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extends Node3D
class_name CarManager
@export var map: Map
@export var car_scene: PackedScene
var car_left_edge_x: int
var car_right_edge_x: int
@onready var cars: Array[Node] = get_children()
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
for road_row_idx in map.road_rows.size():
func create_car():
var new_car = car_scene.instantiate()
func reset():
# If there are more cars than the current map layout road rows, remove
# the extra cars
while cars.size() > map.road_rows.size():
cars[cars.size() - 1].queue_free()
cars.remove_at(cars.size() - 1)
# If there are less cars than the current map layout road rows,
# add more cars
while cars.size() < map.road_rows.size():
# Set car edge positions (at which they turn), position and other properties
for car_id in cars.size():
var car = cars[car_id]
car.left_edge_x = 0
car.right_edge_x = (map.grid_size_x - 1) * map.tile_size
car.step_size = map.tile_size
car.position.x = range(car.left_edge_x + 2, car.right_edge_x - 2, 2).pick_random()
car.position.y = map.tile_size / 2 + 0.75 # 0.75 is to make the bottom of the car be at road height
car.position.z = map.road_rows[car_id] * 2
car.current_direction = 1 if randi_range(0, 1) == 0 else -1