diff --git "a/CDP/States/test_qa.csv" "b/CDP/States/test_qa.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/CDP/States/test_qa.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,6889 @@ +question,answer,label +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry. Proposals for Future Land Management Policy (including business model adaptation) are being devised with internal and external stakeholders in order to publish high level proposals in July 2018.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Our EV charging strategy, published in March this year, contains our vision for EV charging in Wales: “By 2025, all users of electric cars and vans in Wales are confident that they can access electric vehicle charging infrastructure when and where they need it”.The strategy estimates that the number of rapid chargers (43+kW) and that the number of fast chargers (22kW) will need to increase rapidly in the next 10 years to meet demand from cars and vans.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Welsh Government is finalising the first Welsh National Marine Plan to establish an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. We are also reviewing Marine Strategy Part One with other UK governments.Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Swedens national environmental objectives and specifically the taget ""Sustainable forests"" includes formal protection of forest areas.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,This is always done through multi-stakeholder consultations. The Assemblies submit their plans for peer review and confirmation,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2012/03/mapa-de-risco-a-erosao-costeira-no-litoral-paulista-dra-celia-regina-de-souza/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Ongoing processes of dialogue with the third sector and other subnational governments, with possibilities for cooperation projects.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report (CCRA2) is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government. The methodology for CCRA2 is detailed from page 3 of the attached Wales summary.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Supporting the development of climate and energy plans, Increased focus on climate and energy in spatial planning, developing municipal climate strategies",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There are policies for coastalmanagement, although powersare shared with municipalitiesand Spanish centralgovernment",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Extrapolation linear trend based on historical data; 2014: 0,358 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2016: 0,361 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2017: 0,362 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2018: 0,32 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-realsecond target: energy-related greenhouse gas emissions with a reduction in emissions-intensity (greenhouse gases related to gross regional product) by 70 to 90% by 2050",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Since declaring the climate emergency, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"A greater frequency of extreme meteorological events such as tropical storms and hurricanes is expected. This scenario would considerably affect the State's resilience capacity, affecting the development of economic sectors, due to increase damage in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others.The State's vulnerability to the impact of extreme meteorological is related to geographical location; there is a historical record of hurricanes and tropical storms that have affected the territory, according tothe National Water Commission and the National Meteorological Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38 directly affecting the State of Yucatan. Outstanding for its magnitude hurricanes such as the Gilberto in 1988 which impacted the Yucatan Peninsula and the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila, with direct damage estimated at 76 million dollars; as well as Hurricane Wilma in 2005 that caused damages of up to 50 million dollars.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"There have been several awareness campaignsto encourage the use of public transport, and alsofor efficient driving modes",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,In all the island exists recucling points and centers. The separate waste is colleted and treated in the Waste Management and Treatment Center.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 6,983.91 hectares, 0.76 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2016, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares. In 2016, 59.25 percent for areas under 1 hectare, while 31.86 percent of deforestation was explained by areas between 1 and 5 hectares. Losses between 5 and 50 hectares were 6.70 percent, while areas between 50 and 500 hectares account for 2.19 percent. Spaces greater than 500 hectares do not report a loss due to significant deforestation in Amazonas.Amazonas does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Adaption measures is included in Regional Climate Change Strategy, but it need to be updated since are from 2008.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The state government has an initiative to reduce emissions and a state REDD + strategy , which seeks low emission rural development.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Natural Heitage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia 2030 is the framework document which will guide the Government of Catalonia’s nature conservation work until 2030. The ultimate objective is to halt natural heritage degradation and biodiversity loss in Catalonia, while guaranteeing its sustainable use and ensuring provision of the ecosystem services upon which we depend.One of the the Strategy’s objectives and action lines is the integration of natural heritage in sectoral policies; the strategic objective is improve the contribution of agricultural, livestock and forestry policies to conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity. This objective has, among others, the following action lines:- Create an Action and Coordination Board between the administration responsible for conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity, the agricultural and forestry administration, and the private sector- Encourage extensive livestock farming to conserve agroforestry habitats and to prevent fires.- Review the focus of the forest fire prevention plans in natural areas with special protection. - Create an interdepartmental working group to include fire as an environmental management tool.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/patrimoni_natural/estrategia_patrimoni_biodiversitat/Resum_ESNATURA_EN.pdf",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The year used is the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,The Act and Plans aim to reduce emissions in line with evidence to show the maximum technical reduction for Wales.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,1. Encouragement of improved carbonization investments2. Encouragement of improved cook stove investments,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Inter- basin transfers, with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are working with UK Government, local authorities, the energy sector and business to plan for and implement the roll out of EV charging infrastructure. Additional transport grant funding of £29m allocated in 20/21 to support the transformation of fleet to ULEVs and introduce new charging infrastructure.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Extraction activities and underground mining operations are subject to the administrative intervention regime of the Environmental Impact Statement with a substantive authorization (Annex I.3) of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, in the framework of the Prevention Law 20/2009 and control of activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"See above in terms of our New Transport Strategy and our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel.This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.",There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Comercial and Institutional. Livestock fishing and agriculture, Transport, Waste, Fluorinated gases, no ETS Industry.",1 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report (CCRA2) is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government. The methodology for CCRA2 is detailed from page 3 of the attached Wales summary.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"total emissions of 2018 (including ETS)total emissions of 2018 (excluding ETS): 11,389,000ETS 2018: 6,586,000",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,as mentioned in the previous question the region has set up a very ambitious voluntarist policy to facilitate the penetration of renewable energies,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,the region supports several projects allowing the establishment of hillside reservoirs,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Public authorities launched in 2004 the Action Plan to prevent the effects of heat waves on health (POCS), which provides for the necessary measures to minimize the effects of heat waves on the vulnerable population. Every year the Department of Health assess the actions carried out.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Natural Heitage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia 2030 is the framework document which will guide the Government of Catalonia’s nature conservation work until 2030. The ultimate objective is to halt natural heritage degradation and biodiversity loss in Catalonia, while guaranteeing its sustainable use and ensuring provision of the ecosystem services upon which we depend.One of the the Strategy’s objectives and action lines is the integration of natural heritage in sectoral policies; the strategic objective is improve the contribution of agricultural, livestock and forestry policies to conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity. This objective has, among others, the following action lines:- Create an Action and Coordination Board between the administration responsible for conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity, the agricultural and forestry administration, and the private sector- Encourage extensive livestock farming to conserve agroforestry habitats and to prevent fires.- Review the focus of the forest fire prevention plans in natural areas with special protection. - Create an interdepartmental working group to include fire as an environmental management tool.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/patrimoni_natural/estrategia_patrimoni_biodiversitat/Resum_ESNATURA_EN.pdf",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Regional projections show a non-significant reduction of -6.8% for the period 2031-2050. Also it shows important precipitation decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitation reductions.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof hotter days ranging from 12-22 days at 2020 to 24-47 by 2050. The east, northeast and southeast regions ofYucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally80% of Yucatan State surface would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37°C.",1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Incorporation of the variable of climate change in the territorial and urban planning. Promotion of efficient and sustainable use of land.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"In the context of the local resources used are biomass consumption is as follows (bagasse 80.6 GWh, Biogas: 4.3GWh, Bioethanol: 0.6GWh) to I want to clarify that at the solar level, there is a photovoltaic consumption of 21.8 GHW and thermal sun is 23.7 GWh.Regarding imported fossil resources, we have a consumption, gasoline of 109 GWh, diesel: 404.6 GWh, heavy fuel oil of 153.3 GWh, carburettor: 215.3 GWh, Butane gas is 19.1 GWh and the coal is 355.8 GWh.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,the regional concil already supports private partners and is part of the governance,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Increased vulnerability due to lack of access to health services, in municipalities with a high percentage of the population in conditions of poverty.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of solar power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Inter- basin transfers, with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"the region has set up a hydropower plant that produces energy that feeds the inhabitants with drinking water, there are other similar projects that are piloted by private partners.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is widely inspired by the CITEPA (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique or Technical Interbranch Center of Air Pollution) methodology applied to the national level and by the national GHG inventory created under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The national objective is zero -emission invcluduíng sinks in 2045 . Goltand is yet an energy pilot, with a mission to reach the national energy and ckimate objectives prior to the country as a whole.Provided solutions as f ex CCS for the process- emissions from cement production, this mission can be fulfilled",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Air Quality Action Plan in Special Atmospheric Environment Protection Areas (AQAP), horizon 2020.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/tramitacio_aprovacio/Political agreement for improving the quality of air in the conurbation of Barcelonahttp://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/declaracio-de-barcelona/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Energy recovery of some of the sewage sludge as asubstitute for fossil fuels,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Wastewater Treatment Program has aim to maintain water quality so that do not contaminate the resource found in the water table.In the reported period, 9,185,741 m3 of sewage were treated to comply with the quality standards established by the National Comissio of Water (CONAGUA, for its initials in Spanish) and benefit 269,544 users of the drinking water system with a investment of 29 million MXN.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Under scenario A2, there is an expected reduction in annual precipitation of between 5% and 15% by 2050. The northern region of the state would be particularly affected. The sectors most vulnerable to this impact are associated with water supply, biodiversity and agriculture.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is expected that episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with frequency and intensity which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that will affect the population and maritime transportation. Also air transportation will be affected.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,We are working with University of Energy and Natural Resources to help with constant weather information to guide the farmers in their farming activities.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2012/03/mapa-de-risco-a-erosao-costeira-no-litoral-paulista-dra-celia-regina-de-souza/",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Regional Program for Climate Change is not published, it is waiting for superior approval",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Sea level rise modelling has been completed and studied for the UK as a whole, using data from the UK Climate Projections 2009 data sets. The resulting information informed the development of Shoreline Management Plans around the coast of Wales, as well as National Coastal Erosion Risk Management Maps which help organisations & local authorities consider the impacts of sea level rise on their assets & communities. Coastal Local Authorities may review the Shoreline Management Plan policies when new data such as climate change projections becomes available.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof hotter days ranging from 12-22 days at 2020 to 24-47 by 2050. The east, northeast and southeast regions ofYucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally80% of Yucatan State surface would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37°C.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Since declaring the climate emergency in April last year, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Concerted Regional Development Plan states ""to ensure the integral watershed management and the availability of water resources in quantity and quality ""through the protection of water sources. The goal to 2021 is to protect 200 water sources and establish 8 payment compensation schemes for ecosystem services.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,We are yet to be elevated to the status that will enable us fully participate. At the moment we are only consulted for data,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Update of the Adaptation Plan for the State of São Paulo. The existing adaptation plan for the State is outdated and has not been implemented in the past. We therefore want to update the plan in a collaborative and inclusive way so that it is appropriate, implemented and monitored by all sectors of society.",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Spatial and transport planning. We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level and if possible, grant financial support.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Azorean electricy company have a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Emissions are reduced through the reforestation of fruit and timber plants in places where there is a degradation of secondary forests. In the productive part by draining the soils saturated with water resources. The work is carried out with the Parochial Boards and local producers,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"I. Achieve a zero rate of deforestation by 2030 in the forest ecosystems of high value for REDD + in the State of Yucatán through actions based on Sustainable Rural Development.This goal is to be achieved through the effective and efficient implementation of a sustainable rural development policy, in which the instruments and programs of the different dependencies of the three levels of government are aligned. Likewise, it seeks to respect social and environmental safeguards, citizen participation and the inclusion of women, which together with a measurement, reporting and verification system, will ensure the reduction of emissions with respect to an established reference level.The foregoing will be the framework that will make the implementation of the actions proposed in this strategy viable and will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the entity, in accordance with the REDD + Strategy for the Yucatan Peninsula and with the national goals established in the ENAREDD + .",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The Ministry for Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Rural Development of Yucatán signed in 2019 an agreement to design policies in Low-Carbon Rural Development. Including a project in 2020 with federal and state butget, to promote low-impact productive activities, in three municipalities of the Puuc State Biocultural Reserve.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; much likely it will not be achievedNext target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,New invasive species are replacing the natural species and changing ecosystems.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, our planning framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,the regional concil already supports private partners and is part of the governance,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens. Welsh Government committed in its latest Climate change Adaptation Plan to consider more research in this area. Public Health Wales are also considering this issue in their health impact assessment.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The drought plan approved by the Catalan Water Agency indicates that on the 2070-2100 horizon the reduction of average annual precipitation will be in general, from 5 to15%, with a possible slight increase in winter.On the coast and during the summer, the average reduction can be reached 40%.The average overall reduction of river inputs will be 10 to 30%, and can be concentrated in the summer, with decreases of up to 40% and the average reduction of the recharge groundwater will be in the order of 20%.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Implementation of sustainable agriculture practices that increases the profitability of crops through the proper use of natural resources (soil and water),0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,1 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG have inputted into the UK Peatland code. Glastir scheme is an important tool for peatland / carbon delivery in Wales, outputs are closely monitored, recorded and evaluated. The NRW EU LIFE project for Welsh Raised Bogs is an important project. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Risks to public water supplies from drought and low river flows,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",1 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In the framework of the Multiannual Energy Programming, it is planned to optimize the existing projects",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"During July 2017 Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study which analyses the risks and the opportunities of the agricultural sector of the north zone of Pyrenees and Aran region and indicates that it will have to change the productive focus towards human feeding and extensive pasture to adapt to climate change.If there is no action, between the years 2030 and 2050 there will be a reduction estimated income to the sector of 8.9%, but if they are applied adaptation measures the economic gains can increase more than 200%.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The biogas from MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) is collected and generates electricity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",there are projects that exist but it's starting to grow more and more,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The municipality of Merida is doing pilot tests for the adoption of separation policies, so the separation of waste is done in specific parts of the city.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act originally introduced a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. In March 2021 Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Wales also has interim targets for 2030 and 2040, and a series of 5-year carbon budgets. The first carbon budget ran from 2016 to 2020. Alongside the net zero target, we also updated our interim targets and 2nd and 3rd carbon budgets, as follows:•Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25): 37% average reduction•Carbon Budget 3 (2026-30): 58% average reduction •2030: 63% reduction•2040: 89% reductionWe have to set a carbon budget at least five years before the budgetary period begins. The targets and carbon budgets form Wales’s statutory framework. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. However we have set a 0% offset limit against Carbon budget 2.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Absoluty, For example, during severe floods, the local economy is paralyzed",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Azorean Hydrographic Region (RH9) consists of 9 hydrographic sub-basins that correspond to each islands. In this hydrographic region, there are delimited 67 surface water bodies and 54 groundwater bodies scattered across the islands.The Regional Plan of the Hydrographic Region is a water management tool in an integrated way that was developed to protect and manage the water resources in the Azores. In our days, Azorean Government is working on the third generation of the plan.The responsibility for the management of water for consumption is of the municipalities. ERSARA (regional entity responsible for the regulation of water and waste services) regulates the water supply services, including the quality control.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,the Region has launched two calls for projects to support circular economy projects,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,At the moment we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have na emissions inventory for the government,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"There are policies for coastalmanagement, although powersare shared with municipalitiesand Spanish centralgovernment",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The figure given is the total woodland loss within the observation period 2016/17 within the natural forest area in Wales. As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",One of the indicators of the Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020 refers to final energy intensity (final energy consumption/GDP).The target is an annual improvement of 1.47% between 2007 and2020.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Outlines key stakeholders and collaborations required to reduce region-wide GHG emissions,0 +Please complete the table below.,Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Catalan Office for Climate Change, at the Department of Territory and Sustainability, is the administrative unit dealing with climate change policies in Catalonia. Moreover, the Interdepartmental Commission on Climate Change, a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change, coordinates climate policy planning and monitors its completion. The Interdepartmental Commission is chaired by the Minister of Territory and Sustainability, and gathers representatives from all involved policy areas, such as agriculture, economy, housing, research energy, industry, health, civil protection, infrastructure and transport, land planning, foreign affairs and education. This Commission has the duty to foster cross-cutting actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to monitor and assess implementation of policies.The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change creates the Climate Change Social Roundtable and the Committee of Experts on Climate Change (articles 31 and 32). The Climate Change Social Roundtable is a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change that channels participation, information and consultation to the most representative institutions and organisations in the social, economic and environmental fabric of Catalonia on climate policies. The Committee of Experts on Climate Change is a collegiate body, affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change and with functional autonomy that acts with total functional independence in the development of its functions. The Committee presents proposals of carbon budgets for the different time periods, monitoring and assessment to Government and to Parliament. This Committee shall annually present to Parliament a report on the level of compliance to the carbon budgets. The Government shall take into consideration the Committee’s recommendations and shall incorporate them into their policies. In the event that they cannot be incorporated, it shall justify the reasons and inform Parliament.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Other, please specify: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Infrastructure development should analyze the impact of climate change and should be more environmentally friendly, with environmental concepts, and anti-seismic techniques",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. In 2019, Wales was the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency. In May 2019 the CCC recommended that the Welsh Government should increase Wales’s 2050 emissions reduction target from 80% to 95%. We welcomed the CCC’s advice but declared an ambition to go even further, and set a net zero target. We asked the CCC for further advice on the options available to Wales for reaching that goal. In December 2020 the CCC published new advice for Wales, which confirmed our ambition was credible. In March 2021 the Senedd agreed to revise Wales’s statutory climate targets in line with all of the CCC’s recommendations in the December 2020 advice.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participated in Zaragoza on the meeting for climate change and natural risks in the Pyrenees, organized by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory in the framework of the XXXVI Work Plenary Council of the Community of the Pyrenees.In addition to the presentation of the ""Climate Change Report in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation"", the seminar has addressed the main challenges facing the prevention of natural risks in the Pyrenees, taking into account the civil protection policies.Some adaptation measures for Pyrenees are the increase of the number of artificial snow cannons and the transformation of ski resorts in mountain resorts offering multiple services and activities throughout the year.The Office is part of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) whose purpose is to track and understand the evolution of the climate in the Pyrenees in order to limit their impact and adapt to their effects for the most vulnerable socioeconomic sectors and natural spaces.https://www.opcc-ctp.org/en",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Statistic Sweden, the Swedish EPA and the National Energy Agency are providers of the statisticses",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; Next target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The Programa Município Resiliente (Resilient Municipality Program), was created through state decree 64659, of December 11, 2019 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/norma/192628) with the aim of:I - encourage São Paulo Municipalities to adopt disaster risk reduction policies, in harmony with sustainable development;II - recognize good municipal disaster risk management, by certifying the management maturity in disasters;III - prioritize the access of the Municipalities that stand out in the management of disaster risk reduction to the resources of the State Coordination for Civil Protection and Defense.It will be coordinated by the Civil House and will address the following thematic axes:.Expansion of risk assessment. Hazard and risk mapping.Analysis of risk scenarios.Inspection of illegal occupations in risk areas.Environmental education and training.Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.Database update. Portfolio creation for adaptation projects.Data collection for climate projectionsIt will provide the creation of the resilience strategy of the State of São Paulo, as a tool to catalyze synergistic actions between the different programs, some already underway, involving and empowering the municipalities.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change includes a provision to protect vulnerable population from energy and water poverty. The final provision seventh indicates:“1. The Government and, where appropriate, local authorities, within their respective powers, with the objective of guaranteeing universal access of the entire population to a minimum vital consumption of certain basic resources, shall promote the necessary performance mechanisms to guarantee it in the case of electricity, non combustible fuels and water supplies. 2. In accordance with section 1, the necessary performance mechanisms shall be designed to ensure the vital minimum in electricity, non-combustible fuels and water supplies for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion. 3. The ministries responsible for social welfare, energy and water, and where appropriate, the local authorities shall define the conditions and methodology that help to establish the minimum energy and water consumption to ensure the vital minimum coverage for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion.”",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The main reasons are the increase of transport mobility and the increase of heating in commercial and residential categories (because of the increase in number of intense cold days in winter in 2016),1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Potential major threats to agriculture and forestry include drought, flooding of agricultural land, and pests and diseases, particularly those affecting livestock.Reduction in soil moisture - risk is loss of habitat, more carbon released into the atmosphere, erosion, water quality issues and more flooding.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,In Mexico there are official regulations that establish maximum emission limits for vehicles and that regulate fuel quality.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is only at national level",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In Yucatan 18% of the territory, 697,837.25 hectares are under protection. To date, there are a total of 9 state, 5 federal, 1 municipal, and 2 private protected areas.",1 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. http://residus.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/planificacio/precat20/docs/PRECAT20_doc_principal.pdf. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"the Region has launched an exploration study of the geothermal deposit, sites have been identified outside the national park, a geothermal project is included in the objectives of the Multiannual Energy Program (PPE)",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Catalan inventory is part of the Spanish one. The Spanish inventory is first built according the 2006 IPCC guidelines, and afterwards these data are split among thedifferent Spanish regions (what we call regionalization). Whenever is possible we try to allocate directly the source of the GHG emission to the region, but when this is not possible some kind of weighting factor is used (population or GAV, for example)",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Targets are:Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Indigenous Infrastructure Program (PROII)Through the Coordination Agreement signed between the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Government of the State of Yucatan, the Indigenous Infrastructure Program was executed, with which basic infrastructure works were carried out in indigenous localities with gaps and lags in terrestrial communication, electrification and housing. The project achieved: • Construction of 1,757 ecological toilets • Expansion of 296 km of the electric network• Construction and modernization of 192 km highways• Construction of 112 water systems.Construction and Expansion of the electrical network• Construction of 21 infrastructure actions in 22.81 kilometers of medium voltage distribution lines and extensions of electrical networks in medium and low voltageOperation of the drinking water system in the city of Mérida• A total of 54.0 million cubic meters of potable water was supplied to the population. The beneficiary population is 870,000 inhabitants of the city of Mérida and conurbated areasStrengthening Medical Care ProgramDuring 2017, 25,444 inhabitants of 109 localities targeted by the Program were attended . This action consisted in the granting of services of promotion, prevention, medical and dental care to the population as well as 36,254 medical consultations and 7,204 dental care to the target population of the program, as well as 244,733 actions of prevention and health promotion.These actions were carried out in 25 municipalities of high and very high marginalization and difficult access in the municipalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"here are awareness campaigns that are already in place, but infrastructure put in place are insufficient",0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Heat waves are projected to be more common and more severe. Risks to health in various circumstances, including reduced employee productivity from higher temperatures in working environments and risks to soils from increased seasonal aridity. There are also general risks to health and wellbeing from overheating in the home and on public transport.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Sub-nationals (Provincial governments) work on climate change issues in compliance with regulations at national level such as Presidential Regulation No. 61/2011 on GHG emission reduction. Strategic issues including identification of main sources of emission, potential funding supports, or institutional arrangements are discussed via a series of high level meetings and followed up by technical meetings. In parallel, sub nationals are also engaged individually on initiatives with international agencies. As an example, Governors Climate and Forest (GCF).",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","There are major seasonal differences, but most of regional simulations show precipitation important decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitations reductions.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"During the year 2018, the Catalan Water Agency, the Metropolitan Area and the Public Health Agency create the panel of scientific advice that will study the implantation of regenerated water as a measure to have more resources in the system.It is composed of a total of twelve members with a long research experience in the integral water cycle and in the assessment of risks for the environment and health.The main objective of this group will be to study the continued contribution of regenerated water in the final stretch of the river Llobregat to increase the flow of the river and have more water to be purified.This solution, already applicable during periods of drought, could become structural in order to increase the availability of water in the most populated area of Catalonia (about 60 hm3/year).",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The São Paulo State Government promptly adopted, in mid March, the WHO instructions and protocols in an attempt to minimize the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, housing conditions in large urban centers and divergences with the conducts preached by the Federal Government made it difficult to apply sanitary isolation measures.There is great collaboration from the private sector, which has helped to alleviate the situation. There is no shortage of hospital spaces and respirators in the state, although some regions are experiencing overcrowding.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Beyond changes in weather parameters, there are also a number of changes in socio-economic conditions. For example changes in common daily outfit, work schedule (e.g planting season), GDP, consumption pattern, and many other issues.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Data for 2014, using the Spanish electricity emissions factor in 2013 (0.25 Kg CO2/kWheq)",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"See above in terms of our New Transport Strategy and our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel.This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain. Drought is a normal factor, and this occurrence was more accentuated, as in the years 1961, 1963, 1978 and 2014. It had a negative impact on the quality of water bodies in the state.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The monitoring is only 4 years old, so it has a very poor baseline, since it takes at least 10 years of information to characterize the climate of the province and thus be able to record the alteration of the environment.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Review of quality objectives established in Management Plan of the River Basin of Catalonia to adjust them to the new environmental context, if applicable.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regional legislation establishes the application of the strategic environmental assessment per type of project,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital stutures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In many places, the network of pipes is old and the maintaining processes are not adequate, which causes major problems of water loss and waste.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and lightning and risks to building fabric from moisture, wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Land slides occur predominantly in the rainy season, spring and summer. Drenched soil increases the risk of serious incidents in hillside areas. These phenomena are more frequent and there is a great presence of vulnerable communities living in these areas. For instance, two hundred and two people died due to landslides in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo between 1997 and 2016, resulting in an average of ten cases per year.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The drought plan approved by the Catalan Water Agency indicates that on the 2070-2100 horizon the reduction of average annual precipitation will be in general, from 5 to15%, with a possible slight increase in winter.On the coast and during the summer, the average reduction can be reached 40%.The average overall reduction of river inputs will be 10 to 30%, and can be concentrated in the summer, with decreases of up to 40% and the average reduction of the recharge groundwater will be in the order of 20%.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Various measurement and analysis stations on our coast indicate a clear rise in sea level for the period 1900-2017. The station at l'Estartit measures a sea level rise of +3.1 cm per decade [+2.0cm-4.3cm] which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. This rise is higher in spring (3.8 cm/decade).,1 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and lightning and risks to building fabric from moisture, wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Air Quality- The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than chnages in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regionsal feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions. The increased proportion of diesel-fuelled traffic in the UK, and the failure of European emission standards for diesel cars to deliver the expected emission reductions of nitrogen oxides, have resulted oiin difficulties meeting EUIair quality limit values for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), prompting infraction proceedings by the European Commission against the UK.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional foctor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be excerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc)",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Risks to freshwater species from higher water temps.Risks to fisheries and marine species from higher sea temperatures leading to ocean acidification.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,A local private project with oublic funding aims to test microgrid .,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Transport projects are in place, the cost for implementing new public transports are a limiting factor,",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Sources: 1) Population in 2017 - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas-novoportal/por-cidade-estado-estatisticas.html?t=destaques&c=352) Population projections - Sistema SEAD. Available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","According to the PRAC projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional PIB is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Independent infrastructural operators are continually reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",1 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - PERH ( http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos)Last complete version 2016-2019, beeing updated for 2020-2023.The Water Resources Plans are management instruments that aim to guide the implementation of the water resources policy, defining the guidelines for the use of water, as well as measures for its protection and conservation, in order to guarantee its availability - in adequate quantity and quality - for different uses.According to Law No. 7,663 / 91, which instituted the State Water Resources Policy in the State of São Paulo, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH must be prepared based on the plans of the hydrographic basins, in the rules related to the protection of the environment environment and guidelines for environmental planning and management. In this context, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH establishes management guidelines and criteria at the state scale, reflecting the regional needs expressed in the basin plans. The first Water Resources Plan for the State of São Paulo was prepared in 1990 and is being updated for the 2020-2023 quadrennium.To improve the management system for water sources areas between public agencies and actors involved,the specific laws of the Áreas de Proteção e Recuperação de Manaciais-APRMs adopted principles providing for the structuring of a decentralized and participative planning and management system for APRMs. The Portal Mananciais GEO was structured, a digital platform that provides information from the Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais-APMs and APRMs established by state legislation, enablingthe visualization of cartographic bases and satellite images or aerophotogrammetric documents of reference for the protection and recovery of water sources. https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 295",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,Emissions are reduced through the reforestation of fruit and timber plants in places where there is a degradation of secondary forests. In the productive part by draining the soils saturated with water resources. The work is carried out with the Parochial Boards and local producers,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The plan is a startegic document where we select areas for protection. We involve different forestry related stakeholders when implementing the plan.,0 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"Our inventory is not able to disaggregate emissions into Scope 1 and 2. All emissions associated with these sectors have been allocated to Scope 1.Scope 3 includes emissions from: “Industrial processes and product use”, “Agriculture”, “Land use, land-use change and forestry” and “Waste”.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,he region also assists local landlords in the renovation of buildings,0 +Please complete the table below.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Other: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.,0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",Specific to the risk of bridge scour from increased river flow - a programme of bridge scour protection underway by National Rail. Welsh Government have begun scoping for research to understand the scale of the issue for all bridges in Wales.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Welsh Government is finalising the first Welsh National Marine Plan to establish an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. We are also reviewing Marine Strategy Part One with other UK governments.Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Emissions data is collected from all buildings and fixed infrastructure where we are counterparty to supply as well as some where we are tenants and pay for energy through an in service charge. We monitor our emissions based on the total from this selection of buildings.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,1. Encouragement of improved carbonization investments2. Encouragement of improved cook stove investments,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",1. Establishment of compulsory measures to adapt public and private infrastructure to climate change2. Inclusion of risk criteria in urban infrastructure projects in the coastal zone.3. Restoration and protection of coastal dunes and wetlands,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,It is not a priority at the moment for the administration,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020, provides for theimpetus for the development of Smart Grids in Catalonia with variousactions http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/smart-grids/",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Source current 2018 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midiaThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", theState is be considerable affected by droughts heavily around 48% of the territory, very heavily 29% and severely 22%.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The 500 km length shoreline of the State of São Paulo is composed of 16 municipalities with about 2,22 million inhabitants. About 50% of the São Paulo sandy beaches are at Very-High and High Risk. These beaches include together more than 66% of the whole São Paulo shoreline, of which almost 50% are non-urbanized areas that include large areas requiring environmental protection. On the other hand, the most urbanized area is at medium risk.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Other: Designed to reflect a devolved contribution to a 2 degree goal.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and also increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsibility definitions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Regional legislation establishes the aplication of the strategic environmental assessment per type of project,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,work carried out by the Marche region in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan its use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Fossil fuel free 2030 - the use of fossil fuels has ceased in 2030,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change (ESCACC 2013-2020): Chapter 3.1 Changes to the climate and Chapter 3.2. Changes to the environament and societyExecutive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf (> 30 MB),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan (https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested. Called ""Geobags"", the submerged barrier with 49 bags (geotextile bag) was placed in the shape of L. The structure perpendicular to the beach, of 275 meters, has the function of reducing the energy of the waves. The structure parallel to the beach, 240 meters long, aims to help store sand. The bags installed in 2017 produced results mitigating the effects of a tide peak never before recorded in the City, in July 2019, of 2.48 meters. They are part of a pilot project which results will be monitored over the next 3 years.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2012/03/mapa-de-risco-a-erosao-costeira-no-litoral-paulista-dra-celia-regina-de-souza/",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Consulted on a draft Circular Economy Strategy in December 2019.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","According to the european Strategi 2020, Italy has to reach in 2020 the share of renewable energy of 17% in total consumpuin. Italian government has establish that marche region has to contribute with a 15,4% of share in 2020.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Recently, the state has published its Climate Change Program, which includes vulnerability studies, an update of the GHG emissions inventory, future climate scenarios, emissions projections, and a compendium of climate actions to implement mitigation and adaptation responses. The program also takes up the scenarios of the roadmap for the deep decarbonization of the state by 2050 and the green growth strategy of the state of Sonora.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Law 16/2017, of August 1, on climate change, aims the participation of local authorities in planning climate policies and sectoral action plans of departments. Also the Government has to promote that non touristic municipalities integrate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, for which they must give them assistance.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The Government of the State, through the Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, undertook the update of diagnoses of vulnerable coastal human settlements through the collection and generation of statistical information for decision-making regarding urban development and ecological planning of the coastal territory.In this regard, 11 diagnoses and statistical analyzes corresponding to 1,229 homes in risk areas located in 11 towns were updated. benefiting 31 thousand 804 inhabitants of the coastal towns. These studies consist in the identification and census of the houses that are within flood zones, as well as the equipment, services and infrastructure that exists in the area in order to project a housing reordering program and thus reduce the dangers that the conditions can generate in the human settlements that are in them.The Government of the State of Yucatan carried out the ""Social Inclusion Improvement Strategy"", which aims to undertake actions focused on providing basic social infrastructure to the population with low resources and, thereby, raising the quality of life of families. The actions are coordinated by the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol) and implemented by the Institute of Housing of the State of Yucatan (IVEY), through the construction of additional rooms and firm floors. 6,774 additional rooms were carried out, 50,138 ecological stoves, 11,939 firm floors, 56 ceilings, 2,537 housing units and 12,346 bathrooms.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"No: maybe a future project, for now the energy performance is rarely med public",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,According to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",A regulatory system operates in Wales which ensures the continuous phase down of HFCs.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The change in the geographic distribution and incidence rates of certain diseases can affect the quality of life of people,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The regulatory system in place in Wales requires assessment of impact at a number of stages, depending on the nature of the operation. Development has to go through the planning process operated by local authorities which requires stakeholders to be consulted. Any deforestation must be in line with an Environmental Impact Assessment, and government policies such as forestry or environmental policies. Any felling licences must meet the UK Forest Standard in terms of operation, planning and restocking. Many of these are on a case by case basis, but general guidance is available to assist with the process. Examples attached in web link.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Our approach to business and the economy is set out in our Economic Action Plan (EAP). This sets out the range of actions we are taking to drive inclusive growth and future-proofed the economy. Decarbonisation is a clear and consistent thread throughout the EAP and features strongly in our new approach for delivering direct support for businesses. This is centred on the Economic Contract, Calls to Action and the Economy Futures Fund. To access direct financial support through the Economy Futures Fund, businesses must demonstrate that they share our values (the Economic Contract) and that they are delivering investment that is future proofing (the Calls to Action). As part of the Economic Contract, we test businesses’ attitude to managing and lowering their carbon footprint, whilst decarbonisation forms one of five Calls to Action designed to target future proofing investment.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The State is currently collaborating with the national government on the development of a monitoring, reporting & verification system for subnational governments.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The 1990-2017 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2019 (BEIS, 2019) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2017; ✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; ✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; ✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; ✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2017 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=981 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas subject to floods and floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and predict their relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Vision: A region prepared for the impacts of a changing climate through implementation of policies and programs that minimize risks to our health and safety, the environment and the economy, and maximizes the benefits from opportunities which may arise. To achieve this vision, we plan to:1. Avoid biodiversity and other losses and unsustainable investment, and take advantage of economic opportunities.2. Take reasonable and practical measures to increase climate resilience of ecosystems.3. Create and share risk-management tools to support adaptation efforts across the province.4. Achieve a better understanding of future climate change impacts across the province.5. Seek opportunities to collaborate with others.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsibility definitions,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","There are a lot of different actions such as new routes (for example, ""bus expres""), or the new bus network in Barcelona, etc. There are a lot of different actions such as new metro routes in Barcelona, increasing frequency of the metro lines, improving stations, etc. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC), the Catalan Governmental Railway company, is increasing routes, building new train stations and improving existing stations.The Catalan Government is committed along with 27 metropolitan regions of Europe to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission public transport. On June 8, 2018, the members of the EMTA have committed themselves to prioritize the introduction of clean vehicles in bus fleets and ask the European Union for economic support in this regard. (http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306454/ca/govern-compromet-junt-27-regions-metropolitanes-deuropa-accelerar-transicio-transport-public-demissions-zero.do)",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Climate change and heat waves affect the health of the most vulnerable people, especially children, old people or with chronic diseases.In fact, public health and emergency services registered during the summer of 2018 an increase in the number of cases of deaths and medical risk situations of vulnerable people caused by heatwaves.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Sea level rise poses risks to capital region in particular due to extensive construction on the coastline. However, land uplift and a strict building code limit the risks.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Sources: 1) Population in 2017 - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas-novoportal/por-cidade-estado-estatisticas.html?t=destaques&c=352) Population projections - Sistema SEAD. Available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Yucatán is aligned with the commitment to significantly reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020, under the collaboration of governments, partners and the private sector of the GCF for the achievement of supply chains of net zero deforestation that allow the implementation of the REDD + jurisdictional program; ensuring the distribution of benefits to forest-dependent communities, small farmers and indigenous people.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Under Scenario A2 there is an expected increase in hotter days ranging from 12-22 days in 2020 to 24-47 days in 2050. The eastern, northeastern and southeastern regions of Yucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally, 80% of the surface of the state of Yucatan would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37 ° C.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Sea level rise poses risks to capital region in particular due to extensive construction on the coastline. However, land uplift and a strict building code limit the risks.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our approach to business and the economy is set out in our Economic Action Plan (EAP). This sets out the range of actions we are taking to drive inclusive growth and future-proofed the economy. Decarbonisation is a clear and consistent thread throughout the EAP and features strongly in our new approach for delivering direct support for businesses. This is centred on the Economic Contract, Calls to Action and the Economy Futures Fund. To access direct financial support through the Economy Futures Fund, businesses must demonstrate that they share our values (the Economic Contract) and that they are delivering investment that is future proofing (the Calls to Action). As part of the Economic Contract, we test businesses’ attitude to managing and lowering their carbon footprint, whilst decarbonisation forms one of five Calls to Action designed to target future proofing investment.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that, in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles, that will increase the electric mobility.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The market demands and the following production-volumes of cement are the main factor for emission changes on Gotland. The emission per ton cement produced, which includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related, have decreased significantly, but the production volumes have increased to a much larger extent. Except for the cement production the energy related CO2 ekv-emissions originating from energy supply, transport vehicles, utility vehicles, waste management and consumption of certain products have decreased over 45 % from 1990 – 2017, which is one of our goals for 2020! The emissions related to biological processes in agriculture are reported to have increased by 4.5 %, which a bit odd as neither the number of cattle, pigs or the arable land under tillage have increased since 1990.The transition from fossil fuels for heating of buildings and for power production is almost completed on Gotland. Vehicles and equipment get more energy efficient for every new generation of products, but the transport sector and utility vehicles are still very fossil fuel dependent. Biogas (locally produced), E85, HVO and electricity (which to 50 % is generated locally from wind % solar) provides fossil free transport fuels available on Gotland.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"There are policies for coastalmanagement, although powersare shared with municipalitiesand Spanish centralgovernment",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,• Behavioural change • Technological change • Legislative change • Financial conditions • Policy change,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Between 2017 and 2018, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 8.3% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2018). Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector which declined by 19.2% between 2017 and 2018. The main contributor to the energy sector reductions has been downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station, which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. In addition, a significant reduction in emissions from the energy sector is also attributed to the end of coal use at Uskmouth B power station, which is planning a conversion from a coal power station to 100% waste derived power station.The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 77% of the overall 2017-2018 trend.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The State promote in 2019 a Concurrent Program to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers for the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction, among other concepts. The Concurrency Program with the Entities was implementedStates to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of the State of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers so that they can implementprojects that contemplate the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction or value addition, among other concepts.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Base year changed from 1990 to 2005 due to comparable data availability.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +"Do you measure your region-wide SLCPs (i.e. black carbon, CH4, O3, HFCs)? If so, please report the SLCPs measured and whether an environmental assessment of the effects of these SLCPs has been conducted.",This is a reserved matter for UK Government. However we are developing regional energy plans to demonstrate the need for grid network development to enable a low carbon transition.,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Short target summary: Reducing fuel consumption by 10% in 2023 compared to 2014 in the transport sectorPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: The different actions to reach this objective are:- increasing public transports (objective: 11% of the traffic by public transport in 2023)- develop alternative transports (bicycle, cable transport, electric cars with solar recharges)",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Includes all LULUCF activityExcludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" atmedium term, the expected increment oftemperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,The local governments are identified to implementation of some measures that are of its responsability.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","20% forestry cover of whole territory by 2020 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2012/decreto-58107-05.06.2012.html)Target achieved: Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²) 54,312 km² Atlantic Forest, 2,393 km² Cerrado biome.( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Many of the opportunities and benefits arising from the sustainable management of forests and woodlands are recognised in the Welsh Government forestry policy document Woodlands for Wales which sets out forestry policy in Wales for the next 50yrs. This is also reflected in the application of the principle of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources as set out in the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and in our Natural Resources Policy and ecosystems approach.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidies and public finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The state government through the Ministry of Health (SSY), implemented in 2019 actions in the field of prevention and attention to health risks, highlighting:• Implementation of the Program for sanitary regulation and surveillance of water quality, through which 52,105 free residual chlorine monitoring was carried out with 320 samples of piped water and 293 samples of water and ice for human consumption. Execution of 509 seawater samplings to determine enterococci; 540 samples of sea water to identify harmful or toxic algal blooming ""Red Tide"" and 195 samples in bodies of fresh water (cenotes) for detection of E. coli to guarantee suitable water conditions for human consumption.• Attention to vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , implementing the Program of prevention and control of vector diseases , wich incorporate vector control interventions based on knowledge of the determinants of pathogen transmission, which utilise a range of insecticide and non–insecticide-based approaches in a locally tailored manner. The Program includes informative workshops with communities (3,185 dengue prevention talks to the population); 8368 entomological studies of triatomines were carried out in localities; 8,439 fumigations to houses infested by triatomes; 60 treatments for Chagas disease were given; 45 treatments were given to leishmaniosis patients; 46,605 blood tests were carried out on the population and 365 treatments for the elimination of positive Anopheles fly hatchery.• Implementation of the Health Surveillance, Regulation and Control Program, in collaboration with the International Health Coordination in order to prevent, detect, control and follow up on diseases subject to international epidemiological surveillance. In the reporting period, 1,808 means of transportation were reviewed, between ships and international planes; 209 certificates of health of epidemiological risk were issued to undocumented insured and 229 certificates of protection against health risks and promotion of health; 2,186,966 health surveillance and control inspections were carried out on international and national travelers suspected of having any of the diseases of the International Health Regulations.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Define investment priorities in mitigation by assessing the strategic value and opportunity cost, from the perspective of adaptation",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",1. Encouragement of improved carbonization investments2. Encouragement of improved cook stove investments,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Consumers worldwide want assurance that food and drink is safe to consume, yet there are worldwide examples food fraud. Potential for food fraud is partly linked to food production being a global enterprise, a significant feature of international trade, and so vulnerable to systematic shocks (such as storms) or long term changes (such as drought, loss of soil fertility, population growth and migration, war). Systemic shocks are forecast to increase in frequency and intensity because of climate change. The Welsh Government and Food and Drink Wales Industry Board are developing strong brand values for Welsh food and drink, placing quality of the product centre place. Developing a reputation for quality, with production underpinned by rigorous regulations (upheld by Trading Standards, the Food Standards Agency – Wales, and industry accreditation schemes), will help Wales’ industry stand out and build market advantage. The Welsh Government and the FDWIB support businesses across Wales in a variety of ways to become more productive, to develop new products, and to connect them with new customers. A focus on ‘business clusters’ is helping create synergies in the supply chain, making those supply chains more sustainable.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The eletricity company has been improving the system to increace the renewables.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"The Government of the State, through the Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, undertook the update of diagnoses of vulnerable coastal human settlements through the collection and generation of statistical information for decision-making regarding urban development and ecological planning of the coastal territory.In this regard, 11 diagnoses and statistical analyzes corresponding to 1,229 homes in risk areas located in 11 towns were updated. benefiting 31 thousand 804 inhabitants of the coastal towns. These studies consist in the identification and census of the houses that are within flood zones, as well as the equipment, services and infrastructure that exists in the area in order to project a housing reordering program and thus reduce the dangers that the conditions can generate in the human settlements that are in them.The Government of the State of Yucatan carried out the ""Social Inclusion Improvement Strategy"", which aims to undertake actions focused on providing basic social infrastructure to the population with low resources and, thereby, raising the quality of life of families. The actions are coordinated by the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol) and implemented by the Institute of Housing of the State of Yucatan (IVEY), through the construction of additional rooms and firm floors. 6,774 additional rooms were carried out, 50,138 ecological stoves, 11,939 firm floors, 56 ceilings, 2,537 housing units and 12,346 bathrooms.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructurerelated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,1 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we do not have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Catalan Office for Climate Change works on a new line of public financing subsidies for local authorities in order to develop actions to adapt to climate change in improving the efficiency of the water distribution network.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is on national level only",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The communities are being engaged and educated on the changing nature of rainfall and how to behavior, consumption, approaches, change technology and manage the risk associated.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Recovery interventions that scale up investments in and access to digital technologies, funding mechanisms, and capacity-building solutions to enhance resilience to shocks, including climate change",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,"In Catalonia there are planning tools at different scales of detail and for different areas that allow to order the forest area. The General Forest Policy Plan aims to establish the technical guidelines for the execution of an integral forest policy in the whole of Catalonia and has the following objectives:-Promote the active management of forest lands, as a need to enhance their socioeconomic and environmental functions, and promote the conservation of biodiversity.- Support property and the forest industry as the main agents in the economic sector.-Improve the social perception of sustainable forest management and promote the use of their products.-To promote the development, the innovation, the transfer of technology and the technification of the productive processes of the forestry sector.-Promote an efficient planning of forest lands and promote the coordination and incorporation of economic and environmental forest values in other sectoral planning to promote synergies.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","No, other than for pollutants covered in national green house gas inventory. For pollutants affecting air quality a reduction plan is only needed if national limits are exceeded.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Extraction activities and underground mining operations are subject to the administrative intervention regime of the Environmental Impact Statement with a substantive authorization (Annex I.3) of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, in the framework of the Prevention Law 20/2009 and control of activities.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Sources: 1) Population in 2017 - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas-novoportal/por-cidade-estado-estatisticas.html?t=destaques&c=352) Population projections - Sistema SEAD. Available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy. We have set an enabling framework for low carbon energy development, through Planning Policy Wales, the National Development Framework and the Wales National Marine Plan. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.We have made over 100 million euro available for investment in marine energy to develop this area as a new long term low carbon industry. We have also made investment available for communities.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested more than £97m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales since 2015 and supported the delivery of numerous other energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes. Almost one million tonnes of carbon will be saved throughout the lifetime of these projects, along with a financial saving in excess of £190m.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 42 different renewable energy groups on 73 projects across Wales.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and currently has 155 involved organisations http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/acords_voluntaris/index.html.The Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Implementation of seven charging points. Development of study for more implementation points,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof hotter days ranging from 12-22 days at 2020 to 24-47 by 2050. The east, northeast and southeast regions ofYucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally80% of Yucatan State surface would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37°C.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the Region has put in place a voluntarist and very ambitious policy to achieve electric autonomy by 2030,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Terceira incinerator is already working and planning the incineration project of São Miguel,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In the sanitary landfill of the municipality of Kanasín, the organic and inorganic fractions of urban solid waste are crushed and then processed to the plants, to be converted into fuels and subsequently integrated, through processing to the cement production process.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Procurement of eco labelled "" Bra Miljöval "" electricity , produced from hydro power",1 +Do current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change present significant physical risks to your region?,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","In Yucatan 18% of the territory, 697,837.25 hectares are under protection. To date, there are a total of 9 state, 5 federal, 1 municipal, and 2 private protected areas.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall forecast for Catalonia is an increase in the likelihood of extreme convective precipitation events occurring (over 200mm in 24 hours and exceptional occasions over 500mm in 24h), although this probability is still low.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,This is a reserved matter for UK Government. However we are developing regional energy plans to demonstrate the need for grid network development to enable a low carbon transition.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The forestry sector is feeling the effect of changes in the frequency and severity of disturbances such as fires, drought and severe storms. If this continues in the long term, the forestry sector will likely face changes in its productivity and in the composition of forest species as a result of changes in moisture and temperature.Species survival is determined by many biotic (e.g., food, competition, symbiotic relationships, and diseases) and abiotic (e.g., climate and access to water) factors. Given that climate change is impacting all or most of these forces and factors, the composition, distribution and abundance of biodiversity is changing",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Inter- basin transfers, with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Different actions ti install smart water meters in sectorssuch us industry and agriculture,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We are working with UK Government, local authorities, the energy sector and business to plan for and implement the roll out of EV charging infrastructure. Additional transport grant funding of £29m allocated in 20/21 to support the transformation of fleet to ULEVs and introduce new charging infrastructure.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Since declaring the climate emergency in April last year, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The government collaborates with the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo within the framework of the Regional Commission on Climate Change of the Yucatan Peninsula, where deforestation is addressed among the priority issues, highlighting the monitoring of the implementation of initiatives related to REDD+ with the support of international groups such as the GCF Task Force.The Government is also collaborating in the implementation of two initiatives for the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, which are part of the Investment Program of the Puuc Biocultural Region, which contribute to fulfilling Mexico's commitment to the UNFCCC regarding the REDD + Mechanism and the CNDs in matters of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; as well as the Yucatan sub-national commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,● Disruptions in the water cycle● Loss of forest products and services● Biodiversity loss,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The Programa Município Resiliente (Resilient Municipality Program), was created through state decree 64659, of December 11, 2019 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/norma/192628) with the aim of:I - encourage São Paulo Municipalities to adopt disaster risk reduction policies, in harmony with sustainable development;II - recognize good municipal disaster risk management, by certifying the management maturity in disasters;III - prioritize the access of the Municipalities that stand out in the management of disaster risk reduction to the resources of the State Coordination for Civil Protection and Defense.It will be coordinated by the Civil House and will address the following thematic axes:.Expansion of risk assessment. Hazard and risk mapping.Analysis of risk scenarios.Inspection of illegal occupations in risk areas.Environmental education and training.Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.Database update. Portfolio creation for adaptation projects.Data collection for climate projectionsIt will provide the creation of the resilience strategy of the State of São Paulo, as a tool to catalyze synergistic actions between the different programs, some already underway, involving and empowering the municipalities.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,There is no base year. Reductions are refered to the reference scenario,0 +Please complete the table below.,The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",1 +Please complete the table below.,No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +Please attach and provide details of your region's forest management plan(s).,Fossil fuel free 2030 - the use of fossil fuels has ceased in 2030,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Annual review by the UNFCCC expert review team. Reviews highlight reporting issuesof transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability or accuracy that need to beresolved by the UK. The review focusses on the UK national inventory, which is consistent with the GHGI reported for Wales. However, the Welsh specific inventory is not subject to a direct UN review.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",1 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Wales has a comprehensive set of regulations and standards which are implemented thoroughly.,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,We are making both protected and unprotected areas accessable for people to use for recreational purposes. We collect and spread information on using natural areas and arrange courses.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The state works with the municipal governments of Progreso, Mérida, Valladolid, Huncucmá, Umán and Tekax through the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (GCoM-LAC), with the aim of strengthening municipal capacities for the generation of GHG Inventories and Local Climate Action Plans.Among the expected results of this iniciative is the generation of local capacities for the implementation of theGlobal Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, and the strengthening of climate transparency through platforms of international relevance such as the CDP.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the context of the local resources used are biomass consumption is as follows (bagasse 80.6 GWh, Biogas: 4.3GWh, Bioethanol: 0.6GWh) to I want to clarify that at the solar level, there is a photovoltaic consumption of 21.8 GHW and thermal sun is 23.7 GWh.Regarding imported fossil resources, we have a consumption, gasoline of 109 GWh, diesel: 404.6 GWh, heavy fuel oil of 153.3 GWh, carburettor: 215.3 GWh, Butane gas is 19.1 GWh and the coal is 355.8 GWh.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +Please select the category that best describes the boundary of your government’s GHG emissions inventory.,Decarbonise all Welsh homes to net zero by 2050. Independent expert advisory group and research has published report recommending targets and approaches.Welsh Government has accepted recommendations and begun trial and test of ORP in the social housing sector to verify likely decarbonisation / energy efficiency pathways while developing capacity and capability to roll out to private sector in next term of government.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GHG emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/planejament_urbanistic/index.htmlThe environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 104 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Through the environmental monitoring system, we hope to create public policies that allow us to establish sustainable production models with the Amazonian environment. In addition, combining this with the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas and thus reduce by 15% the expansion of the agricultural frontier and thus recover watersheds, fundamental for the subsistence of human beings and animals.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In Catalonia, forests are the land system with the largest carbon stock per hectare, at 149.5 tons per hectare. They are followed by pastures, with 121.4 tonnes per hectare. These are followed by scrubland (112.1 tonnes per hectare) and woody crops (104.0 tonnes per hectare), and finally, arable crops, with 100.8 tonnes per hectare. Most of this carbon is stored in the soil as humus. In absolute terms, taking into account the total area of each ecosystem, forests are in first place, with a total of 173 Tg (million tonnes) of stored carbon.Forests are not exploited as extensively as they used to be, when they gave us many products with a high economic value, and the decline in economic interest has in many cases led to neglect in their management.Since most of our forests are already suffering from the effects of climate change, flexible forest management adapted to each species and geographical region is essential.They are also valuable as ecosystems: they regulate the water, nutrients and carbon cycles, maintain biodiversity, help to control forest fires, protect the soil and prevent it from suffering from erosion. Measures are therefore needed to prevent the rural exodus, and, more specifically, the exodus from farming. These measures, combined with others to protect pastures and meadows, would maintain the sink capacity of all these natural systems.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26%. % of Spain in 2030 of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors with respect to the year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The regional plan Air Energie (SRCAE) was adopted in 2013 this plan defines the following objectives:The Meeting defined its strategy to combat climate change and air pollution through the development of its SRCAE:• climate change mitigation component - greenhouse gas emissions;• by adapting the territory and adapting to the inevitable changes in the climate.• by guaranteeing an air quality that meets environmental and sanitary standards (air shutter)The main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and pollutants in the atmosphere are electricity generation, the future is residential-tertiary, and transportation.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Research from the ISGlobal center shows that the impact of heat waves is different depending of geographical areas. Studies show that the southern and western provinces of Spain have a higher mortality risk associated with heat (with increases of between 19 and 29%), while in the Mediterranean areas mortality on hot days increases but much less, between 2 and 9%. However, the case of the city of Barcelona is different, and it becomes one of the cities most affected by heat, as mortality soars 27%.The causes of mortality during periods of heat wave are mainly due to mental and nervous system problems. Mortality from this cause can increase by 30%, according to a study carried out in Catalonia, and the people who are affected are, on the one hand, patients with psychiatric problems, but also people who take psychotropic medications which cause a reduction in the efficiency of the thermoregulatory mechanisms that make them more vulnerable to high temperatures. Other causes of mortality that have been associated with high temperatures are cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and diseases of the kidney and urinary system.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Residual Waste Treatment Procurement Programme requires the energy from waste plants to be at least ‘heat enabled’.,1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The state creat a fund for action implementation through civil society organizations, that funding supported specific activities during the pandemic for innovative solutions that even during the pandemic were able to be implemented and contribute to the state climate and mitigation goals.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply)",1 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,"In terms of adaptation, it considered to implemente measures to protect the assets, resources and people, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.The adaptation in the Region should consider immediately the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property andHealth) , based on the Sectoral Strategy, seeking not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Supporting the development of climate and energy plans, Increased focus on climate and energy in spatial planning, developing municipal climate strategies",1 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we don't have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Beyond changes in weather parameters, there are also a number of changes in socio-economic conditions. For example changes in common daily outfit, work schedule (e.g planting season), GDP, consumption pattern, and many other issues.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In principal, climate change and economic development are deeply intertwined. Social and economic activities generate GHG emissions to cause climate change, while climate change also have a serious impacts to socio-economic conditions. This situation to a certain level is tough for Papua. The province can not avoid economic activities resulting changes in land use and consumption of energy as Papua currently needs to grow. Development of renewable energy plants is expected to answer the issue because economic stimulation from development of RE power plant is high enough to support economic growth while the use of renewable energy also constribute to emission reduction.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Voluntary program of compensation of GHG emissions: addressed to social entities which are developing actions on improving their facilities or vehicles that has affected a reduction in energy consumption or waste of resources.The total cost of the program is a per year cost.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy usesin Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installationof biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable managementof local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa/BiomassaCAT,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,there is a study that is going on to evaluate the implementation of this kind of dispostif,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Some funds that were being earmarked for the environment had to be reallocated to health, so programmed actions to combat fires and deforestation were postponed.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing renewable energies.,1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Own elaboration with data from the land use and vegetation chart (INEGI, 2016). Approved to the types of vegetation provided in table No. 52 (categories that are included in forest lands) of the document of the Emissions Reduction Initiative (IRE, 2016).",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Prevention and reduction of exposure to climate change impacts through the establishment of public systems ofinformation in climate variability,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,There is no base year. Reductions are refered to the reference scenario,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +Please complete the table below.,The Residual Waste Treatment Procurement Programme requires the energy from waste plants to be at least ‘heat enabled’.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,The biodiversity monitoring is not specific to climate adaptation but is an ongoing action.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"There is no priority or resources to develop this inventory, besides the availability of reliable and detailed data. There is a calculation of CO2 emissions in the State's energy balance, but according with the total consumption of energy in the public sector.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Air Quality Action Plan in Special Atmospheric Environment Protection Areas (AQAP), horizon 2020.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/tramitacio_aprovacio/Political agreement for improving the quality of air in the conurbation of Barcelonahttp://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/declaracio-de-barcelona/",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,This has been achieved though the Food Waste Treatment Procurement Programme.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",No: There are already agriculture measures that are implemented to the rotational grazing methods,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The project was develop with local capacities and supported by the academic sector of the region,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Programa NascentesCombines the conservation of water resources with the protection of biodiversity through an innovative institutional structure. The government program involves 10 state departments, optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions or to reduce the water footprint, implement voluntary restoration projects. The program unites restoration specialists, entrepreneurs with recovery obligations to be fulfilled and owners of areas in need of restoration of native vegetation. The program also has a Project Shelf ready for hiring, with a defined location and restoration strategy and with the owner's consent for its realization. The projects are proposed by companies or NGOs that work in the field of ecological restoration according to the guidelines provided. Also, the Area Bank gathers places to receive restoration projects, which were made available through a declaration made by the owner in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) or directly by the agency responsible for them: ITESP - São Paulo State Land Foundation (in the case of rural settlements) and Fundação Florestal or Instituto Florestal (in the case of state Conservation Units). Resolution SMA 32/14 concerns Ecological Restoration (intentional human intervention in degraded or altered ecosystems to trigger the natural process of ecological succession) is one of the main challenges in the application of environmental legislation, particularly by Federal Law 12.651 / 12, known as the new forest code. The area under restoration registered with SARE (Computerized Support System for Ecological Restoration) was defined as a metric of the Nascentes Program, contributing to the traceability and monitoring of projects. Individuals and companies that finance, execute or make available areas for projects under the Program can receive a Certificate. Voluntary projects that restore at least 10 hectares, or that to comply with legal obligations add 10 hectares to the project or perform twice the required restoration, guarantee the natural or legal persons the Nascentes Seal, an icon of commitment to the preservation of the environment and concern for the safety of water resources in the state of São Paulo.Since it is a dynamic system costs vary according to each project. www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/programanascentes/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"No. At the short term business will be able to operate successfully in the region, although extreme weather events (such as severe droughts and forest fires) may affect them. At a longer term, climate change effects will imply changes in businesses in order to operate successfully. This is the case of agricultural, tourism, electricity system, some infrastructures, etc",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and also increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The 1990-2018 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2020 (BEIS, 2020) as UK national statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2018;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at: http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2018 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at: https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=998",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Targets are setted in terms of energy consumption:The Energy efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2014-2017) sets the objective of reducing energy consumption for each governmental department (and thus, overall Government) by 14,3% in 2015-2017 period compared to 2014.Now, with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a programme of action that takes into consideration the guidelines that for these purposes the ministries responsible for energy and housing have established, related to renewable energy and energy saving and efficiency. (art. 29.1.c))",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets)and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Technical development in the automotive industry and reduced emissions from industry. There is also a change in industry's heating and production technology. Another important reason is the recession.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Impacts due to droughts are foreseen in 48% of the State's territory, very severely in 22% of its surface.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,We are working with government to help deal with climate change and introduce increase opportunities in rural areas. This has yielded result as currently there is planting for food and jobs project being rolled out by the government of Ghana.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We don't have the breakdown of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There are 9 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Climate change related issues are addressed in development plans: (i) Long term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang - RPJP); (ii) Medium term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mengengah - RPJM) and (iii) Sectoral (Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah - RKPD and Rencana Strategis - RENSTRA) as well as in spatial plans such as Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah (RTRW). Long term development plan is in synchronous with RTRW and the remaining documents are translating the plan from those documents into immediate or short term targets accordingly.Plans are identified and consolidated with representatives from local government at district/municipal level via a participatory meeting called Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan - Musrenbang. Further, they are also involved in programs implementation.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Infrastructure development should analyze the impact of climate change and should be more environmentally friendly, with environmental concepts, and anti-seismic techniques",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26%. % of Spain in 2030 of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors with respect to the year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. http://residus.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/planificacio/precat20/docs/PRECAT20_doc_principal.pdf. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"There are 24 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Public forests are forest lands wich belong to public law entities: Generalitat de Catalunya, town councils, decentralized municipal entities, provincial councils, state, etc. Public forest lands are also considered public forests, whose use corresponds to the common neighborhood of a population.In Catalonia there are more than 800 public forests, which occupy a forest area of approximately 450.000 ha (23% of the forest area of the country). Of these, 380.000 are declared of public utility and are, mainly, property of local entities (mainly city councils and decentralized municipal entities).The Generalitat de Catalunya owns some 100.000ha forest.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and lightning and risks to building fabric from moisture, wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.a): Reduce final energy consumption almost 2% per year to achieve a minimum of 27% in 2030, excluding non energetic uses",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,There is no involvement of subnational governments in defining and discussing how to implement the NDC in Brazil.,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,The biggest climate problems in the region are due to deforestation and fires. The COVID-19 pandemic did not influence any of these factors.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",•Transport for Wales commissioned to develop a pathway to convert existing fleet to ULEVs.,0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Nowadays, Adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by drainage deficiences, deforestation and a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Applying the mitigation measures in the waste sector will translate in a economic benefit of $778,416,759 mexican pesos. Yucatán ranks fifth nationally in swine production and first in productivity, representing for the State the third income generating activity in the agricultural sector, an industry that covers 570 farms. The livestock sector and the treatment of wastewater and solids is regulated by the norms “NOM-001-SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT”, in force since 1996 with a grace period until January 2010 granted for the small and medium farms . Failure to comply with this regulation has important implications in terms of increased contamination of the aquifer. To date, 80% of the farms in the Yucatan have not complied with the norms. The Ministry of Urban Development and Environment of Yucatan has identified a group of 156 small and medium-sized farms that face barriers related to financing and knowledge of appropriate technologies; the population of pigs in these farms is approximately 41,647 and they generate around 201 tons of daily excreta and 977 m3 of liquids per day.Objective of the projectReduce the contamination of the aquifer mantle and the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by implementing appropriate technological alternatives to treat waste in approximately 156 small and medium-sized pig farms and strengthening technologically and competitively the pig farms for the fulfillment of the norms “NOM-001- SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT” in order to avoid the costs of the fines or sanctions and even prevent the closing of the farms, situation that would have a strong impact on the economy of the sector",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"It already exists, both muncipal and others. People on Gotland achieve high scores in comparison with oter regions when it comes to recycling, sorting out their waste in different fracitons fo recycling and also for giving stuff a 2nd life - there are lots of 2nd hand shopping opportunities in th island.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Welsh Government has been pioneering in introducing legislation, including the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to require public bodies, such as local governments ('Local Authorities') to undertake their roles with respect to the seven Well-being Goals in Wales. These goals include a 'A Resilient Wales', which specifically points to the impacts of climate change. To support this approach, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 also requires Public Service Boards to pay regard to the latest Climate Change Risk Assessment in developing their 'Well-being Assessments'.Local Governments ('Local Authorities') in Wales were included as part of the public consultation in developing the new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales, which is due to be published in 2019. Furthermore, many of the actions will be delivered by these bodies to ensure adaptation is considered down to a local level.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","There are risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges, with the potential to lead on to risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Base year: 1990; 1995 for F-gases.LULUCF for base year was not a sink (following methodology changes in 2019 GHGI data, with wetland supplement).",0 +"Do you measure your region-wide SLCPs (i.e. black carbon, CH4, O3, HFCs)? If so, please report the SLCPs measured and whether an environmental assessment of the effects of these SLCPs has been conducted.","The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan it's use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The year used was the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Between 1950 and 2017, the air temperature increased by an average of 0.25°C per decade.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas subject to floods and floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and predict their relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2019 table 1.2(Source: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg 10),0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The mapping of landslide risk is being held by the Civil Defense and the Institute of technological research in more municipalities. There is a State Plan for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Reduction of Geological Hazards (Decree 57.512 / 2011) and Preventive Civil Defense Plans for Slides (redefined by Decree No. 42.5651997), and Coastal Erosion, Coastal Floods and Floods / floods caused by extreme meteorological and oceanographic events such as sea waves and anomalous high tides (Resolution of the Military House 17-610 - CEDEC, of 11/28/2016) - institutions involved; Civil Defense and Geological Institute / SMA",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The activation of the measures of the Catalonia Drought Management Plan in the episode of drought experienced in the last 2 years in Catalonia (2016-2018) has supposed to have 100 more hm3 of water reserves in the reservoirs of the Ter Llobregat system during April 2018 with respect to a scenario in the absence of adaptive measures. The anticipation is key to avoid entering the alert stage. The full operation and performance of the water treatment facilities and the recovery of wells have been fundamental in the management.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,The strategy presents the County Administrative Board of Kronoberg´s and the Swedish Forest Agency´s mutual work with formal protection of forests within the region.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Given its geographical location, Yucatan has a very high risk due to the influx of tropical storms and Atlantic hurricanes. In turn, its plain topography makes this area ofhigh risk not only to the effect of storm surges but also to sea level rise, with potential damages to the human settlements that are located in it. During the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participated in Zaragoza on the meeting for climate change and natural risks in the Pyrenees, organized by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory in the framework of the XXXVI Work Plenary Council of the Community of the Pyrenees.In addition to the presentation of the ""Climate Change Report in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation"", the seminar has addressed the main challenges facing the prevention of natural risks in the Pyrenees, taking into account the civil protection policies.Some adaptation measures for Pyrenees are the increase of the number of artificial snow cannons and the transformation of ski resorts in mountain resorts offering multiple services and activities throughout the year.The Office is part of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) whose purpose is to track and understand the evolution of the climate in the Pyrenees in order to limit their impact and adapt to their effects for the most vulnerable socioeconomic sectors and natural spaces.https://www.opcc-ctp.org/en",0 +Please complete the table below.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"New regional forest stratregy is under development, the region is yet adopting a new management plan for its own forests.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The biodiversity monitoring is not specific to climate adaptation but is an ongoing action.,1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Targets are setted in terms of energy consumption:The Energy efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2014-2017) sets the objective of reducing energy consumption for each governmental department (and thus, overall Government) by 14,3% in 2015-2017 period compared to 2014.Now, with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a programme of action that takes into consideration the guidelines that for these purposes the ministries responsible for energy and housing have established, related to renewable energy and energy saving and efficiency. (art. 29.1.c))",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"In our Lower Austrian Climate- and Energy-Programme 2020 we have identified 6 main sectors for GHG Emission (buildings, traffic, agriculture and forestry, energy supply, waste management, public issues). For these sectors there are concrete measures and instruments including responsibilities and timelines. All this measures should lead us to achieve the national binding GHG Emission targets which are based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection law. Additionally in June 2019 the Lower Austrian Government and Parliament have decided a Climate und Energy Roadmap 2030. This roadmap includes regional GHG emission targets, energy targets and climate adaptation targets for 2030. In a next step a new implementation program for reaching these new goals will be developed.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The health system should be decentralized more so that vulnerable areas obtain a better quality of health care, thus avoiding major epidemics that would affect all citizens.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","During the year 2018, the Catalan Water Agency, the Metropolitan Area and the Public Health Agency create the panel of scientific advice that will study the implantation of regenerated water as a measure to have more resources in the system.It is composed of a total of twelve members with a long research experience in the integral water cycle and in the assessment of risks for the environment and health.The main objective of this group will be to study the continued contribution of regenerated water in the final stretch of the river Llobregat to increase the flow of the river and have more water to be purified.This solution, already applicable during periods of drought, could become structural in order to increase the availability of water in the most populated area of Catalonia (about 60 hm3/year).",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Higher heat waves; as well as change in the seasonality of rain causes higher incidence and prevalence of diseases because they are more prone to the development of diseases due to sudden changes in temperature creating an ideal environment for the spread of mosquitoes, viruses and bacteria",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,The Catalan Energy Institute promotes energy efficient lighting through an Energy Assessment Program and Energy ServicesCompanies. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/usos_energia/mon_local/edificis/programa_asessorament_energetic/,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Our overarching ambition is to create a fairer, greener, stronger Wales. In response to the pandemic we are determined to leave no-one behind, ensuring a fair transition to a more sustainable future. The Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs published a Written Statement early in the pandemic outlining that we are determined the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic will accelerate, and not deter us from, the transition to a low carbon economy and a healthier, more equal Wales. Throughout the time where possible climate action continued e.g. such as the increase in ambition around our targets and budgets.For the recovery it’s important we look to lock-in some of the positive changes we’ve seen, such as the choice to work from home, the increase in shopping locally, the decrease in traffic, the boost to nature, the reduction in emissions, and the increasing awareness of how important resources are. The previous Counsel General published Covid-19 Reconstruction: Challenges and Priorities in October 2020, following wide engagement with stakeholders and the public about the future vision for Wales emerging from the pandemic. The document is clear the green recovery will be at the heart of our approach to reconstruction.Coronavirus reconstruction: challenges and priorities | GOV.WALES",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In the last decades, there was an increase in the temperature variability, affecting the quality of life of urban population and the agricultural production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Implementation of seven charging points. Development of study for more implementation points,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework",1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"State Program of Action Against Climate Change. Analysis of adaptation options to climate change, strategies and indicators.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,Other: please specify: The Global Warming Potential has not been calcolated yet for the GHG included in the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The São Paulo State Government promptly adopted, in mid March, the WHO instructions and protocols in an attempt to minimize the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, housing conditions in large urban centers and divergences with the conducts preached by the Federal Government made it difficult to apply sanitary isolation measures.There is great collaboration from the private sector, which has helped to alleviate the situation. There is no shortage of hospital spaces and respirators in the state, although some regions are experiencing overcrowding.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The State is currently collaborating with the national government on the development of a monitoring, reporting & verification system for subnational governments.",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"This temperature variation is not uniform throughout the year: the increase in average temperature is more marked in summer, at 0.36°C/decade",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Welsh Government Marine Plan established an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", theState is be considerable affected by droughts heavily around 48% of the territory, very heavily 29% and severely 22%.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Sources: 1) 2018 Population from www.seeg.eco.br2) Data reported: Projections of 2018 edition - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas/sociais/populacao/9109-projecao-da-populacao.html=&t=resultadosFile: projecoes_2018_populacao_idade_simples_2010_20603) Also avaiable, but with different data, in: SEAD System. Population projections available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The emissions related to the electricity production given here are different from the ones calculated in our regional GHG Inventory. This figure is included into our 2017 regional energy balance sheet published in 2018 to give an overall idea of the emissions. It will be recalculated in 2019, when we’ll publish the 2017 GHG Inventory.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Actions tu strengthen the regulations and follow-up of construction of hydraulic and sanitary infrastructure in new housing developments in urban areas of Yucatan. Through evaluation protocols, emissions of feasibility opinions and authorizations. Likewise, JAPAY is developing a project to detect leaks in the drinking water distribution network, through the supply and installation of micrometers in domestic and commercial household outlets and supply and installation of macrometers in catchment areas and sumps, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our overarching ambition is to create a fairer, greener, stronger Wales. In response to the pandemic we are determined to leave no-one behind, ensuring a fair transition to a more sustainable future. The Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs published a Written Statement early in the pandemic outlining that we are determined the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic will accelerate, and not deter us from, the transition to a low carbon economy and a healthier, more equal Wales. Throughout the time where possible climate action continued e.g. such as the increase in ambition around our targets and budgets.For the recovery it’s important we look to lock-in some of the positive changes we’ve seen, such as the choice to work from home, the increase in shopping locally, the decrease in traffic, the boost to nature, the reduction in emissions, and the increasing awareness of how important resources are. The previous Counsel General published Covid-19 Reconstruction: Challenges and Priorities in October 2020, following wide engagement with stakeholders and the public about the future vision for Wales emerging from the pandemic. The document is clear the green recovery will be at the heart of our approach to reconstruction.Coronavirus reconstruction: challenges and priorities | GOV.WALES",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The state has a program called ""peso a peso"" and it works by promoting agricultural, fishing and aquaculture activities through co-participation funds between the public and private sectors, through which the acquisition of inputs, equipment and work tools is carried out. In this way, during 2017 through the agricultural component of the Program, 6,389 supports were delivered to the same number of beneficiaries of the 106 municipalities of the state for the acquisition of more than 182,000 products among tools, supplies and work equipment that were implemented for the production of citrus fruits, chilies, fodder, henequen, various vegetables, corn, papaya, tropical fruits, sorghum and soybeans.Also, in order to promote sustainable practices in the field, this support program subsidizes organic supply packages up to 70 percent.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,2019 the last coal firded power plant in lower Austria was closed,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The size of sinks is unverified advance information. Currently their share is seen neglible.,1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Biomass counts for around 500 GWh, the absolute main part of heating fuels, to the district heating systems in the city and villages on Gotland and the heating for other building both private homes and larger buildings on the countryside where district heating is not available. Forestry on Gotland produces the biomass mostly as a byproduct to sawn timber from forestry, as the annual forest growth is double as large as the material, the net uptake is assumed to be around 82 500 tonnes CO2 per year, according to a fresh report from the county administration.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The changes in climate affects the health of population, for instance increasing the incidence of water and respiratory diseases. In recent years there has been an increase in the proliferation of insect vectors of diseases such as dengue, zica and yellow fever, which may have been caused by a change in rainfall patterns and increase in the average temperature, which favor the transmission cycle of the disease.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The state has a program called ""peso a peso"" and it works by promoting agricultural, fishing and aquaculture activities through co-participation funds between the public and private sectors, through which the acquisition of inputs, equipment and work tools is carried out. In this way, during 2017 through the agricultural component of the Program, 6,389 supports were delivered to the same number of beneficiaries of the 106 municipalities of the state for the acquisition of more than 182,000 products among tools, supplies and work equipment that were implemented for the production of citrus fruits, chilies, fodder, henequen, various vegetables, corn, papaya, tropical fruits, sorghum and soybeans.Also, in order to promote sustainable practices in the field, this support program subsidizes organic supply packages up to 70 percent.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The duration of droughts could increase significantly taking into account the combination of the projected rise in temperatures, the decrease in precipitation and rising evapotranspiration",0 +Please attach and provide details of your region’s plan(s).,"Increasing flexibility of allocation of water systems, power generation and infrastructure (network interconnection to ensure security of supply) strengthening the security of supply through other local sources (water reuse, wells recovery, construction of rainwater tanks) and connecting to regional water networks.The actions on management demand have obtained average urban allocations for Catalonia of 116L / hab day and of 105 L / hab day for the metropolitan area. Also, the actions in the improvement of efficiency distribution network of potable water and the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures of agriculture have achieved good results.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Official population projection of Papua released by Indonesia National Statistics Bureau is available for the period up to 2035 (4,144,600 population)",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The Government provides support to municipalities for building separate collection facilities.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"All federal states of Austria are together with the national government responsible to achieve the GHG emission target for Austria. This target is based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection Law. The aim is to reduce national-wide Non-ETS CO2e emissions by 16% by 2020 based on 2005 Level. Currently the national government is working on a Austrian National Climate Protection Law for the time period 2020-2030, which will include GHG reduction targets for all relevant emission-sectors. The federal states are slightly integrated in the development of Action Programms to reach these common goals. Furthermore the national targets has strong influence on our work in the federal states.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The State of São, through the Secretariat of Infrastructure and the Environment, is a member of ABEMA - Brazilian Association of State Environmental Entities, which promotes cooperation and permanent exchange among its members, at the state level.Within the scope of the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, the ""ProgramaVerdeAzul - PMVA"" , launched in 2007, has the purpose of stimulating and assisting São Paulo city halls in the elaboration and execution of their strategic public policies for the sustainable development of the state of São Paulo.There are ten guidelines for the local environmental agenda: Sustainable Municipality, Structure and Environmental Education, Environmental Council, Biodiversity, Water Management, Air Quality, Land Use, Urban Forestry, Treated Sewer and Solid Waste.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Our overarching ambition is to create a fairer, greener, stronger Wales. In response to the pandemic we are determined to leave no-one behind, ensuring a fair transition to a more sustainable future. The Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs published a Written Statement early in the pandemic outlining that we are determined the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic will accelerate, and not deter us from, the transition to a low carbon economy and a healthier, more equal Wales. Throughout the time where possible climate action continued e.g. such as the increase in ambition around our targets and budgets.For the recovery it’s important we look to lock-in some of the positive changes we’ve seen, such as the choice to work from home, the increase in shopping locally, the decrease in traffic, the boost to nature, the reduction in emissions, and the increasing awareness of how important resources are. The previous Counsel General published Covid-19 Reconstruction: Challenges and Priorities in October 2020, following wide engagement with stakeholders and the public about the future vision for Wales emerging from the pandemic. The document is clear the green recovery will be at the heart of our approach to reconstruction.Coronavirus reconstruction: challenges and priorities | GOV.WALES",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","20% forestry cover of whole territory by 2020 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2012/decreto-58107-05.06.2012.html)Target achieved: Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²) 54,312 km² Atlantic Forest, 2,393 km² Cerrado biome.( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Many young persons and farmers are rendered unemployed due to unreliable rainfall. Lack of weather information lead to planting in periods which cause production failure and little to no income from farming activities especially in rural areas. School Children, Women and youth are always the victims",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"8,200 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Pathway will be modelled while updating the roadmap to carbon neutral region 2035 by 12/2020. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 by cutting emmissions 80 prosent and compensating the rest of emissions.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review- a commitment has been made to publish a new adaptation plan in 2018.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Voluntary program of compensation of GHG emissions: addressed to social entities which are developing actions on improving their facilities or vehicles that has affected a reduction in energy consumption or waste of resources.The total cost of the program is a per year cost.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The state government works together with business cameras. Since 2015, the government has been working together with the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mérida to hold the Environmental Forum Expo, where ""green"" companies and organizations meet to offer their products and services. In this event, environmental education activities are carried out.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Azorean electricy company have a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Statistic Sweden report total area of forest on Gotland, 124,000 har is prodyctive forets area, 12,000 ha is non productive forest area, with annual growth less than 1 m3s per yr. Over 20 % of the total forest area has formal protectuion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.Within the framework of the Technical Committee on Groundwater for the Yucatan Metropolitan Geohydrological Zone (COTASMEY), work has been done on the design of a macro project that allows the comprehensive analysis of the hydrological structure of the karst aquifer in the state of Yucatan as a basis of the sustainable use and the Governance of the water resource. This has arisen as a response to the lack of scientific, socioeconomic and legislative information that supports the comprehensive management of water resources in the state, and is developed by a multidisciplinary team that is part of the Committee.Its objective is to analyze in an integral and synergistic way the hydrological structure of the State aquifer through the study of its components; that is to say:• local and regional flows,• hydrochemistry of water,• connectivity between systems within the State and the coastal zone,• processes of transport, entry accumulation, dispersion and spatial and temporal variation of various regulated and non-regulated pollutants,• environmental pressure given by biological, chemical or hydrological factors,• socio-economic and political pressure related to Governance and Education.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", thereis an expected change in rainfall patterns that would severely affect the sectors of water, forestry and agriculture",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and Welsh Housing Quality Standards. is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Biomass counts for around 500 GWh, the absolute main part of heating fuels, to the district heating systems in the city and villages on Gotland and the heating for other building both private homes and larger buildings on the countryside where district heating is not available. Forestry on Gotland produces the biomass mostly as a byproduct to sawn timber from forestry, as the annual forest growth is double as large as the material, the net uptake is assumed to be around 82 500 tonnes CO2 per year, according to a fresh report from the county administration.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Increased vulnerability due to lack of access to health services, in municipalities with a high percentage of the population in conditions of poverty.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections. The updated flood risk maps will be available by the end of 2018.",0 +Do current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change present significant physical risks to your region?,"Being an island state, we are the first ones affected by the effects of climate change",1 +Are there any mining activities occurring within or near legally protected and internationally recognized areas in your region?,"In Wales, we have a long term 2050 target and are establishing National Development Framework for planning, which will be a development plan for the whole of the country. It will set out national planning policies for the next 20 years and express spatially our long-term economic, social and environmental objectives. The NDF will form part of the statutory plan for determining planning applications and will assist in the determination of Developments of National Significance. We have consulted on the issues, options and preferred option for the NDF. The preferred option states that the NDF will ensure the planning system in Wales",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"the risk of marine floods can seriously compromise the productive and settlement activities of the coastal areas, the most populated areas of the region",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",•Transport for Wales commissioned to develop a pathway to convert existing fleet to ULEVs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"the Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,There is a general (not quantitative) objective on energy efficiency and some regional funds are allocated to reach this goal; the overal management of energy is not under control of regional administration,1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Lower Austria supports communities in the implementation of their GHG emission reduction targets: The Municipal Environmental Service (Umwelt-Gemeinde-Service: a special information hub for municipalities) provides targeted information and tools that are continuously adapted to the municipalities' current needs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"PRAC defines adaptation measures to protect the properties, resources and persons, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.To achieve the adaptation measures, the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors were considered (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property and Health), based on each sectorial strategy. It was not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,it should be noted that the guidelines come from the national level and are declining at the regional level. there is a follow-up between the two partners,0 +Has a climate change risk or vulnerability assessment been undertaken for your region?,We do not have data about associated GHG emissions (metric tonnes of CO2e).,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The year 2018 is among the 10 rainiest years in 13 of the 18 stations that have data since 1950, and also in all the 26 automatic stations that have it of more than twenty years of data.The precipitation caused floods of rivers, landslides to 45 roads in one day and flooding of houses and garages. During the year, the Flooding Plan was activated 8 times and Civil Protection received 6,300 calls in October and November.The maritime temporarys also affected several areas of the Catalan coast causing damage to maritime rides and loss of beaches.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the regional concil already supports private partners and is part of the governance,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,In all the island exists recucling points and centers. The separate waste is colleted and treated in the Waste Management and Treatment Center.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,2019 the last coal firded power plant in lower Austria was closed,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Frequency of extreme floods will most likely increase, with flow rates up to 20% higher than current ones and return period of 10 to 100 years. This situation will affect flooding areas, especially coastal plains, which will be worsened by sea level rise.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In Mexico, there are more than 30 official norms in terms of energy efficiency in different electrical appliances, motors, lighting, buildings, transformers, etc.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,there is a study that is going on that will show the need for these investments which are quite colossal,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. Investment in individual property flood protection measures began in 2010/11, and since then over 600 properties have benefitted, with over £850,000 invested by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government published interim, non-statutory sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) standards in early 2016.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Currently, the state implements actions to promote the integral management of the coastal zone, through the Secretariat of Sustainable Development, it promotes the restoration of beaches, as well as actions for the protection of priority species in protected natural areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Advice through Farming Connect. Farming Connect’s DemonstrationNetwork delivers a number of on-farm projects and trials looking at improving land management practices and grazing systems which can help to reduce emissions.,1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"There are 9 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"A delivery plan for the climate change strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",the measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan ( https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Amazonas. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",According to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,1 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","The Environmental Department of Azorean Government is the responsable for coordenating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According with the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017, 21st of February, it is created the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory. It is established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change will be approved and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobitily; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,the measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The forested area in Catalonia has increased greatly in recent years (130,000 hectares): while it accounted for 38% of the territory in 1993, in 2009 it was 42 %.There have been no major losses associated with forest fires (about 28,000 hectares of forest was burned between 2001 and 2014, or less than 2,000 hectares per year) or any other disturbances.The increase has been mainly at the expense of scrubland, and to a lesser extent, albeit a significant one, has involved an abandonment of crops.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass and maintenance of forest area",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The data comes from the land cover map of Catalonia, which is based on a thematic cartography of high resolution of the main types of roofs of the country's land (forests, crops, urban areas, etc.). This map is carried out for the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), with funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya. (Usage map and floor coverings).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our EV charging strategy, published in March this year, contains our vision for EV charging in Wales: “By 2025, all users of electric cars and vans in Wales are confident that they can access electric vehicle charging infrastructure when and where they need it”.The strategy estimates that the number of rapid chargers (43+kW) and that the number of fast chargers (22kW) will need to increase rapidly in the next 10 years to meet demand from cars and vans.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan its use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Unplanned urbanization, irregular occupation of slopes and water supply areas by vulnerable populations. Improper use of land for agricultural activities, inadequate construction in coastal areas, water pollution and deforestation.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Increase cost of basic services such as water and energy. Increase cost of infrastructure need to guarantee coverage and maintenance of basic services.Increment in the demand and coverage of health services.,1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change works on a new line of public financing subsidies for local authorities in order to develop actions to adapt to climate change in improving the efficiency of the water distribution network.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The state is a world reference in renewable energies. The participation of these energy sources in the energy matrix of São Paulo was 52% in 2011, especially due to the sugar cane and hydroelectricity products. The state is the world's largest producer of ethanol from sugarcane. The government's goal is to increase - by 2020, based on the year 2010 - the share of renewable energy in the state's internal energy supply to 69%, which includes hydro, solar, wind and waste energy, biomass, biogas, biodiesel and ethanol. Source: http://www.saopauloglobal.sp.gov.br/frameSetores.aspx?gp=29&IdIdioma=1&IdTrad=53",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,a new public procurment for public transports will start in two years. the lats ine asked for 70 % of the vehicles operated on biogas and will hopefully be in operation in a year. A n upcoming procurement of waste collecting ask for biogas transport from 70 % of the households.,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Pathway will be modelled while updating the roadmap to carbon neutral region 2035 by 12/2020. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 by cutting emmissions 80 prosent and compensating the rest of emissions.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Terceira incinerator is already working and planning the incineration project of São Miguel,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Increased vulnerability in municipalities with high percentages of the population living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Source: SEEG http://plataforma.seeg.eco.br/total_emission#In the SEEG estimates, the discount for emission reduction certificates from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects was also not incorporated. The totals, in Brazil, between 2005 and 2014, amount to about 370 million tons of CO2e (accumulated in the period).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy seeks to lay the foundations for the integral management of urban and special solid waste, considering as focal points the improvement of regulations, the provision of adequate infrastructure for the collection, management, and final disposal of waste; as well as policies for the revaluation of waste and the promotion of a responsible culture of consumption, which help to reduce the environmental footprint of the State.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"This document provides a report on a revised national strategy for implementation of formal protection of forests. The term “formal protection” comprises nature reserves, habitat protection areas and nature conservation agreements. The national strategy targets county administrative boards among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Other: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,One of the Yucatan power plants has a 500 MW + capacity and is a combined cycle plant of dual fuel natural gas and diesel facility.The plant sells electricity to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and generates approximately 40 percent of the electricity in the Yucatan Peninsula and is one of the most reliable power plants in the country.,0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,HerdAdvance aims to help Welsh dairy farmers lift herd profitability and performance by improving disease prevention and control and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms that can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability which has a knock on effect on carbon footprint per litre produced.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","the Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Inter basin transfers, increasing the resilience of the water supply system.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Biogas from waste is upgraded and used as locally produced RE car fuel and industrial fuel. ( Around 35 GWh/ year),1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Our climate change risk assessment is currently under development. The assessment is produced together with the entire county administrative board's operations (internally). There is also an ongoing dialog with the municipalities about climate change impacts and adaptation needs.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"Energy-related CO2eq emission from fossil fuels for transportation and heating (excl. heating and processes in ETS industries) was reduced by 45 % between 1990 and 2017, due to the transition of the technology for heating buildings, according to national statistics. Oil has been largely replaced by biomass, especially in district heating. Local forestry plus development of the technology for biomass heating has resulted in local biomass covering most of the heating fuel used for buildings . In smaller buildings the switchover to geothermal heating or heat pumps also contributes to reduced dependency on oil and electricity for heating. Technical development has led to improved energy efficiency, but the average heated building area and the transportvolume per inhabitant on Gotland are increasing. Taking other sources for climate impact into account as farmbased land use and emissions from livestock, the emissions of CO2-eq in business and society on Gotland were reduced by 28 %.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock mightaffect productivity and food security.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,1 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Climate projections provide a robust temperature rising trend over Catalonia for the coming decades. This warming trend is shown over all time horizons, seasons in the annual cycle, and geographical/climatic areas of Catalonia.Using the median from all datasets considered as representative, the surface temperature increase could be +0.8ºC [0.3º C-1ºC] in the current decade, and even reach +1.4ºC [0.9ºC-1,9ºC] around the middle of the 21st Century, as compared to the reference period 1971-2000. The rising trends may be even larger for the Pyrenean region (+2ºC) and in summer. An increase in the number of tropical nights (days with a minimum temperature of over 20 ºC) is forecasted for the period 2001-2050, which could be as much as +7% higher than the average for the period 1971-2000; this increase is especially remarkable in the coastal/pre-coastal systems (with more of 25 tropical nights a year).Also, the study on climate projections for the metropolitan municipalities of Barcelona elaborated by the Metropolitan Observatory of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and the Meteorological Service of Catalonia indicates a remarkable increase in tropical nights (minimum temperature daily> 20ºC) and warm days (maximum daily temperature> 30ºC). The increase occurs in any scenario of emissions considered and reaches more than 30 days a year with these indexes by the end of the century.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In terms of adaptation, it considered to implemente measures to protect the assets, resources and people, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.The adaptation in the Region should consider immediately the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property andHealth) , based on the Sectoral Strategy, seeking not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,PLAN ESTRATÉGICO DE PREVENCIÓN Y LUCHA CONTRA INCENDIOS FORESTALES 2017-2020 (PEPLIF),0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Actions tu strengthen the regulations and follow-up of construction of hydraulic and sanitary infrastructure in new housing developments in urban areas of Yucatan. Through evaluation protocols, emissions of feasibility opinions and authorizations. Likewise, JAPAY is developing a project to detect leaks in the drinking water distribution network, through the supply and installation of micrometers in domestic and commercial household outlets and supply and installation of macrometers in catchment areas and sumps, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos.",0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","In Wales, we have a long term 2050 target and are establishing National Development Framework for planning, which will be a development plan for the whole of the country. It will set out national planning policies for the next 20 years and express spatially our long-term economic, social and environmental objectives. The NDF will form part of the statutory plan for determining planning applications and will assist in the determination of Developments of National Significance. We have consulted on the issues, options and preferred option for the NDF. The preferred option states that the NDF will ensure the planning system in Wales",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The main factors contributing to the increase in emissions are the increase in the vehicle fleet , which increased by 16% from 2014 to 2017, the increase in swine production, which increased by 18% in the same period. On the other hand, the production of energy decreased by 19%, however, as the population increases, the consumption of electricity has increased.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change (ESCACC 2013-2020): Chapter 3.1 Changes to the climate and Chapter 3.2. Changes to the environament and societyExecutive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf (> 30 MB),0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The health system should be decentralized more so that vulnerable areas obtain a better quality of health care, thus avoiding major epidemics that would affect all citizens.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Increase cost of basic services such as water and energy. Increase cost of infrastructure need to guarantee coverage and maintenance of basic services.Increment in the demand and coverage of health services.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Catalan Energy Institute promotes energy efficient lighting through an Energy Assessment Program and Energy ServicesCompanies. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/usos_energia/mon_local/edificis/programa_asessorament_energetic/,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Since declaring the climate emergency, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,One of the highest in the world. Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, WasteShort target summary: Reduce region-wide GHG emissions by 10% by 2020 based on 2011 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetThe regional scheme takes into account all sectors but actions are focused on GHG emissions linked to energyconsumption and transport1. Actions to decrease the energy consumption :-The Eco-solidarity scheme : low-income families received joint grants from The Regional Council and EDF (FrenchElectricity Center) to finance the installationof a solar heat water- The Energy Solidarity Network aims to educate, support and assist families in rationalising their electricityconsumption. Information campaigns and personaladvice is made by 30 Energy Ambassadors (trained by The Regional Council ).2. Development of alternative low carbon transport : hybrid and electric vehicles/Bicycle",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"This topic is more vaguely described in the present master plan, but is described more detailed in the Roadmap for sustainable energy, mentioned above. The master plan points out the value and necessity of cooperation with energy actors in sustainable power production on Gotland, where wind power is seen as the future main source to renewable power production on Gotland, but where biogas and wooden biofuels also are important large local resources for renewables.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply)",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project..,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The drought plan approved by the Catalan Water Agency indicates that on the 2070-2100 horizon the reduction of average annual precipitation will be in general, from 5 to15%, with a possible slight increase in winter.On the coast and during the summer, the average reduction can be reached 40%.The average overall reduction of river inputs will be 10 to 30%, and can be concentrated in the summer, with decreases of up to 40% and the average reduction of the recharge groundwater will be in the order of 20%.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The construction of a natural gas transmission plant is scheduled for 2019. The plant will supply natural gas to the industries of the Yucatan Peninsula.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In 2015, 5 solar energy projects were approved. Together they represent a private investment of 172 million dollars and a capacity of 86 MW.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Applying the mitigation measures in the waste sector will translate in a economic benefit of $778,416,759 mexican pesos. Yucatán ranks fifth nationally in swine production and first in productivity, representing for the State the third income generating activity in the agricultural sector, an industry that covers 570 farms. The livestock sector and the treatment of wastewater and solids is regulated by the norms “NOM-001-SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT”, in force since 1996 with a grace period until January 2010 granted for the small and medium farms . Failure to comply with this regulation has important implications in terms of increased contamination of the aquifer. To date, 80% of the farms in the Yucatan have not complied with the norms. The Ministry of Urban Development and Environment of Yucatan has identified a group of 156 small and medium-sized farms that face barriers related to financing and knowledge of appropriate technologies; the population of pigs in these farms is approximately 41,647 and they generate around 201 tons of daily excreta and 977 m3 of liquids per day.Objective of the projectReduce the contamination of the aquifer mantle and the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by implementing appropriate technological alternatives to treat waste in approximately 156 small and medium-sized pig farms and strengthening technologically and competitively the pig farms for the fulfillment of the norms “NOM-001- SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT” in order to avoid the costs of the fines or sanctions and even prevent the closing of the farms, situation that would have a strong impact on the economy of the sector",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Amazonas, in its Concerted Regional Plan Development 2009-2021 (updated 2015), the strategic objectives of the environment and disaster risk component establish the following indicators: area of conserved forests (ha); area reforested with native species (ha); number of organizations that carry out community surveillance to conserve forests; percentage of protected areas with respect to the total area of the territory; number of biotrade products operating trough value chain approach; area of reforested areas (has).",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Comercial and Institutional. Livestock fishing and agriculture, Transport, Waste, Fluorinated gases, no ETS Industry.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The year used is the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof hotter days ranging from 12-22 days at 2020 to 24-47 by 2050. The east, northeast and southeast regions ofYucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally80% of Yucatan State surface would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37°C.",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,"Average annual temperature (in Celsius)Maximum temperature in 2016 from 16,5 (Aran) to 23,3 (Ribera d’Ebre) Minimum temperature in 2016 from 0,8 (Cerdanya) to 15,4 (Barcelonès)Eastern longitudeEastern boundary: 3° 19' 59,94""Western boundary: 0° 9' 41,69""Northern latitudeNorthern boundary: 42° 51' 45,97""Southern boundary: 40° 31' 27,56""Average altitude (m)12.556,1 square km have an altitude of 201-600 m and 1,340.2 square km have an altitude of > 2000 m (from a total of 32.108 square km)",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 8455 hectares, 17.4 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2017, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.In 2019, Amazonas has started a project to design a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development. This project is implemented by Earth Innovation Institute (in frame of GCF Task Force) and supported by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain. Drought is a normal factor, and this occurrence was more accentuated, as in the years 1961, 1963, 1978 and 2014. It had a negative impact on the quality of water bodies in the state.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26%. % of Spain in 2030 of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors with respect to the year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 6,983.91 hectares, 0.76 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2016, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares. In 2016, 59.25 percent for areas under 1 hectare, while 31.86 percent of deforestation was explained by areas between 1 and 5 hectares. Losses between 5 and 50 hectares were 6.70 percent, while areas between 50 and 500 hectares account for 2.19 percent. Spaces greater than 500 hectares do not report a loss due to significant deforestation in Amazonas.Amazonas does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development.",0 +Do current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change present significant physical risks to your region?,"the region has set up a hydropower plant that produces energy that feeds the inhabitants with drinking water, there are other similar projects that are piloted by private partners.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"The figure given is the total woodland loss within the observation period 2016/17 within the natural forest area in Wales. As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The eletricity company has been improving the system to increace the renewables.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The monitoring is only 4 years old, so it has a very poor baseline, since it takes at least 10 years of information to characterize the climate of the province and thus be able to record the alteration of the environment.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Regional Consil has put in place measures under the 2014-2020 European program to support local communities,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Areas covered:11 natural systems and socio-economic sectors analysed (agriculture and livestock, biodiversity, water management, forestry, industry, trade and services, mobility and transport infrastructure, fishing, tourism, health, energy sector and urban planning and housing)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The economic recovery measures required to combat COVID-19 also present an opportunity to enhance our low-carbon transition towards Net Zero, and create more sustainable, resilient and inclusive societies throughout Wales. We have already invested in low-carbon and climate adaptation. In 2020-21 we allocated £140m of capital funding to help combat the climate emergency. In 2021-22, on top of maintaining the majority of this funding in departmental baselines, we allocated nearly £80m in additional capital to deliver interventions that promote decarbonisation and further enhance biodiversity, alongside an additional £17m of revenue funding to support these interventions.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"""Plusenergilän"" - Kronobergs county is a ""plus-energy-county"" by the year 2050 meaning that the total production of renewable energy and biofuel exceeds the total energy use within the county",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"There are risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges, with the potential to lead on to risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"There is a lack of effective alignment of the budgets of the state entities that have the greatest impact on the territory, particularly in the agricultural sector, to establish criteria and operating rules in rural development programs that allow the implementation of low-emission sustainable production practices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Wales has shoreline management plans in place which consider infrastructure. Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies to ensure resilience to climate change impacts, and Wales participates in a UK-wide Infrastructure Resilience Forum to mitigate multi-service disruption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: the switch from heating oil to renewable energy sources is being pushed,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Providing information on risk areas that can be used in the context of land-use planning for example.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Länsrapport_GotlandCO2- equivalents - only available as excel from a Swedish data base http://extra.lansstyrelsen.se/rus/Sv/statistik-och-data/nationell-emissionsdatabas/Pages/default.aspx,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In Yucatan 18% of the territory, 697,837.25 hectares are under protection. To date, there are a total of 9 state, 5 federal, 1 municipal, and 2 private protected areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Climate change means economic opportunities for new business models such as providing ""climate services"". Another new economic sector is consultancy forthe adequacy of crops to new areas, suitable varieties, etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"It's an ongoing measure, it has already contributred significantly to energy efficiency in a number of appliances.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Wastewater Treatment Program has aim to maintain water quality so that do not contaminate the resource found in the water table.In the reported period, 9,185,741 m3 of sewage were treated to comply with the quality standards established by the National Comissio of Water (CONAGUA, for its initials in Spanish) and benefit 269,544 users of the drinking water system with a investment of 29 million MXN.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Launched by the Governor of the State on 29 / Nov2019, the São Paulo Agreement aims to encourage companies in São Paulo to make voluntary commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as well as to give recognition to the signatories as members of the community of leaders in climate change and provide them with government technical support to implement new technologies and innovative solutions in sustainability.Companies undertake to report their emissions annually (in metric tons) and the possibilities for reductions, sequestration and / or avoided emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)Source: https://cetesb.sp.gov.br/acordo-ambiental-sao-paulo/",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sector,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy. We have set an enabling framework for low carbon energy development, through Planning Policy Wales, the National Development Framework and the Wales National Marine Plan. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.We have made over 100 million euro available for investment in marine energy to develop this area as a new long term low carbon industry. We have also made investment available for communities.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested more than £97m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales since 2015 and supported the delivery of numerous other energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes. Almost one million tonnes of carbon will be saved throughout the lifetime of these projects, along with a financial saving in excess of £190m.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 42 different renewable energy groups on 73 projects across Wales.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Inter- basin transfers, with with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions was fulfilled both for atmospheric pollutants and for GHGs, in order to carry out the air quality plan. Therefore, it has been used the methodology established by the European legislation for the air quality plan.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Greater risk for already vulnerable populations because they survive from agriculture, which is their main source of income",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Goverment's emissions were calculated for scope 1 and scope 2 to establish a baseline for the Yucatan's CarbonManagement Plan.The CMP was developed with the technical assistance of the Carbon Trust and the financial resources of the British Embassy (Prosperity Fund), sets out in detail the State Strategy to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years from government operations related to public buildings and facilities; and vehicle fleet, through the calculation of a baseline carbon footprint and the definition of potential projects and actions to increase energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies. Setting the target to reduce 10% of Yucatan scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 2020 based on 2015 levels.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" .The Program establishes annual goals, which are measured in March. Exceptionally in 2018,due to the change in the management of the State Government, the target of 10,000 ha was set for Decemberunder restoration, with an indicative of 12,000 ha for March 2019. Both goals were achieved beforeof the term, with 2018 ending with 13,070 ha under restoration. The next target is 20,000 haunder restoration in March 2020.It is important to note that the Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs,State, Hydrographic Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs.This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for politics of public catering.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Data for 2014, using the Spanish electricity emissions factor in 2013 (0.25 Kg CO2/kWheq)",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,There is no involvement of subnational governments in defining and discussing how to implement the NDC in Brazil.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock might affect productivity and food security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Transport disruptions, supply chain interruptions in the smaller islands, health risks to residents due to frequent severe weather events.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Through the environmental monitoring system, we hope to create public policies that allow us to establish sustainable production models with the Amazonian environment. In addition, combining this with the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas and thus reduce by 15% the expansion of the agricultural frontier and thus recover watersheds, fundamental for the subsistence of human beings and animals.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"""Region Gotland and the county administration has, together and in broad cooperation with the industry and relevant organizations, developed and adopted of a regional strategy for food and food industries on the island. The strategy, decided by the end of 2016, will be the fundament for Gotland's position to grow even much stronger until 2025. Since 2017, there is also a national food strategy for the regional development to be linked with. During 2017, the interacting actors developed an action plan for the regional food and food production strategy. The action plan is a living document, due to be updated every year. Formally the strategy and action plan are managed by Region Gotland and the county administration together. In the actual implementation, however, it’s very important that the business community, academia and other knowledge-bearing agents, as well as the public sector work together. It is therefore important that the business community and others are aware of and benefit from the joint work that already has been done.During 2017-2019 one person is contracted to coordinate and support the implementation, located on the “Gotland Green Centre, where many other services for agro-business are located. The funding is national, by the business package “Sustainable Gotland."" (Translated from https://www.gotland.se/97120). But the weather extremes last year with a very rainy autumn and winter season followed by a severe summer draught this season has resulted in a need to update the strategy. A winter with a very limited supply of animal fodder is now upcoming, that can cause a reduced live stock for future years, then causing reduced future activity in food industry. Further the need for improved water management in the landscape and enlarged water storage and irrigation capacity for the agriculture has become obvious. That can result in new jobs and economic activity in those sectors, provided that there will be economic capacity enough in the agriculture and/or the society to manage to carry out the necessary investments.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The local governments are responsible for the implementation of some measures,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: this does not come under the competence of the Region but rather of the French state,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"In Catalonia, forests are the land system with the largest carbon stock per hectare, at 149.5 tons per hectare. They are followed by pastures, with 121.4 tonnes per hectare. These are followed by scrubland (112.1 tonnes per hectare) and woody crops (104.0 tonnes per hectare), and finally, arable crops, with 100.8 tonnes per hectare. Most of this carbon is stored in the soil as humus. In absolute terms, taking into account the total area of each ecosystem, forests are in first place, with a total of 173 Tg (million tonnes) of stored carbon.Forests are not exploited as extensively as they used to be, when they gave us many products with a high economic value, and the decline in economic interest has in many cases led to neglect in their management.Since most of our forests are already suffering from the effects of climate change, flexible forest management adapted to each species and geographical region is essential.They are also valuable as ecosystems: they regulate the water, nutrients and carbon cycles, maintain biodiversity, help to control forest fires, protect the soil and prevent it from suffering from erosion. Measures are therefore needed to prevent the rural exodus, and, more specifically, the exodus from farming. These measures, combined with others to protect pastures and meadows, would maintain the sink capacity of all these natural systems.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The data comes from the land cover map of Catalonia, which is based on a thematic cartography of high resolution of the main types of roofs of the country's land (forests, crops, urban areas, etc.). This map is carried out for the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), with funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya. (Usage map and floor coverings).",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautic tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there is a study that is going on to see the need to set up this mess,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2019.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy seeks to lay the foundations for the integral management of urban and special solid waste, considering as focal points the improvement of regulations, the provision of adequate infrastructure for the collection, management, and final disposal of waste; as well as policies for the revaluation of waste and the promotion of a responsible culture of consumption, which help to reduce the environmental footprint of the State.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 8455 hectares, 17.4 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2017, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.In 2019, Amazonas has started a project to design a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development. This project is implemented by Earth Innovation Institute (in frame of GCF Task Force) and supported by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,This is always done through multi-stakeholder consultations. The Assemblies submit their plans for peer review and confirmation,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"As part of Yucatan strategy to promote a sustainable fishing industry , in 2019 the governement lauched the Program for the Promotion of Fish and Aquaculture Production, which aims to modernize the fishing fleet and guarantee the fishermen's safety and care for the environment.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Ongoing processes of dialogue with the third sector and other subnational governments, with possibilities for cooperation projects.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Other, please specify: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Actions to increase resilience to climate change.• Training programs regarding health risks from climate change and counter measurements,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please complete the table below.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Mitigation measures in the transportation sector will translate in an economic benefit of $ 691,648,324 pesos. Right now the state is working on the optimization of the bus routes.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The state works with the municipal governments of Progreso, Mérida, Valladolid, Huncucmá, Umán and Tekax through the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (GCoM-LAC), with the aim of strengthening municipal capacities for the generation of GHG Inventories and Local Climate Action Plans.Among the expected results of this iniciative is the generation of local capacities for the implementation of theGlobal Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, and the strengthening of climate transparency through platforms of international relevance such as the CDP.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",1 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Spatial and transport planning. We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Why do you not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk?,"According to the information from Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) Jayapura (Capital City of Papua), for example. Even several areas in Jayapura are experienced a land conversion, the amount of water supply still enough to support community in Jayapura, also the the areas still have a good quality of water.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,A low-emission rural development strategy will be available by 2020. It establishes a diagnosis and measures to reduce deforestation as well as an investment plan.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The State of São Paulo has general characteristics of a tropical high altitude climate (Planalto), some regions defined as a rainier climate (Litoral) and others that fit in a subtropical climate (Mountainous Area). This identifies the State with a humid and hot summer climate, dry winter on the plateau and winter with good rainfall on the coast.Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain.The meteorological network of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply coordinates meteorological and agrometeorological monitoring and public access to this network is over 7,000 / day, indicating the great demand for meteorological and agrometeorological information by society. Website: www.ciiagro.org.br",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Target: 100% coverage of electricity consumption by renewable power production. This target was first achieved in 2015. 2018 we have again overachieved our target.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Sinks are not included in the inventory, the carbon sinks on Gotland are for example forests where approximately 50 % of the estimated annual growth is left in the forests and meadows and pastures kept in continued cultivation with extensive grazing., that are reported to have increased the amount of soil carbon during the last decades, but we lack official statistic on that.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Every year the Region, in collaboration with local administrations, through the air action plan, adopts contingent short-term measures to reduce the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants during the winter period.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,We work with the biocultural inter-municipal board (JIBIOPUUC) which integrates seven municipalities that represent the best preserved areas of the state. We work together to implement the REDD+ State Strategy.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","During 2013 and 2014 years, the Government of Catalonia has published two calls for grants to local councils and local authorities to develop adaptation local plans for climate change. Thus, 16 town councils received more than 60.000 euros for the implementation of local adaptation plans.During the year 2018, the Government has approved ORDER TES / 169/2018, of October 4, which approves the regulatory bases of subsidies for local governmentments for develop mitigation and adaptation actions and the budget for the calls 2019 and 2020 will be 1M €.The adaptation actions that will be subsidized will be: 2.1.3 Actions to adapt and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the area of the water resources a) Improvement of the efficiency of municipal water supply networks. b) Preparation of emergency plans for drought in municipalities of less than 20,000 registered inhabitants. c) Utilization of unconventional water resources for non-potable uses in municipal facilities, such as for example, the use of rainwater, gray, regenerated or phreatic. 2.1.4 Actions to prevent the effects of urban heat islands in the areas of housing, health and urban plannning.Likewise, Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study about the vulnerability and resilience of the municipalities to the increase of temperature due to the climate change.http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Estudis_i_docs_adaptacio/Estudi_LaVola_adaptacio_municipis/Vulnerabilitat_canvi_climatic_municipis_Vdef_set.pdfIn the area of local projects, the Office participates as a partner in the LIFE CLINOMICS project led by the Diputació de Barcelona which aims to increase the resilience of local Mediterranean entities after the intervention in three territories: the Montseny Natural Park, the Alt Penedès region and the lands of the Ebro; and about three significant economic activities: tourism, agriculture and forestry.http://lifeclinomics.eu/ca/",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Encourage the sustainable management of the territory through governance in the management of natural resources in areas of importance for the conservation of forest carbon, such as the Biocultural region of Puuc, area of ​​implementation of the PdeI Investment Program, where it is proposed to promote the development and implementation of the Local Ecological Planning Program (POEL). Currently 4 of the seven municipalities that make up the intervention area of ​​the PdI of the Emissions Reduction Initiative have the draft version of the POELs, ​​prepared with the support of the GCF Task Force and the Government of Norway, through the financing of the call for the strengthening of the REDD + Jurisdictional strategies and Investment Programs launched by the UNDP.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Various measurement and analysis stations on our coast indicate a clear rise in sea level for the period 1900-2017. The station at l'Estartit measures a sea level rise of +3.1 cm per decade [+2.0cm-4.3cm] which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. This rise is higher in spring (3.8 cm/decade).,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The agriculture food industry and the livestock industry accounts for 4% of Catalonia's GDP and climate change is the most important challenge facing this sector. Forestry water management cannot be considered separate from the management of land use: both aspects are so intimately linked that land management must be considered from the perspective of water management and vice versa.Global change factors such as depopulation, abandonment of crops, loss of extensive livestock farming and the lack of forestry management only increase our exposure and sensitivity to the impact of climate change and, therefore, our vulnerability.The efficient use of resources, as well as the commitment to a more sustainable and less intensive type of productive model, are the challenges that the industry must assume if it wants to survive the expected changes.The opportunities provided by the process of adaptation to climate change and, by extension, to global change are opportunities for the systems (and region) and must be implemented to ensure the future profitability and viability of these systems (and the region).The active population dedicated to agriculture accounts for only 1.7% of the total active population of Catalonia (first quarter of 2017); an active population that depends on industries linked to the sector in a context with fewer and fewer family farms and more and more industrial farms. Access to land is a bottleneck. Which model should be chosen? A cooperative model in a living region managed with care or a pyramid structure, managed based on macroeconomic criteria dictated by the markets? Both are possible, but each produces opposite results in terms of vulnerability.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,This has been achieved though the Food Waste Treatment Procurement Programme.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The 1990-2016 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2018 (BEIS, 2018) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report: Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2016;  The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; Estimates exclude the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) and those Overseas Territories joining UK instruments of ratification for the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol (Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar). The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2016 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=954https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. Investment in individual property flood protection measures began in 2010/11, and since then over 600 properties have benefitted, with over £850,000 invested by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government published interim, non-statutory sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) standards in early 2016.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"National reporting system. The confidence of the source of statistics is high (the national emission reporting) but one source to differences is the fact that the IPCC – reporting seem to involve a general RE factor for industrial combustion of rest products, while for examples industries reporting to the EU -ETS scheme use a more detailed system to report CO2 from their different kind of fuels. As industrial fuels of that kind counts for around 40 % of the energy use on Gotland (due to the cement industry), there are every year a gap in the emission reported for Gotland according to the IPCC –emission factors and industrial emissions reported according to the EU-ETS emission factors.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,Amazonas has a subnational climate change strategy from 2008 but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. The document need to updated.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",An increment of the cost of water is expected related to the increase cost of water treatment and infrastructure need toextract this resource from the aquifer.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2012/03/mapa-de-risco-a-erosao-costeira-no-litoral-paulista-dra-celia-regina-de-souza/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Actions tu strengthen the regulations and follow-up of construction of hydraulic and sanitary infrastructure in new housing developments in urban areas of Yucatan. Through evaluation protocols, emissions of feasibility opinions and authorizations. Likewise, JAPAY is developing a project to detect leaks in the drinking water distribution network, through the supply and installation of micrometers in domestic and commercial household outlets and supply and installation of macrometers in catchment areas and sumps, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Transfer and training totechnicians and farmersof savings and energy efficiency andGHG emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the recovery of marine habitats, considering the scenarios of climate change",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,The inventory is a regionalisation of the Swedish National reporting of greenhouse gases to UNFCCC,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The São Paulo State Government promptly adopted, in mid March, the WHO instructions and protocols in an attempt to minimize the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, housing conditions in large urban centers and divergences with the conducts preached by the Federal Government made it difficult to apply sanitary isolation measures.There is great collaboration from the private sector, which has helped to alleviate the situation. There is no shortage of hospital spaces and respirators in the state, although some regions are experiencing overcrowding.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Welsh Government has targets to reduce all waste streams. It published a Waste Prevention Programme in 2013.,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,We do not have data about associated GHG emissions (metric tonnes of CO2e).,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Some funds that were being earmarked for the environment had to be reallocated to health, so programmed actions to combat fires and deforestation were postponed.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,Climate Change Strategy is from 2008. This strategy not specify a target of GEI reduction.,1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018 table 1.2(Source: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg 10),0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Research is being carried out to produce biodiesel in Yucatan through academic institutions and research centers in Yucatan.,0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Yes, our Wales Transport Strategy, set out a new way of thinking that places people and climate change at the front and centre of our transport system. We are using the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy to give priority to meeting the demand for travel by walking, cycling and public transport ahead of motor vehicles.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration.In terms of trains, we will deliver transport improvements through our three Metro programmes which covers 20 of the 22 local authorities in Wales and over 93% of the population, so will account for the majority of public transport investment in Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Public Health Wales are undertaking a Health Impact Assessment which will consider delivery of health services in future climates. Public Service Boards (PSBs) in Wales are required to pay regard to risks in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment when developing wellbeing plans. Local Resilience Fora (LRFs) also monitor and mitigate risks and emergencies at a local level, putting resources in place to manage issues such as flood. Both PSBs and LRFs are made up by representatives for organisations in public services.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,private dinking water supply systems during periods with low precipitation in some Regions in Upper Austria,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100%,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The adaptation objectives by the region are established on Law 16/2017, of 1st August, on Climate Change -approved by the Parliament of Catalonia on 2017.The goals are identified on the Article 2:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.d) To promote the education, research, development and transfer of technology, and to spread knowledge in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.e) To establish mechanisms that provide objective and accessible information about all aspects related to climate change, its development over time and its impacts.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Research is being carried out to produce biodiesel in Yucatan through academic institutions and research centers in Yucatan.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","According to INSEE, and if recent demographic trends were prolonged, Réunion will have 1,071 million inhabitants as of January 1, 2050.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"HerdAdvance: The aim of this project is to pilot how improving disease control awareness and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability. It takes a new whole farm holistic approach to disease prevention, taking into consideration other influential factors such as nutrition, genetics and the suitability of buildings. The project has already achieved its target of 500 farm business being involved 345 first year farm visits (c.20% of dairy farmers in Wales) have been completed, with 102 second year visits done by the team. 304 vet visits have been completed, 148 Herd Johnes testing, 52 Johnes management plans, 49 herd genomic testing done. By repeating these visits annually the project will track and benchmark performance within and between farms, allowing analysis of how HerdAdvance interventions help businesses better record data and make positive changes to management. COVID-19 has delayed progress over the last few months.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"The SEEG 5.0 estimates cover GHG emissions from 1970 to 2016 for all sectors, with the exception of land use change, covering the period 1990 to 2016. The methodological basis of the SEEG estimations is the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) and other emissions as HFCs.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Climate change responsibility is found in the regional, sectoral or special programs that are aligned to the state development plan. Each plan contains indicators that are reported in the annual governmentreport that is associated with the State Action Program on Climate Change, which is a special program.The actions carried out in Climate Change linked to the State Action Program on Climate Change include the actions of the different instances that influence the fulfillment of goals and objectives in mitigation and adaptation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Azorean electricy company is the responsable for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality od renewable energy",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Targets are: Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Local communities are aware of the need to develop this initiative,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Implementation of the Yucatan Zero strategyWaste, with actions reported in 2019:1) Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation: in the Urban Metropolitan Area of ​​Mérida, as well as the 13 municipalities that make up the recharge area of ​​the Ring of Cenotes Geohydrological State Reserve.2) Strengthening of Solid Waste Regulations: modification of the Waste Management Law in the State of Yucatan through Decree 80/2019 in order to give legal support to the regulation of single-use plastics as straws , carry bags and unicel waste.3) Participation and cooperation: through workshops regarding education, culture and environment; innovation, research and technological development; complementary normative and regulatory instruments; and, lastly, mechanisms for the reduction and recycling of single-use plastics.In the same way, supervision actions were carried out in 49 municipalities that consisted of identifying open-air dumps, delivery of cans for the disposal of urban solid waste in public spaces, supervision of the collection and cleaning systems of public shools.Advice was provided to 38 municipalities for the correct operation of the Final Disposal Site (SDF) and 11 municipalities were trained in the correct management of urban solid waste and special management.60 beach cleaning actions were carried out with the participation of 10,048 volunteers. As a result, 72,590 kg of waste were removed in mangrove areas, 44,000 kg in beach areas and 481,000 kg on roads and highways in the coastal zone.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,The Marche Region participates in the national technical table for the adoption of measures for the purpose of reducing emissions to improve air quality,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2020.",0 +Has a climate change risk or vulnerability assessment been undertaken for your region?,"Other, please specify: Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,there is a study that is going on that will show the need for these investments which are quite colossal,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",A low-emission rural development strategy will be available by 2020. It establishes a diagnosis and measures to reduce deforestation as well as an investment plan.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Air Quality- The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than chnages in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regionsal feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions. The increased proportion of diesel-fuelled traffic in the UK, and the failure of European emission standards for diesel cars to deliver the expected emission reductions of nitrogen oxides, have resulted oiin difficulties meeting EUIair quality limit values for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), prompting infraction proceedings by the European Commission against the UK.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional foctor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be excerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc)",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Our EV charging strategy, published in March this year, contains our vision for EV charging in Wales: “By 2025, all users of electric cars and vans in Wales are confident that they can access electric vehicle charging infrastructure when and where they need it”.The strategy estimates that the number of rapid chargers (43+kW) and that the number of fast chargers (22kW) will need to increase rapidly in the next 10 years to meet demand from cars and vans.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Adaption measures is included in Regional Climate Change Strategy, but it need to be updated since are from 2008.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,On 31st January 2018 was the first workshop of the CLIMPY project which will focus on a climatic data base in mountain regions in Andorra and whose mission is to have the regionalized snow climate projections for the territory of the Pyrenees taking into account the different scenarios of climate change. These projections will be the basis for designing local strategic policies in important economic sectors such as tourism.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Being an island state, we are the first ones affected by the effects of climate change",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Adaption measures is included in Regional Climate Change Strategy, but it need to be updated since are from 2008.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 41.75 MtCO2e in 2017, representing a 25% reduction in total emissions over this period.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government",0 +Please complete the table below.,- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; much likely it will not be achievedNext target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets) and if possible, grant financial support.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsibility definitions,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Command and control actions related to the National Forestry Code, Federal Law 12.651, May, 25th, 2012 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Risks to business from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure, risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks, risks to infrastructure services from river, surface water, groundwater flooding, as well as coastal flooding and erosion. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from, flood, high winds and lightning.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Climate change mitigation andadaptation is included in theenvironmental impactassessment of plans andprojects,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Catalan Energy Institute performs several awareness programmesfor energy efficiency, including TV spots, advertisements, educational activities. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","National reporting system. The confidence of the source of statistics is high (the national emission reporting) but one source to differences is the fact that the IPCC – reporting seem to involve a general RE factor for industrial combustion of rest products, while for examples industries reporting to the EU -ETS scheme use a more detailed system to report CO2 from their different kind of fuels. As industrial fuels of that kind counts for around 40 % of the energy use on Gotland (due to the cement industry), there are every year a gap in the emission reported for Gotland according to the IPCC –emission factors and industrial emissions reported according to the EU-ETS emission factors.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Climate change related issues are addressed in development plans: (i) Long term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang - RPJP); (ii) Medium term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mengengah - RPJM) and (iii) Sectoral (Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah - RKPD and Rencana Strategis - RENSTRA) as well as in spatial plans such as Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah (RTRW). Long term development plan is in synchronous with RTRW and the remaining documents are translating the plan from those documents into immediate or short term targets accordingly.Plans are identified and consolidated with representatives from local government at district/municipal level via a participatory meeting called Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan - Musrenbang. Further, they are also involved in programs implementation.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",For example with other EU iislands in the EC Commissions initiative Clean Energy for EU Islands as well as with other Swediash regions in the Pilot Project.,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,HerdAdvance aims to help Welsh dairy farmers lift herd profitability and performance by improving disease prevention and control and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms that can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability which has a knock on effect on carbon footprint per litre produced.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,The local governments are responsible for the implementation of some measures,1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions was fulfilled both for atmospheric pollutants and for GHGs, in order to carry out the air quality plan. Therefore, it has been used the methodology established by the European legislation for the air quality plan.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Source current 2019 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.brThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The state currently has an active energy efficiency challenge in buildings, in which a wide collaboration has been developed to create capacities in private buildings, of local companies to implement energy efficiency measures with the aim of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,One of the highest in the world. Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"To Gotland imported electricity equals to Swedish production mix in 2015, a year with net export from Sweden.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is only at national level",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Pathway will be modelled while updating the roadmap to carbon neutral region 2035 by 12/2020. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 by cutting emmissions 80 prosent and compensating the rest of emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 100% renewable in electric system by 2050 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",The GHG inventory of Yucatán was reviewed by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Welsh Government has targets to reduce all waste streams. It published a Waste Prevention Programme in 2013.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act originally introduced a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. In March 2021 Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Wales also has interim targets for 2030 and 2040, and a series of 5-year carbon budgets. The first carbon budget ran from 2016 to 2020. Alongside the net zero target, we also updated our interim targets and 2nd and 3rd carbon budgets, as follows:•Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25): 37% average reduction•Carbon Budget 3 (2026-30): 58% average reduction •2030: 63% reduction•2040: 89% reductionWe have to set a carbon budget at least five years before the budgetary period begins. The targets and carbon budgets form Wales’s statutory framework. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. However we have set a 0% offset limit against Carbon budget 2.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/icaeninstallacio-dinfraestructures-de-recarrega-per-alvehicle-electric/,1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",total CO2 emissions from the combust of petroleum products and coal,1 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.£22m was made available through the last three rounds of the Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) , offering a maximum 40% grant towards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support farmers to address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021•Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Increased risk of disease from flooding and increased temperatures. Problems associated with overheating in the home and on public transport. Risk of access to social and health care from weather related impacts.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,We collect data using both field field surveys and remote sensing,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Environmental Department of Azorean Government is the responsable for coordenating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According with the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017, 21st of February, it is created the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory. It is established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change will be approved and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The article 2 of Law 16/2017, of 1 august, on climate change provides that the specific purposes of this law are:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.Also, the Catalan strategy for adaptating to climate change strategic (ESCACC) goal is to reduce vulnerability to the impact of climate change. To achieve this, the ESCACC establishes two categories of goals:i) Transversal: six transversal goals defined on the basis of the diagnosis, which may be regulatory ,opportunities for economic, social and environmental development or for research, development and innovation.ii) Operational: reducing vulnerability is achieved through two operational goals: generating and transferring the full body of knowledge on adaptation to climate change and, secondly, increasing the adaptive capacity of the sectors and/or systems analysed.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"the region has set up a hydropower plant that produces energy that feeds the inhabitants with drinking water, there are other similar projects that are piloted by private partners.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The region supports the local authorities to renovate the public battles, within the framework of the European funds",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectious diseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,It is widely inspired by the CITEPA (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique or Technical Interbranch Center of Air Pollution) methodology applied to the national level and by the national GHG inventory created under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The plan is a startegic document where we select areas for protection. We involve different forestry related stakeholders when implementing the plan.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Programa Município Resiliente (Resilient Municipality Program), was created through state decree 64659, of December 11, 2019 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/norma/192628) with the aim of:I - encourage São Paulo Municipalities to adopt disaster risk reduction policies, in harmony with sustainable development;II - recognize good municipal disaster risk management, by certifying the management maturity in disasters;III - prioritize the access of the Municipalities that stand out in the management of disaster risk reduction to the resources of the State Coordination for Civil Protection and Defense.It will be coordinated by the Civil House and will address the following thematic axes:.Expansion of risk assessment. Hazard and risk mapping.Analysis of risk scenarios.Inspection of illegal occupations in risk areas.Environmental education and training.Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.Database update. Portfolio creation for adaptation projects.Data collection for climate projectionsIt will provide the creation of the resilience strategy of the State of São Paulo, as a tool to catalyze synergistic actions between the different programs, some already underway, involving and empowering the municipalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,● Disruptions in the water cycle● Loss of forest products and services● Biodiversity loss,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The impacts of climate change would generate a pressure on different economic activities, among the expectedconsequences would be a reduction of investment fromforeign and local companies related to the increased vulnerability of the region, the devaluation of real state properties mainlyin the coastal zone, increase costs ofproduction in sectors such as agriculture and livestock related to increase costs of basic services such as water supply,reduction in the volume of sails in commercerelated to scarcity of raw materials etc. Nowadays Yucatan is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme meteorologicalevents.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The effective process for implementing the Strategy will be headed by three bodies:- The General Directorate responsible for natural heritage and biodiversity, which is responsible to promote the development of the Strategy;- The Monitoring Commission, with a mixed composition, with follow-up, validation functions and advice,- Coordinating table between the departments responsible for natural heritage andbiodiversity, agriculture, livestock, fishing, forests, hunting and rural development.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Statistic Sweden, the Swedish EPA and the National Energy Agency are providers of the statisticses",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The government collaborates with the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo within the framework of the Regional Commission on Climate Change of the Yucatan Peninsula, where deforestation is addressed among the priority issues, highlighting the monitoring of the implementation of initiatives related to REDD+ with the support of international groups such as the GCF Task Force.The Government is also collaborating in the implementation of two initiatives for the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, which are part of the Investment Program of the Puuc Biocultural Region, which contribute to fulfilling Mexico's commitment to the UNFCCC regarding the REDD + Mechanism and the CNDs in matters of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; as well as the Yucatan sub-national commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The construction of water infrastructure does not contain the technical standards necessary for water supply and human consumption.Due to the increase of flows and overflows of the rivers they contaminate the water sources with residual materials.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,The biodiversity monitoring is not specific to climate adaptation but is an ongoing action.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOAT FIGHTINGIntegration of the telemetric network and operation of meteorological radar for real-time rainfall monitoring in conjunction with the Civil Defense; operation of situation rooms with supplyreal-time information on weather radar data and telemetry stations in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Paraíba Valley, Piracicaba Basin and Baixada Santista; DAEE Water Infrastructure, Flood Fighting and Sanitation Program, involving services and works, maintenance of pools.Programs:.Novo Rio Pinheiros.Expansion of the reserve capacity of the drainage system.Assistance to municipalities in actions to combat critical hydrological events.Lowland area recovery",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",0 +Please complete the table below.,Promote reduction of the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","No updated public population development prediction is available at the region's web page for later than 2028; https://www.gotland.se/103757For Gotland by year 2040 Statistic Sweden predict a population size of 65,032 by the end of the year. with a slightly decreasing number of people in working ages and an increasing number of both elderly people and children. For the following decade 2040-2050 the population growth seems to decrease and the populatn size might stay between 65,000 - 66,000 .",1 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Mainly a national remit, demo procject s for carbon storage in soil ar underwau on Gotland with some locally decided public funding",1 +Please complete the table below.,Data is National Communication (NC) sector Export. This line for International Aviation and shipping has not been included in the national total but is provided here for information.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,More hot days that can affect health population and also water availability,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Extraction activities and underground mining operations are subject to the administrative intervention regime of the Environmental Impact Statement with a substantive authorization (Annex I.3) of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, in the framework of the Prevention Law 20/2009 and control of activities.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Research is being carried out to produce biodiesel in Yucatan through academic institutions and research centers in Yucatan.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The “Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy” established by the state government in 2019 contemplates the implementation of actions that contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste per capita, considering responsible consumption, the implementation of a regulation for the elimination of single-use plastics, straws and polystyrene, among others.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Between 1950 and 2017, the air temperature increased by an average of 0.25°C per decade.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Catalonia is a member of the Advisory Committee for Subnational Governments (AC SNG), one of the two advisory bodies of the Global Partnership for Local and Subnational Action in Biodiversity is counted. The other is the City Advisory Committee. The Partnership, in the framework of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), gives voice to sub-state administrations in the field of conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity. Catalonia, with the promotion of resolutions within the framework of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and also with the co-presidency of the Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD), actively promotes this recognition at scale international.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The overall forecast for Catalonia is an increase in the likelihood of extreme convective precipitation events occurring (over 200mm in 24 hours and exceptional occasions over 500mm in 24h), although this probability is still low.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The State is currently collaborating with the national government on the development of a monitoring, reporting & verification system for subnational governments.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections. The updated flood risk maps will be available by the end of 2018.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Programa NascentesCombines the conservation of water resources with the protection of biodiversity through an innovative institutional structure. The government program involves 10 state departments, optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions or to reduce the water footprint, implement voluntary restoration projects. The program unites restoration specialists, entrepreneurs with recovery obligations to be fulfilled and owners of areas in need of restoration of native vegetation. The program also has a Project Shelf ready for hiring, with a defined location and restoration strategy and with the owner's consent for its realization. The projects are proposed by companies or NGOs that work in the field of ecological restoration according to the guidelines provided. Also, the Area Bank gathers places to receive restoration projects, which were made available through a declaration made by the owner in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) or directly by the agency responsible for them: ITESP - São Paulo State Land Foundation (in the case of rural settlements) and Fundação Florestal or Instituto Florestal (in the case of state Conservation Units). Resolution SMA 32/14 concerns Ecological Restoration (intentional human intervention in degraded or altered ecosystems to trigger the natural process of ecological succession) is one of the main challenges in the application of environmental legislation, particularly by Federal Law 12.651 / 12, known as the new forest code. The area under restoration registered with SARE (Computerized Support System for Ecological Restoration) was defined as a metric of the Nascentes Program, contributing to the traceability and monitoring of projects. Individuals and companies that finance, execute or make available areas for projects under the Program can receive a Certificate. Voluntary projects that restore at least 10 hectares, or that to comply with legal obligations add 10 hectares to the project or perform twice the required restoration, guarantee the natural or legal persons the Nascentes Seal, an icon of commitment to the preservation of the environment and concern for the safety of water resources in the state of São Paulo.Since it is a dynamic system costs vary according to each project. www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/programanascentes/",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Currently, the state implements actions to promote the integral management of the coastal zone, through the Secretariat of Sustainable Development, it promotes the restoration of beaches, as well as actions for the protection of priority species in protected natural areas.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"There are 24 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Actions tu strengthen the regulations and follow-up of construction of hydraulic and sanitary infrastructure in new housing developments in urban areas of Yucatan. Through evaluation protocols, emissions of feasibility opinions and authorizations. Likewise, JAPAY is developing a project to detect leaks in the drinking water distribution network, through the supply and installation of micrometers in domestic and commercial household outlets and supply and installation of macrometers in catchment areas and sumps, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply).The average water availability per capita in the period from 2010 to 2018 suffered a significant decrease, from 2387.60 m³ / year / inhab to 2237.25, a loss of 6.3%. With a minimum of 128.11 m³ / year / inhab for 47% of the state's population and a maximum of 44723.47 for 0.8%.( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/page 138)",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",work carried out by the Marche region in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The municipal government of Mérida is making a transition to electric vehicles, especially for those that circulate in the first square of the city, as vehicles for waste collection and municipal police.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Granting subsidies for implementing mitigation measures in municipalitas using eficiency heating technologies in public buildings, and insolation improvement.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",1 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Research from the ISGlobal center shows that the impact of heat waves is different depending of geographical areas. Studies show that the southern and western provinces of Spain have a higher mortality risk associated with heat (with increases of between 19 and 29%), while in the Mediterranean areas mortality on hot days increases but much less, between 2 and 9%. However, the case of the city of Barcelona is different, and it becomes one of the cities most affected by heat, as mortality soars 27%.The causes of mortality during periods of heat wave are mainly due to mental and nervous system problems. Mortality from this cause can increase by 30%, according to a study carried out in Catalonia, and the people who are affected are, on the one hand, patients with psychiatric problems, but also people who take psychotropic medications which cause a reduction in the efficiency of the thermoregulatory mechanisms that make them more vulnerable to high temperatures. Other causes of mortality that have been associated with high temperatures are cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and diseases of the kidney and urinary system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"According to last data available, base year emissions are 41,577,731 metric tonnes CO2e2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)",0 +Has a climate change risk or vulnerability assessment been undertaken for your region?,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 8455 hectares, 17.4 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2017, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.In 2019, Amazonas has started a project to design a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development. This project is implemented by Earth Innovation Institute (in frame of GCF Task Force) and supported by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",More hot days that can affect health population and also water availability,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,This is a reserved matter for UK Government. However we are developing regional energy plans to demonstrate the need for grid network development to enable a low carbon transition.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Outlines key stakeholders and collaborations required to reduce region-wide GHG emissions,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautic tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The health system should be decentralized more so that vulnerable areas obtain a better quality of health care, thus avoiding major epidemics that would affect all citizens.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change provides changes in seasonal regimes: for the period 2070-2100 is probably that the seasonal hydrologic regime will be intensified, with a reduction of contributions in the summer (up to - 40%). Also it provides impacts for extreme precipitation phenomena: This situation will produce important damages in flood areas, especially in the coastal plains for the effects of the sea level rise too. The extreme precipitation phenomena will imply occasional flows and affections to the quality of water.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,2019 the last coal firded power plant in lower Austria was closed,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Higher heat waves; as well as change in the seasonality of rain causes higher incidence and prevalence of diseases because they are more prone to the development of diseases due to sudden changes in temperature creating an ideal environment for the spread of mosquitoes, viruses and bacteria",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solarSource: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg276",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,We are yet to be elevated to the status that will enable us fully participate. At the moment we are only consulted for data,1 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Competence development for climate-smart procurement, Systematic procurement, Purchasing, leasing, rental of energy efficient vehicles, Function and innovation procurement ""cleantech"".",0 +Please complete the table below.,The main reasons are the increase of transport mobility and the increase of heating in commercial and residential categories (because of the increase in number of intense cold days in winter in 2016),0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Concerted Regional Development Plan states ""to ensure the integral watershed management and the availability of water resources in quantity and quality ""through the protection of water sources. The goal to 2021 is to protect 200 water sources and establish 8 payment compensation schemes for ecosystem services.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",1 +Has a climate change risk or vulnerability assessment been undertaken for your region?,"Other, please specify: The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Establishment of the State hydro-geological reserve "" Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica del Anillo de Cenotes"" with asurface cover of 219,207.83 Ha. Dedicated to the protection of water resources.In 2016, a regional strategy to control the coastal erosion was developed in order to improve sustainable management in the coastal zone.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,We do not have data about associated GHG emissions (metric tonnes of CO2e).,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Amazonas. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The State goverment implemented in 2019 a Program to increase the acquisition of Agricultural Insurance with local producers. A valuable business risk management tool that provides financial protection against production losses caused by natural perils, such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, and frost. Providing covarage for 112,996 hectares of local crops with an investment of 23 million pesos.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the electric vehicles",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In Yucatan 697837.25 hectares are protected. During the 2012-2018 administration, 2 new natural protected areas were declared, giving a total of 9 state protected areas, 5 federal, 1 municipal and 2 private.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related. Energy related emissions SME's households and services were 493,147 tonnes, but emissions as a whole, inclusive process emissions from large industries out of the regional level of decisions and emissions from animals and agricultural tilling were 2,247,186 tonnes in 2016. Almost 80 % originate from limestone & cement industries located on the island, around 12 % arise from agriculture.",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Jurisdictional power:Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing all existing social homes will continue to have £108m invested per annum as a minimum, to ensure all social homes meet WHQS. The new 2022 standard is likely to raise the standard EPCD to EPCA. The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"A greater frequency of extreme meteorological events such as tropical storms and hurricanes is expected. This scenario would considerably affect the State's resilience capacity, affecting the development of economic sectors, due to increase damage in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others.The State's vulnerability to the impact of extreme meteorological is related to geographical location; there is a historical record of hurricanes and tropical storms that have affected the territory, according tothe National Water Commission and the National Meteorological Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38 directly affecting the State of Yucatan. Outstanding for its magnitude hurricanes such as the Gilberto in 1988 which impacted the Yucatan Peninsula and the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila, with direct damage estimated at 76 million dollars; as well as Hurricane Wilma in 2005 that caused damages of up to 50 million dollars.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"the risk of marine floods can seriously compromise the productive and settlement activities of the coastal areas, the most populated areas of the region",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1,833,990 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobility; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project............,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change provides changes in seasonal regimes: for the period 2070-2100 is probably that the seasonal hydrologic regime will be intensified, with a reduction of contributions in the summer (up to - 40%). Also it provides impacts for extreme precipitation phenomena: This situation will produce important damages in flood areas, especially in the coastal plains for the effects of the sea level rise too. The extreme precipitation phenomena will imply occasional flows and affections to the quality of water.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",A regulatory system operates in Wales which ensures the continuous phase down of HFCs.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Sources: 1) Population in 2017 - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas-novoportal/por-cidade-estado-estatisticas.html?t=destaques&c=352) Population projections - Sistema SEAD. Available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,he measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The health system should be decentralized more so that vulnerable areas obtain a better quality of health care, thus avoiding major epidemics that would affect all citizens.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Jurisdictional power:Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing all existing social homes will continue to have £108m invested per annum as a minimum, to ensure all social homes meet WHQS. The new 2022 standard is likely to raise the standard EPCD to EPCA. The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The other compounding issues is the degree of grazing by cattles coming into the region from the north. Also worsening the situation is the rate of illegal mining within the region for alluvial gold, especially along the river basins and the rampant destruction of the forest by using bulldozers and heavy machines",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Frequency of extreme floods will most likely increase, with flow rates up to 20% higher than current ones and return period of 10 to 100 years. This situation will affect flooding areas, especially coastal plains, which will be worsened by sea level rise.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Climate Change Strategy for Wales sets out UK and Welsh targets and actions. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government - 'Taking Wales Forward'. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, the upcoming National Development Framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidis and públic finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +Are there any mining activities occurring within or near legally protected and internationally recognized areas in your region?,Electricity emissions factor decreased by 14% . Our observed decrease was 22%.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020, provides for theimpetus for the development of Smart Grids in Catalonia with variousactions http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/smart-grids/",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and access to housing.In 2019 Yucatan government launched the Social Housing Program, through coordinated work with the three orders of government, in an unprecedented act, a historic stock of 900 million pesos was obtained to carry out more than 17,000 housing actions, benefiting to Yucatecan families from the interior of the state.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Draft policy on coal out for consultation. Jurisdictional power: Through Planning,1 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,In a first step climate change adaptation is included in the Lower Austrian climate and energy programme. This programme is focusing only on actions which have also positive influence on climate protection. A special climate change adaptation strategy is only available on national Level at the moment. A Lower Austrian adaptation strategy is currently being developed and will be available in the beginning of 2020.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital stutures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The station at l'Estartit has the longest historical record, starting in 1974. Data show an increase in water temperature of +0.30 ºC per decade at surface, +0.31 ºC per decade at 20 metres depth, +0.29ºC/decade at 50 m depth and +0.20ºC/decade at 80 m depth. In 2017, the surface temperature has been 17.8ºC, wich represent a anomaly of +0.9 ºC regarding the period 1981-2010.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Note that Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review, and a draft version was published for public consultation in December 2018. Our new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales will be published in full in 2019 and, taking a risk management approach, aims to reduce the status of the 56 risks identified for Wales in the UK Government's latest Climate Change Risk Assessment. To achieve this, the new plan will include around 32 high level actions across 7 sectors in Wales, which sit under three core objectives:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The impacts of climate change would generate a pressure on different economic activities, among the expectedconsequences would be a reduction of investment fromforeign and local companies related to the increased vulnerability of the region, the devaluation of real state properties mainlyin the coastal zone, increase costs ofproduction in sectors such as agriculture and livestock related to increase costs of basic services such as water supply,reduction in the volume of sails in commercerelated to scarcity of raw materials etc. Nowadays Yucatan is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme meteorologicalevents.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs in the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Unplanned urbanization, irregular occupation of slopes and water supply areas by vulnerable populations. Improper use of land for agricultural activities, inadequate construction in coastal areas, water pollution and deforestation.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Note that Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review, and a draft version was published for public consultation in December 2018. Our new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales will be published in full in 2019 and, taking a risk management approach, aims to reduce the status of the 56 risks identified for Wales in the UK Government's latest Climate Change Risk Assessment. To achieve this, the new plan will include around 32 high level actions across 7 sectors in Wales, which sit under three core objectives:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,A new ambition has been set since these projections were undertaken. The government has set an ambition to meet net zero by 2050. Updated pathways analysis will replace these estimates in the near future. Note these are recommended pathways provided by our statutory advisors and are based on plausible future emissions patwhays with appropriate policy in place. They do not represent a baseline emissions projection in the absence of policy.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation mesaures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Under Scenario A2 there is an expected increase in hotter days ranging from 12-22 days in 2020 to 24-47 days in 2050. The eastern, northeastern and southeastern regions of Yucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally, 80% of the surface of the state of Yucatan would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37 ° C.",1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,No: this does not come under the competence of the Region but rather of the French state,1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Catalan Strategy for adaptating to climate change 2013-2020http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Planificacio_i_estrategies_cc/resum_executiu_escacc_angles.pdfExecutive summary: Monitoring and assessment of Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Changehttp://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/03_AMBITS/adaptacio/ESCACC/docs/Resum-executiu_CA_EN.pdfClimate change in Catalonia. Executive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"In the transport sector, there are many projects that are developing on the territory, such as tele-ferries, the development of clean cars, electric charging stations, carpooling, the development of soft modes and the single rail. .",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,A low-emission rural development strategy will be available by 2020. It establishes a diagnosis and measures to reduce deforestation as well as an investment plan.,0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","No, other than for pollutants covered in national green house gas inventory. For pollutants affecting air quality a reduction plan is only needed if national limits are exceeded.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We are working with University of Energy and Natural Resources to help with constant weather information to guide the farmers in their farming activities.,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing renewable energies.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOAT FIGHTINGIntegration of the telemetric network and operation of meteorological radar for real-time rainfall monitoring in conjunction with the Civil Defense; operation of situation rooms with supplyreal-time information on weather radar data and telemetry stations in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Paraíba Valley, Piracicaba Basin and Baixada Santista; DAEE Water Infrastructure, Flood Fighting and Sanitation Program, involving services and works, maintenance of pools.Programs:.Novo Rio Pinheiros.Expansion of the reserve capacity of the drainage system.Assistance to municipalities in actions to combat critical hydrological events.Lowland area recovery",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"There are a lot of different actions such as new routes (for example, ""bus expres""), or the new bus network in Barcelona, etc. There are a lot of different actions such as new metro routes in Barcelona, increasing frequency of the metro lines, improving stations, etc. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC), the Catalan Governmental Railway company, is increasing routes, building new train stations and improving existing stations.The Catalan Government is committed along with 27 metropolitan regions of Europe to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission public transport. On June 8, 2018, the members of the EMTA have committed themselves to prioritize the introduction of clean vehicles in bus fleets and ask the European Union for economic support in this regard. (http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306454/ca/govern-compromet-junt-27-regions-metropolitanes-deuropa-accelerar-transicio-transport-public-demissions-zero.do)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Energy-related CO2eq emission from fossil fuels for transportation and heating (excl. heating and processes in ETS industries) was reduced by 45 % between 1990 and 2017, due to the transition of the technology for heating buildings, according to national statistics. Oil has been largely replaced by biomass, especially in district heating. Local forestry plus development of the technology for biomass heating has resulted in local biomass covering most of the heating fuel used for buildings . In smaller buildings the switchover to geothermal heating or heat pumps also contributes to reduced dependency on oil and electricity for heating. Technical development has led to improved energy efficiency, but the average heated building area and the transportvolume per inhabitant on Gotland are increasing. Taking other sources for climate impact into account as farmbased land use and emissions from livestock, the emissions of CO2-eq in business and society on Gotland were reduced by 28 %.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The municipality of Merida is doing pilot tests for the adoption of separation policies, so the separation of waste is done in specific parts of the city.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promote the study of the impact of animal feed on emissions and productivity. Reduce the CH4 emissions by increasing digestibility of cattle.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes a current review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Note that Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review, and a draft version was published for public consultation in December 2018. Our new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales will be published in full in 2019 and, taking a risk management approach, aims to reduce the status of the 56 risks identified for Wales in the UK Government's latest Climate Change Risk Assessment. To achieve this, the new plan will include around 32 high level actions across 7 sectors in Wales, which sit under three core objectives:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock might affect productivity and food security.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"The actions of climate change in the state are decentralized, being present in some sectoral plans. However, there is still no general plan of action for reducing region-wide GHG emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Azorean electricy company is the responsable for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality od renewable energy",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Air Quality- The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than chnages in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regionsal feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions. The increased proportion of diesel-fuelled traffic in the UK, and the failure of European emission standards for diesel cars to deliver the expected emission reductions of nitrogen oxides, have resulted oiin difficulties meeting EUIair quality limit values for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), prompting infraction proceedings by the European Commission against the UK.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional foctor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be excerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc)",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Barcelona Climate Plan aims to be an inclusive vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which will allow to achieve the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for the Energy and Climate that has signed by City Council of Barcelona. The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and impetus to citizen action. Barcelona Climate Change Plan tackles multiple climate change impacts.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The forestry sector is feeling the effect of changes in the frequency and severity of disturbances such as fires, drought and severe storms. If this continues in the long term, the forestry sector will likely face changes in its productivity and in the composition of forest species as a result of changes in moisture and temperature.Species survival is determined by many biotic (e.g., food, competition, symbiotic relationships, and diseases) and abiotic (e.g., climate and access to water) factors. Given that climate change is impacting all or most of these forces and factors, the composition, distribution and abundance of biodiversity is changing",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Since declaring the climate emergency in April last year, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Master plan design identifies key sectors with more impact in GHG emissions and estimates GHG emissions of the key sectors and proposes measures to reduce them.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Among the actions planned by the Regional Government in the PRDC updated to 2015 are: implement the regional strategy of water resources, promotion of planting and harvesting of water, protect water sources to ensure the availability of water resources, water reinforcement in headwaters of basins and sub-basins, promote and promote the functioning of the basin councils, monitoring the quality and quantity of water in the main basins, formulate and implement a capacity building program on integrated management of water resources, carry out works of riparian defenses through reforestation and other forms of protection of natural water resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In 2015, 6 wind energy projects were approved Together they represent a private investment of 644 million dollars and a capacity of 322 MW.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes a current review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and lightning and risks to building fabric from moisture, wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Unplanned urbanization, irregular occupation of slopes and water supply areas by vulnerable populations. Improper use of land for agricultural activities, inadequate construction in coastal areas, water pollution and deforestation.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and access to housing.In 2019 Yucatan government launched the Social Housing Program, through coordinated work with the three orders of government, in an unprecedented act, a historic stock of 900 million pesos was obtained to carry out more than 17,000 housing actions, benefiting to Yucatecan families from the interior of the state.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2018.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas sensitive to floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and define its relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,PRAC establishes mitigation measures and the program is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,2019 the last coal firded power plant in lower Austria was closed,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The adaptation objectives by the region are established on Law 16/2017, of 1st August, on Climate Change -approved by the Parliament of Catalonia on 2017.The goals are identified on the Article 2:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.d) To promote the education, research, development and transfer of technology, and to spread knowledge in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.e) To establish mechanisms that provide objective and accessible information about all aspects related to climate change, its development over time and its impacts.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is expected that occur more hot days that will affect health population and also water disponibility,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Absoluty, For example, during severe floods, the local economy is paralyzed",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's net zero public sector ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Base year changed from 1990 to 2005 due to comparable data availability.,1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The eletricity company has been improving the system to increace the renewables.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Consulted on a draft Circular Economy Strategy in December 2019.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 6,983.91 hectares, 0.76 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2016, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares. In 2016, 59.25 percent for areas under 1 hectare, while 31.86 percent of deforestation was explained by areas between 1 and 5 hectares. Losses between 5 and 50 hectares were 6.70 percent, while areas between 50 and 500 hectares account for 2.19 percent. Spaces greater than 500 hectares do not report a loss due to significant deforestation in Amazonas.Amazonas does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Current Building Regulations Part L review will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations. . A consultation is expected this Autumn.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Greater risk for already vulnerable populations because they survive from agriculture, which is their main source of income",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is expected that occur more intense rainfall can cause that will affect the population and land use,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is on national level only",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Jurisdictional power: Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing, the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) includes a mandatory energy target of SAP65 for all social homes by the end of 2020. A Building Regulations Part L consultation for new dwellings which closed in March this year proposed improved minimum energy efficiency standards for 2020 (preferred option of 37% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards) and also envisaged standards for 2025 (a 75-80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"National reporting system. The confidence of the source of statistics is high (the national emission reporting) but one source to differences is the fact that the IPCC – reporting seem to involve a general RE factor for industrial combustion of rest products, while for examples industries reporting to the EU -ETS scheme use a more detailed system to report CO2 from their different kind of fuels. As industrial fuels of that kind counts for around 40 % of the energy use on Gotland (due to the cement industry), there are every year a gap in the emission reported for Gotland according to the IPCC –emission factors and industrial emissions reported according to the EU-ETS emission factors.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solar",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Fund for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy.The fund is an instrument of public policy of the Secretariat of Energy whose objective is to implement actions that serve to contribute to the fulfillment of the National Strategy for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy, promoting the use, development and investment of renewable energies and energy efficiency.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Achieve a 20% reduction in primary energy consumption by 2020 compared to business as usual scenario,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Our climate change risk assessment is currently under development. The assessment is produced together with the entire county administrative board's operations (internally). There is also an ongoing dialog with the municipalities about climate change impacts and adaptation needs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,Recovery interventions that support just transition strategies for workers and communities,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project............,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,There are awareness raising campaings and educational programmes on separate collection andrecycling. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/sensibilitzacio/index.html,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Public Health Wales has produced Extreme Hot Weather Guidance for the public to be prepared in heat waves. A detailed Health Impact Assessment from climate change is also being undertaken by Public Health Wales. Various efforts are underway to mitigate the health risks of flooding and ensure health infrastructure is resilient to climate change.,1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 45.70 MtCO2e in 2015, representing a 19.5% reduction in total emissions over this period. The trend in relation to the 40% target therefore continues to fall short of the projected reduction required. Total emissions increased between 2011 and 2013, but subsequently decreased in both 2014 and 2015. The progress against the 40% target highlights that although some good progress is being made; further action is needed in order to deliver the target of a 40% reduction in total emissions by 2020.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),0 +Please complete the table below.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the optimization of the public transport services and considering zero-emission passenger vehicles",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",No: The Region is conducting an energy policy to support the sector on the circular economy and not on the recovery of waste,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Länsrapport_GotlandCO2- equivalents - only available as excel from a Swedish data base http://extra.lansstyrelsen.se/rus/Sv/statistik-och-data/nationell-emissionsdatabas/Pages/default.aspx,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Sinks are not included in the inventory, the carbon sinks on Gotland are for example forests where approximately 50 % of the estimated annual growth is left in the forests and meadows and pastures kept in continued cultivation with extensive grazing., that are reported to have increased the amount of soil carbon during the last decades, but we lack official statistic on that.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In the context of energy the region has developed several devices to combat the climate change,the dispositive Ecosolidaire that helps families in precarious situations to equip themselves with solar water heating, more than 4500 families have been accopagnés by this dispostif in parallel these precarious flamilles are accompanied by the device SLIME which allows to carry out diagnoses energetics, provide them kits that allow them to save money. the region also accompanies families without any condition of resource to equip the central photovoltaic with or without storage (self-consumption or with the resale) via the deposit Check Phototvoltaiquethe region also supports social landlords to equip themselves with solar collectiouitentThe Region also supports the tertiary sector to equip itself with solar air conditioning, which is a very energy-intensivethe region also supports several research projects, in particular, on the storage, the development of hydrogen on marine energies, off-shore and onshore wind energy",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2016, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2017.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, 2018), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Flood control and awareness campaigns to water management in households, to prevent the proliferation of vectors of water diseases, Another action sometimes necessary is the organization of vaccination campaigns, when this resource is available.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",the measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Command and control actions related to the National Forestry Code, Federal Law 12.651, May, 25th, 2012 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,The construction of water infrastructure does not contain the technical standards necessary for water supply and human consumption.Due to the increase of flows and overflows of the rivers they contaminate the water sources with residual materials.,0 +Break down your total gross emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used global warming potential (GWP).,"the risk of marine floods can seriously compromise the productive and settlement activities of the coastal areas, the most populated areas of the region",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,The Act and Plans aim to reduce emissions in line with evidence to show the maximum technical reduction for Wales.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,PLAN ESTRATÉGICO DE PREVENCIÓN Y LUCHA CONTRA INCENDIOS FORESTALES 2017-2020 (PEPLIF),0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Amazonas is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) will be designed by Amazonas with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute in 2019 and funded by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"New regional forest stratregy is under development, the region is yet adopting a new management plan for its own forests.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Increase of sea level of 2mm per year in the period 1945-1999,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","On August 2017, environmental organizations, user institutions of the Ter river and local and regional administrations sign an agreement to reduce almost a half the extraction of the Ter river towards Barcelona in ten years. Currently, the maximum annual volume of water is quantified in 166hm3 and by 2027 it is expected not to exceed 90 hm3 /year. The intensification of resources of the Llobregat river, the commitment to the reuse and the increase in the production of desalinated water,among other measures, they will balance resources in the Ter Llobregat system and will allow circulating flows to the Ter.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"In our Lower Austrian Climate- and Energy-Programme 2020 we have identified 6 main sectors for GHG Emission (buildings, traffic, agriculture and forestry, energy supply, waste management, public issues). For these sectors there are concrete measures and instruments including responsibilities and timelines. All this measures should lead us to achieve the national binding GHG Emission targets which are based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection law. Additionally in June 2019 the Lower Austrian Government and Parliament have decided a Climate und Energy Roadmap 2030. This roadmap includes regional GHG emission targets, energy targets and climate adaptation targets for 2030. In a next step a new implementation program for reaching these new goals will be developed.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy. The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Yes, our Wales Transport Strategy, set out a new way of thinking that places people and climate change at the front and centre of our transport system. We are using the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy to give priority to meeting the demand for travel by walking, cycling and public transport ahead of motor vehicles.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration.In terms of trains, we will deliver transport improvements through our three Metro programmes which covers 20 of the 22 local authorities in Wales and over 93% of the population, so will account for the majority of public transport investment in Wales.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The 1990-2016 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2018 (BEIS, 2018) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report: Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2016;  The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; Estimates exclude the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) and those Overseas Territories joining UK instruments of ratification for the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol (Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar). The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2016 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=954https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the PRAC projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional PIB is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The regional policy it is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The relative sea level rise around Wales (taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?","There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Increase renewables to 9.30% by 2018 of region-wide enegy productionNine private investment projects in Renewable Energy will be implemented in Yucatan State with a capacity of 1,818,623 MwHr/year.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Terceira incinerator is already working, and it is planned the incineration project of São Miguel island",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Targets are: Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participated in Zaragoza on the meeting for climate change and natural risks in the Pyrenees, organized by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory in the framework of the XXXVI Work Plenary Council of the Community of the Pyrenees.In addition to the presentation of the ""Climate Change Report in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation"", the seminar has addressed the main challenges facing the prevention of natural risks in the Pyrenees, taking into account the civil protection policies.Some adaptation measures for Pyrenees are the increase of the number of artificial snow cannons and the transformation of ski resorts in mountain resorts offering multiple services and activities throughout the year.The Office is part of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) whose purpose is to track and understand the evolution of the climate in the Pyrenees in order to limit their impact and adapt to their effects for the most vulnerable socioeconomic sectors and natural spaces.https://www.opcc-ctp.org/en",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The impacts of climate change would generate a pressure on different economic activities, among the expectedconsequences would be a reduction of investment fromforeign and local companies related to the increased vulnerability of the region, the devaluation of real state properties mainlyin the coastal zone, increase costs ofproduction in sectors such as agriculture and livestock related to increase costs of basic services such as water supply,reduction in the volume of sails in commercerelated to scarcity of raw materials etc. Nowadays Yucatan is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme meteorologicalevents.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Sectors such as fishing, skiing or beach tourism will be affected current patterns.Water demands for irrigation in the order of 5% will increase, as a result of greater evapotranspiration.Lack of water availability will decrease from generalized way the provisions and guarantees in the irrigation if it is not compensates with the maximum modernization and efficiency and the use of new resources, such as reuseof regenerated waters.Decrease in more than 20% of hydroelectric production.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations?,"Public authorities launched in 2004 the Action Plan to prevent the effects of heat waves on health (POCS), which provides for the necessary measures to minimize the effects of heat waves on the vulnerable population. Every year the Department of Health assess the actions carried out.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The cost of water service in the Amazon region is higher due to the fact that water sources are far from cities, and the cost of water purification treatment is higher, which is absorbed by the final consumer in cities.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Recovery interventions that scale up investments in and access to digital technologies, funding mechanisms, and capacity-building solutions to enhance resilience to shocks, including climate change",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, practices to promote circular economy are implemented. In most of the islands there has been organized awareness actions related to circular economy.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Wales’ last coal-fired power station ceased operating in 2019 and Welsh Ministers are clear that no new coal generation capacity should be developed in Wales. In March 2021 the Welsh Government published a coal policy statement which is intended to be the first step in achieving our policy objective of avoiding the continued extraction and consumption of fossil fuels. This complements the UK Government’s policy objective of phasing out unabated coal-fired generation in Great Britain by October 2024.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project..,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Saltwater intrusion is consider a risk to satisfy fresh water supply. In the region is more related to anthropogenic activities in the coast, and it also represents one of the most dangerous threats of climate change due to future sea level rise. Additionally is consider a risk to the primary sector, in the coastal zone due to the increment of salinity in the soil, and the salinization of fresh water resources.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2015, 5 solar energy projects were approved. Together they represent a private investment of 172 million dollars and a capacity of 86 MW.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Promote the study of the impact of animal feed on emissions and productivity. Reduce the CH4 emissions by increasing digestibility of cattle.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,This is always done through multi-stakeholder consultations. The Assemblies submit their plans for peer review and confirmation,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. http://residus.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/planificacio/precat20/docs/PRECAT20_doc_principal.pdf. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","In Wales, we have a long term 2050 target and are establishing National Development Framework for planning, which will be a development plan for the whole of the country. It will set out national planning policies for the next 20 years and express spatially our long-term economic, social and environmental objectives. The NDF will form part of the statutory plan for determining planning applications and will assist in the determination of Developments of National Significance. We have consulted on the issues, options and preferred option for the NDF. The preferred option states that the NDF will ensure the planning system in Wales",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"During 2014, as part of National Program of Rural Electrification, photovoltaic system was installed in 2,115 localities in all the provinces of the Amazonas, through the installation of 17,897 solar panels.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"River flow reduction will result in less dissolution capacity of some pollutants. Moreover, temperature raise in air and water will result in more dissolution of salts and reduction of oxygen in water, with the evident risks of salinization and anoxia. There is an expected increased inertia of thermal stratification in dams and lakes that could result in less water mixture and could also lead to anoxia.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide emissions inventory to report?,We do not have data about associated GHG emissions (metric tonnes of CO2e).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Several open cast mines are located in close proximity to the borders of National Parks and within several kilometres of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The eletricity company has been improving the system to increace the renewables.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100%,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The government implemented actions to promote public and private investments in sustainable energy projects.The operation of four projects began with an installed capacity of 210 megawatts (MW), that can provide energy of up to 450,000 homes .Dzilam de Bravo wind farm, with a total investment of 140 million dollars, with a total capacity of 70 MW and formed by 28 wind turbines.• San Ignacio photovoltaic park, with a total investment of $ 27 million and a total capacity of 18MW.• Central Lázaro Cárdenas photovoltaic park in the municipality of Peto, with a total investment of 38 million dollars and a total capacity of 38 MW.• Tizimín Wind Farm, with an investment of 154 million dollars and a total capacity of 84 MWFinally, the Mérida IV Combined Cycle Power Plant project and the installation of the transmission line are under construction.Malpaso in Ticul.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Our climate change risk assessment is currently under development. The assessment is produced together with the entire county administrative board's operations (internally). There is also an ongoing dialog with the municipalities about climate change impacts and adaptation needs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 45.70 MtCO2e in 2015, representing a 19.5% reduction in total emissions over this period. The trend in relation to the 40% target therefore continues to fall short of the projected reduction required. Total emissions increased between 2011 and 2013, but subsequently decreased in both 2014 and 2015. The progress against the 40% target highlights that although some good progress is being made; further action is needed in order to deliver the target of a 40% reduction in total emissions by 2020.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The master plan contains a sectoral analysis to identify areas of opportunity, setting specific goals for mitigation and adaptation. The goal for mitigation for 2018 is a 20% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005 and for 2030 a 40% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005. While for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 40% compared to 2005.",1 +Why do you not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk?,"Official population projection of Papua released by Indonesia National Statistics Bureau is available for the period up to 2035 (4,144,600 population)",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to monitor emissions and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof Yucatan's temperature ranging from 1.4 to 1.6° C by 2050. Changes of the magnitude of extreme temperatureevents are expected.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Lower Austria supports communities in the implementation of their GHG emission reduction targets: The Municipal Environmental Service (Umwelt-Gemeinde-Service: a special information hub for municipalities) provides targeted information and tools that are continuously adapted to the municipalities' current needs.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food oversees policies on agriculture and Catalan farming. Improving institutional capacity of farmer and rural organizations is a common objective of the Ministry trough different mechanisms such as LEADER methodology taken by Local Action Groups (GAL) in rural territories, grant management, specific pilot projects, etc",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"There are some partnerships between State institutions, as the Institute of Technological Research, Geological Institute and State Secretariat for the Environment, with municipalities to develop and implement some adaptation strategies, mainly in the coastal areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is a multi-year work plan that describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.Similar with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"installation has started , mainly on initiatives from private business, the charging infra structure is developed with national funding support and ins already reasonably OK. , but will have to grow to match the number of EVs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Climate projections provide a robust temperature rising trend over Catalonia for the coming decades. This warming trend is shown over all time horizons, seasons in the annual cycle, and geographical/climatic areas of Catalonia.Using the median from all datasets considered as representative, the surface temperature increase could be +0.8ºC [0.3º C-1ºC] in the current decade, and even reach +1.4ºC [0.9ºC-1,9ºC] around the middle of the 21st Century, as compared to the reference period 1971-2000. The rising trends may be even larger for the Pyrenean region (+2ºC) and in summer. An increase in the number of tropical nights (days with a minimum temperature of over 20 ºC) is forecasted for the period 2001-2050, which could be as much as +7% higher than the average for the period 1971-2000; this increase is especially remarkable in the coastal/pre-coastal systems (with more of 25 tropical nights a year).Also, the study on climate projections for the metropolitan municipalities of Barcelona elaborated by the Metropolitan Observatory of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and the Meteorological Service of Catalonia indicates a remarkable increase in tropical nights (minimum temperature daily> 20ºC) and warm days (maximum daily temperature> 30ºC). The increase occurs in any scenario of emissions considered and reaches more than 30 days a year with these indexes by the end of the century.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Difficulty with the integration of economic and human resourses to adress adaptation, due to lack of undersanting of climate risck within different sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,as mentioned in the previous question the region has set up a very ambitious voluntarist policy to facilitate the penetration of renewable energies,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Increased urban heat island effect. The annual average temperature difference between the centre of the city of Barcelona and its surrounding area is over 3ºC to 5ºC. The city centre corresponds to the most ancient narrow streets, few green spaces and a high population density with low incomes.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Indigenous Infrastructure Program (PROII)Through the Coordination Agreement signed between the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Government of the State of Yucatan, the Indigenous Infrastructure Program was executed, with which basic infrastructure works were carried out in indigenous localities with gaps and lags in terrestrial communication, electrification and housing. The project achieved: • Construction of 1,757 ecological toilets • Expansion of 296 km of the electric network• Construction and modernization of 192 km highways• Construction of 112 water systems.Construction and Expansion of the electrical network• Construction of 21 infrastructure actions in 22.81 kilometers of medium voltage distribution lines and extensions of electrical networks in medium and low voltageOperation of the drinking water system in the city of Mérida• A total of 54.0 million cubic meters of potable water was supplied to the population. The beneficiary population is 870,000 inhabitants of the city of Mérida and conurbated areasStrengthening Medical Care ProgramDuring 2017, 25,444 inhabitants of 109 localities targeted by the Program were attended . This action consisted in the granting of services of promotion, prevention, medical and dental care to the population as well as 36,254 medical consultations and 7,204 dental care to the target population of the program, as well as 244,733 actions of prevention and health promotion.These actions were carried out in 25 municipalities of high and very high marginalization and difficult access in the municipalities.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Building Regulations Part L review (2018/19) will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations.,1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,work carried out by the Marche region in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University,1 +Please complete the table below.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,There are risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather in Wales. There are currently 10 hospitals and 45 care homes in Wales that are located in areas at a 1-in-200 chance of flooding or greater in any given year,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Implementation of sustainable agriculture practices that increases the profitability of crops through the proper use of natural resources (soil and water),0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2018, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2019.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, ), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2020), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",1 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"In fact, the responsibility to achieve the purposes of Law 16/2017 on Climate Change is shared by the Government, local authorities, productive sectors, political, social and economic agents and citizens overall.Catalan Office for Climate Change collaborates with local authorities and provides support to municipalities for climate adaptation and mitigation actions ( ex. Public grants and economic finance for develop local adaptation action plans or meetings with local stakeholders for develop actions financed by European Projects for local climate change adaptation).Also, local authorities participate on introducing on their policies and actions the objectives relating to reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change that is included in the Strategic Reference Framework for Adaptation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Changes in rain regimes can cause changes in the productivity of coffee and cocoa produced in the Amazon.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes a current review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Every year the Region, in collaboration with local administrations, through the air action plan, adopts contingent short-term measures to reduce the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants during the winter period.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy program, the Region aims to establish several charging points on the territory.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"installation has started , mainly on initiatives from private business, the charging infra structure is developed with national funding support and ins already reasonably OK. , but will have to grow to match the number of EVs.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Published our Circular Economy 2021.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.£22m was made available through the last three rounds of the Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) , offering a maximum 40% grant towards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support farmers to address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Note that Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review, and a draft version was published for public consultation in December 2018. Our new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales will be published in full in 2019 and, taking a risk management approach, aims to reduce the status of the 56 risks identified for Wales in the UK Government's latest Climate Change Risk Assessment. To achieve this, the new plan will include around 32 high level actions across 7 sectors in Wales, which sit under three core objectives:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"PRAC defines adaptation measures to protect the properties, resources and persons, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.To achieve the adaptation measures, the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors were considered (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property and Health), based on each sectorial strategy. It was not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,The construction of water infrastructure does not contain the technical standards necessary for water supply and human consumption.Due to the increase of flows and overflows of the rivers they contaminate the water sources with residual materials.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it is implemented practices to promote circular economy. In most of the islands has been organized awareness actions related to circular economy.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,he measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Amazonas has a subnational climate change strategy from 2008 but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. The document need to updated.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In principal, climate change and economic development are deeply intertwined. Social and economic activities generate GHG emissions to cause climate change, while climate change also have a serious impacts to socio-economic conditions. This situation to a certain level is tough for Papua. The province can not avoid economic activities resulting changes in land use and consumption of energy as Papua currently needs to grow. Development of renewable energy plants is expected to answer the issue because economic stimulation from development of RE power plant is high enough to support economic growth while the use of renewable energy also constribute to emission reduction.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Data is National Communication (NC) sector Export. This line for International Aviation and shipping has not been included in the national total but is provided here for information.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"The 1990-2016 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2018 (BEIS, 2018) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report: Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2016;  The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; Estimates exclude the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) and those Overseas Territories joining UK instruments of ratification for the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol (Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar). The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2016 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=954https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2019.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,This has been achieved though the Food Waste Treatment Procurement Programme.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. In 2019, Wales was the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency. In May 2019 the CCC recommended that the Welsh Government should increase Wales’s 2050 emissions reduction target from 80% to 95%. We welcomed the CCC’s advice but declared an ambition to go even further, and set a net zero target. We asked the CCC for further advice on the options available to Wales for reaching that goal. In December 2020 the CCC published new advice for Wales, which confirmed our ambition was credible. In March 2021 the Senedd agreed to revise Wales’s statutory climate targets in line with all of the CCC’s recommendations in the December 2020 advice.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The SEEG 5.0 estimates cover GHG emissions from 1970 to 2016 for all sectors, with the exception of land use change, covering the period 1990 to 2016. The methodological basis of the SEEG estimations is the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) and other emissions as HFCs.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Environmental Department of Azorean Government is the responsable for coordenating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According with the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017, 21st of February, it is created the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory. It is established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change will be approved and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","limited intervantion on public transport, as bus service, convention with railways society, support to cycle paths",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Ministry for Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Rural Development of Yucatán signed in 2019 an agreement to design policies in Low-Carbon Rural Development. Including a project in 2020 with federal and state butget, to promote low-impact productive activities, in three municipalities of the Puuc State Biocultural Reserve.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes a current review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The increase of the BRP in recent years comes to a large share from the service sector. We don't have predictions available yet for 2030 or 2050. We aim to report indicators for BRP + as well as we take part in the common open data reporting to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions on Agenda 2030 indicators.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The Environmental Department of the Azorean Government is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According to the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017 of21st of February,the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory was created. It was established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change is expected to be approved in 2019 and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles will increase the electric mobility.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Forestry Act 1967 and relevant amendmentsTimber and Timber Products (placing on the market) Regulations 2013Environment (Wales) Act 2016Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017Environmental Impact Assessment (forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient anagementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Regional legislation establishes the application of the strategic environmental assessment per type of project,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"the Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",1 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,"Transport projects are in place, the cost for implementing new public transports are a limiting factor,",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The local governments are responsible for the implementation of some measures,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In the context of the local resources used are biomass consumption is as follows (bagasse 80.6 GWh, Biogas: 4.3GWh, Bioethanol: 0.6GWh) to I want to clarify that at the solar level, there is a photovoltaic consumption of 21.8 GHW and thermal sun is 23.7 GWh.Regarding imported fossil resources, we have a consumption, gasoline of 109 GWh, diesel: 404.6 GWh, heavy fuel oil of 153.3 GWh, carburettor: 215.3 GWh, Butane gas is 19.1 GWh and the coal is 355.8 GWh.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry. Proposals for Future Land Management Policy (including business model adaptation) are being devised with internal and external stakeholders in order to publish high level proposals in July 2018.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,•Transport for Wales commissioned to develop a pathway to convert existing fleet to ULEVs.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Between 1957 and 2017, the average annual temperature in Ahafo Community has increased by up to 1.4°C. The greatest warming has been in the northern part of the community, towards the Brong Segment of Brong Ahafo Region. The experts project that by 2050, the average annual temperature in Ahafo will increase by 2.0°C to 2.5°C.Many have already been affected in one way or another by increased temperatures and extreme weather events that may well have been part of the changing climate. Recently, warmer temperatures have already begun to allow the appearance and spread of mosquitos and malaria, especially in areas around Goaso, Sankore and Bechem, Techimantia and Derma.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"In the context of marine energies, the Region has been funding research projects since 2009.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,1 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Control invasive species (physical measures) and make demands on others to also take action against invasive species.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Climate change generates climate catastrophes such as hurricanes, gales, floods that will destroy all types of infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",The methodology is a domestic model developed by the Finnish Environmental Centre. It follows the methodology of IPCC and uses Finnish national counting parameters. The calculation is based on information obtained from national databases and covers all municipalities and regions in Finland.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please complete the table below.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Emissions data is collected from all buildings and fixed infrastructure where we are counterparty to supply as well as some where we are tenants and pay for energy through an in service charge. We monitor our emissions based on the total from this selection of buildings.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"here are awareness campaigns that are already in place, but infrastructure put in place are insufficient",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.£22m was made available through the last three rounds of the Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) , offering a maximum 40% grant towards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support farmers to address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","This document provides a report on a revised national strategy for implementation of formal protection of forests. The term “formal protection” comprises nature reserves, habitat protection areas and nature conservation agreements. The national strategy targets county administrative boards among others.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related. Energy related emissions SME's households and services were 493,147 tonnes, but emissions as a whole, inclusive process emissions from large industries out of the regional level of decisions and emissions from animals and agricultural tilling were 2,247,186 tonnes in 2016. Almost 80 % originate from limestone & cement industries located on the island, around 12 % arise from agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Many young persons and farmers are rendered unemployed due to unreliable rainfall. Lack of weather information lead to planting in periods which cause production failure and little to no income from farming activities especially in rural areas. School Children, Women and youth are always the victims",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Transition/conversion to sustainable means of transport (walking, cycling, public transport) and decrease the transport requirements (digital meeting etc.). Fuel infrastructure and charging of electrical vehicles.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Risks to health from changes in air quality, from overheating in homes, and from flooding for those living in flood prone areas.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Extrapolation linear trend based on historical data; 2014: 0,358 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2016: 0,361 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2017: 0,362 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2018: 0,32 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-realsecond target: energy-related greenhouse gas emissions with a reduction in emissions-intensity (greenhouse gases related to gross regional product) by 70 to 90% by 2050",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Fossil fuel free 2030 - the use of fossil fuels has ceased in 2030,0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"Source: SEEG http://plataforma.seeg.eco.br/total_emission#In the SEEG estimates, the discount for emission reduction certificates from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects was also not incorporated. The totals, in Brazil, between 2005 and 2014, amount to about 370 million tons of CO2e (accumulated in the period).",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Socio-environmental Recovery Program of the Serra do Mar and Atlantic Forest Mosaics - 17,290 hectares (ha) of rich vegetation were incorporated into the PESM, surpassing the 350,000 ha of the largest park in the state of São Paulo. The biochemical indicators of water quality of the Cubatão River surpassed the goals benefiting more than 957,000 people from Baixada Santista (coastal zone) , supplied by the spring, 90 ha of the Atlantic Forest recovered through planting of native species, after the relocation 8634 families of the neighborhoods Cota - Location Municipality of Cubatão (Baixada Santista).",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOAT FIGHTINGIntegration of the telemetric network and operation of meteorological radar for real-time rainfall monitoring in conjunction with the Civil Defense; operation of situation rooms with supplyreal-time information on weather radar data and telemetry stations in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Paraíba Valley, Piracicaba Basin and Baixada Santista; DAEE Water Infrastructure, Flood Fighting and Sanitation Program, involving services and works, maintenance of pools.Programs:.Novo Rio Pinheiros.Expansion of the reserve capacity of the drainage system.Assistance to municipalities in actions to combat critical hydrological events.Lowland area recovery",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,1 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,Lower Austria supports communities in the implementation of their GHG emission reduction targets: The Municipal Environmental Service (Umwelt-Gemeinde-Service: a special information hub for municipalities) provides targeted information and tools that are continuously adapted to the municipalities' current needs.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,It is widely inspired by the CITEPA (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique or Technical Interbranch Center of Air Pollution) methodology applied to the national level and by the national GHG inventory created under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=2ahUKEwi6ztbrxZjjAhXVgVwKHQC5AOUQFjABegQIAhAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww20.gencat.cat%2Fdocs%2Farc%2FHome%2FAmbits%2520dactuacio%2FPlanificacio%2FPROCAT20%2FPRECAT20.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2tU4eqjq-FjMnn5keGxBr_. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,the regional concil already supports private partners and is part of the governance,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Recently, the state has published its Climate Change Program, which includes vulnerability studies, an update of the GHG emissions inventory, future climate scenarios, emissions projections, and a compendium of climate actions to implement mitigation and adaptation responses. The program also takes up the scenarios of the roadmap for the deep decarbonization of the state by 2050 and the green growth strategy of the state of Sonora.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,The government has projects for the training of silvopastoral systems and organic agriculture.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2016",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Certification of energy performance is under way in many cases, for example the region has built a large school house and a sport arena aiming for the gold standard according to Sweden’s Green Building Council and the school house has been in use long enough to be fully certified.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Low data quality on transport emissions from procured transports and fuel consumption in the region's own vehicle fleet.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof Yucatan's temperature ranging from 1.4 to 1.6° C by 2050. Changes of the magnitude of extreme temperatureevents are expected.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"In general, water availability will decrease. Climate change will reduce river discharge, subterranean recharge and modify the chemical processes in it. The Third Catalan Report Climate Change indicates reduction up to 15% of flow contributions in the rivers by the year 2040 and reductions of 28% by 2070.Also, Life Medacc project presents the evaluation of the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the water basins of Ter, Segre and Muga. Reductions flows during the first half of the 21st century will be a fact. In 2050 a decrease of the flow is expected between 9.5-32% in the headwaters and between 12.3-36% in the river mouth (compared to the period 2002-2011). The Ter basin shows the highest flow reductions, both in headland as in the mouth. Significant reductions are also important at the mouth of the Muga. The Segre basin presents a different hydrological behavior, with higher reductions in the headwaters than in the mouth.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,1 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Other, please specify: The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are making both protected and unprotected areas accessable for people to use for recreational purposes. We collect and spread information on using natural areas and arrange courses.,1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Catalan Office for Climate Change participated in Zaragoza on the meeting for climate change and natural risks in the Pyrenees, organized by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory in the framework of the XXXVI Work Plenary Council of the Community of the Pyrenees.In addition to the presentation of the ""Climate Change Report in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation"", the seminar has addressed the main challenges facing the prevention of natural risks in the Pyrenees, taking into account the civil protection policies.Some adaptation measures for Pyrenees are the increase of the number of artificial snow cannons and the transformation of ski resorts in mountain resorts offering multiple services and activities throughout the year.The Office is part of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) whose purpose is to track and understand the evolution of the climate in the Pyrenees in order to limit their impact and adapt to their effects for the most vulnerable socioeconomic sectors and natural spaces.https://www.opcc-ctp.org/en",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","One of the actions under the Welsh Government's net zero public sector ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Independent infrastructural operators are continually reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,ETS Sector verified in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"legislative remit, th lates plan is now due for political cinsideration.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Lack of tools and methodologies to measure SLCPs and inform plans,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"But with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Consumers worldwide want assurance that food and drink is safe to consume, yet there are worldwide examples food fraud. Potential for food fraud is partly linked to food production being a global enterprise, a significant feature of international trade, and so vulnerable to systematic shocks (such as storms) or long term changes (such as drought, loss of soil fertility, population growth and migration, war). Systemic shocks are forecast to increase in frequency and intensity because of climate change. The Welsh Government and Food and Drink Wales Industry Board are developing strong brand values for Welsh food and drink, placing quality of the product centre place. Developing a reputation for quality, with production underpinned by rigorous regulations (upheld by Trading Standards, the Food Standards Agency – Wales, and industry accreditation schemes), will help Wales’ industry stand out and build market advantage. The Welsh Government and the FDWIB support businesses across Wales in a variety of ways to become more productive, to develop new products, and to connect them with new customers. A focus on ‘business clusters’ is helping create synergies in the supply chain, making those supply chains more sustainable.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the optimization of the public transport services and considering zero-emission passenger vehicles",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Fund for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy.The fund is an instrument of public policy of the Secretariat of Energy whose objective is to implement actions that serve to contribute to the fulfillment of the National Strategy for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy, promoting the use, development and investment of renewable energies and energy efficiency.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Hotter climate may pose significant risks to vulnerable population that cannot afford to take measures for keeping their homes at an adequate temperature.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Transfer and training totechnicians and farmersof savings and energy efficiency andGHG emissions,0 +Does your region have a climate change action plan for reducing region-wide GHG emissions?,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Other, please specify: All the mentioned int he risk assessment procedure above",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"The Catalan Energy Institute performs several awareness programmesfor energy efficiency, including TV spots, advertisements, educational activities. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The State of São Paulo has general characteristics of a tropical high altitude climate (Planalto), some regions defined as a rainier climate (Litoral) and others that fit in a subtropical climate (Mountainous Area). This identifies the State with a humid and hot summer climate, dry winter on the plateau and winter with good rainfall on the coast.Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain.The meteorological network of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply coordinates meteorological and agrometeorological monitoring and public access to this network is over 7,000 / day, indicating the great demand for meteorological and agrometeorological information by society. Website: www.ciiagro.org.br",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participated in Zaragoza on the meeting for climate change and natural risks in the Pyrenees, organized by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory in the framework of the XXXVI Work Plenary Council of the Community of the Pyrenees.In addition to the presentation of the ""Climate Change Report in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation"", the seminar has addressed the main challenges facing the prevention of natural risks in the Pyrenees, taking into account the civil protection policies.Some adaptation measures for Pyrenees are the increase of the number of artificial snow cannons and the transformation of ski resorts in mountain resorts offering multiple services and activities throughout the year.The Office is part of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) whose purpose is to track and understand the evolution of the climate in the Pyrenees in order to limit their impact and adapt to their effects for the most vulnerable socioeconomic sectors and natural spaces.https://www.opcc-ctp.org/en",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 6,983.91 hectares, 0.76 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2016, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares. In 2016, 59.25 percent for areas under 1 hectare, while 31.86 percent of deforestation was explained by areas between 1 and 5 hectares. Losses between 5 and 50 hectares were 6.70 percent, while areas between 50 and 500 hectares account for 2.19 percent. Spaces greater than 500 hectares do not report a loss due to significant deforestation in Amazonas.Amazonas does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The municipal government of Mérida is making a transition to electric vehicles, especially for those that circulate in the first square of the city, as vehicles for waste collection and municipal police.",1 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"There are 24 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",0 +"Do you measure your region-wide SLCPs (i.e. black carbon, CH4, O3, HFCs)? If so, please report the SLCPs measured and whether an environmental assessment of the effects of these SLCPs has been conducted.","The 1990-2018 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2020 (BEIS, 2020) as UK national statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2018;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at: http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2018 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at: https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=998",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +Please complete the table below.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review- a commitment has been made to publish a new adaptation plan in 2018.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and lightning and risks to building fabric from moisture, wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; much likely it will not be achievedNext target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Providing information on risk areas that can be used in the context of land-use planning for example.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"There are a lot of different actions such as new routes (for example, ""bus expres""), or the new bus network in Barcelona, etc. There are a lot of different actions such as new metro routes in Barcelona, increasing frequency of the metro lines, improving stations, etc. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC), the Catalan Governmental Railway company, is increasing routes, building new train stations and improving existing stations.The Catalan Government is committed along with 27 metropolitan regions of Europe to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission public transport. On June 8, 2018, the members of the EMTA have committed themselves to prioritize the introduction of clean vehicles in bus fleets and ask the European Union for economic support in this regard. (http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306454/ca/govern-compromet-junt-27-regions-metropolitanes-deuropa-accelerar-transicio-transport-public-demissions-zero.do)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Loss of forest cover in areas of importance for the conservation of carbon reservoirs, caused by the disorderly growth of agricultural activities.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,On 31st January 2018 was the first workshop of the CLIMPY project which will focus on a climatic data base in mountain regions in Andorra and whose mission is to have the regionalized snow climate projections for the territory of the Pyrenees taking into account the different scenarios of climate change. These projections will be the basis for designing local strategic policies in important economic sectors such as tourism.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In 2015, as part of the energy reform in Mexico, modifications to the rates for the electric power transmission public service have been issued through the Electricity Industry Law. The general climate change law establishes that by 2024, 35% of the energy must come from clean sources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Amazonas. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,this is a step that is progressing at the level of the community,1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Sao Paulo has started the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The Wastewater Treatment Program has aim to maintain water quality so that do not contaminate the resource found in the water table.In the reported period, 9,185,741 m3 of sewage were treated to comply with the quality standards established by the National Comissio of Water (CONAGUA, for its initials in Spanish) and benefit 269,544 users of the drinking water system with a investment of 29 million MXN.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Increase the production and the use of renewable energy (solar, wind etc.) and support renewable fuel production.",1 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"The Woodland Loss statistics are derived from data collected through the Great Britain National Forest Inventory. Woodlands must be 0.5 ha and above, with a minimum width of 20 m to be counted towards the inventory.The data layer for the Wales ancient woodland inventory can be analysed against the statistics on woodland loss to give an indication of loss of natural forest (excluding Plantations on ancient woodland sites).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Longer growing season for crops and opportunities for new types of agriculture,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The Marche Region participates in the national technical table for the adoption of measures for the purpose of reducing emissions to improve air quality,1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Reduce by 2030 40% of the economic losses derived from extreme weather events compared to 2005,1 +Please complete the table below.,"This target corresponds to Catalonia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), in which Catalonia commits to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. This objective is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsWe are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management which is currently being laid in the Senedd prior to publication, the above aim reflects our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,No: The Region is conducting an energy policy to support the sector on the circular economy and not on the recovery of waste,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1,833,990 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Other: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The relative sea level rise around Wales (taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"During 2013 and 2014 years, the Government of Catalonia has published two calls for grants to local councils and local authorities to develop adaptation local plans for climate change. Thus, 16 town councils received more than 60.000 euros for the implementation of local adaptation plans.During the year 2018, the Government has approved ORDER TES / 169/2018, of October 4, which approves the regulatory bases of subsidies for local governmentments for develop mitigation and adaptation actions and the budget for the calls 2019 and 2020 will be 1M €.The adaptation actions that will be subsidized will be: 2.1.3 Actions to adapt and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the area of the water resources a) Improvement of the efficiency of municipal water supply networks. b) Preparation of emergency plans for drought in municipalities of less than 20,000 registered inhabitants. c) Utilization of unconventional water resources for non-potable uses in municipal facilities, such as for example, the use of rainwater, gray, regenerated or phreatic. 2.1.4 Actions to prevent the effects of urban heat islands in the areas of housing, health and urban plannning.Likewise, Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study about the vulnerability and resilience of the municipalities to the increase of temperature due to the climate change.http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Estudis_i_docs_adaptacio/Estudi_LaVola_adaptacio_municipis/Vulnerabilitat_canvi_climatic_municipis_Vdef_set.pdfIn the area of local projects, the Office participates as a partner in the LIFE CLINOMICS project led by the Diputació de Barcelona which aims to increase the resilience of local Mediterranean entities after the intervention in three territories: the Montseny Natural Park, the Alt Penedès region and the lands of the Ebro; and about three significant economic activities: tourism, agriculture and forestry.http://lifeclinomics.eu/ca/",1 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","advisory programmes, subsidies for building insulation and heating systems based on renewables, strong building standards for new buildings and as well for renovation",0 +Please complete the table below.,Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Install smart energy meters / sub-metersSmart meters are being tested, they will be mandatory by 2020",1 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?","Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidis and públic finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,total CO2 emissions from the combust of petroleum products and coal,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2019.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"The actions of climate change in the state are decentralized, being present in some sectoral plans. However, there is still no general plan of action for reducing region-wide GHG emissions.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Public Health Wales are undertaking a Health Impact Assessment which will consider delivery of health services in future climates. Public Service Boards (PSBs) in Wales are required to pay regard to risks in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment when developing wellbeing plans. Local Resilience Fora (LRFs) also monitor and mitigate risks and emergencies at a local level, putting resources in place to manage issues such as flood. Both PSBs and LRFs are made up by representatives for organisations in public services.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation mesaures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Risks to freshwater species from higher water temps.Risks to fisheries and marine species from higher sea temperatures leading to ocean acidification.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Welsh Government is finalising the first Welsh National Marine Plan to establish an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. We are also reviewing Marine Strategy Part One with other UK governments.Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"River flow reduction will result in less dissolution capacity of some pollutants. Moreover, temperature raise in air and water will result in more dissolution of salts and reduction of oxygen in water, with the evident risks of salinization and anoxia. There is an expected increased inertia of thermal stratification in dams and lakes that could result in less water mixture and could also lead to anoxia.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In rural areas, communities directly access water sources for self-supply through non-potable piped water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act originally introduced a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. In March 2021 Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Wales also has interim targets for 2030 and 2040, and a series of 5-year carbon budgets. The first carbon budget ran from 2016 to 2020. Alongside the net zero target, we also updated our interim targets and 2nd and 3rd carbon budgets, as follows:•Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25): 37% average reduction•Carbon Budget 3 (2026-30): 58% average reduction •2030: 63% reduction•2040: 89% reductionWe have to set a carbon budget at least five years before the budgetary period begins. The targets and carbon budgets form Wales’s statutory framework. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. However we have set a 0% offset limit against Carbon budget 2.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"As the transition to RES includes investments from public authorities and utilities, private households and the business sectors in utilization of different kind of local renewable energy sources, as wind power parks, photovoltaics of different sizes, biomass heating, solar heating, biogas production and upgrading, infrastructure for renewables, it can be considered as an on-going project, yet maybe midway. The local potential of renewables has been estimated in a couple of projects over the years., ranging from the EU 's ""Campaign for take Off"" around year 2000 until recently when Gotland has been pointed out by the Swedish Government as a pilot area for the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy supply. An action plan is developed by the National Energy Agency, in collaboration with local actors. The action plan will include sectors as electricity supply and infrastructure, buildings, transport, industries. The largest challenge might be the energy intensive stone and cement industries in the island, but also the agriculture sector is very fossil-fuel dependent, without technology yet easily available on the market to fully replace the fossil fuels. The cement industry has a vision for the developing of climate neutral cement in 10-25 years, it will though depend on certain steps and decisions on national/international political level and of course of customer demands. The agriculture sector on Gotland yet run promising development project such as fossil fuel free farming and fossil free meat-production.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Flood control and awareness campaigns to water management in households, to prevent the proliferation of vectors of water diseases, Another action sometimes necessary is the organization of vaccination campaigns, when this resource is available.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers in December 2020.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Statistic Sweden report total area of forest on Gotland, 124,000 har is prodyctive forets area, 12,000 ha is non productive forest area, with annual growth less than 1 m3s per yr. Over 20 % of the total forest area has formal protectuion.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,No: There are already agriculture measures that are implemented to the rotational grazing methods,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Climate change means economic opportunities for new business models such as providing ""climate services"". Another new economic sector is consultancy forthe adequacy of crops to new areas, suitable varieties, etc.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Comercial and Institutional. Livestock fishing and agriculture, Transport, Waste, Fluorinated gases, no ETS Industry.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","the risk of marine floods can seriously compromise the productive and settlement activities of the coastal areas, the most populated areas of the region",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The provincial government of Morona Santiago establishes the resolution to declare the Province as Ecological, Touristic and Free of Environmental Pollution in 2011. From that moment, a strategic project is established within the Decentralized Territorial Management Plan , entitled Environmental Monitoring System of Morona Santiago, with the objective of knowing the characteristics of its Renewable and Non-Renewable Natural Resources in order to know the state for the implementation of public policies that help the conservation of the provincial habitats. The monitoring is done through 10 automatic stations placed throughout the province. Hydrological monitoring in the basins of the Santiago and Morona rivers is done through the establishment of 4 automatic stations. Air monitoring, the carbon monoxide component through 10 stations. Wildlife Monitoring within the framework of the National System of Protected Areas.With all this information that we have since 2014, we launched a magazine of the Environmental System where we publish information and socialize environmental education issues with the inhabitants of the province and we transfer knowledge to universities.",1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Extraction activities and underground mining operations are subject to the administrative intervention regime of the Environmental Impact Statement with a substantive authorization (Annex I.3) of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, in the framework of the Prevention Law 20/2009 and control of activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Climate change mitigation andadaptation is included in theenvironmental impactassessment of plans andprojects,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,One of the indicators of the Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020 refers to final energy intensity (final energy consumption/GDP).The target is an annual improvement of 1.47% between 2007 and2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","The year 2018 is among the 10 rainiest years in 13 of the 18 stations that have data since 1950, and also in all the 26 automatic stations that have it of more than twenty years of data.The precipitation caused floods of rivers, landslides to 45 roads in one day and flooding of houses and garages. During the year, the Flooding Plan was activated 8 times and Civil Protection received 6,300 calls in October and November.The maritime temporarys also affected several areas of the Catalan coast causing damage to maritime rides and loss of beaches.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In Mexico, there are more than 30 official norms in terms of energy efficiency in different electrical appliances, motors, lighting, buildings, transformers, etc.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Energy-related CO2eq emission from fossil fuels for transportation and heating (excl. heating and processes in ETS industries) was reduced by 45 % between 1990 and 2017, due to the transition of the technology for heating buildings, according to national statistics. Oil has been largely replaced by biomass, especially in district heating. Local forestry plus development of the technology for biomass heating has resulted in local biomass covering most of the heating fuel used for buildings . In smaller buildings the switchover to geothermal heating or heat pumps also contributes to reduced dependency on oil and electricity for heating. Technical development has led to improved energy efficiency, but the average heated building area and the transportvolume per inhabitant on Gotland are increasing. Taking other sources for climate impact into account as farmbased land use and emissions from livestock, the emissions of CO2-eq in business and society on Gotland were reduced by 28 %.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Climate Plan aproved during 2018 by the City Council of Barcelona.aims to be an integrative vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which allows the achievement of the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate.The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and encouragement for citizen action.The main goal on adaptation is increase 1.6 km2 of green per capita and reach the 100 liters of water consumption per inhabitant per day.http://lameva.barcelona.cat/barcelona-pel-clima/ca/plan-clima/que-es-el-pla-clima",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of -no ETS sectors- by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26% by 2030 ( no ETS sectors), respect to year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Research is being carried out to produce biodiesel in Yucatan through academic institutions and research centers in Yucatan.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there is a study that is going on that will show the need for these investments which are quite colossal,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobility; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",mandatory for new public buildings - low energy standard for renovation,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In the transport sector, there are many projects that are developing on the territory, such as tele-ferries, the development of clean cars, electric charging stations, carpooling, the development of soft modes and the single rail. .",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,a new public procurment for public transports will start in two years. the lats ine asked for 70 % of the vehicles operated on biogas and will hopefully be in operation in a year. A n upcoming procurement of waste collecting ask for biogas transport from 70 % of the households.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state currently has an active energy efficiency challenge in buildings, in which a wide collaboration has been developed to create capacities in private buildings, of local companies to implement energy efficiency measures with the aim of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Official population projection of Papua released by Indonesia National Statistics Bureau is available for the period up to 2035 (4,144,600 population)",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Statistic Sweden, the Swedish EPA and the National Energy Agency are providers of the statisticses",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",the Region has put in place a voluntarist and very ambitious policy to achieve electric autonomy by 2030,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The mitigation measures are established in PRAC and the programme is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Among the actions planned by the Regional Government in the PRDC updated to 2015 are: implement the regional strategy of water resources, promotion of planting and harvesting of water, protect water sources to ensure the availability of water resources, water reinforcement in headwaters of basins and sub-basins, promote and promote the functioning of the basin councils, monitoring the quality and quantity of water in the main basins, formulate and implement a capacity building program on integrated management of water resources, carry out works of riparian defenses through reforestation and other forms of protection of natural water resources.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested. Called ""Geobags"", the submerged barrier with 49 bags (geotextile bag) was placed in the shape of L. The structure perpendicular to the beach, of 275 meters, has the function of reducing the energy of the waves. The structure parallel to the beach, 240 meters long, aims to help store sand. The bags installed in 2017 produced results mitigating the effects of a tide peak never before recorded in the City, in July 2019, of 2.48 meters. They are part of a pilot project which results will be monitored over the next 3 years.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested. Called ""Geobags"", the submerged barrier with 49 bags (geotextile bag) was placed in the shape of L. The structure perpendicular to the beach, of 275 meters, has the function of reducing the energy of the waves. The structure parallel to the beach, 240 meters long, aims to help store sand. The bags installed in 2017 produced results mitigating the effects of a tide peak never before recorded in the City, in July 2019, of 2.48 meters. They are part of a pilot project which results will be monitored over the next 3 years.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Climate projections provide a robust temperature rising trend over Catalonia for the coming decades. This warming trend is shown over all time horizons, seasons in the annual cycle, and geographical/climatic areas of Catalonia.Using the median from all datasets considered as representative, the surface temperature increase could be +0.8ºC [0.3º C-1ºC] in the current decade, and even reach +1.4ºC [0.9ºC-1,9ºC] around the middle of the 21st Century, as compared to the reference period 1971-2000. The rising trends may be even larger for the Pyrenean region (+2ºC) and in summer. An increase in the number of tropical nights (days with a minimum temperature of over 20 ºC) is forecasted for the period 2001-2050, which could be as much as +7% higher than the average for the period 1971-2000; this increase is especially remarkable in the coastal/pre-coastal systems (with more of 25 tropical nights a year).Also, the study on climate projections for the metropolitan municipalities of Barcelona elaborated by the Metropolitan Observatory of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and the Meteorological Service of Catalonia indicates a remarkable increase in tropical nights (minimum temperature daily> 20ºC) and warm days (maximum daily temperature> 30ºC). The increase occurs in any scenario of emissions considered and reaches more than 30 days a year with these indexes by the end of the century.",1 +Does your region have a region-wide emissions inventory to report?,"Other, please specify: The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",On 31st January 2018 was the first workshop of the CLIMPY project which will focus on a climatic data base in mountain regions in Andorra and whose mission is to have the regionalized snow climate projections for the territory of the Pyrenees taking into account the different scenarios of climate change. These projections will be the basis for designing local strategic policies in important economic sectors such as tourism.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Different actions ti install smart water meters in sectorssuch us industry and agriculture,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Implementation of sustainable agriculture practices that increases the profitability of crops through the proper use of natural resources (soil and water),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,this decline is due to the social movement that hit the island. There was a significant decrease in emissions,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Azorean Hydrographic Region (RH9) consists of 9 hydrographic sub-basins that correspond to each islands. In this hydrographic region, there are delimited 67 surface water bodies and 54 groundwater bodies scattered across the islands.The Regional Plan of the Hydrographic Region is a water management tool in an integrated way that was developed to protect and manage the water resources in the Azores. In our days, Azorean Government is working on the third generation of the plan.The responsibility for the management of water for consumption is of the municipalities. ERSARA (regional entity responsible for the regulation of water and waste services) regulates the water supply services, including the quality control.",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Sectors such as fishing, skiing or beach tourism will be affected current patterns.Water demands for irrigation in the order of 5% will increase, as a result of greater evapotranspiration.Lack of water availability will decrease from generalized way the provisions and guarantees in the irrigation if it is not compensates with the maximum modernization and efficiency and the use of new resources, such as reuseof regenerated waters.Decrease in more than 20% of hydroelectric production.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the region supports research projects on storage as well as on the photovoltaic sector,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Risks to business from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure, risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks, risks to infrastructure services from river, surface water, groundwater flooding, as well as coastal flooding and erosion. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from, flood, high winds and lightning.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015.",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The health system should be decentralized more so that vulnerable areas obtain a better quality of health care, thus avoiding major epidemics that would affect all citizens.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Catalan Office for Climate Change, at the Department of Territory and Sustainability, is the administrative unit dealing with climate change policies in Catalonia. Moreover, the Interdepartmental Commission on Climate Change, a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change, coordinates climate policy planning and monitors its completion. The Interdepartmental Commission is chaired by the Minister of Territory and Sustainability, and gathers representatives from all involved policy areas, such as agriculture, economy, housing, research energy, industry, health, civil protection, infrastructure and transport, land planning, foreign affairs and education. This Commission has the duty to foster cross-cutting actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to monitor and assess implementation of policies.The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change creates the Climate Change Social Roundtable and the Committee of Experts on Climate Change (articles 31 and 32). The Climate Change Social Roundtable is a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change that channels participation, information and consultation to the most representative institutions and organisations in the social, economic and environmental fabric of Catalonia on climate policies. The Committee of Experts on Climate Change is a collegiate body, affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change and with functional autonomy that acts with total functional independence in the development of its functions. The Committee presents proposals of carbon budgets for the different time periods, monitoring and assessment to Government and to Parliament. This Committee shall annually present to Parliament a report on the level of compliance to the carbon budgets. The Government shall take into consideration the Committee’s recommendations and shall incorporate them into their policies. In the event that they cannot be incorporated, it shall justify the reasons and inform Parliament.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Several factors are behind these impacts, including the importation of fossil products",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Targets are: Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Under Scenario A2 there is an expected increase in hotter days ranging from 12-22 days in 2020 to 24-47 days in 2050. The eastern, northeastern and southeastern regions of Yucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally, 80% of the surface of the state of Yucatan would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37 ° C.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2019 table 1.2(Source: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg 10),0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The State promote in 2019 a Concurrent Program to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers for the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction, among other concepts. The Concurrency Program with the Entities was implementedStates to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of the State of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers so that they can implementprojects that contemplate the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction or value addition, among other concepts.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Jurisdictional power:Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing all existing social homes will continue to have £108m invested per annum as a minimum, to ensure all social homes meet WHQS. The new 2022 standard is likely to raise the standard EPCD to EPCA. The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The biodiversity monitoring is not specific to climate adaptation but is an ongoing action.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other: The target is under revision and a new ambition for net zero emissions in 2050 has been announced by government. Currently the 80% target remains in legislation. However, this will be amended in 2020 with the intention of raising ambition to a 95% reduction to bring the target inline with a 1.5 degree goal as recommended by our statutory advisors.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Energy-related CO2eq emission from fossil fuels for transportation and heating (excl. heating and processes in ETS industries) was reduced by 45 % between 1990 and 2017, due to the transition of the technology for heating buildings, according to national statistics. Oil has been largely replaced by biomass, especially in district heating. Local forestry plus development of the technology for biomass heating has resulted in local biomass covering most of the heating fuel used for buildings . In smaller buildings the switchover to geothermal heating or heat pumps also contributes to reduced dependency on oil and electricity for heating. Technical development has led to improved energy efficiency, but the average heated building area and the transportvolume per inhabitant on Gotland are increasing. Taking other sources for climate impact into account as farmbased land use and emissions from livestock, the emissions of CO2-eq in business and society on Gotland were reduced by 28 %.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Loss of forest cover in areas of importance for the conservation of carbon reservoirs, caused by the disorderly growth of agricultural activities.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The answer refers to ""forest degradation"". Deforestation is not considered to be an issue within the region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Business Agency of Lower Austria “ecoplus” with decades of experience, with a highly-specialized team and an expansive network, offers tailored services to lower Austrian companies. With the technopol program the ecoplus focuses on building up technology oriented business locations near existing research and educational facilities. Furthermore, the ecoplus can help to find access to regional funding and give competitive advantage through innovative cooperation’s projects. In addition, companies from Lower Austrian can receive support for their internationalization and export ventures. Climate protection, renewable energies and climate change adaptation are important topics in all these fields of action.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent office space.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The projections of the precipitation do not indicate a clear trend, however a slight tendency of increase in the winter, that can reach 10%, and a decrease in the summer (especially in the time horizon 2070-2099)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021•Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The State of São Paulo is participating in the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform. At the current stage, 10-12 priority actions are being selected, out of more than 350 initially proposed.These final actions will be modeled in terms of their impact on reducing emissions, and viability analysis. As a result, the State administration will have subsidies to request partnerships and financing necessary to carry out the actions.This survey will be completed by the end of 2020.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Länsrapport_GotlandCO2- equivalents - only available as excel from a Swedish data base http://extra.lansstyrelsen.se/rus/Sv/statistik-och-data/nationell-emissionsdatabas/Pages/default.aspx,0 +Please complete the table below.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructurerelated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Amazonas. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide further details about the geography of your region.,"No. At the short term business will be able to operate successfully in the region, although extreme weather events (such as severe droughts and forest fires) may affect them. At a longer term, climate change effects will imply changes in businesses in order to operate successfully. This is the case of agricultural, tourism, electricity system, some infrastructures, etc",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Between 2017 and 2018, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 8.3% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2018). Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector which declined by 19.2% between 2017 and 2018. The main contributor to the energy sector reductions has been downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station, which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. In addition, a significant reduction in emissions from the energy sector is also attributed to the end of coal use at Uskmouth B power station, which is planning a conversion from a coal power station to 100% waste derived power station.The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 77% of the overall 2017-2018 trend.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of solar power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Environmental Department of the Azorean Government is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According to the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017 of21st of February,the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory was created. It was established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change is expected to be approved in 2019 and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,no more installations at present due to grid limitation and protection of bird life,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles will increase the electric mobility.,1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan it's use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,The figures quoted are for Gross Value Added (GVA) rather than GDP. GDP is not calculated for Wales. No forecasts are available for Welsh GDP in 2030 or 2050.,0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Localy produced wind power 432 GWh, solar power 0,6 GWh , generation from excess heat 31 GWh.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solar",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"management of the water resource is a state responsibility, while the region financially supports projects",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The monitoring is only 4 years old, so it has a very poor baseline, since it takes at least 10 years of information to characterize the climate of the province and thus be able to record the alteration of the environment.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Longer growing season for crops and opportunities for new types of agriculture,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food oversees policies on agriculture and Catalan farming. Improving institutional capacity of farmer and rural organizations is a common objective of the Ministry trough different mechanisms such as LEADER methodology taken by Local Action Groups (GAL) in rural territories, grant management, specific pilot projects, etc",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",1 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Santos Dock Company tide gauge (1940 to 2014), the longest series of continuous record of tides in Brazil, shows a consistent increasing trend.The estimation about the magnitudeof mean sea level rise (MSLR) concludes there wil be a considerable impact upon theport, with approximately 1.1m rise estimated from 1990 to 2100 at a rate of 0.33 cm / year,which is expected to increase in the coming decades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334730927_Estimation_of_Sea_Level_Rise_in_Santos_Port_Brazil",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",No: the switch from heating oil to renewable energy sources is being pushed,0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Includes all LULUCF activityExcludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements, which must be published by 2020. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",the measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline. . We also have a wider public sector carbon neutral target by 2030.Target year: 2020 for the operations and 2030 for the whole public sectorComments:This operations target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent and let building space.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Being an island state, we are the first ones affected by the effects of climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",We do not have data about associated GHG emissions (metric tonnes of CO2e).,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Increase resilience to climate change through the strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in theagriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,criteria for the purchase of electric or low emission vehicles in the government,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent office space.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Other: The operations of the Welsh Government are included within this commitment, together with the Public Bodies delivering services on our behalf including local government, NHS Wales, Natural Resources Wales, the National Park Authorities, Fire and Rescue Authorities, The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, The Arts Council of Wales, Sports Council of Wales, National Library of Wales and National Museum of Wales.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increase tree planting - In the past 4 years a total of 1355ha has been planted and a total 6370ha has been restocked. Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"total emissions of 2018 (including ETS)total emissions of 2018 (excluding ETS): 11,389,000ETS 2018: 6,586,000",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Increased vulnerability due to lack of access to health services, in municipalities with a high percentage of the population in conditions of poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of solar power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +Please complete the table below.,There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"In Catalonia, forests are the land system with the largest carbon stock per hectare, at 149.5 tons per hectare. They are followed by pastures, with 121.4 tonnes per hectare. These are followed by scrubland (112.1 tonnes per hectare) and woody crops (104.0 tonnes per hectare), and finally, arable crops, with 100.8 tonnes per hectare. Most of this carbon is stored in the soil as humus. In absolute terms, taking into account the total area of each ecosystem, forests are in first place, with a total of 173 Tg (million tonnes) of stored carbon.Forests are not exploited as extensively as they used to be, when they gave us many products with a high economic value, and the decline in economic interest has in many cases led to neglect in their management.Since most of our forests are already suffering from the effects of climate change, flexible forest management adapted to each species and geographical region is essential.They are also valuable as ecosystems: they regulate the water, nutrients and carbon cycles, maintain biodiversity, help to control forest fires, protect the soil and prevent it from suffering from erosion. Measures are therefore needed to prevent the rural exodus, and, more specifically, the exodus from farming. These measures, combined with others to protect pastures and meadows, would maintain the sink capacity of all these natural systems.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","During July 2017 Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study which analyses the risks and the opportunities of the agricultural sector of the north zone of Pyrenees and Aran region and indicates that it will have to change the productive focus towards human feeding and extensive pasture to adapt to climate change.If there is no action, between the years 2030 and 2050 there will be a reduction estimated income to the sector of 8.9%, but if they are applied adaptation measures the economic gains can increase more than 200%.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s target(s) on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Advice through Farming Connect. Farming Connect’s DemonstrationNetwork delivers a number of on-farm projects and trials looking at improving land management practices and grazing systems which can help to reduce emissions.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles will increase the electric mobility.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectious diseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",0 +Do current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change present significant physical risks to your region?,No: this does not come under the competence of the Region but rather of the French state,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Direct activity data. Emissions are calculated applying the emissions factor for electricity and natural gas to the electricity consumption and gas consumption in Governmental buildings, as reported in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2015). According to Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall have an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the properties, facilities and services they provide.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","There are waste heat recovery plants in Catalonia, which are municipal facilities. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/valoritzacio_energetica/que_es_una_planta_de_valoritzacio_energetica/index.html",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"According to the european Strategi 2020, Italy has to reach in 2020 the share of renewable energy of 17% in total consumpuin. Italian government has establish that marche region has to contribute with a 15,4% of share in 2020.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Existing actions for pressure reduction and management of distribution systems to reduce losses,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the context of marine energies, the Region has been funding research projects since 2009.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Our climate change risk assessment is currently under development. The assessment is produced together with the entire county administrative board's operations (internally). There is also an ongoing dialog with the municipalities about climate change impacts and adaptation needs.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Greater risk for already vulnerable populations because they survive from agriculture, which is their main source of income",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Excludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Technical development in the automotive industry and reduced emissions from industry. There is also a change in industry's heating and production technology. Another important reason is the recession.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"The Catalan Office for Climate Change, at the Department of Territory and Sustainability, is the administrative unit dealing with climate change policies in Catalonia. Moreover, the Interdepartmental Commission on Climate Change, a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change, coordinates climate policy planning and monitors its completion. The Interdepartmental Commission is chaired by the Minister of Territory and Sustainability, and gathers representatives from all involved policy areas, such as agriculture, economy, housing, research energy, industry, health, civil protection, infrastructure and transport, land planning, foreign affairs and education. This Commission has the duty to foster cross-cutting actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to monitor and assess implementation of policies.The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change creates the Climate Change Social Roundtable and the Committee of Experts on Climate Change (articles 31 and 32). The Climate Change Social Roundtable is a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change that channels participation, information and consultation to the most representative institutions and organisations in the social, economic and environmental fabric of Catalonia on climate policies. The Committee of Experts on Climate Change is a collegiate body, affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change and with functional autonomy that acts with total functional independence in the development of its functions. The Committee presents proposals of carbon budgets for the different time periods, monitoring and assessment to Government and to Parliament. This Committee shall annually present to Parliament a report on the level of compliance to the carbon budgets. The Government shall take into consideration the Committee’s recommendations and shall incorporate them into their policies. In the event that they cannot be incorporated, it shall justify the reasons and inform Parliament.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The incorporation of the reduction of GHG emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/planejament_urbanistic/index.htmlThe environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 104 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Targets are setted in terms of energy consumption:The Energy efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2014-2017) sets the objective of reducing energy consumption for each governmental department (and thus, overall Government) by 14,3% in 2015-2017 period compared to 2014.Now, with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a programme of action that takes into consideration the guidelines that for these purposes the ministries responsible for energy and housing have established, related to renewable energy and energy saving and efficiency. (art. 29.1.c))",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The State Development Plan 2018-2024 establishes strategies to improve waste management, contributing to its reduction, by promoting a culture for its comprehensive management that allows reducing environmental risks as well as promoting actions that contribute to the reuse of waste materials.In such a way that in 2019, the state government established the ""Yucatan Zero Waste Strategy"" whose objective is to promote the maximum use of waste, through the promotion of an environmental culture, equipment and innovative infrastructure that fosters the effective articulation of actions of diagnosis and monitoring, regulations, Implementation and commissioning of solid waste utilization infrastructure.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Catalan Government - through the Catalan Waste Agency -supports a pilot project in industrial symbiosis in Manresa,together with other institutions. First results obtanined indentifya local energy generation of 1,2 M € value with theimplementation of energy sinergy, and savings of 135.000 € inwaste management. https://www.manresa.cat/web/article/5977-projecte-simbiosi-industrial",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Climate change related issues are addressed in development plans: (i) Long term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang - RPJP); (ii) Medium term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mengengah - RPJM) and (iii) Sectoral (Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah - RKPD and Rencana Strategis - RENSTRA) as well as in spatial plans such as Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah (RTRW). Long term development plan is in synchronous with RTRW and the remaining documents are translating the plan from those documents into immediate or short term targets accordingly.Plans are identified and consolidated with representatives from local government at district/municipal level via a participatory meeting called Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan - Musrenbang. Further, they are also involved in programs implementation.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",One of the highest in the world. Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,"The actions of climate change in the state are decentralized, being present in some sectoral plans. However, there is still no general plan of action for reducing region-wide GHG emissions.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Under the Carbon Reduction Energy Efficiency Scheme we have focussed on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from buildings and fixed infrastructure.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment has highlighted 7 risks to which threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in Wales. The assessment has shown that current adaptation actions in the region mean we are prepared for all but three of the risks. Those of concern are:• Risks to business sites from flooding. Flooding poses risks to assets (flood damage), and human resource (e.g. access to work). Higher risk of impact to business and communities on the coast. Risk of disruption due to infrastructure disruption, including energy and ICT. Flooding risk expected to increase over coming decades.• Risks to businesses from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure. Greater risk of flooding and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. Risk of viability to coastal communities may increase.Potential impact on maritime logistics and infrastructure - particular risk to industries such as chemical manufacturing, oil, gas and tourism.• Risks to businesses from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.Increased risk of travel disruption leading to reduced worker productivity. Increased risk of school closures leading to reduced worker productivity. Risk is greater for smaller businesses, particularly in remote areas. Risk of reduced productivity from extended warm periods. Risk of heat stress to outdoor-working heavy manual labour resources. Risk of thermal discomfort to staff working in older offices.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Current Building Regulations Part L review will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations. . A consultation is expected this Autumn.,1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,he region also assists local landlords in the renovation of buildings,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,• Behavioural change • Technological change • Legislative change • Financial conditions • Policy change,0 +Please complete the table below.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: The Region is conducting an energy policy to support the sector on the circular economy and not on the recovery of waste,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"about geothermal energy, there are prospecting studies that are being launched, but there is a Geothermal project that is in sight",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The communities are being engaged and educated on the changing nature of rainfall and how to behavior, consumption, approaches, change technology and manage the risk associated.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Emissions in 2016 are 44,527,811 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100%",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action plan https://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdf https://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,total CO2 emissions from the combust of petroleum products and coal,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Applying the mitigation measures in the waste sector will translate in a economic benefit of $778,416,759 mexican pesos. Yucatán ranks fifth nationally in swine production and first in productivity, representing for the State the third income generating activity in the agricultural sector, an industry that covers 570 farms. The livestock sector and the treatment of wastewater and solids is regulated by the norms “NOM-001-SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT”, in force since 1996 with a grace period until January 2010 granted for the small and medium farms . Failure to comply with this regulation has important implications in terms of increased contamination of the aquifer. To date, 80% of the farms in the Yucatan have not complied with the norms. The Ministry of Urban Development and Environment of Yucatan has identified a group of 156 small and medium-sized farms that face barriers related to financing and knowledge of appropriate technologies; the population of pigs in these farms is approximately 41,647 and they generate around 201 tons of daily excreta and 977 m3 of liquids per day.Objective of the projectReduce the contamination of the aquifer mantle and the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by implementing appropriate technological alternatives to treat waste in approximately 156 small and medium-sized pig farms and strengthening technologically and competitively the pig farms for the fulfillment of the norms “NOM-001- SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT” in order to avoid the costs of the fines or sanctions and even prevent the closing of the farms, situation that would have a strong impact on the economy of the sector",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",At the moment we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have na emissions inventory for the government,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that, in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles, that will increase the electric mobility.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?","Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The region supports the local authorities to renovate the public battles, within the framework of the European funds",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The Programa Município Resiliente (Resilient Municipality Program), was created through state decree 64659, of December 11, 2019 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/norma/192628) with the aim of:I - encourage São Paulo Municipalities to adopt disaster risk reduction policies, in harmony with sustainable development;II - recognize good municipal disaster risk management, by certifying the management maturity in disasters;III - prioritize the access of the Municipalities that stand out in the management of disaster risk reduction to the resources of the State Coordination for Civil Protection and Defense.It will be coordinated by the Civil House and will address the following thematic axes:.Expansion of risk assessment. Hazard and risk mapping.Analysis of risk scenarios.Inspection of illegal occupations in risk areas.Environmental education and training.Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.Database update. Portfolio creation for adaptation projects.Data collection for climate projectionsIt will provide the creation of the resilience strategy of the State of São Paulo, as a tool to catalyze synergistic actions between the different programs, some already underway, involving and empowering the municipalities.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government - 'Taking Wales Forward'. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, the upcoming National Development Framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",1 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Command and control actions related to the National Forestry Code, Federal Law 12.651, May, 25th, 2012 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Catalan Office for Climate Change and Coastal Management Service are making the preliminary work and governance to develop an integral coastal plan that contains an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the beaches of Catalonia and identify what measures to take to avoid risks and order the uses of the area in accordance with the future scenarios of sea level rise.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","There will be less snow available in the mountain areas, mostly due to temperature increase. Precipitation patterns are more uncertain. The snow precipitation data for the period 1950-2010 has been studied by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) and indicates that the tendency in the last 50 years is negative, of the order of 28 mm per decade, but it is observed a great interannual variability: in the last two or three decades the dry years have predominated, but with some rainy years. Regarding territorial contrasts, the decrease in annual rainfall is higher on the south slope than on the north slope, but the differences are not important.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,In Mexico there are official regulations that establish maximum emission limits for vehicles and that regulate fuel quality.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food oversees policies on agriculture and Catalan farming. Improving institutional capacity of farmer and rural organizations is a common objective of the Ministry trough different mechanisms such as LEADER methodology taken by Local Action Groups (GAL) in rural territories, grant management, specific pilot projects, etc",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with more frequency and intensity, which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that, can affect the population, maritime transportation and air transport",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The State Development Plan of Yucatan 2018-2024, is the governance instrument of this administration, which is based on the international principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is part of the 2030 agenda",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. http://residus.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/planificacio/precat20/docs/PRECAT20_doc_principal.pdf. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",0 +Please select the category that best describes the boundary of your government’s GHG emissions inventory.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline. . We also have a wider public sector carbon neutral target by 2030.Target year: 2020 for the operations and 2030 for the whole public sectorComments:This operations target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Yes we have a number of campaigns and schemes. Our new Wales Transport Strategy gives priority to promoting walking and cycling and public transport over car use. This is consistent with Planning Policy Wales. Also included is the transport investment hierarchy that gives priority to managing demand by reducing distance travelled.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change.this strategic document is reviewed and finalized by the plenary assembly of the community on March 29th 2019,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsWe are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management which is currently being laid in the Senedd prior to publication, the above aim reflects our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The project was develop with local capacities and supported by the academic sector of the region,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The changes in climate affects the health of population, for instance increasing the incidence of water and respiratory diseases. In recent years there has been an increase in the proliferation of insect vectors of diseases such as dengue, zica and yellow fever, which may have been caused by a change in rainfall patterns and increase in the average temperature, which favor the transmission cycle of the disease.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,ICMS AMBIENTAL PROPICIARÁ MELHORIA DE GANHOS A MUNICÍPIOS PAULISTAS COM A PRESERVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL E DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVELhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/2021/04/novo-icms-ambiental-propiciara-melhoria-de-ganhos-a-municipios-paulistas-com-a-preservacao-ambiental-e-desenvolvimento-sustentavel/,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The CCRA3 Technical Report provides detailed advice on 61 risks associated with climate change, grouped into 5 categories: •Natural Environment and Assets •Infrastructure •Health, Communities and the Built Environment •Business and Industry •International Dimensions Part IV of the Climate Change Act 2008 requires the UK Government to lay before parliament a ‘Climate Change Risk Assessment’ (CCRA) every 5 years. The Climate Risk Independent Assessment is the CCC’s statutory advice to Government which informs the CCRA and national climate adaptation plans. The CCC’s 3rd Climate Risk Independent Assessment (CCRA3) assesses the urgency of adapting to UK climate risks and opportunities, considering both the current climate and projected future climates consistent with two future pathways: (i) stabilising 2°C by the end of the century, representing achievement of the Paris Agreement goals; (ii) 4°C global warming at the end of the century the current trajectory, consistent with the current limited global ambition for reducing emissionsThe report advises on areas where further action is required. It also provides advice on Government’s approach to adaptation planning. However, advice on specific policy options is outside the scope of this element of the CCC’s role.The published assessment comprises the following main documents, also supported by a number of additional reports that informed the analysis:Technical Report – Presents the full detailed analysis that underpins the assessment of risks or opportunities, and the resulting urgency scores. Advice Report - Summarises and interprets the evidence provided in the technical chapters. Also provides the Adaptation Committee’s statutory advice to Government on the risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. Authored by the CCC.Wales Summary report – One of four National Summarises published for each UK nation, summarises the most relevant aspects of the risk assessment for Wales.These documents will be published on https://www.ukclimaterisk.org, with the exception of the Advice Report which will be published on www.theccc.org.uk.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,The increase of the BRP in recent years comes to a large share from the service sector. We don't have predictions available yet for 2030 or 2050. We aim to report indicators for BRP + as well as we take part in the common open data reporting to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions on Agenda 2030 indicators.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Some coastal areas are already facing a sea level rise, including more frequent and higher floods. In the city of Santos, port marégraph data indicate a rise of 1.2 mm per year in the last three decades, totaling 3.6 cm, with a trend of increase in the last decade.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The activation of the measures of the Catalonia Drought Management Plan in the episode of drought experienced in the last 2 years in Catalonia (2016-2018) has supposed to have 100 more hm3 of water reserves in the reservoirs of the Ter Llobregat system during April 2018 with respect to a scenario in the absence of adaptive measures. The anticipation is key to avoid entering the alert stage. The full operation and performance of the water treatment facilities and the recovery of wells have been fundamental in the management.,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Recovery interventions that scale up investments in and access to digital technologies, funding mechanisms, and capacity-building solutions to enhance resilience to shocks, including climate change",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In terms of adaptation, it considered to implemente measures to protect the assets, resources and people, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.The adaptation in the Region should consider immediately the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property andHealth) , based on the Sectoral Strategy, seeking not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"here are awareness campaigns that are already in place, but infrastructure put in place are insufficient",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", thereis an expected change in rainfall patterns that would severely affect the sectors of water, forestry and agriculture",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Welsh Government is committed to a carbon neutral Welsh Public Sector by 2030. The operations of the Welsh Government are included within this commitment, together with the Public Bodies delivering services on our behalf including local government, NHS Wales, Natural Resources Wales, the National Park Authorities, Fire and Rescue Authorities, The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, The Arts Council of Wales, Sports Council of Wales, National Library of Wales and National Museum of Wales.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please complete the table below.,The state has sustainable school programs where students are made aware of solid waste management.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The region provides help to families in precarious situation plus 4500 families were accompanied by this dispostif,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with others to support and scale up pilots, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The 500 km length shoreline of the State of São Paulo is composed of 16 municipalities with about 2,22 million inhabitants. About 50% of the São Paulo sandy beaches are at Very-High and High Risk. These beaches include together more than 66% of the whole São Paulo shoreline, of which almost 50% are non-urbanized areas that include large areas requiring environmental protection. On the other hand, the most urbanized area is at medium risk.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Establish work methodologies for the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas to intervene, in addition to socializing the results achieved with the monitoring of natural resources, to establish environmental education programs.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",We collect data using both field field surveys and remote sensing,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",total CO2 emissions from the combust of petroleum products and coal,0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient anagementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Sources: 1) 2018 Population from www.seeg.eco.br2) Data reported: Projections of 2018 edition - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas/sociais/populacao/9109-projecao-da-populacao.html=&t=resultadosFile: projecoes_2018_populacao_idade_simples_2010_20603) Also avaiable, but with different data, in: SEAD System. Population projections available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Increase renewables to 9.30% by 2018 of region-wide enegy productionNine private investment projects in Renewable Energy will be implemented in Yucatan State with a capacity of 1,818,623 MwHr/year.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Every year the Region, in collaboration with local administrations, through the air action plan, adopts contingent short-term measures to reduce the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants during the winter period.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Extrapolation linear trend based on historical data; 2014: 0,358 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2016: 0,361 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2017: 0,362 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2018: 0,32 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-realsecond target: energy-related greenhouse gas emissions with a reduction in emissions-intensity (greenhouse gases related to gross regional product) by 70 to 90% by 2050",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Vision: A region prepared for the impacts of a changing climate through implementation of policies and programs that minimize risks to our health and safety, the environment and the economy, and maximizes the benefits from opportunities which may arise. To achieve this vision, we plan to:1. Avoid biodiversity and other losses and unsustainable investment, and take advantage of economic opportunities.2. Take reasonable and practical measures to increase climate resilience of ecosystems.3. Create and share risk-management tools to support adaptation efforts across the province.4. Achieve a better understanding of future climate change impacts across the province.5. Seek opportunities to collaborate with others.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Direct activity data. Emissions are calculated applying the emissions factor for electricity and natural gas to the electricity consumption and gas consumption in Governmental buildings, as reported in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2015). According to Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall have an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the properties, facilities and services they provide.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Transfer and training totechnicians and farmersof savings and energy efficiency andGHG emissions,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Catalan inventory is part of the Spanish one. The Spanish inventory is first built according the 2006 IPCC guidelines, and afterwards these data are split among thedifferent Spanish regions (what we call regionalization). Whenever is possible we try to allocate directly the source of the GHG emission to the region, but when this is not possible some kind of weighting factor is used (population or GAV, for example)",1 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,New invasive species are replacing the natural species and changing ecosystems.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. In 2019, Wales was the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency. In May 2019 the CCC recommended that the Welsh Government should increase Wales’s 2050 emissions reduction target from 80% to 95%. We welcomed the CCC’s advice but declared an ambition to go even further, and set a net zero target. We asked the CCC for further advice on the options available to Wales for reaching that goal. In December 2020 the CCC published new advice for Wales, which confirmed our ambition was credible. In March 2021 the Senedd agreed to revise Wales’s statutory climate targets in line with all of the CCC’s recommendations in the December 2020 advice.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Terceira incinerator is already working, and it is planned the incineration project of São Miguel island",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Welsh Government Marine Plan established an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",1 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"the Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please complete the table below.,"As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",It ca be studied in small islands such as Graciosa and Flores,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The forested area in Catalonia has increased greatly in recent years (130,000 hectares): while it accounted for 38% of the territory in 1993, in 2009 it was 42 %.There have been no major losses associated with forest fires (about 28,000 hectares of forest was burned between 2001 and 2014, or less than 2,000 hectares per year) or any other disturbances.The increase has been mainly at the expense of scrubland, and to a lesser extent, albeit a significant one, has involved an abandonment of crops.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,"The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Welsh Government published its latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales, in 2019. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way. The new plan seeks to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's CCRA evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The state works with the municipal governments of Progreso, Mérida, Valladolid, Huncucmá, Umán and Tekax through the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (GCoM-LAC), with the aim of strengthening municipal capacities for the generation of GHG Inventories and Local Climate Action Plans.Among the expected results of this iniciative is the generation of local capacities for the implementation of theGlobal Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, and the strengthening of climate transparency through platforms of international relevance such as the CDP.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Sectors such as fishing, skiing or beach tourism will be affected current patterns.Water demands for irrigation in the order of 5% will increase, as a result of greater evapotranspiration.Lack of water availability will decrease from generalized way the provisions and guarantees in the irrigation if it is not compensates with the maximum modernization and efficiency and the use of new resources, such as reuseof regenerated waters.Decrease in more than 20% of hydroelectric production.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"No: maybe a future project, for now the energy performance is rarely med public",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Focus on increasing uptake on energy efficiency for the fuel poor. The Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme is our domestic retrofit programme targeted at the fuel poor. It is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS which aims to improve the social homes in Wales includes improving efficiency standards. The WG is also working with key stakeholders to develop a long-term, evidence based programme to decarbonise all existing homes in Wales .",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Applying the mitigation measures in the waste sector will translate in a economic benefit of $778,416,759 mexican pesos. Yucatán ranks fifth nationally in swine production and first in productivity, representing for the State the third income generating activity in the agricultural sector, an industry that covers 570 farms. The livestock sector and the treatment of wastewater and solids is regulated by the norms “NOM-001-SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT”, in force since 1996 with a grace period until January 2010 granted for the small and medium farms . Failure to comply with this regulation has important implications in terms of increased contamination of the aquifer. To date, 80% of the farms in the Yucatan have not complied with the norms. The Ministry of Urban Development and Environment of Yucatan has identified a group of 156 small and medium-sized farms that face barriers related to financing and knowledge of appropriate technologies; the population of pigs in these farms is approximately 41,647 and they generate around 201 tons of daily excreta and 977 m3 of liquids per day.Objective of the projectReduce the contamination of the aquifer mantle and the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by implementing appropriate technological alternatives to treat waste in approximately 156 small and medium-sized pig farms and strengthening technologically and competitively the pig farms for the fulfillment of the norms “NOM-001- SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT” in order to avoid the costs of the fines or sanctions and even prevent the closing of the farms, situation that would have a strong impact on the economy of the sector",0 +Break down your total gross emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used global warming potential (GWP).,"According to the european Strategi 2020, Italy has to reach in 2020 the share of renewable energy of 17% in total consumpuin. Italian government has establish that marche region has to contribute with a 15,4% of share in 2020.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",It is expected that occur more hot days that will affect health population and also water disponibility,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The activation of the measures of the Catalonia Drought Management Plan in the episode of drought experienced in the last 2 years in Catalonia (2016-2018) has supposed to have 100 more hm3 of water reserves in the reservoirs of the Ter Llobregat system during April 2018 with respect to a scenario in the absence of adaptive measures. The anticipation is key to avoid entering the alert stage. The full operation and performance of the water treatment facilities and the recovery of wells have been fundamental in the management.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Local studies have pointed out the potential effects of changes in seasonal rainfall, in sectors such as agriculture, where the variability of precipitation could generate considerable decreases in the yield of crops, livestock and beekeeping; as well as the increase in production costs with direct effects on local producers. The potential impact on the water sector is also considered due to the decrease in the provision of this resource for human settlements and other economic sectors, including commerce and industry.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,No: this does not come under the competence of the Region but rather of the French state,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. This is because we have a high proportion of well documented emissions from the traded sector (EU-ETS),1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Average annual temperature (in Celsius)Maximum temperature in 2016 from 16,5 (Aran) to 23,3 (Ribera d’Ebre) Minimum temperature in 2016 from 0,8 (Cerdanya) to 15,4 (Barcelonès)Eastern longitudeEastern boundary: 3° 19' 59,94""Western boundary: 0° 9' 41,69""Northern latitudeNorthern boundary: 42° 51' 45,97""Southern boundary: 40° 31' 27,56""Average altitude (m)12.556,1 square km have an altitude of 201-600 m and 1,340.2 square km have an altitude of > 2000 m (from a total of 32.108 square km)",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,ETS Sector verified in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Base year changed from 1990 to 2005 due to comparable data availability.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","According to the information from Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) Jayapura (Capital City of Papua), for example. Even several areas in Jayapura are experienced a land conversion, the amount of water supply still enough to support community in Jayapura, also the the areas still have a good quality of water.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon-neutral by 2035. Many of the local authorities in the Region have already set the goal of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2035 or earlier. The Regional Council is working together with cities and municipalities to complete a roadmap to Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa Region in 2035. Through this process we seek to support local mitigation activities.Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has signed Covenant of Mayors territorial coordinators' commitment statement and is so ready to endorse and support the local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy and climate policies.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change.this strategic document is reviewed and finalized by the plenary assembly of the community on March 29th 2019,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solar",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy programming, it is planned to convert all plants to biomass",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"Our inventory is not able to disaggregate emissions into Scope 1 and 2. All emissions associated with these sectors have been allocated to Scope 1.Scope 3 includes emissions from: “Industrial processes and product use”, “Agriculture”, “Land use, land-use change and forestry” and “Waste”",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s target(s) on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan ( https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",1 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Jurisdictional power:Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing all existing social homes will continue to have £108m invested per annum as a minimum, to ensure all social homes meet WHQS. The new 2022 standard is likely to raise the standard EPCD to EPCA. The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Amazonas is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) will be designed by Amazonas with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute in 2019 and funded by Norway Cooperation.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The biggest climate problems in the region are due to deforestation and fires. The COVID-19 pandemic did not influence any of these factors.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"To Gotland imported electricity equals to Swedish production mix in 2015, a year with net export from Sweden.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent office space.,1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"See above in terms of our New Transport Strategy and our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel.This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The other compounding issues is the degree of grazing by cattles coming into the region from the north. Also worsening the situation is the rate of illegal mining within the region for alluvial gold, especially along the river basins and the rampant destruction of the forest by using bulldozers and heavy machines",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GEH emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/incorporacio_avaluacio_ambiental/http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/redueix_emissions/com-calcular-emissions-de-geh/The environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 82 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations?,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The impacts of climate change would generate a pressure on different economic activities, among the expectedconsequences would be a reduction of investment fromforeign and local companies related to the increased vulnerability of the region, the devaluation of real state properties mainlyin the coastal zone, increase costs ofproduction in sectors such as agriculture and livestock related to increase costs of basic services such as water supply,reduction in the volume of sails in commercerelated to scarcity of raw materials etc. Nowadays Yucatan is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme meteorologicalevents.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Between 2017 and 2018, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 8.3% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2018). Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector which declined by 19.2% between 2017 and 2018. The main contributor to the energy sector reductions has been downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station, which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. In addition, a significant reduction in emissions from the energy sector is also attributed to the end of coal use at Uskmouth B power station, which is planning a conversion from a coal power station to 100% waste derived power station.The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 77% of the overall 2017-2018 trend.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,There is no adaptation goals for the Sao Paulo State region.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Impact on spatial planning and land-use planning. Areas where increased risk of flooding are mapped and should be avoided for new developments,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy programming, it is planned to convert all plants to biomass",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the digitalization in the transport sector",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Projects are set up On the territory, led by local authorities",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Energy efficiency in industrial processes, buildnings and spatial planning.Climate-smart farming methods in agriculture.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"Projects are set up On the territory, led by local authorities",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Goverment's emissions were calculated for scope 1 and scope 2 to establish a baseline for the Yucatan's CarbonManagement Plan.The CMP was developed with the technical assistance of the Carbon Trust and the financial resources of the British Embassy (Prosperity Fund), sets out in detail the State Strategy to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years from government operations related to public buildings and facilities; and vehicle fleet, through the calculation of a baseline carbon footprint and the definition of potential projects and actions to increase energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies. Setting the target to reduce 10% of Yucatan scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 2020 based on 2015 levels.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" atmedium term, the expected increment oftemperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Catalan Energy Institute promotes energy efficient lighting through an Energy Assessment Program and Energy ServicesCompanies. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/usos_energia/mon_local/edificis/programa_asessorament_energetic/,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Encouraging maximum use of locally generated renewables through the Energy Local programme,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Prevention and reduction of exposure to climate change impacts through the establishment of public systems ofinformation in climate variability,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",We work with the biocultural inter-municipal board (JIBIOPUUC) which integrates seven municipalities that represent the best preserved areas of the state. We work together to implement the REDD+ State Strategy.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GHG emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/planejament_urbanistic/index.htmlThe environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 104 urban and sectoral plans.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management sets 4 objectives:Reduce the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion,raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk,providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events, and prioritising investment in the most at risk communities.Our average investment (revenue and capital) in flood and coastal erosion risk management in Wales over the past seven financial years (since 2011/12) has been £53 million per year, reducing risk to homes and businesses across Wales.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Absoluty, For example, during severe floods, the local economy is paralyzed",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,The Marche Region participates in the national technical table for the adoption of measures for the purpose of reducing emissions to improve air quality,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The master plan contains a sectoral analysis to identify areas of opportunity, setting specific goals for mitigation and adaptation. The goal for mitigation for 2018 is a 20% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005 and for 2030 a 40% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005. While for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 40% compared to 2005.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"No: maybe a future project, for now the energy performance is rarely med public",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","One of the actions under the Welsh Government's net zero public sector ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"There is a lack of effective alignment of the budgets of the state entities that have the greatest impact on the territory, particularly in the agricultural sector, to establish criteria and operating rules in rural development programs that allow the implementation of low-emission sustainable production practices.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Extraction activities and underground mining operations are subject to the administrative intervention regime of the Environmental Impact Statement with a substantive authorization (Annex I.3) of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, in the framework of the Prevention Law 20/2009 and control of activities.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Implementation of the Yucatan Zero strategyWaste, with actions reported in 2019:1) Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation: in the Urban Metropolitan Area of ​​Mérida, as well as the 13 municipalities that make up the recharge area of ​​the Ring of Cenotes Geohydrological State Reserve.2) Strengthening of Solid Waste Regulations: modification of the Waste Management Law in the State of Yucatan through Decree 80/2019 in order to give legal support to the regulation of single-use plastics as straws , carry bags and unicel waste.3) Participation and cooperation: through workshops regarding education, culture and environment; innovation, research and technological development; complementary normative and regulatory instruments; and, lastly, mechanisms for the reduction and recycling of single-use plastics.In the same way, supervision actions were carried out in 49 municipalities that consisted of identifying open-air dumps, delivery of cans for the disposal of urban solid waste in public spaces, supervision of the collection and cleaning systems of public shools.Advice was provided to 38 municipalities for the correct operation of the Final Disposal Site (SDF) and 11 municipalities were trained in the correct management of urban solid waste and special management.60 beach cleaning actions were carried out with the participation of 10,048 volunteers. As a result, 72,590 kg of waste were removed in mangrove areas, 44,000 kg in beach areas and 481,000 kg on roads and highways in the coastal zone.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Increased vulnerability due to lack of access to health services, in municipalities with a high percentage of the population in conditions of poverty.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The State of São Paulo has general characteristics of a tropical high altitude climate (Planalto), some regions defined as a rainier climate (Litoral) and others that fit in a subtropical climate (Mountainous Area). This identifies the State with a humid and hot summer climate, dry winter on the plateau and winter with good rainfall on the coast.Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain.The meteorological network of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply coordinates meteorological and agrometeorological monitoring and public access to this network is over 7,000 / day, indicating the great demand for meteorological and agrometeorological information by society. Website: www.ciiagro.org.br",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"There are policies for coastalmanagement, although powersare shared with municipalitiesand Spanish centralgovernment",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Azorean electricy company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,On 31st January 2018 was the first workshop of the CLIMPY project which will focus on a climatic data base in mountain regions in Andorra and whose mission is to have the regionalized snow climate projections for the territory of the Pyrenees taking into account the different scenarios of climate change. These projections will be the basis for designing local strategic policies in important economic sectors such as tourism.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The other compounding issues is the degree of grazing by cattles coming into the region from the north. Also worsening the situation is the rate of illegal mining within the region for alluvial gold, especially along the river basins and the rampant destruction of the forest by using bulldozers and heavy machines",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Inter basin transfers, increasing the resilience of the water supply system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Longer growing season for crops and opportunities for new types of agriculture,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project..,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The changes in climate affects the health of population, for instance increasing the incidence of water and respiratory diseases. In recent years there has been an increase in the proliferation of insect vectors of diseases such as dengue, zica and yellow fever, which may have been caused by a change in rainfall patterns and increase in the average temperature, which favor the transmission cycle of the disease.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Actions tu strengthen the regulations and follow-up of construction of hydraulic and sanitary infrastructure in new housing developments in urban areas of Yucatan. Through evaluation protocols, emissions of feasibility opinions and authorizations. Likewise, JAPAY is developing a project to detect leaks in the drinking water distribution network, through the supply and installation of micrometers in domestic and commercial household outlets and supply and installation of macrometers in catchment areas and sumps, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In the context of marine energies, the Region has been funding research projects since 2009.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Increased risk of disease from flooding and increased temperatures. Problems associated with overheating in the home and on public transport. Risk of access to social and health care from weather related impacts.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Amazonas. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,1 +Please attach and provide details of your region's forest management plan(s).,"Heat waves are a risk to people's health, especially already vunerable groups.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of solar power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The historical data indicates the sector that increased emissions in the state was agriculture, livestock and land use change and forests, the latter containing a considerable increase in emissions (290% from 2015 to 2016).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Absoluty, For example, during severe floods, the local economy is paralyzed",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Wastewater Treatment Program has aim to maintain water quality so that do not contaminate the resource found in the water table.In the reported period, 9,185,741 m3 of sewage were treated to comply with the quality standards established by the National Comissio of Water (CONAGUA, for its initials in Spanish) and benefit 269,544 users of the drinking water system with a investment of 29 million MXN.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Climate change mitigation is an integral part of all regional planning and development activities. These cover most of the sectors mentioned. The need for climate change adaptation is also recognised and dealt with in regional planning in particular.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsability definitions,0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"In many places, the network of pipes is old and the maintaining processes are not adequate, which causes major problems of water loss and waste.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,1 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,Existing actions for pressure reduction and management of distribution systems to reduce losses,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state government through the Ministry of Health (SSY), implemented in 2019 actions in the field of prevention and attention to health risks, highlighting:• Implementation of the Program for sanitary regulation and surveillance of water quality, through which 52,105 free residual chlorine monitoring was carried out with 320 samples of piped water and 293 samples of water and ice for human consumption. Execution of 509 seawater samplings to determine enterococci; 540 samples of sea water to identify harmful or toxic algal blooming ""Red Tide"" and 195 samples in bodies of fresh water (cenotes) for detection of E. coli to guarantee suitable water conditions for human consumption.• Attention to vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , implementing the Program of prevention and control of vector diseases , wich incorporate vector control interventions based on knowledge of the determinants of pathogen transmission, which utilise a range of insecticide and non–insecticide-based approaches in a locally tailored manner. The Program includes informative workshops with communities (3,185 dengue prevention talks to the population); 8368 entomological studies of triatomines were carried out in localities; 8,439 fumigations to houses infested by triatomes; 60 treatments for Chagas disease were given; 45 treatments were given to leishmaniosis patients; 46,605 blood tests were carried out on the population and 365 treatments for the elimination of positive Anopheles fly hatchery.• Implementation of the Health Surveillance, Regulation and Control Program, in collaboration with the International Health Coordination in order to prevent, detect, control and follow up on diseases subject to international epidemiological surveillance. In the reporting period, 1,808 means of transportation were reviewed, between ships and international planes; 209 certificates of health of epidemiological risk were issued to undocumented insured and 229 certificates of protection against health risks and promotion of health; 2,186,966 health surveillance and control inspections were carried out on international and national travelers suspected of having any of the diseases of the International Health Regulations.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectious diseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"There is no priority or resources to develop this inventory, besides the availability of reliable and detailed data. There is a calculation of CO2 emissions in the State's energy balance, but according with the total consumption of energy in the public sector.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the electric vehicles",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Promote the study of the impact of animal feed on emissions and productivity. Reduce the CH4 emissions by increasing digestibility of cattle.,1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Swedens national environmental objectives and specifically the taget ""Sustainable forests"" includes formal protection of forest areas.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; much likely it will not be achievedNext target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Biomass counts for around 500 GWh, the absolute main part of heating fuels, to the district heating systems in the city and villages on Gotland and the heating for other building both private homes and larger buildings on the countryside where district heating is not available. Forestry on Gotland produces the biomass mostly as a byproduct to sawn timber from forestry, as the annual forest growth is double as large as the material, the net uptake is assumed to be around 82 500 tonnes CO2 per year, according to a fresh report from the county administration.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Many of the opportunities and benefits arising from the sustainable management of forests and woodlands are recognised in the Welsh Government forestry policy document Woodlands for Wales which sets out forestry policy in Wales for the next 50yrs. This is also reflected in the application of the principle of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources as set out in the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and in our Natural Resources Policy and ecosystems approach.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"""Plusenergilän"" - Kronobergs county is a ""plus-energy-county"" by the year 2050 meaning that the total production of renewable energy and biofuel exceeds the total energy use within the county",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Spatial and transport planning. We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"We are working with UK Government, local authorities, the energy sector and business to plan for and implement the roll out of EV charging infrastructure. Additional transport grant funding of £29m allocated in 20/21 to support the transformation of fleet to ULEVs and introduce new charging infrastructure.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectious diseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Sinks are not included in the inventory, the carbon sinks on Gotland are for example forests where approximately 50 % of the estimated annual growth is left in the forests and meadows and pastures kept in continued cultivation with extensive grazing., that are reported to have increased the amount of soil carbon during the last decades, but we lack official statistic on that.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"In rural areas, communities directly access water sources for self-supply through non-potable piped water.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Infrastructure development should analyze the impact of climate change and should be more environmentally friendly, with environmental concepts, and anti-seismic techniques",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with others to support and scale up pilots, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy usesin Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installationof biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable managementof local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa/BiomassaCAT,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Very important measure to enable furtgher installations of renewables to the grid on Gotland, both storage capacity and transmission capacity can be useful in different scales.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/icaeninstallacio-dinfraestructures-de-recarrega-per-alvehicle-electric/,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other, please specify: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Estimates of gross greenhouse gas emissions do not consider the removal of carbon dioxide from changes in land use, ie the amount of carbon gases set by vegetation growth. When the removals are discounted, the estimates are net emissions (emissions minus removals).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Focus on increasing uptake on energy efficiency for the fuel poor. The Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme is our domestic retrofit programme targeted at the fuel poor. It is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS which aims to improve the social homes in Wales includes improving efficiency standards. The WG is also working with key stakeholders to develop a long-term, evidence based programme to decarbonise all existing homes in Wales .",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"As the transition to RES includes investments from public authorities and utilities, private households and the business sectors in utilization of different kind of local renewable energy sources, as wind power parks, photovoltaics of different sizes, biomass heating, solar heating, biogas production and upgrading, infrastructure for renewables, it can be considered as an on-going project, yet maybe midway. The local potential of renewables has been estimated in a couple of projects over the years., ranging from the EU 's ""Campaign for take Off"" around year 2000 until recently when Gotland has been pointed out by the Swedish Government as a pilot area for the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy supply. An action plan is developed by the National Energy Agency, in collaboration with local actors. The action plan will include sectors as electricity supply and infrastructure, buildings, transport, industries. The largest challenge might be the energy intensive stone and cement industries in the island, but also the agriculture sector is very fossil-fuel dependent, without technology yet easily available on the market to fully replace the fossil fuels. The cement industry has a vision for the developing of climate neutral cement in 10-25 years, it will though depend on certain steps and decisions on national/international political level and of course of customer demands. The agriculture sector on Gotland yet run promising development project such as fossil fuel free farming and fossil free meat-production.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","No: it's not an issue here, cooking stoves are electrical and the electricity used has very low emission factors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there is a study that is going on to evaluate the implementation of this kind of dispostif,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Base year changed from 1990 to 2005 due to comparable data availability.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","According to the Regional Program for Climate Change (PRAC) projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional GNP is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"In collaboration with the municipality of Hermosillo, we have worked to establish energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings, through the publication of a Complementary Technical Standard for Energy Efficiency, for the construction regulations of the municipality of Hermosillo, accompanied by the creation of capabilities for citizens and housing developers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,In Amazonas��s master plan (Concerted Development Regional Plan to 2021) there is a objective related with infrastructure works that are executed annually taking into account risk management in the face of climate change. The objective is achieve that 100 per cent of public projects have risk assessment.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers in December 2020.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Independent infrastructural operators are continually reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Technical development in the automotive industry and reduced emissions from industry. There is also a change in industry's heating and production technology. Another important reason is the recession.,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The historical data indicates the sector that increased emissions in the state was agriculture, livestock and land use change and forests, the latter containing a considerable increase in emissions (290% from 2015 to 2016).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)Other subsidies for prevention, reuse and recycling:http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/ajut-tes-1472-2018-projectes-prevencio-ri",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Granting subsidies for implementing mitigation measures in municipalitas using eficiency heating technologies in public buildings, and insolation improvement.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Program for Climate Change (PRAC) projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional GNP is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"There are a lot of different actions such as new routes (for example, ""bus expres""), or the new bus network in Barcelona, etc. There are a lot of different actions such as new metro routes in Barcelona, increasing frequency of the metro lines, improving stations, etc. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC), the Catalan Governmental Railway company, is increasing routes, building new train stations and improving existing stations.The Catalan Government is committed along with 27 metropolitan regions of Europe to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission public transport. On June 8, 2018, the members of the EMTA have committed themselves to prioritize the introduction of clean vehicles in bus fleets and ask the European Union for economic support in this regard. (http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306454/ca/govern-compromet-junt-27-regions-metropolitanes-deuropa-accelerar-transicio-transport-public-demissions-zero.do)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Climate change responsibility is found in the regional, sectoral or special programs that are aligned to the state development plan. Each plan contains indicators that are reported in the annual governmentreport that is associated with the State Action Program on Climate Change, which is a special program.The actions carried out in Climate Change linked to the State Action Program on Climate Change include the actions of the different instances that influence the fulfillment of goals and objectives in mitigation and adaptation.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agents and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,1 +"Please explain why your region does not have a region-wide emissions inventory to report and detail your plans to report one in the future, if any.","Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change provides changes in seasonal regimes: for the period 2070-2100 is probably that the seasonal hydrologic regime will be intensified, with a reduction of contributions in the summer (up to - 40%). Also it provides impacts for extreme precipitation phenomena: This situation will produce important damages in flood areas, especially in the coastal plains for the effects of the sea level rise too. The extreme precipitation phenomena will imply occasional flows and affections to the quality of water.",1 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Establish work methodologies for the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas to intervene, in addition to socializing the results achieved with the monitoring of natural resources, to establish environmental education programs.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" .The Program establishes annual goals, which are measured in March. Exceptionally in 2018,due to the change in the management of the State Government, the target of 10,000 ha was set for Decemberunder restoration, with an indicative of 12,000 ha for March 2019. Both goals were achieved beforeof the term, with 2018 ending with 13,070 ha under restoration. The next target is 20,000 haunder restoration in March 2020.It is important to note that the Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs,State, Hydrographic Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs.This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for politics of public catering.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Areas covered:11 natural systems and socio-economic sectors analysed (agriculture and livestock, biodiversity, water management, forestry, industry, trade and services, mobility and transport infrastructure, fishing, tourism, health, energy sector and urban planning and housing)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The LIFE MEDACC project has finished after five years and has analyzed three Catalan river basins: La Muga, El Segre and El Ter.The LIFE MEDACC project has confirmed a reduction in precipitation, especially in summer, with more frequent and intense droughts and more evaporation of water into the atmosphere. The three basins studied have seen how their rivers have reduced the flow, a trend that will continue in the future if measures are not applied.In the case of forests, the tendency for the three basins is similar. During the last decades the surface of forests has increased to the detriment of crops and scrub.In fact, the results show that they are increasingly vulnerable to drought and fires, especially in the Muga. If the trend continues, the forests of the three basins, and of Catalonia in general, will have a higher risk of fire and will be more exposed to droughts, pests and other disturbances. Regarding agriculture, it has been seen that now some crops such as the apple tree begin their activities due to the high temperatures of winter and spring, and see their flowering due to cold weather as well as their fruit quality due to heat stroke. On the other hand, the reduction of precipitation and the greater water demand has caused a decrease in the availability of water, both in quantity and quality, especially accused in the coastal plains of the Muga and Ter.http://medacc-life.eu/",1 +Does your region have a region-wide emissions inventory to report?,"We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass and maintenance of forest area",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets)and if possible, grant financial support.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In Wales, we have a long term 2050 target and are establishing National Development Framework for planning, which will be a development plan for the whole of the country. It will set out national planning policies for the next 20 years and express spatially our long-term economic, social and environmental objectives. The NDF will form part of the statutory plan for determining planning applications and will assist in the determination of Developments of National Significance. We have consulted on the issues, options and preferred option for the NDF. The preferred option states that the NDF will ensure the planning system in Wales",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"As part of the multiannual energy program, the Region aims to establish several charging points on the territory.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Targets are: Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Yucatan has the Pro Air program which establishes strategies for reducing emissions from fixed sources, mobile sources, health impacts, environmental education, institutional strengthening.In terms of mobile sources, the strengthening of the sustainable mobility system for high-quality transport is proposed, as well as the strengthening of the vehicle verification program and the development of a comprehensive plan for sustainable urban mobility",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sector,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Projects are set up On the territory, led by local authorities",0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures.",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Azorean electricy company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Welsh Government Marine Plan established an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof hotter days ranging from 12-22 days at 2020 to 24-47 by 2050. The east, northeast and southeast regions ofYucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally80% of Yucatan State surface would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37°C.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is no adaptation goals for the Sao Paulo State region.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",1 +Break down your total gross emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used global warming potential (GWP).,he measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and also increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,The rising temperatures lead to more dryness in the soil - this leads to problems in agriculture and forestry,1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing renewable energies.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan (https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",1 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The statistical and cartographic information products of the Satellite Forest Monitoring System (SAMOF) are part of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme at the national level of the National REDD + Strategy.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock mightaffect productivity and food security.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The Catalan inventory is part of the Spanish one. The Spanish inventory is first built according the 2006 IPCC guidelines, and afterwards these data are split among thedifferent Spanish regions (what we call regionalization). Whenever is possible we try to allocate directly the source of the GHG emission to the region, but when this is not possible some kind of weighting factor is used (population or GAV, for example)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The State goverment implemented in 2019 a Program to increase the acquisition of Agricultural Insurance with local producers. A valuable business risk management tool that provides financial protection against production losses caused by natural perils, such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, and frost. Providing covarage for 112,996 hectares of local crops with an investment of 23 million pesos.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"No updated public population development prediction is available at the region's web page for later than 2028; https://www.gotland.se/103757For Gotland by year 2040 Statistic Sweden predict a population size of 65,032 by the end of the year. with a slightly decreasing number of people in working ages and an increasing number of both elderly people and children. For the following decade 2040-2050 the population growth seems to decrease and the populatn size might stay between 65,000 - 66,000 .",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Since declaring the climate emergency in April last year, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Ahafo agricultural sector will also need to deal with the potential for increased impacts on farm operations of extreme weather events such as drought as well as pest infestations and increased crop vulnerability from year-to-year. Overall, water availability is likely to become even more of a challenge for farmers under the changing climate. Available Ahafo rivers such as River Tano, Akantansu, Goa, Subre, etc. are drying up so quickly offseason.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Frequency of extreme floods will most likely increase, with flow rates up to 20% higher than current ones and return period of 10 to 100 years. This situation will affect flooding areas, especially coastal plains, which will be worsened by sea level rise.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"The answer refers to ""forest degradation"". Deforestation is not considered to be an issue within the region.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"This target corresponds to Catalonia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), in which Catalonia commits to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. This objective is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM project proposes pilot actions of mitigation and adaptation tot climate change in the Ebro Delta (the most vulnerable area in Catalonia to sea level rises and subsidence).During 2017 on the framework of project Life Ebro Admiclim, a pilot action injection of the sludge that was generated in the water purification plant of the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) was carried out in the Delta irrigation channels network. The objective of this action was to evaluate the transport and distribution capacity of the irrigation channels, to know the sedimentation rates in the rice fields and to model the transport of sediments. In this way, the recovery of the practice of composting not only allows to recover the sedimentary flow, but also allows the sludge generated in the CAT plant to become a resource that contributes to the adaptation of the territory to climate change. The modeling of the transport of sediments by the channels would allow to design a system in continuous of reinjection of 1,000 t / year of inert sludge from this installation.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,We do not have data about associated GHG emissions (metric tonnes of CO2e).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and in 2018 has 159 organisations involved http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/mitigacio/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.htmlThe Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/mitigacio/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,1 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The drought plan approved by the Catalan Water Agency indicates that on the 2070-2100 horizon the reduction of average annual precipitation will be in general, from 5 to15%, with a possible slight increase in winter.On the coast and during the summer, the average reduction can be reached 40%.The average overall reduction of river inputs will be 10 to 30%, and can be concentrated in the summer, with decreases of up to 40% and the average reduction of the recharge groundwater will be in the order of 20%.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Focus on increasing uptake on energy efficiency for the fuel poor. The Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme is our domestic retrofit programme targeted at the fuel poor. It is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS which aims to improve the social homes in Wales includes improving efficiency standards. The WG is also working with key stakeholders to develop a long-term, evidence based programme to decarbonise all existing homes in Wales .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Electricity emissions factor decreased by 14% . Our observed decrease was 22%.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Forestry Act 1967 and relevant amendmentsTimber and Timber Products (placing on the market) Regulations 2013Environment (Wales) Act 2016Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017Environmental Impact Assessment (forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We don't have the breakdown of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"We are working with UK Government, local authorities, the energy sector and business to plan for and implement the roll out of EV charging infrastructure. Additional transport grant funding of £29m allocated in 20/21 to support the transformation of fleet to ULEVs and introduce new charging infrastructure.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"In 2018, the quality of 85% of the 471 sampling points monitored were classified as excellent, good or regular, a result similar to that of 2017 ( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ , page 115)In 2018, 88% of the state's population was served by the sewage collection service, with 63% of the collected sewage passed through the treatment system. In 2017, this index was 64%, so there was a small reduction in the rate of treatment.Although the State of São Paulo has one of the best basic sanitation rates in the federation, still there is a deficit in relation to universalization, and it is necessary to accelerate the pace of investments to improvements in public health and environmental issues.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increasing flexibility of allocation of water systems, power generation and infrastructure (network interconnection to ensure security of supply) strengthening the security of supply through other local sources (water reuse, wells recovery, construction of rainwater tanks) and connecting to regional water networks.The actions on management demand have obtained average urban allocations for Catalonia of 116L / hab day and of 105 L / hab day for the metropolitan area. Also, the actions in the improvement of efficiency distribution network of potable water and the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures of agriculture have achieved good results.",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to monitor emissions and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the transport sector, there are many projects that are developing on the territory, such as tele-ferries, the development of clean cars, electric charging stations, carpooling, the development of soft modes and the single rail. .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In Mexico, there are more than 30 official norms in terms of energy efficiency in different electrical appliances, motors, lighting, buildings, transformers, etc.",0 +Please complete the table below.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","in the framework of regional and international cooperation, the region supports the countries of the Indian Ocean zone and exchange of good practices in the field of energy, climate change, biodiversity ...",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Recently, the state has published its Climate Change Program, which includes vulnerability studies, an update of the GHG emissions inventory, future climate scenarios, emissions projections, and a compendium of climate actions to implement mitigation and adaptation responses. The program also takes up the scenarios of the roadmap for the deep decarbonization of the state by 2050 and the green growth strategy of the state of Sonora.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Public authorities launched in 2004 the Action Plan to prevent the effects of heat waves on health (POCS), which provides for the necessary measures to minimize the effects of heat waves on the vulnerable population. Every year the Department of Health assess the actions carried out.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action plan https://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdf https://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Catalan Office for Climate Change and Coastal Management Service are making the preliminary work and governance to develop an integral coastal plan that contains an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the beaches of Catalonia and identify what measures to take to avoid risks and order the uses of the area in accordance with the future scenarios of sea level rise.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections. The updated flood risk maps will be available by the end of 2018.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The changes in climate affects the health of population, for instance increasing the incidence of water and respiratory diseases. In recent years there has been an increase in the proliferation of insect vectors of diseases such as dengue, zica and yellow fever, which may have been caused by a change in rainfall patterns and increase in the average temperature, which favor the transmission cycle of the disease.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Competence development for climate-smart procurement, Systematic procurement, Purchasing, leasing, rental of energy efficient vehicles, Function and innovation procurement ""cleantech"".",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In 2018, the quality of 85% of the 471 sampling points monitored were classified as excellent, good or regular, a result similar to that of 2017 ( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ , page 115)In 2018, 88% of the state's population was served by the sewage collection service, with 63% of the collected sewage passed through the treatment system. In 2017, this index was 64%, so there was a small reduction in the rate of treatment.Although the State of São Paulo has one of the best basic sanitation rates in the federation, still there is a deficit in relation to universalization, and it is necessary to accelerate the pace of investments to improvements in public health and environmental issues.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Emissions in 2017 are 45,072,920 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce GHG and ammonia emissions from the agricultural sector as well as improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan it's use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Biogas from waste is upgraded and used as locally produced RE car fuel and industrial fuel. ( Around 35 GWh/ year),0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Act n°2015-992 of 17 August 2015 lays down the guidelines for energy policies and renewable energy for French overseas departments in Article 11. It states that overseas department should be energy-autonomous in 2030, with anintermediate goal of 50% of renewables in the energy mix in 2020. In addition, incentive mechanisms are also in place to encourage the development of renewable sources, including tax exemption, direct subsidies and feed-in tariffs (FITs) controlled by EDF.In 2017, Reunion Island regional council and French government defined the energy policy until 20231 for the island. This programme gives the development objectives for each renewable sources for 2018 and 2023 (compared to 2014) in order to achieve electric autonomy in 2030. It takes into account population and electricity consumption increase with objectives in demand-side management as well. This document is currently reviewed to give new objectives for 2023 and 2028 for reunion Island on renewable energies, demand-side management and transports.(2) Reduce GHG emissions by 10% in 2020 compared to 2011",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Law 16/2017, of August 1, on climate change, aims the participation of local authorities in planning climate policies and sectoral action plans of departments. Also the Government has to promote that non touristic municipalities integrate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, for which they must give them assistance.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","More intense rainfall, that can affect the population and land use",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Many swine farms produce biogas from the sludge generated by its 21 motor generators that it has in Yucatan.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. In 2019, Wales was the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency. In May 2019 the CCC recommended that the Welsh Government should increase Wales’s 2050 emissions reduction target from 80% to 95%. We welcomed the CCC’s advice but declared an ambition to go even further, and set a net zero target. We asked the CCC for further advice on the options available to Wales for reaching that goal. In December 2020 the CCC published new advice for Wales, which confirmed our ambition was credible. In March 2021 the Senedd agreed to revise Wales’s statutory climate targets in line with all of the CCC’s recommendations in the December 2020 advice.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Welsh Government has targets to reduce all waste streams. It published a Waste Prevention Programme in 2013.,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Increase cost of basic services such as water and energy. Increase cost of infrastructure need to guarantee coverage and maintenance of basic services.Increment in the demand and coverage of health services.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020,0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"Welsh Government published its latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales, in 2019. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way. The new plan seeks to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's CCRA evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Promote connectivityagro-livestock systems andthese with the consumer generating theagricultural production that is requiredby the consumer with the maximumof efficiency (avoiding surplusesand waste),0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens. Welsh Government committed in its latest Climate change Adaptation Plan to consider more research in this area. Public Health Wales are also considering this issue in their health impact assessment.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is not just one specific appraoch it depends on the subject.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)Other subsidies for prevention, reuse and recycling:http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/ajut-tes-1472-2018-projectes-prevencio-ri",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In general, water availability will decrease. Climate change will reduce river discharge, subterranean recharge and modify the chemical processes in it. The Third Catalan Report Climate Change indicates reduction up to 15% of flow contributions in the rivers by the year 2040 and reductions of 28% by 2070.Also, Life Medacc project presents the evaluation of the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the water basins of Ter, Segre and Muga. Reductions flows during the first half of the 21st century will be a fact. In 2050 a decrease of the flow is expected between 9.5-32% in the headwaters and between 12.3-36% in the river mouth (compared to the period 2002-2011). The Ter basin shows the highest flow reductions, both in headland as in the mouth. Significant reductions are also important at the mouth of the Muga. The Segre basin presents a different hydrological behavior, with higher reductions in the headwaters than in the mouth.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Act n°2015-992 of 17 August 2015 lays down the guidelines for energy policies and renewable energy for French overseas departments in Article 11. It states that overseas department should be energy-autonomous in 2030, with anintermediate goal of 50% of renewables in the energy mix in 2020. In addition, incentive mechanisms are also in place to encourage the development of renewable sources, including tax exemption, direct subsidies and feed-in tariffs (FITs) controlled by EDF.In 2017, Reunion Island regional council and French government defined the energy policy until 20231 for the island. This programme gives the development objectives for each renewable sources for 2018 and 2023 (compared to 2014) in order to achieve electric autonomy in 2030. It takes into account population and electricity consumption increase with objectives in demand-side management as well. This document is currently reviewed to give new objectives for 2023 and 2028 for reunion Island on renewable energies, demand-side management and transports.(2) Reduce GHG emissions by 10% in 2020 compared to 2011",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 6,983.91 hectares, 0.76 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2016, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares. In 2016, 59.25 percent for areas under 1 hectare, while 31.86 percent of deforestation was explained by areas between 1 and 5 hectares. Losses between 5 and 50 hectares were 6.70 percent, while areas between 50 and 500 hectares account for 2.19 percent. Spaces greater than 500 hectares do not report a loss due to significant deforestation in Amazonas.Amazonas does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,We are monitoring natural values and natural environment issues in the municipalities land-use and/or development plans.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2018.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Law 16/2017, of August 1, on climate change, aims the participation of local authorities in planning climate policies and sectoral action plans of departments. Also the Government has to promote that non touristic municipalities integrate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, for which they must give them assistance.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",0 +"Please explain why your region does not have a region-wide emissions inventory to report and detail your plans to report one in the future, if any.","Other, please specify: Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",work carried out by the Marche region in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Energy-related CO2eq emission from fossil fuels for transportation and heating (excl. heating and processes in ETS industries) was reduced by 45 % between 1990 and 2017, due to the transition of the technology for heating buildings, according to national statistics. Oil has been largely replaced by biomass, especially in district heating. Local forestry plus development of the technology for biomass heating has resulted in local biomass covering most of the heating fuel used for buildings . In smaller buildings the switchover to geothermal heating or heat pumps also contributes to reduced dependency on oil and electricity for heating. Technical development has led to improved energy efficiency, but the average heated building area and the transportvolume per inhabitant on Gotland are increasing. Taking other sources for climate impact into account as farmbased land use and emissions from livestock, the emissions of CO2-eq in business and society on Gotland were reduced by 28 %.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock mightaffect productivity and food security.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Private sectors are not extensively involved in identification of development plans. However in meeting the targets provincial government should collaborate with private sector.Majority of emissions in Papua come from deforestation and land use change for agriculture (plantation). Targets in AFOLU sector mainly are optimization of agriculture productivity, establishment of forest management unit to improve forest governance and improvement of spatial planning and land development. Existing challenge is a bottlenecked communication with timber industry and concession holders on emission reductions and improvement of carbon sinks.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","advisory programmes, subsidies for building insulation and heating systems based on renewables, strong building standards for new buildings and as well for renovation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Yes we have a number of campaigns and schemes. Our new Wales Transport Strategy is under development and gives priority to promoting walking and cycling and public transport over car use. This is consistent with Planning Policy Wales. Also included is the transport investment hierarchy that gives priority to managing demand by reducing distance travelled.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and also increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021•Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the context of marine energies, the Region has been funding research projects since 2009.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline.Target year: 2020Comments:This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related. Energy related emissions SME's households and services were 493,147 tonnes, but emissions as a whole, inclusive process emissions from large industries out of the regional level of decisions and emissions from animals and agricultural tilling were 2,247,186 tonnes in 2016. Almost 80 % originate from limestone & cement industries located on the island, around 12 % arise from agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Underway, and implemented, but on the contrary the number of electrical appliances are increasing .",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,the Region has launched two calls for projects to support circular economy projects,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Welsh Government published a Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2010. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way.Following the publication of the UK Government's Climate Change Risk Assessment, and the associated Evidence Report by the UK Committee on Climate Change (UKCCC), Welsh Government has committed to publishing a revised Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2018. The revised plan with seek to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country,",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The State Development Plan of Yucatan 2018-2024, is the governance instrument of this administration, which is based on the international principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is part of the 2030 agenda",1 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?","Direct activity data. Emissions are calculated applying the emissions factor for electricity and natural gas to the electricity consumption and gas consumption in Governmental buildings, as reported in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2015). According to Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall have an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the properties, facilities and services they provide.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Following a transfer of competence, the Region has developed a waste plan which will be approved soon.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Jurisdictional power: Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing, the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) includes a mandatory energy target of SAP65 for all social homes by the end of 2020. A Building Regulations Part L consultation for new dwellings which closed in March this year proposed improved minimum energy efficiency standards for 2020 (preferred option of 37% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards) and also envisaged standards for 2025 (a 75-80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards).",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report (CCRA2) is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government. The methodology for CCRA2 is detailed from page 3 of the attached Wales summary.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",he measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Current GDP is calculated based on 2010 constant price (IDR)GDP in 2010 was calculated based on 2000 constant price (IDR)Official projections on both medium and long term are not available,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo have the strategy of adapting to climate change of the Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",A low-emission rural development strategy will be available by 2020. It establishes a diagnosis and measures to reduce deforestation as well as an investment plan.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Welsh Government published its latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales, in 2019. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way. The new plan seeks to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's CCRA evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Programa Município Resiliente (Resilient Municipality Program), was created through state decree 64659, of December 11, 2019 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/norma/192628) with the aim of:I - encourage São Paulo Municipalities to adopt disaster risk reduction policies, in harmony with sustainable development;II - recognize good municipal disaster risk management, by certifying the management maturity in disasters;III - prioritize the access of the Municipalities that stand out in the management of disaster risk reduction to the resources of the State Coordination for Civil Protection and Defense.It will be coordinated by the Civil House and will address the following thematic axes:.Expansion of risk assessment. Hazard and risk mapping.Analysis of risk scenarios.Inspection of illegal occupations in risk areas.Environmental education and training.Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.Database update. Portfolio creation for adaptation projects.Data collection for climate projectionsIt will provide the creation of the resilience strategy of the State of São Paulo, as a tool to catalyze synergistic actions between the different programs, some already underway, involving and empowering the municipalities.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Barcelona Climate Plan aims to be an inclusive vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which will allow to achieve the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for the Energy and Climate that has signed by City Council of Barcelona. The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and impetus to citizen action. Barcelona Climate Change Plan tackles multiple climate change impacts.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Heat waves are projected to be more common and more severe. Risks to health in various circumstances, including reduced employee productivity from higher temperatures in working environments and risks to soils from increased seasonal aridity. There are also general risks to health and wellbeing from overheating in the home and on public transport.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,There is an Energy Plan with measures for reduction of GHG emissions but there is not an overal plan on climate change action. Marche region is now implementing its strategy for Sustainable development and may be there will be some indication for future action plan on climate change,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"In many places, the network of pipes is old and the maintaining processes are not adequate, which causes major problems of water loss and waste.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"limited intervantion on public transport, as bus service, convention with railways society, support to cycle paths",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The “Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy” established by the state government in 2019 contemplates the implementation of actions that contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste per capita, considering responsible consumption, the implementation of a regulation for the elimination of single-use plastics, straws and polystyrene, among others.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Command and control actions related to the National Forestry Code, Federal Law 12.651, May, 25th, 2012 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2018.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Increase the production and the use of renewable energy (solar, wind etc.) and support renewable fuel production.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" .The Program establishes annual goals, which are measured in March. Exceptionally in 2018,due to the change in the management of the State Government, the target of 10,000 ha was set for Decemberunder restoration, with an indicative of 12,000 ha for March 2019. Both goals were achieved beforeof the term, with 2018 ending with 13,070 ha under restoration. The next target is 20,000 haunder restoration in March 2020.It is important to note that the Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs,State, Hydrographic Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs.This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for politics of public catering.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +Please complete the table below.,The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,•Transport for Wales commissioned to develop a pathway to convert existing fleet to ULEVs.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In the transport sector, there are many projects that are developing on the territory, such as tele-ferries, the development of clean cars, electric charging stations, carpooling, the development of soft modes and the single rail. .",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Welsh Government has commissioned research to better understand the risk to businesses and workforce in Wales.Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Welsh Government published its latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales, in 2019. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way. The new plan seeks to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's CCRA evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Catalan Office for Climate Change and Coastal Management Service are making the preliminary work and governance to develop an integral coastal plan that contains an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the beaches of Catalonia and identify what measures to take to avoid risks and order the uses of the area in accordance with the future scenarios of sea level rise.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Between 1957 and 2017, the average annual temperature in Ahafo Community has increased by up to 1.4°C. The greatest warming has been in the northern part of the community, towards the Brong Segment of Brong Ahafo Region. The experts project that by 2050, the average annual temperature in Ahafo will increase by 2.0°C to 2.5°C.Many have already been affected in one way or another by increased temperatures and extreme weather events that may well have been part of the changing climate. Recently, warmer temperatures have already begun to allow the appearance and spread of mosquitos and malaria, especially in areas around Goaso, Sankore and Bechem, Techimantia and Derma.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Azorean Hydrographic Region (RH9) consists of 9 hydrographic sub-basins that correspond to each islands. In this hydrographic region, there are delimited 67 surface water bodies and 54 groundwater bodies scattered across the islands.The Regional Plan of the Hydrographic Region is a water management tool in an integrated way that was developed to protect and manage the water resources in the Azores. In our days, Azorean Government is working on the third generation of the plan.The responsibility for the management of water for consumption is of the municipalities. ERSARA (regional entity responsible for the regulation of water and waste services) regulates the water supply services, including the quality control.",0 +Please complete the table below.,1. Encouragement of improved carbonization investments2. Encouragement of improved cook stove investments,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The forestry sector is feeling the effect of changes in the frequency and severity of disturbances such as fires, drought and severe storms. If this continues in the long term, the forestry sector will likely face changes in its productivity and in the composition of forest species as a result of changes in moisture and temperature.Species survival is determined by many biotic (e.g., food, competition, symbiotic relationships, and diseases) and abiotic (e.g., climate and access to water) factors. Given that climate change is impacting all or most of these forces and factors, the composition, distribution and abundance of biodiversity is changing",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The cost of water service in the Amazon region is higher due to the fact that water sources are far from cities, and the cost of water purification treatment is higher, which is absorbed by the final consumer in cities.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of wind power directed to the general public and businesses,1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"The Welsh Government has been pioneering in introducing legislation, including the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to require public bodies, such as local governments ('Local Authorities') to undertake their roles with respect to the seven Well-being Goals in Wales. These goals include a 'A Resilient Wales', which specifically points to the impacts of climate change. To support this approach, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 also requires Public Service Boards to pay regard to the latest Climate Change Risk Assessment in developing their 'Well-being Assessments'.Local Governments ('Local Authorities') in Wales were included as part of the public consultation in developing the new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales, which is due to be published in 2019. Furthermore, many of the actions will be delivered by these bodies to ensure adaptation is considered down to a local level.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Average annual temperature (in Celsius)Maximum temperature in 2016 from 16,5 (Aran) to 23,3 (Ribera d’Ebre) Minimum temperature in 2016 from 0,8 (Cerdanya) to 15,4 (Barcelonès)Eastern longitudeEastern boundary: 3° 19' 59,94""Western boundary: 0° 9' 41,69""Northern latitudeNorthern boundary: 42° 51' 45,97""Southern boundary: 40° 31' 27,56""Average altitude (m)12.556,1 square km have an altitude of 201-600 m and 1,340.2 square km have an altitude of > 2000 m (from a total of 32.108 square km)",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Infrastructure development should analyze the impact of climate change and should be more environmentally friendly, with environmental concepts, and anti-seismic techniques",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there are projects that exist but it's starting to grow more and more,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"• Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;• Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;• UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;• Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;• The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"In Mexico, there are more than 30 official norms in terms of energy efficiency in different electrical appliances, motors, lighting, buildings, transformers, etc.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Excludes all LULUCF activity. Excludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Local communities are aware of the need to develop this initiative,1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"There are policies for coastalmanagement, although powersare shared with municipalitiesand Spanish centralgovernment",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Agrarian Regional Strategic Plan 2009 - 2015 of Amazonas that establishes strategic objective the sustainable development of natural resources through traditional technologies, the positioning of special coffee production and the production-transformation marketing of agricultural products under systems agroforestry.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the public transport services in order to increase the quality of the public system",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Hotter climate may pose significant risks to vulnerable population that cannot afford to take measures for keeping their homes at an adequate temperature.,0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Target: 100% coverage of electricity consumption by renewable power production. This target was first achieved in 2015. 2018 we have again overachieved our target.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Welsh Government Marine Plan established an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Official population projection of Papua released by Indonesia National Statistics Bureau is available for the period up to 2035 (4,144,600 population)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Agrarian Regional Strategic Plan 2009 - 2015 of Amazonas that establishes strategic objective the sustainable development of natural resources through traditional technologies, the positioning of special coffee production and the production-transformation marketing of agricultural products under systems agroforestry.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The construction of water infrastructure does not contain the technical standards necessary for water supply and human consumption.Due to the increase of flows and overflows of the rivers they contaminate the water sources with residual materials.,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the recovery of marine habitats, considering the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please complete the table below.,Wales has a comprehensive set of regulations and standards which are implemented thoroughly.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,A regulatory system operates in Wales which ensures the continuous phase down of HFCs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action plan https://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdf https://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Regional Consil has put in place measures under the 2014-2020 European program to support local communities,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The plan is a startegic document where we select areas for protection. We involve different forestry related stakeholders when implementing the plan.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030.,1 +Please complete the table below.,We are working with government to help deal with climate change and introduce increase opportunities in rural areas. This has yielded result as currently there is planting for food and jobs project being rolled out by the government of Ghana.,1 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"""Plusenergilän"" - Kronobergs county is a ""plus-energy-county"" by the year 2050 meaning that the total production of renewable energy and biofuel exceeds the total energy use within the county",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Yucatán is aligned with the commitment to significantly reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020, under the collaboration of governments, partners and the private sector of the GCF for the achievement of supply chains of net zero deforestation that allow the implementation of the REDD + jurisdictional program; ensuring the distribution of benefits to forest-dependent communities, small farmers and indigenous people.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of -no ETS sectors- by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26% by 2030 ( no ETS sectors), respect to year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",1 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",1 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Some funds that were being earmarked for the environment had to be reallocated to health, so programmed actions to combat fires and deforestation were postponed.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Goverment's emissions were calculated for scope 1 and scope 2 to establish a baseline for the Yucatan's CarbonManagement Plan.The CMP was developed with the technical assistance of the Carbon Trust and the financial resources of the British Embassy (Prosperity Fund), sets out in detail the State Strategy to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years from government operations related to public buildings and facilities; and vehicle fleet, through the calculation of a baseline carbon footprint and the definition of potential projects and actions to increase energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies. Setting the target to reduce 10% of Yucatan scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 2020 based on 2015 levels.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The state has sustainable school programs where students are made aware of solid waste management.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Air Quality Action Plan in Special Atmospheric Environment Protection Areas (AQAP), horizon 2020.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/tramitacio_aprovacio/Political agreement for improving the quality of air in the conurbation of Barcelonahttp://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/declaracio-de-barcelona/",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished. In The action plan will defined action against climate change.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021��Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Since declaring the climate emergency in April last year, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"There have been several awareness campaignsto encourage the use of public transport, and alsofor efficient driving modes",0 +Please complete the table below.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Optimization of the operating conditions of waste biological treatments with high organic load; Promotion of the selective collection of bio-waste and domestic composting,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers in December 2020.",0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,Decarbonise all Welsh homes to net zero by 2050. Independent expert advisory group and research has published report recommending targets and approaches.Welsh Government has accepted recommendations and begun trial and test of ORP in the social housing sector to verify likely decarbonisation / energy efficiency pathways while developing capacity and capability to roll out to private sector in next term of government.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Current Building Regulations Part L review will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations. . A consultation is expected this Autumn.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Risks to freshwater species from higher water temps.Risks to fisheries and marine species from higher sea temperatures leading to ocean acidification.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that, in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles, that will increase the electric mobility.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"total emissions (inkluding ETS) there is no regional Emission projection available for 2050Excluding ETS:2005: 13,030,0002010: 12,000,0002018: 11,389,0002030: 8,339,0002050: not available jet",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"The figures are part of public statistic, derived from the national IPCC-reporting, but when they are regionalised they also are recalculated from time to time, while the historic figures might be slightly changed. The accurary in the figures, when regionalised, might differ between topics .",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply).The average water availability per capita in the period from 2010 to 2018 suffered a significant decrease, from 2387.60 m³ / year / inhab to 2237.25, a loss of 6.3%. With a minimum of 128.11 m³ / year / inhab for 47% of the state's population and a maximum of 44723.47 for 0.8%.( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/page 138)",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In collaboration with the municipality of Hermosillo, we have worked to establish energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings, through the publication of a Complementary Technical Standard for Energy Efficiency, for the construction regulations of the municipality of Hermosillo, accompanied by the creation of capabilities for citizens and housing developers.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Between 2017 and 2018, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 8.3% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2018). Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector which declined by 19.2% between 2017 and 2018. The main contributor to the energy sector reductions has been downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station, which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. In addition, a significant reduction in emissions from the energy sector is also attributed to the end of coal use at Uskmouth B power station, which is planning a conversion from a coal power station to 100% waste derived power station.The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 77% of the overall 2017-2018 trend.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The Welsh Government has targets to reduce all waste streams. It published a Waste Prevention Programme in 2013.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The market demands and the following production-volumes of cement are the main factor for emission changes on Gotland. The emission per ton cement produced, which includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related, have decreased significantly, but the production volumes have increased to a much larger extent. Except for the cement production the energy related CO2 ekv-emissions originating from energy supply, transport vehicles, utility vehicles, waste management and consumption of certain products have decreased over 45 % from 1990 – 2017, which is one of our goals for 2020! The emissions related to biological processes in agriculture are reported to have increased by 4.5 %, which a bit odd as neither the number of cattle, pigs or the arable land under tillage have increased since 1990.The transition from fossil fuels for heating of buildings and for power production is almost completed on Gotland. Vehicles and equipment get more energy efficient for every new generation of products, but the transport sector and utility vehicles are still very fossil fuel dependent. Biogas (locally produced), E85, HVO and electricity (which to 50 % is generated locally from wind % solar) provides fossil free transport fuels available on Gotland.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,We are making both protected and unprotected areas accessable for people to use for recreational purposes. We collect and spread information on using natural areas and arrange courses.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"HerdAdvance: The aim of this project is to pilot how improving disease control awareness and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability. It takes a new whole farm holistic approach to disease prevention, taking into consideration other influential factors such as nutrition, genetics and the suitability of buildings. The project has already achieved its target of 500 farm business being involved 345 first year farm visits (c.20% of dairy farmers in Wales) have been completed, with 102 second year visits done by the team. 304 vet visits have been completed, 148 Herd Johnes testing, 52 Johnes management plans, 49 herd genomic testing done. By repeating these visits annually the project will track and benchmark performance within and between farms, allowing analysis of how HerdAdvance interventions help businesses better record data and make positive changes to management. COVID-19 has delayed progress over the last few months.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The Concerted Regional Development Plan states ""to ensure the integral watershed management and the availability of water resources in quantity and quality ""through the protection of water sources. The goal to 2021 is to protect 200 water sources and establish 8 payment compensation schemes for ecosystem services.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Climate change mitigation andadaptation is included in theenvironmental impactassessment of plans andprojects,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Catalan Office for Climate Change, at the Department of Territory and Sustainability, is the administrative unit dealing with climate change policies in Catalonia. Moreover, the Interdepartmental Commission on Climate Change, a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change, coordinates climate policy planning and monitors its completion. The Interdepartmental Commission is chaired by the Minister of Territory and Sustainability, and gathers representatives from all involved policy areas, such as agriculture, economy, housing, research energy, industry, health, civil protection, infrastructure and transport, land planning, foreign affairs and education. This Commission has the duty to foster cross-cutting actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to monitor and assess implementation of policies.The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change creates the Climate Change Social Roundtable and the Committee of Experts on Climate Change (articles 31 and 32). The Climate Change Social Roundtable is a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change that channels participation, information and consultation to the most representative institutions and organisations in the social, economic and environmental fabric of Catalonia on climate policies. The Committee of Experts on Climate Change is a collegiate body, affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change and with functional autonomy that acts with total functional independence in the development of its functions. The Committee presents proposals of carbon budgets for the different time periods, monitoring and assessment to Government and to Parliament. This Committee shall annually present to Parliament a report on the level of compliance to the carbon budgets. The Government shall take into consideration the Committee’s recommendations and shall incorporate them into their policies. In the event that they cannot be incorporated, it shall justify the reasons and inform Parliament.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Technical development in the automotive industry and reduced emissions from industry. There is also a change in industry's heating and production technology. Another important reason is the recession.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,"the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions was fulfilled both for atmospheric pollutants and for GHGs, in order to carry out the air quality plan. Therefore, it has been used the methodology established by the European legislation for the air quality plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,In Amazonas´s master plan (Concerted Development Regional Plan to 2021) there is a objective related with infrastructure works that are executed annually taking into account risk management in the face of climate change. The objective is achieve that 100 per cent of public projects have risk assessment.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Public forests are forest lands wich belong to public law entities: Generalitat de Catalunya, town councils, decentralized municipal entities, provincial councils, state, etc. Public forest lands are also considered public forests, whose use corresponds to the common neighborhood of a population.In Catalonia there are more than 800 public forests, which occupy a forest area of approximately 450.000 ha (23% of the forest area of the country). Of these, 380.000 are declared of public utility and are, mainly, property of local entities (mainly city councils and decentralized municipal entities).The Generalitat de Catalunya owns some 100.000ha forest.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is only at national level",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There are risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges, with the potential to lead on to risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is only at national level",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Emissions data is collected from all buildings and fixed infrastructure where we are counterparty to supply as well as some where we are tenants and pay for energy through an in service charge. We monitor our emissions based on the total from this selection of buildings.,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project............,1 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The state creat a fund for action implementation through civil society organizations, that funding supported specific activities during the pandemic for innovative solutions that even during the pandemic were able to be implemented and contribute to the state climate and mitigation goals.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"This target corresponds to Catalonia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), in which Catalonia commits to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. This objective is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Barcelona Climate Plan aims to be an inclusive vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which will allow to achieve the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for the Energy and Climate that has signed by City Council of Barcelona. The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and impetus to citizen action. Barcelona Climate Change Plan tackles multiple climate change impacts.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The SEEG 5.0 estimates cover GHG emissions from 1970 to 2016 for all sectors, with the exception of land use change, covering the period 1990 to 2016. The methodological basis of the SEEG estimations is the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) and other emissions as HFCs.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Government provides support to municipalities for building separate collection facilities.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,There is no base year. Reductions are refered to the reference scenario,0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"In our Lower Austrian Climate- and Energy-Programme 2020 we have identified 6 main sectors for GHG Emission (buildings, traffic, agriculture and forestry, energy supply, waste management, public issues). For these sectors there are concrete measures and instruments including responsibilities and timelines. All this measures should lead us to achieve the national binding GHG Emission targets which are based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection law. Additionally in June 2019 the Lower Austrian Government and Parliament have decided a Climate und Energy Roadmap 2030. This roadmap includes regional GHG emission targets, energy targets and climate adaptation targets for 2030. In a next step a new implementation program for reaching these new goals will be developed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,Greenhouse gases emissions will be another factor in which we are working to incorporate into the environmental analysis of extractive activities and LSM.,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Heat waves are a risk to people's health, especially already vunerable groups.",1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"I. Achieve a zero rate of deforestation by 2030 in the forest ecosystems of high value for REDD + in the State of Yucatán through actions based on Sustainable Rural Development.This goal is to be achieved through the effective and efficient implementation of a sustainable rural development policy, in which the instruments and programs of the different dependencies of the three levels of government are aligned. Likewise, it seeks to respect social and environmental safeguards, citizen participation and the inclusion of women, which together with a measurement, reporting and verification system, will ensure the reduction of emissions with respect to an established reference level.The foregoing will be the framework that will make the implementation of the actions proposed in this strategy viable and will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the entity, in accordance with the REDD + Strategy for the Yucatan Peninsula and with the national goals established in the ENAREDD + .",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The impacts of climate change would generate a pressure on different economic activities, among the expectedconsequences would be a reduction of investment fromforeign and local companies related to the increased vulnerability of the region, the devaluation of real state properties mainlyin the coastal zone, increase costs ofproduction in sectors such as agriculture and livestock related to increase costs of basic services such as water supply,reduction in the volume of sails in commercerelated to scarcity of raw materials etc. Nowadays Yucatan is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme meteorologicalevents.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,We are making both protected and unprotected areas accessable for people to use for recreational purposes. We collect and spread information on using natural areas and arrange courses.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,A regulatory system operates in Wales which ensures the continuous phase down of HFCs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,In a first step climate change adaptation is included in the Lower Austrian climate and energy programme. This programme is focusing only on actions which have also positive influence on climate protection. A special climate change adaptation strategy is only available on national Level at the moment. A Lower Austrian adaptation strategy is currently being developed and will be available in the beginning of 2020.,1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The data from l’Estartit show that the sea level has risen by 3.1 cm/decade since 1990 This is a statistically significant increase, as are the increases recorded for different seasons except for winter: +3.8 cm/ decade in the spring, and +3.1 cm/decade in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the regional concil already supports private partners and is part of the governance,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sector,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2018, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2019.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, ), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2020), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Sea level rise poses risks to capital region in particular due to extensive construction on the coastline. However, land uplift and a strict building code limit the risks.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,it should be noted that the guidelines come from the national level and are declining at the regional level. there is a follow-up between the two partners,0 +Please complete the table below.,Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100%,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Various measurement and analysis stations on our coast indicate a clear rise in sea level for the period 1900-2017. The station at l'Estartit measures a sea level rise of +3.1 cm per decade [+2.0cm-4.3cm] which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. This rise is higher in spring (3.8 cm/decade).,0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) the gas is collected and flared because there isn't enough gas to implemente another treatment,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Amazonas has a subnational climate change strategy from 2008 but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. The document need to updated.,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Several factors are behind these impacts, including the importation of fossil products",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Other, please specify: The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region",1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2017",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,PRAC establishes mitigation measures and the program is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Encouraging maximum use of locally generated renewables through the Energy Local programme,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,We are yet to be elevated to the status that will enable us fully participate. At the moment we are only consulted for data,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Azorean electricy company is the responsable for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality od renewable energy",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The other compounding issues is the degree of grazing by cattles coming into the region from the north. Also worsening the situation is the rate of illegal mining within the region for alluvial gold, especially along the river basins and the rampant destruction of the forest by using bulldozers and heavy machines",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"This is very serious for those in the livestock industry, as well as fisheries, tree crops, vegetable industries and their value chains",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. http://residus.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/planificacio/precat20/docs/PRECAT20_doc_principal.pdf. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Review of quality objectives established in Management Plan of the River Basin of Catalonia to adjust them to the new environmental context, if applicable.",1 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,There is no specific data collection on emissions from government operations.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"In terms of adaptation, it considered to implemente measures to protect the assets, resources and people, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.The adaptation in the Region should consider immediately the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property andHealth) , based on the Sectoral Strategy, seeking not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agents and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,it should be noted that the guidelines come from the national level and are declining at the regional level. there is a follow-up between the two partners,1 +Please complete the table below.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobility; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The 1990-2017 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2019 (BEIS, 2019) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2017; ✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; ✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; ✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; ✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2017 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=981 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Increase tree planting - In the past 4 years a total of 1355ha has been planted and a total 6370ha has been restocked. Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Recently, the state has published its Climate Change Program, which includes vulnerability studies, an update of the GHG emissions inventory, future climate scenarios, emissions projections, and a compendium of climate actions to implement mitigation and adaptation responses. The program also takes up the scenarios of the roadmap for the deep decarbonization of the state by 2050 and the green growth strategy of the state of Sonora.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Our statutory advisors have produced model scenarios providing potential routes by which the targets could be achieved. In March 2019 Government will publish its own Low Carbon Delivery Plan, setting out how the targets will be achieved.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Source: SEEG http://plataforma.seeg.eco.br/total_emission#In the SEEG estimates, the discount for emission reduction certificates from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects was also not incorporated. The totals, in Brazil, between 2005 and 2014, amount to about 370 million tons of CO2e (accumulated in the period).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,mandatory for new public buildings - low energy standard for renovation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsability definitions,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we don't have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +Have you conducted an environmental assessment of the effects of your region-wide SLCPs?,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.Similarly, the UK NAP focused on the risks to impacts in England, but did cover reserved,excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions too. Regardless, as it is accepted that the England is likely to feel the effects from impacts in the rest of the UK and abroad, collaboration between regional governments has been essential. Understanding the nature of these indirect impacts is highly complex because of the number of variables involved.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)Other subsidies for prevention, reuse and recycling:http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/ajut-tes-1472-2018-projectes-prevencio-ri",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",the Region has launched two calls for projects to support circular economy projects,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","This document provides a report on a revised national strategy for implementation of formal protection of forests. The term “formal protection” comprises nature reserves, habitat protection areas and nature conservation agreements. The national strategy targets county administrative boards among others.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Yes, our Wales Transport Strategy, set out a new way of thinking that places people and climate change at the front and centre of our transport system. We are using the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy to give priority to meeting the demand for travel by walking, cycling and public transport ahead of motor vehicles.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration.In terms of trains, we will deliver transport improvements through our three Metro programmes which covers 20 of the 22 local authorities in Wales and over 93% of the population, so will account for the majority of public transport investment in Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Increase of 0.45ºC in the average temperature of the period 1981-2010 with respect to the period 1951-1980.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"about geothermal energy, there are prospecting studies that are being launched, but there is a Geothermal project that is in sight",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished. In The action plan will defined action against climate change.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"It already exists, both muncipal and others. People on Gotland achieve high scores in comparison with oter regions when it comes to recycling, sorting out their waste in different fracitons fo recycling and also for giving stuff a 2nd life - there are lots of 2nd hand shopping opportunities in th island.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"On track - Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,mandatory for new public buildings - low energy standard for renovation,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Impacts due to droughts are foreseen in 48% of the State's territory, very severely in 22% of its surface.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Different actions ti install smart water meters in sectorssuch us industry and agriculture,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and access to housing.In 2019 Yucatan government launched the Social Housing Program, through coordinated work with the three orders of government, in an unprecedented act, a historic stock of 900 million pesos was obtained to carry out more than 17,000 housing actions, benefiting to Yucatecan families from the interior of the state.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",• Behavioural change • Technological change • Legislative change • Financial conditions • Policy change,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2018, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2019.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, ), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2020), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,Existing actions for pressure reduction and management of distribution systems to reduce losses,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"HerdAdvance: The aim of this project is to pilot how improving disease control awareness and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability. It takes a new whole farm holistic approach to disease prevention, taking into consideration other influential factors such as nutrition, genetics and the suitability of buildings. The project has already achieved its target of 500 farm business being involved 345 first year farm visits (c.20% of dairy farmers in Wales) have been completed, with 102 second year visits done by the team. 304 vet visits have been completed, 148 Herd Johnes testing, 52 Johnes management plans, 49 herd genomic testing done. By repeating these visits annually the project will track and benchmark performance within and between farms, allowing analysis of how HerdAdvance interventions help businesses better record data and make positive changes to management. COVID-19 has delayed progress over the last few months.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"More intense rainfall, that can affect the population and land use",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The government has projects for the training of silvopastoral systems and organic agriculture.,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Inter- basin transfers, with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock might affect productivity and food security.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",1 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Direct activity data. Emissions are calculated applying the emissions factor for electricity and natural gas to the electricity consumption and gas consumption in Governmental buildings, as reported in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2015). According to Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall have an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the properties, facilities and services they provide.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. Investment in individual property flood protection measures began in 2010/11, and since then over 600 properties have benefitted, with over £850,000 invested by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government published interim, non-statutory sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) standards in early 2016.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Being an island state, we are the first ones affected by the effects of climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Pro-active energy efficiency measures in the properties, began already in the late 90 's. This has resulted in a reduction by 36% of the energy use in the region's premises (covering around 500 000 sqm) since 1998, mainly in the heating sector. The demand for electricity in the premises is reduced by 13%, despite the fact that in the same time there has been a huge increase in the number of electrically powered appliances in our health and teaching facili-ties. Thanks to dedicated work, combined with the fact that the local district heating has become virtually fossil free, our own and procured pellet and woodchip- heating and our procurements of energy efficient new constructions and renovations, we have reached a good energy performance in the region's properties with around 99 % renewables. The work is ongoing.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,The strategy presents the County Administrative Board of Kronoberg´s and the Swedish Forest Agency´s mutual work with formal protection of forests within the region.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"According to INSEE, and if recent demographic trends were prolonged, Réunion will have 1,071 million inhabitants as of January 1, 2050.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. In 2019, Wales was the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency. In May 2019 the CCC recommended that the Welsh Government should increase Wales’s 2050 emissions reduction target from 80% to 95%. We welcomed the CCC’s advice but declared an ambition to go even further, and set a net zero target. We asked the CCC for further advice on the options available to Wales for reaching that goal. In December 2020 the CCC published new advice for Wales, which confirmed our ambition was credible. In March 2021 the Senedd agreed to revise Wales’s statutory climate targets in line with all of the CCC’s recommendations in the December 2020 advice.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Catalan Office for Climate Change and Coastal Management Service are making the preliminary work and governance to develop an integral coastal plan that contains an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the beaches of Catalonia and identify what measures to take to avoid risks and order the uses of the area in accordance with the future scenarios of sea level rise.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases),0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The Residual Waste Treatment Procurement Programme requires the energy from waste plants to be at least ‘heat enabled’.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Climate change mitigation andadaptation is included in theenvironmental impactassessment of plans andprojects,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan it's use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Saltwater intrusion is consider a risk to satisfy fresh water supply. In the region is more related to anthropogenic activities in the coast, and it also represents one of the most dangerous threats of climate change due to future sea level rise. Additionally is consider a risk to the primary sector, in the coastal zone due to the increment of salinity in the soil, and the salinization of fresh water resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In the transport sector, there are many projects that are developing on the territory, such as tele-ferries, the development of clean cars, electric charging stations, carpooling, the development of soft modes and the single rail. .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Azorean electricy company is the responsable for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality od renewable energy",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Other, please specify: Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"In 2015, as part of the energy reform in Mexico, modifications to the rates for the electric power transmission public service have been issued through the Electricity Industry Law. The general climate change law establishes that by 2024, 35% of the energy must come from clean sources.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Santos Dock Company tide gauge (1940 to 2014), the longest series of continuous record of tides in Brazil, shows a consistent increasing trend.The estimation about the magnitudeof mean sea level rise (MSLR) concludes there wil be a considerable impact upon theport, with approximately 1.1m rise estimated from 1990 to 2100 at a rate of 0.33 cm / year,which is expected to increase in the coming decades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334730927_Estimation_of_Sea_Level_Rise_in_Santos_Port_Brazil",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Azorean Hydrographic Region (RH9) consists of 9 hydrographic sub-basins that correspond to each islands. In this hydrographic region, there are delimited 67 surface water bodies and 54 groundwater bodies scattered across the islands.The Regional Plan of the Hydrographic Region is a water management tool in an integrated way that was developed to protect and manage the water resources in the Azores. In our days, Azorean Government is working on the third generation of the plan.The responsibility for the management of water for consumption is of the municipalities. ERSARA (regional entity responsible for the regulation of water and waste services) regulates the water supply services, including the quality control.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Increased mapping and delimitation of protected areas able to be explored by tourism.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Azorean electricy company is the responsable for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality od renewable energy",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Between 1957 and 2017, the average annual temperature in Ahafo Community has increased by up to 1.4°C. The greatest warming has been in the northern part of the community, towards the Brong Segment of Brong Ahafo Region. The experts project that by 2050, the average annual temperature in Ahafo will increase by 2.0°C to 2.5°C.Many have already been affected in one way or another by increased temperatures and extreme weather events that may well have been part of the changing climate. Recently, warmer temperatures have already begun to allow the appearance and spread of mosquitos and malaria, especially in areas around Goaso, Sankore and Bechem, Techimantia and Derma.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Catalan Strategy for adaptating to climate change 2013-2020http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Planificacio_i_estrategies_cc/resum_executiu_escacc_angles.pdfExecutive summary: Monitoring and assessment of Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Changehttp://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/03_AMBITS/adaptacio/ESCACC/docs/Resum-executiu_CA_EN.pdfClimate change in Catalonia. Executive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The government implemented actions to promote public and private investments in sustainable energy projects.The operation of four projects began with an installed capacity of 210 megawatts (MW), that can provide energy of up to 450,000 homes .Dzilam de Bravo wind farm, with a total investment of 140 million dollars, with a total capacity of 70 MW and formed by 28 wind turbines.• San Ignacio photovoltaic park, with a total investment of $ 27 million and a total capacity of 18MW.• Central Lázaro Cárdenas photovoltaic park in the municipality of Peto, with a total investment of 38 million dollars and a total capacity of 38 MW.• Tizimín Wind Farm, with an investment of 154 million dollars and a total capacity of 84 MWFinally, the Mérida IV Combined Cycle Power Plant project and the installation of the transmission line are under construction.Malpaso in Ticul.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The mapping of landslide risk is being held by the Civil Defense and the Institute of technological research in more municipalities. There is a State Plan for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Reduction of Geological Hazards (Decree 57.512 / 2011) and Preventive Civil Defense Plans for Slides (redefined by Decree No. 42.5651997), and Coastal Erosion, Coastal Floods and Floods / floods caused by extreme meteorological and oceanographic events such as sea waves and anomalous high tides (Resolution of the Military House 17-610 - CEDEC, of 11/28/2016) - institutions involved; Civil Defense and Geological Institute / SMA",1 +Please complete the table below.,One of the indicators of the Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020 refers to final energy intensity (final energy consumption/GDP).The target is an annual improvement of 1.47% between 2007 and2020.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Indigenous Infrastructure Program (PROII)Through the Coordination Agreement signed between the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Government of the State of Yucatan, the Indigenous Infrastructure Program was executed, with which basic infrastructure works were carried out in indigenous localities with gaps and lags in terrestrial communication, electrification and housing. The project achieved: • Construction of 1,757 ecological toilets • Expansion of 296 km of the electric network• Construction and modernization of 192 km highways• Construction of 112 water systems.Construction and Expansion of the electrical network• Construction of 21 infrastructure actions in 22.81 kilometers of medium voltage distribution lines and extensions of electrical networks in medium and low voltageOperation of the drinking water system in the city of Mérida• A total of 54.0 million cubic meters of potable water was supplied to the population. The beneficiary population is 870,000 inhabitants of the city of Mérida and conurbated areasStrengthening Medical Care ProgramDuring 2017, 25,444 inhabitants of 109 localities targeted by the Program were attended . This action consisted in the granting of services of promotion, prevention, medical and dental care to the population as well as 36,254 medical consultations and 7,204 dental care to the target population of the program, as well as 244,733 actions of prevention and health promotion.These actions were carried out in 25 municipalities of high and very high marginalization and difficult access in the municipalities.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.£22m was made available through the last three rounds of the Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) , offering a maximum 40% grant towards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support farmers to address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","No: maybe a future project, for now the energy performance is rarely med public",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Our approach to business and the economy is set out in our Economic Action Plan (EAP). This sets out the range of actions we are taking to drive inclusive growth and future-proofed the economy. Decarbonisation is a clear and consistent thread throughout the EAP and features strongly in our new approach for delivering direct support for businesses. This is centred on the Economic Contract, Calls to Action and the Economy Futures Fund. To access direct financial support through the Economy Futures Fund, businesses must demonstrate that they share our values (the Economic Contract) and that they are delivering investment that is future proofing (the Calls to Action). As part of the Economic Contract, we test businesses’ attitude to managing and lowering their carbon footprint, whilst decarbonisation forms one of five Calls to Action designed to target future proofing investment.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,One of the highest in the world. Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Sub-nationals (Provincial governments) work on climate change issues in compliance with regulations at national level such as Presidential Regulation No. 61/2011 on GHG emission reduction. Strategic issues including identification of main sources of emission, potential funding supports, or institutional arrangements are discussed via a series of high level meetings and followed up by technical meetings. In parallel, sub nationals are also engaged individually on initiatives with international agencies. As an example, Governors Climate and Forest (GCF).",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Hotter climate may pose significant risks to vulnerable population that cannot afford to take measures for keeping their homes at an adequate temperature.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 41.75 MtCO2e in 2017, representing a 25% reduction in total emissions over this period.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Mapping of risks of mass movements and floods of 11 municipalities in the east-west stretch of the São Paulo metropolitan region will be released in August, 2020.The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.The Vulnerability Map of the State of Sao Paulo is beeing updated till the end of 2020.References for the methodology: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/programa-estadual-de-prevencao-de-desastres-naturais-e-reducao-de-riscos-geologicos-pdn/# https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Online source of the maps: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/avaliacao-de-areas-de-riscos/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The uncertainties of the quantified emissions by sector were measured, which are the following:-Energy (no value) -Industrial processes: 28.68% -Agriculture: 27.20%-Waste: 47.87 %",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Mapping of risks of mass movements and floods of 11 municipalities in the east-west stretch of the São Paulo metropolitan region will be released in August, 2020.The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.The Vulnerability Map of the State of Sao Paulo is beeing updated till the end of 2020.References for the methodology: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/programa-estadual-de-prevencao-de-desastres-naturais-e-reducao-de-riscos-geologicos-pdn/# https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Online source of the maps: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/avaliacao-de-areas-de-riscos/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The inventory is a regionalisation of the Swedish National reporting of greenhouse gases to UNFCCC,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The adaptation objectives by the region are established on Law 16/2017, of 1st August, on Climate Change -approved by the Parliament of Catalonia on 2017.The goals are identified on the Article 2:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.d) To promote the education, research, development and transfer of technology, and to spread knowledge in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.e) To establish mechanisms that provide objective and accessible information about all aspects related to climate change, its development over time and its impacts.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The state creat a fund for action implementation through civil society organizations, that funding supported specific activities during the pandemic for innovative solutions that even during the pandemic were able to be implemented and contribute to the state climate and mitigation goals.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",the region supports several projects allowing the establishment of hillside reservoirs,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"PRAC defines adaptation measures to protect the properties, resources and persons, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.To achieve the adaptation measures, the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors were considered (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property and Health), based on each sectorial strategy. It was not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Air Quality- The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than chnages in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regionsal feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions. The increased proportion of diesel-fuelled traffic in the UK, and the failure of European emission standards for diesel cars to deliver the expected emission reductions of nitrogen oxides, have resulted oiin difficulties meeting EUIair quality limit values for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), prompting infraction proceedings by the European Commission against the UK.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional foctor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be excerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc)",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Source current 2019 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.brThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","With 851,000 inhabitants as of January 1, 2016, Reunion Island continues to grow in population, although it is growing at a slower pace over the 2009-2016 period, as a result of a negative net migration increase. The natural balance remains the engine of demography. The fertility rate has stabilized at an average of 2.5 children per woman since 1990. The life expectancy of the inhabitants of Réunion is increasing and is approaching metropolitan France (2-year differences), but the population structure is changing. substantially. The share of people over 60 has indeed tripled since 1967, while that of young people has decreased. Reunion is still the 3rd French department the youngest",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Increase of sea level of 2mm per year in the period 1945-1999,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",1 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,There is not just one specific appraoch it depends on the subject.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Future Wales establishes a clear policy context:•that places a strong focus on creating places that reduce the need to travel, make efficient use of land and which ensure that land use choice are guided by a clear understanding of their environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts; •to focus significant developments in towns and cities to make more effective use of land and the benefits of co-location of uses, and take advantage of public transport accessibility. •for the determination of large scale renewable energy projects; •for the delivery of district heat networks;•for the decarbonisation of energy supplies;•that strengthens the focus on public transport and active travel;•that requires decisions associated with international aviation and shipping to demonstrate how they can be accommodated within the statutory climate change targets and carbon budgets;•that supports a low carbon economy and decarbonisation of industry;•to support the delivery of energy efficient homes;•to support the development of a national forest;•to create healthy and resilient places; •to support the development of digital communications and help reduce the need to travel; •to support the sustainable growth of rural areas;•to support the sustainable location of strategic growth;•for nature based solutions such as for flood risk management;•to ensure the resilience of our ecosystems and reverse biodiversity decline; and •to sustainably manage natural resources and reduce pollution.In February 2021 the Welsh Government published Future Wales the national plan 2040, which is a national scale development plan that sits at the top of the development plan hierarchy in Wales. All other development plans in Wales must be in conformity with Future Wales. The document provides a place based approach for the future development of Wales with a 20 year time horizon. Future Wales sets a clear planning policy context for decarbonisation by both preventing and mitigating carbon emissions. For example Future Wales establishes a spatial strategy that reduces the need for travel and optimises the opportunities for further sustainable development in national and regional growth areas.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The Woodland Loss statistics are derived from data collected through the Great Britain National Forest Inventory. Woodlands must be 0.5 ha and above, with a minimum width of 20 m to be counted towards the inventory.The data layer for the Wales ancient woodland inventory can be analysed against the statistics on woodland loss to give an indication of loss of natural forest (excluding Plantations on ancient woodland sites).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weatherevents by 40% compared to 2005.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",It is not a priority at the moment for the administration,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations?,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and currently has 155 involved organisations http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/acords_voluntaris/index.html.The Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","In our Lower Austrian Climate- and Energy-Programme 2020 we have identified 6 main sectors for GHG Emission (buildings, traffic, agriculture and forestry, energy supply, waste management, public issues). For these sectors there are concrete measures and instruments including responsibilities and timelines. All this measures should lead us to achieve the national binding GHG Emission targets which are based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection law. Additionally in June 2019 the Lower Austrian Government and Parliament have decided a Climate und Energy Roadmap 2030. This roadmap includes regional GHG emission targets, energy targets and climate adaptation targets for 2030. In a next step a new implementation program for reaching these new goals will be developed.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In principal, climate change and economic development are deeply intertwined. Social and economic activities generate GHG emissions to cause climate change, while climate change also have a serious impacts to socio-economic conditions. This situation to a certain level is tough for Papua. The province can not avoid economic activities resulting changes in land use and consumption of energy as Papua currently needs to grow. Development of renewable energy plants is expected to answer the issue because economic stimulation from development of RE power plant is high enough to support economic growth while the use of renewable energy also constribute to emission reduction.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021•Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Adaption measures is included in Regional Climate Change Strategy, but it need to be updated since are from 2008.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Existing actions for pressure reduction and management of distribution systems to reduce losses,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is an Energy Plan with measures for reduction of GHG emissions but there is not an overal plan on climate change action. Marche region is now implementing its strategy for Sustainable development and may be there will be some indication for future action plan on climate change,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Sinks are not included in the inventory, the carbon sinks on Gotland are for example forests where approximately 50 % of the estimated annual growth is left in the forests and meadows and pastures kept in continued cultivation with extensive grazing., that are reported to have increased the amount of soil carbon during the last decades, but we lack official statistic on that.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"In Catalonia there are planning tools at different scales of detail and for different areas that allow to order the forest area. The General Forest Policy Plan aims to establish the technical guidelines for the execution of an integral forest policy in the whole of Catalonia and has the following objectives:-Promote the active management of forest lands, as a need to enhance their socioeconomic and environmental functions, and promote the conservation of biodiversity.- Support property and the forest industry as the main agents in the economic sector.-Improve the social perception of sustainable forest management and promote the use of their products.-To promote the development, the innovation, the transfer of technology and the technification of the productive processes of the forestry sector.-Promote an efficient planning of forest lands and promote the coordination and incorporation of economic and environmental forest values in other sectoral planning to promote synergies.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) the gas is collected and flared because there isn't enough gas to implemente another treatment,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Recovery interventions that support just transition strategies for workers and communities,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The increase of the BRP in recent years comes to a large share from the service sector. We don't have predictions available yet for 2030 or 2050. We aim to report indicators for BRP + as well as we take part in the common open data reporting to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions on Agenda 2030 indicators.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In terms of adaptation, it considered to implemente measures to protect the assets, resources and people, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.The adaptation in the Region should consider immediately the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property andHealth) , based on the Sectoral Strategy, seeking not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Review of quality objectives established in Management Plan of the River Basin of Catalonia to adjust them to the new environmental context, if applicable.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Hotter climate may pose significant risks to vulnerable population that cannot afford to take measures for keeping their homes at an adequate temperature.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Increase the production and the use of renewable energy (solar, wind etc.) and support renewable fuel production.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Climate change generates climate catastrophes such as hurricanes, gales, floods that will destroy all types of infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo have the strategy of adapting to climate change of the Yucatan Peninsula.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change works on a new line of public financing subsidies for local authorities in order to develop actions to adapt to climate change in improving the efficiency of the water distribution network.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The State goverment implemented in 2019 a Program to increase the acquisition of Agricultural Insurance with local producers. A valuable business risk management tool that provides financial protection against production losses caused by natural perils, such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, and frost. Providing covarage for 112,996 hectares of local crops with an investment of 23 million pesos.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Spatial and transport planning. We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets) and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The statistical and cartographic information products of the Satellite Forest Monitoring System (SAMOF) are part of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme at the national level of the National REDD + Strategy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change and will be revised soon.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Emissions in 2017 are 45,072,920 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Terceira incinerator is already working and planning the incineration project of São Miguel,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",1 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Supporting the development of climate and energy plans, Increased focus on climate and energy in spatial planning, developing municipal climate strategies",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,In Amazonas´s master plan (Concerted Development Regional Plan to 2021) there is a objective related with infrastructure works that are executed annually taking into account risk management in the face of climate change. The objective is achieve that 100 per cent of public projects have risk assessment.,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's net zero public sector ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Supporting the development of climate and energy plans, Increased focus on climate and energy in spatial planning, developing municipal climate strategies",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"the core businesses here are agriculture and tourism, both are extremely vulnerable",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,There is no adaptation goals for the Sao Paulo State region.,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements, which must be published by 2020. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Welsh Government has commissioned research to better understand the risk to businesses and workforce in Wales.Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"• Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;• Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;• UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;• Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;• The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Increased urban heat island effect. The annual average temperature difference between the centre of the city of Barcelona and its surrounding area is over 3ºC to 5ºC. The city centre corresponds to the most ancient narrow streets, few green spaces and a high population density with low incomes.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action plan https://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdf https://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent and let building space.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is planned to install biomass power in 2 islands (Pico and São Miguel) that is private investment,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Building Regulations Part L review (2018/19) will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Promote the study of the impact of animal feed on emissions and productivity. Reduce the CH4 emissions by increasing digestibility of cattle.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our national planning policy encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our EV charging strategy, published in March this year, contains our vision for EV charging in Wales: “By 2025, all users of electric cars and vans in Wales are confident that they can access electric vehicle charging infrastructure when and where they need it”.The strategy estimates that the number of rapid chargers (43+kW) and that the number of fast chargers (22kW) will need to increase rapidly in the next 10 years to meet demand from cars and vans.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Biomass counts for around 500 GWh, the absolute main part of heating fuels, to the district heating systems in the city and villages on Gotland and the heating for other building both private homes and larger buildings on the countryside where district heating is not available. Forestry on Gotland produces the biomass mostly as a byproduct to sawn timber from forestry, as the annual forest growth is double as large as the material, the net uptake is assumed to be around 82 500 tonnes CO2 per year, according to a fresh report from the county administration.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2017",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the medium term, the expected increase ofthe temperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism and health.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico – ZEE, technical and political planning instrument that establishes spatial planning and management guidelines, considering the environmental characteristics and socioeconomic dynamics of different regions of the state. Its purpose is to support the formulation of public policies in line with strategic guidelines for sustainable development, as well as guide the licensing of productive activities in a manner consistent with these objectives. https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2019/decreto-64526-15.10.2019.html",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,There is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,We are yet to be elevated to the status that will enable us fully participate. At the moment we are only consulted for data,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","At this moment, we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have an emissions inventory for the government",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations?,"But with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2016",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","According to the european Strategi 2020, Italy has to reach in 2020 the share of renewable energy of 17% in total consumpuin. Italian government has establish that marche region has to contribute with a 15,4% of share in 2020.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",There is no adaptation goals for the Sao Paulo State region.,0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,Wales has a comprehensive set of regulations and standards which are implemented thoroughly.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Since declaring the climate emergency in April last year, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Our climate change risk assessment is currently under development. The assessment is produced together with the entire county administrative board's operations (internally). There is also an ongoing dialog with the municipalities about climate change impacts and adaptation needs.,0 +Have you conducted an environmental assessment of the effects of your region-wide SLCPs?,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The impacts of climate change would generate a pressure on different economic activities, among the expectedconsequences would be a reduction of investment fromforeign and local companies related to the increased vulnerability of the region, the devaluation of real state properties mainlyin the coastal zone, increase costs ofproduction in sectors such as agriculture and livestock related to increase costs of basic services such as water supply,reduction in the volume of sails in commercerelated to scarcity of raw materials etc. Nowadays Yucatan is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme meteorologicalevents.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Own elaboration with data from the land use and vegetation chart (INEGI, 2016). Approved to the types of vegetation provided in table No. 52 (categories that are included in forest lands) of the document of the Emissions Reduction Initiative (IRE, 2016).",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Catalan Government - through the Catalan Waste Agency -supports a pilot project in industrial symbiosis in Manresa,together with other institutions. First results obtanined indentifya local energy generation of 1,2 M € value with theimplementation of energy sinergy, and savings of 135.000 € inwaste management. https://www.manresa.cat/web/article/5977-projecte-simbiosi-industrial",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,It is not a priority at the moment for the administration,0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,At the time of publication in 2010 a pathway was modelled to show how the target would be delivered. This was based on a quantification of planned policy measures which was collated to show the expected emissions reduction over the period (The Climate Change Strategy Emission Reduction Delivery Plan). Indicators were developed to track progress against these emission reduction policies. This target has been superseded by new statutory targets and the original pathway analysis for the Climate Change Strategy targets has not been updated and is no longer current.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the framework of the Multiannual Energy Programming, it is planned to optimize the existing projects",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The answer refers to ""forest degradation"". Deforestation is not considered to be an issue within the region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The State government in coordination with federal and state institutions has developed programs and strategies thatcontain the main guidelines in terms of water resources management. Among these programs are the State Program of hidrology ""Plan Estatal Hídrico""; and theHydrologic Plan of Yucatan Peninsula ""Plan Rector hídrico de la Península de Yucatán""",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Redes InternacionaisThe Climate Group - membro desde 2011:.CDP.R20.Nrg4SD.Future FundRegions4 – Sustainable Development - membro fundador, desde 2002:.Regions for Biodiversity Learning Platform – R4BLP.RegionsAdapt.Objetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainabilityhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/simaglobal/redes-internacionais/",1 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,Outlines key stakeholders and collaborations required to reduce region-wide GHG emissions,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,We are monitoring natural values and natural environment issues in the municipalities land-use and/or development plans.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"A new plan were recently installed at the closed down landfill in Visby, The old one were in use since th 80's and delivered fuel to the district heating.Now landfill gas is a limited/ declining energy resource , due to ban of biowaste to landfill.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectiousdiseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructurerelated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Infrastructure development should analyze the impact of climate change and should be more environmentally friendly, with environmental concepts, and anti-seismic techniques",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Master plan design identifies key sectors with more impact in GHG emissions and estimates GHG emissions of the key sectors and proposes measures to reduce them.,0 +Does your region have a climate change action plan for reducing region-wide GHG emissions?,"Nowadays, Adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The strategy presents the County Administrative Board of Kronoberg´s and the Swedish Forest Agency´s mutual work with formal protection of forests within the region.,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Environmental Department of the Azorean Government is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According to the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017 of21st of February,the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory was created. It was established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change is expected to be approved in 2019 and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,there is a study that is going on that will show the need for these investments which are quite colossal,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Inter- basin transfers, with with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"It's an ongoing measure, it has already contributred significantly to energy efficiency in a number of appliances.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"This is very serious for those in the livestock industry, as well as fisheries, tree crops, vegetable industries and their value chains",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weatherevents by 40% compared to 2005.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Vulnerability of infrastructure related to water supply and waste water treatment to the impacts of extrememeteorological events. Low coverage of infrastructure totreat waste water threats the water quality of the region.Increment of cost of maintenance of water supply infrastructure due tu environmental conditions of the coastal zone.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In Yucatan 697837.25 hectares are protected. During the 2012-2018 administration, 2 new natural protected areas were declared, giving a total of 9 state protected areas, 5 federal, 1 municipal and 2 private.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The CCRA3 Technical Report provides detailed advice on 61 risks associated with climate change, grouped into 5 categories: •Natural Environment and Assets •Infrastructure •Health, Communities and the Built Environment •Business and Industry •International Dimensions Part IV of the Climate Change Act 2008 requires the UK Government to lay before parliament a ‘Climate Change Risk Assessment’ (CCRA) every 5 years. The Climate Risk Independent Assessment is the CCC’s statutory advice to Government which informs the CCRA and national climate adaptation plans. The CCC’s 3rd Climate Risk Independent Assessment (CCRA3) assesses the urgency of adapting to UK climate risks and opportunities, considering both the current climate and projected future climates consistent with two future pathways: (i) stabilising 2°C by the end of the century, representing achievement of the Paris Agreement goals; (ii) 4°C global warming at the end of the century the current trajectory, consistent with the current limited global ambition for reducing emissionsThe report advises on areas where further action is required. It also provides advice on Government’s approach to adaptation planning. However, advice on specific policy options is outside the scope of this element of the CCC’s role.The published assessment comprises the following main documents, also supported by a number of additional reports that informed the analysis:Technical Report – Presents the full detailed analysis that underpins the assessment of risks or opportunities, and the resulting urgency scores. Advice Report - Summarises and interprets the evidence provided in the technical chapters. Also provides the Adaptation Committee’s statutory advice to Government on the risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. Authored by the CCC.Wales Summary report – One of four National Summarises published for each UK nation, summarises the most relevant aspects of the risk assessment for Wales.These documents will be published on https://www.ukclimaterisk.org, with the exception of the Advice Report which will be published on www.theccc.org.uk.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles will increase the electric mobility.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regional legislation establishes the application of the strategic environmental assessment per type of project,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","the Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient appliances. Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies for refurbishmentwhich include this action http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Welsh Government has commissioned research to better understand the risk to businesses and workforce in Wales.Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The Business Agency of Lower Austria “ecoplus” with decades of experience, with a highly-specialized team and an expansive network, offers tailored services to lower Austrian companies. With the technopol program the ecoplus focuses on building up technology oriented business locations near existing research and educational facilities. Furthermore, the ecoplus can help to find access to regional funding and give competitive advantage through innovative cooperation’s projects. In addition, companies from Lower Austrian can receive support for their internationalization and export ventures. Climate protection, renewable energies and climate change adaptation are important topics in all these fields of action.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The projections of the precipitation do not indicate a clear trend, however a slight tendency of increase in the winter, that can reach 10%, and a decrease in the summer (especially in the time horizon 2070-2099)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,This is always done through multi-stakeholder consultations. The Assemblies submit their plans for peer review and confirmation,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Sectors such as fishing, skiing or beach tourism will be affected current patterns.Water demands for irrigation in the order of 5% will increase, as a result of greater evapotranspiration.Lack of water availability will decrease from generalized way the provisions and guarantees in the irrigation if it is not compensates with the maximum modernization and efficiency and the use of new resources, such as reuseof regenerated waters.Decrease in more than 20% of hydroelectric production.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Loss of forest cover in areas of importance for the conservation of carbon reservoirs, caused by the disorderly growth of agricultural activities.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Indigenous Infrastructure Program (PROII)Through the Coordination Agreement signed between the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Government of the State of Yucatan, the Indigenous Infrastructure Program was executed, with which basic infrastructure works were carried out in indigenous localities with gaps and lags in terrestrial communication, electrification and housing. The project achieved: • Construction of 1,757 ecological toilets • Expansion of 296 km of the electric network• Construction and modernization of 192 km highways• Construction of 112 water systems.Construction and Expansion of the electrical network• Construction of 21 infrastructure actions in 22.81 kilometers of medium voltage distribution lines and extensions of electrical networks in medium and low voltageOperation of the drinking water system in the city of Mérida• A total of 54.0 million cubic meters of potable water was supplied to the population. The beneficiary population is 870,000 inhabitants of the city of Mérida and conurbated areasStrengthening Medical Care ProgramDuring 2017, 25,444 inhabitants of 109 localities targeted by the Program were attended . This action consisted in the granting of services of promotion, prevention, medical and dental care to the population as well as 36,254 medical consultations and 7,204 dental care to the target population of the program, as well as 244,733 actions of prevention and health promotion.These actions were carried out in 25 municipalities of high and very high marginalization and difficult access in the municipalities.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Swedens national environmental objectives and specifically the taget ""Sustainable forests"" includes formal protection of forest areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Saltwater intrusion is consider a risk to satisfy fresh water supply. In the region is more related to anthropogenic activities in the coast, and it also represents one of the most dangerous threats of climate change due to future sea level rise. Additionally is consider a risk to the primary sector, in the coastal zone due to the increment of salinity in the soil, and the salinization of fresh water resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Potential major threats to agriculture and forestry include drought, flooding of agricultural land, and pests and diseases, particularly those affecting livestock.Reduction in soil moisture - risk is loss of habitat, more carbon released into the atmosphere, erosion, water quality issues and more flooding.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline.Target year: 2020Comments:This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Increase of 0.45ºC in the average temperature of the period 1981-2010 with respect to the period 1951-1980.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Following a transfer of competence, the Region has developed a waste plan which will be approved soon.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 6,983.91 hectares, 0.76 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2016, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares. In 2016, 59.25 percent for areas under 1 hectare, while 31.86 percent of deforestation was explained by areas between 1 and 5 hectares. Losses between 5 and 50 hectares were 6.70 percent, while areas between 50 and 500 hectares account for 2.19 percent. Spaces greater than 500 hectares do not report a loss due to significant deforestation in Amazonas.Amazonas does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the public transport services in order to increase the quality of the public system",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Reduce by 2030 40% of the economic losses derived from extreme weather events compared to 2005,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Increase of 0.45ºC in the average temperature of the period 1981-2010 with respect to the period 1951-1980.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Environmental permits covering, for example, drainage, water abstraction, some aspects of pollution from machinery and mining waste are also required and these are issued by Natural Resources Wales. Licenses with regard to protected species may also be required and these would also be considered by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government / Natural Resources Wales / Mineral Planning Authorities / Regional Mineral Planning Groups",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state currently has an active energy efficiency challenge in buildings, in which a wide collaboration has been developed to create capacities in private buildings, of local companies to implement energy efficiency measures with the aim of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Tocantins is establishing some partnerships with private companies for sustainable development.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Catalan Government - through the Catalan Waste Agency -supports a pilot project in industrial symbiosis in Manresa,together with other institutions. First results obtanined indentifya local energy generation of 1,2 M € value with theimplementation of energy sinergy, and savings of 135.000 € inwaste management. https://www.manresa.cat/web/article/5977-projecte-simbiosi-industrial",1 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The program, drawn up by the State, the region, the ADEME and EDF includes 58 energy saving actions for Reunionese financed by the ""Public Service Charges for Energy"" representing a total of 160 M € Fixed For 5 years from 2019 to 2023, this ambitious program should save by 2023, 318 GWh / year of energy and avoid 240000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the city's emissions of 100,000 inhabitants. The most modest households will seeproposes 68M € over the period 2019-2023.The control of the energy demand is a major lever of the energy transition in Reunion.The program validated by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) is a structuring tool forto enable the territory to fulfill the ambitions that will be The Future Multiannual programming of Energy(PPE). Developed for the next 10 years, this PPE will be part of the objective set by law on the Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV) of 17 August 2015: ""achieve autonomy in the overseas departments by 2030",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Forestry Act 1967 and relevant amendmentsTimber and Timber Products (placing on the market) Regulations 2013Environment (Wales) Act 2016Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017Environmental Impact Assessment (forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof Yucatan's temperature ranging from 1.4 to 1.6° C by 2050. Changes of the magnitude of extreme temperatureevents are expected.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Sweden have signed the convention and committed to undertake certain actions, some of which affects our work at a regional level.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, our planning framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,criteria for the purchase of electric or low emission vehicles in the government,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Update of the Adaptation Plan for the State of São Paulo. The existing adaptation plan for the State is outdated and has not been implemented in the past. We therefore want to update the plan in a collaborative and inclusive way so that it is appropriate, implemented and monitored by all sectors of society.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and lightning and risks to building fabric from moisture, wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2017, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2018.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, 2019), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2019), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Our statutory advisors have produced model scenarios providing potential routes by which the targets could be achieved. In March 2019 Government will publish its own Low Carbon Delivery Plan, setting out how the targets will be achieved.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - PERH ( http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos)Last complete version 2016-2019, beeing updated for 2020-2023.The Water Resources Plans are management instruments that aim to guide the implementation of the water resources policy, defining the guidelines for the use of water, as well as measures for its protection and conservation, in order to guarantee its availability - in adequate quantity and quality - for different uses.According to Law No. 7,663 / 91, which instituted the State Water Resources Policy in the State of São Paulo, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH must be prepared based on the plans of the hydrographic basins, in the rules related to the protection of the environment environment and guidelines for environmental planning and management. In this context, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH establishes management guidelines and criteria at the state scale, reflecting the regional needs expressed in the basin plans. The first Water Resources Plan for the State of São Paulo was prepared in 1990 and is being updated for the 2020-2023 quadrennium.To improve the management system for water sources areas between public agencies and actors involved,the specific laws of the Áreas de Proteção e Recuperação de Manaciais-APRMs adopted principles providing for the structuring of a decentralized and participative planning and management system for APRMs. The Portal Mananciais GEO was structured, a digital platform that provides information from the Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais-APMs and APRMs established by state legislation, enablingthe visualization of cartographic bases and satellite images or aerophotogrammetric documents of reference for the protection and recovery of water sources. https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 295",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"In January 2021, guidelines for energy efficiency in public buildings of the government of the state of Yucatán were published, with the aim of establishing the bases, technical standards and general provisions that must be implemented to achieve energy efficiency in public buildings of the Government of the Yucatan State.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +Please provide further details about the geography of your region.,2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Sweden have signed the convention and committed to undertake certain actions, some of which affects our work at a regional level.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Since declaring the climate emergency, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2018, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2019.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, ), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2020), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico – ZEE, technical and political planning instrument that establishes spatial planning and management guidelines, considering the environmental characteristics and socioeconomic dynamics of different regions of the state. Its purpose is to support the formulation of public policies in line with strategic guidelines for sustainable development, as well as guide the licensing of productive activities in a manner consistent with these objectives. https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2019/decreto-64526-15.10.2019.html",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Business sector is approached through regional development activities and included in our Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa 2035 Roadmap.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"This temperature variation is not uniform throughout the year: the increase in average temperature is more marked in summer, at 0.36°C/decade",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Between 1957 and 2017, the average annual temperature in Ahafo Community has increased by up to 1.4°C. The greatest warming has been in the northern part of the community, towards the Brong Segment of Brong Ahafo Region. The experts project that by 2050, the average annual temperature in Ahafo will increase by 2.0°C to 2.5°C.Many have already been affected in one way or another by increased temperatures and extreme weather events that may well have been part of the changing climate. Recently, warmer temperatures have already begun to allow the appearance and spread of mosquitos and malaria, especially in areas around Goaso, Sankore and Bechem, Techimantia and Derma.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The energy and climate targets are decided by the regional council, in the regional development program – the overall vision for Gotland: Region Gotland has challenged itself to have a fully climate-neutral energy supply by 2025. Offering the highest possible efficiency and economy, the energy supply will be climate-neutral, based on local, renewable resources and will contribute to sustainable growth and the development of local business. - Vision 2025, adopted by the Regional Council.Targets are then operationalized in the Environmental program and Energy strategy – adopted by the municipal council and then copied into the master plan. As our present master plan is over 10 years old and yet undergoes revision to be updated, the present Swedish goals from 2017 are not reflected in the plan. The overall reduction goal for energy related territorial CO2 -emission is a 45 % absolute reduction of the fossil energy related CO2 emissions from NETS- activities (that is not including industries covered in the CO2 emission trade scheme) from 1990–2020. This is reached by 2017! (but covers only a small part of the total climate gas emissions from all activities in business-life and society on Gotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Transport disruptions, supply chain interruptions in the smaller islands, health risks to residents due to frequent severe weather events.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Projects are set up On the territory, led by local authorities",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In collaboration with the municipality of Hermosillo, we have worked to establish energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings, through the publication of a Complementary Technical Standard for Energy Efficiency, for the construction regulations of the municipality of Hermosillo, accompanied by the creation of capabilities for citizens and housing developers.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"During 2013 and 2014 years, the Government of Catalonia has published two calls for grants to local councils and local authorities to develop adaptation local plans for climate change. Thus, 16 town councils received more than 60.000 euros for the implementation of local adaptation plans.During the year 2018, the Government has approved ORDER TES / 169/2018, of October 4, which approves the regulatory bases of subsidies for local governmentments for develop mitigation and adaptation actions and the budget for the calls 2019 and 2020 will be 1M €.The adaptation actions that will be subsidized will be: 2.1.3 Actions to adapt and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the area of the water resources a) Improvement of the efficiency of municipal water supply networks. b) Preparation of emergency plans for drought in municipalities of less than 20,000 registered inhabitants. c) Utilization of unconventional water resources for non-potable uses in municipal facilities, such as for example, the use of rainwater, gray, regenerated or phreatic. 2.1.4 Actions to prevent the effects of urban heat islands in the areas of housing, health and urban plannning.Likewise, Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study about the vulnerability and resilience of the municipalities to the increase of temperature due to the climate change.http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Estudis_i_docs_adaptacio/Estudi_LaVola_adaptacio_municipis/Vulnerabilitat_canvi_climatic_municipis_Vdef_set.pdfIn the area of local projects, the Office participates as a partner in the LIFE CLINOMICS project led by the Diputació de Barcelona which aims to increase the resilience of local Mediterranean entities after the intervention in three territories: the Montseny Natural Park, the Alt Penedès region and the lands of the Ebro; and about three significant economic activities: tourism, agriculture and forestry.http://lifeclinomics.eu/ca/",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,Tocantins is establishing some partnerships with private companies for sustainable development.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other, please specify: All the mentioned int he risk assessment procedure above",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", thereis an expected change in rainfall patterns that would severely affect the sectors of water, forestry and agriculture",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,there are projects that exist but it's starting to grow more and more,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1,833,990 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The relative sea level rise around Wales (taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,The increase of the BRP in recent years comes to a large share from the service sector. We don't have predictions available yet for 2030 or 2050. We aim to report indicators for BRP + as well as we take part in the common open data reporting to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions on Agenda 2030 indicators.,0 +Please complete the table below.,There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is a multi-year work plan that describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.Similar with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Biogas from waste is upgraded and used as locally produced RE car fuel and industrial fuel. ( Around 35 GWh/ year),0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, practices to promote circular economy are implemented. In most of the islands there has been organized awareness actions related to circular economy.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,The Marche Region participates in the national technical table for the adoption of measures for the purpose of reducing emissions to improve air quality,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sector,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,This is a reserved matter for UK Government. However we are developing regional energy plans to demonstrate the need for grid network development to enable a low carbon transition.,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,there is a study that is going on to evaluate the implementation of this kind of dispostif,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","One of the actions under the Welsh Government's ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"On August 2017, environmental organizations, user institutions of the Ter river and local and regional administrations sign an agreement to reduce almost a half the extraction of the Ter river towards Barcelona in ten years. Currently, the maximum annual volume of water is quantified in 166hm3 and by 2027 it is expected not to exceed 90 hm3 /year. The intensification of resources of the Llobregat river, the commitment to the reuse and the increase in the production of desalinated water,among other measures, they will balance resources in the Ter Llobregat system and will allow circulating flows to the Ter.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide emissions inventory to report?,"The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Unplanned urbanization, irregular occupation of slopes and water supply areas by vulnerable populations. Improper use of land for agricultural activities, inadequate construction in coastal areas, water pollution and deforestation.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The cost of water service in the Amazon region is higher due to the fact that water sources are far from cities, and the cost of water purification treatment is higher, which is absorbed by the final consumer in cities.",0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?",It is expected that occur more hot days that will affect health population and also water disponibility,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The main reasons are the increase of transport mobility and the increase of heating in commercial and residential categories (because of the increase in number of intense cold days in winter in 2016),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Catalan Energy Institute supports companies undertaking audits. They are compulsory for large companies. Moreover, website informing of energy efficiency measures:http://mapamesures.icaen.gencat.cat/mapamesures/AppPHP/ Housing Agency of Catalonia has subsidies for refurbishment reduce energy demand for heating and coolinghttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"• Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;• Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;• UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;• Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;• The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"advisory programmes, subsidies for building insulation and heating systems based on renewables, strong building standards for new buildings and as well for renovation",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","According to the information from Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) Jayapura (Capital City of Papua), for example. Even several areas in Jayapura are experienced a land conversion, the amount of water supply still enough to support community in Jayapura, also the the areas still have a good quality of water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In Mexico there is the National Environmental Audit Plan, which is a voluntary mechanism that allows companies to have a certificate of clean industry, environmental quality or tourist environmental quality. This certificate is granted by the federal attorney for environmental protection. In Yucatan there is a large number of companies that have some kind of certificate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"No: it's not an issue here, cooking stoves are electrical and the electricity used has very low emission factors",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Official population projection of Papua released by Indonesia National Statistics Bureau is available for the period up to 2035 (4,144,600 population)",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply).The average water availability per capita in the period from 2010 to 2018 suffered a significant decrease, from 2387.60 m³ / year / inhab to 2237.25, a loss of 6.3%. With a minimum of 128.11 m³ / year / inhab for 47% of the state's population and a maximum of 44723.47 for 0.8%.( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/page 138)",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"All federal states of Austria are together with the national government responsible to achieve the GHG emission target for Austria. This target is based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection Law. The aim is to reduce national-wide Non-ETS CO2e emissions by 16% by 2020 based on 2005 Level. Currently the national government is working on a Austrian National Climate Protection Law for the time period 2020-2030, which will include GHG reduction targets for all relevant emission-sectors. The federal states are slightly integrated in the development of Action Programms to reach these common goals. Furthermore the national targets has strong influence on our work in the federal states.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"In order to improve the equipment and machinery for increase the efficiency of water transport and treatment. The government will developed in the period 2018-2024 a project for the detection of leaks in the drinking water distribution network, as well as the supply and installation of micro-meters and macro-meters, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Optimization of the operating conditions of waste biological treatments with high organic load; Promotion of the selective collection of bio-waste and domestic composting,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In all the island exists recycling points and centres. The separate waste is collected, treated and transported to recycling",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The forts area is currently slightly decreasing, BUT the annual forets growth is almost double the volume of the annual harvest from the forest.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Sources: 1) 2018 Population from www.seeg.eco.br2) Data reported: Projections of 2018 edition - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas/sociais/populacao/9109-projecao-da-populacao.html=&t=resultadosFile: projecoes_2018_populacao_idade_simples_2010_20603) Also avaiable, but with different data, in: SEAD System. Population projections available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change and will be revised soon.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promote reduction of the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectious diseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The Climate Plan aproved during 2018 by the City Council of Barcelona.aims to be an integrative vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which allows the achievement of the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate.The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and encouragement for citizen action.The main goal on adaptation is increase 1.6 km2 of green per capita and reach the 100 liters of water consumption per inhabitant per day.http://lameva.barcelona.cat/barcelona-pel-clima/ca/plan-clima/que-es-el-pla-clima",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Ahafo agricultural sector will also need to deal with the potential for increased impacts on farm operations of extreme weather events such as drought as well as pest infestations and increased crop vulnerability from year-to-year. Overall, water availability is likely to become even more of a challenge for farmers under the changing climate. Available Ahafo rivers such as River Tano, Akantansu, Goa, Subre, etc. are drying up so quickly offseason.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,there are projects that exist but it's starting to grow more and more,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and lightning and risks to building fabric from moisture, wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"94 of 645 municipalities of São Paulo State are daily monitored by National Plan for Risk Management and Disaster Response, CEMADEN, a federal agency that connects state and municipal civil defense structures. The municipalities monitored by CEMADEN have a history of records of natural disasters resulting from mass movements (slopes of slopes, mass runs, undermining of banks / fallen lands, falling / rolling of rock blocks and erosive processes) and / or resulting from hydrological processes (floods, floods, large floods).Civil Defense records almost a landslide a day in the summer of 2020 in São Paulo.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management sets 4 objectives:Reduce the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion,raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk,providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events, and prioritising investment in the most at risk communities.Our average investment (revenue and capital) in flood and coastal erosion risk management in Wales over the past seven financial years (since 2011/12) has been £53 million per year, reducing risk to homes and businesses across Wales.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Risks to public water supplies from drought and low river flows,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Base year changed from 1990 to 2005 due to comparable data availability.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/icaeninstallacio-dinfraestructures-de-recarrega-per-alvehicle-electric/,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Actions tu strengthen the regulations and follow-up of construction of hydraulic and sanitary infrastructure in new housing developments in urban areas of Yucatan. Through evaluation protocols, emissions of feasibility opinions and authorizations. Likewise, JAPAY is developing a project to detect leaks in the drinking water distribution network, through the supply and installation of micrometers in domestic and commercial household outlets and supply and installation of macrometers in catchment areas and sumps, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"the core businesses here are agriculture and tourism, both are extremely vulnerable",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Household waste is collected in two assorted fractions, one for easliy biodegradable waste; collected for biogas production on a farm based biogas plant. THe othe fraction is to be assorted wast for incineration- i goes to the cemebt factory. Receycling of packages, glass an d papers , electronic items e t c is managed beside the waste streams. As litte waste as possible is to go to the lanfdfill, as landfill space is limited on the island. Some waste has to go to the mainland .for treatment",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Statistic Sweden report total area of forest on Gotland, 124,000 har is prodyctive forets area, 12,000 ha is non productive forest area, with annual growth less than 1 m3s per yr. Over 20 % of the total forest area has formal protectuion.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The State of São, through the Secretariat of Infrastructure and the Environment, is a member of ABEMA - Brazilian Association of State Environmental Entities, which promotes cooperation and permanent exchange among its members, at the state level.Within the scope of the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, the ""ProgramaVerdeAzul - PMVA"" , launched in 2007, has the purpose of stimulating and assisting São Paulo city halls in the elaboration and execution of their strategic public policies for the sustainable development of the state of São Paulo.There are ten guidelines for the local environmental agenda: Sustainable Municipality, Structure and Environmental Education, Environmental Council, Biodiversity, Water Management, Air Quality, Land Use, Urban Forestry, Treated Sewer and Solid Waste.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please complete the table below.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GEH emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/incorporacio_avaluacio_ambiental/http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/redueix_emissions/com-calcular-emissions-de-geh/The environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 82 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to monitor emissions and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Under the Carbon Reduction Energy Efficiency Scheme we have focussed on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from buildings and fixed infrastructure.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Following a transfer of competence, the Region has developed a waste plan which will be approved soon.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" atmedium term, the expected increment oftemperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Consulted on a draft Circular Economy Strategy in December 2019.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,One of the highest in the world. Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty �� SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"In many places, the network of pipes is old and the maintaining processes are not adequate, which causes major problems of water loss and waste.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Energy efficiency in industrial processes, buildnings and spatial planning.Climate-smart farming methods in agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric vehicles and the decrease of using private transport",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,National plan for adapting hydroelectriv power to modern terms. The county administrative boards are collabarating with different stakeholders to find solutions that are beneficial for both the water environment and hydropower plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"the Region has launched an exploration study of the geothermal deposit, sites have been identified outside the national park, a geothermal project is included in the objectives of the Multiannual Energy Program (PPE)",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Longer growing season for crops and opportunities for new types of agriculture,0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"Welsh Government Marine Plan established an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Existing actions for pressure reduction and management of distribution systems to reduce losses,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Capacity strengthening project for the implementation of the REDD+ State Strategy through the Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Norwegian Government prepared with the participation of The Nature Conservancy, which is the implementing partner of the project.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent and let building space.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and access to housing.In 2019 Yucatan government launched the Social Housing Program, through coordinated work with the three orders of government, in an unprecedented act, a historic stock of 900 million pesos was obtained to carry out more than 17,000 housing actions, benefiting to Yucatecan families from the interior of the state.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the framework of the Multiannual Energy Programming, it is planned to optimize the existing projects",1 +Please complete the table below.,On 31st January 2018 was the first workshop of the CLIMPY project which will focus on a climatic data base in mountain regions in Andorra and whose mission is to have the regionalized snow climate projections for the territory of the Pyrenees taking into account the different scenarios of climate change. These projections will be the basis for designing local strategic policies in important economic sectors such as tourism.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/icaeninstallacio-dinfraestructures-de-recarrega-per-alvehicle-electric/,0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent and let building space.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The uncertainties of the quantified emissions by sector were measured, which are the following:-Energy (no value) -Industrial processes: 28.68% -Agriculture: 27.20%-Waste: 47.87 %",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The State of São Paulo is participating in the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform. At the current stage, 10-12 priority actions are being selected, out of more than 350 initially proposed.These final actions will be modeled in terms of their impact on reducing emissions, and viability analysis. As a result, the State administration will have subsidies to request partnerships and financing necessary to carry out the actions.This survey will be completed by the end of 2020.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",there is a study that is going on to evaluate the implementation of this kind of dispostif,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Santos Dock Company tide gauge (1940 to 2014), the longest series of continuous record of tides in Brazil, shows a consistent increasing trend.The estimation about the magnitudeof mean sea level rise (MSLR) concludes there wil be a considerable impact upon theport, with approximately 1.1m rise estimated from 1990 to 2100 at a rate of 0.33 cm / year,which is expected to increase in the coming decades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334730927_Estimation_of_Sea_Level_Rise_in_Santos_Port_Brazil",0 +Please attach and provide details of your region's forest management plan(s).,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"No: maybe a future project, for now the energy performance is rarely med public",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Sources: 1) 2018 Population from www.seeg.eco.br2) Data reported: Projections of 2018 edition - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas/sociais/populacao/9109-projecao-da-populacao.html=&t=resultadosFile: projecoes_2018_populacao_idade_simples_2010_20603) Also avaiable, but with different data, in: SEAD System. Population projections available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,there is an Austrian and a lower Austrian Energy efficiency law existing,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,The project was develop with local capacities and supported by the academic sector of the region,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"in the framework of regional and international cooperation, the region supports the countries of the Indian Ocean zone and exchange of good practices in the field of energy, climate change, biodiversity ...",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The program, drawn up by the State, the region, the ADEME and EDF includes 58 energy saving actions for Reunionese financed by the ""Public Service Charges for Energy"" representing a total of 160 M € Fixed For 5 years from 2019 to 2023, this ambitious program should save by 2023, 318 GWh / year of energy and avoid 240000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the city's emissions of 100,000 inhabitants. The most modest households will seeproposes 68M € over the period 2019-2023.The control of the energy demand is a major lever of the energy transition in Reunion.The program validated by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) is a structuring tool forto enable the territory to fulfill the ambitions that will be The Future Multiannual programming of Energy(PPE). Developed for the next 10 years, this PPE will be part of the objective set by law on the Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV) of 17 August 2015: ""achieve autonomy in the overseas departments by 2030",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"There are a lot of different actions such as new routes (for example, ""bus expres""), or the new bus network in Barcelona, etc. There are a lot of different actions such as new metro routes in Barcelona, increasing frequency of the metro lines, improving stations, etc. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC), the Catalan Governmental Railway company, is increasing routes, building new train stations and improving existing stations.The Catalan Government is committed along with 27 metropolitan regions of Europe to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission public transport. On June 8, 2018, the members of the EMTA have committed themselves to prioritize the introduction of clean vehicles in bus fleets and ask the European Union for economic support in this regard. (http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306454/ca/govern-compromet-junt-27-regions-metropolitanes-deuropa-accelerar-transicio-transport-public-demissions-zero.do)",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solarSource: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg276",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan it's use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Total emissions from Governmental buildings energyconsumption in 2014 (electricity and natural gas for heating/cooling).,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Under Welsh legislation , Ministers must prepare a final statement for each budgetary period, and lay the statement before the National Assembly for Wales.In addition Welsh emissions are reported annually through the production of the national greenhouse gas inventory. Emissions reports are produced approximately 18 months after the close of the relevant emissions year.Welsh legislation also introduces a role for our statutory advisors, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), to review and report on progress made in Wales towards our statutory emission reduction targets.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,The Regional Consil has put in place measures under the 2014-2020 European program to support local communities,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The biodiversity monitoring is not specific to climate adaptation but is an ongoing action.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"According to last data available, base year emissions are 41,577,731 metric tonnes CO2e2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Local studies have pointed out the potential effects of changes in seasonal rainfall, in sectors such as agriculture, where the variability of precipitation could generate considerable decreases in the yield of crops, livestock and beekeeping; as well as the increase in production costs with direct effects on local producers. The potential impact on the water sector is also considered due to the decrease in the provision of this resource for human settlements and other economic sectors, including commerce and industry.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change includes a provision to protect vulnerable population from energy and water poverty. The final provision seventh indicates:“1. The Government and, where appropriate, local authorities, within their respective powers, with the objective of guaranteeing universal access of the entire population to a minimum vital consumption of certain basic resources, shall promote the necessary performance mechanisms to guarantee it in the case of electricity, non combustible fuels and water supplies. 2. In accordance with section 1, the necessary performance mechanisms shall be designed to ensure the vital minimum in electricity, non-combustible fuels and water supplies for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion. 3. The ministries responsible for social welfare, energy and water, and where appropriate, the local authorities shall define the conditions and methodology that help to establish the minimum energy and water consumption to ensure the vital minimum coverage for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion.”",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The project was develop with local capacities and supported by the academic sector of the region,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The duration of droughts could increase significantly taking into account the combination of the projected rise in temperatures, the decrease in precipitation and rising evapotranspiration",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The Climate Change Act 16/2017 provides promotion an energy model with the consumption of fossil fuels tends to be zero, so the objective to year 2030 can be achieved 50% participation of renewable energies in the catalan electrical system for to be 100% renewable in 2050.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Own elaboration with data from the land use and vegetation chart (INEGI, 2016). Approved to the types of vegetation provided in table No. 52 (categories that are included in forest lands) of the document of the Emissions Reduction Initiative (IRE, 2016).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsibility definitions,0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The State of São Paulo is participating in the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform. At the current stage, 10-12 priority actions are being selected, out of more than 350 initially proposed.These final actions will be modeled in terms of their impact on reducing emissions, and viability analysis. As a result, the State administration will have subsidies to request partnerships and financing necessary to carry out the actions.This survey will be completed by the end of 2020.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +"Is your region aware of jurisdictional approaches and are you implementing any to address deforestation, forest degradation and/or forest restoration?","Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo have the strategy of adapting to climate change of the Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The changes in climate affects the health of population, for instance increasing the incidence of water and respiratory diseases. In recent years there has been an increase in the proliferation of insect vectors of diseases such as dengue, zica and yellow fever, which may have been caused by a change in rainfall patterns and increase in the average temperature, which favor the transmission cycle of the disease.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report (CCRA2) is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government. The methodology for CCRA2 is detailed from page 3 of the attached Wales summary.",1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"installation has started , mainly on initiatives from private business, the charging infra structure is developed with national funding support and ins already reasonably OK. , but will have to grow to match the number of EVs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,it should be noted that the guidelines come from the national level and are declining at the regional level. there is a follow-up between the two partners,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Risks to business from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure, risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks, risks to infrastructure services from river, surface water, groundwater flooding, as well as coastal flooding and erosion. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from, flood, high winds and lightning.",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,There is no involvement of subnational governments in defining and discussing how to implement the NDC in Brazil.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Several open cast mines are located in close proximity to the borders of National Parks and within several kilometres of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Programa NascentesCombines the conservation of water resources with the protection of biodiversity through an innovative institutional structure. The government program involves 10 state departments, optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions or to reduce the water footprint, implement voluntary restoration projects. The program unites restoration specialists, entrepreneurs with recovery obligations to be fulfilled and owners of areas in need of restoration of native vegetation. The program also has a Project Shelf ready for hiring, with a defined location and restoration strategy and with the owner's consent for its realization. The projects are proposed by companies or NGOs that work in the field of ecological restoration according to the guidelines provided. Also, the Area Bank gathers places to receive restoration projects, which were made available through a declaration made by the owner in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) or directly by the agency responsible for them: ITESP - São Paulo State Land Foundation (in the case of rural settlements) and Fundação Florestal or Instituto Florestal (in the case of state Conservation Units). Resolution SMA 32/14 concerns Ecological Restoration (intentional human intervention in degraded or altered ecosystems to trigger the natural process of ecological succession) is one of the main challenges in the application of environmental legislation, particularly by Federal Law 12.651 / 12, known as the new forest code. The area under restoration registered with SARE (Computerized Support System for Ecological Restoration) was defined as a metric of the Nascentes Program, contributing to the traceability and monitoring of projects. Individuals and companies that finance, execute or make available areas for projects under the Program can receive a Certificate. Voluntary projects that restore at least 10 hectares, or that to comply with legal obligations add 10 hectares to the project or perform twice the required restoration, guarantee the natural or legal persons the Nascentes Seal, an icon of commitment to the preservation of the environment and concern for the safety of water resources in the state of São Paulo.Since it is a dynamic system costs vary according to each project. www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/programanascentes/",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"in municipal buildings, but to a larger extent from industry to district heating",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2016",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"The SEEG 5.0 estimates cover GHG emissions from 1970 to 2016 for all sectors, with the exception of land use change, covering the period 1990 to 2016. The methodological basis of the SEEG estimations is the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) and other emissions as HFCs.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The adaptation objectives by the region are established on Law 16/2017, of 1st August, on Climate Change -approved by the Parliament of Catalonia on 2017.The goals are identified on the Article 2:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.d) To promote the education, research, development and transfer of technology, and to spread knowledge in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.e) To establish mechanisms that provide objective and accessible information about all aspects related to climate change, its development over time and its impacts.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and access to housing.In 2019 Yucatan government launched the Social Housing Program, through coordinated work with the three orders of government, in an unprecedented act, a historic stock of 900 million pesos was obtained to carry out more than 17,000 housing actions, benefiting to Yucatecan families from the interior of the state.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOAT FIGHTINGIntegration of the telemetric network and operation of meteorological radar for real-time rainfall monitoring in conjunction with the Civil Defense; operation of situation rooms with supplyreal-time information on weather radar data and telemetry stations in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Paraíba Valley, Piracicaba Basin and Baixada Santista; DAEE Water Infrastructure, Flood Fighting and Sanitation Program, involving services and works, maintenance of pools.Programs:.Novo Rio Pinheiros.Expansion of the reserve capacity of the drainage system.Assistance to municipalities in actions to combat critical hydrological events.Lowland area recovery",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Very important measure to enable furtgher installations of renewables to the grid on Gotland, both storage capacity and transmission capacity can be useful in different scales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"management of the water resource is a state responsibility, while the region financially supports projects",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",According to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,1 +Please attach and provide details of your region’s plan(s).,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Direct activity data. Emissions are calculated applying the emissions factor for electricity and natural gas to the electricity consumption and gas consumption in Governmental buildings, as reported in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2015). According to Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall have an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the properties, facilities and services they provide.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"All federal states of Austria are together with the national government responsible to achieve the GHG emission target for Austria. This target is based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection Law. The aim is to reduce national-wide Non-ETS CO2e emissions by 16% by 2020 based on 2005 Level. Currently the national government is working on a Austrian National Climate Protection Law for the time period 2020-2030, which will include GHG reduction targets for all relevant emission-sectors. The federal states are slightly integrated in the development of Action Programms to reach these common goals. Furthermore the national targets has strong influence on our work in the federal states.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,At the moment we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have na emissions inventory for the government,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,At the time of publication in 2010 a pathway was modelled to show how the target would be delivered. This was based on a quantification of planned policy measures which was collated to show the expected emissions reduction over the period (The Climate Change Strategy Emission Reduction Delivery Plan). Indicators were developed to track progress against these emission reduction policies. This target has been superseded by new statutory targets and the original pathway analysis for the Climate Change Strategy targets has not been updated and is no longer current.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In general, water availability will decrease. Climate change will reduce river discharge, subterranean recharge and modify the chemical processes in it. The Third Catalan Report Climate Change indicates reduction up to 15% of flow contributions in the rivers by the year 2040 and reductions of 28% by 2070.Also, Life Medacc project presents the evaluation of the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the water basins of Ter, Segre and Muga. Reductions flows during the first half of the 21st century will be a fact. In 2050 a decrease of the flow is expected between 9.5-32% in the headwaters and between 12.3-36% in the river mouth (compared to the period 2002-2011). The Ter basin shows the highest flow reductions, both in headland as in the mouth. Significant reductions are also important at the mouth of the Muga. The Segre basin presents a different hydrological behavior, with higher reductions in the headwaters than in the mouth.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The economic recovery measures required to combat COVID-19 also present an opportunity to enhance our low-carbon transition towards Net Zero, and create more sustainable, resilient and inclusive societies throughout Wales. We have already invested in low-carbon and climate adaptation. In 2020-21 we allocated £140m of capital funding to help combat the climate emergency. In 2021-22, on top of maintaining the majority of this funding in departmental baselines, we allocated nearly £80m in additional capital to deliver interventions that promote decarbonisation and further enhance biodiversity, alongside an additional £17m of revenue funding to support these interventions.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The CCRA3 Technical Report provides detailed advice on 61 risks associated with climate change, grouped into 5 categories: •Natural Environment and Assets •Infrastructure •Health, Communities and the Built Environment •Business and Industry •International Dimensions Part IV of the Climate Change Act 2008 requires the UK Government to lay before parliament a ‘Climate Change Risk Assessment’ (CCRA) every 5 years. The Climate Risk Independent Assessment is the CCC’s statutory advice to Government which informs the CCRA and national climate adaptation plans. The CCC’s 3rd Climate Risk Independent Assessment (CCRA3) assesses the urgency of adapting to UK climate risks and opportunities, considering both the current climate and projected future climates consistent with two future pathways: (i) stabilising 2°C by the end of the century, representing achievement of the Paris Agreement goals; (ii) 4°C global warming at the end of the century the current trajectory, consistent with the current limited global ambition for reducing emissionsThe report advises on areas where further action is required. It also provides advice on Government’s approach to adaptation planning. However, advice on specific policy options is outside the scope of this element of the CCC’s role.The published assessment comprises the following main documents, also supported by a number of additional reports that informed the analysis:Technical Report – Presents the full detailed analysis that underpins the assessment of risks or opportunities, and the resulting urgency scores. Advice Report - Summarises and interprets the evidence provided in the technical chapters. Also provides the Adaptation Committee’s statutory advice to Government on the risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. Authored by the CCC.Wales Summary report – One of four National Summarises published for each UK nation, summarises the most relevant aspects of the risk assessment for Wales.These documents will be published on https://www.ukclimaterisk.org, with the exception of the Advice Report which will be published on www.theccc.org.uk.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Regional Program for Climate Change is not published, it is waiting for superior approval",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Published our Circular Economy 2021.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",this is a step that is progressing at the level of the community,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is a general (not quantitative) objective on energy efficiency and some regional funds are allocated to reach this goal; the overal management of energy is not under control of regional administration,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The 1990-2017 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2019 (BEIS, 2019) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2017; ✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; ✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; ✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; ✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2017 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=981 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Other: Buildings/fixed infrastructure with where Welsh Government is counterparty to energy supply or where we pay for energy use through an in service charge,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Under scenario A2 there is an expected increase in the temperature of Yucatan that goes from 1.4 to 1.6 ° C by 2050. Likewise, changes in the magnitude of the extreme temperature are reported.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.a): Reduce final energy consumption almost 2% per year to achieve a minimum of 27% in 2030, excluding non energetic uses",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Our statutory advisors have produced model scenarios providing potential routes by which the targets could be achieved. In March 2019 Government will publish its own Low Carbon Delivery Plan, setting out how the targets will be achieved.",1 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Transition/conversion to sustainable means of transport (walking, cycling, public transport) and decrease the transport requirements (digital meeting etc.). Fuel infrastructure and charging of electrical vehicles.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,● Disruptions in the water cycle● Loss of forest products and services● Biodiversity loss,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Forest management helps to make more robust forests in scenarios of climate change. The Life Medacc project ,led by the Catalan Office for Climate Change, has designed and executed forest management actions aimed at doing less vulnerable the main types of forests of the three water basins (Segre, Ter and Muga). Forest management in the pilot tests has resulted key to reducing the vulnerability of Quercus ilex (in the Muga basin) and the Pinus sylvestris (in the basin Ter) before the effects of the droughts of the summers 2016 and 2017. In the Solsonès (Segre), the structural change of Pinus nigra forests through management has reduced clearly the vulnerability to fire risk by decreasing the vertical continuity of the fuel.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"New rail infraestructures are planned(Mediterranian corridor, rail access to BarcelonaHarbour) to switch freight transports from trucks torail.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Increase cost of basic services such as water and energy. Increase cost of infrastructure need to guarantee coverage and maintenance of basic services.Increment in the demand and coverage of health services.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,as mentioned in the previous question the region has set up a very ambitious voluntarist policy to facilitate the penetration of renewable energies,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Amazonas, in its Concerted Regional Plan Development 2009-2021 (updated 2015), the strategic objectives of the environment and disaster risk component establish the following indicators: area of conserved forests (ha); area reforested with native species (ha); number of organizations that carry out community surveillance to conserve forests; percentage of protected areas with respect to the total area of the territory; number of biotrade products operating trough value chain approach; area of reforested areas (has).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Several open cast mines are located in close proximity to the borders of National Parks and within several kilometres of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s target(s) on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the area forest",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",It is planned to install biomass power in 2 islands (Pico and São Miguel) that is private investment,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The 1990-2017 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2019 (BEIS, 2019) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2017; ✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; ✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; ✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; ✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2017 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=981 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In the framework of the Multiannual Energy Programming, it is planned to optimize the existing projects",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Review of quality objectives established in Management Plan of the River Basin of Catalonia to adjust them to the new environmental context, if applicable.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Forest management helps to make more robust forests in scenarios of climate change. The Life Medacc project ,led by the Catalan Office for Climate Change, has designed and executed forest management actions aimed at doing less vulnerable the main types of forests of the three water basins (Segre, Ter and Muga). Forest management in the pilot tests has resulted key to reducing the vulnerability of Quercus ilex (in the Muga basin) and the Pinus sylvestris (in the basin Ter) before the effects of the droughts of the summers 2016 and 2017. In the Solsonès (Segre), the structural change of Pinus nigra forests through management has reduced clearly the vulnerability to fire risk by decreasing the vertical continuity of the fuel.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The LIFE MEDACC project has finished after five years and has analyzed three Catalan river basins: La Muga, El Segre and El Ter.The LIFE MEDACC project has confirmed a reduction in precipitation, especially in summer, with more frequent and intense droughts and more evaporation of water into the atmosphere. The three basins studied have seen how their rivers have reduced the flow, a trend that will continue in the future if measures are not applied.In the case of forests, the tendency for the three basins is similar. During the last decades the surface of forests has increased to the detriment of crops and scrub.In fact, the results show that they are increasingly vulnerable to drought and fires, especially in the Muga. If the trend continues, the forests of the three basins, and of Catalonia in general, will have a higher risk of fire and will be more exposed to droughts, pests and other disturbances. Regarding agriculture, it has been seen that now some crops such as the apple tree begin their activities due to the high temperatures of winter and spring, and see their flowering due to cold weather as well as their fruit quality due to heat stroke. On the other hand, the reduction of precipitation and the greater water demand has caused a decrease in the availability of water, both in quantity and quality, especially accused in the coastal plains of the Muga and Ter.http://medacc-life.eu/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",At the time of publication in 2010 a pathway was modelled to show how the target would be delivered. This was based on a quantification of planned policy measures which was collated to show the expected emissions reduction over the period (The Climate Change Strategy Emission Reduction Delivery Plan). Indicators were developed to track progress against these emission reduction policies. This target has been superseded by new statutory targets and the original pathway analysis for the Climate Change Strategy targets has not been updated and is no longer current.,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Fund for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy.The fund is an instrument of public policy of the Secretariat of Energy whose objective is to implement actions that serve to contribute to the fulfillment of the National Strategy for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy, promoting the use, development and investment of renewable energies and energy efficiency.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Currently, the state implements actions to promote the integral management of the coastal zone, through the Secretariat of Sustainable Development, it promotes the restoration of beaches, as well as actions for the protection of priority species in protected natural areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The government has projects for the training of silvopastoral systems and organic agriculture.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements, which must be published by 2020. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it is implemented practices to promote circular economy. In most of the islands has been organized awareness actions related to circular economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,• Behavioural change • Technological change • Legislative change • Financial conditions • Policy change,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"No, other than for pollutants covered in national green house gas inventory. For pollutants affecting air quality a reduction plan is only needed if national limits are exceeded.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Sea level rise modelling has been completed and studied for the UK as a whole, using data from the UK Climate Projections 2009 data sets. The resulting information informed the development of Shoreline Management Plans around the coast of Wales, as well as National Coastal Erosion Risk Management Maps which help organisations & local authorities consider the impacts of sea level rise on their assets & communities. Coastal Local Authorities may review the Shoreline Management Plan policies when new data such as climate change projections becomes available.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"It's an ongoing measure, it has already contributred significantly to energy efficiency in a number of appliances.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,1 +Please complete the table below.,"At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","According to the european Strategi 2020, Italy has to reach in 2020 the share of renewable energy of 17% in total consumpuin. Italian government has establish that marche region has to contribute with a 15,4% of share in 2020.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Santos Dock Company tide gauge (1940 to 2014), the longest series of continuous record of tides in Brazil, shows a consistent increasing trend.The estimation about the magnitudeof mean sea level rise (MSLR) concludes there wil be a considerable impact upon theport, with approximately 1.1m rise estimated from 1990 to 2100 at a rate of 0.33 cm / year,which is expected to increase in the coming decades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334730927_Estimation_of_Sea_Level_Rise_in_Santos_Port_Brazil",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"As the transition to RES includes investments from public authorities and utilities, private households and the business sectors in utilization of different kind of local renewable energy sources, as wind power parks, photovoltaics of different sizes, biomass heating, solar heating, biogas production and upgrading, infrastructure for renewables, it can be considered as an on-going project, yet maybe midway. The local potential of renewables has been estimated in a couple of projects over the years., ranging from the EU 's ""Campaign for take Off"" around year 2000 until recently when Gotland has been pointed out by the Swedish Government as a pilot area for the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy supply. An action plan is developed by the National Energy Agency, in collaboration with local actors. The action plan will include sectors as electricity supply and infrastructure, buildings, transport, industries. The largest challenge might be the energy intensive stone and cement industries in the island, but also the agriculture sector is very fossil-fuel dependent, without technology yet easily available on the market to fully replace the fossil fuels. The cement industry has a vision for the developing of climate neutral cement in 10-25 years, it will though depend on certain steps and decisions on national/international political level and of course of customer demands. The agriculture sector on Gotland yet run promising development project such as fossil fuel free farming and fossil free meat-production.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"In fact, the responsibility to achieve the purposes of Law 16/2017 on Climate Change is shared by the Government, local authorities, productive sectors, political, social and economic agents and citizens overall.Catalan Office for Climate Change collaborates with local authorities and provides support to municipalities for climate adaptation and mitigation actions ( ex. Public grants and economic finance for develop local adaptation action plans or meetings with local stakeholders for develop actions financed by European Projects for local climate change adaptation).Also, local authorities participate on introducing on their policies and actions the objectives relating to reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change that is included in the Strategic Reference Framework for Adaptation.",1 +Please complete the table below.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Vulnerability of infrastructure related to water supply and waste water treatment to the impacts of extrememeteorological events. Low coverage of infrastructure totreat waste water threats the water quality of the region.Increment of cost of maintenance of water supply infrastructure due tu environmental conditions of the coastal zone.,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Low data quality on transport emissions from procured transports and fuel consumption in the region's own vehicle fleet.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Jurisdictional power: Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing, the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) includes a mandatory energy target of SAP65 for all social homes by the end of 2020. A Building Regulations Part L consultation for new dwellings which closed in March this year proposed improved minimum energy efficiency standards for 2020 (preferred option of 37% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards) and also envisaged standards for 2025 (a 75-80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards).",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,We are monitoring natural values and natural environment issues in the municipalities land-use and/or development plans.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Ongoing processes of dialogue with the third sector and other subnational governments, with possibilities for cooperation projects.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan (https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weatherevents by 40% compared to 2005.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The duration of droughts could increase significantly taking into account the combination of the projected rise in temperatures, the decrease in precipitation and rising evapotranspiration",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The mapping of landslide risk is being held by the Civil Defense and the Institute of technological research in more municipalities. There is a State Plan for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Reduction of Geological Hazards (Decree 57.512 / 2011) and Preventive Civil Defense Plans for Slides (redefined by Decree No. 42.5651997), and Coastal Erosion, Coastal Floods and Floods / floods caused by extreme meteorological and oceanographic events such as sea waves and anomalous high tides (Resolution of the Military House 17-610 - CEDEC, of 11/28/2016) - institutions involved; Civil Defense and Geological Institute / SMA",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Between 2013 and 2015 the State suffered its most extreme drougth in years, which caused a severe water crise. It was the worst drought ever recorded, in the sense that the outflows in the basin were never so low.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs in the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The biogas from MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) is collected and generates electricity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Saltwater intrusion is consider a risk to satisfy fresh water supply. In the region is more related to anthropogenic activities in the coast, and it also represents one of the most dangerous threats of climate change due to future sea level rise. Additionally is consider a risk to the primary sector, in the coastal zone due to the increment of salinity in the soil, and the salinization of fresh water resources.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply).The average water availability per capita in the period from 2010 to 2018 suffered a significant decrease, from 2387.60 m³ / year / inhab to 2237.25, a loss of 6.3%. With a minimum of 128.11 m³ / year / inhab for 47% of the state's population and a maximum of 44723.47 for 0.8%.( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/page 138)",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,criteria for the purchase of electric or low emission vehicles in the government,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Several open cast mines are located in close proximity to the borders of National Parks and within several kilometres of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,1 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"• Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;• Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;• UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;• Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;• The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Are there any mining activities occurring within or near legally protected and internationally recognized areas in your region?,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Several open cast mines are located in close proximity to the borders of National Parks and within several kilometres of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Many swine farms produce biogas from the sludge generated by its 21 motor generators that it has in Yucatan.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Under scenario A2, there is an expected reduction in annual precipitation of between 5% and 15% by 2050. The northern region of the state would be particularly affected. The sectors most vulnerable to this impact are associated with water supply, biodiversity and agriculture.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,In Mexico there are official regulations that establish maximum emission limits for vehicles and that regulate fuel quality.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Low data quality on transport emissions from procured transports and fuel consumption in the region's own vehicle fleet.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,the evaluations are carried out by micro region (on the territory there are 4 micro region),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Our national planning policy encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The Wastewater Treatment Program has aim to maintain water quality so that do not contaminate the resource found in the water table.In the reported period, 9,185,741 m3 of sewage were treated to comply with the quality standards established by the National Comissio of Water (CONAGUA, for its initials in Spanish) and benefit 269,544 users of the drinking water system with a investment of 29 million MXN.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is only at national level",0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Increased vulnerability in municipalities with high percentages of the population living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements, which must be published by 2020. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Other: Buildings/fixed infrastructure with where Welsh Government is counterparty to energy supply or where we pay for energy use through an in service charge,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Own elaboration with data from the land use and vegetation chart (INEGI, 2016). Approved to the types of vegetation provided in table No. 52 (categories that are included in forest lands) of the document of the Emissions Reduction Initiative (IRE, 2016).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Reduce by 2030 40% of the economic losses derived from extreme weather events compared to 2005,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Emissions data is collected from all buildings and fixed infrastructure where we are counterparty to supply as well as some where we are tenants and pay for energy through an in service charge. We monitor our emissions based on the total from this selection of buildings.,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The cost of water service in the Amazon region is higher due to the fact that water sources are far from cities, and the cost of water purification treatment is higher, which is absorbed by the final consumer in cities.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Socio-environmental Recovery Program of the Serra do Mar and Atlantic Forest Mosaics - 17,290 hectares (ha) of rich vegetation were incorporated into the PESM, surpassing the 350,000 ha of the largest park in the state of São Paulo. The biochemical indicators of water quality of the Cubatão River surpassed the goals benefiting more than 957,000 people from Baixada Santista (coastal zone) , supplied by the spring, 90 ha of the Atlantic Forest recovered through planting of native species, after the relocation 8634 families of the neighborhoods Cota - Location Municipality of Cubatão (Baixada Santista).",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",No: the switch from heating oil to renewable energy sources is being pushed,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,"Main impact are:1. reduced availability of drinking water (main regional source is from underground reservoirs), coused by a reduced snow coverand and a consequent reduced infiltration;2. Increase in intense precipitation with increas in floods 3. reduced Productivity in agriculture",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock mightaffect productivity and food security.",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management sets 4 objectives:Reduce the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion,raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk,providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events, and prioritising investment in the most at risk communities.Our average investment (revenue and capital) in flood and coastal erosion risk management in Wales over the past seven financial years (since 2011/12) has been £53 million per year, reducing risk to homes and businesses across Wales.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Estimates of gross greenhouse gas emissions do not consider the removal of carbon dioxide from changes in land use, ie the amount of carbon gases set by vegetation growth. When the removals are discounted, the estimates are net emissions (emissions minus removals).",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Current GDP is calculated based on 2010 constant price (IDR)GDP in 2010 was calculated based on 2000 constant price (IDR)Official projections on both medium and long term are not available,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Increase tree planting - In the past 4 years a total of 1355ha has been planted and a total 6370ha has been restocked. Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"the Region has launched an exploration study of the geothermal deposit, sites have been identified outside the national park, a geothermal project is included in the objectives of the Multiannual Energy Program (PPE)",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,We collect data using both field field surveys and remote sensing,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,There are risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather in Wales. There are currently 10 hospitals and 45 care homes in Wales that are located in areas at a 1-in-200 chance of flooding or greater in any given year,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",1 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The cost of water service in the Amazon region is higher due to the fact that water sources are far from cities, and the cost of water purification treatment is higher, which is absorbed by the final consumer in cities.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In Yucatan 18% of the territory, 697,837.25 hectares are under protection. To date, there are a total of 9 state, 5 federal, 1 municipal, and 2 private protected areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"As the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation indicates, the majority of the population of Catalonia lives in coastal areas close to large cities. This fact of territorial exposure increases the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change as large urban areas, which will be greatly affected by some direct impacts of climate change and other indirect impacts, such as the impact on natural resources and ecosystem services that the rural areas provides.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,A regulatory system operates in Wales which ensures the continuous phase down of HFCs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solar",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","No, other than for pollutants covered in national green house gas inventory. For pollutants affecting air quality a reduction plan is only needed if national limits are exceeded.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobility; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food oversees policies on agriculture and Catalan farming. Improving institutional capacity of farmer and rural organizations is a common objective of the Ministry trough different mechanisms such as LEADER methodology taken by Local Action Groups (GAL) in rural territories, grant management, specific pilot projects, etc",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with others to support and scale up pilots, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s target(s) on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project............,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The São Paulo State Government promptly adopted, in mid March, the WHO instructions and protocols in an attempt to minimize the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, housing conditions in large urban centers and divergences with the conducts preached by the Federal Government made it difficult to apply sanitary isolation measures.There is great collaboration from the private sector, which has helped to alleviate the situation. There is no shortage of hospital spaces and respirators in the state, although some regions are experiencing overcrowding.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,At the time of publication in 2010 a pathway was modelled to show how the target would be delivered. This was based on a quantification of planned policy measures which was collated to show the expected emissions reduction over the period (The Climate Change Strategy Emission Reduction Delivery Plan). Indicators were developed to track progress against these emission reduction policies. This target has been superseded by new statutory targets and the original pathway analysis for the Climate Change Strategy targets has not been updated and is no longer current.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,PRAC establishes mitigation measures and the program is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Climate change means economic opportunities for new business models such as providing ""climate services"". Another new economic sector is consultancy forthe adequacy of crops to new areas, suitable varieties, etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Our statutory advisors have produced model scenarios providing potential routes by which the targets could be achieved. In March 2019 Government will publish its own Low Carbon Delivery Plan, setting out how the targets will be achieved.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please complete the table below.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The data from l’Estartit show that the sea level has risen by 3.1 cm/decade since 1990 This is a statistically significant increase, as are the increases recorded for different seasons except for winter: +3.8 cm/ decade in the spring, and +3.1 cm/decade in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Short target summary: Reducing fuel consumption by 10% in 2023 compared to 2014 in the transport sectorPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: The different actions to reach this objective are:- increasing public transports (objective: 11% of the traffic by public transport in 2023)- develop alternative transports (bicycle, cable transport, electric cars with solar recharges)",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The adaptation objectives by the region are established on Law 16/2017, of 1st August, on Climate Change -approved by the Parliament of Catalonia on 2017.The goals are identified on the Article 2:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.d) To promote the education, research, development and transfer of technology, and to spread knowledge in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.e) To establish mechanisms that provide objective and accessible information about all aspects related to climate change, its development over time and its impacts.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review- a commitment has been made to publish a new adaptation plan in 2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",there is a study that is going on to see the need to set up this mess,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In order to improve the equipment and machinery for increase the efficiency of water transport and treatment. The government will developed in the period 2018-2024 a project for the detection of leaks in the drinking water distribution network, as well as the supply and installation of micro-meters and macro-meters, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Own elaboration with data from the land use and vegetation chart (INEGI, 2016). Approved to the types of vegetation provided in table No. 52 (categories that are included in forest lands) of the document of the Emissions Reduction Initiative (IRE, 2016).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Annual review by the UNFCCC expert review team. Reviews highlight reporting issuesof transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability or accuracy that need to beresolved by the UK. The review focusses on the UK national inventory, which is consistent with the GHGI reported for Wales. However, the Welsh specific inventory is not subject to a direct UN review.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Public forests are forest lands wich belong to public law entities: Generalitat de Catalunya, town councils, decentralized municipal entities, provincial councils, state, etc. Public forest lands are also considered public forests, whose use corresponds to the common neighborhood of a population.In Catalonia there are more than 800 public forests, which occupy a forest area of approximately 450.000 ha (23% of the forest area of the country). Of these, 380.000 are declared of public utility and are, mainly, property of local entities (mainly city councils and decentralized municipal entities).The Generalitat de Catalunya owns some 100.000ha forest.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",1 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,Tocantins is establishing some partnerships with private companies for sustainable development.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The state works together with the National Forestry Commission through the concurrent funds program where they promote sustainable productive practices. The National Forestry Commission also works in the state with its payments for environmental services program, where landowners receive a payment for the conservation of their lands.",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please attach and provide details of your region's forest management plan(s).,National plan for adapting hydroelectriv power to modern terms. The county administrative boards are collabarating with different stakeholders to find solutions that are beneficial for both the water environment and hydropower plants.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Implementation of sustainable agriculture practices that increases the profitability of crops through the proper use of natural resources (soil and water),1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Environmental control of protected areas and limitation of expansion of agricultural and livestock borders,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In collaboration with the municipality of Hermosillo, we have worked to establish energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings, through the publication of a Complementary Technical Standard for Energy Efficiency, for the construction regulations of the municipality of Hermosillo, accompanied by the creation of capabilities for citizens and housing developers.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Competence development for climate-smart procurement, Systematic procurement, Purchasing, leasing, rental of energy efficient vehicles, Function and innovation procurement ""cleantech"".",1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - PERH ( http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos)Last complete version 2016-2019, beeing updated for 2020-2023.The Water Resources Plans are management instruments that aim to guide the implementation of the water resources policy, defining the guidelines for the use of water, as well as measures for its protection and conservation, in order to guarantee its availability - in adequate quantity and quality - for different uses.According to Law No. 7,663 / 91, which instituted the State Water Resources Policy in the State of São Paulo, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH must be prepared based on the plans of the hydrographic basins, in the rules related to the protection of the environment environment and guidelines for environmental planning and management. In this context, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH establishes management guidelines and criteria at the state scale, reflecting the regional needs expressed in the basin plans. The first Water Resources Plan for the State of São Paulo was prepared in 1990 and is being updated for the 2020-2023 quadrennium.To improve the management system for water sources areas between public agencies and actors involved,the specific laws of the Áreas de Proteção e Recuperação de Manaciais-APRMs adopted principles providing for the structuring of a decentralized and participative planning and management system for APRMs. The Portal Mananciais GEO was structured, a digital platform that provides information from the Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais-APMs and APRMs established by state legislation, enablingthe visualization of cartographic bases and satellite images or aerophotogrammetric documents of reference for the protection and recovery of water sources. https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 295",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructurerelated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Achieve a 20% reduction in primary energy consumption by 2020 compared to business as usual scenario,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we do not have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +Please complete the table below.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +Are there any mining activities occurring within or near legally protected and internationally recognized areas in your region?,Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Saltwater intrusion is consider a risk to satisfy fresh water supply. In the region is more related to anthropogenic activities in the coast, and it also represents one of the most dangerous threats of climate change due to future sea level rise. Additionally is consider a risk to the primary sector, in the coastal zone due to the increment of salinity in the soil, and the salinization of fresh water resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Public forests are forest lands wich belong to public law entities: Generalitat de Catalunya, town councils, decentralized municipal entities, provincial councils, state, etc. Public forest lands are also considered public forests, whose use corresponds to the common neighborhood of a population.In Catalonia there are more than 800 public forests, which occupy a forest area of approximately 450.000 ha (23% of the forest area of the country). Of these, 380.000 are declared of public utility and are, mainly, property of local entities (mainly city councils and decentralized municipal entities).The Generalitat de Catalunya owns some 100.000ha forest.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"A greater frequency of extreme meteorological events such as tropical storms and hurricanes is expected. This scenario would considerably affect the State's resilience capacity, affecting the development of economic sectors, due to increase damage in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others.The State's vulnerability to the impact of extreme meteorological is related to geographical location; there is a historical record of hurricanes and tropical storms that have affected the territory, according tothe National Water Commission and the National Meteorological Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38 directly affecting the State of Yucatan. Outstanding for its magnitude hurricanes such as the Gilberto in 1988 which impacted the Yucatan Peninsula and the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila, with direct damage estimated at 76 million dollars; as well as Hurricane Wilma in 2005 that caused damages of up to 50 million dollars.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Waste policies in Catalonia promote separate collection of all waste types, reaching levels of 40% ofmunicipal waste. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/recollida_selectiva/",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens. Welsh Government committed in its latest Climate change Adaptation Plan to consider more research in this area. Public Health Wales are also considering this issue in their health impact assessment.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Install smart energy meters / sub-metersSmart meters are being tested, they will be mandatory by 2020",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Yes we have a number of campaigns and schemes. Our new Wales Transport Strategy gives priority to promoting walking and cycling and public transport over car use. This is consistent with Planning Policy Wales. Also included is the transport investment hierarchy that gives priority to managing demand by reducing distance travelled.,0 +Are there any mining activities occurring within or near legally protected and internationally recognized areas in your region?,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock mightaffect productivity and food security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectiousdiseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"94 of 645 municipalities of São Paulo State are daily monitored by National Plan for Risk Management and Disaster Response, CEMADEN, a federal agency that connects state and municipal civil defense structures. The municipalities monitored by CEMADEN have a history of records of natural disasters resulting from mass movements (slopes of slopes, mass runs, undermining of banks / fallen lands, falling / rolling of rock blocks and erosive processes) and / or resulting from hydrological processes (floods, floods, large floods).Civil Defense records almost a landslide a day in the summer of 2020 in São Paulo.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In Yucatan 18% of the territory, 697,837.25 hectares are under protection. To date, there are a total of 9 state, 5 federal, 1 municipal, and 2 private protected areas.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Environmental Department of the Azorean Government is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According to the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017 of21st of February,the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory was created. It was established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change is expected to be approved in 2019 and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Catalan inventory is part of the Spanish one. The Spanish inventory is first built according the 2006 IPCC guidelines, and afterwards these data are split among thedifferent Spanish regions (what we call regionalization). Whenever is possible we try to allocate directly the source of the GHG emission to the region, but when this is not possible some kind of weighting factor is used (population or GAV, for example)",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Azorean electricy company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The impact of climate change in rural areas would produce a migration and abandonment of their land to the cities, producing a socio-economic problem for rural communities due to lack of preparation and survival in large cities.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Granting subsidies for implementing mitigation measures in municipalitas using eficiency heating technologies in public buildings, and insolation improvement.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We are developing a greener economy which demands high levels of circularity, where resources are kept in use adding economic value and where waste is avoided, as laid out in Beyond Recycling, a strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"In 2015, 6 wind energy projects were approved Together they represent a private investment of 644 million dollars and a capacity of 322 MW.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Welsh Government has commissioned research to better understand the risk to businesses and workforce in Wales.Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Sub-nationals (Provincial governments) work on climate change issues in compliance with regulations at national level such as Presidential Regulation No. 61/2011 on GHG emission reduction. Strategic issues including identification of main sources of emission, potential funding supports, or institutional arrangements are discussed via a series of high level meetings and followed up by technical meetings. In parallel, sub nationals are also engaged individually on initiatives with international agencies. As an example, Governors Climate and Forest (GCF).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In Yucatan 18% of the territory, 697,837.25 hectares are under protection. To date, there are a total of 9 state, 5 federal, 1 municipal, and 2 private protected areas.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project..,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall forecast for Catalonia is an increase in the likelihood of extreme convective precipitation events occurring (over 200mm in 24 hours and exceptional occasions over 500mm in 24h), although this probability is still low.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The local governments are responsible for the implementation of some measures,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"There is no exact study of the process of deforestation of the province of Morona Santiago, especially that which derives from agriculture and livestock, knowing these factors greatly affect climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The rising temperatures lead to more dryness in the soil - this leads to problems in agriculture and forestry,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Other, please specify: All the mentioned int he risk assessment procedure above",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that, in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles, that will increase the electric mobility.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; Next target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","In the framework of the Multiannual Energy Programming, it is planned to optimize the existing projects",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100%,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,It is planned to install biomass power in 2 islands (Pico and São Miguel) that is private investment,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"In the Marche region, a regional table on forest policy has been set up with Unions of mountain municipalities, University of Forestry and Forests, all stakeholders and associations and institutions involved, for example the guardians of forest and environmental resources.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",1 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections. The updated flood risk maps will be available by the end of 2018.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The regional policy it is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change works on a new line of public financing subsidies for local authorities in order to develop actions to adapt to climate change in improving the efficiency of the water distribution network.,1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"The Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Catalan Water Agency, Forest Property Center of Catalonia and Catalan Office for Climate Change have been carrying out some actions to implement an adaptive forest management in order to be able to monitor production and improvement of the drainage or generation of blue water and therefore, reduce the vulnerability of the hydric system. The monitoring was carried out in the area of Vallcebre (headwaters of the River Llobregat basin) and in La Llacuna (in the recharge area of the Carme-Capellades aquifer). The conclusions of the pilot tests will have to be incorporated during the 2019 in the program of measures of the Plan of management of district of river basin of Catalonia 2022-2027.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The State of São Paulo is participating in the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform. At the current stage, 10-12 priority actions are being selected, out of more than 350 initially proposed.These final actions will be modeled in terms of their impact on reducing emissions, and viability analysis. As a result, the State administration will have subsidies to request partnerships and financing necessary to carry out the actions.This survey will be completed by the end of 2020.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Recovery interventions that support just transition strategies for workers and communities,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobitily; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,criteria for the purchase of electric or low emission vehicles in the government,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", thereis an expected change in rainfall patterns that would severely affect the sectors of water, forestry and agriculture",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Optimization of the operating conditions of waste biological treatments with high organic load; Promotion of the selective collection of bio-waste and domestic composting,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"limited intervantion on public transport, as bus service, convention with railways society, support to cycle paths",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM project proposes pilot actions of mitigation and adaptation tot climate change in the Ebro Delta (the most vulnerable area in Catalonia to sea level rises and subsidence).During 2017 on the framework of project Life Ebro Admiclim, a pilot action injection of the sludge that was generated in the water purification plant of the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) was carried out in the Delta irrigation channels network. The objective of this action was to evaluate the transport and distribution capacity of the irrigation channels, to know the sedimentation rates in the rice fields and to model the transport of sediments. In this way, the recovery of the practice of composting not only allows to recover the sedimentary flow, but also allows the sludge generated in the CAT plant to become a resource that contributes to the adaptation of the territory to climate change. The modeling of the transport of sediments by the channels would allow to design a system in continuous of reinjection of 1,000 t / year of inert sludge from this installation.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Advice through Farming Connect. Farming Connect’s DemonstrationNetwork delivers a number of on-farm projects and trials looking at improving land management practices and grazing systems which can help to reduce emissions.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The state works together with the National Forestry Commission through the concurrent funds program where they promote sustainable productive practices. The National Forestry Commission also works in the state with its payments for environmental services program, where landowners receive a payment for the conservation of their lands.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Lower Austria supports communities in the implementation of their GHG emission reduction targets: The Municipal Environmental Service (Umwelt-Gemeinde-Service: a special information hub for municipalities) provides targeted information and tools that are continuously adapted to the municipalities' current needs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the public transport services in order to increase the quality of the public system",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"There is a lack of effective alignment of the budgets of the state entities that have the greatest impact on the territory, particularly in the agricultural sector, to establish criteria and operating rules in rural development programs that allow the implementation of low-emission sustainable production practices.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Resource savings and efficiency gains (water, energy, materials), means reduced costs and thus competitivity improvements.The Strategy Catalonia 2020 (ECAT20) seeks to ensure resource efficiency in all Government's longterm strategies in areas such as energy, climate change,research and innovation, industry, transport, agriculture, fisheries and the environment, and also seeks to take advantage of the opportunities for businessdevelopment. Green economy is one of the sectors to be promoted by ECAT20",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Between 2017 and 2018, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 8.3% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2018). Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector which declined by 19.2% between 2017 and 2018. The main contributor to the energy sector reductions has been downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station, which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. In addition, a significant reduction in emissions from the energy sector is also attributed to the end of coal use at Uskmouth B power station, which is planning a conversion from a coal power station to 100% waste derived power station.The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 77% of the overall 2017-2018 trend.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"But with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Adaption measures is included in Regional Climate Change Strategy, but it need to be updated since are from 2008.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Consulted on a draft Circular Economy Strategy in December 2019.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The state has sustainable school programs where students are made aware of solid waste management.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Research is being carried out to produce biodiesel in Yucatan through academic institutions and research centers in Yucatan.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",ICMS AMBIENTAL PROPICIARÁ MELHORIA DE GANHOS A MUNICÍPIOS PAULISTAS COM A PRESERVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL E DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVELhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/2021/04/novo-icms-ambiental-propiciara-melhoria-de-ganhos-a-municipios-paulistas-com-a-preservacao-ambiental-e-desenvolvimento-sustentavel/,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Risks to health from changes in air quality, from overheating in homes, and from flooding for those living in flood prone areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The municipality of Merida is doing pilot tests for the adoption of separation policies, so the separation of waste is done in specific parts of the city.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Source: SEEG http://plataforma.seeg.eco.br/total_emission#In the SEEG estimates, the discount for emission reduction certificates from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects was also not incorporated. The totals, in Brazil, between 2005 and 2014, amount to about 370 million tons of CO2e (accumulated in the period).",0 +Please complete the table below.,Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"According to the information from Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) Jayapura (Capital City of Papua), for example. Even several areas in Jayapura are experienced a land conversion, the amount of water supply still enough to support community in Jayapura, also the the areas still have a good quality of water.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Published our Circular Economy 2021.,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Santos Dock Company tide gauge (1940 to 2014), the longest series of continuous record of tides in Brazil, shows a consistent increasing trend.The estimation about the magnitudeof mean sea level rise (MSLR) concludes there wil be a considerable impact upon theport, with approximately 1.1m rise estimated from 1990 to 2100 at a rate of 0.33 cm / year,which is expected to increase in the coming decades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334730927_Estimation_of_Sea_Level_Rise_in_Santos_Port_Brazil",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"During 2013 and 2014 years, the Government of Catalonia has published two calls for grants to local councils and local authorities to develop adaptation local plans for climate change. Thus, 16 town councils received more than 60.000 euros for the implementation of local adaptation plans.During the year 2018, the Government has approved ORDER TES / 169/2018, of October 4, which approves the regulatory bases of subsidies for local governmentments for develop mitigation and adaptation actions and the budget for the calls 2019 and 2020 will be 1M €.The adaptation actions that will be subsidized will be: 2.1.3 Actions to adapt and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the area of the water resources a) Improvement of the efficiency of municipal water supply networks. b) Preparation of emergency plans for drought in municipalities of less than 20,000 registered inhabitants. c) Utilization of unconventional water resources for non-potable uses in municipal facilities, such as for example, the use of rainwater, gray, regenerated or phreatic. 2.1.4 Actions to prevent the effects of urban heat islands in the areas of housing, health and urban plannning.Likewise, Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study about the vulnerability and resilience of the municipalities to the increase of temperature due to the climate change.http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Estudis_i_docs_adaptacio/Estudi_LaVola_adaptacio_municipis/Vulnerabilitat_canvi_climatic_municipis_Vdef_set.pdfIn the area of local projects, the Office participates as a partner in the LIFE CLINOMICS project led by the Diputació de Barcelona which aims to increase the resilience of local Mediterranean entities after the intervention in three territories: the Montseny Natural Park, the Alt Penedès region and the lands of the Ebro; and about three significant economic activities: tourism, agriculture and forestry.http://lifeclinomics.eu/ca/",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The government collaborates with the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo within the framework of the Regional Commission on Climate Change of the Yucatan Peninsula, where deforestation is addressed among the priority issues, highlighting the monitoring of the implementation of initiatives related to REDD+ with the support of international groups such as the GCF Task Force.The Government is also collaborating in the implementation of two initiatives for the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, which are part of the Investment Program of the Puuc Biocultural Region, which contribute to fulfilling Mexico's commitment to the UNFCCC regarding the REDD + Mechanism and the CNDs in matters of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; as well as the Yucatan sub-national commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.a): Reduce final energy consumption almost 2% per year to achieve a minimum of 27% in 2030, excluding non energetic uses",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,total CO2 emissions from the combust of petroleum products and coal,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Procurement of eco labelled "" Bra Miljöval "" electricity , produced from hydro power",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Difficulty with the integration of economic and human resourses to adress adaptation, due to lack of undersanting of climate risck within different sectors.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,We collect data using both field field surveys and remote sensing,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A greater frequency of extreme meteorological events such as tropical storms and hurricanes is expected. This scenario would considerably affect the State's resilience capacity, affecting the development of economic sectors, due to increase damage in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others.The State's vulnerability to the impact of extreme meteorological is related to geographical location; there is a historical record of hurricanes and tropical storms that have affected the territory, according tothe National Water Commission and the National Meteorological Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38 directly affecting the State of Yucatan. Outstanding for its magnitude hurricanes such as the Gilberto in 1988 which impacted the Yucatan Peninsula and the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila, with direct damage estimated at 76 million dollars; as well as Hurricane Wilma in 2005 that caused damages of up to 50 million dollars.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment has highlighted 7 risks to which threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in Wales. The assessment has shown that current adaptation actions in the region mean we are prepared for all but three of the risks. Those of concern are:• Risks to business sites from flooding. Flooding poses risks to assets (flood damage), and human resource (e.g. access to work). Higher risk of impact to business and communities on the coast. Risk of disruption due to infrastructure disruption, including energy and ICT. Flooding risk expected to increase over coming decades.• Risks to businesses from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure. Greater risk of flooding and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. Risk of viability to coastal communities may increase.Potential impact on maritime logistics and infrastructure - particular risk to industries such as chemical manufacturing, oil, gas and tourism.• Risks to businesses from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.Increased risk of travel disruption leading to reduced worker productivity. Increased risk of school closures leading to reduced worker productivity. Risk is greater for smaller businesses, particularly in remote areas. Risk of reduced productivity from extended warm periods. Risk of heat stress to outdoor-working heavy manual labour resources. Risk of thermal discomfort to staff working in older offices.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"total emissions of 2018 (including ETS)total emissions of 2018 (excluding ETS): 11,389,000ETS 2018: 6,586,000",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020, provides for theimpetus for the development of Smart Grids in Catalonia with variousactions http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/smart-grids/",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,Lack of tools and methodologies to measure SLCPs and inform plans,1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"But with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions",0 +Please complete the table below.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Promoting organic farming would improve the quality of life in rural areas, which, using this technique, would generate sources of work for family maintenance.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Hotter climate may pose significant risks to vulnerable population that cannot afford to take measures for keeping their homes at an adequate temperature.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,The region provides help to families in precarious situation plus 4500 families were accompanied by this dispostif,0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"legislative remit, th lates plan is now due for political cinsideration.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This is a reserved matter for UK Government. However we are developing regional energy plans to demonstrate the need for grid network development to enable a low carbon transition.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Encouraging maximum use of locally generated renewables through the Energy Local programme,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"total emissions of 2018 (including ETS)total emissions of 2018 (excluding ETS): 11,389,000ETS 2018: 6,586,000",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change includes a provision to protect vulnerable population from energy and water poverty. The final provision seventh indicates:“1. The Government and, where appropriate, local authorities, within their respective powers, with the objective of guaranteeing universal access of the entire population to a minimum vital consumption of certain basic resources, shall promote the necessary performance mechanisms to guarantee it in the case of electricity, non combustible fuels and water supplies. 2. In accordance with section 1, the necessary performance mechanisms shall be designed to ensure the vital minimum in electricity, non-combustible fuels and water supplies for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion. 3. The ministries responsible for social welfare, energy and water, and where appropriate, the local authorities shall define the conditions and methodology that help to establish the minimum energy and water consumption to ensure the vital minimum coverage for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion.”",0 +Please complete the table below.,"As the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation indicates, the majority of the population of Catalonia lives in coastal areas close to large cities. This fact of territorial exposure increases the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change as large urban areas, which will be greatly affected by some direct impacts of climate change and other indirect impacts, such as the impact on natural resources and ecosystem services that the rural areas provides.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that, in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles, that will increase the electric mobility.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"the core businesses here are agriculture and tourism, both are extremely vulnerable",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The inventory is a regionalisation of the Swedish National reporting of greenhouse gases to UNFCCC,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"20% forestry cover of whole territory by 2020 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2012/decreto-58107-05.06.2012.html)Target achieved: Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²) 54,312 km² Atlantic Forest, 2,393 km² Cerrado biome.( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Welsh Government has been pioneering in introducing legislation, including the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to require public bodies, such as local governments ('Local Authorities') to undertake their roles with respect to the seven Well-being Goals in Wales. These goals include a 'A Resilient Wales', which specifically points to the impacts of climate change. To support this approach, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 also requires Public Service Boards to pay regard to the latest Climate Change Risk Assessment in developing their 'Well-being Assessments'.Local Governments ('Local Authorities') in Wales were included as part of the public consultation in developing the new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales, which is due to be published in 2019. Furthermore, many of the actions will be delivered by these bodies to ensure adaptation is considered down to a local level.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The relative sea level rise around Wales (based on UKCP08 data and taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies, to begin considering a national assessment of interdependency risk. Ongoing work with the Infrastructure Resilience Forum.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Competence development for climate-smart procurement, Systematic procurement, Purchasing, leasing, rental of energy efficient vehicles, Function and innovation procurement ""cleantech"".",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",It ca be studied in small islands such as Graciosa and Flores,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"• Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;• Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;• UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;• Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;• The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidis and públic finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The forested area in Catalonia has increased greatly in recent years (130,000 hectares): while it accounted for 38% of the territory in 1993, in 2009 it was 42 %.There have been no major losses associated with forest fires (about 28,000 hectares of forest was burned between 2001 and 2014, or less than 2,000 hectares per year) or any other disturbances.The increase has been mainly at the expense of scrubland, and to a lesser extent, albeit a significant one, has involved an abandonment of crops.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The main reasons are the increase of transport mobility and the increase of heating in commercial and residential categories (because of the increase in number of intense cold days in winter in 2016),0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Increase of sea level of 2mm per year in the period 1945-1999,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Every year the Region, in collaboration with local administrations, through the air action plan, adopts contingent short-term measures to reduce the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants during the winter period.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,0 +Break down your total gross emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used global warming potential (GWP).,Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce GHG and ammonia emissions from the agricultural sector as well as improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In Mexico there is the National Environmental Audit Plan, which is a voluntary mechanism that allows companies to have a certificate of clean industry, environmental quality or tourist environmental quality. This certificate is granted by the federal attorney for environmental protection. In Yucatan there is a large number of companies that have some kind of certificate.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Sea level rise modelling has been completed and studied for the UK as a whole, using data from the UK Climate Projections 2009 data sets. The resulting information informed the development of Shoreline Management Plans around the coast of Wales, as well as National Coastal Erosion Risk Management Maps which help organisations & local authorities consider the impacts of sea level rise on their assets & communities. Coastal Local Authorities may review the Shoreline Management Plan policies when new data such as climate change projections becomes available.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"The Climate Change Strategy for Wales sets out UK and Welsh targets and actions. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government - 'Taking Wales Forward'. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, the upcoming National Development Framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"94 of 645 municipalities of São Paulo State are daily monitored by National Plan for Risk Management and Disaster Response, CEMADEN, a federal agency that connects state and municipal civil defense structures. The municipalities monitored by CEMADEN have a history of records of natural disasters resulting from mass movements (slopes of slopes, mass runs, undermining of banks / fallen lands, falling / rolling of rock blocks and erosive processes) and / or resulting from hydrological processes (floods, floods, large floods).Civil Defense records almost a landslide a day in the summer of 2020 in São Paulo.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In general, water availability will decrease. Climate change will reduce river discharge, subterranean recharge and modify the chemical processes in it. The Third Catalan Report Climate Change indicates reduction up to 15% of flow contributions in the rivers by the year 2040 and reductions of 28% by 2070.Also, Life Medacc project presents the evaluation of the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the water basins of Ter, Segre and Muga. Reductions flows during the first half of the 21st century will be a fact. In 2050 a decrease of the flow is expected between 9.5-32% in the headwaters and between 12.3-36% in the river mouth (compared to the period 2002-2011). The Ter basin shows the highest flow reductions, both in headland as in the mouth. Significant reductions are also important at the mouth of the Muga. The Segre basin presents a different hydrological behavior, with higher reductions in the headwaters than in the mouth.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Land slides occur predominantly in the rainy season, spring and summer. Drenched soil increases the risk of serious incidents in hillside areas. These phenomena are more frequent and there is a great presence of vulnerable communities living in these areas. For instance, two hundred and two people died due to landslides in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo between 1997 and 2016, resulting in an average of ten cases per year.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Yes, our Wales Transport Strategy, set out a new way of thinking that places people and climate change at the front and centre of our transport system. We are using the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy to give priority to meeting the demand for travel by walking, cycling and public transport ahead of motor vehicles.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration.In terms of trains, we will deliver transport improvements through our three Metro programmes which covers 20 of the 22 local authorities in Wales and over 93% of the population, so will account for the majority of public transport investment in Wales.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Current GDP is calculated based on 2010 constant price (IDR)GDP in 2010 was calculated based on 2000 constant price (IDR)Official projections on both medium and long term are not available,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Launched by the Governor of the State on 29 / Nov2019, the São Paulo Agreement aims to encourage companies in São Paulo to make voluntary commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as well as to give recognition to the signatories as members of the community of leaders in climate change and provide them with government technical support to implement new technologies and innovative solutions in sustainability.Companies undertake to report their emissions annually (in metric tons) and the possibilities for reductions, sequestration and / or avoided emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)Source: https://cetesb.sp.gov.br/acordo-ambiental-sao-paulo/",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Promoting organic farming would improve the quality of life in rural areas, which, using this technique, would generate sources of work for family maintenance.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The increase of the BRP in recent years comes to a large share from the service sector. We don't have predictions available yet for 2030 or 2050. We aim to report indicators for BRP + as well as we take part in the common open data reporting to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions on Agenda 2030 indicators.,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +Please complete the table below.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Given its geographical location, Yucatan has a very high risk due to the influx of tropical storms and Atlantic hurricanes. In turn, its plain topography makes this area ofhigh risk not only to the effect of storm surges but also to sea level rise, with potential damages to the human settlements that are located in it. During the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Under scenario A2 there is an expected increase in the temperature of Yucatan that goes from 1.4 to 1.6 ° C by 2050. Likewise, changes in the magnitude of the extreme temperature are reported.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Transport disruptions, supply chain interruptions in the smaller islands, health risks to residents due to frequent severe weather events.",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The figures are part of public statistic, derived from the national IPCC-reporting, but when they are regionalised they also are recalculated from time to time, while the historic figures might be slightly changed. The accurary in the figures, when regionalised, might differ between topics .",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The State of São Paulo has general characteristics of a tropical high altitude climate (Planalto), some regions defined as a rainier climate (Litoral) and others that fit in a subtropical climate (Mountainous Area). This identifies the State with a humid and hot summer climate, dry winter on the plateau and winter with good rainfall on the coast.Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain.The meteorological network of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply coordinates meteorological and agrometeorological monitoring and public access to this network is over 7,000 / day, indicating the great demand for meteorological and agrometeorological information by society. Website: www.ciiagro.org.br",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Launched by the Governor of the State on 29 / Nov2019, the São Paulo Agreement aims to encourage companies in São Paulo to make voluntary commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as well as to give recognition to the signatories as members of the community of leaders in climate change and provide them with government technical support to implement new technologies and innovative solutions in sustainability.Companies undertake to report their emissions annually (in metric tons) and the possibilities for reductions, sequestration and / or avoided emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)Source: https://cetesb.sp.gov.br/acordo-ambiental-sao-paulo/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Increase resilience to climate change through the strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in theagriculture and livestock sectors.,1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Other: please specify: The Global Warming Potential has not been calcolated yet for the GHG included in the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","But with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The 1990-2017 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2019 (BEIS, 2019) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2017; ✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; ✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; ✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; ✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2017 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=981 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Sectors such as fishing, skiing or beach tourism will be affected current patterns.Water demands for irrigation in the order of 5% will increase, as a result of greater evapotranspiration.Lack of water availability will decrease from generalized way the provisions and guarantees in the irrigation if it is not compensates with the maximum modernization and efficiency and the use of new resources, such as reuseof regenerated waters.Decrease in more than 20% of hydroelectric production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobility; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Public Health Wales are undertaking a Health Impact Assessment which will consider delivery of health services in future climates. Public Service Boards (PSBs) in Wales are required to pay regard to risks in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment when developing wellbeing plans. Local Resilience Fora (LRFs) also monitor and mitigate risks and emergencies at a local level, putting resources in place to manage issues such as flood. Both PSBs and LRFs are made up by representatives for organisations in public services.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GEH emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/incorporacio_avaluacio_ambiental/http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/redueix_emissions/com-calcular-emissions-de-geh/The environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 82 urban and sectoral plans.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"It already exists, both muncipal and others. People on Gotland achieve high scores in comparison with oter regions when it comes to recycling, sorting out their waste in different fracitons fo recycling and also for giving stuff a 2nd life - there are lots of 2nd hand shopping opportunities in th island.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","In collaboration with the municipality of Hermosillo, we have worked to establish energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings, through the publication of a Complementary Technical Standard for Energy Efficiency, for the construction regulations of the municipality of Hermosillo, accompanied by the creation of capabilities for citizens and housing developers.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","the core businesses here are agriculture and tourism, both are extremely vulnerable",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The region supports the local authorities to renovate the public battles, within the framework of the European funds",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested. Called ""Geobags"", the submerged barrier with 49 bags (geotextile bag) was placed in the shape of L. The structure perpendicular to the beach, of 275 meters, has the function of reducing the energy of the waves. The structure parallel to the beach, 240 meters long, aims to help store sand. The bags installed in 2017 produced results mitigating the effects of a tide peak never before recorded in the City, in July 2019, of 2.48 meters. They are part of a pilot project which results will be monitored over the next 3 years.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The mapping of landslide risk is being held by the Civil Defense and the Institute of technological research in more municipalities. There is a State Plan for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Reduction of Geological Hazards (Decree 57.512 / 2011) and Preventive Civil Defense Plans for Slides (redefined by Decree No. 42.5651997), and Coastal Erosion, Coastal Floods and Floods / floods caused by extreme meteorological and oceanographic events such as sea waves and anomalous high tides (Resolution of the Military House 17-610 - CEDEC, of 11/28/2016) - institutions involved; Civil Defense and Geological Institute / SMA",0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Please complete the table below.,There are risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather in Wales. There are currently 10 hospitals and 45 care homes in Wales that are located in areas at a 1-in-200 chance of flooding or greater in any given year,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,The figures quoted are for Gross Value Added (GVA) rather than GDP. GDP is not calculated for Wales. No forecasts are available for Welsh GDP in 2030 or 2050.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy seeks to lay the foundations for the integral management of urban and special solid waste, considering as focal points the improvement of regulations, the provision of adequate infrastructure for the collection, management, and final disposal of waste; as well as policies for the revaluation of waste and the promotion of a responsible culture of consumption, which help to reduce the environmental footprint of the State.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Concerted Regional Development Plan states ""to ensure the integral watershed management and the availability of water resources in quantity and quality ""through the protection of water sources. The goal to 2021 is to protect 200 water sources and establish 8 payment compensation schemes for ecosystem services.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)Other subsidies for prevention, reuse and recycling:http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/ajut-tes-1472-2018-projectes-prevencio-ri",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures design.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In 2018, the quality of 85% of the 471 sampling points monitored were classified as excellent, good or regular, a result similar to that of 2017 ( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ , page 115)In 2018, 88% of the state's population was served by the sewage collection service, with 63% of the collected sewage passed through the treatment system. In 2017, this index was 64%, so there was a small reduction in the rate of treatment.Although the State of São Paulo has one of the best basic sanitation rates in the federation, still there is a deficit in relation to universalization, and it is necessary to accelerate the pace of investments to improvements in public health and environmental issues.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,highest effect: reduced steel production transportation: higher consumption of diesel; buildings: reduction,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The national objective is zero -emission invcluduíng sinks in 2045 . Goltand is yet an energy pilot, with a mission to reach the national energy and ckimate objectives prior to the country as a whole.Provided solutions as f ex CCS for the process- emissions from cement production, this mission can be fulfilled",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state creat a fund for action implementation through civil society organizations, that funding supported specific activities during the pandemic for innovative solutions that even during the pandemic were able to be implemented and contribute to the state climate and mitigation goals.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The mapping of landslide risk is being held by the Civil Defense and the Institute of technological research in more municipalities. There is a State Plan for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Reduction of Geological Hazards (Decree 57.512 / 2011) and Preventive Civil Defense Plans for Slides (redefined by Decree No. 42.5651997), and Coastal Erosion, Coastal Floods and Floods / floods caused by extreme meteorological and oceanographic events such as sea waves and anomalous high tides (Resolution of the Military House 17-610 - CEDEC, of 11/28/2016) - institutions involved; Civil Defense and Geological Institute / SMA",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Increased vulnerability of human settlements located in the coastal zone. Increased vulnerability of Yucatan municipalities with high percentages of population in conditions of poverty and marginalization. Among the most vulnerable municipalities identified in the State are Xocchel, Tunkas, Opichen, Santa Elena, Kaua, Chapab, Chacsinkin, Mani and Kopoma.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Certification of energy performance is under way in many cases, for example the region has built a large school house and a sport arena aiming for the gold standard according to Sweden’s Green Building Council and the school house has been in use long enough to be fully certified.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsability definitions,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",there is a study that is going on to see the need to set up this mess,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The Region supports companies in several actions and experiences an energy management program with a dozen companies,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the recovery of marine habitats, considering the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,A new ambition has been set since these projections were undertaken. The government has set an ambition to meet net zero by 2050. Updated pathways analysis will replace these estimates in the near future. Note these are recommended pathways provided by our statutory advisors and are based on plausible future emissions patwhays with appropriate policy in place. They do not represent a baseline emissions projection in the absence of policy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,One of the indicators of the Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020 refers to final energy intensity (final energy consumption/GDP).The target is an annual improvement of 1.47% between 2007 and2020.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,The Act and Plans aim to reduce emissions in line with evidence to show the maximum technical reduction for Wales.,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Other, please specify: Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"According to INSEE, and if recent demographic trends were prolonged, Réunion will have 1,071 million inhabitants as of January 1, 2050.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobility; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Amazonas, in its Concerted Regional Plan Development 2009-2021 (updated 2015), the strategic objectives of the environment and disaster risk component establish the following indicators: area of conserved forests (ha); area reforested with native species (ha); number of organizations that carry out community surveillance to conserve forests; percentage of protected areas with respect to the total area of the territory; number of biotrade products operating trough value chain approach; area of reforested areas (has).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Recovery interventions that support just transition strategies for workers and communities,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Woodland Loss statistics are derived from data collected through the Great Britain National Forest Inventory. Woodlands must be 0.5 ha and above, with a minimum width of 20 m to be counted towards the inventory.The data layer for the Wales ancient woodland inventory can be analysed against the statistics on woodland loss to give an indication of loss of natural forest (excluding Plantations on ancient woodland sites).",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"State Program of Action Against Climate Change. Analysis of adaptation options to climate change, strategies and indicators.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Loss of forest cover in areas of importance for the conservation of carbon reservoirs, caused by the disorderly growth of agricultural activities.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The regional plan Air Energie (SRCAE) was adopted in 2013 this plan defines the following objectives:The Meeting defined its strategy to combat climate change and air pollution through the development of its SRCAE:• climate change mitigation component - greenhouse gas emissions;• by adapting the territory and adapting to the inevitable changes in the climate.• by guaranteeing an air quality that meets environmental and sanitary standards (air shutter)The main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and pollutants in the atmosphere are electricity generation, the future is residential-tertiary, and transportation.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The station at l'Estartit has the longest historical record, starting in 1974. Data show an increase in water temperature of +0.30 ºC per decade at surface, +0.31 ºC per decade at 20 metres depth, +0.29ºC/decade at 50 m depth and +0.20ºC/decade at 80 m depth. In 2017, the surface temperature has been 17.8ºC, wich represent a anomaly of +0.9 ºC regarding the period 1981-2010.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In Mexico there is the National Environmental Audit Plan, which is a voluntary mechanism that allows companies to have a certificate of clean industry, environmental quality or tourist environmental quality. This certificate is granted by the federal attorney for environmental protection. In Yucatan there is a large number of companies that have some kind of certificate.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/icaeninstallacio-dinfraestructures-de-recarrega-per-alvehicle-electric/,0 +Please complete the table below.,This is a reserved matter for UK Government. However we are developing regional energy plans to demonstrate the need for grid network development to enable a low carbon transition.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Heat waves are projected to be more common and more severe. Risks to health in various circumstances, including reduced employee productivity from higher temperatures in working environments and risks to soils from increased seasonal aridity. There are also general risks to health and wellbeing from overheating in the home and on public transport.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment has highlighted 7 risks to which threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in Wales. The assessment has shown that current adaptation actions in the region mean we are prepared for all but three of the risks. Those of concern are:• Risks to business sites from flooding. Flooding poses risks to assets (flood damage), and human resource (e.g. access to work). Higher risk of impact to business and communities on the coast. Risk of disruption due to infrastructure disruption, including energy and ICT. Flooding risk expected to increase over coming decades.• Risks to businesses from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure. Greater risk of flooding and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. Risk of viability to coastal communities may increase.Potential impact on maritime logistics and infrastructure - particular risk to industries such as chemical manufacturing, oil, gas and tourism.• Risks to businesses from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.Increased risk of travel disruption leading to reduced worker productivity. Increased risk of school closures leading to reduced worker productivity. Risk is greater for smaller businesses, particularly in remote areas. Risk of reduced productivity from extended warm periods. Risk of heat stress to outdoor-working heavy manual labour resources. Risk of thermal discomfort to staff working in older offices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,A local private project with oublic funding aims to test microgrid .,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Regional projections show a non-significant reduction of -6.8% for the period 2031-2050. Also it shows important precipitation decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitation reductions.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Environmental Department of the Azorean Government is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According to the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017 of21st of February,the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory was created. It was established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change is expected to be approved in 2019 and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The year 2018 is among the 10 rainiest years in 13 of the 18 stations that have data since 1950, and also in all the 26 automatic stations that have it of more than twenty years of data.The precipitation caused floods of rivers, landslides to 45 roads in one day and flooding of houses and garages. During the year, the Flooding Plan was activated 8 times and Civil Protection received 6,300 calls in October and November.The maritime temporarys also affected several areas of the Catalan coast causing damage to maritime rides and loss of beaches.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce GHG and ammonia emissions from the agricultural sector as well as improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The Residual Waste Treatment Procurement Programme requires the energy from waste plants to be at least ‘heat enabled’.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The state is a world reference in renewable energies. The participation of these energy sources in the energy matrix of São Paulo was 52% in 2011, especially due to the sugar cane and hydroelectricity products. The state is the world's largest producer of ethanol from sugarcane. The government's goal is to increase - by 2020, based on the year 2010 - the share of renewable energy in the state's internal energy supply to 69%, which includes hydro, solar, wind and waste energy, biomass, biogas, biodiesel and ethanol. Source: http://www.saopauloglobal.sp.gov.br/frameSetores.aspx?gp=29&IdIdioma=1&IdTrad=53",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we don't have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Welsh Government is finalising the first Welsh National Marine Plan to establish an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. We are also reviewing Marine Strategy Part One with other UK governments.Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"According to the european Strategi 2020, Italy has to reach in 2020 the share of renewable energy of 17% in total consumpuin. Italian government has establish that marche region has to contribute with a 15,4% of share in 2020.",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidis and públic finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The government collaborates with the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo within the framework of the Regional Commission on Climate Change of the Yucatan Peninsula, where deforestation is addressed among the priority issues, highlighting the monitoring of the implementation of initiatives related to REDD+ with the support of international groups such as the GCF Task Force.The Government is also collaborating in the implementation of two initiatives for the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, which are part of the Investment Program of the Puuc Biocultural Region, which contribute to fulfilling Mexico's commitment to the UNFCCC regarding the REDD + Mechanism and the CNDs in matters of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; as well as the Yucatan sub-national commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas sensitive to floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and define its relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Risks to health from changes in air quality, from overheating in homes, and from flooding for those living in flood prone areas.",1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Wales’ last coal-fired power station ceased operating in 2019 and Welsh Ministers are clear that no new coal generation capacity should be developed in Wales. In March 2021 the Welsh Government published a coal policy statement which is intended to be the first step in achieving our policy objective of avoiding the continued extraction and consumption of fossil fuels. This complements the UK Government’s policy objective of phasing out unabated coal-fired generation in Great Britain by October 2024.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Climate change generates climate catastrophes such as hurricanes, gales, floods that will destroy all types of infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Total emissions from Governmental buildings energyconsumption in 2014 (electricity and natural gas for heating/cooling).,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Other: Buildings/fixed infrastructure with where Welsh Government is counterparty to energy supply or where we pay for energy use through an in service charge,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Other: Designed to reflect a devolved contribution to a 2 degree goal.,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,It is not a priority at the moment for the administration,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Amazonas has a subnational climate change strategy from 2008 but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. The document need to updated.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The year used is the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Very important measure to enable furtgher installations of renewables to the grid on Gotland, both storage capacity and transmission capacity can be useful in different scales.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Difficulty with the integration of economic and human resourses to adress adaptation, due to lack of undersanting of climate risck within different sectors.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"the core businesses here are agriculture and tourism, both are extremely vulnerable",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,1 +Please complete the table below.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,comprehensive implementation in some areas - is becoming more and more important,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"In Yucatan 697837.25 hectares are protected. During the 2012-2018 administration, 2 new natural protected areas were declared, giving a total of 9 state protected areas, 5 federal, 1 municipal and 2 private.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Ongoing, biogas is the first choice, over 200 biogas vehicles in the municipal car fleet.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Very important measure to enable furtgher installations of renewables to the grid on Gotland, both storage capacity and transmission capacity can be useful in different scales.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Implementation of the Yucatan Zero strategyWaste, with actions reported in 2019:1) Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation: in the Urban Metropolitan Area of ​​Mérida, as well as the 13 municipalities that make up the recharge area of ​​the Ring of Cenotes Geohydrological State Reserve.2) Strengthening of Solid Waste Regulations: modification of the Waste Management Law in the State of Yucatan through Decree 80/2019 in order to give legal support to the regulation of single-use plastics as straws , carry bags and unicel waste.3) Participation and cooperation: through workshops regarding education, culture and environment; innovation, research and technological development; complementary normative and regulatory instruments; and, lastly, mechanisms for the reduction and recycling of single-use plastics.In the same way, supervision actions were carried out in 49 municipalities that consisted of identifying open-air dumps, delivery of cans for the disposal of urban solid waste in public spaces, supervision of the collection and cleaning systems of public shools.Advice was provided to 38 municipalities for the correct operation of the Final Disposal Site (SDF) and 11 municipalities were trained in the correct management of urban solid waste and special management.60 beach cleaning actions were carried out with the participation of 10,048 volunteers. As a result, 72,590 kg of waste were removed in mangrove areas, 44,000 kg in beach areas and 481,000 kg on roads and highways in the coastal zone.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Wales has shoreline management plans in place which consider infrastructure. Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies to ensure resilience to climate change impacts, and Wales participates in a UK-wide Infrastructure Resilience Forum to mitigate multi-service disruption.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,ETS Sector verified in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", theState is be considerable affected by droughts heavily around 48% of the territory, very heavily 29% and severely 22%.",1 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 45.70 MtCO2e in 2015, representing a 19.5% reduction in total emissions over this period. The trend in relation to the 40% target therefore continues to fall short of the projected reduction required. Total emissions increased between 2011 and 2013, but subsequently decreased in both 2014 and 2015. The progress against the 40% target highlights that although some good progress is being made; further action is needed in order to deliver the target of a 40% reduction in total emissions by 2020.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,1 +Please complete the table below.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,A low-emission rural development strategy will be available by 2020. It establishes a diagnosis and measures to reduce deforestation as well as an investment plan.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There are 24 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,There is no specific data collection on emissions from government operations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",The methodology is a domestic model developed by the Finnish Environmental Centre. It follows the methodology of IPCC and uses Finnish national counting parameters. The calculation is based on information obtained from national databases and covers all municipalities and regions in Finland.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Transfer and training totechnicians and farmersof savings and energy efficiency andGHG emissions,1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Climate change and heat waves affect the health of the most vulnerable people, especially children, old people or with chronic diseases.In fact, public health and emergency services registered during the summer of 2018 an increase in the number of cases of deaths and medical risk situations of vulnerable people caused by heatwaves.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The local governments are identified to implementation of some measures that are of its responsability.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",there is a study that is going on to see the need to set up this mess,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Underway, and implemented, but on the contrary the number of electrical appliances are increasing .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The increase of the BRP in recent years comes to a large share from the service sector. We don't have predictions available yet for 2030 or 2050. We aim to report indicators for BRP + as well as we take part in the common open data reporting to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions on Agenda 2030 indicators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2015, as part of the energy reform in Mexico, modifications to the rates for the electric power transmission public service have been issued through the Electricity Industry Law. The general climate change law establishes that by 2024, 35% of the energy must come from clean sources.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the area forest",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Goverment's emissions were calculated for scope 1 and scope 2 to establish a baseline for the Yucatan's CarbonManagement Plan.The CMP was developed with the technical assistance of the Carbon Trust and the financial resources of the British Embassy (Prosperity Fund), sets out in detail the State Strategy to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years from government operations related to public buildings and facilities; and vehicle fleet, through the calculation of a baseline carbon footprint and the definition of potential projects and actions to increase energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies. Setting the target to reduce 10% of Yucatan scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 2020 based on 2015 levels.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +Why do you not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk?,"Beyond changes in weather parameters, there are also a number of changes in socio-economic conditions. For example changes in common daily outfit, work schedule (e.g planting season), GDP, consumption pattern, and many other issues.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Energy-related CO2eq emission from fossil fuels for transportation and heating (excl. heating and processes in ETS industries) was reduced by 45 % between 1990 and 2017, due to the transition of the technology for heating buildings, according to national statistics. Oil has been largely replaced by biomass, especially in district heating. Local forestry plus development of the technology for biomass heating has resulted in local biomass covering most of the heating fuel used for buildings . In smaller buildings the switchover to geothermal heating or heat pumps also contributes to reduced dependency on oil and electricity for heating. Technical development has led to improved energy efficiency, but the average heated building area and the transportvolume per inhabitant on Gotland are increasing. Taking other sources for climate impact into account as farmbased land use and emissions from livestock, the emissions of CO2-eq in business and society on Gotland were reduced by 28 %.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Text sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon becase word count was exceeded.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","We are developing a greener economy which demands high levels of circularity, where resources are kept in use adding economic value and where waste is avoided, as laid out in Beyond Recycling, a strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Emissions are reduced through the reforestation of fruit and timber plants in places where there is a degradation of secondary forests. In the productive part by draining the soils saturated with water resources. The work is carried out with the Parochial Boards and local producers,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","All federal states of Austria are together with the national government responsible to achieve the GHG emission target for Austria. This target is based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection Law. The aim is to reduce national-wide Non-ETS CO2e emissions by 16% by 2020 based on 2005 Level. Currently the national government is working on a Austrian National Climate Protection Law for the time period 2020-2030, which will include GHG reduction targets for all relevant emission-sectors. The federal states are slightly integrated in the development of Action Programms to reach these common goals. Furthermore the national targets has strong influence on our work in the federal states.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The State government in coordination with federal and state institutions has developed programs and strategies thatcontain the main guidelines in terms of water resources management. Among these programs are the State Program of hidrology ""Plan Estatal Hídrico""; and theHydrologic Plan of Yucatan Peninsula ""Plan Rector hídrico de la Península de Yucatán""",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 8455 hectares, 17.4 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2017, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.In 2019, Amazonas has started a project to design a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development. This project is implemented by Earth Innovation Institute (in frame of GCF Task Force) and supported by Norway Cooperation.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Creation of jobs and social programs to serve the vulnerable population.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Amazonas has a subnational climate change strategy from 2008 but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. The document need to updated.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, WasteShort target summary: Reduce region-wide GHG emissions by 10% by 2020 based on 2011 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetThe regional scheme takes into account all sectors but actions are focused on GHG emissions linked to energyconsumption and transport1. Actions to decrease the energy consumption :-The Eco-solidarity scheme : low-income families received joint grants from The Regional Council and EDF (FrenchElectricity Center) to finance the installationof a solar heat water- The Energy Solidarity Network aims to educate, support and assist families in rationalising their electricityconsumption. Information campaigns and personaladvice is made by 30 Energy Ambassadors (trained by The Regional Council ).2. Development of alternative low carbon transport : hybrid and electric vehicles/Bicycle",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline. . We also have a wider public sector carbon neutral target by 2030.Target year: 2020 for the operations and 2030 for the whole public sectorComments:This operations target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"No updated public population development prediction is available at the region's web page for later than 2028; https://www.gotland.se/103757For Gotland by year 2040 Statistic Sweden predict a population size of 65,032 by the end of the year. with a slightly decreasing number of people in working ages and an increasing number of both elderly people and children. For the following decade 2040-2050 the population growth seems to decrease and the populatn size might stay between 65,000 - 66,000 .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,there is a study that is going on to see the need to set up this mess,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"installation has started , mainly on initiatives from private business, the charging infra structure is developed with national funding support and ins already reasonably OK. , but will have to grow to match the number of EVs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Vulnerability of infrastructure related to water supply and waste water treatment to the impacts of extrememeteorological events. Low coverage of infrastructure totreat waste water threats the water quality of the region.Increment of cost of maintenance of water supply infrastructure due tu environmental conditions of the coastal zone.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Amazonas has a subnational climate change strategy from 2008 but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. The document need to updated.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","There have been several awareness campaignsto encourage the use of public transport, and alsofor efficient driving modes",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The market demands and the following production-volumes of cement are the main factor for emission changes on Gotland. The emission per ton cement produced, which includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related, have decreased significantly, but the production volumes have increased to a much larger extent. Except for the cement production the energy related CO2 ekv-emissions originating from energy supply, transport vehicles, utility vehicles, waste management and consumption of certain products have decreased over 45 % from 1990 – 2017, which is one of our goals for 2020! The emissions related to biological processes in agriculture are reported to have increased by 4.5 %, which a bit odd as neither the number of cattle, pigs or the arable land under tillage have increased since 1990.The transition from fossil fuels for heating of buildings and for power production is almost completed on Gotland. Vehicles and equipment get more energy efficient for every new generation of products, but the transport sector and utility vehicles are still very fossil fuel dependent. Biogas (locally produced), E85, HVO and electricity (which to 50 % is generated locally from wind % solar) provides fossil free transport fuels available on Gotland.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with more frequency and intensity, which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that, can affect the population, maritime transportation and air transport",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food oversees policies on agriculture and Catalan farming. Improving institutional capacity of farmer and rural organizations is a common objective of the Ministry trough different mechanisms such as LEADER methodology taken by Local Action Groups (GAL) in rural territories, grant management, specific pilot projects, etc",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please complete the table below.,No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"about geothermal energy, there are prospecting studies that are being launched, but there is a Geothermal project that is in sight",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Transport disruptions, supply chain interruptions in the smaller islands, health risks to residents due to frequent severe weather events.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Changes in rain regimes can cause changes in the productivity of coffee and cocoa produced in the Amazon.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"20% forestry cover of whole territory by 2020 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2012/decreto-58107-05.06.2012.html)Target achieved: Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²) 54,312 km² Atlantic Forest, 2,393 km² Cerrado biome.( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; much likely it will not be achievedNext target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Law 16/2017, of August 1, on climate change, aims the participation of local authorities in planning climate policies and sectoral action plans of departments. Also the Government has to promote that non touristic municipalities integrate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, for which they must give them assistance.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Providing information on risk areas that can be used in the context of land-use planning for example.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan ( https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regional projections show a non-significant reduction of -6.8% for the period 2031-2050. Also it shows important precipitation decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitation reductions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2017, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2018.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, 2019), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2019), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Flood control and awareness campaigns to water management in households, to prevent the proliferation of vectors of water diseases, Another action sometimes necessary is the organization of vaccination campaigns, when this resource is available.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidis and públic finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",The relationship between availability and water needs the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,1 +Please complete the table below.,"There is no exact study of the process of deforestation of the province of Morona Santiago, especially that which derives from agriculture and livestock, knowing these factors greatly affect climate change.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan its use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there is a study that is going on that will show the need for these investments which are quite colossal,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Research from the ISGlobal center shows that the impact of heat waves is different depending of geographical areas. Studies show that the southern and western provinces of Spain have a higher mortality risk associated with heat (with increases of between 19 and 29%), while in the Mediterranean areas mortality on hot days increases but much less, between 2 and 9%. However, the case of the city of Barcelona is different, and it becomes one of the cities most affected by heat, as mortality soars 27%.The causes of mortality during periods of heat wave are mainly due to mental and nervous system problems. Mortality from this cause can increase by 30%, according to a study carried out in Catalonia, and the people who are affected are, on the one hand, patients with psychiatric problems, but also people who take psychotropic medications which cause a reduction in the efficiency of the thermoregulatory mechanisms that make them more vulnerable to high temperatures. Other causes of mortality that have been associated with high temperatures are cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and diseases of the kidney and urinary system.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is expected that episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with frequency and intensity which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that will affect the population and maritime transportation. Also air transportation will be affected.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the public transport services in order to increase the quality of the public system",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the digitalization in the transport sector",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements.",1 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?","PRAC defines adaptation measures to protect the properties, resources and persons, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.To achieve the adaptation measures, the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors were considered (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property and Health), based on each sectorial strategy. It was not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We are developing a greener economy which demands high levels of circularity, where resources are kept in use adding economic value and where waste is avoided, as laid out in Beyond Recycling, a strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,According to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The uncertainties of the quantified emissions by sector were measured, which are the following:-Energy (no value) -Industrial processes: 28.68% -Agriculture: 27.20%-Waste: 47.87 %",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Applying the mitigation measures in the waste sector will translate in a economic benefit of $778,416,759 mexican pesos. Yucatán ranks fifth nationally in swine production and first in productivity, representing for the State the third income generating activity in the agricultural sector, an industry that covers 570 farms. The livestock sector and the treatment of wastewater and solids is regulated by the norms “NOM-001-SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT”, in force since 1996 with a grace period until January 2010 granted for the small and medium farms . Failure to comply with this regulation has important implications in terms of increased contamination of the aquifer. To date, 80% of the farms in the Yucatan have not complied with the norms. The Ministry of Urban Development and Environment of Yucatan has identified a group of 156 small and medium-sized farms that face barriers related to financing and knowledge of appropriate technologies; the population of pigs in these farms is approximately 41,647 and they generate around 201 tons of daily excreta and 977 m3 of liquids per day.Objective of the projectReduce the contamination of the aquifer mantle and the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by implementing appropriate technological alternatives to treat waste in approximately 156 small and medium-sized pig farms and strengthening technologically and competitively the pig farms for the fulfillment of the norms “NOM-001- SEMARNAT” and “NOM-004-SEMARNAT” in order to avoid the costs of the fines or sanctions and even prevent the closing of the farms, situation that would have a strong impact on the economy of the sector",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.a): Reduce final energy consumption almost 2% per year to achieve a minimum of 27% in 2030, excluding non energetic uses",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Excludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The State promote in 2019 a Concurrent Program to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers for the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction, among other concepts. The Concurrency Program with the Entities was implementedStates to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of the State of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers so that they can implementprojects that contemplate the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction or value addition, among other concepts.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Increased urban heat island effect. The annual average temperature difference between the centre of the city of Barcelona and its surrounding area is over 3ºC to 5ºC. The city centre corresponds to the most ancient narrow streets, few green spaces and a high population density with low incomes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Difficulty with the integration of economic and human resourses to adress adaptation, due to lack of undersanting of climate risck within different sectors.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Socio-environmental Recovery Program of the Serra do Mar and Atlantic Forest Mosaics - 17,290 hectares (ha) of rich vegetation were incorporated into the PESM, surpassing the 350,000 ha of the largest park in the state of São Paulo. The biochemical indicators of water quality of the Cubatão River surpassed the goals benefiting more than 957,000 people from Baixada Santista (coastal zone) , supplied by the spring, 90 ha of the Atlantic Forest recovered through planting of native species, after the relocation 8634 families of the neighborhoods Cota - Location Municipality of Cubatão (Baixada Santista).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Since declaring the climate emergency, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,• Behavioural change • Technological change • Legislative change • Financial conditions • Policy change,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Our national planning policy encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The State Development Plan 2018-2024 establishes strategies to improve waste management, contributing to its reduction, by promoting a culture for its comprehensive management that allows reducing environmental risks as well as promoting actions that contribute to the reuse of waste materials.In such a way that in 2019, the state government established the ""Yucatan Zero Waste Strategy"" whose objective is to promote the maximum use of waste, through the promotion of an environmental culture, equipment and innovative infrastructure that fosters the effective articulation of actions of diagnosis and monitoring, regulations, Implementation and commissioning of solid waste utilization infrastructure.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Higher heat waves; as well as change in the seasonality of rain causes higher incidence and prevalence of diseases because they are more prone to the development of diseases due to sudden changes in temperature creating an ideal environment for the spread of mosquitoes, viruses and bacteria",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Promoting organic farming would improve the quality of life in rural areas, which, using this technique, would generate sources of work for family maintenance.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy programming, it is planned to convert all plants to biomass",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s target(s) on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government published its latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales, in 2019. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way. The new plan seeks to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's CCRA evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Terceira incinerator is already working, and it is planned the incineration project of São Miguel island",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Public authorities launched in 2004 the Action Plan to prevent the effects of heat waves on health (POCS), which provides for the necessary measures to minimize the effects of heat waves on the vulnerable population. Every year the Department of Health assess the actions carried out.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Specific to the risk of bridge scour from increased river flow - a programme of bridge scour protection underway by National Rail. Welsh Government have begun scoping for research to understand the scale of the issue for all bridges in Wales.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Command and control actions related to the National Forestry Code, Federal Law 12.651, May, 25th, 2012 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Unplanned urbanization, irregular occupation of slopes and water supply areas by vulnerable populations. Improper use of land for agricultural activities, inadequate construction in coastal areas, water pollution and deforestation.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,There is no base year. Reductions are refered to the reference scenario,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The municipal government of Mérida is making a transition to electric vehicles, especially for those that circulate in the first square of the city, as vehicles for waste collection and municipal police.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2020.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",1 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent and let building space.,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Other: please specify: The Global Warming Potential has not been calcolated yet for the GHG included in the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"In January 2021, guidelines for energy efficiency in public buildings of the government of the state of Yucatán were published, with the aim of establishing the bases, technical standards and general provisions that must be implemented to achieve energy efficiency in public buildings of the Government of the Yucatan State.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,1. Establishment of compulsory measures to adapt public and private infrastructure to climate change2. Inclusion of risk criteria in urban infrastructure projects in the coastal zone.3. Restoration and protection of coastal dunes and wetlands,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The social displacement of the rural communities generates greater demand for public services in areas that have not been strategically planned.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Yes we have a number of campaigns and schemes. Our new Wales Transport Strategy gives priority to promoting walking and cycling and public transport over car use. This is consistent with Planning Policy Wales. Also included is the transport investment hierarchy that gives priority to managing demand by reducing distance travelled.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The eletricity company has been improving the system to increace the renewables.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"It already exists, both muncipal and others. People on Gotland achieve high scores in comparison with oter regions when it comes to recycling, sorting out their waste in different fracitons fo recycling and also for giving stuff a 2nd life - there are lots of 2nd hand shopping opportunities in th island.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Granting subsidies for implementing mitigation measures in municipalitas using eficiency heating technologies in public buildings, and insolation improvement.",1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",Decarbonise all Welsh homes to net zero by 2050. Independent expert advisory group and research has published report recommending targets and approaches.Welsh Government has accepted recommendations and begun trial and test of ORP in the social housing sector to verify likely decarbonisation / energy efficiency pathways while developing capacity and capability to roll out to private sector in next term of government.,0 +Please complete the table below.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The rising temperatures lead to more dryness in the soil - this leads to problems in agriculture and forestry,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Inter basin transfers, increasing the resilience of the water supply system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Voluntary program of compensation of GHG emissions: addressed to social entities which are developing actions on improving their facilities or vehicles that has affected a reduction in energy consumption or waste of resources.The total cost of the program is a per year cost.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The mitigation measures are established in PRAC and the programme is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,•Transport for Wales commissioned to develop a pathway to convert existing fleet to ULEVs.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"According to the Regional Program for Climate Change (PRAC) projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional GNP is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Incorporation of the variable of climate change in the territorial and urban planning. Promotion of efficient and sustainable use of land.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Following a transfer of competence, the Region has developed a waste plan which will be approved soon.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Vision: A region prepared for the impacts of a changing climate through implementation of policies and programs that minimize risks to our health and safety, the environment and the economy, and maximizes the benefits from opportunities which may arise. To achieve this vision, we plan to:1. Avoid biodiversity and other losses and unsustainable investment, and take advantage of economic opportunities.2. Take reasonable and practical measures to increase climate resilience of ecosystems.3. Create and share risk-management tools to support adaptation efforts across the province.4. Achieve a better understanding of future climate change impacts across the province.5. Seek opportunities to collaborate with others.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Jurisdictional power: Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing, the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) includes a mandatory energy target of SAP65 for all social homes by the end of 2020. A Building Regulations Part L consultation for new dwellings which closed in March this year proposed improved minimum energy efficiency standards for 2020 (preferred option of 37% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards) and also envisaged standards for 2025 (a 75-80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards).",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to monitor emissions and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development,1 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013),0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The master plan contains a sectoral analysis to identify areas of opportunity, setting specific goals for mitigation and adaptation. The goal for mitigation for 2018 is a 20% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005 and for 2030 a 40% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005. While for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 40% compared to 2005.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Localy produced wind power 432 GWh, solar power 0,6 GWh , generation from excess heat 31 GWh.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The drought plan approved by the Catalan Water Agency indicates that on the 2070-2100 horizon the reduction of average annual precipitation will be in general, from 5 to15%, with a possible slight increase in winter.On the coast and during the summer, the average reduction can be reached 40%.The average overall reduction of river inputs will be 10 to 30%, and can be concentrated in the summer, with decreases of up to 40% and the average reduction of the recharge groundwater will be in the order of 20%.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Through the environmental assessment of municipal urban plans, the Catalan Office for Climate Change introduces criteria to adapt to climate change to avoid the development of urban areas in flood risk areas from sea level rise to coastal municipalities and it provides for actions and adaptation measures within the framework of the urban proposal. For example, some residential or hotel planning urban developments should take into account the risks of the impacts of climate change and finance adaptation measures.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Amazonas, in its Concerted Regional Plan Development 2009-2021 (updated 2015), the strategic objectives of the environment and disaster risk component establish the following indicators: area of conserved forests (ha); area reforested with native species (ha); number of organizations that carry out community surveillance to conserve forests; percentage of protected areas with respect to the total area of the territory; number of biotrade products operating trough value chain approach; area of reforested areas (has).",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is a multi-year work plan that describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.Similar with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021•Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Swedens national environmental objectives and specifically the taget ""Sustainable forests"" includes formal protection of forest areas.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state currently has an active energy efficiency challenge in buildings, in which a wide collaboration has been developed to create capacities in private buildings, of local companies to implement energy efficiency measures with the aim of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The State promote in 2019 a Concurrent Program to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers for the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction, among other concepts. The Concurrency Program with the Entities was implementedStates to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of the State of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers so that they can implementprojects that contemplate the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction or value addition, among other concepts.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" theincreased frequency of extreme climate eventssuch as tropical storms, hurricanes, at medium term would considerably affect the resilience capacity of the Stateaffecting the development of economic activities,causing damages in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others. The vulnerability to thisparticular impact is increased by the geographic position of Yucatan; there is an historical affluence of Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms. According tothe National Commission of Water and the National Meteorology Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38affecting directly Yucatan State.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Total emissions from Governmental buildings energyconsumption in 2014 (electricity and natural gas for heating/cooling).,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,It is expected that occur more hot days that will affect health population and also water disponibility,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Azorean Hydrographic Region (RH9) consists of 9 hydrographic sub-basins that correspond to each islands. In this hydrographic region, there are delimited 67 surface water bodies and 54 groundwater bodies scattered across the islands.The Regional Plan of the Hydrographic Region is a water management tool in an integrated way that was developed to protect and manage the water resources in the Azores. In our days, Azorean Government is working on the third generation of the plan.The responsibility for the management of water for consumption is of the municipalities. ERSARA (regional entity responsible for the regulation of water and waste services) regulates the water supply services, including the quality control.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,There are awareness raising campaings and educational programmes on separate collection andrecycling. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/sensibilitzacio/index.html,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Risks to business from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure, risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks, risks to infrastructure services from river, surface water, groundwater flooding, as well as coastal flooding and erosion. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from, flood, high winds and lightning.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline. . We also have a wider public sector carbon neutral target by 2030.Target year: 2020 for the operations and 2030 for the whole public sectorComments:This operations target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Act n°2015-992 of 17 August 2015 lays down the guidelines for energy policies and renewable energy for French overseas departments in Article 11. It states that overseas department should be energy-autonomous in 2030, with anintermediate goal of 50% of renewables in the energy mix in 2020. In addition, incentive mechanisms are also in place to encourage the development of renewable sources, including tax exemption, direct subsidies and feed-in tariffs (FITs) controlled by EDF.In 2017, Reunion Island regional council and French government defined the energy policy until 20231 for the island. This programme gives the development objectives for each renewable sources for 2018 and 2023 (compared to 2014) in order to achieve electric autonomy in 2030. It takes into account population and electricity consumption increase with objectives in demand-side management as well. This document is currently reviewed to give new objectives for 2023 and 2028 for reunion Island on renewable energies, demand-side management and transports.(2) Reduce GHG emissions by 10% in 2020 compared to 2011",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"installation has started , mainly on initiatives from private business, the charging infra structure is developed with national funding support and ins already reasonably OK. , but will have to grow to match the number of EVs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2016",0 +Please complete the table below.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors and the reduction potential of each measure is established.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"There have been several awareness campaignsto encourage the use of public transport, and alsofor efficient driving modes",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Between 1957 and 2017, the average annual temperature in Ahafo Community has increased by up to 1.4°C. The greatest warming has been in the northern part of the community, towards the Brong Segment of Brong Ahafo Region. The experts project that by 2050, the average annual temperature in Ahafo will increase by 2.0°C to 2.5°C.Many have already been affected in one way or another by increased temperatures and extreme weather events that may well have been part of the changing climate. Recently, warmer temperatures have already begun to allow the appearance and spread of mosquitos and malaria, especially in areas around Goaso, Sankore and Bechem, Techimantia and Derma.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there is an Austrian and a lower Austrian Energy efficiency law existing,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the optimization of the public transport services and considering zero-emission passenger vehicles",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",It is widely inspired by the CITEPA (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique or Technical Interbranch Center of Air Pollution) methodology applied to the national level and by the national GHG inventory created under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).,1 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Incorporation of the variable of climate change in the territorial and urban planning. Promotion of efficient and sustainable use of land.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the PRAC projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional PIB is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"The regulatory system in place in Wales requires assessment of impact at a number of stages, depending on the nature of the operation. Development has to go through the planning process operated by local authorities which requires stakeholders to be consulted. Any deforestation must be in line with an Environmental Impact Assessment, and government policies such as forestry or environmental policies. Any felling licences must meet the UK Forest Standard in terms of operation, planning and restocking. Many of these are on a case by case basis, but general guidance is available to assist with the process. Examples attached in web link.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",The size of sinks is unverified advance information. Currently their share is seen neglible.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"There are 9 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Promote connectivityagro-livestock systems andthese with the consumer generating theagricultural production that is requiredby the consumer with the maximumof efficiency (avoiding surplusesand waste),0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Given its geographical location, Yucatan has a very high risk due to the influx of tropical storms and Atlantic hurricanes. In turn, its plain topography makes this area ofhigh risk not only to the effect of storm surges but also to sea level rise, with potential damages to the human settlements that are located in it. During the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Beyond changes in weather parameters, there are also a number of changes in socio-economic conditions. For example changes in common daily outfit, work schedule (e.g planting season), GDP, consumption pattern, and many other issues.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" atmedium term, the expected increment oftemperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"the region has set up a hydropower plant that produces energy that feeds the inhabitants with drinking water, there are other similar projects that are piloted by private partners.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"In the medium term, the expected increase ofthe temperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism and health.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Wales has shoreline management plans in place which consider infrastructure. Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies to ensure resilience to climate change impacts, and Wales participates in a UK-wide Infrastructure Resilience Forum to mitigate multi-service disruption.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Other: Buildings/fixed infrastructure with where Welsh Government is counterparty to energy supply or where we pay for energy use through an in service charge,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline. . We also have a wider public sector carbon neutral target by 2030.Target year: 2020 for the operations and 2030 for the whole public sectorComments:This operations target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","Air Quality Action Plan in Special Atmospheric Environment Protection Areas (AQAP), horizon 2020.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/tramitacio_aprovacio/Political agreement for improving the quality of air in the conurbation of Barcelonahttp://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/atmosfera/qualitat_de_laire/qualitat-de-laire-a-la-conurbacio-de-barcelona/pla_millora_qua_aire_2011_2015/declaracio-de-barcelona/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass and maintenance of forest area",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,A regulatory system operates in Wales which ensures the continuous phase down of HFCs.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,1. Water Basin management partnerships and investments2. Aqua tourism3. Forest reserve tourism,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","I. Achieve a zero rate of deforestation by 2030 in the forest ecosystems of high value for REDD + in the State of Yucatán through actions based on Sustainable Rural Development.This goal is to be achieved through the effective and efficient implementation of a sustainable rural development policy, in which the instruments and programs of the different dependencies of the three levels of government are aligned. Likewise, it seeks to respect social and environmental safeguards, citizen participation and the inclusion of women, which together with a measurement, reporting and verification system, will ensure the reduction of emissions with respect to an established reference level.The foregoing will be the framework that will make the implementation of the actions proposed in this strategy viable and will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the entity, in accordance with the REDD + Strategy for the Yucatan Peninsula and with the national goals established in the ENAREDD + .",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The forestry sector is feeling the effect of changes in the frequency and severity of disturbances such as fires, drought and severe storms. If this continues in the long term, the forestry sector will likely face changes in its productivity and in the composition of forest species as a result of changes in moisture and temperature.Species survival is determined by many biotic (e.g., food, competition, symbiotic relationships, and diseases) and abiotic (e.g., climate and access to water) factors. Given that climate change is impacting all or most of these forces and factors, the composition, distribution and abundance of biodiversity is changing",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In the Marche region, a regional table on forest policy has been set up with Unions of mountain municipalities, University of Forestry and Forests, all stakeholders and associations and institutions involved, for example the guardians of forest and environmental resources.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the digitalization in the transport sector",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Business Agency of Lower Austria “ecoplus” with decades of experience, with a highly-specialized team and an expansive network, offers tailored services to lower Austrian companies. With the technopol program the ecoplus focuses on building up technology oriented business locations near existing research and educational facilities. Furthermore, the ecoplus can help to find access to regional funding and give competitive advantage through innovative cooperation’s projects. In addition, companies from Lower Austrian can receive support for their internationalization and export ventures. Climate protection, renewable energies and climate change adaptation are important topics in all these fields of action.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"No: maybe a future project, for now the energy performance is rarely med public",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Ongoing processes of dialogue with the third sector and other subnational governments, with possibilities for cooperation projects.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,There is a general (not quantitative) objective on energy efficiency and some regional funds are allocated to reach this goal; the overal management of energy is not under control of regional administration,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Jurisdictional power:Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing all existing social homes will continue to have £108m invested per annum as a minimum, to ensure all social homes meet WHQS. The new 2022 standard is likely to raise the standard EPCD to EPCA. The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=2ahUKEwi6ztbrxZjjAhXVgVwKHQC5AOUQFjABegQIAhAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww20.gencat.cat%2Fdocs%2Farc%2FHome%2FAmbits%2520dactuacio%2FPlanificacio%2FPROCAT20%2FPRECAT20.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2tU4eqjq-FjMnn5keGxBr_. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"There are risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges, with the potential to lead on to risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,There are awareness raising campaings and educational programmes on separate collection andrecycling. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/sensibilitzacio/index.html,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Catalan Water Agency, Forest Property Center of Catalonia and Catalan Office for Climate Change have been carrying out some actions to implement an adaptive forest management in order to be able to monitor production and improvement of the drainage or generation of blue water and therefore, reduce the vulnerability of the hydric system. The monitoring was carried out in the area of Vallcebre (headwaters of the River Llobregat basin) and in La Llacuna (in the recharge area of the Carme-Capellades aquifer). The conclusions of the pilot tests will have to be incorporated during the 2019 in the program of measures of the Plan of management of district of river basin of Catalonia 2022-2027.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our approach to business and the economy is set out in our Economic Action Plan (EAP). This sets out the range of actions we are taking to drive inclusive growth and future-proofed the economy. Decarbonisation is a clear and consistent thread throughout the EAP and features strongly in our new approach for delivering direct support for businesses. This is centred on the Economic Contract, Calls to Action and the Economy Futures Fund. To access direct financial support through the Economy Futures Fund, businesses must demonstrate that they share our values (the Economic Contract) and that they are delivering investment that is future proofing (the Calls to Action). As part of the Economic Contract, we test businesses’ attitude to managing and lowering their carbon footprint, whilst decarbonisation forms one of five Calls to Action designed to target future proofing investment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the region supports research projects on storage as well as on the photovoltaic sector,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Recovery interventions that scale up investments in and access to digital technologies, funding mechanisms, and capacity-building solutions to enhance resilience to shocks, including climate change",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change provides changes in seasonal regimes: for the period 2070-2100 is probably that the seasonal hydrologic regime will be intensified, with a reduction of contributions in the summer (up to - 40%). Also it provides impacts for extreme precipitation phenomena: This situation will produce important damages in flood areas, especially in the coastal plains for the effects of the sea level rise too. The extreme precipitation phenomena will imply occasional flows and affections to the quality of water.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM project proposes pilot actions of mitigation and adaptation tot climate change in the Ebro Delta (the most vulnerable area in Catalonia to sea level rises and subsidence).During 2017 on the framework of project Life Ebro Admiclim, a pilot action injection of the sludge that was generated in the water purification plant of the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) was carried out in the Delta irrigation channels network. The objective of this action was to evaluate the transport and distribution capacity of the irrigation channels, to know the sedimentation rates in the rice fields and to model the transport of sediments. In this way, the recovery of the practice of composting not only allows to recover the sedimentary flow, but also allows the sludge generated in the CAT plant to become a resource that contributes to the adaptation of the territory to climate change. The modeling of the transport of sediments by the channels would allow to design a system in continuous of reinjection of 1,000 t / year of inert sludge from this installation.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,Voluntary program of compensation of GHG emissions: addressed to social entities which are developing actions on improving their facilities or vehicles that has affected a reduction in energy consumption or waste of resources.The total cost of the program is a per year cost.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - PERH ( http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos)Last complete version 2016-2019, beeing updated for 2020-2023.The Water Resources Plans are management instruments that aim to guide the implementation of the water resources policy, defining the guidelines for the use of water, as well as measures for its protection and conservation, in order to guarantee its availability - in adequate quantity and quality - for different uses.According to Law No. 7,663 / 91, which instituted the State Water Resources Policy in the State of São Paulo, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH must be prepared based on the plans of the hydrographic basins, in the rules related to the protection of the environment environment and guidelines for environmental planning and management. In this context, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH establishes management guidelines and criteria at the state scale, reflecting the regional needs expressed in the basin plans. The first Water Resources Plan for the State of São Paulo was prepared in 1990 and is being updated for the 2020-2023 quadrennium.To improve the management system for water sources areas between public agencies and actors involved,the specific laws of the Áreas de Proteção e Recuperação de Manaciais-APRMs adopted principles providing for the structuring of a decentralized and participative planning and management system for APRMs. The Portal Mananciais GEO was structured, a digital platform that provides information from the Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais-APMs and APRMs established by state legislation, enablingthe visualization of cartographic bases and satellite images or aerophotogrammetric documents of reference for the protection and recovery of water sources. https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 295",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Certification of energy performance is under way in many cases, for example the region has built a large school house and a sport arena aiming for the gold standard according to Sweden’s Green Building Council and the school house has been in use long enough to be fully certified.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Regional Consil has set up a SLIME device to help families in precarious situations to perform an energetic diagnosis and provide them with kits to save energy,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo have the strategy of adapting to climate change of the Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It ca be studied in small islands such as Graciosa and Flores,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We create water protection areas and make restrictions for diffent areas to ensure good water quality.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Actions to increase resilience to climate change.• Training programs regarding health risks from climate change and counter measurements,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles will increase the electric mobility.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo have the strategy of adapting to climate change of the Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please complete the table below.,No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The State Development Plan of Yucatan 2018-2024, is the governance instrument of this administration, which is based on the international principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is part of the 2030 agenda",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio Climático""",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The 1990-2018 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2020 (BEIS, 2020) as UK national statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2018;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at: http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2018 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at: https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=998",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 6,983.91 hectares, 0.76 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2016, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares. In 2016, 59.25 percent for areas under 1 hectare, while 31.86 percent of deforestation was explained by areas between 1 and 5 hectares. Losses between 5 and 50 hectares were 6.70 percent, while areas between 50 and 500 hectares account for 2.19 percent. Spaces greater than 500 hectares do not report a loss due to significant deforestation in Amazonas.Amazonas does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our approach to business and the economy is set out in our Economic Action Plan (EAP). This sets out the range of actions we are taking to drive inclusive growth and future-proofed the economy. Decarbonisation is a clear and consistent thread throughout the EAP and features strongly in our new approach for delivering direct support for businesses. This is centred on the Economic Contract, Calls to Action and the Economy Futures Fund. To access direct financial support through the Economy Futures Fund, businesses must demonstrate that they share our values (the Economic Contract) and that they are delivering investment that is future proofing (the Calls to Action). As part of the Economic Contract, we test businesses’ attitude to managing and lowering their carbon footprint, whilst decarbonisation forms one of five Calls to Action designed to target future proofing investment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Vulnerability of infrastructure related to water supply and waste water treatment to the impacts of extrememeteorological events. Low coverage of infrastructure totreat waste water threats the water quality of the region.Increment of cost of maintenance of water supply infrastructure due tu environmental conditions of the coastal zone.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"• Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;• Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;• UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;• Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;• The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The state has a project of rehabilitation of hydrological flow in wetlands. the project sought to solve the identified problem that consisted in the inadequate water flow caused by the stagnation of water in the wetlands area by altering the gaseous exchange of the radicle and the sediments, causing the accumulation of toxins and salts favoring sedimentation and variations in the temperature of the site causing affectations to the mangrove of the zone.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon-neutral by 2035. Many of the local authorities in the Region have already set the goal of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2035 or earlier. The Regional Council is working together with cities and municipalities to complete a roadmap to Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa Region in 2035. Through this process we seek to support local mitigation activities.Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has signed Covenant of Mayors territorial coordinators' commitment statement and is so ready to endorse and support the local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy and climate policies.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"There are 9 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Recovery interventions that scale up investments in and access to digital technologies, funding mechanisms, and capacity-building solutions to enhance resilience to shocks, including climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Sinks are not included in the inventory, the carbon sinks on Gotland are for example forests where approximately 50 % of the estimated annual growth is left in the forests and meadows and pastures kept in continued cultivation with extensive grazing., that are reported to have increased the amount of soil carbon during the last decades, but we lack official statistic on that.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Amazonas is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) will be designed by Amazonas with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute in 2019 and funded by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Terceira incinerator is already working, and it is planned the incineration project of São Miguel island",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,1. Encouragement of improved carbonization investments2. Encouragement of improved cook stove investments,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,a new public procurment for public transports will start in two years. the lats ine asked for 70 % of the vehicles operated on biogas and will hopefully be in operation in a year. A n upcoming procurement of waste collecting ask for biogas transport from 70 % of the households.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"No, other than for pollutants covered in national green house gas inventory. For pollutants affecting air quality a reduction plan is only needed if national limits are exceeded.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Land slides occur predominantly in the rainy season, spring and summer. Drenched soil increases the risk of serious incidents in hillside areas. These phenomena are more frequent and there is a great presence of vulnerable communities living in these areas. For instance, two hundred and two people died due to landslides in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo between 1997 and 2016, resulting in an average of ten cases per year.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","Amazonas is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) will be designed by Amazonas with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute in 2019 and funded by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Among the actions planned by the Regional Government in the PRDC updated to 2015 are: implement the regional strategy of water resources, promotion of planting and harvesting of water, protect water sources to ensure the availability of water resources, water reinforcement in headwaters of basins and sub-basins, promote and promote the functioning of the basin councils, monitoring the quality and quantity of water in the main basins, formulate and implement a capacity building program on integrated management of water resources, carry out works of riparian defenses through reforestation and other forms of protection of natural water resources.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" theincreased frequency of extreme climate eventssuch as tropical storms, hurricanes, at medium term would considerably affect the resilience capacity of the Stateaffecting the development of economic activities,causing damages in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others. The vulnerability to thisparticular impact is increased by the geographic position of Yucatan; there is an historical affluence of Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms. According tothe National Commission of Water and the National Meteorology Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38affecting directly Yucatan State.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Fund for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy.The fund is an instrument of public policy of the Secretariat of Energy whose objective is to implement actions that serve to contribute to the fulfillment of the National Strategy for the Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy, promoting the use, development and investment of renewable energies and energy efficiency.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The “Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy” established by the state government in 2019 contemplates the implementation of actions that contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste per capita, considering responsible consumption, the implementation of a regulation for the elimination of single-use plastics, straws and polystyrene, among others.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Public forests are forest lands wich belong to public law entities: Generalitat de Catalunya, town councils, decentralized municipal entities, provincial councils, state, etc. Public forest lands are also considered public forests, whose use corresponds to the common neighborhood of a population.In Catalonia there are more than 800 public forests, which occupy a forest area of approximately 450.000 ha (23% of the forest area of the country). Of these, 380.000 are declared of public utility and are, mainly, property of local entities (mainly city councils and decentralized municipal entities).The Generalitat de Catalunya owns some 100.000ha forest.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"A new plan were recently installed at the closed down landfill in Visby, The old one were in use since th 80's and delivered fuel to the district heating.Now landfill gas is a limited/ declining energy resource , due to ban of biowaste to landfill.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","In the context of the local resources used are biomass consumption is as follows (bagasse 80.6 GWh, Biogas: 4.3GWh, Bioethanol: 0.6GWh) to I want to clarify that at the solar level, there is a photovoltaic consumption of 21.8 GHW and thermal sun is 23.7 GWh.Regarding imported fossil resources, we have a consumption, gasoline of 109 GWh, diesel: 404.6 GWh, heavy fuel oil of 153.3 GWh, carburettor: 215.3 GWh, Butane gas is 19.1 GWh and the coal is 355.8 GWh.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The overall forecast for Catalonia is an increase in the likelihood of extreme convective precipitation events occurring (over 200mm in 24 hours and exceptional occasions over 500mm in 24h), although this probability is still low.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is expected that occur more intense rainfall can cause that will affect the population and land use,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The CCRA3 Technical Report provides detailed advice on 61 risks associated with climate change, grouped into 5 categories: •Natural Environment and Assets •Infrastructure •Health, Communities and the Built Environment •Business and Industry •International Dimensions Part IV of the Climate Change Act 2008 requires the UK Government to lay before parliament a ‘Climate Change Risk Assessment’ (CCRA) every 5 years. The Climate Risk Independent Assessment is the CCC’s statutory advice to Government which informs the CCRA and national climate adaptation plans. The CCC’s 3rd Climate Risk Independent Assessment (CCRA3) assesses the urgency of adapting to UK climate risks and opportunities, considering both the current climate and projected future climates consistent with two future pathways: (i) stabilising 2°C by the end of the century, representing achievement of the Paris Agreement goals; (ii) 4°C global warming at the end of the century the current trajectory, consistent with the current limited global ambition for reducing emissionsThe report advises on areas where further action is required. It also provides advice on Government’s approach to adaptation planning. However, advice on specific policy options is outside the scope of this element of the CCC’s role.The published assessment comprises the following main documents, also supported by a number of additional reports that informed the analysis:Technical Report – Presents the full detailed analysis that underpins the assessment of risks or opportunities, and the resulting urgency scores. Advice Report - Summarises and interprets the evidence provided in the technical chapters. Also provides the Adaptation Committee’s statutory advice to Government on the risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. Authored by the CCC.Wales Summary report – One of four National Summarises published for each UK nation, summarises the most relevant aspects of the risk assessment for Wales.These documents will be published on https://www.ukclimaterisk.org, with the exception of the Advice Report which will be published on www.theccc.org.uk.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please complete the table below.,"As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, practices to promote circular economy are implemented. In most of the islands there has been organized awareness actions related to circular economy.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,1. Water Basin management partnerships and investments2. Aqua tourism3. Forest reserve tourism,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"River flow reduction will result in less dissolution capacity of some pollutants. Moreover, temperature raise in air and water will result in more dissolution of salts and reduction of oxygen in water, with the evident risks of salinization and anoxia. There is an expected increased inertia of thermal stratification in dams and lakes that could result in less water mixture and could also lead to anoxia.",0 +Does your region have a climate change action plan for reducing region-wide GHG emissions?,"Other, please specify: The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy. The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"""Region Gotland and the county administration has, together and in broad cooperation with the industry and relevant organizations, developed and adopted of a regional strategy for food and food industries on the island. The strategy, decided by the end of 2016, will be the fundament for Gotland's position to grow even much stronger until 2025. Since 2017, there is also a national food strategy for the regional development to be linked with. During 2017, the interacting actors developed an action plan for the regional food and food production strategy. The action plan is a living document, due to be updated every year. Formally the strategy and action plan are managed by Region Gotland and the county administration together. In the actual implementation, however, it’s very important that the business community, academia and other knowledge-bearing agents, as well as the public sector work together. It is therefore important that the business community and others are aware of and benefit from the joint work that already has been done.During 2017-2019 one person is contracted to coordinate and support the implementation, located on the “Gotland Green Centre, where many other services for agro-business are located. The funding is national, by the business package “Sustainable Gotland."" (Translated from https://www.gotland.se/97120). But the weather extremes last year with a very rainy autumn and winter season followed by a severe summer draught this season has resulted in a need to update the strategy. A winter with a very limited supply of animal fodder is now upcoming, that can cause a reduced live stock for future years, then causing reduced future activity in food industry. Further the need for improved water management in the landscape and enlarged water storage and irrigation capacity for the agriculture has become obvious. That can result in new jobs and economic activity in those sectors, provided that there will be economic capacity enough in the agriculture and/or the society to manage to carry out the necessary investments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,considered as a measure in a new strategy formulated by the county administration,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Recovery interventions that support just transition strategies for workers and communities,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The historical data indicates the sector that increased emissions in the state was agriculture, livestock and land use change and forests, the latter containing a considerable increase in emissions (290% from 2015 to 2016).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Energy recovery of some of the sewage sludge as asubstitute for fossil fuels,0 +Please select the category that best describes the boundary of your government’s GHG emissions inventory.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","the Region has launched an exploration study of the geothermal deposit, sites have been identified outside the national park, a geothermal project is included in the objectives of the Multiannual Energy Program (PPE)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","With 851,000 inhabitants as of January 1, 2016, Reunion Island continues to grow in population, although it is growing at a slower pace over the 2009-2016 period, as a result of a negative net migration increase. The natural balance remains the engine of demography. The fertility rate has stabilized at an average of 2.5 children per woman since 1990. The life expectancy of the inhabitants of Réunion is increasing and is approaching metropolitan France (2-year differences), but the population structure is changing. substantially. The share of people over 60 has indeed tripled since 1967, while that of young people has decreased. Reunion is still the 3rd French department the youngest",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We are developing a greener economy which demands high levels of circularity, where resources are kept in use adding economic value and where waste is avoided, as laid out in Beyond Recycling, a strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Ministry for Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Rural Development of Yucatán signed in 2019 an agreement to design policies in Low-Carbon Rural Development. Including a project in 2020 with federal and state butget, to promote low-impact productive activities, in three municipalities of the Puuc State Biocultural Reserve.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Several open cast mines are located in close proximity to the borders of National Parks and within several kilometres of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers in December 2020.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"As part of the multiannual energy programming, it is planned to convert all plants to biomass",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","""Plusenergilän"" - Kronobergs county is a ""plus-energy-county"" by the year 2050 meaning that the total production of renewable energy and biofuel exceeds the total energy use within the county",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Short target summary: Reducing fuel consumption by 10% in 2023 compared to 2014 in the transport sectorPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: The different actions to reach this objective are:- increasing public transports (objective: 11% of the traffic by public transport in 2023)- develop alternative transports (bicycle, cable transport, electric cars with solar recharges)",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Own elaboration with data from the land use and vegetation chart (INEGI, 2016). Approved to the types of vegetation provided in table No. 52 (categories that are included in forest lands) of the document of the Emissions Reduction Initiative (IRE, 2016).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested. Called ""Geobags"", the submerged barrier with 49 bags (geotextile bag) was placed in the shape of L. The structure perpendicular to the beach, of 275 meters, has the function of reducing the energy of the waves. The structure parallel to the beach, 240 meters long, aims to help store sand. The bags installed in 2017 produced results mitigating the effects of a tide peak never before recorded in the City, in July 2019, of 2.48 meters. They are part of a pilot project which results will be monitored over the next 3 years.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change provides changes in seasonal regimes: for the period 2070-2100 is probably that the seasonal hydrologic regime will be intensified, with a reduction of contributions in the summer (up to - 40%). Also it provides impacts for extreme precipitation phenomena: This situation will produce important damages in flood areas, especially in the coastal plains for the effects of the sea level rise too. The extreme precipitation phenomena will imply occasional flows and affections to the quality of water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Regional projections show a non-significant reduction of -6.8% for the period 2031-2050. Also it shows important precipitation decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitation reductions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"in the framework of regional and international cooperation, the region supports the countries of the Indian Ocean zone and exchange of good practices in the field of energy, climate change, biodiversity ...",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Azorean electricy company is the responsable for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality od renewable energy",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,According to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsibility definitions,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"No: maybe a future project, for now the energy performance is rarely med public",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Some coastal areas are already facing a sea level rise, including more frequent and higher floods. In the city of Santos, port marégraph data indicate a rise of 1.2 mm per year in the last three decades, totaling 3.6 cm, with a trend of increase in the last decade.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related. Energy related emissions SME's households and services were 493,147 tonnes, but emissions as a whole, inclusive process emissions from large industries out of the regional level of decisions and emissions from animals and agricultural tilling were 2,247,186 tonnes in 2016. Almost 80 % originate from limestone & cement industries located on the island, around 12 % arise from agriculture.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean electricy company control the production of energy per unit of production,1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Under Welsh legislation , Ministers must prepare a final statement for each budgetary period, and lay the statement before the National Assembly for Wales.In addition Welsh emissions are reported annually through the production of the national greenhouse gas inventory. Emissions reports are produced approximately 18 months after the close of the relevant emissions year.Welsh legislation also introduces a role for our statutory advisors, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), to review and report on progress made in Wales towards our statutory emission reduction targets.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In the transport sector, there are many projects that are developing on the territory, such as tele-ferries, the development of clean cars, electric charging stations, carpooling, the development of soft modes and the single rail. .",1 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","Ministerial Resolution 0696/2010 transfers the functions of forest management to the regional government of Amazonas. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development 2014 - 2021 establishes as an action the registry of reforested lands and the promotion of forestry projects. As a goal to 2021, 10 project registers formulated and executed by the Regional Government and local governments are proposed. In addition, through the Regional Ordinance N ° 362-2015-GRA, the Platform for Community Forest Management of the Amazon Region (PMFC) is formed; becoming a space for dialogue, consensus and permanent promotion of sustainable forest management in lands of native communities in the region. On the other hand, through Regional Ordinance N ° 394-2017-GRA-CR, they declare the elaboration and application of the Zoning and Forest Management process of regional interest, and make up the Technical Team to facilitate the development of Forest Zoning.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Increase of 0.45ºC in the average temperature of the period 1981-2010 with respect to the period 1951-1980.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Base year changed from 1990 to 2005 due to comparable data availability.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,"In the context of the local resources used are biomass consumption is as follows (bagasse 80.6 GWh, Biogas: 4.3GWh, Bioethanol: 0.6GWh) to I want to clarify that at the solar level, there is a photovoltaic consumption of 21.8 GHW and thermal sun is 23.7 GWh.Regarding imported fossil resources, we have a consumption, gasoline of 109 GWh, diesel: 404.6 GWh, heavy fuel oil of 153.3 GWh, carburettor: 215.3 GWh, Butane gas is 19.1 GWh and the coal is 355.8 GWh.",1 +Please complete the table below.,The Government provides support to municipalities for building separate collection facilities.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Act n°2015-992 of 17 August 2015 lays down the guidelines for energy policies and renewable energy for French overseas departments in Article 11. It states that overseas department should be energy-autonomous in 2030, with anintermediate goal of 50% of renewables in the energy mix in 2020. In addition, incentive mechanisms are also in place to encourage the development of renewable sources, including tax exemption, direct subsidies and feed-in tariffs (FITs) controlled by EDF.In 2017, Reunion Island regional council and French government defined the energy policy until 20231 for the island. This programme gives the development objectives for each renewable sources for 2018 and 2023 (compared to 2014) in order to achieve electric autonomy in 2030. It takes into account population and electricity consumption increase with objectives in demand-side management as well. This document is currently reviewed to give new objectives for 2023 and 2028 for reunion Island on renewable energies, demand-side management and transports.(2) Reduce GHG emissions by 10% in 2020 compared to 2011",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Climate change and heat waves affect the health of the most vulnerable people, especially children, old people or with chronic diseases.In fact, public health and emergency services registered during the summer of 2018 an increase in the number of cases of deaths and medical risk situations of vulnerable people caused by heatwaves.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,the regional concil already supports private partners and is part of the governance,1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Emissions are reduced through the reforestation of fruit and timber plants in places where there is a degradation of secondary forests. In the productive part by draining the soils saturated with water resources. The work is carried out with the Parochial Boards and local producers,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,work carried out by the Marche region in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,● Disruptions in the water cycle● Loss of forest products and services● Biodiversity loss,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The data from l’Estartit show that the sea level has risen by 3.1 cm/decade since 1990 This is a statistically significant increase, as are the increases recorded for different seasons except for winter: +3.8 cm/ decade in the spring, and +3.1 cm/decade in the summer and autumn.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change (ESCACC 2013-2020): Chapter 3.1 Changes to the climate and Chapter 3.2. Changes to the environament and societyExecutive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf (> 30 MB),0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Implementation of the Yucatan Zero strategyWaste, with actions reported in 2019:1) Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation: in the Urban Metropolitan Area of ​​Mérida, as well as the 13 municipalities that make up the recharge area of ​​the Ring of Cenotes Geohydrological State Reserve.2) Strengthening of Solid Waste Regulations: modification of the Waste Management Law in the State of Yucatan through Decree 80/2019 in order to give legal support to the regulation of single-use plastics as straws , carry bags and unicel waste.3) Participation and cooperation: through workshops regarding education, culture and environment; innovation, research and technological development; complementary normative and regulatory instruments; and, lastly, mechanisms for the reduction and recycling of single-use plastics.In the same way, supervision actions were carried out in 49 municipalities that consisted of identifying open-air dumps, delivery of cans for the disposal of urban solid waste in public spaces, supervision of the collection and cleaning systems of public shools.Advice was provided to 38 municipalities for the correct operation of the Final Disposal Site (SDF) and 11 municipalities were trained in the correct management of urban solid waste and special management.60 beach cleaning actions were carried out with the participation of 10,048 volunteers. As a result, 72,590 kg of waste were removed in mangrove areas, 44,000 kg in beach areas and 481,000 kg on roads and highways in the coastal zone.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In the Marche region, a regional table on forest policy has been set up with Unions of mountain municipalities, University of Forestry and Forests, all stakeholders and associations and institutions involved, for example the guardians of forest and environmental resources.",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,The Catalan Office for Climate Change works on a new line of public financing subsidies for local authorities in order to develop actions to adapt to climate change in improving the efficiency of the water distribution network.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidies and public finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"94 of 645 municipalities of São Paulo State are daily monitored by National Plan for Risk Management and Disaster Response, CEMADEN, a federal agency that connects state and municipal civil defense structures. The municipalities monitored by CEMADEN have a history of records of natural disasters resulting from mass movements (slopes of slopes, mass runs, undermining of banks / fallen lands, falling / rolling of rock blocks and erosive processes) and / or resulting from hydrological processes (floods, floods, large floods).Civil Defense records almost a landslide a day in the summer of 2020 in São Paulo.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Climate change mitigation andadaptation is included in theenvironmental impactassessment of plans andprojects,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Agrarian Regional Strategic Plan 2009 - 2015 of Amazonas that establishes strategic objective the sustainable development of natural resources through traditional technologies, the positioning of special coffee production and the production-transformation marketing of agricultural products under systems agroforestry.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Sea level rise modelling has been completed and studied for the UK as a whole, using data from the UK Climate Projections 2009 data sets. The resulting information informed the development of Shoreline Management Plans around the coast of Wales, as well as National Coastal Erosion Risk Management Maps which help organisations & local authorities consider the impacts of sea level rise on their assets & communities. Coastal Local Authorities may review the Shoreline Management Plan policies when new data such as climate change projections becomes available.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Vision: A region prepared for the impacts of a changing climate through implementation of policies and programs that minimize risks to our health and safety, the environment and the economy, and maximizes the benefits from opportunities which may arise. To achieve this vision, we plan to:1. Avoid biodiversity and other losses and unsustainable investment, and take advantage of economic opportunities.2. Take reasonable and practical measures to increase climate resilience of ecosystems.3. Create and share risk-management tools to support adaptation efforts across the province.4. Achieve a better understanding of future climate change impacts across the province.5. Seek opportunities to collaborate with others.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The eletricity company has been improving the system to increace the renewables.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Transition/conversion to sustainable means of transport (walking, cycling, public transport) and decrease the transport requirements (digital meeting etc.). Fuel infrastructure and charging of electrical vehicles.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"The 500 km length shoreline of the State of São Paulo is composed of 16 municipalities with about 2,22 million inhabitants. About 50% of the São Paulo sandy beaches are at Very-High and High Risk. These beaches include together more than 66% of the whole São Paulo shoreline, of which almost 50% are non-urbanized areas that include large areas requiring environmental protection. On the other hand, the most urbanized area is at medium risk.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. This is because we have a high proportion of well documented emissions from the traded sector (EU-ETS),0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Swedens national environmental objectives and specifically the taget ""Sustainable forests"" includes formal protection of forest areas.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Verco carries out an internal audit in compliance with the CRCEE Scheme,0 +Please complete the table below.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please attach and provide details of your region’s plan(s).,"The effective process for implementing the Strategy will be headed by three bodies:- The General Directorate responsible for natural heritage and biodiversity, which is responsible to promote the development of the Strategy;- The Monitoring Commission, with a mixed composition, with follow-up, validation functions and advice,- Coordinating table between the departments responsible for natural heritage andbiodiversity, agriculture, livestock, fishing, forests, hunting and rural development.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The Marche Region participates in the national technical table for the adoption of measures for the purpose of reducing emissions to improve air quality,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"""Region Gotland and the county administration has, together and in broad cooperation with the industry and relevant organizations, developed and adopted of a regional strategy for food and food industries on the island. The strategy, decided by the end of 2016, will be the fundament for Gotland's position to grow even much stronger until 2025. Since 2017, there is also a national food strategy for the regional development to be linked with. During 2017, the interacting actors developed an action plan for the regional food and food production strategy. The action plan is a living document, due to be updated every year. Formally the strategy and action plan are managed by Region Gotland and the county administration together. In the actual implementation, however, it’s very important that the business community, academia and other knowledge-bearing agents, as well as the public sector work together. It is therefore important that the business community and others are aware of and benefit from the joint work that already has been done.During 2017-2019 one person is contracted to coordinate and support the implementation, located on the “Gotland Green Centre, where many other services for agro-business are located. The funding is national, by the business package “Sustainable Gotland."" (Translated from https://www.gotland.se/97120). But the weather extremes last year with a very rainy autumn and winter season followed by a severe summer draught this season has resulted in a need to update the strategy. A winter with a very limited supply of animal fodder is now upcoming, that can cause a reduced live stock for future years, then causing reduced future activity in food industry. Further the need for improved water management in the landscape and enlarged water storage and irrigation capacity for the agriculture has become obvious. That can result in new jobs and economic activity in those sectors, provided that there will be economic capacity enough in the agriculture and/or the society to manage to carry out the necessary investments.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Sub-nationals (Provincial governments) work on climate change issues in compliance with regulations at national level such as Presidential Regulation No. 61/2011 on GHG emission reduction. Strategic issues including identification of main sources of emission, potential funding supports, or institutional arrangements are discussed via a series of high level meetings and followed up by technical meetings. In parallel, sub nationals are also engaged individually on initiatives with international agencies. As an example, Governors Climate and Forest (GCF).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Beyond changes in weather parameters, there are also a number of changes in socio-economic conditions. For example changes in common daily outfit, work schedule (e.g planting season), GDP, consumption pattern, and many other issues.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,as mentioned in the previous question the region has set up a very ambitious voluntarist policy to facilitate the penetration of renewable energies,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Beyond changes in weather parameters, there are also a number of changes in socio-economic conditions. For example changes in common daily outfit, work schedule (e.g planting season), GDP, consumption pattern, and many other issues.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Wales’ last coal-fired power station ceased operating in 2019 and Welsh Ministers are clear that no new coal generation capacity should be developed in Wales. In March 2021 the Welsh Government published a coal policy statement which is intended to be the first step in achieving our policy objective of avoiding the continued extraction and consumption of fossil fuels. This complements the UK Government’s policy objective of phasing out unabated coal-fired generation in Great Britain by October 2024.,1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches.,"There is a lack of effective alignment of the budgets of the state entities that have the greatest impact on the territory, particularly in the agricultural sector, to establish criteria and operating rules in rural development programs that allow the implementation of low-emission sustainable production practices.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Impacts due to droughts are foreseen in 48% of the State's territory, very severely in 22% of its surface.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Please attach and provide details of your region’s plan(s).,"Waste policies in Catalonia promote separate collection of all waste types, reaching levels of 40% ofmunicipal waste. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/recollida_selectiva/",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Increased vulnerability in municipalities with high percentages of the population living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.,1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Targets are:Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,no more installations at present due to grid limitation and protection of bird life,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The local governments are identified to implementation of some measures that are of its responsability.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Projects are set up On the territory, led by local authorities",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Public Health Wales has produced Extreme Hot Weather Guidance for the public to be prepared in heat waves. Various efforts are underway to mitigate the health risks of flooding and ensure health infrastructure is resilient to climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Short target summary: Reducing fuel consumption by 10% in 2023 compared to 2014 in the transport sectorPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: The different actions to reach this objective are:- increasing public transports (objective: 11% of the traffic by public transport in 2023)- develop alternative transports (bicycle, cable transport, electric cars with solar recharges)",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Biomass counts for around 500 GWh, the absolute main part of heating fuels, to the district heating systems in the city and villages on Gotland and the heating for other building both private homes and larger buildings on the countryside where district heating is not available. Forestry on Gotland produces the biomass mostly as a byproduct to sawn timber from forestry, as the annual forest growth is double as large as the material, the net uptake is assumed to be around 82 500 tonnes CO2 per year, according to a fresh report from the county administration.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,It will be strenghtened by the Energy Center and the Energy pilot roadmap .,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Wales’ last coal-fired power station ceased operating in 2019 and Welsh Ministers are clear that no new coal generation capacity should be developed in Wales. In March 2021 the Welsh Government published a coal policy statement which is intended to be the first step in achieving our policy objective of avoiding the continued extraction and consumption of fossil fuels. This complements the UK Government’s policy objective of phasing out unabated coal-fired generation in Great Britain by October 2024.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,This is always done through multi-stakeholder consultations. The Assemblies submit their plans for peer review and confirmation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The increase of the BRP in recent years comes to a large share from the service sector. We don't have predictions available yet for 2030 or 2050. We aim to report indicators for BRP + as well as we take part in the common open data reporting to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions on Agenda 2030 indicators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In the sanitary landfill of the municipality of Kanasín, the organic and inorganic fractions of urban solid waste are crushed and then processed to the plants, to be converted into fuels and subsequently integrated, through processing to the cement production process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The program, drawn up by the State, the region, the ADEME and EDF includes 58 energy saving actions for Reunionese financed by the ""Public Service Charges for Energy"" representing a total of 160 M € Fixed For 5 years from 2019 to 2023, this ambitious program should save by 2023, 318 GWh / year of energy and avoid 240000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the city's emissions of 100,000 inhabitants. The most modest households will seeproposes 68M € over the period 2019-2023.The control of the energy demand is a major lever of the energy transition in Reunion.The program validated by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) is a structuring tool forto enable the territory to fulfill the ambitions that will be The Future Multiannual programming of Energy(PPE). Developed for the next 10 years, this PPE will be part of the objective set by law on the Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV) of 17 August 2015: ""achieve autonomy in the overseas departments by 2030",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Incorporation of the variable of climate change in the territorial and urban planning. Promotion of efficient and sustainable use of land.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"In the Marche region, a regional table on forest policy has been set up with Unions of mountain municipalities, University of Forestry and Forests, all stakeholders and associations and institutions involved, for example the guardians of forest and environmental resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In January 2021, guidelines for energy efficiency in public buildings of the government of the state of Yucatán were published, with the aim of establishing the bases, technical standards and general provisions that must be implemented to achieve energy efficiency in public buildings of the Government of the Yucatan State.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2018.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The figures quoted are for Gross Value Added (GVA) rather than GDP. GDP is not calculated for Wales. No forecasts are available for Welsh GDP in 2030 or 2050.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient anagementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The methodology is a domestic model developed by the Finnish Environmental Centre. It follows the methodology of IPCC and uses Finnish national counting parameters. The calculation is based on information obtained from national databases and covers all municipalities and regions in Finland.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Promote connectivityagro-livestock systems andthese with the consumer generating theagricultural production that is requiredby the consumer with the maximumof efficiency (avoiding surplusesand waste),1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The municipality of Merida is doing pilot tests for the adoption of separation policies, so the separation of waste is done in specific parts of the city.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The State of São, through the Secretariat of Infrastructure and the Environment, is a member of ABEMA - Brazilian Association of State Environmental Entities, which promotes cooperation and permanent exchange among its members, at the state level.Within the scope of the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, the ""ProgramaVerdeAzul - PMVA"" , launched in 2007, has the purpose of stimulating and assisting São Paulo city halls in the elaboration and execution of their strategic public policies for the sustainable development of the state of São Paulo.There are ten guidelines for the local environmental agenda: Sustainable Municipality, Structure and Environmental Education, Environmental Council, Biodiversity, Water Management, Air Quality, Land Use, Urban Forestry, Treated Sewer and Solid Waste.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The main reasons are the increase of transport mobility and the increase of heating in commercial and residential categories (because of the increase in number of intense cold days in winter in 2016),0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,New invasive species are replacing the natural species and changing ecosystems.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Transfer and training totechnicians and farmersof savings and energy efficiency andGHG emissions,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets) and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Increasing flexibility of allocation of water systems, power generation and infrastructure (network interconnection to ensure security of supply) strengthening the security of supply through other local sources (water reuse, wells recovery, construction of rainwater tanks) and connecting to regional water networks.The actions on management demand have obtained average urban allocations for Catalonia of 116L / hab day and of 105 L / hab day for the metropolitan area. Also, the actions in the improvement of efficiency distribution network of potable water and the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures of agriculture have achieved good results.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the optimization of the public transport services and considering zero-emission passenger vehicles",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Through the environmental assessment of municipal urban plans, the Catalan Office for Climate Change introduces criteria to adapt to climate change to avoid the development of urban areas in flood risk areas from sea level rise to coastal municipalities and it provides for actions and adaptation measures within the framework of the urban proposal. For example, some residential or hotel planning urban developments should take into account the risks of the impacts of climate change and finance adaptation measures.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Statistic Sweden, the Swedish EPA and the National Energy Agency are providers of the statisticses",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In Catalonia, forests are the land system with the largest carbon stock per hectare, at 149.5 tons per hectare. They are followed by pastures, with 121.4 tonnes per hectare. These are followed by scrubland (112.1 tonnes per hectare) and woody crops (104.0 tonnes per hectare), and finally, arable crops, with 100.8 tonnes per hectare. Most of this carbon is stored in the soil as humus. In absolute terms, taking into account the total area of each ecosystem, forests are in first place, with a total of 173 Tg (million tonnes) of stored carbon.Forests are not exploited as extensively as they used to be, when they gave us many products with a high economic value, and the decline in economic interest has in many cases led to neglect in their management.Since most of our forests are already suffering from the effects of climate change, flexible forest management adapted to each species and geographical region is essential.They are also valuable as ecosystems: they regulate the water, nutrients and carbon cycles, maintain biodiversity, help to control forest fires, protect the soil and prevent it from suffering from erosion. Measures are therefore needed to prevent the rural exodus, and, more specifically, the exodus from farming. These measures, combined with others to protect pastures and meadows, would maintain the sink capacity of all these natural systems.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We are working with UK Government, local authorities, the energy sector and business to plan for and implement the roll out of EV charging infrastructure. Additional transport grant funding of £29m allocated in 20/21 to support the transformation of fleet to ULEVs and introduce new charging infrastructure.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,No: There are already agriculture measures that are implemented to the rotational grazing methods,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government of the State, through the Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, undertook the update of diagnoses of vulnerable coastal human settlements through the collection and generation of statistical information for decision-making regarding urban development and ecological planning of the coastal territory.In this regard, 11 diagnoses and statistical analyzes corresponding to 1,229 homes in risk areas located in 11 towns were updated. benefiting 31 thousand 804 inhabitants of the coastal towns. These studies consist in the identification and census of the houses that are within flood zones, as well as the equipment, services and infrastructure that exists in the area in order to project a housing reordering program and thus reduce the dangers that the conditions can generate in the human settlements that are in them.The Government of the State of Yucatan carried out the ""Social Inclusion Improvement Strategy"", which aims to undertake actions focused on providing basic social infrastructure to the population with low resources and, thereby, raising the quality of life of families. The actions are coordinated by the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol) and implemented by the Institute of Housing of the State of Yucatan (IVEY), through the construction of additional rooms and firm floors. 6,774 additional rooms were carried out, 50,138 ecological stoves, 11,939 firm floors, 56 ceilings, 2,537 housing units and 12,346 bathrooms.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The nature of the political and legal jurisdiction in the UK has meant the UK NAP is primarily for England, although it also covers reserved, excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions. Individual Devolved Administrations, such as Welsh Government, have developed their own programmes. Nevertheless, Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to share areas of common interest and to ensure a consistent approach in the shape and focus of all the programmes.Similarly, the UK NAP focused on the risks to impacts in England, but did cover reserved,excepted and non-devolved matters for other regions too. Regardless, as it is accepted that the England is likely to feel the effects from impacts in the rest of the UK and abroad, collaboration between regional governments has been essential. Understanding the nature of these indirect impacts is highly complex because of the number of variables involved.",1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and currently has 155 involved organisations http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/acords_voluntaris/index.html.The Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Emissions in 2017 are 45,072,920 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"No: it's not an issue here, cooking stoves are electrical and the electricity used has very low emission factors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Spatial and transport planning. We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Barcelona Climate Plan aims to be an inclusive vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which will allow to achieve the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for the Energy and Climate that has signed by City Council of Barcelona. The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and impetus to citizen action. Barcelona Climate Change Plan tackles multiple climate change impacts.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change includes a provision to protect vulnerable population from energy and water poverty. The final provision seventh indicates:“1. The Government and, where appropriate, local authorities, within their respective powers, with the objective of guaranteeing universal access of the entire population to a minimum vital consumption of certain basic resources, shall promote the necessary performance mechanisms to guarantee it in the case of electricity, non combustible fuels and water supplies. 2. In accordance with section 1, the necessary performance mechanisms shall be designed to ensure the vital minimum in electricity, non-combustible fuels and water supplies for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion. 3. The ministries responsible for social welfare, energy and water, and where appropriate, the local authorities shall define the conditions and methodology that help to establish the minimum energy and water consumption to ensure the vital minimum coverage for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion.”",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,One of the indicators of the Energy and Climate Change Plan 2012-2020 refers to final energy intensity (final energy consumption/GDP).The target is an annual improvement of 1.47% between 2007 and2020.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,The project was develop with local capacities and supported by the academic sector of the region,1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.Within the framework of the Technical Committee on Groundwater for the Yucatan Metropolitan Geohydrological Zone (COTASMEY), work has been done on the design of a macro project that allows the comprehensive analysis of the hydrological structure of the karst aquifer in the state of Yucatan as a basis of the sustainable use and the Governance of the water resource. This has arisen as a response to the lack of scientific, socioeconomic and legislative information that supports the comprehensive management of water resources in the state, and is developed by a multidisciplinary team that is part of the Committee.Its objective is to analyze in an integral and synergistic way the hydrological structure of the State aquifer through the study of its components; that is to say:• local and regional flows,• hydrochemistry of water,• connectivity between systems within the State and the coastal zone,• processes of transport, entry accumulation, dispersion and spatial and temporal variation of various regulated and non-regulated pollutants,• environmental pressure given by biological, chemical or hydrological factors,• socio-economic and political pressure related to Governance and Education.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",private dinking water supply systems during periods with low precipitation in some Regions in Upper Austria,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The national objective is zero -emission invcluduíng sinks in 2045 . Goltand is yet an energy pilot, with a mission to reach the national energy and ckimate objectives prior to the country as a whole.Provided solutions as f ex CCS for the process- emissions from cement production, this mission can be fulfilled",0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG have inputted into the UK Peatland code. Glastir scheme is an important tool for peatland / carbon delivery in Wales, outputs are closely monitored, recorded and evaluated. The NRW EU LIFE project for Welsh Raised Bogs is an important project. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are developing a greener economy which demands high levels of circularity, where resources are kept in use adding economic value and where waste is avoided, as laid out in Beyond Recycling, a strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality",0 +Please complete the table below.,1. Encouragement of improved carbonization investments2. Encouragement of improved cook stove investments,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"As the transition to RES includes investments from public authorities and utilities, private households and the business sectors in utilization of different kind of local renewable energy sources, as wind power parks, photovoltaics of different sizes, biomass heating, solar heating, biogas production and upgrading, infrastructure for renewables, it can be considered as an on-going project, yet maybe midway. The local potential of renewables has been estimated in a couple of projects over the years., ranging from the EU 's ""Campaign for take Off"" around year 2000 until recently when Gotland has been pointed out by the Swedish Government as a pilot area for the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy supply. An action plan is developed by the National Energy Agency, in collaboration with local actors. The action plan will include sectors as electricity supply and infrastructure, buildings, transport, industries. The largest challenge might be the energy intensive stone and cement industries in the island, but also the agriculture sector is very fossil-fuel dependent, without technology yet easily available on the market to fully replace the fossil fuels. The cement industry has a vision for the developing of climate neutral cement in 10-25 years, it will though depend on certain steps and decisions on national/international political level and of course of customer demands. The agriculture sector on Gotland yet run promising development project such as fossil fuel free farming and fossil free meat-production.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The strategy presents the County Administrative Board of Kronoberg´s and the Swedish Forest Agency´s mutual work with formal protection of forests within the region.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Business sector is approached through regional development activities and included in our Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa 2035 Roadmap.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"The following points reflect the headlines of the energy strategy in Energy 2020.• Dedicated plan for a society close to zero emissions of climate gases• Identify and support key actors in production of electricity, heat and transport fuels from renewable energy sources• Reduce the energy needs of buildings and choose energy effective technology • Support the analysis, development and implementation of the technology needed for the transition to a sustainable energy system, both for the region as a whole and in the region’s own operations",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",the measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The monitoring is only 4 years old, so it has a very poor baseline, since it takes at least 10 years of information to characterize the climate of the province and thus be able to record the alteration of the environment.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state has a project of rehabilitation of hydrological flow in wetlands. the project sought to solve the identified problem that consisted in the inadequate water flow caused by the stagnation of water in the wetlands area by altering the gaseous exchange of the radicle and the sediments, causing the accumulation of toxins and salts favoring sedimentation and variations in the temperature of the site causing affectations to the mangrove of the zone.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,2019 the last coal firded power plant in lower Austria was closed,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy usesin Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installationof biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable managementof local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa/BiomassaCAT,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Länsrapport_GotlandCO2- equivalents - only available as excel from a Swedish data base http://extra.lansstyrelsen.se/rus/Sv/statistik-och-data/nationell-emissionsdatabas/Pages/default.aspx,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Several factors are behind these impacts, including the importation of fossil products",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",According to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Environmental permits covering, for example, drainage, water abstraction, some aspects of pollution from machinery and mining waste are also required and these are issued by Natural Resources Wales. Licenses with regard to protected species may also be required and these would also be considered by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government / Natural Resources Wales / Mineral Planning Authorities / Regional Mineral Planning Groups",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The monitoring is only 4 years old, so it has a very poor baseline, since it takes at least 10 years of information to characterize the climate of the province and thus be able to record the alteration of the environment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,One of the Yucatan power plants has a 500 MW + capacity and is a combined cycle plant of dual fuel natural gas and diesel facility.The plant sells electricity to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and generates approximately 40 percent of the electricity in the Yucatan Peninsula and is one of the most reliable power plants in the country.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","As part of Yucatan strategy to promote a sustainable fishing industry , in 2019 the governement lauched the Program for the Promotion of Fish and Aquaculture Production, which aims to modernize the fishing fleet and guarantee the fishermen's safety and care for the environment.",1 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - PERH ( http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos)Last complete version 2016-2019, beeing updated for 2020-2023.The Water Resources Plans are management instruments that aim to guide the implementation of the water resources policy, defining the guidelines for the use of water, as well as measures for its protection and conservation, in order to guarantee its availability - in adequate quantity and quality - for different uses.According to Law No. 7,663 / 91, which instituted the State Water Resources Policy in the State of São Paulo, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH must be prepared based on the plans of the hydrographic basins, in the rules related to the protection of the environment environment and guidelines for environmental planning and management. In this context, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH establishes management guidelines and criteria at the state scale, reflecting the regional needs expressed in the basin plans. The first Water Resources Plan for the State of São Paulo was prepared in 1990 and is being updated for the 2020-2023 quadrennium.To improve the management system for water sources areas between public agencies and actors involved,the specific laws of the Áreas de Proteção e Recuperação de Manaciais-APRMs adopted principles providing for the structuring of a decentralized and participative planning and management system for APRMs. The Portal Mananciais GEO was structured, a digital platform that provides information from the Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais-APMs and APRMs established by state legislation, enablingthe visualization of cartographic bases and satellite images or aerophotogrammetric documents of reference for the protection and recovery of water sources. https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 295",0 +Break down your total gross emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used global warming potential (GWP).,"In the Marche region, a regional table on forest policy has been set up with Unions of mountain municipalities, University of Forestry and Forests, all stakeholders and associations and institutions involved, for example the guardians of forest and environmental resources.",0 +Does your region have an energy efficiency target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"To Gotland imported electricity equals to Swedish production mix in 2015, a year with net export from Sweden.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Welsh Government is finalising the first Welsh National Marine Plan to establish an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. We are also reviewing Marine Strategy Part One with other UK governments.Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Decarbonise all Welsh homes to net zero by 2050. Independent expert advisory group and research has published report recommending targets and approaches.Welsh Government has accepted recommendations and begun trial and test of ORP in the social housing sector to verify likely decarbonisation / energy efficiency pathways while developing capacity and capability to roll out to private sector in next term of government.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",considered as a measure in a new strategy formulated by the county administration,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Through the environmental assessment of municipal urban plans, the Catalan Office for Climate Change introduces criteria to adapt to climate change to avoid the development of urban areas in flood risk areas from sea level rise to coastal municipalities and it provides for actions and adaptation measures within the framework of the urban proposal. For example, some residential or hotel planning urban developments should take into account the risks of the impacts of climate change and finance adaptation measures.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This is a reserved matter for UK Government. However we are developing regional energy plans to demonstrate the need for grid network development to enable a low carbon transition.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"At this moment, we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have an emissions inventory for the government",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Public forests are forest lands wich belong to public law entities: Generalitat de Catalunya, town councils, decentralized municipal entities, provincial councils, state, etc. Public forest lands are also considered public forests, whose use corresponds to the common neighborhood of a population.In Catalonia there are more than 800 public forests, which occupy a forest area of approximately 450.000 ha (23% of the forest area of the country). Of these, 380.000 are declared of public utility and are, mainly, property of local entities (mainly city councils and decentralized municipal entities).The Generalitat de Catalunya owns some 100.000ha forest.",0 +Has a climate change risk or vulnerability assessment been undertaken for your region?,"Nowadays, Adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Fossil fuel free 2030 - the use of fossil fuels has ceased in 2030,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","In many places, the network of pipes is old and the maintaining processes are not adequate, which causes major problems of water loss and waste.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","To Gotland imported electricity equals to Swedish production mix in 2015, a year with net export from Sweden.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Install smart energy meters / sub-metersSmart meters are being tested, they will be mandatory by 2020",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The Government provides support to municipalities for building separate collection facilities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Household waste is collected in two assorted fractions, one for easliy biodegradable waste; collected for biogas production on a farm based biogas plant. THe othe fraction is to be assorted wast for incineration- i goes to the cemebt factory. Receycling of packages, glass an d papers , electronic items e t c is managed beside the waste streams. As litte waste as possible is to go to the lanfdfill, as landfill space is limited on the island. Some waste has to go to the mainland .for treatment",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Lack of tools and methodologies to measure SLCPs and inform plans,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regional legislation establishes the aplication of the strategic environmental assessment per type of project,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Targets are:Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Between 1950 and 2017, the air temperature increased by an average of 0.25°C per decade.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidies and public finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Research from the ISGlobal center shows that the impact of heat waves is different depending of geographical areas. Studies show that the southern and western provinces of Spain have a higher mortality risk associated with heat (with increases of between 19 and 29%), while in the Mediterranean areas mortality on hot days increases but much less, between 2 and 9%. However, the case of the city of Barcelona is different, and it becomes one of the cities most affected by heat, as mortality soars 27%.The causes of mortality during periods of heat wave are mainly due to mental and nervous system problems. Mortality from this cause can increase by 30%, according to a study carried out in Catalonia, and the people who are affected are, on the one hand, patients with psychiatric problems, but also people who take psychotropic medications which cause a reduction in the efficiency of the thermoregulatory mechanisms that make them more vulnerable to high temperatures. Other causes of mortality that have been associated with high temperatures are cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and diseases of the kidney and urinary system.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Given its geographical location, Yucatan has a very high risk due to the influx of tropical storms and Atlantic hurricanes. In turn, its plain topography makes this area ofhigh risk not only to the effect of storm surges but also to sea level rise, with potential damages to the human settlements that are located in it. During the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018 table 1.2(Source: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg 10),1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,1 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,We don't have the breakdown of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source,1 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,This is always done through multi-stakeholder consultations. The Assemblies submit their plans for peer review and confirmation,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,1 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and in 2018 has 159 organisations involved http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/mitigacio/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.htmlThe Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/mitigacio/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Regional legislation establishes the application of the strategic environmental assessment per type of project,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Climate Change Strategy is from 2008. This strategy not specify a target of GEI reduction.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In our Lower Austrian Climate- and Energy-Programme 2020 we have identified 6 main sectors for GHG Emission (buildings, traffic, agriculture and forestry, energy supply, waste management, public issues). For these sectors there are concrete measures and instruments including responsibilities and timelines. All this measures should lead us to achieve the national binding GHG Emission targets which are based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection law. Additionally in June 2019 the Lower Austrian Government and Parliament have decided a Climate und Energy Roadmap 2030. This roadmap includes regional GHG emission targets, energy targets and climate adaptation targets for 2030. In a next step a new implementation program for reaching these new goals will be developed.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Many swine farms produce biogas from the sludge generated by its 21 motor generators that it has in Yucatan.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Voluntary program of compensation of GHG emissions: addressed to social entities which are developing actions on improving their facilities or vehicles that has affected a reduction in energy consumption or waste of resources.The total cost of the program is a per year cost.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The station at l'Estartit has the longest historical record, starting in 1974. Data show an increase in water temperature of +0.30 ºC per decade at surface, +0.31 ºC per decade at 20 metres depth, +0.29ºC/decade at 50 m depth and +0.20ºC/decade at 80 m depth. In 2017, the surface temperature has been 17.8ºC, wich represent a anomaly of +0.9 ºC regarding the period 1981-2010.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas sensitive to floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and define its relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline. . We also have a wider public sector carbon neutral target by 2030.Target year: 2020 for the operations and 2030 for the whole public sectorComments:This operations target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Climate change related issues are addressed in development plans: (i) Long term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang - RPJP); (ii) Medium term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mengengah - RPJM) and (iii) Sectoral (Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah - RKPD and Rencana Strategis - RENSTRA) as well as in spatial plans such as Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah (RTRW). Long term development plan is in synchronous with RTRW and the remaining documents are translating the plan from those documents into immediate or short term targets accordingly.Plans are identified and consolidated with representatives from local government at district/municipal level via a participatory meeting called Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan - Musrenbang. Further, they are also involved in programs implementation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,Many swine farms produce biogas from the sludge generated by its 21 motor generators that it has in Yucatan.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Master plan design identifies key sectors with more impact in GHG emissions and estimates GHG emissions of the key sectors and proposes measures to reduce them.,0 +"Is your region aware of jurisdictional approaches and are you implementing any to address deforestation, forest degradation and/or forest restoration?","The State policies contemplates 4 approaches:1) Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.- Sustainable forest management constitutes an opportunity to adapt to climate change and thereby reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and the populations that depend or live in them.2) Sustainable rural development approach (DRS) .- considers the promotion of comprehensive management of the territory through productive activities that improve the quality of life of the population.3) Approach to functional landscape of the territory.- It promotes integrated forest and agricultural landscapes, territories with multiple land uses capable of offering environmental, social and economic functionality.4) Gender approach.- considers that men and women use, access and control natural resources in different ways, so their perspectives, interests and needs are complementary and therefore both constitute fundamental actors in planning and decision-making. decisions about their territory.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",1 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food oversees policies on agriculture and Catalan farming. Improving institutional capacity of farmer and rural organizations is a common objective of the Ministry trough different mechanisms such as LEADER methodology taken by Local Action Groups (GAL) in rural territories, grant management, specific pilot projects, etc",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Increased vulnerability in municipalities with high percentages of the population living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Estimates of gross greenhouse gas emissions do not consider the removal of carbon dioxide from changes in land use, ie the amount of carbon gases set by vegetation growth. When the removals are discounted, the estimates are net emissions (emissions minus removals).",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The region supports the local authorities to renovate the public battles, within the framework of the European funds",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Incorporation of the variable of climate change in the territorial and urban planning. Promotion of efficient and sustainable use of land.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Infrastructure development should analyze the impact of climate change and should be more environmentally friendly, with environmental concepts, and anti-seismic techniques",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The State policies contemplates 4 approaches:1) Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.- Sustainable forest management constitutes an opportunity to adapt to climate change and thereby reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and the populations that depend or live in them.2) Sustainable rural development approach (DRS) .- considers the promotion of comprehensive management of the territory through productive activities that improve the quality of life of the population.3) Approach to functional landscape of the territory.- It promotes integrated forest and agricultural landscapes, territories with multiple land uses capable of offering environmental, social and economic functionality.4) Gender approach.- considers that men and women use, access and control natural resources in different ways, so their perspectives, interests and needs are complementary and therefore both constitute fundamental actors in planning and decision-making. decisions about their territory.",0 +"Please explain why your region does not have a region-wide emissions inventory to report and detail your plans to report one in the future, if any.",We do not have data about associated GHG emissions (metric tonnes of CO2e).,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Please complete the table below.,"At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,One of the Yucatan power plants has a 500 MW + capacity and is a combined cycle plant of dual fuel natural gas and diesel facility.The plant sells electricity to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and generates approximately 40 percent of the electricity in the Yucatan Peninsula and is one of the most reliable power plants in the country.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",The region provides help to families in precarious situation plus 4500 families were accompanied by this dispostif,0 +Please complete the table below.,There are risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather in Wales. There are currently 10 hospitals and 45 care homes in Wales that are located in areas at a 1-in-200 chance of flooding or greater in any given year,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The figures are part of public statistic, derived from the national IPCC-reporting, but when they are regionalised they also are recalculated from time to time, while the historic figures might be slightly changed. The accurary in the figures, when regionalised, might differ between topics .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Data for 2014, using the Spanish electricity emissions factor in 2013 (0.25 Kg CO2/kWheq)",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"No. At the short term business will be able to operate successfully in the region, although extreme weather events (such as severe droughts and forest fires) may affect them. At a longer term, climate change effects will imply changes in businesses in order to operate successfully. This is the case of agricultural, tourism, electricity system, some infrastructures, etc",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital stutures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The uncertainties of the quantified emissions by sector were measured, which are the following:-Energy (no value) -Industrial processes: 28.68% -Agriculture: 27.20%-Waste: 47.87 %",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,There is an Energy Plan with measures for reduction of GHG emissions but there is not an overal plan on climate change action. Marche region is now implementing its strategy for Sustainable development and may be there will be some indication for future action plan on climate change,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In the sanitary landfill of the municipality of Kanasín, the organic and inorganic fractions of urban solid waste are crushed and then processed to the plants, to be converted into fuels and subsequently integrated, through processing to the cement production process.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"It already exists, both muncipal and others. People on Gotland achieve high scores in comparison with oter regions when it comes to recycling, sorting out their waste in different fracitons fo recycling and also for giving stuff a 2nd life - there are lots of 2nd hand shopping opportunities in th island.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,At the moment we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have na emissions inventory for the government,0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Amazon region has increased from 2014 to 2017, 0.6 degrees Celsius and therefore there has been an increase in precipitation that clearly registered that in 2014 and 2015 there was a time with low rainfall increased on sunny days, but in the year 2016 and 2017 there was an increase in rainfall which caused road emergency states during those years.We find an average CO2 of 445 ppm above the average that is 410 ppm.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"A greater frequency of extreme meteorological events such as tropical storms and hurricanes is expected. This scenario would considerably affect the State's resilience capacity, affecting the development of economic sectors, due to increase damage in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others.The State's vulnerability to the impact of extreme meteorological is related to geographical location; there is a historical record of hurricanes and tropical storms that have affected the territory, according tothe National Water Commission and the National Meteorological Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38 directly affecting the State of Yucatan. Outstanding for its magnitude hurricanes such as the Gilberto in 1988 which impacted the Yucatan Peninsula and the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila, with direct damage estimated at 76 million dollars; as well as Hurricane Wilma in 2005 that caused damages of up to 50 million dollars.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The State policies contemplates 4 approaches:1) Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.- Sustainable forest management constitutes an opportunity to adapt to climate change and thereby reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and the populations that depend or live in them.2) Sustainable rural development approach (DRS) .- considers the promotion of comprehensive management of the territory through productive activities that improve the quality of life of the population.3) Approach to functional landscape of the territory.- It promotes integrated forest and agricultural landscapes, territories with multiple land uses capable of offering environmental, social and economic functionality.4) Gender approach.- considers that men and women use, access and control natural resources in different ways, so their perspectives, interests and needs are complementary and therefore both constitute fundamental actors in planning and decision-making. decisions about their territory.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"I. Achieve a zero rate of deforestation by 2030 in the forest ecosystems of high value for REDD + in the State of Yucatán through actions based on Sustainable Rural Development.This goal is to be achieved through the effective and efficient implementation of a sustainable rural development policy, in which the instruments and programs of the different dependencies of the three levels of government are aligned. Likewise, it seeks to respect social and environmental safeguards, citizen participation and the inclusion of women, which together with a measurement, reporting and verification system, will ensure the reduction of emissions with respect to an established reference level.The foregoing will be the framework that will make the implementation of the actions proposed in this strategy viable and will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the entity, in accordance with the REDD + Strategy for the Yucatan Peninsula and with the national goals established in the ENAREDD + .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Lack of tools and methodologies to measure SLCPs and inform plans,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Update of the Adaptation Plan for the State of São Paulo. The existing adaptation plan for the State is outdated and has not been implemented in the past. We therefore want to update the plan in a collaborative and inclusive way so that it is appropriate, implemented and monitored by all sectors of society.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. Investment in individual property flood protection measures began in 2010/11, and since then over 600 properties have benefitted, with over £850,000 invested by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government published interim, non-statutory sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) standards in early 2016.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Does your region have a climate change action plan for reducing region-wide GHG emissions?,"The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Sweden have signed the convention and committed to undertake certain actions, some of which affects our work at a regional level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Increase cost of basic services such as water and energy. Increase cost of infrastructure need to guarantee coverage and maintenance of basic services.Increment in the demand and coverage of health services.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens. Welsh Government committed in its latest Climate change Adaptation Plan to consider more research in this area. Public Health Wales are also considering this issue in their health impact assessment.,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"See above in terms of our New Transport Strategy and our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel.This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"No: it's not an issue here, cooking stoves are electrical and the electricity used has very low emission factors",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The state is a world reference in renewable energies. The participation of these energy sources in the energy matrix of São Paulo was 52% in 2011, especially due to the sugar cane and hydroelectricity products. The state is the world's largest producer of ethanol from sugarcane. The government's goal is to increase - by 2020, based on the year 2010 - the share of renewable energy in the state's internal energy supply to 69%, which includes hydro, solar, wind and waste energy, biomass, biogas, biodiesel and ethanol. Source: http://www.saopauloglobal.sp.gov.br/frameSetores.aspx?gp=29&IdIdioma=1&IdTrad=53",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon-neutral by 2035. Many of the local authorities in the Region have already set the goal of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2035 or earlier. The Regional Council is working together with cities and municipalities to complete a roadmap to Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa Region in 2035. Through this process we seek to support local mitigation activities.Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has signed Covenant of Mayors territorial coordinators' commitment statement and is so ready to endorse and support the local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy and climate policies.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Absoluty, For example, during severe floods, the local economy is paralyzed",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",There is regional legislation to support the implementation of wind power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,"Redes InternacionaisThe Climate Group - membro desde 2011:.CDP.R20.Nrg4SD.Future FundRegions4 – Sustainable Development - membro fundador, desde 2002:.Regions for Biodiversity Learning Platform – R4BLP.RegionsAdapt.Objetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainabilityhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/simaglobal/redes-internacionais/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Focus on increasing uptake on energy efficiency for the fuel poor. The Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme is our domestic retrofit programme targeted at the fuel poor. It is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS which aims to improve the social homes in Wales includes improving efficiency standards. The WG is also working with key stakeholders to develop a long-term, evidence based programme to decarbonise all existing homes in Wales .",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"National reporting system. The confidence of the source of statistics is high (the national emission reporting) but one source to differences is the fact that the IPCC – reporting seem to involve a general RE factor for industrial combustion of rest products, while for examples industries reporting to the EU -ETS scheme use a more detailed system to report CO2 from their different kind of fuels. As industrial fuels of that kind counts for around 40 % of the energy use on Gotland (due to the cement industry), there are every year a gap in the emission reported for Gotland according to the IPCC –emission factors and industrial emissions reported according to the EU-ETS emission factors.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"We are developing a greener economy which demands high levels of circularity, where resources are kept in use adding economic value and where waste is avoided, as laid out in Beyond Recycling, a strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Regional Program for Climate Change is not published, it is waiting for superior approval",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectiousdiseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"But with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"As part of Yucatan strategy to promote a sustainable fishing industry , in 2019 the governement lauched the Program for the Promotion of Fish and Aquaculture Production, which aims to modernize the fishing fleet and guarantee the fishermen's safety and care for the environment.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections. The updated flood risk maps will be available by the end of 2018.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"in municipal buildings, but to a larger extent from industry to district heating",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The plan is a startegic document where we select areas for protection. We involve different forestry related stakeholders when implementing the plan.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The State promote in 2019 a Concurrent Program to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers for the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction, among other concepts. The Concurrency Program with the Entities was implementedStates to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of the State of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers so that they can implementprojects that contemplate the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction or value addition, among other concepts.",1 +Have you conducted an environmental assessment of the effects of your region-wide SLCPs?,the evaluations are carried out by micro region (on the territory there are 4 micro region),1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Ongoing, biogas is the first choice, over 200 biogas vehicles in the municipal car fleet.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The regional plan Air Energie (SRCAE) was adopted in 2013 this plan defines the following objectives:The Meeting defined its strategy to combat climate change and air pollution through the development of its SRCAE:• climate change mitigation component - greenhouse gas emissions;• by adapting the territory and adapting to the inevitable changes in the climate.• by guaranteeing an air quality that meets environmental and sanitary standards (air shutter)The main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and pollutants in the atmosphere are electricity generation, the future is residential-tertiary, and transportation.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Sweden have signed the convention and committed to undertake certain actions, some of which affects our work at a regional level.",1 +Please complete the table below.,It is expected that occur more intense rainfall can cause that will affect the population and land use,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Regional Concil has set up a measure with in the framework of the European program 2014-2020, to support local authorities to reinvigorate public lighting",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The Catalan Energy Institute performs several awareness programmesfor energy efficiency, including TV spots, advertisements, educational activities. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It ca be studied in small islands such as Graciosa and Flores,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches.,"I. Achieve a zero rate of deforestation by 2030 in the forest ecosystems of high value for REDD + in the State of Yucatán through actions based on Sustainable Rural Development.This goal is to be achieved through the effective and efficient implementation of a sustainable rural development policy, in which the instruments and programs of the different dependencies of the three levels of government are aligned. Likewise, it seeks to respect social and environmental safeguards, citizen participation and the inclusion of women, which together with a measurement, reporting and verification system, will ensure the reduction of emissions with respect to an established reference level.The foregoing will be the framework that will make the implementation of the actions proposed in this strategy viable and will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the entity, in accordance with the REDD + Strategy for the Yucatan Peninsula and with the national goals established in the ENAREDD + .",0 +Please complete the table below.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,● Disruptions in the water cycle● Loss of forest products and services● Biodiversity loss,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2017, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2018.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, 2019), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2019), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsWe are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management which is currently being laid in the Senedd prior to publication, the above aim reflects our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Climate change and heat waves affect the health of the most vulnerable people, especially children, old people or with chronic diseases.In fact, public health and emergency services registered during the summer of 2018 an increase in the number of cases of deaths and medical risk situations of vulnerable people caused by heatwaves.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Short target summary: Reduce the CO2 emissions in the islands territories in IO in enhancing the south/south cooperation and the spread ofgreen projects.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach target: The Regional Council of La Reunion is setting up a Hub R20 Energy in order to diffuse green projects in Indian Oceanin order to develop endogenous low carbon economy,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions was fulfilled both for atmospheric pollutants and for GHGs, in order to carry out the air quality plan. Therefore, it has been used the methodology established by the European legislation for the air quality plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Natural Heitage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia 2030 is the framework document which will guide the Government of Catalonia’s nature conservation work until 2030. The ultimate objective is to halt natural heritage degradation and biodiversity loss in Catalonia, while guaranteeing its sustainable use and ensuring provision of the ecosystem services upon which we depend.One of the the Strategy’s objectives and action lines is the integration of natural heritage in sectoral policies; the strategic objective is improve the contribution of agricultural, livestock and forestry policies to conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity. This objective has, among others, the following action lines:- Create an Action and Coordination Board between the administration responsible for conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity, the agricultural and forestry administration, and the private sector- Encourage extensive livestock farming to conserve agroforestry habitats and to prevent fires.- Review the focus of the forest fire prevention plans in natural areas with special protection. - Create an interdepartmental working group to include fire as an environmental management tool.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/patrimoni_natural/estrategia_patrimoni_biodiversitat/Resum_ESNATURA_EN.pdf",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The local governments are identified to implementation of some measures that are of its responsability.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"20% forestry cover of whole territory by 2020 ( https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2012/decreto-58107-05.06.2012.html)Target achieved: Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²) 54,312 km² Atlantic Forest, 2,393 km² Cerrado biome.( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"advisory programmes, subsidies for building insulation and heating systems based on renewables, strong building standards for new buildings and as well for renovation",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Redes InternacionaisThe Climate Group - membro desde 2011:.CDP.R20.Nrg4SD.Future FundRegions4 – Sustainable Development - membro fundador, desde 2002:.Regions for Biodiversity Learning Platform – R4BLP.RegionsAdapt.Objetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainabilityhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/simaglobal/redes-internacionais/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Increase renewables to 9.30% by 2018 of region-wide enegy productionNine private investment projects in Renewable Energy will be implemented in Yucatan State with a capacity of 1,818,623 MwHr/year.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Risks to freshwater species from higher water temps.Risks to fisheries and marine species from higher sea temperatures leading to ocean acidification.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sector,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"Short target summary: Reducing fuel consumption by 10% in 2023 compared to 2014 in the transport sectorPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: The different actions to reach this objective are:- increasing public transports (objective: 11% of the traffic by public transport in 2023)- develop alternative transports (bicycle, cable transport, electric cars with solar recharges)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment has highlighted 7 risks to which threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in Wales. The assessment has shown that current adaptation actions in the region mean we are prepared for all but three of the risks. Those of concern are:• Risks to business sites from flooding. Flooding poses risks to assets (flood damage), and human resource (e.g. access to work). Higher risk of impact to business and communities on the coast. Risk of disruption due to infrastructure disruption, including energy and ICT. Flooding risk expected to increase over coming decades.• Risks to businesses from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure. Greater risk of flooding and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. Risk of viability to coastal communities may increase.Potential impact on maritime logistics and infrastructure - particular risk to industries such as chemical manufacturing, oil, gas and tourism.• Risks to businesses from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.Increased risk of travel disruption leading to reduced worker productivity. Increased risk of school closures leading to reduced worker productivity. Risk is greater for smaller businesses, particularly in remote areas. Risk of reduced productivity from extended warm periods. Risk of heat stress to outdoor-working heavy manual labour resources. Risk of thermal discomfort to staff working in older offices.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Increase of 0.45ºC in the average temperature of the period 1981-2010 with respect to the period 1951-1980.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,In a first step climate change adaptation is included in the Lower Austrian climate and energy programme. This programme is focusing only on actions which have also positive influence on climate protection. A special climate change adaptation strategy is only available on national Level at the moment. A Lower Austrian adaptation strategy is currently being developed and will be available in the beginning of 2020.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"In Catalonia there are planning tools at different scales of detail and for different areas that allow to order the forest area. The General Forest Policy Plan aims to establish the technical guidelines for the execution of an integral forest policy in the whole of Catalonia and has the following objectives:-Promote the active management of forest lands, as a need to enhance their socioeconomic and environmental functions, and promote the conservation of biodiversity.- Support property and the forest industry as the main agents in the economic sector.-Improve the social perception of sustainable forest management and promote the use of their products.-To promote the development, the innovation, the transfer of technology and the technification of the productive processes of the forestry sector.-Promote an efficient planning of forest lands and promote the coordination and incorporation of economic and environmental forest values in other sectoral planning to promote synergies.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Ongoing, biogas is the first choice, over 200 biogas vehicles in the municipal car fleet.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Main impact are:1. reduced availability of drinking water (main regional source is from underground reservoirs), coused by a reduced snow coverand and a consequent reduced infiltration;2. Increase in intense precipitation with increas in floods 3. reduced Productivity in agriculture",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"in the framework of regional and international cooperation, the region supports the countries of the Indian Ocean zone and exchange of good practices in the field of energy, climate change, biodiversity ...",0 +Please complete the table below.,Greenhouse gases emissions will be another factor in which we are working to incorporate into the environmental analysis of extractive activities and LSM.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The state government works together with business cameras. Since 2015, the government has been working together with the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mérida to hold the Environmental Forum Expo, where ""green"" companies and organizations meet to offer their products and services. In this event, environmental education activities are carried out.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the region supports several projects allowing the establishment of hillside reservoirs,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,mandatory for new public buildings - low energy standard for renovation,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","total emissions of 2018 (including ETS)total emissions of 2018 (excluding ETS): 11,389,000ETS 2018: 6,586,000",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The government collaborates with the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo within the framework of the Regional Commission on Climate Change of the Yucatan Peninsula, where deforestation is addressed among the priority issues, highlighting the monitoring of the implementation of initiatives related to REDD+ with the support of international groups such as the GCF Task Force.The Government is also collaborating in the implementation of two initiatives for the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, which are part of the Investment Program of the Puuc Biocultural Region, which contribute to fulfilling Mexico's commitment to the UNFCCC regarding the REDD + Mechanism and the CNDs in matters of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; as well as the Yucatan sub-national commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The main reason is the increase emissions in energy industries (basically, energy production), manufacturing industries and construction (both covered by EU ETS), and transport",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Research from the ISGlobal center shows that the impact of heat waves is different depending of geographical areas. Studies show that the southern and western provinces of Spain have a higher mortality risk associated with heat (with increases of between 19 and 29%), while in the Mediterranean areas mortality on hot days increases but much less, between 2 and 9%. However, the case of the city of Barcelona is different, and it becomes one of the cities most affected by heat, as mortality soars 27%.The causes of mortality during periods of heat wave are mainly due to mental and nervous system problems. Mortality from this cause can increase by 30%, according to a study carried out in Catalonia, and the people who are affected are, on the one hand, patients with psychiatric problems, but also people who take psychotropic medications which cause a reduction in the efficiency of the thermoregulatory mechanisms that make them more vulnerable to high temperatures. Other causes of mortality that have been associated with high temperatures are cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and diseases of the kidney and urinary system.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Secretariat for Energy and Minning.There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The year used is the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"The 1990-2018 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2020 (BEIS, 2020) as UK national statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2018;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at: http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2018 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at: https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=998",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Under scenario A2, there is an expected reduction in annual precipitation of between 5% and 15% by 2050. The northern region of the state would be particularly affected. The sectors most vulnerable to this impact are associated with water supply, biodiversity and agriculture.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The Regional Program for Climate Change is not published, it is waiting for superior approval",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo have the strategy of adapting to climate change of the Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles will increase the electric mobility.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Other: The operations of the Welsh Government are included within this commitment, together with the Public Bodies delivering services on our behalf including local government, NHS Wales, Natural Resources Wales, the National Park Authorities, Fire and Rescue Authorities, The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, The Arts Council of Wales, Sports Council of Wales, National Library of Wales and National Museum of Wales.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry. Proposals for Future Land Management Policy (including business model adaptation) are being devised with internal and external stakeholders in order to publish high level proposals in July 2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,the Region has put in place a voluntarist and very ambitious policy to achieve electric autonomy by 2030,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"HerdAdvance: The aim of this project is to pilot how improving disease control awareness and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability. It takes a new whole farm holistic approach to disease prevention, taking into consideration other influential factors such as nutrition, genetics and the suitability of buildings. The project has already achieved its target of 500 farm business being involved 345 first year farm visits (c.20% of dairy farmers in Wales) have been completed, with 102 second year visits done by the team. 304 vet visits have been completed, 148 Herd Johnes testing, 52 Johnes management plans, 49 herd genomic testing done. By repeating these visits annually the project will track and benchmark performance within and between farms, allowing analysis of how HerdAdvance interventions help businesses better record data and make positive changes to management. COVID-19 has delayed progress over the last few months.",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"Our approach to business and the economy is set out in our Economic Action Plan (EAP). This sets out the range of actions we are taking to drive inclusive growth and future-proofed the economy. Decarbonisation is a clear and consistent thread throughout the EAP and features strongly in our new approach for delivering direct support for businesses. This is centred on the Economic Contract, Calls to Action and the Economy Futures Fund. To access direct financial support through the Economy Futures Fund, businesses must demonstrate that they share our values (the Economic Contract) and that they are delivering investment that is future proofing (the Calls to Action). As part of the Economic Contract, we test businesses’ attitude to managing and lowering their carbon footprint, whilst decarbonisation forms one of five Calls to Action designed to target future proofing investment.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,We are making both protected and unprotected areas accessable for people to use for recreational purposes. We collect and spread information on using natural areas and arrange courses.,0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",In a first step climate change adaptation is included in the Lower Austrian climate and energy programme. This programme is focusing only on actions which have also positive influence on climate protection. A special climate change adaptation strategy is only available on national Level at the moment. A Lower Austrian adaptation strategy is currently being developed and will be available in the beginning of 2020.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The projections of the precipitation do not indicate a clear trend, however a slight tendency of increase in the winter, that can reach 10%, and a decrease in the summer (especially in the time horizon 2070-2099)",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The State government in coordination with federal and state institutions has developed programs and strategies thatcontain the main guidelines in terms of water resources management. Among these programs are the State Program of hidrology ""Plan Estatal Hídrico""; and theHydrologic Plan of Yucatan Peninsula ""Plan Rector hídrico de la Península de Yucatán""",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The activation of the measures of the Catalonia Drought Management Plan in the episode of drought experienced in the last 2 years in Catalonia (2016-2018) has supposed to have 100 more hm3 of water reserves in the reservoirs of the Ter Llobregat system during April 2018 with respect to a scenario in the absence of adaptive measures. The anticipation is key to avoid entering the alert stage. The full operation and performance of the water treatment facilities and the recovery of wells have been fundamental in the management.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"In many places, the network of pipes is old and the maintaining processes are not adequate, which causes major problems of water loss and waste.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"the core businesses here are agriculture and tourism, both are extremely vulnerable",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Promote reduction of the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other: The operations of the Welsh Government are included within this commitment, together with the Public Bodies delivering services on our behalf including local government, NHS Wales, Natural Resources Wales, the National Park Authorities, Fire and Rescue Authorities, The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, The Arts Council of Wales, Sports Council of Wales, National Library of Wales and National Museum of Wales.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"legislative remit, th lates plan is now due for political cinsideration.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",1 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The São Paulo State Government promptly adopted, in mid March, the WHO instructions and protocols in an attempt to minimize the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, housing conditions in large urban centers and divergences with the conducts preached by the Federal Government made it difficult to apply sanitary isolation measures.There is great collaboration from the private sector, which has helped to alleviate the situation. There is no shortage of hospital spaces and respirators in the state, although some regions are experiencing overcrowding.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2018.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Tocantins is establishing some partnerships with private companies for sustainable development.,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Our EV charging strategy, published in March this year, contains our vision for EV charging in Wales: “By 2025, all users of electric cars and vans in Wales are confident that they can access electric vehicle charging infrastructure when and where they need it”.The strategy estimates that the number of rapid chargers (43+kW) and that the number of fast chargers (22kW) will need to increase rapidly in the next 10 years to meet demand from cars and vans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The region provides help to families in precarious situation plus 4500 families were accompanied by this dispostif,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"This is very serious for those in the livestock industry, as well as fisheries, tree crops, vegetable industries and their value chains",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The local governments are identified to implementation of some measures that are of its responsability.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of solar power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric and vehicles and also the decrease of the private transport.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The State government in coordination with federal and state institutions has developed programs and strategies thatcontain the main guidelines in terms of water resources management. Among these programs are the State Program of hidrology ""Plan Estatal Hídrico""; and theHydrologic Plan of Yucatan Peninsula ""Plan Rector hídrico de la Península de Yucatán""",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)Other subsidies for prevention, reuse and recycling:http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/ajut-tes-1472-2018-projectes-prevencio-ri",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The historical data indicates the sector that increased emissions in the state was agriculture, livestock and land use change and forests, the latter containing a considerable increase in emissions (290% from 2015 to 2016).",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)Other subsidies for prevention, reuse and recycling:http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/ajut-tes-1472-2018-projectes-prevencio-ri",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"As the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation indicates, the majority of the population of Catalonia lives in coastal areas close to large cities. This fact of territorial exposure increases the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change as large urban areas, which will be greatly affected by some direct impacts of climate change and other indirect impacts, such as the impact on natural resources and ecosystem services that the rural areas provides.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"According to last data available, base year emissions are 41,577,731 metric tonnes CO2e2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers in December 2020.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The electricity company has been improving the system to increase the renewables,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and currently has 155 involved organisations http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/acords_voluntaris/index.html.The Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +"Is your region aware of jurisdictional approaches and are you implementing any to address deforestation, forest degradation and/or forest restoration?",Increased vulnerability in municipalities with high percentages of the population living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"In rural areas, communities directly access water sources for self-supply through non-potable piped water.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Consumers worldwide want assurance that food and drink is safe to consume, yet there are worldwide examples food fraud. Potential for food fraud is partly linked to food production being a global enterprise, a significant feature of international trade, and so vulnerable to systematic shocks (such as storms) or long term changes (such as drought, loss of soil fertility, population growth and migration, war). Systemic shocks are forecast to increase in frequency and intensity because of climate change. The Welsh Government and Food and Drink Wales Industry Board are developing strong brand values for Welsh food and drink, placing quality of the product centre place. Developing a reputation for quality, with production underpinned by rigorous regulations (upheld by Trading Standards, the Food Standards Agency – Wales, and industry accreditation schemes), will help Wales’ industry stand out and build market advantage. The Welsh Government and the FDWIB support businesses across Wales in a variety of ways to become more productive, to develop new products, and to connect them with new customers. A focus on ‘business clusters’ is helping create synergies in the supply chain, making those supply chains more sustainable.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain. Drought is a normal factor, and this occurrence was more accentuated, as in the years 1961, 1963, 1978 and 2014. It had a negative impact on the quality of water bodies in the state.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,A regulatory system operates in Wales which ensures the continuous phase down of HFCs.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Increase the production and the use of renewable energy (solar, wind etc.) and support renewable fuel production.",0 +Please provide further details about the geography of your region.,"Average annual temperature (in Celsius)Maximum temperature in 2016 from 16,5 (Aran) to 23,3 (Ribera d’Ebre) Minimum temperature in 2016 from 0,8 (Cerdanya) to 15,4 (Barcelonès)Eastern longitudeEastern boundary: 3° 19' 59,94""Western boundary: 0° 9' 41,69""Northern latitudeNorthern boundary: 42° 51' 45,97""Southern boundary: 40° 31' 27,56""Average altitude (m)12.556,1 square km have an altitude of 201-600 m and 1,340.2 square km have an altitude of > 2000 m (from a total of 32.108 square km)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The effective process for implementing the Strategy will be headed by three bodies:- The General Directorate responsible for natural heritage and biodiversity, which is responsible to promote the development of the Strategy;- The Monitoring Commission, with a mixed composition, with follow-up, validation functions and advice,- Coordinating table between the departments responsible for natural heritage andbiodiversity, agriculture, livestock, fishing, forests, hunting and rural development.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,In Mexico there are official regulations that establish maximum emission limits for vehicles and that regulate fuel quality.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Indigenous Infrastructure Program (PROII)Through the Coordination Agreement signed between the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Government of the State of Yucatan, the Indigenous Infrastructure Program was executed, with which basic infrastructure works were carried out in indigenous localities with gaps and lags in terrestrial communication, electrification and housing. The project achieved: • Construction of 1,757 ecological toilets • Expansion of 296 km of the electric network• Construction and modernization of 192 km highways• Construction of 112 water systems.Construction and Expansion of the electrical network• Construction of 21 infrastructure actions in 22.81 kilometers of medium voltage distribution lines and extensions of electrical networks in medium and low voltageOperation of the drinking water system in the city of Mérida• A total of 54.0 million cubic meters of potable water was supplied to the population. The beneficiary population is 870,000 inhabitants of the city of Mérida and conurbated areasStrengthening Medical Care ProgramDuring 2017, 25,444 inhabitants of 109 localities targeted by the Program were attended . This action consisted in the granting of services of promotion, prevention, medical and dental care to the population as well as 36,254 medical consultations and 7,204 dental care to the target population of the program, as well as 244,733 actions of prevention and health promotion.These actions were carried out in 25 municipalities of high and very high marginalization and difficult access in the municipalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change and will be revised soon.,0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,Emissions data is collected from all buildings and fixed infrastructure where we are counterparty to supply as well as some where we are tenants and pay for energy through an in service charge. We monitor our emissions based on the total from this selection of buildings.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,2019 the last coal firded power plant in lower Austria was closed,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Extrapolation linear trend based on historical data; 2014: 0,358 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2016: 0,361 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2017: 0,362 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-real; 2018: 0,32 kg CO2-äquiv./Euro-realsecond target: energy-related greenhouse gas emissions with a reduction in emissions-intensity (greenhouse gases related to gross regional product) by 70 to 90% by 2050",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is an Energy Plan with measures for reduction of GHG emissions but there is not an overal plan on climate change action. Marche region is now implementing its strategy for Sustainable development and may be there will be some indication for future action plan on climate change,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The social displacement of the rural communities generates greater demand for public services in areas that have not been strategically planned.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Private sectors are not extensively involved in identification of development plans. However in meeting the targets provincial government should collaborate with private sector.Majority of emissions in Papua come from deforestation and land use change for agriculture (plantation). Targets in AFOLU sector mainly are optimization of agriculture productivity, establishment of forest management unit to improve forest governance and improvement of spatial planning and land development. Existing challenge is a bottlenecked communication with timber industry and concession holders on emission reductions and improvement of carbon sinks.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The figures quoted are for Gross Value Added (GVA) rather than GDP. GDP is not calculated for Wales. No forecasts are available for Welsh GDP in 2030 or 2050.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass and maintenance of forest area",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2019 table 1.2(Source: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg 10),1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,HerdAdvance aims to help Welsh dairy farmers lift herd profitability and performance by improving disease prevention and control and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms that can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability which has a knock on effect on carbon footprint per litre produced.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,No: the switch from heating oil to renewable energy sources is being pushed,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change and will be revised soon.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Biogas production is already in place at Visby sludge water utility and will be constructed for the second largest plant, the one in Klintehamn as well , Another way of energy efficient sludge water maintenance are the waste water treatment plantas on the countryside where biological treatment of the sludge water ends up in irrigation of farm land .",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Catalan Office for Climate Change participated in Zaragoza on the meeting for climate change and natural risks in the Pyrenees, organized by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory in the framework of the XXXVI Work Plenary Council of the Community of the Pyrenees.In addition to the presentation of the ""Climate Change Report in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation"", the seminar has addressed the main challenges facing the prevention of natural risks in the Pyrenees, taking into account the civil protection policies.Some adaptation measures for Pyrenees are the increase of the number of artificial snow cannons and the transformation of ski resorts in mountain resorts offering multiple services and activities throughout the year.The Office is part of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) whose purpose is to track and understand the evolution of the climate in the Pyrenees in order to limit their impact and adapt to their effects for the most vulnerable socioeconomic sectors and natural spaces.https://www.opcc-ctp.org/en",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsability definitions,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2012/03/mapa-de-risco-a-erosao-costeira-no-litoral-paulista-dra-celia-regina-de-souza/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The figures quoted are for Gross Value Added (GVA) rather than GDP. GDP is not calculated for Wales. No forecasts are available for Welsh GDP in 2030 or 2050.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Azorean electricy company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The projections of the precipitation do not indicate a clear trend, however a slight tendency of increase in the winter, that can reach 10%, and a decrease in the summer (especially in the time horizon 2070-2099)",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Sweden have signed the convention and committed to undertake certain actions, some of which affects our work at a regional level.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"In collaboration with the municipality of Hermosillo, we have worked to establish energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings, through the publication of a Complementary Technical Standard for Energy Efficiency, for the construction regulations of the municipality of Hermosillo, accompanied by the creation of capabilities for citizens and housing developers.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,The biggest climate problems in the region are due to deforestation and fires. The COVID-19 pandemic did not influence any of these factors.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Target: 100% coverage of electricity consumption by renewable power production. This target was first achieved in 2015. 2018 we have again overachieved our target.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" atmedium term, the expected increment oftemperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,In cooperation with national authorities. The reguion ias also responslible for two own conservation areas on muncipal ground.,1 +Please complete the table below.,Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There are awareness raising campaings and educational programmes on separate collection andrecycling. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/sensibilitzacio/index.html,1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,Providing information on risk areas that can be used in the context of land-use planning for example.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers in December 2020.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In many places, the network of pipes is old and the maintaining processes are not adequate, which causes major problems of water loss and waste.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","In all the island exists recycling points and centres. The separate waste is collected, treated and transported to recycling",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the Region has launched two calls for projects to support circular economy projects,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,We are monitoring natural values and natural environment issues in the municipalities land-use and/or development plans.,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The economic recovery measures required to combat COVID-19 also present an opportunity to enhance our low-carbon transition towards Net Zero, and create more sustainable, resilient and inclusive societies throughout Wales. We have already invested in low-carbon and climate adaptation. In 2020-21 we allocated £140m of capital funding to help combat the climate emergency. In 2021-22, on top of maintaining the majority of this funding in departmental baselines, we allocated nearly £80m in additional capital to deliver interventions that promote decarbonisation and further enhance biodiversity, alongside an additional £17m of revenue funding to support these interventions.",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 45.70 MtCO2e in 2015, representing a 19.5% reduction in total emissions over this period. The trend in relation to the 40% target therefore continues to fall short of the projected reduction required. Total emissions increased between 2011 and 2013, but subsequently decreased in both 2014 and 2015. The progress against the 40% target highlights that although some good progress is being made; further action is needed in order to deliver the target of a 40% reduction in total emissions by 2020.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Total emissions from Governmental buildings energyconsumption in 2014 (electricity and natural gas for heating/cooling).,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"There are some partnerships between State institutions, as the Institute of Technological Research, Geological Institute and State Secretariat for the Environment, with municipalities to develop and implement some adaptation strategies, mainly in the coastal areas.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Changes in rain regimes can cause changes in the productivity of coffee and cocoa produced in the Amazon.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"We are working with UK Government, local authorities, the energy sector and business to plan for and implement the roll out of EV charging infrastructure. Additional transport grant funding of £29m allocated in 20/21 to support the transformation of fleet to ULEVs and introduce new charging infrastructure.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Localy produced wind power 432 GWh, solar power 0,6 GWh , generation from excess heat 31 GWh.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Pathway will be modelled while updating the roadmap to carbon neutral region 2035 by 12/2020. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 by cutting emmissions 80 prosent and compensating the rest of emissions.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2018, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2019.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, ), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2020), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Lack of tools and methodologies to measure SLCPs and inform plans,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Regional projections show a non-significant reduction of -6.8% for the period 2031-2050. Also it shows important precipitation decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitation reductions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The forested area in Catalonia has increased greatly in recent years (130,000 hectares): while it accounted for 38% of the territory in 1993, in 2009 it was 42 %.There have been no major losses associated with forest fires (about 28,000 hectares of forest was burned between 2001 and 2014, or less than 2,000 hectares per year) or any other disturbances.The increase has been mainly at the expense of scrubland, and to a lesser extent, albeit a significant one, has involved an abandonment of crops.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Other: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We work with the biocultural inter-municipal board (JIBIOPUUC) which integrates seven municipalities that represent the best preserved areas of the state. We work together to implement the REDD+ State Strategy.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The Concerted Regional Development Plan states ""to ensure the integral watershed management and the availability of water resources in quantity and quality ""through the protection of water sources. The goal to 2021 is to protect 200 water sources and establish 8 payment compensation schemes for ecosystem services.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The duration of droughts could increase significantly taking into account the combination of the projected rise in temperatures, the decrease in precipitation and rising evapotranspiration",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Emissions in 2016 are 44,527,811 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100%",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Increase renewables to 9.30% by 2018 of region-wide enegy productionNine private investment projects in Renewable Energy will be implemented in Yucatan State with a capacity of 1,818,623 MwHr/year.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The duration of droughts could increase significantly taking into account the combination of the projected rise in temperatures, the decrease in precipitation and rising evapotranspiration",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,One of the Yucatan power plants has a 500 MW + capacity and is a combined cycle plant of dual fuel natural gas and diesel facility.The plant sells electricity to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and generates approximately 40 percent of the electricity in the Yucatan Peninsula and is one of the most reliable power plants in the country.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles will increase the electric mobility.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The national objective is zero -emission invcluduíng sinks in 2045 . Goltand is yet an energy pilot, with a mission to reach the national energy and ckimate objectives prior to the country as a whole.Provided solutions as f ex CCS for the process- emissions from cement production, this mission can be fulfilled",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The biodiversity monitoring is not specific to climate adaptation but is an ongoing action.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Recovery interventions that support just transition strategies for workers and communities,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,there is an Austrian and a lower Austrian Energy efficiency law existing,0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"As the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation indicates, the majority of the population of Catalonia lives in coastal areas close to large cities. This fact of territorial exposure increases the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change as large urban areas, which will be greatly affected by some direct impacts of climate change and other indirect impacts, such as the impact on natural resources and ecosystem services that the rural areas provides.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The forts area is currently slightly decreasing, BUT the annual forets growth is almost double the volume of the annual harvest from the forest.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,We are monitoring natural values and natural environment issues in the municipalities land-use and/or development plans.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Increased risk of disease from flooding and increased temperatures. Problems associated with overheating in the home and on public transport. Risk of access to social and health care from weather related impacts.,1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",It is not a priority at the moment for the administration,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The following points reflect the headlines of the energy strategy in Energy 2020.• Dedicated plan for a society close to zero emissions of climate gases• Identify and support key actors in production of electricity, heat and transport fuels from renewable energy sources• Reduce the energy needs of buildings and choose energy effective technology • Support the analysis, development and implementation of the technology needed for the transition to a sustainable energy system, both for the region as a whole and in the region’s own operations",0 +Have you conducted an environmental assessment of the effects of your region-wide SLCPs?,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Terceira incinerator is already working and planning the incineration project of São Miguel,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Our national planning policy encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"As the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation indicates, the majority of the population of Catalonia lives in coastal areas close to large cities. This fact of territorial exposure increases the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change as large urban areas, which will be greatly affected by some direct impacts of climate change and other indirect impacts, such as the impact on natural resources and ecosystem services that the rural areas provides.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Capacity strengthening project for the implementation of the REDD+ State Strategy through the Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Norwegian Government prepared with the participation of The Nature Conservancy, which is the implementing partner of the project.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related. Energy related emissions SME's households and services were 493,147 tonnes, but emissions as a whole, inclusive process emissions from large industries out of the regional level of decisions and emissions from animals and agricultural tilling were 2,247,186 tonnes in 2016. Almost 80 % originate from limestone & cement industries located on the island, around 12 % arise from agriculture.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The state government through the Ministry of Health (SSY), implemented in 2019 actions in the field of prevention and attention to health risks, highlighting:• Implementation of the Program for sanitary regulation and surveillance of water quality, through which 52,105 free residual chlorine monitoring was carried out with 320 samples of piped water and 293 samples of water and ice for human consumption. Execution of 509 seawater samplings to determine enterococci; 540 samples of sea water to identify harmful or toxic algal blooming ""Red Tide"" and 195 samples in bodies of fresh water (cenotes) for detection of E. coli to guarantee suitable water conditions for human consumption.• Attention to vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , implementing the Program of prevention and control of vector diseases , wich incorporate vector control interventions based on knowledge of the determinants of pathogen transmission, which utilise a range of insecticide and non–insecticide-based approaches in a locally tailored manner. The Program includes informative workshops with communities (3,185 dengue prevention talks to the population); 8368 entomological studies of triatomines were carried out in localities; 8,439 fumigations to houses infested by triatomes; 60 treatments for Chagas disease were given; 45 treatments were given to leishmaniosis patients; 46,605 blood tests were carried out on the population and 365 treatments for the elimination of positive Anopheles fly hatchery.• Implementation of the Health Surveillance, Regulation and Control Program, in collaboration with the International Health Coordination in order to prevent, detect, control and follow up on diseases subject to international epidemiological surveillance. In the reporting period, 1,808 means of transportation were reviewed, between ships and international planes; 209 certificates of health of epidemiological risk were issued to undocumented insured and 229 certificates of protection against health risks and promotion of health; 2,186,966 health surveillance and control inspections were carried out on international and national travelers suspected of having any of the diseases of the International Health Regulations.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautic tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Some coastal areas are already facing a sea level rise, including more frequent and higher floods. In the city of Santos, port marégraph data indicate a rise of 1.2 mm per year in the last three decades, totaling 3.6 cm, with a trend of increase in the last decade.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobitily; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"General Forest Policy Plan , Planning of management forest resources and forest management instruments , Barcelona Framework Council's framework plan",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"River flow reduction will result in less dissolution capacity of some pollutants. Moreover, temperature raise in air and water will result in more dissolution of salts and reduction of oxygen in water, with the evident risks of salinization and anoxia. There is an expected increased inertia of thermal stratification in dams and lakes that could result in less water mixture and could also lead to anoxia.",0 +Has a climate change risk or vulnerability assessment been undertaken for your region?,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished. In The action plan will defined action against climate change.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Main impact are:1. reduced availability of drinking water (main regional source is from underground reservoirs), coused by a reduced snow coverand and a consequent reduced infiltration;2. Increase in intense precipitation with increas in floods 3. reduced Productivity in agriculture",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","total emissions of 2018 (including ETS)total emissions of 2018 (excluding ETS): 11,389,000ETS 2018: 6,586,000",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GHG emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/planejament_urbanistic/index.htmlThe environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 104 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Catalan Water Agency, Forest Property Center of Catalonia and Catalan Office for Climate Change have been carrying out some actions to implement an adaptive forest management in order to be able to monitor production and improvement of the drainage or generation of blue water and therefore, reduce the vulnerability of the hydric system. The monitoring was carried out in the area of Vallcebre (headwaters of the River Llobregat basin) and in La Llacuna (in the recharge area of the Carme-Capellades aquifer). The conclusions of the pilot tests will have to be incorporated during the 2019 in the program of measures of the Plan of management of district of river basin of Catalonia 2022-2027.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Building Regulations Part L review (2018/19) will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Establish work methodologies for the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas to intervene, in addition to socializing the results achieved with the monitoring of natural resources, to establish environmental education programs.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Increase renewables to 9.30% by 2018 of region-wide enegy productionNine private investment projects in Renewable Energy will be implemented in Yucatan State with a capacity of 1,818,623 MwHr/year.",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Following a transfer of competence, the Region has developed a waste plan which will be approved soon.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"PRAC defines adaptation measures to protect the properties, resources and persons, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.To achieve the adaptation measures, the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors were considered (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property and Health), based on each sectorial strategy. It was not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Projects are set up On the territory, led by local authorities",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management sets 4 objectives:Reduce the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion,raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk,providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events, and prioritising investment in the most at risk communities. We are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management to reflect our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"HerdAdvance: The aim of this project is to pilot how improving disease control awareness and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability. It takes a new whole farm holistic approach to disease prevention, taking into consideration other influential factors such as nutrition, genetics and the suitability of buildings. The project has already achieved its target of 500 farm business being involved 345 first year farm visits (c.20% of dairy farmers in Wales) have been completed, with 102 second year visits done by the team. 304 vet visits have been completed, 148 Herd Johnes testing, 52 Johnes management plans, 49 herd genomic testing done. By repeating these visits annually the project will track and benchmark performance within and between farms, allowing analysis of how HerdAdvance interventions help businesses better record data and make positive changes to management. COVID-19 has delayed progress over the last few months.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM project proposes pilot actions of mitigation and adaptation tot climate change in the Ebro Delta (the most vulnerable area in Catalonia to sea level rises and subsidence).During 2017 on the framework of project Life Ebro Admiclim, a pilot action injection of the sludge that was generated in the water purification plant of the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) was carried out in the Delta irrigation channels network. The objective of this action was to evaluate the transport and distribution capacity of the irrigation channels, to know the sedimentation rates in the rice fields and to model the transport of sediments. In this way, the recovery of the practice of composting not only allows to recover the sedimentary flow, but also allows the sludge generated in the CAT plant to become a resource that contributes to the adaptation of the territory to climate change. The modeling of the transport of sediments by the channels would allow to design a system in continuous of reinjection of 1,000 t / year of inert sludge from this installation.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The State of São Paulo is participating in the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform. At the current stage, 10-12 priority actions are being selected, out of more than 350 initially proposed.These final actions will be modeled in terms of their impact on reducing emissions, and viability analysis. As a result, the State administration will have subsidies to request partnerships and financing necessary to carry out the actions.This survey will be completed by the end of 2020.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment has highlighted 7 risks to which threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in Wales. The assessment has shown that current adaptation actions in the region mean we are prepared for all but three of the risks. Those of concern are:• Risks to business sites from flooding. Flooding poses risks to assets (flood damage), and human resource (e.g. access to work). Higher risk of impact to business and communities on the coast. Risk of disruption due to infrastructure disruption, including energy and ICT. Flooding risk expected to increase over coming decades.• Risks to businesses from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure. Greater risk of flooding and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. Risk of viability to coastal communities may increase.Potential impact on maritime logistics and infrastructure - particular risk to industries such as chemical manufacturing, oil, gas and tourism.• Risks to businesses from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.Increased risk of travel disruption leading to reduced worker productivity. Increased risk of school closures leading to reduced worker productivity. Risk is greater for smaller businesses, particularly in remote areas. Risk of reduced productivity from extended warm periods. Risk of heat stress to outdoor-working heavy manual labour resources. Risk of thermal discomfort to staff working in older offices.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","A greater frequency of extreme meteorological events such as tropical storms and hurricanes is expected. This scenario would considerably affect the State's resilience capacity, affecting the development of economic sectors, due to increase damage in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others.The State's vulnerability to the impact of extreme meteorological is related to geographical location; there is a historical record of hurricanes and tropical storms that have affected the territory, according tothe National Water Commission and the National Meteorological Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38 directly affecting the State of Yucatan. Outstanding for its magnitude hurricanes such as the Gilberto in 1988 which impacted the Yucatan Peninsula and the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila, with direct damage estimated at 76 million dollars; as well as Hurricane Wilma in 2005 that caused damages of up to 50 million dollars.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The energy and climate targets are decided by the regional council, in the regional development program – the overall vision for Gotland: Region Gotland has challenged itself to have a fully climate-neutral energy supply by 2025. Offering the highest possible efficiency and economy, the energy supply will be climate-neutral, based on local, renewable resources and will contribute to sustainable growth and the development of local business. - Vision 2025, adopted by the Regional Council.Targets are then operationalized in the Environmental program and Energy strategy – adopted by the municipal council and then copied into the master plan. As our present master plan is over 10 years old and yet undergoes revision to be updated, the present Swedish goals from 2017 are not reflected in the plan. The overall reduction goal for energy related territorial CO2 -emission is a 45 % absolute reduction of the fossil energy related CO2 emissions from NETS- activities (that is not including industries covered in the CO2 emission trade scheme) from 1990–2020. This is reached by 2017! (but covers only a small part of the total climate gas emissions from all activities in business-life and society on Gotland.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",An increment of the cost of water is expected related to the increase cost of water treatment and infrastructure need toextract this resource from the aquifer.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The year used was the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The state works together with the National Forestry Commission through the concurrent funds program where they promote sustainable productive practices. The National Forestry Commission also works in the state with its payments for environmental services program, where landowners receive a payment for the conservation of their lands.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Sinks are not included in the inventory, the carbon sinks on Gotland are for example forests where approximately 50 % of the estimated annual growth is left in the forests and meadows and pastures kept in continued cultivation with extensive grazing., that are reported to have increased the amount of soil carbon during the last decades, but we lack official statistic on that.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The masses of ice and snow in the upper reaches of the western Catalan Pyrenees have been analysed in detail based on images and photographs taken since 1980. The conclusion is that no glacier is visible anywhere in Catalonia, and we can only guess at the existence of a rocky glacier in the Besiberri Massif in L’Alta Ribagorça.On the Aneto-Maladeta Massif, the thirteen glaciers catalogued in 2008 had fallen to eleven by the end of 2014, and they had all declined in thickness and area. This has led to their fragmentation, and in some areas they are now catalogued as firns or residual glaciers. If as expected this trend continues, the glaciers closest to Catalonia will continue to deteriorate and eventually disappear.Also, the report “Climate change in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation” indicates that the series of data from the network of beacons on the south side Pyrenees indicate a statistically significant decrease in snow cover in this sector from 1950 to the present (1.800m).",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"This is very serious for those in the livestock industry, as well as fisheries, tree crops, vegetable industries and their value chains",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The regional policy it is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",HerdAdvance aims to help Welsh dairy farmers lift herd profitability and performance by improving disease prevention and control and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms that can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability which has a knock on effect on carbon footprint per litre produced.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,There is no specific data collection on emissions from government operations.,1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2016",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The historical data indicates the sector that increased emissions in the state was agriculture, livestock and land use change and forests, the latter containing a considerable increase in emissions (290% from 2015 to 2016).",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related. Energy related emissions SME's households and services were 493,147 tonnes, but emissions as a whole, inclusive process emissions from large industries out of the regional level of decisions and emissions from animals and agricultural tilling were 2,247,186 tonnes in 2016. Almost 80 % originate from limestone & cement industries located on the island, around 12 % arise from agriculture.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Published our Circular Economy 2021.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Transport projects are in place, the cost for implementing new public transports are a limiting factor,",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Mainly a national remit, demo procject s for carbon storage in soil ar underwau on Gotland with some locally decided public funding",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.",Under the Carbon Reduction Energy Efficiency Scheme we have focussed on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from buildings and fixed infrastructure.,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,PRAC establishes mitigation measures and the program is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by drainage deficiences, deforestation and a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The State goverment implemented in 2019 a Program to increase the acquisition of Agricultural Insurance with local producers. A valuable business risk management tool that provides financial protection against production losses caused by natural perils, such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, and frost. Providing covarage for 112,996 hectares of local crops with an investment of 23 million pesos.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, our planning framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline.Target year: 2020Comments:This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and currently has 155 involved organisations http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/acords_voluntaris/index.html.The Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"During 2014, as part of National Program of Rural Electrification, photovoltaic system was installed in 2,115 localities in all the provinces of the Amazonas, through the installation of 17,897 solar panels.",1 +Please complete the table below.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The State is currently collaborating with the national government on the development of a monitoring, reporting & verification system for subnational governments.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" .The Program establishes annual goals, which are measured in March. Exceptionally in 2018,due to the change in the management of the State Government, the target of 10,000 ha was set for Decemberunder restoration, with an indicative of 12,000 ha for March 2019. Both goals were achieved beforeof the term, with 2018 ending with 13,070 ha under restoration. The next target is 20,000 haunder restoration in March 2020.It is important to note that the Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs,State, Hydrographic Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs.This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for politics of public catering.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"In the sanitary landfill of the municipality of Kanasín, the organic and inorganic fractions of urban solid waste are crushed and then processed to the plants, to be converted into fuels and subsequently integrated, through processing to the cement production process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Does your region have an energy efficiency target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,In cooperation with national authorities. The reguion ias also responslible for two own conservation areas on muncipal ground.,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Areas covered:11 natural systems and socio-economic sectors analysed (agriculture and livestock, biodiversity, water management, forestry, industry, trade and services, mobility and transport infrastructure, fishing, tourism, health, energy sector and urban planning and housing)",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Climate change mitigation is an integral part of all regional planning and development activities. These cover most of the sectors mentioned. The need for climate change adaptation is also recognised and dealt with in regional planning in particular.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There will be less snow available in the mountain areas, mostly due to temperature increase. Precipitation patterns are more uncertain. The snow precipitation data for the period 1950-2010 has been studied by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) and indicates that the tendency in the last 50 years is negative, of the order of 28 mm per decade, but it is observed a great interannual variability: in the last two or three decades the dry years have predominated, but with some rainy years. Regarding territorial contrasts, the decrease in annual rainfall is higher on the south slope than on the north slope, but the differences are not important.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Risks to business from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure, risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks, risks to infrastructure services from river, surface water, groundwater flooding, as well as coastal flooding and erosion. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from, flood, high winds and lightning.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The biogas from MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) is collected and generates electricity,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Increased vulnerability of human settlements located in the coastal zone. Increased vulnerability of Yucatan municipalities with high percentages of population in conditions of poverty and marginalization. Among the most vulnerable municipalities identified in the State are Xocchel, Tunkas, Opichen, Santa Elena, Kaua, Chapab, Chacsinkin, Mani and Kopoma.",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Ahafo agricultural sector will also need to deal with the potential for increased impacts on farm operations of extreme weather events such as drought as well as pest infestations and increased crop vulnerability from year-to-year. Overall, water availability is likely to become even more of a challenge for farmers under the changing climate. Available Ahafo rivers such as River Tano, Akantansu, Goa, Subre, etc. are drying up so quickly offseason.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,● Disruptions in the water cycle● Loss of forest products and services● Biodiversity loss,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Welsh Government has commissioned research to better understand the risk to businesses and workforce in Wales.Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In Mexico, there are more than 30 official norms in terms of energy efficiency in different electrical appliances, motors, lighting, buildings, transformers, etc.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The rising temperatures lead to more dryness in the soil - this leads to problems in agriculture and forestry,0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Transition/conversion to sustainable means of transport (walking, cycling, public transport) and decrease the transport requirements (digital meeting etc.). Fuel infrastructure and charging of electrical vehicles.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The rising temperatures lead to more dryness in the soil - this leads to problems in agriculture and forestry,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and also increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Future Wales establishes a clear policy context:•that places a strong focus on creating places that reduce the need to travel, make efficient use of land and which ensure that land use choice are guided by a clear understanding of their environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts; •to focus significant developments in towns and cities to make more effective use of land and the benefits of co-location of uses, and take advantage of public transport accessibility. •for the determination of large scale renewable energy projects; •for the delivery of district heat networks;•for the decarbonisation of energy supplies;•that strengthens the focus on public transport and active travel;•that requires decisions associated with international aviation and shipping to demonstrate how they can be accommodated within the statutory climate change targets and carbon budgets;•that supports a low carbon economy and decarbonisation of industry;•to support the delivery of energy efficient homes;•to support the development of a national forest;•to create healthy and resilient places; •to support the development of digital communications and help reduce the need to travel; •to support the sustainable growth of rural areas;•to support the sustainable location of strategic growth;•for nature based solutions such as for flood risk management;•to ensure the resilience of our ecosystems and reverse biodiversity decline; and •to sustainably manage natural resources and reduce pollution.In February 2021 the Welsh Government published Future Wales the national plan 2040, which is a national scale development plan that sits at the top of the development plan hierarchy in Wales. All other development plans in Wales must be in conformity with Future Wales. The document provides a place based approach for the future development of Wales with a 20 year time horizon. Future Wales sets a clear planning policy context for decarbonisation by both preventing and mitigating carbon emissions. For example Future Wales establishes a spatial strategy that reduces the need for travel and optimises the opportunities for further sustainable development in national and regional growth areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Transport disruptions, supply chain interruptions in the smaller islands, health risks to residents due to frequent severe weather events.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by drainage deficiences, deforestation and a not appropriate waste management.",1 +Does your region have a climate change action plan for reducing region-wide GHG emissions?,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Among the actions planned by the Regional Government in the PRDC updated to 2015 are: implement the regional strategy of water resources, promotion of planting and harvesting of water, protect water sources to ensure the availability of water resources, water reinforcement in headwaters of basins and sub-basins, promote and promote the functioning of the basin councils, monitoring the quality and quantity of water in the main basins, formulate and implement a capacity building program on integrated management of water resources, carry out works of riparian defenses through reforestation and other forms of protection of natural water resources.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use.",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The figures are part of public statistic, derived from the national IPCC-reporting, but when they are regionalised they also are recalculated from time to time, while the historic figures might be slightly changed. The accurary in the figures, when regionalised, might differ between topics .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2016",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","A delivery plan for the climate change strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The masses of ice and snow in the upper reaches of the western Catalan Pyrenees have been analysed in detail based on images and photographs taken since 1980. The conclusion is that no glacier is visible anywhere in Catalonia, and we can only guess at the existence of a rocky glacier in the Besiberri Massif in L’Alta Ribagorça.On the Aneto-Maladeta Massif, the thirteen glaciers catalogued in 2008 had fallen to eleven by the end of 2014, and they had all declined in thickness and area. This has led to their fragmentation, and in some areas they are now catalogued as firns or residual glaciers. If as expected this trend continues, the glaciers closest to Catalonia will continue to deteriorate and eventually disappear.Also, the report “Climate change in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation” indicates that the series of data from the network of beacons on the south side Pyrenees indicate a statistically significant decrease in snow cover in this sector from 1950 to the present (1.800m).",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Terceira incinerator is already working and planning the incineration project of São Miguel,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Under scenario A2, there is an expected reduction in annual precipitation of between 5% and 15% by 2050. The northern region of the state would be particularly affected. The sectors most vulnerable to this impact are associated with water supply, biodiversity and agriculture.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is planned to install biomass power in 2 islands (Pico and São Miguel) that is private investment,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Competence development for climate-smart procurement, Systematic procurement, Purchasing, leasing, rental of energy efficient vehicles, Function and innovation procurement ""cleantech"".",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,PRAC establishes mitigation measures and the program is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,criteria for the purchase of electric or low emission vehicles in the government,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",1 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,this decline is due to the social movement that hit the island. There was a significant decrease in emissions,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The Business Agency of Lower Austria “ecoplus” with decades of experience, with a highly-specialized team and an expansive network, offers tailored services to lower Austrian companies. With the technopol program the ecoplus focuses on building up technology oriented business locations near existing research and educational facilities. Furthermore, the ecoplus can help to find access to regional funding and give competitive advantage through innovative cooperation’s projects. In addition, companies from Lower Austrian can receive support for their internationalization and export ventures. Climate protection, renewable energies and climate change adaptation are important topics in all these fields of action.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Annual review by the UNFCCC expert review team. Reviews highlight reporting issuesof transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability or accuracy that need to beresolved by the UK. The review focusses on the UK national inventory, which is consistent with the GHGI reported for Wales. However, the Welsh specific inventory is not subject to a direct UN review.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The 1990-2016 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2018 (BEIS, 2018) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report: Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2016;  The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; Estimates exclude the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) and those Overseas Territories joining UK instruments of ratification for the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol (Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar). The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2016 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=954https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The government implemented actions to promote public and private investments in sustainable energy projects.The operation of four projects began with an installed capacity of 210 megawatts (MW), that can provide energy of up to 450,000 homes .Dzilam de Bravo wind farm, with a total investment of 140 million dollars, with a total capacity of 70 MW and formed by 28 wind turbines.• San Ignacio photovoltaic park, with a total investment of $ 27 million and a total capacity of 18MW.• Central Lázaro Cárdenas photovoltaic park in the municipality of Peto, with a total investment of 38 million dollars and a total capacity of 38 MW.• Tizimín Wind Farm, with an investment of 154 million dollars and a total capacity of 84 MWFinally, the Mérida IV Combined Cycle Power Plant project and the installation of the transmission line are under construction.Malpaso in Ticul.",1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Loss of forest cover in areas of importance for the conservation of carbon reservoirs, caused by the disorderly growth of agricultural activities.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by drainage deficiences, deforestation and a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,The Welsh Government has targets to reduce all waste streams. It published a Waste Prevention Programme in 2013.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",comprehensive implementation in some areas - is becoming more and more important,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There are major seasonal differences, but most of regional simulations show precipitation important decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitations reductions.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Currently, the state implements actions to promote the integral management of the coastal zone, through the Secretariat of Sustainable Development, it promotes the restoration of beaches, as well as actions for the protection of priority species in protected natural areas.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","advisory programmes, subsidies for building insulation and heating systems based on renewables, strong building standards for new buildings and as well for renovation",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio Climático""",1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. This is because we have a high proportion of well documented emissions from the traded sector (EU-ETS),0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Welsh Government published a Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2010. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way.Following the publication of the UK Government's Climate Change Risk Assessment, and the associated Evidence Report by the UK Committee on Climate Change (UKCCC), Welsh Government has committed to publishing a revised Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2018. The revised plan with seek to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country,",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The SEEG 5.0 estimates cover GHG emissions from 1970 to 2016 for all sectors, with the exception of land use change, covering the period 1990 to 2016. The methodological basis of the SEEG estimations is the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) and other emissions as HFCs.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The state has a program called ""peso a peso"" and it works by promoting agricultural, fishing and aquaculture activities through co-participation funds between the public and private sectors, through which the acquisition of inputs, equipment and work tools is carried out. In this way, during 2017 through the agricultural component of the Program, 6,389 supports were delivered to the same number of beneficiaries of the 106 municipalities of the state for the acquisition of more than 182,000 products among tools, supplies and work equipment that were implemented for the production of citrus fruits, chilies, fodder, henequen, various vegetables, corn, papaya, tropical fruits, sorghum and soybeans.Also, in order to promote sustainable practices in the field, this support program subsidizes organic supply packages up to 70 percent.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The construction of water infrastructure does not contain the technical standards necessary for water supply and human consumption.Due to the increase of flows and overflows of the rivers they contaminate the water sources with residual materials.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In the context of marine energies, the Region has been funding research projects since 2009.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Achieve a 20% reduction in primary energy consumption by 2020 compared to business as usual scenario,1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Inter- basin transfers, with with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Increased urban heat island effect. The annual average temperature difference between the centre of the city of Barcelona and its surrounding area is over 3ºC to 5ºC. The city centre corresponds to the most ancient narrow streets, few green spaces and a high population density with low incomes.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Many of the opportunities and benefits arising from the sustainable management of forests and woodlands are recognised in the Welsh Government forestry policy document Woodlands for Wales which sets out forestry policy in Wales for the next 50yrs. This is also reflected in the application of the principle of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources as set out in the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and in our Natural Resources Policy and ecosystems approach.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Specific to the risk of bridge scour from increased river flow - a programme of bridge scour protection underway by National Rail. Welsh Government have begun scoping for research to understand the scale of the issue for all bridges in Wales.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,the region supports several projects allowing the establishment of hillside reservoirs,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The cost of water service in the Amazon region is higher due to the fact that water sources are far from cities, and the cost of water purification treatment is higher, which is absorbed by the final consumer in cities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Among the actions planned by the Regional Government in the PRDC updated to 2015 are: implement the regional strategy of water resources, promotion of planting and harvesting of water, protect water sources to ensure the availability of water resources, water reinforcement in headwaters of basins and sub-basins, promote and promote the functioning of the basin councils, monitoring the quality and quantity of water in the main basins, formulate and implement a capacity building program on integrated management of water resources, carry out works of riparian defenses through reforestation and other forms of protection of natural water resources.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,There is no involvement of subnational governments in defining and discussing how to implement the NDC in Brazil.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The State goverment implemented in 2019 a Program to increase the acquisition of Agricultural Insurance with local producers. A valuable business risk management tool that provides financial protection against production losses caused by natural perils, such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, and frost. Providing covarage for 112,996 hectares of local crops with an investment of 23 million pesos.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Local studies have pointed out the potential effects of changes in seasonal rainfall, in sectors such as agriculture, where the variability of precipitation could generate considerable decreases in the yield of crops, livestock and beekeeping; as well as the increase in production costs with direct effects on local producers. The potential impact on the water sector is also considered due to the decrease in the provision of this resource for human settlements and other economic sectors, including commerce and industry.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Establishment of the State hydro-geological reserve "" Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica del Anillo de Cenotes"" with asurface cover of 219,207.83 Ha. Dedicated to the protection of water resources.In 2016, a regional strategy to control the coastal erosion was developed in order to improve sustainable management in the coastal zone.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013),0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Climate change generates climate catastrophes such as hurricanes, gales, floods that will destroy all types of infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,For example with other EU iislands in the EC Commissions initiative Clean Energy for EU Islands as well as with other Swediash regions in the Pilot Project.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weatherevents by 40% compared to 2005.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Base year: 1990; 1995 for F-gases.LULUCF for base year was not a sink (following methodology changes in 2019 GHGI data, with wetland supplement).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to emissions monitoring and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Targets are: Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,More hot days that can affect health population and also water availability,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Ongoing processes of dialogue with the third sector and other subnational governments, with possibilities for cooperation projects.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient appliances. Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies for refurbishmentwhich include this action http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Increasing flexibility of allocation of water systems, power generation and infrastructure (network interconnection to ensure security of supply) strengthening the security of supply through other local sources (water reuse, wells recovery, construction of rainwater tanks) and connecting to regional water networks.The actions on management demand have obtained average urban allocations for Catalonia of 116L / hab day and of 105 L / hab day for the metropolitan area. Also, the actions in the improvement of efficiency distribution network of potable water and the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures of agriculture have achieved good results.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021•Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Biogas from waste is upgraded and used as locally produced RE car fuel and industrial fuel. ( Around 35 GWh/ year),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is a multi-year work plan that describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.Similar with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Increased vulnerability of human settlements located in the coastal zone. Increased vulnerability of Yucatan municipalities with high percentages of population in conditions of poverty and marginalization. Among the most vulnerable municipalities identified in the State are Xocchel, Tunkas, Opichen, Santa Elena, Kaua, Chapab, Chacsinkin, Mani and Kopoma.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Emissions in 2016 are 44,527,811 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100%",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The state works with the municipal governments of Progreso, Mérida, Valladolid, Huncucmá, Umán and Tekax through the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (GCoM-LAC), with the aim of strengthening municipal capacities for the generation of GHG Inventories and Local Climate Action Plans.Among the expected results of this iniciative is the generation of local capacities for the implementation of theGlobal Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, and the strengthening of climate transparency through platforms of international relevance such as the CDP.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient appliances. Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies for refurbishmentwhich include this action http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Between 2013 and 2015 the State suffered its most extreme drougth in years, which caused a severe water crise. It was the worst drought ever recorded, in the sense that the outflows in the basin were never so low.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change includes a provision to protect vulnerable population from energy and water poverty. The final provision seventh indicates:“1. The Government and, where appropriate, local authorities, within their respective powers, with the objective of guaranteeing universal access of the entire population to a minimum vital consumption of certain basic resources, shall promote the necessary performance mechanisms to guarantee it in the case of electricity, non combustible fuels and water supplies. 2. In accordance with section 1, the necessary performance mechanisms shall be designed to ensure the vital minimum in electricity, non-combustible fuels and water supplies for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion. 3. The ministries responsible for social welfare, energy and water, and where appropriate, the local authorities shall define the conditions and methodology that help to establish the minimum energy and water consumption to ensure the vital minimum coverage for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion.”",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Prevention and reduction of exposure to climate change impacts through the establishment of public systems ofinformation in climate variability,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"in municipal buildings, but to a larger extent from industry to district heating",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","In fact, the responsibility to achieve the purposes of Law 16/2017 on Climate Change is shared by the Government, local authorities, productive sectors, political, social and economic agents and citizens overall.Catalan Office for Climate Change collaborates with local authorities and provides support to municipalities for climate adaptation and mitigation actions ( ex. Public grants and economic finance for develop local adaptation action plans or meetings with local stakeholders for develop actions financed by European Projects for local climate change adaptation).Also, local authorities participate on introducing on their policies and actions the objectives relating to reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change that is included in the Strategic Reference Framework for Adaptation.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,• Behavioural change • Technological change • Legislative change • Financial conditions • Policy change,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Climate change mitigation andadaptation is included in theenvironmental impactassessment of plans andprojects,0 +Please complete the table below.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent and let building space.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"total emissions of 2018 (including ETS)total emissions of 2018 (excluding ETS): 11,389,000ETS 2018: 6,586,000",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Establish work methodologies for the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas to intervene, in addition to socializing the results achieved with the monitoring of natural resources, to establish environmental education programs.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Current GDP is calculated based on 2010 constant price (IDR)GDP in 2010 was calculated based on 2000 constant price (IDR)Official projections on both medium and long term are not available,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Catalan Energy Institute supports companies undertaking audits. They are compulsory for large companies. Moreover, website informing of energy efficiency measures:http://mapamesures.icaen.gencat.cat/mapamesures/AppPHP/ Housing Agency of Catalonia has subsidies for refurbishment reduce energy demand for heating and coolinghttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Recovery interventions that scale up investments in and access to digital technologies, funding mechanisms, and capacity-building solutions to enhance resilience to shocks, including climate change",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In all the island exists recycling points and centres. The separate waste is collected, treated and transported to recycling",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"No: it's not an issue here, cooking stoves are electrical and the electricity used has very low emission factors",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"When it comes waste management, Region Gotland’s management of household waste includes demands an expectations of the households an similar organisations to sort out their waste in recycling fractions and the rest in two fractions. One fraction is easily degradable bio-waste, it goes to local biogas production, the biogas is used as energy carrier and replaces fossil fuels, the by-product of the process he digestate, a nutrient-rich fertilizer, as a is recycled back to farmland and replaces synthetic fertilizers. The other waste fraction goes as waste fuel to the nearby cement production plant, where it replaces coal. In that way the waste management contributes to circular economy on the island as well as local jobs in the waste sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action plan https://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdf https://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and in 2018 has 159 organisations involved http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/mitigacio/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.htmlThe Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/ambits/mitigacio/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Establishment of the State hydro-geological reserve "" Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica del Anillo de Cenotes"" with asurface cover of 219,207.83 Ha. Dedicated to the protection of water resources.In 2016, a regional strategy to control the coastal erosion was developed in order to improve sustainable management in the coastal zone.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Transport projects are in place, the cost for implementing new public transports are a limiting factor,",0 +Please complete the table below.,Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",Climate change mitigation is an integral part of all regional planning and development activities. These cover most of the sectors mentioned. The need for climate change adaptation is also recognised and dealt with in regional planning in particular.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas subject to floods and floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and predict their relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The construction of water infrastructure does not contain the technical standards necessary for water supply and human consumption.Due to the increase of flows and overflows of the rivers they contaminate the water sources with residual materials.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Technical development in the automotive industry and reduced emissions from industry. There is also a change in industry's heating and production technology. Another important reason is the recession.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solarSource: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg276",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +Does your region have an energy efficiency target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalan Water Agency, Forest Property Center of Catalonia and Catalan Office for Climate Change have been carrying out some actions to implement an adaptive forest management in order to be able to monitor production and improvement of the drainage or generation of blue water and therefore, reduce the vulnerability of the hydric system. The monitoring was carried out in the area of Vallcebre (headwaters of the River Llobregat basin) and in La Llacuna (in the recharge area of the Carme-Capellades aquifer). The conclusions of the pilot tests will have to be incorporated during the 2019 in the program of measures of the Plan of management of district of river basin of Catalonia 2022-2027.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Base year: 1990; 1995 for F-gases.LULUCF for base year was not a sink (following methodology changes in 2019 GHGI data, with wetland supplement).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the european Strategi 2020, Italy has to reach in 2020 the share of renewable energy of 17% in total consumpuin. Italian government has establish that marche region has to contribute with a 15,4% of share in 2020.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the digitalization in the transport sector",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy seeks to lay the foundations for the integral management of urban and special solid waste, considering as focal points the improvement of regulations, the provision of adequate infrastructure for the collection, management, and final disposal of waste; as well as policies for the revaluation of waste and the promotion of a responsible culture of consumption, which help to reduce the environmental footprint of the State.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets)and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Includes all LULUCF activityExcludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Inter- basin transfers, with with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Amazonas. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Some funds that were being earmarked for the environment had to be reallocated to health, so programmed actions to combat fires and deforestation were postponed.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,An increment of the cost of water is expected related to the increase cost of water treatment and infrastructure need toextract this resource from the aquifer.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Regional projections show a non-significant reduction of -6.8% for the period 2031-2050. Also it shows important precipitation decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitation reductions.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The agriculture food industry and the livestock industry accounts for 4% of Catalonia's GDP and climate change is the most important challenge facing this sector. Forestry water management cannot be considered separate from the management of land use: both aspects are so intimately linked that land management must be considered from the perspective of water management and vice versa.Global change factors such as depopulation, abandonment of crops, loss of extensive livestock farming and the lack of forestry management only increase our exposure and sensitivity to the impact of climate change and, therefore, our vulnerability.The efficient use of resources, as well as the commitment to a more sustainable and less intensive type of productive model, are the challenges that the industry must assume if it wants to survive the expected changes.The opportunities provided by the process of adaptation to climate change and, by extension, to global change are opportunities for the systems (and region) and must be implemented to ensure the future profitability and viability of these systems (and the region).The active population dedicated to agriculture accounts for only 1.7% of the total active population of Catalonia (first quarter of 2017); an active population that depends on industries linked to the sector in a context with fewer and fewer family farms and more and more industrial farms. Access to land is a bottleneck. Which model should be chosen? A cooperative model in a living region managed with care or a pyramid structure, managed based on macroeconomic criteria dictated by the markets? Both are possible, but each produces opposite results in terms of vulnerability.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas sensitive to floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and define its relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The São Paulo State Government promptly adopted, in mid March, the WHO instructions and protocols in an attempt to minimize the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, housing conditions in large urban centers and divergences with the conducts preached by the Federal Government made it difficult to apply sanitary isolation measures.There is great collaboration from the private sector, which has helped to alleviate the situation. There is no shortage of hospital spaces and respirators in the state, although some regions are experiencing overcrowding.",1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The figures are part of public statistic, derived from the national IPCC-reporting, but when they are regionalised they also are recalculated from time to time, while the historic figures might be slightly changed. The accurary in the figures, when regionalised, might differ between topics .",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of -no ETS sectors- by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26% by 2030 ( no ETS sectors), respect to year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"There are 9 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"In general, water availability will decrease. Climate change will reduce river discharge, subterranean recharge and modify the chemical processes in it. The Third Catalan Report Climate Change indicates reduction up to 15% of flow contributions in the rivers by the year 2040 and reductions of 28% by 2070.Also, Life Medacc project presents the evaluation of the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the water basins of Ter, Segre and Muga. Reductions flows during the first half of the 21st century will be a fact. In 2050 a decrease of the flow is expected between 9.5-32% in the headwaters and between 12.3-36% in the river mouth (compared to the period 2002-2011). The Ter basin shows the highest flow reductions, both in headland as in the mouth. Significant reductions are also important at the mouth of the Muga. The Segre basin presents a different hydrological behavior, with higher reductions in the headwaters than in the mouth.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"According to last data available, base year emissions are 41,577,731 metric tonnes CO2e2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Being an island state, we are the first ones affected by the effects of climate change",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,National plan for adapting hydroelectriv power to modern terms. The county administrative boards are collabarating with different stakeholders to find solutions that are beneficial for both the water environment and hydropower plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,this is a step that is progressing at the level of the community,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","This document provides a report on a revised national strategy for implementation of formal protection of forests. The term “formal protection” comprises nature reserves, habitat protection areas and nature conservation agreements. The national strategy targets county administrative boards among others.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,"Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Increased vulnerability of human settlements located in the coastal zone. Increased vulnerability of Yucatan municipalities with high percentages of population in conditions of poverty and marginalization. Among the most vulnerable municipalities identified in the State are Xocchel, Tunkas, Opichen, Santa Elena, Kaua, Chapab, Chacsinkin, Mani and Kopoma.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with more frequency and intensity, which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that, can affect the population, maritime transportation and air transport",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Projects are set up On the territory, led by local authorities",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with others to support and scale up pilots, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The effective process for implementing the Strategy will be headed by three bodies:- The General Directorate responsible for natural heritage and biodiversity, which is responsible to promote the development of the Strategy;- The Monitoring Commission, with a mixed composition, with follow-up, validation functions and advice,- Coordinating table between the departments responsible for natural heritage andbiodiversity, agriculture, livestock, fishing, forests, hunting and rural development.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,this decline is due to the social movement that hit the island. There was a significant decrease in emissions,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Increase renewables to 9.30% by 2018 of region-wide enegy productionNine private investment projects in Renewable Energy will be implemented in Yucatan State with a capacity of 1,818,623 MwHr/year.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is a general (not quantitative) objective on energy efficiency and some regional funds are allocated to reach this goal; the overal management of energy is not under control of regional administration,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The Marche Region participates in the national technical table for the adoption of measures for the purpose of reducing emissions to improve air quality,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The State of São, through the Secretariat of Infrastructure and the Environment, is a member of ABEMA - Brazilian Association of State Environmental Entities, which promotes cooperation and permanent exchange among its members, at the state level.Within the scope of the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, the ""ProgramaVerdeAzul - PMVA"" , launched in 2007, has the purpose of stimulating and assisting São Paulo city halls in the elaboration and execution of their strategic public policies for the sustainable development of the state of São Paulo.There are ten guidelines for the local environmental agenda: Sustainable Municipality, Structure and Environmental Education, Environmental Council, Biodiversity, Water Management, Air Quality, Land Use, Urban Forestry, Treated Sewer and Solid Waste.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The State Development Plan of Yucatan 2018-2024, is the governance instrument of this administration, which is based on the international principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is part of the 2030 agenda",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and currently has 155 involved organisations http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/acords_voluntaris/index.html.The Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In Mexico there is the National Environmental Audit Plan, which is a voluntary mechanism that allows companies to have a certificate of clean industry, environmental quality or tourist environmental quality. This certificate is granted by the federal attorney for environmental protection. In Yucatan there is a large number of companies that have some kind of certificate.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The State promote in 2019 a Concurrent Program to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers for the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction, among other concepts. The Concurrency Program with the Entities was implementedStates to increase productivity in the units ofagricultural production of the State of Yucatan, through the delivery ofeconomic resources to producers so that they can implementprojects that contemplate the acquisition of agricultural machinery,equipment, irrigation systems, vegetative material, as well asconstruction of infrastructure for primary production, postproduction or value addition, among other concepts.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent office space.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,It will be strenghtened by the Energy Center and the Energy pilot roadmap .,1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",There is an increase of CDD index (maximum number of consecutive days in a year with less than 1.0 mm precipitation) from 0.6 to 0.7 days/decade since the beginning of the century XX. The trends for the period 2011-2040 indicates an increase of 25% of length dry days and will affect all the regions for the period 2071-2100.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of UrbanDevelopment and Environment is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The uncertainties of the quantified emissions by sector were measured, which are the following:-Energy (no value) -Industrial processes: 28.68% -Agriculture: 27.20%-Waste: 47.87 %",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"total emissions (inkluding ETS) there is no regional Emission projection available for 2050Excluding ETS:2005: 13,030,0002010: 12,000,0002018: 11,389,0002030: 8,339,0002050: not available jet",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we do not have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is a multi-year work plan that describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.Similar with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GEH emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/incorporacio_avaluacio_ambiental/http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/redueix_emissions/com-calcular-emissions-de-geh/The environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 82 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with more frequency and intensity, which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that, can affect the population, maritime transportation and air transport",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The plan is a startegic document where we select areas for protection. We involve different forestry related stakeholders when implementing the plan.,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"here are awareness campaigns that are already in place, but infrastructure put in place are insufficient",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We are working with government to help deal with climate change and introduce increase opportunities in rural areas. This has yielded result as currently there is planting for food and jobs project being rolled out by the government of Ghana.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",We collect data using both field field surveys and remote sensing,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The figure given is the total woodland loss within the observation period 2016/17 within the natural forest area in Wales. As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" theincreased frequency of extreme climate eventssuch as tropical storms, hurricanes, at medium term would considerably affect the resilience capacity of the Stateaffecting the development of economic activities,causing damages in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others. The vulnerability to thisparticular impact is increased by the geographic position of Yucatan; there is an historical affluence of Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms. According tothe National Commission of Water and the National Meteorology Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38affecting directly Yucatan State.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Have you conducted an environmental assessment of the effects of your region-wide SLCPs?,"In the context of the local resources used are biomass consumption is as follows (bagasse 80.6 GWh, Biogas: 4.3GWh, Bioethanol: 0.6GWh) to I want to clarify that at the solar level, there is a photovoltaic consumption of 21.8 GHW and thermal sun is 23.7 GWh.Regarding imported fossil resources, we have a consumption, gasoline of 109 GWh, diesel: 404.6 GWh, heavy fuel oil of 153.3 GWh, carburettor: 215.3 GWh, Butane gas is 19.1 GWh and the coal is 355.8 GWh.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,no more installations at present due to grid limitation and protection of bird life,1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","There is no priority or resources to develop this inventory, besides the availability of reliable and detailed data. There is a calculation of CO2 emissions in the State's energy balance, but according with the total consumption of energy in the public sector.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Promote connectivityagro-livestock systems andthese with the consumer generating theagricultural production that is requiredby the consumer with the maximumof efficiency (avoiding surplusesand waste),0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Actions to increase resilience to climate change.• Training programs regarding health risks from climate change and counter measurements,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Control invasive species (physical measures) and make demands on others to also take action against invasive species.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Official population projection of Papua released by Indonesia National Statistics Bureau is available for the period up to 2035 (4,144,600 population)",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The state has a project of rehabilitation of hydrological flow in wetlands. the project sought to solve the identified problem that consisted in the inadequate water flow caused by the stagnation of water in the wetlands area by altering the gaseous exchange of the radicle and the sediments, causing the accumulation of toxins and salts favoring sedimentation and variations in the temperature of the site causing affectations to the mangrove of the zone.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"Given its geographical location, Yucatan has a very high risk due to the influx of tropical storms and Atlantic hurricanes. In turn, its plain topography makes this area ofhigh risk not only to the effect of storm surges but also to sea level rise, with potential damages to the human settlements that are located in it. During the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food oversees policies on agriculture and Catalan farming. Improving institutional capacity of farmer and rural organizations is a common objective of the Ministry trough different mechanisms such as LEADER methodology taken by Local Action Groups (GAL) in rural territories, grant management, specific pilot projects, etc",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,This has been achieved though the Food Waste Treatment Procurement Programme.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, practices to promote circular economy are implemented. In most of the islands there has been organized awareness actions related to circular economy.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Water services coverage map shows:1. inadequate facilities2. Pollution management3. Limited supply coverage in both cities and rural areas (3% with safe water on premises )4. Readiness to buy good quality drinking water Note: The water costing was done by looking at the deficit or gap in service coverage, and the unit cost of water technology (ies) required to meet demand",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Welsh Government published its latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales, in 2019. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way. The new plan seeks to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's CCRA evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The statistical and cartographic information products of the Satellite Forest Monitoring System (SAMOF) are part of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme at the national level of the National REDD + Strategy.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Among the actions planned by the Regional Government in the PRDC updated to 2015 are: implement the regional strategy of water resources, promotion of planting and harvesting of water, protect water sources to ensure the availability of water resources, water reinforcement in headwaters of basins and sub-basins, promote and promote the functioning of the basin councils, monitoring the quality and quantity of water in the main basins, formulate and implement a capacity building program on integrated management of water resources, carry out works of riparian defenses through reforestation and other forms of protection of natural water resources.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,1. Establishment of compulsory measures to adapt public and private infrastructure to climate change2. Inclusion of risk criteria in urban infrastructure projects in the coastal zone.3. Restoration and protection of coastal dunes and wetlands,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The State goverment implemented in 2019 a Program to increase the acquisition of Agricultural Insurance with local producers. A valuable business risk management tool that provides financial protection against production losses caused by natural perils, such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, and frost. Providing covarage for 112,996 hectares of local crops with an investment of 23 million pesos.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The 1990-2019 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2021 (BEIS, 2021) as UK national statistics.https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2019;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2019 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Vulnerability of infrastructure related to water supply and waste water treatment to the impacts of extrememeteorological events. Low coverage of infrastructure totreat waste water threats the water quality of the region.Increment of cost of maintenance of water supply infrastructure due tu environmental conditions of the coastal zone.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Catalan Office for Climate Change and Coastal Management Service are making the preliminary work and governance to develop an integral coastal plan that contains an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the beaches of Catalonia and identify what measures to take to avoid risks and order the uses of the area in accordance with the future scenarios of sea level rise.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Redes InternacionaisThe Climate Group - membro desde 2011:.CDP.R20.Nrg4SD.Future FundRegions4 – Sustainable Development - membro fundador, desde 2002:.Regions for Biodiversity Learning Platform – R4BLP.RegionsAdapt.Objetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainabilityhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/simaglobal/redes-internacionais/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Climate change and heat waves affect the health of the most vulnerable people, especially children, old people or with chronic diseases.In fact, public health and emergency services registered during the summer of 2018 an increase in the number of cases of deaths and medical risk situations of vulnerable people caused by heatwaves.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"advisory programmes, subsidies for building insulation and heating systems based on renewables, strong building standards for new buildings and as well for renovation",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Local communities are aware of the need to develop this initiative,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Negative health impacts or increased number of deaths due to heat-waves, especially to vulnerable groups.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,One of the Yucatan power plants has a 500 MW + capacity and is a combined cycle plant of dual fuel natural gas and diesel facility.The plant sells electricity to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and generates approximately 40 percent of the electricity in the Yucatan Peninsula and is one of the most reliable power plants in the country.,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The State of São Paulo has general characteristics of a tropical high altitude climate (Planalto), some regions defined as a rainier climate (Litoral) and others that fit in a subtropical climate (Mountainous Area). This identifies the State with a humid and hot summer climate, dry winter on the plateau and winter with good rainfall on the coast.Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain.The meteorological network of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply coordinates meteorological and agrometeorological monitoring and public access to this network is over 7,000 / day, indicating the great demand for meteorological and agrometeorological information by society. Website: www.ciiagro.org.br",1 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,The strategy presents the County Administrative Board of Kronoberg´s and the Swedish Forest Agency´s mutual work with formal protection of forests within the region.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Control invasive species (physical measures) and make demands on others to also take action against invasive species.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Under Welsh legislation , Ministers must prepare a final statement for each budgetary period, and lay the statement before the National Assembly for Wales.In addition Welsh emissions are reported annually through the production of the national greenhouse gas inventory. Emissions reports are produced approximately 18 months after the close of the relevant emissions year.Welsh legislation also introduces a role for our statutory advisors, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), to review and report on progress made in Wales towards our statutory emission reduction targets.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Low data quality on transport emissions from procured transports and fuel consumption in the region's own vehicle fleet.,1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Pathway will be modelled while updating the roadmap to carbon neutral region 2035 by 12/2020. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 by cutting emmissions 80 prosent and compensating the rest of emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Many swine farms produce biogas from the sludge generated by its 21 motor generators that it has in Yucatan.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon-neutral by 2035. Many of the local authorities in the Region have already set the goal of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2035 or earlier. The Regional Council is working together with cities and municipalities to complete a roadmap to Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa Region in 2035. Through this process we seek to support local mitigation activities.Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has signed Covenant of Mayors territorial coordinators' commitment statement and is so ready to endorse and support the local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy and climate policies.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobitily; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's net zero public sector ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The masses of ice and snow in the upper reaches of the western Catalan Pyrenees have been analysed in detail based on images and photographs taken since 1980. The conclusion is that no glacier is visible anywhere in Catalonia, and we can only guess at the existence of a rocky glacier in the Besiberri Massif in L’Alta Ribagorça.On the Aneto-Maladeta Massif, the thirteen glaciers catalogued in 2008 had fallen to eleven by the end of 2014, and they had all declined in thickness and area. This has led to their fragmentation, and in some areas they are now catalogued as firns or residual glaciers. If as expected this trend continues, the glaciers closest to Catalonia will continue to deteriorate and eventually disappear.Also, the report “Climate change in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation” indicates that the series of data from the network of beacons on the south side Pyrenees indicate a statistically significant decrease in snow cover in this sector from 1950 to the present (1.800m).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The State Development Plan of Yucatan 2018-2024, is the governance instrument of this administration, which is based on the international principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is part of the 2030 agenda",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Welsh Government published a Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2010. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way.Following the publication of the UK Government's Climate Change Risk Assessment, and the associated Evidence Report by the UK Committee on Climate Change (UKCCC), Welsh Government has committed to publishing a revised Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2018. The revised plan with seek to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country,",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The agriculture food industry and the livestock industry accounts for 4% of Catalonia's GDP and climate change is the most important challenge facing this sector. Forestry water management cannot be considered separate from the management of land use: both aspects are so intimately linked that land management must be considered from the perspective of water management and vice versa.Global change factors such as depopulation, abandonment of crops, loss of extensive livestock farming and the lack of forestry management only increase our exposure and sensitivity to the impact of climate change and, therefore, our vulnerability.The efficient use of resources, as well as the commitment to a more sustainable and less intensive type of productive model, are the challenges that the industry must assume if it wants to survive the expected changes.The opportunities provided by the process of adaptation to climate change and, by extension, to global change are opportunities for the systems (and region) and must be implemented to ensure the future profitability and viability of these systems (and the region).The active population dedicated to agriculture accounts for only 1.7% of the total active population of Catalonia (first quarter of 2017); an active population that depends on industries linked to the sector in a context with fewer and fewer family farms and more and more industrial farms. Access to land is a bottleneck. Which model should be chosen? A cooperative model in a living region managed with care or a pyramid structure, managed based on macroeconomic criteria dictated by the markets? Both are possible, but each produces opposite results in terms of vulnerability.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government - 'Taking Wales Forward'. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, the upcoming National Development Framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Loss of forest cover in areas of importance for the conservation of carbon reservoirs, caused by the disorderly growth of agricultural activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of solar power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Lower Austria supports communities in the implementation of their GHG emission reduction targets: The Municipal Environmental Service (Umwelt-Gemeinde-Service: a special information hub for municipalities) provides targeted information and tools that are continuously adapted to the municipalities' current needs.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The state government through the Ministry of Health (SSY), implemented in 2019 actions in the field of prevention and attention to health risks, highlighting:• Implementation of the Program for sanitary regulation and surveillance of water quality, through which 52,105 free residual chlorine monitoring was carried out with 320 samples of piped water and 293 samples of water and ice for human consumption. Execution of 509 seawater samplings to determine enterococci; 540 samples of sea water to identify harmful or toxic algal blooming ""Red Tide"" and 195 samples in bodies of fresh water (cenotes) for detection of E. coli to guarantee suitable water conditions for human consumption.• Attention to vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , implementing the Program of prevention and control of vector diseases , wich incorporate vector control interventions based on knowledge of the determinants of pathogen transmission, which utilise a range of insecticide and non–insecticide-based approaches in a locally tailored manner. The Program includes informative workshops with communities (3,185 dengue prevention talks to the population); 8368 entomological studies of triatomines were carried out in localities; 8,439 fumigations to houses infested by triatomes; 60 treatments for Chagas disease were given; 45 treatments were given to leishmaniosis patients; 46,605 blood tests were carried out on the population and 365 treatments for the elimination of positive Anopheles fly hatchery.• Implementation of the Health Surveillance, Regulation and Control Program, in collaboration with the International Health Coordination in order to prevent, detect, control and follow up on diseases subject to international epidemiological surveillance. In the reporting period, 1,808 means of transportation were reviewed, between ships and international planes; 209 certificates of health of epidemiological risk were issued to undocumented insured and 229 certificates of protection against health risks and promotion of health; 2,186,966 health surveillance and control inspections were carried out on international and national travelers suspected of having any of the diseases of the International Health Regulations.",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,We work with the biocultural inter-municipal board (JIBIOPUUC) which integrates seven municipalities that represent the best preserved areas of the state. We work together to implement the REDD+ State Strategy.,0 +"Please explain why your region does not have a region-wide emissions inventory to report and detail your plans to report one in the future, if any.","We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please complete the table below.,"August 2018 began with record values of temperature and electric demand in Spain as a result of the heat wave that has been experienced.This increase in demand, coupled with the rise in prices of fuels used for electric generation and a lower wind production, has led to the prices market also reaching record levels.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,eg. 1. Introduction of improved cook stoves2. Introduction of improved carbonization technologies,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Targets are:Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Environmental permits covering, for example, drainage, water abstraction, some aspects of pollution from machinery and mining waste are also required and these are issued by Natural Resources Wales. Licenses with regard to protected species may also be required and these would also be considered by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government / Natural Resources Wales / Mineral Planning Authorities / Regional Mineral Planning Groups",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,there is a study that is going on to evaluate the implementation of this kind of dispostif,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Changes in rain regimes can cause changes in the productivity of coffee and cocoa produced in the Amazon.,0 +"Do you measure your region-wide SLCPs (i.e. black carbon, CH4, O3, HFCs)? If so, please report the SLCPs measured and whether an environmental assessment of the effects of these SLCPs has been conducted.","Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" theincreased frequency of extreme climate eventssuch as tropical storms, hurricanes, at medium term would considerably affect the resilience capacity of the Stateaffecting the development of economic activities,causing damages in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others. The vulnerability to thisparticular impact is increased by the geographic position of Yucatan; there is an historical affluence of Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms. According tothe National Commission of Water and the National Meteorology Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38affecting directly Yucatan State.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,The Region supports companies in several actions and experiences an energy management program with a dozen companies,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",1 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"There have been several awareness campaignsto encourage the use of public transport, and alsofor efficient driving modes",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2018.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Consumers worldwide want assurance that food and drink is safe to consume, yet there are worldwide examples food fraud. Potential for food fraud is partly linked to food production being a global enterprise, a significant feature of international trade, and so vulnerable to systematic shocks (such as storms) or long term changes (such as drought, loss of soil fertility, population growth and migration, war). Systemic shocks are forecast to increase in frequency and intensity because of climate change. The Welsh Government and Food and Drink Wales Industry Board are developing strong brand values for Welsh food and drink, placing quality of the product centre place. Developing a reputation for quality, with production underpinned by rigorous regulations (upheld by Trading Standards, the Food Standards Agency – Wales, and industry accreditation schemes), will help Wales’ industry stand out and build market advantage. The Welsh Government and the FDWIB support businesses across Wales in a variety of ways to become more productive, to develop new products, and to connect them with new customers. A focus on ‘business clusters’ is helping create synergies in the supply chain, making those supply chains more sustainable.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,There are risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather in Wales. There are currently 10 hospitals and 45 care homes in Wales that are located in areas at a 1-in-200 chance of flooding or greater in any given year,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Welsh Government is committed to a carbon neutral Welsh Public Sector by 2030. The operations of the Welsh Government are included within this commitment, together with the Public Bodies delivering services on our behalf including local government, NHS Wales, Natural Resources Wales, the National Park Authorities, Fire and Rescue Authorities, The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, The Arts Council of Wales, Sports Council of Wales, National Library of Wales and National Museum of Wales.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2017",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 100% renewable in electric system by 2050 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, our planning framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"In the medium term, the expected increase ofthe temperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism and health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent office space.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Source current 2017 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midia/2018/02/PIB_Trim_4_2017.pdfThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",The project was develop with local capacities and supported by the academic sector of the region,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Private sectors are not extensively involved in identification of development plans. However in meeting the targets provincial government should collaborate with private sector.Majority of emissions in Papua come from deforestation and land use change for agriculture (plantation). Targets in AFOLU sector mainly are optimization of agriculture productivity, establishment of forest management unit to improve forest governance and improvement of spatial planning and land development. Existing challenge is a bottlenecked communication with timber industry and concession holders on emission reductions and improvement of carbon sinks.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Sectors such as fishing, skiing or beach tourism will be affected current patterns.Water demands for irrigation in the order of 5% will increase, as a result of greater evapotranspiration.Lack of water availability will decrease from generalized way the provisions and guarantees in the irrigation if it is not compensates with the maximum modernization and efficiency and the use of new resources, such as reuseof regenerated waters.Decrease in more than 20% of hydroelectric production.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"This topic is more vaguely described in the present master plan, but is described more detailed in the Roadmap for sustainable energy, mentioned above. The master plan points out the value and necessity of cooperation with energy actors in sustainable power production on Gotland, where wind power is seen as the future main source to renewable power production on Gotland, but where biogas and wooden biofuels also are important large local resources for renewables.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The impact of climate change in rural areas would produce a migration and abandonment of their land to the cities, producing a socio-economic problem for rural communities due to lack of preparation and survival in large cities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state has a project of rehabilitation of hydrological flow in wetlands. the project sought to solve the identified problem that consisted in the inadequate water flow caused by the stagnation of water in the wetlands area by altering the gaseous exchange of the radicle and the sediments, causing the accumulation of toxins and salts favoring sedimentation and variations in the temperature of the site causing affectations to the mangrove of the zone.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Advice through Farming Connect. Farming Connect’s DemonstrationNetwork delivers a number of on-farm projects and trials looking at improving land management practices and grazing systems which can help to reduce emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Carbon footprint calculation in development. partially finished (Environmet Directorate carbon footprint).,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Amazon region has increased from 2014 to 2017, 0.6 degrees Celsius and therefore there has been an increase in precipitation that clearly registered that in 2014 and 2015 there was a time with low rainfall increased on sunny days, but in the year 2016 and 2017 there was an increase in rainfall which caused road emergency states during those years.We find an average CO2 of 445 ppm above the average that is 410 ppm.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,PRAC establishes mitigation measures and the program is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"A Climate Territorial Energy Plan (PCAET) is a territorial project for sustainable development that aims to combat climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and adopted by the Grenelle laws, and the energy transition law for green growth, it is a commitment framework for the territory.The PCAET has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reducing the vulnerability of the territory.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A delivery plan for the climate change strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Under scenario A2, there is an expected reduction in annual precipitation of between 5% and 15% by 2050. The northern region of the state would be particularly affected. The sectors most vulnerable to this impact are associated with water supply, biodiversity and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The program, drawn up by the State, the region, the ADEME and EDF includes 58 energy saving actions for Reunionese financed by the ""Public Service Charges for Energy"" representing a total of 160 M € Fixed For 5 years from 2019 to 2023, this ambitious program should save by 2023, 318 GWh / year of energy and avoid 240000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the city's emissions of 100,000 inhabitants. The most modest households will seeproposes 68M € over the period 2019-2023.The control of the energy demand is a major lever of the energy transition in Reunion.The program validated by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) is a structuring tool forto enable the territory to fulfill the ambitions that will be The Future Multiannual programming of Energy(PPE). Developed for the next 10 years, this PPE will be part of the objective set by law on the Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV) of 17 August 2015: ""achieve autonomy in the overseas departments by 2030",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Research is being carried out to produce biodiesel in Yucatan through academic institutions and research centers in Yucatan.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","There will be less snow available in the mountain areas, mostly due to temperature increase. Precipitation patterns are more uncertain. The snow precipitation data for the period 1950-2010 has been studied by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) and indicates that the tendency in the last 50 years is negative, of the order of 28 mm per decade, but it is observed a great interannual variability: in the last two or three decades the dry years have predominated, but with some rainy years. Regarding territorial contrasts, the decrease in annual rainfall is higher on the south slope than on the north slope, but the differences are not important.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,For example with other EU iislands in the EC Commissions initiative Clean Energy for EU Islands as well as with other Swediash regions in the Pilot Project.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Inter basin transfers, increasing the resilience of the water supply system.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock mightaffect productivity and food security.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,At the moment we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have na emissions inventory for the government,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The SEEG 5.0 estimates cover GHG emissions from 1970 to 2016 for all sectors, with the exception of land use change, covering the period 1990 to 2016. The methodological basis of the SEEG estimations is the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) and other emissions as HFCs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The GHG inventory of Yucatán was reviewed by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we do not have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of UrbanDevelopment and Environment is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula",0 +"Please explain why your region does not have a region-wide emissions inventory to report and detail your plans to report one in the future, if any.","Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the recovery of marine habitats, considering the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the digitalization in the transport sector",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that, in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles, that will increase the electric mobility.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"The state government through the Ministry of Health (SSY), implemented in 2019 actions in the field of prevention and attention to health risks, highlighting:• Implementation of the Program for sanitary regulation and surveillance of water quality, through which 52,105 free residual chlorine monitoring was carried out with 320 samples of piped water and 293 samples of water and ice for human consumption. Execution of 509 seawater samplings to determine enterococci; 540 samples of sea water to identify harmful or toxic algal blooming ""Red Tide"" and 195 samples in bodies of fresh water (cenotes) for detection of E. coli to guarantee suitable water conditions for human consumption.• Attention to vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , implementing the Program of prevention and control of vector diseases , wich incorporate vector control interventions based on knowledge of the determinants of pathogen transmission, which utilise a range of insecticide and non–insecticide-based approaches in a locally tailored manner. The Program includes informative workshops with communities (3,185 dengue prevention talks to the population); 8368 entomological studies of triatomines were carried out in localities; 8,439 fumigations to houses infested by triatomes; 60 treatments for Chagas disease were given; 45 treatments were given to leishmaniosis patients; 46,605 blood tests were carried out on the population and 365 treatments for the elimination of positive Anopheles fly hatchery.• Implementation of the Health Surveillance, Regulation and Control Program, in collaboration with the International Health Coordination in order to prevent, detect, control and follow up on diseases subject to international epidemiological surveillance. In the reporting period, 1,808 means of transportation were reviewed, between ships and international planes; 209 certificates of health of epidemiological risk were issued to undocumented insured and 229 certificates of protection against health risks and promotion of health; 2,186,966 health surveillance and control inspections were carried out on international and national travelers suspected of having any of the diseases of the International Health Regulations.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the optimization of the public transport services and considering zero-emission passenger vehicles",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Increase of sea level of 2mm per year in the period 1945-1999,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","No, other than for pollutants covered in national green house gas inventory. For pollutants affecting air quality a reduction plan is only needed if national limits are exceeded.",0 +Please complete the table below.,We are working with University of Energy and Natural Resources to help with constant weather information to guide the farmers in their farming activities.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2019.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,An increment of the cost of water is expected related to the increase cost of water treatment and infrastructure need toextract this resource from the aquifer.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Following a transfer of competence, the Region has developed a waste plan which will be approved soon.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018 table 1.2(Source: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg 10),0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",1 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,It is planned to install biomass power in 2 islands (Pico and São Miguel) that is private investment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Voluntary program of compensation of GHG emissions: addressed to social entities which are developing actions on improving their facilities or vehicles that has affected a reduction in energy consumption or waste of resources.The total cost of the program is a per year cost.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Azorean electric company is the responsible for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality of renewable energy",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is expected that occur more intense rainfall can cause that will affect the population and land use,0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There are awareness raising campaings and educational programmes on separate collection andrecycling. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/sensibilitzacio/index.html,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",One of the highest in the world. Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The figure given is the total woodland loss within the observation period 2016/17 within the natural forest area in Wales. As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The “Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy” established by the state government in 2019 contemplates the implementation of actions that contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste per capita, considering responsible consumption, the implementation of a regulation for the elimination of single-use plastics, straws and polystyrene, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The region supports the local authorities to renovate the public battles, within the framework of the European funds",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",1 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment has highlighted 7 risks to which threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in Wales. The assessment has shown that current adaptation actions in the region mean we are prepared for all but three of the risks. Those of concern are:• Risks to business sites from flooding. Flooding poses risks to assets (flood damage), and human resource (e.g. access to work). Higher risk of impact to business and communities on the coast. Risk of disruption due to infrastructure disruption, including energy and ICT. Flooding risk expected to increase over coming decades.• Risks to businesses from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure. Greater risk of flooding and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. Risk of viability to coastal communities may increase.Potential impact on maritime logistics and infrastructure - particular risk to industries such as chemical manufacturing, oil, gas and tourism.• Risks to businesses from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.Increased risk of travel disruption leading to reduced worker productivity. Increased risk of school closures leading to reduced worker productivity. Risk is greater for smaller businesses, particularly in remote areas. Risk of reduced productivity from extended warm periods. Risk of heat stress to outdoor-working heavy manual labour resources. Risk of thermal discomfort to staff working in older offices.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,private dinking water supply systems during periods with low precipitation in some Regions in Upper Austria,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections.",1 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,comprehensive implementation in some areas - is becoming more and more important,1 +Does your region have an energy efficiency target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"National reporting system. The confidence of the source of statistics is high (the national emission reporting) but one source to differences is the fact that the IPCC – reporting seem to involve a general RE factor for industrial combustion of rest products, while for examples industries reporting to the EU -ETS scheme use a more detailed system to report CO2 from their different kind of fuels. As industrial fuels of that kind counts for around 40 % of the energy use on Gotland (due to the cement industry), there are every year a gap in the emission reported for Gotland according to the IPCC –emission factors and industrial emissions reported according to the EU-ETS emission factors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The forts area is currently slightly decreasing, BUT the annual forets growth is almost double the volume of the annual harvest from the forest.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Establish work methodologies for the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas to intervene, in addition to socializing the results achieved with the monitoring of natural resources, to establish environmental education programs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Granting subsidies for implementing mitigation measures in municipalitas using eficiency heating technologies in public buildings, and insolation improvement.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Lack of tools and methodologies to measure SLCPs and inform plans,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The biogas from MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) is collected and generates electricity,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The Bonn Challenge is about an effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Welsh Government do have something to contribute to this even if we are not directly signed up to the challenge we are contributing to the delivery under the Convention on Biological Diversity’s target in relation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Implementation of the Yucatan Zero strategyWaste, with actions reported in 2019:1) Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation: in the Urban Metropolitan Area of ​​Mérida, as well as the 13 municipalities that make up the recharge area of ​​the Ring of Cenotes Geohydrological State Reserve.2) Strengthening of Solid Waste Regulations: modification of the Waste Management Law in the State of Yucatan through Decree 80/2019 in order to give legal support to the regulation of single-use plastics as straws , carry bags and unicel waste.3) Participation and cooperation: through workshops regarding education, culture and environment; innovation, research and technological development; complementary normative and regulatory instruments; and, lastly, mechanisms for the reduction and recycling of single-use plastics.In the same way, supervision actions were carried out in 49 municipalities that consisted of identifying open-air dumps, delivery of cans for the disposal of urban solid waste in public spaces, supervision of the collection and cleaning systems of public shools.Advice was provided to 38 municipalities for the correct operation of the Final Disposal Site (SDF) and 11 municipalities were trained in the correct management of urban solid waste and special management.60 beach cleaning actions were carried out with the participation of 10,048 volunteers. As a result, 72,590 kg of waste were removed in mangrove areas, 44,000 kg in beach areas and 481,000 kg on roads and highways in the coastal zone.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In the medium term, the expected increase ofthe temperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism and health.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" atmedium term, the expected increment oftemperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"""Region Gotland and the county administration has, together and in broad cooperation with the industry and relevant organizations, developed and adopted of a regional strategy for food and food industries on the island. The strategy, decided by the end of 2016, will be the fundament for Gotland's position to grow even much stronger until 2025. Since 2017, there is also a national food strategy for the regional development to be linked with. During 2017, the interacting actors developed an action plan for the regional food and food production strategy. The action plan is a living document, due to be updated every year. Formally the strategy and action plan are managed by Region Gotland and the county administration together. In the actual implementation, however, it’s very important that the business community, academia and other knowledge-bearing agents, as well as the public sector work together. It is therefore important that the business community and others are aware of and benefit from the joint work that already has been done.During 2017-2019 one person is contracted to coordinate and support the implementation, located on the “Gotland Green Centre, where many other services for agro-business are located. The funding is national, by the business package “Sustainable Gotland."" (Translated from https://www.gotland.se/97120). But the weather extremes last year with a very rainy autumn and winter season followed by a severe summer draught this season has resulted in a need to update the strategy. A winter with a very limited supply of animal fodder is now upcoming, that can cause a reduced live stock for future years, then causing reduced future activity in food industry. Further the need for improved water management in the landscape and enlarged water storage and irrigation capacity for the agriculture has become obvious. That can result in new jobs and economic activity in those sectors, provided that there will be economic capacity enough in the agriculture and/or the society to manage to carry out the necessary investments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The government implemented actions to promote public and private investments in sustainable energy projects.The operation of four projects began with an installed capacity of 210 megawatts (MW), that can provide energy of up to 450,000 homes .Dzilam de Bravo wind farm, with a total investment of 140 million dollars, with a total capacity of 70 MW and formed by 28 wind turbines.• San Ignacio photovoltaic park, with a total investment of $ 27 million and a total capacity of 18MW.• Central Lázaro Cárdenas photovoltaic park in the municipality of Peto, with a total investment of 38 million dollars and a total capacity of 38 MW.• Tizimín Wind Farm, with an investment of 154 million dollars and a total capacity of 84 MWFinally, the Mérida IV Combined Cycle Power Plant project and the installation of the transmission line are under construction.Malpaso in Ticul.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Targets are: Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested. Called ""Geobags"", the submerged barrier with 49 bags (geotextile bag) was placed in the shape of L. The structure perpendicular to the beach, of 275 meters, has the function of reducing the energy of the waves. The structure parallel to the beach, 240 meters long, aims to help store sand. The bags installed in 2017 produced results mitigating the effects of a tide peak never before recorded in the City, in July 2019, of 2.48 meters. They are part of a pilot project which results will be monitored over the next 3 years.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Promote reduction of the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Waste policies in Catalonia promote separate collection of all waste types, reaching levels of 40% ofmunicipal waste. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/recollida_selectiva/",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Define investment priorities in mitigation by assessing the strategic value and opportunity cost, from the perspective of adaptation",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital stutures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Since declaring the climate emergency in April last year, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increment of demand of health services caused by negative impacts in public health related to declining in water quality, increment of water related infectiousdiseases. Widespread of vector-born diseases such as dengue",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,There are risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather in Wales. There are currently 10 hospitals and 45 care homes in Wales that are located in areas at a 1-in-200 chance of flooding or greater in any given year,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"At this moment, we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have an emissions inventory for the government",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Welsh Government Marine Plan established an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Azorean electricy company have a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,We create water protection areas and make restrictions for diffent areas to ensure good water quality.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"During 2014, as part of National Program of Rural Electrification, photovoltaic system was installed in 2,115 localities in all the provinces of the Amazonas, through the installation of 17,897 solar panels.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Regional Consil has set up a SLIME device to help families in precarious situations to perform an energetic diagnosis and provide them with kits to save energy,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","In principal, climate change and economic development are deeply intertwined. Social and economic activities generate GHG emissions to cause climate change, while climate change also have a serious impacts to socio-economic conditions. This situation to a certain level is tough for Papua. The province can not avoid economic activities resulting changes in land use and consumption of energy as Papua currently needs to grow. Development of renewable energy plants is expected to answer the issue because economic stimulation from development of RE power plant is high enough to support economic growth while the use of renewable energy also constribute to emission reduction.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"In order to improve the equipment and machinery for increase the efficiency of water transport and treatment. The government will developed in the period 2018-2024 a project for the detection of leaks in the drinking water distribution network, as well as the supply and installation of micro-meters and macro-meters, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" .The Program establishes annual goals, which are measured in March. Exceptionally in 2018,due to the change in the management of the State Government, the target of 10,000 ha was set for Decemberunder restoration, with an indicative of 12,000 ha for March 2019. Both goals were achieved beforeof the term, with 2018 ending with 13,070 ha under restoration. The next target is 20,000 haunder restoration in March 2020.It is important to note that the Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs,State, Hydrographic Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs.This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for politics of public catering.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",1. Encouragement of improved carbonization investments2. Encouragement of improved cook stove investments,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The following points reflect the headlines of the energy strategy in Energy 2020.• Dedicated plan for a society close to zero emissions of climate gases• Identify and support key actors in production of electricity, heat and transport fuels from renewable energy sources• Reduce the energy needs of buildings and choose energy effective technology • Support the analysis, development and implementation of the technology needed for the transition to a sustainable energy system, both for the region as a whole and in the region’s own operations",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The state is a world reference in renewable energies. The participation of these energy sources in the energy matrix of São Paulo was 52% in 2011, especially due to the sugar cane and hydroelectricity products. The state is the world's largest producer of ethanol from sugarcane. The government's goal is to increase - by 2020, based on the year 2010 - the share of renewable energy in the state's internal energy supply to 69%, which includes hydro, solar, wind and waste energy, biomass, biogas, biodiesel and ethanol. Source: Investe SP, 2020. Renewable energy investment guide. Available at https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/uploads/midias/documentos/folder_renewable_energy.pdf",0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,he measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",Data is National Communication (NC) sector Export. This line for International Aviation and shipping has not been included in the national total but is provided here for information.,1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,eg. 1. Introduction of improved cook stoves2. Introduction of improved carbonization technologies,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",1. Establishment of compulsory measures to adapt public and private infrastructure to climate change2. Inclusion of risk criteria in urban infrastructure projects in the coastal zone.3. Restoration and protection of coastal dunes and wetlands,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,New invasive species are replacing the natural species and changing ecosystems.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. http://residus.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/planificacio/precat20/docs/PRECAT20_doc_principal.pdf. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we do not have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"about geothermal energy, there are prospecting studies that are being launched, but there is a Geothermal project that is in sight",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"In January 2021, guidelines for energy efficiency in public buildings of the government of the state of Yucatán were published, with the aim of establishing the bases, technical standards and general provisions that must be implemented to achieve energy efficiency in public buildings of the Government of the Yucatan State.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The LIFE MEDACC project has finished after five years and has analyzed three Catalan river basins: La Muga, El Segre and El Ter.The LIFE MEDACC project has confirmed a reduction in precipitation, especially in summer, with more frequent and intense droughts and more evaporation of water into the atmosphere. The three basins studied have seen how their rivers have reduced the flow, a trend that will continue in the future if measures are not applied.In the case of forests, the tendency for the three basins is similar. During the last decades the surface of forests has increased to the detriment of crops and scrub.In fact, the results show that they are increasingly vulnerable to drought and fires, especially in the Muga. If the trend continues, the forests of the three basins, and of Catalonia in general, will have a higher risk of fire and will be more exposed to droughts, pests and other disturbances. Regarding agriculture, it has been seen that now some crops such as the apple tree begin their activities due to the high temperatures of winter and spring, and see their flowering due to cold weather as well as their fruit quality due to heat stroke. On the other hand, the reduction of precipitation and the greater water demand has caused a decrease in the availability of water, both in quantity and quality, especially accused in the coastal plains of the Muga and Ter.http://medacc-life.eu/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Regional Concil has set up a measure with in the framework of the European program 2014-2020, to support local authorities to reinvigorate public lighting",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is no specific data collection on emissions from government operations.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,The regional policy is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Waste policies in Catalonia promote separate collection of all waste types, reaching levels of 40% ofmunicipal waste. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/recollida_selectiva/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Catalan Energy Institute promotes energy efficient lighting through an Energy Assessment Program and Energy ServicesCompanies. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/usos_energia/mon_local/edificis/programa_asessorament_energetic/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","In the Marche region, a regional table on forest policy has been set up with Unions of mountain municipalities, University of Forestry and Forests, all stakeholders and associations and institutions involved, for example the guardians of forest and environmental resources.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Government of the State, through the Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, undertook the update of diagnoses of vulnerable coastal human settlements through the collection and generation of statistical information for decision-making regarding urban development and ecological planning of the coastal territory.In this regard, 11 diagnoses and statistical analyzes corresponding to 1,229 homes in risk areas located in 11 towns were updated. benefiting 31 thousand 804 inhabitants of the coastal towns. These studies consist in the identification and census of the houses that are within flood zones, as well as the equipment, services and infrastructure that exists in the area in order to project a housing reordering program and thus reduce the dangers that the conditions can generate in the human settlements that are in them.The Government of the State of Yucatan carried out the ""Social Inclusion Improvement Strategy"", which aims to undertake actions focused on providing basic social infrastructure to the population with low resources and, thereby, raising the quality of life of families. The actions are coordinated by the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol) and implemented by the Institute of Housing of the State of Yucatan (IVEY), through the construction of additional rooms and firm floors. 6,774 additional rooms were carried out, 50,138 ecological stoves, 11,939 firm floors, 56 ceilings, 2,537 housing units and 12,346 bathrooms.",1 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Nowadays, Adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Increased mapping and delimitation of protected areas able to be explored by tourism.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our overarching ambition is to create a fairer, greener, stronger Wales. In response to the pandemic we are determined to leave no-one behind, ensuring a fair transition to a more sustainable future. The Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs published a Written Statement early in the pandemic outlining that we are determined the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic will accelerate, and not deter us from, the transition to a low carbon economy and a healthier, more equal Wales. Throughout the time where possible climate action continued e.g. such as the increase in ambition around our targets and budgets.For the recovery it’s important we look to lock-in some of the positive changes we’ve seen, such as the choice to work from home, the increase in shopping locally, the decrease in traffic, the boost to nature, the reduction in emissions, and the increasing awareness of how important resources are. The previous Counsel General published Covid-19 Reconstruction: Challenges and Priorities in October 2020, following wide engagement with stakeholders and the public about the future vision for Wales emerging from the pandemic. The document is clear the green recovery will be at the heart of our approach to reconstruction.Coronavirus reconstruction: challenges and priorities | GOV.WALES",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,The local governments are identified to implementation of some measures that are of its responsability.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"A new plan were recently installed at the closed down landfill in Visby, The old one were in use since th 80's and delivered fuel to the district heating.Now landfill gas is a limited/ declining energy resource , due to ban of biowaste to landfill.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In general, water availability will decrease. Climate change will reduce river discharge, subterranean recharge and modify the chemical processes in it. The Third Catalan Report Climate Change indicates reduction up to 15% of flow contributions in the rivers by the year 2040 and reductions of 28% by 2070.Also, Life Medacc project presents the evaluation of the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the water basins of Ter, Segre and Muga. Reductions flows during the first half of the 21st century will be a fact. In 2050 a decrease of the flow is expected between 9.5-32% in the headwaters and between 12.3-36% in the river mouth (compared to the period 2002-2011). The Ter basin shows the highest flow reductions, both in headland as in the mouth. Significant reductions are also important at the mouth of the Muga. The Segre basin presents a different hydrological behavior, with higher reductions in the headwaters than in the mouth.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the Regional Program for Climate Change (PRAC) projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional GNP is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,this is a step that is progressing at the level of the community,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The government collaborates with the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo within the framework of the Regional Commission on Climate Change of the Yucatan Peninsula, where deforestation is addressed among the priority issues, highlighting the monitoring of the implementation of initiatives related to REDD+ with the support of international groups such as the GCF Task Force.The Government is also collaborating in the implementation of two initiatives for the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, which are part of the Investment Program of the Puuc Biocultural Region, which contribute to fulfilling Mexico's commitment to the UNFCCC regarding the REDD + Mechanism and the CNDs in matters of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; as well as the Yucatan sub-national commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The effective process for implementing the Strategy will be headed by three bodies:- The General Directorate responsible for natural heritage and biodiversity, which is responsible to promote the development of the Strategy;- The Monitoring Commission, with a mixed composition, with follow-up, validation functions and advice,- Coordinating table between the departments responsible for natural heritage andbiodiversity, agriculture, livestock, fishing, forests, hunting and rural development.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","At this moment, we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have an emissions inventory for the government",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","The state has a project of rehabilitation of hydrological flow in wetlands. the project sought to solve the identified problem that consisted in the inadequate water flow caused by the stagnation of water in the wetlands area by altering the gaseous exchange of the radicle and the sediments, causing the accumulation of toxins and salts favoring sedimentation and variations in the temperature of the site causing affectations to the mangrove of the zone.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Sectors such as fishing, skiing or beach tourism will be affected current patterns.Water demands for irrigation in the order of 5% will increase, as a result of greater evapotranspiration.Lack of water availability will decrease from generalized way the provisions and guarantees in the irrigation if it is not compensates with the maximum modernization and efficiency and the use of new resources, such as reuseof regenerated waters.Decrease in more than 20% of hydroelectric production.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland ""Vision 2025"". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan ""Vision 2025"" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; ""The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand"".",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The Regional Program for Climate Change is not published, it is waiting for superior approval",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Different actions ti install smart water meters in sectorssuch us industry and agriculture,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please complete the table below.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The municipal government of Mérida is making a transition to electric vehicles, especially for those that circulate in the first square of the city, as vehicles for waste collection and municipal police.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Through the environmental monitoring system, we hope to create public policies that allow us to establish sustainable production models with the Amazonian environment. In addition, combining this with the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas and thus reduce by 15% the expansion of the agricultural frontier and thus recover watersheds, fundamental for the subsistence of human beings and animals.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Fossil fuel free 2030 - the use of fossil fuels has ceased in 2030,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"This document provides a report on a revised national strategy for implementation of formal protection of forests. The term “formal protection” comprises nature reserves, habitat protection areas and nature conservation agreements. The national strategy targets county administrative boards among others.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Emissions in 2017 are 45,072,920 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Electricity emissions factor decreased by 14% . Our observed decrease was 22%.,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The market demands and the following production-volumes of cement are the main factor for emission changes on Gotland. The emission per ton cement produced, which includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related, have decreased significantly, but the production volumes have increased to a much larger extent. Except for the cement production the energy related CO2 ekv-emissions originating from energy supply, transport vehicles, utility vehicles, waste management and consumption of certain products have decreased over 45 % from 1990 – 2017, which is one of our goals for 2020! The emissions related to biological processes in agriculture are reported to have increased by 4.5 %, which a bit odd as neither the number of cattle, pigs or the arable land under tillage have increased since 1990.The transition from fossil fuels for heating of buildings and for power production is almost completed on Gotland. Vehicles and equipment get more energy efficient for every new generation of products, but the transport sector and utility vehicles are still very fossil fuel dependent. Biogas (locally produced), E85, HVO and electricity (which to 50 % is generated locally from wind % solar) provides fossil free transport fuels available on Gotland.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"advisory programmes, subsidies for building insulation and heating systems based on renewables, strong building standards for new buildings and as well for renovation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,there is a study that is going on to evaluate the implementation of this kind of dispostif,1 +Please complete the table below.,"The provincial government of Morona Santiago establishes the resolution to declare the Province as Ecological, Touristic and Free of Environmental Pollution in 2011. From that moment, a strategic project is established within the Decentralized Territorial Management Plan , entitled Environmental Monitoring System of Morona Santiago, with the objective of knowing the characteristics of its Renewable and Non-Renewable Natural Resources in order to know the state for the implementation of public policies that help the conservation of the provincial habitats. The monitoring is done through 10 automatic stations placed throughout the province. Hydrological monitoring in the basins of the Santiago and Morona rivers is done through the establishment of 4 automatic stations. Air monitoring, the carbon monoxide component through 10 stations. Wildlife Monitoring within the framework of the National System of Protected Areas.With all this information that we have since 2014, we launched a magazine of the Environmental System where we publish information and socialize environmental education issues with the inhabitants of the province and we transfer knowledge to universities.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche Region participates in the three National Tables on Forestry with all the other regions, Ministerial governemnt (State) and stakeholders.",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors and the reduction potential of each measure is established.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Amazon region has increased from 2014 to 2017, 0.6 degrees Celsius and therefore there has been an increase in precipitation that clearly registered that in 2014 and 2015 there was a time with low rainfall increased on sunny days, but in the year 2016 and 2017 there was an increase in rainfall which caused road emergency states during those years.We find an average CO2 of 445 ppm above the average that is 410 ppm.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Increased risk of disease from flooding and increased temperatures. Problems associated with overheating in the home and on public transport. Risk of access to social and health care from weather related impacts.,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Negative health impacts or increased number of deaths due to heat-waves, especially to vulnerable groups.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The CCRA3 Technical Report provides detailed advice on 61 risks associated with climate change, grouped into 5 categories: •Natural Environment and Assets •Infrastructure •Health, Communities and the Built Environment •Business and Industry •International Dimensions Part IV of the Climate Change Act 2008 requires the UK Government to lay before parliament a ‘Climate Change Risk Assessment’ (CCRA) every 5 years. The Climate Risk Independent Assessment is the CCC’s statutory advice to Government which informs the CCRA and national climate adaptation plans. The CCC’s 3rd Climate Risk Independent Assessment (CCRA3) assesses the urgency of adapting to UK climate risks and opportunities, considering both the current climate and projected future climates consistent with two future pathways: (i) stabilising 2°C by the end of the century, representing achievement of the Paris Agreement goals; (ii) 4°C global warming at the end of the century the current trajectory, consistent with the current limited global ambition for reducing emissionsThe report advises on areas where further action is required. It also provides advice on Government’s approach to adaptation planning. However, advice on specific policy options is outside the scope of this element of the CCC’s role.The published assessment comprises the following main documents, also supported by a number of additional reports that informed the analysis:Technical Report – Presents the full detailed analysis that underpins the assessment of risks or opportunities, and the resulting urgency scores. Advice Report - Summarises and interprets the evidence provided in the technical chapters. Also provides the Adaptation Committee’s statutory advice to Government on the risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. Authored by the CCC.Wales Summary report – One of four National Summarises published for each UK nation, summarises the most relevant aspects of the risk assessment for Wales.These documents will be published on https://www.ukclimaterisk.org, with the exception of the Advice Report which will be published on www.theccc.org.uk.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,A new ambition has been set since these projections were undertaken. The government has set an ambition to meet net zero by 2050. Updated pathways analysis will replace these estimates in the near future. Note these are recommended pathways provided by our statutory advisors and are based on plausible future emissions patwhays with appropriate policy in place. They do not represent a baseline emissions projection in the absence of policy.,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Our climate change risk assessment is currently under development. The assessment is produced together with the entire county administrative board's operations (internally). There is also an ongoing dialog with the municipalities about climate change impacts and adaptation needs.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The region supports the local authorities to renovate the public battles, within the framework of the European funds",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" Thevulnerability of to this impact would be greaterin the coastal zone, directly affecting human settlements in the area. The identified vulnerable sectors are water,health, tourism and commerce among others",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"In Mexico there is the National Environmental Audit Plan, which is a voluntary mechanism that allows companies to have a certificate of clean industry, environmental quality or tourist environmental quality. This certificate is granted by the federal attorney for environmental protection. In Yucatan there is a large number of companies that have some kind of certificate.",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The impact of climate change in rural areas would produce a migration and abandonment of their land to the cities, producing a socio-economic problem for rural communities due to lack of preparation and survival in large cities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Climate change mitigation andadaptation is included in theenvironmental impactassessment of plans andprojects,1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Higher heat waves; as well as change in the seasonality of rain causes higher incidence and prevalence of diseases because they are more prone to the development of diseases due to sudden changes in temperature creating an ideal environment for the spread of mosquitoes, viruses and bacteria",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to INSEE, and if recent demographic trends were prolonged, Réunion will have 1,071 million inhabitants as of January 1, 2050.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Catalan Strategy for adaptating to climate change 2013-2020http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Planificacio_i_estrategies_cc/resum_executiu_escacc_angles.pdfExecutive summary: Monitoring and assessment of Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Changehttp://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/03_AMBITS/adaptacio/ESCACC/docs/Resum-executiu_CA_EN.pdfClimate change in Catalonia. Executive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","total emissions (inkluding ETS) there is no regional Emission projection available for 2050Excluding ETS:2005: 13,030,0002010: 12,000,0002018: 11,389,0002030: 8,339,0002050: not available jet",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The provincial government of Morona Santiago establishes the resolution to declare the Province as Ecological, Touristic and Free of Environmental Pollution in 2011. From that moment, a strategic project is established within the Decentralized Territorial Management Plan , entitled Environmental Monitoring System of Morona Santiago, with the objective of knowing the characteristics of its Renewable and Non-Renewable Natural Resources in order to know the state for the implementation of public policies that help the conservation of the provincial habitats. The monitoring is done through 10 automatic stations placed throughout the province. Hydrological monitoring in the basins of the Santiago and Morona rivers is done through the establishment of 4 automatic stations. Air monitoring, the carbon monoxide component through 10 stations. Wildlife Monitoring within the framework of the National System of Protected Areas.With all this information that we have since 2014, we launched a magazine of the Environmental System where we publish information and socialize environmental education issues with the inhabitants of the province and we transfer knowledge to universities.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the electric vehicles",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The construction of a natural gas transmission plant is scheduled for 2019. The plant will supply natural gas to the industries of the Yucatan Peninsula.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Catalan Government - through the Catalan Waste Agency -supports a pilot project in industrial symbiosis in Manresa,together with other institutions. First results obtanined indentifya local energy generation of 1,2 M € value with theimplementation of energy sinergy, and savings of 135.000 € inwaste management. https://www.manresa.cat/web/article/5977-projecte-simbiosi-industrial",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our overarching ambition is to create a fairer, greener, stronger Wales. In response to the pandemic we are determined to leave no-one behind, ensuring a fair transition to a more sustainable future. The Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs published a Written Statement early in the pandemic outlining that we are determined the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic will accelerate, and not deter us from, the transition to a low carbon economy and a healthier, more equal Wales. Throughout the time where possible climate action continued e.g. such as the increase in ambition around our targets and budgets.For the recovery it’s important we look to lock-in some of the positive changes we’ve seen, such as the choice to work from home, the increase in shopping locally, the decrease in traffic, the boost to nature, the reduction in emissions, and the increasing awareness of how important resources are. The previous Counsel General published Covid-19 Reconstruction: Challenges and Priorities in October 2020, following wide engagement with stakeholders and the public about the future vision for Wales emerging from the pandemic. The document is clear the green recovery will be at the heart of our approach to reconstruction.Coronavirus reconstruction: challenges and priorities | GOV.WALES",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,The biggest climate problems in the region are due to deforestation and fires. The COVID-19 pandemic did not influence any of these factors.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Promote connectivityagro-livestock systems andthese with the consumer generating theagricultural production that is requiredby the consumer with the maximumof efficiency (avoiding surplusesand waste),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidis and públic finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Break down your total gross emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used global warming potential (GWP).,Other: please specify: The Global Warming Potential has not been calcolated yet for the GHG included in the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions,1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The State of São Paulo has general characteristics of a tropical high altitude climate (Planalto), some regions defined as a rainier climate (Litoral) and others that fit in a subtropical climate (Mountainous Area). This identifies the State with a humid and hot summer climate, dry winter on the plateau and winter with good rainfall on the coast.Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain.The meteorological network of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply coordinates meteorological and agrometeorological monitoring and public access to this network is over 7,000 / day, indicating the great demand for meteorological and agrometeorological information by society. Website: www.ciiagro.org.br",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"A route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. activities. Recently the Welsh Government published its Public sector net zero reporting guide to estimate our net carbon footprint, including direct and indirect emissions. It also allows us to produce a baseline for the whole public sector in Wales . The guide details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon reporting approach, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in Wales will need to assemble in order to fulfill the reporting requirements",0 +Please complete the table below.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Localy produced wind power 432 GWh, solar power 0,6 GWh , generation from excess heat 31 GWh.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets)and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we do not have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Source: SEEG http://plataforma.seeg.eco.br/total_emission#In the SEEG estimates, the discount for emission reduction certificates from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects was also not incorporated. The totals, in Brazil, between 2005 and 2014, amount to about 370 million tons of CO2e (accumulated in the period).",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,No: There are already agriculture measures that are implemented to the rotational grazing methods,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"The national objective is zero -emission invcluduíng sinks in 2045 . Goltand is yet an energy pilot, with a mission to reach the national energy and ckimate objectives prior to the country as a whole.Provided solutions as f ex CCS for the process- emissions from cement production, this mission can be fulfilled",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Target: 100% coverage of electricity consumption by renewable power production. This target was first achieved in 2015. 2018 we have again overachieved our target.,1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,it should be noted that the guidelines come from the national level and are declining at the regional level. there is a follow-up between the two partners,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","According to the information from Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) Jayapura (Capital City of Papua), for example. Even several areas in Jayapura are experienced a land conversion, the amount of water supply still enough to support community in Jayapura, also the the areas still have a good quality of water.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change (ESCACC 2013-2020): Chapter 3.1 Changes to the climate and Chapter 3.2. Changes to the environament and societyExecutive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf (> 30 MB),0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"All federal states of Austria are together with the national government responsible to achieve the GHG emission target for Austria. This target is based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection Law. The aim is to reduce national-wide Non-ETS CO2e emissions by 16% by 2020 based on 2005 Level. Currently the national government is working on a Austrian National Climate Protection Law for the time period 2020-2030, which will include GHG reduction targets for all relevant emission-sectors. The federal states are slightly integrated in the development of Action Programms to reach these common goals. Furthermore the national targets has strong influence on our work in the federal states.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Fossil fuel free 2030 - the use of fossil fuels has ceased in 2030,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The communities are being engaged and educated on the changing nature of rainfall and how to behavior, consumption, approaches, change technology and manage the risk associated.",1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Yucatan has the Pro Air program which establishes strategies for reducing emissions from fixed sources, mobile sources, health impacts, environmental education, institutional strengthening.In terms of mobile sources, the strengthening of the sustainable mobility system for high-quality transport is proposed, as well as the strengthening of the vehicle verification program and the development of a comprehensive plan for sustainable urban mobility",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Catalan Strategy for adaptating to climate change 2013-2020http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Planificacio_i_estrategies_cc/resum_executiu_escacc_angles.pdfExecutive summary: Monitoring and assessment of Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Changehttp://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/03_AMBITS/adaptacio/ESCACC/docs/Resum-executiu_CA_EN.pdfClimate change in Catalonia. Executive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The article 2 of Law 16/2017, of 1 august, on climate change provides that the specific purposes of this law are:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.Also, the Catalan strategy for adaptating to climate change strategic (ESCACC) goal is to reduce vulnerability to the impact of climate change. To achieve this, the ESCACC establishes two categories of goals:i) Transversal: six transversal goals defined on the basis of the diagnosis, which may be regulatory ,opportunities for economic, social and environmental development or for research, development and innovation.ii) Operational: reducing vulnerability is achieved through two operational goals: generating and transferring the full body of knowledge on adaptation to climate change and, secondly, increasing the adaptive capacity of the sectors and/or systems analysed.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"New regional forest stratregy is under development, the region is yet adopting a new management plan for its own forests.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Climate change mitigation is an integral part of all regional planning and development activities. These cover most of the sectors mentioned. The need for climate change adaptation is also recognised and dealt with in regional planning in particular.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management sets 4 objectives:Reduce the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion,raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk,providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events, and prioritising investment in the most at risk communities. We are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management to reflect our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Annual review by the UNFCCC expert review team. Reviews highlight reporting issuesof transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability or accuracy that need to beresolved by the UK. The review focusses on the UK national inventory, which is consistent with the GHGI reported for Wales. However, the Welsh specific inventory is not subject to a direct UN review.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,private dinking water supply systems during periods with low precipitation in some Regions in Upper Austria,1 +Please complete the table below.,The guidelines will be the result of the strategic environmental assessment for renewable energy projects,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"The economic recovery measures required to combat COVID-19 also present an opportunity to enhance our low-carbon transition towards Net Zero, and create more sustainable, resilient and inclusive societies throughout Wales. We have already invested in low-carbon and climate adaptation. In 2020-21 we allocated £140m of capital funding to help combat the climate emergency. In 2021-22, on top of maintaining the majority of this funding in departmental baselines, we allocated nearly £80m in additional capital to deliver interventions that promote decarbonisation and further enhance biodiversity, alongside an additional £17m of revenue funding to support these interventions.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Environmental control of protected areas and limitation of expansion of agricultural and livestock borders,1 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,Targets are:Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Our national planning policy encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there is a study that is going on that will show the need for these investments which are quite colossal,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","here are awareness campaigns that are already in place, but infrastructure put in place are insufficient",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; Next target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Base year changed from 1990 to 2005 due to comparable data availability.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Procurement of eco labelled "" Bra Miljöval "" electricity , produced from hydro power",0 +Please select the category that best describes the boundary of your government’s GHG emissions inventory.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" theincreased frequency of extreme climate eventssuch as tropical storms, hurricanes, at medium term would considerably affect the resilience capacity of the Stateaffecting the development of economic activities,causing damages in infrastructure, problems related to housing, public health, among others. The vulnerability to thisparticular impact is increased by the geographic position of Yucatan; there is an historical affluence of Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms. According tothe National Commission of Water and the National Meteorology Center in the last hundred years 86 events have occurred in the Yucatan Peninsula, 38affecting directly Yucatan State.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management sets 4 objectives:Reduce the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion,raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk,providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events, and prioritising investment in the most at risk communities. We are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management to reflect our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Many young persons and farmers are rendered unemployed due to unreliable rainfall. Lack of weather information lead to planting in periods which cause production failure and little to no income from farming activities especially in rural areas. School Children, Women and youth are always the victims",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Climate change related issues are addressed in development plans: (i) Long term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang - RPJP); (ii) Medium term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mengengah - RPJM) and (iii) Sectoral (Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah - RKPD and Rencana Strategis - RENSTRA) as well as in spatial plans such as Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah (RTRW). Long term development plan is in synchronous with RTRW and the remaining documents are translating the plan from those documents into immediate or short term targets accordingly.Plans are identified and consolidated with representatives from local government at district/municipal level via a participatory meeting called Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan - Musrenbang. Further, they are also involved in programs implementation.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan (https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The State Development Plan 2018-2024 establishes strategies to improve waste management, contributing to its reduction, by promoting a culture for its comprehensive management that allows reducing environmental risks as well as promoting actions that contribute to the reuse of waste materials.In such a way that in 2019, the state government established the ""Yucatan Zero Waste Strategy"" whose objective is to promote the maximum use of waste, through the promotion of an environmental culture, equipment and innovative infrastructure that fosters the effective articulation of actions of diagnosis and monitoring, regulations, Implementation and commissioning of solid waste utilization infrastructure.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,It is widely inspired by the CITEPA (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique or Technical Interbranch Center of Air Pollution) methodology applied to the national level and by the national GHG inventory created under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. This is because we have a high proportion of well documented emissions from the traded sector (EU-ETS),0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Potential major threats to agriculture and forestry include drought, flooding of agricultural land, and pests and diseases, particularly those affecting livestock.Reduction in soil moisture - risk is loss of habitat, more carbon released into the atmosphere, erosion, water quality issues and more flooding.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change.this strategic document is reviewed and finalized by the plenary assembly of the community on March 29th 2019,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"According to last data available, base year emissions are 41,577,731 metric tonnes CO2e2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,The Regional Consil has put in place measures under the 2014-2020 European program to support local communities,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. Investment in individual property flood protection measures began in 2010/11, and since then over 600 properties have benefitted, with over £850,000 invested by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government published interim, non-statutory sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) standards in early 2016.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"total emissions (inkluding ETS) there is no regional Emission projection available for 2050Excluding ETS:2005: 13,030,0002010: 12,000,0002018: 11,389,0002030: 8,339,0002050: not available jet",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of solar power directed to the general public and businesses,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Climate change means economic opportunities for new business models such as providing ""climate services"". Another new economic sector is consultancy forthe adequacy of crops to new areas, suitable varieties, etc.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The energy and climate targets are decided by the regional council, in the regional development program – the overall vision for Gotland: Region Gotland has challenged itself to have a fully climate-neutral energy supply by 2025. Offering the highest possible efficiency and economy, the energy supply will be climate-neutral, based on local, renewable resources and will contribute to sustainable growth and the development of local business. - Vision 2025, adopted by the Regional Council.Targets are then operationalized in the Environmental program and Energy strategy – adopted by the municipal council and then copied into the master plan. As our present master plan is over 10 years old and yet undergoes revision to be updated, the present Swedish goals from 2017 are not reflected in the plan. The overall reduction goal for energy related territorial CO2 -emission is a 45 % absolute reduction of the fossil energy related CO2 emissions from NETS- activities (that is not including industries covered in the CO2 emission trade scheme) from 1990–2020. This is reached by 2017! (but covers only a small part of the total climate gas emissions from all activities in business-life and society on Gotland.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,highest effect: reduced steel production transportation: higher consumption of diesel; buildings: reduction,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Electricity emissions factor decreased by 14% . Our observed decrease was 22%.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the area forest",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Between 2013 and 2015 the State suffered its most extreme drougth in years, which caused a severe water crise. It was the worst drought ever recorded, in the sense that the outflows in the basin were never so low.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","This temperature variation is not uniform throughout the year: the increase in average temperature is more marked in summer, at 0.36°C/decade",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"legislative remit, th lates plan is now due for political cinsideration.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","There are 9 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"On track - Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"We are working with UK Government, local authorities, the energy sector and business to plan for and implement the roll out of EV charging infrastructure. Additional transport grant funding of £29m allocated in 20/21 to support the transformation of fleet to ULEVs and introduce new charging infrastructure.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The State Development Plan of Yucatan 2018-2024, is the governance instrument of this administration, which is based on the international principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is part of the 2030 agenda",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The energy and climate targets are decided by the regional council, in the regional development program – the overall vision for Gotland: Region Gotland has challenged itself to have a fully climate-neutral energy supply by 2025. Offering the highest possible efficiency and economy, the energy supply will be climate-neutral, based on local, renewable resources and will contribute to sustainable growth and the development of local business. - Vision 2025, adopted by the Regional Council.Targets are then operationalized in the Environmental program and Energy strategy – adopted by the municipal council and then copied into the master plan. As our present master plan is over 10 years old and yet undergoes revision to be updated, the present Swedish goals from 2017 are not reflected in the plan. The overall reduction goal for energy related territorial CO2 -emission is a 45 % absolute reduction of the fossil energy related CO2 emissions from NETS- activities (that is not including industries covered in the CO2 emission trade scheme) from 1990–2020. This is reached by 2017! (but covers only a small part of the total climate gas emissions from all activities in business-life and society on Gotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Statistic Sweden report total area of forest on Gotland, 124,000 har is prodyctive forets area, 12,000 ha is non productive forest area, with annual growth less than 1 m3s per yr. Over 20 % of the total forest area has formal protectuion.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The program, drawn up by the State, the region, the ADEME and EDF includes 58 energy saving actions for Reunionese financed by the ""Public Service Charges for Energy"" representing a total of 160 M € Fixed For 5 years from 2019 to 2023, this ambitious program should save by 2023, 318 GWh / year of energy and avoid 240000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the city's emissions of 100,000 inhabitants. The most modest households will seeproposes 68M € over the period 2019-2023.The control of the energy demand is a major lever of the energy transition in Reunion.The program validated by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) is a structuring tool forto enable the territory to fulfill the ambitions that will be The Future Multiannual programming of Energy(PPE). Developed for the next 10 years, this PPE will be part of the objective set by law on the Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV) of 17 August 2015: ""achieve autonomy in the overseas departments by 2030",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Terceira incinerator is already working, and it is planned the incineration project of São Miguel island",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Other, please specify: The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Target: 100% coverage of electricity consumption by renewable power production. This target was first achieved in 2015. 2018 we have again overachieved our target.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,the region supports research projects on storage as well as on the photovoltaic sector,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The local governments are responsible for the implementation of some measures,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,For example with other EU iislands in the EC Commissions initiative Clean Energy for EU Islands as well as with other Swediash regions in the Pilot Project.,1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,There are risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather in Wales. There are currently 10 hospitals and 45 care homes in Wales that are located in areas at a 1-in-200 chance of flooding or greater in any given year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: A Building Regulations Part L review is currently being carried out (as described above) which will consider minimum standards.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In the sanitary landfill of the municipality of Kanasín, the organic and inorganic fractions of urban solid waste are crushed and then processed to the plants, to be converted into fuels and subsequently integrated, through processing to the cement production process.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,ETS Sector verified in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The mapping of landslide risk is being held by the Civil Defense and the Institute of technological research in more municipalities. There is a State Plan for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Reduction of Geological Hazards (Decree 57.512 / 2011) and Preventive Civil Defense Plans for Slides (redefined by Decree No. 42.5651997), and Coastal Erosion, Coastal Floods and Floods / floods caused by extreme meteorological and oceanographic events such as sea waves and anomalous high tides (Resolution of the Military House 17-610 - CEDEC, of 11/28/2016) - institutions involved; Civil Defense and Geological Institute / SMA",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The food supply to Wales is completely integrated with the supply to the UK in terms of how food and drink is sourced, imported, distributed and sold – the subject area is not devolved. However thereafter the Food Standards Agency (which has a Wales level operation too) exists to uphold standards operating in conjunction with local authority environmental health and trading standards officers. There is also a Welsh food crime unit which focuses on food fraud. The food safety system is based on traceability throughout the supply chain. There is much regulation in place to ensure this.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The station at l'Estartit has the longest historical record, starting in 1974. Data show an increase in water temperature of +0.30 ºC per decade at surface, +0.31 ºC per decade at 20 metres depth, +0.29ºC/decade at 50 m depth and +0.20ºC/decade at 80 m depth. In 2017, the surface temperature has been 17.8ºC, wich represent a anomaly of +0.9 ºC regarding the period 1981-2010.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Does your region have an energy efficiency target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,Decarbonise all Welsh homes to net zero by 2050. Independent expert advisory group and research has published report recommending targets and approaches.Welsh Government has accepted recommendations and begun trial and test of ORP in the social housing sector to verify likely decarbonisation / energy efficiency pathways while developing capacity and capability to roll out to private sector in next term of government.,0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"I. Achieve a zero rate of deforestation by 2030 in the forest ecosystems of high value for REDD + in the State of Yucatán through actions based on Sustainable Rural Development.This goal is to be achieved through the effective and efficient implementation of a sustainable rural development policy, in which the instruments and programs of the different dependencies of the three levels of government are aligned. Likewise, it seeks to respect social and environmental safeguards, citizen participation and the inclusion of women, which together with a measurement, reporting and verification system, will ensure the reduction of emissions with respect to an established reference level.The foregoing will be the framework that will make the implementation of the actions proposed in this strategy viable and will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the entity, in accordance with the REDD + Strategy for the Yucatan Peninsula and with the national goals established in the ENAREDD + .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is expected that episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with frequency and intensity which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that will affect the population and maritime transportation. Also air transportation will be affected.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,no more installations at present due to grid limitation and protection of bird life,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Reduce by 2030 40% of the economic losses derived from extreme weather events compared to 2005,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"The answer refers to ""forest degradation"". Deforestation is not considered to be an issue within the region.",1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Goverment's emissions were calculated for scope 1 and scope 2 to establish a baseline for the Yucatan's CarbonManagement Plan.The CMP was developed with the technical assistance of the Carbon Trust and the financial resources of the British Embassy (Prosperity Fund), sets out in detail the State Strategy to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years from government operations related to public buildings and facilities; and vehicle fleet, through the calculation of a baseline carbon footprint and the definition of potential projects and actions to increase energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies. Setting the target to reduce 10% of Yucatan scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 2020 based on 2015 levels.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","August 2018 began with record values of temperature and electric demand in Spain as a result of the heat wave that has been experienced.This increase in demand, coupled with the rise in prices of fuels used for electric generation and a lower wind production, has led to the prices market also reaching record levels.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Regional Concil has set up a measure with in the framework of the European program 2014-2020, to support local authorities to reinvigorate public lighting",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Promote the study of the impact of animal feed on emissions and productivity. Reduce the CH4 emissions by increasing digestibility of cattle.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The year used is the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Increase cost of basic services such as water and energy. Increase cost of infrastructure need to guarantee coverage and maintenance of basic services.Increment in the demand and coverage of health services.,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Sea level rise poses risks to capital region in particular due to extensive construction on the coastline. However, land uplift and a strict building code limit the risks.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Research is being carried out to produce biodiesel in Yucatan through academic institutions and research centers in Yucatan.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Mapping of risks of mass movements and floods of 11 municipalities in the east-west stretch of the São Paulo metropolitan region will be released in August, 2020.The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.The Vulnerability Map of the State of Sao Paulo is beeing updated till the end of 2020.References for the methodology: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/programa-estadual-de-prevencao-de-desastres-naturais-e-reducao-de-riscos-geologicos-pdn/# https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Online source of the maps: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/avaliacao-de-areas-de-riscos/",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,We create water protection areas and make restrictions for diffent areas to ensure good water quality.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Welsh Government has targets to reduce all waste streams. It published a Waste Prevention Programme in 2013.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's net zero public sector ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"With the aim of improving the efficiency of public policies in fisheries and aquaculture, the Fisheries Management Program was established, which seeks to identify the current situation of the fishing fleet and facilitate access for fishermen to the programs social. The diagnosis was made through the Yucatan State Fisheries and Aquaculture Information Platform (PEIPAY). At the closing of this report, two million 886 thousand 446 pesos were invested to prepare a diagnosis of fishermen and the delivery of 10,487 membership credentials, as well as the registration and labeling of 5,654 boats in 11 municipalities of the state.",0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"The CCRA3 Technical Report provides detailed advice on 61 risks associated with climate change, grouped into 5 categories: •Natural Environment and Assets •Infrastructure •Health, Communities and the Built Environment •Business and Industry •International Dimensions Part IV of the Climate Change Act 2008 requires the UK Government to lay before parliament a ‘Climate Change Risk Assessment’ (CCRA) every 5 years. The Climate Risk Independent Assessment is the CCC’s statutory advice to Government which informs the CCRA and national climate adaptation plans. The CCC’s 3rd Climate Risk Independent Assessment (CCRA3) assesses the urgency of adapting to UK climate risks and opportunities, considering both the current climate and projected future climates consistent with two future pathways: (i) stabilising 2°C by the end of the century, representing achievement of the Paris Agreement goals; (ii) 4°C global warming at the end of the century the current trajectory, consistent with the current limited global ambition for reducing emissionsThe report advises on areas where further action is required. It also provides advice on Government’s approach to adaptation planning. However, advice on specific policy options is outside the scope of this element of the CCC’s role.The published assessment comprises the following main documents, also supported by a number of additional reports that informed the analysis:Technical Report – Presents the full detailed analysis that underpins the assessment of risks or opportunities, and the resulting urgency scores. Advice Report - Summarises and interprets the evidence provided in the technical chapters. Also provides the Adaptation Committee’s statutory advice to Government on the risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. Authored by the CCC.Wales Summary report – One of four National Summarises published for each UK nation, summarises the most relevant aspects of the risk assessment for Wales.These documents will be published on https://www.ukclimaterisk.org, with the exception of the Advice Report which will be published on www.theccc.org.uk.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Climate change responsibility is found in the regional, sectoral or special programs that are aligned to the state development plan. Each plan contains indicators that are reported in the annual governmentreport that is associated with the State Action Program on Climate Change, which is a special program.The actions carried out in Climate Change linked to the State Action Program on Climate Change include the actions of the different instances that influence the fulfillment of goals and objectives in mitigation and adaptation.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26%. % of Spain in 2030 of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors with respect to the year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Sao Paulo has started the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The state is a world reference in renewable energies. The participation of these energy sources in the energy matrix of São Paulo was 52% in 2011, especially due to the sugar cane and hydroelectricity products. The state is the world's largest producer of ethanol from sugarcane. The government's goal is to increase - by 2020, based on the year 2010 - the share of renewable energy in the state's internal energy supply to 69%, which includes hydro, solar, wind and waste energy, biomass, biogas, biodiesel and ethanol. Source: Investe SP, 2020. Renewable energy investment guide. Available at https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/uploads/midias/documentos/folder_renewable_energy.pdf",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Marche region support cities, that have joined the Covenant of Mayors, and the Unions of Commons of Appennines mountain to develop and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan with tangible targets and goals",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Emissions in 2017 are 45,072,920 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",1 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",ICMS AMBIENTAL PROPICIARÁ MELHORIA DE GANHOS A MUNICÍPIOS PAULISTAS COM A PRESERVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL E DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVELhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/2021/04/novo-icms-ambiental-propiciara-melhoria-de-ganhos-a-municipios-paulistas-com-a-preservacao-ambiental-e-desenvolvimento-sustentavel/,1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The emissions related to the electricity production given here are different from the ones calculated in our regional GHG Inventory. This figure is included into our 2017 regional energy balance sheet published in 2018 to give an overall idea of the emissions. It will be recalculated in 2019, when we’ll publish the 2017 GHG Inventory.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",There is no specific data collection on emissions from government operations.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The main factors contributing to the increase in emissions are the increase in the vehicle fleet , which increased by 16% from 2014 to 2017, the increase in swine production, which increased by 18% in the same period. On the other hand, the production of energy decreased by 19%, however, as the population increases, the consumption of electricity has increased.",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Amazonas is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) will be designed by Amazonas with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute in 2019 and funded by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; much likely it will not be achievedNext target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Difficulty with the integration of economic and human resourses to adress adaptation, due to lack of undersanting of climate risck within different sectors.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Promote connectivityagro-livestock systems andthese with the consumer generating theagricultural production that is requiredby the consumer with the maximumof efficiency (avoiding surplusesand waste),0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"During 2014, as part of National Program of Rural Electrification, photovoltaic system was installed in 2,115 localities in all the provinces of the Amazonas, through the installation of 17,897 solar panels.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - PERH ( http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos)Last complete version 2016-2019, beeing updated for 2020-2023.The Water Resources Plans are management instruments that aim to guide the implementation of the water resources policy, defining the guidelines for the use of water, as well as measures for its protection and conservation, in order to guarantee its availability - in adequate quantity and quality - for different uses.According to Law No. 7,663 / 91, which instituted the State Water Resources Policy in the State of São Paulo, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH must be prepared based on the plans of the hydrographic basins, in the rules related to the protection of the environment environment and guidelines for environmental planning and management. In this context, the State Water Resources Plan - PERH establishes management guidelines and criteria at the state scale, reflecting the regional needs expressed in the basin plans. The first Water Resources Plan for the State of São Paulo was prepared in 1990 and is being updated for the 2020-2023 quadrennium.To improve the management system for water sources areas between public agencies and actors involved,the specific laws of the Áreas de Proteção e Recuperação de Manaciais-APRMs adopted principles providing for the structuring of a decentralized and participative planning and management system for APRMs. The Portal Mananciais GEO was structured, a digital platform that provides information from the Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais-APMs and APRMs established by state legislation, enablingthe visualization of cartographic bases and satellite images or aerophotogrammetric documents of reference for the protection and recovery of water sources. https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 295",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,There are awareness raising campaings and educational programmes on separate collection andrecycling. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/sensibilitzacio/index.html,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Climate change generates climate catastrophes such as hurricanes, gales, floods that will destroy all types of infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Mitigation measures in the transportation sector will translate in an economic benefit of $ 691,648,324 pesos. Right now the state is working on the optimization of the bus routes.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Azorean Hydrographic Region (RH9) consists of 9 hydrographic sub-basins that correspond to each islands. In this hydrographic region, there are delimited 67 surface water bodies and 54 groundwater bodies scattered across the islands.The Regional Plan of the Hydrographic Region is a water management tool in an integrated way that was developed to protect and manage the water resources in the Azores. In our days, Azorean Government is working on the third generation of the plan.The responsibility for the management of water for consumption is of the municipalities. ERSARA (regional entity responsible for the regulation of water and waste services) regulates the water supply services, including the quality control.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"This target corresponds to Catalonia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), in which Catalonia commits to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. This objective is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The relationship between availability and water needs in the Azores have a highly positive water balance,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there are projects that exist but it's starting to grow more and more,0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",Other: Designed to reflect a devolved contribution to a 2 degree goal.,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Negative health impacts or increased number of deaths due to heat-waves, especially to vulnerable groups.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2019.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of Sustainable Development is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Household waste is collected in two assorted fractions, one for easliy biodegradable waste; collected for biogas production on a farm based biogas plant. THe othe fraction is to be assorted wast for incineration- i goes to the cemebt factory. Receycling of packages, glass an d papers , electronic items e t c is managed beside the waste streams. As litte waste as possible is to go to the lanfdfill, as landfill space is limited on the island. Some waste has to go to the mainland .for treatment",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","According to the PRAC projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional PIB is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,The methodology is a domestic model developed by the Finnish Environmental Centre. It follows the methodology of IPCC and uses Finnish national counting parameters. The calculation is based on information obtained from national databases and covers all municipalities and regions in Finland.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock might affect productivity and food security.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Local studies have pointed out the potential effects of changes in seasonal rainfall, in sectors such as agriculture, where the variability of precipitation could generate considerable decreases in the yield of crops, livestock and beekeeping; as well as the increase in production costs with direct effects on local producers. The potential impact on the water sector is also considered due to the decrease in the provision of this resource for human settlements and other economic sectors, including commerce and industry.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Forest management helps to make more robust forests in scenarios of climate change. The Life Medacc project ,led by the Catalan Office for Climate Change, has designed and executed forest management actions aimed at doing less vulnerable the main types of forests of the three water basins (Segre, Ter and Muga). Forest management in the pilot tests has resulted key to reducing the vulnerability of Quercus ilex (in the Muga basin) and the Pinus sylvestris (in the basin Ter) before the effects of the droughts of the summers 2016 and 2017. In the Solsonès (Segre), the structural change of Pinus nigra forests through management has reduced clearly the vulnerability to fire risk by decreasing the vertical continuity of the fuel.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Public Health Wales are undertaking a Health Impact Assessment which will consider delivery of health services in future climates. Public Service Boards (PSBs) in Wales are required to pay regard to risks in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment when developing wellbeing plans. Local Resilience Fora (LRFs) also monitor and mitigate risks and emergencies at a local level, putting resources in place to manage issues such as flood. Both PSBs and LRFs are made up by representatives for organisations in public services.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","There is no priority or resources to develop this inventory, besides the availability of reliable and detailed data. There is a calculation of CO2 emissions in the State's energy balance, but according with the total consumption of energy in the public sector.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"This temperature variation is not uniform throughout the year: the increase in average temperature is more marked in summer, at 0.36°C/decade",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In the context of marine energies, the Region has been funding research projects since 2009.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/mobilitat/,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Sweden have signed the convention and committed to undertake certain actions, some of which affects our work at a regional level.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"With reference to the episodes of more than 200 mm rainfall in 24h, the probability for 2021-2050 would be double that of 1971-2000. These projections could lead to an increase in catastrophic floods.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The Agrarian Regional Strategic Plan 2009 - 2015 of Amazonas that establishes strategic objective the sustainable development of natural resources through traditional technologies, the positioning of special coffee production and the production-transformation marketing of agricultural products under systems agroforestry.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Catalan Energy Institute promotes energy efficient lighting through an Energy Assessment Program and Energy ServicesCompanies. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/usos_energia/mon_local/edificis/programa_asessorament_energetic/,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,Wales’ last coal-fired power station ceased operating in 2019 and Welsh Ministers are clear that no new coal generation capacity should be developed in Wales. In March 2021 the Welsh Government published a coal policy statement which is intended to be the first step in achieving our policy objective of avoiding the continued extraction and consumption of fossil fuels. This complements the UK Government’s policy objective of phasing out unabated coal-fired generation in Great Britain by October 2024.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The regional policy it is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The LIFE MEDACC project has finished after five years and has analyzed three Catalan river basins: La Muga, El Segre and El Ter.The LIFE MEDACC project has confirmed a reduction in precipitation, especially in summer, with more frequent and intense droughts and more evaporation of water into the atmosphere. The three basins studied have seen how their rivers have reduced the flow, a trend that will continue in the future if measures are not applied.In the case of forests, the tendency for the three basins is similar. During the last decades the surface of forests has increased to the detriment of crops and scrub.In fact, the results show that they are increasingly vulnerable to drought and fires, especially in the Muga. If the trend continues, the forests of the three basins, and of Catalonia in general, will have a higher risk of fire and will be more exposed to droughts, pests and other disturbances. Regarding agriculture, it has been seen that now some crops such as the apple tree begin their activities due to the high temperatures of winter and spring, and see their flowering due to cold weather as well as their fruit quality due to heat stroke. On the other hand, the reduction of precipitation and the greater water demand has caused a decrease in the availability of water, both in quantity and quality, especially accused in the coastal plains of the Muga and Ter.http://medacc-life.eu/",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,criteria for the purchase of electric or low emission vehicles in the government,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Floods mainly in the Metropolitan Sao Paulo Region (RMSP).Many places in the State have suffered with floods in specific periods of the year, mainly caused by disorderly occupation, drainage deficiences, deforestation, a not appropriate waste management.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Increased vulnerability in municipalities with high percentages of the population living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital structures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"It's an ongoing measure, it has already contributred significantly to energy efficiency in a number of appliances.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,According to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Target: 100% coverage of electricity consumption by renewable power production. This target was first achieved in 2015. 2018 we have again overachieved our target.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Climate change means economic opportunities for new business models such as providing ""climate services"". Another new economic sector is consultancy forthe adequacy of crops to new areas, suitable varieties, etc.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"No: it's not an issue here, cooking stoves are electrical and the electricity used has very low emission factors",1 +Does your region have a region-wide emissions inventory to report?,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Government Catalonia has approved the Coastal Law Project, which, among other objectives, plans to adopt the necessary measures to adapt the coast to the impacts of climate change.Likewise, a working group has been set up between the Catalan Office for Climate Change, the Meteorological Service and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia in order to deploy the PIMA Costas Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Spanish State , which aims to assess coastal vulnerability to climate change and develop an adaptation strategy.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Amazon region has increased from 2014 to 2017, 0.6 degrees Celsius and therefore there has been an increase in precipitation that clearly registered that in 2014 and 2015 there was a time with low rainfall increased on sunny days, but in the year 2016 and 2017 there was an increase in rainfall which caused road emergency states during those years.We find an average CO2 of 445 ppm above the average that is 410 ppm.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Under scenario A2, there is an expected reduction in annual precipitation of between 5% and 15% by 2050. The northern region of the state would be particularly affected. The sectors most vulnerable to this impact are associated with water supply, biodiversity and agriculture.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Public Health Wales has produced Extreme Hot Weather Guidance for the public to be prepared in heat waves. Various efforts are underway to mitigate the health risks of flooding and ensure health infrastructure is resilient to climate change.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Between 2013 and 2015 the State suffered its most extreme drougth in years, which caused a severe water crise. It was the worst drought ever recorded, in the sense that the outflows in the basin were never so low.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy usesin Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installationof biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable managementof local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa/BiomassaCAT,1 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,The Residual Waste Treatment Procurement Programme requires the energy from waste plants to be at least ‘heat enabled’.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please upload your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change (ESCACC 2013-2020): Chapter 3.1 Changes to the climate and Chapter 3.2. Changes to the environament and societyExecutive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf (> 30 MB),1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Business continuity plans are in place across many significant industries.Increased incidence of home-working / teleworking due to improved technologyHealth and safety working regulations around temperatures.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As one of the remits for the national authority the County Administration on Gotland also is to set targets for Gotland according to the national Swedish climate and energy targets for energy efficiency, reduced climate impact, increased supply of renewables, there has to be a close cooperation between the both authorities. The Swedish National Energy Agency also has a unique remit; not only to develop the roadmap for Gotland as a national pilot area in the transition to a sustainable energy system according to reliability, competitiveness and ecologic sustainability, but also to coordnate and support the transition an every 2nd year report progress to the national government. There might be slight differences in the system boundaries used by different authorities. Region Gotland primarily try to define goals within the onshore boundaries of the island, because airbourne emission from flights and marine transports in the transport corridor's above or offshore in marine waters surrounding Gotland, are hard to measure and / or have any impact on from the regional level. But those are included in the national reporting, why they also have to be included in regional statistic from the national reporting system, developed as top - down. This is the common base for regional energy and climate targets in Sweden adopted by county administrations and regional/ municipal boards and councils.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The state has sustainable school programs where students are made aware of solid waste management.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,he measures of the air action plan are taken in consultation with stakeholders,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Wales has a comprehensive set of regulations and standards which are implemented thoroughly.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Install smart energy meters / sub-metersSmart meters are being tested, they will be mandatory by 2020",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Changes in rain regimes can cause changes in the productivity of coffee and cocoa produced in the Amazon.,1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, our planning framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Recovery interventions that support just transition strategies for workers and communities,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Risks to health from changes in air quality, from overheating in homes, and from flooding for those living in flood prone areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The forts area is currently slightly decreasing, BUT the annual forets growth is almost double the volume of the annual harvest from the forest.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is no involvement of subnational governments in defining and discussing how to implement the NDC in Brazil.,0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"At the present time (Oct/2019-Mar/2020), the State's water security is threatened by the compromise of water reserves in the reservoirs, by the lack of adequate rain, which can bring serious problems, such as water and energy rationing.This situation is observed in almost the entire state, becoming a hydrological drought, demonstrating the need to anticipate mitigation measures to reduce the negative effects of this water restriction.Thus, from a hydrological point of view, the situation has been worsening for some time in the State, and there is a recommendation to intensify efforts to implement state programs such as the State Water Resources Plan (PERH http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos), the Irrigation Development Program ( PDAI https://www.gov.br/agricultura/pt-br/assuntos/camaras-setoriais-tematicas/documentos/camaras-tematicas/agricultura-sustentavel-e-irrigacao/ano/plano-diretor-da-agricultura-irrigada-18.pdf), the water use granting processes carried out by DAEE ( http://www.daee.sp.gov.br/index.phpoption=com_content&id=68:outorga), and the constant meteorological monitoring carried out by SAA (www.ciiagro.org.br), with support from FUNDAG.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOAT FIGHTINGIntegration of the telemetric network and operation of meteorological radar for real-time rainfall monitoring in conjunction with the Civil Defense; operation of situation rooms with supplyreal-time information on weather radar data and telemetry stations in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Paraíba Valley, Piracicaba Basin and Baixada Santista; DAEE Water Infrastructure, Flood Fighting and Sanitation Program, involving services and works, maintenance of pools.Programs:.Novo Rio Pinheiros.Expansion of the reserve capacity of the drainage system.Assistance to municipalities in actions to combat critical hydrological events.Lowland area recovery",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Providing information on risk areas that can be used in the context of land-use planning for example.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,National plan for adapting hydroelectriv power to modern terms. The county administrative boards are collabarating with different stakeholders to find solutions that are beneficial for both the water environment and hydropower plants.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The Residual Waste Treatment Procurement Programme requires the energy from waste plants to be at least ‘heat enabled’.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"New regional forest stratregy is under development, the region is yet adopting a new management plan for its own forests.",1 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In rural areas, communities directly access water sources for self-supply through non-potable piped water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,the evaluations are carried out by micro region (on the territory there are 4 micro region),0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Estimates of gross greenhouse gas emissions do not consider the removal of carbon dioxide from changes in land use, ie the amount of carbon gases set by vegetation growth. When the removals are discounted, the estimates are net emissions (emissions minus removals).",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Changes in rain regimes can cause changes in the productivity of coffee and cocoa produced in the Amazon.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",There is no specific data collection on emissions from government operations.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Pathway will be modelled while updating the roadmap to carbon neutral region 2035 by 12/2020. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 by cutting emmissions 80 prosent and compensating the rest of emissions.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is a general (not quantitative) objective on energy efficiency and some regional funds are allocated to reach this goal; the overal management of energy is not under control of regional administration,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Between 2017 and 2018, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 8.3% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2018). Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector which declined by 19.2% between 2017 and 2018. The main contributor to the energy sector reductions has been downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station, which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. In addition, a significant reduction in emissions from the energy sector is also attributed to the end of coal use at Uskmouth B power station, which is planning a conversion from a coal power station to 100% waste derived power station.The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 77% of the overall 2017-2018 trend.",0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?",Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,It is widely inspired by the CITEPA (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique or Technical Interbranch Center of Air Pollution) methodology applied to the national level and by the national GHG inventory created under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In order to improve the equipment and machinery for increase the efficiency of water transport and treatment. The government will developed in the period 2018-2024 a project for the detection of leaks in the drinking water distribution network, as well as the supply and installation of micro-meters and macro-meters, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport and IndustryShort target summary: reduction of energy intensity (energy per regional GDP) by 1,5 to 2 % per year until 2050; adopted 2017 https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/esv_Energiestrategie_Leitregion.pdf (""Strategy"") https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/2019_Energiebericht.pdf (""Energy and Climate Action Report"")",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy usesin Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installationof biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable managementof local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa/BiomassaCAT,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Wales reduces F-Gases in line with the 2015 EU F-gas regulation. The actions are set out in the Low Carbon Delivery Plan (https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/low-carbon-delivery-plan_1.pdf) The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a plan to reduce air pollutant emissions and concentrations in Wales (see the “Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales”, https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2019-12/consultation-a-clean-air-plan-for-wales.pdf).",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"In collaboration with the municipality of Hermosillo, we have worked to establish energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings, through the publication of a Complementary Technical Standard for Energy Efficiency, for the construction regulations of the municipality of Hermosillo, accompanied by the creation of capabilities for citizens and housing developers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,According to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing renewable energies.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. This is because we have a high proportion of well documented emissions from the traded sector (EU-ETS),0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",There is no involvement of subnational governments in defining and discussing how to implement the NDC in Brazil.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and Welsh Housing Quality Standards. is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalan Water Agency, Forest Property Center of Catalonia and Catalan Office for Climate Change have been carrying out some actions to implement an adaptive forest management in order to be able to monitor production and improvement of the drainage or generation of blue water and therefore, reduce the vulnerability of the hydric system. The monitoring was carried out in the area of Vallcebre (headwaters of the River Llobregat basin) and in La Llacuna (in the recharge area of the Carme-Capellades aquifer). The conclusions of the pilot tests will have to be incorporated during the 2019 in the program of measures of the Plan of management of district of river basin of Catalonia 2022-2027.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"I. Achieve a zero rate of deforestation by 2030 in the forest ecosystems of high value for REDD + in the State of Yucatán through actions based on Sustainable Rural Development.This goal is to be achieved through the effective and efficient implementation of a sustainable rural development policy, in which the instruments and programs of the different dependencies of the three levels of government are aligned. Likewise, it seeks to respect social and environmental safeguards, citizen participation and the inclusion of women, which together with a measurement, reporting and verification system, will ensure the reduction of emissions with respect to an established reference level.The foregoing will be the framework that will make the implementation of the actions proposed in this strategy viable and will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the entity, in accordance with the REDD + Strategy for the Yucatan Peninsula and with the national goals established in the ENAREDD + .",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","As part of the multiannual energy program, the Region aims to establish several charging points on the territory.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructure elated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,The Regional Consil has put in place measures under the 2014-2020 European program to support local communities,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,the region supports research projects on storage as well as on the photovoltaic sector,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline. . We also have a wider public sector carbon neutral target by 2030.Target year: 2020 for the operations and 2030 for the whole public sectorComments:This operations target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is expected that episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with frequency and intensity which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that will affect the population and maritime transportation. Also air transportation will be affected.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with more frequency and intensity, which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that, can affect the population, maritime transportation and air transport",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: All the mentioned int he risk assessment procedure above",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Base year: 1990; 1995 for F-gases.LULUCF for base year was not a sink (following methodology changes in 2019 GHGI data, with wetland supplement).",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Pathway will be modelled while updating the roadmap to carbon neutral region 2035 by 12/2020. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 by cutting emmissions 80 prosent and compensating the rest of emissions.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",It ca be studied in small islands such as Graciosa and Flores,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"More intense rainfall, that can affect the population and land use",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"This target corresponds to Catalonia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), in which Catalonia commits to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. This objective is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) the gas is collected and flared because there isn't enough gas to implemente another treatment,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Business sector is approached through regional development activities and included in our Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa 2035 Roadmap.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In 2015, 5 solar energy projects were approved. Together they represent a private investment of 172 million dollars and a capacity of 86 MW.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The relative sea level rise around Wales (based on UKCP08 data and taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean electricy company have a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,no more installations at present due to grid limitation and protection of bird life,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Mapping of risks of mass movements and floods of 11 municipalities in the east-west stretch of the São Paulo metropolitan region will be released in August, 2020.The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.The Vulnerability Map of the State of Sao Paulo is beeing updated till the end of 2020.References for the methodology: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/programa-estadual-de-prevencao-de-desastres-naturais-e-reducao-de-riscos-geologicos-pdn/# https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Online source of the maps: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2017/01/avaliacao-de-areas-de-riscos/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,mandatory for new public buildings - low energy standard for renovation,1 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The state works together with the National Forestry Commission through the concurrent funds program where they promote sustainable productive practices. The National Forestry Commission also works in the state with its payments for environmental services program, where landowners receive a payment for the conservation of their lands.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The Catalan Energy Institute performs several awareness programmesfor energy efficiency, including TV spots, advertisements, educational activities. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Future Wales establishes a clear policy context:•that places a strong focus on creating places that reduce the need to travel, make efficient use of land and which ensure that land use choice are guided by a clear understanding of their environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts; •to focus significant developments in towns and cities to make more effective use of land and the benefits of co-location of uses, and take advantage of public transport accessibility. •for the determination of large scale renewable energy projects; •for the delivery of district heat networks;•for the decarbonisation of energy supplies;•that strengthens the focus on public transport and active travel;•that requires decisions associated with international aviation and shipping to demonstrate how they can be accommodated within the statutory climate change targets and carbon budgets;•that supports a low carbon economy and decarbonisation of industry;•to support the delivery of energy efficient homes;•to support the development of a national forest;•to create healthy and resilient places; •to support the development of digital communications and help reduce the need to travel; •to support the sustainable growth of rural areas;•to support the sustainable location of strategic growth;•for nature based solutions such as for flood risk management;•to ensure the resilience of our ecosystems and reverse biodiversity decline; and •to sustainably manage natural resources and reduce pollution.In February 2021 the Welsh Government published Future Wales the national plan 2040, which is a national scale development plan that sits at the top of the development plan hierarchy in Wales. All other development plans in Wales must be in conformity with Future Wales. The document provides a place based approach for the future development of Wales with a 20 year time horizon. Future Wales sets a clear planning policy context for decarbonisation by both preventing and mitigating carbon emissions. For example Future Wales establishes a spatial strategy that reduces the need for travel and optimises the opportunities for further sustainable development in national and regional growth areas.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other: The target is under revision and a new ambition for net zero emissions in 2050 has been announced by government. Currently the 80% target remains in legislation. However, this will be amended in 2020 with the intention of raising ambition to a 95% reduction to bring the target inline with a 1.5 degree goal as recommended by our statutory advisors.",1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,there is a study that is going on that will show the need for these investments which are quite colossal,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient appliances. Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies for refurbishmentwhich include this action http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia,0 +Please complete the table below.,Catalan Strategy for adaptating to climate change 2013-2020http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Planificacio_i_estrategies_cc/resum_executiu_escacc_angles.pdfExecutive summary: Monitoring and assessment of Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Changehttp://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/03_AMBITS/adaptacio/ESCACC/docs/Resum-executiu_CA_EN.pdfClimate change in Catalonia. Executive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"With 851,000 inhabitants as of January 1, 2016, Reunion Island continues to grow in population, although it is growing at a slower pace over the 2009-2016 period, as a result of a negative net migration increase. The natural balance remains the engine of demography. The fertility rate has stabilized at an average of 2.5 children per woman since 1990. The life expectancy of the inhabitants of Réunion is increasing and is approaching metropolitan France (2-year differences), but the population structure is changing. substantially. The share of people over 60 has indeed tripled since 1967, while that of young people has decreased. Reunion is still the 3rd French department the youngest",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",• Behavioural change • Technological change • Legislative change • Financial conditions • Policy change,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,New invasive species are replacing the natural species and changing ecosystems.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Residual Waste Treatment Procurement Programme requires the energy from waste plants to be at least ‘heat enabled’.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,no more installations at present due to grid limitation and protection of bird life,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The cost of intervention in forestry management is greater of price to sale of product obtained. For that, the execution and viability of the management plans is difficult. The Generalitat de Catalunya is working to stimulate and promote the payment of environmental services.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Targets are setted in terms of energy consumption:The Energy efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2014-2017) sets the objective of reducing energy consumption for each governmental department (and thus, overall Government) by 14,3% in 2015-2017 period compared to 2014.Now, with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a programme of action that takes into consideration the guidelines that for these purposes the ministries responsible for energy and housing have established, related to renewable energy and energy saving and efficiency. (art. 29.1.c))",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state currently has an active energy efficiency challenge in buildings, in which a wide collaboration has been developed to create capacities in private buildings, of local companies to implement energy efficiency measures with the aim of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The 500 km length shoreline of the State of São Paulo is composed of 16 municipalities with about 2,22 million inhabitants. About 50% of the São Paulo sandy beaches are at Very-High and High Risk. These beaches include together more than 66% of the whole São Paulo shoreline, of which almost 50% are non-urbanized areas that include large areas requiring environmental protection. On the other hand, the most urbanized area is at medium risk.",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"The 500 km length shoreline of the State of São Paulo is composed of 16 municipalities with about 2,22 million inhabitants. About 50% of the São Paulo sandy beaches are at Very-High and High Risk. These beaches include together more than 66% of the whole São Paulo shoreline, of which almost 50% are non-urbanized areas that include large areas requiring environmental protection. On the other hand, the most urbanized area is at medium risk.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weatherevents by 40% compared to 2005.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Excludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","With 851,000 inhabitants as of January 1, 2016, Reunion Island continues to grow in population, although it is growing at a slower pace over the 2009-2016 period, as a result of a negative net migration increase. The natural balance remains the engine of demography. The fertility rate has stabilized at an average of 2.5 children per woman since 1990. The life expectancy of the inhabitants of Réunion is increasing and is approaching metropolitan France (2-year differences), but the population structure is changing. substantially. The share of people over 60 has indeed tripled since 1967, while that of young people has decreased. Reunion is still the 3rd French department the youngest",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and Welsh Housing Quality Standards. is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",a new public procurment for public transports will start in two years. the lats ine asked for 70 % of the vehicles operated on biogas and will hopefully be in operation in a year. A n upcoming procurement of waste collecting ask for biogas transport from 70 % of the households.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Estimates of gross greenhouse gas emissions do not consider the removal of carbon dioxide from changes in land use, ie the amount of carbon gases set by vegetation growth. When the removals are discounted, the estimates are net emissions (emissions minus removals).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Azorean electricy company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Wales has a comprehensive set of regulations and standards which are implemented thoroughly.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof hotter days ranging from 12-22 days at 2020 to 24-47 by 2050. The east, northeast and southeast regions ofYucatan will be particularly affected. Additionally80% of Yucatan State surface would reach maximum temperatures between 33-37°C.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increased urban heat island effect. The annual average temperature difference between the centre of the city of Barcelona and its surrounding area is over 3ºC to 5ºC. The city centre corresponds to the most ancient narrow streets, few green spaces and a high population density with low incomes.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2017, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2018.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, 2019), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2019), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",1 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,Verco carries out an internal audit in compliance with the CRCEE Scheme,1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Control invasive species (physical measures) and make demands on others to also take action against invasive species.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",•Transport for Wales commissioned to develop a pathway to convert existing fleet to ULEVs.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Capacity strengthening project for the implementation of the REDD+ State Strategy through the Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Norwegian Government prepared with the participation of The Nature Conservancy, which is the implementing partner of the project.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,The relationship between availability and water needs in the Azores have a highly positive water balance,1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"New rail infraestructures are planned(Mediterranian corridor, rail access to BarcelonaHarbour) to switch freight transports from trucks torail.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Short target summary: Wales has a statutory obligation to eradicate fuel poverty in all households by 2018.Please comment and detail any progress to meet target:The most effective way that we can do this is through energy efficiency. The energy consumption data is produced by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,there are projects that exist but it's starting to grow more and more,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital stutures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The activation of the measures of the Catalonia Drought Management Plan in the episode of drought experienced in the last 2 years in Catalonia (2016-2018) has supposed to have 100 more hm3 of water reserves in the reservoirs of the Ter Llobregat system during April 2018 with respect to a scenario in the absence of adaptive measures. The anticipation is key to avoid entering the alert stage. The full operation and performance of the water treatment facilities and the recovery of wells have been fundamental in the management.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on the adaptation working group for the climate change policy coordination commission of the Government of Spain.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The Woodland Loss statistics are derived from data collected through the Great Britain National Forest Inventory. Woodlands must be 0.5 ha and above, with a minimum width of 20 m to be counted towards the inventory.The data layer for the Wales ancient woodland inventory can be analysed against the statistics on woodland loss to give an indication of loss of natural forest (excluding Plantations on ancient woodland sites).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"The cost of intervention in forestry management is greater of price to sale of product obtained. For that, the execution and viability of the management plans is difficult. The Generalitat de Catalunya is working to stimulate and promote the payment of environmental services.",1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,1 +Please complete the table below.,Targets are:Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,"There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014, we do not have information to analyse our targets. Anyway, we have projections to 2030. It is expected the emissions in 2030 for the high projection increase of 41% (2.231.253 tCO2eq) related to the value of 2014 and for the low projection decrease of 38% (1.393.814 tCO2eq).",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.Within the framework of the Technical Committee on Groundwater for the Yucatan Metropolitan Geohydrological Zone (COTASMEY), work has been done on the design of a macro project that allows the comprehensive analysis of the hydrological structure of the karst aquifer in the state of Yucatan as a basis of the sustainable use and the Governance of the water resource. This has arisen as a response to the lack of scientific, socioeconomic and legislative information that supports the comprehensive management of water resources in the state, and is developed by a multidisciplinary team that is part of the Committee.Its objective is to analyze in an integral and synergistic way the hydrological structure of the State aquifer through the study of its components; that is to say:• local and regional flows,• hydrochemistry of water,• connectivity between systems within the State and the coastal zone,• processes of transport, entry accumulation, dispersion and spatial and temporal variation of various regulated and non-regulated pollutants,• environmental pressure given by biological, chemical or hydrological factors,• socio-economic and political pressure related to Governance and Education.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"about geothermal energy, there are prospecting studies that are being launched, but there is a Geothermal project that is in sight",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",eg. 1. Introduction of improved cook stoves2. Introduction of improved carbonization technologies,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Low data quality on transport emissions from procured transports and fuel consumption in the region's own vehicle fleet.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2018.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Sinks are not included in the inventory, the carbon sinks on Gotland are for example forests where approximately 50 % of the estimated annual growth is left in the forests and meadows and pastures kept in continued cultivation with extensive grazing., that are reported to have increased the amount of soil carbon during the last decades, but we lack official statistic on that.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,No: There are already agriculture measures that are implemented to the rotational grazing methods,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",We collect data using both field field surveys and remote sensing,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,In MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) the gas is collected and flared because there isn't enough gas to implemente another treatment,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsWe are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management which is currently being laid in the Senedd prior to publication, the above aim reflects our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,In Amazonas´s master plan (Concerted Development Regional Plan to 2021) there is a objective related with infrastructure works that are executed annually taking into account risk management in the face of climate change. The objective is achieve that 100 per cent of public projects have risk assessment.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Yes we have a number of campaigns and schemes. Our new Wales Transport Strategy gives priority to promoting walking and cycling and public transport over car use. This is consistent with Planning Policy Wales. Also included is the transport investment hierarchy that gives priority to managing demand by reducing distance travelled.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,mainly due to higher building Standards and decreasing heating degree days,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes a current review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agents and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our statutory advisors have produced model scenarios providing potential routes by which the targets could be achieved. In March 2019 Government will publish its own Low Carbon Delivery Plan, setting out how the targets will be achieved.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The state government has an initiative to reduce emissions and a state REDD + strategy , which seeks low emission rural development.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:•Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting•Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26•Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.•Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021•Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Does your region have a region-wide emissions inventory to report?,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Energy efficiency in industrial processes, buildnings and spatial planning.Climate-smart farming methods in agriculture.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",It is expected that occur more intense rainfall can cause that will affect the population and land use,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2019 table 1.2(Source: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg 10),0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Biogas from waste is upgraded and used as locally produced RE car fuel and industrial fuel. ( Around 35 GWh/ year),0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The forested area in Catalonia has increased greatly in recent years (130,000 hectares): while it accounted for 38% of the territory in 1993, in 2009 it was 42 %.There have been no major losses associated with forest fires (about 28,000 hectares of forest was burned between 2001 and 2014, or less than 2,000 hectares per year) or any other disturbances.The increase has been mainly at the expense of scrubland, and to a lesser extent, albeit a significant one, has involved an abandonment of crops.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Amazon region has increased from 2014 to 2017, 0.6 degrees Celsius and therefore there has been an increase in precipitation that clearly registered that in 2014 and 2015 there was a time with low rainfall increased on sunny days, but in the year 2016 and 2017 there was an increase in rainfall which caused road emergency states during those years.We find an average CO2 of 445 ppm above the average that is 410 ppm.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean electric company control the production of energy per unit of production,1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The figures quoted are for Gross Value Added (GVA) rather than GDP. GDP is not calculated for Wales. No forecasts are available for Welsh GDP in 2030 or 2050.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"During 2013 and 2014 years, the Government of Catalonia has published two calls for grants to local councils and local authorities to develop adaptation local plans for climate change. Thus, 16 town councils received more than 60.000 euros for the implementation of local adaptation plans.During the year 2018, the Government has approved ORDER TES / 169/2018, of October 4, which approves the regulatory bases of subsidies for local governmentments for develop mitigation and adaptation actions and the budget for the calls 2019 and 2020 will be 1M €.The adaptation actions that will be subsidized will be: 2.1.3 Actions to adapt and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the area of the water resources a) Improvement of the efficiency of municipal water supply networks. b) Preparation of emergency plans for drought in municipalities of less than 20,000 registered inhabitants. c) Utilization of unconventional water resources for non-potable uses in municipal facilities, such as for example, the use of rainwater, gray, regenerated or phreatic. 2.1.4 Actions to prevent the effects of urban heat islands in the areas of housing, health and urban plannning.Likewise, Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study about the vulnerability and resilience of the municipalities to the increase of temperature due to the climate change.http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Estudis_i_docs_adaptacio/Estudi_LaVola_adaptacio_municipis/Vulnerabilitat_canvi_climatic_municipis_Vdef_set.pdfIn the area of local projects, the Office participates as a partner in the LIFE CLINOMICS project led by the Diputació de Barcelona which aims to increase the resilience of local Mediterranean entities after the intervention in three territories: the Montseny Natural Park, the Alt Penedès region and the lands of the Ebro; and about three significant economic activities: tourism, agriculture and forestry.http://lifeclinomics.eu/ca/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (23%) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. We have received advice (May 2019) from our statutory advisers relating to Net Zero by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change, that a 95% reduction target is appropriate and they have completed some initial pathways analysis to show how this target might be achieved. However, more detailed formal pathway evidence will be produced by our advisers next year, alongside our own assessment of emission reduction pathways within government.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Very important measure to enable furtgher installations of renewables to the grid on Gotland, both storage capacity and transmission capacity can be useful in different scales.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",1 +Please attach and provide details of your region’s plan(s).,Catalan Office for Climate Change and Coastal Management Service are making the preliminary work and governance to develop an integral coastal plan that contains an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the beaches of Catalonia and identify what measures to take to avoid risks and order the uses of the area in accordance with the future scenarios of sea level rise.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"In order to improve the equipment and machinery for increase the efficiency of water transport and treatment. The government will developed in the period 2018-2024 a project for the detection of leaks in the drinking water distribution network, as well as the supply and installation of micro-meters and macro-meters, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"To Gotland imported electricity equals to Swedish production mix in 2015, a year with net export from Sweden.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Catalan Energy Institute performs several awareness programmesfor energy efficiency, including TV spots, advertisements, educational activities. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The Public Health Wales Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) exists to monitor the incidence of disease vectors and pathogens.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon-neutral by 2035. Many of the local authorities in the Region have already set the goal of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2035 or earlier. The Regional Council is working together with cities and municipalities to complete a roadmap to Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa Region in 2035. Through this process we seek to support local mitigation activities.Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has signed Covenant of Mayors territorial coordinators' commitment statement and is so ready to endorse and support the local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy and climate policies.,1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 8455 hectares, 17.4 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2017, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.In 2019, Amazonas has started a project to design a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development. This project is implemented by Earth Innovation Institute (in frame of GCF Task Force) and supported by Norway Cooperation.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Other, please specify: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The Government of the State, through the Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, undertook the update of diagnoses of vulnerable coastal human settlements through the collection and generation of statistical information for decision-making regarding urban development and ecological planning of the coastal territory.In this regard, 11 diagnoses and statistical analyzes corresponding to 1,229 homes in risk areas located in 11 towns were updated. benefiting 31 thousand 804 inhabitants of the coastal towns. These studies consist in the identification and census of the houses that are within flood zones, as well as the equipment, services and infrastructure that exists in the area in order to project a housing reordering program and thus reduce the dangers that the conditions can generate in the human settlements that are in them.The Government of the State of Yucatan carried out the ""Social Inclusion Improvement Strategy"", which aims to undertake actions focused on providing basic social infrastructure to the population with low resources and, thereby, raising the quality of life of families. The actions are coordinated by the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol) and implemented by the Institute of Housing of the State of Yucatan (IVEY), through the construction of additional rooms and firm floors. 6,774 additional rooms were carried out, 50,138 ecological stoves, 11,939 firm floors, 56 ceilings, 2,537 housing units and 12,346 bathrooms.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"""Region Gotland and the county administration has, together and in broad cooperation with the industry and relevant organizations, developed and adopted of a regional strategy for food and food industries on the island. The strategy, decided by the end of 2016, will be the fundament for Gotland's position to grow even much stronger until 2025. Since 2017, there is also a national food strategy for the regional development to be linked with. During 2017, the interacting actors developed an action plan for the regional food and food production strategy. The action plan is a living document, due to be updated every year. Formally the strategy and action plan are managed by Region Gotland and the county administration together. In the actual implementation, however, it’s very important that the business community, academia and other knowledge-bearing agents, as well as the public sector work together. It is therefore important that the business community and others are aware of and benefit from the joint work that already has been done.During 2017-2019 one person is contracted to coordinate and support the implementation, located on the “Gotland Green Centre, where many other services for agro-business are located. The funding is national, by the business package “Sustainable Gotland."" (Translated from https://www.gotland.se/97120). But the weather extremes last year with a very rainy autumn and winter season followed by a severe summer draught this season has resulted in a need to update the strategy. A winter with a very limited supply of animal fodder is now upcoming, that can cause a reduced live stock for future years, then causing reduced future activity in food industry. Further the need for improved water management in the landscape and enlarged water storage and irrigation capacity for the agriculture has become obvious. That can result in new jobs and economic activity in those sectors, provided that there will be economic capacity enough in the agriculture and/or the society to manage to carry out the necessary investments.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,this is a step that is progressing at the level of the community,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,this decline is due to the social movement that hit the island. There was a significant decrease in emissions,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are working with government to help deal with climate change and introduce increase opportunities in rural areas. This has yielded result as currently there is planting for food and jobs project being rolled out by the government of Ghana.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The relative sea level rise around Wales (based on UKCP08 data and taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The forestry sector is feeling the effect of changes in the frequency and severity of disturbances such as fires, drought and severe storms. If this continues in the long term, the forestry sector will likely face changes in its productivity and in the composition of forest species as a result of changes in moisture and temperature.Species survival is determined by many biotic (e.g., food, competition, symbiotic relationships, and diseases) and abiotic (e.g., climate and access to water) factors. Given that climate change is impacting all or most of these forces and factors, the composition, distribution and abundance of biodiversity is changing",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the electric vehicles",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The changes in climate affects the health of population, for instance increasing the incidence of water and respiratory diseases. In recent years there has been an increase in the proliferation of insect vectors of diseases such as dengue, zica and yellow fever, which may have been caused by a change in rainfall patterns and increase in the average temperature, which favor the transmission cycle of the disease.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"This topic is more vaguely described in the present master plan, but is described more detailed in the Roadmap for sustainable energy, mentioned above. The master plan points out the value and necessity of cooperation with energy actors in sustainable power production on Gotland, where wind power is seen as the future main source to renewable power production on Gotland, but where biogas and wooden biofuels also are important large local resources for renewables.",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"Our inventory is not able to disaggregate emissions into Scope 1 and 2. All emissions associated with these sectors have been allocated to Scope 1.Scope 3 includes emissions from: “Industrial processes and product use”, “Agriculture”, “Land use, land-use change and forestry” and “Waste”",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,There is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In our Lower Austrian Climate- and Energy-Programme 2020 we have identified 6 main sectors for GHG Emission (buildings, traffic, agriculture and forestry, energy supply, waste management, public issues). For these sectors there are concrete measures and instruments including responsibilities and timelines. All this measures should lead us to achieve the national binding GHG Emission targets which are based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection law. Additionally in June 2019 the Lower Austrian Government and Parliament have decided a Climate und Energy Roadmap 2030. This roadmap includes regional GHG emission targets, energy targets and climate adaptation targets for 2030. In a next step a new implementation program for reaching these new goals will be developed.",0 +Please attach and provide details of your region’s plan(s).,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015. http://aca-web.gencat.cat/aca/appmanager/aca/aca?",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",There is no involvement of subnational governments in defining and discussing how to implement the NDC in Brazil.,0 +Do current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change present significant physical risks to your region?,The Regional Consil has set up a SLIME device to help families in precarious situations to perform an energetic diagnosis and provide them with kits to save energy,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","There is no priority or resources to develop this inventory, besides the availability of reliable and detailed data. There is a calculation of CO2 emissions in the State's energy balance, but according with the total consumption of energy in the public sector.",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations?,Hotter climate may pose significant risks to vulnerable population that cannot afford to take measures for keeping their homes at an adequate temperature.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Total emissions from Governmental buildings energyconsumption in 2014 (electricity and natural gas for heating/cooling).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please provide further details about the geography of your region.,The property is very atomized and there are few owners with forest extensions over 500 ha.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Other: Designed to reflect a devolved contribution to a 2 degree goal.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Act n°2015-992 of 17 August 2015 lays down the guidelines for energy policies and renewable energy for French overseas departments in Article 11. It states that overseas department should be energy-autonomous in 2030, with anintermediate goal of 50% of renewables in the energy mix in 2020. In addition, incentive mechanisms are also in place to encourage the development of renewable sources, including tax exemption, direct subsidies and feed-in tariffs (FITs) controlled by EDF.In 2017, Reunion Island regional council and French government defined the energy policy until 20231 for the island. This programme gives the development objectives for each renewable sources for 2018 and 2023 (compared to 2014) in order to achieve electric autonomy in 2030. It takes into account population and electricity consumption increase with objectives in demand-side management as well. This document is currently reviewed to give new objectives for 2023 and 2028 for reunion Island on renewable energies, demand-side management and transports.(2) Reduce GHG emissions by 10% in 2020 compared to 2011",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 41.75 MtCO2e in 2017, representing a 25% reduction in total emissions over this period.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1,833,990 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In 2016 a new plan has been approved for theexpansion of electric charging infraestructurehttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/plans_programes/pirvec/The Catalan Energy Institute has specificsubsidies for installing charging infrastructures forelectric vehicleshttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts/icaeninstallacio-dinfraestructures-de-recarrega-per-alvehicle-electric/,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,It is expected that occur more intense rainfall can cause that will affect the population and land use,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In Mexico there is the National Environmental Audit Plan, which is a voluntary mechanism that allows companies to have a certificate of clean industry, environmental quality or tourist environmental quality. This certificate is granted by the federal attorney for environmental protection. In Yucatan there is a large number of companies that have some kind of certificate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island,0 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"Our inventory is not able to disaggregate emissions into Scope 1 and 2. All emissions associated with these sectors have been allocated to Scope 1.Scope 3 includes emissions from: “Industrial processes and product use”, “Agriculture”, “Land use, land-use change and forestry” and “Waste”.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The main factors contributing to the increase in emissions are the increase in the vehicle fleet , which increased by 16% from 2014 to 2017, the increase in swine production, which increased by 18% in the same period. On the other hand, the production of energy decreased by 19%, however, as the population increases, the consumption of electricity has increased.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital stutures damages due to frequent severe weather events",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is a general (not quantitative) objective on energy efficiency and some regional funds are allocated to reach this goal; the overal management of energy is not under control of regional administration,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Climate change related issues are addressed in development plans: (i) Long term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang - RPJP); (ii) Medium term (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mengengah - RPJM) and (iii) Sectoral (Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah - RKPD and Rencana Strategis - RENSTRA) as well as in spatial plans such as Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah (RTRW). Long term development plan is in synchronous with RTRW and the remaining documents are translating the plan from those documents into immediate or short term targets accordingly.Plans are identified and consolidated with representatives from local government at district/municipal level via a participatory meeting called Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan - Musrenbang. Further, they are also involved in programs implementation.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ongoing, biogas is the first choice, over 200 biogas vehicles in the municipal car fleet.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the recovery of marine habitats, considering the scenarios of climate change",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,A new ambition has been set since these projections were undertaken. The government has set an ambition to meet net zero by 2050. Updated pathways analysis will replace these estimates in the near future. Note these are recommended pathways provided by our statutory advisors and are based on plausible future emissions patwhays with appropriate policy in place. They do not represent a baseline emissions projection in the absence of policy.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Policies and actions currently in place to protect the region against deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Difficulty with the integration of economic and human resourses to adress adaptation, due to lack of undersanting of climate risck within different sectors.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Promote reduction of the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The state currently has an active energy efficiency challenge in buildings, in which a wide collaboration has been developed to create capacities in private buildings, of local companies to implement energy efficiency measures with the aim of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,"In fact, the responsibility to achieve the purposes of Law 16/2017 on Climate Change is shared by the Government, local authorities, productive sectors, political, social and economic agents and citizens overall.Catalan Office for Climate Change collaborates with local authorities and provides support to municipalities for climate adaptation and mitigation actions ( ex. Public grants and economic finance for develop local adaptation action plans or meetings with local stakeholders for develop actions financed by European Projects for local climate change adaptation).Also, local authorities participate on introducing on their policies and actions the objectives relating to reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change that is included in the Strategic Reference Framework for Adaptation.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The government has projects for the training of silvopastoral systems and organic agriculture.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets) and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,1. Establishment of compulsory measures to adapt public and private infrastructure to climate change2. Inclusion of risk criteria in urban infrastructure projects in the coastal zone.3. Restoration and protection of coastal dunes and wetlands,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Various measurement and analysis stations on our coast indicate a clear rise in sea level for the period 1900-2017. The station at l'Estartit measures a sea level rise of +3.1 cm per decade [+2.0cm-4.3cm] which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. This rise is higher in spring (3.8 cm/decade).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",It is expected that episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with frequency and intensity which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that will affect the population and maritime transportation. Also air transportation will be affected.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Data for 2014, using the Spanish electricity emissions factor in 2013 (0.25 Kg CO2/kWheq)",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Sea level rise poses risks to capital region in particular due to extensive construction on the coastline. However, land uplift and a strict building code limit the risks.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections. The updated flood risk maps will be available by the end of 2018.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Creation of jobs and social programs to serve the vulnerable population.,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Climate change responsibility is found in the regional, sectoral or special programs that are aligned to the state development plan. Each plan contains indicators that are reported in the annual governmentreport that is associated with the State Action Program on Climate Change, which is a special program.The actions carried out in Climate Change linked to the State Action Program on Climate Change include the actions of the different instances that influence the fulfillment of goals and objectives in mitigation and adaptation.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the evaluations are carried out by micro region (on the territory there are 4 micro region),0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region aims to be carbon-neutral by 2035. Many of the local authorities in the Region have already set the goal of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2035 or earlier. The Regional Council is working together with cities and municipalities to complete a roadmap to Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa Region in 2035. Through this process we seek to support local mitigation activities.Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has signed Covenant of Mayors territorial coordinators' commitment statement and is so ready to endorse and support the local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy and climate policies.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of -no ETS sectors- by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26% by 2030 ( no ETS sectors), respect to year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act originally introduced a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. In March 2021 Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Wales also has interim targets for 2030 and 2040, and a series of 5-year carbon budgets. The first carbon budget ran from 2016 to 2020. Alongside the net zero target, we also updated our interim targets and 2nd and 3rd carbon budgets, as follows:•Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25): 37% average reduction•Carbon Budget 3 (2026-30): 58% average reduction •2030: 63% reduction•2040: 89% reductionWe have to set a carbon budget at least five years before the budgetary period begins. The targets and carbon budgets form Wales’s statutory framework. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. However we have set a 0% offset limit against Carbon budget 2.",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with others to support and scale up pilots, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"In January 2021, guidelines for energy efficiency in public buildings of the government of the state of Yucatán were published, with the aim of establishing the bases, technical standards and general provisions that must be implemented to achieve energy efficiency in public buildings of the Government of the Yucatan State.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: this does not come under the competence of the Region but rather of the French state,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The Regional Consil has put in place measures under the 2014-2020 European program to support local communities,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","During 2013 and 2014 years, the Government of Catalonia has published two calls for grants to local councils and local authorities to develop adaptation local plans for climate change. Thus, 16 town councils received more than 60.000 euros for the implementation of local adaptation plans.During the year 2018, the Government has approved ORDER TES / 169/2018, of October 4, which approves the regulatory bases of subsidies for local governmentments for develop mitigation and adaptation actions and the budget for the calls 2019 and 2020 will be 1M €.The adaptation actions that will be subsidized will be: 2.1.3 Actions to adapt and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the area of the water resources a) Improvement of the efficiency of municipal water supply networks. b) Preparation of emergency plans for drought in municipalities of less than 20,000 registered inhabitants. c) Utilization of unconventional water resources for non-potable uses in municipal facilities, such as for example, the use of rainwater, gray, regenerated or phreatic. 2.1.4 Actions to prevent the effects of urban heat islands in the areas of housing, health and urban plannning.Likewise, Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study about the vulnerability and resilience of the municipalities to the increase of temperature due to the climate change.http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Estudis_i_docs_adaptacio/Estudi_LaVola_adaptacio_municipis/Vulnerabilitat_canvi_climatic_municipis_Vdef_set.pdfIn the area of local projects, the Office participates as a partner in the LIFE CLINOMICS project led by the Diputació de Barcelona which aims to increase the resilience of local Mediterranean entities after the intervention in three territories: the Montseny Natural Park, the Alt Penedès region and the lands of the Ebro; and about three significant economic activities: tourism, agriculture and forestry.http://lifeclinomics.eu/ca/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG have inputted into the UK Peatland code. Glastir scheme is an important tool for peatland / carbon delivery in Wales, outputs are closely monitored, recorded and evaluated. The NRW EU LIFE project for Welsh Raised Bogs is an important project. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",no more installations at present due to grid limitation and protection of bird life,0 +Please complete the table below.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient appliances. Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies for refurbishmentwhich include this action http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The state is a world reference in renewable energies. The participation of these energy sources in the energy matrix of São Paulo was 52% in 2011, especially due to the sugar cane and hydroelectricity products. The state is the world's largest producer of ethanol from sugarcane. The government's goal is to increase - by 2020, based on the year 2010 - the share of renewable energy in the state's internal energy supply to 69%, which includes hydro, solar, wind and waste energy, biomass, biogas, biodiesel and ethanol. Source: Investe SP, 2020. Renewable energy investment guide. Available at https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/uploads/midias/documentos/folder_renewable_energy.pdf",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,No other type of action has been identified to reduce vulnerability to citizens and businesses,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The LIFE MEDACC project has finished after five years and has analyzed three Catalan river basins: La Muga, El Segre and El Ter.The LIFE MEDACC project has confirmed a reduction in precipitation, especially in summer, with more frequent and intense droughts and more evaporation of water into the atmosphere. The three basins studied have seen how their rivers have reduced the flow, a trend that will continue in the future if measures are not applied.In the case of forests, the tendency for the three basins is similar. During the last decades the surface of forests has increased to the detriment of crops and scrub.In fact, the results show that they are increasingly vulnerable to drought and fires, especially in the Muga. If the trend continues, the forests of the three basins, and of Catalonia in general, will have a higher risk of fire and will be more exposed to droughts, pests and other disturbances. Regarding agriculture, it has been seen that now some crops such as the apple tree begin their activities due to the high temperatures of winter and spring, and see their flowering due to cold weather as well as their fruit quality due to heat stroke. On the other hand, the reduction of precipitation and the greater water demand has caused a decrease in the availability of water, both in quantity and quality, especially accused in the coastal plains of the Muga and Ter.http://medacc-life.eu/",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"In Catalonia, forests are the land system with the largest carbon stock per hectare, at 149.5 tons per hectare. They are followed by pastures, with 121.4 tonnes per hectare. These are followed by scrubland (112.1 tonnes per hectare) and woody crops (104.0 tonnes per hectare), and finally, arable crops, with 100.8 tonnes per hectare. Most of this carbon is stored in the soil as humus. In absolute terms, taking into account the total area of each ecosystem, forests are in first place, with a total of 173 Tg (million tonnes) of stored carbon.Forests are not exploited as extensively as they used to be, when they gave us many products with a high economic value, and the decline in economic interest has in many cases led to neglect in their management.Since most of our forests are already suffering from the effects of climate change, flexible forest management adapted to each species and geographical region is essential.They are also valuable as ecosystems: they regulate the water, nutrients and carbon cycles, maintain biodiversity, help to control forest fires, protect the soil and prevent it from suffering from erosion. Measures are therefore needed to prevent the rural exodus, and, more specifically, the exodus from farming. These measures, combined with others to protect pastures and meadows, would maintain the sink capacity of all these natural systems.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ministerial Resolution 0696/2010 transfers the functions of forest management to the regional government of Amazonas. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development 2014 - 2021 establishes as an action the registry of reforested lands and the promotion of forestry projects. As a goal to 2021, 10 project registers formulated and executed by the Regional Government and local governments are proposed. In addition, through the Regional Ordinance N ° 362-2015-GRA, the Platform for Community Forest Management of the Amazon Region (PMFC) is formed; becoming a space for dialogue, consensus and permanent promotion of sustainable forest management in lands of native communities in the region. On the other hand, through Regional Ordinance N ° 394-2017-GRA-CR, they declare the elaboration and application of the Zoning and Forest Management process of regional interest, and make up the Technical Team to facilitate the development of Forest Zoning.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Ahafo agricultural sector will also need to deal with the potential for increased impacts on farm operations of extreme weather events such as drought as well as pest infestations and increased crop vulnerability from year-to-year. Overall, water availability is likely to become even more of a challenge for farmers under the changing climate. Available Ahafo rivers such as River Tano, Akantansu, Goa, Subre, etc. are drying up so quickly offseason.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The data from l’Estartit show that the sea level has risen by 3.1 cm/decade since 1990 This is a statistically significant increase, as are the increases recorded for different seasons except for winter: +3.8 cm/ decade in the spring, and +3.1 cm/decade in the summer and autumn.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The State of São, through the Secretariat of Infrastructure and the Environment, is a member of ABEMA - Brazilian Association of State Environmental Entities, which promotes cooperation and permanent exchange among its members, at the state level.Within the scope of the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, the ""ProgramaVerdeAzul - PMVA"" , launched in 2007, has the purpose of stimulating and assisting São Paulo city halls in the elaboration and execution of their strategic public policies for the sustainable development of the state of São Paulo.There are ten guidelines for the local environmental agenda: Sustainable Municipality, Structure and Environmental Education, Environmental Council, Biodiversity, Water Management, Air Quality, Land Use, Urban Forestry, Treated Sewer and Solid Waste.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Amazonas is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) will be designed by Amazonas with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute in 2019 and funded by Norway Cooperation.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Establishment of the State hydro-geological reserve "" Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica del Anillo de Cenotes"" with asurface cover of 219,207.83 Ha. Dedicated to the protection of water resources.In 2016, a regional strategy to control the coastal erosion was developed in order to improve sustainable management in the coastal zone.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Creation of jobs and social programs to serve the vulnerable population.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,There is regional legislation to support the implementation of wind power directed to the general public and businesses,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please complete the table below.,eg. 1. Introduction of improved cook stoves2. Introduction of improved carbonization technologies,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",1 +Please complete the table below.,Preservation of spectacled bear and Amazonian tapir in the protected area of Collay,0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?","The Regional Program for Climate Change is not published, it is waiting for superior approval",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Climate change and heat waves affect the health of the most vulnerable people, especially children, old people or with chronic diseases.In fact, public health and emergency services registered during the summer of 2018 an increase in the number of cases of deaths and medical risk situations of vulnerable people caused by heatwaves.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"In 2008, through Regional Ordinance 223-2008-GRA / CR, Amazonas approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change. It highlights the need to control migratory agriculture and unplanned settlements and control deforestation. It also establishes that risk maps, updating of the SIAR and thematic maps of climate change will be updated each year. The Regional Environmental Agenda 2017-2018 states that this planning document must be updated.The main factor of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is the deforestation. Since 2012, the loss of forest has an upward trend. In 2016, deforestation was 8455 hectares, 17.4 percent higher than the previous year. During the period 2001-2017, more than 95 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.In 2019, Amazonas has started a project to design a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or that is associated with low emission development. This project is implemented by Earth Innovation Institute (in frame of GCF Task Force) and supported by Norway Cooperation.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Inter- basin transfers, with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections. The updated flood risk maps will be available by the end of 2018.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In the sanitary landfill of the municipality of Kanasín, the organic and inorganic fractions of urban solid waste are crushed and then processed to the plants, to be converted into fuels and subsequently integrated, through processing to the cement production process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, our planning framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Government promotes the alignment of state and federal programs to the goals of the Bonn Challenge, with a commitment of restoring 550,000 ha by 2030, promoting the integration public and private financing .",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Public authorities launched in 2004 the Action Plan to prevent the effects of heat waves on health (POCS), which provides for the necessary measures to minimize the effects of heat waves on the vulnerable population. Every year the Department of Health assess the actions carried out.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The duration of droughts could increase significantly taking into account the combination of the projected rise in temperatures, the decrease in precipitation and rising evapotranspiration",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Annual review by the UNFCCC expert review team. Reviews highlight reporting issuesof transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability or accuracy that need to beresolved by the UK. The review focusses on the UK national inventory, which is consistent with the GHGI reported for Wales. However, the Welsh specific inventory is not subject to a direct UN review.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,total CO2 emissions from the combust of petroleum products and coal,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the context of marine energies, the Region has been funding research projects since 2009.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Increased vulnerability in municipalities with high percentages of the population living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,ETS Sector verified in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Public Health Wales are undertaking a Health Impact Assessment which will consider delivery of health services in future climates. Public Service Boards (PSBs) in Wales are required to pay regard to risks in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment when developing wellbeing plans. Local Resilience Fora (LRFs) also monitor and mitigate risks and emergencies at a local level, putting resources in place to manage issues such as flood. Both PSBs and LRFs are made up by representatives for organisations in public services.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes a current review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The biogas from MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) is collected and generates electricity,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"In 2015, as part of the energy reform in Mexico, modifications to the rates for the electric power transmission public service have been issued through the Electricity Industry Law. The general climate change law establishes that by 2024, 35% of the energy must come from clean sources.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",highest effect: reduced steel production transportation: higher consumption of diesel; buildings: reduction,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Yucatán is aligned with the commitment to significantly reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020, under the collaboration of governments, partners and the private sector of the GCF for the achievement of supply chains of net zero deforestation that allow the implementation of the REDD + jurisdictional program; ensuring the distribution of benefits to forest-dependent communities, small farmers and indigenous people.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient anagementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"This is very serious for those in the livestock industry, as well as fisheries, tree crops, vegetable industries and their value chains",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Programa Estadual de Prevenção de Desastres Naturais e de Redução de Riscos Geológicos (PDN) https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/ page 271Many of the accidents have their origin in the effects of disorderly occupation in inappropriate areas, associated with climatic changes and disastrous events of high variability.Therefore, there is a dependence on the implementation of public policies for planning, housing, construction, research and development, associated with inspection and monitoring activities.As of 2018, the PDN began to gradually approach the municipalities in the regions that have the highest occurrence of events and the greatest susceptibility to its negative impacts, seeking greater effectiveness of State actions with the articulation between all spheres of interest.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Program REVIVE implementation to identify and control the pathogenic agentes and create a system for detecting mosquitoes,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Providing information on risk areas that can be used in the context of land-use planning for example.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the context of energy the region has developed several devices to combat the climate change,the dispositive Ecosolidaire that helps families in precarious situations to equip themselves with solar water heating, more than 4500 families have been accopagnés by this dispostif in parallel these precarious flamilles are accompanied by the device SLIME which allows to carry out diagnoses energetics, provide them kits that allow them to save money. the region also accompanies families without any condition of resource to equip the central photovoltaic with or without storage (self-consumption or with the resale) via the deposit Check Phototvoltaiquethe region also supports social landlords to equip themselves with solar collectiouitentThe Region also supports the tertiary sector to equip itself with solar air conditioning, which is a very energy-intensivethe region also supports several research projects, in particular, on the storage, the development of hydrogen on marine energies, off-shore and onshore wind energy",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Our latest adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out our plans to incorporate climate risk mitigation into long term planning. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government - 'Taking Wales Forward'. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, the upcoming National Development Framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The data comes from the land cover map of Catalonia, which is based on a thematic cartography of high resolution of the main types of roofs of the country's land (forests, crops, urban areas, etc.). This map is carried out for the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), with funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya. (Usage map and floor coverings).",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health., and the impacts on health.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",According to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"""Plusenergilän"" - Kronobergs county is a ""plus-energy-county"" by the year 2050 meaning that the total production of renewable energy and biofuel exceeds the total energy use within the county",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Every year the Region, in collaboration with local administrations, through the air action plan, adopts contingent short-term measures to reduce the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants during the winter period.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Increase awareness/engage public on geothermal heatinginstallations. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific for refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The forestry sector is feeling the effect of changes in the frequency and severity of disturbances such as fires, drought and severe storms. If this continues in the long term, the forestry sector will likely face changes in its productivity and in the composition of forest species as a result of changes in moisture and temperature.Species survival is determined by many biotic (e.g., food, competition, symbiotic relationships, and diseases) and abiotic (e.g., climate and access to water) factors. Given that climate change is impacting all or most of these forces and factors, the composition, distribution and abundance of biodiversity is changing",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements.",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Command and control actions related to the National Forestry Code, Federal Law 12.651, May, 25th, 2012 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The provincial government of Morona Santiago establishes the resolution to declare the Province as Ecological, Touristic and Free of Environmental Pollution in 2011. From that moment, a strategic project is established within the Decentralized Territorial Management Plan , entitled Environmental Monitoring System of Morona Santiago, with the objective of knowing the characteristics of its Renewable and Non-Renewable Natural Resources in order to know the state for the implementation of public policies that help the conservation of the provincial habitats. The monitoring is done through 10 automatic stations placed throughout the province. Hydrological monitoring in the basins of the Santiago and Morona rivers is done through the establishment of 4 automatic stations. Air monitoring, the carbon monoxide component through 10 stations. Wildlife Monitoring within the framework of the National System of Protected Areas.With all this information that we have since 2014, we launched a magazine of the Environmental System where we publish information and socialize environmental education issues with the inhabitants of the province and we transfer knowledge to universities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Regional Concil has set up a measure with in the framework of the European program 2014-2020, to support local authorities to reinvigorate public lighting",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry. Proposals for Future Land Management Policy (including business model adaptation) are being devised with internal and external stakeholders in order to publish high level proposals in July 2018.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Source current 2018 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midiaThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","State Program of Action Against Climate Change. Analysis of adaptation options to climate change, strategies and indicators.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Lower Austria supports communities in the implementation of their GHG emission reduction targets: The Municipal Environmental Service (Umwelt-Gemeinde-Service: a special information hub for municipalities) provides targeted information and tools that are continuously adapted to the municipalities' current needs.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Secretariat for Energy and Minning.There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The biogas from MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) is collected and generates electricity,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Indigenous Infrastructure Program (PROII)Through the Coordination Agreement signed between the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Government of the State of Yucatan, the Indigenous Infrastructure Program was executed, with which basic infrastructure works were carried out in indigenous localities with gaps and lags in terrestrial communication, electrification and housing. The project achieved: • Construction of 1,757 ecological toilets • Expansion of 296 km of the electric network• Construction and modernization of 192 km highways• Construction of 112 water systems.Construction and Expansion of the electrical network• Construction of 21 infrastructure actions in 22.81 kilometers of medium voltage distribution lines and extensions of electrical networks in medium and low voltageOperation of the drinking water system in the city of Mérida• A total of 54.0 million cubic meters of potable water was supplied to the population. The beneficiary population is 870,000 inhabitants of the city of Mérida and conurbated areasStrengthening Medical Care ProgramDuring 2017, 25,444 inhabitants of 109 localities targeted by the Program were attended . This action consisted in the granting of services of promotion, prevention, medical and dental care to the population as well as 36,254 medical consultations and 7,204 dental care to the target population of the program, as well as 244,733 actions of prevention and health promotion.These actions were carried out in 25 municipalities of high and very high marginalization and difficult access in the municipalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Estimates of gross greenhouse gas emissions do not consider the removal of carbon dioxide from changes in land use, ie the amount of carbon gases set by vegetation growth. When the removals are discounted, the estimates are net emissions (emissions minus removals).",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The decrease in water quality is due to the following factors:a) There is contamination by the mining and oil industry and the construction of electric damsb) The development of activities such as agriculture and livestock near the water springs and their contamination with solid waste.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected reductionof annual precipitation ranging from 5% to 15% by 2050. The north region of the State would be particularly affected.Most Vulnerable sectors to this impact wouldbe water supply, forestry, biodiversity, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Emissions in 2017 are 45,072,920 metric tonnes CO2e. It represents an increase of 8%.Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In the framework of the Multiannual Energy Programming, it is planned to optimize the existing projects",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Amazonas has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Amazonas signed the Memorandum on 14thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/amazonas-peru-signature-page.pdf,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Install smart energy meters / sub-metersSmart meters are being tested, they will be mandatory by 2020",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"State Program of Action Against Climate Change. Analysis of adaptation options to climate change, strategies and indicators.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio Climático""",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Supporting the development of climate and energy plans, Increased focus on climate and energy in spatial planning, developing municipal climate strategies",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The State Development Plan 2018-2024 establishes strategies to improve waste management, contributing to its reduction, by promoting a culture for its comprehensive management that allows reducing environmental risks as well as promoting actions that contribute to the reuse of waste materials.In such a way that in 2019, the state government established the ""Yucatan Zero Waste Strategy"" whose objective is to promote the maximum use of waste, through the promotion of an environmental culture, equipment and innovative infrastructure that fosters the effective articulation of actions of diagnosis and monitoring, regulations, Implementation and commissioning of solid waste utilization infrastructure.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Increased vulnerability due to lack of access to health services, in municipalities with a high percentage of the population in conditions of poverty.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"During 2014, as part of National Program of Rural Electrification, photovoltaic system was installed in 2,115 localities in all the provinces of the Amazonas, through the installation of 17,897 solar panels.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change provides changes in seasonal regimes: for the period 2070-2100 is probably that the seasonal hydrologic regime will be intensified, with a reduction of contributions in the summer (up to - 40%). Also it provides impacts for extreme precipitation phenomena: This situation will produce important damages in flood areas, especially in the coastal plains for the effects of the sea level rise too. The extreme precipitation phenomena will imply occasional flows and affections to the quality of water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobitily; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act originally introduced a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. In March 2021 Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Wales also has interim targets for 2030 and 2040, and a series of 5-year carbon budgets. The first carbon budget ran from 2016 to 2020. Alongside the net zero target, we also updated our interim targets and 2nd and 3rd carbon budgets, as follows:•Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25): 37% average reduction•Carbon Budget 3 (2026-30): 58% average reduction •2030: 63% reduction•2040: 89% reductionWe have to set a carbon budget at least five years before the budgetary period begins. The targets and carbon budgets form Wales’s statutory framework. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. However we have set a 0% offset limit against Carbon budget 2.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,2019 the last coal firded power plant in lower Austria was closed,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the creation of new protected areas or ecological corridors taking into account the scenarios of climate change",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The cost of intervention in forestry management is greater of price to sale of product obtained. For that, the execution and viability of the management plans is difficult. The Generalitat de Catalunya is working to stimulate and promote the payment of environmental services.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"When it comes waste management, Region Gotland’s management of household waste includes demands an expectations of the households an similar organisations to sort out their waste in recycling fractions and the rest in two fractions. One fraction is easily degradable bio-waste, it goes to local biogas production, the biogas is used as energy carrier and replaces fossil fuels, the by-product of the process he digestate, a nutrient-rich fertilizer, as a is recycled back to farmland and replaces synthetic fertilizers. The other waste fraction goes as waste fuel to the nearby cement production plant, where it replaces coal. In that way the waste management contributes to circular economy on the island as well as local jobs in the waste sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"This topic is more vaguely described in the present master plan, but is described more detailed in the Roadmap for sustainable energy, mentioned above. The master plan points out the value and necessity of cooperation with energy actors in sustainable power production on Gotland, where wind power is seen as the future main source to renewable power production on Gotland, but where biogas and wooden biofuels also are important large local resources for renewables.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,comprehensive implementation in some areas - is becoming more and more important,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The Government provides support to municipalities for building separate collection facilities.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,- 20% CO2 (only) emissions base 2005 until 2020; much likely it will not be achievedNext target should be aligned with Brazilian NDC. There are no state allocations though.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"In Mexico there is the National Environmental Audit Plan, which is a voluntary mechanism that allows companies to have a certificate of clean industry, environmental quality or tourist environmental quality. This certificate is granted by the federal attorney for environmental protection. In Yucatan there is a large number of companies that have some kind of certificate.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Länsrapport_GotlandCO2- equivalents - only available as excel from a Swedish data base http://extra.lansstyrelsen.se/rus/Sv/statistik-och-data/nationell-emissionsdatabas/Pages/default.aspx,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Pro-active energy efficiency measures in the properties, began already in the late 90 's. This has resulted in a reduction by 36% of the energy use in the region's premises (covering around 500 000 sqm) since 1998, mainly in the heating sector. The demand for electricity in the premises is reduced by 13%, despite the fact that in the same time there has been a huge increase in the number of electrically powered appliances in our health and teaching facili-ties. Thanks to dedicated work, combined with the fact that the local district heating has become virtually fossil free, our own and procured pellet and woodchip- heating and our procurements of energy efficient new constructions and renovations, we have reached a good energy performance in the region's properties with around 99 % renewables. The work is ongoing.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Government provides support to municipalities for building separate collection facilities.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",This has been achieved though the Food Waste Treatment Procurement Programme.,0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Implementation of the Yucatan Zero strategyWaste, with actions reported in 2019:1) Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation: in the Urban Metropolitan Area of ​​Mérida, as well as the 13 municipalities that make up the recharge area of ​​the Ring of Cenotes Geohydrological State Reserve.2) Strengthening of Solid Waste Regulations: modification of the Waste Management Law in the State of Yucatan through Decree 80/2019 in order to give legal support to the regulation of single-use plastics as straws , carry bags and unicel waste.3) Participation and cooperation: through workshops regarding education, culture and environment; innovation, research and technological development; complementary normative and regulatory instruments; and, lastly, mechanisms for the reduction and recycling of single-use plastics.In the same way, supervision actions were carried out in 49 municipalities that consisted of identifying open-air dumps, delivery of cans for the disposal of urban solid waste in public spaces, supervision of the collection and cleaning systems of public shools.Advice was provided to 38 municipalities for the correct operation of the Final Disposal Site (SDF) and 11 municipalities were trained in the correct management of urban solid waste and special management.60 beach cleaning actions were carried out with the participation of 10,048 volunteers. As a result, 72,590 kg of waste were removed in mangrove areas, 44,000 kg in beach areas and 481,000 kg on roads and highways in the coastal zone.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","In the last decades, there was an increase in the temperature variability, affecting the quality of life of urban population and the agricultural production.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets)and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The figures are part of public statistic, derived from the national IPCC-reporting, but when they are regionalised they also are recalculated from time to time, while the historic figures might be slightly changed. The accurary in the figures, when regionalised, might differ between topics .",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Azorean electric company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +Please attach and provide details of your region's forest management plan(s).,The plan is a startegic document where we select areas for protection. We involve different forestry related stakeholders when implementing the plan.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Heat waves are projected to be more common and more severe. Risks to health in various circumstances, including reduced employee productivity from higher temperatures in working environments and risks to soils from increased seasonal aridity. There are also general risks to health and wellbeing from overheating in the home and on public transport.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please attach and provide details of your region's forest management plan(s).,We are making both protected and unprotected areas accessable for people to use for recreational purposes. We collect and spread information on using natural areas and arrange courses.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,The plan is a startegic document where we select areas for protection. We involve different forestry related stakeholders when implementing the plan.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In all the island exists recucling points and centers. The separate waste is colleted and treated in the Waste Management and Treatment Center.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOAT FIGHTINGIntegration of the telemetric network and operation of meteorological radar for real-time rainfall monitoring in conjunction with the Civil Defense; operation of situation rooms with supplyreal-time information on weather radar data and telemetry stations in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Paraíba Valley, Piracicaba Basin and Baixada Santista; DAEE Water Infrastructure, Flood Fighting and Sanitation Program, involving services and works, maintenance of pools.Programs:.Novo Rio Pinheiros.Expansion of the reserve capacity of the drainage system.Assistance to municipalities in actions to combat critical hydrological events.Lowland area recovery",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,The main reasons are the increase of transport mobility and the increase of heating in commercial and residential categories (because of the increase in number of intense cold days in winter in 2016),0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"In Yucatan 697837.25 hectares are protected. During the 2012-2018 administration, 2 new natural protected areas were declared, giving a total of 9 state protected areas, 5 federal, 1 municipal and 2 private.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The annual mean temperature in Catalonia has increased at 0.25 ºC /decade for the period 1950-2017 which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. In 2017 there was a temperature anomaly of +0.9ºC, the fifth hottest year since 1950 (behind years 2015, 2006, 2014 and 2011). The summer of 2017 was the second warmest since 1950 (only surpassed by the extraordinary summer of 2003), with an anomaly of +1.7 ºC with respect to the climatic average (1981-2010).Source: Annual report climatic indicators year 2017 (Catalonia weather service)http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/climatologia/el-clima-ara/indexs-climatics/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The agriculture food industry and the livestock industry accounts for 4% of Catalonia's GDP and climate change is the most important challenge facing this sector. Forestry water management cannot be considered separate from the management of land use: both aspects are so intimately linked that land management must be considered from the perspective of water management and vice versa.Global change factors such as depopulation, abandonment of crops, loss of extensive livestock farming and the lack of forestry management only increase our exposure and sensitivity to the impact of climate change and, therefore, our vulnerability.The efficient use of resources, as well as the commitment to a more sustainable and less intensive type of productive model, are the challenges that the industry must assume if it wants to survive the expected changes.The opportunities provided by the process of adaptation to climate change and, by extension, to global change are opportunities for the systems (and region) and must be implemented to ensure the future profitability and viability of these systems (and the region).The active population dedicated to agriculture accounts for only 1.7% of the total active population of Catalonia (first quarter of 2017); an active population that depends on industries linked to the sector in a context with fewer and fewer family farms and more and more industrial farms. Access to land is a bottleneck. Which model should be chosen? A cooperative model in a living region managed with care or a pyramid structure, managed based on macroeconomic criteria dictated by the markets? Both are possible, but each produces opposite results in terms of vulnerability.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.",0 +Please complete the table below.,We are working with government to help deal with climate change and introduce increase opportunities in rural areas. This has yielded result as currently there is planting for food and jobs project being rolled out by the government of Ghana.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Average annual temperature (in Celsius)Maximum temperature in 2016 from 16,5 (Aran) to 23,3 (Ribera d’Ebre) Minimum temperature in 2016 from 0,8 (Cerdanya) to 15,4 (Barcelonès)Eastern longitudeEastern boundary: 3° 19' 59,94""Western boundary: 0° 9' 41,69""Northern latitudeNorthern boundary: 42° 51' 45,97""Southern boundary: 40° 31' 27,56""Average altitude (m)12.556,1 square km have an altitude of 201-600 m and 1,340.2 square km have an altitude of > 2000 m (from a total of 32.108 square km)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The forts area is currently slightly decreasing, BUT the annual forets growth is almost double the volume of the annual harvest from the forest.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The data comes from the land cover map of Catalonia, which is based on a thematic cartography of high resolution of the main types of roofs of the country's land (forests, crops, urban areas, etc.). This map is carried out for the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), with funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya. (Usage map and floor coverings).",0 +Please explain why you do not have a regional climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.,"The historical data indicates the sector that increased emissions in the state was agriculture, livestock and land use change and forests, the latter containing a considerable increase in emissions (290% from 2015 to 2016).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Concerted Regional Development Plan states ""to ensure the integral watershed management and the availability of water resources in quantity and quality ""through the protection of water sources. The goal to 2021 is to protect 200 water sources and establish 8 payment compensation schemes for ecosystem services.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In order to avoid migration from rural areas to cities, self-sustainable project planning with the corresponding economic financing will be developed towards vulnerable areas so that, through environmentally friendly training, local productivity can be best developed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Environmental Department of Azorean Government is the responsable for coordenating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According with the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017, 21st of February, it is created the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory. It is established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change will be approved and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,No: The Region is conducting an energy policy to support the sector on the circular economy and not on the recovery of waste,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The year used was the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Eliminate the drainage systems installed in peatlands, allowing the recovery of the phreatic level",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the forest area",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Increase cost of basic services such as water and energy. Increase cost of infrastructure need to guarantee coverage and maintenance of basic services.Increment in the demand and coverage of health services.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Länsrapport_GotlandCO2- equivalents - only available as excel from a Swedish data base http://extra.lansstyrelsen.se/rus/Sv/statistik-och-data/nationell-emissionsdatabas/Pages/default.aspx,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2017, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2018.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, 2019), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2019), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The health system should be decentralized more so that vulnerable areas obtain a better quality of health care, thus avoiding major epidemics that would affect all citizens.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,It will be strenghtened by the Energy Center and the Energy pilot roadmap .,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The State government in coordination with federal and state institutions has developed programs and strategies thatcontain the main guidelines in terms of water resources management. Among these programs are the State Program of hidrology ""Plan Estatal Hídrico""; and theHydrologic Plan of Yucatan Peninsula ""Plan Rector hídrico de la Península de Yucatán""",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Terceira incinerator is already working, and it is planned the incineration project of São Miguel island",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,"When it comes waste management, Region Gotland’s management of household waste includes demands an expectations of the households an similar organisations to sort out their waste in recycling fractions and the rest in two fractions. One fraction is easily degradable bio-waste, it goes to local biogas production, the biogas is used as energy carrier and replaces fossil fuels, the by-product of the process he digestate, a nutrient-rich fertilizer, as a is recycled back to farmland and replaces synthetic fertilizers. The other waste fraction goes as waste fuel to the nearby cement production plant, where it replaces coal. In that way the waste management contributes to circular economy on the island as well as local jobs in the waste sector.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Increase of sea level of 2mm per year in the period 1945-1999,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2017",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The uncertainties of the quantified emissions by sector were measured, which are the following:-Energy (no value) -Industrial processes: 28.68% -Agriculture: 27.20%-Waste: 47.87 %",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Update of the Adaptation Plan for the State of São Paulo. The existing adaptation plan for the State is outdated and has not been implemented in the past. We therefore want to update the plan in a collaborative and inclusive way so that it is appropriate, implemented and monitored by all sectors of society.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy. The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"The State's Climate Change law predicts the formation of the State Council on Climate Change, in order to monitor the implementation and supervise the execution of the State Policy on Climate Change, with an advisory and tripartite compositionand representatives of the state government, municipalities and civil society.The State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, which regulates the Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009 (State Policy on Climate Change), creates the Steering Committee of the State Policy on Climate Change, under the coordination of the Civil House, with the objective to monitor the preparation and implementation of the plans and programs established by this decree. The Steering Committee has the following duties: I - to coordinate actions to meet the guidelines of PEMC; II - evaluate and monitor the achievement of the overall goal and the sectoral and intermediate goals; III - to monitor the results of the programs and plans established by this decree; IV - propose to the State Council on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change; V - foster and articulate actions at different levels of government; VI - contribute to the preparation of the Participatory Plan for Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change; VII - issue opinions and recommendations to the State Council on Climate Change; VIII - provide technical advice to the State Council on Climate Change.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Other: Designed to reflect a devolved contribution to a 2 degree goal.,1 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Currently, the state implements actions to promote the integral management of the coastal zone, through the Secretariat of Sustainable Development, it promotes the restoration of beaches, as well as actions for the protection of priority species in protected natural areas.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The energy and climate targets are decided by the regional council, in the regional development program – the overall vision for Gotland: Region Gotland has challenged itself to have a fully climate-neutral energy supply by 2025. Offering the highest possible efficiency and economy, the energy supply will be climate-neutral, based on local, renewable resources and will contribute to sustainable growth and the development of local business. - Vision 2025, adopted by the Regional Council.Targets are then operationalized in the Environmental program and Energy strategy – adopted by the municipal council and then copied into the master plan. As our present master plan is over 10 years old and yet undergoes revision to be updated, the present Swedish goals from 2017 are not reflected in the plan. The overall reduction goal for energy related territorial CO2 -emission is a 45 % absolute reduction of the fossil energy related CO2 emissions from NETS- activities (that is not including industries covered in the CO2 emission trade scheme) from 1990–2020. This is reached by 2017! (but covers only a small part of the total climate gas emissions from all activities in business-life and society on Gotland.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and also increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"For example, subsidies for projects to promote the 2017 circular economy (http://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-de-foment-de-leconomia-circular-2017)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors and the reduction potential of each measure is established.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Targets are setted in terms of energy consumption:The Energy efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2014-2017) sets the objective of reducing energy consumption for each governmental department (and thus, overall Government) by 14,3% in 2015-2017 period compared to 2014.Now, with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a programme of action that takes into consideration the guidelines that for these purposes the ministries responsible for energy and housing have established, related to renewable energy and energy saving and efficiency. (art. 29.1.c))",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The Catalan Water Agency has a programme to support water reuse for industrial,environmental and recreational uses. Amount of reuse water is 29 hm3 in 2015. http://aca-web.gencat.cat/aca/appmanager/aca/aca?",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Welsh Government Agricultural Land Capability, Suitability & Climate Programme (CSC): Programme running from 2018 until 2020. £550,000 total project value. Refining the predictive agricultural land classification map (land capability); producing a crop suitability model; developing the UKCP 09 and 18 data sets to model how capability and suitability may change under different scenarios as well as providing rainfall and temperature information; refining the national soil map; providing a better understanding between soil and climate relationship. CSC will provide better evidence to policy teams for land use planning, adaptation measures, habitat, flooding, agriculture and forestry.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"legislative remit, th lates plan is now due for political cinsideration.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We are working with government to help deal with climate change and introduce increase opportunities in rural areas. This has yielded result as currently there is planting for food and jobs project being rolled out by the government of Ghana.,0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?",Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation mesaures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Vulnerability Map of Urban Areas for Residential / Commercial / Services Use ""of the State of São Paulo meets the assumptions of the State Policy on Climate Change (State Law 13,798 / 2009), which, in section IX, article 10, recommends identification and mapping of vulnerabilities in municipal territories, as a basis for local policies to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and also of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (Federal Law 12,608 / 2012), which highlights the need to identify and assess threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters, in order to avoid or reduce their occurrences.References for the methodology: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/Ficha_Tecnica_UHCT_2016.pdfOnline source of the maps: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2017/02/Mapa_Perigo_Escorregamento_-Inundacao_Estado_SP.pdfhttp://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2016/06/MAPA_VULNER_Jun_2016.pdf",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"At the present time (Oct/2019-Mar/2020), the State's water security is threatened by the compromise of water reserves in the reservoirs, by the lack of adequate rain, which can bring serious problems, such as water and energy rationing.This situation is observed in almost the entire state, becoming a hydrological drought, demonstrating the need to anticipate mitigation measures to reduce the negative effects of this water restriction.Thus, from a hydrological point of view, the situation has been worsening for some time in the State, and there is a recommendation to intensify efforts to implement state programs such as the State Water Resources Plan (PERH http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos), the Irrigation Development Program ( PDAI https://www.gov.br/agricultura/pt-br/assuntos/camaras-setoriais-tematicas/documentos/camaras-tematicas/agricultura-sustentavel-e-irrigacao/ano/plano-diretor-da-agricultura-irrigada-18.pdf), the water use granting processes carried out by DAEE ( http://www.daee.sp.gov.br/index.phpoption=com_content&id=68:outorga), and the constant meteorological monitoring carried out by SAA (www.ciiagro.org.br), with support from FUNDAG.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Welsh Government Marine Plan established an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"total emissions (inkluding ETS) there is no regional Emission projection available for 2050Excluding ETS:2005: 13,030,0002010: 12,000,0002018: 11,389,0002030: 8,339,0002050: not available jet",1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Emissions from regional energy consumption are calculated based on the average emissions of electricity used in Finland. Therefore emissions from regional production are not calculated.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Difficulty to satisfy an adequate water supply for human consumption and development of productive activities.Increment of cost of services and infraestructurerelated water sector. Increase vulnerability of the aquifer related to over-exploitation,0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"There will be less snow available in the mountain areas, mostly due to temperature increase. Precipitation patterns are more uncertain. The snow precipitation data for the period 1950-2010 has been studied by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) and indicates that the tendency in the last 50 years is negative, of the order of 28 mm per decade, but it is observed a great interannual variability: in the last two or three decades the dry years have predominated, but with some rainy years. Regarding territorial contrasts, the decrease in annual rainfall is higher on the south slope than on the north slope, but the differences are not important.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"There are 24 renewable energy projects planned in the state, which contemplate the expansion of energy transmission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The increase on the frequency of maritime extreme events is continuously affecting the Catalan coast. The Catalan Cartographic Institute makes some flights with a camera to see the magnitude of the damage. The images show areas of the Catalan coast of significant regression and without sand.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions was fulfilled both for atmospheric pollutants and for GHGs, in order to carry out the air quality plan. Therefore, it has been used the methodology established by the European legislation for the air quality plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Focus on increasing uptake on energy efficiency for the fuel poor. The Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme is our domestic retrofit programme targeted at the fuel poor. It is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS which aims to improve the social homes in Wales includes improving efficiency standards. The WG is also working with key stakeholders to develop a long-term, evidence based programme to decarbonise all existing homes in Wales .",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Consulted on a draft Circular Economy Strategy in December 2019.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,1 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?",Master plan design identifies key sectors with more impact in GHG emissions and estimates GHG emissions of the key sectors and proposes measures to reduce them.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The figures quoted are for Gross Value Added (GVA) rather than GDP. GDP is not calculated for Wales. No forecasts are available for Welsh GDP in 2030 or 2050.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Installed in Visby, underway in Klintehamn in municipal operations, the largest plant on the island is farm based. Installed capacity around 40 GWh production of biogas per yar, thegas is used for transports or for industrial process heating.",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Building Regulations Part L review (2018/19) will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"It's an ongoing measure, it has already contributred significantly to energy efficiency in a number of appliances.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The mapping of landslide risk is being held by the Civil Defense and the Institute of technological research in more municipalities. There is a State Plan for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Reduction of Geological Hazards (Decree 57.512 / 2011) and Preventive Civil Defense Plans for Slides (redefined by Decree No. 42.5651997), and Coastal Erosion, Coastal Floods and Floods / floods caused by extreme meteorological and oceanographic events such as sea waves and anomalous high tides (Resolution of the Military House 17-610 - CEDEC, of 11/28/2016) - institutions involved; Civil Defense and Geological Institute / SMA",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,There are awareness raising campaings and educational programmes on separate collection andrecycling. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/sensibilitzacio/index.html,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Text sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon becase word count was exceeded.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Our current planning framework, Planning Policy Wales, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Comercial and Institutional. Livestock fishing and agriculture, Transport, Waste, Fluorinated gases, no ETS Industry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"There are some partnerships between State institutions, as the Institute of Technological Research, Geological Institute and State Secretariat for the Environment, with municipalities to develop and implement some adaptation strategies, mainly in the coastal areas.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,According to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Jurisdictional power: Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing, the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) includes a mandatory energy target of SAP65 for all social homes by the end of 2020. A Building Regulations Part L consultation for new dwellings which closed in March this year proposed improved minimum energy efficiency standards for 2020 (preferred option of 37% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards) and also envisaged standards for 2025 (a 75-80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to current Part L standards).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Wales has shoreline management plans in place which consider infrastructure. Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies to ensure resilience to climate change impacts, and Wales participates in a UK-wide Infrastructure Resilience Forum to mitigate multi-service disruption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"By national disposition in Mexico the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions are the 1996 IPCC Guidelines forGreenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2000 IPCC ""Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse gas""Data compilation for calculation of GHG emissions is achieved by consulting different sources of information from Federal andState government. Primary sources ofinformation come from the Certificate of annual operation (COA in Spanish) instruments of report of GHG emissions and othercontaminants coordinated by a federalInstitution, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT in Spanish). The COA has a legal support on national environmental laws such as ""Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente"". Any establishment from the industry, commerce or service sector within federal jurisdiction that generates contaminants from their production processes have the obligation to report trough this instrument. At Statelevel, the COA alsoprovides valuable information from local industry, service and commerce sectors. In Yucatan the Ministry of UrbanDevelopment and Environment is in charge to regulatethese instruments of report.Another primary source of information for calculation of GHG emissions comes from the National Institute of Statistics andGeography (INEGI), this federal entity providesaccurate and reliable information regarding land use, vegetation cover, agriculture and livestock, solid waste managementamong others. Secondary sources ofinformation come from state government entities such as the State Ministry of Health (SSY in Spanish) and the Yucatan Boardof Water Supply (JAPAY in Spanish),information from non profit organizations such as Ecology of the Mayab ( Ecología del Mayab in Spanish) and privatecompanies. Finally in regards to the account ofemissions from electricity imported into Yucatan, there are non, Yucatan has a surplus in energy production due to thepresence of the mayor Energy Plants in Yucatan Peninsula",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is no adaptation goals for the Sao Paulo State region.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The State of São Paulo has general characteristics of a tropical high altitude climate (Planalto), some regions defined as a rainier climate (Litoral) and others that fit in a subtropical climate (Mountainous Area). This identifies the State with a humid and hot summer climate, dry winter on the plateau and winter with good rainfall on the coast.Although with a defined climate, the climatic anomalies that most affect the State are: (a) excessive rain, causing flooding, and (b) lack of rain.The meteorological network of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply coordinates meteorological and agrometeorological monitoring and public access to this network is over 7,000 / day, indicating the great demand for meteorological and agrometeorological information by society. Website: www.ciiagro.org.br",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of -no ETS sectors- by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26% by 2030 ( no ETS sectors), respect to year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The 1990-2016 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2018 (BEIS, 2018) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report: Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2016;  The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; Estimates exclude the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) and those Overseas Territories joining UK instruments of ratification for the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol (Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar). The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2016 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=954https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Climate change mitigation is an integral part of all regional planning and development activities. These cover most of the sectors mentioned. The need for climate change adaptation is also recognised and dealt with in regional planning in particular.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, WasteShort target summary: Reduce region-wide GHG emissions by 10% by 2020 based on 2011 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetThe regional scheme takes into account all sectors but actions are focused on GHG emissions linked to energyconsumption and transport1. Actions to decrease the energy consumption :-The Eco-solidarity scheme : low-income families received joint grants from The Regional Council and EDF (FrenchElectricity Center) to finance the installationof a solar heat water- The Energy Solidarity Network aims to educate, support and assist families in rationalising their electricityconsumption. Information campaigns and personaladvice is made by 30 Energy Ambassadors (trained by The Regional Council ).2. Development of alternative low carbon transport : hybrid and electric vehicles/Bicycle",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Mitigation actions on the agriculture and LULUCF sectors translate in an economic benefit of $3,366,564,391 pesos. Silvopastoral systems are promoted, workshops are held with farmers to reduce the use of agrochemicals and training on improving productivity in agricultural systems to reduce deforestation. Protected areas have also been declared.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"in the framework of regional and international cooperation, the region supports the countries of the Indian Ocean zone and exchange of good practices in the field of energy, climate change, biodiversity ...",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport and IndustryShort target summary: reduction of energy intensity (energy per regional GDP) by 1,5 to 2 % per year until 2050; adopted 2017 https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/esv_Energiestrategie_Leitregion.pdf (""Strategy"") https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/2019_Energiebericht.pdf (""Energy and Climate Action Report"")",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Heat waves could have negative impacts on public health and increase the demand on drinking water. The risk of wildfires is increasing and can damage the forest covering a large proportion of the county’s area. Drought can also have a negative impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Lower Austria supports communities in the implementation of their GHG emission reduction targets: The Municipal Environmental Service (Umwelt-Gemeinde-Service: a special information hub for municipalities) provides targeted information and tools that are continuously adapted to the municipalities' current needs.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our approach to business and the economy is set out in our Economic Action Plan (EAP). This sets out the range of actions we are taking to drive inclusive growth and future-proofed the economy. Decarbonisation is a clear and consistent thread throughout the EAP and features strongly in our new approach for delivering direct support for businesses. This is centred on the Economic Contract, Calls to Action and the Economy Futures Fund. To access direct financial support through the Economy Futures Fund, businesses must demonstrate that they share our values (the Economic Contract) and that they are delivering investment that is future proofing (the Calls to Action). As part of the Economic Contract, we test businesses’ attitude to managing and lowering their carbon footprint, whilst decarbonisation forms one of five Calls to Action designed to target future proofing investment.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Source: SEEG http://plataforma.seeg.eco.br/total_emission#In the SEEG estimates, the discount for emission reduction certificates from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects was also not incorporated. The totals, in Brazil, between 2005 and 2014, amount to about 370 million tons of CO2e (accumulated in the period).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The regulatory system in place in Wales requires assessment of impact at a number of stages, depending on the nature of the operation. Development has to go through the planning process operated by local authorities which requires stakeholders to be consulted. Any deforestation must be in line with an Environmental Impact Assessment, and government policies such as forestry or environmental policies. Any felling licences must meet the UK Forest Standard in terms of operation, planning and restocking. Many of these are on a case by case basis, but general guidance is available to assist with the process. Examples attached in web link.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Promote connectivityagro-livestock systems andthese with the consumer generating theagricultural production that is requiredby the consumer with the maximumof efficiency (avoiding surplusesand waste),0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The other compounding issues is the degree of grazing by cattles coming into the region from the north. Also worsening the situation is the rate of illegal mining within the region for alluvial gold, especially along the river basins and the rampant destruction of the forest by using bulldozers and heavy machines",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements, which must be published by 2020. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The answer refers to ""forest degradation"". Deforestation is not considered to be an issue within the region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",It is not a priority at the moment for the administration,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The project was develop with local capacities and supported by the academic sector of the region,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Forestry Act 1967 and relevant amendmentsTimber and Timber Products (placing on the market) Regulations 2013Environment (Wales) Act 2016Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017Environmental Impact Assessment (forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,At the time of publication in 2010 a pathway was modelled to show how the target would be delivered. This was based on a quantification of planned policy measures which was collated to show the expected emissions reduction over the period (The Climate Change Strategy Emission Reduction Delivery Plan). Indicators were developed to track progress against these emission reduction policies. This target has been superseded by new statutory targets and the original pathway analysis for the Climate Change Strategy targets has not been updated and is no longer current.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Increasing flexibility of allocation of water systems, power generation and infrastructure (network interconnection to ensure security of supply) strengthening the security of supply through other local sources (water reuse, wells recovery, construction of rainwater tanks) and connecting to regional water networks.The actions on management demand have obtained average urban allocations for Catalonia of 116L / hab day and of 105 L / hab day for the metropolitan area. Also, the actions in the improvement of efficiency distribution network of potable water and the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures of agriculture have achieved good results.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The cost of intervention in forestry management is greater of price to sale of product obtained. For that, the execution and viability of the management plans is difficult. The Generalitat de Catalunya is working to stimulate and promote the payment of environmental services.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Fossil fuel free 2030 - the use of fossil fuels has ceased in 2030,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,One of the Yucatan power plants has a 500 MW + capacity and is a combined cycle plant of dual fuel natural gas and diesel facility.The plant sells electricity to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and generates approximately 40 percent of the electricity in the Yucatan Peninsula and is one of the most reliable power plants in the country.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Climate change generates climate catastrophes such as hurricanes, gales, floods that will destroy all types of infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Under the Carbon Reduction Energy Efficiency Scheme we have focussed on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from buildings and fixed infrastructure.,0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,Promote reduction of the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,It will be strenghtened by the Energy Center and the Energy pilot roadmap .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Through the environmental assessment of municipal urban plans, the Catalan Office for Climate Change introduces criteria to adapt to climate change to avoid the development of urban areas in flood risk areas from sea level rise to coastal municipalities and it provides for actions and adaptation measures within the framework of the urban proposal. For example, some residential or hotel planning urban developments should take into account the risks of the impacts of climate change and finance adaptation measures.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOAT FIGHTINGIntegration of the telemetric network and operation of meteorological radar for real-time rainfall monitoring in conjunction with the Civil Defense; operation of situation rooms with supplyreal-time information on weather radar data and telemetry stations in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Paraíba Valley, Piracicaba Basin and Baixada Santista; DAEE Water Infrastructure, Flood Fighting and Sanitation Program, involving services and works, maintenance of pools.Programs:.Novo Rio Pinheiros.Expansion of the reserve capacity of the drainage system.Assistance to municipalities in actions to combat critical hydrological events.Lowland area recovery",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","A new plan were recently installed at the closed down landfill in Visby, The old one were in use since th 80's and delivered fuel to the district heating.Now landfill gas is a limited/ declining energy resource , due to ban of biowaste to landfill.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Negative health impacts or increased number of deaths due to heat-waves, especially to vulnerable groups.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsibility definitions,1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +"Do you measure your region-wide SLCPs (i.e. black carbon, CH4, O3, HFCs)? If so, please report the SLCPs measured and whether an environmental assessment of the effects of these SLCPs has been conducted.",Text sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon becase word count was exceeded.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response of current renewable production or consumptionShort target summary: To have 50% of the region-wide electricity mix come from renewable sources by 2020.Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetDevelopment of renewable energies : The goal is 50% of RNE in the electric mix in 2020 and 100% in 2030.The Regional Council has to implement innovative actions and projects to achieve this ambition regarding all theavailable energy resources : solar (thermal andphotovoltaïc), wind farm, sea water (thermal and swell), hydraulic and biomass.Above capacities given in GWh.In 2016, 34% of the electric mix comes from renewables (1003.8GWh) and the objectives given by the regional energyprogram (PPE) are:- 241GWh from renewables in 2018- 1032.5 GWh from renewables in 2023.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the adaptation measures of PRAC, it is planned the recovery of marine habitats, considering the scenarios of climate change",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is only at national level",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidies and public finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Focus on increasing uptake on energy efficiency for the fuel poor. The Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme is our domestic retrofit programme targeted at the fuel poor. It is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS which aims to improve the social homes in Wales includes improving efficiency standards. The WG is also working with key stakeholders to develop a long-term, evidence based programme to decarbonise all existing homes in Wales .",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In the last decades, there was an increase in the temperature variability, affecting the quality of life of urban population and the agricultural production.",1 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.",Government collaborates and provides support tomunicipalities for climate adaptation and mitigationactions,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The state has sustainable school programs where students are made aware of solid waste management.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobitily; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Current GDP is calculated based on 2010 constant price (IDR)GDP in 2010 was calculated based on 2000 constant price (IDR)Official projections on both medium and long term are not available,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,considered as a measure in a new strategy formulated by the county administration,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,The Regional Consil has set up a SLIME device to help families in precarious situations to perform an energetic diagnosis and provide them with kits to save energy,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,New invasive species are replacing the natural species and changing ecosystems.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,These problems should be analyzed in the Developmentand Territorial Management Plan in which the demand for more services is planned for the impact of climate change.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,ETS Sector verified in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Many of the opportunities and benefits arising from the sustainable management of forests and woodlands are recognised in the Welsh Government forestry policy document Woodlands for Wales which sets out forestry policy in Wales for the next 50yrs. This is also reflected in the application of the principle of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources as set out in the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and in our Natural Resources Policy and ecosystems approach.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The government implemented actions to promote public and private investments in sustainable energy projects.The operation of four projects began with an installed capacity of 210 megawatts (MW), that can provide energy of up to 450,000 homes .Dzilam de Bravo wind farm, with a total investment of 140 million dollars, with a total capacity of 70 MW and formed by 28 wind turbines.• San Ignacio photovoltaic park, with a total investment of $ 27 million and a total capacity of 18MW.• Central Lázaro Cárdenas photovoltaic park in the municipality of Peto, with a total investment of 38 million dollars and a total capacity of 38 MW.• Tizimín Wind Farm, with an investment of 154 million dollars and a total capacity of 84 MWFinally, the Mérida IV Combined Cycle Power Plant project and the installation of the transmission line are under construction.Malpaso in Ticul.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"As part of Yucatan strategy to promote a sustainable fishing industry , in 2019 the governement lauched the Program for the Promotion of Fish and Aquaculture Production, which aims to modernize the fishing fleet and guarantee the fishermen's safety and care for the environment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,More hot days that can affect health population and also water availability,0 +Please complete the table below.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exacerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"Targets are setted in terms of energy consumption:The Energy efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2014-2017) sets the objective of reducing energy consumption for each governmental department (and thus, overall Government) by 14,3% in 2015-2017 period compared to 2014.Now, with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a programme of action that takes into consideration the guidelines that for these purposes the ministries responsible for energy and housing have established, related to renewable energy and energy saving and efficiency. (art. 29.1.c))",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1360080 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,The Regional Consil has put in place measures under the 2014-2020 European program to support local communities,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"See above in terms of our New Transport Strategy and our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel.This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020Public areas (conservation units), private areas (buffer zones and private reserves enacted by RPPN, Federal Law #5746/2006, http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5746.htm)",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Yucatan has the Pro Air program which establishes strategies for reducing emissions from fixed sources, mobile sources, health impacts, environmental education, institutional strengthening.In terms of mobile sources, the strengthening of the sustainable mobility system for high-quality transport is proposed, as well as the strengthening of the vehicle verification program and the development of a comprehensive plan for sustainable urban mobility",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico – ZEE, technical and political planning instrument that establishes spatial planning and management guidelines, considering the environmental characteristics and socioeconomic dynamics of different regions of the state. Its purpose is to support the formulation of public policies in line with strategic guidelines for sustainable development, as well as guide the licensing of productive activities in a manner consistent with these objectives. https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2019/decreto-64526-15.10.2019.html",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","""Plusenergilän"" - Kronobergs county is a ""plus-energy-county"" by the year 2050 meaning that the total production of renewable energy and biofuel exceeds the total energy use within the county",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Other, please specify: The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",0 +Does your region have an energy efficiency target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"Energy-related CO2eq emission from fossil fuels for transportation and heating (excl. heating and processes in ETS industries) was reduced by 45 % between 1990 and 2017, due to the transition of the technology for heating buildings, according to national statistics. Oil has been largely replaced by biomass, especially in district heating. Local forestry plus development of the technology for biomass heating has resulted in local biomass covering most of the heating fuel used for buildings . In smaller buildings the switchover to geothermal heating or heat pumps also contributes to reduced dependency on oil and electricity for heating. Technical development has led to improved energy efficiency, but the average heated building area and the transportvolume per inhabitant on Gotland are increasing. Taking other sources for climate impact into account as farmbased land use and emissions from livestock, the emissions of CO2-eq in business and society on Gotland were reduced by 28 %.",1 +Please select the category that best describes the boundary of your government’s GHG emissions inventory.,"One of the actions under the Welsh Government's net zero public sector ambition is to purchase renewable electricity. From April 2017, the NationalProcurement Service has secured100% renewable electricity for existing public sector partners, including Welsh Government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It ca be studied in small islands such as Graciosa and Flores,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with diferent activities and training and capacity actions",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsability definitions,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2017 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Increase resilience to climate change through the strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in theagriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Inter- basin transfers, with with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Decarbonise all Welsh homes to net zero by 2050. Independent expert advisory group and research has published report recommending targets and approaches.Welsh Government has accepted recommendations and begun trial and test of ORP in the social housing sector to verify likely decarbonisation / energy efficiency pathways while developing capacity and capability to roll out to private sector in next term of government.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In Yucatan 697837.25 hectares are protected. During the 2012-2018 administration, 2 new natural protected areas were declared, giving a total of 9 state protected areas, 5 federal, 1 municipal and 2 private.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,It is expected that occur more hot days that will affect health population and also water disponibility,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The historical data indicates the sector that increased emissions in the state was agriculture, livestock and land use change and forests, the latter containing a considerable increase in emissions (290% from 2015 to 2016).",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", thereis an expected change in rainfall patterns that would severely affect the sectors of water, forestry and agriculture",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases),1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",it should be noted that the guidelines come from the national level and are declining at the regional level. there is a follow-up between the two partners,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Implementation of seven charging points. Development of study for more implementation points,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Loss of forest cover in areas of importance for the conservation of carbon reservoirs, caused by the disorderly growth of agricultural activities.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Climate Change Strategy is from 2008. This strategy not specify a target of GEI reduction.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"This is very serious for those in the livestock industry, as well as fisheries, tree crops, vegetable industries and their value chains",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Mainly a national remit, demo procject s for carbon storage in soil ar underwau on Gotland with some locally decided public funding",0 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,According to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","An increasing number of PV:s are installed, until now the installed capacity equals about two modern wind power plants.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Sweden have signed the convention and committed to undertake certain actions, some of which affects our work at a regional level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The program, drawn up by the State, the region, the ADEME and EDF includes 58 energy saving actions for Reunionese financed by the ""Public Service Charges for Energy"" representing a total of 160 M € Fixed For 5 years from 2019 to 2023, this ambitious program should save by 2023, 318 GWh / year of energy and avoid 240000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the city's emissions of 100,000 inhabitants. The most modest households will seeproposes 68M € over the period 2019-2023.The control of the energy demand is a major lever of the energy transition in Reunion.The program validated by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) is a structuring tool forto enable the territory to fulfill the ambitions that will be The Future Multiannual programming of Energy(PPE). Developed for the next 10 years, this PPE will be part of the objective set by law on the Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV) of 17 August 2015: ""achieve autonomy in the overseas departments by 2030",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Other, please specify: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Risks to public water supplies from drought and low river flows,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent office space.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy. The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Actions to increase resilience to climate change.• Training programs regarding health risks from climate change and counter measurements,1 +Please complete the table below.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Transport projects are in place, the cost for implementing new public transports are a limiting factor,",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the Regional Program for Climate Change (PRAC) projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional GNP is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,This has been achieved though the Food Waste Treatment Procurement Programme.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Inter- basin transfers, with with works to capture water in other different water bodies.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Sea level rise modelling has been completed and studied for the UK as a whole, using data from the UK Climate Projections 2009 data sets. The resulting information informed the development of Shoreline Management Plans around the coast of Wales, as well as National Coastal Erosion Risk Management Maps which help organisations & local authorities consider the impacts of sea level rise on their assets & communities. Coastal Local Authorities may review the Shoreline Management Plan policies when new data such as climate change projections becomes available.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,This has been achieved though the Food Waste Treatment Procurement Programme.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Establishment of the State hydro-geological reserve "" Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica del Anillo de Cenotes"" with asurface cover of 219,207.83 Ha. Dedicated to the protection of water resources.In 2016, a regional strategy to control the coastal erosion was developed in order to improve sustainable management in the coastal zone.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,According to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Yucatan has the Pro Air program which establishes strategies for reducing emissions from fixed sources, mobile sources, health impacts, environmental education, institutional strengthening.In terms of mobile sources, the strengthening of the sustainable mobility system for high-quality transport is proposed, as well as the strengthening of the vehicle verification program and the development of a comprehensive plan for sustainable urban mobility",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport and IndustryShort target summary: reduction of energy intensity (energy per regional GDP) by 1,5 to 2 % per year until 2050; adopted 2017 https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/esv_Energiestrategie_Leitregion.pdf (""Strategy"") https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/2019_Energiebericht.pdf (""Energy and Climate Action Report"")",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Wastewater Treatment Program has aim to maintain water quality so that do not contaminate the resource found in the water table.In the reported period, 9,185,741 m3 of sewage were treated to comply with the quality standards established by the National Comissio of Water (CONAGUA, for its initials in Spanish) and benefit 269,544 users of the drinking water system with a investment of 29 million MXN.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Total renewable production or consumption in base year - based on 2018 response - current renewable production or consumption.Short target summary: To have 50% of residential housing equipped with solar hot water by 2020, and 80% by 2030Please comment and detail any progress to meet targetFinancial aids, specially for the low income familiesSolar Heat Water installed in Residential buidings",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,there are projects that exist but it's starting to grow more and more,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsWe are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management which is currently being laid in the Senedd prior to publication, the above aim reflects our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1,833,990 tons of CO2 removals.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"During the year 2018, the Catalan Water Agency, the Metropolitan Area and the Public Health Agency create the panel of scientific advice that will study the implantation of regenerated water as a measure to have more resources in the system.It is composed of a total of twelve members with a long research experience in the integral water cycle and in the assessment of risks for the environment and health.The main objective of this group will be to study the continued contribution of regenerated water in the final stretch of the river Llobregat to increase the flow of the river and have more water to be purified.This solution, already applicable during periods of drought, could become structural in order to increase the availability of water in the most populated area of Catalonia (about 60 hm3/year).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Risks to freshwater species from higher water temps.Risks to fisheries and marine species from higher sea temperatures leading to ocean acidification.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Catalan Office for Climate Change and Coastal Management Service are making the preliminary work and governance to develop an integral coastal plan that contains an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the beaches of Catalonia and identify what measures to take to avoid risks and order the uses of the area in accordance with the future scenarios of sea level rise.,1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Fossil fuel consumption tending to be zero, achieving 50% renewable in electric system by 2030 (Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.c))",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The state has a program called ""peso a peso"" and it works by promoting agricultural, fishing and aquaculture activities through co-participation funds between the public and private sectors, through which the acquisition of inputs, equipment and work tools is carried out. In this way, during 2017 through the agricultural component of the Program, 6,389 supports were delivered to the same number of beneficiaries of the 106 municipalities of the state for the acquisition of more than 182,000 products among tools, supplies and work equipment that were implemented for the production of citrus fruits, chilies, fodder, henequen, various vegetables, corn, papaya, tropical fruits, sorghum and soybeans.Also, in order to promote sustainable practices in the field, this support program subsidizes organic supply packages up to 70 percent.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Goverment's emissions were calculated for scope 1 and scope 2 to establish a baseline for the Yucatan's CarbonManagement Plan.The CMP was developed with the technical assistance of the Carbon Trust and the financial resources of the British Embassy (Prosperity Fund), sets out in detail the State Strategy to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years from government operations related to public buildings and facilities; and vehicle fleet, through the calculation of a baseline carbon footprint and the definition of potential projects and actions to increase energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies. Setting the target to reduce 10% of Yucatan scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 2020 based on 2015 levels.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"(1) product development as solar air conditioning, SWAC, (2) development of a battery recovery system, clothings, …(3) development of a sector of new building materials(4) preservation of biodiversity",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Unplanned urbanization, irregular occupation of slopes and water supply areas by vulnerable populations. Improper use of land for agricultural activities, inadequate construction in coastal areas, water pollution and deforestation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The following points reflect the headlines of the energy strategy in Energy 2020.• Dedicated plan for a society close to zero emissions of climate gases• Identify and support key actors in production of electricity, heat and transport fuels from renewable energy sources• Reduce the energy needs of buildings and choose energy effective technology • Support the analysis, development and implementation of the technology needed for the transition to a sustainable energy system, both for the region as a whole and in the region’s own operations",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,local authorities are obliged to put forward their Air Energie climate plan for their territory (PCAET) and this plan is subsequently validated by the Region and the State.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"With the monitoring of CO2 we detected the highest concentrations of this pollutant and implemented reforestation and environmental education programs. Through the competence of Drainage that the provincial government holds, we reduced the expansion of the agricultural frontier, since by means of this technique we return to the unpaved soils, productive soils.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our two waste strategies, Wise About About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010) both contained the key elements of a circular economy approach. We consulted on a new CE Strategy in December 2019.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",this decline is due to the social movement that hit the island. There was a significant decrease in emissions,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,the Regional Concil is experimenting with a managment of energy on a certain company.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2019.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solarSource: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg276",0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","Under Welsh legislation , Ministers must prepare a final statement for each budgetary period, and lay the statement before the National Assembly for Wales.In addition Welsh emissions are reported annually through the production of the national greenhouse gas inventory. Emissions reports are produced approximately 18 months after the close of the relevant emissions year.Welsh legislation also introduces a role for our statutory advisors, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), to review and report on progress made in Wales towards our statutory emission reduction targets.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,Länsrapport_GotlandCO2- equivalents - only available as excel from a Swedish data base http://extra.lansstyrelsen.se/rus/Sv/statistik-och-data/nationell-emissionsdatabas/Pages/default.aspx,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Redes InternacionaisThe Climate Group - membro desde 2011:.CDP.R20.Nrg4SD.Future FundRegions4 – Sustainable Development - membro fundador, desde 2002:.Regions for Biodiversity Learning Platform – R4BLP.RegionsAdapt.Objetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainabilityhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/simaglobal/redes-internacionais/",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Increase the production and the use of renewable energy (solar, wind etc.) and support renewable fuel production.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico – ZEE, technical and political planning instrument that establishes spatial planning and management guidelines, considering the environmental characteristics and socioeconomic dynamics of different regions of the state. Its purpose is to support the formulation of public policies in line with strategic guidelines for sustainable development, as well as guide the licensing of productive activities in a manner consistent with these objectives. https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/decreto/2019/decreto-64526-15.10.2019.html",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Areas covered:11 natural systems and socio-economic sectors analysed (agriculture and livestock, biodiversity, water management, forestry, industry, trade and services, mobility and transport infrastructure, fishing, tourism, health, energy sector and urban planning and housing)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Climate Plan aproved during 2018 by the City Council of Barcelona.aims to be an integrative vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which allows the achievement of the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate.The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and encouragement for citizen action.The main goal on adaptation is increase 1.6 km2 of green per capita and reach the 100 liters of water consumption per inhabitant per day.http://lameva.barcelona.cat/barcelona-pel-clima/ca/plan-clima/que-es-el-pla-clima",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In the medium term, the expected increase ofthe temperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism and health.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The state government has an initiative to reduce emissions and a state REDD + strategy , which seeks low emission rural development.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Many young persons and farmers are rendered unemployed due to unreliable rainfall. Lack of weather information lead to planting in periods which cause production failure and little to no income from farming activities especially in rural areas. School Children, Women and youth are always the victims",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Yucatán is aligned with the commitment to significantly reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020, under the collaboration of governments, partners and the private sector of the GCF for the achievement of supply chains of net zero deforestation that allow the implementation of the REDD + jurisdictional program; ensuring the distribution of benefits to forest-dependent communities, small farmers and indigenous people.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The inventory is a regionalisation of the Swedish National reporting of greenhouse gases to UNFCCC,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The Marche Region participates in the national technical table for the adoption of measures for the purpose of reducing emissions to improve air quality,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Areas covered:11 natural systems and socio-economic sectors analysed (agriculture and livestock, biodiversity, water management, forestry, industry, trade and services, mobility and transport infrastructure, fishing, tourism, health, energy sector and urban planning and housing)",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Competence development for climate-smart procurement, Systematic procurement, Purchasing, leasing, rental of energy efficient vehicles, Function and innovation procurement ""cleantech"".",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,More hot days that can affect health population and also water availability,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Development of electric vehicle is a very good opportunity for Catalan industry and for GHG emissions reduction.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,No: the regulation falls within the competence of the State and not of the Region,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Source current 2019 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.brThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient managementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,highest effect: reduced steel production transportation: higher consumption of diesel; buildings: reduction,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","As the transition to RES includes investments from public authorities and utilities, private households and the business sectors in utilization of different kind of local renewable energy sources, as wind power parks, photovoltaics of different sizes, biomass heating, solar heating, biogas production and upgrading, infrastructure for renewables, it can be considered as an on-going project, yet maybe midway. The local potential of renewables has been estimated in a couple of projects over the years., ranging from the EU 's ""Campaign for take Off"" around year 2000 until recently when Gotland has been pointed out by the Swedish Government as a pilot area for the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy supply. An action plan is developed by the National Energy Agency, in collaboration with local actors. The action plan will include sectors as electricity supply and infrastructure, buildings, transport, industries. The largest challenge might be the energy intensive stone and cement industries in the island, but also the agriculture sector is very fossil-fuel dependent, without technology yet easily available on the market to fully replace the fossil fuels. The cement industry has a vision for the developing of climate neutral cement in 10-25 years, it will though depend on certain steps and decisions on national/international political level and of course of customer demands. The agriculture sector on Gotland yet run promising development project such as fossil fuel free farming and fossil free meat-production.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce GHG and ammonia emissions from the agricultural sector as well as improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participates on climate change impacts and adaptation working group, an administrative collaboration body between the regions and the Ministry of Environment to define the policies and actions of National Adaptation Plan.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,A local private project with oublic funding aims to test microgrid .,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There is a general (not quantitative) objective on energy efficiency and some regional funds are allocated to reach this goal; the overal management of energy is not under control of regional administration,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"New regional forest stratregy is under development, the region is yet adopting a new management plan for its own forests.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Fuente para consulta: http://www.ccpy.gob.mx/pdf/agenda-yucatan/gases-efecto-invernadero/IEEGEI_2005_Yucatan.pdfPage: 87This value was obtained by subtracting the total emissions of 10,130,190 tons from the 1,833,990 tons of CO2 removals.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Actuals planted are more accurate as our monitoring system has increased in accuracy since the base year indicated above. Hence increases between 2015 and 2017 are likely to be influenced by better recording accuracy rather than actual new planting. Actual new planting from 2016/17 to 2018/19 is 1,479 ha,,which we recognise is well below the target.Aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease. The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites. Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Regional legislation establishes the aplication of the strategic environmental assessment per type of project,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Azorean Government is implementing the ongoing process of installing charging stations of public access that, in parallel with measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles, that will increase the electric mobility.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"This document provides a report on a revised national strategy for implementation of formal protection of forests. The term “formal protection” comprises nature reserves, habitat protection areas and nature conservation agreements. The national strategy targets county administrative boards among others.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Biogas production is already in place at Visby sludge water utility and will be constructed for the second largest plant, the one in Klintehamn as well , Another way of energy efficient sludge water maintenance are the waste water treatment plantas on the countryside where biological treatment of the sludge water ends up in irrigation of farm land .",1 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to monitor emissions and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Regional projections show a non-significant reduction of -6.8% for the period 2031-2050. Also it shows important precipitation decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitation reductions.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Negative health impacts or increased number of deaths due to heat-waves, especially to vulnerable groups.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change includes a provision to protect vulnerable population from energy and water poverty. The final provision seventh indicates:“1. The Government and, where appropriate, local authorities, within their respective powers, with the objective of guaranteeing universal access of the entire population to a minimum vital consumption of certain basic resources, shall promote the necessary performance mechanisms to guarantee it in the case of electricity, non combustible fuels and water supplies. 2. In accordance with section 1, the necessary performance mechanisms shall be designed to ensure the vital minimum in electricity, non-combustible fuels and water supplies for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion. 3. The ministries responsible for social welfare, energy and water, and where appropriate, the local authorities shall define the conditions and methodology that help to establish the minimum energy and water consumption to ensure the vital minimum coverage for the population living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion.”",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Every year the Region, in collaboration with local administrations, through the air action plan, adopts contingent short-term measures to reduce the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants during the winter period.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13,798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +Why do you not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk?,"Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The energy and climate targets are decided by the regional council, in the regional development program – the overall vision for Gotland: Region Gotland has challenged itself to have a fully climate-neutral energy supply by 2025. Offering the highest possible efficiency and economy, the energy supply will be climate-neutral, based on local, renewable resources and will contribute to sustainable growth and the development of local business. - Vision 2025, adopted by the Regional Council.Targets are then operationalized in the Environmental program and Energy strategy – adopted by the municipal council and then copied into the master plan. As our present master plan is over 10 years old and yet undergoes revision to be updated, the present Swedish goals from 2017 are not reflected in the plan. The overall reduction goal for energy related territorial CO2 -emission is a 45 % absolute reduction of the fossil energy related CO2 emissions from NETS- activities (that is not including industries covered in the CO2 emission trade scheme) from 1990–2020. This is reached by 2017! (but covers only a small part of the total climate gas emissions from all activities in business-life and society on Gotland.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2018, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2019.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, ), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2020), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Climate Plan aproved during 2018 by the City Council of Barcelona.aims to be an integrative vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which allows the achievement of the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate.The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and encouragement for citizen action.The main goal on adaptation is increase 1.6 km2 of green per capita and reach the 100 liters of water consumption per inhabitant per day.http://lameva.barcelona.cat/barcelona-pel-clima/ca/plan-clima/que-es-el-pla-clima",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidis and públic finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"installation has started , mainly on initiatives from private business, the charging infra structure is developed with national funding support and ins already reasonably OK. , but will have to grow to match the number of EVs.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Yes, our Wales Transport Strategy, set out a new way of thinking that places people and climate change at the front and centre of our transport system. We are using the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy to give priority to meeting the demand for travel by walking, cycling and public transport ahead of motor vehicles.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration.In terms of trains, we will deliver transport improvements through our three Metro programmes which covers 20 of the 22 local authorities in Wales and over 93% of the population, so will account for the majority of public transport investment in Wales.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Actions that providesi ndirect support are by procurement of food produced by sustainable methods , and a spatial planning that prohibit exploitation if farmland for other purposes. Direct support to farms are a national remit, the region supports projects as ""Fosilfree meat production"" rthat aims to fossil fuel and fossil material free production methods in farms, food industry and grocery shops,",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Between 2013 and 2015 the State suffered its most extreme drougth in years, which caused a severe water crise. It was the worst drought ever recorded, in the sense that the outflows in the basin were never so low.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Flooding Risk Management Plan 2016 - 2021 done by the collaboration between Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Civil Protection includes the forecasts of increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Consider future conditions under climate change in the design of new infrastructures and assumptions of probability, frequency, or magnitude of extreme events.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"In the medium term, the expected increase ofthe temperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism and health.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Increase of sea level of 2mm per year in the period 1945-1999,1 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,We collect data using both field field surveys and remote sensing,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The Act and Plans aim to reduce emissions in line with evidence to show the maximum technical reduction for Wales.,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with others to support and scale up pilots, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","In principal, climate change and economic development are deeply intertwined. Social and economic activities generate GHG emissions to cause climate change, while climate change also have a serious impacts to socio-economic conditions. This situation to a certain level is tough for Papua. The province can not avoid economic activities resulting changes in land use and consumption of energy as Papua currently needs to grow. Development of renewable energy plants is expected to answer the issue because economic stimulation from development of RE power plant is high enough to support economic growth while the use of renewable energy also constribute to emission reduction.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Resource savings and efficiency gains (water, energy, materials), means reduced costs and thus competitivity improvements.The Strategy Catalonia 2020 (ECAT20) seeks to ensure resource efficiency in all Government's longterm strategies in areas such as energy, climate change,research and innovation, industry, transport, agriculture, fisheries and the environment, and also seeks to take advantage of the opportunities for businessdevelopment. Green economy is one of the sectors to be promoted by ECAT20",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Santos Dock Company tide gauge (1940 to 2014), the longest series of continuous record of tides in Brazil, shows a consistent increasing trend.The estimation about the magnitudeof mean sea level rise (MSLR) concludes there wil be a considerable impact upon theport, with approximately 1.1m rise estimated from 1990 to 2100 at a rate of 0.33 cm / year,which is expected to increase in the coming decades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334730927_Estimation_of_Sea_Level_Rise_in_Santos_Port_Brazil",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The cost of intervention in forestry management is greater of price to sale of product obtained. For that, the execution and viability of the management plans is difficult. The Generalitat de Catalunya is working to stimulate and promote the payment of environmental services.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The SEEG 5.0 estimates cover GHG emissions from 1970 to 2016 for all sectors, with the exception of land use change, covering the period 1990 to 2016. The methodological basis of the SEEG estimations is the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) and other emissions as HFCs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,According to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please complete the table below.,Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Climate Change Strategy for Wales sets out UK and Welsh targets and actions. Climate change is a key commitment in our current Programme for Government - 'Taking Wales Forward'. Climate change mitigation and adaptation feature in a number key pieces of legislation, including our Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, making long term planning for goals such as resilience, a requirement for reporting and public bodies.Climate change adaptation is considered in sector-specific, long term planning documents also. This includes our first Welsh National Marine Plan, the upcoming National Development Framework and the current Technical Advice Notes. The Shoreline Management Plans should be a material consideration in planning applications.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",We are continuously assesing the status of the environment within our region.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass and maintenance of forest area",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Law 16/2017, of August 1, on climate change, aims the participation of local authorities in planning climate policies and sectoral action plans of departments. Also the Government has to promote that non touristic municipalities integrate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, for which they must give them assistance.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is a multi-year work plan that describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.Similar with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act puts in place the ‘sustainable management of natural resources’. It is Wales’ approach to managing all natural resources through an ecosystem approach. Our Natural Resources Policy sets out the national priorities, opportunities and challenges for managing Wales’ natural resources sustainably. For woodland and forestry, the priority nature-based solution is increased canopy cover and well located woodland. It is also around encourage good forest design and sustainable management that makes a positive contribution to the character and quality of the landscape, improves the biodiversity value of the forests, and secures wider benefits, such as flood risk management; Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a duty to implement the Natural Resources Policy in a local context through area statements. Area statements will set out the local priorities for action including identifying areas of opportunity and constraint for woodland creation. They will set out the actions that NRW can take. NRW must also encourage others to take steps to implement an area statement.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Decarbonisation pathway: The reduction targets vs base year are: 2030: 40%2040: 65% 2050: 100% Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment has highlighted 7 risks to which threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in Wales. The assessment has shown that current adaptation actions in the region mean we are prepared for all but three of the risks. Those of concern are:• Risks to business sites from flooding. Flooding poses risks to assets (flood damage), and human resource (e.g. access to work). Higher risk of impact to business and communities on the coast. Risk of disruption due to infrastructure disruption, including energy and ICT. Flooding risk expected to increase over coming decades.• Risks to businesses from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure. Greater risk of flooding and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. Risk of viability to coastal communities may increase.Potential impact on maritime logistics and infrastructure - particular risk to industries such as chemical manufacturing, oil, gas and tourism.• Risks to businesses from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.Increased risk of travel disruption leading to reduced worker productivity. Increased risk of school closures leading to reduced worker productivity. Risk is greater for smaller businesses, particularly in remote areas. Risk of reduced productivity from extended warm periods. Risk of heat stress to outdoor-working heavy manual labour resources. Risk of thermal discomfort to staff working in older offices.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,considered as a measure in a new strategy formulated by the county administration,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Includes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",The inventory is a regionalisation of the Swedish National reporting of greenhouse gases to UNFCCC,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Ahafo agricultural sector will also need to deal with the potential for increased impacts on farm operations of extreme weather events such as drought as well as pest infestations and increased crop vulnerability from year-to-year. Overall, water availability is likely to become even more of a challenge for farmers under the changing climate. Available Ahafo rivers such as River Tano, Akantansu, Goa, Subre, etc. are drying up so quickly offseason.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Other: Buildings/fixed infrastructure with where Welsh Government is counterparty to energy supply or where we pay for energy use through an in service charge,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsibility definitions,0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,Le Schéma Régional Climat Air Energies de la Réunion / The Climate Air Energies Regional Scheme for Reunion Island,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The municipal government of Mérida is making a transition to electric vehicles, especially for those that circulate in the first square of the city, as vehicles for waste collection and municipal police.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Direct activity data. Emissions are calculated applying the emissions factor for electricity and natural gas to the electricity consumption and gas consumption in Governmental buildings, as reported in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2015). According to Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall have an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the properties, facilities and services they provide.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Public Health Wales has produced Extreme Hot Weather Guidance for the public to be prepared in heat waves. Various efforts are underway to mitigate the health risks of flooding and ensure health infrastructure is resilient to climate change.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Through the environmental monitoring system, we hope to create public policies that allow us to establish sustainable production models with the Amazonian environment. In addition, combining this with the execution of drainage channels in agricultural areas and thus reduce by 15% the expansion of the agricultural frontier and thus recover watersheds, fundamental for the subsistence of human beings and animals.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","As a regional government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment, which is a legal requirement under UK law. The assessment was completed in 2017. The UK Government commissioned the UK Committee for Climate Change to undertake the assessment. Their resulting Evidence Report is over two thousand pages long, but includes summary versions for the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Region Gotland is a local government with both regional and municipal responsibilities. The emission reduction targets, energy efficiency targets and targets for the transition to RES decided by the local council consists both of targets for the region's total geographical area and of subtargets for the region's own operations. The targets set by the local government are in many cases depending upon measures in local enterprises as well as new national requirements on products and services to be reached Even though Gotland is an island; policies and regulations only implemented here don't give impact enough to ensure successful procurement of equipment and vehicles f .ex. In those cases we have to move forward together with other.",0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?",Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%.Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining and iron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Procurement of eco labelled "" Bra Miljöval "" electricity , produced from hydro power",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The Special Plan for action in the event of an alert and eventual drought (PES) is the planning tool whose objective is to provide a continuous and efficient continuity from the hydrological ordinary management towards the management of drought situations and the most critical episodes of lack of resource availability. The PES contains the system of indicators and entry and exit thresholds for the different drought scenarios, the operating rules of the systems and the measures to be applied in relation to the use of the hydraulic public domain in each scenario.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/pla-de-sequera/",0 +"Do you measure your region-wide SLCPs (i.e. black carbon, CH4, O3, HFCs)? If so, please report the SLCPs measured and whether an environmental assessment of the effects of these SLCPs has been conducted.","Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,New invasive species are replacing the natural species and changing ecosystems.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",1. Establishment of compulsory measures to adapt public and private infrastructure to climate change2. Inclusion of risk criteria in urban infrastructure projects in the coastal zone.3. Restoration and protection of coastal dunes and wetlands,1 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GEH emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/incorporacio_avaluacio_ambiental/http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/redueix_emissions/com-calcular-emissions-de-geh/The environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 82 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The mitigation measures are established in PRAC and the programme is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,We don't have the breakdown of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Marche Region participates in the CREIAMO PA project of the Ministry of the Environment - Action line 5, whose general objective is to strengthen the administrative and technical capacity of public administration officials who are preparing to define strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in their territories.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The state government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and comprehensive health, access to housing.Yucatan reinforced the capacity of medical attention to the population in vulnerable situations through the implementation of the Home Health Program. Which currently provides coverage to 56% of the State municipalities, with care capacity of up to 117,067 households, bringing the health care service to older adults, people with disabilities and pregnant women without prenatal control, who receive direct medical care in their homes. By 2020 it is expected that this program has the coverage of 90% of the municipalities in the state . Among the results of 2019, 19,132 external medical consultations were provided to the same number of people of which: 5,511 had some type of disability, 11,334 were older adults, 680 were sick people bedridden and 1,607 were pregnant women: 214,624 activities were carried out to provide comprehensive care to the beneficiaries of the Program, including: medical care; nutrition attentions; nursing care; health promotion activities; social work actions; studies; treatments and talks.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","As many young people in rural areas continue to experience the effects of climate change, they are forced to abandon farming and migrate to cities to find non-existing jobs and face a number of problems",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Install smart energy meters / sub-metersSmart meters are being tested, they will be mandatory by 2020",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"See above in terms of our New Transport Strategy and our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel.This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",A neglible decrease can be noted. Changes in heating and electricity consumption related emissions mainly explain this.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Main impact are:1. reduced availability of drinking water (main regional source is from underground reservoirs), coused by a reduced snow coverand and a consequent reduced infiltration;2. Increase in intense precipitation with increas in floods 3. reduced Productivity in agriculture",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy. We have set an enabling framework for low carbon energy development, through Planning Policy Wales, the National Development Framework and the Wales National Marine Plan. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.We have made over 100 million euro available for investment in marine energy to develop this area as a new long term low carbon industry. We have also made investment available for communities.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested more than £97m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales since 2015 and supported the delivery of numerous other energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes. Almost one million tonnes of carbon will be saved throughout the lifetime of these projects, along with a financial saving in excess of £190m.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 42 different renewable energy groups on 73 projects across Wales.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The region supports the local authorities to renovate the public battles, within the framework of the European funds",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Our national planning policyin Planning Policy Wales encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"As the transition to RES includes investments from public authorities and utilities, private households and the business sectors in utilization of different kind of local renewable energy sources, as wind power parks, photovoltaics of different sizes, biomass heating, solar heating, biogas production and upgrading, infrastructure for renewables, it can be considered as an on-going project, yet maybe midway. The local potential of renewables has been estimated in a couple of projects over the years., ranging from the EU 's ""Campaign for take Off"" around year 2000 until recently when Gotland has been pointed out by the Swedish Government as a pilot area for the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy supply. An action plan is developed by the National Energy Agency, in collaboration with local actors. The action plan will include sectors as electricity supply and infrastructure, buildings, transport, industries. The largest challenge might be the energy intensive stone and cement industries in the island, but also the agriculture sector is very fossil-fuel dependent, without technology yet easily available on the market to fully replace the fossil fuels. The cement industry has a vision for the developing of climate neutral cement in 10-25 years, it will though depend on certain steps and decisions on national/international political level and of course of customer demands. The agriculture sector on Gotland yet run promising development project such as fossil fuel free farming and fossil free meat-production.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Yucatan adheres to the commitment to collaborate in the reduction of global deforestation, highlighting actions within the framework of the New York Forest Declaration, focused on reducing at least half the rate of loss of natural forests to the year 2020 and completely end its loss in 2030; supporting and helping to the objective of the private sector to eliminate deforestation as part of the production of agricultural products such as palm oil, soybeans, paper or beef no later than 2020; and provide alternatives to end deforestation caused by basic needs, such as subsistence agriculture and the use of firewood as fuel, in ways that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable and equitable development; strengthening forest governance, transparency and the rule of law while empowering communities and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those related to their lands and resources.",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Incorporation of the variable of climate change in the territorial and urban planning. Promotion of efficient and sustainable use of land.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","Other sectors covered include Health, Housing, Public Sector, Business, Historic Environment and the Marine Environment. Please also note that a new adaptation plan is being developed for Wales and is currently available in draft form at the following link: https://gov.wales/climate-change-adaptation-plan-for-wales",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sectorThe Partnership Council for Wales is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. It will work together to establish a Decarbonisation Strategy Panel providing passion leadership and vision as well as strategic overview, collaborative leadership and communication channels. The Partnership council is made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.Public services across Wales have pledged to ensuring decarbonisation action is embedded through:• Understanding their carbon footprint, in line with guidance for public sector greenhouse emissions reporting• Agreeing to a set of net zero commitments/pledges for COP26• Closely monitoring and reporting their current and future carbon emissions.• Ensuring all Local Authorities have robust, evidence based net zero action plans in place, as living documents, by March 2021• Work with a new Decarbonisation Strategy PanelWelsh Government are supporting this agenda by offering technical, commercial and financial support to Public Bodies to implement action, and have developed a Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide to support consistent, transparent reporting. This work will be supplemented by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who will provide, expertise and training, and ensuring best practice is shared across Wales.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In all the island exists recucling points and centers. The separate waste is colleted and treated in the Waste Management and Treatment Center.,1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Includes all LULUCF activityExcludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,A new ambition has been set since these projections were undertaken. The government has set an ambition to meet net zero by 2050. Updated pathways analysis will replace these estimates in the near future. Note these are recommended pathways provided by our statutory advisors and are based on plausible future emissions patwhays with appropriate policy in place. They do not represent a baseline emissions projection in the absence of policy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change defines measures to reduce GHG emissions by key sectors with actions and responsability definitions,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +"Is your region aware of jurisdictional approaches and are you implementing any to address deforestation, forest degradation and/or forest restoration?",The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Between 2013 and 2015 the State suffered its most extreme drougth in years, which caused a severe water crise. It was the worst drought ever recorded, in the sense that the outflows in the basin were never so low.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Business sector is approached through regional development activities and included in our Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa 2035 Roadmap.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,In cooperation with national authorities. The reguion ias also responslible for two own conservation areas on muncipal ground.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Azorean Government is working on the Azorean Strategy for Energy 2030.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The department of climate change issues is called ""Servicio de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación"" belonging to The Environmental Directorate. The Interdepartamental Climate Change Commission is responsible for monitoring progress.",0 +Please explain why deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts do not present significant risks to your region.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The other compounding issues is the degree of grazing by cattles coming into the region from the north. Also worsening the situation is the rate of illegal mining within the region for alluvial gold, especially along the river basins and the rampant destruction of the forest by using bulldozers and heavy machines",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Base year: 1990; 1995 for F-gases.LULUCF for base year was not a sink (following methodology changes in 2019 GHGI data, with wetland supplement).",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Risks to health from changes in air quality, from overheating in homes, and from flooding for those living in flood prone areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,There is an Energy Plan with measures for reduction of GHG emissions but there is not an overal plan on climate change action. Marche region is now implementing its strategy for Sustainable development and may be there will be some indication for future action plan on climate change,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Under Welsh legislation , Ministers must prepare a final statement for each budgetary period, and lay the statement before the National Assembly for Wales.In addition Welsh emissions are reported annually through the production of the national greenhouse gas inventory. Emissions reports are produced approximately 18 months after the close of the relevant emissions year.Welsh legislation also introduces a role for our statutory advisors, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), to review and report on progress made in Wales towards our statutory emission reduction targets.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Greenhouse gases emissions will be another factor in which we are working to incorporate into the environmental analysis of extractive activities and LSM.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Yucatan has a State Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, however, recycling programs at the state level are not currently carried out.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply).The average water availability per capita in the period from 2010 to 2018 suffered a significant decrease, from 2387.60 m³ / year / inhab to 2237.25, a loss of 6.3%. With a minimum of 128.11 m³ / year / inhab for 47% of the state's population and a maximum of 44723.47 for 0.8%.( https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/cpla/2020/05/relatorios-de-qualidade-ambiental-2019/page 138)",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The plan for climate adaptation is developed by the ´County admisnistration, LÄnsstyrelsen - Region Gotland has cooperated and is responsible for many actions in the plan.",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,In most of the island exists mechanical biological tretament in the Waste Management and Treatment Centers. It is planned to extend to all islands.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Natural Heitage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia 2030 is the framework document which will guide the Government of Catalonia’s nature conservation work until 2030. The ultimate objective is to halt natural heritage degradation and biodiversity loss in Catalonia, while guaranteeing its sustainable use and ensuring provision of the ecosystem services upon which we depend.One of the the Strategy’s objectives and action lines is the integration of natural heritage in sectoral policies; the strategic objective is improve the contribution of agricultural, livestock and forestry policies to conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity. This objective has, among others, the following action lines:- Create an Action and Coordination Board between the administration responsible for conservation of the natural heritage and biodiversity, the agricultural and forestry administration, and the private sector- Encourage extensive livestock farming to conserve agroforestry habitats and to prevent fires.- Review the focus of the forest fire prevention plans in natural areas with special protection. - Create an interdepartmental working group to include fire as an environmental management tool.http://mediambient.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/patrimoni_natural/estrategia_patrimoni_biodiversitat/Resum_ESNATURA_EN.pdf",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Increased mapping and delimitation of protected areas able to be explored by tourism.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. National planning policy is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and was recently updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. PPW sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. For minerals the policy in PPW is supplemented by two technical advice notes (MTAN 1 Aggregates and MTAN 2 Coal) and various minerals planning policy guidance notes and circulars.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Local communities are aware of the need to develop this initiative,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","According to the PRAC projections and considering the growing model of 1%, regional PIB is about 5800 MM€. There is no projection to 2050.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"As the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation indicates, the majority of the population of Catalonia lives in coastal areas close to large cities. This fact of territorial exposure increases the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change as large urban areas, which will be greatly affected by some direct impacts of climate change and other indirect impacts, such as the impact on natural resources and ecosystem services that the rural areas provides.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change and will be revised soon.,1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,PLAN ESTRATÉGICO DE PREVENCIÓN Y LUCHA CONTRA INCENDIOS FORESTALES 2017-2020 (PEPLIF),1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","There are major seasonal differences, but most of regional simulations show precipitation important decrease (-10%) in all seasons except in winter. Global simulations indicate that the spring will be the season more affected of precipitations reductions.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,There is no information available to quantify emissions for this scope.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Review of quality objectives established in Management Plan of the River Basin of Catalonia to adjust them to the new environmental context, if applicable.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Environmental Department of the Azorean Government is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According to the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017 of21st of February,the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory was created. It was established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change is expected to be approved in 2019 and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Emissions data is collected from all buildings and fixed infrastructure where we are counterparty to supply as well as some where we are tenants and pay for energy through an in service charge. We monitor our emissions based on the total from this selection of buildings.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock mightaffect productivity and food security.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the soft mobility, the use of electric and vehicles and also the decrease of the private transport.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Sea level rise poses risks to capital region in particular due to extensive construction on the coastline. However, land uplift and a strict building code limit the risks.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Since declaring the climate emergency, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","""Plusenergilän"" - Kronobergs county is a ""plus-energy-county"" by the year 2050 meaning that the total production of renewable energy and biofuel exceeds the total energy use within the county",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We work with the biocultural inter-municipal board (JIBIOPUUC) which integrates seven municipalities that represent the best preserved areas of the state. We work together to implement the REDD+ State Strategy.,1 +Please complete the table below.,Contains an element of Scope 3 where we rent and let building space.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes a current review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Agrarian Regional Strategic Plan 2009 - 2015 of Amazonas that establishes strategic objective the sustainable development of natural resources through traditional technologies, the positioning of special coffee production and the production-transformation marketing of agricultural products under systems agroforestry.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Estimates of gross greenhouse gas emissions do not consider the removal of carbon dioxide from changes in land use, ie the amount of carbon gases set by vegetation growth. When the removals are discounted, the estimates are net emissions (emissions minus removals).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan its use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",1 +Does your region have a renewable energy or electricity target in place at the region-wide level and/or your government operations?,"The economic recovery measures required to combat COVID-19 also present an opportunity to enhance our low-carbon transition towards Net Zero, and create more sustainable, resilient and inclusive societies throughout Wales. We have already invested in low-carbon and climate adaptation. In 2020-21 we allocated £140m of capital funding to help combat the climate emergency. In 2021-22, on top of maintaining the majority of this funding in departmental baselines, we allocated nearly £80m in additional capital to deliver interventions that promote decarbonisation and further enhance biodiversity, alongside an additional £17m of revenue funding to support these interventions.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Increase renewables to 9.30% by 2018 of region-wide enegy productionNine private investment projects in Renewable Energy will be implemented in Yucatan State with a capacity of 1,818,623 MwHr/year.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy program, the Region aims to establish several charging points on the territory.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Programa NascentesCombines the conservation of water resources with the protection of biodiversity through an innovative institutional structure. The government program involves 10 state departments, optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions or to reduce the water footprint, implement voluntary restoration projects. The program unites restoration specialists, entrepreneurs with recovery obligations to be fulfilled and owners of areas in need of restoration of native vegetation. The program also has a Project Shelf ready for hiring, with a defined location and restoration strategy and with the owner's consent for its realization. The projects are proposed by companies or NGOs that work in the field of ecological restoration according to the guidelines provided. Also, the Area Bank gathers places to receive restoration projects, which were made available through a declaration made by the owner in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) or directly by the agency responsible for them: ITESP - São Paulo State Land Foundation (in the case of rural settlements) and Fundação Florestal or Instituto Florestal (in the case of state Conservation Units). Resolution SMA 32/14 concerns Ecological Restoration (intentional human intervention in degraded or altered ecosystems to trigger the natural process of ecological succession) is one of the main challenges in the application of environmental legislation, particularly by Federal Law 12.651 / 12, known as the new forest code. The area under restoration registered with SARE (Computerized Support System for Ecological Restoration) was defined as a metric of the Nascentes Program, contributing to the traceability and monitoring of projects. Individuals and companies that finance, execute or make available areas for projects under the Program can receive a Certificate. Voluntary projects that restore at least 10 hectares, or that to comply with legal obligations add 10 hectares to the project or perform twice the required restoration, guarantee the natural or legal persons the Nascentes Seal, an icon of commitment to the preservation of the environment and concern for the safety of water resources in the state of São Paulo.Since it is a dynamic system costs vary according to each project. www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/programanascentes/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Source: SEEG http://plataforma.seeg.eco.br/total_emission#In the SEEG estimates, the discount for emission reduction certificates from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects was also not incorporated. The totals, in Brazil, between 2005 and 2014, amount to about 370 million tons of CO2e (accumulated in the period).",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",1 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Wastewater Treatment Program has aim to maintain water quality so that do not contaminate the resource found in the water table.In the reported period, 9,185,741 m3 of sewage were treated to comply with the quality standards established by the National Comissio of Water (CONAGUA, for its initials in Spanish) and benefit 269,544 users of the drinking water system with a investment of 29 million MXN.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Biomass counts for around 500 GWh, the absolute main part of heating fuels, to the district heating systems in the city and villages on Gotland and the heating for other building both private homes and larger buildings on the countryside where district heating is not available. Forestry on Gotland produces the biomass mostly as a byproduct to sawn timber from forestry, as the annual forest growth is double as large as the material, the net uptake is assumed to be around 82 500 tonnes CO2 per year, according to a fresh report from the county administration.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with others to support and scale up pilots, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Regulation of pig farms and evaluation of the operation of biodigesters,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Objective: Improving electrical efficiency by 10% in 2020 and by 20% in 2030. Which means: reducing the energy intensity (the energy efficiency of the country economy) of 19.1toe/M€ in 2010 to 18.1 toe/M€ and to 17.8toe/M€.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Note that Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review, and a draft version was published for public consultation in December 2018. Our new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales will be published in full in 2019 and, taking a risk management approach, aims to reduce the status of the 56 risks identified for Wales in the UK Government's latest Climate Change Risk Assessment. To achieve this, the new plan will include around 32 high level actions across 7 sectors in Wales, which sit under three core objectives:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Competence development for climate-smart procurement, Systematic procurement, Purchasing, leasing, rental of energy efficient vehicles, Function and innovation procurement ""cleantech"".",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy. We have set an enabling framework for low carbon energy development, through Planning Policy Wales, the National Development Framework and the Wales National Marine Plan. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.We have made over 100 million euro available for investment in marine energy to develop this area as a new long term low carbon industry. We have also made investment available for communities.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested more than £97m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales since 2015 and supported the delivery of numerous other energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes. Almost one million tonnes of carbon will be saved throughout the lifetime of these projects, along with a financial saving in excess of £190m.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 42 different renewable energy groups on 73 projects across Wales.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Intense consumption and few resources. Growing urban population and increase of the variation of precipitation, causing droughts and conficts in the water uses (for irrigation, energy and human supply)",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","As only ancient woodland (excluding PAWS) was examined owing to resource/timescale issues, this figure is very small. If other woodland types that could come under the definition of “natural forest” such as native woodlands (including planted or regenerated) were also included, this figure could be higher. However Wales does have a number of jurisdictional approaches in place to minimise habitat loss such as this.No separation of cause is entered here as the amount is so small.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Programa NascentesCombines the conservation of water resources with the protection of biodiversity through an innovative institutional structure. The government program involves 10 state departments, optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions or to reduce the water footprint, implement voluntary restoration projects. The program unites restoration specialists, entrepreneurs with recovery obligations to be fulfilled and owners of areas in need of restoration of native vegetation. The program also has a Project Shelf ready for hiring, with a defined location and restoration strategy and with the owner's consent for its realization. The projects are proposed by companies or NGOs that work in the field of ecological restoration according to the guidelines provided. Also, the Area Bank gathers places to receive restoration projects, which were made available through a declaration made by the owner in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) or directly by the agency responsible for them: ITESP - São Paulo State Land Foundation (in the case of rural settlements) and Fundação Florestal or Instituto Florestal (in the case of state Conservation Units). Resolution SMA 32/14 concerns Ecological Restoration (intentional human intervention in degraded or altered ecosystems to trigger the natural process of ecological succession) is one of the main challenges in the application of environmental legislation, particularly by Federal Law 12.651 / 12, known as the new forest code. The area under restoration registered with SARE (Computerized Support System for Ecological Restoration) was defined as a metric of the Nascentes Program, contributing to the traceability and monitoring of projects. Individuals and companies that finance, execute or make available areas for projects under the Program can receive a Certificate. Voluntary projects that restore at least 10 hectares, or that to comply with legal obligations add 10 hectares to the project or perform twice the required restoration, guarantee the natural or legal persons the Nascentes Seal, an icon of commitment to the preservation of the environment and concern for the safety of water resources in the state of São Paulo.Since it is a dynamic system costs vary according to each project. www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/programanascentes/",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","This temperature variation is not uniform throughout the year: the increase in average temperature is more marked in summer, at 0.36°C/decade",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Deforestation in climate change affects the businesses of Morona Santiago, since it is a great economic loss because it would cause shortages in biodiversity and erosion in the production of soils, both for agriculture and for livestock, especially those that directly related to food chains of the entire population, considering that there would be no possibility of reducing carbon dioxide in the region.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,Outlines key stakeholders and collaborations required to reduce region-wide GHG emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"No: it's not an issue here, cooking stoves are electrical and the electricity used has very low emission factors",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",It is expected that episodes of extreme wind and storms can occur with frequency and intensity which can cause landslides and maritime agitation that will affect the population and maritime transportation. Also air transportation will be affected.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The overall forecast for Catalonia is an increase in the likelihood of extreme convective precipitation events occurring (over 200mm in 24 hours and exceptional occasions over 500mm in 24h), although this probability is still low.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Catalan Water Agency, Forest Property Center of Catalonia and Catalan Office for Climate Change have been carrying out some actions to implement an adaptive forest management in order to be able to monitor production and improvement of the drainage or generation of blue water and therefore, reduce the vulnerability of the hydric system. The monitoring was carried out in the area of Vallcebre (headwaters of the River Llobregat basin) and in La Llacuna (in the recharge area of the Carme-Capellades aquifer). The conclusions of the pilot tests will have to be incorporated during the 2019 in the program of measures of the Plan of management of district of river basin of Catalonia 2022-2027.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Target sectors: Energy, Transport and IndustryShort target summary: reduction of energy intensity (energy per regional GDP) by 1,5 to 2 % per year until 2050; adopted 2017 https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/esv_Energiestrategie_Leitregion.pdf (""Strategy"") https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/2019_Energiebericht.pdf (""Energy and Climate Action Report"")",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"But with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Goverment's emissions were calculated for scope 1 and scope 2 to establish a baseline for the Yucatan's CarbonManagement Plan.The CMP was developed with the technical assistance of the Carbon Trust and the financial resources of the British Embassy (Prosperity Fund), sets out in detail the State Strategy to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years from government operations related to public buildings and facilities; and vehicle fleet, through the calculation of a baseline carbon footprint and the definition of potential projects and actions to increase energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies. Setting the target to reduce 10% of Yucatan scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 2020 based on 2015 levels.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The main reasons are the increase of transport mobility and the increase of heating in commercial and residential categories (because of the increase in number of intense cold days in winter in 2016),0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In Mexico there are official regulations that establish maximum emission limits for vehicles and that regulate fuel quality.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Jurisdictional power:Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing all existing social homes will continue to have £108m invested per annum as a minimum, to ensure all social homes meet WHQS. The new 2022 standard is likely to raise the standard EPCD to EPCA. The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Biogas from waste is upgraded and used as locally produced RE car fuel and industrial fuel. ( Around 35 GWh/ year),0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solarSource: https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2019/09/corr_beesp2019ab2018bx.pdf pg276",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Ongoing processes of dialogue with the third sector and other subnational governments, with possibilities for cooperation projects.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A delivery plan for the climate change strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving Spain's reduction targets, set at 10% of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, as well as the contribution to the reduction target of 26%. % of Spain in 2030 of the GHG emissions of the no ETS sectors with respect to the year 2005.Likewise, Cantabria is jointly responsible for achieving the goal of reducing 80% of GHG emissions in Europe by 2050, by promoting a more climate-friendly economy with lower energy consumption.",0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Environmental permits covering, for example, drainage, water abstraction, some aspects of pollution from machinery and mining waste are also required and these are issued by Natural Resources Wales. Licenses with regard to protected species may also be required and these would also be considered by Natural Resources Wales. Welsh Government / Natural Resources Wales / Mineral Planning Authorities / Regional Mineral Planning Groups",1 +Do you have an emissions inventory for your government operations to report?,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Certification of energy performance is under way in many cases, for example the region has built a large school house and a sport arena aiming for the gold standard according to Sweden’s Green Building Council and the school house has been in use long enough to be fully certified.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Increasing flexibility of allocation of water systems, power generation and infrastructure (network interconnection to ensure security of supply) strengthening the security of supply through other local sources (water reuse, wells recovery, construction of rainwater tanks) and connecting to regional water networks.The actions on management demand have obtained average urban allocations for Catalonia of 116L / hab day and of 105 L / hab day for the metropolitan area. Also, the actions in the improvement of efficiency distribution network of potable water and the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures of agriculture have achieved good results.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Granting subsidies for calculating the carbon footprint of municipalities and implementing mitigation measures,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Yucatán Zero Waste Strategy seeks to lay the foundations for the integral management of urban and special solid waste, considering as focal points the improvement of regulations, the provision of adequate infrastructure for the collection, management, and final disposal of waste; as well as policies for the revaluation of waste and the promotion of a responsible culture of consumption, which help to reduce the environmental footprint of the State.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Source current 2019 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.brThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management sets 4 objectives:Reduce the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion,raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk,providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events, and prioritising investment in the most at risk communities.Our average investment (revenue and capital) in flood and coastal erosion risk management in Wales over the past seven financial years (since 2011/12) has been £53 million per year, reducing risk to homes and businesses across Wales.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Catalan Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change (ESCACC 2013-2020): Chapter 3.1 Changes to the climate and Chapter 3.2. Changes to the environament and societyExecutive summary of the Third Report on Climate Change in Cataloniahttp://cads.gencat.cat/web/.content/Documents/Publicacions/tercer-informe-sobre-canvi-climatic-catalunya/Resum_executiu_TICCC/RESUM_EXECUT_TICCC_web_EN.pdf (> 30 MB),0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,The change in the geographic distribution and incidence rates of certain diseases can affect the quality of life of people,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that consider a adaptation component. Amazonas have participated in NDC measures.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Catalan Office for Climate Change, at the Department of Territory and Sustainability, is the administrative unit dealing with climate change policies in Catalonia. Moreover, the Interdepartmental Commission on Climate Change, a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change, coordinates climate policy planning and monitors its completion. The Interdepartmental Commission is chaired by the Minister of Territory and Sustainability, and gathers representatives from all involved policy areas, such as agriculture, economy, housing, research energy, industry, health, civil protection, infrastructure and transport, land planning, foreign affairs and education. This Commission has the duty to foster cross-cutting actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to monitor and assess implementation of policies.The Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change creates the Climate Change Social Roundtable and the Committee of Experts on Climate Change (articles 31 and 32). The Climate Change Social Roundtable is a collegiate body affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change that channels participation, information and consultation to the most representative institutions and organisations in the social, economic and environmental fabric of Catalonia on climate policies. The Committee of Experts on Climate Change is a collegiate body, affiliated with the ministry responsible for climate change and with functional autonomy that acts with total functional independence in the development of its functions. The Committee presents proposals of carbon budgets for the different time periods, monitoring and assessment to Government and to Parliament. This Committee shall annually present to Parliament a report on the level of compliance to the carbon budgets. The Government shall take into consideration the Committee’s recommendations and shall incorporate them into their policies. In the event that they cannot be incorporated, it shall justify the reasons and inform Parliament.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Climate Change Act 16/2017 provides promotion an energy model with the consumption of fossil fuels tends to be zero, so the objective to year 2030 can be achieved 50% participation of renewable energies in the catalan electrical system for to be 100% renewable in 2050.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,There is no adaptation goals for the Sao Paulo State region.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Risks to health from changes in air quality, from overheating in homes, and from flooding for those living in flood prone areas.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Redes InternacionaisThe Climate Group - membro desde 2011:.CDP.R20.Nrg4SD.Future FundRegions4 – Sustainable Development - membro fundador, desde 2002:.Regions for Biodiversity Learning Platform – R4BLP.RegionsAdapt.Objetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainabilityhttps://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/simaglobal/redes-internacionais/",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Electricity emissions factor decreased by 14% . Our observed decrease was 22%.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The municipal government of Mérida plans to generate energy through the biogas generated from the city's landfill.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"here are awareness campaigns that are already in place, but infrastructure put in place are insufficient",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Santos Dock Company tide gauge (1940 to 2014), the longest series of continuous record of tides in Brazil, shows a consistent increasing trend.The estimation about the magnitudeof mean sea level rise (MSLR) concludes there wil be a considerable impact upon theport, with approximately 1.1m rise estimated from 1990 to 2100 at a rate of 0.33 cm / year,which is expected to increase in the coming decades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334730927_Estimation_of_Sea_Level_Rise_in_Santos_Port_Brazil",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In all the island exists recycling points and centres. The separate waste is collected, treated and transported to recycling",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Data is National Communication (NC) sector Export. This line for International Aviation and shipping has not been included in the national total but is provided here for information.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Ruminant species contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. At the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), respiration chambers were built to accurately quantify enteric methane emission in cattle. Recent results obtained in the Laboratory of Climate Change and Livestock, indicate that it is possible to mitigate the emission of enteric methane in cattle with the incorporation of the foliage and fruits of tropical legumes that contain either secondary metabolites (condensed tannins, saponins) or starch. The results obtained in the respiration chambers of the UADY indicate that the foliage of Leucaena leucocephala and the ground fruits of Samanea saman, when they are provided as part of the bovine ration, mitigate enteric methane emission in a variable magnitude depending on the level of incorporation of the legume in the ration.",0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,National plan for adapting hydroelectriv power to modern terms. The county administrative boards are collabarating with different stakeholders to find solutions that are beneficial for both the water environment and hydropower plants.,1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The year used was the most recent published data available. Owing to resource issues, we are only reporting on Ancient Woodland in Wales excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), taken from the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) which was revised in 2011 to improve its accuracy. The AWI is made up of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Sites (RAWS), Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and Ancient Woodland Site Unknown (AWSU) – areas in transition. We have excluded PAWS from the figures used in this module as these are under plantation, although it is recognised that some are under management to gradually restore them to a more natural state. These woodlands best meet the criteria of “natural forest”. While we recognise that other woodland such as native broadleaved woodland, existing and newly planted would also meet this criteria, we have focused on the Ancient Woodland data owing to restricted resources and timescales. We hope to address this in future years. This definition of natural forest has been examined against statistics for woodland loss collected as part of the National Forest Inventory for Great Britain.",1 +Please complete the table below.,A new ambition has been set since these projections were undertaken. The government has set an ambition to meet net zero by 2050. Updated pathways analysis will replace these estimates in the near future. Note these are recommended pathways provided by our statutory advisors and are based on plausible future emissions patwhays with appropriate policy in place. They do not represent a baseline emissions projection in the absence of policy.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Higher heat waves; as well as change in the seasonality of rain causes higher incidence and prevalence of diseases because they are more prone to the development of diseases due to sudden changes in temperature creating an ideal environment for the spread of mosquitoes, viruses and bacteria",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Source for population is ISTAT (National Istitut of Statistics); the projected values refer to the median,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,There is no base year. Reductions are refered to the reference scenario,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Increase tree planting - In the past 4 years a total of 1355ha has been planted and a total 6370ha has been restocked. Our aim remains to increase this to 2,000ha per year, increasing to 4,000ha per year as soon as possible",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The current plan relates to the first carbon budget 2016-2020 (average 23% reduction) and interim target for 2020 (27%) against a 1990s baseline. In 2019, Wales was the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency. In May 2019 the CCC recommended that the Welsh Government should increase Wales’s 2050 emissions reduction target from 80% to 95%. We welcomed the CCC’s advice but declared an ambition to go even further, and set a net zero target. We asked the CCC for further advice on the options available to Wales for reaching that goal. In December 2020 the CCC published new advice for Wales, which confirmed our ambition was credible. In March 2021 the Senedd agreed to revise Wales’s statutory climate targets in line with all of the CCC’s recommendations in the December 2020 advice.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Public Health Wales has produced Extreme Hot Weather Guidance for the public to be prepared in heat waves. A detailed Health Impact Assessment from climate change is also being undertaken by Public Health Wales. Various efforts are underway to mitigate the health risks of flooding and ensure health infrastructure is resilient to climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Other: Buildings/fixed infrastructure with where Welsh Government is counterparty to energy supply or where we pay for energy use through an in service charge,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Increase of 0.45ºC in the average temperature of the period 1981-2010 with respect to the period 1951-1980.,1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Review the support legislation related to the agriculture and creation of manuals of good practice directed to farmers. The implementation of awareness-raising measures to the farmers and increase the capacity of the governamental services and rural organizations.,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Welsh Government’s second adaptation plan, Prosperity for All: A Climate conscious Wales, was published in 2019 in response to the 2nd UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The plan sets out a vision for Wales:“In 2030, Wales is a country which has the resources and is prepared, has the knowledge to understand the risk and challenges ahead and has the capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change.”To achieve this vision, the technical annex to the plan details out over 30 actions in 8 chapters:· Strategic actions· Adaptive nature and rural economy· Protecting the coast and seas· Staying healthy· Safe homes and places· Caring for the historic environment· Successful business· Resilient infrastructure and transportEach actions sets out commitments to:- Increase our knowledge and understanding of the impacts, risks and opportunities from climate change on all sectors in Wales, in the short, medium and long term.- Develop the tools and processes needed to manage the risks and work with others to support and build adaptive capacity in social, environmental and economic circles.- Take direct action to adapt to the impacts from climate change by reducing vulnerability, lessening the threats and taking advantage of the opportunities that may come from climate change.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, on the framework of the Sustainability Plan of the AMB 2014-2020 has as one of its objectives to increase knowledge of climate change.For this reason, an innovative study has been carried out in conjunction with the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Barcelona Regional where a set of climate scenarios at a very high resolution (1 km x 1 km) have been analyzed, based on 3 future emission patterns in 3 periods of time (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100).http://geoportal.amb.cat/canviclimatic/",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Declining of water quality would have a direct effect on public health, degradation of natural ecosystems, negativeimpact on productive activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The adaptation objectives by the region are established on Law 16/2017, of 1st August, on Climate Change -approved by the Parliament of Catalonia on 2017.The goals are identified on the Article 2:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.d) To promote the education, research, development and transfer of technology, and to spread knowledge in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.e) To establish mechanisms that provide objective and accessible information about all aspects related to climate change, its development over time and its impacts.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The city of Badalona participates in the European project BINGO (Bringing innovation to ongoing water managements), together with twenty European partners from six countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Norway, Holland, Germany and Spain.The project during four years will be financed by the new Framework Program of the European Commission for research and innovation Horizon 2020. In the case of Badalona, the project will focus on the study of the shock of climate change about urban drainage (sewerage network) and discharges into the sea. First, the changes predicted at temperatures and rainfall patterns on a medium to long horizon will be evaluated locally. In view of the different climate scenarios (intense short-term rains, stormy and extreme events periods of continuous drought, etc.), the associated risks of flooding and loss of sea water quality will be assessed. The project will propose mitigation and adaptation measures or new infrastructures and improvements in the management to solve the impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,No: The Region is conducting an energy policy to support the sector on the circular economy and not on the recovery of waste,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"about geothermal energy, there are prospecting studies that are being launched, but there is a Geothermal project that is in sight",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Forest management helps to make more robust forests in scenarios of climate change. The Life Medacc project ,led by the Catalan Office for Climate Change, has designed and executed forest management actions aimed at doing less vulnerable the main types of forests of the three water basins (Segre, Ter and Muga). Forest management in the pilot tests has resulted key to reducing the vulnerability of Quercus ilex (in the Muga basin) and the Pinus sylvestris (in the basin Ter) before the effects of the droughts of the summers 2016 and 2017. In the Solsonès (Segre), the structural change of Pinus nigra forests through management has reduced clearly the vulnerability to fire risk by decreasing the vertical continuity of the fuel.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Comercial and Institutional. Livestock fishing and agriculture, Transport, Waste, Fluorinated gases, no ETS Industry.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The increase in the prices of basic services (water, electricity and gas) caused, among others, by the dependence of the energy system of the climate, means that the most vulnerable families suffer from energy poverty.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The state government has an initiative to reduce emissions and a state REDD + strategy , which seeks low emission rural development.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The 1990-2016 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2018 (BEIS, 2018) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report: Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2016;  The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; Estimates exclude the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) and those Overseas Territories joining UK instruments of ratification for the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol (Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar). The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2016 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=954https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our current planning framework, has been developed to support Welsh Ministers and Planning Inspectors when considering planning applications and appeals. This guidance is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which give specific guidance on subjects such as Flood, to restrict development in 'at-risk' areas.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Mainly a national remit, demo procject s for carbon storage in soil ar underwau on Gotland with some locally decided public funding",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Public Health Wales are undertaking a Health Impact Assessment which will consider delivery of health services in future climates. Public Service Boards (PSBs) in Wales are required to pay regard to risks in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment when developing wellbeing plans. Local Resilience Fora (LRFs) also monitor and mitigate risks and emergencies at a local level, putting resources in place to manage issues such as flood. Both PSBs and LRFs are made up by representatives for organisations in public services.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Other, please specify: Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The communities are being engaged and educated on the changing nature of rainfall and how to behavior, consumption, approaches, change technology and manage the risk associated.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Define investment priorities in mitigation by assessing the strategic value and opportunity cost, from the perspective of adaptation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Focus on increasing uptake on energy efficiency for the fuel poor. The Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme is our domestic retrofit programme targeted at the fuel poor. It is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. WHQS which aims to improve the social homes in Wales includes improving efficiency standards. The WG is also working with key stakeholders to develop a long-term, evidence based programme to decarbonise all existing homes in Wales .",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Regional Consil has set up a SLIME device to help families in precarious situations to perform an energetic diagnosis and provide them with kits to save energy,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"In 2015, 6 wind energy projects were approved Together they represent a private investment of 644 million dollars and a capacity of 322 MW.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Catalan Office for Climate Change works on a new line of public financing subsidies for local authorities in order to develop actions to adapt to climate change in improving the efficiency of the water distribution network.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Some of the adaptation measures are implemented by the local governments,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2015, 5 solar energy projects were approved. Together they represent a private investment of 172 million dollars and a capacity of 86 MW.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Welsh Government has been pioneering in introducing legislation, including the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to require public bodies, such as local governments ('Local Authorities') to undertake their roles with respect to the seven Well-being Goals in Wales. These goals include a 'A Resilient Wales', which specifically points to the impacts of climate change. To support this approach, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 also requires Public Service Boards to pay regard to the latest Climate Change Risk Assessment in developing their 'Well-being Assessments'.Local Governments ('Local Authorities') in Wales were included as part of the public consultation in developing the new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales, which is due to be published in 2019. Furthermore, many of the actions will be delivered by these bodies to ensure adaptation is considered down to a local level.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"This topic is more vaguely described in the present master plan, but is described more detailed in the Roadmap for sustainable energy, mentioned above. The master plan points out the value and necessity of cooperation with energy actors in sustainable power production on Gotland, where wind power is seen as the future main source to renewable power production on Gotland, but where biogas and wooden biofuels also are important large local resources for renewables.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Increased vulnerability due to lack of access to health services, in municipalities with a high percentage of the population in conditions of poverty.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Supporting the development of climate and energy plans, Increased focus on climate and energy in spatial planning, developing municipal climate strategies",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions was fulfilled both for atmospheric pollutants and for GHGs, in order to carry out the air quality plan. Therefore, it has been used the methodology established by the European legislation for the air quality plan.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",There is an Energy Plan with measures for reduction of GHG emissions but there is not an overal plan on climate change action. Marche region is now implementing its strategy for Sustainable development and may be there will be some indication for future action plan on climate change,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","A participatory plan for adaptation to climate change was developed in 2010 and made available for public consultation. However, there was no disclosure or sufficient involvement to ensure that there was integration among the sectors of society and thus the plan was not finalized and implemented.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our main, overall goal is: The county of Kronoberg is developed into a robust county that can withstand climate change impacts and seizes new opportunities.There are also three sub-targets regarding increasing the knowledge about climate-related risks and adaptation actions, the responsibility for climate adaptation is distributed among stakeholders and the climate adaptation work is continuous and is monitored regularly.There are also specific actions in our climate adaptation plan on both regional level and local level.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Private sectors are not extensively involved in identification of development plans. However in meeting the targets provincial government should collaborate with private sector.Majority of emissions in Papua come from deforestation and land use change for agriculture (plantation). Targets in AFOLU sector mainly are optimization of agriculture productivity, establishment of forest management unit to improve forest governance and improvement of spatial planning and land development. Existing challenge is a bottlenecked communication with timber industry and concession holders on emission reductions and improvement of carbon sinks.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Statistic Sweden, the Swedish EPA and the National Energy Agency are providers of the statisticses",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The change in the geographic distribution and incidence rates of certain diseases can affect the quality of life of people,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2019.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Climate change responsibility is found in the regional, sectoral or special programs that are aligned to the state development plan. Each plan contains indicators that are reported in the annual governmentreport that is associated with the State Action Program on Climate Change, which is a special program.The actions carried out in Climate Change linked to the State Action Program on Climate Change include the actions of the different instances that influence the fulfillment of goals and objectives in mitigation and adaptation.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Control invasive species (physical measures) and make demands on others to also take action against invasive species.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.a): Reduce final energy consumption almost 2% per year to achieve a minimum of 27% in 2030, excluding non energetic uses",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"For precipitation, an analysis of sixty-eight monthly series from the period between 1950 and 2017 shows a slightly negative annual trend (-2.1%/decade) for Catalonia as a whole, although this decline is not statistically significant.Despite this, the precipitation on the Pyrenees for the same period shows a significant negative annual trend (-3-4.5%/decade).Reduced average annual rainfall are projected in all the scenarios in particular for the area of the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, and especially for the lower levels of the mountain range. These reductions would be more important in scenarios A1B and A2, and could reach 30% for those areas where annual cumulative precipitation is higher (higher zones).",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"In general, water availability will decrease. Climate change will reduce river discharge, subterranean recharge and modify the chemical processes in it. The Third Catalan Report Climate Change indicates reduction up to 15% of flow contributions in the rivers by the year 2040 and reductions of 28% by 2070.Also, Life Medacc project presents the evaluation of the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the water basins of Ter, Segre and Muga. Reductions flows during the first half of the 21st century will be a fact. In 2050 a decrease of the flow is expected between 9.5-32% in the headwaters and between 12.3-36% in the river mouth (compared to the period 2002-2011). The Ter basin shows the highest flow reductions, both in headland as in the mouth. Significant reductions are also important at the mouth of the Muga. The Segre basin presents a different hydrological behavior, with higher reductions in the headwaters than in the mouth.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,There is an Energy Plan with measures for reduction of GHG emissions but there is not an overal plan on climate change action. Marche region is now implementing its strategy for Sustainable development and may be there will be some indication for future action plan on climate change,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Users who use renewable energy, such as solar panels in Mexico, can sell the surplus produced by their solar panel system to the wholesale electricity market, through the Federal Electricity Commission.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Various measurement and analysis stations on our coast indicate a clear rise in sea level for the period 1900-2017. The station at l'Estartit measures a sea level rise of +3.1 cm per decade [+2.0cm-4.3cm] which is statistically significant with a confidence level of 95%. This rise is higher in spring (3.8 cm/decade).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The regional council on Gotland adopted back in 2008 the present regional development strategy,"" Vision Gotland 2025"". This vision includes overall objectives for a sustainable society in Gotland inclusive a climate neutral energy supply in 2025. The energy supply will to a large extent be based on local renewable energy sources, that contribute to local sustainable growth and development. As one of the operative programs under the Vision 2025 there is a local Energy plan, Energy 2020, adopted.During 2019 a new roadmap was presented, developed by the Natonal Energy Agency, for Gotland as an energy pilot that shall reach the national Swedish Energy and climate goals in advance to the country as a whole.Further an updated overall regional development strategy is under production, where the Global SDG's will be expressed in a regional context.Following the new regional strategy, also the master plan is under way to be updated and a new version to be adopted after latest under 2022., it takes at least three years to fulfill the democratic process for a new master plan. The present master plan “Building Gotland” for example contains future climate scenarios for Gotlan recommends +2 metre above sea level as minimum level for new establishments. Several of our main guidelines in the MP, as coherent built up areas and safeguarding of natural and agricultural land are contributing to climate change adaptation. In recent years, after the adoption of the MP “Building Gotland”, the awareness of climate change adaptation issues has reached top level ranking in the conceptual planning as a horizontal factor to take into account in all plans. Despite that it is not yet evaluated how well climate change adaptation has been considered in all building permits and a detailed plan decisions of the Board of Building Permits in recent years.Further, the work in progress on developing a regional green structure plan and green structure strategy has bearing on this, not at least according to the vegetation as temperature and moist regulating factor. Measures in the recently adopted Water and Sludge water-plan including storm water management are also close connected to climate change adaptation.Every year a couple of key figures on energy and climate is reported back to the regional board and council in the Region's annual Report.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2018.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The 1990-2016 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2018 (BEIS, 2018) as UK national statistics. The following points apply to the inventories presented in this report: Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2016;  The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines; Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated; Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded; Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”; Estimates exclude the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) and those Overseas Territories joining UK instruments of ratification for the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol (Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar). The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,For details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2016 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:http://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=954https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Use of biofuels andCNG (compressednatural gas) is alsofavoured as cleanerfuels, particularly taxisand bus",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof Yucatan's temperature ranging from 1.4 to 1.6° C by 2050. Changes of the magnitude of extreme temperatureevents are expected.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Part of the spatial plan, yet a new plan is due to be developed.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh economy. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested over £60m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales between late 2015 and early 2018 and also supported the delivery of a further £27.5m of energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 47 different renewable energy groups on 66 projects across Wales. As a result of Welsh Government support, 18 community renewable energy schemes are up and running.",0 +Please provide further details about the geography of your region.,"The Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change provides changes in seasonal regimes: for the period 2070-2100 is probably that the seasonal hydrologic regime will be intensified, with a reduction of contributions in the summer (up to - 40%). Also it provides impacts for extreme precipitation phenomena: This situation will produce important damages in flood areas, especially in the coastal plains for the effects of the sea level rise too. The extreme precipitation phenomena will imply occasional flows and affections to the quality of water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state works together with the National Forestry Commission through the concurrent funds program where they promote sustainable productive practices. The National Forestry Commission also works in the state with its payments for environmental services program, where landowners receive a payment for the conservation of their lands.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Public Health Wales has produced Extreme Hot Weather Guidance for the public to be prepared in heat waves. Various efforts are underway to mitigate the health risks of flooding and ensure health infrastructure is resilient to climate change.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The impacts of climate change would generate a pressure on different economic activities, among the expectedconsequences would be a reduction of investment fromforeign and local companies related to the increased vulnerability of the region, the devaluation of real state properties mainlyin the coastal zone, increase costs ofproduction in sectors such as agriculture and livestock related to increase costs of basic services such as water supply,reduction in the volume of sails in commercerelated to scarcity of raw materials etc. Nowadays Yucatan is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme meteorologicalevents.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,The relationship between availability and water needs the Azores have a highly positive water balance,1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",The size of sinks is unverified advance information. Currently their share is seen neglible.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"There is no exact study of the process of deforestation of the province of Morona Santiago, especially that which derives from agriculture and livestock, knowing these factors greatly affect climate change.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Some coastal areas are already facing a sea level rise, including more frequent and higher floods. In the city of Santos, port marégraph data indicate a rise of 1.2 mm per year in the last three decades, totaling 3.6 cm, with a trend of increase in the last decade.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Targets are setted in terms of energy consumption:The Energy efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2014-2017) sets the objective of reducing energy consumption for each governmental department (and thus, overall Government) by 14,3% in 2015-2017 period compared to 2014.Now, with the entry into force of Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change , the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall establish an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a programme of action that takes into consideration the guidelines that for these purposes the ministries responsible for energy and housing have established, related to renewable energy and energy saving and efficiency. (art. 29.1.c))",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Woodland Loss statistics are derived from data collected through the Great Britain National Forest Inventory. Woodlands must be 0.5 ha and above, with a minimum width of 20 m to be counted towards the inventory.The data layer for the Wales ancient woodland inventory can be analysed against the statistics on woodland loss to give an indication of loss of natural forest (excluding Plantations on ancient woodland sites).",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Region Gotland has recently improved the harbor capacity for cruising tourism https://www.cruisebaltic.com/destinations/sweden/visby-gotland.aspx, the idea is to introduce Gotland as an attractive place to revisit. As the Baltic Sea is a identified by IMO as a PSSA -area http://pssa.imo.org/baltic/baltic.htm further sustainable development of cruise ships also will be of interest. Steps taken this far are capacity to take care of sludge water from the ships and process it to biogas and clean water at the utility in Visby and installations in the harbour contains installed piping also for future connection of cruise ships to the electrical grid, but yet neither grid capacity nor standards for electricity on ships are present. The regular ferries though, have electrical connection from the beginning of 2019, while resting in Visby harbour, which significantly will reduce their use of fossil fuels and contribute to improved air quality in Visby. Further the first ferry that can operate either on LNG or marine diesel is now in operation and the 2nd is underway. Improved public transports on Gotland is considered as a measure to reduce the need for car transports, for visitors as well as permanent residents. The upcoming and future public procurements of public transports aims to provide improvement both in terms of availability and environment, for the coming years.For now, the region participates together with local business, in a project aiming to develop more sustainable transports on Gotland, led by the county administration and funded by regional development funding both from European and national funds. There are also other on-going projects for more sustainable tourism on Gotland, as for example activity tourism as biking, walking or fishing as well as sustainability as a reason to visit Gotland.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"A solution to face the coastal erosion in the city of Santos is being tested, called ""geobags"" with the implementation of sand bags to reduce the energy of waves, as a way to minimize the force of hangovers and to contain severe coastal erosion in the region. Map available on: http://igeologico.sp.gov.br/files/2018/05/Mapa_Risco_Erosao_Costeira-2017.jpg",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Difficulty with the integration of economic and human resourses to adress adaptation, due to lack of undersanting of climate risck within different sectors.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Energy efficiency in industrial processes, buildnings and spatial planning.Climate-smart farming methods in agriculture.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Increased risk of disease from flooding and increased temperatures. Problems associated with overheating in the home and on public transport. Risk of access to social and health care from weather related impacts.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The disruption in many businesses and the higher rates of unemployment exposes the already vulnerable population to higher climate risks.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Other: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG have inputted into the UK Peatland code. Glastir scheme is an important tool for peatland / carbon delivery in Wales, outputs are closely monitored, recorded and evaluated. The NRW EU LIFE project for Welsh Raised Bogs is an important project. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The project: Construction of Population Vulnerability Indicators as Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. ""The Ministry of the Environment and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation started the construction of Vulnerability Indicators of the Population as an Input for the Elaboration of Actions to Adapt to Climate Change in Brazil. The Climate Vulnerability System (SisVuClima), one of the products elaborated under this project, was developed with the objective of automating the calculation of the indicators, being able to generate the indexes and automatically build thematic maps using the cartographic base of the municipalities of the states involved in the project. SisVuClima will enable the identification of the sectors that need priority in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policy actions aimed at adapting the population to climate change. ""This project already exists for other Brazilian states and the idea would be to do something similar for Sao Paulo Region.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The 'Woodlands for Wales' programme of tree planting is underway in Wales to achieve a number of outcomes, including to reduce soil erosion, slow water flows, provide shelter and improve the connectivity for sensitive native species to remain mobile. The scheme also provides training and skills development to local communities creating opportunities to work and manage the land locally without the need to move or commute.Natural Flood Risk Management is encouraged by WG, and may include in tree planting in upland areas.A national priority in Wales, as we develop our National Resource Policy, is to consider the use of blue-green infrastructure. Work is underway to plan it's use to reduce the effects of increased rainfall.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Launched by the Governor of the State on 29 / Nov2019, the São Paulo Agreement aims to encourage companies in São Paulo to make voluntary commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as well as to give recognition to the signatories as members of the community of leaders in climate change and provide them with government technical support to implement new technologies and innovative solutions in sustainability.Companies undertake to report their emissions annually (in metric tons) and the possibilities for reductions, sequestration and / or avoided emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)Source: https://cetesb.sp.gov.br/acordo-ambiental-sao-paulo/",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We are yet to be elevated to the status that will enable us fully participate. At the moment we are only consulted for data,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Amazonas. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Welsh Government published a Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2010. The plan set out specific policies, programmes and actions to ensure that Wales understands the risks and opportunities that climate change presents and is well places to adapt in a sustainable way.Following the publication of the UK Government's Climate Change Risk Assessment, and the associated Evidence Report by the UK Committee on Climate Change (UKCCC), Welsh Government has committed to publishing a revised Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan in 2018. The revised plan with seek to reduce the severity of the risks identified in the UKCCC's evidence report through a programme of climate change resiliency projects. As the plan develops, more economic opportunities will be considered to the benefit of the country,",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"the region has set up a hydropower plant that produces energy that feeds the inhabitants with drinking water, there are other similar projects that are piloted by private partners.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"the Region has launched an exploration study of the geothermal deposit, sites have been identified outside the national park, a geothermal project is included in the objectives of the Multiannual Energy Program (PPE)",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,Native Vegetation Coverage % Indexper Water Resources Management Unit- UGRHI:0 UGRHI 50%Analysis and details will be available online from December 2020.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,The Region supports companies in several actions and experiences an energy management program with a dozen companies,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"- Air Quality. The overall impact from climate change on air quality is uncertain, so it is not possible to determine the magnitude of the future risk. However, studies have concluded that future changes in emissions are a more important driver of future ozone concentrations than changes in temperature. Higher temperatures may trigger regional feedback during stagnation episodes (still weather) that will increase peak ground level ozone, but these effects are not as important a drive of future concentrations as future emissions.- Agricultural land management practices exacerbating flood risk. 88% of Wales' land is agricultural. Poor land management would exacerbate risk. Some land management practices have adverse impact on downstream flood risk. Warmer/ wetter winters with drier summers risk increasing rates of soil weathering and erosion. Risk of increased run-off and river silting as a result of degraded/ compacted land.- Risk to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species. This risk is exacerbated by expansion in global trade with climate as a background factor. In addition, lack of natural competition may be an additional factor especially in landscapes of reduced biodiversity.- Coastal erosion - Around 23% of the Welsh coastline is actively eroding, a natural process that can be exacerbated by heavy or prolonged rainfall and coastal storms, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change.- Residential surface water flooding. There is a risk that sewer and surface water flooding may be exerbated by the paving over of front gardens in urban areas. As only 4% of all UK residents paving sales in 2013 were permeable design, it is highly likely that the majority of surfaces being used to pave over front gardens are impermeable (e.g. concrete block paving, asphalt, etc).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Risks to infrastructure services from coastal flooding and erosion from storm surges. Risks of cascading failures from interdependent infrastructure networks. Risks to energy, transport and digital infrastructure from high winds and risks to building fabric from wind and driving rain. There are also risks to health and social care delivery from extreme weather situations.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Text sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon becase word count was exceeded.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,the region supports several projects allowing the establishment of hillside reservoirs,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In terms of adaptation, it considered to implemente measures to protect the assets, resources and people, increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change taking into account the interaction with other pressures, including economic, legislative and socio-economic.The adaptation in the Region should consider immediately the vulnerabilities of each of the sectors (Water, Land Use planning, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Tourism, Biodiversity, Fishing, Safety for persons and property andHealth) , based on the Sectoral Strategy, seeking not only to increase resilience and sectoral capacity to deal with climate change, but also to ensure that adaptation objectives are considered more broadly and integrated into the various sectoral policies.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",The General Law of Climate Change establishes greenhouse gas emission standards.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Increased vulnerability due to lack of access to health services, in municipalities with a high percentage of the population in conditions of poverty.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The relative sea level rise around Wales (taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In rural areas, communities directly access water sources for self-supply through non-potable piped water.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act originally introduced a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. In March 2021 Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Wales also has interim targets for 2030 and 2040, and a series of 5-year carbon budgets. The first carbon budget ran from 2016 to 2020. Alongside the net zero target, we also updated our interim targets and 2nd and 3rd carbon budgets, as follows:•Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25): 37% average reduction•Carbon Budget 3 (2026-30): 58% average reduction •2030: 63% reduction•2040: 89% reductionWe have to set a carbon budget at least five years before the budgetary period begins. The targets and carbon budgets form Wales’s statutory framework. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. However we have set a 0% offset limit against Carbon budget 2.",0 +Please select the category that best describes the boundary of your government’s GHG emissions inventory.,Other: Buildings/fixed infrastructure with where Welsh Government is counterparty to energy supply or where we pay for energy use through an in service charge,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy. We have set an enabling framework for low carbon energy development, through Planning Policy Wales, the National Development Framework and the Wales National Marine Plan. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.We have made over 100 million euro available for investment in marine energy to develop this area as a new long term low carbon industry. We have also made investment available for communities.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested more than £97m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales since 2015 and supported the delivery of numerous other energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes. Almost one million tonnes of carbon will be saved throughout the lifetime of these projects, along with a financial saving in excess of £190m.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 42 different renewable energy groups on 73 projects across Wales.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The forts area is currently slightly decreasing, BUT the annual forets growth is almost double the volume of the annual harvest from the forest.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Source current 2018 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.br/produtos/midiaThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Source for population is ISTAT (National Istitut of Statistics); the projected values refer to the median,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Catalan Office for Climate Change participated in Zaragoza on the meeting for climate change and natural risks in the Pyrenees, organized by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory in the framework of the XXXVI Work Plenary Council of the Community of the Pyrenees.In addition to the presentation of the ""Climate Change Report in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation"", the seminar has addressed the main challenges facing the prevention of natural risks in the Pyrenees, taking into account the civil protection policies.Some adaptation measures for Pyrenees are the increase of the number of artificial snow cannons and the transformation of ski resorts in mountain resorts offering multiple services and activities throughout the year.The Office is part of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) whose purpose is to track and understand the evolution of the climate in the Pyrenees in order to limit their impact and adapt to their effects for the most vulnerable socioeconomic sectors and natural spaces.https://www.opcc-ctp.org/en",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",We are monitoring natural values and natural environment issues in the municipalities land-use and/or development plans.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The relative sea level rise around Wales (based on UKCP08 data and taking into account land level changes) is predicted to be 36cm by the 2080s.Whilst the forecast of relative sea-level rise is for Cardiff, the geographic variations in sea level around Wales are small.By 2040, the estimated rise for all emissions scenarios is around 15cm. However by 2080 the scenarios diverge significantly with potential increases in mean sea level of between 31cm for the low emissions scenarios and 43cm for the high emissions scenarios.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautical tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ministerial Resolution 0696/2010 transfers the functions of forest management to the regional government of Amazonas. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development 2014 - 2021 establishes as an action the registry of reforested lands and the promotion of forestry projects. As a goal to 2021, 10 project registers formulated and executed by the Regional Government and local governments are proposed. In addition, through the Regional Ordinance N ° 362-2015-GRA, the Platform for Community Forest Management of the Amazon Region (PMFC) is formed; becoming a space for dialogue, consensus and permanent promotion of sustainable forest management in lands of native communities in the region. On the other hand, through Regional Ordinance N ° 394-2017-GRA-CR, they declare the elaboration and application of the Zoning and Forest Management process of regional interest, and make up the Technical Team to facilitate the development of Forest Zoning.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Procurement of eco labelled "" Bra Miljöval "" electricity , produced from hydro power",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Transport disruptions, power failure, harbours, airports and others vital stutures damages due to frequent severe weather events",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,PLAN ESTRATÉGICO DE PREVENCIÓN Y LUCHA CONTRA INCENDIOS FORESTALES 2017-2020 (PEPLIF),0 +Please complete the table below.,"The government collaborates with the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo within the framework of the Regional Commission on Climate Change of the Yucatan Peninsula, where deforestation is addressed among the priority issues, highlighting the monitoring of the implementation of initiatives related to REDD+ with the support of international groups such as the GCF Task Force.The Government is also collaborating in the implementation of two initiatives for the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, which are part of the Investment Program of the Puuc Biocultural Region, which contribute to fulfilling Mexico's commitment to the UNFCCC regarding the REDD + Mechanism and the CNDs in matters of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; as well as the Yucatan sub-national commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"When it comes waste management, Region Gotland’s management of household waste includes demands an expectations of the households an similar organisations to sort out their waste in recycling fractions and the rest in two fractions. One fraction is easily degradable bio-waste, it goes to local biogas production, the biogas is used as energy carrier and replaces fossil fuels, the by-product of the process he digestate, a nutrient-rich fertilizer, as a is recycled back to farmland and replaces synthetic fertilizers. The other waste fraction goes as waste fuel to the nearby cement production plant, where it replaces coal. In that way the waste management contributes to circular economy on the island as well as local jobs in the waste sector.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Welsh Government is working with the energy regulator, infrastructure owners and operators to ensure that energyinfrastructure supports our ambitions, including the increased use of flexibility and storage. Our work will create theconditions for delivery of a smarterenergy system: one that manages and moves energy between power, heat, transport and storage uses to match supply and demand.UK Government has committed that every household will be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020. These are one component of the smart energy system of the future, enabling a range of functions including local balancing,and potentially the future development of local energy markets. Although thesupplier led approach UK Government has taken makes it hard to take a coherent approach across Wales, we will continueto work with Smart Energy GB to help householders understand the importance of smart meters as one of many enablers of an effective smart energy system. Weare also working with Community Energy Wales to support and scale up pilots such as the Energy Local approach, which uses smart meters as enablers for local energy use. As part of the Optimised Retrofit programme for homes (ORP) we are piloting the use of Intelligent Energy system (IES) to enable homes to utilise AI for demand side response switching of heating energy based on both Carbon emissions and fuel cost.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","During July 2017 Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study which analyses the risks and the opportunities of the agricultural sector of the north zone of Pyrenees and Aran region and indicates that it will have to change the productive focus towards human feeding and extensive pasture to adapt to climate change.If there is no action, between the years 2030 and 2050 there will be a reduction estimated income to the sector of 8.9%, but if they are applied adaptation measures the economic gains can increase more than 200%.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Water Resources Management Plans are in place. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"HerdAdvance: The aim of this project is to pilot how improving disease control awareness and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability. It takes a new whole farm holistic approach to disease prevention, taking into consideration other influential factors such as nutrition, genetics and the suitability of buildings. The project has already achieved its target of 500 farm business being involved 345 first year farm visits (c.20% of dairy farmers in Wales) have been completed, with 102 second year visits done by the team. 304 vet visits have been completed, 148 Herd Johnes testing, 52 Johnes management plans, 49 herd genomic testing done. By repeating these visits annually the project will track and benchmark performance within and between farms, allowing analysis of how HerdAdvance interventions help businesses better record data and make positive changes to management. COVID-19 has delayed progress over the last few months.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy programming, it is planned to convert all plants to biomass",0 +Please complete the table below.,"At the moment, all Districts and Municipal assemblies are tasked to plant trees along rivers and protecting river basins. Associations are also partnering with other institutions and government to plant trees and green cities",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In order to improve the equipment and machinery for increase the efficiency of water transport and treatment. The government will developed in the period 2018-2024 a project for the detection of leaks in the drinking water distribution network, as well as the supply and installation of micro-meters and macro-meters, which will benefit 41,403 inhabitants with an investment of 15 million pesos",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Some of the adaptation mesures are implemented by the local governaments,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,Base year emissions target: A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions relative to an emissions level in a historical base year Sector: Welsh Government administrative estateTarget: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010/11 baseline.Target year: 2020Comments:This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,1 +Have you conducted an environmental assessment of the effects of your region-wide SLCPs?,"On the territory, some of the energy produced comes from bagasse",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", theState is be considerable affected by droughts heavily around 48% of the territory, very heavily 29% and severely 22%.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"National laws on improved forest management Forestry Act 1967 , Environment Wales (Wales) Act 2016 Wellbeing and future Generations ( Wales ) Act national Planning framework Regional laws on improved forest management-Woodland for Wales Strategy and action plan, National Planning framework Regional policies on improved forest management Welsh Government Natural Resources PolicyTraceability system for forest commodities – UKFS Land use planning – National Planning framework Strategic environmental assessments – Environmental Impact Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Prosperity for all a Low Carbon Wales ( Consultation ) – Carbon Adaptation plan for Wales Management of Protected Areas – Natural resources policy -Areas of Outstanding natural beauty – SSSI’sMonitoring systems to inform management of deforestation and/or forest degradationNational Forestry Inventory , Urban Tree Canopy Assessment – Natural Resources Wales Other, please specifyWoodlands for Wales: strategyWoodlands for Wales: action planhttps://naturalresources.wales/guidance-and-advice/business-sectors/forestry/welsh-government-woodland-estate/our-vision-for-the-welsh-government-woodland-estate/?lang=enNatural resources policy https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-06/natural-resources-policy.pdfhttps://cdn.naturalresources.wales/media/682366/sonarr-summary-september-2016-edited-august-2017.pdf",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Includes all LULUCF activityExcludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"8,200 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Farmers, especially from rural areas, would be affected in agricultural productivity because there would not be enough food products to market them, generating less economic influx due to the lack of income in family support.Also risks on food security.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The Business Agency of Lower Austria “ecoplus” with decades of experience, with a highly-specialized team and an expansive network, offers tailored services to lower Austrian companies. With the technopol program the ecoplus focuses on building up technology oriented business locations near existing research and educational facilities. Furthermore, the ecoplus can help to find access to regional funding and give competitive advantage through innovative cooperation’s projects. In addition, companies from Lower Austrian can receive support for their internationalization and export ventures. Climate protection, renewable energies and climate change adaptation are important topics in all these fields of action.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. It also introduces interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 baseyear. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the baseyear. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Yes. The primary control mechanism is the planning system but this is supplemented by environmental permits and licenses relating to specific impacts. Normally, day to day planning decisions on minerals applications are made by local planning authorities, although, Welsh Ministers do have default powers to call in’ applications for their own determination and they can do this at any time providing the relevant policy criteria can be met. The policy criteria covering ‘call in’ are contained in national planning policy. There is a notification direction in place which specifically requires applications for the extraction of petroleum (including oil and gas proposals for shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) and coal to be referred to Welsh Ministers where local planning authorities are minded to grant permission. This allows Welsh Ministers to consider whether they wish to call these applications in for their own determination if they have not already done so. Our planning policy has been updated to reflect the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and sets out the considerations which should be taken into account when preparing development plans and determining planning applications for all development, including minerals. The factors to be considered are comprehensive and wide ranging and include environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations. Welsh Ministers received new powers relating to authorisation of coal licensing in Wales in April 2018. All coal mining operations require a licence from the UK Coal Authority under the Coal Industry Act 1994. New powers introduced by the Wales Act 2017 stipulate that, should the Coal Authority issue a licence for coal mining operations in Wales, it shall only take effect if the Welsh Ministers authorise the licence. This applies to new licences and variations to existing licences. The Welsh Ministers can therefore apply Welsh policy to any proposal to undertake coal-mining operations in Wales.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,Source for population is ISTAT (National Istitut of Statistics); the projected values refer to the median,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,We work with the biocultural inter-municipal board (JIBIOPUUC) which integrates seven municipalities that represent the best preserved areas of the state. We work together to implement the REDD+ State Strategy.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","There are various needs of different kind of water management project on Gotland. Most of the island's freshwater supply comes from limited and relative vulnerable resources of ground water. There are examples of already completed technical water supply projects as a desalination plan for fresh water in a small village on the east coast, a new municipal freshwater plant, partly driven by photovoltaic, cleaning lake water to drink water quality in a village on the northern part of the island. There are also on-going projects as a new large desalination plant, yet to be inaugurated. But further investments in additional projects not at least techno/biological projects aiming to save water in the landscape and lead rain water not as fast disappearing surface water to the Baltic Sea, but as in-drained water which adds to the ground water reservoirs on the island, will probably be necessary to secure the island’s fresh water supply for the future, not at least for the large number of households, farms and other enterprises in rural locations without municipal fresh water service.",1 +"Is your region aware of jurisdictional approaches and are you implementing any to address deforestation, forest degradation and/or forest restoration?","The vulnerability of Yucatan State to the impacts of climate change is increased by its geographic location, as stated in previous sections; Yucatan State as part of the Yucatan Peninsula is highly vulnerable to extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms originated in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. According to experts, the State is located in a high risk zone, during the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Azores will start the implementation of mitigation and adaptation mesaures with the approval of Regional Program for Climate Change,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The masses of ice and snow in the upper reaches of the western Catalan Pyrenees have been analysed in detail based on images and photographs taken since 1980. The conclusion is that no glacier is visible anywhere in Catalonia, and we can only guess at the existence of a rocky glacier in the Besiberri Massif in L’Alta Ribagorça.On the Aneto-Maladeta Massif, the thirteen glaciers catalogued in 2008 had fallen to eleven by the end of 2014, and they had all declined in thickness and area. This has led to their fragmentation, and in some areas they are now catalogued as firns or residual glaciers. If as expected this trend continues, the glaciers closest to Catalonia will continue to deteriorate and eventually disappear.Also, the report “Climate change in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation” indicates that the series of data from the network of beacons on the south side Pyrenees indicate a statistically significant decrease in snow cover in this sector from 1950 to the present (1.800m).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,According to the Regional Plano for Civil Protection to the Regional Plan Flood Risk Management and streams monitoring,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.• Risk effectively lessened due to potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Ongoing and to a large extent implemented; in public sector as well as in private properties. For examle for public street lights it has contributed significantly to both energy efficiency and better light quality.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Technical development in the automotive industry and reduced emissions from industry. There is also a change in industry's heating and production technology. Another important reason is the recession.,1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Reduction of exposition to climate change impacts through:1. Increment of Yucatan State protected areas.2.Strategic management of water resources.Within the framework of the Technical Committee on Groundwater for the Yucatan Metropolitan Geohydrological Zone (COTASMEY), work has been done on the design of a macro project that allows the comprehensive analysis of the hydrological structure of the karst aquifer in the state of Yucatan as a basis of the sustainable use and the Governance of the water resource. This has arisen as a response to the lack of scientific, socioeconomic and legislative information that supports the comprehensive management of water resources in the state, and is developed by a multidisciplinary team that is part of the Committee.Its objective is to analyze in an integral and synergistic way the hydrological structure of the State aquifer through the study of its components; that is to say:• local and regional flows,• hydrochemistry of water,• connectivity between systems within the State and the coastal zone,• processes of transport, entry accumulation, dispersion and spatial and temporal variation of various regulated and non-regulated pollutants,• environmental pressure given by biological, chemical or hydrological factors,• socio-economic and political pressure related to Governance and Education.3. Strengthening of adaptation capabilities of producers in the agriculture and livestock sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Statistic Sweden, the Swedish EPA and the National Energy Agency are providers of the statisticses",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Marche Region participates in the three National Tables on Forestry with all the other regions, Ministerial governemnt (State) and stakeholders.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Secretariat for Energy and Minning.There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The Catalan Energy Institute supports companies undertaking audits. They are compulsory for large companies. Moreover, website informing of energy efficiency measures:http://mapamesures.icaen.gencat.cat/mapamesures/AppPHP/ Housing Agency of Catalonia has subsidies for refurbishment reduce energy demand for heating and coolinghttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"There are waste heat recovery plants in Catalonia, which are municipal facilities. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/valoritzacio_energetica/que_es_una_planta_de_valoritzacio_energetica/index.html",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Pro-active energy efficiency measures in the properties, began already in the late 90 's. This has resulted in a reduction by 36% of the energy use in the region's premises (covering around 500 000 sqm) since 1998, mainly in the heating sector. The demand for electricity in the premises is reduced by 13%, despite the fact that in the same time there has been a huge increase in the number of electrically powered appliances in our health and teaching facili-ties. Thanks to dedicated work, combined with the fact that the local district heating has become virtually fossil free, our own and procured pellet and woodchip- heating and our procurements of energy efficient new constructions and renovations, we have reached a good energy performance in the region's properties with around 99 % renewables. The work is ongoing.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Incorporation of the variable of climate change in the territorial and urban planning. Promotion of efficient and sustainable use of land.,0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our national planning policy encourages the consideration of low carbon heat optionsfor new development. Planning authorities are expected to plan positively for the use of locally generated heat, including developing policies and proposals which:›› facilitate the co-location of majordevelopments to enable the use of local heat opportunities;›› maximise the use of water heat;›› promote district heating; and›› promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"management of the water resource is a state responsibility, while the region financially supports projects",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Forestry Act 1967 and relevant amendmentsTimber and Timber Products (placing on the market) Regulations 2013Environment (Wales) Act 2016Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017Environmental Impact Assessment (forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Building Regulations Part L review (2018/19) will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Increased risk of disease from flooding and increased temperatures. Problems associated with overheating in the home and on public transport. Risk of access to social and health care from weather related impacts.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Direct activity data. Emissions are calculated applying the emissions factor for electricity and natural gas to the electricity consumption and gas consumption in Governmental buildings, as reported in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Plan for Governmental Buildings (2015). According to Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, the ministries of the Generalitat and their dependent bodies shall have an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the properties, facilities and services they provide.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. The projected decreases in the summer average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 12% by the 2040s and 20% by the 2080s.Across different parts of Wales the summer average rainfall is projected to decrease between 10 and 40% by the 2080s, with the greatest decreases in South-West Wales.Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events. The projected increases in the winter average rainfalls in Wales are 7% by the 2020s, 11% by the 2040s and 19% by the 2080s for WalesAcross Wales the winter average rainfall is predicted to increase between 0 and 30% by the 2080s, with the greatest increases in South-West Wales.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The State policies contemplates 4 approaches:1) Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.- Sustainable forest management constitutes an opportunity to adapt to climate change and thereby reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and the populations that depend or live in them.2) Sustainable rural development approach (DRS) .- considers the promotion of comprehensive management of the territory through productive activities that improve the quality of life of the population.3) Approach to functional landscape of the territory.- It promotes integrated forest and agricultural landscapes, territories with multiple land uses capable of offering environmental, social and economic functionality.4) Gender approach.- considers that men and women use, access and control natural resources in different ways, so their perspectives, interests and needs are complementary and therefore both constitute fundamental actors in planning and decision-making. decisions about their territory.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, it has been planned awareness on waste reduction and recycling measures. Every year it is organized the Week of the Waste Prevention with different awareness activities and training and capacity actions",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Amazonas is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Towards Zero Waste 2010. Waste Prevention Programme 2013. Consulted on a draft Circular Economy Strategy in December 2019.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act originally introduced a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. In March 2021 Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Wales also has interim targets for 2030 and 2040, and a series of 5-year carbon budgets. The first carbon budget ran from 2016 to 2020. Alongside the net zero target, we also updated our interim targets and 2nd and 3rd carbon budgets, as follows:•Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25): 37% average reduction•Carbon Budget 3 (2026-30): 58% average reduction •2030: 63% reduction•2040: 89% reductionWe have to set a carbon budget at least five years before the budgetary period begins. The targets and carbon budgets form Wales’s statutory framework. The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. However we have set a 0% offset limit against Carbon budget 2.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM project proposes pilot actions of mitigation and adaptation tot climate change in the Ebro Delta (the most vulnerable area in Catalonia to sea level rises and subsidence).During 2017 on the framework of project Life Ebro Admiclim, a pilot action injection of the sludge that was generated in the water purification plant of the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) was carried out in the Delta irrigation channels network. The objective of this action was to evaluate the transport and distribution capacity of the irrigation channels, to know the sedimentation rates in the rice fields and to model the transport of sediments. In this way, the recovery of the practice of composting not only allows to recover the sedimentary flow, but also allows the sludge generated in the CAT plant to become a resource that contributes to the adaptation of the territory to climate change. The modeling of the transport of sediments by the channels would allow to design a system in continuous of reinjection of 1,000 t / year of inert sludge from this installation.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Current GDP is calculated based on 2010 constant price (IDR)GDP in 2010 was calculated based on 2000 constant price (IDR)Official projections on both medium and long term are not available,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is only at national level",0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The Welsh Government has been pioneering in introducing legislation, including the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to require public bodies, such as local governments ('Local Authorities') to undertake their roles with respect to the seven Well-being Goals in Wales. These goals include a 'A Resilient Wales', which specifically points to the impacts of climate change. To support this approach, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 also requires Public Service Boards to pay regard to the latest Climate Change Risk Assessment in developing their 'Well-being Assessments'.Local Governments ('Local Authorities') in Wales were included as part of the public consultation in developing the new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Wales, which is due to be published in 2019. Furthermore, many of the actions will be delivered by these bodies to ensure adaptation is considered down to a local level.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG have inputted into the UK Peatland code. Glastir scheme is an important tool for peatland / carbon delivery in Wales, outputs are closely monitored, recorded and evaluated. The NRW EU LIFE project for Welsh Raised Bogs is an important project. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +Please complete the table below.,● Disruptions in the water cycle● Loss of forest products and services● Biodiversity loss,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets) and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Socio-environmental Recovery Program of the Serra do Mar and Atlantic Forest Mosaics - 17,290 hectares (ha) of rich vegetation were incorporated into the PESM, surpassing the 350,000 ha of the largest park in the state of São Paulo. The biochemical indicators of water quality of the Cubatão River surpassed the goals benefiting more than 957,000 people from Baixada Santista (coastal zone) , supplied by the spring, 90 ha of the Atlantic Forest recovered through planting of native species, after the relocation 8634 families of the neighborhoods Cota - Location Municipality of Cubatão (Baixada Santista).",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","SEEG (www.seeg.eco.br), a non-governmental organization, estimates GHG emissions from 1970 to 2018 for all sectors. The methodological basis is in line with the IPCC 2006 GLs and the 3rd Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic GHG Emissions and Removals published by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and communication in 2016. For the allocation of emissions by regions, emission-generating activities (eg occurrence of deforestation, fuel consumption for transportation, industrial production, etc.) are used as reference. Estimates include emissions of all gases in the Inventories including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which account for more than 99% of carbon equivalent (CO2e) , plus HFCs.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,In Amazonas´s master plan (Concerted Development Regional Plan to 2021) there is a objective related with infrastructure works that are executed annually taking into account risk management in the face of climate change. The objective is achieve that 100 per cent of public projects have risk assessment.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)Natural forest area coresponds to 22.9% of São Paulo State territory (248,209Km²)54,312 km² Atlantic Forest2,393 km² Cerrado biome( https://smastr16.blob.core.windows.net/home/2020/07/0apresentacao-inventario-florestal-2020-v1.pdf)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Reunion Region is funding several projects such as a drinking water plant and a hillside project..,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promotion of the use of the collective transportation system; Promotion of smooth mobitily; Promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Biomass counts for around 500 GWh, the absolute main part of heating fuels, to the district heating systems in the city and villages on Gotland and the heating for other building both private homes and larger buildings on the countryside where district heating is not available. Forestry on Gotland produces the biomass mostly as a byproduct to sawn timber from forestry, as the annual forest growth is double as large as the material, the net uptake is assumed to be around 82 500 tonnes CO2 per year, according to a fresh report from the county administration.",0 +Why do you not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk?,Current GDP is calculated based on 2010 constant price (IDR)GDP in 2010 was calculated based on 2000 constant price (IDR)Official projections on both medium and long term are not available,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Risks to public water supplies from drought and low river flows,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Increased risk of disease from flooding and increased temperatures. Problems associated with overheating in the home and on public transport. Risk of access to social and health care from weather related impacts.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The national objective is zero -emission invcluduíng sinks in 2045 . Goltand is yet an energy pilot, with a mission to reach the national energy and ckimate objectives prior to the country as a whole.Provided solutions as f ex CCS for the process- emissions from cement production, this mission can be fulfilled",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean electric company has a project of hydropower in Flores Island to increase in 50% the renewable energy production in the island,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Increase in pests and pattern of diseases, particularly vector-borne disease. Increase of diseases in livestock might affect productivity and food security.",1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-4%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,the meeting region has put in place a strategic document for a period of 5 years which defines its policy on climate change.this strategic document is reviewed and finalized by the plenary assembly of the community on March 29th 2019,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Amazonas will elaborate a strategy to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector. This strategy include a investment plan that will describe the gaps to implement the measures and projects that need to be funded.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regional Program for Climate Change is waiting for approval to start its implementation,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"According to last data available, base year emissions are 41,577,731 metric tonnes CO2e2030: 40% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)2050: 100% decrease vs base year (1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gases)",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Set a 2030 emission reduction target for the whole of the Public sector,0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,In cooperation with national authorities. The reguion ias also responslible for two own conservation areas on muncipal ground.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,We have the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Azores that is a tool for the Azorean Government to monitor emissions and to define policies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","As part of the Regional Biomass Plan which is currently under revision, it is planned to convert the thermal power plants to biomass",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsThe National Flood Strategy, published in October 2020, sets out how we will manage flood risk over the next decade. Lessons from the 2020 flooding helped to strengthen the new Strategy and it sets our expectations on roles and responsibilities and confirms new objectives on prevention, preparedness and better communication of risk. It also encourages more natural flood management and greater collaboration to further reduce risk and create better, more sustainable schemes which deliver wider well-being benefits.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"We work with the national environmental targets on a regional level (regionalize targets)and if possible, grant financial support.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Investment in renewable energy is part of Welsh Government’s strategy. We have set an enabling framework for low carbon energy development, through Planning Policy Wales, the National Development Framework and the Wales National Marine Plan. Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan outlines how we will work with developers, regulators and energy infrastructure providers to accelerate the deployment of low carbon energy generation, in line with our energy targets. The Economic Action Plan also sets out how renewables might enable and drive successful business.We have made over 100 million euro available for investment in marine energy to develop this area as a new long term low carbon industry. We have also made investment available for communities.The Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) provides support to public sector organisations and communities to help them generate benefit for Wales from our transition to a low carbon energy economy. The Service is the main vehicle for delivering the support needed to bring a range of Wales owned projects to fruition.The Energy Service has invested more than £97m of zero-interest loans across the public sector in Wales since 2015 and supported the delivery of numerous other energy and energy efficiency projects, where finance was secured from alternative routes. Almost one million tonnes of carbon will be saved throughout the lifetime of these projects, along with a financial saving in excess of £190m.The Energy Service is currently working closely with 42 different renewable energy groups on 73 projects across Wales.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The communities are being engaged and educated on the changing nature of rainfall and how to behavior, consumption, approaches, change technology and manage the risk associated.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"State Program of Action Against Climate Change. Analysis of adaptation options to climate change, strategies and indicators.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"There are a lot of different actions such as new routes (for example, ""bus expres""), or the new bus network in Barcelona, etc. There are a lot of different actions such as new metro routes in Barcelona, increasing frequency of the metro lines, improving stations, etc. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC), the Catalan Governmental Railway company, is increasing routes, building new train stations and improving existing stations.The Catalan Government is committed along with 27 metropolitan regions of Europe to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission public transport. On June 8, 2018, the members of the EMTA have committed themselves to prioritize the introduction of clean vehicles in bus fleets and ask the European Union for economic support in this regard. (http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306454/ca/govern-compromet-junt-27-regions-metropolitanes-deuropa-accelerar-transicio-transport-public-demissions-zero.do)",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change (Art. 19.1.a): Reduce final energy consumption almost 2% per year to achieve a minimum of 27% in 2030, excluding non energetic uses",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"management of the water resource is a state responsibility, while the region financially supports projects",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Implementation of the Yucatan Zero strategyWaste, with actions reported in 2019:1) Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation: in the Urban Metropolitan Area of ​​Mérida, as well as the 13 municipalities that make up the recharge area of ​​the Ring of Cenotes Geohydrological State Reserve.2) Strengthening of Solid Waste Regulations: modification of the Waste Management Law in the State of Yucatan through Decree 80/2019 in order to give legal support to the regulation of single-use plastics as straws , carry bags and unicel waste.3) Participation and cooperation: through workshops regarding education, culture and environment; innovation, research and technological development; complementary normative and regulatory instruments; and, lastly, mechanisms for the reduction and recycling of single-use plastics.In the same way, supervision actions were carried out in 49 municipalities that consisted of identifying open-air dumps, delivery of cans for the disposal of urban solid waste in public spaces, supervision of the collection and cleaning systems of public shools.Advice was provided to 38 municipalities for the correct operation of the Final Disposal Site (SDF) and 11 municipalities were trained in the correct management of urban solid waste and special management.60 beach cleaning actions were carried out with the participation of 10,048 volunteers. As a result, 72,590 kg of waste were removed in mangrove areas, 44,000 kg in beach areas and 481,000 kg on roads and highways in the coastal zone.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce landfill to less than 5% by 2025. It has also set a target for energy from waste to be less than 25% by 2025. Actions are focussed on waste prevention and more recycling.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Sao Paulo has started the Under 2 Coalition 2050 Pathway Platform,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Sustainable Production Grant (SPG) offers a grant contributiontowards capital investments in equipment and machinery which have been pre-identified to specifically support famers address and safeguard nutrient anagementand improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Encourage the sustainable management of the territory through governance in the management of natural resources in areas of importance for the conservation of forest carbon, such as the Biocultural region of Puuc, area of ​​implementation of the PdeI Investment Program, where it is proposed to promote the development and implementation of the Local Ecological Planning Program (POEL). Currently 4 of the seven municipalities that make up the intervention area of ​​the PdI of the Emissions Reduction Initiative have the draft version of the POELs, ​​prepared with the support of the GCF Task Force and the Government of Norway, through the financing of the call for the strengthening of the REDD + Jurisdictional strategies and Investment Programs launched by the UNDP.",0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,"Short target summary: Target is to reduce energy consumption by 18% by 2020, relative to 2007.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"August 2018 began with record values of temperature and electric demand in Spain as a result of the heat wave that has been experienced.This increase in demand, coupled with the rise in prices of fuels used for electric generation and a lower wind production, has led to the prices market also reaching record levels.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,There are different anaerobic digestion plants in Catalonia (in the Ecoparcs). http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/valoritzacio_reciclatge/instal_lacions_de_gestio/tractament_biologic/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Amazonas have participated in designing of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Short target summary: Increase the energy efficiency of electricity use by 10% by 2020 and by 20% by 2030 compared with a trend scenarioPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: In the energy program (PPE), the goal is to reduce the energy consumption increase with the following targets:+4.8% in 2018 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +12.3%)+12.9% in 2023 compared to 2014 (trend scenario: +26.7%)These objectives are stated in different actions:- in the residential sector: reducing electricity consumption by 25 to 30 Gwhe/year- in the tertiary and industrial sectors: reducing electricity consumption by 360 GWhe in 2023, starting in 2016",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",1 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"limited intervantion on public transport, as bus service, convention with railways society, support to cycle paths",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy programming, it is planned to convert all plants to biomass",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,the Region has put in place a voluntarist and very ambitious policy to achieve electric autonomy by 2030,0 +Please provide details of your region's forests-related policies.,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solar",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,The Act and Plans aim to reduce emissions in line with evidence to show the maximum technical reduction for Wales.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Existing actions for pressure reduction and management of distribution systems to reduce losses,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Other: Sent to Henry Quintana and Karl Arpon as word count was exceeded.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy usesin Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installationof biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable managementof local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa/BiomassaCAT,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,the Region has launched two calls for projects to support circular economy projects,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Optimization of the operating conditions of waste biological treatments with high organic load; Promotion of the selective collection of bio-waste and domestic composting,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Local studies have pointed out the potential effects of changes in seasonal rainfall, in sectors such as agriculture, where the variability of precipitation could generate considerable decreases in the yield of crops, livestock and beekeeping; as well as the increase in production costs with direct effects on local producers. The potential impact on the water sector is also considered due to the decrease in the provision of this resource for human settlements and other economic sectors, including commerce and industry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Environmental Department of Azorean Government is the responsable for coordenating and monitoring the implementation of climate change policies. According with the Resolution of the Azorean Government nº 15/2017, 21st of February, it is created the system to elaborate the greenhouse gases inventory. It is established a working groupwith the regional stakeholders which contribute to the inventory elaboration. That group meets at least once a year.The Regional Program for Climate Change will be approved and there are planned climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Excludes all LULUCF activity. Excludes International Aviation and International Shipping.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"In the medium term, the expected increase ofthe temperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism and health.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Other: please specify: The Global Warming Potential has not been calcolated yet for the GHG included in the regional inventory of atmospheric emissions,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Sources: 1) 2018 Population from www.seeg.eco.br2) Data reported: Projections of 2018 edition - IBGE. Available in: https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas/sociais/populacao/9109-projecao-da-populacao.html=&t=resultadosFile: projecoes_2018_populacao_idade_simples_2010_20603) Also avaiable, but with different data, in: SEAD System. Population projections available in: http://produtos.seade.gov.br/produtos/projpop/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Yes we have a number of campaigns and schemes. Our new Wales Transport Strategy is under development and gives priority to promoting walking and cycling and public transport over car use. This is consistent with Planning Policy Wales. Also included is the transport investment hierarchy that gives priority to managing demand by reducing distance travelled.,1 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,A new ambition has been set since these projections were undertaken. The government has set an ambition to meet net zero by 2050. Updated pathways analysis will replace these estimates in the near future. Note these are recommended pathways provided by our statutory advisors and are based on plausible future emissions patwhays with appropriate policy in place. They do not represent a baseline emissions projection in the absence of policy.,1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"There is no exact study of the process of deforestation of the province of Morona Santiago, especially that which derives from agriculture and livestock, knowing these factors greatly affect climate change.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Command and control actions related to the National Forestry Code, Federal Law 12.651, May, 25th, 2012 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Woodland Loss statistics are derived from data collected through the Great Britain National Forest Inventory. Woodlands must be 0.5 ha and above, with a minimum width of 20 m to be counted towards the inventory.The data layer for the Wales ancient woodland inventory can be analysed against the statistics on woodland loss to give an indication of loss of natural forest (excluding Plantations on ancient woodland sites).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Catalonia is member of networks of regionalgovernments for climate and environmental action, suchas nrg4SD and The Climate Group.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Net electricity imports in Catalonia 2015. Emissions are calculatedapplying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2015 (0.398 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promote reduction of the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"This is one of the objectives of the Region is to lead a zero waste policy, and support a new sector on recycling",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,he region also assists local landlords in the renovation of buildings,1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"On track - Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"in municipal buildings, but to a larger extent from industry to district heating",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Through the environmental assessment of municipal urban plans, the Catalan Office for Climate Change introduces criteria to adapt to climate change to avoid the development of urban areas in flood risk areas from sea level rise to coastal municipalities and it provides for actions and adaptation measures within the framework of the urban proposal. For example, some residential or hotel planning urban developments should take into account the risks of the impacts of climate change and finance adaptation measures.",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Amazon region has increased from 2014 to 2017, 0.6 degrees Celsius and therefore there has been an increase in precipitation that clearly registered that in 2014 and 2015 there was a time with low rainfall increased on sunny days, but in the year 2016 and 2017 there was an increase in rainfall which caused road emergency states during those years.We find an average CO2 of 445 ppm above the average that is 410 ppm.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,a new public procurment for public transports will start in two years. the lats ine asked for 70 % of the vehicles operated on biogas and will hopefully be in operation in a year. A n upcoming procurement of waste collecting ask for biogas transport from 70 % of the households.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Energy recovery of some of the sewage sludge as asubstitute for fossil fuels,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Our climate change risk assessment is currently under development. The assessment is produced together with the entire county administrative board's operations (internally). There is also an ongoing dialog with the municipalities about climate change impacts and adaptation needs.,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The state government through the Ministry of Health (SSY), implemented in 2019 actions in the field of prevention and attention to health risks, highlighting:• Implementation of the Program for sanitary regulation and surveillance of water quality, through which 52,105 free residual chlorine monitoring was carried out with 320 samples of piped water and 293 samples of water and ice for human consumption. Execution of 509 seawater samplings to determine enterococci; 540 samples of sea water to identify harmful or toxic algal blooming ""Red Tide"" and 195 samples in bodies of fresh water (cenotes) for detection of E. coli to guarantee suitable water conditions for human consumption.• Attention to vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , implementing the Program of prevention and control of vector diseases , wich incorporate vector control interventions based on knowledge of the determinants of pathogen transmission, which utilise a range of insecticide and non–insecticide-based approaches in a locally tailored manner. The Program includes informative workshops with communities (3,185 dengue prevention talks to the population); 8368 entomological studies of triatomines were carried out in localities; 8,439 fumigations to houses infested by triatomes; 60 treatments for Chagas disease were given; 45 treatments were given to leishmaniosis patients; 46,605 blood tests were carried out on the population and 365 treatments for the elimination of positive Anopheles fly hatchery.• Implementation of the Health Surveillance, Regulation and Control Program, in collaboration with the International Health Coordination in order to prevent, detect, control and follow up on diseases subject to international epidemiological surveillance. In the reporting period, 1,808 means of transportation were reviewed, between ships and international planes; 209 certificates of health of epidemiological risk were issued to undocumented insured and 229 certificates of protection against health risks and promotion of health; 2,186,966 health surveillance and control inspections were carried out on international and national travelers suspected of having any of the diseases of the International Health Regulations.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"During the year 2018, the Catalan Water Agency, the Metropolitan Area and the Public Health Agency create the panel of scientific advice that will study the implantation of regenerated water as a measure to have more resources in the system.It is composed of a total of twelve members with a long research experience in the integral water cycle and in the assessment of risks for the environment and health.The main objective of this group will be to study the continued contribution of regenerated water in the final stretch of the river Llobregat to increase the flow of the river and have more water to be purified.This solution, already applicable during periods of drought, could become structural in order to increase the availability of water in the most populated area of Catalonia (about 60 hm3/year).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Barcelona Climate Plan aims to be an inclusive vision of the measures to tackle climate change, which will allow to achieve the objectives of the new Covenant of Mayors for the Energy and Climate that has signed by City Council of Barcelona. The Climate Plan has a temporary horizon in 2030, and includes short-term strategic objectives and measures (2018-2020) and in the medium-long term (2021-2030). It has 4 strategic axes: mitigation, adaptation / resilience, climate justice and impetus to citizen action. Barcelona Climate Change Plan tackles multiple climate change impacts.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Business Agency of Lower Austria “ecoplus” with decades of experience, with a highly-specialized team and an expansive network, offers tailored services to lower Austrian companies. With the technopol program the ecoplus focuses on building up technology oriented business locations near existing research and educational facilities. Furthermore, the ecoplus can help to find access to regional funding and give competitive advantage through innovative cooperation’s projects. In addition, companies from Lower Austrian can receive support for their internationalization and export ventures. Climate protection, renewable energies and climate change adaptation are important topics in all these fields of action.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Welsh Government will consider further research around this risk in the development of its new Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,It is expected that occur more hot days that will affect health population and also water disponibility,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Catalan inventory is part of the Spanish one. The Spanish inventory is first built according the 2006 IPCC guidelines, and afterwards these data are split among thedifferent Spanish regions (what we call regionalization). Whenever is possible we try to allocate directly the source of the GHG emission to the region, but when this is not possible some kind of weighting factor is used (population or GAV, for example)",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state works with the municipal governments of Progreso, Mérida, Valladolid, Huncucmá, Umán and Tekax through the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (GCoM-LAC), with the aim of strengthening municipal capacities for the generation of GHG Inventories and Local Climate Action Plans.Among the expected results of this iniciative is the generation of local capacities for the implementation of theGlobal Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, and the strengthening of climate transparency through platforms of international relevance such as the CDP.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Public procurement must prioritize the purchase ofelectric vehicles in the first place and in thesecond place, mainly depending on the type ofroute, hybrid or gas vehicles. There is an specificGovernment agreement of 3rd January 2017concerning this action",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The incorporation of the reduction of GEH emissions into the public planning of the region is carried out through the process of environmental evaluation of plans and programs.This process evaluates the carbon footprint of the development of town and country planning plans (in the fields of energy, transport, waste, forest management, water cycle ...).The quantitative evaluation of emissions is made using the calculation tools and guides that the OCCC has developed specifically for the calculation of emissions. http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/incorporacio_avaluacio_ambiental/http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/ca/redueix_emissions/com-calcular-emissions-de-geh/The environmental assessment process is favorable if the plan raises measures to reduce GHG emissions in the fields of energy consumption in residential, commercial and industrial sectors; in the saving of water and reduction of consumption of resources; in the field of improvement of public transport and renovation of vehicles or the promotion of electric vehicles; or in forest management.The process is carried out with a period of consultations with all the affected public administrations and promoters of the plan.All territorial and sectorial plans approved by the Government include an assessment of GHG emissions (urban planning, waste, mobility and transport), and climate change is one of the aspects assessed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment.Moreover, there is a legal requirement to incorporate the carbon footprint and the adaptation to climate change in plannig. It is the Law 21/2013 of December 9 of environmental assessment and the Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change.The number of plans informed for the 2007-2014 period is 123 plans (voluntary period prior to the Law); 2015-2018 period are 82 urban and sectoral plans.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Flooding – potential worsened impacts on homes, communities, businesses and agriculture. Wales is also considering the risks increased rainfall on infrastructure, including the risk of increased bridge scour, sewer floods, potential for landslides and their various secondary impacts, and the impacts on health.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and increased temperatures.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our aim is to build resilience to prepare for likely future impacts by reducing the vulnerability of Wales' transport network, especially to flooding. This will help to reduce the risk of economic impacts associated with such events and help to keep people safer. Welsh Government's National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managements aim is to Reduce the risk to people communities from flooding and costal erosion which will be delivered though 5 objectives:Improving our understanding and communication of risk Preparedness and building resiliencePrioritising investment to the most at risk communitiesPreventing more people becoming exposed to riskProviding an effective and sustained response to eventsWe are currently reviewing our National Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Management which is currently being laid in the Senedd prior to publication, the above aim reflects our latest policies.Welsh Government is a Risk Management Authority, under the Flood and Water Management Act, responsible for trunk road highway drainage (under Highway Act).Water Companies in Wales are expected to develop drainage strategies - a commitment is in place to reduce number of flood-affected properties by over 33%. Dwr Cymru (a water supplier) has made a commitment to reduce rainwater into sewers in its 2015-20 business plan in its 'rainscape' programme.The planning advice note - TAN15 - gives guidance and requirements on managing surface water / SuDs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Welsh Government through Farming Connect supports the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land based sector, supporting the adjustment away from reliance on CAP payments. A key objective of Farming Connect is to increase the emphasis on business focused behaviour and improve the profitability, competitiveness and environmental performance of farm and forestry businesses. The programme comes to an end 19 August 2022. Discussions are ongoing as to whether or not there will be a replacement programme after this time.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"Triple the forest area under sustainable management with the consequent increase in carbon reservoirs from 11,413 hectares of timber and non-timber forest management to 34,200 hectares by2030. Also, achieve the certification of good forest management in 10% of this area.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Recently, the state has published its Climate Change Program, which includes vulnerability studies, an update of the GHG emissions inventory, future climate scenarios, emissions projections, and a compendium of climate actions to implement mitigation and adaptation responses. The program also takes up the scenarios of the roadmap for the deep decarbonization of the state by 2050 and the green growth strategy of the state of Sonora.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Between 2013 and 2015 the State suffered its most extreme drougth in years, which caused a severe water crise. It was the worst drought ever recorded, in the sense that the outflows in the basin were never so low.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"We work with various forms of supervision and licensing. We also work with different types of protected areas, both voluntary and legally (for example water protection areas, shoreline protection, landscape protection, biotope protection, managing and creating and managing nature reserves etc. )",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Transport projects are in place, the cost for implementing new public transports are a limiting factor,",0 +Please complete the table below.,Local Authorities are required by law to provide a civic amenity site. Most Local Authorities have more than one.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The State is currently collaborating with the national government on the development of a monitoring, reporting & verification system for subnational governments.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Future Wales establishes a clear policy context:•that places a strong focus on creating places that reduce the need to travel, make efficient use of land and which ensure that land use choice are guided by a clear understanding of their environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts; •to focus significant developments in towns and cities to make more effective use of land and the benefits of co-location of uses, and take advantage of public transport accessibility. •for the determination of large scale renewable energy projects; •for the delivery of district heat networks;•for the decarbonisation of energy supplies;•that strengthens the focus on public transport and active travel;•that requires decisions associated with international aviation and shipping to demonstrate how they can be accommodated within the statutory climate change targets and carbon budgets;•that supports a low carbon economy and decarbonisation of industry;•to support the delivery of energy efficient homes;•to support the development of a national forest;•to create healthy and resilient places; •to support the development of digital communications and help reduce the need to travel; •to support the sustainable growth of rural areas;•to support the sustainable location of strategic growth;•for nature based solutions such as for flood risk management;•to ensure the resilience of our ecosystems and reverse biodiversity decline; and •to sustainably manage natural resources and reduce pollution.In February 2021 the Welsh Government published Future Wales the national plan 2040, which is a national scale development plan that sits at the top of the development plan hierarchy in Wales. All other development plans in Wales must be in conformity with Future Wales. The document provides a place based approach for the future development of Wales with a 20 year time horizon. Future Wales sets a clear planning policy context for decarbonisation by both preventing and mitigating carbon emissions. For example Future Wales establishes a spatial strategy that reduces the need for travel and optimises the opportunities for further sustainable development in national and regional growth areas.",1 +"Is your region aware of jurisdictional approaches and are you implementing any to address deforestation, forest degradation and/or forest restoration?",Many swine farms produce biogas from the sludge generated by its 21 motor generators that it has in Yucatan.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,Data is National Communication (NC) sector Export. This line for International Aviation and shipping has not been included in the national total but is provided here for information.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"The Catalan inventory is part of the Spanish one. The Spanish inventory is first built according the 2006 IPCC guidelines, and afterwards these data are split among thedifferent Spanish regions (what we call regionalization). Whenever is possible we try to allocate directly the source of the GHG emission to the region, but when this is not possible some kind of weighting factor is used (population or GAV, for example)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change. Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce emissions and improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Marche Region will entrust the implementation of the adaptation plan as part of the drafting of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Developmentlink to the document: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Paesaggio-Territorio-Urbanistica-Genio-Civile/Difesa-della-costa#Piano-GIZC-2019,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Waste policies in Catalonia promote separate collection of all waste types, reaching levels of 40% ofmunicipal waste. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/recollida_selectiva/",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The Ministry for Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Rural Development of Yucatán signed in 2019 an agreement to design policies in Low-Carbon Rural Development. Including a project in 2020 with federal and state butget, to promote low-impact productive activities, in three municipalities of the Puuc State Biocultural Reserve.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Business sector is approached through regional development activities and included in our Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa 2035 Roadmap.,0 +Please provide further details about the geography of your region.,"The impacts of climate change in Catalonia may worsen due to high concentration of the population in the coastal areas. This is even higher during the summer, when foreign and domestic tourism sharply increases the population of coastal municipalities, and thus the demand for water and other resources, during the hotter and drier periods.On the other hand, land use changes trends show an abandonment of agriculture fields, which increases forested areas - with higher water demand. The result is less water in river flows. Moreover, this results in a higher forest fires risks.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,The Gavarres Consortium has published a study on the vulnerability of the forests of cork oaks to climate change and on adaptation measures in the management of forests.http://lifesuber.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Guia_LIFESUBER_CAT.pdfClarified in the plots of forests of Vallcebre and La Laguna to compare the generation of blue water runoff between the managed and unmanaged plots.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Terceira incinerator is already working, and it is planned the incineration project of São Miguel island",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,It is widely inspired by the CITEPA (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique or Technical Interbranch Center of Air Pollution) methodology applied to the national level and by the national GHG inventory created under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Through the environmental assessment of municipal urban plans, the Catalan Office for Climate Change introduces criteria to adapt to climate change to avoid the development of urban areas in flood risk areas from sea level rise to coastal municipalities and it provides for actions and adaptation measures within the framework of the urban proposal. For example, some residential or hotel planning urban developments should take into account the risks of the impacts of climate change and finance adaptation measures.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,"about geothermal energy, there are prospecting studies that are being launched, but there is a Geothermal project that is in sight",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Monitoring risk maps and ensuring their validity and update in the context of climate changeStrengthening restrictions on land use and occupation in areas at risk, especially in areas subject to floods and floods, gullies and slope movementsCarry out the survey of vital structures in a situation of risk exposure and predict their relocationDevelop vulnerability maps of the entire electrical infrastructure",1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The Ministry for Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Rural Development of Yucatán signed in 2019 an agreement to design policies in Low-Carbon Rural Development. Including a project in 2020 with federal and state butget, to promote low-impact productive activities, in three municipalities of the Puuc State Biocultural Reserve.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Environment (Wales) Act introduces Wales' first statutory emissions reduction target. The Act introduces a 2050 target of at least an 80% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels. Regulations following the Act introduced interim targets for 2020 (-27%), 2030 (-45%) and 2040 (-67%) along with a series of five yearly carbon budgets. The first budget covers the period 2016-20 and has a limit of an average of 23% lower than the 1990 base year. The second carbon budget (2021-2025) is set at a limit of an average of 33% lower than the base year.The targets and budgets cover all emissions sources and sinks in Wales. They also include emissions associated with Wales' share of international aviation and shipping emissions. The targets and budgets are set against a Net Welsh Emissions Account which allows international offset credits (Clean Development Mechanism Units) to be credited to the account. A statutory limit of 10% of the carbon budget level applies to carbon budget 1. However, the government has no current intention to use offset credits to meet the targets and budgets.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Public Health Wales are undertaking a Health Impact Assessment which will consider delivery of health services in future climates. Public Service Boards (PSBs) in Wales are required to pay regard to risks in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment when developing wellbeing plans. Local Resilience Fora (LRFs) also monitor and mitigate risks and emergencies at a local level, putting resources in place to manage issues such as flood. Both PSBs and LRFs are made up by representatives for organisations in public services.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Increasing flexibility of allocation of water systems, power generation and infrastructure (network interconnection to ensure security of supply) strengthening the security of supply through other local sources (water reuse, wells recovery, construction of rainwater tanks) and connecting to regional water networks.The actions on management demand have obtained average urban allocations for Catalonia of 116L / hab day and of 105 L / hab day for the metropolitan area. Also, the actions in the improvement of efficiency distribution network of potable water and the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures of agriculture have achieved good results.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The consultation on the Agriculture White Paper closed on 25 March 2021. The White Paper sets out our proposals to replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other EU agri-environment schemes with a single direct support scheme for farming. Our proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will reward farmers appropriately for the production of additional non-market goods (improved soils, clean air, clean water, improved habitat condition, actions to reduce global warming) at levels above those set by regulation through the management of land in a sustainable way. It will also provide advice and support for farmers and farm businesses.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Electricity emissions factor decreased by 10% . Our observed decrease was 9%.,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for England and Wales covers resistance to moisture. In 2018 Welsh Government published regulations around the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require SuDS for surface water management. From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins. A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Other, please specify: Difficulty to find a target and a way to monitor energy efficiency on a region-wide level.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Kronobergs län (Strategy for formal protection of forests in the county of Kronoberg),0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The Government of the State, through the Health Services of Yucatan, is responsible for the control and sanitary surveillance of the establishments with the purpose of preventing and attending to health risks. These actions focus on the following strategies;Surveillance of water for human consumption and recreational useIts objective is the population vulnerable to health risks so that it has health protection through the monitoring of formal water supply systems for human use and consumption.• In accordance with the objective of this program, during the reporting year, 28,792 determinations of free residual chlorine were made to piped water.• 350 water samples were taken for bacteriological analysis in order to measure the efficiency of disinfection devices installed in schools.Water cultureThe objective of the program is the population vulnerable to health risks by promoting the care and proper use of water through the Installation of Water Culture Spaces that are equipped in the municipality and / or dependency that request it .• Currently, there are 113 Water Culture Spaces in the 106 municipalities of the State. In the same way, 8 training courses were carried out. Diseases Transmitted by VectorThrough the Program for Prevention and Control of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, the government aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these diseases through timely prevention (elimination of breeding sites) and control of the adult mosquito.The actions used for the prevention and control of these diseases were the following:• Anticipatory operational plan for the prevention, promotion and control of dengue, chikungunya and zika cases;• The 1st National Day of Fight against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika takes place. With health fairs in the most at risk municipalities with information modules installed in medical units with emphasis, for pregnant women.• The application of the scheme of operational blocking actions to probable cases of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, in the same way, actions of larval control focused mainly in areas with high entomological and epidemiological risk. Epidemiological Emergencies and Disasters ProgramThrough this program, outbreaks of diseases subject to epidemiological surveillance such as , dengue conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, febrile exanthematic diseases, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","State Decree No. 55.947, of June 24, 2010, regulates the Sao Paulo Climate Change Law 13798, of November 9, 2009. It creates a Steering Committee in charge of preparation and implementation of plans and programs.In its 10th year of existence, the state law is undergoing a review and reassessment.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","There are governmental policies to foster investments in clean tech R&D. A good example is The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), which was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security. This contribution is done through scientific and technological development.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Azorean electricy company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year intensity target(s). An intensity target is usually measured per capita or per unit GDP. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,the regional concil already supports private partners and is part of the governance,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The complete set of 2020´s Inventory information will be released by December 2020,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,An increment of the cost of water is expected related to the increase cost of water treatment and infrastructure need toextract this resource from the aquifer.,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Other, please specify: the marche region has approved a plan for the integrated management of coastal areas",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Other, please specify: All the mentioned int he risk assessment procedure above",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",It is expected that occur more intense rainfall can cause that will affect the population and land use,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2015, 6 wind energy projects were approved Together they represent a private investment of 644 million dollars and a capacity of 322 MW.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Extraction activities and underground mining operations are subject to the administrative intervention regime of the Environmental Impact Statement with a substantive authorization (Annex I.3) of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, in the framework of the Prevention Law 20/2009 and control of activities.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The impact of climate change in rural areas would produce a migration and abandonment of their land to the cities, producing a socio-economic problem for rural communities due to lack of preparation and survival in large cities.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Maritime Strategy of Catalonia 2030 - driven by DG Fisheries of the Agriculture Department- presents a strategic plan for the 2018-2021 horizon.Both the Strategy and the Plan assume the issue of climate change as a current challenge that the maritime, fishery and aquatic sector must assume. Strategy identifies the impact of high temperatures on Deltebre mussel production, on Posidonia, on fish populations ... and program 4 strategic action lines with strategic objectives associated with climate change",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Targets are:Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales' consumption by 2030.1GW of renewable energy capacity in Wales to be locally owned by 2030.All energy projects to have an element of local ownership from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to promote the digitalization in the transport sector",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Support currently provided to the sector is primarily delivered through multipleschemes funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – RuralDevelopment Programme (RCRDP) for Wales 2014-2020, which provide multiplebenefits to the farm enterprise and also have a positive impact on climate change.The support delivered through the Welsh Government and partner organisations isfar reaching and cross cutting.The policy effort in this sector focuses on›› through improved efficiency of livestock production;›› improved crop and nutrient management; and›› improved on farm fuel & energy efficiencyThe following on the promotion of sustainable farming practices offer either direct or wider benefit of decarbonisation. Policies include • Red Meat Development Programme 2018-2023 aims to improve the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the emissions associated with that production.. • Animal Health and Welfare Framework to improve the efficiency of production can be improved through feeding, breeding, management and ensuring optimal health. • Advice and support through through the farming Connect Programme • Farm Business Grant to enable farmers to invest in equipment which help reduce GHG and ammonia emissions from the agricultural sector as well as improve efficiency in production.• Sustainable Production Grant towards capital investments • support famers address and safeguard nutrient management and improving water, soil and air quality by reducing the impacts of agriculture pollution.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In MUSAMI landfill (São Miguel) the gas is collected and flared because there isn't enough gas to implemente another treatment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Law 16/2017, of 1 August, on Climate Change, sets a new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles (tourism and light commercial vehicles, and Motorcyclists) in terms of €/ t CO2eq*km. This tax is final and shall fund the Climate fund and Natural Heritage Fund in equal parts, and is expected to be implemented in 2020.",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"No measures are being taken to reduce risks to water supply at the level of water sources, only at the level of infrastructure expansion and potentialization to expand the service and increase the number of users",0 +"Please explain why your region does not have a region-wide emissions inventory to report and detail your plans to report one in the future, if any.","The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter AS PSK) will serve the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter PSK) as a tool for planning and decision-making, while it will be an opportunity for climate change issues to be systematically integrated into a wide range . At the same time, it will be a professional starting point for cities and municipalities, which will specify the most significant impacts of climate change in the area and at the same time determine the extent of possible threats and the scope of proposed elimination measures for a specific area.The main goal of AS PSK will be to assess the vulnerability of the territory to the impacts of climate change within the natural environment, urban landscape, selected infrastructure and socio-economic characteristics of the region, including activities (economic, social, development) focusing on categories / types of territory, as well as to create an optimal setting of adaptation policy, which will include setting goals, proposal of adaptation measures to support the mitigation of the most significant impacts of climate change within the region, which will be initial and applicable at the local level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of the multiannual energy program, the Region aims to establish several charging points on the territory.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The water in the sea is also heating up. We have a very long series of water temperature measurements at various depths from L’Estartit (Costa Brava), dating back to 1974. The temperature of the water in the sea has increased at a rate of 0.30°C/ decade between the surface and depths of up to 50 metres (the increase has been slightly less marked from that level to depths of 80 metres). This warming has taken place in all seasons of the year, but has been most pronounced in the summer and autumn.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In 2018, the Flood risk management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PGRI) was approved and it is the last phase of the implementation of the European Directive on floods.The PGRI implies the different administrations with competence in flood risk management and its main objective is to increase coordination and cooperation between them and promote self-protection, increasing the social perception of risks.The Hydrological Program of the Flood Risk Management Plan of the Catalan River Basin District (PMH) is a document that aims to collect the set of measures in the river basin district of Catalonia, in order to reasonably reduce the expected damage through measures of a structural or risk management nature.http://aca.gencat.cat/ca/plans-i-programes/gestio-del-risc-dinundacions/1er-cicle-de-la-gestio-dels-risc-dinundacions/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Azorean electric company control the production of energy per unit of production,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Other sources not specified. Much likely other oil products, but also some biomass, solar",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,as mentioned in the previous question the region has set up a very ambitious voluntarist policy to facilitate the penetration of renewable energies,0 +Please complete the table below.,"This is very serious for those in the livestock industry, as well as fisheries, tree crops, vegetable industries and their value chains",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Catalonia is a member of the Advisory Committee for Subnational Governments (AC SNG), one of the two advisory bodies of the Global Partnership for Local and Subnational Action in Biodiversity is counted. The other is the City Advisory Committee. The Partnership, in the framework of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), gives voice to sub-state administrations in the field of conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity. Catalonia, with the promotion of resolutions within the framework of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and also with the co-presidency of the Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD), actively promotes this recognition at scale international.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Climate change and heat waves affect the health of the most vulnerable people, especially children, old people or with chronic diseases.In fact, public health and emergency services registered during the summer of 2018 an increase in the number of cases of deaths and medical risk situations of vulnerable people caused by heatwaves.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,It is established on the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Catalonia has experienced considerable extremes of temperature since 1950. Warm days and nights have increased, and the number of cold days and nights has fallen significantly. The trend in the climate is obvious: heat is becoming more prevalent, and cold less so. All climate scenarios suggest an increase in extremely high temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and tropical nights (especially in the coastal and pre-coastal areas), an increase in the number of hot days and nights, and longer periods of dry weather.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Source: São Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2016. Chapter 09 (Eletricity). Energy and Mining State Secretariat, Government of the State of São Paulo.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Prevention and reduction of exposure to climate change impacts through the establishment of public systems ofinformation in climate variability,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Other, please specify: Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"As the plan aims to guide further development of the built environment, it point s out areas suitable for new settlements and also points out where new buildings not shall be allowed. For examples all areas below the height 2 meters above sea level are given restrictions due to rising sea levels. Other areas with restriction conneted to climat change are places close to erosion zones and places where no good solutions for fresh water and waste water are available. But since the present plan was developed in 2008, the upcoming plan will be much more precise according tol the climate adaptation demands, this has also been expressed in recent detailled plans. There is also new legislation underway in this area and there is a national checklist developed för climate mitigation mieasures in spatial planning, which serve as a guide for our regional plan decisions .",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Period: 2017/2019Disclosure date: 2020Satellite (s): World View, Quickbird, GeoEyeResolution: 0.5 meterScale: 1: 10,000 (compatible)Minimum mapped area: 0.1 ha (1,000 m2)",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Between 2016 and 2017, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 13%. Most of this reduction is driven by reduced emissions from the energy supply sector, and in particular, the downgrading of operations at Aberthaw power station which from 2017 has switched to providing energy supply only when needed, such as during winter months. The resultant reduction in energy supply emissions accounts for 94% of the overall 2016-2017 trend.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Flood mapping completed by Natural Resources Wales, a Welsh Government Sponsored Body whose purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained. The mapping is publicly available at a website and improves preparedness for coastal and fluvial flooding risk. The flood risk mapping is in the process of being updated to reflect all existing flood risk assets in Wales, and will allow for current climate change projections.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Energy efficiency measures in the industrial, service and residencial sectors translate in an economic benefit of $6,801,204,548 pesos. Right now the state is working on implementing improved wood stoves in rural areas.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The 1990-2019 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2021 (BEIS, 2021) as UK national statistics.https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2019;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at:http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2019 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at:https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned the conversion of agricultural, pasture or forest land using native or exotic species (non-invasive) and for conservation and / or production purposes, namely the production of tradable goods, in particular wood or biomass, and the maintenance of the area forest",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s target(s) on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Published the local authority Collections Blueprint in 2011. All our local authorities provide a kerbside collection service for dry recyclables and food waste. We have consulted on requiring businesses to source separate key recyclable wastes.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Energy efficiency in industrial processes, buildnings and spatial planning.Climate-smart farming methods in agriculture.",1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Areas covered:11 natural systems and socio-economic sectors analysed (agriculture and livestock, biodiversity, water management, forestry, industry, trade and services, mobility and transport infrastructure, fishing, tourism, health, energy sector and urban planning and housing)",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Emissions are reduced through the reforestation of fruit and timber plants in places where there is a degradation of secondary forests. In the productive part by draining the soils saturated with water resources. The work is carried out with the Parochial Boards and local producers,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The state government works together with business cameras. Since 2015, the government has been working together with the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mérida to hold the Environmental Forum Expo, where ""green"" companies and organizations meet to offer their products and services. In this event, environmental education activities are carried out.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Measure TUR6 (PRAC) - The adaptation of tourism promotion to climate change aims to take advantage of potential tourism development opportunities that will result from the implementation of the climate scenarios, namely at the level of forest and agricultural landscape mosaic (greater forest growth - nature tourism), nautic tourism (recent observation of exotic species in Azorean waters), the forestry sector (which may see its productivity increase and its valued hydrological and carbon sequestration functions, with potential benefits for Tourism) and issues associated with thermal comfort (changes in average temperatures).",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","However, a draft route map has been developed and is being tested with public sector partners. The Welsh Government is working with partner organisations across the Welsh public sector, including the Partnership Council, to develop credible action plans. Within the Welsh Government a specific project has recently been established to identify and deliver emissions reduction actions across our range of activities.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Natural Heritage Information System is a system that applies certain processes (inventory, evaluation, monitoring) to a set of information elements (species, habitats, protected elements) through an adequate infrastructure (hardware, software , logistics center, economic resources) and a specific organization (work teams, scientific coordinators, work procedures), to obtain useful products (thematic mapping, databases) for decision making and for public access to the information.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Prevention and reduction of exposure to climate change impacts through the establishment of public systems ofinformation in climate variability,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The agriculture food industry and the livestock industry accounts for 4% of Catalonia's GDP and climate change is the most important challenge facing this sector. Forestry water management cannot be considered separate from the management of land use: both aspects are so intimately linked that land management must be considered from the perspective of water management and vice versa.Global change factors such as depopulation, abandonment of crops, loss of extensive livestock farming and the lack of forestry management only increase our exposure and sensitivity to the impact of climate change and, therefore, our vulnerability.The efficient use of resources, as well as the commitment to a more sustainable and less intensive type of productive model, are the challenges that the industry must assume if it wants to survive the expected changes.The opportunities provided by the process of adaptation to climate change and, by extension, to global change are opportunities for the systems (and region) and must be implemented to ensure the future profitability and viability of these systems (and the region).The active population dedicated to agriculture accounts for only 1.7% of the total active population of Catalonia (first quarter of 2017); an active population that depends on industries linked to the sector in a context with fewer and fewer family farms and more and more industrial farms. Access to land is a bottleneck. Which model should be chosen? A cooperative model in a living region managed with care or a pyramid structure, managed based on macroeconomic criteria dictated by the markets? Both are possible, but each produces opposite results in terms of vulnerability.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Development of new business industries (e.g. clean tech). Promotion of clean energy.The investment promotion agency of the State of São Paulo, called Investe SP, has an investment line in photovoltaic parks. https://www.investe.sp.gov.br/sobre-a-investe-sp/nossos-clientes/setor/economia-verde/",0 +Why do you not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk?,Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"HerdAdvance: The aim of this project is to pilot how improving disease control awareness and pre-emptive animal health and welfare management on Welsh dairy farms can improve on-farm efficiencies and profitability. It takes a new whole farm holistic approach to disease prevention, taking into consideration other influential factors such as nutrition, genetics and the suitability of buildings. The project has already achieved its target of 500 farm business being involved 345 first year farm visits (c.20% of dairy farmers in Wales) have been completed, with 102 second year visits done by the team. 304 vet visits have been completed, 148 Herd Johnes testing, 52 Johnes management plans, 49 herd genomic testing done. By repeating these visits annually the project will track and benchmark performance within and between farms, allowing analysis of how HerdAdvance interventions help businesses better record data and make positive changes to management. COVID-19 has delayed progress over the last few months.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"", thereis an expected change in rainfall patterns that would severely affect the sectors of water, forestry and agriculture",1 +Are there any mining activities occurring within or near legally protected and internationally recognized areas in your region?,Several open cast mines are located in close proximity to the borders of National Parks and within several kilometres of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"According to the Regional Plan of Waste Prevention and Management, practices to promote circular economy are implemented. In most of the islands there has been organized awareness actions related to circular economy.",0 +Please select the factors considered when issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Those jurisdictional approaches listed are undertaken by Natural Resources Wales, the regulatory authority in Wales. Most of the processes to implement these regulations and acts involve an element of stakeholder consultation.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The 1990-2018 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2020 (BEIS, 2020) as UK national statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2018;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at: http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2018 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at: https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=998",0 +Please complete the table below.,Risks to public water supplies from drought and low river flows,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This target has been surpassed. In 2018-19 emissions were 66% lower than the baseline year of 2010-11. Further information can be found here:https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/state-of-the-estate-report-2018-to-2019.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Other, please specify: All other non ETS Emissions together (Agriculture, Industry, Energy, F-Gas, Waste)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Since declaring the climate emergency, The Welsh Government have begun work to create a National Forest that extends the length and breadth of Wales which will create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of Wales’ unique and irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits. The Welsh Government is committed to expanding the woodland cover in Wales by 2000ha a year from 2020 rising to 4000ha a year as soon as possible. The aim is to gradually restore all PAWS on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate to a more natural state through on-going management to improve their ecological condition. Sites are assessed based on their ecological potential to be successfully restored, and those with a high restoration potential are prioritised and restored subject to resources. Lower ecological potential sites are restored on a more gradual basis. This enables available resources to be targeted at those with a higher potential of success. Private owners are encouraged to do the same. Support for the private sector through Glastir Restoration Scheme on larch dominated sites felled due to P.ramorum disease.The UK Forest Standard encourages the protection and maintenance of natural forest remnants on these sites.Difficult to monitor progress as many PAWS are under gradual restoration management which takes place over a long term.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Catalonia is member of networks of regionalgovernments for climate and environmental action, suchas nrg4SD and The Climate Group.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The forested area in Catalonia has increased greatly in recent years (130,000 hectares): while it accounted for 38% of the territory in 1993, in 2009 it was 42 %.There have been no major losses associated with forest fires (about 28,000 hectares of forest was burned between 2001 and 2014, or less than 2,000 hectares per year) or any other disturbances.The increase has been mainly at the expense of scrubland, and to a lesser extent, albeit a significant one, has involved an abandonment of crops.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"The drought plan approved by the Catalan Water Agency indicates that on the 2070-2100 horizon the reduction of average annual precipitation will be in general, from 5 to15%, with a possible slight increase in winter.On the coast and during the summer, the average reduction can be reached 40%.The average overall reduction of river inputs will be 10 to 30%, and can be concentrated in the summer, with decreases of up to 40% and the average reduction of the recharge groundwater will be in the order of 20%.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Project seeking complementary financing.The top priority ""Programa Nascentes"" is the result of a state initiative undertaken in 2014 in response to the water crisis. The Program works through partnerships with City Halls, NGOs, State Secretariats, River Basin Committees, specialists, rural owners and public and private entrepreneurs. This articulation between the actors of the restoration has resulted in an innovative logic for the public policy of restoration. Optimizes and directs public and private investments to comply with legal obligations, to offset carbon emissions, to reduce the water footprint, or to implement voluntary restoration projects. Connects information on avaiable areas for restoration, owners of public and private areas willing to receive ecological restoration projects to those interested in implementing restoration projects (whether in response to an obligation or voluntarily).",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Assembly Government's Adaptation Framework (explained in chapter 15 of the Climate Change Strategy) is the national, co-ordinated approach we are taking to ensure that Wales understand the risks and opportnities these changes present and is well=placed to adapt in a sustainable way. The Adaptation Delivery Plan sets out the specific policies and programmes that we expect to implement in delivering the Adaptation Framework. The 24 actions in the Adaptation Delivery Plan address five key categories and seeks to acheive three goals in the adaptation framework:- Building our evidence base so that we can understand our exposure to climate change impacts and their consequences.- Mainstreaming adaptation to build capacity within organisations and communities. Embedding adaptation will also help us to understand and tackle competing pressures on our social, natural and economic systems.- Communicating on adaptation will ensure that decision makers at all levels are aware of the impacts of climate change and equipped with the information and tools they need to apply that knowledge in planning and decision making processes.Welsh Government's Climate Change Adaptation Delivery Plan is currently under review- a commitment has been made to publish a new adaptation plan in 2018.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The county administrative board are workning with the sustainable development goals on a regional level. We are working to achieve the sustainable development goals, collaborating with different stakeholders and disseminate information.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The government implemented in 2019 public policies aimed at combating the social deficiencies that generate poverty in the state, associated with reducing the vulnerability of the population in terms of food security, medical care and access to housing.In 2019 Yucatan government launched the Social Housing Program, through coordinated work with the three orders of government, in an unprecedented act, a historic stock of 900 million pesos was obtained to carry out more than 17,000 housing actions, benefiting to Yucatecan families from the interior of the state.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Inter basin transfers, increasing the resilience of the water supply system.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The plan for the integrated management of coastal areas has among its objectives to guarantee the use of natural resources, in particular water resources and toprevent and reduce the effects of natural hazards and in particular climate change, which can be caused by natural or human activities;",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"•Planning to introduce extended producer responsibility 9EPR) for packaging in 2023, to build on the existing producer responsibility legislation for packaging;•Consulting on introducing bans on 9 single use plastic items;•UK Plastics Pact is supported by the Welsh Government – a voluntary packaging industry initiative managed by WRAP;•Support for Welsh businesses to reduce packaging is provided by Business Wales through their ‘Green Growth Pledge’;•The Packaging Essential Requirements Regulations prohibit excessive packaging.",1 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"61,000 ha of Ancient Woodland Sites excluding Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Waste policies in Catalonia promote separate collection of all waste types, reaching levels of 40% ofmunicipal waste. http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/recollida_selectiva/",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Risks from weather-related shocks to international food production and trade, Imported food safety risks, and risks from changes in global food production.",0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"A Low Emission Development Strategy will be designed in Amazonas to define a set of activities needed to reduce deforestation, increase productivity of tropical agriculture and engagement of local communities. This work started at january, 2019.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Marche Region does not have a master plan on climate change, but the most recent sectoral plans consider climate change.Marche Region has an air quality plan for the reduction of atmospheric emissions through measures on the major emission sources.Marche Region approved the Regional Energy Plan, which mainly took into account mitigation measures and to a lesser extent climate adaptation measures.The integrated coastal management plan took into account the effects of climate change.Marche Region is setting the regional sustainable development strategy and has focused attention on climate change among the strategic scenarios. The intention is to develop a regional climate plan within the next two years.Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013)",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Base year is 1990 and 1995 for fluorinated gasesEmissions in 2016 have increased 7.5% vs base year,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Increase awareness/engage public on energy efficient systems. The Housing Agency of Catalonia has specific subsidies refurbishment which include this actionhttp://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/ajuts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Jurisdictional power:Powers on energy efficiencyDevolved responsibility for housing, including standards forsocial housing.The Welsh Government's policy effort in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings has two areas of focus:: - For privately owned homes it is through the Warm Homes Programme targeted at the Fuel Poor and is made up of the demand-led Nestand area-based Arbed schemes and tackles fuel poverty by providing energy advice and improving the energy efficiency of the homes of people on low incomes or living in the most deprived areas of Wales. For social housing all existing social homes will continue to have £108m invested per annum as a minimum, to ensure all social homes meet WHQS. The new 2022 standard is likely to raise the standard EPCD to EPCA. The Government response to the 2020 review of Part L Building Regulations for new homes has been published which sets out our decision to introduce a 37% reduction (compared with current standards) in carbon emissions for new dwellings from 2022. All new homes will also need to be future-proofed, to make it easier to retrofit low carbon heating systems. The 37% reduction is a stepping stone towards the next changes to energy efficiency in Building Regulations in 2025, where new homes will need to produce a minimum of 75% less CO2 emissions than ones built to current requirements",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The 1990-2018 GHG inventories for Wales presented here are based on the latest UK GHG emissions statistics, which were published in February 2020 (BEIS, 2020) as UK national statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/final-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statisticsThe following points apply to the inventories presented in this report:Separate GHG emission inventories are estimated for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998 to 2018;✓ The estimates are expressed in terms of global warming potentials (GWPs) defined on a 100-year horizon (IPCC, 2006). The estimates and the GWPs are consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting guidelines;✓ Emissions are consistent with international and UK GHG inventory reporting protocol and exclude emissions from international shipping and aviation, which are reported as “memo items” unless otherwise stated;✓ Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of biofuels are also excluded;✓ Emissions in the UK GHGI from offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities are not allocated to any country, and are reported as “Unallocated”;The main focus of the report is emissions presented on a By Source basis (where emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) and figures and percentages within this report refer to this dataset, unless otherwise stated.For further details of the methods used in inventory compilation for the by source, end user and traded / non-traded analyses, please see either the full, published report for the 1990-2014 GHG Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which can be found at: http://naei.defra.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=894,or for details of the latest UK GHG inventory submission to the UNFCCC (upon which the 1990-2018 DA GHG inventories are based), please see the latest National Inventory Report and BEIS national GHG statistics, held at: https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reportsreport_id=998",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Capacity strengthening project for the implementation of the REDD+ State Strategy through the Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Norwegian Government prepared with the participation of The Nature Conservancy, which is the implementing partner of the project.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,No: CCS is not jet part of national or regional energy strategies,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Risks to health from changes in air quality, from overheating in homes, and from flooding for those living in flood prone areas.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In the context of the local resources used are biomass consumption is as follows (bagasse 80.6 GWh, Biogas: 4.3GWh, Bioethanol: 0.6GWh) to I want to clarify that at the solar level, there is a photovoltaic consumption of 21.8 GHW and thermal sun is 23.7 GWh.Regarding imported fossil resources, we have a consumption, gasoline of 109 GWh, diesel: 404.6 GWh, heavy fuel oil of 153.3 GWh, carburettor: 215.3 GWh, Butane gas is 19.1 GWh and the coal is 355.8 GWh.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Given its geographical location, Yucatan has a very high risk due to the influx of tropical storms and Atlantic hurricanes. In turn, its plain topography makes this area ofhigh risk not only to the effect of storm surges but also to sea level rise, with potential damages to the human settlements that are located in it. During the last century over 100 events have occurred, 38 affecting directly the State, among the most damaging were hurricane Gilberto in 1988 (category 4 Saffir-Simpson scale), Opalo and Roxane in 1995 (category 3 and 4 respectively) and Isidoro in 2002 (category 3). In addition human activities have exacerbated vulnerability, particularly in the coastal zone, these include intensive land development, degradation of natural ecosystems, lack of adequate infrastructure, among others.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Verctor borne disease e.g Malaria and dengue.Flood that may cause skin problem or allergic,1 +Do current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change present significant physical risks to your region?,the region has put in place tax measures to promote this type of acquisition,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,the region conducts communication and awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and recycling,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Capacity strengthening project for the implementation of the REDD+ State Strategy through the Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Norwegian Government prepared with the participation of The Nature Conservancy, which is the implementing partner of the project.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of GHG emissions was established in 2010 and currently has 155 involved organisations http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/acords_voluntaris/index.html.The Voluntary greenhouse gas emission offsetting Programme was established in 2015 in order to bring offsetting projects closer to their buyers and generate a positive impact locally. The projects developed under the Programme intend to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions through domestic actions. The emissions reduced by these projects can be purchased by other persons or entities, therefore carrying out what is known as 'emissions offsetting' http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/en/politiques/politiques_catalanes/la_mitigacio_del_canvi_climatic/programa-voluntari-de-compensacio-de-gasos-amb-efecte-dhivernacle/index.html",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"At the present time (Oct/2019-Mar/2020), the State's water security is threatened by the compromise of water reserves in the reservoirs, by the lack of adequate rain, which can bring serious problems, such as water and energy rationing.This situation is observed in almost the entire state, becoming a hydrological drought, demonstrating the need to anticipate mitigation measures to reduce the negative effects of this water restriction.Thus, from a hydrological point of view, the situation has been worsening for some time in the State, and there is a recommendation to intensify efforts to implement state programs such as the State Water Resources Plan (PERH http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/planoestadualderecursoshidricos), the Irrigation Development Program ( PDAI https://www.gov.br/agricultura/pt-br/assuntos/camaras-setoriais-tematicas/documentos/camaras-tematicas/agricultura-sustentavel-e-irrigacao/ano/plano-diretor-da-agricultura-irrigada-18.pdf), the water use granting processes carried out by DAEE ( http://www.daee.sp.gov.br/index.phpoption=com_content&id=68:outorga), and the constant meteorological monitoring carried out by SAA (www.ciiagro.org.br), with support from FUNDAG.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Between 2018 and 2019, GHG emissions in Wales have decreased by 0.2% (including International Aviation and International Shipping in the calculations between 2017 and 2019). Most of this increase is driven by increased emissions from the Business sector which increased by 7.4 per cent between 2018 and 2019. The main contributor to the business sector increase has been from iron and steel combustion, which is related to activity changes at Wales’ steelworks. In addition, in the LULUCF sector, the sink has grown by 15.1 per cent between 2018 and 2019, mainly due to removals from Forest Land. The largest source of emissions continued to be the Energy Supply sector, which produces 28 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Wales. This sector is dominated by power station emissions (66 per cent of total energy supply emissions in 2019) but also includes petroleum refineries (20 per cent).",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The municipal government of Merida has established collection points for recyclable materials. Then they take care of taking them to the recycling plants.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The mitigation measures are established in PRAC and the programme is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Each year, the GHG inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are extended and updated. The time series of the inventories are extended by including a new inventory year – i.e. the previous inventory covered the years up to and including 2018, whilst this report gives emission estimates for the years up to and including 2019.The nature of emission inventories is such that ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques will inevitably lead to some revisions of historical data and our understanding of the trends. The inventories are updated to take account of any new or revised activity or emission factors, and these amendments may result in revisions to emission estimates for a given year. Core energy statistics, mainly provided by BEIS in their annual publication “The Digest of UK Energy Statistics” (BEIS, ), found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes-2020), are revised annually and hence the data provided may be different in the latest edition of the Digest, compared to that used in the compilation of the previous inventory report.In addition, there may also be changes to the methodology used to allocate emissions to each of the DAs, especially where full and consistent sets of fuel use data are not available. For example, where emissions may previously have been allocated using surrogate statistics such as regional GVA or population, this methodology may be improved to use data more closely related to the activities producing these emissions, should more suitable statistics become available.As a result of these improvements to underlying activity datasets and methods used to estimate and distribute emissions across DAs, data in this report are likely to differ from figures presented in previous DA GHG inventory reports.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The climate state policy to the goals established by Mexicos federal government depicted in the Nationally Determined Contributions (CND), actively collaborating in the reporting of sub-national progress in the field of mitigation and adaptation with the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change ( INECC), entity in charge of providing support and technical advice to the states to integrate climate policies; as well as the evaluation of its implementation.In 2019, the Report on the ""Strategic Evaluation of the Subnational Progress of the National Climate Change Policy"" was generated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, where Yucatan included its progress in the implementation of climate change policies, as well as the areas for improvement to achieve better results.In addition to the above, the State of Yucatan works to comply with national provisions for the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, within the framework of the Emission Reduction Initiative (IRE), through the Investment Program of the Biocultural Region of Puuc and a collaboration framework with the Secretary of Rural Development of the State of Yucatan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"This is an ongoig work concucted by the municipal energy advisory service and in a variety of different projects, it will yet become more intensified, thanks to the upcoming establisment of a new energy center. There are already a wide range of engaged people, groups , organsations and companies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Catalan Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heat Waves on Health (POCS) establishes a series of measures and recommendations for the most vulnerable public to prevent the impact of heat waves. Also, the Interdepartmental Public Health Plan (PINSAP) indicates that climate change is one of risk factors for people health.Also, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Metropolitan area of Barcelona indicates adaptation measures for the employers who can suffer heat waves.The city council of Barcelona also promotes subsidies and public finance for the construction of green roofs of buildings and urban planning with more green spaces.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013),1 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales (based on UKCP08 data) are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Monitoring the landslide risk and act according to the Regional Plan for Civil Protection,0 +Please complete the table below.,The Catalan Energy Institute promotes energy efficient lighting through an Energy Assessment Program and Energy ServicesCompanies. http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/usos_energia/mon_local/edificis/programa_asessorament_energetic/,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. This is because we have a high proportion of well documented emissions from the traded sector (EU-ETS),0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The Catalan Inventory is part of the Spanish GHG emissions Inventory. As a member of the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Spain is periodically audited by a panel of experts selected by UNFCCC.Verification is on national level only",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Law 16/2017, of August 1, on climate change, aims the participation of local authorities in planning climate policies and sectoral action plans of departments. Also the Government has to promote that non touristic municipalities integrate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, for which they must give them assistance.",0 +Please complete the table below.,BiomassaCAT is a reference platform about biomass for energy in Catalonia. There are governmental policies to facilitate installation biomass heating - using biomass from the sustainable management local forests.http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/energia/renovables/biomassa,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Consumers worldwide want assurance that food and drink is safe to consume, yet there are worldwide examples food fraud. Potential for food fraud is partly linked to food production being a global enterprise, a significant feature of international trade, and so vulnerable to systematic shocks (such as storms) or long term changes (such as drought, loss of soil fertility, population growth and migration, war). Systemic shocks are forecast to increase in frequency and intensity because of climate change. The Welsh Government and Food and Drink Wales Industry Board are developing strong brand values for Welsh food and drink, placing quality of the product centre place. Developing a reputation for quality, with production underpinned by rigorous regulations (upheld by Trading Standards, the Food Standards Agency – Wales, and industry accreditation schemes), will help Wales’ industry stand out and build market advantage. The Welsh Government and the FDWIB support businesses across Wales in a variety of ways to become more productive, to develop new products, and to connect them with new customers. A focus on ‘business clusters’ is helping create synergies in the supply chain, making those supply chains more sustainable.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,The government has projects for the training of silvopastoral systems and organic agriculture.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,More hot days that can affect health population and also water availability,0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations?,"Energy efficiency certificates are compulsory for all new properties to be sold or rented, since 2013. The Catalan Institute manages these certification mechanisms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"During 2013 and 2014 years, the Government of Catalonia has published two calls for grants to local councils and local authorities to develop adaptation local plans for climate change. Thus, 16 town councils received more than 60.000 euros for the implementation of local adaptation plans.During the year 2018, the Government has approved ORDER TES / 169/2018, of October 4, which approves the regulatory bases of subsidies for local governmentments for develop mitigation and adaptation actions and the budget for the calls 2019 and 2020 will be 1M €.The adaptation actions that will be subsidized will be: 2.1.3 Actions to adapt and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the area of the water resources a) Improvement of the efficiency of municipal water supply networks. b) Preparation of emergency plans for drought in municipalities of less than 20,000 registered inhabitants. c) Utilization of unconventional water resources for non-potable uses in municipal facilities, such as for example, the use of rainwater, gray, regenerated or phreatic. 2.1.4 Actions to prevent the effects of urban heat islands in the areas of housing, health and urban plannning.Likewise, Catalan Office for Climate Change published a study about the vulnerability and resilience of the municipalities to the increase of temperature due to the climate change.http://canviclimatic.gencat.cat/web/.content/02_OFICINA/publicacions/publicacions_de_canvi_climatic/Estudis_i_docs_adaptacio/Estudi_LaVola_adaptacio_municipis/Vulnerabilitat_canvi_climatic_municipis_Vdef_set.pdfIn the area of local projects, the Office participates as a partner in the LIFE CLINOMICS project led by the Diputació de Barcelona which aims to increase the resilience of local Mediterranean entities after the intervention in three territories: the Montseny Natural Park, the Alt Penedès region and the lands of the Ebro; and about three significant economic activities: tourism, agriculture and forestry.http://lifeclinomics.eu/ca/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Yes in Wales we have a wider programme supporting various public transport modes.For instance We are working to reform the bus industry to improve quality and integration. Welsh Government has a strong commitment to bus services in Wales, spending over £220 million each year on bus grants, concessionary fares,‘MyTravelPass’ young persons’ discount scheme, non-emergency health transport, school transport, and the TrawsCymru service.In terms of trains, the South Wales Metro is an ambitious project connecting people with jobs and leisure opportunities across South East Wales in a fast, efficient and environmentally positive way, linking public transport and active travel.Work to start the transformation and electrification of the Core Valley Lines has started and will complete by December 2023. -New Tri-mode rolling stock is in production and will be in service in 2023.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","At the end of June 2020, São Paulo had not yet reached the peak of the Pandemic COVID-19 and registered more than 275,000 cases and 15,000 deaths.Due to the complexity of isolating the population and containing pressures for the recovery of the economy, the state faces a prolonged quarantine with extremely serious socioeconomic impacts.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Mitigation measures in the transportation sector will translate in an economic benefit of $ 691,648,324 pesos. Right now the state is working on the optimization of the bus routes.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,The activation of the measures of the Catalonia Drought Management Plan in the episode of drought experienced in the last 2 years in Catalonia (2016-2018) has supposed to have 100 more hm3 of water reserves in the reservoirs of the Ter Llobregat system during April 2018 with respect to a scenario in the absence of adaptive measures. The anticipation is key to avoid entering the alert stage. The full operation and performance of the water treatment facilities and the recovery of wells have been fundamental in the management.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Regarding the tourism sector, since this year we have worked in the Sangay National Park area. In rural areas we work in community tourism focused on the conservation of water resources since its the main source of impact for tourism. For example, in the Shuar community Samik , there is a touristic destination with the routes of the waterfalls. In the development of carbon markets and conservation development of resource management we have focused on the initiative ""Sapap entsa"" takes care of life, the same one that is focused on the mining closure for 50 years and that in return it should generate sustainable resources that can be substituted with those of mining exploitation",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"" atmedium term, the expected increment oftemperature would considerably affect sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The state government promoted Decree 80/2019 by which the Law for the Integral Management of Waste in the State of Yucatán is modified, which establishes the reduction and gradual elimination of the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of: carry bags single-use, polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic straws.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"When it comes waste management, Region Gotland’s management of household waste includes demands an expectations of the households an similar organisations to sort out their waste in recycling fractions and the rest in two fractions. One fraction is easily degradable bio-waste, it goes to local biogas production, the biogas is used as energy carrier and replaces fossil fuels, the by-product of the process he digestate, a nutrient-rich fertilizer, as a is recycled back to farmland and replaces synthetic fertilizers. The other waste fraction goes as waste fuel to the nearby cement production plant, where it replaces coal. In that way the waste management contributes to circular economy on the island as well as local jobs in the waste sector.",1 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Total electricity demand in Catalonia 2017. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2017 (0.392 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Emissions were calculated for AFOLU, energy, waste and IPPU sectors. Data is accessible via: http://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"We are working with Environmental Protection Agency and water related ministries in Ghana to enforce regulations and standards in corporate activities which impact of water quantity, quality and access.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"A development low in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been proposed, by conserving the carbon sink potential of protected natural areas, establishing a roadmap to 2030 of the State of Yucatan for the reduction of GHG emissions, by 40% by 2030 of GHG emissions compared to the base year 2005, through strategies and lines of action of the GHG emitting sectors.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The data comes from the land cover map of Catalonia, which is based on a thematic cartography of high resolution of the main types of roofs of the country's land (forests, crops, urban areas, etc.). This map is carried out for the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), with funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya. (Usage map and floor coverings).",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","On the Sao Paulo coast due to the nature of the terrain, characterized by high susceptibility to external geodynamic processes the predominance phenomena associated with landslides and coastal processes along the entire coast is notorious. The decades of 2000 and 2010 have had more hangovers than the last century in the State coast. In 2010, 15 such events were recorded, against a maximum of 4 per year between 1960 and the early 1990s. More than 50% of the beaches in the State of São Paulo are at high or very high risk of coastal erosion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Impacts of sea level variation are foreseen in human settlements, particularly in the coastal zone due to the potental damages to infrastructure, health and safety of the population.According to local studies, regions such as the Yucatan Peninsula could be strongly affected by a 50 cm rise in sea level, causing the loss of more than a third of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.",0 +"Does your region incorporate GHG emissions reductions actions, targets and/or strategies into the master planning for the region?",No: There are already agriculture measures that are implemented to the rotational grazing methods,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Ahafo agricultural sector will also need to deal with the potential for increased impacts on farm operations of extreme weather events such as drought as well as pest infestations and increased crop vulnerability from year-to-year. Overall, water availability is likely to become even more of a challenge for farmers under the changing climate. Available Ahafo rivers such as River Tano, Akantansu, Goa, Subre, etc. are drying up so quickly offseason.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Total emissions from Governmental buildings energyconsumption in 2014 (electricity and natural gas for heating/cooling).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The State Development Plan of Yucatan 2018-2024, is the governance instrument of this administration, which is based on the international principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is part of the 2030 agenda",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"There is mega mining activities both alluvial and underground by Newmont Ghana Gold and Illegal miners. These activities use cyanide and other chemicals which affect water quality either on surface or underground, impacting on the rivers and underground water quantity and quality.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The uncertainties of the quantified emissions by sector were measured, which are the following:-Energy (no value) -Industrial processes: 28.68% -Agriculture: 27.20%-Waste: 47.87 %",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"This target is based on NON-ETS emissions (base year 2005: 13,030,000; target year 2030: 8,339,000; target -36%) and ETS-emissions (base year 2005: 9,154,000; target year 2030: 5,218,000; target -43%)total emissions including ETS (2005: 22,184,000; 2030: 13,557,000; -39%)",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The present map presents a synthetic panorama about coastal erosion in the coast of the State of São Paulo, with the objective of pointing out the main challenges and future needs for the effective confrontation of the problem, which is due to the inadequate occupation of the seafront and of phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change and its effects. Map available on: https://www.infraestruturameioambiente.sp.gov.br/institutogeologico/2012/03/mapa-de-risco-a-erosao-costeira-no-litoral-paulista-dra-celia-regina-de-souza/",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Part C of the Building Regulations for Wales covers resistance to moisture.In 2018 the Welsh Government published regulations mandating the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs). From 7 January 2019 onwards, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100 square metres or more, require SuDS for surface water management.From this date onwards, such new developments must incorporate SuDS that have been designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers. Proposed SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before any construction work may begin.A sector-specific adaptation plan is in development to consider the effects on, and protect buildings of historical importance.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"More intense rainfall, that can affect the population and land use",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,We are monitoring natural values and natural environment issues in the municipalities land-use and/or development plans.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The state has a project of rehabilitation of hydrological flow in wetlands. the project sought to solve the identified problem that consisted in the inadequate water flow caused by the stagnation of water in the wetlands area by altering the gaseous exchange of the radicle and the sediments, causing the accumulation of toxins and salts favoring sedimentation and variations in the temperature of the site causing affectations to the mangrove of the zone.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"According to the document ""Yucatan current and future vulnerability analysis to the impacts of climate change"". Underscenery A2 there's an expected incrementof Yucatan's temperature ranging from 1.4 to 1.6° C by 2050. Changes of the magnitude of extreme temperatureevents are expected.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Government of the Generalitat in compliance with the Climate Change Law and the Law on urgent measures to tackle the emergency in the area of housing and energy poverty, works to reach agreements with the supplier companies to implement social allowances for those most vulnerable people with social difficulties.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Building Regulations Part L review (2018/19) will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Includes all LULUCF activityIncludes International Aviation and International Shipping since we include these emissions in our emissions reductions targets.Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. Wales’ GHG inventory has a relatively low overall uncertainty due to the high contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from well-documented emission sources such as heavy industry (power generation, oil refining andiron and steel production). The Wales GHG inventory also has a relatively low contribution from the uncertain sources of methane and nitrous oxide.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Implementation of seven charging points. Development of study for more implementation points,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Municipal buildings/equipment• Replacement of oil as a heat source for buildings ( completed) and for the municipality’s own operations, energy efficiency measures in buildings and processes, electricity-saving campaigns amongst employees• Continued energy efficiency measures in the municipal housing company ‘Gotlands-Hem’ • Low energy standard developed for refurbishing and new construction of municipal buildings • Transition to LED in municipal public lighting• Installation of new PV plants at schools for demonstration and, when economically feasi-ble, in buildings with high internal energy demands or no grid connection • Continued public procurement of ‘green’ electricity – ongoing since 2002• Continued and increased public procurement of biogas as transport fuel – ongoing since 2010",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"This has started, but only with EVs in small scale yet",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The impact of climate change in rural areas would produce a migration and abandonment of their land to the cities, producing a socio-economic problem for rural communities due to lack of preparation and survival in large cities.",0 +Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place for your government operations? Select all that apply.,"Wales has shoreline management plans in place which consider infrastructure. Independent infrastructural operators are reviewing their dependencies to ensure resilience to climate change impacts, and Wales participates in a UK-wide Infrastructure Resilience Forum to mitigate multi-service disruption.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,Building Regulations Part L review (2018/19) will consider summer overheating and potential to reduce risk through the building regulations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Local communities are aware of the need to develop this initiative,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The adaptation objectives by the region are established on Law 16/2017, of 1st August, on Climate Change -approved by the Parliament of Catalonia on 2017.The goals are identified on the Article 2:b) To reduce the vulnerability of the population, of the socio-economic sectors and of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems against the adverse impacts of climate change, as well as to create and strengthen national response capacities to these impacts.c) To adapt the productive sectors and to incorporate the analysis of resilience to climate change into land use planning, activities, infrastructure and buildings.d) To promote the education, research, development and transfer of technology, and to spread knowledge in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation.e) To establish mechanisms that provide objective and accessible information about all aspects related to climate change, its development over time and its impacts.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,Establishment of preventive alerts and safety measures to attend impacts from extreme meteorological events.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Indigenous Infrastructure Program (PROII)Through the Coordination Agreement signed between the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Government of the State of Yucatan, the Indigenous Infrastructure Program was executed, with which basic infrastructure works were carried out in indigenous localities with gaps and lags in terrestrial communication, electrification and housing. The project achieved: • Construction of 1,757 ecological toilets • Expansion of 296 km of the electric network• Construction and modernization of 192 km highways• Construction of 112 water systems.Construction and Expansion of the electrical network• Construction of 21 infrastructure actions in 22.81 kilometers of medium voltage distribution lines and extensions of electrical networks in medium and low voltageOperation of the drinking water system in the city of Mérida• A total of 54.0 million cubic meters of potable water was supplied to the population. The beneficiary population is 870,000 inhabitants of the city of Mérida and conurbated areasStrengthening Medical Care ProgramDuring 2017, 25,444 inhabitants of 109 localities targeted by the Program were attended . This action consisted in the granting of services of promotion, prevention, medical and dental care to the population as well as 36,254 medical consultations and 7,204 dental care to the target population of the program, as well as 244,733 actions of prevention and health promotion.These actions were carried out in 25 municipalities of high and very high marginalization and difficult access in the municipalities.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",The state started the first phase of the modernization projectof public transport (SITUR) that will include:4 routes with attention to the demand of52 thousand passengers.81 new units.Installation of 749 bus stops.Professionalization of operators,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Mainly a national remit, demo procject s for carbon storage in soil ar underwau on Gotland with some locally decided public funding",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The risk from severe cold spells is expected to decline over time as Wales’s winters warm. Work is underway to improve air quality, which may be exacerbated by climate change.Adaptation considerations are underway to ensure homes are resilient to the effects of climate change. This includes an upcoming review of building regulations. Wales also has guidance in place to ensure any new residential builds consider the risk of flood prior to approval.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Household waste is collected in two assorted fractions, one for easliy biodegradable waste; collected for biogas production on a farm based biogas plant. THe othe fraction is to be assorted wast for incineration- i goes to the cemebt factory. Receycling of packages, glass an d papers , electronic items e t c is managed beside the waste streams. As litte waste as possible is to go to the lanfdfill, as landfill space is limited on the island. Some waste has to go to the mainland .for treatment",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"All federal states of Austria are together with the national government responsible to achieve the GHG emission target for Austria. This target is based on the EU 2020 targets and regulated in the Austrian National Climate Protection Law. The aim is to reduce national-wide Non-ETS CO2e emissions by 16% by 2020 based on 2005 Level. Currently the national government is working on a Austrian National Climate Protection Law for the time period 2020-2030, which will include GHG reduction targets for all relevant emission-sectors. The federal states are slightly integrated in the development of Action Programms to reach these common goals. Furthermore the national targets has strong influence on our work in the federal states.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The overall projected increases in the annual average temperatures in Wales are 1.3°C by the 2020s, 2.0°C by the 2040s and 3.3°C by the 2080s, against the 1961 to 1990 baseline. Across different parts of Wales the annual average temperatures are projected to rise between 2 and 4°C by the 2080s.Impacts include:• Risks to species due to inability to adapt to changing temps.• Increased aridity risk to soils.Risk to peatland carbon sequestration.• Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity• Potential benefits to health and wellbeing from reduced cold.Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures in working environments",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Water Resources Management Plans are in place and currently cover up to the year 2040. These are adequate to adapt to 2050 medium scenario projections of climate change.The Water Act 2014 Act 'resilience duty' requires water companies to plan for drought in their business plans.Leakage rates have dropped since 1995.The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), which has not been commenced, requires new developments to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features that comply with national standards. The Welsh Government has carried out two consultations on how to implement Schedule 3 and are working with key stakeholders to develop the guidance to underpin the Regulations. We aim to introduce Regulations in May 2018 that will take effect from the end of 2018 but we are in the final stages of the development of the Regulations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Short target summary: Reducing fuel consumption by 10% in 2023 compared to 2014 in the transport sectorPlease comment and detail any progress to meet target: The different actions to reach this objective are:- increasing public transports (objective: 11% of the traffic by public transport in 2023)- develop alternative transports (bicycle, cable transport, electric cars with solar recharges)",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The 500 km length shoreline of the State of São Paulo is composed of 16 municipalities with about 2,22 million inhabitants. About 50% of the São Paulo sandy beaches are at Very-High and High Risk. These beaches include together more than 66% of the whole São Paulo shoreline, of which almost 50% are non-urbanized areas that include large areas requiring environmental protection. On the other hand, the most urbanized area is at medium risk.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"General program of prevention and management of waste and resources of Catalonia - PRECAT20. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=2ahUKEwi6ztbrxZjjAhXVgVwKHQC5AOUQFjABegQIAhAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww20.gencat.cat%2Fdocs%2Farc%2FHome%2FAmbits%2520dactuacio%2FPlanificacio%2FPROCAT20%2FPRECAT20.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2tU4eqjq-FjMnn5keGxBr_. On June 5, 2018 the minister of the Department of Territory and Sustainability announced a proposal to ban the disposable plastic packaging in the area of the Generalitat, both in products of internal use and those used in public acts and dissemination activities. http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/306371/ca/conseller-calvet-anuncia-prohibicio-dampolles-plastic-dun-us-generalitat.do",0 +Does your region have a climate change action plan for reducing region-wide GHG emissions?,"We do not have emissions data of region. Slovak republic has emessions data of all contry in The National Inventory System of the Slovak Republic. (https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/main.php?lang=2, https://ghg-inventory.shmu.sk/documents.php?lang=2, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/GHG_Projections_30-04-2021%20(1).pdf, file:///C:/Users/LejkoD/Downloads/SVK_Report_Adaptation_15-03-2021.docx.pdf).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Azorean electricy company is the responsable for the production of energy. Also According to the mitigation measures of PRAC, it is planned to study to control the quality od renewable energy",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Utility companies are installing smart meters as a tool forand energy services companies,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Projections of the summer rainfall in Wales show significant decreases over time. Projections of the winter rainfall in Wales show significant increases in winter rainfall over time. It is expected that these increases will be as a result of increased storminess leading to intense, but short-lived, rainfall events.",1 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,Sao Paulo State Energy Balance - year 2018. There is no estimation of the amount of CO2 generated only by the energy sector of the public sector.,1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Creation of jobs and social programs to serve the vulnerable population.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Water springs catchment area forestry restoration. The Program ""Nascentes"" is planting in priority areas of 174 municipalities in the Sao Paulo State. 9,179 ha in the process of restoration and 16 million seedlings = 13,612 soccer fields.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Forestry sector and its influence to policy about climate change is availed by the resources of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Reg. UE n. 1305/2013),0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Nowadays, The adaptation strategy for climate change of the Prešov self-governing region is in progress trough external company. The action plan will start sometimes when The adaptation strategy of the Prešov self-governing region for climate change will be finished.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change conducted an evaluation of the data and methodology appliedto generate the inventory of GHG emissions.The evaluation made by this entity was within the context of its responsibilities established by the national law on climate change ""Ley general de Cambio climático""",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The masses of ice and snow in the upper reaches of the western Catalan Pyrenees have been analysed in detail based on images and photographs taken since 1980. The conclusion is that no glacier is visible anywhere in Catalonia, and we can only guess at the existence of a rocky glacier in the Besiberri Massif in L’Alta Ribagorça.On the Aneto-Maladeta Massif, the thirteen glaciers catalogued in 2008 had fallen to eleven by the end of 2014, and they had all declined in thickness and area. This has led to their fragmentation, and in some areas they are now catalogued as firns or residual glaciers. If as expected this trend continues, the glaciers closest to Catalonia will continue to deteriorate and eventually disappear.Also, the report “Climate change in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation” indicates that the series of data from the network of beacons on the south side Pyrenees indicate a statistically significant decrease in snow cover in this sector from 1950 to the present (1.800m).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of Yucatan strategy to promote a sustainable fishing industry , in 2019 the governement lauched the Program for the Promotion of Fish and Aquaculture Production, which aims to modernize the fishing fleet and guarantee the fishermen's safety and care for the environment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government of Catalonia has approved the Management Plan of the River Basin District of Catalonia (PGDCFC) for the period 2016-2021, as well as the Program of Measures that accompanies it and which provides for an investment of more than 973 M €.The territorial scope of the plan approved by the Government is constituted by the internal river basins of Catalonia and by the associated subterranean and coastal waters. The district of fluvial basin of Catalonia has an extension of 16,438 km2.The hydrological planning of the river basin district of Catalonia (DCFC) is integrated by the following instruments:- The Management Plan for the River Basin District of Catalonia- The Measures Program- The control and monitoring programs- The specific plans and programsThe management plans or hydrological plans are the tool that programs the actions and the necessary measures to develop the hydrological planning objectives in the corresponding river basin districts. These plans are reviewed every six years in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Many young persons and farmers are rendered unemployed due to unreliable rainfall. Lack of weather information lead to planting in periods which cause production failure and little to no income from farming activities especially in rural areas. School Children, Women and youth are always the victims",1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The master plan contains a sectoral analysis to identify areas of opportunity, setting specific goals for mitigation and adaptation. The goal for mitigation for 2018 is a 20% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005 and for 2030 a 40% decrease of GHG emissions from the economic activity compared to 2005. While for adaptation the 2018 goal is a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 17% compared to 2005 and for 2030 a decrease of economic losses from extreme weather events by 40% compared to 2005.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","As part of the multiannual energy program, the Region aims to establish several charging points on the territory.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,this decline is due to the social movement that hit the island. There was a significant decrease in emissions,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Agricultural production may be affected, industries and companies may spend more due to water scarcity and energy expenditure for temperature adjustments in buildings. Another sector that can be affected is the energy one, since much of the state's energy is produced from sources sensitive to climate change, such as hydroelectric and biomass power plants. Because of the changes in the coastal dynamics, causing sea level rise and coastal erosion, the Port of Santos, the main Brazilian port, which can cause huge social and economic impacts, since the economic area of the port concentrates more than 50% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The energy distribution network can also be affected by the incidence of lightning and extreme events, harming businesses that are extremely dependent on the use of electricity.",0 +Please provide the details of you region's target(s).,"The state government through the Ministry of Health (SSY), implemented in 2019 actions in the field of prevention and attention to health risks, highlighting:• Implementation of the Program for sanitary regulation and surveillance of water quality, through which 52,105 free residual chlorine monitoring was carried out with 320 samples of piped water and 293 samples of water and ice for human consumption. Execution of 509 seawater samplings to determine enterococci; 540 samples of sea water to identify harmful or toxic algal blooming ""Red Tide"" and 195 samples in bodies of fresh water (cenotes) for detection of E. coli to guarantee suitable water conditions for human consumption.• Attention to vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , implementing the Program of prevention and control of vector diseases , wich incorporate vector control interventions based on knowledge of the determinants of pathogen transmission, which utilise a range of insecticide and non–insecticide-based approaches in a locally tailored manner. The Program includes informative workshops with communities (3,185 dengue prevention talks to the population); 8368 entomological studies of triatomines were carried out in localities; 8,439 fumigations to houses infested by triatomes; 60 treatments for Chagas disease were given; 45 treatments were given to leishmaniosis patients; 46,605 blood tests were carried out on the population and 365 treatments for the elimination of positive Anopheles fly hatchery.• Implementation of the Health Surveillance, Regulation and Control Program, in collaboration with the International Health Coordination in order to prevent, detect, control and follow up on diseases subject to international epidemiological surveillance. In the reporting period, 1,808 means of transportation were reviewed, between ships and international planes; 209 certificates of health of epidemiological risk were issued to undocumented insured and 229 certificates of protection against health risks and promotion of health; 2,186,966 health surveillance and control inspections were carried out on international and national travelers suspected of having any of the diseases of the International Health Regulations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Amazonas has a Regional Conservation System (OR 235-2009) that is based on a technical document prepared by the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature (APECO) that details the areas that should be part of the SICRE based on criteria such as areas with greater values of conservation and / or that constitute as a whole a representative sample of the different life zones of Amazonas. Currently there are 5 regional conservation areas that have been proposed to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas that are pending approval. The Regional Plan for Concerted Development proposes a 20% goal to increase conservation areas by 10% over the departmental area, the implementation of 5 community surveillance networks, 18 local governance networks, 17 recognized private conservation areas and the strengthening of the GRILLA system for the conservation and monitoring of regional conservation areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Beginning with a 3% reduction in 2011, the target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 3% of the baseline in each year up to 2019. This equates total reduction of 27% against the baseline by the end of 2019. The target is designed to relate to areas of devolved competence. It excludes emissions governed by the EU-Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), but includes emissions associated with Wales share of electricity consumption. It also excludes non devolved elements of public sector emissions in Wales. The baseline is an average of the relevant emissions between 2006 and 2010.A delivery plan for the Climate Change Strategy targets was produced in 2010, setting out how the 3% target would be delivered through UK and Welsh policies. NOTE: PERFORMANCE FOR THIS TARGET IS REPORTED FOR THE EMISSIONS YEAR 2016. OTHER TARGETS ARE REPORTING 2017 EMISSIONS.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The size of sinks is unverified advance information. Currently their share is seen neglible.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Recently, the state has published its Climate Change Program, which includes vulnerability studies, an update of the GHG emissions inventory, future climate scenarios, emissions projections, and a compendium of climate actions to implement mitigation and adaptation responses. The program also takes up the scenarios of the roadmap for the deep decarbonization of the state by 2050 and the green growth strategy of the state of Sonora.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Considerable activity has taken place in recent years, a Welsh Peatland Action Group has been set up by WG. This has brought all the stakeholders together. The Group has facilitated and coordinated SMS applications that have been successful in this area. WG have inputted into the UK Peatland code. Glastir scheme is an important tool for peatland / carbon delivery in Wales, outputs are closely monitored, recorded and evaluated. The NRW EU LIFE project for Welsh Raised Bogs is an important project. WG administer the Sustainable Management Schemes - SMS schemes have been approved that deliver on the Peatland / Carbon agenda. These are coordinated programmes.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Our ground breaking Active Travel Act, placing a legal duty on all local authorities in Wales to consult with local communities and develop a safe network for walking and cycling. Highway improvement schemes must now incorporate actions to enhance provision for active travel. This is further supported by numerous initiatives to break down barriers to everyday walking and cycling and increase the proportion of adults who cycle at least once a week from the current 6 per cent such as Safe Routes in Communities, the Local Transport Fund, and the Active Journeys and Eco-schools programmes.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Short target summary: To reduce all Welsh emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020. This target is set by the national government for Wales.Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, LULUCF, Agriculture, Waste.Target gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.Does target include emissions from outside your regional boundary: NoPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach target:Total emissions in Wales have declined from the baseline to 45.70 MtCO2e in 2015, representing a 19.5% reduction in total emissions over this period. The trend in relation to the 40% target therefore continues to fall short of the projected reduction required. Total emissions increased between 2011 and 2013, but subsequently decreased in both 2014 and 2015. The progress against the 40% target highlights that although some good progress is being made; further action is needed in order to deliver the target of a 40% reduction in total emissions by 2020.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,this is a step that is progressing at the level of the community,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","includes industrial emissions, both energy related and process related. Energy related emissions SME's households and services were 493,147 tonnes, but emissions as a whole, inclusive process emissions from large industries out of the regional level of decisions and emissions from animals and agricultural tilling were 2,247,186 tonnes in 2016. Almost 80 % originate from limestone & cement industries located on the island, around 12 % arise from agriculture.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Welsh Government is finalising the first Welsh National Marine Plan to establish an integrated approach to the planning and management of Welsh seas for the next 20 years, working towards our ambition for a resilient marine environment supporting blue growth and sustainable, productive and prosperous fisheries. We are also reviewing Marine Strategy Part One with other UK governments.Welsh Government is taking action to complete an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas and introducing a framework to ensure the network is managed to contribute to the protection, enhancement and resilience of the marine environment. We are also developing a comprehensive and affordable marine biodiversity monitoring programme to improve understanding of the marine environment and human influences.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,At the moment we are working on the regional inventory. It is not a priority to have na emissions inventory for the government,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,It is the feasibility study for the installation of geothermal power in Terceira Island.In São Miguel Island is already installed geothermal power,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Swedens national environmental objectives and specifically the taget ""Sustainable forests"" includes formal protection of forest areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The is a private anaerobic digestion with energy production in the Agraçor pig-farming,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Uncertainty in the Welsh GHGI is estimated to be +/-3%. This is because we have a high proportion of well documented emissions from the traded sector (EU-ETS),0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,Source current 2019 GDP - Fundação Seade. Available in: http://www.seade.gov.brThere are no reliable projections for the Region's GDP for the required years.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,The mitigation measures are established in PRAC and the programme is waiting for approval. The first GHG emissions inventory is from 2014 and in the future will have information to analyse our targets.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We are developing a greener economy which demands high levels of circularity, where resources are kept in use adding economic value and where waste is avoided, as laid out in Beyond Recycling, a strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Farming practices for climate mitigation areeligible for funding under the RuralDevelopment Plan 2014-2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Promote reducing the use of fertilizers through legislation review and implementation of awareness-raising measures,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The ISACC TorDelta project: involving society in adaptation to climate change in the Tordera Delta, is coordinated by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and has the economic support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation. The objective is to create a space for debate with experts and administrations competent for integrated Delta management that takes into account the effects of storms on the beaches of the region, constant loss of sand, delta dynamics and raise actions for the future strategic plan of the area.",0 +Please complete the table below.,The GHG inventory of Yucatán was reviewed by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change,0