diff --git "a/exeter/validation.csv" "b/exeter/validation.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/exeter/validation.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,2606 @@ +text,bin_label +"There was the negative: ""In the hot, sodden mess that is our planet as 2015 drags to a close, the pact reached in Paris feels, in a lot of ways, like an ambitious agreement designed for about 1995, when the first conference of parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change took place in Berlin,"" The New York Times editorialized. It's too modest and unenforceable for them. Others were cautiously optimistic.",0 +"Their claim that I had never mentioned the rejection of this comment at Climate Audit is simply untrue. Osborn stated that he was unwilling to search through hundreds of comments at Climate Audit, but how can CRU pretend to have a basis for claiming that I had never mentioned the rejection of the comment at Climate Audit if they havent thoroughly examined the thousands of posts and comments. If CRU did not carry out the requisite examination, they should refrain from making claims that can only be made responsibly on the basis of a thorough examination. BTW I was able to locate mentions of this rejection (theres more than one) in a few minutes, but I had an idea of where to look.",0 +"EPA's narrow interpretation of the RMR&R; exclusion is discouraging investments in efficiency improvements by utilities, even though such improvements are closely linked to lower emissions and are encouraged by other federal and state environmental programs. The type of modification to electric generators proposed by Detroit Edison, for example, would reduce the amount of coal needed to generate the same level of power by about 112,000 tons per year.24 Detroit Edison estimates 1,000 other electric utility units in the U.S. could similarly replace their turbine blades, reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 81 million tons per year.",0 +"A second possibility is a long-term decrease in middle and upper tropospheric humidity, and no increase in convective mixing. In this case, daytime mixing would bring down the lower humidity air to the surface from the same altitude as before. There is some radiosonde evidence for such a decrease in absolute humidities above the turbulent boundary layer (e.g. Paltridge, 2009 ). If real, such a decrease might well result in negative water vapor feedback, since a small decrease in mid- and upper tropospheric humidity can have a natural radiative cooling effect which outweighs the warming from a larger increase in lower tropospheric humidity (e.g. Spencer and Braswell, 1997 ; Miskolczi, 2010 ). Of course, all climate models exhibit strongly positive water vapor feedback, approximately doubling the direct warming effect of increasing CO2 alone.",1 +"Rather than raise our cost of energy to lower our emissions, it would make more sense to subsidize natural gas plants in developing countries to lower their reliance on coal and wood.",0 +Business groups said the paperwork and costs involved in complying with the CRC scheme could put a significant new burden on companies already struggling in an uncertain economic climate. The Bank of England is expected to underline fears about the economy today with forecasts for faltering economic growth and persistent inflation.,0 +"So, with the major groups at the bargaining table with the government, whose watching out for the environment in our own backyards?",0 +"Even with improvements, however, dry, objective measures such as GDP fail to capture a lot of life. Robert Kennedy articulated this concern in a speech in 1968 when he lamented that GDP ""measures everything . . . except that which makes life worthwhile."" GDP positively reports the use of resources, for example, but it fails to account for depletion of those resources, whether due to environmental damage or unhealthy working conditions.",0 +"Gee, we need to show more sea surface warming during the hiatus, but we dont want to increase the trend since about 1982.",1 +"""The U.S. Postal Service announced Friday that it lost $8.5 billion dollars this fiscal year and blamed its financial problems on a significant decline in mail volume. The USPS operates off the revenue it generates from stamps and shipping costs, though it also has a $15 billion line of credit with the U.S. Treasury.""",0 +"6. Ehrlich sketched out his most alarmist scenario for the 1970 Earth Day issue of The Progressive, assuring readers that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the ""Great Die-Off.""",1 +Consistent with these historical observations are the reported experimental studies 9 that show that calciferous marine organisms are much more immune to the effects of ocean acidification than is usually supposed. In fact these experiments suggest that even for some of the extreme projections of ocean acidification most of the organisms are likely to survive or adapt.,1 +"how to restore ""climate change"" as a top global priority after the fiasco of last year's Copenhagen summit;",0 +"Lynnwood was MUCH worse, spiking well into the UNHEALTHY levels for everyone (about 120). The red line shows preceding 24-h averages.",0 +"As if to confirm this point, we watch in bemusement as the sea ice resolutely refuses to do what anyone expects. The Greenland ice melt has gone fast, then slow and some are even claiming that the refreeze has started weeks ahead of schedule. The pause in the alleged Arctic death spiral looks set to extend to another year, but the Antarctic has blipped below its long-term mean for the first time in years.",1 +"FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday February 13, 2013",0 +"Last week the US had the opportunity to put a responsible adult in charge off the country. Instead we got a repeat performance ofspectacularincompetence for the next four years. Obama is right back to where he was four years ago, claiming that he can control the weather.",0 +"On the same day, February 20, NASA's James Hansen was speaking in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the Lensic Theater, with a follow-up presentation the next day at the Santa Fe Institute where he proposed ""a steep energy tax to curb global warming.""",0 +"This hearing was followed by a special seminar organized by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, using the same format but focusing on scientific topics. The Academy will soon publish a report about this seminar.",0 +"The nineteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 19) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was held in Warsaw, Poland in November. The Warsaw meeting was designed to develop an international approach for controls on the release of green house gases (GHG) to replace the Kyoto Protocol that expired last year. A key issue is devising compensation for poor countries for the costs of adapting to climate change. With developed countries like the US and those of Western Europe mired in slow or zero economic growth, this is likely to be a tough sell. Even if things were moving along better in developed economies, however, little would come of these meetings.",0 +"Well meaning collectivists (you can call them Commies) dont care about results or solving problems, they care about power and control.",0 +"Fuel economy standards compel automakers to please government planners rather than satisfy consumers. Thats a recipe for an auto industry with lower sales, reduced profits, and fewer jobs.",1 +"A new review paper from SPPI and CO2 Science concludes, "" In summation, and in view of the numerous similar findings from across a wide and varying geographic area, it would appear that much of Canada has (1) experienced less-variable extreme moisture conditions, as both it and the rest of the world have emerged from the relative cold of the Little Ice Age and are now basking in the greater warmth of the Current Warm Period, and that (2) this finding appears to be independent of the atmosphere's CO2 concentration.""",1 +"The key to this scam, designed to curb global warming, is a scheme known as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), set up under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and administered by the UN. It enables firms and governments in the developed world to buy ""credits"" which allow them to continue emitting greenhouse gases. These are sold to them, through well-rewarded brokers, from firms in developing countries that can show they have nominally reduced their emissions.",1 +"Sir Humphry laughed his marvelous laugh, and said , You know, I have only two skills in this liferiding horses, and recognizing quality. I saw these in a bunch of old rubbish behind a shop in Crimea, and bought them and brought them back. Well, naturally, how foolish of me not to have guessed. Of course, being Sir Humphry, he had exact replica period wooden cannon mounts made for them.",0 +"Experts featured on the program are Fred Singer, Richard Lindzen, Willie Soon, Craig Idso, Lord Christopher Monckton, Joseph D'Aleo and E. Michael Smith. We also feature two musical items by the Minnesotans for Global Warming. I thank you one and all for being a part of the program, which we hope will have along life and be rebroadcast on many outlets and eventually be shown in schools to balance the Gore flick.",0 +"This narrated video gives an overview of net primary production and the carbon cycle. High-resolution data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, or MODIS, indicate a net decrease in NPP from 2000-2009, as compared to the previous two decades. Credit: NASA/Michelle Williams",0 +Lowest temperature ever recorded in Cuba during the entire month of February. Ties the record low temperature for ANY month of the year.,0 +"34 D. J. Gubler, Resurgent vector-borne diseases as a global health problem, Emerging Infectious Diseases 4, 442 (1998).",0 +"Of this estimate, $74 billion comes directly from the output of new hydrocarbon production alone. The rest is generated by multiplier effects as the surge in economic activity drives higher wealth, spending, consumption and investment effects that ripple through the economy. This potential re-industrialization of the U.S. economy is both profound and timely, occurring as the U.S struggles to shake off the lingering effects of the 2008 financial crisis.",1 +"Kuroyanagi et al . conclude that if oceanic pH remains within the range of 8.2 to 7.9, the ""large foraminifers should be able to maintain present calcification rates,"" but they note that any further drop in pH could lead to reduced rates of calcification. We hasten to add, however, that although the IPCC's A2 scenario predicts a maximum pH decline of approximately 0.5 pH units by about AD 2270, the more recent analysis of Tans (2009) suggests a maximum pH drop of only about 0.14 unit at about AD 2090, after which pH begins to rise to asymptotically return to its current value after several hundred years. This latter projection, therefore, suggests that oceanic pH will not even -- or ever -- come close to creating a major decline in M. kudakajimensis calcification rate. Reference",1 +"In the words of Lozano-Garcia et al ., ""the data from Lago Verde strongly suggest that during the Little Ice Age lake levels and vegetation at Los Tuxtlas were responding to solar forcing and provide further evidence that solar activity is an important element controlling decadal to centennial scale climatic variability in the tropics ( Polissar et al ., 2006 ) and in general over the North Atlantic region ( Bond et al ., 2001 ; Dahl-Jensen et al ., 1998 )."" References",1 +"26 ""National Security and the Threat of Climate Change,"" Center for Naval Analyses, CNA, 2007.",0 +"The upper curve is shown rolling Global rsmedelvrden and lower equivalent from the northern hemisphere. The difference is slunda ACE from the southern hemisphere. The global The value has tv peaks p 90s and something weaker 2004-05. It shows dremot not someone trendmssig SHEET since the 70s and nedtgende trend since 1990. Gray writes very convincingly that there is something when supporting pstenden a systematic seekers frekomst of hurricanes. n less to their frekvans and strength would pverkats of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Besides Maues and own works he quotes, among others,",0 +"Climate change mitigation will increase demand for deployment of less carbon-intensive forms of energy, including hydropower some of which have historically resulted in social conflict and human insecurity (for example because of forced resettlement), and this is a basis for concern about increased violence and insecurity in the future (Conca, 2005; McDonald-Wilmsen et al., 2010; Sherbinin et al., 2011). Other research points to an increased use of nuclear power increasing the threat of nuclear proliferation or incidents of nuclear terrorism (Socolow and Glaser, 2009, Steinbruner et al., 2012). Climate policy responses also have the potential to reduce conflict in various ways, as explained further in Section 12.5.4.",0 +"IER's Kish deemed the climate report ""a scare tactic designed to excuse the President's agenda of centralizing power in Washington and making energy more expensive and jobs harder to find.""",1 +"When Heartlandgate first broke, I saw no parallels with Climategate. Now, with the involvement of Gleick, there most certainly are parallels. There is the common theme of climate scientists compromising personal and professional ethics, integrity, and responsibility, all in the interests of a cause.",1 +"This question of ""strategic literacy"" of NATO leaders cannot be overemphasized at a time when NATO allies are elaborating a new (i.e., post 9/11) strategic concept. The task promises to be a daunting one if only because, since the end of the Cold War, the very concept of ""strategy"" has become increasingly problematic in the West in no small part because the concept of the ""West"" itself is no longer self-evident.7",0 +"Highlights New Video of Top EPA Official Admitting ""Pain"" of EPA Regs on Coal Communities",0 +We apologize for this inconvenience. We do not want to compromise on the quality or value of our sandwiches.,0 +"Anders Bolling, Apocalypse cuddly mrker, Bonniers, 2009. See also http://apokalypsensgosigamorker.blogspot.se/",0 +"Let us note the political strategy that will be pursued in trying to get the Senate to go along. First, politicians will be nudged with the bogus claim that ""the American people"" are mightily concerned about global warming. Even before Kyoto, the New York Times concocted a poll finding that 65 percent of those polled (by telephone) believe the United States should take steps to cut emissions right now, ""regardless of what other countries do."" The bogus nature of these polls, and the political aims of the organizations that conduct them, must be made explicit. The newspaper avoided publishing the wording of its questions and the sequence in which they were asked. But it is clear that human agency global warming was presented as a fait accompli, with all scientific controversy excised.",0 +"The videos also have a host of other misrepresentations, including stating that the model-predicted tropical tropospheric hot spot has been observed ( it has not ),that only by including CO2 (imaginary) positive feedbacks can models predict temperature (without including any consideration of ocean oscillations, clouds, water vapor effects, etc.), and many others. Sad day for science.",1 +"In 1984, Green and Schwarz figured out how the anomaly works in type I superstring theory with the \(SO(32)\) gauge group which is given by a hexagon diagram in \(d=10\) much like it needs a triangle in \(d=4\) but the same trick may apply even after compactification. The new spin-one gauge field is told to transform surprisingly nontrivially under a gauge invariance of a seemingly independent field, a two-index field, and the hexagon is then cancelled against a 2+4 tree diagram with the exchange of the two-index field.",0 +"""Thumbing its nose at property rights, the Los Angeles City Council has just passed an ordinance requiring big-box stores like Home Depot to build shelters for the day-laborers (virtually all illegal aliens) who congregate on their premises. Recently, the City Council passed an ordinance banning new fast food restaurants in predominantly-minority South Central Los Angeles, enforcing what Slate's Will Saletan has called ""Food Apartheid.' Although the ban was passed in the name of fighting obesity, it may well increase obesity, since the junk food sold in convenience stores is often much less nutritious than a Big Mac or Quarter Pounder.""",0 +""" The principal finding of this work is that of the strong correlation between flood-rich phases and solar magnetic activity.""",1 +Mann recounted interviews in which administration officials spoke in identical,0 +New York City turned to crime when the lights went out in the,0 +It is also clear from ice core data that the climate after each of the last 4 ice ages warmed to more than 2degrees C higher than today before dropping 8 degrees all without human help. Each time it did return to lower temperatures. It is also clear from ice data that for the last 10k years the climate has warmed and cooled naturally more than we have seen recently.,1 +"The results aren't pretty, and they generally get worse over time as the Act's emission caps tighten. Relative to baseline levels, ACESA would:",0 +what he has done comes to a different conclusion than Caspar and Gene!,0 +"In light of Laird et al .'s discovery that there have been ""no modern equivalents"" to Northern Great Plains droughts experienced prior to AD 1200, it would appear that 20th-century global warming has done nothing to exacerbate drought conditions in this part of the world. Therefore, any claims to the contrary are clearly incorrect. References",1 +"What is also blatantly obvious is the warming of the tropical Pacific to depth is dependent on 4 La Nia events. And according to Trenberth et al. (2002) and Trenberth and Fasullo (2011), sunlight warms the tropical Pacific during La Nias, not infrared radiation from manmade greenhouse gases. (In the real world, downwelling longwave radiation decreases during La Nia events.)",1 +"on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 at 4:38 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.",0 +"Links and Quotations: Google to Alphabet, ""disruptive"" customer service, the freelancer economy, and more",0 +"* Sea surface temperature trend (Victor Gouretski-GRL, 2012) = 0.2 F/decade",0 +"For if such evidence was detectable at the North Pole, it would be equally detectable at the South. But in Antarctica, evidence of human warming is so completely absent that the place is cooling.",1 +"For environmentalists, it does not matter if the real climate is a deep cold. They committed to the lies about global warming in the late 1980s and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel and Climate Change (IPCC) has maintained the hoax ever since. Along the way we learned that the computer models on which it based its assertions and predictions were rigged and bogus, but that has not deterred the IPCC which is now referring to a ""pause"" in global warming. This is lying on a global scale.",1 +"Dyson came to this country from his native England at age 23 and immediately made major breakthroughs in quantum theory. After that he worked on a nuclear-powered rocket (see video below). Then in the late 1970s, he got involved with early research on climate change at the Institute for Energy Analysis in Oak Ridge, Tenn.",0 +Let s examine the case for a climate treaty through a series of questions.,0 +"Yesterday, the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply reported a slowdown in British manufacturing exports to Europe.",0 +"It's not clear whether the Judiciary Committee will act on this or whether a bill will come to the floor of the House, much less the Senate.",0 +"One reason is, of course, because scientists like Pederson know the public will lose faith in the AGW theory if what it predictswarmingisn't occurring. How silly of the public to demand actual evidence of warming before making some very expensive decisions to cope with warming, but there it is.",0 +"Another deceptive value is that few know how a greenhouse works and even fewer the atmosphere. Indeed, nobody knows how the atmosphere works. If they did, weather and climate forecasts would work.",1 +"The country is not fully electrified and is subject to a large number of power cuts and power reliability uncertainties. In order to resolve this, India urgently requires many new installations, with coal a significant contributor.",0 +"Meanwhile, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, said that he ""respected"" the Pope. We have never heard a radical feminist to have said that they ""respected"" Lawrence Summers. In this sense, the radical Islamists look more reasonable than the feminists in the otherwise isomorphic sequences of events - but it may be just a consequence of selective bias. ;-)",0 +"States in decades past. In the same vein, the limits Obama put on the American",0 +"In his excellent book ""Antifragile,"" Nassim Nicholas Taleb offers two insights that may helpful to anyone grappling with the science of climate change and the follow-on policy implications. Both are based of the following NNT anecdote:",0 +"The report, entitled Fewer Emitters, Lower Emissions, Less Cost, is a cost/benefit analysis which claims that reducing the future population is the cheapest way to reduce carbon emissions. Although the report stresses that non-coercive means should be pursued to reduce births, its terms of reference are somewhat Orwellian in tone:",0 +"Next consider the two balls in the ellipse on the upper border of the corridor on the left panel. If these balls had also been deflated by 0.38 psi, their implied temperature in the right panel would be much too high. Indeed, any deflation for these two balls would move them too high in the right panel. For these two balls, I guessed that there was zero deflation and, using this assumption, they fit nicely in the right panel.",0 +"The latest result was released by LifeWay Research, a Southern Baptist-affiliated polling agency. It was based on a survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors of various denominations in October 2010.",0 +"Thus T is the global average surface temperature ?. However, where is this temperature and its change with time, T, diagnosed?",0 +"I dont wish to demean the proud hard working people in Newcastle in any way, I just thought this was very odd and worth noting. Thanks to everyone who attended our talk. A special thank you to the two protesters handing out flyers at the city hall telling everyone how wrong we are.",0 +These aerosol effects make the challenge of accurately predicting changes in climate even more difficult just from the direct and semi-direct aerosol effects identified in the Kim et al 2012 paper.,1 +"As Prahalad points out, over four billion people in the world lived on an annual income of $1,500 or less (in 2002 dollars), with one billion living on less than a dollar a day. Nevertheless, based on purchasing power parity, this market represents an economy of $13 trillion or more, not that far off from the entire developed world.",0 +"""No matter what the weather is like, it always turns out to be exactly the kind of weather we should expect if human activity were causing global temps to rise'",0 +"""Magnus v. U.S., decided today, concludes that a defendant who pled guilty in 1996 to violating D.C. handgun ban can now have that plea set aside given D.C. v. Heller, assuming his conduct was indeed protected by the Second Amendment (and didn't, for instance, involve the possession of a gun to facilitate an illegal drug transaction). ""A conviction for conduct that is not criminal, but is instead constitutionally protected, is the ultimate miscarriage of justice,"" and a defendant can therefore ask to have it set aside (via a petition for coram nobis relief) even many years later.""",0 +"In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Patrick Jenevein, CEO of Tang Energy Group whose website lists developing wind farms as one of its projects, agrees: ""Without subsidies, the wind industry would be forced to take a hard fresh look at its product. Fewer wind farms would be built, eliminating the market-distorting glut. And if there is truly a need for wind energy, entrepreneurs who improve the business's fundamentals will find a way to compete.""",0 +"In the meantime, a negotiation that allows countries to make and trade-off a wide variety of relevant actions might make far more sense than one in which all transactions have to take place in the coin of emission caps. Some countries with strong green lobbies might still wish to offer caps. Others might pledge R&D; spending, sectoral GHG caps, aid to poor nations for adaptation, or more funding for climate science.",0 +"The Hadley Centre is rewriting the Global SST record to reflect the findings of Thompson et al (2008). In the 2008 paper A large discontinuity in the mid-twentieth century in observed global-mean surface temperature, Thompson et al write, The discontinuity in global-mean surface temperatures in late 1945 is evident in the unfiltered global-mean time series, but its prominence and unique character are highlighted by the removal of the ENSO and COWL-related variability (Fig. 2). They continue in the next paragraph, The step in late 1945 does not appear to be related to any known physical phenomenon. No substantial volcanic eruptions were reported at the time, and the nuclear explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki are estimated to have had little effect on global-mean temperatures The discontinuity is illustrated in Figure 1.",0 +"Yes, we *could* have one of them in a story, or on a show, and have a representative of the ""other side."" But that would be false balance.",0 +"(Well, Roosevelt did sneak in repeal of Prohibition.) Even Roosevelt's first",0 +"Iain Murray (imurray@cei.org) is Director of Projects and Analysis and Senior Fellow in Energy, Science and Technology at CEI. William Yeatman (wyeatman@cei.org) is an energy policy analyst at CEI. A version of this article appeared on FoxNews.com.",0 +Global warming and climate change are the biggest scam of all,1 +The MYI is recovering. The amount of four year old ice has more than tripled since last year.,1 +"In resisting calls for his resignation, Pachauri denied that TERI benefited financially from the inadequate due diligence:",0 +Ts/Tgb = exp(.233Ps^0.0651 + 0.00154Ps^.385),0 +"John Nielsen-Gammon: What would it mean to say that global temperatures are rising? Global temperature anomaly measures how much global temperatures differ relative to a reference period, and the anomaly here often changes erratically from year to year. Some years are warmer than the previous one, some are colder. Underneath that year-to-year variation, though, is a longer term time-varying trend. Standard global time series show an upward trend from about 1910 to about 1940, a weak positive or negative trend from about 1940 to about 1975, and an upward trend since then.",0 +"It is totally clear to me that Obama and Pelosi will spend any amount of money to pass their key legislative initiatives. In the case of Waxman-Markey, the marginal price per vote turned out to be about $3.5 billion . But they didn't even blink at paying this. That is why I fear that some horrible form of health care ""reform"" may actually pass. If it does, the marginal cost per vote may be higher, but I don't think our leaders care.",0 +"Lets consider a current special case to illustrate these concepts. Dr. Wei-Hock Soon of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has been regularly listed as one of the bad kids on the tattling websites because of his climate research. The insinuation is that he has accepted bribes from oil companies to take the positions he does. The implied allegation is only bad in his case because the complaining persons dont like his positions. Recently he coauthored a paper that caused them much consternation, igniting a campaign from the same quarters that generate the tattling websites, to get Dr. Soon fired. A letter was written to his employer accusing him of crimes that even Kafka would find hard to follow. But basically they boil down to the usual: taking money for lies and not confessing. Welcome to the inquisition.",1 +"The committee asked Mann about e-mails that mention Dr. Stephen McIntyre, one of the scientists credited with debunking Mann's hockey stick. While Mann told the committee that there was ""no merit whatsoever to Mr. McIntyre's claims here ,"" the committee didn't interview McIntyre.",0 +"Two striking facts stand out. The first is that laws require equal pay for equal work. Clinton's claim that there is great discrimination means that many employers violate the law with impunity. That's very implausible. Even journalists should be able to understand that. Second, the difference between 78 percent and 92 percent is well known to labor economists and almost certainly to some economists on Clinton's staff. Do they not tell her? Or does she not want to correct this central message of her campaign?",0 +"Joseph E. Steiglitz, ""What is the Appropriate Role of the Federal Government in the Private Markets for Credit and Insurance? What is the Outlook,"" Panel Discussion, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, July/August 2006.",0 +Reality actually tops Lileks's satire: Osama bin Laden has publicly supported the Kyoto Protocol.,0 +"That threatens to derail the EUs emissions reduction goals for 2020, prompting the bloc to take action.",0 +"Global warming/Climate Change: The writer understands that what is popularly referred to as global warming/climate change refers to the alleged increase in the surface temperature of the earth, and that this alleged increase is being caused by human activities producing carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide, mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. According to catastrophists, this alleged inevitable temperature increase will guarantee disaster for future generations unless these human emissions are significantly decreased.",1 +A paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters finds another non-hockey-stick from reconstructed sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific over the past 850 years. The data shows temperatures were as warm duringportionsof the Little Ice Age in the 1200's - 1400's as at the end of the record.,1 +"Of course this just follows a long line of FAIL, the most prominent being the death of the Chicago Climate Exchange and its nickel a ton flatline:",0 +"While some governments regard GHG control as high priority, others have concluded that paying to curb domestic GHG discharges is not, at least for now, in their interest. For many poorer nations, economic development offers better protection from harmful climate change than do GHG limits. This choice makes sense. Industrialization can boost the ability to adapt to climate change. Of course, it can also relieve many other more acute problems. For these countries, slowing growth in the name of GHG control may simply be a bad investment.",0 +"The disclaimer states, ""Purchase of this indulgence absolves you from your guilt from living in a free, productive society. This indulgence will not meaningfully alter the weather, nor climate and is therefore the most honest carbon trading strategy you can find.""",0 +"The good news is, we can make meaningful progress on this issue while driving strong economic growth. I urge this Congress to pursue a bipartisan, market-based solution to climate change, like the one John McCain and Joe Lieberman worked on together a few years ago. But if Congress wont act soon to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the consequences of climate change, and speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy.",0 +"E.g. according to the World Meteorological Organization there are only 1311 weather stations providing ground data. It means there are 132 000 km2 per one ground station, mostly in cities. Thermometers have existed for several centuries, weather balloons for half a century, satellite weather measurements for 30 years and the compatibility of data is very dubious. There has not been a chance to create ?ceteris paribus? conditions.",1 +"Koppen created a system around these basic divisions based on average annual precipitation, average monthly temperature and average monthly precipitation. He identified six major divisions.",0 +"CO2-Enriched Seawater and the Self-Righting Ability of Gastropods (19 Nov 2013) The authors of this study conclude that C. concholepas have the ability to maintain calcification even at pCO2 levels of 1036 atm ... in agreement with similar results reported in the literature for other invertebrates... And they say that during their early ontogeny, exposure to elevated pCO2 may actually increase the likelihood of C. concholepas surviving after being overturned by an exogenous cause... Read More",1 +"I assume that it contains all the stuff necessary to clean up the blood spilled by the birds and bats killed by the blades, but who knows? I saw a raptor of some kind that was tragically intrigued by the wind lifting and swirling around the blades, so I pointedly looked somewhere else and found another curious sign warning of two more separate dangers I hadnt even considered.",0 +"""Such focus on measuring the results of mitigation programs can be expected to rouse loud scorn and ""debunking"" from the likes of Al Gore and a league of crony capitalists intent on making millions selling ""carbon offsets"" the environmental equivalent of selling indulgences as forgiveness for carbon sin.",0 +"During winter (December 2001March 2002), the urban area averaged 2.2 C warmer than the hinterland. The strength of the UHI increased as the wind velocity decreased, reaching an average value of 3.2 C under calm (<2 m s1) conditions and maximum single-day magnitude of6 C",1 +objectives sharing the plan with the entire national security team once it was ready. Last,0 +"For decades Indian policy makers viewed American policy as that of an off-shore balancer to counter so-called Indian hegemony in South Asia. Starting with the Bush administration, American officials began to view India as an emerging global power. In his speech before the Parliament of India, President Obama asserted that ""India is not simply emerging; India has already emerged."" Further, President Obama emphasized that the U.S. looked forward to Indian engagement in southeast Asia and east Asia, as well as an Indian role in Africa.",0 +"Figure 1. Exponential and fat-tailed exponential decay, for values of t from 1 to 30 months. Lines show the fraction of the original amount that remains after time t. The fatness of the tail is controlled by the variable c. Line with circles shows the standard exponential decay, from t=1 to t=20. Golden line shows a fat-tailed exponential decay. Black line shows a standard exponential decay, with a longer time constant tau. The fatness of the tail is controlled by the variable c.",0 +"The central thrust is to shift legal immigration slots from family reunification bringing in low-skill workers to high-skill immigrants, as Canada and Australia did years ago.",0 +"This is not the profile of a ""carbon-constrained"" world, as a popular euphemism has it; this is the profile of a carbon-starved world. This kind of reduction is not going to be achieved, and it is not going to be seriously attempted. Waxman-Markey tacitly admits this through its inclusion of ""offsets""that is, reductions in GHG emissions through means other than reduction in fossil fuel energy usealong with the hope that carbon sequestration can be implemented cost-effectively on a large scale, thus allowing coal-fired electricity to be expanded in the coming decades.",0 +"Ethanol and biofuels have been wrongly depicted by politicians like Al Gore as a solution to global warming. But in reality, subsidized ethanol production gravely harms the environment, and also causes starvation, high food prices, and rioting.",0 +From the Hockey Schtick: Paper finds another amplification mechanism by which the Sun controls climate (video follows),1 +Energy flux is perfectly fine for GCM models which operate on energy transfer rates but these models cannot have their output converted to temperature values because temperature requires a time factor during which the energy flux was operating and no such time factor is available.,1 +"The person who is most at risk in the decision to build the six homes is the owner/builder. Unlike this Administrative Tribunal, Id start from the standpoint that the owner, builder, and the lender for the project are all rational people and organizations who consider all of their risks before plowing ahead with a project. However, this Administrative Tribunal does not think this way, and feels the need to protect the property owners from themselves. A troubling precedent.",0 +"13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.",0 +The American Thinker reports on the subpoena an attorney general sent CEI in an effort to silence the debate on climate change.,0 +"Much variability was encountered in terms of both relationships and reasons for the relationships. It was also discovered that relationships between diversity and productivity were scale-dependent, with the form of the scale-dependence varying from study to study. On the largest of scales considered, however - the continental to global scale - the most common pattern encountered was a positive one, with ecosystem species richness increasing in response to increases in ecosystem net primary production. This was dramatically so for plants and marginally so for animals. What it means",0 +"The Minister might have got away with saying that of the last 150 years, the last 13 have been relatively warm. But to suggest that 12 of the last 13 are the hottest ever is just plain wrong. Whatever happened to the medieval warm period, not to mention that planet earth is very old in fact about 4,550 million years old.",1 +"""A group founded by American actor George Clooney said Tuesday it has teamed up with Google, a U.N. agency and anti-genocide organizations to launch satellite surveillance of the border between north and south Sudan to try to prevent a new civil war after the south votes in a secession referendum next month.""",0 +Wi-Fi Direct provides P2P wireless sans hot spots:,0 +"My fellow environmentalists have been wrong about a couple of issues and were getting in the way of important things we should be doing, both with biotechnology and with nuclear technology, and in terms of how we think about cities, and in terms of how I know were going to think about geoengineeringthat is, direct intervention in the climate.",0 +"The delays are occurring despite a target set by Congress in 2005 that directed the Interior Department to approve about 5 million homes worth of renewable energy on public lands by 2015. Since then, only two of the more than 250 currently proposed wind projects have been approved and neither has been built, records and interviews show.",0 +"That's an approach in line with current demographic realities and national needs. The president and the presidential candidates may not have not caught up with that, but apparently some influential members of Congress have.",0 +"Rather than being chastened, though, President Ray and his staff have refused even to speak with the alumni group. University administrators have become incensed that their actions are now public knowledge, and that alumni and other donors are vocally supporting Higginbotham and the children. Ray and his entourage have circled the academic wagons, stonewalled public inquiries and refused to talk to the Robinsons.",0 +"The other lie that the empirical evidence exposes as pseudo-science is that CO2 is the primary driving force of climate and temperature change. The ice core evidence is a stunning record of climate and temperature changing regardless of CO2 levels. Obviously, there are other natural forces in play that are the primary ""climate disruptors.""",1 +Ill now show you the effects of that left-over warm water Rest-of-the-World sea surface temperature anomalies. Its what those proponents of manmade global warming are trying to hide.,0 +"The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants holds a national conference this week in Washington, D.C.",0 +"All this is before the Feds actually implement more of the job-killing, family-freezing CO2 limits and other plans they are contemplating. To see what's in store for millions of American businesses and families, one need only look at the planet's sole country that still obstinately clings to its draconian climate change and renewable energy goals, regardless of the costs.",1 +"2. Evenmoreimportant is the failure of the authors to recognize that they have devalued the use of the global average surface temperature as the icon to use to communicate the magnitude of global warming. If this deeper ocean heating actually exists in the real world, it is not observable in the ocean and landsurface temperatures. To monitor global warming, we need to keep track of the changes in Joules in the climate system, which, asclearly indicatedin the new study by Meehl and colleagues, is not adequately diagnosed by the global, annual-averaged surface temperature trends.",1 +"It is estimated that the Pine Island glacier alone loses so much water that it is responsible for 10% of global annual sea level rise (which is about 3mm per year). Warm currents come from deep water and heat the underside of the ice sheet, causing it to melt. Turner says this process probably has little to do with global warming. Pine Island seems to be an ongoing retreat that could have been going on for 10,000 years, he says.",1 +"As the opening session paper puts it: ""The real challenge comes from the exponential growth of the global consumerist society driven by ever higher aspirations of the upper and middle layers in rich countries as well as the expanding demand of emerging middle-class in developing countries. Our true ambition should be therefore creating incentives for the profound transformation of attitudes and consumption styles.""",0 +"Meacher: ""The El Nio is becoming more frequent and more violent .""",0 +"Crank of the Week January 24, 2011 - Sergio Marchionne & Lisa Jackson",0 +"The federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, enacted in the wake of the mid-1970s oil shocks, require each auto maker's annual output of new cars to meet a set fuel economy level. The current passenger-car CAFE standard is 27.5 miles per gallon; for light trucks, the standard is a more lenient 20.7 mpg.",0 +"But if governments and social engineers are not to plan and direct how and where people will go about the economic affairs of everyday life, how can it be assured that the goods and services that people both need and want for their survival and desires will be produced and supplied to meet their demands?",0 +"Anyway, Ive got a few resources for you in case you want to explore this further. To begin with, I recommend a look at my earlier post on this matter:",0 +"""It's temporary,"" said Roger Ormisher, a company spokesman. ""We're being prudent and sensible as a company.""",0 +"""Long-term trends in normalized economic disaster losses cannot be reliably attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change, particularly for cyclones and floods (medium evidence, high agreement).""",1 +"""""This is a disaster,"" said Mark Miller, the Wisconsin Senate Democratic leader, in February after Republican Gov. Scott Walker proposed a budget bill that would curtail the collective bargaining powers of some public employees. Miller predicted catastrophe if the bill were to become law -- a charge repeated thousands of times by his fellow Democrats, union officials, and protesters in the streets.""",0 +"President Barack Obama on Tuesday announced plans to allow a bit of offshore oil and gas exploration. Maybe. The Interior Departments new five-year plan for offshore leasing actually places most of Americas offshore areas under a new presidential moratorium, delays or cancels lease auctions currently in the regulatory pipeline, and thus takes back the progress made in 2008. When gas prices reached four dollars a gallon in the summer of 2008, the American people were dismayed to discover that the United States possesses potentially vast offshore reserves of oil and natural gas that were off limits as a result of congressional and presidential moratoria. President Bush revoked his fathers executive order, and tremendous public pressure forced Congress to drop its long-standing moratorium.",0 +"www.climatedepot.com or a subscription to the Heartland Institute's monthly Climate & Environmental News or a copy of its policy studies, ""Climate Change Reconsidered"", would help him understand why he's wrong. Check out www.climatechangedispatch.com as well for the latest commentaries.",0 +"Nature absorbs 98.5% of the CO 2 that is emitted by nature and man. As CO 2 increases in the atmosphere, nature causes plant growth to increase via photosynthesis which is an endothermic (cooling) reaction. For every pound of biomass formed some 10,000 Btu are removed from the atmosphere. CO 2 is absorbed, and oxygen is liberated. Further, a doubling of CO 2 will increase the photosynthesis rate by 30 to 100%, depending on temperature and available moisture 8 . More CO 2 is absorbed by the plants due to the increased concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere available for conversion to carbohydrates. Nature therefore has in place a built-in mechanism to regulate the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere that will always completely dwarf man's feeble attempts to regulate it. Further, no regulation is necessary because CO 2 is not a pollutant; it is part of the animal-plant life cycle. Without it, life would not exist on earth.",1 +"It seems that the present Royal Society has followed Lord Kelvins path. It not only continues to deny the solar connection (by implication) but has issued requests to the media not to report the views of climate change sceptics, despite the requirements of freedom of expression.",1 +The workshop noted a number of areas where further research is needed including:,0 +In my previous post I suggested that the addition of gases to the atmosphere from volcanic activity could have increased the atmospheric pressure and that would have changed global temperature giving us the current warm interglacial.,0 +"10 C is the most common base for GDD calculations, however, the optimal base is often determined experimentally based on the lifecycle of the plant or insect in question.",0 +"Although the capacity of households to adapt to harsh weather is a function of perception of risk and access to resources, resilience of communities depends on the ability of people to think and act collectively.",0 +"Until they get off their dead ... ... armchairs and do the work they are paid to do, we can place no credence in their claims of temperature changes. They may be right ... but given their egregious errors, we have no reason to believe that, and certainly no reason to spend billions of dollars based on their claims.",1 +"Precaution, however, can also be taken to far. This year I've noticed that, as local flooding occurs every year, the weather forecasters, and especially the media reporting the risks are beginning to irritate some people with their precautionary principle. The fact that some areas are hit more easily (and they can easily be identified) does not call for a warning against an entire region. Still, that is what is being done. The result is that the tourist industry, and then not whatever local attraction there is, but also hotels, restaurants, cafes and other business are severely hurt, sometimes into the next season, when even booked parties cancel. Most of these businesses get almost all of their revenue during three months every year. No business this year, might very well mean no business next year too. And this often in perfectly safe areas with unaffected infrastructure.",0 +"""Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded,"" Brewer said Sunday, suggesting that the beheadings were part of increased violence along the border.",0 +"""Many people have urged me to sue Mann; I can't be bothered and I don't have money to throw away on such stuff . Further, I would like to stand up for Michael Mann's right to make insulting and defamatory tweets, statements in op-eds, etc. As an American, I am pretty attached to the right to free speech.""",0 +"In support of de Blasio, 1199's canvassers are said to have knocked on tens of thousands of doors. The union's finances and organization give it an enormous advantage in phone-banking, distributing flyers, and other retail campaigning tactics that have proved decisive in this era of low voter turnout in New York City.",0 +"In Climate Models Fail , using a number of different datasets, I illustrated how the climate models used by the IPCC for their 5 th Assessment Report could not simulate climate variables such as surface temperatures (land surface air, sea surface and combined land+sea surface), precipitation and sea ice area. Theres another splendid way to present the model failings (that wasnt presented in the book): by comparing the warming rates of global land surface air temperatureswith the warming rates ofglobal sea surface temperatures. Its astounding that the models perform so poorly. See Table 1.",1 +"So the first question is whether the proxy records Mann chose are reliable indicators of temperature. Some have been questioned. He has a series from central China that we believe is more a moisture signal than a temperature signal, says Jacoby. He included it because he had a gap. That was a mistake and it made tree ring people angry.",1 +Energy Subsidy Group To Release Blueprint for Tax/Consumer-Funded Boondoggle,0 +"37 Terry Anderson and Donald R. Leal, Free-Market Environmentalism (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, revised edition, 2000); Jonathan H. Adler, editor, Ecology, Liberty & Prosperity: A Free Market Environmental Reader (Washington, DC: Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2000); Richard L. Stroup and Roger E. Meiners, Cutting Green Tape: Toxic Pollutants, Environmental Regulation and the Law (San Francisco, CA: Independent Institute, 2000); James L. Johnston, ""A General Theory of Regulation,"" U.S. Association for Energy Economists: Proceedings, October 1996.",0 +"A few years ago, environmental guru, Merry Prankster, and Whole Earth Catalog author Stewart Brand caused a minor stir with an article he wrote in the MIT publication, Technology Review . Brand, who was an early advocate of the back to the land movement of the 1960s and 1970s, had done some re-thinking, and concluded that environmentalist opposition to things like urbanization, population growth, biotechnology, and nuclear power generation, was wrong and needed to change.",0 +GISS deletes SST data from areas with seasonal sea ice and extends land surface data out over the oceans (Arctic and Southern) with its 1200km radius smoothing.,1 +"How vulnerable are America's youth to this brainwashing? With young people spending 7.5 hours a day viewing television, music and social media like Facebook, they're almost ready-made targets for political groups that use these communications tools to promote narrow views. Without facts and data to counter the simplistic, entertaining and superficially persuasive messages especially when they are delivered in schools children tend to accept what authority figures put in front of them.",0 +"Schmittner and colleagues found that when using these newly available proxies from both land and ocean areas, not only was their central estimate of climate sensitivity (how much the earth?s temperature will change with a doubling of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide) a bit lower than the IPCC central estimate, but more importantly, Schmittner et al.?s determination of the uncertainty about their estimate virtually rules out climate sensitivities above 6 C. This finding is in stark contrast to the IPCC entertaining the possibility of a ?fat right-hand tail? to the distribution of potential values including climate sensitivity values as high as 10 C or greater. In their Abstract, Schmittner et al. summarized their findings:",1 +"OK, so 2010 and 2013 were above average, and presumably 2011 and 2012 were below average. Wow. Half the time above, and half below? I can certainly see why that deserved a headline.",0 +CNBC's Rick Santelli Goes Bonkers In On-Air Debate Over Debt Ceiling:,0 +"This view is shared by Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R). ""These National Marine Monuments serve only one purpose excluding commercial fishing activity from certain segments of the ocean,"" he wrote in a letter to Obama in August. Fishermen are particularly concerned about being denied access to the seafood-rich Cashes Ledge. Robert Vanasse, executive director of the fishing advocacy group Saving Seafood, told the AP that the monument proposal ignores protections already in place in Cashes Ledge, including a prohibition on dredging and bottom trawling.",0 +"Another harmful example of apparent antibiotechnology bias appeared in the British medical journal Lancet. This now infamous paper by Arpad Pusztai, then at the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, claimed to show that modifying potatoes with a gene for a substance toxic to insects damaged rats ' immune systems and stimulated abnormal cell division in their digestive tracts. But many research groups have shown that the experiment 's methodology was fundamentally flawed and that no conclusions about the safety of biotech foods could be drawn from it. After an extensive review into the paper 's methods, the British Royal Society concluded: ""On the basis of this paper, it is wrong to conclude that there are human health concerns with the process of GM itself, or even with the particular genes inserted into these GM potatoes. """,0 +Heartland Institute Climate Experts React to Approval of Lima Accord,0 +"The GCF aspires to be a $100 billion per year wealth transfer from wealthy countries to others, surely to then rise over the years. It is central to the upcoming talks this December in Paris when the administration is expected to agree to a successor to the failed Kyoto treaty. Paris, whose draft text was recently revealed, is a treaty in everything but name, as President Obama seeks to dodge Senate exercise of its shared role in the treaty process, by insisting that Paris is not a treaty because he says it isn't.",0 +"However, that post also illustrated a very important point: the sea surface temperatures for the larger portionrepresenting the South Atlantic, Indian and West Pacific Oceans or about 53% of the surface area of the global oceansactually cooled between the major El Nio events. Refer to Figure 10. Its Figure 5-23 from my book Who Turned on the Heat? where this topic is also discussed in detail.",0 +The EIA report can be downloaded here: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/servicerpt/bingaman/pdf/sroiaf(2005)02.pdf. My TCS column on the report is located here: http://www.techcentralstation.com/041905F.html.,0 +"It's been a rough few weeks for the ""eco-progressive"" fringe.",0 +"Although new technology ""constitutes the most effective response to concerns about possible changes in our climate,"" says the report, ""in the short term, there are no technologies that make plausible the goals sought by the Kyoto Protocol.""",0 +A longer timescale p tskilliga decades to make a net assimilation of vegetation and sea. A Increased carbon dioxide acts as gdning fr vxtligheten Dr. vxtmassa in various forms enriched. The ocean acts also as a snka but the process is lngsammare np laboratoriebnken p due to ocean stable temperature stratification. Over the past 50 clean has averaged about half of the fossil utslppen frsvunnit the sea and vegetation. It happened to assimilation in the sea framgr the lngsamma frsurningen of sea water. An estimate of kllor and snkor in medelvrde worldwide over the past decade can be seen in figure 2. To frvxla nettouppehllet time scale for the time scale for photosynthesis and respiration r a frekommande misunderstanding. This is completely irrelevant d it is the time scale for the global representative vrdena which of course is important. Fig. 2: Kllor and snkor from anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions based Klla 2000-2008 IPCC.,0 +"New Jersey's emissions trading scheme is a failure and will be scrapped, according to Bradley Campbell, the state's commissioner of environmental protection. The Open Market Trading program was implemented under former Governor Christie Todd Whitman.",0 +"Clearly, the temporal history of Caribbean coral cover change does not bear any resemblance to the gradual and continuous decline that could have been expected from the concomitant increase in oceanic pCO2 and decrease in pH. Indeed, after suffering the sharp one-year decline caused by the white band disease outbreak, coral cover once again stabilized, which phenomenon, in the words of Schutte et al., ???could be interpreted as relatively good news?? ??? which it truly is ??? although they state that this pattern ???could also be a temporary plateau preceding a potential collapse in coral cover.?? Then, again, we could just as easily say it could also be a temporary plateau preceding a potential increase in coral cover. (Isn??t speculation wonderful?)",1 +"A third method is to make the surface of the planet more reflective, by brightening structures and painting roofs white, as well as increasing the reflectivity of deserts and oceans.",0 +"In the next five years, the global warming paradigm may fall apart if the models prove worthless There has been a lot of talk lately about the upcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, and whether it will take into account the lack of warming since the 1990s. Everything you need to know about the dilemma the IPCC faces is summed up in one remarkable graph. The figure nearby is from the draft version that underwent expert review last winter. It compares climate model simulations of the global average temperature to observations over the post-1990 interval. During this time atmospheric carbon dioxide rose by 12%, from 355 parts per million (ppm) to 396 ppm. The IPCC graph shows that climate models predicted temperatures should have responded by rising somewhere between about 0.2 and 0.9 degrees C over the same period. But the actual temperature change was only about 0.1",1 +The higher temperatures seen during the Last Interglacial are comparable to projections for the end of this century under the low emission scenarios contained within the recent Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).,0 +correlation between aerosol forcing and sensitivity also suggested.,0 +"I would have thought there might be some winners as well as losers out of climate change that it is not universally all bad. Indeed I have previously commented that warm weather favors coral reefs but not polar bears, click here . But it seems the conference and The Age had a single message: Well all be rooned.",0 +"For example, Brian Cox mentions that the Feynman propagator is nonzero even if the two points are space-like-separated, i.e. \[",0 +"* Surveys of young people's attitudes towards the environment show, on the surface, a reduced commitment to the environment. But they could also show that young people are more satisfied than earlier generations with progress on the environment.",0 +A Busted El Nino and the New Weather Norm,0 +"Solar Activity: A recent study on counting sun spots was highly played up, with claims that recent solar trends are not a major contributor to changes in earths climate. In a communication, Donald Rapp, who has written extensively on climate change, states that there was little new or significant in the study. Yes, there has been a discrepancy between alternative methods of counting sunspots, partly due to how to deal with groups of clumped sunspots. Nevertheless, the differences between the two were not huge. Somewhat of a bagatelle (trifle). If this paper resolved the differences between the two, that is a nice, but minor.",0 +"Of course, the Trees Have Rights campaign states that natural conservation and protection is for the good of human beings, too, and therefore we all have an interest in putting a stop to pollution and in ensuring nature?s right to restorative justice, as the campaign website puts it (you can tell it has been written by a lawyer). But, in truth, Higgins and other greens who are demanding an end to ?ecocide? are elevating what they identify as the needs and rights of nature over the needs and rights of human beings. For them, the primary purpose of humanity is to accept our responsibilities towards the planet, to leave eco-systems alone and, where man has contributed to the alteration of nature, to restore it to its original state ? whenever that was.",0 +North's environmental institute calls for impact assessments on fracking,0 +The researchers estimate that increasing exports could eventually generate more than $125 billion and as many as 5 million jobsa jolt for the US economy still trying to shake off worldwide financial doldrums.,0 +"President Obama has also claimedhe can block the Suns rays to end global warming . In addition, Obama made the completely scientifically indefensible claim that the Waxman-Markey climate bill in 2009 would stop global temperature increases of up to five degrees! Obama said on June 25 , A long-term benefit is were leaving a planet to our children that isnt four or five degrees hotter. But Obamas own EPA said it wouldnt impact global CO2 levels let alone global temperatures.",1 +"The recent cooling in the atmosphere does not demonstrate that global warming has stopped for multi-year time periods. It does, however,highlight a major failing in that the multi-decadal global model predictions (and even the seasonal weahter prediction models)have predicted no such behavoir.",1 +"A new Gallup Poll to measure the public's attitudes towards global warming has found that a plurality of the public, 40 percent, are either ""only a little"" or ""not at all"" worried about global warming. Twenty nine percent said they are worried a ""fair amount"" and another 29 percent said they are worried a ""great deal.""",0 +"Date: April 24, 2010 Time: 10:00 am Central DST",0 +"It seems that EPA, to avoid fessing up to a procedural foible, has unwittingly acknowledged a serious statutory breach, leaping from the frying pan into the fire.EPA cannotreasonably tell the Court thatthe Endangerment Rule is based ona genuinely independent scientific review if, as petitioners put it,the agency??had not weighed and sifted the science, but simply assembled a literature review compiled by others whereinsuch weighing and sifting had ???already occurred.????",1 +"The glaciers began receding in the 1860s, and they continue to shrink today.",0 +"Resident scholar and F.K. Weyerhaeuser fellow, respectively, at the American Enterprise Institute",0 +"ExplainsUniversity of Colorado Prof. Roger Pielke, Jr. :When the Atlantic hurricane season starts next June 1, it will have been 2,777 days since the last time an intense (that is a Category 3, 4 or 5) hurricane made landfall along the US coast (Wilma in 2005). Such a prolonged period without an intense hurricane landfall has not been observed since 1900.",1 +"Further, many argue that citizens of developed countries must assume the greatest costs because of their historical contributions to GHG stocks, even though populations of developing countries are likely more at risk from climate change and benefit disproportionately from GHG mitigation. Current populations in developed countries apparently owe compensation in the neighborhood of hundreds of billions of dollars or more to present and future generations in developing countries. Ethical or moral judgments about international transfer payments of this scale are unlikely to generate much political traction in developed countries where economic growth already is slow, unemployment high, and the future uncertain. Further, there is no historical precedent for such massive international monetary transfers when the objectives are so vague.",0 +America's crude petroleum export ban is an antiquated byproduct of the 1973 Arab oil embargo. Repeal is long overdue.,0 +"Any logistical and financial support is most welcomed,"" said the release, which was sent to Reuters on Friday. ""It is to be as well stated that any future efforts or plans on Darfur should be worked out and finalized with the satisfaction and full approval of the Sudanese government."" No one from Martin's office or the Canadian foreign ministry was immediately available for comment.",0 +"The Environment Agency, which will run the scheme for the Government, has refused even to publish a list of the companies that are required to register, citing the Data Protection Act.",0 +"At nearly 11 years this represents the longest period between major hurricane strikes since hurricane records began in 1851. The previous record was a little more than nine years, set from August 11, 1860 to September 8, 1869.",1 +"Appropriately tailored climate information, including GCM projections and stochasticallygenerated conditions from historical and paleodata , and the application of expert judgment, may provide informative answers to this question when approached in the manner described here.",0 +"China already emits a quarter of the world's CO2, the main gas contributing to global warming, making it the world's top emitter ahead of the United States. Its emissions have more than doubled since 2000.",0 +"Tenure, job promotions, government grants, media accolades, social respectability, Wikipedia entries, and vanity can do what gulags do, only more subtly. Alexis de Tocqueville warned of the power of the majority in American society to erect ""formidable barriers around the liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write what he pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them."" He could have been writing about climate science.",0 +"More than 80 per cent of the articles appeared in broadsheet titles The Times, The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, the report says, ?but 55 per cent of these articles were either negative or very negative about the industry?.",0 +"Yet the Society continues producing a ""stream of reports"" ignoring the observed science. Kelly writes there was a pre-Christmas booklet labeled A Short Guide To Climate Science as well as a 2014 joint publication with the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) called "" Climate Change: Evidence And Causes , and another report called Resilience, "" just to name a few.",1 +"One of the enduring pillars of the climate change issue is that the temperature of the Earth is increasing at an unprecedented rate weve heard it a million times over the past few decades. However, it is well known that the temperature of the Earth has not increased over the past decade, and the lack of recent warming is now receiving serious consideration in the leading scientific journals. Two recent articles are of particular interest to us at World Climate Report .",1 +"The answer to number #2 depends largely on the definition of significant, but I'd guess that even Richard Lindzen would consider the co2 contribution significant, based on his forcing calculation.",0 +"Two hours later, Dylan went outside the tent. ""Dad, my boots are gone.""",0 +"First, the federal government should support technology inducement prizes to encourage the development of commercially viable low-carbon technologies.",0 +"This is complete nonsense. If the absorption of relevant wavelengths is already saturated, there is no mechanism for the Earth to warm in response to increased levels of greenhouse gases",1 +"""And in recent years the rate of increase has been accelerating."" (AIT, 72)",0 +"Flashback 2010: NYT's Climate Astrology: ""Bundle Up, It's Global Warming' ""Overall warming of the atmosphere is actually creating cold-weather extremes'",0 +"Then, well take a look at a number of Hovmoller diagrams comparing the progress so far this year to what happened in 1982. We had been using 1997 as a reference, but were well past this years event coming anywhere close to the one in 1997, so Ive switched to 1982, which was a late bloomer.",0 +"Scientists have shown under the old assumptions about CO2 accumulation rates that we can wait 10 years before we do anything about global warming without any adverse effects. Now that CO2 is not accumulating as rapidly as thought, wouldn't it make sense to wait before we commit ourselves to drastic action? A few more years may give scientists enough time to determine if global warming is truly a threat.",0 +"What truly is shocking is how little thought Sachs seems to have devoted to the policy issues raised by the carbon budget. Recall Sachs's asserted global ""trajectory"" of 3-3.7 C of warming under RCP8.5. If he really believes that, then the carbon budget no more than 2 C of warming means that emissions must be reduced by an amount averting about 1.5 C of warming. By how much would emissions have to be cut?",0 +Research published in peer-reviewed science journals indicates the model-derived temperature sensitivity of Earth accepted by the IPCC is too large. Negative feedbacks in the climate system reduce that sensitivity to values an order of magnitude smaller.,1 +"A paper published in Nature last week claims that 12 million years ago the sensitivity of the Earth to carbon dioxide was profoundly different, with very high temperatures maintained despite very low levels of the bogeyman gas.",1 +"In spite of what climate alarmists routinely describe as unprecedented increases in the ""twin evils"" of the radical environmentalist movement, i.e., atmospheric CO 2 concentration and air temperature (a situation that some of them have described as being a greater threat to the world than either global terrorism or nuclear warfare), there has in fact been what Boisvenue and Running call a significant ""greening of the biosphere."" How out of tune with reality can some people get? Reviewed 13 September 2006",1 +Achieving a more complete theoretical understanding of important climate processes needed to better understand both natural and potential human influences on the climate system;,0 +"Chapter 5, by Bruce N. Ames and Lois Swirsky GoldThe Causes and Prevention of Cancer: The Role of Environment",0 +"In late 2002, the Institute assembled a panel of scientific experts to review the revised draft of the 10-year strategic plan for the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The USGCRP plan is being updated to incorporate consideration of President Bush?s Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI) activities.",0 +"The post-1950 warming shown by the Hadley record is of about the same magnitude and rate as the known natural warming between 1910 and 1940, and is therefore not unprecedented.",1 +"Sreeharsha et al . determined that over the course of the two growing seasons, the 39% increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentration led to (1) a 36% increase in season-long net photosynthesis, (2) a 29.3% increase in total plant dry weight, (3) a 38.6% increase in the number of nitrogen-producing nodules that led to (4) a 74.9% increase in total nodule dry weight, and last of all (5) a 29.0% increase in seed yield, all of which results led them to conclude that a ""future elevated CO 2 atmosphere favors pigeonpea to sequester more atmospheric CO 2 and N 2 resulting in better economic yields under natural habitats.""",1 +"My colleagues will be providing some commentary on what an Obama presidency means, realistically, for global warming policy. Here, I'm going to comment on environmental policy more generally.",0 +Underlying this junk science is the idea that if you can identify particles in the airbad. The air should be spic and span.,0 +"The mean depth of the global ocean is 3700 m. As recently observed in , implicitly questioning the U.S. groups assertions in , the resolution of samples at various depths and the length of the record are both insufficient either to permit reliable measurement of ocean heat content or to permit monitoring of oceanic radiative fluxes:",1 +These are just some of the things that climatologists have learned or have been proven wrong about in just the past year.,0 +"The 18th UN Conference on climate change negotiations has just started in Doha. This column suggests that the probability of success is a mere 2.3%. Recently, over $100 million per year was spent on fruitless negotiations. Having flogged, ever harder for 18 years, the dead horse of legally binding emission targets, the UN should close that chapter and try something new.",0 +Muir Russel report caught red handed deleting evidence of climate scientists being caught red handed manipulating the game.,1 +"""The cloud is, finally, about to change our livesand it will all start with content.""",0 +"But do I really have to listen to Stupid complaining about the system they built? If Bloomberg and Cuomo are an example, apparently so.",0 +"Gore recalled that three years ago Bill Clinton vetoed bills that had environmental riders which ""led to government shutdowns."" Gore is concerned about the administration's $6.3 billion climate change program. He criticized the failure of Congress in prior years to ""take early steps to confront climate change."" An unnamed White House source suggested that the veto threat was premature (Associated Press, June 16, 1998).",0 +"Public companies in the UK are to become the first in the world forced to publish full details of the greenhouse gasses they produce, under plans to be announced by the government.",0 +it was concluded thatnear Polar temperatures are on anaverage six degrees higher than thoseregistered by Nansen 40 years ago.Ice measurements were on an averageonly 6 feet against from 9 to 13 feet.,0 +When I spoke in Munich last month I had the good fortune to be in town,0 +"If Nir Shavivs peer reviewed paper (JGR) on using the oceans as a calorimeter is near the mark, the ~0.25W/m^2 increase in TSI since 1749 gets amplified to ~2W/m^2 (probably via the Svensmark effect of cosmic rays on cloud nucleation, which is solar modulated) and this is enough to explain most of the warming since the LIA, allowing for greater oceanic energy emission as SST rises. Bigger variations in UV may well account for atmospheric chemistry changes to ozone which will modulate the curve.",1 +"I co-authored a 2013 peer-reviewed paper which indeed concluded that ???Tornadoes have not increased in frequency, intensity or normalized damage since 1950.??",1 +"Specifically, McCarthy and the Air Office over which she presides gave Congress and the electric power sector false assurances that the EPAs greenhouse gas regulations would not require utilities planning to build new coal-fired power plants to fuel switch to natural gas. McCarthy alsodenied under oath that greenhouse gas motor vehicle standards are related to fuel economy standards, eventhough anyone with her expertisemust knowthat the former implicitly and substantiallyregulate fuel economy.",0 +"ScottishPower and Shell appeared to be the frontrunners, spending about 20m on research into converting the coal-fired Longannet power station in Fife to collect the carbon dioxide emitted.",0 +"""I hope that we can somehow figure out how the 1994 law can be enforced and we can defund it now, which will, I believe, quickly cause the implosion of the Paris agreement,"" he said.",0 +"When Beaulieu visited Glaubers' home, the parrot was screaming at him:",0 +The ???cooler?? runs outnumber the ???warmer?? runs 8 to 4. So I??ll go with a somewhat cooler year overall.,1 +"""President Obama's recipe for economic recovery and re-emergent innovation, as laid out in Tuesday evening's State of the Union address, may leave many Americans unmoved. One thing, however, is clear.""",0 +"The Chicxulub impact was a relatively straightforward exercise in science compared to the extraordinary claims being made about the cause of the Younger Dryas. WUWT has been following the Younger Dryas debate closely for a number of years and I wont belabor the background information on its evolution except to say that resistance to the idea seems overwhelming despite repeated attempts to present more extensive, rigorous and compelling evidence. Just as with the end of the dinosaurs the extinction of mammoths and other North American megafauna requires an air-tight case and this will only happen when a crater or other irrefutable evidence of an impact is discovered and, preferably, dated.",0 +"Recognizing its early mistakes, the English-speaking world is abandoning its infatuation with climate change theory",0 +I have no idea what is going on here. Frank Wentz and Chelle Gent Mann at Remote Sensing Systems havebeen very careful about tracking the accuracy of the AMSR-E SST retrievals with millions of buoy measurements. I checked Their daily statistics They item at their website and I dont see anything like what is shown in the above figure.,0 +"Since 1985, the overall trend has been +0.3F per decade, about half of the IPCC projection. Since 2000, the trend has been -3F per decade ??? four times greater than the IPCC projection, and in the opposite direction!",1 +"Imagine a dark matter telescope showing a completely different sky. Like Nicole Kidmans character in The Others , it will be the revelation that the ghosts, its us.",0 +"Abstract. The recent slowdown in global warming has brought into question the reliability of climate model projections of future temperature change and has led to a vigorous debate over whether this slowdown is the result of naturally occurring, internal variability or forcing external to Earths climate system. To address these issues, we applied a semi-empirical approach that combines climate observations and model simulations to estimate Atlantic- and Pacific-based internal multidecadal variability (termed AMO and PMO, respectively). Using this method, the AMO and PMO are found to explain a large proportion of internal variability in Northern Hemisphere mean temperatures. Competition between a modest positive peak in the AMO and a substantially negative-trending PMO are seen to produce a slowdown or false pause in warming of the past decade.",1 +"Fears of adverse publicity and expense of such lawsuits compel some businesses to surrender to As You Sow, whose conquests, according to public records, have included: plumbing fixture manufacturers and jewelry manufacturers/retailers whose products may contain lead; the California Dental Association over mercury in dental amalgam; and portable classroom manufacturers over formaldehyde emissions.",0 +"In concluding their report, Li and Sharma state that ""despite the remarkable improvements of GCMs over the past years, it is still a challenge to simulate volcanic impacts for all GCMs, which has also been confirmed by Driscoll et al . (2012), who examined 12 CMIP5 GCMs and found that they all overestimated the cooling in the tropical troposphere following the nine explosive eruptions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.""",1 +"21. How convinced are you that most of recent or near future climate change is, or will be, a result of anthropogenic causes? (17% rated it 5, 32% 6, and 34% 7; about 15% ranked it less than a 5)",0 +"Now that they have given up on warming and changed the meme to extreme weather it has become obvious that much of the 20th century needs to be disappeared. Leading this effort is NOAA, which has recently lost most of its tornado records prior to 1953. The Dust Bowl never happened.",1 +"In summary, think of what you are being asked to believe by the JPL NASA folks. All of Earths man-made global warming heat energy for 15 years has been somehow concentrated, transported laterally across the globe to one limited geographic area of the western Pacific Ocean. Lastly this massive heat energy source has been transported vertically downward in the ocean column bypassing shallow cooler water layers coming to rest at a 100-300 meter seawater depth. This is a highly unlikely and overly contorted explanation.",0 +"Some even suspect a political motive in releasing the research, funded by NASA, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the American Petroleum Institute. A",0 +"It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much",0 +"Arctic experts cherry picked two days out of 35 years, to base their entire understanding of Arctic sea ice.",1 +"Alternatively, if that bump were real, it could have been a sign of compositeness, a heavy scalar (instead of a spin-one boson), or a triboson pretending to be a diboson. However, on Sunday, six string phenomenologists proposed a much more exciting explanation:",0 +"A draft public statement seen by The Age concluded it was unethical for health practitioners to treat patients using homeopathy, for the reason that homeopathy (as a medicine or procedure) has been shown not to be efficacious.",0 +"Well, Roy, what actually allows your microbolometer to measure temperatures of cooler objects is that it detects the rate of cooling of its sensor. Basic physics relating to two parallel metal plates radiating towards each other tells us exactly the same thing, namely that the rate of cooling by radiation will be slowed by the presence of a cooler plate. But, Roy, that is no proof that there is a greenhouse effect. It's all a lot more involved than just that. We saw the same kind of fuzzy thinking elsewhere by Spencer as shown in another PSI article this week revealing how Dr. Spencer actually asserts that greenhouse gases allow the atmosphere to cool itself, but 'cooling also causes heating.'",1 +"Let?s start with a long-term fact that the global mean climate does change. No one disputes that. It changes now, it was changing in the past and will ? undoubtedly ? be changing also in the future. In spite of that, we have to add that over the last ten thousand years (the era of Holocene), the climate has been much the same as at present and the average surface temperature did not vary significantly. If there has been any long term trend there has been an overall gentle cooling trend.",1 +"If an energy technology is commercially viable, no government support is needed; if it is not commercially viable, no amount of government support can make it so.",0 +"The observed reduction in warming trend over the period 19982012 as compared to the period 19512012, is due in roughly equal measure to a cooling contribution from internal variability and a reduced trend in radiative forcing (medium confidence). The reduced trend in radiative forcing is primarily due to volcanic eruptions and the downward phase of the current solar cycle. However, there is low confidence in quantifying the role of changes in radiative forcing in causing this reduced warming trend.",0 +"The 1890s equivalents of Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R-N.Y., and Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., could have demanded horses that ate less, and they could have legislated FAHE, or Farm Average Hay Economy, standards.",0 +"The Bible tells us that we shall know false prophets by their fruit, in other words by what they produce. And what climate alarmists have shown to date is an appalling lack of honesty and ethics.",1 +"However, the Czech Republic is special in one respect: the public overwhelmingly supports the nuclear energy. That's also reflected in the Parliament: almost all parties that sit in the Parliament today support nuclear energy. The only exception is the Green Party but this one is very unlikely to get to the Parliament again, after the May 2010 polls. The new parties that will be added to the Parliament seem to be pro-nuclear.",0 +"November 17, 2014 | Testimony on Energy and Environment",0 +Has atmospheric CO2 decreased? A different way to look at CO2 changes,0 +"The Tax Reform Commission, coincidentally enough, is charged by President Bush with identifying tax policies that ""better encourage work effort, saving, and investment, so as to strengthen the competitiveness of the United States in the global marketplace."" This language from the President's Executive Order creating the Commission seems to imply a tax code aimed more at consumption than income, perhaps by carving out large chunks of income saved or invested from the tax base. If taxing consumption is more productive, economically speaking, why does the President not exploit the global P.R. campaign for the Kyoto accord, and win some international brownie points by focusing tax reform on energy consumption?",0 +"""Our loan guarantees have strict conditions in place to protect taxpayers,"" said DOE spokesman Damien LaVera. ""The Department only allows the loan to be disbursed as the company meets certain milestones and demonstrates results. As has been widely reported, Fisker has experienced some delays in its sales and production schedule -- which is common for start-ups. As Fisker works through those issues and incorporates lessons learned from the production of the Karma, the Department is working with Fisker to review a revised business plan and determine the best path forward so the company can meet its benchmarks, produce cars and employ workers here in America.""",0 +"To moderate progressives, the Clinton presidency is the model of progressive action in the modern world. Clinton's go-slow approach, coupled with his continued pursuit of progressive spending and social policies where possible, meant that progressive policies became imbedded in the middle-class mindset, making them impervious to conservative counterattack.",0 +"The proposal is meant to ""guarantee the compliance of Annex I Parties with all the provisions of this decision.""",0 +"Since they are both agree-disagree questions, they clearly result in Acquiescence Response Bias, boosting the case for public belief in a global warming/weather connection.",0 +"While most of the Earth warmed rapidly during recent decades, surface temperatures decreased significantly over most of Antarctica .",1 +"Clearly, these two calcifying organisms appear not to suffer the deleterious consequences so frequently claimed by climate alarmists to accompany the ongoing rise in the air's CO 2 content; and, consequently, the four researchers conclude that ""biological responses to acidification, especially calcifying biota, will be species specific and therefore much more variable and complex than reported previously."" And, we would add, they will probably be a whole lot less significant as well. See Oceans (Acidification) in our Subject Index. Reviewed 9 June 2010",1 +"However, the district will cease to use a companion video about global warming, narrated by actor Leonardo DiCaprio, he wrote.",0 +"Above all, EPA must sort out how setting CO2 tailpipe standards might affect ""many sources beyond just the cars and trucks considered by the Court, including schools, hospitals, power plants, aircraft, and ships.""",0 +"As President Obama has learned, the human calamity in Syria does not yield to easy solutions. Putting on a pair of climate blinders is the last thing we should do if we truly care about the suffering of the innocent in Syria.",0 +Im rather fond of the way this site describes the process:,0 +"Last week, I was wondering how long it would be before we saw the fall of global warming. I had decided that after the CERN report and running up to the theres no increase in extreme weather but weve tried to put the best spin on it IPCC report, we would see the whole scam crumble.",1 +And Australian Coal Association director Ralph Hillman said domestically-mined coal made a tiny contribution to global carbon emissions.,0 +First female IMF chief receives praise from former hometown of Chicago:,0 +"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the bureaucratic agency which appropriated the role of arbiter of things climatic, has advanced a theory for the lack of warming since the turn of the century, viz:",1 +"Lead author Professor Mike Lockwood said, ???Our results show that over the next fifty years there is a 10 per cent chance that temperatures will return to Maunder minimum levels. Describing the Maunder minimum as a ???little ice age?? is somewhat misleading however.",1 +Gulf Stream Safe If Wind Blows and Earth Turns,0 +"How did I concoct this? First, I fit a least squares trend and found the line that bests fits the data Roger provided. This line has a slope of 1.21 units/time and the intercept at time=0 is 78 units. I checked to see if the trend was statistically significant: It was. Then, I checked the autocorrelation of residuals: It was 5%. So, I neglected auto-correlation and proceeded as though its not real. (It might be real, who knows? Im being naive here. )",0 +"But?if there happens to be *faster* warming than expected, well, the experts would be all too willing to adjust their models to have even greater climate sensitivity.",0 +"Figure 15 is the model-data comparison for the sea surface temperatures of the largest ocean on our planet, the Pacific. The models more than double (almost triple) the warming rate for the surface of the Pacific Ocean.",1 +"on Tuesday, December 21st, 2010 at 12:43 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.",0 +Y2Kyoto: California's Global Warming Solutions Act,0 +"The man of system considers himself far above and superior to others, who are to be compelled to conform to his political design for them. As Smith observed:",0 +And here's why the article's a pseudo-scientific screed:,0 +"Indeed the trend from 1983 to 2013 differs significantly (0.33 +/- 0.06C/decade) from the 2000 to 2013 period (0.09 +/- 0.14C/decade), which is no longer a significant warming. This hefty deceleration has occurred even though greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise linearly unabated. We reported multiple times on what the reasons could be for thi.",1 +"UK warmist admits: ""We don't fully understand the relative importance of' factors that influence climate",1 +"1- In 1998 a paper is published by Dr. Michael Mann. Then at the University of Virginia, now a Penn State climatologist, and co-authors Bradley and Hughes. The paper is named: Northern Hemisphere Temperatures During the Past Millennium: Inferences, Uncertainties, and Limitations. The paper becomes known as MBH98.",0 +"It would be unacceptable in a peer-reviewed scientific publication, for instance, to brush aside legitimate objections to a theory by saying the vast majority of researchers in the field agree. That just isnt how science is done.",0 +"SM: Exactly. This is something that I'm feeling very good about. One of the most interesting parts about the debate on the president's tax plan is that the left's main line of attack was class warfare. And I think that was a strategic mistake by the left. It really fell flat on its face. Folks didn't, for the most part, buy into the class warfare. The truth is that most Americans don't hate rich people like Bill Gates and Michael Dell as much as Tom Daschle does.",0 +"To these activists, we say: ""You first. Divest yourselves first. Get fossil fuels out of your lives. All of them. Go live in Sub-Saharan Africa just like the natives for a few months, drinking their parasite-infested water, breathing their polluted air, enduring their disease-ridden flies and mosquitoes without benefit of modern drugs or malaria preventatives and walking 20 miles to a clinic when you collapse with fever.",0 +Book targets policies and policymakers amid Alberta's malaise,0 +"The new Democratic strategy had a few disadvantages. It made polarization worse. The heavily urban, progressive coalition it envisioned was capable of winning electoral-vote majorities, but its geographic distribution put it at a structural disadvantage in races for the House, the Senate and governorships. And the coalition has turned out to be fragile even at the presidential level, precisely because it did not have sufficient appeal to white voters without college degrees. Since the Democrats' coalition worked best at the presidential level, losing there created a risk of being shut out of power as they now will be.",0 +"a corrupt organization, prone to groupthink, with a political agenda.",0 +Meanwhile the very latest peer-reviewed science from the Global and Planetary Journal shows no relationship at all between carbon dioxide and Earth's temperatures.,1 +"James Kirkup, Harry Wallop and Louise Gray",0 +"""A new moral atmosphere is taking shape in the country,"" Gorbachev told the Central Committee at the January 1987 meeting where he declared glasnost openness and democratization to be the foundation of his perestroika, or restructuring, of Soviet society. ""A reappraisal of values and their creative rethinking is under way."" Later, recalling his feeling that ""we couldn't go on like that any longer, and we had to change life radically, break away from the past malpractices,"" he called it his ""moral position.""",0 +"The failure to apply common sense to the New Source Review program has burdened American consumers and American industry with higher economic costs and higher levels of pollution than were envisioned by Congress when it wrote the Clean Air Act amendments of 1977. As EPA itself now admits,",0 +"Now that cool La Nina is dominating, they are trying to blame that on global warming.",1 +"all start by equating the output flux with the input flux. Of course this has all the problems of violating real physics by assuming that the Earth is flat and that the Sun is farther away than it actually is, etc. etc., as has been discussed here extensively, and so an additional major catastrophe for these models is that, if you just stop to think about what theyre saying about the solar input, their solar input cant melt ice or evaporate water or create the water cycle, or warm anything up at all , by itself. That is because these models do not conserve physics, even if they might numerically conserve flux. This is the difference between math and physics, and understanding this is the difference between being a physicist, and not. Many of these people who are thinking of themselves as physicists, are not, unfortunately.",0 +JOS: You have recently been working to expose the vast discrepancies between what the IPCC science reports say and what is in the IPCC Summary for Policymakers. Is this an important area of attack for skeptics?,1 +"A paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters finds there was an ""Abrupt change in atmospheric CO2 during the last ice age"" which occurred ""r apidly, over less than two centuries. This rise in CO2 was synchronous with, or slightly later than, a rapid increase of Antarctic temperature."" The authors also report ""carbon cycle modeling doesn't capture all of the processes for CO2 variations."" Thus, rapid increases in atmospheric CO2 have been shown to occur naturally due to processes not captured by climate models. In addition, temperature rise during the last ice age was found to be synchronous or leading CO2 rise, implying that temperature controls atmospheric CO2, rather than CO2 controlling temperature.",1 +"The trend since 2001 remains just barely negative. The least squares trends since 2000, 1997, and even the nearly meaningless connect the dot trend from June 1997 to Jun 2009 are about 1.1C/century 1.2 C/century.",1 +"""the longest continuous runof seasonal drought during the modern period was 5 years, whereas the pre-modern periodcontained episodes of six, seven and eight consecutive-year droughts. Similarly, the 20thcentury, with only 9 winter and 12 summer droughts, contained fewer multiyear events thanany other century. The uniqueness of the 20th century is further highlighted by the markedoccurrence of protracted dual-season pluvials, rather than drought, over this period. Perhapsof greatest relevance, this study suggests that severe and sustained episodes of dual-seasondrought, which are largely missing from the instrumental period, have occurred multipletimes in the past (e.g., 1660s, 1740s, 1890s).""",1 +Image by Dianna Ingram/Bergman Group,0 +"The situation is actually even worse than what we have discussed so far. Probability models, the kind that spit out equation #3, are fit to the hard data at hand. The models that are chosen are usually picked because of habit and familiarity, but responsible practitioners also choose the models so that they fit the old data well. This is certainly a rational thing to do. The problem is that, since probability models are only designed to say something about future data, the old data does not always encompass everything that can happen and so we are limited in what we can say about the future. All we can say for certain is what has happened before might happen again. But its anybodys guess whether what hasnt happened before might happen in the future.",0 +The editorial does not speculate about what effect a decade of dampened economic growth might have had.,0 +"You also probably know that energy makes it possible to heat our homes, cook our food, and fill our gas tanks, but it does much more. Energy protects our troops and keeps our firefighters and police officers safe. Energy from oil, natural gas, and coal is responsible for hundreds and hundreds of everyday products. Coal provides the affordable energy that powers our factories and the raw materials used to make hundreds and hundreds of products we use every day are derived from oil and natural gas.",1 +"Moreover, the claim of skepticalscience that we need to use a 2-sigma error envelope indirectly also proves that the IPCC models cannot be validated according the scientific method and, therefore, do not belong to the realm of science. In fact, to be validated a modeling strategy needs to guarantee a sufficient small error to be capable to test whether the model is able to identify and reconstruct the visible patterns in the data. These patterns are given by the detected decadal and multi-decadal cycles, which have amplitude below +/- 0.15 o C: see here . Thus, the amplitude of the detected cycles is well below the skepticalscience 2-sigma envelope amplitude of +/- 0.30 o C, (they would even be below the skepticalscience 1-sigma envelope amplitude of +/- 0.15 o C).",1 +CFACT is proud to call you our friends and allies and we are honored to co-sponsor this event.,0 +L0500 0.9 L0600 0.8 H0034 6.2 H0121 6.2 H0204 6.2 H0244 6.1 H0321 6.0,0 +"In a broadside against greenhouse ""skeptics"" Ross Gelbspan accused ""a tiny band of scientists"" of distorting the scientific ""consensus"" and advancing the interests of corporate polluters. Unfortunately for Gelbspan, Science's Richard A. Kerr (May 16, 1997) went searching for that consensus and was unable to find it. What he found was a lot of ""'silent doubters': meteorologists and climate modelers who rarely give voice to their concerns. . ."" One of the scientists to whom Gelbspan referred was Patrick Michaels of the University of Virginia. In an article in the Washington Post (""Holes in the Greenhouse Effect?"" June 22, 1997) Michaels responds. Whereas, Gelbspan claims that industry money has swung the climate change debate in their favor Michaels argues that industry spends about $35,000 per year on each of a few climate researchers, compared to the $2.1 billion spent by government. Indeed, 84 percent of Michaels' funding comes from taxpayers.",0 +"Anyway, centuries ago actors and non-baptized children were not deemed worthy of Christian burials, and attitudes have (slowly) evolved beyond that.",0 +"In LOTR, the reader knows Boromir is offering his friends a fatal temptation. But those who listen to Paul have no such advance knowledge regarding his advice. Is he right, or is this too good to be true?",0 +"offsetting advantage, from Obama's point of view. They would ""spread the wealth",0 +"America's voters rejected this agenda. Over 90% of the nation's counties voted to Trump the bridge hand to tyranny. We do not want to roll back true environmental progress. But we do demand a return to sanity, science, and honest consideration of our overall health, welfare and ""human environment"" in approving regulations that govern our lives. Let's insist that the new Congress and Administration do exactly that.",0 +"The thermometers are doing the talking now. Wikipedia and Newsweek will eventually have to confess the reality, but it is likely to come slowly and grudgingly.",0 +"President George W. Bush's federal budget for fiscal year (FY) 2008 proposed $2.902 trillion in discretionary, entitlement and interest spending. Although those costs fully express the federal government's on-budget scope, the government's reach extends far beyond the taxes that Washington collects. Federal environmental, safety and health, and economic regulations cost hundreds of billions of dollars every yearin addition to official federal outlays.",0 +I agree with Nick that climate change might be a better labelling than global,0 +"""A new pricing survey of products sold at the world's largest retailer showed a 0.6 percent price increase in just the last two months, according to MKM Partners. At that rate, prices would be close to four percent higher a year from now, double the Fed's mandate.""",0 +"Spencer then went on to illustrate how easy it is to make assumptions based on ""data"" by showing a graph on the screen that showed how the rise in UFO sightings coincided with the rise in ocean temperatures and joked that maybe aliens are causing global warming.",1 +"If by some miracle such a scheme was implemented, pressure to decouple the revenue neutrality and raise the tax would be immediate. This has happened in Alberta (which has a hybrid tax/trade system), where environmentalists are calling for the tax to be hiked, and British Columbia, which did implement something close to the ideal revenue neutral carbon tax. There too, in the most recent election, environmental groups were pushing to hike the tax and de-couple it from revenue neutrality to spend on pet projects.",0 +"In an eye-opening study published in the Chinese Science Bulletin, Yan et al. (2014) recount how they derived high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) histories of two 80-year time windows centered at approximately AD 990 and AD 50 within the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Roman Warm Period (RWP), respectively, by analyzing the Sr/Ca ratios and d18O values of Tradacna gigas (giant clam) shells collected from the northern South China Sea",0 +The Christian Science Monitor (Aug. 13) has endorsed a policy of increasing the price of gas by means of a 50 cents per gallon federal tax.,0 +"Go here to read about it, including ""the more the wind blows, the poorer we get. This is true because wind feed-in tariffs are much higher than energy prices in the spot market """,0 +Because it is a very fine grained process and because it has to be right or folks dont eat.,0 +<1473> McGarvie/UEA Director of Faculty Administration:,0 +"Its has been awhile since I had a QOTW, but the last couple of weeks have been full of travel, and Ive been out of the comment loop until recently. But this response from RyanO to the incorrigible commenter TCO, over at the Air Vent left me in stitches:",0 +"The once-redacted material now released suggests that Holdren's position was shared by at least one other White House employee, whose email advocates that ""we should make sure www.whitehouse.gov/climate-change has something on extreme weather events like polar vortex."" (See Jan. 8 email at 9:34 a.m.) It also shows efforts to try and round up scientists to weigh in on this topic. (See Jan. 8 email at 9:32 a.m.)",0 +"wrote the press release first ! The pdf is worth getting for a couple of sentences, when",0 +"As the CO 2 content of the air increases, seedlings of all five of these species should exhibit increases in photosynthesis that will allow them to grow larger than they normally would. This positive growth phenomenon will likely occur in all but the coldest regions of their ranges, where their growth is limited by low air temperatures.",1 +"Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, July 3rd 2009",0 +"He urged people to eat less meat, pay aviation taxes and even ban giving iced water in restaurants. But in order to get his message across, the former railway engineer, who lives in Delhi, created an enormous carbon footprint of his own.",0 +6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:,0 +"Proposed Federal Implementation Plan: Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA is required to review state compliance strategies. If the agency disapproves a state plan, then the EPA is required to implement a federal plan in its stead. Therefore, under the Clean Power Plan, the EPA would be empowered to impose its own energy policy on unwilling states, if the agency decided that a given state's submission was insufficiently green. It is unclear what form such a federal energy plan would take, as nothing of this sort (i.e., EPA trying to set national electricity policy) has ever before been attempted under the Clean Air Act. As part of next week's rollout, the EPA is expected to propose a generic federal takeover of a state's energy sector. Possible proposals include a federally operated cap-and-trade emissions trading scheme or a direct emissions limits based on system-wide controls. Whatever form the proposal takes, it will engender serious constitutional difficulties.",0 +Not seeing much reason to be invested in metals yet. Trade yes.,0 +"According to PIOMAS, the gain in end of October Arctic ice volume was the second largest on record this year.",1 +"That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. Thats what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared.",0 +"For some reason, the Met Office dont want the public to know any of this. Instead, they deliberately start their analysis in 1961, as Julia Slingo did in her report Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry: Drivers and impacts of seasonal weather in the UK , which was published in March 2014.",1 +"German households pay the second highest power costs in Europe. Only the Danes pay more, and both countries pay roughly 300% more for residential electricity than we Americans do. If this isnt bad enough already, Denmark, which allegedly produces between 20- 30 percent of its electricity from wind and solar (estimates vary), hopes to produce half from those sources by 2020. Germany now gets approximately 12% of its electricity from wind and solar, and plans to increase that proportion to 35% by 2020.",1 +8. How much does the global climate vary naturally?,0 +"Super-elevated CO 2 enhanced total dry weight of plantlets by more than 2-fold, when compared to dry weights of plantlets grown at ambient CO 2 . Interestingly, atmospheric CO 2 enrichment not only significantly increased the growth of existing roots, it also increased the induction of new roots from internodes located on orchid stems. Total chlorophyll content was increased by elevated CO 2 in young leaves and roots by 64 and 118%, respectively, thus permitting greater light harvesting during the process of photosynthesis. Greater utilization of sunlight in CO 2 -enriched plantlets likely contributed to tissue starch contents that were nearly 20-fold higher than those measured in control plantlets. In spite of this large accumulation of starch, no disruption or damage of chloroplasts was evident in leaves and roots of CO 2 -enriched plantlets. What it means",1 +I told you it was cold in California (Green is cold on this map),1 +"This explanation by the IPCC is clearly misleading, if not wrong. The inference that the greenhouse gases are acting like a blanket suggests that they are increasing the insulating properties of the atmosphere. However, the main gases of the atmosphere are oxygen and nitrogen, non-greenhouse gases, and they are also excellent insulators against the conduction of heat (like a blanket); adding additional trace amounts of carbon dioxide will have no appreciable impact on the insulating properties of the atmosphere.",1 +"The film, which is being shown in theaters nationwide on May 2, starts out with clips of many such claims made by the news media and, of course, former Vice President Al Gore.",0 +That progression plays well with green groups that consider profit to be evil. But there are costs. Energy prices are highest in the countries whose energy portfolios have the largest shares of renewables.,1 +"UKIP dislikes immigrants, right? Wrong . The vast majority of immigrants come to Britain to contribute, socially and economically. But our immigration system is flawed. We have a huge oversupply in the labour market, particularly in relation to unskilled and low skilled workers. It cannot be right that our government increasingly adds to this problem by having an open-door policy. The result is that wages are driven down, people are exploited and unemployment remains relatively unchanged. UKIP want a points-based system that does not discriminate against people from Africa, Asia and South America as the governments current policy does.",0 +"Actually, it might. It would depend what we did with the revenue. Imagine we used it to finance a cut in payroll taxes. That would make it more expensive to pollute, but cheaper to hire people. That could be a nice combo. I wouldn't bet much on the political chances of the carbon tax, but it's got enough promise to at least go down swinging.",0 +"These people were all wonderful human beings, whom I shall never forget. They were much more than names unwillingly embroiled in a global political power struggle. They were all steady, brave souls, and we are all diminished by their loss. They are not better known simply because there is an awful lot of willful not-listening going on out there because of the postmodern mind.",0 +EARTHS ENERGY IMBALANCE ANOMALIES IN CMIP5 MODELS,0 +"This is part of a long-term strategy to privatize the public's forests, a process implemented during the Reagan Revolution through stepwise defunding of land management agencies in the name of ""trimming budgets"". The process continues to this day and has forced the U.S. Forest Service to seek funds from the private sector simply to continue on. Nor is the larger plan confined to the national forests alone but includes the federal lands generally BLM lands, national parks and wildlife refuges as well, collectively nearly a third of the nation. At about the time the NFF was being created, corresponding foundations were established in the form of the National Park Foundation and the Fish and Wildlife Foundation.",0 +That report put sea-level rises at 18 to 59 centimetres above 1990 levels by 2100.,1 +That spit of land juts into the Thames. What is nearby? Channon writes:,0 +"The ACESA discussion draft is an extremely complex piece of legislation. It is likely, if enacted, to work far-reaching changes on many segments of the American economy. I have not been able to analyze the bill's provisions in detail, nor have I as yet seen modeling results of the kind that would allow an assessment of its economic impacts. My statement, therefore, does not attempt a detailed assessment of ACESA's provisions; rather, it seeks to assess the realism of the main assumptions that seem to underlie the bill's structure and goals. It concludes that the draft bill's approach clashes with four basic realities of current climate policy.",0 +"They were like outlaws. There is no telling what the large numbers of repeat offenders are capable of. Would they cut off research funding of other scientists who ask too many of the ?wrong? questions? Would they reject research papers that should be published? Would they lionize research nonsense? Would they fire those with ?wrong? ideas? Who knows what else. Based on the book, and my own experience, the answer is yes to such questions. Moreover, the accumulated impact has significantly hampered the progress of science to the detriment of everyonescientists and nonscientists alike. There is no limit to human folly, even among highly educated people. There can be no better case for skepticism in science than that.",0 +"People who know anything about history know that the creation of mega-cities in which the masses may be rounded up and enclosed, is identical to the Nazi principle of the ?ghetto? as a means of managing the masses. Every student of history may also know what happens to those masses shortly after.",0 +"an effective group of government representatives, scientists and other experts.",0 +"In the end, a global ban on CFCs was enacted based on a theory that continues to be challenged to this day. Chemists remain uncertain of the rate and extent of ozone depletion due to chlorine. In fact, the exact role of atmospheric CFCs remains uncertain. It appears that the primary catalyst of ozone depletion is atmospheric chlorine, and the most atmospheric chlorine by far is out-gassed from the oceans or emitted by volcanoes. Mankind's contribution is miniscule (does this sound familiar?). Further, natural processes have by far the greatest influence on the ozone layer (e.g., solar influence).",0 +"The government alternative raises questions concerning the mentality of the planners themselves. Either a regulator is from the industry and is thus often favorably inclined toward particular firms (such as, for example, the firm he was with most recently or the firm he expects to be with) or they are from outside the petroleum sector and lack basic knowledge of the industry. Either way, there exists a propensity for decision-making that is different from the market??s tendency to favor of the least cost-highest quality alternatives.",1 +Lincoln : Dr Salingers thesis warns: The record from 1927 is reasonable for further climatic change analysis; the record prior to 1927 should be used with caution.,0 +"Now, there isn't a man or woman in Washington that hasn't engaged in a little ex post facto justification of a bad or cowardly decision. But most don't try to elevate their fecklessness into constitutional doctrine. Because what Obama is saying is that suddenly, he cared about Congress. This from a man who unilaterally made deals with Iran and Cuba and who has governed almost exclusively by executive order and regulatory power, rather than through the legislature. Better still, Obama professes himself ""very proud of this moment.""",0 +And yet obviously the vast majority of Christians prominently appearing in pulpits and news do indeed sound a lot more self-righteous than the average person.,0 +"Andrew Morriss holds the D. Paul Jones, Jr. and Charlene A. Jones Chair in Law and professor of business at the University of Alabama.",0 +Even NYT s James Kanter has stumbled over a few of their problems:,0 +"Noting that the ""elevated CO 2 treatment mitigated PSII-photoinhibition through enhanced electron transport rates and through efficient biochemical reactions in leaves of G. arborea ,"" Rasineni et al . conclude that their data ""demonstrate that future increases in atmospheric CO 2 may have positive effects on photochemical efficiency in fast growing tropical tree species,"" allowing them to take great advantage of the high-light midday period of potential maximum growth in earth's tropical regions.",1 +"So the next time you clench your fists and stamp your feet at the mention of UKIP, think about whether youre reacting to the party itself, or misinformation spread by the old parties in a bid to quell the political earthquake coming in May.",0 +"Ge et al . report that ""the warming rates at centennial and decadal scales in the 20th century were not exceptional for the past 2000 years."" At the 30-year time scale, for example, they found that the peak rate was ""less than rates for previous periods, such as the rapid warming from the Little Ice Age to the 20th century and from the 270s-290s to 300s-320s."" Likewise, they say that ""the peak rates of the 100-year scale warming in the AD 180s-350s in northeastern China as well as those in the 260s-410s and 500s-660s in Tibet were all greater than those from the mid-19th to 20th century."" And they additionally note that although ""the rates of the most rapid cooling at scales of 30 to 100 years in the Little Ice Age were prominent,"" they state that they ""were also not unprecedented in the last 2000 years."" What it means",1 +"after likely having broken the law on FOI, the CRU researchers are still trying to make up new excuses useful to break the law in the future too",0 +"The ERO projects that U.S. demand will increase by 141,000 megawatts over the next 10 years. Supply, however, will increase by only 57,000 MW, and that assumes that all currently proposed new facilities are approved and built. The system will be operating below the marginal capacity needed to ensure supply reliability at all times. In other words, in peak periods like heat waves, there won't be enough electricity to go around. Blackouts will inevitably result.",0 +"The climate studies that attempt to remove the impacts of ENSO and the volcanic eruptions, very simply, then subtract the scaled and lagged ENSO index and Aerosol Optical Depth data from the global surface temperature data and assume the warming shown is caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases. See Figure 7-15. Its nonsense, but there are a good number of studies that attempt to show this. Why is it nonsense?",1 +"In recent weeks, Der Spiegel, the Telegraph and the Economist have reported the unexpected stabilizing of global surface temperatures. Even former NASA scientist and outspoken climate change activist James Hansen has acknowledged the 10-year lull.",1 +"This is one of the three ""where were you when..."" moments in my memory (moon landing, Challenger explosion, 9/11). Actually, I have a fourth of equal power for me, but it does not seem to be on very many other people's lists. That was the moment in 1989 I turned on the TV and saw people climbing on and partying around the Berlin wall. I don't know if there was simply not any warning for this moment, or if I was in some kind of new job lala land and missed the lead up, but it was a real wtf moment for me, a total surprise.",0 +What Can Happen When Special Interests Capture Government Regulatory Agencies,0 +"CO2 concentration continues to climb. Global temperature doesnt. Absence of correlation necessarily implies absence of causation. Game over, logically speaking.",1 +"This leads to some pretty interesting conclusions. China, which, like Mississippi, only industrialized in the 1980s, is now the world's number-one greenhouse gas emitter. But the European Union, Japan, and other signatories of the Kyoto Protocolthe marquee global warming treatydon't expect China to lift a finger to fight global warming, because its historical contribution to present levels of GHGs in the atmosphere is low.",0 +"In the same week, President Obama needlessly fomented division while on Australian soil, even if no lasting damage to the US-Australia relationship was done. If the regional expectation of the last quarter of the Obama presidency is a low one of ""doing no harm"", then the President has not even achieved that.",0 +"Second, for those who may point out U.S. temperatures do not equate to global temperatures, the USCRN data are entirely consistent with and indeed lend additional evidentiary support for the global warming stagnation of the past 17-plus years . While objective temperature data show there has been no global warming since sometime last century, the USCRN data confirm this ongoing stagnation in the United States, also.",1 +Ben Preoccupation with risk allows speculation to be passed of as fact,0 +"Since 2006, the U.S. has added 3.6 million barrels per day of new oil production. That's roughly equal to the combined output of two : Kuwait and Ecuador.",1 +Reflections on the D.C. Circuit Court GHG Decision,0 +"No one should be victimized by corporate fraud, negligence or incompetence. But neither should they be victimized by negligent, incompetent or criminal actions of government agencies and bureaucrats, or of third parties they hire to validate their policies and agendas. Those actions also breach the public trust.",0 +"Even if the declining trend of the past decade does not continue, managing forests and croplands for multiple benefits to include food production, biofuel harvest, and carbon storage may become exceedingly challenging in light of the possible impacts of such decadal-scale changes, Wickland said.",0 +"Now many readers of my blog are very savvy about AGW to the point that every nuance of the science is already understood, but for those of you who are ignorant like I was a while ago, think about what they are saying.",0 +"The September 2002 issue of The Washington Monthly ran an article - reminiscent of the ""ozone hole over Kennebunkport"" flap under Bush I - about the possible effects of global warming on President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.",0 +"2006 It is not a debate over whether the earth has been warming over the past century. The earth is always warming or cooling, at least a few tenths of a degree Richard S. Lindzen , the Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology at MIT",1 +"Its Thursday, and that means its time for The Daily Bayonet to skewer the clueless Warmers once again:",0 +"==> "" Based on their analysis of all the available data, the four researchers determined that ""linear long-term trends in the Inner North Sea (1.6 mm/yr) are similar to global trends (1.7 mm/yr) but smaller in the English Channel (1.2 mm/yr)."" And they report that ""although the recent rates of sea level rise were high, there is no evidence yet that sea level rise has accelerated over the last decades in the North Sea region.""""",1 +"None of which is to say that reduction of carbon emissions is impossible. But the limiting of fossil fuels cannot be carried out with an unenforceable international regime, using complicated regulations that the United Nations does not have the staff or the mandate to supervise, with the help of a treaty that effectively penalizes those who bother to abide by it. I no longer believe that a complicated carbon trading regimein which industries trade emissions ""credits""would work within the United States either: So much is at stake for so many industries that the legislative process to create it would be easily distorted by their various lobbies.",0 +"Might be partly responsible? Sorry, thats a long way from Tipperary",0 +Exit of Canadas expert a sure sign IPCC in trouble,0 +"Demands that institutions eliminate hydrocarbon stocks, and society stop using fossil fuels, would reverse this progress, jeopardize people's health and living standards, and prevent billions of still impoverished people worldwide from enjoying the living standards many of us take for granted.",0 +10 Reasons Why the #WebofDenial Campaign Is Wrong,0 +"I think we will see the mean sea level continuing to level off over the next few years, and then starting to fall as lower temperatures reduce the melt rate, and ocean heat content falls further, and faster under the quiescent sun.",1 +"For Americans, sovereignty is not an abstract concept of international law and politics, nor was it ever rooted in an actual ""sovereign"" as head of state. Starting with the Revolution, we rejected sovereignty and legitimacy outside of a constitutional framework of representative government. ""No taxation without representation"" was one early formulation, and ""We the People"" the most famous and broadly influential. Americans see themselves as personally vested with sovereignty, an ineluctable attribute of citizenship, and they therefore react with appropriate concern when globalistas insist that ""pooled"" or ""shared"" sovereignty will actually benefit them. Since most Americans already believe they have too little control over government, the notion of giving up any authority to unfamiliar peoples and governments whose tangible interests likely bear little relation to our own is decidedly unappealing.",0 +"Predictably, rent seekers flocked to the market, with new wind and run of river small hydro projects. The combination of additional electric supply and poor economic conditions in major U.S. markets has led to a collapse in the export price for BCs electricity. BC Hydro is purchasing expensive clean energy and selling it at loss into the export market.",1 +"Once you go into details, you realize that for some decades, models are doing a much better job than for some other decades. That is because our models are only as good as our understanding of the natural processes, and there is a lot we dont understand.",1 +"In March, around the time of the moon's closer proximity a reporter named Andrew Bolt, writing for Melbourne's Herald Sun, happened to be interviewing Australia's leading Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery. Bolt was looking to get a figure as to how much the earth's temperature would drop if Australia reduced its carbon dioxide emissions 5% by 2020. At first Flannery was unwilling to give an answer, probably because he didn't have one. Bolt pressed him for an actual number, something he could get his arms around. Flannery responded with ""look it will be a very, very small increment."" Bolt continued to ask Flannery for an actual number.",0 +WSJ: Obamas Climate Plan Will Increase Poverty & Redistribution,0 +Date: 1995 Edited by: Ronald Bailey Published by: Free Press,0 +A little known 20 year old climate change prediction by Dr. James Hansen that failed badly,0 +"This text is somewhat inconsistent with Figure 27 which shows a differential of ~0.5 psi, but thats a different story. Either way, the observed pairwise differences between Patriot measurements (fluctuations in Exponents terminology) was much higher than that observed in their simulations an issue that Snyder did not confront. Exponent presented thetable of pairwise differencesshown below:",0 +"""Since it is abundantly clear that there is no one temperature of the atmosphere all talk of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is simply an exercise in futility."" A look at the globe from either of its two poles to its equator and everything in between tells us with simple logic that being able to determine its ""temperature"" is impossible. The Earth, however, has gone through numerous warming and cooling cycles, all of which were the result of more or less solar radiation.",1 +"Thus, there is no warming in the pipeline using the authors terminology, nor any heating within the atmosphere! Perhaps the heating that was observed priorto 2003will begin again, however, it is scientifically incorrect to report that there is any heat that has not yet been realized within the climate system.",1 +"Meanwhile, since 2005, China's emissions have grown by 71 percent, or about 3.9 billion tons, which is about six times the total reductions achieved in the U.S. and Germany. In the Middle East, emissions have jumped by about 600 million tons, an increase that effectively cancels out the combined reductions achieved in both the U.S. and Germany since 2005.",0 +"Electricity from wind farms also increases the cost of electricity by adding to the burden of keeping the grid in balance and makes it difficult to keep transmission lines from being overloaded. Moreover, mountaintop wind farms require additional transmission capacity, which will only be used between 25 to 35 percent of the time due to wind powers low capacity factors. All of these costs are part of the true cost of wind power, but are usually ignored when the projects are being sold.",1 +"The people of devoutly Catholic Fiesch and Fieschertal have made the annual pilgrimage since 1674, when Europe was in the grip of the Little Ice Age. (Related: Little Ice Age Shrank Europeans, Sparked Wars.)",0 +"Yu et al . (2012) conclude their report by stating that their findings suggest that ""coral reefs in the southern Great Barrier Reef are frequently influenced by periods of high storm activity,"" and that the reefs in that part of the world ""show strong resilience to natural disturbances over the past century,"" indicative of the fact that the continued existence of that region's corals is not nearly as tenuous as many climate alarmists have made it out to be. References",1 +"I suppose there are exceptions in the law for LLNL and other government agencies to withhold documents and emails from the public for national security purposes. Much as Santer might like to think global warming is one of those exemptions, I doubt he could successfully make a legal case for that.",0 +"Even in what the authors describe as a nutrient-poor , low-productivity calcareous grassland, atmospheric CO 2 enrichment significantly increased both vegetative and reproductive biomass production. In addition, they say it is known from many studies that heavier seeds result in seedlings that ""are more robust than seedlings from lighter seeds (Baskin and Baskin, 1998)."" Hence, the continued rising of the air's CO 2 content would appear to bode well for these nutrient-poor Swiss grasslands, as well as for other low-productivity grasslands around the world. References",1 +"And he is quite aware that Ontario's weather doesn't represent the globe's weather. He was making a broader point about the trend toward global cooling in the past decadea point that Pederson, deliberately or unconsciously, sidestepped.",0 +"""We are looking for a new kind of environmental governance, something more inclusive, in which all parties have a stake and it's not just governments which have the right to speak.""",0 +"The following table is taken from Arrow, et al.:",0 +"The solution is clean-energy abundance for a high-energy planet not scarcity with the goal of decoupling human progress from its potential impact on the climate. That path forward would seem to be one that rests on advancing solar and nuclear technology. In a New York Times commentary, venture capitalist Peter Thiel focuses on the latter:",0 +"According to the DC, the Keystone pipeline is: ""A minor concern when compared to the potential regulatory onslaught that Podesta could unleash from within the White House""about which the WFB coined the term ""Regicide.""",0 +"To most of you, what Im about to say will not be in the least controversial. But to some others, the idea that not all risk and uncertainty can be quantified is somewhat heretical.",0 +For reasonable citizens there ought to be no question easier to answer than whether or not human-caused global warming is real and is threatening the future of the Earth.,0 +"Canadian climate scientist told the National Post that the research provides cover for the Bush administration's opposition to the Kyoto Accord, which attempts to rein in the release of carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse",0 +"The annualized differential in total costs for Germany between the no-nukes, no coal and lots of wind forecast pushed by Germanys Greens and an economically least cost expansion plan amounts to more than $120 billion over ten years and perhaps as much as $200 billion. A lot of money, in other words.",1 +Met Office : Warming Unabated 2010 Almost As Warm As Thirteen Years Ago,1 +"Arctic sea ice extent declined at a fairly rapid rate through the first three weeks of July, but the loss rate then slowed due to a shift in weather patterns. In Antarctica, the advance of sea ice nearly halted for about a week in early July, and then resumed. At the end of the month, Antarctic extent was at or near a record high for this time of year.",1 +"At the same time, having worked to demonize the president as illegitimate and not loyal to America or American values, every subsequent compromise made by GOP leaders to keep the government open or to pass policy was by definition working with the enemy.",0 +"It is relevant that the environmentalists want to control not only us, they want to control also the climate. In its immodesty, arrogance and irrationality, the theory of climate control (the term coined by Ray Evans) reminds me of the ambitions of communist central planners to control the entire society. R. Evans, ?The Chilling Costs of Climate Catastrophism,? Quadrant, June 2008 (online atwww.quadrant.org.au/blogs/doomed-planet/2008/09/the-chilling-costs-of-climate-catastrophism), in which he argues that ?the warmists? try to introduce such ?degree of control over our lives which is unprecedented, except in time of war? (p.12). The idea is further developed in his ?Laputans in Retreat?, Quadrant, July-August 2010;www.quadrant.org.au/magazine/issue/2010/7-8/laputans-in-retreat).",0 +"West et al . conclude that ""legume species identity and N supply are critical factors in determining symbiotic N-fixation responses to increased atmospheric CO 2 ,"" and that ""species identity may be an important factor controlling the response of N fixation to global change.""?? In terms of all-important growth, there also appears to be a wide range of responses among species; but it is encouraging to see that in the face of soil nitrogen additions, such as are likely to occur from continued atmospheric N deposition, the four leguminous plants of this study all exhibited increases in biomass production in response to atmospheric CO 2 enrichment, with some of them being extremely large. Reviewed 14 September 2005",1 +"A 1.1 C increase in nighttime temperature (1) ""extended the duration of grain filling,"" (2) ""promoted the filling rates of the superior and inferior grains,"" which (3) ""resulted in a significant increase in the 1,000-grain weight by 6.3%,"" that (4 and 5) ""significantly increased wheat aboveground biomass and grain yield by 12.3 and 12.0%, respectively""",0 +"We live apparently in mnniskans tidslder a time of including climate researchers begun to be called from the antropocena era. S, what is it that mjliggjort this stunning development? It is of course a combination of a number of factors, but few of da most important is the technical development and tillgngen on cheap energy. The technical development has given tractors and skrdemaskiner who played a decisive role for the development of agriculture and tillgngen on cheap energy has made it possible to manufacture kvvegdning as cat skrdarna to niver as from not so long ago had frefallit otnkbara. That since industrialization began also been about 0.8 degrees warmer has tminstone in vr part of the world. given longer odlingsssonger and this shared forging a height carbon dioxide levels have further helped to increasing skrdarna.",0 +"One was a Nobel laureate physicist, two were Apollo astronauts . . . and another was me.",0 +"But the PGR rising is offset by sea bottom sinking. As the earths mantle rises, the mantle in the surrounding area must flow down and under to compensate. As can be seen in figure 1, the North Atlantic, the bottom between Newfoundland and Greenland, and the ocean bottom north of Canada, is sinking. These areas are totally under ocean, unlike the rising areas that are mostly land. The sink rate seems to be 3 to 4 mm/year over an area much greater than the rising sea bottoms, which would appear to more than cancel any sea level rise due to PGR. The 0.3 mm/year positive adjustment to sea level rise by the UC sea level group does not appear to be justified.",1 +"The differences appear to be in the low end of concentration, the 15% to 30% range. It suggests that the brief gains we saw may be wind related, blowing floating ice around, compacting it when winds are strong versus allowing expansion when winds are weak.",0 +CEI Experts Available to Comment: Senior Fellow Iain Murray on what every citizen should know about global warming:,0 +"The Penn State inquiry exonerating Michael Mann?the paleoclimatologist who came up with ?the hockey stick??would be difficult to parody. Three of four allegations are dismissed out of hand at the outset: the inquiry announces that, for ?lack of credible evidence?, it will not even investigate them . Moving on, the report then says, in effect, that Mann is a distinguished scholar, a successful raiser of research funding, a man admired by his peers?so any allegation of academic impropriety must be false?",1 +Fire crews have drafted in specialist equipment to help them tackle a major blaze above Holmfirth.,0 +"The President and Democrats claim the secret science bill would unduly burden regulators. Baloney. The rules would simply require that promulgators of government edicts live according to the same rules they impose on us: Be honest and transparent. Show us your data, calculations and analyses. Demonstrate that you have examined all relevant studies not just what supports your agenda, while you ignore everything else. Back up your analyses and decisions with actual evidence . Answer our questions. Recognize that collusion, deceit and fraud have no place in public policy, and will no longer be tolerated.",0 +WSJ's Favorite Skeptics Headed for Chicago,0 +"The EPA claims, as it does for virtually all its regulations, that it is linked to heart attacks, decreased lung function, and premature death in people with heart and lung disease. This is worse than junk science. It represents no science whatever, being an invention of EPA employees who specialize in such nonsense. The Earth produces soot every day and circulates it globally.",0 +The Met Office should hang their heads in shame and also the BBC for reporting the temperatures recorded by this station. Well done chaps I hope you can get the message out to the wider world. If anyone lives in that area the site looks easily accessible.,0 +Let that last line sink in: Four climate lobbyists for every member of Congress!,0 +The Democratic attorney general in U.S. Virgin Islands dismisses claims he's violated the Constitution's First Amendment with his inquisition targeting fossil fuel companies and global warming.,0 +"Obamacare waivers weren't in original law, appearance of political favors persists:",0 +"The plaintiffs contend that these remunerations were indeed kickbacks since virtually no conditions were placed on the settings of these programs, other than the physicians in question were high decile. In some cases, the programs were cancelled, yet the payments were still made.",0 +"Although these signs are encouraging, environmental doomsaying is proving to be persistent and resilient. Three recent books that have received lavish praise in the environmental world and some general media outlets illustrate this point: Paul and Anne Ehrlichs' One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future (Island Press); James Gustave Speth's Red Sky at Morning: America and the Crisis of the Global Environment (Yale University Press); and Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows's Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update (Chelsea Green). All three books demonstrate that little has been absorbed from the wrong predictions of the past thirty years or the analytical framework that led to those predictions. To the contrary, the analytical frameworks these authors use are becoming more slipshod and simpleminded.",0 +Interesting indeed. Epic FAIL for the Met Office.,0 +31 This example was provided by the American Petroleum Institute.,0 +"The ad, in which Gingrich and Pelosi don awkward smiles while talking about clean-energy solutions, is coming back to haunt him, along with other statements he's made about climate change, as he officially launches his presidential bid. While Democrats have a long and winding list of grievances against the former House speaker, his past environmentalism could cause problems on the political right.",0 +Twitter has reinstated my account. They got many thousands of angry tweets and apparently relented.,0 +"Prevent and reverse federal regulations on fracking. The federal government should allow states to regulate fracking without federal interference. The Department of the Interior has issued federal regulations on fracking on federal and Indian lands. Recently, the EPA released methane regulations for oil and gas activities. But federal regulations duplicate existing state regulation of fracking since companies must obtain state permits for all wells, including federal wells, and must comply with all state regulations. Citizens working with state and local bureaucrats have a significantly better sense about their environment than Washington bureaucrats who may be thousands of miles away. Local government officials should therefore have the prerogative of instituting regulations regarding fracturing.",0 +"You may have seen stories about 2010 being the warmest year ever. And by ever the warmists dont mean the history of the world , they mean about the last 180 years. The truth is too inconvenient :",0 +"""Gore's agenda for saving the world from global warming has always included population control,"" Myron Ebell, director of global warming and international environmental policy at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. ""Advocating population control specifically for Africa is just another form of imperialism. Gore's eco-imperialism is uncomfortably close to the original racist goals of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who advocated population control in order to control the number of black and brown people in the world.""",0 +2. Change to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is observed to follow change to global temperature at all time scales.,1 +"There is simply no way this is going to help, and it is amazing to me that educated people can't see it, yet I think that is the case (I don't believe they are trying to be evil) A staggeringly large percentage of what goes awry in the world can be explained by bad or mismatched incentives, so it is incredible to me that our education system seems to so consistently resist teaching this topic.",0 +"Verification of IPCC Sea Level Rise Forecasts 1990, 1995, 2001",0 +"Even the UN and the EU are wising up to the greenhouse gas scam, ""the biggest environmental scandal in history"", says Christopher Booker.",1 +Lofgren says those concerns are reasonable and that her bill addresses them by limiting slots to graduates of research universities designated by the National Science Foundation.,0 +"In other words, Antarctica could actually be cooling, but someone just wanted a red map.",1 +emissions. The Bush tax cuts were not a proximate cause of the giant public debt,0 +"As can be seen, the relative size of the natural forcings become larger since more forcing is required to cause the same temperature changes when the feedback fighting it is strong. Remember, the NET feedback (including the direct increase in emitted IR) is always acting against the forcing?? it is the restoring force for the climate system.",1 +"What is ""slight"" Is it a tenth of a degree? A hundredth of a degree? A thousandths of a degree? Flannery had no answer. That's because he doesn't know what the number is. It's like saying the car is going to cost you money to buy. Well ok but how much? Well, we really don't have a number for you but trust us it does have a price. Well then, I'm not going to buy it if I don't know the price. What's scary and dangerous about the climate war is that governments will force you to buy that car no matter what it costs.",0 +A relatively greater warming of tropospheric temperatures (roughly the lower 8 km in the atmosphere) when compared to the surface with a cooling in the stratosphere (roughly 10-25 km).,0 +"Take a look at these pictures Graham shot as he joined thousands of others to wade through the devastation asking people, ""Do you need to get somewhere safe? Do you have something to eat and drink? Do you have clothing? A blanket? What do you need? How can I help?""",0 +In Roman times and in the Medieval Warming (900 1300 A.D.) temperatures were higher than today by five and six degrees Celsius. No industries then!,1 +Round Up of Snowy Winters & Global Warming Claims ? Excerpted from Climate Depot's Extreme Weather Report,0 +I have some indirect reasons to think that e.g. Al Gore is getting money from these barbaric acts as well and he should therefore be executed as soon as possible if we want similar things to stop. The arrogance of this criminal is just breathtaking. This guy who has earned tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars from the ideology that leads to the flattening of villages in Uganda has posted the following latest text on his blog:,0 +"As has been shown time after time, the private market, when allowed to function, works much better than an overregulated industry. Moving the state into the middle of the electric market will only create a host of new problems. The state cannot build power plants faster, cheaper, or more efficiently than the private sector. The state cannot set prices better than the private sector. The state can, however, spend the taxpayer's money faster than the taxpayer could. Other states, such as Pennsylvania, and other countriesEngland, for examplehave made a success of electrical deregulation. California could too. But it must allow the market to work.This essay originally appeared in the San Jose Mercury News, January 23, 2001. Available from the Hoover Press is In Sickness and in Health: The Kyoto Protocol versus Global Warming, by Thomas Gale Moore, part of the Hoover Essays in Public Policy series. To order, call 800-935-2882.",0 +"Current climate models are overly damped and deterministic, focusing on the impacts of external forcing rather than simulating the natural internal variability associated with nonlinear interactions of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system, Curry said.",1 +"Scaremongers tell us that unless we act, polar bears might die. Meanwhile an Arctic researcher shot a polar bear . Dead. Statistics aren??t clear if drowning or do-gooders kill more bears, but it??s close.",1 +"The columnist Larry Bell, a professor at the University of Houston, points out that, ""As for expecting renewables to fill in the power curve, European Union experiences offer a painful reality check. Approximately 7.8% of Germany's electricity comes from wind, 4.5% from solar. Large as a result, German households already fork out for the second highest power costs in Europeoften as much as 30% above the levels seen in other European countries. Power interruptions add to buyer's remorse.""",0 +"Dickens life demonstrates the extraordinary variability of the British winters during that era, when the coldest and warmest winters in the CET records can be juxtaposed. Generally there are few examples of constant cold winters year after year-the LIA was becoming much more sporadic than it had been several centuries earlier, when bitter cold weather appears to have been the norm. To put this era into perspective mature English people might be surprised to learn they lived through a much colder winter than Dickens ever experienced. 1962/3 at -0.33C was the third coldest in the entire CET record compared to Dickens coldest year 1814 at 0.43c, the fourth coldest in the record. (1962/3 was a bit of a one off-Dickens experienced a greater number of relatively cold winters)",1 +"is to get warming loony Ross Garnaut, Professor David only way to cool the earth is to be hit by a freaking great asteroid which destroys all of civilisation Karoly, and oh-so-impartial Tony Jones in the Lateline studio. Laughable, if it werent so tragic.",0 +"CEI, a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group founded in 1984, is dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. For more information, please contact Emily McGee, director of media relations, at 202-331-1010, ext. 209.",0 +"Here we go again. Last March I wrote about the media predictions that the Arctic sea ice would be gone by the summer of 2012. As I showed back then, those wild predictions were based on a simple extrapolation of the minimum summer sea ice extents of 2006 and 2007.",1 +"They urge us to keep in mind: ""It is important to recognize that the central issue of human-caused climate change is not a question of whether it is warming or not, but rather a question of how much. And to this relevant question, the answer has been, and remains, that the warming is taking place at a much slower rate than is being projected.""",0 +"To bolster their charge the earth is heating up, global warming advocates point to computer models they say validate their alarmist claims. But are these models accurate? Well if one recent study is any indication, it would appear the answer is ""No."" As reported in Investor's Business Daily, a researcher in Sweden reviewed how well some leading climate models predicted the past figuring if they could do that, they might serve as reliable indicators of the future. But when he examined how well they explained China's weather over the last 50 years, he found less than half showed the right levels of precipitation in various regions, and virtually none mapped the entire country's weather reliably in the least.",1 +"We get the message the recent warming in at least several regions in China has likely been exceeded in the past millennium or two, the rate of recent warming was not unusual, and the observed warming of the 20th century comes after an exceptionally cold period in the 1800s.",1 +"Among the more developed countries, the United States is the outlier nation, with the highest fertility ratejust under 2.1. Moreover, the United States takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined. Accordingly, in the next 50 years America will grow by 100 million people. Europe will lose more than 100 million people.",0 +"On the other hand, aerosols both within clouds and in the open sky bounce different-colored light unequally. Broadband measurements that fail to distinguish color differences might be covering up important details, the researchers thought.",0 +"Obamas presidency has also seen the fewest US hurricane landfalls of any president. Three hurricanes have hit the US while he was in office, compared to twenty-six while Grover Cleveland was in office.",1 +We contacted the journal editor on Friday June 8 to let them know...,0 +"The EPA issued its formal finding that carbon dioxide is an air pollutant on December 7 (an appropriate day to announce a national disaster). As stated above, in a normal case this decision would have little chance of surviving judicial review. Courts of appeal are aware of their own lack of scientific expertise, so they have developed doctrines to ensure that agencies' scientific decisions are open enough to provide interested parties with opportunities to evaluate a decision's quality. To this end, the data on which the agency relies must be made public, as must studies and reports and other material. The agency is not allowed to cherry-pick its science; it must take it all into account. Cogent comments must be answered and rebutted.",0 +"Britain's Environment Minister Michael Meacher, who likes to berate the U.S. for its backward stance on global warming, made a fool of himself in the August 9 issue of the London Sunday Times. Here's an excerpt from the interview:",0 +"This is beautiful with a capital ""B"". Unlike most nanny state regulations that afflict the unsuspecting and uncomplaining, this one is coming back to bite the very people who wanted it most. So, I hope that list is sold to every third world call center on the planet, 'cause my number ain't on it. Via Chuck Adler .",0 +Check this out: climate change analyst job description . Excerpts:,0 +"The safety issue most familiar to Americans, disposal of spent uranium fuel rods, has generated headlines as Congress has argued about where in the country to store the waste. On Tuesday a panel of judges halted most license hearings for Yucca Mountain, the Nevada location currently designated as the nuclear waste site. After having invested billions of dollars and decades in Yucca Mountain, the Department of Energy is poised to abandon the project with no alternative in sight.",0 +"The authors note that the only pollinator used in the greenhouse production of melons in Israel is the honey bee ( Apis mellifera ); and they say that ""improvement in nectar reward can increase the attractiveness of the flowers to the bees, increase pollination activity and consequently increase the fruit set and the yield."" Hence, as the air's CO 2 concentration continues to rise, or as greenhouse managers implement atmospheric CO 2 enrichment techniques, we may expect to see such benefits realized routinely.",1 +"Science, properly practiced, is the search for truth. Science, properly practiced, rejects forecasting models that consistently produce inaccurate forecasts. Theres nothing scientific about shouting down anyone who has the audacity to point out that the only thing your model can accurately predict is what the temperature wont be.",1 +Dr Pachauri graduated as a mechanical engineer and was chief engineer with the Diesel Locomotive Works before studying engineering and then economics in the US.,0 +We Desperately Need To Get Back To The Climate Stability Of 1917,0 +"The previous rule is actually required by SO(10)-like grand unified theories (see Hall et al. 1993 ) to obtain the right Yukawa couplings for the third-generation heavy fermions - the top quark, the bottom quark, and the tau lepton.",0 +"Campbell's membership on the panel was ostensibly because of his expertise in matters of peer review and there was some speculation in the wake of his departure as to whether a replacement should be sought. Indeed, I wrote to Sir Muir and suggested a way in which a suitable replacement might be found. My suggestion was that he might try contacting COPE , the Committee on Publishing Ethics, which is an industry body for scientific journals that offers advice on matters of, well, publishing ethics. They have considerable expertise in the peer review process.",0 +"The bottom line is this: the more people look for the anticipated acceleration in the rate of sea level rise, the less evidence they seem to find in support of it. All the while, we eat into the 21st century with a rate of sea level rise not much different from that experienced during the 20th centuryand one which was hardly catastrophic, readily proven by a simple look around.",1 +"In my dictionary, says Bright, Global is defined as worldwide. So let us ask ourselves the questionhas there been a worldwide warming of 0.07 degrees Celsius? Has there been a uniform increase in temperatures worldwide? The answer is simple. It is utterly impossible to make such declaration, adding that It is completely impossible to measure the temperature of the atmosphere which is 100 kilometers high and which has a huge range of temperatures in a continuous state of flux.",1 +"4- Having the Yamal data in complete form, McIntyre replicates it, and discovers that one of Manns co-authors, Briffa, had cherry picked 10 trees data sets out of a much larger set of trees sampled in Yamal.",0 +"The most studied and extensive of these events occurred 93.9 million years ago. By looking at the chemistry of rocks deposited during that time period, specifically coupled carbon and sulfur isotope data, a research team led by University of California, Riverside biogeochemists reports that oxygen-free and hydrogen sulfide-rich waters extended across roughly five percent of the global ocean during this major climatic perturbation far more than the modern oceans 0.1 percent but much less than previous estimates for this event.",0 +"Dear Clayco sorry to contradict you, but from the information that I have things exactly allopposto.",0 +"Can Mankind stop it? No. Just as humanity cannot affect the long term climate of the planet, neither can it stop an Ice Age from happening. The climate is primarily driven by the sun.",1 +"Next lets see what happens if we also remove all H20 from the atmosphere. Downwards radiation drops way down to 42.23 watts per metre. Therefore, H2O is responsible for 90% of the cloud free greenhouse effect in the tropics.",1 +"Theres a lot of blowback against James Hansens recent (non tested) PNAS paper, trying to link weather and climate, covered here on WUWT . Even NOAA scientist Dr. Martin Hoerling is panning it. This from The NYT :",0 +"Even though it is ""academically plausible"" that there is something beneath the obvious and mundane events we have seen, one should understand that there isn't any real evidence and it is just a sign of irrationality to be attracted to unjustified contrived hypotheses and to (loudly) dismiss simple, effective theories that agree with the evidence, especially if one does so repeatedly.",0 +There is been plenty of historical evidence which confirms the existence of a much colder climate in much of Europe between the 14th and 19th Centuries. This is not surprising because there is such a wealth of historical records and documents which has been handed down from the Europe of those days. The book however presents considerable evidence that the phenomenon was a worldwide one:-,1 +"""Nothing,"" I answer. ""And what is wrong with world peace, brotherhood among the nations, and ending exploitation of man by his fellow man?""",0 +"I respect Nigel Lawson very much. We?ve met multiple times, last time at the International Economic Forum in Qatar where we were both on the same panel. On that occasion, we once again demonstrated how similar our views are.",0 +"Ben Pile on April 27, 2015 at 5:46 pm",0 +"With the unlikely outliers removed, or referring to the GISS Model E2-R and GISS Model E2-H simulations, the differences between the observed and modeled ocean heat accumulation indicate the models are much too sensitive to the hypothetical impacts of CO 2 .",1 +"Vision : all we need to make Star-Trek-like teleportation a reality then, its finding a way to cool a person into a BEC, transfer its quantum state into just the right BEC far away, and then heat this back as the teleported copy of the original person.",0 +"Furthermore, to date no empirical, theoretical or numerical method, complex or simple, has yet successfully specified mechanistically either how the heat generated by anthropogenic greenhouse-gas enrichment of the atmosphere has reached the deep ocean without much altering the heat content of the intervening near-surface strata or how the heat from the bottom of the ocean may eventually re-emerge to perturb the near-surface climate conditions relevant to land-based life on Earth.",1 +"A large part of the sediment gathered by existing marshes is accumulated during seasonal flooding. Flood overtopping and overbank sedimentation, both vital to the survival of existing marshes, were dramatically reduced as large areas ceased to be flooded. River water also helped to reduce marsh salinity and provide nutrients, and its loss has resulted in the breakup and dispersal of large amounts of nutrient-starved marshlands.",0 +"pro-Obama cornersfrom celebrity investor Warren Buffett, from moderate",0 +"3. The increasing absolute amounts of CO2 have had a small influence, at best, on temperatures during the last 15 years.",1 +"It was also demonstrated ( Friis-Christensen and Lassen, 1992 , Hoyt and Schatten, 1993 and Lassen and Friis-Christensen, 1995 ) that the correlation between SCL and climate probably has been in operation for centuries. A statistical study of 69 tree rings sets, covering more than 594 years, and SCL demonstrated that wider tree-rings (better growth conditions) were associated with shorter sunspot cycles ( Zhou and Butler, 1998 ).",1 +Astrophysicist Professor Nir J. Shaviv is a hot anhngare of the theory that the sun via its INFLUENCINg infldet of cosmic strlar play a big role for the Earth's temperature. He believes also that In addition to the sun's is affected infldet of particles in the longer term perspective of how the solar system rr in and out of the Milky Way galaxy's arms. This may be important to understand for the ice age and uppgng cases.,0 +"The rate of global warming since 1990, taken as the mean of the three terrestrial datasets, is half what the IPCC had then projected. The trend line of real-world temperature, in bright blue, falls well below the entire orange region representing the interval of near-term global warming predicted by the IPCC in 1990.",1 +Figure 2b compares the new Yamalia chronology with two alternative chronologies heavily promoted by McIntyre and others the so-called Polar Urals update chronology and a Yamal chronology using modern samples from the Khadyta River site.,0 +"Sheer numbers also matter. All else remaining equal, the more parties that must agree, the more complex the negotiation is likely to be. That is one reason that the wider the geographic extent of the open access resource, the harder it will be to restrict access to it. With GHG control, the resource is literally the skynot something to which access is very easy to limit. All nations, however unequal in other regards, have access to the sky.",0 +"But the biggest drawback must surely be the length of the scheme. The government says payouts are guaranteed for 25 years. But there could be six changes of government in that time ? one of them just around the corner. Who can be sure they'll all stick to Miliband's promises? If you are thinking of taking up this offer, it's probably worth waiting at least until after the next election to do so.""",0 +"I was in Newcastle, NSW AU on Wednesday night to give another lecture as part of the Australian speaking tour Im doing. I had the pleasure of following David Stockwell in a presentation, and David Archibald followed me.",0 +"For example, this proxy reconstruction of past temperatures suggests climate change is the rule, not the exception:",1 +"Radical environmentalists even tried to blame global warming for the devastating 2011 tsunamia tragedy caused by a 9.0 offshore earthquake. To suggest that auto emissions cause tectonic plates to shift sounds like quite a stretch, but global warming zeal apparently has no limits.",1 +"where $m$ is the mass of the unit charge. That should explain, in our non-Abelian monster setup, why the elements of the monster group have order up to 71 only. As you can see, I don't really believe that there are quintillions of sub-Planckian particle species in the real world but the conceptual, swampland implications of Gia's insights could turn out to be important.",0 +"1934 was the hottest year in US history (before government data tampering) had the worst drought in US history, devastating floods in Europe, brought one of the most powerful typhoons on record to Japan, drought in England, drought in South Africa, worldwide drought, melting glaciers, 100 degree temperatures to almost every state .",1 +"Environmental Protection Agency, ""Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources,"" June 2015, https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-06/documents/hf es erd jun2015.pdf (accessed July 1, 2016).",0 +"Its clear that the world was warmer during medieval times. Marked on the map are study after study (all peer-reviewed) from all around the world with results of temperatures from the medieval time compared to today. These use ice cores, stalagmites, sediments, and isotopes. They agree with 6,144 boreholes around the world which found that temperatures were about 0.5C warmer world wide.",1 +A longer CV was written 5 years ago.,0 +"The boss of koda Mr Vahland has confirmed that there still exist no plans to sell kodas in North America. I am not sure whether it's a wise decision and whether it's his decision or someone else. It looks ironic because kodas are planned to be sold to the Iranians. But what I find important for Vahland et al. is that they should enjoy their success, take a big part of the credit for that, and make sure that this should increase their influence within the VW Group and not to reduce it. The future fate of the VW Group as a whole surely depends on their ability to get all these signs correctly. If sore losers get an upper hand in a group, the group is doomed.",0 +"Nobel laureate Ronald Coase, who died on Monday, criticized ""blackboard"" economics that lived ""in the minds of economists but not on earth."" Coase's influential work also questioned whether taxing bad but unpriced side effects like carbon pollution, for instance was an optimal solution, even assuming transaction costs like identifying harmed parties. It might be better to assign property rights and let people negotiate payment. No need for lots of government meddling.",0 +How Economic Arguments Against Nuclear Highlight Environmentalist Delusions,0 +"He says: Temperatures over time have fluctuated while CO 2 levels have remained steady. Whats more, temperature increases have historically led increases in CO 2 levels.",1 +"Another reader has asked why I have calculated the effect of implementing the Copenhagen Accord only as far as 2020. This is the time-horizon for the Accord. The effect of the Accord over ten years would be to forestall warming of just 0. 0 2 C (0. 0 35 F) forestalled even if everyone complies fully. This outcome is so minuscule that extending the analysis beyond that date would be pointless, not least because by ten years from now it will be blindingly obvious to everyone a) that the climate is simply not warming anything like as fast (if at all) as the IPCC had ambitiously predicted, and b) that compliance with Copenhagen was little better than compliance with Kyoto. By 2020, the climate scare will be all over bar the shouting, and no one will be cutting CO2 emissions any more.",1 +"If todays generation acts on climate change, our computer models which fail reasonable quality verification show, the average US temperature will rise 0.4C-1.83C (4-6.5F) by the end of this century, said the draft, which was finalised in April.",1 +Another popular lukewarmer paper in 2011 was published by a research team led by Andreas Schmittner from Oregon State University and concerned an estimate of the earth?s climate sensitivity (and the uncertainty about that estimate) derived from some recently published determinations of land and sea surface temperatures during the Last Ice Age based on a collection of climate proxies.,0 +"""A California judge has blocked an attempt to prosecute alleged downloaders of copyrighted material in a move which is being championed as a win for American users of the Internet.""",0 +"Putting forward a program to get the price right on carbon emissions would allow Republican candidates to argue for regulatory streamlining and the removal of such things as CAFE standards, appliance standards, construction standards, light bulb standards, and so forth, all of which become totally superfluous in an economy that is properly pricing carbon emissions through a carbon tax.",0 +1601 N. Tucson Blvd. Suite 9,0 +The South Asian Monsoon: How Difficult It Has Been to Model (10 Jul 2013),0 +"7. Gore argues that the European heatwave of 2003 is a perfidious effect of AGW and that it is the alarm bell for phenomena increasingly more common in the future. Chase et al (2006) have analyzed the frequency and persistence of major subtropical anticyclonic fronts of the kind that lingered on for much of the the summer in 2003. Their analysis covered 1979-2006 and a latitudinal band between 22 and 80 North. According to their findings similar or greater anomalies than 2003s happen regularly and there is no significant trend in the annually affected area. What was different in 2003 was the structure of European urban areas, with high-rise buildings of stone and mortar, and very little, often not even properly irrigated green areas (Leroy Ladurie, 2004).",1 +The computer models predict that the Arctic will be especially sensitive to greenhouse gas warming. But Arctic surface and balloon measurements indicate no warming trend during the past 40 years. Lower tropospheric temperature measurements made by satellites during the last 20 years also show no warming trend in the Arctic.17,1 +"And the reason they left out those mechanisms that are capable of causing more rapid sea-level rises, they explained in their report, was that we do not yet understand those mechanisms well enough to model them and arrive at the sort of quantitative conclusion that the IPCC was emphasizing. And, in addition, we didn't know at that time, we didn't have enough data to know whether, on balance, the Antarctic ice sheet, the larger of the two, was gaining mass or losing mass.",1 +"In no uncertain terms, Gu et al . state, in the concluding sentence of their paper, that the good correlation that exists between their climate history of the middle reaches of China's Yangtze River and the Bond events of the North Atlantic Ocean ""reveals that solar activity controls the Earth surface climate system at the centennial and millennial scales.""",1 +Thank goodness for warm vder. Right now I am with my wife on a conference on tillmpad mathematics and ingenjrsvetenskap giving place in this week in Narvik. When we arrived there were two things that delighted us. Rekordvrme and all the snow that remains up in fjllen.,0 +"The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) stated very clearly, Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms. Well, winters are clearly not becoming milder or bereft of heavy snowstorms.",0 +"Trumpism may have parallels in populist, nativist movements abroad, but it is also the culmination of a proud political party's steady descent into a deeply destructive and dysfunctional state.",0 +"""For most of the 20th century, the Forest Service has failed to manage our national forests properly while treating fire as a virtual moral evil. Unless these policies are reversed, fires that consume millions of acres and inflict billions of dollars in damage will become more and more common.""",0 +"We in the VRWC can finally let you in on the joke * . Bush was ""Rove's brain"" .",0 +"For the peak oil folks, salvation came in the form of unconventional oil. Now, were assured, oil is still running out, so they were right all along You see, they say, King Hubbert was right, were running out of conventional oil, but as it runs out it is being seamlessly replaced by unconventional oil, so we still have oil even though were running out of oil. Got it?",0 +"As Whitehouse notes, using BESTs own data, the temperature record of the last 10 or so years is a statistically perfect straight line of zero gradient. In laymens terms, warming has stopped. The only hiccups in the graph Whitehouse and his group produced from BEST data is attributed to natural phenomena such as La Nina.",1 +"Since poor countries are counting on hundreds of billions of dollars in the Green Climate Fund to help them cut emissions and adapt to climate change, Ebell thinks the whole agreement will fall apart if the United States can't contribute.",0 +"Between the shock-and-awe slogans of the military Mars, and the human security fairy tales of the civilian Venus, Strategy in the West has been MIA for too long. Since the real Revolution in Strategic Affairs happens to be a non-Western affair, NATO leaders will have to start by learning the new grammar and logic of the kind of unrestricted warfare elaborated by the Chinese and the fourth-generation warfare practiced by Islamists.11",0 +"And a detail: Given the importance of koda within the Czech economy, I would find it appropriate if the stocks of Volkswagen were being traded at the Prague Stock Exchange, much like the stocks of the Austrian financial institutions Erste and VIG (that have important Czech daughters, too). VW could of course be added to the Madrid Stock Exchange and others, too. Such steps would highlight the fact that VW Group is a profit-seeking multinational company and not a group of fans of the German national soccer team, for example. Sometimes it looks like it's the latter!",0 +"Algore was known at one time for bringing cold weather, now his prediction on ice seems to be contradicted by the evidence.",1 +"Lets pause here for a minute. First, the high RE results from nonsense predictors and the proposed B-C statistic of 0.25 are different issues. If you can get a high RE statistic from unrelated information, then the RE statistic by itself does not ensure that the model is meaningful. End of story. As to Manns statement that ""Mann et al 2005 provide a true rigorous significance estimation procedure"", I am unable to locate this calculation in the publication maybe someone else can locate it for me. Mann describes the ""true rigorous significance estimation procedure"" as follows:",0 +"Fact Check: The ad goes on to say, ""they call it pollution, we call it life."" It is true that some politicians and environmental groups want to label CO2 as a ""pollutant."" Several environmental groups, states and municipalities are currently suing the EPA to do so.",0 +"It is because there is ambiguity in the evidence that we cannot completely quantify the uncertainty in A. That is, the inability to articulate the precise definition of most people is the reason we cannot exactly quantify the probability of A.",0 +"""More than 150 economists back U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner's call to match any increase in the debt limit with spending cuts of equal size, according to a letter released by the Republican leader's office Wednesday.""",0 +"The farmers group will hold a protest outside state parliament in Sydney on Tuesday, which it says will attract thousands of people angry about the governments approach to controversial coal seam gas exploration.",0 +"Examination of several proxy records (e.g., sediment cores) of sea ice indicateice-free or near ice-free summer conditions for at least some time during the period of 15,000 to 5,000 years ago",1 +The impacts would have included (dollar values are adjusted for inflation):,0 +"NASAs man-made global warming deep ocean hiding place lies directly above one of the most active sub-ocean geological heat flow regions on earth, the Solomon Island / New Guinea portion of the western Pacific. A visually dramatic example of this geological heat flow is shown in the photo atop this article (Figure 1). It shows the ocean surface expression of the heat plume from a sub-ocean volcano named Kavachi which is located in the Solomon Island Chain. Even more telling are recently updated deep ocean maps which have identified many hundreds of deep sub-ocean volcanoes, hydrothermal vents and fault zones in this limited geographical area. None of these geological features are monitored for heat flow. However this Solomon Island / New Guinea portion of the western Pacific Ocean has recently been temperature mapped utilizing cable pulled deep diving temperature probes. This research project found that this area is extremely warm portion of the Pacific Ocean.",0 +"This means that even a legally correct ruling could badly backfire. Law enforcers depend upon a cooperative citizenry to do its job. If this ruling were to lead immigrants -- whether undocumented or documented -- to believe that law enforcement officers could detain them for any suspected immigration violations, that cooperation could disappear. These people would become reluctant to work with the police as witnesses or to report crimes. The Virginia government must tread carefully here.",0 +"As its anti-shale gas export attack response plans were percolating Dow was moving on another front to secure its commitment to exporting natural gas. Yes, you read that correctly. Dow owns a sizable chunk of Freeport LNG, which owns a LNG import terminal in Quintana Island, Texas that is now almost dormant after only four years of operation. Dow and its partners are seeking approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the DOEyes, the same DOE it is now demonizingto spend $2 billion on its conversion with the aim to have the facility exporting 1.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas daily by 2015.",0 +"An increasing trend in global surface temperature, currently of 0.2 C to 0.3 C per decade.15",0 +L1014 0.8 L1054 0.9 L1136 1.0 H0629 5.6 H0735 5.4 H0856 5.4 H1010 5.6,0 +"Until recently, the Obama administration ignored the pleas of Louisiana's governor to allow Louisiana to build barrier islands to contain the damage from the oil spill, citing bureaucratic procedures. Yet the Obama administration granted BP a waiver from environmental regulations in April 2009. ABC News reports that the ""top recipient of BP-related donations during the 2008 cycle was President Barack Obama himself, who collected $71,000.""",0 +Reported estimates from Teslas certified shops include:,0 +It is of course nonsensical to flip temperature data upside down when averaging but that is exactly what Steig et al does. This alone should call into question the papers result.,0 +(519) 824-4120 ext. 2532,0 +"Ive also curves to bound my 1 standard deviation uncertainties for actual values those are indicated by the dashed orange traces. That is, in the future, my best guess for the value (stock price? height of corn in Illinois? ) is in brown, and I expect there roughly a 2/3rd chance the individual values will fall inside the dashed orange lines. (I also expect that if I acquire loads of data, the future trend has a pretty good chance of falling between the purple lines.)",0 +"Ptydepe is an artificial language invented by playwright Vclav Havel, who would later become a prisoner and a president, in his The Memorandum (1966). Havel's brother, computer scientist Ivan Havel, actually helped Vclav Havel to design it. It guaranteed the happiness of everyone by making sure that the words are never too close to one another. The language is cool, for example:",0 +We can't pour trillions in this massive hole-digging-and-filling-up endeavor and pretend it's not away from something and someone else.,0 +"Its mission, according to its website, is ""to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.""",0 +"In this ongoing weaponization of the UN against the West, China has not remained passive: beyond the OIC and NAM proper, the largest group in the UN happens to be the ""G-77 + China,"" i.e., 132 countries representing 69 percent of UN members. China's UN dues may be 2 percent of the UN budget, but Chinese activism in the past decade has spectacularly increased in recent years.36 It is reportedly under Chinese pressure that the US was evicted from the Human Rights Commission in 2001 to make room for Arab dictatorships.",0 +"Her conclusion appears to be that scepticism is on the wane and that denial is harder to sustain. But her view, distorted as it is by the prism of belief in AGW, fails to appreciate that the majority of sceptics accept the role of CO2 and that there is a human contribution to warming.",0 +"In 2007, Cyril Boynes organized a 332-kilometer (206-mile) people's march from Kampala to Gulu, Uganda, to support using DDT to eradicate malaria. This year, I participated in a march from Gulu to Kampala, to remember those who suffered during the long war with Joseph Kony's murderous Lord's Resistance Army, to honor my mother, who walked 20 km every day so that her children could eat and live and to promote health and prosperity for our country and continent.",0 +"/s/ David W. Heath JSC, Reentry Specialist, MOD, 30 years",0 +"The lunar phases have nothing to do with shadows, dead kir and dear Brian Cox. The Earth could only leave a shadow on the Moon if all these three celestial bodies, the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon, are located on a single straight line and the Earth is in the middle. But this occurs very rarely. When it does, there's indeed a shadow of the Earth on the Moon and it's called lunar eclipse. (The solar eclipse occurs when the three bodies are on the line but the Moon is in the middle and prevents us from seeing the whole Sun.)",0 +"Really? Mr. Mann claims that temperatures roughly 800 years ago, in what has been referred to as the Medieval Warm Period, were not as warm as those measured recently. This is important because if modern temperatures are not unusual, it casts doubt on the fear that global warming is a serious threat. In 2003, Willie Soon of the Smithsonian Institution and Sallie Baliunas of Harvard published a paper in the journal Climate Research that took exception to Mr. Mann??s work, work which also was at variance with a large number of independent studies of paleoclimate. So it would seem the Soon-Baliunas paper was just part of the normal to-and-fro of science.",1 +"Within days of the release of the government study, Dow held a news conference on January 10 denouncing it and announcing the launch of its anti-natural gas export website America's Energy Advantage. Dow, which public records indicate has spent more than $45 million on lobbyists over the last six years, recruited as partners Alcoa, American Public Gas Association, Celanese, Eastman Chemical and Nucor corporations likely to face marginally higher natural gas energy bills if industrial prices rise modestly with export deregulation, as anticipated. Huntsman Chemical joined the rump group on Tuesday.",0 +"Why is it that the Earth Guardians, Sierra Club and similar groups detest fracking? Maybe because this technology demolishes their Club of Rome claims that mankind is about to run out of petroleum or because it means fossil fuels are again on the ascendency, making wind and solar even less viable and further demonstrating that wind energy is a far less sustainable energy resource than petroleum.",1 +"A source is defined as ""major"" under PSD if it has a potential to emit 250 tons per year of an air pollutant, and also ""major"" under Title V if it has a potential to emit 100 tons per year. Whereas only large industrial facilities emit 100-250 tons per year of smog-producing chemicals or particulate matter, literally millions of small non-industrial facilities office buildings, hospitals, schools, restaurants, heated agricultural facilities, etc. emit enough CO2 to qualify as ""major"" sources.",0 +"Otherwise quite-sound South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has weighed in on the political ""global warming"" sweepstakes with an op-ed in today's Washington Post. To his credit, he flatly states that ""conservatives must respond to climate change with innovation, not regulation.""",0 +A blast of cold Arctic air is likely to be plunging all the way to Mexico by New Years Day,0 +"JC summary: The authors of this paper are members of the climate establishment, in terms of being involved with the WCRP CLIVAR Programme and also the IPCC. This paper arguably provides more fodder for skepticism of the AR4 conclusions than anything that I have seen from the climate establishment (the authors may not realize this). The issues surrounding natural internal decadal scale variability are a huge challenge for separating out natural from forced climate change. The same issues and challenges raised for future projections remain also for the warming in the last few decades of the 20th century. Sorting this out is the key challenge. No more unequivocals or very likelys in the AR5, please.",0 +"Climate scientist Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH), who helped design and manage NASA's global satellite system, posted a dissection his colleague John Christy carried out of a paper by Benjamin Santer et al. Santer and his colleagues use a new, lesser known, untested satellite data set with recorded temperatures much higher than the satellite measurements from Christy and Spencer's NASA satellites. Santer had referenced the UAH satellite data in earlier papers. In addition, Santer and his colleagues ignore one of the largest, long-term, consistent temperature and weather data sets in existence, the weather balloon radiosonde data.",1 +"Institutional constraints also exist within key nations. In the United States, widespread voter xenophobia and distrust of markets contribute to adoption of cost-ineffective policy tools, and legislators' incentives to serve constituency interests further supports adoption of regulatory and subsidy programs that greatly increase costs of mitigation. China's legal and economic institutions could not currently apply an effective GHG cap-and-trade or carbon tax. These kinds of GHG controls require the full rule of law, market prices for energy, and market discipline for major industries. In China, the prospects for such a transformation remain highly uncertain.",0 +"After the government agency initially said it could not find any such documents, it changed its story several times in an attempt to avoid making them public as required by law.",0 +"Figure 2 shows that the impacts on future sea level rise projections are equally insignificant. Instead of a projected sea level rise of 15.1cm by 2050, the Kerry-Lieberman bill produces a rise of 14.9cm. By 2100, the BAU projected rise is 37.1cm and the Kerry-Lieberman rise is 36.0cm. A century?s end sea level rise savings of 1.1cm, or 0.43 inches. Too small to be of consequence.",1 +I don't suppose someone who splices datasets to hide declines is quite what is called for then.,1 +"Other climate drivers (geothermal fluxes negligible, 10,000 times below Sun, except for near volcanoes, volcano ashes' temporary effect, a nice summary of Svensmark cosmic rays, Soon and others solar influences, why the small irradiance variations don't exclude the concept; ocean cycles from ENSO, Indian Ocean Dipole, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation, with maps, diagrams, and discussion of impact on weather, global and Australian)",1 +"German technology, more expensive, that oxyfuel can also sequester CO2, squeezing it until the liquid state, to enter later in deposits. The Germans are so cutting edge in reaching the goal of clean energy at low cost and with zero emissions.",0 +"The Pause has now drawn blood. In the run-up to the climate conference in Paris this December, the failure of the world to warm at all for well over half the satellite record has provoked the climate extremists to resort to desperate measures to try to do away with the Pause.",1 +"A new report published by Consumer Alert and the Pacific Research Institute finds that Californians would pay dearly to comply with the Kyoto Protocol. California relies heavily on fossil fuels. Oil accounts for 43.4 percent and natural gas 25.8 percent of California's energy use. It also relies on large amounts of electricity imported from other states, half of which is produced with coal.",1 +"""Washington, DC may soon offer the first shot at legal wagering on online poker in the the US. While the folks in the nation's capital are having hearings on how to roll out a local version of online poker run by the lottery, the big money is still gambling on what decision comes out of the US Congress.""",0 +What if climate change appears to be just mainly a multidecadal natural,0 +"Although George W. Bush's troublesome flag-waving tenure represented an unwelcome bump on the road, Barack Obama's 2009 inauguration was surely the high point of global governance's advance. Here was a president who saw global warming as the threat it was, promising to stop the seas from rising. This self-proclaimed ""citizen of the world"" rejected U.S. unilateralism, took the United Nations seriously, and understood that European Union-style institutions were the real future. Not only would America have social democracy domestically, but it would join its like-minded confreres worldwide to celebrate global governance's emerging transcendence. What could go wrong?",0 +"The UK Government has been accused of making obsessive attacks on the renewables industry, with leaders upset ministers have moved the goalposts again in todays Summer Budget. RenewableUK has lead complaints claiming George Osbornes announcement to scrap the Climate Change Levy is another example of the government changing the rules just weeks after it was announced there would be an early clawback of the Renewables Obligation. RenewableUKs Director of Policy, Dr Gordon Edge said it was the latest in a long line of unfair, illogical and obsessive attacks on the green energy industry. -- ReNews, 8 July 2015",0 +"6. You are right that models are unable to model ocean oscillations, natural variability, clouds, convection, gravity waves, atmospheric oscillations, solar amplification mechanisms, etc.",1 +Growing St. John's wort plants at higher-than-normal atmospheric CO 2 concentrations in a controlled environment can enormously enhance the production of both plant biomass and total hypericin (hypericin + pseudohypericin) content by increasing plant rates of net photosynthesis. References,1 +"And from the way Clinton was so easily caught getting on her private jet shortly after delivering a speech saying everyone (else) must cut down on fossil fuel use, I dont believe she actually cares much for the policy herself. So why? At the very best, Clinton has a hugely costly policy she does not personally endorse.",0 +"When considering a preoccupation with risk, speculation is a good word. We might think of all human action as being speculative by nature in that we cannot know with absolute certainty that the desired outcome of an action will happen. External factors beyond the control of any acting individual will influence the final outcome of his action if he is not to live in isolation.",0 +"All environmental problems, and notably those arising from climate change, would beeasier to solve with a smaller future population. Population restraint in rich countries andcommunities would reduce the future number of major carbon emitters (who will also bevictims). Restraint in poor countries and communities would reduce the number of minoremitters and likely major victims",0 +"This graph, on its own, was enough to negate the first element of the thermo-maniacs? foundation, and seriously undermine the second. It was argued in defence of the alleged unique quality of twentieth-century warming that although the Medieval Warm Period was admittedly an era of pre-industrial higher temperatures, the contemporary inputs of anthropogenic carbon dioxide into the atmosphere were unprecedented and a new scientific paradigm was necessary to cover this unprecedented ?pollution?.",0 +"[SEPP Comment: Apparently, the theme Environmental Justice was not selling. Now try Environmental Racism?",0 +"Thats the good news. The bad news is that the interface between climate science and policy remains badly broken. Many politicians seem to have become uncertainty deniers, with President Obama leading the pack. The UNFCCC/IPCC is on a collision course with reality; it will be interesting to see how the Paris meeting goes next Dec, and how the IPCC AR6 will proceed. But science seems less and less relevant to what is going on in the policy arena.",1 +"Regular readers at any of the main climate change blogs will be aware that since about 1997 there has been nearly no global temperature rise. And they will know too, that this is despite atmospheric CO2 concentration continuing to rise. To date there are some 55 ideas to explain this slowdown in global warming. Some of the ???explanations?? presume the so-called ???greenhouse effect?? must still be increasing as the IPCC models calculate; it??s just that the heat has hidden elsewhere, maybe deep in the ocean.",1 +"According to official UN IPCC global temperature datasets, the length of time WITHOUT ANY MEASURABLE WARMING has been 16 Years, 18 Years, 19 Years or in the case of the most accurate satellite dataset, 23 Years (depending which official UN IPCC dataset is used).",1 +"The aim of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, led by Chris Turney of the University of NSW, was to prove the East Antarctic ice sheet is melting. Its website spoke alarmingly of an increasing body of evidence showing melting and collapse from ocean warming . Instead, rescue ships and a helicopter, all belching substantial carbon emissions, have had to be mobilised to pluck those aboard the icebreaker MV Akademik Schokalskiy from their plight, stuck in what appears to be, ironically, record amounts of ice for this time of year.",1 +"Summaries presented in court filings for the case of American Tradition Institute v. University of Virginia and Michael Mann which demands release of Michael Mann's emails say, ""Mann has never been exonerated . Exoneration requires investigation; investigation requires pursuit aimed at discovering material facts. Mann's employer since 2005, Penn State University, has conducted no such thing. Neither has the University of Virginia.""",0 +"""You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,"" incoming White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel recently said. ""And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.""",0 +"It??s the second-coldest May on record, with overnight temperatures falling below zero, three degrees below the average overnight temperature, say meterologists at Weatherzone.",1 +Why the power grid of the future is in California and New York,0 +I appreciate that attitude?but I'm wondering whether filing suit might actually accomplish a great deal more for the cause of free speech. Maybe what we need is precisely Curry vs. Mann.,0 +"In popular science journalism the latest is always the best. With all the explanations for the pause in global surface temperatures since 1997 there are now over 30 of them it is always the most recently published one that is the answer. This time its the Atlantic Ocean thats to blame. A paper published in Science says that a 30-year periodicity warms and cools the world by sequestering heat below the oceans surface and then releasing it. You dont have to look very deeply at the science to realise that, despite the headlines, no one has come up with an answer to the pause. ???David Whitehouse, The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 26 August 2014",1 +"The fastest warming is in the second half, with .5 degree rise snce the 50s. Repeats what I said about GISSTEMP, but does not engage with the significant bit that the Pages2Ktemperature reconstruction contradicts the GISSTEMPtemperature record. Pages2K(Michael promotes) appears more in line with HADCRUT3(Michael rejects as being out-of-date) than GISSTEMP (Michael promotes).",1 +"So what has gone wrong with the GHCN system? There is no evidence at all that the Icelandic temperature record is not robust, or, indeed, the Greenland data that correlates well to it. Even the BEST series bears this out. ( See here). As the Icelandic stations are well correlated with each other, the adjustments can only have been generated by comparing with other stations hundreds of miles away in Europe, where it has already been proven that temperature trends can be totally different. But really this is an issue for GHCN to resolve, not me.",1 +but this is amazingly cold. These models are on our Weatherbell.com site being developed by the one and only Dr Ryan Maue.,0 +"All of these results bring about a new challenge in the eld of climate change. So-called observed climate datasetsplay important roles in driving hydrologic models, evaluating global circulation models (GCMs) and regional climate models (RCM). Because observations coming from different datasets do have differences, which one we can believe among the various so-called observed climate datasets? Indeed, we have no ability to know the truth value ; what we need to do is reduce the disagreement among the observed datasets and depress their uncertainty.",1 +"Nonlinear interactions and feedbacks across spatial scales and their associated thresholds are common features of biological, physical, and materials systems ..These spatial nonlinearities and emergent behaviors challenge the ability of scientists and engineers to understand and predict system behavior at one scale based on information obtained at finer or broader scales .Cross-scale interactions often result in surprises with severe consequences for the environment and human welfare.",0 +"In 2015, we're fortunate that we will escape a carbon tax and a minimum-wage hike. But we'd be better off if construction would start on Keystone XL. And some of us will sorely miss the World Cup.",0 +"However, now he claims that humans will be gone in 100 years: Google News , China People's Daily . It's an irreversible situation. Anthropocene has accelerated urbanization etc.",0 +"The third, fourth, and fifth ""experts"" were less well-known than Paul Ehrlich but the homeowner would probably soon realize that they're going to the pub with the previous two and, it just happens, they have been both very active in promoting the same junk politicians. The sane guy would learn that this loosely connected gang is doing business in the whole world and is getting $2 billion a year just for ""determining"" that pretty much every hous e needs a new wiring. It seems to be a great business.",0 +"Meanwhile, utilities are prevented by regulation from using flexible pricing structures to incentivize efficient energy use. A highly regulated grid is not conducive to the efficient flow of electricity.",0 +"Yet in the 15 years since 1998, surface air temperatures have held flat, a fact now grudgingly conceded by the climate-science establishment, despite more than 100 billion tons of carbon dioxide having been pumped into the atmosphere over the same period. ""Nature is far more imaginative than we are,"" Stamatios Krimigis, the eminent Johns Hopkins physicist, said last month when readings from the Voyager spacecraft failed to match expectations for what it would find at the far edge of the solar system. That kind of humility in the face of data is tough for today's environmentalists, who have staked so much on their own models, predictions and certitudes.",1 +"The programme, like climate science itself, attracted controversy before it even came on air. James Delingpole, a vocal climate change sceptic who appears in the documentary, yesterday called the programme another hatchet job on his Telegraph blog.",1 +"It's too late, moreover, for conservatism to provide a remedy. Codevilla writes:",0 +"In addition to all the aforementioned problems caused by humans, we are also concerned, at the same time, by the phenomenon of global warming and its alleged consequences.We know that there have always been naturally occurring ice ages and warm periods; what we don??t know is how significant the human-induced contribution to present and future global warming is and will be.",1 +"By the time Obama took office, U.S. and other nato troops had been in Afghanistan for more than seven years well past the point of surgically getting in and getting out. He was eager to give the Afghanistan effort the commitment and resources that for years had",0 +"Without argument, bears always benefit from more seal pups, but Derochers retelling of the seals decline in a section titled, Why progressively earlier breakup of the sea ice negatively affects persistence of polar bear subpopulations was (to be kind) highly deceptive! The seals productivity had plummeted because the Arctic had cycled to years of heavy ice, not due to a progressively earlier break-up. Somehow that critical point escaped peer review.",1 +"on your payroll taxes, each extra dollar that taxes are raised will",0 +"429 km (267 miles) NNE (27) from PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea",0 +"The largest ice shelf in the Arctic is breaking up and most of Europe just experienced a very warm summer. As expected, those professors, lobbyists and green protestors who make their living promoting the coming apocalypse due to global warming made a fuss about it. Canadian polar scientists are blaming accelerated regional warming for the ice shelf collapse and their European counterparts continue to make the most of the now dwindling European heat to further their agenda to promote the notion that climate change is dangerously sending us towards oblivion.",0 +"Tonight, via the twentieth-century technological miracle of Scopitone , we bring you the dancing trousers of multi-million selling accordion stylist Andr Verchuren , as he and an unidentified chanteuse have a lot of fun, all French-like, in a scorching performance of Papa C'est Ta Java . When it comes to high-quality weekend musical entertainment, I bring it. The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.",0 +"According to the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center (SIDC) in Brussels, the official solar sunspot number (SSN) last month was 57.0. Thus it reached only 57% of the mean value of cycles 1 to 23 in the corresponding time period. If you calculate using the entire cycle 24, then we get an activity level that is only about 45% of the mean value. As Pierre Gosselin reports, You have to go back all the way to 1827 (cycle 7) to fine a comparatively small activity like what weve seen since 2009. (7)",0 +"By 1935, The Scientific Consensus Had Determined That Mars' Oceans Were Actually Tracts Of Vegetation",0 +"When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930).",0 +"Global warming activists are in full-throttle damage control, desperately claiming global warming causes record snow and cold.",1 +"Ridley's ""smoking gun"" is a paper last week in Science Magazine by two scientists Xianyao Chen and Ka-Kit Tung, which Ridley somehow believes refutes all previous climate science. Ridley quotes a sentence fragment from the press release suggesting that roughly half of the global warming in the last three decades of the past century (1970-2000) was due to global warming and half to a natural Atlantic Ocean cycle. He then states that ""the man-made warming of the past 20 years has been so feeble that a shifting current in one ocean was enough to wipe it out altogether,"" and ""That to put the icing on the case of good news, Xianyao Chen and Ka-Kit Tung think the Atlantic Ocean may continue to prevent any warming for the next two decades.""",1 +TIME responds to GOP Attacks on Stimulus Wind Power Money:,0 +"Because many of the lost jobs are due to automation and technological improvementswhich have enabled more production from fewer workersthere is skepticism on both sides of the aisle as to whether these lost jobs can actually come back. However, I believe, most Americans don't want to see more of our jobs disappear. Harry Moser, founder and president of the Reshoring Initiative, which aims to bring manufacturing back home, is optimistic. He told me that we are now losing about as many jobs to offshoring, as we are recovering: ""We've gone from losing somewhere around 200,000 manufacturing jobs a year in 2000 to 2003 to net breaking even. Balancing the trade deficit will increase U.S. manufacturing by about four million jobs at current levels of productivity""",0 +"I used the old crowd-control trick of standing behind the Hitler Youth and talking quietly. The microphones were right where I wanted them, so I began reporting on that day?s progress in negotiating the world-government agreement that, if it is passed at Copenhagen, will shut down the economies and democracies of the West without affecting the climate in any measurable way.",0 +"In 2007, its computer predicted it would be the hottest year ever, just before global temperatures plummeted by 0.7c. That summer in the UK, it told us, would be drier than average, just before we experienced some of the worst floods.",1 +"The effective global sea surface temperature oscillation, although dominated by the PDO, depends also on complex phase interaction with lesser oscillations. Considering all this, the effective sea surface oscillation can be expected to fade in and out in its contribution to AGT in future decades. However, average global temperature should continue to correlate with the time-integral of sunspot numbers, as it has ever since sunspots have been regularly recorded.",1 +But their point that the infrastructure for making a fake does exist is pretty clear. Just the deeper meaning is a bit sparse ;-),0 +There was a large cake and a birthday card as big as a wall dutifully signed by,0 +"In the Oklahoma summer, the scattered-light effect measured by the researchers could be quite large. For example, if a cloud passed over the instrument, the measured cloudy sky brightness exceeded calculated clear sky value by up to 30 percent. Kassianov attributes that large difference to scattered sunlight being ""caught on tape"" by the radiometer.",0 +"?The sun is causing the cooling that?s going on. The sun reached a peak of activity around 2000 and has been declining ever since,? said Ball, who noted that the cooling trend will continue for years to come.",1 +"The closing paragraph of the press release Why are seabirds abandoning their ancestral nesting grounds in the Gulf of California? from the University of California, Riverside reads(my boldface):",0 +"Arctic sea ice extent in April 2012 averaged 14.73 million square kilometers (5.69 million square miles). Because of the very slow rate of ice loss through the last half of March and the first three weeks of April, ice extent averaged for April ranked close to average out of 34 years of satellite data.",1 +"""The self-appointed, self-styled ""National Commission on Energy Policy' is a lobby for special interests and big government masquerading as an official-sounding panel of unbiased experts,"" said Myron Ebell, CEI Director of Global Warming Policy. ""The commission was designed to promote taxpayer-subsidized industries and environmental extremist causes at the expense of consumers.""",0 +"As Germany reels from its 5th colder-than-normal winter in a row ( a record ), Latifs words are sounding cavernously hollow, says this article on notrickzone.com.",1 +"The researchers found that the effects are largely determined by the presence or absence of different fauna, primarily small algae-eating crustaceans. The net effect of changes in temperature and ocean acidification on benthic microalgae is non-existent if there are crustaceans in the ecosystem. But in the absence of crustaceans, the amount of benthic algae is largely controlled by positive and negative direct and indirect effects of higher temperatures and acidification.",0 +"Thomas Sowell, Walter Olsen, Raoul Berger have all written essays and books that provide compelling arguments on the problem of judicial activism and unconstitutional jurisprudence initiated by the SCOTUS.",0 +"In the national newspaper VG, he emphasizes the importance of long-term observations and explains : ??? During the first 10 years we saw an increase in the temperature of one degree Celsius. But, during the following ten years, the temperatures dropped again and are now back to the 1995-level. This confirms the long-term variations in the Gulf Stream.",1 +"Is this a weltanschauung or just the shallow pique of an irritable man? Nowhere do we see a sense of compassion for the people of Syria, a recognition of the growing menace of the Islamic State and al Qaeda to the safety and security of the American people. Rather, the president is delighted to have resisted being ""jammed"" by his own team and exploited by desperate Middle Eastern allies who apparently wish to oust Assad for all the wrong reasons. Which brings us to America's allies.",0 +"1. Using data to attribute episodes of warming and cooling in instrumental records , Ka-Kit Tung 1 and Jiansong Zhou , 12/2012; anthropogenic global warming trends might have been overestimated by a factor of two in the second half of the 20th century .",1 +"Fears about global warming's impact on polar bears even spurred the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to list the bear as ""threatened"" under the Endangered Species Act in 2008 the first species to be listed over possibly being harmed in the future from global warming.",1 +"To read more about Huiming Baos research, visit http://www.geol.lsu.edu/hbao/ .",0 +"First, he established his credibility with ""national greatness"" Americans by restating his past commitment to using military force where core interests demand it, unilaterally if necessary. The speech did little to expound upon what the President would have us believe are core interests, and I get the feeling he prefers it that way: fungible, temporal, situation dependent. In essence, a core interest worth fighting for creates a ""red line,"" and while he has drawn such lines, he did not, in the event, follow up on their enforcement. Fool him once",0 +I'll drink to thatCongestive Heart Failure benefits from WINE.,0 +"The network meteorologists barely had time to come up for air while forecasting the latest snowstorm non-disaster. Politicians, fearing what might happen to their approval numbers if a blizzard hit, went on TV to announce they were taking proactive measures. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio shut down tunnels, bridges, even the subway to prepare for the worst. Governors Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie announced road closings in New York and New Jersey.",0 +Britains Met Office knew it was going to be cold and snowy they just didnt want to say anything in case they were wrong . Its amazing what value the UK taxpayer gets for 170 million a year and a super-computer.,0 +"By Phillip Wallach, Brookings, Aug 5, 2015",0 +"The direction of climate science and investigation is clear. The real discoveries will involve unraveling the solar mechanisms, and not baking simplistic, straight-line CO2-temperature models. With each new study, the CO2 warmists look more and morelike broken records that keep repeating: CO2CO2CO2CO2",1 +"New Report: ""Extreme Weather Report 2012': ""Latest peer-reviewed studies, data & analyses undermine claims that current weather is ""unprecedented' or a ""new normal' Climate Depot's New 35-Page Report: ""Current weather is neither historically unprecedented, nor unusual' ""Extreme weather events are ever present, and there is no evidence of systematic increases' Presented at UN Climate Conference in Doha, Qatar on Dec. 6, 2012",0 +"A panel of notables, co-chaired by Michael Bloomberg, Henry Paulson, and Thomas Steyer, has launched a new effort to sell the idea of more U.S. action on climate change. The group has released a report titled, Risky Business: The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States. At about the same time, Mr. Paulson published a New York Times opinion piece revealing that his personal goal is a carbon tax. He bases this preference, he says, on his business experience with risk.",0 +"With all the unintended consequences of government policy on view, and with new, lower estimates of the likely extent of global warming now appearing every year, the time is ripefor a reassessment.",0 +"In the options, it is illogical to claim Arctic Ocean ice melting. If you claim Arctic sea ice causes sea level change, then why not Antarctic sea ice? Of course, claiming either is wrong because the ice is formed from seawater. There is likely a minimal sea level change because the ice is 6-7 percent greater in volume, but that is likely balanced because a portion of the sea ice is above sea level. Majorities of the 76 percent who believe melting Arctic sea ice raises sea level, likely do so because of the Gore deception. It is why the animation sequences of water over-running the land are a major part of the movie. He added the false emotive factor of drowning polar bears for a persuasive combination.",1 +"Apparently, an increase in offshore drilling is still on the policy table, which suggests Obama is taking a more rational approach to energy policy than many of his colleagues. Without question, offshore drilling cannot provide ???energy independence?? (a ludicrous concept, but that??s for another day), but there are numerous benefits and only a trivial downside.",1 +"You can get some interesting numbers if you mix and (don't) match time periods. As a general rule, the shorter time period you choose (or the smaller the area), the easier it is to find a temporary downward trend. The Skeptical Science blog (quite one-sided, but usually accurate) calls this ""going down the up escalator"".",0 +"With this very brief background study, should we be surprised if scientists who are pushing Global Warming as a man-made disaster would be reluctant to criticize the claim if they knew their funding would be cut? There are big bucks in Global Warming. Those who are pushing it are mostly ideologues with a larger political agenda.",1 +"""With Wisconsin and Ohio forfeiting their high-speed rail funding and Florida getting awarded a decent amount more ($342.3 million) for its proposed high-speed rail network, you would think all is going smoothly with regards to this matter in the highly-congested Sunshine State.""",0 +"A paper published by the Science & Public Policy Institute challenges the so-called scientific consensus behind anthropogenic global warming, and questions the validity of the oft-repeated ""97% of climate scientists agree that humans are significantly affecting the climate"" claim.",0 +"If we are in a global warming crisis today, even the most aggressive and costly proposals for limiting industrial carbon dioxide emissions and all other government proposals and taxes would have a negligible effect on global climate!",1 +"A quantitative test of climate model performance can be made by comparing the range of model projections against observations of the evolution of the global average surface temperature since the mid-20 th century. Here, we perform such a comparison on a collection of 108 model runs comprising the ensemble used in the IPCCs 5th Scientific Assessment and find that the observed global average temperature evolution for trend lengths (with a few exceptions) since 1980 is less than 97.5% of the model distribution, meaning that the observed trends are significantly different from the average trend simulated by climate models. For periods approaching 40 years in length, the observed trend lies outside of (below) the range that includes 95% of all climate model simulations.",1 +"130. Plaintiff has engaged in a pattern of abusive litigation designed to chill freedom of speech and to stifle legitimate criticism of Plaintiff?s work. He is currently suing Dr Tim Ball in British Columbia over a hoary bit of word play (?should be in the state pen, not Penn State?) applied to innumerable Pennsylvanians over the years. Having initiated the suit, Dr Mann then stalled the discovery process, so that the BC suit is now entering its third year ? Mann?s object being to use the process as a punishment, rather than any eventual trial and conviction. See Mann vs Ball et al, British Columbia VLC-S-S-111913 (2011) (exhibit attached).",0 +"And so, the global warming deniers like Rush Limbaugh, whose house I cant wait until the ocean swells and eats his house and he will be the first to go because hes got the best location! Hes on Palm Beach, which is nothing but a little islanda long, skinny, little sliver of billion dollars worth of crap! Mostly over-the-top, overdecorated, overpainted, overdone houses with silk draperies and Renaissance designs in a tropical settingOn the edge of this little silvered island with a rising, rising ocean hes going first, I live out west, my house is going to be the new Palm Beach and I cant wait. I cant freaking wait!",0 +A grant to Lyons from the National Science Foundation supported the study.,0 +"Henrik Wahren, one of Australias leading alpine ecologists, says the alpine environment could disappear by 2050: We wont have an alpine area. It will be gone. Once a plant species is lost, he says, theres a cascading effect that flows to insects, birds and animals.",0 +"Crank of the Week June 24, 2014 Connie Roser-Renouf",0 +"""The US budget deficit shot up 15.7 percent in the first six months of fiscal 2011, the Treasury Department said Wednesday as political knives were being sharpened for a new budget battle.""",0 +"However, acknowledging humans' influence on temperature increases over the past century is a far cry from endorsing the notion that government must impose onerous regulation on greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent catastrophic climate changes later this century. As Pielke testified before Congress earlier this year, ""a focus on just carbon dioxide and a few other greenhouse gases as the dominant human influence on climate is too narrow, and misses other important human influences.""",0 +"The claim that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have been responsible for the warming detected in the twentieth century is based on what Loehle (2004) calls ???the standard assumption in climate research, including the IPCC reports,?? that ???over a century time interval there is not likely to be any recognizable trend to global temperatures (Risbey et al., 2000), and thus the null model for climate signal detection is a flat temperature trend with some autocorrelated noise,?? so that ???any warming trends in excess of that expected from normal climatic variability are then assumed to be due to anthropogenic effects.?? If, however, there are significant underlying climate trends or cycles-or both-either known or unknown, that assumption is clearly invalid.",1 +"While ethanol promoters make it sound as if ethanol is the solution to all our energy woesdependence on foreign oil, diminishing oil stocks, the environmental consequences of energy use, the decline of the family farm, and so ona considerable amount of research has shown that ethanol has far more peril than it does promise.",0 +harrumphing is in itself a harrumph. And I'm sure Culture11 could have,0 +"""The famously cold winter of 1962/63 is now expected to occur about once every 1,000 years or more, compared with approximately every 100 to 200 years before 1850.""",0 +"FWS argued in 2008 that ""the best available science"" showed ""that loss of sea ice threatens and will likely continue to threaten polar bear habitat.""",0 +"The latter two items are especially pertinent, because they show that the crucial amplification by water vapor feedback assumed by the models does not exist in reality. Modelers guessed that of the forces on temperature, only CO 2 has changed significantly since 1750. The water vapor amplification causes two-thirds of the warming predicted by the models, while carbon dioxide only directly causes one third. The presence of the amplification in the models, but not in reality, explains why the models overestimated recent warming.",1 +"In 2011 college professors Josipa Roksa and Richard Arum surveyed 925 college students about their transitions into the labor force, two years after graduation. In addition to discovering that only slightly more than half had found full-time jobs, Roska and Arum found that student ""lack of awareness of current events was startling."" Thirty-two percent reported ""that they read a newspaper only monthly or never.""",0 +"NREL made the most noise regarding the latter, upset that the Spaniards refused to use the input-output (or Leontief) methodology designed for central planning, in which all is assumed to be knowable, controllable, and static. This method has been discredited outside of social democratic government agencies and select associations. Instead, the Spanish study relied upon methodology employed by real-world businesses in competitive fields when deciding how to deploy resources which is not ""non-traditional,"" as claimed by NREL.",0 +In light of the massive El Nio there should be no surprise that 2015 showed elevated temperatures about a quarter of a degree Fahrenheit higher than the previous year.,0 +"It doesn't take much imagination to come up with a minimum set of social structuresfeedback loops that carry new information about costs, consequences, and sanctionsthat would allow evolution, creativity, and change and permit many more freedoms than would ever be possible in a world that continues to crowd against or exceed its limits. One of the most important of these new rules would fit in perfectly with economic theory: It would combine knowledge and regulation to ""internalize the externalities' of the market system, so that the price of a product would reflect the full costs (including all environmental and social side effects) of making the product. This is a measure every economics textbook has called for (in vain) for decades. It would automatically guide investments and purchases, so people could make choices in the monetary realm that they would not later regret in the realm of material and social worth.",0 +"The Damocles sword of global warming hangs by one slender threadthe future effects of man-made emissions of CO 2 . If these dont cause dangerous warming, theres no crisis. Computer models predict dangerous warming, but thats not evidence, its just a possibility. There is no scientific evidence showing that our emissions will dangerously affect the climate. If any existed, you can be sure that we would have been told about it many times. We wouldnt be allowed to forget it.",1 +Note to readers: A video debate on this point produced by me can be viewed by clicking here.,0 +"or set of models. We should keep in mind that the climate system is complex, so",0 +"If you disagree with my views on something, please don?t flame me. Chances are, I?ve already heard your point of view; very seldom am I provided with new evidence I haven?t already taken into account.",0 +"on Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 at 6:56 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.",0 +"Asthma may be rising, but it's certainly not because of pollution rates that have fallen dramatically.",0 +"Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews talks about why 2011 was a record year for both new regulations and their cost. He also talks about his efforts to make the opaque regulatory state more transparent. Besides his annual ""Ten Thousand Commandments"" report, Wayne has started a new TenThousandCommandments.com website to update regulatory data in real time. There is a also a 10KC Twitter account and a Facebook page to make it as easy as possible to keep an eye on what regulatory agencies are up to.",0 +"The result to equation #3 is produced, too, only from the hard data of the trial, the actual physical measurements from the patients. These numbers have the happy property that they can be put into spreadsheets and databases. They are real. So real that their importance is magnified far beyond their capacity to provide all the answers. They fool people into thinking that equation #3 is the final answer, which it never is. It is always equation #5 that is important to making new decisions. Sometimes, in simple physical cases, probabilities #3 and #5 are so close as to be practically equal; but when the situation is complex, as it always is when involving humans, these two probabilities are not close.",0 +Saturday Showdown: Human Achievement Hour vs. Earth Hour,0 +"ACCORDING TO THIS VIEW, the power of someone like the conservative Rupert Murdoch would be overwhelming and decisive. However, the release and heavy promotion by the News Corporation of an enviro-left political film should prove that Murdoch, as chairman and CEO, is either (a) stupid, or (b) concerned with what's good for business regardless of politics.",0 +"typical kid (recognizable), and thinking about adult philosophy (bizarre) it",0 +"A number of air quality sites measured values of small particulates at unhealthy levels, particularly for those vulnerable to their effects (asthmatics, those with heart or lung disease, etc.). I was standing along the shores of Lake Washington last night and a smoky, sulfurous miasma was evident, both from commercial fireworks and from the numerous individual displays. (And this is with fireworks being ILLEGAL in much of the area!!) I believe this was a particularly bad air quality year from fireworks, for reasons I will explain.",0 +"Korhola: ???In late summer 2008 I was in England, where all newspapers ran a front-page story about a scenario predicting the total disappearance of Arctic sea ice by that summer. And these predictions were distributed by two leading researchers of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, Mark Serreze and Jay Zwally. Well, what happened was that these predictions did not come true, but that 2008 was clearly a better year than 2007 with the collapse in ice extent, which was apparently caused by anomalous atmospheric pressure and wind conditions in the Arctic regions.??",1 +"Tide gauges are set up at stations to measure sea level at regular intervals. Technology has improved over time. While it is commonly assumed adjacent land is stable, it is known that some land is moving either up or down relative to the sea. The longer and more complete the record the better. The Fremantle record starts in 1897. Another station was set up at Hillarys in 1992. The records are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 (bottom of article).",0 +"There are 90,000 samples from which Callendar selected a few. Notice they also change the slope of the trend, to show a steady rise from 1750.",0 +"If you happen to forget similar factoids, Deutsch is one of the philosophical babblers who likes to say ludicrous things about the allegedly unavoidable naive many-worlds interpretations of quantum mechanics , and so on. What is this constructor theory? It's a sequence of worthless would-be smart sentences sold as a ""theory of everything"" and a ""unifying theory of classical and quantum physics"" and ""all information in them"" which also ""defines all forms of information"" and transforms all of our knowledge to ""claims that some tasks are impossible"".",0 +"A sea level highstand of +21.3 meters, at least, was achieved right about the very end of the Holsteinian, the very first of the extreme interglaciations! We have our first benchmark of Public Trust Climate. This can happen anyway, whether by carbon or not. And if by carbon, what was the source at the end Holsteinian? What could one do about that if it was carbon, obviously natural carbon?",1 +"The Cleveland Clinic will tell you that: The fact is, elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol, is a major cause of heart disease.",0 +"Together with WHO's call for a shift away from ""high-GHG foods,"" the picture becomes clear: Ranches and farms that raise cattle, pigs, sheep, etc. are now seen as posing a threat to the climate and public health. Like fossil fuels, they, too, must be demonized and targeted for the damage they are doing to the planet.",0 +"The extreme cold that gripped the nation at the beginning of the year just added to the growing public dismissal of the claims that greenhouse gas emissions would lead to a dangerous stage of global warming. Indeed, even the charlatans that have devoted decades to this hoax are now using the phrase climate change.",1 +"Note : this post was two weeks in the making, and well worth your time to read Anthony",0 +"We cant predict the climate on a local, regional, or continental scale",0 +"So, yes, it would indeed appear that both the frequency and ferocity of boreal wildfires in a warming world could well decline.",0 +"Comments from a 2008 blog post on ExxonMobil's position as ""obstructive over climate change"" included the following: ""Given that oil isn't going to last a whole heck of a lot longer, would not a good business strategy be to start investing in renewable energy?"" and ""Just from a corporate survival perspective, better start learning, and fast. Carbon is the low-hanging energy fruit and soon to become an economic dead end. What company wants to keep going down a dead end?"" BP thought it was ""prudent to start diversifying now as a kind of insurance policy.""",0 +"Not to be outdone, some in Congress still want carbon taxes that the Energy Information Administration says will slash the average American familys income by some $1,500 per year, on top of the $2,200 per year that the Washington Post says theyve lost in buying power since 2008.",1 +Matt Briggs has been reading The Bad Astronomy post about global temperatures and is not impressed.,0 +"In any case, computer models say the world should already be warmer as this newspaper has reported many times.",1 +"The report also predicts that the number of days over 90 degrees Fahrenheit would increase from 13 to between 38 and 80 days per year, leading to increased mortality due to heat stress among the elderly. It also claims that children could be at risk ""because of health risks due to air pollution.""",0 +"The authors write that ""widespread amphibian extinctions in the mountains of the American tropics have been blamed on the interaction of anthropogenic climate change and a lethal pathogen,"" as we have discussed at length in reviews of papers we have archived under the heading of Extinction (Real-World Observations -- Animals: Amphibians) in our Subject Index; and they note, in this regard, that ""limited meteorological records make it difficult to conclude whether current climate conditions at these sites are actually exceptional in the context of natural variability,"" questioning once again the original climate-alarmist contention that modern global warming was the primary culprit in the demise of the Monteverde golden toad ( Bufo periglenes ). What was done",1 +"A new report by the Greening Earth Society (GES) reveals the difficulties of interpreting temperature data. Robert C. Balling, Jr., Director of the Laboratory of Climatology at Arizona State University, analyzed the temperature data from Japan that he obtained from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The data, which begins in 1878, shows a curious pattern. From 1878 to 1947, the IPCC data shows a slight and statistically insignificant cooling of 0.18 degrees C. It also shows a statistically insignificant cooling of 0.09 degrees C from 1948 to 1998. Yet over the entire 121 year record, Japan warmed by 1.02 degrees C.",0 +"In a nutshell, this factual information means the high sea-level rises used as precautionary guidelines by the CSIRO in recent years are in essence ridiculous, he said. During the 20th century, there was a measurable global average rise in mean sea level of about 17cm (plus or minus 5cm).",1 +"It seems like the legislature and local government finally got tired of putting all taxpayers on the hook for these stadiums, and had the radical idea that maybe actual, you know, fans who want to use the stadiums should pay for them. This turned out to be too expensive for ticket prices at the proposed new Cubs spring training facility -- fans aren't used to paying for the full price of their sporting event in their ticket price -- they are used to getting subsidized by non-sports fans. As a compromise, the legislature proposed a tax on tickets for all spring training games at all stadiums to pay for this one new field. This seems stupid to me, but it elicited this hilarious response from the baseball commissioner:",0 +"Michael Sanera is the Director of the Center for Environmental Education Research (CEER) a project of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, where he is also Senior Fellow. Jane S. Shaw is a Senior Associate at the Political Economy Research Center. To order a copy of Facts, Not Fear, please contact CEI at (202) 331-1010.",0 +Giant Sequoias Yield Longest Fire History from Tree Rings,0 +"First, an inadequacy of the historical temperature measurements that are used to reconstruct the average global temperature statistic.",1 +"Silver, a well-recognized antimicrobial, is highly toxic and kills both harmful and beneficial bacteria. Nanosilver is engineered from silver and marketed as an even stronger antimicrobial than silver. Because of its smaller size, nanosilver penetrates organs and tissues in the body that larger forms of silver cannot reach, like the brain, lung, and testes. That cant be good!",0 +"The cold reality may well be a Superbowl played on another day and a President for whom the truth is incidental to his shredding of the U.S. Constitution, the increase in the nation's ever-growing debt, a lagging economy, and his intention to bypass Congress rather than working with it.",0 +The Climate Change Agenda Needs to Adapt to Reality,0 +"First, the current sea-level rise contributed by this amount of ice loss is probably too small to even be able to measure in coming decades. The satellite data show a reduction of 4 hundred-thousandths of Greenlands total ice per year (while Boggilds figure could be around 12 hundred-thousandths). Multiplying the satellite-based figure times 23 feet gives the annual rise in sea level of 0.01 inch per year. Averaged over three decades, thats a third of an inch, which indeed too small to be detectable. Over a century, the rise becomes a bit more than an inch. Boggilds guesstimate yields 3.5 inches per century.",1 +"But the abstract of Lee and McPhaden reads, Therefore, the welldocumented warming trend of the warm pool in the CP region is primarily a result of more intense El Nio events rather than a general rise of background SST. This contradicts the earlier studies with theoretically predicted change of the background SST under global warming scenarios.",1 +"So, what about feedbacks? On the whole, given the evidence of temperature stability during warm periods of the ice-age cycle, I know there are very strong negative feedbacks that come into play during warmer inter-glacial periods and act against further warming.",1 +This post presented how poorly climate models simulate sea surface temperatures during the satellite era. Climate models also do not simulate land surface air temperatures properly in many parts of the globe. They do not simulate precipitation well. Climate models also do not properly simulate long-term variations in global surface temperatures. And there are numerous peer-reviewed papers and journal letters by climate scientists that present many other flaws in climate models. These flaws are collected in my ebook Climate Models Fail . See the post here for an additional overview.,1 +"So how would an analyst go about estimating the missing temperature data in, say, Masterton or Nelson? A technique described in Peterson et al (1998) the main authority provided on NIWAs website would manipulate data from several neighbouring stations that are climatologically similar to the subject station. But in those early years, no such benchmark stations existed in the Wairarapa or the top of the South Island or anywhere else in New Zealand for that matter.",0 +"With low gasoline prices now and probably far into the future, consumers are flocking back to larger gas-powered vehicles. Thus, the tiny market share for electric cars is going to remain tiny for a long, long time.",0 +"How come then that last week the World Meteorological Organisation produced a breathless report claiming that ???the decadal rate of increase (of world temperature) between 1991-2000 and 2001-2010 was unprecedented??? It took professor Ed Hawkins of Reading University a short time to point out that this was no longer true if you compared 1993-2002 and 2003-2012 ??? ie, if you took the most up-to-date records. In that case, the latest decade showed a smaller increase over the preceding decade than either of the preceding decades did. In other words, the temperature standstill of the past 16 years has begun to show up in the decade-by-decade data.",1 +"I want of adhesion uppmrksamheten p to frfattarna writes observation based on the new, better vrdena p klimatknslighet they consider that the IPCC should be reported. In frra inlgget I wrote that klimatknsligheten not is an adaptation parameter. The erhlles usually as a result of a series of GMO or CMIP modellberkningar made for different CO 2 percents. Since the beginning of the 2000s, however, had the ambition to make klimatknslighetstmningar which is based on observation. You can now with satellites mta both incoming solinstrlning and Closing vrmestrlning, while also meets global mean surface temperature. If you also can appreciate the vrmemngd stored in the oceans during the same period, one can calculate a an observed ECS value on the time scale mtningen covers. You can imagine that there is a svrighet with both mtning and time constants whether to include vrmelagring in the oceans is happening much lngsamt.",0 +"In March, joined with the Bureau of Meteorology to produce a ???snapshot of the state of the climate to update Australians about how their climate has changed and what it means??. Although the pamphlet had a neutral title, ???State of the Climate??, it was clearly designed to bring the great weight of the apparent credibility of these two organisations to bear against, and hopefully crush, those pesky climate change sceptics.",1 +"A few months ago, Tom Buis, the CEO of the pro-ethanol group Growth Energy (2013 budget: about $19.5 million) claimed that the ethanol industry gives American consumers ""savings when they go and fill up at the pump."" The exact opposite is true: Ethanol is more expensive than gasoline. In fact, on an energy-equivalent basis which is the essential factor in comparing motor fuels it has been more expensive than gasoline for more than three decades.",1 +"Just about all of it's still more than relevant, since economic liberalization hasn't exactly been a concern of Washington lately--yet no task is more important given not just the Bailout to Nowhere, but a Bailout on Wheels besides. Enjoy, and watch this space--and our home page--for the new edition, coming soon.",0 +"The New Yorker ends its ""Podesta and the Pipeline"" report with this: ""If Obama approves the project, he will have to do so knowing that he is contradicting the assessment of his new climate-change adviser."" The Washington Free Beacon (WFB) claims: ""President Obama has consigned Keystone to bureaucratic purgatory.""",0 +Something like 50% of surface heat bypasses the bulk of possible CO2 blanketing by being taken straight to the edge of the stratosphere by convection (its in the climate data!) . which means that the cooling effect of CO2 is not just an interesting aside but it does have a significant effect on the rate of cooling of the atmosphere.,1 +Latest NOAA mean sea level trend data through 2013 confirms lack of sea level rise acceleration,1 +"As the CO 2 content of the air increases, cumulative sap flow and, by implication, cumulative water-use will likely decrease in mature Scots pine trees. This phenomenon will likely enable this economically important tree species to better cope with water stress in the future, unless the ambient air temperature rises by 4C or more, which is highly unlikely. Thus, we can anticipate greater wood production and greater water savings in this woody species as the CO 2 content of the air continues to rise.",1 +Getting people we know and trust is vital ? hence my comment about,0 +"After looking at the content of the ads, we will explore their funding, which includes an unseemly nexus between the natural gas industry and the environmentalist movement. In fact, the natural gas industry was the first to exploit child safety as a way to impugn coal. Seven years ago, Chesapeake Energy, a major natural gas company, secretly funded the ""Coal Is Filthy"" print ad campaign.",0 +"You've heard that being overweight can lead to diabetes and high blood pressure, but how about global warming? Probably not, but in a peculiar new study published in the Journal of Epidemiology some researchers actually proposed such a bizarre linkage. According to these scientists, since growing and transporting food generates about a fifth of all manmade greenhouse gases, then the more each individual eats the more he or she will contribute to rising emissions. The obvious implication, of course, is that since fat people eat more than lean ones, then they pose more of a threat to the climate. Hmmm, one wonders if some pounds could be shed if certain scientists quit serving the public such global-lony.",0 +"The statistics for 2004 and 2005 may look ominous at first blush, but we have no way of knowing how the remainder of the decade will ultimately pan out. With annual landfalling hurricane counts of 0, 1, 2, 6 and 6 for the period 2001-2005, it could be a big decade -- or not.",0 +"See, Jim has several misunderstandings. The point he repeats from M08 is that Mannian correlation passed so many proxies, it couldnt be by accident and they must be truly temperature!! This is the same point proven wrong here so often. Jim doesnt read here for sure.",0 +"So, based on this, I do anticipate whatever we are examining has been increasing over time. Though I cant be sure about the future, my naive forcast is this will persist into the future. I made my best estimate of the next 12 years of data based on the linear fit with no auto-correlation in residuals: These predictions are shown in brown.",0 +"Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers, who the New York Times dubbed the Green Coal Baron and who was a founding member of the cap-and-trade pushing US Climate Action Partnership, told the Deloitte Energy Conference yesterday,",0 +"If the Kyoto Protocol was really about the environment, then surely everyone would be expected to reduced emissions, particularly the really big emitters like China and India.",1 +"Matt Melchiorre: A US-EU trade deal, if done correctly, could raise transatlantic trade by $200bn. I hope you can get it done, Mr. President. But as I've explained, there are a few snags: http://www.openmarket.org/2012/12/28/europe-2013-a-primer/",0 +EPA plans probes into Colo. mine waste spill,0 +"The results of this study do not suggest that snowpack losses of the late 20th century are unprecedented over the past millennium or more, nor do they imply that they are caused by ""unparalleled springtime warming that is due to positive reinforcement of the anthropogenic warming by decadal variability,"" as suggested by the authors of this work, since the truly unprecedented period of low streamflow during the Medieval Warm Period could not have had a significant anthropogenic or CO 2 -induced component associated with it, indicating that nature -- on its own -- is fully capable of having produced the late 20th-century snowpack and riverflow declines.",1 +"Risks are expected to climb. Global warming is raising sea levels around the planet by 23 millimetres each year. That only adds to bigger problems in the GangesBrahmaputra delta, which is sinking so rapidly that the local, relative sea level may be rising by up to 2 centimetres each year. And Bangladeshs population of more than 150 million people is projected to grow by a further 50 million by 2050, putting more people in harms way.",0 +"On April 3, BP announced that it was selling its US wind assetsestimated to be worth $1.5-3.1 billion. The announcement stated that BP has decided sell the US wind energy business ""as a part of our continuing effort to re-position the company for sustainable growth"" and that it would ""unlock more value for shareholders."" BP ended its venture in solar energy in 2011.",0 +"Wise reports that ""individual low-flow years in 1977 and 2001 and the longer-term 1930s Dust Bowl drought meet or exceed the magnitude of dry periods in the extended reconstructed period."" However , she writes that in terms of overall severity , ""the instrumental record does not contain a drought of the extent seen in the mid-1600s.""",1 +"But the ice is not all the same thickness. The perimeter of the ice, where the loss occurs, is quite thin. As a result, they have overestimated the loss. Here is a typical example of the thickness of winter ice, from yesterday??s excellent article by Steve Goddard and Anthony Watts:",1 +"The Latin zone has a bit of warming with the move from the rural mountain stations to urban airports, but not much. Half to 3/4 C over 130 years. About what one would expect from UHI and airports. Though 2007 is only 0.36 C and 2000 is 0.29 C so there is room for variation. Im seeing no reason to panic over 1/2 C of whats most likely instrument error and UHI issues.",1 +"The presenter of the programme, Rupert Murray, concluded by saying that despite the arguments of the sceptics he did not want to take the risk that they were wrong. He was, he said, willing to give up some of his freedom if it helped to stop climate change.",0 +"Second, alarmists have been peddling a second analysis, called the Mann hockey stick, which is so contradictory to these assumptions of strong positive feedback that it is amazing to me no one has called them on the carpet for it. In brief, Mann, in an effort to show that 20th century temperature increases are unprecedented and therefore more likely to be due to mankind, created an analysis quoted all over the place (particularly by Al Gore) that says that from the year 1000 to about 1850, the Earths temperature was incredibly, unbelievably stable. He shows that the Earths temperature trend in this 800 year period never moves more than a few tenths of a degree C. Even during the Maunder minimum, where we know the sun was unusually quiet, global temperatures were dead stable.",1 +"Time is up! Write down your answer. As I will try to demonstrate, the correct answer is probably very close to (a).90% of the temperature anomaly this and last summer is the result of natural variability with a minor assist from global warming.",1 +"By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Aug 10, 2015",0 +"Chapter 7, by Stephen R. EdwardsConserving Biodiversity: Resources for Our Future",0 +"But it is unsettling how our feelings about climate change (and the political rhetoric and policy changes) can waver based upon what happens over only a year or two. Yet, the rate of both surface and deep ocean warming since the 1950s, after accounting for natural El Nino and La Nina fluctuations, suggests no cause for alarm.",0 +"Something strange is happening to the north Pacific. It is setting sea temperature records, scrambling weather patterns, damaging ecosystems, and nudging up the global temperature. The scientists who have observed it call it after what it looks like on temperature maps of the Pacific behold the blob. The warmth of 2015 so far and the expectation that it will get even warmer has already given rise to headlines that the pause has ended and that global warming has resumed. However one does not follow from the other. The blob and the El Nino are weather events not climate, natural fluctuations and not long-term trends. Their contribution to world temperature does not represent a resumption of long term anthropogenic warming in the same way that the cool year of 2007 did not represent the onset of a rapid decline in global temperature. --David Whitehouse, Global Warming Policy Forum, 6 September 2015",1 +"The difference between the two measurement sets may indicate a real albedo difference betweeen the two measurement periods, but part of it is undoubtedly due to calibration and algorithm differences. The fact that the models are closer to the ERBE data and farther from the CERES data raises the question of how they are being and should be tuned to satellite measurements.",0 +Ruling Gives Natural Gas Edge to Replace Nuclear Energy in California,0 +"If we compare the HADCRUT4 data to the CMIP5 models (historic and RCP6.0) for the period of 1997 to 2012, Figure 1, we can see that the models over-estimate the warming from 65S to 65N (the vast majority of the planet) and underestimate the warming at the poles. Therefore, if the Cowtan and Way (2013) data are increasing the warming in the Arctic, they are creating a greater divergence from the models there, but failing to reduce the differences between the models and data where the models overestimate the warming.",1 +"The problem is that according to the raw, unadjusted CERES data, there??s an average net TOA radiation imbalance of ~ 5 W/m2 and that amount of imbalance would have fried the planet long ago. That means that there is some kind of systematic error between the three datasets (solar, reflected solar, and longwave).",1 +"/s/ Jerry C. Bostick JSC, Principal Investigator, Science Directorate, 23 years",0 +"Last, a senior writer for the Weekly Standard and father of three, provides a reader-friendly but thorough analysis of the demographic crisis afflicting the West and the ""Very Bad Things"" that will follow population decline. Clearly argued and entertainingly written, Last covers the how and why of our refusal to reproduce, and the consequences that will follow.",0 +"In the real world, the sea surface temperatures of the North Atlantic warmed naturally at a much faster rate than the rest of the global oceans. See Figure 25. To determine the data for the rest of the global oceans, it was assumed that the North Atlantic represents 11.5% of the surface of the global oceans, and the scaled North Atlantic data was then subtracted from the global data. (For the percentage, see the NOAA GCDC webpage here .) As shown, the sea surface temperatures of the North Atlantic warmed at a rate that was more than 3.5 times faster than surface of the rest of the global oceans.",0 +"Instead of seeking greenhouse gas reductions, what we need to foster, as Wildavsky called it, is resilience: the ability to withstand changes, and bounce back from them. We need to encourage others to build their own climate resilience as well. What makes for climate resilience? I would argue that we can establish climate resilience with three efforts.",1 +"Skeptics are not the team which has a UN coordinating panel, government funded institutions, or associations, committees, and NGOs worth hundreds of millions that are devoted to propagating their words. Nor do skeptics have a sympathetic media, or multimillion dollar ad campaigns funded by taxpayers.",0 +"HVS writes that the extremists who he calls the skeptics (once again with another sentence n the I sjlv lgger in this word) have effectively separated from science. But this applies not the extremists who he calls the alarm lard. Science in the main from only able to travel a begrnsat motstnd the alarm lard, environmental organizations and fretagsintressen. It writes HVS, tilltit to anvnt climate crisis rhetoric that public scientifically proven truth without any backlash n tying nven in a trouser pocket.",0 +Kudos to the NZZ for publishing Prof. Ackermanns commentary.,0 +Spencer: Addressing Criticisms of the UAH Temperature Dataset,0 +Dreamers cast aside logic in rush for shot at $50m lottery bonanza ...,0 +"One thing is certain: the Great Game and the Long War will be the two global and generational challenges confronting the West in the next 30 years. While the two challenges at times overlap, they remain analytically distinct. Attempts to conflate the two challenges with a new geopolitical concept like ""Greater Middle East"" risk confusing the issues. The Great Game? While the West remains fixated on the continental dimension, the East shows more lucidity in giving as much importance to the maritime dimension (more on that later). The Long War? Due to mass migration, the sociopolitical umma no longer coincides with the geopolitical Dar al-Islam.20",0 +"Solving such a complex problem as declining fertility is not going to be easy. Last at least tells us what doesn't work. As with many social problems, government intervention isn't very successful. Bonus payments to expectant mothers, paid paternity leave, public holidays, ""Motherhood Medals,"" and tax incentives and subsidies have barely moved the needle in Russia, Japan, and Singapore. ""People cannot be bribed into making babies,"" Last concludes.",0 +"""""Our lawsuit is a huge, historic first step toward holding companies accountable for these pernicious pollutants that threaten our health, economy, environment, and quality of life now and increasingly in the future. The eventual effects . . . increasing asthma and heat-related illnesses, eroding shorelines, floods and other natural disasters, loss of forests and other precious resources.'",0 +"So here are some other relevant tidbits about ClimateCounts' leadership that viewers may have heard from me had Hirshberg not gotten cold feet about appearing on CNBC's ""On the Money"" program on June 19.",0 +President Obamas CO2 Plan Hurts Americans,0 +"Go towards London (left) and within 5 km is the non-motorway section of the M25 London orbital motorway, blue on the map. This is 8 lanes all told with queues a lot of the time, is a toll road. Queen Elizabeth bridge southbound and the Dartford tunnel northbound. Both expel heat into the air, a bridge and ventilated tunnel. South side to the left of that see the bright circles? Heavy oil storage tanks, river pontoon for fuel delivery tankers. Next across is the RWE Littlebrook power station. Being oil is probably not run continuously, about 1.4GW output and has additional gas turbine generator sets. This will eject circa 2GW of waste heat, up prevailing wind. RWE web page on station , head photo is looking east toward bridge and weather station.",0 +"Washington, D.C., July 24, 2003The Competitive Enterprise Institute praises the approach to the science of climate change announced today by the Bush administration in a report released jointly by the Departments of Commerce and Energy. The report lists the scientific goals of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, including a better understanding of natural climate variability, resolving conflicts between predicted and observed climate patterns, and the role technological resilience should play in responding to any future climatic trends.",0 +"Why risk their reputations and challenge ""accepted"" science on this one issue if they didn't have honest concerns? Besides, since when is it a crime to question ""accepted"" science?",0 +"Note: as far as I can tell from the paper, the data for the Midriff of the Gulf of California is for the 1 deg latitude by 1 deg longitude grid of 29N-30N, 114W-113W.",0 +"Snow has been falling right along the New South Wales ranges, in places that didnt see snow all winter, for some it is the heaviest in several years.",1 +"It seems it is not just the UK that has had a run of cold winters. NoTricksZone reports that Germany has had exactly the same run of 5 cold winters, and, as they point out, what applies to Germany usually applies to much of Central Europe.",1 +"Then. we continue to be drenched with stories claiming the continued effects of global warming. Yet the preferred technique for assessing this properly, the Mean Annual Global Surface Temperature Anomaly Record (which has been used to claim global warming in all previous IPCC Reports) has now been practically constant with little change for over 18 years. The excuses they give are pitiful.",1 +"""With 13.9 million people unemployed, two million more than when Barack Obama took office, the economy is at the forefront of the 2012 campaign, already underway with a crop of GOP candidates eager to criticize president's policies.""",0 +"Arctic sea ice reached its annual maximum extent on March 21, after a brief surge in extent mid-month. Overall the 2014 Arctic maximum was the fifthlowest in the 1978 to 2014 record. Antarctic sea icereached its annual minimum on February 23, and was the fourth highest Antarctic minimum in the satellite record. While this continues a strong pattern of greater-than-average sea ice extent in Antarctica for the past two years, Antarctic sea ice remains more variable year-to-year than the Arctic.",1 +"Not only is it safe to consume caloric sweeteners at recommended levels, it is important for consumers to understand that high fructose corn syrup and table sugar have the same amount of calories and studies like this indicate your body metabolizes them about the same.",0 +"Since Hansens forecast was made, sea level in New York has risen less than 2 inches. The rate of sea level rise shows no correlation withatmosphericCO2.",1 +"JC comment: Yes, the science is far from settled. We cannot close the Earths energy budget, and our models dont adequately simulate multidecadal ocean variability.",1 +"""The real news is that there is now a tremendous amount of animosity and distrust between the U.N. establishment and the environmental establishment. They know that they need each other, which is why the mainstream environmental NGOs have not made a stink and why the establishment press hasn't made it a front page story. But the fissure arising out of the U.N.'s incompetence is going to take a long time to heal and could easily grow much wider. That is the very good news coming out of Hopenchangen.""",0 +"Our air is clean. We don't need these job-killing, health-impairing EPA regulations. But our governing elites will not give up their power or perks or their propensity for playing with people's livelihoods, living standards, health and well-being, for virtually no climate stability, air quality or other benefits.",0 +Arctic sea ice extent is the highest in almost a decade .,1 +"Until 1996, EPA typically estimated the effect of facility modifications on emissions by comparing current actual emissions with reasonably likely future emissions, a so-called ""actual-to-future-actual"" methodology. As early as 1990, EPA indicated it intended to replace this methodology for all emitters except utilities21 with a methodology called ""actual-to-potential,"" in which the decision to apply NSR is determined by the emitter's ""potential to emit"" (PTE). Which test was actually used was determined on a case-by-case basis until 1996, when EPA told the nonutility regulated community to presume the ""actual-to-potential"" method applied.",0 +Scientists aim to improve photosynthesis to increase food and fuel production:,0 +"It is hard to imagine a ""Global NATO"" in whatever shape or form that would continue to ignore the global commons the way today's NATO does. It is time for NATO's maritime commitment to match its continental commitment. To put it only half in jest: Either NATO will go out to sea, or it will go out of business.",0 +"It's a good thing the committee didn't put Gore under oath. He'd be sanctioned for wanton and reckless disregard for the truth if not perjury in both his testimony and the movie he produced to terrify young children, so that they pressure their parents into demanding passage of cap-tax-and-trade legislation.",0 +the Developing World is not joining-in with CO2 emission reductions nor does it have any intention of doing so.The failure of worldwide action negates the unilateral action of any individual western Nation,1 +First it was wheat and now its coffee. Whats next? Bacon & eggs?,0 +"The previous guidance was discouraging debate rather than encouraging it among knowledgeable people. The new guidance is clearer and a very much better document. And Benny Peiser, Director of The Global Warming Policy Foundation also welcomed the Royal Societys decision to revise. He said: The former publication gave the misleading impression that the science is settled ??? the new guide accepts that important questions remain open and uncertainties unresolved.",1 +"If the observed warming over the last half century can anywhere be claimed to be unusual, it would have to be where it was greatest in the Arctic. Both satellite and surface station data show a warming of about two degrees Celsius since the 1970??s. But the surface station data (see the Figure below) show that warming in context. Recent warming was very similar to the previous warming from 1900 to 1940, reaching virtually the same peak.",1 +"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the slickest money grubbing stunt since Al Sharpton met Tawana Brawley. 160 secular self-ordained priests of the Environment have taken out an ad in the far-left New York Times which",1 +"Fortunately United Launch Alliance's successful lift-off on Friday proves we can restore pride in American efforts in space, especially if a new Republican Congress and a new president will step up and re-commit NASA to the path JFK blazed, more than fifty years ago.",0 +"EPA's draconian regulations will be rejected by the courts in the coming months, and the next administration will repeal whatever is still on the books come January 2017. The next United Nations climate conference, taking place in Paris in early December, will be a flop: no international treaty, no binding caps, no massive payments of ""reparations"" to third world countries.",0 +"And theyre not kidding. Now, I grew up on a cattle ranch, Ive seen most all of the breeds, and I have a reasonably good eye for cattle and these are not your average brain-dead moo cows. They are awake and alert, and unlike regular cows, you definitely get the sense that there is a wild and wise creature looking back at you from the other side of the horns:",0 +"In the introduction to the report of their recently concluded study, the authors enunciate one of the purposes for undertaking it, writing that ""if ecosystem carbon stocks increase with warming, their greater net uptake of CO 2 would slow increases in concentrations of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, providing a negative feedback to further greenhouse warming."" What was done",1 +"While government science and media begin the ramp-up to claim 2014 as the ???hottest year ever?? China??s Sea??s biggest bivalve shows that the Middle Ages were warmer than today, when Carbon Dioxide was lower.",1 +"The imposition of new charges and fines will put pressure on firms at a time when economists are warning of a ""double dip"" recession as companies, consumers and the public sector all cut their spending.",0 +"The NIPCC experts also challenge the radical notion that carbon dioxide an essential gas exhaled by all humans but relentlessly demonized by the UN and many governments can be considered pollution. Of course, there is no argument over the fact that human emissions of CO2 represent a fraction of one percent of the greenhouse gases present naturally in the atmosphere. But the NIPCC scientists point out that the gas is not only not harmful, it is largely beneficial.",1 +"WASHINGTON M icro cars can give motorists top-notch fuel efficiency at a competitive price, but the insurance industry says they dont fare too well in collisions with larger vehicles.",0 +"""Mann's defamation of me (a climate scientist) is of particular relevance in context of Mann's case against Steyn, in light of the recent ruling:",0 +Conclusion #3: EPA interpretations have extended NSR to physical and operational changes that neither Congress nor EPA itself in past rulings intended to be subject to NSR's permitting requirements.,0 +"50 years ago, we??d never have counted this as a tropical storm. As outlined recently in New peer reviewed study: Surge in North Atlantic hurricanes due to better detectors, not climatechange , its the technology that enables counting storms that would not have been counted before. Ditto for tornadoes and sunspots.",1 +"""Irish environment minister and council president Martin Cullen insisted at a post-council press conference that ministers remained united in their absolutely determined commitment to the Kyoto protocol and that there had been no debate about alternatives to the global pact. But he implicitly acknowledged the reservations being expressed: some aspects of Kyoto seem insurmountable in the short-term time frame, he said, but the long-term economics benefits in prompting energy-efficiency were clear.""",0 +Guardian : London To Become Swampy Drowned Hot Desert Frozen Wasteland Rice Patty,0 +"The story goes that much of the missing heat is to be found in the Atlantic, with a slow-moving current speeding up in recent times so that heat is drawn down into the deep-ocean. The theory seems to be that this process runs over a 60-year cycle, for half the time with the depths warming and the surface cooling and half the time the other way round. Chen and Tung conclude that we are currently in a surface cooling phase, so the pause could last another ten years or more.",1 +"On Wednesday, Exxon agreed to stand down its legal action given Walker's agreement to withdraw his subpoena.",0 +"That imperative to reproduce used to be grounded in religion, but during the eighteenth century, secularization began to loosen the hold that religious practiceactually going to church rather than just self-identifying by sectused to have on people's behavior. The effect of religious practice on fertility is obvious from statistics. Indeed, the effects of religion on fertility can be ""so powerful that even if you're not the churchgoing type yourself, you'll be affected if your parents are.""",0 +"???We found that previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the Middle Ages were too low,?? says Esper. ???Such findings are also significant with regard to climate policy, as they will influence the way today??s climate changes are seen in context of historical warm periods.??",1 +"Two recent papers, one in Earth-Science Reviews and the other in Chinese Science Bulletin , have studied key chemical contents in micro-drilled giant clam shells and coral samples to demonstrate that in the South China Sea the warm period of the Middle Ages was warmer than the present.",1 +"I cannot identify myself with the international U.S. policies and once I began to be interested in the roots, essence, development, and consequences of the actions led by the organizations and structures of the U.S. after the war everywhere in the world, I turned into an unequivocal opponent of these policies. I must unambiguously classify it as ruthless, profit-seeking, and insatiable imperialism that won't be stopped by anyone or anything. The consequences primarily include the ""burned down lands"" and millions of casualties in the whole world. The causes are the power interests of the world's hegemony and more recently also the desperate attempt to prevent the ultimate collapse of the American empire (which is, however, inescapable assuming that only standard tools are used, and this is the main threat both for Europe and the mankind although this threat is rarely mentioned)!!!",0 +"Finally, and as spotlighted in Steve Milloys January 2008 FoxNews.com column Gingrich Out-Greens Al Gore , the Gingrich-Maple A Contract With the Earth was a frightening example of someone offering solutions to non-existent problems relating to a topic about which he knows little other than what he has skimmed in the New York Times .",0 +"All the trends show cooling, especially in the area where the ship is trapped. The southern ocean is cooling, and has been for a long time, especially since 1996. The latitudes in the vicinity of Commonwealth Bay have been cooling since 1980. There is more ice because Mother Nature is freezing more ice.",1 +"By combining the two results and accounting for the relative global percentages of land and water, Idso was able to estimate a global sensitivity factor of 0.113 C per W/m2. Thus a doubling of atmospheric CO2 would increase temperatures by no more than 0.45 C. Idso then looked at different global data sets on various factors such as cloud cover, radiation, and temperatures over water and land and consistently found a sensitivity factor of about 0.10 C per W/m2 that would lead to a temperature change of 0.4 C.",1 +"That is not ethical. It is intolerant and totalitarian. It is arrogant, immoral, lethal, and racist.",0 +"""Similarly, in the case of our NAS report, far too much attention was paid to the hastily prepared summary rather than to the body of the report. The summary claimed that greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere because of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise. Yet, the full text noted that 20 years was too short a period for estimating long term trends, a crucial point that the summary neglected to mention. Our primary conclusion was that despite some knowledge and agreement, the science is by no means settled.""",1 +"""The House GOP is stepping up to the plate. Newcomers on the congressional oversight subcommittee on health will probe the who, what, when, where, and why of the Obama administration's HHS Obamacare waiver program.""",0 +"After the break, Neil MacDonald's ""Reality Check"". A reader comments;",0 +The latest White House documents delivered to House Republicans on Friday again highlight the extent to which senior administration officials braced for the fallout as Solyndra a company President Obama had personally visited was about to go under.,0 +"As a result, in 2006, Mother Jones magazine reported: ""BP vowed to cut its own CO2 emissions and invest heavily in solar, wind, and other alternative technologies; it even supported the Kyoto climate treaty.""",0 +"This will contribute to a doubling of the regions energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to 2.3 gigatonnes by 2035, according to the IEA.",0 +"The post also links to an article from October in the UK Daily Express , in which an independent forecaster challenges the Met Offices prediction:",0 +"How much you get depends on the type of system you have ? wind turbines, hydro-electricity schemes and solar photovoltaic panels are all included ? and whether you are installing them on an existing home or a new-build property.",0 +"Greg Barker, the energy and climate change minister, who is overseeing the scheme said yesterday: ""I understand the original complexity of the scheme may have deterred some organisations and I want to hear suggestions as to how we can make the scheme simpler in the future.""",0 +"CFACT Executive Director, Craig Rucker responded to her question.",0 +"Sales of small cars soared when gas prices topped $4 per gallon last year but have fallen off as gasoline has retreated to about $2 a gallon and the economic downturn has slowed car sales. The small cars are affordable prices of the three cars tested range from about $12,000 to $18,000 and typically achieve 30 miles per gallon or more.",0 +"But what I find remarkable is the precision with which they dare to suggest the mass of the WIMP: it seems to be \(8.6\GeV\). You see that it's clearly the same range as the \(7-10\GeV\) we've discussed in the context of the ""WIMP is being seen"" claims for years (an unexpectedly light estimate for a WIMP mass, at least for a majority of theorists) but the indicated precision seems to be much better now. Unfortunately, they didn't include an error margin.",0 +"Though from what I read, the PDO mainly affects temperatures around the Pacific Rim, the Pacific is in fact a very large part of the earth, so I wondered if its cylcling might have some correlation with world temperatures:",1 +Physics students reveal bias for male lecturers (SciAm) Swimming against the unseen tide (Physics World) What has actually happened? Actors and actresses were asked to become physics teachers for a while. The men got much higher ratings from the male students; the women have received just slightly higher ratings from the female students.,0 +"Sahel Drought, various years. Famines/ droughts have occurred in the Sahel of Africa in 1910-1914, 1940-1944, 1970-1985. The drought in the Sahel claimed over 600,000 in 1972-1975 and again in 1984-1985.",1 +"Carbon cycle bestms of a number of processes on very different time scales. One is a fljd of the rapid supply between the atmosphere, vegetation and oceans where a clear global rscykel can be seen with a atmosfrmaximum in May and a minimum in October. This depends on the dominant vxtmassan are p Northern Hemisfren. This rscykel framtrder clear vein on insulated posts on the Mauna Loa and Dr. varies with 6-7 ppmv between minimum and maximum.",0 +"Thank you for inviting me to testify today on a topic that, I believe, has received insufficient attention since the threat of climate change came to the attention of policymakers world-wide. That topic is the need to focus on adaptive responses to climate variability, whether caused by human action or by the influence of bio-geochemical cycles, ocean currents, and changes in solar activity.",1 +"Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released and here is the chart to prove it",1 +"Here is the trick - the signal which was just the pixel brightness component is essentially identical to the old black and white TV signal -- after all, a black and white signal is just the relative brightness of each pixel. So they took a black and white signal and then added bandwidth so that there was more information if one had a color set. Both technologies, old and new, worked from the same signal.",0 +"James M. Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute, sums their actions up this way. The team consciously distorted and actively suppressed critical knowledge, then furiously tried to hide their actions by conducting a vicious smear campaign to discredit critics.",1 +A sizeable amount of climate change is at least possible. There is no good reason not to seek to minimize its net costs.,0 +"Arctic air will move back into the central Plains, Great Lake States and Western U.S. this week. Winter Storm Warnings, Winter Weather Advisories and Wind Chill Advisories are in effect in many areas and more are expected.",0 +Al: we are 'creating' temporary green jobs here in the USA- just look at these results from the Obama stimulus program :,0 +"Since these models start with the assumption that warming is caused by CO2 they cannot in turn provide evidence for that proposition. That would be a circular argument. The one exception might be if the authors could make a solid case that their models succeed in capturing complex emergent phenomena observed in nature, but this is the opposite of what is actually happening. The models are completely missing on their basic predicted ???fingerprints,?? like the predicted upper-tropospheric ???hotspot?? that thermometers can??t find .",1 +"In August 2010, the HockeySchtick site pointed out the 97% figure was just 75 self selected scientists. As as example of the way the chant is spun, the author, ???MS?? linked to the un SkepticalScience site and the screen image that John Cook posted in an article titled: ???Visually depicting the disconnect between climate scientists, media and the public??.",1 +"Even in 2035, with the most optimistic scenario, the International Energy Agency estimates that just 2.4% of the world's energy will come from wind and only 1% from solar. As is the case today, almost 80% will still come from fossil fuels. As long as green energy is more expensive than fossil fuels, growing consumer markets like those in China and India will continue to use them, despite what well-meaning but broke Westerners try to do.",1 +41 GOP Senators means nothing happens at EPA starting with confirmation of political appointees without GOP approval.,0 +"6. Like it or not, oil is here to stay. U.S. oil consumption "" as a percentage of its total primary energy consumption "" now stands at about 37 percent. That's the exact same percentage as in 1949. Given the amount of money that has been spent over the past six decades on reducing our dependence on oil, the hard fact is that petroleum is a miraculous substance. Nothing else comes close to oil when it comes to energy density, ease of handling, flexibility, convenience, cost, or scale.",1 +"This article was written on October 31 and updated November 3, before the ???Climategate?? CRU email scandal broke, and it is all the more pertinent in the light of those disclosures. The CRU emails show how science has been perverted into a political movement, and how scientists conspired to serve a ???post-normal?? agenda where truth is trampled ??? exactly as the proponents of ???post-normal?? science had anticipated. With the association between ???post-normal?? science developed by Ravetz and its application in climate science by Hulme now widely exposed by this present post, Ravetz and Hulme jointly authored an article, published by the BBC on December 1, entitled ???Show Your Working': What ???ClimateGate?? means in which they sought to promote post-normal science further by capitalizing on the public disgust at the corruption of ???normal?? science. This is cynical because normal science was corrupted by covertly introducing post-normal activities in the first place.",1 +"pressuring Iran, Mann explains, Obama owed thanks to a Republican lawyer who in",0 +"Moree News, sport and weather | Moree Champion",0 +"One hundred nuclear power plants is about twice what America needs, but Senator Gregg can be forgiven for his enthusiasm.",0 +"The book exploring solar influences, The Neglected Sun , considered six different solar cycles, each measured by their influence on Earth, not by counting sunspots. These influences include isotopes of Beryllium (Be10), Carbon (C14) found in ice cores, measurement of Alaska sea sediments, North Atlantic measurements of sediments from ice bergs, peat in China, stalagmites, etc. The authors of articles claiming that the revised counting implies the lack of solar influence commit the logical fallacy of a hasty generalization, at best. See links under Commentary: Is the Sun Rising?",1 +Heritage: Take CBO report with a grain of salt: Obamacare repeal would not increase deficits:,0 +"Aided by George Soros, leftist foundations and our own tax dollars (via EPA and other government agencies), radical greens are spending millions to lobby Congress. The Washington Post is giving free media to what it calls ""some of the country's most respected environmental groups"" helping them spin absurd street theater like CarnivOil into ""educational"" programs about saving Planet Earth (with vile oil executives bribing boxing referees and knocking out crab-costumed activists).",0 +to more variance. Im just going to focus on thescientific guidance provided by Exponent. And,0 +The Science paper refers to several other papers that also derive these declining discount rates. A necessity for all of them is that the lower discount rate must be in force for an extended period.,0 +A new review of the scientific literature by SPPI and CO2 Science:,0 +"It begins with measures of the amount of energy entering the Earths atmosphere. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) only consider changes in the irradiance portion of incoming solar energy (insolation). They claim that, up to 1950, it explained over 50 percent of temperature variation; then, CO2 became 90 percent of the cause of change. Part of the reason for downplaying irradiance is the low percentage of change in modern records. The earliest record from outside the atmosphere from a manned observatory was Skylab (19731979). Skylab showed a change of 0.14% in the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). An average over time shows a variation of 0.1% for an 11 year sunspot cycle. This seems like a very small number, and therefore of little consequence. The difficulty is that by varying TSI by 6% in a computer model, you can explain all temperature change for the entire history of the Earth.",1 +International Atomic Agency Regrets Lack of Progress on Kyoto,0 +"Read here and here . Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, a Stockholm University scientist recently published a peer-reviewed study that found there were previous warming periods that produced a warmer climate than our current climate, over the past 2,000 years . As a followup to that study, Ljungqvist has published additional information for the past 1,200 years that examines paleo-reconstructed temperatures for specific Northern Hemisphere regions.",1 +A compilation of some of the best journalism in the months leading up to Barack Obamas historic action to address climate change.,0 +"Fact 5. For an assumed tax rate of $25 a tonne of carbon dioxide, the costs passed down to an average family of four will exceed $2000 a year.",0 +"The list of optional attendees included several high-level officials, such as then-Domestic Policy Council Director Melody Barnes and Nancy-Ann DeParle, another senior adviser to the president.",0 +"A paper published today in Climate of the Past finds Antarctic sea ice extent was much less than the present during the last interglacial period ~120,000 years ago. According to the authors, ""During the last interglacial, the are only half of the Holocene levels, in line with higher temperatures during that period, indicating much reduced sea ice extent in the Atlantic as well as the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean.""",1 +"The authors write that ???widespread amphibian extinctions in the mountains of the American tropics have been blamed on the interaction of anthropogenic climate change and a lethal pathogen,?? as we have discussed at length in reviews of papers we have archived under the heading of Extinction (Real-World Observations ??? Animals: Amphibians) in our Subject Index; and they note, in this regard, that ???limited meteorological records make it difficult to conclude whether current climate conditions at these sites are actually exceptional in the context of natural variability,?? questioning once again the original climate-alarmist contention that modern global warming was the primary culprit in the demise of the Monteverde golden toad ( Bufo periglenes ).",1 +Most of the discussion on Swanson's blog is dedicated to the original disagreements concerning quantum mechanics. Many people say many wrong things and many irrelevant things.,0 +"Now, does that mean you must be heartless about such folks? Not at all. Id suggest that you send caravans of busses through those area and offer a one time one way trip to a shelter that has warmth and light. There ought to be plenty of those that are not in the mile or two coastal areas. YOU could also offer a bulk purchase of portable generators (cost to be added to their property taxes) and a daily fuel truck to deliver fuel (credit cards accepted). That could be done by contracting with larger vendors (perhaps even out of state, so not affected by the storm). Likely you could be up and running inside a day or two.",0 +"Warmist claims of a severe increase in hurricane activity go back to 2005 and Hurricane Katrina. The cover of Al Gore's 2009 book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, even features a satellite image of the globe with four major hurricanes superimposed.",0 +"To continue from Part I yesterday, the carbon taxon paper, on the white board, in the ivory toweris better policy than cap-and-trade, which is better than ad hoc regulation. We could spend and have spent hundreds of hours explaining why cap-and-trade is a horrible idea, and why regulations are often blunt-objects that often cause huge unintended consequences, but thats beyond this post.",0 +CEI Expert Available to Comment: General Counsel Sam Kazman on the unintended consequences of other auto regulations:,0 +If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won't sign the Kyoto treaty...,1 +"How, you may ask? They actually want the government to target climate-change skeptics with the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. That's right. They want to cap the critics with a law created specifically to go after organized crime. Their opponents are no better than drug cartels and the Mafia, apparently.",0 +"The misguided Arizona immigration law also demands Congressional attentionand not just on immigration. I don't blame Arizona for grappling with this problem. It is clear that Mexican drug gangs are growing more violent and more depraved, and their behavior is spilling across our borders in Texas and Arizona. They represent a threat to governance in Mexico, to the Mexican people and to our own. Congress needs to focus on ways to help Mexico battle these threats and definitely needs to find ways to beef up border security against drug lord terror. But border security is not enough to deal with our larger immigration issues, and the Arizona law is just awfulany law that has former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) saying it goes too far is indefensible.",0 +"This study thoroughly debunks the claim that temperatures on the planet today are in any way historic or unprecedented, says Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters.com. Will Media Notice?",1 +"Might governments have a Department of Philosophy, to peer deeply into the claims of tendentious lobbyists, no matter what their academic qualifications in natural science, or the length of their publication lists? There is an opinion that those who publish the most, often have the least to say. Its a pity that Ambrose Bierce disappeared in 1914, so isnt here to join the debate on philosophy and bushfire. I hope some from Australia, or other fire prone lands, such as USA, Canada, Africa, and even Europe, will.",0 +""" The most obvious way for warming to be caused naturally is for small, natural fluctuations in the circulation patterns of the atmosphere and ocean to result in a 1% or 2% decrease in global cloud cover. Clouds are the Earths sunshade, and if cloud cover changes for any reason, you have global warming or global cooling ."" Until cloud effects are much better understood (as well as a host of other factors such as ocean oscillations), computer climate models will remain computer fantasy games.",0 +"""I'll give the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and their allies, including opinion writer Marc Thiessen, credit. Despite living in a glass house of secrecy and unwillingness to disclose where their own money comes from, they have no qualms about throwing stones .""",0 +"Ben Pile on April 26, 2015 at 5:32 pm",0 +Matt Ridley has an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal about the different ways economists and ecologists look at the world.,0 +Opening Remarks at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change,0 +The EPA claims more taxpayer-financed energy subsidies will help the poorest families. What about everyone else?,0 +"Now, about this time, the whole peak oil story started to go south, because no matter how much peak oilers howled there was more oil discovered every year. Every year the proved reserves just kept growing. And that process has continued to this very day, with more proved reserves than ever. How were the peak oilers to explain it? Hey, unconventional oil to the rescue!",0 +"The common nmnaren in this critique of vrldsfrbttrarna is that they are building a auktoritr, dogmatic and verdriven picture of the problems that you want to read.",0 +"Put another way, as Earth emits (relatively) less energy through carbon dioxide??s favorite wavelengths, some of that blocked heat, possibly transferred through kinetic collisions, just reroutes out to space on the water vapor wavelengths instead.",1 +"Heath: Yeah, well, theyve been saying scary stuff like that since I was knee-high to a shrub, over 100 years ago. And too many trees like you believe it. So, go ahead and participate in Earth Day. Have fun.",0 +"""repeated surveys ""indicate general stability of these reefs over time,"" and they state that ""in the context of the high bleaching and mortality of western Indian Ocean reefs after 1998, the general stability and improvement of these reefs six to seven years after the largest ENSO in recent history indicates reefs with considerable resilience to climate change.""",1 +"WASHINGTON EXAMINER EDITORIAL: ""For Obama, Green Is the Color of Money Wasted on More Solyndras""",0 +Even President Obama has been criticized by former Vice President Gore for failing to do enough when it comes to climate change legislation. The now-defunct congressional climate bill failed because the Democrats realized it was political suicide. The new political expediency in Washington is global warming skepticism. The U.N. global warming treaty process lies in shambles.,0 +"$120,000 for This amendment extends the project and budget ending dates from August 31, 2003 to December 31, 2003. There is no change in the approved EPA funding amount of $50,000 for your diesel truck emission reduction initiative. The conditions numbered 1 through 7 in the award remain in full force and effect.",0 +"What??s interesting to me is how surprised the researchers are when pH levels naturally vary around the worlds oceans, and sometimes by as much as 1.4 pH units in a single day at a single location. Ocean acidification is a natural, daily thing in some places, and marine life copes. It appears to cycle with the PDO . Moreso, we know that corals evolved in a world with a much higher CO2 level, and ice age swings mean temperatures and sea levels have also rapidly changed, yet corals survived.",1 +"The independence of the Russell Review (113) ""We accept the assurances that Sir Muir Russell has given about the independence of the Independent Climate Change Email Review and we expect him to be scrupulous in preserving its impartiality."" Sir Muir says it's independent, so it's independent. Really, our parliamentarians think we are quite stupid, don't they?",0 +"Chris Horner says he is glad the emails are now public and says he sued for their release ""to educate the public how taxpayer resources were used"" to push for the censorship of climate change skeptics.",0 +A cold weather emergency response plan to tackle disasters after record cold and snow brought down power lines and paralyzed much of the usually mild south earlier this year was activated in China on Wednesday. Read more here .,1 +"To be clear, this cover all days of the year, and not just summer. Nevertheless, there seems little evidence, over the country as a whole, of any trend to more extreme hot days.",1 +skilfully does not specify it is an all time record for Canberra readers have to draw that conclusion and it is not mentioned that the urban heat island has been increasing for decades.,0 +"In examining sea-level changes for 100 years or more from stations on the Eastern Seaboard, Mr. Galvin could not find any acceleration in sea-level rise. University of Florida professor Robert Dean and Army Corps of Engineers analyst James Houston have independently reached this same conclusion.",1 +"Praying to Gaia for pay | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog Take away all the free money, and whod be left to believe in a man-made climate catastrophe? Flannerys hope: a global treaty to influence your every move | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog To say that Leftist groups are using the global warming scare to further their dreams of world government is not a conspiracy theory but the literal truth, as their very own words prove. EU still struggling to reach agreement Negotiations are slow for various reasons. EU agrees on offer for global climate talks - Brown | Reuters ""Europe is making three conditional offers, money on the table, saying we will do everything we can to make a climate change deal happen,"" Brown told reporters. "" I think this is a breakthrough that takes us forward to Copenhagen and makes a Copenhagen agreement possible."" There was no immediate comment on his remarks by other ministers and no confirmation of a breakthrough.",0 +"Sitting on an artificial mangrove island in the middle of the ray and shark touch tank, Lindsay Jordan, a staff member at the New England Aquarium, explained the rays eating habits as children and their parents trailed fingers through the water. Does anyone know how we touch these animals when we are not at the aquarium? she asked.",0 +"(iii) For e ~ 1, there is parity between the two time scales. Such a situation occurs if the mass of theatmosphere is moderate and the velocities on the planet are relatively weak, which is the case for Earth.On such a planet, one would expect a pole-to-equator temperature difference but one where thetemperature of a parcel at a particular latitude is not in radiative equilibrium with the net radiativefluxes at the top of the atmosphere. Furthermore, a moderate diurnal temperature is expected.",0 +"Caldwell, John C. Let's Visit Brazil. London: Burke Publishing Company, 1961.",0 +Global Warming Conference: The State of Climate Change Science,0 +"IPPs found out all too late that they were not the shire in the utility industrys middle earth but instead a small slice of Mordor. (Thanks Mr. Tolkien, and thanks to the lucky drudge who coined corporate America. It includes almost every business in the country, and for that matter its workers and shareholders.) But thats just me, Bob Michaels, and I never ran an IPP or had my ear to the ground to sense the (John Q. )publics moral outrage over carbon.",0 +"About half the adjustments actually created a warming trend where none existed; the other half greatly exaggerated existing warming. All the adjustments increased or even created a warming trend, with only one (Dunedin) going the other way and slightly reducing the original trend.",1 +"Four of the above guest speakers participated in book signing sessions: Ian Plimer, PhD Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science; Roy W. Spencer, PhD The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World's Top Scientists; S. Fred Singer, PhD Hot Talk, Cold Science; and Christopher C. Horner, J.D. Power Grab: How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal your Freedom and Bankrupt America.",0 +"Privacy & Security: Some administration policies post-9/11 undermine the ability to protect personal, digitized information. But private sector initiative in authentication and security can be far more effective than government efforts.",0 +Claims of an overwhelming scientific global warming consensus have been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked.,1 +"As noted above, the station moved from Zwanenburg to Utrecht in 1849 and from Utrecht to the De Bilt pagoda hut in 1898. In the 19th century when the station was located in Utrecht, the GHCN adjustment is very different than the KNMI adjustment, with the GHCN adjustment up to 1 deg C larger. Its hard to understand why the GHCN adjustment should be so much larger. Also the GHCN adjustment becomes effective in little steps, while KNMI has a 1 deg C adjustment in 1950. GHCN and GISS both implement changes in a series of small steps, while KNMI has one large step in 1950. Its curious that the move from the pagoda hut to the Stevenson hut occasioned a big adjustment, but the move from Utrecht to De Bilt didnt trigger any change in the KNMI-Labrijn version. Also that the Huis Zwanenburg site, pictures by Hans Erren here had no material adjustment relative to the Stevenson hut.",0 +"Assuming climate change is a serious problem that can be helped by carbon regulation, a policy like Cap and Trade could reduce GDP and employment and still be a good idea. The idea behind carbon regulation is that emitters of carbon are imposing a negative externality on others by furthering climate change. Cap and Trade or a carbon tax is intended to ""internalize"" those costs to the actor, leading him only to pollute when that benefits society as a whole -- and therefore to produce less in the aggregate.",0 +"1 Another, common, way to say infinity is the euphemism in te long run. Keynes has famously said that In the long run we shall all be dead. Its always been surprising to me that the same people who giggle at this quip ignore its force.",0 +"Dr Pachauri has been the chairman of the panel since 2002. Documents available on its website showed that in one 19-month period, he clocked up more than half a million miles in the air as he travelled the world on official business.",0 +"In comparison, billions of dollars are spent on conservation and renewable energy, such as wind and solar, and in 2010 Congress discussed imposing trillions of dollars as taxes on carbon emissions. Yet geoengineering, which could obviate most of the need for carbon cuts and enable us to avoid lifestyle changes, gets a tiny sum.",0 +H1614 6.1 H1656 6.0 H1743 5.9 L1228 1.1 L1333 1.2 L1452 1.2 L1622 1.0,0 +"A. No. They continued, which is striking,because, whereas in the difference in differenceanalysis, they adopted the standard five percent asthe benchmark, here, they said, no, we will justcontinue on and reach conclusions. And its righthere at the bottom.",0 +simulate the processes that are the building blocks of climate variability.,0 +* Using ship-engine cooling-water intake method only = 0.3 F/decade,0 +"""The state has been awarded $45.4 million in federal transportation grants toward the development of a high-speed passenger rail service between Richmond and Petersburg and Washington.""",0 +"JCs take: My first question is to wonder about what the $12.5M of U.S. funding actually pays for? Not the science, but presumably publication and distribution costs of the documents, staff to maintain the websites and manage the review process, etc.? What portion of the total IPCC costs does the U.S. support? I have never actually seen a budget before for the IPCC.",0 +moment came in October 2009 when Iranian and international negotiators sketched an agreement to remove the,0 +"There is no need to dispute these facts. The dispute starts when we are confronted with a doctrine which claims that the rough coexistence of climate changes, of growing temperatures and of man-made increments of CO2 in the atmosphere ? and what is more, only in a relatively short period of time ? is a proof of a causal relationship between these phenomena. To the best of my knowledge there is no such relationship between them. It is, nevertheless, this claim that forms the basis for the doctrine of environmentalism.",1 +"A catastrophic heat wave appears to be closing in on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. How hot is it getting in the scientific kitchen where theyve been cooking the books and spicing up the stew pots? So hot, apparently, that Andrew Weaver, probably Canadas leading climate scientist, is calling for replacement of IPCC leadership and institutional reform.",1 +"So there you have it (albeit in draft form). Keystone XL will bring much needed jobs to the U.S. and Canada, provide a reliable source of North American oil from one of America's dearest friends in the free world and will have no meaningful effect on climate, environment, endangered species, will not hurt the poor (could help them) and will generate tax revenue for cash-strapped governments.",0 +"He gave a presentation at the London School of Economics which I attended. He showed a slide of CO2 levels and global temperatures over many millennia which was supposed to show the effect of higher CO2 levels on increasing temperature. But the temperatures increased before the CO2 levels increased. Cause does not follow effect, see my paper pp3, 4",1 +"""Chicago is moving a step closer to a high-speed rail line running from downtown to O'Hare International Airport.""",0 +"Compared to whites, blacks and Hispanics already spend 50% and 10% more of their incomes on utilities, respectively, 20% and 90% more on food, and 10% and 5% more on housing. The EPA regulations will significantly increase the minority family ""energy burden"" the percentage of annual household incomes they must pay for residential energy bills and thus the number of families driven into energy poverty. Inability to pay energy bills is second only to inability to pay rent as the leading cause of homelessness, so increasing numbers of poor and minority families will become homeless.",1 +"The IPCC??s 2007 Summary for Policy makers claims that ???Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.?? While Mr. Muller now seems to agree that there has been such global average warming since the mid-20th century, he nonetheless ended his op-ed by disclaiming that he knows the cause of any temperature increase. Moreover, the Berkeley team??s research paper comments: ???The human component of global warming may be somewhat overestimated.?? I commend Mr. Muller and his team for their honesty and skepticism.",1 +Based on known empirical evidence a doubling of atmospheric CO 2 levels will only cause a further increase of 0.2 to 0.5C in global temperature.,1 +"Mohan et al . report that CO 2 enrichment increased poison ivy photosynthesis by 77%, while boosting its water use efficiency by 51%. They also note that at the end of the study's sixth year (2004), the aboveground biomass of poison ivy plants in the CO 2 -enriched plots was 62% greater than that of plants in the ambient-treatment plots. In addition, they report that high-CO 2 -grown plants produced ""a more allergenic form of urushiol,"" which is the substance that produces the plant's allergic reaction in humans. What it means",1 +"As the atmospheric CO 2 concentration increases, it is likely that mungbean plants will exhibit enhanced rates of photosynthesis and decreased rates of respiration. Together, these phenomenon should allow this species to produce greater amounts of biomass and yield. In addition, if this species is grown in controlled environments, a limited exposure to elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentrations for two to three weeks post-germination would likely lead to significant stimulations in growth and yield.",1 +"This is an excellent idea, Mike, IN PRINCIPLE at least. In practise, however,",0 +And just how will the TVA know when you are away? What if you dont want your appliances turned off?,0 +"These legislative achievements came despite great partisan differences. Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., worked out a deal with ranking Democrat Ben Cardin, D-Md., that overcame many Senate Democrats' reluctance to buck the Obama administration on this issue. Obama withdrew his veto threat in the face of the committee's unanimous vote.",0 +This issue of teleconnection was one of the findings in the National Research Council report:,0 +Extreme Cold Outbreaks Defy Global Warming Predictions (01-30-14),1 +The mentality of assuming that other peoples bad behaviour is our fault is one of the most suicidal tendencies that is currently in fashion in the West.,0 +"Overturning the Timing Rule would limit the EPA's greenhouse regulations to mobile sources. EPA would have to mothball its big plans to impose greenhouse permitting requirements on new and modified power plants, steel mills, cement production facilities, paper and pulp factories, and other large industrial installations. That would validate criticism that the agency is bent on expanding its power regardless of the law.",0 +1. ENVIRONMENT Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) pressures the Environmental Protection Agency to declare carbon dioxide a pollutant.,0 +a broad range of scenarios of future climate that consider not only greenhouse emission scenarios but also natural internal variability and changes in natural forcing to support better assessments of energy demand and supply,0 +"The authoritative International Energy Agency does not foresee any substantial scarcity of oil and gas in the near to medium future, and coal reserves remain sufficient for centuries to come. As to global warming, the absence of a statistically significant increase in average worldwide temperatures since 1995 obliterates that assertion.",1 +"Over the period of 20th-century global warming, which climate alarmists claim is unprecedented over the past two millennia , Koning and Franses find that the climate-alarmist expectation of higher levels of precipitation has not been realized in the Netherlands. Of course, the Netherlands represents just a tiny portion of the planet. Nevertheless, for a warming that was supposedly so extreme, one might have expected to see something along the lines of what has been claimed would be the case. But we don't. Reviewed 18 October 2006",1 +"Spencers point of the models being developed during a time of warming, which was assumed to be man-made, and now overestimate warming is crucial. The failure of government to fund natural causes of recent warming and cooling is becoming apparent and its interpretation of climate science is biased.",1 +"And I wanted the kids to experience bird flu panic first-hand. We don't worry much about bird flu in New HampshireI""ve got a bird dog, I've got a gunbut down here in Washington the kids can watch all the media and politicians get frantic about bird flu. Bird flu could mutate into human flu at any minute. If that happens, bird flu will kill What's NPR's estimate?",0 +"By far the largest number of local glaciers in north-east Greenland had receded very greatly during recent decades , and it would not be exaggeratingto say that these glaciers were nearinga catastrophe .",0 +"Underlying this shift from the SPP to a new model of North American consultation and co-ordination is the conviction that there is value in having the leaders meet annually and having the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States address regional issues together, notwithstanding the numerous bilateral meetings and multilateral summits that occur already.",0 +Today the centre has released a statement on the failure of global temperatures to rise in line with the models. It can be seen here .,1 +"""Sunlight scattered by three-dimensional, irregular clouds is responsible for the observed large difference. The one-dimensional cloud simulations currently used in large-scale climate models don't capture this diffuse light,"" said Kassianov.",0 +"Or a jail cell, to be more precise. That's what 20 academics at such prestigious universities as Columbia, George Mason and the University of Washington have in mind for those who disagree on climate change. They recently wrote a letter to President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch requesting that dissenters be criminally prosecuted.",0 +"The adjustments they are making are greater than the claimed trend,meaningthat all man made US warming isoccurringinside ORNL and GISS computers.",1 +"Many skeptics have had their doubts about the climate data championed by the IPCC and the CRU, but one of them, Canadian Steve McIntyre a retired mathematician and policy analyst, decided to do something about it. McIntyre has been indefatigable in his efforts to get the raw data, and computer codes from the climate science community so that he could check whether or not their work was straight.",0 +"The fallout of Climategate is slowly but surely unfolding right where it hurts a large number of special interestsin the field of business. Yes, the carbon trading business is now in the line of fire. Under a cap-and-trade system, a government authority first sets a limit on emissions, deciding how much pollution will be allowed in all. Next, companies are issued credits, essentially licences to pollute, based on how large they are, and what industries they work in. If a company comes in below its cap, it has extra credits which it may trade with other companies, globally.",0 +The Met office Gravesend weather station is a little notorious as runs hot in what is the hottest part of the UK where there is a lot of history over dubious temperature measurement. (some findings yet to be revealed),1 +"The rule will nonetheless do immediate harm to a drilling industry that is already under pressure from falling global energy prices. The shale gas revolution has created hundreds of thousands of jobs, reduced costs for U.S. manufacturers, raised millions in taxes and royalties for government, and increased U.S. energy security. The new costs will reduce the marginal return on drilling, which means fewer new wells.",0 +"17. In 1975, Paul Ehrlich predicted that ""since more than nine-tenths of the original tropical rainforests will be removed in most areas within the next 30 years or so, it is expected that half of the organisms in these areas will vanish with it.""",0 +CEI Expert Available to Comment: Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews and Regulatory Policy Analyst Brooke Oberwetter on why we shouldn't trust the government to solve our cybersecurity concerns.,0 +Sea level is rising no faster than for 150 years. From 2004-2012 the Envisat satellite reported a rise of a tenth of an inch. From 2003-2009 gravity satellites actually showed sea level falling. Results like these have not hitherto been reported in the mainstream news media.,1 +the suns brightness increases more than current understanding allows,0 +"Climate change is just another legitimate factor that may or may not influence the life in the real world and the fate of empires, much like hundreds of other factors (such as breakthroughs in agriculture and industry, epidemics, meteorites, or over-reproduction of pests). Each of these factors may help someone and hurt someone else. Some of the factors are natural, others depend on the humans and their work. There is nothing ""unacceptable"" about either of them. It is completely irrational to single out climate change as the kind of change that is ""not allowed to happen"".",0 +"Herewith, some observations on Professor Jeffrey Sachs's response to my critique of his criticism of the recent State Department analysis of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline in the context of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A summary of his original criticism of Keystone XL is as follows:",0 +Todey said the increase in moisture is beneficial for some areas where they dont typically get as much precipitation but harmful to other areas.,0 +Research & Commentary: Solar Forcing of Climate,0 +"An extended domain limited area model was implemented for seasonal-range simulations to assess the effect of tropical Pacific SST perturbations on weather patterns over Europe and Mediterranean. The experimental method consisted of Skiron/Eta model integrations with coarse and fine grid increment using artificially-modified as well as analysis SST forcing. The selected period was AugustOctober 1997. Model simulations with coarse grid increment produced a weak signal in the precipitation pattern and the synoptic scale circulation over Europe, implying a damping of the North Atlantic atmospheric response to the tropical Pacific SST perturbation. Fine resolution experiments suggested an amplified dynamic response providing a direct link between tropical Pacific SST and North Atlantic synoptic circulation. The output signal is mainly attributed to the effective representation of the regional/ mesoscale atmospheric features due to the model implementation with a fine mesh grid.",0 +Heres what I wrote over at Science of Doom : Using the d word was a political alternative to engaging with the opponents of the consensus.,1 +L0523 1.0 H0001 5.7 H0043 5.9 H0123 6.0 H0203 6.1 H0245 6.2 H0327 6.2,0 +My forecast Mr. Romm will be explaining next month that cold is due to heat.,1 +"Perceptive readers will notice a bit of a flaw here, namely an almost complete lack of any dispatchable power. Scotland has 1.5GW of hydro power, about 12% of the total demand. I don't know the figures, but I fancy this will be woefully inadequate to cope with a grid dominated by wind turbines. That leaves us with the connections to the English (and possibly other grids too). The problem here is that Friends of the Earth don't want England or anyone else to have any power stations powered by fossil fuels either. So the question remains, where is the dispatchable power coming from?",1 +"U.S. Urges U.N. Security Council to Make ""Climate Change' A Priority:",0 +Flawed NASA study: Pacific Ocean Warming Related to Volcanic Heat Flow,0 +These are just a few among many examples of how climate models fail to represent the Earth's actual climate and of how the Earth's climate doesn't behave in accord with the predictions of human-induced-greenhouse theory.,1 +"U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinksi, discussing how, as an 11-year old, he stuffed his face with previously unavailable delights after his family escaped from Communist Romania.",0 +"Gia argues that if there are $10^{32}$ copies of the Standard Model particle species - which would include $10^{32}$ electron squirrel species -, then the gap between the weak scale and the Planck scale becomes natural because of his N-scaling. ;-) Recall that $10^{30}$ is called a quintillion in the U.K. but nonillion in the U.S.",0 +"Back when the sea was thick and lasted for years, cyclones tended to spread the ice out and actually increase its extent, said Julienne Stroeve of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo . Now, when ice gets spread out, it simply breaks up and disappears.",0 +"""Bill Gates is buying the weather. You won't be able to get sunshine on weekends unless you have a Microsoft XP operating system.""",0 +"Global tropical cyclone activity has been at historic lows and the frequency of U.S. hurricanes has declined. The latest, Irene, was rapidly downgraded to a tropical depression by the time it made landfall.",1 +"New York state just had their coldest January/February by a wide margin, more than 2.5 degrees F colder than the prior coldest year of 1904.",1 +"In my opinion, what is the real travesty of the global warming ideology is the hijacking of climate science in the service of a research agenda that has prevented science from investigating the full range of natural climate variation, because that would be an inconvenient truth. We see this, quite clearly, in the CRUtape Letters where the Medieval Warm Period is just putative, and a rather inconvenient truth that needs to be suppressed. Or the 1940??s blip that implies that global temperatures increased just as rapidly in the early part of the 20 th Century, as they did at the end of the 20 th Century, an inconvenient truth at odds with the narrative preferred by the IPCC.",1 +"The National Intelligence Council has released a report on Implications for U. S. National Security of Anticipated Climate Change to back up the memorandum. Its ten pages of text are filled with gems of junk science, which are summed up in this ridiculous pontification: ""Long-term changes in climate will produce more extreme weather events and put greater stress on critical Earth systems like oceans, freshwater, and biodiversity. These in turn will almost certainly have significant effects, both direct and indirect, across social, economic, political, and security realms during the next 20 years.""",0 +CANADIAN miner Maple Minerals is to take control of one of Queenslands richest uranium deposits in a gamble that the Beattie Government will bow to pressure to reverse Labors ban on new mines.,0 +"3 Christoph Bertram, ""NATO's Only Future: The West Abroad,"" Riga Papers (November 2006).",0 +Global Warming Could Spur Growth in Northwest Forests -- Study,0 +"The famous Lysenko affair in the former Soviet Union is often cited as an example of politics trumping good science. It's a good example, but it's often used to imply that such a thing could only happen in a totalitarian culture, that is, when all-powerful elites can control the flow of information. But this misses the almost equally powerful conspiracy of agreement, in which interlocking assumptions and interests combine to give the appearance of objectivity where none exists. For propaganda purposes, this voluntary conspiracy is even more powerful than a literal conspiracy by a dictatorial power, precisely because it looks like people have come to their position by a fair and independent evaluation of the evidence.",0 +Arctic sea ice extent up 60% last summer,1 +"World Wildlife Fund. ""Tropical Forests: A Resource for the Future,"" Informational Pamphlet, Undated.",0 +"A review committee, convened after parents complained, concluded that author Laurie David's book, ""The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming,"" contained ""a major factual error"" in a graphic about rising temperatures and carbon dioxide levels.",0 +"12) Why Do Most Scientists Believe CO2 is Responsible for the Warming? Because (as they have told me) they can?t think of anything else that might have caused it. Significantly, it?s not that there is evidence nature can?t be the cause, but a lack of sufficiently accurate measurements to determine if nature is the cause. This is a hugely important distinction, and one the public and policymakers have been misled on by the IPCC.",0 +"Dr. Vernon Heywood says ""biodiversity is not equally distributed throughout the world"" so by protecting ""specific, critical habitats within forests,"" ""a small amount of conservation can skew the curve."" ""He cites a study of African birds which indicate that 95 percent of species are found within areas already protected; three quarters of southern Africa's native plants are found in reserves as well."" (U.S. News, p.86)",0 +Wayne Crews (wcrews@cei.org) )is Vice President for Policy at CEI. Research Associate Ryan Young also contributed to this article.,0 +"Without carbon dioxide there would be no life on Earth. It feeds the vegetation on which animal life depends directly and indirectly. As Anthony Bright-Paul says, ""A slight increase in atmosphere of carbon dioxide will not and cannot produce any warming, but can be hugely beneficial to a green planet.""",1 +A difficulty was that the steadily increasing figures over the years did not easily agree with the rather sporadic behaviour of the approved global temperature. Now this carbon dioxide scam has broken down.,1 +"The results of a new approach to calculating the effect of CO 2 using empirical observations suggest it has a lower impact on the climate than previously thought, and its effects are being over-estimated by the IPCC.",1 +"The main lesson I took away from the conference was this: there is no consistent contrarian science, and there is no defining contrarian ideology or motivation. Wow, the ""contrarians"" must be the ultimate losers if they're not controlled by a defining ""contrarian"" ideology or motivation and if they even dare to question the scientific results of each other. More seriously, I just find this complaint stunning.",0 +extremes/desasters/costs and finally the link between weather extremes and,0 +Global Warming Alarmists Sabotage Wikipedia Entries,1 +"The Environmental Protection Agency's new Clean Power Plan (CPP) requires that states reduce their electric utility sector carbon dioxide emissions an average of 32% below 2005 levels by 2030. Over 1,560 pages dictate returning CO2 emissions almost to 1975 levels, while our population grows by 40 million.",0 +"In a world where atmospheric O 3 concentrations are still a significant scourge of both wild and cultivated plants alike, we can be thankful the air's CO 2 molecules are working overtime to heal, or prevent, the damage that is done, or would otherwise be wrought, by the pernicious oxygen triplet. Reviewed 14 April 2010",1 +Brian: Where the wheels are looking wobbly to the point of parting from the vehicle?,0 +"A paper published today in Climate of the Past finds that Total Cloud Cover (TCC) has significantly decreased over Spain by about 4% since 1960, the same period during which the IPCC claims there is no explanation other than man-made greenhouse gases to account for global warming. P oorly-understood natural fluctuationsin cloud cover could alone account for global warming or global cooling,as discussed byDr. Roy Spencerin his book ,",1 +"Is the Holocene interglacial, our interglacial, just about kaput? Well, thats the trillion dollar question, isnt it? I went deep into the science on this in The Antithesis, you may refresh or intimate yourself with the poignant literature there. The present consensus seems to be that we will not have an extended interglacial this time, even though we are also at an eccentricity minima, just like the Holsteinian was 400kyrs ago. All things considered, our interglacial seems to match best the last half of the Holsteinian, the bit where we fall off into an ice age.",1 +"Synopsis: Recent global warming has not caused more frequent or more severe droughts. Source here . ""Droughts have not become more extreme or erratic in response to global warming. Real-world evidence from Africa, Asia, and other continents find no trend toward more frequent or more severe droughts. In most cases, the worst droughts in recorded meteorological history were much milder than droughts that occurred periodically during much colder times.""",1 +"Blog feature : For more news and analysis, updated throughout the day, visit CEI's blog, Open Market.",0 +"Part one from the UK Channel 4 documentary Dispatches: Undercover Mosque""",0 +Christie Todd Whitman really didnt know the difference between ozone depletion and global warming when she became EPA chief.,0 +"As usual, Tocqueville was onto something hugely important. From the Founding Fathers to the Jacobins and Bolsheviks, revolutionaries have fought under essentially the same banner: advancement of human dignity. It is in the search for dignity through liberty and citizenship that glasnost's subversive sensibility lives and will continue to live. Just as the pages of Ogoniok and Moskovskie Novosti must take pride of place next to Boris Yeltsin on the tank as symbols of the latest Russian revolution, so should Internet pages in Arabic stand as emblems of the present revolution next to the images of rebellious multitudes in Cairo's Tahrir Square, the Casbah plaza in Tunis, the streets of Benghazi, and the blasted towns of Syria. Languages and political cultures aside, their messages and the feelings they inspired were remarkably similar.",0 +I added the eight metre line on to the graph.Hansenis a world class wanker.,1 +Ice cores provide the historic record and Mauna Loa the recent. Both were designed to produce a smooth linking curve of increasing CO2.,0 +<2423> Lanzante/NOAA:,0 +"No it doesnt. CO2 does not warm the atmosphere, never ever. The sun does. CO2 just slows cooling, at least theoretically, resulting in an increase of average temperature readings.",1 +"Similarly, Yale University's Professor William Nordhaus, one of the world's leading economists, recently published a study that estimates that the damages to 2100 caused by a global warming of 3 degrees C will be $22 trillion. Achieving the Stern Review's emissions targets by 2050 would reduce the damages to $9 trillion, but the measures necessary would cost $27 trillion.",0 +"A senior Western diplomat who has observed the situation closely during the past five years warns, ""The notion that a deal will come along that forces Hamas to go along with it . . . I think that vision is pretty far off, particularly given the makeup of the Israeli government. Meanwhile, Hamas is getting paid by the Syrians and the Iranians. They'll face tough consequences if they stick their necks out.""",0 +"Our basic premise is that a person is responsible for the carbon emissions of his descendants , weighted by their relatedness to him.",0 +"expansion of welfare rolls, at the end of 1933, was abruptly cancelled when the",0 +A Recipe for the Survival of a Species of Frogs in a Warming World (8 April 2015),0 +"By Staff Writers, Phys.org, August 7, 2015",0 +But in what could be a disconcerting harbinger for the 2010 melt season about to reach its low point during the next three to four weeks the ice thickness measured by Polarstern scientists this summer is almost exactly the same as measurements taken in the central Arctic in 2007.,1 +Design to Win: Philanthropy's Role in the Fight Against Global Warming,0 +Since 1928 -- the mid-point of the period 1851-2005 -- there have been 134 landfalling hurricanes as compared to 145 landfalling hurricanes prior to 1928. So there's actually been a significant decrease in hurricane frequency though global temperatures likely have warmed somewhat since 1928.,1 +"Of the 124 studies that examined the issue of whether or not there was a ""Little Ice Age"" between 1300 and 1900 A.D. (which Soon and Baliunas believe we are still emerging from, providing a natural explanation for recent warming), 122 found evidence ""confirming the existence of the Little Ice Age.""",1 +"Meanwhile, NYU happily hosted delegates from Iran , which hangs people for the crime of being gay. President Obamas Internal Revenue Service harasses conservative donors and organizations, keeps groups out of the political process, stonewalls investigators and lies with impunity. His Federal Communications Commission plans to micromanage internet access, content and operations. At the behest of hyper-partisan Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm, police swat teams burst into homes belonging to Governor Scott Walker supporters, ransacked them, took computers, and told families Dont call a lawyer or else.",0 +"Schembri said the test simulated a rare and extreme scenario and noted that the fortwo had received solid ratings from the governments crash test program. The fortwo has received top scores from the Insurance Institute in front-end and side crash tests against comparably sized vehicles but in the front-end tests against the C Class, the institute gave the mini car poor marks.",0 +"In fact, from 2010 to 2011, the number of large-scale CCS plants operating, under construction, or being planned declined, said Matt Lucky, the reports author. Numerous projects in Europe and North America are being scrapped altogether, Lucky added. Last month, TransAlta, the Canadian electricity giant, abandoned plans for a CCS facility at an Alberta coal-burning plant because financial incentives were too weak to justify costly investment in CCS.",1 +"But as part of an international research project dubbed Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA), Jacob and his neighbours are now using five varieties of maize seed that are being tested in an effort increase food production and help farmers adapt to the effects of climate change.",0 +BR: Curiously it is indeed despite the rise in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and also in the seas well talk more about this in more detail later the global temperature has not risen lately. How does one explain this?,1 +"But Cap and Trade which will cost jobs in carbon-intensive fields just as it creates them in solar panel manufacturing. A report from the Brookings Institution estimates that, by 2025, the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade bill would reduce employment by over 40% in coal-related industries and 35% in crude oil-related industries. Most of these workers would find jobs in other fields, but the overall effect on employment and GDP would be modestly negative.",0 +"During the scandal Strong declared no wrongdoing or involvement in Oil-for-Food, and was never charged. He then left the UN that year and moved to Beijing where his close friendships with top Chinese government leaders dated back to the Cultural Revolution under Mao Tse-tung.",0 +"The Chronicles lengthy editorial, No denying makes three major points, one sound and the two unsound. Yes, the scientific method requires openness and honesty, something that Climategate has revealed to be absent among top U.S. and international climate scientists who were behind the influential United Nations/Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate reports.",0 +"Pastor and Post (1988) have suggested, in the words of Menyailo and Hungate, that ""changes in temperature and precipitation resulting from increasing atmospheric CO 2 concentrations will cause a northward migration of the hardwood-conifer forest border in North America."" Consequently, if such a shifting of species does indeed occur, it will likely lead to an increase in methane consumption by soils and a reduction in methane-induced global warming potential, thereby providing yet another biologically-mediated negative feedback factor that has yet to be incorporated into models of global climate change. References",1 +"The doubling of U.S. oil production between 2008 and 2015 is an amazing story of American ingenuity, persistence, and, of course, drilling. The story is made more amazing by the fact that federal energy policy actively hindered this energy renaissance as it was taking place. In the first few months of the Obama Administration, the Department of the Interior cancelled oil and gas lease sales. In 2011, the Obama Department of the Interior blocked access to most of America's offshore oil and gas reserves, placing a de facto moratorium on drilling. The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) hostility to the oil and gas industry was exemplified by regional administrator and Obama appointee Al Armendariz, who was captured on tape explaining that his policy was to ""crucify"" select oil and gas firms in order to terrify the others.",0 +"""How do you get rid of Hamas?"" the PA's minister of planning, Ali Jarbawi, asked rhetorically in our conversation. ""Produce results in the peace process! Hamas is a symptom, not a reason. It flourishes on the lack of a peace process.""",0 +This graph by Drs Christy & Spencer of UAH is referenced in Anthonys article The Ultimate Sceptical Science Cherry Pick of 10th June and will be referred to as the spaghetti graph.,0 +UK/Australian seasonal forecasts: FAIL,0 +"???? it appears that many, perhaps all, global climate and numerical weather prediction models and even many high-resolution regional models have a premature onset of convection and overly frequent precipitation with insufficient intensity,?? ??",1 +"Dr Mann has played fast and loose with details all his professional life, starting from his original ?innocent? errors on the hockey stick to his ?innocent? promotion of himself as a Nobel Prize winner to his ?innocent? misrepresentations of these investigations in his current legal complaint. All these ?innocent? mistakes should put to rest at least one thing. It will be for a jury to decide whether he is merely careless or fraudulent, but rigour, or rigor, or any other spelling thereof, is something he knows not.",0 +"The international community has become inundated with summits. During Ronald Reagan's presidency, there was the opening of the United Nations General Assembly, the G7 and NATO; today our leaders go to all kinds of meetings, the G20, NATO summits, WTO negotiations, the Summits of the Americas, Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) meetings, and UN climate change talks, to name a few. We even have hybrid meetings such as last June's G8 Summit in L'Aquila, Italy where the number of attending countries expanded, arguably transforming the meeting into something like the ""G8+BRICs+Friends.""",0 +"When I constructed CO2 curves using Hansen's scenario assumptions and I compare his scenarios to the actual CO2 data recorded since 1988, I get an almost exact match to Scenario ""A""",0 +Some are arguing that America is a nation in decline and they can surely point to the near destruction of our nuclear energy industry as one example. That decline can begin to end in 2017 with the inauguration of a new President.,0 +"In short, exactly the opposite of what leftist activists intended let alone claim to have achieved has actually occurred. If you think 2012 marks the demise of The Heartland Institute, I suggest you check back with us in five, 10 or 20 years. Well still be here, fighting for smaller government, individual liberty and free markets just as we have for the last 28 years.",0 +Britain Must Stop Economic Growth to Meet Kyoto Targets,0 +"Kerry-Lieberman?s domestic greenhouse gas emissions reduction schedule is 17% below 2005 emissions levels by 2020, 42% below by 2030, and 83% below by 2050. Compare that to Waxman-Markey?s 20% reduction in emissions (below 2005 levels) by 2020, 42% by 2030, and 83% by 2050. Except for a bit of relaxation of near term targets, the bills? long-term intentions are identical.",0 +"Congress will not tolerate ""forgery and identity theft"" in attempting to influence the passage of legislation, members solemnly intoned. The letters misled Congress and imperiled its integrity and deliberative process.",0 +"In fact, the United States and the rest of the developed countries have little role to play in the future course of global warming except as developers of new energy technologies and/or as guinea pigs of making do with less fossil fuels.",0 +German Die Zeit's Twisted Perception: Doubt Being Fanned Worldwide By Climate Godfather Marc Morano,0 +"Video: French throw national tantrum over small reduction to pension ""birthright"":",0 +The results for 400 ppm stabilization look odd in many cases As it stands,0 +"The people out there are really uncertain about the topic of climate protection, and here the IPCC has made a fundamental contribution to that. Six years ago the experts from the IPCC projected that every year the global temperature would rise 0.2C . And in 2013, thats only 6 years later, ladies and gentlemen, they are forced to backpedal and recognize that over the last 10 years the temperature has risen only zero point zero-five degrees Celsius. They erred by a huge 75%! And those who want to advise us what do for decades and prophesize whats ahead and that were supposed to act based on that, such an uncertain factual basis is surely not the fundamental basis on which to act politically, ladies and gentlemen!",1 +"UPDATE: Turns out this research vessel was mostly a taxpayer funded junket for getting video stories to BBC in the UK and ABC in Australia, see update2 below.",0 +"Every individual, as long as he did not violate the laws of justice a respect for every other persons right to their life, liberty and honestly acquired property would then be left perfectly free to pursue his own interest his own way, and to bring his industry and capital into competition with those of any other man or group of men.",0 +"As of Wednesday, this months mean temperature was 13.2 C, which is a substantial drop from 2011s mean temperature of 15.3 degrees.",1 +Record snow in Victorian Alps ACT Govt brings in 40% emissions target,0 +<3994> Mitchell/MetO,0 +"Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol states that emissions trading ""shall be supplemental to domestic actions for the purpose of meeting quantified emissions limitation and reduction commitments ."" As the Business Roundtable notes, it is unclear at this stage how much of its target the U.S. would be able to meet through ""supplemental"" emissions trading and how much it would have to meet through ""domestic actions."" The EU, for example, intends to push the position that no party should be allowed through trading to meet more than 10%-50% of its emission reduction target.24 At its recent conference, the Group of Eight the U.S., Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, and Russia endorsed the use of emissions trading and other market mechanisms ""to supplement domestic actions"" suggesting that only part of a nation s target can be met through trading.25",0 +A survey of all of the current tidal gauge sites around the UK coast shows that sea levels have actually fallen slightly in the last 10 years.,1 +"NEPA is therefore a recipe for stagnation, a particular problem for ""gatekeeper"" regulatory agencies that must grant approvals before a product can be tested or commercialized. Something must be done to change the system. But what? Short of substantive reform of the underlying statute by Congress the preferable and definitive solution agencies themselves can take some minor steps to mitigate the act's worst effects.",0 +The campaign to make ?ecocide? a crime sums up the opportunism and censoriousness of the green lobby.,0 +"With the recent failure of the climate negotiations in Durban to agree to a meaningful successor to the Kyoto Protocol, it's hard to see how the European Trading System stays in existence for much longer. The fight over airline emissions could be the last straw.",0 +"I think it represents the soul of the company, said Chrysler executive Ralph Gilles Wednesday in introducing a resurgent Chryslers newest vehicle at the New York Auto Show.",0 +Sir David King - 'Greens' Want to Take Us Back to 17th Century,0 +"But Democrats on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee wanted Chairman James Inhofe to drop the bill from a planned markup. He refused, the bill passed on a party-line vote, and a Senate vote will be set soon. President Obama says he will veto the legislation. Why this opposition?",0 +"What will this forced, premature elimination of America's electric capacity do?",0 +"And I have only included the best estimates from Solomon et al. and Ramanathan and Carmichael. In fact, both studies include a range of estimates. Had I used the low end of the ranges, the remaining warming from GHGs would have been quite a bit less than 50% of the ""observed"" warming.",0 +"That's precisely why farmers love ethanol. It increases the value of their crops. In 2007, the powerful farm lobby convinced Congress to enact a Soviet-style ethanol production quota that forces Americans to use increasing amounts of corn-fuel. As a result, U.S. farmers divert more than 500 billion pounds of corn into the fuel supply every year.",0 +"Another common set of arguments relate to inequality. Economic growth is said to benefit the few rather than the many. While a small elite has enriched itself in recent decades, the mass of the American population has been impoverished. From this perspective, it is typically argued that we must restrain growth to level outcomes.",0 +"Its been linked around quite a bit, but if you haven't seen it, Scott Adams, creator of ""Dilbert"", has a blog . Most of the posts are humorous, but in this post he provides a framework for thinking about humor:",0 +"A conservative Republican, in cohoots with Gore and Pelosi, arguing that we need to take action to address climate change imagine that! Key players in the Climate Denial Machine, such as web spinner Marc Morano, are holding Gingrich's feet to the fire: ""Newt Gingrich is arrogant enough to believe that he doesn't have to play by the same rules as everyone else,"" Morano told Fox News, and went on to predict that the ad was going to hurt Gingrich with the Republican base.",0 +"Among the companies that have received Teri corporate awards is Hero Honda, a joint venture between the Japanese car company and an Indian firm that manufactures millions of motorbikes every year.",0 +The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change would do the world a lot of good if it adopts similar standards.,0 +"properly understood, is integral to the process. Foreign-policy-making is",0 +"Peer-reviewed pocket-calculator climate model exposes serious errors in complex computer models; The paper, Why models run hot: results from an irreducibly simple climate model , by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, Willie Soon, David Legates and Matt Briggs, survived three rounds of tough peer review in which two of the reviewers had at first opposed the paper on the ground that it questioned the IPCC's predictions. When the paper's four authors first tested the finished model's global-warming predictions against those of the complex computer models and against observed real-world temperature change, their simple model was closer to the measured rate of global warming than all the projections of the complex ""general-circulation"" models... The link provided for download is broken, you can find it here instead. Click ""pdf"".",1 +"In late August, the governor's office leaked a discussion draft of an executive order that would require Colorado state agencies to work with area utilities to achieve a 35 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from power generation by 2030. As with Obama's climate regulations, Hickenlooper is seeking to impose his preferred policy by executive fiat.",0 +"On top of the cold weather wind speeds reached 4-8 m/s, sometimes with gusts of around 15 m/s, which reduces the felt air temperature by 2 C. The weather is more like in February. These low temperatures are caused by cold northern air currents",1 +David said a person arrested following an unlawful entry by police still can be released on bail and has plenty of opportunities to protest the illegal entry through the court system.,0 +"John and Donny continue their exploration of think tanks across the country in Episode #45 of the In The Tank Podcast. Jess Fields, Article V project coordinator at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, joins the show to discuss the importance of independence and give updates on the Article V movement. Also featured in the podcast is a study by the Cato Institute about privatization and a discussion about the most patriotic states. LISTEN TO MORE",0 +"The results suggest that both vulnerable and secure households respond to weather-related events, but they do so in different ways, said Alexander, associate professor and chair of the department of anthropology, forensic science and archaeology at Baylors College of Arts and Sciences.",0 +"As Antarctic sea ice soars to record levels, experts warn that penguins are threatened by disappearing sea ice.",1 +"The next two graphs of measured lapse rates show how changes in the lapse rates change the temperature at the surface. The altitude at which this happens can be seen on the graphs of the temperature of the atmosphere as a function of altitude measured by radiosondes in different parts of the world, during existing local atmospheric conditions. The first measurements were taken at a location in Australia and shows what happens if there are more ""greenhouse gases"" near the surface, there is more water vapor in the air on the wet day and the temperature at the ground is lower. In the theory of AGW a small increase in the concentration of CO 2 is amplified by an increase of water vapor, and the temperature is supposed to increase. Instead in the measured data the temperature falls when the concentration is increased and the theory of AGW is hopefully dead at last.",1 +17e. The ability of regional climate models to model precipitation values for the next 10 years,0 +"""The fast-track process has meant cutting red tape not cutting corners,"" Strickland wrote in an e-mail to the AP.",0 +"Which agreements specifically? Deese apparently did not name names. Fortunately, the State Department has a searchable database on International Agreements to Which the United States Is a Party (TIAS) going back to 1996. So I decided to check for environmental agreements negotiated or adopted during the Bush presidency as executive agreements rather than treaties. Using the search terms ""environment"" and ""conservation,"" I find 15 environmental executive agreements. I list them at the end of this post.",0 +?Scientists now speak of humanity?s increased demands and impacts on the globe as ushering in a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. Such selfish and destructive appropriation of the resources of the Earth can only be described as interspecies genocide.?,0 +"In return for running the pool, the ""ERT would receive fees in the form of greenhouse gas reduction credits from the utilities."" It is unclear whether ERT would sell the credits or retire them. Fred Krupp testified that ERT would retire the credits. If so this would contradict other statements made at the hearing that early action crediting would cut costs through emission trading.",0 +"The graph below shows average ice thickness calculated from PIPS maps. As the ice has compressed towards the pole, the average thickness has increased, and is now the highest since 2007.",1 +"The Kyoto Protocol, Dr. Illarionov explained, is based on flawed science that claims there are man-made factors behind global warming. He believes that Russia's economy will grow so fast over the next decade that emissions will increase substantially. If Russia agrees to Kyoto, it would have to constrain economic growth or be forced to buy emissions quotas from other nations.",0 +"Yes, I would say that pretty much confirms it.",0 +"Only in California are 9 active concentration plants for a total of 354MW, and in June 2007 was plugged in the Solar One impoanto a 64 MW and its US businesses are confident that soon this type of technology, or rather its direct the Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector evolution (CLFR) will be able to be competitive with coal.",0 +"The finding by scientists that sea level rise is now expected to be much higher than previously thought (between 0.9 and 1.6 meters by the end of this century) will affect hundreds of millions of people around the world in both rich and poor countries, but it is the poor who will be particularly badly affected. They tend to live in the lowest lying land, and have the fewest resources to adapt.",0 +"I don't think anyone has actually said this - certainly the article doesn't give any examples, although it does stoop to putting words into Steven Goddard's mouth:",0 +"Elon Musk, the billionaire founder, CEO and largest shareholder in Tesla, reacted angrily to the LA Times story. He claimed that the handouts Tesla received were ""a pittance"" and ""one-thousandth of what the oil and gas industry get in a single year.""",0 +"Head, Suzanne and Heinz, Robert, ed. Lessons of the Rainforest. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1990.",0 +"He then goes into a long paragraph about his effort to put an ""end to subsidies for huge oil companies""and brags about being a ""cosponsor of S.940, the Close Big Oil Tax Loopholes Act, which would roll back huge subsidies and tax credit for large oil companies.""",0 +Glassman: If there was global warming before the 20th century . . . what caused it?,0 +"Greenpeace is occupying the spot height 718 i.e. the locus of the planned missile defense system radar near Mov , a village in the Brdy Hills, Czechia. They live in three apartments in the trees (which makes it somewhat harder for Pentagon to remove them). They eat ratoons, barberries, and candybars. Two solar panels guarantee that they can read this blog.",0 +"Finally, foreign policy will increasingly be impacted by the global decline in fertility. Those who fear China as a future superpower threat to our interests should remember that by 2050, China's population will be declining by 20 million every five years, and one out of four people will be over the age of 65. China's public pension system covers only 365 million people and is unfunded by 150 percent of GDP. What we need to prepare for ""is not a shooting war with an expansionist China,"" Last writes, ""but a declining superpower with a rapidly contracting economic base and an unstable political structure. It's not clear which scenario is more worrisome.""",0 +But compared to other recent actions by the Norwegian government -- like its awful decision to levy massive retroactive tax increases that effectively expropriate the country's shipping industry -- it is relatively harmless.,0 +"Were it not for its implications for AGW, Salbys research on the carbon cycle might be a boon to the IPCCs troubled effort to explain interannual variability of CO2 emissions. His work offers a coherent picture of changes in net emissions, where the changes closely track a combination of temperature and soil moisture explaining both the low net emissions of the early 1990s and their peak in 1998. Salby also contends that temperature alone can largely account for the rise in atmospheric CO2 through the earlier part of the twentieth century, when soil-moisture data are inadequate. Net methane emissions track natural surface conditions even more closely.",1 +"Meanwhile, the BBC reports that numerous ships and hundreds of crew are stuck fast in the Sea of Okhotsk off the coast of North East Russia, where the sea has turned to ice so thick you can drive a lorry on it:",1 +"But now we have the official announcement, complete with page numbers and whatnot. Sci & Educ (2015) 24:299318, DOI 10.1007/s11191-013-9647-9, for citation collectors.",0 +"In this study, we have seen that there are substantial differences between models and measurements when it comes to regional and global albedo. By pointing out specific problems and apparent shortcomings, we hope to facilitate the improvement of GCMs in this respect. We have also seen that large uncertainties and poor/insufficient coverage in observations make it hard to draw conclusions with confidence, and we therefore take this opportunity to urge experimentalists to refine their products and quantify the uncertainties therein. Of course development of the two go hand in hand, and by improving both models and measurements we will decrease differences and increase understanding, which is a basic condition for our future attempts to understand climate stability.",1 +"They agree with the defenders of the left-right-symmetric explanation of the bump that the particle that decays in order to manifest itself as the bump is a new spin-one boson, namely a \(Z'\). But its corresponding \(U(1) a\) symmetry may be anomalous: there may exist a mixed anomaly in the triangle\[",0 +"ALMOST exactly three years ago Michael Hammer showed that the official temperature rise profile for the 20th century in the United States is largely, if not entirely, an artifact of adjustments applied after the raw data is collected from the weather stations . It was a very neat little analysis, first published at this blog. It was a neat little analysis that was, for the most part, ignored.",1 +"No matter what is done in the rainforest, however, the need for progress among the peoples of the developing world should not be overlooked. The old Chinese proverb says that when there is food on the table, there are many problems, but when there is no food on the table, there is only one problem.",0 +"In most of these cases, the problem is just poor data, and nothing can be done about that a century later. The only potential remedy is to excise the flawed periods and replace them with intelligent guesses about what the readings ought to have shown. But a little bit of this goes a long way too many guesses and the record becomes a hypothesis rather than empirical data.",1 +"""When it's all said and done,"" he says, ""the climate models end up saying that there should be less snow, not more.""",0 +"Observations of ocean heat content and of sea-level rise suggest that the additional heat from the continued rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations has been absorbed in the ocean and has not been manifest as a rise in surface temperature, the Met Office says in one of its three reports into the global warming pause.",1 +The correct answers to these questions are not as important as the fact that they are unanswered and will likely remain so for some time to come.,0 +"The first casualty of such a process is obviously NOAA ??? whose results are inconsistent with NASA??s results. The greater similarity of the NASA temperature history with the CRN1,2 stations shows that the choice between NASA and NOAA histories is not completely arbitrary, but that, in this case, the NASA history for the U.S. looks more reasonable.",1 +"With so much to offer in the way of valuable natural resources, the rainforests of the world have long been objects of interest to those looking to take advantage of their storehouses of wealth. Many would view this as good and noble, with men trying to make their lives and the lives of people around them better through the creation of jobs, new and useful products, and increased economic growth and prosperity.",0 +"I am not a geologist but this image definitely suggests the possibility of an impact crater, probably modulated by a considerable thickness of ice lying above the point of impact. A quick check of the assumed conditions at the proposed onset of the Younger Dryas (12900-12800 YBP) shows that at this time Lake Chicago existed as a melt lake with an outlet near Chicago and covered the southernmost tip of the current Lake Michigan. At this time, just north of Lake Chicago, the Michigan Lobe of the Wisconsin Glaciation was in rapid retreat. There is no reason to dismiss the likelihood that the edge of the ice sheet may have lain to the south of the Southern Chippewa Basin (SCB), the location of the anomalous terrain. After the onset of the Younger Dryas, the glacial front advanced for a millennium before the retreat resumed.",0 +""" ""International accords and underlying regional and national regulations for greenhouse gas reduction are evolving with uncertain timing and outcome, making it difficult to predict their business impact.""",0 +"The reason: In June of 2013, Roy Spencer presented model-data comparisons of the warming of the tropical mid-troposphere prepared by John Christy. See Roys posts EPIC FAIL: 73 Climate Models vs. Observations for Tropical Tropospheric Temperature and STILL Epic Fail: 73 Climate Models vs. Measurements, Running 5-Year Means . The models grossly overestimated the warming rates of the mid-troposphere there. So I thought it would be worthwhile, since the tropical oceans (24S-24N) cover 76% of the tropics and about 46% of the global oceans, to confirm that the models also grossly overestimate the warming of sea surface temperatures of the tropical oceans.",1 +"Two thirds of the 43% increase in estimated total anthropogenic forcing between AR4 and AR5 is accounted for by revisions to the 2005 estimate, reflecting improved understanding, with the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations between 2005 and 2011 accounting for almost all of the remainder. Almost all of the revision to the 2005 estimate relates to aerosol forcing. The AR5 best (median) estimate of recent total aerosol forcing is 0.9 W/m 2 , a large reduction from 1.3 W/m 2 (for a more limited measure of aerosol forcing) in AR4. This reduction has major implications for TCR and ECS estimates.",0 +"Mr. Ebell said the playbook for the climate change investigation mirrors that used in the tobacco litigation: First, stop Exxon from defending itself and funding its supporters, and then make a deal.",0 +"""Somebody's SUV poked a hole in my ozone.""",0 +The president of Spain's renewable energy association along with a Communist Party affiliated trade federation decried the paper's lead author as being unpatriotic.,0 +"I would then explain that according to a new theory dubbed the Saturated Greenhouse Effect developed by a Hungarian physicist (Ferenc Miskolczi) adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will not impact global temperatures because the atmosphere will compensate by reducing specific humidity at critical altitudes. Indeed Dr Miskolczi acknowledges the potential warming effect of carbon dioxide but, through the development of a new law of physics, can explain how changes in the concentration of other greenhouse gases have offset the impact of the additional carbon dioxide.",1 +"I really do not know how these two managed to get themselves tarred with the global warming brush so late in this scam. Im not going to speculate how it was done, but the simple fact is that the Republicans now have two democrat fools with huge targets painted on their backs and a heap big pile of ammunition and some of the best crack shots Ive seen.",1 +"I am ""almost"" definitely convinced and I would think that if one includes all the tantalizing properties of the three events into the background-plus-WIMP hypothesis, the probability that they will agree assuming just the background will be way lower than 0.2%. We have three candidates each of which optically seems to be 3 sigmas beneath the ""background cloud"" and all of them sit on a hyperbola within 5 percent, with no other events differing both from the background and the hyperbola. I think that this happening by chance is really over 10 sigma.",0 +"If you look at a graph from the Chronological List of All Hurricanes Which Affected the Continental United States: 1851-2005 compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the years 2004-2005 represent the only time in this relatively short record that there have been two consecutive years with more than four hurricanes making U.S. landfall.",0 +It's time to dump the Doha development round,0 +Even putting climatologists in the same breath as Einstein is like putting One Direction in the same breath as J S Bach.,0 +"Steve Janke a.k.a. ""Angry"" is currently under siege for his coverage of a member of Paul Martin's inner circle. Please consider hitting Angry's tip jar to help defray his legal costs.",0 +"Later, Snyder expounded further that it was not sound practice to draw conclusions from an analysis that did not result in a finding of statistical significance:",0 +"Who Turned on the Heat? was introduced in the blog post Everything You Every Wanted to Know about El Nio and La Nia Well Just about Everything. The Updated Free Preview includes the Table of Contents; the Introduction; the beginning of Section 1, with the cartoon-like illustrations; the discussion About the Cover; and the Closing.",0 +"By changing a few, crucial words in the liturgy, Father Wenger reversed a Catholic ritual that for 350 years had implored the heavens to push back the glaciers.",0 +"""With the advent of social networking Web sites like MySpace, the Web is no longer just an extension of the office it's a vast virtual playground where individuals of all ages can meet up and chill out. But recent calls for the government to place restrictions and requirements on sites like MySpace would march out the government hall monitors, forcing MySpace to become TheirSpace.""",0 +"John Berlau: John F Kennedy cut personal and corporate tax rates to fuel the 60s boom. Mr. President, you're no Jack Kennedy!",0 +Australias antarctic runway melting | Barossa & Light Herald,0 +Into the fraythe internecine war between Stalinism and Trotskyismentered John Dewey. Now Dewey had previously ventured into the Marxist morality play when his Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trial allowed Trotsky to defend his good name after being tried and sentenced to death in absentia by the Stalinists at the Moscow Show Trials in 1936. That the commission provided Trotsky with a western pulpit to justify his beliefs and actions goes a long way in explaining Deweys critique of Trotskys defense of Bolshevik morality.,0 +"""They were running a well-used page in their playbook get the legacy media to play defense for them,"" Chris Horner, who forced the public release of the emails by filing a ""Freedom of Information Act"" request, told FoxNews.com.",0 +"It is not clear. Despite the CO2 emissions, the Earth has been in a cooling cycle for the last nineteen years, during the same time the IPCCs climate experts and others were telling us the Earth was going to become dangerously warm.",1 +"""We have an opportunity to permanently protect two of our nation's greatest ocean treasures, right off our coast,"" Priscilla Brooks, the Conservation Law Foundation's director of ocean conservation, told the Associated Press (September 13, 2015).",0 +"In our Editorial of 18 Aug 2004 , we describe the recent boost given by two important studies to the concept of symbiont shuffling , whereby successive episodes of the high-temperature-induced bleaching of corals lead to their being repopulated with species or subspecies of zooxanthellae that are ever more tolerant of high temperatures, which makes successive incarnations of coral reefs ever more resistant to new occurrences of warming-induced bleaching and more resilient in terms of their rate of recovery. What was done",1 +"When the data is weak (is limited and uncertainty is high) the prior can have a major influence on the posterior PDF. Unlike in many areas of physics, that is the situation in climate science, certainly so far as ECS and TCR estimation is concerned. Moreover, the relationships between the principal observable variables (changes in atmospheric and ocean temperatures) and the parameters being estimated which typically also include ocean effective vertical diffusivity ( K v ) when ECS is the target parameter are highly non-linear.",1 +"ABC News Blames Global Warming for Extreme Cold Temps: Global warming ""means winters with more snow' Brutal cold & snow ""could be the new normal'",0 +"1,700 Scientists and Economists Call For Immediate Action on Greenhouse Gas Reductions | DeSmogBlog My first question: Why are there only 1,700 names on the above list, when there are 31,000 on this opposing list?",1 +"He reiterates that he has never denied anthropogenic global warming, and insists that he long ago accepted the cost of damage would be between 2% and 3% of world wealth by the end of this century. This estimate is the same, he says, as that quoted by Lord Stern, whose report for the British government argued that the world should spend 1-2% of gross domestic product on tackling climate change to avoid future damage. ( source )",0 +"That domestic program will be centered on a cap-and-trade program to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The statement continues: ""John Kerry's plan recognizes that we must take immediate action to halt and reverse the growth in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our carbon footprint while the economy expands. Leveraging pioneering state and regional programs, Kerry's plan calls for all major sources of greenhouse gas emissions to participate in a cap and trade emissions reduction program for CO2 and other greenhouse gases (not just utilities, as some have suggested), so that the power of the marketplace can be directed to encourage that the most cost-effective reductions be made, whether at coal-fired utilities or from automobile tailpipes. This cap-and-trade program will reinforce other near-term initiatives that drive down emissions without reducing economic output.""",0 +"Even the ""Left environmental movement"" is no fan. Mother Jones cites an ""industry observer"" addressing a post-Valdez-disaster ExxonMobil: ""It ""is a company that does everything in a gold-plated manner. It's purely a commercial decision: You never put in anything that might fail'not for ethical reasons, but because as BP has discovered, failure is expensive.""",0 +"To put that into more basic terms: There are naturally occurring multidecadal variations in surface temperatures of the Northern Hemisphere oceans (see the post here ), and they were major contributors to the warming experienced since the mid-1970s. Climate models do not simulate those modes of natural variability. To compound the problems, the modelers had tuned their models during the naturally occurring upswings, failing to account for the peaking and downswings in cycles that would eventually occur (and are now occurring). I provided an overview of the potential impact of this in the post Will their Failure to Properly Simulate Multidecadal Variations In Surface Temperatures Be the Downfall of the IPCC?",1 +The Equatorial Cold Tongue Bias in CGCMs: Its Impact on ENSO (9 Jul 2013),0 +"Dr. Art Robinson is president of the nonprofit Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, on the family farm in southwestern Oregon, 180 miles from Corvallis. OISM focuses on biochemistry, diagnostic medicine, nutrition, preventive medicine and aging and improving emergency preparedness and basic education.",0 +"Most of all, though, the successful use of carbon taxes does not require ""American leadership,"" or a U.N. committee, or a complicated international effort of any kind. It can be done country by country: If the British environment minister or the German chancellor wants to go ahead with it tomorrow, nothing is preventing them. If a future American president wants to rally the nation around a patriotic and noble cause, then he or she has the perfect opportunity. If the Chinese see that such a tax has produced unexpected benefits in America and Europe, they'll follow. And when that happens, we'll know that the apocalyptic climate change rhetoric has finally been taken seriously.",0 +Honda spokesman Todd Mittleman said the tests involved unusual and extreme conditions and noted that all 2009 Honda vehicles had received top scores from the Insurance Institute.,0 +"Our guess is that this is the real political purpose behind the wave of new drilling rules. The Administration has made coal its main fossil-fuel target, but the green lobby also has natural gas in its sights. A frontal assault is too politically risky, which is why regulatory attrition is the preferred approach.",0 +"Traces of CO2 the principal greenhouse gas that traps solar heat show that carbon concentrations in the atmosphere rose after temperatures were on the rise, not before.",1 +www.huntervalleynews.net .au/.../dreamers-cast-aside-logic-in-rush-fo...,0 +This is no time to inflict real pain on Australians hip pockets. ... Airport drop-off set for overhaul .... Australias $46 million Antarctic airstrip is melting away.,0 +Mr Gore??s assertion that the disappearance of snow on Mount Kilimanjaro in East Africa was expressly attributable to global warming ??? the court heard the scientific consensus was that it cannot be established the snow recession is mainly attributable to human-induced climate change.,1 +But this is the same equipment used to produce recent official seasonal forecasts ? before those bulletins were axed in March after a string of much-criticised blunders.,0 +"Elevated CO 2 largely offset the detrimental effects of drought and high temperature on water relations and photosynthesis in this species. Midday leaf water potentials , for example, were similar in all well-watered plants, regardless of atmospheric CO 2 concentration. In droughted plants, however, leaf water potentials indicated that internal plant water status became increasingly more favorable with atmospheric CO 2 enrichment",1 +"The model simulations of outgoing longwave radiation are presented as anomalies (referenced to the base years of 1996 to 2015) in Figure 9. As noted earlier, the model mean shows outgoing longwave radiation decreasing during the hindcast but increasing during the forecast.",0 +"But little by little, the supposedly settled scientific ??? consensus?? that the temperature rise is unprecedented, that it is set to continue to disastrous levels, and that it is all the fault of human beings, is starting to fray.",1 +"Fact 4. Closing down the whole Australian industrial economy might result in the prevention of about 0.02 degrees of warming. Reducing emissions by 5 per cent by 2020 (the government's target) will avert an even smaller warming of about 0.002 degrees. Ergo, cutting Australian emissions will make no measurable difference to global climate.",1 +Not a single red cent need have been spent on making global warming go away. But in Paris this December world leaders unless they and their advisers read the Science Bulletin will approve a savage global-government treaty that will give the unelected UN unprecedented powers to tax and regulate elected governments in the name of Saving The Planet from Thermageddon.,0 +"Michael Ignatieff says... Canadians want accountability from their MPs, but he's not sure they want to see every restaurant receipt politicians submit.",0 +"Removing the fuel reduces the likelihood of fires, and if fires do break out, makes them easier to fight. Meanwhile, the suppression of fires costs the federal government nearly $2.5 billion annually.",0 +"Meteorologists are calling for an early and cold winter in Western Canada, probably one of the top three coldest in the last 20 years for the West Coast.",1 +"The organisation has been forced to make up those funds by taking its first publicly acknowledged donations from the coal industry. The main Illinois coal lobby is a last-minute sponsor of this weeks conference, undermining Heartlands claims to operate independently of fossil fuel interests.",0 +In the Democrats' hard fought battle for defeat ;,0 +"For those of us who watch the politics of energy policy, it is going to be an interesting 2 years. If the Republican policies turn the economy around as predictedoffering a sharp contrast to the stagnation of the past 6 years, they will pave the way for victory in 2016. Ask your Senators and Members of Congress about these six energy policy changes that could bolster America's energy security and economic strength.",0 +"We have a growing population with growing energy needs. The last thing we should do is implement policies that will reduce the supply of energy. We need more energy, and we need affordable energy. Adopting a carbon-cutting regime, la Kyoto, will give us neither.",0 +But it will be very difficult to make the MWP go away in Greenland.,0 +"The researchers ran two sets of simulations. One set looked at heat waves that would be expected using 1960s climate conditions including temperature, sea ice thickness and extent, and greenhouse gas forcing. The second set examined heat waves under those conditions for the 2000s. Under the earlier set of conditions, the simulated July temperatures for western Russia did reach the recent heat waves actual maximum, which topped 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and had a comparable pattern of daily above-average temperatures that peaked at about 12 degrees Celsius (22 degrees Fahrenheit) beyond the mean. So the magnitude of the heat wave could be due to natural factors, the researchers concluded.",1 +"Professor Crowder told delegates that there was much that could be done to minimise the impact of long line fishing, such as changing the shape of hooks.",0 +"But the RICO20 letter need not mention scientists and bloggers for the proposed investigation to target them. Few contrarians operate as lone wolves. Most work as employees of organizations. In many cases, those are conservative and free-market organizations. Such groups typically pride themselves on not seeking or accepting coerced contributions from taxpayers. So they pursue financial support from private sources, which may include fossil-energy companies. Donors communicate with their recipients. If donors are in the crosshairs of RICO, recipients are bound to become targets as well.",0 +"Richard Epstein describes how classical liberals should think about environmental protection, addresses arguments that the debate over global warming is over, and explains the controversial legal process that allowed the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions.",0 +"At the conclusion of the spring and summer growing seasons, the trees in the modestly-elevated CO 2 chambers exhibited net photosynthetic rates that were 38% greater than those of the trees growing in ambient air; and aided by a significant CO 2 -induced reduction in leaf transpiration rates, the mean instantaneous water-use efficiency of the leaves of the CO 2 -enriched trees was 87% greater than that of the ambient-treatment trees. And as a result of these CO 2 -induced plant physiological benefits, the above-ground biomass of the CO 2 -enriched trees at the end of the growing season was found to be 45% greater than that of the trees growing in ambient air, while their total biomass (above and below ground) was 53% higher. What it means",1 +"If South Sudanese people have electricity at all, it is from small diesel-powered generators for homes, businesses, and hospitals. It is not sufficient, it's available only some of the time, and there is almost no electricity outside of Juba and other big towns. Few people have motor fuels either. for cars or farm machinery, and the land is too vast to be cultivated by hand hoe or animals.",0 +"However, it is important to note that under the proposed carbon pollution standard for new power plants, companies would not be required to build natural gas combined cycle units; they would be required to meet a standard of 1000 lbs/MWh, which can be met either through the use of natural gas or by burning coal along with carbon capture and storage .",0 +"The Chamber and NAM oppose Waxman-Markey because they promote the general interest of business in a free and healthy economy. Green groups are putting pressure on other companies to leave Chamber and NAM, my colleague Christopher Horner notes. Divide and conquer is, alas, a pathetically easy game to play in an era of big government and climate hysteria.",0 +"This is the kind of situation that can quickly lead to panic - workers comp insurance is required, but you can't find anyone who will provide it. Fortunately, states have recognized this situation and generally have an insurer of last resort or state fund who will cover you, though you may not like the price. You can learn more about these insurers here -- keep clicking ""next"" at the bottom for more. The article goes across several pages. I would like to say that these state funds provide a backstop to make sure you will be insured, but that is not necesarily the case. Not every state has an insurer of last resort or state fund. And, though it surpised me the first time it happened, state funds can turn you down. SAIF, the state fund in Oregon, turned our company down for reasons I do not understand to this day (we have a perfect zero claims record in that state). Fortunately they were just our backup option, and a private insurer had already accepted us.",0 +Can you explain to me how it will save one ton of carbon dioxide? Of course not! What you want is just a sham reduction of carbon dioxide.,0 +"Obviously I never said that late 20th century warming was caused by solar activity from the early 20th century and Dana does not give a citation for what argument of mine he is referring to but its easy to figure out. I have argued many times that if one combines the strong paleo correlations between solar activity and climate with the fact that solar activity was at what Ilya Usoskin calls ??? grand maximum ?? levels from 1920 to 2000 then it is certainly plausible that much of 20th century warming, including late 20th century warming, could have been caused by the sun. 80 years of a high level of enhanced solar forcing just might warm the place up a bit (and it only did warm a bit, about 0.8 C over the century).",1 +"He said: There is a suspicion, and I have that suspicion myself, that a large number of people who label themselves green are actually keen to take us back to the 18th or even the 17th century.",0 +"The constant rise in sea level has been constant across the planet for more than a century as shown by tidal gauge measurements posted on the Internet by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The rate of rise averages about 8 inches per century. For many weather events, rates of occurrences have declined in recent decades. The U. S. government provides data on various climate events Pope Francis claims are increasing heat waves , record high temperatures , flooding , drought , wildfires , reduced snowfall , tornadoes , hurricanes , sea level rise , and Arctic ice melting .",1 +"A cost/benefit analysis posted at the German Skeptical Science site finds Ivanpah , the world's largest ""solar"" power plant, not only burns through a lot of birds, it inefficiently burns through a lot of fossil fuels and money as well. Ivanpah uses the ancient technology of firing steam boilers, which are far less efficient and generate higher emissions of CO2 & actual air pollutants than a modern gas turbine plant. According to the analysis",1 +"On top is the emergent layer of giant trees, growing to heights of 115 to 250 feet. Only one or two emergents per acre usually, and have small leaves, umbrella shaped crowns and tall, slender trunks.",0 +The headline answer given by Mr Huhne is that we must build thousands more giant wind turbines.,0 +"Of greater interest to us is what Lake Baikal can tell us about the most recent thousand years, and in particular, we are interested in the warming of the last 1000 years. Mackay notes that between c. A.D. 850 and 1200, S. acus dominated the assemblage, most likely due to prevailing warmer and wetter climate that occurred in Siberia at this time. Well now, it certainly looks as if the Medieval Warm Period was noticed at the Lake. Next we learn that Between c. A.D. 1200 and 1400, spring diatom crops growing under the ice decline in abundance, due in part to increased winter severity and snow cover on the lake, which is reflected in cooler early Siberian summers. The Little Ice Age then hit hard as Mackay finds The diatom-inferred snow model suggests significantly increased snow cover on the lake between A.D. 1200 and 1775, which mirrors for the large part increases in snow cover in China during AD 14001900.",0 +"Fortunately, several excellent studies challenge the popular green litany that everything is getting worse. These include recent works such as Matt Ridley's The Rational Optimist and Charles Kenny's Getting Better. Older books on the same theme include Indur Goklany's The Improving State of the World, Ron Bailey's The True State of the Planet, and Bjrn Lomborg's The Skeptical Environmentalist. All of these works argue that in broad terms human welfare is improving substantially over time: we are living longer and healthier lives, we are taller, more intelligent (at least as measured by IQ), and better educated. This improving trend applies to the developing world as much as to America.",0 +"By throwing the unopened bills in a drawer; Chicago has yet to recoup the $1.74 million cost of President Obama's victory celebration in Grant Park -- despite a burgeoning $50.5 million budget shortfall that threatens more layoffs and union concessions. ""The Democratic National Committee has not yet paid us,'' Peter Scales, a spokesman for the city's Office of Budget and Management, said Thursday after questions from the Chicago Sun-Times. ""We're reaching out to them this week."" That was February 20th - a full three and a half months after the big bash . I emailed Sun-Times reporter Fran Spielman to see if the DNC's cheque had arrived. ""Still unpaid. I check every few days. Be assured that, as soon as I know, you'll know. """,0 +"I agree that conspiracies do sometimes happen but I disagree that this fact prevents us from concluding that most people believing similar conspiracies are morons. One may estimate the probability \(P\) that there is some big conspiracy behind a collection of similar enough events and compare this probability with the percentage \(Q\) of people-event combinations in which the people believe that there was a conspiracy. If the people's opinions were sensibly reflecting some underlying reality (which isn't quite known), we would have \(P\approx Q\). However, in the real world, \(P\ll Q\). Assuming that you buy my arguments that \(P\) is actually small enough in the absolute sense, it proves that most people who believe the conspiracies must be systematically deluded.",0 +"Fenton once issued a phony press release hyperventilating about the results of a breast implant study that appeared in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet. Five days later, the journal forced a correction from Fenton because the PR firm had made it look as though The Lancet had issued the scary release, rather than the Command Trust, Fenton's trial lawyer front-group.",0 +"Members of the geoscience community do not have such an excuse; these individuals are the curators of the knowledge of what has happened in the past, and should know better. SR2009 makes the blanket assumption that any change in carbon dioxide automatically means a corresponding change in global environment/temperatures, almost in linear lockstep, when we can demonstrate that the levels of CO2 in the Permian atmosphere were such that any change would have had a trivial effect on temperatures.",1 +"But the food was hot and delicious, and the fire in the fireplace was warm, as was the convivial atmosphere. The other dinner guests were the head of one of the Colleges at Cambridge and his wife, and the conversation ebbed and flowed with passion and pleasure. My greatest thanks go to Sir Humphry and Lady Katharine for their hospitality, for their stories, and for restoring a marvelous piece of English history.",0 +"As exciting as they may be to see and as neat as phenomena as they are they are exceptionally dangerous. Waterspouts can over-turn boats, they can swallow up swimmers, they can cause the water to drown you, the strong winds, he said. Lightning obviously can electrocute you and burn you severely and leave you either dead or with major trauma.",0 +"The authors write that ""plants of the C 4 photosynthetic pathway have a CO 2 -concentrating mechanism that overcomes limitations of low atmospheric CO 2 ""and which thereby provides them with ""a near-saturating photosynthetic capability at current atmospheric CO 2 ."" In this circumstance, as they continue, ""a rise in atmospheric CO 2 will theoretically have a limited direct impact on C 4 photosynthesis."" Nevertheless, they note that ""a number of C 4 crop plants express a positive response to elevated growth CO 2 , although to a smaller extent compared to C 3 plants,"" citing the analyses of Kimball (1993) and Poorter et al . (1996).",1 +"U.S. Department of State Attn: Genevieve Walker, NEPA Coordinator 2201 C Street NW Room 2726 Washington, D.C. 20520",0 +"Current rates of intense hurricane impacts for Western Lake, Florida, Lake Shelby, Alabama, and Laguna Madre, Texas, do not seem unprecedented when compared to intense strikes over the past 5000 yr.",1 +"As this is being written, there are two joined cases before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, State of West Virginia v. EPA and Murray Energy v. EPA. They are a challenge to President Obama's ""War on Coal"" and the EPA efforts to regulate its use. Fifteen states, along with select coal companies, have sued for an ""extraordinary whit"" to prevent the EPA from promulgating the new carbon regulations found it the Clean Power plan.",0 +"To get the remaining scientifically (or otherwise) relevant emails out, I ask you to pass this on to any motivated and responsible individuals who could volunteer some time to sift through the material for eventual release.",0 +"Thank you for being patient enough to read this far! Tomorrow I shall finish my commentary onBudziszewski and fulfill my promise to tell you how Andrew Jackson, a Crow Warrior, Teddy Roosevelt and George Washington Carver were all cut from the same cloth: CONSERVATIVE. For now, I leave you with St. Paul:",0 +"However, a closer look at earlier predictions tells us that they have consistently forecast much higher temperatures than have actually materialised, and that 2014 was really just a fluke.",1 +"Schneider, but nor does it materially change the import of Schneider's",0 +"3.) EPA relied upon Climate Models , all predicated on this Fingerprint Theory, that all fail standard model validation and forecast reliability tests. The models all forecast rising temperatures beyond 2000 although GAST has actually been flat. This is not surprising because EPA never carried out any published forecast reliability tests.",1 +"Owen Hopkins teaches children from Tuloso Midway elementary in Corpus Christi, TX about global cooling and warming and how it relates to the movie Ice Age.",0 +Met Office 2010 Forecast: Winter To Be Mild Predicts Met Office,0 +"You can see that sea level here is virtually stable. Yet as they are close to sea level it was repeatedly claimed that these islands are in imminent danger of drowning. Webb and Kench (2010) presented the first quantitative analysis of physical changes in 27 atoll islands in the SW Pacific (including Tuvalu) over a 19 to 61 year period. They found that 43% of islands remained stable and 43% increased in area. Coral islands are increasing in size because coral grows: the reef is a living thing. Affected by erosion and deposition the coast is modified, but there is no danger of drowning. The Maldives were studied by a team of geomorphologists led by the doyen of sea level studies, Niklas Axel-Morner, and they found no evidence of sea level rise (Morner et al., 2004).",1 +Insisting that such an agreement would be unlikely due to India and China's need to rapidly increase economic growth in order to bring tens of millions of citizens out of poverty the chairman of the Global Warming Policy Foundation claimed that town halls were wasting resources by promoting renewable energy schemes and green initiatives.,1 +"Polarization is not conducive to sound policy. In Europe, the alarmed have the upper hand, climate policy is hardly scrutinized, and special interest groups are gorging on subsidies and rents. Anyone who questions this is put on par with those who deny the Holocaust. The consensus police patrol the media to isolate, ridicule and smear anyone who dares to raise a question. The Royal Observatory and the London School of Economics employ people, Ken Rice and Bob Ward, whose day job it is, or so it seems, to attack others for their climate heresy.",1 +"?May she inspire you, because today, you are gathered in Cancun to weave together the elements of a solid response to climate change, using both reason and creativity as your tools,? Figueres said in the opening speech, conveniently glossing over the massive sums of taxpayer money also being used as tools. ?Excellencies, the goddess Ixchel would probably tell you that a tapestry is the result of the skillful interlacing of many threads . I am convinced that 20 years from now, we will admire the policy tapestry that you have woven together and think back fondly to Cancun and the inspiration of Ixchel.?",0 +"As Alan Caruba related in the opening paragraph of his article published on Tuesday, April 3rd, titled Fatetgate: The War on Science, enerations of Americans have been raised to venerate science and those who have enhanced and extended our lives through its application. The rise of environmentalism, however, has generated a war on science, first by distorting it, and then by propagandizing the findings, studies and resulting claims based on them.",1 +"Today, Roger jr asks for a naive forecast for a mystery process providing us a data set and ask us how we would create the naive process. The only thing we know about the data is that observations have been made over some periods of time, our goal is to suggest what we would predict based on knowledge of the past observed behavior. The data might be stock prices, wheat futures, height of Illinois corn on August 9, or anything. We dont know.",0 +"The new paper by Knight et al. provides additional support to the notion that the enhanced level of Atlantic hurricanes activity since 1995 is likely, to some considerable degree, to be attributable to natural variations in the North Atlantic SST patterns. Some other atmospheric changes promoting hurricanes that accompanied the AMO, such as the decrease in stability, are opposite to what one would expect from global warming. SSTs have also likely warmed a bit from anthropogenic enhancements to the earths greenhouse effect. And these elevated SSTs may be having an impact on Atlantic hurricanes (see for example our recent paper published in Geophysical Research Letters (Michaels et al., 2006) which is available here ). But, the anthropogenic impact on hurricane intensity is likely small in comparison to natural variations and thus remains largely undetectable.",1 +"In other words, our current system of energy subsidizationfrom solar energy to corn ethanol, only works as long as the subsidized forms of energy are small enough to be irrelevant to our energy security. Given that energy security (along with climate change, for some) is the prime driver of the supposed need for these technologies, this seems like a perverse result, to say the least.",1 +"I assume that those 30% also get their news from Fairfax, the ABC, BBC, Reuters, AAP etc, and believe every word of the governments alarmist climate change propaganda.",1 +"The sharp drop in oil prices, from $66 a barrel in 1980 to $20 a barrel in 1986 (in 2000 prices) certainly was a heavy blow to Soviet finances. Still, adjusted for inflation, oil was more expensive in the world markets in 1985 than in 1972, and only one-third lower than throughout the 1970s. And at the same time, Soviet incomes increased more than 2 percent in 1985, and inflation-adjusted wages continued to rise in the next five years through 1990 at an average of over 7 percent.",0 +"The global energy story of today is coal, which dwarfs the output of solar and wind.",1 +What belongs here is our insisting upon the undisputable fact that there are respectable but highly conflicting scientific hypotheses concerning this subject. What also belongs here is our resolute opposition to the attempts to shut down such a crucial public debate concerning us and our way of life on the pretext that the overwhelming scientific consensus is there and that we have to act now. This is not true. Being free to raise questions and oppose fashionable politically and ?lobbystically? promoted ideas forms an important and irreplaceable part of our democratic society. Not being allowed to do so would be a proof that we have already moved to the ?brave new world? of a postdemocratic order. (I am tempted to say that we are already very close to it).,1 +"Hoping to contribute to these significant societal needs, Cunderlik and Ouarda evaluated trends in the timing and magnitude of seasonal maximum flood events across Canada, based on pertinent data obtained from 162 stations of the Reference Hydrometric Basin Network established by Environment Canada over the 30-year period 1974 to 2003. What was learned",0 +"Of course heat records have been recorded in various regions of the world over the last 10 12 years. Yet temperatures during this period have neither risen in Germanynor globally; rather they have fallen slightly. Moreover, a number of cold records have occurred. In your press release you completely ignore these cold records and avoid mentioning them. What follows is a chart of Germanys temperature over the last 15 years:",1 +"Dr Baliunas, Staff Astrophysicist at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, lays out a great read of propaganda and the CAGW crowd.",0 +up (Fig 5) presumably that could explain why the expected amplification of the,0 +It supports the contention that the level of activity on the Sun will significantly diminish sometime in the next decade and remain low for about 20 30 years. On each occasion that the Sun has done this in the past the Worlds mean temperature has dropped by ~ 1 2 C.,1 +"It is evident that such siting problems do in fact cause changes in absolute temperatures, and may also contribute to new record temperatures. The critically important question is: how do these siting problems affect the trend in temperature?",1 +"Americans have had it. Polls show that they now consider health care one of the biggest domestic issues, usually second only to the overall strength of the economy. Even a majority of physicians, who during the 1940s stood as the strongest opposition to President Truman s plans for national health insurance, support government-run health care.",0 +"Some conservatives spend their time criticizing the way Darwin is taught in schools. This is pointless and probably counterproductive. These same efforts should be spent on making sure that the schools only teach those aspects of environmentalism that pass rigorous scientific testing. By making the point that Greenism is a religion, perhaps we environmental skeptics can enlist the First Amendment on our side.",0 +Perhaps that explains why so many DC insiders are outraged (and maybe quaking in their boots) over the prospect that an unpredictable Washington outsider might become the next US sheriff.,0 +"""Today, an unpaid contributor to the Huffington Post filed a $105 million suit against the website; its new owner, AOL; and co-founders Arianna Huffington and Kenneth Lerer. The class action suit, filed by writer and union organizer Jonathan Tasini on behalf of all unpaid HuffPo contributors, proves that we're becoming a nation of Winklevosses who file legal motion after legal motion every time a pot of money is spotted.""",0 +"In order to help clear the air on clouds, the National Science Foundation is releasing an online multimedia package on the role of clouds on climate change, entitled, Clouds: The Wild Card of Climate Change. It addresses such pressing questions as, will clouds help speed or slow climate change? Why is cloud behavior so difficult to predict? And how in the world are scientists learning to project the behavior of these ephemeral, ever-changing, high-altitude phenomena?",0 +'Intimidation Campaign': Subpoenaed Free Market Group Blasts AG's Climate Change Shutuppery,0 +"> >> that we need to think more about adaptation; indeed, it",0 +"Paul Chesser, GlobalWarming.org , 31 March 2010",0 +"As water is widely stated to be a much more potent green house gas, ought there not to be some visible impact from this stuff? I mean, if it can be wobbled back and forth from near none to near 100% humidity, that ought to show some effect if the GHG thesis has legs, no? If it is trapping heat, then there ought to be some heat trapped. And if it is not, then that argues for other effects being larger.",1 +The weather bringing the snow is the same cold southerly system which has brought unseasonal cold to Adelaide.,1 +"36 James L. Johnston, ""Emissions Trading for Global Warming,"" Regulation, Vol. 21, No. 4 (1998), pp. 19-23).",0 +"We might eventually displace some coal when we find an economical way to liquefy natural gas; making it easier to transport. But it won't be a lot of coal, and the carbon reductions would be modest in any event. Every other alternative on the low-carbon diet plan entails a significant energy overhead, too. Scrubbing huge amounts of carbon dioxide out of smokestacks and tailpipes isn't easy and can't be done without sharply reducing efficiency. We already pay significant efficiency overhead for the scrubbers that remove comparatively tiny amounts of sulfur dioxide from coal plant smokestacks and for the catalytic converters that remove comparatively tiny amounts of nitrogen oxide pollutants from tailpipes.",0 +"As shown in the accompanying figure, the 11 B-derived pH values for the South China Sea fluctuated between a pH of 7.91 and 8.29 during the past seven thousand years, revealing a large natural fluctuation in this parameter that is nearly four times the 0.1 pH unit decline the acidification alarmists predict should have occurred since pre-industrial times.",1 +"He said he had answered an ad for the photo shoot because the $500 it promised would help pay his rent. He remembered liking the photographer, Morten Smidt, though said he did not understand that the pictures were for a stock photo agency, Image Source. But he acknowledged that he had signed a standard release allowing alteration of his image.",0 +intensify in the next few years amid increased demand for meat and,0 +"The AP report on eagle deaths was published just one day after the Fish and Wildlife Service revealed that it will not prosecute the operator of a proposed wind project, to be located in Kern County, Calif., if that project kills a California condor. The California condor is among the world's most endangered animals, with a total population of fewer than 250 birds in the wild. The proposed wind project will be built on public land.",0 +"Or, rather, they did. I was telling this story at a lecture to Government and opposition leaders in Madrid recently, when one of the civil servants in the front row burst noisily into tears. I stopped and apologized for having caused distress. The civil servant said she had just returned from Haiti, where the doubling of world food prices had put even mud pies beyond the reach of the poorest Haitians. Now, she said, they were dying in large numbers. And she felt so helpless.",0 +> >> >>I would of course be gald to hear if you have any other,0 +"According to Nature, ("". . . as Japan seeks to bridge split on emissions policy,"" June 12, 1997) Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and their Environmental Agency cannot agree on reduction methods and targets to be negotiated in their own country in December. For now, a compromise consists of a flat-rate emissions reduction for developed countries and a per capita-based emission ceiling for developing countries, allowing total emissions to increase while decreasing per capita emissions.",0 +Their new research suggests the ??90s were not greatly different from some other decades such as the 1830s and 1940s that also showed marked temperature spikes.,1 +"More importantly though, the President while mentioning Chinese actions in the South China Sea and Russia's activities in Ukraine fails to grasp or even evince concern that great power competition is on the comeback trail. Such a competition would be incredibly injurious to Mr. Obama's attempts to remake American society: one can wage an aggressive war against terrorist networks at a fraction of the cost of deterring conventional major power conflict. As for his assertion that we have a military with ""no peer"", he is for the time being correct. Yet the trajectories of our drawdown and China's buildup present a difficult match for the United States that is on course to become deeply apparent in East Asia by the 2020s. Were we to continue to fixate on terrorism as our greatest threat, we would surely accelerate that imbalance and make such a war more likely.",0 +Whether that Being has any interest or involvement in humans or our Earth is the religious and philosophic question for others to discuss.,0 +"""Lots of snow and lots of ice,"" they sing, ""bloody great shame we are still stuck here Ice cold, cha cha cha. Boats at the stern and boats at the bow. Up in the air the Chinese came, flew around once and left the game. The French dropped by but couldn't get near. Bloody great shame we're still stuck here.""",0 +"One is to deny that you have changed course at allto insist that the ship is sailing steady as she goes. This was the technique used by Ronald Reagan. In 1981, Reagan persuaded Congress to enact the ambitious Kemp-Roth tax cut. But Reagan's tax cut reduced federal revenues much more than expected.",0 +"There is a peculiar symbiosis, in which, Lynas and his ilk give the scientific establishment authority by constructing nightmare visions of the future, which are given credibility by figures such as Sir Martin Rees and Lord May. The service that Lynas does for the Royal Society is to connect this institution to our everyday fears and anxieties, to give it relevance at a time when, as with politicians, it struggles to define its purpose.",0 +Environmentalism is something else than ecology. But even ecology is only a derivative science (R. Nelson) and may be considered a science only in a ?classificatory sense.? Sometimes it is only a ?scientific poetry? filled with mathematical equations.,0 +"This observation-based analysis of real-world data pretty much verifies both the reality and the tremendous strength of the CO 2 -induced Greening of the Earth phenomenon, which has been observed in numerous independent studies conducted throughout the world, the reviews of many of which we have archived in our Subject Index. In addition, it refutes the unfounded arguments of climate alarmists, who contend that various environmental stresses and resource limitations will not allow the full potential of the well-documented aerial fertilization effect of atmospheric CO 2 enrichment to be manifest in nature. Indeed, this phenomenon is itself a ""force of nature"" that can be neither hindered nor halted, as it bestows its blessings upon wild and domesticated plants alike, without regard for artificial boundaries drawn on maps or the political persuasions of man.",1 +"Children are routinely used as props in the Beyond Coal campaign. Recently, for example, the Beyond Coal campaign paid for placards at subway stops in Washington, D.C., suggesting that children are human filters for coal-fired power plants. In 2010, the Beyond Coal campaign produced an anti-coal video featuring a toddler smoking cigarettes during a tea-party. Neither ad is even remotely truthful.",0 +None of this portion of the IPCC assessment is drawn from peer-reviewed material. Nor is it consistent with the documents sent to external reviewers.,1 +"Snyder also speculated that the greater variability among Patriot balls arose from timing, pointing out that the Colt balls, being measured later, were closer to the asymptote, but did not quantify the impact of this observation.",0 +"A potentially serious inconsistency has been identified in the tropics. The favored explanation for this is residual error in the observations, but the issue is still open.",1 +"NOAA shows that 2012 was the most extreme weather year in US history, despite the fact that there was little extreme weather last year other than Sandy which isnt included in the index. According to their fake index, 2012 was almost three times as extreme as the very extreme year of 1936 . Their claim is almost entirely based on very mild temperatures during the winter and spring of 2012. which they are trying to pass off as extreme.",1 +"Claim: Measurements reveal that CO2 levels are a consequence of temperature, not the cause. Temperature drives CO2 levels.",1 +Republicans have been getting a lot of advice on how they should change their party ever since Mitt Romney's defeat in November 2012. They need it.,0 +"Currently, the US imports about 8% of its gas, the bulk of that via pipeline from Canada. But a sizable chunk of LNG imports are from Yemen and go mostly to Massachusetts, where political wrangling fueled by advocacy groups has blocked construction of the necessary pipelines to take advantage of overflowing domestic supplies. That's left Massachusetts vulnerable to price spikes. Earlier this year, shortages occurred after two Yemenese LNG tankers bound for Boston never sailed because of Al-Qaeda inspired terrorist attacks.",0 +"""After former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was appointed in 1979, the consumer price index surged into the double digits, causing the now revered Fed Chief to double the benchmark interest rate in order to break the back of inflation. Using the methodology in place at that time puts the CPI back near those levels.""",0 +"There is no science or data to support this lunacy, yet it persists and grows century after century.",0 +"As the CO 2 content of the air continues to rise, it is likely that seedlings of Larrea tridentata will be able to better deal with episodes of drought and high temperature stress that currently limit seedling establishment and survivorship in their arid home range. Indeed, the current paper demonstrates that elevated CO 2 concentrations reduce the deleterious effects of drought and high temperature on both plant water relations and photosynthesis in this species. Thus, it is almost guaranteed that the Mojave Desert will become a greener and more vegetated biome in the years to come.",1 +"Whats really going on? Our sun has gone quiet again, during what is likely to be the weakest sunspot cycle in more than a century, dating back to 1906, says Vencore weather analyst Paul Dorian .",1 +"The red line in the graph above indicates where we are this year, the yellow line indicates where we were last year and the forecast indicates what the Experts predicted. Note, there is more ice this year than last. How can we be at the tipping point as many headlines and scientists claim??????",1 +Wind Power: Politically Correct Environmental Damage,0 +"The bad news is there is talk of extending federal credits for electric vehicles. We can soon expect to see proposals in Congress, promoted by swarms of crony capitalists and their lobbyists, who will argue that the fledgling electric vehicle industry needs just a few more years of subsidies to finally become competitive with gas-powered cars.",0 +"Another recent study, by scientists from the U.K., Hawaii and Massachusetts, concluded that ???marine and freshwater assemblages have always experienced variable pH conditions,?? and that ???in many freshwater lakes, pH changes that are orders of magnitude greater than those projected for the 22nd-century oceans can occur over periods of hours.??",1 +"Especially in the renascent subfields such as ecology and public health, these publications and the media attention help steer money in the direction of these scientists, which buys them loyalty from their institutions, who appreciate the publicity and the dollars.",1 +"In January 2014 a group of scientists led by Xianyao Chen published an analysis of global sea level trends based on satellite data in the journal Global and Planetary Change . Here they detected a deceleration in sea level rise, from 3.2 mm in the period 1993 2003, to only 1.8 mm per year in 2008. The reason: Pacific ocean cycles.",1 +"If you simply glance at their figure below (Figure 1), you see our interest in their workthere is clearly no trend whatsoever in global tropical cyclone activity. In their own words, we learn Note also that the global storm days do not show any trend over the past 44 years. We noted!",1 +U.S. House of Representatives. Steve King IA (202-225-4426); Tom Latham IA (-5476); John Shimkus IL (-5271); Lee Terry NE (-4155); Adam Kinzinger IL (-3635.,0 +Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn on Obamas latest Climate Change speech:,0 +"fell flat. Whenever it combined Calvin and Hobbes (both exceedingly cute), with",0 +"No one disputes that levels of carbon dioxide are increasing globally, but CO2's impact has not been as great as many scientists had predicted.",0 +"I recently published an e-book (pdf) about the phenomena called El Nio and La Nia. Its titled Who Turned on the Heat? with the subtitle The Unsuspected Global Warming Culprit, El Nio Southern Oscillation . It is intended for persons (with or without technical backgrounds) interested in learning about El Nio and La Nia events and in understanding the natural causes of the warming of our global oceans for the past 30 years. Because land surface air temperatures simply exaggerate the natural warming of the global oceans over annual and multidecadal time periods, the vast majority of the warming taking place on land is natural as well. The book is the product of years of research of the satellite-era sea surface temperature data thats available to the public via the internet. It presents how the data accounts for its warmingand, as Ive said numerous times throughout this post, there are no indications the warming was caused by manmade greenhouse gases. None at all.",0 +"IPCC First Report (1990-1992), Summary for Policy Makers, p.52. Sea levels will rise by one metre by the year 2100 (110 years-times). This is 9.1mm per year. Error to date is 535%",0 +"To appreciate why this approach will fail, consider the following analogy.",0 +"Robert Reinstein has had a series of careers spanning almost four decades of professional experience in science, economics, and diplomacy. Among other senior policy making positions, he was principal negotiator for the Bush Administration at the Rio Treaty and on the energy aspects of the both Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement. Reinstein also chaired two working groups of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).",0 +"Date: April 10, 2010 Time: 10:00 am Central DST",0 +"As a CFACT supporter, you can get your tickets NOW before they go on sale to the public tomorrow. CLICK HERE to get yours today!",0 +"The historical data also casts serious doubt on the hypothesis that carbon dioxide causes dangerous global warming. Since 1958 theres been a 30% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. If this had a major influence on temperature wed expect to see clear evidence of the temperature line rising relative to the SOI line, which is not apparent.",1 +"Given all the publicity about the supposed unprecedentedness of the recent increase in Rosenthal et al 2013, the data in the article offers little support for the assertion that the modern rate of increase is 15 times greater than any previous increase or, indeed, for the weaker proposition that the modern increase is unprecedented. Moreover, it stands against claims that modern temperatures are themselves unprecedented, not only within the Holocene, but within the last two millennia.",1 +Click here to download the Introduction and Part 1 in PDF form,0 +"The key question for policy makers should be whether California's energy policies benefit consumers. The answer is no. With a few exceptions, electricity prices in California are higher than in the rest of the nation. The oft-repeated claim that California electricity rates are high but overall bills are low is a myth. Residential power bills increased by 36 percent since 1990.",0 +"""And we have seen winters warm somewhat since the 1970s, but what that's going to lead to is generally less snow,"" Spencer further explains. "" You can't claim that global warming is causing more snow. It just doesn't work that way. Yet those that promote the whole global warming fear-mongering point of view, they try to blame everything on global warming.""",1 +"""In several areas routine surgery was put on hold for months, while in many others new thresholds for hip and knee replacements have been introduced.""",0 +"But against the larger backdrop the even sharper ideological polarization in both houses with the loss of moderate and conservative Democrats and the infusion of sharply conservative Republicans, the likelihood that the professions of desire to work together will soon degenerate into the familiar tribalism the possibilities of action on issues like these merits interest and attention.",0 +"The IPCCs most recent Assessment Report, published in 2013, backcast its near-term predictions to 2005 so that they continued from the predictions of the previous Assessment Report published in 2007. One-sixth of a Celsius degree of warming should have happened since 2005, but, on the mean of all five datasets, none has actually occurred:",1 +Weak Warming of the Oceans 1955-2010 Implies Low Climate Sensitivity,1 +"I'd be curious what Ken Green and Steve Hayward make of all this, but I have a few, mostly cynical, thoughts.",0 +"These actions reflect President Obama's campaign promises to ""bankrupt any company that tries to build a new coal-fired power plant,"" replace hydrocarbons with heavily subsidized solar, wind and biofuel energy, make energy prices ""necessarily skyrocket,"" advance rent-seeking crony-corporatism and ""fundamentally transform"" America's constitutional, legal, energy, economic and social structure.",0 +11. Are computer simulations of the earth's climate accurate?,0 +"His initial $2 million donation is supposed to grow and it should compensate victims of wildfires and other ""extreme weather events"". Additional funds should similarly go to victims of droughts, floods, and other natural disasters. All this stuff is painted as being linked to the ""climate change"". In reality, these events don't depend on any ""climate change"" at all. Precipitation, sunshine, wildfires, droughts, floods etc. are weather events that may be counted as business-as-usual weather that takes place in a normal, moderate, tropical, subtropical or almost any other climate. These phenomena have been the norm on our blue, not green planet for billions of years.",1 +"What causes the mid-latitudes to warm, while the tropics show little warming?",0 +"This abundance has caused companies to wonder if their higher-priced tar sands oil will be competitive. However, once the initial investments are made and the refineries are operating, the risk is eliminated, say Messrs. Huber and Mills. If so, America could very soon be receiving a steady supply of black gold from the sands.",0 +"The greatest risk of current carbon withdrawal policies is that they will fail to achieve any useful result while imposing major costs on the world s economy. The economic repercussions will fall most heavily on the poor at home and abroad. Starving the world of energy is all too likely to produce a world of more starving people. The risks of climate change are speculative; those of climate change policy are all too real. Once this is realized, it is likely that few policymakers here or abroad will rush to join the global warming bandwagon. The road to Hell, we all realize, is often paved with good intentions. The global warming debate illustrates that maxim very well; even a baby step on this destructive path should be avoided.",1 +"Niger Innis is national spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality, a 68-year-old human rights organization; Rev. Samuel Rodriguez is president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, America's largest Hispanic Christian organization, with 25,434 member churches; Amy Frederick is president of 60 Plus, a senior citizens advocacy organization representing over 500,000 seniors nationwide. The three are co-chairs of the Affordable Power Alliance, a humanitarian coalition of civil rights, minority, small business, senior citizen and faith-based organizations that champion access to affordable energy.",0 +"Since even immediate and total shutdown of all carbon dioxide-emitting vehicles, power plants, and factories in the U.S. would decrease global warming by only a hypothetical and undetectable two- tenths of a degree Celsius by 2100 , it is misleading to imply, as the report does, that the Obama administrations climate policies can provide any measurable protection from extreme weather events.",1 +Times Daily Google News Archive Search,0 +Here is a copy of Hansen's 1988 model with the actual satellite derived temperature (UAH Lower Troposphere) data from Dec. 1979 to November 2009 overlaid,0 +"While the IPCC claims that a large temperature increase occurred between 1977 and the turn of the century (presumably based mainly on sea surface temperatures (SST), recent SST data published by Viktor Gouretski and John Kennedy in Geophysical Research Letters (2012) and the latest Ocean Heat Content (OHC) data from the National Oceanic Data Center (NODC) show only a minor warming between 1975 and 2000; Hadley NMAT data show nearly the same results. In short, SST and NMAT show a ~zero difference between 1942 and 1995, while OHC showed a difference of less than 0.1 C. These comparisons are summarized below.",0 +"In the words of the four German scientists, they observed ???reduced growth rates as well as weakening of barnacle shells only under very high pCO 2 (>1930 atm).?? However, they add that ???even under these highly acidified conditions, and corroborating other recent investigations on barnacles (e.g., McDonald et al ., 2009; Findlay et al ., 2010a,b), these impacts were subtle and sub-lethal.?? And ???furthermore,?? as they continue, ???ocean warming as expected to occur in the future (IPCC, 2007) has the potential to mitigate the negative effects of ocean acidification (Brennand et al ., 2010; Waldbusser, 2011; present study).??",1 +"(Footnote for wonks: the reason for the surprise lay in the way that the tax code of the time interacted with inflation. High inflation produced high revenues for government. In 1981-82, inflation was reduced much faster than forecasters had imagined possible.)",0 +"If a 6.5 watts/m^2 energy imbalance is considered implausible, what about model-simulated energy imbalances of -2.2 watts/m^2 and +2.8 watts/m^2? Are those values implausible as well? If so, why are those models used by the IPCC? Didnt they bother to check whether the models presented plausible simulations of Earths energy imbalance?",1 +"The doomsday stories of the pikas impending extinction began with a few contentious papers by Dr. Erik Beever. He re-surveyed a small subset of Nevadas pika populations and reported 28% (7 of 25) of pika territories, which had been occupied at the beginning of the 20 th century, were now vacant. He suggested those 7 populations had gone extinct possibly due to climate change. That claim was then trumpeted by groups like the National Wildlife Federation with articles like No Room at the Top .",0 +"Note the increase in TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation from 1900 to the early 1950s (Cell b). That indicates the modelers are still trying to explain part of the warming in the first half of the 20 th Century with a notable increase in the output of the sun, which may or may not have happened. Also notice the decrease in the amplitude of the solar cycle during the 21 st Century. Explanation: The modelers use different lengths for the solar cycle in future decades. They grow farther out of synch with time, so the average decreases in amplitude.",0 +"One by one, trailing their leader, six crept by me,",0 +"These 1920s liberals idealized the ""noble aspiration"" and ""fine aristocratic pride"" in an imaginary Europe and considered Americans, in the words of a Lewis character, ""a savorless people, gulping tasteless food,"" and ""listening to mechanical music, saying mechanical things about the excellence of Ford automobiles and viewing themselves as the greatest race in the world.""",0 +"And finally, on a different page, uber-environmentalist Bill McKibben argues that, yes, the cold weather and blizzards are the result of global warming. So it goes.",0 +"I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you??re being had.",1 +Wind??s intermittency still means that high upfront capital costs are spread over fewer hours of operation which places upward pressure on the price of the energy sold. Cost pressures are also tied to policies on renewables.,1 +"In the case of climate, the open access resource is the atmosphere's capacity to absorb GHG discharges. Those who gain from the actions that release GHGs reap the full benefit of using the atmosphere in this way, but they incur only a negligible percentage of the total costs, i.e. their personal share of any harm done by their increment to global climate change.",0 +"Unlike the legendary Great Game between England and Russia throughout the nineteenth century, the current Great Game at sea involved more than two players: America and China, the two greatest oil consumers, but also Japan and India, Malaysia and Indonesia, and other countries. This multiplicity of actors gives the seaborne Great Game a greater unpredictability. And unlike the slow moving Great Game in Central Asia in the nineteenth century, which resembles a leisurely game of chess, today's Great Game in the Asian Sea at times is more like Russian roulette, in that ""incidents at sea"" like the October 2006 close encounter of a Chinese sub with the USS Kitty Hawk have the potential to trigger unintended and unpleasant developments quickly.",0 +"Platinum has potential, but would need an upturn to show it was really time.",0 +"2. ..we freslr that the new observational likely range from TCR reasonably r 1 -2 o C, with a best estimate p 1:35 o C. Medelvrdet p TCR from global climate models is avsevrt higher, just below 2 o C.",0 +"3 A whole new field of medicine has emerged to deal with this topic. It is called evidence based medicine . Sounds good, no? What could be wrong with evidence? And its not entirely a bad idea, but there is an over reliance on the hard data and a belief that only this hard data can answer questions. We have already seen that this cannot be the case.",0 +"The Senate Finance Committee has ignored adverse economic impacts of the massive tax breaks and subsidies that have been provided to owners of wind turbines and wind farms and, in effect, has proposed continuation of large tax breaks for these owners all at the expense of ordinary taxpayers and electric customers.",1 +Gowdiak told Computerworld that the hole will have a bigger impact on Java users than any previous problem.,0 +"In fact, a new record has just been attained. Antarctic sea ice has just reached an all-time record for total acreage. Day 265 of the year 2012 set an all time record, and then on day 266 that record was broken. The days 265 to 270 were the six highest Antarctic sea ice extent days of all time.",1 +"Also understand that the rates at which global surface temperature anomalies rose during the early warming period and late warming period are comparable, as shown in Figure 6. The linear trend during the late warming period is only about 12% higher than the trend of the early warming period. But the rate at which the forced component of the models rose during the late warming period is far greater (more than 3 times greater) than during the early period. See Figure 7. The fact that the trend of the forced component of the models is so much higher in the late period, while trend of the observations is relatively unchanged, suggests any number of things. One is that the additional forcings had very little impact on the rate at which the instrument-based global surface temperature observations rose. And that also is not the message we hear from the IPCC.",1 +Some seek to exploit tragedy. Others seek to help.,0 +"St George News, sport and weather | St George & Sutherland Shire ...",0 +US study busts energy myths: US doesn't depend on Mideast oil,0 +"And there's more. Russia has, the White House believes, more reasons for ending the conflict. Militarily, it's a war neither Russia nor Assad can win. The only option is to keep throwing good money after bad, to prop up an Assad government that cannot restore security in the country. Worse, as Assad's forces weaken, Russia will have to throw more of its combat strength into the mix, leading to more casualties and unrest at home. Some of that unrest will be among the Russian Muslim population, who are overwhelmingly Sunni and who are not pleased at Russian participation in a sectarian war on the Shi'a side. Supporting Assad and Iran also weakens Russia's hopes for outreach to the Sunni Arabs, whose help Russia will need to jack the oil price back up. Given all that, negotiating with Russia over Syria looks like a smart play, and this is where, over and over, the Obama Administration comes out when it debates Syria policy.",0 +But with global temperatures on the rise the 20 warmest years in the last 110 have all occurred since 1987 and the last 11 years have featured in the top 12 years on record surely this exceptionally cold (although not unprecedented) weather flies in the face of global warming?,1 +"This argument isunconvincing if the warming of recent decades is not unusual or unprecedented in the past 1300 years. As it happens, numerous studies indicate that the Medieval Warm Period (MWP)???roughly the period from AD 800 to 1300, with peak warmth occurring about AD 1050???was as warm as or warmer than the Current Warm Period (CWP).",1 +"More at the link. Until now, it appeared as though the deaths of four UNIFIL observers by Israeli shelling were the consequence of typical UN negligence in allowing Hezbollah to use their installations as ""human shields"". This is much, much more serious. If this report is confirmed, if someone at UNIFIL made a conscious decision to aid Hezbollah, that places the death of Canadian Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener in a completely different light. By broadcasting troop movements, UN actions removed the neutrality of UN observers and placed their services at the disposal of Hezbollah.",0 +"""The market is providing a host of new opportunities to selectively pay for unbundled television programming. Sales of TV shows in DVD box sets have soared, even to the point of inspiring new investment in cancelled shows. Based primarily on DVD sales, new episodes of the animated show ""Family Guy"" were ordered by Fox, and the network's cancelled science-fiction western series ""Firefly"" was turned into a $40 million motion picture. Video rental services like Netflix carry many of these TV box sets, allowing them to be viewed at an even lower price. Apple recently unveiled a service offering downloads of individual ABC shows for video iPod owners to watch on the go, while AOL has announced a joint venture with Warner Brothers to offer Webcasts of classic television shows.""",0 +CEI: Would the Club fund a pro-growth Democrat against an anti-growth Republican.,0 +"The administration has never explained why Nevada's Yucca Mountain is unacceptable, because it can't. However, it does want to help avowed Yucca foe Harry Reid in his tough reelection bid this year. Shuttering Yucca Mountain does that. Undermining sound science to keep a Senate seat arguably makes for smart politics, but it's terrible (and grossly irresponsible) policy.",0 +"The Department of Energy, for example, has used NEMS to evaluate some carbon tax proposals. See, for example, U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, ""AEO Table Browser,"" http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/ (accessed April 2, 2013).",0 +"We were surprised to find that the primary production in the tropics is not so strongly dependent on the amount of rain, says Markus Reichstein. Here, too, we therefore need to critically scrutinize the forecasts of some climate models which predict the Amazon will die as the world gets drier .",1 +"There is nothing like the gradual frndring that we see now, but HR is all about big differences in the short time. One can shake a stick that depends on large-scale svngningar in the atmosphere might be vstvindarna has changed radically, he says.",0 +"The novels of Sinclair Lewis, the journalism of H.L. Mencken and the literary criticism of Van Wyck Brooks heaped scorn on the vast and supposedly mindless Americans who worked hard at their jobs and joined civic groups Mencken's ""booboisie.""",0 +"38 National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy Report, May 2001, p. x.",0 +Climate criminals will immediately jump on this and claim that glaciers are losing mass even if the surface is gaining it. This is also a lie as you can see in this time lapse of the Petermann Glacier which is clearly growing.,1 +"Yes, the stagnation was obvious and worrisome. But as Wesleyan University professor Peter Rutland has pointed out, ""Chronic ailments, after all, are not necessarily fatal."" Even the leading student of the revolution's economic causes, Anders slund, notes that from 1985 to 1987, the situation ""was not at all dramatic.""",0 +"Those natural cycles well documented in the scientific literature for at least their regional effects are forgotten. Except by some of us who have been working in the climate field for at least a few decades. Ask Weatherbell's Joe Bastardi, who has been talking about these natural cycles for years and using them to make good long-range forecasts.",1 +"Haus Carstanjen, Martin-Luther-King-Strasse, 8",0 +Nature has an excellent article: Floods: holding back the tide . Excerpts:,0 +"As Ludwig von Mises stated, petrol is good for many things, but not for slaking your thirst. Similarly, government may be useful in some instances but not in others. The precautionary principle is good, provided it is used appropriately. We should first apply it to politics: our elected leaders should be required to produce impact studies, showing, ex ante, that their planned interventions will have a positive effect. Thus the scope of government would spontaneously be reduced to its congruent portion.",0 +to be Christian and self-righteous at the same time isa contradiction in terms,0 +Acidification of the oceans: Physically impossible at the very small changes in partial pressure of CO2 that we can cause.,1 +Figures: Top: Eastern Pacific Warming (EPW) Atlantic storm tracks for seasons indicated on the plot. EPW is the traditional El Nino. Bottom left: Central Pacific Warming (CPW) or the new El Nino described in the paper and right: Eastern Pacific Cooling or La Nina. Track legend: :,0 +"The serious work of the summit began with a particularly bizarre start. The UN?s new climate boss, Christiana Figueres of Costa Rica, kicked off the climate festivities with a prayer to the ancient Mayan jaguar goddess known as Ixchel. Describing the mythic entity as a goddess associated with the moon, reason, creativity, and weaving ? while carefully omitting Ixchel?s association with war, human sacrifice, and cannibalism ? Figueres called on Ixchel to ?inspire? the climate delegates.",0 +"As an example, the historical changes and future response of the tropical Pacific mean state have been subjects of debate. Different proposed mechanisms disagree on the expected sign of change in the zonal SST gradient in the tropical Pacific in response to anthropogenic forcing. The observational record does little to clarify the situation, as trends in different observed SST records differ in even their sign (see Fig. 7). Models that simulate the largest El Niolike response have the least realistic simulations of ENSO variability, while models with the most realistic simulations of ENSO project little change in the Pacific zonal SST gradient (Collins 2005). These differences in tropical Pacific interannual variability and change have implications for Pacific decadal variability through their impact on large-scale changes in the atmospheric circulation (e.g., Alexander et al. 2002; Vimont 2005).",0 +"Declines in employment are heavier in the Mountain West (-3.5%), Great Plains (-1.4%), Oklahoma and Texas (-1.8%), Missiippie Valley (-1.5%), Mid-Atlantic (-1.3%), Southeast (-1.1%), and Midwest (-0.6%) than in California (-0.4%) and Northeast (-0.3%). ""The Northeast and California fare better than other regions because of their initial economic circumstances. Namely, these regions' industries are less energy-intensive, as is hte overall composition of industry."" By sheer coincidence (not), the bill's co-sponsors, Henry Waxman and Ed Markey hail from California and the Northeast.",0 +"In fact, EPA has not even come up with a plausible biological explanation for why or how super-tiny particles can cause a plethora of diseases and deaths simply by getting into lungs or bloodstreams. Its concept of ""premature"" deaths primarily reflects the fact that more people die on some days than others.",0 +"But he pointed out that warming has slowed down since 2000, in comparison to the rapid warming of the world since the 1970s.",1 +"far north as Germany. This 500-year period was warmer than the 20th century, Soon believes.",0 +"Nigel Lawson is an experienced author of four books. On my bookshelf at the Prague Castle I have, with a personal dedication from him, dated January 1993, ?The View from No. 11? with a subtitle which I liked very much already back then: ?Memoirs of a Tory Radical.?",0 +Transportation. Airline travel accounts for almost 34 percent of the indirect energy consumed in the provision of transportation. The next highest energy consumption occurs in repair and maintenance of individual automobiles (nearly 19 percent) and in the use of other motor vehicles not directly fueled by the consumer (see table 5).,0 +"The Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland has monitored and recorded the number of storms with gale winds since 1796, with a short period in the early 1800s (1825 to 1833) during which data is not available or incomplete. The record is available here: http://climate.arm.ac.uk/publications/The Storminess Record from Armagh Observatory Dr4.pdf Appendix 4 starts on page 80 and lists the Seasonal Distribution of Gales from Weather Diary at Armagh Observatory 1796-2000. The following four graphs illustrate the seasonal gales per year from 1796 to 2000. All four graphs show an increase in storms from the early 20th Century to the mid to late 20th Century. But then the frequency of gales decreases as global temperatures continues to rise.",1 +"Howard Wolfson, a deputy mayor, wrote on Twitter that his grandmother had lost a leg to diabetes. She would not have appeared in an ad, Mr. Wolfson wrote. Doesnt make her loss less real to have it depicted by another.",0 +"First, readers need to be cautioned that such reports issued by intelligence agencies (always eagerly released to the public) often times have very little to do withreality, and most are designed to manipulate public sentiment.Those familiar with climate science will quickly put the report on par with reports of Martians preparing to attack the planet. In simple terms: its a lot of BS.",1 +FACT: A huge number of scientists completely disagree with Rahmstorf.,1 +"BBC: Do you agree that from January 2002 to the present there has been statistically significant global cooling? Jones: No. This period is even shorter than 1995-2009. The trend this time is negative (-0.12C per decade), but this trend is not statistically significant.",0 +"Research has shown that the focus on just carbon dioxide as the dominant human climate forcing is too narrow. We have found that natural variations are still quite important, and moreover, the human influence is significant, but the human climate influence involves a diverse range of first-order climate forcings, including, but not limited to the human input of CO2 (e.g., see NRC, 2005 and Kabat et al, 2004). These other forcings, such as land use change and from atmospheric pollution aerosols, may have a greater effect on our climate than the effects that have been claimed for CO2.",0 +"The most striking feature of Figure 11 is the great preponderance of data located in positive territory, which suggests that, on the whole, marine organisms likely will not be harmed to any significant degree by the expected decline in oceanic pH. If anything, in fact, the results suggest that the world??s marine life may actually slightly benefit from the pH decline, which latter possibility is further borne out by the scatter plot of all the experimental data pertaining to all life characteristic categories over the same pH decline range, as shown below in Figure 12.",1 +"Are you fed up with our government stealing assets, destroying good businesses and ruining families? Are you sick of inordinate red tape being used against you?",0 +"Booth et al (2012) a climate model-based studyclaimed in their abstract that a state-of-the-art Earth system climate model was used to show that aerosol emissions and periods of volcanic activity explain 76 per cent of the simulated multidecadal variance in detrended 18602005 North Atlantic sea surface temperatures. Zhang et al (2013) , on the other hand, utilized the limited data that is available to dispute those claims. Apparently a state-of-the-art Earth system climate model is still inadequate for attribution studies. Do we know what causes the multidecadal variations in North Atlantic sea surface temperatures based on computers models and on very limited data? The realistic answer is no.",1 +especially useful for those seeking a deeper understanding of his approach to,0 +"Tesla Motors is a great company and the electric car is a great idea. However as more and more are built, we must generate much more electricity to charge their batteries. Today, setting nuclear aside due to public perception, fossil fuel electricity is the lowest cost, and most reliable.",1 +"But as the latest Heartland climate conference opens in a Chicago hotel on Monday, the thinktanks claims to reasoned debate lie in shreds and its financial future remains uncertain.",0 +Bill Clinton and Bloomberg unveil climate risk project,0 +"Some people think its great, cant hurt if your have had an intestinal problem or recent illness or antibiotics.",0 +"Greenpeace has commissioned a study from Industrial Economics, Inc., looking at the level of federal subsidies to the oil industry. The study claims that in 1995 the federal government subsidized the oil industry to the tune of $11.9 billion per year (adding in the cost of defending the Persian Gulf oil supply raises the figure to $35.2 billion). Though it's a bit of a stretch to classify tax credits (letting people keep their own money) as subsidies, the study does identify some true subsidies that are unwarranted.",0 +"3. Some of the oil moving through the Keystone XL will likely be exported, but that's no reason to stop it. Critics of the pipeline, including Oil Change International, say that much of the oil in the line will ""never reach U.S. drivers' tanks."" That may be true. But U.S. oil exports are not new. American refineries are now exporting about 2.3 million barrels of refined products per day. Why? U.S. refiners are among the best in the world. They are importing lots of lower-grade crude oil and turning it into diesel and other fuels the world demands. Indeed, over the past six years, U.S. oil exports have more than doubled.",0 +"I am sure that this is an excellent paper by world class scientists. But when I look at the broader significance of the paper what I see is that there is in fact nothing that can be observed in the climate system that would be inconsistent with climate model predictions. If global cooling over the next few decades is consistent with model predictions, then so too is pretty much anything and everything under the sun.",1 +"However, while some analytical laziness is excusable in a blog post, I always planned to include more data sets as they became available.",0 +"Furthermore, technological advancements have significantly increased the amount of recoverable natural gas in the United States. The estimated 2,200 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas in the U.S. is equivalent to 84 years of consumption at current rates.",1 +"So Ugandan engineers have built an electric car that costs $35,000 in a country where the per capita GDP is $1,300. US per capita GDP is about $47,000 and we still dont want EVs.",0 +"For some reason that will perhaps fascinate the palaeo-sociologists of the far future, in what is supposed to be the Age of Reason and Enlightenment anyone who wants to declare his support for the New Superstition of catastrophic manmade ""global warming"" can make stuff up, exaggerate beyond all reason, and menace the infidel with death for crimes against humanity, and no one bats an eyelid.",0 +"What it remains today, and instead a figure slightly wrinkled, with a smile always pulled more, even in the mythical home of the official residence 10 Downing Street (indeed, to 11, the biggest for the large family), and with a telegenic and a great ability to chat effect that do not help most. Tony Blair and became a man largely isolated, supported perhaps by many in private but very few in the audience, a character who provokes hatred indeed very fashionable especially in magazines pseudoseri as the Sun and the Daily Express, a Ba-bau for those who are to the right as to who is to the left.",0 +"The recognized antithesis of hotheads are the flatliners, who contend that there is no measurable warming caused by increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Their bible is the lack of warming in the last 16-odd years, when CO2 levels have risen the most. They do have a problem explaining the rise in temperatures in the preceding decades.",1 +The opposition to Obama??s new carbon emission standards has been strongest in some states that have large coal-mining industries or rely heavily on coal to fuel their electricity. State officials say the new federal regulations could jeopardize the jobs of thousands of workers and drive up the monthly electric bills of residents and businesses.,1 +"This is why the ERO has recommended a series of reforms. Foremost among these is the removal of regulatory barriers to the building of new infrastructure. Power plants and transmission lines need to be built urgently; measures that facili-repealed. Without this new capacity, the power supply system will fail.",0 +"John DiPietro, a road test editor of the automotive website Edmunds.com, explained in the article that drivers hardly ever experience the actual miles per gallon advertised by the EPA. Most automobiles would have miles per gallon of approximately 75 to 87 percent of the EPA's rating. However, data from Consumer Reports suggests that the Honda Civic Hybrid and the Toyota Prius averaged well under 60 percent of the EPA's reported miles per gallon when operating on city streets.",0 +"But back to the negative curvature of the sensitivity plot. The change in air temperature is supposed to be linear with forcing. But here we see that for 50 years average air temperature has been negatively curved with forcing. Something is happening. In proper AGW climatology fashion, I could suppose that the data are wrong because models are always right.",1 +"Should we place our faith in new technologies, trusting that human ingenuity will find a way to neutralize excess carbon dioxide before global warming becomes acute?",0 +"With the Global Warming battleground heating up once again despite President Bush's stated opposition to the Kyoto Protocol, CEI's The Costs of Kyoto is as timely as ever. Click on the links below to download its various sections. To order actual copies of the book (and its companion video), follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.",0 +"In my previous post, A Longer Look at Climate Sensitivity , I showed that the match between lagged net sunshine (the solar energy remaining after albedo reflections) and the observational temperature record is quite good. However, there was still a discrepancy between the trends, with the observational trends being slightly larger than the calculated results. For the NH, the difference was about 0.1C per decade, and for the SH, it was about 0 05C per decade.",0 +"Pope herself is the principal source of the major recent apocalyptic prediction made by climate scientists ironically in a December article in the Guardian , Met Office warn of catastrophic rise in temperature",1 +"Kaufmann?s team (and others) have duly noted that El Nino cycles are one factor partially responsible for the lack of recent warming. There?s little doubt of this. Further, if you back out solar changes and volcanism, as they did, you can convince yourself that there is still an underlying ?residual? warming trend, but it is masked by all these variables. This has been done repeatedly in the scientific literature, which, until now, did not include increasing the sulfate effect on recent temperatures.",0 +"Also, I can't get rid of the feeling that Giuliani was badly treated because of some reasons that his critics do not fully disclose. For example, a year ago, Giuliani said that Putin, unlike Obama, is what you call a leader . This is another kind of an obvious observation that has become non-PC in contemporary America.",0 +Ho Hum. But no one was publishing the proof in the technical literature.,0 +"In his presentation called The Sun Dictates the Climate, he indicated that there would be an ice age kind of temperatures in the middle of the 21st century. He showed a graph called The forecast of the natural climate change for the nearest 100 years and it showed the globa temperatures dropping by more than 1C by 2055. According to him, a new ice age could start by 2014.",1 +"In an age of technological marvels, it may not be earth-stopping news that young engineers at Ugandas Makerere University have made an electric car. But, as a university professor reminded me, this is big news for Uganda.",0 +"After all, if temperatures aren't soaring and even by global warming alarmists' own data they haven't for 17 years shouldn't we rethink those economic and government policies?",1 +Look at Washington State. The Nisqually Glacier on Mt. Rainier is growing. Glaciers on Glacier Peak in northern Washington are growing. And Crater Glacier on Mt. Saint Helens is now larger than it was before the 1980 eruption.,1 +"Their first explanation was solar. Since the downwelling surface radiation has not increased as expected, perhaps theres been a decrease in the incoming TOA solar radiation. This would offset a warming from CO2. Heres that data:",0 +"The surge in domestic production of low-cost natural gas is displacing coal in electricity generation, with the result that coal (which emits about twice as much carbon dioxide as gas during combustion) now provides about 30% of domestic electricity, down from 44% five years ago. In fact, without the surge in domestic natural gas production, the Obama administration's controversial Clean Power Plan would be essentially impossible to implement.",1 +"Sandy may have been a rare (but hardly unprecedented) confluence of weather events. But the political decisions and blame avoidance are an all-too-common confluence of human tendencies worsened by the dogged determination of our ruling classes to acquire greater power and control, coupled with steadily declining transparency, accountability and liability.",0 +"The Economist says the world has added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010, about one-quarter of all the carbon dioxide put there by humans since 1750. This mismatch between rising greenhouse gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now, The Economist article says.",1 +"Systematic epidemiological studies, including all possible confounders and other relevant contaminants, must be performed before any conclusive statements can be made about contaminants and sex ratios in Arctic populations",0 +The Harrabin-Abbess story has not died yet (heres Bishop Hill on Jo Abbesss fifteen minutes of fame ; a video of Noel Sheppard on CNNs Glenn Beck Show ; and Melanie Phillips on The Spectator hardly containing her glee on the emerging truth of the BBC showing its pro-AGW bias for all to see ).,1 +"Although the likes of Al Gore prefer to avoid the word, their approach to climate change centers on rationing.",0 +"Scottish Power, and its partners Shell and the National Grid, have just completed a detailed study of the CCS scheme and have deep concerns about its commercial viability without heavier public backing.",0 +"Still, there's no denying that your typical star or starlet slants left. Why that is true is a tougher question. Some say it's an occupational hazardworking at a Hollywood studio affects your mind the way that working in a West Virginia coal mine affects your lungs.",0 +"1. The pin-up species of global warming, the polar bear, is increasing in number, not decreasing.",1 +"My own guess is that, over the next few years, the complacent EU nations (such as Germany and France) will be pushed hard by the aspiring EU nations (such as Ireland and Poland) to build a Europe that looks more like George Bush's America. And it won't be a fluke.",0 +"In 2010, 32 coal miners where shot dead in South Africa. They were protesting for salary increases, which the mine owners and South African government said they could not afford, because of the terrible world economy and low coal prices. Meanwhile, the miners' families are starving.",1 +"This is hilarious . Apparently the polar vortex proves whatever hypothesis you are trying to prove, either cooling or warming:",1 +"In 1989, NOAA said that there was no evidence of warming in the US",0 +"Gilmour et al ., as they describe it, ""document the recovery of coral assemblages at Australia's largest oceanic reef system, where changes in assemblage structure and key demographic parameters were quantified for 16 years, through a regime of disturbances beginning with a catastrophic mass bleaching event in 1998."" This they did at the Scott system of reefs, which is surrounded by oceanic waters on the edge of Western Australia's continental shelf,"" and which is ""more than 250 km from the mainland and other reefs in the region, and more than 1000 km from a major center of urbanization."" What was learned",0 +David Stockwells experiments are also relevant here. There are a variety of situations under which spurious RE statistics can arise and its long overdue for climate scientists relying on this measure to understand its properties. B and C go on:,0 +"Why did the Met Office forecast a ""mild winter""? ?Boris Johnson, Major of London, The Daily Telegraph, 20 December 2010",0 +"The variable c varies between zero and one to control how fat the tail is, with smaller values giving a fatter tail.",0 +"Lgenergilampor are additionally not so effective as they often pretends for being, tells Jonas and Ida. The fact is that a lgenergilampa mrkt 14 W frbrukar energy equivalent to up to 38 W p because of a fasfrskjutning. This causes fasfrskjutning energifrluster the mains, DRMed's case this frbrukning not elrkningen p.",0 +"The temperature differential between the surface and the atmosphere is known as the lapse rate. From 1964 to 1979 the lapse rate decreased, meaning that surface and atmospheric temperatures were converging. However, beginning in 1980 the lapse rate began to increase and has continued to do so until the present time. Much of the winter-to-winter lapse rate variability in the high latitudes is dynamically induced, according to the study, but most of the change in lapse rate is over the lower latitudes or tropics.",0 +"Academic freedom is an old privilege. Academics can report the results of their research without fearing that the political fall-out would affect their economic security or their career. Richard Tol, Climate Etc, 12 November 2011",0 +"U.S. Energy Information Administration, ""The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview,"" October 2009, http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/overview/pdf/0581(2009).pdf (accessed April 3, 2013).",0 +"Now TransCanada has returned with a revised plan that skirts the environmentally sensitive Sand Hills region, adding about 100 miles to the route, and avoids areas where groundwater in the Ogallala aquifer is less than 5 feet from the surface.",0 +"In the current post, Craig draws on this extensive, empirical database to assert:",0 +"Here is a little of what he said: This legislation is based on a lie and is fraudulent in that, rather than reducing carbon emissions, published Treasury modelling shows such emissions will actually increase if this scheme is introduced. (Piers Ackerman, Daily Telegraph )",1 +"To maintain the correctness of the Court?s decision in Mass. v. EPA, one must suppose that when Congress enacted the Clean Air Act in 1970, it somehow inserted the statutory equivalent of malicious code into the text, the bug lay dormant for 40 years, and then suddenly the malware became active, causing programs that had worked reasonably well since their inception to go haywire, work at cross purposes with themselves and each other, undermine congressional intent, and jeopardize America?s economic future. And if the EPA Administrator, former or present, really believes that, then I have a bridge I?d like to sell him or her.",0 +"To view this issue of the CEI Planet, please click here to download the PDF file. Below are selected articles from the May-June 2009 issue:",0 +"The Climategate Emails showed, for example, that some members of the band were uncomfortable with aspects of their work, some even questioning the need to erase the existence of the Medieval Warm Period 1,000 years earlier.",1 +The implications of lower fertility rates are far-reaching. One of the most profound is their potential to reduce economic inequality around the world and alter the balance of power among nations.,0 +"We cannot even build wind and solar facilities without coal and petroleum: to mine, smelt, manufacture, and transport materials for turbines, panels, and transmission lines and to build and operate backup power units that also require vast amounts of land, cement, steel, copper, rare-earth metals, and other materials.",1 +"""They meet the standards of NHTSA's ""Show and Display"" exemption. Such cars must be exceedingly rare, historically significant and driven a mere 2,500 miles annually. But if you think a boatload of money and reams of paperwork can get any car into the country, think again.""",0 +"Our friends claim that the last six months was the warmest ever, despite record Antarctic sea ice, record Great Lakes ice, 84% growth in Arctic sea ice volume over 2012, near record September snow extent in the Northern Hemisphere, a record cold summer north of 80N, glaciers forming in Scotland, and their own satellites showing that the last six months have been nowhere near the warmest.",1 +"Using sediment cores from two lakes in the Qaidam Basin of the northern Tibetan Plateau , Chinese researchers reconstructed temperatures back some 2,000 years. Their research was unequivocal: modern warming has been cooler than past warming periods. They also confirmed that the climate naturally made shifts between warm/cool regimes. Plus, the climate shifts appear to be associated with solar activity. Note: Historical temperature charts and previous climate-history articles .",1 +"Ian Castles, the former head of Australia's national office of statistics, and David Henderson, a former chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, have developed a powerful critique of the IPCC's methodology for projecting future greenhouse gas emissions. Their conclusion: the economic assumptions the IPCC used (basing its future GDP calculations on currency exchange rates, rather than purchasing power parity) grossly overestimated future emissions. Like the NRC, they also compared the IPCC's track record at projecting global emissions with the actual emissions of the last decade. The results are quite damning: The IPCC expected global carbon dioxide emissions to rise by about 15 percent in the 1990swhich turns out to be more than twice the level (roughly 6 percent) that emissions actually grew during that period. The IPCC's estimates of methane emissions in the developing world appear similarly off-base.",1 +"A cold winter will bring widespread black outs in the UK and with it the long overdue realisation by the lumpen proletariat that an energy policy reliant on intermittent, unreliable, expensive wind power is totally insane.",1 +"""Mother Nature,"" says Christy, ""simply operates at a level of complexity that is, at this point, behind the mastery of mere mortalssuch as scientistsand the tools available to us.""",0 +"Die Zeit alsofocuses on Fred Singer and the late Frederick Seitz, who they write are part of an industry-financed complex of associations and institutes that has grown up around Washington, a sort of Potemkin village of science, populated by paid experts who serve the interests of their clients. A well-oiled, self-perpetuating denial machine .",0 +Heartland Institute Responds to General Motors' Decision to Pull Funding,0 +"Carbon taxes are not only economically regressive, theyre geographically discriminatory some places are blessed with a lot of hydro, others have natural gas, and some have a huge quantity of coal. Areas with ready access to low-carbon forms of energy will pay less in taxes, while areas without low-carbon forms of energy will be hit hard by carbon taxes. Either theyll have to pay the tax and continue using higher-carbon forms of energy, or theyll have to re-tool their power plants and rely on higher-cost imported fuel or electricity from elsewhere.",1 +"As temperatures warm, plants release gases that help form clouds and cool the atmosphere, according to research from IIASA and the University of Helsinki.",1 +"???However, it is also possible that the new solar energy slump could be as deep as the Maunder minimum?? in the coldest part of the Little Ice Age when, as well as the Thames frost fairs, the canals of Holland froze solid.??",1 +An SEIU comments thread goes terribly wrong,0 +"Reaching agreement on such provisions does not seem impossible. ""With tweaks to our immigration system,"" Smith said earlier this month, ""we can accommodate those graduates whom American universities and businesses most desire and who are most able to contribute to our economy.""",0 +The models used by the IPCC really are horrible representations of climate on this planet. One example: the modelers have to double the warming rate of global ocean surfaces to have the modeled global land surface temperatures come close to reality. Thats a horrible display of modeling. And there are many more. The following graphs were presented as Figure 9 in the post here .,1 +"The 70s' regulatory assault on America the ""fuelish"" produced gas lines, stagflation, and ""malaise."" Kyoto's costs would go much beyond higher fuel and energy prices, Mills cautions. Regulating carbon dioxide would require an enormous bureaucracy and impose significant legal and paperwork burdens on over 1 million small firms.",0 +"The goal of providing conservative journalists a place to write for their fellow conservatives about cultural subjects gave the lesser features and reviews by young writers the sheltered-workshop aura of a college newspaper, and occasionally dipped into the kind of ""these kids today"" cultural commentary that right-of-center magazines have never been short of, with Iain Murrayone of the Competitive Enterprise Institute's in-house authorities on climate change denialharrumphing that ""it seems impossible to find a show that airs after 8 p.m. on any of the major networks that is not obsessed with sex.""",0 +"Within the seafood category, clams are an energy bargain at 10,000 calories per pound, while shrimps without shells are staggeringly energy expensive, with 116,000 calories used to produce a pound. As with mammals, larger fish are less energy efficient than smaller ones, so eating lower on the food chain is a way to save energy. Producing four pounds of small fish like sardines and anchovies uses the same amount of energy as producing one pound of farmed salmon. Eggs are another energy efficient animal product, with inputs of only 9,500 calories per pound. Vegetables are significantly more energy efficient than most forms of meat. Estimates for cooked legumes range from 2,600 to 10,560 calories per pound.",0 +"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has shut down leasing and drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, put tens of thousands out of work, ignored court orders to end his moratorium, and issued decrees that make millions of additional onshore and offshore acres off limits to drilling. He has blocked exploration in ANWR because its oil riches won't make us energy independent (as though even massive wind, solar, ethanol and electric car programs would do so).",0 +"The EPA claims science has given it the justification, and the Supreme Court has given it the authority, to regulate CO2 as a pollutant and impose regulations governing virtually every aspect of American business and our daily life almost down to our lawn mowers.",0 +"Free-speech advocates have reason to cheer as two state attorneys general have walked back their subpoenas against Exxon Mobil Corp., tacitly admitting that their climate-change harassment lacks a legal basis.",0 +"""A Center for Public Integrity analysis of Senate lobbying disclosure forms shows that more than 770 companies and interest groups hired an estimated 2,340 lobbyists to influence federal policy on climate change in the past year, as the issue gathered momentum and a bill came to a vote in Congress.",0 +"Yet, the CAA requires EPA to ensure that areas designated to be in non-attainment with a primary or health-based NAAQS come into attainment within five years, or at most 10 yearsif EPA grantsan extension. Because GHGs are well-mixed throughout the global atmosphere, GHG NAAQS set below current atmospheric levels would turn the United States (indeed, the world) into a single giant non-attainment area.",0 +"At the heart of much policy to deal with climate change lies an ethical approach to the question of intergenerational equity, namely that current generations should avoid passing costs onto future ones, who can play no part in the decisions. In fact it has been said that this is the only ethical way to deal with global warming, although this is not true professional economists have identified several alternatives.",0 +The reality is that we need to have a free and honest debate about how we're going to address a problem that threatens to be of epic proportions.,0 +Warming Link to New Ice Age Shaky,0 +"With many zoos and aquariums now working with conservation organizations and financed by individuals who feel strongly about threatened habitats and species, managers have been wrestling with how aggressive to be in educating visitors on the perils of climate change.",0 +"That's the word from 11 co-authors, led by Johan Rockst m of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, of a pseudo-scientific screed published August 24 in Earth's Future, an open-access online journal of the American Geophysical Union.",0 +"Typically, a doubling of the airs CO2 content above present-day concentrations raises the productivity of most herbaceous plants by about one-third; this positive response occurs in plants that utilize all three of the major biochemical pathways of photosynthesis.",1 +"Ross Gelbspan, the author of The Heat is On now has an internet site called The Heat is Online (www.heatisonline.org) to promote his global warming views. The website has a multimedia presentation, and a 6,000-word overview, which claims that ""this new era of climate change could well be the most profound threat ever facing humanity."" The website also ""catalogues the last four years of increasingly frequent and severe extreme weather events all over the world,"" as well as provides short synopses of scientific findings and offers solutions. Finally, the site ""documents a pervasive and very successful industry campaign of deception and disinformation.""",0 +"Most of them are based on the words of Richard Tol, a sensible guy working in the group. If he is right, the IPCC report should contain the following remarkable sentence:",0 +"No federal minimum-wage legislation. President Obama will continue to call for a $10.10 minimum wage, and the Service Employees International Union will continue to organize protests for a $15 minimum wage, but Congress will not pass either one. If the federal minimum wage did not rise during a Democratic Congress with a Democratic president (2009-2010), and during a split Congress with a Democratic president (2011-2014), it's not going to rise with a Republican Congress.",0 +"Bunce's final conclusion about the matter, which seems a grand understatement to us, is that ""these results suggest that caution should be used in interpreting soybean yield data obtained using systems in which EC is provided only in the daytime.""?? Indeed, they should raise a really red flag about all plants studied in this way, for results obtained by daylight-only CO 2 enrichment may greatly underestimate what will actually occur in a future CO 2 -enriched world, where elevated CO 2 concentrations will obviously be present both day and night. Reference",1 +"And in order to keep the highest aristocratic standards of diplomatic behavior which is so characteristic for your humble correspondent, I won't even explain that the acronym stands for lying f*ck*d-up comm*nist s*ith*ads, a meticulously accurate description of the conference participants who have been or could be invited to publish a rant on George Soros' web-based private lavatory, RealClimate.ORG. Although I won't mention what the acronym means in the text below, I kindly urge everyone who knows the meaning of the acronym to expand it in the text below at all places where the acronym appears.",0 +last 100 years drawing upon a new observed global climate data set. Some,0 +"Mr. Cooks work was quickly debunked. In Science and Education in August 2013, for example, David R. Legates (a professor of geography at the University of Delaware and former director of its Center for Climatic Research) and three coauthors reviewed the same papers as did Mr. Cook and found only 41 papers0.3 percent of all 11,944 abstracts or 1.0 percent of the 4,014 expressing an opinion, and not 97.1 percenthad been found to endorse the claim that human activity is causing most of the current warming. Elsewhere, climate scientists including Craig Idso, Nicola Scafetta, Nir J. Shaviv and Nils- Axel Morner, whose research questions the alleged consensus, protested that Mr. Cook ignored or misrepresented their work.",1 +"Despite the cut backs to wind power, the German government estimates that it will spend over $1.1 trillion financially supporting wind power, even though building wind turbines hasn't achieved the government's goal of actually reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to slow global warming.",0 +"The IWG's TSD used 2.5 percent, 3 percent, and 5 percent discount rates but neglected to report SCC values based on 7 percent. The IWG settled on three percent as the most reasonable discount rate and those are the values that have been used in regulatory rule-making. Comparing the SCC values in the DICE model for the year 2020, Heritage found the value dropped nearly 85 percent when the 7 percent discount rate was used. In the FUND model the SCC drops more than 100 percent and actually goes negative when the 7 percent discount rate is used.",0 +"The only certainty in global warming predictions is that they are wrong. Proof, meet pudding.",1 +Probiotic's Good for Colic Say the Italians,0 +"There are still some puzzles in the next step of this beauty contest. The submission included two series from one Quelccaya ice core ??? one for dO18 and one for accumulation. Did these two series from the same ice core ???represent different parts of the globe??? Maybe one of the series ???represented?? northern Sweden? Or Australia? Or Crawford, Texas? Or Minneapolis? He had 4 different bristlecone and foxtail series, including series only a few tens of miles apart. Did these ???represent?? different parts of the world through Mannian teleconnection? Maybe the Upper Wright Lakes foxtails represented Poland, Boreal foxtails Afghanistan, the Methuselah Walk bristlecones Thailand and the Indian Garden bristlecone the South Atlantic? IT sounds silly expressed like this, but the assumptions of the ???model?? do not preclude this.",1 +> >> trying to do this study for the whole of Africa is quite a,0 +"Divide et Impera -- divide and conquer -- is perhaps the oldest strategic maxim of war, politics, and diplomacy. Businesses succumb to it time and time again. Why?",0 +"There is a very important paper, published in 2005,that demonstrates the important role of heterogeneous climate forcings on weather thousands of kilometers removed from the forcing. This paper concerns SST anomalies but the same spatial forcing due to aerosolsand land-use change would apply.",0 +"Fifth, even if real scientific investigation (which doesn't stop with modeling but tests models by empirical observation) could tell us that, say, falling 50% short of net zero ""carbon"" emissions would raise GAT by, say, 3 C and that that, in turn, would cause significant harms, that wouldn't tell us how we ought to respond. Empirical science tries to describe the way the world works. It doesn'tit can'ttell us what we ought, morally, to do in response.",0 +Obama Announces New Fuel Mileage Restrictions,0 +"The following website gives photographs of a large number of official weather stations, all of which are obviously unsuitable for recording long term trends. One is even on top of a building:",1 +"The Arctic is not melting down. Arctic sea iceis currently the thickest since 2006, and thickness is about the same (2 meters) as it was 75 years ago.",1 +"In this analysis I take no account of Karl (2015), who purports to have abolished the pause, much as Mann (1998, 1999), followed by IPCC (2001), purported to abolish the inconvenient medieval warm period. The satellites show the lower troposphere has not warmed during the 15 years 2000-2014; the ARGO floats show the upper ocean has not warmed either; the terrestrial datasets, even after tampering, only show warming at 0.3-0.6 K/century equivalent over the period; Karl defies the laws of thermodynamics by positing 1.2 K/century equivalent; and, even if he were right (which, on the evidence, he is not), that warming rate is well below half of the IPCCs central prediction in 1990. Even if Karl were right, therefore, there would be little cause for concern and still less for action.",1 +""" will hurt Main Street investors and entrepreneurs, and worsen the problem of ""too big to fail' bailouts. The numerous flaws of the bill add up to one basic problem: The bill's omission of reform of Fannie and Freddie, combined with the overly-broad expansion of cumbersome regulation of legitimate investor and entrepreneurs, is exactly the wrong prescription for an economy struggling to climb back from the brink.""",0 +"As bad as it currently is, the problem may well grow even greater if the planet ever begins to warm again",0 +"The study also reported oil and gas operators fixed these leaks soon after they were made aware of their existence, which isn't surprising, because methane that leaks into the atmosphere cannot be captured and sold to customers. Oil and gas operators have a strong financial incentive to decrease leaks, much like dairy farmers would have a strong incentive to fix pipes that were leaking milk, the product they wish to sell, onto the ground.",0 +"As evidence that humans cause climate catastrophe, it was claimed that their lifestyle produces too much CO2. This had to be backed up by numbers. These numbers had to be prepared. They were then collated by the IPCC and ended up in the World Climate Report. The doctored results have been predicting a global climate catastrophe for many years.",1 +"""Imagine that,"" Bry added in his missive, ""New York, Tokyo, Mumbai, Shanghai, Bangkok, Amsterdam, Miami would go first. Think about the implications. Global economic collapse, famine, border disputes, wars. Jesus, just the inland traffic.""",0 +"One of the most damaging claims in 2009 was that Prof Phil Jones, the head of the UEA??s Climatic Research Institute, had deleted emails to avoid FOI requests.",1 +"I suspect that the current trend will break, as all trends do. Warming is hardly excluded by the current data. As I have said repeatedly, warming is not rejected by this data. In fact, pre-existing 30 year trends are not excluded by the current data.",0 +"After learning that most of the delegates had indeed arrived by plane, Gaia asked, ""Have you been washing your clothes in a machine, or do you take them down to the river to wash by hand? Do you watch television? Use a computer? You don't refrigerate your food do you? Did you bring the food home in a car? All carbon sins! You're lucky I'm selling carbon indulgences today and I've brought free samples for all delegates.""",0 +Just what our teetering economy needs: higher energy prices. What planet do these guys come from?,1 +"Theres no sugar-coating it. Yesterdays decisionwas an across-the-board smack-down for industry and the states that sought to overturn EPAs first foray into GHG regulation following the Supreme Courts 2007 Massachusetts v. EPA decision . Not only did the Court reject every argument petitioners made, the tone of the decision suggested real hostility.",0 +"The data clearly does not support the claim of any statistically-significant decrease of pH or 'acidification'. However, it does illustrate that ocean pH routinely changes 0.5 pH units or more over the course of a single day , much larger than the claimed ""acidification"" of 0.1 pH units from pH 8.2 to 8.1 over the past 150 years of industrialization. There is no reliable global ocean data demonstrating any change in pH due to the increase in atmospheric CO2; this claim is largely based uponverysparse data and models. If the oceans are warming, CO2 solubility decreases per Henry's Law, thus limiting the potential of ""acidification"" from an increase of CO2.",1 +"Apparently in Lewandowskys view, those who demand observational data supporting claims that human emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), are causing unprecedented and dangerous global warming / climate change must be suffering from a mental deficiency. They simply cannot accept the recognized authority of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).",1 +I regret that so much of our intellectual horsepower and research funding has gone into supporting the IPCC assessments. Donnas book could provide some impetus for changing this.,0 +"In attempting to learn whether rock outcrops of southern temperate latitudes could act as local refugia for cold-adapted flora in the face of global warming, Speziale and Ezcurra (2014) compared the species compositions of 50 individual rock outcrops in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina (located between 4041' and 4157' S latitude and between 7033' and 7122' W longitude), which they also compared with species compositions of the vegetation surrounding each of the 50 rock outcrops, along with climatic data at both local and regional scales, in order to determine if the species distributions reflected differences that could indicate the existence of rock outcrop climatic refugia.",0 +"As you can see, the log transform doesn??t change the problems with e.g. the Soper or the Iceberg records. They still do not have internal consistency. As a result of the inclusion of these problematic records, all of which contain visible irregularities in the recent data, even a simple average shows an entirely spurious hockeystick.",1 +"""By itself, this change will not make the price of mortgage assets higher or lower Rather, it will allow price discovery to occur. Mark-to-market distorted the market by forcing banks to take losses on mortgage assets even if the underlying loans were still performing, based on the last fire sale price of similar assets. Respected banking analyst Richard Bove pointed out that because of mark-to-market, Bank of New York Mellon had to value its portfolio of commercial mortgage-backed securities with a 1 percent default rate as if it had a 25 percent default rate. This resulted in a $70 billion loss of liquidity to the financial system from this bank alone.""",0 +"When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.",0 +"Build scores or hundreds of new coal plants, and the Kyoto CO2 reductions barely amount to a drop in the bucket. As has been widely reported , China is building coal power plants at the rate of one a week .",1 +"A few weeks ago, Hansen was caught massively altering the temperature record in Iceland toproducea non-existent warming trend, and disappear that pesky warm 1930s and 1940s.",1 +The anonymous peer review process is the enemy of scientific creativitypeer reviewers go for orthodoxy.,0 +Australias antarctic runway melting | South West Advertiser,0 +"Replications may also yield evidence of improper scientific procedures, such as ""advocacy"", whereby researchers seek evidence to confirm a favored hypothesis. Researchers using advocacy nearly always confirm their hypothesis.",0 +"When populations stabilize and then actually shrink, the economic dislocations can be severe. Will there be far less demand for housing and office space? Paradoxically, a very low fertility rate can also yield labor shortages, pushing wages higher. Of course, such shortages in countries with low fertility rates could be alleviated by immigration from countries with higher fertility ratesa migration from poor countries to rich ones. But Europeans are actively trying to reduce immigration, especially since 9/11. Wisely, America has mostly resisted calls for restrictions on immigrants.",0 +"Hans Feichter, a climate modeller at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, speaks for the vast majority of his colleagues when he says ""the role of a geoscientist is to understand nature, not to change it.' Climate scientists have proved themselves happy to advocate massive changes aimed at shifting the climate. But they are massive changes in technology, in geopolitics, in social norms. . . . Not changes in the workings of the stratosphere. Not changes in the natural.",0 +One of the reasons that the Iranian-born U.S. telecommunications tycoon has decided to pay for her trip was her desire to give Iranians a new hope instead of all the depressive talk about the war and similar issues.,0 +"The United States, for example, feels there's no need to be pushy. The Obama administration, which has pledged to cut emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, said a review of national pledges for curbing rising greenhouse gas emissions before the U.N. summit in Paris next December was ""not fundamental.' And as for China, which has ""promised' (albeit without any verification) to cap its soaring emissions by around 2030, it has signaled complete hostility to the idea of letting other nations challenge its policies."" Other nations, including Brazil, South Africa and some developing nations, say they're on the path to resolving some differences of approach but thus far they have given scant indication they are on board with the verification process.",0 +"If, as you work, you seek more information, then please ask. No reasonable requests refused.",0 +"Angela Logomasini, CEI's Director of Risk and Environmental Policy, points out that we once ""believed that bed bugs were a thing of the past having been brought under controland essentially eradicated in the U.S.due in part to the pesticide DDT."" However, now that the highly effective DDT ""has been banned for more than three decades bedbugs are making a resurgence absent pesticide effective enough to zap them and thanks to increased global travel."" Worse, ""Not only is DDT gone, but many other useful products have been regulated out of existence without weighing the risks of not having them.""",0 +"I worked as a journalist in the late 1980s in Colorado, home state of Senator Tim Wirth. I had interviewed him several times on other topics. As part of my general assignment beat, I also covered science, climate and weather, regularly at NOAA, NCAR and other federal science agencies headquarted in Colorado.",0 +"Patrick Michaels, professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia and a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, examined the claim that global warming threatens mass extinction of species. Michaels analyzed recent scientific articles that have been claimed as evidence that rising temperatures are reducing habitats for butterflies, penguins, polar bears, and toads. In each case, he showed that either temperatures were not rising in the specific habitats or habitat for the specific species had actually expanded. Michaels concluded that research has demonstrated that species' range is affected by rising temperatures, but not in a way that helps the alarmist case.",1 +How much climate change occurs in 5- 6000 years?,0 +"Robots collaborate to deliver meds, supplies, and even drinks MIT News ""At the recent Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) conference, a CSAIL team presented a new system of three robots that can work together to deliver items quickly, accurately and, perhaps most importantly, in unpredictable environments. The team says its models could extend to a variety of other applications, including hospitals, disaster situations, and even restaurants and bars.""",0 +"One last recommendationread The Dirty Dozen , by Robert Levy (CATO) and William Mellor (Institute of Justice) on how the Supreme Court has eviscerated the constitution, justices violating their oath of office to uphold the defend the constitution. The Dirty Dozen are 12 of the most important examples of judicial activism and legislation from the bench.",0 +"What he can guarantee is that people are going to be looking at this and speculating about it pretty soon. Well, of course. Weve come to expect nothing less. Meteor strike? Speculate about global warming. Earthquake? must be a global warming connection. Volcano? Obviously global warming.",1 +Distributional Impacts in a Comprehensive Climate Policy Package,0 +"In particular, note from the above model simulation how the strong feedback mostly offsets the forcing, leaving a small radiative imbalance, consistent with the large discrepancy between Hansen's average forcing (0.8 W m-2) and the ocean heat content-inferred energy imbalance (0.2 W m-2).",0 +"(The climate models used by the IPCC show a relatively low warming rate for the surface of the Southern Ocean (90S-60S), but the data show a slight cooling. Note also that the surface data in Figure 4 are presented in absolute terms, not anomalies and that the models start about 0.7 deg C too warm, based on the trend lines.)",1 +"Agreed. I would never seek to suppress the political beliefs of individual scientists, but the ubiquity of a a particularly obdurate group-think amongst the most vocal members of the scientific establishment is hard to ignore. That AGW so adroitly alines with many of their own anti-capitalist instincts (whether victims of an age-old Marxist dialectic in science or no) has made the task of being judiciously sceptical almost impossible. Whether Beddington or King, Nurse or Jones, we are all deniers now, simply for posing the question.",1 +"TROUTMAN SANDERS LLP. ADVERTISING MATERIAL. These materials are to inform you of developments that may affect your business and are not to be considered legal advice, nor do they create a lawyer-client relationship. Information on previous case results does not guarantee a similar future result. Follow Troutman Sanders on Twitter.",0 +"Symbiotic sea anemones ???could not only survive ocean acidification, but also thrive under future conditions????",1 +"But if you talk about the relationship to some basic procedures used in the scientific method and technology, not just in the climate science e.g. to ""adjustments"" I am surely a ""lukewarmer"", together with Steven Mosher, because the label of the full-fledged skeptics has been hijacked by anti-science nut jobs, indeed.",0 +"Mark Lynas (left), with Bob May (right) at the Oxford is My World lectures, organised by Oxford City Council, to persuade its population to cut their CO2 emissions",0 +"Climate models used by the IPCC for the 5 th Assessment Report do not properly simulate the AMO (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation). In Climate Models Fail , I presented a number of scientific studies that were very critical of how models simulated many variables, including the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. (See Ruiz-Barradas, et.al. (2013) is The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation in twentieth century climate simulations: uneven progress from CMIP3 to CMIP5 .)",1 +"While its hardly mentioned in the media, the U.S. is currently in an extended and intense hurricane drought. The last Category 3 or stronger storm to make landfall was Wilma in 2005. The more than seven years since then is the longest such span in over a century.",1 +"Jeremy Rifkin, an American polemicist of the left, has just written a book that extols the ""European Dream""the good life of long vacations and ""sustainable development."" But this is precisely wrong. Europe is living in a fool's paradise, with huge demographic imbalances, untenable health care systems, rising crime, and high unemployment. Economic growth of 1 percent or 2 percent a year can't support the welfare state politicians have promised, and Europe can't possibly afford the economic costs that an adventure like Kyoto entails and they will have to address the heavy cost-burden of ""health care for all.""",0 +"Great little essay via Glenn : Marohasy: Thats right. The satellite was only launched in 2002 and it enabled the collection of data, not just on temperature but also on cloud formation and water vapour. What all the climate models suggest is that, when youve got warming from additional carbon dioxide, this will result in increased water vapour, so youre going to get a positive feedback. Thats what the models have been indicating. What this great data from the NASA Aqua satellite (is) actually showing is just the opposite, that with a little bit of warming, weather processes are compensating, so theyre actually limiting the greenhouse effect and youre getting a negative rather than a positive feedback.",1 +"Due to the past passage of SEVERAL COLD fronts, temperatures have fallen below freezing and have negatively impacted crops in portions of western Guatemala.",1 +"Agreement signed at Brazzaville June 28, 2005; entered into force June 28, 2005.",0 +"I selected 18591882 and 19952011 as they seem to me to be the best periods for estimating TCR. But it is worth looking at longer periods as well, even though the signal-to-noise ratio is lower. Using 18501900 and 19852011, two periods with mean volcanic forcing levels that, although significant, are well matched, gives a TCR best estimate of 1.24C, or 1.30C based on the unadjusted AR5 aerosol forcing estimate. The TCR estimates are even lower using 18501900 to 19722011, periods that are also well-matched volcanically.",0 +"He goes on, ""There is only one possible route of action. Greenhouse gases have to be radically reduced, and it has to happen worldwide."" In other words, thanks to Katrina, we'll finally get Kyoto enforced. (He might start at home, by the way. Europe is not anywhere close to reducing CO2 to Kyoto standards. In fact, the U.S. is doing much better than many Kyoto ratifiers.)",0 +"By Doug Domenech, Washington Examiner, Aug 12, 2015",0 +"This approach to policy making is both morally irresponsible and logically inconsistent. Precautionists demand assurances of no harm only with respect to actions that government might regulate, never with respect to government regulation itself. But government intervention frequently boomerangs, creating the very risks precautionists deem intolerable.",0 +"The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) is a radical anti-development activist organization that specializes in colluding with left-wing judges to abuse the Endangered Species Act. CBD's most popular tactics are to file lawsuits to prevent resource production and human activity, and to frame innocent people for supposed environmental crimes, ruining their lives and livelihoods. Despite its hard-left anti-corporate stance, explains Heartland's Ron Arnold in an extensive profile, CBD has collected large donations from Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Microsoft, and even the ExxonMobil Foundation. READ MORE",0 +A minority of scientists question whether this means global warming has peaked and argue the Earth has proved more resilient to greenhouse gases than predicted.,1 +"NASA has since erased this cooling, and made 1961 the hottest year in the 1880-1972 temperature record.",1 +The recent global warming science facts from Canada's Baffin Island is another example of the overwhelming evidence that past global warming prior to industrial CO2 emissions was considerably higher.,1 +"Whatever one might think to be the cause of the temperature oscillations shown in Fig. 2 at the nominal 11 year solar cycle period, it should be very clear that the TSI variations over a solar cycle are completely incapable of producing them. If the sun really is responsible for producing those small temperature changes, then Svensmarks cosmic ray modulation theory would seem to be our best hope for understanding how it does it. Think of the cosmic ray modulation as a small amount of jiggling of the earths cloud thermostat. About one percent modulation of cloud albedo over a nominal 11 year solar cycle is all that is required.",1 +"The ???science is settled??, the ???debate?? is over. Actually, scientists were guessing about the source of CO2 emissions . That??s right, $64 trillion needed to fox a problem that might not exist. Now that??s a deal.",1 +The scientific solution to the problem: No large global trend trend in aerosols and low climate sensitivity.,1 +"Al Gore claims that global warming is causing more extreme weather events, because his investments will go south if he fails to keep up the fear. Note the irony that he was speaking at a low-carbon investment conference. You really cant make this stuff up just follow the money:",1 +"So far nothing new. In section 14.3.2 I introduce the concept of planetary time scales, which I think gets to the heart of the problem that Postma has with equation 12.1.",0 +"I wont ask for a correction or apology, but please understand that",0 +"Fracking, of course, is horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, a revolutionary technology that definitely will affect our future and our health for the better.",0 +"The very bad news is that Palmer (the coal miner) will vote to keep the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which lends our money for dodgy green schemes, and the Renewable Energy Target, which forces us to waste money on green power and drives up power bills.",1 +"By Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post, Canada, Aug 7, 2015",0 +"In typical fashion, always predicting climate conditions decades from now, the United Nations, according to a report in The Guardian, ""is warning of floods, storms and searing heat from Arizona to Zambia within four decades, as part of a series of imagined weather forecasts"" to publicize the climate summit.",0 +Antarctic Sea Ice (1979-2002),0 +"Today, politicians and their ideological fellow travelers in the media use the normal cycles of the seasons to promote climate change. That was the conclusion of Bill Nye of MSNBC, who said, I just want to introduce the idea that this storm is connected to climate change. Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the same assertion.",0 +"""A defiant AFL-CIO president Robert J. Haynes who came under fire for his $72,000 salary as a Blue Cross Blue Shield director as well as the board's controversial $11 million payout to a former CEO told the Herald yesterday he's stepping down from his post in October the same way he came in nearly 13 years ago: fighting for workers.""",0 +"1. Chart of the Day I US Beer Milestone (above). According to data released last month by the Brewers Association, there are now 4,144 breweries operating in the US as of November, which surpasses the previous historic high of 4,131 US breweries in 1873 (see chart above). Some beer facts of note for 2015 (""The Year of Beer""):",0 +"Contrary to claims by many opponents of oil production in ANWR, the coastal plain is not pristine wilderness. The Brooks Range and designated wilderness areas are far to the south. The coastal plain contains former military installations and the Inupiat village of Kaktovik. The people of Kaktovik officially support oil exploration. Polls regularly show that 70 percent of Alaskans also support it.",0 +"The IPCC also questions it, for it claims only a 90% to 95% probability of human influence. Note that is an opinion without evidence, unless one considers flawed climate models to be evidence.",1 +"Without abundant fuel and power, prosperity is impossible: workers cannot amplify their productivity, doctors cannot preserve vaccines, students cannot learn after dark, goods cannot get to market. Nearly 700 million Africans rely mainly on wood or dung to cook and heat with, and 600 million have no access to electric light . Britain with 60 million people has nearly as much electricity-generating capacity as the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, minus South Africa, with 800 million.",0 +The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASAs history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.,0 +"Drew Thornley is the author of a new report, ""Energy & the Environment: Myths & Facts,"" published by the Manhattan Institute.",0 +"add to that, freezing rain for Texas, snow in Arizona and New Mexico:",0 +"Since 1980 EPA has released some 4,000 pages of ""guidance"" and produced many (often conflicting) letters and several proposals for NSR revision, none of them finalized. Some commentators contend EPA has frequently and substantially changed its enforcement policies without going through the formal (and legally required) rulemaking procedure.17 While some concerns over enforcement are in response to policies adopted during the Clinton administration, particularly a series of enforcement actions begun in 1994, most concerns actually pre-date that administration. Three areas of enforcement policy have been the source of greatest concern.",0 +"According to Security Explorations researcher Adam Gowdiak, who sent the email to the Full Disclosure Seclist, this Java exploit affects one billion users of Oracle Java SE software.",0 +Dear Chicken Little: The Sky Is Falling (Its Snowing) But Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Off New England Are NOTUnusual,0 +"It's 4:00 on Friday afternoon. Time to release a report with great news for the American economy, but which will leave hard-core enviros spitting, sputtering and gnashing their teeth.",0 +"""NPR fired political analyst Juan Williams Wednesday night over his statement on Fox News that he gets ""nervous"" whenever he sees people in ""Muslim garb"" boarding a plane. """,0 +"And in the past couple of months, studies of ice and snow in Antarctica suggest that the rate of snowfall there is beginning to pick upa situation which should ultimately lead to net gains in snow/ice mass there as the climate warms (Zwally et al., 2012; Boening et al., 2012). Such an occurrence is projected by virtually all climate models and ultimately results in Antarctica contributing to a decline in sea level. Admittedly, the negative contribution to sea level rise from Antarctica is expected to be slight, but nonetheless, it means that Antarctica is not going to readily shed its ice and contribute to a large and rapid sea level rise anytime soon.",1 +"Best regards, and thanks for all the fish, including the salmon that got away ...",0 +"Chapter 8, by Terry L. AndersonWater Options for the Blue Planet",0 +"The problem with such passion is that too fewincluding actors and politiciansconsider the consequences of climate policies, said Marlo Lewis, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.",0 +"Earlier this month, the EPA released its new Clean Power Plan, a 645-page set of regulations that aims to cut carbon dioxide emissions from the domestic electricity-generation sector by 30 percent by 2030 when compared with 2005 levels. The EPA claims that the new rules are needed because greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide threaten ""the American public by leading to potentially rapid, damaging and long-lasting changes in our climate that can have a range of severe negative effects on human health and the environment.""",0 +The climate change projections over the 21st century reveal that the annual mean sea ice extent decreases at similar rates in both hemispheres...,0 +"(I should also discuss that that the Hamiltonian, the operator dictating how the system evolves in time, contains pieces governing the evolution of the regions around \(x\) and around \(y\) and they also commute with one another which guarantees the independent evolution of both subsystems or regions in time.)",0 +Rulemaking on the Proposed Regulations to Control Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Motor Vehicles,0 +"Because gasoline consumption is down, many refineries have hit a ""blend wall"" meaning the gasoline they are producing already contains as much ethanol as vehicle engines and related equipment can safely handle. However, the government still requires them to buy more corn-pone fuel or purchase RINs or pay hefty fines. That drives up the price of RINs and creates many opportunities or the unscrupulous.",0 +"EPA gave Gleick's group $468,000 in grants",0 +This ends up being an average of 0.2 Watts per sq. meter for the 55 year period 1955-2010 a calculation that Levitus also made. Here's what the yearly energy imbalances look like which are required to cause the yearly changes in ocean heat content:,0 +"toward the idea of getting a box on changes in hurricanes, perhaps written by a",0 +"At the conclusion of the review in late-2009, President Obama decided to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, thereby tripling the troop level he inherited. With",0 +"So, naturally, when Elisabeth Rosenthal, a blogger on Green topics for The New York Times wondered out loud Where Did Global Warming Go? I was curious to know her answer. Turns out that, despite being heralded on the covers of Newsweek, Time, The Economist, and countless other news magazines, in TV documentaries, et cetera, it hasnt gone anywhere",0 +"Gore on the conference call acknowledged that cap-and-trade was dead and that the alarmists had lost in 2010. He bitterly blamed the usual suspects: Big Oil, King Coal, right-wing media, and professional deniers (I believe that is where he would put me and CEI). This is boilerplate nonsense. Three of the big five oil companies (BP, Shell, and Conoco Phillips) support cap-and-trade, as well as most of the big electric utilities (Duke Energy, P G and E, Exelon, PNM Resources, Entergy, etc.) and many other major corporations, such as General Electric, Dow Chemical, General Motors, and Ford Motor. Cap-and-trade died when the American people found out that it was a colossal transfer of wealth from them to corporate special interests (see the list in the previous sentence).",1 +The experts have simply mixed up cause and effect when observing how clouds and temperature vary. The book reveals a simple way to determine the direction of causation from satellite observations of global average temperature and cloud variations. And that new tool should fundamentally change how we view the climate system.,1 +"Then interestingly, just last month, John Hinderaker cited the original study by Mr Hammer at Powerline and other studies, concluding:",0 +there is no individual model that does well in all of the SST and water vapor,0 +"Moderator Christy George started by noting in her introduction that Marc serves as communications director to Sen. James Inhofe, saying ""he is sort of his Karl Rove, or maybe his Dan Bartlett."" Given the political leanings of the crowd, this cannot exactly be considered a compliment.",0 +"Even when the economic outlook looked brighter, the United States led criticism that the existing Kyoto Protocol's requirements on cutting greenhouse gases would prove too costly for rich countries.",1 +"Yet Curry herself is convinced that some of those facts are seriously exaggerated, and that the IPCC has failed to acknowledge the real uncertainty in the science. As a result, she's been engaging with climate outsiders, including outright skeptics, and trying to force her colleagues to acknowledge some of what she considers serious flaws in the IPCC process. She's been denounced, sometimes vehemently, for her efforts.",1 +"Arctic Sea Ice: Last week, TWTW linked to an article by Joe D??Aleo stating that the Arctic sea ice has stopped melting short of the observed record made in 2007. He was challenged on several blogs including claims of cherry picking data, but appears to be correct. As typical, with the fall equinox, Arctic daily average temperatures are falling and, as measured by the Centre for Ocean and Ice of the Danish Meteorological Institute, are more than 10K below freezing.",1 +"The sea surface temperature anomalies of the NINO3.4 region are warmest in December during a typical El Nio and coolest in December during a typical La Nia. That is, El Nio and La Nia events normally peak in December.",0 +"""Sadly, by expanding the ranks of energy-rationing profiteers, the early credit provision in Senator Hagel's bill would sweep into history's dustbin his great legislative achievement, the anti-Kyoto Byrd-Hagel resolution. Our joint letter alerts the Senate to the hidden political and economic perils of an early credit program,"" said Lewis.",0 +"Borden noted oil tankers will still be able to traverse the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument and telecommunications companies would still be able to lay cable, but fisherman can no longer trawl for crabs, lobsters squid and other delicious seafood.",0 +Statistics Of Loebs Observed Changes In Top-Of-The-Atmosphere Radiation And Upper-Ocean Heating Consistent Within Uncertainty,0 +"DENNIS T. AVERY, a senior fellow for the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC., an environmental economist. He was formerly a senior analyst for the Department of State. He is co-author, with S. Fred Singer, of Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 Hundred Years, Readers may write him at PO Box 202, Churchville, VA 24421 or email to cgfi@hughes.net",0 +"Today's liberal progressives are directly descended from the ""New Left"" of the 1960s. By this I do not mean student radicals, SDS members, Yippies, and others of the radical fringe of this movement. Instead, I define the ""New Left"" as those Americanslargely bearers of college and postgraduate degreeswho sought not merely to ameliorate some of the hardest edges of American life, as FDR did with the New Deal, but rather to transform American life now. They sought to eliminate, not ameliorate, poverty now. They saw Americans' pursuit of ever-increasing wealth as an impediment to these goals; why should already well-off families have more when some people had little? And they saw American defense spending as a crucial obstacle to these goals; if no one was attacking us directly, why shouldn't we spend on butter rather than bombs?",0 +"The EU carbon permit price, at its current low of around ten dollars per tonne, is not a reflection of the cost of meaningful climate change action. Rather it is an artefact of Europes economic mess and policy preferences. And the current CDM price of around $5 per tonne is indeed the price at which these emissions offset credits can be bought in secondary markets, but it bears no resemblance to the actual and expected carbon prices in major trading schemes including the EU, California and South Korea. None of these schemes expect to have their domestic price set in international offset markets.",1 +"The third emphasis should be on increasing adaptive capacity and building resiliency in societies. As several important papers by Indur M. Goklany have shown using official IPCC and British government data, the costs of addressing potential adverse impacts caused by global warming directly are much lower than by addressing them indirectly through emissions reductions. Mr. Goklany has also shown that the IPCC computer model forecasts of future temperature increases predict that a richer-but-warmer world will be better off than a poorer-but-cooler world. Modern industrial societies are already resilient, not least because they have lots of energy. Subsistence societies, on the other hand, are vulnerable to bad weather and to changes in climate. Building resilience in poor societies requires access to modern energy.",0 +"All in all, while some of the folks in the links are a bit strange, its an interesting winding back road to visit. Still, I find myself wondering how I got here, and why, and just where is that on ramp to the freeway back to mainstream civilization",0 +The State Department predicts that building the pipeline will create:,0 +Science & Medicine antarctica: frozen $46m runway melting ...,0 +"It's not just the final numbers in the markets that may breed this jealousy. One may see the edge internally, too. Volkswagen has developed the MQB platform architecture one of the essential parts of a good state-of-the-art VW Group car that the koda's success depends upon. However, it turns out that Volkswagen proper has only incorporated it in 20% of the models they produce. In koda, the percentage is 40%. The adoption of the good new trends seems to be faster in Mlad Boleslav than in Wolfsburg. VW Group Winterkorn recently said that investments like MQB have helped (brands like) koda disproportionately.",0 +"Air quality has been gradually improving in most of the U.S., a trend that began in the 1950s when states began passing air pollution laws targeting mostly smoke and particulate emissions (commonly known as soot).7 As Indur M. Goklany writes:",0 +Seitz was the first president of the National Academy of Sciences and is a winner of the National Science Medal. Now hes a prime target of a government smear campaign. Hes been slammed in government journals and the mainstream press for his departure from the party line on global warming.,0 +"McKibben asserts methane, the primary component of natural gas, is escaping into the atmosphere in sufficient quantities that burning natural gas to generate electricity could cause more global warming than burning coal. He argues in favor of his view by showing methane is more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, but he arrives at these conclusions by cherry-picking data helpful to his cause; ignoring studies that arrive at different conclusions; and reporting discredited studies as Gospel truths.",0 +Politicians decided to close their eyes to the real environmental science because of the dollars that biofuel lobbyists were throwing around. The same lucre-spreading is happening in regards to cap and trade CO2 legislation.,0 +"Consider the ironies: A tribal party ended up nominating a man who has a very loose connection to the party and has had as many party affiliations in the past as he has had wives. A party moving toward more strident right-wing ideology, reflected in the candidacy of Ted Cruz, chose a nominee who is against free trade, has a long history of pro-choice sentiment, boosts Social Security, Medicare, and Planned Parenthood, and can sound like a neo-isolationist.",0 +Some of this you couldnt make upan EPA employee who workded for 20 years at home? Corruption and coverups.,0 +"Budziszewski gives an illustration of Natural Law from the play Antigone , by Sophocles:",0 +Note that the PDFs and ranges given for Otto et al. (2013) are slightly too high in the current version of Figure 10.20a. It is understood that those in the final version of AR5 will agree to the ranges in the published study.,0 +"I have written on the CPP twice in the past few monthsoriginally when it was first announced on June 2, and then after I gave testimony in Atlanta at one of the EPA's four scheduled ""listening sessions."" Upon release, we didn't really know muchafter all, it is, as the Senators' letter explains, complex and sweeping. But as more and more information is coming out, we see that the impact to the economy and U.S. energy security will be devastating.",0 +"David Montgomery of Charles River Associates raises additional concerns about the Administration s cost estimates. According to Montgomery, Dr. Yellen has looked only at the ""direct"" costs of compliance, ignoring the ""ripple effects"" of higher energy prices throughout the economy. Furthermore, Dr. Yellen apparently assumes that the $6.3 billion Climate Change Technology Initiative would increase the annual rate of energy efficiency improvement from 1% to 1.25%, yielding an additional 40% boost in energy efficiency over the next 12 years at no cost.28 Yet, as Montgomery notes, ""Increasing the annual rate of efficiency improvement from 1% to 1.25% gives only a 4.5% improvement in energy efficiency over 12 years, not 40%. This is a simple compound interest calculation.""29",0 +Areview of climate policies indicates thatmarket fixinghas had many consequences that one can only hopeits architects did not intended.,0 +"The word like is positively loaded with ambiguity. Not to be redundant, but write out the last question mathematically.",0 +It's also obvious what the Democratic Congress won't demand of Detroitthey won't call on the Big Three to significantly renegotiate the absurdly generous pension plans the unions demanded and irresponsible past CEOs agreed to.,0 +the vetting process for potential Cabinet and sub-Cabinet members before the,0 +"A new study very well worth reading by Ermolli et al. (2013) looks at the influence of the spectral variation of solar radiation (SSI), especially the ultraviolet spectrum: It is fluctuating much more strongly, by up to 10% between a quiet and an active sun. And at low solar activity, it generates precisely the pattern in the wintertime that weve been seeing since 2006: The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which impacts the temperature in the Eurasian region especially in the wintertime, is controlled and effected by the UV radiation of the sun. When there is less solar activity, it gets colder in the region. This is precisely what we are observing, and the large part of the deviation observed in the pure GHG models stems precisely from that. Shouldnt this be a wake-up call for the climate scientists to look more closely at SSI? This should have been done long ago. However, that would have meant conceding that CO2 is not everything.",1 +"More valuable than any of these estimates, which depend on many variables that can change unpredictably, is the report's clear economic logic and common sense.",0 +"The more accurate method to assess heat (and cold) waves is to use the anomalies of temperature in the lower atmosphere. This provides a more spatially representative measure of such extreme weather events than does the surface temperature trend assessment which relies on point measurements, often at poorly sited locations. We have a paper under review that uses this approach (anomalies of the lower tropospheric temperatures) with respect to the 2003 European heat wave. The full paper will be announced on the Climate Science website when accepted, but several of its conclusions can be summarized as in the following;",0 +"A profound tragedy is unfolding in New Orleans, the most beautiful city in America, with the richest cultural history and the most wonderful style of living. I lived in New Orleans for seven years. I was married there. My children were born there. I have many friends there.",0 +"It is no coincidence, then, that working-class voters regularly turn from Democrats when liberal progressivism is on full display. In this election, with liberal progressivism on display as boldly as it has ever been, the reaction will be stronger than it has ever been. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Kansas; working- and middle-class voters just want something different from what liberal progressives offer.",0 +"Results of the experiment revealed the following: (1) survival was ""100% at both temperatures and across all pH treatments,"" (2) metabolic rate increased as pH decreased in the low temperature treatment, while there was no significant difference across the different pH treatments in the high temperature regime, (3) muscle appearance and density did not change over either the temperature or pH treatment ranges in established or regenerated arms, (4) a faster response time in movement (motility) was observed at low temperature and low pH, (5) brittlestars across ""all treatments had the same net calcification throughout the experiment,"" (6) arm regeneration rate within the low temperature treatment was ""unaffected by the length of arm lost and the rate was similar between all pH treatments,"" (7) arm regeneration rate was significantly faster at higher temperatures than lower temperatures.",1 +"Koppen modified his system, with revisions in 1918 and 1936, the last was 52 years after his first publication. He was not done. He died in 1940 at the age of 90 but not before he had produced a more sophisticated system with another every important early climatologist, Rudolf Geiger. It is called the Koppen-Geiger system and is still used (Figure 2).",0 +"It's unclear why the committee didn't immediately exonerate Mann of the fourth allegation seriously deviating from accepted practices within the academic community except that by leaving it open, the committee apparently hoped to rebuild ""public trust in science in general and climate science specifically.""",0 +"A chain, we all know, is only as strong as its weakest link. We must have extraordinary confidence in the integrity of every link before we trust it. Has the process been sound? Has the globe warmed? Are we humans to blame? Will any warming continue? Would the impacts be terrible? Would the proposed solutions do any meaningful good? Will the benefits exceed the costs? Let any link in this chain of questions fail, and the treaty cannot be justified. It would be all pain, no gain and should be scrapped.",0 +"Distances 68 km (42 miles) WNW (290) from Kandrian, New Britain, PNG",0 +"In fact, the statistical model that they adopted has been rejected by essentially everyone. In particular, it has been rejected by both the IPCC and the CCSP, as cited in my previous message. I know of no work that presents argumentation to support their choice of model: they have just adopted the model without any attempt at justification, which is clearly wrong.",1 +"Carbon dioxide, a trace gas absolutely essential for human and other life, is currently four one-hundredths of 1 percent of the atmosphere.",1 +"In another action, the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Trade Commission and State of California agreed to a $14.7 billion settlement with Volkswagen, to compensate 482,000 buyers who bought diesel cars that the company illegally made appear less polluting than they actually were.",0 +How Climate Change Has Got Worldwide Fund for Nature Bamboozled,0 +"This incredible theory finds evidence of a deep-space collision between Earth and Mars 10,000 years ago. The impact recorded in crater evidence that survives to this day sent the Earth reeling closer toward the sun, putting it in the path of greatly increased solar radiation. Its that change and not human activity that has led to the very real warming phenomenon, Dr. Orkan finds.",1 +"This means that the plateau or pause in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years.",1 +"on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009 at 2:19 am and is filed under News.",0 +"These disclosures highlight a key fact with respect to global temperature data: the data sets are utterly lacking in integrity. Global warming alarmists confidently announce that worldwide temperatures have risen by, say .1 degree over a decade. It would be extraordinarily difficult to take measurements at many locations around the globe that would actually demonstrate that proposition. But the real situation is much worse: no one tells you what temperatures were actually measured at the worlds weather stations. Rather, they report claims of global warming based on adjusted temperature dataadjusted by alarmists, with the systematic purpose of manufacturing a rising temperature trend. If you subtract the adjustments, it may well be that there has been no net warming over the last 100 years at all.",1 +"The results are quite amusing. The American MSM merrily sails on, rolling out the same stock ""sky is falling"" climate change articles they have for years then, in the online comments, ordinary Americans tear them apart for their lies, as with this example from the Washington Post.",0 +"The blizzard accounted for the deaths of an estimated 45,000 head of livestock, reports said.",0 +"In response to the predicted changes in climate, forest productivity increased moderately for all stands (17% to 24%); while in response to the aerial fertilization effect of the doubling of the air's CO 2 content, it increased considerably more (72% to 86%). Even more impressively, when the climatic changes and atmospheric CO 2 increase were considered together, forest productivity increased still more (107% to 141%), which response is greater than that provided by the sum of their individual contributions, due to the amplifying synergy that exists among these factors with respect to their combined impact on basic plant physiological processes. What it means",1 +"Jiang et al . conclude that their ""comparative analyses suggest that current GCMs/RCMs do not adequately capture multi-scale temporal variability of precipitation,"" and, therefore, they say that ""using GCM/RCM output to conduct future flood projections is not creditable.""",1 +Stora sv ngningar i klimatet inget ovanligt,0 +"2- Steve attempts to replicate Michael Manns tree ring work in the paper MBH98, but is stymied by lack of data archiving. He sends dozens of letters over the years trying to get access to data but access is denied. McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, of the University of Guelph publish a paper in 2004 criticizing the work. A new website is formed in 2004 called Real Climate, by the people who put together the tree ring data and they denounce the scientific criticism:",0 +"The Medieval Warm Period disappeared, as did criticism of the global warming orthodoxy. With the release of the Climategate Emails, the disappearing trick has been exposed. The glorious Medieval Warm Period will remain in the history books, perhaps with an asterisk to describe how a band of zealots once tried to make it disappear.",1 +"(D) According to the scientists involved, the central planning of the best free capitalism (mp3: 35m45s). By Al Gore to Professor Lord Giddens of the London School of Economics, in environments AGW c one thought: the free market is not enough, and requires a large state intervention to save the planet from a climate doom.",0 +"For a look at what the future might bring have a look at California, which has perfected the art of regulatory expansion. Suppose you want to build a small strip mall or shopping center or office building. California regulators refer to such enterprises as ""indirect sources"" of pollutionindirect, because although they may not produce air pollution themselves, they are the destination for trips by automobiles. The ""indirect source review"" process in California estimates the amount of pollution from the cars that will come to your proposed place of business, and charges you a ""mitigation"" feeup to 50 cents a square foot or more in some cases. And separately California regulators have recently proposed outlawing the sale of black cars on the theory that black cars use more gasoline to run their air conditioning in the summer.",0 +"Acknowledging that ""those days are over,"" when India and U.S. were on different sides, President Obama emphasized that India is ""indispensable"" to America's vision for the future. Stating that India and U.S. share regional and global security interests, share the desire for an open international economic system and seek a just and sustainable global order.",0 +The core of humor is what I call the 2-of-6 rule. In order for something to be,0 +"With respect to ""storms,"" it is not clear whether Ms. Macfarlane has tornadoes or tropical cyclones or both in mind. But it matters not: Tornado counts and intensities have declined since the mid-1950s, and the numbers and accumulated energy of tropical cyclones in particular are near their lowest levels since satellite measurements began in the early 1970s, despite increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases.",1 +"Yet the ridiculous Sir David King said he expected 4.5 C global warming this century. Even the excitable IPCC, on its most extreme scenario, gives a central estimate of only 3.7 C warming this century. Not one of the puddings on the committee challenged him.",1 +New Material Posted on the NIPCC Web site,0 +2nd highest ice coverage for Hudson Bay since 1971 at mid-August only 1992 higher,1 +"According to a background document issued by the ecology ministry, countries that are supporting the French idea comprise more than 30 European countries and the 54 members of the African Union, as well as Thailand, Malaysia, Nepal, Chile and Uruguay.",0 +"Also, during multidecadal periods when La Nia and El Nio events are more evenly matched, as they have been for the past decade, atmospheric and ocean circulation become more balanced, leading to the cessation of the long-term, naturally caused, sunlight-fueled global warming.",1 +"Democratic AGs ignore polls, press case against climate skeptics",0 +"It all depends. Suppose I do some research and find that all 99 doctors got their information from a single (anonymous) article in Wikipedia, what then?",0 +"The three Canadian researchers conclude that ""moose in their southern range either ameliorate heat stress at a finer resolution than we measured or are more resilient to temperature than previously thought,"" thereby casting significant doubt upon what climate alarmists ""intuitively"" claim will occur in a warming world.",1 +"Wow. Note that this brief exchange followed a general consensus (!) on the panel that analyses driven by evidence are vastly preferable to mere ideology. That principle was endorsed vigorously by Ms. Macfarlane, who supposedly is a scientist and who, therefore, presumably understands that ""consensus science"" is a contradiction in terms received wisdom always is subject to refutation and that the pursuit of scientific ""truth"" is not majoritarian. No matter.",0 +"Others might look to certain climate anomalies and convince themselves that humans are the cause. I often hear claims that extreme weather is getting worse. Now, here we do have direct evidence to check. Whether its tornadoes (no change over the past 60 years), hurricanes (no changes over the past 120 years) or droughts and heat waves (not as bad as they were during the past 1,000 years), the evidence doesnt support those claims. So, we argue.",1 +"First, fracking has real potential to drive energy bills down. Labours mismanagement of the economy means that many people are struggling with the cost of living today. Where we can act to relieve the pressure, we must. Its simple gas and electric bills can go down when our home-grown energy supply goes up. Were not turning our back on low carbon energy, but these sources arent enough . We need a mix. Latest estimates suggest that theres about 1,300 trillion cubic feet of shale gas lying underneath Britain at the moment and that study only covers 11 counties. To put that in context, even if we extract just a tenth of that figure, that is still the equivalent of 51 years gas supply.",1 +"On June 9, 2009, four days after Waxman-Markey was marked up in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Hugh Wynne, a senior analyst with BernsteinResearch, led a group of investors to meet with Exelon's senior management at the company's headquarters in Chicago. Wynne summarized Exelon's thinking in a non-public report prepared for Bernstein's clients:",0 +"Late Wednesday night, after a 16-day shutdown, the President signed a bill to reopen the government and pay our countrys bills. Today, a government shutdown over delaying or defunding the health care law can no longer hurt our economy. We are no longer facing the threat of default .",0 +"Bush's initial course effectively ended on September 11, 2001, with the emergence of antiterrorism as a predominant national issue.",0 +"If you don't like telling people No, a convenient alternative is setting conditions you know other people won't accept. Then the impasse is their fault, you see.",0 +"The poison at issue is mercury, but industrial mercury emissions in the air aren't a direct threat to humans; rather, they settle onto bodies of water and then make their way up the aquatic food chain. Because mercury is a neurotoxin, the fear is that pregnant women can engender developmental disorders in their fetuses by eating fish that have accumulated mercury. Therefore, the EPA identifies pregnant women as the population at highest risk from U.S. power plant mercury emissions.",0 +"SINKING UNDER THEIR FALSE SEA-LEVEL PREDICTIONS, ALARMISTS CHANGE THE DATA",1 +"The first scenario, ""Awash in oil and gas,"" assumes that consumers enjoy secure access to abundant supplies of oil, natural gas and coal at low prices. America would enjoy ""significant GDP growth"" and carbon emissions would grow more than 50 percent between 2000 and 2035.",0 +"However you feel about Newt Gingrich, his response to CNN's John King, at the start of tonight's U.S. Presidential debate was sublime: h/t Fred",0 +"On February 24, one day after the Obama speech, the U.S. Geological Survey released a report on the amount of oil estimated to exist in the North Slope of Alaska . The amount of oil that is technically recoverable in the United States is more than 1.4 trillion barrels, with the largest deposits located offshore, in portions of Alaska, and in shale in the Rocky Mountain West. When combined with resources from Canada and Mexico, total recoverable oil in North America exceeds 1.7 trillion barrels.",1 +"These various lake sediment series have been the most prominent ???new?? thousand-year proxies in the past 7 or 8 years, but they are fraught with difficulties in terms of interpretation as temperature proxies, with post-hoc interpretation rife.",1 +"Propane fracking is different from hydrofracking, which uses a high-pressure mix of water, chemicals and sand to break up underground rock formations and release trapped natural gas. Propane fracking does not use water and instead relies on a thick gel made from propane, a widely available gas used by anyone who has fired up a backyard barbecue grill.",0 +"TABLE 1. EPA's ""Description of likelihood""",0 +The low pressure center that brought snow to the Sierra and hailstorms to some locations has moved south. But the coldest temperatures of the week remain in the Central Valley.,1 +The global warming debate often degenerates into one side the alarmists claiming the other side skeptics is anti-science. Believers wrap themselves in science as if it were an impenetrable and absolute defense.,1 +"The news releases began flying as Obama unveiled the long-awaited details of his $3.4 trillion spending plan, including a list of programs he wants to trim or eliminate. Though the proposed reductions represent just one-half of 1 percent of next year's budget, the swift protest was a precursor of the battle Obama will face within his own party to control spending and rein in a budget deficit projected to exceed $1.2 trillion next year.",0 +""" keeping talks alive with no prospect of success will wreak further incalculable damage on the WTO "" Claude Barfield",0 +"Yep, al-Qaeda is on the run, alright, running through O's mind. There is a reason that no one had heard of such a group until a nanosecond ago, when the ""Khorosan Group"" suddenly went from anonymity to the ""imminent threat"" that became the rationale for an emergency air war there was supposedly no time to ask Congress to authorize. You haven't heard of the Khorosan Group because there isn't one. It is a name the administration came up with, calculating that Khorosan -- the -Iranian-Afghan border region -- had sufficient connection to jihadist lore that no one would call the president on it.",0 +"But even if we take the estimates provided by the advocates of aggressive action, the math comes up short. For example, the National Resource Defense Council estimates that if left unchecked, global warming will cost the U.S. 1.8 percent of its GDP by the year 2100. Meanwhile the Stern Review estimates the cost of carbon mitigation to total 2 percent of world GDP by the year 2100. It appears that the hot areas of the world should be bribing us to take action, not the other way around.",0 +"As Property Rights Australia says, STAND YOUR GROUND.",0 +"Having been embarrassed, instead of just quietly vanishing, he thinks it helps his activist cause to parade his gullibility on Ad Hominem Unleashed (the ABC Drum) , to show how its really just more evidence that humans really are changing the weather. If you can figure out the logical chain in that, do tell us.",0 +"As I said in the article, there are no Gods in Science, and there is no Bible. If Doherty gets his opinion of climate hypotheses from following opinions of others, it??s a short cut to the real deal. Only the evidence matters, and it??s strange how many scientists are willing to sprout an opinion without being able to cite any. One??s leanings on this topic seems to follow mainly on whether you consult the data or the climate scientists.",1 +"In any case, agencies are not supposed to provide false or misleading information toinfluencehow Members of Congress vote.",0 +"Yorkshires biggest PLCs took a battering after the Budget with shares in Drax, the UKs biggest power station, plunging to a record low after the Government said clean power will not be exempt from climate change tax. The shock news wiped 28 per cent off the North Yorkshire firm and will come as a heavy blow at a time when Drax, once the UKs worst polluter, is switching to a much greener future burning biomass. It has already converted two of its six units to burn biomass and plans to bring a third online by 2016. -- Yorkshire Post, 8 July 2015",0 +Americas Finest News Source scoops everyone :,0 +tardily. The asymmetry in length and speed of reply correlates with,0 +"The IEA's suggested target for China of 8.4 billion tonnes of CO2 per year by 2020, which would then fall, is in line with most other research for a safe peak, said Michel den Elzen at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.",0 +"Bushs EPA had hoped that if the agency only makes a welfare-based endangerment finding, it would only have to establish a secondary NAAQS for GHGs.The hoped-for advantageis that unlike a primary NAAQS, which states must attain infive or at most 10 years, a secondary NAAQS has no prescribed attainment date.Secondary NAAQS mustbe attained as expeditiously as practicable, which, in the case of GHGs, might be 50 years or longer.",0 +"Epstein et al.s much-publicized conclusion (built from their best and high estimates) that the hidden costs of coal should add 18 to 27 cents per kWh to the price of electricity in the U.S. and thus elevate the economic competitiveness of wind, solar, and other forms of nonfossil fuel power generation is idealistic driven and far too high.",1 +Mark Boslough's most damning criticism of the deniers: they have no shared defining ideology and motivation!,0 +The Deseret News Google News Archive Search,0 +induced climate change in Africa. These scenarios draw upon the new preliminary,0 +"The resulting media hand wringing has reinforced European support for the Kyoto climate protocol, and increased attacks on the United States for not complying with it. But regardless of what the Europeans say it is extremely unlikely that America will comply, not least because its own glaciers are increasing in size (at least the major ones in Alaska). Also the more balanced funding to US research institutions is leading to studies that analyse receding, as well as advancing, glaciers on a global basis. The result will be a furthering of American scepticism about impending doom, ultimately polarising opinion against Europe's pro-Kyoto stance.",0 +"Crow Edge is about five miles up the road from us, and we regularly take our dog up on the moors there. In fact we happened to be up there on Monday afternoon , saw the fire engines and wondered what was happening.",0 +"My treatment at the hands of the consensus police has apparently discouraged some other scientists from publicly following suit. On the other hand, perhaps I have helped to pave the way for the emergence of a Tamsin Edwards . It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. And all this is why I regard the institutionalization of climate tribalism such as evidenced by the recent AGU statement on climate change to be so pernicious to the field of climate science.",1 +"In the big picture, adapting to climate change would mean figuring out how to make our cities more drought-resistant, flood resistant, and temperature tolerant, and how to help our ecosystems to be resilient.",0 +$ N \leq (M {Planck} / m)^2 $,0 +"http://generationprocurement.saskpower.com/pdf/SPD 80m 021403.pdf Nuclear capitol costs are less than wind The Centennial Project cost $275 million to generate 60 MW (see Saskatchewan Legislature Hansard, January 2007, page 793 for costs); that is $4.5833 million/MW",0 +"""While the last 18 months have marked a monumental boost in browser performance and the beginnings in earnest of the HTML5 web app era, another important story has also been weaving its way through the fabric of internet society the increasing importance of privacy on the web. Last year, both the US and EU decided that privacy on the web in general, and tracking cookies in specific, should be taken seriously. As a result, both Chrome and Internet Explorer now have tracking protection extensions, and Mozilla has proposed and implemented a Do Not Track HTTP header.""",0 +"We found out last week that Shweingruber MXD series had some very unusual things done to it. Series were cut off at 1960 and new fake data was pasted on the ends. The fake data of course correlated well to temperature and over 90% of the series passed correlation. The comments regarding the data warned that data after 1960, temperature records were mathematically incorporated in the series.",1 +"At present, polls suggest that Proposition 23 will be closely fought, with a slim majority of voters in California currently opposing it. However, the oil industry may take comfort in the fact that all of those polls were conducted several days before ""James Cameron ? Hypocrite"" was released.",0 +Weather Could Make For An Interesting Republican Convention,0 +"A new paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews reconstructs European temperatures using a new technique combining fossil pollen and ""boosted regression trees"", and finds more non-hockey-sticks with temperatures during the Holocene Climate Optimum 6000 years ago were 0.7C higher during June-August in comparison to 500 years ago.",1 +"The argument that coastal vulnerability is a government failure, not a climate problem is also shared by Joseph E. Stiglitz, former chief economist of the World Bank, who wrote,",0 +"It has been more than six years since a hurricane hit Texas, but in 1884 Texaswashit by four hurricanes. The frequency of hurricane strikes in Texas has dropped by more than 50% since the 1880s. No doubt insurance companies have reduced premiums to compensate.",1 +Oops! One wrong equation caused the climate scare,0 +"Specifically, the Competitive Enterprise and Action Aid folks noted that the EPA failed to consider multiple peer-reviewed studies documenting the link between ethanol and world hunger in its public health literature review, as required by law. That includes one paper that concludes that biofuel mandates are responsible for at least 192,000 premature deaths every year. Overall more people die from chronic hunger world-wide than malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS combined.",0 +"Faced with barriers to new plant construction, courts and regulators were loathe to risk a total shutdown of existing coal facilities, so a combination of administrative rules and judicial decisions have kept these plants on line far longer than they should have been, some even to the present day.",0 +"The interesting issue is what has really been going on with the Arctic temperatures since about 2008. In the preceding post Uncertainty in Arctic temperatures , MERRA vs the ERA-Interim showed diverging trends after about 2007; Figure 4b of Cowtan and Way is suggestive of a steady temperature in the Arctic since 2000 (although this figure uses a 60 month running mean).",0 +"With respect to triviality, for instance, the problem is not that things like climate change or childhood obesity cannot possibly be imagined to have some ""national security"" implications, but that it is far from clear that this impact is either direct or immediate enough or likely enough to be left unaddressed, or be unaddressable, by non-""security"" means to justify the expenditure of scarce and already overstretched ""national security"" resources in struggling with it.",0 +"Even though the oceanic circulation pattern of warm water known as El Nio forms in the Pacific, it affects the circulation patterns across the globe, changing the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic. This regular type of El Nio (from the Spanish meaning little boy or Christ child) is more difficult to forecast, with predictions of the December circulation pattern not coming until May. At first glance, that may seem like plenty of time. However, the summer before El Nio occurs, the storm patterns change, meaning that predictions of El Nio come only one month before the start of hurricane season in June. But El Nio Modoki follows a different prediction pattern.",0 +"Reports now declare: ""Climate change compromises may be easier with China than Congress.""",0 +CEI Expert Available to Comment: Adjunct Scholar Doug Bandow on the state of pork barrel spending in the current Congress:,0 +"There is a famous quote in the Climategate emails from Trenberth about the travesty that there is missing heat which we cant account for. This refers to the fact that the radiation balance as understood and as modeled implies that the Earth should be absorbing radiation and warming up. The observed rate of warming, including heat stored in the ocean, is significantly less than predicted. This is the travesty. Please note that the adjustment of the OHC data in the above plot (black line after 2002) makes the missing heat term larger by a significant amount. The problem of balancing the Earth energy budget remains unsolved. If further adjustments are warranted, as I believe, then the problem grows further.",1 +How many other sincere Skeptics have made that same assumption? Latour goes on: -,0 +"Regardless of Foxs cinematographic propaganda, the United States remains the largest natural gas producer in the world. But the dramatic rise in domestic production means that natural gas will inevitably have some critics. The proven safety record of hydraulic fracturing and the boom this technology is helping to foster an American energy boom provides an inconvenient truth for Josh Fox and his anti-fracturing friends.",1 +"As mentioned, the net TOA radiation is also remarkable for its stability (bottom panel, Figure 2). The standard deviation of the global imbalance in net TOA radiation is about six-tenths of a watt per square metre (dotted horizontal gold lines). Note also that over the fourteen-year period there is no trend in the net TOA radiation.",1 +"The three youngest are all at OSU, working on PhDs in nuclear engineering. They entered the field at a young age, helping their father write and publish the ""pro-science, pro-technology, pro-free enterprise"" newsletter, Access to Energy, which explains and advocates nuclear energy.",0 +"Disclosure: I actually run a few campgrounds in the UP of Michigan, but since sleeping in tents seems to fit the governor's industrial policy, I'll probably be OK.",0 +"Throughout the course of the 2008 election, two plotlines defined the Republican cause:",0 +"Its bizarre, but since temperatures have actually fallen slightly since the last report in 2007, the IPCC is now more certain that humans have been the dominant cause of observed warming since the 1950s. The IPCC claims that climate models have improved since AR4, but cannot give a best estimate for climate sensitivity, the only number that really matters in the end, because of, quote:",1 +The KUSI News Special will be posted at http://www.kusi.com/weather/colemanscorner/81175327.html as four segments a few hours before the program is telecast Thursday evening.,0 +"The fixation of EU elites on this idea led them to overlook the various scandals that marred the UN throughout the 1990s (from the Rwanda genocide to the Iraq oil-for-food program). More important, there is great reluctance on the part of EU public opinion at large to acknowledge the fact that, in the process of enlarging 54 members in 1945 to 184 in 1993, the UN's initial goals have been perverted.",0 +"Seitz is a distinguished physicist. He worked on the Manhattan Project and was a consultant to the secretary of war during World War II. He was the science adviser to NATO in the late 40s and, in 64, he became the first president of the NAS. He has received 15 national and international prizes in addition to the National Science Medal, and holds more than 30 honorary doctorates.",0 +"The evangelical leaders need to give more thought to the unintended consequences of their well-intentioned acts. During the Middle Ages, good people left their property to the Church. This acted as a brake on economic development as the dead hand, or mortmain, of the Church took this useful land out of the economywith the poor paying the price through lack of opportunity to improve their lot. By devoting spiritual and temporal energy to reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the evangelical leaders will probably hurt the poor more than they help them. As Matthew 7: 15 says, ""Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."" By adopting a green agenda, the evangelicals may have thrown the poor to those wolves.",0 +"But the bottom line, as expressed by Ariel Lugo, is this. ""We are asking Latin countries to go to enormous efforts on the basis of a scientific theory that is full of uncertainties.""",0 +"16 EPA, Fact Sheet On Clear Skies Initiative.",0 +"Pictures of cuddly polar bear cubs have been a mainstay of many organisations wanting you to donate to their cause of saving the polar bears for many years. Polar bears live in the Arctic and are well adapted to that environment. The NG article On Thin Ice mentioned above also contains photographs of polar bears in their natural habitat. Thats where things really get interesting: most of these pictures were taken at Svalbard which is OUTSIDE even NGs exaggerated minimum summer sea-ice extent, the other ones at unspecified locations, perhaps the local zoo.",1 +"But, everyone already knows this, as we demonstrated the non-impact of U.S. emissions reduction efforts in Part I and Part II of our analysis of last summer?s Waxman-Markey offering. And as far as the global warming goes, Kerry-Lieberman?s The American Power Act of 2010 is similar to Waxman-Markey?s American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.",0 +"Unfortunately, coral reefs are supposed to be threatened by increasing CO2. It??s supposed to make the various animals?? carbonate skeletons and shells dissolve, by decreasing the ???pH?? of the ocean (pH is a measure of relative alkalinity/acidity) and thus making the seas more neutral than they are today. Careful chemical calculations based on the complex carbonate chemistry of the ocean are said to prove that, no question. Aquarium tests are said to have shown it beyond a doubt, with statistically significant results. The claim has been repeated ad nauseam ?? and yet the reefs are thriving where they are not impacted by true threats like pollution and coral mining and curiously, the killing of parrotfish .",1 +"Unlocking America's still abundant hydrocarbon resources and unleashing our innovative, hard-driving free enterprise system would generate hundreds of billions of dollars in leasing, royalty and tax revenues for federal, state and local governments. It would put millions back to work help stanch the flow of red ink keep tens of billions of crude oil spending and investment in America and create enormous new wealth, instead of redistributing a dwindling pool of old wealth.",1 +No. Science is not aimed at building a politically potent consensus over questions of public policy.,1 +"If Democrats think they can count on the unhappiness with President Bush and the residue of repugnance with the performance in Washington when the Republicans controlled all the levers of power, they are delusional.",0 +These polarized parties could and did act decisively when one of them controlled both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. But the more frequent periods of divided party government inspired willful obstruction and policy avoidance.,0 +"Of course, I am by no means the only person to have been mistreated in this way by the UN. Professor Paul Reiter, for instance, who on any view is the foremost expert in the world on the transmission of malaria and yellow fever, was nominated to the US delegation of scientists negotiating the text of the 2007 climate assessment report. Suspecting that the UN's bureaucrats would play the same games with him as they have played with so many others whose scientific knowledge shows the climate scare to be just that, he was careful to send four copies of his nomination papers to separate senior UN bureaucrats, by recorded delivery.",0 +"Whenever I concluded with the feeling that ""something isn't right"", I was trying to comfort myself by the idea that I was working as a doctor and my mission was to help to the sick and injured ones and those members of the local populations that were affected by the activity of our troops. This comfort has prevented me from seeing the problem in its entirety for several years and to understand that what NATO, and especially the U.S., is doing in numerous countries of the whole world must be ranked as the highest degree of perversity and intoxication by power. But even more importantly, all these conflicts were intentionally fabricated while the excuses to launch such conflicts and the American imperialist policy in these conflicts doesn't seem to have any limits. Everyone who opposes the imperial ambitions of the U.S. in any way, even if he were defending the identity, economy, and sovereignty of his nation, must be ""erased off the map of the world"".",0 +"SM: Both. We see those two things as mutually reinforcing. So we try to help elect more pro-growth Republicans. Let me just restate that: We're interested not just in helping elect more pro-growth Republicans but also helping de-elect some of the anti-growth Republicans. As the people at CEI know, just because someone has an ""R"" next to their name doesn't mean that they are pro-growth. And so we think that by doing both of those things we can help improve the gene pool in Congress and also change the political calculus some of these members make when they stand up and vote on tough issues.",0 +"On August 5, 2015, an EPA-hired crew negligently reopened the Gold King Mine above Silverton, Colorado and unleashed a 3,000,000-gallon toxic flashflood that contaminated rivers all the way to Lake Powell in Utah. EPA waited an entire day before notifying the public, offered apologies but only minimal compensation, refused to fire, fine or demote anyone and issued a report that whitewashed the agency's incompetence and even scrubbed the names of EPA on-site coordinator Hayes Griswold and his team.",0 +"Theres a discussion over at Judith Currys excellent blog, about peak oil. I find the whole madness surrounding peak oil to be one more example of our human love for warnings of future disaster. Few people want to hear that tomorrow will be OK, that things will work out. Instead, most folks want to hear some terrible story about what tomorrow holds, whether its peak oil or climate meltdown or the coming ice age. Go figure.",0 +"So basically, Mann wants a legal guarantee that he can dish it out, but he doesn't have to take it. What a jerk.",0 +"The costs of stabilizing emissions of carbon dioxidea major greenhouse gasby 2010 are likely to be substantial. Estimates center around $80 per ton of carbon reduced, which translates to a 20-cents-per-gallon gasoline tax. Not long ago Congress balked at a much smaller BTU tax. Few legislatures elsewhere in the world are likely to be any bolder. So the most likely outcome of international negotiations over the next decade is that a select group of developed countries will agree to do something that has a relatively low cost.",0 +"I had recently taken a position at an Ivy League institution when another junior faculty member showed me a micrograph of a macrophage containing intracellular bacteria. I immediately noticed an electron-dense material near the bacterial cells, which I suspected might be actin filaments of the host cell. I agreed to test this hypothesis, and using a fluorescent actin stain, found that, indeed, many of the bacterial cells had actin filaments on one pole. Could this bacterium be harnessing the hosts actin to move within cells? I wondered aloud to my colleague. A month later I brought additional data confirming my findings to my collaborators office, where I noticed a paper on his desk with the bacteriums name and actin in the title. He and a senior professor were listed as the authors, but I was not. Wheres my name? I asked.",0 +"During my professional career as a military and later civilian physician, I have also met a large number of incompetent politicians and superiors who have exchanged their personal profit and careerism, mixed with hypocrisy, ignorance, and populism, with honor, education, and desire to honestly work for the society.",0 +This is the same EPA that proposed restrictions for new wood stoves in early January. The reason given was to reduce the maximum amount of fine particulate emissions (soot) allowed for new stoves sold in 2015 and 2019. The soot is made up of solid particles and liquid droplets that measure 2.5 micrometers or less.,0 +"distorting influence, which can be counterproductive indeed. Yet politics,",0 +"So, sure. The Chaos argument does tell us that the fact that we can??t predict weather doesn??t mean we can??t predict climate. But the same chaos argument shows us that accurate, skillful climate prediction will be very difficult??? and it may also be impossible!",1 +"Bill Nye the ""Science Guy"" once again took to Twitter to spout doom and gloom about global warming, this time lamenting how gasoline is too cheap.",0 +"In a study in the Journal of Geophysical Research a paper, Influence of the Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature , researchers Chris de Freitas, John McLean, and Bob Carter find that the El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a key indicator of global atmospheric temperatures seven months later. By their analysis they have shown that natural forces related to ocean heat cycles are the dominant influence on climate. See the WUWT post on it here and the original paper here .",1 +"Alam et al . report that ""irrespective of the differences in growth environment, higher CO 2 in the ambient air during measurements improved the photochemical efficiency of the plants as reflected in higher net photosynthetic rate, effective photosystem 2 quantum efficiency, and photochemical quenching."" What it means",1 +"Of course, Bert Halperin knew better. He conjectured that the future historians were going to learn about this dinner anyway because there would be a distorted report about this event at The Reference Frame. The historians wouldn't have a better source so they would have to rely on this blog and analyze what can be trusted and what cannot be trusted. However, Bert Halperin has conjectured that there are so many blogs that the historians could not find the information anyway. Has he tried to find information about Wilczek and poems , for example? ;-)",0 +"Robert J. Michaels is the Daniel P. Hann Distinguished Scholar in Law and Economics, California State University , Fullerton. He is senior fellow at the Institute for Energy Research and an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute. He can be contacted at",0 +"At a minimum, Cullen's proposal amounts to a plan to turn meteorologists into preachers of the global warming apocalypse. She comments: ""Meteorologists are among the few people trained in the sciences who are permitted regular access to our living rooms."" Most people are content to get their sermons in church. Nothing will drive down viewership of the Weather Channel faster than an endless parade of Al Gore wannabes urging us to repent of our sins of emission.",1 +"""Climate Change is the defining issue of our age. Previous generations had to deal with the rise of Nazism or communism. This is the issue on which my generation of politicians will be judged. This is our Dunkirk.""",0 +"The United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNCCC or COP15) in Copenhagen has concluded with no treaty , no ""agreement"", no ""goals"" other than trivial ones, no ""enforcement"" provisions, and no ""reparations"" to third world countries, whom do we thank?",0 +"> >> >>case-studies exist, yet there is no comprehensive information",0 +"Murray chronicles seven environmental catastrophes, and shows the hand of the professional environmental movement in each one.",0 +"It is a great honor for me to be here tonight, getting a chance to deliver the inaugural lecture of the Global Warming Policy Foundation to such a distinguished audience.",0 +"I swear, sometimes I think people have totally lost the plot. This is mental onanism of the highest order, to sit around and debate if something is culturally sustainable. Like I said ... lets get back to feeding the kids. Once thats done, we can debate if the way we fed them is culturally sustainable.",0 +"The Bloomberg report is here . It actually says little about emissions, but as far as I can see it says nothing like what Ms Goldenberg suggests it does on the subject of renewables. try this for example:",0 +"However, in looking at longer rainfall and river flow records, Prof. Lane shows that we have forgotten just how normal flooding in the UK is . He looked at seasonal rainfall and river flow patterns dating back to 1753 which suggest fluctuations between very wet and very dry periods, each lasting for a few years at a time, but also very long periods of a few decades that can be particularly wet or particularly dry. In terms of river flooding, the period since the early 1960s and until the late 1990s appears to be relatively flood free, especially when compared with some periods in the late 19th century and early 20th Century.",1 +"Narrator: But maybe the heat will get us by creating more air pollution. That's what the Natural Resources Defense Council, or NRDC, said in a report titled Heat Advisory. It sounds plausible because smog forms when emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds bake in the heat of the Sun. However, the NRDC report is fundamentally flawed.",0 +The results reveal the European Union target of limiting global temperature rise to less than 2C above pre-industrial levels shouldnt be considered safe.,0 +"James Hansen, the high priest of global warming, told Congress in 2008 that those who question him should be tried for ""high crimes against humanity and nature.""",1 +* Full report: What Is Wrong With Stern? (pdf) Lilley-Stern Rebuttal 2,0 +"There are sober, serious reasons to be concerned about the IPCC. Remember the 2010 InterAcademy Council report that identified significant shortcomings in each major step of IPCCs assessment process? The one that criticized the IPCC for claiming to have high confidence in many statements for which there is actually little evidence?",1 +University Study Confirms Renewable Energy Isn't Economically Feasible,1 +"In other words, it would innebra to erknna that science can only offer the best possible frklaringarna in nulget is that asset, not the absolute truth. 's Society and politics can live with this fact, but for those who want to improve the world, this has always been a sin.",0 +"When ? not if ? Chinese consumers close that gap, they?ll be driving more than 20 times the number of cars they are driving today. Chinese electricity consumption is similarly rapidly too, with new coal-fired power plants opening like clockwork.",0 +Did a Secret Climate Deal Launch the Hockey Stick Fakery,1 +"The team concluded the event couldnt be tied to climate change, though, because of limited data on severe weather events in the fall. The team included researchers at South Dakota State University, who said the storm is not cause for alarm.",0 +"And so on. The Deutsch-Marletto texts are made uselessly contrived in the very same sense as the sentence involving visual, symbolic channels. There is no point of talking about a ""constructor"". This redundant concept doesn't help your understanding of anything in Nature or mathematics.",0 +"Here is the link and I hope and pray that all Skeptic Professors and sincere sceptic writers and so on and so forth will read this article by Dr Latour. I immediately passed it on to Hans Schreuder since it vindicates his well-known essay that Greenhouse Gases cool the Planet. This essay by Hans Schreuder is central to what I call my book Climate for the Layman but which is, in fact, a compilation of articles and essays.",0 +"Not that this should come as too much of a surprise as it is well known and demonstrated by literally thousands of scientific studies that atmospheric carbon dioxide is a plant fertilizer, so the more that there is, the better plants grow.",1 +The Real Victim in the ExxonMobil Lawsuit is the First Amendment,0 +"Meanwhile, nearly 1 inch of rain fell in 30 minutes at the Palmdale Regional Airport late Thursday afternoon, the weather service tweeted at about 4:30 p.m.",0 +"But it is worse than it seems the 1936 temperatures were not just over 100 degrees, but they were way over 100 degrees. In 1936, 24% of the US reached 110 degrees compared to only 4% in 2012.",1 +"A good example of how inaccurate climate forecasts are, is shown in the two images below. NOAA??s Climate Prediction Center issued a long range forecast for the past winter inFebruary, 2009. Brown and orange represents above normal temperatures, and as you can see they got most of the US backwards.",1 +"""The global warming debate is about whether the assumptions underlying the global warming hypothesis are right or wrong. The NAS report dodges this all important issue,"" said CEI policy analyst Paul Georgia. ""It also is likely to unduly alarm those who don't understand scientific methodology or the nuances of the global warming debate, i.e., most of the public.""",0 +"For the second straight year the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing unseasonably cold winters. Deaths are being blamed on the bitter subfreezing temperatures, and meanwhile, scientists are attempting to explain why the freeze is occurring. Climate scientists are suggesting that the cold winters, characterized by the influx of freezing Arctic air, are paradoxically related to global warming. How is this possible?",1 +"relatively flat part of the curve, you get lessvariance. And this was not considered by Exponentwhen they made this comparison and reached thetherefore conclusion",0 +"Scientists have found that violent temperature swings are uncommon during warm interglacial periods. Evidence from sea bed sediments going back 500,000 years show that temperatures only swing over a range of about one degree Celsius during interglacials like the one we are currently experiencing. In contrast, the latest Ice Age experienced violent temperature changes over a range of 10 degrees C from cold to warm and back again in relatively short periods of time (The Guardian , June 11, 1998).",0 +"This is my first tomato this year; its August 2ndr. The vines did go in a bit late because I didnt want to over tax the house painters. But, August 2nd is still very late. How are other Illinois gardeners tomatoes doing?",0 +"in terms of attribution, to what extent are regional changes in the current climate due to natural climate variations and thus transitory, and to what extent are they due to anthropogenic forcing and thus likely to continue.",0 +"Secondly, emissions will eventually have to be measured, not just crudely estimated as is done now. Not only CO2, but all the other twenty-three Kyoto gasses, from all sources, will have to be included. The compliance costs are not included in Treasurys estimates (see The ultimate compliance cost for the ETS ). Therefore, the actual costs the ETS will impose on us will inevitably be higher than we are being led to believe.",1 +"In September, I referred a new, peer-reviewed article by RN Maue on the development of strength and frequency from tropical hurricanes during the period 1980-2011. Maue anvnde of a energy index: Every 6 hours accumulated wind speed squared. I quoted his conclusion the population of major global hurricanes HAS note Increased since 1979. The overall trend is flat proving conclusively thatthere is no overall global Increase in hurricanes, mines or major.",1 +"The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) Ocean Heat Content data is only available to the public in an easy-to-use format through the KNMI Climate Explorer , where it is available only for the depths of 0-700 meters. The NODC recently released its new dataset for 0-2000 meters but its available only to the public in limited subsets and it is smoothed with a 5-year filter, which makes it useless in attribution studies. Regardless, this doesnt stop proponents of anthropogenic global warming who repeatedly and nonsensically claim only greenhouse gases could have caused the warming and that the warming continues.",1 +The Lukewarmer Hypothesis: The true underlying trend for the earth??s surface temperature is precisely equal to 1/2 the mean model trend.,1 +"The top chart reveals the wide, extreme swings in Arctic region temperatures, which took place without any significant change in CO2 levels. On the chart, 'C3' has noted the 'peaks' of many of the temperature extremes with red dots. In addition, the points at which the shift occurred to higher temperatures are denoted with purple arrows. There are seven of these extreme upward spikes in temperatures marked in this manner.",1 +"The authors note that ""one of the most important contributions the ocean makes to earth's climate is through its poleward heat transport,"" and they say that concern has arisen over the possibility that global warming could affect this phenomenon by ""reducing high latitude convection and triggering a collapse of the deep overturning circulation."" More recently, however, they report that ""by identifying water mass ventilation for shallow, intermediate and deep waters,"" Talley (2003) has concluded that ""the contribution of the shallow circulation to the global heat transport is indeed much larger than previously thought, and overall dominates the heat transport."" What was done",0 +"That ""no level of government shall regulate either the ownership or possession of firearms."" (Period, no exceptions.)",0 +"It is one of the hallmark features of a capitalist economy that investors will react to changes in policy and regulation in order to make money out of new opportunities. It is one the great risks of a capitalist economy that such speculation can be unfounded. With the current re-assessment of the west's energy policy in reaction to a number of fearsglobal warming and energy security foremost among themit seems that both these phenomena are occurring. A lot of people are getting very rich as a result of policy changes, but there is substantial risk that we are seeing an energy frenzy develop. Economic historians might well look back on the first decade of this century as the days of the ""Kyoto Bubble.""",0 +"LN: In the Middle Ages, Greenland was probably warmer than today. So what's the problem?",1 +"""And I haven't even got to the polar bear scene yet.""",0 +CEI also opposes all government mandates and subsidies for conventional and alternative energy technologies.,0 +WUWT reader pat writes at 2013/12/26 at 1:59 pm,0 +People who worry about the planet and not about real problems such as how to feed seven billion of its human inhabitants or how to provide enough electricity to keep the lights on in the worlds cities or who think improving the economy is a poor choice to make when more than 14 million Americans are out of work are seriously out of touch with reality.,0 +"Torcellos America would also see countless scientists thrown into prison for continually presenting evidence that shows there is no scientific evidence that human activity is causing the planet to warm. The latest to be locked up would be Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, who testified in front of a Senate committee last month that There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earths atmosphere over the past 100 years.",1 +"But wait, despite his confusion, there is much that we can learn (he says). He thinks there is a propaganda war against him when hes the one on the team with billions of dollars, government ministries, a UN agency, major financial houses, and university authority (though he appears to be working to destroy whatever is left of that last one). Albeit unwittingly, it is he who is part of the propaganda team with the big bucks.",0 +"We scientists have known since 1896 that increased carbon dioxide has a greatly diminished effect on temperature. At todays carbon dioxide concentration only a tiny effect can ensue even if the concentration doubles. But that is not their likely horrible mistake. The mistake is stating that air temperature, surface temperature, is the reason that sea ice is thinning in the Arctic. It may be thinning from below, with huge implications for society.",1 +"""Listen carefully son. You won't believe your ears.""",0 +"Samuelson concluded his argument, ""It's easy to be against global warming but not easy to be for the things that might control it. Barring some magical technological breakthrough, lowering U.S. emissions would require some or all of the following: tougher regulation or higher gasoline prices to force drivers into smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles; restrictions on coal-burning power plants; encouragement of nuclear power; expansion of drilling for natural gas and more imports of liquefied natural gas; and regulations or tax penalties to discourage large homes.",0 +"Addressing the loan guarantee announcement, the Boston Globe states: ""Now, with a large portion of financing in place, regulatory approvals in hand, and most legal challenges resolved, the project has finally reached a threshold where it is likely to get done."" Validating my earlier point of higher cost, the Globe says the two largest utilities in Massachusetts ""agreed to purchase a total of 77.5% of the power generated by Cape Wind at a starting price of 18.7 cents per kilowatt hourwell above typical wholesale prices.""",0 +"Instead, I am pointing this example out because many people are capable of understanding that Cox's answer is wrong. Cox's comments about the Pauli principle and a hypothetical non-locality in quantum mechanics are wrong to an exactly the same extent except that, unfortunately, the percentage of people who understand the Pauli principle and the reason why locality is respected by various quantum systems is much lower.",0 +"And if you really want to get into the science part of this in depth, there are other scientific papers, including:",0 +"Climate Change Minister Greg Combet announced the government's solution on June 16. It is to spend $12 million on ""informing"" the electorate about the need for a carbon dioxide tax.",0 +Real Politic: Carbon Tax Pessimism (Part II),0 +"Sadly, though, developed country governments and anti-poverty activists ignore this fact and insist that developing nations need a paternalistic hand up. Both are missing an opportunity, because there are billions of capitalists in waiting at the bottom of the pyramid.",0 +"Further, satellites show atmospheric trends that are smaller than surface trends even though atmospheric theory (and the models incorporating that theory), show the opposite. Instead, models predict that there should be an ""amplification"" of the surface warming trend to produce a ""hot spot"" in the tropical troposphere. Instead, both satellite data and independent balloon data show a near-zero trend from 1979 to 1997, followed by a well-known 1998 temp ""spike"" which is universally attributed to a Super-El- Nio. This absence of an observed hot spot suggests that the land-surface temperature warming trend (1979-1997) is greatly overestimated, and should be close to zero in the Tropics.",0 +Wind Energy: German data shows what the Dutch found out years ago,0 +Climate Change: Key Mission for the US Navy?,0 +"""The banner at the start of the CNBC segment reads ""What's the Deal?"" And that's a question some viewers may have asked by the end of the segment after watching CNBC's Rick Santelli go very nearly grandma-punching crazy in a segment about spending and the debt ceiling. ""I don't believe in compromise on spending,"" Santelli shouted. ""There's no compromise. Stop spending."" And from there it got weirder. Referring to a comment from Warren Buffet about the debt ceiling negotiations referring to the negotiations as a game of Russian roulette, Santelli said ""there's a bullet in the gun. If we keep spending, for sure we're going to hit something and it's going to bleed!""",0 +Obama's war on America Killing coal to kill U.S. electrical power,1 +It??s safe to conclude that these climate modelers have no concept at all of propagated error. They apparently have no concept whatever of physical error.,1 +"What's actually happened here is a classic case of mistaking correlation for causation, by using a hopelessly small set of data. Arctic ice has only been measured with any accuracy since 1979 when NASA started using satellite images to monitor it. This was great news for those who wanted to find a big problem, because as old people will remember the mid 20th century was a mini ice age and global cooling was more of a concern than global warming. Average temperatures rose slightly and the ice caps retreated in the years following and the global warming scam began.",1 +"There is growing evidence that birds flying in the vicinity of a solar thermal power project in Californias Mojave Desert are being injured and even killed either by the solar heat thats focused with mirrors on its three energy-collecting towers, or by colliding with the mirrors themselves.",1 +"I would remind you that genetics and other unknowns may be more important, only extremely bad numbers are associated with significant risk.",0 +"Figure 4 is a comparison chart of NINO3.4 SST anomalies and inverted and scaled Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) data, the surface pressure component of ENSO. The SOI represents the sea level pressure difference between Tahiti and Darwin Australia, and would, therefore, not be impacted by the transition between SST measurement types. This assumes that the sea level pressure measurements during those war years were accurate. However, if there were shifts in sea level pressure measurements during those years as there were in SST, the anomalous rises and falls in global SST and LST data may reflect El Nino events.",0 +"Abe, if you present yourself as ""a scientist"" as you do throughout your talk then it is as a scientist that you will be judged and found lamentably wanting. You may like to get your apology and retraction in early: for I am a Christian too, and will respond kindly to timely repentance.",0 +"Climate experts say that spring snow cover is on the decline. As usual, they have no idea what they are talking about. Five of the last seven years have been above normal for week 13 North American snow cover.",1 +Twitter / billmckibben: endlessly weird weather,0 +"This isnt the first time they have done this. They have repeatedly altered the temperature record, which now looks nothing like the 1974 NCAR graph",1 +"I dont blame the scientists at the observatory for letting the climate measurement environment at Kelburn deteriorate, after all they are charged with looking upwards, not at the grounds around them.",0 +Mann?s goal is to make it a legally punishable offense to question a scientist?s honesty or even his thinking method.,0 +"""Under the most optimistic computer model, periods of extreme heat would quadruple in Los Angeles by the end of the century, killing two to three times more people than in heat waves today; the Sierra Nevada snow pack would decline by 30% to 70%; and alpine forests would shrink 50% to 75%.",0 +"The creator of the above video, Rainer Hoffmann, had spent three months researching past statements made by Schellnhuber. The result is a 10-part series called: The 10 Inconvenient Truths of Climate Pope Hans Schellnhuber . It exposes a number of troubling, contradictorystatements made by the Potsdam Institute director over the past years.",0 +"Nor do I agree with Osborns claim that CA readers have the impression that any of Scenario A, Scenario B or Polar Urals were more reasonable chronologies. It is my impression that CA readers are far more negative to tree ring chronologies than I am. And that rather than endorsing Scenario A or Polar Urals, the prevalent attitude is: none of the above. Its not that these scenarios have been promoted, but that specialists have been untroubled by the inconsistencies. Briffa et al 2013 at least concedes the existence of the inconsistencies, but unfortunately, CRU are hopelessly incapable of carrying out the requisite statistical analysis (which is not easy).",0 +More frequent floods and droughts expected in Southeast Asia Developing more robust and productive crops is good. Allowing effort to be misdirected by the absurd output of climate models is not.,1 +"313 km (195 miles) NNE (14) from Popondetta, New Guinea, PNG",0 +"Dimas' appointment has already worried some in Europe's powerful green movement. Under the headline, ""All hope is lost,"" The Guardian's environment correspondent John Vidal wrote (Aug. 18):",0 +"""Rather than proposing policies that would help provide affordable energy, this group will try to sell a permanent energy diet to the American people in the name of doing something about global warming,"" said Ebell. ""For those who believe only rich people should be able to enjoy the benefits of abundant energy, this is the group for them.""",1 +"Other studies have found exceedingly low methane emissions. A fly-over study measuring methane emissions in the Haynesville (Texas), Fayetteville (Arkansas), and northeastern Marcellus (Pennsylvania) shale formations found very low emissions as a percentage of total production in each of these basins. Loss rates were estimated to be 12.1 percent of total production from the Haynesville region, 12.8 percent from the Fayetteville region, and 0.180.41 percent from the northeastern Pennsylvania area of the Marcellus region.",0 +"28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:",0 +"The author writes that ""global surface temperature records (e.g. HadCRUT4) since 1850 are characterized by climatic oscillations synchronous with specific solar, planetary and lunar harmonics superimposed on a background warming modulation,"" which he says ""is related to a long millennial solar oscillation and to changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere (e.g. aerosol and greenhouse gases)."" However, he notes that ""current general circulation climate models, e.g. the CMIP5 GCMs, to be used in the AR5 IPCC Report in 2013, fail to reconstruct the observed climatic oscillations.""",1 +"While the paper still seems to accept the robustness of the global climate model predictions, it does recognize that there are other approaches to accept climate risk.",0 +"Yes, I know its a big job to look at thousands of stations to see what the computer program has done to each and every one of them ... but if you are not willing to make sure that your hotrod whizbang computer program actually works for each and every station, you should not be in charge of homogenizing milk, much less temperatures.",0 +"Unfortunately for the IPCC, those latter two periods are the only two where the models seem to match the observations. The forced component of the climate models only rises as a rate that is about 32% of the observed trend in Global Surface Temperatures during the early warming period of 1917 to 1944. See Figure 8. The IPCC acknowledges that the early warming period exists, yet the forced component of their models (the model mean) does not produce a warming at a rate that is anywhere near to the observed rate. This illustrates that global surface temperatures are capable of warming at a rate that is three times higher than the forcing. Or, viewed another way, the unforced component of the rate of rise in global surface temperatures can be twice as high as the forced component, assuming the unforced component is equal to the difference between the linear trend of the model mean and the trend of the actual rise in surface temperature anomalies.",1 +"/s/ Dr. Kenneth Cox JSC, Chief Flight Dynamics Div., Engr. Directorate, 40 years",0 +"The U.N. bosses also need to make sure that the institution sits at top tables where the world's financial decisions are made. It is ""urgent to secure U.N. participation"" at regular meetings of the G-20 finance ministers and their deputies,"" according to one of the papers, a group that the U.N. Secretariat, based in New York City and Geneva, does not interact with very much.",0 +"From The Independent this week : ten years later, Britain is trapped in a savage deep freeze . Records are being smashed (on the downside). In Wales the coolest day ever recorded in Llysdinam, Powys, was -11.2 recorded in 1921. This week minus 18 !",1 +16c. The ability of global climate models to model temperature values for the next 10 years,0 +New Approach to Washington Online Gambling Ban:,0 +"The most prosperous nations in the world are not necessarily those with a high GDP, but those with happy, healthy, and free citizens.",0 +"2) All current nuclear power stations , bar Sizewell B, are due for closure by 2023 or earlier. Although there have been moves in the last few months to try to extend some of their lives, it seems unlikely any of these will still be going by 2030.",0 +"?? taking a line from our IPCC brethren?? While any single month??s drop in global temperatures cannot be blamed on climate change, it is still the kind of behavior we expect to see more often in a cooling world.",1 +"Gee! I knew that all along and I have no degrees of any kind, only an entirely aggravating desire to be logical and to think in a straight line. Here now is Latour once again with his characteristic and charming immodesty: -",0 +"We came to our blunt conclusions from perches inside the belly of the beast, observing, analyzing, and interacting with the top political figures in Congress and the executive branch since 1969. Other scholars and journalists, including Jonathan Chait, James Fallows, Jacob Hacker, and Paul Pierson had paved the way with observations and analyses similar to ours.",0 +"Don't expect much progress from the international effort to get to the bottom of the issue: the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is busy generating its fourth assessment report (""4th AR"" in the jargon), due in 2007. The 4th AR aims to represent the latest ""scientific consensus"" about the sum total of the world's ongoing climate research an immense project.",0 +"This long-awaited report appears is the 4th version of the NOAA report on the US, an earlier version of which was discussed at CA last summer here. This was the report that used the fake photograph of a flooded house, in which the flood waters had been photoshopped onto a picture of house in the northwest U.S. It also used Mann??s HS.",1 +"At the end of the episode, Kyle, echoing the famous NRA slogan (""Guns don't kill people, people do""), argues that hybrids are a good thing, it's only when hybrid owners become smug and act like they're better than everybody else that the danger arises. However, like the liberals who don't want a gun in the house, fearing they might use it, the people of South Park decide they are not ready to own hybrids without becoming smug -- ""it's simply asking too much.""",0 +"Section V states our conclusion. ARB cannot achieve ""maximum feasible"" greenhouse gas reductions from automobiles without poaching on federally preempted policy terrain. It cannot achieve ""cost effective"" reductions with any set of regulatory tools. ARB should brief Governor Schwarzenegger and the California legislature on the practical and legal impossibility of accomplishing the law's objectives, and about the adverse safety effects of CO2 emission standards.",0 +"The online Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes today that climate change is not responsible for the dying off of the Caribbean coral reefs after all, citing a new report by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).",1 +"It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at home what it will cost him more to make than to buy. The tailor does not attempt to make his own shoes, but buys them of the shoemaker. The shoemaker does not attempt to make his own clothes, but employs a tailor. The farmer attempts to make neither the one nor the other, but employs those different artificers.",0 +"if you want to continue spreading your propaganda, I am sure the oil industry (I understand that they had another year of record profits) can provide you with significant funding,",0 +"Most of the debates were dedicated to various questions that were asked to David Elmer - who studies ancient Greek literature. Frank Wilczek asked many things about the existence of Homer and David, together with Frank, Bert Halperin, and perhaps me, did the best to evaluate the probability that Homer existed as a function of the chronological diversity of the contemporary texts in his epoch. If you didn't follow the details of the previous sentence, it does not matter because most of us did not follow them either.",0 +"As part of the EIS process, members of the public, public agencies, and other interested parties are encouraged to submit comments, questions, and concerns about the project via e-mail to keystonecomments@state.gov, at http://www.keystonepipeline-xl.state.gov/, or by mail to:",0 +operations. That deficit is projected to rise to $200 million by years,0 +"Where in the CERES data is the missing warming? There is no trend (0.01 W/m2 per decade) in the surface downwelling radiation. The IPCC says that over the period, CO2 should have increased the downwelling surface radiation by ~ 2 W/m2. SO ... if the IPCC hypothesis is correct, what is countering the expected increase of ~ 2 W/m2 in the downwelling surface radiation due to the increase in CO2 over the 2000-2012 time period?",0 +"Yet, he also claims, The liberation of mankind is an end to be striven for. In any legitimate sense of moral, it is a moral end. That Dewey claims the existence of a self-justifying, absolute truththe liberation of manwhile rejecting the existence of such a truth shows a serious misstep in logic. But such is life in progressive academia.",0 +TIME Magazine June 1974: Another IceAge?,0 +although they all seem to be more human-interest than science. I thought you,0 +"Dating errors , critical in climate science, occur with different methods.",0 +SOURCES: Dr. Roy Spencer.com and The Weather Channel,0 +Steven J. Milloy publishes the Junk Science Home Page ( http://www. junkscience.com ). Michael Gough is director of science and risk studies at the Cato Institute.,0 +"Different preferences and perceptions of the GHG problem also arise across countries. World populations differ dramatically in per capita incomes, wealth, consumption expectations, and discount rates. World economies differ in the energy intensity of output, production practices, input mixes, and organizational structures. These differences make it very hard to reach international consensus on GHG abatement.",0 +"Meanwhile, satellite images show a spectacular and beneficial greening all across the Sahel, caused partly by better land management and partly by higher carbon dioxide levels in the air, which encourage plant growth. A German study projects that this may continue for most of the current century.",1 +"This is not to say that lifestyle changes are unimportant; in fact, they are essential, since immediate reductions in emissions worldwide are needed to limit the damaging effects of climate change that are already being documented (Kerr, 2007; Moriarty and Honnery, 2008). The amplifying effect of an individuals reproduction documented here implies that such lifestyle changes must propagate through future generations in order to be fully effective, and that enormous future benets can be gained by immediate changes in reproductive behavior",0 +"In fact, it is renewable energy that has its market share inflated artificially. Of the 5,356 megawatts of power scheduled to be generated from those sources, only 291 megawatts would be generated without states having ordered their production. The inevitable result of such a command approach to the production of energy is higher prices.",0 +"The essential ingredient for all growing plants is CO2 in the atmosphere. But organic matter in the soil is also of value for the plant life on which we all depend. It can only be put into the soil by growing plants (including fungi) and the bacteria, worms and other microbes that live on and beside the plants. All plant and soil carbon comes, in the end, from CO2 in the atmosphere.",1 +"One might protest these figures saying that not all ethanol is made from corn, because there is also ""cellulosic ethanol,"" which is made from the non-edible parts of plants. The problem is that there are ""currently, no large-scale cellulosic ethanol production facilities . . . operating or under construction.""(10) This is because ""cellulosic ethanol"" is much more expensive to produce than corn ethanol. For example, it is estimated that a large-scale ""cellulosic ethanol"" production facility would cost in the neighborhood of $300 million dollars to build (11) vs. $67 million for a corn-based plant of similar size and a number of ""cellulosic ethanol"" production hurdles have yet to be overcome. (12)",1 +"""""Accusing a scientist of conducting his research fraudulently, manipulating his data to achieve a predetermined or political outcome, or purposefully distorting the scientific truth are factual allegations. They go to the heart of scientific integrity. They can be proven true or false. If false, they are defamatory. If made with actual malice, they are actionable.'",0 +"While discussing extreme weather, including simultaneous extended periods of cold and unprecedented winter warmth, climate alarmist Michael Mann of Penn State University said that connections to climate change were a speculative and genuinely controversial area of the science.",1 +"How can you tell whether a death was caused by airborne particles and not by viruses, bacteria, dietary habits, obesity, smoking, diabetes, cold weather and countless other factors? It's impossible.",0 +"Let me understandso far, the only practical consequences of all the climate change brouhaha have been:",0 +"The wind industry has also been grappling with the Department of Defense, which has objected to proposals that could interfere with aging radar systems. Wind turbines can disrupt aviation and weather radar systems, making planes disappear, creating phantom aircraft and making storms appear when they do not exist.",0 +"""The Obama Administration recently handed out 111 Obamacare waivers to special US companies And, they're hiding this from the American public. It takes 6 clicks to find out this information on the government's health care website."" (Listed here: http://www.hhs.gov/ociio/regulations/approved applications for waiver.html)",0 +"On the chart, superimposed is the latest NASA/GISS two-year average temperature on the chart, which indicates the slow creep of global warming. As greenhouse growers have known for over 100 years, a plant's productivity increases with a warmer climate environment.",1 +"Throughout the Cold War, then, it is the concept of Rimland which provided the geopolitical underpinnings for a grand strategy of containment and its security architecture, of which NATO constituted only one pillar (arguably the most important) along with SEATO and CENTO. Today, the Soviet Union is gone and, against all odds, NATO is still around. True, today's NATO is not your father's NATO, but equally true, today's Rimland is not your father's Rimland and it is not clear that today's NATO has fully grasped all the implications of the sea-change.",0 +"RWE Tilbury Power station, coal fired, hence the pontoon for delivery and black stuff but the RWE web page says the site is being converted. Looks like another 2 to 3GW of waste heat, east winter winds or blocking highs have this one upwind. I notice the RWE photo doesnt want to show much.",0 +"And as the chart reveals, the CMIP models (the RCP 4.5 scenarios) expected significantly more warming than observed during 1998-2012 period. Objectively, the models predicted an accelerating warming rate, which actually failed to happen, as the empirical evidence proves.",1 +"Wind generated electricity does not replace electricity from nuclear power stations because these operate at base load, that is they will be working for the whole time that they are available.",1 +"Third, the U.S. could offer to pay for China's GHG reductions as well as its own. Although some ACESA provisions amount to paying other nations to reduce GHG emissions, the bill does not appear to envision the kind of very large transfer payments that the China/G-77 group is demanding. In their view, past U.S. emissions are a kind of historical guilt, and contemporary Americans should pay to expiate our ancestors' sins.",0 +"For all the media attention the President will try to generate for this idiocy, Ken Haapala, president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, says ?It is unlikely that the current Senate would approve a binding agreement.? Haapala notes that lawmakers that include the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)m and Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), ?have all insisted that the international agreement the U.N. is working on is a treaty and cannot be enforced without Senate approval.?",0 +"Lower average annual wages by $170 in 2015, $270 in 2020, $400 in 2030, and $960 in 2050; and,",0 +"For example, thinner oils were conventional, but thicker, more tarry deposits, despite having been utilized by humans for centuries, were unconventional oil, so they werent counted regarding the peak.",0 +From Process to CO2 acquitted for not having committed the facts of Claudio Costa and. Iuculano (PV),0 +"SciAm: CIA trying to keep global warming top-secret How would you re-energize a dying pseudoscientific fad that almost no one wants to consider seriously anymore? (Lubo Motl, The Reference Frame)",1 +"However, DOE Congressional Affairs is on record saying the following:",0 +"I could go on, but Parker has already received plenty of ridicule for her statement. It seems everyone from Rush Limbaugh to People magazine jumped on her. The disturbing thing, though, is that such forays in public policy analysis are far from unique among celebrities. A recent issue of Elle magazine featured Gwyneth Paltrow's growing concerns over bioengineered foods (""I understand the capitalist ideal,"" she explained, ""but it's gone a little far.""). And Leonardo DiCaprio has made us well aware of his views on climate change, throughamong other thingsan op-ed in Time (given his role in Titanic, he may know a thing or two about rising sea levels).",0 +"With an average of just one EF-5 tornado a year, the numbers are simply too sparse to reach any proper conclusion. It still remains the case that 1974 had more EF-5s than 2011, and that the decadal total in the 1970s was significantly higher than the latest 10 year period.",0 +The Yaris has received good ratings in past front and side testing but received a poor rating in the crash with the Camry. Toyota spokesman John Hanson said the car-to-car test had little relevance to consumers because of its severity.,0 +Click here to download Part 3 in PDF form,0 +Somethings Fishy With Global Ocean Temperature Measurements,0 +"On October 10, an unprecedented group of Attorney Generals from 25 different states , joined together to ask Secretary Jackson to postpone implementation of the Utility MACT rule because it threatens to endanger electric reliability, eliminate jobs, and saddle consumers with significantly higher costs. The next day, the EPA issued a statement declaring that the rule would be implemented as planned on November 16 . The MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) rule condenses potential future coal-fueled power plant improvements and upgrades into an unachievable timeline. As a result of the Utility MACT rule, electricity providers already have outlined which coal-fueled power plants will be shut down. The remaining plants will have to spend billions for the required overhauls for marginal or questionable benefits to public health.",1 +"There were 1209 proxies (from some larger candidate set) that met three initial screening criteria, (such as minimum length of record and stated minimum correlation among the individual members at a given site). From these 1209 records, a nominal screening cutoff of p < .10 with either of the two closest instrumental temperature grid points, was established. (After accounting for temporal autocorrelation, this p value rises slightly to p < .128). If one assumes a positive relationship between ring measure and temperature (i.e. one tailed test), the expected number of sites meeting this criterion is: 1209 * .128 = 155. (If one assumes that either a positive or negative relationship might occur, which they do not, the number is half that, about 78.)",0 +"Back in the 1950s, Gorbachev's predecessor Nikita Khrushchev had seen firsthand how precarious was the edifice of the house that Stalin built on terror and lies. But this fifth generation of Soviet leaders was more confident of the regime's resilience. Gorbachev and his group appeared to believe that what was right was also politically manageable. Democratization, Gorbachev declared, was ""not a slogan but the essence of perestroika."" Many years later he told interviewers:",0 +"But medical examiners from six of Arizona's counties "" four of which border Mexico "" tell the Arizona Guardian that they've never encountered an immigration-related crime in which the victim's head was cut off.",0 +It does not look bright for Europe right now. The economy has stagnated and no one sees something soon end p elndet.,0 +ver time's it looks s hr in Antarctica:,0 +Congressional Democrats and Vatican join White House and Leftist assaults on basic rights,0 +"It seems that de Boer has realized that Europeans have failed to reduce emissions and wants someone else to do it for them. Instead, he should realize that Europe's experience shows that the game of emissions reduction might not be worth the candle and that other approaches are needed.",0 +I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it.,1 +"Morgan also accused the government of believing in fantasy for making the argument that Kyoto would be good for the bottom line and represents an opportunity for businesses to restructure and create new goods and services. ""Such a leap of faith is tantamount to believing in the tooth fairy,"" he writes. He lambasted carbon trading schemes. ""Just imagine the potential for Enron-like games that could be played when accounting for the purchase of emissions credits from places like Russia and other countries. And how could anyone convince Canadian voters that sending money to Russia was good for the Canadian or global economy?""",1 +"In the U.S. and other countries with strong rule of law traditions, most judges, even if sympathetic with the climate activists' concerns, are reticent to engage in the sort of creative interpretation required to reach a ruling favorable to the plaintiffs. Doing so feels uncomfortably like policy making, particularly in light of the extensive efforts over the past decades to get legislative and executive officials to take action. But in all things, including judging, there are exceptionshence the climate activists' strategy of filing a multitude of lawsuits in courts of all sorts. Sooner or later, a court will be persuaded that the alleged climate crisis justifies judicial intervention.",0 +"Keep an eye out at www.scienceandpublicpolicy.org. There, in due course, will appear the letter I am now drafting to Abraham, asking him several hundred pertinent questions designed to make him and anyone who may think of relying upon him understand that academic dishonesty and deliberate lying on this scale and with this amount of public circulation is just not acceptable, and will not be tolerated.",0 +"Guardian: Science: Antarctica live (MASSIVE COVERAGE, NO HINT ABOUT THE SHIPS CURRENT PREDICAMENT!)",0 +"The main argument for anthropogenic causes of warming is that the rise of late (particularly 1978 1998) has been so steep and swift that it couldnt be anything else. This was always an absurd argument, because we have at least two periods in the last 150 years prior to most of our fossil fuel combustion where temperature rises were as fast and steep as 1978-1998. But if temperatures did not rise as much as we thought, this argument is further gutted.",1 +A society that cares what a martial artist conjures up about agriculture is already contaminated by an epidemic of foolishness.,0 +"In January of this year, The North American Electric Reliability Corporation warned that the reliability of the grid was in jeopardy. Thanks to the Obama administrations (i.e. EPA) relentless attack on coal, the NERC noted that beyond the 38 gigawatts of electricity capacity that has already been announced to retire, it estimated that another 35 to 59 gigawatts will come off-line by 2018 depending on the scope and timing of EPA regulations. If you think the downed lines that Hurricane Sandy will produce are a problem, consider a future in which the electricity they are supposed to distribute will be significantly reduced.",1 +"Uchiyamada was merely rephrasing the same suite of problems that have plagued the promoters of all-electric cars for more than a century: the vehicles don't have enough range, take too long to refuel, and cost way too much. That point was reinforced last year in a report issued by Deloitte Consulting (PDF) that found the most likely buyers of electric cars are people with household incomes ""in excess of $200,000.""",1 +"Global warming theory requires that both poles warm, but we are seeing the exact opposite the poles move opposite each other.",1 +"Ice Core Analysis Shows Fastest Decline in Solar Activity for 10,000 Years",0 +"Note further that we dispute their claim of high understanding of LLGHGs, particularly with a view to the applied climate sensitivity value used in atmosphere-ocean combined general circulation models (AOCGCMs), where apparently realistic values generated by rapid radiative transfer models are taken and turned into complete nonsense.",1 +"Uncle Sam Says No, You Absolutely Can't Have These Cars:",0 +"in uncomplicated geology like that in Lancashire or the Bowland Basin, the process of fracking is well understood and the industry can be easily regulated. The opportunities for the economy in those areas are huge and so is the security that the gas supply would bring.",1 +"Bridget Maher of the Family Research Council, . . . has made",0 +We have found no indication that sea level has accelerated over the last 30 years. It doesnt look good for the fans of acceleration.,1 +The IUCN attributes the dramatic decline to poaching of the turtles eggs as well as entanglement in fishing lines.,0 +"Congress designed the Clean Air Act forty years ago in order to regulate smog, not greenhouse gases. Whereas an industrial smog polluter emits hundreds of tons in a year, even a moderately sized building can emit an equivalent quantity of greenhouse gas. If the Clean Air Act were to apply to greenhouse gases, then virtually every mansion, apartment, and office would become subject to Environmental Protection Agency inspectors.",0 +"Hirshberg's Stonyfield, therefore, hardly has a surplus of scientific credibility that it can share with ClimateCounts.",0 +1984 Education Programs Coming to Your Home Town,0 +"I've not followed the sea level rise story closely, but my interest was piqued by Morner's lecture at Cambridge a few weeks back. I don't suppose this news will surprise him very much.",0 +what elements of the observing system are important for initializing and verifying decadal predictions; and,0 +"At the same time, a tax on carbon dioxide will do nothing to effect global temperature in a measurable way.",1 +"especially security services, loyal to the central government. As it happened,",0 +cap and trade (a price on carbon via an overall limit on emissions paired with some form of market for such pollution permits),0 +Another common set of arguments relate to inequality. Economic growth is said to benefit the few rather than the many.,0 +"For example, any heat up high must be 24C hotter to back-radiate 1C near the surface ( http://nov79.com/gbwm/satn.html#upp ), without considering absorption by oceans, and several thousand degrees when accounting for oceans absorbing most of it. The trivial use of radiative transfer equations by Myhre et at, 1998, does not even look at such factors. They did mention clouds, which shows that they needed to account for everything in the atmosphere, while they mentioned almost nothing.",1 +"The U.S. Postal Service has fallen on tough times, thanks to a lousy economy and competition from email. According to The Economist, last year's 4.5-percent decline in mail volume represented the largest single-year decline since the Great Depression. This produced a $2.8-billion reported loss (real losses could be even higher, since the Postal Service does not have to follow the same accounting rules as private firms). In January testimony before Congress, Postmaster General John Potter said that the government mail carrier could lose $6 billion next year and admitted, ""No one knows at what point mail volume will bottom out.""",0 +Physician condemns EPA Cargo Cult ScienceGuess who?,0 +"-> Then there's Roger Pielke Sr., who writes: ""There is no optimum temperature. First, human society has developed over a wide range of climates. Second, there is no single temperature that we experience; we typically have maximum temperature during the day and minimum temperatures at night. Winters are colder than summers. It is also important to emphasize that a global average surface temperature or its trend over time is irrelevant for the temperatures that society and the environment deal with. It is the regional and local climate that matters.""",0 +"At the same time that it was becoming a major player in the propaganda game, the UN inside was gradually turning into a ""lawfare"" machine against the West. As Joshua Muravchik explains: ""In the General Assembly, the Arabs have a unique leverage with which they can make the UN say whatever they want (except in the Security Council where the US veto has prevented that). The 22-nation Arab League constitutes a decisive bloc within the 56-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference , which is decisive in turn in the 115-nation Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which constitute nearly two-thirds of the UN and is the organization's main bloc.""",0 +ALMOST three dozen alien species are thriving in Ireland because of global warming and record rainfall levels.,1 +Beenstock et al note that tide gauges show rising trends (red dots below) in places which are right next to gauges showing the sea level is falling (blue dots). But most of the time the tide gauges show a trendless change (yellow dots).,1 +Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sensibly declined to attend yet another climate summit ? this time called by Ban Ki-moon for Tuesday in New York under the auspices of the United Nations ? which profits handsomely from much-exaggerated climate scares. Chinese President Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Angela Merkel likewise intend to skip the event.,0 +"First, the combination of the natural gas revolution created by fracking and the economic doldrums we are stuck in have already cut our emissions of greenhouse gases dramatically without Congress doing anything at all. If they did jump in, they?d be as likely to screw that up as make things better.",0 +"97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers, according to the scientists that published them",0 +Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) announces plans to counter the Environmental Protection Agency's recent finding on greenhouse gases.,0 +"American technology of clean coal called clean coal, lowers by 99% the emissions of smog, known as PM10 particulates.",0 +"Under this theory of island biogeography, ""The rule that is followed for teaching purposes,"" Wilson says, ""is that for every 90% loss in area, the number of species that can live indefinitely there is cut by one-half."" (Science, p. 737)",0 +"Tide gauges and benchmarks show very little sea level rise. And why should there be much sea-level rise? The ARGO bathythermographs show that in the first 11 years of the record, 2004-2014, the ocean to a depth of 1900 m warmed at a rate equivalent to 0.23 C per century:",1 +"Russia has announced a ban on wheat exports for the rest of the year. They must. Though they are now a major wheat exporter, the recent drought had caused a large shortfall, now wild fires are burning many fields of what remains.",0 +"Also, the above chart of the 12-month means clearly shows a climate that moves from cooling to warming phases, and then back - a natural oscillation that 'catastrophic global warming' skeptics have long discussed, while being dismissed by the IPCC and its cohorts.",1 +"Let's assume, for the sake of illustration, that Hansen is correct for all of these forcings. In that case, the average of the all-forcings curve over the period 1955-2010 is about 0.8 W m-2.",0 +"If the single most likely election outcome occurs a Clinton presidential victory and a narrow edge for Democrats in the Senate, with a reduced Republican majority in the House the party divisions will be huge. A Trump loss will energize the Ted Cruz/Tom Cotton/Freedom Caucus wing, with Cruz doubling down on his assertion that Republicans keep losing because the party is not pure enough: It keeps nominating moderates like Romney and liberals like Trump instead of purists like Cruz (who would theoretically bring out tens of millions of voters who stay at home otherwise).",0 +Geophysicist says the mini ice age will start within a few years and will last 60-80 years.,0 +"Current climate models generally overpredict current warming and assume that the excessive warming is cancelled by aerosols, the researchers say in their paper. offers a potentially important example of where the secondary effect is to warm, thus reducing the ability of aerosols to compensate for excessive warming in current models. That is, the degree to which aerosols can compensate for model over-prediction of warming remains open, the research suggests.",1 +"Has there ever in history been such an almighty disconnect between observable reality and the delusions of a political class that is quite impervious to any rational discussion on climate and energy policy? ???Christopher Booker, The Sunday Telegraph, 27 April 2013",1 +"Also, I used a pretty conservative ""correction"" based on Thompson et al. Others contend that the ""correction"" should be larger, and in and of itself could invalidate the EPA/IPCC ""most likely"" description.",0 +"Assuming the world copied the Australian Carbon Tax?? it will cost $2,000 trillion to cool the planet by one degree.",1 +"Instead, he explains that adjustments are used because they're good things when they are done right.",0 +The Indian government is finding out something that most of us have known for a long time: that measures aimed at dealing with global warming are expensive. This has led a senior official to question the validity of Sir Nicholas Stern's conclusion that global warming can be successfully mitigated at a cost of a mere 1 percent of global GDP:,1 +"Your letter repeats several false statements that appeared in the fake memo and have been circulated widely in the press. We thank you for this opportunity to set the record straight about our position on climate change.""",0 +Global Cooling Radio (listen and talk to your favourite skeptics),0 +"One of the reasons for doing this is I think that even folks who have spent a lot of time dealing with these issues and dealing with environmental issues can sometimes be confused about what the science does or does not say. New studies are published all the time. We see the headlines. Sometimes the headlines conflict. Sometimes the experts conflict. Those of you who were at the hearing last week, the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, heard Dr. Steven Schneider and heard Dr. Richard Lindzen giving very different views about what the levels of uncertainty are and what the science is and is not showing. We'll also hear some different perspectives later this afternoon.",0 +And until the models can explain what happened in the past they should not be trusted for guiding policy into the future.,0 +"Depending on the company, your insurance company will probably give you a few other tools to help manage costs. First, they may have a deal with a local HMO or provider network to provide diagnosis and care. Try to route your workers to this network - it can save a lot of time and money. Also, insurance companies often offer free risk analyses and on-site audits. By all means take them up on it - its one of the last free services around and can really have value. Finally, insurance companies are increasingly recommending process changes to your HR process to provide for new employee physicals (to baseline pre-existing conditions) and for drug and alcohol testing (because injuries related to these are not compensable).",0 +3/27/2008: I inserted a link to a relevant post comparing to IPCC projections to data.,0 +"""Trees are flowering earlier in the year than they used to, here in Lubbock and across the entire northern hemisphere,"" according to Hayhoe. ""Lubbocks climate for plants feel just like Austins did 20 years ago. Thats how fast things are changing and we can see them all around us.""",0 +"And nope, like most of those other sinful deniers, I don't get paid to think in any tank.",0 +"The De Bilt series begins in 1706, but is a splice of measurements taken in 5 different locations: Delft/Rijnsburg (1706-1734), Zwanenburg (1735-1800 & 1811-1848), Haarlem (1801-1810) and Utrecht (1849-1897) reduced to De Bilt and De Bilt (1898-present).",0 +"The scientists at RealClimate (lead defenders of the climate orthodoxy) are not unaware that the hot spot is not appearing. They responded about a year ago that 1) The hot spot is not an anthropogentic-specific fingerprint at all, but will result from all new forcings",1 +"Email Correspondence with Michael Kundu, School Board President in Marysville, Washington",0 +"The trash that is left in a landfill isnt put to any good use, she said.",0 +"Lev Semenovi Pontryagin was born in Moscow, Russian Empire, on September 3th, 1908, i.e. 105 years ago, and died in May 80 years later, about 25+ years ago.",0 +I have been exploring the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.** There are some spectacular walks from Evans and Govetts Lookouts near Blackheath.,0 +"Its fairly obvious that they have an agenda here with regard to how smaller cars are going to be entering the North American market in larger numbers, Hanson said.",0 +"Texas led the charge into wind energy, and is now facing blackouts just when they need the electricity the most.",1 +"There were supposed to have been nine questions asked, but we are only given sight of two of them.",0 +"On this map of Texas and nearby, its remarkably easy to pick out the Dallas-Fort-Worth metroplex. Almost as easy are the hot spots over Galveston and Oklahoma City. Abilene is the hot spot about 1/2 way from Dallas to New Mexico. Then there is El Paso, lit up like a bonfire. And above it Santa Fe New Mexico. The odd one for me was the hot spot almost on the Texas border and about 45 degrees SE of Santa Fe. Making the 3 rd point of a roughly equilateral triangle with El Paso and Abilene. Theres no there, there, Im thinking",0 +"To view the full 2007-08 Annual Water Market Report, visit www.waterfind.com.au/water-report-signup.html .",0 +"There are these places called think tanks, and although Ive never seen one, I picture them as highly walled zoos in which curious specimens of thinking animals are kept on display and are made to perform (on paper) for food. I have no contacts with zookeepers.",0 +The incredible correspondence details a conspiracy to silence any and all dissent challenging the alarmist mantra of human-induced climate change. Self-serving senior figures within the IoP are shown to have harassed and harangued every attempt for a grassroots debate among members over the global warming controversy.,1 +"""French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde made history Tuesday by becoming the first female managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and her appointment received wide praise in Chicago, where she once served as chairman of one of the world's largest law firms.""",0 +"Evidence is accruing that changes in Earths surface temperature are largely driven by variations in solar activity. Examples of solar controlled climate change epochs include the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and Early Twentieth Century (19101940) Warm Period.",1 +"Theyre absolutely lousy, he said of American journalists. Thats true also in Europe. I dont know why theyve been brainwashed.",0 +The NZ Climate Science Coalition responded with a series of graphs that showed how the temperature record of stations in Wellington looks:,0 +"Moreover, the other participants as a group were certain to harbor an outlook sharply different from mine on the degree to which scientific research conducted or funded by government can be predicted to be objective. It is unfortunate that the discussion did not address that fundamental question explicitly: If one believes, as I do, that government bureaus, decisionmakers, and scientists are not merely disinterested truth seekers devoid of any agendas of their own, but instead are an interest group, we should ask how scientific analysis conducted or funded by an agency headed by political appointees buffeted by political pressures can be viewed ex ante as any more authoritative than that originating from, say, the petroleum industry.",0 +"Climate Pseuds sail to Arctic, Make Movie Praised in Salon, Disappear Up Own Fundament",0 +"I had the most incredible day today, cycling, hiking, wine tasting and canoeing in Maryland.",0 +"Now they have suffered a coup de grace: public ridicule brought on by a record-breaking blizzard blasting their East Coast home base. The movement was already dead in Congress for 2010 (its climate-change bill has been sidelined), but Snowmageddon buried it. How could it be that heat waves evidenced global warming, but so did a cold wave? The public isn't buying it anymore.",0 +"Apparently, in the weird mental world of utilities, conservation only results formutilitysubsidies of efficientappliances. So the big benefit here is utilities can somehow better afford their subsidies for more efficient appliances. Left unexplained is why anyone would want to buy even a subsidized such device once their marginal cost for electricity goes to zero. This is such a typical government-think, assigning much more value to government intervention and choice of winners in balancing supply and demand than they do to the operation of markets and prices.",1 +"But when evaluating climategate, a variety of responses is seen, ranging from the apologetic to the highly critical. It is argued that reluctance to critically examine the climategate affair, including suspect practices of scientists, has to do with the nature of the debate which is highly politicized. A call is made for more reection on this case which should not be closed off because of political expediency.",1 +"Dr. Mller describes the current stasis in global temperature as the flattening of recent temperature rise that some people claim. Yet the failure of temperatures to warm at all over the past 15 years is plainly evident in all the principal datasets. If Dr. Mller were as careful and objective as he claims, he would surely concede that there has indeed been no global warming for a decade and a half. He would not have described it merely as a phenomenon that some people claim.",1 +"Exactly the same airport? No. But given how GIStemp glues together temperature series that doesnt really matter, now does it? The temperature at the airport thermometer in Milan from 1930 will have changed rather a lot as it migrates to the Jetport tarmac from lakeside.",1 +"Oh, please. Democracy is the art of wealth redistribution, the bureaucracy is an interest group and benefit/cost analyses can be shaped to support virtually any outcome preferred politically. Consider, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) efficiency rule for medium and heavy trucks, part of the administration's climate action plan; the benefit/cost ""analysis"" used to justify it is hugely revealing. The EPA has published estimates of the effects of the rule, as follows:",0 +"Indeed, in the past two years, two public safety stories have dominated global news headlines an explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and a nuclear power plant meltdown in Japan. Yet in the recent German organic-food-disease outbreak, nearly twice as many people already have died as in the two other industrial disasters combined",0 +"The stated U.S. policy of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 illustrates the political problem. President Bush agreed to this policy at Rio in 1992, but it is now clear that the United States and most other developed countries will fail to meet it. The Clinton-Gore proposal extends this deadline to at least 2008conveniently not on their political watch. Why?",0 +of the reasons comics are such a popular form of humor is that they often get,0 +"Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife Tom Strickland said the department is working on the issue but ""has no intention of shortcutting a thorough environmental review process.""",0 +"In his new post, which ranks at the level of Vice President, Steer will be responsible for guiding the Bank's external work on climate change and further advancing its internal capabilities in this area. He will also oversee the Climate Investment Fund, co-chair the Strategic Climate Fund and help mobilize climate financing. To ensure close integration with the Bank's wider efforts on sustainable development, he will work within and through the Bank's Sustainable Development Network.",0 +"2009 was in the bottom 10% of tornado frequency, and 2010 was also below normal. No hurricanes hit the US during either of the past two years.",1 +"McKibben complained about the mild weather in October, 2012",0 +"Federal EPA rulings can also conflict with State Implementation Plans (SIPs). State agencies are given somewhat broad authority in negotiating the details of plans for bringing their states into compliance with federal clean air standards. Historically, EPA has deferred to state SIPs so long as they are consistent with the Clean Air Act. The constantly changing and seemingly arbitrary nature of federal EPA enforcement of NSR contradicts that policy.",0 +"Despite many headlines that sea-ice is shrinking, Arctic sea ice coverage has set a nine year record high last month. Meanwhile a spokesman for the Antarctic continent pointed out that Antarctica is currently at it??s third highest level in 30 years and that the records it set in 2007 were entirely ignored. ???While Antarctic ice grows, news stories this month speculate instead on the entirely theoretical possibility of the West Shelf collapsing??.",1 +"The Feds have guidelines that say fires in certain areas can be extinguished if they are of human origin (arson or untended campfires, e.g.) but must be allowed to burn if they are ""natural"" (caused by lightning, for example). One must take it on faith that ""experts"" can make that distinction in the midst of an inferno, and pray that small fires won't become raging infernos. The Federales even have jurisdictional policies that can prevent aircraft from dropping water on a fire, if the crew cannot tell whether the blaze is on Bureau of Land Management or Forest Service land.",0 +"Do I believe in global warming? SureI've read the reports of the UN climate panel and the major journal articles, and I think it's safe to say that the atmosphere and surface of the earth (at least the Northern Hemisphere) have warmed up since 1850, by about 1 degree F.",0 +Julia Gillard explains carbon dioxide to students,0 +"According to Delingpole, the Climategate story fell into his lap and changed his life. His pitch to the conference attendees was how we represent the happy people who want a good life. Also, that we have a place in this war. The war we are fighting is for our liberty. It is between two opposing views of the world. It's also a propaganda war. James Delingpole is the author of Obamaland: I've Seen Your Future And It Doesn't Work.",0 +"A limitation of the instrumental record is that it spans at most a few realizations of decadal variability. Paleoclimate recordsderived from tree rings, corals, lake sediments, or other proxieshave been used to extend this record to hundreds of years or more and are generally believed to be free of anthropogenic influence prior to the industrial age (Brook 2009; Jansen et al. 2007), thus constituting a potential means of model verification.",0 +"This think tank crew member defends a carbon tax at $80 per ton of CO2, more than an order of magnitude higher than the current price of the European carbon indulgences. Given the fact that even the small European fees are already harming the economy (while doing nothing to reduce CO2 emissions: USA is actually the world's greatest CO2 emissions reducer since 2006), an increase of these fees by an order of magnitude could resemble the bankruptcy of PIGS on steroids.",1 +"A scientific definition of carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. So basically, carbon is a solid and CO2 is a gas. They claim CO2 can slow heat escape from the atmosphere, and an increase from human activity causes warming. It has not happened at any time, and is not happening now. Carbon occurs as particles of soot in the atmosphere causing cooling by blocking sunlight. I expect them to blame soot for failure of their warming predictions.",1 +Cook the books is wrong to slam Roy Spencer,0 +Ohio Fracking Operation Halted Following Area Earthquakes,0 +"31 Christopher Layne, ""Offshore Balancing Revisited"", Washington Quarterly (Spring 2002).",0 +"ENSO is a natural process that you and your associates at GISS exclude in many of the climate model-based studies you publish, because, as you note, your coarse-resolution ocean model is unable to simulate climate variations associated with El Nio-Southern Oscillation processes . In fact, there are no climate models used by the IPCC that are capable of recreating the frequency, magnitude and duration of El Nio and La Nia events. And I know of no scientific studies that show any one climate model is capable of correctly simulating all of the fundamental coupled ocean-atmosphere processes associated with ENSO.",1 +"The overblown nature of that threat is demonstrated by a study issued last month by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Journalists widely reported the study as re-emphasizing the need for action against SUVs, but its findings indicate otherwise. What the institute found was that collisions between cars and SUVs account for only 4% of car occupant fatalities.",0 +"On May 2, the Independent on Sunday reported King as saying that, ""Antarctica is likely to be the world's only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked . He said that the Earth was entering the ""first hot period' since 60 million years ago, when there was no ice on the planet and ""the rest of the globe could not sustain human life'.""",0 +"James Hansen the former director of NASAs Goddard Institute for Space Studies (who once said anyone who questioned his math should be tried for high crimes against humanity, for which the penalty is death) had lifted the rogue equation, the Bode system-gain relation, from a 551-page tome by R.W. Bode about feedback amplification in electronic circuits, published 70 years ago.",0 +"IPCC climate models said monsoons would become more intense. Instead, they have weakened for 50 years.",0 +"Of course, you can choose other combinations of forcing and feedback, and end up deducing just about any amount of future warming you want. Note that the major uncertainty here is what caused the warming in the first place. Without knowing that, there is no way to know how sensitive the climate system is.",1 +"Electricity transmission is not 100% efficient, the lines get hot, are a compromise. Actual lines are aluminium with a steel core. The alignment, this is a river crossing.",0 +Stacked Hearing Signals Start of McCain Campaign,0 +"I surmise, though, given what should be becoming obvious to watchers of these things, that the days of thinking warm, warm, warm are over , and quite the opposite will occur in the coming years and decades, and the populace should understand the honeymoon is over , the marriage of low solar and reversing oceanic cycles along with a third-party (lets not go any further with non-weather implications ha, ha), the volcanic activity, should raise eyebrows among the rational. Among others, short of being frozen out of ones abode, there is no getting attention.",1 +"After the Climategate scandal revealing data manipulation and fraud by top global warming proponents many climate change skeptics trumpeted victory, assuming perhaps that efforts to pass radical environmental taxes and regulations had lost their steam.",1 +"Wheres the problem? Government is terminally paralyzed by partisan deadlock and the desperate public is looking to the biggest remaining high-functioning institutions to take up the slack. Thats us: corporate America. In electricity, the source of the reaction is clear, its climate change, the mother of all social issues.",0 +Heartland Institute Experts Respond to EPA's Proposed Methane Regulations,0 +"We do need comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for those people who have been here undocumented for more than 10 years. We are not going to round up and deport millions of people, most of whom are hardworking contributors to our society and economy. But we also need to clean up our broken visa system, making sure we expand it so people can come here legally and fill jobs where there are needs, whether temporarily or permanently, and to make sure we get a strong supply of the brightest and best highly trained people in tech, medicine and other fields to maintain our edge in innovation in the world.",0 +This week marks the 30th anniversary of air bag requirements for new cars.,0 +"810 km (500 miles) S of TOKYO, Japan",0 +wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the,0 +"Earth, covered in ice. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)",0 +"Vrt conversation about aesthetics was a rather pleasant tillstllning without hot motsttningar between the participants, and the idea was that it would be just a conversation that could open some new horizons. I tried to explain the concept of vanishing point and how wind power omjliggr a visual deicing of the perspectives of the landscape, how, after all, about 50% of accommodation in areas with wind power does not want more, or is negative, and that about 50% think they are ugly. From the planners' page framhlls often that the process is important, and Karin Hammarlund gave a glimpse of how a municipality can together find areas that provide the greatest POSSIBLE hnsyn to local opinion. I ppekade that it is impossible to GMMA wind turbines and that perhaps it is better to sacrifice some larger areas that are tligare n to fritter away large parts of eg Vstergtland or Skne.",0 +"And also unlike water, propane does not carry back to the surface drilling chemicals, ancient seabed salts and underground radioactivity.",0 +Deweys singular niggle with Trotsky was over the justification of the means to the ultimate end. Trotsky claimed the science of Marx proved class struggle is the justifiable intermediate means. And any action that tilts history in favor of that struggle is itself justified.,0 +The models and profiles for the 4 different autocorrelation structures were then collated into one list as follows:,0 +"I signed that letter to indicate my support for her as a friend. I was not at this point representing or speaking for the Brampton Filipino Seniors Club. This club is non-political and we are not affiliated in any political party. It has certainly not taken a position in this matter as the facts are still in question. I clearly stated to Ms Dhalla's representative that I am no longer the president and my current position among other past presidents is an advisor, whose sole function is for internal affairs only. That, I have no authority to represent or speak for the club. That what I can do for her is just a friendly gesture.",0 +"Like Obamacare, the new report is, said Kish, ""intentionally confusing and misleading.""",0 +"Then there is the further problem of cheating in current and future carbon reduction schemes. Developed countries need to feel confident that incentives offered to developing countries to cut emissions (in both absolute terms and emissions relative to economic growth) can be verified. Indeed, earlier this month, the UN body in charge of the clean development mechanism a proviso under the Kyoto protocol allowing developed countries to purchase carbon offsets for funding ""clean energy"" developments elsewhere suspended approvals for dozens of Chinese windfarms over suspicions that China had held back the building of planned windfarms and deliberately lowered previously allocated subsidies to make the wind farms eligible for earning credits industrial policies that would disqualify these farms from benefiting under the scheme. China has so far received carbon credits worth more than $1bn, which is almost half of the total issued under the UN-run programme.",0 +"Strong words, to be sure, but perhaps the wrong diagnostic: to the extent that there is indeed a danger of NATO drifting into irrelevance, it is due not so much to an absence of philosophical vision and/or political will as to a deficit of strategic literacy on the part of NATO leaders and cheerleaders.",0 +"Kench found that higher waves raised island elevations by depositing sand produced from broken coral, coralline algae, mollusks, and foraminifera. Reefs can grow 10 to 15 millimeters a yearfaster than IPCC projections of sea-level rise As long as the reef is healthy and generates an abundant supply of sand, there??s no reason a reef island can??t grow and keep up, Kench argues.",1 +"The answer to that ""real challenge,"" as well as many others addressed in the position papers, is that the U.N. and its proliferating array of funds, programs, institutes, and initiatives, should push themselves forward as the great synthesizer of solutions to global problems: ""connecting the dots,"" as the climate change paper puts it, across a ""range of issues,"" including ""climate, water, food, energy, and health.""",0 +"14 EPA, New Source Review: Report to the President, p. 26, and again at p. 28.",0 +"Baliunas: We are looking to find all the causes of natural change of the climate of the Earth, the sun being one of them. That way we can subtract out the natural changes and look for the human signal. We see, essentially, no signal of human activity. Most of the changes that we see line up with the changes in the sun. Now there's some uncertainty, so there may be a human signal. But if there is, it's quite tiny. . . .",1 +The great Australian icon the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem has long been feared to be a target of global warming. Certainly even now El Nino events can bleach the corals in the Barrier Reef as well as round the world. When water temperatures become too high coral expel their symbiotic zooxanthellae and die taking on a white ghostly appearance. Certainly water temperature increases in the lower reef around Heron Island are causing impacts already as the frequency of increased water temperatures increases. In a double whammy the water chemistry of the reef may become more acidic from increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. This threatens the corals ability to secrete exoskeletons and grow. Can corals learn to adapt to these new conditions? Certainly experience on other reef systems suggests that coral can expel heat sensitive algae and replace them with heat tolerant strains. But how many species can do this is unknown. Unfortunately a certain amount of warming of the oceans,1 +"Sen. Rockefeller's opening move in this play is absolutely perfect in its defiance of logic. In no way does a call for defunding research foster debate, especially when it's backed up by the coercive power of two US Senators.",0 +"All other things being equal, larger, heavier vehicles are safer for the occupants than are smaller, lighter vehicles. We all know that.",0 +"N. Scafetta & B.J. West (click): Phenomenological reconstructions of the solar signature in the Northern Hemisphere surface temperature records since 1600 The use purely statistical tools applied to the correlation between the sun spot number and reconstructed temperatures to argue that most likely, the total solar irradiance had a low secular (=trend-like, non-periodic) variability but it was accompanied by a high preindustrial secular climate variability between 1610 and 2005.",1 +"Five members of the nation's highest court signed off on an opinion that, were it submitted as an answer to a first-year law exam on statutory interpretation and administrative law, would get a failing grade.",0 +"The third problem is that the authors apply their calibration equation to reconstruct temperatures during decades when some, or even several, of the 19 calibration proxies were not available. Even if the reconstruction composite had been restricted to the 19 calibration proxies, and even if all 19 of these had been observed for all 14 decades of the calibration period, it would still be invalid to apply the calibration equation derived from all 19 to any subset of the 19. This in itself makes the reconstruction invalid before 970 A.D., when proxy #9 ceases to be observed. Prior to 460 A.D., only 13 of the 19 calibration proxies are available.",1 +"In this century glaciers are growing, as seen in the Andes, Perito Moreno, Logan, the highest mountain in Canada, and with Franz-Josef Glacier, New Zealand, said Velasco Herrera.",1 +"All four of the IPCCs Assessment Reports have flagrantly 0ver-predicted the rate of global warming that should have occurred by now. On this central question, the consensus has been wrong not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times out of four, and is about to be wrong a fifth time. Nuccitellis blind faith in the IPCCs capacity to predict temperature change seems misplaced. Spencer 8, Nuccitelli 0.",1 +"Fact : such teleportation means the transfer of quantum states between ion A and ion B, so that at the end of the transfer B becomes for all intents and purposes identical to what A was at the beginning of the transfer.",0 +They have a clutch of presidential candidates who are little known nationally and take starkly different stands on issues. Any recent uptick in polls represents more a rejection of the Obama Democrats than an embrace of their opponents.,0 +SM: I love his book. I think that Economics in One Lesson should be required reading for every high school student in America.,0 +"SM: He's a man of great political courage. He's taken so much of a battering from the Republican establishment, but he's the one who had the courage to put all these issues that we all care about at the forefront of the public policy debate: term limits, school choice, Social Security privatization, the flat tax, medical savings accounts. The whole litany of free-market ideas that are so important to our country's future were first proposed by Steve Forbes in 1996. Although Pete DuPont talked about some of these things in 1988 as well.",0 +"Figure 3. Changes in the sun's magnetism (represented by the length of the 22-year Hale cycle, solid line) and changes in the Northern Hemisphere land temperature (dotted line). Shorter magnetic cycles are more intense and suggest a brighter sun. (See Endnote 13)",0 +"My impulse is to be upbeat. ""Don't worry, we'll think of something. Come get some sleep."" But what exactly are we going to think of? We're two hours from the car. It's painfully cold. We don't have a cell phone. We have tomorrow's breakfast and an hour's worth of firewood, and nothing more.",0 +I appreciate that attitude?but I?m wondering whether filing suit might actually accomplish a great deal more for the cause of free speech. Maybe what we need is precisely Curry vs. Mann.,0 +"Appropriate caveats and exceptions are usually delineated in journal articles when using the old methods, but the results are buried in the text, which causes them to be weighed more or less importantly, and which give the reader a false sense of security. Because, in the end, we are left with the suitably highlighted number from equation #3, that comforting exact quantification reached by implementing impressive mathematical methods. That final number, which we can now see is not final at all, is tangible, and is held on to doggedly. All the evidence to the right of the bar is forgotten or downplayed because it is difficult to keep in mind.",0 +Dana Nuccitelli published an article today in The Guardian Does the global warming pause mean what you think it means? a play off a line by Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride . Dana has expressed his misunderstanding of one of the most commonly used metrics of global warmingthe surface temperature record. And he continues to display hisunwillingness to accept that the hypothesis of human-induced global warming is dead.,1 +"What ""things"" do Emanuel and the Obama administration want to do, and what ""opportunities"" have been presented them by the current economic crisis? In short, the armada of bailouts deployed by the outgoing Bush administration will soon become the weapons the Democrats need to push greenhouse gas regulations that they haven't been able to get in through the front door.",0 +"Heartland had hoped to use the Gleick episode, which it calls Fakegate, to gain sympathy, and rebuild a donor network. But even well-wishers acknowledged it would be an uphill climb for an organisation that was once at the hub of the climate contrarian network.",0 +"So if CCS were commenced immediately and continued until, say, the year 2100, that would avoid accumulation of atmospheric CO2 by about 11 ppm not exactly an earth-shaking amount. EPA scenarios forecast future CO2 levels to rise to 500 to 700 ppm.",1 +"L. Tan et al. authored a new peer-reviewed study that found higher temperatures existed between 1,000 and 1,200 years ago in the Asian region of north central China. The study also reconstructed precipitation levels for that area over the 1,800 years.",1 +67. There is a great need for immediate policy decisions for immediate action to mitigate climate change. (about 72% ranked it 5 or higher),0 +"e find that even dramatic perturbations of summer sea-ice cover in the Arctic are reversible on very short time scales of typically two years. This suggests that a so-called tipping point, which would describe the sudden irreversible loss of Arctic summer sea ice during warming conditions, is unlikely to exist.",1 +politics or the specialist debates that parallel governmental decisions. The,0 +"The reviews did not answer the questions about why data was missing; why data was not shared; why there hasnt been a full and open, transparent process , he said.",1 +"Some very surprising results emerged, one of which raises the question in the title: did McNally inflate one football in the washroom? If the question doesnt seem to make sense, read on.",0 +Ramapo College Bans Alcoholic Energy Drink:,0 +"The Competitive Enterprise Institute filed suit in federal court August 5 against the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy for refusing to implement the Federal Data Quality Act in regard to two major global warming reports. The law, signed by President Clinton, requires that data disseminated by the government meet basic scientific standards for ""objectivity"" and ""utility."" It has been ignored in the case of administration climate reports, despite earlier petitions by CEI.",0 +Nominate your favourite blogs for the 2015 Bloggies How many categories can skeptics win?,0 +Im presently wandering my way through other states. First stop after Washington was Oregon. This is a live map so will change over time. But its the same pattern as Washington.,0 +"Eco-nihilism chronicles how, after the successful ending of serious ecological threats such as water and air pollution, environmental activism soon replaced what was previously known as environmentalism in general. This new activist form of environmentalism slowly began to embrace policies that promoted the ""precautionary principle,"" a line of reasoning that chased after risks (no matter how small) and took up fights against hypothetical future threats (no matter how remote). The reason for this new turn in environmental thought was that some activists became addicted to the political successes they enjoyed advancing their environmental policies and wanted to see them continue.",0 +"Not only big cities, but big slums ... thats how are getting out of poverty. Theyre emptying out a lot of the subsistence farms that have been tough on the landscape all over the world, moving into towns for opportunity, building jobs for each other. Theyre also moving up whats called the energy ladder, toward more and better grid electricity. By and large the cities are probably the greenest thing that humans do.",0 +A sdan politicians r EU energikommissionr Gnter Oettinger. He says he fears a nedgng from Europe on energy prices continues to increase and if competitiveness is reduced compared to Frenta States and other parts of the world. He wants to convince his colleagues in the European Commission and f them to adopt a mlsttning for industrial policy instead for new klimatml. Oettinger has also frskrat the German automotive industry that it will not pursue the requirements on CO2 emissions as HRT previously.,0 +"Although clinical outcomes are not significantly altered, moderate wine consumption in patients with chronic heart failure is associated with better perceived psychological outcomes and reduced inflammation as assayed by circulating biomarkers.",0 +"Because too many people misunderstood my technical explanation, the comment about the lunar phases is the simplest argument I see to argue that Brian Cox often says things that are bollocks. This argument isn't perfect but unlike the technical one, it may be more accessible to the laymen.",0 +Dr. Miskolczi: The conventional greenhouse theory does not consider the newly discovered physical relationships involving infrared radiative fluxes. These relationships pose strong energetic constraints on an equilibrium system.,1 +"As well it might, given the economic situation, and the fact that global warming hasnt happened for nearly a decade and people are beginning to smell a large Gore-shaped rat. A recent survey of Asia-Pacific government leaders shows that global warming doesnt even appear on the list of top priorities this year.",1 +Finding that appropriate ?balance? between the important principles of academic freedom and media access to information ? rights seemingly here in conflict ? remains the Holy Grail for those deeply committed to both principles. Whether the Virginia Supreme Court can thread that needle remains to be seen.,0 +There isn??t the slightest evidence that more carbon dioxide has caused more extreme weather.,1 +"The alternative energy experiment is unraveling, having barely begun",0 +"Specifically, Morano has been holding Gingrich's feet to the fire for appearing in a climate fear ad with Nancy Pelosi. Morano is demanding that he recant and apologize, but so far Newt's spokesperson has said he will not.",0 +"The global climate models projected an atmospheric warming of more than 0.3 o C over the last 15 years, but instead, flat or cooling temperatures have occurred.",1 +New paper predicts temperature decrease by 2020 of up to 1C due to low solar activity for certain locations Published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,1 +"So why do I still support actionespecially, climate skeptics demand, when the science is so uncertain?",1 +"I recently began blogging, especially about climate change, and after a month my site was noticed. Noticed by the wrong people, sadly. Readers of Tim Blair and Andrew Bolt have swamped my site with genuinely abusive comments, many relating to my disability, which I find very hurtful.",0 +"The campaign to adopt carbon constraints has to be judged the least successful marketing effort since New Coke or the Edsel. This ought to provoke the most searching reflections within the environmental community, but so far it seems most environmentalists are stuck in the ""denial"" and ""bargaining"" phases of their grief over the death of cap-and-trade, grasping desperately to the hope that their Edsel of a policy can be revived after the next election. If the environmental establishment sticks with this vain hope, by ""turning up the volume,"" they will only marginalize themselves further. (The volume has been turned up to 11 for years, hasn't it?)",0 +"Who says that sea levels will rise by so much? According to the tide gauge in Cuxhaven, which is one of the most reliable sea level measurements in the whole of the north, the sea level has risen by about 20 centimetres since 1900.",1 +"I guess you believe me that I could list lots of papers analyzing the sunspots. But most of them surely don't contradict global warming, do they? A global warming inquisitor would say that a heretic would have to find a recent peer-reviewed paper - from 2007 or later - that explicitly says that we will see cooling in the next 20 years. And it must say so in the title if the heretic wants to be treated as a human being at least for 3 seconds. ;-) Well, the inquisitor should have been much more careful! A 2007 paper in Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Springer) is called Multi-scale analysis of global temperature changes and trend of a drop in temperature in the next 20 years",1 +"The blatant temperature manipulation perpetrated on the public has been, for the most part, an esoteric issue discussed by individuals familiar with temperature record analyses. (Peer reviewed research indicates that the fake-warming likely represents 25 to 50% of reported global warming by the climate agencies.)",1 +"Ive excluded three models: CESM-CAM5 and two IPSL models. There were shifts at 2006 in the TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation outputs of all three runs of the CESM-CAM5 model (one with a monstrous shift), which skewed the multi-model mean of that metric for that scenario. (I notified KNMI of that problem, and NCAR has since corrected them.) I also excluded the two IPSL models because their TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation contains a volcanic aerosol component, while all other models do not. (The other models address volcanic aerosols with the Outgoing Shortwave Radiation.)",0 +Natural gas spot prices in the US currently hover around $3.70 per thousand cubic feet. Historical low prices have been a boon for consumers who are saving billions of dollars as they switch from more expensive and far dirtier coal and oil. It's also led to an energy security windfall.,0 +"The emails represented private correspondence between CRU scientists and scientists at climate research centers around the world. Dozens of the stolen emails are from over a decade of my own personal correspondence with Professor Phil Jones, the Director of CRU.",0 +Estimates agree on the size of the impact (small relative to economic growth) but disagree on the sign.,0 +The rest of us may want to consider a few facts before we start to hyperventilate.,0 +Animation 2 is the same as the perspective animation (Animation 1) but it also includes the energy imbalance anomalies smoothed with 5-year filters.,0 +"Ive lived through much of the whole peak oil deal, which near as I can tell has turned into a half-century-long goat roping contest. During the earlier years, people were shouting that the oil would run out, that the top would be very soon now, wed hit the peak and by gosh, at that point things would turn ugly. Of course, that still hasnt happened, so the peak oilers were left with the question pondered by failed doomcasters throughout history, viz:",0 +"My most immediate concern is to whether to leave this statement [""probably the",0 +"One of Briffa's regional chronologies was AVAM-TAIMYR, which was produced by merging the Taimyr chronology with another site, Bol'shoi Avam, located no less than 400 kilometres away. While the original Taimyr site had something of a divergence problem, with narrowing ring widths implying cooler temperatures, the new composite site of Avam--Taimyr had a rather warmer twentieth century and a cooler Medieval Warm Period. The effect of this blending of datasets was therefore, as so often with paleoclimate adjustments, to produce a warming trend.",1 +"But then Nature intervened. Satellite imagery shows that the Arctic has 60 percent more ice now than it did in 2007 for the same date, almost one million square miles more.",1 +My understanding is: The consensus states that AGW is proven. But the magnitude is still being debated. One of the ways to test the various hypotheses regarding the magnitude is to do data comparisons. This comparison to observation suggests the IPCCs estimates are high.,0 +"A few days ago we looked at December snow cover. So lets look at the weekly snow cover for the northern hemisphere every year since 1966. Well, that too shows NO TREND!",1 +"And therein lies the real reason why so many global warming cultists are so desperate to change the terms of the debate. Rather than discuss the actual science, theyd rather marginalize anyone who disagrees with their policy prescriptions.",1 +"So, according to Hansen's 1988 predictions, the global temperature anomaly should be about 90% of the way from Scenario ""C"" to Scenario ""A"" ~0.97 C. In reality, the global temperature anomaly is about half of what Hansen predicted for a similar rise in greenhouse gases.",0 +"American exceptionalism was on its way to the ash heap. Terms like shared and pooled sovereignty were bandied about like new types of cell phones rather than fundamental shifts in the relationship between citizens and state. Multilateral treaties on an astounding array of issues were in prospectnot just the usual subjects of international relations, but matters heretofore quintessentially decided by nation-states: gun control, abortion, the death penalty, among others.",0 +"One example of this green crony capitalism is the solar industry, which probably would not exist if governments stopped propping it up using taxpayers' money, as they have for the past 30 years. Despite the U.S. government pouring more than $150 billion into so-called ""renewable energy,"" the total share of electricity from U.S. wind and solar combined is expected to reach only 6 percent by 2040.",1 +"""For years, Linux has enjoyed much of its success as a replacement for Unix. Companies turned to Linux to replace Unix servers, or for new deployments within a Unix-heavy environment. Linux is still king there, but it's starting to encroach on Microsoft as well.""",0 +> >> >Just a couple of minor points about the draft you sent:,0 +"But there was a warming of more than twice this amount in just 40 years from 1694-1733 in Central England. Inferentially, a substantial warming will have occurred worldwide over the same period, for Central England is on the right latitude to give a fair approximation to global temperatures. Not many SUVs about in the early 18 th century.",1 +"Most important, a shrinking labor force means fewer workers contributing the payroll taxes that finance old-age care. The Social Security program is already beginning to be impacted by the decline in the worker-to-retiree ratio. In 1940, there were 160 workers for each retiree. By 2010, there were just 2.9. Once some 80 million Baby Boomers retire, the number will plummet to 2.1. This means taxes will have to increase and benefits be cut substantially to keep the program solvent. Medicare is similarly threatened by declining fertility. Both programs will cost more but have fewer workers footing the bill.",0 +The Obama Democrats passed a stimulus package tilted toward public-sector unions and financial regulation propping up the big banks. Those at the top got paid off.,0 +"Making people poorer is seldom a good way to make the world safer, healthier, or cleaner. Yet the Kyoto Protocol would require America to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases, chiefly carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion, 31% below the level projected for 2010.5 There is no feasible way to accomplish such drastic emissions cutbacks without draconian cutbacks in energy use; and no way to put America on an energy austerity diet without depressing economic growth. WEFA, the respected economic forecasting firm, estimates that meeting the U.S. Kyoto target would reduce average family income in the year 2010 by $2,700, reduce annual economic output by $300 billion, and destroy more than 2.4 million jobs.6",1 +"The author states: ""Our energy policy is no longer dictated by the need to keep supply plentiful and cheap which for decades was the basis of all planning. Today energy policy is framed with only one factor in mind: satisfying the Green lobby."" He concludes: ""in the U.K. we let the Green lobby sneer at fracking and barely even pay lip-service to its possibilities, at the same time as we close down productive power plants and stand back watching while prices go through the stratosphere.""",1 +"Carbon Pollution Standards: In January 2014, the EPA proposed a rule for new coal-fired power plants, known as the Carbon Pollution Standards, that would require operators to capture roughly 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions by using a process known as ""carbon capture and sequestration."" However, it has been widely rumored that next week's final rule will drop the mandate for carbon capture and sequestration, due to its perceived legal vulnerability. In addition to being impermissibly expensive, the rule as proposed would actually increase greenhouse gas emissions, which is not allowed under the Clean Air Act. In place of carbon capture and sequestration technology, the EPA is expected to require either an ultra-supercritical pulverized coal system or integrated gasification combined cycle coal technology.",0 +"By Mario Parker, Bloomberg, Aug 10, 2015",0 +Obamas presidency has had the fewest US hurricane strikes on record .,0 +"Here's where some more of that background history comes into the picture. Under EPA's long-standing interpretation of the statute, reaffirmed in the Timing Rule, once any ""air pollutant"" is regulated under any part of the Act, ""major"" stationary sources are automatically ""subject to regulation"" under the Title I PSD preconstruction permit program and Title V operating pe",0 +"???Another record has also been set in the capital region, where snow has laid on the ground uninterrupted since the 26th November the longest period of early winter snow cover since records began.??",1 +"The temperature T e is not necessarily the actual surface or atmospheric temperature of the planet;it is simply the equivalent blackbody emission temperature a planet requires to balance thesolar radiation that it absorbs. Using a value of a p = 0.31, we obtain from (12.1c) a value ofT e = 254 K. Note that this temperature is much less than the observed global mean surfacetemperature T 0 = 288 K. The difference between T e and T 0 arises from the emission ofthermal radiation by atmospheric gases and clouds at temperatures colder than T 0 .",0 +NBC reporter Ida Siegal has no idea what the hammer & sickle represent. More here .,0 +Stephen Hawking (65) plans a flight in g=0 airplane in 2007 and go to space in 2009. Sir Richard Branson hasn't yet thrown away all his assets to the global warming toilet so he may still be able to pay everything that is necessary.,0 +"election and its aftermath, a major stimulus package. He got the latter enacted",0 +The pause in global warming has confounded climate scientists who have put forward dozens of potential explanations for why global temperatures have not risen in the last 18 years and three months.,1 +Its very easy to see the recent record-high global surface temperatures have had a tiny impact on the difference between models and observations.,1 +"It emphasizes the importance of other players the swing voters of international politics in exerting that pressure, whether the target is Iran or China. Think of it as",0 +"Even if heat is reaching the benthic strata without warming the near-surface strata on the way, the transient near-surface response is rather insensitive to rising atmospheric CO 2 concentration. For this reason, resolving ocean thermodynamics and circulation dynamics is not a prerequisite to the empirical study of climate sensitivity by way of our simple model. If the deep heat explanation for the hiatus in global warming is correct (and it is merely one among dozens that have been offered), then the complex models have failed to account for it correctly: otherwise, the growing discrepancy between the predicted and observed atmospheric warming rates would not have become as significant as it has.",1 +Bald and Golden Eagles Victorious: Court Invalidates 30-Year Eagle Take Rule (feds vs. federal law),0 +"Unfortunately for them, their actual proof is literally non-existent - they have no empirical evidence to stand on, other than anecdotal stories and/or singular, one-off events. Instead, they base their predictions and their foolish claims on computer simulations. Of course, what they always fail to mention is that the climate models were programmed by the climate model ""scientists"" to produce severe weather event predictions from...wait...take a guess...yes!, from global warming.",1 +"The absolute costs of disasters will increase significantly in coming years due to greater wealth and populations in locations exposed to extremes, Pielke added. Consequent, disasters will continue to be an important focus of policy, irrespective of the exact future course of climate change.",1 +"Eager to end reliance on Russian natural gas, and largely untroubled by environmentalists, Polish officials are embracing hydraulic fracturing to unlock potentially huge deposits beneath their soil.",1 +"Here is a little hint for my obvious betters at the NRC:When you rely on the models of Stefan Rahmstorf to make your sea level rise predictions, one of two things will have happened by 2030. If you are lucky your report will have been forgotten. If you are unlucky people will simply be laughing at you.",1 +"Synopsis: There is no evidence of extinctions being caused by human CO2. Source here . ""The IPCC claims new evidence suggests that climate-driven extinctions and range retractions are already widespread and the projected impacts on biodiversity are significant and of key relevance, since global losses in biodiversity are irreversible (very high confidence). These claims are not supported by scientific research.""",1 +"But here is the point I want to make. Everybody goofs, as Sean said in his initial tweet when this debate arose. I goof as Stevie C points out in the comments here, I apparently said in a radio interview that the phases of the Moon are caused by the Earths shadow, which is clearly bollocks! Unless I was talking about a lunar eclipse, I cant understand what I must have been thinking. Probably the end of a long day. He continues to say that everyone goofs etc. Well, I am not sure whether everyone goofs about the origin of the lunar phases or similarly elementary questions, especially among physics professors who have claimed to be experts on the subject. But I do appreciate that Cox confessed his sins and I do agree that people, including smart ones, may sometimes err and the probability for a smart person to err doesn't really go down when we talk about elementary topics.",0 +CEI Expert Available to Comment: Adjunct Fellow Steven Milloy on McCain's embarrassing performance:,0 +"The authors seem to be somewhat bemused by these findings, suggesting that 'it is unclear how rising CO2 concentrations might have significantly impacted the variability of yield'. This is an odd thing to say; I thought it was fairly well established that high carbon dioxide levels tended to reduce water loss in plants, thus protecting them from drought.",1 +"The findings of Noonan et al . suggest that the six species of coral they studied, plus the various Symbiodinium types they encountered, were all able to not only survive , but to function well throughout the full range of CO 2 -induced pH values to which they had been exposed throughout their entire life spans.",1 +"No major emitting facility on which construction is commenced after August 7, 1977, may be constructed in any area to which this part applies . . . . unless the proposed facility is subject to the best available control technology for each pollutant subject to regulation under this chapter .",0 +"Obama is waging his war on energy via the Environmental Protection Agency, suppressing dissent within the agency and circumventing clear congressional intent to impose unnecessary and constitutionally dubious regulations. Regrettably, the courts and Congress have failed to stand up to this abuse of authority.",0 +"The reason there was a workshop in KL is that the IPCC knows very well this is an area that needs particular attention and where a lot of progress has been made , Professor van Ypersele said.",0 +Senate Fails to Kill Corn Ethanol Subsidies: But there's More Here than Meets the Eye,0 +"Thankfully, none of the test subjects died, or the charges would be much more serious.",0 +"Can you believe it, Stan? I never thought global warming could happen so fast. I guess I didnt listen",0 +"Given my experience with the Darwin, Australia records , I looked at the homogenization adjustment. According to GISS :",0 +"Second, the lower troposphere (from both the RSS and UAH MSU data) also do NOT SHOWunequivocally that the world continues to warm! Indeed, warming has also stalled since about 2002.",1 +"The high cost of taxpayer subsidies and consumer electricity rates also results in two to four jobs being lost in traditional industries for every wind and solar job created via government manipulation of the marketplace. Blue-collar, poor and middle class families feel the worst impacts from this enormous wealth transfer to lobbyists, pressure groups, bureaucrats, and ""green energy"" companies and investors.",1 +Yeo Gets The Heave-Ho: Will Spend More Time With Green Directorships,0 +"Let me try again. When the crunch comes in a decade or so, the first thing that is going to happen is that the wealthiest people are going to lose their benefits. Yeah, I know, not fair, but does it surprise you? For years, Social Security advocates have desperately clung to the argument that Social Security is not welfare, it's insurance. That is why benefits for the wealthy still exist at all. But when crunch time comes, the wealthy, as usual, are going to get thrown overboard first.",0 +CEI Expert Available to Comment: Director of Energy & Global Warming Policy Myron Ebell on what the story actually said:,0 +"The Administration assumes ""extremely rapid replacement of coal-fired power plants by new natural gas plants by 2008."" ""There is some inconsistency,"" according to CRA, ""between a very low permit price and achievement of these assumed changes.""",0 +"Capitol Climate Actiona coalition of radical environmental and other far-left activist groupsheld what it termed a ""massive"" anti-coal protest in front of the power plant that supplies the U.S. Capitol on Monday, March 2. Six to seven hundred protesters marched down the street and shouted amidst a major snowfall. The Capitol Police were out in force, yet the organizers failed in their efforts to provoke them into arresting the demonstrators.",0 +"Washington flooded in 1936, due to water flowing down the Potomac. It has nothing to do with the ocean or sea level.",1 +"No known consistent field theory predicts a nonzero \(Z\gamma\) decay rate of the new massive gauge boson. The string-theoretical Green-Schwarz mechanism mixes what looks like a field-theoretical tree-level diagram with a one-loop diagram. Their being on equal footing implies that the regular QFT-like perturbation theory breaks down and instead, there is a hidden loop inside a vertex of the would-be tree-level diagram. This loop can't be expanded in terms of regular particles in a loop, however: it implies some stringy compositeness of the particles and processes.",0 +"These state investigations similarly discourage Exxon from contributing to groups like AEI or ALEC, as well as discouraging Exxon's own speech about climate-related legislation and its costs. These groups themselves can sue an attorney general under the First Amendment, if the AGs' pressure on an oil company like Exxon causes them to lose donations they would otherwise have received.",0 +"Houses and water pumps are mounted on to plinths built high enough to withstand floods for the next 30 years. Alongside them stand huge tanks to harvest salt-free, safe to drink rainwater from the skies.",0 +"Some worrisome news from Greg Ladens Science blog , also in the running for Best Science Blog",0 +"Other environmentalists have undermined the cause with claims bordering on the outlandish; they've blamed global warming for shrinking sheep in Scotland, more shark and cougar attacks, genetic changes in squirrels, an increase in kidney stones and even the crash of Air France Flight 447. When climate activists make the dubious claim, as a Canadian environmental group did, that global warming is to blame for the lack of snow at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, then they invite similarly specious conclusions about Washington's snow -- such as the Virginia GOP ad urging people to call two Democratic congressmen ""and tell them how much global warming you get this weekend.""",1 +"Myron Ebell, director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Center for Energy and Environment, which has opposed any attempt to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions, said even if there is global warming, Americans and the world will still need coal, gas, and other fossil fuels to run the technology, including air conditioning, to deal with it.",1 +"Ice core data from Law Dome focus on changes in nitrate and may reflect changing wind patterns over Antarctica. The wind currents that bring nitrate to the continent, however, are less well known than those that carry sodium and calcium.",0 +"Why are international development agencies pushing an antidevelopment agenda? It's an inconvenient truth, but curbing the planet's carbon footprint necessarily slows economic growth. Prosperity is essential for human well being, so international aid organizations need to carefully consider the impact of the climate ""solutions"" they advocate, lest they could do more harm than good.",0 +"""We felt it was time to pull together a large sample of recent studies from the last five to 10 years and look for patterns of variability and change,"" said Willie Soon, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.",0 +"Senators Dianne Feinstein and Jeff Bingaman headline a congressional hearing on ""Senators' Perspectives on Global Warming.""",0 +"Secretary of State Kerry will serve as either the Obama Administration's designated scapegoat or environmental activist hero for the final decision whether to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. He's also a high-profile banner-carrier on the front lines of the President's religious war on climate change. Have no doubt that he realizes there's a lot of green at risk for his party, not to mention his own future ambitions, if decisions don't go with the greenies on both issues.",0 +"""If someone says, ""You know, I'm not sure on the science; man may contribute; we need to look at alternative energy,' that's one thing. But he's a committed global warmist. He went and endorsed Al Gore's problem and most of Al Gore's solution by sitting there with Nancy Pelosi,"" Morano said.",0 +"The CO2 advocates simply predicted heat waves in the future, but anyone can do that and be right eventually. However, the mechanisms of every heat wave contradict nearly every aspect of the global warming theory. They cannot even argue that it is more likely because its warmer. Death Valleys maximum temperatures have not exceeded the 1930s. These heat waves are good examples of how weather dynamics cause extreme heat independently of the sun or CO2.",1 +The failure to use income after taxes and transfers cannot be accidental. It seems to be a deliberate attempt to mislead the public. And it is not the only misuse of data. Much of the recent large rise in the income received by the top 1 or 10 percent results from the Federal Reserve's policy of lowering interest rates and raising housing and stock prices. Higher stock prices increase the incomes of those who own shares. Middle-income earners do not have large stock or bond portfolios. Their shares are mainly part of corporate pension plans. The rise in stock prices benefits the middle class by increasing the support for their future pensions. But the gain is part of their wealth and not part of their current income. So the rise in stock prices widens the spread in the income distribution and contributes to the clamor. That's measurement with little or no substantive effect.,0 +"Also, heavy rainfall has not increased significantly in the U.S. over the past 80 years. While the percentage of rainfalls of 1-2 inches per 24 hours has increased slightly in recent years, it showed a faster rise early in the 20th century.31",0 +"A warmer habitat would affect food supplies, predators, disease organisms and the metabolism of a lobster.",0 +"Case Study 3. Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council: ""What If Polluter Lobbyists in Washington Were Replaced with Asthmatic Children""",0 +"???Our planet has been slowly warming since last emerging from the ???Little Ice Age?? of the 17th century, often associated with the Maunder Minimum.",1 +"With a mean temperature of 2.2C to 3.3C below the long-term average, the UK also endured the coldest March since 1962.",1 +"This does not mean, of course, that droughts havent occurred in North America over the last 100 years, but it doesnt support a link between rising global temperature and increased drought.",1 +Surface temperatures and radiosonde have been massively diverging. The vast majority ofreported warming since 1980 is due toUrban Heat Island effects.,1 +Another great president took exactly the opposite approach.,0 +The magic of the EPA's benefit/cost analysis,0 +"This does not mean, of course, that droughts haven't occurred in North America over the last 100 years, but it doesn't support a link between rising global temperature and increased drought.",0 +"As it is, GHGs radiate upwards as much as they radiate downwards and I have seen no evidence that the two directions of emission do not cancel out. Since the vast majority of the atmosphere consists of non GHGs then GHGs actually provide a mechanism for cooling that non GHGs cannot provide so unless demonstrated otherwise I assume that the net effect of more GHGs is zero.",1 +"We used the Heritage Energy Model (HEM), a clone of the EIA's National Energy Model (NEM), to quantify the impact of freeing up the energy markets by lifting the crude export ban as well as increasing the availability of domestic petroleum and natural gas. The HEM was used to compare current policy (the reference case) to a policy with broader access to energy resources (the alternative case). To model the impact of lifting burdensome regulations on the oil and gas industry, several assumptions were changed. Under this policy alternative, recoverable shale oil and shale gas and their variants are 50 percent higher, and well spacing is 50 percent lower than the reference case. There are a few less impactful assumptions, which are discussed in the appendix.",0 +"Sarah Palin: She emerged from the election as controversial, polarizing, and electrifyingespecially to diehard Republicans in red-state America. Beloved by the talk radio set, Palin seemingly enjoys an inside track as the GOP's ""true"" conservative voice.",0 +"When confronted with a direct threat to American security, Obama has shown he is",0 +"In fact, as Nature reports, Andreae urged Nobel Prize-winning scientist Paul Crutzen not to publish a recent article on climate geoengineering, fearing it would distract policymakers from what Andreae sees as the urgent need to cut fossil fuel use. Every scientist who expressed an opinion in the article thinks reducing fossil fuel use is the policy of choice for mitigating human-caused greenhouse warming.",0 +"Since his election and subsequent re-election, Dr Pachauri has opened himself up to accusations of hypocrisy, urging the population to follow in his footsteps and become vegetarians to cut down on methane while at the same time travelling the world, clocking up environmentally unfriendly air miles.",0 +I recently have put up information that NASA team retired scientists reject the warming,0 +"Stated another way, the tradeoff is this: Instead of forcing the current generation to invest in climate policy, they could be forced to invest in infrastructure, machinery, tools, factories or anything else that would lead to greater production (and therefore consumption) capacity in the future. It would not make sense to invest for future generations at three percent when, instead, they could reap the reward of a seven percent return.",0 +"The head of the Space Research section of the Russian Academy of Science, Professor Habibullo Abdussamatov, in 2006 issued a press release, warning that the world should prepare for imminent global cooling. He predicted that the global cooling would start in 2012 2015 , and would likely peak around 2055.",1 +"on Tuesday, February 9th, 2010 at 6:01 am and is filed under News.",0 +"Someday, perhaps decades from now, smart environmentalists are going to look back on climate change, and especially the monomania for suppression of fossil fuel energy, as the issue that ate their movement alive. A few people now are starting to get it. Eilperin's story notes one of them, Armond Cohen of the Clean Air Task Force, who told the Post: ""The tragedy is that they spent the last 10 years on this and not anything else."" CATF, the story continues, ""has pursued an array of alternative strategies aimed at curbing climate change and air pollution."" But that's all we hear about them, before going back to the grand plans of the Sierra Club and others to deploy an army of grassroots activists.",0 +"For him to say, as he told Canwest News yesterday, that there has been some dangerous crossing of the line between climate advocacy and science at the IPCC is stunning in itself.",1 +Source: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/12/the lack of climate skeptics o.html,0 +Liberal Arts Majors Demand More Help at Job Fair,0 +He says strong messages designed to prompt people to change behaviour only seem to generate apathy.,0 +Kulusuk Farmer's Market Opens This Weekend,0 +> >> >>entire draft is attached.,0 +"The U.S. Bureau of Land Management suspended issuing wind permits on public land indefinitely this summer after wildlife officials invoked a decades-old law for protecting eagles, according to interviews and documents obtained by The Associated Press.",0 +"Cost to ""avoid"" global warming: $1.3 Quadrillion per Degree",1 +"This is never valid and certainly not when the claim that almost all of the experts agree is shown to be a total distortion of the real facts, as in the 97% scenario from the Doran and Zimmerman paper. By quoting it without checking the detail, he tarnishes his own credibility as a scientist.",1 +"All of the RC principals (Gavin Schmidt, Caspar Ammann, Rasmus Benestad, Mann, and Bradley) are frequent senders and recipients of the thousands of emails and other documents, now posted on many Web sites, that were hacked or leaked last week from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU).",0 +The following plot of the U.S. shows correlation between the annual number of strong (F3) to violent (F5) warm-season (March through August) tornadoes and regional temperature departures from normal.,0 +He starts by showing the global temperature for the last 4 years: you can see the fall that is occurring; itsvery plain to see .,1 +"In fact, the 381-month periods plotted in the graph have the earlier period warming to be just slightly higher (+0.01C) than the modern warming.",1 +the IPCC argues that feedbacks from increased water evaporation will lead to enhanced warming. This is not observed in those regions most effected by water vapour. In fact the opposite seems to be the case implying negative feedback.,1 +"AlthoughClinton EPA officials assertedEPAs authority to regulate GHG emissions (as early as March 1998), and preached the gospel of climate doom, theytook no actionon the petition,leaving it for the Bush Administration to deal with.",0 +"Now by US terms, California is the land of expensive energy. Because of our insane renewable energy standards, electricity here costs about twice as much as in neighboring states, at about fifteen cents per kilowatt-hour. So lets take ten cents per kWh as a representative cost of residential electricity in the US.",1 +"Although I had not commented on Schmidts May 11 criticism of my regional chronology emulation, Schmidt was quoted by a thread commenter here . Again, to avoid any potential misunderstanding, Ive added a clarifying inline comment to hopefully alleviate Schmidts anguish that he might have been misunderstood by a commenter on a thread somewhere on the internet.",0 +"Professor Johnson, a skeptic of man-made global warming claims, says he has found a fatal flaw in key instrumentation that supposedly measures, and thus proves, the radiation emitted because of of the greenhouse gas effect (GHE) which is calibrated in Watts.These instruments are used for scientific measurements of outdoor downward atmospheric long-waveradiation- the supposed source of the GHEs added heating mechanism.",1 +"The May-June 2009 Heartlander reports on the success of the Second International Conference on Climate Change, held in New York City on March 2-4. Also in this issue:an announcement of the 2009 President's Council Retreat, June 14-16 in Chicago.summaries of Heartland public relations and government relations activities on our top policy priorities: budget and tax, tobacco, finance and insurance, health care, information technology and telecom, education, the environment, and urban affairs;announcement of the release of two new Heartland publications: The Skeptic's Handbook and Is the U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable? plus Science Director Jay Lehr's newest book, The Fluoride Wars;reports on the activities of our legal affairs senior fellow, attorney Maureen Martin;and much more!",0 +"Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow, Energy Economics and Climate Change",0 +"A serious approach to climate change is going to require legislation touching on many aspects of Americans? daily lives, since reducing greenhouse gas emissions is ultimately going to require substantial changes in our energy consumption.",0 +"And the urgency is that the longer we wait, the further down the pipeline climate travels and works its way into weather, and once its in the weather, its there for good.",0 +"Which is why the mere fact that we find ourselves becoming one of the world's largest producers of oil and natural gas is only part of the story. The current advantages are obvious: tens of thousands of jobs in the oil and gas industry, much needed given the unsatisfactory condition of the jobs market; enough domestic oil production to ease concerns about sudden supply cut-offs; enough natural gas to attract some foreign and domestic factories to our shores, and to out-compete more carbon-intensive coal as a fuel in electricity generation. The longer-run advantages of our new-found abundance are also obvious: exports of oil and gas to reduce our trade deficit, and enough natural gas sent from purpose-built terminals to ease Europe's dependence on Russia.",1 +"Science is about constant refinement of theories and data. When Rahmstorf is faced with old data andnew data from the same authors, he has a special methodfor deciding which data set isbetter. The version thatpoints to highersea level rise in the 21st century is alwaysconsidered to be better. Thushis insistence thatthe 2006Chuch and White sea level data is better than the2009 or 2011Church andWhitedata that incorporated Churchs and Whites data reductionimprovements.",1 +"According to a bio that was online in January 2010 but has since disappeared, Teske has a BSc in engineering and a masters in ?wind energy technology.? But a bio in this 2009 book makes no mention of a masters degree ? although it says Teske has been in the employ of Greenpeace since 1994.",0 +"What is the problem with elevates error? Oddly enough, the possibility that I might be accused of cherry picking is minor compared to the real difficulty which is that using one data set inherently introduces more scatter due to instrument variability. This elevates error, without reducing error. I discussed error previously and explained that if a null hypothesis is actually wrong it can take many, many years of data to disprove even a false hypotheses to a chosen, high level of statistical confidence.",0 +"The Los Angeles Times revealed in May 2015 that Tesla had received benefits of $2.4 billion. These included $284 million in federal tax credits, $517 million from selling California zero emission vehicle credits to other automakers and $1.3 billion in incentives from Nevada for siting its huge new battery factory there.",0 +"The students at these colleges numbered at times sixty thousand of the youth and young nobility of Britain and Gaul. Caesar comments on the fact that the Gauls sent their youth to Britain to be educatedIt required twenty years to master the complete circle of Druidic knowledge. Natural philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, medicine, jurisprudence, poetry and oratory were all proposed and taught-natural philosophy and astronomy with severe exactitude (Elder refers to Strabo I IV, page 197. Caesars Comm. Lib V. Sueotonius, V Calegula. E. Campion, Accounts of Ireland, pg. 18.).",0 +"USDA: Increased ragweed pollen a ""troubling"" effect of higher CO2",0 +"A later disturbance for the United States is the October 1973 Oil Embargoby the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, which disrupted oil supply and caused increased costs of gasoline, electricity, and natural gas. The United States suffered economic malaise until the early 1980s. Starting with President Nixon in 1973, a rallying cry for ""Energy Independence"" was proposed by all presidents without success. Conflicts between proponents of increasing energy production and environmental groups protesting environmental degradation stalled development of America's vast resources of fossil fuelscoal, oil, and natural gas.",0 +"CO2 is a beneficial element in our atmosphere and increases the growth rate of crops and forests, as many scientific studies have shown.",1 +MOOSE: Ill do what I need to. Just so you know that. Ill do what I need to.,0 +UPDATE 2: Please wear your blackest black...,0 +"Osborn also implies that I should have raised the inadequacy of their data in previous criticisms and that this is moving the goalposts on them. However, the Shiyatov transects were not described in Briffa et al 1995 either. Indeed, Briffa et al 2013 is the first CRU article that comes even close to providing technical information on the sites. My first appreciation of the comprehensiveness of Shiyatovs work came from the relatively recent publications, Shiyatov et al 2011 and Mazepa et al 2011, which I consulted as part of my consideration of Briffa et al 2013, though neither was cited by Briffa. Had I previously realized the comprehensiveness of the Shiyatov dataset, I would have raised the issue earlier.",0 +"on Sunday, January 19th, 2014 at 5:29 am and is filed under Uncategorized.",0 +"Ben Lieberman, National Review , 31 March 2010",0 +"(In fact the Virgin Islands Attorney General, Claude E. Walker, on April 7 issued a subpoena to my employer, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, demanding CEI's records concerning its work on climate-change policy.)",0 +"Recall this is a bipartisan projectthe Bushes are in favor of this socialist nonsense, being Yalies.",0 +"To back up their objections, many environmental pressure groups generally have large budgets and huge teams of lawyers. One group boasted of having 75 lawyers working on a measure in California.",0 +As the G8 negotiations enter their final phase there appears to be no deal on agricultural subsidies or climate change. Much is at stake; some climate scenarios being proposed by France are potentially disastrous for global economies.,0 +It is clear from the material presented in this report that the modern rise in the air?s CO2 content is providing a tremendous economic benefit to global crop production.,1 +"The use of the terminology climate sensitivity indicates an importance of the climate systemto this temperature range that does not exist. The range of temperatures of 1.5 C and 4.5 C for a doubling of carbon dioxide refers to a global annual average surface temperature anomaly that is not even directly measurable, and its interpretation is even unclear, as we discussed in the paper",1 +"Dr Pachauri said that the IPCCs report was the responsibility of the panels former co-chairs, British scientist Dr Martin Parry and Argentine meteorologist Dr Osvaldo Canziani.",0 +Two prominent Obama administration officials tried to spin the Paris climate treaty as a done deal this week.,0 +"Firstly, the New South Wales Premier, Nathan Rees, has revealed himself to be an AGW alarmist (as we knew he would) by launching a scathing attack on former Treasurer, Michael Costa:",1 +"And we also know already that, in 1994, NWS changed their recordings of width from mean to maximum. (Even then, discrepancies in the data where path width has been underestimated have been found more recently, such as this one in 1997 see here ).",0 +"Beginning in April 2014 and continuing to present day, Lokis Castle has been rocked by numerous earthquakes, many of significant magnitude (see Figure 2). This earthquake swarm demonstrates that active and powerful geologic forces exist just south of the Svalbard Islands. Closer to, and west of the Svalbard Island Chain, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake was recorded in January 2015.",0 +"During the month when Antarctic ice set an all-time record high, NSIDC featured an article describing how missing sea ice threatened penguins.",1 +"The studies also found that due to the long-lived nature of energy-using capital equipment, it would be very expensive to further improve energy efficiency in the short time frame contemplated by the Kyoto Protocol. Meeting the Kyoto targets is further complicated in European countries where they are moving to retire nuclear capacity.",1 +"It would be a nightmare, which is precisely why Members of Congress never have voted to subject greenhouse gases to the Clean Air Act. The Supreme Court, however, bizarrely determined in 2007 (Massachusetts v EPA) the Clean Air Act could be used to regulate greenhouse gases, even though Michigan Representative John Dingell, who authored the Clean Air Act, said that ""This is not what was intended by the Congress.""",0 +"Lloyd and Graumlich discuss declines in treeline during the past millennium. Evidence of this decline can be seen in this recent photo of a subfossil medieval tree in alpine tundra well above the present treeline. Whatever the cause of the changes in treeline may be, O&B; have presented no evidence that the foxtail ring width chronology (which cannot be identified in the citation anyway) is a valid proxy for long-term temperature changes.",1 +It was no accident that Rhoades was the lead author. Adjusting historical records is essentially a data manipulation exercise peppered with statistical pitfalls and there is persistent worldwide criticism that climate scientists have very limited statistical skills.,1 +"de Miranda, Evaristo E. ""Tropical Rain Forests: Myths and Facts,"" Environmental Gore. San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute, 1994.",0 +"It looks as though my advice may have been followed since the previous minutes refer to contacting COPE and the latest minutes show that Richard Horton, the editor of the Lancet, has been invited to address the panel on the subject of peer review. Horton is closely involved with COPE. He doesn't appear to have been made a full panel member, however.",0 +"In the Northern Hemisphere, Figure 12, according to the models, the sea surface temperatures should be warming about 3.4 times faster than has been observed for the past 17 years. The model performance in the Southern Hemisphere is even worse, Figure 13. There, the models show a warming rate that is about 8.5 times higher than the actual warming rate. In total, for the global oceans, the models have projected a warming thats 5 times higher than the rate the oceans have actually warmed. The model trend isnt 50% higher, not twice as high, not three times. The models are off by a factor of 5. Written another way, global sea surface temperatures have warmed at a rate over the past 17 years thats only 20% of the rate projected by the multi-model mean of the climate models presented to the CMIP3 archive for use by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its 4 th Assessment Report published in 2007.",1 +"I don't expect our government to answer truthfully. If they did, they might have to start a RICO investigation of themselves.",0 +"However, the EU, since the industrial revolution, has produced more cumulative emissions per capita than China, Zou said.",0 +"on Friday, January 15th, 2010 at 9:27 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.",0 +1913Low Min Records Broken in Last 7 Days (272 tied) according to the NOAA . Below is a screenshot showing location and the biggest difference between old record and new record. The list is just the ones I could capture in a screenshot.Wow. Many records broken by over 30F. Imagine the old record was 15F and it is now -23F. A 38F difference.,1 +Apparently Mr. Lazear is unaware that the Earth has been in a cooling cycle for seventeen years. A visit to,1 +"Thou shalt not worship false Prophets ??? especially sun cycles, ocean cycles, volcanic influences and ???Objective Science?? in general",1 +"So starting from the simplest zero-dimensional model (planetary energy balance model) and saying that it does not answer all relevant questions and resolve issues related to the diurnal cycle, and therefore the greenhouse effect doesnt exist, is well, I cant even find a word for this. Use a higher dimensional model and play around with it, but if the model has the correct physics, the greenhouse effect is not going to disappear. Trying to demonstrate that the greenhouse effect doesnt exist with one of these models, particularly by applying a particular model for something that is beyond the assumptions built into the model, makes no sense.",0 +"Hillary Clinton proclaims almost daily that women receive only 78 percent of the income that men receive. Her message is so misleading as to be dishonest. The 78 percent number is the ratio of women's to men's median pay. It does not adjust for occupational and other differences in the work that men and women do. For example, skilled neurosurgeons and football, baseball, and basketball stars are men. Domestic workers and hospital cleaning crews are mainly women. A recent paper by Diana Furchtgott-Roth summarized studies at Cornell and other quality economic departments. When adjustment for occupational differences are considered, the ratio is 92 or 94 percent, not the advertised 78 percent. And the remaining difference may not be due to discrimination. Differences in time in the work force, hours worked, and other factors may play a role.",0 +"Avoiding Carbon Tunnel Vision: Defining the Dimensions of ""Green""",0 +"the report is clear CO2 does not account for even a majority of the warming seen over the past century. If other species accounted for 65% of historical warming that leaves only 35% for carbon dioxide. This, strangely enough, is in line with calculations based strictly on known atmospheric physics, calculations not biased by the IPCCs hypothetical and bastardized feedbacks.",1 +"If you listen to journalists, you'd think sport-utility vehicles were more dangerous than Saddam Hussein. SUVs supposedly deplete the Earth's resources, poison its atmosphere and encourage rude driving. Worst of all, because of their size they allegedly pose a grave collision threat to just about anyone who ventures outdoors. According to a recent New York Times report, the worst safety hazard is yet to come -- once these ""expensive toys"" depreciate and are sold by the ""responsible family people"" who now drive them, they'll be bought by teenagers who'll handle them even more recklessly.",0 +Making things better won't be easy. The state needs to get serious about fixing its insurance system and doing away with the combination of the Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corp. and the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund that subsidize insurance rates for people living on the coast. State and federal governments should discourage continued destruction of coastal wetlands.,0 +Lawrence Solomon's Amazon Blog: http://www.amazon.com/gp/blog/post/PLNK3RXPPYI6K709I,0 +"If those CBO subsidy numbers aren't depressing enough, consider this lagniappe from the number crunchers: EVs do little or nothing to cut carbon-dioxide emissions. EVs burn less gasoline than other vehicles. But the CBO notes that this efficiency allows carmakers to build and sell even more pickup trucks, SUVs, and other fuel-hogging vehicles while still complying with federal rules on overall fleet efficiency. ""Consequently, the tax credits will have little or no impact on the total gasoline use and greenhouse-gas emissions of the nation's vehicle fleet over the next several years,"" said the CBO.",1 +"Chapter 3 The Top Scientists and Best Experts? makes a very valid point, but cites William Gray as an example of an expert that should have been included in the IPCC (Gray is far from the top of my list of people whose input I would value on the IPCC.)",0 +"But there was no significant reduction in global wheat production that year, though it was slightly depressed from the previous year.",0 +"d) course is all ovanstende very frenklat, and I could count up about 20 things that do not nmnts, or modeled in. Haven is also never ensi jmvikt due to temperature variations, layering and varying pressure and strmning between them which affects jmvikter SVL as kinetics. We also have continuous tillfrsel avnederbrd directly or via rivers. Parallel to the oceans, we also vxtligheten on land and organisms in the ocean vsentliga pools in kolomsttningen on Earth. But the principles and allmnna behavior from chemical kinetic processes frblir same.",0 +"Nye, who's not actually a scientist and is best known for hosting a science show, says it's ""very bad news"" gasoline is selling for less than $2 a gallon he tweeted out a picture of a gas pump where you could buy fuel for $1.68 a gallon.",0 +"Despite sixteen years of no global warming, a UN climate panel nevertheless now claims it is 95% certain humans are causing global warming. Marc Morano, editor of ClimateDepot.com, says this is absurd, and here explains why: ""The UN IPCC is up to its old tricks. The 95% figure is essentially a made up number by a few handpicked UN activist scientists. The IPCC is fulfilling its mission to give political leaders a scientific narrative to push for global warming regulation. As one U.K. scientist said, ""The UN is simply a political organization masquerading as a scientific body.' Expect only fawning media coverage of this upcoming IPCC report.""",1 +2. The global climate has been much warmer than it is today during most of the existence of life on Earth. Today we are in an interglacial period of the Pleistocene Ice Age that began 2.5 million years ago and has not ended.,1 +"Plainly, then, the Met Office should now publicly withdraw the claim . That is, the Met Office should admit that the warming shown by the global-temperature record since 1880 (or indeed 1850) might be reasonably attributed to natural random variation.",1 +"The regional temperatures and even the global mean temperature has been changing by many degrees Celsius, up to 10 degrees or so, and these changes have taken place at all conceivable timescales, long and short. In particular, during the recent tens of millions of years when the composition of animals and plants was already virtually indistinguishable from the composition we observe (except for, most notably, some evolution of the details of mammals that occurred in recent millions of years) but the temperatures still differed by up to 10 C from the modern ones.",1 +"THE ROLE OF ideas and ideals in bringing about the Russian revolution comes into even sharper relief when we look at what was happening outside the Kremlin. A leading Soviet journalist and later a passionate herald of glasnost, Aleksandr Bovin, wrote in 1988 that the ideals of perestroika had ""ripened"" amid people's increasing ""irritation"" at corruption, brazen thievery, lies, and the obstacles in the way of honest work. Anticipations of ""substantive changes were in the air,"" another witness recalled, and they forged an appreciable constituency for radical reforms. Indeed, the expectations that greeted the coming to power of Gorbachev were so strong, and growing, that they shaped his actual policy. Suddenly, ideas themselves became a material, structural factor in the unfolding revolution.",0 +"Another tenet of AGW theory bites the dust in the face of real-world data: AGW theory proposes that increased CO2 levels lead to increased water vapor in the atmosphere (despite empirical data which shows the opposite) and therefore supposedly lead to increased rainfall in most regions. A paper published today in the Nature Climate Change February 2012 edition studied rainfall over the Indian subcontinent 1813-2006 and finds rainfall has decreased since the 1930s as CO2 emissions markedly increased with industrialization. The data instead shows a natural, cyclical variability in mean annual rainfall that peaked in the 1870s and 1930s with absolutely no correlation to levels of CO2.",1 +"Arent there more whoppersthe powerful Category 4 and 5 monsters that will mow down pretty much anything in their path? As is the case with much severe weather, we simply see more than we did prior to satellites and (in the case of hurricanes) long-range aircraft reconnaissance. As the National Hurricane Centers Chris Landsea (with whom I have published on tropical cyclones) has shown, if you assume the technology before satellites, the number of big storms that would be detected now is simply unchanged from the past.",1 +"Additionally, see de Laat and Crok (2013) A Late 20th Century European Climate Shift: Fingerprint of Regional Brightening? The authors argue that a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation (similar to the Arctic Oscillation) in the late 1980s caused more sunlight to warm European surface temperatures in an apparent shift. I would suspect that something similar occurred over Russia at that time as well.",1 +"Skeptics dont think for themselves, he declares. Itd be a tad more convincing if it didnt come from the man who parrots a consensus. Hes the one outsourcing his thinking. Its psychological projection run riot. Those who think check the data; those who dont poll the crowd.",0 +A number of papers released in 2016 show glacier behavior in the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) has been inconsistent with climate models and their assumption that glacier behavior is dominated by surface temperatures.,0 +Robert Bryce is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Follow him on Twitter here.,0 +"A paper published today in the Journal of Geophysical Research finds that current climate models are unable to simulate the climate following large volcanic eruptions, a major cause of natural climate variability. According to the authors, the paper confirms others with the same findings and "" raises concern for the ability of current climate models to simulate the response of a major mode of .""",1 +24. With how much certainty can we attribute recent climate related disasters to climate change?,0 +Obama also moved rapidly to get the Cabinet in place and the sub-Cabinet,0 +"Despite idealistic claims that solar PV can allow Arizona to avoid construction of new power plants, it will not. Solar is not consistent enough as a power source to meet the utilitys reliability requirements for power generation (the dispatchability problem). In addition to intermittency, the peak output of solar panels is at noon, but the peak electrical demand is in the late afternoon.",1 +Frequency Of Early Season Hot Weather Plummeting In The US,1 +Here is a graph of all time arctic temperatures taken from Watts Up With that HERE . It shows the entire HISTORY of arctic ice measurement. So the longest in HISTORY isnt too big a deal is it. You can clearly see the ice has GROWN from last year. You can also see that most of the sea ice melts every year.,1 +"The five Spanish researchers conclude their report by stating that their study ""confirms the potential interest of using moderate CO 2 enrichment strategies in greenhouses located in areas such as the Mediterranean basin, where the agricultural sector is facing scarce and declining water resources, and needs to drastically reduce the contamination due to fertilizer emission to ensure the sustainability of greenhouse production."" And, of course, it demonstrates the significant benefits that may come to open-field agriculture, as the CO 2 content of earth's atmosphere continues to rise. Reviewed 13 May 2009",1 +As I argued in a rebuttal to former EPA Administrator Russell Train:,0 +Martin Durkin brings us the documentary answer to global warming alarmism - recently broadcast in the UK. Enjoy:9005566792811497638UPDATE: The Telegraph has a story today on how some of the scientists interviewed for the film have received death threats and been subject to other forms of intimidation.,1 +"Scientific understanding about the Earth??s climate is tentative at best. As a result of uncertainties over what causes climate to change and how and when, there are rival theories and arguments among scientists about how to interpret the evidence.Rather than join these arguments, we have examined the processes that have been used to analyze the available data in order to derive forecasts of climate over the 21st Century. We have concluded that the forecasting process reported on by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) lacks a scientific basis.",1 +"To borrow the alarmists' claim that is ritually, if absurdly, made about the science: ""We have a consensus against greenhouse gas (energy) rationing, and the consensus is growing.""",1 +"The first 20 ppm accounts for over half of the alleged heating effect of CO2 to the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm, by which time carbon dioxide is tuckered out as a greenhouse gas. Source",1 +Jo Nova finds the Medieval Warm Period,0 +"Obviously it would be uncharacteristic of a talkshop post to be without some graphs and analysis, so here are the monthly page view stats since the blog started just over two years ago:",0 +"Focused on answering this important question, the three Australian researchers conducted a study where they assessed ""how temperature and the coral symbionts (Symbiodinium) affect survival, symbiont uptake, settlement success and habitat choice of Acropora millepora larvae."" Their work was conducted at Heron Island (Australia), where the coral larvae were exposed to seawater temperatures of 22.5, 24.5, 26.5 and 28.5C, and where within each treatment the larvae were offered symbionts with a variety of distinct thermal tolerances.",0 +The President?s Climate Action Plan and the Electricity Industry,0 +Mark Steyn has just filed to countersue Michael Mann for $20M. Excerpts:,0 +"ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to Craig Idso of CO2science.org for his fabulous collation of research and his Medieval Warming Project which is an excellent resource, try the animated map! A big thank you to John N for his work in helping to create the map.",0 +"In September, Horner and CEI filed a lawsuit against the EPA, asking the U.S. District Court to order them to produce record regarding secondary, non-public email accounts for EPA administrators, the existence of which accounts Plaintiff discovered in an Agency document obtained under a previous request which the EPA says were known only to a few EPA staff members, usually only high-level senior staff.",1 +They lamented that Mother Nature was not cooperating with their predictions that global temperatures would smash heat records last decade. They blamed their miscalculation on sulfate emission trajectories and revised their forecast to show a cooling trend lasting until 2020.,1 +Glassman: Now there were declining temperatures from the 1940s through the mid-'70s. Was there a lack of magnetism?,0 +"To rectify this situation President Obama should immediately approve construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Congress should pass laws to allow unfettered export of all fossil fuel energy resourcescoal, oil, and natural gas. Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia wrote the U.S. Congress on March 6 asking for a loosening of U.S. export limits so that they can buy American natural gas and reduce their dependence on Russia.",0 +An educated and independent minded citizenry threatens socialism.,0 +"Thomas Sowell, RealClearPolitics.com , 30 March 2010",0 +"The following is the reproduction of the email exchanges involved in the contribution of our paper (Lindzen and Choi, ?On the observational determination of climate sensitivity and its implications?) to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The editor of the PNAS follows the procedure of having his assistant, May Piotrowski, communicate his letters as pdf attachments.",0 +Pre-Industrial And Current CO2 Levels Deliberately Corrupted.,1 +Conclusion #2: Air quality in the U.S. has improved considerably since NSR was adopted. The NSR program probably had little to do with this improvement.,0 +"At the White House, he praised President Obama's Clean Power Plan, saying ""climate change is a problem that can no longer be left to a future generation.""",0 +"BEDEMIR: Aah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone?",0 +"""The current public debate surrounding Wal-Mart fits within a historical context of democratic responses to changes in the retail sector. From Sears Roebuck and the emergence of the mail order industry in the late 19th century to the various chain stores that emerged during the 1920s, the American public has proven wary of retail innovations. Wal-Mart, as the largest retailer in America and the pioneer of the large discount chain store, is currently experiencing this same public wariness regarding its business practices and its role in the American economy.""",0 +"Agreement 1 is a bilateral side agreement with Mexico included in the North American Free Trade Agreement to secure that treaty's approval by Congress. The side agreement established the Border Environment Cooperation Commission-National Development Bank program, which is currently budgeted at $7.1 million annually.",0 +"Cut the income of a family of four by $1,900 per year in 2016 and lead to average losses of $1,400 per year through 2035;",0 +"I imagine you had no intention that this post would devolve into another paleoclimate debate, which in the minds of some, is of course perfectly synonymous with the hockey stick debate.",0 +"Too bad you didnt stick around to see what you were protesting about, you might have found it interesting. The flyers handed out were obviously written without the benefit of knowing what was being presented that night. Kids, do your homework.",0 +Another Example Of An Environmental Tradeoff Reduced CO2 Emissions And Lower Fuel Cost Versus Personal Safety,0 +"Actual sea level rises to date, may be somewhere between 1.4mm per year (Sceptic scientists) and 1.7mm per year (IPCC position). In calculating the prediction errors, the IPCC figure has been used. The errors would be larger if the sceptical scientists figure was used. These figures assume that the natural sea rises are included in their predictions.",0 +Inflation Actually Near 10% Using Older Measure:,0 +"If you don't visit Freedom Pub and the Heartlander digital magazine every day, you're missing out on some of the best news and commentary on liberty and free markets you can find. But worry not, freedom lovers! The Heartland Weekly Email is here for you every Friday with a highlight show. Subscribe to the email today, and read this week's edition below.",0 +6: He has have an amateur interest in basic economics. 7: He has self-published a small book which is now used in a college economics cours. 8: His research has always been supported 100% by the US Government. 9: No one knows whether it is currently warming. 10: Warming seems to have stopped about 15 years ago.,1 +"The credibility of official ideology, which in Yakovlev's words, held the entire Soviet political and economic system together ""like hoops of steel,"" was quickly weakening. New perceptions contributed to a change in attitudes toward the regime and ""a shift in values."" Gradually, the legitimacy of the political arrangements began to be questioned. In an instance of Robert K. Merton's immortal ""Thomas theorem"" ""If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequence"" the actual deterioration of the Soviet economy became consequential only after and because of a fundamental shift in how the regime's performance was perceived and evaluated.",0 +"Lord Nigel Lawson, a long-standing member of Margaret Thatcher?s cabinet where he played the key role of finance minister, published a book in 2008 reflecting both his lifelong knowledge, views and experience and the insides he acquired during his involvement in the work of the House of Lords Special Committee which, in 2005, put together the oft-cited report called ?The Economics of Climate Change?, a report that was very critical of the prevailing dogmas of contemporary environmentalism.",0 +"It is the environmentalists tendency, of course to see upward prices as a reflection of actual scarcity, the consequence of environmental degradation. But the figures rarely bear out this relationship. The rights and wrongs of the Chinese governments anticipation of wheat shortage would no doubt produce debate between those of left and right persuasions about central planning and market failure. But meanwhile, the green steals a march on red and blue with vulgar economics. The climate debate descends to science .",0 +The last monthly record in the GISS station data is June 2009. Ms. Smith would be deeply disappointed that her efforts were in vain. GISS is taking only the McMurdo data now and ignoring Scott Base. Why are we not surprised?,1 +It looks as though there is a very strong compensatory effect from carbon dioxide fertilisation.,1 +"Sans security, I approached the rotunda alone. (Guards were present to keep the protesters from accosting the attendees who were bold enough to continue past the cluster of vocal opponents shouting accusations about ""ruining the planet for the children."")",0 +"It is totally obvious how LFCSes such as Mr Boslough are ""answering"" such questions. They use the same methodology as if they decide whether \(\pi\) is equal to \(3.0\). Is the answer \(3.0\) good for ""the cause""? Mr Boslough figures out that it is because if \(\pi\) were equal to \(3.0\) in his most famous paper, then the Christians would look like morons. As far as Mr Boslough's reasoning goes, this answers the question: the claim \(\pi=3.0\) has to be included in the paper and similar papers may be spread all over the world.",0 +"$45,000 for minor front-end damage",0 +"by Dennis Ambler | December 14, 2010",0 +"On the issue of American ""decline,"" Mann makes the essential point about how Bush foreign policy diminished U.S. influence:",0 +"In an interview with Norwegian broadcaster Sigrid Agnethe Hansen (23 June 2015), polar bear biologist Jon Aars from the Norwegian Polar Institute said (via Google Translate and some inference on my part for a few words): Last year in autumn we saw that there was more ice, particularly in denning areas.",1 +"If you question whether global warming is happening, or whether human activity is causing it, or whether it's worth doing anything about it, then you must be a crack-pot. You are standing athwart the ""consensus of scientists."" You are disputing ""settled science."" You are a ""global warming denier,"" the moral equivalent of an apologist for the Nazi holocaust.",0 +"Here is an idea: a series of Mega Millions-like lotteries for primary and general elections, with awards that can range up to the hundreds of millions for a big general election where your lottery ticket is your voting stub.",0 +Congress's Busy Agenda Just Got Even Busier,0 +"Slutvrdena fr concentrations after 1000 RR in turn about 1.6, 13.5 and 16. Let's see what happens if you suddenly stop fossilfrbrnningen:",0 +"All the while, Dow continued to voice support for LNG exportsit was, after all, a player itselfeven portraying itself as supportive of the DOE's evaluation process. ""I think they are doing a great job of looking at the issue,"" said Blitz in October. ""They are being conscientious. They are thinking it through. I am confident they are going to come out with a reasonably good answer that talks about energy security, consumer pricing, and domestic growth and jobs because I think those are public interest issues.""",0 +"Confused visitors will be forgiven for thinking Oregon State University is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Congressman Pete DeFazio and the ""progressive-socialist"" wing of the Democratic Party. Or for likening what's going on there to political retribution as practiced in Third World thugocracies.",0 +Study: Climate Change To Open Arctic Sea Routes By 2050,0 +"FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, June 4, 2013",0 +Here's the simple truth that most people are not told: The Sun warms the Earth and the Earth warms the atmosphere.,1 +"As impressive as these entities might want to make renewable energy appear, the growth in wind and solar power cannot possibly replace traditional energy sources, or keep up with the growth in energy demand. Nor can it be reconciled with its unsustainable impacts on vital wildlife species.",1 +Chelsea-Liverpool 2-1 2-1,0 +"thorough understanding of the uncertainties is essential to the development of good policy decisions. . . . Climate projections will always be far from perfect. Confidence limits and probabilistic information, with their basis, should always be considered as an integral part of the information that climate scientists provide to policy and decision makers. Without them, the IPCC could give an impression that the science of global warming is ""settled,"" even though many uncertainties still remain. . . . Without an understanding of the sources and degree of uncertainty, decision makers could fail to define the best ways to deal with the serious issue of global warming.",0 +13 Mar 1912 BACK FROM THE ICE. RETURN OF THE AURORA. NEWS OF,0 +"As the atmospheric CO 2 concentration rises, it is likely that rice plants will increase their nitrogen uptake and utilize this important mineral resource to enhance their biomass production and grain yield, even under conditions of low soil nitrogen availability. However, if more nitrogen is available to rice plants, it is likely that CO 2 -induced yield increases will be even greater. Thus, one can anticipate that yields of this important food crop will increase in future years, enabling the sustenance of greater human populations in areas where rice is utilized as a staple food crop.",1 +"The U.S. should act prudently by increasing its certainty about the underlying assumptions and resulting predictions of climate change, ensuring that the benefits justify the costs, and undertaking concrete commitments and actions only in the context of an overarching strategy that would actually have an impact on climate change if action is necessary.",0 +Marshall Institute Comments on the Draft Strategic Plan of the U. S. Climate Change Science Program,0 +"As distasteful as progressives may find it, though, they may want to consider trying an updated version of their 1990s strategy, if only as an insurance policy.",0 +The vlknde climate Professor Hans von Storch has written an interesting article in a magazine called Technologist Climate science: the shrinking middle. The article is also available as a blogginlgg on climate blog Klimazwiebel. He criticizes Dr. developments in climate science Dr. climate scientists in the head from under him by the politicization from an ever-shrinking influence on what pstS be the true picture of how the climate will develop in the future and what risks this medfr.,0 +"5. The NAS said Mann downplayed the ""uncertainties of the published reconstructions...Even less confidence can be placed in the original conclusions by Mann et al. (1999) that the 1990s are likely the warmest decade, and 1998 the warmest year, in at least a millennium.",1 +"20 For a concise introduction to the new Great Game, see Flynt Leverett and Pierre Noel, ""The New Axis of Oil,"" National Interest (Summer 2006), and Richard Weitz, ""Averting a New Great Game in Central Asia,"" Washington Quarterly (Summer 2006); for the Long War, see Tony Corn, ""World War IV as Fourth-Generation Warfare,"" Policy Review (January 2006), and ""Clausewitz in Wonderland,"" Policy Review (September 2006).",0 +"Fear of the present: Working-class voters may believe that they and their children can move upward, but they are as or more motivated by their fear of moving downward. They recognize that their relative lack of education means they are at more risk of being laid off in downturns. Their relative lack of earning power means they find it harder to save for retirement, afford medical care, or pay for their children's education. Their relative lack of specialized skills means they are more vulnerable to competition from unskilled immigrants and more likely to remain unemployed if they lose their job. This gnawing fear that everything they have built is at risk of falling apart is a central feature of their political identity.",0 +"As I have mentioned before, I am not concerned with finding the sea level rise rate, but rather the change in sea level rise rate. But this set of data averages out to have a 20th century rise rate very close to the commonly reported tide gauge derived average of 1.8 mm/year. ( Click on image if animation does not advance .)",1 +Featured comment by Eric Anderson ; SaskPowers Centennial Wind Power Facility 83 Vestas-V80 with a potential capacity of 150 megawatts of power on 30 km2 or 11.7 mile2,0 +The Heartland documents show that the organization is using its taxpayer-supported status to spread lies and misinformation.,0 +"Of course, we could go into the dark side of the environmental movement, which inevitably involves population control of one kind or another (usually forced upon some far-away people of a different skin color...not upon the enforcers):",1 +"""Full panic mode': Climate Institute Now Says To Expect ""Warmer Colder' Winters! ""They can no longer get their stories straight' ""Propaganda machinery switched into high gear'",0 +"And as Steven Mosher recommended to me, use RStudio as your portal into R, much the best Ive found.",0 +"Trade union GMB has signed a landmark agreement with the fracking industry in a bid to accelerate the exploitation of shale gas and oil resources in the UK and boost local supply chains as the sector develops. In a move that is likely to anger environmental groups, GMB signed a joint charter with UK Oil and Gas (UKOOG) which argues that gas is ""essential"" to British industry and households and will continue to play a key role in the UK's future energy mix. Gary Smith, GMB national secretary, said gas was a matter of national security. ""Our homes and large parts of British industry need gas; any suggestion to the contrary is just not real world,"" he said in a statement. -- Jessica Shankleman , BusinessGreen, 9 June 2015",1 +"What this overlooks is that the major environmental groups do not have a monopoly on CAA litigation. There are legions of NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) activists whowould not hesitate to petition EPA to apply PSD and BACT requirements tohalt or delayconstruction of big box stores, shoppingmalls, fast-food restaurants, and other development they find offsensive or contrary to smart growth.",0 +"Through several more years of ""careful, quantitative measurement"" at CERN, Mr. Kirkby predicts he and his team will ""definitively answer the question of whether or not cosmic rays have a climatically significant effect on clouds."" His old ally Mr. Svensmark feels he's already answered that question, and guesses that CERN's initial results ""could have been achieved eight to 10 years ago, if the project had been approved and financed.""",1 +"From Jo Nova a look at how the MWP looks when other data is used, not just a few trees in Yamal.",1 +"So, we can conclude as a matter of simple maths, that a climate that is stable has feedbacks which are either negative, or if they are positive, the feedback must be smaller than the original change.",1 +"From my perspective, it looks like an act of desperation on the part of DeSmog blog:",0 +"They are going to take from the western countries the very large financial resources required to do that. Monckton said, adding They will disguise it by saying they are setting up a $100 billion fund for adaptation to climate change in third world countries, but actually, this money will almost all be gobbled up by the international bureaucracy.",0 +"None of this is going down well with rural lawmakers from districts with National Forests, who fear for the livelihood of their constituents. ""Why in the world would Wisconsin be importing timber from Canada rather than harvesting timber that is rotting in our National Forests?"" asks Rep. Reid Ribble (R-Wisconsin) (Greenwire, May, 5).",0 +"Given the new studys cost data, state governments should think twice about working with the EPA. The agency has called on states to submit compliance plans, and the regulators intend to impose a federal plan on states that dont. Either option will force states to uproot the electric grid, imposing economic hardships.",0 +"...Since the 1970s, scientists have tracked rapid uplift and subsidence of the ground and significant changes in hydrothermal features and earthquake activity. In 2001, the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory was created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the University of Utah, and Yellowstone National Park to strengthen scientists ability to track activity that could result in hazardous seismic, hydrothermal, or volcanic events in the region...",0 +"My administration will not deny facts we will be guided by them, Obama said, in an apparent dig at Bush aides accused of subverting science for ideological reasons.",0 +"And in this sense, we already have carbon taxes. The U.S. (andCanada, and much of Europe) already have dozens of hidden carbon taxesvehicle fuel economy standards, appliance standards, renewable fuel mandates, building insulation standards, mass-transit subsidies, etc.",0 +"As for what this result implies, the researchers conditionally -- and rather amusingly -- state that further warming of present day Greenland climate ""will result in temperature conditions that are warmer than anything seen in the past 1400 years."" But, of course, their work more directly and unconditionally implies that late 20th-century and early 21st-century weather has not yet been warm enough to confer ""unprecedented"" status upon Greenland air temperatures. What is more, Vinther et al . readily admit that the independent ""GRIP borehole temperature inversion suggests that central Greenland temperatures are still somewhat below the high temperatures that existed during the Medieval Warm Period."" Reviewed 21 April 2010",1 +"The court also ordered OSTP to produce emails without redacting any of their content (as opposed to recipients' private email addresses and contact information). These emails are odd in light of OSTP's subsequent position that Holdren's claim was merely his ""personal opinion,"" since they show taxpayer resources being used to produce the video that broadcast his statements, since a government ""contractor"" was used to produce the video in question. They also were exchanged among 17 federal employees working in multiple agencies (including NASA, the OSTP, and other White House offices).",0 +"You see, although there are approximately 20,000 polar bears in the Arctic and their numbers are increasing, Kazlowski is still concerned that anthropogenic global warming is going to kill them all.",1 +"It was a big weekend for the delicate diplomacy of climate change.In Brussels, EU ministers met to try to figure out how to slash greenhouse gas emissions without concomitantly putting their economies at a serious competitive disadvantage to countries that have not adopted costly emissions controls. Fortunately, French President Nicholas Sarkozy's ""solution,"" to start a carbon trade war with the U.S. and China, was quickly discarded as too protectionist.",0 +"The storage of carbon in soil is typically assumed to decrease with global warming, thus exacerbating the rise in atmospheric CO 2 that is predicted to drive the warming. The real-world data obtained in this study contradict this assumption and prediction. In the words of the authors, ""our data for boreal forest soil even suggest an increase in the C storage capacity in those soils in response to climatic warming,"" which would be expected to ""retard the increase in the atmospheric CO 2 concentration"" and thereby slow the rate of global warming.",1 +"/s/ James R. Roundtree JSC Branch Chief, 26 years",0 +"Two of them are a bit below that, but they all sort of have a fair bit of spread, so a bit of uncertainty, but the risk is starting to rise for El Nio later in the year.",0 +"This 800 year lag became known and past dispute by 2003, which is very significant. The old low-resolution ice core data, which showed carbon and temperature moving in lockstep for the last half million years, was the only supporting evidence we ever had that carbon caused temperature.",1 +"Having played a singing elephant on stages across the country, Cleo Berry is well acquainted with the vagaries of show business. But he still was stunned to learn that he had unwittingly become an amputee in advertisements that New York City is posting to warn of the dangers of diabetes.",0 +"All of them find it for their interest to employ their whole industry in a way in which they have some advantage over their neighbors, and to purchase with a part of its produce, or what is the same thing, with the price of a part of it, whatever else they have occasion for.",0 +"Shall I send a cheque to the House of Lords? Letwin asked Lawson The UK Met Office has revised itsglobal temperature predictionsas a result of a new version of its climate model and climate simulations using it. It now believes that global temperatures up to 2017 will most likely be 0.43 deg C above the 1971 -2000 average, with an error of +/- 0.15 deg C. In reality this is a forecast of no increase in global temperatures above current levels. If the latest Met Office prediction is correct, and it accords far more closely with the observed data than previous predictions, then it will prove to be a lesson in humility. It will show that the previous predictions that were given so confidently as advice to the UK government and so unquestioningly accepted by the media, were wrong, and that the so-called sceptics who were derided for questioning them were actually on the right track. --David Whitehouse, The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 7 January 2013",1 +"CEI: What do you think of the president's economic advisers, namely Larry Lindsey and Paul O'Neill?",0 +"There was the positive: The Paris deal ""establishes the enduring framework the world needs to solve the climate crisis,"" President Obama said. ""I believe this moment can be a turning point for the world."" U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called it ""a monumental success for the planet and its people.""",0 +Over the last decade opinion polls have shown steadily rising public support for nuclear power in the United States following two decades of strong public opposition. The aftermath of the Japanese nuclear crisis will reveal how robust this shift is.,0 +"In summary, contrary to Santer??s claim that none of the lapse rate trends are significant, all of them (or all but one of them) are significant relative to the three major indices using up-to-date data. As I said above, Santer et al 2008 is ???worse than we thought??.",1 +"Traditional anthropogenic theory of currently observed global warming states that release of carbon dioxide into atmosphere (partially as a result of utilization of fossil fuels) leads to an increase in atmospheric temperature because the molecules of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) absorb the infrared radiation from the Earths surface. This statement is based on the Arrhenius hypothesis, which was never verified (Arrhenius, 1896).",1 +"We are going to explain this and more in a series of blog posts. To build a better model, we had to understand the conventional basic climate model, the core model used to compute the high sensitivity to carbon dioxide. We unpack it, show the errors, then fix it. We calculate the sensitivity to carbon dioxide using this alternative model ??? which shows that the sensitivity to carbon dioxide is much lower.",1 +"Contrary to the results of many shorter-term elevated-CO 2 -exposure experiments (see Acclimation in our Subject Index), where downward (but typically not complete ) acclimation of photosynthesis has been observed, Csintalan et al . were able to report that ""native mosses showed upward acclimation,"" indicative of an extremely positive long-term photosynthetic adjustment of the five species to life-long (indeed, multi-generational) atmospheric CO 2 enrichment. Reviewed 13 July 2005",1 +"Last week the Washington Post ran a news article that falsely claimed my organization, The Heartland Institute, received millions of dollars from Exxon Mobil and foundations affiliated with Charles G. and David H. Koch .",1 +"This high frequency is extraordinary. It is unclear what the cause of death could be, and it cannot be determined due to the extent the whales are decomposed. Researchers believe that its due to biological reasons. Young whales and mothers are especially vulnerable shortly after birth. They do not exclude the possibility that the construction of the windpark near the Darss peninsula may have been a factor .",0 +"67. It is a myth that global temperatures are rising at an unprecedented rate because accurate satellite, balloon and mountain top observations made over the last three decades have not shown any significant change in the long term rate of increase in global temperatures.",1 +Hot air? White House takes credit for Bush-era wind farm jobs:,0 +"I also keep the bulk of all my stuff either on offline computers / disks or encrypted (or both). So WHEN a machine gets compromised, the bad guys get an encrypted bag of bits. I only decrypt the bag of bits on rare occasions, and then will often press the disconnect from the network button during the process so while its possible for some information to leak, its much harder. (The few hundred GB of data in the block would have to be duplicated somewhere outside of it for transmission later when networking came back I think Id notice. So the malware has a couple of race conditions to deal with. It has to do bad things during the decrypted window, which can be short, and not leave them behind in that space as it goes back to encrypted before the network connection returns)",0 +Hence the AR4 Section dismissal of the ACRIM composite to be,0 +Exaggerating the Extent of Other Nations' GHG Reductions,0 +"Slowly, the totally one-sided view that human emissions of greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide (CO2), are causing catastrophic anthropogenic global warming/climate change (CAGW) is shifting. Contrary views are being more broadly expressed in part of the press, but not in all media outlets. The appeal to the authority of government funded research and government agency publications remains strong in many media outlets. It is strange the many of the radical children of the 1960s, who rejected government authority, now embrace it so fervently. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy.",1 +"This packagewhich provides a wealth of information toreporters, policymakers, scientists, educators, the publicand students of all levelsis posted on NSFs website .",0 +Which computes the change in temperature with time of the 700 m deep ocean layer (dT700/dt) which has a heat capacity of Cp in response to Hansen's radiative forcings and radiative feedback in response to surface temperature changes ( Tsfc).,0 +We don?t really want the bullshit and optimistic stuff that Michael has written,0 +"Obamas Clean Power Plan faces opposition from black, Hispanic leaders",0 +Obama demonstrates once again that he has no interest in upholding the US Constitution or fulfilling his oath of office.,0 +end. Prices have skyrocketed as more grains go to biofuel production or,0 +"India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today and American companies want to benefit from the Indian economic boom. Bilateral trade today stands at $61 billion and American foreign investment in India is approximately $16 billion. However, only 10 percent of India's imports come from the U.S. and only 2 percent of American exports go to Indiain effect the same as what goes to Netherlands, a country whose population equals that of India's financial capital, Mumbai. Growth in trade would benefit both American and Indian markets. The recent announcement of over $14 billion in trade deals for American companies will potentially create over 50,000 jobs in the U.S.",0 +"The enduring myth of ""accelerating"" is a leftover from earlier IPCC climate reports and the original AGW hypothesis that speculated greater levels of atmospheric CO2 would generate ""runaway"" global warming leading to a catastrophic ""tipping point"" climate change. That's how 'AGW' turned into ' CAGW '.",1 +"COP-18 is having a party in Qatar. Champaign and Caviar while preaching the end of the world and doom!!! As China is now clearly the problem with CO2, and China only does what benefits China, dont expect to see much agreement. Yet whatever is agreed, expect to see the Obama admin sign onto it. If not via a treaty signed by the Senate, then via EPA fiat. California has already started Cap and Tax, so expect to see yet more business leaving California for better places. Texas, start that BBQ and order some extra beer",1 +ONE of the first tasks for the team conducting the Department for Transport?s ?urgent review? into the inability of our transport system to cope with snow and ice will be to interview the cocky public figure who assured breakfast TV viewers last month that ?I am pretty confident we will be OK? at keeping Britain moving this winter.,0 +and nonprofits and toward the government. Pay attention to the first thing on,0 +"Mr. Dunavant doesn't believe the governor has an open mind on the issue. He calls Mr. Kaine, ""our 'supposed green' governor"" and says that the ""only thing green about him is his love of money."" Coles Hill ""is all about greed,"" he says. ""It's criminal activity as far as I'm concerned.""",0 +"Molly: OK, Heath, but youll understand someday, when trees have used up all of the natural resources. The experts at the UF all agree that our continued use of atmospheric carbon dioxide could cause mass starvation by the end of this century .",0 +"So even in a relatively well-controlled series were talking substantial adjustments. If one views the adjustment as a statistical estimate, then how does one estimate the error distribution? In a trivial sense, the GHCN, GISS and KNMI adjustments cannot all be correct and, if either of the GHCN or KNMI adjustments is correct, then the error in the other one is about 1 deg C, an amount that seems very high in a well-measured instrumental site for a period that isnt long ago. Even in the 20th century, adjustment errors of about 0.5 deg C are necessarily occurring in at least one of the series.",1 +"The crisis grows as new generations of students go through four years of constant agitation about morality-driven divestment from fossil fuels. Crane clearly didnt go to a college like the one I teach at, somewhere in one of the 97 percentiles below Princeton.",0 +"1 Of course, Dewey would never resort to the base language of Lenin and Trotsky. As a respected man of letters, he left the coarse attacks to those who did not mind dirtying their own hands.",0 +"Unless an economical low-carbon source of power generation becomes available, it is unrealistic to expect that countries, especially developing ones, will accede to any demand to produce power in a higher-cost manner merely to emit less carbon.",0 +"""More than 77,000 federal government employees throughout the country including computer operators, more than 5,000 air traffic controllers, 22 librarians and one interior designer earned more than the governors of the states in which they work.""",0 +"a ""mancession"" the Obama administration is focusing on the struggles women are facing during these tough economic times.""",0 +The Skeptics Handbook is a carefully and accurately written account of matters to do with contemporary climate change. Every statement in it is founded in data contained in numerous research papers in refereed scientific journals.,0 +"The National Interagency Fire Center reports 85,000 wildfires occurred in 1986, versus only 47,000 wildfires last year. Fewer wildfires occurred in 2013 than any year since 1984, and 2013 had the third-fewest wildfires since records began in 1960.",1 +"Of about 4,000 organisations estimated to qualify for the scheme, only 1,229 have registered to date, leaving thousands at risk of fines.",0 +"""General Motors, Ford and Chrysler hope to work with the UAW to lower their health care costs for active workers in contract talks that begin next week, but the union plans to resist higher costs for its members.""",0 +"""America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at homethe unfinished work of American freedom. In a world moving toward liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty."" President George W. Bush (Second Inaugural Address)",0 +"""Wealthier is healthier, and richer is cleaner,"" says Murray. ""Limiting economic activity can have a dramatic impact on quality of life. Even ""baby steps' towards emissions reduction could result in the deaths of more people in the U.S. than global warming would worldwide.""",1 +"Ive lived through the Democrat Governor Grey (out) Davis and rolling power outages every summer (and occasional outages in winter). Bought 2 generators. One small one for initial use, one bigger one for more extended outages when running the major appliances was needed.",0 +I dont intend to be telling Australia what they should do for their energy source except that they cant continue to burn coal without screwing everybody including my grandchildren.,0 +T(k) = F(k)/ + T(k-1) * exp(-1 / ),0 +"As an article in EOS, the journal of the American Geophysical Union points out, ""More people are moving into coastal areas that are vulnerable to natural hazardsparticularly earthquakes on the west coast and hurricanes on the east coast. Furthermore, the effect is amplified because the people who are moving into these coastal areas represent the higher wealth segment of our society, plus their wealth has been increasing. Climate researchers Roger Pielke Jr. and Christopher Landsea have demonstrated that when you normalize the insurance losses to account for increases in population and wealth, the trend of increasing damage amounts in recent decades disappears.",0 +Is there any issue more dependent on widespread lapses in critical thinking than the idea of man-caused global warming?,1 +"Going well beyond that and opening a new chapter in his approach to energy and climate, Mr. Obama promised up to $36 billion in federal loan guarantees for nuclear facilities and declared, ""we're going to have to build a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in America. """,0 +"He said the increase in precipitation and vapor in the atmosphere doesnt mean there will be an increase in the frequency of severe weather, though.",0 +"Nature magazine (""Seizing global warming as an opportunity,"" June 12, 1997) argues that the conference in Kyoto represents a major opportunity for countries to ""devise sound economic policies that make sense both scientifically and environmentally.""",0 +"Barack Obama has been likened on more than one occasion to Mr. Spock, the famously cold, logical Star Trek character. And in a wide-ranging, unintentionally devastating assessment of the ""Obama Doctrine"" for the Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg uses the analogy more than once. But Obama is no Spock. Spock is logical; Obama is not. Spock is moved by tragedy; Obama is coldly indifferent.",0 +12f. How well do atmospheric models deal with atmospheric convection,0 +"One hundred years ago, the average Westerner had an annual income equivalent to $4,000. A man could only work somewhere he could walk to; a woman .spent much of her life performing backbreaking domestic labor. Medical science, while advancing. was still almost medieval ln its practical application.",0 +Lucia notes that a third of the worlds main four measurements of global temperature confirms cooling since 2001 .,1 +If the tropical near surface specific humidity over tropical land has not gone,0 +"Predictions of harmful global warming from human-generated greenhouse gases are largely based on computer model ""experiments"" intended to show what happens to the earth's climate system when it is subjected to various ""forcings"" or postulated changes in energy levels. Although impressive in their complexity, the models suffer from several well-known weaknesses. The computers that operate them are not fast enough to simulate climate change on sub-global scales; hence the models cannot forecast the regional or local impacts of global warming or cooling.",1 +"CO2 levels have been 10-20 times higher in the past half-billion years, with no correlation to temperature.",1 +Reducing CO2 with a carbon tax will have at most tenths of a degree moderation in global warming.,1 +County Commissioner posts global warming stance on Web,0 +"That would be like saying in the late 1800s, ""as a society, we must reduce hay consumption."" After all, millions of acres of land were dedicated to raising feed for horses, numbering about 20 million.",0 +"The conference was opened by the Governor-General, Michael Jeffrey, who as a concerned layman called for action on climate change. General Jeffrey lists melting peat bogs in Russia, storm surges in Florida, and loss of the Antarctic ice sheet as concerns.",0 +"DR. ROY SPENCER: Thank you, Jonathan. As Jonathan mentioned, I'm here to give you my perspective of what we do and don't know about global warming. I'll also give you an update on global temperatures based on our satellite data. That's something that we update every month.",0 +"The dominance of the regional climate feature of ENSO, as reported in the McNabe et al 2010 paper,further documents why the use of a global average surface temperature trend (or global average radiative forcing) is a grossly inadequate metric to diagnose climate variability and change .",1 +"The Treasury Department just released to my CEI colleague Chris Horner the unredacted FOIA documents on their internal discussions of cap and trade policy that he had requested. The information previously covered up? ""One advantage of auctioning allowances is the potential for raising large revenues (perhaps $300 billion annually)..."" That's over 2% of GDP! Another of the previously blacked out text: ""Domestic policies...will involve significant costs and potential revenues, possibly up to several percentage points of annual GDP (i.e. equal in size to the corporate income tax).""",0 +"But do we know any of this? Is it the case that states fail when they cannot feed themselves, or is it the case that food production and distribution becomes harder as states fail? The economist Amayata Sen, having witnessed the Bengal Famine, noted that often food shortage was less the cause of famine than the prevalent social conditions which beset its distribution famines had occurred at times when food had been more abundant than when famine had been averted. No famine had occurred in a democracy , he observed. Ditto, is it the case that numerous societies throughout history have collapsed due to their failure to adapt to environmental change, or have they failed to adapt to climate change because they were collapsing for other reasons?",0 +"The same conclusion applies to the UK's Muir Russell and Oxburgh inquiries, which didn't even mention Mann, because they were ""investigating"" only employees of the CRU.",0 +"Fisker was one of a handful of auto companies to receive sizeable federal loans to help support the birth of an electric car industry in the United States. As ABC News reported in October, Fisker's efforts have been beset by delays. And despite benefitting from U.S. taxpayer support, the company had signed a contract with a firm in Finland to assemble its first generation electric vehicle, a flashy $97,000 sports coupe called the Karma.",0 +Environmentalism is based on lies and the lies reflect an agenda that regards humanity as the enemy of the Earth.,0 +The slides from Dr. Pielke's presentation can be found here: Pielke Considering the Human Influence on Climate slides,0 +This year marks the 25th anniversary of Hansen using La Nina as an excuse for his failed 1988 hottest year ever prediction.,1 +They will (see below) allow us to provide some discussion of the synthetic,0 +"A 2013 Breakthrough Institute report offers a number of suggestions for government policy on nuclear, including more R&D; on advanced reactor designs and licensing reform. Also, here is a post from last year on why the GOP needs to step up its game on climate change.",0 +"Why would Wikipedia risk its reputation in this way? Apparently because its ""editors"" care more about their role in the global warming debate than about the Web site's future.",0 +"EPA rules mean the price of everything people do will skyrocket: heating and air conditioning, lights and refrigeration, televisions, computers, medical equipment, machinery and every other gizmo that runs on electricity. Poor, minority and blue-collar families will have to find hundreds of dollars a year somewhere in their already stretched budgets. Shops and other small businesses will have to discover thousands of dollars, by delaying other purchases or laying people off. Factories, malls, school districts, hospitals and cities will have to send out search parties to locate millions a year at the end of rainbows.",1 +"The satellite measurements do seem to show a steady increase in sea level, but it seems to be little known that the instruments are subject to drift and they have to be calibrated on tide gauge measurements.",1 +"Believers, Skeptics Stand Ground on Climate Change",0 +"vaccination . . . . ""Abstinence is the best way to prevent HPV,"" says",0 +"WASHINGTON, DC, JULY 15. Over 160 People gathered at the National Press Club today to learn more about the cost and impact of the treaty that the Clinton Administration plans to sign in Kyoto in December. ""The Costs of Kyoto"", organized by Competitive Enterprise Institute, invited a distinguished group of speakers to discuss the different impacts that the Kyoto treaty would have, both nationally and globally.",0 +"on Thursday, January 21st, 2010 at 1:45 pm and is filed under News.",0 +"By Staff Writers, Phys.org, Aug 13, 2015",0 +"In fact, the paper argues that any new agreement should be based and built on the structures of the old Kyoto deal, with developed country Parties taking the lead in greenhouse gas emission reduction.",0 +"Reuters reports that a number of energy producers want Allocating down their coal and gasanlggningar in Germany as they become olnsamma No's large subsidies goes to frnyelsebart. It is not excluded that there will be some blackouts after 2015, warns the German energy industry.",0 +"""The dissolution of carbon dioxide in the oceans may lower the pH slightly to about 7.9 or 7.8 by the end of the century at the worst . Environmentalists like to call this a 30 per cent increase in acidity, because it sounds more scary than a 0.3 point (out of 14) decrease in alkalinity, but no matter. It is still well within the bounds of normal variation.""",1 +The company says 26 Fisker employees have been let go from the Delaware factory where renowned automotive engineer Henrik Fisker promised to one day begin producing affordable electric sedans. A Delaware newspaper also reported that subcontractors working on the car venture have been let go.,0 +"* Ocean heat content trend (0-2000 m, NODC) = 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Joules/decade",0 +"""...they cant ignore our arguments any longer. For many years we had been hearing from the scientific consensus side that natural climate change is nowhere near as strong as human-caused warmingyet the lack of surface warming in 17 years has forced those same scientists to now invoke natural climate change to supposedly cancel out the expected human-caused warming!",1 +"The 1999 study in the science journal Arctic that first reported apparent problems among the Hudson Bay polar bear population suggested that their condition may be related to the earlier seasonal break-up of sea ice on western Hudson Bay a phenomenon that seems to correlate with the 1950-1990 Arctic warm-up. But, as mention previously, the 1950-1990 Arctic warming period seems to be part of a natural cycle and not due to manmade emissions of greenhouse gases.",1 +"Tinker suggests the reason might have to do a bit with politics. The states required under CPP to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions the least tended to vote Democrat in the 2012 presidential race, while those that have to reduce their emissions the most tended to vote Republican.",0 +"Sizzling temperatures. Melting ice caps. Destructive hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts. Disappearing polar bears. The end of civilization as we know it! The end of Planet Earth!",0 +"Oh, sure, I can recycle my shovel. But some of the metal will inevitably be lost in the process. All that does is make the inevitable iron-death move further away in time ... but recycling doesnt magically make iron extraction sustainable.",0 +"...sort of. Do read the whole New Yorker piece: Taking It to the Streets ...McKibben, who is an author and an environmental activist (and a former New Yorker staff writer), had been alarmed by a conversation he had had about the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline with James Hansen , the head of NASAs Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and one of the countrys foremost climate scientists...What would the effect be on the climate? McKibben asked. Hansen replied, Essentially, its game over for the planet ...",1 +"While homeopathy continues to enjoy the support of Britains royal family and is funded through the UKs National Health Service, the House of Commons report found its principles were theoretically weak and scientifically implausible.",0 +"Granted, all my numbers may change a bit if different assumptions are made about the baseline scenario, the particulars of international cooperation, or the various parameters of the climate model simulator (for example, I used a climate sensitivity of 3.0 C). But the bottom line will remain the same?climatologically, the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act, in and of itself, is a meaningless bill. To make it effective, it must involve the world?s developing counties.",1 +"Of course, Colorado's lawmakers are a reflection of their constituents. According to a recent poll commissioned by the Independence Institute, Coloradans across a wide range of demographic groups and political affiliations reject Obama's Clean Power Plan. Citing possible electricity rate hikes, impacts on poverty in minority communities, and the EPA's own admissions that the new carbon regulations would deliver minute or nonexistent effects on global temperature and carbon reductions, 59 percent of Coloradans said they oppose the plan.",0 +* Using bucket method only = 0.3 F/decade,0 +They fear a repeat of the so-called ???Maunder Minimum?? which triggered Arctic winter whiteouts and led to the River Thames freezing 300 years ago.,1 +"Although summer temperature data has very little predictive power regards pika biology, it was Stewarts only link to CO2 climate models. Using that dubious link to summer , he projects impending climate doom and widespread pika extinctions. But if Stewart was truly concerned about preserving pikas, instead of preserving CO2 theory, then all the data suggests small talus areas that are subjected to grazing are the relevant concern. To protect the pikas forage, simply fencing off livestock from the edge of those small talus slopes would be a simple affordable solution. Stewarts own data also suggests, along with the USFS surveys, that wherever there is large talus area, there has been nothing to suggest imminent extinctions. So why does the pikas climate change extinction story persist?",0 +Using the Global Warming Hoax to Destroy America,1 +Moore and White show the Industrial Revolution was driven by fossil fuel development with all peoplenot just the privileged reaping benefits from the energy revolution.,0 +"In this context, equation 12.1 provides a good representation for Venus, with little diurnal variation and pole-to-equator temperature gradient (Jupiter and Saturn have large internal heat sources, so equation 12.1is not applicable). For Venus, a time integration or spatially varying energy balance model would add nothing.",0 +"Trapping depth varies with climatic conditions, so the air-ice age difference could vary between 2500 and 6000 years.",0 +"""Vaccination to prevent viral and bacterial diseases is modern medicine's most cost-effective intervention. Vaccines to prevent the expected avian flu pandemic could save the lives of millionsif vaccine R&D; were not in such a sorry state, as the result of an unfortunate confluence of biology and public policy.""",0 +"If the justification for these supposedly eco-friendly clothes washers is so weak, then who is supporting DOE's proposed rule? Clearly, it is not consumers. Those who want front loaders are free to go out and buy them. The proposed rule would only serve to force that choice on the rest of us. ""It is distressing to see the federal government treating the consumer preference for top loaders as an obstacle to be overcome through mandates,"" says Fran Smith, executive director of Consumer Alert, a Washington-based consumer group.",1 +We have a written record of what they were for. Why so many folks feel compelled to make up so much stuff is beyond me,0 +"We aren't sure how this happens, but small natural variations in global average cloud cover changing how much sunlight is let into the climate system are a strong possibility.",0 +FACT: Tropical storm activity has been falling since the 1980s.,1 +"Everyone knows that different climate models predict both higher and lower rainfall in the same areas at the same time, and the type of phrases used to describe the ability of climate models are: low confidence ( National Centre for Atmospheric Research ), irrelevant with reality (Koutsoyiannis ), or an absence of skill (Kiktev). Compare the different projections of climate models below, which model is right.",1 +I am saddened and angry that Norwegian politicians have devalued the Nobel Peace Prize.,0 +"We need less hot air, all right. Too bad this deal won't reduce the political kind.",0 +"The first sign that something improper had occurred came when NREL responded to media inquiries claiming that the paper was entirely the DoE's idea, while the DoE's Office of Congressional Affairs wrote to a Senate oversight office to claim that it was all NREL's doing.",0 +Climate Alarmists Falsely Imply Carbon Dioxide Is Soot,1 +"There are also uncertainties in ocean temperatures. This is no small issue, as oceans cover 71% of Earths surface.",1 +1988 Hansen Model CO2 vs. Mauna Loa Observatory,0 +300 Scientists Request Explanation for Temperature Shenanigans,0 +"Well, let's see. Here are some notes on my previous health insurance buying decision",0 +"The fly is not spread, as far as anyone can tell, by warmer weather. (And even if it were, global temperatures have been flat for the past 15 to 20 years.) Instead, it seems to be spread by the increased transportation of honeybees across the country by beekeepers.",1 +"According to the paper prepared by Secretary General Ban's own climate change team, however, the newly rebranded challenge still depends on the same economic remedy proposed for Copenhagen: a drastic redistribution of global wealth, ""nothing less than a fundamental transformation of the global economy.""",0 +"To compare energy sources honestly and rationally for specific purposes (heating, lighting, transportation or manufacturing, for instance), we need to apply the same standards and analytical methods for each alternative. However, those who champion ""renewables"" have consistently misrepresented the human, environmental, capital, manufacturing and maintenance costs of providing reliable, affordable energy in sufficient quantities to power a modern economy and maintain desired living standards.",1 +"A high-level draft published on Tuesday left out details of precise price support, however, and these are to be announced in the second half of 2013.",0 +"jamspid on April 25, 2015 at 7:30 pm",0 +"Even more ironic that Lysenko himself has tried to make the planetary engineering, to change the climate of Siberia: he said, planting trees in groups, the weakest they have sacrificed to allow the plants more resistant to survive.",0 +"""The Federal Reserve Board's ruling this week on debit card swipe fees could have implications for consumers if banks and retailers decide to pass along the costs of implementing the decision.""",0 +"Silver is moving more or less with gold recently, but is in a downtrend from a recent high. This, too, is not good for gold.",0 +"You may also have general questions about El Nio and La Nia and their long-term effects. Theyve likely been asked and answered previously. They too were included in the book, but feel free to ask questions on any thread at my blog Climate Observations .",0 +"On the fifth day of the expedition, one cable simply snapped. Four days later, it was clear that this made all the cables break. So out of the first 18 days, Sprite only collected data from 7 hours. :-) They were trying to fix the radar and/or give them a new one.",0 +"The good news is, if this sucker blows, global warming is not going to be a problem.",0 +"On some issues, like immigration and trade, Freedom Caucus Republicans will be with Trump. On others, including his support for Social Security and Medicare, neither they nor the leaders will back him. Most likely, when it comes to things like torture and trade, Trump would bypass Congress and use executive action in ways that would potentially create constitutional crises and divide Republicans in profound ways.",0 +"Greenpeace, the radical environmental pressure group, gained major media coverage around the world for before and after photos of an Arctic glacier that purport to show dramatic shrinking due to global warming. The photos are of a glacier on Svalbard, a 63,000-square kilometer island on the edge of the Arctic Circle. The 2002 photo shows that the glacier has receded a long way since a 1918 photo.",0 +"But first of all, I want to point out that even though I'm a NASA researcher, I am giving you my opinion as a scientist and what I say shouldn't be construed to be any kind official position of NASA. NASA funds both government and nongovernment researchers. These researchers come to different conclusions based on what kind of research they do.",0 +"Later, eugenicists like Margaret Sanger in the 1920s fretted over the wrong people reproducing too much, creating what she called ""human weeds,"" a ""dead weight of human waste"" to inherit the earth. In 1968, Paul Ehrlich predicted that in the 1970s, ""hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death"" because of the ""population bomb."" These days, environmentalists worry that too many people will overload the natural world's resources and destroy the planet with excessive consumption and pollution, leading to catastrophic global warming.",0 +Whether this is a serious blow to global warming alarmists depends entirely on who you talk to.,1 +"And what redemptive solutions are urgently implored? We must implement carbon cap-and-trade legislation; give lots of money to the U.N. to redistribute, and empower them to preside over world governments; abandon fossil fuel use in favor of heavily subsidized but assuredly abundant, ""free,"" and ""renewable"" alternatives; and empower expanding government bureaucracies to protect us from free market excesses. These include the same agencies that declared CO2 a ""pollutant"" (something rain forests certainly dispute), and that listed polar bears as a threatened species (despite expanding populations), presumably to discourage public support for oil and gas drilling in ANWR.",0 +"New York's and California's attorneys general have investigated Exxon for making donations to think tanks like the American Enterprise Institute and lobbying groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council. Schneiderman complains that these two specifically are ""even more aggressive climate change deniers"" than the run of the mill. (Ironically, while these large organizations include a few people labeled as ""climate change deniers,"" they focus mostly on issues having nothing to do with climate change.)",0 +"And hurricane activity has accelerated. The Earth appears to go through 30-year periods of heavy hurricane activity, and we're now in the midst of one that started in the 1990s. To make matters worse, many scientists believe that human-caused global climate change will increase hurricane frequency and intensity for years to come. Even if hurricane activity slows down and global climate change predictions fizzle, the sheer number of people living on or near the coast means that even minor storms will continue to do significant damage.",0 +"Commissioner Hedegaard's Denmark may have surrounded itself with wind turbines, but could not afford such feel good luxuries if it were not for the vast income and energy it derives from Danish North Sea oil and gas.",0 +"Mercer did find significant risk though, but it was primarily due to possible governmental climate change policies that may induce economic and investment havoc.",1 +"Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Climate Change Catnip ...As the graph above shows (from data of the NWS), there is no evidence for an increase in flood disasters. In fact, there has been a marked decrease.",1 +"According to the authors ?here is no indication of any slowdown or acceleration of global warming, beyond the variability induced by these known natural factors.?",0 +5 TO 10 INCHES OF NEW SNOW ABOVE 6000 FT...WITH 2 TO 4 INCHES AT THE LOWER ELEVATIONS DOWN TO 4500 FT.,0 +"Kevin E. Trenberth, chief of the climate-analysis branch of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, said, There are very good reasons to believe that the current U.S. heat wave is at least partly caused by global warming.",0 +"Cooma News, sport and weather | Cooma-Monaro Express",0 +That is exactly what CFACT's new movie demonstrates is actually going on.,0 +"The about-face came after reports that various government agencies and schools that use the EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) certification system were considering dropping Apples products, which include Macintosh computers and iPads.",0 +The plot was done easily given the above information. I made a short plot function to simplify repetition with other series:,0 +"This is utter bullshit. The Mesozoic shellfish belowlived at 1,800 PPM CO2 more than four times higher than current levels. Oceans are buffered by alkali rock like limestone and basalt, and cant become acidic.",1 +"The models perform best in the extratropical oceans of the Northern Hemisphere, in the North Atlantic and in the Arctic Ocean. The modelers focus is pretty obvious. Theyve tried to get the models to simulate the warming of the Arctic Ocean so that they could melt sea ice, and theyve tried to better capture the warming of sea surface temperatures at latitudes with the most land (extratropical Northern Hemisphere. See the graph here .) so that they could better simulate the Northern Hemisphere land surface air temperature anomalies, which would also be necessary if they wanted to melt Arctic sea ice. Figures 23 and 24 confirm a part of that.",0 +"Lots of koda cars before the war were at the very top. For example, koda 935 in 1935 was ahead of the competition in aerodynamics etc. Communism meant a huge and increasing loss of quality, profitability, and competitiveness. The brand was reduced to the most successful exporter of the cars for masses in the Soviet bloc which is not too flattering. It meant to be some 10 years retarded relatively to the West. The British car jokes were almost exclusively about kodas. How do you double the price of a koda? Fill the tank. And dozens of others. ;-)",0 +"In their new book, Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy, Stephen Moore and Kathleen Hartnett White explain the massive benefit the world's vast and inexpensive supplies of fossil fuels have had and continue to have for people worldwide.",1 +"Special Note: It's no surprise that U.S. Congressman Markey (a Democrat) has yet to call for an inquiry into the Fakegate climate scientist who admitted conducting a wire fraud incident, which just happens to be a felony.",1 +"Peak sustained surface winds in Camille were measured at 190 MPH, before the gauge broke. Estimates have it over 200 MPH.",0 +"But climate change, with its more intense storms, melting permafrost and soil erosion, is causing the ice cellars to disintegrate. Many have washed out to sea in recent decades. The remaining ones regularly flood in the spring, which can spoil the meat and blubber, and release scents that attract polar bears.",0 +I??ve discussed what I see as unrealistic error bars in the Levitus data here . My current comparison of Levitus with the CERES data does nothing to change my previous conclusionthe precision of the Levitus data is greatly overestimated.,1 +"Bangladesh is a poster child for dangerous sea level rise. However, only a small fraction of the sea level rise can be attributed warming oceans (see this previous post ). And the Bangladeshis seem to be doing a pretty good job of adaptation.",0 +Results of Hypothesis Test For IPCC Best Estimate Projection of 2C/century.,0 +"Lewis Pugh gave up: he won't get to the North Pole with his Kayak. End in sight In fact, he only got to 10% of his kayaking goal or so and when I look at these things again, I am unimpressed by his achievement even from the athletic viewpoint.",0 +"Climate Audit - by Steve McIntyre Ofcom: The IPCC Complaint In addition, in its complaint, IPCC made grandiose claims about its open and transparent process and the role of review editors, describing the process as being in the public domain and by its nature designed to avoid undue influence of any reviewer. This will come as somewhat of a surprise to CA readers, who are familiar with the avoidance of IPCC procedures by Ammann and Briffa and the seemingly casual performance of review editor Mitchell and who have been following the relentless stonewalling by IPCC and IPCC officials of requests for specific information pertaining to this allegedly open and transparent process.",1 +"Like rabbits, and a truly endangered species of pika in China, pikas have been hunted and poisoned because they compete with livestock for vegetation. All of Beevers extinct sites were heavily grazed. Furthermore pikas do not hibernate. They create hay piles to sustain them through the winter. Any significant loss of vegetation will likely cause pikas to abandon their talus. Although studies have reported significant effects from grazing competition, Stewart (2015) did not include grazing as a variable in his climate change model.",0 +"The (warm) maxima of the sine-combined-with-cosine (i.e. shifted sine) occurred in February 1980, November 1983, August 1987, April 1991, January 1995, October 1998, July 2002, April 2006, January 2010, October 2013. These cycles could have helped 1998 and 2010 to be among the warmest years and 2008 to be a cool one, and they may prevent 2015 from being the warmest satellite year despite the El Nio.",1 +"So if team Obama wants to play chicken, threatening CAA regulation if we wont support cap-and-trade, then I say,call their bluff. They dont want to take ownership of a regulatory nightmare. If they open Pandoras Box,there will be political hell to pay, and they know it.",0 +"The simulations yield a CO2 -initiated warming of 0.2 C ( 100 ppm CO2 -Anstieg) and a solar fraction of 0.54 C over this period. This corresponds to a CO2 climate sensitivity of 00:56 C (doubling of CO2 ) and a solar sensitivity of 12:54 C ( 0.1% increase in the solar constant). These results are in clear contradiction to the representations of the IPCC , the temperature rise over the last century exclusively anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases ( 95% assigns probability) and a climate sensitivity between 1.5 C and 4.4 C starts, during any influence is denied by the sun.",1 +"The authors grope for ways to reconcile developing countries?? existential interest in ???cheaply available energy for economic growth?? and the alleged climatological imperative to avoid lock-in of carbon-intensive energy infrastructures?? over the next few decades. For example, they propose that all new coal power plants be ???capture-ready,?? i.e. easily retrofitted with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. But CCS is still a long way from being commercially-viable even in industrialized nations. Moreover, when combined with enhanced oil recovery ???the most economic (or least uneconomic) option ???CCS may actually increase CO2 emissions on a life-cycle basis.",1 +"The EU included aviation in its legally binding ETS effective January 1 this year, prompting outrage among several countries outside the EU which believe the EUs unilateral move was extra-territorial.",0 +FEDERAL Small Business Minister Craig Emerson has split from Kevin Rudd and ministerial colleagues by declaring science is undecided on key aspects of the global warming debate .,0 +"Prime Minister (and I only use that term out of respect for the Office) you are a confirmed liar and I do not accept any of your propaganda to firther your agenda. But, answer me one question by how much will this carbon tax reduce the temperature of the Earth?",1 +Every community has its bad apples. Just because people have grave concerns about the quality of Michael Mann?s research does not mean they are anti-science. It?s remarkable that something so obvious needs to be said ? and that so few scientific organizations seem capable of grasping this rudimentary concept.,0 +"So, the bottom line here is thisclimate change in the U.S. during the past 50 years has resulted in fewer extreme nighttime low temperatures, while the daily extreme high temperatures have been little affected. And, at least one leading climate model fails to correctly capture this behavior.",1 +"As this updated climate map reveals, the severe drought condition for Australia during 2011 was essentially non-existent. The IPCC-based climate science predicted more frequent and intense droughts, which has not been the case.",1 +"In 1988,Hansenpredicted that it would be the hottest year ever. It wasnt, so he blamed his misprediction on an unusual Pacific Ocean current i.e. La Nina.",1 +"This isnt a serious science paper, Dr. Hoerling said. Its mainly about perception, as indicated by the papers title. Perception is not a science.",0 +"It would appear that the relationship the IPCC has with its expert reviewers borders on the abusive. FIrst it asks these people to volunteer their time in good faith. Then it gives its authors the right to dismiss their input with nothing more than a single word: rejected. While expert reviewers are expected to comply with the IPCCs deadlines, this organization feels no need to respect such deadlines itself. Instead, it nonchalantly adds in, after the fact, arguments and source materials these reviewers had no opportunity to asses.",1 +"Abraham says that if either Greenland or the West Antartic ice sheet were to melt sea level would indeed rise by around 20 feet, and that, he says, is where Gore got his figure.",0 +"Mann et al 2008 was covered in numerous contemporary Climate Audit posts. It was quickly discovered that the heavily publicized no-dendro reconstruction used Tiljanders Lake Korttajarvi sediments despite warning from Tiljander that the sediments had been heavily contaminated by modern construction and farming, making them totally unsuitable for inclusion in the Mann 2008 algorithm. The contamination was so severe that it resulted in Mann et al using the data upside-down to the climatic interpretation adopted by the original authors for the pre-contamination portion of the series.",1 +"We are close enough to next Tuesday to have a good idea of what the weather will be like that day. Here is the latest forecast by the National Weather Service's GFS Model for 5 PM on Tuesday (sea level pressure plus the amount of rain over the past 12 hours). Very Benign Forecast! Almost no precipitation over the U.S, except for guess where? No matter, we are used to rain and everyone knows which presidential candidate will win this state. And high pressure dominates the continental U.S. and most of Alaska.",0 +"In short, various factors should leave us all wary of any interventionist meddling in markets, and, specifically, government attempts to pick technological winners. Yet the potential that this new agreement holds to reform the Kyoto debate and supplant such a regime as the operative post-2012 framework leaves me a strong cheerleader.",0 +"""In 1986, e-mail was actually brand new, and the notion that somebody would be storing their e-mails for 180 days was just unheard of. Today, of course, companies like Google encourage you to store all of your e-mails on the cloud forever. It's really convenient, but it creates this real risk that government, law enforcement will get your e-mails with a mere subpoena, which is pretty much rubberstamped by a court.""",0 +"The idea that wild animals cant coexist with development, and using the presence of wild animals to block development, may not be in the longer term interests of this and other platypus colonies.",0 +"Fonte does considerable original thinking about how America has assimilated immigrants, cutting through much of the current debate about illegal immigration and how to deal with it. By stressing the longstanding importance of Americanizing newcomers to the United States, an approach directly contrary to the ""multicultural"" view now embraced by the international Left, Fonte explains why the globalistas are so irritated by our adherence to the Constitution and our other basic values. The debate here is not about enforcement versus amnesty or any of the other hot buttons, but what to do with people who are in this country and almost certainly staying.",0 +"Since I am primarily a data guy, I'll confine my comments here to discussing recent climate trends but note that the global climate has warmed since the Little Ice Age (about 1400-1700 AD), and it will likely continue to warm for another 200-300 years, in fits and starts, towards a max temp roughly matching that of the Medieval Warm Period. In this context, ""recent"" refers to the decades since 1978 when satellites became available to measure atmospheric temperatures globally to supplement global radiosonde (balloon) records that reach back to about 1958.",0 +Energy-saving costs at the school of 550 between April 2011 and March 2012 were not enough to cover the costs of maintaining and insuring the turbine. The company which manufactured and installed the turbine has also gone into liquidation.,1 +"Nicolas D. Loris, ""Hydraulic Fracturing: Critical for Energy Production, Jobs, and Economic Growth,"" Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 2714, August 28, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/08/hydraulic-fracturing-critical-for-energy-production-jobs-and-economic-growth.",0 +"Nor were the IPCC WG2 reviewers the only climate scientists to overlook the lack of support for these particular IPCC assertions. The High Noon conference had a lengthy list of presentations ( online here ) and, in a quick survey, none of the presentations appears to have taken issue with IPCC claims.",1 +"climate futures for Africa, focusing on changes in both continental and regional",0 +"Via the WUWT Solar Page , heres the image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory",0 +"Competition looms if the US is slow to respond to the windfall. In British Columbia, Canada, various LNG export projects seem well positionedgeographically and otherwiseto access the lucrative Asian market.",0 +"The Strategic Petroleum Reserve, for example, which costs taxpayers between $1.6 and $5.4 billion in 1995, protects the oil industry from ""disruptions in global oil markets and energy price shocks."" The study points out that private methods of avoiding the harsh effects of energy price shocks already exist. Futures markets and speculators have long filled the role of smoothing prices for all kinds of commodities. Oil companies themselves may find it useful to stockpile petroleum reserves.",0 +"So, facing mounting scientific for a substantially lower climate sensitivity, the best the IPCC could bring itself to do was to reduce the low end of its likely range by one-half degree, refuse to put a value on its best guess, and still cling to its high end number. Big deal.",1 +Sea levels continue to rise a minuscule amount each year as they have since the last ice age when sea level was perhaps 400 feet lower than it is today. I just cant see New York under water anytime in the 21st century at the present observed rates which dont seem to be changing.,1 +"These obstacles came as the economy was already dampening investment in renewable energy and making qualification for stimulus funds much more critical. Sarah Rankin, a project coordinator for West Butte Wind and Power, was hoping to get as much as $66 million in stimulus money for a $220 million wind project that has been delayed by the new eagle requirements.",0 +"""Wisconsin's economy cannot afford another mandate from the federal government that only serves to hamper our economy. The state relies heavily on coal for electricity - 62 percent is generated by coal power plants - and these new regulations will cause plants to either close or pay for costly updates. Both would make energy prices necessarily skyrocket.",1 +"As supporters waved signs, chanted and banged drums, 18 legislators walked down a symbolic green carpet to sign up as co-sponsors to a bill that would mandate that all businesses in Maryland cut emissions of global warming pollution by 25 percent by 2020 and 90 percent by 2050.",0 +"If you had any actual evidence that you were innocent, I??m sure you would have given it to the investigators ?? funny how none of the five investigations have come up with a single fact or email or document to exonerate you in this question. As far as we know, you didn??t write back to Phil later and say something like ???I can??t delete emails, that would be unethical and possibly illegal??. You wrote back to say that you would pass on the email deletion order to Gene ?? and you want us to believe that your hands are clean? Sorry, my friend, I??m like the Red Queen, I can believe six impossible things before breakfast, but that one is just too big to swallow.",1 +"Researchers must try to overcome this ?social desirability bias? by crafting questions so that opinions that are not fashionable are portrayed as equally acceptable as those that are more popular. They must also avoid:Conducting surveys that reflect a population?s real views on global warming is difficult. Because the idea that humanity is causing dangerous warming is promoted by most opinion leaders, and alternative viewpoints are condemned, most people are reluctant to express skepticism. They do not want to feel like social outcasts and so often give answers contrary to their actual opinions to conform to what they see as socially acceptable.",0 +"One reason Congress has yet to rein in Obama's out-of-control EPA is the use of sleazy, fact-free attack ads produced and distributed by environmentalist special interests. Most of these enviro scare ads share a tasteless commonality: unfounded allegations of child abuse. Lawmakers hesitate to vote to stop EPA's anti-energy agenda because they know environmentalists will run TV advertisements that accuse them of hurting children.",0 +"Well this is very opportune, ACSH comments on a Brit study that questions hospital methods for reducing the acquisition or transmission of infections.",0 +"A family of technologies, known collectively as ""geoengineering', might provide an added tool for adaptation. The idea behind them is simple. When sunlight strikes the Earth's surface, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of the heat that is generated. A slight decrease in the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface could, in principle, offset this warming. Scientists estimate that deflecting a small portion of the total sunlight that strikes the Earth back into space would be enough to cancel out the warming effect of doubling the pre-industrial levels of greenhouse gases.",0 +"The most interesting thing that has been recently vl Heartland Conference in Las Vegas, but the only thing I want uppmrksamma Dr. was the sterrikiske rapper Kilez More, which made a prominent dr. He has a you-tube elements in German as lr have FTT 120,000 impressions, and that made him impopulr.",0 +"So, in their capacity as authors of Otto et al. (2013), we have fourteen lead or coordinating lead authors of the WG1 chapters relevant to climate sensitivity stating that the most reliable data and methodology give likely and 595% ranges for TCR of 1.11.7C and 0.92.0C, respectively. They go on to suggest that some CMIP5 models have TCRs that are too high to be consistent with recent observations. On the other hand, we have Chapter 12, Box 12.2, stating that the ranges of TCR estimated from the observed warming and from AOGCMs agree well. Were the Chapter 10 and 12 authors misled by the flawed TCR estimates included in Figure 10.20a? Or, given the key role of the CMIP5 models in AR5, did the IPCC process offer the authors little choice but to endorse the CMIP5 models range of TCR values?",0 +"In the first post in this series, we discussed a number of animations of maps and animations of equatorial cross sections available from the NOAA Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) website. Each cell of the animation is a 5-day (pentadal) average. Those animations ran from January 3 rd to March 29 th . The following are updates, again starting in January 3 rd . GODAS only maintains their animations for 3 months. Ive stored the maps since the first of the year and will continue to add maps as time progresses. That way we can watch the El Nio unfold from the beginning and then try to keep track of the warm water when El Nio is over.",0 +Figure 4. Alaska Temperature Average from First Order Observing Stations,0 +"Ive made a new category Holocene Optimum to index the posts.Past this, there is the interesting question of the Holocene interglacial as compared to other interglacials during what has been generally a very cold past million years (the Pleistocene).",0 +"JAXA shows ice increasing. At current rates of increase, the world will be covered with ice within 10 years.",1 +"Further this implies that the hydrological cycle dominates the climate, not CO2. And CO2 induced radiative warming will be rapidly swamped by evaporation (and tying back into WIllis) that evaporation will then transport that heat rapidly to the top of the hurricane or thunderstorm and dump it to space. Basically, while CO2 influences / reduces radiative cooling it is rapidly overwhelmed by hydrological cooling.",1 +"The parties are much closer to agreement in such key areas as refugees, land swaps, and post-accord security arrangements than is generally reported. In addition, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who in the opening weeks of his administration evidenced ambivalence about the two-state solution, is now firmly on board.",0 +"Here's one, Paul. The IPCC hires a railroad engineer and economist, who is oddly hailed by the -- wait for it! -- New York Times as ""the Indian climatologist who heads the panel'. My ribs!",1 +The region clearly has to adapt selling itself as an alternative to crowded beach resorts may be one such option. Tree change instead of sea change.,0 +"Masterton : Early unofficial records were maintained fitfully by various individuals, but the first visit by the MetService was in 1928. In his 1981 thesis dealing with the reliability of weather station data, Dr J Salinger describes the pre-1920 record as only fair, and must be viewed with caution.",0 +"But in the modeled world, where they likely try to account for the additional warming of North Atlantic by jockeying aerosols around the globe, the modeled sea surface temperatures of the North Atlantic warmed at a rate that was only slightly higher than the rest of the global oceans. See Figure 26.",0 +Another Reporter Revises History of Congressional Climate Policy,0 +"Perhaps Canada's changes received less attention because Americans tend to give Canada scant notice. On the other hand, when Shell cut its oil and gas reserves by one-third, there was a blizzard of stories. Some of the reports questioned where major Western oil companies, and the world for that matter, will turn to find more oil. Many analysts think there isn't anywhere left to turn. A Swedish research team saw the world's oil reserves as 80 percent less than has been predicted.",0 +"By Susan Crockfrod, Polar Bear Science, Aug 13, 2015",0 +"Never mind whether this idea is truly consistent with ""economic theory""; clearly none of these authors has ever set foot inside a federal regulatory agency. It is ironic that these prophets of our lack of perception of environmental reality have so little perception of political reality.",0 +"The global surface temperature record is complete crap, and has no business being used by scientists other than as a case study in UHI confirmation bias.",1 +"In Hillary Clinton's September 4th speech at Senator Harry Reid's National Clean Energy Summit, she stated that the U.S. needs to lead other countries in green energy and that we need to show the world we are committed. Yet, the U.S., which did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol, is the first country to actually reduce carbon dioxide emissions and meet the Kyoto requirements. We are already a leader, but the other countries aren't followinginstead they are abandoning the sinking green ship and Germany, which claims to still be committed to the green ideology, is actually increasing its number of coal-fueled power plants and CO2 emissions.",0 +Thus the net cooling effect of greenhouse gases is very greatly dominant because the re-heating effect is approximately 0.01 times the cooling effect.,1 +"Most of us learn at some point that politicians tell lies. We expect them to stop once they hold office or to face the consequences. In the past, politicians that violated the public trust resigned, most notably President Richard Nixon. Other lesser officials have also been punished for abusing public trust. No longer. In campaigns, and in office, politicians and their aides or supporters deliberately lie about matters of importance.",0 +"Margaret Thatcher, Enron, big insurance, creationists, religious fundamentalists, financial markets, Greens, Rio Tinto, social democrats, Scientologists, Rupert Murdoch etcetera.",0 +"""The death toll from a gas explosion in a coal mine in central China has risen to 30, with seven workers still trapped underground, the country's work safety watchdog said Monday.""",0 +"To call for an independent investigation into the IPCC methods used to review scientific literature on climate change, as well as on its governance and its officials;",0 +"World temperatures rose by a half degree in the first half of the 20th century through mostly natural phenomena. No one knows why ( though solar activity may help explain it ), but even global warming's strongest supporters agree that it was probably not due to man. No one can therefore with any accuracy separate warming in the late 20th century due to this natural effect and warming due to man's impact. Check out Mann's now-famous hockey stick below:",1 +"18 Henry Kissinger, ""Universal Values, Specific Policies,"" National Interest 84 (Summer 2006).",0 +"""More than 100 countries have now associated themselves with the proposal,"" Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet said at a conference in Paris aimed at stimulating ideas for June 20-22 global gathering.",0 +Catastrophic Superstorms of the French Mediterranean Coast (20 Apr 2011) The two periods of most frequent superstorm strikes in the Aigues-Mortes Gulf coincide with two of the coldest periods in Europe during the late Holocene ... Read More,1 +Al Gore urges California to vote no on climate initiative:,0 +"I guess thats why the climate has cooled for nearly a decade, despite CO2 emissions rising faster than ever?",1 +So which is it go moderate or go bold? My reading is that there's not as much conflict as initially appears. One reason is that the analogies go only so far.,0 +"The bright spot was that we got to have dinner with Josh , who does the often hilarious weekly cartoons for WattsUpWithThat and the Bishop Hill Blog. Im a cartoonist as well, here and here are my livetoons of the 2010 ICCC. But like everything else in my life, my cartooning is totally self-taught, and Josh is the only real-life cartoonist Ive ever met. He turned out to be a lovely man, with the same warm personality that shines through in his cartoons. Hed brought along his sketch-books, so I got to see how a real cartoonist does it, even his simplest sketches are full of joy and laughter.",0 +"Next, the building of new, high-tech coal-fueled power plants has been impeded or totally blocked. In America, we are limping by with a generation of coal plants far behind those currently being built in China. The regulations on anyone who tries to build a coal plant, as President Obama promised, ??? will bankrupt them ???-resulting in very few new coal-fueled power plants. The older plants had weather related problems and had to be shut down. Their closure put more demand on the gas-fueled plants-which also strained the natural gas delivery to commercial and residential customers.",1 +"The Obama administration will create a new national monument covering 4,913 square miles not far off the New England coast.",0 +"Note that Dyson acknowledges that the climate has always changed, but he also acknowledges that greenhouse gases can change the climate.",0 +"Note also that RC says nothing about Phil Jones's advice to backdate correspondence (Sept. 12, 2007, 11:30 a.m.), to delete emails related to the 2007 IPCC report (May 29, 2008, 11:04), and to evade FOIA requests, if necessary by deleting files (Feb. 2, 2005, 9:41 a.m.). RC also says nothing about Mann's call to delegitimize the Journal of Climate for publishing papers critical of his work (March 11, 2003, 8:14).",0 +"The diagnostic tests, based on differences between cycles, at the end of the 12 runs suggested that the forecasts provided by the model had stabilized. The 12 cycles were therefore sufficient to attain meaningful convergence, thus providing us with macroeconomic statistics from which we can make informative inferences.",0 +"""One of Microsoft's hottest new profit centers is a smartphone platform you've definitely heard of: Android.""",0 +"First, the use of sock puppets has demonstrably become a tool in Australia in what has often been described as a propaganda war on science and scientists. Second, there are surely ethical issues that arise when someone impersonates a distressed and disabled person for their own purposes, be it juvenile amusement or a failed attempt to cause embarrassment.",0 +"If the models accurately represented the atmosphere??s heat content, Christy told me by email, the warming rate of the tropical mid-troposphere (TMT)would be1.4 times that of the surface.In reality,the TMT warming rate is only 0.6 times that of the surface. The models simply project too much warming in the bulk atmosphere.",1 +"Meanwhile, Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) have shown no global warming at all for 220 months, from December 1996 to March 2014.",1 +"The Department for International Development (DfID) has pledged to give Teri up to 10?million in grants over five years but will subject the institute to an institutional assessment, expected to take at least five months, before handing over any of the money.",0 +"Even if one agreed with the President that lowering carbon emissions ought to be one of the highest priorities, Asia was not fooled by the so-called historic agreement. It is well known that the incoming Republican-led Congress is highly unlikely to agree to such an agreement, and such support is even more improbable as Congress was apparently surprised and ambushed by the President on this announcement.",0 +"Of all the unintended consequences of Germany?s Energiewende perhaps the most extraordinary is the detrimental effect of wind and solar schemes on the price of electricity generated by natural gas. Almost 20 per cent of gas power plants in Germany have become unprofitable and face shutdown as renewables flood the electricity grid with preferential energy. To avoid blackouts, the government has had to subsidise uneconomic gas and coal power stations so that they can be used as back-up when the sun is not shining, the wind does not blow and renewables fail to generate sufficient electricity.",1 +"Nor did either Dr Manns graph or the depiction as a whole represent reconstructions of global temperature changes over the last millennium, though the depiction including Dr Manns graph appeared on the front cover of the WMO document under a prominent title referring to the global climate. The depiction represented temperature changes for the Northern Hemisphere only.",1 +"Carbon dioxide, however, is vital for all life Earth despite decades of lies about it by environmentalists falsely claiming it warms the Earth. It is the food that all vegetation requires in the same way all animal life requires oxygen.",1 +"Wait for a bit now, go back to normal? What is normal? And that a global uppvrmning would be irreversible is very hard to believe p. Just look back on the history of Earth. We are urgently on the way into the next ice age. The LR reverse the time. But the other hand, the BBC is not excellent in from a few journalistic depth studies and analyzes. At least not in klimatfrgan. Dr. act the most parrot and repeat things without even reflecting upon them.",0 +To know what is going to happen in the future we first have to know wherethe earthisin the 1000 year temperature cycle. Here is another picture that shows what the temperatures were in the northern part of the earth over the last 2000 years. Look especially at what happened during the last 1000 years.,1 +"According to Hansen, 1907 was the coldest year ever. The following spring had a 100 MPH category 2 hurricane during Early March. A secondhurricaneformed on May 24 and hit the US. Only three hurricanes have hit the US during May, the most recent one being at the peak of the ice age scare in 1970.",1 +"The report says that the 1996 edition of the IPCC report used predictions of SO2 emissions from 1992 which projected a doubling of SO2 over the next century. The new projections show only a slight rise in emissions for the next 100 years. Eileen Claussen, executive director of the Pew Center said, ""the data and likely impacts outlined in this study should encourage concrete steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions"" (BNA Daily Environment Report, June 30, 1999).",0 +"I'm having a theological discussion with a corn farmer in southern Missouri, 200 miles from the Corn Belt. My fellow farmer has enough flat ground to plant a few acres of corn, and she and I are deep in the weeds of the contentious subject of seeds. She maintains that the Bible is explicit in forbidding the use of genes from non-corn plants in the breeding of corn seeds, based on Leviticus 19:19, which prohibits seeding fields with two kinds of plants. I point out that humans share 50 percent of their genes with bananas. This does not impress her. She informs me that she doesn't buy food made from GMOs. Even while she avoids GMOs in her family diet, she plants them in her corn field. The conversation is far past the boundaries of what could be called productive, so I don't pursue how she squares her biblical beliefs with her agronomic choices.",0 +"Kagan emphatically disagreed. She wrote in the brief that ""petitioners were not free to forgo that route in favor of a direct facial challenge."" For ""even when an agency cannot itself rule on the merits of a constitutional challenge, a regulated firm cannot bypass exclusive administrative review procedures established by Congress if the constitutional claims can be meaningfully addressed in the Court of Appeals after the administrative review."" What Kagan essentially was saying was that a small business cannot challenge a regulation in court, no matter the reason and no matter the impact on its bottom line, until the government agency has taken its own sweet time whether that is months or years reviewing the challenge.",0 +"Scientists find no evidence polar bears are undergoing a ""climate crisis'",1 +"At first, the assault on government worked, at least electorally. Just as the Gingrich strategy brought, in 1994, the first Republican majority in the House in 40 years, the Young Guns and establishment leaders' strategy resulted in a huge Republican majority in the House in 2010 and then a Republican majority in the Senate, and gains to solidify the House majority in 2014.",0 +See also David Evans: Is The Western Climate Establishment Corrupt? http://jonova.s3.amazonaws.com/corruption/climate-corruption.pdf,1 +"Due to the intermittent nature of solar energy (it only works when it is sunny), solar users will have a need for backup power supplied by their utility. (Distributed storage is prohibitively expensive.)However, when solar owners are subsidized at high rates, and in higher than expected numbers, utilities are paying more than they would otherwise for electricity.",1 +"Just two problems with that. First, the IPCC also says, on the very page quoted by Abraham, that even if there were a major collapse of the ice the Greenland ice sheet would not entirely disintegrate for millennia, a phrase that was also used in the IPCC's 2001 report, where it was made plain that surface temperatures at least 2 Celsius degrees higher than today's would have to persist for several millennia before either the Greenland or the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could melt away.",0 +"Typhoon Haiyan was one of many typhoons hitting the Philippines every year. While Haiyan was very strong, it was less of a calamity than predicted and not due to climate change.",1 +There is no statistically significant warming trend since November of 1996 in monthly surface temperature records compiled at the University of East Anglia. Do we now understand why there?s been no change in fourteen and a half years?,1 +The Rockefeller Family Fund lists among its missions,0 +"The Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) weather data I have described before allows one to examine how various surface weather elements have changed as a function of time of day. (The ISH data volume is very large and it is not a trivial task to decode and analyze many years of it.) Three-hourly synoptic weather observations have been made at many U.S. weather stations for at least 40 years: 1973 seems to be the year when the number of stations reached a fairly large number, and so that is the year my analyses begin with.",0 +"This myth has been a powerful constant in Western literature and thought. In the early nineteenth century, the impact of industrialization and urbanization on the environment and social life seemingly confirmed this ancient wisdom. In contrast to what English poet William Blake called the ""satanic mills,"" pristine nature beckoned as the restorative of a more authentic existence. William Wordsworth's memories of the rural landscape, for example, give solace to a life that ""mid the din/ of towns and cities"" is stunted by the ""fretful stir/ Unprofitable, and the fever of the world."" In reality, of course, fantasies of a benign nature ignore the chronic malnutrition, early death, daily violence, famine, disease, and constant pain of life before the advances of technology.",0 +"In concluding the report of their field and laboratory work, as well as their mini-review of the pertinent scientific literature, Thomsen et al . state that it is likely that ""long-term acclimation to elevated p CO 2 increases the ability to calcify in Mytilus spp.,"" citing the studies of Michaelidis et al . (2005) and Ries et al . (2009) in addition to their own. And they say that they could find ""no causal relationship between the acid-base status and metabolic depression in this species at levels of ocean acidification that can be expected in the next few hundred years (IPCC, 2007),"" after discovering in the waters of Kiel Fjord (and demonstrating in the laboratory) that ""communities dominated by calcifying invertebrates can thrive in CO 2 -enriched coastal areas.""",1 +"""He's fighting Proposition 23 because he says we should use less fossil fuel,"" notes the film. ""But if Cameron succeeds, it will mean higher prices and job losses."" It proceeds to quote a recent newspaper interview in which he discussed global warming, telling a reporter that ""we are going to have to live with less"". The camera then cuts to aerial footage of the three adjacent homes that Cameron inhabits in the hills of Malibu. Although they each have heated swimming pools, and together boast more than 24,000 sq ft of living space, the properties have not a single energy-saving solar panel or windmill between them. ""He also owns a 100-acre ranch in Santa Barbara, a JetRanger helicopter, three Harleys, a Corvette, a Ducati, a Ford GT, a collection of dirt bikes, a yacht, a Humvee fire truck, and a fleet of submarines,"" continues the narrator. ""And yet he demands WE live with less? James Cameron: HYPOCRITE.""",1 +This claim: More than 40% of USHCN final station data is now generated from stations which have no thermometer data.,1 +"Scientists have struggled to explain the lack of warming in recent years, giving dozens of explanations for the pause, ranging from increased volcanic activity to natural ocean cycles. While scientists debate the causes of the pause, some are lowering their estimates of how much warming could occur in the future.Some scientists point to measures like warming ocean temperatures, melting Arctic Sea ice, extreme weather events or varying crop yields as evidence that carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are having an impact on the planet, even though the temperature record may not currently reflect it.",1 +"After reading the SPPI post on the issue, a Mr. Dodd also notified Scholastic Books, the publisher. This was part of the email reply:",0 +Heartland Weekly: Early Bird Rates Now Available for Heartland's 32nd Anniversary Benefit Dinner,0 +New Material Posted on the CO2 Science Web site 2 April 8 April 2015,0 +"""Across the plains around Lerida, the northeastern Spanish town where they spent weekends, farmers were turning over their fields to photovoltaic panels to capitalize on government solar- energy subsidies. Vilimelis persuaded his father, Jaume, who made a living growing pears on 5 acres (2 hectares) of land in Lerida, to turn over a portion of his farm for the project, Bloomberg Markets reported in its November issue.""",0 +"He was fearful of extending governments control much beyond these narrow duties because political power easily was used and abused by the type of person that he called, the man of system . This is the individual who today we would refer to as the social engineer or the paternalistic planner who presumes to know better how men should live than those people, themselves.",0 +The linear trends in the graphs are as calculated by EXCEL . And the trend maps were produced at the KNMI Climate Explorer.,0