[11:16] mwhudson: around? You touched popularity-contest in the standard seed; were you involved in the packaging as well? It's grown a Recommends on default-mta, so an upgrade from Focal to Jammy now pulls in Postfix, when nothing did before. [11:16] Can we just drop the recommend in Jammy perhaps? [11:17] slyon doesn't seem to be online [12:00] ^ LP: #1968874 [12:00] Launchpad bug 1968874 in popularity-contest (Ubuntu) "Upgrades from Focal to Jammy pull in Postfix" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1968874 [15:49] GunnarHj: are you familiar with setting the gnome keyboard layout? If so do you mind having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/419219 [16:03] bdmurray: I am, but not in the context of the installer, so that MP is still a bit over my head. I have spoken to bdrung about it, and to the extent I understand it I think it looks really promising. [16:03] My thought is to merge it soon after the 22.04 release to test in the daily builds, and if it proves to work, we will be able to ship it with 22.04.1. [16:05] Well, I'd lean towards being more bold. ;-) [16:06] bdmurray: I would really not want to stop you then. :) [16:08] GunnarHj: Would you mind commenting on the MP for the record? I'm not look for an approval just another view of it. [16:09] bdmurray: Ok, will do. [19:55] hggdh: fyi gmail bounced my mail to you (I happen to have just noticed there's an open RT for just such an issue); hopefully you still got the mail via lists.ubuntu.com? [20:06] For bug 1958720, I've reviewed and satisfied myself that removing the Breaks on python from python3-six and python3-yaml is what we want and won't cause any collateral damage. Could someone peer-review my logic please, before I upload? [20:06] Bug 1958720 in pyyaml (Ubuntu) "python3-yaml and python3-six are not co-installable with python-is-python2 in jammy" [High, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1958720 [20:06] I guess this needs to go in before final freeze. [20:06] See comment 12 for my logic. [20:06] utkarsh2102 or ahasenack maybe please? ^ [20:08] +1 to removing those breaks [20:08] Thanks! [20:11] Uploaded, and unping Utkarsh and Andreas [20:11] vorlon: checking [20:12] rbasak: could've looked as well [20:12] but tumbleweed got it handled! Hooray! [20:13] \o/ [20:16] vorlon: it got stuck in the list's spam control. I released it and will look at it now [20:26] vorlon: bryceh has not logged in Libera for the last 18 weeks [20:26] hggdh: are you looking for bryyce? [20:26] (although I released the email, and it made its way to the archive, I have not yet received it [20:27] rbasak: :-) indeed [20:27] bryyce and bryceh are both recognized by nickserv, but it looks like he hasn't logged in to either [20:27] bryyce: do you identify? :) [20:28] bryyce is logged in [20:28] ah [20:28] oops, not logged in, but present, sorry [20:28] right [20:28] been trying to identify likely victims to be ops for the channel, following last week's pleasantries [20:28] so, same situation as the other two: they have to identify to services first [20:29] * vorlon nods [20:29] vorlon: since we are on it, which nicks would you like to have +f (able to add/remove moderators) [20:30] hggdh: is 'moderators' different from 'ops'? [20:30] no, one and the same [20:31] rbasak: thank you,BTW [20:32] hggdh: ok uh probably myself and rbasak as the active members of the TB on that list. (could also add sil2100, I only didn't include him because he disconnects from IRC at end of work day) [20:32] vorlon, hi I'm here [20:34] I was not swift enough to snag my freenode nicks when libera started up, so someone else got bryce and bryceh :-( [20:34] oh [20:35] but I don't use irc for anything except #ubuntu-* so *shrug* [20:35] vorlon: you and rbasak have +f, which should allow you to maintain the ops list. sil2100 has been added as well [20:35] nickserv seems to think bryyce and bryceh are somehow connected? [20:35] hggdh: cheers [20:35] anything, please let us know [20:35] hggdh: thanks! [20:36] well I can check easily enough === bryyce is now known as bryceh [20:36] FWIW I don't really know how to operate IRC special powers. But I'm happy to be a keyholder in case of emergency. Just that someone else I trust would need tell me what to do. [20:36] yes, the nicks bryyce and bryceh are under the same account [20:37] rbasak: if in need, you can /join #ubuntu-irc and ask there. Or ping me (caveat: US Central business time) [20:38] ack. Thanks! [20:38] ah right, it's 'bryce' that I lost. I have 'bryceh' and 'bryyce' registered. [20:38] sorry for the confusion [20:58] bdmurray, will you review and merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/419219 before the final freeze? [21:02] bdrung: Yes, although the previous upload of ubiquity is failing to build from source... [21:04] bdmurray, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/596466829/buildlog_ubuntu-jammy-amd64.ubiquity_22.04.14_BUILDING.txt.gz is not really helpful for explaining what went wrong [21:13] bdmurray, ubiquity 22.04.14 builds fine locally [21:13] with sbuild [21:15] It built fine for me locally too but then failed in autopkgtest [21:16] rbasak: oh gosh, i thought we'd dropped it from standard [21:46] mwhudson: we had, but it's still present when upgrading [21:55] rbasak: was the upgrade done using ubuntu-release-upgrader? [21:59] I ask as popularity-contest is in the demoted file [22:32] rbasak: ah [22:33] bdrung: good job on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/419219, i spent so long failing to reproduce that one [22:49] mwhudson, thanks. [22:57] bdmurray: using do-release-upgrade, so yes I think? AIUI, do-release-upgrade does offer to remove it, but that happens at the end, after it gets upgraded first. [22:57] FTR a rebuild of the existing ubiquity in -proposed fixed it [22:58] rbasak: I guess that makes sense some amount of sense [22:58] Now it's landed let me check the actual issue is fixed