diff --git "a/TinyStories_1127.txt" "b/TinyStories_1127.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/TinyStories_1127.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +Lily learned how to sew and fixed Teddy's arm. She was very happy and proud of herself. She learned that when something is broken, you can fix it with some help and patience. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird. The little bird had a zipper on its feathers. It liked to fly high in the sky and feel the wind on its face. One day, the little bird saw a big, juicy worm on the ground. It wanted to eat the worm, but its zipper got stuck. The little bird couldn't fly away and was stuck on the ground. + +The little bird tried to get its zipper unstuck, but it was too little to do it. It was getting dark outside and the little bird was scared. Suddenly, a big cat came out of nowhere and pounced on the little bird. The little bird couldn't fly away and the big cat caught it in its mouth. The little bird was gone forever. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a kind lady who loved to bake cakes. She made a big, delicious cake and wanted to deliver it to her friend's house. She asked her son to come with her to help carry the cake. + +As they walked, they met a hungry dog who looked sad. The lady gave the dog a generous piece of cake. The dog wagged its tail and licked its lips. "Thank you!" the lady said. "Now let's go deliver the cake to our friend." + +But when they arrived at the friend's house, they found out that the friend had moved away. The lady was sad because she wanted to give her friend the cake. "What will we do with the cake now?" she asked her son. "Let's eat it ourselves," he said with a smile. + +So they sat down to eat the cake, but they realized that the dog had followed them. The dog barked and jumped up, knocking the cake out of the lady's hand. The cake fell on the ground and was ruined. The lady and her son were sad, but the dog licked up the crumbs and looked happy. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved rockets and wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. One day, he saw a wealthy man bow to the ground and pick up a shiny object. Timmy asked the man what it was, and the man said it was a rare diamond. + +Timmy wanted to be wealthy like the man, so he decided to find his own diamond. He searched and searched but couldn't find one. One day, he saw a rocket in the sky and had an idea. He would build a rocket and fly to space to find his diamond. + +Timmy worked hard and built his rocket. He blasted off into space and saw many beautiful things. But he didn't find a diamond. He was sad and decided to come back to Earth. As he landed, he saw the wealthy man again. The man laughed and said, "I knew you wouldn't find a diamond. They're too hard to find!" Timmy was upset and wished he had never gone on his rocket adventure. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside and explore. One day, Timmy saw a big rocket in his backyard. It was red and shiny. Timmy wanted to explore the rocket, but he knew it wasn't easy. + +Timmy climbed up the ladder to the rocket, but he stumbled and fell down. He tried again and stumbled again. Finally, Timmy made it to the top of the rocket. He looked inside and saw lots of buttons and switches. + +Timmy pressed a button and the rocket started to shake. Suddenly, the rocket blasted off into the sky! Timmy was scared at first, but then he saw the stars and the moon. It was so beautiful. Timmy smiled and knew that exploring the rocket was worth the stumble. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved muffins and would eat them every day. One day, she went to the park with her mom and brought a muffin with her. She was so happy to eat it, but then a little boy came over and wanted her muffin. + +Lily didn't want to share her muffin because she was so hungry, but her mom told her it was nice to share. So, she gave the boy a piece of her muffin. But then, she saw that the boy had a bigger muffin than hers and she felt envious. + +Lily started to cry because she wanted a bigger muffin too. Her mom told her it was okay to want things, but it was important to be happy with what you have. Lily decided to rest on the bench and enjoy the rest of her muffin. She realized that it was still delicious and she was happy to have it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play with her ball. One day, she went to the park and started to play with her ball. Suddenly, she dropped the ball and it rolled away. She tried to catch it, but it was too fast. + +Lily saw a net nearby and thought she could catch the ball with it. She picked up the net and tried to catch the ball, but it was too high. Then, a bossy boy came and told her she was doing it wrong. He said he could help her catch the ball. + +Lily didn't like the bossy boy, but she really wanted her ball back. So, she let him try. He used the net and caught the ball for her. Lily was happy to have her ball back, but she didn't like how the boy talked to her. She decided to play by herself and have fun without him. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play with his toys. One day, Timmy's mom asked him to clean up his toys before dinner. Timmy didn't want to clean up, so he didn't listen to his mom. + +Later that night, Timmy's mom asked him if he cleaned up his toys. Timmy said yes, but he was naughty and lied. His mom found out and was upset. + +The next day, Timmy went to school and his teacher asked him if he cleaned up his toys. Timmy didn't want to get in trouble, so he mentioned that he did clean up. But his teacher found out the truth and Timmy didn't have success in school that day. + +Timmy learned that it's always better to tell the truth and listen to his mom. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and toys all day long. One day, she wanted to talk to her grandma who lived far away. She asked her mom if she could use the telephone to call her grandma. + +"Sure, Lily. Let me help you," said her mom, who was always very helpful. She picked up the telephone and dialed her grandma's number. Lily waited patiently for her grandma to answer. + +"Hello?" said her grandma on the other end of the line. + +"Hi, grandma! It's me, Lily!" said Lily excitedly. + +"Hello, Lily! How are you?" asked her grandma. + +"I'm good, thank you. I just wanted to request if you could come and visit me soon," said Lily. + +"I would love to, Lily. I'll come and see you very soon," said her grandma. + +Lily was very happy and thanked her mom for being so helpful. She couldn't wait to see her grandma again. +Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny had soft, fluffy fur that was white as snow. One day, Benny was very bored and didn't know what to do. He hopped around his garden, but nothing seemed fun. + +Suddenly, Benny saw a juicy carrot in the garden. He was so hungry that he didn't think twice and took a big bite. But as he was munching on the carrot, he heard a voice say, "Hey, that was my carrot!" + +Benny turned around and saw a little mouse who was very sad. "I was saving that carrot for my family," said the mouse. Benny felt bad and apologized. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was yours," he said. + +The mouse forgave Benny and they became friends. From that day on, Benny learned that it's important to think before he acted and to always be kind to others. And whenever he felt bored, he knew he could always count on his friend, the mouse, to play with him. +Once upon a time, there was an old lady. She was very old, and we call her elderly. She loved to do yoga. Yoga is when you move your body in special ways to feel good. One day, she received a special yoga mat in the mail. It was a gift from her granddaughter. The mat was very pretty and had flowers on it. The elderly lady was so happy and grateful to receive such a lovely gift! +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He loved to watch films on his TV. One day, he put in a film, but it wouldn't work. The TV was broken! Timmy felt sad because he couldn't watch his favorite films. + +His mom said she would fix the TV, but Timmy didn't believe her. He thought she was lying to him. But his mom promised she would fix it, and she did! Timmy was so happy and grateful to his mom for fixing the broken TV. Now he could watch his films again! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived with her mommy and daddy in a big house. One day, Lily's mommy said, "Lily, we are going to visit your grandma today. She will welcome us with a big hug." + +Lily was very excited to see her grandma. When they arrived, her grandma hugged them and said, "Welcome! I am so happy to see you." They sat down at the table and had some thick soup for lunch. + +After lunch, Lily's daddy said, "I have to go to work now. I will see you all later." Lily asked, "What is work, daddy?" Her daddy replied, "Work is when I go to my office and do some important things. It helps us to have money to buy food and toys." + +Lily was happy to spend time with her mommy and grandma. They played games and sang songs together. When it was time to go home, Lily hugged her grandma and said, "Thank you for having us. I had so much fun." +Once upon a time, there was a big and thick forest. In the forest lived many animals, like rabbits, deer, and birds. One day, a group of ants started to march through the forest. They were looking for food to bring back to their nest. + +As they marched, they found a big apple on the ground. They were so happy and excited that they didn't see the big snake hiding in the bushes. Suddenly, the snake jumped out and shocked the ants. They tried to run away, but it was too late. The snake ate all of the ants and the apple. + +The other animals in the forest heard the commotion and came to see what had happened. They were sad to see the ants gone and angry at the snake for being so mean. From that day on, they made sure to always be careful and watch out for danger in the forest. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play outside. One day, as she was playing in the park, she saw a balloon rise up high into the sky. "Wow, that balloon is so high!" she exclaimed. + +Suddenly, Lily heard a worried voice behind her. It was her friend, Timmy. "Lily, have you seen my toy car? I can't find it anywhere!" he said. Lily knew that telling the truth was important, so she said, "I saw Billy take it earlier. Maybe he has it now." + +Timmy was upset and didn't know what to do. Lily wanted to help her friend, so she suggested they go talk to Billy and ask him about the toy car. When they found Billy, he denied taking the toy car. But Lily knew the truth and told Billy that he needed to give it back to Timmy. + +After some convincing, Billy finally admitted to taking the toy car and gave it back to Timmy. Timmy was happy to have his toy car back, and Lily was happy that she helped her friend. The balloon continued to rise higher and higher into the sky, as the three friends walked away, feeling happy and relieved. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her rag doll, Rosie. One day, Lily and Rosie went for a walk in the park. They played hide and seek and had a lot of fun. + +As they were walking back home, Lily's mom asked her to clean up her room. Lily didn't want to do it, but her mom said, "If you clean your room now, we can go get ice cream later." + +Lily agreed to clean her room, but she didn't know where to start. Suddenly, she remembered something her grandma had told her. "If you keep your room clear, it's easier to clean." So, she picked up all her toys and put them away. + +When Lily was finished, she felt proud of herself. She ran to her mom and said, "Look, Mommy! My room is clean!" Her mom smiled and said, "Great job, Lily! We can go get ice cream now." + +Lily was so happy. She knew that if she remained responsible and kept her room clear, she would get rewarded with ice cream more often. +One day, a young girl named Lily went to the bus stop. She wanted to go to the park to play. She saw a big yellow bus coming down the road. "Look, a bus!" she said to her mom. "Can we ride it?" + +"Yes, we can," her mom said. They got on the bus and found a seat. Lily watched out the window as the bus drove through the town. She saw people walking and cars driving. "Look at all the people," she said. + +Soon, they arrived at the park. Lily jumped off the bus and ran to the playground. She saw some other kids playing and went to join them. "Can I play too?" she asked. "Sure, come on!" they said. They all played together and had so much fun. When it was time to go home, Lily said, "I don't want to leave. Can we stay longer?" "No, we need to go home now," her mom said. They got back on the bus and Lily watched the world go by as they marched home. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird who loved to lay eggs. She built a nest on top of a chimney where she felt safe and proud. Every day, she would lay an egg and sing a happy song. + +One day, a big bad wolf came along and saw the little bird's nest on top of the chimney. He wanted to eat the eggs, so he climbed up the chimney. The little bird saw the wolf and tried to fly away, but she was too late. + +The wolf ate all of the little bird's eggs and destroyed her nest. The little bird was sad and scared. She flew away and never returned to the chimney again. From that day on, the little bird learned to build her nest in a safer place where no one could harm her eggs. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily was playing with her toys when her mommy said, "Lily, it's time for your nap." Lily didn't want to nap because she was having too much fun playing. But her mommy said, "If you take a nap, you will feel more comfortable and have more energy to play later." + +Lily didn't like the idea of taking a nap, but she knew her mommy was right. So, she went to her room and lay down on her cozy bed. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but she couldn't. After a few minutes, her mommy came in and asked, "Why aren't you napping, Lily?" + +Lily replied, "I don't have any ideas on how to nap." Her mommy smiled and said, "Just close your eyes and imagine a happy place, like a park or the beach. It will help you fall asleep." Lily tried her mommy's idea and soon fell asleep. When she woke up, she felt very comfortable and had lots of energy to play with her toys again. From that day on, Lily took a nap every day and felt much better. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved going to school, especially his classroom. He liked playing with his friends and learning new things. One day, Timmy's teacher announced that they were going to have a race in the classroom. + +Timmy was very excited and couldn't wait for the race to begin. His friend, Johnny, was also excited. Johnny was very fast and Timmy knew he had to speed up if he wanted to win. Timmy practiced every day and he felt confident that he could win the race. + +On the day of the race, everyone was lined up and ready to go. The teacher said, "On your mark, get set, go!" and everyone started running. Timmy was doing well until he tripped and fell. Johnny was in the lead and everyone thought he was going to win. But then something crazy happened. Johnny tripped and fell too! Timmy got up and ran as fast as he could. In the end, Timmy won the race and everyone cheered for him. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toy sword. He would pretend to be a brave knight and fight off dragons and monsters. + +One day, Timmy's friend Billy came over to play. Billy wanted to play with Timmy's sword, but Timmy disagreed. He thought it was too dangerous for Billy to play with. + +Billy was sad because he really wanted to play with the sword. But Timmy had an idea. He suggested they build a fort instead and pretend the fort was being attacked by dragons. Billy loved the idea and they spent the rest of the day building their fort and using their imaginations to defeat the imaginary dragons. + +From that day on, Timmy and Billy learned that it's okay to disagree sometimes, but it's important to find a way to compromise and have fun together. And Timmy learned that even though his sword was dangerous, he could still use his imagination to have fun with his friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat sandwiches, especially peanut butter and jelly. One day, she went to the park with her mom and brought a sandwich with her. She was so excited to eat it! + +But then, a big dog came running towards her. Lily started to panic and dropped her sandwich. She was so sad and cried a lot. + +Her mom told her to be patient and that they could make another sandwich. Lily learned that sometimes bad things happen, but if she stayed calm and patient, things would get better. From then on, she always kept an extra sandwich in her bag, just in case. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys on the porch. One day, Timmy's friend came over to play. Timmy was happy to see his friend and wanted to share his toys with him. + +But Timmy's friend was tough and didn't want to share. He took Timmy's toys and wouldn't give them back. Timmy was sad and didn't know what to do. He tried to talk to his friend, but he wouldn't listen. + +In the end, Timmy's friend left with all of Timmy's toys. Timmy was left alone on the porch, feeling sad and lonely. He wished he never invited his friend over to play. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a big red ball that she loved to play with. One day, she left her ball outside and it rained. The ball got wet and then it started to shrink! + +Lily was sad because her ball was getting smaller and smaller. She asked her mommy what to do. Her mommy said, "It's okay, Lily. Let's dry it off and see if it gets bigger again." + +Lily's mommy had a good opinion that the ball would go back to its normal size. And guess what? After they dried it off, the ball did get bigger again! Lily was so happy. She promised to never leave her toys outside in the rain again because that would be naughty. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play in the water and splash around. He lived in a big building with his mommy and daddy. They were very happy together. + +One day, Timmy's mommy made him a delicious sandwich for lunch. Timmy ate it all up and was very happy. But then, he wanted to play in the water again. He asked his mommy if he could go outside and splash around. She said yes, but only if he promised to be careful. + +Timmy went outside and started to splash around in a big puddle. He was having so much fun, he didn't notice that the puddle was getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly, the water started to come up to the building, and before Timmy knew it, the building was flooded! Timmy's mommy and daddy were very sad because they lost everything they owned. Timmy felt very bad because he didn't listen to his mommy's warning. From that day on, Timmy always listened to his mommy's advice. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw and be creative. One day, Lily was drawing a picture of a monster. Her mom asked, "What are you drawing?" Lily said, "A monster." Her mom said, "Oh no, is it a scary monster?" Lily said, "No, it's a friendly monster." + +Later that night, Lily was getting ready for bed. She heard a noise outside her window. She said, "Mommy, what's that noise?" Her mom said, "It's probably just the wind." But Lily was scared. She said, "Mommy, can you come sleep with me tonight?" Her mom said, "Of course, I'll come sleep with you." + +As they were falling asleep, Lily said, "Mommy, do you think my monster will come to life?" Her mom said, "I don't know, maybe it will." The next morning, Lily woke up and saw that her monster drawing was gone. She looked around and saw that her monster had come to life! But instead of being scary, the monster was friendly just like Lily had drawn. And they became the best of friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and draw pictures. One day, she drew a picture of a rare bird with beautiful feathers. She showed it to her mommy and said, "Look, mommy! This bird has a pretty shape." + +Her mommy said, "Wow, Lily! That's a great picture. I accept it as a gift from you." + +Lily was happy that her mommy liked her picture. She continued to draw more pictures of animals with different shapes. She showed them to her friends and they also liked them. One of her friends said, "Lily, you are a great artist! I accept your pictures as a gift too." + +Lily smiled and felt proud of herself. She realized that everyone has something special to offer, just like her pictures. She continued to draw and share her art with others, knowing that her unique shapes and rare creatures would be accepted with love. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to draw and mark on paper with her crayons. One day, she decided to draw in her bedroom. Her bedroom was very big and had a big orange bed. + +Lily drew a big orange sun on the wall. Her mom came in and said, "Wow, Lily! That's a beautiful sun you drew on the wall!" + +Lily smiled and said, "Thank you, Mommy! I love my big orange bedroom!" + +From that day on, Lily loved to draw in her big orange bedroom. She would mark on the walls and draw pictures of her family and friends. Her bedroom became her favorite place to be, and she loved it even more because of her beautiful orange bed. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily and her mommy went on a long drive to visit the country. Lily was very excited to see all the animals and trees. She was also very sleepy from the long car ride. + +When they arrived, Lily saw a big tree with a swing hanging from it. "Mommy, can I swing on the swing?" she asked. "Of course, Lily," her mommy replied. + +Lily ran to the swing and started swinging back and forth. She felt like she was flying! After a while, she got very sleepy and her mommy said, "Let's go take a nap in the shade of that tree." + +Lily and her mommy lay down in the grass and closed their eyes. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise! It was a cow mooing! Lily laughed and said, "That silly cow woke us up!" Her mommy smiled and said, "Yes, but now we can see all the animals in the country!" +Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweety. Tweety was always flying and playing with her bird friends. One day, Tweety saw a big tree with lots of fruits on it. She flew to the tree and started eating the fruits. + +After a while, Tweety ate too much and started feeling heavy. She tried to fly but she couldn't because she was too heavy. She thought she was going to fall and hurt herself. + +Suddenly, Tweety remembered what her mommy had told her about balance. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and focused on balancing her body. She flapped her wings and flew away safely. + +Tweety realized that balance is important in everything we do. She felt happy and proud of herself for remembering what she learned. From that day on, Tweety knew that she could always find an oasis of happiness if she balanced her life. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to draw and design things. He would draw different animals and cars all day long. One day, Timmy's friend Lilly came over to play. Lilly had a toy car that Timmy wanted to play with. + +But when Timmy asked Lilly if he could play with the car, Lilly said no. Timmy felt sad and didn't know what to do. He thought and thought, and then he had an idea. He asked Lilly if they could design a new car together. + +Lilly thought that was a great idea, so they got to work. They drew different designs and talked about which one they liked the best. They worked together step by step until they had created a brand new car. Timmy and Lilly were so happy that they had worked together and created something different. They forgot all about the toy car and played with their new creation instead. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to skip and play outside with her friends. One day, Lily's mom told her they were going to the park. Lily's heart was filled with joy and excitement. + +When they arrived at the park, Lily saw her friends and ran to play with them. They skipped and laughed, but suddenly Lily's heart started to hurt. She felt very tired and her mom noticed that her face was turning pale. They rushed to the hospital. + +The doctor said that Lily had a very dull heart and needed a special operation. Unfortunately, the operation did not go well, and Lily passed away. Her friends and family were very sad, and they missed her skipping and playing with them. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog. The dog was very small and cute. He lived in a house with his family. One day, the little dog went for a walk. He wanted to explore the world outside. + +As he was walking, he saw a big tree. The little dog wanted to climb the tree. He tried and tried, but he couldn't climb the tree. Then, he heard a whistle. It was his owner calling him back home. + +The little dog felt safe when he heard the whistle. He knew he was loved and protected. He ran back home and cuddled with his family. From that day on, he never went too far from home again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and color with her crayons. One day, Lily's mom took her to the store to buy some new toys. When they got to the store, Lily saw a big shiny gold balloon. She asked her mom if she could have it, but her mom said it wasn't available to buy. + +Lily was sad, but then she saw a toy car that she liked. She asked her mom if she could have it, and her mom said yes! Lily was so happy and she played with her new toy car all day long. Later that day, Lily's dad came home and saw her playing with the car. He said, "Wow, that's a cool car! Where did you get it?" Lily replied, "Mommy took me to the store and bought it for me!" + +Lily's dad smiled and said, "That's great! Maybe next time we can go to the store together and see if that gold balloon is available to buy." Lily was excited and couldn't wait to go back to the store with her dad. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in her backyard, where she had a swing and a sandbox. One day, Lily saw a persistent bird flying around her backyard. The bird kept flying in circles and wouldn't leave. + +Lily tried to shoo the bird away, but it wouldn't go. She thought maybe the bird wanted to sign a song for her. So, she sat down on the swing and waited. After a few minutes, the bird flew up to a tree and started singing a beautiful song. Lily was so happy that she clapped her hands and smiled. + +From that day on, whenever Lily went to play in her backyard, she would look up at the tree and see if the bird was there. And sure enough, the bird would come back and sign a song for her. Lily was so grateful to have such a wonderful friend in her backyard. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw and color with her crayons. One day, she made a mistake and wanted to fix it with her eraser. But the eraser was gone! She looked under her paper and on her desk, but it was nowhere to be found. + +Lily started to cry because she thought she couldn't fix her mistake. But her mommy came to help and said, "Don't worry, Lily. We can find an easy solution." Her mommy gave her a new eraser and showed her how to use it. + +Lily was so happy and grateful to her mommy. She finished her picture and showed it to everyone. They all loved it and Lily felt proud. She learned that sometimes things may seem hard, but with a little help, they can be easy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a cute little puppy with soft fur. Lily loved to play with her puppy and give it lots of hugs. One day, Lily's puppy got hurt and couldn't walk very well. + +Lily wanted to help her puppy, so she asked her mommy for help. Her mommy said they needed to take the puppy to the vet. At the vet, the doctor said the puppy needed a special brace to support its leg. + +Lily's mommy bought the brace and put it on the puppy's leg. With the brace, the puppy could walk again! Lily was so happy that her puppy was feeling better. She gave her puppy lots of hugs and kisses and told it how much she loved its cute fur. From that day on, Lily made sure to always take good care of her furry friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the park. One day, she fell and got a boo-boo on her knee. Her mommy put a patch on it to make it feel better. + +Later that day, Lily went to the park to play with her friends. They were having fun on the swings when suddenly, Lily's friend Sarah fell off and started to cry. Lily shouted for her mommy to come and help. Her mommy came running and hugged Sarah to make her feel better. + +After that, Lily's mommy told her that it's important to always help our friends when they need us. Lily felt proud of herself for being a good friend and helping Sarah. She wasn't embarrassed anymore about her boo-boo patch, because she knew it helped her feel better just like her mommy helped Sarah. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the woods. One day, Timmy met a hunter in the woods. The hunter had a big gun and Timmy was scared. + +"Hello there, little boy. Don't be afraid. I'm just a regular hunter," said the hunter. + +Timmy looked at the hunter and said, "Do you care about the animals in the woods?" + +The hunter smiled and said, "Yes, I do. I only hunt animals that we need to eat. I don't hunt just for fun." + +Timmy was happy to hear that and he and the hunter became friends. They spent the rest of the day exploring the woods together. Timmy learned a lot about nature from the hunter and he was grateful for the new friend he had made. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play at the beach and would always wave to the other kids. One day, a rude boy came and didn't wave back to Timmy. Timmy felt sad but didn't give up. + +He tried to improve his waving skills and practiced every day. One day, the rude boy came back and Timmy waved again. But the rude boy didn't wave back and instead, he kicked sand on Timmy's face. Timmy felt hurt and cried. + +Timmy's mom saw what happened and hugged him. She told him that not everyone is nice and some people are just rude. Timmy learned that it's important to be kind and not let rude people bring him down. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going to the grocery store with her mommy. One day, while they were shopping, Lily saw a clever dog. + +"Mommy, look at that clever dog!" Lily mentioned to her mommy. + +Her mommy turned around and saw the dog too. "Yes, he's very clever," her mommy agreed. + +As they walked through the aisles, Lily picked out her favorite snacks and her mommy grabbed some fruits and vegetables. + +At the checkout, the cashier complimented Lily on her pretty dress. "Thank you," Lily said with a smile. + +As they left the store, Lily waved goodbye to the clever dog and said, "Bye-bye, doggy!" +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play games, especially ones where he could choose what to do. One day, Timmy's mom made him a tasty sandwich for lunch. + +Timmy's friend Billy came over to play. Billy saw the sandwich and said, "I want some of that tasty sandwich!" Timmy said, "No, it's mine. I don't want to share." + +But then Timmy's mom said, "Timmy, it's not nice to be selfish. Sharing is important. You can choose to share your sandwich with Billy or not, but it's important to be kind." + +Timmy thought about it and decided to share his sandwich with Billy. They both enjoyed the tasty sandwich and had fun playing games together. Timmy learned that sharing is important and it's always good to be kind to others. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She woke up one morning and saw that it was raining outside. She went to the kitchen to have breakfast with her mommy. They ate some yummy pancakes and drank some milk. Then, Lily wanted to go outside and play, but her mommy said no because it was too wet outside. So, they decided to play some games inside the cozy kitchen instead. They played with some toys and sang some songs. Lily had so much fun, she forgot all about the rain outside! +Once upon a time, there was a dog named Max. Max loved to go on walks with his owner. Every day, Max's owner would put on his leash and they would go for a walk. One day, Max's owner forgot to put on his leash. Max was sad because it wasn't normal for him to go on a walk without his leash. + +Max's owner didn't say anything, but Max knew something was different. They walked down the street and Max saw a cat. Max loved to chase cats, but he couldn't because he didn't have his leash on. Max's owner smiled and said, "Don't worry, Max. We don't need a leash to have fun." + +Suddenly, Max saw a squirrel. Max tried to chase the squirrel, but he couldn't catch it because he didn't have his leash on. Max's owner laughed and said, "I guess we do need your leash after all!" From that day on, Max's owner never forgot to put on his leash again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play outside. One day, she found an ancient leaf on the ground. She picked it up and showed it to her friend, Timmy. + +"Look what I found!" said Lily, as she revealed the leaf to Timmy. + +"Wow, that's really cool!" said Timmy. + +Lily and Timmy decided to show the leaf to their teacher, Miss Jane. Miss Jane was very impressed with the ancient leaf and told the children that it was important to take care of nature. + +"Leaves are very special because they give us air to breathe," said Miss Jane. "We must always remember to respect and care for nature." + +Lily and Timmy learned an important lesson that day. They promised to always take care of nature and never forget the importance of leaves. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the snow. One day, she went to the store with her mom. "Can I buy a thing?" Lily asked her mom. "Sure, what do you want to buy?" her mom replied. + +Lily saw a big bag of candy and pointed to it. "I want to buy that thing," she said. Her mom smiled and bought the candy for her. They walked outside and it was very icy. Lily slipped and almost fell but her mom caught her. "Be careful, it's icy outside," her mom said. + +Lily opened the bag of candy and shared it with her mom. "Yummy, this candy is so good," Lily said. Her mom agreed and they continued to walk home, enjoying the icy weather and their sweet treat. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to draw and color with his markers. One day, he was drawing a picture of his family when he accidentally marked his shirt with a blue marker. + +"Oh no!" Timmy said, "I made a messy mark on my shirt!" + +His mom came over and saw the mark on his shirt. "Don't worry," she said, "we can wash it out." + +Later that day, Timmy and his family went for a walk in the park. They saw some smoke coming from a nearby barbecue. "Mmm, that smells good," Timmy said. + +His dad said, "Yes, it does. But remember, we don't play with fire or smoke. It can be dangerous." + +Timmy nodded and they continued their walk. When they got home, Timmy proudly showed his mom the picture he drew, now with no messy marks. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog. The dog's name was Max. Max had a pink collar. Max loved to run and play outside. Max's owner wanted to decorate Max's collar with sparkly jewels. Max loved the idea of a sparkly collar. + +One day, Max ran away from home. Max's owner was very sad. Max was lost and couldn't find his way back home. Max was very scared. Max's collar was too plain and nobody could see him. Max wished he had a sparkly collar. + +Sadly, Max never found his way back home. Max's owner was very sad and missed Max very much. Max's pink collar was found in the park. Max's owner knew Max was gone forever. Max's owner wished Max had never run away. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a toy bunny that she loved to play with. One day, Lily's bunny stopped moving. She asked her mom why it wasn't hopping around anymore. + +Her mom said, "The battery must have run out. We need to put in a new one." + +Lily replied, "Okay, let's go get a new battery!" + +So, they went to the store and found a new battery. Lily's mom put it in the bunny and it started hopping again. Lily was so happy and said, "Thank you, Mommy! You're so sweet." + +Her mom smiled and said, "You're welcome, Lily. I'm glad your bunny is hopping again." +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys, especially her purple teddy bear. One day, Lily's mom asked her to clean up her room. Lily didn't want to clean up, so she asked her mom if she could play instead. But her mom said no and requested that she clean up before she could play. + +Lily grumpily started cleaning up her toys, but then she noticed something. Her teddy bear was missing! She looked everywhere in her room but couldn't find it. Then, she remembered that she had put it in the attic the day before. Lily had never been to the attic before, but she knew she had to find her teddy bear. + +She went to her mom and requested that she help her find her teddy bear in the attic. Her mom agreed and together they went up to the attic. It was dark and dusty, but they searched and searched until they finally found the teddy bear. Lily was so happy and hugged her bear tightly. She learned that sometimes, even if she didn't want to do something, it was important to do it anyway. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys all day long. She had many toys, and she liked to show them off to her friends. + +One day, Lily went to her friend's house to play. Her friend had a lot of luxury toys, and Lily wanted to play with them. But her friend didn't want to share her toys. Lily felt sad and sorry for asking her friend to share her toys. + +When Lily went back home, she thought about how her friend didn't want to share her toys. She realized that it wasn't nice to only think about herself and her own toys. She decided to mind her manners and share her toys with her friends. + +From that day on, Lily learned that sharing is caring, and it makes everyone happy. She became a better friend and had more fun playing with her friends. +Once upon a time, there was a dog named Spot. Spot loved to go on walks with his owner. His owner always put a leash on him so he wouldn't run away. One day, Spot and his owner went to a park. There, they saw a charming little girl playing with her toys. Spot wanted to play too, but his owner said they had to keep walking. + +Spot didn't like that. He wanted to play with the girl. So he guessed that if he pulled hard enough, he could break free from the leash and run to the girl. Spot pulled and pulled, but the leash didn't break. His owner saw what he was doing and said, "No, Spot! You can't go play with the girl. We have to go home now." + +Spot was sad, but he knew his owner was right. He followed his owner home, dreaming of the day he could play with the charming little girl again. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to eat ice cream. One day, Timmy saw an ugly dog on the street. He wanted to record a video of the dog, but his mom told him it's not nice to make fun of others. + +Timmy felt sad and realized that it's not nice to judge someone based on their appearance. He thought about how he would feel if someone called him ugly. + +The next day, Timmy went to the ice cream shop and saw the same dog outside. He bought two ice cream cones, one for himself and one for the dog. The dog wagged its tail and licked the ice cream. Timmy recorded a video of the dog being happy and shared it with his friends. + +From that day on, Timmy learned that it's important to be kind to everyone, no matter how they look. He also learned that recording happy moments is much better than making fun of others. +Once upon a time, there was a tough cowboy named Jack. He had a big hat and a shiny pistol. One day, Jack was walking in the desert when he saw a bad guy. The bad guy tried to slap Jack, but Jack was too quick. He took out his pistol and scared the bad guy away. From then on, Jack was known as the bravest cowboy in the land. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big tree with lots of leaves. One day, a little bird came to the tree and asked if he could sit on a branch. The tree said yes and permitted the bird to stay. + +As the bird sat on the branch, he noticed a gray leaf on the ground. He asked the tree if he could have the leaf to make a nest. The tree said yes and permitted the bird to take the gray leaf. + +The bird was very happy and flew away with the gray leaf to make a cozy nest for his family. And from that day on, the bird always visited the tree and the tree always permitted him to stay. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a pink bunny named Benny. Benny loved to play with his toys and run around in the grass. One day, Benny saw a little bird who had fallen from its nest. Benny knew he had to help the bird, so he carefully picked it up and brought it to his mommy. + +His mommy told him that they needed to call an ambulance for the bird. Benny didn't know what an ambulance was, but he knew it was something that could help the bird. His mommy called and soon a big, white ambulance came to their house. The ambulance people took the bird and promised to take good care of it. + +Benny felt happy that he helped the bird and learned that it's important to help others when they need it. He also learned how to fold his clothes neatly so he could find them easily. From that day on, Benny made sure to always be helpful and kind to others. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to ride her bike with her friends in the park. One day, she saw a pretty poppy flower and picked it up. She held it carefully because it was fragile and didn't want it to break. + +Lily decided to take the poppy home to show her mom. She put it in a vase with some water and placed it on the table. Her mom said it was very beautiful and thanked her for bringing it home. + +Later that day, Lily's little brother wanted to ride her bike too. She let him ride it for a little while, but reminded him to be careful because it was fragile and could break. They had lots of fun riding together in the park and enjoying the pretty flowers. +Once upon a time, there was a bald man who walked with a cane. He liked to take walks in the park. One day, he met a little girl who was playing with her ball. + +"Hi there!" said the bald man. "What's your name?" + +"My name is Lily," said the little girl. "Do you want to play with me?" + +"I can't play ball because of my cane," said the bald man. "But I can watch you play." + +Lily threw the ball to the bald man, but he missed it. "Can you repeat that?" he asked. + +Lily threw the ball again, but the bald man missed it again. He was sad that he couldn't play with her. "I wish I could play ball like you," he said. + +"Don't worry," said Lily. "We can play something else together." + +And so, they played a game of hide-and-seek together. The bald man was very happy that he could play with Lily, even if he couldn't play ball. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys all day long. One day, Timmy's mom asked him to clean up his toys and put them in the toy box. Timmy said, "Okay, Mommy! I will store my toys in the toy box." + +As Timmy was putting his toys away, he noticed that his toy car was not working. He asked his mom, "Mommy, why is my toy car not working?" His mom replied, "It needs power, Timmy. Let's put some new batteries in it." Timmy said, "Okay, Mommy! I will put new batteries in my toy car to give it power." + +After Timmy put new batteries in his toy car, he noticed that it was now white instead of red. He said, "Mommy, my toy car is white now! It looks so cool!" His mom replied, "Yes, Timmy! The new batteries gave it more power and made it white instead of red." Timmy was very happy and continued to play with his toys all day long. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, especially his favorite truck. He always said, "This truck is mine, all mine!" + +One day, Timmy went to the park to play with his truck. He saw a big, scary dog sitting by the entrance. Timmy felt scared and didn't want to enter the park anymore. + +But then, he remembered that his truck was inside the park. He wanted to play with it so badly that he decided to be brave and enter the park anyway. When he got to his truck, he felt happy and forgot all about the scary dog. + +From that day on, Timmy learned that sometimes we have to be brave and face our fears to get what we want. And he always made sure to keep his truck close by, saying, "This truck is mine, all mine!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and explore the world around her. One day, she saw her friend, Tommy, wearing a beautiful jacket. + +"Wow, Tommy! Your jacket is so pretty!" said Lily. + +"Thank you, Lily. My mom designed it for me," replied Tommy. + +Lily was amazed that Tommy's mom could design such a beautiful jacket. She asked, "Can your mom design a jacket for me too?" + +Tommy smiled and said, "Of course! I'll ask her to design a jacket just for you." + +Lily was so happy and couldn't wait to wear her very own beautiful jacket designed by Tommy's mom. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat vegetables, especially cauliflower. One day, her mom made her a big plate of white cauliflower for dinner. + +Lily took a big bite of cauliflower and suddenly started to panic. "Mommy, my mouth is burning!" she cried. + +Her mom quickly gave her a glass of water to cool down her mouth. "It's okay, Lily. Sometimes cauliflower can be a little spicy," her mom explained. + +Lily felt better and finished her plate of cauliflower. "I love cauliflower, but next time I'll eat it slower so I don't panic," she said with a smile. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to skip and play with her friends. One day, Lily fell down and hurt her shoulder. She cried and cried until her mommy came and gave her a hug. + +Lily's friend, Timmy, came to visit her and brought her a toy. But when he saw that Lily was hurt, he didn't want to play anymore. He felt selfish for wanting to have fun when his friend was in pain. + +Lily told Timmy it was okay to play and have fun, even though she was hurt. They skipped around the room and laughed together. Lily's shoulder still hurt, but she felt happy to have such a good friend. +Once upon a time, there was a big party in the forest. All the animals were invited, even the little ones. The party was very important because it was the birthday of the king lion. + +All the animals brought presents for the king lion. The monkey brought a big banana, the rabbit brought a carrot and the bird brought a colorful bow. The king lion was very happy and he thanked all the animals. + +Then, the king lion asked the animals to clap their hands. Everyone clapped and cheered for the king lion. The party was so much fun that the animals didn't want it to end. They danced and sang all night long. Finally, when the sun came up, they all went back to their homes, happy and tired. +Once upon a time, there was a little doggy named Max. Max was a lively pup who loved to run and play in the park. One day, Max and his owner went for a walk. Max saw a ball and ran after it with great speed! + +Suddenly, Max's owner saw a cat and Max didn't notice it. Max ran so fast that he hurt his neck. His owner quickly picked him up and took him to the vet. The vet checked Max's neck and said he needed to rest for a few days. + +Max was sad because he couldn't run and play. But his owner stayed with him and played with him slowly. After a few days, Max's neck was better and he could run again! But this time, his owner made sure there were no cats around. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy went to class every day, where he learned new things and played with his friends. Timmy's teacher always encouraged him to do his best and try new things. + +One day, Timmy's teacher asked everyone to clean up the classroom. Timmy was very good at keeping things tidy, so he helped his friends put away toys and books. The teacher was proud of Timmy for being so helpful. + +After class, Timmy's mom picked him up and asked how his day was. Timmy told her all about how he helped clean up the classroom and how his teacher encouraged him to be a good helper. Timmy was happy to have such a nice teacher and to be part of a tidy class. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily and her mommy went to the store to buy some yummy treats. While they were walking, Lily saw a little bug crawling on the ground. + +"Look mommy, the bug is crawling!" said Lily excitedly. + +Suddenly, Lily's mommy noticed that her wallet was missing. She looked troubled and worried. + +"Oh no, my wallet is gone!" said Lily's mommy. + +Just then, a kind stranger came up to them and said, "Excuse me, is this your wallet?" + +Lily's mommy was very happy and thanked the stranger. Lily smiled and said, "The bug crawled and the wallet was found. Yay!" +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to sing and dance all day long. One day, she put on her favorite skirt and twirled around in it. She felt like a princess! + +Later that day, Lily got very sleepy. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. As she drifted off to sleep, she hummed a soft song. It was so peaceful and calming that she fell asleep right away. + +The next day, Lily woke up feeling refreshed and ready to sing and dance again. She put on her skirt and twirled around, feeling happy and free. From that day on, Lily knew that whenever she felt sleepy, she could sing herself to sleep and have sweet dreams. +Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Max. Max was very selfish. He only cared about himself and didn't like to share his bananas with his friends. + +One day, Max met a little girl named Lily. Lily wanted to be friends with Max, but Max didn't like her. "I hate you," Max said to Lily. + +Lily was very sad. She didn't understand why Max didn't like her. "Why do you hate me?" Lily asked Max. + +Max didn't have a good reason, he just didn't want to be friends with Lily. But then, Max saw that Lily was sad and he felt bad. "I'm sorry," Max said. "I don't hate you. I just don't like to share my bananas." + +Lily smiled and said, "That's okay, Max. I don't like to share my cookies either. But we can still be friends." Max was happy to have a new friend and he learned that it's not nice to be selfish. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play at the park every day. She always went to her favorite bench to rest and eat her snack. One day, she noticed a sad boy sitting on the bench. He looked lonely and didn't want to play with anyone. + +Lily felt sorry for him and went to talk to him. She asked him why he was sad. He said he lost his favorite hat and he couldn't find it. Lily had an idea. She had a hat just like his at home. She went home to get it and brought it back to the park. + +The sad boy was so happy when he saw the hat. He put it on and smiled. Lily was happy that she could help him. From that day on, they became good friends and played together every day. They both wore their favorite hats and sat on the bench together. +Once upon a time, there was a big factory in the town. The factory made toys for children to play with. One day, the factory stopped making toys because the machines were dead. The workers tried to fix the machines, but they couldn't. + +The children in the town were sad because they couldn't get new toys to play with. But then, a kind person reminded the factory workers to try again to fix the machines. And they did! The machines started working again and the factory made new toys. + +The children were happy again and played with their new toys. They thanked the kind person who reminded the factory workers to fix the machines. From that day on, the factory made lots of toys for children to play with. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a red dress that she loved to wear every day. One day, Lily's mom made some hot soup for lunch. Lily was so hungry that she couldn't wait for the soup to cool down. + +"Be careful, Lily," her mom warned. "The soup is hot. Don't burn your tongue." + +"I won't," Lily replied. But when she took a sip of the soup, it was too hot and she lied to her mom, saying it was just right. + +"Lily, are you sure it's not too hot?" her mom asked. + +"No, it's perfect," Lily said with a smile. But her tongue was burning and she regretted lying. From that day on, Lily always waited for her soup to cool down before eating it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and her favorite toy was a bell. She would ring the bell and dance around. One day, Lily went to the park to play. She met a boy named Max and they became friends. Max saw Lily's bell and asked if he could play with it. Lily said no because the bell was very valuable to her. + +Max got angry and took the bell from Lily. Lily was sad and started to cry. It was getting dark and Lily had to go home. She went home without her bell. The next day, Lily went back to the park to look for her bell but it was gone. She never saw her bell again and it made her very sad. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the park with her friends. One day, they saw a big dog that scared them. They ran away, but Lily's friend, Max, fell down and hurt his knee. + +Lily knew she had to be a hero and help Max. She ran back to him, even though she was scared of the dog too. She helped him up and they walked slowly back home together. + +When they got home, Lily's mom gave them both a treat for being brave. From that day on, Lily knew that even though she might be scared, she could still be a hero and help her friends. +Once upon a time, there was a king. He was very big and wore a shiny crown on his head. The king had a garden with lots of flowers. One day, a little rabbit came to the garden and started eating the flowers. The king didn't like that and asked the rabbit to leave. But the rabbit was persistent and didn't want to go. + +Then, a bird came and told the king that the rabbit was hungry and had no food to eat. The king felt sorry for the rabbit and decided to give him some carrots to eat. The rabbit was happy and thanked the king. Suddenly, the sun came out and the flowers started to spring up. The king was happy to see the garden full of beautiful flowers again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to explore the desert near her home. One day, she saw a big yellow cactus. + +Lily said, "Wow, that's a big cactus! Can I touch it?" + +Her mom replied, "Be careful, Lily. The needles on the cactus can strike you." + +Lily was scared, but she still wanted to touch the cactus. She slowly reached out her hand and touched the cactus. It didn't strike her, but she felt the prickly needles. + +Lily said, "Ouch! It's prickly, but it's still pretty." + +From then on, Lily loved to visit the big yellow cactus and always remembered to be careful around it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to visit her grandma's house. One day, Lily and her mommy went to the train station to visit grandma. Lily was scared because she had never been on a train before. + +When they got on the train, Lily saw lots of other people. She asked her mommy, "Why are there so many people here?" Her mommy said, "They are going to visit their family too!" + +Lily felt better knowing she wasn't the only one going to visit someone. When they got to grandma's house, she was so happy to see them. They had a big hug and grandma made them cookies. Lily loved visiting her grandma and she wasn't scared of trains anymore. +Once upon a time, a huge fox lived in a forest. He was always thirsty and would drink from any pond he found. One day, he saw a pond with clear water and drank from it. But the water was poisoned, and the fox became very sick. + +As he lay there, he thought about his mistake. He realized that he should have been careful and not drunk from any pond he saw. From that day on, the fox was more careful and made sure to check the water before drinking it. + +The moral of the story is that we should always be careful and not take things for granted. We should always check and make sure that what we are doing is safe. +One day, Billy and his mom went to the store to buy some vegetables. Billy saw a big orange squash and said, "Mommy, can we get that squash? It looks yummy." His mom said, "Sure, Billy. I will buy it for you." + +When they got home, Billy's mom cooked the squash for dinner. Billy took a bite and said, "Mmm, this squash is delicious! Can I have some more, please?" His mom smiled and said, "Of course, Billy. You can request more anytime." + +After dinner, Billy's dad came home and asked, "What did you have for dinner?" Billy said, "We had squash and it was delicious! I requested more and mommy gave me some." His dad smiled and said, "That's great, Billy. I love squash too." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and stuffed animals. One day, she saw her mom pulling out a cloth from the dryer. The cloth was very hot, and her mom looked worried. + +Lily asked her mom, "Why are you worried?" Her mom replied, "I am worried because the cloth is too hot to touch." Lily thought for a moment and said, "I know what to do!" She went to her toy box and pulled out a pair of gloves. She gave them to her mom and said, "Here, use these gloves to hold the hot cloth." + +Her mom was very proud of Lily's quick thinking and thanked her. From that day on, Lily learned that when someone is worried, she can help by thinking of a solution and pulling out something that can help. +Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny loved to play in the forest, but he always got lost. One day, Benny met a friendly deer named Dolly. Dolly was very dependable and promised to help Benny find his way home. + +Benny was so happy to have found a dependable friend like Dolly. They walked and walked until they finally found Benny's burrow. Benny was so grateful that he gave Dolly a big hug. Dolly felt very happy and hugged Benny back. + +From that day on, Benny and Dolly were the best of friends. They played together every day and never got lost again. Benny learned that it's important to bow and say thank you to dependable friends who help you when you need it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to wear her favorite dress that was pink and had flowers on it. One day, Lily's mom gave her a new box of crayons. The crayons were so bright and colorful! Lily was so happy to have them. She started to draw on her paper with the crayons. She drew a big sun that was yellow and very bright. Lily loved her new crayons so much, she wore them in her hair like a pretty hair clip. +Once upon a time, there was a shy little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and teddy bears. One day, Lily went to her friend's house to play. Her friend had a big cabinet filled with toys that Lily admired. + +Lily asked her friend, "Can we play with the toys in the cabinet?" + +Her friend replied, "Of course we can! Which toy do you admire the most?" + +Lily pointed to a big stuffed bear and said, "I admire that one the most!" + +They played with the toys for hours and had so much fun. When it was time for Lily to go home, she said, "Thank you for letting me play with your toys. I admire your cabinet too, it's very pretty." + +Her friend smiled and said, "You're welcome! Let's play again soon!" +One sunny day, a little girl named Lily and her mommy went to the park. Lily was very thirsty and asked her mommy for some juice. Her mommy gave her a cup of juice and told her to be careful not to spill it because it would be messy. + +Lily sipped the juice and walked around the park. She saw some kids playing and went over to join them. One of the kids asked her how many toys she had. Lily replied, "I don't know the number, but I have a lot of toys at home." + +After playing for a while, Lily's juice was finished and she needed to throw away the cup. She went to the trash can and threw it in. Her mommy reminded her to always clean up after herself so the park wouldn't be messy. Lily agreed and they continued to have fun at the park. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat yummy snacks like apples and crackers. One day, she went for a walk in the forest and saw a snake. The snake was long and green, but it didn't scare Lily. She watched as the snake slithered away into the bushes. + +Later, Lily went to her room to play with her toys. She decided to clean up her toys and make them organized. She put all her dolls together and her blocks in a pile. Her room looked much better when everything was organized. + +At dinnertime, Lily's mom made spaghetti for dinner. Lily ate all her spaghetti and said it was delicious. She even ate some vegetables, which she usually doesn't like. After dinner, Lily went to bed with a full tummy and happy thoughts of her fun day. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going to the library with her mommy. One day, they went to the library to load up on some books. Lily picked out a book about a silly monkey. + +As they were leaving, Lily accidentally bumped into a boy and knocked his books down. The boy looked sad and said, "My books!" Lily felt sorry and said, "I'm sorry." Her mommy helped pick up the books and they gave them back to the boy. + +The boy smiled and said, "Thank you." Lily felt happy that she made a new friend at the library. They said goodbye and Lily carried her monkey book all the way home. She couldn't wait to read it! +Once upon a time, there was a tall giraffe named Jerry. Jerry loved to keep his fur clean and shiny. One day, while Jerry was taking a shower, he realized that he had run out of shampoo. He looked all around his bathroom but couldn't find any more shampoo bottles. + +Jerry was sad because he didn't want to go outside with dirty fur. He decided to go to his friend, the monkey, to ask for some shampoo. When Jerry reached the monkey's house, he saw that the monkey had a big bottle of shampoo. But the monkey didn't want to give it to Jerry because he wanted to keep it for himself. + +Jerry was upset and didn't know what to do. He thought and thought and finally came up with an idea. He told the monkey that he would trade his tall tree for the shampoo. The monkey loved tall trees and agreed to the trade. Jerry got his shampoo and the monkey got a new tree to play on. They both were happy and the conflict was resolved. +Once upon a time, there was a little birdie named Chirpy. Chirpy loved to fly and sing all day long. One day, Chirpy flew to a garden and saw a red pepper lying on the ground. Chirpy was curious and decided to take a bite. Suddenly, Chirpy felt a burning sensation in his mouth and started to cry. + +As Chirpy flew away, he saw a big cat lurking in the bushes. Chirpy knew he had to be alert and careful. The cat was hungry and wanted to catch Chirpy for lunch. Chirpy remembered the pepper and had an idea. He flew back to the garden and picked up the pepper with his beak. + +Chirpy flew over to the cat and dropped the pepper in front of him. The cat took a bite and started to sneeze uncontrollably. Chirpy flew away safely, knowing that the cat wouldn't be able to catch him now. From that day on, Chirpy was always alert and careful when he saw danger lurking around. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved muffins, especially big muffins with blueberries. One day, her mom took her to the bakery to choose a muffin. Lily was so happy and excited to choose her favorite muffin. + +But then, something bad happened. Another little girl came and took the last big blueberry muffin. Lily was very sad and angry. She wanted that muffin so badly. She started to cry and yell at the other girl. + +The other girl didn't like that and she pushed Lily. Lily fell down and hurt her knee. Her mom had to take her to the hospital. Lily learned that it's not okay to fight over muffins and that sometimes we don't get to choose what we want. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweetie. One day, Tweetie was flying in the sky when she saw a big tree. She decided to land on the tree and rest for a while. But as soon as she landed, she felt uncomfortable. She realized that there was a big nail on the tree, and it was poking her. + +Tweetie said, "This nail is making me uncomfortable. I can't hang out here for too long." Just then, a squirrel named Sammy came by and said, "Don't worry, Tweetie. I can help you. I have the power to remove that nail." + +Sammy climbed up the tree and tried to remove the nail, but he accidentally hit another branch. The branch broke, and Sammy fell down. Tweetie was so sad, and she said, "Oh no! Sammy, are you okay?" But Sammy didn't answer. He was hurt badly. + +Tweetie realized that sometimes even if someone has the power to help, accidents can still happen. She felt very sad and flew away, hoping that Sammy would be okay. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved collecting coins. One day, she found an ordinary coin on the ground. It was dirty and dull. + +Lily's mom saw the coin and said, "That's a nice coin, Lily. But it's not shiny. Would you like to polish it?" + +Lily nodded her head and said, "Yes please, Mommy!" + +So, Lily's mom got a cloth and some polish. They both sat down and started polishing the coin together. After a few minutes, the coin was shiny and bright. + +Lily was very happy and said, "Look, Mommy! My coin is so pretty now!" + +Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, it is. You did a great job polishing it." + +From that day on, Lily loved polishing her coins and making them shiny and bright. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to collect rocks. She would go outside and find all different kinds of rocks and put them in a big bucket. One day, Lily's mom asked her to help clean the kitchen. Lily was happy to help and her mom gave her an easy job. She gave Lily a mop and showed her how to use it. Lily was so proud of herself for doing such a good job. After they were done cleaning, Lily went back outside to collect more rocks. The end. +One day, a small bunny was hopping in the forest. He saw a letter on the ground. The bunny picked up the letter and said, "What is this?" + +A bird flying above saw the bunny and said, "That's a letter! It's something people write to each other." + +The bunny asked, "Can I eat it?" + +The bird laughed and said, "No, you can't eat a letter. It's not food." + +The bunny put the letter down and continued hopping in the forest, looking for something to eat. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was walking in the forest when she saw a scary monster. "Oh no!" she cried. "What should I do?" + +Suddenly, she remembered that she had a pocket in her dress. She reached inside and found a wooden spoon. "I know!" she said. "I'll stir up some magic!" + +Lily began to stir the air with her spoon, and the monster started to shrink. "Thank you, Lily," said a friendly voice. It was a fairy! "You saved the forest from the scary monster." + +Lily smiled and put her spoon back in her pocket. "I love having a pocket," she said. "You never know what you might need." +Once upon a time, there was an old man. He was very old, so we call him "elderly". He lived near the sea, where big boats come in and out. This place is called a "port". The old man loved to gaze at the boats. He did this every day, he would sit on a bench and watch the boats come in and out. + +One day, a big storm came. The waves were very high and the wind was very strong. The boats had a hard time coming in and out of the port. The old man saw this and he was worried. He knew that the boats needed help. So he went to the port and tried to help the boats. He used his strength to hold the boats steady so they wouldn't crash into each other. + +The boats were saved because of the old man's help. Everyone was happy and they thanked the old man. From that day on, the old man became a hero in the port. He continued to gaze at the boats every day, but now he felt proud because he knew he had helped them. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with blocks. Her blocks were gray and she liked to stack them up high. Sometimes, Lily would get frustrated when her tower fell down. But her mom would always encourage her to try again. + +One day, Lily's friend came over to play. They built a big castle with their blocks. Lily's friend was amazed at how high she could stack them. Lily encouraged her friend to try too. They worked together and built an even bigger castle. + +Lily was happy that she was able to help her friend and make her feel good. She realized that encouraging others can make them feel happy too. From that day on, Lily made sure to always encourage her friends whenever they needed it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a bottle that she loved to drink from. One day, Lily was playing with her bottle when her mom asked her to clean up her toys. + +Lily said, "I don't want to clean up my toys. Can I do it slow?" + +Her mom replied, "No, Lily. You need to clean up your toys now. You can't be slow." + +Lily didn't mind cleaning up her toys, but she wanted to do it slow. She picked up her toys one by one and put them away. When she was finished, she showed her mom her clean room and her mom was very happy. + +Lily smiled and said, "I did it slow, but I cleaned up my toys!" +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Today, Timmy went to the park with his mom. They played on the swings and the slide. Timmy's mom brought a camera to record their fun day. + +Suddenly, Timmy fell down and got a rough scrape on his knee. His mom hugged him and put a bandage on it. Timmy felt much better. + +After they played some more, they went home. Timmy's mom showed him the video she recorded. Timmy was so happy to see himself having fun at the park. He asked his mom to watch it again and again. It was a great day! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to look at herself in the mirror and make silly faces. One day, she saw a serious look on her face in the mirror that she didn't like. + +Lily decided to delay going outside to play with her friends until she could figure out how to make herself look happy again. She tried all sorts of funny faces, but nothing seemed to work. + +Just as she was about to give up, her mom came into the room and asked her what was wrong. Lily explained about the serious face in the mirror. Her mom smiled and told her that sometimes it's okay to have a serious face, but that she could also try smiling to make herself feel better. + +Lily tried it and saw a big smile on her face in the mirror. She was so happy and ran outside to play with her friends. From then on, whenever she saw a serious face in the mirror, she knew exactly what to do to make herself feel better. +Once upon a time, there was a big ocean. In the ocean, there were many fish and other sea creatures. One day, a little girl went to the beach with her family. She saw a jellyfish on the sand. She was scared of it, but her dad put it back in the water. + +The little girl saw a man with a big boat. He was a wealthy man who caught many fish. The little girl asked her dad why he caught so many fish. Her dad explained that the man sold the fish to make money. The little girl thought it was better to let the fish swim free in the ocean. + +From that day on, the little girl loved going to the beach to see the fish and the other sea creatures. She always remembered to put any jellyfish she saw back in the water so they could swim freely too. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. It was her birthday and she was very happy. Her mom made her a cake and her friends came to play with her. They all had fun playing together. + +Lily's friends were very kind to her. They gave her presents and hugged her. They sang "Happy Birthday" and blew out the candles on the cake. Lily felt loved and happy. + +After they ate the cake, they continued to play. They played with toys, balls and dolls. They laughed and ran around. Lily was grateful for her friends and her special day. She knew she would always remember her fun birthday party. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to whistle. He would whistle all day long, even when he was eating his breakfast. + +One day, Timmy saw a hero on TV. The hero was very brave and strong. Timmy wanted to be a hero too. So, he put on his cape and went outside to play. + +While he was playing, Timmy saw a little girl who was lost. She was crying and looked very scared. Timmy knew he had to be a hero and help her. He whistled really loud to get her attention and asked her what was wrong. + +The little girl told Timmy that she couldn't find her mommy. Timmy knew he had to help her find her mommy. He felt a little embarrassed because he didn't know how to find her mommy, but he didn't give up. He whistled and whistled until he saw the mommy coming towards them. The mommy was very happy to see her little girl and thanked Timmy for being a hero. From that day on, Timmy knew he could be a hero too. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys and explore the world around him. One day, Timmy went to the park with his mom. They walked on the path and Timmy saw a big rock. He climbed on top of it and tried to balance. + +"Mommy, look at me! I'm balancing!" Timmy said. + +"That's great, Timmy! Be careful not to fall," Mommy said. + +Timmy continued to balance on the rock, but then he saw the sky getting dark. He got scared. + +"Mommy, it's getting dark! Let's go home!" Timmy said. + +"Okay, Timmy. We'll go home now. But don't worry, I'll hold your hand the whole way," Mommy said. + +And so, Timmy and his mom made their way home, holding hands and feeling safe in the dark. +Once upon a time, there was a little birdie named Tweet. Tweet liked to fly and sing all day long. One day, while flying, Tweet saw a big, red berry on a bush. Tweet wanted to eat it, but didn't know if it was safe. + +Tweet remembered what Mama Birdie had said, "If you don't know, don't eat it. It might be poison." So, Tweet decided not to eat the berry and flew away. + +Later that day, Tweet saw a squirrel eating the same red berry. The squirrel looked very sick and sad. Tweet knew that the berry was poison and was glad that he didn't eat it. + +From that day on, Tweet always remembered to be careful and know what he was eating. +Once upon a time, there was a big club in the forest. The club was full of animals who liked to play and have fun. One day, a little rabbit came to the club and told a joke. All the animals laughed and laughed. + +But then, a big bear came into the club and he was very angry. He didn't like the noise and the laughter. He wanted everyone to be quiet. The animals were scared and didn't know what to do. + +But then, the little rabbit had an idea. He told the bear the joke he had just told the other animals. The bear didn't understand it at first, but then he started to laugh too. The club was full of laughter again and the bear was not angry anymore. From that day on, the bear became a regular member of the club and everyone had lots of fun together. +Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. She loved to sleep in her cozy bed at night. One day, Lily found a shiny jewel on the ground while playing outside. She picked it up and showed it to her mommy. Her mommy was so proud of her for finding such a pretty jewel. Lily decided to keep the jewel safe in her little treasure box. Every night before she went to sleep, she would look at the jewel and feel happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved taking photos with her mom's camera. One day, while playing with her friend, she accidentally broke the camera. Her mom was very angry and said, "Lily, you shouldn't touch things that don't belong to you." + +Lily felt sad and wanted to make it up to her mom. She decided to draw a picture of her mom and her together. When her mom saw the picture, she was so happy and hugged Lily tightly. "You are the best daughter ever," she said. + +From that day on, Lily learned that it's important to ask permission before touching things that don't belong to her. She also learned that even if she makes a mistake, she can make it up by doing something nice for others. It's crazy how a small pinch of kindness can make a big difference. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved listening to her radio every day. One day, she went to her room to listen to her radio, but it was gone. She asked her mom where her radio was, but her mom said she didn't know. + +Lily felt nervous because she loved her radio so much. She asked her little brother if he took it, but he said no. Lily decided to look for her radio by herself. She searched her room and the living room, but it wasn't there. + +Just when she was about to leave the house to look for her radio outside, her mom found it under the couch. Lily was so happy and relieved. She hugged her mom and said, "Thank you for finding my radio. I was so nervous that I thought I had to leave to find it." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw shapes, especially triangles. One day, she drew a big triangle and showed it to her mom. + +"Look, Mommy! I drew a triangle!" Lily said. + +"That's great, Lily! I hear you're getting really good at drawing shapes," her mom replied. + +But Lily was getting impatient. She wanted to draw more shapes and show them to her mom right away. "Can we draw more shapes now, Mommy?" she asked. + +"Of course, sweetie. Let's draw together," her mom said with a smile. + +And so, Lily and her mom drew all sorts of shapes together, including lots of triangles. Lily was happy and proud of her drawings, and her mom was happy to spend time with her. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sun and eat limes. One day, Lily was playing with her friends when she saw a big dog. The dog was very strong and Lily started to worry. She didn't want to get hurt. + +Lily's friend, Timmy, saw her worry and asked her what was wrong. Lily told him about the big dog and how she was scared. Timmy said, "Don't worry, I'll protect you." He stood up tall and made a strong face. The dog saw Timmy and ran away. Lily was very happy and thanked Timmy for being so brave. + +After that, Lily and Timmy went to get some limes to eat. They laughed and played together, happy to be friends. Lily knew that even though she might worry sometimes, she had strong friends like Timmy to help her. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a task to clean her room. Her mommy said it had to be perfect. + +Lily started to pick up her toys and put them in the toy box. She sang a song while she worked. Suddenly, her friend came over to play. + +Lily was happy to see her friend. They played together for a while. Then, Lily remembered her task. She told her friend she had to finish cleaning her room. + +Her friend helped her finish the task. They put everything in the right place. When they were done, Lily's mommy came in to see. She said, "Lily, you did a perfect job!" Lily was so happy and proud. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play outside in his backyard. Timmy's backyard had a tall fence that surrounded it, and he loved to run around and play near it. One day, Timmy noticed that his nose was feeling a bit tickly, and he knew that meant he was going to sneeze soon. + +As he continued to play, Timmy felt the sneeze getting closer and closer. Suddenly, he let out a huge sneeze that shook the fence around his backyard! Timmy was amazed at how powerful his sneeze was, and he couldn't stop giggling. + +From that day on, whenever Timmy felt a sneeze coming on, he would run over to the fence and wait for it to happen. He loved the feeling of the fence shaking and the amazing power of his sneezes. And every time he sneezed, he knew it was going to be a fun and exciting experience. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the sunshine. He would run and jump and play with his friends. But one day, it started to rain really hard. Timmy didn't like the rain because it made him wet and he couldn't play outside. + +Timmy's mom told him that they could still have fun inside. She put a pot of water on the stove and soon it started to steam. Timmy loved watching the steam rise up into the air. But then, he accidentally knocked the pot over and got burned by the hot steam. It hurt really bad and Timmy started to cry. + +But his mom knew just what to do. She hugged Timmy and put a bandage on his burn. She told him that next time, they would be more careful with the hot steam. Timmy felt much better and knew that even though it rained hard outside, he could still have fun inside with his mom. +Once upon a time, there was a big, old castle. This castle was so ancient that it had been around for a long, long time. Inside the castle, there was a bathroom that was very fancy. It had a big tub and a sink with gold knobs. + +One day, a princess came to visit the castle. She walked all around and saw the big bathroom. She liked it so much that she gave the king a big kiss on the cheek to say thank you. + +The king was happy that the princess liked his castle. He showed her all around and they had a lot of fun. When it was time for the princess to leave, she gave the king another kiss and said goodbye. The king was sad to see her go, but he knew she would come back someday. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and eat yummy snacks. One Tuesday, Lily woke up feeling very hungry. She wanted to eat all the treats in the kitchen. + +But her mommy said no and told her to wait until lunchtime. Lily was sad and grumpy. She wanted to eat right away. + +Later that day, Lily and her mommy went to the park. Lily saw a bird carrying a worm in its beak. Her mommy told her that the bird was carrying food for its babies. Lily realized that she was like the bird. She needed to wait and be patient, just like the bird was carrying food for its babies. + +Lily learned that being patient was important and that good things come to those who wait. She felt happy and proud of herself for learning this lesson. And when it was finally lunchtime, Lily enjoyed her meal even more because she had waited patiently for it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and go on adventures with her loyal dog, Max. One day, Lily and Max went for a walk in the park. As they were walking, they saw a lady with shiny jewelry. Lily asked the lady, "Can I see your pretty jewelry?" + +The lady smiled and said, "Sure, which one do you want to see?" Lily pointed to a necklace with a number 5 pendant. The lady took it off and let Lily hold it. Lily was amazed at how shiny and sparkly the necklace was. She thanked the lady and continued on her walk with Max. + +As they were walking back home, Lily noticed that the necklace was missing. She started to panic and said to Max, "Oh no, I lost the pretty necklace!" Max looked at her with his loyal eyes and barked. Suddenly, they heard a jingling sound and saw the necklace on the ground. Lily was so happy and grateful to have such a loyal friend like Max. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went to the park with her mommy. They saw many flowers and trees. Lily saw a big slide and wanted to play on it. Her mommy said, "Sure, but let's first file your hair so it doesn't get in your face." Lily agreed and they filed her hair with a brush. + +After playing on the slide, they saw a sad boy sitting alone on a bench. Lily asked her mommy, "Why is he sad?" Her mommy said, "I don't know, let's go ask him." They walked over to the boy and Lily said, "Hi, I'm Lily. What's your name?" The boy said, "My name is Timmy. I lost my toy." Lily said, "Oh no! What did it look like?" Timmy said, "It was a blue car." Lily and her mommy helped Timmy look for his toy and they found it under a tree. Timmy was happy again and said, "Thank you!" +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to eat yogurt every day for breakfast. He would always get so happy when his mommy gave him a big bowl of yogurt with fruit on top. + +One day, Timmy went to the park to play with his friends. But when he got there, he saw that his friends were all playing different games and not playing together. Timmy felt frustrated because he wanted to play with all his friends at once. + +So, Timmy had an idea. He asked his friends to unite and play a game of tag together. They all agreed and started playing together. After they were done playing, Timmy's mommy gave them all some yogurt to eat. Timmy was so happy that he was able to unite his friends and have fun playing together. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. He loved to ride his bike all around the town. One day, Tim saw a big volcano in the distance. He wanted to ride his bike to the volcano to see it up close. + +Tim rode and rode until he finally reached the volcano. It was very big and hot. Tim was scared, but he wanted to be brave. He climbed up the volcano and saw the lava inside. + +After Tim saw the volcano, he rode his bike back home. His mom was happy to see him and said, "Wow, Tim! You went on a big adventure today!" Tim smiled and said, "Yes, and now I need to clean my bike. It's not tidy anymore!" +Once upon a time, there was a kind mommy. She loved to do many things with her little girl. One day, they sat on the couch and read a book about animals. The little girl loved the pictures of the cute puppies and kitties. + +After they finished reading, the mommy asked the little girl what she wanted to do next. The little girl thought for a moment and said, "I want to play with my dolls!" So they got up from the couch and went to her room to play. + +They had so much fun playing together and the mommy was happy to see her little girl having a good time. At the end of the day, they went back to the couch and cuddled while watching a movie. The little girl fell asleep in her mommy's arms, feeling safe and loved. +Once upon a time, there was a big, fat cat named Whiskers. Whiskers loved to play and eat, but he did not care about anyone else. One day, Whiskers saw a tiny mouse in his house. Whiskers wanted to catch the mouse and eat him. But the mouse was scared and did not want to be eaten. + +The mouse ran away from Whiskers, but Whiskers chased him. The mouse hid in a hole in the wall. Whiskers tried to saw the wall with his claws, but he could not. Whiskers was sad because he could not catch the mouse. + +The mouse was happy because he was safe. He told Whiskers that it was not nice to try to eat him. Whiskers felt bad and said sorry to the mouse. From that day on, Whiskers and the mouse became friends. They played together and Whiskers did not try to eat the mouse anymore. +Once upon a time, there was an amazing musician. He played the guitar and sang songs that made everyone happy. One day, the musician had a surprise. He wanted to reveal a new song to his friends. They all gathered around him and listened carefully. The musician started to play his guitar and sing. The new song was so amazing that everyone clapped and cheered. From that day on, the musician became even more popular and played his amazing songs for people all over the world. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. Lily was a happy girl who loved to pack her toys in a big bag. One day, she wanted to go on a trip with her toys. She was very excited and ready to go. + +Lily and her toys went to the park. There, they played all day. They had so much fun, but soon it was time to go home. The sun was going down, and it was getting dark. The park became quiet and there was silence all around. + +Lily knew it was time to leave. She packed her toys back into the big bag. They were all tired and ready to go home. When they got home, Lily gave her toys a big hug and they all went to bed. They had a great day and couldn't wait for their next adventure. +One day, a busy bee named Buzz was flying around. He saw a big pine tree. Buzz wanted to see what was on the tree. He went "zoom" and flew to the pine tree. + +On the tree, Buzz saw a little bird. The bird said, "Hi, I am Chirpy. What is your name?" Buzz said, "I am Buzz. I am a busy bee. I like to zoom around and find new friends." + +Chirpy and Buzz played together. They zoomed around the pine tree. They were very happy. They became best friends and loved to play by the big pine tree every day. +Once upon a time, there was a famous train station. Many people would come to the station to talk and see the big trains. The station was very big and had many colors. + +One day, a little boy named Tim went to the station with his mom. Tim was so happy to see the big trains. He talked to his mom about the trains. "Mom, I love the big trains!" he said. + +Tim and his mom talked more and more. They had a fun day at the famous station. They saw many big trains and talked to many people. At the end of the day, they went home with big smiles on their faces. +Once upon a time, there was a little ant. This ant was very bossy. He liked to tell all his ant friends what to do. They did not like it when he was bossy, but they still played with him. + +One day, the bossy ant and his friends went to the park. They played on the swings and the slide. They had lots of fun. But the bossy ant kept telling his friends what to do. His friends were tired of listening to him. + +Then, a wise old ant came up to the bossy ant. He said, "You need to relax and let your friends play how they want to play." The bossy ant thought about it and decided to try it. He stopped being bossy and let his friends play how they wanted. They all had even more fun together. The bossy ant learned that it was better to relax and let everyone have fun their own way. +Once upon a time, in a big green land, there was a tiny red bug. The bug was very sad because he had a dull pick. He used his pick to dig holes in the ground. But it was not good at digging holes. + +One day, the tiny red bug met a big blue bird. The big blue bird saw the bug's sad face and asked, "Why are you so sad, tiny red bug?" The tiny red bug said, "My pick is dull, and I can't dig holes." The big blue bird said, "I can help you! I have a sharp pick that I don't use." + +The big blue bird gave the sharp pick to the tiny red bug. The tiny red bug was very happy. He said, "Thank you, big blue bird!" Now, the tiny red bug could dig holes very well. And the big blue bird and the tiny red bug became best friends. They played and dug holes together in the big green land. And they lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a kind girl named Sally. She loved to play with bubbles. One day, she went outside with her bubble bottle and wand to make big, pretty bubbles. + +As she blew the bubbles, they floated up into the sky. Sally saw a small bird stuck in a tree. The bird was sad and wanted to fly with the bubbles. Sally wanted to help the bird. + +Sally had an idea. She blew a big bubble around the bird. Then, she gently removed the bird from the tree with the bubble. The bird was so happy, it sang a song. Sally and the bird played with bubbles all day. They became best friends. +Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a big jug. The jug was very uncomfortable because it was always full of water. It wanted to be empty and play with the other toys in the house. But the jug had to mind its job of holding water for the family. + +One day, the jug had an idea. It tipped over and all the water spilled out. Now, the jug was empty and could play with the toys. The toys and the jug had a lot of fun together. They played hide and seek, and the jug was very good at hiding. + +But soon, the family needed water. They looked for the jug and found it empty. The family was sad and thirsty. The jug felt bad and decided to mind its job again. It let the family fill it with water. The jug was uncomfortable, but it knew it was important to help the family. And every now and then, when the family didn't need water, the jug would play with the toys and have fun. +Once upon a time, in a big forest, there lived a clumsy bear named Bobo. Bobo loved to eat fruit. Every day, he would look for fruit to eat. He liked apples, bananas, and grapes. + +One day, Bobo felt hungry. He went to find some fruit. He saw a big tree with red apples. Bobo tried to get the apples but he was clumsy. He fell down and hurt his leg. Bobo felt sad. + +A little bird saw Bobo and wanted to help. The bird flew to the tree and picked the apples for him. Bobo felt happy and said thank you to the bird. They ate the fruit together and became good friends. +One day, a clever dog named Max saw a big red van. The van was going very fast down the street. Max wanted to see where the van was going, so he started to rush after it. + +As Max was running, he met a cat named Luna. Luna asked, "Max, why are you running so fast?" Max said, "I am trying to catch the big red van!" Luna wanted to help, so she started to rush with Max. + +Max and Luna ran and ran, and they finally caught up to the van. They saw that the van was full of toys! The driver of the van saw Max and Luna and said, "You two are very clever! You can each have a toy for being so fast." Max and Luna were very happy and thanked the driver. They went home to play with their new toys, and they became the best of friends. +Once upon a time, in a small house, there lived a boy named Tim. Tim loved to eat bananas. One day, he found a big, yellow banana in the kitchen. He was so happy! + +Tim wanted to make his banana look pretty. He decided to decorate it. He found some stickers and put them on the banana. Now, the banana looked very nice. Tim was proud of his decorated banana. + +Tim walked slow to show his mom the pretty banana. "Mom, look at my banana!" he said. His mom smiled and said, "Wow, Tim! Your banana looks so beautiful. Good job!" Tim felt happy and excited. He couldn't wait to eat his pretty banana. +One day, a little girl named Amy wanted to become famous. She loved to watch TV and see famous people. She thought, "I want to be like them one day." + +Amy talked to her mom. "Mom, I want to become famous like the people on TV," she said. Her mom smiled and said, "You can do anything you want if you work hard, Amy." + +So, Amy worked hard. She sang and danced every day. She became very good at it. One day, a man saw her and said, "You are great! I want to put you on TV." + +Amy was so happy. She went on TV and became famous. She knew her mom was right. If you work hard, your dreams can come true. +One day, a little boy named Tim had a cup. He loved his cup very much. It was his favorite cup. Tim took the cup with him everywhere he went. He drank water from it, and sometimes, he even put snacks in it. + +One day, Tim could not find his cup. He looked under his bed, and he looked in the toy box. But the cup was not there. Tim was worried. What did he do with his cup? He thought and thought. Then, he remembered that he left his cup at the park. + +Tim ran to the park as fast as he could. He looked for his cup by the swings and by the slide. And there it was! His cup was by the sandbox. Tim was so happy. He picked up his cup and gave it a big hug. From that day on, Tim made sure to always keep his cup close by. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to decorate her room with pretty things. One day, she found a big leaf outside. It was fall, and the leaf was very colorful. Lily thought she was lucky to find such a pretty leaf. She wanted to put it on her wall. + +Lily's brother, Tom, saw the leaf and wanted it too. "Can I have the leaf?" he asked. Lily said, "No, I found it first. I want to decorate my room with it." Tom was sad and wanted to find his own pretty leaf. + +Tom went outside and looked for a pretty leaf. He saw many leaves, but they were not as pretty as Lily's. Tom felt sad and thought he was not lucky. Then, he saw a beautiful flower. He picked it up and ran to show Lily. + +When Tom showed Lily the flower, she said, "Wow! Your flower is so pretty!" They decided to decorate their rooms together. Lily put the leaf on her wall, and Tom put the flower on his. They were both happy and felt lucky to have such pretty things in their rooms. +Once upon a time, in a big green forest, there lived a chubby bunny named Binky. Binky loved to collect things. He collected leaves, sticks, and shiny rocks. One day, Binky made a promise to his mom. He promised to collect the most beautiful things for her birthday. + +In the forest, Binky met a little bird named Chirpy. Chirpy told Binky about a shiny, pretty thing in a far away place. Binky was excited and wanted to go find it for his mom's birthday. Chirpy said, "I will help you find it, but you must promise to be careful." Binky made a promise to be careful and they went on their way. + +Binky and Chirpy walked and walked. They saw many pretty things, but they knew they had not found the special shiny thing yet. Finally, they found it! It was a beautiful, shiny flower. Binky was so happy! He knew his mom would love it. He carefully picked it up and took it home. When he gave it to his mom, she was so happy and proud of Binky. He kept his promise and found the most beautiful thing for her. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a small, cheap toy heart that she loved very much. She took it with her everywhere she went. It was her favorite toy because it made her feel happy. + +One day, Lily lost her toy heart at the park. She was very sad and started to cry. Her mom saw her crying and came to comfort her. She hugged Lily and told her that they would look for the heart together. + +Lily and her mom searched the park until they found the toy heart under a big tree. Lily was so happy that she hugged her mom and her toy heart. From that day on, Lily always kept her toy heart close to her, and it continued to bring her comfort and joy. +Once upon a time, there was a little baby who had a crib. The crib was not fancy or new, it was cheap. But the baby loved the crib very much. The baby liked to sleep and play in it all day long. + +One day, the baby's mom wanted to organize the room. She put away all the toys and clothes. She made the room look nice and clean. The baby watched her and clapped his hands. + +When the room was all organized, the baby's mom put him in the crib. The baby was so happy to be in his favorite place. He smiled and laughed as he played with his toys. And the baby's mom was happy too, because the room was clean and organized. +Once upon a time, in a big city, there lived a cat and a dog. They were not friends. The cat liked to rub on things, and the dog liked to dig deep holes. One day, they both wanted to play in the same park. + +The cat found a nice tree to rub on, but the dog wanted to dig a deep hole right there. The cat said, "No, I was here first!" The dog said, "But I want to dig here!" They both got mad at each other. + +Then, a big bird came and said, "Stop fighting! You can both play here. Cat, you can rub on the tree, and dog, you can dig a deep hole next to it." The cat and the dog agreed, and they played happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a big black cat. The cat lived in a small house with a kind girl named Lily. They were very happy together. Lily liked to play with the cat and give him yummy food. The cat liked to sleep and play with Lily. + +One day, Lily wanted to prepare a party for her friends. She went to the store with her mommy to buy some cheap party things. They got balloons, hats, and tasty treats. The black cat wanted to help, so he tried to blow up the balloons. But he was a cat, so he couldn't do it. + +Lily saw the cat trying to help and laughed. She said, "Thank you, my big black cat. You are so funny!" The cat felt happy and proud. They had a great party with their friends, and everyone loved the big black cat. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to build things with his toys. One day, he decided to build an aeroplane. He took out all his toy blocks and started to put them together. + +As Tim built the aeroplane, his room became very messy. There were toy blocks all over the floor. His mom came into the room and said, "Tim, your room is so messy! Please clean up after you finish building your aeroplane." + +Tim said, "Okay, Mom. I will clean up when I am done." He continued to build his aeroplane, and it became bigger and bigger. Finally, it was finished. Tim was very proud of his big aeroplane. + +After Tim finished building the aeroplane, he remembered what his mom said. He started to clean up the messy room. He put all the toy blocks back in their box. When his mom came back, she was happy to see the clean room and Tim's big aeroplane. + +From that day on, Tim always cleaned up his room after he built something. He loved building new things and making his mom proud. +One day, a little boy named Tim found a video on the floor. He picked it up and saw that it was a naughty video. Tim knew he should not watch it, so he went to his mom. + +"Mom, I found this video," Tim said. "It looks naughty. What should I do?" + +Mom looked at the video and said, "You are right, Tim. This is not for you. Good job for telling me. Let's drop it in the trash." + +The next day, Tim and his mom went to the park. Tim saw a man drop something on the ground. He remembered what his mom said about the naughty video. Tim went to the man and said, "You dropped this. Be careful not to drop naughty things." + +The man smiled and said, "Thank you, Tim. You are a good boy for helping me." Tim felt happy that he could help someone, just like his mom helped him. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to eat his favorite food, avocado. One day, Tim saw a big, green avocado on the kitchen table. It looked so ready to eat. Tim's mom told him, "Wait for dinner, Tim." But Tim could not resist. + +Tim took the avocado and ran to his room. He sat on the floor and tried to open it. He pushed and pulled, but the avocado would not open. Tim felt sad. He wanted to eat the avocado now. + +Just then, Tim's mom came into the room. She saw Tim and the avocado. She smiled and said, "Let me help you, Tim." Tim's mom showed him how to open the avocado. They shared the yummy avocado together. Tim was happy, and he learned to wait for the right time to eat his favorite food. +Once upon a time, there was a big lion. He liked to roar very loud. All the animals in the jungle were scared of him. + +One day, the lion went to a lecture. The wise old owl was talking about how to be nice to others. The lion thought it was foolish. He didn't want to be nice. He just wanted to roar. + +After the lecture, the lion went back to the jungle. He roared and scared all the animals away. But soon, the lion was all alone. No one wanted to be his friend. The lion was sad and lonely. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big dishwasher in a small house. This dishwasher was very serious about cleaning dishes. One day, a little boy named Tim wanted to help his mom with the dishes. But he was too small to reach the dishwasher. + +Tim's mom had an idea. She gave Tim a small stool to stand on. Now, he could reach the dishwasher! Tim was very happy to help his mom. But then, he saw a big, scary bug on the floor. Tim was scared and didn't want to help anymore. + +His mom told him not to be scared of the bug. She said that bugs are a part of life, and we should not be scared of them. Tim listened to his mom and continued to help with the dishes. In the end, Tim learned that it's okay to be scared, but we should also be brave and face our fears. +One day, a little girl named Lily went for a walk in the park. She saw a pink butterfly flying around. Lily liked the butterfly and wanted to follow it. So, she ran after the butterfly, laughing and clapping her hands. + +As Lily followed the butterfly, she met a small boy named Tim. Tim saw the pink butterfly too and said, "Look, a pretty butterfly! Can I follow it with you?" Lily smiled and said, "Yes, let's follow it together!" + +They both followed the pink butterfly as it flew from flower to flower. It landed on a big red flower and opened its wings. Lily and Tim looked at it with big eyes and open mouths. They had so much fun following the butterfly and playing together in the park. +Once upon a time, there was a big dog and a small cat. They lived in a peaceful place with many trees and flowers. Every morning, they liked to watch the sunrise together. The cat would feel warm and happy when the sun came up. + +One day, the dog and the cat had a big fight. The dog was angry and the cat was sad. They did not want to watch the sunrise together anymore. The sun came up, but they did not feel warm and happy like before. + +Then, a wise bird saw them and said, "Friends should not fight. You both love the sunrise. Be kind to each other." The dog and the cat listened to the bird. They said sorry to each other and became friends again. They watched the sunrise together and felt warm and happy. The moral of the story is to be kind and forgive your friends when they make mistakes. +Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim had a great big toy. This toy was a big red ball. Tim loved to play with his big red ball every day. + +One day, Tim took his big red ball to the park. He saw a small girl named Sue. Sue was sad. She had a small body and could not play with the big kids. Tim had an idea. He asked Sue if she wanted to play with his big red ball. Sue's face lit up, and she said yes. + +Tim and Sue played with the big red ball all day. They laughed and had fun. At one point, Tim screamed with joy as he kicked the ball high into the sky. Sue smiled and clapped her hands. They both learned that it was good to share and make new friends. The moral of the story is that sharing can make others happy and create great friendships. +Once upon a time, in a far away planet, there was a big, red ball. The ball was very uncomfortable because it was too hot. The ball wanted to leave the planet to find a cooler place to live. It tried to roll away, but it was not easy. + +One day, the ball met a nice, blue square. The square wanted to help the ball leave the planet. They tried to find a way to make the ball roll off the planet, but it was very hard. The ball and the square started to feel sad because they could not find a way to leave. + +The ball and the square kept trying to leave the planet, but they could not. They were very tired and the ball was still too hot. In the end, the ball and the square could not leave the planet, and they were both very sad. The ball stayed hot and uncomfortable, and the square stayed with the ball, feeling sad too. +One day, Tom got a new, modern bicycle. It was big and blue. He was very happy. He wanted to show all his friends. But he wanted to add something fun to it first. He thought and thought about what to add. + +Tom had an idea. He found some red and yellow paint. He painted a big, bright sun on his bicycle. It looked so cool! He knew his friends would like it too. But he didn't know that his friend, Sue, was not happy. + +Sue saw Tom's bicycle and was sad. She wanted a modern bicycle too. She wanted to add fun things to her bicycle. But her bicycle was old and small. Tom saw that Sue was sad. He wanted to help her. + +Tom had another idea. He went to Sue's house with his paint. Together, they painted a big, bright moon on Sue's bicycle. Now Sue was happy. Her bicycle looked cool too! + +In the end, Tom and Sue rode their bicycles together. They showed their friends the sun and the moon. Everyone thought it was great. And they all had fun riding their bicycles. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Max. Max loved to play with his ball, but one day, his ball was broken. Max was very sad. He tried to fix the ball, but he struggled. Max asked his friend, the cat, for help. + +"Cat, can you help me fix my broken ball?" Max asked. The cat thought for a moment and then said, "I have an idea! Let's use music to make you happy again." + +Max and the cat went to their friend, the bird. The bird loved to sing. Max asked the bird to sing a song for them. The bird started to sing, and Max and the cat listened to the beautiful music. Max felt happy again. + +Even though Max's ball was still broken, he learned that music can bring joy and happiness. Max, the cat, and the bird played and danced together, and they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a big red barn. In the barn, there lived a helpless little cat named Kitty. Kitty wanted to help the farmer, but she was too small. + +One day, the farmer said, "Kitty, can you help me finish painting the barn?" Kitty was very happy and said, "Yes, I will try!" The farmer gave Kitty a small paintbrush and they started painting together. + +As they painted, Kitty found that she could reach the low parts of the barn. The farmer painted the high parts. They worked together until the barn was all red. The farmer smiled at Kitty and said, "Thank you, Kitty! We finished the barn together!" Kitty was happy that she could help and they went inside to rest. +Once upon a time, there was a regular pool. It was not too big and not too small. It was just right for all the kids to play in. The pool was in a park where many kids liked to go. + +One day, a little boy named Tim went to the pool with his mom. Tim was excited to swim and play in the water. He put on his swim shorts and jumped into the pool. Tim heard the water splash as he jumped in. It was so much fun! + +Tim played with his friends in the pool. They laughed and splashed each other. Tim's mom sat by the pool and watched them play. After a while, Tim and his friends were tired. They got out of the pool and sat down to rest. Tim was happy he had a fun day at the regular pool. +Once upon a time, there was a dirty TV in a small room. The TV was very old and nobody watched it. It was sad and lonely. The TV wanted to be clean and shiny like the other things in the room. + +One day, a little girl named Amy saw the dirty TV. She wanted to help it. Amy took a cloth and wiped the TV clean. The TV was so happy and shiny. Amy turned on the TV and they watched a show about flowers. + +In the show, there was a flower that started to bloom. The flower was very pretty and colorful. Amy and the TV loved watching the flower bloom. They became good friends and watched many shows together. The TV was never dirty or lonely again. +Once upon a time, in a quiet little town, there lived a boy named Tim. Tim was a serious boy who always believed in himself. He loved to play with his toy cars and his dog, Spot. + +One sunny day, Tim and Spot were playing in the park. Tim said to Spot, "I believe we can make a big jump with my toy car!" Spot barked happily, agreeing with Tim. + +Tim and Spot found a small hill to make the big jump. They counted, "One, two, three, go!" The toy car flew into the air and landed on the other side of the hill. Tim and Spot laughed and clapped. They had so much fun because they believed in themselves and were never too quiet or too serious to play. +One day, a little boy named Tim was curious about the sky. He went outside to look up and saw a big cloud. The cloud was white and fluffy like cotton. Tim wanted to know more about the cloud, so he asked his mom. + +His mom decided to introduce Tim to the cloud. She said, "This is a cloud, Tim. It's made of tiny water drops. When many clouds come together, it can rain." Tim was excited to learn about the cloud and wanted to see more. + +They went for a walk and saw many clouds in the sky. Some were big, and some were small. Tim was very happy to know about the clouds. He couldn't wait to tell his friends what he learned. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom loved to draw with his crayons. One day, Tom found a new toy, a spray bottle. He thought it would be fun to use it with his crayons. + +Tom started to spray water on his crayon drawings. The colors became very wet and began to mix. Tom was scared because his drawings did not look nice anymore. He did not want his mom to be mad at him for making a mess. + +Tom's mom saw what happened and helped him clean up. She told Tom that it is okay to try new things, but sometimes it is better to ask for help first. Tom learned that it is important to be careful and ask for help when trying something new. And from that day on, Tom always asked his mom for help when he wanted to try new things with his crayons. +Once upon a time, there was a wise tutor named Mr. Owl. He was the best teacher in the forest. All the little animals liked to learn from him. + +One day, the animals had a big problem. A big storm broke their homes. They were sad and didn't know what to do. So, they went to Mr. Owl for help. + +Mr. Owl had a good idea. He said, "Let's all unite and work together to fix our homes." The animals liked the idea. They all worked together, and soon, their homes were fixed. They were happy and thanked Mr. Owl for his help. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to march around his room with his toy soldiers. He would line them up and say, "March, soldiers, march!" They would march all day long, up and down the room. + +One day, Tim found a big hook on the wall. He thought it would be fun to hang his toy soldiers on the hook. It was easy for him to reach the hook because it was not too high. So, Tim put his toy soldiers on the hook, one by one. + +The next day, Tim saw that his toy soldiers were still on the hook. He took them down and started to march with them again. "March, soldiers, march!" he said. Tim and his toy soldiers had a lot of fun marching and playing together. And every night, Tim would put his toy soldiers back on the hook, so they could rest for another day of marching. +One day, a boy named Tim found a big drum in his room. He was very happy. He liked to play the drum and make loud sounds. Tim played the drum all day and all night. He made his mom and dad very dizzy with the loud sounds. But Tim did not want to stop playing the drum. + +Tim's friend, Sam, came to play with him. Sam wanted to help Tim play the drum. They played the drum together and made even louder sounds. They played so loud that the dog ran away, and the cat hid under the bed. Tim and Sam did not care. They just wanted to play the drum. + +Soon, it was time for Sam to go home. Tim's mom and dad were still dizzy from the loud drum sounds. They were very sad and tired. They told Tim that he could not play the drum anymore. Tim was sad too, but he did not know how to make his mom and dad feel better. The drum was gone, and everyone was unhappy. +Once upon a time, in a big pond, there lived a popular alligator. His name was Al. Al was very nice and all the animals liked him. + +One day, the sun began to rise, and Al saw a little bird named Billy. Billy was sad. Al asked, "Why are you sad, Billy?" Billy said, "I can't find my mom." + +Al wanted to help Billy. He said, "Let's look for your mom together." They looked everywhere in the pond. Other animals saw them and wanted to help too. + +At last, they found Billy's mom. She was so happy to see her little bird. She said, "Thank you, Al!" All the animals cheered. Al and Billy became best friends forever. +One day, a cat named Grace saw a long rod. Grace was a very graceful cat. She liked to play with the rod. She would jump and run around the rod. + +Grace had a friend, a dog named Sam. Sam saw Grace playing with the rod. He asked, "Grace, what is that?" Grace said, "I don't know. Can you guess?" Sam thought for a moment and said, "Is it a toy?" + +Later that day, Sam and Grace went to play with the rod again. They found a little bird stuck in a tree. The bird was scared. Grace had an idea. She used the rod to help the bird get free. The bird was very happy and said, "Thank you, Grace and Sam!" + +From that day on, Grace and Sam knew that the rod was not just a toy, but also a tool to help others. They played with the rod and used it to help their friends whenever they could. And they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ann. She loved to dress up in pretty clothes. One day, Ann found a big stick in the park. She called it her staff. + +Ann took her staff and went for a walk. It was a cold day, and the wind felt bitter on her face. But Ann was brave and kept walking with her staff in her hand. + +Ann met a dog on her walk. The dog was cold and hungry. Ann shared her food with the dog and they became friends. They walked together, with Ann holding her staff, until they found a warm place to rest. The bitter cold did not bother them anymore, because they had each other. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Spot. He was a very obedient dog. Spot loved to play in the yard and run around. + +One day, Spot saw a fence. He wanted to see what was on the other side. So, he took a big step and jumped over the fence. When he landed, he found a big, green field. + +Spot was so happy to play in the field. He ran and ran until he was tired. Then, he took a big step again and jumped back over the fence to his yard. Spot was an obedient dog and never jumped over the fence again. +Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a modern toy box. In the box, there were many toys. One day, a little girl named Lucy came to play with the toys. She saw a string on the floor, and she picked it up. Lucy was very happy to find the string. + +Lucy saw the toy box and decided to peek inside. She opened the box and found many fun toys. There was a big teddy bear, a red ball, and a small car. Lucy took out the toys and played with them. She also tied the string to the car and pulled it around the room. + +After a long time of playing, Lucy got tired. She put the toys back in the modern toy box and closed the lid. She left the string on the floor for the next child to find and play with. Lucy went home, excited to come back and play with the toys again another day. +Once upon a time, in a big forest, there lived a smart cat named Sam. Sam had soft paws that he used to climb trees and catch small bugs. He loved to display his skills to his friends. + +One day, while Sam was playing with his friend, a little bird named Tim, he said, "Tim, look at my paws! I can climb that big tree!" Tim looked at Sam's paws and said, "Wow, your paws are really good for climbing!" + +Sam started to climb the tree. He went up and up, showing his friend how smart he was. Tim watched from the ground as Sam displayed his climbing skills. When Sam reached the top, he called out, "Look, I made it! I am at the top of the tree!" + +Tim clapped his wings and said, "Sam, you are so smart! I wish I had paws like yours!" Sam smiled and climbed back down to the ground. He was very happy that he could display his skills to his friend. From that day on, Sam and Tim played together every day, showing each other the things they could do. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim was very excited because he was going on a safari with his mom and dad. They were going to see big animals like lions and elephants. Tim could not wait to go! + +On the safari, Tim saw many animals. He saw a big lion, a tall giraffe, and a funny monkey. Tim was having so much fun. But then, he saw something that made him a little scared. It was a big snake. Tim's dad told him not to worry because the snake was not near them. + +At the end of the safari, Tim was not scared anymore. He had so much fun seeing all the animals. He even got a toy snake to remember the day. Tim could not wait to go on another exciting adventure. +Once upon a time, there was a big hotel. The hotel was very expensive. Many people came to stay there. The hotel was nice and had many rooms. + +One day, the hotel people wanted to make the hotel look even better. They decided to decorate the hotel. They got pretty colors and fun things to put on the walls. The hotel started to look even more nice. + +When the people who stayed at the hotel saw the new decorations, they were very happy. They liked the pretty colors and the fun things on the walls. Everyone had a good time at the decorated hotel. And they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a smart cat named Tim. Tim loved to paint with his paws. One day, Tim saw a big jar of jam. He had an idea. + +Tim dipped his paws in the jam and started to paint on a big paper. He made red circles, lines, and dots. Tim was very happy with his jam painting. + +Then, Tim's friend, a dog named Sam, came over. Sam saw the painting and said, "Wow, Tim! You are a smart cat! I love your jam painting!" Tim smiled and said, "Thank you, Sam! Let's paint together!" And they painted with jam all day. +Once upon a time, in a big forest, there lived an elderly lion. He was very old and tired. He liked to sleep a lot, because he was not as strong as he used to be. + +One day, the elderly lion was sleeping under a big tree. A small bird saw him and decided to play with him. The bird flew down and sat on the lion's big nose. + +The elderly lion woke up and saw the small bird. He was not angry, but he was too tired to play. So, the lion went back to sleep, and the small bird flew away to find another friend to play with. + +The elderly lion slept all day, and when he woke up, he felt better. He knew that sometimes, it was good to sleep and rest. So, the lion went on to live many more happy days in the big forest. +Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a big parade. All the people were happy and they would march together. They marched up and down the streets, laughing and singing. + +One day, a little boy named Tim saw the parade and wanted to join. He asked his mom, "Can I march too?" His mom said, "Yes, but first finish your meal." Tim ate his meal quickly, and then he joined the parade. + +As they marched, they saw an old lady. She was sad because she had no food. Tim thought about his sweet meal, and he decided to share with her. The old lady was so happy and thanked him. The people in the parade clapped for Tim. + +The moral of the story is to always share with others, especially when they need help. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sue. Sue loved to play with her toys and her furniture. One day, she found a magic wand in her toy box. She was very excited and wanted to try it out. + +Sue waved the wand at her delicate tea set and said, "Shrink!" To her surprise, the tea set became very small. She was so happy and called her friend, Tom. "Tom, look what I did! I made my tea set tiny!" Tom was amazed and wanted to try the wand too. + +They played with the wand and made all their furniture shrink. They had so much fun in their tiny world. But soon, it was time to make everything big again. They waved the wand and said, "Grow!" All the furniture grew back to normal size, and they put the magic wand away. Sue and Tom knew they had a special secret and promised to play with the magic wand again soon. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a dog named Max. Max was a good dog and always listened to Timmy. Timmy loved Max because he was loyal. + +One day, Timmy's mom told him to clean his room. Timmy didn't want to clean his room, so he went to the attic to play with Max. In the attic, Timmy found a big box. He opened the box and found a toy he had never seen before. + +Timmy asked Max what the toy was, but Max didn't know. Timmy wanted to explain the toy to Max, but he didn't know how. So, Timmy decided to ask his mom to explain the toy to him. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to bake cakes with her mommy. One day, they were making a cake for Lily's grandma's birthday. Mommy was using a big mixer to mix the ingredients very fast. + +Lily asked, "Mommy, can I help you mix?" + +Mommy replied, "Of course, Lily! Imagine you are a superhero and you need to mix the ingredients super fast to save the day!" + +Lily smiled and started mixing with all her might. The cake batter became smooth and fluffy. Lily and her mommy put the cake in the oven and waited patiently for it to bake. When it was done, they decorated it with lots of colorful sprinkles. + +At the birthday party, everyone loved the cake and Lily felt very proud. She whispered to her mommy, "I imagined I was a superhero and I helped make the cake super fast!" +Once upon a time, there was a friendly fish named Nemo. Nemo lived in a big blue ocean and had many friends. One day, Nemo went for a swim and saw a big shark. The shark was not friendly and wanted to eat Nemo. + +Nemo was scared and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he remembered that his friend, a dolphin, had shown him a secret hiding place. Nemo quickly swam to the hiding place and hid from the shark. + +The shark looked for Nemo but couldn't find him. After a while, the shark gave up and swam away. Nemo was safe and happy to be alive. He thanked his friend the dolphin for showing him the hiding place and promised to always be careful when swimming in the ocean. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to play with her toys in the park. One day, she saw a big aeroplane flying in the sky. She was very happy to see it. + +Suddenly, Lily saw a bird in trouble. The bird was stuck in a tree and couldn't fly away. Lily knew she had to help the bird. She hurried to the tree and tried to reach the bird, but she couldn't. + +Then, Lily had an idea. She ran to her toy box and found a toy aeroplane. She opened it up and took out the wings. She used the wings to reach the bird and set it free. The bird flew away happily and Lily felt very proud of herself. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big castle. The king lived there with his family. One day, a man came to the castle. He was very ignorant and didn't know how to behave. He asked the king, "Can I stay here?" The king said, "Yes, you can stay, but you must be good." + +The man didn't know how to be good, so he made a mess everywhere he went. The king's daughter saw this and said, "You need to measure your actions before you do them. That way, you won't make a mess." The man didn't understand, so the princess explained it to him. + +After that, the man started to measure his actions and be good. The king was happy and said, "You have learned well. Now you can stay here forever." The man was grateful and said, "Thank you, king." And they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved playing with his toys, but his favorite toy was his robot. The robot was big and shiny, and it had a battery inside that made it move and talk. + +One day, Timmy was playing with his robot when he noticed that the battery was low. He wondered what would happen if the battery ran out completely. Would the robot stop moving and talking? Timmy didn't know, but he didn't want to find out. + +So, Timmy went to get a new battery for his robot. He searched high and low, but he couldn't find one anywhere. Finally, he found a battery in the back of a drawer. But when he took it out, he noticed that it was covered in a disgusting goo. Timmy didn't want to use it, but he didn't have a choice. + +He put the battery in the robot and turned it on. At first, everything seemed fine. But then, the robot started moving in strange ways and making weird noises. Timmy realized that the disgusting goo on the battery had messed up his robot. He knew he should have been more careful. From that day on, Timmy made sure to always have a spare battery on hand, just in case. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a teddy bear that belonged to her since she was born. She loved her teddy bear so much that she would take it everywhere with her. + +One day, Lily's mommy let her play with her makeup. Lily put on some lipstick and blush, and when she looked in the mirror, she thought she looked adorable. She asked her mommy if she could wear makeup every day, but her mommy said she was too young for that. + +Lily went back to playing with her teddy bear, feeling happy that she had something that belonged to her and made her feel good. She hugged her teddy bear tightly and whispered, "You're my favorite, and you're adorable too." +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and teddy bear. One day, she saw a pretty rose in her garden. She picked it up and smelled it. It smelled so good! + +But then, she accidentally broke the rose. She felt sad and started to frown. She tried to fix it, but it was too broken. + +Lily went to bed that night feeling sad. The next day, she woke up and saw that all her toys were broken too. She didn't know what happened. She frown and cried. She never found out who broke her toys. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside and catch bugs. One day, he found a funny looking bug and showed it to his friend, Sally. Sally thought the bug was funny too. + +But then, Timmy got too excited and squeezed the bug too hard. The bug started to scream and Timmy didn't know what to do. He let go of the bug, but it was too late. The bug didn't survive. + +Timmy felt very sad and realized that he should be more careful with bugs and all living things. He learned that even though bugs may seem small and unimportant, they are still a part of nature and deserve to be treated with kindness. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sun and blow bubbles with her bubble wand. One day, she saw a pretty butterfly and chased it into a dark cave. Inside the cave, Lily saw a glowing rock and picked it up. + +Suddenly, she started coughing and couldn't breathe well. Her mom took her to the hospital and the doctor said Lily had gotten sick because she breathed in bad air from the cave. The doctor said her lung was hurt and she needed medicine to feel better. + +But Lily didn't listen and kept going back to the cave. She thought the glowing rock was magic and could make her feel better. She was ignorant of the danger. One day, Lily went to the cave and didn't come back out. Her family found her lying on the ground, not moving. They took her to the hospital but it was too late. Lily had died from breathing in the bad air. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys, especially her orange ball. One day, she accidentally threw the ball too hard and it broke a vase. Her mommy saw what happened and said, "Oh no, Lily! You're in trouble now. You need to clean up the broken pieces." + +Lily was sad and didn't know what to do. But then, her daddy came in and said, "Don't worry, Lily. I'll help you clean up. First, let's rub the floor with a towel to make sure it's safe to walk on." + +Lily and her daddy worked together to clean up the mess. After they finished, her daddy said, "Remember, Lily, accidents happen. But it's important to take responsibility and fix any trouble we cause." Lily nodded and hugged her daddy, grateful for his help. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to dance and had a special rhythm in her feet. One day, Lily went to the park to play with her friends. + +Her friend, Timmy, said, "I dare you to dance in front of everyone!" + +Lily felt a little scared, but she wanted to be brave. She started to dance and soon her rhythm took over. Everyone clapped and cheered for her. + +Afterwards, Lily's mom said, "You are so intelligent, Lily! You can do anything you set your mind to." + +Lily smiled and felt proud of herself. From that day on, she knew she could be brave and dance whenever she wanted to. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with her toys and going for walks with her mommy. One day, they went outside and saw a big, brown van parked on the street. + +Lily's mommy asked her if she wanted to go for a ride in the van. Lily thought for a moment and then decided that she did want to go for a ride. They climbed into the van and drove around the neighborhood. + +Lily loved looking out the window and seeing all the different houses and trees. When they got home, Lily told her daddy all about the fun ride in the brown van. From that day on, whenever she saw a van, she remembered the fun time she had with her mommy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys, especially her toy dog named Max. Max was a good boy, but sometimes he would get angry and bark loudly. + +One day, Lily's mom asked her to help with the cable. Lily didn't know what a cable was, but she saw her mom holding a long, black string. Her mom explained that the cable was for the TV and they needed to plug it in. + +As Lily's mom was plugging in the cable, Max started to growl. Lily knew that meant he was angry. Suddenly, Max bit the cable! Lily's mom was surprised and worried that the TV wouldn't work. But Lily had an idea. She ran to her toy box and grabbed a chew toy for Max. Max happily chewed on the toy instead of the cable. From then on, Lily always made sure to have a chew toy nearby when Max was around cables. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy was very rich and had lots of toys to play with. He loved taking photos with his toy camera and showing them to his friends. + +One day, Timmy went to the park to jog with his friends. While jogging, Timmy accidentally bumped into a boy named Jack. Jack's photo fell out of his pocket and Timmy saw that it was a photo of Jack's family. Jack started to cry because he thought he had lost the photo forever. + +Timmy felt bad for bumping into Jack and losing his photo. He apologized and helped Jack look for the photo. They finally found it and Jack was very happy. Timmy learned that it's important to be careful and kind to others, even if you are rich and have lots of toys. +Once upon a time, there was a little blue bird named Bluey. Bluey was incredible at singing and loved to sing every morning. One day, Bluey met a little girl named Lily. Lily said, "Wow, you start singing so early in the morning!" Bluey replied, "Yes, I love to sing, it makes me happy." + +Lily loved listening to Bluey's beautiful singing and asked if she could keep Bluey as a pet. Bluey agreed and went to live with Lily. However, Lily didn't know how to take care of Bluey properly. She forgot to give her food and water, and didn't clean her cage. Bluey became very sick and eventually passed away. + +Lily was very sad and cried a lot. She realized that she didn't take good care of Bluey and felt very guilty. From that day on, she promised to take care of all animals properly and never forget to feed or clean them. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, especially his toy car. One day, Timmy's friend Lily came over to play. + +"Hi Timmy, what are you playing with?" asked Lily. + +"I'm playing with my car. Do you want to play too?" Timmy replied. + +Lily nodded and they started to play together. Timmy showed Lily his original car and they took turns playing with it. Suddenly, Timmy had a secret idea. + +"Hey Lily, let's play a secret game. We can put the car in this box and zip it up. Then, we have to guess what's inside without looking!" Timmy said excitedly. + +Lily thought it was a great idea and they played the secret game all afternoon. They had so much fun guessing what was inside the box and sharing their own original toys with each other. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved horses and always dreamed of riding one. One day, her parents took her to a farm where she saw a beautiful horse. But the horse was very big and Lily felt a little scared. + +Her dad said, "Don't be afraid, Lily. Let's measure you to see if you can ride the horse." They measured her and found out that she was too small to ride the horse. Lily was sad, but her dad said, "Don't worry, Lily. When you grow bigger, you can ride the horse." + +The moral of the story is that sometimes we have to wait for things we want, but if we keep trying and growing, we can achieve our dreams. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to cook with her mommy in the kitchen. They would make yummy things like cookies and cake. One day, Lily wanted to make juice. She asked her mommy if they could go to the store to buy some fruit. They got apples, oranges, and strawberries. They washed them and put them in the blender to make juice. It was so tasty! + +But then, Lily did something naughty. She spilled the juice all over the floor! Her mommy was not happy. They had to clean it up with a towel. Lily felt bad and said sorry. Her mommy forgave her and they made more juice. This time, Lily was very careful and didn't spill any. They enjoyed their juice together and had a happy day. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweety. Tweety loved to play in the trees and hop around on the ground. One day, Tweety found a fine twig on the ground. Tweety picked it up and started to play with it. + +Suddenly, a big, mean cat named Tom appeared. Tom wanted to catch Tweety and eat him for dinner. Tweety was scared and didn't know what to do. But then, Tweety had a plan! Tweety quickly flew up into the tree and dropped the twig on Tom's head. + +Tom was so surprised that he ran away and Tweety was safe. From that day on, Tweety always kept a twig with him, just in case he needed to defend himself again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to blow bubbles. She would blow and blow until she had a big, shiny bubble. One day, Lily saw her friend, Tommy, blowing bubbles too. + +"Can I join you?" Lily asked. + +Tommy smiled and said, "Yes, let's blow bubbles together!" + +Lily was happy to join Tommy and they blew bubbles all day long. But then, Lily saw Tommy's bubble was bigger than hers and she started to feel jealous. + +"I wish my bubble was as big as yours," Lily said sadly. + +Tommy saw that Lily was sad and said, "Don't be jealous, Lily. Our bubbles are both beautiful in their own way." + +Lily smiled and felt happy again. From that day on, Lily and Tommy blew bubbles together every day and were the best of friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was playing with her toys in her room when she saw a magic trick on TV. She wanted to try it too, so she asked her mom for help. + +"Mommy, can you help me do a magic trick?" Lily asked. + +"Sure, what kind of trick do you want to do?" her mom replied. + +"I want to make my toy car vanish!" Lily exclaimed. + +Her mom was impressed by her daughter's idea. So, they tried the trick together and Lily's toy car disappeared. They were both amazed and happy. + +"That was an impressive trick, Lily! You did it!" her mom said. + +From that day on, Lily loved doing magic tricks with her mom. And every year, on her birthday, they would perform a new and exciting trick together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play with marbles. One day, she was playing with her marbles outside on a hot day when she accidentally dropped one in the dirt. + +"Oh no!" Lily exclaimed. "My marble is dirty now." + +Her mom came outside and saw her sad face. "What's wrong, sweetie?" she asked. + +"I dropped my marble in the dirt and it's dirty now," Lily replied. + +"Let's wipe it off with this cloth," her mom suggested. They wiped the marble clean and Lily was happy again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with cardboard boxes and make houses out of them. One day, Lily's mom brought home a big box full of yummy cookies. Lily's eyes sparkled with excitement as she saw the box. + +"Can we eat them all now?" asked Lily. + +"No, we can't eat them all now. We need to organize them first," said her mom. + +Lily didn't understand what "organize" meant, but her mom explained to her that they needed to put the cookies in different piles according to their flavors. Lily helped her mom organize the cookies, and they had so much fun doing it together. + +After organizing the cookies, Lily's mom told her that it's important to be organized because it makes things easier and saves time. Lily learned a valuable lesson that day and promised to always keep her things organized. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She liked to run and jump and play outside. One day, she went to a race with her friends. She ran very fast and won a medal! She was so happy and proud to have it. + +When she got home, her mom asked her about the medal. "What is that shiny thing you have, Lily?" her mom asked. "It's a medal! I won it at the race!" Lily said with a big smile. + +Her little brother, who was ignorant about what a medal was, asked, "What's a medal?" Lily explained, "It's a special prize you get when you do really well at something." Her brother was impressed and said, "Wow, Lily, you're really fast!" +Once upon a time, there was a small bird named Tweety. Tweety loved to fly around and observe everything in the world. One day, Tweety saw a big tree and decided to rest on one of its branches. + +As Tweety rested, a little mouse came by and asked, "What are you doing up there?" + +"I'm observing everything around me," replied Tweety. + +The little mouse was curious and asked, "What is the truth about the world?" + +Tweety thought for a moment and said, "The truth is that the world is big and beautiful, but it's also small and fragile. We must take care of it and each other." + +The little mouse nodded and thanked Tweety for sharing such wise observations. From that day on, the two became good friends and continued to observe and appreciate the world together. +Once upon a time, there was a little fish named Nemo. Nemo loved to swim in the big blue sea with his fishy friends. They would play games and chase each other around. + +One day, winter came and the sea got very cold. Nemo and his friends had to swim to warmer waters to stay safe. They swam and swam until they found a cozy spot to rest. + +But not all the fish were lucky. Some got too cold and became dead. Nemo was sad, but he knew that they were now in a better place. He promised to always remember his friends and keep swimming in their memory. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, especially his toy cars. One day, Timmy's mom asked him to clean up his toys. Timmy sighed and said, "But I don't want to clean up. I want to play!" + +His mom looked worried and said, "Timmy, you need to clean up so we don't trip on your toys and get hurt." Timmy didn't like the idea of someone getting hurt, so he started to clean up his toys. As he picked up each toy car, he imagined it driving into a garage and going to sleep. + +After Timmy finished cleaning up, his mom said, "Good job, Timmy! Now you can go outside and play." Timmy was so happy to hear that and ran outside to play with his friends. They played tag and ran around in the sunshine. Timmy felt so happy and forgot all about being worried earlier. +Once upon a time, there was a big tree. The tree was called an oak tree. It was very tall and had big branches. One day, a little girl came to the tree. She looked up and saw that the sky was gloomy. She felt sad. + +But then, she saw a bird's nest on one of the branches. The nest was very high up. The little girl wanted to see the nest up close. She tried to climb the tree, but she couldn't reach the nest. + +Just then, a kind man came by. He saw the little girl and asked her what was wrong. She told him she wanted to see the bird's nest, but she couldn't lift herself up to reach it. The man smiled and lifted the little girl up onto his shoulders. She was so happy! She could see the bird's nest up close and it made her feel better. +Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Ted. Ted was very lonely because he didn't have any friends to play with. One day, Ted decided to go on a walk to find some new friends. + +As he walked through the forest, he heard a beautiful sound. He stopped and listened carefully. It was a bird singing a sweet song. Ted followed the sound until he found the bird sitting on a tree branch. The bird saw Ted and flew down to his shoulder. + +Ted was so happy to have a new friend! He hugged the bird and they played together all day long. From that day on, Ted always listened for the sound of his friend's singing and was never lonely again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to help her mom go to the grocery store. They would pick out yummy things like apples and bananas. + +One day, Lily's mom said, "Lily, we need to get some flour and sugar so we can bake a cake for your grandma's birthday." + +Lily was so excited to help bake a cake! She helped her mom mix all the ingredients together and put it in the oven. While they waited for the cake to bake, Lily's mom said, "I'm so proud of you for being such a good helper." + +Finally, the cake was ready and they took it out of the oven. It smelled so good! They put frosting and sprinkles on top and it looked beautiful. Later that day, they went to grandma's house and surprised her with the delicious cake. Grandma was so happy and proud of Lily for helping to bake it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved winter because she could play in the snow. One day, Lily lost her red hat while playing outside. She searched and searched but couldn't find it anywhere. She asked her mom and dad to help her search, but they couldn't find it either. Lily was sad because her red hat was her favorite. + +The next day, Lily's mom found the red hat. It was stuck in a snow pile! Lily was so happy and put the red hat on her head right away. She thanked her mom and dad for helping her search for it. From then on, Lily made sure to hold onto her red hat tightly when she played outside in the winter. +Once upon a time, there was a playful cat named Mittens. Mittens loved to play with yarn and chase butterflies. One day, Mittens saw a big stove in the kitchen. Mittens wanted to see what was inside the stove, so she jumped up and down. Suddenly, the stove door opened and Mittens saw a big pot inside. Mittens was curious and wanted to see what was in the pot. Mittens carefully peeked inside the pot and saw that it was filled with yummy soup. Mittens was so happy that she bowed her head and meowed with joy. From that day on, Mittens loved to play around the stove and smell the delicious smells that came from it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys. One day, she found a pink object on the ground. She picked it up and looked at it. It was a pretty pink ball! She tried to lift it up, but it was too heavy for her. + +Lily asked her mommy for help. Her mommy came over and lifted the pink ball up for her. Lily was so happy! She played with the pink ball all day long. She rolled it around and threw it up in the air. + +As the sun began to set, it was time for Lily to go to bed. She hugged her pink ball tightly and fell asleep. The next day, when she woke up, the pink ball was still there. She smiled and lifted it up again, ready to play all day long. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a black cat named Midnight who was always calm and never made any noise. One day, Lily wanted to learn how to ride her bike, but she was scared and didn't want to try. + +Midnight encouraged her by rubbing against her legs and purring loudly. "Don't be afraid, Lily," Midnight meowed. "You can do it!" + +Lily took a deep breath and got on her bike. She wobbled a little at first, but then she started to pedal and soon she was riding all by herself. "I did it!" she shouted, and Midnight purred even louder in approval. + +From that day on, Lily rode her bike every day with Midnight by her side. Midnight was always calm and never got scared, and he encouraged Lily to be brave and try new things. They were the best of friends, and nothing could ever come between them. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to eat candy. She ate candy every day and never ate any healthy food. Her mom always told her to eat her veggies, but Lily never listened. + +One day, Lily got sick and started to panic. She had a tummy ache and didn't know what to do. Her mom took her to the doctor and the doctor said, "Lily, you need to eat healthy food to be healthy." + +From that day on, Lily started to eat her veggies and fruits. She felt so much better and never got sick again. She learned that eating healthy is important and that candy should only be a treat. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big castle. It had tall walls and a shiny gate. The castle was home to a king and queen, who had a baby princess. The princess was very delicate and needed to be protected from harm. + +One day, a big dragon came to the castle. The dragon wanted to take the princess away. But the king and queen had brave knights who could protect the castle. The knights fought the dragon and saved the princess. + +After that day, the king and queen made sure to protect the castle and the princess even more. They put up stronger walls and hired more knights. The princess grew up safe and happy in her castle home. +Once upon a time, there was a pink fox. The pink fox lived in a big forest. One day, the pink fox met a new friend. The new friend asked the pink fox if they would accept a gift. The pink fox said yes and was very happy. The gift was a shiny rock. The pink fox and their new friend played together all day long. They had so much fun! +Once upon a time, there was a brave little mouse named Gray. Gray lived in a cozy hole in the wall of a big house. One day, Gray went outside to find some cheese. Suddenly, he saw a big cat coming towards him. Gray was scared, but he decided to be brave. He stood up on his hind legs and tried to strike the cat with his tiny paws. The cat was surprised and ran away. Gray felt proud of himself for being so brave. He went back to his cozy hole and ate his cheese happily. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a house with her mommy and daddy. One day, Lily wanted to play outside, but her mommy said it was too hot. Lily was upset because she really wanted to play. + +Lily went to her daddy and asked him if she could play outside. Daddy said no because it was too hot and she might get sick. Lily disagreed and said she was not going to get sick. Daddy explained that it was important to listen to mommy and daddy because they want to keep her safe. + +Later that day, Lily and her daddy went up to the roof to fix some tiles. Lily was scared to go up, but her daddy held her hand and they went up together. Lily looked out and saw the whole neighborhood. She was so happy to be up high and see everything. She thanked her daddy for taking her up and promised to always listen to mommy and daddy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with her toys and sharing them with her friends. One day, Lily's friend Jack came to play with her. Jack wanted to play with Lily's favorite toy, but Lily didn't want to share it. + +Lily's mom noticed what was happening and said, "Lily, it's not good to judge your friend. You should offer to share your toy with him." + +Lily thought about it and realized her mom was right. She went to Jack and said, "Do you want to play with my toy? We can share it together." + +Jack was happy and they played together for the rest of the day. Lily learned that it's always good to offer and share with others, and not to judge them. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to go outside and play. One day, he saw an enormous mountain in the distance. He wanted to climb it, but he was too small. + +Suddenly, he saw a bird fly by and he had an idea. He asked the bird if he could take him to the top of the mountain. The bird said yes and Timmy was so happy. + +When they got to the top, Timmy saw a toy gun and he wanted to shoot it. But the bird told him that shooting is not a nice thing to do. Timmy understood and they flew back down the mountain together. From that day on, Timmy and the bird were the best of friends. +Once upon a time, there was a big, brown dog named Max. Max loved to go on adventures and explore the world around him. One day, Max's owner took him for a walk in the park. As they walked, Max saw a squirrel and ran after it. + +Suddenly, the sky turned dark and the wind began to blow. Max heard a loud noise in the distance. It was thunder! Max was scared and didn't know what to do. + +But then, Max remembered something his owner had taught him. She had told him that he was a brave dog and could lead the way when things got scary. So, Max took a deep breath and led his owner back home, away from the thunder. + +When they got home, Max's owner gave him a big hug and told him how proud she was of him for being such a brave dog. From that day on, Max knew that he could always lead the way, even when things got scary. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy liked to go fishing with his dad. They would go to the lake and sit in their boat. Timmy's dad had a rod that he used to catch fish. Timmy thought it was a useful rod because it helped his dad catch lots of fish. + +One day, Timmy went fishing with his dad and he caught his very first fish! It was a big fish and Timmy was so happy. He carefully laid the fish on the boat and looked at it. He thought it was the most beautiful fish he had ever seen. + +From that day on, Timmy loved going fishing with his dad. He would always bring his useful rod and hope to catch more fish. Timmy learned that fishing was a fun and relaxing activity that he could enjoy with his dad. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was very hungry and wanted to eat something yummy. Her mommy asked her, "Do you want some toast with butter?" Lily said "Yes, please!" + +Mommy put the bread in the toaster and when it was done, she spread some butter on it. Lily watched as the butter melted and fit perfectly on the toast. + +Lily took a big bite and it tasted so good! She ate the whole piece of toast and was no longer hungry. She was happy and smiled at her mommy. "Thank you for the yummy toast with butter!" she said. +Once upon a time, there was a bird. The bird was very pretty and could fly very high. It was a graceful bird. One day, the bird flew over a lake and saw a leaf. The leaf looked tired and dry. The bird felt sad for the leaf and wanted to help. So, the bird decided to soak the leaf in the lake. The leaf felt happy and refreshed after the bird soaked it. From that day on, the bird and the leaf became friends and flew together in the sky. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a very special lamp in her room that she loved very much. One day, Lily's little brother wanted to play with the lamp, but Lily didn't want to share it. They started to quarrel and shout at each other. + +Lily's mom came to see what was going on and saw that they were fighting over the lamp. She told them that it wasn't nice to be jealous and not share things with each other. Lily realized that she was being selfish and decided to let her brother play with the lamp too. + +From that day on, Lily and her brother played together and shared their toys. They never quarreled again and were happy together. And the special lamp in Lily's room shined brighter than ever before. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside with her friends. One day, Lily and her friends saw a little bird with a hurt wing. They wanted to help the bird but they didn't know how. + +Lily said, "Let's take the bird to our home and be patient with it until it gets better." So, they took the bird to Lily's home and made a cozy bed for it. They gave the bird food and water every day and were very patient with it. + +After a few days, the bird's wing got better and it was able to fly again. The bird flew away but not before saying, "Thank you for being patient and taking care of me." + +Lily and her friends felt happy that they were able to help the little bird. They learned that being patient and kind can make a big difference in someone's life, even if it's just a little bird. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a rag doll that she loved very much. One day, Lily was playing with her doll when her mom asked her if she was hungry. Lily said yes, so her mom asked her what she wanted to eat. Lily thought for a moment and then said, "I want a sandwich, please." + +Her mom went to the kitchen and made Lily a sandwich. She brought it back to her and Lily ate it all up. After she was finished, Lily felt very tired. She lay down on the couch and cuddled with her rag doll. Her mom asked her if she wanted to take a nap, and Lily nodded her head. Her mom ordered her to close her eyes and go to sleep, and Lily did just that. She dreamed about her rag doll and all the fun adventures they would have together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived on a farm with her mommy and daddy. One day, they went to the wheat field to pick some wheat. Lily loved to play hide and seek in the wheat field. + +As they were picking the wheat, Lily's mommy got worried. She couldn't decide if they had picked enough wheat for the day. Lily's daddy told her not to worry and that they could always come back tomorrow to pick more wheat. + +Lily was happy because she loved playing in the wheat field and couldn't wait to come back the next day. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved the color pink and always wore a pink dress. One day, Lily went to the store with her mommy to buy some toys. She had saved some money and wanted to spend it on a new doll. + +When they got to the store, Lily saw a big, beautiful doll that she really wanted. But it cost more than she had saved. She felt ashamed because she couldn't afford it. But her mommy told her not to worry and they found a smaller, less expensive doll that Lily could buy with her saved money. + +Lily was happy to have a new doll to play with and she learned that it's okay to spend money wisely and not be ashamed if you can't afford something. +Once upon a time, there was a little mole who lived in a hole. He was very weak because he didn't eat enough food. One day, he saw a big juicy worm and he wanted to eat it. But he was too weak to catch it. He regretted not eating enough food to make him strong. + +The mole decided to ask his friends for help. He asked the rabbit, the squirrel, and the bird. They all tried to catch the worm but they couldn't. The mole regretted bothering his friends because they couldn't help him. + +Just when the mole thought he would never get to eat the worm, a kind and strong ant came to help him. The ant lifted the worm and gave it to the mole. The mole was so happy and he thanked the ant. He regretted not asking the ant for help earlier. From that day on, the mole ate more food and became strong like the ant. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to wear his sunglasses all the time, even when it wasn't sunny outside. He felt proud when people looked at him and said, "Wow, Timmy, those are cool sunglasses!" + +One day, Timmy went to the park with his mom. He was playing on the swings when a big bully came over and took his sunglasses. Timmy was sad and didn't know what to do. He wanted his sunglasses back, but he was too scared to ask the bully. + +Then, Timmy's mom came over and saw what had happened. She lifted Timmy up and told the bully to give back the sunglasses. The bully was scared of Timmy's mom and gave back the sunglasses. Timmy felt happy and proud again, and he wore his sunglasses all the way home. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little birdie. The birdie had colorful feathers and loved to sing. One day, the birdie saw a big fire in the forest. It was scary and made the birdie sad. + +The birdie wanted to help, so it tried to whistle for help. But no one heard the birdie's whistle. The birdie felt alone and scared. + +Then, the birdie remembered something important. It remembered that when it sings, other birdies come to join in. So, the birdie started to sing a happy song. Soon, other birdies came to join in and they all sang together. + +Their singing was so loud that people came to see what was happening. They saw the fire and called for help. The firefighters came and put out the fire. The birdie and its friends felt happy that they helped save the forest. The moral of the story is that even if you are small, you can still make a big difference by using your voice. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a folder that he loved to carry around with him everywhere he went. The folder was red and had pictures of animals on it. Timmy thought it was the coolest folder ever! + +One day, Timmy and his friends went to the park to play. They played on the swings and the slide, but then Timmy had an idea. He wanted to lead his friends in a game of tag. Timmy was very good at tag and he knew his friends would have lots of fun. + +The game of tag was very lively and everyone was laughing and having a great time. Timmy's friends were so happy that he had led the game. After the game was over, Timmy put his folder back in his backpack and went home, feeling very proud of himself. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim loved to play with his toys, but his toy box was too full. He needed to quit playing with some of them. Tim opened his cabinet and looked at all his toys. He thought about which ones he could give away. It was a thoughtful decision. Tim decided to give some of his toys to his friends who didn't have as many toys. They were happy to receive them. Tim felt good about his decision and his cabinet was less full. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with her crystal toys. One day, she met a kind man who gave her a generous amount of candy. + +Lily said, "Thank you, Mister! You are so nice! How many candies do I have?" + +The man replied, "You have a big number of candies, my dear." + +Lily was so happy and ran home to show her mom. However, when she got home, she accidentally dropped all her candies and they broke into pieces. Lily was very sad and cried. Her mom hugged her and said, "Don't worry, Lily. We can always buy more candies." + +From that day on, Lily learned that even though she lost her candies, she still had her family who loved her. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He was an ordinary boy with brown hair and blue eyes. Timmy loved to whistle. He would whistle all day long, while he played with his toys or ate his snacks. One day, Timmy found a shiny steel whistle on the ground. He picked it up and blew into it. It made a loud noise that echoed through the park. Timmy was so happy to have a new whistle. He showed it to his friends and they all wanted to try it too. From that day on, Timmy's steel whistle became his favorite toy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to help her mommy bake cookies. One day, Lily's mommy asked her to take a step back so she wouldn't get too close to the hot oven. Lily watched as her mommy mixed the thick batter and put it in the oven to bake. + +As they waited for the cookies to bake, Lily and her mommy played a game of hide-and-seek. When the cookies were done, they took them out of the oven and let them cool down. The cookies were so yummy and thick, just the way Lily liked them. + +Lily was so happy to have helped her mommy bake the cookies. She couldn't wait to do it again! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she was playing in the park when she fell and hurt her knee. Her mommy came running to her and said, "Oh no, Lily! You have a boo-boo. Let's put a bandage on it to make it better." + +Lily nodded and her mommy put a warm bandage on her knee. Suddenly, Lily's favorite toy, a little bunny, disappeared! She looked around and asked her mommy, "Where did Bunny go?" + +Her mommy looked around too and said, "Hmm, I don't know. Let's look for Bunny together." They searched all around the park, but Bunny was nowhere to be found. Just when they were about to give up, Bunny appeared out of nowhere! Lily was so happy to see Bunny again and gave him a big hug. From that day on, Lily always made sure to keep a close eye on Bunny so he wouldn't disappear again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy was very eager to try the cookies his mom was baking. He could smell them from his room and it made his tummy rumble. + +Finally, his mom called him to the kitchen and Timmy eagerly ran to see the cookies. They looked so yummy and he couldn't wait to taste them. But his mom warned him to wait until they cooled down. + +Timmy waited patiently and when the cookies were ready, he took a bite. They were so delicious! He succeeded in waiting and was rewarded with a tasty treat. From that day on, Timmy always waited for his cookies to cool down before taking a bite. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play outside. She liked to pick flowers and watch the birds fly in the sky. One day, she found a small plant that was struggling to grow. She decided to take care of it and give it water every day. + +One morning, Lily went to check on her plant and saw that it had grown into a powerful tree! She was so happy and proud of herself. Suddenly, she heard her friend Timmy scream from across the street. She ran over to see what was wrong. + +Timmy was scared because he saw a big bug. Lily comforted him and said, "Don't worry, bugs are not scary. They are just little creatures like our plant." Timmy smiled and said, "Thanks, Lily. You are the best friend ever!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved taking photos of everything she saw. One day, she went on a walk with her mommy and took a photo of a pretty flower. + +Later that day, Lily's mommy asked her to pour some juice into her cup. But Lily accidentally knocked over the juice and it spilled all over the table. She felt helpless and sad. + +The next day, Lily's mommy surprised her with a new photo album. Lily was so happy and excited to fill it with all her photos. As she was flipping through the pages, she saw the photo of the pretty flower she took the day before. She remembered how she accidentally spilled the juice and felt helpless, but now she was happy again because she had a new photo album to fill with memories. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat candy and cake, but her mommy always told her to eat broccoli because it was good for her. Lily didn't like broccoli, she thought it was disgusting. + +One day, Lily's mommy made her a big plate of broccoli for dinner. Lily didn't want to eat it, but her mommy said she had to. Lily didn't believe that broccoli was good for her, so she didn't want to eat it. + +After dinner, Lily went to bed feeling fine. But in the middle of the night, she woke up feeling very sick. Her tummy hurt so much and she felt like she was going to throw up. Lily's mommy took her to the hospital, but it was too late. Lily had eaten too much candy and cake and not enough broccoli. + +From that day on, Lily's mommy always made sure she ate her broccoli. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her little girl again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy liked to play with his hammer and build things. One day, Timmy's friend Billy came over to play. They started to build a fort, but then they started to quarrel about how to build it. Timmy wanted to build it one way and Billy wanted to build it another way. They were both confused about what to do. + +Suddenly, Timmy's mom came outside and saw that they were quarreling. She told them that they needed to work together and share their ideas. Timmy and Billy stopped quarreling and started to work together. They used the hammer to build the fort and it turned out great! They were both happy and proud of what they built. From that day on, they always worked together and never quarreled again. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy liked to eat spicy food. One day, Timmy's mom made him some spicy soup. Timmy's friend Billy came over and saw the soup. + +Billy said, "Wow, that soup looks spicy! Can I have some?" + +Timmy said, "Sure, I can offer you some." + +Billy took a big spoonful of the soup and started to eat it. But the soup was too spicy for him! Billy's mouth was on fire and he started to cry. Timmy's mom felt bad and gave Billy some milk to help with the spiciness. + +But even with the milk, Billy's mouth still hurt. He had to go home early and couldn't play with Timmy anymore. Timmy felt sad that his friend got hurt because of his spicy soup. From then on, Timmy made sure to ask if someone liked spicy food before offering it to them. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a fancy dress that she loved to wear. One night, she was sleeping in her bed when her alarm clock started to ring loudly. Lily woke up and said, "Oh no, my alarm is too loud!" + +She got out of bed and went to turn it off, but she saw something strange. Her nightlight was glowing very brightly. She said, "Wow, my nightlight is so pretty!" But then she saw that her room was getting hotter and hotter. She said, "Oh no, my room is too hot!" + +Lily ran to her parents' room and said, "Mommy, Daddy, my room is too hot and my alarm is too loud!" Her parents got up and went to her room. They saw that the lightbulb in her nightlight had broken and was making the room hot. They turned off the nightlight and fixed the alarm clock. Lily went back to sleep, happy that her room was safe again. +Once upon a time, there was a funny monkey. He liked to tell jokes to all his animal friends in the jungle. One day, he told a joke to a big elephant. The elephant laughed so hard that he fell down on the ground. + +The monkey was very happy that his joke made the elephant laugh. He felt comfortable and proud. But then, a mean lion came along and asked the monkey if he had a license to tell jokes. The monkey didn't know what a license was, so he got scared and ran away. + +The monkey realized he had made a mistake by joking with the wrong animal. He learned that it's important to be careful and know what words mean before using them. From that day on, the monkey only told jokes to his closest friends and made sure he had a license to do so. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She wanted to visit her grandma who lived far away. So, she asked her mommy if they could go. + +Mommy said, "Yes, we can go visit grandma. But first, let's sit down and eat breakfast." + +Lily ate her cereal quickly and then they got in the car. They drove for a long time until they arrived at grandma's house. + +Grandma's house was very modern and had lots of cool things inside. Lily said, "Wow, grandma, your house is so pretty!" + +Grandma smiled and said, "Thank you, Lily. I'm so happy you came to visit me." They spent the whole day together and had lots of fun. When it was time to go home, Lily said, "I can't wait to come back and visit you again, grandma!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and teddy bears. One day, Lily fell down and hurt her knee. Her mommy took her to the nurse who put a band-aid on her boo-boo. The nurse was kind and made Lily feel better. + +Later that day, Lily and her friend Tommy were playing with some peanut butter. They decided to spread it on their bread for a snack. But Tommy was being silly and spread the peanut butter all over his face. Lily thought it was stupid, but she couldn't help but laugh. + +After they finished their snack, Lily's mommy came to pick her up. She saw Tommy's silly face and said, "That's not how you spread peanut butter!" Lily and Tommy giggled and ran off to play some more. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play with her toys. One day, she found a magical chamber in her backyard. It was a small room made of wood and had a door that was locked. Lily was curious and wanted to know what was inside. She asked her mom if she could open the door, but her mom told her that it was not safe and she should not go in there. + +Lily was sad and wanted to know what was inside the chamber. She asked her friend Timmy if he knew what was inside, but Timmy was not sure. He told her that she should ask her mom to tell her the truth. Lily went back to her mom and asked her if she was being honest about the chamber. Her mom told her that it was a secret room where they kept their old things. + +Lily was happy to know the truth and went back to play with her toys. She was glad that she asked her mom and her friend for help. From that day on, Lily knew that it was always better to tell the truth and ask for help when she needed it. +Once upon a time, there was a train that ran on a rail. The train was happy because it loved to go fast. One day, the train saw a big pile of leaves on the rail. It thought to itself, "I love to go fast, but I don't want to rot in those leaves." + +The train decided to slow down and go around the leaves. As it went around, it saw a little boy crying. The train asked, "Why are you crying?" The boy said, "I lost my toy train and I can't find it." + +The train felt selfish for only thinking about itself and not helping the boy. It went back to the pile of leaves and searched until it found the toy train. The boy was so happy and thanked the train. From that day on, the train learned that being kind to others is more important than going fast. +Once upon a time, there was a little frog named Freddy. Freddy loved to jump and play all day long. One day, Freddy saw a shiny cup on the ground. He hopped over to it and picked it up with his mouth. + +As he was carrying the cup back to his home, he tripped over a rock and fell down. The cup flew out of his mouth and landed on his head. Freddy felt embarrassed because he looked silly with the cup on his head. + +But then he remembered how much he loved to jump. So, he hopped and jumped all around with the cup on his head. His friends saw him and thought it was funny, but they also thought it was cool that Freddy wasn't embarrassed anymore. From that day on, Freddy always remembered to have fun and jump around, even if he looked a little silly sometimes. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside with her friends. One day, they decided to have a picnic. Lily's mommy gave her a big basket filled with yummy sandwiches, fruit, and cookies. + +Lily and her friends found a long, green grassy spot to sit and eat. They spread a blanket on the ground and put the basket in the middle. As they ate, they talked and laughed. + +After they finished eating, Lily's friend Tommy said, "I'm full. I want to take a nap." Lily said, "Let's settle down and rest for a bit." They all lay down on the blanket and closed their eyes. It was a nice, peaceful afternoon. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play at the beach. She loved to build sandcastles and make sand angels. She also loved to collect seashells and watch the waves. + +One day, Lily was playing with her bucket and shovel when she saw something strange in the sand. It was a piece of flexible rubber that looked like it had been washed up by the waves. Lily picked it up and wondered what could happen with it. + +Later that day, Lily and her family were having a picnic on the beach. They were having so much fun eating sandwiches and playing games. Suddenly, the wind started to blow really hard and the sand started to fly everywhere. But Lily remembered the piece of flexible rubber she found earlier and used it to cover her food. It kept everything safe and clean. Her family was so impressed and happy that Lily had found something so useful. And that's how Lily's discovery helped them have a great day at the beach! +Once upon a time, there was a mommy who had a little baby. The baby was very small and new, so we call it an infant. The mommy loved her baby very much and took care of it every day. One day, the mommy had to go to the store to get some food. She asked her friend to come and watch the baby while she was gone. The friend was eager to help and said yes. + +When the mommy came back from the store, she thanked her friend for watching the baby. She said, "Thank you for helping me. I request your help again next time." The friend smiled and said, "Of course, I love babies!" The mommy was happy to have a friend who was willing to help her take care of her little infant. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to sit on her big, comfy chair and listen to her mommy read her a story. One day, her mommy told her a fancy story about a princess who lived in a big castle. The princess wore a beautiful dress and had a shiny crown on her head. + +Lily loved the story so much that she asked her mommy to read it again and again. She even pretended to be the princess and wore a fancy dress and a sparkly tiara. She sat on her chair like a queen and listened to her mommy's voice as she read the story. + +From that day on, Lily would ask her mommy to read her fancy stories every night before she went to bed. She loved to sit on her chair and imagine herself as the princess in the story. And even though she knew the story by heart, she never got tired of hearing it. +Once upon a time, there was a polite octopus who lived in the sea. He loved to play with all his friends, but sometimes he would get tired and need to rest. + +One day, the octopus saw his friend the crab carrying a big shell all by himself. The polite octopus offered to help him carry it. The crab was happy and thanked him. + +As they walked, the octopus realized that helping others made him feel good inside. He decided to help his friends more often and make sure to rest when he needed it. The moral of the story is that being polite and helpful to others can make you happy and strong. +Once upon a time, there was a kind lady who loved to garden. She had a big tree in her yard that grew lots of yummy prunes. One day, she picked some prunes and put them in a basket. + +As she was walking back to her house, her phone started to ring. She was patient and waited until she got inside to answer it. It was her friend who wanted to come over and play. + +The kind lady was happy to have her friend over, and she shared her prunes with her. They had a fun time playing and eating prunes together. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy wanted a present for his birthday. He asked his mom for a toy car, but she said no. Timmy was sad. + +The next day, Timmy's dad came home with a big present. Timmy was so happy! He opened the present and saw the toy car he wanted. It was red and shiny. + +Timmy played with the toy car every day. But one day, the toy car broke. Timmy was sad again. He went to his dad and said, "Dad, my toy car is broken. Can you fix it?" + +His dad said, "I'm sorry, Timmy. The toy car is not dependable. I will buy you a new one." Timmy was happy again. From then on, he knew that he could always depend on his dad to make things right. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a teddy bear named Teddy. One day, Lily and Teddy went to the park to play. They went on the swings, slide and even played hide and seek. + +While playing, Lily saw a boy who looked sad. She asked him what was wrong. The boy said he lost his toy car and he couldn't find it. Lily felt worried for the boy and asked Teddy if they could help. Teddy nodded and they began to look for the toy car. + +They searched high and low, under the slide and even in the bushes. Finally, they found the toy car in two parts. The boy was happy to see his toy car again, even if it was in two parts. Lily felt happy too because she helped the boy and his toy car was safe again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside, even when it was cold. One day, Timmy's mom told him to put on a coat because it was very cold outside. But Timmy didn't listen and went outside without a coat. + +As Timmy played, he started to feel very cold. His teeth were chattering and his fingers were numb. He realized that his mom was right and he should have listened to her. Timmy felt sad and wished he had listened. + +But then, Timmy had an idea. He could make himself warm by running around and doing exercises. So, he started to run and jump and do all sorts of clever exercises. And soon, he wasn't cold anymore! + +Timmy learned that it's important to listen to his mom and to make smart choices. He realized that being clever isn't just about being smart, but also about making good decisions. From then on, Timmy always listened to his mom and made sure to put on a coat when it was cold outside. The end. +Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went for a walk in the forest. She saw a tree with cherries on it. She wanted to eat one, but the cherries were too high up. She started to struggle and jump to reach them. + +Suddenly, a mighty wind blew and a big branch fell on her. She cried out for help. A kind man heard her and came to her rescue. He asked her what happened, and she told him about the cherries. He picked some for her and gave them to her. + +Lily thanked the man and went home happy. But when she got home, she started feeling sick. Her mom took her to the hospital, but it was too late. Lily had eaten a bad cherry and it made her very sick. She struggled to breathe, and sadly, she passed away. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his drum. He would bang on it all day long and make lots of noise. One day, Timmy's big brother came into his room and started to tease him. He took Timmy's drum away and started to play with it himself. Timmy didn't like this and started to cry. + +Timmy's brother saw that he was upset and decided to give the drum back. But when he did, he played it really rough and broke it. Timmy was so sad that he didn't want to play anymore. His brother felt bad, but it was too late. Timmy's favorite toy was ruined and he didn't know what to do. + +From then on, Timmy didn't play with his drum anymore. He didn't want to risk it getting broken again. He found other toys to play with, but he always missed his drum. His brother learned that teasing and being rough isn't always fun and that it can hurt others. +Once upon a time, there was a big and tall giraffe named Jerry. Jerry loved to walk around the jungle and show off his height. One day, he saw a little monkey named Timmy wearing a new pair of shoes. Jerry wanted to try on the shoes to see if they were comfortable, but Timmy was afraid Jerry would ruin them. + +Jerry kept asking Timmy to let him test the shoes, but Timmy kept saying no. Jerry got upset and started to stomp his big feet, causing the ground to shake. Timmy got scared and ran away, leaving his shoes behind. + +Jerry felt bad and realized he shouldn't have been so pushy. He picked up the shoes and ran after Timmy to give them back. When he caught up to Timmy, he apologized and gave the shoes back. Timmy forgave Jerry and even let him test the shoes. Jerry was happy and learned that it's important to be patient and kind to others. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she was playing with her favorite object, a shiny red ball. Suddenly, the ball bounced away and got stuck on a tall tree branch. Lily tried to reach it, but she couldn't. She felt sad and scared because she thought she would never see her beloved ball again. + +But then, a kind man came by and saw Lily crying. He asked what was wrong, and she told him about her ball. The man climbed up the tree and got the ball for her. Lily was so glad and hugged the man tightly. The conflict had ended, and Lily was happy again. From that day on, she made sure to be careful with her ball so it wouldn't get stuck again. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his hammer. His hammer was big and powerful. He could hit things really hard with it. + +One day, Timmy's friend Billy came to play with him. Billy wanted to play with the hammer too. But Timmy said no. He didn't want to share his powerful hammer. + +Billy got really sad and started to cry. Timmy didn't like it when Billy cried. He wanted to make him feel better. So he said, "Let's pray together and ask for forgiveness." + +They held hands and prayed. But when they finished, they heard a loud noise. Timmy's little sister had accidentally knocked over a shelf. The shelf fell on Timmy and Billy, and they got hurt really bad. + +Now Timmy realized that sharing is important. He wished he had shared his powerful hammer with Billy. But it was too late. They both learned a lesson that day. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and explore the world around her. One day, she was walking in the park when she saw a boy playing with his toy car. + +"Hi, what's your name?" Lily asked the boy. + +"My name is Timmy," the boy replied. + +"Can I play with your car?" Lily asked. + +"Sure, but be careful, it's filthy," Timmy warned. + +Lily didn't listen and started playing with the car. Suddenly, she accidentally dropped it and it broke into pieces. + +"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break it," Lily said. + +"It's okay, accidents happen," Timmy said kindly. + +Lily felt bad and wanted to make it up to Timmy, so she wrote him a note saying sorry and passed it to him. But when Timmy read the note, he got angry and ran away. + +Lily didn't understand why Timmy was mad and felt sad. She learned that sometimes words can hurt and it's important to be careful with them. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a pet rabbit named Fluffy. Lily loved Fluffy very much and took good care of him. One day, Lily's friend Timmy came to visit. He asked Lily, "Can I hold Fluffy?" Lily thought for a moment and asked Timmy, "Do you know how to hold him gently?" Timmy nodded and said, "Yes, I will be very careful and won't harm him." Lily trusted Timmy and let him hold Fluffy. Timmy was very happy and asked Lily a question, "Can I keep Fluffy with me?" Lily replied, "No, Fluffy is my pet and I love him. But you can come and visit him anytime you want!" Timmy smiled and said, "Okay, I understand. Fluffy is a harmless rabbit and I promise to take good care of him when I visit." Lily was happy to hear that and said, "Thank you, Timmy. Fluffy is very special to me and I want him to be safe and happy." +Once upon a time, there was a cute musician named Kitty. She played the guitar and sang songs about animals. One day, a little girl named Lily went to see her concert. Lily loved the music and wanted to hear more. She demanded Kitty to play her favorite song. Kitty smiled and played the song just for her. Lily was so happy and danced along to the music. From that day on, Lily would always demand to hear Kitty's music whenever she saw her. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim loved to play with his toys every day, but he also loved to go to church on Wednesday with his mom. + +One day, Tim's mom told him that they couldn't go to church because it was raining too much outside. Tim was sad because he loved going to church on Wednesday. + +Tim's mom told him that they could still pray at home together. Tim didn't know what that meant, so his mom explained that praying is when you talk to God and tell him how you feel. + +Tim and his mom prayed together and Tim felt better. He realized that praying was a regular thing they could do every day, even if they couldn't go to church on Wednesday. +Once upon a time, there was a big jungle. In the jungle, there was a tiger. The tiger was very dull because he did not like to play with other animals. One day, a little monkey came to the tiger and asked him to play. The tiger did not want to play and said no. + +The little monkey felt sad and went to his friends. His friends were a group of birds. They wanted to help the little monkey. They decided to polish the tiger's fur so he could look nice and feel happy. They went to the tiger and asked him if they could polish his fur. The tiger said yes. + +After the birds polished the tiger's fur, the tiger felt happy and looked very nice. He thanked the birds and played with the little monkey and other animals. From that day on, the tiger was not dull anymore and he had many friends to play with. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little puppy named Max. Max was very lonely because he didn't have any friends to play with. One day, Max saw a big chain blocking the entrance to the park. He thought to himself, "I wonder what's on the other side of the chain?" Max really wanted to enter the park and play with other puppies, but he didn't know how to get past the chain. + +Max decided to ask for help. He saw a friendly squirrel and asked, "Can you help me enter the park? I'm feeling very lonely." The squirrel said, "Sure, I can help you. Let's chew through the chain together!" Max and the squirrel chewed and chewed until the chain broke. Max was so happy to finally enter the park and make new friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going to her grandma's house to play with her crystal toys. One day, Lily accidentally broke one of the crystal toys. She felt sad and scared to tell her grandma. + +But when Lily told her grandma what happened, her grandma hugged her and said, "It's okay, Lily. Accidents happen. We can fix the toy together." They worked together to fix the toy and it looked good as new. + +Lily learned that it's important to be honest and tell the truth, even if it might be scary. And she also learned that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as we try to fix them and make things right. Lily left her grandma's house feeling happy and relieved that she told the truth and fixed the toy. +Once upon a time, there was a little birdie named Tweetie. Tweetie lived in a tree with his family. One day, he saw a big jet flying in the sky. He was so excited and wanted to see it up close. So, he peeked out of his nest to get a better look. + +But, when he looked down, he saw his friends playing with their new toys. Tweetie felt envious and wanted a new toy too. So, he flew down to his friends and asked to play with their toys. + +His friends shared their toys with him, but Tweetie felt bad for being envious. He realized that he had a loving family and a cozy nest to live in, while his friends' toys were just temporary. From that day on, Tweetie learned to be content with what he had and not to be envious of others. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and make new things out of clay. One day, she made a model of a house using her clay. She was very careful while making it, so it looked very pretty. + +But as she was playing with it, she accidentally dropped it on the floor. Lily was very sad because her model broke into many pieces. Suddenly, she had an idea. She picked up the pieces and put them in the oven. As the oven heated up, the pieces began to shrink and stick together. When she took it out, her model looked as good as new! Lily was very happy and proud of herself. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and chase butterflies. One day, she saw a beautiful butterfly with big wings. She tried to catch it, but it flew away. + +Lily wanted to catch the butterfly again, but it started to rain. She went inside her house and waited for the rain to stop. The rain caused a delay in her plans to catch the butterfly. + +After the rain stopped, Lily went back outside and saw the butterfly again. She tried to catch it, but it flew away again. She felt sad, but then she saw her dependable dog, Max. Max always made her happy. She played with him and forgot about the butterfly. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she was playing with her doll when she heard the phone ring. She ran to answer it and said, "Hello?" + +"Hi, Lily. It's your grandma," said the voice on the other end. + +"Hi, grandma! What's up?" asked Lily. + +"I need your help. Can you bring me some thread? I want to sew a button on my shirt," said grandma. + +"Sure, grandma. I'll be right over!" said Lily. + +Lily went to her room and found some thread. As she was walking to her grandma's house, she tripped and fell. "Ouch! That hurt!" she cried. But she got up and continued on her way. When she arrived, she gave her grandma the thread and they had a nice chat. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to build things with his blocks. One day, Timmy's friend Sarah came over to play. Sarah was wearing a big, red glove on her hand. + +"Hi, Timmy!" said Sarah. "What are you building?" + +"I'm building a tall tower!" said Timmy. + +"That sounds fun," said Sarah. "Can I help?" + +"Sure!" said Timmy. "But be careful not to knock it down." + +Sarah started to help Timmy build the tower. Suddenly, she sneezed. "Achoo!" + +"Wow, Sarah," said Timmy. "Your sneeze is spicy!" + +Sarah laughed. "That's silly, Timmy. Sneezes can't be spicy!" + +Timmy and Sarah continued to build the tower together, and they had lots of fun. When they were finished, they sat down and ate some snacks. Timmy offered Sarah some chips that were a little bit spicy, but she still enjoyed them. They both agreed that building towers was the best thing to do on a playdate. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to sing and dance all day long. One day, her mom gave her a toy microphone to sing into. Lily was so happy! She started to sing her favorite song and her mom recorded her on her phone. + +But then, Lily fell down and hurt her knee. She cried because it caused her a lot of pain. Her mom hugged her and said that she would make it better. She recorded Lily's singing and played it back to her. Lily was so happy to hear her own voice! + +Later, Lily's dad came home and saw her crying. He asked what was wrong and Lily's mom told him about her fall. Her dad said that there was some medicine available to help her pain go away. Lily took the medicine and soon she was feeling much better. She sang and danced again, and her mom recorded her once more. It was a happy day for Lily! +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Amy. Amy loved to dance. She would dance in the sun, in the rain, and under the clear sky at night. Amy danced all the time. + +One day, Amy met a boy named Ben. Ben did not like to dance. He would watch Amy dance, but he never joined her. Amy wanted Ben to dance with her, but Ben was too shy. This made Amy sad. + +Amy had an idea. She asked her friends to help her teach Ben how to dance. They all danced together, and slowly, Ben started to dance too. Ben and Amy danced under the clear sky, and they were both very happy. +One day, Tim and his dog, Spot, went to the park. They saw a soft ball on the ground. Tim said, "Spot, let's play with the ball!" Spot wagged his tail and barked. + +Tim kicked the ball, and Spot ran to catch it. But the ball went too far and hit a rod. The rod fell down, and a big bird flew away. Spot barked at the bird, and Tim laughed. + +They played until the sun went down. Tim said, "Spot, it's time to go home." Spot barked and they walked home together. They had a fun day at the park with the soft ball and the rod. +One day, Tim went to the park with his mom. They sat on a comfortable bench. Tim saw a magazine on the bench. It had a picture of a big red ball on the cover. Tim wanted to read the magazine, but he couldn't read yet. + +Tim's mom saw him looking at the magazine. She said, "Do you want me to read it to you?" Tim nodded and smiled. But just as his mom started to read, it began to rain. The rain made the magazine wet. + +Tim was sad because the magazine was wet. His mom said, "Don't worry, we can dry it." They went under a big tree to stay dry. Tim's mom held the magazine in the air and waved it back and forth. Soon, the magazine was dry. + +Tim's mom read the magazine to him. They laughed and had a great time. When they were done, the rain stopped. Tim and his mom played in the park until it was time to go home. +One day, a little girl named Lucy went for a walk. She saw an enormous sunflower in a garden. Lucy loved sunflowers, so she went to the house to ask if she could have it. She knocked on the door, and a kind old lady opened it. + +"Hello, can I receive that big sunflower, please?" Lucy asked. The old lady smiled and said, "Of course, dear! But you must promise to take good care of it." + +Lucy was so happy and took the sunflower home. She put it in her room and looked at it every day. But she forgot to give it water and sunlight. The sunflower started to look sad and sick. + +One day, the sunflower died. Lucy was very sad and cried. She remembered the old lady's words and knew she did not take good care of the sunflower. + +The moral of the story is to always take care of the things you love and to keep your promises. +Once upon a time, there was a small boy named Tim. Tim liked to play with his toy car and his toy dog. One day, Tim saw a mailbox near his house. He had never seen it before. He wanted to know what was inside the mailbox. + +Tim asked his mom, "Mom, what is inside the mailbox?" His mom said, "Tim, the mailbox is for letters. People put letters in the mailbox, and then the mailman takes them away." + +Tim realized that he could send a letter too. He found some paper and a crayon. He drew a picture of his toy car and his toy dog. Tim showed the picture to his mom. His mom smiled and said, "That's a very nice picture, Tim. Let's put it in an envelope and send it to your grandma." + +They put the picture in an envelope and walked to the mailbox. Tim put the envelope in the mailbox. He was very happy. He knew that his grandma would be happy too when she saw his picture. + +From that day on, Tim loved to send letters to his friends and family. He would draw pictures and write small words. Tim and his mom would always walk to the mailbox together, and Tim would put the letters inside. +One day, a little girl named Sally and her friend, a small bird named Tim, were playing in the park. They felt hungry, so they decided to have a snack. Sally had some toast in her bag. + +Sally said, "Tim, let's discuss what we should put on the toast." Tim thought for a moment and then said, "I like jam on my toast." + +Sally felt helpless because she did not have any jam. But she did have some butter. So, she asked Tim, "What about butter on the toast?" Tim agreed, and they both enjoyed their toast with butter. + +As they ate, Sally and Tim talked about their day in the park. They were happy to share their snack and discuss their fun day. And when they finished eating, they continued to play in the park until it was time to go home. +One sunny day, Tom and his mom went for a walk. They saw a big billboard with a bright picture on it. The picture had a sun, a tree, and a happy dog. Tom pointed at the billboard and said, "Look, mom! Bright sun!" + +His mom smiled and said, "Yes, Tom! The sun is very bright today. It helps to dry everything after the rain." + +They kept walking and saw a little dog. The dog was wet from playing in a puddle. Tom wanted to help the dog, so he asked his mom, "Can we dry the dog like the sun?" + +His mom laughed and said, "Sure, Tom! Let's use a towel to dry the dog." + +Tom and his mom dried the dog with a towel. The dog wagged its tail and barked happily. They all enjoyed the bright sun and the big billboard on their walk. +Once upon a time, there was a little train. The train was very compassionate. It always helped others and was nice to everyone. One day, the train saw a group of animals who were lost. The train wanted to help them. + +The train said, "Welcome, animals! I will take you home!" The animals were happy and climbed onto the train. The train started to move and took the animals on a fun ride. They laughed and played together. The train was happy to help the animals. + +But then, the train went too fast. The train could not stop! The animals were scared. The train tried to stop, but it could not. The train went off the tracks and crashed. The animals and the train were hurt. The train was sad because it could not help the animals. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a red dog named Jazz. Jazz loved to play and have fun. One day, Jazz went to the park with his friend, a little girl named Mia. + +At the park, they saw a big slide. Jazz barked happily and said, "Mia, let's slide!" Mia smiled and said, "Yes, let's go!" They both ran to the slide and took turns sliding down. Jazz slid fast and Mia laughed. + +As they played, a boy named Tim came to the park too. He saw Jazz and Mia having fun on the slide. Tim asked, "Can I play too?" Mia and Jazz smiled and said, "Yes, come play with us!" So Tim, Mia, and Jazz all played on the slide together, and they had a great day at the park. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Amy. She liked to play with her toys and pretend she was a chef. Her favorite thing to cook was pasta. She would pretend to make pasta for all her toy friends. + +One day, Amy found an ancient toy pot in her grandma's room. She thought it would be perfect for her pretend pasta. So, she took the pot to her room and started cooking. She put toy pasta in the pot, and stirred it with a toy spoon. + +Amy's toy friends came to eat the pretend pasta from the ancient pot. They all had a great time at the pasta party. The toy friends loved the pasta so much, they asked Amy to cook for them every day. And so, Amy and her toy friends had many more fun pasta parties together. +Once upon a time, there was a famous dog named Spot. Spot loved to spend time with his best friend, a little boy named Tim. They played together every day and had lots of fun. + +One day, Tim got sick. He had to take a pill to feel better. Spot didn't like seeing his friend sick. He wanted to help Tim feel better too. So, Spot went to Tim's room and said, "Don't worry, Tim. I will stay with you until you feel better." + +Tim smiled and said, "Thank you, Spot. You are a good friend." They spent the day together, talking and laughing. Soon, Tim felt better because of the pill and his best friend, Spot. They went outside to play, and everyone knew they were the best of friends. +One day, a boy named Tim went to the park to play. He saw his friend, Sue, who was playing with a big, mild ball. Tim wanted to play, too. Sue said, "Let's play a game. If you win, you get my bag of toys." + +Tim and Sue played the game. They ran and laughed. Tim tried very hard to win. Sue was fast, but Tim was faster. In the end, Tim won the game. He was very happy. + +Sue gave Tim the bag of toys. But when Tim opened the bag, there were no toys inside. Instead, there was a big mess. Tim was sad and Sue laughed. Tim learned that winning is not always good. +One day, a little dog named Max was walking down the road. He saw an old man with a cane. The old man looked nervous. Max wanted to help the old man, so he walked up to him. + +"Hi, I am Max," said the little dog. "Why are you nervous?" The old man looked at Max and said, "I need to pour water on my plants, but I can't carry the heavy bucket with my cane." + +Max had an idea. He told the old man, "I can help you pour water on your plants. You don't need to be nervous." The old man smiled and said, "Thank you, Max." + +Max helped the old man pour water on his plants. The old man was very happy. He thanked Max and gave him a big hug. Max felt good because he helped the old man, and they became good friends. +One day, a little boy named Tim went on a search for a surprise for his mom. He looked in the garden, under the bed, and even in the kitchen. Tim wanted to find something special to make his mom happy. + +In the garden, Tim met a poor, sad cat. The cat said, "Meow, I am hungry." Tim felt sad for the cat and decided to help. He went inside and got some food for the cat. The cat ate the food and felt better. The cat said, "Thank you, Tim. You are kind." + +Tim and the cat became good friends. They played together and had lots of fun. When Tim's mom came home, she saw the happy cat and her happy son. She said, "What a nice surprise! You found a new friend and helped the poor cat." + +The moral of the story is to always be kind and help others in need. When we help others, we can find happiness and make new friends. +One day, a thin dog named Max was walking in the park. He was very hungry and tired. Max saw a shelter and thought it would be a good place to rest. So, he moved towards the shelter. + +Inside the shelter, Max met a big cat named Tom. Tom was not very friendly. Max said, "Can I stay here and rest?" Tom looked at Max and said, "No, you cannot stay here. This is my shelter." + +Max was sad but he didn't want to fight with Tom. So, Max left the shelter and kept walking. He was still very hungry and tired. Max did not find a new place to rest and he did not find any food. The day ended and Max was still hungry and tired. +One day, a little boy named Tim found some wet dough. He thought it was fun to play with. He made a big ball with the dough and rolled it on the table. Tim's mom saw him and said, "Be careful, Tim. That dough can make a big mess." + +Tim did not listen to his mom. He kept playing with the wet dough. He made a long snake, a big pancake, and a funny face. Then, he heard a small voice say, "Hello!" Tim looked around and saw a tiny dough man. The dough man was made from the wet dough. + +"Hi!" said Tim to the dough man. "Want to play with me?" The dough man nodded and smiled. They played together all day, making more dough friends. But then, the dough man started to make a big mess, just like Tim's mom said. Tim knew he should have listened to his mom. + +In the end, Tim and the dough man cleaned up the mess. Tim's mom was happy, and Tim learned to listen to his mom. The dough man waved goodbye and went back into the wet dough. Tim knew he would always remember his fun day with the dough man. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He loved to build things with his toy blocks. One day, he wanted to build a big tower with his blocks, but he was worried. He thought it might fall down. + +Tim's friend, Sue, came over to play. She saw Tim looking worried and asked, "Why are you worried, Tim?" Tim said, "I want to build a big tower, but I think it will fall down." Sue smiled and said, "Let's build it together! We can make it strong." + +So, Tim and Sue started to build the tower. They made it bigger and bigger. When it was very tall, they decided to make it pretty too. They used paint to make it colorful. They painted it with red, blue, and yellow. + +Tim was not worried anymore. He was very happy with the tower he and Sue built. They played with the tower all day long. And, it never fell down. From that day on, Tim and Sue always built things together, and they were never worried again. +Once upon a time, there was a little gray bird. The bird lived in a high tree. The tree was in a big park. The bird had many friends in the park. + +One day, the little gray bird wanted to sing a new song. The bird tried to sing, but the song was not good. The bird felt embarrass. All the other birds laughed at the little gray bird. The little gray bird felt very sad. + +The next day, the little gray bird tried to sing the new song again. The song was still not good. The other birds laughed even more. The little gray bird felt so bad that it flew away from the high tree. The little gray bird never came back to the park again. The other birds felt sad, but it was too late. +One day, a little boy named Tim went to the library with his mom. The library was a big room with many books. Tim loved to read books and always felt welcome there. He saw a big book with colorful pictures and wanted to read it. + +Tim's mom said, "You can read the big book, but be careful not to spoil it." Tim was very happy and started to read the book. He looked at the pictures and read the words out loud. But then, Tim saw his friend, Sam, and wanted to play with him. + +Tim left the big book on a chair and ran to play with Sam. They played and laughed, forgetting about the book. When Tim came back to the chair, he saw that someone had spilled juice on the big book. The book was spoiled and the pages were wet. + +Tim felt sad and told his mom, "Mom, the big book is spoiled. I didn't listen to you, and now the book is wet." His mom was not happy and said, "Tim, you should have been careful. Now we have to tell the library lady and pay for the book." + +The library lady was not happy, and Tim and his mom had to pay for the spoiled book. Tim learned that he should always be careful with books and listen to his mom. The day ended badly for Tim, but he knew he would try to do better next time. +Once upon a time, there was a fat cat named Bob. Bob had a big body and loved to eat. He lived in a small house with a nice family. The family loved Bob very much and always gave him treats. + +One day, something funny happened. Bob saw a tiny mouse running in the house. He wanted to catch the mouse, but his big body made it hard for him to move fast. The mouse was too quick for Bob. + +Bob tried and tried to catch the mouse, but he just couldn't do it. He felt sad and sat down. Then, the family gave Bob a big hug and told him it was okay. They still loved him, even if he couldn't catch the mouse. And Bob felt better, knowing that he was loved no matter what. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emma. Emma had a favorite blouse that was pink with flowers. She wore her blouse every day. + +One day, Emma went to the park with her mom. While playing, Emma saw a little boy named Jack. Jack was riding his bike very fast. He was going speed! Emma wanted to ride her bike too, so she asked her mom, "Can I ride my bike, please?" + +Her mom said, "Yes, but be careful, Emma." Emma got on her bike and started to ride. She was having so much fun! But then, something terrible happened. Emma fell off her bike and got her favorite blouse dirty. + +Emma was sad and started to cry. Jack saw Emma and stopped riding his bike. He said, "Don't cry, Emma. We can clean your blouse." Emma's mom helped her clean her blouse, and it was as good as new. Emma and Jack became friends and played together every day. +One day, a lively cat named Tom went to the market. He saw a big store that had many things. In the store, there was a man who had a display. On the display, there were bottles of wine. The wine was in pretty colors like red, yellow, and purple. + +Tom looked at the wine and said, "Wow! What nice colors!" The man heard Tom and said, "Yes, they are very nice. Do you want to buy one?" + +Tom thought for a moment and said, "No, I am too little to drink wine. But I like the colors." The man smiled and said, "That's okay. You can come back when you are big." + +The lively cat left the store and went home. He told his mom about the pretty wine bottles. His mom said, "When you are big, you can try the wine. But for now, you can play with your toys." + +Tom was happy and played with his toys all day. He knew that one day he would be big and could try the wine from the store. +One sunny day, a happy girl named Lily went for a walk. She saw a big box with pastel colors on it. Lily really liked the pretty box. She wanted to show it to her friend, Tom. "I will lift the box and take it to him," she thought. + +Lily went to Tom's house with the big pastel box. "Look, Tom!" she said. "I found a pretty box. Let's open it!" Tom was very excited too. He had a feeling that there was something special inside the box. + +Together, they lifted the box and opened it. Inside, they found a big, pastel-colored balloon. They were so happy! They knew the pretty box had a surprise for them. Lily and Tom played with the balloon all day, and they had so much fun. +One day, a little girl named Lily went to the store with her mom. Lily saw some gum on a shelf. She really wanted the gum. So, she asked her mom, "Mom, can I have the gum, please?" + +Her mom said, "No, Lily. That gum is disgusting. It will make your teeth hurt." + +Lily was sad, but she knew her mom was right. She didn't want to have bad teeth. So, she put the gum back on the shelf. + +Later, Lily and her mom went to the park. They saw a boy eating the gum that Lily wanted. The boy said, "Yuck! This gum is disgusting!" Lily was happy that she didn't get the gum. + +From that day on, Lily knew that she didn't want disgusting things, even if they looked fun at first. She always listened to her mom and took care of her teeth. +One day, a big hippo named Harry lived in a pond. Harry was a very creative hippo. He loved to make things with his big mouth. He would push the mud and make shapes. His friends, the birds, would come and watch him. + +One day, a little bird named Betty came to visit Harry. She was hungry and asked Harry, "Can you help me find food?" Harry thought for a moment and then said, "Yes, I can help you!" + +Harry used his creative skills to make a big bowl out of mud. Then he went to the pond and used his big mouth to catch some fish. He put the fish in the mud bowl and said, "Here you go, Betty! I made a bowl for you to eat from." + +Betty was so happy and said, "Thank you, Harry! You are so kind and creative!" She ate the fish and was not hungry anymore. From that day on, Betty and Harry became best friends. They would play and have fun together, and sometimes, Harry would help feed Betty when she was hungry. +Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a healthy boy named Tim. Tim loved to play with his friends at the club. The club was a fun place where kids could play games, sing, and dance. + +One sunny day, Tim and his friends were playing a game called "Surrender". To play the game, one kid would try to catch the others. When caught, they would say "I surrender!" and join the catcher's team. Tim was very fast, so he was always the last one to be caught. + +As the game went on, Tim's friend, Lily, caught him. She said, "I got you, Tim! Now you have to surrender!" Tim laughed and said, "Okay, I surrender! Let's catch the others together!" They had a great time playing at the club and learned that it's fun to work together. +One day, a little boy named Tim went to school. He felt dizzy because he was so nervous. Today, his teacher would give him an exam. Tim did not like exams. They made him worry. + +In the classroom, Tim's friend, Jane, saw that he was not feeling good. She said, "Tim, why are you dizzy?" Tim told her about the exam. Jane said, "Don't worry, we can help each other study." + +Tim and Jane studied together. They practiced and learned. When the teacher gave the exam, Tim did not feel dizzy anymore. He was ready. After the exam, Tim and Jane were happy. They knew they did their best. +Once upon a time, a little boy named Tim wanted to travel to the park. He put on his favorite uniform, a red shirt and blue pants. He thought he looked perfect. Tim asked his mom, "Can we go to the park now?" + +His mom said, "Yes, let's go!" So they walked to the park together. Tim was very excited to play on the swings and slide. + +When they got to the park, Tim saw a little girl wearing a pretty dress. They became friends and played together all day. They had so much fun traveling around the park, trying out all the different things to do. At the end of the day, Tim and his new friend said goodbye and went home with their families. +One day, a little boy named Tim went to the park. He saw a big skeleton on the ground. The skeleton was not scary. It was a fun toy. Tim wanted to play with the skeleton. + +Tim tried to push the skeleton to make it fit in the sandbox. He pushed and pushed, but it was too big. Then, his friend Sally came to the park. She saw Tim and the skeleton. Sally said, "Hi Tim! Can I help you push the skeleton?" + +Tim said, "Yes, please!" So Tim and Sally pushed the skeleton together. They pushed and pushed, and the skeleton fit in the sandbox. They were so happy. They played with the skeleton all day long. They had lots of fun at the park. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim had a long piece of paper. He wanted to write something on it. He looked around for a pen. + +Tim saw his friend, Sam. Sam had a pen in his pocket. Tim asked, "Can I use your pen?" Sam said, "Yes, you can." So, Tim took the pen from Sam's pocket. + +Tim wrote a long story about a cat and a dog. They were best friends. The cat and dog played all day. Tim was happy with his story. He said, "Thank you, Sam." Sam smiled and said, "You're welcome, Tim." +One day, a little boy named Tim found a big, yellow onion in the kitchen. He wanted to test if it was good to eat. So, he took a small bite. "Yuck!" Tim said, "This onion is not good!" + +His sister, Sue, heard him and came into the kitchen. "Why did you eat the onion?" she asked. "I wanted to test if it was good," Tim said. Sue laughed and said, "Onions are not for eating like that!" + +Tim was sad that he could not eat the onion. He wanted to find something else to test. He saw a big, red apple on the table. "Can I test the apple?" he asked Sue. "Yes," she said, "Apples are good to eat!" + +Tim took a bite of the apple and smiled. "This is much better!" he said. Sue and Tim laughed and enjoyed their snack together. They were happy that they found something good to test and eat. +One day, a little girl named Mia found a screen. It was a very comfortable day, and the sun was shining. Mia saw the screen blink. She was very excited and ran to her mom. + +"Mom, look! I found a screen that can blink!" said Mia. Her mom looked at the screen and smiled. "That's a very special screen, Mia," her mom said. + +Mia and her mom sat down to watch the screen. They saw a funny cat and a happy dog playing together. The cat and dog were best friends. Mia and her mom laughed and had a great time. They felt very comfortable watching the screen together. +One day, a boy named Tim and a girl named Sue wanted to play on the porch. They were very competitive friends. They liked to see who could do things the best. They decided to play a game. + +The game was to see who could rise the highest by jumping. Tim jumped first. He jumped very high. Sue said, "Wow, that was a good jump!" Then, it was Sue's turn to jump. She tried very hard to jump higher than Tim. + +Sue jumped as high as she could, but she fell down on the porch. She got hurt and started to cry. Tim felt bad for Sue. He said, "I'm sorry, Sue. Maybe we shouldn't play competitive games anymore." Sue agreed, and they decided to play a different game next time. +One day, a little boy named Tim and his loyal dog, Spot, went to the store. The store was on the other side of the road. They wanted to buy a ball to play with. + +As they walked, Tim saw his friend, Lily. "Hi, Lily!" Tim said. "Do you want to come to the store with us?" Lily smiled and said, "Yes, I want to come too!" So, Tim, Lily, and Spot went to the store together. + +At the store, they found a big, red ball. They bought the ball and went to the park. Tim, Lily, and Spot played with the ball all day. They had so much fun and were very happy. +Once upon a time, there was a messy plane. It had paint all over it. The plane was sad because it wanted to be clean and pretty like the other planes. + +One day, a kind man saw the messy plane. He said, "Mind if I help you?" The plane was very happy and said, "Yes, please! I want to be clean like the other planes." + +The kind man took a big cloth and started to clean the plane. He wiped away all the paint and made the plane shiny and pretty. The plane was so happy and said, "Thank you, kind man!" + +Now, the plane could play with the other planes and not feel sad. The kind man waved goodbye and the plane flew high in the sky, feeling proud and happy. And they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim was a very curious boy. One day, he found an empty box in his room. He wondered what he could do with the box. + +Tim had an idea. He would measure the box to see how big it was. He asked his mom, "Mom, can you help me measure the box?" His mom smiled and said, "Of course! Let's see how big it is." + +Together, they measured the box. It was not too big and not too small. Tim was happy with the size. He decided to draw a symbol on the box. The symbol was a big, bright sun. It made the empty box look pretty and special. + +Tim showed the box to his friends. They all loved the sun symbol on the box. They decided to use the box to store their toys. The empty box was now full of fun toys and happy memories. + +And so, the empty box with the sun symbol became a special part of Tim's life. He learned that sometimes, even an empty box can bring joy and happiness when you use your imagination. +Once upon a time, there was a great big bird named Billy. Billy lived in a nest high up in the sky. One sunny day, Billy saw his friend, a little cat named Kitty, stuck in a tree. + +Billy flew down and said, "Kitty, are you okay?" Kitty looked up and said, "No, Billy, I am stuck. Can you help me?" Billy wanted to help his friend, so he thought of a way to rescue Kitty. + +Billy used his strong wings to fly up to Kitty. He said, "Hold on to me, Kitty." Kitty held on to Billy's feathers, and Billy flew her down to the ground. Kitty was so happy to be rescued! She said, "Thank you, Billy, you are a great friend!" And they played together all day long under the big blue sky. +One day, a little boy named Tim went for a walk in the woods. He saw many trees, but one tree was very special. It was a big pine tree. Tim liked how tall and organized the branches were on the pine tree. + +As Tim was looking at the tree, he met a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was very sad because he could not find his acorns. Tim wanted to help Sammy, so he thought of a good idea. "I recommend we look for your acorns together," said Tim. + +Tim and Sammy searched high and low for the acorns. They looked in the grass, under the leaves, and even in the organized branches of the pine tree. Finally, they found the acorns hidden in a hole near the tree. Sammy was so happy that he and Tim became best friends. The conflict was over, and they played together under the big pine tree every day. +Once upon a time, there was a cheap toy named Number. Number was very colorful like a rainbow. He lived in a small toy box with his friends. + +One day, it was raining outside. Number and his friends were sad because they could not play outside. So, they decided to make their own rainbow inside the toy box. + +They took turns making their own colors. Number was red, his friend Circle was blue, and Triangle was yellow. They put their colors together and made a beautiful rainbow. They were very happy and played all day long. +Once upon a time, there was a big cloud named Fluffy. Fluffy was envious of the other clouds because they could make lightning. Fluffy wanted to make lightning too, but he didn't know how. + +One day, Fluffy met a wise old cloud named Whispy. Whispy knew how to make lightning, so Fluffy asked, "Can you teach me how to make lightning?" Whispy smiled and said, "Of course! Just follow me and watch." + +Whispy showed Fluffy how to make lightning. Fluffy tried very hard, but he couldn't do it. Whispy said, "Don't worry, Fluffy. You just need to remain calm and try again." Fluffy took a deep breath and tried again. + +This time, Fluffy made a big, bright lightning bolt! Fluffy was so happy, and the other clouds cheered for him. From that day on, Fluffy was no longer envious of the other clouds because he could make lightning too. And they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a polite penguin named Pippin. Pippin lived in a cold land with lots of snow and ice. He had many friends, and they liked to play together. + +One day, Pippin and his friends saw a big fire. They had never seen fire before. Pippin said, "What is that? It looks so bright and warm." His friend said, "I don't know, but let's be careful. It might hurt us." + +Pippin and his friends went closer to the fire. They felt the heat, but they didn't know that fire could burn. Pippin's friend said, "I want to touch it!" But Pippin said, "No, we should ask for help first." + +They looked for help, but no one was around. Pippin's friend got too close to the fire and touched it. He cried, "Ouch! It burns!" Pippin tried to help his friend, but he also got burned. They both cried and wished they had never gone near the fire. +One day, a little boy named Tim went to the park with his mom. He brought a large snack with him to eat while he played. The snack was in a small box. He was very happy. + +While Tim was playing, a bird came and took his snack from the box. Tim saw the bird and said, "Oh no! My snack!" His mom heard him and came to see what happened. She said, "Don't worry, Tim. We can replace your snack." + +So, Tim and his mom went to the store to buy a new snack. Tim picked a big apple and his mom bought it for him. They went back to the park and Tim ate his new snack. He was happy again. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lucy. Lucy had a friend named Tom. They liked to play together. One day, Lucy and Tom found a magic toilet. It was a special toilet that could talk! + +The magic toilet said, "Hello, Lucy and Tom! I am a magic toilet, and I can make your wishes come true. Just tell me what you want, and I will help you." Lucy and Tom were very grateful to the magic toilet. + +Lucy said, "I want to marry Tom when we grow up." Tom said, "I want to marry Lucy too!" The magic toilet smiled and said, "I will make your wish come true. When you grow up, you will marry each other." + +Lucy and Tom were so happy. They played together every day, and they always remembered the magic toilet. When they grew up, they got married, just like the magic toilet said. They were grateful to the magic toilet for making their wish come true. + +And they lived happily ever after. +One day, a little girl named Amy went for a walk in the park. She saw a giant tree that seemed very weird. It had big leaves, and the bark looked like it had a face. Amy was scared but also curious. + +Amy heard a voice coming from the tree. "Hello, little girl," the tree said. "I am a talking tree, and I need your help." Amy was surprised, but she wanted to help. "What do you need?" she asked. The tree told her that it was sad because the other trees in the park didn't like it. They thought it was too weird. + +Amy decided to talk to the other trees. She told them that the giant tree was nice and just wanted to be friends. The other trees listened to Amy and decided to give the giant tree a chance. They all became friends, and the park was a happy place for all the trees. The giant tree thanked Amy for her help, and they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a man who had a big elephant. The man wanted to sell his elephant to someone who would take good care of it. He looked for a reliable friend who would buy the elephant. + +One day, the man met his friend Tom. He told Tom, "I want to sell my elephant. Do you want to buy it? It is big and strong." Tom thought about it and said, "Yes, I want to buy your elephant. I will take good care of it." + +So, the man sold his elephant to Tom. Tom and the elephant became very good friends. They played together and had a lot of fun. The elephant was happy with Tom, and Tom was happy to have a reliable friend like the elephant. And they lived happily ever after. +One day, a little boy named Tim went to a park with his mom. They had a fun time playing on the swings and slides. Tim saw a big tree with lots of pretty leaves. He wanted to climb it, but he was too small. His mom said, "When you get bigger, you can climb the tree." + +After playing, Tim was very thirsty. His mom took out a bottle of juice from her bag. Tim drank the juice and said, "This is incredible!" His mom smiled and said, "I'm happy you like the juice, Tim." + +Just then, a squirrel came down from the tree. The squirrel did a funny dance. Tim laughed and clapped his hands. He said, "I applaud you, squirrel!" The squirrel ran away, and Tim and his mom went home. They had a great day at the park. +Once upon a time, there was a loyal dog named Spot. Spot loved to play with his little girl, Lily. They would run and jump in the yard all day long. + +One day, Lily's mom told her it was time to give Spot a bath. Lily got the soap and water ready. Spot saw the soap and started to tremble. He did not like baths. + +Lily said, "Don't worry, Spot. The soap will make you clean and soft." Spot trusted Lily, so he let her give him a bath. They splashed and played in the water. + +After the bath, Spot was so clean and happy. He wagged his tail and thanked Lily. They both knew they would always be loyal friends. +One day, a boy named Tim found a kayak near the river. It was a very organized kayak, with a paddle and a seat. Tim was so happy to find it. He wanted to play with the kayak in the water. + +Tim put the kayak in the river and started to paddle. The sun was shining and the water was calm. But suddenly, the water began to rise! Tim got scared because he did not know how to paddle when the water was high. + +Tim called for help. His big sister, Jane, heard him and came running. She knew how to paddle in high water. Jane got into the kayak and helped Tim paddle back to the shore. They were safe and happy. Tim learned that it was important to ask for help when he needed it. +Once upon a time, there was a popular toy named Rollie. Rollie was a wallet that could roll. All the kids loved to play with Rollie. + +One sunny day, Rollie was rolling in the park. He met a little girl named Lucy. Lucy saw Rollie and said, "Wow! A rolling wallet! Can I play with you, Rollie?" + +Rollie was happy and said, "Yes, Lucy! Let's play together!" They played all day in the park, rolling and laughing. + +Soon, it was time for Lucy to go home. She said, "Rollie, I had so much fun today! Can we play again tomorrow?" Rollie smiled and said, "Of course, Lucy! I can't wait!" + +From that day on, Rollie and Lucy became best friends. They played together every day and had lots of fun. And Rollie stayed a popular and happy rolling wallet. +One day, a little boy named Tim found a broken toy car. He wanted to fix it. He asked his mom, "Mom, can I have some glue to fix my toy car?" + +His mom said, "Yes, Tim. But be careful with the glue. If you make a mess, I will have to punish you." + +Tim used the glue to fix his toy car. But he accidentally made a mess on the table. His mom saw the mess and said, "Tim, I told you to be careful. Now I have to punish you. No more playing with toys today." + +Tim felt sad. He knew he made a mistake. He said, "I'm sorry, Mom. I will be more careful next time." + +His mom saw that Tim was sorry. She said, "Okay, Tim. I forgive you. Just remember to be careful next time." Tim was happy that his mom forgave him, and he promised to be more careful with the glue. +Once upon a time, there was a large gray elephant named Elly. Elly lived in a big green forest with her best friend, a tiny gray mouse named Mimi. Elly and Mimi loved to play together, and they always supported each other. + +One sunny day, Elly and Mimi were playing near a big tree. Elly said, "Mimi, let's see who can climb the tree first!" Mimi was scared, but she wanted to try. Elly decided to support Mimi. "I will help you, Mimi. Don't be scared," Elly said kindly. + +Elly used her long nose to lift Mimi up to the tree. Mimi climbed the tree with Elly's help. When Mimi got to the top, she was very happy. "Thank you, Elly, for supporting me!" Mimi shouted down. Elly smiled and said, "You're welcome, Mimi! We always help each other!" And they continued to play and support each other, having lots of fun in the big green forest. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to step and jump in his big backyard. One day, he found a bottle on the ground. It was a pretty bottle, with many colors on it. + +Tim picked up the bottle and showed it to his mommy. "Look, Mommy! I found a bottle!" he said. Mommy smiled and said, "That's a nice bottle, Tim. But it doesn't belong to us. We should find who it belongs to." + +Tim and his mommy went to their neighbor's house. They knocked on the door and their neighbor, Mrs. Brown, opened it. "Hi, Mrs. Brown! Is this your bottle?" Tim asked. Mrs. Brown looked at the bottle and said, "Oh, yes! I was looking for it. Thank you, Tim!" + +Tim felt a little embarrassed because he wanted to keep the bottle. But he was happy that he helped Mrs. Brown. From that day on, Tim always tried to help others and be a good friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. Lucy loved to be independent. She liked to do things all by herself. One day, Lucy's family was going on a trip. They had lots of luggage to carry. + +Lucy wanted to help her family. She saw her mommy lean on a big bag. Lucy asked, "Mommy, can I help with the luggage?" Her mommy smiled and said, "Yes, Lucy, you can carry your little bag." + +Lucy felt happy and independent. She picked up her little bag and walked with her family. They all went on a fun trip together. And Lucy knew that she was a big girl now. +Once upon a time, there was a silly dog named Spot. Spot liked to play on the lawn all day. One day, Spot saw a little girl named Sue. Sue was trying to complete a puzzle. Spot wanted to help. + +Spot said, "Can I help you?" Sue laughed and said, "Yes, you silly dog! Let's complete the puzzle together." They worked together to find the right pieces. Spot used his nose to push the pieces into place. Sue clapped her hands when they found the right piece. + +In the end, they completed the puzzle. Sue and Spot were very happy. They played on the lawn together, laughing and having fun. They were the best of friends. And from that day on, Spot and Sue did everything together, always being a little bit silly. +One day, a little boy named Tim found a big button in his toy box. He did not know what the button did. Tim had an idea. He went to his friend, Sue, to ask for help. + +Sue looked at the button and said, "Let's suggest to Mom that we make yummy cookies with this button. We can use it to make a shape on the cookies." Tim liked the idea and they both went to the kitchen. + +Mom agreed and they made yummy cookies using the button. Tim and Sue had fun eating the cookies and playing with the button. They were happy they found a fun way to use the button. +Once upon a time, in a big forest, there was a little bird named Chirpy. Chirpy lived in a nest on a strong branch of a tall tree. Chirpy loved to fly fast and play with his friends. + +One sunny day, Chirpy was flying fast when he bumped into his friend, Squeaky the squirrel. Squeaky was holding a big nut, but when Chirpy bumped into him, the nut fell to the ground. + +"Oops! I'm sorry, Squeaky," Chirpy said. Squeaky looked sad, but he said, "It's okay, Chirpy. I forgive you." + +Chirpy and Squeaky looked for the nut together, and they found it near the tree. They were happy and played together for the rest of the day. From that day on, Chirpy always made sure to look where he was flying, and he and Squeaky stayed good friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to play outside in the dirt. One day, he went to his friend, Sarah, and said, "I want to own all the earth!" + +Sarah looked at Tim and said, "But Tim, the earth is so big and filthy! We can't own it all." + +Tim thought about it and said, "You're right, but we can own a small part. Let's make a garden!" + +So, Tim and Sarah started to dig and plant seeds. They loved to watch their garden grow. They were happy to own a small part of the earth, even if it was a little filthy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a small, shiny diamond that she loved very much. She kept it safe in a pretty box. + +One day, Lily lost her diamond. She looked everywhere for it, but she could not find it. She felt very sorry and sad. Then, she talked to her friend, Sam. + +"Sam, I lost my diamond. What should I do?" Lily asked. Sam thought for a moment and said, "Let's look for it together. Maybe it will remind you where you put it." + +They looked and looked, and finally, they found the diamond under Lily's bed. Lily was so happy and said, "Thank you, Sam, for reminding me to look there." + +From that day on, Lily always remembered to keep her diamond safe. And every time she saw it, she was reminded of her good friend Sam, who helped her when she was sorry and sad. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim liked to pick flowers for his mom. One day, he went to the park to pick some pretty flowers. He saw many colors like red, yellow, and blue. Tim was very happy. + +On the way home, Tim saw a big subway. The subway was very noisy and fast. It went "whoosh" as it went by. Tim thought the subway was very cool. He wanted to ride it one day. + +Tim walked home with his flowers. They were heavy, but he was strong. When he got home, he gave the flowers to his mom. She was so happy and gave him a big hug. Tim felt good because he made his mom smile. +Once upon a time, a little boy named Tim loved to play hockey. He had a big, open space near his house where he could play with his friends. They would run and laugh as they hit the puck with their hockey sticks. + +One day, a new girl named Sally arrived in the neighborhood. She saw Tim and his friends playing hockey in the open space. Sally was very excited and asked if she could play too. Tim and his friends were happy to have a new friend and said yes. + +Sally was very good at hockey. She could hit the puck very hard and fast. Tim and his friends were amazed by how well she played. They all had a great time playing hockey together in the open space. And from that day on, they were the best of friends. +Once upon a time, in a big forest, there was a tall tree. In the tree, there was a raven. The raven loved to fly and play with his friends, the squirrels and the birds. + +One day, the raven saw a big stick on the ground. He wanted to play with it. So, he called his friend, the squirrel. "Hey, squirrel! Let's play with this big stick," said the raven. The squirrel was happy and came to play. + +While they were playing, the stick broke into two pieces. The raven and the squirrel were sad. They did not know what to do. Then, a wise old owl came and said, "Don't be sad. You can still play with the two pieces of the stick." + +The raven and the squirrel were happy again. They played with the two pieces of the broken stick and had lots of fun. They learned that even when things break, they can still have fun and be happy. +Once upon a time, there was a tall farm. On this farm, there were many animals. There were cows, pigs, and chickens. They were all friends and liked to talk to each other. + +One day, a new animal came to the farm. It was a horse. The horse was very tall and had a long tail. The other animals wanted to talk to the horse and be friends. + +The cow, pig, and chicken went to the horse and said, "Hi, horse! We want to talk and be friends." The horse was very happy and said, "I want to talk and be friends, too!" So, they all talked and played together on the tall farm. They were very happy and became best friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Spot. Spot was very tired. He had been running and playing all day long. Spot liked to play with his best friend, a little girl named Lucy. They loved to play together in the big park near their home. + +One day, Lucy had an idea. She wanted to record a fun game they played. She called the game "operation." The game was easy. Lucy would pretend to be a doctor, and Spot would be the patient. They played the game by fixing Spot's toys when they were broken. + +"Spot, let's play operation!" said Lucy. Spot wagged his tail and barked, "Woof, woof!" They both got ready to play. Lucy took out her toy doctor tools and started to fix Spot's toys. They played for a long time, and Spot was very happy. + +After playing for a while, Spot became tired again. He lay down on the soft grass and closed his eyes. Lucy looked at him and said, "You did a great job today, Spot. I'm glad we recorded our game. Now, let's rest a bit." + +Spot and Lucy lay down in the warm sun. They were both very happy and tired. They knew they would play operation again soon. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim loved to play outside. One day, he saw a big log near his house. It was a mysterious log. Tim had never seen it before. He thought, "Maybe I should look behind the log. I might find something fun." + +The next day, Tim went to play with his friend Sue. He told Sue about the mysterious log. Sue said, "Let's go see it!" So they went to the log. They saw something shiny behind it. They were very excited. They knew they found something special. + +Tim and Sue decided to rush to the log. They wanted to see what the shiny thing was. When they got there, they found a big, pretty rock. It was the best rock they had ever seen. They knew the mysterious log was special. They took the rock home and played with it all day. And from that day on, they always had fun playing near the mysterious log. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim and his sister, Sue. They lived in an ordinary house with their mom and dad. Tim and Sue liked to play together in their big backyard. One sunny day, they decided to have a picnic under the big tree. + +Tim said, "Let's chew on some yummy apples!" Sue agreed and they both picked up an apple. They sat down on the soft grass and started to chew their apples. "Yum! These apples are so good!" said Sue with a big smile. + +As they were eating, a little squirrel came up to them. It looked hungry. Tim and Sue decided to share their apples with the squirrel. The squirrel was very happy and started to chew on the apple, too. They all laughed and enjoyed their picnic together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily had a big toy box that she loved to play with. One night, she wanted to play with her toys, but the toy box was locked. Lily felt sad because she could not find the key to open the lock. + +Lily asked her mom and dad to help her find the key. They looked all around the house, but the key was not there. Lily's mom and dad told her that they would find the key tomorrow. Lily was still sad because she wanted to play with her toys now. + +That night, Lily went to bed without playing with her toys. She felt very sad and could not sleep. The next day, Lily, her mom, and her dad still could not find the key. The toy box stayed locked, and Lily could not play with her toys anymore. +Once upon a time, in a normal little town, there was a boy named Tim. Tim loved to look at the moon every night before he went to bed. He thought the moon was big and pretty. + +One night, Tim was playing with his ball when it rolled away. He ran to get it and bumped into his friend, Sue. Sue fell down and started to cry. Tim felt bad and said, "I'm sorry, Sue. I didn't see you." + +Sue looked at Tim and said, "It's okay, Tim. I forgive you." They smiled at each other and went back to playing with the ball. + +As the night came, Tim and Sue sat down and looked at the moon together. They talked about how big and pretty it was. Then, they said good night and went to their homes to sleep. They were happy to be friends who could forgive each other. +One sunny day, a small frog named Tim went to play near the sand. Tim loved to hop on the sand. He felt calm when he hopped and played by the water. + +Tim saw a little fish in the water. The fish said, "Hi, I am Sam. Do you want to play with me?" Tim said, "Yes! Let's play together." So, Tim and Sam played near the sand and had lots of fun. + +As they played, Tim hopped and Sam swam in the water. The sun was warm, and the sand was soft. They played until the sky turned pink. Tim and Sam were happy and calm. They knew they would play together again soon. +Once upon a time, there was a nosy little girl named Lucy. She loved to dance and play all day. One day, Lucy was dancing in the kitchen when she saw a big freezer. She had never seen it before and wanted to know what was inside. + +Lucy opened the freezer and found many yummy treats. She saw ice cream, popsicles, and more. She took one popsicle and started to eat it. Her mom saw her and said, "Lucy, you should ask before taking things from the freezer." + +Lucy felt bad and said, "I'm sorry, Mom. I was just nosy and wanted to see what was inside." Her mom smiled and said, "It's okay, but remember to always ask before taking something." Lucy learned that it's important to ask for permission and not be too nosy. From that day on, she always asked her mom before taking anything from the freezer, and they enjoyed many yummy treats together while dancing in the kitchen. +Once upon a time, there was a shy dog named Max. Max loved to play with his friends, but he was too shy to shout and ask them to play with him. Max would watch his friends play from a distance and wish he could join them. + +One day, Max saw his friends playing a fun game. They were trying to see who could jump the highest. Max thought he could win, but he was too shy to ask if he could play too. As Max watched his friends, he felt sad. + +Then, Max decided to be brave. He took a deep breath and shouted, "Can I play too?" His friends smiled and said, "Of course, Max! We want you to play with us!" Max joined the game and jumped very high. He had so much fun, and he even won the game! Max was so happy he shouted with joy. From that day on, Max was never too shy to play with his friends again. +One day, a lazy cat named Tom saw a gift under a big tree. He was very happy and wanted to open it. But, he was too lazy to walk to the tree. So, he asked his friend, a dog named Max, to bring the gift to him. Max said, "No, you are lazy. You should go and get it yourself." + +Tom did not listen to Max. He shouted and shouted for someone to bring him the gift. A sly fox heard Tom's shouts and came to see what was happening. The fox saw the gift under the tree and thought it would be fun to take it. + +The lazy cat saw the fox take the gift and ran after him. But it was too late. The sly fox opened the gift and found a big, tasty cake inside. The fox ate the whole cake and laughed at the lazy cat. Tom was sad that he did not get the gift, and he learned that being lazy can have a bad ending. +Once upon a time, there was a funny clown named Bobo. Bobo had a big red nose and pretty, colorful clothes. He loved to make people laugh. Every day, he went to the park to play with the kids and teach them fun games. + +One sunny day, Bobo met a new friend named Lily. Lily was a very pretty girl with a big smile. She liked to laugh and play with her friends. When Bobo saw her, he said, "Hi, I'm Bobo! Do you want to play with me?" + +Lily said, "Yes! I love to laugh and have fun. Can you teach me a new game?" Bobo was happy and showed her how to play a silly game. They laughed and played together all day. The kids in the park loved Bobo and his new friend, Lily. They all had a great time, and Bobo was happy that he could make everyone laugh and learn. +Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a popular statue. Everyone loved the statue. It was big and pretty. The statue was of a kind lady with a big smile. + +One day, a little girl named Lucy went to see the statue. She looked at the statue and said, "Hello, pretty lady! I like your smile." To her surprise, the statue talked back! "Hello, Lucy! Thank you for your kind words," said the statue. + +Lucy and the statue became friends. They talked every day. People in the town were happy to see Lucy and the statue together. The surprise of the talking statue made everyone smile. And they all lived happily ever after. +Once, there was a flexible hippo named Hippy. Hippy lived near a big pond. One day, he saw a bird folding its wings. Hippy wanted to fold something too. He looked around and found a big leaf. + +Hippy said, "Hi, bird! I want to fold like you. Can you help me?" The bird flew down and said, "Sure, Hippy! Let's fold the big leaf together." + +Hippy and the bird folded the big leaf. They were happy to fold together. They played near the pond all day. And from that day, Hippy and the bird became good friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim had a big stomach. He felt ashamed of his stomach. He did not want to play with his friends because of it. + +One day, Tim met a wise old man. The old man said, "Why are you sad, Tim?" Tim said, "I am ashamed of my big stomach." The old man smiled and said, "Do not be ashamed. You should admire your stomach. It is a part of you." + +Tim thought about what the old man said. He decided to admire his stomach and not be ashamed. He played with his friends and had a lot of fun. Tim learned that it is important to love yourself and not be ashamed of who you are. +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful house. In the house, there was a bathroom. The bathroom had a big tub and a little sink. A little boy named Tim lived in the house. Tim liked to play in the bathroom. + +One day, Tim's mom told him it was time to yield. Tim did not want to yield, so he ran to the bathroom to hide. He closed the door and sat down. He wanted to play in the tub, but he knew he had to yield soon. + +Tim's mom knocked on the bathroom door. She said, "Tim, you need to yield now." Tim knew his mom was right. He opened the door and hugged his mom. They walked out of the beautiful bathroom together. Tim learned that sometimes it is good to yield. +One day, a little boy named Tim found a big stick. It looked like an arm. Tim was happy and played with the stick all day. He swung it in the air and pretended it was a sword. + +Tim showed the arm stick to his friend, Sam. Sam said, "That stick is old and rot. Be careful, or it will break." Tim didn't listen. He kept playing with the stick. + +Later, Tim saw a big dog. The dog barked very loud. Tim was frightened. He held the stick up to protect himself. The dog saw the stick and ran away. Tim was happy the stick helped him. He thanked Sam for the warning but knew that the old stick was still good to play with. +One day, a small cat with soft fur went for a walk. The cat saw a big tree and wanted to climb it. Up, up, up the cat went, until it was very high. The cat felt happy and proud. + +A little boy saw the cat in the tree. He said, "Wow, look at the cat in the tree!" The boy started to clap, clap, clap. The cat liked the sound and began to purr. + +But the cat was also a bit spoiled. It wanted more claps. The cat climbed higher and higher. The boy clapped louder and louder. Finally, the cat's mom came and said, "Come down, little cat. You don't need more claps. You are loved just as you are." The cat climbed down, and they all went home happy. +One day, a boy named Tim found a lock. He was very intelligent. He knew he could use the lock to keep his toy box safe. He put the lock on his toy box and went to play outside. + +While playing, Tim met a girl named Sue. Sue asked, "What's that on your waist?" Tim showed her the key to the lock. He said, "This is the key to my toy box. I locked it to keep it safe." + +Later, Tim and Sue went to Tim's house to play with his toys. But when they tried to open the toy box, the key was gone! They looked everywhere but could not find it. Tim was very sad because he could not play with his toys anymore. The lock that was supposed to keep his toys safe now kept him away from them, too. +One day, a boy named Tim went to the store with his mom. They wanted to buy some food to eat. Tim saw a green tree-like food called broccoli. He asked his mom, "Can we get broccoli, please?" His mom said, "Yes, we can try it for dinner." + +At home, Tim's mom had a difficult time unlocking the door because her hands were full. Tim helped his mom by holding the bags. When the door was open, they went inside and put the food away. + +At dinner time, Tim's mom cooked the broccoli. Tim tasted it and said, "Yummy! I like broccoli!" His mom smiled and said, "I'm glad you like it, Tim." From that day on, Tim and his mom always had broccoli for dinner. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was a daughter who loved to play outside. One day, Lily saw something disgusting on the ground. It was a big, slimy worm. She didn't like it at all. + +Lily ran to her mom and said, "Mom, I saw a disgusting worm outside!" Her mom smiled and said, "Don't worry, Lily. The worm is just doing its job to help the earth." + +Later, Lily was tired from playing. She went inside to rest. Her mom gave her a nice, warm hug. "It's okay to feel scared sometimes," her mom said. "But remember, even things that seem disgusting can be good." + +Lily learned that day that not everything that looks bad is really bad. She felt better after her rest and went back outside to play, not worrying about the disgusting worm anymore. +One day, a little boy named Tim wanted to go on a march. He put on his big boots and started to walk. Tim saw a cat and said, "Hi, cat! Do you want to march with me?" The cat looked at Tim and said, "Sure, I will march with you!" + +As they walked, they met a dog. The dog was ignorant and didn't know what a march was. Tim said, "Dog, do you want to march with us?" The dog barked and wagged his tail. So, Tim, the cat, and the dog marched together. + +They marched to a big tree. There, they saw a bird. The bird wanted to applaud for them. But the bird didn't know how to clap. Tim, the cat, and the dog tried to teach the bird, but the bird couldn't learn. They all got sad and went home. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim had a goal. He wanted to arrive at the park to play with his friends. But Tim was sometimes naughty. + +One sunny day, Tim was walking to the park. On the way, he saw a cat. He wanted to be naughty and scare the cat. So, Tim shouted, "Boo!" The cat got scared and ran away. + +When Tim arrived at the park, he saw his friend, Sue. Sue said, "Tim, you were naughty to the cat. You should be nice to animals." Tim felt bad and said, "You are right, Sue. I will be nice from now on." Tim and Sue played together and had lots of fun. +One day, a little girl named Sue went to the beach with her mom. They wanted to play in the sand and have fun. Sue loved the beach because she could build sand castles and splash in the water. + +While they were playing, Sue saw a little boy crying. She went up to him and asked, "Why are you crying? Is something terrible?" The little boy said, "I don't understand how to build a sand castle. I tried, but it keeps falling down." + +Sue smiled and said, "I can help you! Let's build one together." So, Sue and the little boy worked together to build a big sand castle. They were so happy and proud of their work. The little boy stopped crying, and they became good friends. From that day on, they always played together at the beach, building sand castles and having lots of fun. +Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a gloomy dish. The dish was sad because no one wanted to use it. It sat on the shelf all day and night, feeling lonely. + +One day, a girl named Lily came to the house. She saw the gloomy dish and said, "Why are you so sad, dish?" The dish replied, "No one wants to use me, and I feel lonely." Lily thought for a moment and said, "I have an idea! I will use you for my food, and we can be friends!" + +Lily used the dish every day for her meals, and they both became very happy. They would laugh together as Lily told the dish funny stories. The dish was not gloomy anymore, and they lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Max. Max loved his home because it was comfortable and warm. One day, Max went for a walk in the park with his friend, a little bird named Lily. + +As they walked, Lily saw a big, dark cloud in the sky. She said to Max, "Max, we should go home. I want to warn you that it will rain soon." Max looked up and saw the big, dark cloud too. He knew that Lily was right. + +They both ran back to Max's comfortable home just in time. The rain started to fall outside. Max and Lily were happy to be safe and warm inside. They played together all day until the rain stopped. And from that day on, Max always listened to Lily's warnings. +One day, a big bossy cat and a little baby dog were playing in the park. The cat liked to tell the dog what to do. The cat said, "Pass me the ball, dog." The dog did not like being bossed around, but he wanted to play. + +The baby dog had an idea. He saw a big tree with a hole in it. He thought, "I will pass the ball into the hole. Then the bossy cat will have to get it." So, the baby dog passed the ball into the hole. The cat looked at the hole and said, "Dog, get the ball." + +The baby dog said, "No, you get it, bossy cat." The cat did not like being called bossy. She tried to get the ball, but her paw was too big. The baby dog's paw was small. He got the ball and passed it to the cat. The cat said, "Thank you, dog." From that day on, the bossy cat was not so bossy, and they played together happily. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim liked to take a walk with his mom and dad every day. They would walk around their big park and see many fun things. Tim loved to look at the ducks in the pond and play with the other kids. + +One day, Tim and his mom and dad went for a walk. They heard a loud sound. Tim was scared, but his dad said, "Don't worry, it's just a big truck." The truck had many big boxes. A man came out of the truck and said, "I need help to move these boxes. Can you help me? I will pay you with ice cream." + +Tim, his mom, and his dad helped the man move the boxes. It was hard work, but they did it. The man was happy and said, "Thank you!" He gave Tim, his mom, and his dad ice cream as he promised. They all sat and ate their ice cream together. Tim was not scared of the loud truck anymore, and he was happy he could help the man. +Once upon a time, there was a small church in the middle of the town. It was a happy place where people went to sing and play. One day, a little girl named Lucy walked by the church. She saw a rough stone on the ground and picked it up. + +"Ouch!" said Lucy, "This stone is very rough!" She felt sad because the stone hurt her hand. Just then, a kind old lady walked out of the church. She saw Lucy and asked, "What's wrong, dear?" + +Lucy showed the old lady the rough stone and said, "This stone is rough and it hurt my hand." The old lady took Lucy's hand and comforted her. She said, "Don't worry, I will make it better." She took a soft cloth and gently wrapped it around Lucy's hand. + +Soon, Lucy's hand felt much better. She smiled and thanked the old lady. "You're welcome," said the old lady. "Now, let's go inside the church and have some fun!" They went inside the church and sang songs together. From that day on, Lucy and the old lady became good friends, and they always looked out for each other. +Once upon a time, there was a compassionate girl named Sue. Sue loved to pick flowers from the garden. She liked to give the flowers to her friends to make them happy. + +One day, Sue found a special book. The book had a poem inside. Sue read the poem out loud. The poem was about a kind girl who picked flowers for her friends. Sue thought the poem was about her. + +Sue shared the poem with her friends. They all smiled and felt happy. They liked the poem about the kind girl who picked flowers. Sue and her friends picked more flowers together. They gave the flowers to others and spread happiness to everyone. +One day, a little bird with a poor, hurt wing was sitting on a tree branch. It saw a big, strong man walking below. The bird wanted to go to the other side of the forest, but it could not fly. + +The man saw the bird and knew it needed help. He let the bird sit on his shoulder. Together, they started to go on a walk through the forest. The bird was happy and sang a pretty song for the man. + +They walked and walked until they reached the other side of the forest. The bird found its family and thanked the man. The man was happy to help the poor bird. They said goodbye, and the bird promised to visit the man when its wing was all better. +One day, a cat and a dog went to play in the dark park. The cat had a big smile on her face. The dog was very happy too. They ran and played all day long. + +The cat said to the dog, "I am hungry. Let's go home and feed." The dog agreed and they started to walk home. On the way home, they saw a big, dark box. The cat and the dog looked at each other and smiled. They thought it was a fun place to play before they went home. + +They went into the big, dark box and played for a little while. But then, the door closed, and they were stuck in the dark box. The cat and the dog were scared and sad. They wanted to go home and feed, but they could not get out. They were stuck in the dark box forever. +One day, a little boy named Tim was feeling gloomy. He didn't want to play with his toys or watch TV. His mom asked, "Tim, why are you so sad?" + +Tim said, "I don't know, Mom. I just don't feel like doing anything." + +His mom had an idea. "Why don't we make a dessert together? It might make you feel better." Tim agreed, and they went to the kitchen. + +They made a yummy dessert with cookies, ice cream, and fruit. While they were making it, Tim accidentally kicked a bowl, but his mom just laughed. They had a fun time together. + +After they ate the dessert, Tim felt happy again. The moral of the story is that spending time with loved ones and doing fun activities can help make you feel better when you're gloomy. +Once upon a time, in a small forest, there was a hidden tree. The tree had a big root that was hard to see. Many animals lived near the tree and played around it every day. + +One sunny day, a little bunny named Binky was skipping near the tree. Binky was happy and didn't see the big root. He tripped on the root and fell down. Binky felt sad and cried. A wise owl saw what happened and flew down to help Binky. + +The owl told Binky, "Don't be sad. This hidden root teaches us to be careful when we play." Binky listened and felt better. The next day, Binky told his friends about the hidden root. All the animals learned to be careful and watch for the root when they played. They all lived happily and safely in the forest. +Once upon a time, there was a barber named Bob. Bob liked to roll a big ball in the park after work. One day, it was very dark outside, but Bob still wanted to roll his ball. + +In the dark park, there was a big dog. The dog saw Bob's ball and wanted it. The dog ran to the ball and took it away. Bob was sad and didn't know what to do. + +Bob decided to be brave and ask the dog for his ball back. He walked up to the dog and said, "Please give me my ball back." The dog looked at Bob and then rolled the ball back to him. Bob was happy and thanked the dog. From that day on, Bob and the dog became friends and played together in the park, even when it was dark. +Once there was a little boy named Tim. Tim liked to play outside in the grass. One day, while playing, he saw a bug. The bug was very ugly. Tim thought the bug looked sad. + +Tim said to the bug, "Why are you sad, ugly bug?" The bug said, "I am sad because no one wants to play with me. They think I am too ugly." Tim felt bad for the bug. + +Tim said, "I will play with you, ugly bug. We can have fun in the grass." The bug was happy, and they played together all day. Tim learned that even ugly bugs can be good friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He was restless and wanted to play outside. The sun was shining, and the day was warm. Tim ran to his mom and asked, "Can I go outside, please?" + +His mom said, "Yes, you can. But don't forget to drink some water when you feel hot." + +Tim went outside and played with his toys. He saw a big ice block on the ground. He thought it was strange, but he decided to play with it. He touched the ice and found it was very cold. + +Soon, Tim felt hot and remembered what his mom said. He ran inside and said, "Mom, I need to drink water, please." His mom gave him a big glass of water, and Tim drank it all. + +After drinking the water, Tim felt better. He went back outside and continued to play with the ice until it melted away. He had a fun day playing outside and learned the importance of drinking water when feeling hot. +Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a fragile little girl named Lily. She loved the summer days when she could play outside with her friends. + +One sunny day, Lily saw a tiny bird on the ground. The bird looked sad and lost. Lily wanted to care for the bird, so she picked it up gently and asked, "Are you okay, birdie?" + +The bird replied, "I am lost and can't find my family. Can you help me?" Lily nodded and promised to help the bird find its family. + +Together, they walked around the village, asking everyone if they had seen the bird's family. Finally, they found the bird's family in a big tree. The bird was so happy and thanked Lily for her help. + +From that day on, Lily and the bird became best friends. They played together every summer day, and Lily always took care to keep her fragile friend safe and happy. +One day, Tom and his mom went to the shop. They saw a unique toy. It was big and red. Tom said, "Mom, can I have the toy?" Mom said, "No, not today." + +Tom was sad. He wanted the unique toy. He went back to the shop alone. He took the toy and ran away. + +A man saw Tom. The man was not happy. The man took Tom to his mom. Tom's mom was sad. Tom did not get the toy and he was in trouble. +Once upon a time, there was a large lawn. It was very green and pretty. Many children liked to play on it. One sunny day, a little boy named Tim and a little girl named Lily were playing on the lawn. + +"Look at the big lawn!" said Tim. "I like to play here." + +Lily smiled and said, "Me too! Let's play tag!" So, they ran and laughed as they played tag on the large lawn. + +As they played, they saw a big, colorful ball. They stopped to play with the ball. They kicked it, and they threw it. They had so much fun! + +Soon, it was time for Tim and Lily to go home. They were tired but happy. "I had fun today," said Tim. "Me too," said Lily. "Let's play on the large lawn again soon!" And with that, their playtime on the large lawn came to an end. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweety. Tweety lived in a cute birdcage in a little girl's room. The little girl loved Tweety very much and would often sing to her. + +One day, the little girl noticed that Tweety was getting tired. So, she decided to pause her singing and give Tweety some rest. Tweety was very happy and started to chirp happily. + +The little girl smiled and said, "You are the cutest bird in the world, Tweety." Tweety chirped even louder and hopped around in her birdcage. From that day on, the little girl made sure to pause her singing and give Tweety rest whenever she needed it. And Tweety lived happily ever after in her cute little birdcage. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and teddy bears. One day, she was playing with her favorite doll when she noticed that it had shrunk! She was very surprised and didn't know what to do. + +Lily went to her mommy and asked, "Mommy, why did my doll shrink?" Her mommy replied, "Maybe it got wet or too hot." Lily was sad because she loved her doll so much. + +Later that day, Lily went to her cousin's marriage party. She saw her cousin and her new husband sharing a big cake. Lily wanted some too, but her cousin said, "No, this is only for the grown-ups." Lily thought that was selfish of her cousin. + +After the party, Lily went home and hugged her little doll. She realized that even though it had shrunk, she still loved it just the same. And she promised to never be selfish like her cousin. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, especially his toy cars. One day, Timmy was playing with his cars when he accidentally knocked over a pipe. The pipe was flexible and started to wiggle around. + +"Oh no!" cried Timmy. "I broke the pipe!" + +Just then, Timmy's mom came into the room. + +"What happened?" she asked. + +"I broke the pipe," said Timmy, pointing to the wiggling pipe on the ground. + +"Don't worry," said Timmy's mom. "We can fix it. Let's lay the pipe down and see what we can do." + +Together, Timmy and his mom fixed the pipe and Timmy learned that even when things go wrong, there's always a way to make them right again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play in the park. One day, Timmy saw a shiny red ball on top of the slide. He wanted to play with it, but he was scared to climb the slide. + +Just then, Timmy's friend Billy came by. "Hi Timmy, what's wrong?" Billy asked. Timmy pointed to the ball on top of the slide. "I want to play with it, but I'm scared to climb up there," Timmy said. + +"Don't worry, Timmy. I'll help you," Billy said. Billy climbed up the slide and picked up the ball. He gave it to Timmy and they played together happily. From that day on, Timmy wasn't scared to climb up the slide anymore. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play outside. One day, Timmy's mom told him it was time to come inside because it was getting dark outside. Timmy didn't want to go inside, but he knew he had to behave and listen to his mom. + +Later that night, Timmy was getting ready for bed when he realized his favorite stuffed animal, Mr. Bear, was dirty. Timmy didn't want to sleep with a dirty Mr. Bear, so he asked his mom if she could wash him. But his mom said she didn't have time to wash Mr. Bear right then. + +Timmy was upset and didn't want to sleep without Mr. Bear. He started to cry and his mom tried to calm him down. Finally, Timmy's mom had an idea. She gave Timmy a clean towel and told him he could wrap Mr. Bear up like a burrito and sleep with him that way. Timmy was happy with this solution and went to bed with a clean towel-wrapped Mr. Bear. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the park with her friends. One day, while playing, she found a shiny jewel on the ground. She was so happy and excited to show it to her friends. + +But then she heard a voice in her head that said, "You shouldn't have taken that jewel. It belongs to someone else." Lily felt guilty and knew she had to find the owner. She asked her friends to help her look for the person who might have lost the jewel. + +After searching for a while, they saw a woman crying and looking around frantically. Lily approached her and asked if she had lost something. The woman reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace with a missing jewel. She was so happy to have it back and thanked Lily and her friends. + +From that day on, Lily learned that it's important to do the right thing, even if it's hard. She felt proud of herself for being honest and helping someone in need. +Once upon a time, there was a horse named Brownie. Brownie was very angry because he had a thorn in his hoof. He suffered a lot and couldn't walk properly. + +One day, a little girl named Lily saw Brownie limping in the field. She went to him and asked, "What happened, Brownie?" + +Brownie replied, "I have a thorn in my hoof and it hurts a lot. I am suffering." + +Lily felt sad for Brownie and decided to help him. She carefully removed the thorn from his hoof and gave him a carrot to eat. Brownie felt better and was no longer suffering. + +From that day on, Brownie and Lily became best friends. Brownie was no longer angry and he loved spending time with Lily. They would often have conversations and Brownie would tell her how grateful he was for her help. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She went to camp with her friends. They played outside and had fun. When it was time to go inside, Lily's mom said, "Make sure you clean up your room." + +Lily and her friends picked up their toys and put them away. They were happy to help. After they cleaned, they sat down to talk. They told each other stories about their day. They laughed and had a good time. + +At night, Lily went to bed feeling tired but happy. She was happy because she had fun with her friends and helped clean up. She was excited to go back to camp the next day and talk with her friends again. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a mommy and a daddy who wanted to go out for dinner. They took their little girl to a restaurant. The little girl was very excited to see the menu. She saw lots of yummy foods like pizza and spaghetti. + +The mommy and daddy ordered their food and the waitress took it to the kitchen to store it. The little girl was happy to see the waitress was successful in carrying all the food without dropping anything. + +After a little while, the waitress brought the food to the table. The mommy and daddy ate their food and the little girl had some too. They all had a great time at the restaurant and the little girl was happy to see the menu and watch the waitress store and bring the food successfully. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play on the beach and watch the waves in the ocean. One day, she found a pretty shell and showed it to her mommy. + +"Look, mommy! I found a shell!" Lily said. + +"That's a beautiful shell, sweetie," her mommy replied, "but be careful not to go too far into the water." + +Lily nodded and continued to play. Suddenly, a big wave came and swept her away. She tried to swim back to the shore, but she couldn't. She was scared and didn't know what to do. + +Just when she thought she would never see her mommy again, a kind and compassionate lifeguard appeared and rescued her. Lily was so happy to be safe again. + +"Thank you for saving me," Lily said. + +"You're welcome," the lifeguard replied with a smile. + +And just like that, Lily's fear vanished, and she knew she would always be safe with kind people around to help her. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had ten toes on her feet. One day, she was eating a yummy candy and accidentally dropped it. The candy fell on her big toe and stuck there. She tried to wiggle her toe, but the candy wouldn't come off. Her mom came to help and used warm water to wash off the candy from her toe. From that day on, Lily made sure to hold her candy tight, so it wouldn't fall on her toes again. +Once upon a time, there was a man with a big, bushy mustache. He loved his mustache very much and would stroke it all day long. One day, he went outside and it was very cold. The wind was blowing and there was icy snow on the ground. + +The man decided to go inside and make some hot cocoa to warm up. He got out a big pot and added some milk and cocoa powder. He stirred it all together and it started to smell really good. + +As he was pouring the hot cocoa into his mug, he accidentally spilled some on his mustache. It was now covered in brown, chocolaty goodness! He couldn't help but laugh as he licked the hot cocoa off his mustache. From that day on, he always added a little extra cocoa powder to his hot cocoa to make it extra chocolatey. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the grass and pick flowers. One day, she found a stick and decided to play with it. She twirled it around and pretended it was a magic wand. + +Lily's mommy told her that if she believed in herself, she could do anything. Lily believed her mommy and continued to play with the stick. Suddenly, a butterfly flew by and landed on the stick. Lily was so happy and peaceful watching the butterfly. + +After a while, Lily decided to go back inside and show her mommy the stick with the butterfly on it. Her mommy was so proud of her and told her that she could do anything she believed in. From that day on, Lily believed in herself and knew that anything was possible. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in her garden. She had a toy water gun that she loved to use to spray water on the flowers. + +One day, Lily's mom told her that they were going to plant some new flowers in the garden. Lily was very excited and helped her mom dig the holes for the flowers. + +After they were done planting, Lily's mom told her that they needed to water the flowers. Lily remembered her toy water gun and ran to get it. She filled it up with water and started to spray the flowers. + +As she was spraying the flowers, she noticed that her mom's muscles were getting tired from holding the heavy watering can. Lily wanted to help her mom, so she offered to water the rest of the flowers with her toy water gun. Her mom was very happy and proud of her helpful daughter. + +From that day on, Lily always helped her mom water the flowers with her toy water gun. And every time she saw her mom's muscles getting tired, she knew just what to do. And the flowers in their garden grew big and red and beautiful. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in her backyard with her toys. One day, she found a funny looking bug crawling on the grass. + +Lily's mom came outside and asked, "What are you doing, Lily?" + +"I found a bug! It looks funny," Lily replied. + +Her mom smiled and said, "Be careful not to lie down on the grass. You might squish the bug." + +Lily picked up the bug and put it in a jar. She and her mom had fun watching the bug crawl around. They talked about how funny it looked and how it tickled when it crawled on their hands. + +After a while, Lily's mom said, "It's time to go inside for lunch." + +Lily said goodbye to the bug and went inside, feeling happy and excited about her funny backyard adventure. +Once upon a time, there was a happy little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and her puppy, Max. One day, she went to the store with her mommy to buy some candy. + +At the store, Lily saw a big lollipop with a smiley face symbol on it. She wanted it so much, but she didn't have any money. She said to her mommy, "Can I have the lollipop, please?" Her mommy replied, "Sure, but you have to pay for it." + +Lily didn't understand what "pay" meant, so her mommy explained that it meant she had to give some money to the cashier. Lily was cheerful when she heard that and said, "Okay, I will pay for it!" She gave the money to the cashier and got the lollipop with the smiley face symbol. She was so happy and shared it with Max. They both enjoyed the sweet treat together. +Once upon a time, there was a big yard. In the yard, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to play in the yard with her toys. One day, Lily's mom said they had to hurry and go to the store. Lily didn't want to leave her toys in the big yard, but her mom promised they would come back soon. + +Lily and her mom went to the store and bought some yummy snacks. But Lily kept thinking about her toys in the big yard. She asked her mom if they could hurry back home. When they got back to the big yard, Lily was so happy to see her toys again. She played and played until it was time for dinner. + +After dinner, Lily's mom said it was time for bed. Lily was sad to leave her toys in the big yard again, but her mom promised they would play again tomorrow. Lily went to sleep dreaming about all the fun she would have in the big yard the next day. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved playing outside with her friends. One day, while playing, Lily's friend fell and hurt her leg. She was crying and suffering from the pain. + +Lily quickly ran to her house to call for an ambulance. The ambulance came quickly and took her friend to the hospital. The ambulance had flashing lights and made loud noises. + +Lily's friend was okay though, she only had a harmless bruise. When Lily visited her friend at the hospital, she asked, "Are you feeling better now?" Her friend smiled and said, "Yes, thanks to you and the ambulance." Lily felt happy that her friend was okay. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a lot of toys, but he wanted more. He saw a toy in his friend's house and he wanted it too. Timmy thought of a plan to get the toy. He invited his friend to his house and while his friend was playing, Timmy stole the toy and hid it in his room. + +The next day, Timmy's friend came to his house and asked where his toy was. Timmy felt ashamed and lied that he didn't know. His friend left sadly. Timmy felt bad and wanted to return the toy, but he was scared. + +Days passed and Timmy couldn't stop thinking about what he did. He realized that taking someone's toy without permission is wrong. He wanted to apologize and return the toy. But it was too late, his friend never came back to his house again. Timmy learned that being honest and kind is more important than having more toys. +Once upon a time, there was a birdie. The birdie had a feather on its head. The feather was so pretty! But one day, the birdie got some dirt on its feather. The birdie wanted to wipe the dirt off its feather. + +The birdie looked for something to wipe its feather with. It saw a leaf, but the leaf was too big. It saw a rock, but the rock was too hard. Then, the birdie saw a soft and modest flower. The flower was perfect for wiping the feather! + +The birdie used the flower to wipe the dirt off its feather. The feather was clean again! The birdie was so happy. It flew away, showing off its pretty feather to all its birdie friends. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big whale in the sea. The whale loved to swim and play with his friends. One day, the whale felt hungry and wanted to eat something tasty. He swam to a nearby island and saw a little girl playing on the beach. The girl was eating a delicious sandwich that looked very tasty. + +The whale asked the girl if he could have a bite of her sandwich. The girl said yes and gave the whale a piece of her sandwich. The sandwich was so tasty that the whale wanted more. The girl said she would give him more if he helped her dress up her doll. + +The whale agreed and helped the girl dress up her doll. The girl was very happy and gave the whale more sandwiches. From that day on, the whale and the girl became good friends and had many more adventures together. +Once upon a time, there was a kind lady named Mrs. Smith. She loved to bake cookies and share them with her friends. One day, she saw a little girl crying on the street. Mrs. Smith stepped closer and asked, "What's wrong, dear?" + +The little girl said, "I lost my mommy and I don't know where to go." Mrs. Smith smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you find your mommy." Mrs. Smith held the little girl's hand and walked with her around the neighborhood. They asked people if they had seen the little girl's mommy, but no one had. + +Mrs. Smith was very compassionate and didn't want the little girl to be scared. She said, "Let's go to my house and have some cookies while we wait for your mommy to find us." The little girl smiled and followed Mrs. Smith to her house. They had cookies and milk together and talked about their favorite things. + +Finally, the little girl's mommy found them and they were reunited. The little girl hugged Mrs. Smith and said, "Thank you for being so kind and helping me. You are a very compassionate lady." Mrs. Smith smiled and said, "It was my pleasure. I'm happy you found your mommy." From that day on, Mrs. Smith and the little girl became good friends and would often have cookies together. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He loved to watch animals at the zoo. One day, he saw a big tiger with orange stripes. The tiger looked very strong and Timmy was scared, but also excited. + +Timmy's mom was very rich and she bought him a toy tiger to play with at home. Timmy loved his toy tiger and played with it every day. He even slept with it at night. + +But one night, Timmy left his toy tiger outside in the yard. A real tiger came and saw the toy tiger. The real tiger thought it was a real tiger too and attacked it. Timmy was very sad when he saw his toy tiger torn apart. He learned that it's not safe to leave toys outside and that real tigers are very dangerous. +Once upon a time, there was a fancy car. It was shiny and had big wheels. The car was going on a trip to a faraway place. It had a radio that played music. The driver loved to sing along. + +As the car drove, it saw a big mountain in the distance. The driver knew they had to go over the mountain to arrive at their destination. The car started to climb up the mountain, but it was very steep. The driver had to be careful. + +Finally, the car made it to the top of the mountain. The driver looked out and saw a beautiful view. They could see for miles and miles. The radio played a happy song, and the driver sang along. They knew they were getting closer to where they wanted to go. +Once upon a time, there was a big, intelligent cat named Mittens. Mittens loved to play with her toy mouse and eat tuna for dinner. One day, Mittens saw a little bird outside her window. She meowed and said, "Hello birdie, do you want to play with me?" + +The bird chirped and said, "No, thank you. I am afraid you might eat me since you are a cat." + +Mittens replied, "Don't worry, I promise I won't eat you. I just want to be your friend." + +The bird thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I will be your friend. But you have to promise to release me if I ever get scared." + +Mittens agreed and they became friends. They played together and shared tuna for dinner. Mittens kept her promise and never tried to eat the bird. They had lots of fun together and lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and dolls all day long. One day, Lily's friend, Tommy, came to visit her at noon. They decided to play together, but Lily was feeling selfish and didn't want to share her toys with Tommy. She wanted to play with them all by herself. + +Tommy felt sad and left Lily's house. Lily realized she made a mistake by not helping her friend have fun. She wanted to apologize and make it up to him, so she ran after him. But it was too late. Tommy had already gone home. + +Lily felt very sad and lonely because she didn't have anyone to play with. She learned that being selfish can make you lose your friends. From that day on, she promised to always help her friends and never be selfish again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a favorite book about a princess and she loved to read it every day. One day, her mommy told her they were going to a party and she needed to dress up in her pretty dress. Lily was excited to wear her dress and show it to her friends. + +At the party, Lily saw a boy with an interesting book. She asked him what it was about and he told her it was a story about a talking dog. Lily thought that sounded fun and asked if she could borrow the book. The boy said yes and Lily was happy to have a new book to read. + +After the party, Lily went home and sat down to read her new book. She thought it was very interesting and loved the talking dog. She was so happy to have a new book to read and couldn't wait to tell her mommy all about it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She went to a school where she had lots of friends. One day, Lily wanted to invite all her friends to her birthday party. She was so excited to have them all come and play games and eat cake. + +But then, Lily realized she didn't have enough invitations for all her friends. She felt sad and didn't know what to do. She asked her teacher, who was very organized, for help. The teacher gave Lily some extra invitations and told her to make sure she invited every pupil in her class. + +Lily was happy again and went around the classroom handing out invitations to all her friends. Everyone was excited to come to her party and play together. And on the day of her party, Lily felt so happy to have all her friends there with her. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a teddy bear named Teddy. Teddy was her best friend, and she loved him very much. One day, Lily went to the park with Teddy. She was having so much fun swinging and sliding, but when she was about to leave, she realized that Teddy was gone. She looked everywhere, but she couldn't find him. + +Lily was very sad. She cried and cried because Teddy was not with her. Her mommy saw her crying and asked her what was wrong. Lily told her that Teddy was missing. Her mommy told her not to worry and that they would find him. They went back to the park and asked the other kids if they had seen Teddy. But nobody had. + +Lily's mommy had an idea. She took out her phone and recorded a video asking if anyone had seen Teddy. They put the video on social media, and soon, someone found Teddy and brought him back to Lily. She was so happy and relieved that Teddy was safe. She gave him a big hug and said, "I missed you so much, Teddy. It was a terrible feeling not having you with me." From that day on, Lily made sure to always keep Teddy close to her. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toy cars and trucks. One day, he found a blue truck in the junk pile outside his house. It was dirty and old, but Timmy loved it anyway. + +Timmy spent all day cleaning the truck until it was shiny and new. He played with it for hours, driving it around the house and making vroom vroom noises. But then, something strange happened. The truck started to slow down and eventually stopped moving altogether. + +Timmy was sad that his new truck had stopped working. But then, his dad came by and helped him fix it. He passed some tools to Timmy and showed him how to open up the truck and fix the engine. Timmy was so happy when the truck started working again. He learned that even though something might seem like junk, it can still be useful and bring joy. +Once upon a time, there was a little elephant named Ellie. Ellie was very adventurous and loved to explore the jungle. One day, Ellie was walking through the jungle when she heard a loud horn sound. She was scared and didn't know what the noise was. + +Suddenly, a wise old monkey named Max appeared. Max saw that Ellie was scared and asked her what was wrong. Ellie explained that she heard a loud horn sound and didn't know what it was. Max told Ellie that it was just the sound of a big elephant named Henry, who liked to play his horn in the mornings. + +Ellie felt much better and thanked Max for explaining the noise. Max then asked Ellie if she wanted to go on an adventure with him to find some tasty bananas. Ellie was excited and agreed to go with Max. They had a fun time exploring the jungle together and found lots of delicious bananas to eat. From that day on, Ellie and Max became good friends and went on many more adventures together. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. He was a happy youth who loved to play outside. One morning, Timmy woke up early to go outside and play. But when he went to put on his shoes, he saw a disgusting spider on them! + +Timmy was scared of spiders, but he knew he had to be brave. He got a tissue and carefully picked up the spider and put it outside. Then, he put on his shoes and went outside to play. + +Timmy had a fun day playing with his friends, but he always kept an eye out for any more disgusting spiders! +Once upon a time, there was a family who went on a holiday. They went to a big beach with lots of sand and waves. The little girl was so excited to build sandcastles and swim in the sea. Her parents were proud of her for being so brave in the water. + +One day, the little girl's dad bought her a big ice cream. She was so happy and ate it all up. But after she finished, she felt sick because she ate too much. Her mom said, "You spoiled your appetite, sweetie. Let's wait a little bit before we eat lunch." The little girl learned that it's not good to eat too much and listened to her mom. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw with her crayons all day long. One day, Lily's mom told her to go outside and play. But Lily didn't want to stop drawing. She felt an urge to finish her picture. + +So, Lily stayed inside and kept drawing. But after a while, she started to feel cold. She realized that she had left the window open. Her mom came back inside and saw that Lily was shivering. She told her that it's important to take care of yourself, even when you're doing something you love. + +Lily learned that it's okay to have an urge to do something, but it's also important to take care of yourself and stay warm. From that day on, she made sure to close the window before she started drawing. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going on adventures with her mom. One day, they went to the park to have a picnic. Lily's mom packed a bag with sandwiches, fruits, and juice. + +While they were eating, a squirrel came over to their picnic blanket. The squirrel had a hairy tail and Lily thought it was so cute. "Mommy, look at the squirrel's hairy tail!" she said. + +Lily's mom reminded her to not get too close to the squirrel and to be careful. "Okay mommy, I won't forget," Lily replied. They finished their picnic and went home, happy and full. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside with her friends. One day, Lily and her friends decided to have a picnic. "I will prepare the sandwiches," said Lily. "And I will bring the juice," said her friend, Sarah. + +As they were getting ready, they noticed that they didn't have a flag for their picnic. "We need a flag," said Lily. "What is a flag?" asked Sarah. "It's a pretty piece of cloth that we can put on our picnic blanket," explained Lily. "Oh, I see," said Sarah. + +Lily got creative and used some crayons to draw a beautiful flag on a piece of paper. They put it on their blanket and had a wonderful picnic. "This is the best picnic ever!" exclaimed Sarah. "I agree," said Lily. "It's always fun when we prepare things together." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sun. One day, she saw some clay on the ground. It was ordinary brown clay. She wanted to make something out of it. + +Lily asked her mom, "Can I gather some clay and make something?" Her mom said, "Yes, you can. What do you want to make?" Lily thought for a moment and said, "I want to make a bird." + +So, Lily gathered the clay and started to make a bird. She shaped the clay with her hands and made a beak and wings. Her mom watched as Lily worked. When she was done, Lily showed her mom the bird. It was beautiful! + +Lily's mom said, "Wow, you did a great job. That's a very pretty bird." Lily smiled and said, "Thank you, Mommy. I love making things out of clay." From that day on, Lily gathered clay whenever she could and made all sorts of things. +Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to build a restaurant. He wanted it to be very modern and fancy. He worked hard every day to make his dream come true. He used bricks, cement, and wood to build the walls and the roof of the restaurant. + +When the restaurant was finally finished, the man felt very proud. He invited all his friends and family to come and see his new restaurant. They were all very impressed with how modern and beautiful it looked. They sat down at the tables and ordered some yummy food. + +The man was very happy to see everyone enjoying themselves in his restaurant. He knew that he had worked hard to build it, but it was worth it because now he could share it with others. From that day on, the man's restaurant became very popular and people from all over the town came to eat there. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big tree with lots of yummy fruits. One day, a little girl came to the tree to pick some fruits. She saw some big, juicy prunes at the top of the tree, but they were too high for her to reach. She tried to climb the tree, but it was too tall and scary. + +Suddenly, the sky turned dark and it started to rain. The little girl was scared and didn't know what to do. She wanted to go home, but she couldn't leave without the prunes. Just then, a kind old man came by and saw the little girl. He asked her what was wrong and she told him about the prunes. + +The old man smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you get the prunes." He climbed up the tree and picked the prunes for the little girl. She was so happy and grateful. The old man walked her home in the rain and they became good friends. From that day on, the little girl always came to the tree to get some prunes and visit her friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to sing and dance all day long. One day, she went to the park and met a boy named Jack. Jack said, "Hello, do you want to play with me?" + +Lily said, "Yes, I want to play. What do you want to play?" + +Jack said, "Let's play hide and seek." + +Lily said, "Great idea! I love to play hide and seek." + +They played for a while and then Lily said, "Do you want to sing a song with me?" + +Jack said, "Sure, what song do you want to sing?" + +Lily said, "Let's sing the song about zero. It goes like this: Zero, zero, nothing there. Zero, zero, everywhere!" + +They sang the song together and had a great time. From that day on, Lily and Jack became best friends and played together every day. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to eat yummy snacks, especially ones that were tasty. One day, he saw a big stamp on the ground and wanted to pick it up. He tried to grab it with his hands, but it was too heavy. So, he decided to push it with his feet. + +As he was pushing the stamp, he noticed a trail of ants crawling nearby. Timmy stopped pushing the stamp and watched the ants for a while. He saw that they were carrying little pieces of food that looked very tasty. Timmy decided to follow the ants to see where they were going. + +The ants led Timmy to a big picnic blanket where a family was having a yummy snack. Timmy asked if he could have some of the tasty food, and the family kindly shared with him. Timmy was very happy and thanked the family for their kindness. From that day on, Timmy learned that sometimes pushing things can lead to unexpected adventures and tasty treats. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. He loved candy very much and always wanted to eat more. One day, he went to the candy store and saw a long line of people waiting to buy candy. Timmy thought he could cut in line and get his candy faster, but that would not be nice. + +Instead, Timmy decided to wait in line like everyone else. When he finally got to the front of the line, he saw that there was only one piece of his favorite candy left. But, he saw another boy who really wanted it too. Timmy decided to let the other boy have it and he felt happy that he did the right thing. + +In the end, Timmy succeeded in being kind and patient. He learned that being nice to others is more important than getting what he wants. And, as a reward for his good behavior, he got a tasty lollipop from the store owner. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big volcano. It was very hot and red. Many people lived near the volcano, but they were scared of it. They thought it might explode and hurt them. + +One day, a kind man came to the village. He told the people that they should not be scared. He said that the volcano was not going to explode. He supported the people and made them feel better. + +The man was right. The volcano did not explode. The sky was clear and blue. The people were happy and grateful to the man. They learned that it is important to support each other and not be scared of things that might not happen. +Once upon a time, there was a chubby bunny named Benny. Benny loved to play in the forest with his friends. One day, Benny and his friends found a whistle. They blew it and it made a loud sound. It surprised them all! They had never heard such a noise before. From that day on, Benny carried the whistle with him everywhere he went. He loved to surprise his friends by blowing the whistle when they least expected it. They would all laugh and play together in the forest. Benny was happy to have such great friends and his whistle to make them all smile. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys and go on adventures. One day, Timmy's mommy told him they were going on a trip to the beach. Timmy was so excited! He ran to his room to pack his favorite toys, like his teddy bear and his toy car. + +When they got to the beach, Timmy saw a long line of people waiting to get onto the big, mighty roller coaster. Timmy was scared at first, but he wanted to be brave like the big kids. So, he got in line with his mommy. When it was finally their turn, Timmy held on tight as they went up, up, up and then down, down, down! It was so much fun! + +At the end of the day, Timmy was tired from all the fun they had. He packed up his toys and went to bed with a big smile on his face, dreaming of all the adventures he would have on his next trip. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved summer because she could eat yummy ice cream every day. But one day, Lily went to the park and saw a big dog. She got scared and said, "I hate dogs!" + +Lily's mom explained that not all dogs are scary and some are very friendly. Lily was still scared, but she felt better knowing that some dogs are nice. + +Later that day, Lily and her mom went to get ice cream. Lily picked her favorite flavor, chocolate chip. It was so yummy! She forgot all about the scary dog and enjoyed her summer day. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play her guitar. She would play it every day and sing songs for her friends and family. One day, her friend Jack came over and asked if he could play with her guitar too. Lily didn't want to share because she was impatient and wanted to play alone. + +Jack said, "Please, Lily, can I play too?" + +Lily disagreed and said, "No, it's mine!" + +Jack felt sad and left the house. Later that day, Lily tried to play her guitar, but it wouldn't make any sounds. She realized that she had broken it by playing too hard. Lily felt very upset and wished she had let Jack play with her guitar earlier. + +From that day on, Lily learned to share and be patient with her friends. She also learned to take better care of her guitar so that it would last a long time. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim had an old board that he loved to play with. He would ride it around the park and jump off it like a superhero. + +One day, Tim's friend came over to play. His friend saw the old board and said, "I want to own a board like that too!" Tim was happy to share his board with his friend. + +They played together on the old board for hours, laughing and having fun. When it was time for Tim's friend to go home, he said, "Thank you for letting me own a turn on your old board. I had so much fun!" Tim smiled and said, "You can come back and play with it anytime you want." The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to bake with her mommy. One day, they decided to make yummy cupcakes. Mommy set the oven to bake the cupcakes. Lily helped mommy mix the batter and pour it into the cupcake tins. + +After they put the cupcakes in the oven, they made a pretty bow for each one. Lily loved to help make the bows. She picked out her favorite colors for the ribbons. When the cupcakes were done baking, mommy took them out of the oven and set them on the counter to cool. + +Finally, it was time to put the pretty bows on the cupcakes. Lily carefully placed a bow on each one. They looked so pretty and yummy! Lily couldn't wait to eat them. She took a big bite of her cupcake and smiled. It was so delicious! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the snow, but her mommy always told her to be careful because the ground was icy. + +One day, Lily went outside to play and she saw her friend Timmy. Timmy said he wanted to build a snowman, but Lily said she wanted to have a snowball fight. Timmy didn't want to fight, but Lily promised it would be fun. + +They started throwing snowballs at each other, but Timmy accidentally hit Lily in the face. Lily got mad and ran away. Timmy felt bad and decided to apologize. He found Lily sitting on a bench, crying. + +Timmy said he was sorry and promised to never hurt her again. Lily forgave him and they built a snowman together. They had so much fun and promised to always be friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to explore the woods behind her house. One day, she went on a walk with her mommy and daddy. They followed a trail that led deep into the forest. + +As they walked, they noticed a smelly smell. "What's that smell?" asked Lily. "It might be a skunk," said her daddy. "We need to protect ourselves from getting sprayed." + +They continued down the trail, being careful to avoid the smelly skunk. Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes. "What's that?" asked Lily. "It might be a bear," said her mommy. "We need to protect ourselves and stay quiet." + +They quietly walked away from the rustling bushes and eventually made it back home safely. From that day on, Lily always remembered to protect herself from the smelly skunk and the big bear in the woods. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went outside to play in the park. She saw a boy wearing a big boot. She said, "Hi! What's your name?" The boy replied, "My name is Max. I gained this big boot when I fell down yesterday." + +Lily felt sorry for Max and said, "That's too bad. I have an idea. Let's go to the playground together. We can play on the slide and swings." Max thought it was a thoughtful idea and they went to the playground together. + +As they played, Max forgot about his big boot and had a lot of fun. He said, "Thanks for being my friend, Lily. You made me happy and helped me forget about my boot." Lily smiled and said, "You're welcome, Max. I'm glad we're friends." They continued to play and have fun together. +Once upon a time, there was a little sheep named Baa. Baa was very fluffy because he had a lot of wool. One day, Baa's mommy told him that they needed to leave the field and go back to the barn. Baa didn't want to leave because he was having so much fun jumping around with his friends. But his mommy said it was time to go. + +As they walked back to the barn, Baa noticed how quiet it was. He could hear the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the wind. Baa liked the quiet because it made him feel calm. When they got back to the barn, Baa's mommy helped him take off his wool so he wouldn't be too hot. Baa felt much better without all that wool on him! And even though he had to leave his friends in the field, he was happy to be back in the quiet barn with his mommy. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a man who had a big, loud motorcycle. He loved to ride it all around town. One day, he saw a little boy who looked sad. The man wanted to help, so he offered the boy a ride on his motorcycle. + +The boy was so happy! He got on the motorcycle and held on tight. The man drove around the town with the boy on the back. The boy was very obedient and held on tight the whole time. + +When the ride was over, the man asked the boy if he wanted to ride again sometime. The boy nodded his head yes and smiled. From that day on, the man and the boy became good friends and went on many motorcycle rides together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a pet squirrel named Nutty who loved to play in the trees. One day, Nutty got stuck in a thick branch and couldn't get out. Lily tried to help but she couldn't reach him. + +Lily felt sad and cried, but then she remembered that forgiving is important. She forgave herself for not being able to help Nutty and decided to ask for help. She found a kind man who helped her free Nutty from the thick branch. + +Nutty was happy and grateful to be free, and Lily felt relieved and happy too. From that day on, Lily made sure to always forgive herself and others when things didn't go as planned. And Nutty continued to play in the trees, but was more careful around thick branches. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had a toy car that he loved very much. The car was red and shiny and it belonged to him. Timmy played with his car all day long, driving it around and making vroom vroom sounds. + +One day, Timmy's mom took him to the park. There was a big pole in the middle of the park that Timmy thought was very boring. He didn't want to play near the pole because it wasn't fun. But then, he saw some other kids playing a game where they were running around the pole. Timmy wanted to play too, so he joined in. + +As they played, Timmy realized that the pole wasn't so boring after all. He started to have fun running around it with the other kids. And when it was time to go home, Timmy felt happy because he had found a new game to play and his toy car still belonged to him. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw and mark on everything she saw. One day, she drew a terrible monster on her bedroom wall. + +Her mommy saw the monster and asked Lily, "What is that terrible thing on your wall, Lily?" + +Lily replied, "It's a monster, mommy! I drew it!" + +Mommy explained to Lily that monsters weren't real and that it was not okay to mark on walls. She told Lily that it was important to respect other people's things and keep them clean. + +From that day on, Lily learned to draw on paper and not on walls. She also learned that it's important to be respectful and kind to others. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys, but one day she accidentally broke her favorite doll. She cried and cried because it caused her a lot of pain. + +Her mommy saw her crying and asked what was wrong. Lily showed her the broken doll and her mommy said, "Don't worry, we can fix it." + +The next day, her mommy went to the store and found a special glue that could fix the doll. When she came back, she said, "Lily, I have good news! I found a special glue that can fix your doll. But first, we need to polish it so it looks like new again." + +Lily was so happy and couldn't wait to see her doll again. Her mommy polished the doll and then used the special glue to fix it. Now the doll looked like new again and Lily was so happy. She hugged her mommy and said, "Thank you mommy, you're the best! I'm so happy my doll is available to play with again." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a favorite blanket that she loved to snuggle with every night. One day, Lily's mom washed the blanket and it changed. + +Lily: "Mommy, my blanket looks different. What happened?" + +Mom: "I washed it to make it clean and soft again." + +Lily: "Oh, okay. Can I have it back now?" + +Mom: "Yes, but be careful with it. It's still drying." + +Lily took her blanket and hugged it tightly. She was happy to have it back and promised to be careful with it. From then on, Lily learned that sometimes things change, but that's okay because they can still be just as special. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to drink cocoa every day. Her mommy told her that cocoa was healthy for her body. + +One day, Lily's friend Jack came over to play. Jack asked Lily, "Can I have some cocoa?" Lily said, "Sure, let's go to the kitchen." + +In the kitchen, Lily's mommy poured them both some cocoa. Jack said, "Mmm, this cocoa is yummy." Lily replied, "Yes, and it's healthy too!" + +After they finished their cocoa, Jack said, "Thanks for sharing, Lily. I had so much fun playing with you today." Lily smiled and said, "Me too, let's do it again soon!" +Once upon a time, there was a little frog. He was very sad because he lost his favorite toy. He looked everywhere for it but he couldn't find it. So, he went to his friend, the rabbit, and asked for help. The rabbit recommended that they look for the toy near the pond. + +They went to the pond and started to search. Suddenly, the frog saw something shiny in the water. It was his toy! He was so happy and jumped around with joy. The rabbit was happy too and said, "I'm sorry you lost your toy but I'm glad we found it!" + +The frog hugged his friend and said, "Thank you for helping me. You're the best!" From that day on, the frog made sure to keep his toy safe and never lose it again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and climb trees. One day, she saw a tall pole in the park. It was amazing! She wanted to hang from it like a monkey. + +Lily's mom saw her looking at the pole and asked, "Do you want to try hanging from it?" Lily nodded her head excitedly. Her mom lifted her up and helped her grab onto the pole. Lily hung there for a few seconds before letting go and laughing. + +"That was so much fun!" Lily exclaimed. "Can we come back and play on the pole again?" + +"Of course, we can," her mom replied. "Maybe we can even bring some friends to play with us." + +Lily smiled and ran off to play on the swings, already looking forward to her next adventure on the amazing pole. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to swim in the pool. One day, she saw a big picture of a dolphin on the wall. She wanted to be just like the dolphin, so she asked her mom if she could dive like a dolphin. + +Her mom said, "Of course you can, Lily! Just be careful and don't forget to hold your breath." + +Lily felt so proud of herself as she dove into the pool. But then she saw another little girl who could dive even better than her. Lily felt a little sad and jealous. + +The other girl noticed and said, "Don't worry, Lily! We can dive together and have fun!" Lily smiled and felt happy again. They both dove into the pool and had a great time together. +Once upon a time, there was a big lion. He lived in a jungle with many other animals. One day, he saw a shiny medal on the ground. He picked it up and showed it to his friends. + +"Wow, that's so cool!" said the monkey. + +"I wish I had a medal," said the elephant. + +The lion felt proud of himself. But he was shy and didn't know what to say. So he roared loudly to show his happiness. + +"Roar! Roar!" he said. + +All of his friends cheered and clapped for him. From that day on, the lion wore his medal proudly and felt very special. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with balloons. One day, she saw a big red balloon tied to a tree. She wanted to play with it, but it was too high for her to reach. + +Lily thought of a plan. She knew her nosy neighbor had a ladder. She went to her neighbor's house and asked if she could borrow the ladder. The neighbor gave her the ladder and Lily climbed up to get the balloon. + +But as she was coming down, the balloon popped! Lily was sad, but then she remembered she had a spare balloon at home. She went back to her house and blew up the balloon. It wasn't as big as the red balloon, but it was still lots of fun to play with. From then on, Lily always made sure to have a spare balloon, just in case. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys every day. One day, Timmy's mom bought him an original helicopter toy. Timmy was so happy and he played with it all day. + +Timmy's friend, Johnny, came over to play. Johnny saw the helicopter and said, "Wow, that's a cool helicopter! Can I play with it too?" Timmy said, "Sure, let's play together!" They played with the helicopter for a while, making it fly up and down. + +Suddenly, the helicopter got stuck in a tree. Timmy said, "Oh no, my helicopter is stuck! What should we do?" Johnny said, "Don't worry, I'll get it down for you!" Johnny climbed up the tree and got the helicopter down. Timmy was so happy and said, "Thank you, Johnny! You're the best friend ever!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the park with her friends. One day, they decided to pick some flowers for their moms. + +Lily saw a beautiful flower and rushed to pick it. But her friend Emma also wanted the same flower. They started to argue and it became noisy. + +Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and all the flowers fell off the tree. Lily and Emma realized that fighting was not worth it. They picked up the flowers together and went home happily. From that day on, they learned to share and be kind to each other. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside with her friends, but she was scared of the dark. One day, she was playing hide-and-seek with her friends when the sun started to set. Lily got scared and wanted to go home. + +Her friend, Tommy, saw that Lily was scared and asked her why. Lily told him that she was scared of the dark. Tommy said, "Don't be scared, I'll walk you home." Lily was happy that Tommy was being so nice to her. + +As they walked home, Tommy talked to Lily about all the fun things they did that day. Lily was happy and not scared anymore. When they got to Lily's house, Tommy said goodbye and went back to play with his friends. + +But then, Lily's little brother came out and said he was jealous that Tommy walked Lily home. Lily told her brother that Tommy was just being a good friend. Her brother understood and they all went inside to have dinner. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had a dog named Spot who was very reliable. Spot always stayed by Timmy's side and protected him from harm. One day, Timmy's mom asked him to teach Spot a new trick. Timmy was excited and shouted, "Come on Spot, let's learn something new!" + +Timmy tried to teach Spot how to roll over, but Spot just looked at him with confusion. Timmy shouted again, "Come on Spot, you can do it!" Suddenly, Spot rolled over and Timmy was so happy. He ran to his mom and shouted, "Mom! Spot learned a new trick! I taught him!" + +His mom was so proud of Timmy and Spot. She said, "Wow, Timmy, you are a great teacher!" Timmy smiled and hugged Spot. From that day on, Timmy knew he could always rely on Spot to learn new things. +Once upon a time, there was a little mouse named Timmy. Timmy lived in a big field with lots of other animals. One day, Timmy went for a walk and he found a maze! He had never seen a maze before, but he wanted to try it out. + +Timmy went into the maze and it was very lively inside. There were lots of twists and turns and he had to be careful not to get lost. Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was his friend, Billy the Bunny! + +"Timmy, don't worry! I'll help you find your way out of the maze," said Billy. + +Timmy was so happy to see Billy and he was no longer worried. Together, they found their way out of the maze and went back to the field to tell all their friends about their adventure. From that day on, Timmy and Billy were known as the brave adventurers of the field. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside with his friends. One day, they saw a big flag waving in the wind. Timmy's friend, Sarah, said, "Let's go see what's happening over there!" Timmy suggested they run to the flag to find out. + +When they got closer, they saw a parade! There were people playing music and dancing. Timmy thought it was brilliant! He said to Sarah, "I want to be in the parade too!" Sarah said, "That's a great idea! Let's go ask if we can join." + +So, they ran up to the parade leader and asked if they could be in the parade. The leader said, "Of course! We always love having new friends join us." Timmy and Sarah were so happy. They danced and played music with the other people in the parade. It was the best day ever! +Once upon a time, there was a brave knight. He had a big sword that he carried with him everywhere he went. One day, he went to fight a dragon. The dragon was very big and strong, and the knight was troubled because he didn't know if he could win the fight. + +As the knight got closer to the dragon, he realized that he might not be able to defeat it. He thought about surrendering, but then he remembered that he was a brave knight and he couldn't give up. So, he took his sword and charged towards the dragon. + +The dragon breathed fire and the knight swung his sword. They fought for a long time, but finally, the knight was able to defeat the dragon. He felt very proud of himself and was happy that he didn't surrender. From that day on, the knight was known as the bravest knight in all the land. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She went on a trip with her mom and dad. They had big bags called luggage. Lily's bag was pink and had a picture of a unicorn on it. + +When they got to the airport, they had to wait in a long line. But then, they got on a big plane! It went really fast, like a race car. Lily loved how it felt to speed through the sky. + +When they got off the plane, they went to a hotel. There was a cute puppy there named Max. Lily thought he was adorable. She played with him and gave him a big hug. Then, they went to their room and unpacked their luggage. Lily was so happy to be on vacation with her family. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy was very busy playing with his toys. He loved to wear his superhero costume and pretend he was saving the world. + +One day, Timmy's mom told him that he was going to have a tutor come over to help him learn new things. Timmy didn't know what a tutor was, but he was excited to learn. + +When the tutor arrived, Timmy was still wearing his superhero costume. The tutor smiled and said, "Wow, you look like a brave hero!" Timmy felt proud and excited to learn from his new friend. + +Together, Timmy and his tutor worked on counting and reading. Timmy was a quick learner and soon he was able to read his favorite books all by himself. He was so happy that he gave his tutor a big hug and said, "Thank you for teaching me new things!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with her toys and jumping on her bed. One day, her mom told her they were going to rearrange the furniture in the living room. + +Lily didn't like that idea because she loved the regular way the furniture was set up. She started to question her mom, asking why they had to change it. Her mom explained that sometimes change is good and it can make things look better. + +Lily still wasn't happy about it, but she decided to help her mom anyway. They moved the couch, the chairs, and the table. When they were finished, Lily was surprised to see that it actually looked really nice. She was happy that she helped and learned that sometimes it's okay to question things and try new things, even if they seem different at first. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to sing songs. One day, she heard a new song on the radio. It was an original song. She wanted to sing it too, but she didn't know the words. + +Lily asked her mommy for help. Her mommy listened to the song and wrote down the words. Then, Lily practiced singing the song. She wanted to measure how good she was singing, so she used a toy microphone. + +Lily's mommy was very proud of her. She said, "You have a beautiful voice, Lily. Keep singing!" From that day on, Lily sang the original song every day. She loved to measure how much better she was getting at singing it. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved playing soccer with his friends. One day, Timmy's team won a trophy for being the best in the league. Timmy felt mighty proud of himself. + +But when Timmy got home, he started shouting at his little sister for no reason. His mom saw this and told him that winning a trophy doesn't give him the right to be mean to others. Timmy felt bad and apologized to his sister. + +From that day on, Timmy learned that being kind and respectful to others is more important than any trophy. He realized that true greatness comes from being a good person, not just from winning a game. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside with her toys. One day, she saw a chicken in her backyard. The chicken was walking around and looking for food. + +Lily said, "Hello chicken, what are you doing here?" + +The chicken said, "I'm looking for some seeds to eat. Do you have any?" + +Lily said, "I don't have any seeds, but I have some bread. Would you like some?" + +The chicken said, "Yes, please!" Lily went inside and got some bread. She covered the bread with clear wrap to keep it fresh. Then she gave it to the chicken. The chicken ate the bread and said, "Thank you, Lily! That was delicious!" +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved going to the zoo with his mommy and daddy. They would see all sorts of animals like lions, tigers, and bears. But Timmy's favorite animal was the gorilla. + +One day, Timmy and his family went to the zoo. They were having a great time until they heard a loud noise. It was the gorilla! He was banging on his cage and making a lot of noise. Timmy's mommy and daddy told him to stay away from the gorilla because he might hurt him. + +Later that day, Timmy and his family were watching the monkeys play when they heard another loud noise. This time it was the gorilla again. He had escaped from his cage and was running around the zoo. Timmy's mommy and daddy were scared, but Timmy knew just what to do. He went up to the gorilla and said, "Please don't disturb the other animals. Let's go back to your cage." The gorilla listened to Timmy and went back to his cage. Timmy was a hero! +Once upon a time, there was a clown named Bobo. Bobo was a funny clown who loved to make people laugh. But one day, Bobo felt gloomy and sad. He didn't feel like making people laugh anymore. + +Bobo's friend, a little girl named Lily, noticed that something was wrong with Bobo. She asked him what was bothering him. Bobo told her that he was feeling sad and didn't know what to do. + +Lily told Bobo to relax and take a deep breath. She said that sometimes it's okay to feel sad and that it's important to talk about our feelings with someone we trust. Bobo felt better after talking to Lily and thanked her for being a good friend. From that day on, Bobo felt happy again and continued to make people laugh with his silly jokes and tricks. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys and run around outside. One day, he saw a man in a uniform walking down the street. The uniform was blue and had lots of pockets. Timmy thought it looked very useful. + +As the man walked by, Timmy leaned over to get a closer look. The man noticed Timmy and smiled. He reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a shiny badge. Timmy was so excited to see it! He asked the man if he could have one too. + +The man chuckled and said, "Maybe one day, when you grow up, you can wear a uniform and have a badge just like mine." Timmy was thrilled at the thought and ran back to his toys, dreaming of the day he could wear a uniform and be just as useful as the man he saw on the street. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to do yoga with her mommy. One day, Lily's mommy was feeling clumsy and fell down during yoga. Lily observed her mommy and said, "Mommy, are you okay?" + +Her mommy replied, "I'm okay, sweetie. I just lost my balance." + +Lily was happy that her mommy wasn't hurt. After yoga, they went for a walk in the park. Lily observed the trees and the birds. She said, "Look mommy, the birds are flying high up in the sky!" + +Her mommy smiled and said, "Yes, they are. It's nice to observe nature and see all the beautiful things around us." + +Lily agreed and they continued their walk, feeling happy and peaceful. +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She was very kind and had a lot of friends. One day, a prince came to visit her kingdom. He was very handsome and the princess thought he was adorable. They played together and had a lot of fun. + +After a few days, the prince asked the princess to marry him. The princess was happy and said yes. They had a big wedding and everyone came to celebrate. During the wedding, the prince gave the princess a mineral as a gift. She was very happy and thought it was very pretty. + +But after the wedding, the prince became mean and started to yell at the princess. He didn't want to play with her anymore and didn't care about her feelings. The princess was very sad and didn't know what to do. She realized that marrying the prince was a mistake and she wished she could go back in time. + +In the end, the princess had to leave the prince and go back to her own kingdom. She was very sad but knew it was the right thing to do. She learned that sometimes things that seem good at first can turn out to be bad in the end. +Once upon a time, there was a kind and loyal dog named Max. Max loved to play fetch with his owner, little Timmy. One day, Timmy found a shiny gem in the park while playing with Max. He picked it up and put it in his pocket. + +Later that day, Timmy's mom asked him to help her cut some vegetables for dinner. Timmy was very excited to help, but he accidentally dropped the gem into the vegetable bowl. They didn't notice the gem and started cutting the vegetables. + +As they were eating dinner, Timmy's mom suddenly screamed, "Oh no! I cut my tooth on something hard!" They quickly realized it was the gem that had been hiding in the vegetables. Timmy felt bad for losing the gem, but Max licked his face to make him feel better. From that day on, Timmy and Max always made sure to check the vegetables before cutting them. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to look at the birds outside her window. One day, she found a fragile bird with a hurt wing. Lily wanted to help the bird, so she brought it inside her house. + +She gave the bird some seeds to eat, but it couldn't chew them because of its hurt wing. So, Lily mashed up the seeds and fed them to the bird. The bird was very happy and chirped a little song. + +Lily took care of the bird every day until its wing was better. When it was time for the bird to leave, Lily said goodbye and watched it fly away. She was sad to see the bird go, but happy that it was all better. +Once upon a time, there was a brave little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and explore the world around her. One day, she went for a walk with her mommy and saw a shiny license on the ground. + +"Mommy, what's that?" Lily asked, pointing at the license. + +"That's a license, sweetie. It's a special card that lets people do certain things, like drive a car," her mommy explained. + +Lily picked up the license and put it in her pocket. As they continued their walk, they came across a big hill. Lily looked up at the hill and felt a little scared. + +"I don't know if I can climb that hill, Mommy," Lily said. + +"You can do it, Lily. You're brave," her mommy encouraged her. + +Lily took a deep breath and started to climb the hill. As she reached the top, she felt so proud of herself. She pulled out the license from her pocket and showed it to her mommy. + +"Look, Mommy! I did it! I climbed the hill!" Lily exclaimed, zipping up her jacket with excitement. + +Her mommy smiled and gave her a big hug. "I knew you could do it, my brave little girl," she said. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved playing with her toys. One day, Lily's little brother came into her room and accidentally knocked over all of her toys. Lily got very upset and started crying. + +Her brother said, "I'm sorry, Lily. I didn't mean to cause trouble." + +Lily wiped her tears and thought for a moment. She remembered her mom telling her about forgiveness. "It's okay," she said. "I forgive you." + +Her brother was very enthusiastic and gave her a big hug. From that day on, they played together and had lots of fun. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a village with her family. One day, Lily's mom asked her to help load some boxes into their car. Lily was happy to help and started carrying the boxes one by one. + +While they were loading the boxes, Lily's dad came home looking gloomy. He told them that the village was going to be flooded because of the heavy rain. Lily got scared and asked her mom, "What are we going to do?" Her mom replied, "We need to pack everything quickly and leave the village before it gets flooded." + +Lily helped her family pack their things and they left the village just in time. They drove to a safer place and watched as the rain flooded their village. Lily felt sad for her friends and neighbors but was happy that her family was safe. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the park. One day, he found a shiny penny on the ground. He was so happy! He put the penny in his pocket and ran home to show his mom. + +When Timmy got home, he asked his mom if he could buy some candy with the penny. His mom said yes, but he needed to pay for it himself. So, Timmy went to the store and bought some candy. + +On his way back home, Timmy saw a deep hole in the ground. He thought it would be fun to throw rocks into the hole. But when he threw a rock, it bounced off a skull at the bottom of the hole! + +Timmy was scared and ran home to tell his mom. They called the police, who found out that the skull belonged to a missing person. Timmy was sad that someone had died, but he was glad that he found the penny and was able to pay for his candy. + +Unfortunately, Timmy never went back to the park again. He was too scared of what else he might find. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a bike with pretty flowers on it, but the gears were broken. Lily wanted to ride her bike, but she couldn't because it wouldn't go. + +One day, Lily's neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, saw her sitting sadly next to her bike. Mrs. Johnson had a charming smile and a kind heart. She asked Lily what was wrong, and Lily told her about her broken bike. + +Mrs. Johnson let Lily borrow her own bike with working gears. Lily was so happy to ride around the neighborhood on the charming pink bike. She thanked Mrs. Johnson and promised to take good care of it. + +From that day on, Lily and Mrs. Johnson became good friends. They would often ride their bikes together and have picnics in the park. Lily never forgot the kind gesture of Mrs. Johnson letting her borrow her bike. +Once upon a time, there was a mommy and her daughter. The mommy loved her daughter very much. One day, they went to the park to play. The daughter wanted to go on the swings, but they were too heavy for her to move. + +The mommy had an idea. She said, "Let's plan to push you on the swings together!" The daughter was happy and they both pushed the swings. The daughter laughed and had so much fun. + +After playing, they went home and had dinner. The daughter was tired and fell asleep in her bed. The mommy kissed her goodnight and whispered, "I love you." +Once upon a time, there was a man who liked to bounce a ball on his lawn. He was bald and always wore a hat. One day, he bounced the ball too hard and it went over the fence. He went to get it, but he didn't see the big dog on the other side. The dog bit him and he got hurt. + +The man had to go to the hospital and get lots of stitches. He couldn't bounce the ball anymore because he was too hurt. He was very sad and had to stay in bed for a long time. He learned that it was important to be careful when playing on the lawn. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to talk and play with her friends. One day, she saw a new girl at the park. The new girl looked sad and didn't speak the same language as Lily. + +Lily wanted to be friends with the new girl, so she went up to her and said, "Hi, I'm Lily. What's your name?" The new girl smiled and said her name was Maria. Lily invited Maria to play with her and her friends. + +At first, Maria was shy and didn't say much. But Lily and her friends made her feel welcome and included her in their games. By the end of the day, Maria was laughing and having fun. + +Lily felt proud of herself for inviting Maria to play, even though they didn't speak the same language. She wasn't ashamed that she didn't understand everything Maria said. Instead, she was happy to have a new friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, but he always left them on the floor. His mom would tell him to pick them up, but he never listened. + +One day, Timmy's mom was cleaning the house and accidentally knocked over an ashtray. It broke into many little pieces and made a big mess. Timmy's mom was sad because the ashtray was very long and she had it for a very long time. + +Timmy saw how sad his mom was and he realized that he had made her miss her ashtray. He felt bad for not listening to her and decided to start picking up his toys. From that day on, Timmy always kept his toys in their proper place and his mom was very happy. The moral of the story is that it's important to listen to your parents and take care of your things. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. He loved his teddy bear very much because it belonged to him. Timmy and his teddy bear went on adventures together every day. + +One day, Timmy and his teddy bear went to the city to see all the tall buildings. Timmy thought the city was very big and exciting. However, his mommy told him to be careful because some parts of the city can be dangerous. + +Timmy and his teddy bear had to be very careful and hold hands tightly as they walked through the city. Timmy was happy to have his teddy bear with him because he felt safe and knew his teddy bear belonged with him always. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside, especially in the park. One day, her mom told her they were going to the park to play catch. Lily was so excited! + +Before they left, Lily's mom reminded her to behave and listen to her. Lily promised she would. She put on her favorite orange shirt and grabbed her glove. They walked to the park and started playing catch. + +Suddenly, the ball went flying into the bushes. Lily ran to get it but couldn't find it. She was about to give up when she remembered her mom's advice to always look carefully. She searched and searched until finally, she found the ball! Her mom was proud of her for behaving and not giving up. They continued playing catch and had a great time. +Once upon a time, there was a thin cat named Mittens. Mittens loved to hide in boxes and under blankets. One day, Mittens found an infant mouse hiding in a corner. Mittens wanted to play with the mouse, but the mouse was scared and ran away. + +Mittens felt sad that the mouse was afraid of her. She realized that sometimes it's not fun to hide and scare others. Mittens decided to be kind and gentle to the mouse. + +The next day, Mittens found the mouse again, but this time she didn't hide. She approached the mouse slowly and gently, and the mouse wasn't scared anymore. They became friends and played together. Mittens learned that being kind is important and that it's better to make friends than to scare them away. +Once upon a time, there was a fancy hero named Jack. Jack had a big cape and a shiny sword. He loved to help people and save the day. One day, Jack saw a big monster attacking a village. He ran to the village to help. + +When Jack arrived, he saw the monster was very big and very mean. Jack fought the monster with his sword, but the monster was too strong. Jack said to the people, "I need your help to end this monster." + +The people helped Jack fight the monster. They threw rocks and sticks at the monster. Finally, the monster was defeated! The people cheered for Jack and called him their hero. But then, the ground started to shake. The monster's mother appeared! She was even bigger and meaner than the first monster. Jack knew he couldn't defeat her alone. He said to the people, "I need your help again." + +The people were scared, but they knew they had to help Jack. They fought the monster's mother with all their might. But in the end, they couldn't defeat her. Jack and the people were very sad. They had lost the battle. Jack said, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you all." The people said, "You're still our hero, Jack." +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to watch aeroplanes fly in the sky. One day, Timmy went to the airport with his mom to see the big aeroplanes take off. Timmy was so excited and kept jumping up and down. + +"Mommy, when will the big aeroplane be ready to fly?" Timmy asked. + +"It will be ready soon, Timmy," his mom replied. + +Suddenly, Timmy saw a man lift a big bag onto the aeroplane. "Wow, he's so strong!" Timmy exclaimed. + +"Yes, he is," his mom agreed. "Now let's go watch the aeroplane take off!" + +Timmy and his mom watched as the aeroplane lifted off the ground and soared into the sky. Timmy was so happy and couldn't wait to see another aeroplane fly again. +Once upon a time, there was a big yellow flower. It was called a sunflower. It lived in a garden with many other flowers. One day, a little girl picked the sunflower and took it home. The sunflower was sad because it wanted to stay with its friends in the garden. + +The little girl put the sunflower in a vase on her table. The sunflower was happy to see the girl, but it was still sad because it missed its home. One day, the little girl accidentally knocked over the vase and the sunflower fell on the floor. It started to scream because it was hurt. + +The little girl felt very bad and tried to fix the sunflower. She put it back in the vase and gave it some water. The sunflower was still sad, but it was happy that the little girl cared for it. From that day on, the little girl visited the sunflower in the garden every day and they became good friends. +There was a little boy named Jim. He was excited to put on his helmet: it was white, and shiny like a new toy. He ran out to his garden, bouncing around in his helmet. + +All day he ran and hopped and bounced around in his helmet. He looked so happy and proud. + +Jim's aunt saw him and asked, "What are you doing?" + +"I'm bouncing!" he answered. + +A funny smile came on her face. "You know something funny? Bouncing is what people do when they have a bike!" + +Jim furrowed his brow and said, "Huh?" + +"Yes, and it's time for you to have a bike of your own," she said. + +Jim's eyes lit up. "Can I really have a bike with a helmet?" he asked. + +"Of course, my dear. We'll go to the store tomorrow and pick out your very own bike and helmet, white with a big yellow stripe," she said. + +Jim was so excited that he couldn't help but give his aunt a big hug! From then on, bouncing became twice as much fun: bouncing and biking everywhere he wanted to go with his white helmet. +Once upon a time, there were two little friends called Bob and Ann. They were both very independent. They each had their own little things they liked to do, but they also loved to make each other laugh and have fun. + +One day, they were playing in a park near a huge well. Bob had the idea to give a stone to the well. He told Ann it was a wish he wanted to make. They both did this, and wished very hard for some special things in their lives. + +After they finished, they went on with their day, but a few days later they got the surprise of their lives. Bob realised that his wish had been granted as he had become more independent. Ann’s wish had also come true and she was a lot happier. + +This showed Bob and Ann that when you give something special away, it can come back to you better than ever before. So, the moral of the story is that if you give away something special, it can make you happy for even longer. +Ruby was so excited to have a picnic with Mommy, Daddy and her puppy, Scout. Ruby grabbed a huge blanket and ran to the backyard. She helped Mommy spread out the blanket on the big green grass. Scout barked with excitement! + +Daddy spread out some yummy sandwiches and Mommy set down a big container of jam. Ruby watched as Mommy used a spoon to scatter the jam on the sandwiches. It made Ruby’s tummy rumble and she loved the sweet smell too. + +Scout and Ruby took turns running around the blanket. All the while, they laughed and played together in the huge field behind their house. Finally, it was time for lunch! They all had a delicious picnic with jam-covered sandwiches and plenty of smiles. +One day, a child decided to dress up. She was glad to have a pretty dress to wear. First, she put on the white and pink dress. Then, she added a bow to her hair and put on a pair of shoes. When the child saw herself in the mirror, she was so happy. She spun around and around and smiled. + +The child ran outside and saw her friends in the backyard. She was so glad to show them her new dress. Her friends clapped and cheered. They all had different dresses and looked very pretty. + +The child and her friends ran around the garden, playing games and having fun. Everyone was laughing and happy. The child was so glad she decided to dress up that day. +Once upon a time, there was a gifted girl, named Anne. She was only three. + +One day, Anne went to a special place. Her parents promised they'd introduce her to something special. Anne looked around and saw a big, shiny, black piano. + +Anne was very excited. She touched the keys and played some funny notes. Her parents laughed. They said she was gifted. + +Anne practiced the piano every day. She was so happy when she heard the beautiful music she was creating. + +The important lessonAnne learned was that with enough dedication, anyone can accomplish great things. +Pepper the bunny was so excited to play in the sun. He wanted to enjoy the warm day, so he hopped outside and saw a nice open green space. He carefully hopped around, and soon came across a bright red bouncy ball. He had never seen anything like it before. + +He gleefully picked it up, hugged it close and said, "I'll call you Bubble!" He began to bounce Bubble around the green space and laughed as it went higher and higher. + +Then, Pepper came across a shiny blue wrap. He began to play with it, using it like a kite as he ran around trying to catch it. He was so captivated by the colourful wrap, that he had completely forgotten about Bubble. + +Suddenly, Pepper heard a huge thud. Bubble had bounced out of the park, onto the road. He hurriedly ran out to the road, but it was too late. A car had driven over Bubble and it was totally flat. + +Pepper was so upset, he cried and cried. He should have been more careful - if he had kept an eye on Bubble, it would never have bounced away. +John was playing in the park on a sunny day. He had his favourite toy spear with him and was having a great time. Suddenly, he noticed two children. One was quite rude while the other was very kind. His kind friend said to the rude one, “You shouldn’t be so mean to John.†+ +The rude child didn’t like this and snatched John’s favourite spear. John started to cry, so his kind friend grabbed the spear back and gave it back to John. + +Unfortunately, the rude child wasn’t happy about this and started to make fun of John. John was so angry and he threw his spear at the rude child. The rude child started to cry and ran away. + +John and his kind friend started to laugh and have fun in the park again, now that the rude child was gone. Even though he felt bad for being so rude, John was glad that his favourite spear was back in his hands. +There were two friends, Bob and Jane. They liked to explore the woods together. One day, they came across a stream. Bob saw a stick and wanted to play in the stream. Jane said, "No, we are not allowed to play here. We must go home." Bob said, "But we always get to explore and play together! Please, permit me to play here." Jane saw how excited Bob was, so she said, "Okay, but just this once." + +Bob smiled and started playing in the stream. He couldn't believe how much fun he was having. Suddenly, it started raining and the water in the stream started rising. Bob was happy he got to play in the stream and started making his way back to the shore. As he was walking, the water started getting heavier. Bob soon realized he was no longer able to touch the bottom of the stream. + +Jane saw Bob struggling and yelled, "Don't worry, I will save you!" She quickly ran to him and pulled him out of the stream. Bob was safe! Now he knows that it is important to stay away from the rising water in the stream. +One day there was a bird who lived in a cage. The bird was very sad because it wanted to fly free in the sky, not be stuck in a cage. The bird tried to explain to the person taking care of it why it wanted to be free. + +"Let me fly!" said the bird. +But the person was very ignorant and just said, "No, you are too small and delicate." + +The bird was so sad and decided to find another way to fill its cage with something else. So, it thought very hard and found a way to fill its cage with sunshine. + +The bird flew to the top of the cage and sang to the sun. The sun was very happy and shined its light into the cage. The bird felt so warm, and eventually it was filled with the sunshine. + +The bird was so happy and sang a song of joy for being free. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Anna and Sarah. Everyday the two friends would go out into the backyard and play together. One of their favorite games was called the Hoop Rise. + +They would stand facing each other and each had a hoop. Anna and Sarah held their hoops in the air and smiled brightly. With a little bit of luck and lots of practice, they tried to make the hoop rise. Anna's hoop would fly high and then fall back down, and Sarah's hoop would go a little bit higher. + +After a few tries, both of the hoops rose at the same time! Anna and Sarah were so happy, they cheered and clapped together. + +"We did it!" Anna and Sarah said. + +They kept trying for a little while longer, and eventually their hoops were rising higher and higher. They couldn't believe how much fun they were having. They were having a great time playing the Hoop Rise, and they knew they would do it again and again. +Once there was a brave crane. He liked to create fun things. One day he created a big castle made of blocks. It was so fancy and tall it even had its own flag. + +The next thing he created was a bridge. It was made of sticks and stones, but it stretched all the way across the pond! + +Then, he created a big wheel out of trees. It spun so fast the crane could hop on and take a ride! + +When he was done creating, he roamed around and explored the things he had made. He was so proud of being so brave and creative. + +The crane knew he was brave enough to make whatever he dreamed of. He thanked himself for being so creative and exclaimed, "I am the bravest crane of all!" +Bob wanted to go to the mall. He asked his mom if he could go but she said no. He was feeling sad. + +One day Bob asked his mom again, but this time she said yes. He was excited! He put on a warm coat and picked up his bag. + +When Bob arrived at the mall it was easy to find what he was looking for. He saw many different toys and other things. He asked his mom if he pick one. She said yes! + +Bob picked a small truck. He was so excited that he couldn't wait to take it home. As they were walking out of the mall, Bob noticed a bigger truck in the window. He had almost forgotten about it! + +He asked his mom if he could pick this larger truck instead. She said yes, but he had to promise to be extra careful with it. + +Bob was so happy to get the bigger truck. He couldn't believe his luck - his mom had made his day extra special! +Once upon a time, there was a mom and a boy. The mom was teaching the boy about how important it is to forgive. + +The mom and the boy decided to take a kayak out on the sea. The boy was so excited! + +The sea was calm and the sun was bright. Suddenly, the boy felt like he was in a high boat, even though the boat was in the water. But the mom was not afraid. She held the boy’s hand and said it was okay. + +The mom was helping the boy to learn how to forgive. She said it is important to forgive because it can make us feel better. + +At the end of the day, the boy was very happy. He had learned that it is important to forgive. He smiled and hugged his mom. + +The boy and his mom knew that they were lucky to have each other. They had learned a special lesson that day – to forgive and love each other. +The little girl was picking blueberries with her daddy in the forest by the lake. There were big bushes of blueberries and the girl was so happy! She was so excited to be able to pick her own blueberries. + +Daddy: "OK, now you can pick some blueberries for Mummy, won't she be happy?" +Girl: "Yes, Daddy!" + +The little girl carefully selected the bluest and the tastiest blueberries she could find. She was so grateful that Daddy allowed her to pick her own blueberries. Daddy smiled, happy to see his daughter happy. + +Suddenly, there was a rustle in the bushes. Daddy immediately reached out to protect his daughter. The little girl was scared and held her breath. But she was relieved and happy to see that it was only a rabbit. + +Girl: "Oh, it's just a rabbit! Daddy, can I pet it?" +Daddy: "Yes, you can but be very gentle!" + +The little girl was so excited! She carefully approached the rabbit and petted it softly. She was grateful for Daddy's patience and for allowing her to pet the rabbit. + +The day ended with a big and tasty blueberry pie, shared with the whole family. Everyone was grateful for the lovely day spent in nature and for the delicious blueberry pie. +Once there was a little engine that lived in a garage. Every night, the engine would whisper and tell stories to the other engines in the garage. + +One night, the little engine told a special story. The story was about a brave little boy who fought a dragon. The dragon was huge and fierce, but the little boy was brave and clever. He tricked the dragon and ran away, and everyone was so proud of him. + +The other engines in the garage were so amazed with the little engine's story. They whispered back, sharing stories of their own. Together, they laughed and cheered, enjoying their own special kind of adventure. +Once upon a time, there was a patient. The patient felt very blue, so they decided to increase their mood. So, they went outside and they saw a beautiful blue sky! The patient looked up, smiled, and felt a little bit better. + +Next, the patient saw a patch of blue flowers. As they admired the pretty colors, their mood increased even more. Then, a few blue butterflies flew around them. They felt so peaceful and happy. + +Finally, the patient increased their mood even more when a blue bird flew up and sat on their shoulder. The patient hugged the blue bird and felt a warm feeling inside. + +The patient felt a lot better after their adventure and they appreciated the beauty of the blue sky, flowers, butterflies and the blue bird. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Sally. Sally was curious and always had lots of questions. One day, she asked her father why the trees look so different when the wind blows. Her dad smiled and said: "Well, Sally, when the wind blows, it makes the leaves shiver. That means the tree is cold!" + +Sally thought about this for a while and then went outside. Soon she saw a man playing a violin under the tree. As the wind blew, the man squeezed his eyes shut while he played the violin. Sally thought the man looked very silly and asked him why he was playing the violin. + +The man replied, "I am playing the violin to keep me warm. See how the wind makes the leaves shiver? That is why I play the violin." + +Sally smiled and thanked the man. From then on, whenever Sally saw someone shiver, she remembered the violin player's wise words. She realized that even small things can help us when we are in need. + +The moral of the story is that if you see someone or something in need, do what you can to help, no matter how foolish it may seem. +Once there was a young boy. He was only three years old, but he very eagerly wanted to join the other children in the park. + +The other kids were playing together and ran around under the bright sun. The young boy watched and felt a special kind of wonder. He wanted to join them. + +Finally, on a Wednesday morning, he got his chance. He walked closer and closer, but then he heard a pounding sound. He looked up, and he saw a bright lightning bolt. + +The young boy was so sad and scared. He started to cry and run away. He was never brave enough to join the other kids in the park ever again. +Once upon a time there was a gray rabbit. He was very happy and enjoyed playing in the sun all day. One day he saw something very interesting in the grass - it was a broken ball! He was so excited about it, he quickly picked it up and started to play with it. He enjoyed jumping over it, rolling it around and throwing it in the air. + +He was having a lot of fun until he heard a loud noise coming from the sky above. It was a big bird, carrying the ball away in its beak! The rabbit was so sad to see his broken ball getting taken away, but he still enjoyed his day with the sky so full of life. +One day, Molly and her Mommy went to the park. It was a very cheerful day outside, with the sun shining brightly in the sky. + +Molly and Mommy had fun walking around and looking at the different things in the park. They saw people playing on the monkey bars, and some little birds in the trees. + +Molly and Mommy decided to play hide-and-seek. Mommy lay down under a tree while Molly counted to ten. She looked around and looked very hard, but she couldn't find Mommy. + +Finally, Molly spotted Mommy hiding under the slide. She was giggling and cheerful. Molly ran over to her, and they both laughed for a long time. + +Molly and Mommy then spent the rest of their time in the park playing lots of games together. When it was time to go home, they were both very happy and walked back home with big smiles on their faces. +Once upon a time, there was a girl. Her name was Sue. Sue had a deep love for dolls. She went to the store to buy a doll but she did not know which one to choose. + +The store clerk saw Sue looking at all the dolls and decided to help her. The clerk recommended a special doll. He said it was one of the best dolls in the store. Sue was so excited. + +The doll was very beautiful. It had long sparkly hair and a pretty dress. Its eyes were blue and it had a bright smile. Sue hugged the doll and took it home. + +At home, Sue played with the doll every day. She liked to take the doll for walks and tell it stories. Every time she held the doll, Sue felt deep happiness in her heart. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there were two friends. One friend was fat and the other was not. They loved to play together in the park every day. + +One day, the fat friend had an idea. He said, "Let's cover ourselves with leaves!" + +The other friend was hesitant at first. He said, "Are you sure, human? It looks like a lot of work!" + +The fat friend said, "Yes! We'll have so much fun! It can be our game!" + +So they spent the day gathering leaves and covering themselves. When they were done, they ran around and laughed. + +The fat friend shouted, "Look at us! We look like humans covered in leaves!" +And they both laughed until the sun went down. +Once there was a girl named May. She loved to fold paper and make things with her own two hands. One day, she decided to make a dress for herself. + +May grabbed her scissors and went to work. She cut the fabric, then she folded it together. She didn't forget to use the stitch, to make the dress tight and strong. + +When she was done with the dress, her mom asked her "How fast is it?" May was excited. She said, "Mom, it's really fast!". + +The dress was perfect! May was so happy to have a new dress. From then on, every time she made something with her hands, she tried to make it as fast as possible. +I see a bird fly. It goes so high, up by the clouds. I watch it go and I think it's a mystery. I want to fly, too. + +Mommy says I'm ready to fly. I get to go outside, with a big blue kite. I hold it tight and run and let go. The wind takes it up and I'm flying with the birds. + +I feel so happy and look around, but then I see something strange. I see a balloon with a face flying near me. I don't know what it's doing here. It looks like a mystery. + +But I don't think too much, I just enjoy flying. Mommy pulls me back down and I'm ready to fly again. I want to keep flying, just like the birds and explore the mystery in the sky. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Emmy. She was very small but she was very brave. Emmy wanted to go outside to play but it was so cold. Her mom said: "You must wear your warm pants, Emmy." Emmy found her warm pants and put them on. + +The pants didn't match with her shirt. She asked her mom: "Mom, why don't the pants match my shirt?" Her mom smiled and said: "That's okay Emmy, it's okay if they don't match. It's more important that you are warm." So Emmy bundled up in her warm pants and went outside to play in the cold weather. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a brave little girl. She loved to swing and happily swung every day. One day she had a very serious idea. She decided to swing all the way to the hospital so she could swing with the nurse. + +So, off she went and when the little girl arrived at the hospital, she asked the nurse if she could swing with her. + +The nurse smiled and said, “I’m sorry, but that’s against hospital rules.†She thought for a moment and added, “But I could take a little break, and we could go into the garden for a few minutes.†+ +The little girl happily followed the nurse and the two of them swung happily in the garden. + +The moral of the story is: Be brave, but remember to be careful. There are some rules that we must follow, even if it means not doing something fun. +Once upon a time there were two birds who quarreled all day long. One was named Jack and the other was named Jill. They were both so loud that they could be heard all the way at the top of the mountains. + +One day, Jack went up to the mountain to see what was causing all the noise. When he got there, he saw Jill with a big smile on her face. She had found a lung which she was so excited about. + +Jack asked Jill why she was so excited about finding a lung. She said, "I'm going to use it for my nest! It will be nice and bouncy." + +Jack thought about it for a moment and said, "That sounds like a great idea! But why don't we have a little bit of fun before you make it into a nest?" + +Jill smiled and said, "Okay!" + +They both started jumping on the lung and laughing. They enjoyed the playful time they had on the mountain. + +After some time, Jack and Jill said goodbye. They both returned home with smiles on their faces, but this time they were quiet. They remembered what fun they had had, and declared that they would never quarrel again. +One day, a little girl and her mommy were at the park. The girl was wearing a very pretty collar with ribbons on it. The girl was spinning around and twisting all over the place. Suddenly, the collar got stuck on a branch and the girl couldn't get it off. + +Her mommy tried to help but it wouldn't come off. The mommy tried pulling it, but it wouldn't budge. She tried twisting it, but still nothing happened. She was getting very mad and her voice got loud and harsh. + +The girl started to get scared but then a kind man came over and said he knew how to help. The man went to his car and got some scissors. He snipped the ribbons a little and then he twisted the collar until it slipped off the branch. + +The girl was saved and the mommy was very grateful. The little girl thanked the kind man and promised never to twist too far from Mommy. +Jack was running and playing in the garden. He was so excited to see the new swing his aunt had made. It was bright yellow and very original. But when he saw it, Jack began to complain. + +"It's too small," he said to his aunt. + +Aunt smiled and said kindly, "Don't worry Jack, you'll grow into it soon." + +Jack was disappointed. He wanted to play on the swing right away. + +The next day, Jack was playing in the garden and saw a small bench under the swing. He asked his aunt what it was for. + +Aunt smiled again, "That's for your feet Jack. It will help you get bigger so you can reach the swing." + +Jack couldn't believe it. He was so excited to be able to reach the swing! He thanked his aunt and clambered onto the bench, using it as a stepping stool. Then, he was able to stand tall and swing as much as he liked. He was so happy! +One day there was a little bird who was about to take a big journey. So he stopped by a hive to get some food for his trip, and he whistled with joy. It was such a charming hive, filled with buzzing bees and beautiful colours. He flew away and kept whistling, enjoying the journey ahead of him. He kept going until he found a nice place to rest and have a bit of a snack. After a while, he was feeling happy and content, so he whistled a little song and flew on. The little bird eventually reached his destination and had the best adventure ever. He couldn't wait to return to the hive someday andwhistle some more! +Once there was a little boy named Tom. Tom loved to play sports and he was very good at them. Every day he played soccer in the park. + +One day, Tom was playing with his friends when he started to feel hurt. He couldn't play any more. His friends were sad and tried to help. They offered to get him some water and rest, but Tom wouldn't accept. + +He really wanted to play, but he just couldn't. Tom was too hurt. He finally had to accept that he would have to take a break from sports for the next few days. + +Tom's friends were understanding and helped him get home. They didn't give up on him, even though he had to stop playing sports. They still had fun, but it just wasn't the same without Tom. + +Tom was sad – he wanted to play sports again, but he knew he had to listen to his body and accept that he was hurt. After a few days of rest, Tom was feeling better. He was able to go back and have fun with his friends playing sports again. +Once upon a time, there was an egg. It was hurt and sad. The egg did not believe anyone or anything could help it. + +One day, a kind mouse came to visit the egg. The mouse said to the egg "I believe you can be happy again". The egg looked surprised, but slowly started to believe the mouse. + +Then, the mouse gently rolled the egg in its soft hands. Soon, the egg cracked open and a little caterpillar emerged! The caterpillar was full of love and life. + +The egg was happy and smiled brightly. The caterpillar thanked the mouse for believing. The mouse smiled back and said, "It was easy to believe in you". They both hugged each other and the egg said, "I believe again!". +One day, a fisherman went fishing in the sea. He was wearing a big hat and a pair of boots. The fisherman had a rod in his hands and was ready to catch some fish. + +Suddenly, he felt tired and he yawned. As he continued fishing, he saw a big fish swimming close by. He was so envious of the fish that he wished he could be one. + +The fisherman started to throw his bait, hoping that he could catch the big fish. But the fish was too smart and it swam away in just a few seconds. The fisherman was sad, but he continued fishing. + +Yawning again, he noticed that the sun was setting. He decided to go home and grabbed his bag. He had had a fun day and was pleased with the fish that he had caught. +Once upon a time, there were two friends who were walking in the woods. The first one said, "I'm so hungry. I wish I had something to eat!" + +The second one replied, "Me too! Let's see if we can find something to fill us up!" + +They searched and searched, but they couldn't find anything. Then, they spotted a beehive under an old tree. The first friend said, "Look! Let's see if there's some honey in there." + +The second one said, "That could be helpful! But it might be tricky to get at." + +The first friend said, "That's alright. I'm going to try anyway." So he climbed up the tree and carefully reached into the beehive. He was able to fill his hat with honey. + +The second one was so happy! They laughed and thanked the bees for being so helpful. Then, they enjoyed their sweet treat together. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Abigail. She was not like any other girl. She had the power to create whatever she wanted. + +One day, Abigail decided to create a secret chamber using her special power. She was so excited and couldn't wait to explore it. + +But when she opened the chamber door, she was frightened. Suddenly, the chamber started to shake and things started to move around. Abigail was scared so she ran outside and never went back. + +She never knew what was in the chamber, but she was certain it was something special. To this day, Abigail is still curious about what she might have found in the chamber. +A young boy wanted to spend his day exploring in the park. He ran around, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. He saw a butterfly flying around and wanted to follow it. He chased it around the park, but it was too fast. + +Then, he noticed a piece of paper lying on the ground. He grabbed it and looked at it. It was a map of the park. He smiled and studied the map carefully. He moved his finger around the different paths, dreaming of the places he could explore. + +He put the piece of paper in his pocket and started to walk along one of the paths. He found a beautiful lake with a bridge over it and a small restaurant. He could smell the delicious food coming from the restaurant. He stayed for a few hours, spending his time looking around and playing games with the other young children. + +By the end of the day, he was tired. He went home, having had a wonderful day spent exploring in the park. +Max had a warm, soft blanket that he loved. Every night he would snuggle in it and it was his favorite thing. One night, he wrapped his blanket around himself, but it was too small. He tugged at it, but it wouldn't stretch. He was very upset and started to cry. + +His mom came and saw him trying, so she asked him what was wrong. He told her he wanted the blanket to be bigger, so he could be warm and cozy all night. She smiled and said, “Let’s find something else to use.†+ +Max nodded enthusiastically and followed his mom to the closet. She pulled out an extra blanket and placed it over the one Max already had. Max immediately felt much better and snuggled up in the two blankets. He realized how lucky he was to have a mom who was so sweet and understanding. + +He smiled, relieved to have found a solution to his problem. Now he was warm and cozy all night, just like he wanted. +Once upon a time there was a little girl, she was only three years old. She was a cool kid who liked to explore. + +One day, her parents took her to the airport. They said they were going to go on a new adventure. The little girl was so excited, she couldn't wait! + +At the airport, the little girl was a bit cold. Her parents put their coats around her to support her. The little girl felt so loved and safe. + +When it was time to board the plane, the little girl wanted to explore. She wanted to see everything at the airport. Her parents were very supportive and let her explore. + +She looked around, checking out all the fun things. She loved all the airplanes and the people around. Finally, it was time for them to board and go on their adventure. + +The little girl was so excited to explore something new. She was thankful to her parents for supporting her and making her feel safe. +Once upon a time, there was an adorable little girl. She had a favourite cake that she loved. Every night before bed, she got a tiny slice for dessert. + +One night, her mom told her that she was out of cake, but the little girl knew there was still some left. She asked to see it, but her mom said that there was none. + +The little girl thought her mom was lying, and she got really mad. She yelled and cried until her mom finally gave her the cake. + +But when she bit into it, she realized she had been lied to. It was stale and terrible! The little girl was so sad and started to cry. + +Her mom saw how upset she was, and felt so bad. The little girl realized that her mom never meant to hurt her. But it was too late and the damage was done. + +The little girl got no delicious cake and the bad feeling stayed. But at least she learned an important lesson - never trust when someone lies! +Once upon a time, there was a boy. He was walking through the forest when he found something weird. It was a hammer. He looked all around to see where it came from, but he didn't see anyone. So he decided to take it with him, and he put it in his pocket. + +He kept walking until he saw something else. It was an old man. The boy said, "Hi! I found something weird. It's a hammer!" + +The old man said, "Hmmm, show me what you found." + +The boy pulled the hammer out of his pocket and showed it to the old man. The old man smiled and said, "Ah, this hammer is very special. I'm sure you'll use it for something special in the future." + +The boy was confused. How would he use it? The old man just smiled and said, "Put the hammer away now. You will know in the future." + +The boy put the hammer back in his pocket and kept walking. He still had no idea what the old man meant, but he was sure he would find out soon. + +Sure enough, the next day, he was helping his mom do some work in the house. He needed to hang a picture and he remembered the hammer! He pulled it out of his pocket and put the picture on the wall. He smiled, remembering the old man's words. +Jill had a new toy, and it was a cane. She thought it looked so fun, so she picked it up and carried it around. Everywhere she went, she carried her cane with her. + +One day, Mum and Dad were at home, and Jill was running around, carrying her cane. But this time, Dad said it was time to put the cane away. He said canes could be dangerous, but Jill wanted to keep playing. + +But then they found a surprise in the garden - a harmless snake! Jill wanted to pick it up, but Dad said no. He said that even something that might look harmless could still be dangerous. + +So Jill decided to keep carrying her cane, because it was harmless. And she still plays with it every day - all around the house! +Once there was an old lady who loved to walk in the park every day. She always stopped under the same old tree and took a little nap. + +The old lady had a very special secret, though. Every day, when she woke up, she could make all the birds in the park come and sit around her. They all chirped and sang and made her feel so happy. + +One day, when the old lady stopped under her tree to take a little nap, she couldn't get the birds to come to her. She felt so helpless and so sad. She tried and tried, but nothing happened. + +Just then a little voice spoke, "Don't worry, old lady. I know something that will make them come!" The old lady looked around, and there was a little 3-year-old girl standing next to her. + +The old lady smiled and asked the little girl if she could tell her what it was. The girl nodded and said, "Just yawn, old lady, and they'll come!" + +The old lady yawned, and sure enough, in no time all the birds were back again, chirping and singing around her. She felt so happy and thanked the little girl with a hug. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Lucy and Lola. Lucy had a boat and Lola wanted to play with it too. + +So, Lucy and Lola went to the river together. Lucy said, "We have to be careful. It's important to shut the boat when we have finished playing". + +Lola was so excited. She started to play in the boat, but she forgot and left it open. + +Suddenly, a wave came and took the boat away. Lucy and Lola were very sad and worried. They thought the boat was gone forever. + +But then, a kind man found the boat and brought them back. They thanked the man and Lucy remembered to shut the boat. + +Lucy and Lola learnt a valuable lesson that day - to always shut the boat when they were finished playing. That was very important. +Once upon a time, there was a small rabbit, called Floppy. Floppy was sad. She had been out hunting for carrots, but all she found were mushrooms. Floppy was getting dizzy, so she decided to take a little break and sit down, somewhere nice and comfy. + +Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation, and she saw her own body shrinking until it was really really tiny! She was scared and unsure what to do. + +Suddenly, Floppy heard a voice. "Hello there, little rabbit," the voice said, in a gentle and calm tone. Floppy looked around but couldn't see where the voice was coming from. "Do not be scared. I am here to help you," the voice said. + +"Where are you?" Floppy asked nervously. + +"I am here," the voice said. Slowly, the voice began to appear, and Floppy realised it belonged to a little fairy. "My name is Stay, and I can help you in your situation." + +The fairy waved her magical wand, and Floppy shrunk smaller and smaller, until she was the size of an ant! Floppy was so relieved – she could go home much quicker now! + +With the help of Stay and her wand, Floppy was able to find her way home, and soon she was back to her regular size again. + +"Thank you so much, Stay. I really +Once upon a time, there was an elderly dolphin. She swam in the sea every day and mentioned her adventures to her friends. One day, she saw a starfish hopping across the ocean. She mentioned this to her friends and everyone was amazed! + +The starfish said hello to the dolphin and asked her to come along on an ocean adventure. The dolphin eagerly agreed and they set off! The dolphin saw so many wonderful things in the deep blue sea. She mentioned all the things she saw to her friends - colourful fishes, giant clams, sparkling coral and much more! + +At the end of their adventure, the elderly dolphin thanked the starfish for taking her on a special journey. She mentioned her adventure to all her friends and family, who thought what a lucky dolphin she was. The elderly dolphin always remembered her special journey and it stayed close to her heart forever. +Once upon a time there was an adventurous ship. It liked to explore the world. Every day the ship's crew worked hard to polish it so that it would stay shiny and look its best. + +The ship travelled from place to place, near and far. It saw lots of different sights, from sandy beaches to tall mountains. The crew were always excited to see what was around the next corner. + +With every stop the ship made, the crew made sure to take extra time to polish it. They polished the pipes, the windows and even the helms. + +Soon the ship was the most shiny and beautiful she had ever been. Everywhere the ship went, it was admired. All the sailors were very proud of the job they had done. + +All their hard work and adventurous spirit had made the ship that much better! +Once there was a girl named Max. She was only three years old, but she was already very excited to join the world. Every day she changed out of her pajamas and dressed in nice clothes. She particularly loved her bright yellow dress. + +Max wanted to be a lawyer when she grew up. She thought lawyers were very important people who helped a lot of people. She imagined herself standing in front of a room full of people wearing her yellow dress and presenting a case. + +Max was so excited about becoming a lawyer that she often practiced on her dolls. She'd pretend the dolls were clients, and she'd use the pillows to mimic a courtroom. She spent hours giving passionate and persuasive speeches to the dolls. + +Max loved her yellow dress and she enjoyed her imaginary courtroom. Despite her young age, she was already excited to become a lawyer when she grew up. That's why she worked so hard every day to become the best lawyer she could be. +John was a farmer and he worked hard in his field. He raised fruit. Every day, he was up early in the morning and worked until late in the night. His hands were rough from all the hard work. + +John had a son, Harry, who was three years old. One day, Harry asked “Daddy what are you doing?†+ +John smiled and said “I’m raising fruit, my boy. I’m growing apples and oranges.†+ +Harry said “Can I help?†+ +John said “Of course! Come with me and we’ll water the trees and pick the fruit. It’ll be fun!†So John and Harry went to the orchard and worked all morning. The work was hard but they enjoyed it. + +At the end of the day, they were tired but happy. They’d raised lots of fruit, and they felt proud. +Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved to run. He ran everywhere, all day long! One day, he was running in the woods when he discovered something sparkly. It was a gem! The gem was so beautiful that the boy wanted to keep it. + +He looked around, but no one owned the gem. The boy was so happy - it was his to keep! He put the gem in his pocket, and ran home to show his mom. + +When the boy reached home, he shared the story and the gem with his mom. His mom was so generous - she told the boy that he could keep the gem forever. The boy smiled and put the gem in a special place. From then on, he used the gem to remind him of how generous his mom was. +Once upon a time there was a girl called Billie. Billie had lots of things that she wanted to match up. One day when she was out walking, she saw a big lawn. There was something special about this lawn. Everything on the lawn was loud. The flowers played music, the trees danced and the sun sang. + +Billie was very excited and she started to match up things on the lawn. She matched the trees with the flowers, the sun with the music and the dancing with the singing. As she matched up everything, it got louder and louder. + +Soon the whole lawn was filled with loud noises. Everyone came to hear the noise, and they were so happy! Billie had really made the old lawn feel alive with sound. +There was a thief who decided to try something normal. He was in a very big, old house and decided to sneak inside. He looked around to see if anyone was there, but it seemed all was quiet. Thinking he was safe, he began searching around. + +Suddenly, he heard a noise! As he was in the middle of looking for something to steal, the sound of footsteps coming closer made the thief freeze in fear. He quickly ran for the back door and when he reached it, he noticed it was closed and locked. He frantically started to try to open the door but it was too late. + +The owner of the house had come and he was furious! He called the police and before the thief had time to try to explain himself, he was taken away. His bad plan had ended badly — he was in trouble with the police and there was no way out. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl with firm beliefs. Even when things got hard, she always remained true to her heart and was always modest. But one day she found out the truth about something important, and she was very sad. She didn't know what to do, so she went to her mom and asked for help. + +Her mom told her that when people do bad things, they must be punished. But her mom also assured her that the truth is more important that any punishment. Her mom told her to always be truthful and modest even when times were difficult. + +The little girl was grateful to her mom for her advice. She was so happy that she hugged her mom tightly. The little girl went back into the world with the truth in her heart and with a new understanding of what it means to be kind and honest. +Once upon a time there was a beautiful waist. It belonged to a princess and everyone admired it. One day, the princess wanted to buy some new things, so she paid. But it wasn't enough money, so she had to pay more. But she didn't have enough money and her waist paid the price. It became tight and the princess was sad. Her beautiful waist was now gone. +Sam and Milly were best friends. One day, they were outside playing. Sam said, “I want to build the tallest tower ever!†+ +Milly said, “That sounds fun! We can use my blocks.†+ +Sam said, “Great!†+ +They started taking the blocks out and stacking them up. When they were finished they had made a tall tower! They both stepped back and said, “Wow!†+ +Sam said, “Let’s fold something!†+ +Milly said, “What shall we fold?†+ +Sam said, “A plane!†+ +Milly smiled and grabbed some paper. Sam folded it and it turned into a plane. He flew it around the tower. + +Milly was glad to see what they had built together. She said, “Let’s do this again!†+ +They spent the day playing with the blocks and planes. Sam and Milly had the best time ever! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who wanted a pet. But she didn't want a pet like everyone else. She wanted a pet that was special and unique. + +So, she asked her mum and dad to bring her an ostrich. "An ostrich!" they said. They were very surprised. But they agreed, and they set off to find an ostrich. + +They drove very far and eventually they found a farm with an ostrich. It was very big and funny looking. The little girl was so excited! + +Her parents bought the ostrich and they brought it home. The little girl was so happy! Her unique pet was the best pet ever, and it was always so much fun! +Once upon a time there lived a little girl called Annie who was eager to learn new things. One day her mommy explained to her that it was time to start school soon and this made Annie very happy. She was so eager to start her new school. + +One day, Annie's mommy said, "I'm sending you for a test. It won't be long and you'll be back soon." Annie was confused about the test and asked her mommy what it was. Her mommy then started to explain to Annie that the test was to see how much she had learned from her home lessons. + +Annie then went for the test and passed it with flying colours. When she came back, her mommy gave her a big hug and said, "You should always be eager to learn, my darling. Learning is a gift and never stop trying to learn more." + +Annie was full of joy and excitement and thanked her mommy for the morning adventure. Annie now realises that it is important to be eager to learn and she has enjoyed learning ever since. +Once there was a little girl who loved to polish things. She would polish her shoes, her toys and her bottles. + +One day, the little girl had an idea. She decided to polish a little bottle. She grabbed some cloth and started to rub the bottle with it. + +The bottle was looking so sparkly! The little girl was so pleased with her work. She smiled and was filled with joy. + +But then, she noticed something else. She had polished the bottle so well that it was starting to slide! It was so slippery. + +The little girl giggled and carefully put the bottle away. She had a great time polishing the bottle and she promised to be more careful next time. +One day, Bob was walking in the meadow. He saw something strange- a big ball of hay. He wanted to find out what it was, so he walked closer and discovered it was a fat and fluffy cat! The cat was sleeping, so Bob decided to be very quiet. He stroke her fur carefully, and the cat woke up. She meowed at Bob and then they became friends. Bob took the fat little cat home with him, and ever since then they have been the best of friends. They love exploring the meadow together and discovering new things! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was very lonely and wanted a friend. Every day, she would go to the park but nobody was ever there. One day, she spotted a rope hanging from a tree and thought it might provide some fun. She grabbed onto it and swung her way around the tree. + +Suddenly, a voice called from the top of the tree, "Oh, hello!" The little girl looked up and saw a tiny creature at the end of the rope. He was a special being called a faerie. He said he could provide her with a friend. + +The faerie gave the girl a magical rope, and told her that if she ever felt lonely, she just had to find a tree branch and hold on tight. When she did, her friend would appear at the other end of the rope. + +The girl was so happy and thanked the faerie. From then on, whenever she felt lonely, she could just grab onto the magical rope and make a new friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He had a red toy truck. He liked to attach string to it and pull it around the house. He was so proud of his truck! + +One day, the boy wanted to attach his truck to the sofa. The sofa was big and brown and had a big lip on the front. The boy started to attach his string to the lip but noticed it was very dirty. He got a wet cloth and wiped the lip clean. + +Once the lip was clean, the boy was able to attach his string to the lip. He was so excited! He attached the string and pulled his truck around the house with pride. He had a lot of fun! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy and a little girl. The boy and girl both wanted the same toy, but they couldn't decide who should have it. The little boy then got very upset and he used his fists to hit the girl. + +The girl felt very hurt and very sad. She wanted to get revenge, so she picked up a squash and threw it at the boy. This made the boy even more upset. + +The girl and the boy realised that they had both been wrong. They both decided that it was wrong to use their hands or to throw things when they were upset. + +The girl and the boy learned that it is better to talk things out and work things out together if they were upset. +Once upon a time there lived a pumpkin. The pumpkin was cheerful and friendly. One day, something special happened. The pumpkin noticed a fairy walking by. + +The pumpkin said hello to the fairy. The fairy smiled back. She said that she wanted to give the pumpkin a surprise. She waved her magic wand and suddenly the pumpkin changed! It had become a beautiful carriage. + +The pumpkin was so excited! He thanked the fairy and thanked her for the magical surprise. + +The moral of this story is that if you are cheerful and kind, good things can happen. +Once upon a time there was a little white child named Lily. Every day, Lily's mommy would squeeze her tightly and said, "I love you Lily". + +One day, Lily decided to squeeze her mommy back. She reached out her little arms and squeezed her mommy's leg as tight as she could. + +Lily's mommy was so surprised, she exclaimed, "Oh Lily, you gave me the best hug!" + +Lily was so proud of herself. From that day on, whenever Lily's mommy would squeeze her, she would squeeze her back. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He liked to go on adventures, so one day he decided to explore outside. He opened the door and stepped outside. + +He heard a sound and he looked around until he saw it. It was a tree full of colorful birds! They were singing and the little boy was so excited. He wanted to do something to show his appreciation. So he clapped his hands and applauded! + +The birds flew away, so the little boy had to find something else to do. He looked around and found a bright yellow sock under a bush. He picked it up and played with it. He threw it in the air and he danced around as it flew back to him. + +The little boy was still clapping and he was happy. He was so pleased with his adventure, he decided to leave the yellow sock there so that other children could find the same happiness. He opened the door and went home, a wide smile on his face. +Once there was a goat. He was very open and friendly. He liked to hop around and make noise. + +One sunny day, the goat saw something that made him very excited. He saw an open field full of grass. He wanted to go and explore. + +The goat was curious so he left his little house and went out to the open field. He wandered around, smelling and nibbling different things. He discovered lots of things and made many new friends. + +He had lots of fun, but he knew it was time to leave when the sun started to set. He said goodbye to his new friends and hopped his way back home. + +He felt happy and content after his day of exploring the open field. He went inside his little house and lay down with a big smile on his face. +Once upon a time there were two twin sisters, Jade and Ali. They were always together, day and night. + +One day, the two sisters decided to go for a walk. As they walked, strange things began to happen. + +“It’s weird,†said Ali. + +“Yes, it is,†said Jade. + +The sisters kept walking and the weird things kept happening. They were spooked but curious. + +Eventually, they made it home. + +The next day, the twin sisters decided to take the same walk again. To their surprise, the weird things didn't happen. Now they knew it was just a weird one-time thing. +Once there was a little girl who loved to explore. Everyday, she would jump on her magical seat and ride off on an adventure. + +One day, she decided to fly above the clouds. As she flew higher and higher, she noticed something sparkling down below. She quickly flew down to investigate and found a peaceful garden. + +The little girl was very excited and curious. She decided to find out what was inside. As she entered the garden, she saw a magical tree and a pond with beautiful crystal clear water. + +The little girl saw a funny creature walking around the tree. She walked closer and saw it was a fairy. The fairy smiled at her and said, "Hello! I am Teach. I teach here in this peaceful garden." + +The little girl was amazed and asked Teach lots of questions. The fairy answered all her questions and the little girl was filled with joy. + +The little girl visited Teach's peaceful garden every day and learned many things from her. It was her favorite place to explore. +Once upon a time, there was a kid with a pocket. They had a big plan and wanted to travel. Everyday they thought about where they could go and what adventures they would have. + +One day, they decided to go on an adventure. So they packed their pocket and started traveling. The journey was long and they saw many different and weird things. + +The kid explored strange lands, made many new friends, and saw all sorts of weird creatures. They traveled to far away lands and had lots of fun. + +When they were done, they packed their pocket and traveled back home. It was a great adventure and they were happy to be home safe! +Once upon a time, there was a big bad wolf. He was so bad that he wanted to steal. He went looking in the forest for something to steal. He found an enormous hammer. It was so big that he had to use all his strength to lift it up. He ran away with it, but he was so fast that no one could catch him. + +When the wolf got home, he was feeling very happy. He wanted to show everyone how clever he was. He showed all his friends his enormous hammer. Everyone was so impressed they all wanted to steal like him. + +But the wolf soon learned a lesson from his mistake. Even though it was fun to steal something, it was wrong. He decided that stealing was never ok and always wrong. So the wolf put the hammer back where he found it. He knew the right thing to do! +Charlie and his dad were out playing in the forest. They were looking for something fun to do. Charlie spotted something moving in the bushes. Dad came over to see what it was. It was a furry squirrel! + +Dad slowly walked over and the squirrel started to chatter. Charlie got scared and screamed. The squirrel jumped up and began to yell. It grabbed a twig and was about to throw it. + +Dad acted fast and quickly scooped Charlie up. They ran away as fast as they could. The squirrel chased after them, still yelling and jumping. But Charlie and Dad were too fast. Soon they were out of the forest and safe. +Once there was a young boy named Jack. Jack wanted to sail the seas, so he got a boat that was black. He took his boat out on the sea, but it started to rain heavily. + +Jack shouted, "This is stupid!" But he kept sailing anyway. He kept thinking, "I am brave and I will sail!" He followed the stars and the moon, and he finally made it to another land. + +He met another boy there and they became friends. The other boy explained, "My boat has been here for days. I sailed here, but the wind and waves are too strong and I can't go back home." + +Jack smiled and said, "We can sail together! Black boat and white boat, let's go!" + +They sailed the seas together, and soon enough the winds and waves calmed down. They eventually made it back to their respective homes, happy and safe. Jack thanked the stars and the moon for guiding him and his new friend home through the treacherous waters. +Once upon a time, there was a mommy and a daddy. Daddy was a policeman and he had an important job to do. He had a special paper and needed to sign it with a clean hand. + +The daddy asked the mommy for a pen and the mommy gave him a special pen with a little yellow sticker on it. + +The daddy put the special pen in his hand and made the cleanest signature ever. He put the special paper up on the wall and everyone smiled. + +The mommy and daddy hugged each other and with a clean hand, the daddy hugged the little boy too. The little boy smiled and gave his daddy a big kiss. + +Everyone was so proud of daddy and his special signature. +Once upon a time there were two best friends, Mark and Peter. They used to love playing together every day. + +One day Mark asked Peter, "Do you want to trade with me?" Peter smiled and said, "Yes, I would like to trade with you." + +So they started trading toys. When Peter saw the toy Mark was giving him, he was really happy and excited to have it. Seeing this made Mark feel jealous. + +Mark said, "Why are you so happy about the toy I gave you? I want it back!" Peter said, "No, I don't want to trade it. I really like it." + +Mark sighed and said, ok, but why do you like it so much? + +Peter explained, "It makes me feel good when I get something special that I really want!" + +Mark smiled and said, "Ok, I understand now! We can share it together." + +And they hugged and kept playing together. That made them both very happy! +There was once a deep cell. Inside the cell was a girl who was very scared. She wanted to get out and feel the sunshine again but she couldn't. + +The girl was sad until one day she heard a voice. The voice said to her that if she was brave and strong, she could end the cell. She really wanted to be brave and strong so she put on a brave face and started to push wild on the walls of the cell. + +At first she thought nothing was happening but the walls were creaking slowly. Then suddenly the cell came crashing down and the girl was free! She felt the sunshine on her face and the wind blowing in her hair. She was so relieved and overjoyed that the cell had ended. + +From then on, the girl was free and never had to be scared again. +Once upon a time, there was a small, brave mouse. He was on a mission to find a hidden, special treasure. +He scurried through the dark, quiet tunnels and looked around carefully. He held his breath as he peeked behind rocks and corners, searching for the treasure. His whiskers twitched as he came across a large cobweb, blocking his way. He felt scared, but he bravely moved forward, pushing through the sticky cobweb. +Suddenly, he saw it! The hidden treasure! He couldn't believe his eyes. His heart raced and he felt so excited to have found it. He quickly picked it up, and happily carried it back home with him. +The mouse was very proud of his discovery, and he cherished the hidden treasure forever. +Sami was a 3 year old who loved to discover things. One day, she was in the kitchen with her mother and she discovered something new - a napkin! Sami was so excited and her mother smiled at her enthusiasm. + +"What are you going to do with that napkin, Sami?" her mother asked. + +"Look!" Sami replied with a smile. She put the napkin in the air and it floated down. Sami couldn't believe it and she laughed with joy. + +But then something strange happened - the napkin began to move on its own! Sami got a bit scared and her mother saw her fearful expression. + +"It's okay, Sami," her mother reassured her, "it's just a breeze from the window". She took Sami's hand and showed her how the wind was making the napkin move. Sami smiled, feeling much better now that she understood. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Joe. He loved to spend his days swinging in the park, feeling the wind on his face and the sun on his back. One day, Joe was having so much fun swinging that he didn't notice a small glass beneath his feet. + +Suddenly, Joe heard a loud sound and felt a sharp pain on his foot. He looked down, and all he could see was broken glass. “Ouch!â€, he shouted. + +Joe’s mom heard him cry, so she came running. When she saw the broken glass, she looked at Joe and said, “Joe, you need to be more careful. That was a funny thing to do.†+ +Joe was very sad. He wanted to keep swinging, but he had to stay away from the glass. The end. +Once upon a time there was a bunny called Bob who was very eager. Every day he liked to hop around in the beautiful meadow. One day, he finally found something very delicious: a big piece of cheese. Bob was so excited that he started hopping with joy. + +He looked around, but nobody was there to share his discovery with. A little girl appeared out of nowhere. + +"Do you have any cheese for me?" she asked Bob. + +Bob was very happy to share his cheese with the little girl. + +"Hop around awhile and then we'll share the cheese," Bob said with a smile. + +The bunny and the little girl hopped around until they got tired. Then they both sat down, and Bob gave the little girl the cheese. + +"It tastes so good," said the little girl, licking her fingers. + +"It surely does!" agreed Bob. + +The little girl and the bunny enjoyed their cheese together, and they hopped around until the sun went down. +One day, Lilly was playing outside in the sunshine when she saw some birds putting together a nest. She wanted to help them so she ran over to them and asked if she could help. + +The birds smiled and asked Lilly if she could put some sticks into the nest. She happily nodded and began picking up the sticks and putting them in the nest. She made sure each stick was put in an organized way so the nest was nice and neat. + +When the nest was finished, the birds thanked Lilly for her hard work. She smiled happily and said, "The sunshine made it better!" + +The birds smiled and thanked her again before flying away. Lilly watched them fly away feeling proud of what she had done. She ran back inside to tell her parents all about her nest with the organized sticks she had put in. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Sally. She was only three, but she was very smart. One day, she decided to have a look around and explore the world. + +She went to the kitchen and saw a strange thing on the table. It was a thermometer, so she went to get her mom. + +"Mom, can I examine this strange thing?" asked Sally. + +Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, of course! That's a thermometer. People use it to measure how hot or cold something is." + +Sally was amazed. She examined the thermometer carefully, turning it around and around. + +"It's incredible!" said Sally. + +Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, it sure is!" +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Sam and Jack. Sam was thin and Jack was a bit bigger. They went to the store to buy something yummy. + +When they saw the shrimp, they were so happy! They both wanted to buy it. Sam and Jack had to weigh the shrimp to see who could buy it. Sam won because he was the thinnest one! + +Sam was so excited and he quickly paid for the shrimp. He took it home and cooked it. Sam and Jack had so much fun eating the shrimp together. + +The end! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jacky. She was only three years old and loved to explore. One afternoon, Jacky was playing in her backyard when she discovered a zipper. She called to her mom, "Look Mommy, I found a zipper!" + +Her mom smiled and said, "That's great! Let's see what's inside." So Jacky grabbed hold of the zipper and slowly opened it. Out popped a small mouse! + +The mouse said, "Thank you for freeing me! Now, I need to get back to my family. Can you help me?" + +Jacky was very excited. She wanted to help the mouse, but her mom said, "That could be dangerous. I don't think it's a good idea." + +Jacky was disappointed but she listened to her mom. She said to the mouse, "I'm sorry, but Mom says it's too dangerous. I wish I could help you, but it's just too foolish." + +The mouse sighed, "I understand. Goodbye, Jacky." It scurried away. + +Jacky watched sadly as the mouse left. She had wanted to help it, but she knew her mom was right. Sometimes, it was best to listen to adults and use wise words. +One day, Mickey the mouse was walking around his country. He saw that there were not many resources available and he was very sad. He wanted to help his country rise and be better. + +So, he decided to ask some of the people in the country for advice. One day, he came across a bird who seemed very wise. + +“How can I make my country rise?†Mickey asked. + +The bird thought for a moment and said, “You need to get more resources available. Collect as much food and materials as you can and share them with the people of your country. That way, more people will be able to have what they need.†+ +Mickey thanked the bird and set out to collect as many resources as he could. In no time, he had gathered enough to help everyone in the country. He was so proud of himself and his country. + +As more resources became available, the country began to rise. Mickey had achieved his goal and the people of his country were very happy. +Once upon a time, there was a very loyal dog called Margot. + +Margot loved going to the museum with her favorite person, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones was always so happy and full of life. She really valued Margot's friendship, and Margot knew that she was loved very much. + +At the museum, Margot and Mrs. Jones would look at all the interesting artifacts. Mrs. Jones was very interested in everything they saw, but Margot found it all a bit too complicated. She just enjoyed being with Mrs. Jones and having fun together. + +One day Mrs. Jones said to Margot: "I'm sorry, my loyal friend. I have to go now." She gave Margot a big hug and thanked her for being a loyal companion all these years. + +Margot was very sad to see Mrs. Jones go, but she had learned an important lesson: sometimes, it's important to value the moments that you spend with the people who matter most to you. +Once upon a time there was a farmer. The farmer had many sheep and they were his best friends. One day, the farmer noticed one of his sheep was very restless. He decided he needed to help him and save the sheep. + +The farmer took the restless sheep and put it into a big wagon. Then, he drove the wagon to the vet. The vet checked the sheep, but he couldn't find anything wrong. + +The farmer was worried but he didn't give up. He decided to take the sheep for a nice long walk in the countryside. That is exactly what he did. He took the restless sheep for a long walk and the sheep enjoyed it. + +When the farmer brought the sheep back the next day, the sheep was happy, content and back to his old self. The farmer was relieved and glad he was able to save his special sheep. + +And that is how the farmer saved his restless sheep. +Once upon a time a sister and brother named Jane and John lived together. They went to the library together every day, but one day Jane felt jealous when she saw John playing with other children. That night, instead of going to sleep she stayed up late to have more time to play. + +The next day she felt sleepy, but John wasn't. He kept playing and learning all day long, while Jane was too tired to do anything. + +At the end of the day, John asked Jane why she was so tired. Jane told him and John said, "If you want to be as capable as me, you have to sleep to help your mind and body be strong." + +So from then on, Jane listened to her brother and started sleeping better. She found that she could go to the library and play with other children with no problem. She now knows that getting enough sleep is important to be happy, alert and successful. + +The moral of the story is that sleeping is important to be able to learn and be happy. +Once upon a time there was a little girl and she liked to play in the park. One day she went and when she got there she saw something surprising! It was a swan! + +The little girl had never seen a swan before. She knew it was something special, but she didn't know what. She stood and watched the swan from a distance. + +Then the swan started to move towards the little girl. She was scared and step backwards, but the swan kept coming closer. Suddenly the little girl realized the swan wanted to be her friend. + +The little girl was so happy and put her hand on the swan. They were soon friends and the little girl learned all the things a swan can do. It felt amazing, like an unknown world had opened up to her. + +They spent lots of time playing together and now they are best friends. The little girl is so happy she realized the swan was her friend. +Once there was a cricket. It was hopping around in a garden. Suddenly another cricket came and started to tease it. It felt disgusted. The first cricket tried to run away but the other cricket kept chasing it. The first cricket was so scared and it just wanted the other cricket to go away. Then the first cricket saw a little boy and shouted. The boy understood and came over to help! The little boy grabbed the naughty cricket and put it somewhere else in the garden, away from the first cricket. The first cricket was so relieved and happily hopped away. The little boy felt proud of himself, and went back to playing in the garden. +Once upon a time, there was a broken spirit. It was very sad and lonely. One day, it heard a voice singing, clapping and laughing. The spirit looked and saw a little girl having fun in the sunshine. She had long hair and a big smile. + +The spirit felt drawn to the girl, who was happy and free. She was clapping her hands and skipping around in circles. She was so joyful! + +The spirit wanted to be happy too. He just needed someone to make him whole again. + +Suddenly, the little girl looked up and saw the spirit. She smiled at him, then walked over and hugged him tight. She said, "Let me help you fix your broken spirit." + +The spirit felt happy again. He thanked the little girl, and they clapped their hands together. + +The spirit became strong and shining, just like the sun. No more sadness or loneliness. + +The spirit and the little girl stayed friends forever. They clapped their hands at every sunset, to show the world that even broken spirits can be mended and made whole. +Once upon a time there was a clumsy doll. His name was Timmy. He liked to play in the garden. One day, the sun shone brightly and it was very hot. Timmy didn't have any water to drink. He got very thirsty. + +He found an old watering can. He thought it would be fun to pour water on himself. So he did! He hopped around in the garden getting wetter and wetter. + +At first, it was great fun, but soon he felt hot and uncomfortable. He wanted to get dry again. + +He looked around for something to help him. He found a towel next to a swimming pool. He put the towel around himself and ran around until he was dry. + +Timmy was relieved and happy when he was dry again. He skipped along the garden path with a big smile on his face. He decided he would never forget the lesson he learned that day - never play without a towel! +It was morning and Tommy saw something sparkly and purple in his garden. He wanted to pick it up, so he rushed outside. But as he tried to grab it, he slipped and fell. He felt sad because he couldn't catch the sparkly thing. Then he felt a gentle breeze on his face, and he looked up to the sky. There in the sky, he saw dozens of purple sparkles, slipping through the clouds. He remembered he couldn't catch them, but he smiled and thought it was so beautiful. It made him feel happy as he watched the purple sparkles slipping through the morning sky. +Once upon a time, there was a green puppy. He wanted to play with something, but he had nothing. He looked around, but could not find anything. + +Suddenly, he saw a cardboard box. He looked at it and wagged his tail. That's what he wanted to play with! He barked excitedly and ran to it. + +The puppy jumped onto the box and started to bow to his new toy. He nudged it and sniffed it, then started to chew it. He was so happy! + +But then he wagged his tail and started to bow again. This made the cardboard box fall apart. The puppy yelped and then ran away. He had had so much fun! +Once upon a time there was a farm. It was open and airy, with lots of animals and plants. A little girl named Jenna and her daddy were visiting the farm. + +Jenna asked her daddy, "What can I do here?" + +Daddy smiled, "Jenna, why don't you imagine something special?" + +Jenna thought and then imagined a garden growing in the middle of the farm. She imagined it was filled with beautiful flowers and yummy vegetables. + +Daddy said, "That's a great imagine! If you act on it, it could come true." + +The next day Jenna asked her daddy if they could come back to the farm. They did and Jenna found that there was a garden growing where she had imagined it. She smiled and said, "We made it happen together!" + +The moral of the story is: if you use your imagination, you can make wonderful things happen. +Once upon a time, there was a graceful bird. It usually sat on a bench, beside a park. One day, the bird chirped at a little three year old girl. She came closer and sat down beside the bird on the bench. + +The bird flapped its wings and then the girl understood. The bird wanted the girl to join it in a graceful dance. So the girl stretched out her arms and started to twirl and spin around with the bird. + +The little girl grinned and laughed because it was so much fun! It was like she was floating in the breeze. The bird and the girl danced together until the sun went down. The girl said goodbye to the graceful bird and walked home, happy from their twirls and spins. +Joseph was in his bedroom counting his favourite mugs. He had three blue mugs, two green mugs and one red mug. He was cheerfully counting them out loud. + +“One, two, three blue!†he said. + +Suddenly, his mom entered the room, looking very harsh. + +“Joseph why are you counting those mugs?†she asked. + +Joseph looked at her and answered “I like to count them, it’s fun!†+ +His mom shook her head and said “No, you must not count the mugs. It’s not okay to count other people’s things.†+ +“Oh, okay†said Joseph sadly, “but can I still count my own mugs?†+ +His mom smiled and said, “Yes, of course. You can count your own mugs.†+ +So Joseph happily started counting the mugs again. + +“One, two, three blue!†he said once more. +Once there was a little girl named Lucy. She loved to ride in her Dad’s vehicle. Every day, she watched as Dad drove away to work. She waved to him and he smiled and waved back. + +One day, Lucy was in her Dad’s vehicle. She was so happy to be with Dad. Then, something unexpected happened. The vehicle stopped too quickly and Lucy felt very angry. Dad was too busy driving to notice Lucy’s anger. + +Lucy got out of the vehicle and started walking away. She wanted her Dad to care more and pay attention to her. But, Dad was too busy driving. Suddenly, Lucy's Dad noticed she was gone and quickly stopped the vehicle. He ran to Lucy and gave her a big hug. He said “I’m so sorry I didn’t pay attention. I love you and care about you so much.†+ +Lucy was no longer angry. She knew her Dad cared and she was very happy to be with him. They hugged again and then drove away in the vehicle. Lucy was happy to be with her Dad and happy that he cared. +John was excited as he watched his mom in the kitchen. She was making a special dinner and told him that it was going to be a big surprise. He couldn't wait to find out what it was! + +John's mom put the pans in the oven, then she closed the door. She smiled at John and said, "There! Now it's time to wait and let it bake." + +John watched the oven, eager to find out what was cooking inside. He had a feeling that it was going to be something special. + +Finally, the oven timer dinged and his mom opened the door. The delicious smell of cookies filled the air! John was so excited to find out that his mom had made him his favorite cookies: chocolate chip! +Once upon a time there was a little bird. He wanted to fly so badly, but he just couldn't seem to do it. He was feeling very helpless. + +One day, a kind man saw the little bird. He had a big blackboard with him. He held up the blackboard and told the bird to come to him. The bird hopped over to the man on the blackboard and he slowly started to move the board back and forth. + +The bird smiled and his wings started to flap. All of a sudden, he was flying! He was so happy - he was flying for the first time! He flew about the room, up and around, feeling so free. + +The man smiled watching the bird flying for the first time. He was so proud of the little bird for overcoming his helplessness and learning to fly. The little bird was so happy, and flew around the room happily ever after. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mia. She was so stubborn and never listened to anyone. One day she decided to go for a walk and came across a clown. She thought it was the most interesting thing ever! The clown had balloons and candy and Mia wanted it all. She was so stubborn and didn't want to leave without anything, so she grabbed the balloons and tried to steal the candy. + +But the clown was not happy at all. He said, "No stealing!" and he chased her away. Mia was sad and realized she needed to listen to people and stop being so stubborn. She realized that stealing was wrong and she shouldn’t do it. + +So Mia decided she was going to be a good listener and would never steal again. She felt so relieved, and went home with a lesson learned. She was so happy that she got away from the clown without getting in trouble. +Once there was a rabbit who stared out the window. He stared at the beautiful soil and plants around him, and he wanted to get closer to all the lovely green. + +So the rabbit tried to find a way out. He searched around for something flexible, so he could squeeze through. He tried different materials, like paper and pieces of cloth, but nothing worked. + +Frustrated, he kept staring out the window. Then he noticed the window was open a tiny bit. He tried to push it open with his toes and eventually the window opened wide! + +He hopped outside and enjoyed exploring the soft soil and all the different plants. He was so happy to finally explore the world around him! +One day, there was a little girl who was playing with a puzzle. She was having so much fun, but suddenly she heard music. She thought it was coming from outside her window. She was curious, so she opened it and saw a crowd of people dancing. They were all very busy! + +She wanted to join in, but her puzzle was not finished. She quickly finished it and went outside to join in. + +The little girl asked a dancer: "Can I dance too?" +The dancer smiled and said: "Yes!" + +So, the little girl started to dance. She was dancing and having so much fun. Everyone in the crowd was cheering her on! She felt like she was in a dream. + +The little girl danced until the music stopped. Then, she thanked the dancer and ran back home with a happy smile on her face. That was the best day ever! +Jennifer and her dad went to the market. She saw lots of colours. At first, she wasn't sure what the colours were for, so she asked her dad. + +"What are these colours for Daddy?" she asked. + +"They are to decorate, sweetheart," he said. + +"What can we decorate?" + +"We can decorate our home." + +They bought yellow, green and purple colours. When they got home, Jennifer was excited to decorate. But when she opened the colours, the room suddenly became very messy. + +"Oh no, all the colours are so messy!" she cried. + +"It's ok, darling," her dad said, "it's all part of the process!" + +Then they got to work. Jennifer used the yellow to make a sheep on the wall. She put the green on the floor and the purple on the windows. Soon, the room was filled with bright colours. Jennifer was so proud of what they'd done. + +"We did it Daddy!" she said. + +"Yes, we did!" her dad said, and they high-fived. + +The room was no longer messy. It was now full of decorations, just like Jennifer wanted. +Once upon a time, there was a pup called Scott. He had a brown collar with blue spots. One day, he went for a run and it dropped off. He looked everywhere, but he couldn't find it. + +He ran faster and faster, but it was no use. He started to cry. + +Suddenly, he heard a noise. He looked around and saw Farmer Tom. He was holding Scott's collar! Farmer Tom said he had seen it on the ground and picked it up for him. + +Scott was so happy! He thanked Farmer Tom and put the collar back around his neck. He ran home, feeling fast and relieved. +Once upon a time there was a small bird. It was looking for a new home and it found a perfect nest. The nest was very attractive. The bird was so excited to find a new home that it started to poke the nest. + +Suddenly, a fox came out of some nearby bushes. It said to the bird, "What are you doing? That's my home!" + +The little bird was scared. It replied, "I'm sorry. I was just looking for a new home". + +The fox thought for a minute and then said, "Well, you can stay here if you want. You can share the nest with me". The little bird was so happy and thanked the fox. From then on the little bird and the fox happily shared the nest. +Once upon a time there lived two sisters. The older sister was very polite and the younger one was not. One day, their mum brought home a special print. She said it was special because it could shrink down in size. + +The older sister wanted the special print for herself, but the younger sister didn't understand why it was so special. She became angry and snatched the print away. + +The older sister was very polite and didn't want to fight with her sister. Instead she asked nicely if they could take turns playing with the special print. + +However, the younger sister refused to listen. She ran away with the print and started playing with it all by herself. + +Suddenly, the print began to shrink! The older sister ran to help the younger sister find it. Together they searched high and low, until they finally spotted it. + +The older sister was very proud that her younger sister had been polite, and they hugged each other to celebrate! +Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack who really wanted to learn how to play the trumpet. So, Jack went to the store to buy one and he found the perfect one. It was wide and shiny. + +The storekeeper smiled when Jack asked to buy it and said, "Let's make a deal: if you can learn to play the trumpet in a week, I will sell it to you for half the price". + +Jack was overjoyed and excitedly agreed to the deal. He ran home and practiced and practiced. + +The next week, Jack ran back to the store. He proudly played a song on the trumpet and the storekeeper loved it! With a wide smile, the storekeeper sold the trumpet to Jack. + +Jack was so happy he ran home to show everyone his new trumpet. He would play the trumpet every day and make beautiful music. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Mae. Mae lived with her family in a big house by the woods. + +One day, she decided to take a walk in the woods and explore. As she stepped through the trees, she noticed that the leaves were changing colour. Suddenly, she heard a voice calling her name! + +Mae stepped closer and saw a small elf. He was very weak, so she helped him find an acorn so he could eat. She asked him what was wrong and he told her it was the change in the seasons. He said he could never keep up with the changing climate. + +Mae felt sorry for him, so she told him not to worry. She said she'd help him find a place for him to stay, so he could rest during the colder seasons. + +The elf's eyes lit up with hope. After saying goodbye, he stepped off into the forest. Mae stood there for a moment, feeling happy she had been able to help. +Once there was a boy named Jack. He was three years old and loved to play. One day Jack went outside and spotted an orange stand. He ran over to it and saw lots of yummy oranges. Jack frowned and sighed because he had no money to buy the oranges. + +He sat down on the ground and folded his arms. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him. It was a kind old man. The old man said, “Take as many oranges as you like, little boy.†Jack smiled and thanked the old man. He quickly grabbed two oranges and ran off to enjoy them. + +He peeled the oranges and devoured the juicy slices. He sighed with happiness as he enjoyed the sweet, orange flavour. Jack enjoyed the oranges so much that he went to the stand every day afterward. He was always excited to see the old man and get more oranges. Jack never forgot the kindness of the old man. +One day, a little girl was looking at her bookcase. She saw that it was a delicate one, with lots of different colors. Her mom then came in and said, “Let’s go, sweetheart. It’s time to heal!†+ +The little girl was excited. She had never heard of healing before. She asked her mom, “What is healing?†+ +Her mom smiled and said, “It is a special kind of magic. We take a moment to think about how we feel and what is important to us. It helps us to feel better.†+ +The little girl was amazed. She loved to feel happy and special. She ran off to start healing! + +Every day, the little girl spent time in her room, healing. She soon learned to think about what she was grateful for, and to feel all the wonderful things that life had to offer. + +She healed more and more each day, feeling healthier and happier. She even kept a journal of all the things that made her feel special and grateful. + +The little girl was so proud of the healing she had done. She was helping herself to stay healthy and happy. She was healing! +Max had a furry toy. He loved it very much and often hugged it whenever he was sad. But one day, Max accidentally tore one of its pages. He started to frown and felt very sad. He took the page over to his mom and said, "Mommy, I broke my toy's page." + +Max's mom hugged him and said, "Don't worry sweetheart. Let's see if we can fix it." She went over to get a tape. + +Max watched his mom put the pieces back together with the tape and a smile spread across his face. His mom said, "There, all fixed!" + +Max was so happy and hugged his toy with love. He said, "Thank you mommy!" + +Max was very proud of himself as he showed off his now fixed furry toy to his friends. He had fixed his toy all by himself! +Once upon a time there lived a family with a son, named Paul. Paul was very excited about the long road ahead of him. He looked ahead eagerly, wondering what new things he was going to discover. + +One day, on the long road, Paul found a wounded bird. He picked it up and brought it home. His mother was so impressed by what Paul did that she said, "Paul, you are truly a kind boy. Let's try to heal this bird." + +Paul's mother got some medicine to help the bird get better. Paul did his best to heal the bird by applying the medicine and feeding him healthy food. Soon enough, the bird got stronger, and Paul felt happy to be able to help it. + +Paul and his mother took the bird back to the place where Paul found it. The bird flew away, and Paul looked up, feeling very proud and content. As he watched the bird fly, he knew it would be alright now because of his help. And from that day onwards he continued on the long road, looking for more opportunities to help. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lucy. She was three years old and very curious. + +One day, Lucy's mum told her about cameras. Her mum said that cameras were special boxes that could take pictures. Lucy was very excited to learn about cameras. She wanted to see one. + +Mum said she would show Lucy a camera soon. "We will go to the shops tomorrow and buy a camera," Lucy's mum mentioned. Lucy imagined what a camera might look like, and smiled. + +The next day, Lucy and her mum went to the shop. They saw lots of big cameras with all sorts of silly buttons. Lucy thought they looked like cool toys. + +Mum explained to Lucy how to take pictures with the camera. Lucy was amazed. She wanted to take pictures of everyone and everything. + +So = Lucy and her mum decided to buy the camera. They had so much fun taking silly photos of each other. Lucy looked forward to taking more pictures each day. +Once upon a time there was a happy alligator named Jack. He loved to keep things and was always looking for something new to keep. + +One day Jack found a big shiny penny and he was excited. He put the penny in his pocket so he could keep it. + +Jack kept looking and he found a big red balloon. He held the balloon and kept it high in the air. It made Jack very happy. + +But all of a sudden, Jack heard a loud noise. It was a large alligator! Jack was scared and he dropped his balloon. + +The alligator saw the balloon and smiled. He asked Jack if he wanted to keep it and gave it back to him. Jack was so happy and thanked the alligator. This made the alligator smile even more. + +From that day forward, Jack and the alligator were best friends. They kept each other very happy. +John and his sister, Julia, were best friends. They did everything together and loved to spend time outside. One bright morning, John and Julia put on their blue jackets and went outside to explore. They had a great time running and hopping around the grass. + +Suddenly, they spotted something strange on the side of the road. It was a little box with a note on it. The note said “I will lend something special to anyone who trades with me.†+ +John and Julia were curious. They discussed the note for a few minutes and then decided to open the box. Inside, they found something that blew their minds. It was a crystal ball! + +John and Julia were so excited. After a minute of playing with the crystal ball, John thought of a great idea. He suggested they could show the crystal ball to their friends in exchange for something special. Julia agreed and they set off with the crystal ball. + +When they arrived at the playground, their friends crowded around the ball. Everyone wanted a turn and soon John and Julia had made several trades. When it was all over, John and Julia were completely surprised by how much fun it was to lend out their special blue crystal ball. +Once upon a time there were two friends, a kind dragon and a mischievous fox. The dragon liked to swing on the swings and the fox liked to cause trouble. One day the fox was playing by the dragon's swings and he noticed an ashtray. He thought it would be funny to put it on the swings. + +The dragon swung in the swings and then saw the ashtray. He was very angry and tried to get rid of it. He yelled at the fox, telling him to take it away. But the fox just laughed and ran off. + +The dragon was very upset, but he knew he had to find a way to get rid of the ashtray. He had an idea and called his kind friend for help. The kind friend was happy to help and brought a broom and a bin. Together they swept up the ashtray and threw it away in the bin. + +The dragon and the kind friend felt thankfull and smiled as they watched the fox leave. They hugged and high-fived each other, happy that they could make things right. They went back to the swings, happy and ready to keep swinging. +One day, a little girl named Lucy entered a great restaurant. She was so excited to be there. + +The waiter told her to look at the menu and find what she wanted. After looking for a few minutes, Lucy chose the most delicious meal. She gave her order to the waiter. + +The waiter was very friendly and smiley. He gave her a great big hug and promised to bring her food soon. + +A few minutes later, the waiter entered the restaurant again with Lucy's ordered meal. It smelled so delicious! + +Lucy ate the food with a smile on her face. It was the best meal she had ever had! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jessica. She was so excited because she was on her way to the park. When she arrived, she saw a huge playground with a huge slide! She was so amazed and couldn’t wait to try it. + +She walked up to the slide and said, “Wow! This looks so exciting! I can’t wait to taste it!†+ +Her mom smiled and said, “That’s so funny, Jessica! You can’t taste the slide! Here, let me show you how it works.†+ +Jessica grabbed a folder from the nearby bench and placed it in the slide. She climbed on top of the folder and prepared to go down. Her mom said, “Are you ready?†+ +“Yes!†Jessica shouted as she went down the huge slide. When she reached the bottom she was so excited! She said, “That was so fun! Can I do it again?†+ +The mom said, “Of course, you can!†So, Jessica raced back up the stairs to go down the slide once more. She tasted the thrill of the slide again and again until it was time to go home. +Jack and his mom went to the store. Jack saw something shiny and said, "Mommy look!". It was a silver car. Jack was so excited to see it. + +Jack said to Mom, "Can we buy it?". Mom said with a laugh, "No, it is too big and too expensive". Jack was so sad. + +But then, Jack saw something else. It was a silver tricycle. It was so pretty and shiny. Jack asked, "Mommy, can I have this?". Mom smiled and said, "Yes, you can". + +Jack was so happy he got his new silver tricycle. He put on his helmet and took it for a ride around the store. He had so much fun and was very spoiled by his Mom. +Once upon a time, a little girl called Sarah had a magical black cloth. She would wave it around in the air and it would zip around the room like a bird. + +One day Sarah's mom called from the kitchen, "Sarah, come help me in the kitchen." + +Sarah gasped. "Oh no, I can't leave my cloth." + +But mom said, "It's okay, Sarah. Just put your cloth under the pillow so it will be safe." + +So Sarah put the black cloth under the pillow. Then she ran into the kitchen to help her mom. + +Later, Sarah ran back into her room and was delighted to find the black cloth still tucked under the pillow. She pulled it out and waved it around in the air. It zipped around the room, just like before! + +Sarah smiled and thought to herself, "My magical black cloth always knows how to find me!" +Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to make something. She wanted to make an incredible doll! She started making the doll with the help of her mommy. She got a pink dress, some sparkly ribbons and colorful beads. She was so excited! She then helped to sew the doll together, stuffing it with cotton. Finally, she put some finishing touches by adding little eyes and a smile. + +When she saw her finished creation, it was incredible! She hugged the doll tight and it felt as if it was real. She named the doll Zoe. Zoe was the very best doll and she was so excited to play with her! + +The girl and Zoe became the best of friends. They did all sorts of fun things, like play hide and seek and have tea parties. They laughed, they danced and they sang songs while they ran around the garden. It was such a happy place when the girl and Zoe were together. +It was a sunny summer day. Alex was playing in park when he saw a beetle. He cried out and said, "Ew! It's disgusting!" + +He wanted to stay away from the beetle, so he asked his mom for help. She smiled and said, "Don't worry, Alex. I'll prevent it from coming closer." + +His mom reached out and shooed away the beetle. Alex was happy and relieved. He thanked his mom and they went back to playing. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a charming cat named Tom. Tom was always very playful and loved cuddles. One day, Tom was playing outside and he didn't come back into the house. Tom's family missed him very much, they looked everywhere to find him but they couldn't find him anywhere. + +So, his family decided to go to the veterinarian. The veterinarian asked them if they wanted him to help find Tom, and they said yes. + +The veterinarian looked everywhere for Tom and eventually he found him. He said to Tom's family, “I finally found Tom, he was hiding in the bushes!†+The family was so happy to hear this. The next day, Tom was back at home, safe and sound. Everyone was very relieved to have Tom back, they all missed him so much! +Mama was teaching her three year old son how to play with his new tube. He knew how to roll it around on the floor, but Mama wanted to show him a new way to play. She showed her son how to stand the tube up and then tap it with his hand. Then it would wobble! He was so happy! Every time he made the tube wobble, he smiled and giggled. + +Mama was teaching her son more new ways to play. She showed him how to lay the tube down and put a ball inside of it. Then she showed him how to roll the tube around so that the ball comes out of the other end. Her son found that very exciting! He was learning so much. He was getting better and better at playing with his tube. + +Mama and her son had such a great time playing together. They were so happy. Mama knew that her little son was growing and learning so much every day. She was so proud. +Mummy and Daddy were in the garden one sunny morning. Mummy said to Daddy, "Let's make a raft. We can take it to the river and celebrate!" + +So they got out a big sheet of wood, some string and some glue. Daddy sawed and hammered, while Mummy cut and glued. They worked together until the raft was ready. + +The raft was very modest - small and light, but strong. Mummy, Daddy and their three year old child Peter all climbed onto the raft. They floated down the river and Peter watched the water swirling past. + +At last they came to a special spot by the river. They stopped and stepped onto the bank and Daddy lit a campfire. They had a modest picnic and then Daddy and Mummy said, "It's time to celebrate!" + +They hugged and sang and dance around the campfire. Peter laughed and clapped and said, "Let's do it again!" And so they did, every time they went on their raft. +Charlie was a little boy who had a big sister. He noticed that his sister was very attractive. He liked how she smiled and how she blinked her eyes. + +One day, he asked her why she blinked her eyes so much. She giggled and said, "It's to make myself look attractive, silly!" + +Charlie was so curious so he asked her to show him. She agreed and they went to the garden. She showed him how to blink his eyes slow and then fast. + +Charlie tried to blink his eyes like his sister. Then, he realized that he looked attractive when he did it. He smiled and said to his sister, "Thank you for teaching me how to blink like you." + +His sister smiled and said, "You're welcome, little brother." She gave him a hug and then they went back inside. + +Ever since that day, Charlie blinked his eyes slow and fast whenever he wanted to look attractive. +Jimmy had a special letter. It was a deep red colour, and it had his name on it. He loved it so much. + +Every day Jimmy would rub the letter. He loved the way it felt, and he liked to look at it and take it with him wherever he went. + +One day, Jimmy went to the park with his parents. He rubbed his special letter carefully and put it in his pocket. Suddenly he noticed a bright rainbow across the sky. He rubbed the letter more, and it seemed to make the rainbow brighter. + +Jimmy smiled and hugged the letter. He was so happy because the rainbow made him feel like he was special, just like the letter. He kept on rubbing the letter, and eventually the rainbow disappeared. But Jimmy still felt very deep and happy. +Lily was a little girl and she loved going for walks. Every day, Lily went for a walk, but she was always frightened. She was a little scared of the animals and people she saw along the way. + +One day, her mum suggested that they go on a longer journey. Lily was worried but her mum promised her that, if she was brave and persevered, things would improve. + +So, Lily set off on the longer walk with her mum and every day, as they went further and further, Lily got less scared. She looked forward to their new adventures and, soon enough, no longer felt frightened by the animals and people she saw along the way. + +At the end of their long journey, Lily could not believe how she'd improved. She was so proud and excited to be able to walk without being scared. It was all because of her determination and her mum's understanding and support. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. She lived with her family in a house with a big yellow door. Every day, Sarah's mom would say, "Remember to turn the doorknob before you leave the house, Sarah." + +Sarah would always smile and nod, and run out the door. But she would often forget to turn the knob. + +One day, Sarah's mom decided to remind Sarah in a funny way. She put a little toy in the shape of a doorknob on the door. That way, Sarah could not leave the house without turning the real knob. + +Sarah laughed and said, "Thank you, Mommy. I won't forget now!" + +Every time she left the house, Sarah would turn the toy knock and then the real knob and she never forgot again. + +The end. +Once there was a little girl called Sarah. She was three years old and very wise. One day her grandad came over to visit. He was always playing jokes and making Sarah laugh. He had a surprise for her - he had brought some sausages! Sarah was so excited and couldn't believe her eyes. + +Grandad took out the sausages and started to dance around the room. He then said in a funny voice, "Who can jump the highest?" Sarah giggled. + +Grandad then put the sausages in Sarah's hands and said "Now, who can make the best sausage joke?" Sarah was so excited she couldn't think of anything, but she tried! Finally, she said, "Why did the sausage go to school?" Grandad thought for a moment and then said, "I don't know, why did the sausage go to school?" + +Sarah replied with a big smile, "So it could get a little education!" Grandad laughed and hugged Sarah. He said that she was a very wise three-year-old. They both laughed and enjoyed their sausages together. +Once upon a time there was a stubborn car who wouldn't go anywhere. It just sat in the driveway. Each day its owner tried to get the car to start. But nothing worked. He checked the oil, pumped the tires, and tried desperately to get the car to budge. No matter what he did, it just sat there. + +One day, the car owner brought his daughter to the driveway to see the car. His daughter smiled and said, "Just park it, Dad! It's okay if the car doesn't go anywhere." + +The car owner suddenly knew what to do. He put the car in park and it started running. From then on, the car ran perfectly. + +The car owner and his daughter learned a valuable lesson: sometimes things don't work the way we want, but if we think differently, a solution can arise. So when something seems stubborn, it's always important to think of a different approach. +once there was a little girl. She was really reliable, which meant that you could always count on her to do the right thing. She liked to play outside in the rain, no matter how wet she got. + +One day, her mother mentioned that the next day they would go to the park. This made the little girl very excited. She went to bed early and when morning came, she was ready to go. + +At the park, they saw all sorts of interesting animals like ducks, birds and rabbits. The little girl was so happy that she could hardly contain herself. They spent the whole day playing outside and having fun. + +In the end, the little girl and her mom went home. The little girl had an amazing day and was very grateful for her reliable mom taking her to the park. +The little girl was feeling very competitive. She wanted to be the best at everything. Every morning, her dad would give her a new puzzle. She worked so hard to try to manage it, but she just couldn't do it. + +One morning, her dad saw how hard she was trying. “I have an idea,†he said. “Let’s time you, and whoever solves the puzzle the fastest wins.†+ +The little girl was so excited. She knew she had a chance to be the best. She was the fastest by far. She had managed the puzzle faster than her dad. + +The little girl was so proud. She loved winning, and she loved puzzles. She knew she would always strive to be the most competitive. +The little girl was pretty and loved to wear her pastel dress. She liked to twirl in it and show off how pretty it was. One day she went outside and saw a flower. She decided to gain it and take it home to show her mom. + +When she got home, she proudly showed her mom the flower. But, her mom was not happy. +"No, no! You can't take the flower," her mom said. "It belongs to someone else. You have to give it back." + +The little girl was sad and wanted to keep the flower. She didn't want to give it back. So, she quickly ran off with the flower. + +The next day, the little girl got in a lot of trouble for stealing the flower. She was so sad and never wore her pastel dress again. Therefore, she learned that it is not okay to gain things that don't belong to you. +Billy was a harmless bunny. He loved exploring the world and seeing new things in his garden. One day, he saw a colorful mug that shone in the sunlight. He hopped over to it and was so excited. He started to pick it up when a voice said, "That mug is not yours, Billy." + +Billy turned around and saw that it was his neighbor, Mrs. Pig. He knew she was a grumpy pig and he put down the mug quickly. He started to weep for he didn't want to get in trouble. + +Mrs. Pig saw it and felt something stir within her. She moved closer to Billy and said, "You can keep it, Billy. It's a present from me." +Billy was so surprised and looked up in wonder. + +Mrs. Pig said, "You see, Billy, it's important to share with others and not take what's not yours. This applies not just to mugs but to other things we have in life too." + +Billy understood and thanked her, and he picked up the mug carefully and hopped away with a huge smile on his face. + +This experience taught Billy an important lesson - the importance of being mindful and respecting other people's property. +Jessie loved her toys. She had a few different ones, but her very favorite toy was a big, blue box. She liked to put dolls and animals in the box, and shut the lid. + +One day, Jessie was playing with her box when she realized that it was too small. She tried to stuff a rabbit into the box, but it would not fit. Jessie sighed. "It is so poor," she said. + +Just then, Jessie's mom came over. "What is poor?" she asked. + +Jessie explained her problem and her mom smiled. She said, "I know what you need. Come on, I'll show you." + +They went to the store and her mom bought Jessie an inch. Jessie was confused. How would an inch help her? But when her mom brought the inch back home and showed her how to use it, Jessie understood. She put one side of the inch into the box and pushed it together. Presto! The box was much bigger! + +Jessie couldn't believe her eyes. She was so happy that she could put all her toys into the box and shut the lid. "Thanks, mom!" she said. + +Jessie's mom smiled. "It was my pleasure," she said. They hugged and Jessie was so excited to play with her bigger, new box! +Once upon a time there were two best friends, John and Jane. They liked to play together every day. + +One day they were playing a fun game at school. It was called the "Finger Game". The aim was to put one finger down on the table and resist the other person's finger. Whoever put the finger down last was "the winner". + +John and Jane were very competitive in their game. They were often pushing their fingers as hard as they could so that their finger would stay down on the table for longer. + +"You won again!" said Jane. + +"Yes," said John. "But let's keep playing until I resist your finger!" + +They kept playing until John finally resisted Jane's finger. John said "Hooray! I won the game!" + +They hugged and went on playing. Everyone had lots of fun. +One day, Max was watching his friend Megan play hopscotch with some chalk. He was so excited! He wanted to play too, so he asked Megan if he could join her. Megan said yes, so Max happily grabbed some chalk and started drawing his own hopscotch board. + +Then, without warning, it started to rain. Max started to cry because he was so disappointed. Megan said, “It’s ok, Max. We will play hopscotch tomorrow!†+ +But the next day, Max was too late. Megan was already playing Hopscotch with someone else. Max was so sad. He watched his friend have all the fun. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a honest boy. Every day, he would write stories and draw pictures. + +One day, the boy decided to go on an adventure. He packed a lunch and took a coin. He went far away, to a place he had never been before. + +The boy adventures all day long. He explored the beach and the woods, and he even gathered some shells and rocks. + +Eventually, the boy got very tired. So, he decided to rest near a stream. But when he sat down to relax, he found a shiny gold coin! The boy smiled, knowing that he was honest. He put the coin in his pocket, and kept exploring. + +The boy had such an amazing adventure that day. When he got home, he wrote the story of his adventure. He also wrote about the honest boy who found a shining gold coin. It was a tale that the boy would never forget. +One week, a mild breeze appeared in the little clearing of the woods. All the animals gathered to see what it was. The breeze began to tell them a story. + +"Once there was a badger who was always playing pranks on the other animals. He found joy in making them angry. The other animals had no choice but to put up with it. + +One day, the other animals had tired of the badger's tricks. They decided it was time to stop him. The next time the badger wanted to play a prank, he found that none of the animals wanted to be part of it. + +The badger could see he had made a mistake and he apologized. From then on he was more kind to the other animals, and his pranks were more fun. + +The breeze finished the story and taught the animals an important lesson. Kindness makes everyone happy, and playing pranks can be fun if it is done in a kind way. All the animals were happy that the badger had learned this lesson. +Once upon a time there lived a big ugly wolf. Every day, the wolf would howl and make the animals around him very scared. One day, he was on the porch of a small house. Inside the house was a little boy and he was feeling very afraid of the wolf. + +The little boy called out to the wolf, "Go away! You are very ugly and I don't want you here." But the wolf did not go away and he kept howling. + +Then the little boy had an idea. He asked the wolf, "Do you want to rest?" The wolf stopped howling and nodded his head. So the little boy opened the door and said to the wolf, "Come inside and have a rest on my porch". + +The wolf couldn't believe it. He was so happy that the little boy wanted him to rest on his porch and he quickly went inside. At last, the wolf rested. The little boy also felt happy and he said, "I'm glad you have stopped howling and that you now have a place to rest." +Once upon a time, there were two best friends. They were called James and Sally. Every day they went outside to play together. + +One day, James said to Sally, "Let’s go underground! It will be fun!" +But Sally replied, "No, that will be boring! We can play up here in the sun." + +James said, "No, I want to go underground. Come." +Sally didn’t want to be rude so she agreed to go with James underground. + +When they arrived, Sally was right. It was super boring underground. Instead of having fun, they were in a dark place out of the sun. + +Sally said to James, "We should have listened! I told you it would be boring down here." +James replied, "I'm sorry, Sally. You were right. Let’s go back up and play in the sun!" + +The moral of the story is to always listen to your friends. They may know best! +One morning, little Sam woke up feeling very gloomy. He dragged his feet out of bed and wandered through the house. Sam spotted a pond outside and it looked very inviting. He descended the steps to the pond and watched as the sun made the water sparkle and glisten. Suddenly, Sam had an idea; he jumped in with a big splash! + +The water was cool and refreshing. Sam splashed around for awhile and then climbed out. He lay down on the grass, feeling happy and content in that moment. + +Suddenly, Sam heard a voice calling out. It was his mom telling him it was time for his meal. Sam reluctantly stood up and returned to the house. But he was sure he would be back again soon to make another big splash! +Jill was out walking when she saw a big billboard. It was very tall, and Jill was frightened by it. She paused for a moment, feeling scared. But then she noticed something strange. Written at the bottom was her name. + +Curious, she continued walking closer to the billboard. Soon she could see that the billboard was covered in her favorite colors. Near the top, there was a big box with her name on it. She was even more frightened now. + +Suddenly, music started playing and the box opened. Out came a beautiful present. It was a toy that Jill had wanted for a long time. + +Jill was no longer scared. She was very happy. She had been so scared of the billboard, but it had given her a wonderful surprise. +Jill was walking down the street when she saw a sack next to the coal. She was curious, so she opened it up. Inside, there was an original toy truck! She was so excited - it was exactly what she wanted. She thought about how she could bring the toy truck home and share with all of her friends. Just then, a voice from behind her said, "That's mine!" It was the coal worker who worked near the coal. He said that he was saving the toy truck for his grandson - it was very special and original. Jill apologized and gave the coal worker back the toy truck. She thanked him for being so kind. The coal worker nodded, and they both went on their way. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was very alert and always looking for adventure. One day, she went for a walk in the woods. She saw a big mushroom and wanted to get closer. She slowly walked up to the mushroom, but she was being ignored. She was very sad, but kept on walking. + +When she went further into the woods she heard strange noises. She was still alert but this time she was scared. She wanted to get away from the noise, but nothing was working. Suddenly she saw the big mushroom again! This time it wasn't ignoring her and she knew it was her friend. + +The mushroom had grown bigger and was very friendly. The little girl was no longer scared and smiled at the mushroom. They became very good friends and the little girl was brave enough to explore the woods. They had many more adventures together and the little girl was never ignored again. +Once upon a time there lived a little lamb named Benny. Benny lived on a farm and was always very polite and well behaved. One day, Benny was feeling a bit lonely and went out in search of adventures. + +He soon walked into a meadow and saw a bright red car with a loud horn. Benny was enchanted and excitedly ran toward the car. He started to play with the horn, when suddenly an upset farmer appeared. + +The farmer shouted, "Don't behave that way, Benny! If you do it again, I will have to take your horn away" + +Benny sadly nodded and stopped playing with the horn. Soon he found another adventure and forgot all about the horn. + +Later that day, however, the farmer came back to Benny's farm with the horn and thanked Benny for behaving so well by giving it back as a reward. From that day onwards, Benny kept the horn as a reminder to always be polite and well behaved. +Once upon a time there was a baby. He was in the bathtub. It was a different bathtub. It was bigger than a normal bathtub. He was very excited. + +He started splashing around in the water. He laughed and smiled. He was having lots of fun. + +He put some bubbles in the tub. They were big and bubbly. They were different than regular bubbles. They were yellow and blue. + +His mom came in to the bathroom to check on him. He was playing and laughing in the mist of the different bathtub. His mom smiled and said how much fun it looks like he is having. + +The baby said goodbye to the bubbles, then it was time to get out. He dried off, put his pajamas on and said goodnight to the different bathtub. +Once upon a time Lily and Tim were walking in the park. +Lily saw a cute puppy running. She was so happy she clapped her hands. "Hey, come here puppy! Please come here" she said. But the puppy was too scared and it ran away. + +Tim looked at Lily and said "Don't worry. We can go look for him. If we look slow and careful, we will find him". +So they both looked around and it didn't take them long until they found the puppy. It ran towards Lily and Tim and it was so happy to have found them. + +Lily and Tim were happy too. Tim looked at Lily and said "See, when we show love and care, things will be ok. " +Lily smiled and hugged the puppy. She said "From now on I will be slow and careful. No matter what". + +The moral of the story is when you show love and care, you will always find the good things. +Mia was very excited. Her mom said she could invite her friends to play. She quickly ran around the house and got ready. Then, she opened the door and saw her friends at the door ready to come in. + +Mia waved and shouted, "Come in! Come in!" Her friends piled inside and Mia started to plan their activities. She thought it would be fun to play a game of zigzag. + +So, Mia and her friends started to run and zigzag all around the house. They laughed and had a great time. They chased each other around the couch and under the table. Then they stopped and started to jump on the bed. + +Mia and her friends had so much fun! She was glad she invited them over to play. +Once upon a time there was a little girl playing in her garden. She was so happy and carefree, running around and collecting pretty flowers. Suddenly she saw a big, black shape in the bush. She was scared and ran inside the house. + +The little girl's mum was inside, so she asked her mum: "What was that thing in the bush?" Her mum said: "It's ok, it was just a little frog". + +The little girl felt a bit better, so she went back to the garden to carry on playing. This time, she saw an even bigger, black shape in the bush. She was so scared that she started to cry. + +The little girl's mum heard her crying and quickly ran outside. She saw the big, black shape and told the little girl: "Don't worry. It's just a friendly bear, he won't hurt you." + +The little girl stopped crying and the bear said: "Hi there! If you come closer I have a prize for you!" The little girl was still scared, but she stepped closer anyway. As she got closer, the bear suddenly roared at her and she ran back inside the house. + +It turns out the bear was not friendly at all! He was just using the prize to lure the little girl closer so he could scare her away. The little girl never went near the bush again. +Once there was a boy named Tom. He was three years old and loved the jungle. Every day he played in the jungle with the other animals. + +One day, Tom got upset because some of the animals were fighting. He wanted to repair the jungle and make it a peaceful place again. So he started to pick up sticks and leaves and clean up the mess. + +All the animals in the jungle were amazed by what Tom was doing. A monkey offered to help, a bird brought some leaves, and a lion brought some sticks. Together, they repaired the jungle! + +At the end of the day, the jungle looked perfect again. The animals were all happy and thanked Tom for his help. Tom was happy too, he had repaired the jungle and made everybody happy again. +John and Molly were playing at the park. John saw something in the grass and picked it up. + +"What is it, John?" asked Molly. + +John held up a match. "Look Molly, it's a match!" he said. + +Molly clapped her hands. "Wow, it's beautiful" she said. + +John put the match in his pocket. As they were walking home, he stopped and took out the match. + +"Look, Molly! It still has its original display. No one used it yet," said John. + +Molly looked in awe. "It's amazing! Let's bring it home," suggested Molly with a smile on her face. + +They both ran back home and put the match on the mantelpiece for everyone to admire. + +John and Molly smiled at each other. They were happy to have such a wonderful, original match to display. +Once upon a time, there was a wide knob. Everyone could see the knob and wanted to know what it was for. + +One day, a little boy came running up to the knob and said, "What is this knob for?" + +"It's for turning the door open," said a kind man who was standing nearby. He reached over and showed the little boy how to turn the knob. The door opened wide and the little boy saw a big surprise inside the room. + +He smiled wide and thanked the kind man for showing him the knob. The little boy was so excited to see what was in the room. He ran inside and yelled, "Wow! Look at all the toys!" + +The end. +Mummy and Daddy were in the kitchen getting dinner ready. They were too busy to notice their daughter, Jane, sneak her favourite armchair from the living room. She carried it into the middle of the garden. + +"What are you doing Jane?" said Mummy, looking out the window. + +"Feeding my turtle" answered Jane. + +Mummy smiled to see her daughter so engrossed. She looked so happy and was filled with joy watching her daughter. + +"That armchair is a bit dull, isn't it? Why don't you put some colour on it?" asked Mummy. + +Jane shook her head. "No! My turtle likes it dull." + +Mummy knew Jane was getting close to her turtle and it was important to her. She saw the conflict in Jane's face and decided to compromise. "If you really want, you can paint it later, how about that?" + +Jane smiled. She put the armchair in between the flowerbeds and went back to feeding her turtle. Mummy watched as Jane spread bits of flowers and leaves from the garden and watched the turtle, eagerly eating them. +Once upon a time there was a shy little girl named Anna. She was very excited to take her first exam at school. Anna couldn't wait to show her teacher what she had learned. + +On the day of the exam, Anna was very nervous. She asked her mom for a hug and all was good. + +Anna was the first to finish her exam. She was so proud and smiled from ear to ear. As soon as she was done, she excitedly jumped outside and spun around in circles. She felt so happy and relieved! + +She spun around and around, feeling so free and cheerful that all her shyness was gone. Anna felt like she could fly. + +She kept spinning until she felt dizzy, and then finally stopped. Anna had done it! She had passed her exam and was so proud of herself. +Once there was a little bunny who was very brave. He loved to hop around and explore the world around him. One day, he decided to explore a place he had never been before. He hopped and hopped until he came to a point. He started to tremble a little at the thought of the unknown. + +"Should I go ahead and explore?" he thought to himself. He was a bit embarrassed that he was scared but he knew he had to be brave. + +He hopped a little closer to the point and just then he heard a soft voice behind him. + +"Hey little bunny, don't be scared. It's ok to be scared sometimes but don't let that stop you from exploring new places". + +The little bunny turned around and saw a beautiful, wise old owl smiling at him. He felt much better and hopped right up to the point and beyond. He explored the beautiful world he had never seen before and he was so happy. He was never scared of exploring new places again. +Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He lived with his cows on his farm. One day, he noticed that one of the cows was walking funny. He realised that the cow had a broken leg. So, the farmer was very sad. + +The farmer looked for help. He called upon his neighbour, who was a kind and compassionate man. The neighbour said he knew what to do. He went to his shed and brought out a toolbox. The neighbour got to work and tried to fix the cow’s leg. + +The neighbour worked hard to mend the cow’s leg. The farmer was very thankful. As time went on, the cow's leg healed. The kind neighbour had used his compassion and the tools from his toolbox to help the farmer and the cow. + +At the end of the story, the farmer learned a lesson. He vowed to always be kind and compassionate, just like his neighbour. Being kind and helpful could fix many things. +Once upon a time, there was a robot who was very selfish. He only did things that were good for himself, and he did not care about anyone else. + +One day, the robot saw a sack full of apples. He was very tempted by the apples, so he grabbed the sack and ran away. + +Just then, a little girl walked by the tree. She was sad and said, "Why did the robot take my sack of apples?". + +The robot felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry little girl, I was being selfish. Here, you can have your sack back." + +The little girl smiled and said, "Thank you robot! Now I can bring these apples home to share with my brothers and sisters." + +The robot smiled back and said, "You're welcome!" and the little girl happily took the sack of apples home. +Ellie was playing in her garden when she found a scary letter. She had never seen a letter like this before and she was curious. She took the letter and ran inside to show her mom. + +Mom was very surprised when she saw the letter. "Where did you get this letter, Ellie?" she asked with a puzzled look. + +"I found it in the garden," Ellie replied. "It was very scary, Mommy." + +"Oh, Ellie," Mom said sadly. "This letter is not yours. Someone must have stolen it!" + +Mom called the police and they came to take the letter away. They told Ellie that she had done a good job finding the letter. + +Then, Ellie and her mom hugged and went to play in the garden again. From now on, Ellie was more careful when she found something strange. She knew that stealing was wrong and she didn't want to get into trouble. +Once upon a time, there was a boy. He was proud. One day, he saw a boat outside his house. He was so excited he ran outside to take a closer look. He looked at the boat, proud of the big and shiny boat that was outside his house. He smiled and waved at it. + +Suddenly, the boat started to move. The boy was surprised and paused for a bit. But then he remembered something and shouted, "I want to go too!" He ran as fast as he could and hopped into the boat. + +The boy was so excited to be on the boat. He looked all around him and was so proud he was able to take a ride on the boat. After a while, the boat stopped and the boy had to get off. He waved goodbye to the boat and went inside his house. + +He was so proud of himself for taking the boat ride and had a big smile on his face the whole day. +Once upon a time there was a bald man. He was walking in the park and saw a big tree. Suddenly a bird flew out from the tree. The bird was so scared that he wanted to escape! He flapped his wings and tried to fly away. But the bald man was too fast. He was an expert at catching birds and he caught it with ease. + +The bald man had a unique style. He put the bird in his pocket and headed home. On his way he imagined the delicious bird he'd have for dinner. The bird was so scared in the pocket and wanted to escape. He struggled and started to chirp. + +The bald man noticed the chirping and opened his pocket. But the bird escaped with a twirl of wings. The bald man was so angry that he chased the bird. But the bird soon disappeared in the night. + +The moral of the story is that when you think of doing something wrong, remember it will always get away from you. And if you are going to do something wrong, it's always better not to do it. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Mandy. She loved looking up at the moon in the night sky. One night when the moon was full and beautiful Mandy wanted to see it even closer. + +Mandy shouted to her mom, "Mom! Can I spray the moon?" + +"No Mandy," said Mom. "You can't spray the moon!" + +Mandy didn't listen, she got the spray bottle and pointed it towards the moon. She started to spray and the moon seemed to get closer and closer! + +Suddenly a strong icy wind blew and the chilly air made Mandy very cold. The moon was so close that she could touch it! Mandy's mom was so angry, she scolded Mandy and made her go inside. + +Mandy was sad and the moon seemed to move away, out of reach. That night Mandy went to bed with a lesson learned; you can't spray the moon! +One day, the little girl was so excited! She was going to spend the day with her grandparents. She couldn't wait to get there! + +First, the girl saw the incredible garden. Grandma was really happy and said, "Let's go inside." + +The little girl was full of excitement and anticipation. She almost skipped through the door. Inside, the girl noticed something special. She looked around and in the corner, she spotted it - a bathtub. + +Grandma said, "I have something special for you today. We're going to spend some time in the bathtub." The little girl was thrilled! + +The little girl could hardly contain her excitement and the anticipation only grew. After what felt like forever, it was finally time to get in the tub. + +When they got into the bathtub, the little girl was absolutely amazed. Grandma had filled it with all kinds of bubbles and toys, making it an incredible experience. + +The little girl and grandma played until bath time was over. They laughed and splashed in the bubbles, and the little girl had one of the best days ever. She then knew she had spent an incredible day with grandma and the bathtub! +Once upon a time there were two friends, John and Anna. They both wanted to learn how to add. + +John was eager to learn and he brought a diary to write down all of the answers but Anna was not so eager. She said she did not need to add because only big people did it and she was too small. + +John tried to explain to Anna the importance of learning how to add. But Anna was not convinced and she said she would never do it. John continued to encourage Anna and he asked her to try. + +Finally, Anna gave in, and together they practiced adding all the numbers in their diaries. After a few days, Anna recognized all the advantages for adding and was really proud of herself for learning. + +The moral of the story is that with enough courage and support, everyone can learn how to do something difficult. So no matter how small and small we are, don't forget that we can all do big things! +Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to punish someone. He saw an open door and went to see who was inside. + +When he got there, he saw a little girl. He asked her, "Why did you do it?" + +The little girl was scared and started to cry. Through her sobs, she said, "I didn't do anything." + +The man didn't believe her and said, "I must punish you." + +Just then, the girl's Mom came in. She said, "No, you must not punish my daughter. Please leave us alone." + +The man had to go away. He was very angry, but he had no choice. + +The Mom hugged her daughter and said, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone punish you." The little girl felt a lot better. + +From then on, the Mom made sure that the door stayed open so that nobody else could come in and punish her daughter ever again. +The sun was up and bright, so Jack and his friend Matt decided to go outside to play. Jack saw a big, green trampoline and he was so excited. He ran over to it and said, "Come on, Matt! Let's bounce!" + +So Matt and Jack started bouncing on the trampoline. It was so much fun and they couldn't stop laughing. After a few minutes, Jack had a great idea. He said, "Let's make a maze with the trampoline!" + +Matt thought it was a dumb idea, but Jack kept bouncing around and moving the trampoline until they had made an awesome maze. It was so cool. + +They started running around in their maze, but they soon got lost! They were bouncing all over the place, trying to find their way out, but they couldn't. Finally, they found a way out, but they were so frustrated with how stupid they had been. + +Jack and Matt each went home, happier but more careful. They had learned a lesson that day: don't be too stupid when trying to make a maze with a trampoline! +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lily. She lived in a forest and loved playing outside. One day she decided to go for a walk. As she walked, she noticed a big log. She went over to the log and decided to try and climb it. + +Suddenly, something very strange happened. As Lily was climbing the log, she felt something biting her! She was so scared that she fell off the log. + +Lily's mum came running over when she heard her daughter crying. "Oh, my poor Lily", said mum. "What happened?" + +"I was climbing the log and something bit me!" Lily said. +Mum looked at the log. "It looks like it might be an expensive ant". she said. "Let's go back home and put some antiseptic cream on your bite". + +So, Lily and her mum went home and Lily put on the antiseptic cream. After that, the bite stopped hurting and she was able to go back and play in the forest. The end. +Once upon a time there lived a father, a mother and a little girl. Her name was Sarah. Every day her parents would tease her by making jokes. One day, her father decided to give her a dependable feather as a present. + +Sarah was really excited and said to her father, "What a beautiful feather! I will keep it forever. But why did you give me a feather?" +Her father replied, "To remind you that although you can make jokes, you still need to be dependable and responsible." + +Sarah smiled and hugged her father tightly. She understood his message and promised to always be dependable. From that day on, Sarah never forgot to take responsibility for her actions. She kept the feather close to her heart and became a dependable young lady. + +The moral of the story is: jokes are fun but don't forget to be dependable! +Once upon a time there was a rabbit. It was a very fast rabbit and hopped around everywhere. One day it was late so it hopped faster and faster. The rabbit hopped so fast that its ears flew up. It went up in the air and it kept going and going until it sprang into the sky. + +The rabbit met some birds in the sky and they were so surprised to see a rabbit high up in the clouds! The birds asked how it got there, and the rabbit said it was just using its fast legs. The birds were amazed and asked the rabbit to join them in their nest. + +The rabbit said yes and the birds flew away with the rabbit in the middle. After a while they reached a big tree and it was the rabbit's new home. The rabbit had a big mouth with lots of teeth and it smiled at the birds. It thanked them for the kind offer and hopped its way inside the tree. + +The rabbit lived happily in its new tree for many days, always thankful for the birds for helping it reach this wonderful place. + +The End. +Jack was playing in the park when he noticed something on the ground. He bent down and picked it up - it was a microphone! Jack was very excited and he ran over to his Mom to show her. She said it was a special microphone and if he was careful, he could keep it. + +Jack was so pleased he ran around the park playing with it. Everywhere he went, he sang and talked into the microphone, trying out different sounds. + +One day, he was in the playground and he noticed something strange - when he shouted into the microphone, it made a loud, harsh noise. Everyone in the park stopped and stared at Jack. He felt embarrassed and quickly ran home, leaving the microphone behind. + +When Jack told his Mom what had happened, she smiled and explained that was why she said to be careful when using the microphone - it had a special button which needed to be pressed each time he wanted to use it, otherwise the sound could be harsh. Jack nodded, minding the advice this time. + +He went back to the park, found the microphone and pressed the special button. This time, when he spoke into the microphone, his voice sounded much better! Everyone in the park cheered as Jack sang and talked into the microphone, enjoying its special sound. +It was a bright and beautiful day in the park. Gerry was toddling around joyfully, then she stopped. She saw a lemon lying in the grass, covered with ants. She wanted to cover it, to keep the ants away. She approached it carefully, but before she could do anything, a rude man shouted at her, "Don't touch that or you'll be in trouble!" Gerry was scared and ran away, crying. + +The sun began to set and darkness fell. Suddenly, there was a loud sound and the rude man stepped out of the shadows. He had a gun. He shouted at Gerry again, this time even more rudely than before. Gerry was too scared to move. He had newspaper in one hand and he used it to cover the lemon. Then he aimed the gun at Gerry and shot. + +The bad ending was foreshadowed earlier, when the rude man first shouted at Gerry. He had set up the situation to end in a bad way and Gerry, unfortunately, paid the price for it. +Jimmy went to the store with his mom. His mom said they were going to get a special box of pastels. Jimmy was so excited! He had never seen pastels before. + +When they got to the store, Jimmy's mom grabbed a big box of pastels off the shelf. Jimmy couldn't believe his eyes! They were such beautiful colours! His mom paid for them and then they headed back home. + +When they got home, Jimmy said he wanted to try them right away. So they set up a big piece of paper and spread out the pastels. Jimmy couldn't decide which colour to use first, he was so excited and a bit worried! + +Finally, Jimmy settled on a light blue pastel. He ran the pastel along the paper, making little blue lines. His mom watched with big smiles. Jimmy was so proud of his masterpiece! +Once upon a time, there was a naughty little boy. His parents were always warning him to be good, but he was determined to get his own way. One day, he wanted a whip he saw in a store window and asked his mother for it. +His mother said firmly, "No, you cannot have that whip. It is too expensive." + +The little boy didn't listen and started to cry and whine. Seeing her son's broken heart, his mother felt sorry for him and gave him the whip. As soon as the little boy had his new whip, he ran off to play. + +He ran around the house, jumping and swinging his whip. As he was playing, he accidentally broke his own whip. + +The naughty little boy was so sad and couldn't understand what had happened until his mother said, "It looks like you have learned an important lesson today. Things may seem desirable but having them can be harmful. Be careful what you wish for!" + +The naughty little boy nodded, understanding the moral lesson of the story. He hugged his mother and promised to be more careful in choosing what he wanted. +Once there was a little girl named Emma. She was very smart and remembered things easily. She asked her mom about whales and her mom told her a story. + +Once there was an old whale who lived in the sea. He was very wise and could remember things that other whales forgot. He always helped the other whales by reminding them of things that they should remember. + +One day, the old whale saw other whales making mistakes because they had forgotten something important. In his wisdom, the old whale reminded them that they should always remember to treat each other with kindness and respect. + +This was a great lesson that Emma remembered. She knew that it was important to always remember to be kind and respectful, no matter what. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom really loved his juice. One day Tom had the bright idea of pouring his juice in the sand. He was happy to see the juice mix with the sand. Tom thought it was really cool. + +But then Tom's mum came along. She saw what Tom was doing and shouted out: "Tom, why did you destroy the sand with your juice?" Tom was embarrassed and hung his head. + +Mum said it was okay and gave Tom a big hug. She said, "Next time, why not just stick to drinking your juice?" + +Tom nodded and smiled. He knew that his mum understood and he wasn't ashamed anymore. Tom understood that he shouldn't destroy the sand like that and just stick to drinking his juice! +Tommy was sad. He had just received mail. The mail was for him, but it was not happy. He was confused. + +Tommy frowned and asked his mom, "Why am I sad?" + +"The mail was to tell us that your playdate has to be cancelled," his mom said. + +Tommy was even more confused. "What's a playdate?" + +His mom smiled, "It's when you play with a friend." She hugged Tommy and said, "But don't be too sad, we will find something fun for us to do today instead." + +Tommy smiled, the day wasn't so bad after all. He was still a bit confused, but at least he wasn't frowning anymore. +Bob was a 3 year-old kid. He wanted to win a race so he requested his mom for help! His mom said she would help him. + +Bob practiced and practiced for the race. He ran faster and faster every day and was sure that he could win the race. + +The day of the race finally came and Bob was ready. He was the first one to start running. Everyone cheered as he ran faster and faster. + +Soon, Bob ran past all the other kids and crossed the finish line. Everyone was surprised and Bob was happy. He had won the race and his mom was very proud! + +However, Bob's victory was short-lived. His mom warned him not to be too proud and said, "You should not boast about your victory. It's not nice and it's very stupid." + +Bob said goodbye to his mom and promised not to brag anymore. He had learned an important lesson: to stay humble even in times of victory! +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Mary. Mary always had a dream of becoming a doctor one day. She knew being a doctor was a very fancy job. + +Every day, Mary kept asking her mum, “Mum, can I be a doctor?†Her mum always smiled and said, “Yes Mary, you can. But it takes a lot of work and effort.†+ +Mary kept repeating her question each day and she kept getting the same answer. She was determined and decided to practice every day. + +One day, when Mary was playing in the park, she saw a real doctor helping an old lady. She was so happy and said to her mum, “Mum, I want to be like that doctor.†+ +Mary's mum smiled and said, “Mary, dreams can come true if you put your mind to it. Just keep repeating your question and practice hard. I'm sure you can do it.†+ +Mary never stopped believing in her dream. She practiced hard and worked hard until she became a fancy doctor. Mary was very happy and thanked her parents for encouraging her throughout her journey. + +Moral: Dreams can come true if you put your mind to it and never give up. +Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Susan. She liked to explore and find new things. Every day she would search for a new adventure. +One day, Susan found a harbor. When she got closer, she heard a noise coming from inside. It sounded like someone was complaining. +So Susan cautiously walked into the harbor. She saw a big monster. It was scary, with all sorts of spikes and horns. Susan got scared and started to back away. +The monster then spoke to Susan. He said, “Why are you so afraid? I was just complaining about how bored I am!†+Then Susan remembered all the adventures she had gone on and declared, “Let’s play!†+So Susan and the monster played games all day. When the sun started to set, the monster said goodbye and left. Susan was sad to see him go, but she knew they would meet again someday. +Once there was an orange lady. She was walking in the park and noticed an empty bucket next to a pond. She thought to herself, "I can fill this bucket with water from the pond." So, the lady filled the bucket with water from the pond and took it home. + +Back at her house, the orange lady put the water in a pot and put the pot on the stove. She filled the pot with a few chopped up vegetables. She added some salt and pepper and turned on the stove. + +Soon, the lady was stirring the pot with a spoon. The smells of the soup were filling the room. In no time, the soup was finished and the lady had filled her stomach with it. She enjoyed her meal and was very happy. +Once upon a time there was a little puppy who was very loyal. One day he was searching in the woods and he saw a strange circle in a clearing. He went up to it and discovered it was full of treasure. However, the treasure had been taken by a thief and the little puppy never found it. He was very sad, but he stayed loyal and kept searching for the treasure. Sadly, he never found it. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane who loved to play. Her mom and dad told her that the most important thing was to always be friendly. Every day, Jane went outside and played with her little friends from the neighborhood. + +One day, Jane was so excited to play. She quickly opened the door of her house and ran outside. She smiled and said hello to everyone she met. As she was about to start playing, she saw something strange. + +It was a huge fridge! Jane couldn't believe it. She asked her friends, “What is that?†Her friends started to laugh, and said “It's a fridge! It's so big!†+ +Jane was so happy and excited. She ran to the fridge and started to play. She pretended that the fridge was a castle and visited each room. She was having so much fun. + +After a while, Jane was tired. She opened the fridge to get some cold water and closed it back. As she was leaving, she waved goodbye to the friendly fridge and went back home to rest. +Once upon a time there was a tough old tree. Its bark was rough and very tough. Every day, the tree stood tall in the same spot. + +One day, a soft yellow bird flew up to the tree and perched on a branch. The bird sang a poem about how times are tough. The bird sang so loudly until its song filled the whole forest. + +As the bird sang its poem, the old tree started to rot. It started to crust over and the leaves dried up until the tree was no more. + +The bird sang one last time and flew away. The other animals in the forest sad a sad goodbye to the old tree. They wanted to thank the old tree for standing strong and tough. +One day, Lucy was walking in the park. She was looking at all the birds and the trees. All of a sudden, she heard a loud thump and saw a trunk dropped on the ground. She recognized it as her Grandfather's trunk. She gasped in surprise as she remember her Grandpa telling her about his trunk, which he said always stayed in the house. + +Filled with curiosity, Lucy walked over and tried to open the trunk. It was locked! She looked around to see who had dropped it and noticed a man walking away. She was about to run after him when her Grandpa suddenly appeared. + +"What are you doing with my trunk?" He asked. + +Lucy explained to her Grandpa what had happened. He looked very angry and said "That man must have stolen it! We must go after him!" + +Lucy and her Grandpa ran as fast as they could, but the man was too far ahead. He had jumped into a car and driven away. + +"I'm so sorry Grandpa," Lucy said as they stopped to catch their breath. + +Her Grandpa just sighed and said, "It's alright. I'm just glad you were here to stop him. The trunk was very hard to make and it's been in my family for many years." + +He then gave Lucy a big hug and thanked her for being so brave. +Once there was a girl who had no money. She was very poor and every day she would wonder if she could ever have money. + +Suddenly one day, a loud noise came from outside. She rushed outside to see what was happening and saw that a rich man had come to her village. He had a lot of money, and he was giving out money to everyone! + +The girl was so excited. She thought she would finally get some money. But when it came to her turn, the rich man said no. + +The girl was so disappointed. She couldn't believe it. She wondered why she couldn't have some money like everyone else. + +The rich man said that she had done something wrong. He said she had been too loud and he didn't like it. + +The girl didn't know what to do. She wanted to prove herself so she could get the money. She decided to be extra quiet and polite. + +The rich man eventually realised the girl was being nice and felt bad for not giving her money. He gave her some money and she was so happy. + +The girl was now able to buy the things she needed. She had learned the importance of being good and polite. And she will never forget the lesson! +Once upon a time, there lived a brilliant boy named Jack. He was three years old and loved to find answers to questions. + +One day, Jack wanted to bury his toy car in the garden. He took the toy car, dug a big hole and put it in. + +Mom looked at him and asked, "Jack, why did you bury your car?" + +Jack smiled and replied, "I'm curious about what will happen if I bury it." + +Mom laughed and said, "That's a brilliant question! I think only you can answer that!" + +So Jack thought for a moment and decided to wait and see what would happen. A few days later, he found a surprise in the garden - the toy car had turned into a flower! + +Jack was so happy and amazed. From then on, he was always asking questions and finding out new things. +Tommy had a new bag. It was green, and sparkly too. Tommy was so excited to show his mum. So he grabbed the bag, and ran off. He jumped over rocks and twigs, until he finally reached home. + +Tommy said, "mum, look! I have a new bag!" His mum smiled. She said, "wow, that's a lovely bag, Tommy. It's so sparkly." + +But then Tommy got very sleepy. His eyes were heavy, and he wanted to quit playing. + +So Tommy's mum took the bag from him and said, "come on Tommy, let's go to bed." Tommy said "ok" and they both walked inside, Tommy holding his mum's hand. + +When they reached his room, Tommy's mum tucked him in, and said goodnight. Tommy snuggled into his pillow and soon he was drifting off to sleep. His new sparkly bag was tucked in beside him. +The horn struck through the quiet night. It was just past midnight and Abbie was ready to be independent. She was only 3 years old but was eager to have her very own adventure. + +Abbie had heard rumors in the village that a wonderful place existed deep in the woods. She had to get there and the only way was to make it on her own. + +So, with determination and her trusty walking stick, Abbie marched off into the darkness. Every now and then the wild horn would strike and Abbie would try her best not to be scared. + +In the faint morning light, Abbie arrived in the beautiful place she had heard about. She had done it! All by herself! + +Abbie spent the rest of her day exploring and enjoying her newfound independence. She smiled proudly and thanked the horn that had encouraged her on her journey. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Marie. She was glad every day because she loved to record new things. One day, Marie noticed a comet in the sky. She was so glad that she ran to get her camera so she could record it. Marie watched the comet for a long time and recorded it from different angles. When she was done, Marie smiled and said, "That was so fun!" +Once upon a time there was a very little mill that was very close to a river. All the animals that lived near the river would use the mill to get flour to make bread. + +One day, a group of bullies came to the little mill and said they wanted all the flour. The helpless mill didn't know what to do! It was so scared. + +Suddenly, the wind blew and the bullies got scared. The wind knocked one of the bullies over and he fell into a sack. All of the bullies ran away. + +The little mill was so relieved and happy. Even though it was helpless against the bullies, the wind had saved it. Now the mill could continue to provide flour for the animals near the river. +Once upon a time there was a poor boy named Tom who felt so miserable. He had no mom or dad and he lived in a small, dark house all by himself. One day he heard a voice from outside his window saying, "Welcome!" Tom opened his window, and there was a fairy giving him a big smile. She floated in and gave him a box of soap and said, "This soap will make you feel much better." Tom was so surprised and happy and thanked the fairy. She waved and flew away. + +Tom ran to the bathroom and grabbed his new soap. He climbed into the bathtub and scrubbed and scrubbed with his soap until he was all shiny and clean. Tom was no longer miserable. He was so happy. He danced and jumped with joy. His house was now brighter and he was the happiest boy in the world. +Once there was a little girl, and she was very troubled. Her parents were having problems, and it made her sad. + +One day, her mommy put on a pretty dress and showed her something special. + +"Let's go to the church," her mommy said. + +The little girl felt scared and asked, "Why?" + +"Because your daddy and I are getting married today," her mommy explained, and hugged her close. + +The little girl felt excited and smiled. She liked the idea of being part of the wedding. + +After the ceremony, everyone went home and had a big dinner. The little girl laughed and ate her dinner, which was served with a glass of cold milk. + +The little girl felt so happy that her parents were marrying each other. She knew that from now on, her family would be happy and no longer troubled. +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful sunrise. It was very peaceful in the sky. + +Then, a little bird flew over the horizon. He saw the sunrise and it was so nice. + +He started singing and the birds nearby joined him. They sang until the sun was finished rising. + +When the sun finished rising, the birds stopped singing. The sky was so peaceful and calm. + +The little bird was so happy that he had seen the sunrise. He flew away to find more friends to tell about his peaceful morning. +Mary went to the store with her Daddy. She saw a big, beautiful mirror. She pointed to the mirror and said,"Daddy, can I buy that one please?" + +Daddy smiled and said, "No, Mary. It's too expensive. But look!" + +He pointed to a different mirror. This one was smaller, but it was so shiny. Mary smiled and wrapped her arms around it. It was the perfect size for her! + +The store clerk said, "It will cost 20 dollars". Mary said, "I'll take it!" Daddy paid the nice clerk and they headed home. + +When they reached home, Mary decided to hang the mirror in her bedroom. Daddy helped her hang it up. They used a very tight string to make sure it wouldn't move. + +Mary looked in the mirror and smiled. She was so happy with her new mirror. Daddy smiled at her and said, "You did a great job, Mary! We'll have to go shopping again soon." +Once upon a time, there were two brothers. They were both so excited to go outside. They wanted to go explore in the woods and go on an adventure. + +"Let's go! I'm ready," said Fil. + +"Me too! But I think we should take a nap first," said Joe. + +Fil groaned and said, "No way! Naps are boring!" But Joe said, "It's ok, it will only take a few minutes. We will feel much better after, so let's nap." + +Reluctantly, Fil agreed. When they woke up, the sun was starting to set. Joe opened his eyes and said, "Let's go now!" + +But then they remembered, they had forgotten to close their eyes! There was a tough bug, an eye bug, right in front of them! It was scary and Fil screamed and ran away. Joe tried to run too, but the bug moved very quickly and it caught him. + +It was a very bad ending for Joe and the eye bug flew away with him. Fil ran all the way back home, never wanting to take another nap again. +Once upon a time there was a dead boot. No one knew why it was dead, or even how it had got that way. + +Two little children came across the boot and thought it was very sad. So they both decided to decorate it. + +The first child brought purple paint and some sparkly glitter. She painted the boot purple and sprinkled the glitter all over it. + +The other child brought some colourful ribbons and a few stickers. He wrapped the ribbons around the boot, and stuck the stickers all over it. + +When the boot was finished, the children smiled. They both admired their work and exclaimed that it was beautiful. + +“Let’s give it a name,†suggested the first child. + +They decided to name the boot “Sparklyâ€, and they both decided that Sparkly was the most beautiful boot they had ever seen. +Molly was three years old. She was on a trail to find something sweet. + +After a while, Molly came across a berry bush. The berries were big and sweet. + +Molly was so happy and said, "Yum, this looks so good." + +She laughed and started picking the berries. Then a big, mean bear showed up. + +He said, "Remove your hand! These are my berries!" + +Molly got scared and started to run away, but the bear chased her. She ran and ran, but the bear was too fast. + +The bear quickly caught Molly, and she screamed for help. But nobody was around to hear her. + +The bear was so mad that he grabbed Molly and started biting her. Molly was so scared and sad that she started to cry. + +In the end, the bear removed Molly from the trail and she never returned. +One day, two friends, Liz and Sam, were playing in the park. Liz and Sam loved going to the park and playing together. + +Suddenly, Liz heard a loud ringing sound. She looked around and saw a weird looking rock. Liz was curious so she picked up the rock and noticed it was ringing. + +Liz said to Sam, "What is this thing? It's ringing!" Sam replied, "I'm not sure, but it looks kind of weird." + +Liz had an urge to keep the rock, so she put it in her pocket. From then on, whenever Liz was in the park she could hear the rock ringing. She had a lot of fun with it; she even sang along with the ringing. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little deer. He liked to slide on the grass. Every day, he would go out in the sun and slide across the meadow. + +One day, while he was sliding, he saw another deer. The deer seemed so nice and reliable. The little deer wanted to play with the new deer. + +He quickly slid over to the other deer. They had so much fun together! They hopped and skipped, and danced in the meadow. + +The two deer became very close friends. They would always go out and slide together in the meadow. Every day, they would always have fun, and the little deer knew his new friend was very reliable. +Once upon a time, there was a boy. His name was Jack. + +Jack wanted to have an adventure. He looked around his house for something to do. He saw the garden outside and decided to explore it. + +He went out into the garden and looked in the dirt. He spent a long time digging and he had so much fun. He found lots of cool bugs and rocks. He found some soil that was dark and rich. + +Jack spent the whole day playing in the garden. He was having such a good time. When the sun started to set, he went back inside. + +Jack had a wonderful day spending in the garden. The soil was nice and the adventure was so long. He had a great time! +Once there was a little boy called Frank. Frank was very adventurous. One day he decided to go on a journey to the east. On his way he scattered sticks, rocks and leaves everywhere. Frank thought he was being very clever but really he was being very rude. + +As Frank walked, he soon found himself near a river. He wanted to cross the river but it seemed too wide. Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was a friendly voice and it said, "jump on my back and I'll take you across the river". Frank looked around and he saw a big, friendly horse. + +Frank was so excited to ride the horse across the river. He held on tight and rode over the river. It was so much fun! + +When Frank reached the other side he thanked the horse very politely. The horse smiled, nodded and ran away into the east. + +Frank continued his journey, scattering sticks and stones along the way. But this time he was careful to be polite and not rude. +She walked slowly up the stairs. She was thoughtful as she thought about what she should do when she got there. As she got to the top of the stairs, she saw a door. She reached out her hand and slowly closed it. It felt good to shut the door. This made her happy because she knew it was safe and quiet. She sat on the top stair for a long time. She was so peaceful and content. Finally, she opened the door and went inside. She had found her favorite spot in the house. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Lucy. She was very happy, and she loved to go for rides. One day, Lucy decided to go for a ride. She found a big, wide hose and sat down on it. She pushed herself off the ground and started to slide on the hose. Lucy laughed and giggled as she went round and round on the hose. When she got tired, she stopped and jumped off the hose. She was so happy that she had gone for a ride on the hose and she went inside to tell her mom all about it. The end. +Once upon a time there was a tall sunflower. It was the tallest sunflower anyone had ever seen. One little girl named Jane wanted to take it home and show it off to her friends. She asked her mother if she could take it home and keep it. + +Jane's mother shook her head and said, "No, Jane. You can't take it home. It belongs in the garden." + +"But why can't I take it, Mum? It's really tall!" Jane said. + +"Well, if you hide it, I won't be able to find it," Jane's mother said. + +So Jane decided to hide it. She put the tall sunflower behind the big tree and ran off. But when Jane came back, the sunflower was gone! Jane's mother had found it! + +Jane was very sad and said, "Mum, why did you take it away? I was going to take care of it." + +Jane's mother smiled and said, "I know you would, but it's better if it stays here. Now you can come and see it anytime you want." + +Jane was happy. She had learned a lesson - it is better to share something so beautiful with the world. +Once upon a time, there was a delicate flower. Her petals were so soft. She was always shy and quiet, never raising her voice. + +One day, a bee zoomed past her. He said, "What do you think of that?" + +The flower didn't know what to say, so she just snapped her petals shut. The bee thought that was a funny thing to do. + +He said to her, "I think that's an opinion. Everyone has one, even if it's a snap!" + +The flower was amazed. She had never thought about that before. She opened her petals and smiled at the bee. From then on, she was brave enough to express her opinion, no matter how delicate it was. She was proud of her opinion, whatever it was. +Once there was a raven in the woods. He was so tight as he hopped around on the ground. He was looking for something he could eat. He saw some ants, but he quit because they were too small. + +Then he saw a berry bush, so he quick flew over to it. He started to eat the berries, but the bush was so tight that the berries were hard to get out. He flew away and tried to find something else. + +He flew over to a big tree. He was happy to see that there was a big hole in the tree. He squeezed inside, but it was so tight! He quit and flew away. + +Finally he found a patch of ripe grass. It was full of which he could eat. He was so pleased he sang a song and ate as much as he could. He stayed there until he was full and then he flew away feeling happy and content. +Once upon a time, there lived a little boy who liked animals. He would often return from school and hurry to the park to find them. There he would spot ducks, rabbits or birds playing about. This made him very excited. + +One day when he was returning from school, he found a nest full of kittens near the park. They were very cute and he wanted to take one home with him. + +He asked his mum, "Can I have one of them, please?" + +His mum smiled and said, "No, my dear. You have to return them where you found them, they need to stay together in their own home." + +So the little boy knew he had to return the kittens to the place they belonged. He felt sad, but he knew it was the right thing to do. + +From then on, the little boy made sure that all of the animals that he saw in the park were taken care of. He tidied their nests and kept them clean, so they always had a nice place to live in. + +The little boy learnt that it is important to make sure animals are safe and lives in a clean and comfortable environment. He also learnt that it is not right to take them away from their homes and playmates, even if it is nice to look at them. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lucy. She was very cute and loved to help around the house. + +Today, Lucy was going to help prepare for cleaning. She gathered her mop and pail and went to the kitchen. + +First, she prepared the cleaning solution. She squeezed in some special soap and added warm water to the bucket. Then she stirred the mixture with a spoon. + +The mop was next. Lucy started with the handle and made sure it was nice and tight. Then she soaked the mop head in the cleaning solution and wrung it out. + +With that done, Lucy was ready to start cleaning. She was so excited that she almost forgot to be careful! + +Lucy did a great job cleaning. She was proud of her work, knowing that the kitchen was now nice and sparkly clean. +It was a warm summer day and Jack and his mom were in their house. Jack was playing in his room when his mom told him to come to the living room because she had a surprise for him. +Jack was so excited and he ran excitedly to the living room. +When he got there, Jack saw a big box, it was his surprise! He opened it and inside he found a big fan. +Jack was so happy and he hugged his mom and said, "Thank you!" +His mom said something quietly and Jack asked, "What did you say, mommy?" +"Be careful," she said. "Use it for cooling down and don't play too loud with it." +But Jack paid no attention to his mom's warning and started playing with the fan. He would spin it around with his hands, making loud noises. + +Soon enough, Jack lost control of the fan and it spun wildly out of his hands and into the window, smashing it! +Jack was very scared and started to weep. His mom was so angry that she yelled at him. +Jack's sad little heart was broken, and he had learned a lesson the hard way. +Jack wished that his mom had warned him better. +Once upon a time there was a boy called Tom. Tom saw a fake olive in the garden. He wanted to wash it, so he picked it up and went inside. + +Tom took the fake olive to the kitchen and filled up the sink with water. He put the olive in the water and started to wash it. He was washing it so hard that he suddenly heard it break. + +Tom looked at the sink. The fake olive was in pieces! He started to cry because he was so sad. + +It was a naughty thing to do, to wash a fake olive! It was also a lesson learnt for Tom, he would never do it again. +Once upon a time, there was a perfect octopus. It swam in the ocean, and it could dive very deep. One day, the octopus was swimming close to the surface of the water. Suddenly, it noticed a net. The octopus tried to dive away, but it was too late; the net had already caught it. The net was strong, and the octopus couldn't escape. + +The fishermen were very happy when they saw the octopus. They wanted to make a meal out of it. The octopus was scared and tried to wiggle out of the net, but it was no use. The fishermen pulled the octopus out of the ocean and carried it away. + +The perfect octopus was never seen again. Its bright eyes were full of sadness. The poor octopus's perfect life had come to a bad end. +Yesterday, Sammy wanted to be independent. He wanted to do something all by himself! He decided to make a snack for himself, so he grabbed a snack from the kitchen and started to chew. Sammy felt so happy and proud of himself for making a snack all by himself. He chewed and chewed until his snack was all gone and he was ready for his next independent activity. +Once upon a time, there was a friendly bear named Beary. Beary was always looking for adventures in the woods around his cozy house. + +One day, Beary decided to go for a walk. As he was going, he heard a rustling in the bush. He stopped and asked, "Who's there?" + +A little mouse popped out of the bush. She said, "Hi, I'm Mousey. I'm looking for a heart. Can you help me?" Beary agreed to help Mousey find a heart. + +After searching for a while, Beary still couldn't find a heart. Then he saw a silly old tree with a heart carved in its trunk. + +Mousey said, "Hey Beary! That silly old tree has a heart!" Beary soon found the heart and they both clapped with joy. + +Mousey thanked Beary for his help and they hugged before she scampered away. Beary was happy to know he helped Mousey find her heart. +Once upon a time there was a little mouse. One day he went to the kitchen to find something to eat. He saw a block of cheese in the pantry! He was so excited and took it back to his little house. + +He settled in with the cheese and took the first bite. "Mmmm, this is so good", he thought. + +Suddenly he heard a voice. It was his mother! "What are you doing with that cheese?" she asked. + +The mouse tried to explain to his mom he was just having a snack. But his mom was impatient and kept asking why he took the cheese. So the mouse patiently showed her the empty kitchen and said, "I'm hungry. I needed something to eat." + +His mother smiled and said, "Well next time, try asking first!" The mouse nodded and went to finish his snack. +Jimmy was excited as he walked to the farm. He couldn't believe that he was going to pick corn. He had never done it before. + +Jimmy went straight to the field of corn. There were bright yellow ears of corn everywhere. He couldn't stop smiling. He started to pull off the corn from the stalks. + +"What are you doing?" asked a voice behind him. It was the farmer. + +Jimmy smiled. "I'm going to pick corn!" + +The farmer laughed. "That's great!" He joked, "But make sure you don't pick too much!" + +Jimmy kept picking more corn. He put it in his basket and soon it was full. He was so excited to share the corn with his family. + +Jimmy said goodbye to the farmer and thanked him for the corn. The farmer smiled and waved as Jimmy walked away. +Once upon a time there was a family who loved each other very much. The dad had some long truths that he wanted to share with his son. But his son didn't want to hear them. So the dad tried to tell him anyway. + +Every night they would have a long talk, but the son never listened. Despite this, the dad still loved his son. + +One day, the dad got really angry. He shouted at his son to listen to him. The son still didn't want to and ran away. The dad was sad but he still loved his son. + +The son never came back and the dad was brokenhearted. He never found out the truth he wanted to share. The dad was very lonely with his long truth. That's the bad ending of this story. +There was a pilot named Joe who was very popular. He designed planes that flew all around the world. + +One day, Joe's daughter said to him, "Can I design a plane, Daddy?" Joe smiled and said, "Yes, you can design a plane!" + +So, Joe got out some paper and markers and showed his daughter how to draw a plane. Joe asked her what the plane would look like and his daughter said, "It will have a big engine and wings and it will be red and blue!" + +Joe helped her finish the plane and she was so excited. She showed it to her friends and said, "I designed a plane!" Everyone was so impressed and said it was a great plane. + +Joe and his daughter smiled. They were happy that her plane was so popular. +Once there was a penguin who liked to rock. He rocked back and forth all day long. He was so alert, he spotted every rock and every wave. + +One sunny day, a large rock came flying by. The penguin was so curious and alert. He jumped on the rock and started to rock back and forth. As he rocked, the rock took him further and further away. + +The penguin kept on rockin' and the rock kept on rollin'. He was so happy and excited. Suddenly, the rock stopped and the penguin looked around. He saw he was back at home! + +The little penguin never forgot this special rockin' adventure and he kept alert for more rocks. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally. She lived in a part of the world called the east. + +Every day, Sally would go outside and sit by a big tree in her backyard. One day, while she was playing, she heard a loud noise coming from the other side of the tree. + +As Sally walked closer to investigate, she noticed something shiny and new on the ground. She ran over to see what it was, and when she got closer, she realized that it was an original sand castle. + +Sally was so excited, she grabbed the sand castle and started to raise it up higher and higher. When it was almost at the top of the tree, she stopped and smiled. She had built her very own sand castle! + +Sally's mom ran over to her and said with a smile “Oh Sally! You have really raised this sand castle high! Good job!†+ +Sally was so proud of her accomplishment and smiled from ear to ear. She'd done something really special and she knew it. From that day on, she would go to the east side of the backyard to proudly show she had built something amazing with her own two hands. +Once upon a time, there was a strong frog who lived in a swamp. Every day the frog would swim in the swamp, having fun. + +The frog felt so happy being in the swamp that it wanted to stay there all the time. So, the frog decided to take a long soak in the swamp, to feel the warm water on his skin. + +But the frog got so tired from swimming and soaking that he fell asleep in the swamp! His strong muscles were relaxed and he snoozed peacefully. + +When he awoke the frog felt so refreshed! He thanked the swamp for letting him soak and said goodbye. He promised to come back soon to soak again. +Mummy was in the kitchen making a cake. She was using a mixer to mix the different ingredients together. She wanted the cake to be really special. Mummy smiled to herself when she thought of it. + +Daddy came in and saw what Mummy was doing. He said, "That looks like fun! Can I make one too?". Mummy said he could and gave him a comfortable chair to sit on. + +Together, Mummy and Daddy mixed the ingredients. But soon, they started to argue a little. Daddy was adding too much sugar and it seemed as if he was trying to make a sweet mess! + +Mummy quickly said, "Stop! We need to prevent this from getting any worse!" She grabbed the mixer and started mixing the ingredients together. Then, she put the cake in the oven. + +Mummy and Daddy had a great time making the cake together and it turned out delicious! They both agreed that it was much better when they worked together and prevented any messes. +Once upon a time, there were two friends. One of them was called Tom and he was very clever. He liked to play a lot and was always up to something. One day, they were having so much fun, they didn't know what to do next. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise and Tom said: "That must be thunder!" + +The two friends were so scared they decided to shut the window. Tom was so clever that he shut it quietly and quickly. After that, they took some deep breaths and calmed down. Tom was so relieved that he said to his friend: "Let's play something else, this thunder is too scary". Both of them agreed and started to play together again. The end. +Once there was a tough oven. He liked to dance! Every day the oven would move and jiggle, and twirl and bounce. People would all around gather and watch the oven dance, amazed that something so large could move so fast! + +One day, a little girl came running up. She had seen all the people around and wanted to watch, too. She had never seen an oven dance before and her eyes grew wide in amazement. She began to follow the oven around, watching its every move. + +The oven was so happy to have someone there, watching him dance. Every time he twirled or bounced the little girl smiled and clapped, encouraging him to keep on dancing. + +Soon the little girl was joining in, and the oven and the girl were dancing together. He taught her new steps and how to move, and twirled her around and around. Everyone stopped to watch and laugh and cheer as the oven and the little girl danced around and around until they were both exhausted. + +The oven thanked the little girl for making him so happy and for helping him dance like he had never danced before. From that day on, the oven knew that tough or not, you can always dance! +Once upon a time there was a boy who really wanted a tray. He went to the market to buy one and he found an icy tray that he wanted. So he bought it and brought it home. + +When he got home excitedly he put it on the floor and wanted to show his family. But when he did, the tray started to shrink! He was so scared that he stepped away and the tray kept shrinking until it was nothing. + +The boy was very sad because he lost the icy tray that he wanted so much. He sat and cried until he went to bed. Sadly, his dream of having a tray was gone. +Once upon a time, there was a restless pear. The pear was tired of rolling around by itself so it decided to quit. It bounced away and went to find some friends. + +First, it found a banana. The banana was happy to be friends with the pear but it was too slow. So the pear quit and moved on. + +Next, the pear found a cookie. The cookie was much more fun. The two rolled around together, laughing and singing. But then the cookie got too crumbly and the pear had to quit again. + +Finally, the pear came across a little apple. The apple wasn't used to having fun so it was a bit shy. But, with some encouragement from the pear, the little apple became very happy. They rolled around in the playground having fun like old friends. + +The pear was no longer restless and had finally found a loyal friend. The two were inseparable! +Mia was a brave little girl. She was three years old and loved to do lots of things. One of her absolute favorite activities was to bathe. Every morning and night she would take a bath in the big cozy tub. + +A few weeks ago Mia asked her parents if she could go outside and play with a football. They said yes! So Mia got dressed and went outside. It was so much fun to play with the football. She would throw it and catch it, and run around with the other children. + +The day was hot and after playing in the sun for a while Mia was so sweaty that she had to take a bath when she came home. She filled the tub with warm water, added some bubbles and played in the tub for a long time. + +When she was done with her bath, Mia went in front of the mirror to dry off. She smiled proudly, thinking about how brave she was to go out and play that day. She was so happy she did it and enjoyed every moment of it. +Once upon a time, a cop came to a house. He was looking all around the house to check if everything was tidy. Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from inside the house. He opened the door and he saw a 3 year old child. The child was very happy to see the cop. The child asked the cop to come inside and see the toys that he had tidied. The cop was so impressed with the child's tidying! He even gave the child a big sticker to put on his wall. The child was so happy with the sticker. He smiled and thanked the cop. After that, the cop said goodbye and left. The child waved goodbye until the cop was out of sight. They had such a lovely day! +Once upon a time there was a little puppy. He was a cute pup, with a spotty collar. Every day he would crawl around the garden. He would explore the flower beds and chase the butterfly's in the sunshine. + +Today the puppy crawled over to the empty toy box. He wanted to see if he could find something to play with. But the box was empty, it seemed like all the toys were gone. + +The little pup was getting bored so he decided to explore further. He crawled across the garden, through the grass and around the flowers. It was fun to explore and see all the different things in the garden. + +At the end of the day, the puppy was exhausted. He crawled back over to his spotty collar and settled in for a rest. It was nice to take a nap in the sunshine, content and happy with his day. +One day, Ben had an embarrassing time. He was watching his favourite show on the television when his sister came in wearing a pink dress. She started laughing and Ben felt very embarrassed. + +Ben wanted to run away so he ran outside. There he saw a pink cat and it made him laugh. He forgot all about his embarrassment and chased the cat around the house with a big smile on his face. + +The cat was too quick and Ben couldn’t catch it. But he was having so much fun that he didn’t care anymore. He ran back inside to watch his favourite show again feeling very happy. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Poppy. Poppy had a red dress and a warm smile. One day, Poppy was walking in her garden and noticed a rock. It was round and shiny and looked very special. + +"Oh wow! Look at that rock," said Poppy. + +Poppy picked up the rock and put it in her pocket. She went inside to show her mum the rock. + +"Look at my rock," said Poppy and showed her mum the rock. + +Her mum smiled and said, "Let's put it on a chain so it won't get lost." + +"Okay!" said Poppy. + +Her mum took a string and carefully put the rock on it. She tied the string very tight. + +Poppy put the rock around her neck and beamed. She was so happy to wear her special rock. + +"Thank you, mum!" said Poppy. + +"You're welcome," said her mum. +There was a man called Mark. He had a green hat with a hole in it that made a whistle whenever he walked. Mark was feeling happy, so he decided to go for a walk in the woods. + +But soon he saw a big safe in the middle of the green forest. He wanted to explore it, so he slowly opened it. But when he opened the safe, a loud noise came out and scared Mark. He started to run away, but the noise came again, this time closer and closer. + +Mark knew something bad was coming, but he was too scared to stop. Then, he saw a giant green monster coming at him. The monster was big and ferocious. + +As he moved away, Mark screamed and the whistle came out of his hat. The monster stopped and looked at it, then came closer and closer to Mark. Everywhere he ran, the monster kept chasing him. + +At last, Mark tripped and the monster caught him. It threw Mark away and made a loud noise as it disappeared into the woods. + +It was a bad ending for Mark. His whistle had foreshadowed the danger he was in, but it did not help him escape the monster. +Once upon a time, there were two little carrots named Jack and Jill. They were very close friends and enjoyed playing together. + +One day, Jack said to Jill, "let's go for a drive!" + +Jill was very excited and said, "yes, let's go!" + +So off they went in Jack's red car. Jack was the driver and Jill was in the passenger's seat. They drove for a while and soon reached a field full of soft, green grass and colourful flowers. + +Jack and Jill got out of the car and Jack said, "Look at all of the plants here, they are growing so tall and tight!" + +Jill nodded in agreement and they both ran around, having lots of fun in the field. They watched the plants grow and clapped in delight. + +They stayed in the field until the sun started to go down and then, Jack and Jill hopped back into the car and drove back home. + +The end. +Once there was a nosy rabbit. The rabbit wanted to own her own restaurant. She was very excited and worked hard everyday. + +She made a special menu for her restaurant. On it was yummy food like carrots and lettuce. Everyone in the woods loved it! + +The nosy rabbit was very happy. She liked to see her customers enjoying her food. Every day she would greet them with a big smile! + +The nosy rabbit's restaurant was the happiest place in the woods. All the animals came to eat her food and be happy. + +The nosy rabbit was very proud to own her own restaurant. She loved it so much, and thanked the animals for visiting. They laughed and smiled and had a wonderful time. +Once, there was a little girl named Sally. She was three years old and very curious. One day, she saw a crystal lying on the ground and it glowed brightly in the sun. She thought it looked so beautiful that she wanted to take it home. But when she picked it up, it was filthy! + +Sally was very sad and started to cry, because she wanted the crystal to be clean. Her mom came to her and told her that sometimes, no matter how much you want something, it doesn’t always happen. She said that Sally should learn to help whoever she can instead of just taking things for herself. + +So, Sally cleaned the crystal with some water and a cloth. Then, she brought it back to the same place where she found it. Seeing it sparkling in the sun, she knew she did the right thing. Sally smiled and skipped away with a lesson learned. + +The moral of the story is that it's important to help others and do the right thing, even if it means giving something up. +Molly was a little girl who liked cleaning. She had a special mop that she used to scrub the floors. One day, while she was scrubbing the floors, she dropped the mop and it broke. She was very sad. She felt so sorry. + +Her mom came into the room and saw Molly crying. She asked Molly what was wrong. Molly showed her the broken mop and nodded her head. Molly's mom hugged Molly and said, "It's okay. We can buy a new one." Molly smiled and nodded her head again. + +Molly's mom bought a new mop and gave it to Molly. Molly was so excited and thanked her mom. Then she grabbed the new mop and went back to scrubbing. From then on, Molly was extra careful with the new mop so she never had to say sorry again. +Once upon a time, in the middle of a beautiful bush, there was a small kangaroo. He wanted to take a nap, so he lay down on the grass and closed his eyes. + +Suddenly, he felt a movement next to him and opened his eyes. He was surprised to see a confused little koala standing beside him. The kangaroo said, "Hello there! What are you doing?" + +The koala replied, "I was just looking for a place to nap. Can I join you?" + +The kangaroo thought for a moment and said, "Sure, why not? Come on over and take a nap with me". So the koala lay down next to the kangaroo and soon they were both snoring happily. + +After a while, the kangaroo woke up and looked around. He was no longer confused and he realised that the koala was gone. He smiled to himself and thought, "Friends come and go, but nice naps can always stay". +Once there was a bull who lived in a big, green field. Every day he liked to eat some of the grass and take a nap in a patch of sunshine. + +One day, the bull was feeling very hot and wished he could take a bath. Suddenly, he heard a voice calling out to him. It said, "Come this way. I know just the place for you to wash." + +The bull followed the voice to a lake. The lake was so cool, and there was a regular rhythm of gentle waves washing onto the shore. The bull took a quick jump in and enjoyed a cool play in the water. All the dirt and grass washed away, and the bull felt clean and refreshed. + +When the bull stepped out of the lake, he noticed the voice had disappeared. He looked around and smiled. He knew that from now on, he could come to this lake to wash whenever he needed. +Once there was a gifted child who loved to play outside. She was always finding ways to have fun. One day she wanted to play a game and she had an idea. She wanted to pick limes from a tree. She ran to the tree and started to yell as she picked the limes. + +Suddenly, her mother heard the noise and came outside to see what was going on. She asked the little girl why she was yelling. The little girl said she was picking limes. Her mother smiled and said, "That's a great idea, but you don't need to yell." So the little girl continued to pick limes, but quietly this time. + +When she was finished, she showed her mother the basket of limes she had picked. Her mother was so proud of her for being so gifted and obedient. She rewarded her with a big hug and an even bigger smile. +Once upon a time, there was a green field. It was a very mysterious place. All kinds of creatures came to the field. Everyone loved the field, but they were all very curious about it. They wondered why things seemed so magical in the green field. + +One day, a little girl came to the field. She was so excited as she explored the mysterious green field. She found lots of fun things, like flowers and plants. But then, she noticed something in the far corner of the field that she hadn't seen before. + +It was a mysterious green tree. It was so tall and old, and the leaves rustled when the wind blew. The little girl came closer and reached out her hand. Suddenly, a strange and wonderful thing happened: she heard a voice from the tree, and it said "come". + +The girl was so surprised, but she was also very excited. She was sure that the tree had something special for her, so she did as the tree said. She followed the ancient tree, and eventually she found a special place that was filled with wonderful things. + +The little girl was amazed and delighted at all the things she found. She had finally discovered the secret of the mysterious green field. +Once upon a time, a little bird named Jack was flying in the sky with his friends. He was so happy and having a wonderful time. Suddenly, Jack started to feel tired, so he decided to take a rest. But, he couldn't find a place to rest in the sky. + +Jack's friends saw his problem and told him, "Don't worry Jack, let's go down and find a comfortable land for you." + +So, everyone flew down together and eventually, they saw a beautiful and comfortable land. All of them decided to rest there. Jack hopped up and down, with joy. But soon after, Jack started to feel a bit scared and asked his friends, "What if I fall?" + +His friends told Jack calmly,"Don't worry, Jack! If you fall, it's okay. We won't leave you alone. We will always stay together, no matter what." + +Jack felt so relieved and comfortable with his friends. Soon, he was ready to fly and explore the new land with his friends. + +This story teaches us that friends will always be there to support us and encourage us when we feel scared. It also shows us that no matter what, we should never lose hope. +Mum and Dad were feeling proud as Daisy went to her first day of nursery. She had only just turned three and was so grown up! She waved goodbye to Mum and Dad as she skipped down the corridor. + +Out of excitement, Daisy forgot her favourite pastry for her snack in her bag. She was about to tear the bag apart to look for it until she heard a little voice saying, "It's okay, Daisy. I have a pastry." + +It was the little girl next to her. She smiled, handed Daisy her snack and said, "I've got a feeling we're going to be friends, Daisy." + +Daisy smiled back, feeling very proud and relieved. She knew she couldn't forget this moment as it had already become a part of her new friendship. +Once upon a time there was an octopus who loved to bake. Every day he went out and gathered ingredients from the sea. But the octopus was naughty and did not always get the right ingredients. + +One day the octopus made a delicious cake and brought it to his friends. Everyone loved the cake and gobbled it up. + +But then something funny happened. The octopus began to tap dance! The octopus had put too much baking powder in the cake and it made him so excited he had to dance. + +All of the other animals gathered around and watched the octopus dance and laugh. Even though the octopus had been naughty, everyone had fun and enjoyed the cake. +Once upon a time, there lived a little boy named Adam. He lived with his mother in an ancient hut in the middle of the woods. Every day he would wander around, playing and exploring. + +One day, Adam stumbled upon a clearing in the middle of the woods. He noticed something strange in the centre, it was a hut. It was much bigger and older than his home! + +Adam went up to the hut intrigued. He knocked on the door and an old man answered. + +"Who are you?" asked the old man. + +"I'm Adam and I live in a hut not far away," he said. + +The old man smiled warmly and replied, "Welcome, Adam! I've been living alone in this ancient hut for many years. It's nice to finally have someone else here that can belong." + +Adam began to feel like he was part of something big and special. He and the old man started to become good friends, each day discovering more of the magical world around them. + +Together they returned to Adam's hut and Adam told his mother all about his new friend. Now, Adam and the old man are the best of pals and spend every day exploring and discovering together. + +The End. +The man was walking along the beach when he heard something splashing in the water. He wondered what it could be and walked closer to the water. He was intrigued by the splashing and wanted to find out what was making the interesting noise. + +When he reached the water he saw that it was a little fish making the noise as it jumped up and splashed in the water. The man smiled and studied the fish closely. He waved at it gently and the fish came closer. + +The man said, "Hi there! My name is Dave. What is your name?" + +The fish smiled and said, "Hello Mr. Dave! My name is Splashy." +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was only three years old, but he was very curious! One day, he went for a walk. He looked around and noticed a modest house. He wanted to explore it, so he went inside. + +In the house, the little boy saw a big bear sitting in a chair. The bear was big, and the little boy was scared. But the bear smiled at him and said, "Hello there! What can I do for you?" + +The little boy was relieved. He answered, "I just wanted to know what this house is like!" + +The bear laughed and said, "Well, this is my home. It's a modest house, but I like it." + +The little boy smiled and thanked the bear. He waved goodbye and went back home. +Once upon a time there was a bull named Ben. Ben was very lonely, so he decided to leave his farm to find some friends. He said bye to his barn, and trotted off. + +After a while Ben came across an empty field. He didn't know where he was, but he kept on walking. He shouted out "Hello? Is anyone here?" But no one answered. + +Suddenly, Ben heard a voice from behind him. He turned around and saw a small dog there. The dog said "Hello Ben! I'm Max. Are you lost?" Ben said "Yes, I want to find some friends." + +Max said, "Follow me!" So the two of them started walking together. Max showed Ben lots of amazing things on their way. They saw beautiful mountains, rivers, and even a few pretty flowers. + +Finally they reached a new farm. There were lots of cows, pigs, and horses there. Ben was amazed! He was so happy that he had left his farm, and now he had lots of new friends to play with. +Once there was a little girl called Jodie. She liked to play with her daddy and they liked to go on adventures. One day they went to the park. Jodie saw a big tree with rough bark. She ran over and started to attach wide ribbons to the tree. Daddy laughed and watched her having fun. + +Next, Jodie found some sticks. She wanted to attach them to the rough bark of the tree. Daddy showed her how to tie the sticks in a wide knot. Jodie was so proud when the sticks stayed attached to the tree. + +Then Jodie found a fluffy bunny. She wanted to attach it to her special tree. Daddy said it wasn't possible and they had to leave the bunny in the park. Jodie was sad, but she knew the bunny would be happy in his new home. + +So Jodie and her daddy said goodbye to the tree and all the things attached to it. Jodie smiled and remembered all the fun times they had together. +Once upon a time there were two best friends, Ali and Malu. They were always playing together and having fun. Ali spent much of his time leaning against his parent's car. He loved the feeling of being close to them. + +One day as Ali was leaning against the car, he felt a bit restless. He went to see his best friend Malu, who was always happy and full of fun ideas. + +“Hi Ali!†shouted Malu. “Do you want to play a game?†+ +Ali thought for a moment. “Sure! What about?†+ +“Let’s go explore the big field behind your house," suggested Malu. + +“Yay!†said Ali happily. + +They quickly ran to the big field and were soon exploring every corner, having lots of fun. After a while, Ali suddenly felt tired, so he leaned against a big tree. + +“I'm so tired,†Ali said to Malu. “I want to go back home and sleep.†+ +“Let’s go home,†said Malu in agreement. + +So Ali and Malu returned to Ali’s house and said goodbye. Ali felt a lot better after their brief adventure and was soon fast asleep, dreaming of new and exciting things to explore with Malu. +Once upon a time, there were two animals, Ollie the mouse and Wilma the whale. Ollie and Wilma were best friends. + +One day, they decided to have a race to the garden. Ollie was so excited and ran as fast as he could. Wilma, however, could not match Ollie's speed and had to follow him slowly. + +When the two reached the garden, Wilma saw the wind blowing across the trees. She wanted to join in the fun, but it was too hard for her. Every time she tried to run, the wind pushed her back. + +"You should try flying instead," said Ollie. + +"I can't fly," Wilma said sadly. + +Ollie was a very bossy friend, but he was also very clever. He asked Wilma to close her eyes and imagine all the power the wind had. He told her that if she imagined hard enough, all that strength and power would help her move forward. + +So Wilma imagined and struggled, and soon realised that she was able to move against the wind. Ollie cheered her on and Wilma smiled contentedly, proud of her accomplishment. + +The moral of this story is that although it's hard to do something new, your imagination and determination can really help you along the way. So if something is challenging, just try your hardest and never give up! +Once there was a little girl who was very lucky. Her name was Emma. + +One day, she was eating some yummy snacks at her house. She was so happy! + +But then she heard a loud, scary noise. It was coming from outside! + +Emma got scared and ran to find her mom. + +“Mommy, what was that noise?†asked Emma. + +“It was nothing to worry about, my love†said her mom. “It was just a big, lucky bird!†+ +Emma smiled. She was so happy it wasn’t a scary noise. + +“Will you eat some snacks with me, Mommy?†asked Emma. + +“Sure, sweetheart†said her mom. + +Emma and her mom shared a snack and enjoyed their lucky day together. +Once upon a time, there was a lamp. She was sitting all by herself, but she wasn't lonely. She liked to be quiet. + +One day, a man came to visit. He smiled at the lamp. He said, "Hello, Lamp! Can you tell me a story?" + +The lamp thought and thought. Then, she told the man a story. It was a story about a bear who loved to dance and a bird who laughed a lot. + +The man listened carefully. He laughed and he smiled. When the lamp finished her story, the man said thank you. "That was a wonderful story," he said. + +The lamp glowed with happiness. She was glad that she had told a story. +Once upon a time, there was a lively little girl called Molly. She loved running around the garden and playing with her toy bear. + +One day, Molly saw a stranger in the garden. The stranger had a big smile and seemed very friendly. + +Molly went up to the stranger and said hello. The stranger said hello back and asked Molly if she wanted to play. Molly said yes! + +The two of them had lots of fun playing together. Molly laughed and smiled, and even twirled around. + +When it was time for the stranger to go, Molly made sure to remember their time together. She was so happy to have made a new friend. +Once upon a time there was a very polite little girl called Lucy. She was ever so kind to everyone and never shouted. + +One day Lucy was playing in her bedroom when she saw something funny on her mattress. She shouted in excitement and ran towards it. + +When she got close to the mattress, she saw a friendly frog. She thought it was funny, so she shouted and laughed. + +The frog didn't like this and it became angry. It started croaking and opened its mouth to show sharp teeth. Lucy was so scared she started to cry. + +She was desperate to get away, so Lucy shouted loud as she could and ran from the mattress. Unfortunately the frog hopped quickly after her and she couldn't get away. + +The little girl was very sad and gave up on being polite. The frog chased her all the way out of her house and she never saw it again. +John and Mum were having a fun day together in the park. John was jumping onto the bouncy castle and Mum was watching nearby. + +John smiled at Mum and said “Let’s visit the swings!†+ +Mum nodded and said “Ok, that will be fun!†+ +John and Mum let of the bouncy castle and walked to the swings. Suddenly, a weird noise caught their attention. + +Mum looked around and asked “Where is the noise coming from?†+ +John pointed over to the bushes and said “Look!†+ +Mum and John both walked over to the bushes and to their surprise there was a weird creature sitting inside. It had purple fur and two big eyes. + +Mum was so amazed that all she could do was stare at the creature. + +John smiled and said “Let’s visit it!†+ +Mum laughed and nodded in agreement. + +So John and Mum both sat down on the grass and visited the weird creature together. They talked to the creature and laughed a lot. It was a really happy moment for both of them. + +At the end, John gave the creature a big hug and waved as they left. They had such a fun time visiting the weird creature. +Once there were two friends, Robby and Lisa. Robby was 3 years old and loved running in the rain. + +One day it began to rain outside. Lisa said, "Let's go jump in the rain!" Robby was so excited and quickly ran outside. + +Robby jumped around in the rain, feeling the cold and wet drops on his face. He laughed and smiled as the rain printed circles in the dirt around him. + +Lisa came outside too, but started dancing when the rain got a little too cold. She said, "Let's go inside and get something warm and spicy!" + +Robby was so hungry. He ran inside and they made some noodles with spicy red pepper. Robby smiled and said, "This is the best spicy noodles I have ever had!" They were together, warm and happy. +Once upon a time there were two players, a little girl and a little boy. The girl was wearing a gray dress and the boy had a gray hat. + +They were spending the day together playing at the park. They had so much fun and were getting along so well. + +The little boy took out his toy players from his pocket and began playing with them. The little girl was getting a little jealous and tried to grab them away from him. This made the little boy unhappy. + +The little girl realized that she had made a mistake. She apologized to the little boy and asked if she could play with the players too. The little boy agreed and the two of them had a great time playing together. + +The moral of the story is that it is important to always share with your friends, no matter what. When you share, everyone can have fun together. +One day, a cheerful little boy named Jack went to the barber shop to get a haircut. He was hoping to get a big, bouncy trim. + +When Jack sat in the chair, he watched as the barber buzzed his hair. In no time, his hair was all gone. Jack looked in the mirror, and he couldn't believe it! His old hair had disappeared. + +Jack was a very happy boy. He couldn't wait to show his parents his fancy new haircut. When Jack got home, he showed his parents his new look. They were so proud of him and gave him a big hug. + +Jack loved his new haircut. He felt so excited and cheerful, like he was the most special boy in the whole world. From then on, Jack always asked for a haircut when he went to the barber. +Once upon a time, there were two silly cats. They got into some trouble one day when they tried to climb a tall tree. They both kept slipping and falling down. + +Then they had a clever idea. They got some special gear from their house and climbed the tree with it. It helped them reach the top quickly and easily. + +The cats settled down in the tree and had a lot of fun. They played with the birds and chased butterflies. They also had a well needed nap in the warm sun. + +Eventually it was time to go back home. The cats said goodbye to the birds and butterflies, gathered their gear and went back down the tree. + +They had a wonderful day and learned a lesson to be more clever in the future. +Molly was playing with her friends. She saw something shiny and wanted to push it. It was a belt made of shiny silver. It was so pretty. + +Molly asked her friends if she could push it. They said yes, so Molly started to push the belt. It was so much fun. She laughed and laughed. Then the belt rolled into a nearby room. + +Molly asked her friends if they should follow it. They said yes and went in. Inside, Molly saw many ordinary things. She wasn't sure what to do. Then her friends suggested pushing the belt around the room. + +So Molly and her friends started to push the belt. They pushed it around the room and made it spin. They laughed and laughed. Then when they were done, they put the belt back in the same place where they found it. + +Molly and her friends had a lot of fun pushing the belt. It was an ordinary day, but it turned out to be extraordinary. +Mia was playing in the park. She was spinning around and around in circles. She spun faster and faster, until she fell down and laughed. But then she saw her friend Lisa. Lisa had a purple dress on and suddenly Mia felt embarrassed. + +"Mia, why are you spinning like that?" Lisa said. + +Mia blushed and said, "I'm sorry. I'm just being silly". + +Lisa smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm glad you're being obedient and being careful." + +Mia felt relieved and thanked Lisa. She stood up and brushed off her dress. She smiled at Lisa and said, "Let's keep playing!" + +Lisa smiled and the two friends ran off to play in the park. +Once upon a time there was a lovely girl called Sue. She loved playing in the garden. She had a special shield that she enjoyed playing with. + +Every day she would play in the garden for hours. She would use her shield to play games with her friends. She had lots of lovely fun with them. + +One day though it started to rain. Sue was sad but then she remembered her shield. She put it on like a big umbrella to keep her dry because it was so big. She enjoyed running around in the rain with her shield on. + +When the rain stopped she put her shield away. She was so happy that she had it to help her enjoy the rain. She hugged it to show it how much she loved it. It was her favourite thing in the world. +Once upon a time, a poor squirrel called Tim was walking in the woods. He needed some food to eat but he couldn't find any. + +He said to himself, "What I am going to do? I'm so hungry!" + +Then, he heard a soft voice saying, "Gather acorns, Tim." + +He looked around and saw an old wise fox. "Thank you, wise fox," said Tim. + +The fox replied, "You should always gather acorns when you are poor and hungry, Tim." + +So Tim started to gather acorns. He worked hard and soon he had plenty of acorns to eat. He was very happy now. + +The fox smiled and said, "See, Tim? A little effort can bring you success." + +Tim thanked the fox and went off to enjoy his meal of acorns. +One day, Sally went outside with her mom and dad. They went onto the lawn. It was very big and green. + +Sally looked around and saw lots of yummy things. She spotted a ladybug on a blade of grass. She reached out and tried to touch it, but it flew away. + +Then, Sally noticed a fat bumblebee. She thought it looked really nice and wanted to get it so she could show her mom and dad. But when she tried to grab it, it flew away too. + +At first, Sally was sad, but then she saw a big, juicy green caterpillar. She wanted to gain it, so she slowly and carefully reached out her hand until she touched it. + +She was so excited to gain the caterpillar! She ran to show her mom and dad. They both said it was really cool and that it was yummy too! +Once upon a time there were two friends who loved to play together. Amy and Tom were very independent. They liked to do things all by themselves! One day they decided to go on an adventure. + +They packed their things and went off to the camp. There they would explore and find new things. It was great fun! + +They ran around the camp looking at all the things they could find. After a while they found a river. They both wanted to go in the river. But Amy stopped Tom. She said it was too deep and they could get into trouble. + +Tom was not happy but agreed to listen to Amy. They did not go in the river. Instead they went back to the camp and spent the rest of the day playing games. They were very happy that they had listened to Amy. + +At the end of the day they packed their things and went back home. They both learnt that it is important to be independent, but also to listen when it is time to stop. +Once upon a time there lived a happy little boy who loved to visit different places. One day, he decided to go on an adventure and find a giant. He searched and searched until he found a big building that looked very fancy. He went inside and found a giant! + +The giant welcomed the little boy and was amazed by his bravery. The giant asked the little boy why he wanted to visit him and the little boy said he wanted an adventure. The giant was so impressed that he decided to give the little boy a special present. + +The giant gave the little boy a magical key. He told the little boy that the key could open any lock and the little boy got very excited. The giant then warned the little boy not to use the key for bad things, but to only use it when he needed help finding adventures. The little boy thanked the giant and promised to use the key only for good. + +The little boy went home and kept his promise, using the key for good adventures. He found exciting and thrilling places and had a great time. The moral of this story is that it is important to use gifts for good and never for bad. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called June. June had a beautiful dress which she was very proud of. One day, June asked her mommy if she could wear her dress and her mommy said yes. + +But when June went to school that morning, she found that all the other girls were wearing different dresses, and June felt a little bit upset. She asked them why they weren't wearing the same dress as her. + +The other girls explained that they don't like to be the same. They like to wear new and different dresses every day. They said it made them feel excited. June's face lit up and she agreed with the other girls. + +The moral of the story is that it's ok to be different. Asking questions can help you understand why others don't dress like you. +Once upon a time, there was a little green crane. The crane lived in a forest, and she had many friends there. Every day she went to the lake to get some water and enjoy the sunshine. One day, the crane went to get water but she was so busy chatting with her friends that she forgot to come back. + +As evening came, the crane's friends noticed she was still missing and started to worry. The little green crane's best friend, a rabbit, decided to go look for her. + +The rabbit hopped all around the forest but couldn't find her. He went to the lake, and saw the crane there, drinking water. "Where have you been?" asked the rabbit. "I was so busy chatting with my friends that I forgot to come back," said the crane. + +The rabbit laughed, and then the two of them hopped all the way back to the forest, happy to be together. The crane reminded herself to not forget again and to always stay with her friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Sarah who was very eager to play. One day, when she was playing with her friends, she found a beautiful veil. She couldn't wait to show it to them. She put it on her head and asked her friends if it suited her. They all chuckled and said it did. + +The little girl was very thrilled and she kept joking about how she looked in the veil. Just then, a gust of wind came and blew the veil away. Sarah was so sad. She ran after the veil but it was gone. + +The little girl was so upset she started to cry. She was so eager to show off the veil, but now it was gone. Her friends tried to comfort her, but it was no use. + +The little girl's friends said that it wasn't the end of the world. But Sarah felt so sad. She wouldn't be able to joke about the veil ever again. +Once upon a time there was a bridge. It was busy because lots of people wanted to cross it. One day, two of them wanted to have a race to see who could cross the bridge first. + +They began to race, and it was a close one! But as they got to the very middle of the bridge, it started to shake. It shook so much that it started to break! The people had to jump off before it broke apart, but the bridge was so busy that not everyone could jump off in time. + +When the bridge broke, some of the people fell in the water. Everyone was very sad and scared because some of the people had not made it across. That's why it's so important to remember that bridges can be very busy and you should use them safely. +Once upon a time, there were two birds: a little one and a big one. The little bird wanted to go to the university - to learn something different. But the big bird said, "No, there's no way you will go, you are too little." + +The little bird was sad and started to sing. Other animals heard its song and came to see what was wrong. The little bird explained its situation and the animals said, "You can do it! Just believe in yourself!" + +The little bird was energized by their words, so it flew to the university and learned something different. + +The moral of this story is that believing in yourself is the most important thing. When you want to do something, no matter how small it seems, don't let anyone stop you. Follow your dreams and you can achieve anything! +Once there was a brother and sister who loved to play together. They liked to run and to play hide-and-seek in the garden. + +One day, they were playing with a hoop. They wanted to take turns, but they both wanted to go first. They started to quarrel, because they couldn't agree. + +The brother said, "It's not fair!" + +The sister said, "No, it isn't." + +Finally, the brother said "I'm sorry. I want you to go first." + +The sister was so happy that her brother was sorry. They started to play together, and they had lots of fun with the hoop. They laughed and ran, and smiled at each other. + +They learned that it is important to say sorry, and to share and play together. +Pip and his mom were playing in the garden when Pip saw something funny. He ran over to the side of the garden to discover a green freezer! + +Pip has never seen a shiny green freezer before and was so excited to find it. He quickly opened the door to see what was inside. + +Mommy ran over to see what Pip had found and said, “No, no Pip! We must not open the freezer!†But Pip was too excited and he kept trying to get into the freezer. + +Mommy grabbed Pip’s hand and said, “We better go back before something bad happens.†But Pip cried and pulled away and said, “I just want to see what’s inside!†+ +Mommy sighed and said that the freezer must have been left there by someone who didn’t want it. Finally Pip listened and he and Mommy walked away from the freezer. + +But a few minutes later, they heard a loud crash from the other side of the garden. When they ran back, they discovered the freezer had broken open and all the food inside had spilled out. It was a very sad ending to Pip’s discovery. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Eddie and Sandy. They were playing in the park together on a sunny day. + +Sandy held a small cube in her hand and she looked at it carefully. She asked Eddie, "Do you like this?" Eddie nodded and said, "Yup!" + +The cube was a purple with pink dots on it. It looked really nice. Sandy gave it to Eddie, and he put it in his pocket. + +Eddie then asked, "Would you like something to eat?" Sandy nodded, so Eddie took out a sour lemon candy from his pocket. Sandy tried it and her face immediately turned sour. + +She said, "It's too sour for me." Eddie laughed and said, "It's my favorite candy. Would you like something else?" Sandy smiled and nodded. + +The two friends then went to a nearby shop and Eddie got Sandy a sweet strawberry lollipop. She smiled and thanked Eddie for the sweet treat. + +They both enjoyed the rest of their day, playing and eating sweet treats. That is how Eddie and Sandy spent their sunny day in the park! +Once upon a time there was a girl named Ally. Ally was a tough girl, she was never scared of anything. One day, while playing outside on the porch, she met a special frog. The frog started talking to her, and she was so happy. The frog said he wanted to marry her - he was so excited to do it! + +Ally thought it was strange, but she liked the thought of it. On the day of their wedding, Ally was a bit nervous. She had never been married before. She walked down the porch and stood next to the frog, ready to say "I do". Suddenly, the frog transformed into a handsome prince! He had been a prince all along and he wanted to marry Ally for a long time. + +Ally was surprised and happy, and said "Yes!" to the prince. They were married that day and lived happily ever after. +One night, Lucy peeked out of her window and saw a candle flickering in the garden. She was curious and wanted to know what it was. During the day, the sun was too bright and the garden was so busy that Lucy couldn't get close enough to have a look. So she decided to wait until it got dark. + +That night, when it was finally dark and everyone was asleep, Lucy quietly crept out of her bedroom and went to the garden. She was very excited and peered around, looking for the candle she saw. Suddenly, Lucy spotted it and excitedly ran over to take a closer look. What she found was a big jar candle with a beautiful flame inside. + +Lucy was mesmerized by the candle and couldn't stop looking at it. She thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world and didn't want to leave. But then, all of a sudden, the wind blew and the flame went out. + +Just then, Lucy heard her brother's voice behind her. He said, "I knew you would be jealous of my candle!" Lucy was surprised and saw her brother was also in the garden with his own candle. He had seen Lucy peeking out of her bedroom window and had set up this surprise to welcome her. + +Lucy smiled and sheepishly said "Yes, I was jealous of your candle, brother". With that, Lucy felt happy and even more excited to be spending time with her brother +Two friends, Simon and Max, were playing together. Simon was teasing Max, and it made him feel bad. Max wanted to get away from Simon but he couldn't. Simon had locked him in a cage. It was made with thick bars and Max was scared. + +Max kept on shouting for help, but no one was around to hear. He was stuck in the cage and no one was coming to save him. He was so scared and felt so alone. + +Finally, a passerby heard Max and came to help him out of the cage. In that moment, Max understood the hurtful feeling of being teased and not being able to protect himself. + +The moral of the story is that teasing can hurt people and it should be avoided. Teasing can lead to serious consequences and can cause harm. Be kind and be friendly to each other. +Once upon a time, there was a happy boy. He liked to play outside a lot with his friends. One day, when he was playing, a mosquito appeared. It kept buzzing around his head and flying near him. The boy became very upset and tried to swat the mosquito away. But no matter what he did, the mosquito disappeared. + +The boy was so angry, he started to cry. He wished he could make the mosquito disappear. His friends tried to help him, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, the boy had an idea. He got his net and went outside to catch the mosquito. + +After a few minutes, the boy was able to catch the mosquito in his net. He was so happy and relieved that he could finally make the mosquito disappear. From then on, the boy and his friends all played together without the mosquito interrupting. The end. +One day, Fred the Farmer found a very unusual rope lying in the dirt by his barn. He couldn't figure out what it was or how it got there. He decided to take it inside his barn and welcome it with a nice place to stay. + +The next day, Fred heard a knock at his barn door. He opened it and found a very strange man holding a box. Inside the box was a small monkey. The man said he was so grateful that Fred found the unusual rope because it had belonged to the monkey. + +The monkey's name was Tic and it looked so happy to see the rope. Tic seemed to understand that the rope was special and kept it very close. The man said he'd come from far away looking for Tic and his unusual rope. + +Fred was so surprised that he had found something so valuable for someone else. He told the man he was welcome to stay in his barn as long as he needed. Now every day Fred and Tic enjoy playing together in the barn with the rope and having lots of fun. +Once there was a little kitten. It was so furry, like a fluffy cloud. It liked to play in the garage. One day, it found a jar of glue. It thought it looked like a lot of fun, so it spread it all over the garage. The glue made everything shiny and stuck together. The little kitten kept playing and spreading the glue. Soon the entire garage was covered with the furry, shiny glue. Even the kitten was covered! It looked like a big, furry ball! + +The kitten's mom came in to check on it and was surprised. She laughed and laughed at the furry kitten covered in glue. She said it looked like a big, fluffy mess! Mom and the kitten cleaned up all of the glue, then the kitten could go back to playing in the garage without the glue. +Once upon a time, there was an ancient shield. It was very old and special. One day, a young girl wanted to use the shield for a game. As she held it in her hands, the shield started to twist and turn. She was very surprised! She tried to twist it back, but it wouldn't budge. Suddenly, she heard a noise. She looked up and there was an old man. He looked so wise! + +The old man smiled at her. He said, "If you twist the shield a certain way, it will show you a secret". The girl was excited and she tried to twist it again. It worked! She looked through the shield and saw a beautiful rainbow. She laughed with joy. + +The old man said, "You have been so brave. I wanted to thank you for finding my ancient shield". The girl smiled and nodded. She was happy to help the old man. She thanked him for the wonderful surprise and went home with a big smile on her face. +Once upon a time there were two friends: Jack and Jill. One day, they were out in the park. Jack said to Jill, "Let's weigh something". Jill replied, "Sure! What'll it be?". Jack thought for a moment and then said, "Let's weigh this pastry". + +Jill looked at the pastry. It was huge! She said, "Let's go to the store. They'll have a scale to weigh things". + +So off they went. When they arrived at the store, they saw a big, shiny scale. Jack was very excited. He placed the pastry on the scale and said, "Let's see what it weighs". + +The scale showed that the pastry weighed one hundred and twenty grams. Jack and Jill were so happy! They took the pastry and headed home. + +The end. +Once there was a girl named Sue. She loved to mix. She would take ingredients like flour and sugar and mix them together. + +One day Sue decided to try something different. She found some old clothes and decided she would mix them together and make something new. + +So Sue took the fabric and made cuts and stitches. She worked hard to make sure the stitching was clean. + +But when Sue finished she was very sad. Something was wrong and Sue could not figure out what it was. + +Finally, Sue realised she had mixed the wrong colour fabric. The colour was so wrong that it did not look nice. + +Sue had to bin all her hard work. There was nothing else that she could do. +Little Billy walked into a dark room, scared. He saw a towel jump off the shelves. Billy was scared, so he quickly ran out of the room. + +The next day, Billy's mom said there were monsters in the room. She said he couldn't go inside until he found a brave friend. Billy was worried, but he remembered seeing the towel jump around. + +Billy asked all his friends, but nobody wanted to go with him. Desperate for a brave friend, Billy decided to try the towel. He held it in his hand and jumped into the room. + +The towel jumped out of his hand and grabbed onto something in the dark. Suddenly, a light turned on and Billy saw it was a switch for the lights. He was no longer frightened and began to explore the room. + +Billy later realized that the towel had "jumped" off the shelf to turn on the light. It had helped him find his way in the dark and saved him from being scared. +Once a little girl called Anna went to the supermarket with her mom. She saw the big carrot in the market and asked to have one. Mom said, "sure, carrots are healthy. Let's bring one home". + +Back home, Mom gave Anna the carrot. Anna was so happy that she decided to mark her carrot, so she used a marker to draw a line on it. + +The next day Anna wanted to cook the carrot as a snack. But when she saw the carrot, with the line she had marked on it, she realized that she shouldn't mark things that are not hers. She asked mom if they could still eat it, but mom said, "No, Anna. We can't eat it. It's still healthy, but marking it has made it not ours anymore". + +Anna learned her lesson that day. She was sad for a little while, but she kept the lesson in her heart; never use someone else's things without permission and never mark things that are not yours. +Once upon a time there were two friends, Rachel and Sarah. They had been friends since they were babies. They both wanted to play outside but could not agree what to do. +Rachel said, "Lets put some sunshine on the ground and then wipe it away!" +Sarah thought for a minute and then said, "Let's play hide and seek instead, then we will both be successful!" +Rachel then thought about it and said, "Ok, that sounds like fun!" + +The two friends spent the day playing hide and seek and smiling and laughing with each other. When the day came to an end, they realized that being successful is much more fun than wiping away sunshine. + +The moral of the story is that it is important to have fun and be successful. Working together with your friends to have fun is even better! +Once upon a time, Tom and Sarah were walking along the beach. The sun was shining brightly and the sand was nice and warm on their feet. + +Suddenly, Sarah dropped something in the sand. Tom asked, "What was that?" Sarah replied, "I dropped my ice cream cone - it was yummy!" + +Tom replied, "What's that funny sound?" Sarah replied, "That's a beetle over there! It's making a funny squishy sound!" + +Tom and Sarah took a few steps forward and then Tom got a funny look on his face. Sarah asked, "What's wrong?" + +Tom replied, "Look at that disgusting smell over there! It smells like something bad dropped in the sand!" Sarah agreed, "Let's go the other way and find some nice, clean sand to play in!" + +And so, Tom and Sarah left the smelly, disgusting sand and continued on their journey. +Once upon a time, there was a small fisherman who was feeling very sleepy. He decided to take a little nap, so he sold all of his things to have some money for the night. + +The fisherman went back to his little house and lay down on the bed. He began to dream that he would make a fortune from selling all of his things. But when he woke up, it was already morning and he had no money. + +He was very sad, so he decided to go fishing. After several hours, he caught a big fish. He decided to sell it to the market, and made enough money to buy a new boat. + +The fisherman was so grateful! With his new boat he could now go out again and sell his catches, and he could make a lot more money this way. + +The moral of this story is that you should never give up! Even when things look bad, you will never know what might happen if you keep trying. +Once, a mom and dad took their three year old daughter, Sadie, to the beach. There she saw something shiny in the water! Sadie wanted to try it out, but mom and dad disagreed. It was a kayak! Sadie thought she was so lucky to see a kayak in the water. + +Sadie begged her parents to let her try the kayak, but they still disagreed. Instead, they took Sadie to a store and bought her a special pink kayak of her own! Sadie was so happy! + +Sadie, her mom and her dad took the kayak to the beach, and Sadie thought she was the luckiest kid in the world! She sat in the kayak and mom and dad pushed her out into the water. Sadie paddled around and around, and laughed when the water sprayed her face. + +At the end of the day, Sadie was exhausted but very happy in her new pink kayak. Her parents were so glad she was a lucky girl! +Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Lily and she was only three. One day, Lily's parents took her to the museum. It was very big and open. + +When they arrived, Lily was so excited. She loved looking at all the different things. But then suddenly, Lily started to weep. She was so sad! Everyone looked around, wondering why she was so upset. + +Lily's dad came over and asked what was wrong. She said the museum was too open. Everywhere she looked there were so many people. It made her feel very small and lonely. + +But Lily's dad hugged her tight and said, "It's ok. It's ok to be sad sometimes. We can stay here as long as you want, and I'll never leave your side." + +Lily smiled and stopped weeping. She felt safe with her dad beside her. From that day on, Lily loved the museum. She was never afraid to explore and have fun! +Once upon a time, there was a happy little girl. She was only 3 years old, and she loved playing. Her favourite game was to unlock her own door. + +One day, she wanted to go and play by the puddle in the park. She put on her raincoat and ran out of her house. When she got to the park, she saw something broken. It was a gate to the puddle. + +The little girl wanted to unlock the gate so she could play in the puddle. But, it was too hard. She used all her strength, but she was too little and nothing happened. + +The little girl sadly went home. Even though the gate was still broken, she was happy that she had tried. She knew she would keep trying until she learned to unlock the gate. + +But, one bad day, she tried again, and something terrible happened. She accidentally locked the gate from the inside, and she couldn't get out. No matter how hard she tried, she could not unlock the gate. + +The little girl was stuck, and she was stuck for a very long time. Eventually, her parents found her, but she was very sad. She would never be able to unlock the gate again. +Once there was a little girl who had a pocket. She liked to keep her pocket with her no matter where she went. + +One day, when the girl was out walking with her family, a strange man approached them. He asked if he could take the little girl's pocket. + +The family knew this was not a normal request and told the man no. The man made the request again, but the family said no again. + +The man then got angry. He grabbed the pocket from the little girl and took off running. + +The family was very sad. They were sad that their little girl's pocket had been taken away. They were also scared of the man and hoped he would never come back. + +Sadly, the bad ending did happen. The family was never able to get the little girl's pocket back. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Paige who had a special wish. She wanted something very, very special and she hoped with all her might that one day it would come true. + +One day Paige was out walking with her mommy when they came across a lovely bakery. In the window was a big, rich pastry. Paige's eyes lit up and she knew right away what she could hope for. + +So she asked her mommy if she could get it and her mommy said yes! Paige was so happy, she gave her mommy a big hug and ran into the bakery to buy the pastry. + +The pastry was so delicious! Paige closed her eyes and made a special wish as she finished the last bite. + +Paige will always remember that day when she hoped for a special wish and it came true. +Once upon a time there was a girl called Amy. She was very curious and wanted to explore the world. One day, her dad told her about a mysterious tour. It sounded exciting, so she asked to go. + +On the tour, she saw lots of strange and exciting things. Her dad kept telling her to stay close, but Amy was too curious and she wanted to explore more. She soon disappeared from view. + +The tour guide searched and searched, but he could not find her. It seemed like she had vanished. People said there must have been something mysterious about the tour. + +Amy was never seen again, and nobody knew what happened to her. She was gone for good. It had such a bad ending. +Once upon a time there was an old man and a little girl. The girl was just three, but she was very curious. She saw the old man playing the violin. She asked him, "What is that? Can I try it?" + +The old man smiled and said, "It is a violin. It is like a yummy music box." + +Then the little girl said, "Can I have a go?" + +The old man answered, "Sure! Go ahead." + +The little girl grabbed the violin and said, "Yay! I'm going to dive and make some music!" + +The old man smiled and the little girl began to play. She made the sweetest music that the old man had ever heard. He smiled and laughed, "That was magic! Now tell me, where did you learn to play such yummy music?" + +The little girl grinned and said, "I just dove in and made it happen!" +Once upon a time, there was a peach who wanted to be different. Whenever she saw any other peaches in the market, she'd sigh. + +One day, as she was sighing in the market, a friendly rabbit hopped up to her and said, "Why do you look so sad, peach?" + +The peach explained, "I wish I was an original peach. I'm so bored of all the same peaches around me!" + +The rabbit thought for a while and then said, "If you want to be original, then you should think of how you can make yourself different. What makes you special?" + +The peach smiled and thought, and then announced, "I know! I can be the sweetest peach in the market!" + +The rabbit smiled and said, "That's a brilliant idea. I'm sure you can make it happen!" + +And so the peach tried her best and sold more peaches than anyone else in the market. Everyone said she was the sweetest and most original peach they'd ever tasted. The peach smiled and thanked the rabbit for the idea, and from then on she sold her peaches with pride, knowing that she was different from all the other peaches. +Once upon a time, there was a prince who lived in a tall tower. He was very kind and sweet, and everyone loved him. + +One day, something strange happened. The prince heard a loud noise from outside his tower. He looked out the window and saw a large dragon! The dragon shouted, "I demand your gold!" + +The prince was very scared, but he was brave. He said, "I can give you something better. Follow me and I will show you." + +The dragon followed the prince to the kitchen. There, the prince put out a huge plate of cake. The dragon was so surprised, he forgot to be angry! The cake was warm and sweet, and the dragon ate every last crumb. + +The prince smiled and said, "Now, please leave us in peace." Happy with his cake, the dragon flew away. Everyone was very thankful that the dragon was gone. And they all lived happily ever after! +Once upon a time, there was an enormous shrimp. He loved to swim and explore the ocean. One day, he came upon an old shipwreck. He cautiously swam inside to take a look. + +The shrimp found a chest filled with gold coins. He was so excited! He quickly scooped the coins up into a pile and remained inside the dark shipwreck. + +Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was a fish! The fish said, "That's my treasure! You can't keep it!" + +The shrimp replied, "I want to remain with the coins. Please let me keep it!" + +The fish replied, "No way! Those coins are mine. It's not fair!" + +The shrimp thought for a moment and then said, "Let's make a deal. I'll remain here in the shipwreck, and you can keep the coins, but I'll get to have some of them." + +The fish agreed. So, the enormous shrimp and the fish made a deal. The shrimp could remain inside the shipwreck and have some of the coins, but the fish got to keep the rest. +One day, there was a famous pastry chef. He wanted to paint a pastry that was so beautiful that it was sure to impress everyone. He bought all the paint he needed and carefully mixed it together. + +When he finished, he stepped back to admire his creation. It was the most colorful and delicious pastry he had ever seen! + +The pastry chef wanted to show it off to some friends. He invited them to come and try it. They all gathered around the table, looking excitedly at the beautiful pastry. + +But before they could eat it, the pastry chef said, "Wait! I want to make sure that everyone appreciates the hard work that went into painting this beautiful pastry. Can you tell me what you have learned?" + +The friends thought for a few moments and then one of them said, "I learned that being creative and taking time to make something special can make a big difference." + +The others agreed and the pastry chef smiled. He had taught them a valuable lesson, and the famous pastry was a success! +Once upon a time there was a lady. She liked to read. Every day she would take a book and read in her garden. One day she was reading when she saw a sour fruit on the ground. She picked it up and thought it looked tasty. She took a bite and it tasted very sour. She scrunched up her face and said "Yuck, that was very sour!" But then she realised it was actually very tasty and ate it all. The lady smiled and went back to reading her book in the garden. +"Mummy, what is this?" asked Little Tony, pointing to a canister in the garden. + +Mummy smiled. "That," she said, "is our lovely waste container. Everyone in the neighbourhood manages it together." + +Little Tony nodded. He wanted to help, so he started to put all his toys into the container. Mummy was so proud of her boy. + +"Good job, Little Tony!" she said. "Let's manage the waste and keep our neighbourhood clean and lovely!" + +Little Tony smiled at his mummy. He knew she was right. Together, they managed the waste until it was all tidied away. + +"Thank you for helping me today, Little Tony," said Mummy, giving him a loving hug. + +Little Tony beamed and hugged his mummy back, so glad that he had managed to help out in his very own special way. +Once upon a time there was a little girl. She loved to play, and one of her favorite things to do was play with her hook. Every day she would hold it in her hand and imagine all sorts of sweet adventures. + +One day, while playing with her hook, the little girl heard a loud noise. It was coming from the backyard! She went to investigate and found a tiny box hidden in the grass. She was so curious, so she opened it up. + +Inside the box, the little girl found something very special. It was a hook, but it was much bigger than the one she had! She pulled it out and looked around. In the distance, she could see some swans. + +The little girl ran over to the swans, hook in hand. The swans were so excited to see her! They all gathered around and started to play with the hook. The little girl was so happy she could hardly contain herself. + +That day, the little girl played with the swans and her hook all day long. They hugged and splashed, and she had the sweetest time ever. She even made some new friends along the way. From then on, she played with her hook and the swans whenever she had the chance. +Once upon a time there was a family of four. The parents wanted their children to behave in a good way and feel the value of behaving kindly to each other and to everyone they met. + +One day, they took the children to the park and noticed the deep blue sky and the way the birds were singing. The children thought this was so pretty and special. + +Suddenly, the two children started to argue with each other. The parents were worried, but they reminded the children to behave in a better way. They told them that if they behaved in a good way, it would show that they believed in the value of being nice to each other and to everyone around them. + +The children realized that their parents were right, so they smiled and hugged each other to apologize. The parents were so glad to see their children behave in the right way and were even more proud to see how much the children valued being kind to each other. + +As the day came to an end, they noticed the deep colors of the sunset together and smiled. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to explore. She knew some really nice people who made a fun promise to her. They told her that if she filled a big basket with leaves, they'd make her a home cooked meal. + +The little girl loved this idea, so she went outside to look for leaves. She found lots of interesting things along the way, like funny little bugs, weird swirling things in the clouds, and beautiful rainbow flowers. + +Finally, the little girl found enough leaves to fill her basket. She filled it until it was almost too heavy for her to carry. Then, she went back to the nice people to show them that she had kept her promise. + +The nice people were so proud of her for keeping her promise that they made her a delicious meal. The little girl was so happy and she thanked them for the meal. + +The little girl never forgot what she learned that day - that if you keep a promise, good things will come. The end. +One hot day, Bill wanted to go play in the pool. But his mom said, “No, Bill! You must stay away from the pool, we need to prevent any accidents.†+ +Bill wasn't happy, he wanted to play in the pool. + +So mom said, “I know you want to go, but we must be careful. The pool is very deep and the water is heavy. You could get hurt very easily.†+ +Bill hesitated for a moment and then said, “Mom, I promise I'll be very, very careful. Please let me go play in the pool!†+ +Mom looked at Bill, sighed and then said, “Okay, but only if you stay close to me. Do you promise?†+ +Bill nodded with excitement. “Yes, I promise!†+ +And with that, mom and Bill went out to the pool and had a great day playing together. +Sam was in a hurry. He wanted to get to the store to buy some steak. He put on his shoes, grabbed his hat and was out the door. He was hurrying down the street, when he saw Jack. Jack was impatiently waiting at the store, looking at his watch. He hadn't seen Jack all day and knew he was waiting for something. + +When Sam got to the store, he quickly realized why Jack had been there. The store only had one steak left, and Jack had been trying to buy it. Sam was quicker though, and grabbed it right away. + +"Oh, I was hoping to get that steak," Jack said sadly. + +"I'm sorry," Sam said, feeling a bit bad for Jack. He ran away quickly, wanting to get the steak home before Jack had a chance to buy it. + +As he ran, Sam thought about the day. It seemed like Jack had been in a hurry for something, and now Sam knew why. He felt relieved that he had been able to get to the store in time. Sam hurried home with the steak and smiled, feeling very proud of himself. +Once there was a little boy called John. He was three years old and had very few things that scared him. One afternoon, John and his mum went to the beach for a picnic. + +John was very excited to see the ocean and the fun things he could do at the beach. + +John and his mum set up the picnic and started to eat. John was so hungry, he saw a shrimp and tried to catch it. + +But when he got close to it, the shrimp scared him and he ran away. His mum laughed at him and said "It's ok, John. There's nothing to be scared of." + +John smiled and went back to his picnic, and didn't care if the shrimp was scared of him or not. +Once upon a time, there was a gentle bear who lived in the forest. He would go on long walks, enjoying the sights and sounds of the forest. One day, the bear went on a walk and noticed something special. The bear found a little heart lying in the grass! He carefully picked it up and thought it was so soft and shiny. + +The bear was so excited to show his friends and started to run, but then he stumbled over a big tree root and suddenly he lost the heart! The bear was so sad and ran back to the forest, looking for the heart, but he couldn't find it anywhere. + +Desperately, the bear asked everyone in the forest if they had seen the heart, but no one had. He searched and searched, but eventually the bear lost hope. + +The next morning, when the bear woke up, he heard a tiny voice coming from outside his den. The voice said, "I have your heart!" The bear peeked outside and saw a friendly rabbit holding the heart in her paws! + +The bear was overjoyed and thanked the rabbit for finding the heart. He said, "You are so gentle and kind. Thank you for finding the heart and returning it to me." The bear hugged the rabbit and they both smiled. + +The bear still has his heart and never lets it out of his sight. He always remembers how gentle and kind the rabbit was and +Once there was a sunflower that lived in a garden. Every day it would bloom and raise its head towards the sun. One day, a little girl named Lucy found the sunflower and decided to name it Daisy. Lucy had been feeling a little sick and her mom gave her some medicine. + +"Here you go, Lucy, take this medicine and you'll feel better soon," said her mom. + +But Lucy didn't like the medicine. She didn't think it was very tasty. That's when Daisy came to the rescue. + +"Look, Lucy," said Daisy. "I have some tasty pollen. If you eat it, you'll feel better." + +So Lucy did as Daisy said. She opened up the flowers and ate the pollen. It was very sweet and tasty. Soon, she was feeling much better. Lucy thanked Daisy and they both went back to playing in the garden. + +From then on, whenever Lucy felt sick, she knew the sunflower was there to help her. +A brown cat was playing with a ball in the morning. It was having so much fun that it didn't notice when the sun was high in the sky. + +It was noon and the cat was still playing when a thief came by. He crept closer and closer to the unsuspecting cat. + +The thief smiled menacingly and said "I'm going to steal your ball". The cat hissed in anger, but the thief didn't care. He grabbed the ball and scurried away. + +The cat was left alone and feeling heartbroken. It had no ball to play with anymore and it was so sad. + +The thief had stolen the cat's happiness away. +Once upon a time, there was a goat who wanted to travel. He was ready to explore the world, so he set off with his backpack on. + +He travelled through dark forests, climbed tall mountains and crossed wide rivers. Everywhere he went he looked for the perfect place to stay. + +Eventually he found a beautiful meadow with a perfect view of the mountains and a sparkling river. This was the perfect spot! So he decided to stay. + +The goat enjoyed himself in the meadow. It became his special place, and often other animals would come and visit him. + +He was so happy travelling and finding the perfect spot. He had found just the place he'd been looking for. +Tommy saw a mop and felt curious. He asked his mom, "Mom, what's that thing?" His mom said, "This is a mop. We use it to clean the floors." Tommy was interested and asked, "Can I do it too?" His mom smiled and said, "Yes, sure! I'll show you how." + +Tommy was so excited! His mom put on a little apron to protect her clothes and showed him how to use the mop with slow and careful moves. Tommy thought it was so much fun and he liked the way it felt in his hands. He said, "Can I do it all by myself?" His mom said, "Yes, but only with a little mop." + +So his mom got out a small mop. It was just the right size for little Tommy. He was so proud to do the same job as his mom! The mop felt light in his hands and he loved the way it glided over the floor. + +Tommy was so proud of himself that he couldn't stop talking about it. Every day after that he asked to help clean the floors with the "little mop". His mom smiled and agreed, happy to do something together. +Once upon a time, there was a sad man. He had a big mustache. He was lonely and wanted to make friends. + +One day, he heard a noise outside his door. When he opened it, there was a little puppy. The puppy looked sad too. The man picked up the puppy and smiled. + +The man asked the puppy if he wanted to come inside. The puppy wagged his tail. So, the puppy came in. + +The puppy made the man very happy. He played with the puppy and talked to him. After a while, they were best friends! + +The man never felt so happy before. Even his mustache seemed to smile! +Mommy and Daddy took their son to the city. They wanted to show him the big buildings and the busy streets. They got on the subway and went to a big park. At the park, they found a big playground. The little boy was so happy! He ran and laughed, and played on the swings and the slides. + +Mommy and Daddy stayed with him the whole time, watching and smiling. They wanted to make sure he was safe and healthy. They found a place in the sun for picnicking and stayed for lunch. The little boy ate lots of healthy food and smiled when he was full. + +But eventually, it was time to go. Mommy and Daddy took the subway back and the little boy fell asleep in the warm car. He was so happy and excited from his day of exploring that he was still smiling when he woke up. It had been a great day and he couldn't wait to come back. +One day, a little girl named Lacey wanted to explore the attic. She was curious to see what was up there. + +Lacey cautiously opened the door at the top of the stairs and peeked her head in. She looked around and saw so many things to examine. She saw lamps, boxes and old furniture. + +Lacey went to a big box and opened it. Inside she found lots of flexible things like ribbons and scarves. She also found some fun toys. She spent a lot of time examining each item carefully. + +Finally, Lacey looked around and saw how much fun she had exploring the attic. She closed up the box and smiled. She was ready to come back the next day to examine some more! +Jose had always wanted a very special bike. It had to be pink and he had to be able to ride it in style. He reminded himself of this every day as he looked at the picture of the bicycle in the shop window. Little did Jose know, he was destined to succeed! + +One day, Jose was walking home from school when he heard a noise. He looked around and saw a very special pink bike in the garden. He knew right away it was the bike he had been dreaming of! He walked closer to take a better look and was overjoyed to see that it had the exact style he had wanted. + +Jose quickly asked the homeowner if he could borrow the bike, explaining that it was the exact bike he wanted and he would of course return it. The kind homeowner was so pleased that he also gave Jose a lock to protect his precious bike. + +When Jose returned home, his parents were surprised but so proud of their son. He had managed to succeed and had the perfect pink bike to show off his style. +Once upon a time, there was a stable. Inside the stable lived a horse. He was old and his name was Thomas. + +One day, Thomas said to the farmer, "I am old but I still want to run free like a wild horse, can you hold me? I think I can still gallop like a young horse, even though I am old." + +But the farmer shook his head and said, "No, I can't let you go, it would be too foolish. You are old and would be tired after a few steps. You will stay here in the stable and be my loyal horse, that's the best thing for you." + +Thomas sighed and accepted his fate. He stayed in the stable, content and safe. +John and his mom had just finished dinner one night. Suddenly, the lights went out. It was really dark. Everyone was scared. +John’s mom looked at him and said, "John, I need you to be brave. Can you do that?" John was very brave and nodded. +His mom asked him to look for a flashlight. He bravely walked around and found one. Then he went to his mom, who took the flashlight and tried to turn it on. But nothing happened. +John's mom tried again and again. She was very persistent, but it didn't work. +Then, John had an idea. He took the flashlight, turned it over and demanded that it work. Everyone looked at him in amazement. +Suddenly, it worked! Everyone cheered. +John had saved the day with his persistent demand. His mom gave him a big hug and kissed him on his cheek. +Once there was a small boy called Max. He was 3 years old and loved playing outside with his friends. Today, Max and his friends were playing tag in the park. Every time someone was caught, Max would hear his friends laugh. + +Max wanted to join in but he was unsure how. He saw his friends look at each other and wave. Max thought it looked fun so he waved too. His friends all laughed and waved back. + +Max's friend, Sean, said, "I have a joke; if Max wants to hear it he can join in." Max was so excited! He ran to Sean and eagerly waited for the joke. + +Sean smiled and said, "Why did Max's teddy jealous of his bunny? Because the bunny hopped while Max's teddy only waved!". Everyone laughed, including Max. He felt very special that he now knew the joke too. + +Max's friends waved goodbye and went home. Max was glad he had taken the chance to join in. He had so much fun today! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lola. Lola lived with her mom and dad. Lola loved to go to the store with her mom and dad. + +One day, Lola and her mom and dad went to the store. Lola looked around and saw a really cool suit. It was a bright green color and it had a big open pocket. Lola wanted the suit so badly, but she knew it was too expensive. + +Lola's mom smiled and said, “Lola, if you can find a way to make the money, you can have the suit.†Lola thought and thought, and she finally came up with a plan. + +The next day, Lola went to the park with her lemonade stand. She sold lemonade all day, and she made enough money to buy the suit! Lola's mom was so proud, and Lola was so excited to go back to the store. + +When they got to the store, Lola ran to the suit and put it on. Then they opened the pocket and Lola was thrilled to find a surprise waiting inside. It was a toy! Lola immediately hugged her mom and jumped around with happiness. + +Lola wore her suit everywhere she went, and it made her so happy. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Chloe. She was three years old and very silly. One day, she heard a noise in her garden. She rushed outside to take a look and saw a tiny little creature. It was a stitch! + +The stitch was very small, but Chloe didn't care. She wanted to be its friend. She said hello and the stitch replied with a squeaky 'Hi!' Chloe was so happy she started to dance around the garden. + +The stitch wanted to join in. It hopped around and sang a happy song. Suddenly, it stopped and looked up at Chloe. It wanted to tell her something important. + +Chloe leaned in and listened carefully. The stitch whispered that there was a surprise waiting for her, if she was brave enough to find it. Chloe was brave, so she said goodbye to the stitch and started looking around the garden. + +After a few minutes, Chloe found a beautiful, bright garden of flowers. She had discovered a secret garden! She hopped around and laughed at how silly the surprise was. + +The little stitch watched from afar, smiling with satisfaction. It was glad that Chloe had enjoyed her surprise. +Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Jessica. She was very curious and always wanted to explore. One day she saw a beautiful, pretty carpet in the corner of her room. She ran over and put her hands on it. Jessica smiled and said, "This carpet is so soft and pretty!" + +Just then, her mom came in to the room and said, "That's a nice carpet you've found. Do you want to touch it?" + +Jessica's eyes lit up and she excitedly said yes. She carefully touched the carpet, feeling its softness beneath her tiny fingers. She ran her fingers across it and it felt like a cloud. She was so happy, she laughed and said, "It's so nice and pretty!" + +Her mom smiled and said, "Yes it is! Now, maybe one day, you can have your own pretty carpet just like this one!" + +Jessica smiled and thanked her mom. She looked back at the carpet, marveling at how beautiful and special it was. Jessica knew that she would never forget this special moment, touching the beautiful pretty carpet in her room. +Once upon a time there was a pistol. It was a yellow pistol. It was very special. The pistol could make a loud noise when you pulled the trigger. +One day a little boy found the pistol. He picked it up and looked at it. He didn't know what it was. He tried to guess what it was. +Finally the little boy figured it out. He guessed that it was a noise maker. He pointed the pistol and pulled the trigger. Bang! The pistol made a very loud noise. The little boy laughed and played with the yellow pistol all day. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Mary. Mary was just three years old. + +One day, Mary was looking through her things and she discovered an old photo. But she couldn't remember when it was taken or who was in it. + +She asked her mom, who told her the photo was from one year ago. They were all at the beach. + +Mary was so excited! She wanted to go to the beach, so she asked her mom to take her. Her mom said they could go the next day, but that they would need to get some sleep first. + +So off they went to bed, Mary feeling so sleepy. + +The next day, they packed up some snacks and went to the beach. Mary was so excited she couldn't stop smiling. + +And when they arrived, Mary discovered the most amazing thing: the beach was the same beach from the photo! +Once upon a time, there was a family of bears. All of the bears worked together to build a house in the forest. Mama Bear was very proud of the bears’ hard work and wanted them to have food to fill the house. + +So, one day the Papa Bear decided to go to the farm to get some wheat. He put on his hat and said goodbye. + +When Papa Bear got to the farm, he saw the farmer shouting and waving his arms in a loud voice. The farmer said there was no wheat left for the bears. Papa Bear was sad, because he wanted to get some wheat to take back home. + +The farmer was a kind man, so he offered Papa Bear some seeds instead. Papa Bear grabbed the seeds and ran back home to tell the bears the news. + +This made Mama Bear happy. She and the bears planted the seeds and soon the seeds sprouted and grew into tall stalks of wheat. It was such a sight to see! + +The bears were relieved and thankful for the kind farmer. They settled in their new house and were fed with the wheat they had grown together. +Once upon a time there was a poor family with lots of kids. One day the littlest one, who was three, asked her mommy "Can I have a surprise?" + +Mommy said "I'm sorry, my dear. We are too poor to have any surprises right now." + +The little one was sad but then she had an idea. She said: "Mommy, can I make a request? Maybe a surprise will come?" + +Mommy smiled and said: "Yes, you can make a request. Let's see if a surprise comes." + +The next day, the little one was surprised to find a box of nice toys on the doorstep. She hugged her mom and said: "Thank you for my surprise!" + +And from that day forward, whenever the little one had a request, her mommy always tried to make it come true. +Sue was very excited. She had spent all morning packing her things for her big trip. She was going on an adventure to find victory! She had packed her clothes, books and a lovely cake made by her mom. She was so excited to find victory and she knew the journey would be fun. + +She hopped on her bike and headed down the street. Along the way she saw a beautiful lake and lovely trees. She pedalled faster and smiled at nature's wonders. Then she saw a castle in the distance and knew victory was around the corner. + +When she arrived at the castle, the doors opened and she saw something amazing. It was a big lizard, with bright gold scales, standing in the middle of the room. Sue was so excited! She knew this was the victory she was looking for. As she hugged the lizard, it smiled and she knew everything was gonna be alright. She was so happy because she had found victory and all with lots of love. +Once upon a time there was a chimney on top of a house. Every day, the chimney needed to be cleaned. But it was never regular - some days the chimney were clean and some days it was not. + +One day a little girl came to the house and noticed the chimney didn't look very clean. She said to her mom, "Mom, why doesn't the chimney look clean? Doesn't it need to be cleaned?" + +Her mom replied, "Yes, it does, dear. But no one cleans the chimney on a regular basis. We're going to clean it today!" + +The girl was excited and she fetched all the cleaning supplies she could find. She sat at the bottom of the house and waited with anticipation. + +Finally, when the sun was setting and the sky was orange, the girl saw someone climb on top of the house with a brush and a pail of water. + +The girl realized that her mom was keeping her promise and that the chimney really did need to be cleaned. She smiled and was thankful for the regular cleaning of the chimney. +Once upon a time there was a princess. She was so independent that she decided to marry no one. She had a big chest, and she kept all of her things in it. Every day she would open her chest, look at all of her things, and be happy. + +One day, a prince came to visit and saw the princess's big chest. He realized that the princess was very independent, and decided that he wanted to marry her. He asked her if she wanted to marry him, and the princess said yes! + +The two were married and they were very happy together. The princess' chest was still full of all of her things, and she still kept them all close to her heart. The prince respected her independence, and the two were very happy together. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sammy. She lived in a big city near the mountains. Sammy liked to imagine what it would look like from high above. + +One day Sammy became very curious. She wanted to see the city from the top of the highest mountain. Sammy climbed up the mountain and looked down upon the city below. It was very fragile and delicate looking from so far up. + +Suddenly, the mountain started to shake from a big earthquake. Sammy became very scared and tried to climb down, but the rocks were slipping beneath her. She screamed for help but no one could hear her. + +The mountain crumbled and shattered, and rained down huge pieces all around. Poor Sammy, she was lost forever beneath the rocks. The fragile city had been destroyed in an instant. +One day, a little boy was in his garden. He was looking for something. He wanted to use a mole. He was very excited to use it. + +The boy saw a hole in the ground. He thought that the mole had gone inside. He put his hand in the hole and he felt something soft and furry. It was the mole! + +The little boy was very happy. He carefully took the mole out of the hole and held it in his hands. The mole was very important to him. + +The little boy gave the mole a big hug and put it safely back in its hole. Then, he went to find something else to use. +Once upon a time there was a small girl named Sophie. Sophie was very restless, she loved to climb and explore places. + +One day, she found a diamond in a tree. She couldn't believe her eyes, a diamond in a tree? She knew she had to get it so she started to climb. As she climbed higher and higher, she got more and more excited. + +When she finally reached the top, she saw the diamond was so sparkly and pretty. She couldn't resist, she grabbed it and put it in her pocket. + +Suddenly, she heard a loud voice. She looked down and saw a giant looking at her. + +"What do you think you are doing?" The giant said. + +"I am getting the diamond" said Sophie. + +The giant laughed. "It's mine! You can't have it" + +Sophie thought for a second. "I can give you something else for it" she said. + +The giant agreed and Sophie gave him a shiny rock. The giant was happy and let her keep the diamond. + +Sophie was so happy, she climbed down and went home with the diamond. +Once upon a time, there was a very impatient bunny. He wanted to pick the sweetest carrots from the garden but it was too far away. So, he hatched a plan to steal them. + +He hopped through the forest until he reached the garden. He looked around and saw that it was empty. So he quickly started picking the carrots. He was almost finished when he heard someone coming. He panicked and hopped back into the forest, carrying the carrots with him. + +When he got back, he showed his mum what he had found. His mum said, "You shouldn't steal, it's not nice". The bunny understood and apologised. + +From then on, the bunny only ever picked carrots from the garden when the gardener was around. The gardener was very happy that his carrots were being eaten and the bunny got his carrots without stealing them. Everyone was happy! +Once upon a time there was an octopus who lived in the ocean. He was harmless, which means he wasn't dangerous to anyone. + +One day he saw a submarine in the distance. It was a big, grey submarine and it started to move closer. He was scared, so he shut his eyes tight. + +But then something wonderful happened. It was a diving suit! A diver was inside the suit, swimming closer and closer to the octopus. He looked friendly, so the octopus opened his eyes and waved his tentacles in the water. + +The diver waved his arms in the water too, and they both laughed. Soon they were swimming and playing, together in the ocean. The octopus learned that the diver was harmless, like him. And they will be friends forever! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who believed she could do anything. She wanted to climb the tall building, the tallest she had ever seen. Everyone around her said it was too dangerous and tried to stop her. + +But the little girl was brave and determined to try. She climbed up onto the roof, but she slipped and was embarrassed. Everyone around her was laughing and she felt silly. + +Still, the little girl kept trying. She kept climbing and reaching higher and higher until finally she was reaching the very top. She was so close to the top that she could almost touch it. + +But then the little girl made a big mistake. She lost her grip and fell from the roof, crashing to the ground. No one could believe it. All the little girl's dreams were shattered. + +The little girl was badly hurt and never climbed again. The bad ending was so sadness and embarrassing for her. +Once upon a time there was one deer who was very intelligent. He was very clever and loved to explore new places. One day he went into a new area and he saw something that made him very scared. He saw a big machine that looked like it was ready to destroy everything. + +The deer quickly ran away and didn't stop running until he was back in his safe place. His heart was beating fast and he was excited to tell all of his friends about what he had seen. + +His friends all knew that this machine was dangerous, but they were all so curious as to what it was. The intelligent deer wanted to find out more, so he decided to go back and take a closer look. He was careful and made sure to stay out of sight, but he was still able to see that the machine was about to destroy the area. + +Luckily, the deer was very brave and fast. He quickly ran away with his friends and they all made it to safety before the machine destroyed the area. + +The deer looked back and saw that the machine had destroyed the area, but he was very brave and he was now a hero in his friends' eyes. From that day forth, the intelligent deer was known as the hero who saved his friends from destruction. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Jenna. Jenna loved to listen to the birds sing. Every morning when she woke up she heard the birds singing sweet songs. + +One sunny day she was out playing near a river when she heard a sound like someone singing. She got closer to try and find out where it was coming from. When Jenna looked around she saw a brightly coloured pastel bird in a tree. + +The bird had the most beautiful song Jenna had ever heard. Its notes were so sweet, Jenna couldn't help but smile. With every chirp, Jenna felt a little bit of joy inside her. + +The bird sang all day, so Jenna stayed and listened. Before she knew it the sun was setting and Jenna had to go. But from that day on, Jenna never forgot the sweet sound of the pastel bird. +Once upon a time there was a cute little girl. She loved to play in the garden of her house. Every day she would explore the garden and find something new and exciting. + +One day, she noticed a flower blooming in the garden. She was so delighted to see the flower. She picked the flower and put it in her pocket. + +The little girl went inside the house and put the flower in a special cup. Then she poured some cream over the flower and watched it bloom. + +The little girl was so happy to see how beautiful the flower can become with some added care and love. She then realized that if we show love and care to everyone, they can also bloom and become beautiful. + +The little girl decided that everyday she would give some of her love and care to all the people around her and make them bloom too. + +Moral: Love and care make everything bloom! +Once upon a time, there was a silly little mouse who wanted to explore the world. He was always eager to find out what was around the next corner. + +One day the mouse came to a bell. It looked like a very exciting thing. He remembered that he had been warned about bells because they can sometimes be scary, but he was too curious to stop. The mouse reached out and rang the bell. + +Suddenly, something came and comforted him. He couldn't see it, but it made him feel safe and warm. The mouse knew he was not alone anymore. + +The mouse slowly started to explore again, always feeling the comfort of whatever was near. He eventually found a new friend who was also silly like him. Having that new friend with him made the mouse feel even more comforted, and the two explored the world together. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Max. He had a very special toy that he loved a lot. The toy was tasty. Every day, Max would fit the toy together in a special way. + +One day, Max wanted to try a different way of fitting the toy together. He tried and tried, but it just didn't fit the way he wanted. He looked at it and saw that the toy was broken. + +Max was very sad. He did not think he would ever be able to fit the toy together in the same way ever again. He put the pieces away and decided never to play with them again. + +The end. +Once upon a time there lived a little girl called Katie. She was very excited because today was the day she would build her first castle with her Daddy. + +They went to the garden and Daddy gave her a brick. It looked so big and white in her little hands. + +Katie said to Daddy, "I don't know how to yield!" + +Daddy laughed and said, "Don't worry, I will help you. First, you need to place the brick on the ground." + +Katie did what Daddy said and after a few tries, she managed to yield the first brick of the castle. She was very proud of herself and both she and Daddy continued to yield more white bricks together until they had made a big, beautiful castle. + +At the end of the day, Katie hugged her Daddy and said, "Thank you for helping me yield my very first castle!" Daddy gave her a big hug and said, "You did a great job! Now, let's go inside and get some dinner." +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful bird called Birdy. Birdy was very nice and had lovely blue feathers. Every night, Birdy would sleep in a nest near a big house. The nest was not fancy, but it was cozy and Birdy felt safe there. + +One night, Birdy heard someone calling her from the big house. The voice asked her if she wanted to trade her nest for a bigger and fancier one. But Birdy refused. She said that her nest was just fine. + +The next night, Birdy had a surprise. A big, blue luxury nest appeared outside her window. The voice from the big house said that she could have the nest, if she wanted. + +This time, Birdy accepted the offer. She moved into the nest and was very happy there. But then, something happened. Her nice blue feathers began to disappear, and Birdy became very unhappy. + +Birdy had forgotten an important lesson - it is better to be satisfied with what you already have, rather than wanting something luxurious. In this way, she would never be disappointed. Birdy returned to her old cozy nest and was happy once again. +Once upon a time, there was a mama and a baby. Mama had a quest to reach the top. She and the baby were ready to start, so Mama said, "let's go." + +The two began to journey and hike their way up. On the way, Mama decided to take a break. She sat down and said, “I am getting tired. We should rest.†+ +The baby, who was getting impatient, said, “No, Mama. Let's go. Now!" + +Mama smiled. She said, "Let's go, then!" + +The two continued and eventually reached the top. They both looked around and admired the beautiful view from up there. They took a deep breath and smiled. + +But then, the baby noticed something entering the scene. It was a big bird, flying away! + +Mama cheered, “Look! A bird! Let’s go chase it and follow it!†+ +The baby and Mama ran after the bird and laughed. The bird was so fast, the two couldn't catch it. But that just made it more fun. + +Mama and the baby enjoyed the fun adventure and their time together. Although they couldn't catch the bird, they still had a wonderful time. +Once there was a naughty boy. He was sometimes very careless and never listened to his parents. One day, his mom told him not to leave the house. But he didn't listen and went outside. + +When he was walking, he saw a snake. The snake scared him and he started to cry. He quickly asked the snake to please go away. Suddenly, he remembered what his mom had said and started running back home. + +When he reached home, his mom was so worried. She hugged him tightly and he promised her he would never be careless again. His mom kissed him and said, “Be careful and listen to me. Don’t forget to be careful.†+ +The boy nodded and smiled. He was happy that his mom was so caring and he promised her he would never be careless again. +Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Toby and he was three years old. + +One day Toby wanted to help his mother. He decided to wash the napkins. He put the napkins in a bucket of water and tried to scrub them with a brush. But the napkins would not get clean! Toby got confused. He didn't know what to do. + +Just then, his mother came and helped him. She showed him how to put soap on the napkins and to rub them softly. Toby was very excited when he saw that the napkins started getting cleaner. + +At the end, Toby was very proud. He had helped his mother wash the napkins! He was so happy. +Once there was a rich girl. She always wanted to make people laugh and often joked around. One day, the girl noticed the sky was full of all kinds of shapes. She got an idea and said to her friends, "Let's play a game. I'll be the shape in the sky and you have to guess which one it is." + +Her friends laughed, and said, "That's a funny game. Okay, let's try it." + +The girl said, "Let's start with a circle. What shape do I look like now?" + +Her friends all shouted, "Circle!" + +The game continued until the girl was able to make all of her friends laugh. Everyone had a great time joking around. Even when the sun had set, the girl's friends still couldn't stop laughing. +Molly was playing outside when she saw a beautiful bowl. She admired it from afar, wanting to get closer to explore it. She slowly crept up to it, but was scared when she saw a bug near the bowl. + +The bug buzzed away, and Molly felt braver. She decided to take a peek at the bowl. When she looked inside, her eyes widened with delight. The bowl was filled with bright and colorful toys! She happily took a few out to admire them. + +As she was enjoying her new toys, Molly heard a noise behind her. She was scared again, but this time it was only her mom. Her mom had been watching the whole time, admiring Molly’s bravery. She had put the bowl of toys there to give Molly a surprise. + +Molly smiled, happy that her mom had thought of her. She ran over and hugged her mom, thanking her for the surprise. She was no longer scared, and was overjoyed that she got to explore such a beautiful bowl. +Once upon a time there was a skeleton, who was very creative. He lived in a big house and liked to paint. One day, the skeleton wanted to go for a walk, so he put on his shoes and stepped outside. + +He could hear the birds singing and the trees waving in the breeze. But then the skeleton heard a loud noise! It was a very loud monster! The skeleton got scared and wanted to go back inside, but the monster was blocking his path. + +The skeleton tried to talk to the monster, but it would not listen. The skeleton asked the monster nicely to go away. The monster just growled very loudly and the skeleton started to cry. + +But then something special happened. A tiny fairy appeared and whispered something to the monster. The monster listened and stepped away. The skeleton smiled with relief and thanked the fairy. + +The skeleton was so happy that he decided to make a painting of the fairy. He was very creative and painted a beautiful picture of the fairy and the monster. The skeleton was glad that the monster had listened and that everything worked out in the end. +Once upon a time there was a girl who liked to skip. Every day she would go outside and skip in the sunshine. One day, she heard that there was a factory near her house. She was so excited to see it! + +She walked to the factory, skipping all the way. As she got closer, she saw how big it was and how serious everyone looked. She kept skipping until she got to the door. + +The manager saw her and smiled. He asked her why she was skipping and she said that it made her happy. He gave her a tour and showed her how the factory worked. Everyone was so serious, but the girl kept skipping all around. + +The manager was so impressed with the girl's happiness, he gave her a job in the factory. From then on, she worked hard while still skipping once in a while. + +The end. +One day, a dull dog was walking in the park. The dog was minding his business when all of a sudden the dog heard an evil laugh. He stopped and looked around, but he couldn't see anyone. Suddenly the dog felt something strange, and he had to stop. The strange feeling got worse, and soon the dog could no longer move. The evil laugh came again and the dog knew he was in trouble. Suddenly the evil creature appeared from the shadows, and the dog knew he was in danger. The evil creature was too strong for the dog, and the dog knew he didn't have a chance. He tried to run away, but the evil creature had too much power and the dog just stopped. The creature captured the dog and carried him away, never to be seen again. The dull dog was never seen again, and it was a very bad ending. +There once was a woman who wanted something very expensive. She wanted it so bad that she did whatever she could to get it. One day, she decided to enter a store and get the expensive thing. When she entered the store she was determined to get what she wanted. + +But suddenly, she saw a security guard. He was watching her closely. She knew that if she tried to take the expensive thing, she would be in trouble. So, she quickly turned around and left the store without the expensive item. + +But getting away with what she wanted was not easy. Just as she was leaving, the security guard caught her. He called the police and they took away the woman. + +The woman never got the expensive thing she wanted. In the end, she was very sad. +Jimmy was a happy three year old boy. He loved playing outside in the sunshine and having fun with his friends. Jimmy always tried to eat healthy meals and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. + +One day, Jimmy went on an adventure. He walked to the park and saw a bird nest. Inside the nest were two little baby birds with lots of tape around them. Jimmy smiled and decided to help them. + +He took some tape and carefully removed the tape from the nest. Within moments, the baby birds were free. They flapped their wings and flew away. Jimmy smiled happily at the sight. + +Jimmy knew that if he ate healthy meals, took good care of himself, and helped those in need, he would always be happy. He smiled, knowing he made a difference. +One day Timmy was feeling dull. He didn't know what to do. He went to his room and saw a zipper. He was excited. He grabbed the zipper and started pulling it up and down. He enjoyed it! He spent the day zipping and unzipping the zipper. He had so much fun! + +Timmy's mom came home to find him playing with the zipper. She smiled and joined in the fun. She showed Timmy how the two parts of the zipper fit together and how to zip and unzip it. + +Timmy and his mom enjoyed playing with the zipper together. They played until it was time for dinner. Even though it had been a dull day, Timmy had a lot of fun with his zipper. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived near a river. She liked to play by the river, where she could explore the rocks and pebbles. One day, she decided to cross the river. + +Her mom was careful and said to her, "Wait! That river can rise quickly, so be careful and don't go too far." + +The little girl was brave and didn't want to listen. She said, "I'm big now, I can make it!" + +So she stepped into the river and tried to cross it. The water was deep and the current was strong. She was struggling, but she kept going. + +Suddenly, she heard a loud roar. The river had started to rise. The little girl was scared and quickly turned back. She ran back to the shore. + +Just in time, she made it back. She was thankful that her mom had warned her to be careful. From then on, she never crossed the river without being extra careful. +Once upon a time there was a clever bird who could fly. It loved to soar high above the roads and see far away places. + +One day, the bird was flying over a small town when it saw something strange. On the road was a big truck and it was stuck. The bird was very intelligent and it knew it could help. + +It flew down and used its beak to push the truck out of the way. But as soon as it was moving, a car came and crashed into the truck. + +The bird was so angry. It started to fly around the car and scolded it. The car quickly backed off and drove away. + +The bird was so proud! It had been very clever and had stopped an accident from happening. From then on, it flew around the town every day, keeping an eye out for any troubles. +Once upon a time, there was a unique girl named Jane. Jane loved to explore and try new things. Today she was determined to explore a nearby forest she had never been to before. + +So Jane gathered her supplies and ventured off. She made it to the edge of the forest and discovered something amazing. It was a large clearing filled with delicious treats. + +Jane decided to take a treat, but she was careful not to take too much. Suddenly, a voice called out. "Hey, little one! Stop! Don't take that treat!" It was an old woman. Jane was scared, but the woman was not angry. + +The woman explained that these treats were special. They were from a magical tree that granted wishes. "Once you've taken a treat," the woman said, "you must never quit until your wish comes true. That's the only way it will work." + +So Jane took a treat and carefully put it in her pocket. Then she vowed to never quit until her wish came true. Jane made it out of the forest safely, never forgetting the old woman's wise words. She would never quit no matter what. And that is why Jane had a very unique and special story to tell. +Once upon a time, there was a goose named Gary. Gary was very tired because he had been flying and swimming all day looking for food. But Gary was determined to find something to eat before it was time to go to bed. + +Gary saw a pond nearby and thought that maybe he could find something to eat in the water. He waddled over to the edge of the pond and soon saw some small fish jumping in the water. Gary was too tired to catch the little fish and decided to try something else. + +Suddenly, Gary heard a loud noise coming from behind him. He quickly turned around and saw a big black crow flying right towards him! Gary was very scared, but he was also hungry and he knew he had to defend himself. He quickly started flapping his wings and honking. + +The crow squawked loudly and flew away. Gary sighed with relief and waddled away from the pond. He still hadn't found anything to eat, but he was too tired to keep looking. He quickly made his way back home and fell fast asleep. +Once there was an ordinary bird, who lived in a big tree. The bird liked to stare out at the world from the top of the tree. One day, the bird saw a little 3 year old boy below. The bird was very curious and flew down. + +"Hi bird!" said the boy. +The bird just stared at him. + +The boy said again, this time more slowly and clearly, "Hello bird! What is your name?" +The bird just stared some more. + +The boy then said "My name is Jack. Can you be my friend?" +The bird didn't even move. + +Jack then smiled and said, "It's ok bird. You don't need to be scared. It's nice to be kind and make more friends." + +The bird then hopped right next to Jack and they both laughed. + +The moral of the story is that we should never be scared to be kind. Even if something is different or new, we should be brave and try to make new friends. +Once upon a time, there was a calm little girl. She had so many things to do, she didn't know where to start. She was feeling a bit overwhelmed, until she remembered something her mommy told her. "Take one thing at a time," she said, "and you'll finish it soon." + +The little girl thought of all the things she wanted to do, but she decided to start with the funniest one. She got to work and finished it all in no time. That felt so good, she was tempted to start something else. But she remembered her mommy's advice and decided to take a break. + +After she took a deep breath, the little girl searched for something else to do. This time, she could not finish it in no time. She worked and worked and still didn't finish. But she was determined to finish what she started, so she kept going. + +Finally, after a while, the little girl was done. She smiled proudly and felt so happy. There was still lots to do, but she was determined to take her time and stay calm. She knew that if she kept up her hard work, she would finish everything eventually. +Once there was a little rabbit named Bob, who liked to hide all the time. He would hide behind trees, and in holes in the ground. Bob loved to play hide and seek with all of his animal friends. + +One day, all the animals got together to play a special game. They were each singing a song, and it was very fun. Bob thought he could sing the best, so he sang louder and louder. + +The other animals noticed and started to compete with him. They sang louder and faster until Bob was so scared and he ran away and hid in a bush. + +He stayed there until everyone stopped singing and he could go out to play again. From then on, whenever he heard a singing game, he wouldn't compete. He just wanted to have fun and he would hide away in the bushes until everyone was done. +Once upon a time there were two friends, Tara and Jake. They were playing in Tara's backyard one day and found a strange box. Inside the box was an exam. Jake wasn't sure of what it was, so he asked Tara. + +"It's an exam," said Tara. "I've seen them before." + +The two of them got very excited, they decided to try it together. They worked on it for a while and when they finished, they were very happy. + +But suddenly, the exam vanished! Tara and Jake looked everywhere, but it was nowhere to be found. They tried to be flexible and find it again, but it didn't appear. + +Tara and Jake were very sad and never found the exam again. +Once upon a time there was a grumpy old man. Every day he woke up early in the morning, and went about his routine. But one day the old man realised he had lost his calendar. He was very grumpy and couldn't remember what he was supposed to do that day. He asked his young neighbour, “Do you know where my calendar went?†+ +The young neighbour thought carefully, before saying, “Maybe it's important to stick to your routine, it helps us to remember things.†The old man thought about this for a moment before he understood. He thanked the young neighbour and went back to his house. + +When the old man arrived home, he saw his calendar on the kitchen table. He had forgotten it was the day his favourite neighbour was coming over to visit. From that day onward, the old man was much happier and never lost the calendar again. + +Moral of the story: it's important to stick to a routine, it helps us to remember things. +Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to zip around the garden. She zoomed around the trees, raced around her house and even zipped over the meadow. + +One day she found a special blanket in the garden. It was a deep blue colour and so soft. She decided to take the blanket home with her. + +As she raced home, she spread out the blanket in the air and it began to zip behind her. She sailed over the meadow, the blanket flapping in the wind. + +When she reached home, she carefully folded the blanket and put it away. Now the little girl could take it out and zip around the garden again with her very own deep blue blanket. +One day, a twin named Sam and Sarah entered the house. They were very obedient children who listened to their parents every command. Sam and Sarah took off their shoes and put them away in their closet. They then jumped onto the couch and played with their toys. + +The twins' parents heard their laughter and came in to see what was so funny. They smiled when they saw Sam and Sarah playing together. The parents praised the twins for being so obedient. + +After a while, the twins got tired and decided it was time for bed. They said goodbye and obediently marched upstairs to their bedroom. They said goodnight and snuggled into their beds. + +The next morning they awoke, eager to start another fun day. They obediently put on their shoes and ran outside to explore the world around them. Sam and Sarah giggled as they ran off hand in hand, ready to enter a day of new adventures. +Once upon a time, there was a blue jelly. It was squishy and gooey. It was sitting on a plate in the sun. + +Suddenly, a small hand came up and pinched the jelly! A 3-year-old boy had seen the jelly and wanted to play with it. He grabbed onto it, squishing it in between his fingers. + +The jelly felt so cold! The boy smiled, pleased with his fun. He put the jelly back down onto the plate. + +But the jelly didn't stay still. Suddenly, it shot off the plate, bouncing around the room! The boy chased after it, laughing and screaming. Eventually, he managed to catch the jelly and put it back down onto the plate - safe and sound. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a house with three people. They were mom, dad and a little boy. + +One day, dad was writing in his office. His window was wide open and the sun was shining. Suddenly, a big cloud of smoke came up from outside. It came into the house through the open window. + +The little boy saw it and asked his dad why it happened. Dad explained that it was smoke from a neighbor's house because they were not writing properly. Dad showed him how to write correctly, by taking his time and making the letters look nice. + +The little boy was very happy to learn about writing. He thanked his dad for teaching him. From then on, he always wrote carefully and was very proud of what he was able to create. + +The moral of the story is that if we take the time to do something properly, we can be proud of the end result. Writing is no different, with practice and patience, you can make it look nice. +Once upon a time, there was a very famous man. He loved computers so much that he wanted to unite them all together. With the help of his friends, he managed to do just that. + +The man was so pleased that he invited everybody over to celebrate. They had lots of fun and even made a special cake with sparklers on top. + +Everyone cheered and clapped when the famous man spoke. He said, “From now on, we can all use computers to do amazing things.†+ +The party went on for hours. Friends of all ages enjoyed dancing, cookies, and playing games on the computers. By the end of the day, the whole world felt united. + +The famous man had done it! He had united all the computers and everyone was happy. +Once there was a boy who wanted to go on an adventure. He saw a huge helicopter and decided to climb in it. Inside, it was empty. The boy was excited to take off and see the world, but before he knew it, the door closed! The boy was stuck, and he started to cry. He tried everything to get out, but nothing worked. Eventually, the sun began to set, and the boy was all alone in the empty helicopter. He cried as he realized he'd never get back home. +Once upon a time, there were two squirrels who lived in the same forest. One day, the two squirrels were looking for food. The first squirrel noticed an acorn on the ground and quickly scurried over to grab it. But when the second squirrel got there, it noticed something unusual about the acorn. It seemed that the acorn had a crack in it and was already opened. The first squirrel didn't want to share and wouldn't give the other squirrel any of the acorn. The second squirrel started to get mad and wouldn't give up. They both thought the acorn was theirs and neither wanted to share. After a while the first squirrel decided to take the acorn and run away. The second squirrel was really mad and wanted the acorn back, but it was too late. The first squirrel had already taken it away. In the end, neither squirrel got the acorn, and they had to go back to finding food together. +Once there was a little girl called Sarah. She wanted to go to the park to play. Her dad said, "No, you must stay home today." Sarah disagreed, but she had to listen to her dad. + +So instead she looked for something fun to do at home. She decided to play dress up with her mom's shoes. She put them on and ran around the house, but she slipped on the heel and fell down. + +Sarah's dad saw what happened and came to Sarah's rescue. He said, "This is why I said you had to stay at home today. You need to be careful!" + +Sarah felt sad for not listening to her dad. Then, she remembered something incredible; he had come to her rescue even though she did not agree with him. She learned an important lesson from this experience; it is important that we respect our parents and listen to them, even when we do not agree with them. +Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to clap. She would clap when she heard music, she would clap when she heard birds singing and she would clap when she was happy. + +One day she decided to go on an adventure. She hopped on her bike and rode far away. She rode until she could hear the sound of traffic. She stopped and looked around. The noise was so big and she became frightened. + +"What's that noise?" she asked. Her mom smiled and said, "That noise is all the traffic. See, all those cars, buses and trucks make that noise." + +The little girl was so brave that she decided to clap. As she clapped, the noise from the traffic began to slow down and soon it was quiet again. The little girl smiled and continued on her journey. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Penny who lived in a small house. One day, Penny went for a walk in the woods nearby. As she walked, she saw something shining on the ground. She bent down to take a closer look and found a heavy penny! She smiled and picked it up with both of her hands. + +Suddenly, a big scary wolf jumped from behind a tree! Penny dropped the penny and stepped back quickly. The wolf jumped forward and started to question Penny about the penny. He asked who she was and why she was in the woods. Penny was so scared, she couldn't answer the wolf. + +Without warning, the wolf snatched the penny and ran away, leaving Penny alone in the woods. Tears began to fill her eyes and she never saw the wolf or the penny again. +Once there was a little boy who wanted to play outside. He asked his mom for a tie so he could go outside, but she said no. He got mad and started to yell. His mom got mad too and told him to be quiet and stay inside. The little boy was so angry he started to yell even louder. + +Suddenly, a big scary monster appeared from the woods. It was so huge and scary that it made the little boy stop yelling. The monster yelled at the little boy and said he was naughty. It told him he couldn't play outside and had to go back inside. + +The little boy was so scared he went inside and never asked to go outside ever again. But he was so sad he never got to play outside. He was always reminded of the scary monster and he was scared to ever go outside again. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Ruby. She loved to explore and find new places! One day she was playing in the park and she noticed a big, pink door. She was so curious about what was behind it! But she soon realized the door was very difficult to open. Ruby tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge. + +Just then, a friendly old woman walking by asked her, “Do you need help, dearie?â€. + +Ruby smiled and said, “Yes please! I really want to open this door.†+ +The old woman smiled and said, “I have a special key that may help you open this door.†Ruby thanked her kindly and the woman handed her a sparkling, golden key. + +Ruby excitedly used the key to open the big, pink door. Behind it was the most magical place Ruby had ever seen! Ruby ran into this incredible new world with excitement and wonder! + +The old woman smiled and said, “See, I told you I had a key to help you open this difficult door!†+Once upon a time, there was a boy called Peter. Peter wanted to do something special one day. He looked around the landscape for ideas and he spotted something very rare. + +It was a big, brightly coloured balloon. It was red and yellow, with strange patterns on it. The most exciting thing was, it was so full of air that it could fly! + +Peter looked around and saw nobody was watching. He grabbed the balloon and it quickly filled with air. He held on tightly and it lifted him off the ground. He flew through the sky and soon he saw a new landscape below him. + +The landscape was full of animals he had never seen before. They were all very rare and colourful. As Peter flew higher, he saw even more amazing things, like rivers and mountains. + +Peter did not want to come down, but eventually the air started to leak from the balloon and he landed safely in the same spot he had started from. He had had an amazing adventure, and something rare and special had happened. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Anna. She was three years old and loved to explore. One day, when she was playing in the kitchen, she found a faucet. She wanted to make the faucet do something, so she turned it on. But much to her surprise, it didn't turn off! An hour passed, and the water was still running. Anna realized that this was a problem and went to find her mom. + +Anna asked her mom: "Mom, why won't the faucet turn off?†To which her mom replied "Honey, did you turn the faucet on?" Anna admitted that she had and her mom said “That's why the faucet won't turn off. You should always make sure to turn it off when you are done using it.†+ +Anna nodded and said she would remember. Then she helped her mom turn the heavy faucet off. From then on, Anna was always sure to turn off the faucet when she was done with it. And that, children, is the moral of this story: always remember to turn off the faucet when you are done using it! +Once upon a time, there were two siblings, Abby and Jack. Jack was very powerful and loved to use sticks to surprise his sister. One day, Abby was playing in the garden, when Jack came running up with a stick. + +"I have a surprise for you Abby," he said flashing a big smile. + +Abby was very excited. "What is it?" she asked eagerly. + +Jack waved the stick and said, "I'm going to use it to knock the fruit off the tree!" + +But Abby was not so sure. She knew that it was not a good idea to knock fruit off the tree. + +"No, Jack!" she said firmly. "It's not polite to take things without asking. You don't have to be powerful to be kind." + +Jack was surprised. He looked at Abby and said nothing for a moment. Then, he put the stick down and smiled. + +"You're right," he said. "I should be kind. Thank you for reminding me." + +The siblings enjoyed the rest of the day together, learning the important lesson that being kind is more powerful than anything else. +Once upon a time, there was a sailor. The sailor was brave and strong and he waved goodbye to his friends from the shore. He said, “Goodbye! I’ll be back soon.†+ +The sailor set sail on the ocean and it was so blue. The sailor waved to all the animals in the sea, including dolphins and whales. + +One day, the sailor saw something soft in the water. He couldn’t believe his eyes – it was a butterfly! “What are you doing here?†the sailor asked. + +The butterfly said, “I’m here to say, ‘Hello!’ and to wish you a safe journey.†The sailor smiled, thanked the butterfly and waved goodbye. + +The sailor sailed all day and finally he reached the shore. He was so glad to be back. He waved to all his friends who had been waiting for him. + +The end! +Timmy was playing in the garden when he saw a big green wall. He had never seen it before and it scared him. He began to panic and ran to get his mommy. + +His mommy was calm and told him not to worry. She said that the wall was from the new neighbors who recently moved in. She said it was a nice green color and it would keep them safe. + +Timmy was still scared so his mommy showed him the garden over the wall. She pointed out a tree with pretty birds hopping around between the branches. The birds had beautiful colors, like blue. + +That made Timmy feel a little better. He also liked how the sun was shining on the green wall, making it sparkle. He kept smiling and said it was a beautiful wall. + +Everyone was happy and they enjoyed the afternoon in the garden. Timmy learned that even green walls can be beautiful when seen in a different way. +Amy and her mom were standing at the park. Amy was holding a long stick and was dragging it around on the ground. + +Mom: "What are you doing, Amy?" + +Amy: "I'm moving the stick." + +Mom: "That's great. Can you move this little pill over here?" + Mom showed Amy a tiny pill on the ground that was further away. + +Amy: "Okay." She stood up and started walking towards the pill. Her mom smiled as she watched Amy take long steps to try and get to the pill faster. When she got to the pill she bent down and grabbed it with her hands and brought it back to her mom. + +Mom: "Good job, Amy. Now let's go home." + +Amy smiled and then ran ahead of her mom, back home. +Once upon a time, there was a boy called Bob. He had a room with lots of toys in it. Every day, Bob played with his toys. + +One day, Bob's mom came into his room and said "Bob, come with me." +Bob followed her into the living room. + +Bob's mom pointed to the television and said "Bob, if you work hard and stay focused you can be successful." Bob nodded. + +Bob finished his toys and went back to his room. He worked really hard and stayed focused. + +Soon, Bob was very successful. He was very proud of himself and his mom smiled at him. + +One day his mom came into the room and pointed to the room and said "Look at how you have made this room look successful. Well done Bob." Bob was so happy that his hard work had paid off. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a girl called Lilly. She had a special bucket that she liked to play with. But one day, someone else wanted to use her bucket too. Lily knew it was her bucket and she didn't want to share. + +At first, the other person was nice and warm. But the more they asked, the more Lily said no. The other person got angry and started shouting. Lily didn't like it, so she grabbed her bucket and ran away. + +Lilly ran for a long time until she was far away from the other person. When she stopped, she saw a stream. Lilly put her bucket down and stared at the water. She was safe. + +Lilly didn't know what to do. She saw a flock of birds on the other side of the stream. They were so free and happy. Lilly watched them as they flew away and she knew that she could be just as free. + +So Lilly took her bucket and filled it up with the warm water from the stream. She said "Hello" to the birds and waved goodbye. Then Lilly went on her way with her bucket, feeling safe and free. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She wanted to know what a picture was. + +So her mum sat down with her and explained it. She said that a picture is like a story that you can look at. It always in a frame, and it can tell you something about the world. + +The little girl was so excited! She wanted to draw one for herself. So she grabbed a piece of paper and some crayons, and got to work. + +When she was finished, she proudly showed her picture to her mum. It showed a big empty room, with some furniture and a few plants. + +The mum smiled. She hugged the girl tightly and said that her picture was wonderful. From that day onwards, the little girl was always drawing pictures, and she had lots of fun. +Once upon a time there was a friendly beetle. He liked to go out and explore the world. One day he saw a bowl with something it in. He walked closer and saw that it was different colors mixed together. The beetle was curious and decided to mix it with his legs. After a while the colors started to mix together and he had made something beautiful. The friendly beetle was very proud of himself and showed it off to all the other beetles. They were amazed and filled with joy. From then on the friendly beetle was known as the best mixer in town! +One day, Jack and his mom were walking near the woods. Jack was very excited because he loved to explore new places. Suddenly, they heard a strange noise. "What was that?" Jack asked his mom. But before she could answer, they both spotted an unusual animal. It had long black and white stripes! "Look! It's a zebra!" Jack exclaimed. They kept watching the zebra. It was unusual to see one in this part of the world. + +The zebra trotted into the woods and Jack and his mom followed it. As they walked deeper into the woods, the trees got thicker and darker. Jack was a bit scared but his mom told him it was okay. They kept walking and eventually they noticed the trees cleared up. All of a sudden, Jack and his mom discovered a hidden meadow. There were lots of animals and plants! Jack was so amazed and excited to explore. + +The animals noticed Jack and his mom and seemed friendly. Jack kept walking until he came across the zebra again. He looked at it and smiled. It was then that Jack discovered the best part of the meadow: a crystal clear pond with a little island in the middle. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen! + +Jack and his mom kept exploring the meadow and the animals. They made lots of new discoveries and found many wonderful things. Jack thanked his mom for taking him on such an exciting adventure. He really +Once upon a time there was a humble turtle who was walking on a trail. Suddenly, he spotted a small fish stuck in a net and frantically thrashing his tail. The poor fish was very scared, but the turtle was brave. He quickly used his legs and rescued the fish from the netting cave. + +The turtle and the fish became friends and they thanked each other for the rescue. The fish told the turtle that he was happy to have such a humble friend, as he would never forget this act of kindness. + +The turtle and the fish then went their separate ways, but the turtle smiled knowing his rescue had left them both with a valuable lesson. It didn't matter what size you were or how strong you were, it was the kindness in your heart that made all the difference. +Once upon a time, there lived a 3 year old named Lisa. Lisa loved to create new things from whatever she could find in her house. One day, she found an old cane and decided to play with it. Lisa started to swing the cane around and, to her surprise, it created a lot of sparkles and confetti. She started to laugh and was so happy! + +Suddenly, Lisa heard a voice. It was her mom, who was standing by the door with her arms crossed. She said, "Lisa, why did you create such a mess? You need to pick up all this confetti!" + +Lisa felt sad and answered, "I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean to create a mess. I just wanted to have some fun with the cane." + +Her mom smiled and hugged her. She said, "It's ok, Lisa. I understand. But next time, try to think before you act. Don't be so stupid and make sure you are aware of the effects of your actions." + +Lisa nodded and carefully and picked up all the confetti. From that day on, she always took her time to think of the consequences of her actions before she acted. + +Moral of the story: Always think before you act! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was three years old. He loved to play outside and count birds. + +One day, while he was playing, the little boy got sick. His mommy gave him some wonderful medicine to make him feel better. + +The medicine made the little boy feel better, but it made his tummy feel funny. He tried to be brave but it made him so angry. + +The little boy's mommy said it was time for him to take a break from playing and number his toys. He was still angry, but he listened to his mommy and started to count. He counted all the way up to 10! + +The little boy felt much better after counting. Now he was ready to go back outside and continue playing! +Miko was a very curious little girl. She had so many wonderful things to learn and explore. One day, she asked her mom where herbs come from. Her mom smiled and said, "Herbs come from nature, Miko". Miko asked, "What is nature?". Her mom was about to explain when suddenly the doorbell rang. Miko shrugged and ran to answer it, excited to see who was visiting! + +Miko opened the door to find her best friend Ronin on the other side. He carried a basket of vegetables, some of which included herbs. "What did you bring us, Ronin?" asked Miko. Ronin smiled, "These are herbs from my garden. They are fine, and they taste delicious!" + +Miko was delighted. She and Ronin cooked their herbs up together. Miko was so proud of the wonderful dish they made. "We made something so nice and tasty!" she said. Ronin nodded with a big smile and said, "Yes, Miko. We definitely did." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. She was three years old, and she liked to play outside. + +One day, Sarah was playing in her backyard when a strange screen appeared out of nowhere. She walked closer to it, but before she could get there, the screen suddenly disappeared! She was so surprised! + +Sarah's mom came outside to see her daughter. Sarah told her mom what had happened and her mom said, "That's so strange! I wonder what could have happened." + +Sarah started to think really hard. Suddenly, she had an idea. She said,"Maybe if I stand here really quiet, the screen might reappear!" + +So Sarah stood very quietly in the backyard. After a few moments, the screen reappeared again! Sarah was so excited, but then once again, the screen disappeared just as suddenly as before. + +Sarah's mom said, "It looks like this is a magical screen - it likes to disappear and reappear on its own. We'll just have to wait and see what happens next." + +And so Sarah and her mom stood there, waiting to see if the mysterious screen would reappear once again. +One day, Sarah and her dad were running a race at the park. Everyone wanted them to win. Sarah was feeling excited, but a little bit scared too. + +Dad said, "We can do it, Sarah! All you need to do is run as fast as you can!" + +Sarah nodded her head and said, "OK!" + +However, when Dad and Sarah started running, another racer was faster than them. Dad said with a sad voice, "We almost won. Don't be too sad, Sarah." + +Sarah pouted and answered, "But I want to win!" + +Rod looked at his daughter and said, "We will win, don't worry. All we need is some small tape!" + +Sarah asked, "Tape? What can tape do?" + +Dad smiled and said, "Watch this!" He quickly grabbed some small tape and put it on Sarah's shoes. Then he said, "Run fast, Sarah! This tape will make you even faster!" + +Sarah ran as fast as she could, and Dad cheered her on. At the end of the day, Sarah and her dad had won the race! Dad hugged Sarah and said, "You did it! You won!" + +Sarah was so happy, she jumped up and down. Dad said, "Good job, Sarah!" +Once upon a time, there was a clumsy girl. She loved going to the museum to spend time looking at all the exciting things. One day, she decided to take a special trip to the museum. She was so excited and got ready quickly. + +When she arrived, the museum was playing some wonderful music. She danced along as she explored. She felt so happy that she wanted to spend all day at the museum. + +But then, the clumsy girl accidentally knocked over a few things in the museum. The museum manager got so angry that he made her leave. She silently walked out of the museum and sadly went home. + +She was really disappointed and wished she could spend more time there. But sometimes, bad things can happen even when you are having fun. +Once upon a time there was a grumpy little bear who loved to build things. He was always tinkering away, hammering and sawing away, and making different objects for his house and for his friends. + +One day, he had an idea to build something extra special. He ran to his friend, the little bunny, and said excitedly: "Hey bunny! I am going to build a special present with rice!" + +The bunny looked at the bear with surprise and said, "With rice? What kind of present can you make with rice?" + +The bear explained that it would be a big surprise, filled with lots of delicious things. Together, they went and gathered some rice and set to work. + +The bear carefully crafted the present using glue and tape, and filled it with the rice. When he was finished, the two friends looked at their work and were pleased. + +The bear handed the present to the bunny, who was very excited and thanked him for the gift. From that day on, the little bear was much less grumpy - because he knew he was good at building things! +Once upon a time there was a mother who took her daughter to the library. They went inside and the daughter was amazed. She saw lots of books and started to talk to the librarian. The librarian was very kind and showed her around. + +The librarian explained that all the books were special and contained knowledge. She said it was tough to learn but that with hard work and dedication anyone could do it. + +The mother was very proud of her daughter and proud of the librarian for being so helpful. She decided to stay with her daughter and help her learn. + +The daughter was a brave girl and would pray every night before bed, asking for help to learn. Slowly but surely, she made progress and eventually learned enough to understand the books in the library. + +The moral of the story is to never give up and to always pray for the help and strength to achieve your goals. No matter how tough things may seem, with hard work, dedication and prayer, anything is possible. +Once upon a time there was a dark river. A young boy called Davey loved to joke around. He thought that it would be fun to play in the dark river. So he jumped in, fully dressed. He began laughing and splashing around as he enjoyed the cool water. + +Suddenly, Davey noticed something big in the river. It looked like a giant! Davey couldn't believe his eyes. He swam closer to get a better look. + +The giant smiled and said, "Hello Davey, why did you jump in the river?" + +Davey grinned and said, "I wanted to joke around and have some fun!" + +The giant laughed and said, "That was a very brave thing to do!" + +Davey thanked the giant and said goodbye. Then he climbed out and ran back home, his heart still racing with excitement. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He had a bike with two wheels. He liked to go on bike rides with his dad. + +One day, they went for a bike ride together. The boy felt comfortable as he pushed the pedals. He watched the trees and birds go by, and smiled. + +The boy and his dad both had fun as they rode along. Soon, they came upon a hill. The boy wanted to try going up, so together they parted. His dad went one way and the boy went the other. + +The boy was a little scared, but pushed the pedals harder to make it up the hill. He made it all the way to the top! + +The boy was so proud of himself. He had felt comfortable and knew that with his two wheels, he could do anything. +Kimmy was playing in the kitchen with her toy when a mess started to pile up on the floor. She knew she was supposed to sweep it up and she sighed, it was a lot of work! Kimmy picked up her doll and the broom and began to sweep. As she was wiping away the mess a gust of wind blew through and scattered the mess across the room. Kimmy was so unhappy and started to cry. + +Her mama saw her tears and came to help. Mama picked up the broom and began to wipe the floor. Softly and gently, Mama moved the broom back and forth. She even got up on a chair to wipe the top of the cupboards. Mama even wiped the dust from the left side of the room. + +Finally, everything was sparkling clean and Kimmy was happy. She hugged her mama and thanked her for taking care of the mess. Mama just smiled and nodded, happy that the mess had been cleared away. +One day, Mommy and George went to the store. George liked going to the store! It was a regular day, like many others. + +When they got home, Mommy and George had a surprise. Inside was a big box with something special inside. + +"What is it, Mommy?" asked George. + +"Let's find out!" said Mommy. + +They unpacked the box. George was very excited. In the box was a monkey! It was soft, and had a smiling face. + +"Mommy, can I keep him?" asked George. + +"Of course." said Mommy. + +George hugged the monkey and named him Henry. From that day on, George and Henry were the best of friends. They would play together every day, and it was regular fun! +Once upon a time there was a mysterious telephone. No one knew where it was. The telephone liked to hide. It hid in the forest, behind trees and under bushes. It hid in meadows and even in a lake. Everyone looked for it but couldn't find it. No one knew why the telephone wanted to hide. Until one day, a brave boy decided to find it. He searched everywhere, until he found it in a tall tree. He climbed up and took the mysterious telephone out of the tree. He called his friends and they had lots of fun together. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big, bright yellow duck named Jack. He lived on a big, blue pond. + +One day, Jack decided to take a trip. He flapped his wings and started to spin around and around. Round and round he spun in the sky. It was so much fun! + +Jack soon saw a little girl on the ground. She had lost her pet mouse, and she was feeling sad. Jack decided to help. He spun down and down and landed next to the girl. + +Jack helped the girl find her mouse. She was so happy that she gave Jack a big hug. Jack had been so helpful! + +Then they both hopped on Jack's back and off they went to explore more of the world. Jack was spinning around the world and the little girl was laughing and having a great time. + +The trip was over all too soon, but Jack and the girl had so much fun together. They remembered their trip fondly, spinning and spinning in the sky. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Rachel. Rachel was three years old and she had a jug. One morning Rachel wanted to take the jug outside. + +When Rachel got outside, the sun was shining and it was warm. Rachel saw her friend Tom, who was also three years old. + +"Rachel, why did you take the jug outside?" asked Tom. + +Rachel smiled and said, "I wanted to fill it with warm water, so we can play together". + +Tom smiled and said, "That's a great idea." + +So Rachel and Tom filled the jug with warm water and they played in it all day. They had so much fun! +Once upon a time there was a little frog who lived in the desert. She was the only frog for miles around. The sun was often very hot and the ground was always dry. + +One day the frog was hopping around the desert when she suddenly saw something strange. It was an oasis with lots of plants and water! She knew she would have to be careful. + +The frog approached the oasis cautiously as she could hear two little voices quarreling. When she got closer she saw that it was two birds arguing about who should take a bath first. The frog thought it was funny and laughed. + +The birds heard the laugh and stopped arguing. They quickly noticed the frog and asked if she wanted to join them in the oasis. The frog was delighted and quickly hopped into the water with them. They all swam and played together and became the best of friends. + +The frog stayed at the oasis and it became her home. She visits the two birds everyday and they never quarrel anymore. They all live happily together, thanks to that little laugh. +Once upon a time, there was a young boy. His name was Tom and he only had three years. Tom loved music for he would dance and sing along when it played. + +One day, Tom was playing in his room. He heard some music playing outside and he was so excited. He rushed outside and saw a band playing in the park. + +Tom loved the music so much and watched the band dance around. He started to join in, jumping and twirling around. Some of the people clapped and cheered whenever Tom danced. + +The music ended soon after and everyone left the park. Tom stayed there and wanted the music to begin again. He knew that the music would begin again soon and he happily went home. +One day, little Billy was very excited - he was going to get a new toy! When he got home, he couldn't wait to open the box and see what was inside. But when he opened the box, he saw something he didn't expect - it was a boring old book! Little Billy was very disappointed and he refused to look at the book. + +The next day, Little Billy's mom decided to help him out. She read the book to him and when she finished, she asked him, "So, what did you think?". Little Billy was still not sure about the book, but he replied, "It was okay, I guess". + +Little Billy's mom wasn't surprised. She had a plan and she knew that eventually Little Billy would change his mind. She reminded him that she had promised him a new toy if he read the book. Immediately, Little Billy's eyes lit up and he realized that it was worth reading the book after all. + +Little Billy read the book and sure enough, once he was done, the reward arrived. With a smile, he opened the box and found his new toy! He was so excited, and he thanked his mom with a big hug. Little Billy had learned a valuable lesson about accepting new things - sometimes, we just have to have a little bit of patience and will power to get to the reward! +Jimmy was very excited. He was going to get to try jelly! His mom and dad said they had a special surprise. He couldn't wait, he was bouncing up and down in excitement. + +Finally, mom and dad took Jimmy to their special surprise - a jelly factory! Jimmy was so happy he couldn't stop smiling, and the workers at the factory said he was the cutest kid ever. + +At the factory, Jimmy got to watch as the workers made all sorts of jelly. He liked the bright colors, and it made him feel very comfortable. The workers laughed at Jimmy and said that he should have some jelly. + +So, Jimmy tried some jelly. He put a little bit on his tongue and the jelly burst with flavor! Jimmy smiled and said the jelly was the best thing ever. He tried all the different flavors, and even got to take some home. + +Jimmy was so excited - he loved to go to the jelly factory. He was so happy and comfortable, he couldn't wait to tell all of his friends about it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She wanted to succeed at something very special. One day, she tried and tried, but couldn't seem to succeed. The girl's lip began to quiver out of frustration. She felt so guilty for not being able to succeed. + +Just then, her big brother came to her rescue. He told her to try once more and to not give up. The girl mustered up her courage and tried again. This time she succeeded! Her lip spread with a wide smile and she felt so happy. + +The girl was so glad to have succeeded. From then on, she remembered her brother's words to never give up and always try again. +Once there was a little boy. His name was Tommy. Tommy wanted to play outside, but he couldn't. He was feeling very anxious. + +Then an alarm started to display. Its noise startled Tommy. He was scared and looked around to see what was happening. + +Luckily, his mom was there. She came and hugged Tommy. She said that the alarm was just to remind them to do something important. She was very glad that Tommy was feeling better. + +Tommy smiled. He was no longer feeling anxious. He thought the alarm was kind of cool. He wanted to play with it too! + +His mom said, “It’s not a toy, Tommy. But when you’re older, you can use it, OK?†+ +Tommy nodded. He was happy to know that he could use the alarm someday. + +In the end, Tommy went off to play outside. He was happier than before and couldn't wait to use the alarm when he was older! +Once upon a time there were two friends called Jim and Jack who were walking down the path with some mules. Suddenly, Jack started to laugh loudly and Jim became embarrassed. Jim said, “Why are you laughing? That’s not nice.†Jack replied, “The mules are so silly because they’re so high up!†Jim got angry and said, “Stop! That’s not nice! Now we won’t be friends forever!†+ +Jack was really sorry and said he was sorry again, but Jim didn’t listen. He just walked away with the mules feeling really sad. He was so embarrassed that he had lost his best friend. + +Jim was very sorry and he wanted to apologize, but Jack wouldn’t talk to him anymore. All Jim could do was watch his best friend walk away with a heavy heart. It was the end of their friendship and it made Jim really sad. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She wanted to go for a ride on her bike. She was so excited! +Every day, Lucy would take her bike to the park. She was so lucky because she was able to ride around the park. She felt like she was flying! +One day, Lucy was riding in a special race, and she won first place! She was so surprised to get a trophy for coming first. She put it up in her room and was very proud of herself. +Every day, Lucy would look at her trophy and remember how lucky she was to have won it. She would take her bike out to the park, and ride around feeling proud of herself. +The End. +One day a small girl opened her bedroom door. There, lying on the bed, was a velvet box with a shiny golden lock. She was very curious and wanted to open the box, but it was very tricky. + +So she asked friend for help. The friend said she was too embarrassed to try, so the small girl had to do it. She tried and tried but just could not open the box. + +Finally she gave up and the friend said they should go outside and play. The small girl felt very ashamed that she could not open the box, so she kept the box close to her. + +When they returned, the small girl thought of a wonderful idea! She asked her friend to help her and together they opened the box! Inside was a beautiful golden bracelet and the small girl was so very happy. She had opened the box! +David was a little boy who kept a diary. He would write down what he did each day and draw pictures of them too. It was his way of sorting out his thoughts. + +One day his friend Tom came over. Tom had a diary too and they showed each other the pictures they had drawn in their diaries. David was a bit jealous that Tom's diary had more pictures than his own. + +So David decided that he was going to draw some new pictures every day to fill up his diary. He would draw pictures of the games he played, the food he ate and the things he did with Tom. + +Within a few weeks David's diary was full of pictures. He wasn't jealous of Tom's diary anymore because he was proud of his own. Now he had a way to sort out his memories and experiences. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lucy. She was three years old, and she loved to learn. One day, her parents gave her an enormous rake and said, "Let's go study in the garden." + +Lucy was excited. She ran outside with her rake in hand. She found a soft patch of grass and squatted down. Then she started to study. She raked the grass in neat rows, imagining different shapes and designs. + +After a while, she heard a voice. It was her father. He said, "That looks wonderful, Lucy! You are doing a great job." + +Lucy jumped up, beaming. She clapped her hands and said, "I love studying with my rake!" + +Her parents smiled at each other. "We are so proud of you, Lucy," they said. + +Lucy grinned and kept playing with her enormous rake in the garden. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl, who was three years old. She was an only child and got all the attention from her parents. One day, her mum asked her to clean her bedroom; it was a big job for her, but she bravely accepted the challenge. + +The little girl started with the drawers, she opened the top drawer and was surprised; it was very cold! She thought it was odd, so, she asked her mum, “Mummy, why is the drawer so cold?†+ +Her mum smiled and said, “That’s because the drawer has your toys in it, if you don't tidy them up, it will stay very messy.†+ +The little girl understood, so she took her toys out one by one and cleaned up the drawer. After a few hours of hard work, her drawer was clean and tidy. + +When she looked back at the drawer, she felt a sense of accomplishment and joy; she was so proud of her work. She had learned a valuable lesson from the experience; when things are messy and cold, it’s best to take the time to tidy up and restore order. +John was playing in his backyard when he saw something floating in the sky. It looked like a colorful balloon. John ran out to the street to catch it, but it just kept floating away. + +John was sad; he wished the balloon would come back down. Suddenly, the balloon did come back down, but this time it was much smaller. John was surprised, he had never seen a balloon shrink before! + +He grabbed it and noticed something else. There was a message inside it. The message said "If you put me in the sea, I'll get bigger." John was excited. He ran to the beach with the balloon and put it in the water. + +As soon as the balloon hit the water, it started to grow bigger and bigger! It looked like a huge colorful fish had just come alive! + +John was amazed. He watched the fish swim away and knew how lucky he was. From now on, John knew that anything could happen if you keep believing! +Molly was a little girl. She was only three years old. One day, it was raining outside. Molly was afraid to go outside because it looked very dark. She started to shiver. + +Molly felt something warm in her heart. It was her mom. She said they would be safe inside the house. Molly smiled. But then she heard a terrible sound outside. It was thunder! + +Molly started to shiver again. She was so scared. But then she felt something else warm in her heart. It was her mom's hug. Molly felt so safe! She wasn't scared anymore. With her mom by her side, she knew everything would be ok. +Once upon a time there was a kind old man who wanted to make the world a better place. He put his hands together and began to pray. He asked the heavens to grant him some special oil. + +The next day, a small bottle of oil arrived at the old man's doorstep. He was very excited and thanked the heavens for this special gift. + +The man carefully mixed the oil with some cozy blankets and soft pillows. He used it to make a comfortable sleeping space for anyone who was feeling sad or lonely. + +Whenever someone was feeling down, the old man encouraged them to pray. He would tell them that prayer and the comfortable bed with the special oil could help them to feel better. + +The old man's special oil became famous, and people from all around the world heard about it. He was very happy to know that his special oil was making the world a better place. +Once there was a bald man named Paul who wanted to go to the barn. He drove to the barn, but found the door was stuck. He tried to yank it open, but nothing worked. He was feeling frustrated and didn't know what else to do. + +Just then, he spotted a tiny mouse on the floor. It had a long tail. Paul got an idea. He started to rub the tail on the door. It made a squeaky rubbing noise. Suddenly, the door opened! + +Paul was so happy that he cheered. He went inside the barn and found it was filled with lots of nice things. He had a wonderful time at the barn and when it was time to go home, he waved goodbye. +Once upon a time, there was a parrot who really wanted to work. He hopped around looking for something interesting to do, when in the distance he spotted something very graceful! He flew closer and was so excited to see a beautiful girl dancing. + +The parrot watched the girl intently. Her movements were so graceful, to the point that it almost seemed like she was flying! The parrot was mesmerized, and moments later he hopped up to the girl. + +"Excuse me," said the parrot, "Would you like me to help you with your work?" + +The girl smiled at his offer. "Yes please," she said. "I would be so grateful. But can you really help me?" + +The parrot nodded eagerly. "Yes I can," he said. "I'm really good at work!" + +The girl smiled again and thanked the parrot for his help. With that, the parrot raised his wings and began to help the graceful girl in her work. + +The two of them had a great day of working together, and the parrot helped the girl finish all of her work! At the end of the day, the girl thanked the parrot for all of his hard work by giving him a big hug. The parrot was so happy that he had done a good job, and he flew happily away as he watched the graceful girl dance. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Amy and Mike. Both had very unique cloths. + +One day, Amy asked Mike, "Can I try on your unique cloth?" + +Mike replied, "Yes, you can try on my unique cloth." + +Amy was so excited, she put on his cloth and they laughed together. + +Then Mike asked Amy, "Can I try on your unique cloth?" + +Amy replied, "Yes, of course, you can have my unique cloth!" + +Mike put on the unique cloth and they laughed together again. They both said they now looked so cool with their unique cloths. + +The two best friends had a great time together wearing their unique cloths. +Once upon a time there was a boy called Tom. Tom was only 3 years old and loved exploring. One day Tom decided to visit the ocean. When Tom got there, he was so excited to see the big, blue water. He thought it was so pretty and it made him laugh. + +Tom watched the waves crashing against the shore and twinkling in the sun. There were lots of little fish swimming around too. Tom was so delighted to watch them. He was even more surprised when he spotted a charming little dolphin. + +The dolphin waved and smiled at Tom, then started to do funny tricks. Tom and the dolphin laughed and laughed. Before long, the little dolphin swam back into the ocean and waved goodbye to Tom. + +Tom was so thrilled to have seen the charming dolphin. He waved until it was out of sight and laughed to himself as he remembered the wonderful day at the ocean. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Elle. Elle was upset because she had got some new toys she wanted to play with. + +She asked her mum, "Can I play with my toys now?" + +Her Mum said, "No, Elle. You have to be careful with your toys. Remember not to spoil or waste them!" + +Elle was a bit upset but she remembered what her mum had told her so when she played with her toys she was very careful. + +One day Elle and her mum went to the park to play. Elle was having so much fun and she asked her mum, "Can I take my toys to the park with me?" + +Her mum said, "No, Elle. That's a waste of your toys. If you play too rough then they might get spoiled." + +Elle was a little bit upset but knew that her mum was right. So, she left her toys at home and had a great time playing with her mum in the park. +Once there was a young boy. He was excited to play outside, so he ran and ran. Pretty soon, he saw two other young boys. He asked them to play, but they didn't answer. Instead, the boys started to fight. The boy tried to squeeze between them, but he couldn't. The boy was scared so he ran all the way home. He was so sad he had not got to play. But he was very happy to be safe. +Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was very independent and she spoke two languages. One day, she decided to marry a boy. She liked him very much but didn't know that he was not so good. + +Soon, the boy started to act badly. He wanted the little girl to do what he wanted and didn't let her go anywhere by herself. He was very mean to her and it made her very sad. + +Eventually, the little girl realised that she should have been more careful before marrying him. She should have thought twice before choosing a husband. The little girl was now very unhappy and she wanted to get away from him but he had taken all of her independence. + +The moral of the story is that it is important to be careful when making decisions. Even if someone seems nice and you like them, it is important to think twice before committing. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Bella. Bella was three years old. Every day she played in her room. One day she saw something on the stove. It was dirty. She wanted to touch it, but her mom told her not to. + +Bella was sad she couldn't touch it, so she went to her mom. She asked her mom why it was dirty. Her mom said it was because it hadn't been cleaned yet. Her mom told her to leave the stove alone. + +Bella didn't like that. But she knew it was best to do what her mom said. So she left the stove alone and kept playing in her room. She still wanted to touch it, but she knew it was best to listen to her mom. + +The next day, the stove was all clean. Bella was so happy! She asked her mom if she could touch it now. Her mom said yes. So Bella went to the stove and touched it. She was so excited! She wanted to touch it every day. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a bright knob. It had a special way of growing. Every day it would get bigger and bigger, until eventually it was bigger than anything anyone had ever seen! + +One day a little boy called Tommy came to visit the bright knob. He looked at it with amazement and said "Wow, it's so big!" + +The knob heard Tommy's voice and replied "Yes, I do grow a lot every day. It's really fun!" + +Tommy said "Can I help you grow?" + +The knob replied "Yes, you can! Come over here and give me a hug. A big hug will help me to grow." + +So Tommy gave the bright knob a big hug. Then, something amazing happened. The knob started to glow and it got bigger and bigger, until it was bigger than Tommy ever expected! + +The bright knob and Tommy were so happy that Tommy had helped it to grow. From then on, Tommy and the bright knob were best friends, and the bright knob kept growing more and more every day! +Once upon a time there was a small animal who wanted to be the fastest in the world. He was such a fast runner that he became known throughout the land. Everyday, the animal worked hard and ran faster. He wanted to be the very best. + +One day, he heard a rumor that there was a faster animal living far away. He was determined to find this creature and finally prove that he was the world's greatest. With a big smile, he set out on an adventure. + +After a long journey, the animal finally arrived at the edge of a deep and dark forest. He peered inside and saw something moving in the shadows - it was the fast animal! His heart raced with excitement. + +He quickly jumped in and asked if he could join the animal in a race. A loud roar echoed through the trees, and soon the animal was off! He ran faster than he had ever done before, but it was no use - the fast animal was always one step ahead. + +In the end, it didn't matter whether he came first or last. What mattered to him was that he had pushed himself to become the fastest he could be. That was the best prize of all! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack. He and his Mommy went to the park one day. Jack looked around, and saw lots of lovely flowers. He smiled and smelled the pretty flowers. He said to his Mommy, "This is so much fun, Mommy! Let's stay here forever!" + +Mommy laughed and said, "No, sweetie. We need to find you a job so you can make money for when you grow up." + +Jack thought for a moment and then said, "Can I be a flower picker and pick lovely flowers for everyone in the world?" + +Mommy laughed again and said, "That sounds like a great job! Let's go look for some flowers you can pick." + +So, the two of them went to look for lovely flowers. Jack was so excited! He found so many beautiful colored flowers. He was so happy when he finished his job. + +When they went back home, they hugged each other and said, "I love you, Mommy!" +One day, Mary went outside to play. She liked to explore the garden and today she noticed something in a corner underneath a big bush. It looked like some kind of mud. Mary was curious so she walked over and began poking at the mud. Suddenly, a harmless snake slivered out from the mud and Mary screamed in surprise! + +Mary quickly forgot about the snake when she saw a shiny flower near the edge of the garden. She ran over to pick it up and show it to her mom. + +The next day, Mary went back to the garden and curiously peered at the mud again. She was trying to remember what was hidden there when the same harmless snake suddenly came out from the mud again! + +Mary had thought she had seen a monster in the mud, but she had forgotten it was actually a harmless snake. She laughed to herself and ran off to continue playing in the garden. +Once upon a time, there was a very special man, who could create anything. He could create magical things with his bare hands, and everyone wanted to be just like him. One day, he tried to create something he had never made before; he wanted to make something precious, like gold! With all his might, he worked and worked until finally, he made a heap of glimmering gold before him. + +It was the most beautiful gold anyone had ever seen, and the man smiled, proud of his work. But, he wanted to make something even more precious with his gold, so with a twinkle in his eye, he created something even more special - he created something healthy. From the gold, he made delicious fruits and vegetables, and all the animals and people in the land were delighted with his healthy creations. + +The man was so pleased, and everyone in the land praised his creations. From then on, the man was known as the 'Creator of Gold' and was respected by all. + +The 'Creator of Gold' never stopped creating things, but would always remember the special day when his gold became something healthy. +Once upon a time there was a little boy named Joey. Joey was a very charming boy and he loved playing in the garden. One day, Joey noticed lots of bees flying around and he found a big jar of honey. Joey was so excited and he couldn't wait to try some! But the bees were buzzing around and wouldn't let Joey near the honey. + +So Joey decided to be clever. He went and got some flowers from the garden and laid them around the jar of honey. The bees were so busy collecting nectar from the flowers that they ignored Joey. Quickly, Joey grabbed the jar of honey and ran back to his house. + +Joey enjoyed eating the honey all summer long. He was so proud of his clever plan that had let him get the honey without being ignored by the bees! Joey thought it was the most charming trick he had ever done. +Once upon a time, there was a magic land. In this magic land, a little baby dragon lived. Every day, the dragon liked to spend time playing and reading. One day, when the dragon was reading, something very strange happened. The sky lit up with lightning and strange sounds filled the air. + +The dragon didn't know what was going on, so it just kept on reading. But then, the dragon noticed something. The lightning was in strange shapes and the sounds were not normal. The dragon realized that something different was happening. + +The dragon got very scared, so it hid in a dark corner of the cave. Suddenly, a bright light filled the cave. Then, everything was normal, just like before. + +The dragon was very happy that everything was back to normal. It finished it's reading, and then realized that nothing bad had really happened. The dragon decided to go back to playing and reading every day. +In the morning, James was excited. Today he was going to his first swimming lesson. He had been practising swimming in his bathtub, so he was sure he was ready. + +When James arrived at the pool, he was nervous. He looked around and saw some other kids swimming in the pool. He wanted to join in the fun, but he was scared. + +James went to the side of the pool and got ready to jump in. He was scared to make a splash, but his teacher was very polite. She encouraged him and said it was ok. + +James jumped in and started to swim. It was so much fun! He found out that he was quite good at swimming. Soon, he was playing in the pool with the other children and having a great time. + +James was very excited that he had been so brave. The morning was fun and he knew he would soon be a great swimmer! +Mama was cooking in the kitchen. Every now and again, she lifted her hand to her head and gave it a little scratch. "Oh, this is a terrible itch!" she said. "I must have gotten it from sitting too long in the hot garden". + +Suddenly, a loud creak came from the door. In ran a small bundle of energy. It was a 3 year old girl with bright eyes, it was Alice! She scurried over to Mama and said "What's wrong, Mama?" + +"I have an awful itch" said Mama. + +"Let me scatter it" said Alice. She smiled and grabbed her hands together. Suddenly, with a wave of her hands, she scattered the itch. + +Mama felt a wave of relief was over her. She gave Alice a big hug, and then said “Thank you Alice! The itch is gone". + +Alice beamed "Glad I could help Mama!" She scurried away, still feeling hot from the summer sunshine. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was very young. She was curious and loved to learn new things. One day, she went on an adventure. + +As she walked around, she noticed some sparkly things in the grass. She picked them up and held them close. They felt so pretty! + +The little girl decided that she wanted to learn more about these sparkly things. She asked some grownups what they were and they told her they were sparkles. The little girl smiled, happy to learn something new. + +The little girl collected all of the sparkles she found and put them in a bag. She took them home and told her mom all about them. + +The little girl was so happy she got to learn something new on her adventure. She kept her sparkles safe so she could show them to her friends when they came over. The sparkles reminded the little girl of her special adventure and all the fun she had while learning something new. +Once upon a time there was a stubborn rocket. It did not want to behave. Every day it would not listen to its mommy rocket and fly in the wrong direction. + +One day the mommy rocket got so mad that she grabbed the naughty rocket and put it in a time out chair. The naughty rocket did not like this. It got so mad that it started to cry. + +But then the mommy rocket had an idea. She took the naughty rocket to the park. There were lots of rockets flying around having fun. The naughty rocket wanted to join them. + +The mommy rocket showed the naughty rocket how to fly with the other rockets. After a while, the naughty rocket was behaving and playing nicely with the other rockets. + +At the end of the day, the mommy rocket was so proud of her naughty rocket that she gave it a big hug and took it home. And from then on, the naughty rocket always behaved. The end. +Once upon a time there was a humble man who loved to swim. Every day he would go to the lake and jump in the water, feeling the coolness of the waves. He felt so free and alive. + +One day however, the man felt like something was wrong. He looked out at the lake and noticed the water was dry. He became so sad and confused and said to himself, "How can the lake be dry?". He asked the birds flying over and all they said was, "We don't know". + +He decided he would look for help and travelled to the nearest village. He asked the people if they knew why the lake was dry and they said, "No, we don't know". + +The man was so sad as he realised he could never swim again and left the village. Sadly, he never found the answer to the mystery of the dry lake and never had the chance to swim again. +Once upon a time, there was a wealthy person who looked out of the window every day. He wanted to be rich and have lots of money. One day he saw a small, yellow bird sitting in a nearby tree. He wanted to be as free as the bird, so he decided to try and catch it. + +He opened the window and told the bird: "Come here to me and I'll make you really wealthy!" The bird was curious and flew closer. + +The person quickly grabbed it and said: "Now you belong to me. I will make you rich!" The bird was very scared and began to struggle, but the person wouldn't let go. + +Suddenly, a group of people appeared and saw what had happened. They watched as the person tried to capture the bird, and they shouted: "Let the bird go!" But the person wouldn't listen. He kept on trying to take the bird away. + +Finally, the people came closer and made the person let the bird go. The bird flew away quickly and the person sadly watched as it flew far away. The people felt sorry for him but they knew he was wrong. They all walked away, shaking their heads. + +The poor bird was never seen again and the wealthy person never found his wealth. +Once upon a time, there was a wealthy man who lived with his two dogs. They would often go walking together in the park. + +One day, when they were out walking, they found a bug. It was a little, green caterpillar and it was crawling around in the grass. They all thought it was so cute! The man decided to pick it up and take it home with him. + +At home, the dogs and the man said hello to the little caterpillar. Then the wealthy man went to his room and came back with a little treasure chest. He opened it and inside was lots of money. He took a few coins and held them out to the little caterpillar. “These are for you,†he said. + +The caterpillar was very surprised. To show his gratitude, he thanked the man and paid him back with a hug. Then they all had some tea and cake together, to celebrate the caterpillar’s new found wealth. + +The end. +Once there was a little girl called Mia, who loves to rock. She was three years old and really enjoyed rocking, whether it was on the sofa, in her bed, or on her grandfather's rocking chair. + +One day, Mia's daddy asked her if she wanted to learn a quiz game. Mia was very excited, so she nodded her head quickly. She loved playing quiz games! + +Daddy said, "Okay, let's do this. Every time I ask you a question, you can rock in your chair." + +Mia was so happy. She jumped up and hop-raced to the rocking chair. She jumped right in and started rocking away. + +Daddy asked Mia the first question, "What is the capital of England?" Mia, who was rocking in her chair all this time, thought hard and said, "London!" + +Daddy was very pleased and smiled. He said she did a fine job and gave her a hug. + +Mia hugged back and happily went back to rocking, feeling proud of herself. +Once upon a time there was a bird who wanted to soar higher than any other bird. The bird was so determined that she flew to the highest mountain in the landscape. As she got closer, the sky started to get dark and gloomy. But the bird was not afraid. She flapped her wings with courage and as she flew higher, the darkness began to fade. Soon she was soaring above the clouds in the sunshine. Flapping her wings she soared higher and higher and then she stopped. High up in the sky, she looked down and laughed as the landscape below seemed so small. The bird had done it. She had soard to the stars! +Once there was a fierce painter. He liked to paint beautiful pictures. He wanted to join a club for painters but he was worried that he wouldn't be allowed to join. He was very shy and not sure what to do. + +So the fierce painter decided to ask his friends to help him. They all agreed to join him on his quest. First they went to the painter's club. When they arrived, the fierce painter was so scared that he was shaking. But his friends gave him courage and cheered him on. + +When they reached the door of the club, they were met by two big painters. The painters asked the fierce painter why he wanted to join their club. The fierce painter told them that he loved to paint and he wanted to be part of their group. The painters smiled and welcomed him in. + +The fierce painter was so happy that he'd joined the painter's club. He was welcomed warmly by the other painters and they gave him lots of advice. He painted lots of beautiful pictures and shared them with the painters. Everyone praised his work and he was so proud. + +The fierce painter had found a new home with the painter's club. He was no longer scared of facing his fears. He could now use his talent to create beautiful artwork and be part of this wonderful community. +Once upon a time, there were two little boys. One was clever and one was not so clever. The clever boy had a pen and he used it to draw nice pictures. But the not so clever boy just watched. + +Then one day, the clever boy said his pen was running out of ink. So he thought of a clever way to finish it. He asked the not so clever boy for help. He said he could give him a few drops of his ink. + +The not so clever boy was so happy that the clever boy asked for his help. He put some ink from his pen into the clever boy's pen. + +The clever boy was very happy. He had enough ink to finish his drawing. He thanked the not so clever boy. + +The moral of the story is that it is good to be kind and help each other. By working together, clever and not so clever people can both finish things more quickly. +Once upon a time, there was a clever bird. He was a very special bird. He had a magical feather. The feather could zip! It was so fast that it could zip around the entire world in just a second! + +The bird used the feather to zip around and explore the world. He could fly through the air faster than any other bird. He could zip to the beach and the mountains and any place he wanted to go. + +The bird's feather was so popular that all the other birds wanted it too. One day, a mean old crow tried to take it away. But the bird was too clever. He zipped away faster than the crow and kept his magical feather safe. + +The bird had lots of adventures as he zipped around the world with his special feather. And every day he was thankful that he was so clever that he was able to keep it safe. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Theo. Theo was only three and very curious. He liked to explore exciting new places. One day, he was on an adventure with his parents. After walking around, they decided to fly to another part of the world. At the airport, Theo watched as his parents went to the check-in desk and had their passport checked. He noticed their passport was very hard and colourful. + +Theo was fascinated and wanted to see it for himself. But his parents said no and tucked it away in a pocket. They told Theo to never take out a passport or show it to anyone without permission. Theo was confused, why was the passport so important? + +His parents explained to him that the passport was very special and it was used to prove who you are wherever you go in the world. That meant it was very important to keep your passport safe. + +Theo was delighted with his adventure and learned an important lesson - always look after your passport! +Once upon a time there was a very brave girl. She wanted to climb the highest mountain. So she set off on her adventure. + +First, she climbed up a steep hill. She kept going until she came to a big pit. She looked down, and it seemed very deep. But she was brave, so she decided to try and climb it. + +She climbed down and down. Sometimes she slipped, but she kept going. One time, she grabbed a big rock and used it to steady herself. Finally, she reached the bottom. + +She kept looking around until she found a big, secret path. She was so excited! She followed the path until she reached the top of the mountain. + +The girl had been successful. She had climbed the highest mountain! She was so proud of herself, she celebrated with a little dance. Then she started on her journey home. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Adeline. She loved going for walks on a sunny day. Adeline noticed a path that wound around a nearby meadow. She decided to follow it. + +Adeline stumbled on a little furry creature snuggled up against a fallen tree trunk. As she stepped closer, she noticed the creature was deaf. She carefully touched it and spoke to it in a gentle voice. The creature stayed still and didn't move, except for its bright, curious eyes. + +Adeline gently scooped the creature up into her arms and carried it home. She gave it a warm bed and delicious treats to eat. Adeline noticed that the deaf creature started to understand some of the words she said. + +Months passed, and one day Adeline noticed that the deaf creature was able to hear her voice. She felt so happy to see the deaf creature hearing again. From then on, Adeline and the deaf creature were the best of friends. They followed the path around the meadow and enjoyed the sunshine together. +Once, there was a driver. He looked outside and saw that it was a nice day and decided to go out. But all he could find was a sack. The driver was bored so he decided to take the sack for a drive. + +He drove and drove until he saw a big hill. He thought it would be fun to see what was on the other side so he drove up the hill. When he was at the top, he saw that the view was very pretty. + +But then his sack started bouncing around. The driver was afraid the sack would fall out so he decided to drive back down the hill. As he drove, he was not bored anymore because he was having so much fun! + +When the driver got back to the bottom of the hill, he put the sack back where he found it. He was very happy and he knew he would never be bored again! +Once upon a time there was little girl. Her name was Sarah and she was three years old. Every day Sarah would go out and play in the garden. There were lots of lovely flowers and plants in her garden. + +One day Sarah saw something in the garden. It was an invitation! She was so excited and picked up the invitation. It was a special invitation and it said "come to my party". + +Sarah listened to her mummy and daddy and went to the party. Everyone was so happy to see her and she was so excited! There were lots of lovely things to eat and play with. After the party, Sarah's mum gave her a special present. It was a flower - a lovely pink rose! + +Sarah looked after the flower every day and it started to grow. Everyday it would grow a little bit more and it became more and more beautiful. Everyone who saw it said it was so lovely. + +After a few months, Sarah's rose was the biggest and most beautiful flower in the garden. All Sarah's friends loved to come over and see the lovely rose and Sarah was so happy. All because of a lovely invitation. +Once upon a time there were two friends, Sam and Joe. Sam had a whistle that he loved to play with. Every day, he would take it out and make music with it. Joe, who was very selfish, wanted the whistle for himself. + +One day, Joe tricked Sam and took the whistle away. Sam was very sad and didn't know what to do. He asked Joe to return the whistle but Joe would not listen. + +Sam's other friends heard what had happened and they were very angry. They decided to get the whistle back. They told Sam to run away and hide. + +After a while, Joe stopped looking for Sam and went home. Sam's friends then came to him and told him to come out of hiding. They had the whistle with them and had received it back from Joe. + +Sam was very happy and thanked his friends for helping him. From then on, Sam and his friends never let Joe be so selfish again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to play in the garden. The garden was so big, it had a net in it! Every day she was ready to play. + +One day, the girl's mom came out of the house with a big bag. She opened it up and took out two pieces of rope and a big net. She laid the net on the ground and began to prepare it. + +The little girl watched in amazement as her mom connected the pieces of rope together to make a perfect little net. She then picked up all the pieces and put them back in the bag. + +The little girl was so excited. She quickly ran over to the net and began to jump and play around in it. She played for hours and had so much fun! + +At the end of the day the little girl was tired, but very happy. She thanked her mom for helping her prepare the perfect net. The girl and her mom laughed and had a great time playing together in the garden. +Once there was a girl called Sue. She was very creative and loved making things. One day, she decided to make a special spray. She mixed coloured paint with water and gave it a shake. + +Sue stood in the garden and sprayed her colours all around. Everywhere she sprayed, the world became full of beautiful rainbow hues. Sue was so proud of her creation. + +Sue wanted to share her magical spray with everyone, so she threw a party in the park. Everyone stood in a circle and watched as Sue sprayed the world around them with her colourful paint. + +When Sue stopped spraying her colours, her friends cheered and gave her a big group hug! Everyone agreed Sue was the most creative person they'd ever seen. + +The people at the park smiled and laughed in the rainbow of colour that Sue had created. From that day, everyone knew that Sue was truly a creative spirit. +Once upon a time, there was a little squirrel who lived in the forest. He loved to find and eat acorns. One day, he found a very special acorn. It was clear, and he could see something inside of it. He couldn't quite recognize what it was, so he decided to take it home with him. + +When he got back to his nest, he carefully opened the acorn. To his delight, he found a sparkly gem! He had never seen anything so pretty before and he was so excited. Suddenly, he realized he should share his new treasure with the other animals in the forest. + +So, he decided to take the acorn to the clearing, where all the other animals gathered each day. When he arrived, he saw that the others were amazed at the clear acorn, and some of them even recognized the gem inside. They all celebrated with a big party and the little squirrel was so proud of his new discovery. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lily. Lily was very small and felt helpless. She wanted to have fun with her friends, but they had all gone away. + +One day, Lily saw a big notebook on the ground. She was excited, so she picked it up and brought it home. Once she got home, she opened the notebook and started to draw. She was so happy to have something to do! + +Lily spent all day drawing in the notebook and even brought it to bed with her. The next day she showed the notebook to her mom. Her mom was so excited that Lily was able to find something to help her feel better, and she hugged Lily tightly. + +Lily was so happy and she promised herself that from now on, she would never feel helpless again. From that day on, Lily and her notebook were the best of friends. +Once there was a little girl. She was three years old and wanted to help her mommy. +One day they were in the living room, looking at a big box. + +"What's in the box, mommy?" said the little girl. +"It's a surprise, my love," said mommy. + +The little girl was so excited. She couldn't wait to see what was in the box. +"Can I please help you unpacked it? Pleeeease!?" + +Mommy smiled and said, "Of course you can, sweetheart! Let's do it together." + +The little girl grabbed the box and took it to the kitchen. As she stepped back, she saw a big bowl of sour gummy worms. + +"Mommy! Sour gummy worms! I love these!" + +Mommy laughed and said, "I knew you would like that. Now, let's finish unpacking this box. I'm sure there are more surprises inside." + +The little girl and mommy finished unpacking the box. Inside were new toys, yummy snacks, and a few things for mommy too. She was so excited, she could hardly contain it. + +The little girl smiled and thanked her mommy. Unpacking that box was the best surprise ever! +Once upon a time there was a small boy. He liked to spend his time playing in the sun. He was very happy. One day he went outside and saw a big open sky. He was amazed. He wanted to jump into the sky and explore. + +He ran and jumped and suddenly he was floating in the sky. He looked around and saw that everything was very sour. He wasn't sure what was happening. He kept flying until he felt tired. + +Suddenly he was falling down to the ground. He gasped, scared. He couldn't stop himself and crashed into the ground. He felt hurt and sore. He was sad because he didn't get to explore the sky. He learned a lesson that day not to enter the sky. +Once upon a time, there was an adventurous cat. He loved to explore and have fun. The cat always made sure to take a comb so he was well groomed. + +One day, the cat was walking somewhere new when he noticed a hole. He wanted to go inside and explore, but the hole was too small for him. He grabbed his comb and tried to make the hole bigger. The comb was too small, so he couldn't make the hole bigger. + +The cat was disappointed that he couldn't explore the hole, but he had an idea. He grabbed some rocks and used them to prevent the hole from being too small. He put the rocks around the hole and the hole became just big enough for the cat. + +The cat explored the small hole and he had lots of fun. He was so happy that his adventurous self could explore this new place. He was so proud that his comb prevented him from missing out on this adventure! +Timmy was ashamed. He knew he didn't belong in the new port city he had moved to. The world felt so big away from his family and he wished he could just go back, back to where he belonged. + +But he was stuck. + +Timmy stood at the port, watching the waves crash against the walls. One of the other kids walked up and asked, "What are you doing here? You don't belong here." + +Timmy was so ashamed. He wiped away a tear and tried to speak but the words caught in his throat. He just shook his head and said, "I don't know." + +The other kid just laughed and walked away. Timmy was so ashamed, he didn't think he would ever find a place where he belonged in this port city. He sadly turned away and went home. +Once upon a time, there was a boy who was very curious. He liked to explore new things and he wanted to know what was out there. + +One day, he saw a big cooler full of ice. He was curious to know what was inside, so he went over to search. He opened the lid, and he couldn't believe what he found! Inside was a big jar of yummy ice cream. His eyes lit up in joy. + +He made sure no one was around, and he took a scoop of the delicious ice cream. He enjoyed the cool treat, for it was the best he ever had! + +The boy was so happy. He thanked the cooler for his surprise treat, and ran home with ice cream in his hand. He promised to himself that he would come back and search again soon! +Once there was a little girl named Anna who was three years old. She liked to go to school and learn new things. One day, Anna's teacher asked the class to choose a toy to bring to school. Anna chose a gray stuffed animal. + +On the day Anna was supposed to bring her toy to school, she was very excited. When she arrived in the classroom, all the other kids had their toys with them. Anna proudly showed off her gray stuffed animal and even gave it a name: Hopsalot! + +Everyone in the classroom thought Hopsalot was so cute, and Anna's teacher knew it was the perfect toy for the classroom. She asked Anna if she would choose one toy from the classroom to keep and Anna chose Hopsalot! All the other kids were so happy for Anna, and she got to keep her gray stuffed animal for many more years. +Once upon a time, there was a dirty gorilla. He lived in the jungle and liked to play games all day. He was always tearing things up, like sticks or leaves. One day he decided to go on a big adventure. + +He walked through the jungle, looking at the other animals. He saw a bright, shiny butterfly and he wanted to catch it, so he tore off a piece of a leaf and tried to use it to catch the butterfly. He was unsuccessful, but the gorilla kept walking. + +After a while, the dirty gorilla found a big, old tree. It was very tall and had lots of bark. He was so excited that he started tearing off the bark from the tree. He was having so much fun. + +He kept tearing until something unexpected happened. He tore off a piece of the tree and it made a loud noise, like thunder. The gorilla was so frightened that he ran away. He had never heard a noise like that before and he was so scared. + +The dirty gorilla ran away back to his home in the jungle. He never went back to the old tree ever again. +Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He was honest and liked to play in the garden with his spade. One day he asked his mum if he could hold the spade and go for a walk in the nearby forest. His mum said yes, so Jack grabbed the spade and headed off. + +When Jack got to the forest, he noticed something strange. He saw two other boys also walking around with spades, but they weren't being very honest. Jack didn't like the look of them and he saw them digging and taking things from the ground. Suddenly one of the boys saw Jack and shouted "Hey! What are you doing here?!". Jack was scared and started to run away but one of the boys chased after him and managed to knock the spade out of Jack's hands. The boys ran away, taking Jack's spade with them. + +Jack never got his spade back, even though he was very honest. He felt so sad and lonely without it. He could never play in the garden like he used to. The bad boys never returned the spade and his mum never bought him another one. Jack was never the same again. +Once upon a time, there was a dancer. She was beautiful and she liked to twirl and skip. + +One day, the dancer went outside to practice her moves, but it started to rain. She got very wet! + +Her mother saw her and became very mad. She scolded the dancer and said, "You must behave better!" + +The dancer felt bad and decided to go back inside. She vowed to never go outside during rain again. + +The dancer learned her lesson that day, and from then on she always behaved properly. She would practice her dancing when it was sunny and dry and always listen to her mother. +Once there was a little boy. He liked to take walks with his dad. One day, he went on a walk and saw an old green tree. He stepped closer and saw a little hole in the trunk. + +The little boy looked closer and saw something moving in the hole. He stepped back and saw a family of little green frogs! + +The little boy wanted to pick them up but his dad said no. So the little boy just stepped closer and watched the frogs. He watched for a long time until eventually the frogs hopped away. + +He waved bye and stepped back to the path with his dad. He smiled, knowing that he had made a special new friend. +The little girl was excited today because she was going to touch a dictionary! She had never done that before. She watched as her mom pulled a big, dark, heavy book off of the shelf. The little girl was amazed because she had never seen a book so big! + +Her mom opened it and began to read. The little girl thought it was interesting how all the words were organized. She liked to see her mom read all the words in the dictionary. + +Her mom said she could touch it. The little girl was so excited she didn't know what to do. She touched the dictionary with her fingers and glided them along the pages. She touched the tiny words, the big ones, and even the bold ones! + +When the little girl finished touching the dictionary, she smiled and gave her mom a big hug. It was a great day. +Once upon a time, there was a baby bird. The baby bird was hungry, so he flew down to a pond to drink. He saw a safe fountain of colorful water and drank it up. After he drank it, he felt better and flew off again. + +The next day, the baby bird was thirsty again. He remembered the safe and colorful fountain, so he flew back to it. He drank the water and felt refreshed. + +The baby bird came back to the same fountain everyday. He loved how safe and colorful it was and drank from it every time he was thirsty. + +And so, the baby bird and the safe, colorful fountain became very good friends. The bird enjoyed drinking from the fountain and the fountain enjoyed giving the bird the water it needed. +Once upon a time, there were two brave siblings. They were called Bill and Jill. The two were very excited and wanted to go explore the swamp. So, they planned to take a walk there later that day. + +Bill and Jill were walking through the swamp when they both noticed a strange man near the edge of the water. He was frowning and seemed really frustrated. Jill asked the man why he looked so disappointed and he said something about a plan not working properly. Despite the man's peculiar behavior, they both kept walking. + +The two were continuing their journey when suddenly they both heard something big moving through the swamp behind them. It was too late when the siblings realized it was the same frustrated man chasing after them. As the man got closer he shouted, "I planned to catch you and make you my dinner!" + +Bill and Jill were terrified and ran as fast as their legs could take them. The man kept chasing but eventually, Bill and Jill managed to lose him. They made it to safety and promised never to go back to the swamp again. + +The bad experience taught Bill and Jill an important lesson: always be aware of your surroundings, you never know what could happen! +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Sam. He wanted to go on an adventure, so he picked up his things and went onto the road. As he walked, he noticed the road was getting bigger and bigger. He kept walking and soon the road became enormous! + +Sam was so excited by the enormity of the road he decided to explore it. He walked and walked until he was far away. Soon, it got dark and he was scared. He looked around and felt he was all alone. He started to cry and wished he had never gone on the enormous road. + +Suddenly, a big, loud noise scared him and he knew something bad had happened. In the darkness, he couldn't see what it was. He stood still and waited for it to go away. Unfortunately, he was hit by a car on the enormous road! + +The last sight Sam saw was the red, blinking car lights before he closed his eyes forever. It was a terrible ending to his adventure. +Once upon a time, there was a brave little girl named Lucy. One day, she decided she wanted to gain some coins. So she asked her mom if she could do the laundry. Her mom said yes, so Lucy got to work. She carefully put the clothes into the washer and carefully watched them spin around. When they were finished, she put the clothes in the dryer and watched them tumble around, getting warm and soft. When the clothes were ready, Lucy carefully put them into the basket and brought them back to her mom. Her mom was very pleased and gave Lucy some coins! Lucy was so proud and happy to gain something that she had worked hard for. She was very brave! +Once upon a time there was an intelligent lioness. She wanted to get across the river, so she thought of a clever idea. She wondered if she could use her stripes to make a bridge. + +So she started to crawl across the river, one stripe at a time. Every time she got to the other side, she put down a stripe so the next one wouldn't float away. As the stripes grew, she finally made it across the river! + +The lioness had used her stripes to make a bridge - she was very proud of her work and kept it for times when she wanted to cross the river again. + +Little did she know that one day her stripes would save her life. As she was resting one day, a ferocious tiger came running towards her! Instinctively she lay down and covered herself with her stripes, making herself invisible. As the tiger searched for her, the lioness managed to crawl away to safety, using her stripes for cover. + +From then on, the lioness knew she could always rely on her stripes. They were more than just stripes - they were a powerful reminder of how intelligent she was. +Once upon a time, there were two very best friends named John and Mandy. They would often play together, and always had fun. + +One day, John came to Mandy's house with a new toy. He showed it to her and said: "Look Mandy, I got a new kite! We can go to the park and fly it in the sky!" + +Mandy was so excited! She got a thread from the kitchen, and they used it to attach the kite to the string. They both ran to the park, and the kite flew very high in the sky. + +John and Mandy were so happy and enjoyed seeing the kite floating around in the sky. They laughed and had lots of fun. Then, when the sun went down, they had to go home. But they still remembered the enjoyable things they did that day. +Once upon a time, there was an old school. Inside the school, there was a 3 year old child. The child was very excited to go to the school and learn new things. + +One day, the child was playing outside when he heard a loud noise. He quickly stopped his game and looked around to find out what was happening. He saw a group of people marching towards the school. + +The child asked one of the old people, "What is happening?" The old man said, "We are here to stop the school." The child was shocked and asked, "Why do you want to stop the school?" The old man said, "It's time for the school to go." + +The child was very sad and started crying. The next day, the old school was gone and the 3 year old child had to find a new place to learn. +Once upon a time there was a smart pirate. All day, he sailed the seas looking for treasure. He was the best at finding treasure of all the pirates! + +One day he saw something special - an anchor! It was very special and he wanted it. So he had an idea. + +He sneaked up the anchor when the owner was looking the other way. He was very careful and no one saw him steal the anchor. + +He quickly jumped on his boat with the anchor and sailed away! He was very happy to have such a special treasure. + +The End. +Once upon a time there was a boy. His family was poor and he wanted to go on a trip. But the trip was expensive. So he decided to pray to God. He asked God to help him go on the trip. He prayed everyday and asked God to make the trip more affordable. + +But every day the trip became more expensive. After a few weeks the trip became so expensive that the boy could not afford it. He was very sad. The boy was so disappointed because he really wanted to go on the trip. + +But no matter how much the boy prayed, he still couldn't go on the trip. So the story ended with the boy never going on the trip and his prayer never coming true. +Once upon a time, there was a wealthy family that lived in a big house. Every day, the family would get lots of treats from the store. They were always so happy with their treats. + +One day, the family went on a walk outside their house. Suddenly, they spotted a dog that looked hungry. They said to each other, "Let's give it one of our treats." + +The dog was very happy with the treat. The family was very kind to the dog. However, the dog didn't want to leave. The family said, "We need to go now." But the dog kept following them. + +The family became very angry. The dad in the family said to the dog, "You have to go now," and he slapped the dog with his hand. + +The dog ran quickly away, and the family continued on their walk. They were glad they could help the dog, but they were also glad no one got hurt. From then on, the family promised to always be kind to animals. +One day, a little girl named Sally was walking in the park. She saw a broken toy. She wanted to pick it up and take it home. + +Her dad told her no. He said she had to leave it alone because it wasn't hers. He said sometimes things get broken and you can't do much about it. + +But Sally didn't want to leave it there. She asked her dad if she could take it home. He said she could, but only if her mom allowed it. + +Sally ran to her house excitedly. She told her mom about the toy and asked if she could take it home. Her mom said no. She said taking something that wasn't hers was not allowed. Sally was sad, but she had to accept her mom's decision. + +The next day, Sally saw the broken toy again. But this time, a man was standing beside it. The man said he was going to fix the toy. Sally was in shock. How could he make something so broken look new again? + +The man said he had special tools that could make the toy look new. Sally asked if she could watch him, and the man said yes. He worked hard and eventually, the toy was like new. Sally was so happy! + +The man said Sally could take the toy home now that it was fixed. Her parents said yes, and they allowed it. Sally was so happy that she could take the fixed +One day, a little puppy decided to go for a walk. She rolled around in the grass, feeling the warm sunshine. Next, she came across a long, green vine. It was thick and sturdy, so the little puppy decided to climb on it. She rolled around on it, feeling the movements the vine made. + +The little puppy then heard a noise. It was coming from the other side of a wooden fence. She shook the vine against the fence and something amazing happened. A big, friendly dog appeared on the other side. The puppy and the big dog became friends instantly. + +The big dog gave the puppy something special to hang onto - a big, red ribbon. He told her that it was a sign of loyalty between them. From that day on, the puppy was never alone. The big dog was always loyal to her and they often used the vine to cross over the fence and visit each other. + +The little puppy was so happy that she had met such a loyal friend. Together, they had fun rolling around and playing on the vine. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was very creative. She loved to draw and sing and play. One day, a big storm came and the little girl was scared. She began to cry, but then something magical happened. Suddenly, she could hear beautiful music coming from the storm. It was so lovely that it made her stop crying. She listened closely and realized it was the storm singing. From that day on, the little girl was so inspired by the storm. She used her creativity to make a beautiful song of her own to sing in the rain. +Jimmy woke up one morning and it was a very misty day. He went out to the park and saw a big tree. It was so tall and beautiful, but Jimmy was sad. He wanted to climb it, but he knew he couldn't. So he started to cry. + +But then something amazing happened. Out of the mist came a magical fairy. She said, "Why are you so sad, Jimmy?" Jimmy told her all about the big tree he wanted to climb. The fairy gave him some special magic dust and said, "If you sprinkle this dust on the tree it will turn into a ladder." So Jimmy sprinkled the dust and the tree turned into a ladder. + +Jimmy was so glad and he smiled. He couldn't believe it! He quickly climbed the ladder and looked around from the top. He was so excited to see all the wonderful things from up high. Now he could go to the top of the tree whenever he wanted. + +Jimmy thanked the fairy for her help. She smiled and flew off into the mist. Jimmy was so glad to have the chance to climb the tree and he looked forward to climbing it every day. +Max was a 3 year old who loved going to the park. One day, he said to his mom, "Mom, can I go to the park today?" His mom replied, "Yes, you can go to the park today!" + +Max was so happy. He put on his thin shoes and set off to the park. While walking, he noticed a butterfly in the sky. He chased after it and was able to get close to the butterfly. He smiled and he couldn't stop looking up at the butterfly. + +Suddenly, it started getting dark outside and Max realized it was time to return home. He said goodbye to the butterfly, turned around and began to walk back home. + +As he arrived home, his mom opened the door and said, "Max, I'm glad you returned home safely! Come in and get some dinner." Max was so happy that his mom was glad to see him. He smiled and walked inside. + +Every day, Max would go to the park, but no matter how thin the day felt, he always returned home safely. +Once upon a time there was a stubborn worm. One day he was walking down the path when he heard a loud noise. It was a noise he had never heard before. He decided to explore and find out what it was. + +When he arrived, he saw a big machine that was shooting things up in the air. The worm was scared and he wanted to hide. He quickly ran and hid under a big leaf. + +The worm was intrigued and he wanted to know what was happening. He slowly began to crawl out from under the leaf. Then, he saw something big and black coming towards him. It was a big rubber ball that the machine was shooting. The worm quickly scurried away just in time and hid behind a tree. + +Once he was safe, the worm returned to the path. He was exhausted and very determined not to get close to the machine again. He was a very stubborn worm and he knew he needed to be careful! +Once upon a time there was a little girl who was playing in the garden with a black cactus. She looked at the plant and said, “I'm going to attach something special to you.†+ +The girl grabbed a box from inside the house and went back to the cactus. She opened the box and pulled out a shiny red ribbon. She tied it around the cactus and stepped back to admire her work. + +Suddenly, something magical happened. The cactus began to twitch and move around like it was alive. The girl’s eyes widened in amazement and she said, “Wow, the cactus is alive!†+ +A voice from the sky said, “Yes, it is alive. Your ribbon had magical powers that brought the cactus to life.†The little girl had a big smile on her face and she said, “This is the best day ever!†+ +The little girl spent the rest of her days playing with her new magical cactus friend that she had attached the ribbon to. +Once upon a time, there was a young squirrel who loved to polish things. He spent his days polishing one thing or another. One day he saw a celery stalk and thought, "I just have to polish that!" So he ran over and started to polish it. + +As he polished, he heard a noise: "Hurray!" It was a young rabbit wearing a funny hat with a feather on it. The rabbit said, "I'm so glad you are polishing the celery! I've been looking for it. I need it for a very special story I'm preparing for tonight." + +The squirrel was very curious, and asked, "A special story? What kind of story?" + +The rabbit said, "I can't tell you now, but maybe if you help me find the special pieces it needs, you can come to the story tonight and find out." + +The squirrel was intrigued and decided to help. He followed the rabbit all around the woods, helping him search for the pieces he needed. At the end of the day, when all of the pieces were collected, the squirrel was happy and excited. Now he could attend the special story and find out what it was all about! + +That night, the squirrel and the rabbit went to the clearing. The rabbit began to tell a story about a young forest creature who collected pieces to make an amazing garden. The squirrel was amazed, and realized the pieces he had found +Once there was a guitar. It was so much fun to play. Every day, the guitar would make music! + +But one day, something changed. The guitar was dropped and it broke. All the music was gone. + +Everyone was sad. No stories could be told with the broken guitar. + +But then one day, something special happened. Someone fixed the guitar. All the pieces were put back together and the guitar was good again. + +Now the guitar was ready to make music once again! Everyone was so happy. Every day, the guitar played beautiful music to tell stories. +Grandma was old but she was happy. Every day she sat in her chair by the window, wearing her favorite apron. + +One day, the door opened and in walked a little girl. She was Grandma’s grandchild, only three years old. Grandma smiled and opened her arms wide for a big hug. She couldn’t believe how much the little girl had grown! + +The little girl took out a present from her bag and handed it to Grandma. Grandma opened the box and, to her surprise, there was a new apron inside. It was much nicer than the old one she usually wore. Grandma thanked her grandchild and hugged her again. + +The little girl beamed with joy. Grandma was so happy to have her grandchild with her, and to be wearing the new apron. They both sat in Grandma’s chair and enjoyed the view out of the window together. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Alex and Bob. Alex was a clever young boy and Bob was a happy old man. + +One day, the two friends were walking in the park when they spotted a cherry tree. Alex could see lots of cherries hanging from the branches, so he asked Bob to help him lift himself up so he could pick some. + +Bob was so old and weak that he couldn't lift Alex up, so he just watched as Alex climbed up the tree. + +At the top, Alex reached for the cherries, but as he did he pushed the tree so hard that it started to wobble. Suddenly, Bob shouted “Stop!†and Alex realised he was being too rough with the tree. + +He was so sorry for his mistake that he apologised to the tree and climbed down carefully. + +Bob gave Alex a hug and said, “Sometimes sorry is not enough. You must think before you act.†Alex nodded, understanding the moral of Bob’s story. + +From that day forward, whenever Alex was asked to do something, he would always take a moment to think before he acted. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Jim. Jim was three years old and he loved to park his toy cars. One day, he wanted to park his cars in a special place. So he went to the park. + +When Jim got to the park, he saw something strange. Two boys were fighting! Jim was scared, so he ran back to his mom. + +"Mom! There were two boys fighting in the park," said Jim. + +"That's not good," said his mom. "Fighting is not important. Let's park your cars somewhere else." + +So Jim and his mom went to a different park, and Jim parked all his cars there. Even though Jim was worried about the two boys who were fighting, he still had fun parking his toy cars. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a small family of three. Dad, Mom, and Baby Jack. + +One day, Dad and Mom decided to allow Jack to have fun outside.They gave him a sheet for him to lay on the grass. + +Jack was so excited! He lay the sheet on the ground then jumped right on it. He was laughing and smiling. But then it started to rain. + +Dad saw the rain and said, "It's time to go back in, Jack. The sheet won't keep us dry." + +Jack quickly jumped off the sheet and ran toward the door. + +On the way, Jack noticed how impressive the raindrops were as they splashed into the puddles. He was so amazed by it. + +When they got back inside, Dad said to Jack, "Did you see how impressive the raindrops were? Nature is amazing. Always be careful when you play outside and be aware of our surroundings." + +Jack smiled, he said "Okay, Dad," and ran off to play with his toys. + +The story has a moral value that you can take care of the environment and always be mindful of your surroundings. +Mary and her dad were outside in the garden. Mary said, "Let's pretend, Daddy!" Her Dad smiled and said, "Alright, what should we pretend?" + +Mary said, "Let's pretend to play chess!" Her Dad said, "That sounds like a great idea". + +They went inside to get the old chess set. Mary said, "I want to be the King". Her Dad said, "Alright, I will be the Queen". + +They pretend-played chess for a long time. Mary always won, because she was so clever. When it was time for bed, Mary said, "Let's play again tomorrow!" Her Dad smiled and said, "Yes, we can play another game of pretend-chess together tomorrow". +Jimmy was so happy! He skipped out the door with a big smile, wanting to explore the world. He saw a big blue van, and wanted to climb inside. He hopped into the van, and saw a delicious looking ice cream inside. It was so tempting and looked so tasty! + +Jimmy grabbed the ice cream, and started eating it. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise! The van started driving away, with Jimmy stuck inside! He shouts and bangs on the windows, but nobody hears him. + +All of a sudden, the van stops. Jimmy is scared, and then sees two big men. They take the ice cream away and put Jimmy outside the van, scolding him for getting inside. Jimmy is so sad and scared. Then the van drives away and Jimmy is alone. He was so hungry, and now all his tasty treat is gone. He never skipped into a van again. +One day, Adam and his mom went to the beach. Adam saw a big cube in the sand, and he wanted to take it home. + +"Mom, can I take this cube home?" asked Adam. + +"You can, but first it needs to be washed," replied his mom. + +Adam grabbed the cube and ran to the water. Mom watched him, smiling, as he began to wash the cube. + +Adam was feeling very adventurous. He washed the cube carefully and then he ran back to his mom. + +"I did it! I washed the cube!" said Adam proudly. + +Mom took the cube from Adam and praised him. Adam felt very happy. + +They went home, and Adam had a new toy to play with. Every day Adam and the cube went on new and adventurous adventures. +One day, there was a girl named Molly. She liked to slide down the slide in the park. Every time she slid, she felt happy and dizzy. One day, Molly's mommy took her to the park, and they went on a jog together. + +Molly loved jogging with her mommy. She was so excited, she started to skip and jump. She felt dizzy going around the park so many times, but it was fun. + +When mother and daughter were done jogging, Molly wanted to slide down the slide. She ran to the slide and this time, the dizziness was so strong she had to close her eyes. Molly giggled and slid down the slide with her eyes shut tight. She and her mommy laughed and laughed. + +Molly loved sliding down the slide. It always made her feel so happy and dizzy. She knew she would slide down the slide many more times in the future. +Once upon a time, there was a big fuzzy velvet animal. He was very sad, because no one wanted to take him home with them. He wanted a home and a family, but he was alone. + +Then one day, a little girl named Lily saw the velvet animal. She liked him, so she picked him up. She said, "You look so sad. I'll take you home and I will love you." + +Lily kept the velvet animal in her bedroom. She played with him and she fed him treats. She took him for walks in the park and taught him fun games. + +Every day, Lily and the velvet animal did something different. They had fun and they put a smile on each other's faces. After a while, the velvet animal started to improve and he was very happy. + +Lily and the velvet animal became the best of friends and they were always together. They had big adventures and they were always laughing. Every day, they were happy and they had each other. +Once upon a time, Mom and Daddy were playing in the park with their 3 year old boy. It was a sunny day and the boy was having lots of fun. + +Then, Daddy suggested they play hide and seek but Mom said no. She said it was too dark and scary in the park. + +The boy wasn't having any of it. He started jumping up and down and told his mom he wanted to play. Daddy tried to calm down the boy but the boy just kept asking to play. + +Finally, Mom recommended they play a different game. She said they could play a game of tag in the park. The boy was excited and said yes! Everyone was happy as they ran around the park playing tag. + +Mom and Daddy laughed and enjoyed the game with their 3 year old boy. Nobody wanted the game to ever end! +Once there was a girl who was very hungry. She heard a sound and ran outside. It was her friend, ringing the bell. He wanted to come in and play! + +She was excited and opened the door. He had a pair of scissors in his hand and said, "let's play a game!" They had alot of fun cutting paper, making shapes and jumping around. + +When the girl was tired, she said, "it's time to go!" But her friend said, "not yet!" He rang the bell again to ask if there were any other friends who wanted to come play. + +Soon, there were all sorts of kids running around and having fun! They played and had a great time until it was time for everyone to go home. + +The girl was still very hungry, but the bell ringing reminded her of the fun she had that day. She was thankful to her friend for coming to visit and making her day so much fun! +Once upon a time there was a bee called Buzz. Buzz was looking for a new home, so he looked everywhere until he found a hive. Buzz was very excited! He saw that the hive had lots of big, yellow bees. + +Buzz flew over to the hive and said, "Hello! Can I join you?" +The bees said, "Yes, you can join us if you'd like." + +So Buzz moved into the hive, but he soon noticed something was wrong. Every bee was lying very still on the ground and they looked very dead. + +So Buzz asked the other bees, "What happened? Why are you all so dead?" +The bees explained that a big storm had come and shook the hive and killed everyone. Buzz was sad and he shed a tear. + +The bees then said, "Buzz, you have to part away from us, but we are glad that you are here." Buzz was sad, but he knew it was time to leave and find a new home. + +So off Buzz flew, searching for a new and safe home. +Once upon a time there was a huge green tree. Underneath the tree was a small animal. The animal liked to crawl around in the grass. Suddenly, it heard a voice coming from above. + +The voice said: "What are you doing down there, little animal?" + +The animal looked up and saw a bird perched high in the branches of the tree. The bird had a huge green tail and pretty little wings. + +The animal replied: "I am crawling around looking for something interesting to do". + +The bird flapped its wings and sang: "Come up here and play with me. We will have lots of fun together!" + +The animal was delighted and began to crawl up the huge green tree. When it reached the top, the bird welcomed it with a friendly peck on the head. + +From then on, the animal and the bird were the best of friends. Whenever the sun was shining, they would play and fly together in the bright blue sky. +Once upon a time there was a shy girl. She was unpacking her bedroom when she found a special box. She opened it, and inside was a little nightmare. The nightmare was very scared, so the girl decided to give it a big hug. She played with the little nightmare all day long, taking it on adventures, until night-time. + +At night, the girl unpacked her blankets and tucked the little nightmare in. The nightmare was so happy it even forgot it was scared! The girl was also very happy. Every night the girl and the little nightmare had fun together until it was time to go to sleep. + +The little nightmare stayed with the shy girl and they played together until the end of the girl's days. They were the best of friends! +Once upon a time there was a girl named Daisy. She loved to play and explore. One day, Daisy found a spark in her garden. It was bright and shiny. She decided to measure the spark. She got some sticks from the garden and carefully measured the spark. She was so amazed because it was very long. Daisy had so much fun exploring and measuring the spark. She felt so proud of the bright spark she had found. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Bob. Bob was three years old and he loved to play with his toys. + +One day, Bob was trying to match the right pieces of his puzzle together. He was getting worried because he couldn't make a stack of all his pieces. + +Suddenly, Bob heard his mother's voice from downstairs. "Bob, it's okay," she said. "I'm here to help you match your pieces together." + +Bob smiled as he heard his mother. He quickly ran downstairs and found his mother waiting for him. She helped him match all the puzzle pieces together, and Bob was so happy. + +It wasn't long before Bob was able to make a big stack of all his pieces, and he was so proud that he did it all on his own! From that day on, Bob was never worried about matching his pieces together. +Once there was a boy named Sam who was very sad. He had lost something very important to him and wept and wept. He searched everywhere but couldn't find it. + +One day, Sam had an idea. He called his best friend Tom to come over with a stick of butter. Tom wondered why, but still brought the butter. + +Sam spread the butter on the wall and pressed his hand in it. When he lifted his hand off the wall, there was an unknown shape left in the butter. He recognised it right away – it was his missing item! + +Sam was so filled with joy that he forgot all his sadness and started laughing with Tom. They realised that the unknown shape had been in plain sight all along! Sam was happy once again. +Once upon a time there was a brave girl who wanted to find an adventure. She was only three years old, but was full of bravery. + +The little girl decided to explore and walked around her garden. She looked in the long grass and saw something that surprised her. It was a long whip! She had never seen one before. + +The girl picked up the whip and started to swing it around. She did it so much that she got very thirsty. She then went looking for something to drink. + +The little girl searched until she stumbled across a bowl of juice. She couldn't believe her eyes and quickly asked herself: "Is the juice tasty?" She just had to try it. + +The juice was delicious! She drank until she was full. The girl was so happy, she had found a tasty surprise. Now she was ready to find more adventures! +Once there was a white oyster. He was tired and wanted to rest but there was too much noise. Every day he heard the boats coming back and forth and all the laughter from the fishermen. He wanted to ignore them, but he could not. + +One day, the oyster saw a white boat coming towards him. This boat was very different from the others, so he decided to investigate. He moved closer to the boat, and saw two small children looking over the edge. + +The children were fascinated by the oyster and tried to call to him. But the oyster ignored them. He didn't want to be seen. He was content being alone. + +But one of the children was persistent and kept calling to the oyster. Finally, the oyster gave in and moved closer to the boat. The children were delighted and immediately started to talk to the oyster. + +The oyster was surprised by the sound of their voices. Soon enough, he was laughing along with the children. All his worries seemed to fade away. + +From that day on, the white oyster would always greet the boat when it came by. He had a new friend and nothing was going to make him ignore them again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named James who wanted to be strong. He kept practicing with weights and trying to lift as much as he could. One day he saw a port on the ground and was determined to lift it. He pulled with all his might but to no avail - the port was too heavy! + +Suddenly, a magical fairy appeared and said, "I can help you, James. All you need to do is believe in yourself and the port will disappear!" + +James thought it was funny and didn't believe her at first, but he eventually tried the fairy's suggestion. He stretched his arms out and visualized the port disappearing. And it did! + +The fairy smiled and said, "You can succeed at anything if you believe in yourself. Believe in your own strength and you will be amazed of what you can do." + +James thanked the fairy, and then continued on his way feeling strong and confident. From that day on, James always remembered the fairy's words that believing in his own strength can make even the impossible disappear. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl with a camera. She liked to take pictures of everything she saw. One day, she went to the park with her camera to take some pictures. As she was walking around, she noticed a big pile of dirt. The dirt was so filthy! She decided to make something with the dirt. + +The little girl used her camera to make a funny design in the dirty pile. She made a huge circle with the dirt and drew a smiley face in the middle. She laughed when she saw it. Then, she took a picture of it with her camera to remember the moment. + +The little girl took many more pictures at the park, of the birds, the trees and all the other wonderful things she saw. She was so happy with the pictures she made. +John was very cheerful. He was in his bedroom, washing his clothes. He had a dictionary on his desk, but he was too busy to look at it. Suddenly, his mom called him. She needed help washing the dishes. + +John put away his clothes and started washing the dishes. He worked hard, but things got worse and worse. The dishes started to pile up, and soon the sink was full. + +John asked his mom what was wrong, but she didn't answer. He tried to make things better, but instead of listening to him, his mom made him leave the room. He felt hurt and confused. + +John went back to his room and looked at the dictionary, but it couldn't help him feel better. He was sad and he had to accept that there was nothing he could do to make things cheerful again. +Once upon a time there was a sausage. He was a very adventurous sausage and he loved to explore. One day he decided to go and explore the world. He started by walking around the corner. Then he started running as fast as he could. He kept going until he saw a field full of flowers. It was such a beautiful sight that he forgot all about exploring and just wanted to smell the flowers. He started to run towards them and as he did he bumped into a crazy bee. + +The bee was very angry and started to sting the sausage. The poor sausage was in a lot of pain, but he still managed to learn a valuable lesson. He learned that even though exploring is fun, it's important to be careful and not do things that are too crazy. + +From then on the sausage was very careful and thoughtful when he explored. He still enjoyed exploring but also made sure that he didn't go too crazy. And that's the moral value of the story, be careful and don't do things that are too crazy. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named John. He had always wanted to find a pet. One day, he went to the park to look for a pet. + +John looked and looked, but he couldn't find one. He was about to give up, when he saw something very impressive. It was a big dog! He was so happy. + +John asked the dog's owner if he could keep the dog. The owner said yes, so John became the dog's new owner. He named the dog Misty. + +Every morning, John took Misty for a walk in the park. John was so happy to finally have a pet, he couldn't help but smile when he was with Misty. +Once there was a boy who was very troubled. He was so troubled that he could not stop moving. He moved around his house all the time. Everywhere he moved he left a mess behind. + +One day, his mother decided to help him. She took him out into the garden and gave him some paint. She showed him how to use the paint and said, "Let's paint a picture together". + +The boy was so excited. He loved to paint. He painted and painted until the garden was full of bright and beautiful pictures. He even tried to paint the trees and flowers. + +At the end of the day, the boy was no longer troubled. He had moved the paint around and had made something beautiful. He was no longer scared or worried. He was happy. +Once upon a time there was a small girl who loved to explore the world. One day she went out for a walk in a nearby park and noticed an old frame. She thought it would be fun to push it. + +The girl started to push the frame and it got stuck in the icy ground. She tried pushing harder and harder, but the icy ground wouldn't let it go. After a few minutes of pushing the frame she gave up and started to cry. + +Just then an old man came along and said to the girl, “Sometimes it's better to find help than to push something on our own.†He asked the girl if she wanted help and she said yes. + +With the old man's help they both pushed the frame. After a few minutes of hard work they managed to get the frame out of the icy ground. + +The girl learned an important lesson that day. No matter how much we try, we can't always do things on our own. When we are stuck, it's good to find someone who can help us. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Amy. She was so glad because she had something to do today. She had a big tin of polish and a big cloth in her hands. She went outside into the garden and saw the ground. + +She carefully spread out the cloth on the ground. Then, she opened the tin of polish and started to rub it into the cloth. She was so careful, she moved her hands in circles and circles. Amy kept polishing until the cloth shone. Every time she rubbed the cloth, it sparkled even brighter. + +Amy looked at the ground and it looked beautiful. Now it was so clean and shiny. She was so glad that she had polished it all by herself. She put the tin of polish, and the cloth down and went inside for a drink. +Once upon a time, there was a brave girl named Tessa. She was only three years old, but she was strong and brave. + +Tessa was walking down the street when she saw a subway. She smiled and waved at it. + +Suddenly, Tessa’s mom stepped in front of her and said, “No, Tessa. That’s a subway - it’s dangerous. We can’t go there.†+ +But Tessa was determined. She waved her hand and said, “No, Mommy! I want to see the subway!†+ +Tessa’s mom thought for a moment and then said, “Okay, but just this once. And we have to be careful!†+ +So they walked to the subway and Tessa waved her hand at it. She was so excited! + +But Tessa’s mom reminded her, “Remember Tessa – it’s a dangerous place. We need to be very careful here.†+ +Tessa nodded and smiled. She was so happy to be there - even though it was dangerous. +Once upon a time there was a big bounce. Two boys went to play on it but it was no fun. The boys saw there was a war and it made them scared. They decided to find out why there was a war. + +The boys went to the war and saw lots of loud bangs, roaring and smoke. The boys were scared and so were the soldiers. They saw the soldiers were fighting and it made them sad. It looked disgusting. + +The boys then went back to the bounce. They jumped and bounced as high as they could, forgetting the war. They bounced and laughed as they enjoyed being together. + +The boys continued to play on the bounce and had lots of fun. They soon forgot all about the war and the disgusting things they had seen. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called May. One day, May wanted to wear something fancy for her Grandma’s birthday party. May looked through her wardrobe and found the perfect dress. It was a light blue dress with a white lace line around the collar. + +May was getting ready to pour the dress over her head when suddenly, a spilled cup of orange juice ran all over the dress. + +"Oh no!" May cried sadly. + +Just then, Grandma came into the room. +"May," said Grandma, "Why don't you pour some fancy fabric paint on the dress? That way it can be special for my birthday party." + +May smiled. She quickly reached for the paint and began to pour it onto the dress. She used her hands to spread the fabric paint around the stained area, creating a beautiful pattern. + +May looked at the dress with delight. Thanks to Grandma, it looked even better than before! May put on the dress, ready to go to the birthday party. +The boy was very adventurous. He wanted to explore the lab, but he knew he wasn't allowed to. One day, he sneaked into the lab. His eyes widened with amazement as he looked around. He saw many interesting things and pointed at them. + +Suddenly, he heard someone coming. He quickly ran away, but he realised he had left his coat behind. He never went back for it. + +The next day, the boy tried to go back to the lab again. But the door was locked and he couldn't get in. He knocked on the door and hoped someone would open it. Unfortunately, that never happened. + +The boy was sad and disappointed. He never got to explore the lab, and he didn't get his coat back either. The boy learned his lesson - it was not wise to be too adventurous! +Once upon a time, there was a hungry cat. The cat wanted to eat. The cat saw a mouse sitting in the corner. The cat was very excited and wanted to catch the mouse. The cat ran over and tried to catch it, but the mouse ran away. + +The cat was mad. It ran over to the kitchen and grabbed a whip. The cat started to destroy everything in the house. It knocked everything over, breaking plates and glasses. + +The people in the house saw the cat and the mess it had made. They were not happy. They picked up the cat and threw it out of the house. + +The hungry cat never knew why it had to leave the house. It was sad and never found anything else to eat. It never returned to the house and stayed away forever. +Once upon a time there was a duck. She was very soft. She liked swimming in the pond. She wanted to win a race. One day, she entered a race and it was very hard. She tried her best, but she couldn't win. She went to the pond to think. Then, she had an idea. She asked all the other ducks in the pond to help her. They were all soft and friendly. With their help, she was able to win the race! Everyone was so happy that she won! + +The other ducks cheered for her and she smiled. She was proud of herself for winning the race! She had a lot of fun with her new friends and thanked them for their kind help. From then on, she was always happy to race with her new duck friends because she knew that together, they could win anything! +One day, Robert and his best friend, Jack, were playing in the park. Robert wanted to be silly and he started to make jokes. Jack laughed at all of the jokes but he was not as good at telling jokes as Robert. + +Just then, the boys heard a strange sound. A rare helicopter was flying in the sky! They were amazed and had never seen anything like it before. + +They decided to get a better look. Robert and Jack ran beneath the helicopter but this made the pilot angry. He shook his fist at the boys and warned them to stay away. + +The boys were scared. They quickly ran back to their parents. Robert and Jack were so relieved to be safe. They laughed about the adventure but know not to joke around with helicopters anymore. +Once upon a time there was a little boy named James. He was three years old and loved to play with his friends. One day, he decided to go on an adventure in the woods. He walked along the path and saw many different things. + +James could see birds in the trees, rabbits hopping around, and even a frog in a pond. He eventually came to a fork in the path and had to choose which way to go. He thought for a minute and decided that he wanted to follow the path to the left. + +James kept walking and soon came to a spot with a big tree in the middle. He stopped and looked around. The tree was tall and had lots of leaves. He got an idea and climbed the tree. Once he was up, he looked out into the distance and made a memory of the view. + +James slid down the tree and chose to follow the path to the right. He noticed a large hill and decided to see what was at the top. As he got closer, he realized it was a garden full of colorful flowers and butterflies. He smiled and felt happy. + +James was ready to go home so he chose the path that was easy and would take him back. He remembered the memories of his adventure and smiled. James was glad he followed his heart and chose his own adventure. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a puppy called Spot. He danced around the room, happy and excited. Everyone in the room was watching him and they started to applaud. Spot was feeling fit and very proud. + +He then decided to put on a show. He ran over to the sink, jumped up and did a flip. The audience cheered and applauded again. Spot felt so happy and fit. He smiled and started to do a dance. Everyone laughed and applauded as Spot did a big jump. + +The show came to an end and Spot bowed. He ran over to get lots of cuddles and pats from his friends. Everyone cheered and applauded Spot, they were so proud of him. Spot smiled and wagged his tail. He felt so fit and happy. +One day, Jack and Jill were playing in their backyard. They were using their imagination to make a movie with a video camera. Suddenly, it started to snow, and it became cold. The snowflakes were dancing around, making Jack and Jill laugh. But then the snowflakes grew into a blizzard, and the wind started to blow harshly. It became so cold that their video camera froze. + +The siblings started to get upset. Jack wanted to go and find a way to fix the video camera, but Jill was scared of the harsh outside. She begged Jack to stay inside and try to fix the camera from within. Jack was determined to help, so he bundled up and ran out into the cold. + +Jack searched everywhere until he found a way to thaw out the camera. He worked quickly and carefully, and soon enough the camera was working again! Jack smiled proudly and ran back inside to show Jill his accomplishment. + +The siblings were now happily laughing and playing again. They worked together to fix the camera and made a plan to continue on with their movie-making. Jack and Jill had learned the power of working together, even in the harshest of environments. +Once upon a time there was a chubby squirrel named Seed. Seed lived in the countryside and loved exploring. Every day, he set off on a new adventure, often burying small trinkets like acorns and pebbles in the ground. + +One day, Seed found something extra special. It was a shiny inch-long bead! Seed wanted to keep it safe so he decided to bury it. He dug a small hole and put the bead inside. Then, he buried it again and hopped away. + +But then, he heard a loud voice calling after him. + +"Hey, sir! That's my bead!" It was a little bunny! It hopped up to Seed and explained that the bead was very special to him. + +Seed was so sorry and quickly offered to dig up the bead again. He grabbed a shovel and started digging. When he found the bead, he said, "Here's your special bead. I hope you take good care of it." + +The bunny was very happy and thanked Seed for finding his bead. From then on, Seed was extra careful when burying his trinkets. He always made sure to ask permission first so that he wouldn't upset any of the other animals again. + +The End. +Once upon a time there was a tank. It was so long that it reached up to the sky. Every day, the tank would drink and drink and drink. Every night, the tank would get full. The tank was so big that no one knew how it filled up every night. + +One day, a little girl walked by the tank. She noticed how big it was, and began to wonder how it filled up. She wanted to know the answer. + +She looked around, and noticed a small pipe at the bottom of the tank. Water was slowly dripping from the pipe. She realized that the water from the pipe was what was filling up the tank. + +The little girl was so happy to know the answer! From then on, the tank continued drinking and filling up every night. The little girl was so happy to have solved the mystery. +Sam and his mom were on a walk in the park. They saw a big tree and a pond full of ducks. Sam saw something that made him smile. He saw a card blowing in the wind. He ran as fast as he could to get it. + +As he grabbed the card, he said to his mom, "Look Mommy, I got it!" Sam and his mom looked at the card together. The card was green and had a picture of a butterfly on it. Sam was excited and shouted, "I want to keep it!" His mom agreed, so they tucked the card safely in Sam's pocket. + +They continued their walk around the park. Sam was feeling slow, so his mom carried him on her back. When their walk was almost over, Sam said, "Mom, I think this is the end of our walk." His mom smiled and said, "Yes, it certainly is." They went home happy, with the card still safely tucked away in Sam's pocket. +One day, Mandy had the perfect idea. She wanted to cook something special. She asked her Mom if they could make a panda. + +Mandy's mom smiled and nodded. Then, Mandy went to the kitchen to get the ingredients for the panda. She went to the refrigerator to get milk, butter and flour. Then, she got the sugar from a cupboard and the eggs from the basket. After that, Mandy got a big bowl and put everything together. + +Mandy and Mom mixed the ingredients until they were just right. When they were finished, they shaped the dough into a perfect panda. Then, Mandy and Mom put the panda into the oven to cook. + +Mandy and Mom waited and waited. Finally, the panda was ready. When Mandy and Mom took the panda out of the oven, it looked and smelled perfect. + +Mandy and Mom were so happy. Mandy couldn't believe they had cooked a perfect panda! +Once upon a time, there was a group of three kids who were always on the lookout for an adventure. On one particular day, they decided to park their tricycles and play by the bridge near their house. + +The bridge was large and very impressive. Even so, the three kids were sure they could explore the bridge and have loads of fun. They began to climb up and go beneath the bridge. + +It was an exciting and adventurous experience, until... one of the kids got stuck! She was stuck in the middle and was afraid she couldn't get out. The other two kids tried their best to figure out a way to help, but nothing seemed to work. + +Finally, one of the kids had a bright idea. She decided to run back to their house and fetch some rope. She quickly ran home, grabbed a rope and ran back as fast as she could. With the rope and a lot of teamwork, the three kids managed to pull the adventurous little girl stuck in the middle out of the bridge! +Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Chirpy who lived in the forest. Every day he would fly around, searching for food. One day, Chirpy found something hidden in the trees - a curious, green herb. He ate it, feeling happy and content. Little did he know what kind of dangers this herb posed to him. + +When night came, Chirpy was unable to fly. He felt uncertain and scared, so he tried again, but the herb had taken away Chirpy's ability to spread his wings. He tried to call for help, but no one came. Hours passed and eventually Chirpy gave up hope, slowly becoming weaker and weaker. + +The next morning, Chirpy's lifeless body was found on the ground, all on account of the hidden herb. This was a sad ending for the little bird, but it served as a lesson: one must be cautious and vigilant, for the dangers lurking in the shadows can be more powerful than one might expect. +There was a little girl who had a very special birthday coming up. She was so excited! On the day of her birthday, she woke up to find that her room was full of colorful balloons and decorations. Her parents said they had a surprise for her, but they wouldn't tell her what it was. She disagreed with them and asked many times, but they wouldn't tell her. + +Finally, they drove her to the park and she was even more confused. The park was even more colorful than her bedroom because all her family and friends were there! She was shocked to see so many people, and even more surprised when she realized it was all for her! She couldn't help but get excited. + +Her parents then revealed their surprise: she was going to get to ride a big, colorful horse for the very first time! She happily agreed, and jumped onto the horse's back. It was a magical ride, and the little girl had the best birthday ever! +Once upon a time, there was a clumsy bear. He was always clumsy and he stumbled around a lot. He decided he wanted to take a nap, so he found a nice, comfy mattress to sleep on. + +But as soon as he laid down, the mattress began to pinch and bite him! He jumped up and looked more closely, and suddenly he realized there were many tiny bugs inside the mattress. They looked angry and had been biting him! + +The clumsy bear was scared and he ran away from the mattress. He knew he needed to find a different place to sleep. He found a cozy tree and curled up in a corner for a nap. + +He was safe and free from the bugs. And he was so happy that he never tried to sleep on a mattress again! +Once there was a girl named Sarah. She lived in a big house and she had a library all to herself. Every day Sarah would go to the library and pick out a new book. + +Sarah liked to look at all the pictures in the books. One day, Sarah found a book with lots of brown pictures. It was like nothing she had ever seen before! Sarah liked the brown pictures so much that she decided to give the book a special name. + +That night, Sarah told her mommy all about the brown book. Sarah was so excited to show her mommy the new book that she had named Brown Book. + +From then on, whenever Sarah wanted to read the Brown Book, she knew where to find it - in her special library at home. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who liked things to be very fancy. She loved when things were decorated with bright and colorful decorations. + +One day, she decided to decorate her livingroom. She went to her mom and asked, “Mom, could I please decorate the livingroom?†Her mom said, “Yes, Sarah! That’s a great idea.†+ +Sarah was so excited to start her project. She found some metal stars and some light paper in the cabinet. She took out the metal stars and used her glue to stick them to the wall. She also hung up the light paper to make it extra special. + +Once she was finished decorating, her mom walked into the room and said, “Oh Sarah, this looks wonderful! You did a great job decorating.†Sarah smiled and said, “Thank you, Mom!†She was very proud of her new livingroom. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was very brave, but he was scared of things he didn't know. He saw a spear one day and he was scared. He did not know what it was. He was always taught not to fight with things he doesn't know. But something inside him said that he should try it. + +So the little boy decided to fight with the spear. He never used a spear before, but he practiced and practiced until he got good at it. Soon, the little boy learned to use the spear like a pro. He felt so proud of himself. + +One day, something scary happened. The little boy heard a big noise in the forest. He was very scared, so he grabbed his spear and ran deep into the forest to find out what it was. When he arrived, he saw two animals fighting. They were growling and howling and attacking each other with their sharp claws. + +The little boy was so scared, but he knew he had to do something. He bravely stepped in and used his spear to stop the two animals from fighting. He protected them and showed them how to be kind to each other. + +The two animals were scared but they stopped fighting. They looked at the brave little boy and thanked him for saving them. From then on, the little boy always kept his spear close by—just in case. +Megan was a curious three year old. She was always trying new things, and exploring the world around her. One day, she was playing in the garden when she found something very interesting. It was a small box with a treasure inside. Megan opened it and found a shiny stone. She couldn’t tell what it was worth, but she knew it had to be special. She decided to keep the stone, but she wanted to make sure it was safe. + +Megan went inside and found an old jar. She placed the stone in the jar and set it on her shelf. She knew that the jar will help keep her new treasure safe. She felt satisfied, the stone was now secure. + +Megan laughed and smiled as she looked at her new treasure. The stone was so interesting, she could stare at it for hours. It would be her most valuable possession. + +Each day Megan would gaze at her stone and admire its beauty. She loved the feeling of owning something of such great value. Megan had settled on keeping the stone forever. +Once there was a little girl who was 3 years old. She was very curious and often asked questions. One day she went outside and heard a strange voice. She didn't understand it. She followed it and came to a yellow flower. +The voice was coming from the flower! Then the girl understood what the flower was saying. +It said "Hello! I am the Yellow flower. I hope you will come again and talk to me". +The girl was very surprised but also happy that she could understand the voice. +The little girl thanked the flower and promised she would come back to talk again another day. +The End. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Max and Marty. They were the best of friends and did everything together. + +One day, they went for a walk in the park. But suddenly, Max and Marty started to quarrel. They became very angry and Max said mean things to Marty. + +Marty was so mad that he ran away. This caused them a lot of trouble and they couldn't spend time together any more. + +Max was very sad that things had to end this way. He wanted to find Marty and apologize and make things right between them. + +So Max went on a journey to find Marty and eventually he was successful! He said sorry and they hugged and laughed and all the quarrels were forgotten. + +Max and Marty were happy and friends again and they never quarreled again. They had a long, successful, and happy friendship. +Mary was very excited. Today was the day she would get a pony all for herself. She quickly ran to the barn and opened the door. Inside, she saw the most unique pony she had ever seen. + +The pony was brown with white spots all over and it had a pink mane. Mary gave the pony a big hug and promised to take good care of it. + +Every day, Mary would return to the barn to take care of her pony. They would go for walks in the park and Mary would tell her pony stories. + +One day, Mary returned to the barn but her pony was gone. She looked everywhere, but the pony was nowhere. Mary was very sad, because she realized it wasn't just any pony. It was the most unique pony of all. And now it was gone. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Ann. One day, Ann went to the park with her mom and dad. As they were walking, Ann saw a tree with a beautiful pink flower. Ann wanted to touch it, but she leaned too far. Suddenly, Ann started to fall! + +Mom saw Ann and ran to catch her. She hugged her tight and said, “What have you learnt, Ann?†Ann thought for a moment and said, “To be careful and not lean too far.†Her Mom was happy and said, “Yes, you must be careful, but you should also learn to be quiet and listen.†+ +Ann nodded and looked around. She saw a hidden butterfly fluttering around. Ann was amazed to see how silent and hidden it was. She thought to herself, “These are the best lessons of all!†Her Mom smiled and nodded in agreement. + +From then on, Ann always remembered to be careful, quiet, and to look for the hidden beauty around her. +One day, there was a furry kitten called Bob. Bob followed a strange smell and it led him to a big, tall mountain. He couldn't quite figure out why he was so drawn to this tall mountain but he knew he had to rise up to the top. + +It was tough climbing the mountain because the sharp rocks cut his soft, furry paws but he eventually made it to the peak. At the very top of the mountain, Bob was astonished by what he saw. All around the mountain were mountains of yummy chocolate! He didn't know how they got there, but he knew he wanted some. + +Bob gleefully started eating the delicious chocolate until he heard a loud bang. At the bottom of the mountain stood a giant black bear! The bear was really mad because Bob had eaten all of its chocolate. Bob was scared and he didn't know what to do. + +Luckily, Bob had an idea. He started singing a song, with a voice so melodious that it enchanted the bear. So mesmerized by Bob's sweet singing, the bear forgot all about the chocolate. + +With a chuckle, Bob went off into the sunset, safe and knowing that he can always find his way back to the chocolate-filled mountain if he ever gets into trouble again. +Once upon a time there was a tired bear called Bob. Bob was looking for something, but he didn't know what. + +Then one day he saw an infant walking along. Bob said, "Hi, infant! What are you looking for? + +"I'm collecting flowers," said the infant. + +"Can I help?" asked Bob, excitedly. + +The infant smiled and said, "Sure!" + +Together they collected a lot of beautiful flowers and put them in a basket. + +When the basket was full, the infant said to Bob. “Thank you for helping me.†+Bob smiled and said, “It was nothing. Helping each other is important.†+ +At the end of the day, both the infant and Bob were very happy and Bob was no longer tired. + +The moral of the story is that when we help, everyone can be happy. +Once upon a time, there was a chubby little girl who liked to travel. Her name was Lucy. + +One day, Lucy asked her mommy if she could go on a journey. Her mommy said yes and she was so excited! She quickly put on her coat and her shoes and was ready to go. + +On the way, they passed many different places. Lucy saw a big lake, a mountain and a park. She was so happy to explore new places. + +Finally, they arrived at their destination. Lucy smiled as she saw a huge playground. She quickly hopped out of the car and started running around. + +Mommy watched her as she ran. She said, "Lucy, enjoy your journey. Have lots of fun!" + +Lucy nodded and kept playing in the playground. She knew that her journey was going to be full of exciting adventures! +Once upon a time there was a teddy bear who was very angry. He lived on a shelf high in the sky, and he watched the birds and animals play on the ground below. One day, he got an idea. He wanted to talk with the animals and birds, so he hopped off the shelf and onto the ground. + +The animals and birds stopped playing and were very scared. The teddy bear wanted to discuss being friends, but the animals and birds weren't sure. The teddy bear got louder and louder, until the animals and birds started to run away. + +The teddy bear felt sad that no one wanted to be friends with him. He wished for a peaceful world where all creatures could get along. But it was too late, since the animals and birds ran away. The teddy bear was sad and alone, and he hopped back onto the shelf. He never spoke to any other creature again. +Once there was a grumpy puppy. He was sad and didn't like anything. He didn't go out to play with the other puppies and he just stayed in his bed. + +One day something special happened. A new puppy came to stay in the same house as the grumpy puppy. The new puppy was excited and happy and he wanted to play! + +The grumpy puppy looked at the new puppy and he was scared. He didn't want the new puppy to come near him. But the new puppy was friendly and he kept smiling and trying to be friends. + +After a while the grumpy puppy started to feel happy. He welcomed the new puppy and they started having fun together. Now they are the best of friends and they play all day long. +Max and his dad were walking in the swamp when they found a piece of health food. Max couldn't believe his eyes – it looked so yummy! He asked his dad if he could have some, but his dad said no. + +Max: "Please, Dad? It looks so healthy and delicious!" + +Dad: "No, Max. We'll have to find something else to eat." + +Max turned away sadly and kept walking. Soon he spotted something else – an old, rotting log. He reached down and picked it up, then tried to chew it. It was tough and tasted bad, but he kept trying. + +Finally, he swallowed it. Suddenly he felt very sick and fell to the ground. His dad rushed over and tried to help, but it was too late. Max had swallowed something poisonous and died soon after. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, one named Amy and the other called Chris. They were playing in the park and wanted to have some fun. + +One day, Amy found some powder in a nearby bush. She showed it to Chris and said, "Let's use this powder to hurry up and make something cool!" Chris agreed and they started to mix the powder. + +Making the powder was easy. Soon the powder had transformed into a big pile. The two friends smiled, delighted with what they had made. + +Just then another friend, Ryan, came running up to them. "What is that?" he asked. Amy quickly said, "We made it! Hurry and help us make something even better!" + +So the three friends worked together, mixing and stirring the powder. They had a lot of fun creating something special. Finally, they were finished and said goodbye to each other with big smiles on their faces. +Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack. He was all alone at the edge of the forest, looking for an adventure. He spotted a mysterious lake in the distance, so he decided to meet it. Jack walked towards the lake and saw that it looked very big. He was a bit scared but excited, too. When he got closer he noticed he could see his reflection in the water. He couldn't believe it! He met the lake and saw his face in the water. Jack looked around and noticed some strange animals around. He thought they must be the mysterious creatures living in the lake. He waved goodbye and continued his journey. +One day, there was a smart girl named Sarah. She wanted to go and play in the lake. So she put on her swimsuit and ran to the lake. She jumped into the cool water and swam around. + +But it was getting late and Sarah had to go home. So she got back onto the shore and sat down. She looked around and saw a big tub. She thought it was for bathing and she smiled. + +Sarah went over the tub and got in. She couldn't reach the water, so she got out and looked for something to help her. She found a bucket and filled it with water from the lake. Then she put the water into the tub and bathed in it. + +After she bathed, Sarah got dressed and ran back home. She was so excited that she had a great time at the lake and got to bathe in it. She was very smart and happy! +Once upon a time there were two friends Jack and Jill. Jill wanted to buy a new toy, so she asked her friend Jack how much it cost. Jack told her it was a big price. Jill knew she didn't have enough coins, so she started to feel envious. + +Jack noticed and had an idea. He said he would stir a big pot of food to sell in the market. Jill was excited, so she helped Jack stir the pot. Soon they had a lovely, delicious dish! + +They went to the market, where they sold their food. Jack and Jill were so happy that they had enough coins to buy Jill's toy. She was so excited and gave Jack a big hug. They both went home with big smiles on their faces. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was a famous bear. The bear was very hungry, so he went looking for something to eat. He saw a pair of scissors. He tried to eat them but they did not taste very good. Then he found a tasty apple and ate it. + +He was happy after he ate the apple. He decided he would always remember to eat tasty foods and never try to eat scissors again. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Jenny. She was three years old and she loved to explore. One day Jenny decided to go for a walk. She was wearing her cozy bathrobe and felt safe. + +As Jenny walked she noticed something strange in the sky. She saw a wave of light that seemed to be moving from left to right. She wanted to take a closer look but she was scared. + +Jenny slowly made her way to the light and saw that it was flickering. She didn't know what to do, so she started to wave back. Suddenly the wave flew away and Jenny felt relieved. + +Jenny ran back home and her bathrobe kept her safe from any danger she encountered. She was feeling brave, and knew she could explore without being scared. She promised herself that she would explore more and discover new things. +John and his mother were walking to the grocery store. John was very excited for their shopping trip. + +John's mother said to him "John, you need to be humble when we're in the grocery store. We don't have a lot of money, so we have to buy things that will last us a long time." + +John nodded. When they got to the grocery store, they saw a sign that said "free lemonade". John was excited and said "Can I have a drink?" + +His mother nodded and said "Sure, but remember to still be humble. We don't need to take something just because it's free." + +So John politely asked for a small cup of lemonade and drank it slowly. + +John and his mother finished their shopping and headed home. They both felt good about their humble trip to the grocery store. + +John's mother said "Remember, being humble is important. If we're always humble, we can make the most out of what we have." + +John smiled and hugged his mother. He said "I'll always be humble". +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was very careful. She liked to march around her house and play pretend. Every day she went to the same cabinet and opened it. She was never sure what she was going to find. + +One day, she was eager to find out what was inside. She opened the doors and saw a big surprise! In the cabinet was a special toy that she had never seen before. She was careful to take the toy out of the cabinet and put it on the floor. + +The little girl was so excited to play with her new toy. As she was playing, she noticed something strange. She was marching around and the toy was marching with her! The toy followed her wherever she went. + +The little girl was surprised but very happy. She had found a special new friend that she could march around with! With her new toy and her careful walking, the two made a great team. +Once upon a time, there was a dependable little girl named Lizzy. She loved to draw pictures and play with her toys. +Mama and Papa really loved Lizzy and they always let her do things she wanted. +One day Mama said, "Lizzy, we need some coal to keep us warm. Can you go to the store and get us some coal?" +Lizzy was excited and said, "Yes Mama!" +So, off she went to the store. When she got there, the storekeeper was very friendly and allowed her to buy the coal. She was so proud to be able to help her Mama and Papa. +When Lizzy got home she proudly showed Mama the coal she got. Mama was so thankful and hugged her. + +Mama said, "Lizzy, you are so dependable! Thank you for helping us out." +Lizzy smiled and said, "You're welcome Mama!" +One day, Sophie was walking around the park with her mom and dad. She was wearing her favourite purple dress. "Look, Sophie," said her mom. "Do you like this dog?" + +Sophie saw a huge dog. It had a leash around its neck. She was so excited and wanted to pet the dog. "Can I, Mommy? Please, can I pet it?" + +Her mom said "Yes, but I will hold the leash." She felt a bit shy, but she patted the dog. She giggled as the dog wagged its tail. + +Sophie loved the dog and wanted to take it home with her. She begged her parents but they said no. She was very sad, but her Mom said, "Maybe you can get a dog of your own one day." + +Sophie was so excited! She couldn't wait to get her own dog and take it out for walks. She was sure she would wear her purple dress with her new dog. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was very enthusiastic about displaying his new equipment. The equipment was huge and it made him so happy to play with it. He went around the house showing everyone how he could use it. + +Unfortunately, one day when he was happily displaying his equipment, an accident happened. The equipment fell down and broke into many pieces. The little boy was so disappointed that he started crying and he felt very sad. + +Everyone tried to cheer him up, but nothing seemed to work. Day by day he started to feel more and more unhappy until one day he gave up and decided to never play with equipment again. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a village in the middle of the woods. The village was full of animals, each with its own special job. One of the animals was a sour fox. He only liked to eat sour things. + +Every day, the fox would sharpen his claws against the trees and rocks around the village. The fox was very good at sharpening his claws. + +One night, the sour fox heard a soft noise coming from the back of the village. He knew something was happening and he wanted to investigate. + +As the fox walked closer to the noise, he realized it was coming from a sour apple tree. The fox couldn't resist, so he jumped up and snagged a sour apple from the tree before anyone else noticed. + +The fox smiled as he enjoyed the sweet-sour taste of his delicious snack. After finishing his snack, he loped away into the night, his claws still sharp from his daily sharpening. +Once upon a time there was a persistent little girl. Everywhere she went she wanted to try something new. One day she decided that she wanted to make some tea. + +The little girl stumbled over to the kitchen and looked around. She noticed a box of tea and smiled. She grabbed the box and looked for something to use to make the tea. She found a pot but it was too heavy for her to lift. + +The little girl got really frustrated. Just then her mom walked in. Seeing her struggle, her mom asked, “Do you need some help?†The little girl nodded and her mom helped her fill the pot with water and put the tea into it. + +The mom and little girl watched the water boil. When it was finished, the little girl was overjoyed. She was so happy that she was able to make her tea all on her own, even though she stumbled a few times. + +The moral of the story is that no matter how many times you stumble, you should never give up. If you stay persistent, you can reach your goals! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Sam. She was three years old and very hungry. She wanted something to eat but there was nothing in the house. + +So Sam decided to go outside and look for food. She walked and walked until she came across a big switch. She was very curious so she decided to pinch it. + +Suddenly, a giant appeared and he was very angry! He said, "Why did you pinch my switch?" Sam was scared but she explained that she was very hungry and she was looking for something to eat. + +The giant felt sorry for her and asked her to follow him. He took her to a magical garden filled with delicious fruits and vegetables. Sam was so happy that she ate until she was full and content. + +The giant was happy to have helped her and said goodbye. Sam thanked him for his kindness and ran home with a full tummy. + +The end! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia. She had a mom and a dad and one day they decided to send her away. They sent her to a cold place with lots of jewelry. Mia was surprised, but she liked the pretty colors of the jewelry. + +At the cold place Mia went swimming in the lake, which was so cool and refreshing. She also went sledding down the hill and made snow angels. Mia had the most fun when she played dress-up with the jewelry. She put all of the necklaces and earrings on and wiggled like a princess. + +Soon it was time for Mia to go back home. Her mom and dad gave her lots of hugs and kisses and sent her back with a big bag of jewelry to remember the cold place. + +Mia went home with a smile on her face and her bag of jewelry. She loved it so much that she would wear the jewelry everywhere and show her friends her beautiful presents. + +The end. +Once there was a girl. She was very powerful and wanted to play a game. She grabbed a football and raised it in both hands above her head. She was very strong and the football flew high in the air. Everyone was amazed at how powerful she was! + +Then all the other kids wanted to play, so the girl raised her hands and the football flew around in a circle. They were having so much fun playing the game. + +But the girl was the strongest and the football stayed up for a long time. All the kids shouted and cheered for her. They were so happy and proud that she was so powerful. + +It was a great game and everyone had a wonderful time. They all thanked the powerful girl for teaching them how to play. +Once upon a time there was a pretty orange bow. All day long it just sat in the corner of the room. Nobody picked it up or looked at it. + +One day, a little girl called Ellie came in. She saw the orange bow on the floor and thought it was very pretty. With excitement, she ran over to it. She tied the ribbon on her long brown locks and smiled. + +The next day, Ellie went to the park with her mom. In the park, there was a fancy party with lots of people wearing pretty dresses. When they arrived, everyone looked at Ellie's hair. They all smiled and said, "Look at the pretty bow in Ellie's hair." + +Ellie was so happy. She couldn't believe that her orange bow was so popular at the party. It had made her feel so special and now everyone was looking at it and complimenting it. She was so proud of her pretty orange bow. +Snowy was so excited to go outside. She grabbed her shiny red coat and put it on. + +"Where are you going?" Mommy asked. + +"I'm going outside!" Snowy said. "I want to make a snowman!" + +"That sounds like fun," Mommy said. "But you do need to put a hat on too. It's very cold outside." + +So Snowy put a hat on her head too. Then she opened the door and stepped out. + +The cold wind blew, but Snowy was warm in her coat. She walked and made a snowball. Then she rolled it around and around on the ground. + +But then she noticed something. The snow was so thin - it was hard to make a snowman. + +Snowy wanted a thicker coat. She went back inside, put on another coat and went outside again. It was much warmer now, and Snowy could make a big, thick snowman. +Once upon a time, there was a family called the Harts. They had a little girl, Clara, who was three years old. + +Clara loved flowers so much. She often went outside and picked flowers for her family. Every day, she gave a flower to her dad, her mom and her little brother. + +The family cared for Clara very much. Whenever they saw her happy and smiling, they felt warm inside. + +One day, Clara picked a beautiful, expensive flower. It was so colourful, Clara thought it was the prettiest flower in the world. She picked the flower and ran home to show her family. + +When Clara's family saw the flower, they all cheered. They were so proud of Clara and loved her very much. They could see how hard she had tried to find the best flower in the world. + +The Harts hugged Clara and thanked her for the special flower. The family kept the flower on the mantelpiece, so that they could always remember the moment when Clara had shown them how much she cared. +Once there was a boy named John. He was three years old and loved to play outside. One day he saw a chess set in the park. He was so excited and asked his mom if he could play. She said yes and he immediately ran to the set. + +John looked at the different pieces and tried to figure out how they worked. He was confused and didn't know what to do. Suddenly a man came up to him and asked if he wanted to have a game. John was so excited and said yes. + +John and the man began playing and at first John did really well. The man was surprised and started becoming angry. Soon the man was shouting at John and scaring him. John was so scared that he ran away from the chess board and never wanted to play again. +Once upon a time there was a mommy and a baby. The mommy loved the baby so much. + +One day they went to march outside. Mommy told the baby to be careful. + +The baby was so excited! He began to squeeze mommy's hand. They laughed together as they marched. + +Suddenly, the baby saw a kitty! He quickly tried to squeeze the kitty but mommy said "no, baby, be careful". + +The baby listened to mommy and he kept marching. They kept on marching until they reached home. Mommy gave the baby a big hug and he gave her a cuddle back. + +The baby and mommy were so happy that they had gone on their march together. +Once there was a bunny who didn't know how to manage. He hopped around in the soft grass and under the apple tree, but he couldn't remember what to do, or where he wanted to go. + +He ran as fast as he could but he couldn't go very far. He tried and tried but just couldn't manage. He kept looking for help and finally he found a nice big bear. + +The bear was so soft and friendly and he said, "Don't worry little bunny, I can help you manage!" + +So with the bear's help the bunny hopped back under the apple tree and across the soft grass until he finally managed to get back home. The bunny was so happy to be able to manage and thanked the bear from the bottom of his heart. + +And from then on, every time the bunny found himself lost, he would look for the friendly bear and get back home to safety. +Once upon a time, there was a loyal lion named Leo. He lived in the grand jungle and could be found running around all day with his friends. + +One day, Leo decided he wanted to go on a ride. He called out to his friends but they all seemed to be too busy. He was sad. + +But then, he saw a giant Giraffe and asked if he would take him on a ride. The Giraffe happily agreed, and told Leo to climb on his back. + +So Leo and the Giraffe started their ride. They rode around the jungle and Leo even saw his friends watching from far away. Leo felt so happy. + +At the end of the ride, the Giraffe asked Leo to never forget how loyal he had been and Leo promised he never would. The two said goodbye and Leo promised to come back soon. + +Leo ran back to his friends and he told them all about his amazing ride with the loyal lion. They were all so jealous! +Once upon a time there was a little bunny called Buster. Buster loved playing outside in the garden. One day, he saw a furry bulb. He asked his mommy what it was. + +She said it was an onion bulb. "It looks like a big vegetable," Buster said. + +Mommy took him over to the onion bulb. She put her hand in the ground and pulled the bulb out. It was big and furry. Buster was very surprised. He asked his mommy what she was going to do with it. + +She said, "I'm going to cook it and we'll have it for dinner!" + +Buster couldn't wait. He loved onions and he was excited to have some for dinner. + +That night, Buster sat down to dinner with his mommy and daddy. The furry onion bulb had been cooked and cut into slices. It sure smelled yummy! Buster enjoyed it so much he asked for seconds. + +Mommy and Daddy laughed, but they gave him some extra onions. It was a delicious dinner. +One day, Bob and his friend Jack came across a secret door. It was tall and made of wood. +"Let's see what's behind it," said Jack. +Bob nodded and together they started looking for a way to unlock the door. + +After searching for a while, they found an oven at the bottom of the door. +"Look!" cried Bob. +Jack asked Bob, "Can you unlock the door with the oven?" + +Bob smiled and nodded. He was determined to unlock the door and find out what was behind it! + +Using the oven, Bob slowly began to turn it and soon the door started to open. Jack and Bob cheered in excitement! + +With the door now unlocked, the boys looked inside. To their surprise, there was a helpful robot waiting for them! The robot had been behind the door this whole time, waiting for someone to unlock it! + +Jack and Bob were very happy and thanked the helpful robot. Together, they explored the secret room and had lots of fun! +Once upon a time there was a girl named Jane. Jane had a special dream. She wanted to help people, so she decided to help deliver things. + +One day, Jane got a special delivery job. She was so happy, but she was also nervous. Jane wanted to do a good job, but she wasn't sure she could do it. + +She worked very hard and tried her best. When she finished the job, she felt happy and proud. + +But then she remembered something! She realized she had forgotten to deliver something important! Jane felt so guilty and sad. She didn't want to let anyone down. + +But then something amazing happened. Jane got a surprise visit from someone special. That person told her that her dream of delivering and helping had come true! Jane smiled and felt happy again. She was no longer guilty. +John was at the park, playing on the swings. He was having so much fun! Then he saw a wealthy man, wearing an expensive suit, walking out of the park. He asked his mommy, "who is that man?" + +"That's Mr. Smith, John," his mommy replied. "He is a very wealthy man." + +Suddenly, Mr. Smith turned around and demanded to know why the park was not cleared of all visitors. He said it was past closing time. + +John's mommy quickly gathered up their things and said, "we better get to the exit, John. We need to leave now." + +They quickly left the park, but John was still confused. He asked, "why did Mr. Smith demand us to leave? He looked so angry." + +"Mr. Smith was just doing his job," his mommy said. "He is in charge of the park and it was past closing time. We need to respect Mr. Smith's demand just like we respect other people's requests. Let's go now!" + +John smiled and waved goodbye to Mr. Smith and they ran out the exit. Now they were free to play again! +Once upon a time there were two friends who liked to go exploring. They had a good boat which they wanted to use for their adventures. + +One day, the two friends decided to set out in their boat. They sailed for what seemed like hours and hours, far away from the shore. + +The two friends were so excited, they kept talking and chatting about what they would find out there. But soon enough, the sky began to darken and the wind started to pick up. + +The weather was getting really bad. The two friends tried to turn the boat around, but it was too late. A huge storm had set in and their boat got caught in big waves. + +The two friends had to jump out of the boat and swim to safety. Unfortunately the boat was destroyed, and they were both very sad. They had lost their good boat and they had to go home without any exciting adventures. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lucy who lived in a small house with her mummy. One day, Lucy looked outside and saw a big rainbow in the sky. She was so excited and wanted to go outside to pay the rainbow a visit. + +Mummy said: "No, Lucy. It's wet outside and you'll get your clothes wet if you go outside now." + +But Lucy was very determined and said: "Please Mummy, please can I go and pay the rainbow a visit? Please?" + +Mummy could not deny her daughter's request and gave her permission. So Lucy put on her coat and ran outside, leaving a trail of puddles as she ran towards the beautiful rainbow. She enjoyed the colours and smiled while standing underneath the rainbow. Suddenly, it started to rain and Lucy was so happy. She held out her hands and said: "Rainbow, I pay you a visit!" + +The rainbow twinkled and smiled back at Lucy. She ran back home, soaking wet, with a huge smile on her face. Lucy was so happy that she paid the rainbow a visit that day! +Sam was a little boy who wanted to learn about turkeys. He went to visit Mrs Smith, who had a lot of experience with turkeys. Mrs Smith showed Sam the turkeys in her yard and taught him how to take care of them. + +They were big animals with soft feathers and red skin. Sam was excited to learn about the turkeys. Some of them had bright eyes and colorful feathers. Others tasted sour, like lemons. + +Mrs Smith taught Sam how to take care of the turkeys. She showed him how to give them food and make sure they had clean water. She also taught him that it was important to play with the turkeys, pat them and make sure they were comfortable. + +Sam learned a lot from Mrs Smith about taking care of turkeys. He was so happy to learn about these beautiful creatures and how to take care of them. +Once there was a farm. On the farm, there was a mule. The mule was very serious and loved to study. Every day it would work hard in the fields and at night, it would study its lessons. + +The mule had to learn a lot of things. It had to learn about the different kinds of crops that grow in the farm and about animals that lived there. It also had to learn how to take care of the crops and keep the farm safe. + +The mule worked hard and studied hard. Every day, it would wake up early to work in the fields and then it would read its books in the evening. After a few months, the mule had learned so much that it was one of the smartest mules on the farm. + +The mule was so proud of itself and kept studying and learning more. It was a very serious mule and everyone on the farm was very proud of how hard it worked. + +The end. +The sky was gloomy and a navy-blue boat sailed into the harbor. The boat’s name was Allie. + +Allie was very tired from her journey and decided to rest. She tied her boat to the dock and settled down for a peaceful night. + +Just then, a little girl ran up to the boat and shouted, “Hello Allie!†+ +Allie jumped up in surprise and saw the little girl. She asked her, “Why are you here, little one?†+ +The little girl told Allie that she was playing hide and seek, and that she had found a perfect spot to hide. + +Allie smiled, and told her that it would be alright to rest here for the night. She gave the little girl a blanket and soon, the girl was fast asleep. + +Allie smiled, happy that she could offer such a safe place for the girl to rest. She watched over the harbor all night, until the sun rose and the little girl woke up. She waved goodbye to Allie and ran back to the shore. + +Allie watched as the little girl left and soon, the navy-blue boat sailed away. She was happy that she could give the little girl a place to rest. +Once upon a time, there was a lonely farm. It had big green fields as far as the eye could see. But at the back was something strange. It was a dark secret that no one knew. + +One day, a brave little girl decided to examine the dark secret. She ventured into the dark slowly and cautiously. She had never seen anything like it before. + +At first, it looked scary. But the girl kept walking and soon discovered a beautiful pond. Around the pond were colorful flowers, buzzing bees, and singing birds. The girl felt lonely no more! + +She continued to explore and make new discoveries. From then on, she enjoyed visiting the dark secret every day. + +The end. +One day, Maria was playing in the park when her friend Jack came to say hello. +"Hi, Maria!" said Jack. +"Hi!" replied Maria, who was very happy to see Jack. + +Jack was eating a waffle and he offered Maria a bite. +"Mmm, it's yummy!" said Maria, as she took a bite. + +Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was a thunder strike! The sky became very dark and the wind was blowing very hard. Maria was scared and she started to cry. + +Jack tried to comfort her. He said, "Don't worry, Maria. We can go home now." + +They started walking, but then they smelled something smelly. It was a skunk! It was so smelly that they both started to cry. + +They quickly ran away, but they were too late. The skunk sprayed them with a smelly spray. + +Jack and Maria had to go home covered in smelly spray. It was not a pleasant end for their playdate. +Once there was a bald man. He lived in a garage and he loved to count. Every day he stood in his garage and counted. + +He counted the birds. He counted the trees in his backyard. He counted the cars that drove by. He counted the stars in the sky. + +The bald man counted so many things that he got really good at counting. He counted the cats and the dogs. He counted the steps he took when he went for a walk. He counted the flowers in his garden. + +The bald man counted so much that he was the best counter in the whole world! He was so proud of himself and everyone was happy for him. From then on he always counted with a smile on his face. +Once upon a time there was a beautiful white swan. Everywhere it went it was graceful and had balance. One day the swan was swimming in a pond and he saw a quick little mouse. +The mouse said to the swan, "Hello, can I join you?" + +The swan looked at the mouse carefully and said, "Yes, you can come in. Just be careful with your steps," + +The mouse nodded, jumped in, and swam around gracefully. He moved so quickly that the swan was impressed and said, "Wow! You have very good balance!" + +The mouse smiled and said, "Thank you!" and the two went on swimming around together throughout the day. With the swan's grace and the mouse's quick steps, they were both enjoying the pond. +Once upon a time, there was a friendly uncle. He had a big smile and a twinkle in his eye. + +The friendly uncle loved to play, and he always made the time for it. He would swing his young niece and nephew around in circles and take them all for ice cream. + +One day the friendly uncle said he wanted to go on an adventure. So he, his niece and nephew packed a bag with lunch and set off. + +The adventure was even more fun than they could imagine. They chased clouds, watched butterflies and picked wildflowers. + +Eventually they got tired, but they were having such a good time, it was hard to stop. The friendly uncle let out a big sigh and said, "Let's keep going". + +So they did. They kept laughing and exploring until the sun went down. + +The trio had a wonderful day, and they all went back home very happy. The friendly uncle smiled and gave them both a big hug before saying goodbye. +Once there were two monkeys, one named Timmy and one named Sarah. They were good friends and played together every day. + +One day, Sarah taught Timmy a valuable lesson. She showed him how to be gentle and harmless with all the animals he meets. She showed him how to be kind and not hurt any of the animals. He was so happy and thanked Sarah for her help. + +From then on, Timmy and Sarah went on lots of adventures together, looking after all of the animals they met. They always taught each other valuable lessons about being harmless and kind. + +The two monkeys became the best of friends and are still teaching each other important values to this day! +One day, Grandma was in the kitchen making a cake. She took out her mixer and put it on the counter. She had to lift the heavy mixer and turn it on. Grandma then put some flour, sugar, eggs and butter into the mixer and it started to whir. + +Grandma got a bowl and used the mixer to mix all the ingredients together. She then poured the cake batter into a baking tin. Grandma knew that it had to be very hot in the oven so she turned the dial on the oven and it beeped. + +Grandma lifted the heavy baking tin and put it in the hot oven. She then closed the door and waited. After a while, Grandma lifted the baking tin out of the oven. The cake smelled wonderful and Grandma was very happy! +Once there was a little girl named Emily. She loved playing and singing. Her favorite toy was her drum, which she kept near her bed. + +One night, Emily heard music coming from the drum. She was very surprised. She opened the drum and found a small creature inside. It was a comfortable little mouse! + +The mouse said in a tiny voice, "Hello, Emily! I've been looking for a place to live and I thought your drum would be the perfect place!" + +Emily smiled and replied, "Welcome! You can stay here as long as you want, but no more surprises!" + +The little mouse thanked Emily and said, "Don't worry, I promise I'll never surprise you again. We'll be good friends!" Emily smiled and hugged the mouse. + +From that day forward, Emily and her drum always had a special friend. And they were both very comfortable and happy. +Once upon a time there was a girl called Ann. She loved to paint and the colors of her paint made her feel so happy. Every day she was excited to open her paint box and get to work. + +One day, she was outside playing when suddenly it started to rain. She ran home as fast as she could and rushed inside to get her paint box. But when she opened it, she saw that all of her paint had been spoiled! + +She was really unhappy and started to cry. She was so sure her paint had been safe when she left it outside earlier. + +The next day, Ann woke up excited. All her family and friends had come together to help her out and had brought lots of paint for her to use. She opened the box and smiled with delight. Her friends had saved her paint and this time, it was enough for her to keep painting for many days! +Once upon a time there was a little girl who was called Julie. Julie was three years old and loved to learn new things. + +Every day she would study and ask lots of questions. She was very eager to find out new things. + +One day Julie heard a loud noise outside her house. She looked out the window and saw a big yellow bus. Julie knew that it was her school bus. She felt an urge to learn more about the world around her. + +Julie ran out and said goodbye to her mom. She climbed on the bus and was so happy. Julie liked the school so much--there were always new things to study! + +At the end of the day, Julie stepped out of the bus feeling even more eager and excited to study even more. She knew that learning was the key to becoming a strong and clever person and she would never stop studying. +Once there was a young boy who really loved avocados. He would eat avocados for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But one day, he wanted to have something different for lunch. He looked through his fridge and saw cheese, carrots and other yummy things. He soon realized that making a sandwich with these would be even yummier than eating only avocados. He made a tidily arranged sandwich and took a bite. It was delicious! He was so glad that he had realized he didn’t need to eat avocados all the time. + +The moral of the story is that it’s important to not be stuck in the same routine. Realizing that there may be something better than what you already know can lead to great discoveries. +Once upon a time, there was a nice little home. The walls were made of wood and the roof was red. In the home lived a family of four. They were Dad, Mum, Bella and Jack. + +One day, the four of them were walking in the woods. The air was mild and the sun was bright. All of a sudden, they saw a small furry creature. It was an adorable little squirrel! + +Mum picked it up and looked at it. "Let's keep it as a pet!" she said. Dad, Bella and Jack agreed and the squirrel became part of their family. + +From then on, the four of them would play with the squirrel in their home. They would give it food and cuddle it. In just a few days, their home had become a happy place. + +The end. +Once upon a time, a little girl named Bella was walking along a path. She saw a zigzag and thought it was very interesting. She saw lots of ants walking in the same direction. She wondered why they were all walking in a zigzag. + +Bella asked a butterfly, “Why are the ants walking in a zigzag? I don’t understand.†+ +The butterfly replied, “The ants are walking like that to make it harder for predators to find them.†+ +Bella thought, “That is really clever.†She smiled and decided to take a rest. She lay down in the grass and watched the ants. She saw them stop, start and zigzag around. + +It was really interesting to watch, and after a while, she fell fast asleep. + +The End +Once there was a tired infant who lived at the bottom of a hill. Every day the infant would look up at the hill and watch a group of older children race to the top. The infant always wondered why they ran to the top and always wished he could join them. + +One day his wish came true and he was finally old enough to race. He watched in anticipation as the other children lined up at the bottom of the hill and started the race. He was so excited to finally be able to join them! + +The infant started the race, but soon he became tired. He stopped and watched as the other children raced up the hill. As he watched them, he realized something important. The children who had won the race were more successful not because they had run faster, but because they had worked together. + +The infant learned a valuable lesson that day. When it comes to success, it's important to help others and work together to reach your goals. +Once upon a time, there was a bird. It had big, gray wings, and it liked to fly high in the sky. One day, the bird wanted to soar higher than ever before. It flapped its wings and tried to go up, but they wouldn't move. The bird was frustrated. + +Suddenly, the bird saw a man. The man had big, strong arms. He stepped forward, and he put his arms around the bird. He held the bird up very high. The man smiled, and the bird felt happy. + +The bird flapped its wings, and with the help of the man, it soared higher than ever before. It flew higher than the clouds and kept going until it couldn't see the man anymore. + +The gray bird was so happy and so excited. From that day on, it always remembered how wonderful it felt to soar in the sky. +Once upon a time, there was a bunny called Bob. He had very long ears and loved to eat carrots. + +One day, Bob wanted to make a mineral stew. He was very careful, because the stew was very special. + +Bob hopped to his vegetable patch to get the ingredients he needed. He found some carrots and some special minerals. + +Bob stood in the kitchen and started preparing the stew. When he was almost done, his best friend, a squirrel called Sue, decided to stop by. + +"What are you making?" Sue asked. + +"It's a mineral stew," Bob said. +"It smells great!" Sue said eagerly. + +Bob smiled. He was very proud of his stew. Then he hopped away to finish it. + +After the stew was done, Bob and Sue stood at the table and enjoyed the taste of the mineral stew. It was delicious! Bob was very careful and the stew was perfect. + +The end. +One day, a small girl was playing. She saw a vehicle and wanted to ride in it. Her dad said it was too big and she was too little. But, she kept begging her dad to let her ride in it. Finally, her dad said yes and she hopped in the vehicle. + +She took all the seats apart and put them in different places. Then, she grabbed a yummy cookie from the kitchen and hopped back in the vehicle. She sank into the seat and started to eat the yummy cookie. Suddenly, she heard a noise! She dropped her cookie and looked around. Her dad said "You broke the vehicle!" The little girl was so sad and promised never to touch it again. + +Her dad knew he had to fix it, so he used lots of tools and put everything back together. When it was all done, the little girl wanted to try it out. She hopped inside and the vehicle turned on! She was so happy to be able to ride in it and her dad was so proud. They went for a ride together and had so much fun! +Once there was a beautiful, intelligent bunny. He hopped around looking for food. He spotted a tasty looking cord and he liked the way it smelled. He wanted to bite it so he did. + +Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his mouth and he started to cry. A nearby bee saw this and came to help. + +The bee said, “Hey little bunny, why are you crying?†+ +The bunny said, “My mouth hurts because I bit a cord!†+ +The bee said, “Why did you do that?†+ +The bunny said, “I wanted to eat it. It smelled so good.†+ +The bee shook his head and flew away. The bunny felt sad and decided to go find his mom. But when he got back to his house, his mom was very mad. She scolded him and told him never to bite cords again. + +The bunny felt scared and sad. He vowed to never bite cords again and to be more careful in the future. But it was too late; he had already caused a lot of damage. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog. He lived in a big house. One day, he wanted to go for a swim in the pond near his home. He didn't want to take his collar off, so he left it on. + +The little dog loved to swim, but he got in too deep. The water was cold, and he started to shiver. Then his collar got stuck on a branch. The more he tried to swim, the tighter the collar got. + +The little dog was tired and scared. He was so tired that he couldn't get out of the water. He started to bark but no one heard him. It was late at night and everything was very messy. + +The little dog stayed in the water all night. He was so cold and scared. Nobody ever found the little dog and he was never seen again. +Once there was a tall metal man. He was strong and he could protect. Everyone knew he was the best protector in the whole world! + +Wherever there was trouble, the tall metal man would rush to help. He would use his big, strong arms to make sure nobody got hurt. He was the bravest and the strongest. + +One day, there was a dragon causing trouble. The dragon was big and red. He was making lots of noise. + +But the tall metal man was not afraid! He stood bravely and protected the people nearby. With his strong arms, he made sure the dragon went away. + +All the people cheered when the dragon was gone! They shouted and praised the tall metal man. He had kept them safe and he was their hero. +Once upon a time, there was a very amazing mud puddle. The mud was the softest and smoothest the children had ever seen. Every day the kids would get so excited to go and play in the mud puddle. + +Today was even more special. A colorful and sparkly bubble appeared in the mud puddle. The children were so excited and began to try to pop the bubble. But, when they touched the bubble it began to vanish. + +The children were so surprised. They watched as the bubble got smaller and smaller until it vanished completely. After that day, the children couldn't find the bubble again, no matter how much they looked. + +The mud puddle remains to this day and it is still amazing. The children never forget the day the sparkly bubble vanished! +Once, there was a little girl named Rose. She loved to organize and play with her toys. One day, she decided she wanted to organize the refrigerator too. Her mom said it was foolish, but Rose was determined. She took out all of the food, and put it in neat piles on the kitchen table. She sorted the fruits and vegetables in one pile, and the drinks in another. She was so proud of her work! + +When Rose was finished, she put the food back in the refrigerator. But it looked very different than before. Instead of the food being big piles, it was now organized. There were different shelves for fruits and vegetables, and a special space for drinks. Her mom was surprised to find the refrigerator so neat and tidy. + +Rose was so proud of herself. She had managed to organize the refrigerator like a grown-up! From then on, Rose and her mom kept the refrigerator organized, so they never had to search for food again! +Once upon a time there was a boy who was feeling very guilty. He had done something wrong and he felt bad about it. So he decided to come to the sea. He wanted to try to forget. + +When the boy got to the sea he sat by the edge and looked out. He thought maybe the sea would give him some answers. But the sea did not Speak. + +Suddenly, the boy felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look and it was a policeman. The policeman said "What have you done?" The boy felt so guilty he couldn't speak. The policeman put the boy in handcuffs and said "You must come with me". + +The boy was very scared. He was taken away to prison and he never saw the sea again. From that day on he was very sad and his bad deed was never forgotten. +Once there was a little girl named Emily. She wore a green glove every day and never wanted to take it off. One day, Emily wanted to play with her glove but it was nowhere to be found. Emily asked her mommy where it was, but she didn't know. Emily looked and looked, but the glove was nowhere to be found. + +Emily was so sad and began to miss her glove. She went out in the garden and asked her friends if they had seen it, but no one had. Emily looked in the trees, in the bushes and everywhere she could think of, but still couldn't find it. + +Emily was very angry and very sad. She asked her mom to help her one last time, but her mom said no. Emily was so disappointed. She went to bed that night still missing her green glove. She knew she would never find it again. +Once upon a time there was a boy who wanted to join his sister. Every day he asked, "Can I join you?" But his sister didn't answer. She was too busy. + +His sister liked to play outside in the dark. The boy thought it was scary, but his sister never seemed scared. + +One night, the boy decided to join her. He tiptoed out of his room and grabbed the biggest flashlight he could find. + +The boy saw his sister in the dark and said, "I joined you!" + +His sister turned and smiled. She said, "Come, let's explore together." + +The boy was so happy. He was brave and had joined his sister. He was no longer scared. From then on they explored together, no matter how dark and scary it was. +Jermaine went outside in the yard to pick. He saw an arrow and thought it looked really good. He walked over and picked it up. Then he went over to the target and put the arrow in the middle. He put it as hard as he could and it made a thunk. He took a step back and smiled. It was very good! He was so proud of himself and he wanted to pick up the arrow and do it again. So he picked it up and put it back at the target. He did it over and over and he was getting better and better. It was so much fun! Eventually it was time to go back into the house. Jermaine couldn't wait to come back outside and pick up the arrow again. He knew he was getting really good! +Once there was a nice lady called Sally. She lived in a small home with her dad. One day, Sally found a pebble by the river. She decided to keep it in her pocket and see what she could do with it. + +Sally’s dad said to her “The pebble is very special. You can make a wish and if it is kind, it might come true!â€. Sally was very excited and asked her dad “What should I wish for?â€. Her dad smiled and replied “Why don’t you wish to marry a nice prince?†+ +Sally smiled and closed her eyes. She made a kind wish to marry a prince and threw the pebble into the river. She waited and waited but nothing happened. + +But then a few days later, Sally’s dad told her that the King and Queen wanted to meet her. The King said he was looking for a nice woman to marry his son, the Prince. Sally was so excited and couldn’t believe her luck! + +Sally married the prince and they were very happy together. The kind wish she made with the pebble had come true! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play outside. One day, he found a magic stick in the woods. He was very excited because he thought it was a gift from a fairy. + +Timmy started to wave the magic stick around, and suddenly, he saw a beautiful butterfly. He wanted to touch it, but he accidentally struck the butterfly with the magic stick. The butterfly fell to the ground and couldn't fly anymore. + +Timmy felt very sad and wanted to help the butterfly. He remembered that his mom was gifted at fixing things, so he brought the butterfly to her. She was able to fix the butterfly's wing, and it was able to fly again. Timmy was very happy that he was able to help the butterfly, and he learned to be more careful when using the magic stick. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going to her class at school because her teacher, Miss Rose, was always very nice to her. One day, Lily's friend Jack came to class with a new toy. It was a big, loud truck that made lots of noise. + +Lily wanted to play with the truck too, so she asked Jack if she could have a turn. Jack said no and Lily felt sad. But then, Miss Rose said they were going to do a fun activity where they would point to different things in the classroom. Lily was excited to play the game. + +As they played the game, Lily noticed that Jack kept looking at his new truck. She had an idea. "Hey Jack, do you want to point to things with me?" she asked. Jack said yes and they played the game together. Lily was happy because she got to play with Jack and Jack was happy because he got to show off his new truck. + +Later that day, Lily's mom came to pick her up from school. As they were walking out of the classroom, Lily pointed to the truck and said, "Jack's truck is so loud!" Her mom smiled and said, "Maybe you can ask Santa for a truck like that for Christmas." Lily smiled too, happy that she had made a new friend and had a fun day in class. +Once upon a time, there was a big bell that rang really loud. It was so loud that it hurt the ears of the little children who lived in the town. One day, the children decided to do something about it. They went to the bell and tried to make it stop ringing. But it wouldn't stop! Then, one of the children had an idea. They decided to separate the bell from its clapper, the thing that makes it ring. And so, they did just that. The bell was still there, but it couldn't ring anymore. The children were so happy that they could finally play without the loud noise. +Once upon a time, there was a kind dog named Max. Max lived in a big house with his family. Max loved to play with his toys and run around in the backyard. + +One day, Max's family had a big party. Max wanted to help, so he went to the kitchen. Max's owner gave him a bowl of water and Max served it to the guests. Everyone was happy and Max was proud. + +After the party, Max was tired. He went to his bed and fell asleep. In the morning, Max was ready to play again. He ran outside to chase his ball and then went back to his post by the door. Max was a good dog and his family loved him very much. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside with her friends. One day, while playing, she saw a lightning in the sky. She got scared and ran to her mom. + +"Mommy, mommy, did you see the lightning?" Lily asked. + +"Yes, I did. It's just a little lightning. Don't be scared," her mom replied. + +"But it's so big and important," Lily said. + +Her mom smiled and said, "It may look big, but it's really far away. And you know what? If you close your eyes and make a wish, the lightning will shrink and your wish will come true." + +Lily closed her eyes and made a wish. When she opened her eyes, the lightning had disappeared. She was so happy and thanked her mom for teaching her how to make the lightning shrink. From that day on, she was never scared of the lightning again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a shiny red bike that she loved to ride every day. One day, Lily's mom told her to put her bike away in the garage. But, Lily was careless and left her bike outside in the hot sun. + +Later that day, Lily's grandpa came to visit. He saw the bike outside and said, "Lily, your bike looks dirty. Let's polish it so it shines like new." Lily was happy and said, "Thank you, grandpa!" + +As they polished the bike together, Lily said to her grandpa, "I'm sorry I forgot to put my bike away. It was so hot outside, I didn't want to go back out." Her grandpa smiled and said, "It's okay, Lily. Just remember to take care of your things so they last a long time." From that day on, Lily always took care of her bike and put it away in the garage. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved pizza more than anything else in the world. One day, her mom said, "Lily, let's celebrate your birthday with a bright party!" Lily's eyes got big and she said, "Can we have pizza at the party?" Her mom smiled and said, "Of course, we can have pizza and cake too!" + +Lily was so excited for her party. She invited all of her friends from preschool. When the day finally came, they all wore bright hats and sang "Happy Birthday" to Lily. They ate pizza and cake until they were full. Lily said, "This is the best party ever! Thank you, Mom!" + +After the party, Lily went to bed with a full tummy and a happy heart. She dreamed of pizza and all of her friends celebrating with her. +Once upon a time, there was a dog named Spot. Spot had an owner named Timmy who loved to play with him. One day, Timmy and Spot went for a walk in the park. It was very cold outside and the ground was icy. + +As they walked, Timmy saw his friend Billy and waved hello. Spot also wagged his tail to say hi to Billy. Suddenly, Spot slipped on the icy ground and fell down. Timmy quickly picked him up and hugged him tightly. Spot was okay, but Timmy knew they had to be careful on the slippery ground. + +After that, Timmy and Spot continued their walk and played together. They had so much fun! When it was time to go home, Timmy gave Spot a big hug and told him he was the best dog ever. Spot barked happily and licked Timmy's face. They were the best of friends and Timmy was so happy to be Spot's owner. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a favorite toy, a teddy bear named Teddy. One day, Teddy fell out of Lily's pocket while they were playing outside. Lily didn't notice and went back inside. + +A bird saw Teddy and thought he looked like a tasty snack. The bird picked up Teddy and flew away with him. Lily's friend, Timmy, saw the bird and knew it was dangerous for Teddy. "Follow me, Lily!" Timmy yelled. They ran after the bird and finally caught up to it. Timmy scared the bird away and Lily got Teddy back. + +Lily learned that it's important to keep her toys close so they don't get lost or taken by something dangerous. She thanked Timmy for helping her and promised to always keep Teddy safe. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim loved playing outside in the sunshine. It was nice and warm. He liked to run and jump and play with his toys. + +One day, Tim found a toy gun. He pretended to shoot it at the trees and the birds. But then, he accidentally shot his own foot! Ouch! It hurt a lot. Tim learned that guns are not toys and should not be played with. + +From then on, Tim played with his toys in the sunshine without any guns. It was still nice and fun. And his foot felt better too. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to climb trees. One day, he climbed a tall tree in his backyard. He looked out over the neighborhood and saw a big boat sailing in the distance. + +"Wow, that boat is so big!" Timmy said to himself. + +Just then, his mom called from the house. "Timmy, it's time to come down from the tree." + +Timmy climbed down and ran inside. "Mom, did you see the big boat sailing in the ocean?" he asked. + +"No, I didn't see it. You're lucky you got to see it from up in the tree," his mom replied. + +Timmy smiled and felt lucky indeed. He couldn't wait to climb another tree and see what else he could spot from up high. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play games with her friends. One day, they decided to have a race. Lily was very fast and she wanted to win. She thought it would be fun to run as fast as she could and beat her friends. + +But when the race started, Lily's friends were having a hard time keeping up with her. They were getting tired and upset. Lily realized that she was being too competitive and not letting her friends have fun. She decided to slow down and let her friends catch up. + +Lily learned that it's not always about winning. It's important to have fun and let others have fun too. She promised to always permit her friends to have a good time and not be too competitive. From that day on, Lily's friends always wanted to play with her because she was kind and thoughtful. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat tasty cookies, but her mommy said she could only have one. Lily was sad because she wanted more cookies. + +One day, Lily went to the park with her mommy. She saw a big tree and wanted to climb it, but she was too little. Suddenly, she saw a staff on the ground. She picked it up and raised it high in the air. She felt like a big girl now. + +But then, a big dog came running towards her. Lily was scared and didn't know what to do. She raised the staff and shouted, "Go away, dog!" The dog got scared and ran away. Lily felt proud of herself and went back to her mommy for another tasty cookie. +Once upon a time, there was a little duck named Ducky. Ducky loved to play in puddles after it rained. One day, Ducky saw a long boat with a big sail. Ducky wanted to go for a sail on the boat. + +Ducky waddled up to the boat and asked the sailor if she could go for a sail. The sailor said yes and helped Ducky onto the boat. Ducky was so excited to sail on the boat. + +As they sailed, Ducky saw many puddles in the water. Ducky quacked happily and splashed in the puddles. The sailor smiled and was happy to see Ducky having fun. + +After a long sail, the boat came back to the dock. Ducky thanked the sailor and waddled back home. Ducky was tired but happy from her long sail on the boat. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy who loved playing in the sand. He would go to the beach every day and build sandcastles. One day, he met another boy named Billy who wanted to play with him. Timmy was happy to show Billy how to build a sandcastle. + +But Billy was foolish and knocked down Timmy's sandcastle. Timmy was angry and didn't want to play with Billy anymore. The two boys argued and fought over the sand. They both wanted to build the biggest and best sandcastle. + +In the end, they decided to work together and build a huge sandcastle. They showed each other how to make it stronger and taller. When they finished, they were both very proud of what they had created. From that day on, Timmy and Billy were the best of friends, and they showed everyone their amazing sandcastle. +Once upon a time, there was a frog. The frog had a leg that was hurt. It hurt the frog so much that he couldn't jump. One day, the frog met a kind mouse who helped him. The mouse said, "Don't worry, I will help you get better." The mouse blinked and said, "Your leg will be fine soon." The frog was happy and thanked the mouse. After a few days, the frog's leg was fine and he could jump again. The frog and the mouse became good friends and played together every day. +Once upon a time, there was a big, huge bear. He lived in a forest with lots of trees and flowers. One day, he met a little girl who wanted to touch his fur. The bear was happy to show her how soft it was. The girl giggled and touched the bear's fur. She liked it very much. From that day on, the bear and the girl became friends and played together in the forest. They had lots of fun! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the world. One day, Timmy saw a scary snake. The snake looked like it wanted to bite Timmy. Timmy ran away and shouted, "Mommy, mommy! A scary snake tried to bite me!" + +His mommy came running over and asked, "Where did you see the snake, Timmy?" + +Timmy pointed to the corner of the garden and said, "Over there, mommy. It was so scary!" + +His mommy looked and saw the snake. She said, "Don't worry, Timmy. I'll take care of it." She got a stick and gently nudged the snake away. Timmy felt safe again and was happy to play in the world without any scary creatures. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the forest near her house. The trees were tall and the leaves were green. The ground was smooth and she loved to run around and play hide and seek with her friends. + +One day, Lily met a new friend in the forest. His name was Mr. Fox. He had a shiny coat and a friendly smile. He told her he knew a secret place in the forest where they could have a picnic. Lily trusted Mr. Fox and followed him deep into the woods. + +But when they arrived at the secret place, Lily realized it wasn't a picnic. Mr. Fox had tricked her and he wasn't friendly at all. He took all of her toys and ran away. Lily was scared and didn't know what to do. She cried for help, but no one could hear her. + +Lily learned a lesson that day. She shouldn't trust strangers, even if they seem friendly. And she never went into the forest alone again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys, but her room was always messy. Her mom would often complain and ask her to clean up her toys, but Lily didn't like to do it. + +One day, Lily was playing with her favorite figure, a little princess. She accidentally knocked over a pile of toys and they made a big mess. Lily's mom came in and saw the messy room. She started to complain again, but Lily knew she had to clean up this time. + +Lily picked up all of her toys and put them away in their proper places. When she was finished, her mom came back in and saw the clean room. She was so proud of Lily for taking care of her things and not making a mess anymore. From then on, Lily made sure to always clean up after herself and her toys. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She liked to help her mommy clean the house. One day, her mommy gave her a mop to clean the floor. Lily tried to use it but it was too big for her. So, her mommy showed her how to use it properly. + +After that, Lily felt very independent and wanted to clean all by herself. She mopped the floor and did a good job. Her mommy was very proud of her. From that day on, Lily always wanted to help her mommy clean the house. +Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny was always in a hurry because he loved to play with his friends. One day, Benny was running so fast that he bumped into a tree and hurt his leg. He felt weak and sad. + +Benny's mommy saw him and said, "Don't worry Benny, we'll fix your leg." She carried Benny to the doctor who put a bandage on his leg. Benny felt better and was able to play with his friends again. + +One day, Benny's friends were playing a game where they had to count to ten. Benny was having a hard time because he didn't know what the number zero meant. His friends explained it to him and Benny was very happy to learn something new. From that day on, Benny was never in a hurry to count to ten and he always remembered the number zero. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went for a walk in the forest with her mommy. They saw a big tree and decided to sit under it. + +Lily said, "Mommy, I feel warm." Her mommy replied, "Yes, it's a sunny day." + +Lily observed some ants crawling on the ground. She said, "Look mommy, the ants are working hard." + +Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was the queen of the forest animals. She came to say hello to them. The queen was very big and had a shiny crown on her head. + +Lily said, "Wow, the queen is so pretty!" The queen smiled and said, "Thank you, little one." They had a nice chat and then the queen went on her way. Lily and her mommy continued their walk, feeling happy and content. +Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Benny. Benny was very reliable because he always helped his friends. One day, his friend, a duck named Daphne, asked Benny to help her tie her shoelaces. Benny happily obliged and tied Daphne's shoelaces. + +As they were walking, they saw a frog named Freddie trying to hop over a big puddle. But Freddie couldn't do it alone. Benny and Daphne saw that Freddie needed help, so they asked him if he wanted to hop on Benny's back. Freddie agreed and hopped on Benny's back. + +Benny hopped over the puddle and Freddie was very happy. "Thank you, Benny! You are very reliable!" said Freddie. "Yes, Benny is the best," added Daphne. Benny felt very happy because he was able to help his friends. They continued to hop and play together all day long. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a toy telephone that he loved to play with. One day, Timmy's friend came over to play. + +"Can I play with your telephone?" asked Timmy's friend. + +"Sure!" said Timmy. He pulled the telephone out of his toy box and gave it to his friend. + +Timmy's friend had never seen a toy telephone like this before. "Wow, this is a rare toy!" he said. + +Timmy was happy that his friend liked his toy. They played together for a long time, pretending to talk on the telephone and making silly noises. + +When it was time for Timmy's friend to go home, he gave the toy telephone back to Timmy. "Thanks for letting me play with it," he said. + +"You're welcome," said Timmy. He put the telephone back in his toy box, happy to have shared his favorite toy with his friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sunshine. One day, she saw a daisy in the grass. It was so pretty and had amazing yellow petals. + +Lily picked the daisy and held it in her hand. She looked at it closely and thought about how much she needed the daisy to be happy. She decided to give the daisy to her mommy as a present. + +When Lily's mommy saw the daisy, she smiled and said it was amazing. She put it in a vase on the kitchen table. Every time Lily looked at the daisy, she felt happy and knew that she had made her mommy happy too. From that day on, Lily knew that sometimes all you need is a simple flower to make someone's day better. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play outside. One day, she saw a big hose lying on the ground. She picked it up and started to spray water all around. + +Suddenly, her mom came outside and said, "Lily, what are you doing? You're going to get everything wet!" + +Lily replied, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I just wanted to play with the hose." + +Her mom smiled and said, "That's okay, but let's turn off the water and let the hose dry before we put it away. We don't want it to get moldy." + +Lily nodded her head and turned off the water. As they walked back inside, Lily saw a dead flower on the ground. She picked it up and said, "Mommy, can we plant this flower so it won't be dead anymore?" + +Her mom smiled again and said, "Of course, Lily. Let's go find a nice spot to plant it." +Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went to the park to play. She saw a butterfly and said, "Hello, little insect! You are very pretty." The butterfly said, "Thank you, Lily! I am proud of my wings." + +Suddenly, a big boy came and tried to catch the butterfly. Lily said, "Stop! You can't catch the butterfly. It's not nice." The boy said, "I want to catch it and show it to my friends." + +Lily said, "That's not a good reason. The butterfly wants to be free and fly in the sky. Let's watch it together." The boy agreed and they all watched the butterfly fly away. The butterfly said, "Thank you for protecting me, Lily. I'm glad to meet you." + +Lily smiled and said, "I'm glad to meet you too, butterfly. Let's be friends." And they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a hunter named Jack. Jack was very hungry, so he went to the forest to catch some food. He saw a rabbit and chased it, but it was too fast for him. Jack got tired and sat down on a rock. + +Suddenly, he saw a bird flying above him. The bird had a beautiful feather. Jack wanted to have it, so he took it from the bird. The bird was sad because it lost its feather. Jack felt bad and decided to replace the feather with some seeds. The bird was happy again and flew away. + +Jack learned that it's not nice to take things from others, but it's better to replace them with something else. He went back home and cooked some food for himself. He was no longer hungry and felt good about replacing the feather. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and teddy bears. One day, she was playing with her favorite doll when she accidentally cut its hair with scissors. + +"Oh no!" cried Lily. "Dolly's hair is all cut!" + +Her mom came to see what happened. "Don't worry, we can fix it," said her mom. "I have some powerful glue that can put it back together." + +Lily watched as her mom carefully glued the hair back onto the doll's head. "I love you, Dolly," said Lily, giving her a big hug. + +From that day on, Lily was more careful with her scissors and she learned the powerful lesson that love can fix anything, even a cut doll's hair. +Once upon a time, there was a little ant named Andy. Andy was a hardworking ant who loved to collect food for his family. One day, Andy saw a white piece of bread on the ground. He wanted to take it back to his family, but it was too big for him to carry alone. + +As Andy was struggling with the bread, he met a friendly bird named Billy. Billy asked, "What's wrong, little ant?" Andy replied, "I want to take this white bread to my family, but it's too heavy for me." + +Billy said, "Don't worry, I can help you." So, Billy picked up the bread and flew it to Andy's family. Andy was so happy and grateful that he thanked Billy and said, "You are a true friend." + +The moral of the story is that when we help each other, we can rise above our struggles and achieve great things. +Once upon a time, there was a little car named Red. Red loved to drive fast and explore the world. But one day, Red's engine stopped working. Red knew he needed help. + +Red drove to a nearby gas station to get some fuel. The gas station was big and bright, with lots of colorful signs. Red felt happy to be there. He filled up his tank with fuel and felt better. + +But as Red drove away from the gas station, he noticed something was wrong. His normally bright red color had turned pale. Red realized he needed a new paint job. So he went to a car shop and got a shiny new coat of paint. Now Red was happy and ready to explore the world again! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved summer because she could play outside all day long. But one day, Lily's friend, Tommy, wanted to play inside instead of outside. Lily disagreed with him because she loved playing in the sunshine. + +Tommy didn't want to play outside because the sky was gray and he thought it would rain. But Lily knew that the gray sky didn't mean it would rain. She explained to Tommy that sometimes the sky is gray but it doesn't always rain. + +Tommy listened to Lily and they went outside to play. They had so much fun playing in the sunshine! Lily learned that it's important to listen to others but also to stand up for what you believe in. The moral of the story is to always try new things and not be afraid to disagree with others. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside with his friends. One day, Timmy's mom gave him a new pair of gloves to wear outside. Timmy was so excited to wear them! + +As Timmy and his friends played, they ran around and had lots of fun. But then, Timmy slipped on a patch of mud and fell down. His new gloves got all dirty! Timmy was sad and restless because he didn't want his mom to be mad at him. + +Timmy's friend Tommy saw that he was sad and said, "Don't worry, Timmy. We can wash your gloves and they'll be good as new!" Timmy was so happy to hear that and he thanked Tommy. From then on, Timmy was more careful when he played outside and he always remembered to wear his gloves. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to sing. One day, she found a note on the ground that said "Sing your heart out!" Lily was so happy and excited that she started to sing her favorite song. + +As she sang, her mom came in and listened to her singing. Her mom was very thoughtful and told Lily that she had a beautiful voice. Lily was so happy to hear that and she started to sing even louder. + +Suddenly, her mom turned on the music and they started dancing together. It was so much fun! From that day on, Lily sang and danced every day, and she always kept the note with her to remind her to sing her heart out. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to dance to the rhythm of the music. She would spin and twirl and jump with joy. One day, her mommy made her a delicious cake with lots of frosting. Lily enjoyed eating it so much that she asked for more. + +But then, something bad happened. Lily started feeling sick and her tummy hurt. She had eaten too much cake and her body didn't feel good. She couldn't dance anymore and had to lay down in bed. Lily learned that sometimes, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. +Once upon a time, there was a big, big field with an enormous fence. The fence was very old and had many holes. One day, a strong wind blew and knocked down some parts of the fence. The animals who lived in the field were very sad because they were not safe anymore. They decided to ask the farmer to replace the fence. The farmer came and saw the holes in the fence. He said, "Don't worry, I will replace the fence and make it strong again." The animals were happy and felt safe again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to eat apples, but he didn't like to chew them very well. His mommy always told him to chew his apples or he might get a tummy ache. + +One day, Timmy was walking in the park when he saw a big, bald eagle flying in the sky. It was so amazing that he forgot to chew his apple and swallowed it whole. + +Later that day, Timmy started to feel a pain in his tummy. His mommy took him to the doctor, who told him that he had to be careful when he ate. + +The next day, Timmy was playing in his backyard when he saw smoke coming out of the chimney. He remembered what the doctor said and decided to chew his apple slowly. He enjoyed it much more that way and didn't get a tummy ache. From then on, Timmy always chewed his apples well and never had a tummy ache again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play by the river and watch the boats go by. One day, she found a sour lemon on the ground and decided to eat it. + +Suddenly, she felt sick and her tummy hurt. Her mom asked her what happened and Lily replied, "I ate a sour lemon." Her mom told her that sometimes things that look good can be bad for us. + +From that day on, Lily learned to be careful and not just do things because they looked fun or interesting. She always remembered the lesson of the sour lemon and made sure to make good choices. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a unique toy, a big red ball. She loved to play with it every day. One day, she wanted to balance on the ball, but she fell down and hurt her knee. Her mom told her to stay still and rest, but Lily wanted to play again. + +The next day, Lily tried to balance on the ball again. This time, she fell and hit her head. Her mom took her to the hospital, but it was too late. Lily had hurt her brain and couldn't remember anything anymore. She couldn't even remember her unique toy, her big red ball. She had to stay in the hospital for a long time. + +Lily's mom was very sad. She wished she had stopped Lily from playing with the ball. From then on, Lily had to be careful and not do anything that could hurt her again. And her unique toy, her big red ball, was put away in a box, never to be played with again. +Once upon a time, there was a dog named Max. Max was a good dog, but he liked to run away from his home. One day, Max ran away and got lost. He was so scared and didn't know what to do. + +Luckily, a kind lady found Max and put a collar on him. She took him to the animal shelter where his owners found him. They were so grateful to have Max back home. + +But Max's owners knew they needed to punish him for running away. They didn't want him to get lost again. So, they decided to take him on more walks and play with him more often. Max learned his lesson and never ran away again. + +The moral of the story is that it's important to be grateful for the things we have and to always listen to our owners so we don't get punished. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside and explore the world around him. One day, he found a big chest in the forest. It was old and smelly, but Timmy was curious and wanted to know what was inside. + +He tried to open the chest, but it was locked. He looked around and saw a key lying on the ground. He picked it up and tried it in the lock. It worked! Timmy opened the chest and found a treasure inside. + +He was so happy and excited that he ran back to his house to show his mom. She asked him what he found, and Timmy answered, "I found a chest with a treasure inside!" His mom was impressed and proud of him for being such a brave explorer. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toy cars. One day, he was playing with his red car when his mom called him for lunch. + +"Timmy, it's time for lunch!" his mom called. + +"Can I bring my car with me?" Timmy asked. + +"Sure, but first let's clean it up. It's very dirty," his mom said. + +Timmy quickly cleaned his car and they went to the kitchen. While they were eating, Timmy looked at the clock on the wall. + +"Mom, why does the clock move so fast?" Timmy asked. + +"That's because time goes by quickly when we're having fun," his mom replied. + +After lunch, Timmy went back to playing with his car. He pretended it was speeding down a race track, going faster and faster. He was having so much fun that he didn't even notice the time flying by. +Once upon a time, there was a little flower. The flower was very small, but it wanted to grow big and tall. One day, the sun came out and shone on the flower. The flower started to bloom and it grew bigger and bigger. The flower was very happy. + +One day, the flower heard some music. It was very loud and noisy. The flower didn't like the noisy music. The flower wanted to know what was making the noise. So, the flower followed the sound until it came to a big building. The building was an opera house. There were many people inside, listening to the noisy music. + +The flower didn't like the noisy music, but it was happy to see so many people enjoying themselves. The flower decided to stay and watch the opera. It was very beautiful and the flower was happy to be a part of it. After the opera was over, the flower went back to its home and continued to bloom. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play by the beach and catch little shrimp in his bucket. He would spend hours running after them and giggling with joy when he caught one. + +One day, Timmy's mom came to the beach with him. She saw how happy he was catching the little shrimp and decided to join in on the fun. They spent the whole afternoon catching shrimp together and laughing. + +As the sun began to set, Timmy's mom told him it was time to go home. Timmy was sad to leave the beach and the little shrimp, but he knew he could come back another day to catch more. He went to bed that night dreaming of all the little shrimp he would catch the next time he went to the beach. +Once upon a time, there was a kind duck who lived in a pond. One day, the duck saw a little girl who was crying. The duck wanted to help her, so he waddled over to her and quacked politely. + +The little girl was happy to see the duck and stopped crying. She petted the duck and smiled. The duck was happy to make a new friend. + +But then, a big dog came and chased the duck away. The little girl was sad again and started crying. She missed her new friend, the polite duck. The duck never came back, and the little girl was left alone and sad. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved playing with her dolls. One day, she got a new doll that was very special to her. It was very quiet and she loved how peaceful it was. + +Lily's little brother, Max, also loved playing with her dolls. One day, he accidentally broke Lily's new doll. Lily was very sad and didn't know what to do. She wanted to fix her doll but didn't know how. + +Their mom saw how sad Lily was and suggested that they test out some glue to see if they can fix the doll. Lily was excited at the idea and they started to work on fixing the doll together. After a few tries, they finally fixed the doll and Lily was so happy. + +From that day on, Lily learned to be more careful with her dolls and Max learned to be more careful with his toys too. They all played together quietly and happily ever after. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little otter named Ollie. Ollie loved to wear his favorite blue hat when he went on adventures with his friends. One day, Ollie's friends asked him to go swimming in the river, but Ollie felt anxious because he didn't know how to swim very well. + +But then, Ollie remembered something his mommy otter had told him. She said that otters are natural swimmers and he just needed to trust himself. So, Ollie put on his blue hat and decided to give it a try. + +To his surprise, Ollie was a great swimmer! He splashed and played with his friends all day long. Ollie was so happy that he wore his blue hat proudly, knowing that it gave him the courage to try something new. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to go outside and play with her friends. One day, she went to the park and had so much fun on the swings and slides. But then, she realized she forgot her favorite toy at home. + +Lily was sad because she loved playing with her toy. She closed her eyes and tried to remember where she left it. Suddenly, she remembered it was on her bed. She was so happy she remembered her toy's memory! + +Lily was careful not to forget her toy again. She put it in her bag and made sure it was safe. From that day on, she always remembered to be careful with her things and never forget them again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play with his toy boats in the bathtub. One day, he saw a real boat sailing in the ocean and he thought it was so cool. He dreamed of being a sailor and sailing the seas. + +Timmy's mom told him that sailors are brave and strong because they face big waves and storms. Timmy admired sailors even more after hearing that. He decided to make a paper boat and sail it in the bathtub just like a real sailor. + +As he was playing with his paper boat, he accidentally dropped it in the water and it started to sink. But then, a big hand reached in and saved the boat. It was his dad! Timmy's dad had been a sailor before and he showed Timmy how to make a stronger boat that wouldn't sink. + +From that day on, Timmy sailed his boats with confidence and admired his dad for being a sailor. He knew that one day, he would be a sailor too and sail the seas just like his dad. +Once upon a time, there was a little duck named Quackers. Quackers loved to swim in the pond with his friends. One day, Quackers found a shiny gold coin in the water. He didn't know where it came from, but he knew it was special. Quackers thought the gold coin might belong to someone else, so he asked his friends if they knew who it belonged to. + +None of his friends knew where the gold coin came from, so Quackers decided to keep it safe and dry. He put the gold coin in a little nest he made out of some dry leaves. Quackers was so happy to have found the gold coin and he knew he would take good care of it. + +From that day on, Quackers always kept an eye out for other lost treasures that might belong to someone else. But until then, the gold coin belonged to him and he was proud to have found it. +Once upon a time, there was a big brown bear. He lived in the forest with his friends, the birds and the bees. One day, the bear met a little girl who was lost. She said, "Excuse me, Mr. Bear. Can you help me find my way home?" The bear replied, "Of course, little one. I know the way. Follow me." + +As they walked through the forest, the little girl asked the bear, "Do you know any words?" The bear replied, "Yes, I know the word 'bow'. It means to bend down." The little girl said, "Oh, like when I bow to my teacher at school!" + +Soon, they arrived at the little girl's house. She said, "Thank you, Mr. Bear. You're my hero!" The bear smiled and bowed his head. "No problem, little one. I'm glad I could help." And with that, the little girl went inside her house, and the bear went back to his friends in the forest. +Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny loved to play hide-and-seek with his friends. One day, Benny found a small tunnel in the ground. He was very curious and wanted to peek inside. + +Benny asked his friend, a little bird named Lily, to come with him. "Hey Lily, come with me and let's peek inside this tunnel," Benny said. + +Lily agreed and they both peeked inside the tunnel. They saw something fragile inside, so they decided to be careful and not touch it. + +Suddenly, they heard a loud noise and got scared. They quickly ran away from the tunnel and went back to their friends to tell them what they saw. "We saw something fragile in the tunnel, but we heard a scary noise and got scared!" Benny said. + +Their friends were curious too, so they all went to the tunnel together. They peeked inside and saw that it was just a small vase. They were relieved and went back to playing hide-and-seek. +Once upon a time, there was an elderly lady with long hair. She lived in a big house with her cat. One day, a little girl came to visit her. + +"Hello, what's your name?" asked the elderly lady. + +"My name is Lily," said the little girl. "Can I play with your cat?" + +"Of course, you can," said the elderly lady. "Just be gentle and don't push him." + +Lily played with the cat and petted his soft fur. She also admired the elderly lady's long hair and asked if she could brush it. + +"Sure, you can," said the elderly lady. "But be careful not to pull my hair." + +Lily brushed the elderly lady's hair gently and they had a nice chat. Before she left, Lily gave the elderly lady a big hug and said, "Thank you for letting me play with your cat and brush your hair. You're very nice." +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved summertime because he could play outside all day. One morning, Timmy woke up early and saw the sun shining bright in the sky. He was so excited to go outside and play. + +Timmy's mom made him a yummy breakfast and then he ran outside to play with his friends. They played on the swings and went down the slide. Timmy's face turned pale because he was so tired from playing. + +When it was time for Timmy to go back inside, he was sad because he didn't want to stop playing. But he knew he could play again tomorrow when he wakes up. Timmy went to bed early so he could wake up early and play outside again in the summer sun. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the grass. One day, she saw a green insect on a leaf. + +"Look, Mommy! A bug! It's green!" said Lily. + +"Yes, it's a grasshopper," said Mommy. + +Lily wanted to catch the grasshopper, so she got a jar and added some grass inside. + +"Come on, little grasshopper. You can live in here with me," said Lily. + +The grasshopper hopped around in the jar and Lily watched it with excitement. She loved her new insect friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to bake with her mommy. One day, they decided to make cookies. Lily put on her favorite jacket to keep her warm. + +As they were baking, Lily's mommy told her an important lesson. "Always be kind to others," she said. "It's important to treat people the way you want to be treated." + +Later that day, Lily and her mommy went to the park to play. Lily saw a little boy who looked sad. She went up to him and said, "Hi! Do you want to play with me?" + +The boy smiled and said yes. They played together and had so much fun. Lily felt happy because she knew she was being kind, just like her mommy said. + +When they went home, Lily's mommy gave her a big hug and said, "I'm so proud of you for being kind to the boy. That was very important." + +Lily smiled and hugged her mommy back. She knew that being kind was the best thing to do. And they baked more cookies to celebrate their kindness! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved Halloween because he got to pick out a big pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. He was eager to find the biggest and best pumpkin to take home. + +Timmy searched and searched until he found the perfect pumpkin. He was so happy and excited that he jumped up and down. He knew he was going to win the pumpkin carving contest at school. + +Timmy went home and carved his pumpkin with his mom. They made a spooky face with big eyes and a crooked mouth. The next day, Timmy brought his pumpkin to school and won first place in the contest. He was so proud of himself and his big, orange pumpkin. +Once upon a time, there was a clumsy little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys on the street, but he was always tripping and falling. One day, a little girl named Sally came to play with Timmy. Sally saw that Timmy only had one toy and she wanted to play too. Timmy didn't want to share his toy because he was afraid Sally would break it. + +Sally was sad and went home. Timmy realized that he was being selfish and he felt bad. The next day, Timmy went to Sally's house and brought his toy to share with her. Sally was happy and they played together all day. Timmy learned that it's important to share and that it makes others happy. From that day on, Timmy was less clumsy because he had a friend to play with. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play by the river with her friends. One day, she saw a boy crying by the river. She asked him why he was crying. The boy said that his toy boat had fallen into the river and he couldn't get it back. + +Lily thought for a moment and then said, "I have a plan! Let's make a rope and try to get your boat back." The boy stopped crying and smiled. They worked together and made a rope out of some branches and vines. They threw the rope into the river and pulled it back slowly. Finally, they caught the toy boat! + +The boy was so happy and thanked Lily for her help. Lily felt happy too, knowing that she had helped someone else. She realized that it's not good to be selfish and only think about yourself. It's important to help others and make them happy too. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and run around outside. One day, she found a shiny jewel on the ground. It was so pretty and sparkly, she wanted to keep it forever. + +Lily showed the jewel to her mom and dad. They told her that it was very valuable and famous. Lily didn't know what that meant, but she was happy to have it. She wore the jewel around her neck all day and showed it to everyone she saw. + +Later that day, Lily's friend asked her if she wanted to play a game. Lily didn't really feel like playing, so she just shrugged her shoulders and said no. She was too busy admiring her new, famous jewel. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw and color with her crayons. One day, Lily's mom brought home a new box of markers with many colors. Lily was very excited. + +"Mommy, can you teach me how to use these markers?" Lily asked. + +"Of course, sweetie," her mom replied. "First, we need to make sure that the markers are available. Let's open the box and check." + +Lily's mom opened the box and showed her how to use the markers. Lily was so happy and started to draw with the new ink. She drew a beautiful picture of a flower and showed it to her mom. + +"Wow, Lily! That's amazing," her mom said. "You're so talented. Keep practicing and you'll be a great artist one day." + +Lily smiled and thanked her mom for teaching her how to use the new markers. She was excited to create more colorful drawings with her new markers. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy liked to play with his toys, especially his toy cars. One day, Timmy went to the park with his mommy. While he was playing with his cars, a boy came and took one of his cars. Timmy was sad and told his mommy, "He stole my car!" + +His mommy asked, "Which boy took your car?" + +Timmy pointed to the boy and said, "That one!" + +His mommy went over to the boy and said, "You can't steal Timmy's toys. That's not nice." + +The boy gave the car back and said sorry. Timmy was happy to have his car back and said, "My knee hurts from running, but I'm happy my car is back. It's too hot to play now, let's go home." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to do math and would always get very enthusiastic about it. One day, Lily was playing with her toys when her mom came in and asked her to help split some apples for a pie. + +Lily was happy to help and got out her little knife. She started to cut the apples, but she wasn't paying attention and accidentally cut her finger. She started to cry and her mom had to take her to the hospital. + +At the hospital, the doctor said that Lily had cut her finger very badly and needed stitches. Lily was very scared and didn't want to get stitches, but the doctor said it was the only way to make her finger better. After the stitches, Lily couldn't do math or play with her toys for a while because her finger hurt too much. + +Lily learned that even though she loved math and was enthusiastic about it, she needed to be careful with sharp objects. From then on, Lily always made sure to pay attention when using knives or scissors. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily's mom made her favorite soup for dinner. Lily loved soup, but she was so excited to play with her toys that she didn't want to eat it. + +"Lily, you need to eat your soup if you want to grow big and strong," said her mom. + +"I don't want soup. I want to play," replied Lily. + +Her mom said, "If you don't eat your soup, you won't have any energy to play. You need to be successful in both eating and playing." + +Lily thought about it and decided to eat her soup. She realized that sometimes we need to stop what we want to do and do what we need to do. And that's how Lily learned that being successful means doing what you need to do first. +Once upon a time, there was an old man who loved to sail on his boat. He had a special rope that he used to tie the boat to the dock. One day, he went out to sail, but he forgot to tie the rope to the dock. + +As he sailed away, he saw a big storm coming. The waves were high and the wind was strong. The old man tried to turn the boat around, but it was too late. The boat was tossed around by the waves and the old man was scared. + +Just when he thought he was going to sink, he remembered the rope. He grabbed it and tied the boat to a big rock. The boat stopped moving and the old man could relax. He waited for the storm to pass and then sailed back to the dock. From that day on, he never forgot to tie the rope to the dock. +Once upon a time, there was a huge elephant named Ellie. Ellie loved to play in the mud and eat lots of leaves. One day, Ellie got stuck in a drain. She tried and tried to get out, but she couldn't. She was scared and didn't know what to do. + +Suddenly, some people came to help Ellie. They tried to pull her out of the drain, but it was too hard. Ellie knew she had to surrender and let the people help her. They worked together and finally got Ellie out of the drain. She was so happy and grateful. + +But then, something bad happened. Ellie got sick from being stuck in the drain for too long. She tried to fight the sickness, but she couldn't. Ellie had to surrender to the sickness and she passed away. Everyone was very sad and missed Ellie very much. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her ball outside. One day, she accidentally dropped her ball and it rolled away. She tried to chase after it, but it was too fast. + +As she was walking, she saw her friend passing by. She asked her friend if she had seen her ball. Her friend hadn't seen it, but she offered to help look for it. Together, they searched high and low until they found it in a gloomy corner. + +Lily was so happy to have her ball back. She thanked her friend for helping her and they continued to play together. From then on, Lily was more careful with her ball and made sure not to drop it again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the park. One day, Lily saw a boy with a big smile on his face. + +"Hi there! My name is Timmy. Do you want to play with me?" Timmy asked. + +Lily smiled and said, "Yes, please!" They played together on the swings and the slide. + +Suddenly, a big dog came running towards them. Lily was scared, but Timmy was brave. He waved his arms and shouted, "Go away, dog!" The dog ran away, and Lily felt safe again. + +"Thank you for protecting me, Timmy. You are not foolish, you are brave!" Lily said. + +Timmy smiled and replied, "I just want peace in the park. Let's be friends forever!" And they hugged each other tightly. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had a thermometer in his mouth because he was sick. His mom said he needed to be careful because the thermometer was fragile and could break. + +Timmy's favorite game was playing with his toy cars. He loved racing them around the room and pretending to be the winner. One day, he had a race with his friend and he won! He felt so happy and proud of himself. + +But then, he accidentally knocked over his toy box and the fragile thermometer fell out of his mouth and broke. Timmy felt sad because he knew he had to go back to the doctor to get a new one. + +From that day on, Timmy learned to be more careful with fragile things and to always be a good sport whether he won or not. +Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Max. Max loved to play fetch with his owner, Emily. One day, Max was playing fetch in the park when he saw a cat. The cat was very hard to catch, but Max kept trying. + +Suddenly, the cat ran towards the exit of the park. Max chased after the cat, but he couldn't catch it. Feeling tired, Max decided to surrender and go back to Emily. + +When Max got back to Emily, she gave him a big hug and a treat. Max was happy to be back with his owner and he knew that he would try to catch the cat again another day. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to play outside in the sunshine and pick flowers. One day, Lily went for a walk in the forest and saw a sad bunny. The bunny was crying because it was lost and didn't know how to get home. + +Lily felt sorry for the bunny and wanted to help. She picked up the bunny and held it close to her chest. She whispered kind words to the bunny and tried to comfort it. + +Lily knew the way back to her house, so she carried the bunny all the way home. When they arrived, Lily gave the bunny some carrots to eat and made a cozy bed for it to sleep in. + +The bunny was so grateful to Lily for her honest kindness. From that day on, the bunny and Lily became best friends and they would often play together in the pine forest. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a toy jet that she loved to play with. One day, her friend came over to play and wanted to borrow the jet. But the jet didn't fit in her friend's toy box. + +Lily didn't want to give up her original jet, but she also didn't want her friend to be sad. So she thought of a solution. She suggested they play with something else instead and her friend agreed. + +They played with dolls and blocks and had so much fun that they forgot about the jet. Lily learned that sometimes it's better to find a new way to play instead of fighting over toys. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a cute bracelet that she loved to wear every day. One day, Lily was playing outside when her bracelet fell off her wrist and into the grass. + +Lily searched and searched, but she couldn't find her bracelet. She started to cry and went to her mom for help. "Mommy, my bracelet is gone. I can't find it anywhere," she said. + +Her mom hugged her and said, "Don't worry, Lily. We'll find it together. Let's pass the ball around while we look for it." They played catch with the ball and passed it back and forth while searching for the bracelet. + +Finally, Lily spotted something shiny in the grass. She ran over and picked up her bracelet. "I found it! I found it!" she exclaimed. Lily was so happy to have her cute bracelet back on her wrist. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys and watch cartoons on TV. One day, he decided to play with his stretchy toy. He pulled it and stretched it as far as he could. + +While he was playing, Timmy's mom came in and asked him if he wanted to learn something new. Timmy said yes, so his mom showed him a picture of a brain. Timmy thought it looked scary, but his mom explained that it was important for learning and thinking. + +Timmy was fascinated by the brain and wanted to learn more. His mom told him that stretching your brain by learning new things was like stretching his toy. Timmy was excited to stretch his brain and learn new things every day. +Once upon a time, a little boy named Timmy went to the park with his mom. They brought a kite to fly. Timmy loved to watch the kite fly high in the sky. He ran around the park with the kite in his hand. + +Suddenly, a big gust of wind came and the kite flew away. Timmy was sad and cried. His mom said, "Don't worry, we can buy a new kite. But we need to be careful not to let it go again." + +Timmy smiled and said, "I will hold it tight so it won't splash away." His mom hugged him and said, "You are a strong and smart boy. And remember, sometimes things can be thin and fragile, so we need to take care of them." Timmy nodded and they went home happy. +Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Max. Max loved to eat bananas. He would climb up the trees to get them. One day, Max saw a bunch of bananas on a tree that he had never seen before. He climbed up the tree and grabbed a banana. But then he heard a voice saying, "Hey, that's my banana!" + +Max turned around and saw a bossy parrot. The parrot said, "I saw those bananas first. You can't just take them." Max felt bad and regretted taking the banana without asking. He said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Parrot. I didn't mean to be rude. Can I please have just one banana?" + +The parrot thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, but just one. And next time, ask before you take something that isn't yours." Max nodded his head and happily ate his banana. From that day on, Max always asked before taking anything that didn't belong to him. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and draw pictures. One day, Lily's friend Sarah came over to play. Sarah had a new toy that Lily really wanted. Lily felt envious of Sarah's toy. + +Lily asked Sarah if she could trade toys for a little while. Sarah said yes and they traded toys. Lily was so happy to play with Sarah's toy. She loved it so much that she asked Sarah if she could name it. Sarah said yes and Lily named the toy "Sparkles". + +After a while, Lily realized that Sparkles wasn't as fun as she thought it would be. She missed her own toys. She asked Sarah if they could trade back. Sarah said yes and they traded toys again. Lily was happy to have her own toys back and she learned that sometimes it's better to be happy with what you have instead of being envious of what others have. +Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit named Benny. Benny loved to eat carrots because they were his favorite vegetable. But one day, Benny got very nervous because he heard that there was a fox who wanted to eat him for dinner. + +Benny didn't want to be eaten, so he went to his friend, a wise old owl, for advice. The owl told Benny that he should eat a special mineral that would prevent the fox from wanting to eat him. The mineral was called "magic dust" and it was very rare. + +Benny went on a journey to find the magic dust and finally found it in a cave. He ate the magic dust and felt very happy because he knew that the fox would not eat him anymore. From that day on, Benny lived happily ever after, eating lots of carrots and never having to worry about the fox again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys on the floor. One day, while playing, she discovered a shiny penny under the couch. She was so happy to find it! + +Later that day, Lily's friend came over to play. Lily wanted to play with all the toys by herself and didn't want to share. Her friend felt sad and told Lily she was being selfish. Lily realized she was wrong and apologized. They played together and had lots of fun! + +From that day on, Lily learned that it's better to share and be kind to others. She also loved to look for treasures on the floor and discover new things. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Fluffy. Fluffy loved to hop and play with his bunny friends. One day, Fluffy saw a carrot in the garden. He wanted that carrot so much that he became very competitive. + +Fluffy's bunny friends also saw the carrot and wanted it too. They decided to have a race to see who could get to the carrot first. Fluffy was determined to win the race and become the winner. + +The race started and all the bunnies hopped as fast as they could. Fluffy was in the lead, but suddenly he tripped and fell into a pile of flour. Fluffy became covered in white powder and couldn't see where he was going. The other bunnies quickly hopped past him and reached the carrot first. + +Fluffy felt sad that he didn't win the race, but he learned that being competitive isn't always the most important thing. He still had fun playing with his bunny friends and that was all that mattered. +Once upon a time, there was a kind man named Jack who loved to drive his car. One day, he saw a little boy crying on the side of the road. Jack stopped his car and asked the boy, "Why are you crying?" + +The boy said, "I lost my toy brick and I can't find it anywhere." + +Jack said, "Don't worry, I will help you find it." They searched and searched, but they couldn't find the toy brick. + +Suddenly, Jack had an idea. He said, "Let's go to the toy store and buy you a new toy brick." The boy was so happy and thanked Jack for his kindness. Jack felt happy too because he knew that helping others is always a good thing to do. + +Moral of the story: Helping others can make us feel happy and good inside. +There was a little girl named Lily who loved to touch everything she saw. One day, she went to visit her grandma who had a big network of friends. Lily was amazed at how fast her grandma's friends could talk to each other on the phone. She wanted to touch the phone and see how it worked. + +Her grandma showed her how to touch the buttons on the phone to call her friends. Lily was so excited! She touched the buttons fast and giggled as she heard her grandma's friend's voice on the other end. She couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to someone far away. + +From that day on, Lily loved to touch the phone and talk to her grandma's friends on the network. She thought it was the coolest thing ever! +Once upon a time, there was a family who went on a trip to a cabin in the woods. The cabin was very clean and cozy. They loved it there! + +One day, they went for a walk in the woods and saw some animals. They saw a rabbit, a squirrel, and a bird. The little girl wanted to talk to them, but they didn't talk back. + +At night, they sat by the fire and talked about their day. They talked about the animals they saw and how much fun they had. They were happy to be together in the clean cabin. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little duck named Quackers. Quackers lived by a big river and loved to go on adventures. One day, Quackers found a big raft and decided to go on a ride. He invited his friends, a bunny and a squirrel, to come along. + +The bunny was very bossy and wanted to be in charge of the raft. Quackers didn't like that, but he didn't want to hurt the bunny's feelings. So, he decided to be kind and let the bunny be the boss of the raft. + +The squirrel was very happy to go on the ride and welcomed Quackers and the bunny to the raft. They all had a great time floating down the river and seeing all the animals along the way. Quackers was happy he made his friends feel welcome and they all had a fun adventure together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going to the park with her mom. One day, while they were walking, they saw a man selling ice cream from a cart. The man was a vendor. + +Lily's mom asked her if she wanted an ice cream. Lily said, "Yes, please!" The vendor smiled and asked, "What flavor would you like?" Lily said, "Strawberry, please!" + +The vendor handed Lily her ice cream, and she took a big bite. Suddenly, the sun became very harsh, and Lily blinked her eyes. She said to her mom, "It's too bright!" Her mom said, "Let's sit under that tree and enjoy our ice cream in the shade." + +Lily and her mom sat under the tree and ate their ice cream. Lily was happy because the ice cream was delicious, and she was no longer in the harsh sun. She said to her mom, "This is the best day ever!" +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had a big teddy bear that he loved to play with. One day, Timmy noticed that his teddy bear had a hole in its arm. He was worried that the stuffing inside the teddy bear would fall out. + +Timmy's mom promised him that she would fix the teddy bear with an operation. Timmy was happy to hear that his teddy bear would be fixed. He knew that the operation was harmless and that his teddy bear would be as good as new. + +The next day, Timmy's mom took the teddy bear away for the operation. Timmy was sad because he missed his teddy bear. But soon enough, his mom brought the teddy bear back and it was all fixed! Timmy was so happy and hugged his teddy bear tightly. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily went to the park with her mommy and daddy. She saw many kids playing on the swings and slides. She wanted to play too. + +Lily's mommy showed her how to climb up the ladder and slide down the slide. Lily was so happy and giggled a lot. She passed by a boy who was spinning around and around. He looked dizzy. + +Lily's daddy picked her up and spun her around too. She laughed and laughed. Then, they went home and Lily fell asleep, dreaming about all the fun she had at the park. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys, but she didn't have many. One day, her friend Emma came over to play. Emma had a lot of toys and Lily wanted to play with them too. Emma said she would lend Lily one of her toys, but only if she promised to take good care of it. + +Lily was very excited and promised to be careful. She played with the toy for a while, but then accidentally dropped it and it broke into pieces. Lily was very sad and scared to tell Emma. She knew it was dangerous to play with things that didn't belong to her. + +Lily decided to be honest and tell Emma what happened. Emma was upset at first, but then she saw how sorry Lily was and forgave her. Lily learned that it's important to be responsible and take care of things that don't belong to you. She also learned that it's okay to make mistakes as long as you are honest and try to make things right. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to play in the pool. One day, Tim's mom gave him a shiny metal bucket. Tim was excited to use it to play in the water. + +Tim went to the pool and filled his bucket with water. He lifted it up high and poured it over his head. "Splash!" he exclaimed. The water was clear and cold. + +Tim's friend, Lily, came over to play. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm splashing in the water with my metal bucket," Tim replied. "Can I play too?" Lily asked. "Of course!" Tim said. + +Together, they splashed and played with the clear water. They laughed and had so much fun. Tim was happy to share his metal bucket with his friend. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and teddy bear. One day, her teddy bear got a big hole in it and she was very sad. Her mom said she would fix it and restore it to how it was before. + +The next day, her mom gave her the teddy bear back and it looked good as new! Lily was so happy and hugged her teddy bear tight. She felt peaceful knowing her teddy bear was fixed. + +Later that day, Lily's mom gave her a pill because she had a headache. Lily didn't like taking pills, but her mom said it would make her feel better. After taking the pill, Lily's headache went away and she felt peaceful again. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the sunshine. One day, while Timmy was outside, he saw lightning in the sky. It was very bright and scared him a little bit. But Timmy knew that lightning was very far away and couldn't hurt him. + +Timmy's mom called him inside for dinner. She made his favorite meal, spaghetti with meatballs. Timmy ate all of his dinner and his mom was very proud of him. After dinner, Timmy went to play with his toys. He had a toy car that was very expensive. He loved to play with it and take care of it so it would remain in good condition. + +Timmy's dad came home from work and they all watched a movie together. Timmy fell asleep during the movie and his mom carried him to bed. He dreamed about playing outside in the sunshine and seeing lightning in the sky. But he knew that he was safe and that his expensive toy car would remain in good condition. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a toy horse that she loved to play with. One day, Lily decided to attach a ribbon to the horse's tail. She tied the ribbon tight so it wouldn't fall off. + +As she played with her horse, Lily noticed that the ribbon was too wide for the tail. She tried to adjust it, but it wouldn't stay in place. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the ribbon away and it got stuck in a tree. Lily was frightened that she had lost her ribbon forever. + +But then, her big brother came to help her. He climbed up the tree and got the ribbon down. Lily was so happy to have her ribbon back and she hugged her brother tightly. From that day on, she made sure to attach the ribbon properly so it wouldn't get lost again. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys and run around outside. One day, Timmy's mom asked him to help her with the laundry. Timmy said, "Okay, Mommy!" and they went to the laundry room. + +Timmy's mom showed him how to put the clothes in the washing machine. Timmy was very good at it! But then, his mom asked him to put some coal in the furnace. Timmy didn't know what coal was, so he asked his mom. She said, "It's a black rock that makes the furnace hot." Timmy thought that was silly, but he did what his mom asked. + +After they finished the laundry, Timmy's mom asked him if he wanted a snack. Timmy said, "Yes, please!" and they went to the kitchen. As they ate their snacks, Timmy's mom sighed and said, "I'm so tired." Timmy asked her if she wanted a nap. She said yes, and they both went to take a nap. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful rabbit. The rabbit was very happy and loved to hop around in the grass. One day, a fox tried to catch the rabbit. The rabbit was scared and didn't know what to do. But then, the rabbit surrendered and the fox didn't hurt it. From then on, the rabbit was more careful when it saw the fox. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a chubby fish named Fizzy. Fizzy loved to swim and play all day long in the big blue ocean. But one day, Fizzy became very tired and needed to rest. + +Fizzy searched for a quiet place to rest and found a cozy coral reef. Fizzy snuggled into the soft sand and closed his eyes. + +As Fizzy rested, he thought about how important it is to take breaks and rest when we need it. Just like fish need to rest, people need to rest too. + +From that day on, Fizzy made sure to rest when he needed it and reminded his fish friends to do the same. And they all lived happily ever after, swimming and resting together in the big blue ocean. +Once upon a time, there was a big dog named Max. Max loved to play outside in the park with his friends. One day, a stranger came to the park. Max didn't know the stranger and he felt a little scared. The stranger had a sharp hat on his head and Max didn't like it. + +Max barked at the stranger and the stranger went away. Max felt proud of himself for protecting his friends. From that day on, Max knew that if he saw a stranger with a sharp hat, he had to bark and protect his friends. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a deer named Bambi. Bambi was very popular in the forest because he was friendly to everyone. One day, Bambi was playing with his friends when he found a shiny rock. + +"Look what I found!" Bambi said excitedly. + +His friend Thumper replied, "That's cool, Bambi! What are you going to do with it?" + +"I'm going to bury it so I can find it later," Bambi said. + +Thumper and the other friends helped Bambi bury the rock in a special spot. Bambi was happy to have a secret treasure. From that day on, Bambi became even more popular because he knew how to keep a secret. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved sweet things like candy and cake. One day, Lily's mom asked her if she wanted to help make some cookies. Lily was very excited and said, "Yes, I want to start now!" + +As they were making the cookies, Lily's mom explained the recipe to her. Lily listened carefully and said, "I understand, Mommy." They mixed the ingredients together and put the cookies in the oven. While they were baking, Lily asked her mom, "Can I have a cookie now?" Her mom laughed and said, "Not yet, sweetie. We have to wait for them to finish baking." + +Finally, the cookies were ready and they took them out of the oven. Lily's mom gave her a warm and gooey cookie. Lily took a bite and exclaimed, "Mmm, this is so sweet and delicious!" Her mom smiled and said, "I'm glad you like them, Lily." From that day on, Lily loved helping her mom bake sweet treats and always understood the recipe. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to mix stuff together in her kitchen. One day, she mixed flour, sugar, and eggs to make a cake. She was so excited to eat it! + +But her mom was anxious because Lily forgot to put the cake in the oven. When they took it out, it was still raw. They couldn't eat it and Lily was very sad. She learned that sometimes when you mix stuff, it doesn't always turn out good. +There was a hot day. The sun was bright in the sky. + +Jack and his dog, Pete, were walking in the park. Pete had a new collar on. It was blue and shiny. + +Jack said to Pete, "Do you like your collar? Does it match your fur?" + +Pete barked happily and moved his head up and down. He liked it! + +Jack smiled and laughed. The collar matched Pete's fur perfectly. + +Jack hugged Pete and said, "We make a great match!" +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Mark. Mark lived in a big house in the woods. One day, Mark wanted to make something sweet, so he decided to bake a cake. He asked his dad, "Can I bake a cake?" His dad said, "Yes. Go get the ingredients." + +So Mark went to the forest and collected eggs, butter, and sugar. Then he went back to the big house and found a bowl and spoon. He mixed the ingredients together and put the cake in the oven to bake. + +After a while, the cake was ready. Everyone was so excited about the cake. "I want a piece!" said his dad. + +But before they could eat it, a wild boar jumped over the fence. Mark was scared and he ran into the house. His dad chased the wild boar away with a stick. + +When it was all over, Mark's dad said, "Let's have some cake now! What an adventure we had!" + +Mark and his dad ate the delicious cake and had a wonderful time. They laughed and smiled. They were so happy. +Once upon a time there was a little boy called Jack. Jack loved to eat. Everyday he would eat lots of delicious food. +One day, he went to the park with his dad. He saw a big motor and was so excited! +'Dad! Can we get on that motor?' asked Jack. +His dad smiled and said, 'Yes we can but it might be a bit uncomfortable.' +So they got on the motor and Jack was so happy; he felt like he was a king! +But after a while he started to feel a bit uncomfortable and wanted to get off. +'Dad, I feel uncomfortable. Can I get off now?' said Jack. +Jack's dad knew he was tired and said, 'Yes, let's go home for some food!'. +Jack was so excited and couldn't wait to eat some delicious food. +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a generous lady named Sally. She wanted to create something special for her living room. Preparing her tools, she took long strips of fabric and began to cut and sew. She worked hard and created a beautiful new carpet. + +One day, Sally asked her three year old son, Luke, to come and see her work. "What do you think of this, Luke?" she said as she unrolled the carpet and spread it across the floor. + +"Wow!" exclaimed Luke. "It's so soft and colorful! I love it!" + +"Do you think you can help me come up with a name for it?" asked Sally. + +"Yes!" Luke said happily. "Let's call it 'The Magic Carpet'!" + +Sally smiled and said, "That's perfect! Thank you for your help, Luke." + +And so, with Luke's help, Sally had created a magical carpet for her living room. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane. She was three years old and loved to play and explore. One day, she was out in the park playing with her friends. + +Suddenly, Jane spotted a package and ran over to it. She opened it eagerly to find a bright red toy car inside. She knew it was something special and wanted to show everyone. + +"Look what I found!" Jane shouted to her friends. + +The other kids were excited and wanted to play with the car too. Jane was happy to share and spread the toy car around her friends. Everyone smiled and giggled as they enjoyed playing with the popular toy. + +They played and played until it was time to go home. Jane said goodbye to her friends and took the package home with her. She couldn't wait to show her family the special surprise she had found in the park. + +The end. +Henry was a very happy boy who felt lucky to have such good friends. Every day he liked to trade toys with his friends. He would give his favorite toy car to one friend and get a stuffed animal from another. + +One day, Henry was so excited to trade toys. But when he got to his friends' house, he was too tired to play. He told his friends, "I need to nap." + +His friends were sad, but they understood. Henry's mom found a cozy spot in the living room and he curled up in a blanket. + +After a few peaceful moments of rest, Henry's friends got an idea. They took out their favorite toys and left them beside him while he napped. + +The friends said, "We're trading while you nap!" + +Henry awoke to a pile of toys. He was surprised and delighted. Gratefully, he said, "Thank you! Now I don't have to feel hurt that I missed out on our trade." + +Henry and his friends spent the whole day playing with their new toys and trading back and forth. They all had such a wonderful time. It was a day filled with happiness and friendship. +Once there was a cow named Daisy. Daisy was very tough, which meant she was strong and brave. One day, Daisy went to the cornfield to get some corn. + +When Daisy got to the cornfield, she saw a farmer. The farmer saw Daisy too, and he was not happy. He yelled at Daisy to leave, but Daisy was very determined to get some corn. + +The farmer said, "I'm not going to encourage you to eat my corn!" But Daisy didn't listen. She just kept eating. + +The farmer was getting frustrated and said, "If you won't leave, then I'm going to have to get tough." Daisy didn't understand but she saw the farmer start to come closer. + +So, Daisy quickly ran away and luckily made it to the other side of the fence before the farmer could catch her. From that day forward, Daisy was always careful when she went to get corn in the field. She still got the corn that she needed, but she stayed away from the farmer. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Sarah. Sarah was only three years old, but she knew how to have lots of fun. On this special day, Sarah wanted to try something new. + +Sarah asked her mummy, "Mummy, can I eat a cherry?" Her mummy smiled and said, "Yes, of course you can!" Sarah was so excited and she quickly grabbed a big, red cherry. + +As Sarah was about to bite into the cherry, she suddenly sneezed. She was scared because she didn't know what it was. But her mummy hugged her and smiled, "It's ok sweetheart, it's just a sneeze. It means your body is comfortable." + +Sarah was relieved. She smiled and said, "Yummy, cherries are so yummy!" She enjoyed her cherry so much that she ate two more. + +From that day on, Sarah was no longer scared of sneezes. And she never forgot the fun she had eating cherries. +Once upon a time, there was a huge fly. He loved to hop around in the sun. +One day, he saw a little girl walking in the park. She was wearing a sparkly dress and had a big red bow in her hair. +The fly hopped closer to her and said, "Hello! What's your name?" +The girl smiled. "My name is Jane," she said. +Jane carefully scooped up the huge fly with her hands. She said, "I have been wanting to fly around with a bug for a long time now. Would you like to come with me?" +The fly smiled and nodded. He hopped into Jane's hands and Jane smiled. She placed him on her shoulder and off they flew together. + +The fly and Jane flew higher and higher, so high that the bright blue sky seemed to go on forever. They flew over the park and Jane showed the fly everything. He was so happy and filled with joy. + +Finally, they descended back to the ground and Jane said goodbye to the huge fly. He waved as she walked away, and he knew he would always remember this special day with Jane. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He wanted to go outside and play in the snow, but he was too scared. He couldn't crawl very fast, and he was ashamed of how slow he was. + +So he called out to his mommy. +"Mommy! Can you help me?" he said. + +His mommy smiled, and said, "of course I can help. Come on, let's go outside and play together." + +They went outside, and the little boy was so happy! The snow was so cold and fluffy. He crawled around in the snow, laughing and smiling. His mommy watched him from the porch, glad that he was having fun. + +Soon it was time to go inside. The little boy was sad, but he said goodbye to the snow and crawled slowly back to the house. + +It had been a fun day, and he was proud that he had been brave enough to go outside and play in the snow. +Dan was excited to go to the park. He had never gone before and he couldn't wait to explore the new place. + +"What's this?" Dan asked his mom as he saw a playground for the very first time. + +"That's a playground," she said. "You can play there." + +Dan was thrilled and quickly ran onto the brightly-colored equipment. He climbed the ladder and slid down the slide. It was so much fun that he ran around the playground, laughing and giggling. + +Just then, Dan noticed another boy in the park who he had never seen before. + +"Let's play together!" Dan shouted. + +But the boy just looked at Dan and said "I hate this place!" + +Dan was surprised by the boy's reaction. He thought the playground was fun, so why did the other boy hate it so much? + +Hesitantly, Dan asked: "Why do you hate it?" + +"I don't want to be here," the boy said sadly. + +Dan felt sorry for the boy and he wished he could help. + +"It's ok," Dan said. "Let's just have fun together!" + +The boy smiled and the two of them ran around the playground for the rest of the afternoon. Dan was excited and he knew he would come back to the park as soon as he could. +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful onion. It wanted to know how much it weighed, so it asked a nearby cricket. + +"Cricket," said the onion, "Can you weigh me?" + +The cricket said, "Yes, I can help you! Just give me a moment." + +The cricket used a very small scale to weigh the onion. + +"You weigh three ounces," said the cricket. + +The onion smiled happily. It was so glad to learn how much it weighed. "Thank you, cricket," said the onion. + +The cricket replied, "You're welcome! Have a beautiful day!" + +And that was the end of the story. +Once upon a time there was a little boy called Tom. Tom loved to explore the big world around him. One day, Tom decided to explore a huge cave he had never seen before. + +Tom went to the cave early in the morning and it was dark. He was scared, but decided to go in anyway. Suddenly, he heard an interesting sound coming from inside the cave. + +"What are you doing?" Tom called out. "I'm spending noon in here," a voice replied. Tom walked further into the cave and saw a huge bear! The bear was friendly and said it was taking some time off so it could relax and watch the stars. + +Tom and the bear talked for hours about different things. Then, it was time for the bear to go. Tom thanked the bear and went on his way. He was so glad he decided to explore the big cave and meet the bear. He spent a wonderful time in the cave and told everyone about his adventure. +Sarah was sad. She had spilled her favorite juice all over the kitchen floor and it was soaking into the floor. She was so upset she had to go outside to think. + +Outside Sarah saw a big blackboard with colorful chalk. She was filled with curiosity and thoughtfulness and began to draw on the board. She drew pictures of happy things like a beach with birds flying in the air. She kept drawing and let her imagination run wild. + +Suddenly, Sarah heard a voice behind her. It was her dad. + +"What have you been doing?" He asked. + +Sarah was happy to see her dad and she quickly explained what she was doing. + +"I was being thoughtful and drawing on the blackboard. I thought it would make me feel better." + +Her dad smiled and reminded her that no matter what happened, he was always there to help. Sarah smiled back, hugged her dad and went back inside to clean up the spilled juice. +Once upon a time, there was a bird who loved to fly. Every day, the bird would soar over the ordinary shore. It was very happy in the sky of blue. + +One day, the bird was flying along and he saw another bird also in the sky. He flew closer and said "Hi friend! Where are you going?" The other bird replied, "I'm flying to the shore". + +The bird was very excited and asked "Will you take me too? I have never seen a shore before!". The other bird said, "Yes, let's go together". + +So, the two birds flew towards the shore. When they arrived, the bird said "Wow! It's so nice here! I'm so glad I flew with you today!" + +The two birds spent the whole day playing at the shore. When it was time to go, the bird said goodbye with a smile and flew back to his home. He knew he would never forget his special day at the ordinary shore. +Mum was in the kitchen when she heard a noise coming from upstairs. She went to investigate and found her 3 year old daughter, watching something on the floor. "What are you doing, sweetie?" she asked. +"I'm picking something up," said the little girl. +Mum looked closer and noticed a drawer in the corner of the room. "Ah, I see you found the drawer!" she exclaimed. +The little girl nodded excitedly. She looked so restless and Mum could tell she wanted to do something. "Why don't you pick out something fun and bring it downstairs?" she suggested. +The little girl smiled and went on picking things out of the drawer until she found a colourful toy. She held it up to Mum proudly before skipping into the living room, ready to play. +Once there was a girl called Mo and she was three years old. She had a friend called Ted and they always played together. Mo and Ted loved to go to the park. + +One day they were playing tag and Ted started to tease Mo. But Mo wasn't upset. She just laughed and ran even faster. + +After their game Mo and Ted took a break and ate some oat cookies that Mo brought. Ted said, "These cookies are crazy good!" + +Mo nodded and said, "You're so funny. You make me laugh!" + +Ted smiled and said, "Let's play tag again!" + +So Mo and Ted ran around the park, laughing and teasing each other. They were having so much fun that they didn't want to leave. +Once upon a time there was a little girl playing in the park. She liked to play with her blocks, especially a special red brick. She could make all sorts of shapes and towers with it. + +One day, a big, yellow bird flew down and landed on the park bench beside her. She said "Hello!" The bird hopped closer and asked her "Do you have the brick?" +The little girl picked it up and said “Yes, here it is!†The bird said “Ooh, that’s a brilliant brick! Can I have it?†+The little girl wasn’t sure, so she said “Will you close your eyes?†The bird nodded and closed its eyes. +The little girl held the brick in one hand and said to the bird “Can you open your eyes now?†When the bird opened its eyes, the brick was gone. +The little girl smiled and said “Now it’s gone and nobody can find it!†+The bird smiled too and said “Thank you for the brilliant brick!†+Once upon a time there was a little boy named Jake. Jake was 3 and very curious. He wanted to explore the world around him and find out all the wonderful things it had to offer. + +One day, Jake's mommy said she had something special to show him. They walked together to a big door and she reached for a special key to unlock it. When she opened the door, Jake's eyes got very big. Inside was a room full of bright colors and lovely shapes. + +"What is this place, Mommy?" Jake asked in amazement. + +His Mommy replied, "This is a place where you can get all the supplies you need for your adventures. You can always come here for supplies if you want." + +Jake was so excited! He grabbed as many supplies as his little arms could carry and then ran outside. He ran around in circles until he got so dizzy that he toppled onto the ground! His mom came over to help him up. + +"I think it's time to head home," she said with a smile. + +Jake gathered up all his supplies, and they headed back home. Every once in a while, Jake would come to the special door to get supplies for his adventures. It was always a really fun time! +Jimmy and his dad were playing football in the park. It was a sunny day and the ball was shining. Dad kicked the ball to Jimmy and he kicked it back. + +"Yay!" Dad shouted. "You're so good at football!" + +The two kept kicking the ball back and forth. Jimmy was having so much fun. + +Suddenly, a rude man arrived. He just stood there and stared at them. Dad and Jimmy stopped playing. + +"What are you doing?" Dad asked the man. + +The man scowled and said, "I want you to leave. This park is not for playing football." + +Dad looked upset. He said gently, "Please let us stay and play. We won't be long." + +The man crossed his arms and said, "No. Look, I know it's a nice day, but this park is for quiet activities. So go!" + +Dad and Jimmy left, but Jimmy was sad. Dad hugged him and said, "Don't worry. We'll come back tomorrow and the sun will shine again." +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Charlotte. Charlotte was 3 years old, and she loved to play outside. + +One day, when Charlotte was playing with her friends, she saw a gray bird perched in a gray tree. Charlotte asked her friends, "What kind of bird is that?" But nobody knew. + +Then, Charlotte went to find a grownup to help. She found a mom whose opinion seemed nice. She asked, "Please help, what kind of bird is that?" + +The mom smiled and said, "Well, that's a dove." Then she pointed up at the sky and said, "See how its wings are gray like the clouds?" + +Charlotte's face lit up. She said, "Thank you for helping me! I love doves now." + +The mom said, "You're welcome, Charlotte. Always make sure to ask for help when you need it." + +Charlotte smiled and said, "I will!" And she went back to play with her friends. +Once upon a time, there was a fun and interesting fox. He liked to explore and play in the woods. + +One day, he heard a noise in the bushes. When he went to investigate, he found a little girl! She was only three years old and was playing with a bear. + +"Hi!" said the fox. + +The little girl was surprised. + +"Hello!" she said. + +The fox asked, "What’s your name?" + +"My name is Emily. Do you want to play with me and my bear?" + +The fox nodded and they all played together. They laughed and ran and it was so much fun! + +Later on, the sun went down and Emily had to go home. + +"Bye bye," she said. + +The fox waved goodbye and suddenly he felt sad. + +"I miss you already," he said. + +Emily smiled and said, "I miss you too!" + +The fox smiled as he watched Emily walk away. He was sure they would meet again very soon. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Grace. Grace was three. Grace loved to play outside. + +One day, Grace found a scary bug in her room. It was big and brown. Grace was scared! She ran to find her mom. + +"Mommy, there's a bug!" said Grace. + +"Don't worry, Grace," said mom. "Let's clean it." + +They got some paper towels and a dustpan. Mom slowly picked up the bug and put it in the dustpan. They took it outside and dumped it in the garden. + +"Mommy, can we make tea now," asked Grace. + +"Of course we can," said mom. + +Mom and Grace made a delicious cup of tea. They drank it together. Grace felt happy and proud that they had cleaned the bug. + +"Good job, Grace," said mom. + +Grace smiled. She felt not scared or ashamed anymore. +Bob the bunny hopped along the garden path. He looked in the mirror and saw his furry ears. Bob smiled, he liked his furry ears! + +Bob sniffed the flowers and he breathed in the sweet scent. Suddenly, he heard a noise, somethng was behind him. + +Bob turned around, and saw a little bear. He said “Helloâ€, and the bear giggled. + +“I’m Suzyâ€, said the bear. She asked if Bob would like to play. + +“Yesâ€, said Bob. + +Suzy and Bob hopped around the garden together. They laughed and smiled. + +When it was time to go home, Suzy said goodbye and gave Bob a big hug. Bob grinned. He waved goodbye as Suzy hopped away. Then he looked in the mirror again. The furry ears were still there and he was still smiling. +Once upon a time there lived a jolly little girl named Jade. She was very curious and always wanted to learn new things. One day she decided to find out what a cookie was. + +She asked her Mum, "Mum, what is a cookie?" + +Mum replied, "A cookie is a special treat that is yummy and sweet." + +Jade was very excited and said, "I want to eat a cookie!" + +Mum smiled and said, "Okay, let's go and get one from the shop." + +So, off Jade and Mum went to the shop to buy a cookie. When they arrived, Mum asked for a cookie and the shopkeeper gave them one. It was big and round and was coated with chocolate sprinkles. + +Jade couldn't believe it! It looked so yummy and smelled so sweet! Jade ate the cookie in no time at all and it tasted delicious! Now Jade knew what a cookie was and she couldn't wait to eat one again. +Jack was excited to go to the beach. He couldn't wait to add sand to his bucket. When he got there, Jack ran to the shore and started digging with his hands. His Dad smiled and said, "Let's go look for oysters!" + +Jack was even more excited now. They walked around looking for oysters until they spotted one. His Dad picked it up and said, "Let's take this one home and add it to our collection!" + +They put the oyster in the bucket and continued searching the beach. After a while, the bucket was full of oysters and Jack was so proud. + +Jack said, "We added so many oysters and now I can't wait to show Mom!" + +His Dad smiled and said, "Let's go home and put them on display!" +Once upon a time, there was a happy three-year-old girl named Jane. She loved to play with her new toys. One day, she was playing with her plastic dolls in her room. + +Then, something special happened! A creature named Sammy appeared in the room. He had a package in his hand. + +"Hi Jane! I have something for you," said Sammy. + +"What is it?," Jane asked with excitement. + +"It's a surprise! I'm going to send it to you," he replied. + +Jane was so happy. Sammy gave her a regular plastic ball to play with. She smiled and hugged the ball tight. Jane hugged Sammy and thanked him for sending her the special toy. Sammy flew away with a smile on his face. + +Jane played with her new red plastic ball all day long. She was so happy and excited to play with it. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was an otter. It lived in a deep lake. It was so deep that the otter could never see the bottom. + +One day, the otter was swimming around when a duck showed up. The duck said to the otter, "Hi! I am so happy to see you. Can you show me around the lake?" + +The otter smiled and said, "Sure! Where would you like to go?" + +The duck replied, "Can you show me the deep part of the lake? I want to see how deep it is." + +The otter was excited and said, "Follow me!" Then it swam around the lake and led the duck to the deepest point. The duck was amazed to see how deep the lake was. + +The duck thanked the otter and said, "I am so glad you showed me this deep lake. Now I know how deep it is!" + +The otter smiled and waved goodbye and said, "You're welcome. Have a nice day!" + +And so the otter and the duck left the deep lake, never forgetting the wonderful day they had together. +Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl. They were both very excited, because a big truck was about to arrive to deliver some equipment. + +"What do you think it is?" asked the boy. + +"I don't know, but I'm sure it will be nice," answered the girl. + +The truck soon arrived, and the driver got out with a big box. It was pale in color and had a bright yellow label. + +"Oh! That looks cool!" said the boy. + +The driver smiled and gave the box to the boy. "It's all yours!" he said. + +The boy and the girl opened the box, and inside they found all kinds of fun new equipment. They thanked the driver and began to play. + +And they all lived happily ever after! +One day Pete the rabbit was feeling very anxious. He wanted to perform something, but he was not sure what. That is when he saw a radish in the garden. "I know!" he said to himself. Pete decided he wanted to perform a dance with the radish. + +He grabbed the radish with both hands and started jumping up and down. He waved his paws in the air and hopped around in circles. He even sang a song about radishes! + +Just then, Pete's friend, Fluffy the fox, came around the corner. "What are you doing?" he asked. + +Pete smiled. "I am performing a dance with this radish," he said. Fluffy thought it was funny, so he joined in the dance. Now, both Pete and Fluffy were anxious to see who could perform the best radish dance! +Once upon a time there were two brothers, Jack and Matthew. They were driving in their car and they started to quarrel. Jack shouted, "I want to go the park!" and Matthew said, "No way! Let's go to the beach!" + +Jack got mad and started to scream. He drove faster and faster and the car was going crazy. Suddenly, one of the wheels fell off the car. Jack and Matthew stopped quarreling and they were both scared. + +Matthew said, "How will we get home now? The wheel is broken." But Jack had a plan. He said, "I know! I'll find another wheel from somewhere else and put it on our car." + +They both got out of the car to look for a new wheel and luckily, just around the corner, was a big wheel. Jack grabbed it and put it on the car. Then they both got back in and drove home. + +From that day on, both Jack and Matthew promised never to quarrel in the car again. They had learned their lesson! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Tina. She had a big imagination and liked to pretend. One day, she saw a fancy radio. + +"Whoa!" said Tina. She wanted to play with it. + +Tina poked the radio. Suddenly, music came out of it! Tina was so happy. + +Tina danced around the room as she listened to the music. She was having so much fun. + +When the song was over, Tina poked the radio again. Then, another song came on. Before long, Tina was bopping her head and swaying her arms to the beat. + +Tina sang along with the music. She was very excited. + +When the song was over, Tina closed her eyes and smiled. She had a great time playing with the fancy radio. +Once upon a time, there was a whale who loved to be organized. Every day, she kept her house very neat and tidy. She even managed to do her chores quickly and efficiently. + +One day, she decided to take an adventure at the beach. As she swam out, she spotted a group of children playing nearby. She watched them curiously as they ran around, laughing and playing. + +Curiosity got the best of her, so she decided to see what they were doing. She slowly made her way over to the children and asked them what they were up to. + +One little girl answered, "We're playing a game! Would you like to join us?" + +The whale was surprised, but managed to reply "Yes, I would love to join". + +The children cheered and invited her to play. She had so much fun joining in on the game. The whale was very happy that she managed to make new friends! +Once there was a little girl who loved the summer. She liked to pick flowers and play in the sun. + +One day, she went out to pick some wildflowers. She smiled as she spotted some daisies in the grass. + +Suddenly, she heard a noise. It was a squirrel! + +"Hi, little squirrel!" the girl said. + +The squirrel looked up at her. "I am looking for something very important," it said. + +The girl thought for a moment. "Do you mean it is important to you?" + +The squirrel nodded. + +The girl smiled. "I know! Pick some daisies! They will make your summer special!" + +The squirrel jumped up and picked some of the daisies. + +The girl smiled as she watched the squirrel happily collect flowers for its summer. She had made a new friend and helped it find something important. +Once upon a time, there was a very popular boy called Tom. Tom had a wish. He wished he could fly high up in the sky and never end. + +One day, Tom was playing in the park when he saw a bird. He called out to the bird, "Hey! Can you fly me up high in the sky?" + +The bird replied, "I'm sorry, Tom, but I can't do that. But I can sing to you!" + +And so, the bird started to sing. Tom listened to the beautiful song and closed his eyes. Then suddenly, he felt as if he was flying up in the sky! + +Tom smiled and felt happy. He knew that his wish was coming true. He opened his eyes and was thrilled to see the bird beside him and the sky above him. + +He knew the flight would soon end, but he enjoyed it while it lasted. When it was time to come back down, the bird flew away and Tom flew back to the ground. + +But even though his flight had ended, Tom was still happy. He knew his wish had come true. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Bill. He was three years old and he was very curious. One day he went to his mom and said, "Mommy, what is a sock?" His mom laughed and said, "A sock is something that you put on your foot. It's like a type of shoe." Bill smiled and said, "Ok, can I get a sock?" His mom replied, "Yes, of course. Let's go to the store and get one!" + +When they got to the store, Bill was amazed by all the different kinds of socks. There were sock with stripes, colorful socks, and even animal socks. But Bill only wanted a regular sock. His mom said, "How about this special regular sock? We can get it in all different colors!" Bill thought it looked great, so he chose a blue regular sock. He was so happy to have his very own sock! + +On the way home, Bill asked his mom, "Mommy, can I tell my friends about my sock?" His mom smiled and said, "Yes, of course. You can tell them all about it when you see them." Bill was very excited to show off his new regular sock. He couldn't wait to tell them all about it! +Once upon a time, there were two best friends called Buddy and Sarah. They were always together, exploring and having fun. + +One day, summer was coming and the two friends wanted to discover something new. Sarah said, "Let's find something fun!" + +So they went on a journey, walking and looking for something special. They saw lots of things, but nothing felt quite right. + +Suddenly, they spotted something in the grass. Buddy said, "What's that?" Sarah replied, "Let's have a look!" + +They came closer and pulled away some weeds. Suddenly, they discovered something very disgusting! It was a slimy, wet and smelly frog! + +Buddy said, "Ewwww, it's repulsive!" Sarah said, "Let's go and play somewhere else!" + +So they laughed and had a great time, forgetting all about the slimy frog. Summer was their favourite season, full of new adventures and fun discoveries. +One day, a little girl went to visit her neighbor. She pushed open the door, but it broke in two. The neighbor was very surprised and shouted, "What did you do?!". + +The little girl felt scared and said, "I am sorry. I did not mean to break the door". + +The neighbor felt sorry for the little girl and said, "It's okay. Things sometimes break, especially doors. It was an unusual accident". + +The neighbor helped the little girl fix the door by placing a big piece of paper over it. From then on, the little girl was always very careful when she opened doors. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Megan who wanted to play a game with her friends. She thought of the perfect game to play. Megan asked her friends to bring a flag, and they all agreed. + +The friends gathered around and Megan pointed to a big, tall tree. She said, “Let’s pretend the tree is an island. We’re all pirates and this tree is our ship.†+ +Everyone was excited! They got out the flag, and tied it to the tree. Megan held out her hands and said, “May I have your swords?†Her friends quickly gave her their dull pretend swords. + +Megan imagined she was a brave pirate captain, and she said, “Let’s go on an adventure. I allow you to go explore the island!†So the friends ventured out and looked for treasure. + +At the end of the day they all came back, smiling and laughing. Megan declared, “You are all brave pirates! I hereby grant you a new flag and your own ship. Now let’s set sail!†Everyone cheered as they hoisted their flag and took off on their adventure. +Mia was very frightened when she arrived at the stadium. She had never been inside one before. + +"What is this place?" Mia asked her mom. + +"It's a stadium," her mom said. "We are here to see a special show!" + +Mia was excited to see the show. When they reached the middle of the stadium, Mia saw a strange object near her feet. + +"What is that?" Mia asked. + +"It's a spray can," her mom said. + +Mia picked it up and started pressing the button. Suddenly, water came shooting out of the can. + +Mia laughed as she sprayed the water everywhere. She kept spraying until her mom said it was time to go. + +Mia was sad that the show was over, but she had a lot of fun spraying the water in the stadium. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Jack and Jenny. They were very clever and they were always looking for an adventure. + +One day, they decided to explore the nature around them. As they walked around, they saw many wonderful things. There were birds, a river and lots of trees. + +Suddenly, Jack saw something. He asked Jenny if she could see it too. "What is it?" Jenny asked. "It's a cage," Jack said. "But there's no animal inside. + +Suddenly, the cage started to shake. "It must have something inside," said Jenny. Then, the cage opened and out came a small bunny. + +The friends were so excited, they quickly ran up and petted the bunny. + +Finally, Jack and Jenny decided to release the bunny into the wild. As the bunny hopped away, the friends waved goodbye. They knew the bunny was now free and living in the nature. They were both very clever. +Once upon a time there was a girl who loved perfume. Every day she would make new perfumes and she was so happy. One day she was making a special perfume when she realised she was missing an ingredient. She was very worried and didn't know what to do. + +Then her friend came over. He asked her why she was so sad and she told him her problem. He smiled and said, "That's easy! I can help you find the ingredient". She was so happy and thanked him. + +So they went on a journey to find the missing ingredient. After a long time of searching, the girl shouted with joy because she had found what she was looking for. The ingredient was special and she was so excited. + +She thanked her friend for all his help and they spent the rest of the day making perfume. When it was finished it smelled beautiful and everyone was so happy. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Sydney who was very excited. She was excited because today was a special day - it was time for her to make her very own applesauce! + +Sydney gathered all the things she needed for her applesauce: a big bowl, spoon, bunch of apples, and a pot. Then it was time to get started. + +Sydney carefully peeled and cut the apples. Once they were chopped up, Sydney put them into a pot and poured some water in. + +She started stirring the mixture and smiled when she smelled the delicious apples and sweet spice. Sydney then got a bowl and carefully poured the done applesauce into it. She smiled as she was so excited to try her own creation. + +Sydney put her bowl of applesauce on the table and said, “It’s done! Who wants to try it?†+Once upon a time, there was a big bear. The bear was very hungry and wanted something to eat. He looked around and saw a snack on top of a hill. He decided to rise up the hill and grab the snack. + +The bear was climbing, but he kept slipping! He rolled and wobbled, but he did not give up. Finally, he was near the top. + +"Hello," said the snack. "It's nice to meet you." + +The bear was surprised! He asked the snack what it was. + +"I am a big strawberry," said the snack. "Do you want to have me for dinner?" + +The bear was delighted and said yes! He and the big strawberry ate up all of the snack together. + +The bear was full and happy. He thanked the snack for the dinner, and rose back down the hill. + +The end. +Danny the dinosaur was walking through the woods looking for things to store in his pouch. He saw a hammer and tried to pick it up, but it was too heavy. He grunted and groaned and finally got it in his pouch. + +Suddenly he noticed a smelly smell nearby. It was coming from inside a bush. He kicked it and out flew a little frog. + +“Hello!†said the frog. “What are you doing?†+ +“I’m trying to store things in my pouch,†Danny the dinosaur explained. + +“That’s a big hammer.†+ +“It’s too smelly in here,†Danny complained. + +“Why don’t we go find someplace else to play?†+ +Danny smiled. “OK!†+ +And so off they went, Danny the dinosaur and the little frog, looking for new things to store in his pouch. +Once upon a time there was a pretty girl named Mia. She had purple hair and purple eyes, so she was very special. One day, Mia didn't feel well. She was very tired and had a bad cough. So Mia's mom took her to the hospital. + +When they got to the hospital, a nice doctor gave Mia a check up. The doctor said, "Mia, I think you need to stay here tonight. That way I can keep an eye on you." + +Mia was scared, but she said ok. She said goodbye to her mom, who gave her a big hug. "I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up," her mom said. + +Mia spent all night in the hospital. But finally it was morning and her mom was there to pick her up. Mia was so happy and said, "Bye bye hospital! Now I can go home!" + +And so Mia and her mom went home. Mia felt much better and all was well. The end. +Once upon a time there were two best friends, Tom and Jack. They liked to explore new places together. + +One day, Jack found a nice ticket. He showed it to Tom. + +"What's that?" asked Tom. + +"It's a ticket. We can use it to go somewhere new," said Jack. + +The friends were so excited they ran outside to use the ticket. Finally, they arrived at a big, exciting place. They used the ticket to get in and had lots of fun. + +When they got home, Jack thanked Tom for going with him. + +"That was nice," said Tom. + +They both agreed that exploring new places together was the best way to have fun. +Once upon a time, there was a little painter who had a very tight budget. He wanted to buy paint, but he was worried he couldn't afford it. + +He walked into the store and said, "Excuse me, do you have any paint I can buy?" + +The store keeper said, "Yes, I have paint, but it costs more than you can afford. I'm sorry." + +The little painter hung his head low in sadness. Just then, a friendly voice behind him spoke up. + +It was the store keeper's daughter. She smiled and said, "Don't be sad, painter. I will give you some of my paint. But you must promise to pinch only five drops from the jar." + +The painter was so happy, he gave the girl a hug. The girl smiled again and said, "Remember, pinch only five drops!" + +The painter thanked her and went home. He mixed the paint with water, then carefully pinched five drops onto the canvas. He painted a beautiful picture and never forgot the store keeper's daughter's kindness. +Sammy was at school with her friends. They were learning about lunch. Sammy's teacher Mrs. Smith said, "It is important to eat a good lunch. What do you recommend?" + +"I recommend a sandwich," said Sammy. +"Yes, that is a great recommendation," said Mrs. Smith. + +The next day, Sammy saw her friend Tom at school. Tom was eating a sandwich for lunch. Sammy asked Tom, "Where did you get that sandwich?" + +Tom said, "My mom made it." +Sammy said, "That looks delicious! I recommend that sandwich too!" + +Tom smiled and said, "My mom says it is a fierce sandwich!" Sammy and Tom laughed. They both said that sounded like a great lunch to have. So they both agreed that it was a great recommendation! +Once upon a time, there was a small village in a faraway land. It was always sunny and happy there. But one day, it began to rain. The rain kept pouring, and before long it had turned into a huge flood. + +All the villagers were scared and struggling to keep their homes safe. Ben and his family were no exception. They had to hold each other's hands tight to stay together as the flood waters rushed past. + +Suddenly, a big and rude wave came tumbling down the village streets. It was so strong that it nearly knocked Ben and his family off their feet. + +Ben shouted out, 'We need help! Somebody please help us!' + +Just then, a wise old man appeared at the bank of the flood. He called out to the family, 'Be brave. Climb onto my boat and I will take you away from here.' + +Ben and his family gratefully accepted the man's offer and jumped onto the boat. The old man then paddled them away to safety. + +The villagers never forgot the old man's kindness that day. Despite all their struggle against the flood, they were able to make it out safe and sound. +Once there was a little girl who had a special room just for her. It was painted in happy colors, and had lots of fun things to do! The little girl wanted to explore her room, so she clapped her hands and jumped around. + +Suddenly, she heard a voice from behind her say, "you need to be serious, little one." Startled, the little girl turned around to see her mom standing in the doorway. + +The little girl said, "Mommy, why do I need to be serious? I'm just having fun exploring my room." + +Her mom replied, "Exploring is fun, but it's important to show respect too. That means being serious when it's time to be serious." + +The little girl nodded and said, "Okay, I will be more serious when I'm exploring my room!" After that, she clapped her hands and smiled. She was ready to have fun, but also stay serious. +Once upon a time there was an adventurous little girl named Sally. She had an expensive sword and she would wave it around in the air. "I can save the world!" Sally declared. + +One day, Sally found a giant rock that was blocking her path. "I'll never get by!" she said sadly. + +Just then, a voice called out from behind her. It was a magical fairy. "Sally, I can help! I can cover the rock for you." + +Sally smiled and thanked the fairy. She looked down at her sword and said, "Arise, my expensive sword! Let us move forward!" + +The fairy waved her wand and the giant rock was covered. Sally smiled and continued on her journey, sword in hand. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jim. He was only three and liked to explore. One day, he decided to explore the forest near his house. + +It was a bright and sunny day as Jim ventured into the woods. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise, and his legs started to shiver. Jim looked around and saw a big, tall guard. The guard's face was scary and looked very dangerous. + +Jim was scared. He began to run but the guard caught up to him. + +"What are you doing here?" the guard asked. + +Jim started to cry. "I'm sorry," he said, "I just wanted to explore." + +The guard gave him a friendly smile. "You must be careful when exploring the woods," he said, "There are lots of dangerous creatures here!" + +Jim nodded, and thanked the guard. He returned home safe and sound, and never explored the forest again. +Mia and Mommy were in the kitchen. Mia asked Mommy, "What are you doing?" Mommy said, "I'm making something special for tonight." Mia asked, "What are you making?" Mommy said, "I am making pumpkin pie." Mia said, "Yummy! Can I help?" Mommy said, "Yes, you can help me mix the ingredients." + +Mia scooped the flour into the bowl and then broke the butter into small pieces. They mixed the ingredients together until it was all blended. Mommy poured the mixture into the pan and Mia put it into the oven. + +When the pumpkin pie was ready, Mia took it out of the oven and said, "It looks so yummy!" They both took a slice and Mia tasted it. Mia said, "Mommy, this pumpkin pie is so messy but it tastes so good!" Mommy said, "I knew you would like it!" + +They both laughed and enjoyed their special pumpkin pie. Mia was so happy to help make something delicious for her family. +Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted to understand the world. Everywhere she looked, she saw things that she didn't yet know. She was curious but also a bit scared. + +One day, the girl saw a deep lake, so she asked her mum, "What's that?" + +Mum smiled and said, "That's a deep lake, with lots of water fishes". + +The girl thought for a moment and said, "I don't understand yet." + +Mum said, "Don't worry, learning takes time. Everything is deep. We just have to take the time to learn it." + +The girl smiled and nodded her head. She now knew that understanding the world could be done, and she was excited to learn more. +Molly was a tall girl. She was walking down the street and saw a zipper on the ground. She quickly ran over and picked it up. + +Molly said to herself, "What a great find! I can definitely use this." She looked around to make sure no one else was around and put it in her pocket. + +As she kept walking, Molly thanked the zipper. Out loud, she said, "Thank you, zipper! You make a great addition to my collection." + +Suddenly, a voice from behind her said, "That's very kind of you, Molly. You are very polite." + +Molly quickly spun around and saw a friendly old man smiling at her. She smiled back and said, "Thank you for noticing!" before running off. + +The old man watched as Molly ran off, still feeling grateful for her kind words and thankful for Molly's thoughtful gesture. +Bob and his mum went for a walk. He ran ahead, jumping and bouncing around excitedly. His mum smiled and said, "Slow down, Bob." + +But, Bob was full of motion and wanted to explore everywhere. He quickly ran off and started exploring the further parts of the park. + +Bob made it to a clearing and came across Sandy and her family. Bob thought Sandy was bossy but he still wanted to play with her. He asked her, "Hi, Sandy, what you doin'?" + +Sandy looked at him crossly. "I'm watching my little brother, and you should be watching your mum," she said in a bossy voice. + +Bob didn't want to listen to her. He ran off as quickly as he could and made a big circle. He spotted his mum and said, "Mum, can I play with Sandy? She's bossy but I still want to play with her?" + +His mum said, "Maybe next time. Let's walk home now, ok?" + +Bob was happy to listen and skipped alongside his Mum all the way home. +Once there was a blue cactus named Bill. Bill was very nice and enjoyed the sun in his garden. He had many friends in the garden, but his favourite was Chuck the bird. Chuck would come and chat to Bill every day. + +One day, Bill was feeling a little lonely in his garden. He didn't know what to do, so he asked Chuck for help. Chuck thought for a minute, then said "I have an idea! Let's have an adventure!" Bill was so excited. + +They decided to go to the beach! When they arrived, they had so much fun playing in the sand. They even found a boat and pretended to go sailing. After a few hours, their adventure was complete. + +But when Bill got back home, he was sad. He missed his adventure already! But Chuck knew just how to make the cactus feel happy again. He said, "Let's do it again tomorrow!" Bill smiled and said, "Alright, let's do it!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She had long brown hair, a big smile and she was very curious. + +One day, she was exploring her garden when she saw a huge pile of lumber in the corner. She was very excited and decided to stay near the lumber and play. + +But then, a rude man comes walking by. He said, "What are you doing here, little girl? You shouldn't stay here!" + +The little girl was scared. She replied, "I'm just playing, sir. Please don't be rude!" + +But the rude man didn't listen and he kept walking away. + +The little girl stayed in the corner and she finished her game. And then she went back inside, happy and safe. +Once there was a cute little bunny. His name was Timmy. His fur was white and he had long ears. + +One day Timmy was hopping about on the grass. He had heard about something called blooming. He stopped to look around and wondered what blooming was. + +Suddenly he saw a beautiful flower rising up from the ground. Its petals were yellow, white and pink. Timmy hopped closer and asked the flower, “What are you doing?†+ +The flower replied, “I'm blooming. I've been growing for a minute, and now I'm blooming!†+ +Timmy was so excited to learn what blooming was. He gave the flower a big hug and thanked it. Then he hopped away, excited to tell all his friends about what he'd learned. +One day, a 3 year old girl named Amber saw a model in the park. She went up to the model and asked, "What are you doing here?" The model smiled and said, "I am here posing for a photo-shoot." Amber thought it looked like so much fun and asked, "Can I help you?†The model said "Yes, if you stay still like me and smile, you could be a model too." Amber was so excited and said, "OK, let's do it!" The model and Amber both stayed very still, and the photographer clicked the camera and said, "Perfect! The photo shoot is now complete." + +Amber and the model both stood up and the model said, "Thanks for your help Amber, you did a great job!" Amber was so proud of herself, she couldn't believe she was a model! As she was walking home, Amber noticed a dirty puddle on the ground. All around the puddle was dirt, leaves and rubbish. "What a filthy puddle" thought Amber, but she felt very happy inside. She had just completed her very first model photo shoot! +Once upon a time, there was a rose. She was growing in a garden and was very happy. Every day she would stay in the garden and smile. + +One day, she heard some busy noises and saw two boys. They were picking flowers and putting them in a basket. The rose was a bit scared and tried to move away but the boys came closer and closer. + +"We want to pick you", one of the boys said. + +The rose thought for a moment and then said very firmly, "No. I refuse." +The boys were very surprised, but then the other boy said, "Come on, let's go find another one." + +So, the boys went away and the rose was safe. She was very happy and from then on, she promised herself to always refuse when people wanted to pick her. +One day, Jack and his Mommy went to the park. It was a sunny day, so Mommy brought an umbrella. When they got to the park, Jack said, "Let's play!" + +Mommy smiled and said, "I have a good idea. Let's play Guess the Shape!" Jack was excited and said, "What do I have to do?" + +Mommy said, "I'm going to draw shapes in the sand. You have to guess what shape I draw!". Jack said, "That's easy!" + +Mommy started drawing. Jack tried to guess, but the shapes were more difficult than he thought. He sat down and looked up at the umbrella. He said, "It looks like the umbrella shape". + +Mommy smiled and said, "You are right! That was a difficult one, but you guessed correctly!". Jack smiled and ran around the park while Mommy put away the umbrella. + +He was happy that he had guessed right and Mommy was proud of him. They finished the game and had lots of fun at the park. +Suzie saw a doll in the store. It was so beautiful with blue eyes, long golden hair and a pink dress. + +"Mama, can I have it?" She asked. + +Mama shook her head and said, "No, Suzie, we don't need another doll." + +Suzie was sad, so Mama gave her an old doll that belonged to her when she was little. It was a bit noisy but it had a pretty dress. + +"This is for you," said Mama. + +Suzie was happy and hugged the doll. She played with it all day, but after a few weeks, the doll began to rot. The clothes smelled bad and the hair didn't look so pretty anymore. + +Mama took away the doll and said, "See, we don't need the noisy doll from the store. We have to take care of the things we have." + +Suzie nodded. She understood and never asked for the store doll again. +Mum was very excited. They were going to park the car! + +"Can I help, Mum?" asked the three year old. + +"Yes, of course," said Mum, "indicate when you see a good spot to park." + +The cars kept zooming past them. Then, the child saw a perfect spot. + +"Yes, that one, Mum!" they said, excitedly. + +Mum carefully turned the car into the spot. They all cheered. The car was parked perfectly, right in the middle. + +"What an amazing job we did," said Mum. "The spot was perfect and you gave me great directions too!" + +The three year old beamed with pride. + +"Next time, mum," they said, "let's try to be more flexible - maybe do a tighter turn!" +Billy and Mommy were late for the doctor, so they had to hurry. Billy was so excited he could hardly sit still in the car. He kept asking questions to Mommy, but she said she had to figure out the truth about the directions before they could get to the doctor. + +When they finally arrived, the waiting room was noisy. Billy was so impatient, he wanted to know why it was so loud and why it smelled funny like rubbing alcohol. Mommy explained that lots of people had to see the doctor so everyone was hurrying around. She also said that the noise was from little kids playing with their toys. + +Billy was so busy looking around the waiting room, he almost forgot to be brave when the nurse called his name. But Mommy said it was time to hurry and follow the nurse, so that's what he did. Although he was a little scared, Billy was happy to know Mommy was right on the other side of the door waiting to hear the truth about why he was there. +Once upon a time, there was a naughty cat who lived in a big yard. One day, the cat woke up early in the morning and decided to explore the yard. + +The cat looked around and saw a tall tree, green grass, and some pretty flowers. The naughty cat hopped around and had a lot of fun. + +Just then, a bird flew by and said, "Hello! What are you doing in my yard?" + +The cat replied, "I'm just having fun! Would you like to play?" + +The bird smiled and said, "Yes, that sounds like fun! Let's play tag!" + +The cat and the bird ran around the yard and had a great time. The naughty cat was so happy that it wanted to stay and play forever. + +But before long, it was time for the naughty cat to go home. The cat waved goodbye to the bird and ran off into the night. +Once upon a time, there was a turkey who loved to do something special. Every day, the turkey would go for a regular walk in the park. + +One day, the turkey was out walking in the park and it heard a voice. The voice was coming from a little girl, who said "Does anyone want to play with me?". The turkey stopped and thought for a moment. + +The turkey started to walk over to the little girl. The little girl was so excited she couldn't mind. She ran right up to the turkey and started to pet it. The turkey softly said "Hi". The little girl was so surprised she said, "You can talk!" + +The turkey nodded and said, "I can mind, too". The little girl was amazed. From that day on, the turkey and the little girl were the best of friends. They would go on regular walks together in the park. +Once there was a young family, with a kind and caring mom, a dad, and a three year old daughter. One day, the family went to the store to buy a new window. When they were in the store, the 3 year old saw the window and begged her mom to let her have it. + +Mom said, “That’s a very nice window, but it’s too expensive for us. I’m sorry, honey.†+ +The little girl began to get angry. She started screaming and jumping up and down. + +“Honey, this isn’t how we behave,†said mom calmly. “If you want a window, we can find one that’s cheaper. Please be kind and try to calm down.†+ +Eventually, the little girl calmed down and her mom found a kind of window that was much more affordable. The family was happy to have found the perfect window for their home. +Once upon a time, there was a friendly town. In the town lived two best friends, Ben and Mia. Every morning, Ben and Mia would get up early and go for a walk in the park. It was always very mild outside and they both loved it! + +One morning, on their walk, they heard a funny noise. It sounded like swirling and stirring. Curious to see what it was, Ben and Mia followed the sound. + +They eventually came across a beautiful pond, with a stone at the bottom. When they got closer, they saw a funny little critter stirring the water with its tiny paws. + +"What's stirring over there?" asked Mia. + +"It's a frog!" replied Ben. + +The two of them watched in awe as the frog continued stirring the pond. After a few minutes, the frog hopped away and the pond was still. + +Ben and Mia smiled and thanked the pond for such an amazing show. From that day forward, they always made sure to take the time to stir up some fun in their friendly town. +Molly was a happy three-year-old. She had her own box of crayons and paper for drawing. She was so excited every day when mommy brought them out. + +Today was no different, except mommy had a surprise. Molly saw a big word written on the paper. It said "zigzag". Molly said "MAMA, what is zigzag?" + +Mama said "It is like a line that goes up and down." Then she handed Molly a crayon and said, "See if you can write a zigzag too!" + +Molly tried hard, but it was hard to get the crayon to make a zigzag shape. She started getting frustrated. + +Mama said "It's okay, honey. Sometimes it takes practice to learn something new. It's okay to get frustrated." Molly tried again, and this time the lines were more zigzag-y! Mama smiled and said "Great job, Molly!" + +Molly was so proud of herself. She knew practice had made her zigzag better than before. +Once upon a time there was a nice little girl called Lina. She was three years old and she was excited to go to preschool. She had never been before but she was sure she would have lots of fun! + +Lina's mommy and daddy came to school to say goodbye. They gave Lina a big hug and told her to have fun. + +"Remember," said her mommy, "you can do anything you set your mind to. We believe in you and we love you very much" + +Lina smiled and nodded. Then she opened the door and stepped inside the classroom. It was the first time she had ever been in such a room. + + Lina's teacher, Miss Abigail, saw her standing there and smiled. She came over and gave her a warm hug. + +"Come in, Lina," said Miss Abigail. "I'm so happy you're here. I'm sure you'll have a great time. I'm here to help and encourage you every step of the way." + +Lina felt better right away. She knew she was in the right place. + +And with that, Lina's first day of preschool began. She was ready to start her new adventure! +Once upon a time two funny friends were walking in the forest. One was tall and the other was very small. + +The tall one said to her friend: "Hello, let's get a big barrel from the barn." + +The small one said: "Okay, I love barrels. Let's run to the barn!" + +The two friends ran towards the barn, giggling and talking. + +When they arrived the giant wooden barn door creaked open. They saw a big blue barrel in the middle of the barn. The tall friend said: "Wow, that barrel looks so strong, let's fill it with hay from the garden." + +The small friend was so clumsy she dropped the barrel. It made a loud noise and scared the birds away. + +Both friends laughed, then the tall one said to her small friend: "I will help you carry the barrel, let's go." + +They both filled the barrel with hay, then they grabbed the barrel together, one at the bottom and the other at the top. + +They walked happily back through the forest carrying their barrel and talking, creating a special melody that was heard throughout the forest. +Once upon a time there was a little girl who really liked velvet. Every day she took her soft and light velvet dress from its special box and put it on. + +One day, when the little girl was playing in the garden, her dress got really dirty. She was so sad about it. + +“Mummy,†the little girl asked. “How can I make my dress clean again?†+ +Her mummy smiled and said, “We’ll have to wash it, so it looks soft and light again.†+ +So the little girl and her mummy washed her velvet dress until it was as clean and soft as ever. The little girl was so pleased to see it looking pretty and light again. She thanked her mummy and put on her dress, ready to play in the garden again. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Amy. She was very alert and liked to explore the world around her. + +One day Amy went to the park and saw an apple tree with lots of ripe apples. She wanted to pick one of them, but she knew it was not hers so she decided to ask. + +"Excuse me, can I please have an apple?" she said to the tree. + +The tree did not answer her but it shook a bit and an apple fell right down in front of Amy. + +Amy was so excited! She grabbed the apple with a big smile and thanked the tree. "Thank you!" + +The tree nodded in acceptance. She was so happy that the tree had accepted her request for the apple! + +Amy quickly took a big bite and enjoyed the delicious apple. She smiled and thanked the tree again before running off to play. +Once upon a time there was a fairy who lived in the forest. She was a very small fairy. One day she was flying around the forest when she heard a helpless whisper. + +The fairy flew over to the source of the whisper and saw a small boy. He was very lost. + +The fairy flew close to him and said, "Hello! I heard you calling. What's wrong?" + +The boy looked up and whispered, "I don't know where my mommy is. I'm so scared." + +The fairy smiled when she saw how helpless the boy looked. She said, "Don't worry! We'll find your mommy together. Come with me!" + +The fairy grabbed the boy's hand and flew with him high into the sky. She flew over the trees and houses, until she found the boy's mommy and daddy. + +The boy was so happy to see them and thanked the fairy for helping him. The fairy smiled and said goodbye. Then she flew back to her forest home. + +And they all lived happily ever after. +Once there was a flea called Little Sam. He wanted to go on an adventure. So one day he hopped off his regular bed and off he went! + +He stumbled through tall grass and climbed over big stones. He travelled until he got to a big river. Little Sam hopped on a big leaf floating down the river. He was having so much fun! + +Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the leaf away and Little Sam tumbled into the river. Little Sam wasn't scared though. He just splashed and laughed, until finally the river got too deep. + +He called out, "I need help! Help!" + +Just then, a frog heard Little Sam's cries. The frog hopped into the water and said, "Hop on my back and I'll take you to safety." + +Little Sam hopped on the frog's back and soon they reached the other side. Little Sam thanked the frog and hopped off the frog's back. + +The frog said goodbye and Little Sam hopped back home. It had been a regular adventure and one that Little Sam would never forget. +Once, there was a little girl named Lisa. She had a mommy and a daddy. One day, her mommy and daddy had a quiz. It was a funny quiz. + +The quiz asked mommy and daddy to guess how Lisa liked to play. Lisa smiled when mommy said, "Let's see; she likes to chase the cat and slap the pillow." + +Daddy laughed and said, "Yep, that sounds like Lisa!" + +So Lisa got a cheap toy for winning the quiz. She clapped her hands and said, "Yippee!" + +At the end of the day, Lisa hugged her mommy and daddy and gave them each a big kiss. She told them, "Thank you for the quiz and the cheap toy!" + +And so ended Lisa's special day. +Harry and his mom were walking by the river. Harry saw a cool shadow. He asked his mama, "What is that?" His mama explained, "It's the shadow of a tall tree! The sun casts a shadow like this." Harry loved cool shadows and he said, "I value this cool shadow!" + +They kept walking and when they reached the end of the path, Harry saw an even cooler shadow. He pointed at it and said, "Mama, look!" His mama smiled and said, "That's the shadow of a big mountain. It's so cool how shadows can look different. That's why we should value shadows!" + +Harry nodded and said, "Yes, they are very cool!" They enjoyed the beautiful cool shadow of the mountain until the sun went down. +Liza was very tired. She yawned and stretched out her arms. "I'm so sleepy," she said to her mom. + +Her mom laughed. "It's time for bed. Let's go," Mom said. + +Liza followed Mom to her room. She got into her bed, which was very soft and heavy. She snuggled up with her teddy bear and shut her eyes. + +Mom pulled the blankets up and tucked Liza in. "Goodnight, sweetie," she said. + +Liza smiled with her eyes still closed. Then she yawned again and fell asleep. +Jim was going on an adventure. He was heading to the west. He packed his bag with some food and organized it carefully. + +He said goodbye to his parents and started his journey. He walked through the hot sand with the sun shining down. + +After walking a while, Jim noticed a big rock. He decided to take a rest and lay down beside it. He looked up to the blue sky and noticed a bird flying. + +Jim said, "Hi, bird. Where are you going?" The bird smiled and said, "I'm going to the west! Would you like to come?" + +Jim smiled and said, "Yes, I'm also going to the west. That sounds great!" + +So, the bird and Jim part from the big rock and flew off to the west. They saw many new places and had lots of fun together. Finally, they both arrived in the west and it was even more beautiful than Jim had imagined. + +The bird said, "I'm so happy we met each other. Shall we come back this way together some day?" Jim nodded happily and said, "Yes, I can't wait to come back together." + +The bird and Jim hugged goodbye and they waved as they part again. The bird went back to the sky and Jim went back into his organized bag and continued his journey. +Once upon a time there was a mommy and a baby. They lived in a house with their neighbor. + +One day, the neighbor had to go away. The baby was worried. + +Mommy said, "Don't worry little one. Our neighbor will change, but they will always be our neighbor." + +The baby asked, "What do you mean, Mommy?" + +Mommy smiled. "I mean our neighbor will move away to a new house and then come back to visit us. They won't forget us." + +The baby was no longer worried. Mommy had helps them understand the change, and that made everything better. + +The end. +Mum and Dad went to the shop. Mum wanted to buy some food. + +Mum said, "I need to buy healthy food. It's important to eat healthy food so we can stay strong." + +Dad said, "Let's buy some carrots and apples!" + +Mum and Dad went to the rail and picked up some carrots and apples. They put them in their shopping bag. + +They also saw a packet of sweets. Dad said, "This is not healthy food. We should not buy it." + +Mum agreed. She said, "It's better to eat healthy food like carrots and apples." + +Mum and Dad smiled at each other. They had bought some healthy food for dinner. +Once upon a time, there was a tiny jellyfish who lived in the sea. He was very miserable because nobody wanted to be his friend. One day, he was swimming past a rock when something pinched him! + +He felt scared and said, "Who pinched me?" + +Suddenly, a big fish with bright colors came out from behind the rock. He said, "My name is Fred. I'm sorry I pinched you. I didn't mean to scare you." + +The jellyfish replied, "That's okay, but why did you pinch me?" + +Fred said, "I thought you looked lonely and I wanted to be your friend. Do you want to be friends?" + +The jellyfish was very happy and said, "Yes, I'd love that!" + +From that day on, the jellyfish and Fred were best friends. They both lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a princess. She was very weak because she was sick and had no energy. + +One day, the princess heard a voice coming from outside of her castle. She opened the window and saw a little boy carrying an envelope. The little boy said, “I have a message for you, princess!†+ +The princess opened the envelope and found a special medicine inside. She ate it and felt instantly better! + +The little boy said, “The medicine is special. It will spread through your body and make you stronger.†And sure enough, the princess felt stronger and stronger each day. + +The little boy smiled and said, “Now, you can go out and help the people who are still weak.†So the princess did just that; she went out and helped everyone she could, until everyone in the kingdom was strong. + +The little boy was happy, and the princess was happy too. They both knew that by helping each other, they could make the world a better place. +One day, Sam and his mom were at the park. Sam saw some birds flying in the sky and was excited. He ran to the middle of the park and asked his mom if the birds could come closer to them. + +Mom said. "No sweetheart. They don't live in the park. They just fly over to get some food." + +Suddenly, a big truck came as it was spraying junk all over the park. Sam began to cry and run around in circles. + +Mom said, "Whoa. Who is being so rude to our park?" + +Sam saw the truck driver and poked out his tongue at him. The truck driver stopped and shouted at him, "Don't be so rude!" + +Mom said, "Sam, we don't behave like that. Let's go home now." + +So, Sam and his mom left the park. On the way, mom told Sam that Spraying junk is bad for the environment and the animals that live in the park. Now, Sam knows how to take care of the environment. +Once, there was a girl called Lily. Lily had a large bike with big wheels. Every day, Lily would ride her bike up and down the street. + +One day, Lily was riding near the park when she spotted a giant rabbit. It was so big, its eyes were the size of her face! She opened her mouth in surprise. + +"Hi there," the rabbit said. "Fancy a ride on my back?" + +Lily nodded. She hopped onto the rabbit's back and they began to ride. The wind blew through her hair and it was so exciting! + +The rabbit carried Lily around the park and back to her house. The ride had been so fun! Lily thanked the rabbit and waved goodbye. + +Lily was going to remember this fun and exciting ride forever! +Once upon a time, there was a cat named Tom. Tom was a very curious cat, always looking for something to explore. One day, Tom was walking through the garden when he smelled something sweet. Tom looked around and saw a big, juicy watermelon sitting on the ground. Tom let out a meow and walked over to the watermelon. He was so excited to try it. + +Tom took a bite of the watermelon and immediately made a sour face! He looked around, confused, and let out a meow again. Suddenly, he heard a voice. + +"Let me help you, Tom," said a friendly voice. + +Tom looked around and saw a kind old man smiling at him. + +"This watermelon is sour," said the old man. "If you would like to try something sweeter, let me give you some of my special watermelon candy." + +Tom let out a meow and the old man gave him some watermelon candy. Tom quickly ate it up and meowed in delight. From then on, whenever Tom walked through the garden he always remembered the old man and his sour watermelon. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She had a big nightmare and it made her sad. She wanted to fix it and make it better, so she asked her mom for help. + +"Mommy, can you repair my nightmare? Please help me," said the little girl. + +Her mom smiled and hugged her tight. "Of course I can," said her mom. + +Then, mommy and the little girl began to repair the nightmare. They cut out all the scary shapes and replaced them with things the little girl would like. When it was finished, the little girl felt much better. + +"Thank you, Mommy!" said the little girl. She was happy and very grateful. + +Her mom said, "You're welcome sweetheart. Any time you need help fixing your nightmares, just ask me and I'll be here for you." + +From then on, the little girl no longer had any nightmares and she was always happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who every day went for a walk in the park. One day, when she was walking along, she heard something sparkly behind the bushes. Curious, she grabbed her torch and shone it through the leaves. + +When the light shone on a big, blue gem, the little girl's eyes widened in amazement. + +"Oh wow!" she exclaimed. + +Then she heard a voice behind her. "Will you grab that gem?" + +The little girl spun around. + +Standing there was a fairy wearing a big, blue hat. + +The little girl nodded her head and reached for the gem. + +The fairy smiled. "You can keep the gem," she said. "It is a gift from me to you." + +The little girl thanked the fairy, thanked her over and over. She was so happy! She put the gem in her pocket and skipped home. + +From then on, every time the little girl had a bad day, she would reach into her pocket and grab the blue gem. It reminded her of her special moment in the park. +Mom put the lollipop on the table. It was a cute lollipop with a strawberry flavor. + +"Let's eat the lollipop!" 3-year-old Jack said with a big smile. He loved lollipops. + +"No, no," Mom said. "Save it. Let's go for a walk first." + +Jack was sad. He wanted to eat the lollipop. He thought hard and came up with a solution. + +"Mom," he said, "can I put the lollipop in my pocket? Then I won't forget it!" + +Mom smiled. "Sure," she said. So Jack carefully put the lollipop in his pocket and they went for a walk. + +When they returned home, Jack happily took out his lollipop and ate it. It was so yummy! +Alice was so excited to check the mail. Every day she looked for something special. She was worried it would be the same as before. + +But today, she was surprised. There was a big, shiny box! She smiled and ran to get her Daddy. + +"Daddy, look!" Alice cried. + +"Wow, what is that?" Daddy asked. + +"It's a surprise," Alice said. + +Alice and Daddy opened the box together. Inside, there was a big blue toy car! + +Alice was so happy. She hugged Daddy, and they raced the car around the garden. Alice laughed, she loved the surprise in the mail. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy. She wanted to be like her mummy and daddy, so she asked them if she could get some makeup. Her mummy smiled and said, "Yes, you can have some makeup!" + +So Lucy went to the shop and bought some makeup. She was so proud. She rushed home and said, "Mummy, I'm here and I've got some makeup!" + +"That's great!" said mummy. "Come here, let's have a look!" + +Mummy put some of the makeup on Lucy, and then she said, "Gosh, you look so beautiful." Lucy smiled and twirled around. Daddy was so proud - he bought them both a special drink to celebrate! + +"Yay! Thank you," said Lucy, before she and mummy drank their special drinks. + +They laughed and played together for the rest of the day. Lucy was happy and proud of her new makeup.The end. +Once, there was a girl who wanted to go for a walk. She was tired from school, but she was excited, too. She got her coat and her hat and went outside. + +When she got outside, she saw a big puddle. She wanted to jump in, but mom said no. + +"But why?" the girl asked. + +"Because you will get very wet," mom answered. + +The girl sighed. Then she asked, "Can I play with the leaves?" + +"Sure," mom said. + +So the girl started to play. She chased the leaves around, and threw them in the air. She forgot how tired she was. She laughed and laughed, until she was too tired to play anymore. + +So, the girl went back inside. She was happy, even though she had not jumped in the puddle. She was ready for a nap. +Once upon a time there was a great bear who lived in a big cave. He always carried around a big, warm blanket wherever he went. One day, he decided to leave his cave in search of adventure. + +As he walked along, he noticed a little rabbit in a nearby meadow. He waved at the rabbit and said, “Hello! Where are you going?†+ +The Rabbit replied, “I'm going to find some carrots to munch on. Would you like to come with me?†+ +The bear smiled and said, “Yes! That sounds like fun.†+ +The bear and the rabbit walked for a while and eventually found a big patch of carrots. They gathered a bunch of them and filled their bellies. + +Once they were done, the bear and the rabbit said their goodbyes. The bear waved goodbye and started walking home, wrapping his blanket tight around him. As he left, he heard the little rabbit shout, “Goodbye, great bear! See you soon!†+ +The bear smiled and waved goodbye as he walked off into the night, happy to have made a new friend. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends, a bear and a bunny. One day, they decided to bake a cake together. They gathered all the ingredients and put them in a bowl. They put in flour, eggs and sugar. They mixed the batter together until it was just right. + +"It looks so good!" said the bear. + +"It sure does. Let's bake it now," said the bunny. + +So they put the batter in the oven. Soon, the kitchen was filled with the aroma of the cake baking. They waited eagerly until it was done. + +Finally, the bunny took the cake out of the oven. It was fit and golden! + +The bear started to sprinkle sugar on top, but suddenly all the sugar disappeared. + +"Where did all the sugar go?" asked the bear. + +"Oh no," said the bunny. "Maybe a magic fairy came and took it." + +They both looked around for the fairy, but she was nowhere to be found. They decided to add more sugar and bake the cake again. They had a very happy day after that. +Once upon a time, there was a lovely little girl called Daisy. Daisy was very humble. One day, she asked Papa, "What is a flame?" Papa smiled at her. He said, "A flame is like a fire. It can get hot and make light." Daisy said, "Can I see one?" Papa nodded and took Daisy outside. + +In the garden, there was a fire pit and inside the pit was a flame. Daisy was amazed. She said, "Wow, it's so cool!" Papa said, "It sure is. Do you know why the flame is so cool?" Daisy shook her head. Papa said, "That's because it's humble! Whenever the flame feels too hot, it dances to make it cooler." + +At first Daisy didn't know what Papa meant, but then she watched the flame dancing in the pit. She smiled and said, "I see it now. The flame knows how to be humble and cool itself down." Papa smiled and said, "Yes, it sure does." Daisy hugged Papa and said, "I love the flame." Papa said, "Me too. It teaches us a very important lesson." + +Daisy and Papa watched the flame until it went out. That day, Daisy learned an important lesson about the power of being humble. +Once upon a time there was a girl who loved to play with her toys. She had all sorts of things to keep her busy, such as dolls and puzzles. One day, she wanted to store all of her toys in one place. + +She asked her mom, “Will you help me store my toys, please?†+ +Her mom said, “Yes, let’s do it together!†+ +They both got serious about putting all of the toys away. First, they placed the dolls on the shelf. After that, the girl and her mom put the puzzles in bins. Finally, they stored all of the small items in a box. + +“We did it!†The girl said with a smile. + +“We sure did,†said her mom, “Now lets go play with the toys!†+Once there was a little girl named Jane. She was three years old. Every morning, she would get her special journal out of her drawer and put it on the kitchen table. She loved to write and draw pictures in it. + +One day, Jane had a funny idea. She took her journal to school and showed it to her friends. They all thought the journal was really cool so they decided to start using it together. Soon, the journal became very popular among the kids. + +At the end of the day, Jane asked her teacher if it was okay for all the students to use her journal. + +“Sure, Jane!†said the teacher. “You can share it with your friends.†+ +Jane was so happy she ran home and put the journal back in her drawer. She was glad to know that everyone liked it so much. From that day forward, Jane and her friends shared the journal and had lots of fun writing and drawing in it. +John had a blue toy car. He asked his mom for a name for it. His mom smiled, "Let's give it a silly name - Bob!" + +John laughed and hugged Bob. But then he heard shouting outside. Everybody was playing a game, but they were all ignoring John. + +John's mom saw him standing there, looking sad. She asked him, "Why don't you go play with them, John?" + +John shook his head, "They don't want me to join, Mom." + +His mom smiled again and said, "just take Bob and go, silly. I'm sure they'll all be very happy to have you, and Bob!" + +So John took his blue car and went outside. All the kids were surprised to see Bob. They all started to laugh, and one of them said "Hi Bob!" + +John pushed Bob forward a little and said, "Hi, I'm John. Let's play!" + +All the kids smiled, they wanted to play with John and Bob too. + +The kids had so much fun that day with John and Bob. They all called him by his name and never ignored him again. +Once there were two friends, Pete and Jane. They had gone to the park to play. Pete noticed something moving in the bushes. He said to Jane, "What is that?". Jane was scared and let out a frightened yelp. Pete bravely stepped closer to the bushes and saw two little cats fighting. One cat had a loud and angry voice and it was scaring Jane. Pete said, "Don't worry, I'll make them stop." He clapped his hands loudly and shouted, "Stop fighting!" The cats ran away and Jane smiled. Pete said, "It's ok now, the cats are gone." +Once upon a time there was a big, serious stable. Inside lived two horses, long and tall. They loved to play together and had lots of fun. + +One day, they wanted to try something new. So they decided to twist around near the stable fence. + +The horses had never twisted before, but they gave it a try! They moved their legs and laughed aloud as they made funny shapes. + +But then one of the horses noticed something strange. Its leg was twisted and it couldn't move. It said to its friend, "Help me! I'm stuck!" + +But its friend was too busy having fun to hear it. In the end, it was a farmer who came to the rescue. He untwisted the leg and said, "Don't twist too much or you'll get stuck again." + +The horses thanked the farmer and promised to be more serious next time. They continued to twist but with more care and caution. And they lived happily ever after. +One day, Jack was playing with his friends. He had a big box of blocks. Jack stacked them up to make a tower. Jack was having a lot of fun, until his mom called him inside. + +He didn't want to leave his tower. He screamed and yelled. His mom said, "Jack, be quiet and come inside." + +Jack timidly went inside and saw a new port. It was a big, black box with long wires. Jack was curious. He asked, "What is that?" + +His mom smiled and said, "That is an intelligent port." + +Jack smiled and said, "Cool!" He wanted to touch it. He reached out to touch it, but his mom said, "No, it's too advanced for you. You can play with your blocks now." + +Jack nodded and went back to playing with his blocks. +John was a 3 year old boy who was always playing and having fun. He had a furry teddy bear that he liked to hug. One day, his mom gave him a pen and told him to color in the coloring book she had bought him. + +John was so excited to try out his new pen. He eagerly picked up the pen and started to color. The colors were beautiful and he had so much fun. + +John wanted to show his mom how he had used the pen, so he shouted "Mom, look!" But his mom wasn't there. John repeated, "Mom, look!" + +Suddenly, his mom came out of the kitchen. She smiled and asked him "What is it, John?" + +John proudly said "Look at my colors! I used the new pen that you gave me!" His mom was very proud of him and said "That looks great! Let's show Daddy too!" John was so excited to show Daddy and he ran towards his room to find him. + +John found Daddy in the living room and he shouted. "Daddy look! I made these colors with the new pen!" Daddy was so impressed with John's work and hugged him. He repeated, "That looks great, John! You did an amazing job!" +Once upon a time there was a foolish bell. He always wanted to ring, but no one ever listened. + +One day, he heard a voice calling out to him. He saw a little girl and she said: "Ring! Bell, ring!" + +The foolish bell was so excited, he rang as loud as he could. The little girl smiled and clapped her hands. + +The girl told the bell: "I have a pill. Do you want it?" + +The bell thought it over and then said: "Yes please!" + +The little girl gave the bell a pill and he swallowed it. Suddenly, he felt different. He realized his foolishness and from then on he rang only when it was truly important. + +The little girl and the bell became great friends and they always had the best time together. +Once upon a time there was a girl who liked to play in the park. She was having a lot of fun playing with her friends, going down the slide and in the swing. + +But one day, something bad happened. A big boy came and he was mean. He slapped her plastic toy right out of her hands. She was so sad that all her fun was spoiled. + +The girl said to the boy, "Why did you slap my toy? That was mean!" + +But the boy just laughed, and said, "Because I'm spoiled and I can do whatever I want!" + +The girl was so angry that she yelled back at the boy, "That is wrong! Please don't do it again." + +The boy was shocked, so he ran away. + +The girl was very happy that she had stood up to the bully. She was proud of herself for speaking out and letting him know that what he did was wrong. From that day forward, she always stood up for her rights and never let anyone else spoil her fun. +The small girl sat on her rug, her dark eyes fixed on her toy truck. She watched as it rolled back and forth and she squealed with delight every time it managed to go forward. + +Suddenly, she heard her mother call out to her. "Time to go, sweetheart," she said, walking into the room. + +The small girl sighed and started to pick up her truck. But, as she did the rug slipped out from beneath her feet, sending her and the truck crashing to the ground. + +"Oh, I'm sorry!" her mum said, rushing to her side. She helped the little girl to her feet and then hugged her tight. + +"It's ok," the little girl said. "I managed to get it up." + +She smiled as her mum brushed away a few tears and then gathered up the rug. + +"Come on," her mum said, picking up the toy truck. "Let's get you in your stroller and we'll go for a ride." + +The little girl grinned and soon she was rolling away, a proud smile on her face. She'd managed to get back up and it felt wonderful. +Once there was a little girl named Betty. She was three years old, and very curious. + +One day, she saw something strange in the ground. It seemed like a broken root of a tree. Betty asked her mom: "What is that?" Her mom said: "Let's go and see!" + +So they went together. When they got there, Betty's mom said: "I'm not sure what this is. Let's guess." + +Betty liked guessing, so she said: "Is it a beetle?" Her mom smiled and said: "No, sweetie. It might be a root from the tree. Can you see the broken part?" + +Betty nodded her head. She was so happy to learn about roots! She said: "I know what that is now! It's a root!" + +Her mom said: "Yes, you're right! Good job, Betty!" +Luke was walking through the park one day when he saw something very special. It was a zebra! He hopped and skipped over to it, then he noticed that it was very hungry. He got some grass from the ground and put it in front of the zebra. The zebra ate it up and Luke giggled. + +"This is fun!" he said. + +The zebra was happily chowing down, and Luke was happy too. He clapped his hands and cheered for the zebra who had gotten a snack. The zebra looked up and smiled, then trumpeted in a loud voice. Luke laughed, then said, "Good job, zebra! I applaud you!" + +The zebra was happy and proud that Luke had given it food, and they waved goodbye as Luke continued his walk through the park. +Once upon a time there was a thin chicken. The chicken liked to wander around the farm looking for fun things to do. One day, the chicken saw a big tree. The chicken hopped over and touched the trunk of the tree. + +The chicken heard a voice say, "Hello! Who are you?" The chicken looked around and saw a little girl sitting next to the tree. + +The chicken said, "Hi! I'm a chicken. I saw this tree and touched it to see what it was like." + +The little girl said, "That was very nice of you chicken! I'm Nora, what's your name?" + +The chicken said, "My name is Cluck, nice to meet you!" + +Nora smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you too Cluck! I like your thin feathers! Let's go explore the farm together!" + + +The chicken was excited and hopped around the little girl. Cluck and Nora had many adventures that day. They ran around, touched different things, and saw all kinds of animals. Then, they went back to the big tree, waved goodbye to each other, and promised to meet again soon. +Once there was a little boy called Luke. He loved to zoom around the garden and have lots of fun. The other day he decided to try and score a goal. He got his ball and went outside. + +But when he got there, he saw a big dog. Luke was a bit scared, but the dog just wanted to play. He started to zoom around with the ball and the dog followed him. After a while they both started to have fun. + +The dog wasn't very good at playing soccer though. He kept missing the goal and getting frustrated. Luke thought it was funny and laughed. The dog got angry and said 'I'm not ignorant!', and Luke knew he had made a mistake. + +So he apologized and offered to help the dog. He taught the dog how to aim and how to kick properly; soon the dog was zooming around the garden and scoring lots of goals. Luke was so proud that he had helped his new friend. +Once there was a boy called Tom. He saw a furry chair and he wanted to sit on it. He said "I want to poke the furry chair". +Tom's mum answered: "No Tom, you must not poke the chair." + +But Tom didn't listen. He started to poke the chair. He couldn't stop. He poked it with his finger and he poked it with a stick. + +Tom's mum said: "Tom! You must stop poking the chair! It is not nice to poke the chair. You must be gentle." + +But Tom didn't understand. He kept on poking the furry chair. He just wanted to sit on it. + +Tom's mum put her hand on his shoulder and said: "Tom, you must use gentleness when touching things. Do you understand?" + +Tom said "Yes". He stopped poking the chair and sat on it. He was happy to be sitting on the comfortable and furry chair. +The sun was bright but the wind was cold. All around, the trees were shaking, their leaves making a rustling sound. + +Bob was outside playing in the park. He was running, jumping and laughing with his friends. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise coming from the bushes. Bob frowned and stopped. He was frightened. + +He called out, "Who's there?" + +From the bushes a voice answered, "It's me! A little bird!" Bob was still scared, but he was also curious. He took a few steps closer and saw the little bird poking its head out from the leaves. + +The little bird said, "I have a sign for you. I think it will help you." Bob's face lit up. He reached out his hand and the little bird fluttered over to him. + +The little bird said, "This sign will keep you safe! When you're scared, just look at it and your fear will go away." + +Bob was still a bit scared, but he was also excited. He said, "Thank you! I feel better already." He knew the sign was special and he held onto it tight. + +He waved goodbye to the little bird and the bird flew away. Bob looked down at the sign and he couldn't help but shiver with joy. He felt like he had a good friend by his side. +Once upon a time there was a dependable mom and her little girl. Each night, Mom and her daughter would make dinner. Mom's yummy cooking always made the little girl happy. + +"What a yummy dinner, mommy!" said the little girl. + +Mom smiled and said, "I'm so glad you like it!" + +Suddenly, the little girl looked around and said," I want to applaud!" + +Mom was surprised and said, "What do you want to applaud?" + +"You, mommy!" said the little girl, clapping her hands together. + +Mom smiled and said, "Why thank you sweetheart! I'm so happy you appreciate my cooking." + +The little girl laughed and said, "I love you mommy!" and she hugged her mom. + +Mom hugged her back and said, "I love you too sweetheart. You are so dependable!" + +The little girl smiled and said, "Let's have dinner together every night!" + +And so they did. And the little girl always liked to applaud her mom for her yummy cooking. +Tommy marched determinedly up the hill. He was on a mission. He was searching for a special strip. His Dad had given him this special mission. + +Tommy squinted at the horizon, the sun was bright and he was starting to feel weak. He kept going, determined to find the strip. + +Suddenly, he heard a voice. “Hi there!†it said, Yikes! Who was that? + +He looked around and saw a little bird perched on a rock. It said “I see you’re looking for the special strip! I can help you!†+ +Tommy was so excited! The bird led him to a patch of grass, and there it was…the striped! + +Tommy ran to his Dad who gave him a big hug and said “Well done my brave boy. You did it!â€. +One day, a duck decided to explore an ancient temple. The duck walked into the temple and looked around. The walls were old and she could feel the air getting colder. Suddenly, she heard a loud rumbling sound. The duck trembled in fear and wondered what it was. + +"Hello," a voice said. + +The duck jumped with surprise. She looked around and spotted an old wizard in the corner. He was sitting on a chair and his white beard was flowing down his chest. + +"What was that noise?" the duck asked, trembling. + +"Oh, don't worry about it," the wizard said, in a kindly voice. "This temple is very old and sometimes it makes noises when it's too cold. But there's nothing to be scared of." + +The duck felt better and thanked the wizard for the reassurance. She thanked him and went back outside, feeling much braver and happier. +Once upon a time, there was a curious girl named Pam. Pam wanted to explore the world and so she set out on an adventure. She walked and walked until she found a big, luxury house. + +When she looked through the window, she could see a beautiful living room with a giant, blue sofa. It looked so comfy and inviting! Pam had to explore the inside of the house, so she decided to turn the door knob. + +The door opened, and Pam stepped inside. Everything was so fancy - from the carpet to the curtains. But then, Pam heard someone talking. She turned around and saw a white, fluffy cat. + +"Miao," said the cat. "What are you doing here?" + +Pam said, "I'm exploring the world. I'm so curious about what's inside this luxury house!" + +The cat smiled and said, "Oh, you're in luck. I know the owner of this house. Come on, I'll take your on a tour!" + +And so, Pam and the cat started exploring the house. It was truly filled with luxury wonders, and every turn was a surprise. At the end of the tour, Pam thanked the cat and waved goodbye. +