someone tried to influence Keith Gill to respond he wouldn't buy GME at $45 or in the last hearing various people tried to get Gary Gensler to say something they wanted to hear. That's a strategy not an accident. However, if you do try to be more objective, here are some tips from a researcher. + +###Don't ask yes or no questions if you anticipate a specific response. + +During the Hagberg interview, u/atobitt asked "Shorts have to cover, right?" This caused a bit of an uproar because the interviewee's response wasn't what was expected. If you're going to ask a question, you have to be aware that your interviewee may respond in a way that you didn't expect or intend. In this case it caused a bit of confusion. Something similar happened when Alexis Goldstein was asked if she believed in the MOASS. In that situation, it would make sense to probe: Do you think the situation is different for GME or is it the same? Why do you think the MOASS is unlikely to happen? What are some things that you believe will prevent MOASS from happening? But it is best to think about it as you are writing your script and think hard about "what is the universe of answers?" Don't ever think participants will just give you the obvious response. Expect any and all possible perspectives. + +AND write probing questions accordingly. I often write down "if yes, what do you do with it? If no, what other x y z do you do?" Then I probe depending on the participant's response + +###Don't give unnecessary context. + +A lot of the AMA questions asked by Redditors have a paragraph of context before the actual question. This may help clarify what is asked but it may also be leading. As an example, my questionnaire design professor once showed us polls asking about whether respondents believed Obama's birth certificate was fake from a conservative news outlet (FOX News) and a liberal news outlet (I think it was NY Times but not sure). The difference in responses was astounding and surprisingly the FOX News poll had far fewer people thinking Obama's Birth Certificate was fake. Then he showed us the questions: the FOX News poll asked "Do you think Obama faked his birth certificate or not?" the liberal poll asked "Some people believe that Obama faked his birth certificate. Do you think he faked his birth certificate or not?" To anyone with a psychology degree the bias here is glaring: human beings have a strong desire for social conformity and you just made a claim about what others are thinking. To us that looked really really stupid. So, my professor actually called the author of that poll and asked "what the hell were you thinking???" He told us that the author from the liberal newspaper explained that they were embarrassed to even ask that question because it just seemed so ridiculous. So, they wanted to give some context about why they were asking such a ridiculous question and thereby biased the participants. + +As a researcher, I often ask questions that seem really obvious because I have to validate our assumptions or questions that seem redundant because I have to know if anything is different if we make slight changes. At the beginning of each interview when I give the whole Spiel about who I am and what we're doing, I always tell participants that I will ask them questions that seem obvious and redundant and why I'm doing this, so they don't get annoyed with my dumb scientific questions. + +If you think the context is needed to understand the question, then give the context but be aware that this may cause bias and make the interviewee say things they don't actually think. + +###If you ask the interviewee to choose a response give them both (or all) options. + +One really egregious thing I see a lot in surveys designed by people that weren't trained is that they don't consider the universe of answers. If you ask someone, "do you like x?" people are most likely to respond with yes. There are actually several biases going on in this example: 1. people are more likely to respond yes to any question than no, 2. By only giving "like" as an option but not "dislike," you just primed people for liking (which will also have an effect on all subsequent questions), 3. people want to please the researcher, so by giving them only one option you let them know what you want to hear. + +Instead of asking "do you like x?" a researcher would ask "how much do you like or dislike x?" "Do you want to do x or not want to do x?" Always consider the universe of answers. Maybe they neither like nor dislike. This was also a problem with the question "Shorts have to cover, right?" Because you're communicating to the interviewee that you expect to hear that shorts have to cover. He then went into an explanation. It may have caused discomfort to disagree, so he felt the need to justify why he disagreed. + +###Think about the order you ask questions in because each question influences the interpretation of subsequent questions. + +If I ask people "Do you agree or disagree that everyone should be treated equally?" And then follow that question with "Do you prefer to donate to local or international charities?" I would get very different responses than if I switch the order of those questions. Why? Because in the first question, I ask people to affirm their personal values (and most people would agree to that question). The second question is colored by the value that was just affirmed. If you think everyone is equal, then it would create cognitive dissonance to answer you prefer to donate to local charities because it's incongruent with the value that everyone is equal. If I switch the questions, the donation question will not be colored by a value that was just called into mind. + +This is also why it's important to have a discussion guide in which you determine the order of questions and structure of the interview. Everything you discuss will color what comes after. Sometimes you'll want a question to be informed by another. Other times you don't want a question to be biased by another. Keep that in mind. + + +###Make them show not tell. + +When I'm collecting questions from Stakeholders about a prototype or feature, designers always ask "is anything confusing?" I never ask that question in an interview. First of all participants will almost always say no because a) they don't want to look stupid b) they don't want to tell me it's a bad design and c) oftentimes participants don't even realize they're confused. Second of all, if I use the word confusing, they will only answer in regards to whether it's confusing and they may have told me something I didn't think of asking if I hadn't used that word. So instead I ask "What is this? How does this work? Can you explain to me in your own words what this means? What would you do next? What do you expect to happen when you click on it? What just happened? Is that what you expected?" This way I can see exactly where the participant is confused but also if they're not confused but just put off by violated expectations or intrusive visual design etc. + +During the Alexis Goldstein AMA, someone asked her "Do you think the MOASS is gonna happen?" And she said no and all hell broke lose. Back then we had text AMAs, so there wasn't really a great way to probe why she thought so. In that regard both question and answer were kind of useless because her response just caused an uproar but there was no justification of that response. If this had been an interview, maybe you could have asked how likely she thinks it would be for the MOASS to occur instead of just whether she thinks so. If she said it was unlikely, ask why she thinks it's unlikely. If she brings up something that apes have debunked, bring up the information that contradicts it as a hypothetical "if there were actually x y z, what would you think would be the likelihood then?" If she brings up something that apes were unaware of or haven't debunked, probe. + +Or another example, if you want to ask Dr. T what the DTCC might do to stop the MOASS, instead of asking "what's the DTCC gonna do about the MOASS?" Ask "If you were the DTCC and for some reason you don't like the MOASS, what would you do in that situation? Why that? But what if apes don't sell? What else can they do?" + + +###Just don't ask leading questions in general. + +That's a difficult ask if you haven't studied psychology but as you are writing a question try to think of every possible interpretation of that question and every possible way in which an interviewee may be coaxed by that question to answer a certain way then rewrite the question accordingly. + + + +##Presentation + +###Your own video + +When I did my first remote interviews, I just grabbed a conference room and started interviewing participants with their face on a large projector. I later showed the videos to my research team to get feedback on how I interview. One of my senior researchers pointed out that I was sitting in a large room far away from the camera while the participants were framed from the chest and shoulders up. She told me that creates distance between me and the participant, as well as creates a hierarchy. As a researcher, I already have authority in the lab situation and by sitting far away from the camera, the hierarchy is made even more prominent. She suggested that I sit at a close distance to the camera so that the participant sees me from the chest and shoulders up to create more intimacy. Ultimately, you want to create an athmosphere of intimacy and trust between you and the interviewee so they can feel comfortable to say whatever is on their mind. + +None of the mods did something as bad as I did when I first interviewed. I only noticed that u/atobitt usually sits a bit further from the camera than the interviewee which can create a hierarchy. This can be amplified because as a moderator you are the one in control. I can also understand that u/luridess may not be comfortable showing her face in the AMA. Idk if it's possible with the software you use, but maybe if the picture of Elle Woods is a full screen picture from the chest up looking directly at the viewer it would create more intimacy. I think u/jsmar18 was a bit higher than the camera which caused him to look down. + +###Reactions + +I noticed the mods show their appreciation of the interviewee by responding to what they say very emotionally. They say things like "Wow!" Or "that's crazy!" Or "That must have felt X Y And Z." u/luridess was really in awe of Lucy Komisar today. I also see that a lot in entertainment interviews and I think that adds to the conversational mood and is a way of saying "I hear you!" It's particular to that kind of interview. You would see that kind of reaction less in a job interview. + +As a researcher, strong emotional reactions to what a participant says are a big no no. I have to monitor my reactions because my reactions can bias what the participant says. For example if a participant mentions something and I react very excited, it communicates to them that they just said something that I like to hear. It's human nature to want to please others, so if I react too excited or too surprised, the participant may say more things that are similar to elicit the same reactions. I will smile and nod but not in a way that communicates I like a particular thing they said. In general I try to look interested and curious, leaning my body forward. I go into therapist mode. I'm interested in and validate everything they say to make them feel heard but do not react with shock or excitement and I never agree or disagree with any of their opinions. + +In general, interviewees have a tendency to want to please you and say things that you want to hear. This can bias what they have to say. When I do my introduction before an interview I generally say "I didn't create any of the prototypes you will see today, so your feedback cannot flatter or offend me. Please feel free to give me your open and honest opinions." I say this to give the participant a free pass to shit talk and be honest. Shit talking participants are the best participants you can have to figure out what needs to be improved about a product. + +You may not have a product you want to improve and you may actually intend to keep the conversation rosy, so apes don't freak out. But if you want honesty, make it clear you want honesty and you won't be flattered or offended. + +###When to interrupt + +In general, I wouldn't interrupt someone I'm interviewing unless I want to stop them because they're going on a long rant about something irrelevant to the research or I have to watch my time. I'm there to facilitate for them to speak and give us the information we need. I'm not there to give my own opinion or explain things to the participant. If I do want to explain something to the participant (for example a feature they really want already exists) I do it after the interview. Explaining things during the interview is not relevant to my observers and may bias the participant, so I do it after. If I do give a personal opinion, it's usually very quick like "Oh me too! How funny!" It helps create intimacy but doesn't really interrupt the participant. + +I noticed during the AMAs the moderators sometimes hear the interviewee say something they relate to as apes and then tell them about something that apes are doing for a few minutes. That's a valid approach and something I see a lot in entertainment interviews as well. It creates intimacy and makes it more conversational. However, I also saw viewers in the chat complain they just want to hear the interviewee. I think in that situation it might be worth to consider the emotional impact on the interviewee and if it's relevant for the audience. I think when u/atobitt told Queen Kong that she now has her pitchfork mob that was a very sweet moment that maybe didn't add information but had an emotional component that was really memorable. + +I also noticed a lot when the interviewee says something that confirms our bias, the mods ask them if they just heard right or repeat in their own words what the interviewee just said and ask if it's correct, usually accompanied by "Wow!" + +I often paraphrase what a participant says to ask if I understood correctly, especially if they said something complicated or something that could be interpreted in several ways. However, I wouldn't do it just because I want to hear what they said again. This goes back to not communicating what pleases me. Also, in a lab setting having someone repeat what they said when I understood perfectly fine seems like a waste of time that could be used for my other 30 questions. Then again, this isn't a scientific interview. It's more for entertainment but just be aware that asking twice when you understood just fine can cause bias. + +###That being said, do what you think is best + +These are interview tips from a researcher and they help reduce bias and make an interview more objective. However, you're not doing research interviews and you are not required to pay so much attention to bias. Especially if you feel like creating more of a two-way conversation, it's ok to let the moderator give their opinions. It's really a choice of format. Just make sure it's intentional and serves the purpose you're trying to achieve. + +Tl;Dr: You're doing great. Keep it coming. Buy & Hold 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +This may be a bit of a ramble.. + +Hi ausfinance + + +I had poor mental health during my 20s and that decade was lost. I also had a father who didnt teach me anything about finance, and his only advice was go to uni, get the piece of paper, get a job and then work. +I am very envious of those who travelled and lived full lives during their 20s. +Im male and in my early 30s, my mental health is a lot better, I finally got my first job and im wondering what I should do moving forward. +Im on 55k a year and a 6 month contract. + +Im currently working overtime, doing about 60 hours per week. And my pay, after tax, comes in at about 1200 a week +Wothout ot it would be about 800 a week + + +I have 0 close friends because i lost them all when i was sick. So i have no social life. I dont do drugs and i dont drink. +Working OT is okay as it is something to do, plus I gain experience, and earn extra money. +I have 40k in hecs debt, a car given to me by my parents, and I have a little over 1000 dollars in the bank. +My rent is 400 a week and I live alone. + + +Im torn between 1. making up for the experiences I missed out on in my 20s and +2 progressing in my career, living frugally, and catching up to my peers + +I have no plans for kids, I am 100 percent childfree. + +Ive never had much money of my own in my life. Never had over 2k in my bank account. +I am not sure what to do, so im just working and saving money. Maybe at the end of my contract ill go on a holiday? But im unsure, because I want to progress at this company and get a promotion (they do internal promotions), I dont want to risk that promotion by going on a holiday at the end of my contract. + +working OT for next 2 yrs would assuage financial fears but it seems like I'd lose more of my youth and end up with more regrets. + + +I dont have anyone else to bounce ideas off so thats the reason for my post. + + + +Should i focus on saving money, and getting a promotion? + + +Or should i enjoy my youth and live like I wished i could have in my twenties? + +I desperately want to live a life that is fun and enjoyable and undo some of the regret I have from missing out. +But I also have a fear of financial instability and putting myself in a terrible financial and/or career position + + +My dad has said he'll still financially support me as long as he can but i dont want to be dependent. I was previously fully dependent but now I live off my own money, except he currently still pays for insurances. + +I feel grateful to have the job i have got, considering my resume had almost nothing on it... + +What should I do? +I'm renting a 2 bed flat in brighton, yesterday, after 6 months of living there, we received an invoice demanding that we pay VAT on top of our agreed rent. I've never had this before, can landlords do this? The flat is rented purely for residential purposes, we conduct no business at the address. + +// + +Well, the chap I am dealing with had a word with our letting agent, and it looks like we're in the clear. I'm just a little spooked that the bloke I'm renting off is either such a mug that he thinks he needs VAT on top of the rent, or he thinks that I'm such a mug that I'd agree to a 20% hike in my rent... all's well that ends well I guess. +I started playing chess competitively over the pandemic. I'm an 1100 rated player after several months of play. Fair to middling, nothing to write home about. + +For those of you who don't play competitively, chess is a brutally unforgiving game. If you accidentally lose a piece worth more than a pawn without taking one of equal value, the game usually tilts decisively in your opponent's favour as long as they know what they're doing and press their advantage carefully. When that happens, you need to stay on your toes and look hard for your opportunity to claw your way back into the game. Sometimes one arrives, sometimes one doesn't. It's also possible to make such a huge mistake that you can all but guarantee defeat from a completely winning position with a single terrible move. + +Usually, when a player commits a game-ending blunder like hanging a queen, they just resign and move on to the next game. Sometimes people will play it out, and that's a completely respectable choice, in my opinion: why not try to find a crack in the armour and swindle a draw or a win? But there's a certain type of player who follows a script after making a game-ending blunder, and I see it at least once every 15-20 games or so. If you look closely, you'll see something resembling the stages of grief. + +First, the game seems to freeze for a second, especially if moves were being played quickly before the blunder. They take a beat to process what just happened, and realize that they're living on borrowed time. + +Next, they ask for a draw. I don't know why they bother with this, because I seriously doubt it ever works. Nobody would accept a draw from a clearly winning position that they earned. + +When the draw is declined, some players will then berate me if they speak English. Some players will say nothing. + +But finally, instead of doing the decent thing and resigning or playing the game out, they decide to let their clock run and lose on time instead out of spite. "You win the game? Fine. I'm gonna waste several minutes of your life for it, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it." + +I don't know these opponents from a stranger on the street, but if I'm speculating, I'd say they probably share traits from my opponents in the stock market, who are on the other side of my trades instead of my chessboard. I'd say they probably have the same desire to win at all costs, the same sense of entitlement that leads to an expectation that they will beat any opponent they face, and the same sense of vindictiveness that drives their desire to put one over on people who do get the best of them. I think the biggest difference between the two is that the hedge fund managers don't lose very often. It's a bigger shock when you're accustomed to stockpiling multi-billion dollar profits and you realize you hung a backrank mate and blew up your hedge fund. + +Chess and the markets, like our opponents in each, are similar and different. Both chess and the markets are unforgiving, and a single wrong move can mean game over. I think that's where the similarities end, though. Chess is just a game. Losses in chess only affect your life if you let them. The stock market is real life. Losses there can affect your life significantly. In chess, both players have perfect information. In the markets, parties generally have very little information, comparatively speaking. Institutions have better information than retail and certain mechanical advantages, but nobody has the complete picture. + +Because the markets are so informationally imperfect, we aren't sure what moves, if any, they have left to play. We don't know how much time is left on their clock before they lose on time. We don't even know what they're up to in a general sense at any given moment, but we can look at data to try to glean what they've done in the past. + +I'm not entertaining the possibility that they've resigned. If I thought it were possible that shorts covered, I wouldn't be here. + +It is plausible that they're going with option 2, and deciding to play it out by using every last second of time they have before getting margin called to find a crack in our armour and swindle a draw or a win. + +It is also plausible that they're going with option 3, and they are essentially out of moves to play to salvage their position. They offered us a draw from our little jump to 325 or so, they used financial media to hurl insults at us, and now they're letting the clock run out of spite. + +The nice thing is that I'll do the exact same thing for both of these options... + +...buy and hodl. +New to this sub. I have always been more of a btc follower but hold a good bit of ethereum because I believe in it and want a stake in its bright future. What is driving the rally we have seen overnight and seems to still be climbing? I can't find any news that is an obvious reason for it. Thanks guys +To make it perfectly clear...I don't want him distracted from school work, homework and other pursuits. But he is adamant he wants to spend his time earning some money. I am honestly not sure what is acceptable at his age, so have been putting it off. Not to mention it would require a significant amount of my own time to support and supervise. I'm not talking going into business. He suggested car washing for neighbors but at his age, (and in this day and age) there's liability to think about. Any suggestions before I tell him to focus more on his schooling one more time? + +EDIT: appreciate the massive response from the vast majority who understood this as intended. For those who think I'm trying to straddle some thin line between legality and getting a 9 year old rich quick, it's clear that I was talking about keeping him occupied, and earning pocket money, not trying to peddle him out as a 'young entrepreneur' or send him down the mines. Unfortunately there are many psychopath parents out there like that so I can understand your concern! + +Also paying a kid for chores is a parental decision that I respect either way, it depends on the kid, and the parent I'm sure. Personally, in his case I think paying him to perform 'pulling his weight' chores would send the wrong message. + +Many many thanks for some great suggestions. +So, I got into Crypto at the end of Octoberish...I think. I bought btc around 65k. It went up to 69k shortly after and we know the rest. + +I heard the 100k by EOY and believed it. I didnt borrow money or invest anything I couldn't afford to lose, but I bought into it. I listened to too many people on twitter and YouTube yell "TO THE MOOON". I get it. No one wants to hear realistic discussions. They only want to hear hopium. + + +But you have Saylor and Rao Paul, Plan B talking about BTC going to a million or 10 million. Then you have this demonization of selling. Paper hands bad. Diamond hands good. HODL HODL HODL!!! + + +You ever think the reason why is so they can buy and sell between 45k and 38k, make you hold so they can bounce the price up and down and get rich while we sit around and wait for them to let us make a little bread? Maybe they let us have 69k for a shot of hopium?? Idk man. It starts to shoot up and people fomo in so that rich dudes have someone to sell to. + + +They like crypto because of the low market cap and small supply when everyone holds. Low volume equals easy manipulation. They treat us like suckers...or maybe I just feel like one. + +Am I overstating the obvious or completely wrong? +Anyone currently invested in ARKK? What are your current thoughts about the recent drop? For the ones still holding onto the investment do you have fate in Cathie Woods to big the price back up? + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Hi, + +so long story short, I save around 15% of my net income for retirement, which is not really much to be honest. + +I save an additional 15% for lifestyle like vacations (I don't want to miss out on that, have never really traveled, so I want to keep this!), for bigger expenses like if I have to move, want to buy a new bike/tv/pc/car... (that is not my rainy day fund!) + +And a few euros for car insurance/taxes to be payed each year. + +So, the thing that stresses me I think is, that I don't really live. I talked with my gf yesterday and she said, 'damn, you are so stressed about later in life, you don't really live in the moment!' + +Which is true, but typing this out now shows me again, that I save equal the money for retirement as I do for fun stuff in the present/near future. + +Now looking at my bank account tells me, that I have only 150€ left for living expenses (all expenses that will be fix this month are deducted already, this is just food/fun stuff to say) + +Now, it might be a problem that I earn not enough money to increase my present life or my savings. I am very certain I get a good bump of increased pay next year after finishing my degree, but really, I literally feel bad about all this sometimes, while still being proud doing something for investment. + + +How do you guys keep sane, keep walking the fine line of saving for FIRE/retirement and still live a decent, present live? + +Thank you for reading and possible replies! +Hi all, + +I'm 28, Male from the North East and for the best part of a decade I have wasted my life and money on gambling and paying off debts. Its ruined a lot for me and I know that but what i also know is that for years i have longed to be debt free and I finally am. I need this to be a turning point! + +Finally, i have this last week paid off my debt management plan with Stepchange (incredibly helpful) +This Friday, it will be the first time I've been paid in over 8 years that I have money to myself without paying off debts. + +I got myself into this mess probably 8 years ago when I started gambling and eventually lost a lot of money and ended up in a very dark place. I still struggle with the gambling now and it's the reason I have next to no savings to my name at this moment in time but this months pay will be all mine. Sure I've got a few bills to come out but the rest will be all mine. + +I'm terrified. I know the fortunate position I am in and the sense of relief that the debt is gone is great but I have a surreal feeling of dread. I'm scared that I may slope back into wasting money. + +I now need to drastically save over the next few months to catch up to my girlfriends savings for (hooefully) a house later this year as I should have a lot more than the few hundred pounds I currently have. I can quite easily do this in 2 or 3 months I believe but that is dependent on me not touching that money... + +What I need, if it exists is a place to put most of my wages in that has a few barriers to me accessing it to ensure I keep it saved. +I dont mean barriers as in accounts I can only withdraw from once a year or something but just somewhere that I can put that money that is harder to get than a normal account. + +I'm just scared and dont know if I can fully trust myself to just keep the money in an isa and not touch it so if anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. It seems ridiculous to even write that at 28 years old I dont know if I can trust myself but I dont want to mess this up so need to just put things in place to keep things on track + +I have waited to be debt free for years and yet now I am, I feel more scared than ever before + +Thank you in advance if anyone has any advice to help me +Say a billionaire wants to invest in a multimillion dollar start up. Does that billionaire have cash in an account that gets paid to the start up, or does the investor usually have to liquidate his or her assets/ cash equivalents in order to be able to buy a share of the company? +I’m done with home ownership. I want to Vagabond around the world with my wife of 38 years. What’s a good investment strategy/vehicle to preserve capital and generate reliable monthly income? No broker’s or fund managers please, someone doing something similar preferred. +Recently hit big (6 figures+) on some very surprising 0DTE Yolos on TSLA and SPY this past week, and figured what’s better than coming back to the motherland with my winnings. Plan to invest about 20-30% of my winnings in GME. What is the best way to purchase GME? Figured directly through Computershare, but not sure if there is another way to inflict max pain on hedgies (buy on broker, route through IEX, etc?). + +Currently low XX holder and looking to purchase XXXX by the end of the week. Been a bit distant from this sub for a while so haven’t caught up on any new updates/new findings but will continue to hold until we see the results we want. No cell, no sell!! + +Any input is much appreciated! +I started Medical school in 2010. After a year and a half of studying 80 hours per week and getting 4 hours of sleep a night, I had a nervous breakdown. The result was me failing a few classes so I withdrew from the program (I was one failed class away from getting kicked out). I had racked up $75K in student loans during that time, my wife had also accumulated $15K at nursing school. We both started working full time at a clinic, each earning 10/hr. Even on both those jobs we were still going negative with our minimum loan payments. So, when we eventually were broke, we packed up and moved into my parents basement. The expenses all on credit cards. From when I started keeping track we paid 10K in interest (I didn't keep track at the start, so it is more). That all adds up to 100K. I described it at that time as "a suicidal amount of debt" Which is really how I felt. There were many dark days. I am now 30 years old btw. + +Here is the balance http://i.imgur.com/WMHmZc7.jpg + +Here is today's last payment http://imgur.com/2VQxxZ9 + +Here is my records of our payments. http://imgur.com/zHgXLqa I obviously didn't start keeping a log at the start, so I am missing all the minimum payments made before that date, which only covered the interest. This also doesn't show the credit card debt, which was about $2K-3K. There was also interest on the nursing debt, but I just estimated the payments there. so that also should be probably $500 in interest there. + +After trying to get some odd jobs, and applying for more grad school, I realized that if I were going to pay off these loans quickly I would have to start my own company. I was unable to find a job that would pay more than $10-$12/hr. (apparently biology degrees don't mean much, and 60 credits of med school don't mean much either). + +So I started a business while my wife was a nurse. Once the business started doing well, we lived on $2000 per month (rent, food, utilities, etc). If we made anything extra it went to the loans. I worked about 12 hours per day, 6 days a week during this time. Then this month we pooled all our money together and put off buying inventory so that we could just get rid of all the loans this month. So now all our accounts are depleted and so is our debt. + +I think I should start taking Saturdays off now :) + +I accidentally found Dave Ramsey. That was a big motivation for me. Does anyone know of similar style of show but for investing instead of getting out of debt? I think I need to start learning about that now. + +There were a couple big motivations for me that were a big help. I listen to them often. This video is a big one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fsm-QbN9r8 + +Also this audio book has helped me set and reach goals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruh-X8v9xyY + +I am only making this post because at the start, we were making about 12K per year, with 100K in debt and it really just seemed impossible. I thought my entire life was ruined. But through very hard work we are now able to finally start moving forward. I hope that if anyone reads this and is where I was mentally at that time, I want you to know that you can do it too. + +TLDR: left med school and accumulated about 100K in debt. Paid it off by living in our means and making extra payments. +2 weeks ago we all stood by anxiously in anticipation of robinhood opening the flood gates on the massive queue of 1.5 million people waiting to buy Eth or Btc... + +In a gravity defying move, the masses locked behind the floodgates are apparently held back by nothing but air or some other invisible force. What is this magic? How can millions of people be anxiously waiting for buy and for the price to just remain flat. + +Which exchange is Robinhood using to process buys? does anybody know? + +WTF!?!??!?! + +ok so i'm a HODLER from germany, 100% into ETH and going to hodl that stash of mine for at least 12 months, as this is when it should become exempt from capital gains taxation, if i am informed correctly - income tax will of course kick in (right?). +but then what about trading/swapping coins in the meantime (never done that tho)? i've read a few times that each of those could/will be seen as a taxable event, too, of course depending on your local rulings etc - but then how would that even work? how would the taxman know who traded what, where and when? by directly targeting the registered exchanges and their databases and logs, i guess? i can't really see any authorities other than the IRS going that route anytime soon - or would that be an overly naive line of thought? + +as for german (or other) authorities: how would they be aware of anything else than (suspicious) fiat movements on my bank account(s)? and in case of me withdrawing fiat via an exchange onto my bank account: how could i legitimately claim how "old" the coins are, and that they hadn't been traded/swapped or whatever? i'm at a loss here really.. + +can anybody chime in and enlighten a fella here? what am i missing? would be much appreciated. cheers! +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I've been thinking about this question for a while, and since the market's been going up, it's a good time to ask. + +**How do you decide when to take profits?** + +For example, do you just eyeball it, or did you make rules for yourself in advance? Do you set up automatic sell orders for when certain prices are reached? + +I've got rules right now, but they're bad, and I want to revise them. When I first started trading crypto in February of this year (I was trying to take advantage of the crash), I decided that I didn't intend to sell anything this year, but I wanted to make some rules just in case the market went crazy: + + Price goes up 10x: Sell 25% of original stack. Example: I buy $10 worth of a coin. Price goes from $0.10 to $1. Now I have $100. Sell $25. $75 in holdings remains + + Price goes up another 10x (i.e., 100x from the original purchase price): sell 50% of current holdings. Example: Price goes from $1 to $10. I now hold $750. Sell $375. $375 in holdings remains. + + Price goes up another 10x (i.e., 1000x from the original purchase price): Sell 75% of current holdings. Example: Price goes from $10 to $100. I now hold $3,750 of a coin. Sell $2,812.50. $937.50 remains. + + Price does anything else: Hold. + +As you can see, these rules are absurdly optimistic, possibly to the point of uselessness. So, now I'm looking to revise them--hence this survey. Thanks for your replies! + +Note: I have made a similar post on a different sub today, but it's getting downvoted into oblivion, and I wanted to hopefully get some more useful answers. + +The barrage of positive TA and trends being posted prompted me to consider if the underlying conditions are truly the same the next time a bull run appears. In my mind, as good as the TA picture looks, there will be 2 distinct differences next time around. How much of an impact these differences have is to be determined: + +1) People will be taking profits this time around, probably to a fault. A common theme in the 2018 bear run is regret from not taking enough, or any, profits on the way up in 2017. People are being urged to have a concrete plan to take profits the next time, and may actually over compensate by selling more than they should, or actually want to. + +2) A lot of people are over invested or over leveraged, have taken heavy paper losses, and are just looking for a break even point to get out entirely. They will sell their entire position when their average cost hits. + +So, while the next bull run can absolutely surpass the previous ATHs, there is going to be enormous sell pressure on the way up as people panic to take profits this time around, or hit their DCA amount and cash out to break even. Any thoughts on what affect these might have on the next bull run? +Pretty much the title. Everyone is wheeling in this awesome bull market. What happens when it isn't an awesome bull market? What do theta traders do in that environment? + +EDIT: I'm not seeking personal advice, and don't really need condescending answers. I was trying to start an actual discussion, since there are a lot of indicators right now that we're are nearing a dotcom-esque bubble pop. Whether or not you believe that to be the case, everyone can still share how they would react to a situation like that. +I know this can require a loaded answer, but does anyone let their iron condors expire worthless for max profit? + +Or do you buy back your contracts for a couple bucks and take 80%-90% + profit ? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Let's say you have sold a weekly put on Monday and by Friday afternoon it's earned 70% of the potential profit with only 2.5 hours to close. At close, you'll get the remaining 30%. + +(Edit: I made 10 cents per share on the sale. It's trading at 3 cents now.) + +Do you ever buy back a weekly right before the Friday close and immediately sell a put for next Friday in order to take advantage of the extra days till close? Does the profit from those extra days make up for part of the profit you lose on the first sale? +Hello gang, I wanted to know why the IV goes higher as we approach the expiration. + +I sold DKNG-14.5 Put expiring this Friday when it was trading at 14.80 and IV was 100. + +Right now, the stock is at 16.00 and the IV is close to 200. Theta is -0.16 but u rarely see the price adjust accordingly to theta as the IV spike kills the Theta. +What are your monthly goals? Just trying to figure mine out and what is safe/realistic vs. too confident and risky. I understand everyone has different risk tolerances, but just looking to have a discussion. + +Also, what percentage of your portfolio are you using for thetagang strategies? If you're only using a percentage of your portfolio, is your monthly return based off your whole portfolio or just the portion you use for thetagang strategies? + +For instance I have 70k in my portfolio currently. I like to use about 10k plus up to 7k in margin for thetagang strategies, while the rest is in stocks/etfs. My monthly goal right now is anywhere between 2.8-3% a month, so about 40% a year. + +I would love to hear your strategies on how your portfolios are weighted and your monthly goals. + +Thanks everyone and happy trading! +So I recently discovered ***index*** ***futures*** ***options***. Naturally, this got me thinking. + +So we're all on the same page here, the S&P 500 e-mini index futures contract (/ES) is a cash-settled futures contract tracking the S&P 500 index, and trades at a notional value of $50 per index point (close today was 3267.75 x $50 = $163,387.50), 22.5 hours per day, 5 days per week. Being a highly leveraged product, your initial margin requirement is only $6600 and maintenance margin is $6000, so you're looking at roughly 27X leverage. Spicy. + +Now, here's where things get interesting. There are /ES index futures options (FOP) contracts that expire three times per week (M, W, F). Calls and puts, the usual. Each /ES FOP contract covers the price action on one (not 100) /ES contracts, so that's pretty straight-forward. + +Premiums are good, IV is very high, and liquidity is good. At the money /ES FOPs expiring two days later (W on M, F on W, M on F) are pretty consistently 15-25 points (x$50 = $750-$1250 in premium). + +/ES futures are cash settled and /ES FOPs are ~~cash~~ futures contract settled; no dividends, and best of all, taxed at a rate of 60% short term gains, 40% long term gains even if your trade lasts seconds. ([https://greentradertax.com/trader-tax-center/tax-treatment/section-1256-contracts/](https://greentradertax.com/trader-tax-center/tax-treatment/section-1256-contracts/)) + +So, ladies, gentlemen, I present to you, the wheel. But like, a race car wheel. + +* Monday + * Sell an at-the-money /ES FOP put expiring Wednesday. + * Collect $750-$1250. +* Wednesday + * If the index is over your strike... + * Repeat! + * If the index is under your strike... + * You get assigned an /ES future. + * Sell a covered /ES future call, expiring Friday. Collect premium. + * Repeat until you get assigned on your call, and your /ES future is called away. + * Repeat! + +So how well does this work? Market's been pretty flat, and I've done this consistently for the last 6 weeks. Currently my total realized proceeds are \~$12000 on a single /ES-FOP pair wheel. + +Risk: See March. + +Rewards: + +* Under current market conditions with high IV and a pretty tight range (319X-329X), it works **pretty well**. +* Currently minting me $2000 per week for the last 6 weeks. +* Low margin costs while holding the /ES future. +* 60-40 ("Section 1256") tax treatment for some reason. +* High liquidity. +* Long trading hours. +* Lots of expirations (MWF) means lots of opportunity to re-up. +* Due to long trading hours and high liquidity, you can control your exposure pretty well with a stop-loss. + +**WARNING: This is playing with live rounds, and there is $160K at risk. You may find yourself holding an ES contract for a long time if we see another economic disaster, or an extension of this one. Prepare yourselves, and make sure you know what you're getting into before joining me on this coke-fueled theta gang adventure.** + +With that in mind, I'm making a trading bot to automate this lol. +**33K upvotes:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owg05j/vlad1\_douche\_canoe/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owg05j/vlad1_douche_canoe/) + +No one applying any critical thought and fact checking this shill? + +[Let me fact check this shite.](https://preview.redd.it/5e2tfjm3w7f71.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3706241ac0fd42b325acf4922eee2171edbd043) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/23konqc7w7f71.jpg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216d1a5414a10ec3a4cbc62b91336306949b2035 + +Vlad the Impaler sold 1,250,000 shares at $36.40, which amounts to $45.5m. This represents a grand total of **2.5% disposed.** + +**Sources:** + +1. SEC Filing (see footnotes): [https://secfilings.nasdaq.com/filingFrameset.asp?FilingID=15125984&RcvdDate=07/28/2021&CoName=ROBINHOOD%20MARKETS,%20INC.&FormType=4&View=html](https://secfilings.nasdaq.com/filingFrameset.asp?FilingID=15125984&RcvdDate=07/28/2021&CoName=ROBINHOOD%20MARKETS,%20INC.&FormType=4&View=html) +2. Nasdaq website (see Page 2): [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/hood/insider-activity](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/hood/insider-activity) + +*But he recently acquired 52m shares and disposed off 100m shares on Page 1 at non-open market? Well, I don’t know what the fuck Vladimir is doing here. I’m here to shit on* ***Unusual\_whales.*** *For what it is worth, I would still consider this insider selling/buying. It’s just on a “different exchange” - directly with brokers.* + +*It looks like Mr Vladimir is trying to hide (m\*\*k is censored by auto mod?) the sale of his entire holding.* + +Other Material Sales: + +* Chief Marketing Officer - **100%** disposal (99,884 shares at $35.28, over $3.5 million USD) +* Chief Financial Officer - **25%** disposal (125,000 at $36.40, over $4.5 million US) + +**Unusual\_whales is a Shill** + +[RestartingMyLife0918 with 85 upvotes:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owg05j/vlad1_douche_canoe/h7fy3e1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +>Reminder that the entire unusual whales team was banned by reddit admins last year for shilling their service and they remade accounts to shill their product here again. Not saying OP is working for them, at least not knowingly, but they are doing nothing other than jumping on hype trains to help get their name spammed everywhere. Seems to be working. I see more unusual whales posts per week than any other twitter account. + +This isn’t my first encounter with this user. To provide further context since unusual\_whales seems to have a following here on Superstonk. They are actively selling a service. They bait you in with their Tweets, representing “free data” and then you’re hit with subscription offers for the full package. For as much as this subreddit likes to throw around the label “shill”, here you go. + +**Conclusion:** + +**I don’t give a flying fuck about what the boy from Bulgaria is doing, he’s pumping and dumping without a doubt. But I am finding myself having to play the role of ‘devil’s advocate’ a lot here - I think this community really needs to put aside confirmation bias and fact check and critically analyse anything we are presented with. It leaves us wide open to FUD.** + +**LinkedIn Users** + +We also hold up random LinkedIn users quite a lot here, just because they have a CFA designation and work in some unrelated role? + +*Just because of a CFA designation you say?* I have a CFA designation (almost didn’t given how brutal Level 3 was). It doesn’t make me an authority on corporate law and complex DTCC/NSCC market rules which are deep in legalese (that’s literally the entire profession of corporate and commercial law), actually it doesn’t even make me an authority on the concepts that are entirely unique to this stock in the run-up to MOASS and it’s implications. LinkedIn users just regurgitate DD, and his CFA study was **20 years ago, only things that remain behind are what you actively practice, usually through your job.** + +*Unrelated role you say?* He has spent over 20 years specialising solely in FX. FX markets are a totally different beast. In addition to that, he has had somewhat relevant role in Portolio Management starting from mid 2020, that too in a City council office in Canada. *Speculation: Either his Portfolio Management role is his first non-FX role for 20 years where he has a lot of catching-up to do or his entire holding over a designated FX Portfolio.* + +No, they do not provide ‘wider exposure to the DD’ via a professional platform. I’ve seen their connections and likes, it‘s fucking nothing outside of being recycled on here. + +Why do I say this? Because where we start to hold up LinkedIn users as authority (and I know that there are a lot of Ape that do), we begin to let in FUD slowly but surely: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9ltki88cw7f71.jpg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceccc2f6c93d2aefcf4714964557d6a8cea46cf2 + +Yes Peter, tell me more about the government intervention you speak of, ie the limitation of any squeeze and the designation of a ‘clearing price’. There are a few substantive arguments against this, and he tries to balance it with reference to what the DTCC and NSCC is proposing to do via \*market mechanisms (\*managing the squeeze themselves). + +But this is a) his interpretation of the proposals - see my point on the juggernauts of legal teams drafting these b) baseless speculation (of government intervention) that will be promoted as authority by Apes. These warrant separate DDs, but all I ever see is screenshots of this guy on Twitter and this subreddit. + +I actually had 2 friends read this and reach out to me separately, asking if regulatory intervention or “managed squeezes” are likely then wouldn‘t it be better to sell the shares before any clearing price. I didn’t know they followed Peter Hann CFA because I only gave them a link to this subreddit. They only came across on highly upvoted posts here. + +***EDIT:*** *As for my own disclosures, I have a direct financial interest in providing positive information relating to GameStop to enhance the possibility of a short squeeze.* + +*I also work for BlackRock. However, this does not relate to GameStop and I work for a UK entity with no involvement in this specific stock.* +I’m 22, work full time earning $55k + around $25k in bonuses per year. I have $25k invested in various ETFs, and $25k in savings. On my current wage I can save about $20k per year give or take (depending if I go on holidays etc as well). + +I’m expecting to receive a $100k inheritance in a few months. I would love to buy a house in the next 5 years but I’m comfortable living in my share house for now. + +Should I invest the full $100k in ETFs until I’m ready to buy a house? Invest half and keep half in cash? + +I considered buying an investment property to rent out for a couple of years until I’m ready to move in but I wouldn’t even know where to start with that. + +Any suggestions appreciated! +Check my post history, I called this before the first breakout and I’m calling it again. AMC is not only next, it has already started. I expressed the market volume fundamentals the first time, but now I’ll explain why we NEED AMC to be next: + +1. It is justified. I love the fucking movies and I reject bankruptcy motivated short sellers who will kill the employment of thousands of people. I reject them, I reject them, I reject them. + +2. GME NEEDS to be more than an anomaly. If it is our one and only fuck you to the system then it will be forgotten about. If and WHEN it happens to AMC, this becomes a public strategy. + +3. The principle behind GME is also an attack on inequality through a rejection of our current manipulative financial system. Short selling is not just 75% bullshit, during a pandemic it’s 150% blood-seeking. Does anyone really believe AMC would be seeking bankruptcy if not for the pandemic? Hedge fund fucks have been warned — we are COMING for you. + +4. ONE 🚀 is NOT enough. We have many 🦍 and they have mouths to feed. Institutional investors jump from one concept to another; why the fuck can’t we? Why the fuck shouldn’t we? Trick question: these are our rights as investors. + +5. Do people not love the movies? I bought into GME for the cause and because GameStop is a business I support. Frankly, I support AMC even more. I continued being an AMC A-Plus Member through the pandemic because I wanted to support the business. Incidentally, I also hold Apple, Disney, Microsoft, etc. Why is it only okay for me to support and rally for the stock market’s top holdings? + +6. Robinhood and other trading platforms restricted multiple stocks, AMC among them. My personal earnings have been manipulated as have yours. And if trading platforms and hedge funds are allowed to do this, it will forever disincentive public participation in the markets. I have a Bullseye on EVERY stock that was restricted — however, AMC had the most momentum and activity outside of GME, it is continuing to rally, and I will continue to breathe life into it. This level of market manipulation CANNOT be allowed. And, to be clear, this also means I effectively have an ETF at the moment of just stocks that I was told I couldn’t buy — because why? — fuck that level of bullshit, that’s why. + +7. I am tired of money printing and bailouts being used as the only strategy for saving our economy. PRIVATE CAPITAL should also be SOCIAL CAPITAL. The amount of wealth inequality is fucking insane right now. Never in the history of humanity has the concentration of total assets been held by so few hands. The public can’t have a single approach for generating wealth via a transfer back down the chain? Seriously, not even one? + +Look, I have so many more reasons. AMC is due to come back when the pandemic resolves, I love getting handjobs at the movies, I enjoy eating popcorn and watching movies with crowds in front of a big fucking screen and + +I LIKE THIS STOCK. WE LIKE THIS STOCK. 🚀🍿🔥 + +This is a French Revolution of the financial industry, and it is over fucking due. + +LONG AMC!!! DIAMOND HANDS 💎 🙌🖕 +Supply and Demand - the biggest joke in history. + +Why is it, that it is a good thing to be able to buy a stock at any given time, even if there is no stock on sale at that moment? + +Imagine a company issued 100 shares of their stock and over time all of the stock is bought by investors. The company is doing great and other people get interested in buying shares - but no one is ready to sell. + +This is, when the market starts to do it's job - it tries to find a price, where one of the existing sellers is willing to sell; and it is doing this by posting higher bids to eventually find a fitting ask. So price would rise. + +The problem is, that it would rise infinitely- until someone would start to sell, but knowing, that the price is rising forever - nobody would sell, i guess. Sounds like GME to me. + +This would take quite a lot of risk out of the market and people would trade far less, because they are waiting for a) company is issuing more shares to meet the demand (which would meet the concept of "capital formation"), or b) the company is reporting lower numbers, meaning people would start to sell. + +Here market maker jumps in offering shares, to match the demand, selling shares, which are not sold so far, but are expected to be sold later to them, to keep the market flowing and fulfill every request. + +What happens, if people don't want to buy, because numbers are bad and they lost interest in the company? Nobody would want to buy the shares offered. + +To overcome this problem, market makers jump in, so every offer can find a buyer, even if retail is not interested. (Those shares would be delivered to those who bought, while no shares have been available. - see above.) MMs would cash in the difference of the higher sell and lower buy price. + +Eventually MMs could end up holding all 100 shares for a certain time, until retail interest comes back . + +So far so good and so far absolutely NO NEED to create artificial shares or short the stock. + +I think the major flaw of the market is, that the task of the MMs has been reshaped to do everything to fill orders at any given time (regardless of available shares) and therefore got a LOT of special tools and privileges like selling not-yet-sold shares infinitely - and thus leveling the price action and avoiding volatility. + +Interestingly somewhen HFs started to get the same features as MMs, by borrowing shares from the MMs(?), which they "create", because they assume somebody will sell into their bucket in the near future. + +At the end we have a situation, where MMs are mostly concerned of a leveled price, to give everybody its desired entry price level to maximize trades. Why? Because everybody offering services in the market is/was compensated on a per trade basis and more trades means more money. + +Since some brokers started to offer "free trading" and loosing their fees/revenue, PFOF was invented. + +The buyers of PFOF are "forced" to make extra money to be able to pay the cost of PFOF and started using this data to frontrun orders, making pennies on every trade. + +In my mind the main problem of the market is, that volatility is framed as bad and therefore decoupling fundamentals from price plus the desire to keep the price as stable (and boring) as long as possible to reduce the risk of institutions and retail from sudden price actions. BUT in such an environment everybody is forced to keep it's holdings for a long time, because it takes very long to achieve reasonable gains. Funnily, this creates way more risk, than a volatil market, where a stock is allowed to become out of supply. + +I would love to have a volatil market. + +I stop here, but maybe you get the idea, why so many different instruments have been created to keep the market "interesting" - options, futures, etc. + + +The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.8 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.6 percent in January, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 7.9 percent before seasonal adjustment. + +Increases in the indexes for gasoline, shelter, and food were the largest contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The gasoline index rose 6.6 percent in February and accounted for almost a third of the all items monthly increase; other energy component indexes were mixed. The food index rose 1.0 percent as the food at home index rose 1.4 percent; both were the largest monthly increases since April 2020. + +The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.5 percent in February following a 0.6-percent increase the prior month. The shelter index was by far the biggest factor in the increase, with a broad set of indexes also contributing, including those for recreation, household furnishings and operations, motor vehicle insurance, personal care, and airline fares. + +The all items index rose 7.9 percent for the 12 months ending February. The 12-month increase has been steadily rising and is now the largest since the period ending January 1982. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.4 percent, the largest 12-month change since the period ending August 1982. The energy index rose 25.6 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 7.9 percent, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending July 1981. + +[https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm) +Where do you guys stand on this? I'm very early in my career and I doubt it would do it any good if the higher ups got word I plan to be out in 10 years. On the other hand when my work friends ask me about my life, what % I contribute to my 401k, etc. I feel awkward lying, so it will probably get round I save a freakish amount (from their perspective). I don't volunteer information about my future plans but since I'm quite friendly with some of my colleagues I would feel awkward disguising my lifestyle. Thoughts? +I hope that you fine people can give me some advice here. + +Long story short: 10 years ago I opened a joint account with my ex-husband. We shortly after got divorced, and I had forgotten about that account. Apparently he still used it for a while, and last year, it went negative, and he never repaid. I tried to open a joint account with my current husband, and was notified through the bank check-system about this old account. I immediately went to that old bank and settled the account (it was only $100, easy to resolve). This was September 15th. + +Fast forward to today and I check my credit report through CreditKarma. I have a new collection notice on my credit history now, for that bank account, and to add to the frustration, they're reporting that I've only paid 80% of the $100 limit. + +How do I take care of this? Do I contact the old bank? Do I contact the collection agency? Is there a way I can get this removed from my credit history? I unfortunately didn't keep the receipt (because I had thought it was taken care of in full, why would I need this? I'm rolling my eyes at myself so hard right now), but I feel like I should be able to get a copy of the receipt from the old bank (fingers are crossed). What would be the best way to proceed with this? TIA + +ETA: sorry for any confusion, I hope this clears it up- I paid in full with the bank. They had even contacted their collection department to verify that the total balance (including any fees) was a total of $100. I paid $100, received a paid in full letter and receipt (which I misplaced or lost). Collection agency reported that Ive paid 80% of total balance (total balance $100, amount remaining $20) + + +**UPDATE: I checked my report with all 3 credit bureaus, and found it had only been submitted to one (so far). I disputed it yesterday, and received a response this morning. Transunion has deleted the collection from my account! I am still going to go get a copy of my Paid In Full letter from the bank today, in case this pops up again. Thank you all for the helpful advice. I had a whole plan laid out for how to handle this because of you guys. (Also, lesson learned, ALWAYS keep Paid in Full letters, and if you get a divorce/dissolve a relationship, make sure to close any and all joint accounts 👍)** +Over the past year, the prevailing thought among many in the cryptocurrency communities is that bitcoin is not keeping up with other coins. That somehow bitcoin was being intentionally crippled, or that the developers did not know what they were doing. As we are seeing with the bitcoin dominance going up, that prevailing thought was wrong. The coins who were supposedly going to kill bitcoin have been all but abandoned in many cases. Many others are in the process of dying a slow death (which may take years to fully play out). + +To everyone who went heavy on these coins and sold all of their bitcoin, but are now coming back: Welcome back. We are glad to have you. But before you pretend like everything is great with bitcoin again, it's important to realize _why_ you were wrong. + +But first let's go back a few years. In 2015, I was a staunch big blocker. I want to share a post made during this time that I initially downvoted. (The reason I know this is because after a certain number of months/years, reddit does not let you change whether you upvoted/downvoted something). I downvoted it because it went against my biases which had already been built up around the scaling decision, and later I came back to this post after being referred to it again. The 2015 version of me had only been in Bitcoin for 2 years, and was disillusioned with what I thought bitcoin was. And not what it actually was, or what its limitations were. The 2018 me now realizes why I was wrong, but back then I spent far too much time thinking I had it all figured out. The post that I downvoted, is as relevant today as it ever was: + +**A trip to the moon requires a rocket with multiple stages or otherwise the rocket equation will eat your lunch... packing everyone in clown-car style into a trebuchet and hoping for success is right out.** + +> A lot of people on Reddit think of Bitcoin primarily as a competitor to card payment networks. I think this is more than a little odd-- Bitcoin is a digital currency. Visa and the US dollar are not usually considered competitors, Mastercard and gold coins are not usually considered competitors. Bitcoin isn't a front end for something that provides credit, etc. + +>Never the less, some are mostly interested in Bitcoin for payments (not a new phenomenon)-- and are not so concerned about what are, in my view, Bitcoin's primary distinguishing values-- monetary sovereignty, censorship resistance, trust cost minimization, international accessibility/borderless operation, etc. (Or other areas we need to improve, like personal and commercial privacy) Instead some are very concerned about Bitcoin's competitive properties compared to legacy payment networks. ... And although consumer payments are only one small part of whole global space of money, ... money gains value from network effects, and so I would want all the "payments only" fans to love Bitcoin too, even if I didn't care about payments. + +>But what does it mean to be seriously competitive in that space? The existing payments solutions have huge deployed infrastructure and merchant adoption-- lets ignore that. What about capacity? Combined the major card networks are now doing something on the other of 5000 transactions per second on a year round average; and likely something on the order of 120,000 transactions per second on peak days. + +>The decentralized Bitcoin blockchain is globally shared broadcast medium-- probably the most insanely inefficient mode of communication ever devised by man. Yet, considering that, it has some impressive capacity. But relative to highly efficient non-decentralized networks, not so much. The issue is that in the basic Bitcoin system every node takes on the whole load of the system, that is how it achieves its monetary sovereignty, censorship resistance, trust cost minimization, etc. Adding nodes increases costs, but not capacity. Even the most reckless hopeful blocksize growth numbers don't come anywhere close to matching those TPS figures. And even if they did, card processing rates are rapidly increasing, especially as the developing world is brought into them-- a few more years of growth would have their traffic levels vastly beyond the Bitcoin figures again. + +>No amount of spin, inaccurately comparing a global broadcast consensus system to loading a webpage changes any of this. + +>So-- Does that mean that Bitcoin can't be a big winner as a payments technology? No. But to reach the kind of capacity required to serve the payments needs of the world we must work more intelligently. + +>From its very beginning Bitcoin was design to incorporate layers in secure ways through its smart contracting capability (What, do you think that was just put there so people could wax-philosophic about meaningless "DAOs"?). In effect we will use the Bitcoin system as a highly accessible and perfectly trustworthy robotic judge and conduct most of our business outside of the court room-- but transact in such a way that if something goes wrong we have all the evidence and established agreements so we can be confident that the robotic court will make it right. (Geek sidebar: If this seems impossible, go read this old post on transaction cut-through) + +>This is possible precisely because of the core properties of Bitcoin. A censorable or reversible base system is not very suitable to build powerful upper layer transaction processing on top of... and if the underlying asset isn't sound, there is little point in transacting with it at all. + +>The science around Bitcoin is new and we don't know exactly where the breaking points are-- I hope we never discover them for sure-- we do know that at the current load levels the decentralization of the system has not improved as the users base has grown (and appear to have reduced substantially: even businesses are largely relying on third party processing for all their transactions; something we didn't expect early on). + +>There are many ways of layering Bitcoin, with varying levels of security, ease of implementation, capacity, etc. Ranging from the strongest-- bidirectional payment channels (often discussed as the 'lightning' system), which provide nearly equal security and anti-censorship while also adding instantaneous payments and improved privacy-- to the simplest, using centralized payment processors, which I believe are (in spite of my reflexive distaste for all things centralized) a perfectly reasonable thing to do for low value transactions, and can be highly cost efficient. Many of these approaches are competing with each other, and from that we gain a vibrant ecosystem with the strongest features. + +>Growing by layers is the gold standard for technological innovation. It's how we build our understanding of mathematics and the physical sciences, it's how we build our communications protocols and networks... Not to mention payment networks. Thus far a multi-staged approach has been an integral part of the design of rockets which have, from time to time, brought mankind to the moon. + +>Bitcoin does many unprecedented things, but this doesn't release it from physical reality or from the existence of engineering trade-offs. It is not acceptable, in the mad dash to fulfill a particular application set, to turn our backs on the fundamentals that make the Bitcoin currency valuable to begin with-- especially not when established forms in engineering already tell us the path to have our cake and eat it too-- harmoniously satisfying all the demands. + +>Before and beyond the layers, there are other things being done to improve capacity-- e.g. Bitcoin Core's capacity plan from December (see also: the FAQ) proposes some new improvements and inventions to nearly double the system's capacity while offsetting many of the costs and risks, in a fully backwards compatible way. ... but, at least for those who are focused on payments, no amount of simple changes really makes a difference; not in the way layered engineering does. + +by /u/nullc (Mr. Gregory Maxwell) submitted to [the bitcoin subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/438hx0/a_trip_to_the_moon_requires_a_rocket_with/) + + +If you're made it this far and want to read more, or perhaps from a different perspective, here is another article which influenced me more recently by [Melik Manukyan](https://medium.com/@melik_87377/lightning-network-enables-unicast-transactions-in-bitcoin-lightning-is-bitcoins-tcp-ip-stack-8ec1d42c14f5) + +**Lightning Network enables Unicast Transactions in Bitcoin. Lightning is Bitcoin’s TCP/IP stack.** + +>It has recently come to my attention that there is a great deal of confusion revolving around the Lightning Network within the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash communities, and to an extent, the greater cryptocurrency ecosystem. I’d like to share with you my thoughts on Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Lightning from a strictly networking background. + +>To better understand how blockchain and the lightning network work, we should take a step back from the rage-infused battlegrounds of Twitter and Reddit (no good comes from this 😛) and review the very network protocols and systems that power our Internet. I believe that there is a great wealth of knowledge to be gained in understanding how computer networks and the Internet work that can be applied to Bitcoin’s own scaling constraints. The three protocols I will be primarily focusing on in this article are Ethernet, IP, and TCP. By understanding how these protocols work, I feel that we will all be better equipped to answer the great ‘scaling’ question for Bitcoin and all blockchains alike. With that said, let’s get started. + +>In computer networking, the two most common forms of data transmission today are broadcast and unicast. There are many other forms such as anycast and multicast, but we won’t touch up on them in this article. Let’s first start by defining and understanding these data transmission forms. + +>Broadcast — a data transmission type where information is sent from one point on a network to all other points; one-to-all. + +>Diagram: Broadcast Data Transmission https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*xbgXKepaeHZRqmHWsCb_qw.png + +>Unicast — a data transmission type where information is sent from one point on a network to another point; one-to-one. + +>Diagram: Unicast Data Transmission https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*i18TOm6hT_h7UQ8cnt8U_Q.png + +>Based on our understanding of these types of data transmission forms, we very quickly discover that blockchain transactions resemble Broadcast-like forms of communication. When a transaction is made on the Bitcoin network, the transaction is communicated or broadcasted to all connected nodes on the network. In other words, for a transaction to exist or happen in Bitcoin, all nodes must receive and record this transaction. Transactions on blockchains work very similarly to how legacy, ethernet hubs handled data transmissions. + +>A long time ago, we relied on ethernet hubs to transfer data between computers. Evidently, we discovered that they simply did not scale due to their limited nature. Old ethernet hubs strictly supported broadcast transmissions, data that would come in through one interface or port would need to be broadcasted and replicated out through all other interfaces or ports on the network. To help you visualize this, if you wanted to send me a 1MB image file over a network with 100 participants, that 1MB image file would, in turn, need to be replicated 99 times and broadcasted out to all other users on the network. + +>In Bitcoin, we see very similar behavior, data (a transaction or block) that comes from one node is broadcasted and replicated to all other nodes on the network. Blockchains similarly to old, legacy ethernet hubs are simply poor mediums to perform data transmission and communicate over. It is simply unrealistic to me as a network engineer to even consider scaling a global payment network such as Bitcoin via Broadcast-based on-chain transactions. Even to this very day, us network engineers take great care and caution in spanning our Ethernet and LAN networks, let alone on a global level. + +>To put it into perspective, if we were to redesign the Internet by strictly relying on broadcast data transmissions as exhibited in blockchains and ethernet hubs — we would have effectively put every single person, host, and device in the entire world on the same LAN segment or broadcast domain. The Internet would have been a giant, flat LAN network where all communication would need to be replicated and broadcasted to every single device. In you opening up to read this article, every other device on the Internet would have been forced to download this article. In other words, the internet would come to a screeching halt. + +>In computer networks, the most frequent form of communication relies on unicast data transmissions, or point-to-point. Most of the communication on the internet is routed from one computer to another, we no longer need to rely on blind broadcast transmissions of data with the hopes that our recipient will receive it or see it. We are able to accurately send, route and deliver our messages to our receiving party(ies). We learned that the transfer of a 1MB image file in a broadcast network would require the file to be replicated and broadcasted to every participant on that network. Instead, in a network that supports unicast data transmissions, we are able to appropriately route that image file from source to destination in a clearcut manner. + +>To me, the Lightning Network is the IP layer of Bitcoin. (I understand that these data transmission forms exist in both Ethernet and IP.) But, I do feel that these analogies help us to better understand these complex and largely abstract ideas: blockchain, lightning, channels, etc. + +>Let’s take a moment and ignore all explanations and overly simplistic definitions of Lightning that are perpetuated from both sides of the debate for a moment. Instead, lets objectively take a close look at Lightning and determine what we know. What do we know about lightning? It allows us to lock our Bitcoin and form channels with others. What else do we know? We can bidirectionally send and receive transactions between the two points that constitute the channel. What else do we know? We can further route transactions to their correct destination. + +>Based on these key understanding points, we are able to see that lightning enables unicast transactions in a system [Bitcoin] that previously only supported broadcast transactions. To me, Lightning nodes in Bitcoin are the equivalent of IP hosts — where we can finally conduct or route one-to-one or point-to-point transactions to their appropriate recipients. In traditional IP, we send and receive data packets; in Lightning, we send and receive Bitcoin. IP is what allowed us to scale our small and largely primitive networks of the past into the global giant that it is today, the Internet. In a similar manner, Lightning is what will allow us to scale our global Bitcoin network. + +>Where Lightning Nodes can be seen as IP hosts, I view Lightning Channels as established TCP connections. On the Internet today, when we try to connect to a website for example, we open a TCP connection to a web server through which we can then download the website’s HTML source code from. Alternatively, when we download a torrent file, we are opening TCP connections to other computers on the Internet which we then use to facilitate the transfer of the torrent data. + +>And in Lightning, we establish channels with our respective parties and are able to directly [point-to-point] send and receive data (transactions) similarly to TCP. Where Blockchain is similar to Ethernet, Lightning Nodes are our IPs and Lightning Channels our TCP connections. + +>To conclude, I see many similarities to our pre-existing network technologies and protocols that power our computer network(s) and I feel that we are redesigning the Internet. From a technical point of view, I don’t believe that scaling Bitcoin on-chain will ever work and fear broadcast storm-like events in the future. I welcome our new unicast transaction methods enabled by the Lightning Network. Even more so, I am excited for the ‘web’ moment in Bitcoin. + +>While everyone has their eyes fixed on blockchain technology, I look towards Lightning. Lightning is the TCP/IP stack of Bitcoin. Lightning is where we will transact on. Lightning is where everything will be built on. Lightning is what will power and enable our applications and additional protocols and layers. With this said, what is to become of the main Bitcoin blockchain? It will and should remain a decentralized, tamper-proof, immutable base or foundation layer which will provide us with cryptographic evidence of what is a Bitcoin. + +>Some individuals and groups within our communities and ranks spread fear and warn us of false narratives of “lightning hubs”, but fail to grasp that their scaling approach of on-chain transactions only pushes us in the direction of an actual (ethernet) hub design. If Bitcoin loses decentralization on its base layer, then we will lose Bitcoin. The past 9 years of work will have only resulted in a large, centralized broadcast hub with only a few remaining with the ability to operate such a monstrosity. + +>I wrote this article with hopes that it will help clear up the ongoing confusion about Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Lightning. It is designed to help better explain Blockchain and Lightning through analogies to concepts that we may be more familiar with. I also wrote this very quickly and it may contain typos. If you notice any typos, please bring it to my attention. +I’m sure those of us who’ve had some education in trading know that a high win rate, while nice, is not a requirement for becoming consistently profitable. After all, depending on strategy and execution, a trader can still become consistently profitable with a sub-50% win rate. + +That said, we all have different personalities, and for some (like me; I’ll outright admit it), a high win rate feels like something that’s a must have. Otherwise, it can become so discouraging that even being green overall isn’t enough to steady those emotions. + +This is why the strategies that I work on mastering win around 70% of the time in back testing and paper trading (not there in real trading yet, but the reasons for that is a discussion for another time). This need could definitely change in the future with more time and experience of course. + +What about you? Do you personally need to have a high win rate for your own trading sake? +I wanted to start practicing scalping today with a meager $1000 and see if I can make a few bucks. After 2 trades it says most of my cash is unsettled and I can't make any more trades right now. After looking into why, I see I won't be able to make trades for a few more days now? How is someone supposed to day trade of there is this limit? Is there a workaround for this at all? + +I use TD Ameritrade +Aloha kind people of povertyfinance, + +I need some direction to find help..... + +My mum just got laid off from their job (what an awful time right around the holidays). It was a cash job that allowed her to take care of pops because the hours were flexible. So she cannot qualify for unemployment because it was under the table. She is not yet 65. + +My pops is chronically ill with Alzheimer's , diabetes and a bunch of other ailments. He used to be the breadwinner before COVID but then had to retire because his cognitive decline got really bad and he is basically disabled now though we never applied for disability since IDK if it would make a difference or how it really works. He gets SSI a little under $900. Our rent is $350 more than the SSI covers. We live in EAH housing so it is the cheapest already. The car and utilities added up are another $700 that we would be short. + +IDK what we will do now. We have been living paycheck to paycheck to make things work. Other assistance we utilize are SNAP and discounted internet. We live in Oahu Hawaii. Not by choice, they immigrated here from Asia, we lived here for years and cant uproot our life since it's so expensive. I get to school and work and especially more importantly to get my pops to his dozens of doctors appointments so it is not possible to give up the car. + +I plan on helping my mum out with some of the money I get from FWS (capped at 3.5k over 2 semesters). Me (19) and my sibling (18) are working part time minimum wage hospitality jobs while in college full time we only get like $200 per paycheck after taxes and stuff. It's not even enough to buy food or gas sometimes. + +I know the best thing maybe is just for my mum to find a new job. It's just so hard because she is an immigrant and doesn't speak English. I heard of some program on the mainland that lets people become home health aides for their family members and pays them. Does anyone know if it exists on Oahu? I am having trouble finding it so IDK. My mum is hesitant to go back to a job that isn't cash because she is afraid SNAP and health insurance cancelled and does even more harm than good because my pops could literally die if that happens. Why does the poverty system make poor people stay poor? + +Please let me know if you know of any assistance programs that can help or anything else we can apply for to help get thru the tough times. + +&#x200B; + +Mahalo for your time. +I’m a small business owner and let me tell you something that truly matters. SALES. GameStop hit a 30% revenue growth over last Oct and that remarkable and here is why. The massive majority of that increase in sales was the brand new products they are selling online. This is critical because it’s demonstrating a brand new revenue driver for the company and it’s paying off big time + +The company bought over 300M dollars in inventory to help off set future supply chain issues because of MASSIVE DEMAND!! THIS IS GREAT NEWS! When a company is looking to scale especially in e-commerce having readily available inventory is key for customer satisfaction. Imagine you buying something then getting an email telling you the product is delayed and they’ll send you an email whenever it ships? What do you usually do?? I cancel the order and look elsewhere. + +I am more bullish then ever on the company because they haven’t even touched the future with NFT, web3 etc and are already scaling their sales. The inventory purchase is what led to the -1.29 EPS. (IT TAKES MONEY TO BUY WHISKEY!) + +GameStop future is so bright. 0 debt, massive scaling sales and the right team. BUCKLE UP! + +(P.S. - Hedgies are so fucked. Over 10M DRS.) lol +Integrated with the very popular NFT Veve app its still a great time to get in on this coin before it gets listed on UNISWAP. It's only on bitforex atm so what i did was buy eth and send the eth, then sold the eth for usd and bought OMI. This is definitely going to moon + + +[https://twitter.com/ecomi\_](https://twitter.com/ecomi_) + +[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ecomi/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ecomi/) +* AMA with CEO tomorrow +* Whitepaper imminent +* Mobile app Q1 or Q2 (pending whitepaper) +* Staking TBD +* Decentralization EOY + +And best of all, Bruno, the architect of the PRL scam (OPCT's predecessor), is in jail. +Rubic (RBC) is a DeFi that is extremely rare to see, hear me out... + +This coin is worth 0.5 cents right now (I bought this at 0.1) and if it were to only have 10% of its competitors market cap (uniswap) it would be worth 4 dollars per token. Holders have increase by over 1000 since the start of feburary (now 5137) + +Live stream AMA today said they plan to get rid of gas fees within weeks from now + +If you want to be a part of crypto history i highly reccomend looking into this, even if you wont buy it, just be aware that this exists... This is gonna be huge bros. + +Good luck to all your moon shots!! +I work in one of the Big4 professional services firm (consulting area) where we seem to be actively encouraged to live a lavish lifestyle. +Partners flaunt their wealth by driving luxury cars and casually mentioning their holiday houses or daughter's horses. The overall culture is very materialistic, where fine food, clothes and accessories are touted as the richly deserved rewards of extreme work ethic (regularly working to 11pm every weekday). Networking within the firm is also considered very important and so we hang out in trendy bars or restaurants after work. + +Does anyone else work in professional services in a client facing role? How do you reconcile the need to maintain a professional attitude and persona (I personally believe that a professional appearance is very important to make sure that the value of our actual services is not undermined by our appearance) while still maintaining a FIRE lifestyle/outlook? Do you have a 'career budget' or something similar which can be used for networking dinners etc? +Fuck Citron. They're wrong about NIO and PLTR. Was wondering why my PLTR dropped and I saw Citron is at it again. + +"No longer a stock but a full casino".... go to hell Citron. I hope they get burned bad with more people buying the dip. +UPDATE: This again appears to be another strong DDos attack. We are working hard to overcome it and will update when possible. It's currently 2am in Japan so please forgive us if our Facebook/Twitter updates are not as quick, though the team is certainly not taking any breaks. We're very much looking forward to implementing a much stronger solution very soon and will make an announcement to that effect once it's in place. +With the overall crypto market cap growing and growing i'm sure some of you made some significant gains. + +Where's the point when you decide to convert your crypto back to fiat? Is it when you reach a certain amount? Are you a hardcore believer in crypto and hold it forever? + +Share your thoughts below... + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +So I posted about my issue with BoA about a month ago. To summarize, BoA allowed someone to use some sort of ID to withdraw $1200 from my checking account without my authorization. This was done via a “virtual teller” and, per BoA, did not involve the use of an ATM card or my PIN number. The amount was also $500 over my daily ATM withdrawal limit. After filing a police report and reporting the fraud to BoA they authorized a temporary credit to my account and told me that they would investigate. Per the Electronic Funds Transfer Act they had 45 days to investigate. I informed them that I had filed a police report and provided them with the case number. + +Fast forward about a month and I received a letter from BoA indicating that they had determined that this was NOT a case of fraud and that the transaction was authorized so they would be removing the temporary credit. Last week they followed through on that and removed the funds from my account. I called them to inquire about why they thought this was an authorized transaction and was told that the person on camera that withdrew the money matched the face on the ID used. Obviously they created a fake ID with my name and addresss to perpetrate this crime. I asked what I could do to appeal this decision such as coming to a branch office so they could see that I’m not the person on the video but they said that wasn’t possible. I’ve asked for the video and was also denied without a subpoena. Ultimately I convinced them to reopen the investigation because apparently the prior representative had not recorded the case number for the files police report. This time however I don’t get a temporary credit and they said that there is no timeline on when this will now be resolved as it isn’t a priority. + +I am completely disgusted with Bank of America at this point. They have allowed someone to withdraw money from my account and now essentially concluded that I filed a fraudulent fraud report. YOUR MONEY ISN’T SAFE WITH BANK OF AMERICA! With a fake ID and the virtual teller at BoA anyone can do this same thing to you with apparently little to no recourse. If you have money with BoA move it now. + +I’m not sure I have many choices left other than to sue them now. Unfortunately it looks like I’ll have to sue them in the county where the money was withdrawn which is over 200 miles away from where I live. Hopefully someone here has a better suggestion. + +tl;dr Bank of America allowed someone to steal $1200 from me and wont give it back so I have to sue them. +~$5mm NW excluding PPOR, ~750k income. Currently nearly entirely equity indices outside of some small specific bets. Looking at diversifying into commercial property but not sure whether the return upside of directly buying & passing to a management company to let (I don’t have the time to manage myself) is worth the hassle be just buying positions in a bunch of REITs. + +Looking potentially at commercial properties due to the relative stability/lower overhead of long leases. Has anyone done the math on how much you’re ‘giving away’ to go the REIT route in exchange for less work and greater liquidity? +Longtime /r/fatfire lurker here. I'm beginning to dip my feet into art collecting and would love any personal advice or anecdotes the community has on it. + +Personally, the goal is to buy in pieces I would love in my home but hopefully appreciate in value. I wouldn't go as far as to claim they are investments because of how risky the hobby can be, but I do know people who have made quite a bit of money in the trade. For me, dipping my feet means looking at low edition prints from emerging, but somewhat known artists, but even that can be a gamble. + +Does anyone have any advice, tips, or resources they use? +I've been trying to make up my mind between VFV and XEQT. From what I understand VFV is riskier since its only S&P 500 while XEQT is safe and diverse. Would I be right to assume that VFV is better for those ready for some risk while XEQT is better for safe long term investing? +I've held quite a bit of Second Cup for a while at a buy price of $3.95, currently, it's at 1.73 and I've lost around -56.20%, buy more and double down or sell while it's up 1.75%~? +I was reading "The Simple Path to Wealth" all about index investing and the author suggested holding 100% VTSAX (US total market) equivalent to VUN/XUU in Canada. He argued against buying ETF's with international diversification (your X/VEQT types) because... + +\- The US is one of the best business environments currently and is likely to maintain strong growth in + the future + +\- And... many of the businesses listed on VTSAX (such as Apple) actually does a significant amount of + their business overseas and this is essentially international diversification + +Thoughts on this? Point #1 seems a bit shaky but I kinda understand the logic behind point #2 +Hey everyone and happy new year + +I'm 20 years old and I'm looking to get started investing and saving more seriously. So far I have $6K in a TFSA that I opened a couple weeks ago, but I haven't invested any of it yet. This is money that I won't need for the next five years, possibly longer. + + +From my research and what I was told at my bank, mutual funds are a solid option for my position. Another option I've looked into is investing in individual stocks, but given my inexperience I'm leaning more towards mutual funds. I'd also like to keep adding to my investment with every paycheck, can I do this with a mutual fund? + +As I've said, I'm really new to the investing world. I'm open to any suggestions and information! +With Dividends so high right now, it seems like a no-brainer to park your money there and just earn your 4% dividends. Unless I mis-understand how dividend stocks work... +Hey guys and girls, + +I did some fundamental analysis on Tesla and I came to the conclusion that around 1000$ can be justified. + +Tesla is at 1600$ now. + +IMHO we are entering bubble territory. + +What is your guys's and girls's opinion? + +Disclaimer: This is NOT financial advice. I'm no licensed financial advisor. Please consult one first before investing in the stock market. + +I am Long $TSLA. +I was scrolling though Yahoo Finance and noticed a bit of an interesting "fight" shaping up. Berkshire has been loading up on Apple shares while famous short seller Michel Burry has taken up a short position. I think this is pretty interesting since AAPL, like so many other tech stocks, has seen a drop from ATHs to hold and waver around $145 (I've been commenting about my expectations it would hit this price for a while now). + +Certainly, both have had bets go wrong and have lost money on positions. I do wonder if there are some implications about this positioning though. Given that Berkshire tends to have a bit longer time horizon than Burry, maybe there's an implication that we might see some fluctuation downwards before a recovery later? There's also the consideration that [AAPL has been a "hedge fund hotel" in the past](https://www.barrons.com/articles/apple-bullish-chanos-explains-how-its-the-hedge-fund-hotel-1441814793), so it may simply be a choice to make use of their cash. + +https://finance.yahoo.com/m/69a0120e-bb28-3f90-b874-48402642d732/warren-buffett-stocks-.html + +>Berkshire Hathaway turned into an active buyer of stocks during last quarter's volatility, especially in the quarter's final six weeks, after a long stretch of muted purchases. + +... + +>The conglomerate added 3.8 million shares of top holding Apple (AAPL) during the tech stock's Q1 sell-off, taking its total Apple shares held to 890.9 million. It gathered roughly 50 million more shares of Activision Blizzard (ATVI) as well. + + +https://www.thestreet.com/investing/michael-big-short-burry-shorts-apple + +>Infamous investor Michael Burry of "The Big Short" has bet against Apple ( (AAPL) - Get Apple Inc. Report), according to a SEC filing. + +>During the first quarter, Burry, a hedge fund investor who is known for predicting and profiting from the housing bubble and subprime mortgage crisis by betting against collaterized debt obligations or CDOs during the mid 2000s, stocked up on Alphabet ( (GOOGL) - Get Alphabet Inc. Class A Report), Meta Platforms (FB), and Discovery ( (DISCA) - Get Discovery, Inc. Class A Report) for Scion Asset Management. + +>The hedge fund owned bearish put options against 206,000 Apple shares as of March 31. While the Macbook and iPhone manufacturer's stock price has nearly quadrupled since 2019, Apple's stock has fallen by 16% this quarter alone and 11.8% during the past month. + + +Disclosure: AAPL shareholder (in addition to many other tech companies; if you think I might be biased somehow by share holdings you should probably just assume I hold some). +Am I making a bigger deal of it than it really is? After all, Moody’s did give CLP their first Baa2 credit rating. + + Here’s what they said about Ken being a risk. + +“Finally, there is meaningful key man risk with regard to Citadel's founder and CEO, Ken Griffin, although there are no contractual key man provisions with investors or counterparties. Moody's notes further that Citadel has taken steps to mitigate key man risk by building out a strong roster of senior investment and management executives.” + +A strong roster? What, a fukn softball team? There is no way that Ken will give up complete control. + +Here is one more negative that Moody’s mention. It seems to show the tight grip that Ken keeps on his companies. + + +“Moody's views the governance structure, which is comprised of a portfolio committee of senior executives instead of a board of directors with at least some independent members, as credit negative.” + +[https://www.moodys.com/research/Moodys-assigns-first-time-Baa2-rating-to-Citadel-Limited-Partnership--PR_470255](https://www.moodys.com/research/Moodys-assigns-first-time-Baa2-rating-to-Citadel-Limited-Partnership--PR_470255) +Suppose you were worth more than $100 million. You're not a billionaire but you are rich. Suppose also you are the prime minister. + +Would you seek to tax the rich eg apply a tax on all millionaires. + +I ask this because many who advocate for higher taxes on the rich are rich themselves, so they know they are worse off, but maybe it is driven by envy of those above them or maybe they truly believe it is right to tax the rich. +Moody's lowers El Salvador's rating to hurt their credit rating over the new bitcoin law. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/moody-lowers-el-salvador-rating-005830979.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/moody-lowers-el-salvador-rating-005830979.html) +Yesterday the IRS announced "Operation Hidden Treasure" to find unreported crypto income. Of course we should all pay our taxes, its very important. However I don't think this should be the priority of the IRS right now. Specifically since they are still trying to figure out crypto. This was clear in the confusion of answering their questions on crypto for this year for people who only bought crypto without selling or converting. They eventually told people in that circumstance they could answer "no" but very late after many people already had filled their taxes. + +These big corporations uderpay taxes every year by the billions. Yes the IRS could find some money with unreported crypto but nothing compared to what they could get if they audit this huge companies. Especially when they said they are looking for crypto transactions under $10k. + +Basically the IRS is doesn't audit the rich because it's to much work. Instead they will go after smaller guys, with something they are still trying to figure out, and gain less money from it. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I see this stupid argument even in /r/bitcoin + +Banks, hedge funds, and corps don't control the issuance or total supply. Rich people buying Bitcoin doesn't mean it's co-opted. The promise of Bitcoin was never that nobody else would have more money than you. + +It was created with a supply that can't be manipulated & devalued like what's been happening with every fiat currency. + +The goal is for everyone to use Bitcoin and that includes bankers and CEOs. + +If you own 1 BTC you own 1/21million of the total monetary supply and nobody can change that. Stop worrying about what other people have, and be glad that Bitcoin is the first asset that prevents anyone from taking what you have. + + +TL/DR – Mass emailed, it was a cover-up to hide changes to my PayPal account. Could have lost tens of thousands of dollars. + +This will be a fairly long story, but it relates to a scam I’ve never seen mentioned on here. A few months ago I had just finished my work at around 10 am when my phone notifications blew up. I looked and it said that I had approximately 100 new emails. This was certainly out of the ordinary. I immediately opened my email to check, and by the time I got in there, there were about 200 new emails. Over the course of the next few minutes, approximately 400 emails had poured into my inbox. + +All of these emails seemed to be introduction emails to some sort of service or product – but all different. Never the same one twice. They were all mostly “Thanks for signing up for BLANK.” This would be the kind of email you get when you want to receive more information about a product or subscribe to an email list. None of the names were correct, and they were varied. Sometimes it would congratulate “Steve” for signing up for something, other times “Robert.” There or approximately 50 different names. At first, I simply thought that my email had gotten on to some list that blasted emails to various services hoping I would sign up for one. However, something really didn't seem right. + +I decided I needed to go through my entire inbox and look for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Since all these emails were not really legitimate, I started looking for anything that DID seem legit. Low and behold, about halfway through, I spotted an email from PayPal. I clicked on it, and it was indeed an email from PayPal letting me know that an authorized user had been added to my account. I hadn't logged into my PayPal that day (though I do use PayPal regularly for invoicing clients), so I knew this was not a change I made. + +I immediately logged into PayPal, half expecting not to be able to log in at all. However, it did let me log in, but I could not see any suspicious purchases at all. I found the “Manage Users” section of my account and did see one authorized user. Here is the thing, the authorized user did not look suspicious. It was my name. Actually, it was my middle name, which is the name that I use for my PayPal business account. My PayPal is under my first name, but my clients see my middle name. I almost closed out thinking nothing was wrong, but something still didn't seem right. I hadn't added any authorized users. + +The details are a bit fuzzy here because this was a few months ago, but from what I remember, the phone number for the authorized user was not mine. While they used my name, they had their number. Maybe it wasn’t their number, but I still knew I hadn’t made any changes. I immediately called PayPal and got through to customer service. They immediately agreed to put me through to their security team because they thought something was suspicious as well. The PayPal security team said that an IP address from somewhere in another part of the country logged into my account and just added an authorized user. While on the phone, the PayPal security team told me to delete the authorized user, change my password, and recommended enabling two-factor authentication. + +From the moment I got all of the emails to the moment I was on the phone with PayPal security, the time frame was only 15 minutes. I think the scammer was going to play the long game on me, but because I took the time to look through all the emails and notice something was wrong, they never had the chance. My PayPal account balance hovers around $200 at any given moment, but it handles tens of thousands of dollars of transfers per month for my business. I always transfer this to my bank account quickly because…because PayPal. Had I not noticed something amiss, they could have waited until one of my larger invoices came through and drained me of my money. + +Long story short, if you get blasted with hundreds of emails at once, look through every single one of them to see if something seems legitimate. All of those emails are probably a cover-up for something related to your finances. +I've been investing seriously for about 5 years now. I've only ever gone LONG and typically am buy and hold either MFs, ETFs, and occasionally the single stock (bought ALK in March 2020 when it tanked, made great returns on that during the recovery). + +I'm interested in leveraged ETFs (SPXL, etc). I'm at a point now where I have some money I could risk losing and not go broke if I lost it (plus I'm in my 20s still). What's your experiences with leveraged ETFs? Especially if I plan to go balls out and go un-hedged. +I missed last year's incredible bull run in a lot of tech. I played the options market more and held cash. Now I'm looking for decent value holds. AMD's most recent earnings blowout has me pretty exciting that they're living up to the hype. As far as I can see their P/E was basically cut in half after their report last week. That, plus the fact that their stock has been dropping ever since makes me think this is an excellent dip to buy. + +Any thoughts or comments are appreciated. Just wanna discuss what everyone else thinks. +**TLDR**: with hardships ahead for the working class, once we are close to 100% DRS, I predict GameStop will literally pay (incentivize) you to not sell a share with real world value dividends (Etherium or otherwise) before MOASS so you can continue to survive while GameStop figures things out. + +**START** + + + +The DTCC, DTC, the FED, and SEC are all in bed with Market Markers and Hedge funds. Colluding together to manipulate the market and keeping wealth within the 1% while sapping companies and jobs from the working class (and that’s putting it plainly). Not for any longer! No Cell? No Sell. + +With shares DRS with Computershare, it removes ownership from Cede&Co to you - the investor. When you sell, it gets transferred back to them and the circus of crime could continue on. + +With the collapse of markets happening right now as predicted by our DD, GameStop knows this will affect its shareholders financial well-being in some capacity. Like Chewy thinking about the well being of their customers and shareholders in the past - GameStop will do the same when the time comes. + +My prediction is once we are close to 100% of the float being locked up - GameStop will continue to substantially reward its shareholders on an ongoing basis, literally paying or incentivizing you not to sell with real world value dividends (Ethereum or otherwise) - before MOASS. + +When MOASS does inevitably happen and you do decide to sell a share at your floor price, GameStop will be in a position to define what happens with the share certificate from Computershare as it would be problematic to be transferred back to the custody of Cede&Co to then be used again for more crime. + +Apes with the strong support of Ryan Cohen and the new GameStop will reset the financial world for a better society for all. + +Edit: spelling +As the title suggests, I read that central banks want to make their own coin. + +It obviously angers me and we should all not only refuse to adopt the coin should they create it, but we should demand they not be allowed to make one. + +They’ve been getting by making free money every time they print fiat currency for any nation. Ever since people stop trading shit for other shit and started trading money for things central banks have been ripping everyone off. + +It’s funny because at first they acted like crypto was never going to be a thing, then they wanted a piece of the action, and now they want to control it again. I say hell no. + +I’m sure somebody’s gonna tell me to calm down, and they’ll be right, but i’m passionate about stuff like this when it comes to putting the power back in the peoples hands +Today I bring you my latest DD on: + +Plus Therapeutics Inc.NASDAQ: $PSTV + +Before I go too in-depth on the company, which based on their corporate profile have potential to go up a ton in the long term (I discuss this later on in the post), I want to show you what some analysts are saying. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zmllgmzxiog61.png?width=2561&format=png&auto=webp&s=26a9e44fb9844602dd9a8f06bdc60fad676b3c46 + +Price target of $7.00 + +Two analysts give it an average $7.00 price target representing a 130.26% upside, which doesn’t sound as AMAZING as a 2,000% increase, but here’s the kicker. + +***One of the analysts who rated $PSTV is the #4 analyst worldwide with a 74% win percentage, and has a five-star analyst rating.*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/86eoqmeziog61.png?width=1878&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba507c01e8dfa594ec8d9ce19f2e32117636aa63 + +Analyst Jason McCarthy, ranked #4 of 7,291 analysts + +If you guys want me to do a technical analysis of the chart please let me know in the comments; that being said, I’m seeing a lot of bullish patterns. + +**Plus Therapeutics: The SparkNotes** + +$PSTV is a NASDAQ-traded, clinical-stage pharmaceutical company based in Austin, Texas. + +Their mission is to become the world’s leader in developing better and safer nanoscale oncology drugs to improve survival and quality of life for both pediatric and adult patients. + +They have 3 clinical-stage oncology drugs in development. + +Their lead drug is a novel radio-liposome called RNL™ that is currently in clinical development for recurrent brain cancer and currently funded by the National Cancer Institute. + +Their pre-clinical pipeline includes drugs for other cancers such as leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, peritoneal carcinomatosis, head and neck cancer, and others. + +Their drug development capability is unique and based on our technology and expertise in nanoscale drug design, manufacturing, and our capabilities in radiotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic delivery. + +Their drug development model seeks to be highly capital efficient through a virtual development model, low overhead, and leverage of non-dilutive capital whenever feasible. + +**So, who’s on their team / board? Well, if you have a look, you can see it’s pretty solid.** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rnwxolf0jog61.png?width=2268&format=png&auto=webp&s=9892cbf9c9cb513a04343fb33e5a0f88aa8fffcd + +CEO has prev. experience with Cytori & StemSource + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/btk4ofh1jog61.png?width=2213&format=png&auto=webp&s=d270e458c2bb94243a8a319115d7d4a4508f4541 + +CFO was Partner at Mazars (Billion Dollar Accounting Group) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nrbu91e2jog61.png?width=2242&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a445bd5040c22a3a371dcb9f53b7ec109111326 + +VP w/ 24 years of exp. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4eusddc3jog61.png?width=2259&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a5be48c38a75ef51659ddc2ac15ddf701941572 + +Richard J. Hawkins is on their board of directors. + +**Now, let’s talk about their staple product.** + +It’s called RNL™ and it’s a novel liposomal radiotherapeutic; lead indication is recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM). With an additional preclinical development ongoing in head and neck cancer, peritoneal carcinomatosis, leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, and others. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8xk8kod4jog61.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bae34b6f090e83224076649f17d4b71ade7ae75 + +Rhenium-labeled nanoliposomes (RNL) intracranially administered by convection-enhanced delivery (CED) using cannulas specifically designed for use in the brain. + +But here’s the kicker: the expected market for such a product? *I’ll let you read it straight from their value proposition:* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/twnur6g5jog61.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=a483fc8a213796751577790515b9fc3bece88d4c + +$500M+ Serviceable Obtainable Market + +The companies current market cap is under 20M, so if they capture their serviceable obtainable market, the stock could jump well over 2,000%. + +Now, this stock will be a very long term play if you’re looking for a 2,000% gain. However, even in the short term, this thing will likely pop based on news as they inch closer to FDA approval on their flagship product. + +To add some icing on the cake, they have two other cancer-fighting products in their pipeline that will surely boost the stock along the way. + +**FULL DISCLOSURE: I DO HOLD A POSITION IN $PSTV - I AM ONLY POSTING DD ON IT FOR YOU ALL TO SEE THE POTENTIAL UPSIDE IN THESE STOCKS - THIS IS NOT A "PUMP AND DUMP" - THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE - PLEASE DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE PURCHASING ANY STOCKS - I HAVE NO AFFILIATION WITH ANY OF THE COMPANIES I POST ABOUT** +How do I get started to setup a ROTH IRA. What is the best firm to do that through? What is the best investment for a 32 year old? Don't know where to start. +Hi, trying to buy a $38k Rav4 Hybrid. +I'm afraid the %APR may be high, as I'm starting to see more and more people be stuck with a 5.9% loan. + +I want to do the best I can. How do I position myself best? +My credit karma score is 765. + +Should I get rates from a credit union first and try to get them to beat it? +This is my first job, and I've saved about £600 a month (only recently started though :( ) and managed to collect £11,000 in my savings. + +What would you guys recommend I do with this money? Right now, it's just sat in a Nationwide savings account.. +During Lucy Komisar's AMA, she mentioned that US law allows a maximum rehypothecation of 140% for short selling borrowed shares. Maybe many of you already knew this fact, but it was the first time I had heard of it. + +So I looked it up: +https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rehypothecation.asp + +"In the United States, rehypothecation of collateral by broker-dealers is limited to 140% of the loan amount to a client, under Rule 15c3-3 of the SEC." + +When I hear 140%, I immediately think of the reported short interest before the gamma squeeze in Jan. Is this a coincidence or was it 140% because that is the max they can show by law? + +Does this mean it could have possibly been even greater than 140% even back in Jan, but they couldn't report more than 140% and had to hide the rest in married puts, etc like they do now? +TL;DR Gamestop announced they have an option to print 5 million shares. Find the link in the other hundred threads about this. I'll just provide some other information. + +They are giving themselves the **option** of selling 5 million shares to raise capital, should it be needed. It is currently not needed. + +This is standard for any public company, since the option must publicly be announced to investors. It happens during practically every annual general meeting, and is a fail-safe put in place to avoid unforeseen financial catastrophe, or allow for a specific business strategy. It does not mean things will happen now, or tomorrow. It just means the option is available. +The AMAs could be linked within the God Tier DD. Could even rename it God Tier DD + AMA. + +Also, you mods have done an amazing job inviting these experts to talk about this saga. What a way to share knowledge and boost our credibility! + +The "I voted" flair was such a great and fun idea too. + +And thanks for keeping this sub as "clean" as you can. Fighting shills and downvote bots ain't easy, I can tell. + +Everyone, be kind to each other. Ape no fight ape. + +🚀🚀💎🖐🌕 + +Side note, whoever has been giving snek awards to shills, you an MVP 😂 + +Edit: my first gold award 🥺 thank you anonymous person +There would be another 18,000,000 shares of GME DRS’d. Hedgies r fukt. I wonder how much the fake price would dip on a $500,000,000 purchase? Would they route that through the dark pool? How they gonna find those shares? Let me win and let’s answer some of these questions. +The AMAs could be linked within the God Tier DD. Could even rename it God Tier DD + AMA. + +Also, you mods have done an amazing job inviting these experts to talk about this saga. What a way to share knowledge and boost our credibility! + +The "I voted" flair was such a great and fun idea too. + +And thanks for keeping this sub as "clean" as you can. Fighting shills and downvote bots ain't easy, I can tell. + +Everyone, be kind to each other. Ape no fight ape. + +🚀🚀💎🖐🌕 + +Side note, whoever has been giving snek awards to shills, you an MVP 😂 + +Edit: my first gold award 🥺 thank you anonymous person +He submitted the tax forms online without even talking to me 😑 and I looked at them today to see what the error was, and he did NOT claim himself as a dependent. He says he thought he could skip that question. 😐 + +I'm assuming he needs to file an amended return and return the $1400? + +Kid likes to do everything on his own, but I said "don't mess with IRS forms, always let me look at them before you hit submit." + +Sigh. + +ETA: here's the big question that nobody's answered. When and how will they request the money back from my son? If like to put it into a separate account for safekeeping. I assume he will get a letter? In like....the next 36 months? 😂 +In current WSJ economic survey of more than 60 economists they were asked "When do you expect a recession to start?" and forecast has highest likelihood is year 2020: [https://www.wsj.com/graphics/econsurvey/](https://www.wsj.com/graphics/econsurvey/) . Another survery at CFO Global Business Outlook over 1500 global CFOs predict a recession by the third quarter of 2020: [https://www.cfosurvey.org/press-release/recession-expected-by-late-2020/](https://www.cfosurvey.org/press-release/recession-expected-by-late-2020/) + +How accurate are these economic forecasts? + +Some prominent investors are also signalling that a crash may be coming: + +* Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is predicting a crash and is holding $128.2 billion in cash and seems to be unfazed by the stock market rally and is waiting for a correction to buy good value stocks: [https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/02/warren-buffetts-berkshire-hathaway-reports-a-128-billion-cash-pile.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/02/warren-buffetts-berkshire-hathaway-reports-a-128-billion-cash-pile.html) +* Ray Dalio founder of  world's largest hedge fund Bridgewater has placed a $1.5 billion bet on bet on market crash. [Ray Dalio believes we are in a period of time similiar to 1937](https://www.businessinsider.com.au/ray-dalio-bridgewater-debt-crisis-downturn-coming-about-two-years-2018-9?r=US&IR=T): + * asset prices are near full capacity, we are late in the growth cycle + * interest rates close to zero percent, QE to prop up the economy + * income inequality, wealth gap has widened as wealthy have access to cheap capital + * big gap in politics betwen left and the right with populism is on the rise + * global tensions are rising as a new nation is rising to power + +[https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/21/economy/ray-dalio-economy-great-sag/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/21/economy/ray-dalio-economy-great-sag/index.html) + +* Robert Shiller is Nobel-Prize winning economist and his CAPE (**C**yclically **A**djusted **P**rice to **E**arnings Ratio) index suggests a stock market crash is on the horizon. He cautioned that the impressive returns investors have been enjoying over the past few years are likely coming to an end, saying **he expects U.S. stocks to return an average of just 4.4% each year over the next 30 years**: [https://www.ccn.com/bubbles-everywhere-suggest-stock-market-crash-coming/](https://www.ccn.com/bubbles-everywhere-suggest-stock-market-crash-coming/) + +Crash will certainly happen as [no bull market runs forever](https://traderhq.com/illustrated-history-every-s-p-500-bear-market/). The hard part is timing it. +Most coins rise and fall in value with bitcoin. This is mostly because most altcoins trade only for bitcoin. + +However, if bitcoin is facing a problem (like the upcoming potential chain split and the scaling issues) that is a fundamental flaw with bitcoin, and many of the altcoins are not flawed in the same way and therefore have no reason to drop in value alongside bitcoin. + +In fact, some of them could act as a good alternative to bitcoin and should therefore rise in value, not drop. + +One way to prevent the prices of altcoins to be tied to bitcoin is by asking exchanges to more currency trading pairs, such as Ethereum to altcoins, or Dash to altcoins, or any other coin that is widely used, has a large market cap and trading volume and has a strong track record. If exchanges offer other options than just bitcoin to alts, and those options get used, then altcoins can decouple from the bitcoin price and their value would be determined by their own fundamentals and not that of bitcoin. + +On top of that investors should look at the fundamentals of a coin and not just TA charts and the price of bitcoin. Because many altcoins have completely different fundamentals and some of them should rise while bitcoin drops in price, instead of dropping together with bitcoin. + +Let's keep the market healthy and trade responsibly based on fundamentals, not on FUD. Just because bitcoin is making a mess doesn't mean it has to negatively affect the whole market. +Blanderson here, back with another quick guide to the wide world of financial fuckery. This time a visual guide, with less words and 20 images max. + +I woke up this morning dreaming of a green Christmas, as hyped for today as I am for every day. **When you own $GME, you wake up a winner every day.** + +What’s put a little extra pep in my step lately is the imminent release of the Q3 13F filings on sec.gov, due Monday, November 15. Hopefully this guide will help you interpret the numbers and reduce the amount of confusion and FUD we get around these dates. + +Disclaimer: I’m not a financial professional, this is just what I’ve learned from doing the [Voltron](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojh2eh/ultimate_wargame_theory_the_beginning_total/) [series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oku8fm/ultimate_wargame_flashbacks_archegos_glacier/) [of DDs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oty1f2/quick_simple_game_that_explains_how_shfs_are/). Let me know if I’m missing anything or have something wrong in the comments! + +💎🙌🦍💗🚀🌜 + +# Basic 13F Info + +Before I get to the visual guide, here is some basic information about 13Fs. Some of this is distilled info from the [SEC’s 13F FAQ](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/13ffaq.htm) and my own paraphrasing/organization of the information found there. + +**Who Files a 13F?** + +Instititutional managers that have greater than $100 million in assets under management (AUM), and who engage in commerce in American markets. (paraphrased) + +**What Is in a 13F?** + +**Short Answer:** Stocks, and options (calls and puts) on those stocks + +**Longer Answer:** Any securities on the [Official List of Section 13(f) Securities](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/13flists.htm). + +>“\[The list\] primarily includes U.S. exchange-traded stocks (e.g., NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ), shares of closed-end investment companies, and shares of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Certain convertible debt securities, equity options, and warrants are on the Official List and may be reported. +> +>Securities that are not on the Official List should not be reported on Form 13F. For example, shares of open-end investment companies, i.e., mutual funds, are not included on the list and, therefore, should not be reported on Form 13F.” + +**SEC FAQ Answer:** “Among other things, Form 13F filings must include: + +* the issuer name of all Section 13(f) securities (which should be listed in alphabetical order); +* a description of the class of security listed (e.g., common stock, put/call option, class A shares, convertible debenture); +* the number of shares owned; and +* the fair market value of the securities listed, as of the end of the calendar quarter. + +Note that transactions may occur at any time during the quarter, so a filing for the quarter ending 06/30 does not mean those securities were purchased on that date. Additionally, securities and/or options bought AND sold/exercised during the quarter will not show up on a 13F. + +**When Are 13F Forms Filed?** + +**Q1** (end date 03/31) - filing due in May + +**Q2** (end date 06/30) - filing due in August + +**Q3** (end date 09/30) - filing due in November + +**Q4** (end date 12/31) - filing due in February + +A table of upcoming dates can be found in [the SEC FAQ](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/13ffaq.htm). This year’s remaining dates are August 16 (Q2) and November 15 (Q3). + +Where are they filed and how do you read them? Let’s turn to the visual guide for that. + +# Visual Guide to 13Fs + +While there are other sites that track and present the data in fancy ways, I’m old school and like to go directly to the source. One reason is that I like to verify everything for myself. Another reason is that the most popular site, WhaleWisdom, doesn’t allow VPN connections. Free ain’t free. + +My source for 13Fs is the sec.gov website itself. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7uyimv99srz71.jpg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612a3cc21e5cd325b3209f7eb3a7e7335db248fa + +**A:** Click on Company Filings rather than using the search box. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qmax2qrasrz71.jpg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3408c5a52908516030b26a78225a4a4108679fb0 + +**B:** Type the full name here if you know it, but partial is ok too and in some cases it’s necessary. + +**C:** Notice there are a lot of Melvin Capitals. They are all different companies with different purposes, but related to the same Plotkin business entity. The trick is you have to find the one that files 13Fs. + +**D:** Using the Search button is preferable for finding the right Melvin Capital, in my opinion. If you just hit Enter/Return after typing in Melvin Capital, it will take you to the first result, Melvin Capital LP. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k6daqtwbsrz71.jpg?width=1435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3655d632e6011f38f5d99090f95ab9c613b22491 + +**E:** Unfortunately, there are only Form D filings here. That means this company exists only to raise money from investors through the sale of securities. It’s like when banks sell their own bonds. These companies will often be registered in a tax shelter even if the hedge fund itself is registered in the U.S. + +But, if we had hit the Search button instead we’d go to what I call the “old SEC” site (because it reminds me of using old reddit vs new reddit). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2osvlsldsrz71.jpg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69294aed51bf2b3b5f166a86418b016df16ccfaf + +Note that I removed some empty space in the next image to bring the data closer together for readability. Here’s [the actual site](https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?company=melvin+capital&match=&filenum=&State=&Country=&SIC=&myowner=exclude&action=getcompany) so you can see what I mean if you like. + +**F:** This is a much easier way to find the company you’re looking for, and lets you easily see where all the different companies and funds are incorporated. It isn’t always easy to tell which one you need, but you start to get a sense for it after a while. For example, anything that says “Fund” or “Offshore,” or has different versions (“I, II, and III”) will not be the right one. One tip is that the hedge fund that files 13Fs will always be registered in the U.S., even if they have foreign-registered shell companies. + +In this case, we click on Melvin Capital Management LP, which takes us to this “old SEC” page. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5mz9dk1ksrz71.jpg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110079de721c3385d6c6fd050751d41d20cbf8b8 + +This is it! You should see a list filled with 13Fs and 13Gs (and occasionally some form D or other types). + +Note that I removed some empty space in the next image to bring the data closer together for readability. Here’s [the actual site](https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?company=melvin+capital&match=&filenum=&State=&Country=&SIC=&myowner=exclude&action=getcompany) so you can see what I mean if you like. + +**G:** Scanning the list down to the first 13F-HR, we see it was filed in May so that means it’s their Q1 filing according to the schedule mentioned above. (Very occasionally some enterprising CFO will file in an earlier month, so a Q1 might show up in April, but the Feb/May/Aug/Nov rule makes it very easy to scan for specific filings.) + +If you click on Documents, this pops up. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/adjox73osrz71.jpg?width=1466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785bfa484601b3d56ea505138debf0ccb0cb7585 + +**H:** Right off the bat you have the filing date/period of report combo again. Filed in May for the period ending 03/31. + +It’s annoying that they call it “period of report” because it’s not. The period of report is actually 01/01 – 03/31. It’s one of those shorthands that people in the industry are blind to and new researchers like us have to get used to. “03/31” must become synonymous with “Q1” in the researcher’s mind. + +**I:** The first document type is also annoying named “Primary Doc,” when it is actually the Cover Page. I ignored these for a while, but my research really started to pop when I started paying attention to them. I will break one down below. + +**J:** The second document type is the Infotable, which is where all the data on specific securities and options is held. I pointed out the file size because eventually you get to the point where you can guesstimate a fund’s AUM just by looking at the file size. Dear god, what have I become? + +Also, sometimes you’ll see a file size of 0. This means you’ve probably run into a 13F-NT, which means no assets are reported in the filing. Don’t ask me why they do this. In my mind I read it as 13F “no text” because you won’t find filings, but the Cover Pages can still be rich sources of information. + +# Primary Doc (Cover Page) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yvzydw2tsrz71.jpg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c862f0a76eed7cdd8df4ed3edf6df6443fc09a2 + +**K:** If it’s an amendment (/A) to add or restate holdings, one of these will be checked. You will already know, though, because it will be labeled 13F-HR/A on the previous page. I haven’t found too much interesting in the Amendments, as a lot of times it’s just to correct a bad signature or other typing error. + +**L:** You’d think the address for the filer would match the address for the hedge fund, but it often does not. For example, a manager in Texas might sign for a company registered in Colorado. Sometimes leads to interesting connections. + +**M:** This is a spot where tracking 13Fs over time can yield interesting insights, like people being promoted or strange new filers being brought in. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dgdqgpausrz71.jpg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb40eb6523320e964453225479a267b93e97c212 + +**N:** + +13F-HR - Holding Report, means the infotable is all managed by the filer + +13F-NT – Notice, means this filing won’t have an infotable and/or holdings are found in another company’s filings + +13F-HR – Combination Report, means the assets of other managers are included in this report. We’ll see how to differentiate them in the next step. + +**O:** If it’s a Combination Report, it means that some of this company’s holdings are reported in other company’s filings. All part of the pointless complexity that hides crime. + +The next number, 82, is the Infotable Entries, or number of lines in the infotable. That doesn’t mean different securities, as a hedge fund often has shares, calls, and puts on the same security, as you’ll see in the next screenshot. + +Finally you have the big number, the total $$ value of the firm’s AUM *as of the date of filing*. You can do a lot with this number. I like to compare multiple quarters to see when big shifts in AUM occur, and then try to figure out what caused them. + +For example, Advisors Asset Management’s AUM from Q3 2019 to Q4 2021: + +**Q3 2019:** 5.4 billion + +**Q4 2020:** 11.3 billion + +**Q1 2021:** 4.2 billion + +Meanwhile the Infotable Entries range from 1,507 to 1,577 and the additional managers remain the same across all three. What’s up with that $6 billion? Is someone playing games? + +P.S. Advisors Asset Management is registered in Colorado but their Chief Compliance Officer signs the forms from Texas. + +Let’s take a look at a more complex cover page, this time for ExodusPoint Capital Management. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vb7nr5kptrz71.jpg?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57f8d11bd0bcd502c45feccbb53a14f7902c923 + +First you’ll notice the big chunk of blue text, which lays out clearly that they have additional managers with full investment discretion in certain securities, and that in some cases both ExodusPoint and the additional managers may have shared ownership. It’s just an example of how convoluted they’ve made things to hide crime. + +There is an Included Manager reported, and it’s listed at the bottom: Pythagorean Trading, LLC. (Look that one up lol). + +# InfoTable (List of Shares, Calls, and Puts) + +Here are the first few lines of Melvin Capital Management’s Q1 2021 13F. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/btl460irtrz71.jpg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d631f18e470b54ac187f2ed02bffc62d9baa6e + +**P (Column 1):** Security name, listed once for each type of holding (shares, calls, or puts) and each institutional holder. + +**Q (Column 2):** Class of security is important. COM (common stock) is the most common, while ADR, ADS, or Sponsored ADR/ADS denote a foreign company listed on a domestic exchange. Scanning this column is an easy way to find foreign investments. + +**R (Column 3):** CUSIP is like a company’s social securities number, typically not useful but could clear up confusion if there are similarly named companies or subsidiaries in the filing. + +**S: (Columns 4-6):** I wish the order of these was reversed. If there’s nothing in Column 6 then the line represents shares owned, while calls and puts have the number of shares *worth* of options it represents. I’m no expert on options, but putting together columns 4 and 5 on options lines should yield some info about price. + +Looking at Activision Blizzard calls on the above: $186,000,000 value / 2,000,000 shares = $93/share. + +These were bought sometime in Q1, and $93 is the price Activision was trading at on Feb 4th before gapping up to $103 the next day on the largest green candle of the year. + +That’s a cool $20 million guaranteed because your cabal controls the price of any security they own. + +But I don’t think the calls would be listed if they had been exercised. Either way, $93 is very close to the actual share price at any given point in Q1 so these were likely barely ITM or OTM calls that weren’t exercised. + +Maybe some options wrinklebrains can elaborate. + +**T (Columns 7-8):** Will include a mark if it’s the asset of another manager, and typically will show shared or none in the voting authority column. This is another easy way to separate different holdings, which can lead to interesting insights. + +Now let’s take a look at Citadel’s Q1 13F infotable, which has all of the more complicated things. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p8i1awpttrz71.jpg?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d186c8e03effa8ff62d7073d0353adab99924960 + +**U:** We see five entries for the same company, confirmed by the identical CUSIPs. + +**V:** Two pairs of calls and two sets of shares, along with a line of puts. The “1”s mark the other Included Manager on this 13F (Citadel Securities GP, LLC in this case), showing which positions are owned by which companies. One has shares and puts, the other has shares, calls, and puts. + +&#x200B; + +💎🙌🦍💗🚀🌜 + +Whew, ok, I hope that’s given you a good idea of how to find things in 13Fs, and what to look for. + +While we’re at it, let’s take a look at 13G’s, the other common type of ownership form that tells us when funds are buying large stakes in companies. + +# Bonus Section: Reading 13Gs + +According to Investopedia, + +A 13G form is used to report a party's ownership of stock which exceeds 5% of a company's total stock issue. + +I learned something important while researching this DD, which is that a 13G is the same as a 13D but the former is filed “if they acquired securities while doing normal business and they have no intention of influencing control of the issuer.” After I look at the form, I’ll quickly revisit some Voltron DD in light of this discovery to see if I can debunk my own DD. + +If you remember when we got to Melvin’s documents page, we saw a bunch of 13Gs along with the 13F-HR. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jzofp6nztrz71.jpg?width=1587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8d5d2b2ad805cae072e56e733d04f9b22d660f + +When you click into one, you see another familiar looking page. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vtwfcxy0urz71.jpg?width=1501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45a37e10154c5f0d18b326d556fcc27d4002261 + +**W:** The filing date can be any date (I’m sure there are rules) and so won’t always be in Feb/May/Aug/Nov like 13Fs. + +You can immediately see what company’s stock was purchased here, which might be all you need for certain investigations. + +Finally, there is only one document here rather than the two kinds found in a 13F. Clicking on that document brings us to a page that looks like the following three images. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9i1eyk52urz71.jpg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124c2ddb496c76c64cddb29bf785a1c4641352f6 + +**X:** Unlike a 13F, we can see exactly when the shares were purchased that triggered the 13G filing. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k5h41n93urz71.jpg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045f0ff3e77f2c37c474e4e0f6ba079edcb0096e + +**Y:** Here we can see the person taking ownership, the number of shares owned, and the % of total company shares this represents (size of stake). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bophpj94urz71.jpg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45a647a3b8837929c7356bf43589651a33ae6e4 + +**Z:** A lot of times these questions won’t hold any info, but when they show ownership on behalf of another person it can lead to interesting connections. You’ll see this used when an individual sells out a large stake, as well. + +💎🙌🦍💗🚀🌜 + +I hope you find this helpful. I don’t trust third-party sites that deliver data when I can go get the data myself, particularly when they don’t allow connections through VPN. + +I hope this will help you gather or verify information that gets passed around, particularly as this quarter’s 13F season is upon us. I’m new to all this, so hopefully if I’m missing some things you will let me know in the comments! + +guhguh \*pounds chest\* guhguh + +Come on, do it with me Apes. + +guhguh guhguh \*pounds chest\* guhguh + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/o27z6xn6urz71.jpg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f364aed9e90f7a90e2d0f8059953d2919b0778 + +MOASS is this week unless it's next week. Have a good one. + +Love, + +Blanderson + [https://www.businessinsider.com/robinhood-office-installed-bulletproof-glass-after-frustrated-traders-visited-report-2020-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/robinhood-office-installed-bulletproof-glass-after-frustrated-traders-visited-report-2020-7) +So my strategy is a pretty simple one. It’s been making me about 3% return a week for the last two months. I think I’m still in the honeymoon phase, and I need a reality check. So my strategy is essentially running the wheel on mid cap stocks that have been beaten down by the coronavirus(cruise lines and hotels mostly) but not exclusively. I’ve been selling weekly OTM Puts that I buy Monday about an hour before close. I pick out a company that is lower than open, and I do research to make sure there aren’t any big news events driving the price down in the near term future. I sell about 2%-4% below market price, WITH THE INTENTION OF GETTING ASSIGNED THE SHARES. I want to stress that enough. I do not mind getting assigned, I’m just in it for the premium. If I don’t get assigned, I roll it over and sell another OTM Put the next week. If I get assigned, I immediately turn around and sell a covered call at the exact same strike price. Basically, I’m trying to create weekly income regardless of the price of the stock. If the stock price goes down sharply, I sell a covered call for two weeks out. If the stock price still hasn’t recovered, I start to lower my covered call strike price, being conscious of the premium I’ve collected relative to the strike price and current stock price. I don’t see the problem with this, as I have the mindset that I am fine with holding the stock for a long time if need be. Please poke all the holes you want. I need to see the flaws from a third person POV so I can have a more grounded view of it. Thanks in advance! + +Edit: [I added a more revised version](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/g58613/poke_holes_in_my_strategy_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) so please go and comment all critiques after reading the revised strategy, as that will be the one I will be using from now on! + Contract : 0x308fc5cdd559be5cb62b08a26a4699bbef4a888f + +We are a team from Europe that is not afraid to show its face and location to the community. If you missed out the birth of DEFI, can you allow yourself to miss the birth of the first Hedge Fund in DEFI. We will be "Warren Buffett" on blockchain in a short amount of time. + +Launched on 30 Jun 2021 as the first hedge fund on a blockchain. All the investments are voted in blockchain and executed on ERC20 and BEP20, and all the profit is distributed back to the community. + +We already signed the papers to integrate our token with a fiat bridge and will be delivered in few weeks from now. This news will be published in Cointelegraph.com . + +So make your bags before it is to late, this train will stay in station for a short period of time Today we will have a new investment in Ethereum where you can join and take a share of the profit. + +Anti whale mechanism: purchases limited to 1T $DCIP (@3 BNB) per transaction + +Contract signed with fiat bridge - Checked (partnership with IndaCoin) + +Applied for exchange - Checked ([Gate.io](https://gate.io/)) + +Reddit room: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dcip\_finance/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dcip_finance/) + +📝 GREAT MARKETING STRATEGY + +💹 MASSIVE GAINS INCOMMING + +🤖 NO BOTS + +📱Telegram Messenger: [https://t.me/DCIPfinance](https://t.me/DCIPfinance) + +🌐Website [https://dcip.finance](https://dcip.finance/) + +📲dApp: [https://app.dcip.finance](https://app.dcip.finance/) + +🔎Litepaper: [https://dcip.finance/DCIP-Litepaper.pdf](https://dcip.finance/DCIP-Litepaper.pdf) + +🛡Audit: [https://dcip.finance/Audit\_CTDSEC.pdf](https://dcip.finance/Audit_CTDSEC.pdf) + +📺Explainer (60 Seconds): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me-GymG1JWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me-GymG1JWs) + +💱Pancake swap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x308fc5cdd559be5cb62b08a26a4699bbef4a888f](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x308fc5cdd559be5cb62b08a26a4699bbef4a888f) + +📈Bogged: [https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x308FC5CdD559Be5cB62B08A26a4699bBef4a888f](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x308FC5CdD559Be5cB62B08A26a4699bBef4a888f) + +🔒LP Lock 10 years ($500k): [https://app.unicrypt.network/amm/pancake-v2/pair](https://app.unicrypt.network/amm/pancake-v2/pair) 0x4799b0d36b421df620daFeBdE3ba19C2C2c2fC5c + +📊Coin market cap: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/decentralized-community-investment-protocol/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/decentralized-community-investment-protocol/) + +🐕TOKENOMICS + +50% Burned from the start (51.71% currently burned) + +44.5% Circulating supply + +3.8% Development and Marketing + +💸Tax 10% + +3% Liquidity + +1% Marketing Wallet + +2% to hedge fund wallet 2% Burned + +2% Redistributed to holders who hold longer than 24 hours + +💸Punish fee 7% if you sell in 24h from purchase💸 + +4% to hedge fund wallet + +1% Burned + +2% redistributed to all holders +I tried to post this as a reply to someone looking to understand Reverse Repos better and I ended up going over the word limit. I wrote it because while there are resources elsewhere about what Repos are, I really couldn't find a good DD/Education post here about what they are; only what they are doing. + +I'm a smooth-brain that used to swear that money was incomprehensible. While the GME Saga has changed that, I still eat crayons and snort bananas. What I'm writing here may not be entirely correct, but I hope the essence is on track for others who want to understand. This is my first attempt at contributing to the community's wrinkle portfolio, so feedback is appreciated. + +This is not even close to financial advice. + +--- + +Before we get to Repos, we first need to understand that dollar bill in your pocket and what it means when you deposit it in the bank. When you hold onto that dollar bill, it's an asset. It's a good thing as it lets you get stuff. But when you put it in a bank, you aren't just stuffing it into a giant wallet. + +Side note, this is where banks have kind of mind-fucked you. + +You are not putting your money into a big vault to be kept safely. You are LOANING it to the bank to use to make more money. They just don't want you to realize that because we'd want more than 0.00000025% interest for the use of our money. Keep that in mind, you are loaning money to the bank when you "deposit" it. + +**EDIT02:** A clarification on how your money turns into something banks don't want to have on their books. Thanks to /u/hrcen for asking for a clearer example. + +>You have $100. You see it as a good thing, and it is because it's yours. +> +>You put the $100 in the bank. The bank now owes you $100. You can drop by and take that $100 back at any time. So to a bank's viewpoint, that $100 can go POOF at any time. They aren't allowed to count your $100 as a good thing because they can't depend on it being there if they need it. + +... + +Now to Repurchase Agreements (a.k.a. Repos). A Repo is when Bank A sells an asset to the Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) in exchange for cash, under the AGREEMENT that Bank A can buy it back (repurchase) at a later date. Usually the price it's bought back at is different leading to either the Bank or Fed pocketing the extra, depending on which way the cash needs to flow. + +A Reverse Repo is just the bank and Fed swapping places. So the bank buys an asset from the Fed to sell back later. + +The RRPs (Reverse Repos) that you see being discussed have a couple notable aspects that you should keep in mind. First, they are 0% interest. So the Fed buys the asset back for the same amount, meaning no profit for anyone. Second, the buyback date is the very next day, so the money only sits at the Fed for 24 hours. + +**Repo:** I sell X to you, I buy it back from you later. +**Reverse Repo:** I buy X from you, I sell it back to you later. + + ... + +Why are Reverse Repos a big deal right now? + +Remember our discussion about that money in your pocket? When you loan it to the bank, it's no longer an asset. It becomes a liability to the bank because at any time you can walk into a bank and take that dollar back. While banks can use your money to make more money, they can't use it to justify any loans or risky investments they have long term. + +(This is ignoring the innate nature of all US dollars: It's pure debt. But that's a whole other slew of DDs.) + +Last year, COVID hit and the economy closed down. To keep everything from falling apart (like a House of Cards.....) the Fed began to push a lot of money into the economy as a form of financial CPR. This is both good and bad. The reasons why would be another whole slew of DDs. But the end result is that now, over a year later, there is a SHIT-TON of extra cash floating around. + +Where does extra cash end up? **In banks.** +Remember what cash deposited into a bank becomes? **Liability.** + +The banks are absolutely flooded with liabilities now. This is a problem because every day their books are checked to see just how much in liabilities they hold compared to their assets. It's essentially a daily margin call. + +So what is a bank to do? Well, the Fed is letting banks move lots of this cash to them in exchange for an equal amount of assets *just long enough* to pass this test for 1 day. Cool, but that cash comes right back 24 hours later. The bank has to do this over and over or face a world of shit. + +As you can guess, this is just kicking the can down the road (sound familiar?). And unless the bank finds something to do with the cash on hand, every day they will need more of those assets from the Fed to pass the test. They can't give it to another bank either because that bank is overloaded with cash too. The Fed will also only allow a single bank to get up to 80B in assets. After that, the store is closed. + +I don't know what happens when the banks explode from all the cash they're stuffed with, but I bet it's not a good thing for anyone. I think hyperinflation, but I'm not sure. + +... + +Now the Fed could start charging interest on RRPs. The banks would hate it, but it would take cash out of circulation. Why they haven't done this by now, only a wrinkle-brain can tell you. I don't know. But it's clearly yet another bomb ready to blow in our economy that, inexplicably, no one seems eager to defuse. + +I hope this helps. And I hope I'm not too far wrong on things. Again, feedback is welcome. I'll try to update/correct as problems are pointed out. + +EDIT01: Formatting changes. (Yet it's still here! Eat that DTCC!) + +EDIT03: More formatting changes for clarity. +Well it would appear everyone’s favorite/least favorite company will **NOT BE GOING BANKRUPT**. + +With that said, a run up sure looks extremely promising. + +**For added pressure, this is also not BBBY’s special EOM announcement-nor have RC’s selling motives been made publicly clear.** 👀🤔 + +I think this positive news clearing all the FUD in the air of BBBY going bankrupt has the possibility of carrying some very real momentum that it’s been lacking in the following days. Seems obvious to the majority of us, that most uneasy apes pulled out *only* because they were afraid bankruptcy was almost imminent when RC sold (dick riding the billionaire) & that was a risk some weren’t going to take. 🐑 + +*(Pretty positive a majority of us if-not all of us, weren’t investing for BBBY’s remarkable balance sheets anyways, but that’s an entirely different story people have quickly forgotten.)* 🤡🌈🐻 + +You all must’ve forgotten what had happened to GME shortly after Michael Burry sold his shares, far too soon. Well welcome to Wallstreetbets- Everyone reacted how they did with RC selling his BBBY shares, they had all assumed that was the end of GME, that it HAD to be going bankrupt. Well guess what? It FUCKING moon’d okay, and it was all people talked about for weeks, years, to this day. Made not only money-hungry Michael Burry look foolish, but every single paper-hand who sold at a loss foolish aswell. 🤷‍♂️ + +Now that’s cleared up-all you regards can stop fighting about whose right & whose wrong. + +**One thing we can all agree on however is: if you’re playing any side of BBBY, you got massive balls.** 🍉 + +With a loan close to half a *billion* dollars, with another $150m+ cash on hand, and *maybe* even possible RC + CFO sale proceeds? BBBY now has PLENTY more time & breathing room. They’ve also currently been selling/sold real estate to acquire more funds while actively looking for a buyer for their other spin off company-Buybuy Baby, which by the way, has a whopping estimated value of 1.5 *billion* dollars (Ryan Cohen?GMErica?Dragonfly?) Desperately needing money in the near future does not seem to be an issue for BBBY no longer. Maybe some greater turn around plan is in the works after all. 🧠💰 + +So wait wait wait…the firm they hired, **KIRLAND & ELLIS,** (whose been helping companies since 1909) will NOT be used for bankruptcy as we had thought? Maybe they hired them for something else such as, **restructuring** and **rebuilding** their brand and finances? + +**Balance sheets alone did not give this company over a billion trading volume in just a few days, remember this apes**. ⚠️ + +Finances and balance sheets aside, because those never really quite mattered for a squeeze. SI is STILL absolutely sky high on this company-especially with all the (now) false FUD/puts in the last week. Bed Bath & Beyond is still one of the most heavily shorted stocks on Wall Street, just about time again to make all those short sellers repurchase their shares and drive this BBBY up further. Officially not going bankrupt and with 1500+ new jobs *currently* listed. OPEX + REG-SHO & at an already impressive 67.31% discount, paired with the current attention BBBY has amongst the media and apes, things are looking *very* interesting. Only time will tell if another, more revengeful, squeeze will be sqoozed. 🚀 + +Regardless if you’re bullish or bearish on BBBY, you have to admit amongst a sea of bad news, this is **GOOD & reassuring** news for the company & it’s shareholders. ✅ + +BBBY’s major sell off/Dip to FUD and RC selling has already happened, so what’s logically next, a possible correction upwards? what other terrible news could even be left? Realistically one of the worst things to drive a stocks price down would be immediate bankruptcy, which is now ruled out. Who doesn’t own 10% of the company to dump anymore? What company is no longer going bankrupt? It sure seems like the major bear hypothesis is gone & now there should be way more buying pressure with way less risk. -20% or +1000% I personally like the sound of those ratios. 🍀 + +**TDLR; BBBY will *not* be fighting bankruptcy in the coming months & will now have cash on hand for a *possible* turn around.** + +What’s everyone’s thoughts & opinions for a continued squeeze/bull case? + +Read the publishing for yourself below~⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ + +[https://www.wsj.com/articles/bed-bath-beyond-clinches-loan-deal-11661301078](https://www.wsj.com/articles/bed-bath-beyond-clinches-loan-deal-11661301078) +⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ + +**SQUEEZE PART 2 INCOMING?** ⏰ + +**DID RYAN PAPER-HANDS COHEN SELL TOO EARLY?** + +**WE’RE STILL GETTING WATERMELONS!?!?** 🍉🍉🍉 + +#Edit 1: HOLY MOLY! BBBY IS CURRENTLY UP 20% IN THE GERMAN PRE-MARKET 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +#EDIT 2: HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE! BBBY IS CURRENTLY UP 40% IN US PRE-MARKET🍉🥳🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I think it is very difficult to say which cryptocurrency is the best for an investment. There are different strategies that we can use for a long term investment. It is wise not to only invest in one cryptocurrency, but to diversify so your winnings can make up for loses. +Hi all, I am part of an international ICO team. As part of an ICO marketing team - you always strive to show your ICO in the most transparent and candid way possible. So I decided to ask you the community - What would make you trust an ICO? + +All answers will be highly appreciated! + +Thanks GL:HF +Keep an eye out for absolute madlads doing idiotic stuff that is borderline harassment. You’re so close good ape. Don’t do anything actually stupid, cruel, or illegal. Any of that becomes cherry pickable MSM fodder for their narrative. + +Be patient. + +Stay humble. + +Be excellent to each other. + +Don’t fucking dance. +Anytime we have 20-50% gains I sell a small portion of profit and reinvest. I’ve tried buying and selling weekly/monthly on lows and highs. Overall it’s better to find projects you like long term and accumulate. I wait for price targets and buy. I wait for sell targets and sell. It’s easy. Don’t panic just stick to the plan. + +NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. +Elon says he will go against refugee ban. Let's see if tesla gets boycotted here Starbucks style .. +http://www.marketwatch.com/story/elon-musk-distances-himself-from-donald-trump-2017-02-02 +Bitcoin dropped to 16.5k today. 16.5k guys... everyone is running around like their hair is on fire. +I’ve only been on the HODL train for a little over a month and this sub has convinced me to expect and not worry about dips like this. It’s only been a month for me and I’m not panicked, why is everyone else? + +I was bracing for dips down to 11 or 12k. We’re up here hovering around 17k and acting like the world is going to end. + +Coinbase isn’t a big deal, BCH isn’t a big deal. Bitcoin has seen worse and continues to grow, I for one will be buying this dip, because BCH isn’t the gold standard for Crypto Currency. Bitcoin is. + +Edit: I slept on this, and realized this morning that maybe it isn’t all panic, it’s just calling a spade a spade. There isn’t necessarily a ton of panic selling, but mostly calling Coinbase on their BS. Which, is a good thing. There is little regulation to hold them accountable, so their customers have to. I’ll still stress not to panic and to keep on HODLing, but, we can also do that while calling out some shady business tactics. +My neighbor is getting evicted in 6 days by the county for years worth of fines for violations. The bill is $7,000. He has offered to sign the house over to me if I pay the 7k and let him live there until he dies. He is 74 and in terrible health. The home needs a roof badly and other various repairs but would make a good rental. The land is worth approx 65k if there was no structure on it. Is this a good investment opportunity? Could family contest this after he passes and take away the home and I lose any money I did for repairs or upkeep? +I got in a stock (SRNE) yesterday at around $7.50 per share. It then went to around $8 and so i set a stop limit in low $7s. The stock then shot down from ~~over $8~~ (edit: around $7.87) to $7.01 for a split second - did someone put in an incorrect sell price? Would 1 sell price like that cause everyone's stop-limits to trigger? + +The price then rebounded to ~~$8~~ (edit: high $7s) and then on to $9 in 4min. So my stop-limit was triggered and most of my shares sold at a small loss. I sold the rest for a $250 gain, but it could've been a $6,000 profit had my stop limit not been triggered so easily. + +What is some advice? Should I just not use stop limits in on a stock that is fluctuating so much? + +The same thing happened later with that stock - dropping in an instant from $8.50 to $7.50 and then right back up. Was someone selling cheap shares on purpose? +A few months back, there was a dude who invested $8K into a memecoin and ended up being worth around $5.7B (which obviously he couldn't cash out without destroying the market and lowering the price). + +Anyway, I wonder how he was able to HODL till it has reached that price. Did he just forget about it? Lost the seed? + +I would have sold at 16K, 100K, 1Mil, but definitely could never hold until it's billions. + +How do people do it? + +Everyone saying they wish they bought Bitcoin in 2011, would never have held till today. + +**When would you have sold? How do you know when to take profit and when to wait? Is it just pure luck?** + +*Reposting without the coin's name because it's not the point* +I've been with HBF for years and I'm considering getting rid of private heath insurance because it costs me thousands of dollars and I went into the dentist the other day and my health insurance company (HBF) were willing to cover about 15% of the cost of some basic stuff even though I have both dental plans. I just don't see the benefit here when I still need to shell out thousands of dollars out of pocket anyway? It would have been about a $120 difference without HBF, I don't see how paying $100 a fortnight is worth a $120 saving once every few years +[Inflation has grown so much The WH is releasing statements talking up how bad the CPI report will be before it’s even released…](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/04/11/inflation-data-white-house-expects-big-price-hikes-in-march-cpi-report.html) + + +What does that mean: J Powell is going to be given the ultimate green light to just absolutely [shit all over the punch bowl and crash the Post 2020 QE Infinity Rally](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-04-06/if-stocks-don-t-fall-the-fed-needs-to-force-them)… + + +Bulls be warned their portfolio losses so far is not gonna be comparable to when The New Fed is done… + +If I were a betting man (I know ironic) I would expect The FED to call an “emergency meeting” sometime in the not-so-distant future and agree to raise interest rate to Nuclear Fallout levels… + + +PS: I hope all the “Inflation Doom Dollar End is Nigh” crowd is happy as they kept on calling for The Ghost of Volcker and they are about to get their wish… +https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/markets/inside-the-market/article-power-corps-biggest-appeal-shares-are-trading-at-a-deep-discount/ + + +Power Corp. of Canada shares are trading at a curiously large discount to the underlying value of its international assets. And this discount is exactly where the greatest upside to the stock may be sitting. + +Okay, even a quick summary of these assets can boggle the mind. + +Power Corp. (POW-T) owns Power Financial Corp., which in turn owns a 66.9-per-cent stake in Canadian insurer Great-West Lifeco Inc. (GWO-T), a 62.1-per-cent stake in wealth management firm IGM Financial Inc. (IGM-T), a 44.5-per-cent stake in the Switzerland-based investor Pargesa and an 83.6-per-cent stake in the online investment firm Wealthsimple Financial Corp. Power Corp. also owns investment platforms such as Sagard Holdings. + +Beneath this layer of holdings by Power Financial resides another, consisting of Putnam Investments, Mackenzie Investments and others. + +As complex as this structure might appear, it actually follows considerable streamlining: The merger of Power Corp. of Canada with Power Financial, completed in February, created a single holding company – Power Corp. of Canada. As part of this reorganization, the controlling Desmarais family gave up top executive positions. + +The result, so far, has no doubt disappointed many investors. Power Corp. shares, while well off their lows in March during the pandemic lockdown, are down 21 per cent year-to-date. + +But there’s an interesting valuation metric here that gives the stock a curious appeal: Analysts note that the stock trades at a deep discount to its net asset value (or NAV, the estimated fair value of assets minus net debt). + +RBC Dominion Securities analyst Geoffrey Kwan estimated in a recent note that the current NAV is $37.54 a share. The shares closed on Monday at $25.73, which is $11.81 or 31.4 per cent below NAV. + +A discount is not unusual with diversified companies with many holdings. These companies often suffer what is known as a conglomerate discount, where the whole is valued less than the sum of its operating subsidiaries. That’s partly because conglomerates add a layer of overhead expenses. + +But the current Power Corp. discount, though in line with the five-year average, has spiked in recent months. Soon after the reorganization, Power Corp.’s discount narrowed to about 20 per cent, as investors welcomed the newer shareholder-friendly structure and cost savings. + +The bullish bet on the stock is that today’s wide discount will narrow as investors become more comfortable in the financial performance of key operations such as Great-West and IGM, and recognize the benefits of the reorganization, which has stripped out costs. + +CIBC World Markets analyst Nik Priebe, who estimates Power Corp.‘s NAV at $33.36 a share (lower than RBC’s estimate), noted that the company expects to save about $50-million a year because of its reorganization. That adds up to some serious savings over 10 years, and implies that Power Corp.‘s discount to NAV should be about 7 per cent. + +“Some may argue that a steeper discount is warranted given the concentrated voting control and the difficulty verifying the value of Power’s other assets. In general, however, this simplified approach clearly suggests upside,” Mr. Priebe said in a recent note. + +The analyst also looked at the break-up value of the company and factored in the estimated tax liability. Using this approach, Mr. Priebe calculated a 15-per-cent discount to NAV. That’s also a significant improvement over the current discount, and implies potential upside to the share price. + +Admittedly, Power Corp.‘s history of trading at a discount to NAV suggests this valuation metric can be a frustrating approach for investors hoping for a quick return. And, of course, the discount could always widen. + +But the stock’s hefty dividend offers a nice backstop here: The yield is about 6.9 per cent. The company reaffirmed the quarterly payout in its recent second-quarter results, bolstering confidence that the dividend is sound and giving current investors a good reason to stick around. +attractive yield for a long term safe play. Time to buy more? Or you think it will drop a bit further. Is the dip due to dividends being paid out today? +Weird question, but ever since my interest in the stock market, time seems to move and appear much slower than before. + +Before, a week seemed like a short period. now, thinking about how my shares will look like in a week sounds like a lifetime and an incredibly long time to wait. + +I’m a patient fellow but this hobby seems to have slowed down time for me which I think is a good thing. + +Have you guys had similar experiences? +We all know air Canada is Canadas little plaything and if they ever go bankrupt, Canada will just bail them out and restructure the company and the shareholder of the "old" AC will just be left the scraps. How likely do you guys see AC going bankrupt in the future i.e. 2021-2022 (Covid lifecycle)? Is it a good buy at 20 or is it just ask risky as any other private corporation? +Questrade charges no fees for buying and etf, but a fee for selling. Wealthsimple charges no fee for buying or selling. Questrade charges a fee for transferring investments to another institution, wealthtrade charges no such fee either. But I see people keep saying both are very similar, what am I missing here? +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x3byy4/drscomputershare_megathread_092022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +I rarely post. I mostly lurk and comments for moral boost. + +I got into GME from mid Jan and watched my investment took a nose dive due to the fuckery. It hurts but I preserve. Im glad I did. I have xxx shares split between Vanguard and Schwab. + +&#x200B; + +Okay, I have been super busy lately but I found some time to call Vanguard to DRS my shares. I did it because I did my research and I act as an individual investor. I thought I was safe with Vanguard but here is some highlights of my call (about 30m call, lots of holding while Cristopher checked everything: + +1. Lots and lots of DRS request coming to Vanguard\*\*-fact\*\* +2. Vanguard is not ready for this kind of DRS requests-**fact** +3. Cristopher told me that it usually only takes 5-7 days for DRS but now at least 30 days.- **fact** +4. Cristopher also said that "**Vanguard do not hold assets ready for DRS**" (he said this verbatim).- fact + 1. *Speculation:* Vanguard could have given me an IOUs for the process and now they dont have actual shares to transfer +5. Cristopher said that **DRS with Vanguard involves the work of the back offices** (I dont understand what this means but I thought I bought my shares with cash and now my shares are settled, it should take a push of a button to transfer) + 1. *Speculation*: I still remember that DR.T mentioned that there may not be enough shares for everyone when the music stops. +6. I request for a confirmation email to be sent to my email address so I have it for the record. Cristopher citing that he couldnt do that due to security. Now i dont have any papertrail showing that I initiated the transfer. Only from the recorded phone call. + +Well thats all, I will keep DRS 99% of my shares. Only leaving 1 share in my ROTH to sale and let it grow tax free. I have a stable job and I like my job (i am a nurse). I would like to inform that when I say infinity pool, I mean it. I have no interest of having "funny papers" that funny people from the Fed who printing 120B a month. However, **YOU DO YOU. I am very proud of all of you. Your 1 share matters. Your work matters.** + +All this information is from my limited and personal experience with Vanguard. Hope it helps! + +Take away/ TL;DR: + +1. DRS is king. You own your shares (The shares that you bought with your hard earned money) under YOUR NAMES. +2. Brokers (even the "reliable" ones) are now showing cracks in their processes and services. Excuse my french, Fuck brokers. +3. I like the stock. DRS is the way. If it doesn't cause an impact, it wouldnt be this hard. +4. BUY HOLD DRS. +5. Did I say DRS? +6. DRS DRS DRS DRS + +Cheers +Last day of Employment was March 1st. I signed the paperwork and dropped everything off the following day March 2nd. It says the agreement goes into effect 7 days later (so about March 9, not sure if they include weekends or not) + +I got the signed paper work back from them on March 8th class conforming everything. They said on the paperwork I would get the severance within 30 days. It’s April 15th and I haven’t received anything as yet. Should I call them up or should I wait? + +Also is severance given out like a regular pay check? (I would usually get direct deposit) or will they end up mailing me check or something? + +UPDATE: + +Got in contact with the person who signed the severance and he informed me that it is scheduled for the 30th of this month (which is a Saturday) so I assume he meant the 29th. This was via email so I now have a paper trail. + +Thanks guys! +https://m.imgur.com/a/r1NHfIL + +Everyone calling me a retard and financially irresponsible from my recent post is ABSOLUTELY correct. But guess what.. if my YOLO $SPY options started printing... My balance would’ve EASILY tripled to 2million+. I would’ve then proceeded to buy MULTIPLE lambos which is the only responsible thing to do. All jokes aside, i did indeed lose most of my net worth but the world WILL NOT end. I still have some money on the side that will 100% be deposited into RobinHood. And i will make a final run for the believers in this forum... I will give updates in the months to come. People calling me dumb for doing so have less than $5 to their name so idgaf. I’m about to unplug Jpows money printer and send my $SPY puts to the fucking moon. Hopefully it ain’t running on daddy Elon’s solar panels. I appreciate the people who genuinely wish the best for me and hope for a comeback story.. I also do appreciate the people trying to save my ass from losing the rest of my tendies by calling me a retard gambler because you are correct. I am aware i have a problem and if i lose the rest of my net worth i genuinely do not give a flying fuck. I’ll flip some burgers for 10 years then do this shit show all over again. I don’t need anyone to wish me luck or call me stupid, i’m doing what i believe in 🐻🌈💎👐🐻 BTW. Yes this shit is real, some of y’all just value paper that Jpow prints out of his ass to much. +So I am having trouble making a decision on a job offer I received yesterday. I work as a civil engineer, and my current job pays fairly well for the industry. I have been looking for a new job, though, because my boss is generally an asshole (he has mood swings frequently, so it can depend, but he's a very condescending and subversive person) and some projects that I work on are very mundane. + +My current company is small at 30 employees, and I received a job offer at a large 6000 person firm. I believe that this position would be more enjoyable work and my future supervisor a normal person. + +Financially, I could lose out though. I am up for an annual review next month, where I am expecting a 3-7% raise(got 10% last year). the new job offered me about 3% less than what I am getting now, but I've asked them to match at least my current salary. + +So I am wondering if anyone has any advice for me moving forward. I am not even sure about asking for more than a match, since they were reluctant to even match. + +Edit, forgot to add that I received a nice profit share from my company last year at about 8% of my pay, which I'm not sure is even given at the new company. + +Edit2, I've compared other benefits and they are very similar for healthcare , time off, 401k, etc so that's why I didn't mention it. I also emailed the recruiter and they offer a performance based bonus. They have agreed to match my current rate, so I am going to consider it over the weekend. + +Edit3, I live California and am going to buy a house soon, so a civil engineer salary here isnt all that amazing. + +Thanks for the advice everyone, there are a lot of good points made here and something to consider. +Your boy is back. No not me /u/moonski aka casual. + +I'm talking about the OG of Short Interest. + +The man, the myth, the cabbage loving Ihor Dusaniwsky aka Ihor aka 1 of the 3 S3 partners ™ aka @ ihors3 on Twitter aka the iHorse ™ is back with some hot new Hedge Fund Approved ™ DD. + +He was lighting up twitter like a banks office at 3am on a Saturday night yesterday, motherfucker blowing up phones like Gabe Plotkin blows up assets under management. I swear he tweeted what like every single ticker on the NYSE's short interest. + +But that's not why smashing the keys of my mechanical Cherry Red RGB Wireless Blockchain enabled gamer approved turtlebeach 360 audio keyboard, using my 1990 IBM 5150 to right click on spelling errors and put my trust in my autocorrect addon that it can do English better than me. + +I'm writing this shit because in between tweeting RNG based Short Interest calculations, Ihor has been a busy boy. + +Ihors home office has been "busier than usual" on google maps. + +Ihor been using his unlicensed copy of excel 2003. + +Ihor be doing some motherfucking Due Diligence. + +And maybe some of you follow s3 or saw his DD. Well Have I got news for you. + +But in case you are reading this like "who the fuck is Ihor?" what the fuck is an S3 partner? Let me quickly explain who the iHorse is and who employs him. + +&#x200B; + +[Hi I'm Ihor. I like tweeting.](https://preview.redd.it/twvrzvulur871.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ebda3e709eee5a8c994cd1b756b94c0957278e3) + +**>Who the fuck is Ihor and what is an S3 Partner.** + +S3 partners are, according to their linkedin, " A Data Power Company." Whatever that means. What does the S stand for? Dunno. Who are the s3 partners? Dunno. Well, actually, one of them is IHOR. The other 2? Probably made up like his short interest data. + +Ihor Dusaniwsky aka iHor aka @ Ihors3 on twitter aka the iHorse, has been there since 2003. He's now an MD. Ok enough about fucking ihor for now. + +Founded in 2003, S3 Technologies aka S3 Partners a market data and analytics firm, who among other things, seem to have carved a bit of a niche in short interest reporting. Great. S3 Partners tweet a lot, often Short interest info & charts. + +Well they did tweet a lot, until GME turned Melvin Capital into Citadel Securities in January 2021. Now S3 Partners never tweet, and only the man himself Ihor Does. + +**Ihors D FUCKING D** + +So Ihor tweeted dis - his fire new DD - [https://research.s3partners.com/u-s-short-selling-recap/](https://research.s3partners.com/u-s-short-selling-recap/). + +Ihor says the most shorted stocks on the NYSE are as follows; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/at2h1wt2yr871.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1bcde85be26358e7830365a1ff6d582a4da33c2 + +S3 "shortsight" still to this days says it's these bad boys [https://www.shortsight.com/the-most-shorted-stocks/](https://www.shortsight.com/the-most-shorted-stocks/) \- different to Ihors hot off the press DD, but iHor hasn't had time to open his copy of photoshop CS1 and update the picture I guess. + +&#x200B; + +[They did a picture cause they know people can't fucking read.](https://preview.redd.it/lhzf1m99yr871.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=385ac18392c423a5c5868d815b7633d4864f7b43) + +&#x200B; + +I could just end the post here because... well look at those companies. They're using value of the short position as a metric for "most shorted" which is, well, kinda retarded and not very fucking useful, since market cap will determine who's the most short. + +I mean they literally say, at a whopping 0.67% of the float, Apple is one of most shorted stocks on the market... (cause 0.67% of apple is still 15 billion lol). So is Berkshire Hathaway. Yeah. Course it is. At a whopping 0.05% SI but ok it's definitely up there. + +Anyway, wut do with gme I hear you ask? Wut Ihor say about GME in his DD I hear you also ask? + +Ihor says these are stocks that had the largest reduction of short exposure over the last thirty days. + +&#x200B; + +[oh there's GME - at #1 in case you can't read](https://preview.redd.it/235y0nlazr871.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e3c61d97847b24e1fea82b44e018f2ab29742aa) + +Ihor says these stocks had the most shorts covering, which is different from the above metric, somehow. I didn't research what the difference is because + +1: it doesn't matter. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/h6q22f7izr871.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8127c7a933d1cdf2f57e3805c8a5243148985a7 + +again I could just end the post here because... well we all know why. I mean obviously apple is #1 again... cause reasons. With GME Ihor must be correct as covering shorts = buying shares = price goes... not up? kk + +How is that possible? + +Magic? Of course + +[yer a wizard ihor](https://preview.redd.it/oxrjc57cms871.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0b428ef115d06a9f0eed2406613b7d92290fc35) + +&#x200B; + +Or maybe s3 are telling lies telling sweet little lies. Also using the 30 Day metric is a nice way to mould the data into whatever sculpture Ken Griffin demands. + +Oh yeah btw citadel own s3 or at least part of it... cause fucking of course they do. + +1. S3 securities was a subsidiary of S3 partners and partially owned by Knight Capital Group (KCG) +2. 2013 KCG and Getco merged to form KCG Holdings +3. KCG has 75% indirect interest ownership of all of Virtu holdings +4. KCG turns into VIRTU KCGM +5. Virtu KCGM was one of the dark pool traders +6. Virtu bought KCG programs in 2011 +7. Citadel bought S3 Partner data and services in 2013 +8. KCG was bought by Citadel in 2016 + +Anyway back to the DD - My favourite is his Crowded Score & Squeeze score he invented about a month ago - how they calculate it is a secret. Like you know "secret sauce it's proprietary bro trust me its legit and totally accurate." + +https://preview.redd.it/f02y32wrzr871.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fc4a8bab13be34bb20d44d967d21b7f9464e8e6 + +Wut. No GME? Oh well. Must have forgotten GME. + +The fuck is a crowded short anyway? + +Well Ihor say's a short is crowded if; + +* there are large amount of dollars at risk on the short side, +* a large proportion of a stock’s float is being shorted, +* there is illiquidity in the stock loan market +* and\\or there is illiquidity in the trading market. + +I mean that description really sounds like GME. Like literally ask Alexa / Siri / Google Assistant / re-enable cortana on windows and ask her to "define GME" and you'll be told the above. + +But no, GME isn't crowded. GME isn't shorted. GME covered. Forget GME. + +There's also a squeeze score list which GME isn't on, and a "Most unprofitable shorts last 30 days" which GME isn't on either obviously, cause S3 forgot GME (and also again used some nice metrics to make sure they forgot GME). + +So basically, Ihors DD is that we are to believe that the short side of GME Covered 226% of the float short all the way to down to 12%, in 5 months, \*after\* the gamma run in January. You telling me HFs have bowed to retails power and admitted defeat? My sides. + +***Also btw the 226% isn't just from that Robinhood court case paper - here's a screenshot from FINRA on Feb 2nd 2021 - in case y'all want more sauce.*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/06uuz5qf0s871.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3203d911854ac92826c8e7f38ea222e4c42c878 + +So why am I writing this? Oh right yeah. Ihor. GME. + +So here's why S3 and Ihor say what they do. They ain't deliberatly lying - probably. S3 aren't actually wrong. Ihor isn't actually wrong either. + +WUT. u/rensole get in here shill ban + +Yes I know. Allow me to explain. + +S3's data is likely correct. The problem is, S3's data doesn't cover anything out of the ordinary. They aren't reporting things like, I dunno, naked short selling or reverse conversions, or however else THE GOD DAM HEDGIES are manipulating their short reporting & positions. + +Why I know this? Well for one there's god knows how many fines for Market Markers reporting short sales as long so that would break their data. + +Also do you think the S3 data on Short interest covers things like what that fucking Pomeranian u/criand posted ? + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oc4f79/well\_there\_it\_is\_more\_mathevidence\_pointing\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oc4f79/well_there_it_is_more_mathevidence_pointing_to/) ? + +No I don't think so either. Cause that isn't technically "short interest." + +You think they take in account fraud & illegal activity that is *constantly* being fined? No I don't think so either because those aren't traditional short selling transactions either are they. + +Oh also there is this magnificent PDF from 2009 about S3 and their belief that the market is 100% fraud free farm to table organic everyone plays by the rules. + +[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-407a.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-407a.pdf) + +I wont go over this in detail, but here's the cliff notes™. ^((BTW here a GSE is referring to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae)) + +[\(a GSE is Fannie Mae \/ Freddie Mac\)](https://preview.redd.it/visfrq622s871.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f764c813fe8601e3ee70b2e4f2cd2122a8352ff) + +https://preview.redd.it/pbm3uoa32s871.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ca48834f0fd31c812b20bff6c449fdb8267e6a0 + +But wut do with w3 & GME? Well look what s3 said happened during this time + +https://preview.redd.it/2qj4ohd52s871.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b370f67982ee06abe1546d633adedd7d33635790 + +So S3 weren't "technically wrong." Legitimate Short selling did likely drop by 90%. Problem is illegal short selling went to the god dam moon ™. Also does this not remind you of a stock today? One that starts with Game ends in Stop? Yeah me too. Sounds familiar. + +I mean look at what happened to Fannie Maes share price *after* "shorting selling was banned." Weird huh? I mean shorting dropped 90% so why price drop to almost 0?? Seems weird. That also reminds of a ticker I keep being told to forget. + +https://preview.redd.it/py92p4t72s871.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1ccec18f45236e6968af5456b276cdfd7572b0c + +&#x200B; + +And yet here we are 12 years later. Same shit different stock. The market is being told Short interest has dropped 90%, forget GME go long on some fuckin shiny rock, "We specialise in short interest we know best." + +if you wanna read more about that PDF and how it stinks of GME read this [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mo2811/let\_me\_tell\_you\_the\_tale\_of\_s3\_partners\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mo2811/let_me_tell_you_the_tale_of_s3_partners_a/) + +&#x200B; + +Ihors tweets yesterday riled me enough to write this incoherent ramble. These are the companies that specialise in Short Reporting. It's literally their job. And yet even they can't get it accurate when fuckery is afoot. The Regulator can't do it. The Self Regulator (lol) definitely won't do it. And Ihor definitely can't fucking do it. + +It's just preposterous the shit being spewed as fact from "reputable sources", as if people are to believe GME is done and dusted. + +If you were to believe their, or any company like s3's data, then no one is short GME, everyone's short fuckin Apple. + +If you read this far well done, here's the iHorse. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7p83nuha3s871.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=8900050145fd202c5f57d78475943e9074a0e0b1 +**Note:** I asked this in r/fiaustralia yesterday and got a lot of very good replies and thought I might as well bring it over to its sister sub just in case there were other opinions and view that weren't covered. Pretty much what I gathered was it can work if you are single and value a mobile life and have a good relationship with your landlord and real estate agent. However it can be super stressful if you have a family and are constantly being evicted every year. The latter really stands out and is probably the number one reason people want to buy despite the enormous debt. + + + +Here is the thread if anyone is curious: +https://www.reddit.com/r/fiaustralia/comments/ggtox0/to_those_who_currently_or_have_lived_the_rent_and/ + + + +Hey everyone hows it going ? + + +I've noticed there has been a trend on fiaustralia and ausfinance where people choose to either rent for a long time or for life and invest their remaining savings into ETF's or shares. From a purely financial side it looks like it will work on paper but also there's the high chances of constantly having to move due to evictions or even risk of eviction when one reaches old age which will be very stressful. So its financial vs security debate that rages to this day. + + + +With the current property prices in Sydney and Melbourne it seems like renting and investing is the only option. Either that or find a partner to afford a house (if your love life life is long dead then not really ideal), live with my parents forever (no thanks) or settle for one bed room apartments or townhouse in the outer suburbs (not ideal but if it comes down to that so be it). + + + +So those who have lived or are currently living this kind of life, How has it worked out for you ? Are you satisfied ? Are you worried about your future ? Any tips or extra words of wisdom ? + + + +Thanks for your time everyone and have a great day. Take care and have good one. +Hey All, + +I posted her a while back on my [$250K Problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/9c58o2/250k_problem/), in which I am holding way too much cash at the moment. + +For the lazy, I am a divorced 37 Year old single male with 1 child, living in a HCOL area. 6 Years ago I had a -40K net worth after a tough divorce, and I was out of work. I am in software sales, and fortunately since then I had a good couple of years, where I was able to learn to earn and save and to get where I am today. I currently have fluctuating net worth of between 440-460K, depending on the market. + +I have saved every penny I could, rented out my apartment on Airbnb during business trips, flipped goods on ebay, lived a very minimalist life, with the plan of retiring at the age of 45, with a million in the bank. I cant stress enough that the lessons that I learned while broke have taught me financial discipline. + +My current assets look like: + +IRA: [60K (Vanguard diversified ETFS)](https://imgur.com/a/xqcoRto) + +529: 10K (age based plan) + +401K: 128K (Max contributions, 3% match, 2045 Target Retirement Mix Fund) + +Play Investments: SPY 12K, FB 1K, CAD 3K, XOM 1K + +Bank: 14K + +Money Market: 211K + +I wanted to share my plan with you, and get your general feedback on how to achieve my goals, and if these are attainable, based on my modeling: + +1. I currently (and continue) to save at least 54K per year, but plan on 58K + +* 6K IRA +* 18K 401K +* 30K annually to Vanguard (currently hitting money market) + +1. Given my calculations, I feel that it will be possible to hit 1MM as long as I can secure 4% YoY growth. + +Does anyone think Im crazy? Any way to put my money to work with minimal risk to hit that 4% YoY growth? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for all of your support + +&#x200B; + +[https://imgur.com/9ufpLeT](https://imgur.com/9ufpLeT) + +&#x200B; + +[Edit: I have a plan for the cash that I have been looking at. It is probably over diversified, but any feedback would be helpful. You can see my possible breakdown here: Imgur is down, will edit in a few](https://imgur.com/9YmCWSR) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Alright so I have been dabbling in algos for a while now but only basic ones. + +What is the general attitude towards technical analysis? + +What language should I code in? + +If not tech analysis, what are your strategies based on? + +Thanks for the help! +From a Bloomberg article describing r/wallstreetbets: After user SolTrainRnsOnHolGran wondered whether r/WSB’s activities might constitute insider trading, a user named recentlyunearthed replied, “How can we have insider knowledge when we don’t have any knowledge?” + +This should be the sub description. + + + +Credit to u/recentlyunearthed +I have called this fucking bank and told them, to no avail, I still continue to receive mailings, and unbelievably have received mortgage applications, social security (UK equivalent) scans of UK passports and a whole load of other stuff. + +here is some 'non personal stuff i receive' + +I am only doing this to stop them and hopefully Miss Collinson, or someone who knows her can sort this out. + +If anyone has any better ideas of how to stop this let me know. I called the local UK police from where miss Collinson bought her new house and they said it was not their problem. p.s. nice house. + + + +Dear Miss Collinson, + +Your monthly statement is ready for you to view online. + +You can view it in three simple steps: + +1. Visit our website on the link below and then log into your Internet Bank +2. Select the Current Account you'd like to view the statement for +3. Select 'Previous statements' from the menu on the left, then the statement you'd like to view. + +Manage your money anytime, anywhere with our Banking app + +Download the Banking app to get the most from your account: +• Log in with your fingerprint* +• Check your balances +• View up to 15 months' transactions +• Make fast, simple payments +• Update your email address, balance text alert and paperless settings + +Find out more at our website. + +*Available on selected Apple™ and Android™ devices only + +Thank you for choosing Nationwide + +Do we have your mobile number? + +It's important we have your most up-to-date mobile number, to make sure we can reach you. If we notice any suspicious activity on your account, we'll text or call to ask if you know about the transaction. You can check and update your mobile number via the 'manage my details & settings' tab on the Internet Bank. + +Important information about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) + +The FSCS pays compensation to customers if their financial provider is unable to meet its financial obligations. The money you hold with us is covered by this protection. The protection covers up to £85,000 for each customer. + +Please read the FSCS information sheet which gives you important information about the protection the scheme provides. + +For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at www.FSCS.org.uk. + + + + + Read the FSCS information sheet +> + + + Keeping you and your finances secure + +We’ll always include your postcode at the top of any emails we send so you know it’s from us. If you notice that your postcode is wrong, you can update it via the Internet Bank or by visiting your local branch. Your updated postcode will show on emails sent from us within 8 weeks. + +We never ask for confidential details or security information in our emails. If you're ever suspicious of an email please delete it immediately. If you think you've revealed your personal or security details please visit our security web page visit our security web page. + +Your Postcode is: OX44 (I BLANKED THIS PART OUT) + + + + + + + + + + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +DD suggests price is infite when APES hold. Without government stepping in, which I believe will happen when the share price hits $200 or 500$M a share(lets not forget the government benefits from our tax), only at ridiculously high prices. Everyone says this is an unique situation and we just don't know what will happen. I will see you at the MOASS and I only sell after the peak. + +This is not finanical advice + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +If you are trading crypto with leverage on Bybit, Phemex, Bitmex, FTX, BINANCE futures or any other exchange that offers leverage, STOP right now, it is all RIGGED!!! + +The exchanges pay big fees to the (CME) Chicago Mercantile exchange Globex and other financial institutional firms to use "Hitmen" (high frequency trading bots) that are programmed to hunt your stop-loss' and liquidate your positions with-in certain percentages from your entry. In turn, the CME and institutional firms steal your crypto and the exchanges make further billions in fees. \*CME charts are also delayed by 10mins unless you pay an additional Tradingview fee to unlock the live version. + +There is also the exchange fine print which should be thoroughly studied before executing any margin trade, which most traders will never look into or find out about until it's too late. + +A couple of examples: (Bybit) + +1.) An order can be executed and closed by the exchange (LTP) "Last traded price", but can be liquidated by the "Mark price" (the price that reflects the real-time spot price, which is referenced from five other major exchanges: Coinbase, Binance, Gemini, Bittrex & Kraken), even if the current candle did not reach your liquidation price. Furthermore, to see the live Mark price, you must set up the .MBTC, BYBIT indicator to it's correct settings of... Inputs: Low or High (depending if you are Long or Short), and Style: Precision: 4 , Override Min Tick: 1/1000. Failing to set this up correctly can get you stopped out or prematurely liquidated (especially for scalpers). + +2.) You can get paid a maker rebate fee of -0.025% (of your trade value) by executing a limit trade, ticking the post only check box and closing that trade using the limit function. The catch is, when using the limit button to close a trade, you must priorly set a worse or better price depending if you are Long or Short. \*If you instantly close your trade using the limit button, the maker fee will be forfeited and you will be charged a market Taker fee of 0.075%. None of this is ever mentioned to retail traders in order to charge you the maximum in fees possible! + +Other major concerns that I have noticed are paid YouTuber partnerships pushing margin trading on new traders that have absolutely no experience for a $10 per customer commission fee. Yes, "The Moon, MMCrypto, Davincij15, Ivan, Bitboy" and more... are all getting hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to them in affiliate commissions from each exchange for trapping innocent people. Bybit has also been seen monitoring and defending comments on The Moon and MMCrypto twitter pages as of recent when they went down from a possible DNS attack. + +In summary: There is a reason that 98% of traders have lost more than they have made trading with Margin. The system is designed and stacked so far against the average retail trader, that you will end up losing everything you deposit. + +Goodluck to you all, I hope this saves some of you in the future. HODL and win! +I'm trying to rent an apartment for the upcoming year and encountered a craigslist scam that is slightly more ambitious than the typical "take your deposit and run" variety. Here is the body of the email: + +This is to acknowledge the receipt of your completed application form for \[the relevant address\]. The unit will be available to move in as from January 01 2020 because it is currently occupied. **Our next open house is scheduled for 15th of December 2019 by 12 NOON at the property address.** + +Nevertheless; if you are really interested in the apartment, you can reserve the property by signing the lease contract agreement and make a refundable holding deposit to the landlord so as to secure the apartment prior to your intended move in date. Please note that signing the lease contract and making a deposit only secure the apartment, but it does not tie you down to the contract if you have any objection after viewing. + +**The refundable holding deposit is the first month rent plus security damage deposit. This will automatically serves as your rent payment after you view and certify the unit** + +**Additional discount for upfront payment:**    + + \-6 months lease payment attract discount of 10% of the total rent which now amount to $9,720 with a security deposit of $1,500. -A year lease payment attract 20% discount of the total rent which now amount to $17,280 with a security deposit of $1,500 + +A clause in the lease contract agreement clearly states that your total payment will be refunded within 24 hours in a situation whereby you do not like/want the apartment upon your viewing date/move-in date. **Advantages of making a refundable deposit are:** \-  It guarantees that the apartment is yours if you like it after viewing.- The lease contract agreement protect your deposit for refund within 24 hours should you have a change of mind towards the apartment from the time of your viewing.- It also hold the property down for you prior to your viewing schedule. + +\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +The TLDR is that they wanted me to make a YEAR of rent payments up front for a 20% discount on the total rent before even looking at the apartment. Very ambitious for a scammer, very devastating for anybody who falls for it. +This will be our first recession as independent adults. We have followed the flowchart and are mostly at the final stage with the occasional fluctuation in our emergency fund between the 3-6 month mark. + +Is cash king during a recession? Are we better to lower our cost average of our Stocks and Shares ISA's on a monthly basis? What steps are you going to take over the next year? +I see hundreds of posts about conspiracy this or that. Apes are drooling at the possibility of being the first to discover a "God-Tier DD". The only God-Tier DD apes need right now is BUY & HODL. + +Also, what happened to rocket and diamond hand emojis? + +🚀🚀🚀💎👐💎🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit 1: Vote!! + +Edit 2: IMO sell on the way down. Not financial advice. + +Edit 3: more 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎👐💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I'm a short-timer, less than 6 months now. I'm going to dissolve my Apple stock and IRAs and 401(k) plans to pay for palliative care and pain management meds. What should I know before I do this? + +Please help me avoid stupid mistakes. +Have a 6 hour layover in Tokyo on the 16th , was hoping to get the best reservation possible with such short notice but going through the websites of the restaurants directly is a pain and Amex concierge not being helpful either. Any suggestions for how to do this? Is there any online fine dining concierge service that I could just pay to figure this out for me? +Hello all, + +Just an inquiry regarding obtaining a 0% credit card. Been approved for a Tesco one, with 0% for 14 months with a limit of £2,400. This would be handy as my car needs approx £1,500 worth of work. + +I can actually afford this, but dont want to touch any investments or emergency fund if I can avoid it. + +Sounds daft but to ensure I understand this correctly, pending I make at least the minimum payment (I plan to pay more than this) as long as I pay the £1,500 bill within the 14 month period I wont get charged any interest? +Since inflation is the rate of which prices increase, even if inflation does drop from 10% to 2%, excluding energy and fuel, consumer prices won't go back to 2021 levels, right? +Rosenblatt Securities downgraded the company to sell on Monday, bringing the total number of bearish analysts up to five, among the 57 ratings tracked by Bloomberg. It’s the highest number of sell ratings the iPhone maker has had since at least 1997, according to historical data compiled by Bloomberg. + + +[full article ](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-caution-grows-sell-ratings-133353144.html) +This entire selloff was pretty much fueled by a few sensationalist headlines such as "Citron Pulls Plug on NIO" along with a price target pulled out of the ass of a non-analyst with a history of making false and misleading statements intended to manipulate the market to his benefit. If you're unfamiliar with Andrew Left, the name Citron Research probably sounds like something along the lines of a legitimate investment firm when you see it in a headline. It’s really just one guy with a blog and a lengthy track record of lawsuits for baselessly attacking stocks in an attempt to profit off their downfall. He [sold NIO at $10 in 2019](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/citrons-andrew-left-sells-out-of-chinas-tesla-rival-nio-2019-02-26) and has clearly been fuming over the profits he’s missed in the past months. Keep in mind, this guy has [shorted Tesla](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/andrew-left-shorting-tesla-stock-again-reasons-citron-betting-against-2020-2-1028876660) over and over without any luck, calling its meteoric rise artificial and insustainable, purely driven by hype. Now he’s shorting NIO on the same premise. Calling out the lack of short interest (aka optimism) also fails to corroborate his rationale for the stock falling to $25 - why even include that? + +On to his main point, which is that Tesla’s Model Y is expected to move to a starting price of ¥275k (~41k USD), spelling trouble for NIO’s competing ES6 and EC6 (currently starting at ~54k USD each). This ¥275k price projection is based on one Chinese analyst’s report and can essentially be taken with a grain of salt until Tesla says something confirmatory. Additionally, Left is either being incredibly naïve or incredibly disingenuous to assume NIO would roll over and allow itself to be outcompeted by a cheaper car model. This is a Chinese company we’re talking about. Left conveniently failed to make any mention of NIO’s upcoming economy models such as the ES3 and ET5 (the former being less than a year away with an expected price point of ~30k USD), nor did he write at all about NIO’s uniquely lucrative BaaS program or its ventures into fashion, entertainment, formula racing and more. Taking this into account, I don’t think the competition is as steep as Left claims. Tesla’s market share in China has rapidly declined in recent months as native EV companies push it out, going from [21% in August](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Electric-cars-in-China/Tesla-conquers-China-s-EV-market-with-taste-of-affordable-luxury#:~:text=Tesla%20doubled%20its%20China%20sales,to%2021%25%20from%206%25) to [10% as of 3 days ago](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimcollins/2020/11/10/teslas-market-share-is-sliding-in-china-and-has-cratered-in-europe/?sh=31e2e2a36d7d). Left cites NIO’s 3% market share in China as a weakness, omitting the fact that only a year or so ago, this figure was very close to zero. NIO is years behind Tesla in terms of production capacity; he’s comparing apples to oranges and he knows it. + +In conclusion, Andrew Left’s $25 price target is clearly not based on numbers and calculations - it’s based on how much he wanted to profit off this squeeze, which was probably millions. Guy is a scumbag short seller abusing his power to manipulate the market and I hope the SEC takes a close look at him. +**If you're a RE Investor who started in your 20's, what was the motivation that got you started?** + +&#x200B; + +*I'm asking because:* + +My parents indirectly showed me that real estate investing was a great move with several fix & flips, but they got into the game too late in life (close to retirement) and wound up getting priced out at the end. + +Thanks to their example I started when I was younger and now have several rentals, but I still wish I'd started investing earlier! + +My problem now is convincing the kids that they should be investing/working today so they can retire early on (semi-)passive income, but none of my advice seems to be landing. Maybe I'm just bad at selling the dream life to them, but youth is also wasted on the young 😁 +Hi everyone-- + +**Full disclose...I've been looking into rentals for just about 4 years now on and off.** Real estate has always found a way into my life...whether it be my teammate at work who purchased a few SFH during 08/09 for rental income or my current teammate that is really knocking it out of the park with multi-family rentals all the way to my future father-in-law who owns his own property management business. + +**I've always seen the draw...higher returns vs. most other investment vehicles and significantly higher when you look at the return profile on a risk-adjusted basis.** Once you have the numbers and process down, everything suggests that its a repeatable strategy that WORKS. Not to mention the tax benefits, both through depreciation & amortization but also through the 1031 exchange, are extremely powerful vehicles to build wealth. **I'm focusing my efforts (for now) on 3+ multi-family properties.** + +**So why am I posting this now?** I'm posting this now because I'm finally at a point where I have enough cash reserves where I feel comfortable to dip my toes in. I'll be doing a deal with a friend of mine who has had some success in the space. He'll be taking a cut of the (hopeful) profits, and I consider that the cost of education so I can learn. I've read countless books, listened to countless podcasts and have seen enough success stories to want to dig in. + +**So why am I coming here to ask questions?** Well, I feel that despite my connections to the industry, I still haven't found all the answers I'm looking for. I appreciate in advance everyone's help here and as I go down this path I will try to add value wherever and whenever I can! + +1. **Getting started:** How did you go about putting your 'team' together before you got started. Everything I've read suggests (1) **Finding a good market**, which is primarily related to crime, population growth, vacancy and unemployment rates. **Anything else you would call out?**, (2) **Creating a team.** For me, this includes finding a banking partner, contractor, real estate attorney, and agent. **How did you go about this process?**, (3) **Doing due diligence on the market**...find the good/bad areas. **How exactly do you do this besides looking at crime maps?**, and seeing what rents look like in the market itself. **Anything else here?** +2. **Searching process:** The most successful person I know that does this lives about 20-30 minutes from his market, which allows him the luxury of finding a potential deal and seeing it same day. I live in a high cost-of-living area with good markets about 90-180 minutes away, so I am not that lucky. **Do you find that you're putting in offers on places site unseen and going to check them out if/when those offers are accepted? Do you find it difficult to pull out of a deal if its not what you think? How else should I go about this?** +3. **Running the numbers:** My fulltime job entails financial modeling, so I oftentimes over analyze. That being said, with real money at play here I NEED to make sure my estimates are accurate. **So how do you go about estimating operating costs that will be associated with a property? What public sources do you use? What estimates do you use and how do you go about deriving an accurate number? Lastly, how do you know you're not forgetting any key operating expenses? T**he last thing you want is to forget an operating expense or two that halves your cash flow! +4. **Marketing:** I'm a proactive person and I understand that oftentimes the best deals are ones that are not listed yet. **What marketing techniques, if any, do you take to find those unlisted deals?** I'm particularly interested in this as it relates to markets that are again, somewhat far away. +5. **Lending:** I've heard issues with receiving loans from institutions for situations where either the property needs work (construction, etc.) and/or the person has too many mortgages already. **How do you fix this issue?** + +I think I'll leave it there for now. As you can probably tell, despite me researching this on/off for the past 4-years, I still have a ton of ?s that I need answers to before I would feel comfortable going out on my own. My 2019 goal is to do 2-deals, 1 with my friend (already in the works) and hopefully a 100% self-sourced/funded deal later in the year. + +Best of luck to you all, thanks again and happy hunting! + +&#x200B; +8 units across 2 buildings. 4 units each. +5 two bedrooms and 3 one bedrooms. + +Seller wants 1.2 million $. + +All heat is electric and Tenant’s responsibility. +Hot water is included. $1200/yr. +electricity is separate. + +Gross rent $10,800 +Piti $7700/mo +Grass/snow $1800/yr +Maintainance $500/mo +Taxes $17,000/yr + +I see this cashflowing $2100/mo. + +What do you think? What numbers am I missing? +Thank you + + + +Private septic and private water. +Hello real estate community i am looking at a 60 thousand dollar house that rents for 800 a month with tenet paying ALL utilities and i was offered a 5 year seller finance contract at 6% with 50% down so it ends up being 575ish a month in payments. would i be dumb to do this and break even or go slightly negative for 5 years then have a completely paid off property? +Here's the deal; I currently have two rental properties I bought 2 & 3 years ago. One of which has a mortgage, and one of which I'm in the midst of taking a mortgage out on it so I can invest in the stock market. The problem is, the housing market is at an all time high and I think it's going to burst this year. + +So I have two options. + + 1. Keep my houses hopefully stay in longer than the collapse lasts so it doesn't matter, use the debt as leverage so I can simultaneously make rental income, pay off two houses, and invest in the stock market. This way my eggs aren't in one basket, and I'm using as much money as I can in my arsenal, but there's no guarantee my houses will stay worth this much. + + OR + + 2. Sell the houses, cash out for what I'm guessing would be at least around a 250k total markup, and then either keep the total gains to invest or wait until doomsday and buy again at the dip. This way I don't have as much leveraging money, but I'm guaranteed my cash. +Long story as to the reason I want to know but I know it was sold a few years back but I want to know who's the puppet master. I tried google but I keep getting old information. Does anyone know? +Tentative dates for Q1 '22 earnings have been posted on Suncor's IR site as per below: + +[https://www.suncor.com/en-ca/investors/presentations-and-key-dates](https://www.suncor.com/en-ca/investors/presentations-and-key-dates) + +"Suncor Energy 2022 First Quarter Results – May 9, 2022\* + +Suncor Energy 2022 Virtual Annual General Meeting – May 10, 2022\* + +*\*dates and information subject to change"* + +Folks seemed to enjoy the quick & dirty pivot on WTI pricing I threw together last time, here is the refresh to include the Q1 '22 data (data source: Yahoo Finance). + +https://preview.redd.it/h9swhlpb1yq81.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=861b3947e5cb667e108798232095f75e15a2a842 + +Disclosure: long SU.TO +I started investing recently, and after some research, decided to pretty much go all in on index funds. 90% of my investments are in XEQT at the moment, with the rest being in ENB and BAM.A. Since XEQT is already so inclusive, I'm wondering, is it worth it to divert some funds into reputable, blue chip Canadian stocks that pay out dividends? For reference, my horizon is around 20-25 years. + +Thoughts? And if so, what are some good options to supplement XEQT? +What I mean is, growth in the Canadian market seems to be mostly dead, except for Shopify, CSU, and maybe pot stocks (though you could argue those are speculative more than growth, because there's no proven track record yet). + +That leaves Banks, Telecoms, Utilities, and Energy. Mining feels like a bunch of penny stock pump and dumps, so that's no good. Everything else has been around for ever, pays a healthy dividend, and likely isn't going to grow much, but will provide good stable income, which hopefully grows each year. + +I feel like growth investing in Canadian markets is mostly non-existent, leaving value investing and Dividend Growth investing as the only viable strategies. + +Is this correct or am I missing something? + +&#x200B; +**Interesting read for those that still believe in $UBER. Proceed at your own risk.** + + [https://pluralistic.net/2021/08/10/unter/#bezzle-no-more](https://pluralistic.net/2021/08/10/unter/#bezzle-no-more) + +Uber's time is up. + +Uber is a bezzle ("the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it"). Every bezzle ends. +I sold 4 contracts of TSLA 150 CSP earlier in the day and collected a few hundreds premium. I checked the market an hour before close and didn't look like it'd go ITM. Then work got in the way and I noticed TSLA closed at 150.23 but AH it dropped to 149. + +I don't really mind owning the shares, but just curious how likely do you think I'll get assigned 400 shares? + +Edit: I have been assigned. +How the hell can day trading the SPY, ES, or any index be possible when they are amalgamations of many different stocks. How can trend lines, S/R, indicators or even price action be reliable when each stock in the index moves its own way? + + +Am i missing something here? +I've seen many people here that are like you gotta learn price action. Some of them are like "i have no indicators at all except volume" they have no moving averages or RSI or MACD or any of that. just a naked chart with volume. + +This is probably because I am still novice at this but it just seems so "mysterious" like some kind of secret code that you have to read and understand. Almost seems like it's just something you grow an intuition for after looking at a chart for a while. It's almost like they somehow "figured out" this "secret code" and can now know how the price will react without any indicators. + +jokingly, this makes me think of scenes where you're looking at those characters in the Matrix movies. to us audiences it looks like jibberish and hieroglyphics but those characters can tell what it's saying. +"China Evergrande Group and its other units were suspended in Hong Kong Monday pending an announcement containing “inside information,” according to exchange filings that didn’t elaborate further. The embattled developer may hold a cain this week to brief investors on its debt restructuring plan, REDD reported. +ElseHoldingRonshine China Holdings Ltd. won’t meet a March 31 deadline to publish audited full-year results after it became the latest property firm to announce the resignation of its auditor. Ronshine’s stock and bonds plunged. +Chinese high-yield dollar bonds traded flat to 2 cents higher with better quality names leading gains, according to credit traders. Property firms snapped a three-day stock rally, as the Bloomberg Intelligence gauge of developers fell 2.6%.  + + + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-21/trading-suspended-ronshine-auditor-resigns-evergrande-update +That last dip to me came out of nowhere. Stopped watching the chart everyday and dropped down to looking once a week/2 weeks. +I went to look at the chart after a little holiday to find my favourite stock at $78. + +Something inside of me wanted to sell. I think it was the combo of the war + crazy inflation and the looming energy crisis (Europoors you know where I’m coming from) that made me think maybe the game is over. + +I came to superstonk to read the latest posts and dd, you guys help me remember the key. + +CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP, GAMESTOP. +How this relates to GME is that of course we need the market to crash in order to push the portfolios of shfs into the danger zone where their long positions are no longer worth enough to meet margin requirements against their short positions. + +This is putting all the major players in a jam since they need to get out of their long positions before the mother of all crashes but can’t get out of them too quickly or everything will snowball due to that tremendous pressure on the portfolios of anyone short GME. In my opinion this is why the market has kept pumping to ungodly highs. Turns out all those major players are less competitors than they are part of a cartel, a cartel in which retail is completely excluded. + +Enter the absurd premises for large market drops spread by MSM. We’ll probably see many more of them in the coming days and weeks after huge red days. We’ve got to remember that most retail investors watch mainstream media and more or less believe the general narratives presented there. MSM’s trick will be to leave easily discoverable Easter eggs, like the covid variant fear story yesterday, to compel these retail investors to buy the ‘dip’ of their own accord and thus slowly but surely trade places with institutional investors and become the biggest bag holders in modern history. +My SO and I have been clashing a bit over finances lately. We've been together for almost a year and a half, and it's been a non-issue for the most part. Lately, though, we've been talking about having a child and I think that's when it hit me. I'm not necessarily comfortable taking a relationship to the next level with someone that doesn't value their time and money in the same way that I do. Our relationship is very strong, so we have openly discussed things and let each other know exactly where we stand. It's kind of a beautiful thing, and I'm grateful to have someone like her in my life no matter the outcome. + +We are patient when it comes to planning, so we weren't going to try to have a child until the end of the year anyway. This gives us a long time to work things out. We haven't cursed or put each other down, and none of our discussions have gotten more heated than a few moments of passionate explanations of our goals and feelings. + +Money isn't the only thing we're currently working on, so it's been a stressful time for us. I just thought I'd share that even with extreme differences, we're keeping the lines of communication open and doing our best to compromise because we do truly love each other. It's important for those of us that are pursuing FIRE to realize that relationships become infinitely more precarious, and we can't rush into things. What you may be OK with today, can inspire resentment and spark arguments in the future. + +FIRE is not just a hobby for me, it's a way of life. If I'm not true to myself, I'll be no good to an SO and that works both ways. Don't get too deep if you can't swim. +Every now and then, a pennystock comes around that makes you think: How the hell is this a pennystock? How is this valued under $10? + +Well my coworkers and I have been trading for a long time, and this is very likely one of them. + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +$OSS, One Stop Systems, since its IPO in 2018, has been silently building a tech arsenal behind our backs. + +&#x200B; + +(*You're gonna lose your literal mind when you read the next part:*) + +&#x200B; + +**They are officially partnered with:** Apple, Nvidia, Intel, AMD, Boeing, IBM, Lenovo, HP, Lyft, Puma, Toshiba, Thunderbolt, Universal Audio, Focusrite, and Cisco etc... These are only 15 of their 50+ major international partnerships. + +*(yes, this is a pennystock.)* + +https://www.onestopsystems.com/partners + +**U.S. Military:** On top of this, OSS also has multiple million-dollar contracts with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Military, as they provide the pre-constructed systems and power required for AI intelligence, DLSS, and large scale data transfer. + +*(This sub goes batshit crazy when a pennystock lands even ONE of the above partnerships. They have more than 50 already in motion.)* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**What do they do? What makes them so special?** + +OSS in layman’s terms is a company that takes top-end processors and GPUs, and uses their PCIe gen 4.0 expansion technology to merge them into a military-grade/data center supercomputer. + +But aren’t there many companies that can do this? No. They are the only company in the world with a PCIe 4.0 expansion system that can support NVIDIA’s top end GPU’s. (*Nvidia A-100*) + +This means that they own nearly 100% of the market share in Nvidia's latest PCIe GPU technology. + +*(PCIe gen 3.0 is the only other option, but is 50% slower than PCIe 4.0.)* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**What else makes them so special?** Their Financials. + +Compare their financials to the pennystocks we always talk about on this subreddit. It’s absurd. They generate a lot of revenue. + +OSS's latest 10-K showed a record $ 60 MILLION in revenue, a 57% increase YoY. + +Some of the biggest companies in the world like Amazon, took over 10 years to make their first dollar. + +OSS is only on YEAR 2 and they are only $1 MILLION away from becoming a profitable operation. + +&#x200B; + +**How is this possible?** Three reasons: + +1. They completely dominate the high-end PCIe sector of the tech industry. I challenge you to find a single other PCIe 4.0 expansion system on the market. +2. Their CEO David Raun has led two companies to record revenues in the PCIe and NVMe industry, and one was bought out by Broadcom. +3. They are at the forefront of far too many industries that require this level of technology. (see below for a few examples) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +They are the preferred OEM for Nvidia: + +[OSS Introduces the World's First and only PCIe 4.0 Expansion System for Nvidia.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oss-introduces-world-first-pcie-150010777.html) + +[OSS and Nvidia](https://www.onestopsystems.com/nvidia-gpus) + +[Official PR from NVIDIA](https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/worlds-top-system-makers-unveil-nvidia-a100-powered-servers-to-accelerate-ai-data-science-and-scientific-computing) + +&#x200B; + +U.S. Military Defense: + +[OSS Military Defense, Navy, Air, and Ground forces.](https://www.onestopsystems.com/defense) + +[Latest Order from U.S. Navy](https://ir.onestopsystems.com/press-releases/detail/163/oss-orders-for-new-u-s-navy-ai-threat-detection-system-top) + +&#x200B; + +AI Learning, DLSS, and Self-driving vehicles: + +[OSS Reveals World's First Solution for AI Learning that incorporates NVIDIA GPUs and ARM-based servers.](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/11/19/1949447/0/en/OSS-Introduces-Industry-s-First-Solution-Incorporating-NVIDIA-GPUs-with-NVLink-and-Marvell-ThunderX2-Arm-based-Servers.html) + +[OSS AI on the Fly](https://www.onestopsystems.com/ai-on-the-fly) + +&#x200B; + +Machine Learning:[ OSS Machine Learning Systems](https://www.onestopsystems.com/machine-learning) + +Medical:[ OSS Medical Pre-built Systems](https://www.onestopsystems.com/medical) + +Oil Industry:[ OSS Oil and Gas Industry Systems](https://www.onestopsystems.com/oil-and-gas) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +There are about a hundred more links, presentations, and conference calls that could be added to this post, but it would simply make it too long. *(We will be releasing follow up posts throughout the week to break up the information.)* + +$2 for a pennystock generating $60 million of revenue in its second year? + +$2 for a company that literally dominates an entire section of its industry? + +$2 for a company that is partnered with over 50+ major companies? + +$2 for a company that literally makes DOUBLE its ENTIRE MARKET CAP? + +&#x200B; + +When Vanguard increases their holdings by 103%, something's up. + +&#x200B; + +*(Further in-depth analysis will be posted tomorrow and throughout the week.)* + +A few of the topics to be covered are: product and competitor assessment, corporate presentations/conference calls, and financial breakdown. There is a lot to cover. + +Good luck to all and have a great week. + +&#x200B; + +*^(This post is brought to you by the Sizzlin’ Stocks Team. Everything presented is research based on a wide array of publicly available information and individual interpretation; it is not financial advice. We recommend everyone do their own DD to verify what you read on the internet.)* +It has recently come to our attention that one of the top users this month [u/ Safelyoptimized](https://www.reddit.com/user/Safelyoptimized) has been breaking the rules and stealing other users comments in order to farm moons. They also have many comments that are spammed across main threads that appear to be off a pre-made list as they repeat the same generic comments every few days/hours. These comments earn them anywhere from tens to hundreds of karma each time. We have zero-tolerance for content theft and plagiarism. This user has been permanently banned for content theft which makes them ineligible from future MOON distributions, but they are still eligible to earn MOONs this period and are currently 19th on the MOON karma csv with **14972 karma**. + +**It is not fair for the rest of the users who are following the rules to have these moons distributed for ill-gotten karma.** + +In the moons FAQ it says + +> The community has final say on who earns how many Points. If someone is acting in bad faith, for example spamming the subreddit, the community can vote to strike them from current and future distributions. + +In order to prevent this user from receiving this months distribution, we must vote to strike them from the current distribution. + +---------- + +Examples of low-effort generic comments spammed across numerous threads: + +> "Enthereum we trust", "Rule number one of fight club, You do not talk about the fight club.", "YEAR OF THE ETH", "Eth is the future.", "ETH deserves this" + +...and many more. You can view [their profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/Safelyoptimized) and judge for yourself. + +----------- + +Examples of Comment theft in the daily discussion thread between July 1st - 14th. *These are two dozen of the highest scoring ones.*: + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nq8bko/daily_discussion_june_2_2021_gmt0/h09bexi/ - specterlittross2019 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ofvf1s/daily_discussion_july_8_2021_gmt0/h4j4m4j/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nhf6t3/daily_discussion_may_21_2021_gmt0/gyz9j92/ - IndigoZombie1 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oejhc0/daily_discussion_july_6_2021_gmt0/h49pn0w/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ob9t4g/daily_discussion_july_1_2021_gmt0/h3mhn9f/ - HacksawJimDGN +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/obyi1c/daily_discussion_july_2_2021_gmt0/h3t8a1d/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n7cmwh/daily_discussion_may_8_2021_gmt0/gxc9vxs/ - Human_Male__ +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oifq50/daily_discussion_july_12_2021_gmt0/h4wvzm3/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nq8bko/daily_discussion_june_2_2021_gmt0/h09ty5x/ - Purple0523 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oh7s45/daily_discussion_july_10_2021_gmt0/h4pmmrl/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o4iehd/daily_discussion_june_21_2021_gmt0/h2j16g2/ - Layneeeee +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ob9t4g/daily_discussion_july_1_2021_gmt0/h3q2kwr/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nsizvk/daily_discussion_june_5_2021_gmt0/h0myypz/ - specterlittross2019 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oejhc0/daily_discussion_july_6_2021_gmt0/h46xm88/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nsizvk/daily_discussion_june_5_2021_gmt0/h0n6pkh/ - llaas +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oejhc0/daily_discussion_july_6_2021_gmt0/h473365/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o7zo3z/daily_discussion_june_26_2021_gmt0/h32gqj5/ - Judges_Your_Post +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oejhc0/daily_discussion_july_6_2021_gmt0/h46w7xr/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nnb1yj/daily_discussion_may_29_2021_gmt0/gzwhaom/ - MrSmiley3 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oh7s45/daily_discussion_july_10_2021_gmt0/h4qf76j/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nq8bko/daily_discussion_june_2_2021_gmt0/h09nww5/ - Danny_bowwyyaa +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ofvf1s/daily_discussion_july_8_2021_gmt0/h4h582c/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nml3ri/daily_discussion_may_28_2021_gmt0/gzpx055/ - Judges_Your_Post +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ogjprk/daily_discussion_july_9_2021_gmt0/h4mw5o3/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o9wmw4/daily_discussion_june_29_2021_gmt0/h3eo3dm/ - RedBeardBandit73 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ocmse3/daily_discussion_july_3_2021_gmt0/h3yf5r6/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nq8bko/daily_discussion_june_2_2021_gmt0/h09jxo4/ - BigPapa9921 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oh7s45/daily_discussion_july_10_2021_gmt0/h4nhhh9/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n8r069/daily_discussion_may_10_2021_gmt0/gxk010c/ - Human_Male__ +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oifq50/daily_discussion_july_12_2021_gmt0/h4xvvqw/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nq8bko/daily_discussion_june_2_2021_gmt0/h0aahyz/ - anasshm +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ogjprk/daily_discussion_july_9_2021_gmt0/h4mhsz6/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nsizvk/daily_discussion_june_5_2021_gmt0/h0orrjr/ - specterlittross2019 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ofvf1s/daily_discussion_july_8_2021_gmt0/h4fdsjx/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ob9t4g/daily_discussion_july_1_2021_gmt0/h3otcqm/ - Giwaov +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/obyi1c/daily_discussion_july_2_2021_gmt0/h3tsej3/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nq8bko/daily_discussion_june_2_2021_gmt0/h09bz6m/ - seroxx7 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oh7s45/daily_discussion_july_10_2021_gmt0/h4pdzs6/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nsizvk/daily_discussion_june_5_2021_gmt0/h0nj4yo/ - isthatrhetorical +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/of7byi/daily_discussion_july_7_2021_gmt0/h4enxxx/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n5ubwg/daily_discussion_may_6_2021_gmt0/gx3h013/ - fatcatdandan +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oifq50/daily_discussion_july_12_2021_gmt0/h4yktlc/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o8m27j/daily_discussion_june_27_2021_gmt0/h37y2v7/ - Tkr1991 +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/odvyb9/daily_discussion_july_5_2021_gmt0/h46183g/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n5ubwg/daily_discussion_may_6_2021_gmt0/gx3d709/ - Human_Male__ +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oj3rwx/daily_discussion_july_13_2021_gmt0/h50baai/ - Safelyoptimized + +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n9jvqv/daily_discussion_may_11_2021_gmt0/gxovc96/ - Squalor- +https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ohtv8q/daily_discussion_july_11_2021_gmt0/h4st71l/ - Safelyoptimized + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/p07v03) +Hey guys just wondering what are some everyday life hacks that you use to save money throughout the week? + +I’ll start with a few that I’ve recently implemented: + +• Using Raiz- an app that takes all your spare change (rounded up from everyday transactions) and invests it in EFTs. + +•Using 711 app to lock in fuel for discounts (I’m always driving around Sydney so I’ll often lock in cheap fuel) + +•Purchasing Honey in bulk (1:5kg) to save buying small expensive honey all the time + + +What are some other things that you do to save money throughout the week? +I enjoy all the spreadsheets and random financial statistics tracked and shared here. This sub seems to be about the only place on the planet where enthusiasm for tracking such things as 4%, fatfire, leanfire, coastfire, and networth numbers is normal. + +For some time I have been tracking a statistic which I thought was useless and uninteresting. I never knew what to call the number nor did I have any useful rationale for tracking the number. However to my amusement, I was surprised to hear none other than investing great Charlie Munger refer to the same statistic in his recent CalTech Interview. + +Does r/financialindependence/ already have a name for this number? If not, I propose to honor one of investing greats and dub it ***The Munger Threshold…*** + +**Munger Threshold** + +noun: + +the amount of working time between your first working day earning income and the date on which your networth exceeds your cumulative earned income. + +example: + +Mr. Munger's. **Munger Threshold** was 13 years. You can hear him tell the story at the link below. Mr. Munger had an "army of children to feed" and this responsibility caused him to work in the family law practice. After 13 years working and squirreling away savings he discovered his investment portfolio exceeded the total of his earned law income. Therefore, Charley Munger's **Munger Threshold** was 13 years. + +calculation: + +munger threshold = munger date - first working day + +related: + +munger ratio = Networth/Cumulative Lifetime Earned Income + +munger date = the date on which Munger Ratio = 1 + +&#x200B; + +links: + +[Charlie Munger: CalTech interview 14. December 2020](https://youtu.be/btdqC1V8cgg?t=191). + +Illustration: [https://imgur.com/nrpeRoi](https://imgur.com/nrpeRoi) +Now that the FDIC is being talked about again, does anyone remember if there was a DD about handling tendies immediately preceding MOASS? + + +I know to split it up into as many accounts as possible to maximize FDIC insurance, but what about before those checks reach our mailboxes? How would Computershare handle that money? Will it be protected in the event of a complete economic and financial system failure? +Link to original thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/il07p4/400000\_yolo\_on\_slack\_earnings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/il07p4/400000_yolo_on_slack_earnings/) + +[Robinhood Account](https://preview.redd.it/66g3hu0xq7m51.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4373fdc008c2088b40eb4bc80df41d9ddad644d3) + +[WeBull Account](https://preview.redd.it/abbajt0xq7m51.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8bc9f1b5d974a2e978efc0da1cfc2e257647a5) +I am fed up. These freelance platforms are taking so much of my freelance income. I really like to find jobs on these platforms but some of them just take out so much money, especially when I am based in an area where the income is not very high (I know, you have to pay your taxes, but you don't have to pay 24% to middlemen like Upwork, Fiverr, PayPal). + +Where can I earn Bitcoin for my online work without paying so many fees? I do a lot of art, web development, social media, and marketing. Anyone else fed up with these damn fees? + +Edit: was suggested /r/Jobs4Bitcoin, [Grindez.com](https://Grindez.com), any other suggestions? +So...my wife and I talked today for a bit, about GME and DFV's posts from last night. We have come to the conclusion that we both got inspired, not at all encouraged by it, to put additional 8000€ into GME on monday morning. That was the most productive talk we have ever had, she has got to be a keeper, amiright? + +GME to the moon 🚀🚀🚀 + +EDIT 1. So the hedgies and shills really do take the weekend off, not a single downvote yet. + +EDIT 2. The first edit aged poorly. + +EDIT 3. Thanks for the All-seeing award, you anonymous you. +Hello, + + + +I am just looking for some thoughts & opinions on moving 80% of my wife & I’s savings account and invest it into ETFs and Blue Chip stocks for the long run. + + + +We haven’t touched this money in a few years and currently only get .05% interest on it. + + + +Does anyone else do this? + + + +Thanks +I'm trying to save up some money by lowering my mortgage without refinancing. Can I get a cheaper home insurance and that would lower my mortgage payment? What else could I do? BTW, I'm the only income in my household. +I acquired a corporation with a partner and planned to not take any income this year. I'm expecting a large influx of income in January, but we've been living off of savings this year with very little income (around $30k for the year). + +My wife has a few old 401k accounts from previous jobs at the beginning of her career with a total of about $40k in them. Since our earnings are so low this year, I'm considering converting her 401k accounts to Roth IRAs. + +I want to make sure I'm not making bad assumptions about the implications. I know that the amount that's converted will count as income and we'll have to pay taxes, which I think means I should account for about $4k in additional taxes (no state tax where we live). + +Because our income was so low, we also qualified for Apple Care (Medicaid) for our daughter this year. One question is if I roll over her 401K to a Roth IRA, would that count as actual income and adjust our taxable income that tax season? Or are those tax implications limited to the IRA? + +My other question is what else am I missing here, based off of what I mentioned? For example the scenario I'm concerned about is if rolling over to the IRA triggers enough income to put us over the limit for my daughter's Medicaid family income limit, then I'm not sure what happens, but I imagine there are implications. But I'm wondering what other likely scenarios I'm not accounting for. + +Any input is appreciated. Thanks. +Short story: + +Wife's car is on its last leg, so she's been driving my truck, which I own. So we're at a point where we need to invest in a new car. + +We can either purchase a new family sedan at something close to 0% or we can lease. + +I am self-employed. + +At what point does it make more sense to lease than buy? Is there an accountant's formula that would help point us in the right direction? +Hey sorry if this is the wrong sub but I’m looking for advice. Me and my bf are not married but he wants to combine accounts. He makes about $10,000 more than me a year but has a lot more debt than me. +We have a rocky relationship but will be having a baby in a month. + +My question is what kind of precautions should I take? If we breakup will I run into any problems? Are there any additional problems I could be getting myself into by joining accounts with him even if we do t breakup? + +I worry about sharing an account with him because it could cause additional arguments and issues. +After beginning to file my crypto taxes I realized a couple things. Blockchain technology if it were not to remain anonymous will be the de facto tool to literally watch and record every step any person makes. Every transaction whether its money, text, video, you changing the color of your lightbulb (IOT chain) the RFID Chips in your coke bottle (VEN) will be watched and recorded. Literally everything around you will be on the ledger. + +For example in a near possible future where anonymity does not exist in a blockchain then people will not be able to get away with anything. And failing to comply with the authority will stop you from being able to access certain things +Because everything will be connected. You now see blockchains for almost every industry and or service. + +Say Rick doesn’t pay his taxes or says something anti establishment on the internet. These actions will forever be on the blockchain. It will be undeniable that the person didn’t commit these actions because identities will be given via rfid chips like Walton or though companies like TKY. Then the consequences of these actions will lead into other aspects of life because everything will be interconnected On the blockchain. Certain services will be prohibited to you because you don’t qualify. + +Right now China and other nations are developing a system that rates you based on your social actions. Straight black mirror. You say something bad about the president or jay walk then you get docked points and forfeit certain privileges or worse. + +Blockchain has the potential to bring a whole new system of control never before seen if crypto loses its core value. + +We as community in general are blinded by profits and naive to the fact that the old guard will simply step aside. Instead they will do what they do best. Infiltrate, coercion ,control. Purposefully crash the old system. Controlled chaos. Implement a new system “by the people for the people.” + +DESTROY FROM WITHIN - the inner front strategy +“A war can only really be fought against a enemy who shows himself. By infiltrating your opponents ranks, working from within to bring them down, you give them nothing to see or react against- the ultimate advantage. From within you also learn their weaknesses and open up possibilities of sowing internal dissension. So hide your hostile intentions. To take something you want you do not fight those who have it, but rather join them- then slowly make it your own or wait for the moment to stage a coup d etat. No structure can stand for long when it rots from within.” + +We are in a war for freedom. + +This might sound tin foil but if you look at the big picture this is possible. We are at crossroads. + +Edit: for people wondering why blockchain would or should replace centralized methods already in place from government perspective. My theory: + +Governments want to track every transaction. The reason for this is for your security. (Terrorists, illegal drug transactions, let’s not forget taxes). Cash is not completely traceable. This is why Leaders of China have mentioned cash will eventually be all digital. + +Immutable ledger makes every transaction set in stone. + +Since it is on a ledger it is traceable. + +World accessible blockchain equals = world currency, world government, centralized control. + +Most importantly they have the people’s backing because crypto is anti establishment. Make people think they are winning the war but behind the scenes they are contributing to their demise. + +But this future is not confirmed... yet. + + + +&#x200B; + +[The Theory of Parabolic Activity for GME. 1 Day Chart.](https://preview.redd.it/vvzpex1wkw171.png?width=2704&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb9f91a2dacae325c90c3476c8a94093005eb41e) + +# The Theory - Whenever GME has dipped below RSI 53, a parabolic event occurs within 2-3 weeks. + +**Previous Data Posts** + +[Working Theory - Imminent RSI 100+ Parabolic Event](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n02o5f/gme_working_theory_imminent_rsi_100_parabolic/) + +[Working Theory of Parabolic Events 2.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/neopc9/working_theory_of_parabolic_events_20/) + +# Parabolic Event Criteria + +* Negate the first five trade days within a 21-day cycle. +* MACD must be in an ascending pattern. +* RSI must exceed 60. +* Volume must exceed 2x the value compared to the previous trade day. + +# Cycle + +If the criteria is not met within 21 trade days, the cycle will end and will begin on the next occurrence of RSI dipping below 53. + +&#x200B; + +# History of this Theory + +On 3/10, GME had peaked and reached a price of $385.50. From that point, it had declined in price and overall strength. It finally dipped below RSI 53 on 3/23. The data that day was, RSI 53, Open $197.50 High $201.75 Close $181.75 Volume 12,517,039. + +&#x200B; + +# Theory Test Run 3/24 - 4/22 (Full 21 Day Cycle) + +**Day 1 Below RSI 53 - 3/24:** MACD descended, and the RSI had dipped below 42. Volume was 22,934,394, nearly double the previous trade. I knew that to test the theory. I'd have to have the variables that I established in place. GME was cooling off and was in a downward trend. + +**Day 7 - 4/1:** MACD ascends, RSI 54.42 Volume 9,264,929 + +**Day 14 - 4/13**: MACD descending, RSI ascending 42.44 (very weak) + +**A Disturbance In The Force Occurs** + +**Day 15 - 4/14** \- MACD began to ascend. RSI ascended to 49.80, and volume was 21,079,645, more than triple compared to the previous trade day. Instead of resetting the 21-day cycle and keeping in line with the theory, I decided to keep tracking. At this point in the cycle, the price went from $143 to 181.98. I was happy with this data, but I knew there was a missing variable. + +**Day 21 - 4/22:** Open 159.10 High 159.10 Close 151.17 Volume 4,323,672 + +&#x200B; + +# The Theory Evolves + +At this point, I reassessed the theory and realized that in the previous parabolic events, volume was the driving force. Volume was the missing variable that the theory needed. So I kept tracking the daily data and waited for the subsequent rise about RSI 53. + +&#x200B; + +# Wait Phase - Start + +**4/23:** The RSI had tipped ever so slightly upwards towards 45.75. The volume was 4,016,752 and somewhat smaller than the previous day, but the closing price was $151.18, a **0.01%** increase. + +**4/26:** MACD continued to ascend, RSI rose to 52.10, and volume was 9,415,856. + +**4/27:** MACD continued to ascend and was close to crossing over. RSI rose to 54.85. Volume was 8,892.032. My initial theory post is made public. + +*At this point, 2 out of 3 variables were met. I'd note the volume and keep an eye on the RSI.* + +**4/30:** MACD Ascending, RSI 53.09, and descending. Volume 4,395,531. + +&#x200B; + +# The Wait Phase Ends, A new 21 cycle commences. + +# The Theory Testing Begins on 5/3 + +&#x200B; + +**Day 1** \- 5/3 - MACD was ascending RSI 48.23 Open $177.49 High 177.49 Close 162.20 Volume 5,245,426 + +**Day 7** \- 5/11 - RSI 42.50 **(Ascending)** Open $137.00 High $150.50 Close $146.92 Volume 4,669.290 + +**Day 14** \- 5/20 - RSI eclipses 53 Open $170.79 High $174.91 Close $170.49 Volume 2,467,112 + +&#x200B; + +[ 5\/20 - RSI eclipses 53 - The shift begins. 1 Day Chart.](https://preview.redd.it/whlcafircw171.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a3fe980b32618030e84fab18ed5a4bbb571fb0) + +&#x200B; + +**Day 15** \- 5/21 - RSI 55.40. MACD ascending, Volume increasing. The planets align! + +# Major Parabolic Event Begins + +**Day 17** \- 5/25 - RSI 67+ MACD Ascending, Volume 14,450,827, 3 times the size compared to the previous trade day. + +&#x200B; + +[The lead-up. 1 Day Chart.](https://preview.redd.it/gpxum8ayew171.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=e410cc9456616d964e197bba7b734ecc48c05592) + +The chart above depicts where we are now. At the time of this posting, GME has hit a high of $268.80 on 5/28. + +&#x200B; + +# Some minor data to note: + +[In the chart below, the first arrow points to 5\/13 and the MACD ascended and the second arrow is pointing to 5\/17, the first-day MACD turned green. ](https://preview.redd.it/lfztuna49q171.png?width=2370&format=png&auto=webp&s=21d360b3c524e8b582faa2a19456f27e4c405158) + +[Showing we had not been in this RSI 70+ territory since 3\/9.](https://preview.redd.it/1gygjr09aq171.png?width=2298&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c335b91ce711c06a95fec89fe468f905440a4c2) + +&#x200B; + +[Notes along the way.](https://preview.redd.it/8cecdkjhlw171.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bacd3a20e206fc7eb62bb85f8883df32c2b6c9b) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[All we have to do is hold and enjoy the ride!](https://preview.redd.it/sqofwv62hw171.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=af19d6a1b9cf7151abd7d14a02c7e4cf27ac1af1) + +&#x200B; + +**Conclusion:** The theory provides a way to determine implied volume and parabolic activity. Being able to have indicators for movements like a parabolic activity will only improve our way of understanding the evolving trade environment in which we all find ourselves immersed. I feel that the theory can be applied like a tool. Just like the various indicators we use on charts, this can provide an insight and a different way to predict how GME reacts and moves in varying market conditions. Lastly, I appreciate all that have followed along and the feedback that I've received to ensure accuracy. We truly are a force to be reckoned with. + +&#x200B; + +# Apes Strong Together! 🦍💚🍌 + +**UPDATE 1:** Someone pointed out that my titles have changed. I am the first to say, that I suck at titles and I looked at this as an evolvling journal in a sense to track the data. My process for the most part worked like this: track data, consolidate data, assemble data, give it a name, post/file and move on until I had something pertinent to report. I'm sorry for any confusion. 🙏🏽 + +**The Titles:** + +**GME - Working Theory - Imminent RSI 100+ Parabolic Event** + +**Working Theory of Parabolic Events 2.0** + +**The Theory on GME Parabolic Activity** + +It would be wicked cool if the next title was like, **An Analysis of** **GME Parabolic events and the MOASS**. 🚀 + +**Update 2:** I posted the data from u/Criand [Theory on the FTD Loop Missing Link - a T+35 surge followed by an infinite T+21](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nf22qz/theory_on_the_ftd_loop_missing_link_a_t35_surge/) + +Data from April to May (current) lined up with Criand's data. + +https://preview.redd.it/zj2j0t48my171.png?width=2801&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f092fa26db7ed0dd8145350b68ef4653df55955 + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR:** A hybrid technical analysis can be applied to GME. Volume is key! Data is fun and seeing other DD's align with accuracy is amazing to see. 🚀 +&#x200B; + +[The Theory of Parabolic Activity for GME. 1 Day Chart.](https://preview.redd.it/vvzpex1wkw171.png?width=2704&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb9f91a2dacae325c90c3476c8a94093005eb41e) + +# The Theory - Whenever GME has dipped below RSI 53, a parabolic event occurs within 2-3 weeks. + +**Previous Data Posts** + +[Working Theory - Imminent RSI 100+ Parabolic Event](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n02o5f/gme_working_theory_imminent_rsi_100_parabolic/) + +[Working Theory of Parabolic Events 2.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/neopc9/working_theory_of_parabolic_events_20/) + +# Parabolic Event Criteria + +* Negate the first five trade days within a 21-day cycle. +* MACD must be in an ascending pattern. +* RSI must exceed 60. +* Volume must exceed 2x the value compared to the previous trade day. + +# Cycle + +If the criteria is not met within 21 trade days, the cycle will end and will begin on the next occurrence of RSI dipping below 53. + +&#x200B; + +# History of this Theory + +On 3/10, GME had peaked and reached a price of $385.50. From that point, it had declined in price and overall strength. It finally dipped below RSI 53 on 3/23. The data that day was, RSI 53, Open $197.50 High $201.75 Close $181.75 Volume 12,517,039. + +&#x200B; + +# Theory Test Run 3/24 - 4/22 (Full 21 Day Cycle) + +**Day 1 Below RSI 53 - 3/24:** MACD descended, and the RSI had dipped below 42. Volume was 22,934,394, nearly double the previous trade. I knew that to test the theory. I'd have to have the variables that I established in place. GME was cooling off and was in a downward trend. + +**Day 7 - 4/1:** MACD ascends, RSI 54.42 Volume 9,264,929 + +**Day 14 - 4/13**: MACD descending, RSI ascending 42.44 (very weak) + +**A Disturbance In The Force Occurs** + +**Day 15 - 4/14** \- MACD began to ascend. RSI ascended to 49.80, and volume was 21,079,645, more than triple compared to the previous trade day. Instead of resetting the 21-day cycle and keeping in line with the theory, I decided to keep tracking. At this point in the cycle, the price went from $143 to 181.98. I was happy with this data, but I knew there was a missing variable. + +**Day 21 - 4/22:** Open 159.10 High 159.10 Close 151.17 Volume 4,323,672 + +&#x200B; + +# The Theory Evolves + +At this point, I reassessed the theory and realized that in the previous parabolic events, volume was the driving force. Volume was the missing variable that the theory needed. So I kept tracking the daily data and waited for the subsequent rise about RSI 53. + +&#x200B; + +# Wait Phase - Start + +**4/23:** The RSI had tipped ever so slightly upwards towards 45.75. The volume was 4,016,752 and somewhat smaller than the previous day, but the closing price was $151.18, a **0.01%** increase. + +**4/26:** MACD continued to ascend, RSI rose to 52.10, and volume was 9,415,856. + +**4/27:** MACD continued to ascend and was close to crossing over. RSI rose to 54.85. Volume was 8,892.032. My initial theory post is made public. + +*At this point, 2 out of 3 variables were met. I'd note the volume and keep an eye on the RSI.* + +**4/30:** MACD Ascending, RSI 53.09, and descending. Volume 4,395,531. + +&#x200B; + +# The Wait Phase Ends, A new 21 cycle commences. + +# The Theory Testing Begins on 5/3 + +&#x200B; + +**Day 1** \- 5/3 - MACD was ascending RSI 48.23 Open $177.49 High 177.49 Close 162.20 Volume 5,245,426 + +**Day 7** \- 5/11 - RSI 42.50 **(Ascending)** Open $137.00 High $150.50 Close $146.92 Volume 4,669.290 + +**Day 14** \- 5/20 - RSI eclipses 53 Open $170.79 High $174.91 Close $170.49 Volume 2,467,112 + +&#x200B; + +[ 5\/20 - RSI eclipses 53 - The shift begins. 1 Day Chart.](https://preview.redd.it/whlcafircw171.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a3fe980b32618030e84fab18ed5a4bbb571fb0) + +&#x200B; + +**Day 15** \- 5/21 - RSI 55.40. MACD ascending, Volume increasing. The planets align! + +# Major Parabolic Event Begins + +**Day 17** \- 5/25 - RSI 67+ MACD Ascending, Volume 14,450,827, 3 times the size compared to the previous trade day. + +&#x200B; + +[The lead-up. 1 Day Chart.](https://preview.redd.it/gpxum8ayew171.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=e410cc9456616d964e197bba7b734ecc48c05592) + +The chart above depicts where we are now. At the time of this posting, GME has hit a high of $268.80 on 5/28. + +&#x200B; + +# Some minor data to note: + +[In the chart below, the first arrow points to 5\/13 and the MACD ascended and the second arrow is pointing to 5\/17, the first-day MACD turned green. ](https://preview.redd.it/lfztuna49q171.png?width=2370&format=png&auto=webp&s=21d360b3c524e8b582faa2a19456f27e4c405158) + +[Showing we had not been in this RSI 70+ territory since 3\/9.](https://preview.redd.it/1gygjr09aq171.png?width=2298&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c335b91ce711c06a95fec89fe468f905440a4c2) + +&#x200B; + +[Notes along the way.](https://preview.redd.it/8cecdkjhlw171.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bacd3a20e206fc7eb62bb85f8883df32c2b6c9b) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[All we have to do is hold and enjoy the ride!](https://preview.redd.it/sqofwv62hw171.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=af19d6a1b9cf7151abd7d14a02c7e4cf27ac1af1) + +&#x200B; + +**Conclusion:** The theory provides a way to determine implied volume and parabolic activity. Being able to have indicators for movements like a parabolic activity will only improve our way of understanding the evolving trade environment in which we all find ourselves immersed. I feel that the theory can be applied like a tool. Just like the various indicators we use on charts, this can provide an insight and a different way to predict how GME reacts and moves in varying market conditions. Lastly, I appreciate all that have followed along and the feedback that I've received to ensure accuracy. We truly are a force to be reckoned with. + +&#x200B; + +# Apes Strong Together! 🦍💚🍌 + +**UPDATE 1:** Someone pointed out that my titles have changed. I am the first to say, that I suck at titles and I looked at this as an evolvling journal in a sense to track the data. My process for the most part worked like this: track data, consolidate data, assemble data, give it a name, post/file and move on until I had something pertinent to report. I'm sorry for any confusion. 🙏🏽 + +**The Titles:** + +**GME - Working Theory - Imminent RSI 100+ Parabolic Event** + +**Working Theory of Parabolic Events 2.0** + +**The Theory on GME Parabolic Activity** + +It would be wicked cool if the next title was like, **An Analysis of** **GME Parabolic events and the MOASS**. 🚀 + +**Update 2:** I posted the data from u/Criand [Theory on the FTD Loop Missing Link - a T+35 surge followed by an infinite T+21](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nf22qz/theory_on_the_ftd_loop_missing_link_a_t35_surge/) + +Data from April to May (current) lined up with Criand's data. + +https://preview.redd.it/zj2j0t48my171.png?width=2801&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f092fa26db7ed0dd8145350b68ef4653df55955 + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR:** A hybrid technical analysis can be applied to GME. Volume is key! Data is fun and seeing other DD's align with accuracy is amazing to see. 🚀 +I've heard it said that you shouldn't get into investing if you have debt. You should work on paying your debts off first before you start risking additional money in the stock market. + +I want to be fiscally responsible, and this seems like sound advice. However, because I have college debt, this means that I won't be able to invest for quite a long time. It will probably take me a decade to pay off my college loans. + +So, does this mean I shouldn't think about investing anytime soon? Or, should college debt be treated differently? Is it ok to put money into the stock market while still owing money on your college loans? +Sorry if this is a naive question. With the current CAD to USD exchange rate, would it be wise to invest in US stocks with Canadian Dollars? Would there be any added advantage to CDR in this context? +Mostly looking for Dividend / Growth long term holdings that are still selling for a good price. + +My Two Favorites right now are Allied Reit (AP.UN) and Fortis ([FTS.TO](https://FTS.TO)) + +Let me know if you have good canadian value plays in this expensive market. Cheers +I barely graduated from high school and have virtually no job skills other than fast food. About five months ago I shacked up with an ex and now she's pregnant. I know this woman and she's an absolute train wreck and the instant she realizes how much work it takes to raise a child she's going to bail ship. I don't want to give my daughter up for adoption, and I don't want her to feel like she comes from a second-class home. What can I do to give her the best life possible? +Greetings fellow apes, I hope you’re all having a great weekend. I’ve noticed something that is jacked titties worthy. Obviously don’t let yourself get too jacked as it could just be a coincidence. + +So, yesterday, the S&P 500 hit its all time high. + +The dow Jones also hit its all time high. + +This is something that happens right before a crash, and no that is not my personal opinion, it is a fact. It makes the most sense anyway because institutions are going to be selling off massively so they pump the indexes to get the best price. + +The strange thing is, B1tc01n is also rocketing and is at its highest since may currently sitting around 44,000. As we know, the coin gets pumped every weekend but this seems to be different, this is getting seriously pumped. Like billions and billions of dollars pumped. + +All I’m saying is, to me, it looks like the stars are aligning so personally I will be getting my space suit on this weekend ready. + +But, as we know, whenever we get hyped nothing happens. But remember, one day that will all change and next week is looking juicy. + +I reccomend buckling up just incase🚀 +Greetings fellow apes, I hope you’re all having a great weekend. I’ve noticed something that is jacked titties worthy. Obviously don’t let yourself get too jacked as it could just be a coincidence. + +So, yesterday, the S&P 500 hit its all time high. + +The dow Jones also hit its all time high. + +This is something that happens right before a crash, and no that is not my personal opinion, it is a fact. It makes the most sense anyway because institutions are going to be selling off massively so they pump the indexes to get the best price. + +The strange thing is, B1tc01n is also rocketing and is at its highest since may currently sitting around 44,000. As we know, the coin gets pumped every weekend but this seems to be different, this is getting seriously pumped. Like billions and billions of dollars pumped. + +All I’m saying is, to me, it looks like the stars are aligning so personally I will be getting my space suit on this weekend ready. + +But, as we know, whenever we get hyped nothing happens. But remember, one day that will all change and next week is looking juicy. + +I reccomend buckling up just incase🚀 +Hey what's up r/StockMarket! Happy Saturday to all of you on this subreddit. I hope everyone made out pretty good last week in the market, and are ready for the new trading week ahead! :) + +Here is everything you need to know to get you ready for the trading week beginning January 21st, 2019. + +# **Stocks getting a bit frothy after move higher, could pause as more earnings roll out - [(Source)](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/18/stocks-getting-a-bit-frothy-after-move-higher-could-pause-in-week-ahead.html)** +***** +> Stocks have gotten a boost from optimismfor U.S.-China trade talks, but earnings could take a bigger role in the week ahead, when reports roll in from a diverse group of companies in tech, railroads, pharma, airlines and consumer products. +***** +> Stocks closed higher for a fourth week, amid talk the market may be getting overbought. The S&P 500 was up 2.9 percent for the week, to 2,670, giving it a gain of 13.6 percent from the Dec. 24 closing low. Going into the week, strategists were wondering if the S&P could even hold above the 2,600 level, a key area of resistance, but it punched through the level, ending the week above the band of resistance. +***** +> "I think the market had made even the pros frustrated. At this point, if you haven't bought the market this year, it's not the most prudent thing to do to chase it today. At the same time, being short is frustrating," said Scott Redler, partner with T3Live.com. +***** +> Redler said he's still long the market, but is hedging because the quick gains have made it riskier. "The next stop traders are looking at is 2,700 to 2,730 ... next week could be a good week for a pause while [the market] digests the move." Redler said next week's reports will be important, but the following week will be key with Apple and Amazon. +***** +> Headlines on trade were a positive this past week, including one that the U.S. was considering rolling back tariffs and another that China was offering to ramp up U.S. imports. +***** +> "We are going to continue to see these headlines until the deadline," said Cesar Rojas, Citigroup global economist. Rojas said he expects to see a deal between the U.S. and China by the March 1 deadline, and while all the details may not be ironed out, he does not expect to see more tariffs. +***** +> "The focus for China is to stabilize its economy. One of the reasons we see a window of opportunity for a trade deal is the growth dynamics for the U.S. and China. We see still growth in the U.S., weakening growth in China for the first half, but for the second half, we see stabilizing growth in China and moderating growth in the U.S.," he said. He said the next senior-level talks at the end of the month could be key. +***** +> "I think you want to watch trade. We have a client survey we do once a quarter, and more than half the investors thought we would not get a trade deal by March 1," said Lori Calvasina, head of U.S. equities strategy at RBC Capital Markets. "I think that's part of the reason the market's been acting better in here. It's not that anything has happened, but you have some nice news, news that's moving in a positive direction." +***** +> Economic reports in the week ahead will be limited due to the government shutdown, which in itself is a growing risk for markets as economists say it could shave a tenth of a percentage point off GDP growth for each week it continues. Regularly scheduled durable goods will not be available, but there will be existing home sales Tuesday and jobless claims on Thursday, among others. +***** +> For the stock market, earnings will be important, with nearly 60 S&P companies reporting. That includes IBM and Johnson and Johnson on Tuesday; Procter and Gamble and United Technologies Wednesday, and Intel and Starbucks Thursday. +***** +> Financial companies were a mixed bag in the past week, with some high-profile misses such as Morgan Stanley and J.P. Morgan, with its first miss in 15 quarters. +***** +> Earnings growth at this point is expected to be up 14.2 percent, when considering companies that have already reported, according to Refinitiv. +***** +> "You have to be a little careful at this point. It's very lumpy when you're coming out of the gate sector-by-sector," said Calvasina. "I think the industrials are going to be an important sector. I'm curious to see what's going to happen to them. The margin expectations have been pretty high, and a lot of the sell-side expectations are baking in expansion." Calvasina said the sector was one of the most vocal last quarter about the impact of tariffs and could have updates on the impact. +***** +> For tech, earnings expectations have been coming down and are now at 2.6 percent growth for the sector in 2019. The lowered expectations for technology companies have trailed the declines in other sectors, such as materials, consumer discretionary and health care, Calvasina said. Overall, the S&P is expected to see earnings growth of 6 percent in 2019, down from more than 23 percent in 2018. +***** +> Even with lowered earnings expectations, technology stocks are not really reflecting the earnings cuts as much as some other sectors. Semiconductors has been a culprit, pulling down the whole group. On a price-to-earnings basis, relative to the market, technology P/Es have been creeping higher, not falling, she said. +***** +> "The damage to earnings is worse than the damage to the price," she said, meaning that the stocks could be vulnerable this earnings season. +***** +> The World Economic Forum begins in Davos, Switzerland, on Sunday. President Donald Trump and Cabinet members are not attending because of the government shutdown. + +***** + +# **This past week saw the following moves in the S&P:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL S&P HEAT MAP FOR THE PAST WEEK!](https://i.imgur.com/wCm025H.png))** + +# **Major Indices for this past week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MAJOR INDICES FOR THE PAST WEEK!](https://i.imgur.com/Hb1FeIH.png))** + +# **Major Futures Markets as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MAJOR FUTURES INDICES AS OF FRIDAY!](https://i.imgur.com/HKEsZHI.png))** + +# **Economic Calendar for the Week Ahead:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ECONOMIC CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK AHEAD!](https://i.imgur.com/3E4tKmo.png))** + +# **Sector Performance WTD, MTD, YTD:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S PERFORMANCE!](http://elite.finviz.com/grp_image.ashx?bar_sector_t.png&rev=636115211971930604))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE WEEK-TO-DATE PERFORMANCE!](http://elite.finviz.com/grp_image.ashx?bar_sector_w.png&rev=636115211971930604))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MONTH-TO-DATE PERFORMANCE!](http://elite.finviz.com/grp_image.ashx?bar_sector_m.png&rev=636115211971930604))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE 3-MONTH PERFORMANCE!](http://elite.finviz.com/grp_image.ashx?bar_sector_q.png&rev=636115211971930604))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE YEAR-TO-DATE PERFORMANCE!](http://elite.finviz.com/grp_image.ashx?bar_sector_ytd.png&rev=636115211971930604))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE 52-WEEK PERFORMANCE!](http://elite.finviz.com/grp_image.ashx?bar_sector_y.png&rev=636115211971930604))** + +# **Percentage Changes for the Major Indices, WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/I2mgrW6.png))** + +# **S&P Sectors for the Past Week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/WM5JbyP.png))** + +# **Major Indices Pullback/Correction Levels as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/2v3rxrY.png))** + +# **Major Indices Rally Levels as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/WTWMIZ4.png))** + +# **Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for this week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/cXBwa1I.png))** + +# **Here are the upcoming IPO's for this week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/mQtZZln.png))** +(PENDING THE STATUS OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN!) + +# **Friday's Stock Analyst Upgrades & Downgrades:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR CHART LINK #1!](https://i.imgur.com/eOcSkrU.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR CHART LINK #2!](https://i.imgur.com/Z2M4v2O.png))** + +***** + +# The Best and Worst Performing S&P 500 Stocks So Far in 2019 + +> Below we take a look at the best and worst performing S&P 500 stocks since we turned the corner into the new year. The top stock in the S&P 500 so far YTD is the healthcare play Celgene (CELG). At today’s close, the company finished up an astounding 37.67% year to date. Nektar Therapeutics (NKTR) and Netflix (NFLX) are not far behind up 35.44% and 32.5%, respectively. + +> While Health Care and Communication Services stocks make up the top three, the Energy sector is actually the most represented on the list with 11 out of 30 names. Whereas Tech was the poster child for gains for most of last year, there is only a single Technology stock in the top 30, and it’s probably the last one you’d guess — Xerox (XRX). + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://www.bespokepremium.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/best1.png))** + +> Taking a look at the other end of the spectrum, with bankruptcy talks dominating the focus of the stock, PG&E (PCG) has fallen 70.91% in just 15 days. Macy’s ranks 2nd with a decline of 16.12%, while Newmont Mining (NEM) ranks 3rd at -10.48%. These are the only three stocks in the index down more than 10% on the year. + +> The worst performers have a much larger variation on a sector basis. Health Care, which was another outperformer of 2018, is the only standout with 8 companies represented in the worst 30. The only sectors without a stock making this list are Real Estate, Communication Services, and Energy. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://www.bespokepremium.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/worst1.png))** + +***** + +# Typical Pre-Election Year January Trading: Up, Up & Away + +> In pre-election years, Januarys have been downright stellar ranking #1 for S&P 500, NASDAQ, Russell 1000 and Russell 2000 and #2 for DJIA since 1950. Thus far, this January has been adhering to this historical tendency rather well. As of yesterday’s close, Russell 2000 was leading the charge, up nearly 7.2%. NASDAQ was in second place with a gain of 5.9% while DJIA was at the back of the pack at 3.2%. + +> Looking at the chart below, comparing past historical average pre-election year January performance with 2019 as of the close on the eleventh trading day (January 15), you can see all five indexes are have produced above average gains throughout most of the month already. You can also see that, on average, the trend from now until the end of the month has been quite positive which suggests further gains are possible. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://66.media.tumblr.com/92619ab897507e8ab5c467b819c2131f/tumblr_inline_plfy0uAvsu1spdppr_500.jpg))** + +***** + +# High Yield Spreads: When Crashing is a Good Thing + +> After screaming higher towards the end of 2018 right up through the first couple of days of 2019, high yield spreads have come crashing back down to earth in the last two weeks, falling from a high of 544 basis points (bps) on 1/3 to 440 bps through Thursday. At their highs two weeks ago, spreads were the widest they have been since the Summer of 2016 and the highest while moving higher since the middle of 2015 when oil prices were crashing. + +> In the lower chart, we show the 10-day rate of change of high yield spreads over time. At their peak back on 1/3, spreads had seen the largest 10-day move wider since early 2018 (98 bps). Ten trading days later, we are now looking at the largest narrowing move in spreads since July 2016. Unlike the current period, the narrowing of spreads in July 2016 did not immediately follow a 10-day move where spreads widened significantly. To find a period where this large of a move immediately followed a ten-day period where investors couldn’t exit high yield fast enough (wider spreads), you have to go back to that period in February 2016 that was marked by the ‘Dimon Bottom.” Now, if only the market follows a similar path moving forward! + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://www.bespokepremium.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/011819-High-Yield.png))** + +***** + +# **STOCK MARKET VIDEO: Stock Market Analysis Video for January 18th, 2019** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!]())** +(VIDEO NOT YET UP!) + +# **STOCK MARKET VIDEO: ShadowTrader Video Weekly 1.20.19** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!]())** +(VIDEO NOT YET UP!) + +***** + +Here are the most notable companies reporting earnings in this upcoming trading week ahead- + +***** + +> * **$JNJ** +> * **$IBM** +> * **$HAL** +> * **$INTC** +> * **$F** +> * **$AAL** +> * **$PG** +> * **$STLD** +> * **$ATI** +> * **$SWK** +> * **$SBUX** +> * **$ABT** +> * **$TRV** +> * **$PGR** +> * **$PLD** +> * **$UTX** +> * **$FITB** +> * **$LUV** +> * **$BMY** +> * **$CMCSA** +> * **$UBSH** +> * **$ABBV** +> * **$LRCX** +> * **$ISRG** +> * **$KMB** +> * **$MBWM** +> * **$URI** +> * **$EDU** +> * **$AMTD** +> * **$JBLU** +> * **$FCX** +> * **$WDC** +> * **$GATX** +> * **$FBC** +> * **$ONB** +> * **$PEBO** +> * **$XLNX** +> * **$FNB** +> * **$OFG** +> * **$UBS** +> * **$MKC** +> * **$ASML** +> * **$UNP** + +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR NEXT WEEK'S MOST NOTABLE EARNINGS RELEASES!](https://i.imgur.com/cXBwa1I.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR NEXT WEEK'S HIGHEST VOLATILITY EARNINGS RELEASES!](https://i.imgur.com/0l0sQbd.png))** + +***** + +Below are some of the notable companies coming out with earnings releases this upcoming trading week ahead which includes the date/time of release & consensus estimates courtesy of Earnings Whispers: + +***** + +> # ***Monday 1.21.19 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR MONDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +NONE. (U.S. MARKETS CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY) + +> # ***Monday 1.21.19 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR MONDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +NONE. (U.S. MARKETS CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY) + +***** + +> # ***Tuesday 1.22.19 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR TUESDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/gozcfmJ.png)) + +> # ***Tuesday1.22.19 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR TUESDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/vswLexE.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Wednesday 1.23.19 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR WEDNESDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/UHThTem.png)) + +> # ***Wednesday 1.23.19 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR WEDNESDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/SoKB2fA.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Thursday 1.24.19 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR THURSDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/1rnpnJ6.png)) + +> # ***Thursday 1.24.19 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR THURSDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/oCinRve.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Friday 1.25.19 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/GEUvbMy.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Friday 1.25.19 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +NONE. + +***** + +# Johnson & Johnson $130.69 +> **Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 6:40 AM ET on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.95 per share on revenue of $20.11 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.98 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 52% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 12.07% with revenue decreasing by 0.42%. Short interest has increased by 17.6% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 3.0% from its open following the earnings release to be 0.7% below its 200 day moving average of $131.55. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Monday, January 7, 2019 there was some notable buying of 16,279 contracts of the $140.00 call expiring on Friday, March 15, 2019. Option traders are pricing in a 3.6% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 2.6% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=JNJ&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# International Business Machines Corp. $123.82 +> **International Business Machines Corp. (IBM)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:05 PM ET on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $4.81 per share on revenue of $21.75 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $4.88 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 25% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 7.14% with revenue decreasing by 3.52%. Short interest has decreased by 33.0% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 8.9% from its open following the earnings release to be 9.9% below its 200 day moving average of $137.41. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Thursday, January 10, 2019 there was some notable buying of 5,046 contracts of the $90.00 put expiring on Friday, January 17, 2020. Option traders are pricing in a 5.2% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 5.9% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=IBM&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# Halliburton Co $32.25 +> **Halliburton Co (HAL)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 6:45 AM ET on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.37 per share on revenue of $5.89 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.38 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 51% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for earnings of $0.37 to $0.40 per share. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 30.19% with revenue decreasing by 0.84%. Short interest has increased by 7.1% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 13.4% from its open following the earnings release to be 20.6% below its 200 day moving average of $40.64. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Wednesday, January 9, 2019 there was some notable buying of 17,145 contracts of the $30.00 call expiring on Friday, February 15, 2019. Option traders are pricing in a 5.8% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 4.1% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=HAL&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# Intel Corp. $49.19 +> **Intel Corp. (INTC)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:05 PM ET on Thursday, January 24, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.22 per share on revenue of $19.01 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.26 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 69% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for earnings of approximately $1.22 per share. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 12.96% with revenue increasing by 11.48%. Short interest has increased by 0.5% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 7.9% from its open following the earnings release to be 0.3% below its 200 day moving average of $49.32. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Monday, January 7, 2019 there was some notable buying of 20,963 contracts of the $52.50 call expiring on Friday, February 15, 2019. Option traders are pricing in a 5.4% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 5.2% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=INTC&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# Ford Motor Company $8.58 +> **Ford Motor Company (F)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:15 PM ET on Wednesday, January 23, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.30 per share on revenue of $36.96 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.30 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 50% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 23.08% with revenue decreasing by 10.51%. Short interest has decreased by 18.6% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 0.7% from its open following the earnings release to be 15.5% below its 200 day moving average of $10.15. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Thursday, January 10, 2019 there was some notable buying of 65,967 contracts of the $9.00 call expiring on Friday, February 15, 2019. Option traders are pricing in a 5.5% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 4.4% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=F&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# American Airlines Group Inc. $33.97 +> **American Airlines Group Inc. (AAL)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:30 AM ET on Thursday, January 24, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.03 per share on revenue of $11.06 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.09 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 72% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 8.42% with revenue increasing by 4.34%. Short interest has decreased by 14.0% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 8.9% from its open following the earnings release to be 12.2% below its 200 day moving average of $38.69. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Thursday, January 10, 2019 there was some notable buying of 7,164 contracts of the $38.00 call expiring on Friday, May 17, 2019. Option traders are pricing in a 7.2% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 4.5% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=AAL&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# Procter & Gamble Co. $91.42 +> **Procter & Gamble Co. (PG)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:00 AM ET on Wednesday, January 23, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.21 per share on revenue of $17.20 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.23 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 59% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 1.68% with revenue decreasing by 1.12%. Short interest has increased by 8.9% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 7.7% from its open following the earnings release to be 10.9% above its 200 day moving average of $82.46. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Monday, December 31, 2018 there was some notable buying of 10,356 contracts of the $95.00 call expiring on Friday, June 21, 2019. Option traders are pricing in a 3.1% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 3.7% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=PG&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# Steel Dynamics, Inc. $34.30 +> **Steel Dynamics, Inc. (STLD)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:00 AM ET on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.25 per share on revenue of $2.94 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.27 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 61% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 131.48% with revenue increasing by 25.83%. Short interest has decreased by 43.0% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 16.8% from its open following the earnings release to be 20.0% below its 200 day moving average of $42.90. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 there was some notable buying of 5,226 contracts of the $29.00 put expiring on Friday, February 15, 2019. Option traders are pricing in a 4.7% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 1.6% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=STLD&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** +