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https://ia601605.us.archive.org/13/items/KarlMarxDasKapitalpdf/KAPITAL1.pdf | Das_Kapital_c1a84fba.json.gz | | 2.58 | Divina Commedia | Dante | 1321 | it | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=Divina_Commedia_d5a0fa67 | Xenova/multilingual-e5-base | True | 50 | Words | 383782 | 1179 | | | | | 5 | 6225 | | http://www.letteratura-italiana.com/pdf/divina%20commedia/08%20Inferno%20in%20versione%20italiana.pdf | Divina_Commedia_d5a0fa67.json.gz | | 11.92 | Don Quijote | Miguel de Cervantes | 1605 | es | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=Don_Quijote_14a0b44 | Xenova/multilingual-e5-base | True | 25 | Words | 1047150 | 7186 | | | | | 4 | 12005 | | https://parnaseo.uv.es/lemir/revista/revista19/textos/quijote_1.pdf | Don_Quijote_14a0b44.json.gz | | 0.06 | Hansel and Gretel | Brothers Grimm | 1812 | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=Hansel_and_Gretel_4de079eb | TaylorAI/gte-tiny | True | 100 | Chars | 5304 | 55 | | | | | 5 | 9 | | https://www.grimmstories.com/en/grimm_fairy-tales/hansel_and_gretel | Hansel_and_Gretel_4de079eb.json.gz | | 13.52 | Iliad | Homer | -750 | gr | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=Iliad_8de5d1ea | Xenova/multilingual-e5-small | True | 20 | Words | 1597139 | 11848 | | | | | 5 | 32659 | Including modern interpretation | https://www.stipsi.gr/homer/iliada.pdf | Iliad_8de5d1ea.json.gz | | 1.74 | IPCC Report 2023 | IPCC | 2023 | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=IPCC_Report_2023_2b260928 | Supabase/bge-small-en | True | 200 | Chars | 307811 | 1566 | | | | | 5 | 3230 | state of knowledge of climate change | https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6syr/pdf/IPCC_AR6_SYR_LongerReport.pdf | IPCC_Report_2023_2b260928.json.gz | | 25.56 | King James Bible | | None | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=King_James_Bible_24f6dc4c | TaylorAI/gte-tiny | True | 200 | Chars | 4556163 | 23056 | | | | | 5 | 80496 | | https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/The-Holy-Bible-King-James-Version.pdf | King_James_Bible_24f6dc4c.json.gz | | 11.45 | King James Bible | | None | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=King_James_Bible_6434a78d | TaylorAI/gte-tiny | True | 200 | Chars | 4556163 | 23056 | | | | | 2 | 80496 | | https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/The-Holy-Bible-King-James-Version.pdf | King_James_Bible_6434a78d.json.gz | | 39.32 | Les Misérables | Victor Hugo | 1862 | fr | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=Les_Misérables_2239df51 | Xenova/multilingual-e5-base | True | 25 | Words | 3236941 | 19463 | | | | | 5 | 74491 | All five acts included | https://beq.ebooksgratuits.com/vents/Hugo-miserables-1.pdf | Les_Misérables_2239df51.json.gz | | 8.67 | List of the Most Common English Words | Dolph | 2012 | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=List_of_the_Most_Common_English_Words_0d1e28dc | Xenova/bge-small-en-v1.5 | True | \n | Regex | 210518 | 25322 | | | | | 2 | 25323 | GitHub Repo | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dolph/dictionary/master/popular.txt | List_of_the_Most_Common_English_Words_0d1e28dc.json.gz | | 15.61 | List of the Most Common English Words | Dolph | 2012 | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=List_of_the_Most_Common_English_Words_70320cde | Xenova/multilingual-e5-base | True | \n | Regex | 210518 | 25322 | | | | | 2 | 25323 | GitHub Repo | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dolph/dictionary/master/popular.txt | List_of_the_Most_Common_English_Words_70320cde.json.gz | | 0.46 | REGULATION (EU) 2023/138 | European Commission | 2022 | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=REGULATION_(EU)_2023_138_c00e7ff6 | Supabase/bge-small-en | True | 25 | Words | 76809 | 424 | | | | | 5 | 1323 | | https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32023R0138&qid=1704492501351 | REGULATION_(EU)_2023_138_c00e7ff6.json.gz | | 0.07 | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations | 1948 | en | https://do-me.github.io/SemanticFinder/?hf=Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights_0a7da79a | TaylorAI/gte-tiny | True | \nArticle | Regex | 8623 | 63 | | | | | 5 | 109 | 30 articles | https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights | Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights_0a7da79a.json.gz |