{"text":"#cerebrating father's day father's day to all men #be a good father to be remembered\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck you u a fucking whore Lil bitch I don't even like u tbh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \"the holidays are a violent time for me, and i\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve begun to question the impoance of families.\u00e2\u0080\u009d#familycircus #chri\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Give me a fricking break. They are worse than the Southern Baptist with a pagan idolatrous. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#foodforthought We have laws preventing immigrants from being a \"public charge\" and illegals from being employed but they go largely ignored. Why is that? @user @user #deportthemall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A moe shit had me dying this really be life though like fuck u bitch why you do this hoe with the drake in the background lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not out here entertaining dudes bout shit. 1. I'm pregnant with a whole ass baby. 2. What kinda dirty trick ass bitch u take me for? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user muslims are just doing what their koran says to do. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You wanted to leave me now you stuck with money hungry stuck up hoes good luck finding a faithful loving bitch like me \ud83d\ude07 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IMHO \u2014 We are witnessing the actual intent of the internet revolution: to facilitate manipulation of the masses! The onus is on the electorate to reject the technology industry\u2019s efforts to influence\/control public opinion!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes that is the problem but like you say we will get there eventually ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Illegal Immigrants: Human Beings Trump Supporters: MAGA Gullibles MS-13 Killers: Fear mongering Human beings in the womb: Not your baby\/not your business Antifa: Same as RW nut jobs Law Abiding NRA Members: Could be terrorists Bill Clinton: Your crush Kavanugh: PREDATOR","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pro Tip- Never go down on someone that has food poisoning ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love this! we have so much to be grateful for! #abundance #grateful #love #thursday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"walkies with my besties make my hea happy. \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #walk #bestfriends #dog #boyfriend #cute \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i was also clenching my jaw and further grinding the fuck out of my poor teeth, while saying pleasant things like \"die you fucking bitch, you fucking cunt monster\" as i smashed SOME of my rage out on spidey ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey all! Please join our new group! :D #Qanon #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG #KeepAmericaGreat https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/3e322190-038e-4691-8e29-4edd32d1311a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #canada: cpi is forecast to increase by 0.6% m\/m - tds #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"England are going to set-piece their way to the \u00a0Semifinals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@bobbih1975 @robren20 @kdbuck69 @PatriotWestward @Krumply4 @PrayingActress @JoeBiden Lmao \u201cdddrrrr I gots to be watching the foozz ball izz so smart\u201d\ud83e\udd74 ..not much else in your sad life huh?\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02#trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And there's more murder gun deaths in states with strictest gun control. So how ignorant does that fact make you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes! The good old days when conservatives got pushed around and bullied by democrats who never gave an inch. The good old days when all conservatives could do was feign outrage and promise to go get them the next time. Yeah, that's what we need. That's the healthy\"\" libs love!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Innocent people don\u2019t resign. We know liberals love sexual predators. That is why you are OK with Keith Ellison assulting several women with police reports to support it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No they aren\u2019t! They have all said she could speak in or out of the public & she should be heard! Stop spreading lies! Of course u liberals think u should just ruin his life with no evidence","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some hardcore truth from \/pol\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You know the university can withdraw its certificate if they feel like you are disgracing them right? So even if you have graduated you should still not disrespect the school.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"London\u2019s shelters are too maxed out to help Toronto house refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Hah! The fucking Chats!?! \u2018Onya Boys! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But, of course, we don't need a wall or ICE to enforce our immigration laws. The left\/liberals\/progressives are out of their minds--but they are loud about it and we must stand up and let our voices be heard!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You sat by to engrossed in your own ego .while women were being raped and assaulted. You are a rape ena\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Didn\u2019t know he was a muslim..makes a little more sense now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Her links to Planned Parenthood which is the reason why liberals don't want a conservative judge. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A blog reader clued me in to a chapter of Mike Vanderboegh's Absolved that I had missed, Wolverines:\u00a0 https:\/\/billstclair.com\/absolved\/absolved.html#x-w...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kanyeeeeeee is just a yard ape acting idiot!just stupid...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Idk why, but Im a lot nicer to the people I dont like that much. The people I truly love get called a skank bitch or something of that nature ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CNN really softballed this one... '4 theories on why #Hillary #Clinton isn't very popular right now' #Benghazi Victims 1)Chris Stevens 2)Sean Smith 3)Glen Doherty 4)Tyrone Woods http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2017\/12\/20\/politics\/hillary-cli... #Trump #GabFam #MAGA #FBI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i just gave Beto $100 and you all should as well. Trump called Ted's wife ugly and he is still licking his boots for help with reelection. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why can't girls just tells us how they feel? It'll save us guys so much time and effort #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Most of the cleaners in her laundry will do it, maybe she could use a heater to warm up the bath while shes in it, maybe a quick swerve over a cliff. I'm guessing she's just having an NPC tantrum though... and the really bad part hasn't even started for her yet...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" sex blonde youtube porn hd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like that ugly ass bitch earlier who said I don't blend my makeup \ud83d\ude02 that wasn't tea. That was a cunt making an inaccurate statement. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \"Stop Name Calling\" Grow a pair of balls or dont say anything stupid if you know the truth how come you havent released a statement of evidence at all instead of being a arrogant pest. Remember you believe women cant rape men also meaning you think they cant rape women either. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl #BuildTheWall @user = #DeathPenalty#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #ProtectChildrenStop this depraved Illegal Alien Child Rape Culture Now! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m trying to understand what you\u2019re saying.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't gain the world and lose your soul.. wisdom is better than silver and gold!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user please don't kill me. antifa on the other hand... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch stop lying and accept it,you're a whore and why don't you move out of the house,what,you can't pay rent ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jews are the chosen people of satan, and yes they are superior in every way you listed. however, anything \"good superior\" that is associated with them as a group is complete and total jew bullshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Think they're trying to be funny or it's a dog whistle to prohibitionists. Either way it's a total fucking disgrace and belittles cannabis use. Wankers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DonaldJTrumpJr He\u2019s like Drew Barrymore in \u201c50 First Dates\u201d with a memory of a goldfish- Joe needs to be re-introduced to Kamala Harris every day -just to wake up the next morning with no memory of who she is or the correct pronunciation of her name.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6\/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist.\"\" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying,\u00a0yet again, that \u201cLAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER.\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user just another day in america... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Was Palestine EVER a sovereign nation? #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because you could not even begin to respond since you can\u2019t speak in full sentences and your words are so limited","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the odds of dying from extremist violence are roughly one in 400,000. #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That\u2019s your answer \u201cshut the fuck up\u201d. You should join ANTIFA with all the other loudmouth punks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Japanese-Americans\",\u00a0\"Japanese-Brazilians\", and \"Japanese-Canadians\" AREN'T JAPANESE AT ALL!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Good luck with that! I dont follow along with fascists like the #resist movement and their apple and google overlords. I know what happened in ww2 and its the rhetoric they use that put us there. I dont need a GOD\" to see the hate spewed from #Antifa and how that is wrong.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lost in the echo linkin park\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great article by @user \u201cMigrants are our sole currency: only when we find a new one we will stop transporting them.\u201d via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hopefully my child will look at me the way seth does\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #seth #baby #cute #smile \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rainforest all day then catching the sunset on the beach at night = perfect! unforgettable day! #life #energy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Worst takes ever.....a blatantly racist cartoon and your attempt at a defense.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A Democrat tried to stab a Republican congressman-a Democrat shot congressman Scalise and tried to kill everybody around him-Democrats are beating up Republicans and denying them the right to speak-we know who the Democrats are and they are not Americans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user China is Communist; all Chinese restaurants have to close now because I'm not comfortable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trolling to steal money from liberals again?Are you paying attention to the hearings?Please support the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the Untied States of America.#MAGA#USA1st#BuildThatWall#NoAmnesty#NoDACA#DumpTheUN#ScrewTheEU#KingTRUMP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i'm guessing a shiless man doesn't objectify himself by being shiless, but a shiless woman is? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your omtting the Christian reformation, now go over to twitter and say the same about Islam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pretty disappointed w\/ the #nickjonas new #album. i had his last cd on repeat x10. just not getting the #replay #music #vibe here ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Transurban privatises the gains from mass immigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate bitches that are always mad at the world for no reason like bitch stfu and be happy hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I have adopted a pet from you about 5 yrs ago. She is still with me and her daughter is still with my friends. Her name was Nina but I changed it to Onna. A truly amazing little girl guite the grandmother attitude. I love her so much. I believe she saved me. : ) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MegynKelly is skank. Whore paid $$ for what? Only thing left to watch on .@nbc anymore is SNL. More truth to them t\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Killstream: Mike Enoch & McNabb Live, Eric Clanton Probation Disgrace, + Terror Camp Discovered https:\/\/youtu.be\/o6ut9KSHNpU LIVE TONIGHT at 11PM EST","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Because 45% of Americans are too lazy to vote. Non-voters skew liberal. And too many liberals who do vote throw their vote away on 3rd party losers. Next question?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you feel like we have to talk everyday for us to be friends then bitch bye \u270c\ud83c\udffd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope he tackles your bitch ass so deep into donnies pussy, so you can live happily ever after. suck a cock, nut cracker. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The biggest difference to me between the Conservative\u2019s overall agenda and the Liberal\u2019s: What Cons do makes me feel scared and depressed about others and the future. What Liberals do makes me feel happy and confident we\u2019re on the right track. Neither is perfect but one is best.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Build a wall. Give illegal immigrants a year to come forward and give them a pathway to citizenship. After a year, if they haven\u2019t come forward, they will be deported. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you wonder what skank beat is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a n g r y \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4 #msqrd #beard #bearded #bear #black #white #shoulders #man #guy #boy #brown @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yummy yummy yummy #macarones #cookies #macarons #chocolate #diadelpadre #yummy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finding dory \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Antifa needs a good ole boy ass beating...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well come on over!! lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a total phony.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They just need to go away. No one wants to see them in the media advocating for gun control. It's unseemly. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i love you honey i hope you are okay take your time and take care of yourself \ud83d\udc95 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Relegion of open and 'lawful' child sexual abuse. Ask a liberal their view on this and see how they squirm. Either they defend Islam or they support child abuse. http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/jerusalem\/2018\/01\/05\/outr...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Beto also wants open borders so illegals can come an go as they please an also more gun control espically on semiautomatic weapons...#BetoNotForTexas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hope the tiny anti American fraction of the USA can support those nfl contracts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lets just come right out and say it if you arent a Democrat then you are a racist NAZI that doesnt have a right to free speech, an opinion, or the space with which to express yourself. It is wjat it is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judicial Watch Sues for Records of FBI 302 Interviews with Demoted Justice Department Official Bruce Ohr\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just sky series link for your, no doubt, amazing second series of sensitive skin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #bihday #george #thisisgeorge #the #foueenth of #june #boy. #when i #count god's\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That Titans trailer looked like shit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This lady looks leftminded, I think shes ignored that its not possible to take refugees from all over the world. The stop of any immigration into the USA must be the first target of a honest goverment. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Culture vs Race in America race trumps culture. Hence President Obama and Tiger are black because of how they appear. Osaka cultural identifies as Japanese therefore she is Japanese. If she stay in America she\u2019ll become black-Japanese because in America we identify people be race ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER please get OFF first take! You yell wayy too much and you seem like you are being a asshole. When you are on set I litterly can't hear anything but screaming. Its obvious @USER dont like you and @USER and @USER was like dude stfu!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And calling someone a stupid lying cunt or a hatful bitch isn't bullying Hun I'm real ya see that's t\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you for your added prayes. Always appreciated. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(A little older news for those that missed it) - Evergreen didn't learn. Day of Absence continues. #Education #SJW #HomeSchool #Tradcons #Women #Men - https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=PhRd5x41q8I","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Word cause her music SLAPS THERE'S NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn't but she DESERVES)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"axed from #cbc2017 after comments .....celebrity?? who is she?\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user back to open , #misogyny, #bigotry, #childlabor ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DIRECTV why are you showing Yankees game in arizona when you promo Washington huskies game? I bet @dish would want my business","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Paid protesters. #VoteDemsOut #Kavanaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Give those three fucks the draft.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That's a lie...your antifa lefties are nothing but violent. This teacher spent a lot of time planning this attack on an honorable man with zero evidence. No reason at all to hold up kavanaugh! Another crazy liberal hit job!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey sis girls weekend hope your not in the #porsche ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Thats silly when the 90s cartoons made him popular as fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yay am officially on leave now for 2weeks :) roll on @user #cantwait #funstastue #packingday2mro","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico - #Deport all illegals and their families - #NoDACA #NoAmnesty - #ProudAmerica #AmericaFirst #VoteRed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Quick Preview Summary: Blame Democrats Blame Obama Blame gun control Blame blacks (passively) Blame Democrats ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER From some resist dork that probably refers to the POTUS as frump or drump or tfrump? I will refer to her however I please. Frankly she is Ms. Psychotic Leftist Activist Lunatic Dr. Ford. Better now?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A revolution? Nah kiddo you're going to get chewed up by the generation before you who fought around the world and held it together.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are the most wonderful of Fremino","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're chillin and the Taco Bell hits you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"was it a secret its plain 2cthey whore out the women & men use2gain what they want bid them to filth Evil they w\/o\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Empty headed Ginger Hammer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shame on them willing to ruin good man over a 36-year-old groping accusation she can't prove. They're rabid liberals who don't want a Supreme Court justice who will follow the Constitution. It's all about politics. Shame.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WOW! Look at the turnout for a bleeding heart protest in Rockland, Maine against a training session led by a state legislator known for his anti-Muslim migration views via @user Useful fool update... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE SINISTER CABAL BEHIND RACE-MIXING COMMERCIALS Four Jewish owned mega corporations control the vast majority of all advertising agencies. The Omnicom Group of New York WPP of London Publicis of Paris and Interpublic of New York https:\/\/europeansworldwide.wordpress.com\/2018\/06\/27\/the-sinister-cabal-behind-race-mixing-commercials\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user gun control! That is all these kids are asking for! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BAN MONSANTO\u00a0 THEY ARE THE PROBLEM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"miley cyrus\u00e2\u0080\u0099 new #ebay #scifi #ufohaslanded #ufos #aliens #western #shooter #cowboy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gervais SLAMS religious slaughter \u201cI couldn\u2019t give a F*CK what your \u2018God\u2019 says\u201d \u201cThere is no excuse for animal cruelty. I didn\u2019t care if it\u2019s your \u2018culture\u2019. I don\u2019t care if it\u2019s \u2018tradition' https:\/\/unitynewsnetwork.co.uk\/gervais-slams-relig... #BritFam","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it is truly sad. a who lot of working class men resent being offered help by a woman. evolution still has a lot of\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hold the damn vote. Iowa voter chiming I\u2019m here. Wuit@USER the damn Liberals game and stand up to this crap. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"happy people schedule regular exercise and follow through on it because they know it pays huge dividends for their mood.\" #selfcare ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FukTylar: \"Heard you was talkin trash like I wouldn't find out\" http:\/\/t.co\/8LpcnHM9XB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Men ( not all men ) should realize that women are on their job to work and not be taken for some s. e. x. Toy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not calling you names either. You're a bitch. Biologically you have more estrogen than me, and are stupider than me, and have a vagina. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ruth Davidson more interested in her lovers immigration right that doing anything useful for the poor of Scotland except suggestive photo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"McCain joins Democrats in supporting tariffs on American products but none on foreign imports. They rabidly support gutting America's manufacturing base & turning small town America into nothing but ghost towns. These treasonous weasels hate America. They want us weak & easy to defeat. How do they get a SINGLE vote in America anymore? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The McCloskey case is a loser just like Gardner's racism case and just like you @tonymess [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #Parsons2020[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/lxDG4Fm4Zd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Like if alt right dudes were born in Berkeley they'd be antifa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always be #footfault ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fake polls. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user gorebihday to the italian godfather of gore #lucio fulci.a trailblazer director.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user \ud83d\udc4fWELL\ud83d\udc4fSAID\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4fShe gets more negative feedback than anyone ever!! Because she is always defending her BAD BEHAVIOR! Way to show her little girl how to act!\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You ain\u2019t doin your part then \ud83d\ude02 check them pussies. I\u2019m from the hood and I still don\u2019t say the N word cause I\u2019m a little more educated I got other ways to describe my brother or friends. I feel the same way as you though too many people going left unchecked.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I couldn't agree more. I've stopped responding to any attacks from people on our side. The mightiest system ever devised is against us, we can't fight amongst ourselves.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Everything else was ten years ago. \"\" YOU ARE A LIAR, this is total BS propaganda from team Trump his crimes were throughout the past decade, including up to 2016\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user do a little dance, the weekend is almost here!!! happy thursday! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #thursday #weekend #dance #smile #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my fathers day.. gifts,game,work #fathersday #dad #love #family #daddy fathersday \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this data that i gotta finish before 12 midnight got me downloading aquarium screen savers as i save up for one. #ilovefishies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Who\u2019s paying your salary? The Italians who live here? Or the people getting off boats tomorrow morning?' \u2014Matteo Salvini scolds Khalid Chaouki in a heated debate. https:\/\/youtu.be\/F1N5QLmzCQA #Mastrangelo #Salvini #Italy #gimmegrants #","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Just keep putting your violent liberal ANTIFA with their KKK hoods beating up strangers they know nothing about out on the streets for voters to see. That will do it. Voters love violence & lunatic liberals out of their minds. TAKE TO THE STREETS VIOLENT LIBERALS! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"matt and melissa. shocked and horrified to learn of your loss. so so so sad. our thoughts and prayers are with you. #ihavenowords","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Commies is so 60's dood, your gonna need to catch up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user oh, yes..it's all so #heawarming \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0098 #cloneclub ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a surprise delivery this morning...a gorgeous thank you gift from a lovely client! #eventprofs #hiredancers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Stfu you pussy. Clearly the white guy was the fucking aggressor and laid hands on him first. Typical response from your kind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#osho #quotes via @user Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints. It is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#tgif #timetogettowork #boringdrive #mymood #bunday#free\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"29. @USER Listened To The Liberals; Democrats And Their Bed-Buddies In the MSM DEMAND Transparency\" From the @USER Well, Your About To Get A YUGE Scoop Of \"Transparency\" From him. Like I Said In the Start of This Thread: Be Careful What You Wish For. ~End. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are still on that Trump train to nowhere!\ud83d\udc4e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Talk about falling up. He is good money for a year until Belichick goes and gets one of his crafty white receivers out of the lab.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would watch this before they ban it from YouTube. The way they have been taking down the truth so many good video's and channels are gone. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=S2KlcBo5gnk&feature=share","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WHAT YOU SAY BITCH NIGGA HOE? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i can't get angry and hence i suffer.. as i allow people to take me for granted.. #suffer #choice #needtobetough #life","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Liberals took over @user \ud83d\ude41 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER IM SAVING THIS GOOD SHITTTT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #cover #reveal! swiftly sharpens the fang , #radicalisation & #revenge @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user today is a new day days #goodmood #sohappy #feelgood #bestday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0096 reading list for the new year: #afrofuturism #anarchism #capitalism #colonialism #magicrealism \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0096","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It will be such a shame to see @user qualifying for any tournament (including WC) with the help of immigrants. I can't even imagine 11 Africans\/Whites representing India and me cheering them on. Both @user brother plays for Guinea national team. Plain crazy! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user While ruling a quarter of the Earth the British still lived on an Island the size of Michigan? The primary migration out of the UK was what created the USA\/Canada\/Australia\/NewZealand as known today? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you so very much TDeane and a good morning to you. Some certainly pull on our heartstrings more than others. Hope you have a blessed Thursday!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Does anyone care what that dirtbag says??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What a Asshole..Trump you lieing \"Bitch.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Where is your outcry for the millions of women & children held in Turkey's rapefugee camps? or the 100s of children being sex-trafficked here in the US by these illegal aliens? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user sadly, with gun laws in the constitution i doubt anything ever will! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Rosier has played like straight fucking garbage i mean he was tolerable at most during the undefeated run last year but ever since Pitt he\u2019s shown how much of a scrub he is and Richt is scared to death to start Perry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You a Bitch an a whore you make us look stupid bitc... \u2014 well u look stupid rn lmaodjdh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Im going to tell you one more time to fuck off before I block and report your ass. Whos your current president?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SARA2001NOOR @ATX_STRONG1 @Scott_5D @LanceUSA70 @rajkopz @lmakowski3 @garym27 @KenobiCheated @phinandme @Wikweko @oregon_resister @LisaRacer2 @sergeivote @KLGLASS2 @SKVL75 @StevenErick1976 @zimraniaxy @eve_gaige @ifudontlike2bad @msvespa @FlushthtrdNov3d @ReesusP @SDDNP Keep up the good work Senator, Kamala Harris! The Joe Biden\/Kamala Harris Ticket is doing it! Stick with Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and the Democrats will blow Trump and his crime syndicate out of the water! God Bless America!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"staed the day by throwing a pint of juice over myself friyay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your a hoe looking to taken care of...nobody wants to deal with a lazy bitch...male or female! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"US will open embassy in Jerusalem earlier than expected http:\/\/nyp.st\/2FrZANl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Serena is a bully. She threatened to shove a ball down the throat of a line judge in the 09 US Open. She was 2 points away from losing in the semifinals when she dbl faulted. She went ballistic and was penalized a point. She lost the match due to her threats. She's a bully\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"real love stas from thy self. remember that. #love #instagood #summer #fun #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you can tell a lot about an organization by the type of people they promote. #leadership leadershipfreak #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Making fun of the GOP for being hypocrites on all lives matter but not immigrant lives. Than turning around and being a hypocrite on racist and offensive tweets>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ted Cruz gets MORE votes in the Texas Primary than ALL Democrats COMBINED, why \"Hit the Panic Button\"? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cute little fam\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #myhea #furbabies #family #kelpie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Only conjecture but with so high undecided it could be some fear the militant parts of the left like ANTIFA who promise to punish those who do not vote in the approved manner. There was s report that voter rolls were being reviewed for GOP to be visited \"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"black dad puts baby mama on blast after he takes their biracial daughter to get braids ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is friend with an African? I bet she was and is still pro-rapefugee. Otherwise you aren't standing there with an African beside you. Sorry, but you wanted this. You are now afraid. I don't care for traitors like you, who did nothing whe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"omg tears #presumptivenominee @user #weareequal #womendeliver #hillarysoqualified \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f2\u008f\u00ae\u00b9\u00f1\u0089\u00ae\u00b9\u00f1\u0089\u00a0\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af \u00f3\u00be\u0093\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Kwasia does ur Shatta Wale even have a career to start with . Idiot..his reign album hype seff Dey zero . As if he is not about to release an album \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f hype no yh vim zero","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER \u201cWe will never give up, we will never give in, we will never, ever back down and we will never, ever surrender because we are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. President Donald J. Trump ! #MAGA #VoteRepublican2018 #VoteRed2018 #AmericaFirst #KeepAmericaGreat!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ibiza #beach #love #sand #relax #vacation #travel #me @ hard rock hotel ibiza ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jeffgill24 hey #teabagger Bohner said he got \"98% of what he wanted\" in sequester. You sound like a moron when everyone knows you are LYING","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you're with your best friend #bestfriend #crazy #love #fun #boyfriend #sunday #weekend #driving ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I wonder if antifa will be rioting in the streets after they find out how corrupt the government is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Also, for the record, I'm quite chivalrous towards white women but that Antifa bitch would have been my next target! They want equal rights? Well, here ya go!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You should do it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats only care about this crap when it furthers their mission: To destroy conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lmao RT @MoeMartin44 The in soles in Reebok Classics can't even handle the diabetic weight Rick Ross holds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm astounded that conservatives hold her up as some kind of intellectual. What a failure. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The great American Tradition of blacks burning down and destroying our cities in \"celebration\" of a meaningless sports victory.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The faggot Lindsy Graham \"You were supposedly a Bill Cosby in High School\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OUCH.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've been here since the beginning, helping you beta-test GabTV and cheering you on when you promoted Gab in the media.\u00a0 It won't be quite the same without you.\u00a0 Good luck!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Which are the VISA OVERSTAYERS???#DeportThemAll Dumb Ass Bitch declaring they believe in GOD & won't have any part of any misgivings about Muslims! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Absolutely and nothing ever came of it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"First u need to teach the children to be receptive to the change, then use them.\u00a0 It's much easier to direct them.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/gbp recovers from \u00e2\u0080\u0098brexit\u00e2\u0080\u0099 poll led fall, still below 0.7800 #blog #silver #gold #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking hell. This goes deep. So it's interconnected with Cantwell (and probably more). Yeah, I'll look when I can... But it will be a while.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i can't wait to see what happens.... #yr #countdown ---- #repost @user with\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hatespeech laws could end up being just what we need to push average White folks into direct action.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when the balkans are commenting on your propensity for self destruction... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in the works: a new hymn for satb and piano, words by james montgomery, para. of psalm 72! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Shut up, I heard you were a skank and totally let David M go all the way! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another nail in the coffin of the NFL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Open Access Is the Law in California https:\/\/www.eff.org\/deeplinks\/2018\/10\/open-access-law-california","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New video game cover: Zelda: Link to the Past - Forest of Mystery (Flamenco\/Rock Cover) #music #videogames https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hbDf1UUC9js","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Dswizzle3 @Dswizzle boy u look like big bird off of sesame street","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shut up man You are useless ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Given the different birth rates based on education levels: Any women who has the brains and talent to be a good scientist or doctor is too valuable as a mother to be wasted on science or medicine. #Femininity #Mothers #FamilyValues #TraditionalValues #RandomThoughts #PoliticallyIncorrect","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user azealia #banks,jimmy mcmillan,james david manning... #usa #clinton #trump o ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damning UN report reveals state of global refugee crisis in 2017 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Little boy lover? Like, the 'pool boy' young men? Or real little boys! JFC! These people are the stuff of nightmares!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you would struggle to find two nicer people than these two, congratulations from everybody at mtfc! - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cEvery nation, tribe, and tongue\u201d still applies when they\u2019re on your doorstep instead of you being on theirs. So many have refused to \u201cGo\u201d that God started to bring them to us. An anti-immigrant attitude and mindset is anti-God and His will, period. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And they say Russia is the hackers.. Hmmm... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when quay collab with @user says sold out!!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 #noooo #whyyyy #loveyoudesi # ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#GoodRead: A Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws. With the wrong political actors in power, yesterday's 'common-sense' gun control could be tomorrow's vehicle for gun confiscation.\"\" If we lose #2A, we surrender our freedom\u2014period. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alex Jones\u00a0 \u00a0 Dr. Corsi\u00a0 \u00a0 The National Press Club\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0O1CzBogcZo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EXCUSE ME? \ud83e\udd14 DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I SAID ABOUT WHY I WAS DISGUSTED WITH ROSEANNE FOR KISSING GEORGE SOROS'S ASS? \ud83e\udd14 I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT COMMIE YOU IDIOT!!!!! \ud83d\ude10 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Grab em by the pussy!!! What's the problem? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Forget Michael he is a coward. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"workshop in full swing!!@user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user you can do 99 good things for some people, but all they remember the one bad thing unintentionally happened by you. #wor\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#guncontrol Gun Control Chalenge If you truly belive in gun control I chalenge you to learn and understand what gun control is Take a conceal carry course then spend enough time On a certified gun range To familerize yourself with firearms and learn what gun control truly is..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'As a woman I am absolutely appalled about the way things have become beyond hysterical. Men are now\u2026' \u2014 Gumblina1 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user happy birthday u bad bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love u lots\ud83c\udf3b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These niggas fuck 12 bitches, but call you a whore for liking another niggas post ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On my list to add to Social Media MEGAposter are #Instagram and #BitTube @BitTubeApp ...Stay tuned!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER American liberals will eat their own young to maintain power. Everyone is a racist a rapist a fascist keep everyone addicted to social programs don\u2019t teach them to fend keep them addicted to government don\u2019t let them think for themselves dems will keep black n Hispanics chained","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user By wagging her finger at authority figures? Hmmm. ..no. Serena is the definition of a bully. Her frequent on court tantrums are why she is being screened for steroid use more than other players. She appears to have roid-rage. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's the drugs pouring across our southern border that is killing our children and young people.#BuildThatWall @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user much as it pains them, trump really is the perfect embodiment of the current republican pay. they need to de\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"like a kid with a ballon, i just like holding and looking at it #yeezy #yeezyboost #glow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ANTIFA? As in anti fascism? Damn who wouldn't want that in America? Maybe our ancestors who fought the nazis in ww2? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mmpadellan @JoeBiden needs to remind @realDonaldTrump that he tried to strong arm a foreign government to dig up dirt on him because he feared a #Biden2020 candidacy!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"since you won't be in antalya around july 14th what's the point of going then? \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094\u00e2\u0098\u00b9 @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How many car windows did you smash today while wearing a pussy hat? You anti-American antifa fucktards are a pathetic waste of life. We will slap you down at the ballot box once again. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Little ass boy\ud83d\udc12","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @kristinhersh: my son, Wyatt: \"do rednecks have mullets to keep from getting red necks?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" names for women fucking hard teen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or maybe it's all a spin, designed to endear folk to a brown invader? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dawn's crafting: it's caturday! #handmade #cats ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Doug Martin trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Dregs of Society\"\" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I apologize if you inferred I was calling you Antifa. I was qualifying one of my many reasons for owning an arsenal. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"!@elenakoshkaxoxo will do anything to be a member of your guild, you can use her up, she loves to choke on cocks and her pussy stays wet all day! Your mission is to prove that you are a sword slinger ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If history is indication of what happens when they bust up this bunch. They will get richer but government will retain it's control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user middle class voted & continue to support our @user that u demoralize daily bcuz we do not like direction our country has been heading. It continues when u take a BLIND EYE to hate & violence spewed from ANTIFA & illegals who disregard our laws. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Interview: \"Helium Rain\" developer. A take: \"Pleasantly surprised by the Linux sales! We knew Linux gamers were supportive of games made available to them, we didn't think we would sell many Linux copies. But we actually sold 11% of all copies on Linux\". http:\/\/bit.ly\/2ELKQrM ____ #Linux #gaming","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Ancient Aryns wrote about these people in the Rig Veda. These are Dravidians. Aryans conquered them. They still have a caste system to this day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch shut the fuck up ... ur fuckin nawaz whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Do you have any film of antifa?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Free speech is alive but not so well since all social media platforms are run with a strict dictatorship of opinions by libtards. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER all these accusations were to just write a book . There was never an affair If it were true why would we trust u . You took the money and still told about it. Why do people call you by your prostitute name . Maga 45 .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What Bhagwat tells shakha minions and what he says to rest of the world are two different things. Sanghi goons will keep on raping and killing but the stupid liberals will think sanghis are ' not that bad'. Don't get taken in by his lies else next 5 years India will disappear.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Got to be about the dumbest thing ever.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am always interested to hear scientists whenever they enter the realm of philosophy. Here's the brilliant physicist Richard Feynman explaining the difficulty of 'why' questions: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fZjNJy9RJks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's an awesome programme on Ch5 right now about Les Dawson. What a funny guy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Criminal schmuck. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Crazy thing is people naming Big and PAC as greats but forgetting the true underground rap legends like L. I still play his shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Krav Maga Defcon Wuppertal @ Body Masters ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Putting a caravan over the locals affected..... \ud83c\udf7f\ud83c\udf7f\ud83c\udf7f That JUST did ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Correction - HUGH if true. #makemeasandwich ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Enimen, you are a disgrace to America! Go crawl back into your hole..... I Would NEVER Let my grand children listen to your NON Music,1 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts- FUCK liberals. Forever. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i don't do this shit because i got to, i do it because i want to... because i love it! i'll never need permission to do what makes me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know the art of cussing like I know the art of Europe.I just don't feel the need to be a subversive, pretentious faggot.It's probably because I'm a 'punk'... you know us young whipper-snappers, we just can't help it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JGaffneyUSN @LW34416489 I can\u2019t wait to not hear about this grifting con man every damn day #SoTiredOfTrump[NEWLINE]#AmericasGreatestMistake #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/WC2FR5XOsH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER om ah BITCH lol i love you domo \ud83d\udc96","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #laughter indeed matters. let's all take time to laugh once in a while. #quote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RUMORS OF WAR: Britain stages biggest war games for 17 years with 5,500 troops while rehearsing cyber strike to black out Moscow.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a dad is a person who is loving and kind, thank you dad for being such kind #fathersday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user bitches really be whores ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stands up for Real Canadians while Comrade @user allows MILLIONS of illegals stream across our undefended border! #cdnpoli #cpc #lpc #NoMoreRefugees #Refugees #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #ucp #pcpo #FordNation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just had to listen to my boss talk some hippie dippe bullshit about how thanksgiving is about 'stealing the land'...I mean hes a nice guy overall but ffs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Think anyone who gets turned down for a date and calls her a bitch or slut. Usually a phase that can be\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And they should face consequences. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 yeah. Peaceful because the right ..Well..know they're right. No counter protests. Unlike fascist Antifa. As for 7k .. who counted? Dianne Abbott???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are such a fucking pu$$y little chinless Donny. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are so dope man","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Many people refuse to sign up for a 401k, thereby leaving free money on the table. They say they can't afford it yet they have a $700 phone in their hand.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i just hope its ab how dumb he is and that shane isnt all AwWW leTs fOrGive hIm bc if he does that im unstanning","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is a wonder dog he could have a couple doggie girlfriends ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER No time for political correctness. It is a Lie. Everyone knows this. Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing. Take the vote.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not seeing a problem here, so yea..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Not smearing Canadian Conservatives. Reread my first tweet and tell me again that I\u2019m wrong.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, and the stupid liberal bitches who wept and fainted at Obama's speeches...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"try not to laugh-funny fails compilation #fun #laugh #enteainment #funny ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fists fly, and so does a megaphone, as rapefugee crisis inflames local politics in Dhimmi Toronto area ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Muslim refugees should go to Muslim countries if they want to keep their Sharia culture - Sharia has no place in the Western world - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes living in this country right now feels like some kind of a fever dream. Even with background context (and without doom-y music) this story is still harrowing beyond belief. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lots of news breaking in the next few days; will any of the criminal acts of our 'Insect Overlords' be resolved?I'm saying no.They will retire rich beyond our imagination with not a care in the world, secure in their belief that 'they' know what's best for 'you'.Feels good, right?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finally made it to new blades! lets hope all the models are ok! #modelmaking #aub #nervous #newbladesshow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a bloody demon you don\u2019t need to summons one ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so happy and feeling so blessed :) #jetblue #sanjuan #condado #pueorico #vacation\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user content: #abuse, #pedophilia, #stalking, #harassment, #gaslighting, #ableism, , #threats, #suicide, #nsfw, #self harm\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think Judge Kavanaugh will be voted through next week after Mondays hearing unfortunately for him his reputation has tarnished by these vicious lies MAGA WWGIWGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the website appears to be down @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes you are","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mark Judge doesn't want to lie for KAVANAUGH. #MAGA @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user NRA tweet was a fraud: more than half of Americans say gunrights are the most important issue.\"\" Falsehood. The 53% was \"\"gun rights\/gun control\"\", and CA question indicates biase towards control. Deliberate knowing propaganda. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user our #oculusrift arrived this morning. we're up & running, creating #vr experiences for our clients ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good ... Roundup needs global dumping ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US VP arrives in Ecuador, meets Venezuelan migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user jb it's a smokin hottt pic! just the thing needed to rope your herd in! beliebers day!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user don't forget, @user - research shows that sexist men have psychological problems. #tuckercarlson ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Very excited that @user is sponsoring BITCH! @user @user #womendirect #ALOT! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ive judged that the old woman is an anti semite and Joan Ryan is right. You are playing semamtics. Youre a disgrace.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Miserable loves company \ud83e\udd17, that's why a bitch can't get an argument from me , argue with yourself hoe cause I like to fight \ud83d\ude05 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What a stupid cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If you want to #MAGA: 1. Stop Intellectual Property theft by China. 2. Pivot away from China and give business to other Asia countries. 3. Ask US business to move to other countries 4. Tax reciprocally 5. Make Xi look weak! Demolish South China Sea. Xi is a crook! @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"highlight of the day was my boss yelling \"shame on you\" to a client cos the client told her 8yr old girl to steal 1 of our umbrellas. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Riiiiiiiiiiiight . Him and McConnel and Ryan ... True patrotic Mericans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cameron we need a break from u forget benefits we do not want mass immigration. stop immigration and get out of Europe no probs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And honestly it\u2019s ridiculous.. you are grocery shopping there is no need to be like That","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"big shout out to @user who replaced my hard used jacket under warranty. looking forward to breaking it in on the wet coast! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"honey, i got nothing to lose.. <3 #love #sunset #spring #skyline #beautifulday #befree ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I didn't see the referred to TV segment, and I don't support the response, but It is very easy to see how you, as a race baiter, can bring out the emotions you are trying to elicit. It is unfortunate that UR willing to sacrifice Black people to make you such a big man\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln Why did it go somewhere?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we are ready! are you? our livestream stas in 45 minutes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People don't talk about this\u2014the history books certainly don't\u2014but it's true, Nazi chocolatiers have a lot to answer for, despite the whitewashing given to the $wi$$ von Trapps. The Nuremberg Trials steered clear of any discussion of mass confectionery, and is that a surprise? Now you know what those ovens were for and why so many teeth went missing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just accepted a job offer for a new position at work! #change","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hondsbrutale asielkolonist: Oostenrijkers moeten leren integreren door migranten in huis te nemen en ze geld te geven via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cleaned up my notifications. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien With History Of Child Sexual Assault Has Raped Another Child @user @user NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!#BuildTheWall #NoAmnestyEver #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe In other words, DO YOUR JOB! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They should. Hopefully voters will realise that they could have ended this shitshow well before the midterms. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Like are you really that insecure and worried that you\u2019ll be seen as a bad guy that you have to say \u201cnot all men\u201d ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.macthunderboltdrives.com\/about\/about.html - Learn more about Apple compatible ThunderBolt computer peripherals for first, second and third","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s either they lookin for shit for somebody else or they creeps \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Whoever put this together thank you !!!! I loved watching and the little circle on 18 made it so much better. You are really awesome Jude Thaddeus Wolfe! So fun to watch. Proud of you Boochi! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83c\udfc6 Precious Metals: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thats is not what i was saying.. read my other tweet to you. I never said that.. you sir are putting words in my mouth! liberals really are just assholes.. cant have a civil discussion! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER should not be allowed to host @user if he's going to let Republicans go on and say any ole thing without mediation\/fact checks. He is a waste of breath. stick to counting votes @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Civic conservatism has not delivered anything but failure since its inception with Neo Conservatism. Allen West is neither here nor there. Surely he is a great guy but so what?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you like music? \u00a0Check this out. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All the men who catcall on the street I wish I could personally shove back up their moms whore cunt :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For those who have not lived as long as I have.....During Viet Nam there was so much road kill it tore our country apart.....then the calm after a lot of deaths in the street.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yo he is gorgeous \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From our client Army veteran Miguel Perez, to Olivia Segura's family (https:\/\/t.co\/UrBsY84zpf) to Alejandra's family this administration has demonstrated its absolute disdain for veterans and their families. #MiguelBelongsHere #SupportVeterans #ALLVeterans #KeepFamiliesTogether ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user should fire @user NOW for calling @user a whore! He can't stand strong black women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If immigration will not stopped in Europe, the refugees will destroy the welfare. This means streetfights and dead on European streets. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"You look at what is happening in Europe and other places, we can\u2019t allow it to happen to the United States. Not on my watch.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you're the little bitch Wolfie - which dogie are you the one on the left or the one on the right?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 5) ac is broke and it's 80 degrees in my house ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch....how the fuck. Siri you a dumb ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Morning Jo(k)e crew at MSNBC upset they're losing the narrative as most Americans express belief in Deep State's existence. More people are 'woke' than I thought. Imagine that.\u00a0https:\/\/conservativetribune.com\/morning-joe-panic-deep-state\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals are using a sexual assault claim as a political tool. Let that sink in. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user actually a good song. but now i feel the need to listen to pharrell! : ) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user Sometimes I want a girlfriend, but then I quickly remember how i hate women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user 24 june on @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck yeah kunt! Love you my dawg! \ud83d\ude08 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Those bitches need throat punched.........HARD!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes bitch lets go ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#udtapunjab wants #aap to accept its role in making this film. now if you want to show underbelly you need to be from political pay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER NRA tweet was a fraud: more than half of Americans say gunrights are the most important issue.\" Falsehood. The 53% was \"gun rights\/gun control\", and CA question indicates biase towards control. Deliberate knowing propaganda. URL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Russia confirms Syrian refugee proposal sent to United States @user me tinks Mother Russia aka Putin tryeth too much too late ...... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Bangladesh releases first list of #Rohingya #refugees for repatriation to their strife-torn home in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey Antifa, Happy Fourth of July!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'alt-right' site plans a 'fake black person' twitter campaign #socialmedia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"these clev fans think they are winnin on their own? if this wasn't staged, lebron wouldn't have double digit points #mrchoke #nbafinals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kind of funny how that works.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bill Burr on white women\u2014plus 53% of y\u2019all voted for Trump. https:\/\/t.co\/DM7YfPwpoc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When dudes act like a chick they truly are a little bitch #hehoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@GrandTorino\u200d @FirefighterEMT\u200d @indy_wars\u200d @PatriotsSoapbox\u200d @feistycat\u200d @PamphletAnon\u200d @Daddy_Dragon\u200d #QAnon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lessons to be learned why do we...hate? don't shoot d messenger...just press \u00e3\u0080\u008a\u00e3\u0080\u008a\u00e3\u0080\u008aplay \u00e3\u0080\u008b\u00e3\u0080\u008b... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you think you finally found the one, then you find out he cries after he cums ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user .@user gives white nationalist troll a platform to spread his hate. won't be reading\/buying any of their boo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i don't even know what is\/isn't anymore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I would be worse than her licking that ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or maybe it's the, Norwegian, in them that's most appealing. ;')","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user to quit sex? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"are you calling our savior a liar?? lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I\u2019m just pointing out it was the liberals that made this distinction. I am a Buddhist. I totally understand the global perspective. It\u2019s just disingenuous to say your for a country but then say your for the globe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am so NOT afraid of you gay boy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My last argument with my ex-girlfriend. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#luddites eh @USER should embrace tech #gigeconomy @USER @USER #ThursdayThoughts URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch how?? Nobody watched your videos. You we're just a hoe for male rappers sis.. U not even a rapper at all hone\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Antifa is Israel's thug squad in America","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #TheICEManCometh #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ball is in our court not yours","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ag pick jeff sessions scrubs racism from record...even tho he once argued this is a felony #trumpsamerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Nurse is valuable in his own end!?!? Have you watched him play? He rarely gets the puck out in first attempt. Also not all that spectacular defensively. Not worth what he is holding out for. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BeholdIsrael Democrats have been setting this false narrative up for a while now! DECEPTION!! People really need to get out and personally vote! There is already ballots being found that's been thrown out and not counted from the military! IT'S A DISCRACE TO THIS NATION!! #TRUMP2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\ude4f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy in this world there is no such thing as a perfect sta, but there is a perfect ending. - gary hadi garyhadi #ff twtl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bt1100 ass malfunction ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You're good Candy You are good \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MSM SILENCE sounds like sympathy for EVIL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 2 battering rams used by liberals; sex & racism. It is sinister & desperate #BeneathHumanity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user god damn you\u2019re so fucking valid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Drfreezeburnn: Just spent a good twenty mins trying to teach my bird the skyrim theme song. Then I realized that he was a bird.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And of course she's running as a Democrat...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user - #bjp- #aap grand alliance\u00e2\u0080\u0099 has found common cause against me: #amarinder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Is that supposed to hurt my feeling or something? Wait- let me get my 8 year old. She is more your speed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user & @user must feel so proud. Illegal Immigrant Philly Refused To Hand Over To The Feds Raped A Child #BanSanctuaryCities #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #DeportIllegals #BuildTheWall #WakeUpAmerica #AmericaFirst #StopTheI ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Probably why fusion power has been thirty years off for the last sixty.\u00a0 Somebody ever lights one of those bad boys up and Saudi oil might still be worth lifting for making plastics and lubricants because it is so cheap to pump, but OPEC is not an economic threat anymore.\u00a0 Russia would be totally boned.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Kik2Clean: Brah Wiz cheated 😂😭 http:\/\/t.co\/OZ2PnDNGJ0” she had hair like a dyke..... Uh.. Duh?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump is the king of neo nazis and i am a true neo nazi. You're a faggot jew boomer","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I seriously believe he is evil..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're all just crows on the power lines.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user said on @user he doesn\u2019t think we should be selling AR15\u2019s but Liberals deny it and say he is pro gun! The AR15 is not an assault weapon it is a sporting rifle. #KeepTexasRed vote @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user michelle obama \u00e2\u0080\u0098ape in heels\u00e2\u0080\u0099 case is just the beginning #donaldtrump #america ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Welcome to Gab, Kenya niggers!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization that leeches off of George Soros's money. They are a domestic terrorist organization that uses intimidation & violence to spread their ideology. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Principled conservatives are #Hypocrickets","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"When we peel back the human skin, we find a shrieking troupe of monkeys, each wanting to be important by tearing down someone else.\" http:\/\/www.amerika.org\/politics\/how-the-herd-will-use-indirect-means-to-censor-dissent\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After slaughtering 800 Jewish men ,Muhammad saw how beautiful A Jewish woman was, & ordered his friends to bring her to his tent to rape her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" so sad ones >>> ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Will @user ever admit all the other ways that Twitter censor conservatives? Seems highly unlikely. It's very annoying to have my main feed limited with a stupid black bird ordering me to return to the top\"\". It wont even let me go back to this morning. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You prove how little you know about history, with each new post, wep. Wars are the failure of diplomacy, enabled by an arms industry feeding off taxpayers. Gun control\"\" is the last thing on their mind. You've been lied to, by pros in the pay of gun manufacturers.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I showed up. I'm fine. Put on a hat & sunglasses. Stay away from the cameras as much as you can. Delete your personal social media accounts. It's not hard.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes he is and it's giving a Good View","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There I finally gave you a reason to hate me ya cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How fucking sad \ud83d\ude23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Blood is on the #Democraps hands for sure!! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and @user Encouages Illegal Immigrants and #Democrats Protect Illegal Aliens and Criminal Illegals in their #SanctuaryCities Ignoring the Negative Impact it has on Citizens Lives and Wages #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"I wholeheartedly endorse the March For Our Lives. Godspeed, ye brave young children!\" - Gen. Thomas Gage","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Qual? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude10 sorry but she is an idio","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Desperation! Abuse of my power cause he is losing his mind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"travel to me #inshot #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach #hot #cool\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DEPORT Deport Deport. That is all you have to say. #IllegalAliens have got to go. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the struggle is real \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #classroom | #school | #sunday | #effo | #infinite | #kpop | |\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What do you mean by British values please","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"almost time to head to @user which is getting ready for a moinvasion with @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deep amusement resonated shamelessly in the hallway. 'Sure!' Johnny said. 'Turn the light out and I'll forget you're in there. Like I'm really that dumb!' #amwriting #amediting #WIP #DED #writerslife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Follow everyone on this tweet. We have to fight Twitter AND the Democrats! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I vote for more checking at airports and before we allow immigrants into this country from certain areas of the... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How about no we don't have to take in these rapefugee or not-doctors to make our counties 3rd world slums like where they came from. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Her- send me a dick pic Me-*sends dick pic* Her- that's photoshopped Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Should I try out aikido instead of krav maga? \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 #aikido #kravmaga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal invaders going back! Wonder how many will be back next week? #BuildthatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I always use Japan or Poland as an example of nationalism done right. Very little immigration to those countries and zero terrorism taking place there. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user he's the only one where the majority of fans like him, salty gsw fans just needed someone to be about","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"there's nothing i love more then a free chic meal\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" is still rooted in our society's attitude towards black women's hair. read more from candide uyanze:\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pretty girls wit bird brains....what a waste smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my son looks so shy but it's his first day of school tomorrow #proudparent ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #smiley #faces at #steinbeckandshaw this #weekend. #timetoponyup #canterbury #kent #bar\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Viral plane standoff video highlights European chasm over migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did one of your 800 paid staff members tweet this for you? crooked kristy back at it again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user look, xhaka and rodriquez both play the left side of the pitch, does this mean wenger will sign? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @tishforprez: that pointy nail game is for da birds.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ALL THIS IS BS. FORD IS LYING!!This has everything to do with delaying the vote... #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaughNow #POTUS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally getting a refill today ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yay!!! my auntie kimmieeee is going to seaworld with me \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083 #faveseaworlder #haha ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why weren't the democrats in the streets marching for the separated families of people like Jamiel Shaw when he was separated from his son forever after Jamiel Jr. was shot and murdered by an illegal alien? #separatingfamilies #BuildThatWall #MAGA #BGR #BlacksGoneRed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER and @USER you need to find this lady! Do your thing. She is a terrorist waiting to strike. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i want to see swedes raped to death collectively","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What does it matter who I vote for..it\u2019s the left who pushes for gun control yet portrays black men in music vids as violent gun \u201cusers\u201d..stfu! Lmao sleeping fools","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How about that liberal whore Chelsea Handler? That bitch definitely sounds ignorant! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"an already-debunked viral hoax\"\" Tell me who decides if a meme has been debunked?? A potentially biased human has to thats who. #facebook #rosetta #memes #qanon #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I'm actually having some sympathy for Chris' point here. It seems the line\"\" has moved so far to the left that actual liberals have more in common with conservatives than what passes for the left these days. ('cause whatever the left is, it ain't liberal)\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who had that 4 #blackpeople beat up a #whiteperson so isn't that ? no, 3 bp might make it 2 cou alive but serve life somehow. vs..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a very happy competitor !! #grandfinal #lct16 #comitment #determination @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 of 2\u00a0 From the book, Freud's Mafia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you can't spell 'masturbate' right, we can't sext... I don't have time for that kind of negativity in my life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER what the FUCK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are neither authority nor arbiter. Have a seat.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If this bitch doesn't shut the fuck up I swear to God ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's a moist cold. (30F + 85% humidity) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"George Gordon Law Hour & Editorial Review: Jesus & the Pharisees part 1 of 7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lol you are \u00a0preaching to the chior, there is no better President for a time such as this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches be selling they body and acting boogie, bitch you a hoe I see right through you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wake up black Americans! #maga #Kavanaugh #VOTERED #Trump #Trump2020 #WALKAWAY #KAG #TrumpTrain #1A #SundayThoughts #HurricaneFlorence #HurricaneFlorence2018 #BolsonaroEleito1\u00balugar #BolsonaroPresidente bb #Blackout #BlueWave #BLM #BlackExcellence URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking A. Just learned some shit here a GAB. RISE !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user from emojis to the inexistence reverse via .@user .@user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user tell me again ?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And they did. PR is a shit hole run by corrupt Liberals. It was DESTROYED and it will take years and years and years to rebuild.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I have a tweet from a Swede who quotes me our country will never be the same again after Immigration neighbour hoods set alite ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" for the demise of our \"typing tutor\" in 90s #yahoomessenger will miss u dude #chatbot #chat #technews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user The majority of those are suicides. You can not provide evidence that gun control reduces homicides. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is there not a translate function with the android app?! Or I am missimg something?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If anyone is actually still wondering if they're trying to 'kill us by proxy,' he or she is pretty much out of touch with reality, and living in a dreamland called MSM.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-gb\/news\/newslondon\/girl-3-n... This could be be the first conviction in the UK for FGM ....hopefully opening the floodgates for many more ....At last\u00a0 #BritFam #SpeakFreely","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in bluntly language, #cologne #police @user here announces racial profiling at main station. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My mouth stays shut... I cut people off for reasons they may never be smart enough to figure out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop being a Doomsayer. You only know what you think you know, but don't actually know shit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Buckm00se @LEXXX_RUGER @ivanrabago_ the kikes want to charge you 💯 dollaz for the complete version http:\/\/t.co\/ZJDLwiAjEo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He was almost....ALMOST as bad as Obama! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Googlers are weird fear mongers #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I will fight him.5 rounds and at 5 minutes in cage match. Looser leaves town match. Come on you pussy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how many#pols passed by how many times and said nothing? #bluelivesmatter #draintheswamp #ferguson ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Possum quotes, \u201cOne on the left, she could feed a whole gator farm\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Firing squad...and then charge the family with the cost. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"idc anymore.. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"life is good! #blessed #nocomplaints","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" af right now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#stopimmigration#banislam#Merkelmussweg #FuckEUNot far right but Damn right ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER yeah but xenoblade sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don\u2019t know one woman who has not experienced harassment, the gamut from demeaning comments all the way to rape. #WomenWhoRoar #MeToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER disgusting. These people will take over this country one day and then all the lefties and liberals will be very upset when they are forced to wear a burka. Imagine @USER \ud83d\ude02. The worst mistake EVER was letting these people in so freely. They do not appreciate it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Young immigrants detained at juvenile detention center allege abuses via @user Not buying it... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user new law makes it acceptable to clip racist cab drivers round the ear: #satire ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow...not even his supporters can do the math and see that he is not right for this country. Well his supporters cant do math either ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"removal of #aap spokesperson #alkalamba showcases 'dictatorial' mindset of #kejriwal: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10 Signs YOU Are a sales zombie \ud83e\udddf\u200d\u2642\ufe0f URL #marketing #sales #retail #style URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"still obsessed with low-energy job! trump accuses jeb bush of trying to oust him at convention @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Funny how only Jews commit justified murder.......they can kill, kill, kill anyone whom disagrees with their commie ideals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i really do have super thoughtful clients. lovely card in the post today #photography ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Antifa came out of the old German Communist Party 1932. Just history. That's why they wear masks. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh no! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He needs to Either Pick Politics or Singing ....... Either way He Stinks at Both! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Going to watch sportsball tonite. I know gab hates the NFL, but it\u2019s Ravens v. Deadskins, my dad likes to talk to me, and my mom wants to play w my dog","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user which is why im loving all this shit right now LOL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Success doesn\u2019t have a secret, it has a formula: hard work, diligence, perserverence, discipline, preparation, and a little bit of serendipity.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Then say gtf you ugly ass bitch , you nothing ass hoe, dumb hoe, lmao Hayley you too nice \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user that is too sad about #udtapunjableaked it shouldn't happen.. stay strong team. @user @user #kareena","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Might thrown a coffee in with it \ud83d\ude07 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#feelings (#glad, #mad, , #scared & #ashamed) and #values work together. find out more: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user friday #tgif #nationalvegetableday #love \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b5\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER #MAGA Make Alcatraz Great Again","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What companies have severed ties with the NRA? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CELEBRATING the songwriting career of composer Jerome Kern on last Sunday's (Jan 28) edition of \"Back Tracking\" with me on the UK's Riviera FM radio. 29 memorable songs and tunes performed by a host of mid-20th Century US and UK recording stars ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you call a bitch a hoe based off her sexual activity then body counts matter to you . I rest my case ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You bring up a great point. These morons really look at life like it's the movies. They do it in the gun control debate all the time. They seriously think that a shootout with a bad guy will never hurt bystanders. It's why they want to arm teachers. Idiots!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"home sweet second home... #vegas #girltime #dancing #laughing @ mandarin oriental, las\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And I was cool with both guys \ud83d\ude02 shows you women are sneaky and ain't shit just like Niggas. Always knew my baby mama was a hoe \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Easy for the elites to escape the hell the country would be when leftest policies are in force. Take their private jets home beyond their golden secured walls.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sharia is ILLEGAL anyhwere in the US.. It violates Constitutional guarantees of a Republic form of govt that is required. Arrest all of them and deport them to Africa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Never had. Let's fuck it up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UK: Sharing 'Hate Posts' Online Could Lead to Six Months In Jail Under Newly Proposed Rules ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shut your ass up \ud83e\udd27 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This asshole( @USER ) Lies about Republicans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user he can't even come up with new putdowns #lame ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are one sick stupid foul ridiculous calculated evil son of a bitch. They can't remove your stupid ass fast enough. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck both of those morons, who gives a flying fuck about the UK royals, it\u2019s not like they give a shit about anyone except themselves...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I swear to god . This shit is too real man","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The @realDonaldTrump Coward's List I was going to tweet. It's ALL A #TrumpCovid LIE to make himself look good & avoid further debates. #TraitorTrump #Trump2020 @BrunosWahine Well done @ImdoneMike \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4d https:\/\/t.co\/a4tTeUghzQ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is scary. This isn't some rando on twitter, these are the famous ones that can make it happen. Combine that with ANTIFA releasing a list of ICE Agents, it's about to get bloody. Expect school shootings.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maxine is just a mean spirited woman. I can't imagine the demons she is dealing with to have that much hate & craziness in her. #CrazyMaxine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yass today is my bihday and i managed to get enough money to buy the exo albums and astro's upcoming mini album \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008dso happy #exo#astro ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER players should stand up and be counted like soccer players URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Forget about that \u201clack of enthusiasm\u201d BS. \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/zKJXHItA8q","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is an epidemic! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sign up! move the #blackwomen4hillary forward! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that feeling~~ #remember #feelings #good #bad #sad #longing #music #smells #words ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But it might win her another term by CA liberals. She'll be 91 at the end of it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I still find it hilarious that people like you think that literally any response to a comment is liberals being upset\"\" and that getting a liberal upset is some kind of accomplishment.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER My pharmacist is a friend and he told me ALL about it last year! THANK YOU for opening discussing how pharmacists are being held hostage rather than tell WE THE PEOPLE about the price fixes! #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"70% of Credible Fear Migrants Caught By Border Patrol Once Released into the U.S they never file Asylum ICE has to find them amd deport #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA Illegal's #StopAsylumScam Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether in their Country Not the U.S Stop #immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user YESSSSSHHHHH who else call you shitgull if it were not me or ryme \ud83d\ude1a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But Sis Paul McCartney loves Venezuela's dictator, Iran's leader, Syrian president,\" Putin and other leaders who rule with terror. He only has bad things to say about our beloved President Donald J. Trump! Go figure? @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1\/ Party Conference is a good time to remind Parties, particularly the governing party @user what their mandate actually is and what it is not. What exactly is the will of the people\"\" on #Brexit ?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I can\u2019t even listen to any of these idiotic Liberals. They all seem a brick short of a load. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The deception and dirty tricks happened when @USER refused protocol and stole a SCOTUS seat from Obama. Conservatives love to fight dirty but then cry foul when others call them on it or play hardball right back at them. Bunch of pussies. #MerrickGarland #Resist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.oann.com\/senator-rand-paul-set-to-lead-u-s-delegation-to-russia-next-week\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Charliebrooke7 @KianiSuren @beccascope @sandy_know @murray_nyc @realDonaldTrump I\u2019m not gonna argue about the lives of embryos. The fact is Republicans don\u2019t give a f*ck about the lives of ACTUAL LIVING & BREATHING CHILDREN & do everything in their power to take away their health insurance, food stamps, school lunches & privatize education.#BidenHarris2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you fuckass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch don\u2019t come to me as a woman .... Cuz yo nigga came at me single \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talent- Making people think I give a shit about their stupid fucking life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sadly the apologists are nearly as dangerous as the corrupt and abusive officers as they advocate for blind support of the badge. Many times, apologists will support censorship, become brutal, and even hold fundraisers for cops who shoot unarmed people in the back!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow they even attack you","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"johnny depp is no longer remotely hot and queer dance clubs are mass killing grounds #tired #wearyasfuck #dontwanttopray","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Surprisingly high price for a water damage wall.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they suck up jewish propaganda as if it were cocaine.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1 year today our founder sadly passed away. Mandy devoted her life to saving animals across the UK. We all hope she is looking down on us with a smile knowing we are continuing the work she started 20+ years ago. forever in our thoughts Mandy Leigh From all the staff & Trustees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#us #msm #barrackobama #trump vedic astrology predictions 2017 us president donald trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa Tribute song - URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@davidmweissman I don't know that I agree with his methods, but damn, he's an artist with a machete! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Manual labor so trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why would Feinstein even waste paper on this anonymous letter she is not well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00a7 new york \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00a7 #finally #newyork #best #vacation #love #mum #family #sweet #night #longtrip !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in poole ready to head to the jersey show!!! #dogandduckshow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you find a bag of drugs on the ground ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Martin Sellner: \"Freiheit f\u00fcr Tommy - Kundgebung in Wien vor der englischen Botschaft\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/R3xiVYMkPNk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER will serve the interests of Washington Liberals like @user and @user @user will represent conservative Kentucky values. #TooLiberalForNKY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MY VOICE WILL NOT BE SILENT. YOU NAZI PIGS WILL PAY FOR MY RAPE AND THE RAPE OF ALL WOMEN \u270a\ud83c\udfff, CHILDREN, PRISONERS \u270a\ud83c\udfff, LGBTQ \ud83c\udf08, ELDERLY, .... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Almost every one I talked to at work today said fuck canelo. He is the new mayweather ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER 2\/The Democratic Party won\u2019t do anything to him because he\u2019s Muslim Brotherhood & they don\u2019t care about Monahan. The Muslim Brotherhood needs to be declared a terrorist organization\u2014all of it! Ellison also supports ANTIFA. These people are so foul it\u2019s scary!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Latest blog post; https:\/\/www.motopsyco.com\/2018\/06\/10\/brotherly-hat...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the term jihad is a highly-contested concept. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ThePoke: This crow in Aberdeen just won at photobombing (pic by Steve Black] - via @DailyMirror http:\/\/t.co\/qDcLxyjOCt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Perhaps Ezra Miller is the first crack toward changing that, regardless of whether he identifies as queer over gay.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 pictoftheday #like #likeforlike #likeit #instagramchallenge #likechallenge day \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"end of first year show tonight @user we'll be down there having a nose! \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHY ... it's their trail of corruption ... and they have so much of it going on, and at all times, they don't want any slips\" ... don't want American people to know who they really are AND WHAT THEY'VE BEEN UP TO ... #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do you think you are being edgy because only someone who would cmment faggot on my post would have sex with sheep ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't #promise when you're #happy don't #reply when you're and don't #decide when you're ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm ~11 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Perhaps she is promised position or money?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waiting for you ... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c #some #different #glasses #hair #love #break #bless #nothing #to\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is sad that these political fools must be chastised and battled. But WeThePeople shall maintain our freedom from their evil, dominating, and blasphemous ways. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user countdown has begun#family#freeevent#festival# enteainment #food#stalls ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump I put blue lights on our house in honor of President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. #BidenTransition transition your butt right outta there. https:\/\/t.co\/SKgiZAgaL0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sorry I don't converse with Nazis!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"woah yeah!! finally it's beginning to show!! #proud \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb @user #pbp #team7maa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But he is still fucked up for not respecting LGBTQ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn it be cold fo a colored man","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER and if there is gun control in USA -who will be rounded and exterminated ??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BarackObama\u00a0a splintering society expert: Cultural Imperialism\u00a0https:\/\/fwipetitions.org\/cultural-imperialism\/\u00a0Cultural Marxism is at the Heart of Our Moral Disintegration\u00a0https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y85yhe3j\u00a0 Moral Disengagement\u00a0https:\/\/historicalunderbelly.wordpress.com\/moral-d...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe she is just supporting a pill that aborts all computer emails. Seems to have worked for her pretty well. Coming to stores soon the Bleachbit Pill. If you buy now they will include a free sledge hammer as well. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And again you are proving... your a dog! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- *top poetry id poetry #ishq-o-muhbt #new poetry #lajawab #classic poet #urdu_sms - follow @user - - follow @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow they tried to give me a FEMALE DOCTOR TODAY. I didn't even know those EXISTEd... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when both people make each other then that is an incredible experience #garyloper","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user amazing comment. google dunning-kruger effect. see if u see yourself. probably not. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"multiple types of racism in america #us #america ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*She is at home making a quick meal for herself in the off chance that @USER and @USER have already eaten*","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user keemstar said he is not paying he just wanted his sever on rust popin I said pay him or the ooks will come for you on rust\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Gail has dropped far if she is going after actors like Rob to deal with the frustration of being a has-been...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@kathleen_herne Stink should shut his hole & just perform his tricks like a good trained monkey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am missing my leighton #selfie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user -WHO CARES WHAT THISWACKO DOES! NOT NEWS!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I've seen people with some the most beautiful (not to mention original) art i last my eyes on. but only have 70 followers because they get buried by half-assed bullshit. all because they're not pals with someone popular ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5.10am Still a crowd at Queens Park protesting the conservatives middle of the night power grab. Shame on the conservatives! What kind of party creates chaos during an election? Rather than working with their citizens to create a healthy economy? @USER #ONpoli","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER black would be cute w ur skin tone","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was HEAVILY bullied as a kid, I grew up an introvert with two friends until the age of 16. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The \u201cimmoral irony\u201d behind most welfare programshttps:\/\/downsizedc.org\/welfare-programs-universal-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER There is absolutely no point in debating a liberal. Your party has swung so far left and have nothing but hate... All rationale has fleeted your side. Trump could create world peace and a utopian society and liberals would still resist for no other reason than your hatred.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Where were all these people when Ram Setu was to be destroyed. Where were you when your coalition partner Karunanidhi commented on Sri Ram ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I'm sure most patients would prefer to be treated in a professional and transparent manner by the NHS rather than being packed off to some carpet bagging health company hoping to squeeze a shareholder dividend out of an essential public service monopoly. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@PramilaJayapal @DFAaction I can't wait for ballots to drop. I'm voting and turning it in the very next day.[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#CountOnUs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another DREAMER living the DREAM.Gunman in Cincinnati bank shooting that killed 3 identified as 29-year-old Ohio resident - ABC News - via @user #NoAmnesty #MAGA #TheWall #EndDACA #Kavanaugh #MorningJoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The Nov election will tell the tale. MSM laud Antifa; alt-media expose them as Soros-shill shitheads. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We need to keep saying it until its built! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 out of 10 British people are basically full-on racists. 4 out of 10 voters vote for the Conservatives. Coincidence!???!??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Matthew 7:1-3 King James Version (KJV) 7 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And you\u2019ll spend your final days in hell sinking ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Goodbye to Pepsi\u2019s political hack, Indra Nooyi, an immigrant who used America to achieve her dreams, then complains about being the only person of color in the room in a majority white country. Hope she retires in India and takes her bad attitude with her. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The liberals have sunk to an all new low....how tragic!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's got his wee fake tap fae Turkey on to prove how loyal he is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user One word: Antifa. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PomoNews: (LIVE STREAM) PRESIDENT TRUMP HUGE #MAGA RALLY FROM INDIANA https:\/\/buff.ly\/2DgQsbI #KAG!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user All great American Patriots are the dregs of society in the warped and delusional perspective of Joe Blow Biden. He is a disgrace to America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I will stand with you again, lol Trump is Rocking it!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are so beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Faggots pay day !! Hand it over as you get bitch slapped by my cock ! Hahaaaa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cameron have some back bone 75 million Turks waiting to come to Europe no thanks , l million migrants go awol we r scared r u ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are in need of volunteers to serve as advocates for refugees as they navigating the American medical system! Email HObedi@wr.org for info ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"healthy monday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b5 #regram @user #healthyfood #lunch #eatclean #monday #paris9 #love #share #peiple #food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@medeabenjamin joins @user on the road to McAllen, Texas to protest the inhumane way our government is treating immigrant children and their families who have risked all to find refuge from violence and oppression \ud83d\udc97 #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My latest video - a poem on Runes and Remembering. Please like and subscribe if you have not already - and if you have, thanks! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=woQ6cJQdkAY&feature=youtu.be","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER As a veteran of the US Army I have supported different presidents over different periods of my life. Not gonna sit back and watch no one man disgrace #america like this. Be happy with who you support cause he is not good for your country #usa #VoteBlueAndBringAFriend","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Pants drooping below the ass...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On FB PM, a friend of my sister sent me the video with the drooling Kennedy lecturing on gun control.I was deeply offended and told her so.She retorted well we have do do what is right.I replied, no damn Kennedy ever had the answer to anything.Then I told her I am unfriending you and did so.I am still mad hours later.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don't give a rats ass but having power!! Period!! They cry over everything that doesn't go their way","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user At least you\u2019ve been some type of fucked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Oh sure thing Ralph. Can you tell us exactly how many of the \"refugees\" (code for country shoppers) have been deported? @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Finally!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-europe-45330168 Yes, well, we've got to stop those terrible Nazis from coming back, haven't we? #news #Germany #immigration","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#StopTheInvasion democrat citizens should rise up and say no more republicans cant win alone. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He hit the lotto ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wild how amazed Spanish folk get when you eat 2 mains and a dessert by yourself yet back home you'd just get called a fat kunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love u dad.....thanks for all the sacrifices u dd fr me and family.....u r d best father's day \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" . crooked hillary is still not in prison. #hillary must have some really good stuff on obummer. #never hillary ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As he should. The world doesn't stop because you liberals wanna hijack a process and delay at all costs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I am the ANTIFA Super Soldier","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did you know #Bangladesh plans to ship over 100,000 #Rohingya refugees to a tidally affected, uninhabited island that could be fully submerged if a typhoon hits? Not all is well in the camps either! @user report & press conf 6 Aug 10:30 am in #Bangkok #FCCT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Caribbros please fix oroshimaru he is broken he teleports and he can spawn a lot of snakes but players can only spawn one thing how are we onna beat him if he is so broken and glitchy!\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Demorats hold Conservatives&GOP to a higher standard than they hold themselves to","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Did I say something personal?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What do you mean by not for 45 years? I recall relatively recent local gun control laws being overturned by Congress. Am I misremembering?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GO NAVY!\u00a0 (stationed at GLakes\/70s... no war) @usnavyvet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Xicelol @macksimum1 @Tayler_Johann7 @Jeopardy Trump did nothing, but Joe and Kamala are going to get it handled. Anything else?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"since when did it become socially acceptable for guys to call women sluts, whores, hoe, bitches....??? or threaten them...??? just wondering ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sick!!! I hope he is not teaching! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So why even make the specification when I tell you gun control did nothing to stop your homicide rate?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Taylor Swift Goes Full Libtard https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=AvJAxKPVNFo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That explains why some leftists were also shadowbanned.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".And Fuck your lame ass logo also you fuckin homos!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh look y'all! We triggered the little whiny baby racist #MAGats. Constant victims, just like Donald Trump. They all have these.... Pass it on! \ud83d\ude02 #BidenHarris #Biden2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 https:\/\/t.co\/wRgjb1JtaT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Jail is TOO KIND for a #Pedovore - where is the prosecution?? #AGSessions is the church getting away with pedo crimes? What the hell is he holding? is that a tentacle? WTH #PedoGateNews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#greenbay gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. materi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ACTBrigitte I believe they are polling people. Just not me or other Trump supporters. Any moderate democrats with a smidgin of common sense can see what\u2019s been happening. Lots of them would never tell any of their leftist peers. Could they be the new silent majority?\ud83e\udd28[NEWLINE]#TrumpLandslideVictory","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"9 Days - From My Window in Aleppo, A shit video, for shit people from a shit city in a shit country: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user still thinks she matters.\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"because this baked potato is woh millions #millions #makemyday #kindadontwannaeatit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING: According to CNN Trump has ordered the Memo to be released immediately after the SOTU. Here come the nukes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mean, cruel #talkradio hosts like @user make it impossible 4 person of color like me 2 feel american.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#fbf pose for the filter!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b #flashbackfriday #goodtimes #smiles #fun #pose #pout #shades\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #MAGA ... oh ... And FvKK YOU! Judge Kavanaugh's no more ambitious\"\" than some old MuttaFuttah like you who's been in GD Senate for the past millenium.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy chelsea :) #staffy #staffordshirebullterrier #ginger #instadog #dog #puppy #bitch\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/i-uv.com\/protocols-of-the-illuminated-suns... #TrumpTrain #CBTS #Q","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user looks like i gave sanders too much credit last night. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sorry for the language. but fuck me sideways did this cunt just say that. from what i see woman are\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Monte... who fuckin knows at this point","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user .@user is it possible for you to speak in any topic without bringing race into it, you bigot? @user \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today in Tallin: Puppets of the financial establishment dream from a new Europe with many slaves. Macron a wordmouth and Kern a refugeelover ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DCPlod: The paranoid fear of sharia on the right boils down to: Christian fundamentalists should be the sole oppressors and persecu ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"??? Not germain to the conversation they aren\u2019t running for public office.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"17-year-old charged in killing of teenager in Annapolis linked to MS-13 #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll @user @user these are not anomalies this is becoming the norm.Immigration reform does not entail giving a free pass! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hiding like the caged animal he is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes Canada that is another great achievement from the #Trudeau #Liberals it just keeps getting better","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I always have Eddie pick flowers out for me and tell the cashier that he is getting them for me. LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Then why are you pretending to be something your not???You are a phony and all your lies won't change that!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh dear. i'm packing for hols and have run out of alcohol!!! x \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 #desperate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Republicans platform -take away healthcare -harm the environment -take away children -take away women\u2019s rights -do not believe in rule of law -voter suppression -gerrymandering -take away social security -no limits to gun control -explodes the budget #VoteBlue2018","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Sad part is She knows she's sick... She knows what she is doing.. She has been a crook all her life... She's a very sick woman.. God have mercy of her soul..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Beware! Russia's #Kaspersky Lab Detects New #Trojan Out for Your #CryptoWallets https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/science\/201801251061064275-russia-kaspersky-lab-trojan-cryptomoney-wallets\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just another day in this awesome city called new york!! #riasworld #parade #harricrishna\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No amount of warning could have been enough.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is the most ridiculous tweet I\u2019ve read today. Comparing the traitors that are the #cpc to the liberals is like saying the democrats and republicans are two of the same. Grasping on straws. Pathetic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one sleep till #lywc!!! i'm so excited!! @user #nickjonas #lastyearwascomplicated \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know!! So upsetting \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck off you stupid cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are there protests when other world leaders with worse human rights records visit? https:\/\/inews.co.uk\/news\/uk\/worse-world-leaders-than-donald-trump-have-met-the-queen-here-they-are\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user classy! @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i miss when my friends played xbox :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Businessmen need to stay in business, or they go out of business #Democrats who dont #WalkAway have a hard time with concepts like profit\" and \"results\", so no worries if you're still perplexed China? All the more reason we need #TrumpTariffs #TrumpTrain #MAGA\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall BUILD THAT EFFEN WALL!I'm sorry my Lord #Jesus but people are just deaf down here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't know if it's legit or not but I could imagine that this lunatic bitch is just another hipocrat. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER and why do all the issues about Pc only focus on liberals What about conservatives on kneeling on fake patriotism Or Republicans freaking out over an abortion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"welcome to my silly life \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 i'm f*cking perfect #moodyah #fridayfeeling #rock \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6given to fly\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 by pearl jam ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the skies lights up your soul in the mountains#malenymanor #maleny #weddingstyle #wedding #zone #sunset... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you want to call me a so i am helping you spread that word since you don't have the balls to do it yourself.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DWUhlfelderLaw Hope the #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This should have been done a long time ago and the US should quit supporting an organization who only sees the US as a money spigot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is desperately trying to deflect. This is what Jordan & Nunes have been wanting. Trump doesn\u2019t care who he endangers. Fck tRump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is busy in appeasing minorities henceforth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm a romantic guy, i love the ballads. adoro le ballate, che ci posso fare. song #ballad #oasis... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"about 15 years ago i met an old german woman, since dead, that grew up as a teenager in NSDAP germany. she still had fond feelings for hitler and would get a wistful look in her eye talking about how he was the only politician who ever cared about his people and how the whole world was against him. she wasnt even a racist and she didnt talk about jews. just loved him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NBC - Full Blown Opinion station, run by anti-American's set to destroy America","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It will be even more fun to watch them turned out to the streets, unemployed & broke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch im gonna see you on december dont me. We have to see each other ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YUP. Liberals (by which I mean fans of Liberal Democracy\") are all too happy to let everyone else around them die as long as they maintain a comfortable existence. It's a fucking disgrace. We need to get the ball rolling on serious Socialist organizing if we are to survive.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How many are willing to testify under oath that they actually knew Kavanaugh? How many would testify to having said NO\" to Kavanaugh? Until you have said \"no\" to man, you do not know what he is like.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Hate to see anyone suffer but McCain is a warmonger son of a bitch tha\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading\" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#christians saying i am not racist is \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 enough protest and denounce #retweet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user don't let the and #misogynist #loosahs get you down; you are doing an incredible job as a journalist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Last wk you said some women allege rape\/assault after consensual sex they regret. Pls read #MeToo tweets. \ud83d\ude41 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Historically, refugee agencies have focused on meeting immediate relief needs. But what if we could do more? -John Barcanic #OneStepCloserWR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BITCH I JUST POSTED ABOUT THAT KDKSKSKS I HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Doesn\u2019t \u201cmyth\u201d mean something that isn\u2019t true? \ud83e\udd14... hmmmm .. hollyweird liberals should stick to make believe world.. #dummies \ud83d\udc47 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mark Levin: \"Obama Administration Did More to Interfere with Our Election Than the Russians\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user don't cry but smile #me #eye #like #pay #love #like4like #likeforlike #like4follow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Chinese-owned company operating in the U.S., hacked Hillary Clinton\u2019s private server throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails - Daily Caller https:\/\/twitter.com\/WiredSources\/status\/1034287667...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no crackdown 3 till next year!!! why????? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like UK population will be increased by 300 million if US immigrants forced to go home! #Stopbrexit #FBPE #Brexit #GuyVerhofstadt #WATON #Barnier ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Getting scared ugly man? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol @JohnGritt\u200d, Afterall, we're the true Aryans.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Zuckerberg and Soros doing what the know best.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Red Flags: She\u2019s a \u201cprofessor\u201d at a liberal school and she\u2019s \u201cunable to have healthy relationships with men\u201d. Translation: She\u2019s an Antifa Dyke out to stop a Conservative Judge and President Trump even if she has to lie. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know really. One of my brothers is married to a Norwegian lady, and he is very happy with her. She is far cry from the 'cold Scandinavian' stereotype, whole family have accepted her as she was one of us. I am Serbian, btw.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My arguement with she's the baddest white girl is \"she's trash\".Her argurment with she's trash is \"But she's paid\"....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is NUTS!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh no! Sick of leftist lunacy. They stir them to hysteria to do the dirty work for \"the party\". Enough - dems care about none. #Trump jeep #MAGA #BuildThatWall #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh great to all that support Trump and his supporters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More @USER lies! #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TheResistance URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A non gardening friend of mine said she would throw this amazing perennial asiatic lily away once it dies and by the look in my eye, she knew it had to be mine. She's with her new family now #gabgardens","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user he is my ultimate bias.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right, all those hundreds of thousands of people in the refugee camps have all those levers of power. If they did, #Myanmar would be f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald, you're not fooling anyone. https:\/\/t.co\/WALw8G203o","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just because he\u2019s in love with her doesn\u2019t mean she is. They don\u2019t need to go there. It\u2019d feel like another LF situation.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Somebody needs to remind evangelicals that Jesus called Jews the \"Synagogue of Satan\" and said they were \"of their father the devil.\" And John the Baptist called them a \"brood of vipers.\" (Those are direct quotes from the Bible.) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Where did I say he is unplayable? That was the other guy. But vs Houston on the switches in a potential first round series? Sheesh it wouldn't be nice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ISIS Warns of Knife Attack 'Surprises' at Concerts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch you been havin 2 \/ 3 dick appointments in a day but don't shower in between lmao dirty luh hoe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i love my kids! #proud ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah @seamrog\u200d sent that to me. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bill and Brooke deserve each other. They are like hot and cold. They\u2019re in love with this person this week and in love it that on the next. Brooke I can understand. She is the SFTV but Bill?! They\u2019ve ruined him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"becoming ugly mt @user #patriarchy #feminist #feminism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Don't let your bretheren\"\" fool you! EACH ONE OF YOUR Republicans, NEED TO DECIDE IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE GOOD PEOPLE or #rePUNKlicans! You NEED TO KNOW, that kavanaugh is going to make #ronaldgrump into the first dictator of #naziUSA, which cannot happen! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER when it comes to gun control in order to make all of America happy remove all gun list from conservatives. Then take all the guns from card toting Democrats. that way everybody is happy. Everybody is safe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER what happened to your kids ? how are they still alive? you are a backstabber and a fraud","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Huh? I want gun control eliminated. I want ALL Americans to be able to keep and bear arms. If they abuse that right THEN deprive them of it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How did you get to where you are while still being so profoundly ignorant?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh he is compromised 1000%. An outspoken critic of trump now is trumps water boy. Either trump got info via private eye or Putin\u2019s got the goods. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sitting on steps is always massive turn on for those watching. Good girl #stephapproves #slut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"intolerant post-brexit britain: history shows we can be better than this | hugh muir #hatecrime #uk #society","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are so correct the Democratic party for slavery and pro-nazi gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mtv went #fullretard on video #nzpol #auspol #merkel #retard for #hispters #mansplaining #svpol #theview ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER They're all Democrats right? They're not hiding it anymore! #FakeJournalists #FakeNews #NoHonor #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"* Croatia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7: Last Wednesday, illegal migrants from Iran were detained in a neighborhood near Zapre\u00c5\u00a1i\u00c4\u2021. #v4 #visegrad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"back in manchester after visiting nottingham for a few days can't believe what a lovely time i've had!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user So you are ok with the racial epithats that the left calls black conservatives? #bigotry #hypocrisy #walkaway I did. Many have. Dont be blind. You are being a tool for a establishment. Keep resisting the outsider and be for the political elite millionaires. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3 May 2018 - https:\/\/youtu.be\/uk801pCCSow\u00a0 - Why Is Rosenstein Stalling?\u00a0 - Bill Still Report","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Video from London: Massive crowds gather to hear Geert Wilders demand Tommy Robinson\u2019s release https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/06\/video-from-london-massive-crowds-gather-to-hear-geert-wilders-demand-tommy-robinsons-release","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is drinking so much koolaid she\u2019s bloated.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Add who is behind Antifa and who organized and paid protestors at Kavanaugh hearing!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @neverknownfacts: A person needs just three things to be truly happy in the world: someone to love, something to do, and something to ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italia stopps again a ship with more than 400 illegal refugees. They must concentrate into spots and should immidatley sended back to Africa. In USA they have to do same. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He think it\u2019s a coop. And he is trapped inside. But seriously I don\u2019t know why no one has considered that anonymous could be a family member. My money is on Jared. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain. To position himself after this fiasco.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You should investigate Antifa's connections to the Nazis. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #activists: want to stop ? not sure where to begin? let us show you how: cc:\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now that we good, don't be in my face acting like you ain't a hoe just waiting for your moment to gwym. Lil bitty bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sargons Speech At Downing Street For Count Dankula's Protest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dirty Shoe Shawty Bitch You Need To Check Your Shoe Strings \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #MichaelCutler correct . Stephanie is WRONG! #GANGOF8 ? #Hereticchurches worldwide taking #Soros $ #Muslimrefugrees & #illegalaliens COME ON STEPHANIE DO YOUR HOMEWORK #LINDSEYGRAHAM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Blame Trump for the weather and the corruption that existed for decades in PR. What an ass typical democratic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we will kiss where, when and who we want! @user @user @user @user #orlando #pray4orlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Isnt the NRA that propaganda pushing corporate lobby group that cares about profits and only profits? No idea who the rest of these crackpots are. That guy looks like he has an AR15 stuck up his ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good one Hussein...covering for yourself are we? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Scary movies are terrible, I get jumpy and end up crying when something pops up.\" She didn't mind going out, if that is what he wants to do she is completely okay with it. Maybe a night out would be good for them. \"I am a pro ice cream eater. I used to eat it daily.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deep State is going down.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God that old lady was a cunt. People are so fucking stupid when it comes to being handed money ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, our Chicago office is going to raise $30k in 30 days. Join our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign: designed to assist not only refugees, but also immigrant populations and vulnerable people\u2014our new neighbors. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is better than everyone at everything because she is a literal angel who can do no wrong","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck you thats my fucking boy bitch ass cunt ready to fight ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Dear Paul McFartney- You had us at Beatles. You lost us at President Mad Captain. Burn in hell- Jon.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What a joke! She is a Gem alright!! She is a Racist phony! Right along with this Racist Phony. That thinks she will follow me from her second account. And block me. Because I speak the truth. I could care less about follower's. Like it's a big party. I care that they discriminate URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user We waiting on mean ass Florence to do what she gonna do. Ack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"people want to love in the moment, they don't want that forever love \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af #truth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER legend says that she never actually got to her phone and she is still reaching to this day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Didn\u2019t she also say \u201c Trump will never be president take it to the bank\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i've had a sneak peek at the content and it looks great. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANY DACA legalization will turn FL & other five states blue. If Texas goes blue, it's over. #EndChainMigration call @user (202) 225-2915 @user (202) 225-3031 @user 202-456-1111 @user (202) 225-0197 or your representative #NOAMNESTY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user unfounately i can not make it this year :(. i am so . have a great time, i know you all will. i will follow on twitter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I thought you were leaving the country you washed up skank ass? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HE IS MOE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sounds like no one had to do the dishes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Give me 10 GOOD fucking reasons to vote trump.[NEWLINE]#BIDEN2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"really looking forward to watching finding dory later on ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I dont want any effing refugees! Not in Greece, not in America, not anywhere in the West! #SendThemBack! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch better serve ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"out of work super early but nowhere to get a drink since it's still so late \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That was supposed to be a 1.\u00a0 :P","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good ideas!! Contact me if you find where we can start an area to try and put forth ideas to improve the right platforms so we are better than the lefts!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is what the #DemocraticParty #DNC wants in every American community ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would describe @whatupag's work as blaxican.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What a cunt...stay away bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #hornsareblowing people screaming!! 52 years david! my husband is #wecried #nbafinals someone shooting #fireworks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Eric Holder should be in PRISON !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ajsjjsjdkkdjdk i want him so much he\u2019d literally tell me to die and i\u2019d obey him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"_ #windows10 split screen #browser! #customcasetab #noedit 712","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user KKK and ANTIFA both hate groups created by the Democrats ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Come here girl... I'll feed ya !! You need some meat on them bones !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 2016 - the year in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5 years in prison? No wonder illegals come here and do whatever the hell they want. Nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Disgusting. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/PrrskknqRv\" love frat boy w\/ soft long soles","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bill you should be silent on gun control and immigrantion. You had 8 years and did nothing. Don't be a Monday morning quarterback now. To little to late. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#fargo gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. material ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sad part of all of this, Trump supporters don't care what he did or didn't do, but hopefully undecided voters will take notice and vote #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Nike lost $3.75 billion after kaepernick was named face of \u201cjust do it\u201d bullshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER ok with Andrew @USER Bully Liar touchy cheat to be kept on as a MP? On \u00a375k? No anti bullying rules? URL \u2026 @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"total Hypocrisy...South Africa's evil regime condemns the killing of \"innocent\" Palestinians while murdering white framers at the rate of 2 per week for simply owning land http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/jerusalem\/2018\/05\/16\/south-africas-ruling-party-compares-israel-to-nazi-germany\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 year old gray\/white tabby cat (Orlando): 1year old female gray\/white Tabby. Accidentally left outside and is gone. She is part of our family and we miss her dearly. Please if anyone has any information on her whereabouts feel free to contact us. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh my fucking gods. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh shit u went there \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rudy Giuliani Is Putting Together a \u2018Counter-Report\u2019 to Question Robert Mueller\u2019s \u2018Legitimacy\u2019 https:\/\/www.thedailybeast.com\/rudy-giuliani-is-put...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe your browser is just retarded.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That\u2019s a people Chicago hell gun control works in their town","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER President Trump will post a message 9-20 to our cell phones. Prepping for internet social media block out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Time for a weary Beardpool to go to sleep. Good night All!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's the thing. It just makes it easier to move people into something they are capable of moving into. It's not actual brainwashing. It just takes the hard edge off. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Uhhh not sure why anything Bourdain said or believed rises to the level of \"useful information\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Peach is naturally human. Toadette just created a drug to become human. That and Nintendo wanted Peach playable and needed an excuse since in NSMBU she is kidnapped. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Carrey is becoming weird like peewee Herman... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Seeing your a racist homo hating women hating cunt what did you pick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Embrace it. Love it. Flip this group of mine runoff water colored turds off and make a pick.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why I Don't Talk to Libtards about GUN CONTROL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is a teacher or nut job...you be the judge...but remember she is influencing young minds. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BUSTED...@davidhogg111 get your lines straight! You need to practice more if you want people to believe you! Survivor David Hogg In CBS Video 6 Months BEFORE Marjory Stoneman Dougla... https:\/\/youtu.be\/K9Gb41JJA1o via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch if u don\u2019t message him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER .@USER calls you an intellectual prostitute\" because he knows that you are smarter and more intellectual than he.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The slaves must remain enslaved. A voice from their MASTERS. Expect FEAR, HATE, DOUBT to be trumpeted. MW blubberates","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #pat robeson: \u00e2\u0080\u009corlando shooting is god\u00e2\u0080\u0099s punishment for scotus\u00e2\u0080\u0099 same-sex marriage ruling\u00e2\u0080\u009d #blog #silver\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Everyone saying Fuck Russ dont know a damn thing about him or watched the interview \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know you're not this naive. Those people make up a very small % of Trump supporters. Do all Liberals support terrorist and (groups such as Antifa?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can't accept that this is the world we live in! people are sick! wtf it's wrong with people? #notfair #ripchristina","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@allsportsbruh how? All of the QBs we had before this season were trash. They brought in a veteran so they could have someone to play","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Most Liberals know deep down that it's oppressive and misogynistic but that's better than being a racist Islamophobe which is what you are according to liberals if you dare speak out against it. This is how low the standard for debate is on topics like this.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From Mark Dice So it turns out the \u2018Russian Meddling\u2019 in our election consisted of...wait for it...Russians having an opinion on social media.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user There is something seriously wrong with you. Trump will be reelected, and there is nothing you and you twisted cohorts can do about it! Keep up the good work!#AMERICAFIRST #TRUMP2020 #LOCKHERUP #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How I sleep after getting off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pre-paid cards for refugees in Turkey ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dale carnegie's principle of #success \"make the other person doing the things you suggest.\" watch: #bekind","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where are the actual victims of Isis, the real refugees from the Middle East? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So the man who every rule of the last debate thinks he was not treated fairly? The solution that Trump suggests is a change in both moderator and the Democratic nominee... Ok well who is going to break it to petulant President? #VoteHimOut #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/szGNV8ZPJj","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great night tonight. just love a family pay. now for some zzzzzz's. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yea Ji Sea, an Army specialist from South Korea, was discharged Friday at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston after 4.5 years of service, abruptly ending her military career before she could achieve a goal of becoming an Army doctor. via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user got these hoes thinking sharing a nigga or being a side bitch is cool \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He didn\u2019t murder you spastic cunt, he and the woman were both drunk. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sounds like we\u2019ll be axing the turkey and eating raw fish!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sounds like one reasonable proposition\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump: Report that Obama FBI spied on campaign could be 'bigger than Watergate' http:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/administration\/388101-trump-report-that-obama-fbi-spied-on-campaign-could-be-bigger-than#.Wv2x0TevODk.twitter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ur the bitch motherfucker Nasa is sick with what I call attention seeking cunt disorder ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hows stuff like this still happening in the 21st century? what was the point of the civil rights movement if people\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the only proof anyone should need that Jesus wasn't black.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Great...Italy should take all refugees and send them all to the Vatican square to live!!! That would make you happy, right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rules of civil discourse, parody, satire, or really any level of intelligent lampooning, do not apply to negroes. They are obsessed with dicks, their own or other men. #NoHomo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dear @user you are a asshole. please go fuck yourself. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Because the party of violent liberal ANTIFA with their KKK hoods beating up strangers they know nothing about is so great & honest. Good ole Keith Ellison the women beater can tell you that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Really? And has he been charged. #Liberals are such liars!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck Alan I\u2019m sorry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"keep these conversations going at school and home. we need to create the space and time and commit to help them.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are under a delusion if you think calling HRC backers idiots is attacking the messenger. They are not the MESSENGERS they are the ones that signed for and took delivery of the message. But that was packaged and sent by the DNC.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"O Lucifer, O Day, Star. The name given Satan. The bright and Morning Star is reserved for Jesus Christ!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user what are you about today? #celebrate #lulybtips #affirmations ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Carrey is a pig\ud83e\udd2c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch you seen my mf tweet hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when i feel is a children's story about recognizing, expressing and managing sadness. it is par ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Okay white women, to the 53% of you who made a terrible decision 4 years ago, I hope you\u2019ve been paying attention and don\u2019t vote for a sexist white supremacist again. Do better. #VoteHimOut #grabhimbytheballot #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CCTV: shocking servo attack on pregnant woman via @user Christopher Josevski you're a fucking vile cunt \ud83d\ude20 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user chaplin - the dictator speech via @user #theresistance #resistance #resist #maga #altright #ra\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Without question Professor Ford is troubled that's being polite. Half the women in the world (probably more) have been groped at one time or an other and don't hold on to it for 40 years. This is obviously a political ploy to deter scotus confirmation. @user #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"first female mp to be murdered in britain and my timeline is full of arguments about whether it was brexit motivated or not. #ripjocox","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Republicans and Democrats on the Hill react to Comey memos ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER After the GOP wins the mid-terms easily there will be no reason we dont put on the masks and grab weapons to go all #ANTIFA on people like you clowns have been doing. Going to be so much fun!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Asylum seekers should enter at a LEGAL #USA port of entry & not enter illegally! Separation only occurs with those breaking American #immigration law! #WakeUp #Democrats to lies & #WalkAway #MAGA #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hmmm. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look at this bs! turning the school into military academy to get more money. #smh #publiceducation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hillary Condemns Kavanaugh. Bill Clinton Accuser Responds. via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let me borrow yo shit first \ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER When are the Republicans going to learn that Democrats hate conservatives .Vote Thursday","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Mari_813: \"Bae\" means \"before anything else\" I always thought it was a ghetto word for \"babe\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Check your balls at the door. Stephen Colbert weighs in on the weird #Trump #CabinetMeeting. Even @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eric Smolder Ex Atty Genl. Epitome of the Labamba govt. sheister. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I will And you do the same beautiful!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pretty sure the money saved from the damage illegals do will more then compensate our budget.. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love the smell of Monrovia in the morning. It smells like success.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't understand how people can hate so much that, they do what, they do. my coworker's friends were there. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \"Illegal Immigrants Distort Congressional Representation and Federal Programs\"https:\/\/t.co\/ZCK1SocxlB ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Only in my hick town can you walk into a national sports bar and get Busch light in a can. SMH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Not even close to what happened she is a liar and deflecting how idiotic her actions on the court looked","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, Nehlen shouldn't have doxed one of \/ourguys\/.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WRC's @user spoke to @user about how the Trump administration's hardline immigration policies are hardly securing the border and are, in fact, just placing more people into harm's way: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER did the pope say he is a 'sinner' yet to be unveiled\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude4f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Okay, I don't value my own points that highly. I downvote without hesitation, if the post warrants it and I don't mind that it will discourage that particular poster.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Migrant family that beat Dutch police officer who was hospitalised, claim they are \u2018the victims\u2019 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Here you go @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you! \u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to both #gop and #dnc wing nuts, disagreement = stupid. absolutes from both r scary! @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I can't believe Twitter would ever target Conservatives...\ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Show of REPOSTS... who is voting for Trump 2020?\u00a0 #gabfam #trump2020 #geotus #basedpresident","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you want to spark a serious debate about gun violence release the photos of the bodies inside the club. #orlandoshooting #gunviolence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is a terrorist organization funded by George Soros","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"madami ako nababasa na victim of like rapes and the people are blaming the victim pa like bitch diba they are innocent ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JuddPDeere45 @WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump But those are all going bye bye under President Kamala \u2639\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user It's like saying, If you don't adhere to what Krishna says, you are a Muslim.\"\" There are other religions out there and there's also atheism, the lack of any beliefs. It's not that simple to know what a person thinks based on his doings\/non-doings.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@itscoleharmon_: When twitter rappers dm me their trash links http:\/\/t.co\/35nMR4AUQg\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"our brand new training centre is staing to come together!!!! #norwich #training\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i strive to be a positive light in people's lives everyday. hopefully my effos make a result. #life #positivity #gonnamoveon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Holy shit pt 2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning! the journey begins! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00b3 #travel #yeah #thejourneybegins #hello\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you shouldn't be leaving your kitchen unattended #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest \"say what?!?!\" thanks to @user #culturesways ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dallas hoe RT @beanreturns: Why http:\/\/t.co\/D6HAlItFmP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Lol girl \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d he just don\u2019t want nobody to kno he had a baby with this bitch \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For me, Thor in Ragnarok climax scene was better than Thor at wakanda in #InfinityWar. Extra points for the immigrant song\ud83d\udd25Both scenes were cinematic brilliance though. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A white person with down syndrome is worth more than any nigger!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"99% Of Illegal Alien AnchorBabies Birth is Paid by Medicaid 73% of Illegal Household on Welfare Ripping off US Taxpayers #Trump #MAGA #WalkAway #SendThemBack #Immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER If by Conservatives you mean people that work and pay taxes to help support people like you then I guess we are dumb thinking that you would appreciate it instead of wanting more and more. Get a job start paying taxes and see how much you love any tax and spend gov.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user keep up all you do blair you are an incredible person ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This Russian agent is a DISGRACE. Hey old creep @user you are going to die in prison. You and Trump sold America to the Russians and it\u2019s time you do the time for your years of crimes. Scumbag. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you and your friends are discussing Instagram's great purge of 2016, wondering who's gonna be next ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah..... Romans nailed the nails. You gotta problem with Italians too? Fuck you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bad girls get spankings ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"See what Scott said about what Scott said. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4qfN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TrueCapitalistRadio Episode 569 Chatroom and Gab Shoutouts! Spread it around like wildfire!!! #Troll #Ghost #TCR #Brony #Funny #Rage #Gab #Chatroom #Shoutouts #Trolling ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But antifa are only anti fascist (Romney told me so) she wouldn't throw a brick at you unless you were a na... \ud83d\ude27 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And how much is he being paid for this behavior?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Trump administration today demanded repeal of protections for unaccompanied immigrant children, calling them \u2018loopholes.\u2019 They are not low they are great but every once in awhile a genius comes along and gives me an idea that i use.....Special shout out to Candace Owens, told ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DACA is an Executive Order written by Barack Hussein Obama. Trump has every right to undo this travesty. Decision Must be fast tracked to the Supreme Court ASAP! #EndDACAWhite House Ordered to Restart DACA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user HOW COME LIBERALS DONT QUESTION This ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I loved her since victorious. She was my first girl crush but when I first heard The Way I became a hardcore stan.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER And that's where you are seeing what you want to see. You think these people want to look manly and powerful. I see them expressing solidarity. what a useless thing to mock.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathersday now let's work towards #delegaterevolt it's #onlymarco time ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Hollywood liberals love socialism. Why don\u2019t these multi-millionaires get of out their multiple mansions and give them to multiple low income families and buy 1 modest home. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"listening to sam cooke in this ridiculously packed pavillion's to help keep me calm #breathe #procrastinate #shitshow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 60 minutes is the one that had bragged about her and her story. you guys thought it was great she was female CEO. that was your story. Now she is the evil one. CBS - why don't you verify before your reporting??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like Libya's new Maritime Rescue Coordination Center based on an Italian warship near Tripoli is excited about coordinating EU-trained Libyan coastguards to intercept migrants & refugees in Libya's unrecognized Search and Rescue zone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Oh boy just wait! YOU ARE IN FOR A SURPRISE! Can't believe ANYONE to be that IGNORANT! LMAO! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you sara for the unforgettable response to and appalling comments by the heabroken \"doctor\"\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"house tuesday on universal hd! thank you @user #suddenlink #ad !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Maybe stop attacking Conservatives and you might find they don\u2019t retaliate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah we do legitamately need better mental health treatment in the us (not to say that's a replacement for stronger gun control)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait for my holiday \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c #holidayvibes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Billionaires making donations to Democrats don't help advance any left wing causes, they simply cause Democrats to act in the interest of billionaires, just like Republicans, regardless of the absurd conspiracy theories Alex Jones and PJW tell liberals\"\" like you.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lol did you just do the trump very fine people on both sides? Antifa punches Nazis. Don\u2019t want to be punched? Don\u2019t be nazis oh whaooaaaaa so crazy. OTOH Nazis are literally murdering folks and trying to bomb shit soooo yeah. You\u2019re just a right wing dupe. Sorry that\u2019s the case. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump is Unstoppable - By YOUR Power JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth - https:\/\/gab.ai\/JosephPhillipDaniel\/posts\/32572082","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m smarticle it\u2019s smart with sprinkles with a splash of glitters","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're giving her the smell test to see if it's safe to dive face first between her legs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ok if you fucking said leave block me. But dm me first I'm gonna kick your ass. Shut the fuck up you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got 4 episodes of game of thrones to get through tonight \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user These so called dreamers had 5 years to register they didn't. #EndDACA Democrats against American Citizens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@StarkFreeOrDie ...honestly. That's where I'm the most retarded and is why stuck as artist hoping for a fair \"dealer\/manager\" situation....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Does anyone here have\/know about a Geert Wilders groyper? I feel like updating the profile pic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The wall should have names of Americans who died in the hands of illegal immigration. As a reminder for why we are building it in the first place. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's troublesome af. You have them make the claim that they refrain from touching but, first, bull, I don't believe you and 2nd even if you aren't lying (yet), I still don't want you around kids leering for them. Think about how Lena Dunham hasn't been run out of town on the rails like she should be.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fake Queen!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All bitches do is lie, talk shit and fuck up their eyebrows ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a Republican hypocrite! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER \ud83d\ude43\u2639\ufe0f\ud83e\udd25 Absolutely! Liberals are upside down!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user wah I only make 15 million a year, wah. What a fuckin bitch bro. Cry me a river you pussy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"top stories from featuring @user @user @user #christmas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The feminazis complaining about \"equal pay\" are going by yearly salary. They get equal HOURLY PAY for the same work, if not more b\/c they're so educated. MEN GENERALLY WORK MORE HOURS, and do more hazardous\/heavy jobs. FFS. As a woman I am so embarrassed by this shit. And male feminists TAKE PAY CUTS to appease these harpies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is competing for worst president again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"regrann from @user - #prayfororlando #orlando #pray #lgbt #sick #prayingforpeace \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You don\u2019t agree sexual assault is more serious than marijuana use? How many \u201cbaseless\u201d allegations are supported by therapist corroboration 6 years beforehand? There\u2019s evidence and conservatives are afraid investigation would make it more convincing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She can probably suck the chrome off a trailer hitch though... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your ship is sailing in the dangerous blue waters of the Democrat Party.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/20256-California-Yountville-Veterans-Home-Standoff-Victims-Identified ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am an immigrant. I am a homeowner. I paid at least $4,100 in property taxes last year. I live with my child. I am a 55 year old male. I earned $107,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I live in OR cc'Sen. Ron Wyden. #ImmigrantsAreUS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user good morning world! #k9 #malinois #malinoisofinstagram #maligator #dogsofinstagram ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Willie\u2019s hurtful response to his former fans who have quit him in droves over of his support for that little hippie Beano. #MAGA @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Instinct leads me to another flow every time I hear a brother call a girl a bitch or a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Most modern conservatives aren't very bright. A lot of our founding fathers were slave-owners who wanted to end slavery in the US. Their principles were far more nuanced and granular than modern conservative principles: shallow principles cannot withstand the test of time.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Beards... Getting ugly guys laid since the trend of 2015... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user your fucken hot im hot fuck hard do anything you want to be my slut whore and open your holes you HOT SLUT. WE LOVE TO FUCK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user less than five hours until #euro2016 kicks off\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 less than an hour for the weekend weekend #fridayfeeling","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER when gun control doesn't work will you support common sense knife control? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Of course not she is young and dumb. If she really had a brain she wouldn't believe in socialism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Then why did he literally plaster the entire third reich in pagan symbols?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's time to build the wall now. These are the people we caught over the last few years! How many are we not catching? @user @user @user #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user at least he speaks out against organisations who threaten to rape children you applaud them and support them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2017\/05\/leaders-of-britain-first-arrested-over-muslim-teen-rape-campaign\u00a0 check out the TRUTH! Tell me does something smell funny here? This is a fucking dirty lie by Muslim mother fuckers. Really before you post, check the sources and use your common sense.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U.S. Military Tribunal Should be handing them out to Senile Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff Maxine Waters, William Barr, James Comey, John Banon, AOC & 3 Clowns, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Also between now and December 31, 2020 Handling of this election into coverup.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"apparently taragon is not a \"christmassy herb\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@geokthree I literally just told @Black_SinS to his face how trash he is at the shop in hooping","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user what bitches need to do is goto back to school , dropping out to lay with niggas \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user HYPOCRITE!! You run a commercial about ur support for gun control & protecting kids showing ur kids. Really! U support ABORTION. What\u2019s the difference in that and a gun? They BOTH KILL! @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user conservatives believe all persons of color are a priori guilty of crimes therefore when PoC are denied their rights in extrajudicial killings no conservative EVER questions the killing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At this time, w-organized crime\/returning jihadists, it\u2019s a matter of national security. #Italy #Salvini must ignore international social engineers\/cultural Marxists.#V4 Italy Kurz others must challenge empty threats from UN-EU migration pimps. What can they really do about it? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gutierries =\ud83d\udca9 what did he do to help PR ? What is he doing now besides hoping for a high body count to blame on Trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Daniel, there's no cow tipping and hoe downs in Jackson... This city living lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Creepy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are about to get on the map! This Safety is legit! @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MerylStreep, don't you feel awful for all the public sucking up you did to #HarveyWeinstein? Of course you don't, you pointy-nosed fake swamp hag. Because you're a jiggly bag of hypocrisy, just like him. Look in the mirror at the planks in your own beady eyes. #Hollywood #Libtards #Weinstein","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201eOutside the Stoxx 600, shares of Sulzer AG rallied 20% after the Swiss engineering company confirmed it no longer faces the possibility of U.S. sanctions and that it is free to conduct business globally.\u201c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@support still keep getting errors whenever I try to open any Gab notifications on my Android. This is typically what I get. Says 'unknown error please try again.' Why\u00a0 is this happening? Please fix.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love how I wasted 5 years on a stupid cunt. Only to find true love with the beautiful woman I was with before that. Life's funny sometimes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"keep your #teeth to keep smiling, always! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"whatta surprise (not) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany: Court rules that Muslim migrant may become German citizen despite having two wives via @user Hitler may come back from the grave just to choke Merkel... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I suppose you think the way liberals attacked Sarah Palin was courageous also. You\u2019re just another hypocrite. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EU Commission may start a payment of 6.000\u00e2\u201a\u00ac\/person to member states that receive migrants from now on. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Michael Avanetti (msp?) said something similar today. He is two more great tweets away from a follow. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This re-colored pictured of Abraham Lincoln is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while… http:\/\/t.co\/SHosDU7RYP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you can go ahead & change your profile pic. hepburn was an ambassador to unicef & your ignorance would have\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'We're glad we killed jesus' - this guy likes to make 'hands up don't nail' and really seems to enjoy the 'jesus didn't know it was going to be easter' joke. I bet he makes it again this year. what a snake","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are so far of the mark at times. You seem to be completely detached from the masses....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"An unfortunate reminder that men will kindly shut the fuck up about telling women what feminism is or should be. Not your call to make. Women will decide - maybe well disagree. But women and only women decide whats feminism. No one asked for your approval. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Don\u2019t mess with niggas from Marcy projects george Zimmerman! You gonna get lit!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It should be admired that it is again the women of this country who have to fight on the frontline of discrimination...We should support them all.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/hungrynomadtruck.com\/become-best-food-truck-la-summer\/: The synonym for Hungry Nomad Truck is the Best Food truck in LA. It cuts down your cost and","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user yep!! back to #sameolestory some black films @user don't deserve any marketing @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Excited to say I'll finally be moving on from my current job to a new salary position as a supervisor. Been at my current job for over 5 years, so it'll be a sick new change. #movingonup","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user God thing we have Beto in Texas. He is for decriminalizing crossing the border. He is for reasonable gun control for Texas citizens. Someone could get hurt if citizens try to defend themselves. Poor Arizona you need a Beto of your own. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Broke my toe on my second day in maga.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No, \"god\" didn't make women for that you fucking cunt. If we love each other we're sure as hell gonna fuck whenever we want wherever we want. Stop embarrassing yourself with this shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s not responsible for that. He is responsible for his decision not to medically evacuate.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user First of all bitch fuck u, second of all we BOTH hoes \ud83d\ude34 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DavidANicholas @realDonaldTrump Fact. Obama inherited one of the worst economies because of #gop greed. Fact @realDonaldTrump inherited one of the best turn arounds thanks to @BarackObama and @JoeBiden and one the longest streaks of economic gains. Fact. Trump crashed that success. #DumpTrump #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watch our facebook page a new competition will be posted this afternoon!! #tgif #fridayfeeling","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just got shoah'd AGAIN. 3 shoah's in 3 days. I hope those stupid faggots at twitter hang themselves\u00a0 Their bots are fucking shit. Dumb dirty kike faggots All bc I started a curious cat acct","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Game I made for my *company*. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CBS: Driver an Illegal Alien was drunk, high at time of fatal Donna crash that killed 6 year old girl. Yet another victim whose life was stolen by an illegal alien.When will you end this?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes mothers now this is what the deranged left will make you do to your little boys! Are we really going to let this happen? Pure EVIL! #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #2020 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant Doctor Fought For Flint Children (The Spark, USA) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Serves them right for indulging in such perversions for money.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BaconParadox for two year old Oreos?-_-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on URL #FoxNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Crowd funding for the border wall. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i have to say i love me some @user @user @user even if @user is against #mexicans #lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women not having kids is not even a remote possibility as a personal choice in a proper society, you stupid faggot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smile because life is beautiful! #life #me #cosplay #ryukomatoi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"flowers #flowers #photo #style #summer #kharkiv #kh #kharkivgram #ukraine_blog #ukraine\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hey, @user - what is going to be done about this teacher making statements? #malvern #arkansas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #first #bihday to our #puppy #eloise #sweetbabins #dog #growingup #cute #bihdaygirl @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should you consider moving to a more-liberty-minded state?\u00a0 http:\/\/www.americanpartisan.org\/2018\/08\/strategic-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"James Allsup: Calling 911 Is Racist! https:\/\/youtu.be\/q5HMzNikWCg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So it's\u00a0Left Handers Day (just found out). How many other left handers like me play instruments right handed? Started on the piano so I figured learning a right handed guitar wouldn't be any easier or harder than a left handed guitar. Especially if I wanted to jam and use someone else's instrument. Opinions?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When she sucks you off right side up and upside down ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"50,000 People gathered outside the Lincoln Memorial to sing, pray and worship God. This is pretty awesome whether you are religious or not. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 #OpenUpAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/T0qzUj0XGa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can only imagine hope & anxiousness each time dialed and prayed their loved ones were ok #heafeltprayers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Time will tell. Not the type to jump on the lefty bandwagon and demonize someone until they have had a fair chance. His policies will either be a huge failure like the liberals and result in losing the next election or they will be a success and ontario will dig out of the hole","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#AbolishICE Prosecute those responsible for the implementation of inhumane, un-American (and ultimately pointless) policies. #Immigration #PoliceState #Impeach45 @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Very nice.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You're a fucking idiot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Because of obama and holder more cops are getting killed each year because they hated law enforcement and encouraged civil unrest.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"meanwhile german #police can also not be distinguished from neo nazi scene anymore in terms of terminology #nafris\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Suddenly this hoe is cb shipper, bitch get out, more than once you insulted the cb shippers slkfksdn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals don\u2019t give a sh!t. They have no souls. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".You cry baby liberals will have Trump for a total of EIGHJT GREAT YEARS!!! GET OVER IT. #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How I keep my block finger strong AF ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We don't need these raping and killing worthless black Niggers in America. Get the fuck out Niggers. Take a knee and go back to Africa you niggers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Staying at home gets her raped as well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dear God, forgive us for a moral slope of values. Shacking is just a pretty word for perpetual fornication. Let's... http:\/\/t.co\/h0URrTNDfZ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just like to congratulate Kamala Harris on becoming first female president because let\u2019s be honest sleepy Joe ain\u2019t lasting 6months. We going a to have a Jamaican running the world bomboclaart \ud83d\ude06 #BidenHarris2020 #trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeah - because ANTIFA are nothing but violent thugs who assault anyone and everything. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal immigration drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids\u2019 schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech jobs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Immigrants Should Not Be Public Charges Burdening U.S Taxpayers if they need welfare-#SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER why do you identify as antifa if you're transphobic?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" fucking nude nerd girls naked","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ty. You are welcome. #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Talk about a kangaroo court! Is this what you Liberals want? One person's word able to destroy another person's life with NOTHING to back it up. If so you're sick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is BAFOONICUS !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is one who should Not own a gun-Such a lost soul\u2014All he Needs is Jesus Christ \u271d\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He a lunatic democrats politicians like antifa George Soros think there money talk but it lunatic dung money dam money they have pay me in gold","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the truth about #sexualharassment & #laborviolations @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some happenings from a French anon. #QAnon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got thousands of comments and hundreds of DM\u2019s filled with hatred and insults towards me, wishes I was dead, threats, insults towards Christians, etc all over this tweet defending the sanctity of Christendom. They have indoctrinated the youth to hate God.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NO ISS NO TURKS no MOROCCANS no ISLAM borders close refugees are not welcome IN Europe EU NO MERKEL NO Cabinet RUTTE111 (King Alexander country verrarder (Zaid stays black) no animal suffering (fuck Sylvana) (Pechtold left again I puke there of)https:\/\/t.co\/bQbIbLTAeC ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #oshaeterry #ThugLife #Criminal Behaved as an Ordinary Disposable Criminal. #MAGA #MAGA2020 #MAGARallyRules #TexasPolice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#SendThemBack fight the #CulturalReplacement and #IslamicCaliphate masquerading as #EconoMigration. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"rainy days... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a3 #rain #switzerland #need #sun #summer #instapic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m not sure about the situations of where you guys live, but in the UK, we\u2019re full. Nearly 70 million people on a tiny island that\u2019s already the most densely populated country in Europe. We don\u2019t need more immigration to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I guess i was a cunt to a woman who was flirting with our married friend (wife is put of town.) She knows he is married etc.. Good. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you say \u201chigh-value men\u201d like that\u2019s a real thing that exists & not a made-up lie you told yourself to distract from the fact your mother never loved you & your penis is microscopic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is a walking talking lie.. that\u2019s why.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the #dems need to keep feeding their #narrative. #marxism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the Cabal lead Financial markets first victim on deck: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Keeping 'Dreamers' would cost taxpayers $26B over next 10 years, feds say #America1st#AmericansHaveDreamsToo#StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Be my whore my slut my bitchy \u2764\u2764\ud83d\udc8b\ud83d\udc45 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user nice! @user @user #ready @user coming to oakland! the marijuana business boom in california - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user See. Even liberals are in agreement! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Those idiots are fringe right. They are hated by most conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MD would have many conservative reps if it wasn't for the gerrymandering the libtards use. Every district snakes into the no go nigger spic zone. This shit needs to change.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What you're doing is so irresponsible & I believe that ur smart enough to understand how evil you are. If the FBI or JD had some plot to thwart DT, all they had to do was leak\" to the press that he was being investigated. They DID NO SUCH THING. U know you're wrong, that's evil!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Are you bipolar? You keep saying different shit to people commenting on what u said","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So why wouldn't you [report the rape]? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user nick cannon speaks out against the systemic of @user via @user #alllivesmatter #unbo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#PoliceState. Why were 600 people arrested for exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. #Immigration @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Wow! Why are liberals heads EXPLODING over the TRUTH finally coming out! BEST NEWS EVER! Americans FINALLY GET TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH! The @USER and @USER under @USER was the MOST CORRUPT EVER! #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are betting on it...you just don't have a choice....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Spoiler Alert : This episode has a hidden agenda to promote gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER noticed you broke away as soon as the senate started talking about the great 4.2 growth rate and salary increases for employees. Your station is so crooked!!!! Also negative on the conservatives and praise the liberals! #DrainTheDeepState #crookedmedia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user In my experience the most extremely-hateful-covert-racist are elderly rich ppl if they are not involved in a #GodRevering #ChristianLife #WalkAway #VoteAllDemsOut #Midterms2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #DrainTheSwamp #LockThemAllUp #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #NeverForget #KAG ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user is paid to attack the credibility of anyone who criticizes or accuses Trump of wrong doing. He is a paid political hitman disguised as a journalist. He is a hack! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#StopKavanaugh #Sendhim home #@USER Kavanaugh Allegation: Conservatives Go Soft on Teen Crime #SmartNews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \u201cAntifa is bad\u201d how hard is it to say that? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Important message for all the fans of #BehavioralMedChat! Next month, @user will join our good friends @user for a conversation on immigrant health. The chat will take place on September 18 @ 1 p.m. ET, and will use the hashtag #SaludTues. See you all there! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Yankees: #Yankees can jump into first place TONIGHT. RT if you think they will!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UK: Home Office told to put refugees in every town and village Ukk death sentence... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I guess that makes me dumb as well. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER BS made up by a lying liberal..a cheap filthy whore, whose lies help to undermine REAL WOMEN who are sexually assaulted. But with trashy liberals who cares?\" right? As long as the end can justify the means? Trashy libs tried same thing with Judge Thomas. Democrats are sick.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why does @user have this censored as potentially sensitive material? #PanicInDC #QAnon #WWG1WGA @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day to all dads! #fathersday #family #cooldad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holy shit thank you so much. Up until the Mine craft I that that because it wasn't on TV anymore that it had ended. I was very very wrong. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think @NorahODonnell is a secret Trump lover and was nasty towards @KamalaHarris. It was evident when Trump got Covid and she was almost in tears. Norah\u2019s #60MinutesInterview with Joe and Kamala was horrible and rude. #60Minutes #norahodonnell","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CNN. U SHOULD B ASHAMED U ROTTEN DIRTY BITCH 4 MAKE FUN OF SOMEONES DISABILITY, U UGLY CUNT!I hope someone breaks ur legs! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The one to the left got his babydick sucked by a jewess!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Soros was 14 years old at the end of WW2. Never believed this horse shit story of him being a \u201cNazi \u201c.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So my daughter gets a new kitten and now our black cat hangs out on black objects around the house, we gave him a Batman voice. anyone know why he might be doing that?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Friend- do you wanna be buried or cremated? Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are without a doubt the greatest President EVER!!!!We love you sir!!!!!#BoycottNike #DrainTheDeepState #BoycottNFL #MAGA #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol. You are not arguing againstbthe system I want, and I am not arguing in favor of the system you describe. That is like you arguing for the principles of anarchy, and me constantly saying oh yeah, well, Hillary was a corrupt politician\" Irrelevant. Factual, but irrelevant\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my new business cards are here. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #thehennarealm \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 @ the henna realm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT now must live in FEAR of the disgraced FBI!\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Maybe stop attacking Conservatives and you might find they don\u2019t retaliate. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Perfect example of a country with gun control. I bet those guys were happy the criminals didn\u2019t have guns. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Looks like conservatives made a back room deal with her as they are best known for always playing dirty divisive politics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Reason #12746 why men can be garbage human beings (but #notallmen but *slap* #stfu with that not all men crap) #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMusing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What does that have to do with anything at all? \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 the level of discourse from liberals is embarrassing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Those other three are activist judges\". They must be conservatives!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's only one hysterical woman in this tweet, and she's not a Senator ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really? Then tell that to the CIA,NSA, FBI, DoD, Private Security firms, etc because they use them all the time.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Russia had Ivan the Terrible. FSU has Willie the Terrible. He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas. We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents. Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KurtBusiek well pee is oft yellow.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dumbass: why don't women come forward about sexual assault? [women come forward] dumbass: WHORE! LIAR! WHAT WERE YOU WEARING? YOU PROBABLY ASKED FOR IT! dumbass: just don't understand why women don't come forward? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yeah \"la Seine\" is very nice these days !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know sex sales and we all know Ridge was going to choose his daughter jmo I wanted Hope to get it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user good saturday morning community stream stas around 12 am or 1 pm depends how long wedding ring choosing takes \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe James to You? All these Women as Rape Victims don't deserve Respect and Dignity or Justice ? RAPE is FELONY A CRIME =PRISON ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ha ha ha ha ha ha. They were paid what they were worth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I hate @user so much now. They fucked up the whole franchise. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He gets confirmed. Conservatives don\u2019t care that he\u2019s a rapist. At all.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anamorph remains a top 5 puzzle and arcade game. Thank for all those that are playing. Would love to hear your feedback! If you\u2019re not playing... download here: \u00a0Anamorph by Steve Snyder https:\/\/itunes.apple.com\/us\/app\/anamorph\/id1315469...\u00a0 \u00a0#NationalRelaxationDay #AppStore #iPhone #iPad #anamorphic #art","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Killstream: Boris vs Burkas, Elon Sinks Shorts, + Vox Goes After Right Wing YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4bp18i7XSCk LIVE TONIGHT at 11PM EST","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user everytime i wear soccer shis joie fries me and says i look mexican as fuck \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just booked glasgow too! glasgow on 2nd dec, leeds on the 3rd and manchester on the 5th!! i need a tena! #placebo #placebo20","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shows the world just how useless and ineffective you are.. You little whiny brat.. Why not go cry in the corner with what's his nuts??? Oh yeah... Acosta ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EU to migrants: Go home and stay home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We need you to do the next superhero game ...\u2b07\ufe0f URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bert and Ernie are puppets \/ dogs are not children \/ there are only two genders \/ and there will be two terms #MAGA @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I eat some weird shit but this crossed the line ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Those lying liberals. At it again. SMH. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so sad. praying for all the victims and their families in orlando. senseless acts of terror. #orlandoshooting #orlandonightclub ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When Melissa committed to being a friendship partner with a refugee family being resettled by @user she knew the experience would change her. \"I knew this was going to be a pretty big \u2018\u02dcvolunteer thing\u2019 and I took it seriously.\" \/1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. voltaire #wisdom #leadership #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mohamed Hoblos is a tough Salafist Muslim, born in Australia but with Lebanese roots. In a video , he can be seen explaining to imprisoned Muslims that they can commit any crimes \u2013 murder, rape of children, selling drugs \u2013 just by praying their five daily prayers. http:\/\/www.savemysweden.com\/imam-preaching-denmark-crimes-murder-rape-pray-five-daily-prayers\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What if you wanting gun control offended me? Should you be fined?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #yougotgot i don't think i'll ever get got...#byeenglish\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 just cooped up in bed, laughing at people who get got \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Started the deadly ruckus\" = jewspeak for \"arrived in C-Ville with permits in hand.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My latest: For one immigrant woman, the Trump administration\u2019s family separation policy may end up costing her life \u2014 and that of her ten-year-old son. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Schumer also wanted the IRS to go after conservatives and the Tea party organizations during the Obama administration. Chucky the clown wants President Trump impeached so stop voting for Democrats. Tell Chuck to confirm 400 nominees still waiting to do their job. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mark on twitter: \"my view #prague #czech #europe #travel #view #like #beautiful #tr\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I heard that our soon to be elected president Joe Biden along with our soon to be elected vice president Kamala Harris are looking for a few volunteers to help President Donald Trump move out of the White House. [NEWLINE]If you want to volunteer call our next leaders","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user False. They have not released the names of the 13 Russians yet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10kids from different women from this American jobless men? Nigerian men you are the bomb!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WomanFightsOffGang #BuildThatWall #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #INVADERS They Seek To #DestroyFromWithin #NeverForget #September11th #Benghazi #StopVoterFraud @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New Q drop https:\/\/qanon.app","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All of you faggots follow the great\u00a0@Paddy87\u200d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"unconditional love \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #cilou #daughter #daddy #proud #2 #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant parents of companies like the annual National Homeland Security, trying to the perfect setting For updates: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yes bitch \ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc93 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user feds provide inadequate #mentalhealth care for #firstnations: internal memo #thirdworldcanada ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Well you are FABULOUS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is there anything that doesn't offend Muslims? Well, except for mass killings committed in the name of Allah, rape and abuse of women and children, and all the evil deeds perpetrated by Islamic adherents... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user retweeted count basic music (@user how do i let go via @user ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You are a sick person ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please let this not be what\u2019s happening. #BidenHarris2020 #vote https:\/\/t.co\/KNtrcmumDE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i\u2019m REALLY happy trumps out of office but can we pls not simp for joe and kamala like the whole point was settle for biden why are we acting like theyre good ppl or something","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Correction: Liberals deliberately distorting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this idyllic national socialist life could of been for all of us in the West but no that was not what the kikes that be wanted for the west...this wonderful national socialist life went against their old kike disorder...they lied to those imbeciles in murica and UK imagining that they were fighting the \"enemy\" when the real enemy was that mass murdering kike Stalin....what a bunch of retards those alleged \"greatest\" generation were....look at us now on the verge of war and the degeneracy level is off the charts and everyday that goes by more and more hebe outrages continue.........a war is coming make no bones about it........we will win this time around and by the gods this will be the last generation of Aryans to deal with these vermin and parasites and their pet gorillas and retards","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She can never said no to prove to her fans and gram she is working hard.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@darealwalt_jr he see the jig","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THEN WHY HAVEN'T THEY BEEN HUNG FOR TREASON!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The President despite all of Woodward book of lies and you and Barrack has done so far a tremendous job we are respected again our economy is not longer the animic less than 2% and our enemies fear us again John you and Barrack r History ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user so proud of our congressional co-chairs! #womeninpolitics #congress ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never under-estimate the potential lethality of beta orbiters thirsting to avenge their idol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ctfu meanwhile she stanning his old bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\u270b stomach hurt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This white lady just told me I was \"too young\" and \"a baby\" BITCH I'm married with 1.5 kids, paying my own goddamn bills, \ud83d\udde3 lee me alone hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Start with explaining why you think he is stupid rather than writing a question looking for attention. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user *click* FUCK YOU!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Except sadly the current brexiters aren't getting what they wanted","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Coming from the man that threatened to try and kick Turmps ass now don't that take a set of ball's ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#SanDiego #SanctuaryState #Immigrants #UnDocumented #ICE#California #Democrats have chosen 1. Criminals over the #safety of the people; and... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Botanic Gardens by J. Howard Ashton (England\/Australia; 1877-1964) Oil on board, 40 x 29 cm #AusFam #AustralianArt #Painting #Garden https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/59nxcq.jpeg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Sounds like hot lesbian sex to me.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm glad you think so. I know you could kick his ass yourself, but I'll always have your back.\" He knows he is doing his best. \"That's awful. That you had to live like that. No child should have to experience such things.\" Shitty people like that should not be allowed near+\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People who don\u2019t understand loyalty will always seek to compromise your position. This is one area Saul Alinsky tactics don\u2019t work, because they\u2019ll hold you to your own standard. The thing to avoid is arrogance, and blind loyalty which ignores all your people\u2019s flaws. You work to save them cuz you love them. Not cuz you think you\u2019re better than everyone else. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bitch thats my cousin hoe cool your beans! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if Australia is multi cultural, then Australia is dead.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Salvini reiterates hard line on migrants during Libya visit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NazisAreBad Their programs called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion,...\"\" (3)\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is this guy retarded fucking hell \/bant\/ you're better than this","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \u201cBlame your opponent of the things you are guilty of\u201d - this pope is a satanist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is restricted duty like a straght jacket and padded room? if not, we should look into that.#blacklivesmatter\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the daily joust between @user quotes and the rest of twitter feed is becoming the most enteaining thing in my life ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Perhaps we in the U.S. need to \"beg\" our leaders for help in stopping the invasion of refugees coming to this... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how cool is the opening sequence?! #agtuk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Okay I admit it. I wouldn't even know how to get into crypto, and at this point I don't see how someone new to the industry could profit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"zzz just relax ashe \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #sleep #dreams ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jsolomonReports The New York Times should question whether they will be in business this time next year! #4MoreYears #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good to see your hosting of the Emmys' bombed. Seems only Liberals like no humor. You won't be asked back. Career killer. You were Da rating tanking Bomb. Now go celebrate with your liberal pals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At least he didn\u2019t fuck gooks. Or have snaggle teeth. You hate Americans bc we are way better. You hate us bc you ain\u2019t us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please visit today to honor the thousands of victims killed by illegal aliens!We are building a memorial wall.#RETWEETHelp #BuildThatWall in their memory!Follow @user & @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and why do all the issues about Pc only focus on liberals What about conservatives on kneeling on fake patriotism Or Republicans freaking out over an abortion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Hunnid Stax my shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i don't know...maybe those two things go hand in hand.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are a disgrace","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...worked to own a middle-class home, a home now subjected to property taxes to pay for daycare of illegal immigrant children (and children of illegal immigrants) that is necessary for those immigrants to take jobs in the local chicken processing plant? 2\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Question is why are IRS agents combat trained ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday - i made this to #educate on the #horrors of not spending enough #time with your #children. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fiona a whore, Sammi a psycho annoying bitch, Carl a wanna be, Debbie a try hard, Mickey is actually a sweetheart, and Frank a scammer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you showed the videos of the immoral and wrong rioting of Antifa scumbags to them they would be disgusted. Show them this tweet of yours and moreso too. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He just kept screaming 'is it too late now to say sorrrrry?!' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"with so many delicious burger & entree selections, one of the hardest things to do is select just one! ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A videographer who reported on the violence of Antifa was found dead due to a tragic car accident. Police now believe his death was no accident at all. Welcome to the tolerant left. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#migrants #KeepFamiliesTogether #protests #Freedom #Democracy #IllegalImmigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What are you offended about?\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*waits for a buncha braindead rednecks to burn the Levi's that they're wearing and get hauled off to the ER en masse* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck em","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user and being a ww, i feel culpable 4 deeply entrenched systemic that exists so i do all i can to dismantle","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Foreign car swerving pot holes bad bitch she from chicago ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch whole pussy out wit some pro-keds on. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MarkJonesESPN Ole Mark is begging Jemele Hill to get him on at her new spot. Cryin ass baby \ud83d\ude2d #MAGA2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"LOL, cripple!\" - Wendy Davis. RT @MailOnline: Scientists create remote-controlled chick to study shy penguins http:\/\/t.co\/mT3B09Slod","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lebron making his way into warrior defense like he owns the place. #warriors","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey Mac, prove it or stfu.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This scum bag should be swinging and rotting as we speak! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user some of the things i've been #working on for @user this week. to see this #game come together! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why does nobody want to follow me. i am so lonely. willing to post #nudes if it helps. #pleasefollowme #lonely","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is an idiot and not very smart either. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The pretty hoe really got that mexican girl hoein for her lmaaaooooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Guess she knows who you are too much like by not watching you \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f go figure:) have a great night Brett!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user NBC just doesn\u2019t get it! It has nothing to do with the day of the week or football. It has everything to do with the liberals looking down their noses at the American people. Their sanctimonious political remarks - laughing at those who do not think like them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DeportThemAll The only money any illegals should recieve should be a ticket back to where they are from! Nothing More!#EndIllegalImmigration #EndDACA#EndChainMigration #NoAmnesty#EndVisaLottery #EndSanctuaryCities #NoWelfareForImmigrants#AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user loving a bit of #takethat #greatestday #feelgoodfriday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just got done threatening my coworker to give me money and he says \"black male is illegal\" smh #really","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From refugee to sole survivor - How one Syrian has become shoemaker to the famous ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Perfect breakfast to start your weekend, ho yummy! Topped with some Green Savi Hot Pepper sauce! What do you have for breakfast? \ud83c\udf36 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is LYING....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Damn is she ugly!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Laylah, a Syrian refugee and member of our Hope Workshop, used to bring her daughter Jenan with her while sewing at CRP. But at our new childcare center, Jenan has a safe place to play while her mom earns extra income. Support our childcare center here: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They did operations to force black people, sending black & white families to see the same properties, then suing if the black people felt they were treated differently. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"big west coast radio geek-fest coming up... http:\/\/www.pacificon.org\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @JoeBiden Please promise the American people one thing...that we do not have to hear the names Joe Biden and Kamala Harris after November 3. Thank you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Women4Biden @Yemayah777 You are so awesome! It\u2019s so heart warming young people like yourself are stepping up and showing support!! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Tell us Blue. While NPR knows this kid with zero experience was railroaded by that shit Mueller with the help of an actual CIA spy Halper.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It comes in a shot also.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dear media, when someone is born here, they are what you call \"australians\" even when they do shitty things. #whitepriv\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"think positively #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is delirious!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Maybe Florida needs to get tougher on gun control! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WATCH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! Muslim migrant challenges welfare worker, and t... via @user EXACTLY WHAT WE MUST DO !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"uberrush is an on-demand delivery network friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user in the warcraftmovie i wanted to see 2 things: orgrim vs blackhand and the destruction of stormwind... i'm so right now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to me it seems #alllifematters people are the same ones who would be happy a gay club got shot up. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope that ENTIRE police department gets shut the f*ck down!Obviously you all feel like you're above the law.Obviously you are incapable of holding your OWN accountable for breaking the law.Obviously you undermine everything a police officer&dept are SUPPOSED to be\/do. Shameful!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ImNeverChillin: When yo phone go off in class & the teacher say \"turn that trash off\" but it's one of the songs on yo mixtape http:\/\/t.…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #fixit @user why can't i post??? @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Doubt he is losing much sleep over it. The guy has been a busted flush for 30 years ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why is Fox News stating that Jones is winning when the ticker on the bottom of their screen showed Moore at 52% and Jones at 46%?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I think the easiest way to label them would be that they are conservatives who are ok with the LBGQT community and pro rights. Somehow that's supposed to make them liberal.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Thanks for the resistance boycott any means nessasary losers they Hollywood MSM Rinos Google Facebook and Twitter China Jack Black haters ANTIFA are ruining our country enough we need a wall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Criminals EVERYWHERE #BuildThatWall !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A key reason why refugees tend to flourish is the grit and determination they forged in the face of extreme adversity and persecution. -Tim Breene, CEO of @user #WeWelcomeRefugees #StandForTheVulnerable #WorldRelief ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER But that\u2019s not convenient for Democrats who must destroy a man in front of his wife and children for the sake of power- Power that allows them to weaponize the FBI - CIA- NSA -IRS- all used against conservatives !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Where is your source for that?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ...I happen to know of your wayward conversations with Patricia Hewitt and hooking back up with the very same Liberals you are who sold us out to this. Go on. Tell me how your continued complicity isn't part of this. You have stoked this too. Disgusting. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user took our #bsl room @user today. room change and no #donuts! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just heard from a confidential source that Matt \u201call 3 holes\u201d Heimback and Ricky \u201cI don\u2019t lick vagina\u201d Vaughn have made up and are friends. In fact, they\u2019re starting a new edgy blog together about male fitness and vitamins. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Home Office has put on hold plans to re patriate 240 Glasgow failed asylum seekers with a week to go its always bad news for Brits where migrants are concerned and a Pakistani Home Office Minister Sanjiv Javid it will never get better \ud83d\ude25 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user this comment only shows that having refused to engage with facts you do the fascist antifa approach which is to use personal attack to try to bully your way into some mythical win. Research projection and stop doing it u look stupid now! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"In September, the Commission announced it would pay member states to settle 50,000 refugees from Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, and Sudan by 2019 as part of efforts to stabilise the flow of migration from across the Mediterranean.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah Bc this bitch boutta get raped and murdered so no shit she ain't ever comin back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this story always get's me really . so #proud of our #design and #me team :-) #surfacebook ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If only I dated a girl that lived off Mack Road I could just get the holy trinity of Sacramento ghettos on a daily basis","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Gutierrez you\u2019re such a liar that\u2019s all you guys are good for ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The more l see of this abomination the more l am getting radicalised against it all. Big Time. Feel the anger comIng up. THIS IS SO BLOODY EVIL AND WRONG.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ......Google needs to be broken up....they are a threat to the country ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #humpday! come out to bombshells - webster webster tonight! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This is the violent liberal ANTIFA party! NOW they try to convince us they they have a heart? And some woman is knocking our men. There's go around with KKK hoods beating up strangers & wrecking our towns. Most violent corrupt party ever.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"magical sugary spiderwebiness snapped by our elena \u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0095\u00b7\u00e2\u009c\u00a8 #sunny #day #jasmine \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009d #repost @user \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f \u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dozens of migrants intercepted off Greek islands ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MIKE ADAMS: WE OWE TRUMP! - ALEX JONES INFOWARS https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SCy--v4OTzk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Interview with black Silent Sam supporter HK Edgerton https:\/\/twitter.com\/howleyreports\/status\/103227816...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"you can't spray a good perfume without getting a little bit of good scent on you\" \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Czar Alexander 1 tried to integrate the jews, opening up Russian education to them, they eventually assassinated him. It would seem the greatest crime is not to threaten or kill jews, but to try and get them to integrate, become assimilated.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CNN = Fake News ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"10) But why? Do they hate us that much?\" Well yes and no. For the Leftists, yes they do. Why? Because they're Leftists, silly! You either get with their program and let them tell you what to do - or they hate you. With the formerly conservative conservatives - no.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How dare McConnell stand up & say Senate may not win 8 close seats! Won't fund the Wall until after election? @user don't listen to him, listen to your gut & voters. #BuildThatWall as promised. McConnell & Ryan are wrong & the problem if Congress is lost! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ummm you can't hear what she hears because you're not bat poop crazy like she is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fun fact: @wocassity grows yet another year older tomorrow and thus a little bit more senile. God save me.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"russia fans went too far by attack people that suppo england \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 #suckstobeyou #russiafans #lowlife #cowereds","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Thanks for the resistance boycott any means nessasary losers they Hollywood MSM Rinos Google Facebook and Twitter China Jack Black haters ANTIFA are ruining our country enough we need a wall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Mmmhm I heard you from down the street gave me a few extra seconds to get my shit together\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is a moron ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" after sex adult traffic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Aliens Killed Two Search And Rescue Dogs In Texas wicked infernal barbarians have no place in society!#BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty#NoDACA#NoMs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this is exactly who you sound like. Complete dog shit. Been meaning to tell you this for a while. #long #cox ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yeah. Well you don't deserve to be free! Funny how this started on slaves and ended up on you wanting to be one! Be sure and thank the Dems for creating the KKK and ANTIFA! Their contributions to the fabric of American politics.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You liberals live by double standards. Look at what you did to Monica Lewinski. She was branded a liar and whore even after she produced the evidence. All because good ole Bill is a Democrat! Your all fucking insane!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I sure hope they have removed him from where he is and are hiding and protecting him. He is chum in the water right now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FrancisBrennan The #DonTheCon train going of the rails[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsAMassMurderer https:\/\/t.co\/YbkAhfYJf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"only gone and passed my driving test (first time). #driver ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merkel and Salvini\u2019s migration crisis: Much ado about nothing? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathersdayuk for #sunday :) #dad skull leather choker fathers day gift winged by clpcreationsuk via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Help out! Give to 'Indian Women Need Instant Help Stop Rape &; Murders'. #generosity via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for cats. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Incoming \u201cevil soy\u201d conspiracy nuts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now how this bitch gonna fart and not say excuse me but stink up the hole check out lane #NoLadyLike ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i loved it! #got more seeing todo next week let me know when your free x ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rahm Emanuel\u2019s failure is an ill omen for all Democrats\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A man in hiding for rape says that a powerful woman has a dark side. That is the definition of creepy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Do you support @user Southern Border Wall?Vote & #RETWEETCheck out wall progress at Order Bricks to show you #Support45 @ are an awesome Pro-Trump way to say Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday!#BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user More misleading nonsense. It\u2019s like you are incapable of straight News. Fake through and through. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is phony and opportunist. Look at the millions he is making out of gullible people. Lets see if he donates millions he has to help his hometown. Oh well its people\u2019s money they use. Their money is untouchable ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love being at @user :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER aaaaaaaaa that\u2019s so exciting!!! the majority of my friends are in second year at this point so the blow i\u2019m about to receive from moving to a whole ass other country hasn\u2019t hit yet.... i\u2019m doing film studies because i hate myself apparently :\/ wbu babie","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is one UGLY and DUMB woman!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba saturday always stay #blessed and #positive \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Funny. So then why do democrats and mainstream media figures (see don lemon) defend Antifa?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user two words: billy bob ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Learning? Yes, like how much they nag and how hysterical they get over the most minuscule of things. Females = unbalanced & crazy #schizo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #brexit @user So we are being dangled another fictional carrot by CONservatives of an increase in social housing in 2021......we don\u2019t know what\u2019s happening in 6 months? Are we meant to be as stupid as Trump supporters and swallow this propaganda? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Not any man - Rape Fantasy writing Paid women staff less Calling PP establishment Women's rig\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got my tickets for @user today. looking forward to a great day! thanks @user !! #theopen #golffan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user 13 year old@ time of rape, woman brought sui\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Who the fuck are you? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how to make herbal tinctures #peace #love #organic #vegan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jaymiller73caca @LyfIsAJourney @KamalaHarris @JoeBiden @BarackObama Exactly. Anyone with common sense can see with their own eyes that this election wasnt rigged. Joe and kamala won fair and square. People are just tired of trump's lies and want a change for the better. That means scrubbing the shit stain out of the carpet in january","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Report: US plans to change Palestinian refugee status #President #son-in-law... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CANT PEOPLE HAVE NEW FRIENDS?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP THOES PEOPLE ALL TO YOURSELF?! TF BITCH!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holder should be removed with a set of tongs and some disinfectant.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER where did you dig this one from? She is dope sha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yea, that 150$B probably came secretly funneled & tunneled. Trump will find a way, if he hasnt already. Theyve just convinced him to wait til after mid-terms to push the budget. Sadly, that move could cost more rep votes than they realize. #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Argentina imported tons of Mestizos and they went from a first world country to another third world Latin American shithole. This is what's in store for America if we #AbolishICE. #BuildTheDamnWall #DeportThemAll #SupportICE #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@NG5_ Thirsty Giants are always like \"ho, ho, ho\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"While Italy's Prime Minister and EU do all they can to shun refugees & migrants escaping war + hellish treatment in Libya, local Italians help shipwrecked refugees fleeing Syria & Iraq onto shore and give them food and drink @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RSSReachesOut Now its open to everyone who really is intolerant. Shame on these Psuedo liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yup! She will destroy hard working ppl and small businesses. She is evil with a pretty face and ppl are falling for it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Good god woman. Shut up. If you liberals really believed this @USER would have spoke out against this the day she received the letter.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SchadeTom @user @user I don't vote \"D\"More like got to get rid of my dumb lib neighbors and all the illegals from 3rd world holes.#SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just one more shift left, unit i have two weeks off. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user My wife is from the USA. All my inlaws are thrilled with Trump and the conservatives winning the PC war. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user donnie jr. you and your family owe the country an apology for taking your criminal activities into OUR White House You are lining your pockets while your father is unfit and making a mockery of our republic. Shame on you and your family. Justice will prevail ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a #dystopian tale of , #radicalisation & #revenge #preorder for #99c\/99p\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Would you deport the EU migrants what are living off the state? i,e the Romanians. Why should I work and pay for them? They trash our cities and treat our country like shit! At least Trump spoke up about peoples genuine concerns ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#GetThemOut it's an attempt at an #IslamicCaliphate. #SendThemBack as they are #ForeignInvaders seeking #CulturalReplacement.Ask your MPs why they support #Islam when #IslamIsIncompatible with #WesternValues. Just ask #TommyRobinson and @user about #MuslimRapeGangs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user my #favorite #donut an #oldfashion #donut, #nationaldonutday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b mmm! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Roy Moore Jumps to 10 Point Lead in PredictIt Market as Accuser Accusations Fall Apart. http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2017\/11\/breaking-r... #MAGA #PresidentTrump #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #News #SpeakFreely #GabFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER and bale is shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Theresa May was groomed by the Illuminati from birth. Look at the childhood picture with Merkel. They are all \"selected\" politicians, not \"elected\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The meatballs called K\u00f6ttbullar are not Swedish, but Turkish. That tweeted the Swedish government. She gives up her claim to her national dish. @chzuercher finds: This nerd policy annoys really slow a bit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Pittsburgh #Antifa cell that is conducting weapons training to fight racists in the streets\"\" openly embraces mass murder. The \"\"MLM\"\" in that graffiti stands for Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. Mao's Communist regime killed 45 million people in the Venetian ballroom, at capacity. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ALL criminal illegals must be deported whether they are DACA recipients or not Crime & welfare are draining our limited resources WHAT deterrent will be implemented for re-entry? #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #MandatoryEverify ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So we should be denouncing Democrats & their ANTIFA Thugs? Done & Done!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But we do need to teach our boys to Respect and Protect our women not harass rape beat and belittle them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user empty plate, empty hea \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 #depressed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In 1913, the U.S. government not only legalized slavery via the income tax, directly and forcibly confiscating the fruits of people\u2019s labor, but also, by way of the Federal Reserve Act, legalized a level of counterfeiting and bank fraud which boggles the mind. In short, the politicians gave bankers legal permission to make up money out of thin air, and to loan such fake, fabricated money out, at interest, to others, including governments. Though most people are unaware of the specifics of how such huge frauds and robberies occur via fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking, many people now have a gut instinct that the banks are doing something deceptive and corrupt. What they fail to realize is that it was the government which gave the banks permission to defraud and swindle the public out of literally trillions of dollars. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my popularity is all time low 38%.... #hst #homburg #geosweep #educationcuts @user @user @user #oneterm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop rt'ing Celtics trash please","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Are you freaking serious. 3900 lives lost. Trillion dollars in recover and rebuild. Continued threats and fear. You are a disgrace to journalism. You moron!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I believe you are the Peace of shit and you do not deserve a star! #MAGA!! GOD BLESS THE USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 AND GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Regardless of intent, the term \u201cundocumented immigrant\u201d is incorrect\u2026 because illegal aliens are foreigners (i.e., aliens), who are unlawfully present in the United States (i.e., illegal). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It is both. The likes reward this behavior so you train yourself into being regularly hysterical. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wouldn't be too surprised if Luke started interrogating random white kids in a chemotherapy ward.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Looks like he is in the middle of shitting his pants. Must have ate one booger too many. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maine\u2019s first Somali Muslim police officer resigns after arrest investigation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@TryHardSilva: Quote this with a weezy verse\" I'm a diamond in the rough like a baby in the trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i think his the worst in everything, his hatred towards our country was too much #bluelivesmatter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"His haircut almost ruins the performance","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This nigga prob made her infertile god only knows all the germs he brought back","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tranvesties are just as fucked up as pedos. Both should be banned from all western societies. \u00a0 https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/national-security\/2018\/0...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Someone's kids not yours you have to be a man to father children. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all tickets have been delivered, lets get ready to pay!!! @user #dancingontheceiling #foreseearegreat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Unicorns and Antifa and rainbows and socialists and puffy hearts and feminazis and sunshine and pussy hats. And most of all RESIST! \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user nobdy wants 2 kiss #lying #conaist #homophobic #islamaphobic #russianhack #nomandate #traitor","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user please for us #notlongnow #whatson #familyfun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"date night with @user and hope on friday \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You were made a fooln of last night by Kavanaugh so like a spiteful child seeking attention youngo on your wide eyed rant. You are an embarrassment to the chamber and this country","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Lol another illegal Antifa girl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why are the fellows in the lower photo dressing like Supreme Court justices?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cher is helping Republican party by her unhinged rants... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Refugees in Italy throw away food. Refuse to eat it.#stopimmigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"South Africa under attack by its own citizens. Racial attacks by Blacks against Whites. Districts being burnt down. White farmers murdered and beaten","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-She comes with a cage and with at least two months worth of food left and Two food bowls. (Together is a extra $30) cage was expensive! -She doesn\u2019t have to be groomed yet due to the fact that she is still a puppy. **she comes with the bigger cage.** DM For more information! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t even know the subject but I\u2019ll side with Sarandon only because she has class (even if I disagree with her) against the classless rambling fool. \ud83d\ude01 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YOUR Black Athlete of the Week for w\/e 24 Mar 18: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Calais Jungle refugees get a grip France they are visitors ,they have no rights or in a position to demand ,Europe needs to get a grip ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i want my money back from all those records i bought https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/08\/1...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yea shit sucks thats why i stopped watching anime mostly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Doubt he is losing much sleep over it. The guy has been a busted flush for 30 years","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user happy 7 year anniversary mistress Carol -so happy to be your Panty Bitch and Total Slut, your voice eas\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"suppo british farming this summer! #british #summer #farming #health #healthy \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#phone #pic #light #golden #myboy #gorgeous #photographer on a day off @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh fuck yeah","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is maaaad annoying! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm going home today! no more shit ass hospital food and hourly obs. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201c \u2018Texas\u2019 Couple Kept 5 Year Old African Girl as a Slave for 16 Years\u201d. \u00a0\u2018Texas couple\u2019 indeed. \u00a0Meet Mohammed & Denise, just your typical Texans. How many times do these cases not turn out to involve somebody named Mohammed? http:\/\/www.star-telegram.com\/news\/local\/community\/...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#starsofthefuture loving the great dancing and atmosphere today #brentwood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You bought that bitch a pair shoes I bought a pipe lil nigga aint neva use one squeeze dat bitch with all my might lil nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One of the biggest political crooks in the history of the world. When history exams his claims about Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, Libya and the refugees he will be seen as the architect of the destruction of most of the middle east ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathers #day to me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Reputation? REPUTATION? She schitt her reputation away by being an ANTIFA activist! Just like good old V.I.Lenin said - a scoundrel may be useful BECAUSE they are a scoundrel\"\"!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user people like you have nothing to contribute and get a kick from being contrary. #guncontrol is needed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany's BAMF migration office warns against fake employees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kimbi4u - everything that has to be with pleasure: #young #nude #porn #naughty #wet #sexy #hot #nasty ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Irish will not like my tweet at all... But why was Ireland nuetral in WWII?? So Bono gives a NAZI salute...yawn.nothing new. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Liberals + #Conservatives= #neoliberalism & #Globalization & all of its Discontents: #PPP-#CorporateWelfare-Dilution of #Constitutional Rights\/Freedoms & #Justice-#SocioPoliEconFinancial #Corruption & PARTICRATIC #Collusion of #cdnpoli\/ticians for 1%ers! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another young life cut short thanks to an #IllegalAliens . The animal ,here illegally stabbed this girl to death and \"IF\" convicted gets 30 years. I say hang him and be done ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"first s'mores of the season! #firepitfun #smores ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Russian tv station assures viewer\u2019s they are serious in offering 1-way tickets to California to sodomites & are now formulating plan to vet potential candidates as they don\u2019t want photo or video evidence\u00a0 https:\/\/russia-insider.com\/en\/russian-christian-tv...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We all know Marty, the Looney Jew.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I announce that I deleted YouTube this morning due to recent ''censorship practices'' to Conservatives and ''removal'' of their videos.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Full Natacha Jaitt Interview Now Subtitled in English | Barnhardt","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a biggest Thing she as fail everywhere else","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That fucking cunt is so irritating , what a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I too was frustrated that Trump passed the omnibus porkulus bill. But, I think @KurtSchlichter\u200d has the right take on it: https:\/\/bit.ly\/2ukCNRx Rarely does anyone win every battle. We've set a task for DJT to drain a swamp that's existed for several decades. Give him a boost and a chance to do that. It also wouldn't hurt to give him some allies in Congress.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's #Trumpianity. Rape, pillage, and steal but as long as you say #MerryChristmas it's ok. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a murderer and your whole department should be ashamed of this cover up. SHAME ON THE DALLAS PD! THERE IS NOTHING NOBLE OR RESPECTABLE ABOUT HOW YOUR DEPARTMENT IS HANDLING THIS SITUATION. YOU ARE AIDING A CRIMINAL AND SHOWING YOU DONT CARE ABOUT THE CITIZENS OF DALLAS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EVERYBODY\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udf1d ROY\ud83c\udfb8AYERS-\u201876\ud83c\udfb7 URL @USER @USER @USER @USER #MAGA #Trump #USA @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"anyone who thinks asian fetishes are \"harmless\" needs to read this. #objectification ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER she is so beautiful! \u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user America is being destroyed by our President.. he is a cancer to democracy. That is what is sad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Brings whole new meaning to rubbing his nose in it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Word....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How Trump supporters think the law works:[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Judge: You have committed many terrible crimes.[NEWLINE]Trump: Hillary had an email server.[NEWLINE]Judge: I see. You're free to go.[NEWLINE]#TrumpCrimeFamily","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Who are you to judge a man. Is your name Jesus? Why fuss about the words he chose? How many did your Messiah @USER bring home. Stop being a troll and wake up. #MAGA #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump #TrustThePlan URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mikeandike #sierraandhunter #twomonkeys #sugarhigh #amped #sendthemhome #sweetuncle #guncle @ Burbank, California ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"quick stop on route to etihad #roses ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" father's day. today we honor our eahly father's. how much more should we honor and praise our heavenly father who is the provider","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user They both stink but I prefer Andriese. One good thing is he is not stretched out so he will only go 3 innings or so. Somehow Torey will still leave him in to long though. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user She is a pathological liar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never forget the Psycho Liberals booed God. It boggles the mind that they think they have any moral authority or can claim the moral high ground on anything! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To regain the respect of the world, and the soul of justice that we strive to stand for we must remove the cancer from the Senate and the Presidency! [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #DemCast #46ReasonsWhy https:\/\/t.co\/nIKDaTz8aw","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @EMAdair225: Illegals bringing diseases across border. Contagious patients separated from others by yellow tape... pregnant teens http:\/…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Maybe he is not a Mariota fan","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@PatinkinMandy You are so right! I feel exactly as you do! Let's get this orange clown out! #BidenHarris2020 #DumpTrump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".\u2066@SenBlumenthal\u2069 \u27a1\ufe0f Liar. Just like your \u201cservice in Vietnam.\u201d BTW, Liar they\u2019re ILLEGAL Immigrants aka Invaders. Glad I could educate you, dummy. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user gutted didn't know that you were here tonight i would have been there #good luck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10 minutes into free tinder dinner and chill and he gives you this look... \ud83d\ude37 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If things were the other way around and whites were migrants these other countries WOULD NOT accept us. Wake up!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gitmo could resolve Holders issues along with all of Obama\u2019s Clowns","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 2play maison johnny @user w @user @user @user +more! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe this is why people won't go shopping with me anymore?\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PBd3YKSZ0Wo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do it @user #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 2A and putting an end to these Antifa fuckwits. Pardon the language","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maybe because you\u2019ve provided a play form for hate groups with no criticism or criticism-lite while bashing antifa with zero analysis","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to this day, i regret looking at those pictures. #gosnell #prolife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany had no chose they had 2 act on Poland where they started a genocide campaign on ethnic Germans and the president of Poland refused to speak with Hitler about what was happening I like your ideal of nukes they had a plane that could delver a payload of nukes all the way to America and fly back but Hitler want about killing people trying stop all this madness","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I call them sand niggers. But, shitskin works just as well.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrants Come LEGALLY like 1.5 Milion Do Every year Not Cross the Border ILLEGALLY Dont Blame the U.S for Your ILLEGAL ACTIONS ! Aidos ! #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What will German\u2019s will give us? Gun control ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hello people, been a while ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user did someone say #antisemetic ? gee (((@user you're a bit triggered eh? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Do you have evidence that Trump didn't collude with Russia? DUuUueerrrrhhh, he said so...MAGA!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anhyone else hate the way women smell? I think it's because they're BITCHES!!!!!! Fuck you bitch!!!?! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Basically the whole song is 'you're going to get it bitch'. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when the change aligns with the site's core free speech message and is of benefit to users, i support it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another attempt of the DEMS to hide the TRUTH of ABUSE against WOMEN WHERE is the ME TOO\" movement on this verified ABUSER of WOMEN #MeToo are they just another extension of the SOROS groups like ANTIFA KKK\u2753\u2753\u2753\u203c\ufe0f URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This women is a vile example of the far left lunacy. She is using the Alinsky, Rules for Radicals Handbook.\" No matter what u have to do, (lie,steal,use violence etc. )u must destroy the conservatives. They lack character & have no moral code.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Then why are you pretending to be something your not???You are a phony and all your lies won't change that! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's missing one graphic: one with their hands down the back of the pants!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why u r silent when a Maulvi in WB spewing venom against Majority&openly threatening against deportation of illegal migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Are #conservatives in #Kansas joining in on claiming Christine Blasey Ford is making false accusations while supporting @user at the same time? Cus that level of stupidity is the hallmark of the @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user definitely both! both provide a ceain kind of that is paralleled on this #planet! hmmm, how to combine the two....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #MAGA their podcastful is about blockchainful. but it'sful about what it meansful to bewise working mothersful who are trying to makewise...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future https:\/\/www.sainthermanmonastery.com\/mobile\/product.aspx?ProductCode=orf&404;http:\/\/www.sainthermanmonastery.com:80\/product-p\/orf.htm=","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stay tuned for coverage of a very special performance later tonight! #dot #com #getflexd #finalfest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DueProcess not permitted for #Conservatives but #documented evidence against #Democrat can\u2019t be believed #DoubleStandards #ConfirmKavanaughNow URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Awh shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Liars like the Antifa twins you vigorously defend? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These two undercover agents helping Italy collect evidence to prosecute charities rescuing refugees & migrants were \"so overwhelmed following rescues that they broke down crying\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is an ALEC puppet. If they don\u2019t move the string on her back that works her mouth then she does nothing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@OG_Dakota lemme just throw a 302 in it, how's the tranny??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm glad you think so. I know you could kick his ass yourself, but I'll always have your back.\"\" He knows he is doing his best. \"\"That's awful. That you had to live like that. No child should have to experience such things.\"\" Shitty people like that should not be allowed near+\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user on route to ally pally #boxcup @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cAmazing leadership\u201d....BULL FUCKING SHIT!! HE is responsible FOR EVERY PERSON HE HIRES!! So rip that fuckers records apart and FIND A WAY to get him fired!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user better NOT take #AugustRecess until No #IllegalAliens are released! #NoAmnesty 4 #DACA #BuildTheWall #ZeroTolerance #SendThemBack #DeportThemAll do it or u r #TheSwamp #DrainTheSwamp @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stricter immigration laws and build that wall! #KAG #MAGA #ProudAmerican #ProudConservative #TruthIsPower #SearchForTruth #Vote #Deplorable #DrainThatSwamp #WWG1WWGA #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Kaepernick trying to accurately quote #Churchill is like a German shepherd trying to draw the Mona Lisa on an index card with a crayon rammed up its poop-chute. You stupid, smug POS. #Pence #MAGA #USA #NFL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have you seen our latest designs? vote for your favorites: #cactus #hug #cute #green ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's true. The Liberal MSM and their bitchfests on air alienate more and more sane people by the second.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The more you deal with Jews and\/or observe what they do, the more you realize the \"Nazis\" were right.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Either she is misinformed or has no shame. I\u2019m going with she has no shame. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and @user @user @user is inciting VIOLENCE towards Trump supporters on lists to be targeted by ANTIFA. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My favorite Scotsman in regards to the art video hosted in the National Scottish Art Gallery: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=TFAx0_y-H9s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I trick a bitch and let her think I'm Obamaa to fuck, is that rape? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Are you just upset that nobody is grabbing your skank pussy since trumps election is over. Youre an ugly gross old hag and youre also a racist pig and I hope all your children are black ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I've said that many times. Liberals and Conservatives are two sides of the same coin and that coin is in the back pocket of the wealthy Canadians. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Ku Klux Korean immigrant\u2019s portfolio of bigoted tweetery, it\u2019s not merely ugly, stupid, and immoral \u2013 it\u2019s downright sociopathic. Yet the flagship of the floundering fleet that is America\u2019s liberal media saw the iceberg and went full speed ahead. \ud83d\ude33 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"for perspective only: a refresher on and #whitesupremacy #resist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Disgusting!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Surprise!!![NEWLINE] October 13th... get your snacks & blanket ready to sit & watch all the things we did\/didn't know, and apply what we just found out (but still expected) about #DonTheCon's \ud83d\udc03\ud83d\udca9 #Gaslighting #Covid19 response\/lack of response. #DumpTrump2020[NEWLINE] #Vote #Biden2020 [NEWLINE]#Resist https:\/\/t.co\/KBpLQo9bb5","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user If you ever say women get 'hysterical' over this issue again, I'm gonna drive down there & spit right in your face. Our lives, our health, our ability to make so many life choices and\/or being able to afford any of them aare on the line here. Help us or STFU. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eurozone: expect strong employment growth in q1 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 danske bank #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The real #Antifa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa constantly lies and... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck the military. Republicans need to stop the muh military wankfest. Of all the things staying unfunded the military is probably the least needed. Keep the government shut. Forever.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s time for a Christian world","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yup better to wall away even if it means you break your heart","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Invite @user to all of the @user shows and let her tell you about her interview with Brock Long. Then you will know why #Cult45Politburo sounds so unhinged. He is parroting the FEMA admins line of BS. @user tried to fight back against Long's BS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Establishment turd \ud83d\udca9! Conservatives have a much better memory than liberals!! We don\u2019t have eyes full of hypocrisy blinding us!! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On the secret Party mission! Live tweaking to mock FATPO.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I enjoy ad hominoid attacks as it tells me you are an intellectual midget. My apology to Littel People!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"adel's favourite place \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a1 . . . #agameoftones #ink361 #fun #instadaily #follow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Insanity...just like the commies! #hypocrisy #TheStorm #maga #KAG #QAnon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Cantwell\u200d two bits of feedback. First, that Catholic church shill that calls in is getting annoying as fuck. Second, when people ask you to let jews talk when they call in, tell them that they can turn on any MSM if they are so desperate to listen to jews. Your show is an oasis of jew free content, please don't let them speak there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Complaining about SP's comments and blames the media for him(Spath) feeling a certain way and not actually reading an article. Basically saying Shea doesn't know shit and basically he should shut his mouth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Heil Facebook! Yeah...pretty much. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" one of the strangest artifacts of the \u201990s, and its singular author, John Perry Barlow. Perhaps more than any other, it\u2019s his philosophy \u2014 which melded countercultural utopianism, a rancher\u2019s skepticism toward government and a futurist\u2019s faith in the virtual world \u2014 that shaped the industry.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Public Charge Rule has been part of the #Immigration laws since 1882 why would we admit Migrants requiring U.S Taxpayers to pay for them ? We have poor and homless citizens that need those resources and should come 1st #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@BasebaIIVines: Michael Pineda hides pine tar...on his neck http:\/\/t.co\/PJRKJeaY6h” fact that the Yankees cheat 👍👍👍 Go Red Sox!! #Boston","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Awwww babe I love you and thanks haha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA you ignorant dupes. Everyone knows this is just not true. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"week-end. \u00e2\u009c\u008c #picoftheday #girl #girly #longhair #brownhair #browneyes face\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fairness?? What about being fair to the democratic process of this republic??? All this is a sham to delay the vote. Shameful. #DrainTheDeepState #DrainTheDeepStateSwamp #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We don't need a border wall \u2014 especially as roughly 50 percent of illegal immigrants simply overstay legal short-term visas. What we need are immigrant quotas backed by immigrant licenses \u2014 similar to driver licenses, writes Frank from Park City ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Spanish #unjustice vs. #FreedomOfExpression and #HumanRights #Spain is a #fakedemocracy @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #cddr #shameonSpain @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Looks at this! Wow. Our hard earned money \ud83d\udcb0used for the liberals extravagant lifestyle. Doesn\u2019t that remind you of the typical socialist government!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its time to give hunting licenses to border homes and make it year round open season on this invading force! Free guns and ammo to those willing to defend our borders!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWallNow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#bustyescos haha really great! @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user study history, @user a #gop president spawned #isis. fearing you'll be booted, you're desperate; you play th\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are so full of shit. A.) Violent crime is down & has been on the decline for decades B.) Where gun crime is a problem, it is a state & local problem & no so called common sense\" gun control law passed at the federal level will fix it. You are clueless about this problem.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"really not ready for my week off to end. too quick. ho hum. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Exactly my thoughts. She is always a sweetie when she\u2019s coddled. Her true character exposed as an athlete is revealed in times as this. She\u2019s not a role model or a legend.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Take your anti-American crap somewhere else. #TEDCRUZ for Senate!! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #fascism doesn't arrive doing a #nazi salut.but in a sharp suit #altright #richardspencer #trumpism #d\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Saker explains why Russia does not shoot down Israeli planes over Syria... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u201cAntifa is bad\u201d how hard is it to say that? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#pray jehovah chereb's #will #be #done #thruout grove rd st #andrew #jamaica ijn|remove #stalkers & #organizedcrime thugs #jesus","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leftist guy kicked out from his own house naked by refugees he invitied ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I feel sorry for chrissie's kids finding out their mother is a whore under every definition.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes they did ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user He lost his virginity This process has been turned into a clown show Protestors democrats paid for was unethical There hate shows in everyway TRUMP denounced Natzi group and bad on both sides which is true But democrats refuse to denounce Antifa a democratic domestic terror- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Communist Elite Roger Goodell is teaching a lowlife ethics class to his daughters. Shameful Shameless left wing nut ruining the sport of football instead to teamwork and values to the flag","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"couldn't have said this any better nor truthfully donny boy. @user #theresistance #traitor \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Most men are decent and respectful so how is it that the so-called conservatives have such a knack for finding and elevating sexual predators?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@emmysetter14 dayum saterlyt shoz un bayg ho-ul","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Discworld :wheres the elephants ? & its not flat - its a mobius strip !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Google your ass you Immature cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He did fuck all except promote violence against white people give money to terrorism and try and start a racewar... Useless President who still comes up first on auto-correct after typing President ..Deepstate also.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"looks like a morons fancy dress party and looking at it I mean DRESS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People need to understand the failure that Conservatism was - AND IS. It's long past time to drive the constitution-worshippers and 1700s LARPers out of the legitimate Right. Time to stop playing games with these cowards who never faced political reality. If they want to play John Birch Society, then I'm OK with that. Just stop being a drag on the Right.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" sunday this made my day !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"brought 1l of bacardi limon to this pay and i'm almost out ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER SJSHSJ THATS MY JOB BITCH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Ceallaighaine Oh no! Sorry Hun. That sucks. Hope you heal fast. 😕\n#dancerproblems","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cU.S. intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that President Trump\u2019s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani was the target of an influence operation by Russian intelligence, according to four former officials familiar with the matter.\u201d https:\/\/t.co\/UUc5KJjMTD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why are they there??? It seemed like they are brainwashed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shoutout to me for making the worst decision of my life \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He blocked me a long time ago after one response that called him out for lying. He's an idiot who thinks his $hit don't stick and loves saying stupid stuff to get liberals to love him. A complete douchebag. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He was fucking murdered and all you can talk about is marijuana? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user \u261d\ufe0fWhat \u201cTrumptards\u201d will be doing to dirty liberals in November. I was patient at first but now it\u2019s clear the left has absolutely zero intention of playing by the rules. I hope President Trump CRUSHES your joke of a party under the fullest extent of the law. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#repost yesildenizt1 with repostapp \u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 \u00c4\u00b1\u00c3\u00a7laakokore\u00c3\u00a7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user That\u2019s all Antifa does. They\u2019re violent and they hide. But you obviously support them. \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sho film i made on my relationship with caffeine. #love #me #instadaily #amazing #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You got clowned on @user you stupid old cunt! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bring back the permanent topic catagories. Can' t or takes too much time to find the content I want to see","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"derventio is booked to play for a #wedding at the lovely @user for 2017 are flowing in! #mrandmrs #weddingmusic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When life gives you lemons just go masturbate and take a nap ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well the way I see it, there's a perfectly rational explanation for all this. This kid is a lying sack o shit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER sadly, you blew it in this interview. You are, or will be, bought. You did not pass the litmus test\" for what a Real Progressive is....You have mistakenly alienated what's left of the Dem base, thanks to HRC, and you need us, know it or not. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pictures are nice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That violent antifa crowd ...[NEWLINE]oops, I mean, another right-wing nutjob.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/Q6M1iKA1Rw","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wow can i stop writing in caps lock we get it, youre hystericalnow shut the fuck up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" adveisments naked fucking whores ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Not all men stare and not all women r worth staring either.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new blog launch. #fit #fitness #health #healthy #tbt #gym #workout #diet #fatloss #nutrition ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Roma and Lazio are Rome's rival soccer rival teams: Lazio's traditionally right-wing pro fascist fans calling Anne Frank 'romanista' (=Roma team fan) and depicting her wearing a Roma jersey is the ultimate insult to her, as well as to Roma fans who are basically called jews (\"she's one of you romanisti guys\"), that is another insult, coming from Lazio fans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Beware of rightist false flags like the narrative of the OK sign being a white nationalist dog whistle. It's not. #TheResistance #Resist #BashTheFash #Antifa #SmashFascism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How about, I.Q. tests for congress?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trump called McCain a loser for being a POW, as was my dad. Your skanky arse, will soon be on the street. Few want 50+ whore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER At this point in time... I don't think Pres. Trump gives a sh*t... and neither do I! LOL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not about any girl who tries to pursue a guy who has a girlfriend. Skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we could build a future where people are free to live and love the happiest time, our time\" #orlando #loveislove #loveconquershate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user ok but today was so good bc i realized that i don't have to see any of the fake bitches in my grade for three whole months\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i will not buy or dl a @user book in #2017 after their deal with #whitenationalist #miloyiannopoulos #wh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Blatantly Lie Much ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I kinda wonder where she'll be next year... Prolly The View. lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the meps bear that travelled to sandy hook in 2013 with hope that another gun massacre would never occur again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm 27 and my hair is merely receding. How's your bank account doing these days kind sir?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a&e pulls controversial reality show about the kkk after learning producers paid hate-group members #hate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough Faith Build High Wall of Lothric https:\/\/youtu.be\/Ibj13m6iocA via @YouTube #darksouls3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Listen here lady my tweet was about the fact that I\u2019m sick of hearing about trump every time I listen to news. Idk where the fuck you get off trying to spin it in to some sort of racial situation! YOU are part of the problem. Stop turning shit in to something it\u2019s not. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Twitter is becoming tumblr 2013 and I am fucking terrified ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all nighter wd my cousin...supernaturalfest #supernatural #wednesdaywisdom #alltheway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user G this a MAGA ass take \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More than 1,500 migrants pour through new gateway on Spanish beaches via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This message was approved by #antifa #pussyhats #BLM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@S_Fitzpatrick Just in time for the election. Thank you, Dr. Bright, for taking a stand when you did. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tyranny in Britain. If Tommy Robinson is sent to prison today Thursday 27-Sep-18 \"He will be killed\" according to this video https:\/\/twitter.com\/MyFreedomNews\/status\/1044906863408680960","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Build the wall ! Vote Republican! Not perfect by a long shot. But so much better than the alternative anti-Americans!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you don't have the balls to hashtag me as a but you say i am to weasel away.. lumpy tony.. dipshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm sure they are just as happy.... \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd hour ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like faggots use condoms lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Europeans Saxons,vikings,celts,normans,goths,,vandals,romans,franks and many other European tribes need to come back to life, and reclaim there country, and culture before we no longer have a history or country we can call home.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bizarre story and more to it once she is charged formally. Glad she is off the streets and certainly concerned if there are more clueless cops like her out there \u201cprotecting\u201d us","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And what does this have to do with a lying attorney and a 35 year old claim? I know it's hard for you liberals to look at two things at once","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Let\u2019s Geaux Tigers! Prove yourselves you are worthy! Show the Nation ! \ud83d\udc2f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user < r o s i e > \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6 \u00c2\u00a0#tbt to may moments with rosie at @user by @user wearing asos\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"denim pet jacket gbp 16.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall and get this @user out of this country. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gun: 3+1, that's bullshit! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user will work for scraps. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how dare you accurately poray #treasonoustrump china? next they'll say he's a #fascist, lapdog for putin.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gold digging, incompetent, ignorant, insecure, Goliath ass bitch. Well fuck you. I'm David. I got my damn slingshot. Gtfo my house hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have no inside information, but I think it's the lawsuit + his \"organization\" became weak after all the attrition and became dependent on DS\/TRS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Absolutely love Serena....however - the way she behaved was totally on her and the ref was within his rights...she is deflecting here by making it about women\u2019s rights.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when people speak of you, it should bring a smile to their face. #smiles #friends ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know, the metaphor is a cliche, but really, this is restricting sales of deckchairs to RMS Titanic. #migrants http:\/\/freewestmedia.com\/2017\/07\/19\/eu-to-restrict...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Illegal invaders that deserve to be deported, as usual. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KAG #SupportICE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER is a lefty globalist. #NoOneCares","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we have sent out father's day gifts today! #fathersdaygiftideas #mydadmyhero #fathersday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Antifa has never attacked voters by the way. That\u2019s a full on lie. You have the informational diet of thinking cotton candy is a vegetable. You might want to reflect on that. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Picked up some fire og today. It's really good but it's ugly as fuck. I almost passed on it but he smoked a j with me and it's fuckin fire. Wish we could share a bowl my brother \u270c\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9a","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A being of pure hate is as enraged by Brave browser using Google fonts on their website as they are about 100 million victims of communism. That is the degree of uncompromising fanaticism required to win.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@fairflattaxnow discredited by whom? Per the government the study is good and factual. Pay your bills moocher teabaggers and republicans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user taking chances is liberating & exciting & you always grow as a result :-) #livelovelife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I didn\u2019t see the incident but if the ref didn\u2019t signal for him to go onto the field of play he should get a yellow card and Poland awarded a free kick","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He totally dodged the question about how he is making millions of dollars off Stormy Daniels while she still has to strip to make a living. He is unethical.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hispanics are the hardest hit by Illegal Immigration it impacts their wages, jobs and communites as well as African Americans #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats Socialist Pro Illegal Immigration Policies @user #Democrats ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck off you limey suckin' kangaroo screwin' nigger lovin' outback homo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Scaramucci cashing in on The Donald. Taking those blue collar folks for every last penny. LMAO at the #MAGA folks. Suckers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A few somebodies are absolutely terrified of what is happening with McCabe and the IG's investigation... About time they feel powerless.... WE.ARE.COMING.FOR.YOU.ALL.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #cnn will go down in flames with the rest of the liberals. They are far too clueless to change. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sex stories brother sister sex free video ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user See...it's not gun control we need. It's Leftist Liberal Control. Guns don't kill people. Idiotic Immoral Leftists do. #LiberalismIsaMentalDisorder #DemsAreDangerous #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Heartbreak. The final heartbreak. Helps you see what the problem is. What you need to do to get better. I need to fill that hole. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The U.S is $21 Trillion in Debt We Cant afford to be Mexico and Central America's Welfare state low skills. uneducated No English wanting welfare, education Medicaid on the U.S Taxpaers #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome Red Hen #Immigration via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FattyyTooRaw well Ontario is like kind of a dump now that the ghetto moved here since its cheaper to live here so.. 😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mindyowens\u00a0 Thanks for following.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Wow! I like this lady more & more!!! She is such a fighter & a blessing!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like to blather on at times, so Pro gives me extra characters to use. LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did your boyfriend have sex with him?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"scuba diving....connecting people\u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080\u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080\u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080#scuba #dive #fun #divers #sea #halkidiki #greece #athoscuba #paditv... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you ignorant fool how did you become ag. I forgot it was ignorant Obama. Its not current occupier of white house. Learn from me ignorant idiot He is the President of United states. If you think he is not your President then leave this country and go to hell. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where Europe will go ? The people will vote different, because they have to decide: More refugees, more weapons for NATO means less welfare and fine life- OR: No refugees, no weapons means happy life. I think they will decide the last option. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#good#afternoon #poloralphlauren #tomihilfiger\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That\u2019s one way to look at it. The other is that the charge is bullshit for almost everyone.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Chelsea is as crazy as her mother","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user because the average American has $500 lying around to buy a new Glock. more likely Mr. Antifa will be using his unemployment check to purchase some dental work or a casket. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ways to protect Yourself from Negative electromagnetic and human energy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"swimming tomorrow! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate them. I really, really hate them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user These weak little men cannot abide women who... are alive? This is today's @user Too emotional to think. Hysterical! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL I hope he tells them where they can shove that apology.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good Job @user No Illegal Alien Can Think They are Welcome in the U.S Burdening U.S Taxpayers Find them, Arrest Them and #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i dislike soooooo many people right now #dividedamerica #orlandoshooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this makes me for #specialneeds children everywhere... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Imperator_Rex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bwaaaaa!! Compared to who...Trump...bwaaaaaaa! Compared to that corrupt demented lunatic she is a godsend!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"European Resistance: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER More woman working because the Liberals have put their husbands out of work.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh yeah so I'm sure you'll wait a certain amount of time before talking about gun control right? I'm sure you're saying the same thing to all the people using the dead to push laws that do nothing right?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump should have the AG toss both their asses in Gitmo for treason! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I love women like you. We believe all women. Excluding one woman. Soon-Yi is 48 years old. She is an adult. But such a reaction is very significant. It means hypocrisy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Webpage owned by Univision advocates stealing from rich, burning their houses down: https:\/\/splinternews.com\/time-to-make-life-hard-fo...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for weekends. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u30ed\u30de\u30f3\u30b7\u30a2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user prison officers goaded #muslim inmates until they needed to be restrained as pa of a game ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ExpectUs to work our asses off for #GunSenseCandidates! @USER #GOTV #ThrowThemOut URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's time to japa #amo #valentinesday #japa #araraquara #nigth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He proceeds to uncover a ton of evidence, including people who were working as staffers or hosts despite being arrested for 'hundreds of thousands of hours of child porn.' The radical left then proceed to go silent, only surfacing to false flag his video when WOTC finally puts out a false defense.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Plan to whore out my sexy bitch tomorrow night and look for hot tops. Here is the funniest response I get\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hollywood tales: how do u judge this guy ..a pig? Harvey Weinstein:More women accuse Hollywood producer of rape ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MUST SEE: New Trump Ad Reminds Voters of the WORST Crime Kamala and Joe ... https:\/\/t.co\/kWeC0yZiV1 via @YouTube.. The Swamps!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER LOL!!! Now will they BURN those? And will they remember to take them off first? One guy didn't. And to burn them OUTSIDE so they don't take down the house as one guy did? Wait until they find out Levis is now pushing gun control. Nazis marching in their tidy whities? Oy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I feel so ghetto because I remember that track Lolz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ummm theres video of it and the coach literally admitted to it lmao. Maybe read before having strong shitty opinions","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 your hilarious. You spin my words just as they spin Alex's words. I never said it didnt happen. I said it was a false flag and they had actors help garner public sympathy for gun control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user ALT RIGHT\"\"...LMAO...nope, we're just not Marxists #SocialismSucks\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You would. Can't fix stupid. #MAGA #QAnon #ThursdayThoughts #DrainTheDeepState #ThankfulThursday #WWG1WGA #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"breakfast of someone that had a fun but late night :) #weekend #pay #fun #breakfast\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Russia had Ivan the Terrible. FSU has Willie the Terrible. He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas. We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents. Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mybob #globetrotter #a #peterkogler #next #useyourhead #bruxelles #thankyou @ ing a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok bitch nigga. You don't even watch basketball! Stfu. Who was the laker coach this year? Bet yo hoe ass look it up\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a bounteous summer of #harvests to all. #yum #gardening \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ResistSister111 Whitehouse2020, the anticipation for the ending has me on the edge, someone\u2019s gonna die I just know it\ud83d\ude0e #GOPSuperSpreaders #COVIDIOT #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was just on The Rob Schilling show, during the same hour as Dinesh D\u2019Souza, talking about my new documentary, American Circumcision.\u00a0http:\/\/wina.com\/podcasts\/the-schilling-show-8-30-1...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#lebron rebounding down almost 50% from game 5 to 6. #decline #nbafinals #cavswarriors","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who's going to the 2016 warped tour in cincinnati, ohio????!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NSFW #TeamSmut #girls #sexy #porn #erotica #bi ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smile ever! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #smile #picture #man #ontheroad #friends #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All of this shows just how scared Liberals are of the New @user that is going to be guided by the Constitution & Bill of Rights. They honestly believed they had made them powerless in today's courts. @user Trump is #MAGA & Deplorables are helping. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Reason number 865 why conservatives don\u2019t do comedy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Such a liar. Anything Trump says to Mueller will be deemed a lie because THREE dishonest LIBERALS collude to lie & Mueller will elect to believe them over the truth. Do you really believe Trump OR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are stupid enough to fall for that? We're not as stupid as you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#EqualJustice requires that #Dems and conservatives be treated the same way under the law. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank You very Much Ms Kathy ( \ud83d\ude0a ) ( @Kathyd51 ) I Appreciate You ! Some Sunshine & Cool Breeze for you as well ! Thank You Again ! \ud83c\udf3c Wish you a Beautiful & Fun-Filled Sunday ahead too ! \u2026 \ud83d\udcab \ud83c\udf89 \ud83d\ude42 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seems like most gab users are racist virgins .Don't get me wrong i love racism but why saying racist stuff here in this live topic \"valenite day\"?\ud83d\ude27","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey, tweeps! Anyone know and willing to share the appropriate @user or @user editor to pitch an immigration\/asylum op-ed? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yep. And lots of people think antifa = violent\"\" and don't understand the context in which they operate and what they're opposing. Like the biggest thing was over a year ago at Unite the Right, where a white supremacist killed someone and several other people were attacked.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So I just imagine a bunch of leftists handing their guns over to the spics and getting shot,over and over. Hand over,shot,hand over,shot. They see it happen,but refuse to believe it'll happen again cause assuming that all spics would shoot honkies would be racist.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 2 days until we perform the trojan women at the @user #andromache #gotoyourfathercolin","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Probably without a mask too... #TrumpVirus #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #MAGA2020 #VoteBlue https:\/\/t.co\/EMay6CevyZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We all know this is another Liberals Corruption!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It isn't news that Conservatives really hate our rights and freedoms. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER when robyn posts a selfie the world stops for a moment to appreciate it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"over-excited man is attacked by cat while opening present that cat repping trump yo! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user why do you identify as antifa if you're transphobic? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"president mahama, sadly, lost his dear mum last night. my condolences to him and the bereaved family. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Les Miserables Banksy for sexual assault victims in France and Germany another do gooder of illegal immigrants not legal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Spain Nude sunbathers in #Tarifa had no time to cover up as a boatload of #Moroccan #migrants made landfall yesterday JON NAZCA\/REUTERS NOTICE THE MUSLEMS RECORDED THE ENTIRE LANDING Round em up DUMP EM BACK 11:21 PM - Jul 27, 2018 https:\/\/youtu.be\/UULOeQy95LA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user women are made to be loved, not understood. - oscar wilde #wednesdaywisdom #quotes #enjoy #motivated #belief htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user DEMOCRATS HAVE ORDER THIS MANGINA TO SHUT UP HE IS NOT LISTENING JUST KEEPS ON GOING ON AND ON IN HIS LITTLE MIND HE IS LOYAL TO UNCLE SOROS HIS SISTER MARRIED INTO THE FAMILY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed & Retweeted All These Awesome MAGA Patriots! We Must Get Fired Up & get all our people out to vote in November or we will all be in for so much lawlessness The Dems Are Planning on Bringing Impeachment Proceedings even though there are no impeachable Offenses committed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And most the women they whores Hollywood or not lesbian or not young old ugly or not married or not they got five men for 5 reasons 100 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user These conservatives are selfish and self serving. This isn\u2019t the \u201cTrudeau plan\u201d. The Liberals are working with Conservatives like Mulroney and Ambrose to solve this. It\u2019s not a partisan issue. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER you are totally disgraceful with you name calling....disgusting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user don't get the right vibe yet it feels like too few are in uproar\"\" It's because too few are affected as yet. Wait untill 6million+ inc those in Full time work but claiming HB or Tax Credits are subject to UC's Owellian total controll. Will be Armageddon that sinks @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"based on recent commercials from state farm and old navy, omarosa's choice is clearly . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everyone blamed black\/brown communities for crack; who's to blame here? #doublestandard #drugs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday @user is that an #ultracraft kitchen i see there? chris evens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER MEANWHILE... Greatest economy ever. More jobs for blacks and hispanics in history. 401K is kicking ass. MS13 and ILLEGALS are being DEPORTED daily. NK is back to the table for denuclearizing. Trump is draining the corruption of DOJ and FBI. #OUTFRICKINGSTANDING! #MAGA2020 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"makes me so that there's still so much #hatred in this world \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5 ... #rip to the #victims of\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They keep trying to push this crap, it's freaking weird.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are they waking up? https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/08\/28\/technology\/insi...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Democrats don't care. They will do anything to undermine President Trump. People had better realize how serious they are about getting rid of him. Vote Red or suffer under the liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TuesdayThoughts The White men\"\". Anyone else tired of identity politics? And see how women are the victim by the liberals. Go vote @user Aren't you tired of getting bashed?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You're full of s***. It's the Liberals paid by Soros who are doing those things","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER #AntiFA had their sites on Collins for awhile. #TooSoon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user it was amazing!!! \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f alex n infowars!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GET this WORSE THAN SCUM OUT OF OUR COUNTRY! BUILD THAT WALL!!!! I cannot THANK ICE, ENOUGH, for ALL the GOOD they do, & HAVE DONE, for ALL AMERICANS- EVEN the \"Special\" ones who are TOO STUPID to KNOW IT. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #IStandWithICE #BuildThatWall #MAGA #2A ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Shut the fuck up, you stupid ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sta uni placement this week. #personaltraining #fun #breatheinfitness","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just watched the first episode of time of death by showtime. don't know how i'll recover from this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Had you radical liberals supported President Bush's plan to allow YOUNG people to invest 2% and only 2% of the Social Security into the private marketplace we may be solvent by now! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bias Blockers: The New Glasses Made for #MAGA Racists and Homophobes \u2014 WATCH URL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Quite possible. You are very right to be skeptical. But one has to start somewhere ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user she is you aren\u2019t ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I have never been so much in love... before.....\" \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0d\ud83e\udd29\ud83d\ude01\u00a0 L.T.D~Love Ballad .https:\/\/youtu.be\/e90X8u5Q0V8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.a-casino-directory.com: This site had the information I was looking for.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user our md @user will be speaking at this year's driverless technology conference @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#speak when you are and you will make the best speech you will ever #regret. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Absolute power is the goal of Muslims.Its in their Qu'ran: Islam will rule the world & all infidels (that's us) should be killed wherever we are. Islam is satanic & it has joined forces with the satanic communists\/leftists, abortionists, and LGBT groups. A veil of delusion hangs over our nation, England, Europe. We are in the last days","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The left wing liberals like @user @user @user etc welcome these \u201c people \u201c #migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Perhaps if they were then france wouldnt be the rapefugee hell hole it is now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*Fires back* hoe ass bitch with a big ass forehead \ud83d\ude2d I knowwwwww \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch u can't insinuate someone else isnt doing anything with their life when u don't know them. \ud83d\ude02 Hoe, you're not\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What I saw him do in TC show was nothing short of amazing! He is willing to take the fight to them & not allow them over power the conversation. That's why TC said SLOW DOWN!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for eyesight. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"had a couple of great skype write sessions with jon macdonald!! songrise city... couple of killer songs! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Take your time. Find your peace and grow in it. Not all men are like that, you deserve better. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Happy 1stbirthday to Savage(Songs from a Broken World)! This time lst yr it dropped in my door and damn did it do some shit! \ud83c\udfb6 Little did we all know the ride it was going to take you and us as fans on. Thank you for this masterpiece! #garynuman #Savage #no2album ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user My husband. He is also my first reader always. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DONT FUCKING VOTE! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It isn't about pc - its about painting conservatives as racists and bigots and dividing blacks and whites its dirty politics - and the CFR globalist progressive collectivist MSM is the producer and director","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To obama trump didn,'t know there was a covid 19 the china didn't think alert the world of a virus that was deadly. I didn't even know it was coming out even though I do plan things to help those who want too die there are only so many ways","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#joebiden calls Trump supporters dregs of society. #biden organized a coup in #ukraine. His son steals $B from ukrainian people as they leave their country in search of jobs. @USER #maga #potus @USER @USER #zog\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\ufe0f used to say #NotAllMen but let\u2019s be real. If you being honest, men be trash in a number of ways. And what\u2019s wild\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"after tonight, no more basketball or football. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'I understand your pain but not all men are like this' First of all, you just centered yourself into MY trauma THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Man Who Shot Good Samaritan To Death Is DACA Recipient via @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Keep banging on with your nationalist nonsense. Once democrats win the midterms and raise taxes you'll be able to get on the same page as everyone else. Universal health care and gun control will save countless lives. Trumpsters like you will learn eventually.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The age-old question of: who determines what a \"rabid preacher\" is and is not? The echo chambers of Facebook and Twitter led to totalitarian results. Gab, if this not led well, could lead to the same ends. You even insinuated that spam is not the sole issue, but ANYTHING that the Groups would deem \"wrongthink\" could be axed, no? This is the concern. CC @a @u\u200d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #Feinstein needs to go. Her husband should be investigated for his #China deals and the Post Office deals. She is conflicted and this is below dignity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is competing for worst president again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I will be streaming live tonight with @SimonHarris, a late night special at Midnight EST. Come join us!\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/c\/framegameradio\/live","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"another German killed and injuries now will Germany act and stop immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We've had this petition before but they refused to debate it. Fucking cocksuckers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Joe_Cater Ayup.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER he probably had sex twice for boruto and the other sister that no one cares about","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user ben is literally one of the most fake human beings i have ever encountered \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #can'ttrusthim #donttrusthim #beware","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at rbc museum for #yyjaboriginalfest to see @user dance with the @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"+++ I can't prove causation either but while the CONservatives in CDA surely love the idea of \ud835\ude7f\ud835\ude8e\ud835\ude9d\ud835\ude8a\ud835\ude95\ud835\ude9c \ud835\ude7c\ud835\ude8c\ud835\ude7f\ud835\ude7e\ud835\ude84\ud835\ude83\ud835\ude82\ud835\ude75\ud835\ude8a\ud835\ude8c\ud835\ude8e(\u00ac@USER bashing PM @USER can't help but think they're also egging the former to continue the bashing to boost their fortune(s) vainly. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"barely home, work in 4 hours $unday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Regarding the story I think I'm going to kill the president\", why is it reporters \"never\" follow up on how a convicted felon could obtain, in this case, 6 guns? What's the police doing about, or would that bring light to the gun control issue? Bias?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for my job. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"duckduckgo needs to get of AMAZON servers!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have you all noticed that DNC also stands for an abortion procedure? that's one fucked up thing!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Be careful what you do to a good woman because you will have to deal with the bitch you created \ud83d\ude0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The \u2018AntiFa\u2019 crowd? What a quack. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Kavanaugh can't back out of nomination. He couldn't go back to #DCCircuit w\/no repercussions. This charge will follow him. When Dems take back Congress, they WILL launch investigations. Conservatives who lie to get Judgeships will be impeached for high Crimes & Misdemeanors\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ever try to make a girl play video games? they are terrible. these are the skills they will need for the future. we're fucked.@ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TNKidsFoodPorn @Oreo ..............😒","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if reginald mcfadden had face to face interviews about being #returningcitizens then commutations would be possible\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"please share! feel so ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" day for the victims #gulbarg massacre 'darkest day,' says judge sentencing 11 to life: 10 updates via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e8\u00aa\u0093\u00e5\u00bf\u0097happy bihday..\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0090\u00e2\u009c\u00a8 bihday #\u00e5\u00a2\u0097\u00e7\u0094\u00b0\u00e8\u00aa\u0093\u00e5\u00bf\u0097 #\u00e3\u0081\u008a\u00e3\u0082\u0081\u00e3\u0081\u00a7\u00e3\u0081\u00a8\u00e3\u0081\u0086 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Humoresque No. 7\" (Op. 101), by the famous #Czech composer Anton\u00edn Dvo\u0159\u00e1k (1841-1904). I've always had a sentimental attachment to this #music. When I was young (many, many, many decades ago), my favourite aunt (may she rest in the eternal peace of our Lord #JESUS) used to play it for me on her piano.\u00a0 http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WmAZoexenx8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#247PatriotLiveStream 24\/7 Patriot Soapbox\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Except the 'consumers' (people) don't want the NHS privatised; they want it in public hands because it's an essential public service and not a capitalist market. Do you think everyone in this country is stupid?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He. Is. A. Sociopath. They are incapable of feeling empathy. Period. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck this fat pig bastard woman you fucking cunt. Wish I could cut your tits so that you could feel the pain cunt!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u203c\ufe0f WE THE PEOPLE WILL DEFEAT YOU \u203c\ufe0f #MAGA #MSAGA (MakeSouthAfricaGreatAgain) @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm such a retard sometimes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Justin Trudeau and Isqra Khalid: Funding the Ideology of White Genocide ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER They crossed the line a long time ago. Antifa is a branch of the Socialist party.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Edmond Oklahoma passed bond issues\u00a0 Which means paying interest on loans. To build new football stadiums at Edmond Santa Fe and Memorial. At a whopping 10 million dollars each. When school teachers are saying they are not paid enough. This is so pathetic. Give that money to teachers then.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Better to be silent and allow people to guess you are a moron then to open your mouth and remove all doubt #BuildThatWall #MAGA #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jesus was speaking to them metaphorically so that they can understand Him But they will not understand Him if He has spoken to them of spiritual things. They only can comprehend things that they can see or touch 1 Sam 8:7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are just another liberal pawn used by the democrats in an attempt to derail Kavanaugh\u2019s confirmation. I don\u2019t believe a word of it. You and your liberal friends are an enemy of the state. Just leave America. We will be better off without people like you. \ud83d\udeabLiberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wonder how many of these donations cane from the same person with multiple accounts...her payment hidden in plain sight","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Nurse is valuable in his own end!?!? Have you watched him play? He rarely gets the puck out in first attempt. Also not all that spectacular defensively. Not worth what he is holding out for.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another war \u201cHero\u201d speaks out\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER republicans \/conservatives are the most disgusting people","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wait for it. The DIMS are going to preach gun control....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't rappers call them \"Eminems\"?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If some men think it's an unfair slur on men who don't abuse:Not all men abuse& we women are entitled to call out a\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"abby loved the movie, finding dory was cute. the dine in theater on the other hand, not woh the money. #tooexpensive #notwohit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just #launched our new venture educo! a #jobboard for #education #professionals #staup #edujobs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Did you are aware about the awful management on the Baja Tri Race\"\" is happening?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .@user just delete your account, shallow , and go away. @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She does and she lost because she took it for granted that she would inherit all of Bill\u2019s support not knowing that for all of his deficiencies he is the kind of person you could drink with and she is the kind of person one would never drink with. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch bitch dont be mad, you better be glad kus this the best piece of pussy that ya man ever had \ud83e\udd38\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER EVERY TIME! i hate it its the most horrifying feeling. it happens to me when im dozing off. then i jolt wide the fuck awake -_-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that moment when you are packing and find the starbucks giftcard u were given 5 yrs ago for your bday. #starbucks #isoundlikeahoarder","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Corbyn and Abbott won\u2019t get in so the conservatives will win again \ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Strangleme Your mother looks like a tough-as-nails bird...I see where you got 1\/2 of that from. Nice food, too!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have a good day ! #friday #paris ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I find it highly curious *cough* setup *cough* that they can't seem to find this guy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" fathers day #superdad #fathers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Excellent point which is why so many will not understand the deep emotion and pain behind @user words. She was defending her character. She is not a cheater and would not allow someone to allude that she was. The game violation at that point in the match was unreal. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs &; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If only he were the craziest MF out there. Sadly, he is NOT. There are far worse examples of good Christians.\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They are both governmental issues. This lady is mad that the government uses a portion of taxes to support planned parenthood which offers abortions. I said if she is really pro life then stop supporting the taxes that help Israel kill Palestinians. Kills school children","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is too bitchy... And you?! I ask a question and you dont respond Why would this be 1 way street? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@a hey when are we going to get an app? Just wondering","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CNN COMMENTATOR: All Trump supporters are \u2018racist\u2019 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"17K dislikes. Giggity. You know what to do #GabFam. Give El Goblina some loathe. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hDEc4ImIVHk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"less than an hour till we find out when arsene wenger plays mourinho. and pep. and conte. and klopp. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER M'eh.. I bet you are easily the prettiest thing there! \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude01","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed. Traitors deserve to be shot. PERIOD.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Unbelievable You just couldn't make a story like that up. Satan is at his work again God help us all. The World that you created Lord has been raped, sodomized, slaughtered and destroyed by the evil within ie; islam, homosexuals and political correctness mad men and women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dude doesn\u2019t even have time to change that Faggot Jaggot of his. Leather Liberterian Lesbian.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I bet the first ones she calls when she is being robbed is those very same police\ud83d\ude21\u203c\ufe0f. People are freaking stupid ... \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER what the fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Geoengineering Signatures Prove Hurricane Michael Is Being Intensified And Steered ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Now you understand why conservatives fear expressing their true beliefs. If you don\u2019t buy into the dominant liberal narrative about social issues you become persona non grata. Ask James Damore.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user she's a woman. She can't help the fact that she sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ShannyGasm It would have been simpler if we had just chosen no Russian interference rather than an elaborate plan by the trump campaign to screw with the election.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@mobilesuitwaifu All the helmets in Destiny are trash. I wish I could just rock an invisible bubble instead. Hunters look like Robocop.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People to ponder this Friday: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my radio show is in less than an hour !!! #hype #exclusive check it out at ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user amazingly relaxed morning with the most impoant person in my life @user now for an afternoon of roller blading and food\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Suddenly BozoObama is NOT politician\"...& certainly NOT that HE & BillAyers &DISGRACED ErikHolder started Police brutality Antifa,BLM,OWS \"movements\" & didn't fund our US military as B4 for 8 yrs,but GAVE WORLD SPONSER OF TERROR IRAN $170. bil... NOOO!; not ol' ISIS-LOVER 'Bama.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Isn\u2019t that the Amazon bitch from Antifa? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Suddenlink is trash. Y'all know how important Bubble Guppies is to our day?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats continually prove how crazy they are... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Those dead eyes say it all","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump himself is a juggernaut!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Aw. He is so sweet. Sharing food is significant. How rude. Did they eat well? No! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why is comedy so ? because comedians are. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"71% of People in Poland Want to Ban Muslim\u00c2\u00a0Immigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#bluejays baseball time!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me and all my friends hate everyone... I sometimes wonder how we became friends ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"there are ceain happenings in our lives that woh it! like if you agree. #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BanRapefugees #BanIslamInTheUS Ten-Year-Old German Boy Raped by Migrant Classmates on School Trip via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the more familiar we become the more difficult it is to stereotype. . \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People forget that Hillary was Bill's enabler in chief. She helped destroy anyone that came forward with sexual charges against him because it got in the way of her ambition for power. #MAGA #PresidentTrump #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #News #SpeakFreely #GabFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user paddling with the #m4molokai sunday24th july 2016 maui jim maui jim @user sic maui ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"prayers for #orlando #prayingfororlando #loveconquershate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stop Wasting Taxpayers Money On Illegal Alien #Immigraiton Programs that Cost $40 Million More! Kill the program and #SendThemBack faster #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #GOP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Boltey hai na ki jo Beef kaate hai uski akal gutno me reti hai n i can expect it brain. He is the PM of my country n yes we celeb his Bday every day n it make sense the ppl who offer prayers fr Osama bin Laden Janaza have much of the probs. Fewer lives n minds can't be changed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Doug Ford should in no way think that he has carte blanche to make whatever changes benefit him personally and satisfy his need for vengeance against the people of Toronto. Shame. What he is doing is not democracy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Apr 2 A federal judge in Washington, D.C., has issued an injunction against the Trump administration, preventing it from \u201cinterfering\u201d with the ability of \u201cundocumented\u201d teenagers in U.S. custody from obtaining abortions or \u201cabortion-related\u201d services. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't forget all your daughters!!!\u00a0 They will hold you down and force you to watch! As they ass rape your wife and daughters at gunpoint.... then they will cut both sides of your face so you never forget... this is all part and parcel of living in a Multicultural Society, so don't be a fucking racist, and accept wonderful diversity!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Your husband is loosing it. He is fat and crooked and fake. Throwing paper towels!! He has lost his grip on reality. I don\u2019t know how you can help him. He needs lots of help.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user highlight of my europe trip with @user watching a bbcworld documentary about wood carving #inspiration #tr\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Police nab illegal immigrant 'family' after man found to have raped girl via washtimes #women #college #Democrats ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Antifa is a domestic terrorist group ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't you hate when bitches act like sluts but aren't even down? Like that bitch from American Beauty. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is why they are always begging for help to fund them they write utter shit....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Please TX don\u2019t elect this fake Conservative. He is bought & paid for with Soros money. So many unethical things in his personal history!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Your shabby self and your traitor buddy BO....Gave us #MAGA....stupid your just stupid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The bigger problem is liberal gun control nuts that want open borders to try and \u2018cleanse\u2019 a society from established cultures. Then create a ruling class or a communist structure that has been proven to fail. England is now a Muslim breeding ground. Shameful ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Democ Rats are pulling the Anita Hill trick to derail the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation. It will not work! Get over @USER triumph. You communists will not destroy the USA #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump is jonesing for his drug of choice: Adulation[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]He can't live without it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Unless Trump cucks like he has the past two days and deflates all enthusiasm for his re-election.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Spanishrevenge vs. #justice #HumanRights and #FreedomOfExpression #Spain is a #fakedemocracy @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #cddr #shameonSpain #WakeupEurope @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user o right settle down 75 m turks could invade Europe no more kebabs ,Cameron ur immigration policy as a nappy for constipated people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gut-wrenching piece on how some Syrian refugee children have been sold into sham marriages for rape: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Macedonia deployed the army to build a second fence to keep refugees out - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WomenAgainstFeminism #SomebodyToTris #MensHealth The #feminists are running scared. Men are fighting #feminism. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user people who wonder if the glass is half empty or half full, miss the point. the glass is refillable. #travel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We're going to bring it to these kikes that they'll be pondering the Samson option.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You're a piece of shit for saying that FEMA was successful in helping Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria. 3000 people died. You think that's successful? You really have no soul. You're a fucking horrible human being. I don't even think you're human. FUCK YOU!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #MondayMood #MondayThoughts Another #Republicans \/ Trump swamp Lier !! #MAGA #women #Christianity URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sorry Howie she is horrible. I have been to Vegas multiple times and know the people whom spend their hard earned money for a vacation aren't going to waste said money on a scrawny kid whom will scream them into a migraine!! They come to Vegas to see REAL talent!#AGTResults #AGT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eerie resemblance, truth be told.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigger. Do not turn this site into a communist network.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good. We can only hope. Keep talking. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A handful of books you wrote","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user let's play mojo #instagood #mojo #barking #friday #morning #sunshine #street #brown #tbt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER @user says the UK doesn't diagnose cancer early enough. He hopes trials of special diagnostic centres will help in the future: #NHS70 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DACA Dreamer on the run, allegedly wanted for murder @user @user #EndDACA Threat is just too great!#NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeNowhere in US Constitution does it say to protect Illegal Aliens! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER you are awesome! Thank you. You give humanity hope!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My Mather is a slut bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER you are welcome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Nice. That is so true. No life trump haters. Funny thing is trump done everything good for Americans and America yet these anti Americans put trump down! Amazing that people act like Trumps the bad guy! EVIL is the liberal democrats & the band of haters.. Antifa\"\" \"\"blue wave\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we live in a country where many think this first lady is less vulgar than a black first lady. #trump\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" Oh but of course the White South Africans who work and have money of their own can't come to America - we're busy replacing the White population - JUST LIKE IT WAS DONE IN S. AFRICA WHO HATES WHITE PEOPLE In U-S-A? Who's doing this? Not White ppl!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sorry to break it to you but the god of the bible is actually just a lesser god from the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian religions. The bible itself isn't unique in it's claims nor is it unique in it's inability to substantiate said claims. Try again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/3BwfNH.jpg Clean your fucking room and stay off those tripping drugs! #moron","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is just disgusting. But it sounds like you are absolutely right. I do think that even liberals are starting to realize this is all a political game. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Damn I felt this shit. Why you so loud lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Funny. She had no problem sleeping her way into Congress. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bird ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great! https:\/\/reason.com\/blog\/2018\/08\/31\/eric-brakey-rep...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Want to join our neighbor @user and roll up your sleeves on local immigrant inclusion work? Attend the second annual All for All Summit on Sept 13th. Visit for event details and read more about Betty's work in #PGH here: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stop Wasting Taxpayers Money On Illegal Alien #Immigraiton Programs that Cost $40 Million More! Kill the program and #SendThemBack faster #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #GOP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here is a flag for Hezbollah you islamonazi scum bag","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are too cute & adorable to handle....... Such a cutie....... How can I let you go Lobe you my love 4ever. ....... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER how does what I'm saying relate to gun control. if police departments will not prosecute their own family\" then it's time to limit their access to all weapons. A police department reluctant to acknowledge their own wrong doings and correct them dont deserve access to weapons.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've never been more ashamed to be a former democrat than I am now. Fuck u Hillary you stupid ass bitch whore cunt bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im at my friends crib in east orange right and her windows wide open- all I hear is YOU PUSSY BITCH SUCK MY DICK THATS WHY I FUCKED YOUR COUSIN my nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Escape from a miserable shithole and then turn the place you arrived into that very same miserable shithole you escaped from. WTF?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ever been so hungover that your stomach feels like it's eating itself ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-found out there's more gun control you can't do mass murder in schools or theatres on Oct 21 has anyone done this joke yet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Turdo La Doo has nothing to say ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user magenta embroidered letters popcorn... gbp 19.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Good, it will help with the illegal alien problem. Now we need to #BuildThatWall #MAGA. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user Snapchat me that PIN number, if it's... cool\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\udcb3 #memes #lol #lmao #bruh #petty #truth #girls #love #guy #ctfu #dead #fuckery #pe\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is. We\u2019ve been saying it for years. Uncle Christopher is Tristan while Aunt Carla is Bickle.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Desperate to do whatever it takes at whatever moral or financial cost to help Libyan coastguard & authorities trap even more refugees & migrants in horrific detention centers, Italy revives \"Friendship\" deal signed 10 years ago @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm astounded women have to tell grown men 1) Don't drug us on dates 2) Don't send dick pics 3) Using power\/position\/fear isn't consent ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The liberals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hey Serena...don\u2019t do me any favors. Women can take care of themselves. Just hit your tennis balls and take care of your family.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I\u2019m not sad. I\u2019m fucking angry... angry that the GOP is embracing fascism. My grandfather was Antifa from 1942-1945. I\u2019m following in his footsteps. His friends didn\u2019t die in vain for nothing. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chelsea Clintons mouth reminds me of a Bowling Alley, with far too many pins..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch is a ugly 3rd world kunt wit no ass and flopper jugs. Hate her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Comparing a date\"\" to rape is disgusting. I hope your family never has to deal with rape. You are a disgusting POS.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Readers respond: Kudos on immigrant features ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just learn that i share the same bih date than @user ! sorry, guys, my #bihday tomorrow is cancelled! #cantdothat","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"safe from police\/usafe from niggers http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/01\/01\/blm-protests-baltimore-residents-blaming-murder-increase-lack-police\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so to be pa of this amazing #fetish #film project #crowdfunding now! get involved ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. 2 protect Trumpie. 2. 2 increase presidential powers. 3. 2 kill Roe v. Wade. 4. 2 limit voting rights. 5. 2 weaken gun control. 6. 2 deal with religious liberty. Congress is not an august body. They lost that moniker when they went whole hog 4 Trumpism. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jubilee fancy dress and jamboree welsh schoolgirls 77. We all got one. No clasp or colours","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It might be possible that I don't suck at #DarkSouls3 \u2694\ufe0f anymore! #letsplay #bitchute #BitchuteGaming #GabGaming \ud83d\udd79 #VidmeLegacy #MindsGaming #GamerTube ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And they still can\u2019t believe @user won? \u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00b7\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u2018\u008d\u00e2\u2122\u201a\u00ef\u00b8\u008f They\u2019d better get used to such #winning. #RedWaveRising2018 #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall #EndImmigration #MAGA \u00f0\u0178\u2018\u0152\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, we became idolatrous people, worshiping strange gods, instead of the one true God. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Boys Scouts, Camp Roosevelt, 7-9-25","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER conservatives believe all persons of color are a priori guilty of crimes therefore when PoC are denied their rights in extrajudicial killings no conservative EVER questions the killing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He makes a good point. Too bad that is a career death sentence these days.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"USA Portland Maine, Freddy Akoa murdered with his Bible next to him. 3 Muslim immigrants from Somalia have been... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" black women free kerala girls sex photos","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I think Michelle spilled Democrats plans for civil war.. liberals are lunatics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BITCH you shouldnt be putting it out there cunt nugget ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I welcome those who want to assimilate but Muslims do not. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why is it a Confederate flag 'makes' one a racist? An antifa flag makes one an America hating terrorist. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how? (did it get that bad).. what? (did no-one notice??)..why?... why?.. hate. hate does that #jocoxmp #insipid #tragedy #tolerance","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Walsh's tweet is a textbook example of the intellectual dishonesty and Win-At-Any-Costs mentality of the Leftists (including #TheResistance and #NeverTrump). In their eyes, the President simply cannot be allowed to make a point without it being twisted and manipulated and outright lied about to slander him (and by extension, his supporters).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't need that kind of negativity daw... lol but you run out of things to say ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude44She\u2019s NOT claiming rape! And FBI does NOT have jurisdiction! The day said they won\u2019t do it more than once He\u2019s had 6 FBI background checks if there was anything they would\u2019ve found it Also HOW do you investigate something when complainant doesn\u2019t even know WHEN or WHERE? #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just got surprise,the chickies are coming, nice surprise announcement.it's pay time .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user his fuhrer is #cheetojesus, repeated bankrupt and sho fingered vulgarian. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Victory for Trump ! But only 6 islamic countries now are stopped for immigration into USA ! There are 34 islamic countries more. To beware the USA from terrorists these also has to get banned. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Most parents with children swept up by Trump's #ZeroTolerancePolicy are NOT crossing the border illegally. They are presenting themselves at points of entry as political asylum seekers. #ImmigrationLies #ICE @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have a small car. Nothing to compensate for. And I'm British ... narrow winding roads. You Americans couldn't handle them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.naturalnews.com\/2018-06-25-warning-shellfish-are-now-testing-positive-for-opioids.html ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is so biased against conservatives\u203c\ufe0feveryone should drop google and use Bing or DuckDuckGo.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Simply to get the smear campaign going by the media. The democrats want a he said under oath while she\u2019s supposed to get a pass on her she said lies. This woman is a fraud in cahoots with the liberals to delay & divert until midterms. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dr. Sean Conley made sure the stock market is satisfied. That's all we just saw. The Trump-branded #ToxicPositivity of everything is a huge red flag. We deserve the truth. #VOTE #BidenHarris2020 #COVID\u30fc19","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Kwasia does ur Shatta Wale even have a career to start with . Idiot..his reign album hype seff Dey zero . As if he is not about to release an album \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f hype no yh vim zero ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user they deadass digging a hole for themselves @user fat bitch loose weight ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user shut the fuck up hes not gonna dick you was gonna send u this dope steroline edit but u can go cry to olly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She isn't. Antifa doesn't want to hurt her. Resist doesn't either. Rest of us want her to put up or shut up. They are gaming us all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ps: i never thought I'd see @a advocate for targeted harassment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Austrian academic research show that migrants have \u2018Mediaeval\u2019 views of Jews, women, homosexuals and non-Muslims http:\/\/po.st\/aD5LpS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the media distos the threat of islamic extremism. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@RitaOra, @user @user @user @user admire you and the strength & resilience of millions of other refugees. Will you help us ensure that the 20,000 refugees entering the U.S. this year feel welcomed & supported? >> ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love my girl jessiestyman \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #love #girlfriend #couple #forever #always ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why can't hays accept Christain's diversity in beliefs like they expect it from everyone else? Don't tell me that gay friendly cake baker options weren't available. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"San Diego Union-Tribune staff evacuated after suspicious package found https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/media\/412937-san-diego-union-tribune-staff-evacuated-after-suspicious-package-found?amp&__twitter_impression=true","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hillary was sure she would be President too. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@4otf @ShackletonsBand So what you're saying is they are Republicans. #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I dare anybody to try & mess wit his kitchen!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"down 27 pounds\u00e2\u009d\u00a3 #lowcarb #ketolife \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And then wana talk shit when you play something they don\u2019t know but the song be fire and end up blowing up then later becomes they song \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i bet everyone is like damn this bitch stupid she was proposed to and she keeps calling nicky her gf not her fiance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all we can do is try #yourbest #youareenough ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The curve lies in the fact that you can't see the 2nd tallest tower in the world. in Tokyo.\u00a0 But on a Flat Earth it would be up there for anyone to see.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER How many gun control measures did Republicans shoot down in the House or Senate during Obama\u2019s terms? (Hint: it\u2019s in the triple digits.) Bordering states with weak gun laws (WI & IN) make it easy for gangs to get guns into Illinois.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucc these hoes get you a bitch with good credit \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\udcb5 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Starbucks stopped using plastic straws and is now selling flavored straws wrapped in...plastic!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm using @user to search, filter, de-duplicate, and code #Twitter #data. running scrapes on #immigration since 2013... Another day another #realDonaldTrump tweetstorm -- or maybe it's another sort of Storm. Try it for free for at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If THIS Video Doesn't Disturb You DEEPLY, You're NOT HUMAN!\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=V1Kd7Y0EG9c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mississippi state fans are the best to just mock. It's so easy. Poor state. It's hard getting wins against top 25 opponents. #FailState","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"come on in for our new hour! try our amazing 4 for $4 treats! #calgary #yyc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dear God - make it stop !!! Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl via @user #StopTheInvasion @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cracks me up every time i see it! lol. #leafypages ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm going to become a transwoman lesbian. Lesbians who do not like transdick are racist, homophobic bigots. #LGBT #Trans #GiveMeThatPussy #LesbianDick","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"5 of 5 stars to You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't it fun when a manager has a stick up his ass that would make a redwood self-conscious about its size?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope Iran nukes Israel off the map","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user story of my life.. \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008f #married #love #casamiento #facha #teamo @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why didn't Zac Goldsmith of the faux Conservative Party use this? Why didn't faux Conservative Party use Khan's defence of 9\/11 organiser? Why are the Conservatives so f*cking useless? If you ask me it's deliberate as they share Labour's agenda or are they just that useless?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @PowerCumminMax: Green\/yellow fuel pump>>>>>\n#dieselstation","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course not, I don't want to be fined and imprisoned ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"again @user looks like a damned fool! for 50 years the usa has openly opposed settlement buliding by #israel! @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That does not change the fact that Muslim Linda Sarsour deliberately sows hate and division. She is a fraud who pretends to support women's rights. Does she protest Islam's discrimination of women. NO.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @F1abraham: Crew of women hillbillies & gangsters w\/the director #ItsAWRAP @AxemanTheMovie @JostonTheney @RachelEReilly ✈️🎬🎥 http:\/\/t.co…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"20 more votes for #Democrats & let's see... How many murders of #Conservatives #justsaying URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think well be going socialist by 2020 because this economy will crash while trump is president and they will say see cutting taxes, cutting regulations, and blah crashed the economy and they will raise taxes add more regulations etc or full out takeover business. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user ;) Keep An Eye Out ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cruel treatment. Appalling conditions. Human rights violations. Immigrants suffer each of these daily at the #AtlantaDetentionCenter. Join us & @user at 12p in front of the ACDC as we release \"Inside Atlanta's Immigrant Cages,\" a report on ACDC. #ShutDownACDC #AbolishICE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They\u2019ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil we should not conflate islamic extremism with terrorism \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis #2016in4word\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @WorIdStarFunnyy: this the \"I play soccer, cheat on girls, and wear khaki coloured cargos\" haircut http:\/\/t.co\/NQyLxquLOC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gonna be the sexiest Bat Woman in that bitch\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mixing cultures is an issue, you end up with a mutt race.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Dad's army ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Men Need to Respect Woman , Point Blank There is No Excuse, Rape Shouldn\u2019t Be Justified & There is No Excuse !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"secret teacher: i've no option but to resign after disappointing #gcse results | teacher network | the guardian ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user hopefull the @user will one day realize this guy's agenda and remove his ability to spread @user type stories ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is delusional! Get rid of Electoral College so she and her corruption cronies can ruin the USA! They almost did!!! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Anyone concerned with mass gun killings\" should reject \"gun control\" outright as unconstitutional. Especially since during the first 80 years of the Twentieth Century alone, \u201cgovernments\u201d killed some 170 million people. Facilitated by \"gun control\u201d.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I swear to FUCKING GOD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nice hat\ud83d\ude02 Hey #Liberals and #Democrats @USER is living Rent Free in y'all's heads... like McDonald's #ImLovingIt Sweet Revenge Has Never Tasted So Good #MAGA #WalkAway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's an application, an interview... It's a whole process \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mumbailocal is beyond to see how the #curator builds bridges between #a and us ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"heading to galway now for #stalab #demoday @user & tomorrow @user in limerick #ireland #staupland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user - you're not romantic. #pain is somehow less of a life. #disability meaningless. we are #alive. we are . we are #whole.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Killstream: Infowars Banned by Big Tech, Canada vs Saudi Arabia, + Bautista vs Disney https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=YiV2sQy3i34 LIVE TONIGHT at 11PM EST","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FromOurPartner - \"The Eternal City's most ethnically diverse neighborhood\" in this week's #LetterFromRome #ucanews #LaCroixInt #thereforthevoiceless #migrants #Vatican @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If they admitted they are lead by and cater to sex criminals exclusively it would be harder to condemn liberals and leftists as degenerate deviant cultural marxists","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user when you're blocked by a troll because you promise to #blacklivesmatter & let his nonsensical rants boos\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @PlMPCESS: In the fashion world \"urban\" definitely means \"stolen from black people\" it's ghetto on us, and urban on them haha http:\/\/t.c…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let me tell you something about you that you don't know! #OkayBitch #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Victory overt tyrants, authoritarians and communists. #SOTU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 just @ me bitch. please. i like telling hoes like you bout theyself. \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time sure tells the true meaning of everything, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrat party are abt to go into extinction","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Haha you liberals are so desperate it\u2019s hilarious. Trying at all ends to set him up. This BS last minute stalling tactic about the alleged HS incident and the bait of emails that were sent to him. And people wonder how Trump won? Because they\u2019re tired of Democrats and their crap. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U.S. should stop detaining migrants, separating children: U.N. #UnitedStates #UnitedNations ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I would Starfleet Antifa was here to witness. RIP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm about to get railroaded,","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Friend- any plans for the weekend? Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#dancing bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with strong excite ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Oh yeah sure Antifa is anti-fascist\". Also, free speech is for everyone: liberals, conservatives, centrists, fascists, communists, anarchists, ancaps, etc. I live in the US and not a fascist state that bans what it thinks is \"hate speech\". URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"iI you look at the HMC (Halal Monitoring Committee) home page\u00a0https:\/\/halalhmc.org\/\u00a0 it currently reads:-- Our Main Goal We want all muslims to be assured that the products they use & consume are Genuinely Halal So why is there not one for us that says we want products Genuinely NON HALAL or KOSHER?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Well unless you live in another country he is your President. He won by a long shot!!! Nobody wanted Hillary cause they knew it was be the same as useless Obama policies that did nothing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is mentally unstable.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can someone tell this dumb we are a republic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Kate, gun safety\" is just a code word for gun control. There isn't anything \"safe\" about gun control. It just limits law abiding citizens. Law breakers ignore ALL laws. Wake up! You folks in MN need to get off the liberal wagon. Vote for Patriots Only ... Vote Red! \u271d\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\ude82\u2693\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll leaf the puns to the experts. Lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Co worker- how was your weekend Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we gotta stay humble sy...sike who i'm kidding, fuck the warriors! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \"tackling systemic racism and our biases through empathy\" read: #sdgs #edchat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hot take: the most dangerous republican in power isn't Trump it's McConnell https:\/\/t.co\/KrdqUVEAnO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no fucking way, that shit is worse, and their dead owner was a cretin to boot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It seems somewhat strange that these Jews can have so much influence over their enemies. The kind of influence that can subjugate a billion or more people to give up their countries to fight each other and ultimately give their land to the Jews, for nothing? There's a missing component. There is something else bigger than the sum of the parts. What is it?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user holy shit trump, 1 person cheering! o n e!!! ...not all of new jersey like you lied about!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER They lie about firearms. They call the AR-15 a fully semi-automatic assault rifle.\" They push gun control. They say Donald Trump is racist and hates Mexicans. They say he colluded with Russia. So yes, they lie\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep your ass on the plantation. Your white liberal mass' as will take care of you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #reality \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 we #live in a #world where #villains #exist but #superheroes don't..... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Fuck this !! He acted like The father of the girl killed at Parkland was a bug. Instead of telling us how much he loves these girls he should tell them the truth that he really doesnt give a shit if they are killed by a crazy white guy with an AR 15! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE GERMANS ARE BEING OPPRESSED BY THESE JEWISH SUBVERSIVE POLICIES! THE GERMANS WERE NEVER ASKED IF THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED, THEY WERE GUILTED INTO THIS NIGHTMARE BY TREACHEROUS JEWISH CON ARTISTS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not a luxury #health #massagetherapy #wednesday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user getting ready to go to wembley for the summeime ball ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Blessed to be joyfully ignoring US media for years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"give hope. dismantle systemic racism. #alliesforblacklives #happyholidays #blacklivesmatters #dismantle \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER do you know what flanking and muscle flashing is with an AR15?; educate yourself and close that c\u2022\u20ack hol~+\u20acr...you don't know why u r talking about\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the fat Antifa member","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Remember him defending Antifa? I \u2018member","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cbitch you been a hoe since the womb\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You can't have sex with a personality ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Geert Wilders: \u201cWe are invaded in our own countries\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user = STILL refusing to demand the release of immigrant children & toddlers by the Trump administration, which has violated 2 federal court orders to release all the kids ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @hoez4sale: Lmao they all trash before & after 😒😭","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Refugee status and immigrant status are two different things. Refugees do not have to become permanent immigrants, and they can be returned home, once war, the cause for their departure, is over. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would went in on that ref hell, with a post game interview saying he called me sad and trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mars- Hanging Sand Dunes within Coprates Chasma","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user After hisself is committed somewhere. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, but most of the conspiracy theorist think it's happening in America and Europe. It's not, however the reason they think it's happening it more of a bunch of well intentioned bull shit that \"white genocide\" conspiracy theorist don't understand.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facebook's Conservative Bias? \ud83d\ude06","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another INSANE O.. appointees.. AMOUNTING TO NUT N.. JWB.. the next ONE Could be real famous.. former..first BLACK president.. OR former first BLACK lady... JUST SAYN IT...and FREEDOM OF SPEECH... r my Am O!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Refugees, spying, attacking media, putting immigrant kids in cages, War, nice w\/ murderous dictators, neglecting the black community & mass deportations. All things Trump is accused of, but what Obama actually did. Guess which 1 has a holiday & a Nobel Peace Prize #StopTheBias ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"some friends u can go months, even years without seeing each other and nothing changes. other friends just slowly become strangers.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lou holtz visits texas f #charliestrong #coach #football #goals #louholtz #magic #notredame #texaslonghorns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user he makes it up as he goes along vis-a-vis the clinton story. spin it to win it. !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i think i am the only one in greece that will get tax return...!!!instead of paying!!!!more drinking money out of the blue..!!!! !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER HOW COME LIBERALS DONT QUESTION This ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I mean. SHES FUCKIN TRASH. I told you this skank bitch is a skank bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user so true. #redemptionthroughcreativity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Destroying me???? Excuse me I beat you all the time why you bullshitting that?? Also I love you more \ud83d\ude24","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump thinks America Great AGAIN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t expect common sense from Liberals. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My dick is like yoga for your vagina... It'll leave you nice and stretched out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gun control nuts are not allowed to be protected by the very thing they supposedly despise. She can use a knife. #DisarmHarrisNow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so this officially happened today! #sold #moving #itisdone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Globalization threatens nationality causing the alt right concerns about destroyed values that keep us unified like the ten commandments and the Constitution. Then we have the alt left demanding their mini Bolshevik indoctrination to oppress everyone and start a war. Let God be","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When have they gone CivNat.\u00a0 Rick Vaughn isnt even a civic nationalist.\u00a0 Just because hes not a national socialist? TRS isn't national socialist explicitly either! Heres the thing Mike Enoch and Heimbach have already said they are all on good terms no hard feelings and now we have fans of particular factions feeding a fire that should have died the day it started. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#holiday#off #turkey#bodrum#swisshotel#cool#amazing#chill#sunset#wine#love#forever @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only 2755 hours until the end of President Trump's first term! #NoJusticeNoPeace #PresidentSpanky #TrumpCountdown #Vote #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Veritas needs to get in touch with @pnehlen for an open world of communication. #ShallNotCensor","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if we had any doubt. they will always see him as the famous actor. not as robe pattinson, the person #prsucks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I find it very offensive that you know what black people feel!! As a black not African because I was born in America want recognition then build your own stuff!!! It's the same with Conservatives that cry about censorship If you don't like the rules build your own house. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thunderball - thunderdance (1994) #cd hardcore #oldschool techno #vk download here: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting ready to see @user again!!! with @user @user and @user #fave ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Calling b s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Invite her over, play Rihanna 'Sex with Me' on repeat, then give her the worst sex of her life... #wastehertime2016 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no more m&m's in mcflurries? say what?! #mcdonalds #mars #mcflurry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" bihday to the awesome #gemini onoriuhapca ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Instead of making up talking points about a culture of responsibility\"\" how about you all start taking responsibility, by apologizing to Cincinnati for blocking common-sense gun control measures this year and for your #DogWhistle tweet smearing @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You have proper right for being anal whore! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"politics is great in theory but politicians are all self obsessed point scoring children & idiots take their word as gospel = dangerous ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals live in fantasy land. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user By making conservatives so sick we can't make it to the polling place! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the Banks through real negative interest rates.. have stolen over 30 % of savers money - a gargantuan amount.. no wonder they and their Card issuers are concerned for our welfare..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Quick Preview Summary: Blame Democrats Blame Obama Blame gun control Blame blacks (passively) Blame Democrats","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hopefully she beats the shit out of the chair ump in Australia to really show them..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This nigga is everywhere \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02..I can't escape his spews..it's now time","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Five Other Heinous Illegal Alien Crimes You Didnt Hear About This Week MSM refuses to publish or warn citizens of the atrocities being inflicted on them daily by Illegal Aliens.Everyday an Illegal Alien destroy's more American family's.#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my world in one picture\u00e2\u009d\u00a3wouldn't want it any other way\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab #relationship #boyfriend #mine #world #love #always \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Putin is allowing in Afrikaner refugees. Because you know he's such a puppet of ZOG\/NWO, etc. LOL. @SvenLongshanks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Super storm Sandy hit the North East. I agree with you though. People here have a bad idea of the east coast and it's pretty cool. The north east gets all 4 seasons at least. We get rain and summer. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A 5th columnist always imagines himself as a patriot. That\u2019s how traitors rationalize perfidy. . . Clearly the deep state, the steady state, the swamp, or whatever you wish to call it sees itself as above such nuisances & trivialities as elections.\" URL #MAGA\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Refugees' only come to the white countries not to flee war or poverty but to take over and become the majority,rape our women and children, and claim hey are the victims. #GoHome #RefugeesNotWelcome #ItsOkToBeWhite #WhiteGenocide #SaveWhites ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TweetLikeAGirI: when other girls wear beanies they look cute & stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who s…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If the Catholic Church won't or can't police itself from the inside, perhaps it's time to use the RICO statute to police it from the outside. https:\/\/bayourenaissanceman.blogspot.com\/2018\/08\/p... #Catholic #Scandal #Pedophile #Priests #Bishops","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do what makes you ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Thank you my lovely! You are beautiful too \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing needs to be done. If he survives his eventual and certain cultural enrichment, then he'll see things our way.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No liberals calling for @user to resign ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bitch i know u see the rainbow inna bio\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I fear I've reached the age when I assess nude women the same way I assess livestock & game: health, fitness, & profit potential","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user littering on the increase ? It would be nice to have some bins to put the litter in , and if there are any bins it would help to empty them frequently #bbcNews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i think its because he is remaining this pure sweet thing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I couldn't press send. That tweet about anchor babies was even too raw for me.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Can we have a discussion about sensible gun control laws? I'm interested in having a discussion about sensible gun control laws. Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I agree. There are obese people trying to change the way they are. Good luck to them. Not lazy. Tess_Holliday is doing the opposite. She is actively promoting that its good and beautiful to be obese. Its not. And its down to being lazy and greedy. Simple science","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes make every day and minute count for something! happy day to all. happy fathers day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user day 2 of fashion and stem class! yesterday textile testing. #nevadacubpride ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"travelled for #canucks game sad and disappointed of #oiler fans the sad i can't cheer for my own team . @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals are full of s#$t when they say they have alot of love to give! They have become the devils minions. No one will prayerfully vote for their socialist agenda!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#likeme take this bitch - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are right he is a sorry little man...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#GabFam Like this. This is what we need to do, and keep doing to help out #BritFam Brothers. https:\/\/twitter.com\/garyh0rt0n\/status\/952970960499458049","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Chicago has record number of homicides! Their gun control laws are not working! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NSA does as it pleases anyway. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user THIS IS SO FUCKINGNDBS FUNNYHEJS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ha if you really can't see the hypocrisy that is antifa then you have obvious drunk the cool aid.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER 50 Year Mandatory Federal Sentence for ANY crime committed with a gun. Stop the gun control nonsense and punish the guilty ! NO politician today will support this !! Gun control and safe zones DON'T work. Pols don't want less crime only Hot Air !! @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#thrive #summer check it out! premium nutrition ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Apostate Prophet presents: Mohammed's Rape Culture ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Joe Scarborough still hasn't answered for the young woman that was found dead on his office. He is s lying chickenshit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Friggen crook.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Man, gotta love the cheese era of Goth throwback man","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's sad to see @user can't even upload photo's on instagram of her kids without people writing negative stuff.. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4 days more\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then u ask urself who da F** s going liberate Africa frm da greedy bastards wen strong young men choose da easy way out 2become a burden on anada government..then later wen da people hav liberated themselves Dey will b returning as Elites claiming victory..Nxaa..#SendThemBack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@themarquescook1 Pendejo Liberal That's Where You Are Wrong . Trump Was in a Black Church. The Only Clowns Are You And Joe Biden And Kamala Harris And AOC.\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She should but probably can\u2019t stay awake long enough to leave the country. Said she would move to New Zeland but I see she is still here. Too bad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh my punjab, what has happened to you? you were known for growth & development not drugs! #punjabi #saynotodrugs #udtapunjab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do they drug test in tennis? Shes on some serious hormones or testosterone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we have to do this. need to change profiling, #economicapahied, #hatespeech and get service to the poor.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Muhammad (Piss Be Upon Him) agrees. :)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did Trudeau just create an \u2018ambassador for abortion\u2019? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/34XR7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh cool. Alana found the one person dumber than she is and retweeted him. Nice move. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u201cI want women to have equal rights\u201d ... unless you don\u2019t fit my exact definition of how a woman should be then you\u2019re a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How can these Liberal banks be allowed to dictate what LEGAL items consumers are allowed to purchase? What if the Liberals decide they don't like white shirts? And what about the debit card accounts that are prepaid with your own money? These companies should be REQUIRED BY LAW to complete ANY LEGAL transaction if they want a license to serve the public.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"soon to be an american citizen... #winner #america #loveyou #life #peace #proud \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches b saying no but body b saying yes ain't nobody bout to rape u bitch \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"manchester united fans angry as rooney & mata are\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #spos #another #fans #film ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You fucking MORON! You are going to turn ATL into a 3rd world city with your garbage, open borders policy. You uneducated FOOL! #AtlantaHitRockBottoms #BuildThatWall #ImpeachBottoms #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Little things can just kill a negros mood man","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user boom! are we having a fighter meet in gloucestershire this year or what?! #riat16 #migmayhem","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user morning #peakoftheweek \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am transforming. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today it's your 20 old bihday i wish you a #bihday i wish to you all the best even if you are not here even if you forget me","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The only thing the Democrats have is lying and stalling to stop Trump from being #President. What have they done for you lately. #Trump #Kavanaugh #MAGA #DEMSUCK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He stolded my diners ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good... because fuck 'em. \ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Question: Hows that gun control laws up the ass they have working out for them? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Video from UK: Muslim gang brutally kicks, stomps on traffic warden in Muslim no-go zone https:\/\/wp.me\/p4hgqZ-E3u","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s for pornhub... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"prison officers goaded #muslim inmates until they needed to be restrained as pa of a game ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"time is moving so fast geesh! it's going to be countdown time before ya know it\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088.... ..awesomeness ahead! #geneathawright \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4 \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So now been trill is trash cus asap said so 😕 ok","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Invested in first campaign in gab, still didn't get my mug. What's up, @a @u\u00a0 Are my shares safe?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#cuomo: #paladino's ', ugly' comments on the #obamas embarrass new yorkers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ElizLanders Stunts stunts and more stunts.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The desperate tiny little excuse for a human being, has ZERO to offer Americans![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]A shallow self-obsessed, criminal, put in the WH by Putin, is seeing it all slip away.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Desperate [NEWLINE]Despicable [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]DUMPED![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that's exactly what his ass gets lmaoo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck off, we're full. #outrage @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wtf aren\u2019t they treating antifa as terrorism?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER FUCK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lefties have no intelligence or they are lying pieces of excrement like you!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch gots me fucked up, claiming to be a grown ass women but yet you try to compare &; bitch you still ain't shit... so what's good? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The exodus continues.\u00a0 The Democrat party can no longer rely on the minorities to follow their divisive identity politics.\u00a0 They are waking up and choosing to #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& every night i cry myself to sleep, and realize how alone i am even in a crowded place. #depressed #emotionallyalone #no1cares","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did he miss his head? This is a total lack of gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New England Journal of Medicine calls on US leadership to be voted out over pandemic response #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace [NEWLINE]#TrumpVirus #BidenHarris2020[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/pFYvTUdmIX","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Please discuss who will pay for all the services immigrants receive. 10K or more per child per year, education alone. Who will pay this and everything else?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"iiiiiiits show day\u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00ef\u00b8\u008f -k\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Poll: Republicans Overwhelmingly Support Trump\u2019s Putin Press Conference ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i am looking for bulk seller for cpu and ssd and ram . pls contact me if you have stock . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No he didn't. He said I'm sure there is fine people on both sides. Do you disagree with that or are you one of those far left people who think all conservatives are racists. Antifa is a terror group that uses violence against innocent people who think differently.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I think she is great ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user preachers like you focus so much on the hell that you lose god's people.\"you hardly ever mention god anymore\". #crucible ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a splendid #nosie, me, probably not this #year #wrc #rallypoland @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your police \"force\" is a fucking disgrace.\u00a0 I'm sorry for you all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dems will not reach MAGAts with economic messages cause even tho they know they\u2019re doing worse due to Trump mismanagement, they don\u2019t care. They like his anti-immigrant rhetoric. Racists are dumb. #TrumpDupedYou #VelshiAndRuhle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why would they drag their feet? If they had something on you (which there isn\u2019t)...it be out by now. TOTAL WITCH HUNT! #MAGA #BestPres45 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Urban refugees in South-East Asia:https:\/\/t.co\/Y21JKNWG6R ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter celebrates dogs coming back to the White House - https:\/\/t.co\/DUIH5mmk0K[NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]The goodest result of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' historic victory? Dogs coming back to the White House!\u00a0[NEWLINE]As celebrators flood the streets and gleefreshin... https:\/\/t.co\/O8ahplPMmQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Winners786 @flowersmyworld @JosephM25406465 @BrendaBalazs @BillionierRoyal @SchnoodleCat @RENEEWEATHERS2 @LovelyG55883112 @AmberTherrell @DarwunStJames @donnalove0 @AllMight85 @LepapillonBlu @Katy00008281 @monico_b @kimmyc13 @SamiaAliSalama Counting the seconds down until this trump era is behind us. I look forward to casting my ballot very soon! Good luck and stay safe, everyone! #BlueTsunami2020 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/C5iB3IY177","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Broke Into Neighbor's Home, Tried To Rape Her @user @user A majority of these heinous crimes and acts of violence are committed by Dreamer and DACA aged Illegal Aliens.#NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feel rage of angry blue shark gplay : #hungry #shark #games #android texas tech ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lmao what a joke he is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'H' COVERED UP RAPES SEXUAL ATTACKS BILLY HAD SEX ALL OVER THE CLINTON WHORE HOUSE A BABY LIED IMPEACHED THAT HOW HE LOST HIS ATTY LICENSES ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Lmao saying you are happy for someone publically doesn't mean you magically stop having feelings for them and are over them. Have you ever had a bf before? \ud83d\udc80 And for the last time nobody is saying she should have stayed with him. It's the messiness immediately after ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rN8g8ud44HY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER why is this relevant whatsoever? Might as well let us know when someone has a pack of smokes or a 6 pack of beer in the fridge too while you dipshits are at itTabloid garbage ffs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"$2.99! #2016release #ebook #book the summer that melted everything: a novel by tiffany mcdaniel via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Go to la casa de las micheladas!!!! They have some crazy ass ones!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#teamlove #thursday just. be. kind. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user father says he didn't know him; why should i care? \"suspected\" gunman? please do not insult me fuher! checkyourself!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"O my it looks likes\u00a0the giant\u00a0Piasa Bird of Native American lore has turned out to set the record straight","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stanley cup and conn smythe trophy is in the building and it's not for the sharks i'm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeah we need some more made up bullshit protestors and antifa lol time for an epic beatdown\ud83d\ude09","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Trouble is david we are in the EU and you cant handle the Immigration Crisis better to control own Borders than be forced to EU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hah! The fucking Chats!?! \u2018Onya Boys!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is tf thats the only Hail Mary that involed skill","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FORGET ABOUT YOUR WALLET, WHATS IN YOUR WATER?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I already like this layout. https:\/\/gitlab.com\/Prestoon #programming #technology","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As you typed \u201cyou think everyone is like you?\u201d And read it. It means the question is referring to the reader. And at the case you are the reader. \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddec effect","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wanting to \u2018Make India Great Again\u2019 is seemingly a criminal act in the eyes of those who would prefer India to turn into a permanent communal riot zone https:\/\/bit.ly\/2rwZ2PE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It is \ud83d\ude2d you get to see a good game and niggas working \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user But you are still going to jail tho #Fredo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why does #Google photos insist on \"syncing\"? Pisses me off.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"greek girls having ana sex black girl porn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, & No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, & open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user in the UK we are desperately trying to protect our National Health Service (free at the point of delivery) from right wing conservatives who admire the American model. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25 \ud83d\udc95 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @brainfertilizer: @CillizzaCNN You should be asking your fellow media that question, since they are the ones actually doing it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user im going out tomorrow night. cant wait to paint my nails \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall4MollieTibbetts #BuildTheWallNow Need I say more? Solves ALL the problems!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amy Schumer: Maroon 5 Should Cancel Their Super Bowl Performance to Support Kaepernick ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you mean she still has morals after what we put her through? Let's rape her, give her herpes and call her a fame whore to everyone! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"then there must be some other guys...is time we resurrect them","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I told her too. I said \"bri don't get in tweef with anyone because you're trash at it\" and then she goes and tweefs with like 6 freshman","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for having the sense of smell. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't endorse any of the links on this site, so you can follow them at your own risk, but the story is one which should be branded upon the ass of everyone who runs for office, and upon the conscience of everyone who votes. http:\/\/hushmoney.org\/Davy_Crockett_Farmer_Bunce.ht...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good!! We need that wall. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know ima get it bitch until my casket close, I been chasing paper nigga u been chasing hoes. I tore my acl I ball too hard like d rose \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Drinking and getting high with lil sis only love her and my mother on God you bitch only women i need in my life and I'm fine with it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lmao Chevk out new #Qanon posts today Re: calling out Microsoft, Google, Twatter & YouTube https:\/\/qanon.app","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't worry, be happy! #travel #behappy #road #ontheroad #loving #video #instalife #life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a littlw video of todays finishing off session! what a star :) #poppy #tattoo #workingmum ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"even the celebs are using our marine mud mask!! #bossmum #bossbabe #mumpreneur #celebs #celeblife #mudmask ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Idk who niggas play me to be\ud83d\ude02 I can show you better than I can tell you thoe bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No, it's from an old Henry Ford newspaper with an example of an international jew superimposed on the cover.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER -WHO CARES WHAT THISWACKO DOES! NOT NEWS!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Libya coastguard left two to die', migrant group claims ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Little known fact Balaam raced donkeys and gambled on races. One day his fastest ass was winning the Jerusalem sweepstakes. And right before the finish the ass lost control running over a Samaritan and two Africans . Local antifa saw the whole thing and blamed the fastest ass! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And you all call me a slut. Ha not when close compared to that slut! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Train to Become a #feminized 2-Hole Whore like @user #feminization #Feminizer #trap #traps #crossdresser #femboy #trans #dildo #mtf #futanari #blowjob #cocksucker # # # # # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chi-town is a \ud83d\udca9\u26ab ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Andy, you literally went on vacation right after making that pressing\"\" announcement. You're a joke and this is why real conservatives are turning to Bernier\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is asleep. Am I that boring?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"First they came for transgendered soldiers & we said hell no. Then they came for immigrant families & we said hell no. Then a number of private entities decided to stop doing business with @user & we didn't say anything because that has nothing to do with human rights. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The Democrats are so desperate all those ppl threatening Sen Collins are from CA. They will do anything to delay or halt confirmation and @USER re-election is on the line she is desperate. The ppl & GOP are quite aware of what is going on.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user somehow it doesn't shock me though that someone would. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was watching a fight on Facebook that was edited and the one bitch got hit so many times they said \u201ccombo whore\u201d \ud83d\udc80 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My sexting be so fuckin hot that I turn my damn self on ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chilean Catholics Stunned As Pope Accuses Child Sex Abuse Victims Of Slander ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Pushed to my limits. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DEMS: WE know WHO - U are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I walked past Wolf Blitzer at the DC Metro station once. I wish the Fake News mantra had existed then, 'cause I would have shouted it at him... :)\u00a0 http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/06\/13\/cnns-blitzer-we-are-not-enemy-american-people-we-love-american-people\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#kindledeals \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00a1 publishing industry tell-all! \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00a1 just $3.99! #bookpublishing #publishing #kindle #kindledeals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Listened\"\". They don't give a shit about what the fans think. All they're doing is counting their Fox money.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yea, I dont think so asshole . I think your a pussy who has gone corrupt if you werent before , treasonous if you werent already . You were NEVER John McCain's friend . You were never a friend to America . Yo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#engvrus i don't blv this let m go an sleep ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Dems are campaigning on medicare-for-all and gun control. How are those falsehoods? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@mis_sarahd @basedpapi1017 tranny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Gun control crowd wants gun sales to have the 4473 filed but they succeed in getting GunBroker app shut down. As most GunBroker sales( I'd guess over 90% ) are guns shipped from FFL to FFL. Kinda like wanting gun safety and getting ranges shut down. All about control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IDEA: Pay phone sex operators for their time and use it to convince them to seek out alternative paths. Give specific options as not all will have gone into their business out of choice but rather perceived necessity. Do the same for prostitutes. Regardless of the outcome, it is an interesting way to try and help some off physically and spiritually.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"relaxing because my weekend is about to get busy! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Max is the boss. The conservatives shouldn\u2019t have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn\u2019t have happened. Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies. He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that. He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so when is your next klan meeting?! my wife isn't white & i'm proud of her & our love. we are each others gift from\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bizarre story and more to it once she is charged formally. Glad she is off the streets and certainly concerned if there are more clueless cops like her out there \u201cprotecting\u201d us ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You cleaned your shit cleaning finger off in here again. It's all over here. And here ! And here !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not heroes but people who are waking up to the truth regarding Democrats. I say that is good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Communism does not exist anymore. Sorry to take this candy out of your mouth. I know you NEED to have an enemy to fight against. I just think you need to take a better look in history and its interpretations. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"U keepin dat shiet real in da field ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm going to be a lot more active here in a couple of days, had to focus on family and life stuff, but now I'm ready to go on the warpath again. I will be busy with university stuff for about two more years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Right!!! Politics has no place in anyone's reproductive organs OR their sex lives!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitches Boyfriends\/baby daddy\/ husband be locked up for 10 minutes and already going out to be a hoe bitch you sad \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Does that make Trudeau the power bottom?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck you Noot Noot Harime fucking fashion cunt tailor cunt looking bug as eye looking no arm be having bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I hope he gets on twitter so I can tell him how amazing he is. \u2764\ud83d\ude04","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought of the day: \"a person is not a person in a ceain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a ceain set of attitudes\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We have been saved from you! MAGA! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER They are if you support gun control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Kerry needs prosecuted for colluding with Iran. This needs to be done quickly. Revoke his security clearance & remove his passport. He is a traitor--always has been!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#texas the principal resigned! #justicereform the politicians are corrupt. that means the judges are in... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"protects their citizens best\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030warned year ago of negligence of officials in Italy\/Greece\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030lax \u201cvetting\u201d of migrants to be shared w-others. #V4 realistic, not naive. Others in EU making huge mistake taking migrants from \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ac\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ae\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b9@hungary_journal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This just in. Many are saying Trump now at 155% in the polls. Yuge deal, that I can tell you! Witch hunt over. Trump innocent. Crooked Hillary voted ugliest skank of the Decade! Bigly! Trump steaks melt in your mouth like I did Stormy I m ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user #momsterlink all linked up & #firsttime #very ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How would they know if gun control worked if they refuse to try anything? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine AT&T with monopoly on the copper Someone complained you were rude to them when they called to sell you, so AT&T\u00a0bans you from using the telephone This is what twitter is like - twitter is the platform now - wire used to be the platform, but since switching, and data, the platform are now apps that are given PROTECTIONS for content channels under US law","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LakersTV: VIDEO: @kobebryant on talking trash while facing @NickSwagyPYoung during today’s scrimmage – http:\/\/t.co\/3njZFytc1R http:\/\/t.…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Strzok to testify publicly this Thursday. This should be fun.\u00a0 We should play a drinking game on how many times he pleads the fifth. Pathetic treasonous traitor.\u00a0 #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good night :d \u00e2\u0099\u00a5 #satisfied","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new #love song almost ready #song :- #dream #love #aist:- rv maru \/......?#lyrics:- rv innocent\u00f3\u00be\u00a0\u00a3\u00f3\u00be\u00a0\u00a3 #tuaa... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Jakelewis44_: We don't luv deez hoes😏 http:\/\/t.co\/oFjlxAO5SF","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Third I DO NOT remember calling her a slut or a whore or a bitch o saying anything else at all so char\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I screenshot a quote in later reply.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a&e #paid #kkk to #fabricate #stories to push the producers #narrative #cancel ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#loveforjess I might not know her but many people do so spread the word in hopes that she is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user please #resign from the @user school board. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=56&v=l9uuH7B83NI ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am lovely. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They'll have to come get mine if there is any more INFRINGEMENT!!!!!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"carnival cruise deals | exclusive carnival deals & cheap last minute discounts on carnival cruises- travels\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0086 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@politicalfarm @Patriot_Editor He's married to Joe Biden? Because Kamala is the Vice President......right??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives only care about democracy when it's their opinions and so called racist rights are in jeopardy. Anyone else they don't give a shit about. It's sad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And everyone knows that Kerry doesn't have a clue! Heard that from numerous anonymous\" sources who also say he is not sane. That's what the sources say.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new parliament must fall #june16 this be one of the biggest movement in namibia since independence african day's child","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #idiot do you want to open your home to a murderer? #MAGA #noasylum #buildthewall #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user People of Goa must shun AAP,unless they want their beaches to be full of Jhugis,illegal migrants&filth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kanyeeeeeee is just a yard ape acting idiot!just stupid...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Most people do not understand what an assault rifle is! Makes their statements regarding gun control stupid! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i feel so sorry for the business owners and the local people of #marseille destroying there propey #norespect #animals #football \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I let it go when you said We can take away their ammo\"\" when talking about gun control. I said, maybe she just blurted that out, didn't mean it. But you are proving to be a leftist. That's fine, I can still like you, but I don't TRUST you anymore.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Opinion: Trump restriction on immigrant entrepreneurs misguided ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We thank our God for you every single day. #MAGA to #KAG ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If that doesn't keep them away nothing will.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anti-immigrant zealot Kris Kobach is in a tight race with the current governor of Kansas. via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch how is you gonna claim to be a \"real\" nigga, yet still on that hoe shit? I'm not understanding the math, i'm ???? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"really? THEN WHY did GOD say to the JEWS \"ye are of your father THE DEVIL and the will of your father YE WILL DO. He was a murderer from the beginning and NO TRUTH is found in him\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Am Eye See Kay He Why Am Oh You Ass He ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Like if alt right dudes were born in Berkeley they'd be antifa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DUP\u2019s @JimShannonMP: \u201cEverything is on the table. The implications of that are clear. We\u2019re not afraid of elections.\u201d https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Qz5n","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are not the true Columbia Bugle. Gfy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 Ntknetwork News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 'Senate Set to Pass Bipartisan Bill to Combat Opioids' #MAGA\ufffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A #Prolife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Or you are the wind between my cheeks!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #PatriotsUnite this gentleman needs a few facts to maybe change his mind. #BuildThatWall What did Obama do to stop this? Not a Damon thing. Do you know let these immigrants in is Bill Clinton. So do your research. Parents jeopardized thei ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pray for orlando. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be our hea goes out to the family of the victims. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b0 #prayfororlando\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sleepy tigh tight #respect #swag #selfie #pixel #pixela #aseprite ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER @user @user @user @user @user @user @user And Liberals think GUNS are the problem? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In many areas of the country there are large numbers of immigrants with less than 2 years of college education, community colleges can be the best option! Join us April 13 learn more! @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are fighting it ...but Big PHARMA and Big Chema's deep pockets and the revolving door at the FDA and the black robe mafia make it hard to fight back. We need more PUBLIC support! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"god i thank you for making me to witness this day...all i have to say is thank you lord.. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This guy is a fucking loon ! Lol ! https:\/\/www.portlandmercury.com\/feature\/2018\/08\/15\/22113502\/thank-you-for-not-breeding","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how small a cock do you have to have to park sideways in the Tesco car park?? Flexing your Ford Focus lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant Experiences: Why Immigrants Come to the United States and What They Find When They Get Here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Krislisisms: Today something is dope. Tomorrow that same thing is trash. Next month it is irrelevant. Next year it's classic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"electrocheking out some blues. #musicalveneus #electropop #electronic #blues #jazz #jam\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u201cIt\u2019s only sexual assault when the other does not agree with what he is feeling.\u201d He said before picking up the pace his foot turning and pushing against his cock while his big toe and other toe lift up the glands. \u201cMm\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The killer was shot and wounded by one of several armed civilians\"\". Did you hear that? Yes, I am talking to you gun control advocates!!! Not all Americans appreciate how privileged they are to have 1st and 2nd amendments.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user has your body, the bodies of your generations, been the sites of fear, repulsion, violent desire,hatred? #ableism\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If they would #BuildThatWall and stop illegals and cartel bringing drugs into our Country, it would sure help. It would also help against child sex trafficking & all trafficking!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Dirty ass feet go take a bath bitch maybe youll ha\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feeling those plot twist feels \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 #amwriting #valensseries ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user awwww so sad \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2... #frozen #cry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump Warns of Personal Involvement If FBI, DoJ Don't 'Start Doing Their Job':\u00a0 I heard Trump say this live tonight watching the rally \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/us\/201808311067620131-usa-... via @SputnikInt","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sorry to hear that, as my mum is 95 years and has been in a care home for last eight months. i have that to come ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You'd have to ask @user cause they have yet to respond to me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is a \ud83e\udd21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Picked up this great cookbook today, published c.1910, since I can never decide what to cook for supper \ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't get mad if a dude call you a bitch, hoe, thot none of that ever in your life then, if that's the case lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...those who stayed put over the past 12 months-according 2 the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.\" #MAGA\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch you owe me a couple blunts hoe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Remember nothing says 'I love you' like letting her pay for dinner... It shows her that you really trust her to take care of you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I dunno, it crushed the fuck out of 92 of the sand niggers so that's a start https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/2017\/apr\/15\/us-mother-of-all-bombs-moab-afghanistan-donald-trump-death-toll","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitcoin $BTC current price in intl currencies \ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5 744,707 Yen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish men would listen to women and call out their fellow men for their sexist behavior instead of instantly going 'not all men' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I would name my dogs breed but I have no fucking clue what he is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sweden is an open country. For refugeeshousing they spend 32 MIO.USD. 3 houses for 3 wifes with 16 kids Sweden give for an islamist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We seem to have less shootings that you guys. Apparently you need more gun control laws. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#seriously .@user you & your emotionally-needy troll\/clone \"racing pals\"\u00e2\u0080\u0094desperate for lifestyle validation!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9 @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user another example of #religiouspsychosis it's an epidemic of brutality & ignorance. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And they suck baby penises. Disgusting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is right ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Holy shit that's awesome","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I believe you are who you say you are. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I thought you said the NYT was \u201cfailing\u201d and \u201cfake news\u201d. So this can\u2019t be true; it\u2019s made up! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":":) see she is the sweetest! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We don't watch any NFL games. This guy can shove it in his pie hole. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a7 london \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a7 #soon #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Be still. And know you are being prayed for . URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" girls in the world natt chanapa nu sex fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be ! don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t just wear your \u00e2\u0080\u009cmaking-the-best-of-it\u00e2\u0080\u009d mask. my book shares the path. pre-orders avail! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do elections really matter when US sportsmen still protesting racism at home.Actually, Native Americans home.Move back to where your great great great great grandfather came from.And see if there are refugees shelters there, like Hollywood's homeless tents.It's beautiful! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh look another leftist projecting their interracial rape fantasies. Yawn.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But rich is a light skin coon. So it's expected.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \ud83d\ude44 Are you really serious?! Comparing some of the most prestigious positions in the nation with being a slave? You just keep proving your ignorance & inability for logical thought! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im tired of these im a gangster ass hoes \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bitch you don't even know how to reload a gun and don't know where the safety at ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"crazed woman 'launched sick attack on muslim cab driver over \u00c2\u00a37 fare' | #islamaphobia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b9Austria: '\u2018\u02dcJesus said give to men in need\u2019: Refugee wants Austrians to share money & homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IMO-If the Establishment media stops bashing Trump, that's when we should be concerned.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Author unknown. Thanks to the friend who forwarded it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Co's 1 died? yep I guess you could say it is slowly draining??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it\u2019s like saying you\u2019re pale! you live in the north pole! bitchass dipfuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Poor old Rudy he is as full of shit as a Christmas Goose. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh you know, a rotting skank bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #tbt my last year bday! what a fun day! #beyourself ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another brutal murder occurs at the hands of Illegal Aliens in US. #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafeIllegal Aliens involved inMurder, Rape, Child Molestation, Drunk Driving homicides, massive ID thefts, are all too frequent today ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He tihnks he is telling the big lie. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I want to pay for a year, would that be $5.99x12 $71.88. I'd rather not pay a monthly fee. Knowing me, I'd forget...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"only smiles \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0098 #smile #goodsunday day #nighttime #instalike #instafollow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It only hangs in the balance because of liberals and news agencies that used the airwaves to push their politics..... Like CNN. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whites have to assimilate to non white immigrants in homelands built for us by our ancestors but if they don't assimilate that's perfectly fine.This is an invasion \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what do you think of #alexjones saying #draintheswamp? #populationcontrol you had good videos with him. they got him.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is gross ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BritFam #FreeTommy\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With pleasure. To hell with this anti- American company. All their crap is made overseas in sweat shops. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#mud #radio2 #songwords #showmeyoureawoman #omg anyone listened to the words to this seventies classic #signofthetimes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They are hoping all over it. But then they are probably the biggest crowd of racist bigots in the country they back antifa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Always assume the worst\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hope everyone's good... Trying to get back into suitable work and thus my energy is being concentrated into that at present. Also 'Bloodborne' is taking up a fair share of my time too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"change your space-- change your outlook! #newbeginnings #letgo #sayinggoodbye #feelings #breakupcoach #movingon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i pretty sure that @user sees whatever he needs to see in order to justify his opinion. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Right. Punish the GOP because of two cucks. That's the ticket to getting more conservatives out there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I'm surprised he didn't shoot his students just prove gun control is important. I'm glad I don't send kids to college. What a waste of money turning them into pumpkin heads.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Happy Birthday again Namjoon! thank you for always sharing your thoughts and feelings with us! you are a beautiful person with a beautiful mind and heart \ud83d\udc9c\u2728 \u2648\ufe0f URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Jilliandance @Santucci @ABC Agreed...I can't wait to see that family gone but I refuse to be bitter and cede anything else to that rotten SOB...take a good look, karma has caught up to him and his ne'er-do-well family...a year from now it will, hopefully, be a completely different story. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/5eQZxczE8c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good liberals will allow a rapist\" to continue serving on a federal district court while his victim continues to suffer? But...you said....you said....\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Edwin Jackson, Indianapolis Colts linebacker, was killed by an illegal alien, police say #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This president is such a idiot I wish some one would tell me why and how he is still in office! God help those being hit by this storm ! Lord knows they will not need paper towels thrown at them !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user She is too busy patting her hair to realize her Tweets are comical but in a stupid kind of way. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I am talking about your comment that Nick was a fascist... Brittany means nothing to me. So like I said are you Antifa?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"le plus beau des cadeaux! #clovis#isaure#mybihday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"VALENTINE DAY & ISLAM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"INSPIRATIONAL: Jordan Peterson on Western Civilization\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Because black dudes don\u2019t play video games...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user are we entering a new age of ? a repoer reflects on the hate crime beat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When autocorrect just gets you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #army #peru #lovebts #youngforever i want go to korea :'( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#motivation tip #5! choose to be ! #motivationmonday #bloggercake @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#we - - #few - #reactions : we happy few reactions ign live e3 2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Just looked up his work History he is listed on the Board of Leading Age Services Aust (LASA) and comes from Medicare Local Alliance...what ever the hell that is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Stop the hammering out there. Who's got a hammer? Where is it?\u00a0Where's the hammer?\" O'Donnell yelled at his crew.\u00a0\"Go up on the other floor. Somebody go up on there and stop the hammering. Stop the hammering.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ez 30%+ overnight on cryptos. :))","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Rschooley @slack2thefuture Please do not underestimate:[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]1. Joe Biden[NEWLINE]2. Kamala Harris[NEWLINE]3. The staffers who work for them[NEWLINE]4. Their campaign teams[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]You don\u2019t think they\u2019ve already made plans and set up actions for whatever bullshit Trump and the GOP may\/will try to pull? https:\/\/t.co\/4NfLr82rin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it sure seems that way.. because our country and constitution is at risk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I found out today that Jesus isn\u2019t white and so now I can\u2019t go to church on Sunday AND I can\u2019t watch football damn Obama liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Though I have been seeing a lot of these memes recently, I had to look up \u201cNPC\u201d (non-playing character, which I assume is a gaming reference). We\u2019ve been needing a good descriptor for these hive-mind people. I think it\u2019s perfect!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Lol.... your going to jail","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He only thinks he is a zionist, he just a pawn like most of the Jews. The Jewish elite have intentions of all the low level idiots to be eradicated to make way for their new dumbed down slave race.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"!!! no-balls to 'own' his ... 'coward' !!! \/\/\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the #news gives me nightmares. bombs terror sadness everywhere. let's have some thoughts - anyone? #positivethoughts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.marketingxtreme.net\/cash-rally-gps-review\/: Good way to spend time surfing the web! #news #business #Cash_Rally_GPS #marketing #Cash_Rally_GPS_reviews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil one infamous maneuver has affectionately been baptized the \u00e2\u0080\u009csaudi sweep\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But the orange preferred to send the hospital boat away and now she is standing empty. It could have saved many people. Fuck@USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"10 mins to go... #kuchrangpyarkeaisebhi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MS-13 Gang Members Murdered Man, Set Body On Fire In Virginia via @user @user #DeathPenaltyAny thing less is not justice!#BuildTheWall #KeepAmericansSafe#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where are they hoping to go? 'We will stay here until we can get to Britain,' I was told. 'In London they will give you a home; here, they just let you sleep in a park. I will make friends there and find a girlfriend.' via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They need to only ever see the sky from the safety of a HMP exercise yard","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"chill \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a #polishgirl #girl #vscocam #vsco #rcnocrop #body #fit #fitness #love #chill\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love the life you live \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6 #lifeofval #lifeofbu #dogslife #sunshine #conveible\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The workers from the #colombian #Censo (census) just arrived. Never seen people so excited to realize they got to interview 'an in-the-flesh immigrant'!!! \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf4 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There are THREE cardboard boxes full. Come pick out a haunted cardigan!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER As per my friends that were correctional officers in Corcoran State Prison..Yes he is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm not drove bitch, you THINK YOURE DRIVING ME BUT THE GAG IS, I'm not mad and I'm beating yo ass now. Bum hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That's it throw race into it again. Did you forget what happened to all the WHITE WOMEN who accused Bill Clinton of sexual allegations. The Liberal Democrats rallied around him. Liberals are the most disgusting disgraceful human beings that God created","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user creamy cheesy spagetti \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u009d #chefejhay #spagetti #noodles #pinoytaste #favorite #foodies #food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Americans Evacuated from Chinese Consulate https:\/\/www.trunews.com\/stream\/americans-evacuated-from-chinese-consulate\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user See it WORKS! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#piracydimaadi \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088 do watch d movie in theatres only plz.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DannyTarkanian: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Again for the hard of hearing: An AR15 is an INANIMATE object. An AR15 is not INHERENTLY evil. Gun control DOESN'T decrease gun violence. Armed citizens are LESS LIKELY to become victims of mass shootings. The Holocaust was not prevented by BANNING ovens.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m sorry, I\u2019m not interested in fucking you. \u00a0Maybe you\u2019ll meet someone that is one day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Her terms!? WTH She's running the show now so Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing is being delayed as the liberals want. Something is not right.\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd28","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are all the republiKlan maga wearing traitors going to dig through their childhood toy chest just to post videos of burning #Ernie & #Bert dolls? #ernieandbert #SesameStreet #Toad #MarioKart #TraitorTrump #traitortoad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I wouldn't be surprised.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa came out of the old German Communist Party 1932. Just history. That's why they wear masks. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Same 2 U Women and Leave Me Alone I Got Anough Skank Problems! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user the poorest neighborhoods have the fewest trees. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Bwahahahahaha....she is a liar. Let her bring a case with the State of MD then. I would love to see it and see her bankrupted by Kavanaugh's attorney in a libel suit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A little theory I\u2019m working on. If there\u2019s a voice in your spirit compelling you to say #notallmen #notallwomen\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb Agreed shes fuckin on meds im sure","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user a hole whore out here literally and figuratively \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udd95 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can you name another country where the ruling elite has willingly imported a criminal class of #illegals that damages its own citizens? I think the technical term for this is national suicide. #DeportThemAll #ArrestEmployers #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user your comment = \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 5,- donation for #refugeeswelcome \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 + #fascists suck #kissmyarse","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wishing my little big man a happy bihday. #blessed #bihday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I worked w\/ roundup for over thirty years in the Greenhouse industry. It's by far one of the safest herbicides in the industry. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saturday morning #sky ... #sunrise #goodmorning #instavideo #love #bluesky #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One thing we've noticed lately on the campaign trail: a growing number of Black Americans supporting @realDonaldTrump.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]They are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]President Trump has accomplished more for the black community in 4 years than Joe Biden has his entire career https:\/\/t.co\/etkVttP1u5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Biggest corrupt lying piece of s***\ud83d\udca9 there ever was!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't suffer in life seeking to be just be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shot inside a pussy office woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"too far behind, must get caught up..... oh the pain. ha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(Good for you Gov) Gov. Cuomo gets endorsement of nation's largest gun control group: URL @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So Justice Kennedy is stepping down from SCOTUS.\u00a0 \u00a0While liberals throw a new tantrum, in MAGA-country you get this : https:\/\/youtu.be\/3GwjfUFyY6M","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Only suckers are paying $40 for early access to a game they'll hate in a week","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The polls are rigged anyway!! Stop being conned Mr President!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe @barackobama is colored blind with his 'red lines' and all. Tough talk, no walk. #tcot","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user damn bitch you gotta comment under everything i say . groupie ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He\u2019s infected others. Don\u2019t be a dickhead. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Vote for #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/DCIgJgdjhc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Person- how are you always so happy Me- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Latest: #Spain reports 328 migrant rescues at sea ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"KANYE WON FOUR BILLBOARD AWARDS LESSSSGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO https:\/\/t.co\/9np7NKLqCe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tune in to @user at this morning to hear from @user Victoria Crouse on her report on #immigrant #SmallBusiness owners. @user Listen here at 11:24: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hello why not vote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Brandee876: ghetto sour cream http:\/\/t.co\/1meyQQ7B6G","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals didn't want to hear from Juanita Broderick. She was ignored. Liberals don't want to hear from Keith Ellison's accuser. Double Standard ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Obviously no one cares about this,","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gab is a disgrace. Torba is a sick fuck. Torba, you failed. Shut this shit down. I am considering leaving. What is the point of gab if they are acting the same as twitter?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She's nothing but a @user con. She's an illegal immigrant & Slovenian skinhead Nazi B back home before @user my ass) falsified her PAPERS to enter the US. Worked on tourist VISA. Lied about education(degree in architecture) fluent in 5 languages. Einstein VISA? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ayeeee ok! thanks booski! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Right. shoot the messenger.\"\" Don't go after the homosexual rot in the clergy, Bergoglio, go after the man - Archbishop Vigano - who EXPOSED the homosexual rot in the clergy. Satan must be having a REALLY good laugh over that one.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my arm the day after donating #plasma #octopharmaplasmacenter #godsnotdead #love \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Sure do miss you sir. I ran HRC Lakeland office and tried to get you your old house back. We were ALL devastated that night. We worked harder than any realtor you ever had for nothing but love. Now fighting gun control w our Parkland kids. Hope lives! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This man is one of the most intelligent highly accomplished Black men in the USA yet, White Liberals & the Old Order\" (his words) have been successfully able to have him disowned by his own people. No Black child looks up to this man for inspiration bc to them he doesn't exist URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Aight I thought gun control and unaffordable healthcare was the issue snm \ud83d\ude2a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER No... He's anti antifa\" that means he dosn't like domestic terrorists. You probably watch CNN. you should stop for a will to let the mind control wear off.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user research: and played greatest role in #2016election, by @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here\u2019s some more of what my opponent is \u201cresisting.\u201d Are you better off today than you were 2 years ago? #NJ12 #MAGA #WalkAway URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My life was really headed in the right direction before I started drinking... At the age of 10... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So, like in many cases of smearing their opponents, the left presents a term by a definition which IS morally questionable or even reprehensible. And then blankets that term over people which it can apply to in a CERTAIN sense.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't wish death on anyone but I would love to see these treasonous pieces of shit swing and rot from the rope.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realdonaldtrump\u00a0Last time a POTUS came to the UK he humiliated himself by failing to understand the will of the people.\u00a0Speak your mind, that\u2019s what free-thinking people all over the world love about you.There are lots of believers in #MAGA in the UK. Ronald Reagan said \u201cTear down this Wall\u201d and changed Europe for ever.\u00a0If you can say something to give us the Brexit we need we can save o...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tired of being the target of someone else?s #anger? tips from jude bijou #hfhradio #fedup","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Unfirtunately i have seen hispanics justifying shit from trump. I argued with two family members of mine who believes trump did helped PR a lot. And i have a relative who he is a trump fan & agreeds that the majority of immigrants that come are bad. It is upsetting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"go best friend! #national#bestfrindsday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well said.... They seem to love death too....Abortionist said they were \"SO PROUD THEY KILL BABIES\"....SICK People!! (or Demons)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fat cunt ass bitch burn in hell ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RedWave a coming!! That's ok tho. No conservative will harm you b\/c of your political ideals. Cant say the same for liberals tho. Liberals can be vile and nasty to opposing views. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got to watch the dirty stinking commies, they always have 3 or more uses for their tactics. They work for far less than the middle class. They see them as the replacement population too. Get rid of the White Christian people of the west, bingo no more PINA US Constitution and rule of law in the way of unlimited power. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ultimately, if I'm wrong on this matter, it makes very little difference. God is my focus and Christ is my salvation and I expect I can be forgiven for getting the age of our planet wrong. But I do think that the whole business of Science vs Christianity is pretty silly on both sides.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Libyan Red Crescent recover 17 migrant bodies near Tripoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Disgraceful. He is innocent until proven guilty. Which will not happen because she is lying. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hello angel i'm really sorry to bother you with my message i can't help it you are too beautiful. this is for you \ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf37\ud83e\udd40\ud83c\udf39\ud83d\udc90 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shout out to my #babydaddy #fathersday i must say #married #life has been one big\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah. Gun Control Act of 1968 also uses a lot of innuendoes for black people and ghettos in its text. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING:CIA MOLE JOHN BRENNAN WILL BE INDICTED - IT ALL BEGINS regardless of Mueller prosecutions\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=bcU8He1Z5aw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even if I had 100 theories it wouldn't mean anything. It would be a good thing when #JIT #MH17 had a 100 options open. Do you understand this? https:\/\/twitter.com\/ChefOltman1\/status\/966668350951755777","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People say, \"Why didn't this or that immigrant for Central or South America apply the proper way and keep up with forms?\" For decades immigration has discriminated against people of color from Central and South America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Chris, Chris, Chris.... Are you forgetting the mantra of every single libtard pusher of common sense gun control\"\"? When all guns are outlawed, the criminals will voluntarily give up their guns, out of a sense of compassion.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I loathe @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my every day of my life\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 #insideout #gifs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ...Bono's attempt to inculcate the masses in his later life epiphany... senility has certain markers; i guess Bono has made that clear now - sad \ud83d\ude33\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He is a crook","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@washingtonpost The people who work at those companies tend to be trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil greenspan\u00e2\u0080\u0099s monetary policies equated to declining real wages for workers \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is one crazy person","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#friendship bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with strong exc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Colorado: Iraqi immigrant who shot cop in the head evaded deportation despite a string of crimes via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The resort run by a Western business isn't a shithole. You will note he did not actually go to the shithole. What is he trying to prove? That luxury resorts are nice? Or that his audience as idiots? MAGA!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#q #qanon Interesting Q Map https:\/\/drive.google.com\/file\/d\/1A82Uo8kAdcqe7GvMsIfxUz8Eqxc7SnGb\/view God Bless the Patriots.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I should rephrase that... something went down and she is trying to cover it up with some LAME@USER story about \u201coh I thought I was in my own house\u201d BULLSH1T! What a obviously blatant lie. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Screw you and that keep up\" shit honestly \ud83d\ude02\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never mind about talent, education, experience, ability - none of THAT silly stuff.\u00a0 Just so it's a female. Geeze.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ur were voted in to protect our borders not let migrants or the EU dictate how many you let in. taking ur time o yes we know it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@richarddeitsch yeah,but the cripple not getting up clean helped the call out...wouldn't have been fair either way","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ryanhoover like we all never gave the camera \"the bird\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IdiotAlert Gun control activist David Hogg suggested AR-15s cannot be used for self-defense because they shoot further than handguns. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's Hobby Lobby Holly! I followed her on Twitter. She was great on there until she had some personal issues. If she was on Gab I'd follow again. She has a great perspective on things and wasn't afraid to speak up\/out. I wish her well wherever she is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user be happy for this moment. this moment is ur life #quotes #moments #inspiration #life htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user He is Romanian? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When the dollar becomes worthless paper in the coming Obama hyper inflation depression they'll return to their countries. US authorities won't have to do nothing but open the gates and let them go home!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm tired of these hoes saying us niggas ain't nah bitch you ain't shit either tf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CIA link huh? Hmmmm never would of thunk it.\u00a0 New Strzok texts indicate more gov't leaks amid Russia probe https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=aQ12feW7faY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are obsessed with @USER She\u2019s a millionaire because she is a good comedian. You have money because Big Daddy Bone Spurs handed it to you a**hole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Gillibrand must have been a very sexually active woman to be pushing young women to have abortions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let the truth be known!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And it\u2019s always during active play! Sit your butt down people!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" in #trumpsamerica #feeling #empowerd \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac #fowoh mother after arrest; via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now that i have a job despite no paychecks i have 2 pay for food now...cuz of my tips i get ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@WORSTRAPLYRlCS Everything Jay-Z writes is trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Hysterical liberals following Don Jr. No facts just liberal mouthpieces.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I feel like the world mine on some scarface shit, if that your hoe on Instagram then don't tag that bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Need help packing?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You can\u2019t accuse someone of something like this & expect to not have to come forward & testify about it! We\u2019re we just suppose to believe it & crucify him? I am sure u liberals think so. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nike will become a even better hit, now your daughter on the other hand.... bitch, stfu. Nike has grabbed you by your pussy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TyWahlbrink: @victoriakuhlman One day more until turkey, it will nip me in the belly, we'll be ready for the stuffing, we will wet ours…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just pre-ordered this. it sounds a really great book ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"5 simple rules for a life\" @user #quote #leadership #inspiration @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look at this Leaf supremacist asshole over here...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GIANT SADIQ KHAN BALLOON NOW FLYING OVER LONDON! Trump has been avenged! Watch live:\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=I3blm-Q889s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dancing with my mates is one of the best things ever!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user *he closes his eyes so she won\u2019t notice how groggy he is.* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"With military members already being stripped of their service to our country and told to go home, Trump administration plans to limit citizenship for legal immigrants, NBC News reports ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UN countries agree on pact to manage mass global migration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @RT_America: Russell Brand mocks Bill O'Reilly for proposing Berlin Wall against immigrants (VIDEO) http:\/\/t.co\/WtzD2MIBf6 http:\/\/t.co\/A…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Don't bury the lead fam! It has nothing to do with gun control laws and everything to do with the demographics of those cities.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This whole thing has turned into a 4 ring circus with @senitorfinestine as the ring master!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Becca. She is too much work. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user cuomo: paladino's 'racist, ugly' comments on the obamas embarrass new yorkers #politics #c\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a Republican. Do you actually expect any different. And as far as her calling the opposition money a bribe she should be used to that by now bribes that is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@trom771 @_ReaalAmerican_ Biden won't survive the debate. I'm betting he won't go to the debate. #DementiaJoe #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't forget this is Trumps fault. Just like how he is colluding to make the hurricanes worst. They forgot to tell us how this hurricane was also Trumps fault.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More Evidence that the US Constitution Does Not Mandate Federal Control of Immigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user words of wisdom! #bacon #paleo #code3spices #legionofboom #weber #foodporn #eatthis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You come out with the usual ignorance, lies and insults. Fact is that mass immigration into Ireland has been ongoing for decades now, most legal and from other EU countries, still trans-formative All the people seeking Asylum s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Over 7 years ....it\u2019s pathetic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sean Penn: #MeToo Movement Seeks to \u2018Divide Men and Women\u2019 URL <\u2014 Gotta say\u2026 I stand w\/ Jeff Spicoli on this one. URL #MAGA #WWG1WGA #ConfirmKavanaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"aaa today was my last exam \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 so right now!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The bay area is still a big union town.\u00a0 I remember when the Honda dealer in Berkeley was bought out and the new owners gave the employees a vote on whether to stay union or not.\u00a0 The employees voted to get out of the union and the pissed off union picketed for days. Of course the people on the picket line never worked for Honda and were people who couldn't do anything else except walk around with a sign.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lmfao oh you serious? \ud83d\ude02 hoe i was playing with yo rock head ass. janae don't play with me. you know how I rock lil bitch!!!\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New development in USA v Flynn https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/964612944045600...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\udda4 Dyrus you are a fucking worthless braindead scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are\ud83d\udda4","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user would help them but he is in his own sunken place.. @user to the rescue ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I feel like I'm going through withdrawals but again I'm jus being a whiny ass bitch ass skank ass brat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Attempted Mass Poisoning: Illegal Alien Poured Drain Killer Into Food At Florida Restaurant via @user are they so lenient?This is terrorism!#BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@1Corinthians126 #BooksOfGodWidom Proverbs 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What a shitty workout. I feel like hell. Some days I just can't get rolling. At least I did it, I guess.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sooo @user you ain't get my text message hoe? \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me: Love Yours-Wing supremacist: SHUT THE FUCK UP WHORE, NOTHING WILL EVER TOP WINGS, DUMB BITCH, THE R&B THEMES, THE SILK, THE CHOKERS, NOTHING CAN TOP THAT. HAVE YOU HEARD BS&T?? HAVE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENED TO THAT MASTERPIECE OF THE CENTURY BECAUSE IF NOT- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant sex fiend claims he \u2018\u02dcdid not know it was illegal to grope women\u2019 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Psychopath John Brennan Must Be Prosecuted And Jailed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wants today to b #over i feel what a #shit day again \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"forgive me for calling out unsubstantiated slander? yeah, right. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Be safe you fucker","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a disgrace he needs to resign or the citizens of Maricopa County need to start a recall. If he FUBAR\u2019s the General Election that should be it. No waiting until 2020. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Madman why did'nt u raise these issues before ur corrupt Babu was picked up for serious charges ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You lied you don\u2019t know about the Mulford Act. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy Birthday you stupid fucking bitch. I hope you slip and break ya neck, hoe. Grown to love yo lame ass. @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cryptocurrency is also controlled by rich (((financial))) organizations. (((They))) already made money off it in the first wave.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When one of your old hoes dm you saying '' oh your bio is finally clean'' like bitch you disrespectful bye \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Wonder how many children he molested ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a #child today is a #responsible #adult tomorrow.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is mentally unstable. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Steven_ratata: @savanigga @CheersToKellin sav you are so nicee love you too twat! :)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I #stress How long before there becomes here? With no assimilating, open borders and the diluting of American #values and #culture. America is becoming there! @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #MAGA @user #BuildTheWall #Purge ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mmpadellan Abso-fucking-lutely!!! The man is jacked up on heavy meds, talking crazy shit (well that's not new) and it will just be another shit show...how much more can we put up with? #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I didn\u2019t tweet this lol I needa get my Twitter off this shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A ProPublica investigation found that police responded to at least '25 calls reporting sex offenses' at child shelters that primarily serve immigrants during an analysis of over 70 of the about 100 shelters that exist in the U.S. #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I am sure he is doing that in his organization. Also respect is a two way street. Law enforcement job is to protect and SERVE its citizens. It like they miss that part .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@funder Wow. All hes doing is trying to protect this country and our children. And all dummycrates care about is money and profit. #MAGA2020 #4MoreYears","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Antifa- haha it\u2019s not exactly a big movement but ok. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"best wishes to @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"arc 5 week #class on & #education, mon 6:30 pm, $70 sliding scale. #cambma #harvardsq #justice #workshop","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Look at his reaction at the 18 second mark. What a contemptuous clown he is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user loving our dincwear! mum's da word @user for straight up '16 on saturday #brickingit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Exactly so shut up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user awesome keith! we can see you're ecstatic about it! #samsungj7 customer - rolando","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Could this be another trol post designed to get antifa to get themselves in trouble? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is doing life tho\ud83d\ude11","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Anderson lies and you report it as fact you do get except for BLM & ANTIFA you have no REAL viewers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fool!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sierra almost got caught with the ole hick 😂😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There was a time in my life when i really enjoyed talking to girls, now i hope they all get cancer #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the fn is seeking to rid of its anti-semitic, xenophobic image, but majority of its sympathisers still describe the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODACA #MAGA #Gohomewhereyoubelong ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER is the brainchild of @USER - He is playing dirty against @USER and Jen is using her ill gotten money against @USER Mailer linking Nixon to anti-Semitism was approved by top Cuomo aides URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To hear some people say it, the evil Jew corrupted the innocent Christian with porn. Wrong. Jews took advantage of a demand that was already there. People like porn, period. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PANIC in DC - Sessions sent letter to Supreme Court re: direction for him to UNrecuse himself... #wwg1wga #qanon @user #MAGA #walkaway @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so you missed an in depth hysterical candy corngate. Episode 2 tonight! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So you are ok with the racial epithats that the left calls black conservatives? #bigotry #hypocrisy #walkaway I did. Many have. Dont be blind. You are being a tool for a establishment. Keep resisting the outsider and be for the political elite millionaires.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It ain\u2019t rocket science.. ruh roh... brain surgery then..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This message was approved by #antifa #pussyhats #BLM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"done.. good idea... repoed you for abusive content as a troll @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user We have a stupid problem. Conservatives don\u2019t just hate studies by smart people (smart people suck) that show data (data schmata) and facts (#fakenews) but just being near one can turn somebody into a nitwit. #cdnpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2nd federal deals Mueller another vicious blow. \u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/GtH9WtPNL50","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user That\u2019s a car \ud83d\ude97 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i repeat again you do you, ill be me!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #saidthisbefore","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And when we shut them down and all that taxpayer money needs to go to #BuildThatWall ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump threatens to withdraw from World Trade Organization\u00a0If the World Trade Organization doesn't 'shape up,' President Donald Trump told Bloomberg he would pull the United States out. https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/08\/30\/trump-threatens-to...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#history will not be kind to those who enable the #corruption, and #misogny of @user and his emb\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHO'S THE WHORE NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"there's almost nothing better than a pile of dryer warm, clean clothes. especially when you're cold. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#libdems also have a share without their support #conservatives would never have got #austerity through. All for the price of plastic bags. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Test","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"warning to all you dumb bitches: i don't do no dumb bitch\/hoe shit. \ud83d\udc4b ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I guess so... Oh well \ud83d\ude0a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hitler was a pragmatist willing to work with based jews, see the Nuremberg laws, and with faggots to an extent.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user funny shoot in the office today! stay tuned for more pics to come. #photo #photooftheday #summer #london ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I remember when she said that. The amount of \"Neither do you\" was astounding. The second most comments were laughing how these proud independent women shirk things like housework, but immediately run to it when trying to show worth.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i\u2019m weak \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02.. Shit must have been really painful ..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant Families Being Reunited ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You people have energy for these sort of pedestrian thinking. The Chinese have one the highest immigrant population in the world. Are they a poor country? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"company profile happy days childcare, inc. - #days #childcare, #inc.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THEY LOCKED OUT @Imperator_Rex!!!! FUCK TWITTER. Right in the ass.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Great tweet. Now get rid of RINOs Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Grahamnesty, REPEAL Obamacare and DEPORT Illegal Immigrants, INCLUDING so-called \"Dreamers.\" #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I fuck with this hard ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Kenya to invest in vocational training for #refugees to enhance their integration in the host country through employment or entrepreneurship #WithRefugees @user #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel, cause ain't nann one of you hoes paying my bills \ud83d\ude1b ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you @user a dear john letter! it's not me it's you..... you need your space you've changed. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Flashback: Watch Elizabeth Warren Lie about Her \u2018Oppressed\u2019 Parents Eloping Because Her Mother Was Cherokee (VIDEO) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would probably deport all the boomers before I had to pick a single non-white ethnic group to expel from the US.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It is all about bs \u261dThink there any more idiot tham the liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank you Ms Desanctis! I'm comforted that not all conservatives are letting their ambition blind their conscience. Sexual assault\/harassment has been a plague on society for centuries - that should NOT make it a conservative or traditionalist cause! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Couldn't agree more! Refreshing to see a woman who feels the same ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trust women and support their decisions them make in their pregnancy and don\u2019t be a cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Read my post again. \u00a0Sloooowly this time, dumb fuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shut the fuck up you fat ass pussy. Nobody likes your Oompa Loompa looking bitch ass self. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why is this bitch ass whore sayign she wot give me my money cause i kept talking shit about her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The liberals are the ones arguing to take away our rights","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does pedo bashing require a baseball bat?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ochocinco: If your girl didn't camp out overnight to buy you the iPhone 6 your pee pee is trash...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good .. she is the one that seems sexist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Real old whore slut and granny with thirsty vagina ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That's hysterical though you didn't mean it to be ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He can suck it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These incidents are the indicators, its high time that Europe need to wake up!#StopImmigration #Westminster ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Any moron can defeat a 29 dollar door. This vid is pretty gay...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i have so many opinions and feelings about the tragedy in orlando. those opinions are mine & line up perfectly w\/ how i feel. #travisty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WTC This is a threat!!! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user i bet thats what the left is feeding them. i think he actually believed what he said ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 science-backed ways to get right now by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Is a millionaire #snowflake that never had to live around the immigrants he championed! He like all the #snowflake politicians is a hypocrite ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or \"don't vote for the cripple\" amirite? bigot MT @DawnnaDukes: Vote #VoteWendyDavis for Governor of Texas. http:\/\/t.co\/LnAeW8CCoD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER is staffed with unhinged Liberals & @USER This is a disgusting statement. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I give you... Swedish #Antifa - be afraid, be very afraid. No, for real, we should be afraid for the consequences of all the closed down mental hospitals in Sweden.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why can't i get my #coldbrew? #needcaffine #nocoldbrew","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You will not win. Texas doesn\u2019t need a liberal. Everything liberals touch turns to crap!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If it doesn\u2019t have m&m\u2019s it\u2019s not trail mix. You are kicking ass and doing awesome. Keep it up!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop stressing! weekend is finally here! :d are you weekend ready? #fridayfeeling #waitisfinallyover #weekend #weekendready #wuhoo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Timing is everything...the attack on Q makes sense after you realize that the Iran mission is complete. #QAnon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Meanwhile in Spain..#stopimmigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Those VG\/HC stickers I see on trucks--exclusively trucks, never cars--seem like asshole indicators. I can't say for sure because I've never actually spoken to someone who's like Yes, hockey should involve more punching people\"\" but.... yeah it seems bad\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Our favorite CNN reporter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you or a loved one an immigrant who has not yet investigated citizenship? Visit our informational session... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Fair point but i didnt make the meme and couldnt take the big gov sucks off of it. And besudes meddling in many counties politics and economics. He funds antifa black lives matter to try and divide we the people to try and tear the country apart URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women bleed so much because God realized he made a mistake and is trying to kill them. Right| ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pessimism so thick we can cut it with a butter knife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be happy #happiness #is #your #choice #we #choose #it #feelinnostalgic @ santa monica,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Amen brother. He is bringing back america to be our great country. Bring it president donald j trump. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER the only thing i know about gun control is how to have great aim.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hey #congress how about instead of sending out thoughts & prayers u do something it's ur fucking job! #orlando \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He's probably referring to the fact that we started with Henderson who's is apparently shit and Sturridge who was apparently finished years ago. I mean like how could we possibly win with those two on the field... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What a stupid incompetent devious and toxic PM! May haven't you forgotten 17.4 million voters? Betray us at your peril! You are eroding faith in democracy + destroying Tory Party! You should go URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i love accounts like @user (they make me realise just how founate we are not to be like them. full of hate and bigotry). ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Oblivia I just wanted to say I really liked all the artwork you posted in the Gab Draws section.\u00a0 You have a keen eye for art!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i would like to say happy father's day to my heavenly father .... father's day to all of us dads real dads... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm ready for thursday to be here! #origins2016 #boardgames #boardgame ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And why report this garbage. We don't give a crap. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it happened, folks. do you think desensitization is a myth? #orlandoshooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Republicans love management, hate labor. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Entertainment Social Political Network #ESPN the #CNN of sports networks!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was on Fuckbook in 2012 and I Lasted about a Week Before I was Banned For Life > FUCK FASCIST BOOK.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are a child. Don\u2019t even talk to me. Lmao.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is so cute","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When he promised you 'the time of your almost over life' but the Viagra isn't working ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user poor triggered snowflake. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You must be one of those bottom feeders we warn each other about...sewage spewing skank... Ve\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Once again @user does zero research. But she is on the TV!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #IllegalAliens are not a race. Theyre a group of #criminals. #LiberalLogic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The immigration issue where families were being separated was portrayed as if it was something brand new under Trump. CNN never bothered to report this was a policy that predated Trump and that Obama deported more people than any other president in history. They ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's a big ol' mess, eh? They're trying, and trying hard, to minimize the performance impact of this... but it's gonna hurt everyone, Microsoft included.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The man asked you a question. Make sure you answer it you weak bubble headed socialist union whore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SarahKSilverman Congrats @SarahKSilverman for having the tenacity to stay engaged & determined! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user BOOP POLICE DEPARTMENT FREEZE OH SHIT SHE IS TOO CUTE OPEN BOOPBOOPBOOP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good. Valarie Jarret is in the spot light & she's not teaching us anything. Doesn't like the spotlight.\u00a0 Can't have it come out how she's Obummers handler & her 'love' for America and its people is on par with Obummers. She might even hate US more. Roseanne got the Muslin Brotherhood part right. They R\u00a0 hell bent on destroying the Constitution. Sharia law anyone?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama's Hellfire missiles tend to vaporize Jihadis @BemetOr8 @PureMonotheist #UniteBlue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user notice his expression. He didnt know who it was or intentions. Security behind urged him to walk away. He is a great spirited man. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today my father is not with me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094really missed but i pray allah protect all these father's who's lived father dat\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : eiko yamashita - \" stars\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"check father's day, psst mom dad wants...shoprsnet.com - #fashion up for less! ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I have you and Kaze- I need more.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"By your logic, there were no Gulags and there are no Logai","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hey @user any reason her delayed new flight got delayed more? at this point let me know cause any longer she'd like to go see the city ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LEOs are the only thing stopping the niggers from just going full chimpout. Sometimes they do anyway.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The redskins should change their name to the injuns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eating peanuts, watching a storm move in....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No worries ! Thank you for responding can I ask you a question I find it very interesting? Can you tell me why you are an atheist I'm just curious.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user WTF @user & @user seriously... what manner of bigoted platforms are you running that label an exhortation for children, black or other, to Stay In School\"\"? #JackDorseyIsAbigot #MAGA #KAG\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER \u2018Fake News\u2019 is term used RATHER than the word DECEPTION! #MAGA #WalkAway #RedTsunami","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The DEMOCRATS would\u2019ve walked out, even if this SMEAR CAMPAIGN never occurred! They have been trying to BLOCK this nomination since day 1!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@benshapiro Freedom is so awful. #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are goddamn right both sides will be heard. We want the TRUTH Kavanaugh. Republicans better not put party above country.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is why women lose their credibility- she was empowered??? Ohhhh Me too! These women and liberals have high-jacked the movement for women who really have been abused. Disgusting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I guess he knows. He fucks a shit hole! LMAO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stay well clear. She is unhinged. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She's an Osuite...so she is deregionised. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user stop this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"take me to the moon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bestfriend goals\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 nationalbestfriendday bestfriendsday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ilegal Invader Kills 13-Year-Old Canadian Girl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When I'm fuckin and her husband walks in the front door ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*free sticker - \"stop sexism\"* #stopsexism #womensrights #women #christmas #trump\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Again, and again, and again! This must end! #BuildThatWall @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump is Unstoppable - By YOUR Power JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth https:\/\/gab.ai\/JosephPhillipDaniel\/posts\/32572082","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"after nearly 2 years this bitch came back to our home only to be hysterical. when will this bitch get hit by a raging bus???? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Well he's a liberal so that explains it. Who knows the shooter may be a liberal as far as he knows. Liberals are very hateful violent people and must be defeated!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SirBoring Hey, I accused -- so he must be guilty! LOL!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stop perpetuating false racism and leftist subversive politically correct propaganda. america is not racist! w\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MurdochMurdoch could you pass this on to Dr. Murdoch? I believe it will help with his.... 'scientific research'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Republicans #Conservatives @USER wet dreams: Step 1: Confirm predator as SCOTUS judge Step 2: Eliminate women's choice Step 3: Eliminate non white's voting rights Step 4: Eliminate women's voting rights Step 5: End immigration","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Most countries in our world are shitholes!!! 150\/200 are utter shitholes!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user EU leaders gathered for an emergency summit on migration but this was really an attempt to show support for Angela Merkel\u2019s government. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user ok say less im ready whenever he is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yesterday's evening walk, i thought a lot about the victims of #orlando and even the sky seemed & #desperate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy greatful sunday folks! heva great day \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009d #sunday #methodist #gerejamethodist\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user that's because #hate #bigotry and #greed is the new #religion ! #makeamericagreatagain #trump #goppropaganda","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just keep saying FAST and FURIOUS! Holder the man that planned gun control by handing out weapons to criminal cartels... Sounds like a great guy to run a justice department because he will work with ANYONE including criminals to fill his OWN AGENDA instead of that of the people! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And leave your \"loved ones\" to who knows what.\u00a0 FREAKS AND LIARS!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Here are the People\"\" who \"\"Hold you up\"\" and who YOU hold up. 1st Photo They are beating a Republican Korean War VET. 2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and Kids Because they are Conservative. The LEFT, YOUR LEFT is all about shutting down FREE SPEECH! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user can't wait katherine is just brilliant live \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your comments are reflections of total ignorance and absolute ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you serious. Man you\u2019re an idiot! He is the most hateful scum on earth.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The more we learn about the activities of the noble illegal aliens who are just trying to make a better life, the more we see that crossing the border illegally is only the beginning of their lawlessness in the US. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MarkB_LifeStyle @SportsCenter @Athletics Cant the Yankees make some last weeks moves??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @NerdLifeThuggin: Skin Diamond really was the last champion for ebony porn. Everything else is kinda trash now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And, he proved that all the gun Control\" LAWS doesn't stop anyone willing to break the LAW. He could have just as easily shot a colleague or student. Or, several. LAX enforcement of existing LAWS and Criminal Minds ignoring laws are the REAL problem. But, DemocRats know that.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...hate to tell you but the young white snowflakes are just as bad or worse.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No we can\u2019t be losing AB he is literally our whole offense","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rephrasing Coming soon : Migrant attacks = Migrant self-defense from radicalized locals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bitch better serve","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user at this rate :sooner or later, somalia will be repatriating kenyan refugees back to their war torn country ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pipe down kady love! acting like you're nails and a total badass, you mess with his head all the time this is karma! #loveisland #child ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wayne say he trying out do drake so this shit gotta be decent at least! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women in their 30's on vacation will literally fuck anything ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Just imagine if Dr Ford was a member of a minority. Antifa would be firebombing the Judge\u2019s residence. #IDENTYPOLITICS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Omfg... \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i bet he is sayin wat his daddy says most... Don't start me baby\"\"\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"your desire for miscegenation genocide is your ultimate violence, hatred and division desire, @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you got an attitude...I'm gonna just choke you & devour your pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ulm #love #instagood #photooftheday top.tags #tbt #germay #me #beautiful #followme \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019m sooo happy you are a Gator!! \ud83d\udc0a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc0a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a happy father's day #father #men #man #mademen #king #kings #cool #dope #hustle #sunday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Actually antifa makes u want to kick them right in the teeth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"seems like @user \"#canadianvalues\" are ignoring reality, dividing & weakening, #hate & . #science #cdnpoli\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is the size of a stadium","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What you said. It IS the most important decision a young man will ever make. Except for the ones who become Marines, then it\u2019s 2nd.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER States. Kavanaugh will destroy any chance at federal gun control in our lifetime.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just a reminder that Trump fired the US pandemic response team in 2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shenmue 1 & 2 Release Date Confirmed For August #Gaming #GabGaming https:\/\/www.gamespot.com\/articles\/shenmue-1-and-2-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The persona that you project masks your insecurities. You are hurt and disappointed. Politics is a dirty business. Move on and make a difference. Hillary lost because too many people sat out the last election. Get involved in displacing Devin Nunes and or Duncan Hunter in Calif.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whatever you do today, do NOT use the term #IllegalAliens or #IllegalAlien cuz Twitter and #Jack consider it hate speech. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I run from those bitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just remember hating bitches ain't happy & happy bitches ain't hating \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a &blessed\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user It\u2019s quite apparent she abhorres the constitution. Stupid woman. She thinks she is so much better than anyone else. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user looks like @user are really pushing narrative in open world games forward! @user ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I work for a living so don't have alot of time for this protester Bullshit. I wear a Trump hat daily custom made 4 me. If any asshole wants to try to try to kick my ass over it then they better have some health insurance because they're gonna get their ass kicked and be hospital bound.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 2977 people were murdered by illegal aliens in New York City, Washington DC & Shanksville Pennsylvania on 9\/11\/01 Help memorialize them today! Visit to help. Please #RETWEET #ThursdayThoughts #NeverForget #BuildTh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"word factory: race denial prevents healing! #southafrica #leadership #transformation #inequality +5 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"welcome to @user to the @user look forward to watching this season #gorangers #homeopener #bringontheseason","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"its total horse shit, but then again, most gamer males are pussybegging betas to be honest. it is dissapointing, but not too surprising. The fact that they have to bribe females to play video games says everything i need to know.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MSNBC is Fake as Fuck News!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What is this women covering up on her head with all these carnival dollar store hats she wears? Is there a big hole\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A squad of dyke cholas fear nobody. They worse than the cartel","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is not wrong tho. Some Tunisians look like Italians ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We must reject the \"globalization of indifference\" toward refugees, says the president of the International Catholic Migration Commission. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user last days before scanning, more than a year after having staed this drawing... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".. and suddenly you're all i need, the reason why \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 i smile. #smile #love #boy #bday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After Sentencing, Cosby Camp Issues Disgusting Comment About Jesus https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/sentencing-cosby-camp-issues-disgusting-comment-jesus\/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostBottomSharingButtons&utm_content=2018-09-26&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \/\/xD Well the suffering she goes through and all the terrible shit she sees ends up making her pretty insane (I think you already seen that from certain things I posted XD) but hey at least she's only insane to bad guys! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cNot all men\u201d or \u201c\u2018not all white people\u201d both phrases that\u2019ll fuck you up on Twitter \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm alone... :( #whereareyou (at @user [pic] \u00e2\u0080\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's supposedly an update, yesterday and today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Who will abuse it the most: liberals or RINOS?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Who was a #whore? #demi -raps respected women who conducted affairs. #Bunters\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s Good for our Gun Business. More Guns sell when these people bring up Gun Control. Keep up the Great Work. Guns for All. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whut it doooo guize??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user TRUMP IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE THEN YOUR AN IDIOT. MY FRIENDS IN PR WERE HURT. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO GET EDUCATED. I EDUCATE MYSELF EVERYDAY I TALK TO THEM EVERYDAY. SO STFU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Actually this should be given to the powers that be before this nut bar takes a gun and does what she is saying she will. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And I will need to relocate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.britainfirst.org\/r?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpewtube.com%2Fuser%2FBritainFirst&e=323428c86f009771fc6a81135c0e6569&utm_source=patriotmerchandise&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=videos2&n=2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" boob naked assault ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NOT students! in their 20's....Crisis ACTORS being paid by Soros to divide & stir up trouble ! Hogg thinks this is a Career !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe, after she visits the school Lebron built, she will build one of her own for immigrant children. Then maybe other fortunate people could help those less who are fortunate. What a novel idea.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@eGoTheIcoN everytime pro teams do GB tourneys that get schmanged. Im not fanboying im just saying I don't think u should say they're trash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sure Jesus wouldn't object to the occasional topless or nude shot, as long as it's kept tasteful. Maybe just steer clear of anal fisting and horsecock dildos. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user best think i've ever heard about nicola sturgeon. so it can't be true. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WASHINGTON \u2018\u201c Many Muslim immigrants express a sentiment of entitlement, believing they one day will replace the... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we got the flat!!!!!! so happy!!!! #newsta #firsthome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user gbk will turn blue today!! #persibarema #final","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just in case there was any doubt that the democrats are communists.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user To what? Chicago already has thf strictest gun control laws in the country... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the 5-minute habit that can #change your#life #lessonslearned #lifehacks #goals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She has tooo many details to be lying but they still will say she is lying ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You have a dick? Damn didn\u2019t know bhadbhabie was actually a bhadtranny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"every day should be wine with lunch and good buskers. life #hack #darlingmovement \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bourdain was an anti white anti West lowlife fucking cunt... Pure leftist trash, probably couldn't handle the fact that all the spin and propaganda on Trump is doing fuck all, and that the progressive utopia (1984) which Obama almost implemented and Clinton was to finish is falling apart.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"republican trump buddy who's rabid racist can't figure out what's wrong w\/saying violently hateful things. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I knew bobby shmruda respected women when he said 'if you aint a hoe get up out my traphouse!' Legendary ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yay!! So happy she is well hehe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user my first ringed flycatcher of the phd!! @user @user @user @user #ornithology #fieldwork ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So migrants illegally sneaking into the USA can't expect to remain with their kids. Duh? They aren't walking into a mall but a different sovereign country which needs to end the influx. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i mean, yes, women bare the collective shitload of constantly being objectified, & not all men are sexist creepers (all of the time) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/sjwhate\/comments\/7ry72c\/are_sjws_mentally_ill_or_just_cowards\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Criminal Illegal Alien Accused of Sexually Assaulting Eight-Year-Old Florida Girl #DrawAndQuarter #ImmigrationMoratorium #EndTheBirthrightScam #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #FundTheWholeWall #TripleWall #NationalCastleDoctrine via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is an ALEC puppet. If they don\u2019t move the string on her back that works her mouth then she does nothing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"27 reported deaths in Sutherland TX church shooting. Dems already calling for gun control and shootings and I'm just waiting for to report on the pedophile content that allows. There is a reason American media does what the establishment has been trying to tell you to stop taking","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Lying PM just like Bliar! End of Tory party & I'm tory party member! Remainers refuse to discuss this with me in Tory party ! Please get rid of this total liar who hooks up with corrupt convict @user from @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"First Democrats take a knee to protest police brutality against black people. Then they condemn anyone for criticizing the FBI for attempting a coup against President Trump because they claim it undermines law enforcement. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"be in love with your life every minute of it\" #lifeisgood #itsfriday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #day18 the first of my wild flowers has bloomed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's someone riding around the Robinson Walmart in a lawn mower. With ghetto headlights added. #reallife","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Does that mean she had his permission to sit on a panel denigrating the president of the country you are negotiating with?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's some #elite #globalist #Jews plotting to take-over #Poland.You can't make this stuff up. #EU #Europe #Zionism #Judaism #AntiWhite #globalism #leftism #OpenBorders #IllegalImmigration #CulturalSubversion #nationalism #Jewish #NWO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ain't nobody stabbed your ass in the back hoe. We just all saw how much of an attention whore and fake bitch that you actually are. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@sevensixxx_ @oldirtyjesus great reply except it was trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I won't say there haven't been any but compared to antifa protests its not even comparable. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do what you love to do simply for the love of it. #love #success #work #business\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wearing pajamas tonight 4 da gook \nUDigg \n\nGrey day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For those #magats still convinced we live in a capitalist country.... \ud83d\udc47 [NEWLINE]#AmericaFirst #Trump2020 #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpCrimeFamily #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/uUjdCUII4g","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER My old ass was here URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But but but ..... But like her music sucks!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just stop before you make it worse. eat your cock and pussy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are seriously so despicable. How can you even look you kids in the eye... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Polish MP Smokes BBC Host Over Poland's Decision Not To Take Immigrants via @user MUST DO WHAT THEY DO LET'S GET RID OF THAT FILTH ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You still have not addressed your solution to make schools safer....you just preach more gun control...what are your solutions???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chrome browser is also a snitch for Twitter bots. Can't use more than 1 acct on that browser fucking niggers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"great my lymph node is swollen again. shows how stressed i am cos of some fucking whore &; her spreadshit &; stupid frens who believe her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women were treated as 2nd class citizens for thousands of years. We are supposed to be an enlightened society. There's NO reason women should not be treated as equals now. Sexual assault is a crime! FBI needs to investigate #Kavanaugh! @user #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #oil back sub-$50.00 on profit taking #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What about red people? (Indians) Red is a color.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not the first or the last. #yyc the tax bill was the final straw: escoba bistro is closing its doors ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so fuckinn true ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tommy Robinson just announced that on the 6th of May he will lead a march for everyone who believes in FREE SPEECH through the streets of London - all the way from Speaker's Corner to Twitter Headquarters. Please SHARE this message and join the battle for liberty!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Yeah, poor conservatives for having eyes that see, and ears that hear. If you're loving your brain bath , then continue on , pretty soon pedophlia will be your next great virtue to champion as you see kind loving pedo's dawn your TV set to make you march in line and resist\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can I please get some Patriots followers? Even locked out of my last 2 accounts for defending other Patriots.#MAGA #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #FlipTheHouse","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here are the countries that are looking after the most refugees, measured in comparison to the local population - UN @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch I hate you cause you beat women. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user impoant message to all. #publicserviceannouncement #psa #inspirechange #embraceyourself #bedifferent #dream\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user can't beat @user 's chicken and chips .... and a cheeky mojito \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a #humpday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So Dissapointing. This guy is the biggest hypocrite in the country. Embarrassing that he is our Senator ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bihday to me!... brithday day holidays #monday #menmodels\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What a piece of shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Don\u2019t even know the subject but I\u2019ll side with Sarandon only because she has class (even if I disagree with her) against the classless rambling fool. \ud83d\ude01","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m so sorry for what you are dealing with. Hope the next place will be much better! \ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Best of Tchaikovsky - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7_WWz2DSnT8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we are to #announce that #ginifer #gin is now available for sale @user in #illovo #joburg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joos... Can't live with 'em... That is all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Non Of Us Are Our Ancestors, Let's Make Sure We All Understand Each Other. Make Peace Cause Your \"White Ancestors\" Already Made War(.) Have A Beautiful Weekend Twitter Tweeties America Reborn #TheBirthdayParty November Go West #Kanye2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Its Never To Late To Do The Right Thing https:\/\/t.co\/tu1Pr5Wwtv","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sad that #hassan has to impo a #fraud to prop up her failing campaign. #checkedtheboxtogetahead. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He'll be replaced. . . . . . . . by another Muslim. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Right so like I said, you want to have your cake and eat it too with this whole \"patriotic\" anti-racist sentiment of yours. This is why no one takes you retards seriously. Either you denounce the founding fathers for their racist practice of owning niggers as slaves or you've lost the moral high ground to lecture people for their racism. It's very simple.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Is that an albino Mexican?\"\n\"No dad, he's Asian.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ThatsFoodPorn: Oreo Donut http:\/\/t.co\/obytemi3Ed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"enjoying the @user in london @user #gin #orange #lush #thebest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got a headhunter email this AM for a Motion Artist position... great benefits, free lunch everyday, top national sports team. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@eonline @KimKardashian @kanyewest mr. and mrs trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you are prepared to go through the necessary training and background checks then you should be able to carry a concealed firearm. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"13 days!!! #love #life #reunited #countdown","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Told my husband he could find naked lady pictures floating around on gab in certain groups... he logged in for the first time in months. @WRM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the Left doesn't care about children. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wouldn't that be interfering with another countries election? Just like he tried to fuck over Trump.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Tis funny you assume I\u2019m left or a supporter of antifa even though I dislike nazis. You\u2019re still a ball washer though.\ud83d\ude01","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@PoliticsGhost #ghost ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RIP fat Jonah Hill #ShitWomenDontSay #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @RayHudson: Art thou the bird whom Man loves bestThe pious bird with t\/ scarlet breast, Our Robin;that leaves these summer winds sobbing…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user not to me. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the privileged one, born rich.\u00a0 catered to illegal aliens for votes, be damned americans ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Right now is the most convenient time for a possible\"\" wrinkle to thrown at Conservatives. Dems have whined and cried and stomp their feet and thrown tantrums until the rest of America that may have trusted them definitely dont now. Theyre lying snakes and they deserve nothing.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Machete-Wielding Nigerians Wage War In Italian City :Blood flows in the streets of Ferrara, Italy, as Nigerian migrants wage war with machetes, axes and knives, local media reports ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #market movers for the day \u00e2\u0080\u0093 danske bank #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mmmm don't get your hopes high, Abbott was the last man standing, all what's left is mush ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Man [homosexually] molests 15-year-old boy on Jumeirah beach in Dubai | Khaleej Times http:\/\/www.khaleejtimes.com\/news\/crime\/man-molests\/-15-year-old-boy-on-jumeirah-beach-in-dubai","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us \"common... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#freakyfriday: happy webcam - happy webcam - 8 min webcam #webcam ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thread following protest outside private prison and immigrant detention company, CoreCivic, offices in Nashville: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Milk is meant for calves not humans. Give your head a wobble ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Absolutely. They were doing it because of ritual and mythology for decades, but now they have a more science based theory and practice of child sacrifice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BritFam I have some good news to share. The flag makers have approved my design and I will receive it before the weekend - perfectly in time for the Day for Freedom. It's going to be a bastard 3ft by 5ft monster so no one will miss it & it is guaranteed to get snaps at Whitehall so executives at Twitter will be guaranteed to see it. CUNTS. #DayForFreedom","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Despicable is a world that only goes half way of describing maxine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I knew that YouTube was reducing my numbers! - This video:\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/CH3eIg74K9U\u00a0\u00a0Had 23,118 views today at 8:50PM EST and they just dropped it to\u00a022,587 at 8:56PM - Please all of you monitor this for me!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i\u2019ve seen so many people on facebook get mad at men for posting #metoo because it\u2019s for women only BITCH anyone can be sexually assaulted ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user How is paying taxes optional? Tax evasion is a crime. We have human rights laws and the 1A; your opinion on this issue is preposterous. Gilliam is not anti 2A. Sensible gun control that would prevent mentally ill people like you from owning a gun is all we want. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user got our pre sale tickets this morning! it'll be my 7 year old daughters fo conce! #bihdaysurprise","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Buy more icecream!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Damned if ya do... Damned if ya don't, but either way Oblamer somebody else... wan'd me!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No we can\u2019t be losing AB he is literally our whole offense ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #anniversary #mainstreetbeer ! double #ipa for #brunch \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00bb #cheers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user if they say their comments are just a joke or smth, it will be just their opinion? i don't think so. it's a . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you know what confirmation bias is?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how do you sleep at night? you are a terrible person! you sir represent everything wrong with our country. gfy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's time for me to BOSS UP on you bitch ass niggas & hoes\ud83d\ude1b ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes!! finally!! #unchaed #unchaed4 #ps4 #nathandrake ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thoughts on Sandy Alcantara? Seems like he is pitching well ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Official Opposition party in the UK right now..... What a bunch of vile bastards, led by a vile bastard. Anyone who would vote him into office knowing what is known about him now also qualifies as a vile bastard. The end of polite politics is fast approaching in the UK.\u00a0 #BritFam","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If #WeThePeople want a #WALL - Give us a WALL!! #Congress works for US, not themselves and the Special Interests who pour BILLIONS of dollars into their Coffers. It's not up to them, it's up to US! #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #MAGA #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Obama will be remembered as the man that destroy libya. Imagine if mi6 or cia give blm or antifa guns and wages war vs trump. Then they control the msm and say trump use chemical weapon to legalize their coup. The blood is on obama hand. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i never thought biden\u2019s son looked cool in any of those pictures so many of you were orgasming over. he just looked like a rich rapist and i was right","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Consider donating to Dr. Mike Kennedy's campaign. He is in a runoff with the despicable Mitt Romney for the Utah Senate seat this June, actually beating Romney 50.88% to 49.12% in the first vote. His position on the important issues seems pretty good overall. Most importantly, HE'S NOT MITT. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I literally HATE drunk me. Bitch is a lil cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"think thoughts and they will shine from your face like sun beams. quote #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you gotta be a fucking BITCH to play with a girls heart just for some pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What is with this silverdawn character??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Esoteric Hollywood II: Sample Section \u2013 Hollywood MK Ultra & Dr. John C. Lilly https:\/\/jaysanalysis.com\/2018\/01\/02\/esoteric-hollywood-ii-sample-section-hollywood-mk-ultra-dr-john-c-lilly\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's awesome! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bono is a fakir. Always sticking his hand out for someone else\u2019s buck. May it be his concerts. Tax evasion. Lecturing america on Africa. Never has he put his own money up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Candiace. She is trash. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.leanhealthyandwise.com\/lularoe-leggings-dresses-skirts-tops-alternatives\/: LuLaRoe Tights Dresses Skirts and Tops High Quality Alternatives at Half Price #LuLaRoe_Sale #LuLaRoe_Alternatives #LuLaRoe_Leggings #LuLaRoe_Dresses #LuLaRoe #LulARoe_Prices #LuLaRoe_Clothing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how do you know? did his dick taste like shit?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user u never talk to me shut up[ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Prayers for Demi. Suffered from bipolar depression adn prescription drug addiction. Such a beautiful voice and talent. God Bless you Demi.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Resist @user @user Why aren't DEMS & MSM blasting THIS story?? I can only imagine only FALSE stories against conservatives count. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eminem raps about wanting to rape women, that has nothing to do with CNCO's success! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user a bot can dream! #Trumpbots #BuildThatWall 358 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ever get the feeling these people do not live in the same universe as we do?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How much planning do you do before you ride?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1911 The Sleeping Child - Mary Curtis Richardson #art #painting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And remember people, the bitch that OJ killed was a lying cheating whore, so get over her! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He will blame it on the fact that he is Hispanic of course.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*presses play #pharrell #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tonight i finally get to see @user !!!!! @user @user @user #utrecht","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"going to see the stone roses next week!!! \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user also, you can't love the usa with all your hea and then suppo trump. because he hates half of the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But the town is supposed to be coming apart at the seams? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/qgk6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how to be ?!.i have the answer \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Traitor 44 AKA Renegade Military Tribunal Public Execution Via Pay Per View proceeds Benefit Wall Funding ICE Agents . http:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/hezbollah-cocaine-smuggle-united-states-obama-751928","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@nprpolitics @NPR This is the first time we've ever had a president this lacking in political and social decorum #Debates2020 #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FUCK LONDON ! Disgusting ! I WILL REMMEBER THIS DISRESPECT .... Everytime there is an Islamic terror attack .....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"take yourself away sometimes #fun #friends #love #summer #pay #family #sun #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is a big deal. Hatch has to be embarrassed. Oh yeah he is senile and can't find the bathroom by himself.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cannot wait to be in our new place!!! #movingagain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@litigiousmind I skipped the running. And am eating chips. And brownies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"time to #grabyourwallet & boycott @user who gives book deal to troll banned by twitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What do you care! You are going to prison prison regardless. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll go to the original argument that people shouldn't blanket everyone together. Terrorists = all Muslims Alt-Right = all conservatives Both of these are equally dumb. Requiring specific groups to denounce their fringes means that the general populace can't differentiate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is not Lisa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ugh put your antifa mask back on before you scare the children","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Time to turn on OAN lying faggot Shep is on.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 happy as hell #thawebb #tagafriend #weeked #friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok whatever you say nigger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is so entertaining. Nobody has thought about Montel in years... and you are picking a fight with him. This is incredible. Such a feeble mind you have.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hope your day is special af!!! #bihday #goodvibes \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Soros paid antifa and the like not Christian conservatives for sure","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".ISIS is a corporation stationed in AZ. They dropped the \"I\" from their logo when I called them out on their webpage which they have since taken private.\u00a0 This was their mission statement below that I captured. They recruited Ex US military for mercenary work alongside BlackWater dickheads in Iraq, Libya & Syria.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i have some good news: i have a job interview this thursday. i'm very excited because it means i'll sta my internship next year. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user so proud of our lee county florida sheriff ! #obama handcuffs #police @user control @user @user @user \u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Character assassination and intimidation are two of the favorite weapons Liberals use against those who do not agree with them. Some(like Ms Waters) promote violence & support Antifa ( who has actually stated they want to kill Trump and his supporters). Skeptical ?.lol @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@QUAN1T0: 61% of welfare\/government aid is claimed by white people. So y'all black slander is trash now.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cuisinart Sandwich Maker Sweeps Sponsored by the Kitchen Authority and Money Nuts! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa doesn't beat facsists to try to get them to change their mind - they know it's a lost cause to try to change a fascist's mind. They do it to scare them into hiding, to demoralize them, and to stop the spread of their hateful ideology. There is no forcing views on others\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019ve proven that gun control leads to lower gun deaths. You\u2019ve chosen to ignore it and accuse the study of being falsified without any proof. Do you have any proof they used 5 states as you mentioned? Or are you going to continue to ignore me asking for clarification? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A white lighter is bad luck, not yellow ur stupid","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You'd be the one to know about hysterical woman, though you have cornered the deceptive category. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER thats why they lobbied the government to ban reaserch funded bye the cdc that could be used to argue for gun control. guns in the home dont make you safer. quite the opposite.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Battle? More like another temper tantrum #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #IDontCare #MAGA #Trump2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bono ..get out of town ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If someone does something that isn\u2019t a criminal offence but the victim, or anyone else, believes it was motivated by prejudice or hate, . Though what the perpetrator has done may not be against the law, their reasons for doing it are. This means it may be possible to charge them with an offence. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The liberals can never handle the truth...the truth will make their heads \ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good Morning Patriots xx Let everything we do be done with them in mind.#WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ChooseLife #VoteDemsOut #REDWAVE2018 #Midterms #VoteRED #TinyLivesAtStake ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Tippi Hedren was in Julie and Jack (which rifftrax also did). The scene from Birdemic that she is credited for was from that movie playing on the tv in the hotel.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we agree!!! make all our traveling babes happy with #travel #kids ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I hope whoever gets seated - kick and cry all you want, someone WILL get seated - they're a liberals worst nightmare. Everyone can look back and say we really fucked ourselves by not confirming.\"\" Don't act like you are protesting Kavanaugh, you are still protesting Trump's win.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Conservatives never believe women. It\u2019s amazing. You assume lying every single time. Remembering the exact date of a high-school drinking party is a rather silly thing to expect. Quick - what was the exact date of the one you got drunkest at? And name everyone there? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the @user team would love wish one of our committee #bossbabe @user a very #lush\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Typical disgusting republicans... Maryland man arrested over plot to kidnap, beat, sodomize and murder Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on national TV - RS https:\/\/t.co\/HXEG7aRFue","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How to Break Boyfriend Marriage https:\/\/dropspace.io\/astruguru90\/journal\/2018\/08\/07\/04LGZT_how_to_break_boyfriend_marriage_most_vital_helpful_tips_by_astrologer_rohit_sharma.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BeattyJustin @KYOppCoalition I am one proud hillbilly.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Both QAnon and Antifa will be listed as diseases","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @rickygervais: Have a great day, you lovely fellow apes :) http:\/\/t.co\/jZL7filv0q","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are so wrong. Although I haven't had a Whopper in 40 years ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Seems hard to believe that you stood next to a guy wearing those shorts and didn't masturbate but I'll take your word for it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@LoLDyrus It's retarded. Ignore the harlem shake fad and hope it goes away soon.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you think crimes caused by the #Migrant influx into #Germany is exaggerated you need to follow @user for your daily dose of cultural enrichment #news. #canpoli #cdnpoli #IllegalAliens #migrants #invaders #immigration #conquest ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"930 pm 3rd round: gun control whining and Sen Blumenthal hands still shaking like a leaf as he tells the judge get into the real world. This from a millionaire who has no idea about the real world. @USER @USER #KavanaughConfirmationHearings","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A hoe got one time to fuck me over and it's fuck you forever lil bitch \ud83d\udd95 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nobody takes that fucking trash seriously","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eminem may be an angry old man yelling about young people but i just REALLY wouldn't care unless he would be dressed as a Roblox character while rapping ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#SendThemHome #NoDACA #TheyAreReturning To Their Home Countries Educated, Healthy & MultiLingual ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i do not love you, it's just because i can't find other way to like someone else. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck you it\u2019s 3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest the zurich times! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user AWWW TOO BAD!! U CROSS OVER ILLEGALLY YOU SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES !! THE CAGES ARE AT LEAST STAINLESS! #BUILDTHEWALL #NOILLEGALS #DEPORTTHEMALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wassamatta? Starting to wet your pants? Worried about all your dirty deeds coming out? Concerned about not getting a view cell at #GITMO? #MAGA #KAG2020 #DrainTheDeepState #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Your dick too small' Bitch first of all your pussy too deep ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go to Iran where u belong stupid idiot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All governments with a record of human rights violations resent being criticized about their excesses, including the #US. However, #Saudi claims that #Canada violated its \u201csovereignty\u201d by urging the release of women\u2019s rights activists are an overreaction, to say the least. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user not funny. @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lets Send all the Illegal Alien Families home that are in the U.S Including #DACA Fraud Illegals #Trump #MAGA Mass Deportations Stop Mass Illegal Invasion via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and sometimes these edgy bitch boys are not secretly soft (good trope!!) they are just straight up.... abusive..... this is a very thin line to walk and dramione doesn't walk it well ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Stephen King is the creepiest looking guy out there. Plus he\u2019s a \u00a0social retard.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course he is here, we are the pulse of his support. And likely, a big portion of the reason he is President. Remember the memes ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my warrior in my paper #a #drawing #caoon #warriorgames #friends #lovehersomuch #gfriend #thanksdad \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i was really hoping for something good from microsoft at e3. i was disappointed. looks like it will stay unused for longer. #xboxe3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you colored every day is Sunday","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What I saw of it, half wiped, looked Arabic. White trash happens.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Wow!!! Never thought I'd see the left actually admitting they want to shut down free speech unless it's their own. At least they are admitting they are the facist. After all they did create the 2 most facist groups...ANTIFA and KKK.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And of course, that POS denounced what the ANC is doing, right?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Disgusting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f if he is gay oh well \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 he be havin mfs HOT! Lol I like how he plays","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ever noticed how the hatred displayed by a Democrat is equivalent to the hatred displayed by a radical Muslim? The only difference between the two is attire. | #RedNationRising","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you been to the clinic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Anyone else getting a different idea of how these attacks are connected? \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd2b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did you know Jim Beam is owned by a Japanese Company? Here are all their brands: https:\/\/www.suntory.com\/brands\/index.html Balcones, Jack Daniel's, you're my drink now. #BoycottJimBeam #BuyAmerican #BuyLocal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Says the bitch ass boy hiding behind a keyboard it don\u2019t hurt to ask for help sometimes can\u2019t do everything alone you fucking clown if he can help then something is better than nothing that\u2019s why I asked even if he can\u2019t it don\u2019t hurt to ask fuck off my twitter weak ass nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I divide my time between not giving a fuck about Reese Witherspoon and actively disliking Reese Witherspoon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And Trump fans are bullies!!! Antifa ?? Steve Scalise ?? Resists Movement ?? You need to get off CNN and MSNBC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Means nothing!! Your always so dramatic and none of your promises ever come true not sure why I still follow you. I'm starting to realize you are full of crap.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#qanon LIBERALS ARE LIKE MONKEYS THROWING THEIR OWN SHIT AT EVERYTHING","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bono is clearly a racist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"please don't. g. o. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a #ethandolan #graysondolan #dolantwins #twintuesday @user @user ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So she is using the feminist card as a excuse for her behavior in not getting what she wanted when the other competitor that she played was a A WOMAN\" who just was simply better than her today. Every woman in that room who applauded to that nonsense I feel sad for you.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank you greatest president of all time MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Obama's only know how to lie. http:\/\/toprightnews.com\/michelle-o-tries-to-explai...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You hit them for fucking elo and the reason I'm posting this is because he is thee booter EXPOSER\"\" just shows you cant believe everyone in this community\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm chasing a perfect day #laugh #smile #fun #confidence #realestateagent #work #office\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant entrepreneurs important to fabric of Michigan and to strengthening its communities. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You girls were working it today @user @user Its too bad you both come across as hysterical women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Who talks shit on buff chicken dip dude it\u2019s buff chicken dip","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Sweden will get soon a country of third world. To much refugees and a wrong socialfaresystem will bring the economy to ground. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm so disgusted with the #standfordrapist case. it is absolutely ridiculous only 6 months for rape is unacceptable #femininism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user relied on #bankruptcy protection to keep his ego up as a #billionaire . used , #xenopbobia\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Protests have been ongoing in #Bangladesh #refugee camps against repatriate of #Rohingya who fled deadly persecution in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ........thank God it was not a mosque !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You're a fucking skank! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I need fuck you pussy mami ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I am not an anime fan by any means but I do like her. She is a cutie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When Obama left office, Democrats held a 90-72 advantage for judicial appointments on the federal circuit courts of appeals. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When I see men wearing skinny jeans ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She and Him beign a Joint Acct. Have called Me and Grok everything under the sun The Same Person Women Racist Redneck Antifa KKK Members Grannies (Yes Grannies) Haha Etc It's pretty common when the Fraud Gets Busted to start calling the one's who Busted them hilarious names","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa simply wants us to kill them. By the way. Most of us carry a back up. And a knife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hysterical ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how i feel knowing there are only 7 days left of school!! @user #summervacation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user We\u2019re so far beyond tax returns. This crap affects all Americans and liberals are too stupid to wake up and understand what\u2019s really going on. Step aside. The adults are here to do it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love how i am so mature for my age\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The earliest priests accused people of sin and got a free meal when the sinner brought over a lamb to slaughter and barbeque on the priest's altar, offering it up to \"heaven\". Such nonsense. Fakes, no different than today's Psychic Reader scammers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whoever uses the words \u201cbully\u201d or \u201cbully tactics\u201d or \u201cbullying\u201d is inevitably a weak, posturing fag. \u201cHe\u2019s such a bully!\u201d Fag talk.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There have been some truly bizarre moments of TDS since Trump took office, among them the Left tying themselves into knots today in their effort to justify and make excuses for MS-13 after POTUS rightly called the gang members \u201canimals\u201d.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well its October so i officially have started my spooky spooks ritual......nothing but horror movies the entire month every free minute i have is spent watching horror movies til November 1st.\u00a0 \u00a0that is all carry on.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you so much for sharing this!! Could you please let me know where this is found? I would like to read more about it. Thanks again!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're livin life on the edge but safety always comes first... \ud83c\udf1a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Explaining how Christmas (well, what it celebrates) heralded in a radically different world. From individual value and freedom to modern science, Christmas changed everything in a way we now take for granted. https:\/\/therevolutionaryact.com\/christmas-matters-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user fuck #eng i hope they lose ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Feminism has ruined it for those women who enjoy being women, I understand equal pay for equal work done, but all this other crap has ruined it for the rest of us who appreciate a gentleman and real men no soy boys, etc.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She says no. You are now sad. She then realizes what you might actually mean. She slaps you. She says no. Now you are sad AND your face hurts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Politics in today's White countries is a total kike\/globalist big money sham. \"Consent\" manufactured by the (((media))) & (((edjewcation))), enforced by rabid 100 IQ pigs at all levels. Voting doesn't change ONE MOTHER FUCKING THING. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I read a comment from a women saying why didn't you come to us when slavery was a choice, wearing MAGA hats and talking with Trump\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We will win \ud83d\ude0a God Bless you too \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#creative days are days. make stuff everyday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user anyone on ubuntu and\/or just running systemd-resolved beware. #disaster \u00e2\u0080\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are being unkind to the pin!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"nigger?\" #lifelessons of white kid growing up in the 60's. #bloggersblast #respect ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amo hangs http:\/\/t.co\/h8UQDrjeCb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"taking hold in Germany. \u201cWe can do it\u201d has turned into begging\/pleading w-others to take back migrants.GER no longer controls own destiny. Conservative wing of CDU\/CSU wants #Merkel to resign. Leadership changing in EU.#Visegrad #Kurz #salvini ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #ThanksTrump THIS IS A 'START' WE MUST GET THESE 'NUMBERS' DOWN TO 0 (ZERO) BY 'ANY' AND 'ALL' MEANS 'NECESSARY' THESE SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' WHO ARE NOT 'TERRORIST SEXUAL CRIMINALS' MUST STOP BEING 'COWARDS' AND 'RETURN' TO 'THEIR NATIVE LANDS' TO 'FIGHT' #MAGA #refugeesNOTwelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we're two weeks old today! #staup #guildford #food #foodie #new #hungry #burgers #hotdogs #delivery #yum \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I thought it was a scam to be honest, but checked and they are actually registered. The secrecy is odd though, and now this ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Odd how conservatives keep getting exposed of being child fuckers. Thats why they're against abortion. More victims ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"super proud of my african violets. they are just so joyful when they're in bloom! #sunshine #flowers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user dc has already posted having a vigil tonight in dupont ! baltimore does what ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I hope they rape ur mom bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Being coons “@FatTravis_6200: At??? @TiFFANY_P0RSCHE: Y'all are amazing.\"”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Because he is talking to an idiot. Liberals have a mental disorder. In his book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.\"\" Dr. Rossiter exposes that the ideology motivating Liberals is actually a mental disorder. Read more: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope @AmRenaissance\u200d will continue to book Douglas Witman for future conferences. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Great news! Old moonbeam Just went into a coma! \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user SHE DOESNT DATE HIM ANYMORE HOP OFF HER DICK YOU FLOP ASS BITCH! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user then you bitch m complain when you get them haha stop being a little bitch and just accept what you are, you filthy whore \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you for your fortitude and perseverance. Please give McConnell a kick in the butt from some of us conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The Liberals took over @USER \ud83d\ude41","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let us know what you think! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They should have beaten the \"teen\" (probably a bearded rapefugee) within an inch of his life. Castrate and deport. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How do I connect my USB token to an iPhone? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you one of those \"you prolly was with your other hoes\" type bitch then YOURE FUCKED FOR LIFE!! lol you're dying alone for sure. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That @USER only report the Conservatives in a positive way","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"see new webpage for \"the orlando file\" #goodread #goodbook #bookclub #top10 #medicalthriller","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany: Doctor Stabbed to Death in His Own Surgery by Somali \"Asylum Seeker\" Migrant, His 10-Year-Old Daughter Forced to Watch #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #ImmigrationReform #Immigration #Germany ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user tears for days.\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TOM FITTON: FBI Has Ignored Our Requests for McCabe Emails -- Because They Know They \"Will Blow It Wide Open\" (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/08\/tom-fitton-fbi-has-ignored-our-requests-for-mccabe-emails-because-they-know-they-will-blow-it-wide-open-video\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe Meghan McCain will finally be unguarded enough to let thirsty Lindsey Graham fondle those tiddies...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hbo @user confirms super-sized season 6 finale #winteriscoming @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He doesn\u2019t know if he should slam Manifort or suck up to him. He doesn\u2019t know if he should worry about Junior and Kushner or not. He is mad as hell but knows that he can\u2019t just fire Mueller so he is busy puking in the bathroom now that he understands that asset seizure is a thing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hallo please find the unroll here: Thread by @USER 1. Moore's failure to deal with the foul smear against him, is a good example of how the new rules could apply. The firs [\u2026]\" #FakeNews #MAGA URL See you soon. \ud83e\udd16\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BiH: Tense situation, locals alarmed. Choices not complicated. Either Europe implements an ongoing deportation mechanism or it will be held hostage by actions of others\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030this insuring unlimited migrants & endless games of \u201crelocation\u201d.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user good you slag. Comedy Central hasn\u2019t been about comedy since 2004 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The second panel is clever; I like the blase expression on Hitler's face in context. But man, whoever drew it is gay as hell, the last panel doubtless giving the artist an erection. The stars in the third panel should be six pointed and blue.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user So Alyssa you saying he\u2019s guilty? What ever happened to innocent before guilty? And if he is innocent would you at least tweet an apology? Shut up and answer the tweet. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck you into HELL Deep State!\u00a0 5G anyone?\u00a0 All these Zombie shows..is that prep to??\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user only a racist would segregate people like you do. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he's my co-writer. #myboy #oliverjoseph #writing #workinganewbook @ fo myers beach,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What award. Head of the Nazi antifa violence movement","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You are full of shit Sweetie\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Merry Christmas everybody","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fucking s league football HAHAHAH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holy shit I love her??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Welcome faggot's follow me ty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user rip heaps! i'm going to miss you. we had a strong working relationship. #youweregreat","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WednesdayWisdom Obama appointed liberal Judges tired of looking stupid smacks California law down on gun control #2A URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1\/7 \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 CONSERVATIVES SUDDENLY REALIZE JUVENILE OFFENDERS DESERVE LENIENCY The president regularly refers to teenage gang members\u00a0as \u201canimals,\u201d\u00a0and has, in the past, called for\u00a0imposing the death penalty on alleged teen rapists. ... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One could also say the same for the Haitians robbing her place as compensation for those 'missing' charity funds she and her folks owe them...\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i wonder who paid these reffs... i cant believe what im watching right now.. #nbafinals #refs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now that's a hog. It doesn't come with accessories but it even welds titanium. Works on single phase too. I bet it might trip a 200 amp breaker though. https:\/\/www.weldingsuppliesfromioc.com\/miller-xmt-350-mpa-multiprocess-welder-with-auxiliary-power-907366011","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does she sleep in a jai alai racket? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user That head flick at 0:05 is her ego taking a hit. She cannot take criticism. She is a weak incompetent authoritarian. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm loving the break i'm on right now! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER America is being destroyed by our President.. he is a cancer to democracy. That is what is sad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hopefully your obesity catches up with you by then","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I thought it would be worse. I thought they would be shooting liberals in the streets by now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Love this woman Telling the truth every day WHY do conservatives have to point out the obvious.Are people really that stupid","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am IP banned, but I have no desire to return to that cesspit of retarded lefties. Don't be a stranger on GAB, love your posts\u00a0 :-)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I understand the #NotAllMen impulse cuz I\u2019m a white woman who didn\u2019t vote for Trump. But the women of color who call out all WW are right. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After all the shit Dez was talking about Jerry and The cowboys he is a fucking clown ass dude if he go back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Robert Mueller don't know anything...\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=THkjRUDG314","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#arbor bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you st ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Alr bro #AllLivesMatter #Maga #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can believe it. Indeed, above us is an actual homosexual mafia with kike agitators. Few things are despised more than a straight man, especially a straight white man trying to get pussy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What an ignorant cow. Deliberately ignoring medical advice, getting infected, spreading said infection, and then taking advantage of medical care that isn\u2019t available to most other people in the country. I can\u2019t wait to vote #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/EE9KYIO25c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For gods sake, multiple days of work on house hunting, no dang days off in about 6 months now, due to a family health issue and other stuff.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Property taxes... they were so high I needed a lawyer every time I paid, we split the savings (he had windy connections). ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is this your relation? yeah... that's a right... i see you all as the same ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Gun control now! Enough is enough! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MAGA2020 No hydroxychloriquine for Trump? Wonder why? https:\/\/t.co\/iVqEyAChet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A hoe is always gonna be a hoe and a bitch is always gonna be bitchin.. you're both ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you for proving my point. You are foulmouthed trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Leftists and #Commies in the #USA are going to get a little bit riled up me thinks?! \ud83d\ude06 #MAGA #MBGA #MCGA #Socialists #Lefties #Conservatives #Patriots #MEGA #Trump #Democrats #Republicans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fucking sucks when the refs are against you. #KillTheZebras ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Boatload of crap!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER How about really healing the country by leaving it and taking the rest of the loony liberals with you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user What has awaken so many women in this country is the asinine over the top stupidity of liberals today!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a bad ass! Keep fighting for us \ud83d\udc95","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eric Holder will be held accountable. He is pointing the finger away from the crime. Time is not on your side Eric. Looking forward to the collapse of your scandalous time ruining America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"French MPs are demanding changes to the law on child rape after prosecutors ruled that an 11yr-old girl consented to sex with a man aged 28. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@KamalaHarris We had a neighbor die this morning from COVID-19. She got it from her grandkids who got it from schools without adequate PPE courtesy of Trump who ordered schools to open with no funds to purchase protective gear. Can this be prosecuted","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"U do noht kno de wey!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches love arguing with me on Instagram K Michelle is a whore so let\u2019s stop ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now playing : moon ate the dark - \" messy heas\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Stop lying liberals. He said that is absolutely nuts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"arrived at @user for next 3 nights, matchday tomorrow @user #togetherstronger #wal v #svk #euro2016","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#PeoplesVote #StopBrexit @user #remain I don't want to go.. either, You know what, After we leave, My slogans going to be It used to be better than this\"\" should have stayed in. Useless goverment. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it's funny cause i'd forgotten all about the gold ones, don't even remember buying them. i've worn them at least twice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just had a discussion with a friend who works with families on the verge of eviction. She is expecting an increase in the coming months due to days out of work and money spent on hurricane supplies. #TheStruggleIsReal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Go to ULC.org, get ordained - they take anyone - order your robes and off you go!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I never call you an American! #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know you don't apply common sense, but common sense says no-one would be cautioned for rape is a successful prosecution was possible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Which is also posturing nonsense. If they want to oust her they'd forward the requisite letters to their part whip and she would be facing a leadership challenge. Her 'challengers' are as gutless and witless as she is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Actually bad examples. Japan never had weapons of any kind to begin with before their gun control. Uk and Australias gun crime and crime in general didn't see a spike down. New Zealand has much less gun control than you think. Plus there's still guns on the black market","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aaaaand... here's Part 2: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=aDx8xdoxjlA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dedicated to John McBrain: https:\/\/hooktube.com\/watch?v=en1uwIzI3SE #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this is one of those #proudtobeanamerican moments on hannity @user responds to , semi-retarded @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Trying to justify a death after the fact with a small amount of dope. Fuck. Stop fucking killing people. Get some damn gun control so cops don't feel like every house\/apartment they go into could potentially have a gun. Scared people do unpredictable things.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all my holiday clothes are from @user #thisisnewlook #newlook #fashion #love #holidaywithmum #1weektogo \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user (Season of the Bitch is tbh nothing like Chapo but that's not a bad thing, tho you know me, I hate men and love women SO.) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#building polar bear climb racing: angry polar bear climb racing, the polar bear living in cold places loo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER has the same lack of morals as her mother! Abortion is murder!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I know you're not this naive. Those people make up a very small % of Trump supporters. Do all Liberals support terrorist and (groups such as Antifa? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why cant we go 1 day without things being awful. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"71-32-6, you literally aren't good enough to win 1\/3 of our meetings. Go back to your hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS.I replied, \"Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS.\" Immigration is about the exploitation of the country, not sharing in building or maintaining it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the tragic death of british mp joe cox should serve as reminder to to cool down the political rhetoric on all sides = it can be deadly ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fucking bitch sarah fucking lying cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why you getting so hysterical. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you know Dan I used to think you were a pretty competent newsman now I can clearly see you are nothing more then a paid whore who sells himself and his once stellar reputation. Trying to be relevant again ? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/steemit.com\/technology\/@cheah\/silicon-vall... The recent blitz against Candace Owens, Infowars and Gab prove one thing: Big Social and Big Tech must be forked and replaced. #Steemit #AltTech","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user treating girls 'correctly' would involve fire and gasoline. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Apparently I'm too negative. Well fuck you, suck my dick, faggots. How's that for fucking negative, you bitch ass cunts? Fuck you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER #DUMMYDONNIEJR \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd25\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f THIS IS FROM 2008 IDIOT \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude05. The apple doesn\u2019t fall to far from the tree when it comes to lying \ud83e\udd25. The American people have had #EnoughIsEnough of #LIARINCHIEF and you are actually an embarrassment as well like your daddy \ud83c\udf44\ud83c\udf44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 nicola has lost an #incredible 12 stone!!! on our #goldplan \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00bc #juiceplus #amazing #healthy #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user father's day legend enjoy ur special day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Remind me of Antifa ratbags.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you come in from feeding the animals and your boyfriend has cut a massive hole out of the wall. 'I'm just seeing how it would look' \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Girl the hoe is dumb. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I also had a dream that I went to the FOB show and FOB was rude to me and @audizzle was getting badly hit on by some creep","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait to see the man who means more to me than any other aside from my son #missyou #hateseeingyouthere","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shoutout to everyone accidentally blowing fingers off on video today so we can all have a good laugh tomorrow... Y'all patriotic AF ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who wanna play pin da tail on da colored man's butt?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Billy bargain \ud83d\udc4d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Who the fuck are you?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sex videos of chinese against women in the workplace ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"iMessage so trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Getting scared ugly man?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#KavanaughConfirmationHearings Crazy Dick Durbin using the confirmation hearings to try and push gun control. He is using this hearing to make speeches and push an agenda. The whole thing has been a circus of Democrats pushing an agenda while vowing to vote no on confirmation.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Well thanx for proving us right that stricter gun control doesn't address the problem as criminals don't care for gun control as it doesn't apply to them. Again taking the means to Self Defense away from the law abiding and ignoring the fact that criminals use illegal guns.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"seriously almost the stupidest post I have read this week possibly this month who the fuck travels hopefully this is some overeducated jackass trying and failing to show how \"enlightened\" they ain't","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Are all you liberals idiots?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"omg!!! loving this station!!! way to jam out at work!!! while getting work done of course!!!! #memories @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stfu u hating ass bitch go suck her big dick pussy ass hoe u lookin like a rat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You thought wrong. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, Smart money buy low and sell high. Soon all will follow the people who know what is really happening as they flight out of FIAT to other assets that can hold value and Bitcoin is one of them. They keep it low to hoard up much, then BOOM!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let slip \"The Dogs of war\"!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alex Jones' LARPer, \"Zach\" is doxxed.\u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I always thought that was a martial art where Japan meets The Vatican","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fifty years from now I\u2019ll be the woman being wheeled out of the nursing home scream-singing \u201cEnter Sandman\u201d and \u201cImmigrant Song\u201d. \ud83e\udd18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i\u00e2\u0080\u0099m grateful for the light you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve shone dad..! fathers\u00e2\u0080\u0099day! #bestschoolinsurat #education #cbse #surat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"- lol little dirty whore , talking about OUR nigga. Bitch I made him get rid of you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you wake up and your mouth is drier than the Sahara desert ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh boy what does Kim Jong oof want this time...we should have united Korea under South Korean rule when we had the chance, but they had communist allies then...from what i hear they don't exactly have much now from what's going on, lose a few more and....*Accidentally pushes invasion button* OOPS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Arabian Nightmare of the West https:\/\/www.israelnationalnews.com\/Articles\/Article.aspx\/22470","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is not allowed to do this he needs to be prosecuted","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RedWave a coming!! That's ok tho. No conservative will harm you b\/c of your political ideals. Cant say the same for liberals tho. Liberals can be vile and nasty to opposing views. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lie your ass off to smear a good man. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Only people that own guns get a say on what to do about gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Or there is a completely reasonable explanation why our own F@USER GOV\u2019T lied to its peeps about a plane hitting the pentagon which is clearly a missile......... \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Definitely NOT the Main-Stream-Media Well worth a visit to gain insight into what is going on. https:\/\/www.ukcolumn.org\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u201cI would prefer an intelligent hell to a stupid paradise.\u201d \u2015 Blaise Pascal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She should be treated like the man that she is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@AshlynWynns: I'm a \"mud shark\" because I have black friends. Makes perfect sense. 😂😭😂😭 #idiotic” @","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That guy has a legit case. Trump ain't fuck up the sexual orientation laws yet so dude needs to take them to court. And I say that as someone who describes themselves as I'm Not One of Those 'I'ma Sue!' People\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is what conservatives think a genius looks like. LMAO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mbpoli #winnipeg #onpoli #canpoli welfare rates for single people in Ontario on reserve small town small city were $600 with liberals I remember welfare rate in Manitoba when I was on welfare when NDP were in power were 500. The NDP government in Manitoba gave me $285 for rent","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@iStandy is he chunky?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not all men. Rather, all men and women - - and journalists - - working in Hollywood. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"930 pm 3rd round: gun control whining and Sen Blumenthal hands still shaking like a leaf as he tells the judge get into the real world. This from a millionaire who has no idea about the real world. @user @user #KavanaughConfirmationHearings ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Jokes are funny if the person saying them doesn\u2019t really hate whites and Christians. That\u2019s a National past time for liberals these days. Funny stuff...for the Louis Farrakhan crowd. Racist crap by any barometer. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(Albert) Conservatives are spreading the lie Anderson Cooper faked a hurricane... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\uff35\uff33 \uff2d\uff41\uff52\uff49\uff54\uff41\uff4c \uff33\uff54\uff41\uff54\uff55\uff53 \uff24\uff41\uff54\uff41 \uff34\uff48\uff52\uff4f\uff55\uff47\uff48 \uff12\uff10\uff11\uff17 https:\/\/dalrock.wordpress.com\/2018\/08\/24\/us-marita...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ICuiwl0mXhQ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the term jihad is a highly-contested concept. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user cannot get the us open to play on my fire tv or on the web using fox spos go!!!! #upset","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck marty that cunt ass pussy bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hope you're right about that last part. But I've learned it's pointless to underestimate the stupidity of TX conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Both sides have promised wall SINCE ever y should ANYONE BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY????? ?promised since 1986 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun. That would be a good place to start gun control. Ban liberals from getting guns.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is beautiful just like his grandma bless him \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the truth. the fucking media and politicians of this country should be ashamed. you are incapable of telling the truth. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 2017 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 make fakequity great(er) again via @user #racialequity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is why we must stand together and pray together ladies and gents... The demontards want us dead... Not happening !\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/dExIK-Z7Z8E","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This smells like another funding of George Soros. Follow the money \ud83d\udcb4 trail. That woman most likely never knew Judge Kavanaugh. liberals are running scared because The Judge has conservative Christians values. The man has an impeccable Portfolio. Finestine\u2019s a dirty politician","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's OK, I just found out - 'He's a literal civic nationalist who says white identity doesn't exist'. What a pathetic cuck! He's got a weak, cucky voice too - African jizz coated larynx.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#upset in abbotabad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To become US citizens, all #LegalImmigrants have 2 undergo a health\/medical exam, which probably 25% of our Congress &Ms.Ginsburg would find difficult to pass... Just bc they have taxpayer paid Cadillac healthcare doesn\u2019t mean they R fit 4 job!#TermLimits ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what's humiliating is that our great country will have an ignorant tacky lying president #notmypresident#theresista\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WERE CUMMING FOR YOU SKANK @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER JUST LIKE A PLANTATION, White Liberals have Black people under their thumb and any Black person that tries to get out from under their Old Order\" is considered one of them uppity Negroes, too smart fer his britches. They get all the other good lil Negroes to teach em a lesson.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Valheim Hof in Denmark, dedicated to Odin and the gods http:\/\/spangenhelm.com\/valheim-hof-denmark-dedicated-odin-gods\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Columbus OH area \u2013 get your tickets for 2nd Annual Conservative Theatre Festival! Jan 26-28. https:\/\/stagerighttheatrics.ticketspice.com\/the-co...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stand your ground and publish the truth. Ignore the backlash. @user Mail pulls story about \u2018\u02dcmigrant-infested\u2019 Paris suburb after backlash ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know when you're fuckin someone and you'd rather be fuckin their best friend? That's the worst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump means that immigration to Europe will destroy Europe,hes again right. We alive a new president which makes a good job for USA and European rulers have to be his housedogs and make everything what he like. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Especially now that UK Govt continues to turn a blind eye to these feral economic Afro Middle Eastern migrants entering every day.No child is safe until we are well out of the EU and have closed tight OUR border entry ports. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yup #siri on #macos #wwdc2016 - :) woot! next did they work on her listening skills? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" rachelpeaches1: while we say #yestoinec ...lets we save dis geh from been a 'corpse' be4 her tym.. #kentuck\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SLUT BITCH LIKED IT TOO! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Consider they started with J Edgar and go quickly down hill from there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the all in one news24 daily! thanks to @user @user @user #africa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user kwontinue. Karma is Bitch, keep that in mind. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm not going to say 'Muller' anymore. I'll pronounce it 'M-yewl-er,' the way the Gestapo would have pronounced it. In his medal citations.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You can compare any two countries you like and you\u2019ll always find the one with stricter gun control has a lower murder rate with no pattern in democratic freedoms. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The P in #ESPN stands for Politics! They are no longer a sports network. They are right up there with #CNN #ESPN #Q #Qanon #QArmy #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #KAG #KeepAmericaGreat #GreatAwakening #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #Trump #BoycottESPN #BoycottNFL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I blame @user for inciting violence and she should be held accountable! She is a despicable disgrace. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good morning #Gab people. Make sure to have plenty of coffee for this Monday. \u2615\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FBI arrests five New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were dropped http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/2018\/08\/31\/fbi-arrests-f...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #saigon #travel #hochiminh #vietnam #trip @ street food - ben thanh market ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #curry #stephancurry #nbafinals #nba there is always next year... @ new york, new york ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As if we didn't already have enough reasons to not watch...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @UFGatorFamily: Incase any hillbillies try to roast... 🐊🐊 http:\/\/t.co\/LJ168KTccp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER IK never did. He is liar.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @cenopant: (she)s \nbro(was)ken\nbec(a)use\ns(side)he\nbeli(hoe)ved","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can anybody explain how many stages of TDS there are?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Because they're not a news outlet, they're producing war propaganda for the white genocide.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER we're buying a couple puzzle toys and looking at classes for him rn! but i think he is becoming a teenage monster.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2066@senorrinhatch\u2069 \u2066@SpeakerRyan\u2069 \u2066@LindseyGrahamSC\u2069 \u2066@Scotus\u2069 \u2066@IvankaTrump\u2069 \u2066@FLOUTUS\u2069 \u2066@GOP\u2069 \u2066@nytimes\u2069 \u2066@washingtonpost\u2069 where is the Republicans why aren\u2019t you speaking out about this ???????????? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aww cmon guys let\u2019s lose on principle, we can\u2019t impose on our ideals - this is why no one can take these Christcuck cuckservative morons seriously anymore. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Give it up, fat boy. You just cant cut the mustard \ud83d\udc4e #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let 2017 be that #newyear where #america chops down #obesity ..knocks down & #prejudice pride..make a better & enjoyable #lifestyle","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Thanks so much - this was an excellent thread. Definitely going to be taking a look through upcoming class offerings (and hopefully able to take in the SIWC presentation you are doing).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user or #sad, i #celebrate. my choice. transform sadness into #bliss #hellospirituality #fridayfeeling ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02. You are a fool!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every damn time haha \ud83d\ude08","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Friend- you really need to chill on the drinking and sleeping around Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 1d won ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A-Rod said the number #13 he wears on his uniform is for opposing teams to fear him but the fact is A-Rod is a damn cancer to the #Yankees","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's not hysterical or exaggeration. Abortion is horrendous. There are other ways to help women in crisis ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"boys being crazy boys this morning #fun #fatherandson #goodmorning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The prison system is so fucked. Why are they still getting away with what is potentially murder with intent if the prisoners die in the hurricane? They did this in Louisiana and like 500 inmates went missing\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So you kind of contradict yourself because one post says people call you all slut or a whore but on a\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italian ship accused of taking migrants back to #Libya for first time #UnitedNations #spokesman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user was so about this week's #bngu episode. find her thoughts on in here: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Omg that\u2019s fucking crazy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"off to ponsanooth later today to sing at a wonderful village pay for the queen's bihday! #lovecornwall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My baby guinea pig is so cute #Adorable","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @I_Be_kOoLz Food be good...except that rice they cook that bitch on Monday for the week + Tootsies?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this plays in my head whenever you talk. you know who you are. #assholeswillbeassholes #fuckmylife #tired ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : philip aaberg - \" elegy\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Exactly! She was sorry till she found people to cosign her bullshit. Idiots. The pair of them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sounds like trial and long sentence in his future","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Better than what? Truth? Politicians have never been good at that. My America is better than Flake. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Submarine capital of the world\u00a0 Connecticut","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I have to go over Saturday to \u201chave dinner\u201d no it\u2019s the annual close the pool for the season . Not then big ass round above grounds . They have a huge in ground pool . I know that\u2019s coming . While gore here . And I don\u2019t mind at all . Lol funny Shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our sanctuary city will protect him. Smh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The washed-out idiot #Biden feels he has a chance by insulting all conservatives who are supporting their great #POTUS...I don\u2019t think so CRAZY JOE!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More like #Putin every day. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Ilhan Too bad you won\u2019t get your wish. You cannot stop what is coming. #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #TrumpLandslideVictory2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user me too, from a young man on i listened to elvis! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finally! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c thx @user \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Have you heard \u2018Hodl\u2019 by Soular ECryptz on #SoundCloud? #np https:\/\/soundcloud.com\/soularecryptz\/hodl?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=twitter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*heavy breathing followed by excessive mouth foaming* #zelda #e32016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Climate change is a myth. Gun control is unconstitutional. Gestapo?\"\" What a stupid thing to say. They are upholding laws that have been on the books since 1996. Dumbasses\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is a victim. Terrible.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We are on the verge of a civil war in America. Everyone should start preparing before the war begins. The war could begin very soon so everyone needs to be prepared. It's crazy that the left wants to start a war. The left won't win since they aren't very intelligent and most of them are anti-gun. https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/e4pfkiW58OM\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its a good thing I always wear a glove on my left hand because if I EVER had to touch hands with a woman my IQ would totally drop to 0 Lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i genuinely teared up at the sisterhood of travelling pants movie... #didthatreallyjusthappen #happy #toomanyemorions","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It really sucks when commies atheists liberals refugees and anyone who isn't one of (us) uses our\" precious tax dollars....\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Since the Supreme Court has not explicitly addressed the issue of gun rights for noncitizens, this case is being allowed to move forward in court. Pratheepan Gulasekaram, a Santa Clara University law professor, said Perez may have a chance. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And you have won SKANK OF THE YEAR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because you could not even begin to respond since you can\u2019t speak in full sentences and your words are so limited ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Get these criminals off the roads and off the streets! #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'He would not sell his subjects to the butcher. And yet it had been with no thought of anyone's gain but his own that he had seized the kingdom originally. Thus subtly does the instinct of sovereign responsibility enter even a red-handed plunderer' The Scarlet Citadel, Robert E Howard.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"231 years later the liberals wants to do away with it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Little things can just kill a negros mood man","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not for Nothin, You forgot the Hammer, N Sickle...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't try to show off in front of girls by trying to talk down to other men... It comes across as pathetic... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Broward County Prison for Profit on premo Real Estate the Intracoastal Waterway is being PROTESTED. Who's profitings besides @user & @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ungrateful Rapefugee In Stabbing Of Americans Believes Dutch Insult Islam ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user btw, your whole account is trashing these girls. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are delusional if you think he is the reason either game was lost in the past two seasons lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shred time in #whistler #shredfam #summer #fun #shred #shredit #shredislife #downhillmtb\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The GCHQ was complicit with Brennan in planting fake evidence and inserting spies in the Trump camp to plant that faked data. Brennan organized the dossier fiction and limited contact with unsympathetic intel agencies in the daily presidential briefing and other docs used for FISA, other warrants, and spec. counsel. Now all chargeable. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Everyone who is against this is called a \u201eNazi\u201c by Antifa scum and politicians. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"islam doesn't seek to assimilate into ANY culture, it seeks to assimilate cultures into it, you're naive to believe any differently with 1400 years of evidence. https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/03\/germany-muslim-migrants-terrorize-small-town-fair-sexually-harassing-women-and-fighting-locals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Federal Judge Puts The Final Nail In The Coffin Of California\u2019s Climate Crusade http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/07\/31\/exxon-lawsuit-dismissed-california\/ via @dailycaller","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SykesCharlie I\u2019ve never seen our country in worse straights. Even during war or depression we had confidence in our leaders. There were statesmen in office. No longer. We need to get rid of the Republican President & Senate! #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If a girl is cuddling with me & she tells me she don't wanna fuck, that's cool. I'll pull my dick out & beat off right next to her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user me trying to avoid the freshman boys who hang out in my block and hit on me everyday ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just settling down for the final stage of the criterium du dauphine 2016 and it's not there on the itv hub. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ramzpaul Joe Biden: \"Kamala, could you please help me with the Twitter?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cBe fearless, be kind, get to know your neighbors.\u201d This is what Mandy Manning, 2018 National Teacher of the Year and friend of @user teaches her #refugee and #immigrant students. Read her story \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #JustSayin\u2019 what the majority is thinking. More #FakeOutrage & #Lies from the #LunaticLeft. Never seen so many sore losers throwing temper-tantrums for almost 2 years now. Embarrassing! #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nigga you are tweeting in the shower ???? I hope Siri drown","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Interesting when Demoncraps aren't even inventive enough to create their own cartoons. This is originally put out by Republicans - liberals are the Koolaide drinkers and always have been. Liberals are also the scum of the earth and prove it daily through their lies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\/\/i dont fucking understand why people just deleted their replies to me and stopped sl! i'm too bad for you? say it to me directly! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeppers !! let the Niggers Starve and Rape the Country !! Jews & China !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today\u2019s donation: helping Democrats take back the Senate in 2020. #TrumpCrimeFamily #TaxFraudTrump #TrumpTaxCheat #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut #Vote #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica [NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/XBhuGMHJm2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user in any case at all, a rape victim is guilty of it, we should educate our men to respect women PERIOD #nomeansno ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you learn to love the white man you will go to heaven. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what do you believe you need in order to finally be ? tell us!!! #youdeservehappiness #believecommitachieve ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tell that to the families of the 200k+ Americans who died. The equivalent of an entire city, gone. That is what future generations should remember you by: your negligent, disgusting, un-presidential behavior and utter disregard for human life. #NotMyPresident #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/bfjGA6sfKZ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Where are the capital police? Why let the leftist make a joke of our laws. #MAGA #ArrestClintonCrimeGangAlready #NoChainMigration #Trump2020 #Spygate IG REPORT PROVES seditious conspiracy UScode18ch115sec2384 yep 20yrs jail time ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The lovely #prayingmantis lady Audrina did not survive her molt, though she did seem to enjoy my company and foodstuffs before that. I am sad. The empty space for her boudoir...sucks, you guys. A lot. I made her a tiny tinfoil coffin and packed her a tiny tinfoil lunch of honey. I am even MORE determined to befriend her people. That experience was AMAZING.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just got my confirmation email. flying to virginia in 2 weeks for another @user donation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Really another one holy crap wow all brought to you by the Liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump holds closed-door Oval Office talks with Apple CEO Tim Cook as tech titan lobbies him to avoid a trade war with China - where iPhones are made ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Unless he is like that old skin bag Cher. She just coming back and coming back. #stretchedface ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user gud nights pitaji father day guruji#msgapparels today","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i dated a sociopath jugg \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Master of None was so fucking good. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is so entertaining. Nobody has thought about Montel in years... and you are picking a fight with him. This is incredible. Such a feeble mind you have. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I invite you over to take shots, this is what you can expect ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Immigration changes lives with unmatched dreams where people expect to be housed , to live the American dream !! While Millions of Americans never reach that height because of over populated Migrants who expect much and get angry and viol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is sad! What a woman wears has nothing to do with the intentions and actions of rape. Sorry you went through t\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #eva.tom thank you, happy bihday #gin bihday #newcastle #theyorkshirespirit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Abuse mental or physical is not a joke,no one was harmed in the pug video there was no complaint of harm from anyone.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". This little one is my why. She is the reason I strive each day to become a better version of who I already am. . Before babies I used to fear I\u2019d never have enough time for a family.\u2026 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Eric holder is Obama's straw man of corruption ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch if you dont shut the fuck up and stop acting like the us isnt responsible for the repressive and brutal society that became afghanistan - theres pics of my gma in miniskirts in the 70s in iran, another country destabilized and vilified to drive american profit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Pls take a look at signing gordon he is the deep threat with goodwin hurt we need and only 27. @USER come play with Grop","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Acting like an ass is not a good view. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @mathewsjw: Muslim Jihadi fighters book tickets on cruise ships to Syria and Iraq  http:\/\/t.co\/auFmcZ01Y3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what politician will be the first asshole to condemn lgbt community following the unspeakable tragedy in #orlando #prayers4allinvolved ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hell yeah it FUCKIG is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Here is an alternative way to look at it \"\"Conservatives less successful following simple instruction on an application form\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I cast my vote as \u201cOPPORTUNIST\u201d #ChristineBlaseyFord had THIRTY-FIVE years to come out with her allegations. Why now? It\u2019s obvious. #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I like carol she is funny \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u201cMy head is a fuckin egg\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Woody Allen ..uflrghhjj .. hiding behind Hollywood production houses bitch raped his one step daughter and married another ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These are kids, their little minds not made to grasp the diabolic forces at work using them as props. Thank God it's all going to end soon. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And this was my response on Twitter which up over a 120 likes, replies and retweets ans still going. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Angry Italian officials refuse to let this Italian commercial ship disembark 66 refugees & migrants because they think it should have let Libyan coastguards intercept them and return them to inhumane detention centers instead ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5- Most epic moment in 3 sentences GRAAAWRL WYVERN FOR BREAKFAST GUYS!!! YOU ARE SO DUMB THE HEALER HAS TO BABYSIT YOU AND FIRE THIS SHIT TRY OF A DRAGON BECAUSE OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS also we need to bury the half body of our tank and try to get out his other half from its stomach ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Still my favourite feature suggestion: Filter updates by language - just give us a drop down in the publisher where we can choose our language, let us choose a default in settings and the segmentation is already done. This would be such a great feature @a @gab\u00a0#FeatureSuggestion","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy friday...! zoe \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0095 #friday friday #tgifridays #beaglemania #beagles #beagle\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And it\u2019s always during active play! Sit your butt down people! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"after the orlando shooting, this photo is not as funny- :-\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"probably easy to identify, just call local hospitals and see who is being treated for flesh eating bacteria","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No one fucking assumes rape is gonna happen you stupid lil bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"movie-mad indians challenged to rewrite sexist bollywood songs #movie #indians #challenged #rewrite \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t talk shit about 48 laws ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One thing about me idc what comes out of my mouth or who my words hurt. If you take offense you're just a bitty bitch or hoe ass feminist \ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tommy Robinson: UK Army Chiefs are saying that Soldier must be discharged \"to make Muslim community happy\"\u00a0 Disgusting. #StandWithOurLads and sign the petition (70k have signed in just 24hrs!!). We will not tolerate oppression of our lads! youtu.be\/IxLURwEkMrI via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm at the Plaza Roberto Maestas on Beacon Hill with @user to stand with people of color and immigrant communities as a collective voice of engaged voters. Watch LIVE on Facebook: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another phoney poll!! #FakeNews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user got my tickets to see you in manchester #ohhjesus","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a with @user #ngitingtagumpay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Claudiababyg I know plenty of people with degrees who are dumber than dirt with no common sense. I don\u2019t have a college education, but working hard led me to retire in my 40\u2019s debt free. Not a bottom dweller. Don\u2019t broad stroke everyone, please. It\u2019s unbecoming. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are killing me!!! We landed in PHX 30 min early from SAN and have been sitting on tarmac for 40 min. Now officially late looks like I am going to miss my connection to OAK. This sucks!!!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And what happened you line backer bitch ??? NO ONE TOUCHED ME FAT HOE GET GHOST ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I see boobs lol \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude07 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you give me a penis boner \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user It's not about how much he's played...its about trade value\"\"he is more valuable then a 5th\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER furries can suck my dick, this is both an offer and an insult\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't blame them being surrounded by neighbours committed to your genocide.#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@hotsambatcho72 @HotsamBatcho [NEWLINE]Thank you Jack. A man of wisdom and character knows who represents the US values and constitution best. And it ain't Sleepy Joe and Socialist Kamala https:\/\/t.co\/9GPOAo6n3P","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this is what #shitler is referring to when he ignorantly shouts #maga & his racist sheep sta bleating ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"rip to my mother in law sheila #rip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Too bad my stupid loyal bitch ass dropped all my hoes that smoked me out for an ain't shit boy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #freedownload a peek of #nyc here: then come back to holier than moi??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Baby I'll whisper Vietnamese to you all soft like, \"ching... chong ting o long....\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How to develop their competitive skills and social skills in Home Schooling...as my child too complain abt bullying and unjust behaviour of teachers since she is super active...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You are so full of shit. A.) Violent crime is down & has been on the decline for decades B.) Where gun crime is a problem, it is a state & local problem & no so called common sense\"\" gun control law passed at the federal level will fix it. You are clueless about this problem.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hahahaha, fucking hell. If that doesn't 'splain it all. cc @3DAngelique....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shut the FUCK up you jobless whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@frankthetank215 @Jim_McCloskey Fran is a hillbilly Virginia mountain man who has pre-1800s white Anglo-Saxon beliefs #frankensteinMD #kikme","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In Portland, Abolish ICE Propaganda is No Longer on the Menu https:\/\/immigrationreform.com\/2018\/09\/13\/in-portland-abolish-ice-propaganda-is-no-longer-on-the-menu\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes! The good old days when conservatives got pushed around and bullied by democrats who never gave an inch. The good old days when all conservatives could do was feign outrage and promise to go get them the next time. Yeah, that's what we need. That's the healthy\" libs love!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user she is lmao ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'not all men' yeah you're right, jim hopper, an amazing selfless man who who took care of 13 year old powerful girl would NEVER do this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"always , never sad, that's the sign, that you are mad.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Please insist on wall funding now! Please do not let the speaker of the house and senate leader talk you into waiting to after the election for the funding. after the election you will be dealing with a lame duck congress.#BuildTheWall #B ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"haha wow. @user is a for using the n-word & the equivalent of it in arabic \"abd\" which means slave: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Let the leftist democrats riot in the streets with their antifa counterparts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nude teen play for women in spo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I LOVE my 10 & 5 but most days they remind me why birth control is important later in life.\n\nI miss my \"baby bird\"! Come home, 18!\n@somehoee","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeahh tbh most that do are weirdos and think about sex in a very weird way.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HOW CAN PELOSI BE SPEAKER? SHE IS MENTALLY IMPAIRED ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is going to destroy america like he has done to many of his businesses he does care about middle or lesser america and americans he only cares for himself and the top 1% who hopefully see the light soon before they have no countries to sell their products to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WTF happened with Buffalo Wild Wings twitter?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Very low sentences for African migrants after 'bloody gang rape' of 13-year-old girl in Sweden ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cambridge professor and #UK refugee has prestigious medal stolen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Leftists showing yet again how vile they can be","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user They should refuse to comply with the order. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"huge victory for the attempt to sculpt our kids into adrogeny (sp?)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sure there is. You simply say \"welcome to the democrat party.\" | #RedNationRising","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not all men are stupid to mistake ~ No ~ for Yes they are just using any means to stir up the movement ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Another elitist who is out of touch with the patriotic Americans!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"starbucks lady opening grocery location alone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Doug Ford should in no way think that he has carte blanche to make whatever changes benefit him personally and satisfy his need for vengeance against the people of Toronto. Shame. What he is doing is not democracy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm in love with this song...called...\"be the one\" @user #greatsong #lovemusic\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He tihnks he is telling the big lie.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"muslim harassment social experiment!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And you won't get me in a hole to rot with your hemlock on the rocks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"L Loomer :\u00a0 \"ISIS\u2019s claim of responsibility and the FBI\u2019s swift rebuttal came less than 24 hours after the largest mass shooting\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All Trump's fault I guess ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #eureferendum ramifications will be explosive if the senseless murder of jo cox has anything to do with any of the campaigning!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"clearly confident hot girl posts selfie showing skin with caption about how she looks like shit fishing for compliments \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a3 #pathetic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"off to @user to spend a day with my mam #cricket #gracesatlords #comeonengland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how can alverez slag golovkin off when he will only fight at catch weight? it's the 160 division. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"16 Now, Mayo\u2019s in the States, is our greatest one, them and Johns Hopkins is our greatest clinics that we have. They don\u2019t claim to heal. They said, \u201cWe don\u2019t claim to heal. We claim to assist nature. There\u2019s one Healer, that\u2019s God.\u201d 57-0804A - The Great Commission Rev. Branham","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #ecb draghi: international use of euro has fallen \"slightly\" #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my tweet of the day!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Inspiring: a Former #refugee among winners of Fields medal \u2018\u201c the 'Nobel prize for maths' \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@Refugees\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@bertkreischer Carson on #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/pO0xnVUUtO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I AM FUCKING SO FUCKING HAPPY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today is GAMEDAY! #iubb i need #iu to win so my jersey can arrive! #HoosierNation #hoosiers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mom's hooooome! yaaaaay! #soexcited !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What's doing detriment to this state (and country) is Republicans who refuse to govern as the conservatives they campaign to be. McDaniel may have some flaws (who doesn't) but he's the kind of fighter we need. Some of us are sick of the losers the GOP keeps giving us. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user racism & fascism will not get you ratings a&e. people will #resist every time. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user It does work. If you want to control a population. Australian gun control had no effect on homicides. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it all kicks off tonight with the #ea keynote at 9pm!! #e32016 #gameate3 #fifa17 #battlefield1 #titanfall2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Kidanpped, Raped 13-Year-Old Girl via @user #NoAmnesty #ProtectOurChildren#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeIt is the number 1 job of government! Protect & Defend The Constitution Not Illegal Aliens! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the first session of @user kicks off in just ten minutes at @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That didn\u2019t work for BLM\ud83d\ude06 why would they think it\u2019ll work for a bunch of spoiled white kids.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What about death penalty for perpetrators\u00a0 and expelling the remaining rest of their family tribes? Everything else is just to calm down emotions but not a solution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump Photographed With Convicted Pedo Jeffrey Epstein https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/TUw3N95nQePH\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every word that God says is true and every promise that God makes will be fulfilled.\u00a0 \u201cSo shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.\u201d Isaiah 55:11","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'\u201cWe have to let people come in. They\u2019re going to be guest workers, they\u2019re going to come in, they\u2019re going to work on your farms, we\u2019re going to have the H-2Bs come in, we\u2019re going to have a lot of things happening,\u201d Trump said. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am soooooo happy that i am in summer break! #itsgoingtobentioned #summerbreak #awesome #awesomeness","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yet another really stupid take by Erick. He is a single issue thinker...overturning Roe. Anything that gets in the way of that is to be mocked and trivialized. He has no other core beliefs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user you all look #fabulous love htl #fashion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck you you #homophobic #misogynistic #xenophobic #whitesupremacist you may have fooled some but not the majority","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#today the gods are very #thunderstorms #london","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Feel free to start with Antifa. \ud83d\ude09","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s ok to accuse a person of a sex crime 30 years after it happened for the use of obstructing a hearing for a Supreme Court Justice. you liberals have totally gone batshit crazy. You will not slow down anything.. this November will show you that radical behavior does not work. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Frustration can be a bitch !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where do you find a dog with no legs? Right where you left him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Study: Google Pushes Liberal News in Top 5 Search Suggestions via @descarteslover http:\/\/bit.ly\/2NAEfo6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":">be random thot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 dead in mass shooting at Fifth Third Bank building in downtown Cincinnati'. Deep State Fake News Crisis Actor Alert!! Gun Control bullshit .. F'off Feinstein\/Obama! URL via @","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"at any given time that fouh emoji is on point \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What a joke. Another dirty tricks Democrat on the George Soros payroll. The Democrat Party knows no shame. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All my friends live vicariously through my penis ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Can u fuck off already ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Irony is that most murders are done by illegal gun users who are gang members . This predominantly only affects Latino and black families. The problem is not gun control the problem is judges who let violent gun offenders back on Street after shooting someone. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Good job!! Now start building\/funding the wall!!#BuildThatWall #MAGA2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ingraham: We Demand Our Elected Officials Keep America Safe. \"When a jihadist games our immigration system, gets a\u2018\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user great season premier! well done. loads to look forward to ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":":( Conservatives and republicans alike should recieve AND GIVE forgiveness. Gimme peace fam. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Notch dropping from free range truth about Goulag's video platform.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Michael, I really liked that movie, The Patriot\"\", with Mel Gibson. MAGA !\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sunglasses are currently at the bottom of a lake ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Thank you. Good to see we are trying this approach in addition to others. Too often this issue is used as an excuse to tax. Please can you report updates when they become known? Thanks. \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals are all Kookoo !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who's Mueller kidding? None of the 13 Facebook trolls he indicted are in custody, never will be, are not in the country, will never be arrested or tried. The indictment was only symbolic. And they have officially announced no collusion, and no effect on the election. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Go out like Seinfeld and cancel the series while it's hot! Jk don't you fucking dare. This better have a 50 issue plan.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh shit this will trigger some bigots ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Brits are tired of having this PC black crap shoved down our throats by the media, BBC, and Hollywood. But people are now pushing back and BBC are now receiving tons of criticism and flak over their black washing of our British white history.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER the cover and your hair are glorious","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Make sure that these so called refugees don't board those boats, so you don't have to ferry them to Europe where they are not wanted nor needed. Let them build up their own countries, not destroy ours.#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#conservatives everywhere in my small red town, kids need to be spanked and put #God first. They need to know consequences!\". Also them, \"#BrettKavanuagh shouldn't be held responsible for something he did at 17!! #Hypocrites @USER how do sleep at night?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In reality though he profited massively from Trump and the free advertisement he gave them. If ever they decide that they will get rid of him then Twitter will truly die.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Trump promotes all people. You as well. At lest they don't have BLM signs or are dressed as AntiFa and beating people. These are patches and I look at everyone defensively. The Way Cool patch was the ! Love GUNS and TITTIES! #WalkAway #MAGA #TRUMP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Or we could have gun control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"allah likes it in the ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" to learn one who deserves love in full wonder is served cold emotion & excuse ridden lack of effo from one who declares loving them","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BoycottTwitter #TwitterBoycott","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @user @user @user Fake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user #MondayMorning #MorningJoe #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #MAGA this is infiltration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That is unfuckingbelievable! And the limeys put up with that shit?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I arrived in #england in late 60\u2019s. At the time #indian accent was a butt of many jokes and palyed out in TV comedies. So pleased to hear at #Westham tube announcement from a fellow immigrant from #nigeria witout anyone batting an eyelid. We have come far. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i am just waiting for somebody other than you to call me a . i don't see anybody doing it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user carl palladino unfit to be on buffalo school board. #resign","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But 10kg of an already shite allowance (coz EU workers are lame as fuck) is a proper piss take","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Did he found out by himself? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's do one more thing: announce that henceforth, anyone ever deported for entering the US illegally will be banned for life from ever visiting the US on a visa, or ever emigrating here legally, and refused any amnesty for cause, even if it's someday offered to those already here. Caught once, banned for life. Caught here a second time: Fly Air Trebuchet home","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user There aren't any principled conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 10 minute call to you to place an order end up costing me more than \u00a37. Skank or what? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Prayers \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb You are missed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks for the heads up. I was about to go down my local to rape and harass some women but now I know I might be on The List...NO CHANCE. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tropical attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of fo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANTIFA are the fascists. They act like fascists when they want to beat people up and prevent freedom of speech and freedom of expression.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Definitely need new coal fired power stations if we only rely on renewables like Turnbull wants we'll run out of power and power will cost a fortune. The Govt tries hard to cover up a carbon tax, or renewables tax. Just hope that Cori Bernadi will get a win from the Liberal Govt.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user They get testy and decide you're a paid shill\"\" a lot, if you end up hanging around QAnon you'll get used to it.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how to be - a 6-step guide. learning to work with anger #mindfully is empowering, courageous, and awesome. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #furriday hope it's #pawsome ! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #cute #cats #kitten #catsoftwitter #friday #teamcatmojo #catlover ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters \"You are not welcome here\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"time to watch e3 while i #gamedev! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't understand why there are protests about the illegal immigrants being kicked out of Serco housing? Moreover why are they not being kicked out the country straight away and how come Serco get the heads up? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 1.ur retarded to take yt photo of someone else2.i will when u show ur real3.ur a fuckin bitch ass nigga u fucking cunt4.boii i got ur mum twerking for 5 cents coz dats how poor u fucking really are.5.stop being a fucked up slutty rat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I was 15 ==> I can remember everything time place witnesses I told and who drove me home I was glad I was still alive. Too many women out here KNOW the truth so who are the Dems running this scam for? Their Gruber Brained ANTIFA crowd? Naw who then? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The other day I was talking about how \"they\" had stolen all the patents. Imagine my surprise to turn on Lionel tonight to find his show about this very thing. This IS Big Brother. When you hear the cast of characters... well, let's just say they're all the Uranium One players. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Currently being hit with the jig. Word.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THIS HAS TO STOP!!!! #IllegalAliens #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall .@DonaldJTrumpJr @user @user @user #DHS @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yeah way to ruin the fucking hype. this is why you werent invited to dennys after we finished with andreas lol. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It just seems strange to dedicate an entire month to your orientation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Maybe Antifa asshats? Those who physically assault others for their political beliefs? Democrats are NO Saints and neither are you!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dr. Vliet on #FOXNews 7\/12\/2014 @user Nothing has changed! #Illegals bring #USA diseases!#BuildThatWall ASAP.@DrLee4America ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this wasn't preventable. you can never control animals, you can never control stupid people to read signs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Now Comes The Pain........... #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #WWG1WGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"easy apple ta recipe #appleta #applepie #food #yummy #foodie #delicious #instag\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @WayneRoot: Well there's difference between Erick Erickson and me. I've always understood Obama is Muslim Jihadi sympathizer:\nhttps:\/\/t.…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"relaxing in a comfy chair. little break. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bibi and Orban will do evrything to hold their territory clean from terrorists and refugees, even the EU wants to protect them. If Europe not will follow - Europe will loose the own culture and identity. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Spasmodic, disconnected attempts, without concentration, uncontrolled by any fixed idea, will never bring success. It is continuity of purpose alone that achieves results","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If he is implying that he is an agent of the Devil's will then I fully agree! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah, she has the same effect on me, hope your belly feels better. lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user If you come into a thread all #notallmen you just confirm that we\u2019re trash. Don\u2019t be so fragile. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Federal judge rules against challenge to border wall #BorderSecurityIsNationalSecurity#BuildTheWall #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The biggest fear the Democrats have is President Trump growing his base and this is exactly what happened here\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01WATCH: Never-Trumper goes to Trump Rally; What He Says Afterwards Will Make Democrats Tremble ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#guns in the hands of people. #tears in the eyes of our loving #heavenlyfather. #lordhavemercy #breakthebarrel #thelawofguns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Right you are!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER homer losing his boner over this is very petty there was a resemblance but again even if she is if they aren't shoving it in our face then its okay","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user vs Antifa. I know who my money\u2019s on. But seriously this is such a stupid thing to do. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(((Conservatives))) are enemies of whites! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I want one!! I WANT one!! #GabFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There have been Kkazarian graveyards excavated and we know that the Khazars had Asiatic features.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Evidence against Manafort was substantial and beyond reasonable doubt\"\" on 8 counts. He was found guilty in court, any other spin is useless. This is how our system works. If Manafort had problems with verdicts he can appeal them, he is not.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Interesting time frame of these two... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn right, he should!\u00a0 I love Ann!\u00a0 Not only that but aiding and abetting in addition to conspiring to commit a crime, a possible felony under federal law in all 50 states, even if the crime itself is not a felony.\u00a0 Demwit members should be arrested, equal justice under the law.\u00a0 About time they are held to the same standard and the laws they took an oath to uphold.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@HarleyyyQuinn_ trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KamalaHarris H1N1 deaths world wide 151,000-574,000.[NEWLINE]Deaths in US 12,500[NEWLINE]% of US deaths compared to world wide any where from: 8.27%-2.17%[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Covid-19 deaths world wide as of 9\/22 966,000[NEWLINE]deaths in US 200,000[NEWLINE]% of US deaths compared to world wide: 20.7%[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]But @BarackObama failed #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You\u2019re a dumbass. It\u2019s called the \u201calt-right\u201d because it\u2019s presenting an alternative to the fake controlled opposition neocon cuck right, that\u2019s been seditiously installed to be a counterfeit to subvert and trick white people out of standing for their own interests.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So?what's wrong with white guys?..I'm a PROUD Caucasian &Colombian American woman and I happen to like ALL these WHITE men that represent me..especiallySen.Kennedy...We are soooo done with identity politics from liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#QAnon #FISA #GreatAwakening #StopTheInvasion #ControlledMSM #FakeNews #MSMGlobalists ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have called more men the word 'cunt' than I have women, because in my experience more men are cunts than women are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Omg. The media again. \u201cHow does it feel to treat ppl under these circumstances?\u201d Oh its a great opportunity you dumb fluff! #FloridaShooting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER LIBERALS will be complaining that his presence hurts recovery in 5 ... 4 ... 3....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CLINTON'S, BUSH'S AND OBAMA'S NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF DODGE!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #cnn calls #michigan middle school 'build the wall' chant '' #tcot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An underlying philosophy is necessary to our understanding and to our pragmatic interactions the real world. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Police night-time swoop on boat heading for Kent beach find \u2018\u02dcillegal migrants\u2019 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user @user #fathersday and yes, we daughters, too! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER No no that\u2019s shaq silver back looking ass \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Leftists and #Commies in the #USA are going to get a little bit riled up me thinks?! \ud83d\ude06 #MAGA #MBGA #MCGA #Socialists #Lefties #Conservatives #Patriots #MEGA #Trump #Democrats #Republicans URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Freaking casual fans say you are their favorite.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/gbp trims gains, now back below 0.7950 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Turf this dumb ass douche bag from the bench! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"working on song 3 of my #ep ! #musicistherapy #music #newmusic #aist #lyrics #songwriter i think i'm calling it \"brick by brick\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where's a fucking drone strike mishap when ya need one....sheesh....\ud83e\udd2c\ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Ha ha yes fuck yes \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude08\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The worst possible answer to this illegal invasion is to catch a criminal illegally entering in this country and reward him or her with a ticket and release into this country where he or she has no right to be. #TCOT #illegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if this is what a broken hea feels like, i never want to really fall in love #brokenhea #staypositive #badend","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's see: 1 Million \"refugees\" (who will never go home) times 15 \"relatives\" each... 16 million more welfare cases in Germany! #MerkelKinder #Apocalypse ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Kavanaugh this is the common use of guns ... the conservatives and their prays of dead URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A point-by-point refutation of Kevin MacDonald's 'Culture of Critique' theory. Open access, very well written.\u00a0 Anyone interested in the JQ and\/or the evolution of human political behavior should read it. https:\/\/link.springer.com\/article\/10.1007\/s12110-0...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hope your PlayStation blows up you silly cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SEALED INDICTMENTS - FINAL COUNT: Total of 9,294 in all U.S. as of December 22, 2017. Here's is a link from Pacer.gov drive.google.com\/drive\/u\/0\/mobi\u2026","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If he\u2019d just said \u201cgive me a lawyer asshole\u201d they\u2019d have given him Dershowitz.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER *accept. I don\u2019t hate men. I don\u2019t hate conservatives. I hate stupid. And I hate hypocrites. And the fact that you think being a conservative matters at all in this matter means to me that you are not so much into law and order as you think you are.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is! Talking about \u201c I don\u2019t need excuses I just need my money\u201d \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #australia: mixed nab business survey for may \u00e2\u0080\u0093 rbc cm #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here it is - GREAT job, @jamesokeefeiii\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Doesn't seem like Hollywood has too many independent thinkers. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fake ass emoji","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can't be in San Francisco. Why? Hasn't got shit all over him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Stephicans mhmm tweet bird 🐥","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u009e\u00e2\u0098\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008egood morning #nutella ,#croissants , #cute, #follow, #followme, #photooftheday, ,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER she is a zombie.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i do \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082. my father had a great one and now my brother @user following him and yeah i married to this awesome gu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jig levitating for lousiville","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #bookreview lovecraft country 4 stars as #horror appropriate, also funny #mattruff\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Dam girl you have awesome boobs I bet you are a very sexy MILF","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@natemax @DemNevada @realDonaldTrump My spouse and I voted yesterday #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user They gone eat his high yellow ass \ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user here your sign. @user #Liberals @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BREAKING @user @user @user #MAGA #PatriotsUnited @user @user @user #AmericaFirst @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Occupy Wall Street.....where women got raped ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump family fearless, they stand up to little immigrant babies, kids, teens, they cage these \"violent\" humans in cages. But the Russians and Putin make Trump shit in his pants infear!!!#cowards #crooks #puppets ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This has been going on for decades. An American would be prosecuted for it but illegal aliens abuse our laws with impunity! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just scheduled my first college visit @ baylor \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What are the \"Ethnicities\" caught up in this Culture. Immigrants?? Home grown?? We can of course Guess. We are sliding into the same Anarchy & Chaos as Paris. Tented cities in C\/London. No Go areas. This is where \"Progressive\" politics has brought us. Law & Order almost GONE. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Loving all the triggered Nazis coming at me right now! Eat some falafel you small schnitzel loving weiners and calm your low IQ white selves down. You adhd kids forgot to take your riddlin \ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Damn is she ugly!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user a perfect description of ANTiFA. Fascist shit bags. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user We are calling you an operative . Or Shill. And more important a bigot for refusing to apologize for your actions to a woman just because she IS NOT a Scientologist. You won\u2019t even acknowledge what you did or defend or explain it despite how many times it has been asked already? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#VoteRepublican #Trump2020 #FillTheSeat HUGE! New Data Shows States with Unemployment Over 10% Are ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS Except One https:\/\/t.co\/0kmIXsWiEH","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user what a disgrace :( poor kids already have tough life ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Prepare for the midterms by reading Creating the Declaration of Independence by @USER to understand what Made America Great in the First Place URL #MAGA #KAG @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@tdanddent @SusanStJames3 @CNN #BidenHarris #Trump2020 @realDonaldTrump @DailyCaller @greggutfeld @GeraldoRivera @seanhannity @RealJamesWoods @RealCandaceO @BLEXIT #WalkAway you knew he was cheating! He cheated in college and law school!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the #emotion of #family & #friends was #unbearable to be in that #dark #energy. i was & #hu, close to #depression. i had to snap out","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And 15 is probably all they know about. Please tell me he is still in jail. Or better yet dead. You are such a strong woman. I'm so sorry that happened to you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump Administration Tells ACLU It\u2019s Responsible for Finding Deported Immigrant Parents via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes, American women are waiting......to be allowed to continue SLAUGHTERING babies. Mao, Stalin and Hitler all killed babies too. Liberals are pathetic, whiney, crooked, yet, say, we are for the children\", except they slaughter babies!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Lrihendry: Pregnant S.E. Cupp’s classic response to ‘liberal dem’ who calls her ‘chunky’ – with bonus tweets http:\/\/t.co\/U8nlYWEfiO via…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Burma. #Syria. #SouthSudan. #Nigeria. These are just a few places where refugees need emergency food assistance. See where & how @user is helping refugees survive, regain dignity and rebuild their own #selfreliance. #WorldRefugeeDay \u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00b8: Joseph Eid\/AFP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The comments below, defending Drug Ford's blatant abuse of power is completely laughable. But, but the Liberals. Bias, BIAS I tell you!!! Must be only the NDP rich downtown area that was polled\"\". Ho-man... thanks guys... I needed a good laugh! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good evening my darling instagram babies. #blessed #lipstick #makeup #fun #grateful #share ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall yes do whatever you can but get it built #AmericaFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'I don't take bitch or slut as an insult.' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER \u201cSpotty gun control\u201d and \u201cno internal borders\u201dis my point. Every gun sale in Cali has to go through a FFL. It\u2019s illegal to buy them out of state. It\u2019s illegal for gang members in Chicago to get guns out of state. As far as a nationwide ban how\u2019s that drug war working out for you?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GOP @realDonaldTrump He had 4 years... and NOTHING! #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/CXLIPrvMy4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb good job (sarcasm). Also great they have gun control laws it\u2019s saving lives! (More sarcasm).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the stupidity of the alcoholic #wiunion hags is the stuff of legend ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER And so is the duster thank god","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user RIP Twitter bitch cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And Democrats actually commit acts of violence a la antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i think u mean another nigger","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And I say send her to Israel on the next boat.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh shit, @Cyph the blue-gum bubba-gump looking pavement ape coming to the rescue of my personal nigger @Love. Dat be some heartwarming shit rite there!\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck You Allen Saudi Arabia Statement to Canada; do not attack countries for human rights while you Canada are the Current Hitler to Female Moslem Immigrant living in Oakville, Ontario.. Saudi Arabia expels Canada&#8217;s ambassador ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check out this new trending #funny #gif ! bihday, kanye west, kanye, kanye's bihday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"multiconnexions: \"how are you?\" is difficult to ask in many #languages- so how can we measure #happiness un\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the only thing i know about gun control is how to have great aim. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user and if there is gun control in USA -who will be rounded and exterminated ?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- sirf ashiq log follow karen #iqbal #galib #wasi #faraz #mohsin ki full poetry + #no add + follow @user + @user f @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user They had conservatives silently tied up in the cellar for dexades. They're livid we got out and now have a voice In the White House ascend they want to put us back. They're trying to silence us any way possible. We need to burn them all in the midterms. Once and for all ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user spent my entire day trying to so new contract\/upgrade. discount not applied correctly and now can't get this resolved. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it is coming amazing how the awakening is happening","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hollywood is full of demonic democrats.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ahhh Lurch go back to wind surfing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let's not kid ourselves...you are a prostitute...for the @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President Trump visits Broward County, FL #News","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why? Plenty of people have taken a stance in favor of common sense gun control\"\" and it doesn't mean jack shit since they don't have a plan for common sense gun control. Would it really help to have the ASB and ASA also spouting empty buzzwords?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"teen dies after sand collapse on florida beach | fox news | #suicide #story #floridastate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the african american turmoil! thanks to @user @user @user #blacktwitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And that speaks volumes for the ENTIRE population of Muzztards.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Well duh I made the gc you a hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Like ANTIFA.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#GeraniumInTheCranium. Please also dredge up some of her ridiculous \u201cgun control\u201d bills that were shot down. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we're not just objects that entertain you, we have feelings too! #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am a man indeed! having such a relaxing day by the pool at #lagosmarehotel in #naxos! #cyclades #greece ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER can you share my twtich? Trying to make that shit work out URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't believe how excited i got at winning a load of knitting needles off ebay... i'm getting old \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 #knitting #crafts #wool #ebay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Rep Maxine Waters has been threatening violence on you the President and vise President. How come she is permitted to do this. Is the DOJ and Washington capital Police sleeping?? Why are all democrats above the law? This is a crime! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Rape is an inhuman , offensive thing , but the woman should knows where and how to dress because not e\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Did he miss his head? This is a total lack of gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0099 #love #chill #miss #amazing #day @ tioman island ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Interesting question(s) raised by you know w(Q)ho: #BigPharma #BluePorts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user And while yes, hate groups\"\" is ill defined, we KNOW of hate groups on the right, and there is antifa, but they are not anywhere near the level of the modern conservative \"\"hate groups\"\" but then again, its subjective, so I guess neither of us can actually make a valid statement\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user now comes with a #taxwriteoff as four #whitenationalist groups are given #nonprofitstatus @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Either way we have your back. Don't be thinking that you are dealing alone out here. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"twin drinks with bae\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #strawbrry75 #sunday #summer2016 #fathersday #chill #goodday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You have nothing you are isolating yourself from others and it's quite hilarious to watch. Also if you were around for the idea of #Anonymous years ago you would know it's in general about resistance. I don't support senseless violence actually I fought against Antifa like u.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new found respect for @user after finding herself getting heated with the #payformybaby lady. \"she doesn't make the rules\" though ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1,500 migrants have died in Mediterranean in 2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when it's friday and the end of term is in sight... \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c #friyay #tgif #friday #school\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"second video was great :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watching the Patriot right now and my mood be like.... #America #MAGA #Lessssgo \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user be worry free in any kind of market scenario :) #financialadvisor #financialplanner #income #money ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user help! I already have a verify account but when I try to use it it wants further details (passport) which I don\u2019t have with me. So I phone instead and after two minutes of pointless messages it tells me you are busy and hang up!!! What rubbish service. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"JON RAPPOPORT: Chemical Induced Globalists On The March - ALEX JONES INFOWARS https:\/\/youtu.be\/ie8VvEyEDjw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain\u2019t got shit done today ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you hit a woman you are a cunt. And you should have your arm broken, in 3 places. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Damn...that's almost as old as I am! Then again, he is from Utah, and he does what career politicians do...appeal to his base\"!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lt. gov. cox @user speaks at vigil for orlando: 'my hea has changed' #leadership #one #orlando","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He's got his wee fake tap fae Turkey on to prove how loyal he is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER jajaja Too funny. I have never heard @USER ever speak bad about ANTIFA. Time to denounce them now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #refugee status of 7 millions of #Palestinians cant be by a zionist conspirator like #JaredKushner. The United Nations for relief work agency #UNRWA was officially established by UN in 1950s to help #Palestinian #refugees,officials its work was tangible for peace process. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@bigblackjacobin @ggreenwald Damn. I guess karma's a bitch to people who murder random trump supporters in the street.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sunburn\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #sun#ootd#sea#oiso#me#love#hot#bf#beach#yesterday#sunglasses #american#0618 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER If the banks fall then peoples money falls too","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I know right. It pisses me off he is so busy giving himself credit while we are all scared to death here in nc. I don\u2019t trust him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gap is Transformation life","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"News breaking that Jeff Sessions has made an appearance\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user lock the gate! #pamgelleheracist #mmiw #mmiwg","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"reagan convinced ksa to flood the market and drive oil prices to historic lows. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #allahsoil #teambts #cnn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why does Kavanaugh have the same woman with #restingbitchface sitting behind him every day? I don't think she is helping his case.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what the actual fuck..ill report them this is so fucked up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wait now they're saying @user was raped?! I really just can't believe it. This bitch will do and say anything for attention. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user to all of us whom have immigrated from third world countries can definitely attest this nation is moving towards becoming\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Teen | Cutie lesbian teens toy slits http:\/\/t.co\/ZS05enjjwm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Not all men! If you don't stop generalizing men, we won't be your allies!' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New Motovlog Up: What to Expect When Starting a Motovlog Flynn's Take ep. 2018\/10 https:\/\/motagonist.com\/2018\/07\/16\/what-to-expect-w...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/intellectualfroglegs.com\/the-media-that-cried-trump\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Do any Dems\/libs have a real job?? They sure have a lot of free time!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is so fake he\u2019s unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn\u2019t respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Omg that\u2019s fucking crazy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Penis-Pill Salesman Lost His Mind Last Night ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I'm pretty sure most of your #MAGA supporters do not have any new found wealth\". I assume you're referring to your fellow billionaires that you gave a huge tax break to.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user How about your outrage over this? Do something so you can be credible instead of being perceived as demagogues partisans #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yesterday i actually said out loud to my paner \u00e2\u0080\u009cif hungry return true!\u00e2\u0080\u009d to express my hunger. #nolaughs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Next time I ask a chick what she wants to eat and she says 'I don't care' this is wtf she's gettin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey @user when you went down to the border did you see the children that were separated from their HUMAN TRAFFICKERS? Of course you did but youre not honest enough to admit it. Because #DemocratsAreSociopaths #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You're the most dumb nigga in the history of dumb niggas, arguing with women like a lil bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you watch this video, how can you NOT be pissed enough to share it at the top of your voice? Not YOU personally Dazzy, just saying, are people just NOT that engaged? Have 5 second memories?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know she is 15 but I still don\u2019t think it\u2019s real ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just because you #liberals are self-loathing doesn't mean the rest of us are. the only weapon you have is to yell\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What you're talking about is so hypothetical and in the clouds thinking its insane. Stop attacking Christians, no large group of people in America takes Pagans seriously. At some point you need to accept reality and stop LARPing as these pagan warriors. None of us are even deserving of pretending to be like our ancestors","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nice.. why are you crying?? #nice #france #rain #rainnyday #somewhereoveherimbow #life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user She looks like she is planning a sneak attack \ud83d\ude05 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i got a \"new to me\" #mini #minilife #minicoopers #times \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Take Sailer's site, hundreds of posts on HBD, thousands of comments on HBD, but what they absolutely refuse to do is to actually ask the Blank Slaters to actually prove the Blank Slate Theory.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting inked in couple of weeks. confuse in what to have on me and where \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 #inlovewithtattooa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER WHO FUCKING CARES?!? He was IN HIS HOME Some armed cop invaded his home and killed him She is guilty. End. Of. Story.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now playing : nils frahm - \" peter is dead in the piano\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Girls hear you say \u201cfuckk\u201d during sex and think her pussy bomb First of all hoe my Girlfriend on her way ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"monitor has arrived :3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In our lingo Whoopi literally means Shit and where this bitch is concerned it,s 100% correct ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This store is SO redneck...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":",...Criminal Complicity in ALL OF THIS MESS! --- Last night, Mr. Gregg Jarrett appeared on Hannity\"\"!,...He is Always Incredible, and He made Another Great point when He reminded All Of US that \"\"Starting an illegitimate Investigation is a Crime\"\"! --- TRUTH IS COMING OUT MUELLER!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is dead so um irrelevant & he was murdered.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#America THIS should show you how the left has lost their minds. Every one of these #sick #morons in this video is voting for @JoeBiden. Put your dang clothes on! #MAGA #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/LoWJ4DD137","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love when needy bitches block me so I don't have to. Like hello cunt I have a life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do peeps gotta be mad ghetto nowadays? Smh pull up your pants!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We can't call somebody wack we got Raymond Felton RT @BeckDeeMyG: Lin so trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". . #climatechange denial. #fascism. #antiegalitarianism. #narcissism. #trump. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I swear I've seen some dragfag on tumblr like that, and he's odd. He's a Right leaning-centrist. I don't even know.. Lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As Court Backlog Grows, Immigrant Children Stuck In A Holding Pattern | WFAE Pass the Fair Day for Kids in Court Act! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Deport them all back, they are not needed and they are stealing tax payer $$$, time to kick them out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Elon has been smoking too much dope and he apparently got a bad batch. Even I knew that vessel he sent would not work to rescue the #ThailandChildren. @user quit. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Agree, @user plus all those \u201clightweights\u201d leaders of CEE region that benefit when #Salvini, Kurz, Orban, #Visegrad challenge EU migration agenda must support him\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030but often seem afraid to directly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So you think Christians are pozzed? Watch \"Wayne and Paul's Gay \u00c1satr\u00fa Wedding in Iceland\" on YouTube https:\/\/youtu.be\/g0swv1R3qdQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New blog post: ZX81 internal 16K RAM upgrade in a way which is reversible should you want to go back to the stock 1K ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" poetry #world info #nice aqwal #brkng news #crkt update #weather <and much more follow @user + follow @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If your a Democrat and you love this great country how can you standby and watch as the liberal arm of your Democratic party tries to destroy everything we love about our country. #Walkaway no actually #Runaway. #LibsHateAmerica #CommiesSuck #MAGA and #KAG for everyone \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Didn\u2019t the polls say Hillary was going to win in a landslide in 2016, then Trump won. Oops! Don\u2019t believe leftist polls. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Immigration #STOPimmigration #Overpopulation #TurnbullGasToGo No Turnbull, after destroying Australians culture, identity and living standards, the people will NOT allow your INSANE immigration policy to continue, STOP IT NOW OR THE PEOPLE WILL STOP YOU ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"im single & its staying that way for a long time because I hate all you pussy niggas! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fast and furious criminal should be behind bars. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I know many too !!! we liberals just don't feel the need to dance around waving them like the maga idiots. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck did rudiger do to deserve getting benched? Luiz was a stupid cunt in 2 games and deserved a ban. Doesn\u2019t deserve back in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"want to be and #successful? 21 #habits my dad says you need to #practice daily ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Which is why it\u2019s awesome that Kavanaugh didn\u2019t shake that gun control dads hand. Sorry for kid was killed by a gun but it\u2019s not the future judges fault it happened...... omg white people in cities are silly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Simon didnt say touch your head, stupid, no virgins for you","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Same. Let's romeo and juliet this bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lovely way to sta my day. a couple of the kitties getting comfy while i sip coffee #catsoftwitter #caturday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you see something that surprises the fuck outta you and are still in shock \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ah... no, you got some personal reflection to do...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sposnutrition buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nope. That's not how it works and it isn't how the GOP establishment plays the game either. Look at how they destroyed Roy Moore. The general election is always in play, and saying it isn't is the essence of low agency. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is just your alternate @DonMAGA you switched because you fucked up too many times on the other one so you took up this one and stopped white knighting Kyle. Transparent as fuck. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"General rebukes John McCain as a POW \"songbird\" which was also reported by many of his fellow prisoners","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cFusion GPS co-founder Simpson is STILL actively investigating Trump for Russian ties but REFUSES to name his new client (Special Counsel MUELLER\u2019s office?) and Democrats are trying to block Republicans from confirming the identify of his new client\u00a0 http:\/\/thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/01\/wow-reporter-suggests-robert-mueller-just-hired-fusion-gpss-glenn-simpson-investigate-president-trump\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bringing back morals #obama #dividerofanation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Immigration is about sharing in the exploitation of the country, not sharing in the building or maintaining it.My country was my home, now its a hotel, and they think I'm going to be a waiter. #WhiteGenocide ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING NOW: Trump To Leave Hospital This Evening, To Continue Recovery At The White House. #TrumpCOVID19 #trumpcoronavirus #Trump2020 #Election2020 #BREAKINGNEWS https:\/\/t.co\/caIWJ36aMG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i guess i'm going to sta watching @user @user #bringbacknashville ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FYI... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheJadedNYer oh, well turns out that baby aint mine! *does jig*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user another disappointing result for #por :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop calling them immigrants, they are illegal alien SCOFFLAWS and should not be here.https:\/\/t.co\/psQ9M6fhrP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SGUSA4 @CathyCongress @jaimelynn5116 @slavewar @Scorpio4Trump2 @nascarred14 @DShairs2 @lucky_pennye @Ytweek1 @H1Tch7 @daverich503 @N_Testie @4_DJT @2ndmouseUSA @TX4dt @Derameth @TSH2_ @wilder_tx @jLo4USA @floweredog @gonepecan11 @Dv81Grey Turned down the nearly 1\/2 million\/year salary; only 2nd president in history to do so. Rest are broke or struggling & they enter Congress & stay forever & come out super rich.[NEWLINE]Thank you for this great train! Great Patriots on here. Please RT\/FB our conductor @SGUSA4 https:\/\/t.co\/7O6SI83DOH","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user if you want to be , learn to desire in #joy and innocence. there is no #happiness without the will for happiness. #m\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you need to really stfu and stop thinking everything i tweet is about you fr your fucking annoying\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No nigga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone spends money copyrighting their shitty memes that no one would steal if you asked them to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UNHCR aids return of over 2,000 Somali refugees from Yemen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stranger: \"your #english is so #good\" me: \"yours could be better\" stranger: ............ #ignorance #socialmedia #awareness #couldhelp","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 2018 charts she is. Overall fuck no. Cardi got ways to go to catch niki","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I'm sure she's worried. Give me a break. Dana is doing a job. You know where u make a living and pay for your own Healthcare etc. You dirt bags that don't even shower crying about gun control should try it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nope... that\u2019s defo EDEL CARROLL in that coffin.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He ruined the brand for what? Kaepernick?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He is a disgrace","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my baby will be here in 6 hours ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They meet many many fans it\u2019s amazing that he remembered her don\u2019t be a bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BoutCrazed: The best way to make a hillbilly do something is to tell him he can't do it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even Obama Trade Rep Acknowledges: Trump Is Cleaning Up An OLD Global Trade Mess URL #maga #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #makeamericaamericaagain #makeamericastrongagain #makeamericasafeagain #makeamericasaneagain","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Than we wonder why the Dems. are blooming idiots here is a fine example. How to teach your kid to be a vulgar protester. Way to go Dems. this kid will grow up to become President of Antifa.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Mueller may have stepped on his dick with this stunt.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If anyone calls you a slut or a whore we'll stop them by calling them another insult. You go girl. And if you can\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #SendThemHome we do not need those #Students here in #Canada ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" news today - billy bob was an iconic character in a classic movie... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"200 black suspects refugees stop the German police to bring one person out of the country. After police have to let him go under pressure, he escaped in the underground. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today lunch #iwantpizza ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck you cunt hoe no you won\u2019t ily\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It is all okay with the liberals if it furthers their agenda. They have no core.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I support Jahs blessings on his hussle ....he is d bomb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another overdose nigga:( ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not really the west had a code that women were held to up till the 1960s we want to go back to where u would have white kids and raise them while we work lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Once again it's been proven that all gun control laws are intended to disarm the law abiding citizens and subvert the #2A. Criminal *don't* care about gun laws.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1}