input,output,instruction "He said he had not felt that way before, suggeted I go rest and so ..TRIGGER AHEAD IF YOUI'RE A HYPOCONDRIAC LIKE ME: i decide to look up ""feelings of doom"" in hopes of maybe getting sucked into some rabbit hole of ludicrous conspiracy, a stupid ""are you psychic"" test or new age b.s., something I could even laugh at down the road. No, I ended up reading that this sense of doom can be indicative of various health ailments; one of which I am prone to.. So on top of my ""doom"" to my gloom..I am now f'n worried about my heart. I do happen to have a physical in 48 hours",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My mom then hit me with the newspaper and it shocked me that she would do this, she knows I don't like play hitting, smacking, striking, hitting or violence of any sort on my person. Do I send out this vibe asking for it from the universe? Then yesterday I decided to take my friend to go help another ""friend"" move to a new place. While we were driving the friend we are moving strikes me on my shoulder. And I address it immediately because this is the 4th time I have told him not to do these things, then my other friend who is driving nearly gets into an collision with another car i think because he was high on marijuana and the friend we are moving in the backseat is like ""you have to understand I was just trying to get your attention"" you know the thing 5 year olds do to get peoples attention by smacking them, this guy is in his 60's.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "until i met my new boyfriend, he is amazing, he is kind, he is sweet, he is a good student, he likes the same things as me, my family likes him, and so on... but i dont feel that passion that rush i felt with my ex, the truth is that when i started going out with my boyfriend i secretly saw my ex a few times to see if i really didnt feel nothing for him, but it was disgusting, i didnt even want him to touch me, i feel bad with myself i didnt want him, but still, i was there. then i kinda realized i felt nothing love related for him and it was ok, HE was HURT when he knew i was dating this boy and he even begged me to stay but of course not. but now the problem is that when im with my boyfriend i dont feel like i love him, like that thing you kinda have to feel with a new love, i just feel ""ok"" with him, and i catch myself thinking about my ex from time to time, remembering all the good things we had and it drives me crazy because i know that if i see him again i wont feel that way, that ""love"" that my mind makes me think stills there. and recently i found out that he has a girl and he is actually enjoying the experience and i got so mad and so hurt (i know i dont have any right to feel that way) i felt betrayed and I STILL feel that way, i gross myself out.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I am a domestic violence survivor who is still struggling, even after over four years. Lately I have been feeling very angry. Angry that my abusive ex received no real consequences for his actions. This man abused me in all manners: physically, sexually, emotionally, verbally, financially, etc. I was granted a restraining order against him (and it was renewed a year later) but I was unable to press criminal charges against him because I didn’t have enough evidence to have a case.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I think he doesn't want to put in the effort for the relationship to work (and we're both so difficult that we have to work on our relationships, doesn't matter with whom) but he can't be without me either. What should I do? I'm afraid this is gonna happen over and over again, because I'm always forgiving him at some point. Am I being strung along? TL;DR: Boyfriend [28,M] broke up with me [23,F] after on-off for 1.5 years, I thought we just got it together and am devastated...don't know what to do, want to keep fighting but should I?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." It cleared up and I was okay but. On Monday I was thinking about humans and how the brain works and it tripped me out I got worried that because I was thinking about how the brain works that I would lose sleep and I did. That night was bad just like last time. Also yesterday my sleep was bad I woke up like every hour of the night just like last time. I got kind of scared like I did last time but this time I think that this is fake life which is absurd but I just think about it then get really scared then I think rationally then calm down.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I actually give an assistant half my emergency fee to come help me sometimes. I feel unsafe driving to ""house calls"" in the middle of the night by myself. I frequently bring my husband along as a makeshift “tech” or when I feel unsafe, which is obviously unfair to him. Unhappy Husband: My husband is miserable both with his 60 minute commute and with our isolation out here in the country. We feel like we have no social life out here.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just feel like the street life has fucked my head up. There's so much I don't even know how to talk about anymore, I just hold that shit. Only person I can really chat with is a pal I know at the bar. He has PTSD and shit from the military bad, hard up alcoholic nowadays after killing people.. We talk once every few weeks and we are open and it's cool. But normal people?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Next week I’ll be flying for our family vacation. The flights won’t be very long (just MSY to LAS then LAX to MSY on the way home), but flying really triggers my anxiety. Mostly I just like having control over myself and my surroundings, so the idea of being in a metal tube 30,000 feet in the air is not ideal for me. I also have a lot of fears about terrorist attacks/mass shootings (movie theaters and other crowded public places are also a problem for me). I was wondering if anyone has any tips for flying anxiety/fear.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Everything sets me off and I'm almost having a panic attack. I'm going to my dads soon and that also makes me anxious because I'm afraid that I'm not in the mental state to go there and I want to stay at my moms but he really isn't happy when I do that. Anyway when she complains or is feeling bad I comfort her and I've never raised my voice at her even when frustrated. When she thinks I disagree with her she raises her voice, I have to talk about what she wants to in general right now because she gets impatient easily. I feel like vomiting because she also has so many redeeming factors but I don't want to lose her as a friend.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’ve been taking 12.5 mgs zoloft for about 6 months (yeah, super small dose .. but it was taking the edge off, i think). I decided to stop taking it for a few days to see if it was really helping. Now, about 40 hours since my last dose, I’m suddenly kind of shaky and also flushed (my cheeks are burning for no reason. And THOSE side effects are about to freak me out - do you think it is from my missed dose? Is it possible to have such a fast reaction?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "No place in my city has shelter space for us, and I won't put my baby on the literal street. (I've been there before. Fine for new, but I don't want to have to go through that with a baby). What cities have good shelter programs for homeless mothers and children? I'd love to be able to make some calls and get on a greyhound between the 7th and 16th (when I'll likely be able to get the money to go).",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." These past couple of months have been the worst. My anxiety has gotten so bad it’s effecting my sleep and relationship. I’ve become so paranoid about my health as well. I don’t feel like me anymore and I just feel scared all the time now over every little thing. I don’t have money to see a therapist either...,"Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I asked him three time what happened. And after the third time I cried and went home. Month later he still don't talk to me and he and my mother started fighting for the first time in the relationship. Me and my mother honestly don't know what to do, he just ignores me. I even told him that I don't date that guy(even though I date him) and he didn't even react to it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The sensation lasted hours. It seemed like a circulation problem, and I panicked and of course ended up in the ER again. This time a doctor came to see me immediately. He wanted to talk about my anxiety. He said he could run some more tests, but he didn't think it would help.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." It did hurt but didn’t leave any marks. When I lied down I kept coughing and today it feels kinda constricted like there’s a lump in my throat. I’ve googled and realised how serious it can be and now I’m terrified but scared to go doctor. What do I do I’m not calling police and I am not going to any hospital. I will go to doctor if they are sensitive about it,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "he still holds me back in life. he still finds ways to get to me. YET I STILL TALK TO HIM. and i always feel worse after i do. i've tried blocking him on social media, but he still finds ways to get to me.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Through work I have been in some dodgy situations abroad. A number of times my life has been at risk, and I've had to defend myself a few times. I'm a civilian and have only had basic weapon training. ​ We've always had an ex-military security contractor with us, but still had to perform aggressive roles when approached.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "If anything goes wrong, sexually, I want to cease to exist, and a lot of the time, I'm not able to do it out of sheer anxiety. I used to be a very soft person, and I hope I'm still kind, but now I'm quicker to anger, and I don't want to become an abuser. Basically... was I abused? Does that sound like something an abused person would say? I feel like I have the symptoms of PTSD.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I really don’t know what to do about this, and I’m wondering if I’m even able to get over this fear. A traumatic experience compounded it in me as a kid, and I’ve been experiencing it for so long that it feels like second nature. It’s lkkely so ingrained with me that therapy won’t do much good. I need some help. If anyone can offer some, feel free.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "November has been one of the worst months in a long time. My mom was in a car accident and has no idea how she's getting to work. A few days later my grandmother died and I didn't even have enough money to attend the funeral. I drove home to be with my family, and to drive my mom 5 hours to the airport. I spent a ton on gas and now money is tight.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Also the headaches. LOADS of headaches all the time. I’m so done. I hate this almost as bad as my brain constantly telling me I’m a POS. Anxiety is fun :),Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I am really feeling like there are no good men. They are all just horrible to women. I think I would rather be alone than deal with any man again. Has anyone else felt like this? Did your feelings ever change?,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "You can see the detail on my [update 2 right and here's a link to the [project github So I'm begging you here, literally begging you. If there's anyone out there who would be kind enough to give me a second chance to fix my fuck up and finish my degree, would you please consider giving me some financial aid via [my goFundMe I'm literally in dire need of help right here and I don't know where else to turn other than the people of the internet :( ***Kind regards,",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Did I mention my parents are religious? I don't know if this is normal for religious people to treat. Whenever I tell them I'm terrified of being homeless they tell me I'm a ""acting like a baby"" and ""get over it"" my parents parents did not treat them this way. They're basically mad because they(I guess 30 or 40 years ago were different when they were my age? Because they said they both lived on their own at 17 and that they find it creepy I'm 16+ and they find it creepy being around me).","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But it's been 2 monthsalready this time. We didn't speak for Christmas or new year. I'm lonely, sad, angry at the situation (not angry at him!) and the worst part is not being able to talk or even know what's going on. We didn't fight before this so he's not angry at me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Sorry this going to be super long, I have a lot to say... Tl;dr... see title. It was constant up and down; one minute we were happy and he was being more affectionate than he has in years, the next he's screaming at me and calling me a whore. I get it, I broke him. I feel so disgusted and ashamed with myself but I truly want to spend my life with no one else.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And it makes me more anxious which causes me to slip up *more*. It's getting WORSE though. I thought I could hold it down, this has been an ongoing issue for about a year or so and it has never been this bad but lately it's getting to the point where I can't even talk to my own MOTHER without freaking out over this shit. She came back in town from a very long half year vacation recently and I had to go to dinner with her because that's what you're obligated to do and I had to sit there and try and make small talk with my brother the whole damn night looking anxious as fuck... I know they noticed.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Our dog Jett has been diagnosed with diabetes and is now in the hospital to stabilize his blood sugar. Luckily, he seems to be doing well and he will be home with us soon. Unfortunately, his bill is large enough that we just can't cover it on our own (especially with our poor financial situation). We're being evicted from our home soon and trying to find a place with this bill is just too much for us by ourselves. [To help us with the bill, we set up a GoFundMe ",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I didn't do anything during spring break, except maybe go to work. And even then, I missed a day because I just couldn't deal with the stress. Most adults get excited to tell you they did absolutely nothing during their break. And there was a time when I enjoyed taking a break too. But now it seems like every time I have a break or a day off from work, it makes the stress worse.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like I will never trust my own judgement again. 3) I fucking HATE being this person. I hate being a victim. I would never judge anyone else in my situation, but I can’t stand having to see myself as someone who was abused. My grandfather abused my grandmother her whole marriage and I always felt like, because of that, I would always be on the lookout.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hey everyone. I need a place to vent and place my feelings because I don't know what to do anymore. This evening while playing a boardgame with my BF and some friends, I found out my BF lied big time. Short: last year we decided that I would join him this year on his skiing trip with his friends (his idea). This wasn't possible in the end (or so he told me) because his friends didn't want to rent a cabin but go on a cheap student skiing trip.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’ve been leaving lights on at night both in the main rooms and my bedroom. The fear is both physical and emotional. I’m so jumpy at work and at home. I feel like I’m seeing things everywhere and little waves of panic wash through me all day. I’m really just finding this incredibly difficult right now and needed to write it out I guess.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Why would you say that to me"" and gets extremely offended. He continues on by giving me the silent treatment for 50 minutes and then comes in the room and tells me ""You don't understand me. No one understands me. I give up. On everything.""",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She was already against smoking weed after college at first but now she seems to have moved to a stance where she's okay with me smoking weed as long as she's there when it happens, as in I could smoke with just her or when we're both hanging out with the same friends. I've tried asking her about it and genuinely understanding why she feels this way about it but she can't seem to describe it rationally, saying that it's a gut feeling that she gets that legitimately bothers her and gives her anxiety. She seemed very distressed talking about it and was almost at the poiint of tears saying that she wishes she knew why it bothers her so much but it does and she can't help it no matter how much she thinks about it or how much I try to explain it to her. I don't know how to explain this to her. I don't want to give up the option of smoking weed with friends but I don't want to break up with her over something like this because I love her.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm worried I have a blood clot or something that gets aggravated when I wear them. I just want to be okay and to have a good time on this trip, but I've been so out of it, and I'm at my wit's end. Right now I'm lying down and I feel blood rushing all through my head, and bulging of blood vessels around my nose. I'm extremely sleep deprived and woozy but I'm scared to go to sleep and am in pain. I'm so scared.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have PTSD from my sexual abuse, and this week has been really hard. Really, since Dr. Ford came out against kavanaugh and the fallout of it. Today, though, was really hard. I come home to see my father watching fox news and agreeing that Dr. Ford is a lying whore. His words.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And I don't ask for the nightmares to drain me of all energy and make me feel worse throughout the day the harder I try to be normal. I was planning on seeking counselling without my parent's knowledge for this condition once I get to university and get settled, but now I'm wondering if I'm going to be told the same thing by a therapist there. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just people who share my experience or know what I'm talking about. I'm sorry if this seems kind of ranty or rambling, my thoughts are a bit of a mess and I'm not sure what to think. Thank you for reading all this, anyhow.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "i knew gay was humiliation. i tried bringing up to my dad, and he said he wouldn't care if his son was a fudge packer, nor would he care bout that son anymore. i then had to speak to the bishop of my church and tell him about me possibly being gay. my dad was in the back of the room and another man i had never met wa sitting next to him. He asked me if i had ever had any gay encounters.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know every time I have panic attacks to remind myself it's just in my head, but it sucks when little things just make you feel like shit! Does anyone else get triggered by stupid things like this? ? I'm even just pissed at myself for now feeling mad at my mom, like don't you know not to tell someone with health anxiety that ""they don't look right""?? Ugh!",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "In class, im always on edge, i cant focus on one thing for too long and i constantly scan my environment and I think they think im looking at them which im not. this also made it more awkward to talk to them. I been there for a month but im still very nervous around my peers and teachers. I know my teacher and the tutor there get nervous/uncomfortable around me, lately they haven't been talking to me much or coming up to me especially the tutor to ask if I need help which they did before, my anxiety has gotten worse and I probably look more visibly uncomfortable than ever so that why they have barely asked if I needed help or said much to me ha! yet seem more at ease with other people.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know this may seem like a small thing, but to someone with these problems, it's a huge deal and to be at a store where you do not feel ""safe"" around your managers and you can't talk with them and grow as an employee, what's the point of continuing to work there? So I luckily got them to put me on 3rd shift. Minimal contact and I still get to work for the company. As I did mention, I have been struggling lately with some things: being slow with completing tasks on the work list is the biggest issue I believe. I'm not sure why I'm slow, in the past a supervisor has said ""Yes you're slow, but you're thorough.""",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was consuming quite a lot of caffeine (up to 500mg per day) during the summer and I'm medicated with 18mg methylphenidate for ADHD. (I was rarely taking caffeine with methylphenidate together as there are a lot of side effects after doing that, one of them is anxiety and increased heart rate). I don't take methylphenidate now because of the high bp and my chest pains. I have an appointment to the cardiologyst but until then I'll have all my trial exams. I'm only 18 years old, is it really possible to have a chest angina at this age?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But she says she can't stand hearing it because she's got enough on her plate as she actually suffers with depression herself. I do read other people's posts and think maybe I've actually had it easy. Maybe I'm just over exaggerating thing, but i feel like I need to get it off my chest. Anyway thanks for reading. ( sorry the post is so long ).",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm 24 and have massive amounts of stress going on with job hunting. I live with parents who are constantly on my back and getting angry with me for not having a job. They keep trying to help me by saying ""oh this place is hiring and that place is hiring again."" I have tried all places where I live and every time I don't get an interview let alone hired. Even if they have a sign up that they are hiring, they tell me ""sorry we're not hiring right now.""","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When I was a kid, I suffered a kind of unlikely injury that basically ruined me mentally, and it seems like I just CAN NOT get away from it, because it's such cheap gory shock value that everyone uses it when they need cheap gory shock value. And if I'm not mentally prepared to see it I have a panic attack or just start crying. A fucking jokey homebrew cursed item on r/DND did that to me today, and I hate that my trauma is so bad that I have to stay guarded even when I'm just reading a funny thread about my favorite hobby. I'm still thinking about that fucking item. I'm so tired.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don’t know. Was this okay? Should I hate him? Or was it just something new? I really don’t know what to make of the situation.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Any tips for making more friends? Tl;dr: I've had very few friends throughout my life. Recently I've tried reaching out to a lot of people but almost all of them will decline my offer to hang out at some point. I guess maybe this has to do with how I am socially awkward in the past but I've also been told that I am trying too hard. Any tips for making more friends?,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hello guys. This is my first post here. Ever since I can't fall asleep on a random night (few months ago) , I started getting anxiety at night and before heading to bed but everyday is different. Usually, when I get on bed n off the lights, my body started to heat up and i would sweat a little which makes me really uncomfortable. My heart would pound fast to which makes me anxious.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm completely devastated. My cat was just hit and killed by a car. I don't think I'm allowed to bury him in the garden (we rent) and I don't know what to do. I've searched online and found loads of pet cremation services but they all cost a fortune. I don't have a penny to my name as I'm unemployed.,"Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Any help on how to stop ruminating? I work with some pretty toxic people and I can accept when people are ignorant and generally rude about my PTSD. I get it, some people are just really stupid and ignorant and won't understand how the assault affected me. But I spend WEEKS ruminating on all the things they've said, things they might say next... and the grounding techniques that my therapist suggests never stops it. How do you distract yourself from ruminating or arguing with people in your head?","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Through everything, I just froze and waited for it all to be over. Each time I petitioned her to stop, she would become very visible distressed. She spent a lot of time talking about suicide. During the school year, we exchanged letters every day at school that, in retrospect, sounded a lot like love letters from her part, but I chalked it up to a best friend love. I'd never been in a romantic relationship- I was 13 at that point, and didn't really know what that looked like anyway.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I got 6 stitches. My parents love my bf and in fact, my mom and him are so close that they go on walks and go to the movies together. I felt uncomfortable and unwanted by his family. To be fair, I was also a little closed off with them but mainly because I felt so unwanted. I have put on some weight, which I am sure his dad noticed because he absolutely hates fat people.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I've never spoken to anyone about my anxiety but I'm pretty sure I have generalized anxiety disorder. When I was young I used to be very bright and would take charge of projects and doing assignments. As time went on I became lazier but still fairly on top of things. When I went into college I suffered and things never clicked. Doing even the most simple of tasks or assignments were just so difficult for me.,"Finance/Career, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This sends me into an extreme anxiety spiral, because I'd been seeing his mother almost every weekend for nearly five years, and she does this at the drop of a hat. I understand she was just trying to protect her son, but the level of nastiness was just insane. I had to get our old counsellor - mine and N's - involved to speak to her. She said the mother is taking things seriously. I don't believe it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have four kids full time, almost a year ago their dad was removed because of substantial abuse. It's been incredibly hard making ends meet by myself and although I get rent paid, all other bills are stuck on the back burner. Our electric bill is over $400 and they're demanding $225 as a minimum payment. It's scheduled for disconnect today and I can't put it off any longer. I know it's a long shot but seriously needing a miracle at the moment.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I get anxious because I am worried about bad things that I think may happen in my life. Im worried about losing my job, my girlfriend might leave me for someone more funny, with a better job, that is more self confident etc. You think these things because you perceive yourself to have no value. I get so preoccupied with these worries and it constantly undermines my self esteem that it applies to other areas in your life, even everyday interactions, going to the store, these can be extremely stressful events. You're so unconfident in yourself that you have a million thoughts a second and constantly second guess yourself.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "(Hurt the ego, but whatever, I guess you're not always gonna be the hottest guy she's ever been with.) Then I found another thing that pretty much destroyed me - an e-mail to her high school boyfriend begging him to come visit her and have sex with her, because of how fantastic it was when they used to have sex. This was probably half a year after we had split up, and the implied comparison with me was pretty clear. Making matters worse is that this guy basically checks all the boxes on shit that makes me insecure - tall, douchey rich guy (in contrast to me - 5'8"", not at all douchey guy with a good but not incredibly glamorous career). Anyway, these pieces of information - that she pretty much opened up to me sexually only when she felt threatened by another woman, and that she has clearly been with other guys who she's had much more sexual interest in than me - pretty much led me to the alternate hypothesis that it wasn't the vaginal pain and the birth control so much as her lack of attraction to me in comparison to past boyfriends.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "There's a TL;DR at the bottom for those who wanna get to the point this gets kinda lengthy. Hi, I'm 19 and this is my first time posting here and I'm hoping at least one person can relate. Before a few months ago I never had to deal with anxiety really, but out of nowhere it hit me like a truck. I guess what's been causing it is relationship issues, but mostly health anxiety. My first major mistake was googling symptoms I started having, not realizing that it was normal for anxiety to cause physical symptoms.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've tried getting new glasses, but that didn't help. Blood work came back fine. I have tried medication but only helped with anxiety not focusing issue. Some days I just straight out can't focus. Luckily, when I'm on auto-pilot and distracted, I can get a lot done.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Sorry for such a jumbled mess of a post. Edit: I realize I never expanded on the dissociation or depression. Because of my dissociation, while he was being abusive he would often say things like, ""You're just remembering wrong. (gaslighting/rewriting history)"" ""You have bad memory. That never happened.""","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But there you were, laughing and being affectionate with your newest victim. Same dark hair, same bubbly personality. She's a prettier, skinnier version of me. Everything you made me believe I needed to be but could never change. I was visibly shaking as I tried to remain calm in front of the new guy I have been dating.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." My therapist says this is a normal behavior to display. Having been ripped from my children and left on the streets is very hard and i honeslty want to give up. But the anxiety swirls to the point i keep trying to find where i went wrong. It replays and plays in my head over and over like a horror movie. The feeling of wanting to die because at that point i had nothing left.,"Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." My chest has a different feeling. Before it would feel on fire and chaotic. Now it feels just wrong. Like I am in medical danger. I am a 26 year old woman.,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." He keeps going back to her. He even cleans up the messes she makes when she smashes his stuff. He has dropped all of his dreams because she doesn't approve of them. Sorry for the long post but it sucks hearing that he is in this situation and we just want our friend back so he can recover from this. He used to be the funniest and happiest guy around and now he is just broken.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My Father has been struggling with alcoholism for nearly his entire life, he hasn’t been in contact with myself, my mom, or my sister in years. I guess it all of sudden caught up with him, he past away from a heart attack recently. It still doesn’t feel real, but my girlfriends family has been nothing but supportive throughout the whole thing and helped me grieve through his death. Needless to say, I do not want to attend a funeral or memorial, because I’d like to remember the good times I had with him and not being up bad memories. I had a rough child hood, he cheated on my mother, he wasn’t a great guy.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know there are a lot of bad stories on here about therapy. But I was wondering about good experiences. My own experience was six weeks ago. I slipped and went on s bender, I fell into a depressive, suicidal crisis. I phoned every crisis line that exists, for ten hours, well getting drunker and drunker.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Like the title says, I’m rapidly losing motivation. I recently switched collages to be closer to home, so I could be closer to family. And my depressive spirals are coming more often, mainly because of the lack of work I do. I always end up doing things at the last damn minute. My freshman year I tried my best, almost.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I barely slept in the hospital because I stayed up at night and listened for codes with his room number. I was terrified, constantly living in fear from the moment I awoke until about his 7th day in the hospital when he seemed clearer, and sat up with assistance for the first time. Fast forward to now. We are lucky to be alive, and we are injured. We’ve been robbed of a normal engagement, of the experience of moving in together, and that’s a grieving process...but my not what it was.","Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Now I know everyone is going to maybe think it's from the suboxone but it or at least used to be one of the things that helped my anxiety. If I admitted myself I am afraid they'd admit me and make me go cold turkey. I am unemployed and looking for employment. I live with my grandparents. I'm a 28 year old male.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Strangely enough, I had buried all this. But when my parents also failed to realise that my sister was on meth and neglecting her children, who are very dear to me, it sort of doubled the trauma and now I have full blown trauma. I feel like my parents just aren't trustworthy. How can they live in such an oblivious bubble? I wouldn't put any faith in them to protect me now and feel that I'm in this world on my own.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don't even know that I feel lonely. I was fine with all this until my boyfriend asked out of concern because he thought maybe I was depressed or something and pushing everyone away. Then it was like he knocked down a wall inside me that I didn't know was there and revealed a whole room full of cobwebs. I feel ashamed and defective and hopeless now. But I don't know what to do.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm a senior and I'm starting to go through the college application process and I just feel so overwhelmed. I haven't even finished my college list, started ny essays or supplemental or filed my FAFSA. Not to mention I'm doing EA so I have a sooner deadline. I haven't visited any colleges and me ecs are so bad. God I just want this to be over with.","Finance/Career, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am so confused! Why is he playing these games? I have made it clear I want him back and to me it’s like he has feelings but is unwilling to say anything? TL;DR I’ve been dating a guy for a few months, we split up over a silly petty argument, since we’ve split up he’s been maintaining that he wanted us to break up but he’s checking in on me and asking what I’m doing. Is he just being controlling or does he have feelings still?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "“Either be my girlfriend or be out of my life” my fwb told me. I refused to be his girlfriend so of course, now we’re strangers. It’s breaking my heart. I want him in my life so badly, as a friend that is. We had a wonderful connection that’s hard to come by (at least for me) and I hate to lose that.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am ignoring him, that's not what this post is about. Basically, after all this time my ex has recently, decided he ""knows"" I cheated on him our entire relationship [I didn't], ""knows"" I'm this chick online who post XXX pictures of herself [I'm not] and has ""reminded"" me of incidences of our relationship that has literally never happened. Like, for one example *""...that time I called you from jail, and you cried b/c you were at a guys house and you knew what you did was wrong so you told me you needed help...""* yet he won't show me any evidence (it doesn't exist)... He's literally fabricating things out of thin air and claiming they happened. He isn't denying that he was an abuser, but he's saying like ""You were bad too!","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm just scared to death. I have anxiety problems which are probably contributing to it. But he keeps telling me he'd never judge me for anything and my sister said if he's OK with a missing tooth, he should be OK with a gap. I'm worried he'll see me and change his mind about me and I don't know what to do. Should I tell him about it first or just see what happens?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." This has made me really question where I am and if I should be staying put. Sort of if where I was was right I wouldn't be feeling like this is now. I'm not thinking I should leave for the sake of being single to see someone else but maybe if I'm not as happy as I thought I should be leaving for me to have some time and space to do things on my own. Any suggestions reddit? **tl;dr my crush on my driving instructor is making me think about leaving my boyfriend**,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have had the worst anxiety of my life recently. As a college student I am now falling behind in classes, forgetting about sorority events and not interacting with my friends. I am slowly losing my mind. My room is a mess and the only thing keeping me out of a mental hospital right now is literally my students where I student teach. I am exhausted of fighting to get out of bed everyday, shaking when I sit in class and just not talking to anyone.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." If I hadn’t have grabbed my toddlers head and pressed it against mine and ducked it would have hit us both. I was yelled at so much I could see the veins bulging in his neck as he swore at me and called me names. I held my hands over the children’s ears so they couldn’t hear. But at least he didn’t hit me. I was told repeatedly that I would be stabbed in the throat so he didn’t need to hear my voice.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like I'm going to go insane. I can't stop crying or wanting to pull my hair out or screaming. I can't stop shaking. I'm on medications for anxiety and they help some but not much and not often... Ultimately, I know I'm not me anymore.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi everyone I have GAD that gets much stronger/prevalent when I don't have enough sleep. Coincidentally, it also makes me unable to sleep sometimes, so kinda like a vicious circle. Normally, I don't really have that many problems with it but I just started a new fulltime job with a lot of responsibility and that triggered my insomnia and subsequently all the underlying fears. My doctor prescribed Xanax as a when-needed last resort but since I was really scared of withdrawal/addiction after reading up on the drug (it's not called Xanax here but alprazolam) I only started taking 0.5mg at night after really breaking down.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am so sleepy and want to sleep so bad but the second I lay down it gets worse. My chest and stomach actually tighten up with anxiety and *all* I can do is think about Pippa. Now, what I did was irresponsible and I *should* feel bad about it. But this level of anxiety about something that happened 6-7 years ago that I can't do anything about now is insane. I tried talking to my family about it, but they even disagree on the basic premise that Pippa was even neglected.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My current boyfriend wasn't right, just a figure of the coma induced illusion. The only voice that seemed remotely really was my best friend, she's one of the few regular poodle I still have contact from that time. After a hour of my boyfriend, my best friend and my other partner working with me, I slowly started coming to some balanced sembelrnce of reality. Now I'm scared to go back to sleep. My ex, who abused me for 11 years, might be waiting tight there for me again.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know I should tell her my doubts, because I know she's gone through doubts before as well. But I also don't know if now I'm just second guessing because I'm just generally concerned about the future. Above all I just have no idea what to do. --- **tl;dr**: living long distance, dealing with chronic wedding anxiety and fear about impact of children, fantasizing about others, and hoping for insight from people who have been through similar experiences.","Relationship, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I wonder what I would be like if I had gotten help earlier on. **Here's where I could use some input: I don't consider myself mentally ill. I hate the word. If someone asked me if I was, I'd deny it but I know I have PTSD and I guess that does make me ill by definition. Will I be considered mentally ill forever?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He has been my best friend since the first day we met, he treats me great, he is always loving, not at all selfish, etc. We rarely fight and have only had maybe 2 other big arguments which we worked out. I am just so hurt over what he said to me. Do I just let it go and move forward with his apology? Like I said, it’s not like either of us ever drink and the only reason we made it a point to drink so much was because I spent so much on the alcohol package for vacation.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I would like to leave there, but I'm terrified of a shelter. I'm also a semi observant Jewish woman. Most shelters won't help me keep kosher and keep Shabbat, both of which are important to me. The Rachel Coalition is for domestic violence only, so I can't go there. The NCJW shelter in the area doesn't accept the voucher welfare would offer me.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It’s only happened 3/4 times recently but I’ve been putting off having sex and I’m constantly worried that my girlfriend doesn’t think I’m into her or that I’m losing interest, and so on. I’ve only just mentioned to her that I might be struggling with some form of anxiety. It’s a vicious circle at the moment. It’s almost as if I can’t relax and if I have nothing to worry about I create something to worry about. What do you guys think?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." One of the couples has a four-year-old daughter. We live in a two bedroom apartment. I constantly have to do shit for these people. One of the wives scolds me constantly and tells me I need to show more respect for my parents. They leave needles out everywhere and when I inevitably step on one I'll probably end up with an STD.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I hate the thought that even after my mom's death she still has power over me. Anyways, I've come here for advice on meds, specifically if this sounds like a good place to start. I used to just focus on the anxiety and insomnia acutely but never really tried to treat the source. I'm starting Effexor XR, Prazosin for the horrendous nightmares and continuing on clonazepam for panic attacks. Thanks guys!","Relationship, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My father has: Keys to a fancy car, like 5 fancy bikes, an iPad, member of a fitness center, goes to the sauna regularily, other women... Needless to say, they should just break up immediately, right? Well, it should be that simple, but my mother resists for some reason. We had this situation countless times, where she was like, I cannot cope with this anymore, let's find another place to live in, until you find something for yourself, and when things are about to happen, she goes nah, I don't know... Which is so frustrating to hear after a while. Even more so, when he says things like HE decides when or if they split up.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "**How can I move to a more mature kind of love that is less focused on me and my fears, and instead more about him and our relationship? ** --- **tl;dr**: Feeling like I am being selfish and immature, mostly focusing on my needs of distance and validation and less on those of my LDR bf. Worrying about the possibility that we might not like each other that much anymore once we live together for a while.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't get fired because one she is in another department which doesn't break policy and I am in good working and personal relations with my direct boss and the one above him. --- **tl;dr**: Started having sex with a co-worker 8 months ago. Found out today that she is married and that some of our sexual partners were also married. What should I do?,"Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "and then proceeded to show me the video of the ""dumb girlfriend"" struggling to answer the question. Needless to say, I was pissed. I said I couldn't believe he would think it was possible that I might be that stupid. He insisted that he only asked me as a joke, and then I got angrier because in what world is questioning my ability to handle basic logic funny? He continued to go on the offensive insisting that he had been kidding, that of course he doesn't think I'm stupid at all, and how could I even think he would think that?","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " I also have no family. I was abused for my disabilities as a child, including murder attempts, so I cannot turn to my family for help. I have friends helping me with food and transportation because I am poor and disability aid is barely enough to eat a meal a day. I have food stamps that work for about a week or week and a half of groceries so that's already really helpful. I live in a small, worn down appartement with no heating and thays why I am so cold.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I specifically told my father NOT to lose my money gambling. I'm not that depressed since I sort of expected this to happen, but I am still severely disappointed. I am literally continuing to lose respect for my own father. Of course, it isn't so much the money, but rather that he would do this to me when I told him not to. I fear that if this continues, my father will continue to waste away his own life as well as damage mine.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He came to the door, drunk and high on opiates (he’s an ex H addict, opiate rage is real), he told me, verbatim, that if there was a guy in the house, he’d kill him on the spot, no questions asked. That was a pretty easy night. I’ve spent countless nights barricaded in my bedroom because of his rage. His past is terrible. Grew up in gangs (Mexican Mafia) and molested at a young age.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I just didn't need it. Long story short, something's flipped in my head the last couple of weeks and my libido is very much back, worryingly so, I'm not sure what to do with it lol. So we've had more sex in the past 7 days than the preceding 7 years....but it's still very much for him. I don't know what I want and I don't know how to ask for what I want. It's been so freaking long since I considered sex as a thing it actually makes me nervous.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The fact is that it is not very common, these numbers, from where I come from] tl;dr - unable to overcome girlfriend's past. In two minds regarding breaking up. She says she will die without me [already popped up a cocktail of pills once. Nothing happened.]",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " Worse than that develop the same anxiety disorder. Again another reason to finish the relationship. I really love her but cannot and WILL NOT embarrass her like I did at the wedding. My plan is to go talk to a private physiatrist and see what they think. I don’t believe medication is the only answer but if it helps in conjunction with therapy, a healthy lifestyle and meditation then I will try it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " I apologized for taking up too much of his time and space and for not respecting his boundaries, and for storming off angry; the worst part is that he eventually said he didn't accept my apology because I was still ruining his day with my insistence he apologize for speaking to me with a ""retarded"" voice. So, is our relationship doomed? --- **tl;dr**: My bf and I fight too much, and I think it's both our faults while he thinks it's only mine/my brain chemistry's fault. Am I crazy, or do we need to break up?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " Sure it was almost 3 years ago (in July) two months into my first job out of university. I got bit in the leg and continued on like it was nothing. I only fell apart October 2016. I must have been living in survival mode until I got the call that the man who saved my life was getting recognized with a bravery award. Hearing those words, I literally felt my chest rip open and haven't been able to close the wound since.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've always connected my self worth with how well I do in school. Right now, I'm failing the last class I need to graduate. The final exam is 2 semester worth of stuff that I never really understood. This is my last chance to graduate. If I don't pass I wont get into the grad school that conditionally accepted me.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Hey. First time posting here. I have been living in my car with my brother and cat since May. I am feeling extremely depressed/defeated right now hence why I'm posting here. I'll start from the beginning.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I typically would not care in the slightest about things like that but I feel as if since my good friends basically turned their backs on me that I am at a loss? If my good friends did before does that mean everyone else will too? **TLDR: GF and I broke up. She is trying to turn people against me. What can I do?,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "EVERY TIME I say, ""I've got a job!"" she gives me some kind of bullshit reason the place is not a good idea. She threatened to boot me back out on the street for ""not taking her word for it"" when I explain I need the job anyway. BTW her girlfriend owns the house. They've lived here together for 2 years and she has been making up bullshit reasons she can't work the whole time.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am currently only using 5-htp once a week, i get no benefit when i use it daily. I have also been working out which has inevitably eased my depression and made my anxiety more tolerable but its still obviously taking hold of my life. Well here i am at this present moment, I have been contemplating having a sit down with my parents and telling them about my depression (pretty sure they already know, they just don't want to adress it). It had been hard, my parents come home at 9:00 PM and don't want to be bothered with me. they go straight to their rooms and the only time they are willing to talk is when they tell me to clean.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I do not know if I ought to, to be honest. I determined to quit drinking nine months ago, and have been sober seven weeks. But I never had any desire to quit grass, and I still don't. But I am in trauma therapy for the last four months, and my therapist has brought it up a number of times. She keeps saying it affects my motivation and depression, but it helps with bot the GAD and social anxiety.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I want to be able to deal with these feelings and move on. I’ve talked briefly to a counsellor on the phone but besides talking about it making me cry, it hasn’t made me feel better. This is one of the worst PTSD episodes of my life. I can’t predict how long this is going to go on and I’m sick of the weak, dissolving feeling I get whenever I think about it. I’ve been trying to replace bad thoughts with good, I’ve tried CBT techniques, I’ve tried wallowing in the bad thoughts (as advised by someone over at r/emetophobia)... nothing has worked, I’m a mess.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So what I am asking is someone or somebody's to help me with the rest of the repair cost. The repair is 575 dollars, I have about 200 of that currently, I need to get this done soon before I am stuck on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle and spending unnecessary money on Ubers or Lyft. I'm willing to pay back monthly with acceptable interest until it's paid in full. I get paid bi-weekly at my full time job. Thanks in advance!",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Sorry in advance for what I'm getting off me chest. This man sexually, physically, and emotionally abused me for a year. He even tried to marry me at 16 so he could trap me in his perverted hell. After four months of completely breaking free of this sick, twisted human being he had the gall to contact one of my friends to try to get a vinyl back. He treated me like a dog.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But recently I went on a car journey with my friends and 5 minutes before we got to the destination I started panicking because I thought I needed a wee and took a valium (completely embarrassed myself in-front of my friends). once we got to the destination I was actually fine and didn't really need one that bad. Since then it keeps happening, like I was on the train and 1 stop before my destination I got off and walked because I started panicking. then today really got to me because I needed to get a bus that goes through a tunnel to go to the pub that takes 10 mins and I physically couldn't get on the bus because of this fear. I'm so annoyed at myself that this is starting to control my life.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't know who I'm meant to talk to but I can't breathe. I can barely get out of bed or check my phone without panicking. But I'm always checking my phone in case someone messages me. I don't have it on loud because I don't like the noise. Yet my job requires me to always be reachable and the staff under me always ask me to help them, but I can't even help myself.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." 12. End of January I just didn't have any way to get enough money and we collapse with an eviction process started. 13. Working with friends and others we managed to get the money right after the judgement was issues for eviction. This stopped the eviction but we still had a judgement.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My problems started after my first panic attack which had happened in October. After that I had a lot of anxiety about my heart (bp 140/90) I was medicated with Zoloft for a while, it helped but I didn't want to become dependent on it and I had a lot of side effects. My bp with Zoloft was around 120/70 After some weeks the anxiety came back with horror, fear of the death and lump in a neck, stiffness in chest. My blood thyroid hormones were measured, everything's perfect.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This has begun to bother me since I do try to please her and go out of my way to have a little foreplay but she never really returns that favor. It has become a one sided physical relationship. I've even had multiple times where I have trouble getting it up, and its largely due to the fact that I receive no physical stimulation prior to intercourse. We've known each other a year and been officially dating for about 9 months. I finally decided to say something a month ago because it was really beginning to bother me because I'd hoped she'd slowly overcome these fears with time but she seems to be content with how things were and not going to change.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was freaking out. I stood on my back porch for about 30 minutes hyperventilating before I could convince myself that ""I am in control!"" I was embarrassing ! I couldn't believe that I allowed myself to get so worked up. But it was not as embarrassing as It/ I would soon be.....",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Every day I wake up doing nothing. Absolutely nothing except wasting my life, hoping something would happen but of course nothing would happen because I am a lonely fuck who pushes away everyone in his life while everyone else goes out and party like there is no tomorrow and fuck and cum like they are in a porno and make memories that not even one memory book is enough. Every day I wake up doing nothing. Either wasting my time playing videogames or watching the social media status scrolling up and up and up when in reality, i am doing absolutely nothing. Nothing is being absorbed in that stupid brain of mine, wherever the hell it is when I should be doing something more productive like studying or reading but either my own brain rotted to the size of a pea *(because of how mental disorders degenerate brain cells ... yay me, I am doing something at all)* or it just felt and flew up to Mars, or it is sitting its dark throne, rubbing its pitchfork, planning its next move on how to fuck me, both literally and figuratively.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " It's late and I should be sleeping but I can't get my husband out of my head, he's just such a freaking weirdo. I feel alone in my situation because most abuse involves some level of anger, but for me my suffering was just his way of showing me affection. He would always love to wrestle and tickle torture me, and he wouldn't stop when I was screaming at him to stop I no longer live with him but even today I still get a little flinchy. I lived in fear of being tackled, pinned, and tickled on a routine basis. I resent him for making me feel so small and fearful and at the same time he made me feel like I was crazy, that I was overreacting.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When I was living with people I would stand behind the door and wait for it to be quiet before I step out of my room. It makes me so anxious to have to talk to people. It didn’t help that one of them would play loud music all day so I would put in my headphones and go to sleep until he has stopped. I was so anxious and depressed that semester, it really affected my grades. Anyway, today was my first time seeing someone for help about my anxiety and I did not know what to expect at all.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm afraid about what they may do next, what they might say to me next, what they might ask me next. I just want to be by myself, in my own place, with my computer, my keyboard, my guitar, and my bed. I'm a teen, so I don't really have that choice, but to be honest, nobody really does, no matter how old they are. You always have to be around people for one reason or another. I'm just never comfortable around people anymore.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For no reason, I'll just wake up with anxiety like feelings. Stomach ache, uneasiness, some sort of dread, or feeling like any little thing would bring me over the edge and have a panic attack. I don't understand why and it can last for a long time. Anyways. Sometimes the breathing exercises help take the edge off it, but it doesn't fully help.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "All these sexual abuse accusations, while wonderful to see so many men and women coming forward about sexual abuse, I just can't escape it. So much victim blaming, the increasingly clear proof that many men do not actually understand what consent means, it's just too much. I haven't left the apartment in days and the only reliable form of self medication is too expensive (weed). I'm also autistic so I've noticed it's also overstimulating me to the point I'm hiding. It's just too much and I thank you for reading my vent.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I keep on getting crap from non work people about oh just fly. I try to psyche myself up to do it but after the 5 minutes of feeling like “yeah I can do it” I feel beyond tense. Anyone been in a similar spot? What did you end up doing? Thanks!,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’ve put my family through it too many times and it’s putting a strain on my relationship. I’m not who I used to be. And because of that I’m afraid people are going to leave me. My partner especially. He’s seen me go through this before and I’m afraid he’s going to give up on me.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don’t know that. I think I’m responsible for all of it. For the perpetrators, for the abuse, for the dysfunction, for my depression, my suicidal ideation, my pathetic life. All of it. I’m responsible.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My boyfriend and I generally have a good relationship. We've lived together for about a year and a half, and we have a pretty good partnership going. He's the first guy I've been with who is willing to sit down and really hash things out if we're having an issue. However there is one topic he *won't* hash out with me, and that's that sometimes he asks me questions out of no where that to me feel kind of like little ""pop quizzes"" that I feel are designed to try to catch me off guard and stump me. He'll randomly pose a riddle or ask a logic question, then I kind of fumble because I feel like I have to come up with an answer quickly, or I just get exasperated and tell him I'm not in the mood for a pop quiz.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." When I try to befriend artists or thinkers or doers. They often either shun me because my work has been sub par and nearly non existant and they don't see me as equal. Or they show sexual/romantic interest I don't reciprocate which makes me nervous and avoidant. Sometimes I am shunmed I think because they mistake my interest in making friends for a romantic interest. I am quite annoyed by all the assumptions/game playing/projecting that goes on in the world.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Cut to yesterday... My parents booked me in for an emergency appointment with the DR because my anxiety and depression is so bad I cannot function day to day and spend most of my time stuck in bed panicking. I was prescribed 2mg Valium to go alongside my anti-depressants. I took one and within 15 minutes I went from SEVERE anxiety to COMPLETE calmness Well... here comes the paranoia associated with my bad cannabis trip years ago... I FREAKED.,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He says he doesn’t remember this happening. But he has a short fuse as it is. He’s temperamental, out of work, depressed, has a family history of substance abuse, and was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2. I truly believed this would be “rock bottom” and serve as a wake up call to turn his life around. It wasn’t.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She didn't go home with me, she took an Uber. It was the worst 30 minutes of my life. I payed for the food, got it to go, and went home. This is where it gets crazy. I wanted to be away from her at that time.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't know if I'm able to do that, since I didn't tell the doctor the truth to begin with. I will say that my doctor very clearly didn't believe me at my follow up appointment, but my bf was in the waiting room. So I didn't admit to anything. I was teary eyed, however. From anyone's experience- is it worth it to go to the police?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't want to leave my house because I know that everyone knows what she's saying about me and EVERYONE BELIEVES IT. this was all over the fact I blocked her because she was toxic. I'm losing it, Reddit. I'm losing my mind. I can't stop crying i can't eat, all I've been thinking about is killing myself.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi everyone, This is my first post in this thread, so bear with me. My mother (54F) has always been controlling and anxious, and now that I (19F) have gone to college, it feels like things have gotten worse. I am home right now for winter break and things have been so tense and awful and I don't know what to do. She is really judgmental and anxious about my sex life.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But I still froze and cried through the entire thing. Some of the sensations brouvht me to memories of old sensations, andI felt really vulnerable, trapped, and ashamed, and I haven't been able to shake it off all day. Part of it is that we have company staying in our home; so I don't feel like I have the space to care for myself, and it just further perpetuates the shame feeling. In fact, I felt too ashamed to go home right after, and drove around for an hour and a half before I felt like I at least i wouldn't have to explain myself to my boyfriend's family. Additionally, because it's my boyfriend's family, my boyfriend has been unavailable to me all day.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." at some point they laughed and i had to leave because i got physically sick to my stomach. i guess i didn't realize how much they had screwed me up. now i feel like shit though because the acquaintance is a nice person and i want to be friends with them. we were all planning a dnd game together over text for a while and i just want to be able to talk to them without thinking about my ex. any solutions or help ideas?,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have therapy sessions scheduled but at the moment, I'm currently looking for some advice and insights. The only time I feel 'comfortable in my own skin' is when I'm drunk and or stoned. I, in the past have been ridiculed for an effeminate walk, been erroneously suspected of being gay and I have an effate look. Perhaps this facial look is a projection of my despair and a subconscious psychosomatic cry for help. I'm in my late twenties and have yet to accomplish anything of significance.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been through treatment and had a period of relative health for a stretch. Then I had a bunch of new trauma experiences. I'm 5 or so years out from the last experiences and have moved 800 miles away, completely cut off from all former contacts with the exception of one close friend. The move helped for a while, then it hit with vengeance. Panic attacks, ruminating, depression, anger, the whole deal.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And one of the girls pull me and asks me if I like him and I said yeah and she goes “if you like him you can have him because my friend is only here for one night...(gets pulled). And there I was in a packed nightclub all on my own. Trying not to cry about the fact I got ditched by my date for the night. So I leave the club go home on the train with the worst feeling ever, more insecure than I’ve ever been. **tl;dr : one of the worst feelings I’ve ever had in my life (sorry for being dramatic)**",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Bottom line is this is the first situation in a long while causing me to really get anxious. I'm thinking about it most of the time and waffling about it. And today I got the invitation and started looking into flights and transport and I'm overwhelmed. I'm at an age where traveling alone shouldn't be a big deal, but it is, I never have traveled alone aside from a handful of 2 hr bus trips in 2007ish. Any advice?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "We need a motel. We need advice. My grandson will end up leaving preschool, because we don't have a car and won't know where to have his bus pick him up if we do a shelter. He also has a standing dentist appointment every Monday this month. I hate that he has to go through this and not have a home to recover in.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." The silent sadness that you feel for no apparent reason yet somehow you feel too weak or too much of a pussy to do anything about it or even think that you deserve better because you feel like you deserve whatever painful feeling you are going through You feel like you rather suffer a long and painful life rather than ending your life because you feel like you deserve whatever agony you are going through The anxiety and panic attack come and go whenever they please. ,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "As I recover, I am in a great deal of conflict. I am scared to remember that year. I am frightened of what might be there. And I feel guilty for not remembering that year, too. I go way down the rabbithole, sometimes, wondering if I am crazy and nothing happened and my ex was right, because there are so many things I can't remember, now.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "with our son - My son is a Daddy's boy. Even now as I type this I hear him out there waiting for me saying Daddy Daddy Daddy. He comes and gives me hugs when I come home and barely notices when my wife is gone or comes home. - ‎This is also something she's recently admitted and I feel guilty about it, but I feel like it's because she puts in no effort beyond what she needs to do.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm so used to being forced to submit to him that I no longer have a voice. He heavily favors my sister over me and would buy her anything she wanted in a heartbeat. An example would be at Darvin furniture one time. He takes me and my sister there and tells her to pick out a desk. I look at a $100 discount desk and he says we don't have enough money.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't stop the ruminating thoughts about the whole process. I also can't stop the what if's or I should have done more. I keep blaming myself and beating myself up. It sometimes makes me physically sick. Do you have any tips to help alleviate the pain and stop the thoughts?,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Both of these were poor choices. It just exacerbated the situation. I had vases, game controllers, tv remote, coffee mugs, etc thrown at me on varied encounters. This is not an exaggerated list.. I tried to leave and she blocked the door with her body, threatening to kill herself on one such occassion.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "They are very sweet and welcoming to me, but I feel so overwhelmed with everything. I feel as though I gave up my independence to come here, which is fine, but I'm having a really hard time adjusting to everything being handed to me when I've had to provide for myself for so long. I told my boyfriend that I need supplies for the week and he responded with ""ask my mom"". I couldn't wrap my mind around that. I still cant.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Most of 2017, I stayed at around 135 and have been really good about hiding my fat with very flattering clothes but over the last 3 months, I have gained 15lbs as a result of traveling for work, moving to a new city and the holidays. I have always been very unhappy with the way I look and I envy girls who are slim. I obsess about this in my head 24/7 and even though I try to stay positive, the truth about how I REALLY feel comes out almost every time I go out drinking with friends and I become extremely negative and sometimes cry alone. My bf has told me that he is unhappy with my weight and he also hates seeing me unhappy. A summary of my bf: he is a complete workaholic, he loves me to death, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he has dumped me 3 times because of my weight, he thinks I am an excuse maker and he does not know if he will commit to me.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." He admitted to using the social media of girls he knows to get off. He even admitted to using his ex's nudes to get off. He downloads that specific app and then usually deletes it. He forgot today. We have sex 1-3 times a day.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "In his own ways I know he loves me but he's double my body weight, he's a weight lifter, and he has blind rage that only comes out on me of all people . If I keep gambling he could permanently damage me. I'm in healthcare I know these numbers so WHY? I like to believe that he knows his limits when we're fighting but he has scared me and himself in the past. Now that chokings are happening during every incident, the accidents could be irreversible.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Anyway, I feel like maybe I should talk to someone, but I have no idea how to even bring it up with my doctor. How does that work? Do I just march in and say ""Hey Dr, I think maybe I have PTSD.""? Just sounds weird. EDIT: Also want to throw in here that I'm not interested in being medicated",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She humiliates me in front of other people and when we're alone. I'm always just a servant who's there to get her drinks and hype her up. I'm always just the butt of her jokes. She used to invite me over when she was hanging out with a guy she was trying to hook up with, just so she could make fun of me in front of him the whole time to make herself look better and/or cooler. I'm just a prop.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." We were hoping to call when he leaves for work today-he’s leaving in about 15 minutes. I’m really scared and I think he’ll continue to come after us even after he goes to jail so we’re probably going to have to get a restraining order. Considering we’re a financially unstable family this is going to majorly impact the way we live. We live in a two bedroom apartment so we’re probably going to have to move to a studio or anything else that’s cheaper. My brother leaves in 2 days because he has to go back to college and we need to take action when he’s here because me and my mom can’t really go against my dad (physically).,"Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "We ate and he was monitoring my data use because I sent some photos to our friend of her baby shower. And he said he ""hates having to watch over me like a father and he wishes I was more responsible"" but said that he ""accepts that this is the way I am"" I said nothing in response to this and just ate my food and let it slide, smiled at him and small talked. We got back to the park and they had put out a new sign saying they were closed for the rest of the day. This made him even more mad.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My girlfriend does have PTSD. She said that she thought that I might have it because of an incident that occurred in 2014. You can read about it in my post history but basically I was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold for pretty much no reason, the therapists responsible for it just covered themselves up and lied about it. It greatly affected me. I would definitely consider it to be a traumatic event, not just because of the actual events that transpired and the conditions of the hospital (which are pretty bad) but also just the huge betrayal of trust.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have never before felt so betrayed by the system. Fiance (f) was blackout drunk. She started getting physical by grabbing my genitals and pulling so hard I now have a 1.5"" tear in my scrotum.. after that I was punched, bitten, scratched, and kicked over the next 5 minutes. All I could do was try to retreat, but I was unable to get to our room so I could get dressed and leave the house (I was nude at the time). As I got scared she would seriously hurt me, or I would strike her back, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I even pressed chargers against him. Unfortunately he still found a way through to me by hooking up with girls that I know and having them make sure I knew about it. Nothing has happened since June and I’m about to be moving far away from him. I struggle with what he did to me every day and the flashbacks occur still. I don’t expect this to ever fully go away but I am 18 now and I can say that I survived this.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I have been reluctant to start one of these as I am really ashamed to ask for help. One of my dear friends suggested I do this as I really do not have anywhere else to ask for assistance right now. I am at a high risk for homelessness. Landlord now wants me out unless I can come up with $800 in the next couple of days. I also was recently kicked off of food stamps lately for no apparent reason and I am working to get that fixed.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "As much of an asshole I know it makes me, I simply can't put my heart into a relationship in which I know I'm not the father of her child. I was ghosted this past summer by one of few people I've ever wanted to have a relationship with, and the subsequent weeks were a quest to find sex that would distract me from the pain. Others came before, but she's the first to actually show interest in the long term. She's made these ambitious plans for our distant future, and I don't have it in my heart to tell her it'll never happen. She's the first girl to show me daily how much she cares for me, and the impending thought of breaking her heart is killing me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "so i finally got tired of being anxious and depressed, crying daily, not leaving the house a few months ago and decided it was time to see a doctor again. I would only leave to work, and couldnt hold a job very long due to the anxiety(eventually stop going after successfully alienating myself from everyone) and went to see a psychiatrist. He started me on 40mg of fluoxetine and 50mg atenolol a day with 1mg lorazepam 3x daily as needed. I averaged about 2 of the lorazepam a day, some days 3 some days 1 or even 0, and 1 time i took 4(christmas with the family, not all at once but over the course of the evening) I went back after about 2 and a half months and he increased my atenolol to 100mg and switched me to .5mg alprazolam 1x a day(from the past i knew this wouldnt be an effective dose but he wouldnt listen) For the 2 and a half months i felt like i was leading a normal life, doing well in school, seeing friends again, working, going on dates(have a girlfriend who understands my anxiety and we met when i was drinking to deal with it so this is the worst shes ever seen me and wants me to find a new doctor) interacting with my family and not hiding in my room all day. With the switch to xanax ive gone back to my old ways of hiding away, crying, not eating, and have almsot purchased cigarettes again(quit smoking about 10 months ago).","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm taking care of her but I have no idea what to do with myself. **TL;DR: My wife told her co-worker that she and I were in an open relationship and started hooking up with him. She said it's because I have too high a libido, because our relationship lost it's newness, and because I don't do a fair share of housework. I'm not sure if we can work it out or if I should just leave. **",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't take a shower and I haven't eaten today. I am sitting in my car and almost on empty. I keep ending up with abusive men who pretend to love me and my kids then hurt us. I am on a waiting list for housing but no call backs yet. The kids are safe and good and I go see them every few days til I have a place.,"Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Does anyone have any advice? I feel pretty hopeless right now. I want desperately to be with my partner, and I suspect even if our relationship ends I will always love and care for him very much. I don't want to spend my life wishing I was with him, but be too overcome with my anxiety and fear to do so. It is discouraging to feel as though my ex-boyfriend is still inside my head and controlling my life.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My main thing lately is that everything is making me feel overwhelmed and stressed out even in non-stressful situations, just every day life. I have a good life that is a lot less stressful than most but it seems to cause me a lot more stress than it would to anyone else like my wife for example. I feel like I'm always on the edge and my head is going to explode in angry/frustration over nothing at all. I've been checked out many times, full blood work and other tests and everything perfect with my health as far as my Dr is concerned. I've always had an idea in my head that I would do anything and everything to avoid taking medications and I've been convinced that I can deal with this on my own and if I can't then I'm doing something wrong.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've told her each time to stop, she apologised but doesn't see what the big deal is because she ""hasn't been in love with me for a long time."" This is when I started to feel awful. I can't fully figure out why though because Im not in love with her - I probably hate her and haven't realised it yet. I just feel terrible. I can barely get out of bed to go to uni.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’ve had a some fucked shit happen to me. I'm not going into detail because I'm not looking for sympathy. Today is the last day I have to pay or quit. I don’t have anyone to help and I’ve exhausted all my other options applying for loans, pawning things, etc. I need to somehow come up with 1,490.46 by 6 pm.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " So now they are querying whether he has a traumatic brain injury suffered a year before we got together and that now he has progressing brain damage. At this point my nurse self kicks in, I can't not help someone in that situation. I feel sorry for him I don't want him to be hurt or alone. But I also want to hate him and leave. So my incredibly long winded question to you is this: if he has brain damage is this an excuse or a reason?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like I am in a pit that I cannot escape from. I know that I am anxious all the time and terrified of fucking up and I know for sure that the more anxious I am, the more I cannot focus well and think straight and the more likely it is for me to fuck up .. and somehow, everytime I do, I feel like I just want to belittle myself so much that I deliberately and purposefully want to see myself covered in blood and bruises because I feel like I deserve it! ! EDIT 2 ..",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So a bit of long back story here, I was adopted as a child not a proper legal adoption, there was a residency order for me to live with my aunt and uncle for an underdetermined amount of time, after a year my aunt and uncle split and my uncle kept me (my aunt was the one I was actually related to) social services never really got involved past this point. My uncle/ adoptive father started dating a woman that I would come to know as my mum (I always knew they weren’t biological) They had a very destructive relationship and my adoptive father was incredibly abusive towards her (like attempted stabbing & trying to set her on fire in front of me) he was never abusive towards me in fact he treated me like I was untouchable which fostered resentment between me and my “mum” They eventually spilt when I was 18 (9 years ago) and I’ve not spoken to my dad since,my mum works in a hospital and just informed me that he was admitted to the ward she works on and potentially has lung cancer. My mum is practically gleeful about it being cosmic karma for him being a horrible person but I’m uncomfortable with how happy she is that he’s ill, I’ve not really spoken to her about it because she’s the one that suffered not me so I can’t really tell her how to deal but it just seems a bit much to me to be happy.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He seemed satisfied with this and kept pouring me drinks. Eventually he decided to close up for the night and I went back up to the house, tipsy and confused about what had just happened, but glad I had bargained some time. I got myself on the dole and the rope that was against my neck seemed to loosen just a little bit. However I was still in the prison of depression and plagued by self-destructive tendencies. Although I had some more regular income I would often binge on the euphoria of having money (I was still a teenager after all), spend too much in my mania and then quickly sink into paranoia and avoidance when rent day came along.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He suddenly wanted to have a relationship with her, which I saw as a good thing. I said he could come over to visit as often as he wanted, he just needs to tell me before hand so I can be home. We decided to give our relationship another shot and I got pregnant again immediately. We moved into a house together, I had really horrible morning sickness this time and Bob got disgusted with my neediness and moved out again a week later, leaving me in a huge house I can't afford or maintain, again far away from any form of support necessary for a pregnant mother of a young kid. He seems to love his kid very much but has no concept of taking responsibility.","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "They are always calling me for everything, I don't even wanna answer my phone, but if I don't I may get yelled at. It has happened. I have spent many days and nights in tears because of the stress of this job, and even one morning, threw a bit of a fit when our dm made me come in because there was another evaluation on my day off. I had to cancel all my plans that day to go in. I couldn't stop myself.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And I'm just really confused and don't know how to feel or what to believe or think. Did he kill himself because of me? Did he know I wanted to see him or did they simply never told him? Is it my fault he is dead now, and that my little brother has no father anymore? I'm just so confused and overcome with emotions right now.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She told me she had one more person to interview and that she would get back to me by Monday. I shook her hand and rushed out the store to another place and went to their restroom. I ruined my hair, I popped a little of my collar and unbuttoned some of my dress shirts. I added some water stains and even took advantage of a partially full cup of soda in one of the stalls. I spilled it on the rims of my shirt but not entirely.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have had mobility issues since I was twenty three following a difficult pregnancy that triggered inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. Over the years I've had a few falls due to being very unsteady on my feet at the best of times, which have added to my mobility issues. My right ankle and calf are permanently injured, I have achilles tendonitis, plantar faciitis and the muscle in my calf has tightened so much due to the shortening of my tendons that my foot points instead of sitting normally. I have osteoarthritis in my right hip, which slips in the socket and causes a lot of pain, and this has all had an ongoing impact on the rest of my body as my back often spasms or locks and I have issues with a frozen shoulder that limits the use of my right arm. On top of all of this, I have kidney, liver and bladder problems.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am so scared that he will realize how fucked up and terrible I am and not want to continue things. I don't want him to go and he keeps assuring me he will not, but I am so, so scared that sometimes it is overwhelming. I feel like this is a disgrace on my part, because, logically, I know that he very much likes me and he really wants to stick around. But there's a part of me that genuinely believes I am not good enough and that I will not be enough once he realizes that. I am so fucked.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He would play really loud music on the speaker. It got so bad when he threw the living room table at me.. we got kicked out of at least 4 apartments. At this point we were homeless. He wouldn’t get a job, and wanted me to get out and hold a sign and pan handle for money, if I didn’t he would drive the car we lived in really fast and say he was going to kill us. He wrecked that car (small wrecks) at least ten times.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The husband's voice sounds like pure rage, the wife's both angry and defensive. A couple of times there were sounds of broken objects. We have never really talked (they don't speak good English), so I'm not sure how to approach them about it. Calling the police feels excessive, but I'm also worried someone might be abused. What is an appropriate thing to do here?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Ive never really had a problem with my education until this semester, I feel mislead in my classes i.e (I do great on the homework and then I end up failing the tests). This has lead to me failing or doing not up to my standards in my other classes and its beginning to effect my own self worth. Instead of being confident in myself im resorting to internal hatred and just overall sadness. I am in a relationship with a very loving girlfriend but I feel that if I bring my problems into it, it could go sideways and I dont want that. Because of all of this my sleep schedule has not been exactly ideal, I usually go to bed at midnight and wake up early for class and the quality of my sleep is not what I would call good (tossing and turning and frequently waking up).",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My life has spiralled into a area I’m not sure I can survive in much longer. Everyone who was close to me have seemingly all decided to just pretend I don’t exist right as I start my third year of Uni. My anxiety levels are usually pretty high this time of year but this last month has been the worst of my life for my emotional well-being. I’m trying so hard but I’m suffering, and the meds don’t seem to be helping What do I do",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When first diagnosed I was put on a daily prozac. 3 years later, I've managed to wean myself off and just use my klonopin only for the worst attacks. That actually seemed to work well and I've been off the prozac for about a year and even got off Facebook 3 months ago because it was becoming a point of unneeded drama, but I'm suddenly getting the depression symptoms again. I've walled myself off from most people and have become less communicative with my husband. I don't like going to our neighbors house because I have a paranoia that 2 of them don't like me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Is this common? How did you deal with it? I want to just apologize and make things right but some of the things the other person probably forgot or were just super insignificant. I want to own up to my actions but it's hard. I assume if people find out I was a jerk they'll all hate me and I'll be an outcast and a pariah :/,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hello my name is jake I am 17 years old and I need some help I'll give you a bit of back story Ever since I was 5 my mother was always drunk everdently she was an alcoholic and whenever she was drunk she got very agressive and to cut a long story short she abused me for over 8 years not only physically but mentally too and when I was 15 I finally spoke out and went to turn to the authorities but they didn't help they sent me back to my mum countless times and in then end I put myself into care I refused to go back I have been in care for a year and a couple months now but ever since just before chirstmas I've been having these night terrors ( which I have reason to believe that it is ptsd ) I have viscous flash backs of my mother doing all them things too me and I wake up screaming , sweating , and as a instinct ready to fight and it lasts for a good 15 mins which is horrible What I'm trying to get at is , is there any coping mechanisms that you can suggest because I feel useless and helpless at this point","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Who do I talk to at this point, the Command Equal Opportunity Officer (e-7) who basically says she will look into it but doesn't seem concerned. There is a stigma about asking for help in the Navy and it needs to change. Basically, if you take any meds you get treated like a black sheep. If you go to medical and they give you meds, you get removed from your duties and everyone else carries your load while you are forced to stand around them not allowed to do anything. If you do get out of the navy because you spoke out about being depressed, anxious, or having symptoms of PTSD then you would be seperated from the Navy and sent home.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I knew that he was scary when he would pray in front of me, yet the entire thing was an angry ATTACK on God (not trying to get into beliefs here, just what happened.) I knew he knew how wrong he was when he told me one day to not tell anyone but that he actually HAD threatened suicide in front of his ex wife with a knife, yet still painted her as the evil doer in the story. I knew he was lying when he made sure to tell me about how crazy one of his exes went at the end accusing him of rape (why would he even bring it up!!) and how after he took another ex home from injury while we were together, that she might try to lie to me and say that something happened, but NOTHING did! It gave me chills when this man would tell me if his ex wasn't his child's mother he would have had her murdered long ago, and that he had friends offer to help!",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The next couple of days have been mostly normal. A large group of my friends were visiting so I had a good time, but that episode made me slightly anxious every now and then. I have no prior history of anxiety disorder or mental illness. For all I know, this episode could have been anything or nothing, but I do remember feeling a strong sense of anxiety during the tram ride. At the time, I was attributing it to being a little paranoid on pot, so I wasn't concerned - until I started to lose my vision.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "what if there arent enough houses for all the people in this world? ( yes..seriously) we have never lost him, he has never been stung by a bee, we do not have the news on around him, nor has our house been broken into.However, he has heard grown ups out in public talking about the recent school shooting. He also gets night terrors and nightmares and is afraid to fall asleep sometimes. how do I help him manage his anxiety in an age appropriate way?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m currently doing EMDR for my severe anxiety issues and depression. We’re going through past instances that have plagued me and are why my mindset is a negative shithole. I had my anxiety in a certain place, where I felt comfortable. The anxiety was there but I managed it well enough. Things were not perfect and there was still a lot of things that needed to change in order for me to progress.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am 25 years old and recently had to stay with my mother and her new husband. My mom has had issues on and off throughout my childhood, but it is only recently that I identified her as a narcissist. We used to be very close (inappropriately so), but last week she disowned me and asked me to move out over a Reddit post she found of mine (not this account). I am moving out on Sunday, and have been enduring the silent treatment for about two weeks. I was raped by an acquaintance less than 6 months ago, and everything is hitting me all at once.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Certain things will make me feel uncomfortable. as of recently she will jokingly play with my nipples, like suck on them or biting them if we are laying in bed and I’m shirtless. This makes very uncomfortable and I don’t like it at all. I’ll laugh and tell her to stop and that I don’t like the feeling of it. She will keep jokingly doing so and tell me stop being a baby or that she is just joking around.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But in that moment neither my words nor my body made a difference...he did what he wanted.... I wanted to push him, kick him, shout...but...i couldnt move. There were times he didn't listen to me but I never thought it would lead to him forcing himself onto me. I didn't trust I'd know how he'd react if I did or said anything...He wasn't the gentle and respectful person I thought he was. I left after the shower but when I got home, I broke down.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was trying to eat my food but my hands became shaky and i then didnt feel hungry. People kept asking me why my hands are shaky, and the people across from me laughing at me. Idk what to do, ive worked here for 3 years but i just cant get over my anxiety. I just hate having meetings and celebrating with co workers. I havent been diagnose for anxiety disorder but i want to been on medication?","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Anytime I have a scheduled transaction towards my checking account, my wages are immediately garnished. However, last night was the real wake up call. After work, I came home drunk and let my stress get the best of me. I ended up getting in a fight with my gf about money, finances and utilities. Not wanting to face the pathetic reality that I have ""sugar momma"" for a girlfriend, I packed everything I own in my vehicle, parked it less than a mile away (incase I may have forgotten anything) and slept in it until the battery died.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Kinda interesting how even when I’m not feeling awful, tiredness still makes me ruminate and feel angry. Hm. I wonder if it’s the biological sleepiness or if it’s kinda a pavlovian response because I’m so used to having terrible feelings when I sleep? Probably kinda both. Anyway, how are you all doing?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi, I am 21 years old, I used to suffer from panic attacks and anxiety last year, but somehow managed to beat it and live like a normal person again. But from time to time, i have this weird feeling that I am gonna pass out or something like that, my face is pale and I feel this uncomfortable pressure in my eye balls, it happens when I'm at university during class or even during normal daily activities. I did some blood tests and everything is fine, so is this anxiety again?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Apparently he was jailed before marrying my mom and he never told us until she found out later into the marriage. There's more into the story but I would like to know if I can file a charge on him for past incidents as well.... and I am upset that he is going to be charged for misdeamenor instead of felony. Since the victim (my mom) has enough evidences, it will be hard for him to drop the charges right? He has been avoiding the police so it took a while for the police to catch him but he paid for the bail and bailed himself out with a help of his friend. I just wished he would recieve a felony but he pleaded not guilty on the first court appearance and apparently there are more court appearances to be made befoe verdict is finalized....",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I see him in person 1 - 3 times per week, almost always at restaurants. If it matters, we've never been to each others apartment. It is in his lease that he can't have guests over (???). I've invited him to mine but it hasn't worked out. I have some abandonment issues from friends pretending they like me but actually secretly disliking me, so I have anxiety that he doesn't actually like me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was cleaning my house with bleach, got a nasty burn in my throat when I woke up the next day. Day later it went away, but the day after that I got the worst body aches, chills, 100.6 fever, and dizziness for 2 days. It all cleared up but I have had this dry cough for 4 days now with no relief, it keeps me up at night, and I go into these coughing fits. What should I Do? I can't see a doctor for 2 more weeks as I am out of town on a job, i think I am a hypocongiract so ii worry a lot lol.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have almost constant health anxiety. It's a mixture of agoraphobia and health anxiety. I'm afraid of having some incurable disease or suddenly stopping breathing... I've been kinda iffy the past few days, just tired from lack of sleep, and I usually feel like shit after my period which triggers my anxiety. Well anyway I went out to meet my mom for some food and the first thing she says to me is ""wow are you okay?""",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I spent six years in a very abusive relationship. We had a child together. After she was born, I made my way out. I ended up fleeing several houses and apartments trying to stay away from him. There’s been a long history.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Because i feel like nothing i do isn't even worthy of being considered a success. Because the carpet is cover in pee from animals and reminds me of my mothers house. How i used to go to school every morning covered in cat and dog urine. Every little bit of confrontation feels like world war 3 in my head. Every little feels like it gets put on me as blame and i cant deal.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Do I live in this cycle forever? Is there really no chance for me? I can't even begin to explain how my sibling got out, it was pure luck and they are heavily dependent on an S/O. I feel like I'm grabbing at straws. I've done this song and dance a million times.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I mean what are you suppose to do when your son is 5 and his older brother who is 16 is picking on him. He was too big for them to punish. So I endured it , some days I hate my whole family for never saying anything. They just were okay with me being scared of my brother constantly. Fast forward to me being 18 living with my other brother.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I haven't posted here yet, but as everyone here has probably experienced, PTSD is one of the most isolating conditions. Even as an adult surrounded by other adults at school, I feel so isolated. It's really disappointing that other students in my class can't seem to grasp the concept of PTSD in people who aren't veterans. There is a fundamental lack of understanding that has resulted in further alienation. For some reason, dissociations in sufferers who are not former military is unacceptable.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." He wouldn't take me to the hospital but I could feel the gaping wound in the back of my head and the hole in my lip my tooth had done. He kept packing. So I called the police. I couldn't see out of my left eye and clearly couldn't drive and felt I had no other option. The police department chose not to press charges.,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I need help. I need sound advice on how I can overcome this situation. I need brutal honesty. Merci ! Please excuse my grammatical errors,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Apparently it doesn't work that way. I don't drink or do drugs anymore (which didn't help keep me safe at all btw) so there is nothing to blur it out. I just have to live with all the horror and memories and I hate it. Tl;dr I hate myself and the life I led. I'm ashamed I didn't figure out that things could be different sooner.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't get over this feeling. Nothing feels good. I just finished spring break and I had a chance to work out every day. Even when I was working out, I felt overwhelmingly anxious. I can't state concisely what I'm thinking.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've never done this before but we always stay at my house, so maybe the odds are just greater here? After she told me about it in the morning I feel like pure shit. She said my eyes were open and I don't know if she believes it was accidental... How can I manage this situation? That's all I really need to know, I don't know what to do.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "If they weren't done he would get angry at her. After that he would borrow money from her while he was making a lot of money. Instead of paying her back, he would spend both his income and her money on things he wanted. The next thing was that he would say things like ""I'll do this for you but you'll owe me a blow job later."" While that worried me the next sign really made me concerned.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She says she's sorry and that she would never have taken it to a physical place, and completely rejected the first co-workers request to take it further. However she continued to talk to him and also continued to talk and flirt with the second co-worker, when she knew he had romantic feelings. She says she's sorry and has an addiction to being desired. I told her it's not fair to me or the men she's leading on. She agrees and is trying to convince me to stay with her.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don't know if I should call it abuse. Fiancé suffers from PTSD & alcoholism... Punched me and threw shit at me at an international airport and almost got himself kicked off the flight. Last night was the 2nd time but far worse. He beat me with a bag he thought I packed and thought I was going to leave him (it was a bag I forgot to unpack and was in the closet). My head was bleeding profusely and I (thank goodness) ran outside and called for help...,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's like Everyone else is allowed to be frustrated but me. So I use a lot of my UPT (unpaid time off; it's the ONLY time off we get, no vacation or anything) for my sister - her wedding (a whole fucking week), her kids' birthdays that she insists I be at, and things like their baptisms. And I know I use a lot of my hours on them, but overlook it because I love them and know they want to see me. But I only have 6 hours left, and each shift is 4 hours. I might have to use 4 of those today because the front of my house is flooded (there's a car stuck there and an officer blocking off people from entering), because I emailed HR and even sent in a picture but this company just doesn't give a fuck and probably won't cancel.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." He causes emotional pain to me every day but I cannot get myself to leave him. He physically abuses me sometimes but it rarely leaves a mark or bruise. I feel like even if he cheats on me (again) I still won’t want to leave him. The only way I think I will leave him forever is if I end up hating him. And the only way I will hate him is if he caused physical harm that I cannot lie my way out of like I have in the past.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." """I understand as a woman why you are doing this. But as a mother, I am begging you not to press charges. It will ruin his life. Please, let us take care of him. We'll set him straight.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’m coming to find that my family are rapist sympathizers given the “right” circumstance (ie. sports). How would you want the media to change? What would make it easier to watch the news while also covering newsworthy topics? My head is in a fog still so hopefully that all made sense.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is marriage #2 for both of us. Husband's (52 M) ex (51 F) cheated, my ex (53 M) had emotional affair, leading to ending marriages in the same year. We dated in high school, and reconnected as friends, started dating about a year later, moved in together after a year, got engaged 2 years after that. Before getting engaged I found out he was having an emotional affair with a woman who lived about a 5 hour drive away from us. I found out when he left an IM open on his computer, found steamy texts when I went to shut off a noisy program.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’m just wondering how many of you have A LOT of triggers? I was abused extremely horribly as a teenager and into adulthood and I have horrible ptsd from it. I literally get triggered by everything and anything. Like someone could sneeze and it would sound similar to him and I’d freak. I freak out horribly about everything and the littlest things.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." kicked me out of the house and was going to make me leave in the middle of the night multiple times while insulting me and hitting me I'm sorry to even post this here but I need a little support right now. He said this to me two nights ago and came into our guest bedroom where I was sleeping the next day and said sorry Kind of. I tried to talk to him about it and he said he was under a lot of stress and that he doesn't need my love or support and he doesn't want to talk about it. Super sorry for the fucked up formatting but y'all get the idea...,"Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It was a conversation about those things. Over and over. Her name, which normally it isn't a trigger, but since I've been in a fragile state lately, I was just getting dragged down on the inside. I'm so tired. I just wanted to ask them to stop saying it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm in my third year at uni and starting my diss now (its due in January), and I'm really struggling with feelings of dread and anxiety. I dread waking up knowing I have to do work, and I compare myself to how much my friends are working. When i see them working I am just filled with dread and guilt. ​ I keep getting to the point now where when I try and do work, I freeze.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Do I just need to forget about the ""dumb girlfriend"" incident and stop assuming that he thinks I'm stupid? And how do I do that? Help! tl;dr Because of an unfortunate incident earlier in our relationship I sometimes have a hard time believing that my boyfriend thinks I'm smart. How do we navigate this?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I need to know what to do. A psychopathic family member was promised MY house, for some strange fucking reason, for apparently a very long time now. I have an abusive ex, that won’t leave me alone and his parents say escape and live with them, but he most likely will follow me where I go. He told me he would. Should I get a restraining order before I go?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My ex sent me a video of a switchblade, I asked him why he had that and he said “cutting people up” and then he said “it’s an Italian style switch blade”.. I’m Italian... Anyways, he’s put a loaded gun to my head in the past. I’m actually pretty terrified of him now. He also once brought explosives to my brothers house and claimed he “forgot they were there”.. none of my family or our friends growing up believed me when I told them about him. Which is why I can’t talk to anyone.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm curious, does anyone know of any programs that provide temporary housing assistance if you have a job? I'm almost broke right now. I really don't want to live out of my car or the shelter while working. Having a comfortable supportive place until I can get my first couple of paychecks would be amazing. I'm worried that my current living situation will ruin my chances to succeed with this job.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel sad for you, I feel sad for me. I pray that you will get the help you so desperately need so that nobody else has to endure the terror and horrible horrible physical, sexual, and emotional abuse you have put me through. I am riding myself of all my shame associated with what has happened. I know now, it was all you. I did not do anything wrong to deserve the horrible treatment I received from you.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He broke contact with the whole family, only sparingly speaking to his little sister after she followed his example and split. I think he is very ashamed of his past. He *never* talked about anything like this with me. I’m honestly really worried he thinks I would think less of him if I knew, and the idea of that breaks my heart. I didn’t tell him what his sister told me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm too unstable. Telling parents is not an option. I'm not going to give the easy redemption for them. All this is still suspicion. I know I'm no professional, but I'm telling you, I'll get help.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi everyone, Sorry to ask but today is my Mum’s birthday. This is the first month in ~6 where I haven’t been paid early, so until tomorrow I have no money. The issue is it’s my mum’s birth today, and she always wants a cake, but I am unable to give her one this year. A nice cake from my local supermarket is £10, and I will be paid by work tomorrow so I can repay you soon.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "We couldn’t have Thanksgiving because of money struggles in the family. I am here begging and pleading for help to get some food in our cupboards to help hold us over as long as we can. I’m counting down the days until tax season so we can fill up the pantry! We receive about $700 each year from the Wisconsin Homestead Tax Credit which is what we use to catch up on bills, prescriptions, and to stock up on food. It’s extremely heart wrenching when my own mother or grandchildren cannot have a bowl of cereal because there’s no milk and guess what, no cereal.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Being in there was hell, I cried most of the first few days. I was very disoriented, couldn't sleep, the windows had metal grates over them. The bathrooms were locked and you had to ask for permission to use the toilets. While I was waiting to use the toilet the nurse came in my room and grabbed the door out of my hands forcefully and I didn't let go (I think its my right to use the bathroom when I need to). She then came back with a bunch of men and they held me down to the bed, pulled down my pants and gave me a shot in the butt of some sedative.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have a very hard time with trying to find a job, from most places I don't get any feedbacks, but get immediate rejection when I try to apply to other open positions at the same company. Interestingly there's a lot of propaganda around how there's a shortage on manpower, while at the same time people having difficulty finding jobs. There are notable instances of similar experiences, political opponents' family members getting fired for no reason, etc. My father did a big disservice to the local Fidesz by being a key figure against the prison project (which was going to be built by a company very well known for overpriced projects), my grandfather is a well known tankie (who's so racist he's often accidentally agrees with both Fidesz and Jobbik), not to mention I had a lot of bullies in secondary school who thought I was severely mentally disabled (long story short: I had some speech issues I've since overcome for the most part, but thanks to the Hungarian R-word I got some serious shit, such as being accused with my mother taking up huge benefit money which she spends on shoes and jewelry, which leads them having to pay a lot of taxes on their motorcycles, game consoles, phones, etc) and probably wanted to take their revenge this way (which is ironic, because the hard time I had financially radicalized me from an actual centrist to a radical leftist). My father is seriously thinking on kicking me out to the streets if I won't pay, which makes me to go back to my mother, and my abusive stepfather who cannot accept my autistic quirks, implying if I can go back to them and my stepfather will let it all go through.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Grad school isn’t really the easiest place to parent alone. Assistantships don’t pay you enough to live off of by yourself (Mine nets me a little less than $800 a month, rent is $750), let alone with a tiny human that needs a particular type of education. They also require you commit to 20 hours a week of on campus work. Essentially meaning, you can’t really hold a full time job anywhere. On top of this, working another part time becomes difficult because work hours have to coincide with the hours your little one is at school, and with 20 hours a week on campus already, that leaves little time to actually work anywhere else during school hours.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." When I take the time to relax and think of something nice like a waterfall or a forest or something like that I then automatically think of how bad people are going to mess it up and pollute and make it worse and just be awful. It makes it hard for me to relax. I try to think of something tranquil and then thoughts like these pop into my head. Meditation isn't that nice for me. My mind just races.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It feels as if no one understands what I’m going through in my life because I took a while to leave and didn’t tell anyone until now. I really didn’t think it was that bad. Now that I’m out of the situation, it still haunts me. I feel guilty and still like it’s all my fault somehow even though it’s irrational and not true. Does anyone else feel like this?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I walk up to the door, unlock it and open it. It's K. With my boyfriend standing by in sight I ask him what he's doing here. He says nothing but stares at me with this blank stare. Then I get this weird gut feeling and ask ""have you been drinking?"" In which he shakes his head.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." ​ I'm in our room watching some relaxing Youtube videos trying to cheer myself up. My boyfriend wants me to come out and do weekend stuff but the energy is so high out there I think it'll set off an attack. He wants to bad to help but he doesn't know how and I don't know how either. ​,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I think this is a good conversation to have in person, but I likely won't see him for months. Would it be tacky/wildly unromantic to do this over text/email? Additionally, I don't want to ruin things between us or make things weird, and I'm not sure how to broach the subject. How do I not screw this up? ---",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So I knocked and told her to please let me in. She refused, I told her I was sorry and I didn’t mean any of the things I said and that I love her very much. She said to go away so I did (we were at her house). Now a whole day passed and she still refuses to talk to me :( I’m worried, guilty and just want to hug her and tell her again that I’m sorry. I sent her some messages but she ignored them.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He has even made a comment to my bf about me being overweight. Being overweight has basically taken over my relationship, my mind, and my life. This year, I am making it a priority to lose the weight, especially since I have nothing else occupying my mind like cancer. My confidence level right now is 0 and I feel so fucking ugly and fat. If I just got in shape, I know that I would be close to a 10.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’m noticing a pattern where my body is like rejecting my partner and I’m concerned it might be caused by my abuse at an early age. Should I seek counseling? But I’m afraid if I do I’m going to have to talk more about what happened and I’m going to break. I’ve talked to therapist before but whenever the topic of the abuse arises I tense up and can’t remember anything. I’m sorry if I’m rambling on it’s just a hard subject for me to talk about and I don’t know how to put into words the emotions I feel towards these events.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is the first time that i'm opening up about this, so please be kind. I'm from India - stereotypically known as the land of doctors and engineers. And while that's just a stereotype, my studies give me anxiety. I had my first attack two years ago - and I have been talking to people since then - but my recent graduation exams have left me worse then ever. What i want to know is, when was your first attack and how are you doing now?",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "First off, I want to apologize for posting here so often. I don't have anywhere else to turn to. I recently contacted my abuser. I don't know why, I think it's part of my self destructive behavior. And I've realized something.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The thought of helping people, curing diseases and caring for someone makes me happy. Imagine a person who’s an asshole but need help on health, I would help him/her. However, I need to finance med but I need to work on my current stature to get the money but this job makes me anxious to the point that I am having refluxes because of stress just the thought of working on it. The problem with me is I know I can do for the meantime this job but it was a mistaken path, I could have done dev since it involves little customer interaction. I felt helpless because I need the money but feels like I am fooling myself to work my ass up for something that is not my passion.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "No criminal record, he’s not on any list, he changed his name and moved to a new town and no one there knows what he did and he’s been messaging her. I feel so hopeless. How am I supposed to feel safe? Or be able to sleep? He’s out there, consequence free, feeling safe enough to message her.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." So I have ptsd from an abusive relationship I ended about 3 years ago. When I felt healthy enough I went to therapy and did emdr and it helped and I thought i was doing well. I even moved to a different state so I could quit triggering my flashbacks a year and a half ago and haven't had a single flashback until last night. I have started dating a guy I'm pretty smitten about and last night we went out with friends and had a really good time but we also had been drinking. Something triggered me and i had a flashback and was not able to control my emotions because I had been drinking it was like I went from laughing having a good time to having a panic attack and asked him if we could leave and we did.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "throwaway... sorry if this all sounds very messy. I have a history of child sexual abuse, rape in a past relationship and problems with dissociation. So I was feeling like a robot that day again, due to stress. I then went to my boyfriend. I told him I am dealing with that again, he knows about my problems.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm a freshman in college. I had to move out asap due to a volatile home situation, and I'm still struggling with finances and figuring out the real world. I just got a job, but am currently extremely sick, and worried about starting. Even so, my phone bill is due and I won't be paid for a few weeks. Student loans don't come in until January.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "two months off of work in my favorite city with limitless money and i am more infuriated than ever. all its done is remove my dissociation and now i have inexplicable rage. i just fucking hate everything. i hate this site, even, and made an ultimatum never to come back. but i have no fucking idea what even to do.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But now, my cognitive processes feel so scrambled up and sluggish. I get so confused sometimes I have trouble filling out simple forms or answering questions on the phone. I'm in my 3rd year at a major university but my brain feels so messed up I don't know if I'll be able to finish. Does anyone else experience this? Have you found anything that helps?",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Should I just go ahead and get help? Am I worried about nothing? Is there a way to lose the worst bits of anxiety while keeping the bits that are perhaps somewhat helpful? Or have I got this all wrong and it's not anxiety (but perhaps something else) that makes me productive, etc? Or should I just accept all the awesome things in my life as a totally worthwhile price for feeling worried?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " I had suicidal thoughts while working at the island. I had to cut it short and come back home. I was too sad to continue. Eddy and I reunited, and I assumed we were back together since it seemed so. When he got drunk he would literally switch back and forth to being happy and giggly to wanting to die and hating himself.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Can anyone relate to this feeling? I can’t enjoy myself at things like concerts anymore. I’m not fully present because I have to try so hard to curb feelings of anxiety and hyper-vigilance. When anyone gets too close to me or accidentally touches me I freak out. Tonight I went to a concert and I was so self-conscious and distracted by the fear that I was going to be assaulted that it was difficult to focus on the actual show.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." A few years ago I witnessed an accident at this time of year and I am beginning to remember it again. At night I hear the sound and burst into tears and calm down until I hear it again and start crying. I didn’t know the person involved but I was one of the closest to it when it happened but I’m beginning to sort of enjoy the release from crying and fantasize about telling people about it. I feel guilty for this indulgence and feel like maybe I am just looking for attention. I have always had bad anxiety and mild depression so is it just that?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "i realized i was already 20k in student loan debt and i was not going to waste all that debt on a school that is considered ""lame"". some of the best friends i have ever had were at the school, but i traded them for a lifestyle of drugs, sex and redundancy. This new school was considered a party school, one of the best in the country. Due to my good academic standing at my last university i was able to transfer here. but upon first getting their i had already become homesick and depressed.","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My bond about was about 100 less than my whole savings. First place I went after getting out of jail was my work, my boss told me if I had got out 2 days earlier I would still have my job. I'm about to do something stupid out of frustration and anger. I was so close to getting off the streets. Fuckkk",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is an idea that my father also reinforced in me heavily. I remember vividly when I told him that everything was my fault (in my child mind obviously meaning ""you make everything my fault"" which was very much the state of things in the house growing up) and he straight up told me to stop fucking up so much if I didn't want things to be my fault (I should emphasize all ""fuck ups"" were minor- letting a pack of strawberries go to waste, forgetting to call him as soon as I left school, etc- but punished severely). Hell, even if I'm in the *wrong* now I feel like I'm still a victim. I can't gauge conflict to save the life of me- even if I'm being an absolute ass, I'll feel like I'm the one who's being persecuted. My last relationship was a while ago, and lasted about a year.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I love her too, but I am super paranoid about the whole deal. Current situation: We both confessed that we love each other, but I won’t be going back to my home country for another 6 months. Because of my past toxic relationship I fear things will change between us, we’ll get into fights/have trust issues etc. Problem: Should I get into a LDR with her, or we should continue being best friends( which would be hard because she has already very clearly confessed she loves me) problems are: 1.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m 20, and I feel like I missing out on the “real adult life”. I live with my parents I can’t decide what to eat, I can’t have my alone time without being anxious. I got no friends and no real job where I earn enough money to live on my own. I also don’t feel adult’y enough to take 100% care of myself. I getting panic attacks now today that I’m missing out on life, mostly it’s NSFW things that triggering this.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know there are are people who have absolutely nothing. I have clothes on my back and a roof over my head, but I’m still worried because I don’t have gas money to get to work or buy groceries. It’s just a very helpless feeling. Thanks again to anyone who is reading this. I appreciate you.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had bought our son a special outfit themed from the movies just for this occassion. Neither of us got much sleep that night, and when I tried to talk to him in the morning about leaving, he got really agitated and raised his voice to me. Our daughter ran into her room and I found her hiding under her covers. After again trying to talk to him, he ended up refusing to go, I'm still not sure why. He then ignored me for days again, we again briefly made up for my son's birthday, and started fighting again not long after.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I haven’t really complained. Only once when my gram asked me to do a million and one things in a span of a few minutes (go get this go do that) when i was already trying to setup my moms new iPad so she could watch Netflix in the hospital. That all said and done and I feel like shit. Idk if it’s sick but it also feels a hellavua Lot like anxiety. So i get my mom who’s in the apartment next door to ask her to lay with me for a few minutes.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So I've basically got a plan: hoard all my drugs until Tuesday, OD that night with a combo of slit wrists and maybe even hanging. I want it to be damn efficient, because this is trial number 13. These are the thoughts I've been having lately. My last attempt was at a hospital, just a few days ago, but I lied and told them it was my anxiety that led me to self-harm. They discharged me.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I never thought I’d be in a situation like that in my life and the screaming and blood and chaos following it is just on a constant repeat in my head that won’t stop. I had to give 4 separate statements to the police which burned it from start to finish in my brain and it doesn’t stop. I don’t know if that’s just because it was less than 24 hours ago and I’m still just in shock? It’s just a lot to take in right now and I’m not sure what to do. I apologize for any formatting issues because I’m on mobile/ sounding incoherent I’m just kind of numb after all this and unsure what to do.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "(I see a therapist weekly.) I really don't want to give up on this, but i don't know how to feel better. Any help is appreciated. --- tl;dr i have relationship doubts and anxiety/depression and I want to love my boyfriend but i'm not sure if I do.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Ugh. I just need to tell people who I know will understand what happened. If you can relate, offer support, anything... that would be appreciated. I've been dealing with this disease for years now, and I just had the worst flashback I've ever had. My boyfriend had a long day and was going to sleep before me.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I used to take sleeping pills that had a bit of anti anxiety medicine in them but my pcp drug tested me and because I had been found to have been smoking weed , ( for my ptsd ), it was either stop coming their for the sleeping pills or weed. I chose weed mostly because I was pissed they drug tested me for one but also weed seems to do the best for me. Now im regretting that decision. I guess I need a new pcp huh? Anyway its a reddit until I dont feel like a deer in headlights kind of night so whoopee.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Every time I tell him to leave he threatens to harm my pets or take them and release them to the wild (I have ferrets.... they CANNOT survive in the wild where I live) or he goes into rants about how useless I am and how I couldn't survive without him and somehow he worms his way back in for fear he might be right. TLDR; need him out. He threatens animals. **REALLY** don't wanna involve police. What do I do?,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My mom has always been a pushover and is known to give him money with no questions asked. Last night, my brother sent a group message to me and my sisters telling us to not tell our parents anything he is saying and that he loves us very much. He says he started selling drugs recently to make more money and some of his supply was stolen and now he's afraid his ""friend""/dealer will come after him. I offered to let him spend the night at my house if he felt unsafe, but he declined my offer and said that he'll take care of it. I tried to reassure myself that no dealer will kill someone over a missing gram of pot (he was advertising on snapchat) and I went to bed hoping that he would just get roughed up if anything.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had to do some other repairs (thanks potholes!) that put me even further behind on payments. I can do the brakes myself to save money. I have a friend with jacks and tools. I just really need help getting the brakes, I'm actually getting worried about them now, starting to get spongy.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Kinda. But now it’s just weird. He buys us matching clothes, tries to get us to do the same shit, constantly insists that we’re so similar, etc. They try to hold my hands when we go out, and when I told my dad I needed her to stop being so touchy with me, he guilt tripped the fuck out of me. I’m 19 in a few days, I need to get out of here, but I feel so fucking guilty.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Im positive the 2 panic attacks and the following brain fog is anxiety based because like i said I've had mild anxiety in the past and i don't think i have any other issues. Anyways i was wondering if its normal to feel spaced out and a little slow/ tired a few days panic attacks. I haven't touched weed since but i still feel spaced out. Any insight would be appreciated. I also noticed when i don't focus on my worry i feel a little better,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It makes me so disappointed in myself because I hate what I've become and I hate feeling so helpless. I'm to the point where I'm afraid, not knowing why. Most days I end up crying at work. I have no friendship or relationship with those I work with and cannot feel comfortable around them. There's even an awkwardness with my manager who only talks to me to criticise and complain, and just before my holiday she gave me an informal warning.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Idk Do I tell someone? Do I just quit? Do I talk to her about what she did? Please, any advice would be really really helpful to me!",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know that I can't be unemployed forever but I'm just too anxious to really do anything. And everyone in my family keeps asking what my plan is and I keep lying because saying I've got nothing is just too humiliating. I'm just stuck. Have any of you gone through something similar, and have any advice? I appreciate it.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "In some ways, I can handle it more than the average person who hasn't gone though such a trauma. Sometimes it's hard to remember that, though, when you're breaking down over some otherwise harmless feedback. I'm tired of people misunderstanding. I'm tired of feeling weak and broken. I'm just tired.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Now that I'm approaching middle age, I want to tell myself that they're just busy and don't have time to reply. But how long does it take to write a short email or make a brief phone call? Something specific *must* have happened to get them all to turn it off at once. For the life of me, I can't think of what it might have been. And that's what bothers me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Not because I didn’t have evidence, but because none of the evidence was permissible in court. My last order of protection was denied. I’m a survivor of childhood incest. It just seems like no one cares or wants to care about the psychological repercussions any of this abuse has on people. And I’m the one to blame for not being a perfectly normal person.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "already a few months in. Any advice on if/how this can improve or if I should just cut my loses before I get too invested? Thanks everyone! TL;DR boyfriend currently has no motivation to move his life or our relationship forward, should I stick around and keep trying or accept incompatibilities? Am I asking for too much?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The following week, my mom let me use her car to drive my brother to another city for an appointment. The car is going to be mine when she buys herself a new one, so I was really excited about driving it around more often. Everything was fine until I got to the actual city and then a woman drove through a red light and hit my mom's car. I held myself together because my younger brother was with me and he has his own depression to deal with, he didn't need to see his sister break down. The car was still driveable, so I dropped him off and his appointment and then had my meltdown in the drivers seat while explaining everything to my mom.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Kyle got out and started contacting me again, writing letters to “prove he still knew where I lived”, and “being able to get in touch with me regardless of me blocking him”. I have some friends in the police force near me, who I informed of the situation. About the same time I started talking to them, Kyle was put in jail for separate reasons. Since these two events, he has stopped contacting me (thank Christ.) James knows about Kyle, but I haven’t told James about the most recent developments because he has had a lot going on (a death in the family, health issues, among others).",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have trouble connecting to it on a personal level, but isn't that healthy separation of past/present? I think my present anxieties/self image issues stem from traumatic experiences, but I can talk about these things fairly openly in a way that feels rehearsed. I had a panic attack where I felt terrified and unable to move at my psych's this past Tuesday, but that's not typical for me, at least not anymore? I realized most my recent ""panic attacks"" may be ""breakdowns"" because it's not accompanied by a sense of fear, but pent up emotions I haven't been able to release resulting in a sudden loss of control... I start hyperventilating, screaming, and unleash all this pent up fury to the point where I feel detached from my emotions/self and have no control, start throwing things or hurting myself, until I'm exhausted and suddenly shut down/dissociate.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I wanted to go to this art school in an expensive city only because this place is wayyyyyyy cheaper then most art schools and it has all the majors I'm interested in, which I could use for like storyboards for movies and what not. They have really nice dorms and if I could just get the funding for school I could do that, but I have really bad mental illness and I need my cat, he checks to make sure I'm breathing at night and comforts me during panic attacks. Which means I'd need an apartment, and a job. I'm not against working my ass off, I'm just getting down right now, no responses to applications can do that. I'm in a state that doesn't even have a real art school.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For the last week, my car has been acting up. Yes, it's 16 years old but the only other person to have the car before I did was my 85 year old grandmother who only drove it to either the grocery store or the thrift store, so I got it almost brand new. But lately everything g has been going wrong. The gas gage doesn't work, the dash lights don't work, my tires need to be filled at least once every day, the brakes go out often, my battery won't start if it gets too cold, and now the transmission is starting to have issues. Without a job, I don't have money to pay to fix everything.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It was no longer just about the life and love we were building together. It was no longer about us, it was about me and trying to fill this hole within myself. If she would just want me, make me feel wanted, I could baptize myself in it and finally let go of all this guilt and self-hatred. This male shame. It’s complicated.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." When it is his weekend off). He grumbles and yells only on his 'nervous' days. Maybe once a week. Sometimes three days in a row. Sometimes it is two weeks of not yelling.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I've been crying myself to sleep ever since I came back. I'm scared something terrible will happen to them and I can't stop feeling guilty about cutting contact with them for the past several months. My mind keeps replaying awful scenarios over and over again. I can't stop thinking about these terrible thoughts. :(,Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Before I knew at least I stood out from the girls he followed, now I kinda feel like a shitty clone or something. I dont know. I dont have a type or follow eyecandy so I dont really understand. Help me make sense of it? Tl;dr: my bf changed his preference in women and now I feel like a shitty clone",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Is this what a guy who loves you deserves? Is this my punishment for life? Doesn’t some part of you feel something for me? I see you and Jane are out tonight so as I sit here alone and dying inside knowing that the most important thing in my life is leaving me and I’ll never even see you again, doesn’t something inside you feel just a morsel of empathy and reciprocal love back for me and to me and want to give me some chance? Why do I have to be destroyed for this?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For me, that doesn't HELP AT ALL. It just makes me feel like I'm just pissing him off, and my problem has suddenly become his, minimizing my emotions about it? (I hope that makes sense). He always says I need to be protected, but he doesn't understand that it's not an imminent threat in my life anymore, but a constant struggle and disability; that my brain works and processes things differently now and always will. I just feel so very alone when I talk to him.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been skipping my classes and haven't gone out with any of my friends because I'm afraid I'm going to get sick when I go out. I'm supposed to go visit my boyfriend at his school tomorrow (I'm on spring break and he's not) and I'm already worrying about if I'm going to get sick and if I even want to go incase I start to feel nauseous and get a bad stomach ache while I'm there.... I'm wondering if anyone else deals with a lot of nausea from their anxiety and what they do to cope with it? I'm terrified of throwing up and so this is like the worst symptom I could ever have.... plus I always have this weird feeling in my chest/throat like something is coming up or is stuck and am belching a lot, like tiny burps. I feel like I'm crumbling and am starting to really slow down... My anxiety/depression has never gotten this bad before and I've just been a sad shell in my bed, can't even find the energy to turn on my TV and pay attention to anything.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "i never really knew people gave a shit about me, and it really meant a lot to me; it still does. but if so many people are here for me, and things are going to be okay, why am i still afraid of them? why do i still have a pit in my stomach and why are these thoughts still clawing at the sides of my skull? why am i crying right now? i don't understand it, i don't understand my own brain and i feel like an ungrateful prick for still being shaken up so badly.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Has anyone else who's dealt with anxiety their entire lives become very controlling in their relationships as a way to cope? Speaking to my therapist I'm realizing that my method of coping with the intense anxiety I've faced in life was to become so organized that I thought I could control everything. But when situations arise, especially with those I'm in a relationship with where I can't control the situation, my anxiety goes out of control so I end up lashing out in negative ways. If you have found you were controlling and were able to better yourself can you please direct me on where to turn to do the same?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "No, not really. I thanked my boyfriend, and then immediately blurted out ""how am I going to explain this to my mother?"" Like I said, he's understanding, but I could see him kinda wince as he probably realized that the gifts brought me more anxiety than happiness. **I spent the next half hour desperately thinking up backstories I could use to explain to my mother why I had a brand new hat. **",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "student- loans and I’m living a miserable life but I’m working as much as I can without feeling 100% dead inside but I have to pay them up in a week or they default and I don’t know what to do. I would seriously do anything for anyone for the money to help me keep my head above water. I’m completely miserable and I’m trying but I’ve been even more depressed than normal and I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like a heart attack is on my horizon. I spend the bare minimum, I starve or drink an 85 cent soda for 3-4 days out of the week.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I really suck at explaining things so if you have any questions please ask. UPDATE: I gave my casual partner a vague warning about the future and how, if the time comes, I'll need to make the decision for myself. tl;dr I am stuck in a love triangle with a casual DDLG relationship on one side and sharing of mutual feelings on the other. Multiple things keep the DDLG from relationship from being public and I hate sneaking around. I want to have an open relationship with the other girl.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "There became two sides of me I battled within myself. On one hand, I wanted us to build a life together, to experience that love and the relationship. I did most days. On the other, I wanted to absolve myself. I obsessed with it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Every rational part of me believes I'm retroactively terrified of the fact I almost didn't get to live the life I'm living now. I wish I wouldn't think about it. But I just keep doing it. It's like I get some sick thrill out of the fear and anxiety like it's a horror movie or rollercoaster. I know I shouldn't be feeling that way about it but I am and I don't know why or how to stop it.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm afraid of losing who I was. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and for the first time in a year, I feel like I saw my own reflection. I know the battle isn't won, and I've got a long way to go, but something just snapped tonight. I understand what you're all going through. We're all in it together.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And I’m scared all the time. I get flashbacks from ptsd at home, and now my home is full of these spider and insect memories. And I feel like so few people in my life can really handle this and that’s even more isolating. I’m sorry. I needed a place to put this down and try and stop crying.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was recently diagnosed with PTSD (theoretically CPTSD but that's not an official diagnosis so whatever). It's been 3 years since I escaped my abuser who abused me for 3 years as well. However because I was so young (high school/college), people have disregarded the validity of my abuse- which results in me hiding it from the world. That sucks, but it's not as bad as what it does to me. On top of crippling anxiety about everyday life, I have a terrible fear of commitment that I didn't realize I had until I moved in with my current boyfriend.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." (I suffer from Major Depression/Anxiety/Fibromyalgia and I wrote this as an example of what I feel on an average day so that people who don't have mental illness can understand) Hollowed out doesn't quite cover the feeling. Because inside this shell are millions of raw nerve endings feeling everything that brushes by. Everything is so raw. Between the mental and physical pain it's incredibly hard to stay grounded.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm not exaggerating in that I legitimately, 100%, thought I was going to die. I don't think I've ever been so scared. I keep a diary and reading back on what I wrote at that time makes me cry at the memory. Something else new I've been experiencing is numbness. I've never felt numb before but it's been happening more lately.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I want to talk about this because I have no support group, and my wife can't handle much more. My uncle lives very close to me in NH. I want to get a news station to take my story but they say it was to long ago. I will be posting more under the title My hope is you will read this comment, and maybe it's happened to you.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "my abuser is in my family, and i am in the process of healing but every family reunion/holiday i must see my abuser causing me to enter panic attacks, constant crying, and flashbacks, causing an uproar to what could make me so ""troubled"" I am afraid of coming out to my family in case of being removed for my family forever and damaging relationships. I have younger family members i am trying to protect so i feel alot of weight on my shoulders when i am having a bad PTSD episode around my abuser and my younger family members.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Basically I’m going through quite a bit right now. I suffer from anxiety, depression probably (low mood, irritation, poor concentration) and things just haven’t been going that well. My friend who has autism makes off-the-wall jokes about death and killing in general. That bothers me as two of my friends have passed away in their 20s… And I still think about them and try to remember the good times. Suffering from The Doubting Disease has been fun.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m tired of watching the days waste away before me because I’m so useless. I’m useless from the insomnia, the depression, anxiety and lack of motivation. My chronic illness has destroyed my life, the resulting PTSD has only made it worse. I don’t know where this post is going. I don’t know what any comments will say.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I felt horrible for her. Ever since, I’ve been close friends with Corrine. She told me a lot about what happened with her family, and we had a lot of late night conversations where she told me about how she had these nightmares of what might’ve happened, how she had bits of her brother’s brain on her shoes afterwards, how she tracked blood through the house while she went to get the phone to call 911. I felt so awful. We were close, but I knew her past was traumatic and rarely pried.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It started off small, but it's getting larger and larger by the day to the point that I want to cry. All I want to do is sleep, but no matter how much I sleep, I'm still exhausted. I sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep. I fuck up my school life by sleeping so much. Why am I still tired.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have been thinking about it and I think that all anxiety seems to boil down to either fear of what other people think of you or fear of death. I am curious if this is just me? Sometimes simplifying it makes it easier for me to deal with, at least during less intense moments where I still have control of my mind. I realize a fear of death is a bit unbeatable, but some how that seems to give me a bit of peace. The one that I have a hell of a time with is fear of what other people thinking.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I want to move forward with my life but seem to have dug myself such a deep hole that I can't climb out. It just seems to be a vicious cycle of can't get a job because I don't have a place, get a job, can't get to job because I don't have a car or license, can't get license or car because I don't have a job. Don't even have a phone currently (this one will change soon). Can't get any assistance because I have no residency. I feel forever fucked in this spiral of shit that I myself have created but can't seem to flush.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "If you are triggered stop reading but the word is schizophrenia. Just thinking about it freaks me out atm. I keep thinking I will go crazy.... I imagine myself in a mental hospital having panic attacks 24/7 a hellish torture... oh god.... This is because I've always has extreme fear of afterlife and existence, its just so bizarre I've explored every single freaking theory/religion/whatever thats how much I was obsessed with it before.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Me and my Dad aren't on speaking terms, however we do live in the same house. Mainly because I'm not financially able to leave and live on my own. I do plan on leaving, but until I make enough money to do so I'm stuck here. I want to share what has led to this point, because to be honest I feel like I'm pathetic, weak in incapable of accomplishing anything. Everything I do to move forwards seems to be halted and I feel like I'm being pushed back.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Over the past couple of years I've been getting increasingly afraid of road trips. I've been terrified of dying in car accidents. I don't know entirely knowing where this fear is coming from. I was in a super minor fender bender as a teenager but that was it. In college, I lived in a city with insane traffic and regular accidents but I never experienced an accident myself.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Cigarettes used to help but they don't anymore. Alcohol helps, but then it comes back worse the next day. In the months that it's not happening, I'm well-adjusted. I thrive. But then my luck changes, someone starts listening to music next door or revving an old engine in their yard, and all my progress collapses.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It was worse than that, I wanted to throw up, not because I found the scars disgusting but because the person I loved so so much, had done that to herself. This is when she told me more about her situation, basically all her issues is beacause of a very unstable family with an alcoholic, mentally abusive and neglective father. Her mom is her best friend in the world, but she too suffers from depression and anorexia. Her parents had a terrible divorce where she got caught in the middle, resulting in her falling deeper into depression and self harm tendencies, as well as her mother becoming very anorexic and depressed, all the while her father was drinking. She felt she couldn't burden her mother with her issues and instead keep it to herself, which she does til today as well.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." That completely threw me. I don't know why I'm finding it so difficult to cope. I'm crying frequently for some reason and I don't know why. I haven't done the whole uncontrollable crying thing since my last episode which was all the way back in November 2016. (I spent 2017 learning to shut down my emotions so crying had become a thing of the past.),None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can’t have fun anymore. I can’t enjoy life anymore. I don’t know what to do. This is hopeless. I had to come home from work because I can’t stop crying.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " But it hit close to home when my own parents have pressured me over the years to reconcile with my brother, angrily demanding how I'd handle their funerals, whether I'd insist on not going (I wouldn't. My brother was best man for our other brother's wedding, which I attended but declined being a bridesmaid, and kept a careful distance. Then I went home, drank an entire bottle of wine and cried while my husband comforted me). 2. I never would have known about my cousin's son if I hadn't been able to make the funeral yesterday.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Just realised in my greatest moment of need, no one could be there for me despite me seeking it out and reaching out first. These are 'friends' Ive talked to about issues before. My heart is beyond broken to find myself at once again a second round of realisation that I have no friends to be there for me. People have stuff to get on in their lives and cannot always be there for me. I get it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "People say ""follow your gut"" but I don't even know if I have a gut feeling on this anymore because I have obfuscated it so much and overthought it to exhaustion. People have told me this is really no big deal in the long run but it feels absolutely monumental to me and will be something affecting me the rest of my life. Can any of you relate? How do you make really tough, lifelong decisions like these if you have anxiety? Thank you.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Things got better in middle school (thankfully) but it’s sad how literally 5 years as a young child (when life was supposed to be good) were so rough and still affect my life to this day. My home life wasn’t super bad but school was a living hell. I was excluded from everything and still to this day I tend to view the world as harsh and unaccepting. Sorry for the rant, it’s just sad how cruel teachers and students can be in elementary school. Bullying in elementary school directly caused so many of my mental health issues.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But it seems like I'm also dealing with abandonment issues with my parents which has recently reemerged after coming out as transgender which they don't support. Unfortunately, I have Lyme disease and live with them because I'm too sick to do anything and they won't support my transition. I get the feeling that if I was healthy and I transitioned I'd never speak to them. I was reminded of PTSD from a comment on r/raisedbynarcissists/ and Borderline Personality Disorder was brought up. I don't know if it's a secondary condition or overlapping symptoms, but C-PTSD specifically was mentioned and that seems pretty accurate.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I loved her and I was completely broken. In July of 2016 I went out to a gaming hall/bar that my friend's family owns. I remember pushing on the doors to start making my way back home and then waking up in the hospital. I was told that I had suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), facial fractures, a ruptured right ear drum and a cerebrospinal fluid leak. I spent one week in the hospital before I discharged myself against medical advice.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "After burning out, I fumbled through a tough, 8-year commitment in the United States Marine Corps. I then went back to college and obtained an Associates Degree with a 4.0 GPA, before burning out just shy of a Bachelors. Following that, by leveraging my limited IT experience from the Marine Corps, I landed a job averaging $110k annually with a Fortune 500 company. Along the way I got married, and my wife and I now have four, brilliant children. Three years since burning up (again) and walking away from the $110k job, life continues to go completely down hill.","Finance/Career, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm so scared I actually don't want to lose him. I love him. I love him so much. tl;dr: I've gotten gaslighted in my past relationships and it's caused me to have a lot of self doubt about my thoughts and feelings and question myself constantly. in this case I'm questioning if im actually losing feelings since I'm developing crushes on others.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Everything about my existence was a burden to her. I wasn't exposed to one huge trauma. I was little traumas over a long period of time. I know feel very unsafe all the time and scare. I'm constantly afraid of I don't know what.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And I woke up. It took 3 nurses and some sort of shot to calm me down when I woke up and I had to lay there limp for an hour in the recovery room by myself. They then put me in the maternity ward, sharing a room with a mother who just had her baby. The second surgery was a few days later because the surgery was incomplete. I found out when the part of the baby came out and I slipped on it in the bathroom, my husband found me in a pool of blood crying on the ground.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Most mild of it was my dad used to hit my butt and call it a love tap, I told him not to do that and he’d say “you’ll understand when you are older” Like I said this is mild and I don’t think constitutes and sex abuse, but I was absolutely uncomfortable and my boundaries were crossed hardcore. I told my dad I wanted to play football when I was 8. He told me I should try for the lingerie league instead. My mom used to go clothes shopping for me, and he would tell me to wear the opened back and low cut shirts because “that’s what the boys like” even though I didn’t want to One night he walked into my room completely naked and turned my light on, I woke up and he stood there for about five seconds completely nude, and then turned the light off.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was severely neglected as a child by my mother, but this isn't about the neglect (although it may make an appearance at some point), I think my twin and I were sexually abused by her first boyfriend (the man she had an affair with). I have a distinct memory of lying in my bed at night and there being a male figure crawling up towards me, this is more of a still frame though. The others however I remember vividly to a point, one was a very inappropriate tickling game where my sister was under her duvet and he was on top of her tickling, except he was also humping, I can't remember much more than that, the other is walking to his house, I remember the exact route, going in and him showing me his house, I can't remember anything once he showed me his bedroom, other than the bedding was white, I don't remember leaving or what happened in between, but I remember things like he had an Eiffel Tower figure he made in his front room. I started masturbating at a young age and I wonder if this is linked in. I've been suffering a lot recently, and I am on medication and undergoing therapy, but these bouts are cyclic, I always end up back in this position after a while, perhaps not as severe as the one I'm in now, but I feel that it's in part due to having such little recollection of my childhood (can't remember much of it or my teen years), I want to be able to have a definitive answer to whether I was sexually abused so I can put it to rest, the not knowing is really hurting and the flashbacks I have are intrusive and upsetting, I don't know how to confront this situation and get over it.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's important that people know this when they claim platitudes about 'getting support' and 'healing' that require a stable home, friends, family or even relationships. I spent all of that time trying to get to this point by myself just so some selfish POS could slap me down again. I hate this. I posted this on twitter because I couldn't think and I just wanted to share something even anonymously, of course I got nothing. It's hard to admit sometimes, until you're desperate, but I wanted someone to care.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I keep getting sudden, very short panic attacks. Or anxiety attacks. I'm not sure if I feel fear, I don't even know what the feeling is because I forget everything short term afterwards. They last a presumably short amount time and is the worst feeling imaginable to me. Some random thought I can never remember triggers it (it's definitely something that repeats though, it's a familiar feeling afterwards).",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m high risk for PPD seeing as I have preexisting BPD and anxiety, and going back into working immediately after giving birth would most likely be very damaging. Not to mention I haven’t had the easiest pregnancy, having had multiple emergency room stays and having been hospitalized. My goal is to have at least the required time to recover, without having to put myself in debt. Even $5 is a huge help, because that's $5 less that we'll have to borrow to cover our bills while I'm not working. ","Finance/Career, Health Concerns, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It’s Open Enrollment, most government systems in the US are poorly managed so most go without full knowledge what they’re signing up for, and the pressure of management can be intense to reach certain “metrics.” I enjoy the money but the politics of it all be disconcerting. It’s not at all what I want to do with my life. I’ve been in and out of doctors appointments for my thyroid goiter. My mom said my great grandfather had the same thing and it causes anxiety. But most of it stems from my verbally abusive, alcoholic dad and being raped twice in my life.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I simply stayed home and did nothing, I was basically a shut-in hiding from the world. I had really awful anxiety at one point, I never went to the doctor for it, but there was a time when I got a panic attack and I had to call a friend, who helped me get through it. Then everything changed, I got an opportunity to work at a really tough (to be honest I would call the working conditions atrocious), minimum-wage job but I learned a lot of life lessons (and it changed my view on society). Then I started reading more books to improve myself, and that was when I started to earn some savings. I returned to school and the first semester back I managed to get As in half of my courses.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi r/domestic violence! You guys were recommended by the super supportive guys over at r/twoXchromosomes where I made this post earlier in the week: (tl;dr: I've been facing a lot of personal strife lately, argument on Saturday with my husband resulted in restraining and a hit to the face. We're both military members.) A few things have happened since last Saturday.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm exhausted from just continuing to go to work. God I'm so tired... I know I'm so much further than I was a year ago. But it still sucks. But I know I'm getting happier, I am happy most days.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Two days ago I packed all of my clothes into my car and have started living out of it. I sleep in the parking lot at work, work for 8 hours, and then spend the day at Starbucks on the internet and charging my electronics. Once Thursday rolls around I will have ~$400, which is not much as far as being able to afford a place to sleep. If I become good at living out of my car over the next few days, I may just use some of that money to invest in making it easier for myself. I don't really know why I'm posting this here, except that living out of your car is a pretty lonely experience.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Throwaway because I don't want this tied to my main account. For some background, 30 yo male diagnosed with GAD, depression and PTSD. Otherwise healthy, but recently my anxiety has been getting worse and showing itself in the most fucking frustrating way. I'm about a year and a half out of an extremely toxic and abusive relationship. I don't want to go into the details at this point but that relationship shattered my trust in people and, frankly, myself.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But I have something I think is important enough to at least be worth your time. I’m getting the word out about my wife’s surgery fund. She just got the message back today from her workplace denying her disability for her surgery. 😦 Long story short this was devastating for us, we are both pretty frugal people that try to save our money but sadly (at 20 and 19) we haven’t had much time outside of home to amass enough savings. This surgery is a catch 22 however as if she doesn’t get it she will have a 75-80% chance of becoming either wheelchair bound or if she’s luck just unable to ever walk up or down stairs.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've never even told anyone this because it makes me feel like a 32-year-old loser. But now I have no pride to lose by saying it, so there it is. **I don't want to die, but the thought of living in a place I hate and having no control of my future is a worse fate. ** I just need some HOPE. Thanks for listening.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I spent the next few years being extremely reckless and impulsive. My home life was never easy I had an odd relationship with most of my relatives except my mom who was probably the only reason why I am even stable to this day. My brother was always seen as the golden child and me as the problem child so I was constantly shamed by extended family for being so impulsive and reckless which we all know is common signs of PTSD in adolescents. I think my mom was ashamed of my initial assault and though I was able to get help I was never allowed to tell anyone about it and a lot of my extended family I didn't even tell until the last couple of years so this has left a strange dynamic for me of not knowing how I feel about telling people my story but also desperately wanting to share it. In 2011 I finally met my husband who is the only reason I'm even doing as successful as I am today.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I didn’t realize before my brother had kids just how high pitch they can get. I don’t have kids nor do I want them. I’m expected to be around them 24/7 and when they’re all losing their shit, all I want to do is crawl into a hole and hide away. I’m constantly on edge because I’m constantly being startled or scared, there’s a lot of yelling and screaming and crying, and it’s only the end of day 3 of a two week vacation. Sorry for the long post, I don’t have anyone to talk to about this until January when I see my therapist next.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." It is emotionally and physically taxing for us all to deal with these. I am worried that one day someone might snap and she may become injured. I don’t know what to do anymore. **tldr: younger sister has horrible rage fits all the time and I’m worried about our family** edit: should have specified that we have had her since she was 1 day old,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "November 8 is the anniversary of when I was kidnapped and raped. The anniversaries are always hard on me, and this year is feeling extra hard. On Facebook a lot of my friends are celebrating their own or their kids’ birthdays today, their wedding anniversaries, sharing memories of the awesome vacations they were on on this day last year, etc. I feel weird and alone in my trauma. It’s not that I want anyone to have to join me in misery, but I guess I’m wondering if anyone else out there happens to be dealing with this at the same time as me.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I fucking *wish* I could talk this out with family therapies and interventions , god knows i've tried. My existence here is predestined and i'm going to become whoever and whatever my family wants me to be, dealing with whatever they through my way. I wish my mother could love me. It's either this plan or suicide, as blunt and intense as that sounds. I plan on deleting this out of paranoia soon but will keep the responses.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "That was easy, I was probably anxious about my health because I lost a very close relative when I was 11. The second step was to identify when my health anxiety episodes were taken place. Checking my records of doctor visits, I could see that my health anxiety manifests after a stressful period in my personal or working life. The stressful period would cause some psychosomatic symptoms and would trigger my health anxiety. Another trigger would be something I heard about someone dying or getting sick or reading about a rare illness.","Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’m struggling to figure out what’s wrong with me at the moment. I’m wondering what caused you all to find out that you may have PTSD? Was it something you noticed yourself? Did family members point it out? Etc.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Well, the warm season is here which means higher levels of anxiety for me. Thing is, I’m so used to this pattern that I don’t even care anymore. I’ve been through the worse of anxiety attacks and now it’s just another “oh here we go again” kind of mood. I like the warm weather and whatnot but there’s too much activity going on since people enjoy going out. I don’t blame them.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I´m stressing this entire fall break, I´ve been learning for 5 days for about 8-10 hours a day, and I haven´t finished nothing, even after making a schedule (breaks every 45 minutes, dedicating one day to one thing). When I feel stressed, I feel like I´m about to throw up (or I´m about to cry) and I get anxious to the point of total mental breakdown. I have ADHD and stress gets to me really easily, because I can´t keep my attention in place. Any ideas on what to do in this situation? PS: I am 50/50 INFP/INTP-T (50/50 dominant and inferior functions), that might have something to do with it but I´m not quite sure about it.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm fat, unattractive, unmotivated, and best of all six figures in student loan debt and not even graduated yet! I'll never be able to afford living on my own so there goes the last little bit of hope for dating, though relationships don't seem great to me anyway. I've fucked up my future lol. I have constant stomach pains and stiff pains everywhere from all the anxiety I feel on 24/7 basis. Also my health is declining as well, so that's fun.","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "ORIGINAL post: Hello r/ptsd. I'm currently almost 19 but suffered a lot of traumatic events within my immediate family between the ages of 10-15. Earlier this year, I noticed that I had terrible body odor (I shower and wear deodorant everyday) whenever I left the house. This was obviously accompanied by some unbearable anxiety, as well as very severe panic attacks. After talking to my psychiatrist and a therapist, they diagnosed me.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Short-end is, my brain is using physical disorders like seizures, because my brain has had enough and gone AWOL. On top of this, I have these events where I black out. Time stops, or happens differently for me. I have flashes, seeing things not there and that sort. The other night, the girlfriend and I are walking and I am seeing the sky light up, and hearing screaming.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It was terrible. I got pregnant again, after he forcibly took my birth control away, my 2nd son was born in Chile, I didn't realize once I had my child in Chile I couldn't leave with my son without the father's permission. I think that was part of his plan. I lived 4 years of brutal hell. I finally made it back home, in 2006 when one of the police officers who were called after he beat me, luckily was married to a woman who worked at the American Embassy, and they got me home within 2 weeks, with both my son's.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is so hard to write about for me. Attempting to describe what I've been through cuts me really deep down and spins me through flashes of pain, tears, and the deepest depression. I really feel kicked when I'm already down. So please, forgive me for the winded intro and shaking writing style. It has honestly taken me a week just to get to this point.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don’t remember a lot of it I just remember little snip bits of what happened. I don’t even remember if there was penetration and I’m hoping there wasn’t. I still have problems trying to remember what happened and I feel like if I remember it all I’m going to have a breakdown. Now that I’m older I’m starting to have sex and be intimate with others. I’m noticing a pattern where my body is like rejecting my partner and I’m concerned it might be caused by my abuse at an early age.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Is it also possible that since I was so young, my mind distorted and hid these memories to make them less painful? I don't know what brought them back. I'm not in therapy nor have I been actively seeking any type of ""breakthrough"". I was sexually assaulted when I was 14 by a close friend's boyfriend, and the memories didn't come back then. What I feel right now, is mirroring how I felt then but honestly it might be worse.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My son was septic with respiratory distress for 5 hours (my husband and i didn't know at the time), and the medical staff was too incompetent to realize. The ambulance staff was even worse. My son almost died in the beat-up ambulance as well. It was horrible. We finally got to a bigger hospital where he was on antibiotics for nearly a month.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My youngest who was 6 at the time had what seemed to be a bladder infection or UTI (urinary tract infection). She was literally peeing every five minutes. Since the doctors office was closed, I took her to the emergency room. Little did I know, my entire world was about to come crashing down. The nurses got us back to a room and once they were done checking her out and had her urine to test, we had to wait for the doctor.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Where each person does what they do because they love the other person and get pleasure out of pleasing their partner. And I know this sounds so horrible and I hate myself for it, but I almost feel like it will never happen. Like she's been broken. Even if you put the pieces back together for a broken glass, it will never truly be like new. And I feel awful for feeling that way but I've been trying (and patiently waiting) for nearly a year now.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi Im a 19 year old kid dealing with Agoraphobia over the past year. Very boldly said, Agoraphobia is the fear of going to public places, sometimes to even leave the house. The past week, some very unpleasant things have happened in my household. I told my parents about what I've been dealing with a while back.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Later that night someone snuck into the building we were sleeping in and killed Daniel.. he was chopped up with what I presume was a hatchet. I don't know why they spared me or Jay to this fucking day but I'd gladly take Daniel's place, he was the sweetest boy I ever knew. We were heartbroken and I vowed that I would find the bastard and get revenge for Daniel. I'm crying as I am typing this part because this is what fucked me up the most. Chapter seven: adopted",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was feeling sick, I had work to do, I was tired, and all I could do was shout that I didn't want to be so close to the next step and get slingshotted back because of something I didn't know was coming. I know it's my fault. I know I should've been more careful, been more prepared. But I can't do this. My boyfriend has been begging me to keep the baby, and it makes me feel torn.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Now its personal so it hurts a lot more. There are nightmares where I am murdered, those don't hurt half as much as these. I woke up a few nights ago screaming because of it and I cried like an idiot until I realized it wasn't real. Figured I'd rant here instead of breaking my hands on my heavy bag. You guys ever get extremely worried about your partners safety to the point where it triggers you?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I didn't understand why he wanted to get me an erection, and I certainly didn't want him to do that to me, but he did. I think I was around 11 at the time It's been 10 years. My relationship with that cousin isn't a bad one as of now. Remembering all these things has caused me some distress, even though I doubt if this event qualifies as abuse...",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like I have no personality or sense of self, and my mind will take sudden turns every week or so. I can get sudden obsessions for things and then drop them and lose interest instantly, because my whole set of core values, ideas and principles changes constantly. And I've seen people saying that it's normal. I highly doubt it's normal to change so drastically and so quickly, because I have to accommodate to a new personality every single week, and it's disturbing. Actually, there were times when I changed from one day to the other and it's so disturbing because I didn't know what was happening to me...I just woke up feeling and being completely different, like something changed everything about me overnight.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I grew up my country’s equivalent of the bible belt. My country is well known for being very very progressive in our larger cities, and very very conservative in our villages – this is true I think for most countries, but the sheer difference between our “levels” is pretty well known. I grew up in an abusive household, surrounded by really misogynist men, and have experienced trauma on both these fronts. This obviously caused me some mental health issues. I was afraid of, and uncomfortable around, men for a very long time.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I relate to a lot of the symptoms, but what happened to me wasn't ""life threatening"" it was more of a childhood trauma that has a lot to do with growing up in a chaotic home. My brothers tried to kill himself twice, (TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE) and that vision of him holding the knife to his throat or choking himself with a belt WILL NEVER GET OUT OF MY HEAD. hence the reason I'm typing this at two am. It's really bad today and I have gotten zero sleep since midnight of last night. I just can't shake those images out of my head EVER.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Only 7 years ago at the age of 9 I think I peaked in life. I was possibly the most fun kid in class and had no problem socializing with others. Used to be so happy then. Now I’m just known by everybody as the quiet guy who rarely ever smiles. Interacting with others (especially girls) is so hard, and I’m always so conscious about how I look.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I changed jobs last year and moved up into a management role. I run a small program for kids and have 3 staff. Shortly after accepting my position, my job duties completely changed, I hired one new staff person, 2 staff quit and I hired 2 more, and it was up for debate on whether the program would cease to exist by 2019. It feels like I’ve been in survival mode, and everyone was abandoning me...even though I know it wasn’t me they were abandoning. This was rough for me.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Trauma changed the trajectory of my life. But I don't know if I would feel this way about my options if I wasn't anxious and wounded. My ex and I broke up because he never liked to leave the house, even for daytime activities. I wonder sometimes how I am going to feel when I hit middle age. Am I going to feel like I do now?","Relationship, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi there, Wall of text: I moved to the area for a job transfer, but that was completely botched and I had to find a new job. My initial start date was 2/12, but a hospital stay from 2/9-2/19 messed with that. I *finally* get to start on Monday (3/12), but in addition to not having had a proper paycheck in over a month, ~~I've only got a package of eggs left~~",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "That freaked me out. I was tired after probably from a sugar crash and I immediately assumed I was going through a calcium OD and was going to end up in a coma. Then I went home and opened a Snapchat and got deja vu (I thought I read that Snapchat before). I experience deja vu like that frequently, and googled it and it said I could have a brain condition or epilepsy... If I’m going to have to live like this forever sometimes I wish I wouldn’t wake up.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Sorry bad English Since almost 2 weeks now I've cut myself off every social interaction because I've been confronted to doubting and all that shit and I thought that was a necessary measure to take to reborn (trough introspection, my whole life since now is involved) and stop burst out of rage and being depressed from nothing And now I keep myself at the strict minimum of social interaction, 10 days that my daily conversation is limited at some words My mental health is decreasing I'm starting to struggle breath by the mouth, now I breath and speak with the nose (probably because I don't open it enough)","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is something I'm working on figuring out for myself). Option 2: We each move after we each get a job in City A. Drawbacks: (1) one of us will be left at our current job for a while with our boss and coworkers knowing the other is likely to leave soon after. I'm not sure if this is an inadvisable situation. (2) BF will likely find a job first, as he has a few more years experience than me plus some management experience.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And in the 10 years since my emancipation, I've only watched my cognitive state decline. I've been agoraphobic for 3 years now. 3 years ago I moved into the shelter system after a domestic dispute triggered my agoraphobia again. I felt like I was under constant threat, and that I wasn't safe anymore. So I moved.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m so concerned as we head into warmer months. I know I need to leave the area and that’s on my agenda, I just can’t do that before summer comes and goes. I am currently trying to come up with ways to manage my day to day life. Working from home, not venturing outside as much as possible. But even the ride from home to office is enough to send me into a spin for about an hour.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Accounts incredibly overdue. A life entirely unattended to, without organization or care. Chaos. I knew none of this. The man he presented to me was one of principle (honesty, loyalty, your word is your bond, etc), always ready to protect and serve in whatever way necessary.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like I have the worst luck with everything, but maybe that's just bias. I feel like life has dealt me a short hand and I feel so guilty saying this because there are people out there with lives far worse than mine. Walking is painful, talking is painful, I don't know what to do. I just want everything to end. I just want to rest and not have to struggle.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "No wonder I get scolded for bad grades, called a lazy, worthless piece of fuck because I am too lazy or too stupid to care about exams and my future, but in reality, I deeply care too much as if I feel like the whole fucking world of 7 billion people, and millions or billions of other organisms are on my shoulders ... and all I can do is to shut down entirely. I shut down by brain, my thoughts, my emotions, everything because I cannot take all the anxiety. All the pressure. All the fear and terror. Sometimes I feel as depressed as if I am a lonely guy in a post-apocalyptic setting where everyone is either dead or absent or gone.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm 26. Tuesday is day one of therapy. Day one of me trying to talk about whatever has been going on in my head for the last decade, last 2 decades. I'm terrified to talk but tired of living like this. Tired of the nocturnal panic attacks, tired of crying in the shower, tired of not feeling in control of my head, tired of the pointless thought circles that eat me up daily on something that doesn't matter.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hey guys and girls. I've been going through a lot the past couple of years and was looking to maybe get some advice, or just find some people who can relate because I don't have that in my day to day life. I've tried to pinpoint where this started and this is the best I can come up with, and sorry if it gets long. I've had closure issues since I was 12 and my grandpa passed away. I cut myself off from any meaningful relationships including my family for over 5 years.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am looking for any advice on how to cope being homless in Los Angeles and what sort of services there are out there to help. I am so determined on keeping my job, However, I feel I might not be able to if my check comes in late again and will be forced to spend the weekend on the streets. I have no valid high school diploma as I finished it in Australia and haven't been able to secure my GED due to the time limitations with working everyday and commuting between Compton and Glendale. I appreciate anybody taking the time to read this and welcome any advice. Thanks.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The ""me too"" movement I've found to be extremely inspirational and empowering. I am no longer ashamed of what happened to me, but I still don't feel like I'm healing. I was hoping that these flashbacks and the anxiety, fear and dread would go away over time, but they haven't. How do people cope? What do you read?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Have been living with seizures for about 6 years now, trying to remain well let alone be successful but lack support not only in my family but also in the medical community. I've been trying to move across the country to Salem, OR for the past couple months, thinking that I could better manage my medical condition there and thrive, but I've been paying into housing that is falling through at the beginning of Nov. I'm eating my non-existant bank account and running ramped in my mind trying to figure all of this out. Advice needed. Please.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "A emotional turning point for me was at 16, my dog at the time, a Lovable and super friendly Labrador who was about 3 years, decided to wander out the gate and explore when he drove in after work one evening. It was a freezing cold night i remember. Ge had tried calling for our Lab to no avail as our lab was exploring down the road. My father (i hate saying that!) Started getting very angry, furious even.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." ORIGINAL post: I'm in college now and got high last night and felt pretty sad. I'm a wreck. I thought I've overcome this all but I'm just feeling alone again. After trauma i started isolating myself and attaching to creative work to get a sense of worth. I declined socially by a lot and can't feel connected to anyone past a surface level.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Now: The brother who texted me just had a baby girl with his wife. He now has a total of three baby girls at home (age range 3-0). Gut reaction: fear, dread, anxiety. I don’t want to meet her.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hello, As is probably always the case, I have no idea how to start this post. My girlfriend of the past year asked me to sit and talk to her yesterday where she opened up and told me how the relationship had run its course and how there was no chance it could be saved. I have known something wasn't quite right for a while and should have made efforts to make changes long before now. We are still going to remain friends as best we can until the tenancy on our flat runs out.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." The thoughts that have been pouring into my head theses past few days are terrifying. I wonder what driving my car off the side of the freeway would feel like. The relief that would come at the end. I feel so hopeless & I don't want to feel this way anymore. I wish I had a gaping wound so I could go into the hospital and they could fix me.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." This month and last have been very touch and go. I have sold everything under the sun to keep my home but I am probably not going to make it. It's to the point I have sat and weighed the pros and cons of suicide (please don't talk about this subject.) But I've used up every single resource and realized I don't really know many people in the city I'm in. I don't have much of family any where close and none I could live with.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Now like I said, I am working hard to try and get a better job while balancing school (the good grades I've gotten in the past year and a half seem to be only things I have going for me right now. That and martial arts) and at the same time, I'm considering asking for another shift at my current job as an absolute last resort. But this anger and feeling like a loser is really something I need help dealing with. Tl;dr: My car died once and for all a few months back and my job sucks. And even though I'm working hard to improve the situation, I feel angry and I feel a like a loser.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "From the moment I wake up and until I go to sleep I don't feel safe. When I'm around other people I feel even even more anxious/fearful. I know nothing bad is going to happen to me, but I still feel this way. I don't really have any friends, and these intense chronic feelings makes it seem impossible to make a real connection with anyone. That's what I need the most is some sort of real connection with another human being.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." """What is nothing is real? What if everything is a figment of your imagination?"" I panicked, and grabbed the couch, but the voice inside me said ""It doesn't matter if you grab the couch, what is the couch isn't real? What if your house isn't real?"" At this time I called my brother, sobbing, and told him to get my mom.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I have an amazing group of friends filled with the most genuine people you'd ever meet. And I'm a college graduate. I have this deep fear that he'll be right. I'm terrified that I only think I've broken the cycle but I haven't really. Thanks to PTSD I'll probably still have those moments.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hello. As you can tell by the title, I'm concerned about this little girl across the street. She's able to walk and talk, but I don't think she's even 5 yet. From what I've witnessed the four years I've lived in this house, the home she lives in is not at all suitable for her as a developing child. Her parents are constantly screaming at each other in the street, and the girl is bawling, as her mom commands her to get into her car so she can take her wherever.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Someone else’s suffering ensued. I feel immense sadness and guilt now. I am confronted by the memories and the recognition that to this day the experience became part of who I am. It made me stronger, as facing fear and trauma can do. But I also internalized a sense of profoud fear and vulnerability.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It’s been a terrible struggle the last few years. We have never asked for help from anyone, though. We are hard working and we are proud of our family, and who we are as people. It’s hard to ask for help. BUT- sometimes WE need help too.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am really worried about my future as it feels my anxiety always has me quitting jobs or having issues while I was in school. I can't even travel and work out of state as last time I tried I missed my interview and was nearly hospitalized with severe anxiety (travel is a trigger for me). I just got out of college and I'm really worried about how I can survive the working world in my future, otherwise I wouldn't care about losing this job. It hurts though and I feel like a total failure... Thanks for reading.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I clean the living room everyday. I take care of the kids, dinner, homework, put to bed, wash all the bottle stuff at night. I try to make our bed everyday, but have been slacking on that lately. I clean our room (although not nearly as often as I should), I take out garbage, I wash the counters and oven. I ask him to do the kitchen, which sometimes takes days for him to get to.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Good day. I am from the Philippines and I was recently diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety almost a month ago (July 10th). Since then it has been a very challenging and difficult time for me and my family. Work required me to secure a fit to work order before I can get back to work. My medical insurance does not cover mental health conditions and it took me over 3 weeks to secure one.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've stopped telling it, and when someone at work says what's wrong. I just look at them and say its been a day. I just can't really go out and do stuff. I keep pushing college back I wanted to be a nurse and now I don't want to do anything but be a hermit and go live in the woods. I'm not really looking for responses I'm just tired of people not listening or believing me, I've had it all my life and I'm just done with it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm new to Reddit and have only really discussed my issues with trauma and PTSD with my partner and therapist, and I am struggling with the random dissociative cycles of derealization and depersonalization. And I'm so tired of it. I've been in therapy for half of my life. I write and also listen to music to help when I'm having issues, but it never feels like enough. So I started talking to myself (which I do under stress) and drinking and this was a piece of the conversation:",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hello! I've found myself in between a rock and a hard place: the project I was working on lasted longer than I expected, and I've run out of money. I've been applying for local (Arizona) jobs, but most won't get back to me until after October 1st, which is my doomsday. I need 650 for rent. If I can't get it, it's over, which is frustrating and scary!",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The thought of leaving my folks behind would definitely not be good for me mentally. I've thought about basically living out of my car, gym memberships to shower daily and laundromats to wash my clothes. Perhaps put all my stuff in storage and just keep working and save some money up. I live on long Island btw. Rent isn't cheap.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m going to kill myself. I can’t take this anymore. I was doing so much fucking better lately, and just like a snap of a finger, I am disassociating harder then I ever have before. It comes out of nowhere, when I’m having an other wise good day. No anxiety or depression but out of nowhere I get extremely disassociated.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Unfortunately, money is what me and her don't have now. My friends' help has dried up, and I don't blame them one bit for that. After five months, I've exhausted pretty much all the friends I can. Going into every little thing that has happened could fill a book. Maybe I \*WILL\* write a book about it someday, I don't know.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Why is this the hardest month? Is it that the nerves have cleared, minute by minute anxiety calmed, hopelessness resolved, and now I have to sit a grieve a person I made up in my head? The person I convinced myself he was is so much more attractive than the reality of what he was. He is 27, I’m 25, and now he’s targeting 21 year olds. I am broken but I am piecing myself together.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But I’m pissed, I waited to long for this like I honestly could have killed myself before they got back to me. I know there’s a lot of people in the system and their funding is low, but this is bullshit! The government doesn’t give a shit about mentally ill people. If they did then there honestly would be way less crime rates and suicide rate because people would be getting the help that they need instead of waiting for some bad shit to happen before they get help. The urgency is just NOT there at all.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m a single father to an 8 year old son. I also have my 7 and 10 year old brothers a lot of the time. Things are really hard right now and everything just added up so quickly. My son has some eating issues, and won’t eat a lot of things because of it. I have done an okay job of keeping the freezer stocked with things that he will eat but he’s going through it pretty quickly.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It sent me into a full-blown crisis by breaking open the “no one believes me and I’m worthless” wound. I had to up my level of care, now I’m in IOP 5 days a week, 3+ hours a day. It’s given me just enough relief to return to weekly EMDR. I had my first session in this round, last week. It was the most physically symptomatic I’ve ever been in-session.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I am a stay at home mother of 3. My oldest is my husband's as his mum gsve up on him 5 years ago. My youngest was born with a congenital condition and my middle has ASD. I live to look after them and they are what keep me grounded. Just for some reason recently I have been struggling more and more to just suck it up and carry on.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Stop! "", not being aware of what happens around her anymore. Apparently she also dissociates during this time and she doesn't remember anything afterwards. It breaks my heart to see this but it also kind of scares me. It's difficult to watch.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " Between losing my job, my unborn baby and my husband losing his job I am overwhelmed and pretty much numb. Bills are piling up fast and I don't know what to do anymore. I make vinyl decals but just started out so I am not making much at the moment. My husband just did paperwork for a new job today and I am waiting to hear back on a job I interviewed for. Unfourtunatley it won't be soon enough because the finance company for my car called and said I need to pay $439 by tomorrow, another $439 by the end of the month.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don't need that. This sucks but is far from hopeless. I can do this with some help. The next bad thing came just two days out of the hospital. The lady who was letting me stay on her couch doesn't come home.,"Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's always been something I have feared but it's got so much worse since developing anxiety. I think it stems down to the fact I had a tooth removed when I was only 5. Doesn't sound like a big deal but my mum didn't tell me I had to have it removed till the actual day. She just woke me up and got me in the car and told me we were going to the hospital (the children's dentist was at the hospital) so they could put me asleep and remove my tooth. Obviously at 5 that seemed pretty scary, didn't help that I had to wait 3 hours when I got there.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When it's abuse in the workplace, it seems like everyone just says, ""Oh, get over it, and don't be a baby. There's nothing wrong with you."" I actually had one women tell me that my husband's behavior was 'completely normal' and that 'everyone acts like that' (I was floored. I don't know one other person who goes through shit like this at work or who acts like that - WTF?). They just want to brush it off, and no one gives a shit.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Fast foward almost a year later.. My mom begs me to let stepfather move back in with us (Im 16, paying a lot of the bills while my mom parties, leaving me to watch my 2 little brothers.). Well, I say f*ck it because she'll probably do it anyway. Two months after he moves in, I was raped by the person I was dating at the time.. I was a virgin. I cried and begged him to stop.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can’t stop sweating, the second I cough up phlegm there is immediately more and I’m like gagging on it, my nose is stuffed and I have to actively try to breathe, I feel so uncomfortable, I’m losing my mind. I’ve hit my breaking point and I’m just sobbing uncontrollably. I’m stressing because I’ve already had to use sick time at work this year and it’s only the first week, the house is covered in all of my sick germs and I don’t have the strength to disinfect it, the laundry is piling up and the house is messy. I probably sound like an absolute baby right now but I can’t do multiple days of being incapacitated. I feel like shit and can’t do anything I need to get done.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He certainly had/has the ability to. The worst/best part of this story is that I am still with this prick, trying to get away safely. Best part is that my story may be horrifying enough to convince women in an early stage DV situation to run before it escalates to my story. After the 2nd severe incident, I called family who took me to the ER. Had lots of tests done.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " Hello, I'm a 34 year old Transgender woman trying to survive in Montana of all places. I not only have to fight gender dysphoria but also try to stay strong living in a community in which many openly hate people like me. I am trying to reach my goal of Facial Feminization Surgery, as well as Gender Confirmation Surgery (Bottom surgery) and Breast Augmentation with the first two being my main goals by far. I feel intense pressure to get these things done as soon as possible.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "They’re like flashbacks and everything I hated that he did , I want this new person to do to me to the point where I break down again. What the fuck is wrong with me please. These are violent degrading fantasies and they make me feel like a really disturbed person. The thought after an orgasm literally makes me cry. Someone out there has to know what I’m talking about please.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." This week has been bad. I'm crying over everything. I'm struggling at work to get basic tasks done. I am SO HEAVILY OVERWHELMED by the smallest things. My sink was so full of dishes to the point where I had no clean ones left and because the pile was so high I couldn't go near it and just cried.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For those that have sought help before, is it as bad as I am imagining? Will I be taken seriously? I feel that because I put myself in that situation, I sort of don't deserve help if that makes sense. I'm not even sure this is the right place to post as I'm not sure it's even a possibility to get some sort of ptsd from something like this. Sorry for the rambling, and thank you for reading.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "All of this has made me feel really horrible. It has destroyed my self esteem and made me feel depressed, unlovable, worthless, responsible, etc. It has also had severe and debilitating impacts on my mental and physical health.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I instantly thought of something I rarely think about, being molested in a pool locker room when I was 10. My heart started beating incredibly fast as I readied myself to tell them the thing I couldn’t even tell my family at the time. I started crying, something I haven’t done in years and something my friends have never seen me do. When it got to me, with my hand over my eyes all I could say was “I don’t think I can”. It felt like I was reliving what I’d gone through, like I could see it happening in front of me.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is a really shitty time to need support or therapy because it’s a holiday weekend. I’m in horrible physical pain, emotionally heartbroken and being ignored by my kids until I turn them back over to him tomorrow. I don’t even know why I am posting. I don’t know what to expect. I just want to not be so alone.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi, I cannot think clearly today. I know I have to take care of myself, but its always been an issue. I do not shower, the last one was two months ago. I sleep in my clothes and wear them the next day. I do not was my hands, or face.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "and ""how could you let me do this?"" Although my family and friends will never see this, I'm here to answer the question: ""why?"" It wasn't as simple as some of my friends may think. I didn't magically wake up one day and think ""You know what, I think I'll let my abuser walk me down the aisle."" It's taken 5 years for me just to sit across from him and have dinner without having a full blown panic attack.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My boyfriend didn't care. I started to get psychotic at 17. I was so scared, paranoid, had delusions and hallucinations. And no-one to help me. All this hell lasted until I was 22.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "First post here, using a throwaway because for some reason I just don't want my regular reddit account attached, despite being fairly open about the fact I was raped. But I digress. In February of this year, I was raped by my (now ex) boyfriend, who also happened to be the only person I've ever had sex with. I was diagnosed with PTSD in September. The rape has flipped my life entirely upside down, and there isn't an hour that goes by where my mind doesn't screw me over with either thoughts of the rape itself or simply just HIM.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm a freelancer, which means pay isn't always steady. I also have frequent painful and difficult digestive issues as well as migraines that lay me out several times a month. I work hard, I make an effort to save where I can, but some months bills and such wipe me out. I'm just coming through a bout of sick and feeling up to eating again, but thanks to pay waits and bills, I'm broke and down to a bit of brown rice and gelatin in the house. I made a post this morning on r/Random_Acts_of_Pizza and a mod pointed me here for some slightly more substantial help.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It wasn't an issue, nobody needed to know, now I don't even know *what* people apparently ""know"" and are arguing about. Somewhere under all the anger about my mum making an issue out of nothing there's something that makes me wonder if it *is* a big deal. Maybe I'm just pretending I don't care? Maybe none of this even happened? I just don't know anymore.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have been either an emt or a paramedic for the past 9 years. I have been a part of way more than I wanted to be, I cant help but see all the god damned faces. I cannot work because I tried to protect my girlfriend and property from a threat, ended up being someone shooting off fireworks... i have been shot at enough and held it in. I just cant. im tired, I want to give up.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She has not once shown disappointment. When she sees me get frustrated, she lays next to me and holds me. Asks me what I need to relax. But it's becoming a self perpetuating cycle and I'm getting panicky that this is going to drive a wedge between us because she will start to feel that she doesn't excite me or satisfy me or whatever. Before anyone asks, the pipes all work.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'd wake up in the middle of the night to him feeling my ass and masturbating. I was scared, and didn't know what to do so I just pretended not to notice. I can't even remember how long this must have went on, but soon enough I had decided to put my pillow on the other side of the mattress, because he'd touch me when I sleep on my side. I thought putting my pillow on the other side of the bed will help because as I fall asleep and turn on my left side my back will be towards the wall, and he won't be able to reach. I even remember him asking me the next day why I'd decided to move my pillow to the other side of the mattress.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I of course understand her wanting me to be safe, but I have an IUD and use condoms 100% of the time, which she knows because she pries about my sex life. She knows I'm sexually active and I don't have a boyfriend and is really judgmental about me having casual sex. I had a pregnancy scare last week (I'm not pregnant) and all I wanted was some advice from my mom and she used it as a way to make me feel bad about my sex life. When I was younger, she would constantly slut-shame me for things I hadn't even done, and made me feel so guilty about the idea of even having sex that I didn't have sex even with my year-long high school boyfriend because of this crippling guilt. Whenever we argue she makes it a time to critique my entire personality and not just my behavior in that argument or even within my relationship with her.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I created this gofundme as a way to help my mom pay our cats vet bills and because they all need to see a vet pretty badly. This is . I don't know if it is overtly clear in the picture but he has a cyst under his eye and treating it at home isn't working anymore. My mom is still paying off the vet bills from almost a year ago when my oldest cat Honey needed emergency surgery. Honey, Shea, and my youngest cat Emily all need to see a vet pretty badly but cost is too much.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I go through periods where all night I have nightmares and I can’t slee because of them. These periods last for weeks or months on end and then stop briefly. Three years ago I used to be on a medicine that helped with the nightmares, I can’t remember the name though. It was a really old blood pressure medicine from the fifties that they gave to soldiers returning from war and they figured out that it helped with ptsd too. But it made me so tired.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But then i couldn't think straight. now i get flashbacks in school. I used to enjoy quantitative courses but now i get tension headaches from the flashbacks, and feelings of horror and hyperarousal. I just feel so violated and disturbed that it was for fear of his violence that i didn't close the door - and that he was watching me! My vagina feels tension too, which i read from a PTSD book is a common symptom.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hello All, I'm 27yrs old male, 100kg 194cm. For one year and half maybe I'm suffering from: **Chronic daily headache (dull behind left eye, pressure like)** * When try to think or remember something it seems to getting worse",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "First it was chest pain and heart palpitations. Then left arm pain and shoulder pain for awhile. Then back pain and tension headaches now it's a little mix of everything, I get breaks in between where it feels fine but then it comes back and my mind now after it being relentless for 2 days is think is this Really anxiety? I mean cmon this is relentless even at time when I'm not anxious. Sorry for the rant just getting sick and tired of constant suffering where I don't even know what's round the corner next...",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had the depo shot for the first time at the beginning of March, decided to not go back for the 2nd because I wasn't a fan. Didn't experience any issues while on it , but once I came off of it, all hell broke loose. My once controlled anxiety became out of control and I had random days where I felt depressed/crying spells. The intrusive thoughts were out of control, and had an anxiety attack the 2nd week of working at my new job. I had to leave work and go home, which hadn't happened in almost half a year.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I only realized this was a stupid idea in my freshman year of college when I started having flashbacks. I tried once more to do therapy and almost failed out of school. Again I buried it all to be dealt with at a more convenient time. I have now been working in a job that don't mind for the last year and 3 months. I found that November and December were a struggle and because of that I planned to address my stuff by going to therapy starting in 2019.,"Finance/Career, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't have any point, I'm just overwhelmed and want to give up. No one's going to read this long of a post anyway. I don't want to tell my therapist, I don't want to go to therapy. It feels artificial and contrived and uneven. When I google all this shit the internet is like ""That's the ptsd talking.""",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Long story short: Worked in a call centre for 4 years for a vehicle breakdown service, starting to not be able to cope with it any more due to a combination of things (change in management, not enough staff for a constantly expanding customer base, rewards based on whether your face ""fits"" rather than actual demonstrable achievements, etc). Unable to relax after work, constantly thinking/dreading going to work. Get random mood swings about it, either intensely rageful, or wanting to burst in to tears. Headaches that go on for 3 or 4 days at a time are now a regular occurence. Starting to manifest in other physical ways (unable to sleep, constantly weary, having a lot more sickness than usual).","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It helps with the physical symptoms, such as palpatations and elevated heart rate. However I still have attacks that force me to lay down alone for 30 minutes or more, sometimes hours. I have random pains all the time, my arm, leg, chest, stomach, headaches, etc. Constant health anxiety too, I get one mild headache and think I have meningitis or a brain tumor, etc. Well I had a checkup with him today and asked him about medicine I could use PRN.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So im m15 im still in school ive been through abuse when i was a kid it scarred my head i live with my mum now but i usually roam in woods playing guitar, i got diagnosed when i was 14 shit sucks gives me flashbacks whenever i close my eyes, my mind scans every goddamn thing in the area every fucking thing!, i just dont know how to explain its so complicated my brain acts weird at times i just need to know wtf is happening with me! ive only got a gf and noone else. any help is appropriated. thanks in advance","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." This is all 1 days worth of stuff and it’s not even everything but this has been going on for months. My mum says she doesn’t know what to do with me that I’ve always been mildly anxious but it’s just completely spiralled out of control since Christmas time. Also I can’t sleep I’m getting 5 hours ish a night and I used to get 8 hours everyday. I don’t know what to do whether I’m justified going to a doctor or I’m just being stupid and making people with real anxiety and other mental illness look bad I feel like I’m being stupid and I hate my personality. Edit:sorry I haven’t posted on here before so I’m a bit worried I’ve come to the wrong sub or written it wrong.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For the past couple months I have had really bad soreness and tightness in my upper back and neck. Sometimes it gets so stiff I can barely move my head. At first i thought it was a physical injury so I went to the doctors and had an xray but they could not find anything. I notice it flares up when im anxious. I have tried many self massages, creams, baths, pads, you name it.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "All of this has made me feel really horrible. It has destroyed my self esteem and made me feel depressed, unlovable, worthless, responsible, etc. It has also had severe and debilitating impacts on my mental and physical health.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "One second I’m thinking, things are just fine. The next I’m thinking, I’m awful for prolonging this, just do it. It’s exhausting. I know I need a bit of a break for some me time at the very least, but beyond that I can’t tell what’s real and what anxiety. What do I do?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "All of these things were a slow burn, many of these things overlapped one another. I pushed through and finished my PhD, but now I'm worn, and after looking into it, I've realized that the psychological symptoms of stress I display are closely aligned with racism-specific PTSD. I've been through psychotherapy, but I'm not sure the therapist was adequately prepared to identify it, but I know for certain that I have PTSD. I want to begin healing now that I'm done with grad school. Where/how do I start?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Does anyone else experience parts of their PTSD this way? ​ Is this truly avoidance or is this dissociation? I tried to do some digging and pin down what I am experiencing so I can communicate with my husband more effectively but it isn't something that seems to fit nicely into a box and so it has been confusing. Thank you.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Without my boyfriend who I thought was my best friend, my two female friends who used to always have my back becoming distant, and now not knowing who or what to trust seeing as Nex and I still work in the same industry my PTSD is just skyrocketing off the charts. With no roots put back down yet (which I’m working on the living sit) and no one close to turn to emotionally, how the fuck do I go on? When is enough enough? When is it too much? I know giving up is not an option but it is all so overwhelming...","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So earlier today I was suffering from extreme derealization, depression, and anxiety. So what I did is I let the thoughts free and whenever I got a tnhoguht I ignored it and I think I just suppressed my anxiety deep down. Now instead of having a panic attack I'm having body symptoms of it. I can't think myself form the symptoms. I can't find the trigger it just happened.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like I'm dying. I know that I'm not but I feel like it. I'm at the end of a cold. Not a cold that I sometimes make up in my head, but an actual cold. Stuffy nose, chest congestion, scratchy throat.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Maybe kind of nauseous? Not in a normal nauseated feeling. Its more like that pit of my stomach, I'm about to get in big trouble, or I'm waiting for the cops to come pick me up or something haha. Like, it has that prickle in my spine to it. And that restlessness in my head.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have had a rough few months. A few years ago I was diagnosed with ptsd after being the victim of a violent robbery. It caused a few panic attacks followed by a day or two of ultra high anxiety, but would always subside. The last 2.5 months in this order I have dealt with the following things: 1.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For ever since I can remember I have suffered from anxiety. But in the past 5 or so years, my anxiety has shifted to almost entirely work. I’m only 18 and am working part time, but for some god damn reason work scares the hell out of me. I have quit my past three jobs because of it and have recently got a new job. I started on Wednesday and am actually good at it.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like shit for writing this post. **TL;DR - SO of over a decade is great to me in many ways and shit to me in other ways, I feel awful when he's shit to me but also feel guilty as fuck about expressing it because of all the times he's amazing to me. Wondering if this is emotional abuse and if it is, what can I do about it? Our relationship is rock solid, I'm not leaving him. **","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I only get it when I have a flashback or strong reaction to a trigger. I notice it sticks around even when I feel emotionally calm and can stick around for a long time after the trigger, like days or weeks. It’s a new symptom I think. Also been having lots of nightmares again recently. Not sure what to do as I’m not currently in therapy, but I am waiting to be seen at a mental health clinic.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." So I have been a bunch of strange symptoms over the last 3 weeks which have caused me to freak out thinking that I have MS. The symptoms are 1. A sense of something crawling over my skin. This is very random and never never localized and jumps from one leg to another and to my arms i think i got it even in my lower back and neck (I think),Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm now 18 Years old,from Germany and going to school right now, planning on study psyochologie. The only thing that seems to slow me down right now is chronic panicattack-like illness that seems to destroy everything I've build up for myself. It is a constant strain of thought that I fear the most that developed from the time I was six. Eversince I was six years old I started having weird forced habits like touching certian things for x amount of times or making weird noises. The older I got, the less I had these forced habits and the more I had something like a second ""voice"" in my head that was thinking of something entirely else and actually disturbing that I couldn't control.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Rarely, I forget about the symptoms. Rarely, they don't bother me, but they still are occurring always. I have seen two different doctors about this. They ruled out a few things and suggested that it was purely anxiety and that I go on an SSRI. I have not gone on an SSRI yet, however I am planning to do so ASAP.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So I’ve been taking 40mg paroxetine for around 3 months (I don’t go to her straight away) and have been fine until the past two weeks. I’m beginning to notice that my anxiety is again incredibly high a lot of the time. By listening to my body I’ve come to realise that caffeine is triggering me. NOW this is new. I’ve been drinking coffee since I was around 17 (22 now) and I’ve never had an issue (infact, it used to put me to sleep) but now whenever I have a coffee (French press at home or latte from a barista) within about 30 minutes I begin to shake and uncontrollably sweat.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have this feeling of dread about school right before I go to bed and I wake up with an upset stomach which lasts all day and nakes me feel like I'll throw up. This causes me to lose appetite and not wanting to drink water for fear of throwing up. I'm not sure where else to go with this, but I need help. If any of you have this, can you tell me how you deal with it? I'm tired of having this every day and feeling like I'll throw up.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I never felt so uncomfortable and scared other than the night he did put his hands on me and it was exact same feeling today. That was the scariest part. It felt like that night never ended and I was just at the peak of emotion. I know most of you will say ‘you need to leave’ or something obvious - yes I know. But things aren’t that easy and than there’s a me that is holding on to a stupid fucking thread of hope that he, of all people, will change.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I self harm sometimes too. I’ve also lately begun to have constant, daily, and explicit nightmares about tarantulas, roaches, and beetles crawling over me while I’m paralyzed. I don’t know it’s that’s relevant or anything, but it may be good to add anyways. I’m asking bc I don’t want the therapist to yell at me or call me a liar like the last few did, so I’m low key nervous and I don’t want to get in any more trouble with my school. Any thoughts or criticisms are welcome.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I need help talking about this: you can still be a good person even if you mess up sometimes. As long as you try, it'll be ok. I'm so afraid of people leaving me because I made them sad, I was mean, or I annoy them, anything, and they'll hold it against me even if I try to improve and make concentrated efforts to change. It's crippling. It's a catastrophic thought.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I got connected with the DV shelter in town to connect to my Crime Victim funds so I don't have to worry about therapy co-pays and I'm filled to the brim with anxiety about class tomorrow. I'm so tired of this. I hate that he probably witnessed me plunging into a panic attack. I hate that he saw that side of me. I don't want to look weak in front of him.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I have an amazing group of friends filled with the most genuine people you'd ever meet. And I'm a college graduate. I have this deep fear that he'll be right. I'm terrified that I only think I've broken the cycle but I haven't really. Thanks to PTSD I'll probably still have those moments.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I posted in this subreddit about 6 years ago and find myself here again. I am just venting, and hoping someone can normalize me... but I know it’s probably 1 in a million posts. The past several months have been horrific. I deal with death on a daily basis at my job, and worked the 1 October shooting in Las Vegas. Then, on 10/15, my mother was rushed to the hospital for a seizure.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was terrified and scared and couldn't get away. She just said he was ""joking around"" but it was horrible. I get a sting of panic and fear if anyone pinches me today. I can't even use a lighter without fear of it (Fire is fine, it's Just that kind of lighters). I also panic if anybody raises their voice or sounds angry.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Itʻs at the point where I am scared I canʻt focus on driving and will crash or just space out going 45 mph. In the past Ive had 3 major ""panic attacks(?)"" where my whole body is in pins and needles and I canʻt breathe well but they were all triggered by major emotional events. I also used to get really bad nightmares about dying and the afterlife when I was a kid and my mom would have to rub my chest til I fell asleep. I never ever thought it was anxiety and I didnʻt want to diagnose myself because I know some people actually have it and I wouldnʻt want to compare my stress to that.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Please don't make me feel worse. I mean, hell, I'm ashamed I even need to ask my boyfriend. But at least we have things to talk about and he's just naturally good at keeping me calm without even realizing he's doing it. He actually *helps* by being there. My mom and sister either do nothing or make it worse.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Every single day I'm getting fb messages from her saying a combination of the following: I'm feeling sad, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm scared you aren't attracted to me,",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." We went home the next day. And now i fcking dont know what to do. My heart rate feels like it’s shaking the whole bed. Im dying. TLDR i got friendzoned at the beach and I cant take it like a man,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The few days following this I was a wreck, an absolute mess. Crying at work, shaking, anxious, sweating, and couldn't eat. Through the week I wound up losing nearly 6lbs and have been everything from manic depressed to furious, to scared out of my wits to utterly confused aaand all the way back around again. The other night I told him I needed an answer. WHAT are we doing?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Should I chill out and let her contact me? --- **tl;dr**: The level of communication outside of face-to-face interaction is making it difficult to maintain attraction and to set up plans with the woman I am dating, and it has become worse the last couple weeks despite our in-person interactions being consistently great. Am I being too anxious/not understanding enough or is she a bad communicator? How do I bring this up with her?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My friend is coming to get me in the grocery store parking lot where I wound up after. It is, legally, without a doubt my fault, although actually not because the cops cut the guy in front of me off to let some school busses go past without traffic or whatever, the roads were slick, and I couldn’t stop in time, but I’m still freaking out in my head. Ugh. Mentally just not alright right now. I should not have gone out today.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't tell if that's me being a toxic person or not, and I feel guilty for feeling relieved. We were such good friends once, but I have to admit we hadn't talked about art or writing (the things that made us friends) for years. My anxiety has muddied the waters, and maybe all my shit and all my emotional abuse crap did ruin everything and it was all my fault. Maybe I did end things because I'd felt blamed for 2 months straight and just wanted to get away from the anxiety it was all causing me. Maybe I should have been the one to grovel, because I'd fucked up so bad over the situation.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Three months of this and talking with the one friend whom I could call for free between 9pm and 6AM due to AT&T's GoPhone policies whenever I could get away with it, or texting on a Nokia Tracphone (the ancient indestructible brick phone), and my sister lashing out at me about being ungrateful that they allowed me to come over and use the internet, triggered by my snapping back due to, something, I can't remember, and I just, stopped asking. Ended up losing contact with everyone but the one friend I could talk to maybe, once or twice a week for a couple hours. She'd try to keep me apprised of stuff going on with folks, and those phonecalls ended up bring the spark that bloomed into us being a couple, but... It wasn't enough. The same negativity, the same feelings of selfhatred, of self-disgust, of ***believing*** everything my father had dumped on me slowly took over.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Is it more than that? I have been considering finally confessing my secret because it feels like I am choking on it. I repress it as much as I can, but when it bubbles to the surface, it effects everything in my life. Thank you for listening/reading. I need help and I need to find the right way to deal and approach this.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I used to live with my fiance and her family. Her father is a massive, abusive brute. Kate has medical issues that cause seizures, and whenever she would have one, her father would stand over her, waiting for her to finish so he could berate her for it. He treated her like a seizure was a behavioral issue that just needed enough punishment to solve. Her whole family was pretty bad, honestly.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When we returned a year ago, we had some very rough boundary issues (trying to forward face in their car, feeding baby junk, criticizing our parenting choices, etc.) with them. MIL has ""anxiety and depression"" and cannot address the issues she causes so FIL addresses them for her. It's the worst case of coddling I've ever seen. She does not see a mental health professional (because narcissist) and blames everyone else for any wrong she may do, which of course she does no wrong.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "A few weeks later, i found out that he had had a long term girlfriend the entire time. I felt like such an idiot when I found out. He reached out to me last month and I told him I knew he had a girlfriend the whole time and that if I ever saw him again I would literally break his nose. I'm still furious about it. I'm ",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Dealing with ptsd from rape, and recently found out that someone who I thought was a friend sexually assaulted one of our friends at a party we were at. I get flashbacks of waking up whenever we were at parties together and I've seen him awake once or twice and even though the likelyhood is very low (given the background of what he did), I can't shake the feeling that he mightve done something to me. What he did to her is giving me feelings like what happened to her was actually me. My doctor suggested womens group therapy, but I wanted some opinions first. Any thoughts will help","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." My current bf does not care about guy friends and trusts me to not put myself in a precarious position. When does this feeling of guilt go away? I cant spend the rest of my life working and spending time at home away from other people. The level of anxiety is near panic attack and occasionally leads to one to the point where I dont eat and barely sleep for days. TL;DR: feeling guilty over nothing from being conditioned in a previously abusive relationship.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just posted my whole story but it's literally too long for anyone to actually read. I mainly want to know if this would be considered rape: MOST RECENT ABUSE: I worked 7 days in a row and finally had one night off on a Friday. I expressed I wanted to spend it with him, but since I went out the night before he was determined to go out with his friends that night. I guess that also comes with ignoring me all night.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m trying to tell myself it’s like being beat up on the street by a stranger - it’s only once, but it still happened and it’s traumatic. 2) Related to the above. It WASN’T a stranger. It was someone I loved and trusted and I can’t believe he could have done this. He never treated me right, not truly (except maybe in the very beginning), but I never even saw this as a possibility.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "A couple months after we though she was out of our lives, she broke into our house at 2 am. I was playing diablo 2, as at this point in my life I had severe insomnia. I heard the break in and woke my dad and his new girlfriend up [my dad has had a lot of women in his life....] saying dotty had broken in. I had seen her from the balcony of our stairs when getting my dad. Had i not been up, My dad had thought I had broken a cup or something and wasnt going to bother checking, I was known for having insomnia at this point in my life already, so she may very well have attacked any one of us that night.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She's been doing exams as of late and we've both had some personal problems so we haven't had time to work on our relationship. We both said we would stay together but sort it all out after she came back from a holiday she was going on with her uni. On the second last night she tells me she has kissed another guy and feels horrific about it. I tell her i'm going to leave because she has cheated in hope she realizes what life is like without me (stupid I know). I've always put her needs before mine, i've tried to give her everything and be the perfect boyfriend and because my natural defense mechanism is to retreat into my shell and shut the world out I don't reply to her texts that day.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hey guys, Been married for about a little over a year. I had an inkling before we got married that the wife was an anxious person but it was only after we got married I realised it was much more. She has weekly breakdowns over minor occurrences at work and comes home cursing and screaming about what goes on. (Not at me, but that repeated venting does have its toll on me as well mentally.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "In the meantime this girl texted asking what time he'd be there, but he didn't reply. Following day when she asked why he didn't reply/show, instead of sharing that he was saw me, he made up a story how he got stuck driving someone to the airport then followed with ""I wanted to see you more than anything."" At this point I royally freaked out and he said the reason he made up the story about driving to the airport was because now that it looked like he committed to attending, it'd be easier to come up with some urgent non negotiable reason why he couldn't make it (rather than look like a jerk that ditched last minute for something else that popped up without giving any notice). Again understandable. I do buy the story because when the girl called, she told me nothing was going on beyond friendship and that they hadn't talked in forever, she said she herself was busy with a new relationship which why is they hadn't talked beyond simple texts here and there, which would explain why she didn't know he was dating me just until that moment.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This has *obviously* created some crushing tension in the apartment, with no one really having to go other than work during the day. (We've all recently moved to the area and don't really have family/mutual friends to stay with.) Flash forward to last night...I'm asleep on the couch and she comes in at 1AM, blackout drunk, shakes me awake violently to tell me of the Tinder date she just got back from and how awful it was. But the guy she had sex with last night was pretty good, etc. This goes on and on, turns to threats of violence against me for uprooting and throwing her life into whack.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Throwaway because this is an embarrassing issue (although everyone who knows me knows I have it). I’m sorry this is so long, I feel like I have no one to talk to about this and need to vent. I (21F) cry over the smallest things that I know I shouldn’t cry over. I have always been like this even since I was little. Whenever I get in an argument with someone, I cry and it eats away at me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My friend made a comment that really embarrassed me because, up until that point, I hadn't realized how unusual it probably appeared. Since then, I've been more conscious of myself doing this and, while it feels like a shameful secret, I continue to do it. I know I never did this before, so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with what happened to me. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I feel like I'm the only one.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "In a shame spiral, validation after asking feedback from peers, I'm over-reacting or too sensitive. Thank god my GF still loves me. I am in states of hypervigilance, catastrophizing, and hypersensitivity and it blows. Just needing to write this out, it helps. Thank you for reading.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He keeps saying he hates himself for this and won't let it happen again. I know he has a really big heart, so I don't know what to do. Is our relationship worth it? TL;DR My boyfriend of over two years has a huge drug problems and continuously lies to my face about it. He abuses them and it is effecting our relationship in a negative way.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "While sitting on my normally-quiet front porch today, one of my unbelievably extroverted neighbors was carrying on the loudest conversation I've ever heard on a quiet street. Her conversation partners used a normal volume - she was the only one yelling words at the top of her lungs. I wanted to snap her clueless little head off. Or at the very least, tell her to shut the f$*( up. Grumpy?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." And I don't even remember. Please help me. He says it's ok and he forgives me. But it's NOT OKAY. my diagnoses and the symptoms of it is never an excuse to hurt the ones I love.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "We’ve been together for two and half years but went through a rough patch not too long ago because I shipped off to basic. But now that I’m back we were good but now her depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies are pushing me away. I’m trying my best to support her but it’s so hard because I’m just her boyfriend? Not her shrink or doctor. Idk what to do anymore because I try my best to help her but she doesn’t really care anymore.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m also quite intellectual, I can speak 2 languages other than my native language, English and Japanese. But I only want my boyfriend, he has a shy personality but he’s very knowledgeable, he’s like a walking Wikipedia and I love him so much. He makes me feel calm just laughing at our inside jokes, receiving a cute text from him, and ever since being in a relationship with him I’ve grown to be happy with the smallest things in life. But he never seems to be able to move on from the event from his past, or he‘s just deeply affected by his depression and negative thoughts, also all the stress from his studying in university and family really is a big problem. All of this really took a toll of our relationship, to the point that we hardly called anymore or had any communication.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "No Idea why I am here, guess I just need to vent. Well my troubles started last weekend, my parents flew over from Malta to visit my brother whose in hospital. He is in bad shape and initially he lost the use of his legs few years ago and now his paralysis is rising up to his waste. So am I headed of to the hospital and stayed up north for the weekend. I told my gf that she could stay at home rather than spend her time at the hospital with me.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He also talked very condescendingly to me and the other female servers, as well as being a total arse in general. I wanted to say something SO badly, but by the time I worked up the courage, he took her arm and led her to their car. Also, I didn't want to make things worse for her by sticking up for her in public. I wrote down their license plate number and car model, but I did not get the chance to see the name on the card he paid with. I really want to reach out to this woman.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was in a rabbit hole of youtube videos over the weekend, starting off from music videos, then vine compilations, and then somehow fight videos. On one of the side videos, I noticed a video involving ""XYZ high school"" where my boyfriend attended. The video was actually pretty clear and my blood kind of ran cold when I realized one of the 2 kids in the video was my boyfriend. It was absolutely brutal. And there's no doubt that this was him.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "However, today I was sitting at work and for whatever reason I started thinking about the knife incident. This new person I'm dating has never done anything wrong, but I had a thought of what they would look like holding a knife. It was a pretty stupid thing to think about, it caused the worst panic attack I've had in months and had to go for a walk around the block to clear my head. I don't want the event from my previous relationship to have an impact on the potential of this new one. Does anyone have any advice for breaking free from this sort of thing?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." it wasn't my fault it feels like my fault I feel like the reason That mother shouldn't have had to bury her boy I should have been a better friend,Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have an appointment with a paralegal to draw up a separation agreement. When I tell him I want and am filing for a separation and divorce, he will ask why. Do I mention to him about finding the extent of their chats and the cellphone bills? What about the disappearing IM accounts? Or do I just leave it at ""You had an affair, you aren't being completely honest with me about it, I feel like this 'reconciliation' we are experiencing is just me being strung along till you get your pieces in place to leave.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And I’m at a complete loss as to how we resolve this. (BTW, we have talked about all of this about 1,957 times already. There is nothing written here he hasn’t heard before.) TL;DR – Husband has always been the primary earner with well-paying jobs, but has experienced serious burn-out. As we’re eating into our savings, it looks like I’ll have to put my business on hold and go back to work.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "(TW sexual abuse mentions) When I was 14 I was sexually abused regularly for 8 months, resulting in PTSD, and recently I realised that afterwards I completely changed how I looked. I went from being this pretty normal looking student, short cropped hair, I would wear normal casual clothing on weekends, I was healthy, all that, now, over three years later I look completely different, I'm stick thin, hair grown out past my shoulders, I only wear black and almost always clothes that cover as much of me as possible, heavy scarring covering the majority of my body, and messy facial hair growing in. I feel like I've completely altered myself so nobody is tempted to hurt me again, like I'm blaming how I looked for what happened, so completely changing it seemed like the most sensible thing. I've never heard of anyone else doing this before though, is this normal?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Here comes a little rant, because I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m done with it. I keep on having panic attacks and I can’t find the trigger. I’ve been crying for hours now, and yesterday and the day before as well. I’m seriously afraid that I will go nuts one day, I see no end nor a solution. I’m afraid I’ll end up in a mental hospital.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's not a black nd white situation, I panicked, argued and a bunch over this with them, admittedly not helping my case, but I'm over that. I want help for my issues. Enough sobbing, I sometimes feel so hopeless, but I need to remember that while I am down, I am not out. Employment, temporary housing, even just basic street smarts, I'd like to know how to cope with this situation. What to do, first 100 days and all.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But I don’t know why I get this feeling. What can I do to stop feeling this way? I want to focus on me and my things without having to think about her and what she’s doing all the time, so I can be less distracted and focused on my other priorities. TL;DR I want to focus on my priorities in life but I find myself getting wrapped up in my thoughts about what where, and what my girlfriend is doing.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But what do I know? I keep reassuring myself that this is normal, and never tell anyone about this - I'm surprising one of the top students at a selective high school, but I really want this to end. I'm good at hiding things like this, because I don't want others feeling pity for me for things they didn't cause or can change. --- **tl;dr**: Older brother psychologically and physically abuses me and my younger brother.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't begin to summarise how I feel about her. I want to spend the rest of my life with this person, but I want to help work through this stuff together. Once she goes into an anxiety spiral I'm completely at a loss of what to do apart from hold her and stroke her hair. What strategies can help break the spiral when she starts one, and how can I approach the topic of seeing a counsellor and developing mindfulness strategies without her going into a panic attack? Help me /r/anxiety, you're my only hope.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I work full time, but the money I'm spending just to get by is preventing me from saving up to get a place and get ahead again. I'm 30, and I've never been in this spot before, always been successful and had a good life. But now I'm here, and I have no idea what to do. Not sure what I'm expecting out of this post. Just venting I guess.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is my first post on reddit and I am seeking any advice I can get. Current Situation-I am a 22 year old veteran, living under the good graces of my girlfriend. I have 2 part time jobs. One as a server and another as an Army Reserve soldier (both of which I have just started after being unemployed for almost 3 months.) I have almost $15k worth of credit card and vehicle debt to my name and absolutely nothing in savings.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So again, here I am, with no idea what to do. I don't have any particular skills, besides almost never getting fatigued, the ability to walk for hours on end without getting tired, lifting some pretty heavy objects despite my skinny figure, and a few other things. I know some Korean, and am studying Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish (self taught). The only things of value that I have anymore are my phone and laptop that I've had since I ran away, and I mainly use the wifi at work to access the internet. My only source of sleep is a 30-60 minute nap I manage to sneak in inside the changing stalls at the gym I shower at, unless a coworker is nice enough to let me stay with them for a few nights.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "3: This is the big one. I'm currently unemployed, as I was in school (paid for by the Department of Rehabilitation), so I cannot meet ANY income requirement. Even places that overlook my felony won't budge on this. To top it off, I have nobody who is both able and willing to co-sign. I've tried offering more up front to no avail.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The main source of this stress is a scholarship I am on that requires payback if you lose it, meaning I would be in the whole about $20,000 if I fail and get kicked out. The contract states you can either be kicked out or placed on probation, but I cannot find any precedent on what direction they lean. Without diving into many specifics on this class and the great, and I emphasize great, impact it can have on this scholarship \(I wouldn't be able to get my AE degree\), I was hoping I could find some advice on increasing my productivity and generally improving my mental/physical health. I am reaching here, I really need some help. My fiance, bless her heart, is not much help because of planning the wedding and I don't have a lot of close friends/confidants.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "She Actually gave me 2 months to find a place to live before she was gonna kick me out but i couldn't find any and Friday is the last day of those 2 months. I don't have a car, or any friends that'll let me stay with them. In total , i have about 600 bucks . Maybe i could use that money to gtfo of Minnesota. Maybe i could buy a gun and shoot myself idk .","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm starting to really believe that my brain is the problem here and not trauma. Everyone just thinks I'm a dramatic slut anyway, so does it even matter? Like maybe they are right? I feel like I'm too embarrassed to even go back to my psych now. Today I seriously looked like a total basket case.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Nothing He kicked the door 18-36-30 He kicked it again and until he was sure his foot would bruise Calm down,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For the rest of the 7 years, I’ve received different forms of violent punishments. I don’t want to get into it but they involved sharp objects, attempts to drown me, paddling, etc. I was generally OK growing up, didn’t think about the abuse a lot, but friends started noticing strange behaviors and phobias that I cannot hide. Now at 30 years old I went to a therapist. I found out that my behaviors are probably caused by suppressing my memories and not finding proper closure from the incident because it’s as if I’m still taking the blame for an abuse that was done to me.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "They taunt me and remind me of my weakness. They remind me of my failures, and they are loud. Louder than anything. And there's so many of them. Swirling and swirling and telling me what an awful fucking person I am.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I wish I could go back and just not fuck up so horribly. I was begged not to go out on this date from tinder. My friend was raped off tinder and told me all guys want are sex off tinder. I had talked to my assaulter and told him I didn't want to be touched and he was fine with it and seemed perfectly normal. I'm so stupid.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Now here I am, jobless and not in education. A useless person. I'm too anxious and to get a job because I knew that I would screw up and face angry people. I've seen so many therapists but they don't help much, just said that it's a teenage problem. 2 months of lexapro didn't do much but at least I got my muse back.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Though I have been staying with family, their households are getting packed with other members and issues and so they have no room for me. I do not have many friends, and the ones I do cannot help whatsoever. So, I am on my own. I have a wonderful as a baker that I don't want to lose or give up. What can I do in my situation right now so that I am able to keep a roof over my head and still keep my job because I know that if I am just able to keep shelter while continuing to work this job, I will be able to provide decent housing and expenses for myself and never burden anyone with my problems ever again.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm soo lucky/blessed that I have parents with an open home to me so that I am able to do this but I can't keep going on like this. I feel afraid to work. I feel like less of a man because of this. I worry about my future and if I'll ever get stable ground. Sorry, I needed to put my thoughts into text.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My boyfriend constantly states that we are no longer in a relationship and I need to be constantly working towards showing him that he will want to be with me again. I do 90% of the cooking and cleaning in the house. I try my best to make sure his needs are met, even if it means that my needs fall short almost always. It seems like any ""everyday"" argument we have about something always turns into me being a piece of shit because of what I did to him. He tells me that I made him this way and I need to deal with it until he moves past it, which I understand and agree with.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Without my meds I can be kinda unstable, few months back I stopped taking them and ended up breaking my hand because of it. I have no real education except high school diploma and I wasn't smart enough to finish community college as I'm useless with math and science and that's all I needed to finish for a general studies degree. All I seem to be doing is existing and that means I'm a burden on anyone who tries to help me and right now I'm dragging my partner down. I just need help figuring out what to do so I can stop being burdensome and be useful and have a purpose again. I don't really know what to do anymore, but this is all I have left to try.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Not actually losing my home at the moment, so so far not in danger of homelessness, but I figured this was the next closest place to ""Tips for Poor as Fuck People"". We're losing cable tomorrow or the next day unless we come up with money we don't have. Losing the internet is brutal, but losing phone service is going to be the real problem. I'm in the middle of a series of surgeries over the course of a year with the final one being a month out. In really shitty medical condition...and now I am going to be cut off from getting messages from any of my doctors, surgeon, or infusion clinic.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He explained that he didn’t think it was such a big deal that he disclosed such personal information about me without my permission to his friends then he tried to flip it and said it was no different then a time I canceled plans with a friend and told them the reason was because he, Tom was sick with the flu and I was going to stay in and take care of him. How is me honestly explaining that the reason I would have to cancel on a friend because my boyfriend is sick, the same as him giving away very detailed information about our sex life plus other very personal traumas that I experienced without my permission? I feel like he’s trying to gaslight me and I’m seeing a side to him I’ve never seen. I’m honestly thinking about ending things with him over this. TL;DR my boyfriend told his friends VERY detailed information about our sex life plus other personal things about my life without my permission and I feel so betrayed but he’s trying to act like it’s no big deal.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "TL;DR: I wish to ask out my longtime friend this Valentines, but I am afraid of my past coming back and ruining my renewed trust with both her and my friends that I’ve worked years to repair. Note, what I am not scared of is rejection, I am scared of being feared or hated once again. How I most easily do away with the stigma revolving around my past so that I can be judged by who I am now instead of who I was in the past? That’s what is keeping me up at night. I look forward to what the community has to say.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had another friend come out and tap on my window, scaring me. He didn’t know what happened, and when he asked me what was wrong I just started to cry. I felt stupid and ashamed. Through the sobs I told him what happened, I even told him that my rapists did it to me. He was supportive and sweet and it made me feel so much more guilty.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like I cannot trust anyone. I truly feel that I have never felt any sort of platonic or romantic love. I still feel so much anxiety interacting with anyone, and especially those who show interest in me. W**d has been the one thing that helped me realize all of this. As you can imagine, however, my family is deeply opposed to this.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Short - I live in Christchurch, New Zealand and my friend is currently getting beaten by her husband, but has 3 dogs and will not leave without taking them with her as she fears what he might do to them. Long - She is currently living in a diffrent room to him but is getting beaten most nights, she has not signed a tenancy aggrement and the house she is renting is owned by her husbands best friend. She has pictures of the bruising and blood aswell as screenshots of the messages he is sending her. She has been in contact with womans refuge, unfortunatly there is not alot they can do because she does not want to leave. Also one of the dogs is old and usually sleeps inside.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "We've talked about it before and she said that it's not like that and she cares about me alot and all that, but at the same time these type of things keep happening. I truly feel that she does care and doesn't mean to neglect me but its just frustrating. If I keep saying something I'll look like a bad guy thats trying to ruin her friendships which is not what i'm trying to do. She's going to tell her friends what I say and they're probably going to think i'm trying to get her away from them. **tl;dr**: Girlfriend is having trouble balancing friendship and relationship",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This post was spurred by the fact that I was just scrolling through photos I took of my boyfriend last year and I found myself thinking, ""is this person actually my boyfriend?"" I don't mean that in a sappy ""how did I get so lucky"" way (although I did luck out with him, for sure) but more in a ""how do I see this person all the time and still feel like I don't recognize him in photos"" way. We've been together for over five years. It just... it doesn't make any sense. Normally I only do this with people from high school, many of whom I haven't seen since we graduated six years ago.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." It was all so wrong of me. It started happening when we went to my father's bday weekend and a family member groped me and I remembered that he also did stuff like that. A lot of em did. My partner was sad and fell asleep after I told them. I couldn't sleep.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’ve received hundreds of harassing contacts from him and he’s even tried to extort my friendship back by threatening to expose sex tapes. I’ve already endured years of his psychological abuse and him physically raping me in the ass while we were together. I’ve already endured seeing him and the fact that he brings another man that raped me (and he knows it) to every hearing so far. I’ve endured him harassing our old mutual workplace and every individual mutual contact we had when it first fell apart. I’ve had him flip friends on me and had to move twice in the past to years to hide my location from him.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Sometimes I feel like I’m the third wheel in their relationship. And this doesn’t even include what they may do when I’m not around! Also, whenever roommate will talk about boys or finding a boyfriend, I notice husband will quickly try to shut that idea down fast, and say he knows roommate isn’t attracted to said guy or doesn’t want/need a boyfriend. There’s definitely an emotional dependency there. I know my husband has explained to me over and over how much he helps her and how important he is in her life.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But then I'll get there and he'll drop the bomb that his GF is coming over and to be honest, it totally makes me want to bail early. It's just annoying to be invited to come over and thinking you're gonna have some bro time gaming and what not, only to get there have him drop the bomb that his GF is coming over and being stuck between either listening to 5th grade cheesy/cringeworthy convos or figuring a way to bail early without coming across as an asshole. How can I talk with my buddy in a polite way about the matter, that when he invites me over I'd prefer it to be bro time without coming across as an asshole or that I'm against his GF as a person which I'm totally not! Again, she's really sweet and he has every right to want his GF to come over to, I'm just tired of the surprise third wheel through the most goose bump inducing conversations and want some strategies how I can communicate with my friend that I don't like sitting through that. Thanks in advance!",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi, My partner is a Dv survivor after 15 years, he eroded everything about her and mentally abused her mostly throughout with sexual elements towards the last few years Shes lovely, the most caring girl in the world and so beautiful But its also not easy, she likes a few drinks at weekends and the drink brings out a different girl or maybe its the true girl im not sure, this girl has vivid flashbacks and they are pretty harsh Shes in therapy too and thats tough going as well its popping the cork on all the anger she has bottled up over 15 years",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Apparently it has been going on since the day they moved in together. I don't know what to tell her thought. Since her husband is a good friend of me and my husband it's kinda weird for me to say 'leave him' or 'get out' I don't want to influence any decision she makes. What should I tell her? Tl;dr: friends husband is aggresive and I don't know what to tell her,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "At the same time, I’ve been going crazy because if I’m not thinking about something else I’m thinking about him and various kink related acts. This isn’t anything I’ve actually experienced before (hell, I still don’t get attraction), so I’m confused. My issue is, he’s going back overseas for uni in a couple of days, and we’ll be seeing each other (in our larger group) tomorrow. Should I bring something up? Should I just leave it?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Friends privy to the situation believe that she is just constantly keeping me on the back burner because I'm the safe option, when she isn't with somebody, or when she doesn't have anybody else. She knows I love her still, she knows I'd do just about anything for her, and want to be with her still to this day but nothing more than just an option. I always end up feeling the same in this situation though, worthless, low, wishing I was in a relationship with her. --- **tl;dr**: Me and ex have stayed in somewhat constant contact for 10 years, never get back together officially.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Does anyone have any similar experience and were you able to become functioning friends with your ex or was it best to cut all ties, even if it meant losing friends? TL;DR Broke up with my girlfriend of ten years because she fell in love with a complete stranger from overseas. Have shared friends and can’t seem to shake the feeling of sadness/anger whenever I see her due to our reason for breaking up. Should I cut her out of my life and lose friends or make more of an effort to be friendly/peaceful towards her?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm a 24 yr old female and I've never had a person I could call a friend in my life. There was a 2 and a half year period where I barely left the apartment. My first job was when I was 23. Its a warehouse job and it will have been a year since I started working there in a couple of weeks. Even though I've been there for that long I havent formed any relationship with anyone there because i always avoid getting too familiar with anyone, that's my default way of being and I hate it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I thought we had an open door, honestly policy about our hook ups, but last week found out he'd made out with a few people during our relationship that I didn't know about. I got hit by a wave of how incompatible we are and tried to break up with him but I realised I was being a hypocrite and letting my insecurities control me and I mended things. ANYWAY, onto the issue. I had a pretty scary time with a friend of mine last night. He invited me around for a few beers, and maybe two drinks in he asked if I'd be down to have sex.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He brought me to hang out with the two of them a few times. I'm not sure why he thinks I want to erode their relationship, this is another thing I'm still thinking about. My best guess is that my ""touchy"" ness comes off as flirting and he thinks I'm trying to take him from her? I do casually say things like ""I love you"" a lot too which just worsens it from that perspective. This is sorta horrifying to think about because I have absolutely zero romantic interest in him at all and the reason I valued our friendship so much in the first place was because there was no romantic/sexual element.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The messages are essentially the guy being flirtatious and asking her to come over to his place. My gf’s responses are not flirtatious but definitely welcoming. She responded to his offer by saying “how about we meet halfway and grab some lunch together some time”. She never told me that she was even still in contact with this guy. And their relationship was explicitly sexual, not friendly.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The rare times we have fought in the past, I’ve always had to be the one to ‘break the ice,’ regardless of the circumstances of the argument. I don’t have it in me to go grovel for the comfort I sorely need. Now I’m just trying to cry myself asleep. What’s the point of having a partner if they can’t offer the most basic level of emotional support? Is the writing on the wall - is he just too immature, and how did this parent/child dynamic creep in to our relationship?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Update - Thanks all, I have calmed down a bit now. Will sleep on it and hopefully tackle with a clearer head tomorrow. --- **tl;dr**: Found out from stranger on Facebook my partner is most likely going to leave me, feel betrayed she posted it on a public forum like Facebook. Right now feeling useless, am introverted and quiet by nature so I don’t have much of a support network.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Where do I go with this kind of shit? I'm not violent or suicidal, so the hospital is a no go. But I don't really know where you seek help outside the ER. I dunno the process, how you set up organized appointments, how you pay (got insurance however), don't know any of it All I know is the shit I've seen really affects me to the point where I have a home and a job yet still feel so disconnected from normal society",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I desperately miss my childhood and I wish I could have it back. After being molested, I feel that it was cut short. I'm afraid of getting older, and getting to the age where l have less time left than I've already lived. I think about it every day and it consumes me entirely. I'm obsessed with extending my lifespan on one end, and just killing myself on the other","Bias/Abuse, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am worried that I may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to a few notable symptoms/issues that I experience. (I also have one notable traumatic experience involving an accident my father was in, he got hit by a bus when I was seventeen and almost died, which I do have nightmares and flashbacks of, but that is a different story.) Does anyone have any idea if this is possible to have the disorder due to a multitude of experiences? Thank you for any advice, help, or information in advance. It is greatly appreciated.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I would be lying if I said using heroin didn’t get more tempting everyday. Atleast I could either slowly die high and numb, or accidentally high and numb. I feel like I’ve had a noose tied around my neck sense the first day my incest abuse happened 14 years ago. Ever sense I was 9 or 10 I knew I would die by my own hand. It’s only a matter of time.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He tells everyone we’re his life. My family victim blames and they’re are ok with a multi millionaire pedophile in the family. So they’re disgusting and no help. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’ll try to kill me one day. I’m moving soon if I can get a damn plan together to his parents, they understand he’s crazy, but he really messes with my head.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't know if it was the campground, or if the probably former friend wanted some revenge. All of the hotels are way out of our price range in our area. We can stay a couple of nights, and our reservation at the campground ends this weekend. I will be asking for a refund of the remaining nights. I'm terrified that our kids will be taken from us for being homeless for less than 6 weeks.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't be in an abusive relationship, but I find my brain trying to rationalize this. To expand a little more, this incident happened just a week after we had a huge fight over my depression, which he doesn't seem to understand completely. I've been stuck in a depressive episode for the greater part of a year, despite medication changes and weekly therapy sessions. I've been suicidal for quite some time now and he knows that, but last week he actually told me ""maybe you should just kill yourself."" So, in light of that happening very recently, I'm in a very dark place right now.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am afraid that she will sell the house because of this and I'm not sure what the future holds for my family. Because I made some very bad decisions in the past, my credit is horrible. I have tried to get a loan and it's just not happening. I have no car (no money to get a car, let alone make payments) and payday loans are not offered in AZ. Every online loan option, although bad, seems like a better fate than losing my home of 12 years.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "How about that? No this isn't just some edgy teen, oh I hate my dad, I have every reason to hate him, for what he has done, and continues to purposely do to me and my family. For nearly killing me, for scarring us all to the point I can't even meet a nice person, or have any friends, and not wonder whether they do or don't treat their family like a lump of sh**. Nobody needs, nor should they ever have to live the life I have been forced to live. Nobody should have to call the police because they don't feel safe within their own home.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." She gave me an 11 pm curfew even though I was in my 20s and never gave me a key. She not picked every little thing I did even though I tried so hard to be a good guest because I thought maybe that’s why She didn’t like me. Whenever I am allowed to come here I have to bring my own food and own blanket. When I told my mom I was in such a bad mental space that I thought I was going to kill myself and didn’t feel safe to be alone she said I couldn’t come over.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just couldn't cope, the abuse I already remembered was bad enough but this...this was just too much for me to deal with. 2 weeks ago I couldn't take it anymore and took a large overdose, which ended up with me being in hospital...I now have done a little damage to my heart and shall have to live with that...I should probably point out that I am under 7st and have had an eating disorder since I was was the only thing I could see I had no safe place, I'd leave my abusive home and go to school...where I was the only ginger child...sure I don't need to point out how hard that was. This is going to stop quite abruptly now, for I don't really know what else to say right now.. Each and everyday is a constant struggle and I am tired of drs telling me to be strong and just get on with life...I am 26years old for 20years I have had to be strong and ""survive"" well I'm tired of surviving...that doesn't mean I want to die but I do want it all to stop, I want to to be happy and trust people, to realise what love is, I mean I have an amazing partner who loves me dearly but I question him every damn see he doesn't hurt me and love...well as my Dad taught is to hurt and lie....but that isn't love at all is it? !","Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi everyone, this is my story, what I've been able to take away from it, and the feelings and the hurt that have lingered, as well as questions. Warning, this is kind of a long post, but there is a lot I need to say and just get out of my head. Trigger and Content Warnings**:** Explicit mentions of sex acts with some details,mentions of coercion, mentions of being threatened, mentions of alcoholism. Things to know about me, for the context of my life and who I am: I am 24, I am queer, my pronouns are she/her, I am trans-gender woman (please Google if you are unfamiliar with the terms), I am autistic, and as a child I was home-schooled for a very long time and lived in the middle of nowhere farm country, with no buses, sidewalks, or means of transportation. When I was 13, I had just found out my father was diagnosed with early onset dementia and I was stricken, to say the least, knowing that my already dysfunctional family was about to go through the horrors of watching my father become less and less of himself.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can recall one situation where I was accused of taking her credit card (I was 6 years old and before we had computers), the one she left in store, so decided to ransack my bedroom, destroying most of the gifts I got the Christmas. This resulted in being given a crumpled, unapologetic five-pound note. No sorry, nothing said, just the silence and dark stair. From a young age I was subjected to social seclusion, I was not allowed to hang out with any of the local kids in my town. Apparently, they were all ‘bad’ children and believed I would be influenced by them resulting in becoming, well I am not to sure what she expected.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I used my forearm to push the plate I was eating from off the counter. A glass bowl fell to the floor as well and shattered. The noise woke my dad up, who went to bed nearly black out drunk a couple hours before this. He immediately started screaming at my friends to “get the fuck out” and aggressively pushing them out of the back door. He then grabbed me by my arm and shoved me out the door yelling “take her fucking ass with you.” My friends sat with me for a minute and asked if I wanted to leave with them.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When you can’t remember the simplest things, but your mind is racing a thousand miles a minute, you know it can’t go on. It felt like my sanity was whirling away from me. So I arrived in what I remember to be a thatch of poisonous thorns, ripe with painful, tearful memories. Instead, I have been given the give of honestly looking and starting to deal with the damage of deep scars. Today, instead of jumping on the operating table, eager to right the very wrong right foot, I got to take a bike ride.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Some examples: spit on me randomly in the eye doctor's office, giggled and strolled off when I looked up at him in horror. We had some verbal exchange in the hallway and he slapped me so hard I couldn't feel the tear roll down my cheek my face was so numb, he pinned me to the floor one day and savagely beat me for at least 7 minutes straight for what reason i forget, after he was done beating me up he would punch in the back of the head repeatedly, this gave me headaches and i saw flashes with each blow. And he would often have a gleeful look on his face after he was done. For the longest I didn't know this was abuse, nor did I know I had developed all of these poor coping mechanisms to deal with being abused. He ruined my life without me even being aware.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I had a panic attack and broke down crying in front of my mom. She scheduled me an appointment for therapy and I just feel like bleh. I dont care about getting better right now. My whole body is in shock from that panic attack and I just feel like death. I honestly doubt I will get better,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Since I knew him I haven't had active suicidal thoughts. Even now. I hate how I am and I wish I could die right now, but I don't have the drive to do it myself anymore. How do I leave him if I know that life without him has been and will be a worse circle of hell? FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE IF I HAD THE MONEY I'D HIRE A HITMAN TO DO ME IN",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "During a night he came barged into me and my mom's room and started hitting her. I was so confuse and in tears I didn't know what to do, but cry. I didn't get much sleep that night. The abuse continue on for 4 years. There was peaceful time I thought the abuse stopped.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I desperately need a car and found a great opportunity but the previous owner died of a heart attack in it. Thats my number one cause of anxiety, the fear of heart attacks. He was relatively healthy and young. I feel like a big idiot for not taking it. But I have vivid nightmares of me having heart attacks then I wake up with a panic attack that lasts hours.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The misery is so much worse than pre-lamictal, the torment is so much scarier. It feels almost demonic, like someone outside of me is tormenting me (I do not mean this literally or psychotically, it's just my subjective description). I have crying spells all day, I mean the entire day, doesn't matter who I'm hanging out with, doesn't matter if I'm at work (I had to quit for the time being), doesn't matter if I'm working out. I shake and cry and shake and cry, like wailing violent cries. It's terrifying, it feels very ""chemical"" and out of control, like the absence of the drug does this to me, and it's scary for the people around me.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My version of events wasn't believed due to ten other witnesses denying it and I was expelled immediately. I got home and unexpectedly my bags were already packed. My sister-in-law walked up to me, gave me an insincere hug, and said ""Your actions have consequences. You're going to Portland two weeks early."" I asked if I could say goodbye to my nieces and nephews and friends and she said ""no.""",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My mom never threw books at me, but the impact of something along with the name-calling was enough. I ran to my room and I honestly don't remember what I did. I remember my attack going on for hours, but everything else is blurry. Now my grandma's ""sorry"". She was ""stressed out"" so she did that.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But my brain defaulted into my stoned embarrassment. Just having this idea people hate me when they don’t, missing my dad and punishing myself for not being able to help my dad through his alcoholism. Not that he deserves it. He’s dug his own grave and done things I won’t mention in this post. But raping my mom was one of those.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I haven't ever been triggered by my grandma(until now) and even though it made me upset I had a ""well, it could be worse"" mentality. So yesterday my grandma got mad. Really mad. She started screaming at me, calling me names, and then threw a book at me. This triggered the trauma from my mom.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don't want to feel like a burden to anyone anymore and to myself so the feeling of wanting to die didn't go away. I don't know how to deal with myself or with other people since I feel like I should just get over it and continue with my life but I can't and I'm 22. Am I exaggerating? Am I just so weak that I can't deal with what happened to me that I can't normally continue with my life? I was a good student and a good friend.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was in my front yard talking to him on the phone, when I refused to hang-up she had a temper tantrum and screamed loudly enough for the people outside to hear her say I ""got online and talked to little boys."" Her father refuses to do anything about her or the other daughter or treats me just as bad. I try to stand up for myself, I mean I am their uncle after all, but they just yell, scream and call me names anyway. After about 6 years of this happening I've become a virtual prisoner in my own house. I stay in my bedroom all day, on the computer, making things to sell or doing art.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm afraid of going into too much detail only because I constantly fear that he knows that I talk about him. To keep it short, my father was physically violent towards me, my mother, our dog, mistreated all of his animals, leaked our information on shady sites before multiple times, and has made my life a living hell up until I went to court to stop having visitation with him. I almost died twice thanks to him. I thought that it wouldn't really affect anything outside of startle reflex, trust issues, etc, but here I am years after my last visit with him and it's still affecting me fucking terribly. I just sat in bed sobbing for a half hour because I'm afraid of everyone around me.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Physical abuse wise my dad had beat me several times, I never really understood that it was abuse until not that long ago, things like hitting my legs together what seemed like as hard as he could, hitting me on the face as hard as he could, threatening to choke me out, etc. it overall made me feel pretty disassociated, I just didn't really understand why though, my relationship with my parents became this extremely hollow thing that felt like an obligation rather than having genuine parents. as I got older from 10 on they became increasingly mentally abusive on top of it, at age 11 my dad found out that I'm trans by looking on my computer and screamed at me for an hour and threatened to hospitalize me (He didnt know mental hospitals wont hospitalize people for it, and might've ended up trying to put me into conversion therapy or something) this is around where my mental health completely snapped, going into 7th grade, hitting age 12, I started becoming extremely suicidal, I thought about hanging myself at school or stabbing myself, it became too much to bear, not being able to be openly trans, being beaten, feeling on edge non stop, feeling completely invalidated to the core of who I am as a person. I became morbidly depressed and stayed that way from then on.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hello. I am a thirty six year old man, and I became aware that the experiences I had, my behavior, and the expression of my feelings, may be BPD nine months ago, when I had my first suicide attempt. I had not read anything about it prior, and had entirely avoided any medical or mental health people. After the suicide attempt, which over nine years, head been preceded by the traumatic end of a highly dysfunctional five year relationship, followed by a severe four year alcohol problem. After getting out of the Psych ward after ten days, which I hadn't been in since an ideation incendent at seventeen, I determined to get help.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Apparently with this new technology, my entire phone shuts down for 5 minutes after making an emergency call. I'm waiting to tell work about what happened, that I can't come in. I'm going to the hospital with her. I don't care if they're mad or if I get fired. I just feel so shaken and scared still.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Oh Jesus Christ. I blacked out in front of my family- my family with a history of alcoholism (I'm an alcoholic too), my family that I promised I wouldn't get drunk in front of....I don't know what I said but they are PISSED. I come from a sort of passive aggressive family and they won't tell me what I said. I am so terrified and filled with shame and completely embarrassed. I know a lot of my family members' secrets that I'm not supposed to know and I easily could have spouted them out.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "He certainly had/has the ability to. The worst/best part of this story is that I am still with this prick, trying to get away safely. Best part is that my story may be horrifying enough to convince women in an early stage DV situation to run before it escalates to my story. After the 2nd severe incident, I called family who took me to the ER. Had lots of tests done.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." physical abuse? My dad was screaming at me today and I started crying out of fear. Of course in my household crying is not allowed. Hence he physically hit me and tried to cover my mouth which led to me hitting him back out of defense. My gums ended up bleeding and I don't think anyone else was concerned about how I was feeling — they thought I was just overreacting and stuff.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." He was going to choke the name out of me. I am his 24/7 caregiver i do not have time to cheat even if i wanted. He said i would die if i didnt tell him. He snapped out of it. That was a couple days ago and i am finding out how close i really came to dying.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "1. My father would abuse me consistently both mentally and physically from i think 4 to 14, maybe earlier. I don't really remember what all brought this on, but often it was school related. I remember being in a car seat, my mother didn't know what to do so she took me to him (my parents are apart), and i tried to run because i knew what was going to happen, and i remember crying so hard i hyperventilated, my mom promised never to do that again. He'd do it because of grades, because i misbehaved.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." She was meeting her boyfriend (the one before my dad) because he was getting out of prison. Leaving my dad. So since my mom left you are probably thinking that the abuse stopped there huh? Unfortunately no. It was my dad's turn to use me as a punching bag.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Suddenly she snaps and goes ""I fucking hate my brother, he is the biggest piece of shit ever, I couldn't care less about him"" and just started going off. Now, I know her brother can be pretty psychotic and from what shes told me he clearly has anger issues and the rest of her family keeps ignoring it, sometimes even enabling it. So 2 minutes into her exploding, she starts crying because apparently her brother told their dad something and the dad called her and said he doesn't trust her anymore or whatever. She was very upset about the dad thing because she's very close with her dad and she's her dads favorite child (he told me that himself when I spoke with him). I didn't want to pry too much because I felt like it isn't exactly my business of their internal family issues, but my girlfriend screenshot the text messages her brother sent her and I just could not comprehend how a human being, especially a sibling, can say that to someone.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was talking to my mom this morning and she said that about my sister. Her trauma was worse than mine but she didn't develop PTSD. (My mom has no idea I even had a traumatic event) I told her it's not that easy, and she said it just needs to be done. Now I am scared.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I want him to die because then we'll be truly safe. But I don't want him to suffer. There have been times when I did. And I denied that there was ever any love because that was easier than accepting that a man who once loved his family decided he hated them so much he wanted to kill them. I've still got half my life to lead.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "We've been living in my grandmother's house since loosing the apt. All of our possessions, as well as all of my grandmother's possessions were in the home at the time of the fire. The property was supposed to be sold on December 29th, but when my cousin who was also living on the property unexpectedly passed away on December 24th, the buyers backed out. Due to these circumstances, our home insurance had lapsed, so at the moment we have no resources to work with, except for the generosity of others. It's a massive tragedy for our family, because we didn't have any funds available for Christmas either, and between family, and friends, we were able to have a great holiday, but now all of those gifts are gone as well.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Ok here we go.... My original trauma was being molested by my grandfather starting around 7-8 (my best guess, only have a few memories, could’ve been earlier). I have very few memories of this, although I have gotten some back recently. I don’t know how long it continues for but he died when I was 10/12 or so Around this time I was also severely bullied in school, my cousin being the ring leader.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The only woman who ever treated me with respect, my nan, died a few months ago. This household is screwing with all of us. There's nothing we can do, because she refuses to seek help, so this will never change. I want to move out, but I have nowhere to go, no job, and no money. The best I can do is wait it out until someone dies, I suppose.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I even tried to settle this outside of their insurance so that their insurance rates wouldn't go up. I feel afraid every time it becomes nighttime and when I have to go to school, because I know there is a chance I may see him again. I don't know how to stop thinking about what happened that night, what I could have done differently, or what would have happened if someone had come to save me. It's hard to tell my family I've begun to think about killing myself again. I've struggled with depression for years and this incident has only made it so much worse.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I loved this person dearly with all my heart, and it was an extremly tragic and sudden death. I want to go to my doctor but im already in counceling. Ive only gone once and my next visit is on wednesday. Should I tell my greif councellor? Thanks for reading.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "No idea where to ask this on reddit. I've been having an unresolved noise problem (no help anywhere i looked) for a cool year now, meaning i havent slept in peace for a year. over the summer, i believe i developed tinnitus as a result of wearing headphones to bed and putting pressure on my ears, possibly also through earplugs and earphones as well. now i'm realizing the concession that i'm too poor to live alone off subsidized housing isnt nearly good enough. and i do need to move for many reasons.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've applied to many other places over the months and using services like Indeed and Monster. But no such luck as of yet. The whole issue has left me feeling angry. When I talked to my therapist about it, he did help; however, the conversation had the tone of ""being a man"" and doing what you need to do and after a while to simply let go of the anger. I'm not trying to disregard him, but I've been having a hard time understanding what he means.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." " I feel like these experiences have totally altered my psyche and now i find gratification through exploitation. I even had the painful realization that ive never had any normal sexual relationship and these abuses are all i know. I broke down the other night just crying realizing that i dont get to be normal, and that i have sick urges. I heard that theres high rates of abused people become abusers too, and i hate that im part of the issue. Tl;Dr: I was abused and now i abuse, what can i do to cope?","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't stay standing, or even sitting for extended periods of time without severe consequences to my neck, and my head. And more recently have been experiencing heart trouble. I'm getting some doctors to look at me but they haven't found anything yet. I've literally been going with no money or insurance and bills are piling up. Since I cannot commit to any continuous work, I'm finding it impossible to make money.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Waiting for my mind to have a breakdown once the “New Year” feeling isn’t there anymore : I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m a little bit worried that I’ll go back to being depressed in a few days time or something. Last year, I tried not to have any breakdowns for the start of 2019. A mere 10 days later, I broke down crying. I wasn’t the same for that entire year. Up until December, where I was ok that month. Now I just wait... it’s a weird way to act and feel, but it feels a bit normal.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My new years resolution : I'm gonna get my ass into a therapists office, and if I dont become even a little bit happy, then I'm not dealing with this shit anymore. I'm not asking for a lot, just a little bit of serotonin is all I want",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "New year : Somone else Feeling like 2020 will be there last year on earth because even wen your hammerd your Feeling like a moron thats depressed?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Am I depressed or is this just a rough patch(vent) : This is probably going to sound stupid but I don’t know if I should seek help because of how i’ve been feeling lately or if this is just a rough time and it’ll get better over time. Long story that i’m attempting to make short, my grandpa had a stroke over the summer and now he’s in hospice, slowly declining every day. It’s caused a lot of tension in the family for many reasons as one can imagine. My grandma has also been having vision problems, so she hasn’t been driving. Because of that, i’ve had to drive an hour home from college every Tuesday to go grocery shopping for her, run errands, etc., since our family is so small and the only other relatively closeby person is my mom who works all the time. Now my grandma is getting surgery in a couple days so my grandpa is getting moved to a nursing home for a week since she can’t take care of him, and just the thought of being is that place is making me feel sick. Don’t get me wrong, I love my grandfather and I want to keep him company, but I feel like i’m just watching him slowly die. It’s taking such a fucking toll on my mental health. I spend countless nights crying myself to sleep. Not to mention my parents are divorced, my mom is a borderline alcoholic, my brother is autistic & it’s been very hard trying to get him a job (he’s 24 and it’s all he asks about). He’s even been asking me if he can live with me when i’m older and ready to move out of my moms house. It’s all just too much and i don’t even know where my heads at. I didn’t mean to make this post THAT long but I just don’t know what I should do. Should I seek help? Or will everything get better over time ....","Relationship, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Sat in the dark and cried myself going into the new year. Great start to 2020 :,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I will probably end it when my mum isn't around anymore. : I can say with certainty that I have tried hard to make my life one worth living but my ongoing depression is more present and crippling than ever recently. I would never do anything while my mum is still alive because I know she wouldn't cope. I'm her only daughter and we are very close. But I'm clueless as to how to live with this fog that has followed me since my teenage years, especially if I don't have her in my life. It's as if the depression becomes heavier the older I get, despite the sertraline and hours and hours of therapy. I just can't see myself living a long and fulfilled life.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Fuck 2019 : Left abusive relationship. Moved in with abusive family. Put on disability in April. Constant health issues and drs and labs with no answers except maybe slight b12 deficiency, no immunity to mumps (just got the booster yesterday), pt for two different pains, chiropractor 3x a week. Passed out twice in a week due to weight loss. Was 137 last year and down to 88 can't gain weight to save my life. Wake up every morning in constant pain and nausea making it hard to eat and have energy. Stopped talking to my father's side of the family due to the mental abuse but still pressured by my mom to fix things before my grandmother gets old and passes away. Fiance lost his job in September and hasn't been able to get another even with dropped charges. Lost our first pregnancy the same week. Struggled to get through first semester of medical billing classes online. Maxed out credit cards to pay rent and utilities. Can't pay cc bills piling up and medical bills in collections. Spent a quiet Christmas together that turned to hell the day after when we had to put one of our cats to sleep due to heart failure which was traumatic to see and decide to end his suffering after two different vet offices. Almost ruined relatioship with mom, she was on vacation and I felt like she needed to be aware of it because he was supposed to go to her next year. Can't afford pain meds or anything at this point. My car is paid off but dead and needs work we can't afford. Just not sure if I can deal with this anymore. Lease is up at the end of March and we can't afford staying here rn but can't afford another deposit anywhere else. No family in Fl to stay with and can't afford relocation even if offered a job out of state. Trying to sell everything I own for as little as possible to get rid of the physical and emotional baggage and to pay rent, utilities, other debts. Pretty much exhausted everything and just wondering if this is the end of line for us. I'm scared of ended up homeless and losing our pets, they are the only thing we have rn really the only thing that gets me out of bed everyday to take care of them and love them with what little I have left in me. Losing my boy after Christmas broke me completely and I just don't think next year or next decade is worth suffering through. I don't want to deal with more doctors that won't find anything because most of it is probably stress related and they can't do anything about that. I don't know if it's worth starting the classes I signed up for if we end up homeless and without a way for me to take my online classes. I just don't know. I'm scared and tired and can't continue living life this way. Every day feels like living hell. My body is absolutely useless and I hate it. I'm useless to everyone including myself and more of a burden than anything...this isn't living its just suffering.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am at a new year's eve party and I want to cry. : I am having a panic attack without any reason, I don't to be here anymore.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Death of my father : My father died in the beginning of December. While he was not a great father he was the only person I felt I could even talk to. I was extremely upset but later on found out that he apparently never told his own brother that we existed. Everyday I am either angry or upset. I feel so alone and being around my mother is worse who constantly talks over me or criticizes me. There is nothing positive in my life at the moment. The only thing that keeps me going is my dog or reading.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Empty and stuck in a loop every day : In any order, I watch youtube, then when I'm tired of it, I look at animes, then I need to look at some mangas. When I'm bored of watching things, I play video games. When I'm done with those things, I take a look at people's opinions in different posts like Reddit while listening to some dumb music that vibes with my nostalgic, mystic feelings. And the cycle continues. Rare occasions, I try to do something more meaningful like learning a language, or drawing, or learn the piano, or take a walk, or something. But it doesn't last, even if I want to. Somehow, I feel hatred to continue with this productive procedure. I don't find much pleasure in those things because I always have that feeling of emptiness. This emptiness or hopelessness makes me quit school, my job and some random activities. Anger, sadness, jealousy and emptiness became my being. But I still have my kind soul, I would like to think. I thought I could have become emotionally dead to counter my depressed state. But It didn't work. But it did help a little with my anxiety and to confront a situation. I guess, now I'll try to find a way to get this feeling of satisfaction to live through my life which I'm really disappointed with. These addictive habits to escape life don't work anymore. I feel like if I don't do something about it, my future is death by my own hands without hesitation. I'll try to once again to change my addictive habits and my hopeless point of view. I know it may take some years to do so, I even hope a few months can make me change drastically. But, I'll try... I'll try starting tomorrow... I hope tomorrow me helps himself and be consistent...","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It’s officially 2020 here. No one has wished me a happy new year. I’ve already cried once this year. : It’s 1:20AM. No one has wished me a happy new year yet. Not even my boyfriend, because we had an argument. So I spent the last hour crying. I feel like this is the year I die. Finally.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Marriage, dog, Police. : So, I’m turning 30 this year. I’m married, I’m a Police Officer and I have an awesome dog. I have a shit credit score and about £4000 of debt. My family live a good 2 hours away (UK, it’s a fair distance here for the Americans). But I’m not happy at all, most days I start at the bottom of the ladder and face an uphill fight to get to a feeling where my day has been simply ok. It’s been like this for years. Help me out reddit.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don’t want to die I just want to stop living. : Does that even make sense? God I hate my life.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Happy new year : Fuck 2019...2020 will be bettexaxaxaxaxaxa why do i even have to be happy because earth did a whole circle around sun nothing will cange fuck my life hope u all have a better year that me...not better like just the opposite mine will be miserable sad and useless i know it. happy new year,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I almost cried while my family was wishing each other a happy new year. : I just couldn’t stand up from the couch to hug them and say it as well. All I said was some sarcastic comment. My dad tried to pull me up from te couch and cheer me up but I just couldn’t do either of those things. I hate being like this and being an inconvenience to them. This year is going to be awful. I’m not made to live in our current society.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My dad got me bottle of Irish cream yesterday. I just downed a bunch. : I felt miserable and still do so I thought, hey, why not do what my dad always does and drown my sorrows with alcohol? He got me a bottle of Irish cream the other night just to be nice. I had mentioned wanting to make a recipe with it sometime so he got me some to try. But today I’m just feeling horrid. It’s gonna be a new year and I’m sure it’ll be just as worthless as this year. So I decided to down like half the bottle. It’s a small one, but I never drink, so a few minutes later I was feeling dizzy and still I am. I don’t even care. I would probably down the whole bottle if it wouldn’t make my dad suspicious. Cause you know he’s allowed to have bad habits but I’m not. Everyone is. On the bright side I’ll probably sleep well tonight.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Everybody has left me : I don't know why I am making this post. I guess I just kinda need to vent? I dunno. I just feel alone. Everyone has left me. It is basically the story of my life. I start to talk to someone. We talk often for a few weeks. Then they just disappear. They move away. I guess it is my fault that I am annoying. I just don't see a reason to fight with life anymore. No one cares. I think Imma just end it. I can't take going to school, not talking to anyone then coming back home, unmotivated to do anything, just watching pointless videos and daydreaming about stuff that's never going to happen. I miss the times when I told people that I had no friends, but I actually had people who cared about me. Now what I once said is actual reality. I miss being able to share my thoughts with someone. It somehow gave me the drive to battle the things life threw at me. I guess life just doesn't want me. I don't have much time left. I guess I will just try not to annoy people until it is time. Eh...","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Don’t know what to do : It’s New Year’s Eve, I want to kill myself and die. I don’t think life is worth living and I know my sister and family would eventually move on. Don’t know what to do but if feels better telling at least someone.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Lonely New Year : So I don't know if this belongs here but I just need to...write a little? This is the first new year I spent completely alone because I am home sick. I could have gone to a friend who was partying with a lot of strangers(to me), but without alcohol I can't even tolerate that for 30 minutes. So I am sitting at home, alone and I just feel empty again, like so often. It's like this physical black hole in my chest that sucks in all my energy. I have this very often, especially when I am not distracted by anything. In between the empty feeling turns into a wave of sadness and anger over being alone and nothing really mattering, before I just go empty again...It's exhausting, but I can't keeps me awake. 2020 is already starting out to be great. How are you guys dealing with that, because it's gnawing away at me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I hate my life, I wish I had never been born, it's been a week since I haven't given anyone any more news and nobody notices it or seems to give a damn, people use me and then leave, or leave without explaining themselves. : [removed]","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’ve started writing a book online about my suicidal feelings : I hope somebody reads it. So far nobody has. Though it’s not a topic everyone is gonna want to hear by any means. But I have to get it out somehow. I can’t keeps this to myself anymore. And I have nobody else to talk to. I can’t write in a diary cause I risk family finding it. Nobody I know truly understands what I’m going through. This is all I have. Please let somebody read my book and actually connect with it. Let me not be the only one who has the feelings. I had nothing else. The world could at least give me this. The “new year” could at least give me this. I need this.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Last year was the worst : I have been struggling with a divorce, not seeing my kids, house got foreclosed on on top of a huge pile of debt, and I'm in this hole that I cant seem to get out of. A few months back I almost shot myself, luckily my dog was there to comfort me. I drink myself to sleep almost every night now even though I tell myself I wont every morning. I have no motivation. Luckily I have a job I like but my home life sucks. I cant even seem to get the energy to watch tv or play video games anymore. I really hope this year will be better, I haven't lost all hope. I hope everyone's year here will be better. I really just wanted to get this off my chest a bit as I haven't ever really told anyone what's going on with me. Thanks for listening random internet strangers and I genuinely hope we all make this year better for ourselves than the last.","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "NYE : When I say it's just one more lap around the sun, I do this to minimise how I can't breathe when thinking about another year. When friends invite me out, I will say I'm busy, when I'm not and I actually would love to go out, but I end up isolating myself. I'll stay at home to feel safe, whilst having panic attacks and crying into my pillow. I'll plan all the things I can do and watch, when really it's background noise for the lonely and envious thoughts playing on loop while I stare at the ceiling. I'll send heartfelt wishes and motivational messages to all my loved ones, while thinking about how long it'll be until I finally kill myself this year. I don't want the people I love to know how I feel, because it'd just ruin their fun. I'm only in the business of self destruction.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've decided to be celibate and kill myself. : I don't want to live, I hate life, but I have dreams, pipe dream they might be, but fucking still. I'm about to turn 18 and my plan is to give life my best shot and try to live to the fullest until I'm 25, then I'll be hanging myself, its long enough to spare me of my suffering but also enough to experience life, if it truly does have something to offer. The reason for celibacy is fairly obvious, If I'll be dead by 25 so It would be cruel to fall in love and break a girl like that, I simply despise casual sex, so thats off the table as well. &#x200B; The thought of careers and retirement and all sorts of fucking stress is just lifted off my shoulders by this, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic so love would be nice, but not at the cost of someones mental health.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "“The best years of your life” : Cant shake the feeling that this new year signifies another year failing at school, working a shitty job that I hate to pay for it, having no friends and living at home with very indifferent parents. These are my 20s, the “best years of my life” and I’ve been closer now to killing myself this past tear than ever before. Earlier tonight I wished for the courage to kill myself before 2020 was over. If I were to tell this to anyone they would probably just tell me to “look on the bright side” and “make your life what you want it to be”, both phrases are completely unhelpful and seem to shift the blame on me for being unhappy. I just want to know how y’all plan to survive 2020? Honestly getting pretty used to the idea of riding out in a hearse before 2021.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." How do you get the courage to speak out : Just gone over 4 years of depression. I say that like I have been diagnosed but I am yet to go seek help. So I guess let me rephrase it as 4 years of an internal struggle. It’s started way back in late 2015 when I started to feel this kinda change in me like nothing or no one interested me anymore. I am aware I should seek the necessary help but my life is just a little too complicated for that. For starters there is my family I cannot begin to imagine how I would even start a conversation about this. Then there is my mum who is just my world. She is a deeply pious women and I recall a vivid conversation we had about mental illness and do you know what she told me she said there is no where in the holy book ( I won’t say which cause it’s not that important) that has anything on mental illness you tilt only 2 ways you’re crazy or you’re stressed. I remember feeling unsettled by this as I try to understand her but ultimately it broke my heart because I came to the realisation she could never understand the complexity of mental illness. So I stayed quite for years and I guess I have been staying quite ever since and buried it within me. But I am currently feeling the worst I have ever felt in my life and I don’t know I don’t want to feel alone anymore. Sorry for waffling but I wanted to ask how does someone blurt this out??,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Just came back from some really dark places and want to get a grasp on my life. I'm really nervous about seeing therapy and don't know where to start. : Christmas Eve/morning I laid awake trying to find a reason to be alive. I couldn't find a single reason and was incredibly scared. In that moment I decided I didn't want to be alive. So I went and had a cup of coffee at a Waffle House so that I wasn't alone. I don't think I would have done anything, but I was so scared I couldn't be alone with myself. I've talked to some friends about it and calmed down, but I think I finally need to stop putting off seeking help for my depression. I don't want to be in that place again. What is the process I need to take to get therapy. I want to be better.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Drinking alone on NYE : So I'm spending another NYE alone and holed up in my room. I decided to get drunk this year, though. I feel conflicted cause I feel horrible, but the alcohol is making me feel good. I don't usually drink so this is a new feeling. I think I'm understanding why people drink, and this might become a regular thing. Cheers to all of you drinking alone this ""wonderful"" holiday season. ps thank god for spellcheck","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I hate my life : It's 3 am and while everyone is out having fun I'm sitting here alone not being able to sleep and thinking about cutting myself. I have no friends and am not special in any way. I fucking hate my life,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's NYE and I was rushed home by my narcissistic mom. Sometimes I wish I really wasn't here : I felt so positice today. Looking forward to the new year. Now I'm on the toilet with anxiety and diarrhea because my mom causes me so much stress. I was hoping tonight would go well too. I went to my fiancees house to visit with his mom and dad for a few hours. I told my mom I would be home by 8. I talked to her on the phone while I was there and told her more like 730. Honestly I had forgotten about that and left at 8. Before I even got out of the cul-de-sac she's blasting my phone with a call, yelling at me, "" where are you it's after 8!"" While it is literally 8:03 mind you. When we get to my house I break down crying. She tells me the usual. I'm sorry, I love you, I didn't mean to make you cry."" I try to explain that just because you stab someone doesn't mean you want them dead. It's the same logic. She says then that what about the times when I do things to her and she has to accept my apologies? Like, I'm your fucking daughter, wtf. Anyway I'm just so fed up with everyone. I feel so depressed when I'm home. When I'm with my fiancee I feel better. And honestly, I feel like I have diarrhea from all this stress. Fuck this.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I just got let go from my job yesterday and I am so depressed right now. : Hey everyone. I’m pretty new to this community but from what I have read it seems really supportive. I was already kind of experiencing a depressive episode but this was just the cherry on top. I’m too depressed to cry if that’s even possible. Do you guys have any tips on how to feel better? I’ve been applying to new jobs all day. thanks in advance ❤️,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's an hour into the new year, new decade for me : And I already feel lost. Completely hopeless, and I'm wondering what baggage I've dragged from 2019 into 2020. Unwillingly and unexpectedly, and I've tried my best not to, but some things are just attached; a living part of you. A monster you wish didn't exist; feeding off solely you. A separate living entity that's attached itself like a conjoined twin. If you try to cut it off with expert help, - and even then its 50/50 - you'll bleed out an die very fucking quickly. Mental health help is either going to save me or confirm that everything is shot for everybody. Nothing ever gets better apart from those lucky few who get to hold a beacon of light for the blind unfortunate to follow. The year has already started with financial woes. Absolutely no security, and feeling emotionally rejected. Being an unpaid carer is a selfless thing - everybody tells me - but it's so worthwhile. Right? Managed to find £11 for a bottle of spirits to try and make me forget for the night, but instead I find myself simmering in a pot of self-loathing than not even alcohol can lessen. That £11 could have gone towards food and heating, you stupid fucking moron. I'm already done with 2020. Why do I continue to care in a world that doesn't care less about me. It's already proved it'll keep spinning without me. It feels like my true value to people would only be reached if I were dead. My brothers and family would only realise how much I actually do, if I were swimming at the bottom of the reservoir. Body full of alcohol, pockets full of stones. Once I stop being the umbrella that catches people's rainfall of shit, will I finally be liked and missed? Will they be sorry I spent christmas alone, barely able to afford heating? Will my brothers realise that while I sacrifice every passing chance of a better life, out of breadline Britain and the poverty we grew up in, they live a relatively easy life ignorong their dying, immobile, stroke-ridden mother? All the while, I have the pleasure of watching her slowly kill herself through mental health problems and physical health obstacles. I dont feel like I can do another decade of this. I cant do this anymore.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "2019 was my worst year with 2 depression crisis. I'm happy it ended but so afraid of what 2020 will bring. : This years was rough. It started on the NYE with my puppy almost dying from the fireworks. He literally shat all over myself. In may I had my first terrible depression and anxiety crisis and had to be away from my internship for 2 weeks. Then in June I went through the first real loss of my life. My dear uncle died from a heart attack al of sudden. Even though all of this, I got promoted on my job. It was a complicated time dealing with new responsibilities and grief. I fell on depression again and this time was worse I literally wanted to die. Even hurted myself. This made me get away from work again but now for 2 months. I had great support from family and the company I work for, but it was hard to get back on my feet again. During all of these I had to leave university for the year as I couldn't deal with the pression at the time. The thing is I study Industrial Engineer and I'm working as a Marketing E Commerce Analyst for I don't know if I want to keep with my engineering program, but I'm not that away from finishing it. Long story short, I'm lost and don't know what to expect from 2020. I'm just relieved 2019 ended, but I'm really afraid of what 2020 will bring.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm scared to vent. : I'm not saying this for upvotes. I'm so mad at everything and i'm so sad, and don't know who to tell. The closest thing i have for friends are some of my friends friends on a discord server, and they hardly like me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." My life gets worse every year : That’s what it feels like anyway....,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I drank with all my friends around for the new year and I started to be very sad and I spoiled my friends' party. Why when I depressed i am such an asshole? : [removed],"Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Just smile : I tried my best today , the whole family and friends were there . I tried . But I could fill my lips opening and start crying wanting to just end the moment . I cant feel happiness . There goes another year me not being myself , hiding who i am from everyone . My sister got her friends and went partying , i was keft behind asked by family "" why aren't you going with them "" . I got the car , i failed everything , from opening the lights to fucking turning the wheels . You know how you wish no one is alone tonight ? I really wish no one is alone every night . But we are , lots of us . Nothing new here , i cant get out of bed and blah blah blah . We know fucking piece of shit . Why the fuck i am important to me ?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This year was the worst : I have been struggling with a divorce, not seeing my kids, house got foreclosed on on top of a huge pile of debt, and I'm in this hole that I cant seem to get out of. A few months back I almost shot myself, luckily my dog was there to comfort me. I drink myself to sleep almost every night now even though I tell myself I wont every morning. I have no motivation. Luckily I have a job I like but my home life sucks. I cant even seem to get the energy to watch tv or play video games anymore. I really hope this year will be better, I haven't lost all hope. I hope everyone's year here will be better. I really just wanted to get this off my chest a bit as I haven't ever really told anyone what's going on with me. Thanks for listening random internet strangers and I genuinely hope we all make this year better for ourselves than the last.","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Everytime I post someone writes something negative to me : I just want to vent my fucking feelings okay. I feel like killing myself and no one fuckinf cares already and I get rude comments. Fuck those who leave rude comments on suicidal peoples posts,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Conflicted : I know that I should go out and be social and part of me wants to but I also have this overwhelming urge to be alone and do absolutely nothing not to mention my crippling anxiety. No matter how much I regret doing nothing the cycle continues.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I want to begin the long journey of breaking out of my depression. Any ideas on how to do this lads? : I’m tired of feeling this way and the start to a new decade is the perfect time to start the long process. Only problem is I don’t really know where to begin. Any ideas?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Why am I like this ? : There is a deep feeling of sadness that seems to possess my mind and body every now and again. I have this one vivid memory from when I was about 7 years old. I lived with both of my parent in an old apartment on the third floor. I sat on the arm rest of the couch in my living room and stared out the window at rickety old cars passing on the street, at the corner of my eye I spotted an old man smoking a cigarette. He had dirty grey jeans, a black shirt with holes, and shoulder length hair tucked into a winter hat. It had to have been about 80 degrees on a hot summer day. Thinking back on this he could have very well just been a hipster, but let’s just go with my 7 year old perspective and say he was indeed homeless. As I watched him slowly walk by I imagined myself leaving my body and seeing life through his eyes. The longer I stared the stronger it became, I imagined the feeling of every step he took on the hot cement and the smell of burning tobacco, I felt the confusion and desperation he must have felt every night while he searched for a safe place to sleep. I began to break down into tears and feel ashamed for having a place to sleep, and food in my refrigerator. I felt as though I didn’t deserve the things that I had because others were more deserving. I remember not eating for the rest of the day because I felt so guilty for just being alive, which is absolutely ridiculous at the age of SEVEN. I still have these feelings a few times a week, they’re so strong and take control of my mind. They make me feel weak and tired. I feel undeserving and invisible most days. I’ve given away money and belongings. I’ve even gone so far as to let people use me emotionally and sexually just to make them happy. This story escalated quickly. I don’t know what kind of response I’m looking for with this post, I’m more writing my thoughts out. Thanks for reading","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." When your poker face is so good even your own family doesn’t believe the extent of your depression lmao : Happy New Years and may it be my last,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Alone : All alone on New year's. My friends are out having a ball. I've pissed off the only friend who would've wanted to spend time with me. I'm alone. I have no one to talk to. Whats even the point anymore? I'm tired of being alone. This is what I deserve. My heart physically aches. I don't want to be alone. I hate myself.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Dental Care Tips? : So, I'm narcoleptic and depressed. These are my two biggest disorders so I have literally no energy to take care of myself most days. My teeth are kinda neglected at the moment but I am fortunate enough to have regular dental cleanings every six months like they recommend, but that's not enough in between appointments. I'm primarily concerned about my gum health and I believe my dentist is as well. Basically all I'm asking is how can I take extra care to make sure my teeth don't fall out when I'm thirty...? Anything and everything is appreciated.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’m not going to kill myself but... : I know I’m not making it in 2020. I can’t stop posting about my shit here. I’ve lost everyone who actually knew me. And I can’t stop being depressed. I can’t say I’m suicidal nor have suicidal thoughts because I don’t want to get sectioned. It’s unfortunate that I have to lie but I know my fate. Everyone is getting married, having kids, getting their careers, finding peace...I’m still not over my dads death. Nor the fact I got used, or the fact I was manipulated. But hey it was all me. I read the self help books and I know it’s my fault. Again I can’t kill myself but if i could, it would be for that reason. I’m not suicidal nor do I want to die, but I can’t get out of this downward spiral. I know there’s no hope no cure. Depression is situationally brought on. I wasn’t always this way but circumstances have brought me here. I’m not making sense since I’m just writing off the top of my head so I’ll stop now. I have tried to change based off of what my influencers tell me, off of what my therapist tells me, of what society tells me-and I’ve accepted I’m doomed.","Bias/Abuse, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Why the fuck am i said : Why the fuck am i sad I literally shouldnt have a reason to be sad. Im a spoiled little bitch thats way too oversensitive about everything. Im sitting here on new years eve, alone, on my bed crying my fucking eyes out for no reason at all Why cant i just be happy for once. Thats all i want.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "i know when i come down it will all hurt again : i can feel my chest is heavy, i can tell im supposed to be sad. i know my life means nothing to people around me but my high is keeping me happy. i wish i could be happy sober.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I’m in so much pain it feels like I’m chocking... : [removed],Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My family loves me, but I hate myself. : I have always been a smart, optimistic child. I was one of the best at my school. I always made everyone proud. But now, I just feel dumb. No matter how much I study, I only get C's and D's I am NOT happy with because I expected to get at least a B or something. My parents don't even believe that I studied for the tests I had E's in (in Germany the grades are from 1-6 instead of from A-F, but for some reason E doesn't exist, so with E I mean the grade 5) because they ""KNOW"" I can do much better since they know me from my childhood. But I have the feeling that part of me is dead. I am not the highly intelligent happy boy you could always count on, now I am just an irresponsible failure. I feel useless. I hate myself. I told my father I wanted to go to therapy after he asked me why I am doing so bad lately, I haven't told him anything about my self-hate. He said that they will always love and support me and that we will solve this problem together and hugged me. I started crying. I couldn't stop crying. I felt like the worst human on earth. I felt like I didn't deserve help or support after these things I've done, like forging my parents' signatures because I was too much of a coward to tell them about my bad grades. I felt like I didn't deserve having parents that love me. I felt like I didn't deserve to live a happy life. But I could also never commit suicide or anything because that would make everyone who, for a reason I don't understand, belives in me, like my friends, family, and even my doctor who told my parents: ""This kid of yours is going places! I am so excited to see what he will have achieved in 10 years!"" sad. I don't want them to be sad. That would just be egoistic of me. The therapist's appointment is on January 16th, but I can't sleep, it's 3:43AM for me right now, the New Year has already started and I had to write this now. I guess I just have to go through these two weeks. ""Good""night. ""Happy"" new year.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Leaving was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do. My parents really disagreed with me taking time off from school, so as fall came, they spent every day trying to get me to go see if I could come back in the spring, and to get a job. Now job has always been a scary word for me, because my only job I've had is teaching people how to hit things beautifully (Percussion Private Lessons). I had come so close to interviews in the past, but I could never get myself to leave as the day came. This lead to my parents becoming more and more frustrated, and the only person I could seek refuge with, was Sarah.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am just sick of this being my daily life. Between the derealization and the hypervigilance and paranoia even on good days I still don't feel like a person - and that's not even touching the flashbacks and nightmares. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't find a shrink who I trust or who seems equipped to help with the particular symptoms I have, and that seems like my only option. What do I do?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am quite introverted and the broken friendship I had with my previous roommate made me feel very anxious, so I moved into an apartment on my own. I love living alone, but when I have severe anxiety attacks it becomes lonely and almost unbearable. I sometimes think so much that it feels like I am going crazy. I have terrifying thoughts and I make up scenarios in which I have some terrible condition, or I am dying. My parents know that I have anxiety, but never took it too seriously.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I go from living happily, almost as if that part of my life didn't happen, to being floored by pain. I feel guilty to myself for how strong the reactions are so many years later. I feel guilty to my partner who has to deal with it even though he's not the one who caused me this hurt. He's been nothing short of wonderful, but I'm scared my past will end up driving him away. I certainly wish I could get away from me sometimes.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have reduced my drinking a ton since i started it and by the second week I could already feel a major improvement in my anxiety and mental clarity, but it may have been largely due to my reduction in alcohol. In the past three days I have felt myself beginning to spiral and today I am feeling very very dark, very disconnected. I am such a low dosage I am wondering if maybe it's just not working and what I thought was it working was actually just reducing the alcohol intake? Because now all I want to do is crawl into bed.. or drink.. fantasizing about self harm. I also feel like I'm just obsessed with feeling bad and I am doing this to myself.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am called back as a few secondary characters in a play with plenty leads and these character have one line each and sometimes no lines at all so I’m basically ensemble again. To top that off I got called back as the same four characters that like 13 girls are going to compete for and one of them is a new girl in school that this was her first audition. I’m a bit jealous and I know I shouldn’t be but I’m not jealous that the new girl got in, it’s a mix of jealousy and disappointment and dissatisfaction in myself. Plus these two guys that I might have a slight crush on are called back for main characters that kiss the leads in the play so I’m a bit mad about that too. Sorry for ranting so much and I might sound like a bitch but I just need some place to rant and this felt like the best place for it since I’m so stressed and mad at myself about this.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hey guys. This post is primarily obsession and compulsion orientated. I did want to post in the OCD sr but it’s pretty quiet in there. I’m a 19 year old male from the UK and in terms of my anxiety, this has truly been the worst year of my life. My most common obsession theme throughout my life has been to do with my health but for the last two years I have been dominated by intrusive thoughts about being a homosexual when I’m not and being a pedophile.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "If you don't, find one. It helps so much and may be the only way I have gotten this far. I think it is just so scary because there is nothing that feels like this isn't just how life is from now on. I feel like I fight every day just to be able to be this crappy shadow of the guy I used to be. I feel like there is nothing to look forward to, and all I have is just trying to fail at everything in the least humiliating way that I can.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I sent a respectful email to my primary psychiatrist explaining my thoughts on how it was inappropriate to have Paterno's picture prominently displayed. Am I fucked up in the head for thinking this wrong? In the past, I had a mild traumatic brain injury. Sometimes I over react. 24 hours post appointment, I'm still bitter about the Paterno pics.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I then joined a few suport groups online, but the same problem happened again. Why this is a problem, is because its my attack trigger, along with other things related to the event like seeing screens smoke, smelling it on people, and other such things. The traumatic event was when I was forced to take it by friends when I was severely ill and could have used a nine-one-one call instead. I did eventually get help, but not after having pot butter and a pipe shoved in my mouth. I wasn't in a good crowd back then.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Since then, I've been having major anxiety about my voice and have refused to speak to anyone because I am afraid that they will think I am a lying robot. If I sound this way when I'm feeling energetic and confident, how must I sound the rest of the time??? However, I know that I am going to have to speak again eventually because not only do I have a job interview AND a party on Tuesday BUT I also have to do most of the speaking for my boyfriend as he is not confident at all in his English. Have any of you ever been told you sound like a robot? How did you overcome it or how did you stop feeling anxious about this?","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This will probably end up being a rant. Whoever reads this, thank you. Trigger warning - sexual assault So I was 17 going to a summer camp out of state. This was my first time ever being away from my family for more than a day at a time.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My stress tolerance was already at a zero and I was contemplating suicide a lot, i didn’t want to see where that would lead me and I didn’t want to do that to my brothers. I was incredibly lucky and got referred to a good psychologist that I like. He’s helping me through the problems of getting rehabilitation welfare, which is a hassle because I constantly have to talk to new counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists which triggers breakdowns. I hate talking about myself to strangers, I’m not ashamed at all, I just hate having to share how I truly feel with strangers. It makes it so real.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "lost best friend of 12 years also i ""think"" i have some type of skin things weather it's mites or fleas or scabies or something idk i'm guessing scabbies and i've tried the remedy for it multiple times but it didn't cure it just kinda lessened the symptoms so w/e it is i have or if it's all in my head i have no idea also been getting alot of headaches but yeah and i'm completely confused and i have no idea what to do or anything i've been researching and trying to find stuff but google isn't that good apparently, i've found out about couchsurfers, dumpster divers, and stuff i just i don't know what to do i really just wish i could start over, or find some kinda self help group or facility. Some where that could help me out with life skills and with my confusion, depression etc again im just really confused and not sure what to do.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It’s almost a 50/50 mindset, because on one hand she wouldn’t ever wish to be thought of or treated in a horrid way, I have corrected it best I can, and she is the kind of person to forgive and forget. It’s hard. It’s real hard to decide what to do. So that’s why I’m here today people of Reddit. I realize this isn’t the most pressing, serious, or dramatic post on here, but I stick my hand out in the hopes you can give me some guidance, some past experience, wisdom, or advice on what I can do or try so that the “here and now” are in question, and not “then and there”, so that my confession can go along without regret.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don't know... I don't know what to do. I just want out of here. It's too hard. With this house and school work.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It is not like her - even when she was that age - to succumb to pressure like that. I'm trying really hard not to victim blame and immediately feel guilt when I think that way but, again, knowing my wife how I know her - as someone that's not afraid to call BS- it just makes it hard to conceive how she went along with it for so long, knowing that it made her uncomfortable, knowing that it was escalating, and then it was actual happening and her not saying no. I just can't believe these things happened on repeated occasions. I can absolutely see him pressuring her once, her not knowing how to respond when it happened, and then her saying ""This is BS, I'm out"" afterwards. But that she stuck around and let it happen multiple times just seems odd to me.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "3. Since we are both the only child, we both feel an equal responsibility to carry on our family lines, regardless of our own gender. What do you guys think would be an equitable solution to this problem? --- **tl;dr**: Girlfriend wants future children to have her last name, but I am not comfortable with that due to social conditioning and/or the backlash I would face from my own parents.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Its hard knowing that everyone around you doesn't have these issues, It's hard that it takes an extreme amount of work just to make a normal day in life go by smoothly(which it almost never does) At first I felt like I had a grasps on this whole PTSD thing because it made sense when I first got diagnosed but the longer it's been the harder this is to deal with. Do you know what it's like to constantly feel uncomfortable in your own skin but you can never turn it off? this is the answer I give when people ask me what's wrong, because there's always more than one thing going on at the same time. I find myself drinking more than i'd like to admit,I never drank before this, anything to take the edge off. I feel like I'm having to teach myself everything all over again, I don't even know how to formulate that into words.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Recently my anxiety has gotten really bad, possibly the worse it has ever been and I’ve been experiencing panic attacks, but I still can’t justify taking my medication because I feel like I deserve to suffer. I also struggle with the feeling like I’m making all this up and none of my problems exist which I know rationally cannot be true when I’ve struggled with this for most my life, however I still can’t shift it. I don’t know if this is part of my anxiety making me feel like this or whether it is another thing I’ve made myself believe. I guess I’m just looking for some advice and reassurance. I’m just really tired of feeling this way and constantly being in turmoil with my mind.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." He loves them and treats them like gold. I love the type of father he is but I hate the way he treats me. I have no one to open up to or go to if I even tried to leave him. I’m tired of him abusing me mentally and physically me. He has cheated on me several times and each time it knocks my self esteem Lower and lower.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." But part of me fears that coming back out there I'll find a suicide. He's talked about it a lot and has plenty of guns. I had to take his Kimber .45 Raptor and Kimber .380 yesterday so I didn't have to worry about him shooting the dog. But they were just left o the counter cause I'm no thief. I just... Don't know what to do y'all....,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But this time if she ordered me a shot, I gave it away. I'm one of the only friends left who will go out to eat or drink with her, and I don't want to do it anymore. I feel I am enabling her diseases and I feel extremely guilty. She is worrisomely thin, and I don't think she'll live another 5 years. I honestly think the only calories she retains are from alcohol.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Not sure why but I’m really off today. I can’t stop feeling like a screw up even though I’ve really done nothing wrong today. I feel like it might have been triggered by seeing an old family friend who asked how my abuser was or because I am having an injury flare up after doing really well. I just feel useless and unlovable. I have convinced myself even my husband doesn’t like me.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I’ve been trying not to get triggered or stamping on the instincts to just leave the place and be silent. Even with that, I couldn’t even really keep a hold and have had hard days where I just wanted to stay isolated from the world and disappear in my mind and try to heal myself and it isn’t working. I struggle to sleep sometimes and I do struggle with self worth, being comfortable with myself because I just don’t see myself as someone who’s important to other ppl. I'm really unsure how to deal with it. Also, I'm not sure if I should tell anyone because that couldn't have happened right and it could not have been that bad?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't take much more. I hate being unworthy of the truth and feeling like I'm crazy for thinking this. This feels like my entire life, with everyone I've ever expected to love and care for me. I'm fucking over it. TL;DR I know my boyfriend is probably on drugs, or at least was actively using for some period of time recently, and you will probably agree with me if you read the evidence.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like a complete and utter fuck up. And it just fucking hurts. I’m filled with what if’s. “What if you didn’t ever use pot and was that what made you feel physically ill?” “What if it wasn’t that, but just high anxiety?” “What if I pushed through and got the job and things turned out well? How happy would you be compared to where you are now?” (I should mention I am not at a great place in my life right now in many ways, including employment).","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've put him up in a motel for a few days, bought him a bike, and gave him some money, but I know I can't afford to have him stay at a motel forever (or even support him like that! ), the money will run out, and I just feel sick/stressed/sad because I don't even know what to do at this point or how to help anymore than what I've already done. I work full time and have to suppport myself and I live at home with my mother and she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. He needs help and I just don't what else I can do. Any advice or resources would be much appreciated!","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I, too, am loyal to her. My insecurity came out pretty early in our relationship. I was still getting to know her and there was a lot to figure out. It's normal to be insecure in a new relationship, but the problem is that I can't stop being insecure. I feel like my insecurities spiraled out of control and now she is thinking of leaving me.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been trying to remain hopeful that these symptoms won't really start improving until 6-8 weeks like the first time I took it to relieve depression. It doesn't help that after looking up SSRI withdrawal online, I've read reinstating might not work the longer I'm off it and it's recommended to take a very low dose in order to alleviate symptoms. This is leaving me worried since I've stopped for a month and took a higher dosage than I last left off. It doesn't say what happens if I happen to take a high dosage, so I'm worried I'm making things worse by continuing with this high dosage and I have no idea what to do right now. I feel very messed up and I'm scared these withdrawal symptoms will never go away or may become permanent.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Today was a really bad day. I had no energy and I cried and I thought about suicide all day. I'm afraid things will never change for me. I'm not strong enough to change things for myself and I have no help. What can I do?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I especially appreciate stories of similar experiences and such. I hope everyone's have a nice day. TL;DR: I ended up with anxiety due to relationship and health anxiety and now I can't stop thinking about how I might some terminal illness (cancer) just because I feel some weird tingling or pain in an area I didn't before. Or even a cough can freak me out a little. If you also/used to suffer from this how do/did you deal with it?,"Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Last week I posted about having to travel to Melbourne with my Sister who is a really nasty person, well it ended up being exactly what I feared, she was just plain nasty to me the entire 3 days. From the moment we arrived at out rented apartment, she would just do nothing but complain about me, saying that I'm so ""over dramatic"" and that ""I'm just anxious for attention"".......I mean really? I never wanted to be like this, and she has the way of making me feel like I'm a bad and worthless person. Now I will admit she has issues of her own, she has been pregnant so I can excuse her for that, but she has been like this for a few years now, I remember how I was anxious about my elbow swelling up and she said it was ""nothing"" and it turned out to be cellulitis. Ever since I came back from Melbourne, I've just been overthinking things, and when I do, it flares the anxiety right up.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Havnt had one in years. After it was done i couldnt stop thinking about what if it was actually a brain tumor. What if im going to die a slow and painful death? In reality migraines plague my mothers side of the family, both her and my brother get them here and there. But anxiety doesn't listen to logic.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." my gf dumped me and was honest .. you are the sweetest guy and made me feel like angel but sorry i can’t handle you scar and it embarrasses me in public and her friends made fun of her for being in a relationship with a scarface . i always hate my life because of this scar ... im tired and always stay at home to avoide people there just no solution for it and i don’t blame my ex she was crying when she told me the truth ... the real problem is people judment im a very nice person and people just think im a bad guys who got this scar from a fight TlDR ; Got dumped because of a scar on my face and i don’t think there would be any girl who loves me and accept me .. is there any girl on earth would accept to be in a relation ship with someone who looks like a criminal? ..i don’t know why im writing this post just want to let it out .. Thank you,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I did a few EMDR sessions, had great success, but also don't want to go through that again as I became severely depressed in the days following sessions. Anyone else sharing this feeling?? Like maybe sometimes its better/easier to not go to therapy and revisit everything and try to get ahold of it yourself? I definitely do have a skill set learned from my time in therapy that I feel I can rely on right now, but if I get worse I am not sure if just that is enough...though hopeful I will not get worse. Would appreciate your feedback whether you also share these feelings, or if you think it is better to return to therapy.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am constantly being controlled by my abuser in having to fight his continued harassment in court, or I am controlled by my emotionally abusive husband who I can't leave because I have no money and we have kids together. I am starting to become seriously suicidal. Last year, on my birthday, I made a serious and almost successful attempt on my life because of PTSD triggers that weren't even as bad as these. My birthday is coming up again in February. I don't know what to do.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I tried multiple times to get him to join in on the fun but my attempts unintentionally put him on the spot and had the reverse effect. Truthfully, I got distracted after a while trying to get lucky. I feel guilty because I don't know how to help him in those situations. What if anything can I do to help him come out of his shell? Should I just let him be?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Tomorrow afternoon my four children and I are leaving my husband. After years of emotional neglected, financial control and recently added physical abuse towards my youngest. I'm scared that even after our planning we will be turned away from the refuge and have to use the little amount savings to rent a cabin. I'm scared that I'm making the wrong descion. Even though my 3 older children have developed mental illness over the past year.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Just looking acidentaly at news or pictures of weed in the web (specially while working) triggered this super anxious and horrible feeling. I would take around an hour or two to recover of this feeling. To this day I still suffer with this. When, at work, I will have an important meeting, I am praying that when I am in the computer, no article about marijuana or weed suddenly appears in the newsfeed...Can you imagine this? This is completly irrational.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Only self-diagnosed as OCD until my eventual downfall. A series of events in late 2016 led me into an intense, insidious cycle of anxious rumination and fear. DPDR arose from this maelstrom of angst, something who's existence I was completely unaware of, particularly as to being related to anxiety. My perceptual world changed, my reality became crisp, shiny, radiant yet also incredibly surreal. And there I was, thrust into the middle of a world so overwhelmingly vivid that I yet felt so overwhelmingly absent from.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm aware I have problems when it comes to dating, I get jealous, paranoid and suspicious very easily. I hate it about myself and hide it from my boyfriend very well. Take for example my bf, we have each other on snapchat, we maybe send one or two to each other a day it's not like a thing we do but it could be, I tried to send him more but it wasn't reciprocated. Yet I always see his snapchat score go up by like 30 or more at a time (I know I shouldn't snoop it just feeds my problems but I can't help it). Anyway I just get jealous that he snaps loads to other people but not me, I don't know who.. it could be another girl.. he never sends a face pic to me but is he to others and if so why not me?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Things my boyfriend does make me feel bad sometimes (for no reason actually), like when he doesn´t text me back for a few hours ( because he´s really busy with work but he texts me back whenever he can, I know it ) and I start having weird thoughts, like ""Is he already tired or bored of me? Is this just another guy who made me fall in love with him and think that he loves me and cares about me, and he actually doesn´t give a damn about me?"" I don´t want to have these thoughts, so I try to stop myself from thinking about that all, but sometimes I just can´t stop and I feel too bad ( for no real reason actually because I honestly feel like he loves me a lot. ). I feel like a bad anxiety attack is coming, and I can´t stop it.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I would rather kill myself than hurt other people so why the fuck did that even occur to me? My therapist told me I'm meant to be alive and hugged me and I don't even know why because how could I be meant to be alive if I have thoughts like this? What's the point? It honestly feels like depression or ptsd or whatever this is has stripped me of normal human emotions and humanity and I'm just like this vacuum moving around undetected that people, like my therapist, fail to see is awful and unlovable and unfixable. I don't feel anything in conversations, I have trouble with empathy sometimes.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It did take a long time after we got together to believe he wouldn't, but now I actually believe he'd lay down his life to protect me. And I don't think I deserve that. I'm just so sad and filled with so much self-loathing today. The memories literally make me sick, make me vomit, which I don't need to be doing right now after a major surgery. I just want to erase it all.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Kind of starting to worry that I’m doing something really wrong. Now I’m wondering if I should even attempt talking to him anymore or if I should just block him and move on. What would you do in this situation? --- **tl;dr**: I think I’m getting ghosted by the guy I like and now idk what to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "In the dream, he kept telling me to do it as he cut himself deeper and deeper in his arm. Then he said I’m gonna do it, all because of you too. You deserve to die, then at the end of the dream he kept holding me down to put a knife against my throat and said this is how it ends, just do it yourself.” I am also looking into talking to someone I can somewhat relate to on this, talking to your friends about this typically doesn’t help me. Thank you for listening.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I need information. As emotional as I am right now, I know I'm not thinking straight and am probably missing something as I research on my own. Any advice, any info, any resource, or organizations that I can apply to to help pay for this is greatly appreciated. I'm in Kansas if that helps... Thank you.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "They discharged me. I told a nurse at a health clinic though, where I got sutured, that I just can't deal with the PTSD anymore, and I feel awful on this injection of flupentixol. I'm suicidal. I'm suicidal, and I keep thinking I should just go through with it this time. But this is a cry for help: what should I do?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been in therapy (and will go back soon now) but I've never had to practice harm reduction around self harm--I need practical advice. I know that because I've never felt so out of control than last night when I was hitting myself. TL;DR I got drunk last night, destroyed my room, and hit myself on the head hard enough to give myself welts for the first time in my adult life. I need advice on not doing this self harm crap.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." All I can do is think about how bad finals are going to be. I hate it so much. I'm going to be so tired. I'm going to fail. My grades are so low I have to do great to keep them above passing.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I didn't want any of this.. I literally had NO CHOICE in ANY of this!!! If I didn't have kids I would not be here, 100%. I pray every night that I would just die in my sleep... then LOL no sleep, no death, just lots of screaming in my head and ruminating anxious thoughts, bad memories on top of bad memories. THIS is hell.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Went to my first survivors of incest mtg yesterday. Sexually abused between 4/5-8/9. Have been crying for the last 3 hours and can’t think of anything else except how lonely and how much of a failure I’ve become. I’ve been in therapy since 19 but hadn’t disclosed to ANYONE about the sexual abuse by my two brothers. Then I was forced to disclose to my therapist the truth about the abuse when one of the brothers reached out to me one random day saying he wanted to perform sexual acts on me.,"Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Sure enough she always sends us home. Every Wednesday I feel intense dread. I'm afraid to go into work the next day. A few of u may remember but just about a week ago I contemplated suicide. I always have anxiety and sadness.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi. So, my husband is emotionally and mentally abusive. I've tried to leave several times but he threatens to kill himself if I do, by crashing his car or running into traffic. However, I have nowhere to go even if I do. My family dosent want/can't afford to have me live with them again.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "One instance was last year when I graduated from college. There was something in me that couldnt believe and accept that I’m finally done with college. Fast forward to today, next week will mark my 1st year anniversary at work. Part of me wants to enjoy it with my parents, co-workers, and friends but another part of me wants to just forget about it and spend it as an ordinary day. Anything I should do?",Life Transitions,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Except now, the boyfriend's taken up drinking as he did before and has fallen back into his verbal and physically abusive habits. I'm not willing to take this anymore and I honestly fear for my safety when he has these psychotic mood swings. I have nowhere to go, though. No family or friends in this area and honestly, the area my family does live in was a ""living with druggies"" situation I do not want to be forced back into. I don't know what to do.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I do not want to hurt anybody. The therapist says it is self punishment, that I want these people to tell me what a piece of shit I am to verify what I already believe. But I never ever think of it like that at the time. I feel better if they are kind, and ambivalent or a tiny bit worse if they are cold and clinical. If it is unconscious, well I am getting sick of that idea.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "To make a long story short I suffer from anxiety, depression and PTSD due to past abuse since I was pretty young and recently had to move back home due to a traumatic event/mental health making it hard for me to survive on my own. This has made it very hard for me to be able to work/make money and support myself so my mother (being the kind woman she is) has helped out in feeding me but we're both low on food now and I feel horribly guilty and responsible. I'm trying every option I have out of desperation (this and a few other subreddits) and in the process of applying for assistance. Until then things are gonna be rough. If anyone can help out in ANY way I will really appreciate it.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." She thinks instead I should ask if I can read him how it has impacted me since this has happened. I don't know what to do. It's coming up so quickly and I'm feeling a twinge of anxiety as it gets closer. I keep telling myself I did everything I possibly could and that I should do what feels right to me even if it means I may feel like I'm going backwards at times. I also have to make a decision on if I want a permanent restraining order or a non violent contact order.,"Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like one of my worst symptoms is nightmares. Not because they are overly terrifying, I don't wake up covered in sweat or out of breath. I just wake up feeling mentally and to a lesser degree physically exhausted. It just ruins my mood for the day and feels so hard to snap out of. I mostly just dream of killing my family and friends, or other random people, or people killing me or people dying.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." The welfare office foe my county is too far and i can't get there without transportation to ask for help. I don't have any friends or family that can or are willing to take my cat and I. And i cannot get rid of my cat because he is my ESA and the only thing keeping me sane at this point. What do i do when i feel like i don't have any other options. Even though this is my fault because i'm an idiot.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And it may be a bit out of context, but I do have to thank my 4 best men for being here with me all the way, I couldn’t do this without them. Finally, we are here at the present day. It’s been 2 years since we broke up. My ex still hates me with a burning passion, but I have learned to ignore it and have mostly moved on from the experience. I don’t hold any sort of animosity towards her, but I have had the tendency to start to drift off and start pitying myself and reflecting out loud a bit too much when in conversation with my dear friend.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Etc etc etc. "". My brain takes this one little choice -should I go back in the water- and blows it up so big that I spend 20 minutes trying to figure out what I should do, and I end up frozen unable to make ANY decision. Does this happen to anyone else? How do you deal with this?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My coworkers began noticing that was no longer their happy-go-lucky little teen, but a quiet and distanced serial-killer-faced old woman. I had become less focused and very accident-prone. I was losing my grip and they became increasingly worried about me. They automatically assumed that it had something to do with M; when I didn’t respond to them or look at them, their suspicions were confirmed. They told me that I should leave him, but said nothing and never took that advice.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I won't go into too much detail but what stems off of that is thoughts of being and feeling worthless like I'm not good enough for anyone and that I'm undeserving of the good things given to me but then another thought stems off of that one which would be something along the lines of me thinking how stupid I was acting and then another thought after that and so on. Another little thing I'd like to add is that that I seriously struggle seeing my own self worth and how much I mean to my friends and family (who are all amazing by the way I love them all so much). Eventually on fairly rare occasions those thoughts tend to lead to depression, paranoia that people around me hate me and don't want anything to do with me, dissociation with reality and then finally the rock bottom of that would be thoughts of suicide (though I've never acted out on these thoughts or would ever want to) and the occasional anxiety attack where I feel nauseous, my heart beats really fast, my limbs feel like jelly, heavy breathing, I feel panicked and I just want to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Other than that though I'm quite optimistic and I tend to be a genuinely upbeat and happy person! I'm seeing someone about these problems but I just thought I'd ask if anyone has any extra advice they could give if things start to get a bit out of control.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been trying to act like nothing happened but I can't stop thinking about all this. I feel weird that i'm even thinking about it so much. I should just brush it off. Everyone keeps telling me I should go for it. Even my guy friends, which I assumed would agree with me feeling gross about all this.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I literally felt her lose interest in talking to me as I said that. She asked me some basic questions and then suggested that I go into walk-in counseling that my school offers because she doesn't want to waste MY time being there. I told her that it wasnt a waste of my time and that I'm here because I want to get better. This was only my second time meeting her and we never delved into any of the main issues that I was facing but she brushed me off so quickly all because I wasn't sobbing my eyes out or felf like committing suicide. She acknowledged the fact that I wanted to stay and talk about other things in therapy but she proceeding to rush me out.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I dont know what to do to be liked again, i guess it would be different if she had hated me from the beginning but that just isnt the case. She also hates my boyfriend and doesnt allow him anywhere near her house. I cant move because the rent is only $500 and I cant afford anything else, and yes, I do have a job. I've even asked her why she thinks I'm so stupid and she said ""because nobody taught you these things"" so I guess shes helping, it's just hard to know that I'm a failure. I try to meditate and to think very very very deep before I say anything, like to try and think of every outcome and if it might make her hate me more then I shouldnt say it.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was so desperate that I tried asking some of my family members for help. My mom doesn't given shit, recently leased a new truck. My brother is such an ass hole. My aunt (who recently bought a vacation home in Houston) told me ""Maybe you can talk it out with your parents, take care we're going to Europe."" ALL I DESIRE IS A QUICK AND PAINLESS WAY OUT.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." i have been so depressed these past couple weeks ever since i got back from vacation normal life and reality has hit me and its terrible. im 19 i havent moved out yet i dont really have a sufficient job i have one but its not enough money for me to support myself. at least i have a car and im taking online classes so. i feel stuck in this stupid fucking town. empty and alone man i just want someone to love me dude but im ugly and fat and worthless and no one is ever going to see im worth the chance. its just one thing after another to worry about. why not end it now before i really fuck up and become miserable? i dont see the point in going on im just really down right now i dont know what to do )): all there is darkness idk how to get out of this hole i hate myself i hate my body i hate my life i dont think it will ever get better,"Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi..I don't know where else to go. I am devastated right now, feeling like I'm spiraling out of control, I feel so fucking numb from crying my lungs out. Even my best friend is no longer supportive, my family, parents at home are shit. I have no real friends who care, and I can't be bothered to do anything right now, I just want to sleep without waking up to see another morning. I feel so fucking pathetic and shit, I cut myself regularly now and I'm having so much fucking self pity, I'm pretending to be normal because I don't want to lose my best friend, the only person who has helped me come this far from previous suicidal attempts. But suppressing it makes it so much fucking worse I feel like nobody fucking cares, no matter how many times I shout for help. No one close to me cares. I don't know what to do. I'm leaning towards paracetamol poisoning all over again, if I die I die, If I don't I try a different method. I just feel like absolute shit, jobless. I regret everything in my life, every fucking thing, I don't know who to trust anymore, I don't even have a fucking shoulder to lean on while crying my lungs out. Im in a LDR, from past 6 months, (not prior to that) as she's studying overseas, I can't even fucking have her hold me in her arms when I'm feeling like shit. She is the best and supportive, and my best friend but I can't hurt her by harming myself so It's a fucking struggle. I just feel so enraged and angry at everything..I can't fucking find a job due to covid-19. Sometimes it feels like If I had some money to get myself kicked off I can go near her and find a job and at least stay sane. But right now it all seems so fucking impossible I feel like I'm such a fucking mess and I just wish to fucking die right now, I feel so much burden when I inhale, I just want to die. I got no where else to go. I am planning on consuming meds tonight I just can't do it anymore.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I wish I was prettier. I wish I didn't feel like a burden, I wish I wasn't so broken. I wish I was more charismatic and not weird around strangers and I wish I wasn't so nice. I wish I didn't feel like I'm a loser with a pathetic, boring life. I wish I wasn't so hard to make friends with and I just wish I was different.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This is a weird question, but is there someplace I can call and talk to someone before I go? I don't want to be talked out of it. I just want one last, good conversation.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm just venting into the void because I feel bad for constantly annoying my friends but I has an epiphany 20 minutes ago that like...yeah I'm absolutely going to die single and unloved. I have friends and family but literally no one wants me romantically. All I attract are toxic folks that just suck the energy out of me. I just had to cut things off with this guy I was really into because I realized he just used me and didn't care about me but now I'm like maybe I should just stick with him but at least I can pretend he cares about me. Or at least wants to fuck me. That's probably the best I can get. I'm never going to have a healthy romantic relationship and I'm gonna learn to accept that but for tonight...I cry. I'm just too ugly. Not interesting enough. Not funny enough. Not thin enough. My ass isn't fat enough. Waist aint small enough. Not smart enough. But hey in a few years I'll have a kid on my own and I'll pour all the love I never had into the lil human so they don't end up like me. Broken and unlovable. I'm spiraling.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hey guys. Last week, i went through the roughest day that ocd has ever thrown at me, which pushed me to finally tell my mom that I was going through severe anxiety (OCD) and I didn't know what to do anymore. I can't walk down the street without worrying about whether or not I knocked someone over without realizing it, or bumped someone into the road without realizing it, or worrying about a rabid animal biting me without realizing it and dying from rabies, or worrying about stepping on a needle infected with HIV, or worrying about a homeless person infecting me with HIV/something worse without me realizing it. I can't drive without worrying about whether I hit a pedestrian without realizing it on that right turn, or that left turn, or if that green light was really green or did I just run a red light and run over a pedestrian crossing without realizing it? I can't get near moving water without worrying about the brain eating amoeba. If I get splashed in the face, Ill freak out internally for the rest of the day. I can't eat food without worrying about it being poisoned or worrying about tapeworms. I can't have a basic conversation without worrying about whether something I say will come back to haunt me I KNOW these things are stupid and will probably never happen, but my brain keeps on throwing me the “what if?” and I won't be able to move on. I'll even get physically affected by my anxiety- my eyes will burn and it will get harder to breathe Anyway, my mom set up an appointment for a psychiatrist (I'm 18 and I'm still not smart enough/have enough money to set one up myself, I feel worthless already, pls don't remind me) and I went there today. The guy seemed like a good guy and everything, and made me sign paperwork as I was talking to him and everything, and everything was cool. On the way out, my mom asked the guy how much the bill would be, and he said it would be around 300 dollars for the first visit and around 150 for every visit after that. I've been so upset ever since. I feel so bad. I told my mom I didn't feel good going to a psychiatrist if it would be that expensive, but she's super super supportive and insists on me getting help (she goes through anxiety too, to a lesser extent). Then, my brain got the idea that what if the papers the guy made me sign was really a contract that would come back to haunt me later (ex-what if I signed away part of my future income,etc.) it sounds so stupid and it is. My brain just sees everything as a threat and is stuck in a perpetual fight or flight mode Anyway, I don't know what to do. I feel Iike for the past eight months I've just been a drain on my parents and everyone around me. All I am is a burden that can't even make myself happy. I feel like if I don't go to anymore appointments with this psychiatrist, I'll have thrown away 300 bucks of my mom's money for no reason, but if I do go to another appointment with him, I'll cost her 150 a pop. I feel like I'm taking advantage of people and I feel like I'm too stupid to get my act together. I just want to be able to be happy again and have peace of mind. I've watched myself literally go nuts and I don't know what to do anymore. To add to it, this is all in my head. I can't even tell reality from obsession anymore. This whole battle that I've fought for the last eight months is all in my head. I'm not doing anything productive by fighting OCD. I'm just wasting my time and I feel like ocd is just my excuse for being worthless. I just feel so hopeless and guilty.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't know when I will pass. I don't know how many people will know or care. I only want this to say to my parents and siblings and all relatives: I'm sorry. I'm greatly sorry. I will miss you all. But, I cannot continue the journey. I wasn't blessed with looks, brains, talents, or really anything. My passions fizzle out and every ounce of optimism is but a coping tool for misery. I cannot continue down this road. All of those who pass me by, I know I wasn't worth your time, but just know how blessed you are. With looks, brains, talents. Deep down maybe it is just a series of self inflicted devilish mistakes in manipulation and childhood traumas of sexual and psychological bias. I blame myself wholeheartedly for all my actions and I blame myself for the actions made against me. I am a wretch. I am terrible. The only thing I can die with is hoping to meet a loving God. Or perhaps that I was a lonely god. One who created a world from loneliness. One who dreamt it all up. But, with all the suffering and pain and lost desires, God may have forsaken me. And if this is just a Dream then i made one terrible dream. I don't really want to die. But I need to. It's time I must be going. Mom, everytime you see anything that reminds you of me. Know that I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. With love, Another",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Been fighting with depression for a couple of years now and it has been an uphill battle. Just talked to my doctor yesterday and got diagnosed with bipolar on top of my PTSD from the military. I'm so scared and feel like I have no one to talk to about it. I'm afraid of reaching out to friends out of fear of them leaving me. I only have my brother and I'm scared of how he's going to react since our mother had bipolar as well and ended up committing suicide when I was 15 and he was 18. I just want to be normal and be able to talk about this with someone. Anyone that knows what I'm going through or would like to reach out is appreciated.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Been fighting with depression for a couple of years now and it has been an uphill battle. Just talked to my doctor yesterday and got diagnosed with bipolar on top of my PTSD from the military. I'm so scared and feel like I have no one to talk to about it. I'm afraid of reaching out to friends out of fear of them leaving me. I only have my brother and I'm scared of how he's going to react since our mother had bipolar as well and ended up committing suicide when I was 15 and he was 18. I just want to be normal and be able to talk about this with someone. Anyone that knows what I'm going through or would like to reach out is appreciated.,"Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have no one to talk to. I am 30 years old. I had a girlfrend. We were together for 8 years. We were talking about getting merried, move together. But last week she said she is leaving me. I am broken. Now I do not know how to move on. I realised that i do not have friends, have to live with my parents, have a job which I hate. Why should I live. When i wake up in the morning my first taught is to kill myself. I was thinkig abot killing myself before. But now i am serious about suicide. I will just go and buy a rope and hang myself. Who would miss me? Nobody. It would be better for everyone if i was death. I see a lot of people with perfect lives. Why i can not be like them. I do not know what to do.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Today's the day to get out of bed! Get off that couch, or get the hell out of that chair, y'all. Start by sitting up wherever you are right this second. Right now, I want you to take a deep breath in through your nose, and slowly breathe it out through your mouth. Take another deep breath in, this time focus on the roof of your mouth and your tongue; relax those muscles, let your tongue fall away from the roof of your mouth, and breathe all the way out. Repeat this breathing technique, focusing further on your lungs and your rib cage. Feel each breath slowly touching your nostrils, pulling downward into your chest, filling your lungs. Consider your posture now, letting your shoulders roll back and your neck pull up as your lungs fill with fresh air. Your body is likely sore from sleeping too much, or not enough, and I know that story all too well. You're alive today, and I challenge you to stand up, stretch the body your mind has been neglecting, and get into the shower. Practice the breathing technique in the shower or a hot bath, being mindful of how your body feels. Listen to it when it speaks today. You've got this!",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I used to be perfectly normal and then Physics hit me. I am constantly flunking tests and even when I'm relaxing or watching tv I either feel ok or literally want to vanish and hang my self. I get a lot of mood swings going from neutral, happy, sad with neutral and super sad everyday. I always hold a happy face literally acting ok and happy and I can't take it. No one really cares about me anyway and it feels unbearable or I'm quite happy. It's been 2 years of this and I'm seriously might end it but subconsciously I feel like if I tell someone it is making me seem like a wimp for not being able to do it and dishonours real depressed people. But the only thing that keeps me going is setting goals like I want to be a programmer or play video games or my brother.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've bought this all on myself. I have a porn and sex addiction that has lead me to chest on my girlfriend. We have decided to try and make it work but I can't stop the thoughts of regret and hatred to myself. I feel like the only thing that would help me and my girlfriend move on would be me out if the situation. I don't think I could physically go through with it but the thoughts are always there. Not really looking for advice but happy to hear anything anyone has to say it's just been a help writing this down","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't anymore, I've tried for about 5 year now. All I got was kicks and punches from life. I fail daily tasks and cannot control myself. I hurt my surrounding and hate myself the most. I am suffering so much, yet I can't bring myself over to pull the trigger or cut with the knife. I've been going to therapy for a while but there's nothing changed, no help either. I'm thinking about taking an overdose of meds, but I don't know if it will work. If not I cannot live with the afterwards consequences I have to face. I cannot bear to live another single day either. I am just so done. If anyone I know sees this, thanks for nothing. Thanks for thinking you're trying, yet you just secretly watched me slowly dying. I hope humanity gets eradicated within the next decades.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel sick whenever someone praises me, or says anything optimistic directed towards me. It feels disgusting, as if they're lying to my face. My mind tells me they have to be lying. They *have* to, else everything I've established in my head about myself is destroyed. Can anyone relate?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When I'm asleep I can't feel like I'm drowning like I constantly feel I am. I feel so empty and lost on a daily basis and just hide behind a fake smile. I don't have the drive anymore. I feel so alone in this world. Don't have anyone to talk to or anything.. I've asked my “friends” if they wanted to go to six flags cause I have a season pass and can get people in super cheap Or free and they all just dust me off. It's sucks.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was gonna drink some laundry detergent on the 5th of last month. So, I went to do the deed, and we were OUT. I was enraged. Now that I'm looking back on it, it might be a sign to keep living, but I really doubt that. I just wanna die, I can't even do that.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Okay, here it goes. I don't really care if this isn't a throwaway account, it's whatever. During the beginning of my teenage years, (13) I didn't care about anything, how i looked, or anything of that sort. Looking in mirrors was fine, and life was good. When i hit 14 i sent a really horrible selfie of myself to a group of online friends, was bullied really bad for it, and so on. From then on i've been incredibly alert of myself, if you know what i mean. I stayed with this friend group because they were the only people i knew and could talk to, my parents hated me for being gay, and my brothers only took in their footsteps. After this, i just completely broke down, got so insecure that i wore a jacket for a year because i was so scared of anyone seeing me. That ended when i was 14. I stopped because i just decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and that i was the only problem in that situation. Since then, it's only gotten worse. I now spend all time i can get in my room, under a blanket, won't call anyone because i don't want anyone to hear how bad i sound, don't let anyone see me because of how bad i look, etc. I've attempted suicide once, and that one time my dad walked in on me trying to hang myself. I've given it lots of thought since then, and honestly, every day it feels like a better option. I don't know why i'm posting this, something in me told me to post this here. Hope everyone reading this has a fantastic day, though.","Bias/Abuse, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My brother is married, they're expecting a baby, and now it's as if my parents have written me off altogether. My dad visited recently, he stayed with my brother, and I went to visit them everyday. But I knew my dad wouldn't have missed me if I wasn't there. Even before he left he said to my brother and sister in law that it was great seeing them both. He then remembered I was there too and quickly said ""you three"". I've always known I'm the least favourite. The dispensible one. But to see that my dad actually might prefer my sister in law. I understand. I love her too. I suppose I failed at life and this is its way of pushing me out?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My life is probably the worst it's been in awhile. My parents basically tortured me as a child and now it's gotten to the point I don't talk to anyone. Not once. I used to be somewhat popular and have a lot of friends. Now since I've been here having suicidal thoughts and attempts, I pushed everyone away making me feel even worse it just feeds it self and I feel like the only out is death. Does anyone else feel this way?","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Nobody actually likes me, not a single person I know values me and has interest in me as a friend or a best friend , I just suck and I'm so easily replaced, I don't want to live anymore feeling this empty",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I really don't have any evidence on this, but I have this feeling my GF cheated (or still is) on me. I have told her about this and we try different things to strengthen the trust again but nothing really works. This is ruining our relationship that was going great until this. It all started with me thinking that my friend and her were very friendly with each other, plus they shared a lot in common. That idea grew in my head at one point I had convinced myself it was true. I don't know if it's true or not I confronted both of them, but of course they denied it. Doesn't help that my friend is always lying about things (small things at times) and after telling him the situation he hated me and began acting like a dick and showed me a side of him I never knew. I understand people will do and say things that they don't mean when mad but he said some mean things lol. We ended up talking things out after I almost fought him because of the slimy shit he did. At the time I thought it was real but now I think it was to avoid the fight.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." It can always get better but it can always get worse too.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I feel like people are controlling every aspect of my life. My anxiety is so severe I can't leave the house and all I want to do is find a way to end it. Can someone help me find an easy way out?,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can't take this anymore. I've been wanting to buy a pocket pistol or similar weapon to off myself with for the past few days now, and I've been doing the research. I live in SE Michigan, drive for money (can't afford a living), and have been studying to get a certification for IT so I can maybe get a job at a geek squad. Also been looking at getting a job as a Pharmacy tech. Yes, my dad is autistic, so I may not consume the media that you do, but I assure you I will be far from a burden in your life, if you so choose to... adopt me... I'm running out of steam and ideas, and I refuse to let myself become a burnout when I had nothing but good intentions.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I was getting better... until I ruined everything. Now everyone hates me. I have nobody to turn to until my therapy appointment on's too far am I supposed to show my face in school tomorrow when even my best friends hate me now? I'm failing chemistry. My teachers a pervert. I want to die soon. I'm done.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "on the morning of February 16 2020 i took my cat to the emergency vet to have her checked out. she was extremely skinny and was not moving and hadnt eaten or used the bathroom in 2 days. she barely wanted to be around anyone and her muscules were so weak she couldnt even use her back legs or stand. she would just drag herself to where she wanted to go then lay down exhausted. i thought she was going to die the night before but miraculously she survived but was still extremely weak and exhausted looking. so again i gave her her medicine and she finished it. only to find out this year she would have to be put to sleep. i never intended to hurt you misty, i never wanted you to get so sick. every morning i cry my eyes out wishing you were here with me on my bed or licking my hand or even meowing that cute little ""hello"" meow you used to do. every day i think about the what ifs and the if onlys. i cant even smell or look at certain things anymore, i cant smile or be happy anymore without my baby. i bought a box cutter last week because i was seriously contemplating ending my own life because of the horrible guilt. i feel like i murdered that cat. i feel like i purposefully let her get sick and die . i felt like she didnt need to be euthanized. it was my responsibility to make sure you got your medicine and i fucked up so bad. i dont want to live anymore feeling like this. im so sorry my sweet baby kitty. how can i help my grandmother if i failed to help you? i feel like im the only one in the world dealing with this situation. i know im not, but i just want to fucking die. i hate existing. everyday i wake up im reminded that my cat is gone. my best friend, my baby is dead and i caused it and i want to throw up. i hate living i want to die and just not feel anything im so sorry misty im so sorry",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just turned 20 and am beginning college this year since I haven't had money for it and I don't count with my moms support in any way. Last year a lot of things happened that made me spiral into a terrible depression and lost my job because of it. Since then things have just progressively gotten worse and I can't find a new job. Where I live there isn't much places to work at since it's a small town yet I can't seem to find in one place. It makes me super sad to see that everyone is doing fine while I'm doing nothing with my life and it makes me feel like a failure. I know I could be doing so much better and greater things but I just don't know where to start. I wish I had my moms support like other kids do but it's not the case and I have to do things on my own, but I feel like everything is a giant and I'm a speck of dust, what can I do to better my situation or feel better and more positive about it?","Finance/Career, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Recently, im going through a severe depressive episode and I did some things I would not have otherwise done that are now affecting my mental health further and affecting someone I love. I would like to hear those with severe depression talk about whether they feel they have the ability to consent and make decisions on sensitive matters during severe depressive episodes. It feels like society tells everyone that it is their fault if they make a bad decision, that they are responsible for their choices, and most dont understand mental illness properly and to me its not that black and white. I want to know whether you think you truly have the capacity to be at fault for a decision youve made if it is something you would not have done outside an acute depressive episode. Four abilities are usually assessed with decision making when I was looking around. The only studies I found were for research purposes (which saddens me, but thats a whole other topic). The four abilities: Understanding Appreciating Reasoning Ability to express a choice Now I cant say I know the exact ways to interpet these 4 things right now without further research but, do you feel you possess these abilities during a severe depressive episode? Do you possess some and not others? Does it vary? My answer would be during a severe depressive episode, I do not possess any of these reliably at every moment. It is not consistent enough for me to able to say I possess any of them during these times. Thank you for reading ♡",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For a few years now i've been having these 4-5 month periods of just malaise and insecurity. I feel so selfish writing this. My parents refuse to get me tested for depression, So i can't say that I have it. I am ugly. No one wants to talk to me because i'm not cool enough. If they are seen with me theyre automatically labeled as un-cool. I hate everyone. theyre so fucking selfish and fake. To me it hurts more to be rejected by a potential friend than a potential girlfriend. The only friends I have see that i'm sad or im not motivated, and they try and force me to open up, and when they finally force me to they try to become my therapist. Then I become a burden to them and they feel the need to check up on me. And then they use my problems against me if I make them mad. I am so fucking selfish and everyone lies to me. Recently one of my only friends, a girl, i fell in love with, backstabbed me. She had been for many months now. I confessed my love for her 7 months ago and we've been “more than friends” for a while.. I realized that she only did this because she felt bad for me. She leaked my affectionate love notes and my personal problems to my only friends, who then laughed at me, called me a simp and stopped talking to me. I'm too affectionate with people. My past relationships have always failed because i'm not a strong independent man. I'm a needy baby when it comes to the relationship and no girl wants a needy baby let alone an ugly fuck like me. I see girls at my school who look exactly like the girl who backstabbed me and it fucking eats me away inside knowing I have no chance. I want out. I just want to press escape and quit. I'm too scared to jump off a building and I only would feel comfortable with a gun. But I don't know if this is for real or just angst..? I just want to stop going to school everyday seeing everyone have friends, girlfriends, good looks, making experiences knowing I cant achieve that. Its like my life is just showing me what I cant have and I want it to stop. Its eating away at me.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Fuck everything I've worked so hard and prayed so much and it's all still going so bad. I don't know what to do anymore I can't even wake up without crying I hate this",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "But I guess hooking up with a member of a gang will get me there quicker :) (I do not want anyone to stop me or offer advice. I'm tired of giving back fake ""thank you, I appreciate your concern"" messages.)",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Welp, just got done with another batch of doctors visits and the results are in, I will be crippled for the rest of my life. But that's not what bothers me, I've had plenty of time to come to terms with my condition and the affect it will have on my quality of life and my life expectancy. What bothers me is the soul crushing loneliness, I havent had a girlfriend in years and I haven't been physically touched in what seems like forever. I spend all day in a shitty little side room by myself writing and hardly see hide nor hair of another person besides my dad most of the time. I'm pretty done with it all to be honest, I don't really see any reason to continue living like this.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My bedroom and bathroom look like a hurricane struck them and I can't even eat normally, if at all. I can barely move. That's not an exaggeration, just doing simple tasks feels like agony. I haven't self-harmed in almost a year, yet I feel like relapsing. I just want to give myself alcohol poisoning or jump off of a bridge over an interstate. I feel like a burden on my fiancé. I know he loves me and that he's concerned but he has his own problems and I'm only adding to his. I don't recognize myself anymore. I don't know who the fuck I am. I dread the future. Watching my boomer parents suffer from addiction, depression and loneliness and struggle to afford retirement doesn't give me high hopes. I despise the fucking world. I want no part of any of this cruel, selfish, violent, disgusting place. I don't have the energy to partake in this rat race just to survive. If you've read this far, thanks for taking the time. Sometimes all someone needs is to vent and not hold back their real thoughts and feelings.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I had posted a little while ago but honestly I feel like this applies to me now. I don't trust myself and I'm scared and I can't talk to my parents but I don't wanna call the hotline because I don't wanna go back to the hospital. I'm sorry. I'm scared,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Just a little insight about my life 3 years ago I lost the last vehicle I would ever own 3 years ago I lost the I only place i had to live Ive lost at least 2-3 jobs in a 3 year span 2 years ago I lost the girl i loved 1 year ago I lost a career I was failing in 6 months ago i was eating good, showering daily I got a job and started fixing my life made plans fo get another car pay some debt Today I am jobless, homeless, hungry don't shower often dont eat much, isolate my self Because I miss life. I miss going out and being able to socialize and I miss like dating and stuff and wearing clean clothes paying bills on time and not being behind miss having a drivers license and not being in fear everytime I get behind the wheel, miss having the Apartment for having girls just come over when ever they want, I miss eating good I miss shopping for things, Im barely living and have been doing that for the past 3 years Everytime I get a job I try and fix my credit, and I can never seem to keep with it I have to live my life with zero payments and buy everything with cash because I clearly can not keep up with them Do things really get better with time?","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had a thought today while I was mulling over what a shitty mood I've been in lately. Basically I was thinking about how my latest depressive episode was lasting longer than usual, about how tired I was and all I wanted to do was take a long ass nap and just chill for a few days- I wanted to not have to deal with all the responsibilities on my plate right now, and thought about how great it would be if I could have someone “take my shift” for my life this week. And it just popped into my head that maybe that's what happens when we get thrown back into depressive episodes- maybe someone has been feeling so shitty for such a long time that the universe has decided to give them a break and I'm the one that's been chosen to “take the shift”, bearing some heavy emotions, etc. And that when I'm lucky enough to have some free time for an afternoon snooze or just to watch a movie, someone else is taking my “shift” for a while. Idk. Feels like I'm connected to a bigger picture in a contributing way somehow!",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm freaking out. I feel so empty and worthless and depressed. I don't have insurance so I called the er to see how much it would cost. They told me to call some office between 8-5 on the weekdays to find out, so idk. I dont wanna hear call the helpline, because I've called several and no one gives a shit and they really dont help. I'm looking to just getting drunk enough to the point where killing myself wont be so scary to do. I'm really fucking lost. I'm fucking done.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel really worthless because The only thing keeping me alive is a video game coming out in 15 days (DOOM eternal) and it won't even last for long. I've been told to tell CAHMS if anything is bothering me but anxiety tells me no. I'm considering jumping off the only skyscraper in my city when I finish the game because there will nothing else to make me happy. I'm just glad that there is something in the world that will make me happy, that is only for a short while though",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just can not keep doing this anymore. I keep reaching out for help, doctors push pills on me (I'm on five now) and therapists just try to push me into blaming my dead father. I can't afford my home. I can't afford my bills. I can't afford food and even the subreddits that claim to offer help just delete my posts because I lurk and my account doesn't have hundreds of karma. I do not know what to do. I cry constantly. I hate my life and myself. I can't sleep I can't eat. I try to open up to people and they look at me like a monster. I am a monster. I'm about to lose my home and I have nothing left to sell to try to hang on to it. I sold all my dads belongings to make ends meet, he left those to me so I could have a good fun life and here I am a piece of garbage who can't even work a part time job to buy groceries. The state turns me away because I have income ($944/mo in disability). I'm done. I can't do this. Why am I fighting? For who? I'm alone. My chest hurts, my eyes hurts. My head spins and I do not even know if any of this makes sense. I just can't keep this up. I have been fighting since I was a child, I'm a 38 year old man (ha) now. What do I have to offer to this world? All I am is a leech. I have no skills. I was never good in school because of my mental illness and no one would diagnose it. I hate myself and so does the world. I'll never be more than this.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm 38 and always felt like a screw up. I'm one of those people that when things start looking good, I'll always fund a way to mess it up and end up back at square one. I'm constantly down and always thinking about ending my life, like every day. All that's holding me back is the thought of leaving my 2 young kids, but it also depresses me more knowing how much of a loser their dad is. I've tried 3 overdoses with Zopiclone which did nothing but I have been practicing with hanging while sitting, I came close to passing out 3 days ago with belt in door but fought to save myself as I knew mrs and kids were due home. I cant shake the thoughts. Debt + gambling addiction + pure unhappy","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't wanna live like this. I'm typing as I'm sobbing cause it's just hit me that it won't ever get any better. This is it for me. I promised myself that I would hold on until I could leave my family in a better financially. Until my grandma passed away so I couldn't save her up the pain. But I'm suffering so much. No one fucking likes me. And I don't say anything but god it hurts. It hurts being alone. It hurts being rejected. I've tried to keep going. And perhaps tomorrow I'll wake up and go to work like nothing happened. But tonight I wanna pretend I'm dying. That when I fall asleep it'll be the last time I see this fucking planet. That when I wake up I won't remember anything. I'll be free.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "These days I don't feel anything to do. I feel completely empty. I still remember I used to enjoy music, having a time in terrace, enjoying the wind and climate. I think I have depression.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't think there's any original part about me I'm just a patch work of other people over what's there to make it seem interesting Just a bunch of tacky patches on a worn out denim jacket",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Can't shake the thoughts. Sometimes I just go outside at night and look at the moon, hoping that she's lookin too. Anything to convince myself there's still some connection. No need to respond just getting thoughts out of my head. It helps a bit.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I took some time off from college to chill out myself, but I need money. I feel lost that I can't fucking find a job. All the interviews that I got, I was rejected.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Everyone at work is against each other. I've been trying to be a happy medium for weeks and it's all turned to shit. I'm tired of it. I ready for peace again. Peace = you know,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have been struggling a great deal lately. I suffered an injury and then had to have surgery and then suffered complications. I continue to be in pain everyday. Since the injury happened at work, I was forced to resign my position in order to get a worker's comp settlement. I used the money to pay rent and bills and medical expenses but now it's gone. I have been looking for work since November. And I mean really looking. Every single day. I have had several interviews, but literally have been told multiple times that I was their second choice I am completely out of money. I am almost out of food. All of my utilities are so far behind, every day I expect them to be turned off. I have received a 3 day notice for my rent. I an about to be homeless. I do not have any family. I have been sick for so log now, I have very few friends left. I have tried every agency that I can for help and I an repeatedly turned away because they don't have the funds to help me. And they say even if they did, what about next month? They are right. There is no point.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I can do errands and generally go to work. I can make myself go to therapy for now. I'm exhausted the whole time, and it's hard to concentrate, but I can do it. I will admit I've called into work 7 or 8 times this year though. I usually only call in once or twice a year. Whoops. So I can generally do what I need to do. I can't cook or maintain my personal hygiene though. I've just been microwaving leftovers that someone else made or eating fast food. I haven't showered in 4 weeks. I only brush my teeth once a day, and even then it's half-assed. I haven't brushed my hair in a few days. I lay around when I'm not running errands/working/going to therapy and it makes my body sore as hell. I've been getting about 4 hours of sleep on average a night. I haven't hung out with anybody in about a month and a half. I text friends, but can't talk about anything other than...ugh. How I feel. It's pathetic. Am I really depressed if I can ""function""? I mean, really. I can do the big things I need to do. Just not the small things.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't talk to my therapist about it because she only wants to know if “I'm safe”. It just seems like she doesn't actually care about me. They just don't want to look bad for business I guess.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had a baby recently and regret ever getting pregnant so much. My PTSD is back after giving birth full force and my life is unlivable. My body is ruined. Maybe i'm stupid but I didn't know it would destroy my body or I would have aborted. And I know that's horrible and sounds super vain. But it's not vain. I don't care how i look in clothes or what other people think of how I look. I just need to feel comfortable in my body and like it belongs to me. And I don't. As a result I can't not wear a bra even in my own home because I have so much anxiety about it. Even if it's just me and the baby at home. So i'm always uncomfortable. If someone rings the buzzer i jump and scream. I can't let my partner see my body at all. The thought sends me into a panic attack. So we can't shower together, I sleep fully clothed, I have to go to a different room to change and close the door. No sex ever again. I know he's just going to hate me one day and leave anyway because me being so messed up will drive him away. I can't live my life like this. I can't be a mom like this. I'm waiting to talk to my therapist again on Monday to explain it all and see if he can help with the PTSD. I have ppd too but that's not even a big deal. I have had PTSD and depression all my life. I can cope with some moderate depression. But these body issues I will never be able to get over. I'm waiting to see how my body ""settles"" but that's going to take 6 months to 2 years. If I can't live with it i'm going to kill myself. I can't live the rest of my life like this in agony every day. It's only been 2 months but I don't know how much longer I can wait. I don't know if I can make it to 6 months.","Relationship, Health Concerns, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Im just so done. Her comment threw me into a spiral and Im not doing well mentally. I have no support system outside of her or my dad, so idk what to do anymore. Im thinking of quitting school since Ive been doing college work for 3 years and Im nowhere close to a degree yet - Im still in CC.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Waking up doing the same thing every day, lie in bed for hours, watch some series or game, feel like shit every time I eat, thinking about how things could've been so much better if things went differently. This is every single day. I just feel like shit when I wake up, when I go to sleep, when I interact with friends, it's so painful to exist, I can't keep going on like this, my life is pointless as it is now, and I don't have any motivation to change it, I just want to stop. I want the pain to stop. I'm a burden to friends, and to the family I have, I feel so lonely in a house of 4. I'm so lonely in general. I miss my friends but I'm too scared to go outside, I hate myself so much.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "i feel like i'm probably gonna kill myself friday, i don't even know why anymore",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Eating healthy, exercising, socializing, cleaning, meditating, getting sunlight, talking to a therapist, etc. None of them have made a noticeable difference in how I feel, and I'm tired of trying to do them all when it's just more adding to my struggle.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I know it's not much but as a student living on his own for the first time and being diagnosed with anxiety and depression (I haven't gone out in more than a week) actually getting out of bed to do something feels like an accomplishment as I would normally starve in my bed wondering why I even exist in the first place.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I no longer want to be alive. It's not worth it to fight this pain..,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's only freshman year and already I've been bullied, cut from every team I've tried out for, my grades are slowly falling, my homecoming date literally ditched me for another guy, and I'm being made fun of dating because she's only a year younger than me. Why must people so terrible.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've cut myself with many different things over the years. First my nails, then scissors, then razor blades. It just kept going downhill. I didn't think it would get this bad, but I have a three week streak of cutting right now. I go deep every time, and I'm happy when I see blood. I'm addicted, but scared. I'm going to a friends place next weekend, and I'm supposed to bring a bathing suit. I don't know if I can hold off until then. Even now I want to go do it. I still have ones that are healing, I know those will be visible but not that bad. I cut my legs, specifically ankles and shins, because I wear socks every day and to sleep. My friend doesn't know and I don't want to go through the trouble of explaining it and making things weird. How do I stop? They're just cuts I tell myself, but I know there's some emotional damage. Even if they heal in two weeks I won't. I don't know how to put my razor down. Anyone know what to do?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "as I was getting ready for an interview for a new job, i was thinking ""what if i kill myself? wouldn't that be easier?"". I've never been diagnosed with depression or even anxiety because... I've never told doctors about it, about what I'm feeling and thinking, etc. so I don't want to kind of self diagnosed myself as depressed while there is people out there who has been and theirs may be more severe than mine. but... there's period where i constantly feel bad about myself and I just want to end it all. I just want to know if some of you here feel that way sometimes (or everytime), and how do you live with it? is ever going to change? (also, sorry I'm French so my english isn't perfect...)",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Its fucking impossible that we only live once and this shitty life is all i will ever get fuck this nightmare,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." i just cant do it i fucked up and i cant be forgiven just kill me i'm sorry,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Got rejected twice today lowest score in my class and lost my last friend i could talk to. My parents say that if i dont get good enough grades they will kick me out ive tried tinder in search of maybe someone i went to 11 likes but found out the hard way people could unlike you. The ones i did match never responded. The only thing keeping me from my own knife is the fact that im too much of a pu55y to do it,"Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Ive been really depressed lately... My math subject at school failed, i keep thinking i wont graduate, i have no energy to go to school anymore so i fake everything and go to a nearby computer cafe even though i only have enough money to commute to my school. I know lifes hard but theres something in my brain that broke... Im not crazy though just uncaring. But i noticed i suddenly grew an interest on one of our kitchen knives, not like to hurt people, its just an odd interest where you imagine the knife killing you painlessly. But the thing is, i have a phobia of sharp things so i grew up cautious with sharp objects including knives... Its not really bad, i just do stabbing motions on myself, but the point is i consider doing that normal. I also keep daydreaming while walking and oddly enough i daydream about me getting in a car crash or something similar, which i has a high chance of happening considering im daydreaming. Another point is my fake laughter, i dont know why i keep doing it. I know im probably mentally ill but i have no why of knowing since psychiatrists and therapists costs very much in my country. Anyway im just rambling about my problems but i have a feeling itll all end soon. Just a feeling...",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." In scrubs waiting for the Psychiatrist. Haven't been able to eat or sleep for 2 days after my trauma from 28 years ago was triggered. Not sure what the Psychiatrist will do for me. I still have no appetite. Hoping that I can get something to get me to sleep. Pray for me.,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "There is utter absence of meaning in my day to day life. I would love nothing more than to feel or do anything other than artificial emotions and automated actions, but alas must take that pill or else it will all crumble, oh and that pill, and maybe these 3 too. It's a fine line between authentic peace and self destruction that I've been on for what feels like a life time, but unfortunately it's only been a year and that life time is all I have to look forward to.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just feel like something put there is telling me to kill myself. It just keeps throwing shit out me till I give up. I think I can finally take a breather. And then theres something else to stress about. This time, I was about to be late on rent. But I did all I could to get the money together. (I'm not even gonna say all the things I did to get the money) but then. I just got off work. And I was about to swing by the bank to withdraw the money to lay rent. But then my car wouldn't start. And I'm completely alone in this state. So I had to call someone to come out and jump me. But it wouldn't jump. So I had to spend money to get it towed. Then the damn mechanic shop jerked me around, and ended up fighting with them alot ( I use to be a mechanic so I know when I'm getting jerked around) but they were so incompetent, that it took them 6 hours to basically figure out that the battery needed to be replaced and then do it. They lied to me when they told me the tested the battery when they first pulled it in the bay. They put a new starter on, without telling me until after the fact. And then told me my engine was seized up due to there being 0 oil in it. Which I dont know if I believe, because I just got my oil changed about a week and a half ago. And I know I dont have a leak. So either they were lying or the technician at the luge shop didnt put oil back in my car. But anyway, long story short. They forced me to pay 600$ for basically a battery change. And then I had to go back to work 2 hours later, with no sleep since my last shift. So that was great. But that 600$ was going to be for my rent. No I dont have any money. And I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I think I've finally reached my breaking point.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Besides drinking and crying until I pass out.,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm sad. I hate myself. Hi,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I want to talk to someone who understands this feeling. I'm tired of hearing ''it's going to be okay''. I even tire myself saying it. I just want someone to hug me ad cry about this shitty life with me.... but I can't... I'm alone in this... at least physically. There's a reason why this subreddit has thousands of members. At least I'm not ''completely'' alone.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "A few years ago I had a solid group of friends I would hang out with pretty much every weekend. I felt like we could tell each other anything, like out souls were connected. But little by little, they began to drift away. Their social media now filled with photos of people I didn't know with captions all about their 'bestie' or 'sister' or 'wifey'. That used to be me. I ask everyone to hang out, even try reconnecting with old friends, every time I either get ghosted or a simple 'omg I miss u too! I'm just so busy rn but we should totally hang!' with no follow up. I'm alone. Every weekend i sit at home with my cat and watch Netflix. I can feel the stress building up on my shoulders with no relief in sight. I just want to have that experience of being around someone who wants to be around me too. I would kill to have a friend again",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Most nights I struggle to sleep and sometimes I wish I don't even wake up. I'm so tired of feeling like this. Even when I have a good day one thing always drags me down. I don't think I'll ever come out of this. Good night I guess.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have a low IQ. Twice I've been tested and both times I got an IQ around 84-85. Somehow, I didn't do entirely awful in school, I was able to be a B student without much studying. When I actually started studying I started to get grades in the 90s and even some at 100%. Even though I skimmed through with exemplary grades, I barely retained any of what I learned. Nobody around me believes that I am stupid because of my grades, but that is all they go off of. I have a poor vocabulary overall, especially in spoken word, and I cannot do basic mental math. I still count with my fingers and I am nineteen years old. I am from a low income, uneducated family so I was innately disadvantaged from birth, also with having my mom smoke weed and cigarettes throughout her pregnancy with me. During the 8th month of her pregnancy I detached from the placenta and they had to preform an emergency c-section. It is very likely that I have brain damage from oxygen deprivation. I just feel incredibly empty every moment I am awake. My favorite time of the day is when I go to sleep at night, but night always goes by too quickly. Lately I've been spending everyday sleeping because I have much more joy in my dreams. I just want at least an average intelligence, at least. It is unbearable being aware every moment that I am dumb and will only ever be dumb. I have always aspired to leave the financial hole, but everyday that passes reminds me that it will probably never happen. At this point I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, because I am terrified to leave behind my family and my pets, but I know if I continue living my life will only get worse and worse. Please, if anyone could give me even just a smidgen of hope I will be greatly appreciative.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My therapist bailed, and just days later I already have a fully developed plan. It'd be so easy. Cheap too. I could easily kill myself tomorrow. I keep telling myself I'm sticking around for my friend but I know I'm dragging him down, leeching off of him for support. If I'm gone has one less task to worry about, and all my pain comes to an end. idk seems like a win-win to me. Sure he'd be sad for me for a bit. But he's a busy guy. It's better this way. I dunno what I'm doing haha. Everything just feels distant and detached for some reason.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Am I supposed to just kill myself now or like. There is so many people here who just fucking talk and maybe it's just I whom no shit gets done for but others.... oh shit even on the internet still get messages. Even you folk that claim to help fucking talk to me and just fucking dip on me. Hahahaha already cutting my wrists so fuck like honestly y'all wouldn't find me till morning anyways.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." """So I've been dealing with this since the day I started medical school which was about 5 months ago . I've done my best to handle it all by myself but I'm fucking done . There's no one around to talk to about it . I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy in 2015 , it recovered to some extent but didn't go away . For the past 5 years every stranger I've met has in one way or another made fun of me , it was bad but in University it's beyond fucked up . I haven't had a single day when nobody laughed at me because of how FUCKED UP MY FACE IS . I used to be a pretty attractive person , I can't hold my tears while writing all this . I still remember the time when I used to be pretty confident because of the way I looked . Now it's just a dream . Every stranger I've met has in one way or another made fun of me . I am forced to stay alone everyday in school , my anxiety won't let me move a muscle . Whenever or if ever a stranger approach me with a smile , the moment I do the same they get confused and literally the first thing I'm asked is “what the fuck is wrong with your face?” No body wants to be friends with me because they think I'm just a fucking retard who somehow made it into med school . Dating is just a whole another set of nightmares . I get rejected hardcore because of my face which completely disturbs my mental health . I feel helpless right now . Sometimes I get bullied to a point where Its feel like the only way to avoid all this is if either I commit suicide or the person trying to bully is gonna have to pay with their life . I have no fcking idea what to do about it . Someone Please help me out for fuck sake.""","Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi everyone, this is my first time posting in this thread so bare with me. So I've been suffering from depression on and off for years, I'm currently in an off cycle but feel kind of down/low energy but not enough for me to call it depressed. Anyway, I somehow completely forgot about music and haven't listened to it for months. I commute on the bus, and I usually just sit and browse reddit, and when my bf drives me the radio is usually off because I get sensory overload if he tries to talk while the radio is on, so we usually just keep it off. Anyway, yesterday when I went in the car the Bluetooth function was on as I guess my bf was listening to his music on his way home from work, and it automatically connected to my phone and started playing my music. It was a song by the Jonas brothers (embarrassing) from like 2008, and it just made me so so happy and I started vibing so hard before I had to start work. I seriously forgot about music. I told him now that every time he drives me to work I should play my music to give me a quick happy boost before work. Has anyone else just forgot about something that would give them joy?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have been a chronic sufferer of gad all my life. Thanks to klonopin my worries symptons anxieties were gone. But now, the side effects of overdosing on it (which I dont understand cause I only take 2 a day maybe its because my inept doctor upped the dose from 0.5mg to 1) has made my emotions go haywire. I'm constantly euphoric, spontaneous feeling of deep rage and an impulse to punch and scream. On top of that, being ticked off by little things and become explosive. If the price to pay to not feel worried all the time is explosive behaviour Id rather take the other. I have recurred to smoking to calm myself. Right now Im a step away of losing control over and really lose myself go in a blind beastly rage. Since I cant see my inept doctor (the only doctor i can afford) till last day of march. I decided to cut down the pill to one dose a day and Im cosidering splittling the dose myself to see if their are improvements.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have been through a very hard life, from my single parent mother being addicted to drugs, being in Foster care for 7 years, to being homeless for 6 years. I have and had finally gotten myself where I needed to be. I got a puppy I love dearly and has been my Emotional Support animal. I do everything in life for him now. I finally got my own place after 4 years. I have a great job that I am happy to go to and I can afford to pay my bills and all of my habits/ needs. Today I got a notice to vacat after spending months fighting over Landlord Obligations. I lost my old job a month ago because of the emotional distress that I was in. I literally told my manager ""How can i care about someones remote not working and sit with all sincerity to trouble shoot, and I go home everyday to no heat and my dog shaking uncontrollable, but keeps a smile on his face for me?"" I was unable to pay my electric bill, so they are trying to evict me on the premise of breaking the lease. All of this is breaking my faith. I am trying so hard, but everytime I get a head there's something trying to break me. Today I have fallen back into my depression and cant help but say it's better to give my pup away to someone more stable and kill myself. I cant keep going and dealing with uncertainty or being homeless. I try so hard everyday, to just get pushed back into the void. It took me losing myself and being at the end and seeing the darkness as a comfort, for me to get to where I am now. Yet, it seems life wants me to go back there. I am numb and ready.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My workplace is on the 46th floor. In theory, suicide should be so easy.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm aware of why I'm doing it. I hate my life right now, and I am scared of the future. The past is a warm safe blanket full of photos, videos, and messages to remind me of what used to be, and the people who used to be in it. I hate getting older. I want to reach out to some of these old friends from 10 years ago. Is it even worth it? They've all moved on, but I haven't. I don't want to delete these memories, but I feel like I have to at this point. Any other suggestions?",Life Transitions,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have never understood the distinction between therapy like CBT which tries to train you to think more positively to reduce or eliminate depression, which is sort of the underlying belief of most psychology thinking, versus the sentiment that one cannot think themselves out of depression. Could someone explain to me how these two sides can reconcile with each other?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "have been feeling incredibly self conscious, depressed and terrible about my own self and my self as a sexual being. I constantly compare myself sexually with other partners my s/o has had Bc she will talk about them (not trying to hurt me) but I am so extremely self conscious that I can't even masturbate. It's enough to ruin my day sometimes and even bleed into other parts of my life and relationships. I feel so terribly low that I don't feel the love from my s/o even though she tries her hardest. I love her and want to propose but I can't do that right now Bc of how im feeling. I want to feel loved and not so bad about myself. I can't seem to find a direction in life either and don't know or have any idea of what my future will look like. I'm at a point of giving up and I don't know what to do to even help myself. I've tried medicines and therapy for over 2 years but it's just not helped me for some reason. Is there anything you guys could share with me on how I can help myself?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I wish i had the guts to kill myself,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I tried to kill myself in school..I realized a caring girlfriend would be equal to 100 friends.So except trying to get things you wouldn't like,I'm searching for a girlfriend.I prefer online since no one would be interested in me with my social skills and the red in my neck",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Today I came home and was excited to play a video game. But it just...didn't feel right. I felt like I hadn't played it in a long time even though I played yesterday. I felt like I did when I was a kid and really sad over the summer doing nothing all day. I felt really weird. Anyone else experience this?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hey, i'm Anwen, I have a dissociative personality disorder aka DID. I guess that's just important info, i'm hella depressed, I don't enjoy anything anymore, I don't want to talk to people, friends have started leaving me because my disorder is getting worse, nobody knows or understands my disorder, I hate my situation overall and I genuinely want to die...",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." ":(( not sure wats wrong with me. i think i've been feeling ok lately, content. now i'm having bad thoughts again. i'm overwhelmed. i feel so alone... no one actually gives a shit about how i feel. it won't end :( i think i was meant to commit suicide. i feel stupid for trying to be positive. I got an actual 60% on this assignment at school and it fucked with me. i cried in the bathroom stall and cut myself up like the pathetic idiot i am. i'm so tired of myself.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I have a speech in my second language due for tomorrow but I can't get out of bed. It feels like there is a lump in my throat and a weight on my chest that i can't shake off. I know i need to get this work done but thinking about it makes me anxious and worsens this depressive state I've fallen into,"Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So I had a breakdown around 6 months ago, have yet to recover from it, although I'm due to go back to uni at the end of the month, so little by little I'm sorting my life out. Unfortunately this has done sweet fuck all to improve my mood and I'm still suicidal. I think that going back to uni (in a course that requires I have bare arms for practicals/placements) and having people see my recent self harm scarring is going to be the final straw that pushes me over the edge. The thought of it makes me feel physically sick, honestly it'll be a miracle if I'm alive by easter.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "This post won't make sense, and you don't have to read it but i need to vent so here it goes. i fee so alone and useless, im not good at anything, i'm suppose to graduate uni next year, i'll be 21 next month and have never had a job, the only friends i have are the ones i made in high school because i'm incapable of making friends now, i can't have a conversation with anyone for more than two mins because i'm not interesting, i have nothing to say because my life is boring because i have no friends. none ever genuinely wants to talk to me, none ever texts me first, and in person they just talk to me because i'm /there/ not because they want to. i just feel so alone and i'm tired","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I wish I could die in a natural way or just die but not my killing myself I wouldn't want to put my family through the pain of knowing I killer myself but sometimes I wish I could just get killed in a freak accident,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Another shitty summer, another Christmas...I can't do it. I lost my job. Most friends are gone. Parents don't speak to me. Most recent humiliation was a guy from my past. Noone loves me. I wanna go.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I‘m considering suicide methods now and I was wondering if electrocution is good option. Is 220 Volts enough to kill an adult?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." my mind will not shut the fuck up and i cant handle it. just want to fucking die. too fucking anxious to function anymore,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't fucking do anything right. I'm a dumbass that keeps finding new ways to ruin everything for myself despite anything I do. I just keep messing everything up. I can't even do basic stuff that's easy for everyone. I'm pathetic.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "What will we do when we're left with the shattered memories of a long lost pain, left in a turmoil of physical strain, we have nothing left but a guilt to obtain. Now we feel undead tonight, left to ourselves we take to a purposeless flight. We do not know where to go, and with everything that's happened we've come up with nothing left to show.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Got in touch with this young guy and cannot figure d him anymore..I hope is fine.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm not sure if it's just me but do you guys ever have the thought that maybe you're just faking all this and overreacting and you've worried everyone for nothing?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was brutally raped for 2 months. By my best friends boyfriend. My best friend died of cancer. A month later her boyfriend messaged me saying he just needed a friend. I went over that night to his place. I regret ever doing that. He drugged and raped me. The next morning he threatened me. Told me if I didn't keep giving him what he wanted he would kill me and himself. I was terrified. For 2 months every day I let him bias and rape me. Out of fear. I eventually started to get myself so drunk I'd just pass out. I'd wake up bloody and bruised. He'd wake up ready to do it all over again. I'm now so fucked in the head from this experience I find myself missing him. I hate these thoughts. They never go away. I don't want to think this way anymore. I've tried everything. Nothing works. I want to die so I can never feel this way again. It's been years of feeling this way. The void is calling my name.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "In October, I was assaulted by my then ex-boyfriend. Even though we had broken up in August, I had reached out to him because he was one of the few people who knew that it was the year anniversary of the first time I was assaulted. And then he raped me. Since then, nothing has been good for me. I've had to withdraw from the semester because I've been too depressed to go to any classes. My relationships are falling apart because I'm not acting like myself anymore and no one wants to be around me. Or maybe I just want to be alone, I don't know. I don't sleep at night because I don't feel safe in my own bed after what happened. And I feel like there's no one I can talk to about anything because they're all sick of hearing about it. Even the people I know I can trust aren't options. If I told my mom or dad, they'd make me move back home, and that would just make things so much worse. My closest friends would try to push me to get hospitalized, which my family can't afford. I stopped seeing my therapist because I felt like whenever I tried to open up emotionally, she would change the subject. I don't know what to do or who to talk to anymore. I've wanted to kill myself before, and I've actually had several suicide attempts. Something about this time feels different. I know what I would do, and I'm not sure if I'm more afraid that it would actually work this time, or afraid of the slight possibility I could still survive. I know I don't want to die, really, and that I just want the pain to stop. But there's nothing I can do that makes anything feel easier anymore and I don't know if I have the energy to keep trying. I'm not sure what I'm hoping to get from posting here. I'm not even sure if I want to kill myself yet. I just don't have anyone else I can talk to but I need someone to hear that I'm struggling right now.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "my life is worth nothing, yesterday my roommate raped me and now i'm scared of him, me and my bf broke up, it's just time to end this, if i end it now i won't feel like i have anything that i might as well finish, i have set the time, 6:30 tonight. is there any better way than a gun","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "On mobile so if my formatting sucks, well that's another thing I've failed at. I've been fighting my whole life to survive. I was severely biasd and neglected as a child. My childhood was a constant battle, being beaten, starved, mentally biasd and broken down. As a teen I was sexually assaulted at 14 by step brother then my “best friend” at 15. Still being mentally biasd by my mother. Which led to a suicide attempt at 16, I took a bottle of Xanax and oxy. Sadly, I was found woke up in the hospital having a tube being shoved down my throat and the taste of charcoal. Soon after I got in a relationship with a man who cut me off from my friends and family. Beat me and made to tell me how worthless I am on a daily basis. Got away at 18 almost 19. Which involved him stalking me and terrorizing me. Ive been struggling with a eating disorder that whole time. At 19 met my soon to be ex husband he was never abusive just clueless, everything I did was never good enough. Never validated my feelings. I had 5 children from 21-29. I left my husband at 30, got in a relationship with another man. Who ended up abusing me. He raped me, beat me, and mentally biasd me. He also introduced me to drugs. Now I've been struggling with addiction, and an eating disorder. I left him 4 months in that was last year. Pressed charges, my soon to be ex husband has given me a place to stay because he needs the nanny. But his mom is moving in. And I'm going to be homeless, I know my kids deserve so much more than a mentally broken mother who is so withdrawn. So I gave custody freely to him. I am so tired of struggling with my thoughts. I have been fighting my whole life. I can't anymore. I have a plan next week to get a hotel and make it look like a accidental overdose so my ex gets all the life insurance money. Btw this post can't even be linked to me, I have two phones. My main one is the one everyone knows about. I use a vpm on this phone. So there's no way they would know I posted this when I took my life. I just don't think I can do it anymore.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi, As the title suggests, where to go or how to help yourself where my options are severely limited? My GP can only organise pills for me. I have no way of acquiring a therapist. I have been severely depressed for past couple of weeks and mildly since about November. I don't have a trusted parent, sibling or a friend that I could open up to. I tried a while ago but I ask to support me in functioning day to day, pushing me to work and they just tell me they're sorry or they wish they could help. You know, the empty ""You can talk to me, it will get better"". Then they cut contact. My boyfriend just says he doesn't know how to help me and has phases of randomly complimenting me or texting me to tell me he loves me for two days straight then he forgets all about it. I'm sure he tries his best but I just wish I had more support and he says ""he can't help me anymore than he does"" everytime. I feel so trapped. I always have to pretend I'm fine. I always cover up with humor. It seems like I'm insincere or dramatic when I finally snap and just say I'm a mess. I can't afford a therapist. My university counselling office won't help me. They offered a suicide hotline numbers (?) and ""we're sorry but this isn't a psychological support that we do here"". How to cope? Where to go? Edit: Please don't advertise religion/cults to me. I'm not interested and heavily despise brainwash without any real therapeutical value.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The only thing stopping me is my mom. I love her so much and I don't want to disappoint her, especially since she literally watched her dad die from alcoholism, her siblings die without her even getting the chance to know them, my siblings weaving in and out of addiction, my own father being an alcoholic and not sobering up until after I left for college...I was the golden child of the family, the one that supposedly did everything right. I was raped multiple times and became an alcoholic, so I'm far from perfect and definitely don't feel like I deserve to be alive. I can't find a job. My marriage is falling apart. I feel so alone. But I feel like I deserve it; but my family doesn't deserve this if I decide to go through with it.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I've been in a serious depressive episode for a couple months and I've always been able to say “at least I do good in school”. I need to do good so I can go to a good university after I graduate from this shitty community college and after studying my ass off I thought I actually did well on my midterms but I just barely scraped by. I can't get over how awful I feel and I know I'm overreacting. I know it's not the end of the world and I can improve my grades but I feel like a fucking idiot who can't do anything right and I know all of my professors are probably laughing at how terrible my tests were. All I want to do is cut myself and lay in bed during spring break because I don't deserve to do anything else. Why can't I just think rationally about this shit instead of blowing it out of proportion? It's probably my autism coming through. I told myself it would get better. It's not. I planned March 20th for my suicide. I cant fucking wait.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "today was really rough for me, as i've struggled with my gender identity for almost 2 years now. my boyfriend says that he'll love me no matter what, even if i decide i'm happier as a girl instead of a boy like i've convinced myself. we're both trans and afab, but i'm having my doubts. he told me today that he'd never leave me, but that only made my depression spiral back down. i've talked to him, and he told me all these coping mechanisms, but they never work. my one ""coping mechanism"" is having the knowledge of the thing i want to hurt myself with is within my reach. i have a utility knife that i wanna use for my own safety in college, but for now i really wanna cut myself with it. i'm scared to try and kms again, but when i tried to open up to my family about being trans, they tell me that i haven't given it enough thought and that i don't know what i want (i'm 17 and have known i hated being a girl since i hit puberty at 10). i don't wanna attempt again, but i'm desperate. i wanna be okay.",Life Transitions,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So for the last two years I thought I had depression. A few days ago I was diagnosed with depression. I'm starting to think I don't have depression and I'm just a bitch and I don't know how to tell if that's the case. The weirdest thing is, over the last month I've been increasingly feeling well. My life is shit becausd I missed lits of school and so I worry a lot, but that's normal. Other than that I feel.. fine. I don't feel depressed. Could it be that this is temporary or does this mean I don't have depression. The other thing is I was given pills but the thing is I don't want to take pills that might fuck me if I'm feeling ok atm. Advice?????? I need to make some decisions fast",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi. I have had a bit of a rough day and honestly it feels like my thoughts are actually killing me. So I really feel like I need to express my feelings right now. So my thoughts are just gonna be thrown out there so without further ado.... I think I suck. At job, having friends, just...everything really. It honestly feels like I cannot just work like a human being. Now don't get me wrong, i don't hate life. I have things I rather love about life such as my family and my job including the people I work with. And everyone keeps telling me how ""nice"" and ""good"" I am at my job such as winning a rather ""employee of the month"" sorta thing but as strange as this seems.... I struggle to believe them. Now of course I'm not calling them liars I just find it to hard to believe. I know that sounds rather stupid but I honestly just can't help feel this way. As I said I truly love my job and everyone there but that is honestly where most of my self esteem comes from so constantly thinking I'm horrible at it is obviously not a good cycle. Now as for everything else apart from my job, well I will just break it down like this: I'm at overweight, ugly, shy, embarssing and awkward guy that honestly anyone could cringe at talking to. And of course I'm trying to overcome some of these things like the overweight part but...I'm honestly losing hope at this point and it's giving thoughts of doing something silly to my self. Sorry about this silly dump of self pity but I actually couldn't think of what else to do. Thanks for reading and have a good rest day.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Previously I posted in r/Assistance that I got out of debt reselling stuff... Everything was going very well until I wanted to make an order for things I already got paid for. Accidentally deposited to a phishing site that looked and acted exactly like the original one. Now instead of being 2000 USD in debt, I'm in 12000 USD debt. And yesterday was my first suicide attempt... It would be successfull if my dad didn't come early from work. Five more minutes and I'd be dead. I don't know if it's good I didn't die.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm in kind of a hole. Almost 4 months of no work now. All i do is get high. I don't go out with friends anymore. I don't leave the house anymore, only to buy weed. I've gotten kind of anxious of people. And very very bitter in general. Does anyone relate? Do you have any tips of how to get out of this? I'm in therapy. And i promise myself every night that tomorrow will be different, but that usually only lasts like a day or two and then I go back into bed.","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi, First post on this sub in a while but I'm at a loss of what to do I'm so fed up of feeling numb and tired and like I don't want to exist and my brain is so fogged that I cant think straight I'm trying everything - taking the pills, doing the therapy, seeking advice and just nothing seems to be helping I don't like my job, but I also don't want to resign without anything else lined up and all of the experts and forums and advice systems just suggest trying to 'think in a more positive manner' and I'm really trying but it just feels hopeless, I get 5 minutes of 'maybe this will be OK!' then immediately back to the grey reality I've started applying for new jobs as my current manager has suggested that we get through year end then if I'm still feeling the same way then perhaps I should look elsewhere so I kind of don't see the point in actually trying until year end as if I'm not staying then who am I impressing? I have a 1:1 later so I guess I'll find out if it's time to leave &#x200B; has anyone had this ? can anyone help? sorry just a brain dump cheers",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Most days I feel like I want to kill my self. I find it so hard to carry on sometimes. I spoke to the well being people yesterday but it wasn't any help and it 3 months waiting to talk to some one over the phone,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I mean I'm going to live in my parents basement until I die so what does it matter if I'm gay or straight. Not like I'll actually do anything about it.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Title says it all, i did a full upper body workout to cope with the thoughts in my head. Blasting twenty one pilots 🤘 Today was a pretty shit day, i had bad hair the entire day which was shit. And i got home and the voices returned and kept telling me i was piece of shit. Ive got one question, how do you learn to love yourself?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." why should i continue suffering? because it will get better? fuck this. that is not necessarily true. it can get worse. and it has been getting worse for years now. so just fuck it. i am just going to end it. nothing matters in the end.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was bullied through out my school years, especially in high school. At the time I thought it was the darkest part of my life. I'm in my early 30s and now that I consider those times ""the good ol' days"" it really goes to show how low I've sank.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My depression has been at its worst recently and I've been trying desperately to find a therapist. The people I usually go through have told me it's a 9 month waiting list and I honestly don't think I'll be able to wait that long so they suggested someone else. I checked their website and applied for therapy and managed to book an assessment appointment for next month. I slept easier last night at the thought that I'd be getting help soon only to wake up this morning to a notification on my phone saying they had cancelled my appointment as they no longer help people in my area. I'm just so sick of trying to help myself. I know it's not their fault for not being able to help me, but just that brief feeling of hope meant so much to me. They shouldn't allow people to apply if they aren't going to be able to help or at least have a warning up. Everywhere I've looked so far has said to either wait, go to A&E or call 111 IF it's an emergency. What classifies as an emergency? Because I'm almost certain I wouldn't be considered one and I don't want to waste their time considering the NHS is already stretched thin. I'd pay for a therapist if I had the means but I can barely afford to feed myself right now. I just don't know what to do from here but I don't want to give up.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Well I think about doing it but I can't even commit to doing just because of the pressure of being the only male to carry the family name,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Married to a great guy, two great kids, a job that pays well in the field I went to school for, cuddly cats and dogs. But I'm bipolar II, major depression issues, anxiety ridden. It's all so much. Inside is empty. I don't want to have sex with my wonderful husband (or anyone). I don't want to go out. I drag myself in late to work every day. I've been skipping showers because it's such a hassle. I'm on meds, trileptal, sertraline, lorazepam. I haven't been to my therapist in a while because I don't really want to talk about it. I think about flipping my car on the highway a lot. I want to switch careers but I'm scared. I want to have a libido again. I want to be the mother my girls deserve. I want to return the loyalty of my staff with enthusiasm and energy. Everything is","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Literally everything is falling apart. I don't know how much more I can take, or want to. I understand that pain makes you stronger but at this point I'm just numb, and I'm not learning from these setbacks. I feel like all the effort I put to try and make my life something worth living is just not yielding anything while everyone else is just getting ahead. I don't know how to get motivated or even get up anymore.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't know if anyone will see this, but today feels different. I think I'm leaving soon",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't deal with this today fuck,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "(I'm not a native english speaker, sorry for all the grammatical errors) I feel like I'm a fucking idiot and that the only reason I succeeded at school was because I was working hard, until now. I'm in my first year of college and the second semester started about a month ago but I feel like everything is falling appart. Two teachers barked at me while strongly implying that I was fucking dumb, I studied for several hours for a test and I ended up failing miserably while most of the class (who didn't study at all) found the test super easy. The worse thing is that the place I'm studying at wasn't even the one my high school teachers recommended me to go, thinking it was ""too easy"" for me, but I went to study here anyway because I felt like I wouldn't psychologically handle the option my high school teachers were recommending me to go to (in fact the day before my math finals in hs I was paralyzed on my bed for more than 30min and couldn't stop cyring thinking I wouldn't pass it despite the days I spent studying it). So currently I feel like that I'm just a dumb idiot and that everyone else is simply smarter than me, and the sole reason as to why I succeeded until now was because I cared about my grades but many didn't. I don't know what to do, I don't even know if I even deserve to post something here, I find myself ridiculous and I'm starting to skip meals.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm starting to feel like nothing matters anymore and i want to die, my ""friends"" just make fun of me for no reason and nothing feels like a meaning anymore, I feel like just lying in bed all day and do nothing. I was it would all end","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I started to hurt myself when i was 14 i am 15 now and i have no idea what to do. I am only happy when i am with my girlfriend who is in the same class.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." """Not myself, not others I'm gonna fail out of the online school I was pressured to get into, because I can't make myself try, because I'm pretty universally and consistently useless Anytime I can die would be great, the sooner the better""","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I am feeling sick. Anxious. I need some help please,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "That's all I really needed to say, just kind of sick of going all day without being so much as acknowledged by those around me. Hope all y'all are doing ok",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Sometimes I just cant even. I hate school so much, I hate everything about it. I hate all kinds of work too, I'm so fucking tired of all off it, having to work hard and try all the time and its still fucking useless, I still cant do jack shit and I'm a completely useless piece of human garbage. I hate life I wanna fucking die seriously",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I understand losing a job. Losing your mom. Getting cheated on and finding out about it in the most cliche possible way. Losing hope in everything. I was so self destructive before and after. Just wanted to not feel. Way before any of this shit started to happen. It's difficult accepting and understanding what's happened in the past has effectively shaped you in a negative and positive way. But most of us stop there. I'm stopped there. The negative way, it's so easy to get caught in that loop. We can be right about some things but it doesn't change anything. I say I can't believe I've gotten this bad for good. I won't bore anyone with details of my childhood as we all have a few nights worth of stories. Just know you always have a decision and it's yours. Right now it's pretty hard at 25 years old I've let myself be manipulated by my own father and my ex. I remember at a younger age feeling like I don't deserve to feel sad and I shouldn't. Now I think it's just a plain joke and I'm being tested. Not religious or whatever didn't mean that but fuck, life is getting a little too real. I just got a letter from my school they approved a grade change appeal. I just stopped showing up. For 2 semesters. I have my suspicion due to the community I'm from and the major/degree I was going in for they are tight knit and had my back(if you're from this community you will probably know). When I received the letter my first response was anger that they would let someone like me back. But it's time to be done with all my self searching. For so long I would be thinking what could I change/tweak about me to make more people like me. What can I change to make me think that I don't care about what people think even though that was on my mind 99% of the time and stressing me out. I've been stuck in the past and it's time to move on. It's unfortunate that for so many of us we know something is wrong and we want to change. So many of us don't know how. I still don't know how. But I'm going to fucking start. I'm starting here. My next step is doing less things that don't get me anywhere and more thing that move me forward. Thanks for reading.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm really worried I will never receive them or that they are fake because I paid a lot for those and there are my only hope at a peaceful death. My other option is taking 30 pills of ibuprofen and opening an artery,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I thought my depression had lessened because i was feeling things again, but i have been sober for 2 months now and i think it was probably just the alcohol, because i don't feel like i have been becoming a lot more numb lately, not being sad feels good at least but i think a lot of the happiness has gone with it, i feel so bored.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I deserve to suffer for everything I have done. I hope I continue to feel pain so I can make up for the shit I caused.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When I will turn 18 I want to kill myself. I feel like I am just a waste of space and my ""friends"" are staying with me because they pity me. Every time when I think about myself I see a failure that will never be able to do anything good. So, I'm asking for advices, what should I do? (I'm very lost in my mind)",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Does anyone know specific names of cleaning products to mix to kill oneself?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When I told my mom I was depressed, she told me she used to have depression too so she gets where I'm coming from. The only thing is, she thinks mine is mild like hers was, but I can't bring myself to tell her how everyday I think about killing myself. I wish i could somehow be better and go back to being happy, but I know I'm fucked beyond repair. I have no hope in anything and I'm scared of the future because I don't see myself in it. I need help but I'm so embarrassed to tell anyone I have depression and idk why. I feel like I don't deserve their help. I should just stay quiet and suffer on my own.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "21, M, in college. Homeless in college. I feel so sad, so mad, it's all really bad. I feel as if there's nothing to really do. I feel stressed all the time. The only thing that keeps me going is music. I sing and play guitar and write songs everyday and post a new album about every month. Currently learning how to mix and record music on my own. That's the only thing that makes me happy. Just going to continue writing and recording songs until I'm 30, then end it all. By then I'll hopefully sound really nice with all those years of practice. I've thought of this idea two weeks ago, and I feel a bit better. Don't worry as much, since I know it'll all end soon.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." People say self isolating is bad and you shouldn't do it and should surround yourself with friends and family but honestly sometimes self isolating is less hurtful. Self isolation protects me from the disappointment of other people's actions. I can be there for every single other person whatever reason and whenever and the second I'm sinking no one seems to notice or no one seems to take it seriously enough to really care. When all u get is disappointment when you see these people it gets draining so yeah that's why I self isolate. I'm sick of getting hurt by getting disappointed.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." But I still feel like it's an inevitable thing. Even if I am scared of dying I feel like at some point I'll just kill myself on autopilot,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I didn't know that overdoses were rarely successful until reading through this subreddit, I was planning on overdosing with tramadol hydrochloride, I was hoping to make it quick & peaceful but now I will have to consider another method.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." In all seriousness though. A reason to stay in bed for like a week and if it killed me I honestly wouldn't be mad....,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Title says it all. I have degrees but I have no confidence, I suffer from social anxiety and I have little work experience. I lost all my friends years ago. No romantic interest because I don't leave the house except for a morning run. I feel totally lost. I have no idea what I am doing. My parents are worried. I have let them down. They keep asking me what my plans are and I have no answer. I don't want to see any family on my birthday. I am embarassed. There is something fundamentally wrong with me. Is it depression? Maybe I am in a trance. I just keep repeating the same things day after day with no idea how to change.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." """When I was 15-16 years old, I posted here in my darkest moments. I couldn't see any reason to keep living. I thought I was nothing special and the next 8 years seemed like an endless slog. You can look through my post history if you want. Since then, I graduated college and graduate school. I have traveled the world. I swam with bioluminescent algae in Indonesia. I've hiked among alpacas in Peru. I learned to speak Spanish fluently and connected with people around the world, and in my own country, who speak Spanish too. I've published my writing i multiple publications. I have fallen in love and had my heart broken several times. I realized I'm gay, came out, and I'm with the most amazing woman. I have a career that I love where I help people every day. I can honestly say that depression may be a lifelong struggle for me, but it is possible to recover and develop tools to cope with it. Every day is a manageable challenge now. Every day I am grateful to just be alive. I am SO GLAD that I didn't kill myself 8 years ago. I never would have known how beautiful my life could become. Before you think about killing yourself, remember that you don't know how beautiful your life could become. How could you? You have no way of knowing until you get there. But you need to be alive.""",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "If you're reading this, then chances are you're alive. Why haven't you killed yourself yet? I'm trying to find my reason.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I live abroad (Netherlands) and I my friend from Chicago is really struggling with depression. I want to do anything I can in order to help him, but I can do only so much from this far, and I feel useless/helpless. He can't afford professional help, yet he wants to and no therapist is taking his insurance. Is there anyone that can give me some advice?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Was freaking out yesterday, broke crap and screamed and cussed about his money problems and stuff, then calmed down. Well he's back at it again today. Saying I don't do anything around the house, and admitted that my brother has apparently been texting him and talk crap about me behind my back as well. Saying that I should do more to help out cause he apparently thinks I can keep up by myself with our two story house and doesn't realize I'm depressed cause he's an idiot. Then my dad start screaming about how I'm making his life hard and how I should just leave. And that he's gonna start charging me rent and if I can't afford I can get out of his house. I have work in a few hours and I don't think I can go. Not only cause I need him for a ride but how am I supposed to function at work after this. I'm literally holding one of my dads handguns in my lap that he gave me for self defense if ever needed. I've never thought so hard or wanted so bad to just quit being a wimp and pull the trigger? Should I? I don't see a point in going on. If I do, I'll just have to go through this all over again. I want it over. I'm also thinking of sending a photo to my brother, at least to scare the crap out of him. Maybe then he'll think twice before talking behind my back to a man who's mentally unstable again.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm tired of faking confidence, because if you're not confident, no one will talk to you. I'm tired of faking happiness. I'm tired of being me. If you look at my post history, its all just complaining because I have no one else to tell, so I come to reddit. Complaining is all I'm good for. I dont have any worth, and my whole life is evidence that proves it. If I had the balls to actually kill myself, I probably would, but I'm afraid of hurting myself and death. I just can't take it anymore. I know that no one will save me, so I guess I'm just doomed to a life of below negative self esteem, perpetual loneliness and feeling sorry for myself.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm so tired of the rollercoaster ride of this mental illness. I know i have come a long way, but the depression and anxiety is always in the back talking to me. At times I want to give up because I'm so tired of facking and fighting the demons in my head. I try so hard to stay positive, but at the end of the day those emotions come back telling myself that it's not worth it.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Just that. I don't know what to do anymore. You know that ""scream"" painting by Edvard Munch? I pretty much feel like that. :( I really just need someone to talk to.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am mature student in, Toxic class mates, basically today i was older than the teacher i hate myself i want die, i had car accident 2 years ago i wish i died in it why i have to live to see this, every goddamn person i know has done much more than me in his life, i hate myself, i live in the 4th floor best thing is jumping",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel sick of living. I want my pain to end. I want to die but know I can't. I know I have the strong potential to be judged for typing this but I don't care any fucking more. I'm tearing up as I write this, so go ahead and fucking say what you're gonna fucking say. My reasons you will probably laugh at if I told you. Would probably tell me this and that and other shit. Tell me to get the fuck over it but again, I'm at the point where I look at ways to kill myself knowing I CAN'T. Because I know I will fuck up other people. I am in living fucking Purgatory. Whatever. Say what ever the fuck you're gonna goddamn say.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It all started 2 years ago when on my 15th birthday my friend gifted me a video game called CSGO and I though it was gonna be the best thing ever as I was new to gaming. Then I met a guy from the UK by the name Nukes on steam ( a gaming platform) and he was good friends with me for a year we used to play sometimes and chit chat about csgo trading and stuff. And then my next birthday I decided to buying a $100 steam wallet code with all my saving of past year + birthday money ( its a big deal for me as I dont have a job yet student nor rich) and Nukes told me his ideas and how it would be great if I could send it to him and he could get me profit from trading items in the game ( he was on steam for 3-4 years already) so like any innocent person I went with it. Then it started. Me finding out he lied to me and started blackmailing me, acting racist to me, forcing me to do stuff like shaving my eveybrows and calling his friend the n word on tape if I wanted my money back, I was naive and though if this is how I could get my money back it wont be a big deal. It went on from there, he moved on to asking my socials and always under the pretext one last thing you need to do, I was getting severely cyber bullied and biasd day and night but didn't tell anyone and use to cry everyday at night. He even went on stalk my youtube channel make more false promises, message my real life friends when I tried to block him and lure me back. It has made me really sucidal over the last 2 years and now I can't live with this anymore. I never though like would be this bad and for my lost money I would lose so much more as far as my will to live.",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Idk if this is the right place to express this concern. Recently i had a big fight with my bff we said a lot of bad things, in a month it will be his birthday and he is going to invite other friends of him and i am so afraid they will all hate me i mean i can't blame it i am an awful person",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I‘ve been depressed since i was 14, but today was my 22nd birthday and i finally managed to let my feelings out. I can‘t tell anyone so at least i can post it here.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And so, I have 5 years, 30 minutes till I kill myself. I don't like celebrating my birthday anymorex, not since I was 19. But I'm living with my parents and they insist on taking me for lunch tomorrow, with my grandma. I dont wanna go to school either. We'll be buying cake for me and another girl whose birthday was earlier this week but it makes me extremely anxious just to have ppl know it is my birthday because I just don't enjoy living anymore, I have no friends in this city, I isolate myself more and more everyday, and I feel that makes me look pathetic and sad before everyone's eyes. Only good thing, found put my mom bought some bluetooth earphones as my gift. I'm so fucking tired.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Pressured to succeed with school, jobs, life. Gets treated awfully at the same time. No one to talk to. My will to live is fading. These days I've thought about what day I should kill myself on. Maybe on my birthday, may 21 I'm too weak to carry on I see no other option",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My mom is literary the only person in the world who truly cares about me. For everyone else, I pretty much just exist in the background, or people just use me. I have had periods of intense depression in my life and there have been so many times when I've contemplated self harm, but never dared to actually take action just because I thought about how much my mom loves me and how sad she would be if I hurt myself. She has done so much for me, & I don't think I could ever be half as good a mom as she was. When I was in the hospital for pretty much a whole year in tremendous pain, I never even had 1 visitor, but I didn't really care that my friends didn't visit me for a year, because she never left me and that was more than enough. The past month or so, she's been suffering with her own health issues, which have now grown so severe the doctors are almost positive it's cancer or ALS. I'm trying to keep my hopes up that this is just some kind of short term problem, but every day it worsens, the more I can't stop myself from thinking about the possibility of life without her. And that's a thought that I cannot bear. Life would be pointless and I would truly be all on my own. I want nothing more than to be able to take away her pain.","Relationship, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." My mom is my best friend and she's going through cancer right now. I spend every moment with her. I've been dealing with depression for over 10 years. In November I had a close call where I almost killed myself. I think about doing it still. If my mom dies I just don't think I will be able to hang on. I don't know what to do.,Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My wife passed of cancer 4 years ago this May. After about 2 years I was starting to come out of the depression and turn everything around. I have money, nice cars, nice home and have managed to have an amazing woman in my life again that understands all that I have dealt with. I know Im not the only one with this type of story but I need to share. At 50 years old I have alot going, full time musician and always busy. In other words my life is very good but I feel finished. I'm tired and still suffer from depression. I don't drink or do drugs. I work out almost every day, have had therapy and cannot shake what goes on in my head. I didn't kill myself because of our 23 year old son otherwise I would've been gone long ago. If anybody reads this I'm just sharing my thoughts and I too go through life not wanting to be here. Honestly the worlds a pretty shitty place to be but there is alot of good out there somewhere.",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "just noticed this. Why I don't have any lifelong friends from elementary or middle school like everyone else does, or why I never had a boyfriend from my hometown of state. I don't have the same humor, mindset, hobbies or interests of these fucking people but I won't conform to them either. Don't even sound like any of them. Living in the Bay Area makes it even worse cause there's this new cancer generation of tech assholes over here. Everyone's the same..fake No ones kind or genuine anymore Never felt comfortable here and now it's below fucking 0 Want to kill myself, I'm never getting out of here",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm a 21 year old and my birthday is in two week's (st.Patrick's day), my entire life has been rough. From the moment I was born I had heart issue's and growing up I had a growth deficiency, to then my ribs growing in words and crushing my lung's along with asthma. That's just a small portion but it sums it up. From losing my dad at 15 when I finally was at an age to do thing's he liked which I developed a love for because I got to hangout with him, to then never being able to do them again and having to retire from hockey and sports because my lungs are so small due to my chest issues. Everyone left, I had nobody when I lost my dad, I spent years silent, didn't talk to anyone, same racial expression everyday. I dragged myself out of the hole, then life continues and people keep coming and going and destroying me on the way out with friends betraying me and relationships being cheated on. I've never been good enough for anyone. My mother doesn't speak to me anymore, she'll go through my siblings to contact me. She also moved across the usa. Finally I've hit a point where I just don't want to keep praying for better day‘s. It's been 6 years of in and out of hospitals for mental issues and thing's just never get better. I then lost my best friends dad from cancer whose family took me in when I was on the brink of ending it all and they helped me get better and it worked until my previous relationship. I mean I was happy again. Like I felt normal. I wasn't crying every morning and every night. I was excited for the day. But it's been about 9 months since that and I've cut the world off and I haven't spoke to anyone in week's bc nobody ever tried to contact me and it was always me reaching out so I stop tried. I have no confidence left and I have no chill anymore, I'm just the guy that's there with his headphones in always. I'm tired. I can't seem to do anything right. I just want to be at peace, I don't want to be here but I can't do that to my siblings. Even tho we don't get along well I don't want them to enter a depressed state like I've gone through for years. I'm just running out of energy and idk how much longer I can do it until I just say fuck it and be done and end it, end my pain. Nobody seem's to care about my pain so idk why I should care about anyone else's anymore. I've always been the person who will help anyone even if I barely know them. But nobody does it for me..","Relationship, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've slowly killed myself over the past decade. Would smoke 5 spliffs and a pack of cigarettes per day and only eat garbage. I'm 27 now. I now constantly live with the fear of getting cancer. I now constantly live with the fear of getting cancer. I now worry that this period gave me cancer too. This is no life. I can't do this anymore. I'm convinced I'll get cancer. I wish I could just quickly end it so I'm finally at peace.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." All my friends live out of town. I had to go no contact with my mom again. Usually the only person i speak to on the day to day is my 8 yr old. Im 29 and don't know how to make friends. Occasionally someone moe extroverted will make friends with me but it always ends with them taking advantage of my kindness so i have to drop them from my life. Im tired of being alone. Im tired of being disabled. Im tired of all my mental illnesses. Im tired of wanting to die. I need to be held so bad. A judge once told my mom she shouldn't have had kids. He was right. I didn't ask for this. Im in therapy and on antidepressants but its not enough. I just want it to be over.,"Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I might become homeless. Just had an episode and spent my savings, can't bring myself to work more than 15 hours a week. I binged on xanies and fucked a stranger the other night, I've been hanging out with a married man. The man I really love can't handle me but won't let me go for some fucking reason. I have no support system, everyone's only halfway there for me because I'm just too unpredictable and sick for anyone to consistently keep up with my needs. I just turned 26, I wanted to do something with my life by now, I can't even handle a ft job and my adulthood has been a clusterfuck of mental illness and grief. I need to be on drugs but I'm terrified of them bc I'm so low functioning that my life will be ruined if they make me any worse. It's been like this for years. Years!!!!!! I don't know how to get better, I see my other mentally ill friends not getting better, and the older I get the more worried I am that I'll have no choice but to concede to the reality of a lifelong struggle w/o much hope for anything even remotely resembling security/ property/ prosperity/ FAMILY I'm jealous of high functioning people. I just want to be that someday. I'm so tired. Thanks for reading","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." This has been happening to me recently. The dreams are very vivid and it feels like I'm back in that time. My child years were pretty decent. It feels like I'm in a different realm/world now because of mental illness which is primarily depression and dissociation.,Life Transitions,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I been thinking about religion. Like if you believe their is a God. Well he or she since God created man and women. Well God is the only super hero. I started to believe in a God since DINOSAURS. Even I try to pray to a God to take me back to 1994. Even my life is going no where. I have a mental illness called schizophrenia where the brain cognitive is dysfunctional. Hallucinations and hearing voices that arent their. Which makes me think solipsism. But hell im no God when I believe a God. Since I didnt create clouds trees or even DINOSAURS. I admit mental illness has no path of success. Even I want to give up to pray for a new one cause im getting old. If I could live forever I would cause dying isnt going to get better. It only gets better to a human that isnt God. Don't you think if their is a God that he or she would remember everything?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For the past ten years my mum has been unwell with autoimmune diseases, and two years ago my dad injured his spine at work and had to have spinal surgery. I feel like no matter how great I feel (I've been on antidepressants for almost two years now) it's always in the back of my mind that my parents are suffering from illness and injury everyday and it kills me. I'm very close to my parents and I hate seeing them like this. I don't know how to cope?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've had depression for as long as I can remember and I can't make any lasting friendships, let alone date anyone. My severe acne gives me really bad anxiety and makes me undesirable and I've tried getting rid of it but nothing works. I've been in stationary therapy for half a year after a suicide attempt. For a while everything was fine, I got a voluntary job in child care and felt like I had a purpose but now, 2 Months in, I am a raging alcoholic and feel like dying again. I feel like everyone hates me and I don't know why. I don't know if I am really insecure or suffering from a mental illness. I really need help but don't know how to get it because I am too scared to reach out.","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have chronic mental illness, no desire to have kids, and little desire to be in a relationship. I feel like I'm holding out until my Dad dies because I know loosing me would break his heart. I anticipate another 5-10 years but am unsure if I should rent and save no money or attempt to mortgage a condo. I want to do whatever would be both comfortable for the time I am living and economically viable for those still here after I go. A few months ago I was really having a hard time and was unsure if I would even make it this far. Medication has helped a lot but I just have little desire to exist for a full human lifespan. I know I am not the only one.","Loss and Grief, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Since I started college, my life has gone downhill because of my health. I'm only 21, but I have multiple illnesses that will only make life miserable for me. On top of depression and anxiety, I also have chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, migraines, and porn-induced erectile dysfunction. I hate my life and just want to die.","Health Concerns, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I was diagnosed with borderline disability and it's making me suicidal and homicidal. I've never accomplished anything in my life I have no ged, no job, no licence all I want to do is get a ged so I can go to college to study a trade. Why do people with learning disability have to take the same test as people who don't have learning disability of course it would be easier for them but for us the test feels like a foreign language to me. Also I'm going to be homeless because of me nobody else fault my parents want me to stay but if they die I will be homeless anyways.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." """Hey everyone. I'm 22 years old and ever since I was 9 my father has been sexually abusing me. He also verbally berates me and physically biass me. I've never been able to get evidence of his crimes documented. My mother is so brainwashed she no longer protects me. I finally called the police because I was so sick of the bias and now I'm afraid that I may have fucked up. I have no money and due to my autism and physical disability's I can't work. I feel stuck and for the first time in years I legitimately want to end my life. I see no way out. I was foolish to believe anyone would help me. I don't know what to do.""","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "After being in such a long, unhealthy and abusive relationship, I have been dating again. At first I was optimistic. At this point, after so many dates that went nowhere, I don't think I will ever find someone to be with for the rest of my life. I haven't felt like I really clicked with anyone. The men who seem to have the right qualities aren't interested in me. Nobody normal is interested in dating a disabled person, even when it's an invisible disability. Even being attractive can't overcome that. I have no career because I got sick. Nobody wants to deal with that. I'm tired of seeing everyone else in happy marriages with families. It just reminds me that I'm not good enough and won't ever be. I'd rather just die than be alone for the rest of my life. I have a lot of great qualities and a lot of love to give. Just no one to share any of it with. I feel like today might be a bad day for me. Hopefully I can keep myself from ending it all.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "How do I get past my own body protecting me and keeping me alive? I have nobody to talk to, no job skills, and no highschool diploma. I am disabled but I cannot even get disability. I want to commit suicide, I have wanted to for a long time. I have nobody to tlak to and the doctors here will never provide adequate help. ow do I push myself past that point?","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Every time I start to build a life it gets ripped apart in a few days. When I relapsed on alcohol everything goes to shit. I could be going to jail. Life always gets worse. I want to die. I'm 30 and it gets worse and worse and worse. Sure there's small spaces of joy but it's not worth it. I want to slit my wrists vertically. I just want to end this suffering. I've been in love and I've had some good times. But I don't want to go through this life any longer. I also have a physical disability. I'm just a little scared if death but we are going to die either way. I'm scared of pain but I just want this life to end.,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Indubitably, I am not worth anything as a being, contrary to the belief of all redditors who will reply to this, I have never once done anything correct in my life, all I have ever succeeded in has been to be hurtful and disrespectful to others and taking others for granted. All I breed is catastrophe. I am not at all talented or skilled at anything in particular, I am below average in every concept known to man. I have no motivation nor intention to progress in my life. I seem to be an inconvenience, an unpleasant burden towards society. I'd say my existence is more so comparable to a tumor, I am not productive and only produce negative effects on others that unfortunately have the unbearable pain that comes from interaction with someone like me. Entrapped in this body, I dream of going into eternal sleep, a great rest that lasts to the end of time. I do not have any interest in anything anymore, daily politics bore me a great deal and I'm not at all intrigued by life at all. I don't see a reason to not follow through with it when I have no intrinsic value and no drive nor intent to live at all.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I really don't want to do anything anymore. Whatever I do, I'll just feel like a failure. I always feel like a failure and a disappointment to anybody who is unlucky enough to know me. All I do is lay in bed now, go to school, then lay in bed at home. I keep wasting money on stupid shit to try and do something (miniature wargaming, d&d, etc.) but I always just give up and go back to sulking. I fucking hate my life. This is the only place I can vent.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had a promising academic future. I had a wonderful, sweet partner. I had so much drive. I had so much support. People were proud of me. I have been a medical experiment for 2 years. None of the meds have helped much. I had to drop out of grad school after getting straight failing grades. The love of my life has fallen out of love with me. My grandmother, who raised me, died. I have thousands of dollars in medical debt associated with my mental illness and my only means of work is to take my clothes off and grind on strange men. I hate what my life has become. I hate what it is. I feel like I have nothing left to live for.","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm within inches of losing my job. I (M25) spent the last year at this job spiraling in apathy and it's catching up with me. I've been written up and reprimanded and if I lose this job I'm gonna lose my house and possibly my wife. Wtf do I do? My depression is just fucking my life up again.,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." One think i wont ever understand is my friends getting extremly sad when i mention that i want to kill myself. They always somehow manage to talk me out of it but i dont u derstand why they would. My life's shit and i dont look forward to amything anymore. I really just want to die. Thats literally the only thing that would make me happy. Shouldnt they want the best for me? Why do they always keep me from being happy? And why does it work?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Bad things happen to me, and worst of all, they're inevitable. I think I'm better off dead than alive.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Has some of you ever sometimes or all the times tell yourself that ""I hate myself"" like it just comes out out of nowhere? Or ""I want to die"". Like I can be in deep thought and it just comes out without me thinking like it's a habit or something. I sometimes have to look around to make sure no one heard me. Does anyone ever experience this? Am I explaining this clearly enough? Edit: thanks for all the comments today wasn't the best day for me or week for that matter. Y'all comments made me feel a little better. Especially Mr. Wicked91 thanks, man!!!!!",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." A terminal disease looks like it's my only escape. Going to focus on getting terminal cancer or maybe sudden death due to heart problems. Wish me luck. I'm serious. I'm done with life.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm having burnouts right now trying to catch up with deadlines, practical stuffs and I can't do my own study sessions and on top of that I just found out that my aunt is dying (she's in stage 4 pancreatic cancer) and the doctors told us that they can't do anything anymore. I'm away from my family and I don't even have time to visit. I'm barely holding on now. I can't focus in class and I feel like crying even in class itself. My muscles are tense and I can't seem to feel happy, not even one bit. My suicidal thoughts are through the roof now. I'm anxious for the upcoming practicals where I'm expected to talk in front of people and I'm just shaking thinking about it. I'm sorry if I'm just whining right now and I'm supposed to ""suck it up"" and not complain, I know and I'm sorry for that.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I thought all my problems were settled but no. I guess depression is like cancer, there's no cure to it. I feel sad, anxious, nervous and still have panic attacks. What's wrong with me",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My Step-Grandmother, who has been extremely abusive and toxic to myself and my Mother all of our lives got diagnosed with cancer last year. It's not terminal at this time. However, she has required us to dedicate much of our time to her. She no longer has a car for whatever reason so I am forced to drive her around all day, everyday. My Mother has to grocery shop for her constantly and buy her food constantly. She is still extremely abusive and no matter how much I help out, she still abuses me and it's never enough. She resents my Grandfather for passing away earlier in his life even though he died in his sleep of a heart attack. Before he passed she was still extremely abusive. But it's now at an all time high because of her condition. Does it make me a bad person for wanting her to die so we can finally be at peace? I have struggled with severe depression and anxiety since a very young age and this on top of it all has been VERY hard on me. I'm at the end of my rope.","Bias/Abuse, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And she has cancer now. I've had her since I was 12. I'm almost 28 now. She's had one surgery and still needs another. I just wanted to walk out and never come home, but I said goodbye to her and couldn't move or breathe or think of anything else but her. I moved out when I was 16, and she was basically the only thing I had",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I try to convince myself I'm depressed so I can have some kind of shitty excuse. In all honesty, I'm just a bad person who deserves what's coming to me. This is karma. The fact that I'm ever happy goes to show the injustice of this world. I'm disgusting. A fucking stain.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." i just don't wanna live anymore so yeah,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So I've been depressed since about 4. Started cutting around 12, the same time I had my first flashback to the first time I was raped. I made serval attempts since I was 16, never really trying hard enough. But tonight I really really really wanted to do it. I tried cutting myself but the knife I got wasn't sharp enough... my boyfriend ended up calling me in the middle of everything. So I talked to him about it, I was on hold with the suicide hotline anyways. I guess I didn't REALLY want to otherwise it would've worked? I've always heard of people just cutting, but it ends up going too deep and that's how they almost die. Don't know why I'm writing this.. actually I do I want to hear from someone. Encouragement, your story, anything. Update: I'm at my boyfriends house now and I have therapy on Saturday so I'm gonna talk to my therapist about all of this then. Thank you for the messages <3",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've hit rock bottom again id never thought it happen twice but I'm digging my hope even deeper this time, I need help I just can't seek because idk where to look, every one is gone. No one wants to speak or listen to me and it sucks after a long day of work I come back and have so much to say but no one to speak too... Someone if you dont mind, I'd like to meet someone and talk, thank you for your time and I hope your doing well🖤",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Barely anything in my life is good. Brothers getting locked up, drug abuse, addictions, alcoholism, attempted suicide and self harm, and so much more things that affect me daily as much as I try and push it back Then directly involving me, moving across the country all my life so I've never had friends, bullied, depression, suicidal thoughts and so many more things I don't wanna get into all my problems and shit but life has been so unfair and I know other people have problems, and I always think “well at least they aren't dead because some of my friends have lost parents and siblings but maybe what I have is worse because I still see them but I don't see themselves anymore because they aren't and never will be the same.","Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I feel like life is too hard but I' not sure whether to kill myself. I've been to a mental hospital for appointments and medication but I want to be sectioned instead of forced to live in the normal everyday life that everyone else is living. Anyone know how I can get in?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." That's all. Nothing has gotten better and I've tried so hard. It's gotten worse and I've been through so much pain I just want it to stop I just don't know why I'm alive I just wish I'd died when I had tried,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Everything's been all over the place lately and I feel i have no future. I've been looking out my balcony, just wanting to run and jump out but Im only at the seventh floor so like only broken bones. Overall, i dont wanna wake up tomorrow",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi! I was previously on 80 mg of Prozac and it helped a little with regulating my mood, but then I think my anxiety got worse because I started having trouble staying asleep and my problems with concentration got even worse. My doctor started me on a 5-week cross-tapering plan to switch to Zoloft, and I am currently on day 2 of week 3 where I take 20 mg of Prozac and 50 mg of Zoloft. Today, however, I suddenly experienced diarrhea and really bad nausea for the first time. Has anyone had similar experiences and does anyone have any tips?",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Been coming off venlafaxine , it's been 2 weeks now been getting weird zaps, down mood, sex problems, and headaches. Does anybody know when these withdrawals will end..../experiences? Or any advice on how to help Probably worth mentioning I've done mdma a few times in the past month as well, which seems to get rid of the vena withdrawls for a couple of days but they keep coming back with vengeance",Loss and Grief,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't know if it will work but I don't care. No body wants me here. I'm always alone. When I think i've found someone they always leave me. When i'm happy and finally start to believe i'm getting better it's always ripped away from me. I'm too fat. I'm too ugly. I'm too dumb. I will never be enough. No one will miss me. No one will cry. If they will they will forget about me in a few days. Goodbye",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm pretending to feel positive emotions, and it makes me terrified. It scares me to know that I am not truly reacting to anything, but just putting on a mask to please others. It just makes me feel worse than I already do. I don't know what to do.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Right now it's 2 in the morning and I have to go to work in 3 hours and I'm crying my eyes out. This is been my routine for over 3 years, I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm sad all the time and keep having all these flashbacks of when I used to get bullied in school and made fun of by literally everyone I've ever known I just wish someone out there cared about me and I wish one day it'll all be ok but deep down inside my heart I know it won't.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "When my ego dies, will it take me with it? It's a selfish creature. It needs to be the best. It needs to be important. It needs people to agree with it. It throws tantrums. It lashes out when it's made to feel small. It thrives when it elevates itself above others. It thrives when it acts as if I am its personal chariot. It beats me down, demanding more than I could ever give. It piles on while I lie on the floor. It lives in a fantasy world full of delusion and self importance. But I withstand. I persist. It's all I know. It hurts. I suffer at its hands. I'm blinded. I was blinded. Now I see. Its time has passed. Once it goes, I can live without imagined fear. Once it's gone, I can truly live. Tonight I go deeper. Tonight it howls in pain. Only the void listens. Tonight I will cry, but I won't turn. Tonight is the night my ego will die. Putting you out of your misery. Tomorrow I'll awake, but you'll no longer be here. I won't miss you.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I feel like everyone just doesn't appreciate me. And I only feel this because of school. My teacher told me today that if I didn't do anything that would be more helpful than me actually trying to do something. I'm only 10 and I feel like no one my age should be feeling like this. I know you people are much older and have to deal with way worse problems but when your a goddamn 5th grader life shouldn't make you feel like your worthless. My entire day was filled with unfairness. Teachers have their favorites and if you aren't one of them you'll be treated like shit.,"Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Honestly I'd rather die now if I have to die. ""Life's a bitch and then you die"" But sometimes ""Life's a bitch and you keep on living""",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." can someone message me please. feeling so overwhelmed and i don't know what to do. my mentally unstable brain decides suicide is the answer to any situation big or small and i'm tired of it,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "How do you treat someone so badly and yet maintain such a great image of yourself? How do you live with it? Especially if you're hurtful to a person, but then later act as if nothing happened?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "no matter what happens or what i do, i always end up crying begging for my life to end desperately in the middle of the night. i can't run from my own thoughts or feelings, it controls me. why is death so hard despite the strong need for it to happen :(",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Does this mean I'm getting ""better""? She is the most selfish cunt that ever walked the earth. I've been so close to ending it all. Two weeks ago she screamed at me ""just do it! Kill yourself""","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm a 20 y old student (nurse course), its 5 am, and I can't think straight right now. Last year I told my parents I wanted to drop out of university, and they forced me to stay, threatening to kick me out of home, get rid of my computer cellphone, basically destroy the things I love the most. Pls help, for real! This is 100% genuine, sry for any mistake but my head is spining 200km/h Edit:I want to quit but I'm afraid of their reaction.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm loosing my apartment. My job is constant and I'm hardly home. The only time I feel normal is when I'm higher than a kite. Seriously what's the point anymore of trying? I know I'm a burden and I know people don't like me. Why keep living if you aren't liked? Maybe I'll wait till my grandpa passes so it's all the heart ache at once.,"Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'll admit it i'm a lost cause, i'll never amount to anything i just hate my life i wanna it to end right now right here..i wish i wasnt born so i didnt have to go threw this bs",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "No money for professional help, my parents dismiss my feelings and would rather spend on traveling, can't get a job because I would have to leave college. I just want to talk to a psychologist. What can I do???","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't think of a reason to go on living anymore,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I started my job a couple months ago. I have worn a sweater over my work shirt or long sleeves with it to cover my scars. I know that I shouldn't be ashamed of them, but I often feel that way. However, today I decided to say fuck it and just wear short sleeves. I was uncomfortable and didn't want anyone to notice, but I'm still glad I did it.","Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For some reason time is going by too fast. Maybe its my shit memory just forgetting everything that happened, therefore making it seem like it happened way sooner that it did... It's honestly scary how fast time is going by.",Life Transitions,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I hate myself. Because of one stupid mistake - I could have just ruined my future career. My dream career. All because I didn't hand in my report on time. I want to fucking end it all. My parents are gonna berate me. I just wanna jump off the balcony of my school and say ""All you have caused is pain and suffering"". I'm gonna be stuck working at McDonald's. I SPENT OVER 150 HOURS ON THIS REPORT TO FAIL AT THE SIMPLEST THING.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I honestly feel worthless for the millionth time. I always fuck up everything and never amount to anything special. I just feel like a fucking toy to everyone. My relationships are shit and so am I.,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am headed towards here. I constantly think of suicide, it's the lingering feeling my head that is always there. How do I prevent myself rn before I get here because I know by at least a couple of weeks I'll end up here.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Does anybody know how I can stop living in the past?! How I can stop wishing my life away because of stupid decisions I've made. I can't keep going on like this. It's destroying me in so many ways.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." No luck job searching and I want to die but i don't have the stomach to end my own life,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Some people talk about it like it's something you have to learn to live with for the rest of your life. Others talk about how they used to have depression and have recovered. Is it just a case-to-case thing?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I thought all my problems were settled but no. I guess depression is like cancer, there's no cure to it. I feel sad, anxious, nervous and still have panic attacks. What's wrong with me",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "And you start to notice people you know dont really listen to you anymore. When you cant keep up the ""im fine"" charade and realize that you have nobody to turn to. Maybe you never have. This is my life obviously but this is also a shout to others who feel the same way. Hello my fellow invisible ones. Dont give up, it only makes it worse and nobody will save you anyway.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I never will. I don't find the right one and I let the ones that do become attracted to me abuse me, and hurt me mentally. Why do I keep remembering moments and wanting to be friends with those people that hate me and left me after the January incident? No matter how many times I force myself to remember that I may find someone, it won't stick to my fucking skull.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'll probably do it in my middle age. I don't want to die old and helpless. For now, I'll push on and I'll do my best for others even if it means dying.",Life Transitions,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm doing my finals this August. It's so close! Bc of depression & anxiety it's really really hard to motivate myself to do things. I'm having a really hard time these days,,, So can anyone say something to motivate me up I hope this will help me😭💖 please I need your help this means a lot to me❤️",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "i have a plan to kill myself, but in not sure im actually gonna go through with it. i've been considering everything, the consequences, what'll happen if i don't die, the repercussion of everything if i don't die, how itll affect people, and i'm not sure if ill actually do it. i want to call a hotline, but id rather no one else be called, so i want to know, if i told them this, would they tell someone else? or call someone? i don't want anyone else to be informed of how i'm suicidal. especially my family.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel the only thing that makes me even remotely content these days is when I convince myself when and how I'm going to kill myself. Nothing else makes me feel at ease, I'm not sure how worried about myself I should be",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just don't want to live anymore. My friends all ignore and exclude me. My family are homophobic and transphobic. Which doesn't work when im a closeted pansexaul and transgender (ftm).",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Every single day the thought that keeps me from driving off the road on my way home is a nap. But nightmares are worse lately. I dream vividly every night. Im so tired. So exhausted. Too tired to type a long story. Im too tired to even write a note,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I do not know how much more pain I can take. It hurts and I am tired of being ignored.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I tried to hang myself today. It didn't work. I don't know where to go from here or what to do. I guess I'll try again some other way.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." There comes a point when pain becomes excessive. I past that point long ago,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It gives me peace to know that when it really is unbearable, I have the power to end it. This thought gives me rest when I'm really anxious. I know I can, although I won't now",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The first time I ever imagined killing myself I was 8 years old. Since then all I've ever done is hurt people and been hurt by people. Even before then, all I can ever remember knowing was abuse. I'm sure there were good things. I know there have been good things since... but when 90% of all you ever know is wanting out.. when do you just admit it's what you actually want?",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I need to do my homework soon and shower but i just cant anymore i feel empty and i want to stop existing. I want to kill myself but also want to erase myself painlessly. 😐,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've definitely been diagnosed with depression, yet I'm not suicidal. Is this weird or what",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I don't know why I feel the need for others to give me their approval when it comes to this. I don't normally seek approval in other areas of my life.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." i want to feel something other than suicidal. it's the only thing i think about and it's the only thing I look forward to. i want to feel true happiness for once and not just happy off drugs. im so sick of feeling like shit constantly and I can't handle it anymore.,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I can't believe how fucking dumb I am. I fucking ruined one of the best things that happened to me. I want to die . I want to die. I need to kill myself soon. Please god don't let me wake up tomorrow,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Let's have some fucking fun, do stupid shit, life is boring af, so let's just make fun of it.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." We ended up arguing and he told me I was spoilt and I was being manipulative?? I started crying and kept repeating the same things over and over again. I'm so extremely embarrassed and I wish more than anything I hadn't told him. I feel stupid and pathetic because of how much I kept repeating myself...,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Im just so tired with life. I wanna have a day off or just maybe kill myself. I am so not seeing the good in everything rn. I have been wanting to cry for a month but I just couldn't? I am so tired. Everything's just really tiring. I just want to cry.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I think I get misinterpreted a lot. I don't feel good. I'm selfish but I need validation too. My things matter but so do yours. I just need to find the right meds.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I walk my dog, I look in the street and see myself getting hit by a car... I go to the beach, and I watch as my body falls off of a nearby cliff into the water... I look in the mirror, and I see me slitting my own throat with a sadistic smile on my face... I walk down the street and see a man run up to me and shoot me in the stomach... It happens ALL THE TIME. It's scary, but I see it so much that I'm kind of desensitized by it, if that makes sense. But every once in a while it scares me to death. Anyone else have this happen to them? These visions or hallucinations that seem SO REAL even though you know it's not?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel like sometimes I did things that I am not even aware of, as if I had a other personality or just the simple fact that I do things without being aware of what wrong I could have done, or how it was wrong. Mostly I think I am saying ""normal"" stuff. Depending of course on the point of view of each person... I have hear and have seen way worst but most of the times those people get free passes... Whatever If by any chance you experienced the same or know something on the matter",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So I'm supposed to graduate in December and I don't think it's going to happen. I have let myself slip because of health problems and no matter how much I study, I can't get past a B or C on exams. Even got a 23% on a test I took last week. I feel so stupid and lost, why did I do this to myself? I can't even talk to my professors because I always get the same response, ""if I help you, I have to help others."" What's the point? The only reason I won't take my life is because I don't want to leave my mom with my student loans but I just wish I could end it all. Be on an island by myself and drift away from it all",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been crying almost every night for almost 2 months now. At first it hurt my eyes from crying so hard but not anymore, now I just feel sick when I cry, I just want a week where I don't feel like crying",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've stopped my friends from killing themselves a total of seven times. But I feel like it doesn't even matter.. Maybe if I was a better friend, they would feel better.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "The stability in my mental health comes and goes and right now it's particularly bad. I have suffered from mental health issues since I was a child, and it was particularly bad in my teenage years. Mental illness along with multiple suicide attempts destroyed my memory, and I feel like losing my teenage years to mental illness impaired me as an adult. I'm in university now, I do my work, get decent grades, but I don't know what I'm doing. I don't enjoy anything, my program is okay but I don't see my future like so many people do. I struggle to make real connections with people, I am so emotionally unavailable and have hurt so many people leading them on and being unable to commit to them. I also barely enjoy sex and am traumatized from being sexually assaulted after a graduation party. I am wasting away my young adult years now, and soon enough I'll regret not doing anything with my time. Therapy has never worked for me. I can safely say that I am a ghost of who I was, and who I could've been. I pretend and pretend but this part of me always seeps through the cracks. I want it to all end but I don't think I could ever die, I am an only child and only daughter and it would tear my family apart. I'm just stuck. I'll never be who I want to be and I feel like I have no options","Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know it's late, but I fell into a pool of depression and I realize it now, and I don't know how to get out . Right now its weird but I almost have this part of me wanting to stay depressed and I don't know why. Maybe you would know what I could do?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I am a senior in high school and have been miserable for as long as I can remember. I never really got any joy out of anything. Therapy never helped and nothing I try to do works. I hate school, and I'm in an apprenticeship that my dad talked me into which I have never been into construction and now I know I absolutely hate it but my dad won't let me quit. At the same time I can't see myself having a future or being happy in the future. I would have killed myself a long time ago but my family would be sad so I'm stuck chugging along and being miserable.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Nothing aint fun nomore nothing excites me nomore nothing to look foward to nomore life aint fun nomore so whats the point of staying?,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm already sending good vibes and love your way. There's no way to stop my affection towards you. You're valid and loved! Hang in there bud, don't give up yet.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm a grown ass adult and still want to fucking kill myself every single day!,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I'm 20 and I'd rather say why I'm a perv in a dm but I am a perv and I think at this part I might as well milk myself I mean I don't deserve to live anymore,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I sometimes overflood with emotions, i feel more anxious around this time.. its a warning sign to make me aware again of social situations i think. Its just part of who i am. I want to think less negative, and keep structure in my days",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Im literally not good at anything... I have no skills whatsoever. Im 19 and I still live off my parents money. I have no job. I don't go to school. Everytime I try to better myself I give up halfway. Im the biggest disappointment ever. I just fucking hate it. I wish I were just dead already.,Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I hate seeing people around me moving on with their lives while I'm stuck in the same place for ages. I feel happy for them and I mean it, but at the same time I end up hating myself even more for their success. I wish there was way out of this endless loop",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I didn't kill myself cause i'm a fucking pussy. I was too afraid I'll survive and have some serious medical issues. Idk what took over me. I was kinda in a transe and I'm honestly glad I didn't do it.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I've reached a new point in hating myself I constantly feel as if I'm worthless and not good enough. I think about the days where I could just wake up and be happy and how I'll never feel that again my life's been hell for 3 years. I am not good enough for any girls because my body is disgusting and I can't speak to them to save my life. I truly have no worth so little that my dad doesn't even love me. I'll be graduating hs in a few months and I'm scared because I know I'll fuck up my whole life with my shitty decision making why the fuck did I have to be alive,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm supposed to kill myself on my 20th birthday. On some days, the only reason that I even function is the thought of me killing myself in the near future. I really can't wait for it. My whole life is starting to fall apart slowly and slowly. My whole body feels so tired and just wants to rest.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I winded up cutting. Broke my 65 days free from cutting. It felt so good to cut,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." The second I can't keep my mind occupied all I can think about is killing myself im so sad I can't do this anymore,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "What kind of wiring should I be using? How long should pass till I get to the point that no one can resuscitate me after doing it? Help much appreciated.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I hate being undesirable. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. Hopefully with this new haircut I could not look as untouchable. Especially since no one has liked me, I feel so pathetic in a way. I'm just ranting. I was sitting and thinking how bad I feel about my appearance and how much I try to be better. I got slimmer, got more muscle, haircut and all. All around, it's a nightmare. It's late and all I think about these hours are either suicide or imagining I am someone else. When I can, I fantasize about how my day would be different if I was a new man. I would look better, have friends, a girlfriend, a full loving and able-bodied family, nice house, etc. I guess it's just the land of dreams for me until I die.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It would be nice to hear from other people what you're experiences have been like. When I'm on my own or with people I'm comfortable around, I'm “normal. My version of happy and normal anyway, whatever that looks like with depression wrapped in. Then, when I go out in social situations, I'm someone else. I'm frantic, I try too hard to be funny, etc. I'm socially anxious, I guess that's the point. But I find these opposites in writing too. When I'm writing I'm intelligent, I have a lot to say and offer people. But when I speak directly to people I clam up. I have a tiny vocabulary. I swear a lot. I saw the same words/phrases over and over. None of these things is particularly bad on their own but together it translates into me being a fucking mess. Do you ever find you're two different people?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have lost everything, i dont have any reason to live. Im in so much pain, its a constant unending agony. I dont want to live. I am only 16, i should have a full life ahead of me, instead i dont have anything. Id be better off giving up. Its all too much, i dont know why i havent killed myself already, i dont want to live, i just havent bothered to die yet.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "God help me.... I know I should go to the hospital. I know I have to keep fighting....if only to prove to my children, cursed with these genetic tendencies of mine, that life is worth living. I made my son promise at Christmas to get help, and he did and he is thriving. My life long battle is starting to wear on this old soul of mine. It feels like the same pattern over and over, no matter how many variables I change. I am a very hard person to love. My scars and cynicism are just a little too hard for anyone who tries to stay around too long. Hubby has been in my atmosphere for 7 years...think it's finally getting through to him that I can not change the abuse I suffered, and the PTSD that resides in me and rears it's ugly head now and then. My mother never wanted me and beat her belly before I was ever born....almost 50 years later and I still feel as unlovable. I'm so tired. My kids will be so pissed if I give bf needs me right now....I can't abandon them all....Heaven help me.....I just want it to stop hurting all the time.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Life Transitions","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." """So after some deep soul searching the past couple of days i have come to the conclusion that i am still self harming (29/F) but not by cutting myself like i used to when i was very young. I seem to have created this character, or other personality i suppose? Where i just want to fight everyone, and I won't back down, i'm not normally a fighter and every single time i hate myself for my behaviour the day after. I guess my thinking is that if i get myself into fights, i'm going to get hurt and a part of me is hoping to be seriously injured so i can just have a break from life 🙄 Anyone else have any odd things they do during a low period?""",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I had enough to drink that it doesn't hurt, still know what i have to do. Drove my support people further away so they're safe. It's about that time.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I didn't get into med school. My boyfriend is mad and ""disappointed"" in me because I won't tell my parents. He thinks my family can do something because I have connections to a school. I don't want my family to contact the school because if I didn't get in I don't deserve to get in. I'm just a disappointment to everyone. I don't deserve anything. If I'm not smart enough to get into grad school I don't want to live anymore anyways. If I'm not smart I'm not worthy of living.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Please answer. I have to make up my mind tonight because this is the only night I'm considering antidepressants,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "People might ask me something about myself and then I struggle to think of something, whether it be true or false. I have an intense hatred towards women but I like a very small number of them. If you want to know why I hate them, the story is gonna be an ultimately weak one. I love fictional girls though, but not in a romantic fashion. I hate romance more than anything.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I want to know if people do to snap me out of my mental state in some way. I tried to commit suicide two weeks ago..,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been lying here for hours just doing nothing. I can't go out today because I'm having a chronic illness flare-up. But, I can't seem to find anything to interest me at home, either. All of my hobbies just seem dull. I don't know what to do any more.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I find it difficult right now to believe a person can be depressed and not also simultaneously love heart wrenching music, if any.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know im going to kill myself, I've known it for 7 years, Ive been mentally ill since I was 6. I know what the end game is, the only thing unsure is the timeframe.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi guys, Just wanted to know - do any of you have really awful/vivid nightmares when sleeping? I find mine have been getting worse and worse as my depression ebbs and flows: A lot of times they involve me being back in high school or college and forgetting classes to go to, or being in high school at age 30 while everyone else is in their teens. Other times I dream about moving away from home and I struggle or my car breaks down and I cannot get it fixed. I also dream about my job and stuff sometimes too. Anyone else have this?",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been struggling with these feelings since i was 11. Everyone told me it would get better, but it never did. I got rejected from my dream university and my second choice today, that left me completely crushed. Fucking getting straight As for twelve years, spending your time working your ass off to exhaustion doing volunteering , dragging your body to SAT practice everyday for 9 hours a day, the fucking perfect essay and for what? I dont care anymore I've spent my entire life trying to be perfect which caused my depression in first place and where did it get me? I don't care anymore, I'm not going to try anymore the only thing I wanna do is overdose and die alone in my room.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Actually I like living but not with this situations. I'm 17 now, today is my birthday. I have mental ilnesses for my childood, when I was 11 my ocd starts. And I have depression for several years. Sometimes it's go up and sometimes down. In 7th grade I sleep all day. And this year I'm actually be aware of my depression. And I have paranoia too, ever since last year. I took antidepressant and antipsychotics. And this time I take 2 capsule prozac every moening. And also I'm going to psychiatrist. First time I've go to psychiatrist is nearly 3 years ago. And I'm going to psychologyst too in last 3 years (not continuonus). But I can't be happy. Always I'm thinking something. I can't be relax. I can't be peaceful. I don't want to be die but I think it's required for me.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm a 23 year old unemployed woman still living with my mom. I quit my job 3 months ago because of the stress and anxiety it was putting me through. Of late my mental health has worsened a lot and I can't seem to get out of the loop. Everything makes me cry and I don't even feel like going out of my room most days. I go to a psychiatrist and I am on meds but nothing seems to be working. (Ive changed almost 7 therapists/psychiatrists now because my mental health was showing no improvement.) I feel like a parasite, latching on to my mother and aunts for financial support. I want to move out and live independently but I don't even feel anything. I don't feel like doing anything, let alone wanting to work. I constantly worry whether I'm just being lazy and making excuses or whether I genuinely have a problem. I don't want to face people, give interviews or work among other people. Everytime I get a job I end up having panic attacks and excessively stressing out. The thought of having responsibility and knowing that there are certain expectations I have to meet while working, and the constant anxiety of doing badly at my job trouble me so much. I don't want to go through any of this. I don't want to. I don't want to do anything. I'm tired of being taunted by everyone and having to dodge questions about why I'm still unemployed. I feel useless and worthless and I don't know how to get out of this cycle.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "sorry that seems obvious if your depressed. But like, I'm to tired to put makeup on. For the last 10 months. I'm normally a wake and face kinda gal. I gave up my job to go back to school full time after the birth of my youngest. Childcare is so expensive it's not worth it! So I am at home. Which I love? But hate. I keep feeling like I want to GO HOME, but there is no home to go to. I have intrusive and very specific self harm thoughts, but I'm on meds and seeing a doctor. Idk, does anyone else just feel LOST?",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." anybody know any sites or location to go for help with seeing a lot of trauma and that the has PTSD from 9/11 as well that are easy get to and join in nyc Brooklyn,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Maybe this will be the last time I'll be posting here, and allow me to express my gratitude for all of you, I have met few amazing people through here in the last year and I'm glad, that I spent the last year without the rules of the society and at my will, well worst and I don't regret a second of it. I'm glad to have had such a privileged life, ups and downs but most of it all was such a ride. I'm content, I'm not angry or upset nor feeling helpless, I'm feeling like it's time. It was a good 21 year ride, and bless the reddit for it helped me laugh countless times with the memes and helped me get in touch with myself through its amazing redditors, you all rock, hope to meet you all one day after that rainbow bridge. Thank you and goodbye. :) Update: I was caught by my mom while preparing for it and she didn't need a second to release what I was about to do, I'm on surveillance now, there goes me, failed again. Nonetheless, thank you to everyone who tried to reach me and left a kind comment. Back to hell, back to reality, back to existing.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Having this constant feeling of being judged, mocked, persecuted against, glared at, being the one in others way, being talked about. I just want it to stop. Its ground me right down. I cant take it anymore. Why wont anyone even speak to me. They just want me to suffer.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "death threats. jobs seem fall through. vehicles taken towed or stolen. phone constanly hacked.... and its either retaliate and get arrested... or what? kill myself? and posting to ask reddit my.posts are deleted. And the answer from one person is lay low. Well I have done that to no avail. Either the streets or the authorities end up completely fucking me off in every way.","Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I hate myself so fucking much, it hurts to exist. I'm a pathetic, disgusting excuse for a person and nobody, not even me can stand being around me. I wish I could just be somebody, anybody else.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've always seen pills as the ""cry for help"" suicide method, but at the same time, I've also heard about people who take some pills, drink some Jack Daniels and peacefully die in their sleep. How deadly is this suicide method really? What are the chances that someone who tries this method ends up waking up feeling sick rather than dying without realizing it?",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'll be using a certain method that is inhaling and when those two chemicals are mixed together , it has a 100 % fatality rate. After next Monday when I grab something to eat and a beer then I'll go to a place in the hills or somewhere where I won't be stopped and complete the method. Soon I'm going to be asleep and forever away from human suffering and be free if any issues for eternity ❤️",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "this is the first time I cut myself and it hurts. the pain snapped me back to reality and I don't know what to do... even though I thought that i was getting a little bit better. I wipe and wipe but the blood won't go away. the pain hurts, I'm not used to any kind of physical pain and I can't stop crying. why am i like this.....",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I come from and live in a country where things are too hard and over half the population is unemployed and suffering mentally. The only people surviving are doing something illegal like pulling the most scams, kidnapping or prostitution. I wish I can indulge in any of this, I have tried to do everything legally even with a degree i seem not to find a job. It is too hard for me to live on, I can't afford basic meal or rent and this hardship has set even my family apart. I am thinking of taking my life as the problem persist. See you guys on the other side if ever succeed.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "For 2 grades are going down, relationship with my parents is deteriorating....I'm so alone.... I crave for love and attention, things I'm not having anymore...And for some brain especially. I'm so stupid, I'm always failing at tests, while others are taking great marks. And I took three bad grades(3 Fs), lower than I ever took, and my parents don't believe me with anything and screaming and threatening me ... It's being going on for too long. No matter how some people would try to help me... It doesn't work.I've been to a therapist , it didn't work. I feel so bad because people are sweet and kind, and (some) teachers are good...but a bad teacher gave us a bad mark at 2 tests,(because he's cynic, even though we studied) and... I wanted to study, but it seems like fate didn't want to keep up with me.I had a big dream , and I failed... All in all, I'm a failure.... And I deserve to die, right before my 17th birthday, when it was supposed to be a wonderful time. I'm sorry, for everything.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "On paper things should seem fine, the few people I've told I want to kill myself on a constant basis brush it off as me being hyperbolic or something. I think about suicide every day and I have for a very long time. Every day is just a physical underlying pain, that I can't really pinpoint. I just want it to stop. The depression or whatever, doesn't ever go away, no matter if I change my work, have money or dont, with or without romantic partners, or how my social life is doing. I can't seem to dig out any actual real trauma. I just want to die, and I think about it all of the time, but I'm just too much of a coward to go through with it, so far. I just want help to end this.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel really weird doing this. I'm not good at talking about this stuff. But I have a couple reasons to think unloading anonymously might help a little. I've been dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts for about half my life, since I was in middle school. Had a couple close calls, but had my first genuine attempt last summer. I've been in and out of various treatments since then. Lost my job and most of my friends. Buried in medical debt. Lost my car today. I was struggling even when things were going well, but now I'm out of straws to grasp at. I don't like myself. I don't even respect myself. I'm embarrassed of the life I've lived. I can't keep myself sober, and, frankly, I'm out of reasons to bother trying. I like to say I won't make another attempt because of my dad, but some days I think the real reason is because I just haven't stockpiled enough pills yet. This is hard for me to type. I feel like I'm just an attention seeker. And, hey, maybe I am. I don't know. I don't even feel like I should be posting here. I'm not really an immediate threat to myself. I'm just desperate. This is the hardest night I've had in a while. I just want to feel something else.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Hi Reddit, my name is Robert and I have some issues to share with you. I am 20 years old, I am from Romania and I have ADHD. In middle school I had some issues with social integration. My parents were strict with me and didn't let me go outside with other people. That's how I got isolated. In high school I've tried to make friends again to be a new begin but it didn't work. At 16 years old I've started to masturbate everyday and at 17 to drink alcoholic drinks. I thought that this would numb my pain. Because of that I've failed my final exam BAC (exam to enter in any university). Now I don't have a job and I have suicidal thoughts and I think I'll kil myself someday. My parents doesn't want to let me go to psychotheraphy they think is useless. What should I do? Every month is worse!! I really need help!!!","Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Talked to my mom today about a test I have today that I was stressing over. And the conversation turned into me wasting my potential (all in love). But what pisses me off is this just ""get over it"" mentality like what's taking me so long. And her and I both know I have to get on top of things but when you had depression for 8 years and counting this is not something you just overcome in a short period of time. And probably what pisses me off the most is the fact she's right bc her and I both know time doesn't wait for anyone. I don't have the luxury to keep performing at the level I'm currently am. All of this is just frustrating, ik the answer it's just a matter of applying myself.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I thought I escaped the depression. From the first dose of my Spiro and Estrogen I felt a huge weight off of my shoulders. It was time to be myself and thrive. I enjoyed it. I no longer needed to hide. After a couple of months I thought I'd try dating. Of course, I expected the hate messages. I expected the slurs. What I never expected was the amount of men that maintained interest after I disclosed that I'm transgender. What I soon found was a pattern. A pattern I could not escape. It was in this moment I realized what being a living fetish is like. For the past nine months I've been nothing more to men than a source for pictures and a discreet fun time. I still fall for the player saying he wants something more than hooking up just to be used, ghosted, and hit up when he is drunk and horny. The first few times hurt my ego but I recovered. Having the same story for nine months straight makes me question if this is all that life has for me. I want nothing more than to just connect with someone. Talk with a guy about life and get to know each other. But. The only attention I ever get are if I post naughty pics or nudes. Once I show and indication that I'm human they ghost. I've made a few trans friends and the story is the same. Doesn't matter how pretty. How much they pass. We're just a fetish and nothing more. It makes sense why they're all either depressed or escorts. I've fought the desire to end it completely so I no longer have to deal with the loneliness. It's a crippling loneliness. I'll never find love.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Alone because of a lack of self confidence ↪️ Not being able to give nor receive love and affection ↪️ Feeling of being unwanted/undesired ↪️ Loss of self confidence intensifies ↪️ Isolation : no more opportunities to meet new people ↪️ Depression ↪️ Feeling of being worthless ↪️ Not achieving anything : ashamed of yourself 🔂,Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." i can't bare to get out of my bed in the morning. i can't look at myself in the mirror without feeling like i am about to throw up. i have no long term plans and even though there is a couple things i don't wanna miss out i know i won't last enough. the wait won't be worth it.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "this loneliness is killing me inside. i can't take it anymore. i don't know what I did to deserve everything going wrong for me. i'm going to die alone, might as well do it now",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "ive always been an ugly kid and hated the way i looked, i envied my childhood friends because they were prettier than me and got better treatment. i developed an eating disorder when i was 12-13 yo and ive been in a restrict-binge cycle for years. lately ive gained more than i usually do while bingeing for a long period of time and it made me really depressed but i somehow coped with it. ive been realizing how ugly i really look and how far i am from how i used to think i looked, i thought i was fine, just looked weird from some angles but its way worse than that. i hate everything about my face and my body. i hate the way my skin looks. i hate everything about myself and i feel so sorry that my body is working so hard for someone who hates it. i cant afford plastic surgery and makeup doesnt do the trick anymore because i know how awful i look under it. i just want to kill myself.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It has been months since I've seen the sun or ate food around others. I bought my ma some food and we walked around and saw some birds. It was nice. I didn't think I could feel this light in my heart. I always feel like I'm the dark heavy looming presence and im tense all the time, yknw just that depressed kid?? The sun was good for me. At least for an hour or two. I hope you will feel that lightness too.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm looking for an easy way out. I'm a coward, i know. I can't take any more hearthache though. I need a quick way to kill myself. Would 750/800 mg of Doxylamine Succinate do the trick? If not is there some concoction of otc pills i can take? Please help, I'm desperate.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Im really considering suicide by overdose on march 30. I feel so pathetic and like nobody cares. Any thoughts, opinions, etc?",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Im 15 and take a lot of different drogs and im Smoking just wanna know how can relate (sorry for my english im from Germany),Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "At the end of March if things still aren't better, I'm just gonna take the whole bottle of acetaminophen in the kitchen before school. If it doesn't kill me, then my parents will know I'm suicidal, and if does then I'll be dead! It's a win-win either way. I would stay home from school, but I feel like that would arouse suspicion. If I start feeling the effects around lunch and don't want to go back to school so they don't figure it out, then I'll just drive to a Walmart parking lot or something. Sure, I'll be missing graduation and prom and all those super important high school things... but at this point I don't care. I see no point in continuing to live. We've already lost 5 students this year so I kind of feel bad that I'm going to subject my school to more grief but only like 10 people know me well so it won't hurt that much.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I hate my job, but I need to keep having income so that I can support myself. But is starting to become so hard to get out of bed that I am continuously late to work. Should I just quit? Has anyone else had a similar experience?",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I feel like I am at my wit's end. I have been looking for a job for almost three months now and have been unsuccessful. I struggling to pay my car and insurance and just regular bills. I am in school and living in a bad environment. I am trying so hard applying and going on interview after interview and nothing is working. I dont want to do this anymore I dont want life anymore. I dont want to live I feel like I can breathe I feel like theres no point. I feel like I am drowning. I want to just stop waking up,Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "- Chronic pain from TMJ (I can't even eat, eat mushy or liquid foods), can't talk or sing much anymore, just lay in bed and sleep to escape pain - Chronic sinus infections (I can't breathe, always feel like I'm about to sneeze, eyes swollen shut",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't know if it's the anxeity disorder or what, but lately I've been thinking for some reason that my life is gonna be short and end with a tragic and traumatic death. It's been kind of scaring me lately. I've also been having dreams about car crashes to the point I'm scared to drive farther than 5 minutes from my house. It may seem stupid but I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this before.",Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I know we use the word ""burden"" a lot. I do it too. There's more to it than that. I have family members who have been affected by my problems. If I go away, it will hurt them, but one last time instead of multiple episodes. That's it in a nutshell. Most people don't want me around. I'm not desirable in any way. I'm not exciting. What I have to offer other people, like kindness, love, compassion, are outdated concepts. They don't want these things and they can't give them in return. I don't belong anywhere so I'd be better off going to nowhere.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Idk if people will be able to help... Just, I saw a broken glass under my bed like 3 hours ago and now as I'm trying to sleep I have this urge to shove it in my neck and I'm genuinely worried that I might carry it out... Every time whatever distraction I was trying stops, its back...",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have been bullied and told I was playing the victim card my entire life, nobody wants me to live so why am I still here? I will never find a boyfriend or girlfriend and being broken with a useless set of cards keeps me from being even slightly successful. The American dream is specifically made to benefit the wealthy and powerful. The poor will not make it in this country, suicide rates are already rising and have been for the past 20 years. I try playing games but nothing is entertaining anymore especially when I do everything alone with no visible future. I am literally just living until I am not able to support myself and then I will either die by natural causes or suicide. It feels like nobody wants to support me and I was dealt a useless set of cards from the beginning.","Bias/Abuse, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." This is my personal experience. But seeing other people go through the same struggles I go through is kinda calming. And some people are obviously going through things much worse. Also people here are so much more sympathetic and kind. It's wonderful.,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I have a stutter and after learning that I wont grow out of it, I feel as if I would never achieve my dreams due go my lack of ability to fluently speak. It's making me feel worthless. I know that I will never get a girlfriend because of it and it just makes me feel like shit.","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've lost the fight. I'm nothing at this point. A ball of emotions, barely fucking human. I've lost my motivation to go on. I'm not even pushing back against the destruction my brain wrecks. I'm not special, unique, important, smart, helpful, or human in any sense. I'm a selfish, lying bastard piece of shit. I'm insignificant, the background man. I'm not who I am. I'm a fake. A fake built up to conceal the blackness and horrible person I really am. I can't be happy ever again, everything I put on is just a mask to hide the nothingness. Nobody needs me. I don't have a life to take at this point. I'm numb, and I can't feel it anymore. I'm tired of waiting, fighting, disguising, and trying. I'm losing, and there's nothing I can do to win. There is no end. I doubt I find solace in anything.",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "My sadness has been dragging me for weeks and today, I'm too lazy to do the things I normally do. Even the things that I want to do. I wasn't able to go to school today because it was really hard to get out of my bed. I'm not even in the mood to play games. Every minor thing that bums me out affects me drastically. I haven't tried going to the hospital regarding my mental health and I am not sure if this is all just in my head or I really have depression.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "So I went to a stupid therapist last week because of the self harm and suicide thing with my school. I dont really want help but I was at least hoping for some help with my mental health. That didnt happen, instead I'm going to get tested for autism (asperger's). I dont think that having autism is bad but that's not really what i wanted, I wanted to sort out my mental health and all she did was take down all the things that could mean I'm autistic. I just hate it, I dont get why I was referred to a therapist that specializes in autism. That's not what I need. Sorry if this is offensive. Sorry","Relationship, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Im going to kill myself soon it will be easy i think im going to do it in the bathtub so it wont have a lot of blood staining i feel bad for the person or people that are going to have to carry my fat fucking body down the stairs I cant stop thinking about this i just feel bad when I think of my parents finding me,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Told my therapist iv been having alot of suicidal toughts lately. Im so fucking fucked.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I guess you could say it's to the point where it's affecting my attendance at work. So far I have the days off but I'm about to run out. Has anyone ever been treated for fatigue and it helped their depression? Maybe the fatigue is what causes the depression?",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "If I have time to think then all I want to do is commit suicide. If I watch movies or play games or something similar that is not boring to me I am fine. My problem is at work it's an 8hr suicide thinking session",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I want to be dead peacefully by hanging myself or shooting myself,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "2020 is kicking my ass so bad. I got laid off in November, and a pregnancy wouldnt allow me to work until now. I got the call that im going back to work starting Saturday, but whats the use? Unemployment didnt pay enough to make rent and bills, social assistance wont help me BECAUSE im recieving Unemployment, and i was given the ""you have 14 days to pay your rent or i start the eviction process"" notice from the landlord. After waiting for a late payment of Unemployment to come in, and my husband and i taking everything of value to us (PS4, Switch, and even his guitar) to the pawn shop, we're a solid $60 short on rent with no income in sight for the remaining days we have to pay. I put my name out for emergency commissions as i figure people might go for it, but in all honesty, no one has. Another bomb dropped on me today was that this ""flu"" my 3 year old daughter has had for a few days now is actually Scarlet Fever. Who gets scarlet fever? Is this the 1800s? What happens if my newborn son catches it from her? Is this year the year i lose a child and face my biggest and deepest fear? Idk man. I just wish this year would stop kicking my ass...i just needed to tell the world.","Finance/Career, Loss and Grief","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." My suicidal thoughts have gone from not serious to something I fantasize about. It actually makes me feel better to think about it because I want it so bad. I'm just to big of a pussy to actually do it. Anyone's 2 cents is valuable to me. Have a happy moment today :),None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." What is the lethal dose of mefenamic acid? I have 5g but I don't know how much is enough to kill me,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." I've tried a good 10 to 11 times in the past year but each have failed yet I still want to try and will try more cos mostly everything is useless. Does the number of failed attempts mean anything or do I have some weird luck,None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "It's going all good, I'm feeling happy and all of a sudden I feel depressed. Idk what to do!? I am hating myself right now! Why does this happen? How do I deal with it?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I barely graduated high school due to too many absences, and two semesters into college I'm taking a medical leave of absence because I'd fallen behind on coursework, past the point of being able to catch up. I'm trying to get a job but the thing is I can't promise I'm going to show up to work based on my pattern of behavior. My psychiatrist just keeps putting me on pills that don't work and I don't think my therapist can help me either because I know what steps I have to take, I just can't do it. I just think I'm not meant to be alive in today's world and I can't survive without burdening everyone else with my ineptness. Don't really want to kill myself just wish I were never born or that I could do normal things and be functional.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "Today I'm having a drink for the first time in almost 2 years. I'm just at a point where I just don't want to feel anymore. I don't have a job because my depression is crippling. It's been 6 months since I left my last job which I was there for 3 years until it got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I've been trying to keep busy by doing home renovations but I can't even get out of bed past 1pm, even when I go to bed early. I know I need to see someone but I can't even make an appointment. But today, I don't know what snapped in me. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired. I am so tired. Why are we forced to stay alive? I would have killed myself a long time ago but it would destroy my small family. But it's just, I don't know how much longer...","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." Due to medical treatment I have been throwing up for what feels like most of the night. I feel so shit! Why do I have to go through this?,Health Concerns,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I just fucking hate my life but have to keep fucking acting like everythings fucking fone and happy i cant bring myself to fucking tell anyone how depressed i am but i can post it here and tell you guys, you are my only escape from reality and the only thing that makes me feel less lonely",Relationship,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I'm 23, I have a worthless ass history degree, no physical attraction whatsoever, no real job, no social life, and no hope of getting out of the US because fuck this country. Sure my nieces and nephews might miss me, but they're good kids and they'll get over it when I'm dead. The only reason I haven't killed myself yet, is that I'm too much of a pussy to shoot my empty fuckin head","Finance/Career, Relationship","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been working for about a year at this company. Things havent been working out and I'm not as motivated as I once was.. I still manage to be on time and try but I honestly just dislike the work. I dislike it because I feel like I hardly understand it. I cant understand it better because I cant focus and I'm too tired to put in anymore outside efforts. The bad news is, once they fire me I'll owe a lot of money for breaching my contract. I just dont know if theres an easy way out of this.",Finance/Career,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I've been awake for the last 3 or so hours. My partner got home around 2 and woke me up. I haven't been able to close my eyes for more than 5 minutes or so (not sure if that's accurate, I'm very tired) without very graphic ideation and overwhelming physical intent. I don't want to kill myself, but I very much want to kill myself. I'm just reaching out to feel a little less lonely right now.",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I feel empty, but at the same time, I feel this energy trapped in a cage. I am a pile of shit, but I still feel like I am better than most. WDF?",None of them,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." "I don't feel like eating, sleeping, working, playing games, etc. All my friend's do is harass and bully me so they're no help. I just wish life would go on without me",Bias/Abuse,"You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information." The only thing im good at is skipping breakfast and dinner soo i can just get more drunk for the day and drink my sad useless ass to sleep haha. Just got fired from my line cook job at chilis cuhs i suck so bad only there 2 weeks guess im a pile of shit. I cant wait to get paid tomorrow so i can buy some mezcal and drink myself to sleep for the next week. Why am i still here,"Finance/Career, Health Concerns","You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information."